travel show halifax 2023

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Saltscapes Halifax Fall Expo

travel show halifax 2023

Halifax Expo Show Hours

Friday, October 25 10am – 7pm Saturday, October 26 10am – 7pm Sunday, October 27 10am – 4pm

Location:  Halifax Exhibition Centre, 200 Prospect Road, Goodwood, NS 

We are excited to welcome you to a show of hands, a special event curated just for you!

Join us for this one of kind experience that will reconnect you to the simple pleasures, remarkable people, and extraordinary places of our Atlantic region with an inspiring visit. Put on your walking shoes and get ready to discover inspiration for your 2024 staycations and vacation get-aways to the magical places that continue to make our region on the map as one of the most desirable vacation destinations in the world.

Keeping your money where your heart is was never easier. Join us in the unique retail marketplace where you’ll find handcrafters, designers and artisans who produce everything from ironwork, art, and decor to handmade food and amazing gifts. We are celebrating the true makers of Canada’s East Coast in 2024.

About this event:

  • General tickets are available for purchase at the gate for $16.50.
  • General Advanced – $1.50 discount
  • CAA Member Advanced – $2.00 discount
  • Saltscape Magazine Subscriber Advanced – $2.50 discount
  • Children ages 10 and under admitted at no charge.
  • No senior or student discounts are offered.
  • Tickets are not date specific. Each ticket purchased is valid for any one of the show days.
  • Please be advised that hard tickets are not mailed out. The notification email you will receive after completion of your purchase is confirmation and proof of purchase.
  • For information about the Halifax Expo or to purchase tickets directly please contact Lisa by email  [email protected] or call 877 311 5877 (Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.) to speak with someone directly.
  • Purchase bulk tickets (10 or more) at the gate or by calling 877 311 5877 (Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.) for $11.00 each.

* Please note: Customer Numbers are updated weekly. If you have purchased a new subscription and your customer number doesn’t work, please call (902) 464-7258 ext. 1803 OR return to the website after 11 a.m. the Monday following your purchase.

* Please note: Ticket Purchases are NON REFUNDABLE

Saltscapes Halifax Fall Expo advanced tickets are discounted from $16.50

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Step into the pages of Saltscapes magazine

at Saltscapes East Coast Expos, and experience the best the East Coast has to offer! Interactive demonstrations, food & beverage sampling, live musical and cultural entertainment and much more.

We are thrilled to announce our amazing partnership with Nova Scotia Loyal and present the Nova Scotia Loyal Holiday Expo.  A 100% focus on Nova Scotian owned and operated businesses for the Fall Expo.

October 25-27~ 2024

Halifax Exhibition Centre, 200 Prospect Road, Goodwood NS Fri, Oct 25  10am - 7pm / Sat, Oct 26  10am - 7pm / Sun, Oct 27  10am - 4pm Exhibitor Registration Opening Soon. ONLY Service Dogs permitted at Expo. 

  Nova Scotia Loyal Holiday Expo October 25-27, 2024

Saltscapes Expo Gallery

travel show halifax 2023

Look for these sections at the Expo!

Home, cottage and garden, savour the flavour, made right here, destination inspiration, living healthy, thanks to our expo partners.

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Halifax Chamber of Commerce

Halifax Tourism 2023: An overview, an update, and an inclusive model

| Topics: Cover story | Contributors: Pam Sullivan | Published: June 1, 2023

Continuing pent-up demand or post-COVID travel “fever” might just be the catch phrase of the year where Halifax tourism is concerned. Using hotel rooms sold as a proxy or indicator of where things currently stand, says Discover Halifax President and CEO, Ross Jefferson, is giving early signs of a strong summer season coming down the pike.

“Last year, our total number of rooms sold was the highest we’ve ever had: 4.5 per cent higher than 2019 (pre-COVID), so the visitation economy, in terms of demand, certainly has come back,” he says. “We're monitoring numbers, and we’re ahead of last year to date, so we’re starting off strong. And our hotel partners tell us they have a strong pace ahead.”

A surprising jump in interest

And if 2022 website visitation numbers are any indication, interest in Halifax is continuing to grow. Recent national Discover Halifax marketing campaigns seem to be working their magic, with some truly impressive increases noted from 2022 website traffic compared to 2019: Ontario saw a 43 per cent jump, Alberta 58 per cent, and Newfoundland and Labrador up a whopping 498 per cent. When drilling down to specific cities, Discover Halifax saw the highest interest from St. John’s, with a 539 per cent increase; Toronto, with 79 per cent; Edmonton at 71 per cent; and Calgary up 34 per cent.

Halifax, unlike many other cities, had a recovery plan in place, says Jefferson, which, in part, explains the rebounding numbers.

“Halifax and many of the private operators got ready quicker and faster for the recovery than many other destinations in Canada,” Jefferson says.

That quicker action he’s referring to is primarily around hotel staffing: bringing staff back and getting ready. He admits that the first quarter of 2022 “looked pretty bleak” because of Omicron but says that things played out much better than expected after those first few months. Jefferson also gives credit to the Municipality and various partner agencies, like Build Nova Scotia, who were onboard with investing in community programming and events when many areas of the country were opting to stick with a virtual model.

“We had a wonderful lineup of live performances and activities, while, at the same time in our history, kicking off a pretty significant national marketing campaign — all across Canada,” he says. “And at a time when it was uncertain to do so, we made a serious investment of a million dollars in that campaign, and pretty quickly saw amazing results.”

A three-part strategy

Discover Halifax, says Jefferson, entered the pandemic with a three-part strategy: phase one was immediate support for businesses — with a focus on cash flow; phase two was to get access to markets and get customers back in; and phase three was to build back better; all part of the agency’s five-year Integrated Tourism Master Plan, released in February 2021. Unfortunate timing, perhaps, but Jefferson says a comment from the plan’s primary consultant turned that thinking around for him.

“She said, ‘Ross, this is the worst time you could probably ever be trying to launch a plan, but this is the best time ever to have a plan’,” he says.

Of the 28 recommendations in the plan, says Ross, about half have had significant progress or have been accomplished, which he says was as a result of projects being “shovel ready” when federal funding for the tourism industry came in.

Some of the larger projects which have been completed include:

  • The financing and establishment of an Events Office.
  • The Implementation of the Peggy’s Cove Master Plan.
  • An expanded focus on the development of Halifax as a destination (and supply side challenges).
  • The full implementation of the Harbour Islands Visitor Experience Strategy (Georges Island).
  • The creation of a permanent national marking program — expansion outside Atlantic Canada.
  • The adoption of ride-hailing services.

A collaborative approach

And when Jefferson talks about the city’s successful tourism bounce back, he’s quick to point out that much of it is owing to a collaboration between different partner agencies and levels of government working together for the collective good of the city. Pointing to the Municipality, he gives them credit for working with hotels to help raise the hotel tax to be closer to national standards, while also working, more recently, on policy changes for short-term rentals.

“There’s always, naturally, a bit of conflict between different levels of government and different agencies, but the level of cooperation that happens in Halifax, in my opinion, exceeds what happens in other jurisdictions,” he says. “I point to the great work that was done by the Chamber during the pandemic. In the industry calls that we had, there was always a strong relationship between the partners who were trying to make Halifax a better place — basically all rowing in the same direction.”

And while things are ticking along nicely in terms of tourism interest and numbers, Jefferson says there’s still work to be done, citing the need to take another look at an arts district for the waterfront, as well as the ongoing issue of air access and development.

“It’s a good time — approximately halfway through the Plan’s timeline — to look back at some of the initiatives that are at risk, or some of the initiatives that need to be considered,” he says.

And his hopes and expectations for the coming season are strong — mirroring his enthusiastic and optimistic view of Halifax’s future in terms of attracting visitors, despite a somewhat shaky economy.

“We have a significant lineup of major events and conferences, including NAIG 2023, and a strong pace. We’re optimistic we’re going to have a very good year.”

Forging New Tourism Alliances

Increasingly, Halifax is garnering a much-coveted reputation as a destination travel location for traditionally underserved or underrecognized groups. One such group is the 2SLGBTQI+ community.

One of the people leading this progressive charge is Connor McKiggan, Business Manager for the CGLCC — Chamber of Commerce for the 2SLGBTQI+ community in Canada, which works to help businesses interested in bringing inclusion to their workplace. Work, Mckiggan says, he “fell in love with” while working with businesses going through CGLCC’s Rainbow Registered Accreditation Program.

“There’s so much going on in this world right now that it’s really uplifting to come to work every day and work with people who want to do better and make positive changes,” he says.

McKiggan, based in Halifax, works with businesses across the country, but says most recently he’s had a more Atlantic Canadian focus thanks to what he calls “a beautiful grant from ACOA.” The grant, which covers all the initial fees for the Rainbow Registered program, is, as McKiggan points out, giving businesses in the region the opportunity to get business development training around how they can boost inclusion while also expanding from local to national in scope.

“You know, we’re going to see a busy tourism season this year with all kinds of folks from not just across Canada, but across the world,” he says. “So, demonstrating inclusion through that national standard that the Chamber recognizes is a great way to show off what an inclusive travel destination Nova Scotia can be.”

More than just a rainbow flag

The point of the program, says McKiggan, is not for businesses to “get accreditation by putting up a rainbow flag,” but to show it “holistically” throughout the business. The program’s four pillars of accreditation are: policies and practices as a business; internal leadership; external engagement of the community; and training done.

Under each of the pillars, he says, there are eight to 10 best practices that the program puts forward as a national standard for inclusion, but notes there is flexibility in the process.

“The point of the accreditation isn’t to have every single one of the best practices checked, but instead to set a tangible path forward for what inclusion can look like,” he says.

Adding that he’s yet to come across a single business which has checked every box, the focus he says is, in large part, around education.

“The point of having such rigorous standards is to demystify what inclusion looks like in the business,” he says. “A lot of businesses know they want to do better, but what does that really look like?”

Some of what that looks like is training around the use of pronouns, what the pronouns are, what the 2SLGBTQI+ acronym actually means, and what meaningful engagement with the community actually looks like, says McKiggan.

In real terms

And in terms of how the Program works with respect to real world travellers, there’s a link on Rainbow Registered’s site which brings interested travellers to a map of participating Canadian business. Those businesses include, but are not limited to, coffee shops, Airbnbs, hotels, tourist destinations, museums, art galleries, and theatres.

“When it comes to the 2SLGBTQI+ travel industry, there are a lot of folks in that community who like to travel. And when you deliver an inclusive experience, it’s something they’ll share with their community, and something they’ll want to come back and revisit,” he says.

And if numbers are any indication, Halifax has been more than pulling its weight, says McKiggan. In May of last year there were a total of approximately 50 businesses involved, nation-wide. Jumping to current day, he says, the program is just about to hit 300, with just under 80 of those being in Halifax alone.

“We’re so very proud of the reception that the program has had in Halifax,” he says.

And although his specific focus right now is within the tourism industry, McKiggan points out that it doesn’t need to end there.

“Rainbow registered is absolutely for everyone. You’re going to see a huge presence of it within the tourism industry, but it doesn’t matter whether you’re a law firm or a group of realtors, in construction, health care or education, Rainbow Registered is a program for every workplace.”

For more information on the Rainbow Registered program, visit:

Elevating the Black tourism experience

For young entrepreneur, Rene Boudreau, this time three years ago might just have seemed to be the most unfortunate time to launch a new plan or start a new business, but as was the case with Discover Halifax, she soon discovered it was, in some ways, the best.

Boudreau, who in late 2019 started her online tourism business, Elevate & Explore Black NS, geared to serving traditionally underserved Black travellers, quickly discovered a more local group of clients than she’d originally anticipated.

“I know it doesn’t seem like an ideal time to start a tourism business but for me it was the ideal time,” she says. “My initial goal was to attract Black travellers to Nova Scotia, but it ended up shifting to encouraging local people to get out and explore their own province.”

A Halifax transplant from Truro, Boudreau, who moved here to attend Dalhousie and currently works full-time in the non-profit sector, says she was drawn to this particular side gig because of some of her own lived experiences — both inside and outside the province.

“Very often, when I’d travel outside the province I’d meet people who looked like me and asked where I was from,” she says. “When I’d say Nova Scotia, a lot of times I’d get a surprised ‘there are Black people in Nova Scotia?!’ response.”

Wondering why so few people knew about the 400-year history of the Black community in this province gave her pause and led her to take a closer look at tourism marketing in the province, as well as why there were a noticeable lack of people who resembled her at various tourism sites around Nova Scotia.

“I took a look at the tourism industry here, including the marketing, and saw there wasn’t a whole lot of representation,” she says. “People from away might not be inclined to visit Nova Scotia or know the history because they don’t see themselves represented.”

Plans for the future

And though currently only a side business for her, Boudreau says being recently featured in a NY Times article has brought a lot of traffic to the site and puts her one step closer to her dream of turning her attention to the company in a full-time way.

“One of my wine tours last year sold out before I could even post about it, and it was all local residents,” she says.

And in creating experiences — including hikes, boat cruises, and wine tours, Boudreau says it’s also about working with other Black-owned businesses. As part of a June hike package, she’ll be working with a Black-owned outdoor recreation business, Different Route, to also provide a healthy meal.

“To be able to curate experiences that specifically target people of African descent, having that space for us to connect and just have fun, is something that holds a lot of value, and people want that,” she says. “We have a rich history in this province, but we also just want to show people enjoying themselves as well.”

For more information or to purchase event tickets, visit

| Topics: Cover story

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Halifax RV Show & Sale 2023 - (formerly Halifax RV Show)

  • Trade Shows
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  • Halifax Exhibition Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia
  • Jan 19 - 22, 2023
  • In-person Exhibitor List

Halifax RV Show & Sale is Atlantic Canada's largest RV show and sale.

Why Attend – 2023

Attendees will be able to find live educational seminars on site, representatives from the top tourism destinations from across the region and other family friendly features. There also will be local dealers with the latest in RV design and technology.

In addition, attendees can take advantage of show special pricing and promotions, shop RV and Camping accessories, and connect with local dealer representatives.

Why Exhibit – 2023

With the recent rise in popularity for the RV and camping industry, for exhibitors it is the opportune time to showcase their products to a targeted audience.

Exhibitors will get an opportunity to make an impression on thousands of eager campers looking for new products.

Master Promotions Ltd. is Canada’s largest independent trade and consumer event management company. They’ve been producing trade shows, consumer shows and conferences across Canada since 1973.

The Atlantic RV Dealers Association (ARVDA) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to the recreation vehicle industry in Atlantic Canada and is associated with the RVDA of Canada.

Source: Event Website

Source : Event Website

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Best of Times Trvl - Nova Scotia Tattoo Festival - 6/29-7/3/23

Halifax, NS, Canada

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About this trip

This fantastic tour features the Royal Nova Scotia International Military Tattoo Festival, The Bay of Fundy, Halifax, Saint John, and the beautiful Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia!

Join Best of Times Travel as we head to Nova Scotia Canada. Our tour begins as we travel to Saint John, New Brunswick. We spend 5 days exploring the beautiful shores and countryside of Nova Scotia. We begin with a brief overview of Saint John, famous for its Reversing Falls in which the force of the Bay of Fundy tides cause the Saint John River to reverse direction twice daily. Then travel through the scenic Fundy National Park to Hopewell Rocks on the Bay of Fundy where the largest tides in the world have carved out gigantic flower pot shapes which practically disappear when the tide is in. Then it’s onto one of the highlights of your trip: the Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo. The Tattoo is unlike any other show in the world. Military bands, pipes and drums, choirs, gymnasts, dancers, military displays and competitions offer the most exciting 2 1/2 hours of entertainment ever found under one roof! Enjoy luxurious accommodations at our resort hotels. Delight in scrumptious meals and exceptional service. A ton of fabulous views, tours, and more make this program the perfect getaway!

For a Promotional Video of the Nova Scotia International Tattoo Click Here.

What's Included

• Roundtrip Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation

• 2 Nights Lodging - Chateau Saint John - New Brunswick

• 2 Nights Lodging - Hampton Inn & Suites - Halifax

• Breakfast Each Morning - 4 Total

• 2 Scrumptious Dinners 

• 1 Lobster Luncheon

• Guided Tours Each Day - Hopewell Rocks Bay of Fundy, Halifax, Saint John, Peggy’s Cove, Annapolis Valley, Grand Pre National Historic Site, Hall’s Harbor, Digby, 

• Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo 

• Tour Director & Bus Driver Gratuities ARE Included!

