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7 Exhilarating Motorcycle Road Trips Around the U.S.

Whether you're seeking fabulous scenery or fun-filled sweepers and twisties, these road trips guarantee the ultimate in two-wheel rides.

road trip usa moto

Cruising around the U.S. on a motorcycle makes for the perfect pandemic outing. After all, motorcycle touring offers the ultimate in social distancing. It's also tremendous fun , turning a road trip into a dopamine-charged adventure as you open the throttle and sweep through the curves. Plus, you'll never feel such a sense of freedom and heightened awareness, nor so close to nature, from inside a car.

All that's required is a great set of wheels, the correct protective road gear, and a bit of planning. To get you started, we've chosen some of America's most magnificent motorcycle road trips — from one-day outings to multi-day adventures — from sea to shining sea. Most routes combine fabulous scenery with some roller-coaster twists, turns, and dips. Others offer journeys through American history, with plenty of smooth hardtop where you can enjoy a lazy pace or even crank open the throttle.

Coast Highway 1, Maine

Connecting Portland with the Canadian border town of Calais, this 260-mile, forest-fringed, two-lane coastal highway unfurls through classic New England countryside. Views of the low-lying coast are infrequent, but the joy of this ride comes from reveling in dozens of short scenic loops off U.S. Route 1. Each one curls around slender peninsulas pinned by historic lighthouses and lined with quaint seaside hamlets. Lobster shacks stud the sandy shores, emanating tantalizing smells of crustaceans, while stops for whale watching and boating adventures are equal temptations. In Acadia National Park, Cadillac Summit Road spirals up to the highest point on the U.S. eastern seaboard, combining thrilling curves and twisties with sensational views from the summit. When city-dwellers escape the urban heat on summer weekends, the coast highway can be bumper to bumper with cars and RVs, so spring and autumn are the best times to visit.

Blue Ridge Parkway, North Carolina and Virginia

Just the thought of cruising this iconic ride will induce grins of anticipation, although not necessarily for adrenalin junkies. Snaking southwest almost 500 miles along the crest of the Appalachian Mountains (from Afton, VA, to Cherokee, NC), the nearly flawless, narrow two-laner has a 45 mile-per-hour speed limit. So slow down, submit to the leisurely pace, and savor the kaleidoscopic Kodak moments as you soak in awe-inspiring vistas. More than 200 pull-offs and overlooks on the BRP provide plenty of opportunities to safely "ooh" and "ahh." Motorcyclists will also love sweeping bends, although care is needed for the many decreasing radius curves. And be ever-cautious of deer and other wild animals, plus slippery wet leaves in autumn. Connecting the gateways to Great Smoky Mountains National Park (south) and Shenandoah National Park (north), and the Civil War battlefields of Virginia, your ride begs to be extended into a multi-day trip.

Natchez Trace Parkway, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi

A serene and leisurely ride, the 444-mile-long Natchez Trace Parkway is a National Scenic Byway and All-American Road for good reason. Gliding through a cypress swamp, rolling farmland, and a national forest, the "Old Natchez Trace" also saunters through history as it winds from Nashville, TN, to the Mississippi River in Natchez, MS. The sinuous two-laner completed in 2005 (and part of the National Park Service) roughly follows an old travel corridor. Riders follow segments of the original Natchez Trace Indian Trail once used by the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Natchez Native Americans and by American traders until the advent of Mississippi steamboats. Some 90 marked stops tempt you to marvel at gorgeous waterfalls, Civil War sites, and Indigenous archeological sites on an unhurried, bucolic trip through time. Best yet, there are no trucks, nor even a single stop sign its entire length. Set your cruise control at 50 miles per hour (the speed limit) and revel in the Zen experience.

Going to the Sun Road, Montana

Short, sweet, and smooth as silk, this stellar solely-in-summer ride kicks it up a notch, drawing serious adventurers seeking the Holy Grail of mountain roads. One of America's epic alpine routes, the 50-mile two-lane causeway transcends Glacier National Park east-west as it writhes up and over the Continental Divide via the 6,646-foot summit at Logan Pass, then augers down 3,000 feet to Lake McDonald. Along the way, it delivers more twists, turns, and thrills than a James Bond movie. But take it easy; the speed limit is 45 miles per hour at lower elevations and 25 miles per hour higher up. That's just slow enough to let you soak in the jaw-dropping views of glaciers and craggy mountain ranges. Scenic pullouts line the road, which tops out amid windswept alpine tundra. The road is typically fully open from late June through late October, depending on weather conditions. Check the weather (which is highly variable) before setting out. To double your fun, ride the road in both directions.

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah

In a region where virtually any route is a no-brainer, Utah's Scenic Byway 12 outclasses all others for sheer geological overload. Some 130 miles of pure driving bliss, this All-American Road worms through Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument — a 1.9-million-acre desert wonderland of multi-hued pinnacles, arches, and cliffs, book-ended by Bryce Canyon and Capitol Reef National Parks. The road climbs from 5,223 feet to 9,636 feet between Panguitch (on U.S. 89) and Torrey (at Utah 24), with tight, thrilling twisties and hairpins especially numerous along the vertiginous "Hogsback" section around Boulder. Be sure to take the Bryce Canyon and short Escalante Petrified Forest side trips. Dual-sport riders can even find some unpaved areas for off-road fun, such as Hole-in-the-Rock Road. The road is open year-round, but winter storms can briefly close it until the heavy snow is plowed.

Owens Valley, Mono Lake to Owens Lake, California

California is replete with popular scenic highways, yet few — if any — can compete with the uninterrupted beauty of Highway 395, unspooling dramatically through the flat, straight Owens Valley at the eastern base of the Sierra Nevadas. This is world-class touring for the sheer pleasure of relaxed riding. The rift valley is framed along its entire 130-mile length by snow-capped peaks soaring to 14,000 feet to each side. Fab side trips offer steep, serpentine climbs up to the sparkling lakes and volcanic marvels of Mammoth Lakes, Whitney Portal, and the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest, which each offer breathtaking vistas. Stitching together a chain of laid-back Old Western towns, U.S. 395 also leads past such fascinating historic sites as the WWII Manzanar War Relocation Center and the 'Movie Flat' area of the Alabama Hills, where hundreds of Western movies were filmed.

