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  • Travel Tips

How To Stop The Rocking Feeling After A Cruise

Published: December 15, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Maressa Harty



Going on a cruise can be a thrilling and unforgettable experience. The open sea, picturesque views, and luxurious amenities make it a popular choice for holidaymakers. However, for some people, the rocking feeling that persists even after disembarking can be quite unsettling. This post-cruise sensation, often referred to as “sea legs” or “land sickness,” can cause discomfort and disrupt daily activities. Luckily, there are ways to alleviate and even prevent this rocking feeling.

Understanding the rocking feeling is crucial to finding effective solutions. It occurs when the body’s balance system, which includes the inner ear and sensory receptors responsible for detecting motion and orientation, is thrown off balance. During the cruise, your body adjusts to the constant rocking motion of the ship. When you return to land, your balance system needs time to readjust to the stable environment, leading to the sensation of rocking.

There are several factors that can contribute to the severity and duration of the rocking feeling. The length of the cruise, the size of the ship, and the individual’s susceptibility all play a role. Some people may experience mild symptoms that subside after a few days, while others may have more intense and longer-lasting symptoms.

In the following sections, we will explore the common causes of the rocking feeling, as well as practical tips to minimize the discomfort during the cruise. We will also discuss coping strategies after the cruise, natural remedies that may help alleviate the rocking feeling, and when it’s important to seek medical help for severe symptoms.

By better understanding the rocking feeling and implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you can make your cruise experience more enjoyable and avoid the post-cruise discomfort that comes with it. So let’s set sail and discover how to stop the rocking feeling after a cruise!

Understanding the Rocking Feeling

The rocking feeling that occurs after a cruise, also known as “sea legs” or “land sickness,” can be an unsettling experience for many individuals. To better understand this sensation, it’s important to delve into the science behind it.

When you’re on a cruise ship, your body is constantly exposed to the rocking motion caused by the movement of the ship on the water. This motion stimulates the inner ear, which plays a vital role in maintaining balance and equilibrium. The inner ear contains fluid-filled canals and sensory receptors that detect motion and orientation.

During the cruise, your body adapts to the constant rocking motion, and your brain adjusts its perception of what is considered “normal.” This adaptation is known as “vestibular accommodation,” and it allows you to maintain balance despite the ship’s movement.

However, when you disembark from the cruise and return to a stable, stationary environment, your balance system needs time to readjust. The brain continues to perceive the rocking motion even though it is no longer present, leading to the sensation of rocking. This lingering effect can last for hours, days, or even weeks, depending on various factors.

It’s important to note that not everyone experiences the same degree of rocking feeling after a cruise. Some individuals may barely notice it, while others may find it persistent and bothersome. Factors that can influence the severity and duration of the rocking feeling include:

  • The length of the cruise: The longer the time spent on the ship, the more the body adapts to the motion, potentially leading to a more pronounced rocking feeling afterward.
  • The size and stability of the ship: Larger ships with advanced stabilizing technology may minimize the intensity of the rocking motion, reducing the likelihood of experiencing significant post-cruise discomfort.
  • Individual susceptibility: Each person’s sensitivity to motion and ability to adapt to changes in equilibrium can vary. Some individuals may be more prone to experiencing the rocking feeling even with shorter cruises or smaller ships.

By understanding the underlying mechanisms of the rocking feeling, you can better prepare yourself for the post-cruise experience and take appropriate steps to minimize the discomfort. The following sections will delve into practical tips to help alleviate the rocking feeling during the cruise and provide strategies for coping with it after disembarking.

Causes of the Rocking Feeling

The rocking feeling that persists after a cruise can be attributed to various causes, ranging from physiological factors to environmental influences. Understanding these causes can help individuals better manage and mitigate the discomfort associated with the post-cruise sensation.

1. Vestibular Adaptation: The human body possesses a remarkable ability to adapt to changes in motion and maintain balance. During a cruise, the constant rocking motion stimulates the vestibular system in the inner ear, leading to a process called vestibular adaptation. This adaptation allows individuals to adjust to the ship’s motion and maintain equilibrium. However, when returning to solid ground, the vestibular system takes time to readjust, causing the sensation of continued rocking.

2. Sensory Conflicts: Our brain relies on multiple sensory inputs, including visual, vestibular (inner ear), and proprioceptive (body’s sense of position) signals, to maintain balance. When on a cruise ship, the visual cues and the body’s perceived motion align with the rocking motion, reducing sensory conflicts. However, upon disembarking, the visual cues of a stable environment contradict the expected rocking motion, leading to a sensory conflict and the sensation of rocking.

3. Neurotransmitter Imbalance: Neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, play a crucial role in regulating the body’s balance and mood. Prolonged exposure to the rocking motion of a cruise ship can disrupt the balance of these neurotransmitters, potentially contributing to the rocking feeling after disembarking. The readjustment of neurotransmitter levels may take time, prolonging the duration of the post-cruise sensation.

4. Psychological Factors: The psychological aspect of motion sickness cannot be overlooked. Anxiety, fear, and stress can worsen the symptoms of the rocking feeling. The anticipation of discomfort or previous negative experiences with motion sickness can heighten the sensation of rocking, even if the physical causes are minimal.

5. Individual Sensitivity: Each individual has a unique threshold for motion adaptation and susceptibility to the rocking feeling. Some people are more prone to experiencing motion sickness and may have a harder time readjusting to stable ground after a cruise. Factors such as age, overall health, and previous experiences with motion sickness can influence an individual’s sensitivity to the rocking sensation.

It’s essential to recognize that the causes of the rocking feeling can vary among individuals, and multiple contributing factors may be at play. By understanding these causes, individuals can proactively address and manage the discomfort associated with the post-cruise sensation. In the next section, we will explore practical tips to minimize the rocking feeling during the cruise itself.

Tips to Minimize the Rocking Feeling During the Cruise

While it may not be possible to completely eliminate the rocking feeling during a cruise, there are several strategies you can employ to minimize its impact. By implementing these tips, you can enjoy your time on the ship and potentially reduce the intensity and duration of the post-cruise sensation. Here are some practical tips:

  • Choose a Midship Cabin: Try to book a cabin located in the middle of the ship, as this area experiences less motion compared to the front or rear sections.
  • Look at the Horizon: Focusing your gaze on a fixed point on the horizon can help stabilize your visual cues and reduce sensory conflicts. Look out at the open sea or find a spot on the ship with a clear view.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dehydration can worsen symptoms of motion sickness. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay properly hydrated.
  • Avoid Alcohol and Heavy Meals: Consuming alcohol and large meals can disrupt your body’s equilibrium and increase the likelihood of experiencing motion sickness. Stick to light and easily digestible meals.
  • Acupressure Bands: Acupressure bands, which apply pressure to specific points on your wrist, can help alleviate symptoms of motion sickness for some individuals. Wear them as directed.
  • Take Medication: If you know you are prone to motion sickness, consider taking over-the-counter or prescription medication before the cruise. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist for recommendations.
  • Focus on Fresh Air: Spending time on the open deck or balcony can provide fresh air and a sense of space, which may help alleviate symptoms of motion sickness.
  • Engage in Relaxation Techniques: Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or listening to calming music can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm during the cruise.
  • Keep a Steady Routine: Maintaining a regular sleep schedule and eating meals at consistent times can help minimize disruptions to your body’s internal balance system.
  • Try Ginger: Ginger has been shown to help alleviate nausea and motion sickness. Consider consuming ginger products, such as ginger ale, ginger candies, or ginger tea, during your cruise.

Remember, every individual is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It may be necessary to try different strategies or a combination of them to find what works best for you. By taking proactive measures to minimize the rocking feeling during the cruise, you can enhance your overall experience and potentially lessen the discomfort experienced after disembarking.

Coping Strategies After the Cruise

After disembarking from a cruise, it’s common to experience the lingering sensation of rocking, known as sea legs or land sickness. Coping with this discomfort is essential to resume your daily activities smoothly. These strategies can help you navigate the post-cruise period more comfortably:

  • Allow for Adjustment Time: Recognize that it may take some time for your body to readjust to a stable environment after being on a moving ship. Be patient with yourself and don’t rush your activities.
  • Take Breaks: If you find yourself feeling off-balance or dizzy, take regular breaks throughout the day to rest and sit down. Avoid activities that require quick movements or exertion until the rocking feeling subsides.
  • Engage in Gentle Exercises: Light exercises, such as walking or gentle stretching, can help improve blood circulation and promote balance recovery. Start with low-impact activities and gradually increase exertion as you feel more stable.
  • Maintain Good Posture: Focusing on maintaining proper posture can contribute to better balance and reduce the feeling of being off-kilter. Stand up straight, align your spine, and keep your head level.
  • Minimize Stress: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate the rocking feeling. Engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation to promote relaxation and alleviate symptoms.
  • Avoid Triggers: Certain stimuli, such as scrolling through your smartphone or watching fast-paced action movies, can aggravate the rocking feeling. Limit exposure to these triggers until your body fully readjusts.
  • Stay Well Rested and Hydrated: Fatigue and dehydration can worsen the symptoms of land sickness. Make sure to get enough sleep and drink plenty of fluids to support your body’s recovery process.
  • Seek Support: Share your experience with friends, family, or online communities who can provide understanding and support. Often, connecting with others who have gone through similar post-cruise sensations can be helpful.
  • Focus on Gentle Activities: Engage in calming and gentle activities like reading, listening to music, or spending time in nature. These activities can distract your mind from the rocking feeling and help you relax.
  • Consider Professional Help: If the rocking feeling persists or becomes severe, it may be beneficial to seek guidance from a healthcare professional. They can provide additional advice, recommend treatments, or rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Remember that the duration and severity of the rocking feeling can vary from person to person. It’s crucial to listen to your body and adopt coping strategies that work best for you. Eventually, as your balance system readjusts, the rocking feeling should diminish, allowing you to fully enjoy your post-cruise experiences.

