Protocol for administration of the patient travel subsidy scheme
Protocol number: QH-HSDPTL-050-1:2019
Effective date: 01 July 2023
Review date: 25 January 2026
Supersedes: Version 1.0
On this page:
- Process for administering the scheme
- Supporting and related documents
- Definitions of terms for this protocol
- Approval and implementation
- Version control
- Appendix 1: PTSS minimum dataset
This Protocol describes the mandatory steps for administering the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS).
This Protocol is mandatory and applies to all Hospital and Health Services (HHSs).
3. Process for administering the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme
3.1 governance requirements.
HHSs shall establish a governance framework for managing the Scheme to ensure consistent application across and within HHSs. At a minimum, local governance shall include:
- A single administrative point to provide oversight and central reporting of all PTSS activity across all hospitals and facilities in the HHS. This single administrative point will participate in statewide PTSS meetings and disseminate PTSS information within the HHS.
- A nominee of the HHS Chief Executive who is accountable for the PTSS and is the point of escalation for any issues that may arise.
- Active participation in statewide meetings and other forums pertaining to the Scheme.
- ensuring telehealth and other alternatives to travel are considered ahead of PTSS applications being processed
- consultation and communication with clinical streams, and other relevant groups within the HHS
- consultation with relevant professional and consumer groups, primary care clinicians, patients and carers, and treating facilities receiving patients funded through the Scheme
- identifying and implementing process improvement and training across the HHS
- establishing a list of specialist treatments not available at each facility in the HHS, for which patients can be automatically approved for PTSS, where eligibility criteria are met.
3.2 Scheme requirements
HHSs shall administer and implement the Scheme in accordance with the PTSS guideline, including the assessment of:
- a patient’s eligibility for the Scheme
- an approved patient’s eligibility for a mode of transport other than the most economical
- an approved patient’s eligibility for an escort
- an approved patient and their escort’s eligibility for accommodation.
HHSs shall pay the subsidies for approved patients and their escorts based on the subsidy amounts set out in the Guideline for the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme.
Goods and services tax (GST)
HHSs shall apply the GST rules/tax coding set out in the department’s Taxation Standards and the HHSs Financial Management Practice Manual (FMPM) when paying PTSS subsidies.
Concession cards
HHSs shall recognise the concession cards listed in the PTSS Guideline when assessing PTSS applications.
3.3 Administrative requirements
HHSs shall:
- Maintain an IT solution to manage the application of PTSS through the statewide enterprise ICT system for PTSS, or an equivalent IT solution. The IT solution shall facilitate reporting, tracking and timely processing of payments.
- Appropriately consult with relevant professional groups, patients and consumer groups during the development of the PTSS processes.
- Establish and maintain communication pathways pertaining to the administration of the Scheme with relevant Primary Health Networks, consumer groups, patients and their carers, staff and other interested parties to ensure information is available to all users.
- Establish a contemporary complaints management process that ensures patient appeals are assessed independently of the original assessment.
HHSs shall establish local work instructions for administering PTSS activity across all hospitals and facilities in the HHS. Individual hospitals and facilities may manage PTSS activity. When assessing applications and administering the Scheme, HHSs must not establish local rules or processes to circumvent the guideline or limit financial assistance to eligible patients e.g. applying additional eligibility criteria, cut-off periods for subsidies or applying mini-restrictions on when bookings can occur (especially for urgent bookings).
At a minimum, the HHS work instructions shall include:
Applications/travel referrals
HHSs shall establish a process for:
- Assessing the suitability of using Telehealth and/or other technology as an alternative to travel in collaboration with the HHS telehealth co-ordinator.
- Assessing PTSS forms and notifying patients of the outcome within five working days (where possible) of receipt of completed forms (to the HHS). Forms that are approved will include clinical approval i.e. signature or electronic approval, full name, title and date of approval.
- Ensuring patients are only approved for PTSS if eligible specialist services are not available at the patient’s local public hospital or public health facility as per the eligibility criteria.
- The timely assessment of applications for patients who have travelled or are due to travel to urgent appointments.
- Managing patients with chronic conditions required to travel regularly.
- Recording all travel referrals, whether approved or declined.
- Managing exceptions to the eligibility criteria for nearest specialist service, as set out in the PTSS Guideline.
- Managing retrospective applications in line with the eligibility criteria set out in the PTSS Guideline.
- Managing rejected applications, appeals and complaints by an officer with appropriate authority.
