Bucket List Journey

Best Friend Bucket List: 100 Fun Things to Do With Your BFF

We’ve already got bucket lists for seasons, for life and for travel, but how’s your bucket list of things to do with your best friend shaping up? Creating one might be something that’s never even crossed your mind, but it’s something you should do for many reasons. Most importantly, conquering goals, doing fun activities, and having new experiences with your BFF will create a lifetime of memories.

From watching your favorite TV shows to traveling the world, these are my recommendations for the ultimate adventures to have with your bestie. So grab a pen and paper and get started on your very own best friend bucket list!

The Ultimate Best Friend Bucket List: Goals & Fun Things to Do With Your BFF

The Ultimate Best Friend Bucket List: Ideas, Goals & Fun Things to Do With Your BFF

1. binge watch a tv series.

How about getting together with some snacks, comfortable jammies, maybe mani-pedis and face masks, and spending chill time together binge watching a fun TV series? This is an easy way to spend time together – just put on Netflix or Amazon Prime and stream the show together!

Maybe there’s a TV show you’ve both loved and are eager to watch again while commenting on all the points you’d forgotten about? Or maybe you’d like to try out a new one together?

The Office, Friends and Grey’s Anatomy are pretty popular series, but if you and your BFF are struggling to find a show, then my 100 best TV shows to binge-watch list will help you out.

2. Volunteer

Like the old adage says, it’s better to give than to receive. There are plenty of causes, from animal shelters to soup kitchens, which would appreciate our earnest help. Get together with your best friend to choose a cause you want to volunteer for, then go ahead and do it! Not only will it be meaningful, but it’ll be plenty of fun. You can even make this goal a monthly thing!

Don’t know where to start? Visit  VolunteerMatch  who has opportunities in many major cities or check the  United Way website.

3. Explore a New City Together

One of the most fun things I’ve done with my BFF has been to explore a new city together. Trying to figure out where you’re on the map, taking a billion photos of yourselves in front of iconic spots, testing new funky restaurants and getting swept up in adventures… What’s not to love?!

Explore a New City with Your BFF

4. Go on a Shopping Spree

Going shopping together with your best friend has been a popular bonding activity since at least the creation of shopping malls! Having your BFF there to support and encourage you with buying new outfits adds an extra spark on the already fun activity that shopping in general is.

Your good friend is best for telling you what absolutely does not fit you and what you totally should bring home with you.

5. Be Roommates

Becoming roommates with your BFF can be the best (or worst) thing you do! If you’re a good fit to live together, you get to hang out all the time! Plus, so many more amazing and crappy moments get shared between the two of you, possibly bonding you for life. Becoming roommates can also be a great test of your friendship, hopefully one you’ll find insightful and valuable.

6. Go to a Paint (& Wine) Night

You might have heard about these creative events where you can learn to paint a masterpiece while sipping on wine, but now it’s time to try it out for yourself! Ring up your BFF, choose the event to try and go have an absolute blast painting while drinking wine. Open up Google right now to find your local areas paint & wine night – there’s probably one arranged closer to you than you’d imagine.

If you don’t want to leave the house, then opt for an evening doing an adult paint by number kit !

7. Get Mani-Pedis

Especially if there is a special occasion coming up, getting your nails done together is a great way to bond, all the while letting a professional create some gorgeous nail art on you.

To show the world just how close you are with your BFF, how about matching mani-pedis? Choose a color or design you’ll both love to wear and pop a photo on Instagram once you’re done to show off your cool mani-pedis!

fun manicures

8. Get Matching Tattoos

Ready to make your friendship truly eternal? Head over to a tattoo shop and get matching tattoos! Even better if it’s something with special meaning to you two, like an inside joke or a memory.

Need cute best friend tattoo ideas? Oprah Daily has 23 great matching tattoo  ideas! If you’re not committed to a forever tattoo, then check out  Etsy’s temporary tattoos (I personally LOVE the Pinky Swear Tattoo ).

9. Do Each Other’s Makeup

Before you head out the door for a girls’ night out, why not make the night extra special and do each other’s makeup in preparation? It’ll be a fun way to get ready and to include some additional giggles in your evening, before you’ve even left the house!

10. Go on a Girls-Only Trip

Going on a trip with your BFF or a small group of female friends is one of the most incredible ways to bond. You’ll get to create special memories together, share new experiences with one another, and have a great time in each other’s company as you travel and explore.

11. Bake Cupcakes

Let’s face it. It’s enjoyable to eat just the frosting. But try to refrain, and set up shop on the kitchen counter for some serious baking. Find a yummy recipe online or get inspired by the signature cocktail and try creating your own recipe.

There doesn’t even need to be a special event coming up, you can just bake cupcakes to treat yourselves on any random Tuesday.

It doesn’t matter the flavor of cupcakes, but If your creative juices aren’t flowing, these  36 cupcake recipes will help (and so will this top rated cupcake pan ).

Fun Things to do With Your Best Friend: Bake Cupcakes

12. Set Each Other Up on Blind Dates

Nobody knows your taste in partners better than your best friend! So if one of you is ever single and ready to mingle, why not set your BFF up for a blind date? Even if nothing long lasting comes out of it, it might make for a fun story to recount over some wine.

13. Take a Cooking Class

There’s so many benefits to attending a cooking class whether it’s solo or for your best friend bucket list . But, with the two off you together you’ll get to have a blast laughing as you try – and maybe fail – in creating something delicious; and then you’ll get to eat your successful creations!

14. Find Your Favorite Brunch Spot

You may have to do A LOT of research for this best friend bucket list goal— bummer ! Has one of you already discovered an unbeatable spot for having brunch or have you heard of some place delicious that you’ve been meaning to try? If yes, then it’s time to get to eating. Keep trying different spots until you find the one that both of you love.

15. Drink Rose All Day

Get together with your BFF on a day off (especially if the day after will be free as well!), pop open a bottle of delicious rose, and enjoy a chill day of girl talk and maybe some movies. There’s never a time when this isn’t just what you need!

16. Take BFF Selfies

A fun way to immortalize your friendship is by taking selfies together! You can easily snap fun ones on the go. Or you could put on a whole photoshoot with a theme and outfits thought out in advance; either going for a super silly look or your own fashion photoshoot! Once you have a load of BFF selfies to choose from, print a few of them and form a lovely collage on your bedroom wall.

If you need a hand to getting the best photo, try using the ATUMTEK 51″ Selfie Stick Tripod (it’s the one I use all the time!). It’s got a bluetooth remote shutter, so you two can snap pictures for hours until you get the perfect one.

A flower Selfie with Girlfriends

17. Have a Spa Day

Sometimes life gets stressful and there’s nothing better than taking an entire day to relax with your BFF. Decide you two need some pampering and go book that spa day, either at a local spa or make it an overnight trip over the weekend to a great spa in a different region.

18. Go on a Camping Trip

As far as things to do with your best friend go, a camping trip is something truly rejuvenating. Spending some time in nature away from technology and stress of daily life, roasting hot dogs and eating s’mores, and maybe finding a lake to chill by, is some of the best time you’ll spend together!

While your out in the wilderness, why not check some things off our bucket of fun camping activities !

19. Have a Girls Night In

Get into your cutest PJs, order some pizza, pop open a bottle of wine, and have a blast with a night in! You definitely don’t need to leave the house for a great time with your BFF, and sometimes staying in for the night is more fun than going out.

20. Ride a Scary Roller Coaster

When you have your best friend by your side, even that scary roller coaster will look just a little bit less so. And even if it happens to be terrifying, sharing that experience will make it worth it and exceptionally fun.

A Roller coaster for your bucket list

21. Write Each Other Letters to Be Opened in the Future

Writing a letter to your future self is already popular to do, but what if you wrote a letter to the future version of your BFF? Inside the letter you can share why they are important to you and your hopes for your friendship in the future. This is such a meaningful and unique bucket list idea to have and cross off for your friendship!

22. Create a BFF Hashtag

These days we’re all obsessed with visualizing our lives on Instagram. Which means it’s time to take your friendship further and make yourselves IG official! Create a hashtag for you and your bff to use whenever you post photos that relate to your friendship.

23. Have a Beach Day

Whenever summer rolls around and the weather gets amazing, you better not miss out on taking your BFF out for a beach day! An awesome, chill day at the beach should really be a general bucket list item, on every kind of bucket list you create.

24. Throw a Dinner Party

Another fun way to spend an evening without going out is by throwing a dinner party! Whether you’ll arrange one just for you and your best friend or if you co-host one with all your friends invited is up to you. Or, you could even do both!

Dinner Party with Friends

25. Pull an All Nighter

It doesn’t have to be just because you are both cramming for a test, it can also be for something fun. For example, you may want to have an overnight horror movie marathon or you’ll want to stay up to see the first sunrise of the year.

26. Stalk All Your Exes on Social Media

In case you ran out of things to talk about as you drink that rosé mentioned above, or just feel like you’re in the mood for it, sometimes a little bit of stalking your exes on social media does no harm!

27. Go to Disneyland

Put on one of those cute headbands you can get at Disneyland – matching, if possible – and make good use of that BFF Hashtag as you conquer Disneyland and its rides. Before heading out, you could even make a Disneyland Bucket List of all the things to do together while there!

28. Go to a Bonfire

Especially on the summer and fall evenings, attending a bonfire is a lovely way to finish off a day. You can even do it the same day you’re checking off have a beach day from your bucket list. Having your best friend there with you to experience it only makes it all the more special.

Things to do with Your BFF: Go to a Bonfire

29. Go Wine Tasting

If you both like to drink wine, then sometimes you might want to change from an afternoon of rosé to go out for wine tasting instead. There are plenty of restaurants offering such an experience, but look into possible wineries near your area, as well.

30. Go on a Double Date

Are you really BFFs if you don’t do this at least once?! If both of you are taken, then arrange for a night out with all four of you joining the fun. Or even better, if you both are single, how about a double blind date of sorts?

31. Be Each Other’s Maid of Honor

Perhaps the ultimate bucket list goal on your best friend bucket list is this: being each other’s maid of honor! There’s hardly a better indication of how close of a bond the two of you have than having this amazing honor.

And is there anything more meaningful that you two could do for each other than help plan for each other’s weddings?

32. Help Each Other With a Bedroom Makeover

If one of you is moving homes or in general wants to change up their bedroom décor, a fun way to decorate the bedroom is by doing so together. Maybe one of you has a great idea that you’ll execute together, or perhaps you’ll even plan it from scratch together!

Help Each Other With a Bedroom Makeover

33. Play Mini-Golf

Although I’m rubbish at it, one of my favorite activities with a friend is to play mini-golf together. It can be really hard to hit that tiny ball into a clowns moving mouth, but the worse you are at it, the more fun (or at least funnier) it can actually be!

34. Buy Matching Best Friend Jewelry

Though typically likened as something girls in middle or high school might do, it can be charming to do with each other even as adults. Either buy actual best friend bracelets, or simply go for matching set of jewelry. Head over to Etsy for some of the cutest best friend jewelry!

35. See a Psychic

Surely the idea of seeing a psychic or getting tarot cards read for you has tempted you in one point of life! If you’ve found yourself nervous or skeptical of such activity, perhaps going with your best friend could make it more enjoyable?

36. Have a Board Game Night

This is something I’ve found myself eager of doing with my best friends for some time now! Stay in for the evening, get cozy in your jammies and have a game night marathon with your closest friends. There are different games for everyone, but Scrabble is a favorite for almost everyone.

My favorite adult game night involves a few fierce rounds of  Cards Against Humanity , but  Smart Ass  and  Drink-A-Palooza will also make it a lively night. Still unsure of which games to play? Check out this list:  Board Games Bucket List: 50 of the All Time Best Ones to Play

All Time Best Game of Scrabble

37. Join a Book Club

If you’re looking for a new hobby to take on together, perhaps joining a book club is just what you need? Reading a good book is always incredible, but being able to share your thoughts on it with someone who has also read it makes it that much better.

38. Take Pictures in a Photo Booth

Taking pictures in a photo booth is something that’s been around for ages and won’t go out of fashion anytime soon! Not only will you get to be super silly in a small space, you’ll get a small tangible memory to keep in your wallet or on your wall.

39. Make a Photo Memory Scrapbook

You will not believe how fast this time flies. Before you know it, you will be off to college or married with children and living in different states, and you will start making new memories. Creating a scrapbook is a great way to be able to look back and reminisce about all the adventures and good times you have had together.

You can preserve all your experiences in the form of pictures, ticket stubs, pressed flowers or just about anything else. And by doing this project together, it will be something you cherish for a lifetime. PS: Here are some super cute layout ideas !

40. Create Your Signature BFF Cocktail (or Mocktail)

This is another best friend bucket list idea that’s going to require lots of research! Become your own mixologist by concocting the perfect cocktail. The best part about this bucket list goal  is that you will have to do a lot of sampling before coming up with your own perfect harmony of flavors. Practice makes perfect!

If you’re not the best at creating drinkable concoctions, you can check these  10 tips on how to make a great cocktail . Or base your drink after one of the 100 Classic Cocktails .

Create a Signature Cocktail with your Best Friend

41. Sing a Karaoke Duet

When it comes to karaoke it doesn’t matter how good your voice is, it is all about having fun! So muster up the courage to take the stage and belt out a duet together. There’s plenty of great songs to choose from, but for some help see these epic 31 karaoke songs for you and your girl squad .

Singing Karaoke: the Best Thing to Do in Ho Chi Minh

42. Have a Pajama Day

It’s a luxury to be able to spend all day in your PJs and you’ve already got plenty of great ideas listed here to make your pajama day complete! Put on your most comfy pair and opt to have a home spa night, watch movies, play games or just eat lots of yummy food.

Don’t have a comfy and cute pair of PJ’s? Try Pretty Garden’s cheetah print pajama se t or  the dreamy cloud set that can be monogrammed.

43. Go Bowling

Let’s face it, bowling is a fun thing to do at almost every age, even when you only get gutter balls! This could also be the perfect thing to do on a double date, you could even get a little competitive by splitting up into teams and having a full blown tournament.

Bowling with Your Best Friend

44. Try Something New – Face Your Fear

Does either one or both of you have an adventure in mind that you’d love to do but you’re scared to? Let your best friend—or be that BFF—encourage you and join you in facing your fears and go on that adventure or do that adventurous activity together!

Life is too short to hold yourself back from experiencing new things just because of fear or anxiety. One of the best ways to get over your fear is to have someone special by your side to encourage and support you while you are facing it head on. So, hike up that mountain peak, go on that roller coaster or swim in the ocean.

If you need a little push read my 8 tips to facing your fears in this article about  overcoming anxiety to live your dream .

45. Have an Arts & Craft Day

Above I mentioned going to a Paint & Wine event, but you might want to alternate between that and having an arts & craft day at home. So, clear off the kitchen table and spend the day getting crafty.

Arts & Crafts can range from simple seashell bracelets to intricate dreamcatchers to deliciously smelling soap. Make of plan to take your creations and put them to use, whether it be using it, wearing it or putting it on display in the home.

Need some crafty ideas? Try one of these 19 cute crafts for adults or these 50 fun projects that can even be used for gifts.

46. Go to a Drive-in Movie

If you are looking for a unique and cheap night out, how about going to a drive-in movie? They may be more difficult to find these days, but they are a whole lot of fun when you do. Look at the  Drive-In Movie Website  to locate the nearest one.

47. Go on a Picnic

A super chill and delicious activity to do together with your best friend is to go on a picnic, in a park, by the rocks or on the beach – or wherever else your imagination takes you! Remember to bring along your favorite snacks and some simple games. And don’t forget to include a music playlist for the day, which you can play from your phone.

You can even pack a traditional wicker basket with your favorite picnic foods and enjoy the feast. Real Simple magazine can help you out with their Picnic Packing Checklist . If you want to set up an Instagrammable picnic, here’s a  cute red checkered picnic basket .

A pretty picnic setup

48. Make Vision Boards of all Your Dreams & Goals

Break out old magazines, a pair of scissors and some glue to make a collage of all the things you want to do in the future. It can be related to anything from vacations you want to take to foods to cook or new activities to try.

49. Go on an Epic Road Trip

This might take some planning to work out the perfect route, or just pack up your bags, take time off work and hit the road with choosing your destinations on the fly. Either way, your BFF road trip will be epic.

It doesn’t even have to be a long trip, it could just be for a day or two, but make sure you have plenty of entertainment along the way.

Try these 16 road trip games that will surely keep you occupied for the duration of the trip. Or buy our Printable Road Trip Bingo Cards .

Leaving Las Vegas: Southern Nevada Day Trips to the Outdoors

50. Run a 5k Race

Another exhilarating activity that you and your BFF will remember forever! You can run a regular one that’s set up for a good cause or you might want to try a quirkier one like color run, where you’ll come out all soaked in different colors and not necessarily running the whole way through.

Check Active’s 5k Race Finder for runs near you and use this guide to start preparing: How to Train, Run & Finish Your First 5k Race

51. Go Somewhere You Have Never Been

Accomplishing this bucket list goal doesn’t mean that you have to travel to the ultimate dream location, just go somewhere you both have never been. It could be something as simple as visiting a new park in your city or taking a day trip to a nearby town that you have been meaning to explore. If you need some inspiration, check out this list of the  best travel destinations .

52. Attend a Music Festival

In the United States, 40 to 50 million people attend outdoor concerts each year—it’s popular and a top thing to do with your best friend! Attending a music festival together will truly be what’ll make it so memorable to you.

Listening to bands you’re crazy about and ones you’ve never heard of, getting all dressed up with that festival look, maybe even staying in a tent overnight. Find the perfect venue in your area, bring a lawn chair and spend a bucket list worthy evening listening to tunes.

Unsure of where to see your show? Check out the 10 Outdoor Concert Venues Worth a Summer Road Trip

53. Go Backpacking

You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced wilderness and gone backpacking. Grab your adventurous friend and take on Mother Nature. You can do something as simple as visit the local park or the neighboring county or plan a multiple day trek.

54. Be Her Wingwoman

Being a good wingwoman means putting your friend’s needs first when it comes to helping her snag a date. Your job is to help your tongue-tied BFF keep the conversation flowing and brag about her to the cutie she’s eyeing.

Be Her Wingwoman

55. Cook a Fancy Dinner

The first step to cooking a fancy dinner for your BFF is choosing a menu. Will you go for an elegant three-course meal or just cook them their favorite dish? Once you’ve settled on a plan, it’s time to hit the grocery store and get to cooking! If you’re feeling a bit nervous, remember that practice makes perfect. So don’t be afraid to experiment in the kitchen until you get the results you’re looking for.

Cook a Fancy Dinner

56. Create Special Playlists for Each Other

To start creating a playlist for your buddy, think about the songs that make them happy, the songs that make them sad, the songs that remind them of some of the good memories you’ve shared.

57. Eat an Entire Tub of Ice Cream

Best friends are great for many things: venting about your day, going on adventures together, and of course, eating an entire tub of ice cream. Whether you’re a chocolate mint chip fan or cookies & cream lover, finish the whole thing!

Eat an Entire Tub of Ice Cream

58. Go Gambling at a Casino

Test your luck at the roulette table or on some slots at a casino. Who knows you might just get lucky and win some big money! Just remember to set a budget before you sit down, sometimes when you’re having fun you can quickly lose track of how much your

Go Gambling

59. Go on a Booze Cruise

Booze cruises are quite popular in warm weather destinations, like Mexico and the Bahamas . Though most are technically not called “booze cruises”, it’s more like a catamaran trip that serves alcohol onboard. Sipping a fruity cocktail while basking in the sun makes for the perfect afternoon with your bestie.

60. Have a Disney Movie Marathon

Make some popcorn, grab some blankets, and get ready for some major Disney nostalgia. From classics like “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” to newer favorites like “Frozen,” you’re sure to find a favorite.

61. Make up a Dance Routine

Dance is a great way to let loose and get some exercise too. And what could be more fun than the two of you making up your own dance routine?  Find the best song that fits and creative a cool routine, then invite some friends over and show them what you’ve got!

Make up a Dance Routine

62. Prank Call Friends

Another fun thing to do with your BFF is make prank phone calls to some of your other friends. You can either come up with your own material (like pretending to be a telemarketer) or use one of the many great prank call websites out there for ideas (like Ponly’s 20 Prank Call Ideas ). Just be sure to keep it all in good fun and don’t actually cause any harm.

63. See Your Favorite Musician in Concert

There’s nothing quite like being at the same venue as your favorite artist, feeling the music pulse through you as you sing along to all your favorite songs. And it’s even better sharing it with someone who loves the same musician too!

See Your Favorite Musician in Concert

64. Travel Abroad

Paris, Barcelona or Rome—what’s on your travel bucket list? Seeing new places and experiencing different cultures is something that everyone should do at least once in their lives, and there’s no one better to do it with than your best friend. Traveling abroad is the perfect opportunity to bond with your bestie in a whole new way. You’ll get to share new experiences, discover new things about each other, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Don’t know where to go or what to do? Our Travel Bucket List will help—it has 100 of the best ideas!

Travel Abroad

65. Try an Extreme Sport

Have you ever wanted to try an extreme sport but were too chicken? Well, having your bestie with you will help to ease those nerves. So go bungee jumping, paragliding, or sky diving and get the adrenaline rush of your life. For more ideas, see our Adventure Bucket List .

Try an Extreme Sport

66. Wear Matching Outfits

You don’t need to be twins in order to get some seriously cute Instagram photos of you two twinning in matching outfits.

Wear Matching Outfits

67. Learn a New Language Together

Apps like Duolingo and Rosetta Stone have made it easier than ever to start your journey towards learning a new language. But, having someone to study with will make it that much easier (and more fun!). Any language will do, you can choose one that is part of your heritage or one from a country that you plan on visiting together.

68. Read The Same Book At The Same Time

Have you ever read a book and wanted to be able to discuss it with somebody? When you are reading it together you will have someone to talk about it with everyday!

If you love the classics then check out the Classic Books Bucket List: 25 of the Best Must-Read Novels . You can easily download many classics to your Kindle for free. Find a ton of free classics on Amazon .

Read The Same Book At The Same Time

69. Stay Up All Night In Vegas

Whether you’re hitting up the clubs, walking the strip or taking in a show, you’re sure to have a night to remember in Las Vegas.

70. Learn a New Skill Together

Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill but felt like you didn’t have the time or motivation to do it alone? Well, the Best Friend Bucket List is giving you the opportunity to enlist your bestie to do it with you. It could be anything from taking up baking to learning how to rock climb or pick something from our Hobbies Bucket List . And who knows, maybe you’ll even discover a hidden talent!

71. Experience a Wellness Retreat Together

Whether you’re looking to detoxify your body, de-stress your mind, or both, a wellness retreat can be the perfect solution. From yoga and meditation classes to healthy eating workshops, you and your bestie will find plenty of ways to relax and rejuvenate. Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to explore beautiful surroundings and bond with each other in a truly unique way.

Experience a Wellness Retreat Together

72. Take a Dance Class Together

Prepare your Jazz hands or dust off the old tap shoes and take a class to either learn something new or brush up on an old skill. Even if you embarrass yourself, you’ll have somebody to laugh with.

73. Sleep Under The Stars Together

You can go camping or just set up a sleeping bag in the backyard to check off this best friend bucket list goal. It’s a chance to build a stronger friendship with no distractions and no interrupted conversations—just the two of you and the night sky.

74. Try a New Recipe

Recipe for fun: take one close friend, mix in a new recipe, add a dash of good conversation, and enjoy!

Try a New Pinterest Recipe

75. Watch Sunrise/Sunset in a Cool Location

There’s nothing quite like waking up at the crack of dawn, grabbing a warm cup of coffee and watching as the sun rises.

Watch Sunrise/Sunset Together

76. Sign Up To a Fitness Challenge Together

If you and your bestie are athletic or want to be, sign up for a fitness challenge. It could be something as simple as running a 5k or as difficult as doing a triathlon. Either way, it’ll be a fun way to motivate each other to stay active.

77. Make and Bury a Time Capsule

One of the best things about having a best friend is all the amazing memories you make together. From your first sleepover to your first road trip, these are the moments that you’ll look back on and cherish for a lifetime. However, it’s not always easy to keep track of all the things you’ve done together. That’s why burying a time capsule is such a fun way to commemorate your friendship.

Simply grab a capsule of some sort (like this anti-corrsion capsule  by Baiyun) or jar and fill it with items that represent some of your favorite memories. You could include things like ticket stubs, photos, postcards, and other mementos. Once you’ve filled up your time capsule, bury it in a spot that’s special to you both. Then, agree on a date when you’ll dig it up and reminisce about all the amazing adventures you’ve shared.

78. Laugh Until You Cry

It’s always been said that laughter is the best medicine, and there’s a lot of truth to that. Of course, sometimes it’s not always easy to find things to laugh about. That’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with good friends who can make you chuckle at the drop of a hat.

79. Play Video Games

Whether you’re both avid gamers or just looking for something new to try, playing video games can be a blast. There are so many different genres and styles of games out there, it’s easy to find one that you’ll both enjoy. And, if you’re really competitive, you can even keep track of who wins the most games.

80. Arrange a Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of random items your bestie needs to find either around the house, neighborhood or even the entire city. Start them off with the first item and a clue on how to find it. Once they do, give them a clue to find the next item and so on. You can make the items random or There’s endless themes for a scavenger hunt—here are 8 good ones .

81. Have a Barbeque

There’s just something about cooking outdoors on a grill that just makes food taste better. Right? One of you take the job of flipping the burgers and the other can get the condiments ready. Plus, it’s the perfect excuse to invite some other friends and family over to partake.

Have a Barbeque

82. Play a Game of Truth Or Dare

After all this time you definitely know your BFF well, but how about getting to know them better with a game of Truth or Dare. Truth questions can be anything that you’ve ever wanted to know about them and dares can be things like singing song lyrics out loud in the grocery store or doing a silly dance in a public park.

If you looking for more ideas, see our article: Truth or Dare Questions .

83. Start a Youtube Channel Together

Are you two pseudo comedians or do you both have a special skill you could teach others? Then start brainstorming some ideas for your very own YouTube channel. Who knows, maybe your channel will take off and you’ll become internet celebrities!

Start a Youtube Channel Together

84. Start an Instagram Account Together

By starting an Instagram account together, you can give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at how fun your friendship really is. Plus, it’s a great way to document all of the amazing things you do together.

85. Film a “Just for Fun” Music Video

Either pick a song you both can sing or one that you can at least lip sync your way through. Dress up in costumes, use props, and choreograph a fun (or funny) music video.

86. Start a Business Together

Have you ever wanted to start your own business but didn’t know where to begin? Having a partner could make all the steps a lot easier. You could open an online shop selling the cute jewelry you both love to handmake or make your famous jam to sell at the farmer’s markets. The possibilities are endless!

87. Go Sailing

There’s nothing like being out on the open water, feeling the sun on your face and the wind in your hair. And there’s no better way to bond with your bestie than by embarking on a new adventure together, like sailing.

Go Sailing

88. Make a Secret Handshake

A fist pump, two shakes and a nod—create your own secret handshake that only the two of you know.

89. Ring in the New Years Together

There are a ton of ways to ring in the new year, from glitzy galas and black-tie balls to raucous parties and rooftop bars. Or just spend the evening making your New Years resolutions . No matter what your budget or taste, you’re sure to find something that is good for the both of you.

90. Try a New Restaurant Each Month

Start your culinary journey by trying a new restaurant each month. It is a great way to find hidden gems, explore different cuisines and get out of your comfort zone. And, it’s a fun way to spend time with your best friend!

Try a New Restaurant Each Month

91. Learn To Make Charcuterie Boards

Serving finger foods on wooden boards is all the rage right now, and the great thing about them is that they can be customized to suit any taste. Love cheese and crackers? Then load up your board with an assortment of cheeses, crackers, and fruit. Prefer something sweet? Then fill your board with cookies, cake pops, and marshmallows. No matter what your preference, there’s a board for every occasion.

Charcuterie Boards

92. Grow Old Together

You have traveled the world together, gotten married, had kids and created so many memories. If you’re lucky enough to have a best friend in your life, cherish them, and never let them go. Because growing old together is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer.

Grow Old Together

93. Make a Quilt Together

Quilting is the perfect activity for best friends because it combines both chatting and being productive at the same time. You can catch up on all the latest gossip while working on something that will last for years to come. Plus, once you’re done, you’ll have a beautiful piece of art to display in your home— a constant reminder of your friendship.

94. Donate Blood

You can be a hero to someone without being there in person. One of the things you can do is by donating some of your blood. Some of the benefits of donating blood include reduced stress and improved overall well-being. It can give you some insight into your overall health.

If you plan to donate blood regularly, you need to keep yourself fit and healthy. This can also be a great way for you and your best friend to bond.

For a little inspiration you can read about my experience of   Giving Blood  and also get more information for teen donors on the  Red Cross website .

95. Jump Into a Pool Fully Clothed

I know some of you might think this is total nuts. Still, fun is fun. Plus, a little bit of craziness won’t hurt. Whether it is a dare or just your adrenaline kicking in, jumping into a swimming pool fully clothed with your best buddy sounds like something worth adding to your things to do.

You can also make this crazier if you jump into a swimming pool while wearing formal attire! Just don’t forget to bring extra clothes with you and you’re good to go.

96. Crash a Party

Generally, you are going to spend time with your best friend and go to similar events together. But, sometimes there might be one party that you didn’t get an invite to but really want to go to. You may want to consider crashing that, attending it without the invite. It can be quite thrilling and fun because it allows you to hang out with a new bunch of strangers.

97. Fly First Class

Flying first class with your best friend is a unique way to start the experience in style, especially if it’s a long flight. Some perks include less stress and hassle from checking in and boarding, comfortable seats/bed, free drinks and food, even amenities like Wi-Fi and TV.

While it is by no means cheap, the luxury and comfort it offers will ensure that you are well-rested and looking forward to the journey ahead once you arrive at your destination!

98. Get Drinks at a Trendy Rooftop Bar

Rooftop bars are enticing places to linger since they give additional ambiance. The city lights from above, the light chatter in the background, and on rare occasions, stars in the sky, drinking on a rooftop bar with your best friend is a a great experience you should try at least once.

99. Tailgate

Event tailgating is almost as fun as the event themselves! Tailgating is typically done in a parking lot of a stadium or other big event. Snacks are served and socializing is done from the back of a parked car.