Natural Remedies to Alleviate the Rocking Feeling

For individuals seeking natural alternatives to alleviate the rocking feeling after a cruise, there are several remedies that may provide relief. While these remedies may not work for everyone, they are worth trying as they are generally safe and free from side effects. Here are some natural remedies to consider:

  • Ginger: Ginger is well-known for its ability to soothe nausea and alleviate motion sickness. It can be consumed in various forms such as ginger tea, ginger candies, or ginger capsules. Consider incorporating ginger into your daily routine to help ease the rocking feeling.
  • Peppermint: Peppermint has calming properties that can help soothe an upset stomach. Sip on peppermint tea or chew on peppermint leaves to help alleviate any symptoms of nausea or discomfort.
  • Aromatherapy: Essential oils, such as lavender or peppermint, can be used through aromatherapy to create a calming environment and reduce anxiety. Diffuse the oils in your living space or use them in a relaxing bath to promote a sense of well-being.
  • Acupuncture or Acupressure: Traditional Chinese practices like acupuncture or acupressure can be effective in relieving symptoms of motion sickness and balancing the body’s energy. Consult with a trained practitioner to determine the best approach for you.
  • Hydration and Electrolyte Balance: Drinking plenty of water and consuming electrolyte-rich fluids can help regulate the body’s fluid balance and minimize symptoms of the rocking feeling. Opt for natural coconut water or diluted fruit juices to replenish essential electrolytes.
  • Herbal Supplements: Some herbal supplements, such as ginkgo biloba and chamomile, have been suggested to help reduce dizziness and promote balance. Speak with a healthcare professional or herbalist to find the right herbal supplement for your needs.
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 has shown promise in reducing symptoms of motion sickness. Incorporate foods rich in vitamin B6, such as bananas, avocados, and nuts, into your diet or consider taking a vitamin B6 supplement.
  • Breathing Exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help you relax, reduce anxiety, and stabilize your body’s equilibrium. Take slow, deep breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth to promote a sense of calm and centeredness.
  • Stay Grounded: Engaging in grounding techniques, such as walking barefoot on the grass or sand, can help restore a sense of stability and balance to your body’s equilibrium.
  • Proper Nutrition: Eating a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support overall health and potentially reduce the severity of the rocking feeling. Aim for a nutrient-dense diet to stabilize your body’s systems.

While these natural remedies may provide relief for the rocking feeling, it’s important to remember that their effectiveness can vary from person to person. It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new remedy, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications. By exploring these natural alternatives, you may find a solution that helps alleviate the discomfort and allows you to enjoy your post-cruise experience with greater ease.

Seeking Medical Help for Severe Symptoms

While the rocking feeling after a cruise is typically temporary and subsides on its own, in some cases, the symptoms may persist or become severe. If you experience prolonged or intense rocking sensations that significantly impact your daily life, it may be necessary to seek medical help. Here are some indications that warrant medical attention:

  • Severe and Prolonged Symptoms: If the rocking feeling persists for an extended period, lasting weeks or months, or if the symptoms worsen over time, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional. Severe and prolonged symptoms can significantly affect your quality of life and may require further evaluation.
  • Significant Impairment of Daily Activities: If the rocking feeling hinders your ability to perform routine tasks or if it causes balance issues that put you at risk of falls or accidents, seeking medical assistance is crucial. Chronic dizziness and instability can have a profound impact on your overall well-being and should not be ignored.
  • Chronic Anxiety or Depression: If you experience persistent feelings of anxiety, depression, or emotional distress due to the rocking feeling, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help determine if psychological support or counseling may be beneficial in managing the emotional impact of the symptoms.
  • Unexplained Symptoms: If you experience additional concerning symptoms along with the rocking feeling, such as severe headaches, vision changes, hearing loss, or difficulty speaking, it is vital to seek immediate medical attention. These symptoms could indicate underlying health conditions that require prompt evaluation and treatment.
  • Individualized Medical Advice: If you have pre-existing health conditions, are taking medications, or have any concerns about your symptoms, it is always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice and guidance based on your specific circumstances.

Remember, healthcare professionals have the knowledge and expertise to properly diagnose and manage medical conditions. They can perform a thorough evaluation, conduct appropriate tests if necessary, and recommend suitable treatments or interventions to address your specific symptoms. Seeking medical help ensures that you receive appropriate care and support for your individual needs.

Ultimately, with timely medical intervention and support, you can address severe symptoms effectively and find relief from the rocking feeling, enabling you to regain your normal daily activities and enjoy life to the fullest.

The rocking feeling after a cruise, also known as sea legs or land sickness, can be an uncomfortable and disruptive sensation. However, by understanding the causes and implementing practical strategies, you can minimize its impact and enjoy a smoother transition back to stable ground.

During the cruise, your body adapts to the constant motion of the ship, leading to a readjustment period when you return to land. Factors such as the length of the cruise, the size of the ship, and individual susceptibility can influence the severity and duration of the rocking feeling.

To minimize the rocking feeling during the cruise, it is advisable to choose a midship cabin, focus on the horizon, stay hydrated, avoid heavy meals, and consider wearing acupressure bands. Additionally, relaxation techniques, maintaining a steady routine, and trying natural remedies like ginger can also be beneficial.

After the cruise, coping strategies such as allowing for adjustment time, taking breaks, engaging in gentle exercises, and minimizing stress can help alleviate the rocking feeling. Natural remedies, including ginger, peppermint, aromatherapy, and acupuncture, may provide relief as well.

However, if the symptoms persist or become severe, seeking medical help is essential. Severe and prolonged symptoms, impairment of daily activities, chronic anxiety or depression, unexplained symptoms, or individual concerns warrant professional medical evaluation and support.

In conclusion, while the rocking feeling after a cruise can be unsettling, it is manageable. By implementing the tips, strategies, and natural remedies discussed in this article, you can navigate the post-cruise sensation more comfortably and ensure a smoother transition back to solid ground. Remember to listen to your body, seek support when needed, and prioritize your well-being throughout the process. With time and proper care, the rocking feeling will subside, allowing you to cherish the memories and experiences of your cruise adventure.


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Oh Happy Travels

After Cruise Motion Sickness: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

after cruise motion sickness

Do you ever feel like you’re still on a cruise ship even after you’ve returned home? Do you experience symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and a rocking sensation that just won’t go away?

If so, you may be suffering from a condition known as mal de debarquement syndrome (MdDS).

MdDS is a rare motion disorder that affects some people after they disembark from a boat or ship. Symptoms can persist for days, weeks, or even months after the cruise has ended, making it difficult for sufferers to resume their daily activities.

While the exact cause of MdDS is not fully understood, it is believed to be related to a mismatch between the brain’s perception of motion and the body’s actual movement.

Fortunately, there are ways to manage the symptoms of MdDS and get your land legs back. From medication to natural remedies, there are various options available to help alleviate the discomfort associated with this condition.

In this article, we will explore the causes and MdDS symptoms, as well as the most effective treatments for after-cruise motion sickness.

Understanding Motion Sickness

After Cruise Motion Sickness: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

The inner ear, also known as the vestibular system, is responsible for maintaining your body’s sense of balance and orientation. When you are in motion, the vestibular system sends signals to your brain to help it understand your body’s position and movement.

However, if your eyes see something different from what your inner ear is sensing, it can cause a conflict in your brain, leading to motion sickness.

After cruise motion sickness (aka land sickness) can affect anyone, but some people are more susceptible to it than others. Women, children under 12, and people with a history of migraines or inner ear problems are more likely to experience this balance disorder.

Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating, and fatigue. These symptoms can be mild or severe and can last for minutes or hours, depending on the severity of the motion sickness.

To prevent land sickness, it is important to avoid activities that can trigger it, such as reading while in motion or sitting in the backseat of a car. It is also helpful to keep your eyes fixed on a stable object, such as the horizon, and to avoid looking at moving objects.

If you do experience such symptoms, there are several remedies that can help alleviate the nausea. These include taking over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines or ginger supplements, and practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

Specifics of After Cruise Motion Sickness

After a cruise, it’s common to feel like you’re still on the ship for a short period of time. This feeling is known as “sea legs” and is caused by your brain still adjusting to being back on land.

However, for some people, the symptoms of motion sickness can persist for days or even weeks after the cruise has ended. This is known as after cruise motion sickness or mal de debarquement syndrome (MDDS) .

MDDS is a rare condition that affects a small percentage of people who have been on a cruise. The symptoms of MDDS can include a persistent feeling of rocking or swaying, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. These symptoms can be mild or severe and can last for days, weeks, or even months.

The exact cause of MDDS is unknown, but it is believed to be caused by a mismatch between the signals that your brain receives from your inner ear and your eyes. This mismatch can cause your brain to continue to perceive motion even when you are stationary, leading to the symptoms of MDDS.

If you are experiencing symptoms of MDDS after a cruise, it’s important to seek medical attention. Your doctor may be able to recommend treatments such as medication or physical therapy to help alleviate your symptoms.

It’s also important to take steps to prevent MDDS before and during your cruise. This can include taking medication to prevent motion sickness, staying hydrated, and avoiding alcohol and caffeine. Additionally, during the cruise, you can try to stay in the middle of the ship, where there is less motion, and avoid looking at the ocean or other moving objects.

Symptoms of Land Sickness

If you have ever experienced motion or land sickness, you know how uncomfortable it can be. The symptoms can vary from person to person, but some common symptoms include:

These symptoms can last for hours or even days, depending on the severity of your motion sickness. In some cases, you may experience migraines or headaches as well.

One of the most common symptoms is imbalance. You may feel like you are swaying or rocking, even when you are standing still. This can make it difficult to maintain your balance and can lead to falls.

In addition to imbalance, you may also experience tiredness and fatigue. This can make it difficult to focus and can affect your overall mood. Some people even experience depression as a result of their motion sickness.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to take steps to manage your motion sickness. This may include taking medication, avoiding certain foods or activities, or using relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety.