- Assessing a patient’s eligibility for PTSS once per specialty for as long as the referral is valid. An application is valid for 12 months, subject to review at any time, for example the ability to use Telehealth.
- Managing patients who are provided funding to support travel outside of the eligibility criteria. Patients shall be advised that funding is not being provided under PTSS, and HHSs shall record such activity separately to PTSS data as per codes listed in Section 3.5 General Ledger Accounts.
Travel referrals shall:
- where possible, not be approved by the same clinician that has provided the patient’s referral. Patients who work at a HHS must not assess or approve their own applications.
- be approved by an officer with appropriate clinical approval and financial delegations (in line with the HHS FMPM and the Financial Accountability Act 2009 ).
Where a patient’s permanent address is equal in distance to two Queensland public hospitals or public health facilities, the patient’s closest public hospital or public health facility will be considered as the one in their hospital and health service, and will be responsible for administering the application.
- Provide the option to book eligible commercial travel for patients. If a facility does not have the ability to book travel for a patient, it must ensure another facility within the HHS can book the travel. Commercial travel shall be booked at the economy/government rate.
- Establish a process for managing missed travel and accommodation bookings made by the HHS.
- Establish a process for booking urgent or out-of-hours travel and/or accommodation, or for making changes to existing itineraries outside office hours.
Patients who book and pay for their commercial transport shall be subsidised at the economy/government rate (GST exclusive).
- Ensuring payment of approved subsidies are made within 30 business days of all necessary documentation being submitted to the HHS.
- Payment of approved subsidies to the estate of deceased patients.
- Payment of accommodation for escorts where the patient is an inpatient.
- Calculating mileage subsidies from public hospital or public health facility closest to the patient’s permanent address, to the street address of the closest public treatment facility.
- Ensuring adequate evidence (e.g. tax invoices or Form C) is received to substantiate payment of commercial travel and accommodation subsidies.
The HHS in which the patient’s permanent place of residence is located shall be responsible for approving and paying approved subsidies.
The HHS work instructions shall be easily available to HHS staff and shall include provision for:
- the requirements of each HHSs FMPM
- record keeping
- data collection and reporting.
Summarised information such as pamphlets, flyers, or posters regarding the Scheme shall be available at appropriate locations throughout Queensland Health facilities in a free and easily available manner. This may include hospital reception and information desks, hospital or ward foyers, welfare departments and any other relevant clinical and communal areas within the hospital.
3.4 Goods and services tax rules
The following applies where commercial travel and/or accommodation is used
- If the HHS books travel and/or accommodation with the supplier, the GST amount is payable (e.g. $70 + GST)
- If the patient books travel and/or accommodation directly via the supplier/provider, the subsidy paid to the patient is to be GST exclusive, and the patient is liable for any GST.
3.5 Reporting requirements
To facilitate reporting, monitoring and the timley processing of payments, the HHSs shall:
- complete all financial recording and reporting in accordance with the requirements of each HHSs FMPM and complete PTSS activity reporting in accordance with the requirements detailed in Appendix 1.
To enable PTSS monthly reporting (activity and expenditure):
- HHSs not utilising the PTSS enterprise IT solution shall submit their reports via email by the 10th working day of each month. Monthly submissions must be in the format provided by the department and only include data for subsidies paid in the calendar month of the report
- HHSs utilising the PTSS enterprise IT solution shall ensure their data is cleansed by the 10th working day of each month, at which time the report will be extracted by the department.
3.6 General ledger accounts
HHSs shall ensure PTSS costs are allocated to the correct general ledger accounts listed in the following table:
PTSS general ledger accounts
HHSs shall not allocate non-PTSS patient travel activity to PTSS ledger accounts. Where HHSs approve travel assistance for patients or escorts outside of the PTSS criteria, the following non-PTSS general ledger accounts shall be used:
3.7 PTSS minimum dataset
HHSs not using the statewide ICT system for PTSS shall report against the dataset required by the department (as set out in Appendix 1).
4. Supporting and related documents
- Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011
- Financial Accountability Act 2009
- Financial and Performance Management Standard 2009
- Hospital and Health Service Financial Management Practice Manuals
- Funding and Reporting Guidelines
- Guideline for the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme QH-HSDGDL-050-2:2019
Authorising health service directive
- Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme QH-HSD-050:2019
5. Definition of terms
6. approval and implementation.
Protocol Custodian
Deputy Director-General, Corporate Services Division, Department of Health.
