Sustainable tourism

Related sdgs, promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable ....

support tourism development



Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and an important source of foreign exchange and employment, while being closely linked to the social, economic, and environmental well-being of many countries, especially developing countries. Maritime or ocean-related tourism, as well as coastal tourism, are for example vital sectors of the economy in small island developing States (SIDS) and coastal least developed countries (LDCs) (see also: The Potential of the Blue Economy report as well as the Community of Ocean Action on sustainable blue economy).

The World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities".

Based on General assembly resolution 70/193, 2017 was declared as the  International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

In the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development SDG target 8.9, aims to “by 2030, devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”. The importance of sustainable tourism is also highlighted in SDG target 12.b. which aims to “develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”.

Tourism is also identified as one of the tools to “by 2030, increase the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries” as comprised in SDG target 14.7.

In the Rio+20 outcome document The Future We want, sustainable tourism is defined by paragraph 130 as a significant contributor “to the three dimensions of sustainable development” thanks to its close linkages to other sectors and its ability to create decent jobs and generate trade opportunities. Therefore, Member States recognize “the need to support sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity-building that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment, respect wildlife, flora, biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural diversity, and improve the welfare and livelihoods of local communities by supporting their local economies and the human and natural environment as a whole. ” In paragraph 130, Member States also “call for enhanced support for sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity-building in developing countries in order to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development”.

In paragraph 131, Member States “encourage the promotion of investment in sustainable tourism, including eco-tourism and cultural tourism, which may include creating small- and medium-sized enterprises and facilitating access to finance, including through microcredit initiatives for the poor, indigenous peoples and local communities in areas with high eco-tourism potential”. In this regard, Member States also “underline the importance of establishing, where necessary, appropriate guidelines and regulations in accordance with national priorities and legislation for promoting and supporting sustainable tourism”.

In 2002, the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg called for the promotion of sustainable tourism development, including non-consumptive and eco-tourism, in Chapter IV, paragraph 43 of the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation.

At the Johannesburg Summit, the launch of the “Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP) initiative was announced. The initiative was inaugurated by the World Tourism Organization, in collaboration with UNCTAD, in order to develop sustainable tourism as a force for poverty alleviation.

The UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) last reviewed the issue of sustainable tourism in 2001, when it was acting as the Preparatory Committee for the Johannesburg Summit.

The importance of sustainable tourism was also mentioned in Agenda 21.

For more information and documents on this topic,  please visit this link

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  • January 2017 International Year of Tourism In the context of the universal 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the International Year aims to support a change in policies, business practices and consumer behavior towards a more sustainable tourism sector that can contribute to the SDGs.
  • January 2015 Targets 8.9, 12 b,14.7 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development commits Member States, through Sustainable Development Goal Target 8.9 to “devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products”. The importance of sustainable tourism, as a driver for jobs creation and the promotion of local culture and products, is also highlighted in Sustainable Development Goal target 12.b. Tourism is also identified as one of the tools to “increase [by 2030] the economic benefits to Small Island developing States and least developed countries”, through Sustainable Development Goals Target 14.7.
  • January 2012 Future We Want (Para 130-131) Sustainable tourism is defined as a significant contributor “to the three dimensions of sustainable development” thanks to its close linkages to other sectors and its ability to create decent jobs and generate trade opportunities. Therefore, Member States recognize “the need to support sustainable tourism activities and relevant capacity-building that promote environmental awareness, conserve and protect the environment, respect wildlife, flora, biodiversity, ecosystems and cultural diversity, and improve the welfare and livelihoods of local communities” as well as to “encourage the promotion of investment in sustainable tourism, including eco-tourism and cultural tourism, which may include creating small and medium sized enterprises and facilitating access to finance, including through microcredit initiatives for the poor, indigenous peoples and local communities in areas with high eco-tourism potential”.
  • January 2009 Roadmap for Recovery UNWTO announced in March 2009 the elaboration of a Roadmap for Recovery to be finalized by UNWTO’s General Assembly, based on seven action points. The Roadmap includes a set of 15 recommendations based on three interlocking action areas: resilience, stimulus, green economy aimed at supporting the tourism sector and the global economy.
  • January 2008 Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria represent the minimum requirements any tourism business should observe in order to ensure preservation and respect of the natural and cultural resources and make sure at the same time that tourism potential as tool for poverty alleviation is enforced. The Criteria are 41 and distributed into four different categories: 1) sustainability management, 2) social and economic 3) cultural 4) environmental.
  • January 2003 WTO becomes a UN specialized body By Resolution 453 (XV), the Assembly agreed on the transformation of the WTO into a United Nations specialized body. Such transformation was later ratified by the United Nations General Assembly with the adoption of Resolution A/RES/58/232.
  • January 2003 1st Int. Conf. on Climate Change and Tourism The conference was organized in order to gather tourism authorities, organizations, businesses and scientists to discuss on the impact that climate change can have on the tourist sector. The event took place from 9 till 11 April 2003 in Djerba, Tunisia.
  • January 2002 World Ecotourism Summit Held in May 2002, in Quebec City, Canada, the Summit represented the most important event in the framework of the International Year of Ecosystem. The Summit identified as main themes: ecotourism policy and planning, regulation of ecotourism, product development, marketing and promotion of ecotourism and monitoring costs and benefits of ecotourism.
  • January 1985 Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code At the World Tourism Organization Sixth Assembly held in Sofia in 1985, the Tourism Bill of Rights and Tourist Code were adopted, setting out the rights and duties of tourists and host populations and formulating policies and action for implementation by states and the tourist industry.
  • January 1982 Acapulco Document Adopted in 1982, the Acapulco Document acknowledges the new dimension and role of tourism as a positive instrument towards the improvement of the quality of life for all peoples, as well as a significant force for peace and international understanding. The Acapulco Document also urges Member States to elaborate their policies, plans and programmes on tourism, in accordance with their national priorities and within the framework of the programme of work of the World Tourism Organization.

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20 Reasons You Should Integrate Tourism into Your Development Agenda

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  • Published: 31 March 2023

The benefits of tourism for rural community development

  • Yung-Lun Liu 1 ,
  • Jui-Te Chiang 2 &
  • Pen-Fa Ko 2  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  10 , Article number:  137 ( 2023 ) Cite this article

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  • Business and management
  • Development studies

While the main benefits of rural tourism have been studied extensively, most of these studies have focused on the development of sustainable rural tourism. The role of tourism contributions to rural community development remains unexplored. Little is known about what tourism contribution dimensions are available for policy-makers and how these dimensions affect rural tourism contributions. Without a clear picture and indication of what benefits rural tourism can provide for rural communities, policy-makers might not invest limited resources in such projects. The objectives of this study are threefold. First, we outline a rural tourism contribution model that policy-makers can use to support tourism-based rural community development. Second, we address several methodological limitations that undermine current sustainability model development and recommend feasible methodological solutions. Third, we propose a six-step theoretical procedure as a guideline for constructing a valid contribution model. We find four primary attributes of rural tourism contributions to rural community development; economic, sociocultural, environmental, and leisure and educational, and 32 subattributes. Ultimately, we confirm that economic benefits are the most significant contribution. Our findings have several practical and methodological implications and could be used as policy-making guidelines for rural community development.

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In many countries, rural areas are less developed than urban areas. They are often perceived as having many problems, such as low productivity, low education, and low income. Other issues include population shifts from rural to urban areas, low economic growth, declining employment opportunities, the loss of farms, impacts on historical and cultural heritage, sharp demographic changes, and low quality of life. These issues indicate that maintaining agricultural activities without change might create deeper social problems in rural regions. Li et al. ( 2019 ) analyzed why some rural areas decline while others do not. They emphasized that it is necessary to improve rural communities’ resilience by developing new tourism activities in response to potential urban demands. In addition, to overcome the inevitability of rural decline, Markey et al. ( 2008 ) pointed out that reversing rural recession requires investment orientation and policy support reform, for example, regarding tourism. Therefore, adopting rural tourism as an alternative development approach has become a preferred strategy in efforts to balance economic, social, cultural, and environmental regeneration.

Why should rural regions devote themselves to tourism-based development? What benefits can rural tourism bring to a rural community, particularly during and after the COVID pandemic? Without a clear picture and answers to these questions, policy-makers might not invest limited resources in such projects. Understanding the contributions of rural tourism to rural community development is critical for helping government and community planners realize whether rural tourism development is beneficial. Policy-makers are aware that reducing rural vulnerability and enhancing rural resilience is a necessary but challenging task; therefore, it is important to consider the equilibrium between rural development and potential negative impacts. For example, economic growth may improve the quality of life and enhance the well-being index. However, it may worsen income inequality, increase the demand for green landscapes, and intensify environmental pollution, and these changes may impede natural preservation in rural regions and make local residents’ lives more stressful. This might lead policy-makers to question whether they should support tourism-based rural development. Thus, the provision of specific information on the contributions of rural tourism is crucial for policy-makers.