How to Prevent Land Sickness After Your Cruise

post cruise rockin

While there is no foolproof method to prevent land sickness, you can take certain steps to help minimize its effects:

  • Gradual Adjustment: Give your body time to readjust to the stable ground. Avoid making sudden movements and take it easy during the first few days after disembarking from the cruise ship.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, as dehydration can worsen the symptoms of land sickness.
  • Get Adequate Rest: Allow your body to recover from the physical and sensory changes experienced during the cruise. Get enough sleep to aid in the readjustment process.
  • Avoid Stimulants: Limit the intake of caffeine, alcohol, and other stimulants that can disrupt your body’s natural equilibrium.
  • Focus on the Horizon: When walking or standing, try to focus on the horizon or a stable object in the distance. This can help your brain reorient itself and reduce the sensation of movement.
  • Avoid Prolonged Screen Time: Minimize excessive screen time, such as watching TV or using a computer, as this can exacerbate symptoms.
  • Motion Exercises: Gentle motion exercises, like rocking or swaying slowly while sitting or standing, might help your body adapt to the changes.
  • Balance Training: Engage in simple balance exercises, like standing on one leg or walking in a straight line, to improve your body’s balance mechanisms.
  • Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques: Practicing deep breathing and relaxation exercises can help reduce stress and alleviate symptoms.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If the symptoms persist or become severe, consult a healthcare professional experienced in treating motion-related issues or vestibular disorders.

It’s important to remember that land sickness usually resolves on its own within a few days to a few weeks. However, if the symptoms persist for an extended period or interfere with your daily life, it’s best to seek medical advice.

As with any medical condition, individual responses may vary, and the effectiveness of preventive measures can differ from person to person.

If you are concerned about land sickness or have any underlying health conditions, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and guidance

Preventing Motion Sickness on Your Cruise

If you’re planning a cruise, you may be worried about getting motion sickness. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent it.

Choose Your Cabin Wisely

When booking your cabin, try to choose one in the middle of the ship. This is the most stable area of the ship and will experience the least amount of movement. Additionally, cabins that are located on lower decks tend to experience less motion than those on higher decks.

Take Advantage of Stabilizers and Hull Design

Modern cruise ships are equipped with stabilizers that help reduce the amount of rolling and pitching. Additionally, the hull design of newer ships is optimized to reduce motion. When booking your cruise, try to choose a newer ship that has these features.

Look at the Horizon

When you’re on the ship, try to focus on the horizon. This can help reduce the feeling of motion sickness. Avoid looking at anything that is moving, such as the waves or other passengers.

Avoid Reading

Reading while on a moving ship can make motion sickness worse. If you’re prone to motion sickness, try to avoid reading while on the ship.

Get Fresh Air

If you’re feeling queasy, try to get some fresh air. Go outside on the deck and take deep breaths. This can help you feel better.

Avoid Windy Areas

Windy areas of the ship can exacerbate motion sickness. Try to avoid areas where there is a lot of wind.


If you’re prone to motion sickness, talk to your doctor about medications that can help prevent it. There are several over-the-counter and prescription medications that can be effective. However, be aware that some medications can cause drowsiness.

Motion Sickness Medications

After Cruise Motion Sickness

Meclizine is an over-the-counter medication that come as motion sickness pills. It is an antihistamine that works by blocking the effects of histamine, a chemical in the body that can cause nausea and vomiting. Meclizine is available in tablet form and should be taken at least one hour before traveling.

Scopolamine is a prescription medication that is available in patch form. It is a type of anticholinergic medication that works by blocking the effects of acetylcholine, a chemical in the body that can cause nausea and vomiting. The patch should be applied behind the ear at least four hours before traveling and can be effective for up to three days.

Dramamine is an over-the-counter medication that can be used to treat motion sickness. It contains the active ingredient dimenhydrinate, which is an antihistamine that can help alleviate nausea and vomiting. Dramamine is available in tablet or liquid form and should be taken at least 30 minutes before traveling.

It is important to note that these medications can cause drowsiness as a side effect, so it is recommended that you avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while taking them.

Additionally, some medications may interact with other medications you are taking, so it is important to speak with your healthcare provider before taking any new medication.

Natural Remedies for Motion Sickness

If you’re looking for natural remedies to help ease your motion sickness after a cruise, there are several options to consider. These remedies can help alleviate symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and vomiting.

One of the most popular natural remedies for motion sickness is ginger. Ginger has been used for centuries to treat nausea and vomiting, and studies have shown that it can be effective in reducing symptoms of motion sickness as well. You can try drinking ginger tea or taking ginger supplements to help alleviate your symptoms.

2. Fresh Air

Another natural remedy is fresh air. When you’re feeling nauseous or dizzy, getting some fresh air can help provide relief. If possible, step outside onto the deck of the ship or open a window in your cabin to get some fresh air.

3. Acupressure Bands

You may also want to try using acupressure bands. These bands apply pressure to certain points on your wrist that are believed to help alleviate nausea and vomiting. They are safe, easy to use, and can be found at most drugstores.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint is another natural remedy that can be effective in reducing symptoms of motion sickness. Peppermint has a calming effect on the stomach and can help alleviate nausea. You can try drinking peppermint tea or using peppermint essential oil to help ease your symptoms.

5. Green Apples

Green apples are believed to help with motion sickness due to their natural acidity and fresh aroma. Green apples have a slightly higher level of acidity than other apple varieties. Some people claim that the acidity can help neutralize stomach acids, reducing feelings of nausea and discomfort associated with motion sickness. (I got ill on a cruise one time from large waves and I ate half a green apple with some sprite and within 20 min I was feeling much, MUCH better).

6. Alcohol Pads

Smelling alcohol pads for nausea is a home remedy that some people use to try and alleviate feelings of nausea. The idea behind this practice is that the strong scent of the alcohol might help to distract from or mask the sensation of nausea. Additionally, some believe that the alcohol’s volatile compounds could have a calming effect on the stomach.

If you’re looking for a medication that is considered natural, you may want to consider Bonine. Bonine is an over-the-counter medication that contains meclizine, an antihistamine that can help alleviate symptoms of motion sickness. It is considered safe and effective for most people.

8. Acupuncture

Finally, acupuncture is an alternative therapy that can be effective in reducing symptoms of motion sickness. Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body, and it is believed to help promote balance and alleviate nausea and vomiting.

Tips for Traveling with Motion Sickness

Motion sickness can be a real bummer when you’re traveling, especially after a cruise vacation. But don’t let it hold you back from exploring the world. Here are some tips to help you manage motion sickness while traveling:

Choose the Right Mode of Transportation

Some modes of transportation can trigger motion sickness more than others. If you know you’re prone to motion sickness, try to avoid cars, buses, and trains that have a lot of sudden stops and starts. Instead, opt for a cruise ship or plane, which tend to have smoother rides. If you’re traveling by car, try to sit in the front seat and focus on the road ahead.

Choose the Right Seat

When traveling by plane or cruise ship, try to choose a seat near a window or with access to fresh air. Being able to see the horizon can help with motion sickness, and fresh air can help alleviate symptoms. If you’re on a cruise ship, consider booking a stateroom with a balcony so you can step outside whenever you need to.

Pack the Right Supplies

There are several over-the-counter medications and natural remedies that can help with motion sickness. Ginger, for example, has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting. You can take ginger supplements or bring ginger tea or candies with you on your trip. Other options include acupressure wristbands, which apply pressure to a specific point on your wrist to help alleviate symptoms, and over-the-counter medications like Dramamine.

Take Breaks

If you’re on a long trip, make sure to take breaks and get some fresh air whenever possible. Take a walk around the plane or cruise ship, or step outside for a few minutes if you’re traveling by car. Taking breaks can help reset your senses and alleviate motion sickness symptoms.

By following these tips, you can manage motion sickness and enjoy your travels without feeling sick. Remember, everyone’s experience with motion sickness is different, so it’s important to find what works best for you.

Specific Groups Affected by Motion Sickness

Motion sickness can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender. However, some groups may be more prone to motion sickness than others. Here are some specific groups that may be affected by motion sickness:

Studies have shown that women are more likely to experience motion sickness than men. This may be due to hormonal differences, as women’s levels of estrogen and progesterone fluctuate throughout their menstrual cycle. These hormones can affect the vestibular system, which is responsible for maintaining balance and spatial orientation.

Middle-aged Women

Middle-aged women are particularly susceptible to motion sickness, especially during the perimenopausal and menopausal periods. This is because hormonal changes during this time can disrupt the vestibular system, making it more sensitive to motion.

Pregnant Women

Pregnant women may experience motion sickness due to hormonal changes, increased sensitivity to sensory stimuli, and changes in balance and coordination. Additionally, many anti-motion sickness medications are not safe for pregnant women to take, so it’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any medication.

Children are also prone to motion sickness, especially those between the ages of 2 and 12. This is because their vestibular system is still developing, and they may not have fully developed their ability to suppress conflicting sensory information.

In general, anyone can experience motion sickness, but some groups may be more susceptible to it than others. If you fall into one of these groups, it’s important to take preventative measures to avoid motion sickness, such as sitting in the front of a car or boat, focusing on a fixed point in the distance, and avoiding reading or looking at screens while in motion.

Diagnosing Land Sickness

If you are experiencing symptoms of land sickness after a cruise, it is important to seek medical attention from a doctor or medical professional. Your doctor will begin by taking your medical history and performing a physical exam to check for any underlying conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms.

In some cases, your doctor may refer you to a neurologist, who specializes in disorders of the nervous system. They may also order blood tests or a hearing exam to rule out other possible causes of your symptoms.

One way that doctors diagnose motion sickness is by evaluating your internal models. These are the mental representations that your brain uses to predict how your body will move and react to different stimuli. When your internal models are disrupted, such as when you are on a moving ship, it can lead to symptoms of motion sickness.

