Memory Alpha

The Icarus Factor (episode)

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 2 Log entries
  • 3 Memorable quotes
  • 4.1 Production history
  • 4.2 Story and script
  • 4.3 Production
  • 4.4 Deleted scene
  • 4.5 Sets and props
  • 4.6 Cast and characters
  • 4.7 Continuity
  • 4.8 Reception
  • 4.9 Video and DVD releases
  • 5.1 Starring
  • 5.2 Also starring
  • 5.3 Special appearance by
  • 5.4 Guest stars
  • 5.5 Co-star
  • 5.6 Uncredited co-stars
  • 5.7 Stunt doubles
  • 5.8 Stand-ins
  • 5.9 References
  • 5.10 External links

Summary [ ]

Reviewing engine problems

" I'd say we have a problem. "

The USS Enterprise -D is en route to Starbase Montgomery in the hope that the base can provide a consultation regarding minor readout anomalies in engineering. While Lieutenant Commander Data believes the anomalies are insignificant, both Riker and Picard think it is necessary to investigate the issue. Data suggests that the best solution would be to reprogram the system to correct the readout variables, with which Picard agrees, but with the Enterprise heading to Starbase Montgomery anyway, they should have the issue checked out by the starbase's maintenance personnel.

Riker points out that Montgomery was not in their mission itinerary. Picard mentions that a layover will not hurt crew morale and that he just received some priority personnel transfer directives. Riker asks if personnel are boarding or disembarking. At that moment, Ensign Wesley Crusher calls the captain from the bridge to inform him that they are within hailing range of the starbase. Picard orders them to proceed at half impulse and asks Riker to join him in the observation lounge for a moment.

Picard tells Riker about promotion

" Congratulations, captain. "

In the observation lounge , Riker enters the room to a waiting Picard. Picard recalls Riker's impressive manual docking maneuver when he first arrived on the Enterprise . Picard offers Riker a belated congratulations in the way of informing him that the commanding officer of the USS Aries is retiring, and that Riker has been promoted as its new captain. The Aries may have found as-yet-unconfirmed indications of an intelligent lifeform which is in the Vega-Omicron sector , where it is stationed, and which is months away at high warp. Starfleet wants to utilize Riker's impeccable exploratory and diplomatic skill to ascertain the situation.

Picard informs Riker that he has twelve hours to decide whether he will accept the position. Just before leaving, Picard hopes that he is not too premature and congratulates "Captain" Riker on his promotion .

Act One [ ]

On the bridge of the Enterprise , Picard exits his ready room and asks Wesley to enter synchronous orbit with the planet. Picard informs Riker that a civilian strategic attaché with specialized knowledge of the frontier region will be coming aboard the Enterprise from Starbase Montgomery to brief him on the Aries mission. Riker hopes that the briefing is complete, as his decision to accept command of the Aries rests on it. As the attaché is about to be beamed aboard, Picard tells Riker that he should find the briefing rather interesting.

Kyle Riker beams aboard

Riker is called to transporter room 3. The attaché beams aboard. It is Kyle Riker , Will's estranged father of fifteen years . Kyle acts cautious around his son, while Will is cool – saying that he must attend to his duties, and when Kyle is ready, Will would be available to listen to his briefing regarding the Aries and her mission. Will exits while requesting that Ensign Herbert assign a security escort for Kyle, whom he calls "this gentleman."

O'Brien and Riker, 2365

" They know each other. " " No kidding. "

Wesley finds Worf in one of the corridors and calls to him. Wesley asks Worf if he has heard of Riker's promotion, his father's arrival, and Riker's reaction to his arrival's presence. Worf informs Wesley that he did not know his father and curtails Wesley's persistent conversation by yelling " Enough! " and storming off.

In engineering, Geordi La Forge 's ego is being bruised by the Montgomery 's analysis crew. Wesley enters and mentions Worf's strange behavior. La Forge believes it may be the prospect of losing Riker, and while he and Wesley agree the loss would be great, Wesley is unconvinced that this is the issue.

Pulaski and Kyle Riker

" How about a kiss? "

In Ten Forward , Riker and Miles O'Brien are sitting at a table together having drinks. O'Brien asks Riker what's troubling him. Riker answers "family". Kyle Riker enters then, with his son looking on, and greets several people. Among them is Katherine Pulaski , who seems to be an old flame of Kyle's, of which Will was not aware.

Back in engineering, Wesley, Data, and La Forge are discussing Worf's strange behavior. Data agrees that Worf is " out of sorts ." They decide to observe Worf's behavior in order to come to a conclusion as to his issue.

In Ten Forward, Riker approaches his father, who is sitting with Dr. Pulaski, and informs him that he is ready for his father's briefing. Will abruptly exits.

Act Two [ ]

La Forge and Data enter Ten Forward while Kyle Riker and Dr. Pulaski discuss their past relationship. Kyle inquires as to Pulaski's marriages. She says she's had three, that they were all good men, and that she's still friends with them. Kyle asks, " Like us? " and Pulaski says that her ex-husbands were a little more in touch with their emotions than Kyle is. She says that Kyle has a reputation for being tough and efficient, but that he is lovable to some people. " And then, there's Will, " Pulaski notes.

Data tries talking to Worf

" You seem to have lost the will to communicate with others. "

La Forge and Data observe Worf, who is looking out at the stars. They discuss whether or not to approach him. Data believes Worf may be lonely and that socialization may make him feel better. He joins Worf, telling him that he seems withdrawn and that his friends are concerned for him. Worf bellows at him to " be gone! " to which Data complies. Upon returning to La Forge, he remarks that Worf seems to be valuing his solitude. They leave.

Will is in his quarters looking at old photographs of him and his father. There is a chime at the door and Worf enters. Worf begins by saying that words are not his strong suit, then he mentions the photograph. Riker indicates that the picture is of him at age 9 in Alaska holding a fish . He says he did not catch it. As soon as his father realized that Will's line was pulling, he took the rod because he believed Will would lose the fish. Worf asks after Riker's feelings for his father. Riker says he does not know and redirects Worf to his reason for visiting. Worf asks that, if Riker accepts the captain's seat of the Aries , he would like to go with him, too. Worf believes that there is a great risk for battle, and to die in battle, on the Aries mission. Riker understands, and Worf leaves knowing that Riker will "do the right thing."

Rikers face off

" Why haven't I heard from you? "

Will arrives for the briefing in the observation lounge. While Kyle is glad they are alone, Will is only interested in the briefing. Once he receives a memory chip with the relevant information, he asks why the data wasn't just simply transferred to him. Kyle says he has heard good things about Will, and Will asks why he hasn't heard anything from his father. Kyle tries to explain that there is no manual for being a parent and that communication is not one of his strong suits. Kyle tries to bring up the death of Will's mother , but Will excuses himself. As Will is leaving, Kyle says that he visited the Enterprise because, in the event his son accepts the captain's position, he would be going far away. Kyle says, " I'm here with my hand out, son. " Will exits without saying anything.