Pacific Coast Highway, Morro Bay to Monterey, California

Daniel Gorostieta/Travel + Leisure

California's signature road trip, Pacific Coast Highway — or simply "the 1," or "the PCH" — tops the list of many a motorcyclist's dream rides. Hugging the shore the entire way, this cliff-hanger combines unsurpassed scenery with more curves than Kim Kardashian. PCH snakes all the way from Southern California to the Oregon border, but the 123-mile Big Sur section between Morro Bay and Monterey is considered the ultima thule. You'll salsa past seal-strewn beaches, pounding surf, and giant redwoods soaring above plunging cliffs. Fill up on gas before you start as you quickly leave civilization behind to weave and dance along the remote mountain-backed shoreline. Avoid summer weekends, and check road and weather conditions before setting out: long sections of the PCH are often famously shrouded in fog (especially in summer) or closed due to landslides. Once you reach Monterey, keep going as the fun continues beyond San Francisco to Oregon.

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Un Voyage Moto aux USA est le rêve de tous motards un peu aventurier qui souhaitent partir en voyage aux USA. Pourquoi un voyage moto aux USA ? Les routes s’y prêtent parfaitement. Un road-trip moto aux USA vous fait découvrir les grands espaces et les parcs nationaux des USA à moto. Un Voyage Moto aux USA saura éveiller votre âme de nomade et d’aventurier.

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Many riders will use their bike to commute to and from work, or for a fun, casual ride around town. But there are those times in every rider’s life that they want to take their bike and hit the open road. A cross country ride can provide the type of cathartic, relaxing experience that allows you to take a deep breath and enjoy the journey.

This guide on the best motorcycle roads in the USA includes many routes that will allow you to go for a long, good, uninterrupted ride and really open up your bike. So, if you desperately need to get away from it all, then this guide will show you the way, so you can plan out your next road trip with your buddies, and finally put your riding skills and bike to the test, leaving your care and worries behind.

Table of Contents

Preparing for the Ride

You’ve decided to hit the road and do a little exploring, taking your bike out for its first cross country journey, so you’ll need to prepare for your motorcycle trip . Safety will be your first priority.

You’ll need to purchase the right gear for the journey, such as a full-face helmet , which can provide ultimate protection in the event of an accident, saddlebags to store your gear, a riding jacket that will make you visible to other drivers on the road at night, and other basic supplies.

If you’re riding with your buddies, then purchase Bluetooth headsets , which will allow you to remain in constant contact with each other and communicate during a ride to coordinate changes to your route, warn other members in your group of traffic accidents up ahead, or inclement weather.

If your bike has been stored for the winter, and you haven’t ridden it in months, then your bike is going to need some routine maintenance in order to be riding ready. Click here to read my spring motorcycle maintenance checklist, which will go over all the steps you need to follow to get your bike up and running.

Preparing for a motorcycling trip can be fun and exciting, especially if you’ve never taken your bike out of town. But these long rides require careful planning.

Mapping out your route ahead of time will allow you to plan stops, alternate routes to use in the event of inclement weather or accidents, and can help you estimate how much you’ll spend on fuel, and other riding expenses. Once you have the right gear and your bike is ready to hit the road, then it’s time to choose your destination.

If you’re not sure what parts of the country offer the best riding experience, or where to look for your next riding adventure, below, you’ll find the most popular riding routes in the country, each of which offers a thrilling riding experience, scenic beauty, and the ability to ride your bike on the open road, far away from the stressors of everyday life.

Tennessee: Tail of the Dragon

On route 129, you’ll find an eleven-mile stretch that’s considered one of the best roads in America. The route looks like a dragon’s tail, hence the name. This wild stretch of highway features more than three hundred sharp curves, which can make it too challenging for new riders.

This two-lane stretch of blacktop highway will allow you to ride through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

In the past, riders could fly down this highway at fifty-five miles per hour. However, the speed was reduced back in 2005 to thirty-file miles per hour due to safety concerns and frequent accidents. In fact, there’s a shrine dedicated to riders who have died on this route.

The shrine is called the Tree of Shame and contains pieces of motorcycle parts from bikes of riders who died trying to tackle the many twists and turns of the highway.

Tennessee/North Carolina: Cherohala Skyway

Also referred to as  Overhill Skyway, the Cherohala Skyway is a beautiful scenic ride that stretches for forty-three miles. This road goes through the Cherokee National Forest and the Nantahala National Forest, reaching an impressive elevation over five thousand feet. There’s very light traffic, many sweeping curves, and a dangerous trek that can be a major challenge in the winter.

Texas: Twisted Sisters

Twisted Sisters consists of a group of roads in the Texas Hill Country. These roads do not pose the same risks and difficulty level that the Tail of the Dragon does, however, these roads are still not a good choice for the beginner.

The roads will take the rider through a one-hundred-mile loop of hills, valleys, and ranches. It provides beautiful panoramic views, with roads that curve around canyons. One of the roads features a fifteen-mile stretch that consists of more than sixty curves.

On this journey, riders can stop and visit many roadside attractions such as the Lone Star Motorcycle Museum and the Lost Maples State Natural Area.

North Carolina/Virginia: Blue Ridge Parkway

This is a route for the serious rider who can handle riding hundreds of miles a day. This route is four hundred and sixty-nine miles in length and takes you on a ride along the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Because of the elevation changes and the many sharp curves, the top speed on the parkway is forty-five miles per hour. This parkway can easily be ridden in a day; however, many riders recommend breaking the trip into two days. On the parkway, you won’t find any gas stations, so you’ll have to exit in order to fill up your tank.

