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Help with rebooking a flight!

Help with rebooking a flight! Our original flight was cancelled and we needed some help to get back home again. Many thanks for the professional help and splended service that you provided, @Krishna de Grunchy at Sembo! We arrived back home safely with your help! Many, MANY thanks!!!!!

Date of experience : 15 August 2022

Reply from

Dear Lina, Thank you so much for your comment, I am happy to hear that we could help and you are home now. I have forwarded this to Krishna and thanked him. Take care, Christel Dtf-travel

Extremely disappointing and lack of understanding customers right

You have refunded our Open ticket without informing us???!! Extremely disappointing and lack of understanding customers right. We had the right to Book our ticket until May and you refunded it in February without letting us know?

Date of experience : 02 February 2023

Dear Nastaran, I see this is a second post for same case, ill revert when checked as said. Have a nice day, Christel Dtf-travel

Ferry departure

We had to move the ferry departure from friday to saturday and the service provided from dtf travel ( Freja ) was great and quick 😁 Big 👍🏼

Date of experience : 31 January 2023

Hej Allan, Tak for din besked, jeg sender stort tak videre til Freja. Kan du have en god weekend, og god tur. Mange hilsner, Christel Dtf-travel

WORST ever! Please do not use this travel agency

Please do not waste your money and time by booking through this travel agency. I booked return tickets to CPH-Bangkok last December but had to cancel due to a sudden change in travel restrictions (COVID-19). I contacted the airline, Singapore Airlines, who kindly cancelled the flight and gave me an open ticket with them. I also contacted DTF who said the same. Now, I have tried to rebook the tickets for 6 months with several communication back and forth with DTF and the airline. The airline clearly says (with a written proof) that I can fly after 23rd November as long as I make the booking before this date. DTF, however, claims that I need to fly before 23rd November. DTF has 0% of customer service and they are making 0 effort to solve this. When you have bought a service package with them, you would assume that you would at least get a tiny bit of service. But no no, they just say, sorry the system won’t let us do this, making 0 efforts to check this with the airline, who claims something else. Now they will probably reply to this message saying “apologies that the airline has communicated something wrong to you, we can only do what the airlines tells us”. But no, this is not the case! They lie and clearly contradicts what the airline has confirmed several times. Please please please do not waste your time and money by using this travel agency. I have never experienced any “service” worse than this.

Date of experience : 28 August 2022

Good morning Kat, Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately are airlines sometimes answering as per their rules and conditions toward customers, and depending of the type of ticket they are not the same as to a online travel agency. This can in some cases restrict our area of action, and are partly due to the lower rates we get, and can offer. As a business, we have no interest in giving any other than the best possible service. But have to follow the rules we are given from the airline. We will review the case. Have a nice day, Kind Regards, Christel Dtf-travel

I had issues buying bagage from their…

I had issues buying bagage from their website. However i got great support by Siri, and managed finally to buy the bagage.

Date of experience : 16 June 2023

Remarkable experience with DTF/Siri

What a wonderful experience booking something through DTF customer service, obsoletely awesome service by Siri with details of adding luggage, information for stroller etc, felt like handheld. Would sure go back to DTF :-)

Date of experience : 27 March 2023

Thank you for your nice comment Joe, Ill let Siri know that her help was appreciated. Have a nice afternoon, Christel Dtf-travel

I never got my money back!

I never got my money back. And it is more than a year ago that I canceled my flight because of Covid. I have written many times and now they have stopped answering me. NEVER by DTF-travel! They are not credible!!!!

Date of experience : 17 November 2022

Hello Nora, The case is that you changed bank account, as far as I can see in the emails and we have no recorded refund/rejected entry from your bank. This has been checked with our finance department several times and they are in touch with the credit card handling company. The refunds were done from our side. And naturally we also try to investigate as the refund is somewhere! but as said recorded as done from our side. Have a nice day Nora, Greetings Christel Dtf-travel

Customer service is excellent

Customer service is excellent! There was a issue with the website while adding luggage but they helped me with it. 👍

Date of experience : 15 May 2023

Safe and easy 👍

It is very easy to buy ticket with DTF travel and the important thing is, it is very safe. So no worries when buy something online here. A glad customer 🥰

Date of experience : 26 May 2022

Dear Sri Sariyani, Thank you so much for sharing with us. Have a great day, Christel Dtf-travel

The booking was easy

The booking was easy. At the end I was offered a 250 kr. discount for a hotel in my travel destination. I haven't started the travel yet, do I hope everything will be smooth.

Date of experience : 07 August 2023

Thanks Sonia, im sure all will be fine :-)

I had two flight tickets changed to…

I had two flight tickets changed to another date and received a very pleasant and swift service.

Selina Sembo provided us with the Best…

Selina Sembo provided us with the Best service and advice upon our travel to California.

Date of experience : 07 June 2023

I got excellent service from Johanna…

I got excellent service from Johanna from Customer Service when I got problems with payment for luggage Thank you Johanna

Date of experience : 14 August 2022

Dear Tine, Thank you for your comment. Im happy that Johanna helped you, and your contact was sorted out nicely. Ill tell her, that you were content with the service and congratulate her. Tak :-) Mange hilsner, Christel Dtf-travel

Great customer service

Great customer service! All questions were answered politely and quickly. Thank you!!

Date of experience : 28 March 2023

Johanna made my experience very well

Johanna made my experience very well. I made a wrong booking, but she was able to help me make it right.