Recently, most research has focused on rural sustainable tourism development (Asmelash and Kumar, 2019 ; Polukhina et al., 2021 ), and few studies have considered the contributions of rural tourism. Sustainability refers to the ability of a destination to maintain production over time in the face of long-term constraints and pressures (Altieri et al., 2018 ). In this study, we focus on rural tourism contributions, meaning what rural tourism contributes or does to help produce something or make it better or more successful. More specifically, we focus on rural tourism’s contributions, not its sustainability, as these goals and directions differ. Today, rural tourism has responded to the new demand trends of short-term tourists, directly providing visitors with unique services and opportunities to contact other business channels. The impact on the countryside is multifaceted, but many potential factors have not been explored (Arroyo et al., 2013 ; Tew and Barbieri, 2012 ). For example, the demand for remote nature-based destinations has increased due to the fear of COVID-19 infection, the perceived risk of crowding, and a desire for low tourist density. Juschten and Hössinger ( 2020 ) showed that the impact of COVID-19 led to a surge in demand for natural parks, forests, and rural areas. Vaishar and Šťastná ( 2022 ) demonstrated that the countryside is gaining more domestic tourists due to natural, gastronomic, and local attractions. Thus, they contended that the COVID-19 pandemic created rural tourism opportunities.

Following this change in tourism demand, rural regions are no longer associated merely with agricultural commodity production. Instead, they are seen as fruitful locations for stimulating new socioeconomic activities and mitigating public mental health issues (Kabadayi et al., 2020 ). Despite such new opportunities in rural areas, there is still a lack of research that provides policy-makers with information about tourism development in rural communities (Petrovi’c et al., 2018 ; Vaishar and Šťastná, 2022 ). Although there are many novel benefits that tourism can bring to rural communities, these have not been considered in the rural community development literature. For example, Ram et al. ( 2022 ) showed that the presence of people with mental health issues, such as nonclinical depression, is negatively correlated with domestic tourism, such as rural tourism. Yang et al. ( 2021 ) found that the contribution of rural tourism to employment is significant; they indicated that the proportion of nonagricultural jobs had increased by 99.57%, and tourism in rural communities had become the leading industry at their research site in China, with a value ten times higher than that of agricultural output. Therefore, rural tourism is vital in counteracting public mental health issues and can potentially advance regional resilience, identity, and well-being (López-Sanz et al., 2021 ).

Since the government plays a critical role in rural tourism development, providing valuable insights, perspectives, and recommendations to policy-makers to foster sustainable policies and practices in rural destinations is essential (Liu et al., 2020 ). Despite the variables developed over time to address particular aspects of rural tourism development, there is still a lack of specific variables and an overall measurement framework for understanding the contributions of rural tourism. Therefore, more evidence is needed to understand how rural tourism influences rural communities from various structural perspectives and to prompt policy-makers to accept rural tourism as an effective development policy or strategy for rural community development. In this paper, we aim to fill this gap.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the section “Literature review” presents the literature review. Our methodology is described in the section “Methodology”, and our results are presented in the section “Results”. Our discussion in the section “Discussion/implications” places our findings in perspective by describing their theoretical and practical implications, and we provide concluding remarks in the section “Conclusion”.

Literature review

The role of rural tourism.

The UNWTO ( 2021 ) defined rural tourism as a type of tourism in which a visitor’s experience is related to a wide range of products generally linked to nature-based activity, agriculture, rural lifestyle/culture, angling, and sightseeing. Rural tourism has been used as a valid developmental strategy in rural areas in many developed and developing countries. This developmental strategy aims to enable a rural community to grow while preserving its traditional culture (Kaptan et al., 2020 ). In rural areas, ongoing encounters and interactions between humans and nature occur, as well as mutual transformations. These phenomena take place across a wide range of practices that are spatially and temporally bound, including agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, farm tourism, cultural heritage preservation, and country life (Hegarty and Przezbórska, 2005 ). To date, rural tourism in many places has become an important new element of the regional rural economy; it is increasing in importance as both a strategic sector and a way to boost the development of rural regions (Polukhina et al., 2021 ). Urban visitors’ demand for short-term leisure activities has increased because of the COVID-19 pandemic (Slater, 2020 ). Furthermore, as tourists shifted their preferences from exotic to local rural tourism amid COVID-19, Marques et al. ( 2022 ) suggested that this trend is a new opportunity that should be seized, as rural development no longer relies on agriculture alone. Instead, other practices, such as rural tourism, have become opportunities for rural areas. Ironically, urbanization has both caused severe problems in rural areas and stimulated rural tourism development as an alternative means of economic revitalization (Lewis and Delisle, 2004 ). Rural tourism provides many unique events and activities that people who live in urban areas are interested in, such as agricultural festivals, crafts, historical buildings, natural preservation, nostalgia, cuisine, and opportunities for family togetherness and relaxation (Christou, 2020 ; Getz, 2008 ). As rural tourism provides visitors from urban areas with various kinds of psychological, educational, social, esthetic, and physical satisfaction, it has brought unprecedented numbers of tourists to rural communities, stimulated economic growth, improved the viability of these communities, and enhanced their living standards (Nicholson and Pearce, 2001 ). For example, rural tourism practitioners have obtained significant economic effects, including more income, more direct sales, better profit margins, and more opportunities to sell agricultural products or craft items (Everett and Slocum, 2013 ). Local residents can participate in the development of rural tourism, and it does not necessarily depend on external resources. Hence, it provides entrepreneurial opportunities (Lee et al., 2006 ). From an environmental perspective, rural tourism is rooted in a contemporary theoretical shift from cherishing local agricultural resources to restoring the balance between people and ecosystems. Thus, rural land is preserved, natural landscapes are maintained, and green consumerism drives farmers to focus on organic products, green chemistry, and value-added products, such as land ethics (Higham and Ritchie, 2001 ). Therefore, the potential contributions of rural tourism are significant and profound (Marques, 2006 ; Phillip et al., 2010 ). Understanding its contributions to rural community development could encourage greater policy-maker investment and resident support (Yang et al., 2010 ).

Contributions of rural tourism to rural community development

Maintaining active local communities while preventing the depopulation and degradation of rural areas requires a holistic approach and processes that support sustainability. What can rural tourism contribute to rural development? In the literature, rural tourism has been shown to bring benefits such as stimulating economic growth (Oh, 2005 ), strengthening rural and regional economies (Lankford, 1994 ), alleviating poverty (Zhao et al., 2007 ), and improving living standards in local communities (Uysal et al., 2016 ). In addition to these economic contributions, what other elements have not been identified and discussed (Su et al., 2020 )? To answer these questions, additional evidence is a prerequisite. Thus, this study examines the following four aspects. (1) The economic perspective: The clustering of activities offered by rural tourism stimulates cooperation and partnerships between local communities and serves as a vehicle for creating various economic benefits. For example, rural tourism improves employment opportunities and stability, local residents’ income, investment, entrepreneurial opportunities, agricultural production value-added, capital formation, economic resilience, business viability, and local tax revenue (Atun et al., 2019 ; Cheng and Zhang, 2020 ; Choi and Sirakaya, 2006 ; Chong and Balasingam, 2019 ; Cunha et al., 2020 ). (2) The sociocultural perspective: Rural tourism no longer refers solely to the benefits of agricultural production; through economic improvement, it represents a greater diversity of activities. It is important to take advantage of the novel social and cultural alternatives offered by rural tourism, which contribute to the countryside. For example, rural tourism can be a vehicle for introducing farmers to potential new markets through more interactions with consumers and other value chain members. Under such circumstances, the sociocultural benefits of rural tourism are multifaceted. These include improved rural area depopulation prevention (López-Sanz et al., 2021 ), cultural and heritage preservation, and enhanced social stability compared to farms that do not engage in the tourism business (Ma et al., 2021 ; Yang et al., 2021 ). Additional benefits are improved quality of life; revitalization of local crafts, customs, and cultures; restoration of historical buildings and community identities; and increased opportunities for social contact and exchange, which enhance community visibility, pride, and cultural integrity (Kelliher et al., 2018 ; López-Sanz et al., 2021 ; Ryu et al., 2020 ; Silva and Leal, 2015 ). (3) The environmental perspective: Many farms in rural areas have been rendered noncompetitive due to a shortage of labor, poor managerial skills, and a lack of financial support (Coria and Calfucura, 2012 ). Although there can be immense pressure to maintain a farm in a family and to continue using land for agriculture, these problems could cause families to sell or abandon their farms or lands (Tew and Barbieri, 2012 ). In addition, unless new income pours into rural areas, farm owners cannot preserve their land and its natural aspects; thus, they tend to allow their land to become derelict or sell it. In the improved economic conditions after farms diversify into rural tourism, rural communities have more money to provide environmental care for their natural scenic areas, pastoral resources, forests, wetlands, biodiversity, pesticide mitigation, and unique landscapes (Theodori, 2001 ; Vail and Hultkrantz, 2000 ). Ultimately, the entire image of a rural community is affected; the community is imbued with vitality, and farms that participate in rural tourism instill more togetherness among families and rural communities. In this study, the environmental benefits induced by rural tourism led to improved natural environmental conservation, biodiversity, environmental awareness, infrastructure, green chemistry, unspoiled land, and family land (Di and Laura, 2021 ; Lane, 1994 ; Ryu et al., 2020 ; Yang et al., 2021 ). (4) The leisure and educational perspective: Rural tourism is a diverse strategy associated with an ongoing flow of development models that commercialize a wide range of farming practices for residents and visitors. Rural territories often present a rich set of unique resources that, if well managed, allow multiple appealing, authentic, and memorable tourist experiences. Tourists frequently comment that the rural tourism experience positively contrasts with the stress and other negatively perceived conditions of daily urban life. This is reflected in opposing, compelling images of home and a visited rural destination (Kastenholz et al., 2012 ). In other words, tourists’ positive experiences result from the attractions and activities of rural tourism destinations that may be deemed sensorially, symbolically, or socially opposed to urban life (Kastenholz et al. 2018 ). These experiences are associated with the “search for authenticity” in the context of the tension between the nostalgic images of an idealized past and the demands of stressful modern times. Although visitors search for the psychological fulfillment of hedonic, self-actualization, challenge, accomplishment, exploration, and discovery goals, some authors have uncovered the effects of rural tourism in a different context. For example, Otto and Ritchie ( 1996 ) revealed that the quality of a rural tourism service provides a tourist experience in four dimensions—hedonic, peace of mind, involvement, and recognition. Quadri-Felitti and Fiore ( 2013 ) identified the relevant impact of education, particularly esthetics, versus memory on satisfaction in wine tourism. At present, an increasing number of people and families are seeking esthetic places for relaxation and family reunions, particularly amid COVID-19. Rural tourism possesses such functions; it remains a novel phenomenon for visitors who live in urban areas and provides leisure and educational benefits when visitors to a rural site contemplate the landscape or participate in an agricultural process for leisure purposes (WTO, 2020 ). Tourists can obtain leisure and educational benefits, including ecological knowledge, information about green consumerism, leisure and recreational opportunities, health and food security, reduced mental health issues, and nostalgia nurturing (Alford and Jones, 2020 ; Ambelu et al., 2018 ; Christou, 2020 ; Lane, 1994 ; Li et al., 2021 ). These four perspectives possess a potential synergy, and their effects could strengthen the relationship between rural families and rural areas and stimulate new regional resilience. Therefore, rural tourism should be understood as an enabler of rural community development that will eventually attract policy-makers and stakeholders to invest more money in developing or advancing it.