Act Three [ ]

Troi meets Kyle Riker

" Why do I get the feeling that this is a set-up? "

In sickbay , Kyle and Pulaski are discussing her most recent patient who has a flu. When Kyle asks after the remedy, Dr. Pulaski mentions medicine and " PCS ". Deanna Troi , overhearing the conversation, says that Pulaski's greatest medical skill is her empathy. The doctor introduces Troi to Kyle, saying that she thought they should meet. Kyle knows that it is a set-up, and Troi acknowledges the intent. The doctor leaves, allowing Troi and Kyle privacy to talk in her office.

Troi senses anxiety in Kyle about Will, recognizing that Kyle wishes to be closer to him. Troi says she wants to help, and Kyle tells her that he came to Enterprise to bury the hatchet with his son " only to find out that the ground was frozen solid. " Kyle says he has not given up, but that he would like to have some sort of acknowledgment from Will. Troi responds, " Respect is earned, not bestowed. " Kyle says he does not need respect, nor pride, from Will. Troi senses that Kyle covets Will's achievements – that he is still competitive with him – and tells him that Will respects honesty above all traits. Kyle balks at each accusation and insists that he is only on the Enterprise to assist his son with his first responsibility as captain. Troi asks why Kyle seems so sure that Will would take a dangerous post, and Kyle responds that his son will do it because it is something he would do.

Rikers argue

" I can take care of myself. "

Picard visits Riker in his quarters. He notices that Will is reviewing the assignment and asks if Riker has questions regarding the mission. Riker says no, though he is interested in the first officer, Commander Flaherty . Picard says the last time he saw Flaherty, the man spoke forty languages, had an uncanny ability to pick up new ones very quickly, and would be a valuable asset on the mission. A chime is heard, and Kyle enters. The captain exchanges pleasantries with Kyle and then excuses himself.

Will tells his father that he will not be pushed into a decision despite the opinions of his father and Starfleet. Kyle says that he is available if Will needs him. Will quips that he has been independent since he was fifteen, but Kyle says, " spare me the pain of your childhood. I hung in for thirteen years. If that wasn't enough, it's just too bad. " Then he leaves.

Wesley figures out Worf's problem

" I figured out Worf's problem! "

Back in engineering, La Forge worries that he did miss something in his diagnostics. Data assures him that it is unlikely. Wesley arrives with news. It is the tenth anniversary of Worf's Age of Ascension . It is traditional to celebrate the tenth anniversary with ritual spent with fellow Klingons and family, so Wesley suggests a holodeck re-creation of the event with Worf's friends substituting for his family.

Riker visits sickbay to apologize to Dr. Pulaski for being judgmental in Ten Forward of her personal life when it is not his business, even if it involves his father. Pulaski asks Will if his father ever told him why he did not remarry. Will is skeptical that any woman would want his father and his ego. Pulaski replied that she would have. She tells Will that twelve years ago , Kyle was a civilian strategist advising Starfleet in its conflict with the Tholians . The starbase where he was working was attacked and those on the station were not expected to live. And they didn't, except Kyle, who was the only survivor. He was the only one with the strength to face the pain and live. Will says his father never told him the story. Pulaski says she never saw a man fight so hard to live. She and Kyle fell in love, but marriage was not Kyle's first priority. His career was. Pulaski advises Will to get rid of his emotional baggage before he leaves to take command of the Aries .

Act Four [ ]

In engineering, Wesley, Data, and La Forge discuss the details of the Age of Ascension ritual which includes the use of Klingon painstiks . La Forge is not keen on watching Worf submit to pain, but he will do it for his friend.

Riker and Picard discuss promotion

" I'd be a fool to turn that promotion down, wouldn't I? "

Will enters Picard's ready room to talk about his promotion. Picard says he cannot tell Will what to do; it is ultimately his decision. He says,

Riker asks for a little more time to decide.

Troi and Riker say farewell

" I didn't want to leave without saying good-bye. "

In engineering, La Forge is still worrying over the inspection. O'Brien asks if any progress has been made, and Data says there is none to find. He does point out that he would find the scrutiny insulting if he " were not a consummate professional and an android . " La Forge is thankful. Wesley invites O'Brien to Worf's ceremony, and O'Brien says he will attend. Wesley also requests that O'Brien keep the ceremony a secret from Worf. O'Brien tells him that his lips are sealed.

Will and Troi meet. They do not want to say goodbye, so they settle on "until next time." They share an intimate moment discussing their emotions. Will says he is feeling sad. Troi confesses she is too, and they embrace.

Kyle is waiting outside of Will's quarters for him. He asks for a minute of his son's time, and Will ushers him in. Their conversation immediately devolves into an argument. Finally, the two challenge each other to an anbo-jyutsu match, a Japanese martial art form of combat practiced in the 24th century .

Act Five [ ]

Enterprise-D crew gathers for Age of Ascension

" Is this really necessary? "

Kyle arrives in sickbay after hearing the doctor wanted to speak with him. Pulaski disapproves of the anbo-jyutsu match, insisting that violence solves nothing. She also expresses her concern for his health, but Kyle is confident.

Age of ascension pain sticks

Worf undergoes his Second Rite of Ascension

In the holodeck, La Forge, Data, O'Brien, Wesley, and Pulaski set up the Rite, while Counselor Troi is escorting Worf to their location. Worf is resistant to follow, as he dislikes games, but Troi insists that she knows the importance of this day, his Rite of Ascension anniversary, and asks him to bear with her. They arrive, but she leaves him as he enters. He enters a hall with eight Klingon warriors, four to each side on two raised platforms. His friends wish him a happy anniversary, and Data asks if they may begin. Worf recites in both Klingon and English: " Today I am a warrior. I must show you my heart. I travel the river of blood… " while being prodded by the Klingons with painstiks parallel to each other. The ritual involves being able to endure intense pain while expressing one's true feelings, and Worf continues to express his determination. Halfway through he falls to one knee; Pulaski's first instinct is to try to go to him, but O'Brien holds her back. Worf gets to his feet and continues, finally enduring all eight painstiks and reaching the end of the hall. Despite being out of breath, Worf genuinely thanks his friends for allowing him to observe the tradition.

Pulaski joins Troi in the observation lounge. Troi asks if the Rite was successful, and Pulaski says that it was, but that she is happy Humans have moved past such barbarism. Troi brings up the match that Riker and his father have agreed to. She believes that certain traits are endemic to gender, in spite of evolution. They come to the conclusion that these are the very traits that make Human males so attractive, including Riker and his father. Pulaski hopes that the two of them don't hurt each other.