Date of experience : 07 January 2023

Hi Subasharan, Thank you for your comment, ill forward a big thanks to Johanna. Have a nice day, Christel Dtf-travel

Thanks to Cecilia K to a quick answer…

Thanks to Cecilia K to a quick answer and service for my questions and request.

Date of experience : 19 April 2022

Thank you Sadik, ill share your comment with Cecilia. Have a nice day, Christel Dtf-travel

Carmen was very helpful

Carmen was very helpful, and she did everything that we had talked about. And always with a smile 😃

Date of experience : 09 January 2023

Hej Jørgen, Tak for din kommentar, dejligt at Carmen kunne hjælpe dig. Jeg har sendt din søde hilsen videre. Forsat god dag, Christel Dtf-Travel

DTF Travels saying is "More than just a booking". Agree. It's a complete f... up!

Date of experience : 14 October 2022

Hej Kim, Det er jeg ked af at du mener. Desvære har du ikke skrevet om selve problemet og dermed er det svært at svare. Du er velkommen til at opdatere din kommentar med detajler, booking nummer eller evt. en kontakt. Forsat god dag, Christel Dtf-travel

Fantastisk good service

Fantastisk good service. Freja was very helpful and kind.

Date of experience : 20 February 2023

Hej Kirsten, Dejligt at høre, mange tak. Freja får din besked og stort tak. Kan du have en god dag, Christel Dtf-travel

Good service and help from the employer…

Good service and help from the employer Siri.

Date of experience : 24 April 2023

DTF Travel

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Jeg bookede et hotel gennem

Jeg bookede et hotel gennem, og fik desværre et forfærdeligt hotel. Jeg kontaktede Sembo med det samme, hvor de sagde de ville hjælpe, men jeg fik absolut ingen hjælp, og stod derfor tilbage på et beskidt og ulækkert hotel. En måned efter får jeg så en besked om at de ikke kan gøre mere. Alt i alt dårlig service uden nogen hjælp, og booker derfor aldrig gennem jer igen.

Dato for oplevelse : 16. juli 2024

Vi har bestilt fly i starten af april, med afrejse i slutning af september 2024. Efter knap en måned aflyser British Airways afgangen retur. I den forbindelse kontakter jeg Sembo for at høre, hvordan vi forholder os hertil og bliver oplyst at de går i gang med at kigge på alternativ rejse hjem. Efter 3 måned og 3 forgæves forsøg på at få en status på ombooking, har vi stadig ikke fået nyt fly. Sidste opkald bliver jeg så oplyst om at jeg skal sende en mail, da de ikke kan hjælpe over telefonen og at der er yderligere ventetid ved denne henvendelse. (Hvilket ikke blev oplyst de første forsøg). Jeg havde ingen forventninger til at ombookning blev fikset første dag, men havde dog forventet at jeg ville høre bare lidt og at vi ikke en måned før afrejse skulle være uvisse omkring hvorvidt vi kom afsted og derfor ikke har bestilt hotel.. Booking.3251346

Dato for oplevelse : 19. august 2024

Besvarelse fra

Hej Emil, Tak for din besked. Først og fremmest, jeg forstår at det kan være fustrerende og du stiller dig uforstående overfor at du ikke er blevet kontaktet. Vi kan ikke give dig muligheder før flyselskabet giver os dem, desvære og det kan tage tid. Ud over det, er det sommer dvs at der er tusinde at ændringer fra flyselskaber og alle afgange prioriteres efter afgangs dato. Der er 6 uger til at du skal afsted, og derfor er du ikke blevet kontaktet endnu. Jeg informere vores flyafdeling om at du venter på deres kontakt, dog som sagt kan der stadig gå noget tid, desvære. Hilsner, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Kæmpe tak til Bethina og Johnnie for at…

Kæmpe tak til Bethina og Johnnie for at hjælpe mig i en svær situation med at få penge tilbage for en fejlbestilt rejse.

Dato for oplevelse : 31. juli 2024

Hej Mads, Tak for din besked. Bethina og Johnnie lever for kunderservice, så der kan du kun være i de bedste hænder. Dejligt at det blev ordnet, og jeg sender dit tak videre. Kan du have en forsat god dag, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Meget simpel hjemmeside🤔

Meget simpel hjemmeside🤔 Har betalt, men ingen e-tickets endnu? Ingen information, kun bekræftelse pr. email Håb de kommer i morgen🫣

Dato for oplevelse : 07. august 2024

Hej Dai, Godt du synes at siden var nem at bruge. Flybilletterne er elektroniske og derfor sendes de ikke ud via email. Når billetterne er udstedt, vil du på din Sembo bookingside, se et booking nummer, samt billet nummer for det relevante flyselskab. Og du kan med den information have adgang til dine billetter på flyselskabets App/hjemmeside. Du er mere end velkommen til at kontakte os på email: [email protected] med @ Freja, hvis du sidder inden med yderligere spørgsmål Forsat god dag, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Gode priser og afgange!