The literature on rural tourism provides no generally accepted method for measuring its contributions or sustainability intensity. Although many statistical methods are available, several limitations remain, particularly in terms of the item generation stage and common method bias (CMB). For example, Marzo-Navar et al. ( 2015 ) used the mean and SD values to obtain their items. However, the use of the mean has been criticized because it is susceptible to extreme values or outliers. In addition, they did not examine omitted variables and CMB. Asmelash and Kumar ( 2019 ) used the Delphi method with a mean value for deleting items. Although they asked experts to suggest the inclusion of any missed variables, they did not discuss these results. Moreover, they did not assess CMB. Islam et al. ( 2021 ) used a sixteen-step process to formulate sustainability indicators but did not consider omitted variables, a source of endogeneity bias. They also did not designate a priority for each indicator. Although a methodologically sound systematic review is commonly used, little attention has been given to reporting interexpert reliability when multiple experts are used to making decisions at various points in the screening and data extraction stages (Belur et al., 2021 ). Due to the limitations of the current methods for assessing sustainable tourism development, we aim to provide new methodological insights. Specifically, we suggest a six-stage procedure, as shown in Fig. 1 .

figure 1

Steps required in developing the model for analysis after obtaining the data.

Many sources of data collection can be used, including literature reviews, inferences about the theoretical definition of the construct, previous theoretical and empirical research on the focal construct, advice from experts in the field, interviews, and focus groups. In this study, the first step was to retrieve data from a critical literature review. The second step was the assessment of omitted variables to produce items that fully captured all essential aspects of the focal construct domain. In this case, researchers must not omit a necessary measure or fail to include all of the critical dimensions of the construct. In addition, the stimuli of CMB, for example, double-barreled items, items containing ambiguous or unfamiliar terms, and items with a complicated syntax, should be simplified and made specific and concise. That is, researchers should delete items contaminated by CMB. The third step was the examination of construct-irrelevant variance to retain the variances relevant to the construct of interest and minimize the extent to which the items tapped concepts outside the focal construct domain. Variances irrelevant to the targeted construct should be deleted. The fourth step was to examine intergroup consistency to ensure that there was no outlier impact underlying the ratings. The fifth step was to examine interexpert reliability to ensure rating conformity. Finally, we prioritized the importance of each variable with the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which is a multicriteria decision-making approach. All methods used in this study are expert-based approaches.

Selection of experts

Because this study explores the contributions of rural tourism to rural community development, it involves phenomena in the postdevelopment stage; therefore, a few characteristics are essential for determining the choice of experts. The elements used to identify the experts in this study were (1) the number of experts, (2) expertise, (3) knowledge, (4) diversity, (5) years working in this field, and 5) commitment to participation. Regarding the number of experts, Murphy-Black et al. ( 1998 ) suggested that the more participants there are, the better, as a higher number reduces the effects of expert attrition and rater bias. Taylor-Powell ( 2002 ) pointed out that the number of participants in an expert-based study depends not only on the purpose of the research but also on the diversity of the target population. Okoli and Pawlowski ( 2004 ) recommended a target number of 10–18 experts for such a purpose. Therefore, we recruited a group of 18 experts based on their stated interest in the topic and asked them to comment on our rationale concerning the rating priorities among the items. We asked them to express a degree of agreement or disagreement with each item we provided. We adopted a heterogeneous and anonymous arrangement to ensure that rater bias did not affect this study. The 18 experts had different backgrounds, which might have made it easier for them to reach a consensus objectively. We divided the eighteen experts into three subgroups: (1) at least six top managers from rural tourism businesses, all of whom had been in the rural tourism business for over 10 years; (2) at least six academics who taught subjects related to tourism at three different universities in Taiwan; and (3) at least six government officials involved in rural development issues in Taiwan.

Generating items to represent the construct

Step 1: data collection.

Data collection provides evidence for investigation and reflects the construct of interest. While there is a need to know what rural tourism contributes, previous studies have provided no evidence for policy-makers to establish a rural community strategy; thus, it is essential to use a second source to achieve this aim. We used a literature review for specific topics; the data we used were based on the findings being presented in papers on rural tourism indexed in the SSCI (Social Sciences Citation Index) and SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded). In this study, we intended to explore the role of rural tourism and its contributions to rural development. Therefore, we explored the secondary literature on the state of the questions of rural development, sustainable development, sustainability indicators, regional resilience, farm tourism, rural tourism, COVID-19, tourist preferences, and ecotourism using terms such as land ethics, ecology, biodiversity, green consumerism, environmentalism, green chemistry, community identity, community integration, community visibility, and development goals in an ad hoc review of previous studies via Google Scholar. Based on the outcomes of this first data collection step, we generated thirty-three subattributes and classified them into four domains.

Step 2: Examine the face validity of omitted variables and CMB

Face validity is defined as assessing whether a measurement scale or questionnaire includes all the necessary items (Dempsey and Dempsey, 1992 ). Based on the first step, we generated data subattributes from our literature review. However, there might have been other valuable attributes or subattributes that were not considered or excluded. Therefore, our purposes for examining face validity were twofold. First, we assessed the omitted variables, defined as the occurrence of crucial aspects or facets that were omitted (Messick, 1995 ). These comprise a threat to construct validity that, if ignored by researchers, might result in unreliable findings. In other words, face validity is used to distinguish whether the researchers have adequately captured the full dimensions of the construct of interest. If not, the evaluation instrument or model is deficient. However, the authors found that most rural tourism studies have not assessed the issue of omitted variables (An and Alarcon, 2020 ; Lin, 2022 ). Second, we mitigated the CMB effect. In a self-report survey, it is necessary to provide a questionnaire without CMB to the targeted respondents, as CMB affects respondent comprehension. Therefore, we assessed item characteristic effects, item context effects, and question response process effects. These three effects are related to the respondents’ understanding, retrieval, mood, affectivity, motivation, judgment, response selection, and response reporting (Podsakoff et al., 2003 ). Specifically, items containing flaws from these three groups in a questionnaire can seriously influence an empirical investigation and potentially result in misleading conclusions. We assessed face validity by asking all the experts to scrutinize the content items that we collected from the literature review and the questionnaire that we drafted. The experts could then add any attribute or subattribute they thought was essential that had been omitted. They could also revise the questionnaire if CMB were embedded. We added the new attributes or subattributes identified by the experts to those collected from the literature review.

Step 3: Examine interexpert consensus for construct-irrelevant variances

After examining face validity, we needed to rule out items irrelevant to the construct of interest; otherwise, the findings would be invalid. We examined the interexpert consensus to achieve this aim. The purpose was to estimate the experts’ ratings of each item. In other words, interexpert consensus assesses the extent to which experts make the same ratings (Kozlowski and Hattrup, 1992 ; Northcote et al., 2008 ). In prior studies, descriptive statistics have often been used to capture the variability among individual characteristics, responses, or contributions to the subject group (Landeta, 2006 ; Roberson et al., 2007 ). Many expert-based studies have applied descriptive statistics to determine consensus and quantify its degree (Paraskevas and Saunders, 2012 ; Stewart et al., 2016 ). Two main groups of descriptive statistics, central tendencies (mode, mean, and median) and level of dispersion (standard deviation, interquartile, and coefficient of variation), are commonly used when determining consensus (Mukherjee et al., 2015 ). Choosing the cutoff point of interexpert consensus was critical because we used it as a yardstick for item retention and its value can also be altered by a number on the Likert scale (Förster and von der Gracht, 2014 ). In the case of a 5-point Likert scale, the coefficient of variation (CV) is used to measure interexpert consensus. Hence, CV ≤ 0.3 indicated high consensus (Zinn et al., 2001 ). In addition, based on the feedback obtained from the expert panel, we used standard deviation (SD) as another measurement to assess the variation in our population. Henning and Jordaan ( 2016 ) indicate that SD ≤ 1 represents a high level of consensus, meaning that it can act as a guideline for cutoff points. In addition, following Vergani et al. ( 2022 ), we used the percentage agreement (% AGR) to examine interexpert consensus. If the responses reached ≧ 70% 4 and 5 in the case of a 5-point Likert scale, it indicated that the item had interexpert consensus; thus, we could retain it. Moreover, to avoid the impact of outliers, we used the median instead of the mean as another measurement. Items had a high consensus if their median value was ≥4.00 (Rice, 2009 ). Considering these points, we adopted % AGR, median, SD, and CV to examine interexpert consensus.