Your doctor may also use a variety of other diagnostic tools to help diagnose your condition. For example, they may use a computerized dynamic posturography (CDP) test to evaluate your balance and stability. This test involves standing on a platform that moves in different directions while sensors measure your body’s response.

Dealing with Severe Motion Sickness

post cruise rockin

One effective treatment is vestibular rehabilitation. This therapy involves exercises that help you retrain your brain to process the signals it receives from your inner ear, which can help reduce your symptoms.

Your doctor may refer you to a physical therapist who specializes in vestibular rehabilitation to help you develop a personalized treatment plan.

Another condition that can cause persistent motion sickness is Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MDDS). If you have been diagnosed with MDDS, your doctor may recommend medication to help manage your symptoms. Antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can be effective in reducing the severity of your symptoms.

In addition to medication and therapy, there are other steps you can take to manage your motion sickness.

Here are a few tips that may help:

  • Avoid reading or looking at screens while in motion
  • Focus on a fixed point in the distance to help stabilize your vision
  • Stay hydrated and avoid alcohol and caffeine
  • Get plenty of rest and avoid overexertion

By taking these steps and working with your doctor to develop a treatment plan, you can manage your severe motion sickness and improve your quality of life.

Lifestyle and Motion Sickness

Motion or land sickness can be a frustrating and debilitating condition that can impact your daily life, especially after a cruise. While there is no guaranteed cure, there are several lifestyle changes and remedies that can help alleviate symptoms.

Regular exercise can help reduce the severity of motion sickness symptoms. Exercise increases blood flow and can help improve balance and coordination. However, it is important to avoid exercising immediately before or after a cruise, as this can exacerbate symptoms.

Getting enough rest before and after a cruise can help reduce the likelihood and severity of motion sickness. Lack of sleep can make symptoms worse, so it is important to prioritize rest and relaxation.


Dehydration can worsen motion sickness symptoms, so it is important to stay hydrated before, during, and after a cruise. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding alcohol and caffeine can help prevent dehydration and reduce symptoms.

Alcohol can worsen motion sickness symptoms, so it is important to avoid drinking alcohol before and during a cruise. If you do choose to drink, it is important to do so in moderation and to stay hydrated.

Hormonal changes can impact the severity of motion sickness symptoms, especially in women. If you experience motion sickness during your menstrual cycle, consider talking to your doctor about hormonal birth control options.

Overall, making small lifestyle changes and taking preventative measures can help reduce the severity and frequency of motion sickness symptoms after a cruise.

Devices for Motion Sickness Relief

When it comes to motion sickness relief, there are various devices you can use to prevent or alleviate symptoms. Here are some of the most popular options:

Wristbands are a common choice for motion sickness relief. They work by applying pressure to the Nei-Kuan acupressure point on your wrist, which is believed to help reduce nausea. There are two types of wristbands: elastic bands with a plastic stud and battery-powered bands that use electrical stimulation. Both types are designed to be worn on both wrists and can be adjusted for a comfortable fit.

Anti-Nausea Medication

If you’re prone to motion sickness, you may want to consider taking anti-nausea medication before your cruise. There are several over-the-counter and prescription medications available, including Dramamine, Bonine, and Scopolamine patches. These medications work by blocking the signals that cause nausea in your brain. It’s important to talk to your doctor before taking any medication to ensure it’s safe for you.

Sea-Bands are similar to wristbands but are worn on your ankles instead. They work by applying pressure to the Pericardium 6 (P6) acupressure point, which is believed to help relieve nausea and vomiting. Sea-Bands are a good option if you prefer not to wear something on your wrists or if you find wristbands uncomfortable.

The ReliefBand is a battery-powered wristband that uses electrical stimulation to prevent nausea and vomiting. It works by sending gentle pulses to the median nerve on your wrist, which helps to rebalance your body’s natural electrical signals. The ReliefBand is FDA-approved and has been clinically proven to be effective for motion sickness relief.

Ginger is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat nausea and vomiting. You can take ginger supplements, drink ginger tea, or eat ginger candy to help prevent motion sickness. Some people find that nibbling on plain crackers and sipping cold water or a carbonated drink without caffeine also helps.

Overall, there are several devices and remedies available to help prevent or alleviate motion sickness symptoms. It’s important to find the option that works best for you and to talk to your doctor before taking any medication.

Side Effects of Motion Sickness Medications

When you experience motion sickness, you may want to take medication to alleviate the symptoms. However, like any medication, motion sickness drugs can have side effects. Here are some of the most common side effects you may experience when taking medication for motion sickness:

  • Drowsiness : One of the most common side effects of motion sickness medication is drowsiness. This can be particularly problematic if you are driving or operating heavy machinery. If you experience drowsiness after taking medication, avoid driving or operating machinery until the drowsiness wears off.
  • Dry mouth : Some motion sickness medications can cause dry mouth. This can be uncomfortable, but it is usually not a serious side effect. Drinking plenty of water can help alleviate dry mouth.
  • Blurred vision : Some motion sickness medications can cause blurred vision. If you experience this side effect, avoid activities that require good vision, such as driving or reading.
  • Dizziness : Dizziness is another possible side effect of motion sickness medication. If you experience dizziness, avoid activities that require balance, such as walking on uneven ground or climbing stairs.
  • Nausea : Ironically, some motion sickness medications can cause nausea as a side effect. If you experience nausea after taking medication, try taking it with food or a full glass of water.

It’s important to note that not everyone will experience these side effects, and some people may experience side effects that are not listed here. If you have concerns about the side effects of a particular medication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

In some cases, the benefits of taking motion sickness medication may outweigh the potential side effects. However, it’s important to be aware of the possible side effects so you can make an informed decision about whether to take medication for your motion sickness symptoms.

The Role of the Inner Ear in Motion Sickness

Motion sickness is a common phenomenon that affects many people, especially after a cruise. The inner ear plays a crucial role in motion sickness. The inner ear is responsible for detecting movement and changes in the body’s position, which helps the brain maintain balance.

The inner ear consists of three semicircular canals filled with fluid and tiny hair-like sensors. These sensors detect the movement of fluid as the head moves. The information is then sent to the brain, which processes the signals and sends messages to the muscles to maintain balance.

When you are on a cruise, the movement of the ship can cause the fluid in the inner ear to move in a way that is different from the movement of the body. This can cause a conflict in the signals being sent to the brain, leading to motion sickness.

The inner ear is not the only factor that contributes to motion sickness. Other factors, such as visual cues and the body’s position, also play a role. For example, if you are reading a book or looking at your phone while on a moving ship, your eyes may send signals to the brain that conflict with the signals from the inner ear, leading to motion sickness.

In conclusion, the inner ear plays a crucial role in motion sickness. It detects movement and changes in the body’s position, which helps the brain maintain balance. When the signals from the inner ear conflict with other signals, such as visual cues, it can lead to motion sickness.

The Influence of the Ocean on Motion Sickness

If you experience motion sickness after a cruise, you may wonder why the ocean has such a strong effect on your body. The truth is that the ocean’s movement and the resulting motion sickness are closely related. Here are a few factors that influence motion sickness when you’re on a cruise:

  • Wave frequency and amplitude : The ocean’s waves can have different frequencies and amplitudes, depending on the weather and other factors. When the waves are high and frequent, your body may have a harder time adapting to the motion, which can lead to motion sickness.
  • Visual cues : When you’re on a cruise, your eyes may see the ship moving, but your body may not feel it. This mixed signal can confuse your brain and trigger motion sickness.
  • Inner ear balance : Your inner ear is responsible for maintaining your body’s balance. When you’re on a cruise, the constant motion of the ship can affect your inner ear and make you feel dizzy or nauseous.
  • Stress and anxiety : Feeling stressed or anxious can make motion sickness worse. If you’re worried about getting sick or have other concerns about your cruise, it can amplify the symptoms of motion sickness.

Overall, the ocean’s movement can have a significant impact on your body and trigger motion sickness. However, there are ways to prevent and manage motion sickness when you’re on a cruise.

The Role of Timothy C. Hain in Motion Sickness Research

Timothy C. Hain is a neurologist and researcher at Northwestern University who has made significant contributions to the study of motion sickness. His work has focused on understanding the underlying causes of motion sickness and developing effective treatments for this common condition.

Hain has conducted extensive research on various types of motion sickness, including seasickness, car sickness, and air sickness. He has also studied the role of the vestibular system in motion sickness and the use of medication and other interventions to prevent or alleviate symptoms.

One of Hain’s most significant contributions to the field of motion sickness research is his work on Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS). This condition is characterized by a persistent feeling of motion or rocking, even after a person has returned to solid ground after a cruise or other extended period at sea. Hain’s research has helped to shed light on the underlying causes of MdDS and identify effective treatment options for those who suffer from this debilitating condition.

Hain’s research has also focused on the use of virtual reality and other technologies to simulate motion and help people overcome motion sickness. He has worked with a team of researchers to develop a virtual reality system that can be used to treat motion sickness in a clinical setting.

Overall, Timothy C. Hain’s research has helped to advance our understanding of motion sickness and improve treatment options for those who suffer from this condition. His work has been instrumental in developing new treatments and interventions that can help people overcome the symptoms of motion sickness and enjoy travel and other activities without discomfort.

The Cleveland Clinic and Motion Sickness

after cruise motion sickness

The Cleveland Clinic explains that motion sickness occurs when your brain can’t make sense of information sent from your eyes, ears, and body.

Lots of motion, whether on a car, airplane, boat, or even an amusement park ride, can make you feel queasy, clammy, or sick to your stomach. Some people may even vomit. Being carsick, seasick, or airsick is motion sickness.

The Cleveland Clinic offers several recommendations to help prevent motion sickness.