Wyoming/Montana: Beartooth Highway

This stretch of highway is between Cooke City and Red Lodge, Montana. This steep route consists of many switchbacks and zigzags, bringing the rider to an elevation of more than ten thousand feet. This stretch is sixty-nine miles in length and is usually only open from May to October.

If you choose to take the shorter route, you’ll come across meadows, glaciers, and sharp twists through the Rocky Mountains. This route is also prone to snowstorms during the summer months, high winds, and thunderstorms.

California: Pacific Coast Highway

Also known as PCH, this highway is one of the most beautiful roads in America. It stretches from Orange County, all the way to Mendocino County, but the most beautiful spot to ride runs right through Big Sur. This is a one hundred and twenty-three-mile ride that hugs cliffs and features many twists and turns along the coastline.

It also features heavy fog, hairpin turns, and sharp drop-offs, so you’ll need to try and avoid staring at the scenic beauty as you fly by million-dollar mansions, crashing waves, and majestic redwoods.

Georgia: Skyline Drive

This stretch of road attracts millions of riders every year, thanks to the seventy-five overlooks that peer out into Piedmont to the west and the Shenandoah Valley to the east. This route is a popular choice in the fall because of the beautiful changing foliage.

This byway has a max speed limit of thirty-five miles per hour due to the heavy traffic, wildlife, and the many twists and turns. This stretch is over one hundred miles long and is one of the only public roads that run through the Shenandoah National Park. The park itself has one of the largest black bear populations in America.

Arkansas: Pig Trail Scenic Byway

This nineteen-mile stretch on Arkansas Highway 23 consists of steep drop-offs and hills, and switchbacks that cut through the Ozark National Forest. This road runs along the Boston Mountains and provides riders with access to a variety of recreational activities such as camping, kayaking, and whitewater rafting.

The origin of the name remains a mystery to this day and is said to have been named after a football team, however, the route also resembles a pig’s tail, and you’ll find several hogs that freely roam the area. This route is a popular choice in the fall and spring when the leaves turn colors, and the wildflowers are in full bloom.

Colorado: San Juan Skyway

This two hundred- and thirty-three-mile scenic route runs through southwest Colorado’s San Juan Mountains. This looping route will bring a rider through many historic national parks, ski resorts, and mining camps.

The Skyway is a better choice for the experienced rider due to the S-curves, drop-offs, and constant descents and ascents. Riders can view many different ghost towns from above as the elevation climbs over eleven thousand feet. On the Million Dollar Highway, riders will catch glimpses of mule deer, black bears, and mountain goats.

Tennessee: Natchez Trace Parkway

This Parkway provides riders with more than four hundred miles of scenic beauty and over ten thousand years of North American history . The two-lane parkway prohibits commercial traffic and has a fifty miles per hour speed limit. As riders zip down the parkway, they will zoom past Civil War battlegrounds, Spanish moss hanging from massive trees, and ghost towns.

Montana: Going-to-the-Sun Road

This stretch is around fifty miles and it’s the only road that cuts through Glacier National Park in Montana. The road is usually covered by snow and isn’t accessible for motorcyclists until mid to late June. It takes workers over two months to plow the route. The road itself provides a two-hour ride and access to the park’s campgrounds.

Michigan: Tunnel of Trees

This is a scenic road that’s heavily surrounded by foliage. This stretch of road is a popular stop during the fall when the canopy of leaves changes their colors. The opening in the trees will also give riders a beautiful shot of Lake Michigan.

Once inhabited by the Ottawa Indians , loggers, traders, and trappers, this route is a very popular tourist attraction that offers both a rich history and scenic beauty.

Utah: Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

This route is a sight to behold, even if you opt to visit the park on foot. However, riding your bike, you’ll be able to cover more ground and take in more beauty. This route offers a few different roads, one of which is very beginner-friendly.

You’ll also come across roads that are unpaved, which can make the ride itself more challenging for new riders. In terms of difficulty, considering the road options, riders of all skill levels will find a path that’s suitable for their road handling abilities. The route itself is over one hundred and twenty miles long.

South Dakota: Needles Highway

This beginner-friendly route features important landmarks and a beautiful natural landscape. As you ride, you can stop and check out Mount Rushmore, which is right off the highway, and one of the main reasons this route is so popular.

If you want a relaxing ride that includes both scenic beauty and natural historical sights, then the Needles Highway delivers. The route is just a little over thirty-seven miles long and is an excellent choice for the rider who wants to kill a day or two relaxing and taking in the sights.

Final Thoughts

If you’ve made it this far in my guide to the best motorcycle roads in the USA, then the odds are you’re eager to hit the road and check out many of these fun and challenging routes. However, it’s important to keep in mind that some of these routes will be difficult for the beginner since many have steep ascents and descents, dropouts, and twists and turns.

If you’re a new rider, then I recommend going with friends that are more experienced and able to teach you how to correctly handle dangerous roads, major changes in elevation, and show you what you need to do to prepare for this type of trip.

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US Motorcycle Rides & Routes

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Take Epic & Scenic Motorcycle Rides With REVER

From far-flung corners to fan-favorite destinations, there are thousands of scenic motorcycle rides near you just ripe for the taking. Track each and every popular motorcycle ride int he US with REVER, the premier app for motorcycle navigation. You’ll be able to track your own scenic motorcycle rides, try out unique challenges along the way and connect with like-minded riders in REVER communities — all at no cost to you. REVER should always ride shotgun, or should we say sidecar, every time you hit the road. It is free to download and sign up, and you can get started right now.

What To Expect Along US Motorcycle Roads

REVER knows the journey along US motorcycle roads is just as important as the destination. Our collection of hand-picked routes crisscross the country and will take you to unforgettable places via all the best twists and turns along the way. You'll encounter countless detours to truly experience America, but it’s up to you to record the rest on your app. In addition to easy-to-follow routes, we'll point out local highlights like can't-miss restaurants, camping areas, fishing spots, hiking trails, historic markers, overlooks, and much more. It’s never been easier to find and explore scenic motorcycle routes near you. We've broken down our staff picks for US motorcycle roads by region so all the heavy lifting is already done for you. Download REVER today and try it out this weekend with a ride in your neighborhood. Or, browse the Staff Picks below to start planning your next epic road trip. Log hundreds of miles and hours in the saddle while recording it all with our scenic motorcycle navigation app — it’s an experience you’ll never forget and always be able to look back on.