100. Stay in a Cabin in the Woods

Whether you’re both the adventurous type or simply looking for a cozy and quiet getaway, staying at a cabin surrounded by nature is the perfect place to be. From going on a river adventure to relaxing by the fire to enjoying the scenic views, you’ll never run out of things to do with your best friend!

With all these great ideas and activities, you will have plenty of things to do with your best friend for many years to come. Let me know in the comments which ones you’ve added to your best friend bucket list and which ones you’ve already done with your BFF. Cheers to you and your bestie!

This post may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through my links, I earn a commission that helps to keep this blog running—at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure .

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28 thoughts on “best friend bucket list: 100 fun things to do with your bff”.

very nice article thank you

I live these suggestions they are really creative I just don’t live some so I made a list of stuff to do and i gape to do them all bye next year

this is so considering! how kind darling!

Very good quality articles from the content to the images, I appreciate it and will definitely share it with my friends, continue to produce more good articles like that, thank you and respect you very much.

Thank you this is for me and my bestie! thank u so muxh

You’re welcome. How many have you completed so far?

I made this for my bestie and me too!

these all seem great! This is my first time having a sleepover with my friend since covid started and I wanted it to be fun and I think this will help so thank you! :)

I’m glad that I gave you some ideas on what to do. Hope you guys will have a blast!

thanks for the ideas! will use in future

Valuable Article.

amazing idea’s. I am a teenager and have been looking at all those ones. All great and already over the last month tried out many. Such as the sleepover. Gr8 fun. Thanx a bunch dear 🥰

Glad that the list helps you enjoy

can you make a list for kids under 13 please

Sure, I will take note of that

Tysm we have so many ideas for summer now <3

thx so much this helped me and bey bestie

My friend and I are in vc and we are just having our time of a lifetime reading this out loud and il def do one of these, but perhaps since I am busy ju—ust perhaps

We are in V.C. and just having the time of our lives reading this out loud. I will definitely do one of these, but since I am so busy, maybe I will do one of these.

I am sending this to my best friend, thanks! I really appreciate your kind words

Really good article! Made a bucket list using these ideas for me and my Bestie to do over the summer! So excited!


Insightful list of things to do with your best friend. Great read..

An impressive share! I’ve just forwarded this onto a colleague who was doing a little homework on this. And he actually bought me lunch because I found it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending the time to talk about this matter here on your web page.

Thanks very much for your good article

I love the ideas but some are hard to do for an idea right now😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

This tips are very informative.Thank you so much for explaining this.

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We Are Global Travellers

14 places to travel with your best friend

Updated On 6th May, 2024

Friends that travel together, stay together! Your bestie is the one person you can always rely on. The one that’s there to help you forget about all the hard days at work, the  difficult breakups  and to just generally embrace the good vibes with! They are also the perfect person to build a best friend bucket list with and tick off as many places to travel with your best friend as possible.

Jobs, colleagues, flings, hard times… they all come and go. But your best friend(s) will stick with you through it all. When you’ve got yourself a BFF, cherish them, appreciate them, and make the most of every second with them!  Life is short .

Get your pen and paper out and start your best friend bucket list for 2021.

35 bucket list adventures to go on with your best friend

Your best friend is the  perfect  adventure buddy. They know you inside out, perhaps even better than you know yourself. Creating a best friend travel bucket list together is such a fun task to do and then there’s going out and ticking the adventures off!  Check out my guide to planning your next adventure here.

The memories you make as you work your way through your best friend bucket list are priceless. There are so many places to travel with your best friend that the adventures will last a lifetime. They are the memories you’ll be laughing about for years and years to come, especially if you  turn them into a scrapbook . Travelling and sharing memories is one of the best ways to  show your BFF that you love them .

If you’re looking for places to travel with your best friend, places to visit with your best friend or ideas for your best friend travel bucket list, this is the blog post for you. Go on, share this with your best friend, get your notepads out and get planning!

Check out my best friend bucket list here.

best friend trip

14 places to travel with your best friend…

1. australia.

Travelling or backpacking through Australia is high up on many people’s best friends bucket lists ! It’s not hard to see why Australia is one of the best places to travel with your best friend.

Maybe it’s the tropical climates, the wildlife, the laid-back beachy lifestyle, the epic road trips or the backpacker goals lifestyle that has you dreaming of a trip down under, or maybe it’s a combination of them all?

Whether you want to try a city break in Sydney , backpacking down the East Coast , a trip to the outback , or a laid back weekend in Byron Bay, there are so many best things to do in Australia that it can be hard to choose what to do first! Not to mention the bucket list trips to the Whitsundays , Fraser Island or the Great Barrier Reef! Wherever in Australia you decide to visit with your best friend, you’re sure to have an awesome time. 

Check out the best things to do in Australia here. 

Australia Google Map Legend

Australia Google Map Legend

Get lifetime access to my endless hours of research and time spent on the ground finding the best places to eat, drink, relax and explore in the area. You simply open the Google Map on your device and all my pins are at the touch of your fingertips.

6 walks to go on in and around Sydney, Australia


2. Portugal

Portugal is somewhere I recently spent a fair amount of time in, exploring with my van and my girlfriends, and we absolutely loved it! Portugal is 100% a stop off you should make on your European road trip or adventure. 

Portugal is a great place to travel with your best friend because there  are many  awesome things to do in Portugal. Whether it’s for surfing in Nazare or Lagos , exploring the stunning city of Lisbon or relaxing on the Algarve, Portugal is definitely somewhere to add to your best friend bucket list. 

Whether you’re an avid surfer, walker, camper or beach bummer – Portugal is going to cater for you and your best friend… and some.

Portugal Google Map Legend

Portugal Google Map Legend


Travellers tend to give England a hard time for its rainfall but where there’s rain, there are lush greens. If you are your BFF love hiking, then a staycation in England is a great place for your best friend bucket list. The beautiful English countryside, such as that in Yorkshire ,  the Lake District ,  Devon  and the  South Downs  will be, without a doubt, one of the highlights of your English adventure and trust me, you’ll be missing the cosy English pub scene within days of departure. The most beautiful places in England are going to blow your mind.

From the bustling cities such as  London  and  Leeds , beachside towns in  Cornwall  and  Dorset , to the many Areas of Outstanding Beauty and  national parks , England really holds its own when it comes to choosing places to travel with your best friend. 

  • 15 UK National Parks: which one should I visit?
  • The best places to visit in England
  • My favourite things to do in England
  • Unique things to do in England

A weekend at Norfolk Woods Resort and Spa, England

From taking on one of the incredible  French via ferratas , wine tasting in one of the French wine regions and hiking in the  French Alps  all the way to  Skiing in Val D’Isere , a  city break in Paris  and a  Christmas Market road trip , you aren’t short of things to do in France that you can add to your best friend bucket list.

I’ve done many road trips with my best friend through France over the years and your trip to France can include so many incredible types of adventure. You can also try surfing down in Hossegor / Biarritz, climbing in Chamonix and visiting the champagne region ! Gosh, France is amazing!

If you’re based in the UK, getting the ferry over to France is such an easy option, make France one of many great places to travel with your best friend. The crossing takes around an hour and it means you don’t have to worry about going to the airport / hiring a car when you get there. See my experience and tips for the ferry crossing here.

See all the best things to do in France here. 

A spring weekend in Annecy, France | Where's Mollie? A UK Travel and Adventure Lifestyle Blog

5. Indonesia

A country that I’ve fallen in love with time and time again, Indonesia really is a great place to travel with your best friend. I’d say it’s one of the cheapest places to travel in Asia, or even in the world, making it perfect for anyone who is travelling on a budget. From exploring the famous island of Bali (for example the surf break in Uluwatu , or the monkey forest in Ubud ) to swimming with manta rays on Nusa Lembongan , and discovering the smaller, less travel islands that are equally as beautiful, Indonesia provides plenty of opportunity for adventures for your best friend bucket list.

Check out all the best things to do in Bali here. 

A Complete Guide to Bali, Indonesia | Where's Mollie? A Travel and Adventure Lifestyle Blog

Beautiful Italy is one of the best places to travel with your best friend. Seeing the colosseum in Rome should be on everyone’s best friend bucket list, as well as taking a gondola in Venice, seeing the Duomo in Milan, eating all the pasta in Puglia, visitng Pompeii, going on a Calabrian road trip and exploring some of the best things to do in Sicily , such as exploring the multicultural capital of Palermo . Hop on a plane with your BFF for a well-deserved dose of sunshine, gelato and good wine!

See all the best things to do in Sicily here. 

best friend trip


There are million reasons to visit Greece, and it’s one of the best places to travel with your best friend. From swimming in the turquoise waters to exploring underground lakes, exploring the history in Athens or Crete, sailing around the Ionian Islands or going on a road trip across the Greek mainland, it’s one of the best places to put on your best friend bucket list. 

Check out the best things to do in Greece here. 

The best things to do in Athens, Greece


8. Thailand

Thailand is such a popular destination for first time backpackers due to its low cost of living, and high delivery of adventure and freedom (partying) – the best of both worlds and ideal for an adventure with your best friend. From buy one get one free buckets and partying with international backpackers in some of the most gorgeous locations in the world such as Bangkok, to volunteering in elephant sanctuaries in Chiang Mai, PADI diving certificates and island hopping – it’s not hard to see why it’s popular. Why not add Thailand to your best friend bucket list and share all the fun with your BFF?

  • Check out my top tips for travelling in Thailand in this post. 
  • See all my tips for travelling in Southeast Asia in this post. 

How to budget for a month in Thailand

With 50 provinces, 17 regions, and at least 5 languages, Spain is a super diverse country, so it’s one of the best places to travel with your best friend if you’re looking for some variety in your adventure! From hiking and skiing in the Pyreenes to surfing on the coast, spending a party weekend in Marbella to going on a road trip in Mallorca and catching some of the most beautiful sunsets in Formentor , or enjoing the winter sun in Gran Canaria or a city break in Barcelona , Spain has something to offer every set of BFFs! Don’t forget the amazing cuisine, stunning architecture and the fact that Spain hosts some of the best music festivals in the world – add Spain to your best friend bucket list now! 

A guide to exploring Barcelona, Spain

10. Costa Rica

Get yourselves ready to be immersed in the abundant, rich quality of nature that is on offer in  Costa Rica . From what I’ve seen, Costa Rica is truly a playground of nature, consisting of 27 National Parks dotted across the country. Can you imagine? It’s an awesome place to travel with your best friend!

If you’re not kicking back and relaxing on the Caribbean Coast in Santa Teresa , you could be trying your hand at riding the waves along the Pacific Coast. And then after that, you’ll most likely be spending a few nights in the treetops at one of the eco-resorts before diving into the jungle or climbing  Costa Rica’ s highest mountain. You get the picture… it’s adventure central, great for your best friend bucket list!

Check out all the best things to do in Costa Rica in this blog post. 

best friend trip

Costa Rica Google Map Legend

A guide to visiting Montezuma Falls, Costa Rica


11. New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the most popular places to visit in the world, especially for backpackers, and who wouldn’t want to go backpacking with their best friend?!

There are so many awesome things to do in New Zealand, that even though I’ve been twice now, I can’t wait to get on a plane and explore some more. Maybe it’s the breathtaking scenery, the friendly local people, the entralling history and culture, the epic road trips, the amazing food and wine, or the backpacker lifestyle that has you dreaming of a trip to New Zealand, or maybe it’s a combination of them all?

There are so many cool things to do in New Zealand, making it a great destination for your best friend bucket list. There’s skydiving in Taupo , bungy jumping in Queenstown , taking on the Tongariro crossing , seeing the dolphins , exploring Auckland , and more! 

See all the best things to do in New Zealand here. 

best friend trip

12. Croatia

From  sunset kayaking around Dubrovnik castle  to hiring a boat and  travelling around some of the islands , all the way to dancing the night away during the  Yacht Week  or Underground Market in the cellar of  Diocletian Palace in Split , you aren’t short of things to do in Croatia – it’s definitely one for your best friend bucket list.

I’ve been to Croatia a few times over the years, including with the  Yacht Week  and with the  Global Travellers family , and Croatia really is full of adventure. Whether you want a city break in  Split  or  Dubrovnik , to go  Croatia island hopping  along the Dalmatian Coast, to go hiking in the Plitvice Lakes National Park or go swimming under the  Krka waterfall,  Croatia really has adventure to offer everyone, making in the perfect place to travel with your best friend.

Check out all the best things to do in Croatia here. 

best friend trip


A luxury safari in Kenya . Talk about once in a lifetime opportunities… definitely one for your best friend bucket list! 

How does an adventure to uncover the big five sound? In the wild? In Africa? In your own private jeep? What dreams are truly made of, right? What’s more, after you’ve seen all the animals on safari you can head to Watamu for some beach time and fully chill out on the coast… pure bliss!

  • See my guide to planning your Kenya safari here
  • See my guide to Watamu on the Kenyan coastline here


14. The Philippines

The Philippines is a destination that  changed my approach to travel , and I can’t wait to return there one day. From the stunning beaches to the deep blue lagoons, you can really have a ‘luxury’ holiday on a backpacker budget in the Philippines! The Philippines is also one of the best places to do adrenaline-rushing activities such as canyoneering, skydiving, paragliding, and swimming with whale sharks – adventures that are perfect for your best friend travel bucket list! Check out my experience of canyoneering here.

Moalboal Travel Guide Cebu Philippines | Where's Mollie? A Travel and Adventure Lifestyle Blog

Have you travelled with your best friend?

Where are your favourite places to travel with your best friend? Anything you’d add to this best friend bucket list?

Love as always and happy adventuring,

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14 places to travel with your best friend...​




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Trips with friends, best places to travel with friends on the weekend and in the world

30 Best Trips with Friends! FUN Weekend and International Places to Go

Best trips with friends on the weekend and in the world

But before you decide on a destination, be sure to keep the personalities and preferences of your friends top of mind. Some friends are awesome to lay on a beach with, but not so great for trekking through the jungle or road tripping through Europe.

My top tip: Embrace the personalities and preferences of who you’re traveling with, and let it guide your destination.

After getting trip ideas below, check out my travel planning guide to help you make it epic.

Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links to excellent travel-related products. If you use the links below to make a purchase, we’ll receive a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you!

15 FUN Places to go with friends on the weekend

I highly recommend OFTEN taking fun trips with friends near where you live. Short and sweet trips are a great way to “test the waters” of traveling with friends without putting too much stress on a relationship. Especially if your travel styles are quite different.

Here are awesome places to go with friends on the weekend, including ideas across the US and Canada.

best friend trip

1. HOUSEBOATING near you

My very first BIG trip with friends was a houseboating weekend in beautiful British Columbia. It was perfect! 

We soaked in the hot tub and slid down the waterslide when we got too hot. Ate way too much ice cream. Met some cuties. And we even crashed. Yup, we did. There’s nothing like a little drama to pull you together! (Make sure you get insurance, ‘cause those boats are harder to steer than they look!)

Find the nearest pretty lake country near you, book a car and make it happen. It’s like camping but with a waterslide.

2. Fun LOS ANGELES weekend getaway for girls

Crossroads sign of Via Rodeo and Rodeo Drive, Los Angeles

A girls trip to LA is pretty classic. Strut your stuff like Pretty Woman on Rodeo Drive. Hit up the star-prone restaurants. And time it with the Oscars to experience the red carpet. It’s possibly THE most epic place to travel with friends on the weekend.

Or, if you’re not into the Hollywood mayhem, stay on beautiful Santa Monica Beach. Cycle The Strand bike path along the waterfront. Ride the ferris wheel on the pier. And people-watch while enjoying incredible beachfront restaurants.

Where to stay with friends in Los Angeles:

  • Casa Del Mar resort and spa (Santa Monica): Right on Santa Monica Beach, with an outdoor pool, restaurants and live music on Sundays. Every room has a hydrotherapy spa tub and floor-to-ceiling windows, some with an ocean view.
  • Beverly Wilshire (Beverly Hills): As close as you can get to Rodeo Drive, overlooking Rodeo Drive and the Via Rodeo fountain and steps. An epic place for a trip with friends to explore Rodeo Drive’s boutique shops and cafes.
  • SIXTY Beverly Hills (Beverly Hills): Five blocks from Rodeo Drive along Wilshire Blvd, with a pretty rooftop pool and bar.

Casa Del Mar LA, best trips with friends on the weekend

3. FLORIDA KEYS road trips with friends

Drinks in Florida Keys, places to stop on drive to Key West from Miami Florida

A road trip from Miami to the tip of the Florida Keys is the perfect mix of beach and culture. It’s only about 3.5 hours, with plenty of time to stop along the way.

If you’re not from Miami, spend a day exploring its museums, Bayside Marketplace at the waterfront, or cultural neighborhoods like Little Havana.

Then, rent a car and head out to Key West. Along the way, stop to play with dolphins, feel the sand between your toes, and eat and drink with a view. Want more adventure? Where better to go skydiving with the girls than in Key West?!

Find all you need to plan your Florida Keys road trip with friends .


4. NEW ORLEANS weekend getaway with friends

best friend trip

Visiting the plantations in Louisiana would certainly make for a memorable travel experience with friends in the USA. Stay in a former plantation mansion, the elegant Nottoway Plantation that dates back to the 1850s. It’s the south’s largest antebellum mansion, located right on the Mississippi River. It features antiques and fireplaces in the rooms. Plus, an outdoor pool, hot tub, onsite dining and self-guided tours.

Plantations to visit near New Orleans, Louisiana:

  • Oak Alley Plantation : Known for the stunning Oak-lined path entrance to this sugarcane plantation. Features tours of the “big house” (with a pretty wrap-around upper balcony), slave cabins, expansive garden and exhibits.
  • Whitney Plantation : Famous for its ground-breaking slavery museum, with restored buildings and educational guided tours.
  • Destrehan Plantation : Established in 1787, this sugar plantation was the site of one of the three trials following the 1811 Slave Revolt. Features interpretive tours, exhibits and pretty grounds.

5. Fun trips with friends to NEW YORK CITY

best friend trip

New York City can be anything you and your friends want it to be. 

Times Square and Fifth Avenue are perfect for high-end shopping, flashing lights and nightlife. Its museums, Broadway theater and The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts are epic for the culturalists. Foodies will love exploring Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. And for those who love relaxation, Central Park, Staten Island and Brooklyn waterfront promise amazing views. I’d argue that NYC is one of the BEST places to travel with friends.

On my trip with friends to NYC, we stayed in a boutique hotel in the Upper West Side . Within a block, we had a small pastry shop, grocery store and plenty of cute cafes. We could easily walk to Central Park and Riverside Park (perfect for a You’ve Got Mail walking tour). And since we were surrounded by residential streets, I got to meet so many dogs out for their walk! Plus, easy subway access to everything else.

Find your perfect place to stay in Manhattan , Brooklyn , Staten Island , Queens and the Bronx (a 3-part series).

6. SEATTLE jazz weekend trips with friends

best friend trip

I love Seattle, Washington. Its Pike Place Market and waterfront restaurants. Plenty of jazz clubs. And lots of excellent shopping and coffee shops, too. Seattle has beautiful waterfront parks, artsy museums, Space Needle views, and boat tours to stay busy. Time it with a concert, too!

When I visited Seattle with one of my best friends, we LOVED the comfortable beds and pillows at the Staypineapple Maxwell Hotel . You simply cannot get a better sleep! It’s colorful vibe is super fun, too, and it has an indoor pool and bikes you can use. Price includes wifi.

Now, as much as I love the Staypineapple beds, you can’t get a better location than The Edgewater . It’s right at Pier 67, with fabulous views of Elliot Bay and the Olympic Mountains. Elegant rooms have fireplaces, cozy furnishings and spa bathroom. The property features an onsite restaurant, gift shop and coffee bar. Price includes wifi and downtown shuttle.

The Edgewater hotel in Seattle USA, weekend getaway trips with mom in USA

7. Fun LAS VEGAS weekend trips with friends

I’ll admit that Las Vegas is pretty low on my list of places to visit, but I understand the appeal – especially with friends. Awesome shows. Epic shopping. Sights you just won’t see anywhere else.

If you want to embrace the chaos, Las Vegas Strip is the place to stay. If you want to come up to breathe, consider a place like Tahiti Village Resort & Spa near the airport and outlet mall.

You’ll also find some incredible house rentals on VRBO , both near The Strip or near the mountains.


8. Epic CANYON road trips with friends

best friend trip

A great add-on to a friends Vegas trip, especially for the outdoorsy adventurers at heart, is a 2-day canyon road trip . Hike the amazing canyons of Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Canyon North Rim and Antelope slot canyon.

You have some incredible options for places to stay, too. Under Canvas near Lake Powell has lovely tents with a cozy wood-burning stove and private balcony with canyon views. Or book the luxury Amangiri spa resort, tucked right into the rocks. It has an onsite restaurant, bar, concierge, sauna and spa. And the rooms look AMAZING.

Under Canvas near Lake Powell Utah, luxury glamping experience retirement gift for woman friend

9. AMUSEMENT PARK hopping trips with friends

Are you guys dare-devils? How fun would it be to go amusement park hopping together?!

Top on my list are Coney Island in New York City and Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, California. In Canada, Montreal’s Six Flags is lots of fun.

To visit a bunch on one trip, take a road trip through California or Pennsylvania. Yup, Pennsylvania! Check out this USA Today article for 17 awesome parks.

10. BEACH resort weekend getaway with friends

Ponte Vedra Inn, Hotels for romantic getaways to Florida USA, romantic weekend getaways United States, Ponte Vedra Inn

You can have an amazing beach resort getaway with friends even without leaving the continental USA. One of my favorite spots is about half an hour from downtown Jacksonville, Florida, at the lovely Ponte Vedra Beach seaside community. It’s also known as San Pablo Island, and is a great mixture of relaxing beaches and bustling Jacksonville nearby.

A wonderful place for a beach weekend getaway with friends is Ponte Vedra Inn and Club . Its beach and gardens are beautiful, with warm and comfortable rooms. Enjoy four heated pools, bikes, seven restaurants and lounges, and plenty of onsite shops and boutiques. Despite all of its amenities, it feels like a charming boutique inn.

Our equivalent for relaxation in Canada is Prince Edward Island. It’s super low-key and perfect for friends who just want to chill.

Dalvay by the Sea Hotel is classic and luxurious, located on the north shore. It’s inside a national park and has an onsite restaurant, bar, tennis courts and bike rentals. Or stay in one of many lovely historic inns in Charlottetown. I highly recommend the charming Fairholm National Historic Inn .

11. Fun ARTSY places to go with friends

Hotels for romantic getaways Near NYC USA, romantic weekend getaways United States, East Hampton Art House Bed Breakfast

Here are two very different types of artsy places to go with friends.

First, East Hampton Art Bed and Breakfast on Long Island. This sprawling property is perfect for art lovers and those looking for a refreshing getaway. Relax in the outdoor pool and jacuzzi while admiring the meditation garden, waterfalls, and lotus pond.

And second, head to Memphis to meet the king! If your friends are big music buffs, you’ll enjoy exploring the Memphis Rock ‘n Soul Museum, Gibson Guitar Factory, and Orpheum Theatre. And of course, the iconic Beale Street’s shops and restaurants. 

Stay at the Peabody Memphis with an onsite dining room, spa, indoor pool and luxurious bathrobes. And don’t miss Peabody’s “March of the ducks” tradition!

12. LAKEFRONT retreat weekend trips with friends

Inns of Aurora New York, places to travel with friends in USA

Head to Upstate New York for a weekend trip with friends at the lake. 

Inns of Aurora is a community of five lakefront properties. They’re beautiful and cozy, with wine tastings, yoga and painting classes. Plus, a private beach, lakeside firepits, paddling and bikes. Organic, fair-trade coffee and fresh scones in the morning. Farm-to-table restaurant during the day. Book a room with a fireplace and lake views.


13. Fun weekend trips with friends in TEXAS

Commodore Perry Estate, romantic getaways Texas Hill Country, Austin Texas hotels, Texas resorts

There are plenty of beautiful resorts in Texas perfect for weekend trips with friends. One of my favorites is the JL Bar Ranch Resort and Spa in lovely Texas Hill Country. This estate is grand, with a full-service spa, outdoor pool and two restaurants. Plus, pretty gardens to explore, complete with a fountain. Rooms offer warm decor, with gorgeous dark wood accents, furnished patios, bathrobes and slippers. Price includes wifi.

Another favorite is Commodore Perry Estate in Austin Texas. Its manicured gardens are gorgeous, as is the massive library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases and plush couches. You’ll also spend plenty of time in its elegant tea room, pool, terrace and restaurant. Book a room with a terrace for pretty views. Price includes wifi and shuttle service.

14. WINE AND SPA getaways with friends

Auberge du Soleil in Napa Valley California, best places to travel with friends in USA

Do you girls love sipping wine and relaxing with beautiful views? One of the best places to travel with friends in the USA is Napa Valley, California. Napa Valley is about 1.5 hours northeast of the San Francisco International Airport. You’ll find more than 375 wineries, more than 150 restaurants, and beautiful weather year-round. Napa Valley is nestled among two mountain ranges, with incredible views wherever you look.

For weekend getaways with friends at Canadian wineries, choose from gorgeous views in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Niagara-on-the-Lake in Ontario, and Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. All three locations have excellent wines, spas and views.

Where to stay for a wine and spa getaway with the girls:

  • Auberge du Soleil Resort (Rutherford, California): This gorgeous resort is the ultimate friends weekend getaway, surrounded by a 33-acre olive grove. Relax in cabanas at the pool. Indulge at the spa and fine dining restaurant.
  • Therapy Vineyards (Okanagan, BC): Suites overlook the vineyard and Okanagan Lake, with oversized windows, fireplace, patio and oversized tub. The property also has an outdoor fireplace and hot tub, and serves breakfast.
  • Prince of Wales (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario): This elegant Victorian-style luxury hotel is the perfect base for exploring nearby wineries. Features an onsite spa and indoor pool. Enjoy traditional English tea at the onsite restaurant and local wines in the cozy lounge.


15. CRAFTING retreat with the girls

There’s something about a crafting getaway that screams “treat”! How often do you dedicate time to create together?

You can find accommodations that offer things like cooking classes or join a retreat that focuses on a particular craft, like painting. For me and my friends, we’d just bring our favorite crafting supplies to a cozy cabin retreat with a hot tub and views.

The Ultimate Travel Bucket List Template ebook

15 BEST Places to travel with friends in Europe and the world

Taking international trips with friends is a sure way to create lasting memories and bonds. But the stress of international travel will put pressure on your friendship. Make sure you choose a destination that complements your relationship and how you enjoy spending time together.

In Europe, my favorite place to look for accommodations is Plum Guide . You’ll find the coolest house rentals ever, all verified and not all ridiculously expensive.

Here are awesome places to travel with friends in the world, including Europe.

Hunters Moon home rental in England, Unique Christmas getaways for couples Europe

16. European CASTLE getaway with friends

Take your international trip with friends around Europe chasing castles! The biggest challenge will be narrowing your castle adventure to a geographical area, like England or France.

Pick the most iconic castle or area you most want to see and plan the rest of your friends vacation from there. Here are three ideas:

  • Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany): The most classic fairytale-like castle nestled in the Bavarian Alps. Take in its stunning architecture, lush surroundings, and panoramic views. Other (relatively) nearby castles to visit include the medieval and mountaintop Hohenwerfen Fortress in Austria and 
  • Château de Chambord (France): A Renaissance masterpiece with elegant French architecture and vast gardens. It’ll enchant you with its grand halls and intricate details. Other notable French castles to visit include the lovely Château de Chenonceau built atop an old mill and the opulent Palace of Versailles.
  • Eilean Donan Castle (Scotland): A remarkably enchanting castle among many in Scotland, with its charming bridge and moss-covered walls near the entrance to the Isle of Skye. My other favorite castles are on the opposite side of Scotland: the grand Sterling Castle and romantic cliffside Dunnottar Castle.

17. International trips with friends to AUSTRIA

Panoramic views of Melk from Melk Abbey's terrace

Austria is a captivating blend of stunning landscapes, rich history, and cultural experiences. Start your trip with friends in Vienna , the capital city. It’s a hub of art, music and architecture, with magnificent palaces, cathedrals and museums. Pick accommodations near City Center so you can walk to St. Stephen’s Cathedral for evening drinks.

Then, travel through the Danube’s Wachau Valley before heading south to Salzburg. Wachau Valley is a beautiful area of vineyards and cute villages along the river valley. I also highly recommend a stop at Stift Melk Abbey .

Roam the streets and hills surrounding the lovely city of Salzburg , the birthplace of Mozart and setting for the Sound of Music. It’s a charming old town with cobblestone streets, lovely gardens, and the iconic Hohensalzburg Fortress looming above.

best friend trip

18. ENGLAND road trips with friends

Take a road trip with friends through the English countryside. There are SO many romantic castles, parks and gardens. Quaint villages in the Cotswolds. Rugged rolling hills in the Lake District. And haunting mysteries of Rosslyn Chapel. Experience England’s beauty on a drive from London to Edinburgh .

If you’d prefer a relaxing group tour rather than driving yourself, check out excellent tours of England from Trafalgar . Include a tour of Scotland and Ireland, too.

Find amazing places to stay on PlumGuide.com .

Home rentals in Europe, best international trips with friends

19. EUROPEAN CRUISE vacation with friends 

A European cruise vacation with friends would be AMAZING. You have all the benefits of world-class service, entertainment and food. Plus the gorgeous cities, islands and rugged coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. Elegant spires off the Baltic Sea. Incredible history and the Cliffs of Dover off the North Sea. And then the more intimate cruise experience of exploring the Rhine or Danube.

Choosing your perfect European cruise option will be the toughest part. River cruises are quite unique, and an incredible way to experience Europe together.


20. Road trips through ITALY with friends

I’ve been to Italy only once and long to go back. There is SO much to see in Italy and it would be absolutely amazing to experience it with my best girl friends. Given the variety of sights to see, I recommend either getting a train pass for the time you’re there or renting a car.

On a road trip through Italy, start and stop in the vibrant city of Rome. Rome is a must-visit for historical landmarks like the Colosseum, Vatican City, and the Trevi Fountain. Stroll its charmings streets while indulging in pastas and gelato.

Then head up to Venice, a unique floating city built on canals. On your return to Rome, stop in Florence to see the famous Statue of David and beautiful churches. Then calm things down with a few days exploring the stunning Cinque Terre coastline and Tuscany wineries.