Rikers anbo-jytsu match

The ultimate evolution in martial arts

Riker and his father begin their anbo-jyutsu match, a sightless sport that takes place in a ring where each fighter uses a stick to attack the other. One end of the stick is padded and the other has a type of sensor on the end of it to help detect one's opponent. Will says his father should have died instead of his mother. Will successfully takes down his father once. Kyle confesses that when he lost his wife, the only thing that kept him going was Will. Will is skeptical. Kyle takes his son down, but Will protests. He says that the move, Hachidan kiritsu (Will pronounces it as "karitsu"), is illegal.

Data gets it right

" …precisely what Data recommended. "

He realizes that his father only won by cheating when he was younger. Kyle tells Will that they both were affected terribly by the death of Kyle's wife, Will's mother, but Will barely knew her, and Kyle had loved her. He could not talk about it in the past, and then they grew distant. He says, " It's funny. I can talk to a whole room of admirals about anything in the galaxy, but I can't talk to you about how I feel. " Riker asks how he feels, and Kyle says that he loves Will. Will says he's glad Kyle came. They hug. Kyle tells his son he has to get back to the starbase. Before he leaves, Kyle tells Will to be careful out on the frontier.

Enterprise-D breaks orbit of Starbase Montgomery

" Right now, the best place for me to be is here. "

Back on the bridge, Worf informs the captain that the analysis team and attache have left. Picard asks La Forge what the results of the analysis team were. La Forge reports that they suggested he reprogram the system to correct the readout variables, which Picard points out was what Data had initially suggested. As the Enterprise prepares to leave, Riker joins the bridge and requests that, with the captain's permission, he would like to remain aboard as first officer. Picard grants the request. He asks what changed Riker's mind. Riker replies, " Motivated self-interest. For now, the best place for me to be is here. "

Log entries [ ]

  • Captain's log, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D), 2365

Memorable quotes [ ]

" You know, Wesley should really be doing this on his own. " " But he needs his study time. " " Huh, I can't believe you fell for that. "

" This is more than a surprise; it's total shock. " " You mean you didn't bake me a cake? "

" And they use those? " " Those are Klingon painstiks. I once saw one of them used against a two ton, rectyne monopod. Poor creature jumped five meters at the slightest touch. Finally died from excessive cephalic pressures. " " You mean... " " That's right. The animal's head exploded like a - " " I think that's enough, Chief O'Brien. "

" If I were not a consummate professional, and an android, I would find this entire procedure insulting. "

" Female? " " No. " " Career? " (Riker doesn't answer) " Career? " " Family. "

" You choose your enemies; you choose your friends; but family? That's in the stars. "

" They know each other. " " No kidding. I know her too, but we don't do that . "

" With... all due respect – BEGONE! ... Sir. "

" Respect is earned, not bestowed. "

Background information [ ]

Production history [ ].

  • Second revised final draft script: 2 February 1989 [1]
  • Premiere airdate: 24 April 1989
  • First UK airdate: 24 July 1991

Story and script [ ]

  • The teleplay credits Burton Armus as co-writer, but his name did not appear on the finished episode.
  • The episode's title refers to the story of Icarus from Greek mythology . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 , p. 099)

Production [ ]

  • Director Robert Iscove accepted this assignment as he was a fan of the original series . He remarked, " It was an emotional piece, a character piece between two people. The father has deserted Riker for 25 years, then he comes back and they have this confrontation. Well, according to Roddenberry , by the 24th century we've all kind of resolved those feelings of anger. So it's very hard to play. If you're not going to serve the resentment and the anger, what happens once the two of them get together, you can't get into any real Human drama... The original series was much more humanistic in its approach. " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 179)
  • While Rick Berman and others supported Iscove's attempts to add more emotion, they were all overruled by Roddenberry. Iscove's dissatisfaction with Roddenberry's handling of this episode led him to turn down offers to direct further Star Trek installments. He commented, " If you can't deal with the emotion, what's the point? " ( Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages , p. 179)
  • The painstik ritual was heavily edited for the episode's first screening in the United Kingdom on 24th July 1991, due to the series' "family viewing" time slot of 6 pm. The scene was restored for subsequent screenings.

Deleted scene [ ]

At least one scene was filmed but later cut from the episode during editing. This was later included as a feature on the TNG Season 2 Blu-ray release. ( Scene number derived from script. [2] )

  • Act 2, Scene A21 – Wesley Crusher convinces Data to talk to Worf on his behalf, as Geordi La Forge protests.

Wesley offers an excuse...

Sets and props [ ]

  • This episode marks the first appearance of Counselor Troi's office .
  • According to the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 38, two of the Klingons in the holodeck ritual had to wear old gorilla boots from Planet of the Apes , since all other Klingon costumes were being used in the shooting of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier . However, that film finished principal photography on 28 December 1988 , while this episode was filmed in February 1989 .
  • The Enterprise gymnasium set was designed by Andrew Neskoromny on Paramount Stage 9 . [3] Rick Sternbach incorporated numerous anime references to the anbo-jyutsu mat and set pieces seen in this episode. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 38)

Cast and characters [ ]

  • John Tesh , co-host of Entertainment Tonight from 1986 to 1996 and a devoted Star Trek fan , appears in a cameo role as a Klingon during Worf 's painstik ritual. The experience was documented in a segment on the show. ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , 2nd ed., p. 38) As an homage to him, the Star Trek Customizable Card Game identifies his character as "K'Tesh".

Continuity [ ]

  • This is the only appearance of Riker's father Kyle. Riker previously mentioned his father in " Time Squared ". He will later refer to the events of this episode when speaking to his transporter duplicate in " Second Chances ".
  • This is this second episode to mention Commander Riker being offered command of a starship by Starfleet. He had earlier been offered the USS Drake , as mentioned in the first season episode " The Arsenal of Freedom " and was next offered the USS Melbourne , in " The Best of Both Worlds ".
  • Picard mentions Riker's handling of the Saucer separation from " Encounter at Farpoint " and offers him belated congratulations on his handling of it.
  • This episode establishes that Dr. Pulaski has been married three times and remains "good friends" with all three of her ex-spouses.

Reception [ ]

  • A mission report for this episode, by Patrick Daniel O'Neill, was published in The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine  issue 9 , pp. 6-9.