Dato for oplevelse : 24. august 2024

fremragende service

efter en dårlig start hvor jeg ikke kunne bruge mit gavekort, kom med fejl hver gang jeg skulle bruge det. skrev til kundeservice også skrev en medarbejder tilbage. og sjældent har jeg fået bedre hjælp. han spurgte hvad jeg skulle bruge og wupti så havde han fundet det. nu havde jeg så kæmpet en del med det, og havde fået sat en forkert dato ind, så skrev igen og undskyldte. ikke noget problem sagde han og vi gik igang igen og han løste det på ingen tid. Johnnie Kobbelgaard var virkelig servicemindet og virkelig en kæmpe hjælp til at få arrangeret mit ophold med mine børn. kæmpe anbefaling herfra og ikke sidste gang jeg bruger dem

Dato for oplevelse : 19. juli 2024

Hej Jimmi, Din fine besked er vidersendt med et stort tak til Johnnie. Kan i have et god tur, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Bookede et ophold

Bookede et ophold, som pludselig viste sig med en masse ekstra betalinger.. Skrev til Sembo omkring dette og de ville kigge ind i det. Det er nu flere mdr siden. Lad vær med at booke med dem!

Dato for oplevelse : 24. maj 2024

Hej Mette, Tak for din kommentar. Desvære er der ikke et booking nummer, så jeg kan se på sagen. Du er velkomment til at opdatere med booking nummer, eller sende en email til [email protected] Forsat god dag, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Oplevelse til 0 stjerner

Oplevelse til 0 stjerner. Kommer til flypladsen og skal printe ud til bagage boarding - Sembo har så ikke lagt til bagagen inde i Norwegian systemerne. Forsøger at få fat på dem, de har ingen agent funktion tilgængelig, og 20 min vent på tlf, uden oplysning om hvor jeg er i køen. Jeg er så tvunget til at betale på nyt direkte via Norwegian for at checke ind bagagen. Udover det, så skal man betale for at kontakte Sembo, det er vanvid, da de er umulig at få fat på - og at jeg skal betale for at de skal fixe sit eget kaos. Jeg kom heller ikke med på flyet, da det hele førte til at bagagen ikke kunne checkes ind til tiden. Nu skal jeg betale for et ny fly billet og finde en anden afgang..

Dato for oplevelse : 05. august 2024

Super Sembo

Nemt, hurtigt og samme pris i modsætning til Ticket der annoncer med billig pris men øger prisen undervejs i booking

Hej Kent, Tak for din kommentar, God sommer, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Jeg har et gavkort billigt til salg til…

Jeg har et gavkort billigt til salg til SEMBO...!!- Jeg giver snart op på at søge på dere hjemmeside. Og så er deres priser jo sindsyge.. 2-3 gange dyrere end alle andre steder...Jeg magter ikke at skal starte forfra i søgning hver eneste gang , at jeg har klikket på et hotel for at se mere... Mit gavekort udløber i September, men tvivler på at jeg når at finde noget det kan bruges på hos SEMBO... Kæft en skod hjemmeside..den kan give selv en skaldet baby grå hår..

Dato for oplevelse : 02. august 2024

Hej Jeanne, Tak for din kommentar. Det lyder somom du har brug for lidt teknisk hjælp, og det giver vi gerne. Er du sød at sende email til: [email protected] Du kan skrive @Christel i overskrift og dit gavekorts nummer, så hjælper vi dig. Du kan evt. også medsende lidt oplysninger hvis du har nogle specifikke kriterier så vi har set lidt på sagen før vi kontakter dig. Kan du have en forsat god dag, Christel Customer Happiness Team.

Det væreste l...

Det væreste l.... firma. Morebox henviser til Sembo hvis jeg skal gøre brug af mit gavekort. Intet ordentligt udvalg uanset hvilke dage og datoer, pludselige prisstigninger fra aften til næste morgen. Kan IKKE anbefales!!! Opdatering de beder nu om min vurdering efter det formodentligt meget langt om længe måske er lykkedes at få indløst det skide gavekort: Minus anbefaling: Det hele har været en meget langvarigt, stressfyldt og mega dårlig oplevelse, tænk noget der skulle have været en god oplevelse har ødelagt flere af mine feriedage!! Vil aldrig anbefale nogen, at bruge moreboks/ sembo!! Har skrevet det ville være klædeligt med noget kompensation men heller ikke det kan imødekommes!!

Dato for oplevelse : 17. juli 2024

Hej Mortensen, Tak for din kommentar. Ja jeg ser at der var lidt udfordinger til at starte med. Det var godt at Johnnie kunne hjælpe dig igennem og jeg ser at du har din booking. Kan du have en forsat god dag, og godt ophold. Hilsner, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Nemt og Tidseffektivt

Hvor er det befriende med et tidseffektiv gavekort fra Som den slags skal. Så tog det ca. 1-2 minutter, at få bestilt min oplevelse. Det er tilfredstillende at de har styr på deres gavekort.

Dato for oplevelse : 14. juli 2024

Godmorgen Kenneth, Tak for din fine kommentar, Så er det som det skal være, nemt og ligetil! Kan du have en forsat god uge, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Hvis jeg kunne give 0 stjerner havde…

Hvis jeg kunne give 0 stjerner havde jeg gjort det. Magen til dårligt service, hvis man kan kalde det, det - for vi har ikke fået noget der minder om service! Vi sidder 13 mennesker der skal hjem fra Nairobi med connecting flights, hvor det ene er blevet ændret til Istanbul, men ikke det andet hjem til Danmark, som vi så ikke kan nå nu, med ændringerne. Vi har nu, af to omgange, siddet i 6 timer uden at kunne komme igennem, hvor der hvergang er blevet lagt på… vi har tilmed købt deres såkaldte “servicepakke”, som er til ingen nytte - yderligere 300kr lige ud af vinduet… Hold jer langt væk fra sembo - der er ingen hjælp at hente, det er en ren penge maskine.