Cooler climates, breathtaking seasonal vistas and so many major metropolises to stage your rides from… the Northeast has plenty to offer. Our Staff Picks consist of some of the most popular motorcycle routes in this region so go see what’s out there — you never know what memory or souvenir you’ll bring back from historic locations dotting the Eastern Seaboard.

If your definition of “fun in the sun” is more backroads than boardwalk, more burnouts than beach, then the Southeast has what you’re searching for. Ride from the southern reaches of Florida right up to the Mason-Dixon Line to see what this beautiful region that embodies “Americana” has in store.

From Bellevue and Boise to Seattle and Salem, the most scenic motorcycle rides in the Northwest will take you to some jaw-dropping locales. Descend from the highest elevations into foggy valleys — and don’t forget to pack some rain gear — when you check out the routes we’ve selected as Staff Picks.

Southwest & Midwest

From the Pacific Ocean inching ever closer to the smack-dab middle of this great land, the contiguous geography of these two vast regions is a mixed bag. That’s music to the ears of motorcyclists, who want their scenic motorcycle rides to offer sights not seen, paths not taken and people not yet met.

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The Best Motorcycle Trips in the U.S.

Virginia Skyline Drive

Sure, you’ve felt the wind in your hair on a convertible road trip, but nothing gets you closer to the road than a motorcycle. We asked some of our favorite motorcyclists—like Gard Hollinger of Arch Motorcycles and Chris McIntyre of EagleRider—to share their favorite routes. Below, you'll find their picks, edited for clarity, that'll take you through winding city curves in Los Angeles, up mountainous passes on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and through the desolate Death Valley. Take their advice and make your next road trip on two wheels instead of four.

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Soil Ground Landscape Scenery and Land

Death Valley, California

Itinerary suggested by Andria Yu, director of communications at motorcycles.org and coach at the Motorcycle Safety Foundation , where she teaches new riders the fundamentals of getting on two wheels.

Where to Ride Enter Death Valley National Park from Beatty, Nevada on NV-374 and stop for photos 30 minutes down the road at Hell's Gate, where you can see the entire valley. Head south on Highway 190 to Artist Palette, a rock face of the Black Mountains where the colors of the rainbow naturally occur, thanks to oxidation of different metals in the rock. Get back on 190 and ride to Dante's View. It's over 5,000 feet above sea level and you can see far out into Death Valley.

If you want an off-road experience, head to Titus Canyon Road from Beatty. Titus is 27 miles of off-road driving, which is why it’s the perfect route for any dual-sport motorcycle. Something like the Kawasaki KLX250S is ideal since you'll be on some paved roads and then some off-road trails. There are beautiful, scenic outlooks along the way, and it's amazing to be in the canyon. Continue on to Teakettle Junction, a funny spot where people bring old tea kettles to hang on the sign. It's kind of like Paris' Pont des Artes Bridge, but for tea kettles. Be sure to pack your own!

Where to Stay Lodging options are pretty stark in Death Valley. If you don’t want to stay at a Motel 6, check into the newly opened Oasis at Death Valley . The property has a natural spring which feeds their pool, the perfect place to take a dip after hours riding out in the sun.

Where to Eat My favorite place to eat is this family-run Mexican diner in Beatty called Gema's Wagon Wheel Cafe . Everything is homemade—their tamales are my favorite. Bonus: they serve espresso.

What You Can’t Miss Badwater Basin is a salt flat that 279 feet below sea level and is the lowest point in North America. It's very desolate and makes you feel like you're on the moon.

Image may contain Promontory Nature Outdoors Ocean Sea Water Shoreline and Coast

Baja California, Mexico

Itinerary suggested by Chris McIntyre, CEO of EagleRider , a 25-year-old motorcycle rental company that also offers guided tours.

Where to Ride Grab a bike from EagleRider's Los Angeles store and follow the coast on Highway 1 to Dana Point and then switch to Interstate 5 heading towards Torrey Pines and stop there for the night. Continue on to Ensenada, passing through Rosarito and Puerto Nuevo. Stop for a whale watching excursion and then take a short ride to Valle de Guadalupe (Mexico’s Napa Valley) for a day of wine tastings. From Guadalupe, ride the great twisty roads through the Laguna Mountains and the Otay County Open Space Preserve back to San Diego .

Where to Stay The Lodge at Torrey Pines is one of the best places to kick off a tour—it’s luxurious, warm, and inviting. The stunning beachside location doesn’t hurt. Hotel Boutique Valle de Guadalupe is one of my favorite hotels, too, set against the backdrop of the Sierra Madres and lush vineyards. The views are just gorgeous.

Where to Eat La Cocina de Doña Esthela in Valle de Guadalupe serves the most amazing traditional Mexican breakfast in the entire country. It’s one of those unforgettable meals that makes you feel like you’ve been eating flavorless saltines your whole life. Hussong’s Cantina is the oldest bar in Baja and is a must-visit if you’re in the area. As the rumored creator of the margarita, it’s an important stop for every cocktail enthusiast.

What You Can’t Miss With a few dozen regional and international wineries in the region, Valle de Guadalupe is fast becoming a destination for the sommelier and culinary set. The scenery is simply beautiful and the people are some of the nicest you’ll ever meet. I’m definitely more of a beer guy so I always look forward to touring the legendary Tecate Brewery. It was closed to tours for quite some time because of renovations, so I’ve been eager to get back and see what they’ve changed.

Image may contain Nature River Water Outdoors Waterfall and Mountain

Lower Catskills, New York

Itinerary suggested by Ashmore Ellis, co-founder of Babes Ride Out , an all-women’s motorcycle group that hosts road trips around the world, bringing together over 250 female riders at each event.