If you have more time, continue south of Rome to explore the historic ruins of Pompeii. It’s just south of Naples, another gorgeous coastal city. Sorrento and the Amalfi coast promise more spectacular views and memories for an epic trip with friends.

Find amazing home rentals on PlumGuide.com and hotels on Booking.com .

Grande Amore home rental in Tuscany Italy, romantic Christmas getaways for couples

21. Explore ICELAND on a trip with friends

Iceland is a magical land of fire and ice, with waterfalls, the Blue Lagoon and ice caves. It’s an amazing trip with friends who love exploring nature’s wonders … and don’t mind a remote experience. There are no Starbucks in Iceland! But you will find other delicious coffee.

Visit the famous Golden Circle, which includes the breathtaking Gullfoss waterfall, the Geysir geothermal area, and the Þingvellir National Park. Take in the Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon and nearby Diamond Beach. Hike through the mesmerizing landscapes of Landmannalaugar or the volcanic region of Mývatn. Discover rugged fjords and black sand beaches, and then soak in the soothing Blue Lagoon geothermal spa.

If you want to explore Iceland’s famous ice caves or chase the Northern Lights, you must come in winter. Plan your friend’s trip between mid-November and mid-March.

best friend trip

22. Fun CARIBBEAN CRUISE trips with friends

A cruise is as easy as they come for trips with friends. Choose a destination, timing, and go!

A super easy cruise vacation for friends would be the Bahamas or Caribbean. Hop from beautiful island to beautiful island, all while enjoying luxury amenities, entertainment, and dining onboard.

A cruise is also a fantastic solution to taking trips with friends who have different interests. So long as you can agree on a cruise destination, you can go your separate ways in the afternoon and come back together at dinner.

Explore cruises on CruiseDirect.com .

23. INDIA adventure places to travel with friends

India is rich in cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and unforgettable experiences for friends traveling together. Explore the bustling streets of Delhi and vibrant markets of Jaipur. Visit the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra. And take a spiritual journey in Varanasi.

But to see the best of India on your trip with friends, you need to leave the popular northern cities. Travel south to the popular Kovalam Beach and witness the breathtaking landscapes of Kerala’s backwaters.

Find incredible treehouses for your next best adventure with friends! Check out these treehouses on Booking.com , including in India, Chile, Costa Rica and more.

Treehouse in India, best international trips with friends

24. International trips with friends to THAILAND

Are you and your friends intrigued by Asian culture and finding the perfect secluded beach (like in The Beach movie)? Then I’m guessing Thailand is on your radar for international places to visit with friends. 

My main tip for visiting Thailand is to get out of Bangkok as quickly as possible. It’s busy, smoggy and not especially friendly. Instead, head north to Chiang Mai to experience the floating markets . Climb an ancient temple and brush up against an elephant. Then indulge at a beach resort at Phuket or the Phi Phi islands . Bask on white sand beach, surrounded by gorgeous limestone peaks and perfect turquoise waters.

Interested in a guided group tour? I highly recommend Intrepid small group tours for an incredibly rich, “local” experience. They have tours into Northern and Southern Thailand, including food and beach tours!

You may also like 5 Charities in SE Asia Tourists Should Visit .

25. Epic CAMBODIA trips with friends

Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia, best international trips, bucket list destinations

Ancient temples, jungle and Tomb Raider. And an incredibly resilient people that carry an awful history of genocide. Cambodia is a place that will touch your soul and guarantees a friends trip you’ll never forget.

You’ll want to visit both the capital of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, home to the famous temples. In Phnom Penh, visit markets, temples and gardens. But hold onto your food, because those monkeys are gutsy! And my opinion is that tourists should pay their respects at the genocide sites . How else can we begin to appreciate what their people have been through?

In Siem Reap, explore the gorgeous temple ruins of Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple and Ta Prohm. A local guide can also take you to lesser-known temples you can climb with a jungle view all to yourself. Be sure to have a drink at The Red Piano and ask for a Tomb Raider drink. Cheers!

When I was in Siem Reap, my sister challenged me to do more than visit, so I will challenge you. Read about my experience of donating blood in Cambodia . (Yes, it was safe.)

26. JAPANESE MONASTERY places to travel with friends

Mount Koya Japanese monastery, best international trips with friends

I’ve only had a taste of visiting Japan on a layover in Tokyo on our way to Vietnam, but they completely charmed me with their hospitality! Japan is now on my bucket list, and specifically the zen experience of staying in Japanese monasteries.

Two iconic Japanese monastery communities to visit on a trip with friends include Kōya-san (Mount Kōya) and Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion). Mount Kōya is in a mountainous region about 7 hours southwest of Tokyo. It’s home to over a hundred temples including the famous Kongōbu-ji. Stay in shukubo (temple lodgings) with traditional Japanese-style rooms, vegetarian meals, and the opportunity to participate in morning meditations.

Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) is right in Kyoto. It’s known for its stunning golden exterior, and creates a breathtaking view as it reflects off the surrounding pond. Explore its exquisite gardens and the historic tea house inside the complex.

best friend trip

27. Fun AUSTRALIA beach road trips with friends

Australia is known for powdery white-sand beaches. So, rent a car and go beach-hopping on a road trip with friends!

Fly into Sydney and start your trip with friends at the iconic Bondi Beach . It’s known for its vibrant atmosphere, excellent surf and coastal walks. Take in the lively beach culture as you sample the many beachside cafes.

Then, head south for about 3 hours to Hyams Beach in Jervis Bay. It holds a Guinness World Record for having the whitest sand. Swim and snorkel at these beautiful clear waters and enjoy the laid-back coastal vibe.

Along the way, stop at the coastal Royal National Park and inland Heathcote National Park . They offer rugged hiking and other adventures that balance nicely with beach-bumming!

28. International trips with friends to BRAZIL

Iguazu Falls Argentina Brazil, best trips with mom, places to go for mother daughter trips of a lifetime

Have you heard of Iguazu Falls? Iguazu Falls is the world’s LARGEST waterfall, made up of a massive 270 separate falls! Check it out for yourself in the best virtual tours of waterfalls around the world . Iguazu Falls is right on the Brazil and Argentina border. 

Along with Iguazu Falls, experience Brazil’s beaches, rainforest and Rio de Janeiro. Make the epic climb up to Christ the Redeemer for epic views.

If you’re interested in a guided tour, check out Trafalgar’s tours in South America . This would be an easy way to explore the best sights on a trip with friends.


29. COSTA RICA best places to travel with friends

Costa Rica resort, romantic beach Christmas vacation ideas for couples, best international trips

I SO want to experience the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve in Costa Rica. And stay in treehouse resorts. It sounds incredible.

Costa Rica is a tropical paradise known for its incredible biodiversity and natural wonders. The Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve offers breathtaking views, misty forests, and the chance to see rare wildlife. The nearby Arenal Volcano National Park provides thrilling hikes and hot springs for relaxing afterwards. 

For a beach experience, head to Manuel Antonio National Park. Manuel Antonio National Park is renowned for stunning beaches and lots of wildlife, perfect for relaxing and snorkeling. It’s on the Pacific Ocean and accessible by road.

With its lush rainforests, stunning coastlines, and eco-friendly practices, Costa Rica offers a memorable and sustainable travel experience for friends.

30. Fun MEXICO beach trips with friends

There’s a reason why North Americans flock to beautiful Mexico! Mexico has some of the world’s finest beaches, best preserved Mayan ruins and fascinating, colorful cultures. But with all the options, where should you travel with friends? I suggest two. 

First, Cancun is an obvious choice. It’s a world-class destination with something for everyone. Exquisite beaches, first-class hotels, a more authentic downtown area, Mayan ruins and fantastic weather year-round. For an incredible trip with Mom to Cancun, stay at the adults-only all-inclusive Le Blanc Spa Resort . 

A second, quieter choice is Playa Maroma. About 30 miles from Riviera Maya, Playa Maroma has arguably the best beaches in the world. Plus rainforests and snorkeling right off the beach. A beautiful all-inclusive resort to check out is Catalonia Playa Maroma .

Enjoy at Le Blanc Spa Resort Fish Spa, Massage, DeepTissue and more.

You may also like:

  • How to travel with friends: Trip planning
  • How to find better accommodations
  • Trips with Mom and Trips with Dad

Featured photo: Priscilla Du Preez from Unsplash.

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8 amazing places to travel with friends

Luke Waterson

Mar 28, 2023 • 6 min read

best friend trip

Traveling with friends in Buenos Aires is a great adventure © South_agency / Getty Images

A holiday with friends is the perfect opportunity to escape the obligations that often come with romantic getaways, family holidays, and business trips.

Good friends will constitute some of the longest-term relationships you will ever form, and such relationships deserve that ultimate sort of celebration: getting away somewhere special together.

Whether your friendship is fuelled by heart-to-hearts in classy cafes or high-adrenaline adventures in the wilderness, these are the 8 best places in the world to travel with friends.

1. Buenos Aires, Argentina

South America ’s suavest destination, the Argentine capital Buenos Aires , is a sharp-dressing, good-looking city. For friends wanting an inexpensive taste of the good life, this is the place to go. Its historic and classy café scene is Paris-like, its excellent red wines are affordable and full-bodied ( Argentina is the spiritual home of Malbec, after all) and the steaks here are so huge you’ll need to share – even in the finest city restaurants like Don Julio .

The ‘to do’ list knows no limits, either: gorgeous, manicured parks best perambulated with a pal, explosive nightlife that will sate even the most exuberant compadre’s penchant for partying, plus an array of majestically faded architecture means the backdrop is invariably beautiful. The culture in BA is incredible, too. Think South America’s most respected opera house and some of the most fervent football matches on the globe . Plus, as the home of tango , it’s a great place to learn to dance with the pressure off.

People sit in a beach deck on a Thai island.

2. Ko Tao, Thailand

Taking the plunge together assumes a whole new meaning in Ko Tao , an island idyll marooned in the Gulf of Thailand. Scuba diving is the local lifeblood here and cheap prices and oh-so-clear water reveal a rich menagerie of sea life – not least the turtles from which the island derives its name. As one of the planet’s best locations for learning to dive, taking classes in tandem with your friends is much more fun, especially when chatting about the marine creatures you’ve spotted on one of Ko Tao’s heavenly white sand beaches afterward.

If you prefer affirming your friendship above the surface, Ko Tao is increasingly a hiking destination, too, with several trails bisecting the hilly, jungle-clad interior.

People dressed in traditional costumes are sitting in the beer garden

3. Munich, Germany

Quaffing lots of lovely beer in lavish surrounds in Europe ’s hub of all things hop. For many friends, this will be the only incentive they need to indulge in the Bavarian capital Munich , a city that grafts hard to make its drinking scene globally renowned.

There are six major breweries here serving a stunning array of ornate beer halls, colonnaded, frescoed, and embellished by grand beer gardens. Home of the original Oktoberfest too, Munich’s various magnificent drinking establishments make each day feel like a celebration of fermented froth. Work up a thirst wandering around one of the continent’s largest city parks, Englischer Garten , where there also happens to be... a big beer garden.

A rear view of people cycling towards the Golden Gate Bridge, heading in the direction of San Francisco.

4. San Francisco, USA

One of the 20th century’s most rigorously documented friendship groups, the Beat Generation, had San Francisco as their hangout. Emblazoned with the legacy of 1960s counterculture and a phenomenal music scene – bands like the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane originated here – come to drink in the history-drenched bars that Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsburg and Neal Cassady frequented — like Vesuvio Café .

After that, clock some of the planet’s best and brightest street art in the Haight and Ashbury neighborhood , or check out the legendary live music scene with your pals. If that doesn’t do it for you, pan out a little. Take a cruise around the City by the Bay, which encompasses talismanic landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz , or pull out all the stops with a foray into the USA’s most fabled wine country, Napa Valley , an hour’s drive north.

Men playing chess in outdoor pool at Széchenyi.

5. Budapest, Hungary

It’s difficult to conceive of a finer thing to do with friends than touring Europe’s only capital to sit on natural thermal springs, Budapest , sampling its dozen-odd historic spa complexes. These toasty waters are conducive for relaxing, gossiping, healing (body-beneficial minerals like magnesium, calcium and sodium are purportedly present), and even a game of chess (a big thing in Budapest’s baths). Start soaking up Budapest’s bathing culture with a dunk in turn-of-the-century Széchenyi Baths, where you can treat yourselves to a massage too.

Treasury from above with a two sisters, seated on a cliff, Al Khazneh in the ancient city of Petra, Jordan

6. Petra, Jordan

Nurture your friendship with a trip to perhaps the planet’s most remarkable Unesco World Heritage Site, the striking sandstone city of  Petra . If the Nabataeans managed to pull off the impressive feat of establishing this dramatic desert city by carving it out of the rocks in the 4th and 3rd centuries BC, then there should be nothing and nowhere you and your mates feel you can’t do or go.

The approach – through a narrow, twisting passage between sheer rock walls known as the Siq – is an aptly enthralling trailer for the show of craftsmanship in the hidden city ahead. Here, the center of the drama is the Treasury, its Hellenistic façade sculpted in exquisite detail out of the iron-rich red sandstone cliff – although the Monastery, tucked away higher up in the complex, is similarly hewn from the rocks and far bigger. Get here early, for the 6 am opening, to dodge the crowds and see the sunrise on your special adventure together, bathing Petra’s phenomenal monuments in a red and pink glow.

Surfers goes into the water with surfboards on Byron Bay beach in New South Wales.

7. Sydney to Gold Coast, Australia

It’s road trip time. One of Australia’s quintessential rides goes from Oceania’s biggest city Sydney to the Gold Coast , one of its most glorious beach destinations. For you and your buddies, though, it will be less about beginnings and ends and more about the journey: 850km along the Pacific Highway for coast lovers or 1000km via the New England Highway if you fancy mixing wine country in with your water time. Either way promises stunning national parks.

While neither distance needs to take upwards of a day, you’ll want to stretch it to several. A long drive dotted with magical stop-offs and far-removed from a rigid, rushed schedule is the optimal environment for letting your long-term friendships catch up, nurture and grow – and we guarantee, there is not one of you who won’t enthuse about some aspect of this east coast adventure.

On the Pacific Highway route, seek out the nation’s cutest marsupials in koala-dense Port Macquarie, chill in serene beach towns like Byron Bay , or swim and surf off the golden sands that rim this coast. On the New England Highway option, catapult your friendship into the churning waters of a Nymboida River rafting trip , or toast each other in Hunter Valley ’s mountain-backed vineyards.

Two friends walk down a New York street with brownstone apartments in the background.

8. New York City, USA

New York has something for every visitor. Better yet, most of it is available around the clock. If you and your pals can’t get mutually excited over the beacon of the arts, the fulcrum of fine dining, the kernel of culture, and the nexus of nightlife that makes NYC what it is, then you’ll likely struggle to agree on anywhere to travel together. Taking a bite out of the Big Apple can feel oddly familiar even for first-timers – this is one of the world’s most-filmed cities after all – yet utterly unique at the same time.

By day, bond with your bestie at a classy Manhattan café – the place that made a leisurely brunch out cool. Then climb a lofty building like the Empire State Building for unforgettable metropolis views, before hitting a titanic museum , like the Guggenheim , or seeing the sights linked with the planet’s best-known TV show about friends… Friends !

The after-dark experiences are just as legendary: head out to a historic speakeasy , all-night diner or jazz club to get acquainted with the city’s wildly diverse soul while you have one of those companionable catch-ups these trips are tailor-made for.

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Best Friend Bucket List: The Ultimate Guide To Bestie Experiences

If you are looking for best friend bucket list experiences, look no further. This comprehensive list has ideas from the easiest to the ones that require some planning.

Your best friend is the person you do life with. It makes sense that you would want to have a best friend bucket list so that you guys can experience things together. You should get together and discuss all the things you would like to do and where there is overlap, create the list.

If your best friend has absolute “no” items on her list, don’t add them. You will most likely never convince her to do something she refuses, even if you want to do it. Plus, you want to respect those boundaries. That is what makes you great friends. For example, if you want to go for a soak in the baths in Budapest and she doesn’t like crowded areas in public, save that for your Europe bucket list and find different things for you guys to do together.

The Ultimate Guide to Best Friend Bucket List Experiences

1. take a road trip.

There is nothing more fun than creating a playlist, grabbing the snacks and loading up the car for an epic road trip. Doesn’t matter where you go as long as it is with your bestie, it is going to be fun! Want to elevate your trip? Rent a convertible.

2. Try new recipes from Pinterest

Pinterest is such a great places to find new things to cook. Make a board together and cook the things you find together and rate them.

3. Spend a day at the beach

Grab the suntan lotion, towels, your favorite bathing suits, and plenty of drinks and snacks, and lay out all day enjoying the weather and going for a swim.

4. Mani pedi days

Whether you go frequently or occasionally, this is a great time to catch up and relax together. For an added touch of fun, get matching nails!

5. Ride all the rides at an amusement park

Pick an amusement park and arrive early with a plan. Head to the back of the park of busiest rides first and work your way around the park. Don’t forget to buy a photo of you both on a roller coaster to add to the photo album.

6. Do a Color Run

Even if you both don’t love to run, the Color Run makes it fun. There is so much color at the finish line that you can’t help but to laugh and smile together. Make sure to take plenty of pictures as you will want to remember how fun this was.

7. Visit Paris

Fashion, croissants, cobblestone, Versailles, Disney, macarons, and the Eiffel Tower. Paris has it all and it is the perfect best friend bucket list destination! Get wonderfully lost in the city and eat all the carbs on your Paris bucket list . No regrets.

8. Start a book club

Even if it is just the two of you, start a book club and make a plan to read the same books and discuss them.

9. See a concert

Do you both share a favorite band or concert series? Go see it live together. Make sure to get new outfits and take lots of selfies. Tailgating before a concert is also a fun time, bring your favorite drinks and snacks and maybe make a few friends before hand.

10. Start a new hobby together

This new hobby could be anything at all: cooking, scrap booking, photography, traveling, visiting museums, etc. The options are endless. Just make sure you are having fun together.

11. Shop till you drop

Spend a day burning through your credit card buying all the things you need and window shopping until your feet hurt. In a world where things are done mostly online, its nice to get back out there to the mall and stores and try things on and see what things look like.

12. Go sailing

Grab the striped shirts, nautical print everything, rose, a picnic, and plan a day on a sailboat. Whether you know how to sail or just take a private sail for the day, it is going to be so much fun. Just remember to go when there is plenty of wind and to wear sunscreen because it can get hot.

13. Get photo booth photos taken

Whenever there is a photo booth opportunity, jump in and take a few crazy photos together. These are the photos that are real and raw. You will want to keep them.

14. Wine tasting

You can do this at home by selecting new wines often and doing pairings, visiting local vineyards or even take a trip to Napa! If you are feeling like checking off one of your Africa bucket list items, head to Stellenbosch and indulge.

15. Spend a holiday together

Best friends are family and it makes sense that we would celebrate holidays with their families from time to time. Whatever the occasion, make sure to integrate your bestie with your family. You can also add this to your Christmas bucket list .

16. Make a secret handshake

All the cool kids are doing it, might as well have one of your own.

17. See a movie at the drive-in

Pack the treats, the sodas, the comfy wear, and the blankets. Stay for a double feature too!

18. Visit Iceland

Take a trip to the land of fire and ice with your bestie! If you want to see the Northern Lights, you can add that to your winter bucket list as well. Just make sure to go for a spa day at the Blue Lagoon.

19. Create photo books of all your memories

Face it, you are your best friend are going to take a whole lot of photos together. Might as well commemorate all your best friend bucket list adventures in one place to look back on.

20. Be in each others weddings

Besties are always in each others wedding. Help plan and be there every step of the way.

21. Make a time capsule

No matter where you are in life, make a time capsule and agree to open it at some point in the future. Write a letter to your future self and a letter to your bestie. Then open it together on the chosen date.

22. Do a fall foliage drive

If your fall bucket list includes leaf peeping, you and your bestie go see the colors together. Now would be a great time to do a photo shoot as well.

23. Adult sleepovers

Remember sleepover from when you were a teenager? It’s like that, but better! With wine, and Disney movies, and dance parties, and NO curfew!

24. Spend a day binge watching a show

Make a list of shows you both want to watch a binge a show for a day .. or weekend. Whatever you decide.

25. Roast marshmallows

Whether you decide to go camping or get a tabletop marshmallow roaster for a s’mores board, just enjoy the sweets!

26. Laugh until you cry

The giggles can be a fun time, especially if you are laughing over the same thing.

27. New Years Eve in New York

Ready to get dressed up fancy and see the iconic ball drop in Times Square? This is the first place in the USA to celebrate ringing in the New Year and the biggest party in America.

28. Watch all the Christmas Movies on Hallmark

Set your DVR and record them all. Hallmark usually puts out about a month of new movies for the Christmas season. They even show all the old classics!! This is a great way to also cross items off your holiday and Christmas bucket list !

29. Learn a new language

One of the best things about learning a new language is having someone to work with on it and converse with. This is a great best friend bucket list idea. Then you two can go to the country of origin and practice your skills.

30. Bungee jump

Have no fears? Find a reputable place and take the plunge. There are even scenarios where you can be strapped together and do it at the same time. Probably best to go that route.

31. Share each others’ clothes

While a lot of besties aren’t the same size, if you happen to be, make sure to share everything. You can double your wardobe!

32. Enjoy a sunset on the beach

If you are already at the beach for the day or checking off items on your camping bucket list , might as well stick around with a wine and watch the sun go down. Now is a great time to enjoy some girl talk and enjoy nature.

33. Take a cruise

Whether its the beaches, food or city destinations that you seek, a cruise is a great way to visit a lot of places with little hassle. You sleep in the same room every night and the boat takes you from place to place.

There are some epic cruises around the world from budget to extreme luxury. You could do Caribbean or even Antarctica!

34. Have a home spa day

No best friend bucket list would be complete without a home spa day. Grab the masks, lotions, polish, and wine. It’s going to be a good day. Want to make it interesting? Pull from your funny bucket list items and make the masks edible and don’t tell her. Just watch her reaction as you eat it.

35. Volunteer

Spending a day helping those in need is a great bonding activity and a way to give back.

36. Get matching tattoos

Get some fun and cute that symbolizes your friendship. It can be as simple as a heart or as elaborate as you want. Just have fun with it and make sure it is something you both want.

37. Spend a weekend in Las Vegas

Some let Sin City you two are coming to town! Go all out. Get a Penthouse, stay up all night gambling and hitting the clubs, ride the High Roller, eat at celebrity restaurants, hit the pools, ride the roller coaster, and see some epic shows. This is a weekend you won’t soon forget and a great addition to your USA bucket list .

38. Weekend visits to the farmers market

If you have a local farmers market, make a habit to visit on the weekends. Get a coffee and go for a stroll. Maybe make something to eat with your finds?

39. Take a workout class together

Nothing feels better than working out .. together. You can both be there while you each get in the best shape of your life.

40. Try a new restaurant each month

Love dining out but eating at the same 5-10 places all the time? Make a list of all the top rated restaurants in a certain circumference of you and plan to try a new one every month. Keep track so you know where to go back to.

41. Make friendship bracelets

This isn’t just for when you are a teenager, you can make even better ones as an adult. Add charms of your favorite memories together for some extra flare.

42. Spend a day at Disney pretending to be kids again

We all grew up on Disney movies. Indulge at Disney World and ride the rides, eat the food and run around with your bestie all day smiling ear to ear.

43. Take a ceramics class

Looking for a cool craft project to do? Find a local ceramic studio and pick our favorite pieces and paint them together. Then you can get the studio to finish them and shine them before bringing them home.

44. Get brunch on the weekends

A best friend bucket list always includes brunch. Drinking before noon is acceptable and you can order a bunch of small plates and share.

45. Watch your favorite movies often

Whether you both have the same favorite movies or not … watch them often. Laugh often, cry often.

46. Host dinner parties

This is a great way to showcase your cooking and social skills. There is no limit on style, food or themes. JUST HAVE FUN! For an added touch, get dressed up and do courses with wine pairings. Maybe decorate the table.

47. Learn to make charcuterie boards

Charcuterie boards can be so fun and you can take them for picnics, parties or just lounging around home. Have fun with it. You can add whatever you like and design them however you feel!

48. Sky dive

One epic travel bucket list idea is to go skydiving. If you love adventure and adrenaline – go jump out of a plane together and celebrate afterwards.

49. Head to the airport and book the next flight out

No cheating! Pack a weekend carry-on and head to the airport. Make sure you have a passport. If you know you don’t want to go super far, pick an airline that you know is regional or only flies within a certain area.

AKA Spirit Airlines is in the USA, Caribbean and Central America.

50. Plan each others bridal shower

You know each other better than anyone else! Throw each other the most best friendy bridal shower that ever was.

51. Have pizza and movie nights

You should do these regularly because they are fun and it gives you a chance to watch new movies and try new pizza or stick with the faves.

52. Face masks and catching up

Moisturizing face masks and girl talk. What is better than this tradition of being best friends? It’s the simple bucket list ideas that are sometimes the most memorable.

53. Be neighbors

This one is a little bit of a stretch, but if you are lucky enough to fall into this situation, jump on it. Takes “borrowing sugar from a neighbor” to another level.

54. Be godparents to each other kids

It would only make sense to be the godparent to each others children. Your best friend is someone you should trust with your life, and your children.

55. Go to college together

If you were lucky enough to know each other in high school, follow your college bucket list and attend the next 4+ years together growing and learning.

56. Grow old together

If at the end of your life you only have one friend that was always there and had your back, you have more than most. Cherish that friendship.

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How to Travel with Your Best Friend (& Still be Friends After!)

Posted on Published: June 9, 2022  - Last updated: January 22, 2023

How to travel with your best friend and still be friends after text on image of two women taking a selfie

In 2022, I spent 3 weeks in Spain and North Africa with one of my closest friends. Miraculously, we’re still close- and planning our next trip.

I thought I knew a lot about traveling with others, based on my experiences with group and family travel , but traveling with a best friend held different challenges.

In this article, I will share with you advice for traveling with a friend that will help you avoid conflict, maximize enjoyment, and return home even closer than ever.

Two adult female friends share a secret while standing at an overlook viewing the alhambra in granada spain.

How to Avoid the Worst-case Scenario

The fact is, both best friends who travel together and couples do sometimes break up on a trip – and it’s not that uncommon!

Ask around in any hostel common room, and you’ll probably hear stories about people who arrived as inseparable pairs and departed with an absolute loathing for each other. These travel stories don’t make it onto Instagram and TikTok (although they occasionally make appearances on Reddit’s relationship advice forms 😬), but they do happen.

Thankfully, avoiding major conflict when traveling with a friend is reasonably easy to avoid.

Although I give more specific travel advice below, the basics of staying friends through a big trip boil down to these three things:

To travel with your best friend, you’ll need:

  • good communication,
  • good boundaries, and
  • self-awareness.

Communication skills help us resolve conflict instead of escalating it. Good boundaries help us avoid conflict in the first place, and self-awareness helps us take ownership of our own actions (and apologize when it’s appropriate).

All these things add up to travel with friends that strengthen the relationship after we return home.

👭 How to Travel with a Friend without Conflict:

1. don’t go with someone who doesn’t enjoy the same kind of travel you do.

This might seem obvious, but plenty of best friend travelers have arrived at the destination with entirely different expectations for the trip!

When one friend assumes that “vacation” means endless days of lying on the beach doing nothing, and the other expects that “vacation” involves packed-full itineraries of things to do, it’s a setup for disappointment, conflict, and a big argument!

As you plan travel with your best friend, make sure that you are on the same page about the type of travel you’ll be doing.

Some things to communicate about include:

  • 🏖️ Travel Style: a relaxing vacation, full days of sightseeing, or a little bit of both?
  • 🏨 Accommodations: will lodging will be budget or luxury. Have you communicated about whether you will share a bedroom or bed?
  • 🚌 Transportation: will you be taking ride shares or public transportation? Walking or relying on private cars?

While you both can navigate all of these issues even if there are differences in opinions, it can be a setup for conflict if your companion wants to sleep in and sunbathe on the beach while you ache to leave the resort and explore the region nearby. Make sure you agree on travel style, accommodations, budget, and transportation – or reach an agreement about a split on time spent with each other versus doing things alone .

2. Don’t travel with a friend without an itinerary. Communicate about a plan

When solo traveling, it’s relatively easy to make spontaneous decisions and change plans on a whim. When traveling with a friend or friend groups , however, it’s important to have an itinerary.

Download my Printable Travel Planner

My vacation planner template is perfect for creating an itinerary that takes the input of many participants and meshes them together in a shared itinerary. Begin planning your trip today with this printable travel planning PDF designed for visual planners:

Vacation travel planner template shown in a product mockup of the printed version.

You and the friend you are traveling with should discuss booking reservations, handling various responsibilities, a complete packing list for the things you both want to do, and contingency plans if certain activities aren’t available.

A well-developed and collaboratively created itinerary is essential for successful travel with a friend.

3. Check in with each other regularly

When traveling with a friend, you’ll depend upon each other in ways that you usually don’t.

Away from your home, other friends, and family, you’ll become each other support system in a unique way. Not every friendship adjusts easily to this transition. One way to make it a little easier is by being very intentional about communicating.

One thing that caused conflict during my first time on a big trip with my best friend was a failure to communicate in advance about time spent solo. While my friend assumed I knew that she was going out for a walk while I showered, I emerged from the bathroom instantly concerned that she was missing! The conflict that ensued when she returned could have been easily avoided if we had both better communicated our expectations during the trip.

4. Remain aware of other people

You know that feeling when you are catching up with your best friend and no one else in the world matters? That totally oblivious-to-the-world mind-space where you’re just engrossed in being fun, silly, or playful with your bestie? It’s best to keep that in check on vacation together.

Yes, you are there to support one another and share the experience of travel with your best friend- BUT, it can be easy to be lulled into a false sense of security.

Remember two things:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings always. Prevent travel crime and scams by being aware of people beyond your best friend.
  • Follow the local norms and customs. Sometimes being with our best friend can tempt us to ignore local customs – like being obnoxiously loud on a train in Japan or dashing out of the hotel in Morocco in short shorts- while these things probably won’t be a danger to us, they’re disrespectful to those around us.

Avoid the temptation to think that “my friend is doing it, so it’s fine,” Instead, stay aware of your surroundings and follow the cues of those around you.