These include:

  • Focusing on a fixed point in the distance
  • Avoiding alcohol and greasy or spicy foods
  • Getting fresh air
  • Taking breaks to walk around
  • Using over-the-counter medications, such as Dramamine or Bonine

If you’re still experiencing motion sickness symptoms after your cruise, the Cleveland Clinic recommends seeing a healthcare provider. They can help determine if you’re experiencing mal de debarquement syndrome, a rare condition that causes a feeling of motion sickness even after you’re no longer in motion.

Walking and Motion Sickness

Walking is a great way to alleviate motion sickness after a cruise. It helps your body adjust to being on land again and can reduce the feeling of dizziness and nausea.

Here are some tips to make walking more effective in reducing motion sickness:

  • Start slow: Begin with a gentle stroll and gradually increase your pace as you feel more comfortable. Don’t push yourself too hard too soon.
  • Focus on your surroundings: Look at the scenery around you, the trees, buildings, people, and animals. This will help your brain adjust to the new environment and reduce the feeling of disorientation.
  • Take deep breaths: Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This can help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety, which can exacerbate motion sickness.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water before and during your walk. Dehydration can worsen motion sickness symptoms.
  • Avoid heavy meals: Don’t eat a large meal before walking or during the walk. Stick to light snacks like fruits or nuts.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: Choose comfortable shoes with good support. This will help you maintain your balance and prevent falls.

Walking after a cruise can be an effective way to reduce motion sickness symptoms. It helps your body adjust to being on land again and can reduce the feeling of dizziness and nausea. By following these tips, you can make the most of your walk and start feeling better sooner.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: how do you get rid of motion sickness after a cruise.

A: Land sickness after a cruise can be uncomfortable, but it usually goes away on its own within a few days. However, there are some things you can do to alleviate the symptoms. Drinking plenty of fluids and staying hydrated can help reduce nausea and dizziness.

Ginger, either in the form of ginger ale or ginger supplements, is a natural remedy that may help ease motion sickness. Over-the-counter medications, such as meclizine or dimenhydrinate, can also be effective in treating motion sickness.

Q: How long does it take for motion sickness to go away after a cruise?

A: Motion sickness after a cruise can last for a few days to a few weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms. Most people start to feel better within a few days of returning home, but some may experience lingering symptoms for a few weeks after the cruise.

Q: How long does post cruise vertigo last?

A: Post-cruise vertigo, also known as disembarkation syndrome, can last for a few days to a few weeks. The symptoms usually go away on their own, but in some cases, they may last for several months. If you are experiencing severe vertigo, you should consult a doctor.

Q: What are the symptoms of disembarkation sickness?

A: Disembarkation sickness, also known as mal de debarquement syndrome, can cause a range of symptoms, including dizziness, vertigo, nausea, headache, and fatigue. Some people may also experience difficulty with balance and coordination.

Q: What is the treatment for disembarkation sickness?

A: There is no specific treatment for disembarkation sickness, but symptoms can be managed with medications such as benzodiazepines and antihistamines.

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy, which involves exercises to improve balance and coordination, may also be helpful for some people.

Q: Are there any patches for post-cruise motion sickness?

A: Yes, there are patches available that can help alleviate post-cruise motion sickness. These patches contain scopolamine, a medication that can help reduce nausea and dizziness.

However, scopolamine can cause side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, and drowsiness, so it’s important to consult a doctor before using this medication.

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Post-Cruise Inquiries

You’re always our priority — before, during and after your cruise.

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Carnival obtains holds on your account as you make purchases on board. On the day your cruise returns, Carnival immediately settles your final bill with the bank and alerts them that the temporary holds can be released. Until your bank acts to remove them, these holds will remain on your credit, debit or bank account. Because these temporary holds must be obtained in advance, the amount held may exceed the amount you actually spent during your cruise. This can limit your access to funds for a few days. Only your bank can release a hold from your account. UNFORTUNATELY, CARNIVAL IS NOT ABLE TO EXPEDITE THE RELEASE OF BANK HOLDS. Please contact your bank for assistance — thank you for your understanding.

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Frequently asked questions.



You can always count on us, even after your cruise is over. So whether you forgot an item onboard, want to check on the status of a purchase, or need a touch-up on a photo — we’re here for you. Look through our most frequently asked questions for helpful information.

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Lost or Damaged Belongings Easily access the forms you need to report a lost item or submit a claim for damaged luggage. Learn more

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SeaPass Account Request a copy of your final account statement and get all the information you need about credit card holds. Learn more

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  • How can I file a claim if my luggage was damaged?
  • How can I report a lost Item?

SeaPass Account

  • What’s the Onboard Account Statement?
  • Why do I have a pending authorization on my bank account?
  • How can I request my final onboard statement?
  • Are beach/pool towels provided onboard? Will I be charged for towels?

Crown & Anchor Society

  • How do I enroll in the Crown & Anchor Society?
  • What are the benefits of the Crown & Anchor Society loyalty program?
  • I am missing Crown & Anchor points from my profile. Who can I speak to?

Onboard Photos

  • How can I purchase photos? How will I receive my photos? Who do I contact if I have not received my photos, my photo link, or my photo book or need a change?
  • Looking to access your photos on our Royal Caribbean App?

Onboard Purchases

  • Who can I speak with regarding my art, spa, or other onboard purchase?
  • Who can I speak with regarding a purchase I made in a port of call?

Post-Cruise Feedback

  • I would like to speak to someone regarding the experience I had on my most recent cruise, who can I contact?
  • Where can I fill out a survey regarding my experience on my most recent sailing?
  • Can Royal Caribbean change a cruise itinerary or Port of Call?

Future Cruise Credit

  • How are Onboard Credits & Future Cruise Credits Calculated?
  • How can I redeem my Future Cruise Credit?
  • Where's my Future Cruise Credit (FCC)? What is the status of my FCC?

General Questions

  • Where can I get financial information if I booked through a Travel Advisor?
  • Does Royal Caribbean have a casino rewards program?
  • How do I enroll in the Club Royale program?
  • How long do refunds take to process?
  • What is the Ultimate World Cruise and an Ultimate Cruise Segment?
  • Is there a Royal Caribbean credit card rewards program? Who can apply?
  • Where can I file a claim for my travel insurance?

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Get answers to your questions about disembarkation, reporting lost items, and loyalty program benefits..

  • Disembarkation

An overview of some important information to help make your disembarkation as easy as possible.

On the majority of our cruises, you will be required to identify and clear your luggage through customs. As you leave the ship, you will be directed by Princess representatives to the luggage claim area. As many bags are similar in appearance, please check each luggage tag to ensure you are claiming your own luggage.

Due to U.S. and local customs restrictions, guests may not leave the ship until all luggage is off-loaded. Disembarkation will begin once the ship has received clearance from the local authorities. You will be notified within the MedallionClass® app when it is time for you to disembark. You may then make your way to the gangway.

Customs and immigration inspectors will review with you the customs declarations form upon which you have listed all the articles bought in foreign ports or in the ship's boutiques. U.S. residents returning to the United States are allowed a duty-free exemption of $800 USD per person, which includes the cost of one liter of alcoholic beverages (if purchased onboard or ashore) for each guest 21 years of age or older. Canadian citizens, when out of the country for more than 48-hours, may bring back up to $800 CAD duty-free. It is recommended that guests keep their sales receipts handy for declaring their purchases. Food items should not be brought into U.S. ports.

On cruises calling at ports of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or American Samoa, U.S. residents are allowed an additional exemption of $1,200 USD when returning to the United States, including four liters of alcoholic beverages provided you have the proof of purchase from the designated ports. Of your $1,200 USD exemption, no more than $600 USD worth of articles may have been purchased in the islands. Articles acquired in these islands need not accompany you but may be sent to the United States and claimed under your duty-free personal exemption if properly declared. Please note that family members, who live in the same home and return together in the United States, may combine their standard personal exemptions. Children are allowed the same as adults, with the exception of alcohol and cigarettes. Please note that these are current exemptions and are subject to change.

If you have purchased a Princess ship-to-airport transfer,  Cruise Plus Hotel Package  or are participating on a cruisetour, you will be directed by uniformed Princess representatives to the transfer departure point.

If your friends or relatives are meeting you at the pier, please be advised that disembarkation may take up to four hours after the scheduled arrival of the ship in order to clear immigration and customs.

Princess Captain’s Circle

Princess Cruises offers an exclusive loyalty program called  Princess Captain's Circle . Membership is automatic after you finish your cruise, and we’ll send you an email welcoming you to the Circle when you return home!

You earn more benefits the more you cruise, just include your Captain’s Circle number each time you book! To check out all of the benefits our loyal guests receive, make sure to visit our  Membership Benefits page . Make sure to register for a  My Princess  account to get special offers and see your cruise history!

  • Report a Lost Item or Luggage

Princess Cruises makes every effort to reunite items left behind or lost during a cruise with their rightful owners. Unfortunately, not all items are identifiable.

If you lost or left behind personal property,  please complete a lost item report . Once the report is complete, it will be automatically uploaded into our lost item tracking system.

Rest assured we will make every effort to find your item. As items are all shipped to our main office in Santa Clarita from all over the world, it takes time for us to receive found items and match them to loss reports. Your patience during this process is appreciated. You will hear from us shortly. Shipping fees to return items left behind will apply.

By clicking select link above, you will leave the Princess Cruises website and navigate to a 3rd party website that is not owned, operated, or controlled by Princess Cruises or any of its affiliates.

  • Onboard Stateroom Account

Please choose ‘Help’ from the top of our home page and click on Customer Support & Information.  From the “what can we help you with” drop down, choose ‘post cruise questions/comments.’  Then select ‘onboard folio statement’ under topic.  In the ‘tell us what happened’ section, indicate you did not receive your statement.  In the ‘desired outcome’ section, request a copy of your statement.  This is the most expedited way to request a copy of your stateroom account.

Onboard Credit and pre paid items can be viewed at the top of your stateroom account.

If your shore excursion was cancelled onboard (either by you or due to itinerary change) the amount you paid will be refunded to your onboard account as an onboard credit.  Please review your onboard account to confirm the refund as the amount will not be refunded to the credit card you may have used to pre pay your excursion prior to departure.