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • Original UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 20 , catalog number VHR 2503, 2 September 1991
  • UK re-release (three-episode tapes, Paramount Home Entertainment ): Volume 2.5, catalog number VHR 4741, 7 June 1999
  • As part of the TNG Season 2 DVD collection
  • As part of the TNG Season 2 Blu-ray collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Patrick Stewart as Capt. Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Cmdr. William Riker

Also starring [ ]

  • LeVar Burton as Lt. Geordi La Forge
  • Michael Dorn as Lt. Worf
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi
  • Brent Spiner as Lt. Commander Data
  • Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher

Special appearance by [ ]

  • Diana Muldaur as Doctor Pulaski

Guest stars [ ]

  • Colm Meaney as Miles O'Brien
  • Mitchell Ryan as Kyle Riker

Co-star [ ]

  • Lance Spellerberg as Ensign Herbert

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Arratia as Alfonse Pacelli
  • Majel Barrett as USS Enterprise -D computer voice
  • James G. Becker as Youngblood
  • John Lendale Bennett as Starbase Montgomery technician
  • Michael Braveheart as Martinez
  • Josef Cannon as holographic Klingon
  • Lorine Mendell as Diana Giddings
  • Tim McCormack as Bennett
  • Bob Smithson as holographic Klingon
  • Teo Smoot as holographic Klingon
  • John Tesh as holographic Klingon
  • Guy Vardaman as Darien Wallace
  • Young William Riker (on photographs)
  • Female civilian
  • Female command officer
  • Female sciences officer
  • Klingon holograms
  • Operations officer
  • Starbase Montgomery technicians
  • Ten Forward staff (male and female)

Stunt doubles [ ]

  • Tom Morga as stunt double for Jonathan Frakes
  • Unknown stunt performer as stunt double for Mitchell Ryan

Stand-ins [ ]

  • James G. Becker – stand-in for Jonathan Frakes
  • Darrell Burris – stand-in for LeVar Burton
  • Dexter Clay – stand-in for Michael Dorn
  • Jeffrey Deacon – stand-in for Patrick Stewart
  • Nora Leonhardt – stand-in for Marina Sirtis
  • Tim McCormack – stand-in for Brent Spiner
  • Guy Vardaman – stand-in for Wil Wheaton

References [ ]

2335 ; 2337 ; 2343 ; 2344 ; 2347 ; 2350 ; 2353 ; 2355 ; ability ; admiral ; adulthood ; advisor ; " a feather in your cap "; Age of Ascension ; Alaska ; analysis ; analytical team ; anbo-jyutsu ; android ; animal ; anniversary ; anxiety ; Aries , USS ; Aries captain ; arrival ; assignment ; authority ; baking ; ballroom ; barbarism ; battle ; behavioral research ; Beta Kupsic ; Betazoid ; bile ; blood ; boarding ; brain ; briefing ; briefing specialist ; " bury the hatchet "; cake ; candidate ; captain ; career ; celebration ; ceremony ; " change of heart "; charm ; cheating ; childhood ; children ; civilian ; " clear the air ": combat ; computer ; conflict ; consultation ; consummate professional ; contest ; course ; courtesy ; creature ; Crusher, Jack R. ; day ; desire ; destination ; diaper ; diplomat ; dilithium ; doctor ; Earth ; ego ; emotional baggage ; empathy ; empirical study ; enemy ; engineering ; event ; evolution ; excellence ; excitement ; explorer ; family ; Farpoint Mission ; father ; Federation ; feeling ; fight ; first officer ; fish ; fishing ; fishing rod ; flagship ; Flaherty ; Flaherty's languages ; flu virus ; fool ; formal wear ; French language ; frequency ; friend ; Fuurinkazan battle strategies ; Galaxy -class decks ; gender ; genetic predisposition ; Giamon ; ground ; gymnasium ; hachidan kiritsu ; hailing range ; hand ; " hard as nails "; head ; heart ; hero ; high warp ; " holding the reins "; Holodeck 4 ; honesty ; hostility ; hour ; Human ; humility ; idea ; image ; impulse power ; initiation ; input ; Japanese language ; job ; kiss ; Klingon ; Klingon cultural database ; Klingon Rite of Ascension Chamber ; Klingon tradition ; Klingonese ; knowledge ; language ; layover ; lesson ; linguistic skill ; malfunction ; manual docking ; marriage ; martial arts ; mayor ; meter ; Milky Way Galaxy ; mission ; mission briefing ; mission itinerary ; Mogh ; month ; mother ; " my lips are sealed "; name ; Nasreldine ; number one ; opportunity ; orchestra ; pain ; painstik ; parent ; party ; patience ; personal life ; personnel transfer directive ; place ; pride ; probability ; problem ; promotion ; professional ; Pulaski's chicken soup ( chicken soup ); Pulaski, Kate ; Pulaski's ex-husbands ; readout ; reason ; rectyne monopod ; regret ; reputation ; respect ; retirement ; riddle ; Riker, Betty ; Rite of Ascension ; ritual ; River of Blood ; Romulan language ; " scuttlebutt "; second-in-command ; secret ; " seeing is believing "; self-interest ; simulation ; skill ; solitude ; son ; speed ; spell ; " spring chicken "; star ; starbase attacked by the Tholians ; Starbase Montgomery ; Starbase Montgomery planet ; Starfleet ; Starfleet Academy ; status quo ; strategic attaché ; strategist ; " strong suit "; Stroyerian ; subject ; suggestion ; surprise ; synchronous orbit ; tactical advisor ; technical manual ; therapy ; Tholian ; Tokyo Base ; ton ; tradition ; trait ; transporter room 3 ; tryptophan-lysine distillate ; understatement ; variable ; Vega-Omicron sector ; velocity ; verbal communication ; wall ; warp factor ; warrior ; wife ; word ; year

External links [ ]

  • " The Icarus Factor " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " The Icarus Factor " at Wikipedia
  • " The Icarus Factor " at
  • "The Icarus Factor" script  at Star Trek Minutiae
  • " The Icarus Factor " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 1 Christopher Russell
  • 3 Bell Riots
  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews

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WATCH: ‘Star Trek: Renegades’ Now Available For Free

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“Star Trek: Renegades,” directed by Tim Russ and starring Walter Koenig, Adrienne Wilkinson, Sean Young, Manu Intiraymi, Gary Graham, Robert Picardo, Corin Nemec, Bruce Young, Tim Russ, Chasty Ballesteros, and Edward Furlong, is now available to view in its entirety for FREE online. The feature-length film, which was successfully crowd-funded in 2013, has been made available to fans via YouTube.

Clocking in at just under an hour-and-a-half, the feature is now being used as a pilot for a fan-supported online series.

Scroll down to watch the entire film embedded below.