Dato for oplevelse : 15. juli 2024

Bestilte et hotelophold paa Fyn med en…

Bestilte et hotelophold paa Fyn med en voucher fra paa 699kr. Det fulde beloeb paa hotelopholdet 788kr blev trukket direkte fra min konto uden brug af vores voucher paa 699kr. Har annulleret opholdet og oensker ikke at bruge Sembo igen! Johannes Madsen Sembo vendte hurtigt tilbage med og booking er nu en realitet. Tak til Sembo for hurtig hjælp Mvh, Johannes Madsen

Dato for oplevelse : 19. april 2024

Hej Johannas, Det er jeg ked af at høre! Vi hjælper meget gerne med at få bestilt korrekt. Er du sød at sende os en email på [email protected] og skriv Att- Johnnie samt dit booking nummer, så får du experthjælp. Tak og kan du have en god weekend , Christel Customer Happiness Team

Freja fra Sembo. En MEGET positiv oplevelse:-)

Førstegangs (næsten) rejsende med fly booket gennem Sembo. Der opstår nok altid et par tvivls spørgsmål når man skal afsted som nybegynder. Disse er blevet besvaret af Freja fra Sembo. Imødekommende, positiv og empatisk tilgang. Kan kun give mine varmeste anbefalinger til Freja og Sembo teamet🙌👌🥳 Bh. Arne Bornhøft

Dato for oplevelse : 15. november 2023

Hej Arne Super dejlig anmeldelse, det glæder os at høre at Freja og teamet har hjulpet dig på vej! Vi håber, at du har en god ferie, og du er varmt velkommen tilbage hos os igen. Med venlig hilsen, Asya Customer Happiness Team

Alt godt indtil videre

Bruger nu kun skyscanner og sembo.

Vi prøvede først 4 (FIRE) gange at booke den samme rejse hos Momondo, som sendte os videre til 3 forskellige fupsider ( en af dem var SUPERSAVER) hvor prisen hver gang vi skulle betale steg med 3700 kroner( Vi skulle have billetter til 3 personer, så 1250 kr stigning pr billet, hver eneste gang vi prøvede at betale) Nu er Momondo appen slettet ud af min telefon og fremover bruger vi kun SKYSCANNER og deres partnere. Hos Sembo bookede vi på 5 minutter de 3 biletter til den annoncerede pris. Bare ærgerligt at vi først spildte over en time på MOMONDO og deres FUP UNDERLEVERANDØRER, som hver gang vi ville betale meddelte at nu var billetterne desværre lige steget med ca. 3500 kroner/ ca. 1200-1300 kroner pr. billet. Træls at den slags bondefangeri er lovligt...

Dato for oplevelse : 02. marts 2024

Hej Claus Tak for din søde besked, det glæder mig at du kunne booke det du havde brug for på blot 5 minutter, modsat hos andre leverandørere. Jeg sender dit skulderklap videre til vores dygtige team og varmt velkommen tilbage hos os igen. Kan du have en skøn dag! Med venlig hilsen, Asya Customer Happiness Team

Fremragende service

Vi havde bestilt 2 overnatninger på hotel i Silkeborg, men fik allerede dagen efter brug for at ændre datoerne. Ringede til Sembo og talte med Johnny Kobbelgaard, som på et par minutter fik datoerne på plads, endda uden meromkostninger. Super høflig og kompetent behandling.

Dato for oplevelse : 20. maj 2024

Hej Kent, Tak for din fine kommentar, jeg sender hilsen videre til Johnnie med et tak. Forsat god dag, Christel Customer Happiness Team.

min rejse blev aflyst men kun få penge…

min rejse blev aflyst men kun få penge tilbage ud de helt stor problemer og omkostninger

Dato for oplevelse : 04. juli 2024

Hej Ulf, Beklager at der blev aflyst, jeg kan forstår at det er flybilletter og at vi dermed kan refundere, da flyselskabet er ansvarlig for sådan en aflysning. Kan du have en god dag, Christel Customer Happiness Team.

Super god oplevelse med Sembos…

Super god oplevelse med Sembos kundeservice, Freja gjorde virkeligt alt hvad der var muligt for at hjælpe med at få fikset et lille "Lufthansa problem". Jeg vil helt sikkert benytte Sembo igen. mvh Karsten

Dato for oplevelse : 19. marts 2024

Hej Karsten Mange tak for din anmeldelse, vi er super glade for, at Freja kunne løse dit problem. Varmt velkommen tilbage hos os igen. Ønsker dig en god aften! Med venlig hilsen, Customer Happiness Team


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dtf travel

Sembo is a global B2C tour operator specializing in vacation rentals, hotels, flights, car rentals and ferry tickets. Sembo's business concept is to simplify travel by providing affordable travel around the world. With modern technology and good service, the customer can easily tailor their trip with accommodation and transport and book easily and safely.

Sembo is part of Stena Line Travel & Retail Group. This business division within Stena Line Group focuses on leisure travel, retail, food & beverage and has sales of more than EUR 200 million with operations in several European markets. 

The group consists of well-known brands such as Sembo, DTF Travel, Best Travel, Buro Scanbrit and Retail & Food Services.