5. Stay in the moment, not on social media

Of course, updating your friends and family through a story or tweet is fine, and everyone expects a few Instagram posts during your travel, but live in the moment, not on your phone .

This is especially true when traveling with a friend. When you travel solo, it’s your choice if you want to spend hours glued to your phone – no one else will care. However, when you’re traveling with your best friend, it’s different. You are their person- their one familiar face and in-person contact. On a trip with a friend, try to minimize your phone time. Doing so can avoid conflict and help strengthen your relationship.

One study found that even having a phone upside down but visible on a table makes it more difficult to focus on a task or conversation! 1 So pack it away in a safe spot.

These days, when I travel with my best friend, we designate phone time. Perhaps because we are both therapists in our day job or possibly because we live thousands of miles away from each other now, we’re very intentional about this. However, when we travel together now we often say “I need some phone time now,” and take a break to check out. We have agreed, though, that during shared meals, phones go in our bags, not on the table.

Two friends with luggage posing for a photograph.

6. Plan time apart

Spending time apart can be good for friends traveling together- especially on a longer trip.

Time spent alone helps introverts recharge. Days spent independently exploring gives you more to talk about when you meet back up for dinner!

If and when you separate, have plans and backup plans for how you’ll meet back up. While cell phones are an increasingly reliable way for travelers to communicate in international destinations, it’s not always guaranteed. Instead of simply saying “text me when you’re ready to meet back up,” always share a backup plan. Rather, Say to your best friend, “Text me when you want to meet back up, or if I don’t hear from you all see you at the restaurant at 7?” Without much effort, you can build in a backup plan so during travel with a friend you always know how to meet back up if separated.

Two travelers navigating a city look at a map.

7. No how, when, and what expenses will be split

Money can be a major source of arguments and hurt feelings when you are on a trip with a friend. Who is paying, how they’re paying, and when they’re paying can be a major headache.

Try and structure your travel so that money doesn’t have to be discussed constantly. If you communicate up front about “who, what, and when,” then you can relax and focus on the trip.

Paying for meals separately can often be the easiest way to split dining expenses. However, it’s less straightforward when it comes to shared costs like hotels, avoiding expensive resort fees , and excursions purchased with a group discount.

To keep expenses split evenly and each friend accountable for paying their balance, consider using an expense-splitting app like Splitwise or SettleUp .

While it can take a few moments to enter each transaction that needs to be split into an accounting app, it’s well worth it to avoid the conflicts, confusion, and resentment that can come from poorly managed money during travel with a friend.

8. Share Responsibilities

In every relationship – whether traveling as a couple or with a best friend – there’s a divide in responsibilities. Often, the “more responsible” person takes on more tasks related to planning, timekeeping, or managing transportation and lodging details.

Now, it is a good idea to plan travel with a friend by relying on each of your strengths. When I travel with my best friend, I handle the logistics of hotels, transportation, and bookings while she shines at researching attractions and pairing them with top-rated restaurants. However, when one person ends up doing more work to keep the trip on track, it can create resentment. When this resentment builds up, such as during multiple destination travel , it’s a recipe for conflict.

Instead, try to share responsibility evenly for creating and managing your itinerary and travel details. Or, at the very least, acknowledge the labor of the person working harder and make it up to them in some way.

Final thoughts on how to return home still best friends after traveling together

Traveling with a best friend will likely challenge your relationship in a way you may not have experienced before. Some relationships, under this pressure, may never quite be the same again. However, with good planning, boundaries, and communication, you can plan best friend travel that will strengthen your relationship and bring you and your best friend home even closer than ever.

What’s your take on vacationing with a friend? Have you tried it? What are your best tips for staying besties through the travel experience?

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Lynli Roman’s unique approach to travel is informed by decades of experience on the road with a traveling family and, later, years spent as a solo international traveler. When she’s not writing about Seattle from her Pike Place Market apartment, Lynli writes on-location while conducting hands-on research in each destination she covers. Lynli’s writing has been featured by MSN, ABC Money, Buzzfeed, and Huffington Post. She is passionate about sharing information that makes travel more accessible for all bodies.

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best friend trip

living after midnite

Lifestyle , Travel · April 4, 2023

35 Best Places to Travel with Friends

As a 30-something year old girl who spent a majority of her adult life single, I think I’m the PERFECT person to advise you on the best places to travel with friends! Over the past 18 years I’ve taken a LOT of trips with friends to some amazing places (and some not so amazing). So today I’m sharing 30+ of the best places to go on a friends trip!

Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

And I know I mentioned that I did a lot of traveling with friends (and family). I didn’t have a significant other to travel with for a period of time. However, even if you’re in a relationship (or have children) I think it’s still really important to take the time to travel and have new experiences with your friends! The moments and memories you share while traveling are great foundations to an even closer friendship!

There are a TON of places in both the United States and abroad that are perfect for friends’ vacations.So, I hope after reading this round up of travel destinations you give your friends a call and start planning your next trip!

Whether you’re looking for a world class resort for a truly relaxing experience, beautiful beaches in a tropical locale, a bustling city with great nightlife or something in between be prepared to start a friend travel bucket list after checking out this list!

San Diego, California, USA

San Diego is a city on the Pacific coast of Southern California just north of the Mexico-United States border! It’s known for it’s extensive beaches, laid back attitude and near perfect year-round weather. I can put it on the top of my best places to travel with friends list.

There are so many unique neighborhoods in the city of San Diego and cities in San Diego County to explore that there’s no chance you’ll run out of things to do no matter how long your trip is! From Balboa Park and the San Diego Zoo to Coronado Island to the seals and sea lions in La Jolla to the amazing restaurant scene in Little Italy to the massive local craft brewing industry and everything in between San Diego has so much to offer!

I recommend spending 4 days in San Diego to truly get a taste of everything this SoCal city has to offer. However, you could easily spend more than that especially during the warmer months so you can take advantage of the beaches in Coronado, La Jolla, Mission Beach or Pacific Beach!

San Diego is truly the perfect place to visit no matter what time of year! Read my entire 4 Day San Diego Itinerary to help plan your trip!

San Diego | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Vero Beach, Florida, USA

Vero Beach is my favorite sleepy beach town in Florida. Actually it’s probably my favorite beach town in Florida PERIOD. This hidden gem is the perfect place to spend a relaxing few days with friends.

It’s located along Florida’s Atlantic Coast just about 60 miles north of Palm Beach. Vero is definitely one of the lesser commercialized places in Florida, but no doubt one of the most beautiful. If a laid back trip spent on uncrowded, beautiful beaches is what you’re looking for this is the place for you.

I suggest staying at one of the resorts on the water like Costa d’Este Beach Resort or Kimpton Vero Beach Hotel . I recommend this for the best trip because you won’t need to rent a car. Everything you need for great trip is walking distance from your hotel! Check out my Best Things to Do in Vero Beach guide to help you plan your trip.

4 days is the optimal amount of time to spend here. However, if you’re flying directly into Vero Beach Airport then you can get away with a long weekend. Breeze Airways is now flying there from many destinations around the US including Westchester Airport.

Savannah, Georgia, USA

Savannah, GA is a charming, coastal Southern city. It is known for its manicured parks, cobblestone squares and parks. Savannah, GA is a Spanish moss-covered trees and antebellum architecture! It’s one of the top ranked travel destinations in the country. Also, definitely deserves a top spot on my list of best places to travel with friends.

You’re most likely to spend a majority of your trip walking around the historic district because the best way to see all that Savannah has to offer is definitely on foot! Also Savannah has an Open Container Policy so you can grab a drink at one of it’s many bars or rooftops and get lost in the streets of this charming, historic city!

3 days is the perfect amount of time to explore Savannah, but you could easily spend a few days in the city and then hop over to Hilton Head Island or Tybee Island to extend your trip!

The best time of year to visit would definitely be Fall, Winter or Spring because it tends to get VERY hot and humid there in the Summer and I don’t think you’d fully be able to take advantage of it during that of year! I visited the last weekend of February and the temperature was perfect for walking around with a light jacket on.

Read my 3 Day Savannah Itinerary to help you plan your trip! It includes the best hotels, places to eat and things to do!

hotel bedroom with two glassess of wine in Savannah Girls Trip

Charleston, South Carolina, USA

Charleston is the one city that I could visit over and over again. i never get sick of it. Also, when anyone asks me for a recommendation for where to take a vacation whether it be with friends, family or a significant other the first place I always suggest is Charleston!

It has colorful homes, the amazing food, the people, and the rich history. Also, so much more make it one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country and I don’t see that changing anytime soon! There are SO many activities and attractions that the Holy City has to offer. It includes historic walking tours, the iconic Rainbow Row and Pineapple Fountain, and shopping on King Street. Also, don’t even get me started on all the amazing restaurants and bars!

I’ve taken a 3 day trip to Charleston. You can absolutely see a lot during that time, but I just love this city so much that I suggest 4+ days to visit!

Like Savannah I suggest visiting in the Fall, Winter or Spring. It’s like most Southeast cities, Charleston tends to get VERY hot, humid and buggy in the Summer which makes it difficult to walk around! I’ve been there in March, September and October and had a great time during all 3 months! I’ve heard that Charleston during the holidays is magical because of how all the historic homes decorate so I’ve added visiting during that time of year to my travel bucket list!

Check out my 10 Things You Must Do in Charleston & First Timer’s Guide to Charleston to help plan your trip!

two best friends walking in the street of Charleston South Carolina

Salem, Massachusetts, USA

Salem is a historic city on the coast of Massachusetts just above Boston made famous for it’s 1692 witch trials where over 200 people were accused of being witches, 19 of which were executed.

If your group of friends are into spooky stuff and all things Halloween like mine are, then definitely add Salem to your bucketlist of best places to travel with friends! While you’re there make sure to stop by the House of the Seven Gables, Salem Witch Museum, the Witch House, Salem Witch Trials Memorial and more! Stay at the Hawthorne Hotel , it’s rumored to be haunted, for the ultimate Salem experience.

If you’re a Hocus Pocus fan you can visit all the iconic filming locations around town like Salem Common, the Ropes Mansion (Alison’s house in the movie), Pioneer Village, Max and Dani’s house and Old Town Hall.

Salem is a great place to visit during anytime of the year, but obviously the best time to go is the Fall – September through November! There is no better time to visit New England than in the Fall when the leaves are changing because it’s truly magical! And obviously the Witch City really comes to life specifically in October and the Halloween season with a packed calendar of events like Salem Haunted Happenings.

You can easily cover all of Salem in a weekend and don’t really need to spend more time than that there. Also worth noting, if you want to visit during October make sure to book your hotel well in advance (I’m talking months) because things book up quickly. My friends and I visited at the end of September to avoid the craziness of Halloween month there and we still had the best time!

Check out my 2 Days in Salem Itinerary to help plan your trip!

two women in Salem Girls Getaway

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that even though I’m a ride or die New Yorker, Boston may be my favorite Northeast city and absolutely deserves a spot on my best places to travel with friends list.

Just in case you’re not familiar Boston is located in Massachusetts and is the largest city in the New England region of the country. It’s just south of Salem like I mentioned above and if your group of friends is up for a multi-stop trip Boston & Salem are 2 great cities to pair together!

There are SO many things to do in this historic city that you could easily spend a week there, but you can also explore a fair amount in a weekend or long weekend! What I like most about Boston is that the city itself isn’t overwhelmingly large so you can cover a lot of ground and see a tons of neighborhoods is a day or two if that’s all you have to explore.

Boston is known for it’s rich American history, beautiful neighborhoods, fresh seafood and much more which makes it’s the perfect place for a friends’ trip! Check out my 2 Days in Boston Travel Guide to see just how much you can actually fit into just 48 hours there!

women in Boston, Massachusetts Friends Trip

North Fork, Long Island, New York, USA

I’ve lived in New York my entire life and I’m ashamed to admit that it took me until I was in my 30s to visit the North Fork of Long Island for the first time and after doing so I’ll never go back to the Hamptons/Montauk again! I was never really a Hamptons girl, I think it’s so overrated, overpacked and overall just not enjoyable, so when I visited the North Fork and saw how relaxed and amazing it is there I immediately fell in love.

If you’re not familiar with the area, the North Fork is a 30-mile long peninsula in the northeast part of Long Island, New York about 75 miles east of Manhattan! It’s known for it’s vineyards, family farms and quant towns like Greenport, Orient, Peconic and more!

48 hours is a great amount of time to spend there, but I think 3 days may be even better! The best time of year to plan a trip to the North Fork is definitely the Summer or Fall so you can take advantage of outdoor wine tastings at some of the many vineyards, the calm beaches and pick your own flower and fruit farms.

Check out my North Fork Guide to help plan your trip!

woman in North Fork, Long Island

Chicago, Illinois, USA

Chicago is a city in Illinois located on Lake Michigan and the third most populated city in the United States after New York City and Los Angeles!

A friend of mine lives in Chicago so I recently took a girls trip there and we had so much fun it quickly got added to my list of best places to travel with friends! We went to the top of the Skydeck at Willis Tower, visited Millennium Park and “the Bean”, ate deep dish pizza and Chicago Dogs, took an Architecture Tour on the Chicago River, visited Wrigley Field and took a dip in Lake Michigan plus much more! And we did all of that in just 3 days!

I highly recommend visiting Chicago during the warmer months to be able to take advantage of everything the city has to offer, but even in the Summer I suggest packing layers just in case it gets chilly!! They tend to get a LOT of snow there in the Winter and the temperatures are low from November to May so keep that in mind when planning your trip!

Check out my First Time in Chicago post to plan your trip!

river cruise in Chicago, Illinois

The Sagamore Resort, Lake George, New York, USA

The Sagamore Resort in Bolton Landing, NY on Lake George is quite possibly one of my favorite places to visit in the entire country! It’s a resort I spend many summers visiting with my family and a few years ago I got to visit there with friends and I can confirm it’s the perfect place to escape for a girls trip!

The Sagamore is on the pricier side so keep that in mind when booking, but if you live in the Northeast and want a true resort experience where you don’t have to leave the property and can truly relax this is the place for you! There’s an indoor and outdoor pool, spa, salon, tennis courts, multiple restaurants…even an 18 hole golf course, there is something for everyone!

I don’t think many people realize how beautiful Lake George truly is and the private island the historic hotel is located on is stunning! Check out my full blog post on The Sagamore Resort for even more reasons why I love it there!

Lake George, New York | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Newport, Rhode Island, USA

Newport, RI is the perfect place for a quick getaway if you live in the Northeast and definitely one of the best places to travel with friends for a weekend!

The entire city is walkable and 2 days is the perfect amount of time to explore the entire coastal community! If you need help planning your trip check out my 48 Hours in Newport Itinerary!

Don’t miss Thames Street, Bowen’s Wharf, The Red Parrot Restaurant, The Mooring (one of my favorite restaurants of all time!), the Cliff Walk, Ocean Drive and much more! Make sure to leave time for a Mansion Tour! I suggest The Breakers, the Vanderbilt family’s opulent “Summer cottage” from the Gilded Age!

Newport is great to visit in the Spring, Summer or Fall! If you’re there when it’s warm you can add a beach day, Newport Vineyards tour and sunset on the lawn of Castle Hill Inn to your trip! It is a coastal town so while Winter is beautiful there, if you’re planning a cold weather getaway there make sure to bundle up!

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Stowe, Vermont, USA

The optimal time in my opinion to visit Stowe (or really any part of Vermont) is during peak fall foliage (usually end of September/beginning of October, but it changes every year so make sure to check that year’s fall foliage map), BUT if you’re a skier than you may want to plan your trip in the Winter!

Plan to spend a majority of your trip outside other then when you’re eating so pack accordingly! Add the Stowe Recreation Path, Waterbury Center State Park, Thompson Park to your itinerary and obviously you MUST go to Stowe Mountain Resort and take the Gondola Skyride up the mountain if it’s open!

I highly recommend eating and drinking at Edison Hill Restaurant, Butlers Pantry, Idletyme Brewing, Hen of the Wood, Cork, Doc Ponds to name just a few. And of course make time to tour the Ben & Jerry’s factory!

For more Vermont recommendations check out my travel guide (it also includes recommendations for Burlington and Woodstock, VT).

Vermont | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Florida Keys, Florida, USA

If you and your friends are into road trips then I can’t recommend taking a road trip through the Florida Keys enough!!! Spend 5 days traveling through Key Largo, Islamorada, Marathon, Big Pine Key and finally Key West! These tropical islands as known for fishing, boating, snorkeling, scuba diving and of course partying!

I suggest flying into Miami and renting a car then driving south to Key Largo and staying there for a couple days. Hit up Florida Keys Brewing, Marker 88, Key Largo Conch House and John Pennenkamp Coral Reef State Park.

Then head down to Islamorada and go to Robbie’s to eat at Hungry Tarpon and sign up for a tarpon feeding! On your drive to Key West make sure to stop by Isla Bella Beach Resort in Marathon, and if you have time spend a night there!

Then once you get to Key West, the southernmost city of the Keys and southernmost point in the continental US, make sure to check out all the bars on Duval Street, Mallory Square’s nightly Sunset Celebration and Ernest Hemingway’s Home!

You can take advantage of the Florida Keys any time of year, just make sure to be careful during Hurricane season! Check out my Ultimate Road Trip – 5 Days in the Florida Keys Guide to plan your trip!

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Baha Mar Resort, Nassau, Bahamas

If you’re looking for luxe, look no further than Baha Mar Resort in the Bahamas for your next friends trip! It’s located on Cable Beach in Nassau and was truly the nicest Caribbean resort I’ve ever been to!

There are 3 hotels on the property – the Rosewood, SLS and the Grand Hyatt (where I stayed), along with a casino, stores, lounges, bars, restaurants, a spa, gold course, racquet club, nature sanctuary, white sand beach, 10 pools…the list goes on and on! If that didn’t convince you THIS definitely will!

Baha Mar is one of the best places to travel with friends – especially groups of any size because of the vast amount of bars and restaurants on the property so you won’t have trouble getting reservations for a group. There are also SO many pools and a large beach so finding multiple lounge chairs together was fairly easy!

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

New Orleans is a city on the Mississippi River known for its round the clock nightlife, vibrant jazz music scene and melting pot cuisine!

There are countless types of tours available in NOLA including bike tours, cemetery tours, ghost tours, food tours, plantation tours, riverboat tours and everything in between, so no matter what interests your friends have you’ll find the perfect activity for your group!

New Orleans is know for it’s food so don’t miss out on NOLA delicacies like fried alligator, po boys, shrimp creole, bananas foster, muffuletta sandwiches and of course BEIGNETS! For all my recommendations on exactly where to eat and what to do check out my 48 hours in New Orleans post!

New Orleans can get EXTREMELY hot in the Summer so be prepared if that’s when you’re visiting (I went in July and it was steamy!), so I recommend planning a trip in the Fall, Winter or Spring! Obviously if I go again I would go for their annual Mardi Gras celebration!

New Orleans, Louisiana | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Kauai, Hawaii, USA

Kauai is Hawaii’s fourth largest island and in my opinion the most laid back and chill of the Hawaiian Islands! It’s called the Garden Isle thanks to the tropical rainforest covering a majority of it and is known for its natural beauty including gorgeous mountains and waterfalls, white sand beaches, dramatic cliffs and much more!

You definitely need to rent a car (I suggest a Jeep Wrangler obviously) to get around the island of Kauai so I suggest traveling here with a max of 5 people. For a full list of recommendations check out my Kauai Travel Guide !

Traveling to Hawaii can be expensive so I suggest visiting during off-peak months (September to December and April and June are great times to go) to avoid crowds and enjoy lower prices!

Kauai, Hawaii | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Maui, Hawaii, USA

Maui is the second largest Hawaiian Island and home to Haleakala, a massive shield volcano that forms more than 75% of the island. Also, Maui is my pick of Hawaiian islands to visit if you’re looking for a luxe Hawaiian adventure! It’s one of the most sought after destinations on the planet for a reason and it’s a trip I will talk about and recommend for the rest of my life!

I highly suggest treating yourselves and staying in a resort in Wailea (you won’t regret it), driving the Road to Hana, visiting the waterfalls of O’he’o Gulch, exploring the town of Paia and much more!

Check out my Maui blog post with 5 reasons to visit Maui, which includes the best restaurants, Road to Hana tips and more! Then check out my pick for the best hotel in Maui !

Maui, Hawaii | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Orlando, Florida, USA

Orlando is a city in central Florida and is the theme park capital of the world. It’s home to Walt Disney World, Universal Orlando, Seaworld Orlando and LEGOLAND Florida Resort currently and there are new projects to come!

You may consider Orlando a place for families or kids (and it can be), but don’t dismiss it if you’re traveling with friends especially if you’re looking for a fun filled trip! This goes without saying, but a trip to Orlando will obviously be an exhausting one, but it’s definitely one you’ll never forget! Check out my How to do Universal and Disney in Three Days post to help plan your trip!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Disneyworld and Universal Studios is SO much more fun as an adult!

Walt Disney World | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Seville, Spain, Europe

Seville is the capital and largest city of the Spanish autonomous community of Andalusia and my absolute favorite place I’ve ever visited in Europe ! Its a smaller city, but is filled with so much history and has so many things to do!

From stunning palatial houses and Roman ruins to Royal Palaces and breathtaking cathedrals and churches, if you want to experience authentic Spain, Seville is the place to visit! It is one of the most beautiful cities to see in Europe and the perfect place if you’re looking to immerse yourself on Spanish culture on a slower paced trip!

Google says that the best time to visit Seville is April, May, June, September and October, BUT I went in February and we had PERFECT weather in the high 70s and 80s! Worth noting – I felt extremely safe everywhere in Seville during the day and night!

Seville, Spain, Europe | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Barcelona, Spain, Europe

Barcelona is a city on the coast of northeast Spain in the autonomous community of Catalonia. It is a major tourist destination thanks in part to it being home to the architectural works of Gaudi such as the Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, Casa Mila and Casa Batllo!

Also, Barcelona is home to one of the best beaches in the world and it’s mild and warm climate make it easy for locals and tourists alike to take advantage of it!

Barcelona’s neighborhoods are compact and easy to walk around and it’s public transportation is simple to understand! My friends and I took the Metro a few times when we visited and we had no problem buying tickets and getting to and from where we needed to go!

Barcelona, Spain, Europe | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Madrid, Spain, Europe

Madrid is the capital and most populated city in Spain! It’s best known for it’s historic buildings, food markets, museums, bustling nightlife and more!

Madrid is a huge city, but still very walkable! Make sure to add all these attractions to your itinerary if you’re visiting: Gran Via, Plaza Mayor, Royal Palace, El Retiro Park and Puerta de Alcala.

On my trip to Spain a few years ago, my friends and I visited Madrid, Seville and Barcelona over 10 days and I can confirm that doing all cities in one trip is doable!

Madrid, Spain, Europe | Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Nashville is the capital of Tennessee and most known for the legendary country music venues it’s home to! Between the Grand Old Opry House, Country Music Hall of Fame, Ryman Auditorium, Johnny Cash Museum and more, it’s no surprise Nashville is dubbed “Music City”.

Broadway in Downtown Nashville is filled with multi story lounges, bars and restaurants with live music on every floor! You don’t need to venture far off to find live music you like. Other fun neighborhoods in Nashville to explore include East Nashville, The Gulch, Music Row and 12 South.

Nashville is also home to 16 colleges and universities including Vanderbilt University, Belmont University and Tennessee State University!

Nashville, Tennessee one of the best places to travel with friends

Austin, Texas, USA

From one music loving city to the next, Austin, TX, is considered the live music capital of the world and has no shortage of amazing activities to do with friends which makes it the perfect addition for my best places to travel with friends post!

Austin is known for its eclectic live music scene, but also it’s many parks and lakes! Whether your friends are looking to stand up paddle board, listen to live music, try eclectic restaurants, go vintage shopping or do a little bit of everything Austin is the place for you!

Fall and Spring are the best seasons to visit Austin to experience the best weather! It’s also when most of the festivals that Austin hosts take place! It’s best to avoid the long hot summers unless you plan on spending your entire trip on the water!

Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

I couldn’t make a best places to travel with friends list and not include Sin City!! Las Vegas is an internationally renowned resort city know for gambling, fine dining, entertainment and nightlife!

You can usually get inexpensive flights to and hotels in Vegas, especially if you bundle them together in a package so for this reason alone I’ve been a handful of times with friends!

Even if you’re not a huge partier or gambler, neither of which I am, I still have an awesome time exploring all the hotels on the Strip, eating at the best restaurants, seeing shows and just walking around (with a drink in hand of course!)

If you’re looking for things to do just outside of Vegas I highly suggest taking a trip to the Grand Canyon! The National Park is located just 130 miles from the Las Vegas Strip and day trips there are very popular. I suggest doing it on a organized tour that includes bus transportation, a guide and stops like the Hoover Dam along the way.

Orange County, California, USA

Orange County is a region in Southern California halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego! It’s home to Laguna Beach, Anaheim, Newport Beach, Irvine, Corona del Mar, Dana Point, Huntington Beach and many other iconic California destinations.

You can easily spend a week in “The OC” with friends driving up and down the coast exploring and seeing what each of it’s distinct cities has to offer! I actually took this trip with friends and did just that a few years ago and I can’t recommend it enough and am dying to go back so basically by putting it on my best places to travel with friends list I’m manifesting another trip!

I highly recommend visiting Dana Point, Treasure Island and Thousand Steps Beach in Laguna Beach, San Clemente, Lido Marina Village and Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa and much more! And if you love amusement parks don’t miss Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm.

Orange County California one of the best places to travel with friends

Napa Valley, California, USA

Just north of San Francisco, Napa Valley is home to HUNDREDS of vineyards and the perfect place for the ultimate girls trip!

Look into the Napa Valley Wine Train! It’s a vintage locomotive and traveling restaurant that runs through the Napa Valley wine region. It takes you on a 36 mile round trip adventure stopping at celebrated wineries along the way while you enjoy a four course meal onboard with the most beautiful landscape outside your window!

I’m going to assume if Napa is on your radar then you want to visit to go wine tasting, but there are many other things to do in the area like hot air balloon rides, hiking, shopping, bike tours and more!

London, England, United Kingdom

London is the capital and largest city of England and the United Kingdom and a great place to visit on your first time to Europe if you’re visiting from America because there isn’t a language barrier!

The best time to visit London without it being too expensive is from March through May, but Summer is a great season to visit just expect it to be a little more expensive and more crowded! I actually visited over New Years one year and it was an awesome time so don’t let Winter in London scare you!

London is huge, with so many places to see and things to do so you could easily spend more than a week there, but you can still have a great trip if you only have a few days to spend there! I highly recommend visiting Big Ben, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey (highly suggest doing an audio tour here it was one of my favorite parts of London) and the London Eye especially if it’s your first time, but there’s LOADS of other things to see and do depending on what type of trips you and your friends are looking for!

Paris, France, Europe

France’s capital, Paris, may be the “city of love”, but it’s also the ultimate city for a girls’ trip and easily nabbed a spot on my best places to travel with friends list! Grab your girlfriends and be prepared to indulge in baguettes, cheese, croissants, macarons and champagne and truly live your best life!

In between eating and drinking make sure to carve time in your Parisian itinerary to see the Eiffel Tower, the Lourve, Arc de Tiomphe, Notre-Dame and Sacre-Coeur de Montmarte just to name a few! And bring some extra money to go shopping!

If you have more than a few days in Paris I highly recommend taking the train to the Palace of Versailles!

Folly Beach, South Carolina, USA

Looking for the most laid back vacation spot? Then Folly Beach is for you! It’s a city on Folly Island in South Carolina just south of Charleston, but could not be more different than it’s neighbor to the north! It’s home to a beautiful beach, surf and souvenir shops and some great restaurants!

I highly recommend staying in an vacation rental within a few blocks of the beach and Center St. and spend a few days at the beach, eating and drinking at the local restaurants and bars and just enjoying each other’s company! Don’t miss Taco Boy, Snapper Jacks, Chico Feo, The Pineapple Hut, Lowlife Bar and Lost Dog Cafe!

You will truly come back from this vacation relaxed and recharged!

Costa Rica is a country in Central America know for its beaches, volcanoes, mountains, rainforests and jungle! If adventure is what you’re looking for Costa Rica is definitely the place to go!

If you’re headed to Costa Rica with friends make sure you add zip lining to your itinerary! Its the best way to see the country’s rainforest, wildlife, mountains and waterbodies in one adventure! Zip lining is offered throughout the country and depending on where you are you will get a completely different experience so don’t be afraid to do it in more than one area!

The best time to visit Costa Rica is from December to April because it’s when the weather is the driest!

Palm Springs, California, USA

Palm Springs is a city in the desert of southern California and known for it’s sunny climate, hot springs, stylish hotels and more! It’s shopping district along Palm Canyon Drive is home to vintage boutiques, interior design shops and restaurants.

It’s no surprise that Palm Springs is always on the list of best destinations to have a bachelorette party (which made it a shoe in for my best places to travel with friends list)! Between the perfect weather, fun shops and restaurants and outdoor activities there’s always something to do there with friends!

Palm Springs is truly a year round destination, but the best time to visit Palm Springs with friends is definitely from February, March, April October and November! During those months the average temperature during the day hovers in the 70s and 80s! The temperature during the summer months can reach over 100 degrees, but if your plan is to spend a majority of your trip in the pool then go for it!

Seattle, Washington, USA

Seattle is a city on the Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest! Thanks to it’s ecological diversity and access to mountains, ocean, evergreen forests, city and islands it easily made it’s way on my list of best places to visit with friends!

Seattle is known for being the coffee capital. Also, the origin of grunge music and is home to famous landmarks like the Space Needle and Pike Place Market.

Seattle is also known for its rain! The rainy season in Seattle extends from October to March. So,, the best time to visit is definitely from mid-May to early October. However, if you want the true Seattle experience plan your trip during the Winter or Spring and don’t forget to pack your raincoat!

Bermuda is a British island territory located in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is known for it’s pink sand beaches, warm turquoise waters, rich cultural history, gorgeous reefs and more! Despite being only 21 square miles large, Bermuda is the perfect vacation spot. This is the case especially you live on the East Coast. it’s only an hour and a half flight from New York)!

While you’re there make sure to visit the Crystal and Fantasy Caves, St. David’s Lighthouse, Jobson’s Cove, Elbow Beach, Royal Naval Dockyard and more!