• Optional Travelers Insurance by Chubb is offered - Click Here for Details on Chubb Travel Insurance Program

Order of Itinerary is not scheduled to change but is subject to do so due to circumstances beyond our control

****Please note that this program travels outside of the United States.  A Valid Government Issued Passport or Passport Card is REQUIRED for Travel.  Please make sure your passport is valid for at least 3 months past  our return date to the U.S.  Best of Times Travel Must supply U.S. Border agents a passenger manifest entry into Canada and back into the United States. ****

*Best of Times Travel will notify you of the closest departure point to where you live approximately 3 weeks prior to the trip departure date.   

Terms and Conditions of Sale

Purchasing your trip on-line incurs bank service fees that are charged at the time of check-out and will also be charged on any installment payments as well.  

Here are the Specific Terms & Conditions of Sale For this program.

Rates and itineraries shown here were in effect at the time of printing and no changes are anticipated; however, Best of Times Travel reserves the right to withdraw any tour or to make any rate changes, as necessary.  Prices are subject to change.  A deposit is always required to confirm a reservation. A Deposit of $300pp, plus insurance premium (if selected) is due upon registration to confirm your reservation.  Travel Insurance: We recommend your purchase of optional travel insurance.  This optional travel insurance is per person and the premium is based on the overall trip cost.  Travelers MUST purchase the plan at the time of initial deposit.  Coverage will not be in place unless your full Deposit is received.   Cancellation schedule and fees are in place regardless of cancellation reason (including, but not limited to, force majeure, health pandemics or government restrictions).  Travel Insurance Premium is also Non-Refundable regardless of cancellation reason.   Payment in full must be received by April 14th, 2023 or this may result in an automatic cancellation.   Please note:  All cancellations must be made in writing and sent to Best of Times Travel.  The date of cancellation is deemed to be the date received by Best of Times Travel.  Cancellation Charges for this programs are as follows:  Cancellations from date of booking until 4/14/2023 have no cancellation fee.   Cancellations from 4/15/2023 until 5/26/2023 will be assessed a cancellation fee of 75% of the total fare.  Cancellations after 5/26/2023 will receive no refund, 100% of the total fare.   Best of Times Travel is not responsible for any refunds over and above said amount.  Best of Times Travel reserves the right to issue any refunds, in whole or in part, in the form of future travel credit.

*Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion Waiver has the following stipulations: plan must be purchased within 15 days of initial trip payment, insured must be medically able to travel at time of purchasing the plan, all pre-paid, non-refundable trip costs need to be insured.  This information is a brief description of the features of this insurance program. Coverage & pricing may vary by state. The provision of this document is for informational purposes only and is not an insurance contract. Coverage is being marketed by Chubb Insurance Solutions Agency, Inc. located at 202 Halls Mills Road, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey 08889. Insurance benefits are underwritten by ACE Property & Casualty Insurance Company located at 436 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106.

What’s included

  • What's Included All Items Listed in What's Included Above

Available Packages

This is for 2 people sharing a room together.  Rooms will be configured with either 1 King Bed or 2 Queens.  Best of Times Travel will make every effort to have passengers sharing a room with different last names have 2 beds in the room.

This is for 1 Person Occupying a room with No Roommate.  

 This is for 3 people sharing a room together.  Rooms will be configured with 2 Queens.  This will require that 2 passengers must share a bed together.  Roll-away cots are Not Available.

This is for 4 people sharing a room together.  Rooms will be configured with 2 Queens.  This will require that 2 passengers must share each bed in the room.  Roll-away cots are Not Available. 

Available options

Please Choose this Insurance Option if Purchasing Double, Triple, or Quad Occupancy

Please Choose this Insurance Option if you are registering as a Solo Traveler

travel show halifax 2023

After our departure from home with comfort stops enroute we Welcome you to Canada!  After our drive to Canada we arrive at our hotel in Saint John , New Brunswick – the Loyalist City - and enjoy a brief overview of Saint John, famous for its Reversing Falls before becoming acquainted over dinner**.   Overnight Chateau Saint John (Dinner)

**Entrée choices will be required in advance for this meal.    

travel show halifax 2023

 Travel to Hopewell Rocks on the Bay of Fundy where the largest tides in the world have carved out gigantic flowerpot shapes which practically disappear when the tide is in.  Continue to Halifax, Nova Scotia where a brief overview of the downtown core will familiarize you with this cosmopolitan city on the Atlantic Ocean.  Check into your centrally located accommodations for a two-night stay and the evening is free to explore at your leisure . Overnight Hampton Inn & Suites Halifax (Breakfast)

travel show halifax 2023

Happy Canada Day! Travel to Peggy's Cove - an artists’ and explorers’ paradise for well over 150 years – where you will enjoy breakfast overlooking one of the most photographed lighthouses in the world. This famed village on the rugged Atlantic Shoreline stands on solid rock above the crashing surf. The coastline is famous for pirates, shipwrecks and rum running.   After breakfast, enjoy some free time to explore this unique area, and for those who wish, your Tour Director will take you on a walking tour of the moody cove and village.  Return to Halifax for some free time on the waterfront before experiencing one of the highlights of your trip: The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo .  The Tattoo is unlike any other show in the world.  Military bands, pipes and drums, choirs, gymnasts, dancers, military displays and competitions offer the most exciting 2 ½ hours of entertainment ever found under one roof!  Afterward, enjoy dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight Hampton Inn & Suites Halifax 

(Breakfast, Dinner)

travel show halifax 2023

Travel the lush Annapolis Valley and learn about the French Acadians who established their first settlement in the early 1600’s.  Visit Grand Pre National Historic Site where fact and fiction blend to reveal the romance of the Land of Evangeline and learn why this landscape has recently been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.  See the Bay of Fundy from another perspective in Hall’s Harbour where you will enjoy a tour of the local lobster pound and a delicious lobster lunch (meat alternative available).  En route, enjoy the panoramic view of the Blomidon Look-Off.   After lunch, continue to Digby to board the ferry back to Saint John.  Dinner this evening is on your own aboard the ferry and upon arrival back in Saint John, check into your accommodations for your last night in Canada. Overnight Chateau Saint John

(Breakfast, Lunch)

travel show halifax 2023

Your Canadian adventure comes to a close today.  We make our journey back to the United States with appropriate rest stops along the way for everyone's comfort.  On the way home relish all of the wonderful memories you have made on this wonderful adventure.  

Your Organizer

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Visit Halifax in 2024

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If you know Halifax, you know there are hundreds of reasons to visit, but if you’re looking for an excuse to plan a trip, we’ve made it easy with a list of the top 10 reasons to experience Halifax this year.

1. Symphony Nova Scotia’s 40th Season

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Celebrating their 40th a nniversary in the 2023/2024 season, Symphony Nova Scotia has a n incredible concert lineup , including “ The Music of Queen ” kicking off in January 2024, and their “ Blockbuster Movie Hits: Heroes and Heroines ” show happening in April 2024.

2. Sustainable Shopping in Halifax

travel show halifax 2023

Elevate your wardrobe and home with people and the planet in mind by shopping at sustainable and secondhand shops in downtown and North End Halifax.

As they say, quality over quantity.    

3. The 2024 JUNO Awards

travel show halifax 2023

The JUNOS is an annual awards event that recognizes and celebrates outstanding achievements in the Canadian music industry, and this year, it’s taking place in Halifax from March 21-24, with the awards show hosted by legendary singer, songwriter, and pop superstar, Nelly Furtado at the Scotiabank Centre.

A snapshot of their events lineup includes:

JUNO Comedy Show Presented by SiriusXM Canada

JUNOS Songwriters’ Circle Presented by SOCAN & FACTOR in association with Music Publishers Canada

The JUNO Awards After Party , in support of MusiCounts

4. Explore Downtown Dartmouth

travel show halifax 2023

Downtown Dartmouth i s a must-visit destination in 2024 . The area is filled with one-of-a-kind shops and restaurants, cute cafes, craft breweries, and incredible views of the Halifax Harbou r. It was also named one of “ Canada’s coolest neighbourhoods ” via The Globe and Mail.

Events kick off in January with their annual Downtown Dartmouth Ice Festival , with many more exciting things happening all year long.

Foodie acclaimed: 3 out of the top 10 of Curated Magazine’s Top 50 Places to Eat 2023   are located in downtown Dartmouth ( Oxalis , Dear Friend Bar , Side Hustle Snack Bar ) , making it a foodie-haven worth checking out.

5. Emera Blue Nose Marathon

travel show halifax 2023

The Emera Blue Nose Marathon is a running event in downtown Halifax that includes six events at different distances, so there’s something for everyone. Whether you want to run yourself or cheer on the participants, you’ll feel the energy!

Sustainability win: This spectacular event recently achieved Gold Standard as Atlantic Canada’s First Certified Responsible Sporting Event.

6. Cultural Foodie Festivals

travel show halifax 2023

From the Taste Asia Food & Culture Festival in May to the Halifax Lebanese Festival in September, Halifax is home to many cultural events, all of which have a strong culinary component .

Visit Halifax during one of these exciting events and taste your way through the diverse culture of the region .  

7. ROCKWOOL Canada Sail Grand Prix Halifax

travel show halifax 2023

SailGP makes history in the summer of 2024 with the first-ever Canada Sail Grand Prix sponsored by ROCKWOOL.

Taking place on the Halifax Harbour, fans can cheer on team Canada and witness world-class sailing as teams fly across the water in Sail GP’s high-performance F50 racing boats.

Think “Tall Ships Festival but with a smaller, faster and more competitive boating energy”.

8. Peggy’s Cove Area Festival of the Arts

travel show halifax 2023

Discover the iconic village of Peggy’s Cove during the Peggy’s Cove Area Festival of the Arts. Watch the village fill with colour as dozens of talented artists set up their easels to capture the town over the annual three-day event.  Visitors can watch artists at work and ask about their artistic process.

Other aspects of the festival include studio tours and an opening night reception .

9. Coastal Hikes 

travel show halifax 2023

The Halifax region is home to many stunning trails that follow our rugged and diverse coastal landscape. Fill your lungs with salty ocean air and explore new terrain on these scenic coastal hikes.

10. Hal-Con Sci-Fi & Fantasy Convention

travel show halifax 2023

Hal-Con is the largest sci-fi and fantasy convention in Atlantic Canada, and often a sold-out event. Aspects of this event include a costume contest, celebrity autograph opportunities, D&D , and so much more.

Tickets sell fast, so be sure to purchase them before it’s too late.

travel show halifax 2023

Welcome to Halifax

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Halifax is in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. The people of the Mi’kmaw Nation have lived on this territory for millennia, and we acknowledge them as the past, present and future caretakers of this land.  Historically, a land acknowledgment is a traditional practice shared amongst Indigenous groups to recognize the Indigenous land and territory they are visiting. Today a land acknowledgement remains a way to express one’s gratitude to the Indigenous people for being stewards of the land that we live and work on.

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Travel Guides, Tips, and Tales

35 Best Things to Do in Halifax Nova Scotia: Travel Guide & Tips (2024)

May 13, 2023 By John Widmer 37 Comments

The wide assortment of great things to do in Halifax helps to make Nova Scotia’s capital such a fun travel destination to visit in Canada! The friendly waterfront city has so much to offer visitors. Personally, Halifax remains one of our favorite destinations in the country.

What makes Halifax so much fun? ⚓ its unique maritime culture, 🇨🇦 the friendly Haligonians who live here, 🎉 the weekly festivals, ☀️ amazing summer weather, 🏞️ the abundant park space, 🍺 a booming craft beer scene, 🦞 delicious local seafood, 🏙️ the vibrant Waterfront, 🚗 adventurous day trips to pursue, and ➕ so much more!

This maritime city is awesome and there are so many fun things to do in Halifax, Nova Scotia! We’re here to reveal in this travel guide what we’ve found to be the best things to do in Halifax, the best places to visit, and the best sights to see.

Best Things to Do in Halifax Travel Guide

As this website always likes to point out excellent value, we’ve gone on to provide all of our signature budget travel tips for Halifax too! We’ve personally completed loads of on-the-ground travel research throughout many months of spending summers in Nova Scotia’s capital in a grand effort to uncover how to experience all the best things to do in Halifax, on any budget. We’ll show you loads of free things to do in Halifax. Yet we’ll also show you where to go to indulge in a quintessential lobster supper.

Speaking of lobster, eating is a thing to do in Halifax! In addition to sights, attractions, and activities to do in Halifax, this travel guide dishes out quintessential local foods to try in Halifax and another four drinking things to do here. Halifax is a fun drinking town, after all, with plenty of sunny patios and loads of local beverages to try!

But don’t overindulge too much. It can be worth it to get an early start to embark on a day trip from Halifax. Nova Scotia’s capital makes for an excellent hub to reach lighthouses, UNESCO sites, the wine region, and the famous Bay of Fundy’s extreme tidal changes.

Buckle in for all the travel tips to reach these best things to do in Halifax and the surrounding area. We hope this guide can provide ideas for things to do in Halifax, whether you live here and are looking for something new to do, or if you’re in Halifax for a day, perhaps as a cruise port stop. You can easily use these recommendations as a Halifax bucket list to slowly tick off or a Halifax port guide to get to the best Halifax sights during a short visit.

We have strived hard to provide all the details, directions, prices, and tips you may need, now updated for 2024! It’s going to be another awesome year to explore Halifax!

🚶 20 Best Things to Do in Halifax

🚗 6 Best Day Trips to Do from Halifax

🍺 4 Best Drinking Things to Do in Halifax

🍽️ 5 Best Local Foods to Try in Halifax

💡 More Travel Tips for Halifax Nova Scotia

20 Best Things to Do in Halifax

Here’s a handy Halifax map that pinpoints all of our recommendations for what to do in Halifax that are further detailed throughout this article. So feel free to come back to this map to get your bearings and connect the dots!

Without further ado, below are the 20 best things to do in Halifax!

1) Stroll the Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk  

Arguably the best thing to do in Halifax is simply roam around the Halifax waterfront. It’s a must-do in Halifax!

This working port on the Halifax Harbour boasts one of the longest downtown boardwalks in the world ! The length of Halifax’s scenic harbourfront board spans 4 kilometers (2.5 miles). You could easily spend an entire afternoon aimlessly strolling amongst the timber-frame and stone warehouses lining the picturesque seaside.

Halifax Waterfront

Stop at the Queen’s Marque steps to dip your toes in the Halifax Harbour. Or relax at the popular orange waterfront hammocks while watching the boats pass by. Continue further down the Halifax Waterfront to consider embarking on a ferry ride or taking a proper Halifax Harbour tour. Found all along the waterfront are attractions like this, covered throughout the remainder of this travel guide of things to do in Halifax.

Ambling on this charming thoroughfare, you’ll inevitably stumble across Halifax’s Farmers’ Market, the historic Alexander Keith’s Brewery, Canada’s oldest warship, the drunken lampposts, and the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic (each of which is further detailed in this Halifax travel guide).

Walking along the Halifax waterfront boardwalk is a free thing to do in Halifax

But don’t go to the Halifax waterfront just for its attractions. Soak in the atmosphere. You’ll hear the chatter of seagulls, the lapping of the water, the soft creaking of boats against the docks, and the laughter of children playing on the Wave sculpture. This lengthy waterfront is such an alluring place that truly defines the city of Halifax.

If you were going to only do one thing in Halifax, let it be a visit to the Halifax Waterfront Boardwalk . This is a must-do activity in Halifax and it’s free!

travel show halifax 2023

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Just start walking! The approximately 4 km waterfront stretches from the Canadian Museum of Immigration on the southern end ( here ) towards Casino Nova Scotia on the north end ( here ). 📅 Seasonality : While the Halifax Waterfront can be visited year-round, it’s at its most vibrant during the warmer months, May-September. 🕒 When : Day and night. The waterfront is often blue & beautiful by day, but it also lights up in the evening.

2) Climb Citadel Hill for History and Views

The Halifax Citadel , also known as Fort George, is a star-shaped fort that sits atop the strategic high point of Citadel Hill. Given this location, you can go to Citadel Hill to enjoy sweeping views of Halifax and the harbour.

It’s all found at the Halifax Citadel National Historic Site .

You’ll find much more atop this military fort than views. The Halifax Citadel also packs in loads of Halifax history. Fort George is the fourth fort built atop Citadel Hill since the first Citadel was founded there in 1749. The current structure was built in the mid-1800s by the British to protect Halifax.