Guests with more than $25 in refundable credit on their folio when they settle their account will receive their refund in the form of a check. The only exception to this rule is for vessels homeporting in Asian ports (China, Japan, Singapore, Keelung) these can be cashed out up to a max value of $250.00.

Onboard Account refunds take 4-6 weeks to process. For Casino bank - Guests are reminded to cash their bank out with the casino cashiers. Guests may choose to deposit their funds with the Front Desk Staff. If the amount is over $25.00 and not cashed out onboard, the check is automatically generated. The process can take up to 12 weeks to verify. If the amount is under $25.00, the guest needs to request the check and the process takes up to 30 days for check to be received after the initial email enquiry. For additional information, guests can log on to, click on 'Get in Contact' and submit their request.**

The Princess Plus package covers beverages up to $15. The Princess Premier covers beverages up to $20. Guests who order a more expensive beverage are charged the difference between the beverage cost and the limit. This is reflected as a beverage charge on your stateroom account. Additionally, any alcoholic beverages ordered over the daily limit will incur a charge.

Please choose ‘Help’ from the top of our home page and click on Customer Support & Information.  From the “what can we help you with” drop down, choose ‘post cruise questions/comments.’  Then select ‘onboard folio statement’ under topic and complete the form including the ‘tell us what happened’ and ‘desired outcome’ sections.  This is the most expedited way to resolve any incorrect charge concerns.

Princess Plus and Premier packages include crew appreciation and gratuities on beverages.  Other services, such as Spa treatments have an automatic gratuity of 15% USD / 5% AUD is added to all spa treatments.

*Pricing is subject to change

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  • Before You Leave for Your Cruise
  • What To Pack for a Cruise
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Common questions and topics

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Princess MedallionClass® FAQ

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Dress Code and What to Pack for a Cruise

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Future Cruise Credits (FCC)

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  • Princess Vacation Protection
  • Princess EZair®
  • Cruise Tips, Advice and Information
  • Military Cruise Benefit Program
  • Princess® Rewards Visa® Card
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Shore Excursions Group

Barcelona City Tour Post Cruise

Barcelona City Tour Post Cruise

  • Experience the architectural marvels of Gaudi and Barcelona with our exclusive half-day city tour post-cruise.
  • Discover La Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Mila, and more with your small-group tour, ensuring a personal and engaging experience.
  • Take in the breathtaking city views from Montjuic and visit the famous Plaza Espanya for an unforgettable shore experience. Enjoy personal pick-up from the ship with luggage storage for a worry-free tour - perfect for cruisers
  • Unbeatable prices and return-to-ship and satisfaction guarantees; book fast before this sought-after tour sells out!


This is a great way to see the highlights of Barcelona on a half-day city tour while riding in comfort and style. You will have unbeatable, personal pickup from your ship with drop-off at most locations in Barcelona. This city tour is personal, interesting, and will be stress-free.

Be picked up with your luggage and have it stored safely in the vehicle while you are on tour. This small-group tour covers all the main highlights of the city in only half a day. See the buildings and monuments that the famous architect and artist Antoni Gaudi has left for all residents and visitors alike to enjoy including great views from Montjuic among other sites.

Places you can expect to see on this tour can include La Sagrada Familia, a world-famous architectural masterpiece. Park Guell, Gaudi's Park with beautiful views and skip-the-line entry to avoid lines at the gate. Passeig de Gracia, Barcelona's most luxurious shopping and business strip, La Pedrera / Casa Mila, Gaudi's famous building in Barcelona. Casa Batllo, Gaudi's astounding contribution to Modernism. Casa Amatller and Casa Morera, are two parts of the famous trio 'Apple of Discord'. Plaza Espanya, the most impressive plaza in Barcelona, The Olympic Ring, the site of the 1992 Olympic games. Montjuic, for great city views on top of the hill and a view of the port. The Columbus Monument is named for the world-famous explorer. Port Olympic, marina, shops, restaurants, galleries, and more. Plaza Catalunya is the famous plaza at the heart of Barcelona.

Upon completion of this amazing half-day experience, you will be dropped off at the airport or your hotel in Barcelona.

Please Note: In Barcelona, certain hotels and apartments are located in areas where there is a shortage of road access which makes it difficult for guests to be picked up from the accommodation or taken home. In such a case, you may need to walk to the nearest pickup/drop off location place where you will be able to take or call a taxi. Contact the tour operator after making your reservation, especially if you have bags with you, to check whether they can pick you up or drop you off directly from where you are staying. In regards to luggage, we normally allow a single large suitcase and one carryon bag for each guest.


Postgame Cruise

Sailing The Caribbean With your favorite Reality TV Stars! 

Big Brother Edition

  • Ship Amenities
  • Dining & Entertainment

post cruise rockin


Get ready to join fans, previous winners, and contestants of your favorite reality TV shows!

Departing From Orlando (Port Canaveral), Florida you will join the cruise of a lifetime partying and hanging out with celebrities aboard Royal Caribbean's Utopia of The Seas. There are countless activities and interactions to be had on this one of a kind cruise!

All Postgame Cruises have limited availability to ensure a personal experience for die-hard fans to be able to connect and make new friends with reality TV stars!

Book Fast because once its sold out its gone!

What we will be doing?

That's up to you! Join our Facebook pages to vote for activities done onboard for your specific cruise! Activities that will be done on every cruise include: Live Q&A's, trivia, contests, meet & greets, autographs, pictures, and partying all week long with show specific celebrities!

Cruise Itinerary

Orlando (Port Canaveral)


Nassau, Bahamas

Perfect Day @ CocoCay, Bahamas



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Rock and Romance Cruise

March 15-22, 2025

Ft. Lauderdale • Cozumel • Costa Maya

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  • Air Supply – 50th Anniversary Celebration
  • The Moody Blues' John Lodge
  • Jefferson Starship
  • The Orchestra Starring Former Members of ELO
  • Danny Seraphine , co-Founder of Chicago, featuring  Jeff Coffey
  • Mark Farner's American Band
  • Dire Straits Legacy
  • Al McKay's Earth, Wind, and Fire Experience
  • Melissa Manchester
  • Atlanta Rhythm Section
  • Pure Prairie League
  • The Family Stone
  • Barry Goudreau's Engine Room, starring Barry Goudreau formerly of Boston
  • The Ides of March  feat.  Jim Peterik
  • Terry Sylvester of The Hollies
  • Laurence Juber
  • Queen Nation
  • The Cream of Clapton Band
  • Toast - The Ultimate Bread Experience
  • Boogie Wonder Band
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A Word from The ‘70s Rock & Romance Cruise

April 5th, 2024

The ’70s Rock & Romance Cruise 2025 is Officially SOLD OUT!

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So much more than just a concert, you will have the opportunity to rub elbows with the stars as you interact onboard with bands that rocked your world and your heart!

Events include:

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Bethel Woods Center for the Arts

Bethel Woods Center for the Arts inspires, educates, and empowers individuals through the arts and humanities by presenting a diverse selection of culturally-rich performances, popular artists, and community and educational programming.  Read more

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  • Grammy-Award Winning Artists
  • 50+ LIVE performances
  • Celebrity-led special themed events with the stars
  • Nightly Themed Pool Parties
  • Luxurious accommodations

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St. Johns Rivership Co.

'Rockin' on the River Cruise' | Tuesday 1st October 2024

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GM's Cruise self-driving vehicle without steering wheel put on hold

Gm says its future autonomous vehicle will be based on the next-generation bolt.

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General Motors ' Cruise self-driving unit will focus its development efforts on a next-generation Chevrolet Bolt rather than its planned futuristic Origin vehicle that would not have a steering wheel or other human controls, the automaker said.

In 2022, GM filed a petition with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration seeking permission to deploy up to 2,500 self-driving Origin vehicles annually without human controls like brake pedals or mirrors. The agency still has not acted on the request.

" GM and Cruise are optimizing resources to focus development of our next autonomous vehicle on the next generation Bolt instead of the Origin," a GM spokesperson said on Tuesday.

"This shift creates a more cost-effective and scalable option for pursuing an autonomous future faster, while avoiding the uncertain path to regulatory compliance in the U.S. that could impede scaling of the Origin."

GM in November said it had temporarily halted production of its fully autonomous Cruise Origin. Cruise told employees in November the company has produced hundreds of Origin vehicles already, and that it is "more than enough for the near-term when we are ready to ramp things back up."

Cruise faces a number of investigations - including by NHTSA , the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission - after an October accident in which one of its robotaxis struck a pedestrian and dragged her 20 feet. Cruise and GM came under heavy criticism after the accident, and the California Department of Motor Vehicles revoked its permit to operate driverless vehicles .

In 2018, GM petitioned the NHTSA to allow the use of a car built on a Chevrolet Bolt without steering wheels or brake pedals on U.S. roads. In 2020, GM withdrew the petition after the agency took no action.

GM CEO Mary Barra noted Tuesday that Cruise in recent months had resumed testing of its robotaxis with human safety drivers in Phoenix, Houston and Dallas and in June hired a new CEO.

She said the under revised plan "per-unit costs will be much lower, which will help Cruise optimize its resources."

Barra previously said the business could generate $50 billion in annual revenue by 2030. Cruise has lost more than $8 billion since 2017 and in January GM said it was cutting spending at Cruise by about $1 billion.

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Breaking news, nicole kidman makes rare comment about marriage to ex-husband tom cruise.

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Nicole Kidman made rare comments about her ex-husband Tom Cruise in a new interview.

The Oscar winner, 57, spoke to the Los Angeles Times about the 25th anniversary of the former couple’s 1999 movie “Eyes Wide Shut,” written and directed by Stanley Kubrick.

Kidman was asked if she thought Kubrick “was   mining” her marriage to Cruise, 62, to develop the relationship between their characters.

Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman in 1992

“I suppose he was mining it,” Kidman said.