Many people assume Bermuda is in the Caribbean, but that’s actually not true! It’s actually location in the middle of the Atlantic (in line with Charleston, South Carolina to put it in perspective) and because of it’s location the best months to visit Bermuda are from May to October!

New York City, New York, USA

Being a lifetime New York resident I was actually hesitant on including NYC on this list. However, in the end I have to remember that not everyone is lucky enough to have grown up just a few miles outside the “greatest city in the world.” So, I had to include it on this list of best places to travel with friends!

New York City is the largest city in New York State (by far) and among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers! It’s home many of America’s most famous landmark. It includes the Empire State Building, World Trade Center, Central Park, Times Square, Statue of Liberty and many, many more! It’s the city that never sleeps. There is no doubt that you and your friends would have the best time when you’re visiting no matter what your interests are!

best friends in New York City

Ogunquit, Maine, USA

I stopped in Ogunquit. It is a town on Maine’s southern coast during a New England road trip a few summers ago and loved it and vowed to go back! Ogunquit is a four square mile town defined by it’s sandy beaches, cliff walk with coastal views. It also has a lighthouse, vibrant art and theater scene and more!

If you’re looking for a place for a relaxing Summer vacation with friends Ogunquit is it! It’s easily one of the best vacation spots on the Maine Coast. Also, it is absolutely one of the best places with travel with friends.

boats in the dock of Qgunquit, Maine

Montreal, Canada

Montreal, Canada is one city I’ve never been to. However, it’s been on my list of places to visit for a long time. So, naturally it made it on my best places to travel with friends list! It’s the second most populated city in Canada (behind Toronto) and the largest city in Quebec. Montreal is culturally different than other cities in Canada. It’s sole official language is French and actually the second largest French speaking city in the world behind Paris!

Montreal is a great place to visit with friends because it’s easy to get around on foot so you can really explore! While you’re there make sure to visit Old Montreal, Notre-Dame Basilica, St. Joseph’s Oratory, Mont Royal and more.

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Best Places to Travel with Friends | Best Girls Trips | 35 Places to Travel with your Best Friend | 35 Trips to Take with your BFF | Girls' Trip Getaway Guide | The Best Girlfriend Getaways Around the World | Best Destinations to Travel with Friends in the US and Beyond | Bucketlist Vacations for Women | Best Girls Trip Destinations in the World | Best Cities for a Girls Trip

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June 18, 2024 at 2:54 pm

I would love your itinerary or any info you want to share on the 10 day Spain trip and your Costa Rica trip! These are on my bucket list.

best friend trip

June 18, 2024 at 5:02 pm

You can find my entire Spain Itinerary on the Spain IG Story highlight on my Instagram profile =) I still haven’t been to Costa Rica

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10 Bucket-List Trips for Best Friends of Any Age

Author image: Woman in blue dress with sunglasses traveling.

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The bond between best friends is like nothing else. So it makes sense that you and your PIC would be on the same page for vacation, too. A BFF who’s always down to pack a bag and jet off somewhere awesome? Well, that’s the best kind of bestie. Whether you’re more into a chill seaside getaway or up-all-night antics weekend rampages.

Ready to plan your next escape or need some inspo for a future trip? Bookmark these bucket-list destinations—from party islands and game reserves to wine country towns and culture-rich cities—that are perfect for dynamic duos. 

10 Trips for Dynamic Duos at a Glance

  • Best for Wine Tasting : Bordeaux, France
  • Best for Free Spirits: Careyes, Mexico
  • Best for Foodies: Osaka, Japan
  • Best for Partiers: Mykonos, Greece
  • Best for Wildlife Viewing : South Africa
  • Best for the Ultimate Beach Bums: Maldives
  • Best for Spa Lovers: Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Best Adventure: Trans Bhutan Trail
  • Best City Break: New York City, New York
  • Best Desert Oasis: Joshua Tree National Park, California

10 No-Passport-Required Destinations That Feel Like You’re Abroad

Exterior of a French chateaux at dusk with purple skies.

Best for Wine Tasting

1. bordeaux, france.

  • Where to stay: Historic Duplex (from $132/night), Charming House (from $168/night)  Hotel Singulier Bordeaux (from $215/night); Luxury Chateaux with Staff (from $1,651)

Nestled on the Garonne River in southwestern France, Bordeaux is arguably the most famous wine capital in the world. What’s not up for debate? That incomparable quality of the vin produced in this legendary French viticulture region. To the surprise of absolutely no one, tourist pursuits mainly center around swirling and sipping. Pals who favor bold reds, in particular, will find a plentiful supply of vineyards to visit. Accommodations range from stylish five-star hotels in the city to grand châteaux set on enchanting vine-covered estates in the country. Did we mention the many Michelin-starred restaurants, including Racines by Daniel Gallacher and Le Pavillon des Boulevards ? 

A cobblestone path flanked by turquoise railings covered with bright potted flowers.

Best for Free Spirits

2. careyes, mexico.

  • Where to stay: Casitas de las Flores (from $250/night), El Careyes Club & Residences (from $350/night), Bungalows in Playa Rosa (from $600/night)

An enclave for artists and free spirits since the ‘60s, the vibrant bohemian community of Careyes on the Pacific coast of Mexico is a magnet for those who share a passion for music, wellness and high-vibration pursuits. Colorful villas with bougainvillea-draped balconies face the and sea. Talented practitioners host sound healing sessions in La Copa del Sol. How special would it be to do a mud bath ceremony with your bestie on the gorgeous beach? There’s also visiting yoga instructor program, an art gallery tied to the Careyes Foundation and an art festival that many liken to a more intimate Burning Man called Ondalinda . 

Japanese street food for sale in the forefront of a market.

Best for Foodies

3. osaka, japan.

  • Where to stay: Hotel the Flag Shinsaibashi (from $54/night), Osaka Apartment (from $122/night,) InterContinental Osaka (from $302/night)

Yes, it’s a long-haul flight from the U.S., but this article is about bucket-list trips and what’s more unforgettable and delicious than eating your way through the city known as the Kitchen of Japan ? A shining star in the culinary world within the country and globally, Osaka boasts an endless array of palate-pleasing dining options—from upscale Michelin three-starred restaurants and famous omakase joints to unagi counters and stalls that sling traditional Japanese street food like takoyaki. Booking one of the club rooms at the InterContinental Osaka provides access to the swish lounge with complimentary breakfast, snacks and top-shelf booze.

best friend trips mykonos

Best for Partiers

4. mykonos, greece.

  • Where to stay: Amazing Mykonos Studio (from $179/night), Rocabella Mykonos Hotel (from $305/night), Charming Flower-Covered House (from $229/night), Sea View Villa (from $349/night)

The sun-splashed Greek island of Mykonos has become a hotspot for jet setters looking to let loose all day and night. Renowned for its revelrous atmosphere, the liveliest of the Cycles group brims with beach clubs, restaurants that turn into full-blown parties after the plates are cleared and huge clubs that blast tunes until the wee hours of the morning. In between dancing on tables, catching rays with a glass of crisp rosé in hand and toasting to the greatest trip ever, pairs of pals can splash in the sparkling Aegean Sea and sleep it off at one of the many stylish hotels around town. 

Two lions cross a road in front of a jeep on safari

Best for Wildlife Viewing

5. south africa.

  • Where to Stay: Kapama River Lodge (from $450/night), Arathusa Safari Lodge (from $450/night), Hamiltons Tented Camp (from $1,400/night)

Doing a once-in-a-lifetime safari in South Africa is one of the most epic vacations on the planet. Who better to bring along on this over-the-top amazing journey than your bestie? The largest and most popular safari destination in the country, the Greater Kruger National Park attracts animal-lovers with the promise of seeing Big Five game (lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants and buffalo), plus giraffes, hippos, zebra, hundreds of different species of birds and reptiles and many other wild, beautiful creatures. The stylish safari lodges—basically glamping setups with a major emphasis on the glam—are the ideal spot to unwind.

best friend trips maldives

Best for the Ultimate Beach Bums

6. maldives.

  • Where to stay: Baros Maldives (from $405/night), Hurawalhi Island Resort (from $647/night), Six Senses Laamu (from $1,035/night)

Yes, the Maldives tops of the list of the ultimate luxury honeymoon destinations, but you definitely don’t need to have a romantic partner to visit this dreamy Indian Ocean island nation. Your bestie who’s been there through all the ups and downs def feels like the right person to take on a heavenly beach holiday to a place that’s truly a tropical paradise. Start the day with a cup of coffee on the private deck of your overwater bungalow above the waves, sip cocktails by the pool, stroll the powdery white sand beaches and snorkel in the crystal-clear turquoise tides.

best friend trips scottsdale

Best for Spa Lovers

7. scottsdale, arizona.

Where to stay: Modern Home with Pool (from $300/night), The Phoenician, a Luxury Collection Resort, Scottsdale (from $390/night), Canyon Rock Resort (from $1,326/night)

With more spas per capita than any other city in the United States, Scottsdale is a no-brainer for a weekend of massages, facials, mud wraps and giggling in the sauna with your BFF. It has a wealth of wellness experiences beyond just pure pampering. Why not try a sound bath or desert meditation? There are also some really great restaurants. Of course, we wouldn’t fault you for going the room service route. Getting cozy in fluffy robes, sipping bubbly and watching the sunset from the comfort of your room at a ritzy resort just sounds utterly blissful. 

Two monks and one backpacker laugh on a footbridge.

Best Adventure

8. trans bhutan trail.

  • Where to stay: Go Ahead Tours Trans Bhutan Trail (from $6,349/13-day itinerary + hotels + meals)

Want to get away…like really get away with your bestie? Bhutan is far, remote and logistically requires quite a bit of effort to visit. (Sidenote: you’re better off planning the whole thing through a tour operator that specializes in tailor-made trips like this 13-day adventure through the country from Go Ahead Tours. All of these factors have helped shield the Buddhist kingdom on the eastern edge of the Himalayas from the plight of over-tourism and preserved its unique culture. It’s a special, peaceful place where spiritual awakening and off-the-grid adventure coexist. On the itinerary? Hike through serene hillsides (this trip includes seven hikes), forested valleys and tackle dramatic mountain peaks and journey to historic monasteries and fortresses. When you're done, you'll have better understanding for why Bhutan is considered the happiest place on earth.

best friend trips nyc

Best City Break

9. new york city, new york.

  • Where to stay: The Moore Hotel (from $265/night), The James New York - NoMad (from $329/night), Walker Hotel Tribeca (from $395/night)

The Big Apple is always a convincing choice for best friends keen to experience all the excitement of the greatest city on earth (not that we’re biased or anything). Score tickets to a Broadway show. See fascinating exhibitions at world-class museums. Hungry? You’ve come to the right place. Snag a table at some of the hottest new restaurants or return to long-time classics. Go for a stroll through Central Park or meander along the Hudson River Waterfront Greenway. For a stylish stay in the middle of everything, check into The James New York - NoMad . Grab a drink at the speakeasy cocktail lounge and pick up some sleep-promoting products from the “insomnia cart.”

best friend trips joshua tree

Best Desert Oasis

10. joshua tree national park, california.

  • Where to Stay: Rock Box (from $338/night), AutoCamp Joshua Tree (from $245/night), Ocotillo Bush (from $331/night), The Cactus Nest (from $403/night)

Searching for a trip that’s guaranteed to reinvigorate your soul and strength those bestie bonds even further? The perfect mix of adventure and relaxation surrounded by the jaw-dropping beauty of the desert, Joshua Tree National Park feels like its own world. There are so many ways to experience the otherworldly landscape. Duos can hit the trails (just don’t forget hiking boots and water), do a rugged 4x4 off-road tour or even join a half-day group rock climbing expedition. It’s also an unparalleled destination for stargazing. Roll out a blanket and peer up at the wonder of the cosmos above.

15 Bucket-List Mother-Daughter Trips That Will Make You Two Even Closer

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Freelance PureWow Editor

6 Fun Trips to Take With Your Best Friend

Party islands, desert towns, and everything in between: Try one of these hand-picked destinations for your next girls’ getaway.

two women on vacation at the beach

Editor's note: As we continue to practice  social distancing , we encourage our readers to check the  Centers for Disease Control website  for up-to-date information on how to safely travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The beauty of vacationing with your best friend is that you’re effortlessly on the same wavelength; after all, so much of what makes for an easy trip is that baseline of compatibility. And now that more arms are getting shots and travel restrictions are beginning to ease, it’s a perfect time for the two of you to start plotting your next escape.

United Quest credit card Chase

Where to? We’ve rounded up six spots around the country that offer culture, adventure, and spectacular sites or scenery—basically, a foolproof formula for any twosome. (Bonus: If you sign up for the brand-new  United Quest  card from Chase, you can earn up to 100,000 bonus miles. Plus, get a $125 annual United purchase credit and two free checked bags for each of you, saving up to $280 right out of the gate.)

Palm Springs, California

les cactus palm springs california

Why go:  Everywhere you turn in this desert town, there’s something interesting to look at. Charming boutiques and galleries, pastel mid-century modern architecture, palm trees swaying in the breeze—it’s no wonder aesthetes flock to the Coachella Valley for celebrated art and design festivals like  Modernism Week  and  Desert X . And with  Joshua Tree National Park  less than an hour away, you can balance the urban cool with some off-grid adventure.

Where to stay:  Les Cactus , which opened in February, may be a newcomer to Palm Springs, but the Airbnb-hotel hybrid is a total throwback—a revamped 1930s property renamed for a 1960s song by French rocker Jacques Dutronc. There are 27 airy, bungalow-style guest rooms, a hammock garden, an outdoor fire pit, and a cool pink exterior, all of which scream California eclectic.

What to do:  Hit the  Palm Springs Art Museum  to admire works by Louise Bourgeois and Anish Kapoor, and book a  day spa package  at the newly opened  Azure Palm Hot Springs Resort  in Desert Hot Springs, where the geothermal mineral springs are naturally heated to 174 degrees and there’s a Himalayan salt room for relaxing and detoxifying.

Later on, enjoy Hemingway daiquiris at the Cecil Beaton-inspired  Bar Cecil , which opens in mid-April. Sacred  Tahquitz Canyon  has 60 miles of trails; one of the two-mile loops rewards hikers with ancient rock art and a 60-foot seasonal waterfall at its summit. And in 2022, be on the lookout for the opening of  Agua Caliente Cultural Museum  from the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. When the 5.8-acre center debuts, it’ll be the largest Native American museum west of the Mississippi.

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Austin, Texas

the carpenter hotel austin texas

The Carpenter Hotel

Why go:  For pals who have cemented their sisterhood through food—tracking the latest restaurant openings, veering off the beaten path to hunt down delicious street eats—Austin is the buffet that just won’t quit. There’s famous  Franklin Barbecue , of course, but also stellar breakfast tacos at  Valentina’s Tex Mex BBQ , matzo ball caldo at  June’s All Day , brisket bentos at Texan izakaya  Kemuri Tatsu-ya , and the sunny wine patio at  LºLº , where the only thing more hip than the bottles are the (masked) servers.

center']For pals who have cemented their friendship through food, Austin is the buffet that just won't quit.

Where to stay:  Even ATX hotels pride themselves on next-level fare.  Carpenter Hotel , a stylish haunt in an old union hall, serves fresh-baked kolaches (pastry) in its café and innovative dishes like Tex Mez, a white bean hummus with pecan baba ganoush, golden beets, and feta, at its restaurant,  Carpenters Hall . The 93-room inn, founded by alums of the  Ace Hotel , hosts creative activities like sound bath meditations and textile marbling—though you and your better half may prefer to just decompress by the pool, Oaxacan Old Fashioneds in hand.

What to do:  Dance up a storm at the tropical-themed  Coconut Club ; go for a splash at  Barton Springs , a spring-fed emerald swimming pool in Zilker Park; catch a drive-in movie at  The Blue Starlite ; or browse the wild collection of rare motorcycles, souped-up hot rods, and movie cars (including one of three original Ghostbusters Ectomobiles!) at the  Austin Rock & Roll Car Museum .

For a cool souvenir, book a portrait session with  Lumiere Tintype , a photo studio pitched in the backyard of  Justine’s Brasserie . Photographer Adrian Whipp is a master of the wet plate collodion process and will capture your grinning mugs in a tintype as timeless as your friendship.

Punta de Mita, Mexico

punta de mita mexico

Punta de Mita

Why go:  Friends who need a good re-centering after the challenges of the past year needn’t look any farther than the Riviera Nayarit. Punta de Mita, in particular, is just 45 minutes from the airport in Puerto Vallarta but feels a world apart with its hidden beaches, consistent surf breaks, and varied wildlife.

Where to stay:  For sunny-good vibes,  W Punta de Mita  is the perfect pick. Its infinity pool has a see-through wall and the “wet deck,” a ‘grammable million-tile mosaic walkway inspired by the artistry of Mexico’s indigenous Huichol people. The spa has five private treatment rooms, plus a therapy pool equipped with hydro jets and a pressure shower. Yoga classes take place in the high season, with private Pilates and meditation sessions available upon request. The guest rooms are spirit-lifting too, splashed in bright colors like turquoise and magenta, some with deep soaking tubs and headboards made of punched tin. Best of all, you don’t have to walk far to sample some of the peninsula’s freshest fish. W’s  Chevycheria , a 1950s Chevrolet truck turned thatched-roof cevicheria and beach bar, specializes in regional varieties. Try the spicy Yucatán version with shrimp, scallops, and octopus.

Just 45 minutes from the airport in Puerta Vallarta, Punta de Mita feels a world apart.

What to do:  Learn how to catch a wave with bilingual instructors from the esteemed  Tranquilo Surf Adventures & Surf School . Their semi-private lessons, with two students per teacher, are ideal for friends. (If you two already know what you’re doing and just want to rent boards or SUPs by the hour,  Mita Surf Club  can help.) Hop a private yacht to  Islas Marietas , a national marine park and UNESCO Biosphere Reserve known for its humpback whales and blue-footed boobies.  Punta Mita Expeditions  will take care of all the details, leaving you to enjoy the snorkeling or diving.

Another day, shop the funky galleries and bohemian boutiques in nearby Sayulita, or hike up Monkey Mountain, a 4.6-mile trail near Bahía de Banderas. It’s rocky and steep with an elevation gain of more than a thousand feet—but the sweeping views of the sparkling Pacific are worth it.

Mykonos, Greece

mykonos greece

Why go:  After a year of Zoom meetings and puttering around in sweatpants, doesn’t it sound fun to dress up real nice and, like, hang out with strangers? Greece’s most glamorous party island siren-calls with beautiful beaches by day and glittery nightlife from dusk till dawn. Notably, it’s just a 40-minute flight or 2.5-hour high-speed ferry ride from Athens, so you can first cram in a little culture (Acropolis, Parthenon, etc.).

Mykonos siren-calls with beautiful beaches by day and glittery nightlife from dusk till dawn.

Where to stay:  This sun-drenched Greek isle has no shortage of dreamy hotel suites, but many are aimed at honeymooners.  Paradise View  is unique because its light-flooded rooms, done up in dazzling white with pops of Aegean blue, include double beds with rainshower baths and terraces overlooking the sea. The helpful front desk staff can assist with bike and car rentals, and while it’s just a five-minute stroll down to buzzy Paradise Beach, you might just find yourself spending most of your time lounging by the hotel's jewel box pool.

What to do:  Tempting as it is to stake out a sunny strip of sand at tranquil  Kapari Beach  or spend every day lounging by your suite’s private plunge pool, this is an island that rewards doers. Ask the Paradise View concierge about chartering a catamaran for a sunset cruise on the brilliant blue Aegean Sea or set off on foot to tour the très chic boutiques and ancestral chapels in labyrinthine Chora. Panagia Paraportiani, a whitewashed church dating back to the Byzantine era, is not to be missed.

When hunger strikes, make the schlep to  Kiki’s Taverna  near buzzy  Agios Sostis Beach . There’s no sign, no phone, not even electricity, but the rustic cooking and utter simplicity of high-quality local ingredients makes it a fan favorite. As the sun sinks on the horizon, bound over to Paradise Beach to see what’s hopping. Some of Mykonos’ most storied EDM clubs ( Cavo Paradiso ,  Paradise Beach Club ) haven’t fully reopened yet, but when they do, look out. Ibiza who?

Santa Fe, New Mexico

shiprock santa fe new mexico

Shiprock Santa Fe

Why go:  With its groovy mix of Native American arts and culture, to-die-for shopping, and striking high-desert vistas, the City Different really delivers. The downtown is walkable, but you’ll need to rent a car if you want to explore the landscapes that gobsmacked Georgia O’Keeffe.

Where to stay:  Plopped on an original stretch of Route 66,  El Rey Court  is a 1930s roadside motel filtered through a modern New Mexican lens. The five-acre campus, rehabbed by the co-owners of the cult-favorite olive oil and skincare brand Wonder Valley, features 86 trendily decorated rooms (some with kitchenettes and fireplaces) and an outdoor heated swimming pool. Conveniently, it’s just a two-minute walk to the best Chimayo-smothered breakfast burrito of your life, courtesy of 1948 diner  The Pantry .

What to do:  Scoop up bundles of dried lavender and jars of green chile sauce at the colorful  Santa Fe Farmers Market , then swing over to the edgy contemporary art museum  SITE Santa Fe . A trippy, choose-your-own-adventure installation awaits at the  House of Eternal Return , created by esoteric art collective Meow Wolf and Games of Thrones author George R.R. Martin.

After ogling the stunning—and stunningly expensive—Native American rugs, jewelry, and ceramics at  Shiprock Santa Fe , shop for artisan-painted molcajete bowls from Michoacán at  Heritage By Hand  or rummage through racks of threadbare rock tees and retro aviators at  Santa Fe Vintage , a by-appointment-only showroom on the outskirts of town. For a sweet memento, grab some small-batch bonbons from  Kakawa Chocolate House , made with New Mexican ingredients like red chili and piñon, or a box of Southwesternized French macarons from  Chainé  in a fun flavor like churro (cinnamon meringue buttercream and dulce de leche).

Nashville, Tennessee

graduate hotel nashville tennessee

Graduate Nashville

Why go:  Maybe the reason they call it Music City is because everyone who visits Nashville sings its praises. Whether you’re challenging your bestie to a Hot Ones-style hot chicken binge (heaven help your fire-breathing hearts if you order the “Shut the Cluck Up!!!” at  Hattie B’s ) or you’re going to see the next big country music star at the  Grand Ole Opry , it’s impossible not to have a grand ole time in the Tennessean capital.

Where to stay:  From the genius duo behind  Urban Cowboy  in Brooklyn comes  Urban Cowboy East Nashville , set in a rambling Victorian mansion. Eight suites, each with their own personalities, sport 14-foot ceilings, copper-leafed bathtubs, hip Pendleton bedding, and eye-popping Printsburgh wallpaper. There’s even a music parlor, should the two of you feel the urge to burst into song on the upright piano.

What to do:  After taking in the rhinestone getups and Elvis Presley’s 1960 “Solid Gold” Cadillac at the  Country Music Hall of Fame , bounce over to the new  National Museum of African American Music , the only such museum devoted to preserving and celebrating the countless genres of music created and influenced by Black Americans. Nightfall begs adventurous types to cut a rug at the honky tonks of South Broadway ( Tootsies Orchid Lounge  and  Robert’s Western World  are always a good time).

Come morning, you can start the day with a little indulgence: by chomping into an East Nasty buttermilk biscuit sandwich with fried chicken thigh at  Biscuit Love  or sipping frozen Aperol Spritzes under fringed magenta umbrellas at  White Limozeen , the rooftop pool bar at  Graduate Nashville . For a one-of-a-kind vacation keepsake, make a field trip to the novelty record booth at Jack White’s  Third Man Records . There you can record an acapella duet on a refurbished Voice-o-Graph machine, cutting a two-minute vinyl single that immortalizes your bad singing for generations to come.

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10 destinations for a trip with your bestie

  • 10 destinations for a trip with your bestie
  • < Travel inspiration

Travel inspiration

By David Szmidt June 10, 2022

By David Szmidt | June 10, 2022

Last update: July 25, 2022

What’s more fun than a trip with your best friend? Here are our top ideas for vacations and trips for you and your bestie: crazy journeys, cheap getaways, fun-filled adventures, and travel ideas to the best places around the world

Travel can be a test of friendship, but it can also be the best thing you’ll ever do. We’ve selected ten trips — some single destinations, some longer itineraries , some countries, and some no more than ideas — to inspire you and your best friend to take the ultimate summer vacation . 

Beach trip to Mykonos, Greece

Little Venice on Mykonos Island at sunset — Shutterstock

Greece is the word, at least when it comes to an unforgettable combo of beaches , parties, and fun in the sun, and Mykonos is one of the best places to do the lot.

It’s also a place where you can spend as much or as little as you like, with low-cost hotels and hostels going shoulder to shoulder with luxury villas costing upwards of 1,200 euros per night. That’s probably not for you though, so spend your money on little luxuries: a beautiful brunch by the shore in Little Venice, a short bus ride to relax on the wide expanse of Elia Beach, dance until morning at the island’s largest nightclub on Paradise Beach, or bring home a souvenir you’ve bought on Matoyianni Street in the heart of Mykonos Town.

Whatever you decide to do, it’ll be a trip you and your friend will remember for the rest of your lives.

Off-grid hiking in Sweden

View of solitary summer cabin in the forest by a lake in Sweden — Shutterstock

The opposite type of trip now, at the opposite end of Europe . Sweden is fast becoming somewhere people are visiting simply to disappear for a while — not in a Scandinavian detective drama way, of course — so if you’d like to get back to nature and just spend time hanging out together, this might be for you.

Erected in forests, on mountainsides, or on the shores of one of the country’s many lakes , eco-cabins are a newer type of holiday. No internet, no TV, and in some cases no electricity at all, these beautiful cabins made of natural materials blend into the landscape and offer tranquil views, and a pace of life that almost doesn’t exist anymore.

Spend your days swimming, hiking , canoeing or cycling, and in the evening, prepare a fire in the stove to cook, or sit outside under the stars. Some of the cabins might even offer the true Swedish experience of a sauna , followed by a bracing dash into the lake. It’s an amazing way to recharge your batteries while giving the electronic ones a rest.

Backpacking along the Mekong River

Tourist on a small boat on Mekong river — Shutterstock

There are some stunning destinations across Asia that make great trips for backpacking buddies, but perhaps one of the most spectacular is taking a Mekong river cruise.

The mighty Mekong is 2,700 miles long, and up and down its length there are cruise vessels taking people on cruises of up to two weeks. There are luxury cruises for up to a frankly staggering $12,220, but do a bit of research and there are rooms available on mid-sized, traditional boats (around eight passengers) for as little as $155 per person for a three-day trip with meals, or $115 for a two-day trip on a small, private boat with a local captain.

Beginning and ending at various points in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar, it’ll be about what you want to see and where. Feel like starting in the madness of Ho Chi Minh City and exploring the Mekong Delta and its surroundings? How about the architectural splendor of Phnom Penh? What about Siem Reap and the famous towers and temples of Angkor Wat? Or maybe you’d just like to drift for a few days, spotting wildlife and stopping each evening for delicious food cooked on the banks of the river? 

Up the spine of Italy by train

Sunny secluded back street in Bari — Shutterstock

Italy ’s a useful shape for a trip. North to south or vice versa, there are clear routes up and down the peninsula. Pick a start, pick an end, choose some places in between. Simple.

Let’s take an example. Let’s start in Bari, in the southeast. A maze of 11th-century streets, ancient churches, and narrow, cobbled lanes lead down to the seafront in this beautifully unexplored and laid-back part of Italy. Catch an overnight train across the country to Naples, for the flip side — noise, chaos and fun — before heading up the coast to Rome . Let’s call this the mid-point of your trip.

Spend a couple of days recharging, surrounded by the glory of one of Europe’s most storied cities, then head for Siena and Florence. Florence can be packed with tourists in summer, but the museums are outstanding and the cathedral is magnificent. Siena is a nice alternative: smaller, calmer, but with the same architectural style and a reserved grandeur to it. Now you can choose: northeast or northwest? Northeast takes you via Bologna to Venice , while the northwest route heads to the fashion and industry capitals of Milan and Turin, and all this doesn’t even touch on the wonderful coastal resorts, or the island life of Sicily. But hey, it’s your trip, so do your thing!

Canadian road trip

Canadian mountain scenery with car on road in the foreground — Shutterstock

Road trip! Woohoo! But the US? It’s been done . Canada ’s calling.

It’s a vast country of course, but there are a number of routes that can take anything from as little as four hours, to the 4,645 miles of the Trans-Canada Highway that goes exactly where it says it does. Indeed, the country is so blessed with spectacular scenery that there’s one route — Alberta’s Icefields Parkway — which exists seemingly solely to give you amazing views and convenient stops for short hikes in the mountains.

Try the Calgary to Vancouver portion of the Trans-Canada, 560 miles through four national parks before descending into Vancouver and the Pacific coast. On the opposite side of the country, the Georgian Bay Coastal Route sets out from Toronto, loops around the bay and through some of Ontario’s most beautiful scenery for 840 miles: that’s two weeks of exploration and adventure.

However, if you’re feeling even more rugged (and if your vehicle is up to it), try the Dempster Highway, a 435-mile trek through the Yukon and into the Arctic Circle , featuring only one service station between the start and Tuktoyaktuk, a tiny settlement of fewer than 1,000 people on the Arctic Ocean. That’s a test of friendship right there!

City break in Copenhagen, Denmark

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For a friendly city break in a place that takes the idea to a cultural level, consider Copenhagen. After all, the Danish concept of hygge , a sort of conviviality and contentment, has been rather a thing in the wider world for a few years now.

It’s not hard to see why the citizens of Copenhagen can consider themselves content: the center of the city is compact, laid-back and welcoming, with much of it given over to pedestrians and cyclists . It’s clean and eco-conscious , with a thriving cafe culture and some excellent museums and attractions. When the sun goes down, the district of Nørrebro is packed with pubs, dive bars and late-night eateries, while south-east in Kødbyen, arty bars and clubs have moved into the warehouses and factories of the city’s meatpacking district.

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Eating and drinking can be pricey, but if you know what to look for you’ll be fine. Hot dog stands and bakeries are good options; buy a selection of breads, meats, cheeses and fruit and go for a picnic, perhaps? Or for something genuinely local, the city has a long-running scheme called Meet the Danes , in which locals invite visitors into their home to chat for a few hours over a home-cooked meal. An evening with a Danish family or couple includes a three-course meal with wine or beer , and a friendly chat, all for around $85 per person. Now that’s how you get your hygge !