Approving Officer:
Director-General, Queensland Health
Approval date: 25 January 2024
Effective from: 1 July 2023
7. Version control
8. appendix 1: ptss minimum dataset.
HHSs not using the statewide ICT system for PTSS shall report against the following dataset required by the department:
Last updated: 12 February 2024
Patient travel assistance
The Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) provides financial assistance for patients who are referred to specialist medical services not available at their local public hospital or health facility.
Eligible patients are able to apply for a subsidy to assist with travel and accommodation costs of accessing specialist medical services.
Patients approved for PTSS will receive a subsidy to attend the closest public hospital or health facility where the specialist medical treatment is available. Patients travelling to access private specialist services may be eligible for a subsidy if the service is not available within 50 kilometres of the patient’s closest public hospital or health facility.
For more information about PTSS please visit the PTSS website or contact your local Travel Service Team.
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Patient Travel Services
Make your health care journey a little less stressful
Begin planning your trip here with Patient Travel Services
Fill out and submit the request form below and an agent will be in touch to help you plan a trip tailored specifically to your needs. Or call us at the numbers below to speak with an agent. We are here to support all patients with appointments at our Mayo Clinic campuses in Arizona, Florida, and Rochester.
Agents are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central time.
- 866-551-3392 (toll-free)
- 720-956-6055 (international)
We offer custom trip-planning services so you can focus on your care
When you book with Patient Travel Services, all your patient needs are considered, like:
- Changing your flight if your appointments change
- Arranging hotel accommodations close to the Mayo Clinic campus
- Booking ground transportation to help you get around
- Requesting special accommodations based upon your health condition or needs
Book flexible flights
Our teams specialize in booking flights that can be easily changed if circumstances shift. We can also accommodate specific needs, such as in-flight oxygen, and secure discounts through our trusted travel partners.
Get a lift to appointments
We can arrange the most comfortable way for you to get to Mayo Clinic and back by reserving private chauffeurs and vans with wheelchair accessibility. For hotel shuttles, please contact your hotel directly.
Stay at patient-friendly hotels
All our partner hotels are clean, safe and close to the Mayo Clinic campus. Plus they're equipped to provide for accessibility needs such as seat risers, shower chairs, hospital beds and more.
Request special accommodations
If you need to obtain a wheelchair, secure oxygen or make accommodations for a service animal, let us know and we'll take care of it.
Plan within your budget
While patients must pay for the cost of travel itself, using Patient Travel Services to support your trip planning is free aside from booking flights. If you book a flight with us, you will be charged a $25 to $50 fee, which helps ensure travel flexibility in case your appointments or needs shift.
Tell us your special requests and we'll take care of the rest.
Contact us today.
Use the contact information below to get in touch with an agent who can help you plan a trip tailored specifically to your needs. Agents are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central time.
Mayo Clinic Patient Travel Services 200 First St. SW Rochester, MN 55905
5X Challenge
Thanks to generous benefactors, your gift today can have 5X the impact to advance AI innovation at Mayo Clinic.
Postcards from Gulag
Photographs from the remnants of the gulag archipelago, watchtower, perm-36, perm krai.
Perm-36 is allegedly the only Gulag camp that has been turned into a museum. While this is not strictly true (there are other former camps that have been partly preserved) and Perm-36 is heavily reconstructed, the museum has conserved an important part of the Soviet camp system, especially from its latter era after the death of Stalin. Perm-36 camp operated from the 1940s until the last days of the Soviet Union, and it was meant mainly for the political prisoners and dissidents. Among the dense forests of Russia near the Ural mountains stands a solitary watchtower of the former camp. Behind it, inside the zona , one finds relics of the barracks, but somehow the tower itself, a symbol as poignant as barbed wire, communicates the utter isolation of Gulag victims.
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The PTSS process
Click the arrow next to each step for more detail.
To be considered for a travel subsidy patients need to register with the PTSS. Patients who are already registered do not need to register again unless their details have changed.
To register, patients need to complete the Patient Registration (Form A) and submit it at any Queensland public hospital or health facility—in person or via email, fax or post. Patient travel offices have different opening hours depending on their location. Patients should check the office hours of their local patient travel office before visiting.
Patients can submit their registration form at the same time as their Travel Referral. See Step 2.
Patients who have travelled for specialist medical treatment within the last 12 months are able to submit a retrospective application – the process and forms are the same.
Patients applying for a PTSS should submit documents as early as possible to allow sufficient time for processing and travel bookings.