Halifax Citadel cannon

When visiting the Halifax Citadel, you can learn about all this history at the onsite museum. Then explore the fort’s walls, check out the many cannons, and soak in the sweet views of Halifax.

💡 Tip : Try to be at Citadel Hill at Noon for the daily demonstration when those cannons are fired by gunners dressed in period uniforms. Known as the Noon Gun , the daily canon firing is a Halifax tradition that dates back to 1857!

Another regular occurrence to catch at the Citadel is the changing of the guards . It happens every hour. Don’t miss it!

Halifax Citadel guard

For an even more in-depth background about Halifax’s military past, consider taking a guided tour of the Halifax Citadel, led by an 1869 soldier. These guided tours are complimentary with paid admission, run regularly from May-Oct, and are 45-60 minutes.

💲Cost : Summer rates: C$13.25 for adults from June 1-Sept 15, always free for anyone under 18. 📍 Where : Located here , the Citadel is about a 15-20 minute walk uphill from the Waterfront. 📅 Seasonality : May 7 – Nov 11 has full programs with all exhibits. Nov-Apr has free admission to some exterior spaces, limited services, and Noon Gun firing. 🕒 When : Daily, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. 🔗 Official Website : Halifax Citadel National Historic Site .

3) Shop at the Oldest Continuously Operated Farmers’ Market in North America

It was way back in June 1750, when the Halifax Farmers’ Market began, just a year after the city was founded. Nearly three centuries later, this Halifax farmers’ market is still going strong!

The 274-year-old market has grown over the years. As such, it changed locations a few times. And as the vendors themselves have moved around, it has splintered off into two markets:

  • The Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market
  • The Halifax Brewery Market

It’s the Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market that makes the claim of being the longest continuously operating market in North America . It is the larger of these two farmers’ markets, hosting over 100 vendors each weekend.

Head towards the south end of the Waterfront on a weekend day to peruse through all the local and seasonal treats. The Seaport Farmers’ Market has locally farmed produce, locally made artesenal crafts, fresh flowers, baked goods, and Nova Scotian souveniers. Personally, we enjoy shopping here for Canadian staples like local honey, maple syrup, and even local spirits!

The Seaport Farmers’ Market is indoors and open year-round, so you can still visit it no matter the weather.

💲Cost : Free to browse 📍 Where : New location, here , on the south end of the Waterfront, near the cruise port and Pier 21 Immigration Museum. 📅 Seasonality : Yearound 🕒 When : Saturday, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Sunday, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. 🔗 Official website : here .

Seaport Farmers Market Halifax Nova Scotia is a fun thing to do in Halifax on a budget

Also, be sure to check out the Halifax Brewery Market. This farmers’ market is named as such because it’s located in the same building that’s home to the historic Alexander Keith’s brewery.

Where the Halifax Brewery Market really excels is with it’s produce and other local foods. This is where we come to get our weekly fruits and vegetables. The Halifax Brewery Market is also a great place to get a bite to eat, as there are some great and affordable lunch options to consider here, ranging from local to international cuisines.

The Halifax Brewery Market is centrally located along the waterfront and boasts 60+ vendors. You’ll need to be in Halifax on a Saturday morning to catch this farmers’ market in action because it’s only open once each week.

Whether at the Seaport Farmers’ Market or the Halifax Brewery Market,

Whether you’re coming here to shop, eat, or simply browse, both of these farmers’ markets are a long-standing local tradition that makes for a fun thing to do in Halifax.

💲Cost : Free to browse 📍 Where : It’s housed here , in Halifax’s Brewery Square, in the same building as Alexander Keith’s Brewery. 📅 Seasonality : Yearound 🕒 When : Saturdays, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm

4) Go Canoeing in Halifax

Canoeing is a national pastime throughout Canada. And given all the water surrounding Halifax, this city makes for a great place to enjoy a leisurely paddle. The bustling Halifax Harbour can be an ideal spot to go for a row. It gives canoers and kayakers a great vantage point of the waterfront and the city itself.

travel show halifax 2023

There are a few different opportunities to canoe or kayak along Halifax’s popular waterfront, and they’re priced accordingly. A 90-minute kayak tour at centrally-located Harbour Watercraft is C$55.

For a more natural setting to kayak, consider heading out to Long Lake Provincial Park, just a 15-minute drive west of downtown Halifax. Here you can kayak around the lake’s inlets, islands, and natural shoreline of this protected park. Kayak rentals at Long Lake start at C$30, book here .

💡 But here’s a little Halifax budget tip to rent canoes for free! If you venture to the peninsula to a skinny harbour known as the Northwest Arm , you’ll come to St. Mary’s Boat Club, which provides free canoe rentals during weekends !

It’s a pleasant paddle through the sailboat-filled harbour, along the rugged coastline, and residential areas. You can even paddle across the Northwest Arm to Sir Sanford Fleming Park and briefly dock your canoe. Then you can have a stroll along the park’s waterfront trails or climb to the top of Dingle Tower , which further offers free admission.

Canoeing in Halifax using a free canoe rental from St Mary’s Boat Club

These free one-hour canoe rentals at St. Mary’s Boat Club are only available on Saturdays and Sundays , so be sure to plan this excursion for a weekend. Although this is enjoyed mostly by locals, you don’t need to be a Boat Club member or even a Halifax resident to use the canoes.

You simply need to make advanced reservations to snag a canoe for free and get out on the water! Be sure to make a reservation in advance, as canoes do get fully rented out. More info is at Halifax Recreation .

Tip : Clear days make for enjoyable conditions. But more important than sunny days, we recommend using  canoes when the winds are calm in Halifax. On windy days, people have been known to flip right into the harbour! You can check the wind forecast for Halifax here on . Ideally, winds under 10 knots make for nice paddling conditions in Halifax.

5) Visit Halifax’s Fantastic Museums!

Halifax boasts many worthwhile museums throughout the city. Depending on your interest, you can learn more about Halifax’s major role in the Titanic disaster, explore Nova Scotian nature, have fun with the kids, or discover local art.

There are many wonderful museums throughout Halifax to peruse! We love how each of Halifax’s museums puts a strong emphasis on Nova Scotian culture. These museums offer loads of insights into both Halifax and Nova Scotia, through a local lens.

💡 Tip : If the weather is cold or rainy, Halifax’s museums can be a great indoor option when searching for activities. Visiting museums is a great idea for things to do in Halifax on a rainy day .

The following are the five most popular and often-recommended museums to visit in Halifax:

⛵️ 5.1) Halifax Maritime Museum of the Atlantic

If you only have time for one museum, the Maritime Museum is our suggestion.

Halifax’s Maritime Museum of the Atlantic is the city’s most popular museum. Conveniently located along the Halifax Waterfront, visitors to the Maritime Museum can explore over 30,000 artifacts! The museum does an excellent job of immersing visitors in the rich seafaring history of the region.

Perhaps most notable is the Titanic exhibit , which tells the story of Halifax’s grim role in the Titanic’s recovery efforts. You can see several artifacts from the tragic sinking from the alluring, like a wooden deck chair, to the morbid, such as a body bag.

Titanic deck chair at Maritime Museum Halifax

Yet there is so much maritime curiosity to explore here, which goes far beyond that famously unsinkable ship. Visitors can also explore restored vessels and enjoy interactive displays that provide a unique, hands-on learning experience.

Those who are really interested in history could easily spend several hours perusing through what is Canada’s largest maritime museum .

💡 Budget tip to get in for free : It’s normally a C$10 adult ticket to get into Halifax Maritime Museum during the summer months. But for those who come Tuesday, after 5:00 pm, entry is free ! On Tuesday evenings the museum has extended hours until 8:00 pm and offers free admission each week during these three hours. There is also usually a free Tuesday Talk at the museum during this time too.

travel show halifax 2023

💲Cost : May-Oct: C$9.55. Nov-Apr: C$5.15. Tuesdays, 5:00-8:00, free. 📍 Where : Behind the Halifax Citadel, about a 20-minute walk from the Waterfront, located here . 🕒 When : 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Tuesdays, until 8:00 pm. 🔗 Official Website : Halifax Maritime Museum .

🐢 5.2) For Nature Lovers: Museum of Natural History

Explore Nova Scotia’s diverse ecosystems, flora, fauna, and ancient life. Permanent exhibits include a coastal aquarium, Nova Scotia forests, the Gully (deepest submarine canyon in eastern N America), and an 18-foot round screen theatre, among other attractions.

This long-standing museum (est. 1868) is also home to a small selection of live animals. Most notable is a 100-year-old Gus the Tortoise.

travel show halifax 2023

💲Cost : C$10 📍 Where : Located on the backside of the Citadel, about a 20-30 minute walk from the Waterfront, here . 🕒 When : 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, daily. 🔗 Official Website : Museum of Natural History

🏛️ 5.3) For Those Exploring Their Canadian Heritage: Museum of Immigration

Halifax’s Pier 21 is the last surviving seaport immigration facility in Canada. It often draws comparisons to Ellis Island in the US.

This National Historic Site of Canada now houses the Museum of Immigration, where visitors can discover 400 years of Canadian immigration, experience what it was like to immigrate through Pier 21 between 1928 and 1971, and even use their genealogy services to investigate your family’s Canadian immigration story.

Different exhibits at the Museum of Immigration in Halifax, Nova Scotia

💲Cost : C$16.25 📍 Where : Located at Pier 21, the southern end of the Waterfront, right here . 🕒 When : May-Oct: daily, 9:30-5:30. Nov-Apr: Wed-Sun, 10-5. 🔗 Official Website : Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 5.4) For Those with Kids: Discovery Centre

This interactive science museum fosters curiosity through loads of hands-on exhibits in addition to live science demonstrations, educational programs, and dome theatre. With four floors of displays covering topics such as science, technology, and engineering, this museum provides an immersive experience for kids that adults can appreciate too.

💲Cost : C$17.50, kids C$14.50 📍 Where : Near the southern end of the Waterfront, right here . 🕒 When : Wed-Sun, 9 am – 4 pm. 🔗 Official Website : Discovery Centre

🎨 5.5) For Art Lovers: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia

The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia showcases the province’s diverse artistic talent and cultural history. One of its highlights is the collection of works by Maud Lewis, a celebrated local folk artist. In fact, you can visit her restored home, now housed within the gallery.

The Art Gallery also hosts a variety of rotating exhibitions featuring contemporary and Indigenous art, ensuring there’s always something new and captivating to discover.

Collage showing different aspect of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia: 1) exterior, 2) Maud Lewis home, 3) painting, 4) art exhibits

💡 Budget tip to get in for free : Go on Thursday 5 pm – 9 pm, when admission is free of charge as part of “BMO Free Access Thursday Night.”

💲Cost : C$12 📍 Where : Near the southern end of the Waterfront, right here . 🕒 When : Reopens June 8, 2024: Wed-Sun, 9 am – 4 pm. 🔗 Official Website : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia  

6) Tour the Halifax Harbour by Boat

Halifax Harbour cruises are popular pursuits for visitors to the city. These harbour tours are a quintessential experience for visitors to Halifax to gain perspective of the port city while cruising in the storied Harbour.

Yacht cruises can be worth the splurge, such as this Wine & Cheese Sunset Cruise of the Halifax Harbour. Soak up the views in luxury with a glass of local wine in hand, as the sun dips down into the sea and the city of Halifax lights up.

Yet for a more affordable and well-rounded tour of Halifax Harbour, we suggest the popular Harbour Hopper tour . It’s a fun 1-hour Halifax tour on an amphibious vehicle that travels along Halifax’s streets and plunks right down into the Harbour, all while visiting many of the city’s most famous sites along the way. Expect to pass by the Halifax Citadel, the Halifax Public Gardens, St. Paul’s Church, Georges Island, the Waterfront, and so much more.

Collage of the Halifax Waterfront as viewed from the Harbour Hopper Tour, shown below is an amphibious vehicle on land and in the water

This informative and comically narrated tour provides a much more complete experience of the Harbour and Halifax itself, with many time slots and budget-friendly prices. If you only have one day in Halifax , we’d strongly recommend the Harbour Hopper tour as the best thing to do in Halifax for an excellent overview of the city and its sights. Check prices and availability here .

💡 Budget Tip: Create Your Own Halifax Harbour Cruise for C$2.75

While a sunset cruise or the Harbour Hopper tour are excellent options to experience Halifax Harbour, we must show an alternative way to tour these waters for less than $3.

For the most economical way to get out into Halifax Harbour, simply take the public ferry from Halifax to Dartmouth . While you won’t get any narration to learn about the city, you will get an inexpensive boat ride into the harbour. This public ferry is primarily used as transit rather than a touristic pursuit. Yet locals and visitors alike are welcome aboard this affordable boat ride across Halifax Harbour.

The fare is only C$2.75 each way and ferries depart about every 15 minutes. You can even ask for a free transfer to continue on, by bus, to other locations across the Harbour. Be sure to have cash though. The ferry does not accept credit card or digital payments.

The Halifax Harbour public ferry is cheap thing to do in Halifax on a budget

Currently, there are two ferry routes: the Halifax-Alderney Ferry and the Halifax Woodside Ferry. We suggest visitors take the Alderney Ferry, which brings passengers to the cross-harbour municipality of Dartmouth. It’s a quick and fun ferry trip across the harbour, that takes about 12 minutes each way. During the journey, you can enjoy some of the best views of the Halifax Waterfront .

💡 Tip : Upon boarding the ferry, grab a seat on the back of the top deck . Many people will pile into the front seats. But it’s the back seats that will offer fleeting views of Halifax city skyline.

Looking at Halifax Waterfront from ferry is a fun thing to do in Halifax on a budget - only $2.50

Once the ferry makes it across the harbour, you can take the opportunity to explore Dartmouth. There’s a small waterfront here, a park, and a whole ‘nother town to discover with some great restaurants, cafes, bars, and more.

And that free transfer we mentioned earlier can be used for buses too. So if you’re on the Dartmouth side of the Halifax Harbour, consider catching the #60 bus onward to Fisherman’s Cove. (We’ll explain why next.)

Or take that same bus down to Woodside Regional Park, where you can catch a different ferry back to Halifax. Doing so creates a loop around the Halifax Harbour to give a slightly different vantage point upon the return from Woodside.

Whether by ferry (on the cheap) or a proper Harbour cruise, taking a boat trip into the Halifax Harbour is another “must” for things to do in Halifax.

💲Cost : C$2.75 adults, C$2.00 seniors & children 📍 Where : The Halifax Ferry Terminal is located here , easily accessible on the northern fringes of the Waterfront. 🕒 When : Runs approximately every 15 minutes from 6:30 am – midnight. 🔗 Official website with timetables : here .

7) Wander Around a Nova Scotian Fishing Village: Fisherman’s Cove

Halifax has a maritime history built around fishing. So visiting a historic fishing village makes for a fun thing to do in Halifax. Nova Scotia’s fishing villages can be intriguing enclaves to explore with lots of photo opportunities abounding.

When visiting Halifax, the most popular day trip to see a fishing village is to Peggy’s Cove, where visitors will find the famed Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse alongside a recreated fishing village. Yet it should be noted that a visit to Peggy’s Cove will either require an hour’s drive with your own transportation or you’ll need to join a day tour, which typically runs between $50-$100.

For a closer and more budget-friendly alternative to Peggy’s Cove, we recommend venturing across the Halifax Harbour by ferry and then taking the bus to see “Fisherman’s Cove.”

Fisherman's Cove Halifax Nova Scotia

There is no lighthouse here. But you will get to see a restored 200-year-old fishing village full of colorful buildings, seafood shacks, artsy boutiques, and fishing boats lining the canal.

It’s also a great spot to take a stroll, watch the fishing boats come and go, or simply soak in the serene maritime atmosphere. Also, consider walking next door to MacCormack’s Beach Provincial Park to walk the boardwalk trails and enjoy this natural portion of the coastline the Halifax Harbour.

Back at Fisherman’s Cove, there’s also a Heritage Centre to learn more about the historic fishing village. The Heritage Centre and Fisherman’s Cove itself are free. So Fisherman’s Cove makes for yet another one of the many great things to do in Halifax, on any budget.

Fisherman's Cove bright stores

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Located across the Halifax Harbour, here . Can be reached by ferry + bus #60. 🕒 When : Daily, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. Sundays, Noon-5:00 pm.

8) Visit McNabs Island to Explore Halifax Off-the-Beaten-Path:

If you’re planning a visit to Fisherman’s Cove, don’t stop there. This is the perfect opportunity to visit McNabs Island. We find McNabs Island to be one of the most underrated things to do in Halifax .