When a seemingly unstoppable new enemy threatens the very existence of the Earth, Admiral Pavel Chekov (Walter Koenig) is forced to work outside the boundaries of Starfleet’s rules to combat this deadly new foe. When planet after planet winks out of existence, yet Starfleet refuses to act, Chekov turns to Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ, who also directs), the new head of Starfleet’s covert operations division, Section 31. Together, they assemble a new elite strike-force, consisting of rogues, outcasts and criminals, led by the fearless yet haunted Lexxa Singh (Adrienne Wilkinson). The Renegades’ mission is simple: take on an army and stop their leader, Borrada (Bruce Young), from destroying the Earth. Outnumbered and outgunned, the ragtag crew is in an adrenaline-pumping race against time and space. But they soon find their foes are the least of their concerns: the real trouble may be coming from within!

You can help support “Star Trek: Renegades” via .

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August 24, 2015 at 8:26 pm

AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!! When do we get the series?!!! Some of my fav Star Trek Characters + a Xena actress!!! I’m GEEKING out!!!

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August 24, 2015 at 9:09 pm

Was Bloody good… Will only get better you guys did a brilliant job

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James Hubbell

August 24, 2015 at 9:55 pm

it was good is. there going to be more

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Dennis Wirts

August 25, 2015 at 10:33 pm

Well worth the wait! Koenig and Russ are an awesome team. Can’t wait for the new episodes.

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Tonto L. Camper

August 26, 2015 at 12:52 am

This is an EXTREMELY OUTSTANDING MOVIE!!! Thank You!!! 🙂

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Lynn Easton

August 26, 2015 at 10:24 pm

It was good, wasn’t best in terms of special effects or acting, but for a first & break away movie, I give a thumbs up & look forward to better episodes if it becomes a series in it’s own right!

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rick oconnor

September 15, 2015 at 8:22 pm

too much music in the scenes to spacey you need music from voyager it was a little cheesy but seriously we need a new seriesto help the movies

September 15, 2015 at 8:25 pm

iam 55 yrs old and have watched star trek since the beginning i do hope there is more coming and mst of all we need to get the original writers that would all so help with the new ones

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Christopher Dalton

November 22, 2015 at 10:27 pm

Star Trek Renegades – Star Trek’s own answer to both The Dirty Dozen and Blake’s Seven

If E.M. Nathanson had seen his classic anti-war novel ‘The Dirty Dozen’ converted into a classic Star Trek adventure, he probably would have been flattered. But, if he had seen his classic story, or the concept thereof, turned into something like Star Trek Renegades, he would have been bored to death by it and fallen asleep during its showing.

No doubt I did and I had to go through a second viewing. Or at the very least, picked up where I dozed off.

Thankfully, MGM did a better job in 1967.

All that aside, the plot of the Star Trek film is this.

Set a decade after the return of the Starship Voyager, some strange phenomena is erupting in certain sectors of the galaxy.

When a seemingly unstoppable new enemy threatens the very existence of the Earth, Admiral Pavel Chekov is forced to work outside the boundaries of Starfleet’s rules to combat this deadly new foe.

When planet after planet winks out of existence, Starfleet refuses to act. As a result of the current intergalactic crisis, Chekov turns to Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ, who also directs), the new head of Starfleet’s covert operations division, Section 31. Together, they assemble a new elite strike-force, consisting of rogues, outcasts and criminals, led by the fearless yet haunted Lexxa Singh (Adrienne Wilkinson). A woman who is surprisingly the daughter of the ill-fated and Khan Noonian SIngh, himself.

The Renegades’ mission is simple: take on an army and stop their leader, Borrada from destroying the Earth with his space-folding technology. Outnumbered and outgunned, the ragtag crew is in an adrenaline-pumping race against time. But they soon find their foes are the least of their concerns: the real trouble may be coming from within!

The tag-line wasn’t kidding when it said boldly going where no Star Trek has gone before.

And as our favorite Russian character(i.e. Pavel Chekov)points out in the film, ‘How far is too far?’

Judging by the end results, Sky Conway, Tim Russ, and even Alec Peters, himself went too far.

It is no wonder that CBS/Paramount rejected the idea of turning this pilot episode into a series. Assuming if you believe such a story.

Honestly, this film almost makes Conway’s first effort(i.e. Star Trek – Of Gods And Men)tolerable, despite that film’s own shortcomings.

Okay, here are my gripes about this latest fan funded endeavor.

1. Walter Koenig once stated that his appearance as a much older Pavel Chekov in the Star Trek – New Voyages/Phase II episode ‘To Serve All My Days’ would be his last appearance as the stalwart Russian officer. That it was his way of saying good bye to the character of Chekov and bringing the character a sense of closure. If that was the case, then why did he decide to return as a 142 year old version of Chekov? Was he taking a cue from the late Leonard Nimoy? Who knows?

2. Vic Mignogna. Seriously, does this man have to be in every Star Trek production or incarnation, thereof? Whoever said that Vic was The Doomsday Machine of Star Trek fan films was not joking. His performance in his P2 rip-off Star Trek Continues proves that point. His antics on the set of Star Trek-Phase II’s ‘Kitumba’ was so bad that it was one of the many factors that made james Cawley turn the role of Jim Kirk over to professional actor Brian Gross. Mignogna’s antics even caused David Gerrold’s P2 episode ‘The Protracted Man’ to be scrapped. Then his and certain other individuals involvement in the theft of the Starship Ajax production’s newly built sets caused Ajax to be set back to the point of no return, and give the Starship Farragut production’s own reputation a severe tarnishing and major ruining(i.e. a black eye). Anyone from those productions that will tell you any different is just trying to create a smokescreen and cover their tracks. The role of the ill-fated Cardassian Garis certainly fit Mignogna like a glove and the character’s death all the more refreshing. As well as the derogatory descriptions branded the character by some of the leads(i.e. blasphemor, coward, butcher, etc). I’m amazed that Michele Specht was not in this dud in some supporting role.

3. When on Earth did Khan Noonian Singh have time to have a daughter? Seriously? A daughter? Unless this happened back in 1996 before Khan and his ill-fated folowers fled Earth in the Botany Bay, the very idea of Lexxa Singh’s existence is a pretty far fetched one. An idea that stretches credibility to the very breaking point. The late Ricardo Montalban and Benedict Cumberbatch must be wondering the same thing.

4. The production design not only looked cheap, the CGI effects were not all that up to par. It is almost as if both Conway and Russ were trying to cheaply copy the CGI effects that was used in the science fiction classic Babylon 5(which also starred Walter Koenig in the recurring role of Psi-Cop Alfred Bester).

5. Finally, some of the sound effects used in this episode were borrowed from the science fiction classics Space:1999 and the original Battlestar Galactica. Something that was done quite often on Phase II and Starship Farragut. Note to those involved in Star Trek fan productions, use your own sound effects or those from Star Trek instead of recycling others from different science fiction productions. You can do better than that.

While I found the new Starfleet Uniforms a bit interesting and the idea that Starfleet’s own black ops department Section 31 has gone through a complete overhaul, plus the idea that a century old Pavel Chekov is now a great grandfather, those elements really did nothing much to save Sky Conway’s second independent Star Trek film from total boredom.