Where to Ride Our latest ride took our female riders throughout the lower Catskills of Upstate New York, and we took a few different routes. " Mountain Mamas " is a 194-mile trip. Being the longest route on this excursion, the route takes you into the Northern Catskills to see the local ski towns that are covered in lush greens during the warmer months. Leave early for this one, and spend some time exploring the small towns of Roscoe, Windham, Hunter, Phoenicia , and Bethel. " Peace-Love-Motorcycles " is a 184-mile trip. A historical tour of the Catskills, marking the site of Woodstock ’69, and heading north all the way up to the famed Kaaterskill Falls. This route cuts through ravines with twists and turns that we could ride for days.

Where to Stay We set up camp at Landers Narrowsburg Campground as our home base. It's located right on the New York/Pennsylvania border on the banks of the Delaware River and was a central point for all of our routes.

Where to Eat The Heron in Narrowsburg has the best spicy grits. They are a must-have and absolutely nuts! But you can't head upstate without stopping for a bite to eat at Roscoe's Diner in Sullivan County.

What You Can’t Miss There's a really cool bar at the Narrowsburg Inn that's worth checking out. It was built in the 1840's and was a speakeasy and brothel during the prohibition. The Inn was initially built to serve coach travelers on the Mount Hope and Lumberland Turnpike and later served raftsman bringing wood down the Delaware during the early building stages of Philadelphia. Make sure to walk over for a cold beer after the bikes are parked and ask the owner, Alison Brown about who walks the halls at night. It’s supposedly haunted. If you're lucky, she will show you the brothel rooms in the attic.

Image may contain Nature Outdoors Mountain Range Mountain Road Freeway Highway and Scenery

Mulholland Highway, California

Itinerary suggested by Gard Hollinger, bike designer and co-founder of Arch Motorcycles , alongside founding partner Keanu Reeves.

Where to Ride By far my favorite day ride keeps you near the coast in the Santa Monica Mountains. Head north on the Pacific Coast Highway from Santa Monica towards Malibu. Turn right heading north on Las Flores Canyon Road and stay on course as it turns into Rambla Pacifico Street and then to Piuma Road. This route takes you on a beautiful ride along the mountain’s ridge tops with views of the Pacific Ocean that mimics what a soaring bird of prey must see. Hop on Malibu Canyon Road for a couple miles until you find Mulholland Highway, turn left and it will take you past Malibu Lake. Continuing up Mulholland Highway brings you thru the Snake, an equally famous stretch of tight twisting road that gives its nickname and keeps both ambulance and law enforcement busy each weekend.

Where to Eat Take Mulholland Highway to the end and you’ll find Neptune’s Net at the corner of the PCH, a casual seafood joint across the street from County Line Beach. The restaurant was opened by a retired NASA astronaut in 1956 and attracts beach goers, surfers, and bikers alike. For me, the happy ending is to continue south on the PCH to the south end of Zuma Beach. The Sunset Restaurant, a casual but classy place in what was a historic beach house, has a great bar, oysters, and a prime spot to view an amazing Southern California sunset.

What You Can’t Miss If you take Mulholland Drive, you’ll head through world class vineyards and wineries in what’s now known as the Malibu Wine Country. The area only received its AVA in 2014, designating it an official wine grape growing area, but its wine history dates all the way back to the 1800s. Some cool spots in the area include Malibu Wines, a family-owned affair of about one hundred acres of vines, multiple wineries, avocado groves, and even a wild animal park.

Virginia Skyline Drive

Skyline Drive, Virginia Route

Itinerary suggested by Andria Yu.

Where to Ride Skyline Drive is 105 miles long, takes about three hours to drive, and runs along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Shenandoah National Park. You don't have to ride the entire length as there are four different entrances to Skyline (Front Royal, Thornton Gap, Swift Run Gap, and Rockfish Gap Entrance Station). The speed limit is mostly 35 mph and it's a great place for an easy-paced ride, making it a great route anyone who has just started riding. It’s great in the fall when the leaves are a medley of gold, orange, and red, but there's plenty of wildflowers year-round.

Where to Stay There are five campgrounds along the way and they only cost about $15 to enter. Big Meadows Campground (Mile 51 on Skyline Drive) is nice because group sites are available, if you're traveling with friends. It's also in a great location near hiking trails and three waterfalls are within walking distance. For a non-camping alternative, check into Skyland Resort , located on the route's highest elevation at 3,680 feet.

Where to Eat I like to stop at Elkwallow Wayside (Mile 24) if I need a quick bite, a shake or some ice cream, which also offers some camping supplies. Blackberries are a local favorite (they have a festival every July) and you should definitely try the blackberry shake at Elkwallow. Most of the restaurants on the route will also have blackberry ice cream pie, which I highly recommend.

What You Can’t Miss There are 75 scenic overlooks along Skyline Drive—my favorite is the Range View Overlook at Mile 17. The drive is also a great place to see wildlife like black bear, deer, and wild turkey. Keep your eyes peeled for any animals while you're riding. We've come across small families of black bear crossing the road.

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Route 66 Self-Guided Motorcycle Tour


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Salt Lake City, UT

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Baja Mexico Motorcycle Tour

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Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

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Pacific Coast Highway Motorcycle Tour

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Atlanta, GA

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Washington D.C., VA

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Washington DC, Virginia

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Las Vegas Off-Road ATV Tour

Off-Road Guided

1 Days/ 0 Nights

Sedona and Snowflake Loop

Sedona, Sedona

2 Days/ 1 Nights

Little White Mountain Loop

Florida to sturgis tour.

20 Days/ 19 Nights

Pensacola - Savannah Motorcycle Tour

Pensacola, Florida

6 Days/ 5 Nights

The Civil War Tour

Natchez, Florida/Alabama

22 Days/ 21 Nights


Motorcycle Roads

MotorcycleRoads.com is the place to find the best motorcycle roads, routes, rides, and trips. There are millions of miles of roads in America, but not all roads are created equal.  There are roads and there are motorcycle roads - riders know the difference . Planning spectacular motorcycle trips near year starts here by finding the best motorcycle roads and motorcycle routes because great roads lead to great rides!