This half-day excursion isn’t among the most popular attractions in Halifax. Yet it’s something we highly recommend to anyone who enjoys nature and wants to get off the beaten path to inject a sense of adventure into their Halifax itinerary.

McNabs Island is the largest island in Halifax Harbour and has about 400 hectares (roughly 1,000 acres) of parkland to explore. With historic forts, beautiful beaches, and even some wildlife, it’s a fantastic place for hiking, picnicking, and bird-watching.

While exploring McNabs Island, learn a bit about its sordid history. McNabs Island has been used as a military fort, an amusement park, and even a soda factory. You can still find some of those bottles scattered throughout the island today. Given the history of this island, it is yet another of Canada’s National Historic Sites located in the Halifax area.

McNabs Island is an underrated thing to do in Halifax on a budget

McNabs Island has a well-maintained network of trails that zigzag across what is the largest island in Halifax Harbour. Those trails will take you to old crumbling forts, scenic cliffs, secluded beaches, and the modern-day ruins of former homes that remain on the island today. Plan to spend at least a few hours exploring the trails across this interesting island.

Getting to McNabs Island directly from Halifax can get pricey since you’ll need to charter a boat for the 30-minute ride from Halifax to McNabs Island. Find operators here .

Yet a more budget-friendly way to reach McNabs Island is from Fisherman’s Cove, where Captain Mike Tilley will give you a lift in his skiff. It’s C$30 round-trip from Fisherman’s Cove to McNabs Island and back, which takes about 5 minutes each way.

“Captain Red Grey Beard,” as he’s also known, is full of local knowledge about the island and even has some personal ties that he’ll share with you. Be sure to ask questions and get him to tell you some tales.

Captain Mike’s McNabs Island Ferry

💲Cost : Entrance is free. Round-trip ferry from Fisherman’s Cove to McNabs Island: C$30 📍 Where : The island is in the middle of the Halifax Harbour, here . Find Captain Mike’s dock here  in Fisherman’s Cove. 📅 Seasonality : Captain Mike’s ferry operates in late spring, summer, and early fall. Other times of the year may be possible, pending the weather. 🕒 When : Typically daylight hours. Consider calling Captain Mike in advance to confirm. 🔗 More Info : Friends of McNabs Island 🔗 Ferry Website : Captain Mike’s McNabs Island Ferry

9) Pay Your Respect to the Victims of the Titanic

This is one of the more somber things to do in Halifax. The Fairview Lawn Cemetery is notable because it has the grim distinction of being the final resting place of the most Titanic victims .

Fairview Lawn Cemetery Halifax Titanic Sign

Survivors rescued from the infamous maritime tragedy were brought to New York City. But the White Star Line had an office in Halifax, which commissioned 3 ships with the task of recovering the victims from the icy waters.

Some were never found, while others were buried at sea. But a total of 209 bodies from the Titanic were hauled back to Halifax . The White Star Line paid for simple gravestones, many of which remain unnamed because the victims couldn’t be identified.

Fairview Lawn Cemetery Halifax Titanic Tombstones

Today, the Titanic section of the Fairview Lawn Cemetery provides visitors with a glimpse into this historic event in which Halifax played a vital role. Viewing this section of the cemetery, you may notice the curved layout of the gravestones that somewhat resembles the bow of a ship. If you go to Fairview Lawn, do note that it’s still an active cemetery that’s open to the public. So your respects is the only thing you’ll pay to visit.

Although a visit to the Fairview Lawn Cemetery is one of the more somber things to do in Halifax, it’s an interesting local sight to experience Halifax’s role in this tragic event.

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Located about 5 km from the Waterfront, be prepared for a long walk. Or catch a quick Uber/taxi. Find Fairview Lawn Cemetery here . 🕒 When : Weekdays 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.

10) Go Hiking around   Point Pleasant Park

Although Halifax is Nova Scotia’s largest city, it still maintains some enormous park space that’s only a short stroll from downtown. Located at the southern tip of the Halifax peninsula, this beautiful park offers stunning views of the harbour and the surrounding ocean.

It’s a popular spot for locals and visitors alike to enjoy walking, jogging, or cycling along the trails and waterfront pathways. Point Pleasant is a great place to come get some fresh air, do some light trekking, or have a picnic by the sea on a nice sunny summer day.

Hiking the trails of Point Pleasant Park is a free thing to do in Halifax on a budget

Point Pleasant Park packs in 25 miles of hiking trails that weave across the peninsula and out toward the sea views. For a solid route that goes around the perimeter of the peninsula, take the Point Pleasant Park Loop . Yet we’d advise taking some detours from the loop to use the wooded trails in order to explore some of Point Pleasant’s historic sites.

Be sure to find the Prince of Wales Tower , which is the oldest Martello-style defensive tower in North America (1796) and one of Canada’s National Historic Sites. Locally known as “the roundhouse,” the Prince of Wales tower was built in 1796 as part of the city’s defensive fortifications. While you won’t be able to enter the tower itself, it’s an impressive historic site with interpretive signs to check out as you explore Point Pleasant Park.

One aspect that makes Point Pleasant Park unique is that Halifax doesn’t actually own it. Instead, the city rents this land from the British for 1 shilling (about 10 cents) each year, with a 999-year lease. What a deal!

Many National Historic Sites in Canada have an entrance charge, yet this one is free. Neither the tower nor Point Pleasant Park has an entrance fee. Perhaps we can thank the British and their generous lease agreement!

Prince of Wales Tower in Point Pleasant Park Halifax

Hiking or biking around Point Pleasant Park is a fun thing to do in Halifax for those who are looking to get active within the city!

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : It’s located here , about 3 km away from the southern end of the Halifax Waterfront. 🕒 When : It’s open all day long.

11) Go to a Free Festival in Halifax

Halifax has festivals throughout the year and these events come to a pinnacle over the summer. It seems there is some major event happening in Halifax every single weekend over the summer. Perhaps best of all, for those traveling to Halifax on a budget, most of the festivals are free! Or they at least have a free component.

Halifax Jazz Festival is a popular free summer event

Perhaps one of the biggest festivals of the year is the Halifax Jazz Festival . It does have modest entrance fees for some of the more notable performances. Yet it still maintains many free concerts throughout the four-day annual event. But Sunday is the day to go because that’s the free day for the Jazz Festival. On Sunday, even the main stage remains complimentary to watch a jam session.

Halifax’s most popular (mostly free) annual summer events include :

  • Royal Nova Scotia International Tatoo (June-July): World-class spectacle of music, dance, and military displays held annually in Halifax, showcasing both local and international talent. 💲 Ticketed event.
  • Halifax Mural Festival (July): A celebration of street art, transforming the city into a vibrant, open-air gallery with live painting, workshops, and art-related events. 💲 Free.
  • Halifax Canada Day (July): Commemorates the nation’s birthday with lively festivities, live performances, and an impressive fireworks display over the harbour. 💲 Free.
  • Halifax Jazz Festival (July): A captivating lineup of local and international jazz artists, drawing music lovers to enjoy a week of soulful performances at various city venues. 💲 Ticketed, but usually has free performances.
  • Halifax Pride Festival (July): A vibrant, inclusive celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, featuring a lively parade, concerts, and various events throughout the city. 💲 Free.
  • Halifax International Busker Festival (August): Astonishing street performances, including acrobatics, comedy, and music, set along the picturesque Halifax waterfront. 💲 Free, tips are strongly encouraged.
  • Halifax Natal Day Festival (August): Marks the city’s birthday with a weekend of family-friendly events, live music, and fireworks. 💲 Free.
  • Nocturne (October): A visual spectacle of contemporary art displayed across the streets of Halifax at night.

12) Board Canada’s Oldest Warship: HMCS Sackville

While strolling along the Halifax Waterfront, visitors can find decommissioned warships docked along the harbour that you can now explore and tour!

Perhaps most prominently is Canada’s oldest surviving warship, the HMCS Sackville.

Touring the HMCS Sackville is a popular thing to do in Halifax

This Royal Canadian Navy corvette was used during World War II and was crucial in winning the Battle of the Atlantic. The historic ship is the last remaining of 123 corvettes.

Today it is now a museum ship that is a worthwhile detour off of the Halifax Waterfront boardwalk. You can explore all throughout the WWII ship, from the bow and down into the engine room to learn about the wartime conditions. Visiting the ship offers an opportunity to learn about the brave sailors who served on it, providing a unique insight into Canada’s naval heritage.

As a free (donation-based) Halifax attraction, visiting the HMCS Sackville fits as yet another budget-friendly thing to do in Halifax!

💲Cost : Free, donations accepted 📍 Where : Located here , a central location along the Halifax Waterfront. 📅 Seasonality : mid-June to late October 🕒 When : Weekdays 10:00 am – 4:45 pm 🔗 Official website : HMSC Sackville .

13) Catch Halifax’s Free Outdoor Theatre: Shakespeare by the Sea

Shakespeare By The Sea is a beloved Halifax summertime tradition that showcases outdoor performances of Shakespeare’s plays set in the enchanting venue within Point Pleasant Park. It’s the largest and longest-running outdoor theatre festival in Atlantic Canada.

While the plays are often Shakespearean classics or adaptations, they also feature other (non-Shakespearan) classics too. For example, the 2024 season brings Alice in Wonderland in addition to the Shakespeare classic Twelth Night.

Shakespeare by the Sea performances usually run from July to early September. For 2024, it’s July 6 – September 1. For an up-to-date schedule, check the Shakespeare by the Sea Calendar .

Admission is pay-what-you-can and they’ll gladly accept any donation. The seating is on the grass, so bring a blanket or a chair. Otherwise, you can rent them for C$5. It’s a neat experience to watch live theatre under the open sky at dusk, enjoying this unique thing to do in Halifax.

Outdoor theatre-goers in chairs getting ready to watch the outdoor play in the park

💲Cost : Free (by donation) pay what you can, suggested donation C$20 📍 Where : Inside Point Pleasant Park. Nightly performances are held outside the Cambridge Battery, here . 🕒 When : Tuesday-Sunday, 7:00 pm. 🔗 Official website & schedule : Shakespeare by the Sea .

14) Take a Stroll Through the Victorian Gardens: Halifax Public Gardens

Halifax Public Gardens is a 16-acre oasis right in the heart of downtown Halifax, offering a serene escape from the bustling city. The Halifax Public Gardens are one of the finest surviving examples of a Victorian Garden in all of North America .

This impressive garden boasts beautifully manicured lawns, vibrant flower beds, and a variety of trees, providing an idyllic setting for a stroll.

Be sure to wander through the blooming flowers and over the quaint bridges. While strolling past charming ponds and ornate fountains, visitors can even find a replica of the Titanic. Perhaps consider pausing for reflection. Or indulge in an ice cream cone from the vendor in the garden’s pavilion.

The Halifax Public Gardens is a fun free thing to do in Halifax to see flowers bloom in the botanical garden

The Halifax Public Gardens are a popular attraction in the summer. Yet it’s a fairly big space in the middle of the city, so you may end up seeing more traffic in the form of ducks rather than people.

While many notable gardens around the world charge hefty entrance fees, Halifax’s Public Gardens are open to the public for free! So while walking around this city on a nice summer day, be sure to amble through these gardens. It makes a great free thing to do in Halifax.

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Located here , it’s about a 15-20 minute walk from the central Waterfront. 🕒 When : 8:00 am until 30 minutes before sunset (check Halifax sunset times ). 🔗 Website : Friends of the Public Garden .

15) Go Skating for Free at the Emera Oval

A fun and free Halifax activity is skating at the Emera Oval. Rollerblades are popular here. But you can opt to go retro and borrow a pair of roller skates instead! Bikes, scooters, and even plastic toy cars are also available over the summer.

And all of these equipment rentals are entirely F-R-E-E! It’s all such good, clean fun. Slap on a pair of skates and go!

skating at Emera Oval is a free thing to do in Halifax on a budget

In the winter, the Emera Oval becomes ice, and hence free ice-skating commences for a popular wintertime activity in Halifax. Whatever season you visit the Emera Oval in, just be sure to bring an ID, which is required for any of the free rentals.

Taking a few spins around the Emera Oval is one of the fun things to do in Halifax for families. Kids love it! (But so do we.)

💲Cost : Free, with identification 📍 Where : It’s located here , about 1.5 km inland from the Halifax Waterfront. 🕒 When : Hours vary. During summer, typically opens at 11:00 am on weekdays and noon on weekends. Remains open until 8:00 pm (June, Sept, Oct) and until 9:00 pm (July-Aug). Check the website for official hours (below). 🔗 Official website : here .

16) Check Out Halifax’s Vibrant Street Art

Halifax has a thriving street art scene , so keep your eyes peeled while roaming around town. We appreciate how some of the artists keep true to the city’s maritime theme.

One of the best (and easily accessible) murals can be found sprawling along the backside of Freak Lunchbox, which is a fun candy store located in downtown Halifax.

To get started on your street art pursuits, you can find this mural located here on Google Maps . Continuing throughout this downtown area, around Barrington Street and Argyle Street, looking for vibrant street art in alleys and on the side of other buildings.

Halifax’s North End neighborhood is another good area to find a burgeoning street art scene. You can find several impressive murals along Agricola Street, Gottingen Street, and the surrounding areas. More recently, several murals have sprouted up in the Quinpool District too.

Keep an eye out for public art displays as you roam around Halifax. New street art pops up all the time around this vibrant city.

17) Why Visit the Library during a Trip to Halifax

Halifax Central Library stairs

Given its glass facade and eye-catching design, this library is a great place to visit in Halifax for any architectural buffs and casual travelers alike.

Inside the Halifax Central Library, you’ll find an Escher-like series of stairs taking you to the top floor. And it’s well worth ascending, whether you’re into architecture or not.

Arguably the best reason to venture over to the Halifax Public Library is for the panoramic views you can find on its top floor. There’s also a café up there. So grab a cup of coffee and gaze out over Halifax’s downtown at those harbor views.

The library is an interesting thing to do in Halifax because of its unique architecture. So come to see that, but stay for the free wifi or simply to take a break from a busy day of sightseeing in Halifax.

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Located here , a leisurely 10-15 walk from the Waterfront. 🕒 When : Mon-Thurs, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm. Fri-Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm. Sun, Noon – 6:00 pm. 🔗 Official website : Halifax Central Library .

18) Find the Drunken Lampposts

If these street lamps look a little tipsy, it’s not because you overindulged at one of Halifax’s spectacular patio bars. These lampposts were placed on the Halifax waterfront in 2013 as a temporary art installation. But the drunken lampposts were beloved so much that the city decided to keep them as permanent fixtures.

The drunken lampposts are an offbeat Halifax attraction to see on the Waterfront

The drunken lampposts have since become a funny little Halifax attraction for travelers to seek out. They are said to represent “the nakedly honest portraits of unseemly behavours that are often playing out on our own streets after dark.” We think it’s hilarious. These drunk lampposts really show off Halifax’s quirky side and its sense of humor.

Where are the drunken lampposts in Halifax? You can find the drunken lampposts while strolling along the waterfront. They are located on the pier in front of the Bicycle Thief restaurant. Here’s the exact location on Google Maps .

💡 Tip : To get the best shots of this funny site, go early on a weekday morning. During weekend afternoons in the summer, this attraction will be flooded with many other Instagrammers and photographers trying to snap a picture.

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : On the Waterfront, here . 🕒 When : They’re always there and always drunk.

19) Visit Historic St Paul’s Church for a Halifax Oddity

St. Paul’s church is the oldest building in Halifax, dating all the way back to its founding in 1750. St Paul’s is also the oldest surviving Protestant church in all of Canada. It’s worth visiting this historic church to soak in the history, admire the Georgian architecture, and simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere inside.

St Paul’s church Halifax Nova Scotia

Yet what makes St Paul’s particularly interesting is a face that remains forever etched into one of the church’s windows.

Reminders of the tragic 1917 Halifax Explosion , which claimed about 2,000 lives, can be found throughout Halifax. Yet perhaps none are as attention-grabbing as the lingering silhouette that is etched into this historic church’s window.

silhouette of man from Halifax Explosion in church window

Lore tells of a deacon who happened to be standing perfectly aligned with the window at the time of the explosion. This legend continues that an intense heat left his profile burnt into the glass. The deacon’s portrait remains in St. Paul’s window today. Hence, St. Paul’s church makes for a fascinating offbeat sight to see during a trip to Halifax.

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Located here on Argyle Street , it’s about a 5-minute walk from a central point of the Waterfront. 🕒 When : Go during daylight hours to see this infamous silhouette.