Sustainability and the environment are important to us

We work with sustainability issues both internally in the companies and externally with our partners, to offer sustainable travel and give our customers the opportunity to more easily choose to travel climate-smart with us. Together with airlines, hotels, ferry companies and other partners, we work for sustainable travel and contribute to the positive effects of tourism and reduce the negative ones. We have categories such as Green hotels, EcoFriendly and Car Charger.

Sembo and Sustainability  

Sembo - more than 30 years of experienceFor more than 30 years, we at Sembo have worked to fulfill dreams and travels for millions of people. Everything from having a romantic weekend in Paris to an adventurous trip with the family in the Mediterranean. Take a look down into the history glass and join our journey from car holidays in Italy to becoming a modern travel platform with flexible travel for everyone.

Sembo - more than 30 years of experience

For more than 30 years, we at Sembo have worked to fulfill dreams and travels for millions of people. Everything from having a romantic weekend in Paris to an adventurous trip with the family in the Mediterranean. Take a look down into the history glass and join our journey from car holidays in Italy to becoming a modern travel platform with flexible travel for everyone.

Our categories

With our categories, you will easily find a type of trip that suits your next adventure. Whether it is a family trip, a spa trip or for example some of our fine Selected hotels, our filtering will help you find the right hotel quickly and easily.

Customer service of the highest class

It is no wonder that we have 97% satisfied customers at Sembo. Our fantastic customer service helps our customers every day, all year round - if desired. They work hard to make our customers feel that they get more than just a booking with us.

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Kungsgatan 6, 252 21 Helsingborg , SWEDEN   |   Registration number: 556529-1795  |   Registered office: Helsingborg, Sweden

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Horrible throught calling and their…

Horrible throught calling and their service 😒 never again,

Date of experience : August 05, 2024

Reply from

Dear Mahamuud, Im sorry to hear our service was not to your satisfaction. If you post your booking number, or write to [email protected] @Christel and give some details for your post, ill be happy to look into it. Thanks and have a nice weekend, Christel Customer Happiness Service

I had an outstanding experience with…

I had an outstanding experience with Freja while rebooking my flight ticket. She truly went above and beyond to assist me when her male colleague in the same office (who refused to share his name) was nonchalant to provide any solutions at all. Freja's dedication and expertise not only saved my travel plans but also restored my faith in Sembo. Five stars for Freja, the shining star amidst the clouds!

Date of experience : August 23, 2023

Booking tickets with Sembo is like the worst experience ever!

Booking tickets with Sembo is like paying to burglars. We booked tickets for summer holiday to Greece with short layover. The airplane company has cancelled our flight. We were told that if we want to change our tickets we need to pay 495 DKK per person for the ticket change, if we do not accept then we can cancel also for the cost of 495 DKK per person. We bought two tickets one with infant and we were charged 1.500 dkk for booking via Sembo. Not only Sembo ruined our summer holiday plans, but it has stolen 1.500 dkk from us. Never ever use them!!!!! I wish I could give you -1000 stars!

Date of experience : May 15, 2024

Dear Silvana Thank you for your review. The Service Package is needed if you want our help with various things, and that service could be added at the time of booking, which you chose not to do. If you want our help at a later time, you can still add the Service Package, but then the service costs more. Sembo charges a fee of 495 kr. per ticket if you did not add our Service Package. Furthermore, I want to inform you that the first option you received by email is free of charge to change for and I can see that our agent has already advised you so. Hope this clarifies and I wish you a great evening. Kind regards, Customer Happiness Team

Freja fra dtf travel

I called dtf travel after an absurdly bad experience with Lufthansa's own customer service. I got hold of Freja, who was absolutely one of the most service-minded and nice people I have talked to for a long time. Great understanding of my helplessness and frustrations regarding my situation with Lufthansa. She solved my problems in a short time and sent me an email with further links and help. Huge thanks to her!

Date of experience : May 08, 2023

Great customer service from Freja

Good ticket at a great price and quick process through the whole purchase chain. One thing was that I never received a confirmation e-mail, so I contacted customer service, where Freja was an absolute star and made sure I got what I needed, and spotted the mistake I made along the way. All in all, great service!

Date of experience : June 01, 2023

Great customer service provided by Emmy

So far, I am very happy with the service. Changes were made by the airline, and we were informed in due time and told our options. Also, just now, still almost a month prior to our trip, we had to make changes to our reservation, and I was pleasantly surprised by how fast customer service responded. Emmy helped us immediately, and in less than an hour, our issue was solved. This is a great relief. Thank you for great customer service, I am convinced we will have a great trip in November🌟

Date of experience : October 11, 2023

Dear Pialova, Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to us. I will make sure Emmy gets this message. I am really happy to hear that you are satisfied with the service we have provided and that it shines through that we are happy to help and always do our best. Hanna Customer Happiness Team

Very responsive customer service

Very responsive customer service. Answered all my questions through telephone and email. I had a problem in my e-ticket as the luggage allowance has been mentioned lower than what I have paid. Therefore , DTF settle the payment I had to pay extra in the airport. Highly recommend, a reliable service provider.

Date of experience : April 20, 2023

Flight cancelled by airline - 495 DKK fee to process the refund

Don't use it. I booked flight tickets at DTF Travel. Airline cancelled my plane, and the only available alternative is the next day. I have therefore requested full refund, but instead DTF Travel has charged 495 DKK fee to process the refund. This is NOT ok. It must be possible according to the EU law to get the full refund, if plane was cancelled by the airline.