Step 4: Examine intergroup consistency

In this expert-based study, the sample size was small. Any rater bias could have caused inconsistency among the subgroups of experts; therefore, we needed to examine the effect of rater bias on intergroup consistency. When the intergroup ratings showed substantially different distributions, the aggregated data were groundless. Dajani et al. ( 1979 ) remarked that interexpert consensus is meaningless if the consistency of responses in a study is not reached, as it means that any rater bias could distort the median, SD, or CV. Most studies have used one-way ANOVA to determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected and observed frequency in three or more categories. However, this method is based on large sample size and normal distribution. In the case of expert-based studies, the expert sample size is small, and the assessment distribution tends to be skewed. Thus, we used the nonparametric test instead of one-way ANOVA for consistency measurement (Potvin and Roff, 1993 ). We used the Kruskal‒Wallis test (K–W) to test the intergroup consistency among the three subgroups of experts. The purpose of the K–W test is to determine whether there are significant differences among three or more subgroups regarding the ratings of the domains (Huck, 2004 ). The judgment criteria in the K-W test depended on the level of significance, and we set the significance level at p  < 0.05 (Love and Irani, 2004 ), with no significant differences among groups set at p  > 0.05 (Loftus et al., 2000 ; Rice, 2009 ). We used SPSS to conduct the K–W test to assess intergroup consistency in this study.

Step 5: Examine interexpert reliability

Interexpert reliability, on the one hand, is usually defined as the proportion of systematic variance to the total variance in ratings (James et al., 1984 ). On the other hand, interexpert reliability estimation is not concerned with the exact or absolute value of ratings. Rather, it measures the relative ordering or ranking of rated objects. Thus, interexpert reliability estimation concerns the consistency of ratings (Tinsley and Weiss, 1975 ). If an expert-based study did not achieve interexpert reliability, we could not trust its analysis (Singletary, 1994 ). Thus, we examined interexpert reliability in this expert-based study. Many methods are available in the literature for measuring interexpert reliability, but there seems to be little consensus on a standard method. We used Kendall’s W to assess the reliability among the experts for each sample group (Goetz et al., 1994 ) because it was available for any sample size or ordinal number. If W was 1, all the experts were unanimous, and each had assigned the same order to the list of objects or concerns. As Spector et al. ( 2002 ) and Schilling ( 2002 ) suggested, reliabilities well above the recommended value of .70 indicate sufficient internal reliability. In this study, there was a strong consensus when W  > 0.7. W  > 0.5 represented a moderate consensus; and W  < 0.3 indicated weak interexpert agreement (Schmidt et al., 2001 ). To measure Kendall’s W , we used SPSS 23 to assess interexpert reliability.

Step 6: Examine the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process

After examining face validity, interexpert consensus, intergroup consistency, and interexpert reliability, we found that the aggregated items were relevant, authentic, and reliable in relation to the construct of interest. To provide policy-makers with a clear direction regarding which contributions are more or less important, we scored each attribute and subattribute using a multicriteria decision-making technique. Fuzzy AHP is a well-known decision-making tool for modeling unstructured problems. It enables decision-makers to model a complex issue in a hierarchical structure that indicates the relationships between the goal, criteria, and subcriteria on the basis of scores (Park and Yoon, 2011 ). The fuzzy AHP method tolerates vagueness and ambiguity (Mikhailov and Tsvetinov, 2004 ). In other words, fuzzy AHP can capture a human’s appraisal of ambiguity when considering complex, multicriteria decision-making problems (Erensal et al., 2006 ). In this study, we used Power Choice 2.5 software to run fuzzy AHP, determine weights, and develop the impact structure of rural tourism on sustainable rural development.

Face validity

To determine whether we had omitted variables, we asked all 18 experts to scrutinize our list of four attributes and 33 subattributes for omitted variables and determine whether the questionnaire contained any underlying CMB. We explained the meaning of omitted variables, the stimuli of CMB, and the two purposes of examining face validity to all the experts. In their feedback, the eighteen experts added one item as an omitted variable: business viability. The experts suggested no revisions to the questionnaire we had drafted. These results indicated that one omitted variable was revealed and that our prepared questionnaire was clear, straightforward, and understandable. The initially pooled 34 subattributes represented the construct of interest, and all questionnaires used for measurement were defendable in terms of CMB. The biasing effects of method variance did not exist, indicating that the threat of CMB was minor.

Interexpert consensus

In this step, we rejected any items irrelevant to the construct of interest. Consensus measurement played an essential role in aggregating the experts’ judgments. This study measured the AGR, median, SD, and CV. Two items, strategic alliance (AGR = 50%) and carbon neutrality (AGR = 56%) were rated < 70%, and we rejected them accordingly. These results are shown in Table 1 . The AGR, median, SD, and CV values were all greater than the cutoff points, thus indicating that the majority of experts in this study consistently recognized high values and reached a consensus for the rest of the 32 subattributes. Consequently, the four attributes and 32 subattributes remained and were initially identified as determinants for further analysis.

Intergroup consistency and interexpert reliability

In this study, with scores based on a 5-point Likert scale, we conducted the K–W test to assess intergroup differences for each subattribute. Based on the outcomes, the K–W test yielded significant results for all 32 subattributes; all three groups of experts reached consistency at p  > 0.05. This result indicated that no outlier or extreme value underlay the ratings, and therefore, intergroup consistency was reached. Finally, we measured interexpert reliability with Kendall’s W . The economic perspective was W  = 0.73, the sociocultural perspective was W  = 0.71, the environmental perspective was W  = 0.71, and the leisure and educational perspective was W  = 0.72. These four groups of W were all ≧ 0.7, indicating high reliability for the ranking order and convergence judged by all subgroup experts. These results are shown in Table 2 .

The hierarchical framework

The results of this study indicate that rural tourism contributions to rural community development comprise four attributes and thirty-two subattributes. The economic perspective encompasses nine subattributes and is weighted at w  = 0.387. In addition, rural tourism has long been considered a possible means of sociocultural development and regeneration of rural areas, particularly those affected by the decline in traditional rural

activities, agricultural festivals, and historical buildings. According to the desired benefits, the sociocultural perspective encompasses nine subattributes and is weighted at w  = 0.183. Moreover, as rural tourism can develop on farms and locally, its contribution to maintaining and enhancing environmental regeneration and protection is significant. Therefore, an environmental perspective can determine rural tourism’s impact on pursuing environmental objectives. Our results indicate that the environmental perspective encompasses seven subattributes and that its weight is w  = 0.237. Furthermore, the leisure and educational perspective indicates the attractiveness of rural tourism from visitors’ viewpoint and their perception of a destination’s value and contributions. These results show that this perspective encompasses seven subattributes and is weighted at w  = 0.193. This specific contribution model demonstrates a 3-level hierarchical structure, as shown in Fig. 2 . The scores for each criterion could indicate each attribute’s importance and explain the priority order of the groups. Briefly, the critical sequence of each measure in the model at Level 2 is as follows: economic perspective > environmental perspective > leisure and educational perspective > sociocultural perspective. Since scoring and ranking were provided by 18 experts from three different backgrounds and calculated using fuzzy AHP, our rural tourism contribution model is established. It can provide policy-makers with information on the long-term benefits and advantages following the completion of excellent community development in rural areas.

figure 2

The priority index of each attribute and sub-attribute.


In the era of sustainable rural development, it is vital to consider the role of rural tourism and how research in this area shapes access to knowledge on rural community development. This study provides four findings based on the increasing tendency of policy-makers to use such information to shape their policy-making priorities. It first shows that the demand for rural tourism has soared, particularly during COVID-19. Second, it lists four significant perspectives regarding the specific contributions of rural tourism to rural community development and delineates how these four perspectives affect rural tourism development. Our findings are consistent with those of prior studies. For example, geography has been particularly important in the rural or peripheral tourism literature (Carson, 2018 ). In terms of the local geographical context, two contributions could be made by rural tourism. The first stems from the environmental perspective. When a rural community develops rural tourism, environmental protection awareness is increased, and the responsible utilization of natural resources is promoted. This finding aligns with Lee and Jan ( 2019 ). The second stems from the leisure and educational perspective. The geographical context of a rural community, which provides tourists with geographical uniqueness, advances naturally calming, sensory-rich, and emotion-generating experiences for tourists. These results suggest that rural tourism will likely positively impact tourists’ experience. This finding is consistent with Kastenhoz et al. ( 2020 ). Third, although expert-based approaches have considerable benefits in developing and testing underlying phenomena, evidence derived from interexpert consensus, intergroup consistency, and interexpert reliability has been sparse. This study provides such evidence. Fourth, this research shows that rural tourism makes four main contributions, economic, sociocultural, environmental, leisure, and educational, to rural community development. Our results show four key indicators at Level 2. The economic perspective is strongly regarded as the most important indicator, followed by the environmental perspective, leisure and educational perspective, and sociocultural perspective, which is weighted as the least important. The secondary determinants of contributions have 32 subindicators at Level 3: each was identified and assigned a different weight. These results imply that the attributes or subattributes with high weights have more essential roles in understanding the contributions of rural tourism to rural community development. Policy-makers can use these 32 subindicators to formulate rural tourism development policies or strategies.