20) Visit the Iconic Halifax Clock Tower

If you’re walking to or from the Halifax Citadel, you must take a moment to check out what has become an iconic landmark in the city: The Halifax Town Clock . It’s a three-story clock tower that dates back to the early 1800s and sits at the base of the Citadel.

The clock was a gift from Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, to the people of Halifax way back in 1803. The clock has been keeping time ever since, and it’s definitely a must-visit spot for its historical significance and the fantastic view it offers of downtown Halifax and the harbor.

It’s yet another attraction to check out, making it a great way to conclude this Top 20 list of things to do in Halifax.

So go snap of pic of this famous Halifax landmark as you make your way to the waterfront for some drinks. Because that’s what we’re talking about in one of the next sections of this Halifax tourism guide – drinks! But first, check out some awesome things to do as day trips from Halifax.

Halifax Clock Tower

💲Cost : Free 📍 Where : Right here , in between the Waterfront and the Citadel. 🕒 When : See it in the daytime.

Best Nova Scotia Day Trips from Halifax

In addition to all the awesome things to do in Halifax itself, there are also a variety of day trips located within an hour or two away from Nova Scotia’s capital. There are famous lighthouses to see, record-breaking tides, and UNESCO-listed village World Heritage Sites.

Meanwhile, adventure seekers can pursue an adrenaline-packed day of   Tidal Bore Rafting or take a hike along the precipitous coastal cliff of Cape Split. After such hair-raising adventures, sipping some local tidal bay wine in the nearby wineries can make for a perfect way to wind down.

There are a few tours from Halifax to pursue such day trips. Yet those with their own transportation will find the most economical way to reach these sites.

If visiting Halifax without a car, consider renting one, even if just for a day or two.

💡 Tip: If visiting over the summer, be sure to secure your rental car as early as possible, because rental cars do become sold out during the summer high season. Search rental cars for your travel dates .

21) Visit the Scenic Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse

Peggy’s Cove is the quintessential day trip from Halifax. At Peggy’s Cove, you’ll find a beautiful lighthouse on a rocky point, surrounded by a recreated fishing village. It’s a beautiful sight that can be like stepping into a Nova Scotia postcard.

Peggy's Cove Lighthouse

Yet given Peggy’s Cove’s notoriety, it has become is a very popular attraction near Halifax that draws in the crowds, particularly during mid-day. So plan your visit accordingly to best enjoy the picturesque sight.

💡 Tip: Go early in the morning, just after sunrise, when very few others are around. We also find it can be pleasant to go around dusk.

It’s free to visit Peggy’s Cove, as there is no entrance fee. Just be prepared for a 45-minute drive from Halifax, each way.

Alternatively, take a day tour from Halifax. This Peggy’s Cove Tour is the least expensive we’ve found online, receives great reviews, offers direct pick-up from downtown Halifax, and has multiple departure times throughout the day (we suggest 8:30 am if available). Because it is a small-group tour that regularly sells out, be sure to book in advance. Check availability for your travel dates .

22) Visit the UNESCO town of Lunenburg

Lunenburg is one of Nova Scotia’s three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, designated as such for being the best surviving example of a planned British colonial settlement in North America. This colorful fishing village dates all the way back to 1753. Read more about Old Town Lunenburg’s UNESCO designation .

With dwindling fish stocks in recent years, it’s tourism that now helps Lunenburg thrive.

Lunenburg Nova Scotia town

To better understand Lunenburg’s seafaring past, be sure to check out the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic ($C10). To better appreciate the town’s unique architecture and rich history, consider a walking tour (C$25).

Lunenburg is a must-stop detour from Nova Scotia’s Lighthouse Trail. Wander around the picturesque town and practice your photography skills on the original architecture that’s held strong over the course of more than two & a half centuries .

Try some local seafood from places like the South Shore Fish Shack , with a sunny deck overlooking the Lunenburg Waterfront. Wash it down with some local beer from Shipwright Brewing Company or some spirits from Ironworks Distillery , housed in a former blacksmith shop.

Lunenburg is located a bit more than an hour’s drive away from Halifax. And a day trip including both Lunenburg and Peggy’s Cove can make a good combo, driving from Halifax on the same day. Exploring Old Town Lunenburg is another free thing to do from Halifax for those who are driving.

Lunenburg tours from Halifax are also available, many of which include Peggy’s Cove since its along the way. Consider one of these Lunenburg tours from Halifax :

  • Half-Day Small Group Tour of Nova Scotia’s South Shore – Goes to (1) Lunenburg, (2) Mahone Bay, and (3) Peggy’s Cove. 6 hours, C$175.
  • Nova Scotia Day Tour – Visit Peggy’s Cove, Lunenburg, and the Annapolis Valley – Goes to (1) Peggy’s Cove, (2) Queensland Beach, (3) Mahone Bay, (4) Lunenburg, (5) Bay of Fundy (Wolfville Waterfront Park) and (6) Lightfoot & Wolfville Wineries

23) Experience the Record-Breaking Bay of Fundy Tides

On the other side of Nova Scotia from Halifax is the Bay of Fundy, which is home to the most extreme tides in the world. It’s quite a sight to witness and a rare chance to walk on the floor of the ocean!

We suggest three very different spots to observe the tidal action, which are all free to experience:

  • Burntcoat Head Park – Walk on the ocean floor at low tide and marvel at the towering rock formations and tidal pools.
  • Halls Harbour – Pursue tide-watching at this small harbour, where you’ll see boats gently rise and fall, and eat at the adjacent restaurant while waiting for tidal changes.
  • Fundy Tidal Interpretive Area – watch the impressive tidal bore rush up the Shubenacadie River from an observation deck with informative signs to learn about it.

If you have a car, you can drive to any of these tidal attractions (more info on each, below). If you don’t have your own vehicle, then consider a Bay of Fundy tour from Halifax .

Burntcoat Head Park

About a 1 hour, 15-minute drive from Halifax, you can reach Burntcoat Head Park , home to the world’s highest recorded tides. If you make the trek from Halifax to Burntcoat Head Park, be sure to check the tides (listed on the website ) and plan your visit accordingly.

We suggest trying to time a visit during low tide for the opportunity to walk on the ocean’s floor. This also provides an opportunity to wander the tidal pools that form when the ocean is out. See what marine life you can find that may have been left behind. If time permits, watch as the Bay of Fundy dramatically fills the area you were once standing on, creating an aquatic landscape that shifts with each passing hour.

Halls Harbour

For a different view of the tides in a harbour setting, consider the 90-minute drive from Halifax to Halls Harbour . Here, visitors can witness this extreme act of nature as boats are seemingly lifted up and then lowered onto the harbour floor. At Halls Harbour, the tide swings a staggering 40 feet (~12 meters)! For perspective, imagine the tide rising and falling to the height of a 4-story building!

Look a the pictures below, first at high tide, then low tide.

Hall's Harbour Nova Scotia boats floating at high tide in the harbour, which is part of the Bay of Fundy and the most extreme tides in the world

It’s an amazing natural phenomenon to experience this in person. Walking along the ocean floor and seeing boats resting on the bottom of a harbor is mind-boggling. And yes, you can walk down there, which really helps put things into perspective.

Again, be sure to check the tides before you go and plan a visit for low tide. Halls Harbour is also known as Baxters Harbour and you can find the tide forecast   here .

💡 Tip: If you’re waiting around for the tides to change, don’t hesitate to pop into the adjacent Lobster Pound restaurant to try one of their local specialties like the lobster poutine!

Fundy Tidal Interpretive Area

Completely different than the ocean tidal change and the harbour tidal change, coming to the Fundy Tidal Interpretive Area offers a vantage point to witness Nova Scotia’s famous tidal bore in the Shubenacadie River. This is a remarkable natural phenomenon where the incoming tide forms waves that travel up the river.

Informative displays help to deepen your understanding of the Bay of Fundy’s powerful ecosystem. But the main draw is the observation deck to see the tidal bore in action. You may even catch adventurous souls doing tidal bore rafting (see next)!

24) Extreme Adventure: Tidal Bore Rafting

Don’t just watch those extreme tides. Experience them! A popular adventure pursuit in the Bay of Fundy is something known as Tidal Bore Rafting.

While the Bay of Fundy tides steadily fills the bay, the tidal flow is not-so-gradual when it reaches rivers. There are about 60 known places in the world where the phenomena of a tidal bore occurs. Nova Scotia’s Shubenacadie River is one of them.

Rivers in this region flow into the bay, just as most rivers in the world flow outward into the sea. But here in the Bay of Fundy, that all changes soon after low tide. The extreme tides rise in the Bay of Fundy and eventually begin to flow into the river. As the approaching water reaches the river, the rising tide is squeezed into an increasingly narrow space in the river. When the tide moves inward, it momentarily changes the course of the river to flow upstream.

During this process, waves and rapids are temporarily formed atop the sandbars. This is the tidal bore! And it’s now possible to go whitewater rafting upstream, during these changing tides. It’s such a crazy experience and is such a thrill! Check out the video below to get a glimpse at what it’s like.

For complete directions from Halifax, tips to know, who to book with, ways to save, and much more information about this Halifax day trip, be sure to check out all the details in our complete post that reviews:   Tidal Bore Rafting on the Most Extreme Tides in the World !

25) Cape Split: One of Nova Scotia’s Best Hikes

Also in the Bay of Fundy area is what we’ve found to be one of Nova Scotia’s most scenic hikes. It’s the Cape Split hike!

These jagged cliffs dramatically jut out for 7 kilometers right into the Bay of Fundy, where the extreme tides do their thing.

The only way to get here is the hike down to the cape. It’s a 6-kilometer trek each way that winds through a forest, before ultimately opening up to the barren cliffs that drop off into the bay.

drone shot of Cape Split Nova Scotia

For those who are active, hiking Cape Split is a perfect recreational pursuit you can to do as a day trip from Halifax!

It’s also another free activity. Just park your car at the trailhead and set off. The Cape Split trailhead is about a 90-minute drive from Halifax, located here .

Tip : If you want to check out the tides at Halls Harbour, do this hike in between the tide change to compare before and after.

26) Drink Tidal Bay Wine at Annapolis Valley Vineyards near Halifax

While in Nova Scotia’s tidal area, it’s only appropriate to drink the signature wine variety of the region: Tidal Bay.

There’s a burgeoning scene of wineries throughout the rolling hills of the coastal farmland of Annapolis Valley. Just a short hop away from Halifax, visitors can find these vineyards that produce the area’s signature white wine.

Tidal Bay is Nova Scotia’s first wine appellation and winemakers must maintain strict standards, such as 100% Nova Scotia grapes, in order to have the Tidal Bay designation. It’s a crisp & refreshing white wine, with green fruit notes and a distinct minerality. Appropriately for the region, it pairs exceptionally well with seafood.

Tidal Bay Wine at Luckett Vineyards

It’s about an hour’s drive from Halifax to get to the Annapolis Valley wine region featuring Tidal Bay wineries. In particular, Luckett Vineyards is one of the more popular wineries that we really enjoy.

It’s also a budget-friendly choice, as Luckett has a scenic tasting room with a tasting of five wines starting at only C$12. While there, be sure to wander through the grape vines to find the red phone booth that makes for some great photo ops.

In addition to Luckett, other popular Annapolis Valley wineries to visit include:

  • Lightfoot and Wolfville Winery – A certified organic, family-owned winery known for its handcrafted, small-lot wines, located in the Annapolis Valley. Visitors can enjoy tastings and farm-to-table dining with stunning views.
  • Benjamin Bridge – Renowned for its world-class Méthode Classique sparkling wines, this winery offers tastings, tours, and intimate culinary experiences.
  • Domaine de Grand Pré – Nova Scotia’s oldest farm winery, Domaine de Grand Pré offers a diverse range of wines and is home to the acclaimed Le Caveau restaurant.

Of course, you’ll need a designated driver to be able to enjoy multiple wineries. Instead, consider a proper Annapolis Valley wine tour from Halifax . The Wine and Lunch Escape makes three stops at three Annapolis Valley wineries and a very nice includes lunch! The wine tour receives excellent reviews, but it does book up. Check availability and reviews .

Also, if you enjoy a good drink, there’s much more to drink within the city of Halifax itself. And that’s a perfect segway into our next section of this Halifax travel guide!

Drinking Things to Do in Halifax

Halifax is said to have the most bars per capita of any city in Canada . With such an accolade, drinking IS one of the best things to do in Halifax !

So in addition to drinking Tidal Bay wine at Halifax’s neighboring vineyards (as suggested above), be sure to partake in these other drinking experiences throughout HRM.

Gahan's House patio in Halifax

27) Tour Alexander Keith’s Historic Brewery

This Halifax mainstay is one of the oldest breweries in North America , dating back to 1820. Keith’s has maintained the historic brewing facility that goes back nearly two centuries in Halifax’s history.

Alexander Keith's Brewery Halifax Nova Scotia

It’s a fun brew tour that’s one part history, one part brewing, and one part Nova Scotian tradition. It’s an equation that adds up to a great time, complete with intimate local music performances and many opportunities to drink Keith’s beer while being toured through the old hallways!

Visitors will learn just as much about the namesake Scottish brewer that became Halifax’s beloved mayor, as you will the brewing process.

Alexander Keith's beer while on brewery tour in Halifax

The tour includes four glasses of different styles of beer, adding to the value of this fun brewhouse tour!

💲Cost : C$26.95 📍 Where : Just off the central Waterfront, right here . 🕒 When : Tours generally occur every hour during summer months, Mon-Sat, Noon-7:00 pm. 🔗 Booking and availability : Alexander Keiths Brewery Tour .

28) Partake in the Halifax Tradition of a “Ceilidh”

Kitchen Ceilidh Durty Nelly's Halifax band playing Gaelic music

During the aforementioned Alexander Keith’s brewery tour, they’ll fully demonstrate what a cèilidh is like. Yet try to make it to an actual cèilidh while visiting Nova Scotia. For those heading up to Cape Breton, know cèilidhs are common occurrences up there. Yet if the timing is right, you can be fortunate to catch this tradition of a cèilidh in Halifax too.

One place that has regular cèilidhs in Halifax is Durty Nelly’s. They often have a cèilidh on Thursday nights 7-10 PM. Check their event calendar to see if one is occurring while you’re in town. The ceilidh itself is free. Just pony up to the bar for a pint while enjoying the live Gaelic music. Beers start at C$7.75.

Alternatively, you can also try the Old Triangle Irish Alehouse. They often host live traditional music sessions, and they’ve been known to turn into a full-on cèilidh. Check their gig calendar .

29) Patio Drinking is a Quintessential Thing to Do in Halifax

During the summer months, Halgonians and visitors alike love drinking on a sunny patio. There’s nearly a sport to patio drinking in Halifax and it’s become a hardened summertime tradition in this city.

The BG is a perennial favorite on the waterfront . We love it too for the local beers and the open-air wooden seating directly on the Waterfront with views of the Halifax Harbour. It’s the perfect atmosphere to sip on a beverage on a bright sunny Halifax day. It’s a popular spot in the middle of the Waterfront that tends to get particularly busy during weekends.

But don’t worry, there are plenty of patio bars to enjoy drinks all throughout Halifax. The Lower Deck also sports a welcoming patio along the Waterfront during the summer months. Or go across the harbour to the Wooden Monkey in Dartmouth sweeping views of the Halifax skyline to accompany your cool beverage.

Another one of our favorite waterfront patios in Halifax is  Stone’s Throw . This patio bar on the northern fringes of the Halifax waterfront isn’t as popular as the centrally located, BG. Yet for those who want to enjoy patio drinking in Halifax on a budget. During happy hour (4:00-6:00) Stone’s Throw offers local Nova Scotia craft beer for C$6 for a generous 16 oz. pour. There’s also $6 wine and rotating cocktails.

The patio bar is hidden in plain sight, as it’s part of the Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. We recommend Stone’s Throw for inexpensive pre-dinner craft beer on the waterfront.

Stone's Throw Halifax patio with beer on the Halifax waterfront boardwalk

30) Drink Halifax’s Fantastic Local Breweries

Halifax has a fantastic local beer scene! There are loads of breweries, brew pubs, and cideries to check out all throughout the city. Brewing runs deep in Halifax and is currently having a major resurgence producing delicious results!

Halifax breweries have lots of appeal and new brewpubs are sprouting up all the time. At last count, we tallied over 20 breweries, brewpubs, and cideries across HRM. All beer-loving Halgonians seem to have their favorites.