Beach holiday in Essaouira, Morocco

Silhouette of kitesurfer over the waves at sunset — Shutterstock

Take a beach holiday with a North African vibe by heading to the coast of Morocco to see what you can see.

And what can you see? Well, Essaouira is smaller than many other Moroccan cities, but still has enough to see and do for when you’re not on the beach . Its imposing Portuguese castle and 18th-century ramparts jut out over the ocean and protect the medina, the old town. The medina itself is as lively as you’d expect, but without a lot of the petty crime and tourist traps that can sometimes occur in the bigger cities.

The weather’s nice too: milder than inland, with a fresh sea breeze to keep you from baking, and the mix of seafood and traditional Moroccan cuisine means you’ll always have something delicious to try.

Beach life consists of the usual sunbathing and swimming, but there are also opportunities for kitesurfing, off-road vehicle rides through the dunes further from the sea, or horseback riding along the coast. To dive into the history of the place, the Sidi Mohammed ben Abdallah Museum shows archaeological finds from Roman, Carthiginian and Middle Age visitors. All in all, it’s a wonderful combination of culture, activities, and relaxation . Perfect.

City escape to Dublin, Ireland

Two friends clinking beers — Shutterstock

For a trip that virtually guarantees a great time, head on over to Dublin . Great pubs, friendly locals, live music , and that mysterious Irish entity known as “the craic”.

Take some time to learn about the history and culture of Ireland at the National Museum, explore the 13th-century castle, indulge in a bit of retail therapy on Grafton Street, visit the world-famous Guinness brewery, or sun yourself in one of the city’s beautiful parks.

Of course, you’re never guaranteed perfect weather in the Emerald Isle, but even if it does look like rain, there’ll always be a friendly watering hole to duck into for a beer or two. Temple Bar is the city’s famous riverside neighborhood comprising pubs, bars, restaurants, boutique shops and craft stores, and you’ll always find a welcome. There’s Asian, American, and southern European cuisine on offer, so even if you don’t fancy yet another Guinness, there’ll be something to take your fancy. Sláinte!

Have some fun in Cartagena, Colombia

Two tourists walking with bikes in Cartagena — iStock

Low prices, a Caribbean coastline, beautiful architecture and buzzing nightlife make Cartagena de Indias a popular destination for travelers wanting to kick back and have some fun.

One of South America ’s best-preserved historic cities, it’s somewhere where just existing is sightseeing. All you have to do is wander around the old city center and along its miles of fortified walls, stopping to refresh against the heat now and again. Everything is colorful , everything is lively, and everything eventually leads to the beach .

The local beaches around Bocagrande, an easy walk from the city, are lovely, but there are islands to visit as well. The perfect white sand of Playa Blanca (creative, eh?) is on Isla Barú, around 40 minutes by boat from Cartagena, while the Rosario Islands, a national park, are a reef-encircled paradise. With flights from the southern states of the US and all the way up the east coast direct to Cartagena, there’s never been a better time to go.

Enjoy the nature in New Zealand

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If there’s one country where you and your friend can do a bit of absolutely everything, New Zealand is it. Like city life ? Well, there’s that in abundance. Auckland is a vibing, multicultural place that’s the country’s capital of arts and culture. Christchurch is a green and pleasant city that was rebuilt after an earthquake in 2011. Wellington is the laid-back capital that prides itself on local businesses making superb ice cream, craft beer and coffee.

To get a bit wilder, criss-cross the country by train or motorhome, stopping to swim in the lakes or sleep on the beach. Give yourself a few days to go on one of the many loop hikes that Kiwis love to do, or indulge in a bottle or two of local wine while touring the nation’s thriving vineyards . Sound interesting? Read much more about New Zealand in our destination guide .

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best friend trip

David Szmidt

David is a lead writer for Kiwi.com, as well as a football-watcher, music-listener and beer-appreciater. @UtterBlether

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Best Friend Travel: Why This is Such a Life-Affirming Way to Explore

By: Author Rob Taylor

Posted on November 10, 2023

Best Friend Travel: Why This is Such a Life-Affirming Way to Explore

It might actually be true that I travel more with my best friend than I do with my husband or kids… I can neither confirm or deny this, but I can tell you that traveling with my best friend of 20 years really is an experience I’m thankful for. Kelly B is back on the podcast chatting with me (Rob Taylor) about our friendship, our relationship as non-spousal adults, and the benefits we both gain from taking these trips together.

Yes, people think it’s weird that we travel so much together, but I’ll tell you this: there’s something very life-affirming about having an adventure with somebody you know deeply that ISN’T your spouse and who doesn’t look at you as the other parent or as someone who holds a great deal of daily responsibility in their life.

Best Friend Travel Experiences Podcast Episode

Give a listen and consider what sort of travel you can plan with somebody you’re not married to. The benefits are many, and the adventures awesome.

Check out just a few of the trips my best friend and I have conquered together and you’ll understand some of our stories and interactions a bit better:

  • Big Island of Hawaii
  • Carson City and Lake Tahoe
  • Door County, Wisconsin
  • Maine Road Trip
  • Florida Keys Wildlife Adventures and more

Best Friends Travel Podcast Episode

I enjoy getting to spend time with my best friend, traveling or recording podcast episodes. Kelly and I share our insights on why we travel so well together and why our time apart from our families actually is beneficial to ALL of us.

Below you’ll find links to our show notes, options for downloading podcast episodes from your favorite hub, and even information for being a part of the 2TravelDads podcast.

If you’d like to visit our  podcast host page , feel free! There are lots of options to subscribe to the 2TravelDads Podcast.


Stronger Relationships Through Travel

So what is it about traveling together that keeps us doing it again and again? I think the answer is multi-layered, but ultimately, when we’re talking about best friends travel, we’re talking about two people who know each other and individuals before anything else. Traveling with your immediate family or spouse is amazing and very special, but with that comes everything from your life at home. Traveling with a close friend means that you are experiencing the world together as people vs parents or mortgage payers.

Over our many trips together, Kelly and I have learned a lot about how each of us functions when we are only our adult selves and NOT living the role of parent or spouse. We have learned how we communicate, what our hot-button items are, and how to ensure that we each have a special experience wherever we may be. And we each know how to let the other person just BE.

I think one of the best experiences Kelly and I have had together was getting to be in Key West for Pride. Celebrating LGBTQ Pride is so important for many reasons, and being in a place like Key West reminded me why. While there, we enjoyed all the fun and rainbows together, but then we also gave each other the space to celebrate as we each needed. For me that was just being present with my community and soaking it up, and for Kelly it meant getting to hug others and dance and exude joy. We’re very different and we’re great traveling together because of times like this.

Rob Taylor and Kelly with Horizon Divers Key Largo Florida Keys 1

Favorite Best Friend Travel Trips

Oh gosh, where to begin. We’ve always made time for traveling together because we know how valuable it is for one another. It’s difficult to pick a favorite best friends trip, so we’ll just highlight what was so special about each.

Carson City and Lake Tahoe – when COVID hit and the world shut down, working with Carson City was the first travel job I’d gotten since February 2020. Kelly was ready to support the project, seeking out outdoors activities and the new concept of social distancing. We got to reconnect while the world was so apart.

Rob Taylor and Friends hiking at Kings Canyon Park Carson City Nevada 2020 1

Palm Beach County and Miami – OMG. I had a work trip get cancelled at the last minute and Kelly already had arrived in Florida. We made the most of it, exploring Palm Beach County and then enjoying Miami’s South Beach together. No plans, just haphazardly wandering around South Florida .

Rob Taylor with SUPs on Beach at Peanut Island Lake Worth West Palm Beach Florida 5

Cross Country Road Trip – I haven’t written about this yet (2023), but when Kelly and her family moved from Lyle, Washington to Rockland, Maine , I got to be a part of it. We drove from Portland, Oregon to Portland, Maine in five days. We made stops in Yellowstone National Park , Niagara Falls and more.

Rob Taylor and Kelly Roadside Picnic with Bison in Lamar Valley Yellowstone National Park Wyoming 1

Walt Disney World – One of the busiest work trips I’ve ever had, Kelly was the perfect best friend for this travel experience. We visited 17 resort hotels in five days, did all four theme parks, and still had the energy to laugh the whole time. Experiencing Disney World with somebody for the first time was a great reminder to me of how magical it can be.

Taylor Family at Slinky Dog Coaster Toy Story Land Hollywood Studios Disney World 1

Door County, Wisconsin – Neither one of us knew what to expect when we landed in Green Bay, WI but we had an amazing time. We spent four days on this beautiful peninsula seeking out lighthouses and art galleries, drinking cider and eating cheese. It was the best fall trip! Ooh, my favorite moment was when we did a traditional Wisconsin fish boil and we were not at all ready for what happened ( read the article ).

There are so many more adventures together, but these are some of the best. Best friend travel is a unique experience that is very much worth the time and effort to put together. I hope you enjoyed the podcast episode and will keep on listening.

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Best Places To Travel With Friends

There’s nothing like grabbing a few special people and planning a great friend vacation. Finding the best vacation spots depends on what you are interested in.

Are your friends artsy or do they love to soak up the sun? Does there have to be an itinerary, or is “winging it” more your style? Is an international trip more your speed, or does a quick trip in the States make more sense? Planning a longer trip can be fun, but there’s something exciting about those spur-of-the-moment trips too!

We’ve compiled some of the best places to travel with friends, including the best beach vacations for a group of friends (sand and sun, anyone?). Since things are starting to open back up, it’s time to begin thinking about the best places to travel in 2023 to get the best dates and rates.

There are tons of things to do and see, and you may have a few special occasions in the works that call for a quick celebration trip. The key is getting those places on your radar to start filling in the blanks.

Life is meant to be lived fully among the people you love. Now grab your bucket list, because we’ve listed some of the best places to go on vacation with friends and all the destinations that will fill your memory books for years to come.

Best Places To Travel With Friends in the U.S.

If an international trip isn’t in the cards right now, there are tons of places to travel right here in the U.S. We’ve pinpointed the top three. Take a look:

Las Vegas, Nevada  – You’ve heard it before, and it’s true. Las Vegas is one of the best places to travel with friends in the U.S. and one of the best places to travel in your 20s in the U.S. It’s fairly inexpensive compared to other cities, and there’s a lot to do. Grab a show, check out the casino and get free drinks, walk the strip, go ziplining, and more. For a change of scenery, pick up a rental car and head out to  Hoover Dam , the  Grand Canyon ,  Red Rock Canyon , or the  Valley of Fire State Park .

Hawaii  – Hawaii is one of the best beach vacations for a group of friends in the USA. Think lush green trees and a photo op every few minutes. Island hop and enjoy the white, red, or black sand beaches, go see some movie locations, get the freshest pineapple in the world, and learn why Hawaii is a big deal. Whether a resort is on your radar or you want a more authentic experience, there is something for everyone, which makes it one of the best places to go on vacation with friends in the U.S.

New Orleans  – The Big Easy is a top destination and the perfect place to hang out with friends. From Bourbon Street to Mardi Gras in February, it’s full of restaurants and bars, is right on the water, and is an experience you should enjoy with friends.

Napa Valley  – If you’re looking for something “cultured” to do with your friends, head on over to Napa and experience wine in its true habitat. Tour the vineyards, do a wine tasting, and eat at some of the valley’s great restaurants. San Francisco is right around the corner, so you could possibly make it two trips in one!

Best Places To Travel With Friends Outside the U.S.

What’s better than traveling with friends? Some of the best places to travel with friends outside the U.S. are within reach and not that expensive. In fact, some of these destinations fall within the top 10 places to visit in the world:

Paris, France  – This is one of the best places to travel with friends in Europe, because who doesn’t want to experience a European vacation, right? The French capital has some of the most historical landmarks on the planet. Shop on the Champs-Elysees, lounge on the lawn at the  Eiffel Tower , visit the  Louvre Museum , and more.

Iceland  – If you’re looking for adventure and a breathtaking backdrop, add Iceland to your list. From the glaciers to the black sand beaches, there’s something to do and see every step of the way. The best part? You can visit Iceland any time of year and experience something different.

Barcelona, Spain  – Barcelona is another one on the list of the best places to travel in the world. With world-class food and charm, amazing architecture, historic landmarks, and a bustling nightlife, this destination is reasonable and fun.

Costa Rica  – Costa Rica is an untapped playground for friends featuring lush greenery, tropical beaches, rainforests, and more. Visit the volcanoes, go hiking, relax on the beautiful beaches, and zip line through the forest.

Italy  – When you’re considering trips outside of the U.S., Italy is a must-see as you’re traveling through Europe. Explore Rome, go sailing on Lake Como, take gorgeous pics on the Amalfi Coast, and enjoy all the food you can possibly eat. The architecture, ambiance, and friends are all you need.

Best Places To Travel With Friends Under 21

If you’re under 21 and looking for adventure, there are many destinations on the map that provide great entertainment and things to do:

Disney World  –  Disney World  in beautiful Orlando, Florida is one of the best places to travel with friends under 21. You get to relive your childhood right before you cross over into full adulthood. There are tons of theme parks in the area and other attractions, which makes it a great destination for a group of friends.

New York City  – The city that never sleeps is also one of the best places to travel under 21 that still allows you to have a great time. Visit the  Statue of Liberty , check out shows on Broadway, enjoy the food and lights in Times Square, and stroll through Central Park. There’s ALWAYS something to do in New York, no matter what time of year you go.

Best Cheap Places To Go on Vacation With Friends 

Ready to load up your friends and just go? That sounds great, but if your funds are limited, you need to find some cheap places to travel with your best friend. Here are a few suggestions:

Cancun, Mexico  – Cancun is high on the list of the best places to go on vacation with friends that’s cheap. Think about beautiful beaches and all the water sports you can handle, including snorkeling, sailing, swimming, boating, paddle boating, and more. The great part about Cancun is the resorts, which include everything you can imagine that gives you more for your money.

Dominican Republic  – The DR is one of the best places to travel in your 20s on a budget. You get to enjoy a beautiful Caribbean island, go hiking in the mountains, enjoy an all-inclusive resort, and imagine living life like that every day.

Atlantic City, New Jersey  – Atlantic City is known for being a great alternative to Las Vegas—and it has beaches, too! There are plenty of things to do in the city and when you’re tired out, lounge on the beach with a cocktail in hand.

Atlanta, Georgia  – Atlanta is one of those diamonds in the rough you might not think of as an ideal place for a quick trip, but there’s so much to do. Go to a concert, hike Stone Mountain, visit the  World of Coca-Cola , and more. There’s a lot of history in Atlanta that should be explored.

Best Places To Travel During COVID

Even in the midst of COVID-19, there are plenty of places you can travel with your friends. Many places have some kind of restrictions in place—especially countries with international travel restrictions—but by having your own precautions in place, you can still travel and have a good time.

Because COVID cases are constantly changing, the safest places to travel during COVID are frequently changing, too. A good rule of thumb is to check the country or state you are considering frequently leading up to your trip departure date.  This travel restrictions tool may help you in your research. Here are some of the best places to travel in the U.S. during COVID and abroad during COVID:

Colorado  – If you’re into nature, hiking, and camping, Colorado is a great destination due to its vast landscape that allows you to largely avoid other people. With a ton of monuments and historical locations, national parks, and trails, there is always something to do. Rocky Mountain and Mesa Verde are great places to explore, and if you’re up for the cold, they’re also beautiful locations for a winter visit.

Miami  – Ready to hit the beach year-round? Miami is your destination. While there are restrictions in place, it’s one of the cheap places to travel during COVID where you can get your money’s worth.

Antigua and Barbuda  – This beautiful country is a good place to visit if you’re in the mood for beaches and sand. An amazing friends’ trip destination, it has restrictions in place but has done a good job of keeping infection numbers down.


Be Sure to Explore These Related Resources:

  • The Ultimate European Travel Guide
  • Tips for Traveling without Knowing the Language
  • Best Travel Destinations for Any Kind of Traveler
  • Should I Get Travel Health Insurance for My Trip Abroad
  • Group Travel Medical Insurance


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20 All-Inclusive Resorts Even Your Pickiest Friends Will Be Impressed By


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All-inclusive vacation resorts were designed to make traveling easy, stress-free, safe, and luxurious. At an all-inclusive, you generally won't have to carry a wallet or walk more than a few steps to get to a luxury pool or beachfront restaurant, and a simple lift of your eyes grants you the million-dollar view you traveled to see. The grounds of an all-inclusive are typically quite extravagant and impressive if you choose the right resort. Conveniently included in your nightly room rate are things like meals at gourmet restaurants, nightclubs, live entertainment and performances, luxury amenities, and all the drinks you can drink.

Not all of these all-inclusive resorts are glamorous, though. Some of them are gross, bug-infested, mildewy properties that serve stale food and offer underwhelming activities. When you're planning a group vacation or a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort, you're probably thinking about those super picky in-laws, relatives, or friends who won't come if the resort you choose isn't glamorous. So, if you want their attendance, you'll have to choose the resort wisely. You'll have to read the reviews, look at photos, check social media, and do your research to find an all-inclusive resort that even your pickiest friends will be impressed by. Or, you can just read this list of beautiful all-inclusive resorts that are approved by the pickiest of travelers. Yes, some all-inclusive resorts actually do serve delicious cuisine, awesome craft cocktails, clean and modern suites, and spacious pool areas (or your own private pool) where you won't be fighting anyone for a lounge chair. Check out our list of resorts that get the stamp of approval.

UPDATE: 2023/01/10 14:21 EST BY TYLER GOLEC

All-inclusive resorts are always popular with travelers, who don't like paying one price and then sitting back and relaxing for the remainder of the trip. Travelers will never want to leave these resorts. To help travelers find the best possible all-inclusive resorts, this article has been updated, and even more all-inclusive resort content has been added.

20 Secrets Papagayo, Costa Rica - Chic Luxury Amidst Tropical Gardens And The Gulf Of Papagaya

Secrets Papagayo Costa Rica is located on the stunning Papagayo Peninsula in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Secrets' slogan is "unlimited luxury" and this adults-only, all-inclusive resort certainly delivers on this slogan. Perfectly situated on a serene beachfront and surrounded by lush tropical gardens, this hidden gem in Costa Rica is one of the most peaceful and stunning all-inclusive resorts you'll ever stay at.

Their terrace lounges are the ideal place to sip on cocktails, as they're decorated in chic patio furniture, including patio swings and day beds. Indulge in an array of international cuisine at the four à la carte restaurants, a buffet venue, a grill, and a café. Or, sneak away to enjoy a room service meal in the privacy of your gorgeous suite. 24-hour dining options are provided via room service or the charming Coco Café. Unlimited-Luxury privileges include all meals, craft cocktails, natural fruit juices, pool service, and top-shelf spirits.

Secrets Papagayo Costa Rica offers 202 luxurious guest rooms and suites with views of the ultra-lush gardens or sea views of the Gulf of Papagayo. Your suite will have a private furnished terrace or balcony, a king-size bed or two double beds, a spacious bathroom, and chic decor. With white palettes, turquoise touches, and wooden accents, the suites are as stylish as can be. Your room choices include tropical bungalow suites and rooms with a private plunge pool.

19 Royalton Cayo Santa Maria, Villa Clara Province, Cuba - Winner Of The Most Popular Resort In The Caribbean

The Royalton Cayo Santa Maria is a rare, sophisticated adults-only getaway in Cuba. The colorful and charming culture of Cuba meets a luxury experience at this resort. Royalton resorts are renowned for offering the best of the best to their guests in terms of exceptional service, incredible attention to detail, and overly-accommodating staff. This awesome all-inclusive has picture-perfect facilities, world-class cuisine, and a modern feel. The Royalton Cayo Santa Maria was the 2016 Certificate of Excellence Winner for consistently achieving outstanding reviews on TripAdvisor and has been a winner of TripAdvisor's Travelers Choice Awards for several consecutive years.

This world-class resort has received thousands of accolades and 5-star guest reviews on TripAdvisor, all from happy guests whose expectations were exceeded. Some of the categories it has won in are 'Best Hotel in the Caribbean' and 'Most Romantic Hotel in the Caribbean,' among other awards.

Guests really do get the royal treatment here, as they're treated to butler service on the beach and by the pools, as well as 24-hour room service. Two pools and four bars are at your disposal, as well as discounts on spa services for all hotel guests. Wake up each morning in paradise to a magnificent ocean view, between high thread count sheets atop a premium plush mattress. Each luxury room offers a modern rain shower, satellite television, a stocked minibar, a coffee maker, and a beautiful terrace to let the tropical breezes flow gently in.

18 Curacao Marriott Beach Resort & Emerald Casino, Curacao, Caribbean - The Most Beautiful Resort In The Most Perfect Location

The Curacao Marriott Beach Resort is conveniently located on a gorgeous Caribbean beach and only 5 minutes from the dreamy, colorful, and vibrant downtown Curacao. This luxurious private beachfront resort has all-inclusive options, but you must specifically book the all-inclusive package. Marriott’s all-inclusive Caribbean vacations are lavish, to say the least. These all-inclusive packages immerse you in an incredible resort experience within the reputable Marriott brand at a highly sought-after island destination. The flat-rate room price includes three delicious meals each day, cocktails, juices, desserts, and more. Rooms have luxury beds with plush pillow top mattresses, modern touches such as high-speed internet and flat screen TVs, and bright decor.

This resort has it all...especially location, location, location. Willemstad, the capital city of Curacao, is well-known for its brightly-colored houses of traditional colonial architecture and its beautiful harbor with rich coral reef.

While staying at Curacao Marriott Beach Resort, you're only few miles from Willemstad, which makes this resort ideal in terms of location. Here, in downtown Curacao, you can walk on the Queen Emma Pontoon Bridge which floats on the water at the harbor, and it occasionally swings open to allow ships to leave or enter the harbor. It's a great spot to take in the colorful houses of the Otrobanda quarter, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Back at the resort, enjoy food and cocktails at Seabreeze swim-up bar and restaurant or try your luck at the exciting resort casino.

17 Marquis Los Cabos Resort & Spa, Los Cabos, Mexico - Because A Private Rooftop Pool And Sundeck Gets You Closer To The Stars

Marquis Los Cabos is an all-inclusive, adults-only resort where every suite is an ocean view. Nestled in the tranquil southern tip of the Baja peninsula in Los Cabos, Mexico, you'll find this elegant and sophisticated oasis. Expect world-class dining in the form of gourmet restaurants, poolside service, and room service. Los Cabos is known for its beautiful beaches, sunny weather, and breathtaking stars that light up the sky at night. Your all-inclusive stay here includes meals and beverages from world-class resort restaurants, 24-hour room service, and unlimited cocktails. A full-service spa and three sparkling pools invite you to relax without chaos or noise. Instagram-moments are all around you; for example, by walking across the stepping stone, walk-on-water bridge that adorns one of the resort's chic pools.

The suites at Marquis Los Cabos are all about stylish and trendy decor, with furnished balconies and jetted bathtubs. Enjoy sweeping views of the Mar de Cortes, as an ocean view is guaranteed in every suite. Modern luxuries are not forgotten in these suites, which provide you with all of the comforts of home in a next-level chic suite. For the ultimate experience, book one of their Casitas, which is a multi-floor hotel suite with a separated living and dining area, a wet bar, and two full bathrooms. The Casitas also has a rooftop pool and sundeck, which is everything. Your private rooftop oasis is amazing for soaking up the sun in privacy and for being that much closer to the stars while relaxing on your rooftop lounge chairs at night.

16 Sandals Barbados Resort & Spa, St. Lawrence Gap, Barbados - Experience Two Incredible Resorts For The Price Of One

Barbados is an exotic location with a rich culture and an extensive variety of scenery and activities. Nature lovers will love the lush landscapes, monkey-populated forests, sea caves, rocky cliffs, white-sand beaches, and sparkling seas. At Sandals Barbados Resort & Spa , your pickiest friends will be in for the surprise of their life. Here, you'll get a mega all-inclusive vacation that includes access to two stunning resorts for the price of one.

You'll get access to Sandals Barbados Resort & Spa and Sandals Royal Barbados Resort & Spa. In total, you'll get all-inclusive access to 17 restaurants, 12 bars, two gorgeous beaches, and multiple luxury amenities. The resorts are right next to each other, so you can freely explore each of them at your leisure and never get bored.

The beautifully-designed suites include swim-up suites and suites with private tranquility soaking tubs on your patio. As far as restaurant choices go, choose from delectable menus inspired by Paris, Tokyo, India, Italy, and more. You'll be an honored guest at any of 17 restaurants, each with its own unique ambiance, setting, and its own creative dishes.

Sandals' first rooftop pool is yours to enjoy at Sandals Royal Barbados. Overlooking the ocean from its rooftop setting, this glass infinity pool is one of 34 pools featured at Sandals Royal Barbados. Its rooftop location makes it the perfect place to sunbathe while taking in beautiful views. Sandals Barbados also has a bowling alley for guest use and a craft beer garden.

15 Half Moon, A Rock Resort, Jamaica - Enjoy Jamaica By Horseback Before Heading Back To Your Ocean-View Sanctuary

Half Moon Resort is a bucket-list destination in and of itself, set on 400 acres of immaculate beachfront grounds and tropical gardens in Jamaica. The resort is home to the largest award-winning spa in Jamaica, a huge golf course, an equestrian center with 28 horses, and Jamaica's best restaurant, The Sugar Mill. Guests have some of the most amazing activities at their fingertips while staying at Half Moon, including horseback riding along the turquoise Caribbean Sea, swimming with dolphins in the resort's private cove, kayaking, windsurfing, tennis, and much more.

Included in your room rate, you'll get unlimited access to the resort's water sports equipment, tennis courts, golf course, tennis courts, fitness center, and more. The resort's individual rooms, suites, and villas mostly have views of the vibrant Caribbean Sea and an elegant vibe of understated luxury. The suites have beautiful white vintage-style shutters and elegant French doors that lead onto your private patio or balcony. Other extra-special touches these rooms include are stylish chaise lounges that face the ocean view (perfect for reading a book with a view of paradise), modern furnishings, a cute vanity table and desk, and a luxurious bed with a deluxe mattress. The entire resort is stunning, but the rooms are especially beautiful.

14 Jade Mountain Resort, St. Lucia, Caribbean - Would You Like Your Own Private Infinity Pool Sanctuary, With Breathtaking Views?

The island of St. Lucia is known for it's ultra-lush landscape, striking mountains, natural wonders, banana plantations, and sandy beaches. St. Lucia is easily one of the most beautiful Caribbean destinations, and Jade Mountain Resort is easily one of the most incredible resorts on the island. Jade Mountain Resort rises above to offer guests the ultimate viewpoint so that you can take in St. Lucia's stunning scenery and let its beauty encircle you.

The architecture and design at Jade Mountain Resort are next-level. Individual bridges lead to exceptional pool sanctuaries, rugged stoned-faced columns reaching towards the sky, platforms that float out into nature, and stage-like settings to embrace the epic scenery.

The suites at Jade Mountain Resort have their own private infinity pools. Yes, you read that correctly. The infinity pool will take your breath away, as it meets views of St. Lucia's mountain peaks that seem close enough to touch. Each of the 24 infinity pool sanctuary accommodations at Jade Mountain St. Lucia is carefully-designed individual work of art and architecture. All the sanctuaries have jaw-dropping views of the Pitons and the Caribbean Sea. All the suites also feature 15-foot-high ceilings and are designed with the 4th wall open to the views while at the same time allowing for complete privacy. The all-inclusive option allows you to enjoy food and drinks without worrying about a bill, and the food and drinks are always of premium quality.

The Jade Mountain Club is popular among guests, and the Celestial Terrace is the perfect spot for sunset cocktails or stargazing at night. Soft sandy beaches are easily accessible from this exclusive and private resort, but you may not actually want to leave the resort grounds.

13 Thatch Caye Resort, Belize - Overwater Bungalows, Swaying Hammocks, And Meals Made Fresh From Local Island Ingredients

Thatch Caye Resort is an all-inclusive private island resort in Belize and one of the few resorts offering over-water bungalows. You'll experience all the beauty and serenity of Belize from your private island, perfectly located along the Belize Barrier Reef and just a short boat rides away from awesome excursions and adventures. The island resort only holds 30 guests at a time, guaranteeing a unique and special experience that strays from the boring cookie-cutter mentality of many other all-inclusive resorts. Thatch Caye's All-Inclusive Island Style package is better than you'd expect. All-inclusive means something a bit differently when you're living on a private island.

Meals are made fresh daily, which means that fresh food and drinks come to the island via boat on a regular basis. Rather than typical restaurants, Thatch Caye offers a fun and relaxed community-style dining experience that epitomizes the carefree island life.

Meals are made with local authentic ingredients that are sure to impress your taste buds. The all-inclusive package includes three meals per day and snacks, local alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, boat transfers, marine access, kayaks, paddle boards, snorkel gear, fishing poles, and more!

A room over the water is the ultimate luxury, and Thatch Caye's over-water bungalows are built on stilts out over the ocean. Each bungalow is beautifully decorated with en-suite bathrooms, deluxe bedding, and spacious terraces. The bungalows are truly idyllic with stunning 180-degree views of distant islands and clear blue water. But what makes them even better is your hammock on your private patio, which sways with the island breezes and completely relaxes you.

12 Chiva-Som, Hua Hin, Thailand - A Serene All-Inclusive Set Within Lush Thai Gardens

Located on the stunning Gulf of Thailand within seven acres of lush tropical greenery is the Chiva-Som Hua Hin all-inclusive resort. The lush nature surrounding this resort promotes wellness, balance, peace, and relaxation. This beautiful beachfront resort is set within banyan-filled gardens and the vibe is all about peaceful luxury. The room rate includes all meals and beverages, one daily massage, a holistic wellness consultation, unlimited use of water therapy suites, and a variety of leisure activities such as yoga and beachside fitness.

The accommodations at Chiva-Som boast ocean-view rooms with private balconies that overlook the beach, the exquisite pool, and the Gulf of Thailand. Some of the guest rooms offer a private Jacuzzi on the terrace and a lush private garden. All guest rooms are elegantly decorated and adorned with Thai silk, teak, and bamboo accents to give you an authentic Thai ambiance.