This study offers the following five practical implications for policymakers and rural communities:

First, we argue that developing rural tourism within a rural community is an excellent strategy for revitalization and countering the effects of urbanization, depopulation, deforestation, and unemployment.

Second, our analytical results indicate that rural tourism’s postdevelopment contribution is significant from the economic, sociocultural, environmental, leisure, and educational perspectives, which is consistent with Lee and Jan ( 2019 ).

Third, there is an excellent opportunity to build or invest more in rural tourism during COVID-19, not only because of the functions of rural tourism but also because of its timing. Many prior studies have echoed this recommendation. For example, Yang et al. ( 2021 ) defined rural tourism as the leading industry in rural areas, offering an output value ten times higher than that of agriculture in China. In addition, rural tourism has become more attractive to urban tourists amid COVID-19. Vaishar and Šťastná ( 2022 ) suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic created a strong demand for rural tourism, which can mitigate threats to public mental health, such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, isolation, and insomnia. Marques et al. ( 2022 ) showed that tourists’ preference for tourism in rural areas increased substantially during COVID-19.

Fourth, the contributions of this study to policy development are substantial. The more focused rural tourism in rural areas is, the more effective revitalization becomes. This finding highlights the importance of such features in developing rural tourism to enhance rural community development from multiple perspectives. This finding echoes Zawadka et al. ( 2022 ); i.e., policy-makers should develop rural tourism to provide tourists with a safe and relaxed environment and should not ignore the value of this model for rural tourism.

Fifth, our developed model could drive emerging policy issues from a supporting perspective and provide policy-makers with a more comprehensive overview of the development of the rural tourism sector, thus enabling them to create better policies and programs as needed. For example, amid COVID-19, rural tourism created a safe environment for tourists, mainly by reducing their fears of contamination (Dennis et al., 2021 ). This novel contribution that rural tourism destinations can provide to residents and visitors from other places should be considered and built into any rural community development policy.

This study also has the following four methodological implications for researchers:

First, it addresses methodological limitations that still impede tourism sustainability model development. Specifically, we suggest a six-stage procedure as the guideline; it is imperative that rural tourism researchers or model developers follow this procedure. If they do not, their findings tend to be flawed.

Second, to ensure that collected data are without extraneous interference or differences via subgroups of experts, the assessment of intergroup consistency with the K–W test instead of one-way ANOVA is proposed, especially in small samples and distribution-free studies.

Third, providing interexpert reliability evidence within expert-based research is critical; we used Kendall’s W to assess the reliability among experts for each sample group because it applies to any sample size and ordinal number.

Finally, we recommend using fuzzy AHP to establish a model with appropriate indicators for decision-making or selection. This study offers novel methodological insights by estimating a theoretically grounded and empirically validated rural tourism contribution model.

There are two limitations to this study. First, we examine all subattributes by interexpert consensus to delete construct-irrelevant variances that might receive criticism for their lack of statistical rigor. Future studies can use other rigorous methods, such as AD M( j ) or rWG ( j ) , interexpert agreement indices to assess and eliminate construct-irrelevant variances. Second, we recommend maximizing rural tourism contributions to rural community development by using the general population as a sample to identify any differences. More specifically, we recommend using Cronbach’s alpha, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the overall reliability and validity of the data and results. It is also necessary to provide results for goodness-of-fit measures—e.g., the goodness-of-fit index (GFI), adjusted goodness-of-fit index (AGFI), comparative fit index (CFI), normed fit index (NFI), Tucker–Lewis Index (TLI), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR), or root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA).

Numerous empirical studies have illustrated how rural tourism can positively and negatively affect the contexts in rural areas where it is present. This study reveals the positive contributions of rural tourism to rural community development. The findings show that using rural tourism as a revitalization strategy is beneficial to nonurban communities in terms of their economic, sociocultural, environmental, and leisure and educational development. The contribution from the economic perspective is particularly important. These findings suggest that national, regional, and local governments or community developers should make tourism a strategic pillar in their policies for rural development and implement tourism-related development projects to gain 32 benefits, as indicated in Fig. 2 . More importantly, rural tourism was advocated and proved effective for tourists and residents to reduce anxiety, depression, or insomnia during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this emerging contribution, rural tourism is becoming more critical to tourists from urban areas and residents involved in rural community development. With this model, policy-makers should not hesitate to develop or invest more in rural communities to create additional tourism-based activities and facilities. As they could simultaneously advance rural community development and public mental health, policy-makers should include these activities among their regional resilience considerations and treat them as enablers of sustainable rural development. We conclude that amid COVID-19, developing rural tourism is an excellent strategy for promoting rural community development and an excellent alternative that could counteract the negative impacts of urbanization and provide stakeholders with more positive interests. The proposed rural tourism contribution model also suggests an unfolding research plan.

Data availability

The datasets generated and/or analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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Chienkuo Technology University, Changhua, Taiwan

Yung-Lun Liu

Dayeh University, Changhua, Taiwan

Jui-Te Chiang & Pen-Fa Ko

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We declare all authors involved in the work. The division of labor is stated as follows; Conceptualization: J-TC; Supervision: J-TC; Methodology: Y-LL; Investigation: Y-LL; Data collection, analysis, and curation: J-TC, Y-LL, P-FK; Original draft preparation: J-TC, Y-LL; Review: P-FK; Interpretation and editing: P-FK; Validation: J-TC, Y-LL, P-FK.

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Liu, YL., Chiang, JT. & Ko, PF. The benefits of tourism for rural community development. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10 , 137 (2023).

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Received : 03 July 2022

Accepted : 06 March 2023

Published : 31 March 2023


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Fact sheet: 2022 national travel and tourism strategy, office of public affairs.

The 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy was released on June 6, 2022, by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo on behalf of the Tourism Policy Council (TPC). The new strategy focuses the full efforts of the federal government to promote the United States as a premier destination grounded in the breadth and diversity of our communities, and to foster a sector that drives economic growth, creates good jobs, and bolsters conservation and sustainability. Drawing on engagement and capabilities from across the federal government, the strategy aims to support broad-based economic growth in travel and tourism across the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia.

Key points of the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy

The federal government will work to implement the strategy under the leadership of the TPC and in partnership with the private sector, aiming toward an ambitious five-year goal of increasing American jobs by attracting and welcoming 90 million international visitors, who we estimate will spend $279 billion, annually by 2027.

The new National Travel and Tourism Strategy supports growth and competitiveness for an industry that, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, generated $1.9 trillion in economic output and supported 9.5 million American jobs. Also, in 2019, nearly 80 million international travelers visited the United States and contributed nearly $240 billion to the U.S. economy, making the United States the global leader in revenue from international travel and tourism. As the top services export for the United States that year, travel and tourism generated a $53.4 billion trade surplus and supported 1 million jobs in the United States.

The strategy follows a four-point approach:

  • Promoting the United States as a Travel Destination Goal : Leverage existing programs and assets to promote the United States to international visitors and broaden marketing efforts to encourage visitation to underserved communities.
  • Facilitating Travel to and Within the United States Goal : Reduce barriers to trade in travel services and make it safer and more efficient for visitors to enter and travel within the United States.
  • Ensuring Diverse, Inclusive, and Accessible Tourism Experiences Goal : Extend the benefits of travel and tourism by supporting the development of diverse tourism products, focusing on under-served communities and populations. Address the financial and workplace needs of travel and tourism businesses, supporting destination communities as they grow their tourism economies. Deliver world-class experiences and customer service at federal lands and waters that showcase the nation’s assets while protecting them for future generations.
  • Fostering Resilient and Sustainable Travel and Tourism Goal : Reduce travel and tourism’s contributions to climate change and build a travel and tourism sector that is resilient to natural disasters, public health threats, and the impacts of climate change. Build a sustainable sector that integrates protecting natural resources, supporting the tourism economy, and ensuring equitable development.

Travel and Tourism Fast Facts

  • The travel and tourism industry supported 9.5 million American jobs through $1.9 trillion of economic activity in 2019. In fact, 1 in every 20 jobs in the United States was either directly or indirectly supported by travel and tourism. These jobs can be found in industries like lodging, food services, arts, entertainment, recreation, transportation, and education.
  • Travel and tourism was the top services export for the United States in 2019, generating a $53.4 billion trade surplus.
  • The travel and tourism industry was one of the U.S. business sectors hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent health and travel restrictions, with travel exports decreasing nearly 65% from 2019 to 2020. 
  • The decline in travel and tourism contributed heavily to unemployment; leisure and hospitality lost 8.2 million jobs between February and April 2020 alone, accounting for 37% of the decline in overall nonfarm employment during that time. 
  • By 2021, the rollout of vaccines and lifting of international and domestic restrictions allowed travel and tourism to begin its recovery. International arrivals to the United States grew to 22.1 million in 2021, up from 19.2 million in 2020. Spending by international visitors also grew, reaching $81.0 billion, or 34 percent of 2019’s total.