“There were ideas he was interested in. He’d ask a lot of questions,” she continued. “But he had a strong sense of the story he was telling. I do remember him saying, ‘Triangles are hard. You have to tread carefully when it’s a triangle.’ Because one person could feel ganged up on. But he was aware of that and knew how to manage us.”

“Eyes Wide Shut” follows a physician (Cruise) who infiltrates an underground sex group after learning his wife (Kidman) contemplated having an affair.

Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise in "Eyes Wide Shut"

“There’s something about being a woman in that equation, too,” Kidman said in the interview. “And Stanley liked women. He had a different relationship with Tom. They worked more closely together on his character.”

Kidman recalled how the movie took two years to shoot, during which she and Cruise lived in a trailer and spent a lot of time with Kubrick, who died the year the movie was released, and their co-star Sydney Pollack.

“By the end, we’re learning how to make pasta because he’s a great cook, Sydney,” she said. “Stanley would come to our trailer, we’d eat. In the little kitchen in our trailer, Sydney would make this unbelievable artichoke pasta with [Parmigiano-]Reggiano and this incredible olive oil and roast chicken.”

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise

“We had a home 10 minutes away, but we lived in that trailer,” Kidman explained. “Tom and I shared it because Stanley would say, ‘You’re not each getting a trailer. We can’t afford it.’ Tom had a smaller area because he was running stuff. And he’d play video games. That was when [‘Minesweeper’] was big. So there was a lot of that.”

Tom Cruise at the "Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One" premiere in July 2023

Kidman and Cruise married nine years before “Eyes Wide Shut” was released.

They adopted two children together, Bella, 31, and Connor, 29 . The pair got divorced in 2001 after 11 years of marriage .

In the LA Times interview, Kidman said that one of the two daughters she shares with husband Keith Urban caught a glimpse of “Eyes Wide Shut” at the 49th AFI Life Achievement Award Gala.

Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman at the  49th Annual AFI Life Achievement Awards. on April 27, 2024

“She said, ‘Mom, that was good.’ She said, ‘That was really good,'” Kidman recalled of 16-year-old daughter Sunday’s reaction to the scene of the actress stoned.

“And I watched that scene and thought, ‘Wow. That was really good.’ And I never do that,” she added in the interview.

Nicole Kidman in "Eyes Wide Shut"

Kidman rarely talks about Cruise or the projects they did together.

But in Dave Karger’s 2024 book “ 50 Oscar Nights ,” Kidman remembered “struggling” when she won the Academy Award for her role in “The Hours” in 2003 after finalizing her divorce from Cruise.

“I was struggling with things in my personal life, yet my professional life was going so well,” she said. “That’s what happens, right?”

Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise in 1999

Kidman said she went to the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party but “was completely overwhelmed, emotional, shaking, and I didn’t enjoy it.” She returned to her hotel alone and told herself she needed to find love again.

Two years later, she met Urban, 56, at a  G’Day USA event. The sparks were immediate between the two, and they tied the knot in 2006.

Nicole Kidman at the "A Family Affair" premiere on June 13, 2024

Cruise, for his part, married Katie Holmes in 2006. Their daughter, Suri Cruise , was born that same year.

After six years of marriage, Holmes, 45, filed for divorce from Cruise in June 2012. The divorce was settled soon after.

Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman in 1992


Seattle Express

Post Cruise City Tour

Quick details.

  • Hour Glass Duration: 3 hours
  • Clock Start Time: 9 a.m.
  • Cruise Ship Pick-Up Options: Tour begins where your cruise ends, at Pier 66 and Pier 91
  • Tag Luggage: Take advantage of the free Port Valet Service
  • Bus Drop Off Options: Your choice of SeaTac Airport or your hotel
  • Plane Airport transfer included: Drop-off at SEATAC by 1:45pm for guests with flights departing 3:45pm or later | For guests adding on Space Needle tix and the Market, Drop-off at SEATAC by 3pm

Explore the Best of Seattle After Your Cruise

Step off the cruise ship and hop on board our award-winning Show Me Seattle Tour, and experience the best the city has to offer. From the perfect selfie viewpoint to bustling downtown streets and quirky neighborhoods, this tour of Seattle offers a convenient and fun way to discover what makes Seattle such a beautiful and unique city.  Drop-off at the airport or your hotel included.

NEW FOR 2023!

Staying in the Emerald City after your cruise? Or got time to kill before your flight? We’ll take you to visit the our 2 most iconic attractions after the tour – just choose to  ‘add on’ Space Needle Tickets and shopping at Pike Place Market  for the ultimate day in Seattle.  After the Market we’ll whisk you away to the airport, or your hotel.

Important Notes Regarding Luggage:

Please remember to tip your driver/guide an additional minimum of $3 per bag for baggage handling.

Or, send your checked bags to the airport and enjoy your tour luggage free by taking advantage of the no-charge Port Valet service offered by Port of Seattle, check to see if your cruise line and airline participate here:  PORT VALET

  • Chevron down 1. Downtown Area

The tour begins in Seattle’s bustling downtown core, highlighting the Pike Place Market, Seattle Art Museum, Shopping District, and the world’s first Starbucks.

  • Chevron down 2. Pioneer Square & Stadium District

Seattle’s original downtown is now a 35-square-block historic district filled with turn-of-the-century Romanesque architecture, art galleries, and trendy restaurants, all of which border the sports stadiums for the Seahawks, Sounders, and Mariners.

  • Chevron down 3. International District & Waterfront

Home to Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Cambodian, and Hmong communities, this neighborhood continues to play a role in Seattle’s multicultural identity. Seattle’s waterfront includes the aquarium, Ferris wheel, classic seafood restaurants, funky souvenir shops, historic piers, and ferry and water taxi terminals.

  • Chevron down 4. Seattle Center & Queen Anne View Point

The Seattle Center is a 72-acre urban park and is the site of the 1962 World’s Fair. It’s the home of the Space Needle, Paul Allen’s Experience Music Project, Dale Chihuly’s Garden and Glass exhibition, and the Pacific Science Center.

Kerry Park on Queen Anne Hill provides a dramatic panoramic photo opportunity of Seattle’s skyline. You also view the spectacular architecture and aesthetic in one of the city’s more exclusive, old-money neighborhoods.

  • Chevron down 5. Fremont Neighborhood & Magnolia Bluff

Fremont neighborhood, famous for its outdoor art and nude bicyclists in the Summer Solstice parade, is also a microcosm of the challenges Seattle faces as it grapples with growth. This once-quirky bohemian artist colony is now transforming into a high-tech powerhouse with offices for Google, Tableau, and Adobe while remaining true to its artsy roots.

The views just keep coming! Along with our stop in Fremont, we visit the rocky peaks and grassy knolls of Magnolia Bluff. This northwest Seattle neighborhood sits atop a peninsula looking out upon Elliott Bay. Watch ferries and boats float across the water, with West Seattle, Bainbridge Island, and even majestic Mt. Rainier in the distance on a clear day.

Related Trips

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Seattle City Tour

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  • Hour Glass 2 hours

Pike Place Market Food Tour

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  • Hour Glass 45 minutes (one way)

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Nicole kidman makes rare comment about ex-husband tom cruise as she reflects on filming ‘eyes wide shut’.

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Nicole Kidman made rare comments about her ex-husband, Tom Cruise, while reflecting on shooting 1999’s “Eyes Wide Shut.”

The Oscar-winning actress recalled working alongside her then-spouse while celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Stanley Kubrick film in an interview with the Los Angeles Times published Monday.

When asked whether the late director was taking inspiration from their marriage for the project, she replied, “I suppose he was mining it.”

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in "Eyes Wide Shut."

“There were ideas [Kubrick] was interested in. He’d ask a lot of questions. But he had a strong sense of the story he was telling,” Kidman, 57, explained.

“I do remember him saying, ‘Triangles are hard. You have to tread carefully when it’s a triangle.’ Because one person could feel ganged up on. But he was aware of that and knew how to manage us.”

The “Big Little Lies” star clarified that she never felt “ganged up on” because she and Cruise had very different relationships with the filmmaker.

Nicole Kidman in "Eyes Wide Shut."

“There’s something about being a woman in that equation, too. And Stanley liked women,” she said. “He had a different relationship with Tom. They worked more closely together on his character.”

Kidman also recalled sharing a trailer with Cruise because the budget wasn’t big enough for both of them to have their own.

“We had a home 10 minutes away, but we lived in that trailer,” she said. “Tom and I shared it because Stanley would say, ‘You’re not each getting a trailer. We can’t afford it.'”

She said that Cruise, 62, would often play video games like “Minesweeper” in their trailer in between filming.

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in "Eyes Wide Shut."

Additionally, Kidman recalled spending weeks shooting one scene that eventually got cut.

“It was the scene with Tom and I where I start by smoking the spliff in bed and where I laugh and deliver the long monologue,” she shared.

“That took many weeks. A lot of that was rehearsing in the bedroom and then him not liking what we’d done. So we ended up reworking it, constructing it as we went along. There was no need to rush. Stanley would never go over budget. What he bought was time.”

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in 1992.

The scene ultimately evolved through a lot of talks between Kidman, Cruise and Kubrick.

“When Tom and I first started with Stanley, it was at his home, and we didn’t even go over to the sets at Pinewood [Studios],” she said.

“Six, eight weeks passed, and we’re wondering, ‘Are we ever going to start?’ And we just wouldn’t start. We were getting comfortable with each other, comfortable enough to throw out ideas. For that scene, we improvised the beginning of it through the rehearsals.”

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in a throwback photo.

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The movie — which was Kubrick’s last before his death on March 7, 1999, at age 70 — follows the story of Dr. Bill Hartford (Cruise) becoming obsessed with the sexual fantasies of his wife, Alice (Kidman).

They explore an underground sexual group before Bill quickly discovers he’s in over his head.

Kidman and Cruise tied the knot nine years before the film’s release and adopted their two children, daughter Isabella and son Connor , in 1992 and 1995, respectively.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban in 2017.