Personally, we really enjoy Good Robot , Two Crows , and Propeller Brewing Company , to name a few. But try ‘em yourself and tell us which of Halifax’s local breweries you like best!

To sample some beers by the Halifax Waterfront, hit up Garrisons Brewery , near the Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market. Enjoying their C$2 tasters from the variety of brews across their dozen taps is easy on the wallet too. At that price, grab a few at a time. We recommend the 8% Juicy Double IPA for those who like a hoppy beer if they have this specialty brew on tap.

Garrisons Brewery Halifax taster flight of craft beer

Use the Good Cheer Passport to Find Halifax Breweries and Earn Prizes

Those beer lovers visiting Halifax, make sure to join the (free) Good Cheer Trail Passport Program ! This passport can be used to discover local breweries, wineries, cideries, and distilleries all throughout the province of Nova Scotia. An excellent interactive map can be found on the Good Cheer Trail Passport website , to help you navigate your way to each of Halifax’s breweries.

Once you collect a stamp from 15 different places, you can redeem your Good Cheer Trail Passport for a free t-shirt to commemorate your drinking accomplishment! You’ll also be entered in a drawing for a grand prize.

Pick up your passport at any of the participating breweries and at the Halifax Tourism Office. Alternatively, use the digital Good Cheer passport found on the Taste of Nova Scotia Mobile App .

Nova Scotia Good Cheer Trail Passport stamps

And while the passport can be used throughout the entire province, you can easily collect 15 stamps right in Halifax . We can tell you from personal experience that this is a fun pursuit.

Eating is a Thing to Do in Halifax!

There are some interesting things to eat in Halifax that are unique to the city and to Nova Scotia. So these final five things to do in Halifax offer up some suggestions for these interesting foodie finds throughout the city.

Halifax has a designated official food that you may find surprising. It’s a must-try, reviewed below.

Yet it’s Nova Scotia’s seafood that simply can’t be ignored. Whether oysters, scallops, lobster suppers, or local haddock (fish), there is lots of seafood to try throughout Nova Scotia’s capital. And while seafood can tend to be expensive, of course, you know that we’re offering up our signature budget tips to help you enjoy the best of Halifax’s dining scene without spending a fortune.

31) Try the Official Food of Halifax: The Donair

The Halifax Donair has been proclaimed the official food of Halifax . And lucky for budget-conscious visitors to the city, the Halifax Donair makes for an inexpensive meal to try while in town.

Halifax donair is a great cheap eat in Halifax and is the city's official food

It may look like a Greek gyro or a Turkish doner kebab. Yet here in Halifax, donairs have taken on their own identity.

What is a Halifax donair? A large pita is stuffed with shaved spiced beef, rather than lamb or other doner meat. But what really makes it a “Halifax donair” is the “donair sauce.”

A concoction of condensed milk, sugar, garlic, and vinegar is what gives a Halifax Donair its distinction. As the story goes, it was 1973 when a Greek immigrant adjusted his recipe to local tastes by using beef and developing the signature sauce.

Nearly 50 years later, there are now donair shops all over Halifax. But his “King of Donair” shop is still in Halifax too. So go there to try this deliciously messy meal. Just grab some extra napkins!

Official Website: King of Donair

32) Eat Local Maritime Oysters in Halifax

Nova Scotia, along with the surrounding maritime provinces, is known for its fresh oysters. So be sure to try some freshly-shucked raw oysters on the half-shell while you’re in Halifax.

Local oysters are a culinary delight to try in Halifax. Being so close to the source helps to ensure freshness. The shuckers really take their oysters pretty seriously around here. The quality and freshness are unparalleled.

You’ll find many oyster varieties on the menu local to Nova Scotia and the surrounding Martime provinces. But keep an eye out for Sober Island oysters in particular, which are farmed about a 100-km west of Halifax and considered a premium oyster.

Oyster Happy Hour at Five Fishermen Halifax Little Fish is a cheap seafood deal in Halifax

Many oyster bars can be found all throughout Halifax. Often recommended Halifax oyster bars include the Press Gang , Barrington Steak House and Oyster Bar , Five Fishermen , Waterfront Warehouse , and McKelvie’s Restaurant , among many others.

💡 Budget Tip: Oyster Happy Hours

Oyster prices vary in price around Halifax but are typically somewhere around C$3+ per oyster (2024 prices). So wouldn’t be unusual for a dozen oysters to cost C$40+ at a Halifax restaurant or oyster bar.  Thankfully, oyster happy hours around Halifax will help to enjoy these mollusks for less.

Here are a few places in Halifax with known oyster happy hours:

  • Highwayman – C$2 oyster daily 4:00-5:00 pm.
  • Lot Six Bar & Restaurant – Dozen oysters for $C24

33) Three Ways to Eat Local Nova Scotia Haddock

Halifax and many coastal communities throughout Nova Scotia have been based around fishing throughout the local waters. So a great way to try the local catch – haddock!

Haddock is a type of cod, found locally in the cool & clean Atlantic waters offshore. Pan fried haddock is a local preparation of the fish that can be found widely on Halifax menus.

Collage of Nova Scotia Haddock in Halifax:1) Fish and chips2) Nova Scotia chowder3) Pan fried haddock

Yet the mild white fish also makes for some particularly awesome fish & chips ! Fish & chips are also commonplace on menus throughout Nova Scotia, a nod to the province’s British roots. The fish and chips around HRM is some of the best we’ve had!

You can find fish & chips ranging from upscale restaurants to pubs and super casual counter-service joints. While in Halifax, try fish and chips at Fries & Co. , Willman’s Fish & Chips , or Evan’s Fresh Seafood in Dartmouth.

You can also find haddock in another delicious Nova Scotian dish found throughout Halifax – chowder . Nova Scotia’s chowder starts with a rich, creamy base and abundance of fresh local seafood, such as clams, scallops, shrimp, lobster, mussels, and of course, haddock. This hearty soup can eat like a meal and is a personal favorite to always enjoy in Nova Scotia!

34) Try Some Canadian Snacks at the Waterfront:  

There are some tasty treats and local snacks to try while wandering around the Halifax waterfront. Most of them are easy on the budget too! Here are some quintessential local snacks we suggest trying while visiting Halifax:

Ice Cream: Cows Creamery & Moon Mist

Cows Creamery is known to have the best ice cream in Canada and is often listed as the world’s best ice cream. It’s a staple in the neighboring province of PEI, you can also find a Cows Creamery location directly on Halifax’s waterfront. Scoops for this primo ice cream start at C$4, a sweet price for this tasty treat that we think lives up to the hype!

And for a uniquely Nova Scotian treat, keep an eye out for “Moon Mist” ice cream at any of the ice cream joints along the waterfront. This colorful mix of grape, banana, and bubble gum ice cream is a Nova Scotia tradition that can only be found around these parts.

Cows Creamery ice cream cone Halifax

Eat a BeaverTail on the Halifax Waterfront

BeaverTails are a beloved Canadian snack food that originated in Ottawa and quickly spread across all of Canada. So you can now find this flattened fried dough at a kiosk along the Halifax boardwalk. They’re shaped like (you guessed it) beaver tails and covered with cinnamon & sugar. If that’s not sweet enough, you can choose to have it loaded up with an assortment of other sugary toppings, from a maple spread to Nutella. BeaverTails start at about C$5.

Enjoy Canada’s National Dish in Halifax – Poutine

If you’re visiting Halifax from outside the country, you must try Canada’s national dish – poutine . It’s an economical snack/meal/gut bomb. For the uninitiated, poutine is a delicious concoction of french fries covered in squeaky cheese curds and brown gravy.

Perhaps one of the most convenient places for poutine on the Waterfront is Smoke’s Poutinerie . It’s a poutine franchise that has a kiosk in a central location on the Halifax waterfront.

Yet locals in Halifax point to Willy’s Fresh Cut as the best poutine in town. We visited, devoured, and concur. Prices range from C$6.00 for a small to C$9.50 for a large. Willy’s is located at Pizza Corner, which is another eating thing to do in Halifax that’s further explained next.

Smokes Poutinerie is a great place to try poutine in Halifax

35) Eat Lobster in Halifax

Nova Scotia’s waters are teeming with lobster fishing boats, and the province exports millions of pounds of lobster globally each year. So be sure to try this delicious local seafood while visiting Halifax.

Usually served boiled and served with classic sides, such as potato salad, restaurants in Halifax, many restaurants in Halifax feature local Nova Scotia lobster on their menus. Yet for a local tradition, consider a lobster supper, which can be a fun way to connect with Bluenosers (Nova Scotians).

To see if any community lobster suppers may be occurring during your visit, check local Facebook events, Eventbrite, Kijiji, local bulletin boards, or community social media pages. Yet for more of a sure bet, head out to the longstanding Shore Club in Hubbards (a 45-min drive from Halifax) for a traditional lobster supper, with mussels, and all the fixins.

Once considered the “poor man’s protein,” Nova Scotia lobster has since transformed into a premium culinary delight with prices to reflect that. Throughout Halifax, lobster is often at “market price” throughout Nova Scotia. Expect to pay somewhere around $C40-$C60 for a full lobster supper in Halifax (2024 prices).

If that’s a bit steep for those on a budget in Halifax, consider indulging in a lobster roll instead. Chunks of chilled, succulent lobster meat are tossed lightly with mayo and served in a toasted, buttery roll. It’s a simple, yet incredibly delicious way to enjoy lobster in Halifax. Expect to pay roughly $C25-C$35 (2024 prices) for a lobster roll in Halifax, which may or may not include a modest side like a bag of chips.

Lobster in Halifax: Dave's Lobster (upper left), Lobster Poutine from Halls Harbour (upper right), and lobster supper in Halifax from Mic Mac (bottom)

Here are just a few notable suggestions among the many places to eat lobster in and around Halifax:

  • Five Fisherman – Upscale restaurant in a historic setting known for its seafood dishes, with lobster suppers at market price.
  • McKelvie’s – Situated on the Halifax Waterfront, this seafood restaurant serves steamed lobster at market price and also offers a delicious lobster pasta (C$49).
  • Salty’s – Located directly on the Halifax Harbour, Salty’s has a more casual downstairs and a more upscale upstairs restaurant, each with steamed lobster at market prices.
  • Dave’s Lobster – Seasonal counter-service joint slinging various lobster rolls (market price) and even a lobster grilled cheese, conveniently located on the Waterfront.
  • Shore Club – A 45-minute drive east of Halifax will take you to this lobster supper institution, with traditional communal seating, live music, and all the accompaniments. (1-pound lobster dinner: C$43.95, 1.5-pound: C$54.50).
  • Halls Harbour – Given the 1.5-hour drive from Halifax, it’s a smart idea to include as part of a Bay of Fundy day trip. In addition to lobster meals (market price), this active lobster pound has a wide variety of lobster dishes, including lobster nachos (C$25.50), lobster mac & cheese (C$24.50), lobster BLT salad (C$30), and our personal favorite – lobster poutine (C$23.25)!

And if you haven’t got your fill of lobster in Halifax, also check out our separate article about lobster in Nova Scotia’s neighboring province: 6 Best Ways to Experience Lobster in PEI .

More Halifax Travel Tips

Here are a few more travel tips to help you explore Halifax!

☀️ Best Time to Visit Halifax:

There is little debate that Summer (June-August) is the best time of year to visit Halifax. This is the warmest time of year for Halifax, yet temps usually remain mild and crisp, with highs ranging from 18°-24°C (~65°-75°F) in the afternoon. Blue, clear skies becoming increasingly prevalent.

All seasonal establishments are open. Summer also brings an influx of events and festivals across Halifax. Yet summer is also peak season for Halifax. So visitors may encounter high-priced accommodation, crowds (particularly on weekends), long waits for attractions and restaurants, and/or availability problems.

While summer can be an ideal time to visit Halifax, one could make a solid argument to travel to Halifax in the early Fall for optimal conditions . Temperatures are still mild, with highs ranging from 16° to 22°C (61°-72°F). And it’s the month of September that actually has the greatest propensity for clear skies. Fall visitors to Halifax may also get an opportunity to see foilage around the city. stunning fall foliage. Yet another perk is how Halifax becomes less crowded after Labour Day.

There’s never a bad time to visit Halifax, but do know that winter can be quite cold , with temperatures often below freezing. Seasonal establishments will be long shut down before winter even begins, so that may limit your activities. There’s usually a good amount of snow during winter in Halifax, so this brings about the opportunity for winter sports.

🧥 Pack for the Weather:

Halifax’s maritime climate can be unpredictable. Pack layers and a rain jacket, especially in the spring and fall. If your trip to Halifax is in the next week or so, here’s the Halifax 7-day forecast .

Also, understand that even during warm summer days, temperatures can dip down towards 11°C (low 50s F) in the evening. So be sure to pack a light jacket or sweater to keep warm, even in the summer . To see what weather averages are during any time of year, find year-round Halifax weather averages on WeatherSpark .

⏰ Local Time in Halifax

Remember, Halifax is in the Atlantic Time Zone , which is one hour ahead of Eastern Standard Time . Your phone will adjust automatically. But just make sure you’re aware of the time change.

⚠️ Not from Canada, eh? You need travel insurance!

While Halifax is a very safe travel destination, accidents can occur. If you’re visiting Canada from the US , be sure you have medical coverage while within the country.

If not, you won’t be covered by Canada’s health care system. Medical costs will be outrageous should an unforeseen accident occur. Medical coverage is an absolute must, but travel insurance will also cover other mishaps like trip cancelation and lost luggage, which can also be assuring to have. For Americans visiting Canada, we recommend World Nomads travel insurance which contains the medical coverage you need to have while traveling in Canada. Get a quick quote for your travel dates .

✈️ Getting to Halifax

Halifax is well connected by flights to the Halifax Stanfield International Airport. Air Canada and WestJet have numerous flights throughout Canada, which make for convenient connections elsewhere.

For those traveling to Halifax from the US, direct flights are limited to Boston year-round, so a connection will likely be necessary. Although, there are seasonal direct flights between Halifax and Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Philadelphia, and DC.

We’ve spotted  flights around $400 and less for roundtrips from US locations. Of course, airfare prices change regularly. Search around to score a good deal on flights to Halifax. Get creative with your flight searches and be sure to book at least 3 weeks out (or more) to secure a low fare.

🚐 Getting from the Airport to Downtown Halifax

The Halifax Airport is 35 kilometers (22 miles) away from downtown, so it takes over a half hour to get into town. A taxi will cost you a flat rate of C$65 and Uber estimates are C$55-C$60.

For travelers on a budget, the Regional Express Airport 320 bus runs every 30-60 minutes and drops off in Scotia Square, right in the heart of downtown Halifax. The cost is only C$4.25, so it’s quite the savings over taking a taxi! Find all the timetable and route info: Regional Express 320 .

🚶 Getting Around Halifax

Halifax is a very walkable city . Most all the attractions, restaurants, and bars that we’ve mentioned throughout this guide can be walked to. Be sure to pack a pair of comfortable shoes!

Those driving to Halifax and staying downtown (recommended), may find they have no need for their car throughout the visit. If the need arises, you can use Halifax Transit as an affordable way to get around the city. Uber is now in Halifax too, providing a convenient option.

📍 Where to Stay in Halifax

Map showing the best area to stay in Halifax

Most Halifax hotels are naturally located within this area, so there are plenty of options to choose from. Just consider booking early.

📍 For Summer Reservations – Book Early!

If staying in Halifax over the summer, particularly during a summer weekend, be sure to secure a reservation as soon as possible. Hotels will be sold out and those that still have availability will likely have very high prices. Book early to have your pick of hotels and to secure a good rate.

With over 100 properties listed, we’ve found to have the most hotel listings and often the best prices too. Search Halifax hotels on Booking for your travel dates to lock in your accommodation.

🚗 Use Tours or Rental Cars for Day Trips from Halifax

There’s no need to rent a car to get around Halifax itself. In fact, it may even be a burden to find parking. Yet Halifax makes a great central base to explore much of Nova Scotia.

We’ve found rental cars to be surprisingly inexpensive in Halifax, with rates as low as C$50 per day for an economy car. Most of the major car rental agencies have locations in downtown Halifax (Hertz, Avis, Budget, Alamo, etc.). Often rental car prices were cheaper from those downtown locations compared to picking up a rental car at the airport.

We scoured through all the main booking sites and even got quotes from agencies directly. In doing so, we noticed the best rental car rates in Halifax by searching on Priceline . Book your rental car as early as possible, because these also become sold out during popular summer days. Search rental cars for your travel dates .