More about the Tourism Policy Council and the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy

Created by Congress and chaired by Secretary Raimondo, the Tourism Policy Council (TPC) is the interagency council charged with coordinating national policies and programs relating to travel and tourism. At the direction of Secretary Raimondo, the TPC created a new five-year strategy to focus U.S. government efforts in support of the travel and tourism sector which has been deeply and disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the full strategy here

What is the impact of tourism on development?

support tourism development

Image:  Passengers walk across an air bridge as they disembark a flight at Changi Airport in Singapore. REUTERS/Vivek Prakash.

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A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;color:#2846F8;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{font-size:1.125rem;}} Get involved with our crowdsourced digital platform to deliver impact at scale

Stay up to date:, travel and tourism.

Tourism is growing, and growing fast. After surpassing 1 billion international visitors in 2012, we are expecting 1.8 billion by 2030. Tourism is growing faster than the global economy and, for the first time, the statistics for 2015 are expected to show that there were more trips taken to the developing world than to the developed world. But what does this actually mean? Growth, on its own, is not enough. Destinations and their stakeholders are responsible for ensuring that growth is well-managed; that benefits are maximized; and that any negative externalities are minimized. This requires a continuous process of planning and management that evolves and that can be measured over time. For the World Bank Group, our clients and our development partners, this process of planning and management is a central interest. How can we help these processes to deliver more and better development impact? What kinds of interventions or types of assistance will deliver the best results? How do you define the best results – for whom? – and how do we measure them? Being able to demonstrate how the tourism sector contributes to the Bank Group’s twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity is an imperative for all stakeholders. It’s relevant for national governments, sub-national state agencies, businesses (both multinationals and SMEs), multilateral development banks, NGOs, academics and think tanks. Moreover, it’s vital in helping guide future planning and development, gaining access to and applying for funding, and demonstrating progress to constituents at all levels.

Despite the great breadth and depth of existing impact information, however, serious concerns remain about the accuracy, complexity, gaps, comparability and sustainability of the types of the impact analyses that have been carried out. The Bank Group’s Sustainable Tourism Global Solutions Group recently convened a thought-leadership event in Washington to begin a preliminary discussion about how all stakeholders can come together to try and address some of the current shortcomings. During the “ Measuring for Impact in Touris m” event, we heard about a wide range of challenges for those working in this area and we began to map out the greatest gaps and issues. As Anabel Gonzalez, the Senior Director of the Trade and Competitiveness Global Practice, said at that conference: “We want to be better at monitoring and evaluating our impact, we want to learn from others, and we want to contribute more effectively to tourism development. I believe these are goals most of you will share. We invite you to join this discussion – and be frank, open and provocative.”The findings can be found in our report, “ Towards More Effective Impact Measurement in the Tourism Sector: Observations and Key Issues ,” which highlights a number of priorities. Some of those challenges concern the availability, quality and consistency of data; the high cost of impact measurement for SMEs; the proliferation of different systems; issues of attribution; quantifying notions of “value”; and the ability to communicate effectively to a wide range of audiences. Some key areas for immediate follow-up and further analysis were also identified. They include:

-Exploring the theory of change by examining more closely the proposition that, when tourism growth occurs, those living in extreme poverty benefit and by digging deeper into what tourism growth really means for the poor, especially in terms of employment.

-Assessing the impact value of different types of tourism.

-Assessing and developing the role of technology for data collection, impact measurement and communication.

-Evaluating the use of training for better communication – including assessing what has been tried and what has worked and considering how it could be scaled up.

-Analyzing the necessity and practicality of improving collaboration among various actors, and assessing the alignment of frameworks along with proposals for greater alignment.

-Developing ideas and proposals for the enhanced sharing and pooling of impact data.

-Developing ideas and proposals for greater inclusion of SMEs.

The Bank Group is committed to advancing this agenda . As an international organization heavily invested in the sector, with a deep motivation to deliver change for the world’s poorest people, we aim to take a leading role in a number of key areas. Other major stakeholders have also shown their support. Harvard University and the University of Sussex have asked to host follow-up events. Wyndham Hotels, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations Environment Program, the World Wildlife Fund and Sustainable Travel International have sought specific collaboration and partnership opportunities. The Bank Group will continue to convene meetings, promote dialogue, conduct research and publish relevant information – focusing our interventions on those areas where we’re well-placed to fulfill the twin goals of eliminating extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity.

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How to develop community-based tourism (7 tips).

Picture of Anne de Jong

  • July 14, 2023

How to develop community-based tourism (7 tips)

  • What is community-based tourism?

Community-based tourism is a way of sustainable tourism that allows travellers to closely connect to local communities. Tourism where travellers are invited into local homes. Experiencing the actual local culture, the diversity, local rituals and beliefs.

The aim of community-based tourism is directly benefiting local communities financially, while travellers experience local way of life. Communities that participate in community-based tourism are strong, resilient and committed to show travellers their culture.

Be aware that community-based tourism is a very sensitive segment. That’s why, it’s essential that it’s developed and operated correctly to ensure actual benefits for the local communities. It’s a growing niche market , as more and more travellers are looking for authentic experiences that create benefits locally.

“75% seek authentic experiences that are representative of the local culture”. – (2023)

This article gives you the basic tools to develop community-based tourism experiences yourself and to create win-win-win situations.

In this article

What are the benefits of community-based tourism, community-based tourism examples.

  • Community-based tourism in practice
  • Negative impacts of community-based tourism

Developing cultural experiences on local terms

7 tips to develop community-based tourism.

The unique feature of community-based tourism is that the tourism experiences are hosted and managed by local communities. It is a promising niche tourism experience with lots of opportunities. More and more travellers are interested in learning about local cultures and ways to genuinely interact with local communities. Among others, the key benefits of community-based tourism are that it:

  • Sustains local culture for future generations
  • Facilitates local employment
  • Directly benefits locals financially
  • Is fairly easy to develop with the right network
  • Creates and empowers resilient and strong communities
  • Adds value to your business with authentic experiences
  • Allows travellers to experience the diversity and customs of local cultures
  • Encourages travellers to truly connect and interact with local communities
  • Stimulates increased awareness and knowledge of other cultures and traditions
  • Takes your business and travellers off the beaten track into rural areas
  • Supports the movement of good tourism

Benefits of community-based tourism

While every destination and local cultures are different, the key concept of community-based tourism is fairly similar. That’s to say, the activities can also be applied and developed in almost all destinations. Also, it’s important to stay away from staged activities and to include interaction.

“69% want the money they spend when traveling to go back to the local community”. – (2023)

Examples of community-based tourism experiences

  • Cooking and tasting local food
  • Visiting a local market
  • Walk through the village
  • Working on the field
  • Experiencing the coffee process
  • Fishing or sailing with locals
  • Biking tour around the village
  • Handcrafting or painting
  • Storytelling by elders
  • Homestay or farmstay

Community-based tourism examples in practice

Tour operators come in all sizes and all have a different impact on tourism destinations. Among these tour operators, there are some inspiring businesses that solely focus on benefitting local communities. Their aim is to use tourism as a tool to create a better life and future for locals and to protect the environment at the same time.

Be inspired by the following community-based projects that benefit local communities while offering travellers an authentic experience.

  • Preserving cultural heritage in the Karamoja region in Uganda
  • Nature community experience in Mida Creek in Kenya
  • Connecting locals and travellers in food experiences
  • Trekking the Calchaquíes valley in Argentina with local families

Community-based tourism examples

Potential negative impacts of community-based tourism

As mentioned, community-based tourism is a very sensitive segment. This means that it can have negative impacts and challenges if not organised and managed correctly and with care.

Community-based tourism is becoming more popular among tour operators. They’re looking to both benefit and involve local communities while developing new tourism experiences for their travellers. Therefore, it’s essential to not only explain the benefits and the development steps of community-based tourism, but also the potential negative impacts and challenges.

The main challenge within community-based tourism is community participation. And without community participation, it’s very difficult to create a successful community-based tourism experience. Community participation is influenced by:

1. Elitism and leadership conflict

Communities with a (visible) hierarchy have challenges with elitism and leadership conflict. Elite members of the communities take on leadership as they believe only these members are fit to rule. Often at the expense of the whole community itself resulting in conflict on resource ownership. One where only the few powerful and influential local elite manage and benefit from community-based tourism.

How to avoid

Avoid this by having many conversations with the community members and all stakeholders and to agree on a fair management structure.

2. Greed and corruption

For extremely poor communities, greed and corruption can become a real challenge. Especially when (some) locals feel they don’t benefit enough they’ll try and get money another way. For example, by abusing assigned power for personal gain. Thereby, it creates a begging culture where tourists are seen as walking ATMs. This creates uncomfortable situations for all involved.

Avoid this by making sure all community members are equally benefitted but also based on their role in the community-based tourism experience.

3. Capacity issues within the community

Managing a community-based tourism experience is hard work and time consuming. Not all locals understand the work it requires to welcome travellers into their homes. When there are too many travellers visiting, locals might feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied with the tourism concept. It also raises issues for the quality of the community-based tourism experience for travellers.