While Star Trek Renegades boasted a cast from other Star Trek productions and those from other genre related productions(i.e. the latter being Louisville, Kentucky native Sean Young who starred in the classic Blade Runner and the surrealitic flop Dune, Corrin Nemec from Solar Crisis and Stargate SG-1, Edward Furlong from Terminator 2 – Judgement Day, and Herbert Jefferson, Jr from the original Battlestar Galactica), such a cast did little to make this Star Trek production an interesting one.

The Dirty Dozen concept was already used successfully in the original Battlestar Galactica two-parter ‘The Gun On Ice Planet Zero’. The Blake’s 7 format had fit perfectly in that universe. Unless the production had some clever ways of writing such scenarios and making them unique, they don’t really fit into the Star Trek universe.

If this is going to be a fan series, it is certainly not going to be an entertaining one.

To Sky Conway and Tim Russ, better luck next time gentleman. You’re going to need it.

Star Trek: Renegades stars Walter Koenig, Adrienne Wilkinson, Sean Young, Gary Graham, Robert Picardo, Corin Nemec, Tim Russ, Edward Furlong, John Corrigan, Richard Herd, Vic Mignogna, and Herbert Jefferson, Jr.

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Fijo Sanders

June 13, 2016 at 6:25 pm

Way low budget…

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star trek renegades icarus

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Star Trek: Renegades

  • Thread starter Danlav05
  • Start date Aug 17, 2012


  • Nov 6, 2017

I liked Renegades, but wasn't a fan of the "Starfleet" inspired costumes. I'd prefer to see something different in future films, that looked more "real world".  

Fleet Captain

  • Dec 25, 2017

Any update on when Part 2 will be released for the public?  

Ghislaine H. B. BRAEME

Ghislaine H. B. BRAEME

  • Jan 16, 2018
JD said: You should probably stay away from the relaunch books. Click to expand...

F. King Daniel

F. King Daniel

Fleet admiral.

ialfan said: Any update on when Part 2 will be released for the public? Click to expand...


Vice Admiral

  • Jan 22, 2018

Should be soon, we wanted to make sure doners were getting first.  

Tom said: Should be soon, we wanted to make sure doners were getting first. Click to expand...
  • Apr 7, 2018

  • Jul 1, 2018
  • Sep 29, 2018

The entirety of Renegades: The Requiem is finally available to view for free on Atomic Network (you just need to sign up with an email address) It was nice seeing lots of Trek alumni again, and seeing the continuation of a Star Trek story featuring Star Trek characters with the serial numbers filed off is... unique.  


  • Sep 30, 2018

Cryptocurrency is my Kryptonite... although the idea is interesting.  

Matthew Raymond

Matthew Raymond

  • Oct 9, 2018
  • Oct 11, 2018

Okay, so after much delay, the full REQUIEM (parts one and two now edited together as a single one hour episode) has been released for free on the Atomic Network site, as long as you sign up with an email account. I watched. The production values are pretty amazing for their low budget.... the CGI space battles are gorgeous and the limited practical set design is well done. While the new uniforms are a step in the right direction, they all are ill fitted and significantly detract from the professional look. I kept thinking maybe they should have spent less money on awesome practical Mos Eisely aliens (and they do look fun and great!) and instead had a professional tailor on set full time to tweak the hero uniforms. The story: Considering the producers had to do a mad scramble to change names and ship FX designs when the Fan Film Guidelines dropped, the story is surprisingly coherent though lacking much weight. By changing character names, it does weaken the impact of different characters appearances, since there is minimal individual character story/development, and the show simply relies on fans being happy with seeing old familiar faces. While Requiem has slightly better production values than the first movie, it is far less ambitious. The first movie Star Trek Renegades had more story movement, more set pieces and better character arcs. While flawed, it played more like a proper movie or pilot episode. Requiem, however by comparison, feels very stagnant. All plot and key events are revealed while characters sit in park, or sit in a bar, or sit on a bridge, etc. There is lots and lots of exposition, long monologues about dark threats to the Fed... er, I mean, Confederation given wonderfully by Walter Koenig. But in the end, it is all stuff that happens off screen. There is one big bad guy, but again, we are told how evil and horrible he is, how he has betrayed the principles of Confederation, but he really never does anything. I know this was originally planned as a 3 part episode, so maybe much of the action and character development was cut for budget reasons? ....but it still results in mostly all talk and little show, making the plight of our heroes very difficult to fully embrace or deeply care about. There are two big epic space battles and as I said before, the CGI is beautiful. The editing is awkward and they feel like they go on far too long and the bridge reaction shots, with the crew shaking around in their chairs, never quite works. This is Walter Koenig's show and he gives a truly grand final performance. The downside of this, most of the characters set up in the first movie are shuffled to the sidelines or background or are killed off. Overall, an interesting, if somewhat underwhelming, fan film. One can only "what if..." it may have been like if the whole Axanar scandal hadn't ruin everything.  

bionicbob said: One can only "what if..." it may have been like if the whole Axanar scandal hadn't ruin everything. Click to expand...
  • Jun 12, 2019

Tried watching Renegades: The Requiem on the Atomic Network site today and... "Sorry, this video does not exist." What's up with that? Only the first half is on Youtube so... how do we watch it?  

Rear Admiral

  • Oct 14, 2019

I finished the Renegades novel, "Judas War" today and I thought it wasn't too bad a read, especially if you liked Star Trek: Renegades and especially the non-Trek "The Requiem" (I've only seen part one of that, the part that's on You Tube). There were some slight grammar issues, but for the most part Judas War was a fast-paced read that served as a prequel to the Renegades fan films. I enjoyed the first half of the book more, Spoiler which was more rooted in the Confederation (Federation) and FleetCom (Starfleet) than the second part which was building up the literal renegade crew on the run premise of the series. I liked how there has been some thought put into the future history of the Confederation, though not enough of that was explored in the book. Some of the other things I didn't care for were: I wish the writing had been more descriptive for basically everything. I wanted to get a better idea of how the aliens, and also human characters, were supposed to look, how the ships, and costumes were supposed to look, but physical descriptions were very scant. I just chalked it up to maybe the writers and other Renegades creators weren't certain how everything was supposed to look when they wrote the story. I also wish there had been even more divergences between Star Trek and Renegades. Once again, not sure when this story was written, but it still had Trek-technology or the same names for the technology and I feel like the story needed to change those things to fully break it away from its Trek origins. Spoiler While Lexxa Singh is the main character of the webseries and the book, in the big dramatic showdown she basically was sidelined and I thought that was strange especially when so much is made throughout the rest of the book about how formidable she is. I also don't think the story left us with a clear sense of who the Icarus crew would be, which I think would be a nice set up for the series. Most of pilot and "Requiem" Icarus characters weren't in the story, with the exceptions of Singh and Ronara from what I could tell. That being said, the story did end on a mysterious, ominous note that I would like to see wrapped up at some point. I also was hoping that Corin Nemec's character would be in the novel because he seems to have a personal animus against Singh and I thought this story would've been a great way to show us where that animus was born. While I liked the title "Judas War" a lot, and the book did have quite a few space fight scenes, I wished we had gotten a bigger fracas. The story did lay out some of the stakes, but it meant little to me because the story didn't do enough to establish how big the Confederation was, gave enough of its history, or how many races are in it, so I could get a better sense of how devastating a civil war could be. And what happens in the story didn't seem to me like it could start a civil war, despite the readers being told that more than once, in part because I didn't have a real sense of what the Confederation's history, or how large it is. We get a little of that, but not enough for me. I also didn't see how Lexxa and the Icarus being on the run or 'stolen' prevents or impedes the conspirators who want to take over the Confederation. All that being said, I thought it was an entertaining read and a nice window into the Renegades universe. I really liked the idea of doing a media tie-in novel to a webseries and I hope other series do the same thing.  