Date of experience : November 05, 2022

Hi Igor, When you book you get the absolute lowest rates, and the option to add a service packet in case any unforeseen matter should happen. Its clearly stated under booking process and if disregarded you chose to have lower rate. Im sorry, if you didn't check the options you had when booking. I have asked the team and found your booking. I can see you cancelled and we actually didn't charge the service packet. All the best, Christel Dtf-travel

We booked flight tickets for a vacation…

We booked flight tickets for a vacation in the US some 2 months ago. However, our plan changed and we needed to changes our return date. First I called DTF and talked to Johnny, who gave me good advice and asked me to send an E-mail. Therefore, I wrote a mail to DTF and received a very swift response from Oliver stating that we could certainly change dates and he also provided an alternative. It turned out that we need to adjust this a bit - but again the answer was very swift and helpful. Thus within a very short time, we had new tickets for our return flight - without any problems at all!! This was a VERY pleasant experience and certainly makes we list DTF as a very good option when booking travel.

Date of experience : May 10, 2023

Hej Steen, Thank you so much for your comment. Im happy that Johnnie and Oliver provided a good service and could help you. We always aim to help in the best way according to rules given from airline. Ill forward your nice comment to both, Thank you. Best greetings Christel Dtf-travel Chr

Best customer service ever!

Best customer service ever! Something was wrong with the website, and I had severe problems with payment when I tried to book the tickets. I called DTF's customer service and Kelly provided me with the best customer service ever. I was in contact with her for several hours while we both worked quite hard to solve the issues. She called me back twice and sent me updates on the process on email - she has been a true angel. Without her great and very professional assistance I am not sure that I would have succeeded in booking the tickets for our travel to the other side of the Earth. A big shout out to Kelly, and I can strongly recommend anyone to book their tickets at DTF.

Date of experience : May 06, 2023

Thanks to Bethina for excellent service

We had some problems with booking holiday apartments in Germany online and therefore contacted DTF for help. A very customer-minded employee Bethina guided us via mail through the booking process and it paid off. We booked the three apartments with the help of a staff member who understands customer care and thank you for that.

Date of experience : August 17, 2022

Godmorgen Tonny, Dejligt at Bethina kunne give dig god hjælp. Jeg sender din tak videre, det bliver hun helt sikkert glad for. Kan I nu have en god tur, Christel Dtf-travel

Helpful and swift

I accidentally booked plane tickets for the wrong date. After I payed the service fee, Sembo was very helpful regarding rebooking my tickets for another date.

Date of experience : May 06, 2024

Hi Bertram, Thank you for your comment, I am happy that we could help and you are content with the service given. Have an excellent day ahead. Greetings, Christel Customer Happiness Team

Still trying to get my money back for my cancelled flight back in June. DTF travel continues to lie and drag out time. They say the case is pending, but the airline (Emirates) tells me that DTF-travel has never sent any requests. A flight ticket from Europe to New Zealand is not cheap, so I will continue until I get the money I lawfully deserve. I think it is a shame that authorities have to be involved, in order for Travel agencies to follow the law. Very disappointing. I am now a University Student on benefits, dependent on the money I should get back from the cancelled flight. Money that DTF Travel is keeping away from me. Very shamefully indeed.

Date of experience : December 28, 2020

OK but too much upsale

I did not appreciate Sembo trying to sell me all kind of crap on top of the ticket. I got the price, and I want to check out. I don't want to got through a whole list of things that I have to answer "Nej" to. ===================== I just got an answer from Sembo saying that they are doing this for my sake, to give me more choices. I consider this answer dishonest. Of course, they are doing it for their own sake, and the honest answer should have been, "Dear user, please forgive us, but our prices are so low that we are forced to use these tricks to try and improve our profit margines. You can still choose to say "NO" and save money.

Date of experience : January 23, 2024

Hi Vivarto, Thank you for your comment. The idea is to offer customers to control the price of their ticket, by offering lowest rate and then you can add any additional yourself, depending on needs. This way you are not getting hidden included costs, making ticket more expensive. Ill take your input with me, and see if we would want to add a ´´jump directly to check-out page´´. Thanks, and have a great day. Christel Customer Happiness team. Hi Vivarto, Im sorry you feel this way. Enjoy your day. Christel

We booked our two weeks hoilday in…

We booked our two weeks hoilday in Mallorca looked so professional and was just a scam. We got all the emails and ref numbers only to receive an email saying we had cancelled the hoilday thru the app. We never cancelled our hoilday at all. Then then said they would contact the other parties to see if they could re-instate the booking . We managed to get the other companies email witch they replied within hours All they said was the booking was cancelled by them and couldn’t get involved. They told me it was them. Please Don’t Book your holidays with this company they are all so called DTF Travel as well as Sembo All they do is pass the buck we never asked for a refund all we wanted was our hoilday sent them copies of our flight tickets witch was still live they had us £787 And guess what the cancellation fee was £787 total rip off Don’t use them there sister company is Stenna-line ferries

Brilliant service

So I needed help to change the departure time for my ferry home to Gothenburg. And spoke with Freja at the Stena Line customer service number. She was extremely helpful, kind and patient. Even when i needed to call back and confirm the changes I made. She stayed on the line through the whole ordeal. Truly exceptional all across the board. Thx, Freja!