Avoid this by agreeing on the carrying capacity beforehand and making sure that the local community understands what it means to work in tourism.

4. Language issues

Many locals from rural communities aren’t able to communicate with visiting travellers in English. When they don’t know how to communicate, they’re unable to participate. And if they can’t participate in tourism, they tend to resent it. It also won’t allow them to connect with travellers in an authentic way, to explain about their daily lives and to exchange experiences.

Avoid this by working with translators and invest in teaching English to the (younger) community members to develop and empower themselves.

5. Lack of funding and skills

Managing a community-based tourism experience is similar to managing a starting business. In the beginning, you’d need starting capital, finances, skills, and knowledge to organise and manage the experience. Without this, it’s difficult to make it a long-term success. Even though there might be funding from stakeholders, they’ll need to be able to support themselves on the long-term.

Avoid this by supporting the local community with funding and support during the start-up phase, but with the aim for them to be self-managing in the future.

7 tips to develop community-based tourism

When developing new cultural experiences, it is crucial to consider the potential negative impacts of community-based tourism. Without active community participation, it is challenging to offer travellers an authentic and truly local experience.

To ensure community participation and satisfaction, adopting a comprehensive approach is essential: develop cultural experiences on local terms. The key question to ask is: What aspects of their culture do locals want to share?

By allowing locals to determine what they are willing to share and to what extent, you can achieve the following:

1. Gain the support of the local community

Involving locals in decision-making ensures that the cultural experiences have their support. This support is vital for creating a sustainable and mutually beneficial relationship between the community and your business.

2. Make a positive impact

Developing cultural experiences based on local terms provides an opportunity to generate tangible benefits for the destination. By respecting the locals’ wishes, you can contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, promote economic growth, and support community development.

3. Differentiate from competitors

Offering travel experiences that truly reflect the desires and values of the local community sets you apart from the competition. Authenticity is increasingly valued by travelers seeking meaningful and immersive experiences, and aligning with local terms helps fulfill these desires.

It is important to note that, as a tourism business, you can still bring your expertise to the table. With insights into the industry, market trends , and traveler demands, you can collaborate with the local community to transform their ideas into compelling travel experiences.

Case study: Bali in the 1960’s

To give you an idea about a local conflict, let me take you back to the 1960’s when mass tourism reached Bali for the first time. Where immediately, travellers became fascinated with the sacred Balinese dances.

The Balinese welcomed travellers to enter their temples and watch the dancing for a small fee. But as more people visited, it got crowded and chaotic. And because temples are not particularly comfortable and could only host small groups, the Balinese decided to move their dances to the tourist resorts.

All good you’d say. But some of the Western visitors were shocked. These were sacred dances and holy art! They couldn’t understand the Balinese sacrificing their holy dances and rituals. This led to a conflict between the locals and visitors.

But only because the visitors didn’t allow the locals to decide what and how they wanted to share their culture. They should have taken into account the local terms.

When developing community-based tourism according to the above-mentioned steps, there are more key aspects to remember and to pay close attention to. As said before, CBT is a sensitive form of tourism. Above all, it’s important that both the local community as the traveller enjoys the experience.

1. Connect with the local community

The local community is the key element of your experience. Connect with them, build trust, and think about tourism together. What is unique about their culture and what are they willing to share? To what extent do they want to change their lives? Make sure to collaborate and to give them responsibility and a voice in the entire experience.

2. Train locals in tourism

Interacting with travellers from different cultures can be a challenge for local communities. It’s important to teach communities how to communicate with travellers. How and which information to share and to make them feel welcome. Always use guides from the community itself as they know all the ins and outs of the community. This also ensures the profits stay in the community.

3. Create independency

Community-based tourism is not developed for the sake of tour operators. Local communities want to improve their livelihood and build their own future. Construct cooperative ownership. The success rate of the tourism experience depends on the communities’ sense of ownership. Let them take care of their own tourism product and enjoy the benefits.

4. Include interactive elements

In the experience economy , travellers request experiences to be entertaining, educational, imaginative and attractive. They are looking for experiences where they can participate instead of only watching and visiting. Engage them in the local culture, have them do, try and taste things and give them a truly authentic experience.

5. Think about the language

Travellers are looking for experiences with interaction. Therefore, language is an important aspect for community-based tourism. How are your travellers going to communicate with the host? The best solution is to have an English-speaking guide who is able to communicate with both the host as travellers in an enthusiastic manner.

6. Decide on the duration

Most travellers step out of their own comfort zone when doing a community-based tourism experience. Therefore, it’s important that your experiences are not too long and uncomfortable for the traveller. When you start with community-based tourism, focus on (half) day experiences first. This way, travellers can ease into it and they are also easier to develop.

7. Ensure safety

As travellers are entering an unknown area, they trust upon the guide to keep them safe. It’s important that the guide is trained in emergency situations and also knows how to explain safety issues to the travellers. Thereby, hygiene and sanitation of the local community is also very important. Especially for experiences involving food and drinks.

Happy developing!

When done right, community-based tourism is the ultimate way of good tourism. It’s in the perfect position to create better lives for local communities, to share their stories, and to offer travellers authentic experiences. Keep the challenges and development tips in mind when developing community-based experiences to ensure success stories. Never forget the purpose, focus on creating win-win-win situations and commit yourself to good tourism for communities and travellers.

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Hi, I would like to ask some questions:

– When do we know as a tourist if the trip chosen is a real community-based tourism, where locals get the main benefit and tourists experience the culture and the local’s way of living?

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Hi Ane, very good question! This is always difficult and there is not a one size fits all approach. However, there are some guidelines that can help you find out if the community-based trip is genuine.

You’ll know if it’s a real community-based tourism program when the company is very transparant about how it’s run and there is plenty information available. Look for information about ownership (ideally by local initiatives and local communities), the type of activities (really daily life and experiencing local culture instead of only visiting) and if they employ local people and use/buy local products.

Also have a look at this article that I’ve written a few years ago:

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Dear Anne. I have passion to develop community tourism in a region underserved by services like roads and electricity. Are there possible funders to service communities of this nature and develop the products and services?

Hi Anna, very good to hear you have a passion to develop community tourism, what region are you working in? Unfortunately, I don’t have experience with improving roads and electricity but I am assuming this is arranged by government authorities. Perhaps teaming up with local tour operators and accommodations will provide opportunities of making changes happen. Good luck!

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This is a problem that I am analysing as well.. Beside the problem of blindness of governance to advantage “some not complying agencies”. From outside it looks like a fantastic green and sustainable initiative of the destination.. Anne please feel free to contact me through LinkedIn, I am on the CBT since a while and I gathered a lot of guidelines and documents giving some steps, good examples, funds ideas.. I would be more than happy to exchange. I am actually creating a responsible tourism agency…

Very good to hear you’ve been analysing this as well Deborah. There are so many sides to community-based tourism but it only provides local positive impact if managed well. I’ve reached out on LinkedIn, happy to connect!

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Dear Anne. Our local registered association has recently registered a local company license with the government and plan to embark on tourism as our project. We have passion on that, so we’re looking for any interested partner to join with us since we’re legally registered with the government. Can you find any interested partner for us? We’re located in the South Pacific Ocean, in the Solomon Islands.

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Hi there, I passed through your wonderful CBT explanation, and I am so excited as you have inspired me to contact my University Research about CBT. Will you please help me of some CBT definitions which will be so suitable in my Research. thank you in advance.

Thank you for your comment and good to hear we’ve inspired you! Actually, there is only one main CBT definition that’s important and covers everything.

“CBT is a way of sustainable tourism that allows travellers to closely connect to local communities. The aim of CBT is directly benefiting local communities financially, while travellers experience local way of life. The tourism experiences are hosted and/or managed by local communities.”

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Wow ,this is quite helpful

So good to hear @ojambo – are you also thinking about developing community-based tourism?

Yes Anne, am also thinking and planning to develop community tourism as one of my products. Thank you.

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Hi Anne, this very interesting topic. I enjoy read your explanation and i love to colaborate with you if you have any research project in the future. Im from Indonesia. We have been implementing this in our community. Yet, the challange we face so far is our community have problem in using English.This is not easy to solve. Any advice is welcom.thanks

Hi Muhammad, very good to hear! Yes, it’s a very complex type of tourism and many destinations have similar challenges. To overcome the language barrier, you can start working with a local translator. Perhaps the younger generation in the community or a local student is able to translate when travellers visit. Keep in mind that not everyone has to be able to speak English fluently. As long there is someone who can explain and translate, the others are fine with a few words to welcome them.

Picture of Anne de Jong

Anne de Jong

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, tourism value chain: synthesizing value webs to support tourism development and planning.

Tourism Review

ISSN : 1660-5373

Article publication date: 27 July 2022

Issue publication date: 25 May 2023

Tourism encompasses multiple activities along with actors, locations and roles involved. Thus, tourism development and planning should consider value-added activities that form a tourism value chain (TVC). In the literature, the conceptual and practical understanding of TVC is significantly diverse, making it challenging to comprehend the entire framework. This study aims to synthesize a general TVC framework.


This review uses the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses protocol to search for and select relevant literature in two databases (Scopus® and Web of Science™). Covering six aspects (logic, scope, value, perspective, type and scale), this study systematically analyzes the selected empirical studies to synthesize a functional framework of TVC as the basis to explore insights for effective TVC practices.