  • Oct 15, 2019
DarKush said: I finished the Renegades novel, "Judas War" today and I thought it wasn't too bad a read, especially if you liked Star Trek: Renegades and especially the non-Trek "The Requiem" (I've only seen part one of that, the part that's on You Tube). There were some slight grammar issues, but for the most part Judas War was a fast-paced read that served as a prequel to the Renegades fan films. I enjoyed the first half of the book more, Spoiler which was more rooted in the Confederation (Federation) and FleetCom (Starfleet) than the second part which was building up the literal renegade crew on the run premise of the series. I liked how there has been some thought put into the future history of the Confederation, though not enough of that was explored in the book. Some of the other things I didn't care for were: I wish the writing had been more descriptive for basically everything. I wanted to get a better idea of how the aliens, and also human characters, were supposed to look, how the ships, and costumes were supposed to look, but physical descriptions were very scant. I just chalked it up to maybe the writers and other Renegades creators weren't certain how everything was supposed to look when they wrote the story. I also wish there had been even more divergences between Star Trek and Renegades. Once again, not sure when this story was written, but it still had Trek-technology or the same names for the technology and I feel like the story needed to change those things to fully break it away from its Trek origins. Spoiler While Lexxa Singh is the main character of the webseries and the book, in the big dramatic showdown she basically was sidelined and I thought that was strange especially when so much is made throughout the rest of the book about how formidable she is. I also don't think the story left us with a clear sense of who the Icarus crew would be, which I think would be a nice set up for the series. Most of pilot and "Requiem" Icarus characters weren't in the story, with the exceptions of Singh and Ronara from what I could tell. That being said, the story did end on a mysterious, ominous note that I would like to see wrapped up at some point. I also was hoping that Corin Nemec's character would be in the novel because he seems to have a personal animus against Singh and I thought this story would've been a great way to show us where that animus was born. While I liked the title "Judas War" a lot, and the book did have quite a few space fight scenes, I wished we had gotten a bigger fracas. The story did lay out some of the stakes, but it meant little to me because the story didn't do enough to establish how big the Confederation was, gave enough of its history, or how many races are in it, so I could get a better sense of how devastating a civil war could be. And what happens in the story didn't seem to me like it could start a civil war, despite the readers being told that more than once, in part because I didn't have a real sense of what the Confederation's history, or how large it is. We get a little of that, but not enough for me. I also didn't see how Lexxa and the Icarus being on the run or 'stolen' prevents or impedes the conspirators who want to take over the Confederation. All that being said, I thought it was an entertaining read and a nice window into the Renegades universe. I really liked the idea of doing a media tie-in novel to a webseries and I hope other series do the same thing. Click to expand...
  • Oct 18, 2019

Just finished it. A very quick read, and hugely enjoyable. I'd go as far as to say it was better than either of the Renegades episodes and wish it had been filmed instead. Watching the episodes, I had no idea Lexxa was a former FleetCom commander, or the backstory of the Icarus. It was a rich backstory, if a little Into Darkness-ish. There seemed to be one continuity hiccup, where early in the book Lexxa was a peon nobody, part of an unsavoury merchant's crew until Kovok recuits her but then later, she was a successful merchant captain herself prior to recruitment. Kovok gets a little bit of new and de-Trekked backstory, where he was genetically engineered by Sector 6 to have telepathic abilities. Definitely worth a read if you enjoyed Renegades. And a shame we probably won't get any more from this universe.  

Therin of Andor

Therin of Andor

F. King Daniel said: Just finished it. A very quick read, and hugely enjoyable.... Definitely worth a read if you enjoyed Renegades. And a shame we probably won't get any more from this universe. Click to expand...
Therin of Andor said: Did you realise that there is another novel, " Renegades: Judgment "? Click to expand...


  • Oct 20, 2019

It's already out, it came out last November.  

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Star Trek: Renegades Icarus Ship Model Available!

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Hi guys! This is WAY too spendy for me. But man! You might be able to afford it... Icarus Model Kit Now Available! ? Renegades Doug  

~Crickets~ OK. I guess nobody cares. Cool. Just thought ya might like ta know... Doug  

Sorry, but Star Trek Renegades was awwwwfulll. Also, this ship makes the U.S.S. Discovery look like Cindy Crawford.  

star trek renegades icarus

I care, it is just too much money right now. If I had that much available for my hobby there are around twenty other kits above it on my list. It is a cool design, it would be tempting it they had a smaller scale kit available  

star trek renegades icarus

John P said: That's a ridiculous mount of money (even for a resin kit) ... Click to expand...
John P said: ...of an ugly ship maybe 20 people like from a horrendously bad fanfic. Click to expand...

star trek renegades icarus

The front of that ship reminds me too much of the NuBG Cylon Raider - too busy of a design. Some of these designers try too hard to overthink a shape. I think it would have looked better with a saucer design like the Voyager.  

I think tbe design would look better without the fussy patchwork quilt paint job. Give it a solid hull color and let the shape speak for itself.  

I absolutely agree. But even then, there's something about the design that seems so... predictable.  

I like the refit too. Thanks guys! Your opinions are important! Doug  

star trek renegades icarus

Hey Doug, question: Renegades shed its association with Star Trek, with all Trek references removed. But the Icarus, won't it have to shed Trek designs, phaser strips, bridge module, etc.?  

I don't think so. Many here do not see the "Trek design", so...and "phaser" is not a Trek word. I don't think so any way... Doug  

star trek renegades icarus

I don't think it's an ugly design, but it's overall appearance is too aggressive to suggest anyone at Starfleet would have come up with it. Klingons, yes--paint it green and it would fit right in--but not Starfleet.  

star trek renegades icarus

Just occurred to me that the show where that design would fit in well would be Babylon 5.  