Cheap rental car we got in Halifax

🚰 Tap Water in Halifax

Halifax’s tap water is safe and delicious to drink, so bring a reusable water bottle.

💬 Know the Local Lingo in Halifax

You may encounter some new words and phrases while in Halifax, or even while reading this article. To help you make sense of things, here are a few local words we’ve picked up during visits to Halifax:

  • Bluenoser: A term for someone from Nova Scotia. It originated from the schooner, Bluenose, which is featured on the Canadian dime.
  • Caper: Someone from Cape Breton Island.
  • Scotian: Another term for someone from Nova Scotia.
  • Maritimer: A term for someone from the Maritime provinces, which include Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.
  • The Peninsula : The Halifax Peninsula, is a smaller portion of the city of Halifax that includes downtown and the waterfront and is defined by water boundaries that include the Halifax Harbour, Northwest Arm, and Bedford Basin.
  • HRM : Stands for “Halifax Regional Municipality,” which is the 5,000+ sq km wide region that includes Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford, and Halifax County.
  • The Valley : Refers specifically to the Annapolis Valley region of Nova Scotia.
  • Sociable! : Similar to “cheers!” Raise your glass, say “socialable!”, and take a drink.
  • Donair: A popular fast food item in Halifax, similar to a gyro, but with a distinct sweet garlic sauce.
  • Kitchen Party: A social gathering in someone’s kitchen, often involving music and dancing. This is a common tradition in Atlantic Canada.
  • Storm Chips: Bags of potato chips Nova Scotians stock up on before a storm.

📖 Order a Free Halifax Visitor Guide

Want some more info and ideas for Halifax, be sure to check out Discover Halifax . It’s the official tourism website for Halifax and has loads of great information. If you live in the US or Canada, they’ll even mail you a complimentary Halifax Visitor Guide by using this link .

If you want even more travel info for Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the Maritimes, consider ordering a Travel Guide. We like the Lonely Planet Nova Scotia , which was last updated in 2022.

Best Things To Do in Halifax: Conclusion

We hope that this post has helped to give you lots of ideas for what to do in Halifax and show that it is very possible to enjoy many things to do, whatever the travel budget. Halifax is a wonderful city that has proven to be one of our favorite lengthy stays while traveling all over the world.

We have absolutely fallen in love with Halifax while roaming around the city.

Halifax Waterfront boardwalk chairs

If this travel guide has helped you plan your things to do in Halifax, please let us know in the comments below.

Or if you have been to this fun Canadian city and have your own travel tips or suggestions for things to do in Halifax – let us know too! We will certainly be back and would love to use your Halifax travel tips and update this article again!

Happy travels to beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia! 🇨🇦

Publishing note: This article about the Best Things to Do in Halifax was originally published in November 2017. It was most recently updated in June 2024, in an effort to reflect current pricing and up-to-date info.

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December 27, 2023 at 2:31 AM

Awesome Halifax travel guide! Planning a trip and these 35 tips are gold. Thanks for the simple and friendly advice!

travel show halifax 2023

February 19, 2023 at 6:51 PM

Thank you so much for the tips John! What a great site!!! A bunch of friends and I are taking a cruise and only have 1 day in Halifax so this really helped narrow down the must see list. Do you know by any chance if there are (electric) scooters or bikes to rent to scoot around downtown for the day?

travel show halifax 2023

October 26, 2019 at 4:33 PM

This is a phenomenal post for Halifax! Thanks for a TON of tips and suggestions. Glad I stumbled upon it. Getting that jump on planning for a visit in Summer 2020!

travel show halifax 2023

October 28, 2019 at 2:16 AM

So glad it’s proved helpful! Hope you have a great trip to this awesome city! 😀

travel show halifax 2023

August 10, 2019 at 9:05 PM

Very helpful article, thank you! As a quick note, you might want to double check that 18-20 are all listed as “drunken lampposts “!

August 13, 2019 at 12:09 PM

Thanks for catching that and alerting us. 🙂 I’ve just updated to correct those subheadings.

travel show halifax 2023

July 29, 2019 at 6:18 AM

Great post and really well put together! makes me want to go back to nova scotia now. Thanks

travel show halifax 2023

July 23, 2019 at 12:19 AM

Wow…you have given us a lot to think about!!! Great tip about Driver Dave!!! The no Uber/Lyft was a big surprise; we have found the service so inexpensive when we travel whether we drive or fly so we don’t need to draw straws for who will be the DD. So yikes…now we need a car for a couple days and look at that!! You provided that info as well!! Out of curiosity, are taxi’s expensive in the city for short distances?

This is so well thought out and researched, thank you for all the tips and suggestions. This will be my 2nd trip to Halifax and I cannot wait!! Six more sleeps 😉

July 26, 2019 at 1:05 PM

Yes, Driver Daves is really convenient and certainly the most economical private ride transfer from the airport into Halifax. Yeah, it’s too bad they don’t have rideshares available in Halifax as we’ve found it to be so convenient and often affordable in many places around the world. Taxi prices for short distances around Halifax are quite pricey, at least by our standards. But we always have such a pleasant time walking around the city, so we never feel a need to splurge on taking a taxi within the city. The relatively inexpensive rental cars helped for when needing to get to further-flung locations. Hope you have a great return trip back to Halifax with lots of beer and empty plates – cheers!

travel show halifax 2023

June 15, 2019 at 11:41 PM

This is truly a very helpful guide! You wrote it with so much passion and caring attitude for us which I liked most. Thank you so much! Me, my husband, our son will be visiting our daughter who study there. I will keep your instructions in-front of me to get the best of Halifax from a short visit. Sending best wishes from Bangladesh.

June 19, 2019 at 7:14 PM

Thanks so much for taking the time to drop us a comment. We just recently updated this post, so makes us happy to hear that it’s getting out there and people are finding it useful! Hope you have a great visit. Halifax is truly such a pleasant and welcoming place, as I’m sure your daughter must be experiencing. ধন্যবাদ 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

September 24, 2018 at 9:31 PM

I’ve never heard of the drunk lampposts. I might need to check those out.

I’ve also never heard of “The West Arm”, it’s actually called the Northwest Arm.

September 25, 2018 at 9:24 AM

The drunken lampposts are a funny sight. If you take a southerly stroll along the waterfront, you’re bound to stumble into them.

Ah, yes, it’s Northwest Arm, not West Arm. Not sure how we let that slip through, but we’ve just edited to correct, so thank you. 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

June 2, 2018 at 11:17 PM

Thanks – very helpful. Will be traveling in early August. Can’t wait!

June 5, 2018 at 10:28 AM

August should be a beautiful time to visit Halifax – hope you have a fantastic trip! 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

May 15, 2018 at 4:31 PM

We are traveling to Halifax in just a few weeks and so glad to have stumbled upon this page. So much great info and recommendations, thanks for putting this together!

May 25, 2018 at 1:16 PM

Awesome! We hope you have an great trip to Halifax ahead. What a great way to kick-off the summer fun! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment with your feedback. 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

April 27, 2018 at 3:16 AM

Fantastic post. Halifax is in my bucket list so I found your post very helpful also the budget table is very useful to plan a trip accordingly. All the places seems very interesting so I would love to visit them all.Keep sharing such posts.

May 9, 2018 at 10:51 AM

Thanks and we hope you make it to this great city one day! It’s definitely a place to tick off the bucketlist and makes a great base to explore Nova Scotia!

travel show halifax 2023

November 28, 2017 at 8:40 AM

I wouldn’t leave out of any the options that you have listed here! They all sound like wonderful experiences, and the place is so laid-back and relaxed that I would probably need a few days here to complete all of that 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

November 28, 2017 at 4:59 AM

This is an awesome guide for visiting Halifax!! Thank you so much for creating it! It’s amazing how many things you can do for free there. I love how many of your suggestions are for outdoorsy activities. The city looks gorgeous! Your tips on using public transport, including the local ferry instead of an expensive boat cruise, are super helpful. Will definitely add Halifax to our Canada itinerary!

travel show halifax 2023

November 27, 2017 at 10:25 PM

Great post. Really comprehensive. Walking along the waterfront, canoeing, going on the warship and looking at Street Art seem like activities I would enjoy. Pinning this to my Budget Travel board.

November 29, 2017 at 10:14 PM

Oh thanks! The waterfront and canoeing are certainly two of our favorites in Halifax. Also, glad to hear you’ve added this to your Pinterest travel board and sharing. 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

November 27, 2017 at 2:37 PM

thank you for this thorough guide to Halifax. There are plenty activities to enjoy for free that allow visitors to enjoy the waterfront and the culture of the city. I would love to go during a festival and enjoy some of the outdoors activities.

November 29, 2017 at 10:10 PM

Yeah, those summer festivals in Halifax are pretty nice and the amazing summer weather seems to make any outdoor pursuit there even more enjoyable! 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

November 27, 2017 at 11:39 AM

This list is epic and I am so impressed that you wrote this with so much detailing. It’s interesting that sometimes even presumably expensive cities can be done on a budget 🙂

The most fascinating bit was the final resting place of the most Titanic victims…I had no idea such a place even existed. And a visit there is free…

November 29, 2017 at 10:09 PM

Yes, we had feared Halifax may not be in our budget so we were really pleasantly surprised to discover reasonable accommodation, cheap restaurants, and so many free things to do in Halifax! Am hoping the detail we’ve included in this Halifax travel guide will help others to experience all that this city has to offer.

travel show halifax 2023

November 27, 2017 at 11:12 AM

I loved the way you actually listed down all the things with their approximate costs! Superb! Halifax certainly looks a very pretty place with lots to see! The boats along the waterfront makes for such a pretty sight and I am sure I’d love a canoe ride and a visit to the farmer’s market! I love markets and the delicious sights and smells on display! The colours of houses along the fisherman’s bay look amazing! Big Big fan of street art so glad you covered that too. What a lovely coverage you have here! 🙂 Bookmarking this!

November 29, 2017 at 10:07 PM

Oh thanks! Yes, there’s certainly a lot to see and do here. The waterfront, markets, canoeing, and the street art were also among our favorite things to do in Halifax! 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

November 26, 2017 at 5:28 AM

Love the way you have presented the cost in a table. It would be really helpful while planning a trip to Halifax. The Road train looks so cute, and its amazing that is free or voluntary donation based.

November 26, 2017 at 6:44 PM

Oh, good. Yeah, we wanted to show at a quick glance just how budget-friendly Halifax can be, so hope that cost table help to display that. We kept seeing that road train all over the Halifax waterfront – it’s actually quite popular, sometimes with lines forming to ride on it. But oddly enough, we never hopped on during the entire month we were in there because we always enjoyed walking around the waterfront so much!

travel show halifax 2023

November 26, 2017 at 3:22 AM

it is nice to know that there are so many sites to see for FREE! Amazing on all as it definitely a whole lot of experience 🙂

November 26, 2017 at 6:41 PM

Yes, we were amazed to find so many free sites and activities throughout Halifax. The city truly has so much to offer without having to spend a dime. Free canoeing, skating, museums, plays – it’s really pretty incredible!

travel show halifax 2023

November 26, 2017 at 3:15 AM

What a great guide to Halifax. I’ve been dying to visit Nova Scotia, so this is so helpful. Maxwell’s Plum sounds like really and truly has some incredible specials. I know that would absolutely help our budget while traveling! I’d definitely have a pint or two at Garrisons Brewery

November 26, 2017 at 6:39 PM

We loved visiting Nova Scotia, so hope you make it there! Halifax made for a great central base to experience many of the sites around the province. And, yes – you really can’t beat the $3 steak dinner at Maxwell’s Plum! And it’s actually a pretty decent steak too. 🙂

travel show halifax 2023

November 12, 2017 at 11:48 AM

Thanks for the shout out! I started the Specials Guide around 5 years ago and update it every 6 months or so. I started it so that I could keep track of cheap places to eat and drink, and then figured people would be interested too! I’m living in Tanzania currently, but still managed to update it a couple of months ago. Great post!

November 13, 2017 at 11:11 PM

Thank YOU for taking the time to put that together and update it. It’s a great resource that helped lead us to some deals all around town. I’d imagine many people find it really helpful! I know we did. Wow, enjoy Tanzania – special place!

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Halifax’s Largest Boating Event sails into the city this February

November 29, 2022

The much anticipated Halifax International Boat Show is set to return to the Halifax Exhibition Centre, February 2-5, 2023 after a brief pause.

The last edition of the Halifax International Boat Show was in 2020 and this 2023 edition will showcase the latest models from leading dealers.

Tickets for the event are now available and can be purchased online or at the door during the event. Regular adult admission is $12.00, Students & Seniors are $10.00, a Family pass is $30.00, and children under 12 are free of charge.

More information about the show, including show features, will continue to be announced leading up to the event. To stay informed, visit  or follow the event on Facebook and Instagram .

Thursday, February 2 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Friday, February 3 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Saturday, February 4 from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Sunday, February 5 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm

Halifax Exhibition Centre

200 Prospect Road

Halifax, NS

$12.00 Regular, Adult Admission

$10.00 Student and Senior

$30.00 Family Pass (2 adults + 2 juniors)

FREE admission for 12 and under

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Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023

An ever-updated list of concerts, comedy shows, live performance, theatre and more..

By Team Coast

travel show halifax 2023

T his year is over now, but we're always keen to hear about any shows happening locally at any point in the future, so always let us know by emailing details to [email protected] .


Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023

Gerry Dee , April 5, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $49.50 - $85.50 [Comedy]

Chris De Burgh , April 6, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $82-$152 [Music]

The Aquakultre Project , April 6-8, The Bus Stop Theatre, tickets pay what you can [Theatre]

Hyprov w/Colin Mochrie and Asad Mecci , April 6, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $54.50 [Comedy]

Kranium , April 8, The Light House Arts Centre, tickets $65 and up [Music]

Symphony Nova Scotia: Tribute to Billy Joel & Elton John , April 14-16, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, sold out [Music]

Let’s Run Away , April 12-16, April 18-23, The Bus Stop Theatre, tickets $20-$100 [Theatre]

July Talk w/Nyssa , April 14, The Light House Arts Centre, sold out [Music]

Tim Baker & All Hands w/Georgia Harmer , April 15, Light House Arts Centre, sold out [Music]

Classic Albums Live: Let It Be , April 16, The Light House Arts Centre, tickets $49.57 [Music]

Kevin Hart , April 16, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $90.25-$1105.50 [Comedy]

Symphony Nova Scotia: Spectacular Sibelius , April 20, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $19-$75 [Music]

Quake Matthews EP release show , April 21, The Marquee, tickets $20/$30 [Music]

Adam Baldwin w/Old Man Luedecke , April 26-27, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets (for April 26 only; April 27 sold out) $31.50 [Music]

Radia & The Gryphon Trio , April 27, The Marquee, tickets $22.50 [Music]

Stars on Ice , April 28, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $23-$162 [Performance]

Symphony Nova Scotia: Best of Broadway , April 29-30, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $35-$85 [Music]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (2)

Matt Andersen & The Big Bottle of Joy w/The Hello Darlins , May 3-6, The Light House Arts Centre, tickets (for May 3 only; all other dates sold out) $59.83 [Music]

Ballet Jörgen: Cinderella , May 3-4, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $54-$79 [Performance]

2023 East Coast Music Awards , May 4, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $66.75 [Music]

Symphony Nova Scotia: Handel’s Water Music , May 6-7, St. Andrew’s United Church, tickets $55-$75 [Music]

This Is Elton: A Tribute Concert , May 10, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $45

The Stanfields , May 12, The Carleton, sold out [Music]

TUNS w/Absolute Losers , May 13, The Marquee, tickets $29.07 [Music]

Megadeth , May 15, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $59-$104 [Music]

Jill Barber , May 16-18, The Carleton, sold out [Music]

P’tit Belliveau , May 18, The Marquee, tickets $25/$30 [Music]

Daniel Romano’s Outfit w/Julianna Riolino , May 19, The Marquee, tickets $29.07 [Music]

Magic Men Australia , May 23, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $69.50-$127.00 [Performance]

Skydiggers , May 23-24, The Carleton, sold out [Music]

The Rural Alberta Advantage w/Zoon , May 25, The Light House Arts Centre, tickets $36.76 [Music]

Great Lake Swimmers , May 26, St. Matthew’s Church, tickets $34.20 [Music]

The Wildflowers: Tom Petty Tribute , May 26, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $56.25-$65.50 [Music]