This all-inclusive resort focuses on maintaining a retreat of tranquility and holistic wellness. The resort blends holistic health, fitness, nutrition, aesthetic beauty, and other wellness modalities to ensure guests feel pampered, healthy, and rejuvenated. This is a far cry from a boozy all-inclusive in Cancun, Mexico. Here, natural beauty and serenity surround you at every turn. Expert health practitioners are available on the grounds, and the cuisine is crafted by exceptional chefs who specialize in nutritional health.

11 Beloved Playa Mujeres, Cancun, Mexico - Swim-up Suites And A Swim-up Bar In Paradise

Beloved Playa Mujeres by Excellence Resorts is a luxury boutique adults-only all-inclusive resort that will impress just about anyone. It's located on the beach, steps from the perfect white sand and glistening turquoise waters and away from the dirty party scene of Cancun. It'll only take you 40 minutes by boat to get to Isla Mujeres, the popular tourist destination that never disappoints. At Beloved Playa Mujeres, there are 3 outdoor pool sanctuaries, outdoor tennis courts, rooftop terraces with lounge beds, a swim-up bar, and plenty of fine dining. The Swim-up Bar serves a variety of tropical cocktails and refreshing drinks. Feel the Caribbean breeze, relax and enjoy a cocktail as the sun goes down. Dining options include a sushi and ceviche bar, a waffle bar, gluten-free menus, gourmet pizza, and more. It's easy to eat healthy here, but it's also easy to indulge. The fitness center provides yoga classes and other fun fitness ventures.

Accommodations are above and beyond at this all-inclusive luxury hotel—Swim-up Suites, Ocean View Terrace Suites with a private plunge pool, and Two Story Casita Suites with Plunge Pool. The Two-Story Casita Suites are especially incredible. Each of these spacious and luxurious ocean-view casitas features a private rooftop terrace with a plunge pool, a king master bedroom, and stunning views of the Caribbean Sea. You'll also get a fully-stocked mini bar, private Jacuzzi, high-speed Wi-Fi, Hydrotherapy, twice-daily maid service, and 24-hour room service.

10 The Grand Palladium White Sand Resort & Spa, Riviera Maya, Mexico - How Many Hotels Have A Man-made Lake And A Crocodile Habitat?

The Grand Palladium White Sand Resort & Spa is a 5-star luxury resort and one of the five all-inclusive resorts that make up the Grand Palladium Riviera Maya resort. The resort takes its name from its prime location on a private white-sand beach and lush mangrove forest. It's located in one of the nicest areas of Mexico's Riviera Maya, between Tulum and Playa del Carmen.

Enjoy amenities such as “La Isla,” the pool exclusively for adults, one of the 6 other freshwater pools, the swim-up bar, and the crocodile habitat which showcases live feeding exhibitions. Speaking of feeding, this resort has 9 incredible restaurants which include traditional Mexican, gourmet Italian, American, and more. There's plenty of variety for even the pickiest of eaters.

The resort's "Mayan Suites" are for adults only, and they are enveloped by a beautiful man-made lake, so each room has a canoe or kayak for guests to enjoy the lake. You'll enjoy your private wooden terrace with a kayak landing over the lake, wooden hammocks, and a small jetty where you will have a canoe available to travel around the lake surrounding our facilities. Since most all-inclusive resorts don't have a man-made lake feature, this hotel feels incredibly unique and special, ideal for nature lovers. Suites are incredibly spacious and beautiful, with unique wooden thatched ceilings and elegant decor.

9 Ikos Oceania Resort, Nea Moudania, Greece - One Of The Top 3 All-Inclusive Resorts In The World

Ikos Oceania Resort is a luxury all-inclusive property in Greece, set upon a private bay with a pristine beach along the Mediterranean Sea. This resort's rooms were newly renovated in 2017 and offer breathtaking sea and mountain views. The contemporary suites have stylish, modern furniture with a mix of beach wood, clean white palettes, and blue accents. At Ikos Oceania, even the pickiest eaters will enjoy their meals. The four a-la-carte restaurants on the property are impressively delicious, and the 'Dine Out' experience offered at no extra charge takes guests to some of the best local restaurants. The on-property restaurants have impressive menus that are mostly designed by Michelin-starred chefs. Available activities for guests include exploring the island on a bike, kayaking through the glistening Mediterranean, learning Greek dancing, or hiking into the mountains.

At this resort, your backyard is an unspoiled beach with soft golden sand and crystal-clear Mediterranean waters, enveloped by pretty fir trees. Included in your room rate are beauty products from Anne Sémonin Paris, 24-hour room service, high-tech Smart TVs, a fully-stocked minibar, Michelin-starred restaurants, and private beachfront access. You'll also get unlimited access to the steam room, sauna, fitness studio, and heated outdoor swimming pool.

8 Dreams Los Cabos Resort & Spa, Los Cabos, Mexico - A Dreamy Resort Perfect For Stargazing

The Dreams Los Cabos Resort is a beautiful spacious resort in Los Cabos, Mexico with elegant decor and luxury amenities. Los Cabos is known for having gorgeous beaches and big, bright, beautiful stars that come out at night, so it's an idyllic destination for stargazing. With a desirable location along the sparkling Sea of Cortez in Los Cabos, Mexico, the Dreams Los Cabos Resort and Spa is one of the most beautiful luxury all-inclusive resorts in Mexico. This resort is known for having impressive dining options, where the food actually tastes good and is of gourmet restaurant quality. They also have a huge infinity pool that is kept very clean and boasts panoramic ocean views that are especially incredible at sunset. The swim-up bar serves fresh craft cocktails, and the infinity pool illuminates with beautiful colors of pink and purple when the pool lights come on at night. There is also an adults-only pool that is separate from the main pool and rarely gets crowded. Since this resort is so spacious, overcrowding is not an issue and the demographic is typically mature couples seeking a beautiful oasis. Since this resort is meant to impress even the pickiest of travelers, they promise extra-accommodating staff, 24-hour room service, deluxe dreamlike beds, immaculate grounds, and modern touches.

7 Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica - Direct Access To The Pool From Your Swim-Up Suite

Hyatt Ziva Rose Hall is one of the most luxurious all-inclusive destinations imaginable. Hyatt Ziva offers the ultimate Jamaican retreat in Montego Bay, featuring pristine beaches and stunning swimming pools including a swim-up bar. Included in your stay is unlimited food and drinks at the resort's world-class restaurants and bars, which includes fine dining and expertly-crafted cocktails. Choose from a wide variety of options, including gourmet steakhouses, and casual seaside cafés. White-sand beaches are at your fingertips, along with beachside and poolside service. Fitness is included as well, which includes yoga classes, pilates, aerobics classes, water sports, and a 24-hour gym. Club Level rooms offer guests even more prestigious amenities, including access to the Club Lounge and premium appetizers. The resort's impressive outdoor theater has nightly entertainment and live music.

Hyatt Ziva's swim-up suites are extraordinarily special, with direct access to the pool from your terrace. However, even the regular rooms have spectacular private terraces with views of the pool and ocean, and the terraces are designed with white palettes to complement the sophisticated design of the interior. All the modern luxuries you could want are included in the guest rooms, including quality luxury bedding, Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and a fully-stocked minibar.

6 Travaasa Hana, Maui, Hawaii - The Real Hawaii In All Of Its Natural Astonishment

If you've ever wanted to experience real Hawaii, this resort is everything. Hidden away near the lush and peaceful town of Hana, on Maui’s southeastern coast, the Travaasa Hana is the most all-inclusive resort on the island. This unique luxury property is set amid rolling grass fields and palm trees above Kaihalulu Bay, with Sea Ranch Cottages offering private lanai and ocean views. The real Hawaii is yours to experience here, with lush nature all around you and a mesmerizing feeling of quiet paradise. Suites offer locally made bath amenities, deluxe organic linens, and high-quality whole bean coffee. The Travaasa Hana's all-inclusive program includes all meals, snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and activities like snorkeling, horseback riding, and outdoor yoga.

Your backyard is Hana, where you'll find natural wonders such as black-sand beaches, red-sand beaches, hidden waterfalls, and bamboo forests. All-inclusive resorts are rare in Hawaii, but you've found one here at Travassa.

People call it a "Hana state of mind" because being in Hana, Maui is otherworldly, as though you're in an alternate universe. There's something about the beautiful smells of Hawaiian flowers, the extra-fresh air, the lush nature, the perfect sun, and the hidden gems of natural astonishment that will wrap you up in a fantasy.

5 Club Med Kamarina, Sicily, Italy - Garden Sanctuaries And A Real Sicilian Village Feel

At Club Med Kamarina, you can enjoy a luxury all-inclusive experience in Sicily, which is the largest of the Mediterranean Islands. A beautiful swimming pool sanctuary is set amidst a beautiful flower garden, and this charismatic Italian hotel overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. All-inclusive packages at Club Med Kamarina include all-day dining, alcoholic drinks served by the glass and at the bar, fruit juices and sodas, hot drinks, mocktails, wine, spirits, and more. The resort has a beach bar, pool bar, rooftop bar, a nightclub bar, and then there are restaurants. Fine Italian cuisine is at every turn at Club Med Kamarina, where the flavors of Sicily are truly incredible. The resort has 689 rooms split between charming bungalows (Villaggio) and an elegant hotel. The Villaggio is a labyrinth of narrow streets, cute alleyways, and pretty paved squares with flowers galore, just like a real Sicilian village. The unique bungalows are made of local stone, and the hotel rooms are picturesque. Each room has a balcony.

There are many historic towns near the Club Med Resort that guests can explore easily. For example, nearby the resort is Ragusa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site where you can see the beautiful Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista and the Ibleo Archeological Museum.

4 Excellence Punta Cana, Dominican Republic - A Colonial Village Style Resort With A Luxurious Ease

The Excellence Punta Cana Resort is a relaxing, laid-back resort on the island that faces a 30-mile stretch of white-sand beach. This five-star resort is a colonial village-style resort that encapsulates the easygoing island lifestyle. Fill your days with scenic coastal horseback rides, yoga, ziplining, and whale watching or just enjoy a siesta in your hammock. Enjoy picturesque sunset dinners at one of the resort's nine restaurants, followed by moonlit massages. You'll also get access to 10 bars, two huge pools, and private swim-up suites. This all-inclusive paradise includes all of your meals, unlimited premium alcoholic beverages, 24-hour room service, water service at the beach and pool, daily activities, and nightly entertainment.

Guests of this resort will also have plenty of activities to choose from, including catamaran boat rides, cave exploring, world-class snorkeling, zip-lining, and whale watching. Or, explore wildlife preserves and ecological parks, swim with dolphins and sea lions, or speedboat over to Isla Saona with a stop at a sandbar for a swim in waters filled with colorful starfish.

This area complements its 15th-century villages, basilicas, and colonial-era ruins. The capital of Santo Domingo is a showcase of colonial architecture including the first cathedral in the Americas, the Cathedral of Santa María la Menor. A walk through the ancient Colonial Quarters lets you experience the oldest city in The New World.

3 Royal Davui Island Resort, Fiji - An All-Inclusive Resort With Your Own Private Oceanfront Villa

Royal Davui Island Fiji Resort is an adults-only sanctuary located in the spectacular Beqa Lagoon in Fiji. Clear turquoise waters, white-sand beaches, tall palms, and perfect sunshine are yours at this resort. This exclusive boutique resort only accommodates a few guests at a time and promises an immersive, idyllic experience.

It's a remote sanctuary only accessible by boat or helicopter, and this South Pacific Island resort helps you discover a bliss-like state of mind in a paradise-like setting. Meals from the freshest, finest, local ingredients are included in your stay, as well as beverages and activities.

The restaurants are incredible. The Banyan Restaurant, for example, is the heart of the resort as the beautiful banyan tree majestically ascends through the middle of the restaurant and towers over the premises. Your private terrace, however, will be an equally picturesque location for dining in paradise.

At Royal Davui Island Resort, there are 16 exceptional thatched-roof villas, secluded among ten acres of lush, tropical greenery. Each private villa comes with a private plunge pool overlooking Beqa Lagoon on your spacious sundeck. Enjoy champagne breakfasts on a deserted sandbar, in-room service from staff who know you by name, and when you're finished indulging in the included food and drink, you can swim with turtles and dolphins during an excursion.

2 Sandals Grenada: St. George's, Grenada

Sandals Grenada is an adults-only all-inclusive resort in Grenada. Their incredible variety of activities is unmatched. They include tennis, bocce, kayaking, windsurfing, and snorkeling. In the evening, travelers can look forward to entertainment consisting of live music events, fashion shows, talent shows, or beach parties. The resort is home to 10 on-site restaurants and numerous bars serving premium liquor, including a swimming pool bar.

Every traveling staying at his resort will enjoy its features including either a private balcony or a terrace with outdoor dining furniture. Soaking tubs, walk-in showers, and mini-fridges stocked with various snacks, drinks, and wine are available within the room itself. At the on-site Red Lane Spa, Travers can improve their overall wellness with fitness classes, aromatherapy sessions, massages, body scrubs, facials, and salon services (some of these services come at an added cost). Making the experience perfect, the resort sits beside the picturesque Pink Gin Beach, a truly stunning strip of shoreline.

1 BodyHoliday Saint Lucia: Castries, St. Lucia

Travelers will love their stay at BodyHoliday St. Lucia. This resort is all about relaxation and wellness. Prior to the arrival of travelers, the team at the Wellness Centre will plan your health schedule. This includes one free full body massage, facial, body scrub, or aloe body wrap per day. When it comes to exercise, travelers will have access to a personal trainer who will help them design a workout regimen. Travelers will also be able to look forward to classes including dance, aerobics and other group fitness classes. All are available for guests to join. BodyHoliday's cuisine also promotes wellness, as all five of its restaurants use fresh, local ingredients.

This resort also offers a clubhouse, a piano bar, and a wine salon. Travelers will especially enjoy the adults-only atmosphere as it brings a sense of calm and a laid-back vibe. Although the resort is a bit set back from some of the island's more populated areas. The all-inclusive rate offered by this resort covers so many activities travelers will never want to leave. Travelers can sail, snorkel, water-ski, or take golf and volleyball lessons without paying an additional cent.

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13 Best Places To Travel With Your Best Friend

Places to travel with your best friend

Best Places to travel with your best friend | Travel ideas | Travel tips | Travel destinations | Vacation idea |

Travel With Your Best Friend

We have scoured through the internet and rounded up the best places to travel with the most important person in your life aka your BFF. What could be more exciting than traveling with your best friend? This is the perfect way to strengthen your bond, experience, and explore amazing places across the world.

Get ready to explore, try different foods, places and travel around the world with your best friend.

We have got you some of the best vacation spots for you and your BFF. #placestoTravelwithyourbestfriend

Where should I travel with my best friend?

13 Best vacation places and spot ideas to travel with your best friend

1. st. croix, u.s. virgin islands.

One of the best islands in the Caribbean sea, the place offers snorkeling, diving, sailing, and fishing. The island is popularly known for the cruise port, the place is definitely worth a visit.  The crime rate is almost 100% crime-free however, to be on the safer side just take precautions. A perfect destination for laid back experience.

2. Tuscany, Italy

This place is loaded with so many things, from Magnificent landscape to artistic legacy. You will also find some of the most popular historical cities like Siana, Luca, Florence, and Pisa. Tuscany is filled with fascinating mountains side that are worthy enough to be discovered.

 Another great reason why you should visit this place is the Tuscany cuisine is simple yet Mouth-watering food and don’t forget to give yourself a chance to taste the World-renowned brewed wines.

3. The Bahamas

Almost the perfect destination for you and your BFF to set your foot on. The Bahamas has an immense with Diverse Aquatic glimpse, Sensational Beaches, Flavorable Bahamian Cuisine, a market packed with authentic and locally crafted items, luxury accommodation with amazing natural views. The Bahamas island is a good destination to soak up in the sun with sand and gentle waves. An ideal place for nightlife you don’t have to worry even if the sun goes down the place is still filled with dazzling glaring on every part of the island. The night is still young for you and your best friend to have a good time and enjoy your stay without any problem.

best friend trip

4. Paris, France

Paris is on almost everyone’s travel bucket list. The place is popularly known as the most romantic city in the universe. The capital of France, Paris, is one of the most visited cities in Europe. Besides the Eiffel Tower, Paris is loaded with stunning monuments and landmarks, delightful cafes, amazing French cuisine and culture, breathtaking art collections. Paris is also a good travel destination for you and your best friend to go places on a shopping spree. The largest Museum in the World The Louvre every traveler will stop by to witness the magnificent design of the monumental building.

5. Cappadocia, Turkey

The fairy tale land where you get to see all the colorful hot air balloons on the valley.

Nevertheless, the country is a touristic capital. A place you can get away for relaxing. Cappadocia is popular for the best place in the world to ride on a hot air balloon, flying over breathtaking landscapes, in between chimneys, and those stunning valleys. You can do fun exciting outdoor activities like horseback riding or go hiking in the Love Valley.

6. New York City, North America

A city everyone has to visit once in a at least lifetime. It is a great place to explore the richness of everything that the city offers. Reasons to visit New York City include the famous Botanical garden, delicious food, live music, museum of art galleries, shopping opportunities, and the Staten Island ferry. A vacation hot spot people who like to stay up late and make the most of their vacation or weekend getaway.

travel with your best friend

The place is just too perfect to chill, Calm weather with beautiful scenery. You can spoil yourself in luxurious spas have unlimited fun in glittering nightclubs, Hawaiian regional cuisine you definitely have to try.

The markets are packed with local craft, farmers markets, mega shopping malls. Therefore, you can go all shopping and more shopping.

8. Lisbon, Portugal

This is one of my dream destinations, a perfect best friend travel bucket list of places.

The perfect climate throughout the year, beautiful locations, and the amazing light that straight away captivate the visitors.

 Lisbon is a place where you get to see gorgeous views and experience thrilling nightlife. Wonderful beaches are just a few minutes away you can get to the beaches and seaside by train from Lisbon.

9. Vienna, Austria

Vienna has so many interesting things to offer. Exploring in winter, you get a much more wonderful vibe as the street are gracefully decorated, chill romantic breeze. You can visit The butterfly house in the middle of the city, a distinctive place to learn about all the different types of butterflies and watch them fly around you. Vienna is home to many museums perfect for people who has a special thing about culture and historical beauty.

Best vacation spots

10. Cinque Terre

This stunning place has 5 beautiful towns along the Italian Riviera. A dense mountain range, crystal clear water, Colorful house overlayed on top of each other. It also has delicious seafood on every corner of the 5 towns. Cinque Terre has tons of mountain trails so you can go hiking. Or, if you wanna get away from the crowd you can go rent a boat and go sightseeing on the seaside.

11. Eiffel tower

One of the must-see monuments in the world, also it is among the 7 wonders of the world. An iconic place to have delicious food and drink and spend quality time together. Seeing the gigantic tower lit up against the night sky is a breathtaking encounter that you will reminisce about. Eiffel Tower is a hotspot for tourists it has more than 7 million annual visitors.

12. Las Vegas

This is one of the most affordable vacation landing places for weekend getaways, bachelorette parties. It is also the best place to have a pool party, free live music, 5 stars luxury boutique hotel and so much more.

A hot spot destination for people who want to live their life like there is no tomorrow. Las Vegas is a heaven for people who want to enjoy life to the fullest. In addition, Las vegas have bargain-packed outlets and designers stores, an exceptional shopping destination to satisfy every shopaholic yearning.

13. Czech republic

This place is unique for so many reasons, the country has over 200 gorgeous castles. The country is also known as the home for old castles. Among all the other European cities, Prague is considered the cheapest city. With just a few bucks you get a nice hotel room and decent food in restaurants. The Czech Republic has a long-running tradition of beer brewing. Each year in May there will be a 17 day Czech Beer festival. Perfect time and destination for a beer lover to visit the country and taste the finest beer in the world.

ideas to travel with your best friend

Travel resources

Travel insurance.

Things don’t always go as we want, you never know what might happen on your trip. So it is better to be safe than sorry. Grab the best travel insurance and travel places around the world with your best friend without worrying about a thing.


AIRBNB everyone’s first choice, especially for people who don’t like to stay in hotels. Airbnb rentals got you all covered Airbnb offers amazing vacation rentals at a cheaper price with great homes that suits your style.

Travel backpack

My first choice would be amazon prime, Amazon has a wide variety of backpacks to choose from and they get delivered to your doorstep in just one day.

Ticket booking

Whether you’re going on road trips or air travel, always browse around the internet to get the cheapest tickets to reach your travel destination. Book your ticket in advance so that you get more time to plan and pack for your trips.

Travel tips

Always plan your vacation ahead whether you are going solo or traveling with friends. Pre-planning places and travel with your best friend is the best thing ever. Choose your travel destination according to your budget. Book your tickets and accommodations, organized an itinerary so you get to do all the things on your vacation. Pack only the basic needs and the necessary items.

Read our full travel reviews here!

travel with best friend

Genak is a blogger and a traveler herself. Her job is to travel and give reviews on flights, hotels, travel agencies, etc. She also writes articles on the latest topics and popular places. She says, "I do a great deal of research before I publish my posts so that my readers can gain and benefit from every read."

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25 Affordable Girls Weekend Getaways That Won't Break the Bank

Get away with your girls without breaking the bank.

best friend trip

It's been too many minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and perhaps years since you've last put away your troubles and set off for a few days away with your most beloved girlfriends. It's time to reunite, reminisce, and make new memories together that will last a lifetime. Be it a bachelorette party , a birthday event, or just a weekend away for no reason at all, taking a trip with your best gals simply defines the word joy.

And here's the best part: Taking a girls trip doesn't have to break the bank. Need proof? Here are 25 cheap girls weekend getaway ideas that still deliver plenty of priceless moments, too.

Nashville, Tennessee

Taylor McIntyre/Travel + Leisure

Nashville has become the place to be for bachelorette parties. And people are picking it for good reason — the city is home to great restaurants, bars, and some of the best entertainment options in the nation. Even better, it comes with cheap prices, like dining at Party Fowl , a hot chicken restaurant that cannot be missed. Grab a heaping handful of hot chicken for just $14 before hitting these other bachelorette stops .

Book a hotel in Nashville

San Diego, California

A trip to sunny Southern California is a good idea under any circumstance, but it is an especially excellent option for a girls getaway. That's because San Diego has something for everyone in your group, like surfing in the Pacific Ocean, hiking in the nearby mountains, beer tastings at the city's many microbreweries, and much more. And with endless Airbnb stays available, including this entire home for eight people , you'll have plenty of places to sleep. Want to snap a few pictures together? Check out San Diego's most Instagrammable spots .

Book a hotel in San Diego

Austin, Texas

When it comes to destinations that cater to groups, Austin is high up on the list. The city has more than enough activities to keep you all busy for days on end, and that includes going on a delicious taco-eating restaurant crawl. Start with Juan in a Million , a restaurant that serves up breakfast tacos for just $3.85 each.

Book a hotel in Austin

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Looking for a sunny and warm vacation spot for your next trip with your ladies? Check out San Juan, Puerto Rico. The colorful Caribbean city is ready to welcome you post-pandemic. The best way to help? Visit. And bring all your friends. There are more things to do in San Juan than we could possibly list here, so check out this list of to-dos, including plenty of budget-conscious options, to start building your own itinerary.

Book a hotel in San Juan

Lexington, Kentucky

Lexington is a place where you can sit back and relax, or shop along Clay Avenue. It's also a place where you can throw back a few along the Kentucky Bourbon Trail . Map out a long weekend adventure, hop on an affordable tour from Central Kentucky Tours , and toast to a lifetime of friendships.

Book a hotel in Lexington

Boulder, Colorado

For outdoorsy types, there are few destinations as thrilling as Boulder. The city is located under an hour from Denver International Airport, making it a hyper-convenient and central location for friend groups spread across the country. And with more than 150 public trails available to explore for free, you will all get plenty of time with your other girlfriend, Mother Nature, too.

Book a hotel in Boulder

Nassau, Bahamas

The islands that make up the Bahamas are just a short flight away from New York (for just a few hundred bucks) and the rest of the East Coast, but they somehow feel an entire world away. So, if you and your crew are hoping to feel like you've traveled to the other side of the globe without having to deal with a massively long (and expensive) international flight, book a stay here. Just don't forget to pack your sunscreen .

Book a hotel in the Bahamas

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Don Eim/Travel + Leisure

Want to take a girls trip that will seriously up the nostalgia factor? Go camping. You and your closest friends can relive all those backyard adventures in a place a little bit grander — the Grand Canyon , to be precise. Camping around the park is quite easy and cheap, running at under $20 per night for some spots. For those looking for a bit more luxury, Under Canvas offers some stunning glamping sites near the park, too.

Book a hotel in Arizona

Atlanta, Georgia

Jackson Vance/Travel + Leisure

Atlanta is a city that's ideal for a large group of women with diverse interests. The city is filled with activities for culture lovers: Take in a ballet show at the Alliance Theater by purchasing discounted consignment tickets , dig into the foodie scene in Midtown, and dance all night long at nightclubs all over the city.

Book a hotel in Atlanta

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Cabo San Lucas is perhaps the easiest place to have either an over-the-top luxurious stay or a budget-friendly getaway and still have the same amount of fun. That's because the prime thing to do while visiting Cabo is to sit on the beach and enjoy the gorgeous ocean views. Of course, you and your girls can order as many fruity cocktails (with little umbrellas) as you'd like to ensure the fun keeps going.

Book a hotel in Mexico

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Filled with art, culture, and history, Santa Fe is tailor-made for a women's getaway. While in town, take a break from shopping for gorgeous gemstone jewels and eating all the New Mexican cuisine to go on a Women of the West Historical Walking Tour ($45 per person). On the tour, you and your girlfriends can hear all about the women who changed history and find just a bit of inspiration for your own revolution.

Book a hotel in Santa Fe

Palm Beach, Florida

If total relaxation is what you and your friends are after, head to Palm Beach, where you can all casually stroll through City Place and Downtown Palm Beach to shop or window-shop before heading to the shoreline to sit by the sea. Then, treat yourselves to a spa day at The Spa at the Breakers Palm Beach because you deserve it.

Book a hotel in Palm Beach

Las Vegas, Nevada

No list of girls getaway destinations would be complete without mention of Las Vegas . Put simply, Vegas is just a damn good time and an even better time when you get to experience it with friends. Book a stay on the Strip and make sure to check for deals, as almost every hotel has them.

Book a hotel in Las Vegas

Joshua Tree, California

Irjaliina Paavonpera/Travel + Leisure

Joshua Tree is a destination for those looking to connect on a spiritual level. The area is well-known for its spirituality, and it's even thought to be a portal to another dimension by some. In Joshua Tree, pay a visit to Pioneertown and grab a drink at the famed Pappy & Harriet's. Then, book time at the Integratron ($50 per person) for a quick sound bath together. And, of course, take a stroll through the national park as well.

Book a hotel near Joshua Tree

Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston is one of the most beloved places in the world for Travel + Leisure readers. So, odds are, you and your girlfriends will simply adore it, too. Its adorable downtown area is bright and cheerful, making it an ideal spot for snapping Instagram photos with your friends, and its restaurant scene just cannot be beat. While visiting, book time with Bulldog Tours for a walking tour you won't soon forget.

Book a hotel in Charleston

Mexico City, Mexico

Stephanie Pollak/Travel + Leisure

Mexico City is becoming the place to be for just about every type of traveler — girl groups included. The city is filled with things that will delight everyone in the crowd, including some of the best restaurants on Earth (like Pujol ), as well as historical attractions and entertainment that will delight your senses. Before you go home, check out a lucha libre match (tickets go for around $20 per person). Just be warned: You'll all have sore throats from the hooting and hollering.

Book a hotel in Mexico City

Portland, Maine

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Portland, Maine is the ideal place for a two-for-one girls trip, as you not only get to experience all the things the city has to offer, like a vibrant arts and culture scene and delicious seafood restaurants, but you're also just minutes away from some of the nation's greatest outdoor recreational areas, which are all accessible for free.

Book a hotel in Portland

New Orleans, Louisiana

Nothing quite compares to the magic of New Orleans . From the tasty beignets to the cool jazz scene, New Orleans has a spirit unlike any other. And it's a vibe that's meant to be shared with friends. Gather your girls for a trip to the Big Easy, and plot out your perfect bar crawl using our handy guide to New Orleans' nighttime scene , where drinks go for dirt-cheap prices.

Book a hotel in New Orleans

Okanagan Valley, Canada

Choosing to visit a wine region for a girls getaway is a no-brainer. However, rather than heading to a popular spot, book it a little bit further north and explore the Okanagan Valley in Canada. The Okanagan Valley is home to some of the most stunning vineyards on Earth, each offering delicious tastings of their varietals. Head there in mid to late summer for the latest crop, or, for those adventurous enough, go over the winter months to catch the ice wine harvest with your closest friends.

Book a hotel in Canada

Brooklyn, New York

Yes, visiting the island of Manhattan can be a rather expensive proposition. Thankfully, its neighboring borough of Brooklyn is conveniently just a short walk over the bridge, cheaper, and hotter than ever. Live out all your hipster fantasies as a group by walking over to one of Brooklyn's famed farmers markets or flea markets to pick up one-of-a-kind goodies from local vendors. Then, grab a slice of pizza at a spot like Brado , where house pies go for as low as $10, before heading out to one of the best bars in Brooklyn.

Book a hotel in Brooklyn

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago is yet another ideally located destination for any friend groups spread around the country. With convenient flights to and from major cities in the U.S., it's an easy place for your girls to gather. In Chicago , take advantage of the delightful arts scene by visiting the Museum of Contemporary Art (and if you're from Illinois, try to plan a visit on a Tuesday as you get in free) before heading off for cocktails and tastings on a private tour of the Koval Distillery , which happened to be the very first one to open in the city.

Book a hotel in Chicago

Bend, Oregon

Bend makes for an excellent girls getaway no matter the time of year. It's pure heaven in the summer, with its warm days and cool nights, ideal in the winter for a bit of snow and skiing just outside the city, and a colorful masterpiece of a place in both the spring and fall. While visiting, book a free or low-priced outdoor activity with the girls — hiking, skiing, fat tire biking, or climbing — before settling in for a spa afternoon. Cap it all off with a tasting at one of the many microbreweries .