I thought "phaser" was invented by Star Trek. I think the The Making of Star Trek said something about using it to separate the weapon from the then current "laser". But, yeah. A lot of concepts are so main stream that I don't think the words can be copyrighted anymore. Like "warp" engines for example.  

Yeah, the word "phaser" is a Roddenberry invention.  

Is it? Thank you John. Might have to change that, I guess... Doug  

it hurts to be poor.  

star trek renegades icarus

Frankly, it's just a badly designed fugly ship. It's ill-proportioned, poorly balanced, has a cluttered surface and a butt-ugly colour scheme. It's a kludged together mix of disparate influences. Idon't know who in their right mind would waste good money on this awful chunk of resin, at any price!  

star trek renegades icarus

Welcome to hobby talk @calbrown3261 In case you are looking for the edit button - it is under the elipsis (3 stacked dots) in the top right hand corner of your post! 🤙  

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well if you like the cardassian front end.... Not sure what alternate universe this came from, or Phantasms.  

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Star Trek Renegades #317907

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Re: Star Trek Renegades #317912

HoodieDM wrote: It def felt more like Farscape or Firefly than a Star Trek episode. I liked the premise, but didnt care for the dialogue. I was thoroughly impressed with the cast of actors they got for this. It shows how much Trek even means to them. The CGI ship battles were good, but some of the scenery was not. Overall Id give it an A- for a fan film. But Id give it a C+ in the Star Trek universe. I did love the Icarus though, that is def a cool ship. With some better writing and some touch up in the art department, this could turn into a promising web series. ~D

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Re: Star Trek Renegades #317921


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Re: Star Trek Renegades #317923

BCSWowbagger wrote: ...explore the so-called "dark side" of the 24th century..
[Y]our report describes how rational these people are. Millennia ago, they abandoned their belief in the supernatural. Now you are asking me to sabotage that achievement, to send them back into the Dark Ages of superstition and ignorance and fear? No!


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Re: Star Trek Renegades #317945

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Re: Star Trek Renegades #317967

nobthehobbit wrote: BCSWowbagger wrote: ...explore the so-called "dark side" of the 24th century..

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Re: Star Trek Renegades #318008

HoodieDM wrote: It def felt more like Farscape or Firefly than a Star Trek episode.

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Re: Star Trek Renegades #318009

Boffo97 wrote: Hey, Paddy is European and is awesome. Give him all the nerd jobs.
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Re: Star Trek Renegades #318107

KazonPADD wrote: I didn't enjoy it. The space effects were good, but the plot was just bizarre. Some characters had potential but they didn't have time to develop them all properly. I mean - Lexxa is allegedly Khan's daughter... How? When? Focus on her and develop the others beyond one-dimension if you make a series down the road. Conversely, what I like about Axanar (well, just the Prelude anyway) is how they discuss events so justifications, reasons and motivations all seem logical. Also, the Bridge set for the Archer did look like it was built in someone's garage. And the Nausicaan make-up looked bad.
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  1. Star Trek: Renegades

    Star Trek: Renegades is a 2015 American science fiction fan film based on the Star Trek media franchise. ... It was especially evident in the bridge scenes (on both the Icarus and the Archer), as well as the Syphon planetary sequences — both when the crew is sneaking around and when some of them get captured. Everything felt small to me, and ...

  2. Star Trek: Renegades (TV Series 2015-2017)

    Star Trek: Renegades: Created by Ethan H. Calk, Sky Douglas Conway, Jack Treviño. With Walter Koenig, Adrienne Wilkinson, Manu Intiraymi, Gary Graham. Set a decade after the U.S.S Voyager's return to Earth, a rag-tag crew of renegades and outcasts must covertly work with Admiral Chekov and Tuvok to stop forces threatening the Federation from outside, and within.

  3. Icarus class

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  4. [REVIEW] STAR TREK: RENEGADES: Hits and Misses

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  5. Fan Film Review: Star Trek: Renegades

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  7. RENEGADES: Icarus

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  8. Star Trek: Renegades

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  9. Renegades (TV Series 2017)

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  10. Star Trek: Renegades (2015)

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  11. The Icarus Factor (episode)

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  12. Star Trek: Renegades (TV Series 2015-2017)

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  13. WATCH: 'Star Trek: Renegades' Now Available For Free

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  15. Star Trek: Renegades

    I thought it was a promising beginning. I think moving beyond the strictures of being a Star Trek production is a good thing for Renegades. I don't know if the CBS edict allowed the Renegade creators to tell a darker story or if that was the plan all along. In any case, I think the darker story in Part 1 works better for a non-Star Trek show.

  16. Star Trek: Renegades Icarus Ship Model Available!

    Star Trek: Renegades Icarus Ship Model Available! Jump to Latest 21 - 27 of 27 Posts. 1 2. P. publiusr · Registered. Joined Jul 27, 2006 · 242 Posts #21 · Nov 5, 2016. Only show this user. it hurts to be poor. ...

  17. Star Trek: Renegades

    The first movie Star Trek Renegades had more story movement, more set pieces and better character arcs. While flawed, it played more like a proper movie or pilot episode. Requiem, however by comparison, feels very stagnant. ... Most of pilot and "Requiem" Icarus characters weren't in the story, with the exceptions of Singh and Ronara from what ...

  18. Star Trek: Renegades Icarus Ship Model Available!

    1751 posts · Joined 2008. #11 · Jul 30, 2016. The front of that ship reminds me too much of the NuBG Cylon Raider - too busy of a design. Some of these designers try too hard to overthink a shape. I think it would have looked better with a saucer design like the Voyager.

  19. Star Trek Renegades

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  20. RENEGADES has lots of MERCHANDISE for sale!

    You can be one of the first and few to proudly own this limited edition of the Renegades hero ship, ICARUS, as seen in Renegades. 15.6 inches long. ... And of course, you saw the branded "Star Trek: Renegades" merchandise in the photo above, including posters with the words "Star Trek" on them. Compared to that, Kharn Dark Roast Coffee ...

  21. Star Trek: Renegades (2015)

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  22. Star Trek: Renegades

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  23. Star Trek: Renegades

    Star Trek: Renegades by Ethan H. Calk & Jack Trevino & Sky Conway. ... Captain of the pirate vessel, Icarus, she and her band of rogue... 24th Century. Borg. USS Voyager. Video. Of Gods and Men by Sky Conway & Tim Russ & Jack Trevino & Ethan H. Calk. Twelve years after the launching of the USS Enterprise-B, and the loss of Captain Kirk, some of ...