Date of experience : April 01, 2023

Thank you for your post Oscer, Great to hear that Freja could help you, and gave you the service needed. Ill forward your comments to her. Have a nice easter, Christel Dtf-travel

A booking at a hotel was cancelled…

A booking at a hotel was cancelled during my stay in Montenegro. Bethina gave us excellent service and arranged so we got a new hotell. Great service

Date of experience : August 03, 2023


Wasting time and money to buy any travel through these guys . Scam and unserious . Long customer service line ,giving different answers, non professional and shady ticket conditions . Really a shame for traveling industry.

Date of experience : June 21, 2022

Dear Kamran, Thank you for your comment, and adding your booking number. It is correct that answering time on the phone is longer than usual right now, due to summer started and many airline schedule changes, the call volumes are up. We do our outmost to attend all customers in timely manners, and solve the cases while online or in written depending of the case. Ill check your booking, and be back to you. Thank you Kamran, Have a nice day, Christel Dtf-travel

Thank you for help

Thank you for help. Be honestly it was long conversation and sometimes I have difficulty to deal with co-worker. But I just want to thank you Johanna for helping. I will not forget your kindness. Pretty good

Date of experience : September 05, 2022

Dear Sital, Thank you so much for you kind comments. I will share with Johanna. I hope you will have an excellent day ahead! Susanna Customer Service DTF-Travel / Sembo

Great help from customer services

We had some initial problems with a changed booking that was not working for my travelling group, but thanks to Freja at customer services, everything was put right again :)

Date of experience : February 09, 2023

Good morning Anna, Thank you for your comment, im happy that Freja could give you the help needed. And thank you for booking number in order to check all has been settled. Enjoy your day, Christel Dtf-travel - Sembo Stenaline travel group

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  • The Best Things To See...

The Best Things to Do in Nizhny Novgorod

Chkalovskaya Lestnica

Nizhny Novgorod, founded in 1221, is one of the oldest cities in Russia, so is home to an array of historic attractions. If you’re headed to the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia and happen to find yourself in Nizhny Novgorod, it would be an absolute shame to miss out on seeing the city. Here are the best things to see and do.

Go back in time on bolshaya pokrovskaya.

If you’re a fan of the Golden Age of Russian literature, Bolshaya Pokrovskaya is the place for you to go. As one of the city’s central streets, long lines of well-preserved 19th-century buildings stretch along both sides. It’s not only the architecture that will transport you back in time: sculptures of past inhabitants of the town, each with a story to tell, will make you feel as if you were a character in a Dostoevsky novel.

Bolshaya Pokorovskaya, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya at night, a perfect film set

Have a picnic on the riverbank

The Chkalov Staircase, consisting of almost 600 stairs, leads from the Kremlin to the riverbank. On a sunny day, after a long walk around the Kremlin, head down to the Volga river, stroll along it and have lunch sitting on one of the benches placed near the boardwalk.

Chkalov Stairs, Kreml, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Chkalovskaya Lestnica

See the river from above

A cable car runs above the river from Nizhny Novgorod to Bor, a town on the other side of the Volga river. It is often used by locals as a means of public transport and the views from it are breathtaking. Spend an afternoon going to Bor and back; a trip that is most certainly worth your time.

Nizny Novgorod Cable Car, Kazanskaya Naberezhnaya 8, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

people cheering on a mountain

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The cable car over the frozen river

Spend an afternoon in space

In a district just outside the city centre you’ll find a very special monument dedicated to Gromozeka, a well-loved character from a sci-fi Soviet cartoon. Gromozeka, whose metal sculpture can now be found on the playground in Nizhny Novgorod, was a friendly alien archaeologist from a far-away planet called Chumaroz. A few benches around the monument are hidden in what look like USSR space helmets. A must-see for all the space geeks out there.

Gromozeka monument, Tropina, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Visit the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin


Get a sneak-peek into Nizhny Novgorod's pre-revolutionary literary world

Building, Museum


Become a 19th-century nobleman or woman for the day


Looking for things to do in Moscow? Check out our guide here .

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Guides & Tips

Beautiful russian words to make you fall in love with the language.

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Unusual Facts About the Soviet Union

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See & Do

The most beautiful places to visit in russia.

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The Secret Meanings Behind Russian Prison Tattoos

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The Most Beautiful Stops on the Trans-Siberian Railway

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Places to Stay

The best hotels for skiers and snowboarders in russia.

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10 Essential Attractions to See in Moscow

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Film & TV

Famous russian directors who aren't andrei tarkovsky.

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A Guide to Cautionary Russian Proverbs and What They Mean

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Russian Last Names and Their Meanings

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Russian Words That Can't Be Translated Into English

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Russian Swear Words You Need to Know

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Aerial ropeway

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A unique installation for central Russia, an aerial ropeway spans the Volga, connecting Nizhny Novgorod with Bor. The scenic service is very frequent, although somewhat pricey for such a short distance (90 RUR, as of 2016).

Outside of the cities, there are a number of important monasteries within Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, such as Makaryev Monastery (across the Volga from Lyskovo), or the Diveyevo Monastry not far from Sarov, in the southwest of the province.

Russia's Golden Ring is nearby and its prominent attractions at Vladimir and Suzdal can be daytripped from Nizhny Novgorod by bus.

The next major stops on the Trans-Siberian Railway are Vladimir to the west and Kirov to the east.