For help completing the Patient Registration Form, please read the user guide for this form.
To be considered for a PTSS travel subsidy, patients need to provide a travel referral from their referring GP or clinician. The Patient's clinician should complete the Travel referral (Form B) and give it to the patient to submit to the PTSS.
For more information or assistance completing the travel referral form, please read the user guide.
Patients can submit their travel referral at any Queensland public hospital or health facility (or their patient travel office). Documents can be submitted in person or via email, fax or post. Patient travel offices have different opening hours depending on their location. Patients should check the office hours of their local patient travel office before visiting.
Once an application has been received, it will be assessed against the PTSS Guideline to determine the patient's eligibility for a subsidy. Patients will be notified of the outcome of their application approximately five (5) working days after it is received by the approving hospital or health facility. Processing times can vary by location and are dependent on patients providing all necessary information.
If the application is approved, the local hospital or health facility will offer to assist the patient to arrange and book their travel. If the patient's application cannot be approved, they will be given the reason and advised of the process for lodging an appeal.
Patients who have been approved for a travel subsidy and have the date(s) of their appointment should contact their local public hospital or health service to organise travel. The health facility will either book travel and accommodation on behalf of the patient or provide information to assist them to make their own bookings.
Travel and accommodation subsidies are paid at the approved amount only and patients will be required to pay any additional costs.
Patients who book their own travel or accommodation need to submit their tax invoices to their local hospital or health facility, after their appointment, to start the claim process. Any GST paid by the patient cannot be claimed.
Find out more about subsidies available for travel , accommodation and escorts .
Return travel
If return travel has not been arranged, patients should speak to someone at the treating facility (such as ward or clinic staff, or a social worker) about contacting their local hospital or health facility to arrange this. Patients will need the approval of a doctor or clinician before they can travel home.
To claim a travel subsidy, patients need to confirm that they have attended their specialist appointment and any related accommodation using the following forms:
- Appointment Attendance (Form C) —this form is completed by the patient's specialist, or their representative, and given to the patient at the end of their appointment(s). This form needs to be completed after every appointment.
and if applicable
- Accommodation Confirmation (Form D) —This form is completed by the accommodation provider and the patient.
Patients staying in paid commercial accommodation should check to see if their hospital will pay their accommodation subsidy directly to the accommodation provider. If this is the case, the hospital will send the attendance form directly the accommodation provider prior to the patient travelling. Patients will need to sign this form when they check-out as well as pay for any additional costs.
To claim a subsidy payment, patients need to submit the following documents:
- a completed and signed Appointment Attendance (Form C) — see Step 5
- and if applicable, a completed and signed Accommodation Confirmation (Form D)—see Step 5
- any tax invoices from PTSS approved travel and accommodation bookings.
Travel and accommodation subsidy payments will not include any GST paid by the patient.
Tax invoices do not need to be submitted for patients approved for the private motor vehicle subsidy.
Patients can submit these documents at any Queensland public hospital or health facility (or their patient travel office). Documents can be submitted in person or via email, fax or post. Patient travel offices have different opening hours depending on their location. Patients should check the office hours of their local patient travel office before visiting.
Subsidy payment should be received within 30 business days of submitting all necessary and completed paperwork.
QFinder 2.0
Charters towers hospital - patient travel subsidy scheme, also known as ptss, contact details.
Call for further information. Hours of operation maybe subject to change.
Charges and fees, accessibility and special requirements.
- Tactile ground sensor indicators
- Accessible building
- Accessible parking
- Accessible toilets
- Accessible telephone
A subsidy is provided to approved patients and carers (escorts) to assist in the cost of travel and accommodation to the nearest specialist medical service that is more than 50 km from the patient's nearest hospital. An application form must be completed and forwarded to the hospital nearest to the patient's place of residence.
The Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) provides financial assistance for eligible patients to access specialist medical services not available locally. Increased Patient Travel Subsidy rates, effective 1 July 2023. For more information see PTSS subsidies below.
7:30 am to 4:30 pm. In an emergency call 000. Phone 07 4987 9400. Fax 07 4982 3860. Email [email protected]. Street address. 69 Hospital Rd. Emerald Qld 4720. Postal address.
Emerald Hospital - Patient Travel Assistance - Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) - Central Highlands Community Directory. If you live in rural and remote areas, and have to travel more than 50km from your local public hospital to access specialist medical services, you may be eligible for the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) to help with ...
The Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) provides financial assistance to patients who need to travel to access specialist medical services not available at their local public hospital or health facility. Patients approved for PTSS will receive a subsidy to attend: the closest public hospital or health facility where the specialist medical ...
Ensuring patients are only approved for PTSS if eligible specialist services are not available at the patient's local public hospital or public health facility as per the eligibility criteria. The timely assessment of applications for patients who have travelled or are due to travel to urgent appointments.
An application form must be completed and forwarded to the hospital nearest to the patient's place of residence. These hospitals are responsible for all aspects of patient travel, and inquiries regarding the subsidy should be directed to these facilities. Services covered by the scheme must be recommended (i.e. patients have a referral) by a ...
Emerald Hospital's Patient Travel Office has moved to the first floor just near the lift (if you need help finding it, just ask at Front Reception). Patients now have more privacy when discussing...
CQ Health hospital emergency departments are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including public holidays. There is no need to call first, just arrive at the department at any time. Patient Travel Assistance - Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) Provided by: Emerald Hospital.
Patient registration— (Form A) Use this form to register with the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS). If you are already registered with the PTSS and your details have not changed you do not need to re-register. If your details have changed since you registered, use this form to update them. Register here for PTSS. Online form.
Frequently asked questions. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme. More detailed information on the questions and answers in the headings can be found by clicking the link in the heading text. About PTSS. The Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) provides financial assistance to ...
The Patient Travel Subsidy Scheme (PTSS) provides financial assistance for patients who are referred to specialist medical services not available at their local public hospital or health facility. Eligible patients are able to apply for a subsidy to assist with travel and accommodation costs of accessing specialist medical services. Patients ...
Additional staff are being recruited to boost the Emerald Hospital Patient Travel Office to address the backlog of unprocessed claims and to provide regular office hours for patients to receive advice and assistance. Welcoming the improvements, Mr Millar congratulated the Board and the Executive for taking the decision to bring all the ...
Call 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or in an emergency call 000. Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service. Get in touch. If you have a question or would like to give feedback, you can get in touch with us. Contact us.
We are here to support all patients with appointments at our Mayo Clinic campuses in Arizona, Florida, and Rochester. Agents are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central time. 866-551-3392 (toll-free)
Mareeba Hospital Ph: 4092 9303 E: [email protected] PTSS office address: 21 Lloyd Street, Mareeba, 4880 Office hours: 8.30am - 12.00pm Monday - Friday. ... Emerald Hospital (Services all Central Highlands Facilities) Ph: 4987 9404 E: ...
Perm, previously known as Yagoshikha and Molotov, is the administrative centre of Perm Krai in the European part of Russia. It sits on the banks of the Kama River near the Ural Mountains, covering an area of 799.68 square kilometres. Photo: Latitude, CC BY 3.0. Photo: Заболотских Сергей, CC BY-SA 3.0. Photo: A.Savin, FAL.
About Mapcarta.A special thanks to Mapbox for providing outstanding maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, except for photos, directions and the map. Description text is based on the Wikivoyage page Perm Krai.Photo: Jinma, CC BY-SA 3.0.Jinma, CC BY-SA 3.0.
A subsidy is provided to approved patients and carers (escorts) to assist in the cost of travel and accommodation to the nearest specialist medical service that is more than 50 km from the patient's nearest hospital. An application form must be completed and forwarded to the hospital nearest to the patient's place of residence.
Perm-36 is allegedly the only Gulag camp that has been turned into a museum. While this is not strictly true (there are other former camps that have been partly preserved) and Perm-36 is heavily reconstructed, the museum has conserved an important part of the Soviet camp system, especially from its latter era after the death of Stalin.
Step 1 - Register. To be considered for a travel subsidy patients need to register with the PTSS. Patients who are already registered do not need to register again unless their details have changed. and submit it at any Queensland public hospital or health facility—in person or via email, fax or post. Patient travel offices have different ...
A subsidy is provided to approved patients and carers (escorts) to assist in the cost of travel and accommodation to the nearest specialist medical service that is more than 50 km from the patient's nearest hospital. An application form must be completed and forwarded to the hospital nearest to the patient's place of residence.
Regions []. Permyakia — a large, but sparsely populated region in the northwest of Perm Krai, where ethnic Komi-Permyaks constitute a majority; Cities []. Perm — the capital is a major industrial city with nearly one million residents; Berezniki — the second largest city in the region is a mid-sized industrial Stalinist monster; Cherdyn — this village is purportedly the capital of the ...