Alert The Medic w/The Motorleague, Rebel Prospects, All Honesty , May 27, The Marquee, tickets $20/$30 [Music]

Jane Goodall , May 27, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $69.50-$245 [Speaker]

The Musical Box performs Genesis , May 31, The Light House Arts Centre, tickets $70.58 [Music]

Jimmy Carr , May 31, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $56.50 and $66.50 [Comedy]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (3)

Fleetwood Mac tribute night , June 3, The Marquee, tickets  $20 in advance, $25 on show day [Music]

Lennie Gallant , June 8-9, The Carleton, tickets  $46 [Music]

Wildfire Recovery Concert w/Matt Mays, Neon Dreams, Jenn Grant, Classified, Joel Plaskett Emergency and more , June 9, Scotiabank Centre, tickets  $20-$200 [Music]

Shania Twain , June 12, Scotiabank Centre, sold out  [Music]

Three Sheet , June 15-16, The Carleton, tickets  $23 [Music]

Alfie Zappacosta , June 21-22, The Carleton, tickets  $40.25 [Music]

Jay Gatto’s Night of Comedy , June 22, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets  $39.75-$280.75 [Comedy]

ABBA Cadabra: A tribute to the music and magic of ABBA , June 24, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets  $69 [Music]

Rumours: The Ultimate Fleetwood Mac Tribute , June 25, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets  $56.25-$65.50 [Music]

The Queers w/Teenage Bottlerocket , June 28, The Seahorse Tavern, tickets  $30 in advance, $40 on show day [Music]

2023 Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo , June 30-July 3, Scotiabank Centre, tickets  $31-$159 [Performance]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (4)

2023 Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo , June 30-July 3, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $31-$159 [Performance]

Walrus w/Aquasocks, Creep & The Pervs, Century Samuel , July 8, The Seahorse, tickets $20 in advance, $25 on show day [Music]

Feist , July 11, Halifax Jazz Fest Main Stage, tickets $54.79 [Music]

Shaggy , July 12, Halifax Jazz Fest Main Stage, tickets $74.72 in advance and $80.04 at the door [Music]

Sudan Archives w/BADBADNOTGOOD , July 14, Halifax Jazz Fest Main Stage, tickets $47.59 in advance and $ 52.91 at the door [Music]

Digable Planets , July 15, Halifax Jazz Fest Main Stage, tickets $33.49 in advance and $38.82 at the door [Music]

Fleet Foxes , July 16, Halifax Jazz Fest Main Stage, tickets $81.82 [Music]

Broadway in Halifax: Book Of Mormon , July 18-23, Scotiabank Centre, tickets from $130 [Theatre]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (8)

Jerry Seinfeld , August 11, Garrison Grounds, sold out  [Comedy] Anthony Jeselnik , August 12, Garrison Grounds, tickets $49 and up  [Comedy] The Barr Brothers , August 12, Light House Arts Centre, tickets  $39.31 [Music]

Bill Burr , August 13, Garrison Grounds, sold out  [Comedy] Rich Aucoin , August 18, The Shore Club, tickets  $26.30 [Music]

Heather Rankin , August 22-27, The Neptune Theatre, tickets  $33 and up [Music]

Matt Mays w/Villages , August 23-27, The Shore Club, tickets  $54.70 in advance and $59.83 the day of the show [Music]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (6)

Yukon Blonde, October 4, Marquee Ballroom, tickets $27.12 [Music] Leanne Hoffman w/ Aquakultre, October 5, Marquee Ballroom, tickets $22.63 [Music] Dave Merheje, October 7, The Sanctuary, tickets $34.50 [Comedy] The Doobie Brothers , October 13, Scotiabank Centre, tickets $85.50-$161 [Music] Donovan Woods with Kellie Loder , October 13, Light House Arts Centre, tickets sold out [Music]

Michelle Obama , October 18, Scotiabank Centre, tickets TBA  [Event]

UPDATED: Here's where to get tickets for Michelle Obama in Halifax

UPDATED: Here's where to get tickets for Michelle Obama in Halifax : Limited tickets are available for the former FLOTUS's speech, according to the Scotiabank Centre.

The Beaches , October 20-21, Light House Arts Centre, tickets $44.45-$49.57 [Music] Bruce Cockburn , October 21, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $59.50 [Music] Enrico Pace and Sung-Won Yan , October 28, The Stage at St. Andrew’s, tickets $12.50-$37.50 [Music]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (5)

The East Pointers w/ Fortunate Ones , November 2, Light House Arts Centre, tickets $44.45 [Music] Kardinal Offishall w/ Haviah Mighty and Jah’Mila , November 9, Marquee Ballroom, free show [Music] Dan Mangan , November 12, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $41.50 in advance, $46.50 day of show [Music]

Broadway in Halifax: Come From Away , November 14-19, Scotiabank Centre, tickets from $130 [Theatre]

Danny Michel and Steve Poltz , November 17, Light House Arts Centre, tickets $39.31 - $59.83 [Music] North of America , November 17-18, Woodside Tavern, tickets TBA, presale code: fontcrimes [Music]

Jeremy Dutcher , November 22, St. Matthew’s United Church, tickets $44.45 in advance, $49.56 day of show [Music]

Good Lovelies , November 23, Light House Arts Centre, tickets $44.45 in advance, $49.57 on day of show [Music] Sam Roberts Band & The Trews , November 25, Scotiabank Centre, tickets on sale Aug. 25 [Music]

Jesse Cook , November 29, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $51 in advance, $56 day of show [Music]

Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023 (7)

Charlotte Cardin , December 8-9, Light House Arts Centre, tickets $54.70 in advance, $59.83 on day of show [Music] Tim Baker , December 14-15, The Stage at St. Andrew’s, sold out [Music]

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Should Be Cruising

Travel & Adventure Show 2023: A Must for Cruise and Travel Fans

By: Author Carrie Ann Karstunen

Posted on Published: March 10, 2022  - Last updated: September 16, 2022

Travel & Adventure Show 2023: A Must for Cruise and Travel Fans

The Travel & Adventure Show is coming to nine US cities in 2023. Find out why this fun two-day travel exhibition is a must for anyone who loves traveling.

Last spring, I enjoyed visiting the Travel & Adventure Show in Boston , and as a travel fanatic it was the perfect way to spend a weekend, even though I wasn’t far from home!

But don’t worry that you missed the boat with the last exhibition. The Travel & Adventure Show is once again visiting nine US cities in the spring of 2023.

At this two-day gathering, travel fans can meet with dozens of friendly people from around the world who represent travel brands, and there’s always a variety of exhibitors. You’ll see booths for cruise lines, independent tour operators, tourism boards, luxury resorts, airlines—there’s something for every kind of traveler.

What is the Travel & Adventure Show?

For seventeen years the Travel & Adventure Show has hosted annual travel exhibitions in major US cities. They’ve done over a hundred of these events so far, with a total of over 2.1 million visitors!

Each show offers over 100 travel-focused exhibitor booths, featuring both domestic and international destinations.

travel show halifax 2023

Stroll through the exhibition halls and pick up literature from travel companies you’re interested in, snag some free logo goodies, and enter drawings to win prizes.

travel show halifax 2023

Plus, you can sit in on any of their dozens of free live seminars and travel talks, held on three stages throughout the event.

Where is the Travel & Adventure Show stopping in 2023?

  • Chicago: January 14-15, 2023 – Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
  • Boston : January 21-22, 2023 – Hynes Convention Center
  • New York : January 28-29, 2023 – Javits Center
  • Washington D.C.  February 4-5, 2023 – Washington Convention Center
  • Los Angeles  February 18-19, 2023 – Los Angeles Convention Center
  • Denver  February 25-26, 2023 – Colorado Convention Center
  • S.F. Bay Area  March 4-5, 2023 – Santa Clara Convention Center
  • Atlanta  March 25-26, 2023 – Cobb Galleria Centre
  • Dallas  April 1-2, 2023 – Dallas Market Hall

Why this exhibition is a mecca for cruisers

Cruisers will love the Travel & Adventure Show for the opportunity to “talk cruising” with reps from your favorite companies, especially to find out all about their newest ships and itineraries!

travel show halifax 2023

You might even find some cruise lines you haven’t yet considered yet—it’s not just the major mass-market lines at this show!

Reps from expedition cruise operators, luxury cruise lines, and even small regional cruise outfits are on hand at this show to answer all your questions, even if you’re just dreaming about taking a cruise!

Cruise lines represented at the 2022 Boston show:

  • AMA Waterways
  • Atlas Ocean Voyages
  • Celestyal Cruises
  • CroisiEurope Cruises
  • Holland America Line
  • Hurtigruten
  • Katarina Line
  • Norwegian Cruise Line
  • Poseidon Expeditions
  • Princess Cruises
  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Viking Cruises
  • Windstar Cruises

travel show halifax 2023

Take a moment and check out each of the cruise travel booths—you’re sure to find inspiration for your next cruise adventure (and you might walk away with some free swag, too!)

Speakers at the Travel & Adventure Show

One of my favorite parts of the show was attending the inspirational travel seminars. For my 2022 visit, there were over thirty of them on three stages, so be sure to plan out which ones you want to see! And yes, all the seminars are included in the price of your ticket.

My last Boston show had several featured speakers, including Andrew McCarthy (yes, the Pretty in Pink and St. Elmo’s Fire actor!), beloved travel show host Samantha Brown , and Pauline Frommer —the author, TV host, and Editorial Director of Frommer’s Guidebooks.

travel show halifax 2023

On the main stage, known as the Travel Theater, the featured speakers entertained and inspired us with stories of their travels throughout the world.

At the end of each seminar there’s a brief Q&A session, followed by a meet and greet so you can interact (and maybe snap a photo) with the speakers.

Pro tip: If you want to meet one of your fave speakers without standing in a long line, get up during the Q&A session at the very end of the seminar and head over to the Meet & Greet stand. You’ll still be able to hear the end of the session, but you’ll be at the front of the line!

Featured speakers vary by city, and (of course) the list of speakers is subject to change. Check out my chart below with all of last year’s featured speakers for each city.

When the 2023 Travel & Adventure Show speakers are finalized, I’ll update this post. So bookmark it if you’re thinking about attending!

Featured speakers at the 2022 Travel & Adventure Shows

In addition to the Travel Theater , the exhibition also features two other stages hosting interesting travel talks on various topics:

Destination Theater:  A variety of destination experts will inspire you to travel, sharing in-depth information about how to experience their favorite places like a local.

Savvy Traveler Theater:  Here you’ll find travel pros sharing their best travel tips—like how to pack for your vacation, budget travel hacks, and how to stay safe when you travel.

travel show halifax 2023

Buying tickets for the Travel & Adventure Show

Although it seems like the price of just about everything has skyrocketed over the past year, I’m thrilled to report that Travel & Adventure Show tickets cost the same as last year!

Tickets are still $16 for one day and $24 for both days (online or at the door). Kids age 16 and under get in free with an adult.

To purchase tickets online, visit the Travel & Adventure Show website and click on “buy tickets” for your preferred city.

Travel & Adventure Show FAQ

What cities will the Travel & Adventure Show visit in 2023?

The Travel & Adventure Show will visit nine US cities in 2023: Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Denver, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Dallas.

How much are tickets for the 2023 Travel & Adventure Show?

Tickets for the Travel & Adventure Show are $16 for one day and $24 for both days. Children 16 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.

I’d like to thank the Travel & Adventure Show for providing Should Be Cruising with two passes to the 2022 Boston show. I wasn’t provided any additional compensation, and as always my opinions are entirely my own.

Have you been to the Travel & Adventure Show? Or are you planning on going in 2023? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

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John Buzzelli

Thursday 25th of May 2023

My wife and I attended your presentation in Rocky Mount, NC on April 3rd because we were told we would receive a voucher for a cruise just by attending. Also the first 50 attendees would receive a $100 dinner voucher. We responded to the mail immediately upon receiving it, we went to the presentation, and received nothing so far. This is smelling like a scam.

Saturday 27th of May 2023

Hi John, I'm an independent travel blogger who attended the Travel & Adventure show in Boston as a member of the media. I have no affiliation with the company. The real Travel & Adventure Show takes place annually in large cities across the US. As far as I know it's never been held in the small city of Rocky Mount, NC. You may have been scammed/lied to by another company with a similar name.

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Halifax International Boat Show

  • Date Time & Location

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  • About The Show
  • Exhibit Package & Pricing
  • Exhibitor List
  • Accommodations

February 6-9, 2025


Dreaming of life on the water? The Halifax International Boat Show is here to make those dreams a reality.



Experience the ultimate showcase of top maritime brands at the highly acclaimed Halifax International Boat Show. This premier event offers a vast array of boats in various sizes and shapes, accompanied by exhibits featuring marine equipment, engines (diesel, gas, outboard, and inboard), marine electronics, accessories, as well as docks and dock builders. Don't miss this comprehensive display of the best marine offerings from across the Maritimes!

Boating Atlantic is the official voice of the recreational boating industry in Canada’s Maritime provinces. Boating Atlantic is a not-for-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and funded by its ownership of the Halifax International Boat Show and by member dues, the organization works with its stakeholders to grow and enhance boating in the Atlantic Region of Canada and support its members in their endeavors. Members include manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, dealers and brokers of yachts, boats, engines, and accessories as well as marina operators, recreational marine service providers and other boating-related organizations.

Boating Atlantic primary cmyk


Experience the ultimate showcase of premier maritime brands at The Halifax International Boat Show. Discover an extensive selection of boats in diverse shapes and sizes, complemented by captivating exhibits featuring marine equipment, engines (diesel, gas, outboard, and inboard), marine electronics, accessories, as well as docks and dock builders.   


With a long-standing track record of success, The Halifax International Boat Show has become the go-to event that buyers rely on and trust. Capitalize on this ideal platform to showcase your brand to a wide range of potential clients and unveil new product lines with utmost impact.  


Thursday, February 6 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Friday, February 7 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Saturday, February 8 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sunday, February 9 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

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Halifax Exhibition Centre

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Scott Sprague

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Breagha MacDonald

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    The much anticipated Halifax International Boat Show is set to return to the Halifax Exhibition Centre, February 2-5, 2023 after a brief pause. The last edition of the Halifax International Boat Show was in 2020 and this 2023 edition will showcase the latest models from leading dealers.

  18. Every big show happening in Halifax (and beyond) in August 2023

    India Fest 2023. Aug. 11-13, Halifax Forum, details via Facebook [Festival] Northern Lights Lantern Festival. Aug. 12, Halifax north end [Festival] The Barr Brothers The Juno-nominated Montreal indie folk quartet have performed at Red Rocks with My Morning Jacket and appeared twice on the Late Show with David Letterman.

  19. Every big show coming to Halifax in 2023

    click to enlarge. Alice Xue Photography. Jane Goodall spoke in Halifax May 27. Matt Andersen & The Big Bottle of Joy w/The Hello Darlins, May 3-6, The Light House Arts Centre, tickets (for May 3 only; all other dates sold out) $59.83 [Music] Ballet Jörgen: Cinderella, May 3-4, Rebecca Cohn Auditorium, tickets $54-$79 [Performance] 2023 East ...

  20. Travel & Adventure Show 2023: A Must for Cruise and Travel Fans

    The Travel & Adventure Show is once again visiting nine US cities in the spring of 2023. At this two-day gathering, travel fans can meet with dozens of friendly people from around the world who represent travel brands, and there's always a variety of exhibitors. You'll see booths for cruise lines, independent tour operators, tourism boards ...

  21. Halifax International Boat Show

    Experience the ultimate showcase of top maritime brands at the highly acclaimed Halifax International Boat Show. This premier event offers a vast array of boats in various sizes and shapes, accompanied by exhibits featuring marine equipment, engines (diesel, gas, outboard, and inboard), marine electronics, accessories, as well as docks and dock ...

  22. 144 S Halifax Ave APT 86, Daytona Beach, FL 32118

    Zillow has 25 photos of this $225,000 2 beds, 2 baths, 1,045 Square Feet condo home located at 144 S Halifax Ave APT 86, Daytona Beach, FL 32118 built in 1981. MLS #1201559.

  23. Halifax Tourism 2023: An overview, an update, and an inclusive model

    2023-06-27 - BY PAM SULLIVAN Continuing pent-up demand or POST-COVID travel "fever" might just be the catch phrase of the year where Halifax tourism is concerned. Using hotel rooms sold as a proxy or indicator of where things currently stand, says Discover Halifax President and CEO, Ross Jefferson, is giving early signs of a strong summer ...