Deal's Gap (AKA "The Dragon" or "Tail of the Dragon") |  United States

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Possum Tail with Japanese History Sites |  United States

Best Motorcycle Roads & Rides

Deal's Gap (AKA "The Dragon" or "Tail of the Dragon") |  United States

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Al's Hideaway Campground |  Texas

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A Word From Our Readers

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rides4you was instrumental in making my motorcycle vacation in the western US a success. Their detailed online itineraries, not to mention the GPX files for my navi!!, provided me with all the information I needed to plan my trip and make the most out of my time on the road. Thanks to them, I was able to enjoy a seamless and unforgettable motorcycle adventure. I can highly recommend following their tips and routes.

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Thomas Heider

Happy Reader

I did a partial Route 66 in 2021 from Chicago to Oklahoma City and failed miserably. Due to lack of information, I was running out of time and in the end I had to ride the rest of the trip on the interstate. A year later I did the entire part all the way to L.A. had a totally different experience. It wouldn't have been the trip of a lifetime if it wasn't for rides4you and their incredible experience and guideline for this trip.

Lura Frazier

Happy Rider

These GPS files saved my butt a few time I guess. It's hard to say how I would have done without them but I feel I would have gotten lost at several points throughout the journey. Priceless info!

Arthur Viola

I spent hours and days trying to figure out what I wanted to see and which routes I would take on my first bike vacation in the U.S. It got overwhelming, there's just so much to see. Then I turned to rides4you and picked one of their best 10 tours, the Yellowstone tour. Believe me when I say: these guys know their sh**!! Never had the feeling that I missed something during my ride. Plenty of info and well dialed in daily hours/mileage ratio.

Mike Snelling


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Best Motorcycle Trips In North America

Updated on Jan 31st, 2023 | By Dushyant Yadav

' title=

There is something fascinating about motorcycle touring . The desire to get on and travel the country or perhaps the fact that you see the world in a completely different way gives you a sense of freedom mixed with the excitement to encounter the nature from the back of your motorcycle. When you’re on two wheels you feel the change in weather, you long for the shade, and elate when you feel the first drop of rain on your face. The twists, turns, hills and dips all these riding affairs make the journey venturesome.

There is just something about getting on the motorcycle, loading up all your gear, figuring out what you can and can’t fit, strap it all down to your motorcycle and throw your leg over it to hit the open road. It’s just an awful lot of fun and we all enjoy the long trips. It’s a dream that we think most motorcyclists have it in their bucket list.

The day you first passed your riding test and went straight to the dealer to buy a beginner’s motorcycle , you had a dream to get on it and do that cross-country journey. The wind, the freedom, the adventure, and the curiosity of encountering new riders that may eventually become a lifelong friend makes the joy of riding a lot more memorable as compared to a dull car trip. While not all roads are similar, there are some that are worthy enough to be checked under your bucket list. So here we are with our list of best motorcycle roads in America.

Top 10 Best Motorcycle Roads In North America

Jeb Stuart Highway Best Motorcycle Road In North America

The Jeb Stuart Highway (U.S. Route 58)

Our entire list of top 10 motorcycle roads is filled with spectacular landscapes; however the first one to mention here is the Jeb Stuart Highway or ‘The Mighty Python’. There are many roads that we could have included from the Appalachian mountain region, back of the dragon, or the snake; but the section of US58 starting at Virginia 16 and heading west into Damascus is the perfect blend of curves and beautiful scenery. Hit the road at the right time and you would probably find no one! Although it is possible to get caught behind a sloth, but don’t let it spoil your mood. There are approximately 318 curves in just 33 miles and once you reach Damascus, make sure you stay in a resort. There are cheaper places in town as well but none with great bar and restaurant.

Death Valley

Death Valley

The driest place in the USA, the lowest point in North America, and one of the hottest places on Earth; Death Valley is one of the USA’s most extreme road trips. It’s just a five hour ride from Los Angeles, or a three hour ride from Las Vegas. Many parts of Death Valley are designated Wilderness Areas and are under the care of the National Park Service. Despite its rugged appearance, Death Valley’s ecological, geological and historical gems are fragile. Tread lightly, so future generations can experience the wilderness value of this national treasure as well. If you’re approaching from Nevada, the adventure begins just outside the park in the unconventional town of Beatty, The Gateway to Death Valley.

What makes Death Valley a truly daunting landscape for riders is a seemingly endless expanse of flat cracked earth that covers more than 200 square miles! Commonly known as Badwater Basin, the floor of this valley is actually salt made by the surrounding mountains making the ride extremely challenging and adventurous.

Pacific Coast Highway

Pacific Coast Highway

The Pacific Coast Highway running from Half Moon Bay to Albion (California) is one of those Holy Grail rides in North America that is filled with fantastic views of the Pacific Ocean. Our personal favorite is the one that runs from Half Moon Bay just south of San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge and ends in Albion. Leaving Half Moon Bay you will enter the San Francisco traffic as you cross the Golden Gate, but once you have left the city, this part of Pacific Coast Highway will run through Muir Woods over sand beach dunes and through small coastal communities as it winds its way along the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Don’t be in a rush on this route because morning fog is quite common here, and so is the traffic. If you want a real treat and don’t mind the high priced accommodations near the beach, stay at the beach side inn and enjoy their delicious cuisines. They are quite delightful and can give you one of the best lodging experiences.

Going-to-the-Sun Road

Going-to-the-Sun Road

Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park (Montana) is one of those mountain roads that do not become fully passable until late June of every year. Going-to-the Sun Road is highly recommended because the landscapes are something you must experience to believe. No photograph can ever justify the magnificence of this enchanting place. The road was completed in 1932 and it still remains a spectacular 50-mile two-lane paved road that spans the width of glacier. It passes through many types of terrain including glacial lakes, cedar forests, and alpine tress. In 1983 Going-to-the Sun Road was for the first time included in the National Registry of Historic Places and in 1985 it was made a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark.