The results show that existing empirical studies have adopted four types of logic (supply logic, destination logic, global value chain and tourism global value chain), which complement each other in explaining the entire concept of TVC. Besides, the TVC concept is applicable on various scales and in different types of tourism with slight practical differences. Furthermore, values appear in various forms and offer benefits for suppliers and consumers as primary actors in TVC. Findings for the six aspects form tourism value webs as the functional framework of TVC.


This study offers a wide-ranging review of various empirically implemented TVC concepts for comprehensive TVC-based tourism development and planning. This review sets a theoretical foundation for future studies to improve the body of knowledge of TVC and tourism development and planning in general.

旅游活动横跨多重行动者、地点及不同角色, 因此旅游的发展及规划需考虑各项加值活动, 进而组织旅游价值链(tourism value-chain, TVC)。综观学界对价值链的定义发现, 不同文献在概念上及操作上的理解差异甚大, 本研究之目标即为整合出一套可供一般化的价值链框架。

本研究由系统性文献分析出发, 提出旅游价值链的实用框架, 并以此为基础, 针对有效的旅游价值链实践提供洞见。本文检索两大学术资料库(Scopus® 与Web of Science™)之文献, 并以PRISMA 架构汇整后, 从六大面向进行整合:逻辑、范围、价值、视角、类型及规模。

本研究发现过往研究采用了四种逻辑, 包含供给逻辑、目的地逻辑、全球价值链及旅游全球价值链。既有文献也证实, 旅游价值链的概念可以微调后应用在不同规模及类型的旅游研究。此外, 对于旅游价值链的主要行动者(也就是旅游服务的提供者和消费者)而言, 价值也会以不同类型呈现并为其带来利益。六个方面的调查结果形成了旅游价值网 (TVW) 作为 TVC 的概念框架

本研究广泛回顾了应用旅游价值链概念的研究文献, 并建立全面性的理解框架, 期能为后续旅游价值链、旅游发展及规划相关研究提供知识基础。

El turismo abarca múltiples actividades junto con los actores, los lugares y los roles involucrados. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo y la planificación del turismo deben tener en cuenta las actividades de valor añadido que forman una cadena de valor turístico (TVC). En la literatura, la comprensión conceptual y práctica de la TVC es significativamente diversa, lo que dificulta la comprensión de todo el marco. Este estudio pretende sintetizar un marco general de TVC.


Esta revisión emplea el protocolo PRISMA para buscar y seleccionar la literatura relevante en dos bases de datos (Scopus® y Web of Science™). Abarcando seis aspectos (lógica, alcance, valor, perspectiva, tipo y escala), este estudio analiza sistemáticamente los estudios empíricos seleccionados para sintetizar un marco funcional de la TVC como base para explorar las ideas para las prácticas efectivas de TVC.

Los resultados muestran que los estudios empíricos existentes han adoptado cuatro tipos de lógica (lógica de la oferta, lógica del destino, cadena de valor global (CGV) y cadena de valor global del turismo (TGVC)), que se complementan entre sí para explicar el concepto completo de TVC. Además, el concepto de TVC es aplicable a varias escalas y en diferentes tipos de turismo con ligeras diferencias prácticas. Por otro lado, los valores aparecen de diversas formas y ofrecen beneficios para los proveedores y los consumidores como actores principales de la TVC. Los resultados de los seis aspectos conforman las redes de valor turístico (TVW) como marco funcional de la TVC.


Este estudio ofrece una amplia revisión de varios conceptos de TVC aplicados empíricamente para el desarrollo y la planificación del turismo basados en la TVC. Esta revisión establece una base teórica para que futuros estudios mejoren el conjunto de conocimientos sobre la TVC y el desarrollo y la planificación del turismo en general.

  • Value chain
  • Functional framework
  • Tourism scale
  • Tourism type
  • 关键词:价值链、价值网、实用框架、旅游类型、旅游规模
  • Cadena de valor
  • Redes de valor
  • Marco funcional
  • Tipo de turismo
  • Escala de turismo


This research was funded by the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan [LPDP]) (Grant No. 202001220215975).

Sutomo, Y.A.W. , Sianipar, C.P.M. , Basu, M. , Onitsuka, K. and Hoshino, S. (2023), "Tourism value chain: synthesizing value webs to support tourism development and planning", Tourism Review , Vol. 78 No. 3, pp. 726-746.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited

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How can tourism effectively contribute to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?   This flagship report addresses the changes needed in policies, business practices and consumer behaviour. Showcased along 23 case studies from around the world, this two-volume report examines the role of tourism in each of the five pillars of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017: 1. Sustainable economic growth; 2. Social inclusiveness, employment and poverty reduction; 3. Resource efficiency, environmental protection and climate change; 4. Cultural values, diversity and heritage; and 5. Mutual understanding, peace and security.

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Enhancing tourism experiences in Halton, Hamilton and surrounding areas

From: Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

News release

Six organizations supporting tourism in the region expand experiences to attract more visitors with federal support

July 3, 2024  – Milton, Ontario 

Home to scenic locations like Lake Ontario’s Waterfront, stunning natural landscapes, and vibrant communities, Halton, Hamilton and surrounding areas offer unique tourism experiences that draw tourists from near and far while growing Canada’s economy.

Today, on behalf of the Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario ( FedDev Ontario ), Adam van Koeverden, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and to the Minister of Sport and Physical Activity and Member of Parliament for Milton visited the Crawford Lake Conservation Area in Milton. Here, PS van Koeverden highlighted how an increase in tourists leads to spillover benefits into communities, creating jobs and stimulating local economies, while announcing over $1.1 million in federal support for six projects in Halton, Hamilton and surrounding areas. 

While at Crawford Lake, PS van Koeverden learned about how Conservation Halton plans to install a holographic immersive experience at the Crawford Lake Visitor Centre. With $180,000 in support from the federal government, this exhibit will highlight Crawford Lake as an important natural site. Opening in Fall 2025, this immersive experience is expected to attract over 10,000 tourists annually from students to nature enthusiasts to the region.

Conservation Halton is also receiving a $200,000 investment to install an inflatable waterpark at the Kelso Conservation Area Park. This attraction is expected to draw over 8,500 annual visitors and open the door for further investment opportunities into the park, ensuring its conservation efforts can be enjoyed by all for years to come. 

Additional information on the six projects receiving federal support is included in the backgrounder .

The Government of Canada is strategically investing in tourism projects in the region to support new products and experiences that will support southern Ontario’s tourism economy for generations to come.

“Halton, Hamilton and surrounding areas are home to destinations that offer unique experiences for both visitors and locals, serving as vital economic drivers in the community and throughout southern Ontario. Organizations like the Conservation Halton Foundation and Conservation Halton are creating unique and impactful experiences for all to enjoy while doing important work to sustain the natural landscape for future generations to enjoy.” – The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
“Southern Ontario’s tourism sector is a vital economic engine, creating jobs for Canadians across various sectors. The Government of Canada is committed to supporting local organizations like the  Conservation Halton Foundation and Conservation Halton through the Tourism Growth Program. By investing in this industry, we aim to attract more domestic and international visitors to explore the region’s diverse offerings.” – The Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism
“Crawford Lake and Kelso Lake are cornerstones of our community here in Milton, with people traveling from all over to experience the region’s natural beauty for both sport and leisure. Supporting the Conservation Halton Foundation and Conservation Halton as they enhance the offerings at these must-see destinations will ensure that our natural landscape can be enjoyed by tourists and locals alike for years to come in ways that are sustainable to the lakes and the conservation areas around them.”  – Adam van Koeverden , Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and to the Minister of Sport and Physical Activity and Member of Parliament for Milton
“Conservation Halton’s parks are destinations for outdoor recreation and learning that attract over one million visitors from our region and beyond. Today’s announcement of new funding for two of these popular park destinations, Crawford Lake and Kelso, is a step towards creating even more vibrant, prosperous and resilient communities. Thank you to FedDev Ontario for investing in new tourism experiences and park attractions that will bolster visitor engagement in our region.” – Barb Veale, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Conservation Halton

Quick facts

Incorporated in 1974, the Conservation Halton Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that acts as the fundraising arm of Conservation Halton by raising funds to sustain a healthy watershed with clean streams, vigorous forests, and abundant green spaces and creating areas for learning and recreation.

Incorporated in 1963, Conservation Halton is a not-for-profit organization responsible for protecting, restoring, and managing natural resources in its jurisdiction while providing opportunities for outdoor recreation and education, and welcoming visitors from near and far across their watershed.

Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies, the Tourism Growth Program (TGP) is investing $108 million, over three years, directly to businesses and organizations to help diversify regional economies. These investments in tourism products and experiences will encourage visitation to and within Canada. In Ontario, FedDev Ontario is delivering over $30 million through the program.

Support for additional projects will be announced through the coming months. In addition, the next application intake for TGP funding will open later in 2024. Follow FedDev Ontario's website for up-to-date information.

Since 2015, the Government of Canada, through FedDev Ontario, has invested over $415 million in nearly 1,450 tourism-related businesses and organizations, estimated to have supported over 24,500 jobs.

Associated links

  • Conservation Halton Foundation
  • Conservation Halton
  • FedDev Ontario
  • Tourism Growth Program in southern Ontario

Edward Hutchinson Press Secretary Office of the Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario [email protected]

FedDev Ontario Media Relations [email protected]

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