Book a hotel in Oregon

Montreal, Canada

Want to feel like you're in France without going all the way to Europe ? Easy. Just head to Montreal. Montreal is one of the largest primarily French-speaking cities in the world, and it gives off all those European vibes without having to travel for hours across the pond. On your girls trip, plan to stop at all the female-owned businesses suggested by our friends at Unearth Women, including La Centrale Galerie and Ada X for some culture, and Belle et Rebelle for a bit of shopping.

Book a hotel in Montreal

Newport, Rhode Island

Newport is a destination meant for long weekends. The city was once a weekend haven for some of the most famous (and infamous) people on Earth who built massive compounds dedicated to relaxation. Now, you can do the same, but without the cost of building a mansion. In Newport, walk around Thames Street for a quick shop, rent bikes for a tour around the island, hire a captain for an afternoon sail on the water, or go tour those mansions for yourself.

Book a hotel in Newport

Key West, Florida

Tropical seas, sunny days, beautiful hotels , and evenings filled with drag shows: What more does your girlfriend group really need? Key West is a top-notch destination for a girls getaway, as you're guaranteed to have a good time from sunup to sundown. While on the island, book a private boat charter for just a few hundred bucks, walk down Duval Street and peruse the shops, then take in a drag show at Aqua Bar .

Book a hotel in Key West

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21 best all-inclusive resorts for families

Tarah Chieffi

Long days in the sun, laid-back beach time , outdoor adventures and exciting culinary experiences: These are just a few things that make a family vacation one that the entire crew will remember for years to come.

When you vacation at a family-friendly all-inclusive resort , you have more opportunities to welcome those feelings of relaxation and discovery because there's no need to worry about being nickel-and-dimed for every meal or activity — most of those costs are already included in your room rate.

Every resort will offer something a little different — often depending on the location — from varying styles of accommodation (think connecting rooms, villas or cabins) to what the dining options look like and whether or not there is a kids club on the property. One thing they all have in common, though, is that the price you pay covers your room, dining and sometimes even on-site activities. That means you can leave your wallet in your room and just focus on kicking back and relaxing with the entire family, whether it's by a glimmering beach, on a sprawling ranch or nestled into a vast mountain range.

Related: How to travel on a budget: Here are our top tips

How do I choose an all-inclusive resort for my family?

There are hundreds of all-inclusive resorts worldwide, many with high-quality experiences for the whole family that offer a lot of value. So, how do you narrow it down?

When you're trying to choose the best all-inclusive resort for your own family, you'll want to think about the type of experience your family will enjoy. If you're an outdoorsy group, consider properties that offer lots of excursions, whether that's diving and kayaking or zip lining and horseback riding. If you're a food-focused family, you might want to opt for a resort that's known for its incredible dining options or cooking classes.

Another thing to consider is whether the resort has a kids club. Parents often want a little time away from the kids (or vice versa!), and on-site kids clubs can ensure that activities are tailored to different age groups.

Ahead, find our favorite family-friendly all-inclusive resorts to consider booking for an unforgettable vacation.

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Hyatt Ziva Cap Cana is only 15 minutes from Punta Cana International Airport (PUJ) along the shores of Juanillo Beach. The resort has 375 oceanfront suites, including swim-up suites for families with children ages 13 and older. Dining options range from local Caribbean specialties to a wellness-focused restaurant with smoothies and vegan offerings and 24-hour room service for a late-night bite.

The resort's water park has winding waterslides for older kids and adults, a splash area with pint-size slides for the littles plus a lazy river the whole family can enjoy together. Parents who want to retreat to a private cabana for the afternoon can drop the kids off at the kids club (complete with an indoor treehouse). There's also a teen club for guests ages 13-17.

Pricing for Hyatt Ziva Cap Cana starts at around $453 or 35,000 World of Hyatt points per night for a family of four.

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The Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya is actually two resorts in one. The Hacienda section welcomes adults and kids, while the Heaven section is for adults only.

Kids ages 4-12 can play the day away at the Hard Rock Roxity Kids Club while parents relax and enjoy bottomless cocktails at the adults-only pool or indulge at the full-service spa (for an additional fee). There are also daily activities like treasure hunts, crafts projects and pool games that families can participate in together.

The family can meet back up for a swim at the resort's private beach, enjoy family time at the Rockaway Bay water park and have a meal in one of the resort's eight dining establishments, such as the wood-fired pizzas at Pizzeto.

The ideal room type for families is the two-bedroom deluxe family room with one king and two double beds. It also has a balcony with a hammock, separate minibars for kids and adults and cozy bathrobes for adults and kids (how adorable is that?). True to the brand's rockin' roots, you can have a Crosley turntable or Fender guitar delivered to your room to use during your stay.

Pricing for Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya starts at around $352 per night for a family of four staying in a room with two double beds.

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Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa offers 489 guest rooms in one large building, meaning you are never too far from the resort's exciting amenities. All rooms have a private balcony (or terrace if you are staying on the first floor) and picture windows that let you revel in the gorgeous Caribbean views even when you retreat to your room.

The resort boasts two private beaches — a small beach near the pool complex and an expansive beach area with shaded chairs and daybeds on the sand. The friendly staff will not hesitate to get you involved in the included activities — a befitting perk for outgoing families. Guests can also borrow kayaks and paddleboards to take out on the water.

Hotels with water parks are a key ingredient for successful family vacations, and Hilton Rose Hall's Sugar Mill Falls water park is one of Jamaica's largest. There's a large pool, a lazy river and a multilevel waterslide.

The spa offers indoor and beachside treatments (for an additional fee). There are also separate clubs for kids and teens with age-appropriate games and activities.

Pricing for Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa starts at around $270 or 61,000 Hilton Honors points per night for a family of four. Children under age 3 stay for free.

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Giraffe Manor is not your typical all-inclusive resort. The resort has only 12 rooms — no two alike, but all equally charming — split between the Manor House and Garden Manor. Some rooms are situated in such a way that the namesake giraffes may wander up to your window in search of a small snack, but there are ample opportunities to interact with all of the giraffes who reside here.

You are likely to encounter a friendly giraffe poking his head in the window as you eat breakfast or strolling up to the terrace as you enjoy your afternoon tea. Don't worry, the hotel provides feeding pellets so they won't come after your meal (feeding pellets are provided in guest rooms with giraffe-feeding access, as well).

Pricing includes accommodations, airport transfers, all meals, most alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages and select activities.

Fully inclusive pricing for Giraffe Manor starts at $1,168 per person for adults and $805 for children.

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As soon as you pull up to Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Riviera Maya , there's no denying it's a vacation destination designed for kids ... and kids at heart. Included activities range from pajama character breakfasts to live game shows. Dining, kids club access (for kids ages 4-12) and water park admission also come with the cost of your stay.

Brightly decorated rooms are a nod to popular Nickelodeon cartoons "SpongeBob SquarePants" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." There are daily character meet-and-greets, and, yes, you really can have gallons of green slime dumped over your head (you'll even get a photo to commemorate the experience).

The resort offers fun-filled seasonal events like the Summer of SpongeBob, Nick Jr. Friends Event and holiday celebrations. Another perk kids and parents will love: All rooms have swim-up access to either the main resort pool or your own balcony pool.

Pricing for Nickelodeon Hotels & Resorts Riviera Maya starts at around $669 per night for a family of four. Certain dates require a three-night minimum stay.

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Club Med has probably the most comprehensive lineup of activities and experiences of any all-inclusive brand.

For those with relaxation in mind, Club Med Punta Cana has three outdoor pools, shaded loungers lining the beach and spacious, ocean-facing family suites where you can listen to the waves gently crashing when you need some downtime. The family suites have a sleeping area for parents with a king bed, a separate room for kids with two twin beds and a living area that opens to a furnished terrace.

Restaurants serve international and local cuisines and are convenient to the beach, the lagoon pool and the resort's main bar.

If you prefer an always-on-the-go vacation, you can perfect your acrobatic skills at circus school, head out on the water in a kayak or on a stand-up paddleboard, or test your skills with a bow and arrow.

While most all-inclusive resorts do not provide complimentary care for infants and toddlers, Club Med's kids clubs are available to kids as young as 4 months of age.

Pricing for Club Med Punta Cana starts at around $500 per night for a family of four. Children age 3 and under are free.

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The Sheraton Samui Resort is a budget-friendly resort located directly on Chaweng Noi Beach. Chaweng Noi is quieter and more secluded than other nearby beaches, leaving its wide swaths of soft sand and calm, crystalline waters (don't forget your snorkeling gear) wide open for families looking for a laid-back tropical vacation.

Unlike traditional all-inclusive resorts, you must choose the all-inclusive package to receive all-inclusive benefits. Room-only rates are also available. The base all-inclusive package includes meals, nonalcoholic beverages, activities, a one-hour beachside massage, a cooking class and airport transfers. You can upgrade to packages that include alcoholic beverages and additional spa treatments.

The resort has two pools — one freshwater and one saltwater — where kids can swim while parents lounge on one of the poolside daybeds. There's also a beachfront kids club with toys, games and activities that kids can enjoy while parents visit the spa for a massage or hit the tennis courts for a friendly competition.

All-inclusive room rates for Sheraton Samui Resort start at around $131 per night. Marriott Bonvoy points cannot be redeemed for the all-inclusive package.

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Spice Island Beach Resort is an upscale resort on pristine Grand Anse Beach, a 2-mile expanse of fine white sand and cerulean waters. Its location also offers stunning views of Granada's tree-covered mountains in the distance. And with only 64 suites, you may feel like you have the beach (practically) all to yourself.

Each villa-style suite opens to the beach, pool or gardens. Some even have their own private plunge pool and furnished terrace. Spice Island Beach Resort is one of only a handful of AAA Five Diamond-rated properties in Grenada, and you'll experience the luxury that earned such a prestigious designation in all-inclusive offerings like fresh, flavorful cuisine, creative cocktails and activities like cycling, golfing, snorkeling and beachside yoga. An on-site kids club is available for kids ages 3-12.

Pricing for Spice Island Beach Resort starts at around $1,100 per night for a family of four.

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Want to switch up your typical family vacation? Look no further than Colorado's C Lazy U Ranch.

This luxury, all-inclusive dude ranch is open year-round, with activities that vary by season. Visit in the summertime, and you can try your hand at archery, fly-fishing, hiking, mountain biking, swimming and more. In the winter, activities shift to cold-weather favorites like skiing, ice skating, sleigh rides and snow tubing. Horseback riding is available all year long.

There are seemingly endless activities that families can enjoy together. However, you may have trouble pulling your kids away from the supervised activities designed just for them. Kids ages 3-17 are split into groups for age-appropriate excursions, including preparing for the weekly "Shodeo" that's held weekly throughout the summer. During the Shodeo, kids have the opportunity to take to the riding ring and show off the skills they've learned during their time at the ranch.

Pricing for C Lazy U Ranch starts at $587 per person, per night for adults and $392 per night for kids.

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When you think of Margaritaville, sunny days spent relaxing on the beach immediately come to mind. That's exactly what you'll get at Margaritaville Beach Resort Ambergris Caye in Belize. This family-friendly tropical retreat has 55 suites, two pools, a beachfront restaurant, two bars and a full-service spa. It's also located along the second-largest coral reef in the world, giving families ample opportunity for underwater exploration.

Related: TPG's guide to the best all-inclusive resorts you can book with points

Suites have one, two or three bedrooms, and many offer views of the crystal-clear Caribbean Sea. All suites have private furnished terraces, large living areas and a style that embodies the term "laid-back luxury." Rather than a traditional all-inclusive resort, the Margaritaville Beach Resort Ambergris Caye offers a " Chef's Package " that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages for an additional fee.

Pricing for Margaritaville Beach Resort Ambergris Caye starts at $187 per person, per night. The all-inclusive Chef's Package costs $125 per person, per day.

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You wouldn't expect the farm-to-table cuisine, countless activities and a fun-filled kids club to be included in the cost of staying in a castle-like Victorian hotel in the middle of New York's Hudson Valley, but that is exactly what you'll get at Mohonk Mountain House. This historic 143-year-old resort offers elegant accommodations with postcard-worthy mountain or lake views.

Included in your stay are three gourmet meals per day, unlimited activities like boating and paddleboarding in the summer and ice skating and tubing in the winter, evening educational lectures and music, access to hiking trails and, in the summer months, supervised kids programming.

Activities vary by season, but you'll be happy to know that when it's too cold to swim in the lake, you can head for the heated indoor pool.

Pricing for Mohonk Mountain House starts at around $830 per night for a family of four. Children ages 3 and under are free.

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Open since late 2021, the Hilton Cancun feels modern and fresh. The all-ocean-view resort caters to families with children with a host of family-friendly offerings like two-bedroom suites, an all-you-can-eat ice cream and churro shop, a family pool and water playground, and fun-filled clubs for kids ages 4-12 and teens ages 13-17.

Related: Great for families: A review of the stunning new Hilton Cancun, an All-Inclusive Resort

The resort has two large beachfront infinity pools, but families will most likely gravitate to the one near the kids club — this is where you'll find the waterslides and splash playground. With five specialty restaurants serving everything from Mexican cuisine to Southeast Asian delicacies and 24-hour room service, you can try something new every day during your stay.

Pricing for Hilton Cancun starts at around $350 or 91,000 Hilton Honors points per night for a family of four.

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When you book a vacation at the Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa, you'll be whisked away on a scenic seaplane or speedboat ride and taken to your private island retreat.

Spanning the entire island, the resort is designed to blend in with the natural landscape. Of the 120 luxury villas, 60 are on the beach and 60 are overwater bungalows.

The all-inclusive rate includes fitness facilities, nonmotorized water sports, a kids club with indoor and outdoor play spaces and unlimited meals and drinks from the resort's high-end dining outlets. For an additional fee, you can bliss out at the on-site spa, embark on scuba or snorkeling excursions or take to the waters on a Jet Ski.

Pricing for Emerald Maldives Resort & Spa starts at around $600 per night for a family of four.

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Beaches Turks & Caicos is a sprawling island resort with five "villages" designed to resemble locales such as the Florida Keys, the Italian Riviera and a charming French village.

Its large size means you'll have access to 21 restaurants, 12 miles of beach, 10 pools, a 45,000-square-foot water park and more. These are situated around the various villages, so you are never too far from your next dip in the pool or a bite to eat.

Older kids will love the surf simulator, splash playground, slides, lazy river and kids-only swim-up bar at the Pirates Island water park. Younger kids will relish the opportunity to meet their favorite "Sesame Street" characters at Camp Sesame.

Pricing for Beaches Turks & Caicos starts at $407 per night for adults and $38 per night for children.

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The Westin Reserva Conchal perfectly embodies the "pura vida" way of life, with accommodations and amenities that make you feel at one with nature. The resort's main pool is surrounded by tropical flowers and trees, most rooms have large terraces where you can soak up the sun, and you are likely to make friends with the iguanas, birds and monkeys who call the resort grounds home before you check out.

Families will love the included Westin Kids Club, where kids can participate in indoor and outdoor activities like treasure hunts and nature exploration. There are also family-friendly options at all of the resort's dining locations, including all the ice cream you can eat at the main buffet. Family suites are available that offer more space, close proximity to the pool and kids club, and a family club lounge with snacks, drinks and activities.

Pricing for the Westin Reserva Conchal starts at around $455 or 71,500 Marriott Bonvoy points per night for a family of four.

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With only six villas that sleep from four to 13 guests, Bluefields Bay Villas offer comfort, privacy and an expertly trained staff that can help you bring to life the all-inclusive vacation of your dreams.

Villas boast ocean and island views, private pools, a personal chef and a 24-hour butler to coordinate meals (including beach snacks and cocktail hours) and activities during your stay.

Pricing at this ultra-exclusive resort includes chef-cooked meals served in your villa's dining room, water sports, snorkeling, glass-bottom boat cruises, hiking and more. Child care and complimentary laundry service are also included in the cost of your stay. We can't think of anything better than returning home with a suitcase full of clean laundry.

Pricing for Bluefields Bay Villas starts at around $1,550 per night for a family of four, and a four-night minimum stay is required.

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When you stay at Paradisus Playa del Carmen, you'll spend your days splashing in the clear, warm waters of Mexico's Caribbean coast, swimming in the pool (or resting in one of the submerged loungers) and climbing and sliding at the resort's on-site water park.

There is fun to be had outside the water, as well, with a kids club and daily activities like crafts, dance classes and more. You can indulge your carnivorous side at Sal Steak Cave or take your pick of global cuisines at the Naos buffet, all included in the cost of your stay.

If you choose to splurge and upgrade to the Nikte package, you'll receive a premium suite, access to a VIP pool and beach area, concierge service and priority dining and activity reservations.

Pricing for Paradisus Playa del Carmen starts at around $290 per night for a family of four on a standard package or $420 per night with the upgraded Nikte package.

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At Paradisus Grand Cana (formerly Falcon's Resort by Melia), guests have access to a shopping, dining and entertainment district as well as the Caribbean's first true theme park, Katmandu Park.

It's easy to find fantastic water parks in the Caribbean, but you won't find funhouses, virtual roller coasters or 4D laster-shooting games unless you visit Katmandu Park. Theme park admission is included in the cost of your stay, but how often you can visit depends on which package you purchase.

The entertainment extends to the resort itself, where families can experience a pool, a water park, a supervised kids camp and more.

Pricing for Paradisus Grand Cana by Melia starts at around $300 per night for a family of four booking a standard package.

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Moon Palace Cancun has more than 2,000 guest rooms divided between two distinct sections: Sunrise and Nizuc. Guests have access to activities, games and dining in both sections.

Families with younger kids may prefer Nizuc, which is where you'll find a pool with a winding waterslide and family suites with connecting bedrooms — one with a king bed and the other with two double beds.

Families traveling with tweens and teens should opt for the Sunrise section for easy access to the surf simulator in the pool and the Wired Lounge with table and arcade games that kids and adults will love. This is where you'll also find the resort's Noir nightclub for drinks and dancing when the sun goes down (while the kids are having the time of their lives at the kids club, open until 10 p.m. daily).

Pricing for Moon Palace Cancun starts at around $438 per night for a family of four, with additional discounts available if you prepay in full.

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The Hilton Tulum Riviera Maya All-Inclusive Resort is a sprawling resort in a natural setting along a secluded bay that feels like your own private slice of paradise. The resort has 735 rooms and suites with private balconies that offer either ocean or nature views. The resort's family suites give families easy access to the pools, waterslides, splash park and kids club, as well as perks like nightly turndown service, a souvenir beach bag and minifridge items chosen specifically for kids.

With 13 restaurants to choose from, everyone in the family is sure to find something that will please their palate, from traditional Mexican fare to seafood to fresh juices and smoothies. Resort guests can participate in a variety of activities to help them connect and unwind, like yoga, music and art workshops and beach games.

Pricing at Hilton Tulum Riviera Maya All-Inclusive Resort starts at around $375 or 84,000 Hilton Honors per night for a family of four.

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Even though Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa is less than 2 miles from St. Lucia's Hewanorra International Airport (UVF) and less than an hour from popular area attractions like the Pitons and Sulphur Springs, it feels like a secluded island paradise.

It helps that the resort sits on a 1-mile stretch of beach and has eight restaurants, seven bars and five pools to serve only 250 guest rooms. Among the dining options, don't miss the Jerk Treehouse on the beach or the Silk fine dining fusion restaurant for dinner.

The rooms are split between an adults-only Harmony section and a family-centered Splash section. At Splash, families can stay in spacious rooms with private balconies that overlook the waterslides, lazy river and water playground at the water park.

In addition to the typical kids club activities, children have access to an animal sanctuary, nature walks and meet-and-greets with the resort's larger-than-life coconut mascots, Coco and Loco.

Pricing for Coconut Bay Beach Resort & Spa starts at around $552 per night for a family of four.

Related reading:

  • TPG's guide to the best all-inclusive resorts you can book with points
  • Best all-inclusive resorts in the world, according to frequent travelers
  • Most luxurious all-inclusive resorts around the world

The 7 best bird baths for your home or garden

From a heated bowl ideal for winter to a hanging oasis, these are our top picks for our feathered friends.

A fluffy bird sits in a small blue bath

A bird frolicking in water is a joyful thing to see, especially when it’s happening in your own backyard bird bath.  

Besides providing an oasis in hot weather, a bird bath serves as a hydration station for birds. “Access to clean water is a lifesaver for birds—especially in areas where it is scarce—sparing them from the need to fly long distances in search of it,” says Alison Kondler, an Audubon Master Birder, 20-year veteran bird guide, and founder of Birding By Ear .  

Among the best bird baths we’ve compiled, our top pick is the Alpine Corporation 31-inch Tall Outdoor Antique Flower Birdbath . Its shallow, gently sloping bowl offers easy access for bathing. We also like that the plastic construction makes it easy to move, while reportedly withstanding the elements in all seasons.  

Our picks for the best bird baths

The best bird baths of 2024  .

After conducting extensive research, we’ve landed on these top bird baths.  

Best overall: Alpine Corporation 31-inch Tall Outdoor Antique Flower Birdbath  

An image of a green birdbath.

Buy it now on Amazon

Why we like it: This elegant, reasonably priced bird bath has a good height and is shallow enough to encourage birds to access the water safely, while accommodating a small fountain . We also like that it’s made of lightweight plastic, so you can move it around and clean it .    

Assembly is a snap too. Simply attach the basin to the stand, then fill the hollow base with sand, gravel, or water, and secure the bird bath with the included stakes.    

Keep in mind: A perk of a plastic bird bath is its light weight. However, plastic can make this bird bath less stable . You may need to add extra weights (such as flat stones) on top of the base to keep it firmly in place.  

Product details:   Type: Free-standing | Height: 31 in. | Bowl diameter: 20 in. | Bowl depth: 3 in. | Bowl capacity: About 1.3 gal.  

( Here are the best bird feeders for hummingbirds, cardinals, and more )

Best bird bath fountain: SZMP Solar Fountain Upgrade    

An image of a fountain bird bath.

Buy it now on Amazon  

Why we like it: With no cords or outlets to worry about, this solar-powered fountain is a convenient add-on for bird baths. It gets good reviews for easy installation , strong water flow , and consistent performance in sunlight. It keeps the water moving to attract birds, while deterring insect larvae.

Equipped with a nozzle that offers eight water-spraying configurations , the fountain can be set to a gentle burble, a mini sprinkler, or somewhere in between—experiment with the settings to see which one birds like most. Plus, it floats rather than needing to be submerged, so it’s functional even in shallow basins .  

Keep in mind: Because it relies on direct sunlight and does not store solar power, this device needs to be in the sun at all times to operate.  

Product details:   Type: Fountain | Height: 1.7 in. | Bowl diameter: 6.5 in. | Bowl depth: N/A | Bowl capacity: N/A  

Best concrete bird bath: Lowe’s Traditional Column Pre-Aged Concrete Bird Bath

An image of a concrete bird bath.

Buy it now at Lowe’s

Why we like it: Stately and low-priced, the Lowe’s Traditional Column Pre-Aged Concrete Bird Bath has a lot going for it. The heavy construction helps keep it stable , purportedly accommodating birds of all sizes .  

The simple bowl and pedestal design requires some muscle to maneuver, but it’s a no-brainer to set up . Once filled with water (and perhaps a few flat stones to create some shallower areas), this model has lots of potential to attract a variety of bird bathers .  

Keep in mind: If you live in a place that experiences freezing temperatures, you’ll need to cover this bird bath or keep it in storage all winter to prevent the concrete from cracking.    

Product details: Type: Free-standing | Height: 27 in. | Bowl diameter: 24 in. | Bowl depth: 2 in. | Bowl capacity: 1 gal.  

Best bird bath bowl: Hanizi Deck-Mounted Bowl    

An image of a bird bath bowl.

Why we like it: The Hanizi Deck-Mounted Bowl mounts onto deck and balcony railings , making it a good choice for smaller backyards. The plastic bowl is designed to stand up to intense weather and sunlight without cracking , according to the company.  

No tools are needed for installation , which makes setting up this bath a breeze—the adjustable clamp needs just a few strong twists for it to attach to the railing. Once it’s locked into place, the bowl can be detached from the metal frame for cleaning .  

Keep in mind: This bowl is small , so it may only accommodate smaller birds one at a time. Placing some flat rocks in the water can help make it more enticing for small species that prefer shallow water.    

Product details:   Type: Mounted | Height: 6 in. | Bowl diameter: 12 in. | Bowl depth: 3 in. | Bowl capacity: About 0.75 gal.  

Best heated bird bath: API (Allied Precision Industries) Heated Bird Bath    

Why we like it: Winter can be a challenging time for birds looking for water. This plastic heated bird bath offers a reliable source of hydration. It comes with a smart thermostat that senses when to turn the heater on and off.  

With hardware for a variety of mounts , this versatile bird bath is designed to fit on a range of railings or sit flat on a table with no mounting or installation required . While it’s especially useful in winter, the basin can be used (unheated) year-round .  

Keep in mind: Because it’s heated, it needs to be placed near an electric outlet . The bird bath comes with a cord, but reviewers note it’s short and may require an extension .  

Product details: Type: Mounted | Height: 2 in. | Bowl diameter: 20 in. | Bowl depth: 2 in. | Bowl capacity: About 2 gal.  

( T he 8 best bird-watching binoculars )

Best hanging bird bath: Cargen Hanging Bird Bath

An image of a hanging bird bath.

Why we like it: Installing a bird bath higher up offers birds a good vantage point to spot potential threats. The Cargen Hanging Bird Bath is our top choice for hanging on a sturdy tree branch or shepherd’s hook in the yard. At just $10, this model is inexpensive and made of plastic that won’t weigh down tree branches .  

At nearly a foot in diameter, the basin is roomy enough for multiple birds to bathe and drink at the same time. It’s easy to assemble (no tools required), features a stainless-steel chain, and has potential to attract a variety of species for birdwatching. With no attachment hardware or heavy materials, the bowl can be taken down and cleaned with little effort .  

Keep in mind: The Cargen Hanging Bird Bath is simple to hang up, but the hooks that attach to the bowl can be tricky to insert .    

Product details: Type: Hanging | Height: 18.9 in. | Bowl diameter: 11.8 in. | Bowl depth: About 3 in. | Bowl capacity: 0.5 gal.  

Best budget bird bath: Best Choice Products Pedestal Birdbath  

Buy it now at Home Depot

Why we like it: The Best Choice Products Pedestal Birdbath is our top pick for birders on a budget. Made of resin that’s lightweight yet crack-resistant , according to the company, this freestanding model offers great value at a good price. Standing at just over 28 inches, it appeals to species that prefer bathing in ground-level pools while offering a bit of height to keep them safe from predators .    

Birds swooping in for a landing won’t budge on this bath—the small holes around the rim make ideal perches for tiny feet. To make it even more of a bird magnet, add a solar-powered floating fountain to keep the water moving and prevent pests from making themselves at home.

Keep in mind: Because the basin is fairly shallow , the water tends to splash out or evaporate quickly, especially when placed in direct sun. It may need to be refilled throughout the day .  

Product details:   Type: Free-standing | Height: 28.2 in. | Bowl diameter: 20 in. | Bowl depth: 2.5 in. | Bowl capacity: 0.8 gal.  

How we chose the best bird baths  

To determine the best bird baths currently on the market, we referred to ratings, reviews, and product photos from verified purchasers, as well as competitor articles, and expert recommendations. We also drew from personal experience as bird bath owners, observing which types of baths appeal to avian visitors. Additionally, we considered the following factors:  

  • Third-party reviews: Happy and unhappy customers alike often have valuable feedback to share on their experience with a product. Reading both complaints and positive comments provided perspectives on value, convenience, efficacy, and other features.    
  • Materials and durability: Ideally, a bird bath will hold up in all weather and seasons, but this largely depends on its composition. Materials that do not easily break or crack from extreme temperatures are best for this outdoor feature.  
  • Weight: Unless you’re planning not to move or clean it, a bird bath should not be overly heavy and cumbersome.    
  • Ease of assembly: Simple and straightforward is best when it comes to putting together a new bird bath.  
  • Functionality for birds: Perhaps most importantly, birds need to feel safe and interested in visiting a bird bath. Factors such as proper water depth, height, and good grip on the edges are all key to attracting birds.    

Tips for buying bird baths  

There are a few key things to consider when shopping for a bird bath:  

Ease of cleaning  

For hassle-free cleaning, opt for a lightweight bird bath that can easily tip over to drain water or one that has a detachable basin. It’s also helpful when the bath doesn’t have deep grooves or decorative ridges that can be tricky to purge of dirt and algae. “Bird baths need to be kept clean to help prevent disease from spreading among wild birds,” says Geoff LeBaron , the National Audubon Society’s Christmas Bird Count Director since 1987. “Bird baths should be cleaned weekly and the water should be replaced every other day.”  

Bird safety  

To help birds get off on the right foot with your bird bath, make sure you choose one that has a decent grip on the edges for safe, non-slip access to the water. A smooth ceramic bird bath or glass bird bath may look beautiful, but they can often be too slick for birds to get a good perch. And while some birds tend to prefer baths that are near the ground, these can pose a danger if cats or other predators are nearby, so it’s best to keep them at least a couple feet off the ground.    

Depth of the basin  

When it comes to water depth, think wading pool rather than deep end. “The depth of the bird bath is key to attracting many species of birds,” says Kondler. “Even those the size of an American Robin prefer shallow water that is a quarter of an inch to one inch deep.” Though deeper water might still entice birds to take a quick drink, most will not venture to bathe. (As a workaround, Kondler suggests adding flat rocks in deeper basins to create a shallower water depth.)  

Frequently asked questions  

What kind of bird baths do birds like best    .

The most appealing bird baths are ones that share similarities with natural pools and puddles that birds enjoy: gently sloping edges, safe areas for perching, and a depth of no more than a couple of inches. “Look for one that has a gradual slope into the basin so the birds can judge the depth of the water,” says Kondler. “I’d steer clear of metal baths that can get too hot or glass baths that can be slippery and fragile.”    

What color bird bath do birds like?  

Birds generally aren’t picky about bird bath color; however, it’s best to avoid basins with dark-colored bottoms that might give the appearance of deep water, as birds prefer shallow puddles to splash in.      

Do birds like bird baths in sun or shade?  

Most birds will visit baths in both sun and shade, but Kondler says smaller birds that tend to stay hidden—such as warblers—are more likely to take a dip or a sip from baths placed in the shade near trees. Note that keeping a bird bath in direct sun most of the day tends to speed up water evaporation and algae growth, so it may be necessary to clean it more frequently.  

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