Angeles Crest Highway

Angeles Crest Highway

Angeles Crest Highway that runs through the San Gabriel Mountains national monument and Angeles national forests of southern California. Riding through this rural mountainous terrain you would never believe that you are only 60 miles outside of the crowded greater Los Angeles area. The Angeles Crest Highway or California Route 2 is filled with spectacular views and twisty turns. This is one of those rides where you need to focus given that loose rock can be found in any of the tight turns along its 66 mile length. Some of Route 2 is often closed for repair but the detour is equally as spectacular. Angeles Crest Highway began construction in 1929 and was intended to be a fire access road. It was finally completed in 1956 after a pause for World War II. Today it is one of America’s great motorcycle roads.

Beartooth Highway

Beartooth Highway (U.S. Route 212)

Beartooth Highway (U.S Route 212) running from the north eastern entrance of Yellowstone to Red Lodge (Montana), this road will take you up to more than ten thousand feet in height where you will find snow even in the month of July. The road usually opens in the month of June and is filled with spectacular views. Be warned to keep your eyes on the road and enjoy the splendid beauty while you cruise through the road. The descent down towards Red Lodge is equally breathtaking. The highway gets its name from the jagged rock features that resemble a bear’s sharp tooth. An interesting fact about Beartooth Highway is that it climbs to the highest highway elevation in two states that is in Montana at 10,350 feet and in Wyoming at 10,947 feet. The Beartooth Highway truly deserves its moniker as an All-American road.

Million Dollar Highway

Million Dollar Highway (U.S. Route 550)

The Million Dollar Highway or U.S. 550 runs from Durango (Colorado) to Ouray (Colorado). While this road can is heavily trafficked, the scenery is spectacular and the road just twisty enough to keep it interesting. This is a route on which you probably do not want to lose your focus because if you do, you just might find yourself several thousand feet down a steep cliff running north to south. The route is adventurous and challenging, you will even find yourself on the edge of a sheer drop off with literally no guard rail! This extreme route is amongst the most dangerous roads in North America. The stretch of highway between Durango and Silverton is part of the San Juan Skyway. The Million Dollar Highway is actually a 25 mile segment of the skyway that runs between Silverton and Ouray (Colorado). The road climbs three mountain peaks; Coal Bank Pass at 10,610 feet, Molas Pass at 10,912 feet and Red Mountain Pass at 11,018 feet. It is a belief that the highway got its name because of the million dollar expense incurred to build each mile, the truth however no one really knows.

Tail of the Dragon (Tree of Shame)

The Tail of the Dragon (U.S. Route 129)

The section located alongside Deals Gap on the North Carolina–Tennessee state line is most commonly known as The Dragon or The Dragon’s Tail and if you’re looking for it on a map, it’s U.S Route 129. The road runs around the Great Smoky Mountains in the Cherokee National Forest and has no intersecting roads or driveways. Unbelievable but true!

It’s a solid 11 miles with 318 curves. That might not sound like a particularly long ride, especially if you’re not out on the East Coast. But trust us when we say that this road is one of the best in the world.

See also: Best motorcycle tours in the World

This ride is definitely for the more experienced riders out there, so if you’re a nubcake, we suggest hitting up the nearby Cherohala Skyway or Blue Ridge Parkway instead to prep yourself.

To give you an idea about the difficulty; there is actually a ‘ Tree of shame ’ where people put parts from all the busted motorcycles that go down out there. So make sure you are prepared before you venture out for this adventure.

Icefields Parkway

Icefields Parkway

When talking about North America and not particularly the United States, Icefields Parkway is probably the best motorcycle route of North America. With each passing curve you will find an even more spectacular view than the last. Till date we have never met a rider who has captured less than hundred photographs while riding on this route. The parkway runs from Lake Louise to Jasper (Alberta, Canada) over the course of its 232 kilometers or 144 miles it winds along the continental divide through soaring rocky mountain peaks, ice fields, and vast sweeping valleys. The Icefields Parkway is dotted with more than 100 ancient glaciers cascading waterfalls and amazing emerald lakes. You will owe it to yourself once you have ridden this route.

US Route 66

U.S. Route 66

The Mother Road, Main Street USA, Will Rogers Highway, those are the other names for U.S Route 66. When people think of Route 66 they think of the song, they think of the TV show, they think about a road trip. Back in the old days, Route 66 defined the meaning of a road trip; it literally filled the soul of a traveler with zeal and gave meaning to the word ‘Americana’. Too bad that it didn’t last very long since Highway bypasses were built to help travelers get around congested areas and to shorten travel time.  You can still travel along Route 66 on the interstate and even some of the original alignments of the highway. There are many preservation activities going on to preserve the history of route 66, so future generations would know what a real road trip actually meant.

5 Best Adventure Motorcycle Routes In USA

Big Bend National Park Best Adventure Motorcycle Route In USA

Big Bend National Park

For the dirt lovers we have the Big Bend National Park in Texas. If you are visiting this place make sure to get some experience of Ghost Town by spending couple of nights in Terlingua, just outside of the National Park. Big Bend is home to River Road, a route that travels through and across many desert washes. So if you own a sturdy bike, crossing this road won’t be a problem. Another interesting thing you will experience while you are on this road is that, once you get off the main two lane highway that runs from Terlingua to Presidio, it’s basically just one giant off road playground.

If you are a beginner and looking for an off road route, then this is a great place to learn and have fun. We recommend bringing some jerry cans along in case you need a refill as there are no gas stations between Terlingua and Presidio.