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  2. Book din rejse med Sembo (tidl. DTF travel). Vi har hoteller, feriehuse

    Sembo tilbyder hoteller, feriehuse, lejligheder, kør-selv-ferier og flyrejser til mange destinationer. Læs om deres nye AI-rejseassistent, Amelia, og få inspiration til din næste rejse.

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  4. Morebox : DTF Travel

    Lær hvordan du bruger Morebox til at finde og bøger hoteller med dit gavekort hos DTF Travel. Få tips til at vælge det rigtige ophold, se inkluderede tjenester og følge bookingprocessen.

  5. Morebox : DTF Travel

    Morebox. Here you can find more information about Morebox and how it works. Enter the gift card that appears on the purchased gift card. After that comes to a new site, with hotels that fit the gift card. Hotels that cost more will also be shown, which is clearly evident from the fact that there is a resale price on these.

  6. DTF travel

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  7. DTF travel Reviews

    We cannot recommend ever booking through DTF travel to anyone. They are cancelling trips by mistake without taking responsibility, refund for their mistakes or even return to their so called 'customers'. Date of experience: 20 April 2022. Reply from DTF travel. Updated 19 May 2022.

  8. Familieferie

    DTF travel har tæt på 25 års erfaring som leverandør af familieferier til danske familier. Vi bruger meget tid og mange ressourcer på at udvælge og kvalitetssikre alle vores dejlige rejsemål. Vi bestræber os på, at samtlige de familieferier vi tilbyder vores kunder, skal leve op til vores strenge kvalitetskrav. ...

  9. Support : DTF Travel

    Opening hours (GMT+1) Monday to Friday: 8am - 3pm Saturdays: 8am - 1pm Sundays: closed closed

  10. DTF travel

    DTF travel (Dansk Total Ferie) blev grundlagt i 1991 af Marianne og Bent Jørgensen i Hjørring. Virksomhedens idé var at sælge kør-selv-rejser til lave priser. I 1994 oprettedes den tyske afdeling, DTF travel GmbH, i Flensborg. I 2002 gik DTF travel online med salg hotelferier, vinterferier, sommerferier, weekend-/miniferier m.m. via ...

  11. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    Remarkable experience with DTF/Siri. What a wonderful experience booking something through DTF customer service, obsoletely awesome service by Siri with details of adding luggage, information for stroller etc, felt like handheld. Would sure go back to DTF :-) Date of experience: March 27, 2023. Reply from

  12. Læs kundernes anmeldelser af

    Sembo, som indtil 2023 hed DTF travel, er en del af Stena Line Travel & Retail Group. Sembo blev under navnet DTF travel A/S grundlagt i 1991 og har over 30 års erfaring med at tilbyde fleksible rejser. Sembo har i alt ca. 150 ansatte fordelt på kontorer i Helsingborg i Sverige, Palma de Mallorca i Spanien, Wroclaw i Polen samt Frederikshavn ...

  13. Sembo

    Sembo is a global B2C tour operator specializing in vacation rentals, hotels, flights, car rentals and ferry tickets. Sembo's business concept is to simplify travel by providing affordable travel around the world. With modern technology and good service, the customer can easily tailor their trip with accommodation and transport and book easily ...

  14. Reviews

    Freja fra dtf travel. I called dtf travel after an absurdly bad experience with Lufthansa's own customer service. I got hold of Freja, who was absolutely one of the most service-minded and nice people I have talked to for a long time. Great understanding of my helplessness and frustrations regarding my situation with Lufthansa.

  15. THE 10 BEST Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Hotel Deals (Jul 2024)

    SAVE! See Tripadvisor's Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Volga District hotel deals and special prices all in one spot. Find the perfect hotel within your budget with reviews from real travelers.

  16. Constructed Travel

    The Constructed Travel Worksheet is used to compare costs between travel modes. Once completed and uploaded in DTS, an Authorizing Official (AO) uses information from the worksheet to determine the authorized travel mode and establish any limits on reimbursement. The same worksheet is used for pre-travel and post-travel constructed comparisons ...

  17. Billige fly og flyrejser

    Bestil billige flybilletter med Sembo. Vi søger blandt mere end 100 flyselskaber efter den bedste pris til dig. Du bestemmer hvilke flytider og rejsedage der passer dig. Vi kan godt lide fleksibilitet. Bestil fly og hotel samtidigt og du er dækket af pakkerejseloven og kan føle dig tryg.

  18. The Best Things To Do In Nizhny Novgorod

    Have a picnic on the riverbank. The Chkalov Staircase, consisting of almost 600 stairs, leads from the Kremlin to the riverbank. On a sunny day, after a long walk around the Kremlin, head down to the Volga river, stroll along it and have lunch sitting on one of the benches placed near the boardwalk. Chkalov Stairs, Kreml, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

  19. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod ( Russian: Ни́жний Но́вгород NEEZH-nee NOHV-guh-ruht ), colloquially shortened to Nizhny, is Russia 's fifth largest city, ranking after Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. It had a population in 2018 of 1.26 million. It is the economic and cultural center of the vast Volga economic region ...

  20. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast

    edit. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is one of the most populous and economically important regions of the Volga Region, centered on its capital Nizhny Novgorod. Aside from the capital itself, the region is perhaps best known outside of Russia for its tradition of making painted, wooden matryoshka dolls. Less known, perhaps, are Khokhloma handicraft.