The exes divorced in 2001 and Kidman went on to marry Keith Urban, with whom she shares two daughters , in 2006.

Kidman has had a strained relationship with Isabella and Connor, who chose to follow their father and become Scientologists .

Meanwhile, Cruise was married to Katie Holmes from 2006 to 2012 and they share 18-year-old daughter Suri . Page Six reported in April that Cruise is currently estranged from the recent high school graduate .

Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in "Eyes Wide Shut."


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Upcoming Cruise: Feb 7 - 15, 2025

Rocky's rockin' cruises and adventures®.

Join Rocky’s Rockin’ Cruises and Adventures® on our annual Rockin’ The Caribbean® cruise this Feb 16-24, 2024! Featuring artists you’ll enjoy!

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The 2024 Cruise is SOLD OUT! Stay tuned, the 2025 cruise is COMING SOON! Please contact us to join the wait list to be included for next years cruise!

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Rockin' The Caribbean® 2025 Lineup

February 7-15, 2025, hover over performer to see more.

  • Rocky and The Rollers
  • Jon "Bowzer" Bauman
  • Johnny Contardo
  • Peter Rivera
  • La La Brooks
  • Peggy March
  • Kathleen Kane
  • Dennis Tufano
  • Chris Montez
  • Brian Hyland

Jay Siegel's Tokens

  • Vito Picone and The Elegants
  • DJ Al Brady

All Acts, performers and events are subject to change

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Get ready to rock at the “Let’s Get Ready to Rock Dance Party,” experience the magic of a classic “Prom Night Dance,” and jive to the authentic tunes of a “Sock Hop Dance.” Slow it down at the romantic “Good Night Sweetheart Dance,” and don’t miss “DJ Al Brady’s Rock and Roll Palace Dance Party.” 

cruise ship Itinerary

From “The Sensational 60’s Show” to “The Original Hitmakers of Summer,” “Doo Wop N’ Rock,” and “Bowzer’s Rock N’ Roll Party,” we’ve curated a lineup that will transport you back in time. Join us for a rock and roll cruise filled with electrifying performances, harmonious melodies, and the unforgettable hits that defined an era.

Special Events

Engage with music legends at our “Meet & Greet Autograph Session,” get insider insights at the captivating “Q & A Session,” test your music knowledge at “DJ Al Brady’s Trivia Show,” and unleash your inner rockstar at “Rockaraoke.” Book now for a journey filled with exceptional moments and unforgettable memories in our rock and roll cruise ships!

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Rocky's Rockin' Cruises And Adventures Ships Itinerary & Ports of Call

Day 1 – Embark on the beautiful  Adventure of the Seas ® for an exciting adventure to the Caribbean with your favorite musical artists that created the Rock n’ Roll songs of an iconic era.

Day 2 – Enjoy all the amenities the ship has to offer PLUS exciting private Rockin’ The Caribbean® Events! Get up-close and personal with the amazing talent onboard and dance away to the glorious melodies and exhilarating beats as we sail to our first port of call.

Day 3 – Puerto Plata is the Dominican Republic’s oldest city in the north and a tourism pioneer. Nestled by the ocean with a mountainous backdrop, the city offers a lively pier, which is known as the Malecon, colorful shops, and opulent homes from the 1800s. The city is famous for Parque Independencia (also known as Parque Central), a park fringed by royal palms and Victorian architecture. In Puerto Plata, you can hop on a cable car for sky-high views, take a tour of the local cacao farms, and buy some of the clearest amber in the world.

Day 4 – This vibrant capital offers 500 years of history and culture to explore. Roam ancient fortresses and colorful colonial-era buildings or dig into flavorful criolla cuisine and reggaeton beats – the city is a kaleidoscope of new experiences waiting to be discovered.

Day 5 – The largest of the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Croix has it all— gorgeous natural scenery begging to be explored, and quaint colonial towns perfect for wandering. It used to be nicknamed the ‘Garden of the Antilles’ because of its lush fields of sugarcane— and its sugar mills dating back to the 18th century are still popular spots. But these days, it’s world-class dive sites like Salt River Canyon, powdery beaches like Cane Bay, and rainforests teeming with tropical wildlife that keep people coming back. Plus, award-winning rum of course. Cruise to St. Croix and discover plenty of Victorian Dutch architecture and charming colonial churches in Frederiksted and Christiansted.

Day 6 – What makes St. Maarten so unique is its blend of cultures. The island is home to 120 different nationalities speaking over 80 languages, and is governed by two countries: the Netherlands and France. In fact, it’s the smallest land mass in the world to be shared by two different nations. While it may be less than 40 square miles, there’s plenty to do on this little island: you can travel back in time while exploring centuries-old ruins and get your adrenaline fix ziplining through lush tropical forests. You can rest and relax at one of the many beaches and treat your taste buds to some of the best cuisine in the Caribbean.

Day 7 – Bring the adventure to your plate with sensational cruise dining and restaurants that hits the spot every time. Whether it’s traditional Tuscan flavors at Giovanni’s Table, fresh-rolled sushi and Asian-inspired entrees at Izumi, or outstanding steakhouse favorites at Chops Grille℠, expect a meal as unforgettable as the memories you’ll make onboard. 

Day 8 – Explore a sea of onboard possibilities with world class dining and unforgettable experiences. Relax at the pool or visit the Vitality℠ Spa for a massage. Discover the Solarium, a relaxing indoor-outdoor retreat just for our adult guests. Perfectly positioned at the front of every Royal Caribbean® ship, the crystal canopy area presents fantastic views and stays warm while you enjoy swimming pools, whirlpools and lounge area. Party with your fellow fans and rub elbows with your favorite artists as the excitement continues with more Rockin’ The Caribbean® Events!!

Day 9 – Disembark in Port Canaveral for your onward journey and revel in the amazing memories that will stay with you for a lifetime!

(Hover Over Picture For More Info)

Day 1 - depart port canaveral, fl, day 2 - cruising, day 3 - puerto plata, dominican republic, day 4 - san juan, puerto rico, day 5 - st. croix, u.s. virgin islands, day 6 - philipsburg, st. maarten, day 7 - cruising, day 8 - cruising, day 9 - port canaveral, fl, download the official pdf flyer, don't take our word for it. take yours.

Julie Gunderson Brovold

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*Rates are per person, cruise only, based on double occupancy and include port taxes. Listed rate is based on Interior Stateroom Category 4V. Other categories available. Government taxes of $120.91 per person and Prepaid gratuities of $128.00 per person ($144.00 per person for grand suite & above) are additional and are required on all bookings. A deposit of $500 per standard stateroom is due at time of booking. Proper proof of citizenship is required. This specific departure must be booked through AAA-The Auto Club Group to obtain exclusive amenities and participate in all events. *All acts, performers and events are subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. Ask your AAA Travel Advisor for complete details. The Auto Club Group is not responsible for errors or omissions in the promotion of this cruise.

Copyright ©2024 Rocky Productions Inc.

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  • Royal Caribbean International

Rockin the caribbean oldies cruise

By FL_Seadog , March 2, 2013 in Royal Caribbean International

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25+ Club

on Freedom OTS on 2/9/2014. Anyone know the details of these type cruises? I can't find any info on the RC website. Do you have to pay to see the acts?

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It looks like you might have to book through a specific travel agency (which we cannot mention here) to see the acts on this cruise. Google was helpful.

1,000+ Club

It's thru AAA. I got their magazine and it is in there. They do not list prices, except for "starting at $1229.00 per person. For more info you have to go there or call. The ad is on their website under travel, but not the prices. It sounds like fun, but if the starting price is $1229 that's just would be for in interior cabin. Maybe I will have to go to one of AAA's offices and find out more. If anyone does, please post it here.



As Lineman has mentioned, starting rates are $1299 based on the article called, " Rockin' the Caribbean Oldies Cruise".

The RCCL web site shows the sailing of Feb 9th, 2014 starting at $669.

To see the acts, you will most likely pay the higher rate in order to gain access to the music...

Names mentioned are The Crystals, Johnny Tillotson, Danny and the Juniors featuring Joe Terry, The Loving Spoonful, Jon "Boswer" Bauman, Leslie Gore, Freddy Boom Boom Cannon, Charley Thomas Drifters, Rocky and the Rollers, Tommy Mara, Broadway sounds of Mary Jo Vitalie, Al Brady, DJ from Little Darlins Rock N Roll Palace.


We did that cruise a couple of years ago, lots of fun, Prom night etc, and oldie dances they actually use the ice rink for the dances and prom night.

We live near the Villages and the AAA travel agency in The Villages developed it. Actually our travel agent friend use to run it each year.

Rocky and The Rollers(Lead Group) are a great oldies, R&R band, and they have guest entertainers as well. I think this year will be more guest entertainers.

One word of advice, lots of people who live in The Villages book this trip every year so they feel, well, special, for lack of a better word, but do not let that change your mind if you want to go, your own group would be nice. It is a lot of fun.

You can google it up(Rocky and the Rollers Oldie cruise) and find past crioses posted videos on youtube.

  • 2 weeks later...


Glad to find this thread, was just starting to research this myself. The AAA ad has an asterisk that says "price ($1229) per person. Rate includes port charges, EXCLUSIVE ENTERTAINMENT DANCE PARTIES, onboard events and gratuities." I hadn't noticed that before, it's not really in ALL CAPS; as a single cruiser that tells me "not going" -- probably $2500 for a single, could go on more than one cruise for that price! Oh well, live and learn!

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  28. Rockin the caribbean oldies cruise

    As Lineman has mentioned, starting rates are $1299 based on the article called, " Rockin' the Caribbean Oldies Cruise". The RCCL web site shows the sailing of Feb 9th, 2014 starting at $669. To see the acts, you will most likely pay the higher rate in order to gain access to the music... Names mentioned are The Crystals, Johnny Tillotson, Danny ...

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