U.S. Route 14 Wyoming’s Bighorn National Forest

Bighorn National Forest (U.S. Route 14)

Ride towards U.S. Route 14 and you will find Wyoming’s Bighorn National Forest. Traveling east from Greybull Wyoming, you will start at the bottom of a beautifully carved canyon and eventually you will climb above the clouds (literally). Along the way you will see spectacular views that my look fictitious. The Bighorn National Forest covers more than 1.1 million acres and is one of the oldest government protected forest having been created in 1897. An interesting fact is that the forest was first created with the name Big Horn that is two words and then in 1908 through an executive order of Teddy Roosevelt, it was changed to a single word Bighorn. Regardless of the name it is a place of great beauty and diversity. Make sure you stop at Shell Falls to take few pictures of the amazing gushing water.

Peak to Peak Highway

Peak to Peak Highway

Peak to Peak Highway is a 55 mile stretch between Allenspark and Nederland and runs through some pretty staggering elevation with an average height of about 9,300 feet! So if you’re riding a small bike, you might have some issues if you decide to take this road. The best thing to do while covering this route is to ride till you reach a pass and then halt to witness the beauty along the side of the road. You will pass through ghost towns, abandoned gold mines, silver mines, hiking trails, and even off road trails. Be warned though, if this is your first riding experience at this altitude, you may feel a bit lightheaded and exhausted. It is highly recommended to give yourself an extra day before hitting the road. This will give your body enough time to acclimatize and get used to the thin air. This is a difficult route making it quite popular among the young. You might come across a lot of travellers if you visit during the peak season.

Coastal Route 1 (U.S. Route 1)

Coastal Route 1 (U.S. Route 1)

Coastal Route 1 is a nice and long highway that provides a scenic alternate to Interstate 95. This is a proper long ride that stretches around 526 miles filled with staggering views. However, If you just want to do the Coastal Route (portion along the ocean), you can cover the 290 miles long and beautiful stretch of twisty roads that passes through small towns and villages. Autumn is definitely the best time to ride; do pack some cold weather gears and waterproof layers of jackets while you head here. Aside from the weather, the road itself is not difficult, seeing as how it’s mainly highway riding. So if you’re a beginner looking to get some miles under your belt, Coastal Route 1 is a great way to do it.

Lewis and Clark Highway

Lewis and Clark Highway (U.S Route 12)

The Lewis and Clark Highway is more commonly referred to as Lolo Pass . For you history buffs, this road closely follows the route taken by the Lewis and Clark Expedition to cross the newly acquired western portion of the country after purchasing Louisiana in 1803. It is also one of the best adventure motorcycle routes in America.

U.S. 12 follows the Lochsa River as it twists and turns its way through amazing valleys and deep gorges; there is no single spot on this route that you will not find spectacular. The Lolo trail was by far one of the most difficult passages for the Lewis and Clark expedition. The party had to hack their way through thick timber and haul their canoes in parts over the steep mountain ridges. Fortunately for a motorcycle rider, the journey is lot smoother and you have ample amount of time to enjoy the breathtaking scenery that used to amaze those early explorers.

Scenic Motorcycle Routes Across America

Sometimes you just have to leave your monotonous routine to decompress from the grind of daily life. Heading towards scenic highways is certainly one of the best ways to do it. It is our belief that it’s the journey and not the destination that counts. Agreed that flying is great and certainly has its advantages, but you certainly miss witnessing God’s natural creation. In this article you’ll see some scenic roads that you may want to experience for your next road trip so sit back relax and enjoy reading as we take you on a journey to some of the best scenic highways in United States.

Scenic Byway 12

Scenic Byway 12

This one is not actually a single road but we just had to include this ride in our list because the desert landscape which it passes through literally gives Goosebumps! The 144 mile route between Hanksville and Bryce canyon travels through Capitol Reef National Park, Escalante National Monument and ends just outside of Bryce Canyon National Park. Along the way you will ride through some of the most beautiful and surreal landscapes you can imagine. Utah 12 (Highway 12) is also known as ‘ A Journey Through Time Scenic Byway ’ since the place is surrounded by landscapes that were formed by water and air erosion millions of years back. Like many of the roads on this list Utah 12 is designated as an All-American road.

North Cascades Highway

North Cascades Highway

A staggering 436 miles of sheer beauty, the North Cascades Highway (originally the North Cross State Highway) is probably the most delightful highway in America. If you haven’t experienced it yet, you should visit this splendid highway all the way from the Skagit Valley. Along the way you’ll see Diablo dam and Gorge Dam which were created to provide energy for the city of Seattle and behind them are some beautiful emerald green Lakes where travelers come to fish and recreate on a daily basis.

There are many places you can go in America and travel on some beautiful highways but nothing absolutely nothing compares with a cross state highway in Washington State. If you are looking for a scenic road trip through the Pacific Northwest then consider the ride along the Cascade loop in Washington. This curvy route takes you through some of Washington’s most spectacular scenery. Most riders start from Seattle, making their way through Snohomish River and Stevens Pass before going through the gorgeous Tumwater Canyon leading into Leavenworth.

Interstate 70

Interstate 70

Interstate 70 is an engineering marvel along the Colorado River from Grand Junction to Denver. It’s great in the summer but even more spectacular during the winter. Unlike many of our previous scenic highways that experience a lot of road closures due to winter storms I-70 for the most part remains open.

It passes through the Eisenhower Tunnel which is the longest tunnel and highest point in the interstate highway system at an elevation of 11,158 feet. As it crosses the Continental Divide there are many vistas and scenic spots to pull off and enjoy the beauty.

Oregon Coast Highway

Oregon Coast Highway

It is 363 miles from the Washington border to the California border. Natural beauty and wildlife adorn the shoreline with soaring sand dunes, pristine beaches, and bustling harbors. It’s completely open to the public with plenty of lodging, fast food, goods and services along this highway.  Moreover it has more wildlife as compared to the Pacific Coast Highway.

The color of water is more vivid and on any sunny day the beauty is just breathtaking. It generally takes 10 to 12 hours to ride the full length of this highway. As you go further to the South you generally find it less crowded and a more rugged coastline with abundant redwoods.

Redwood Highway

Redwood Highway

The Redwood Highway of Northern California is a 175 miles long stretch that begins at the California-Oregon border near Crescent City and extends to Leggett. This highway at times runs along the coast that provides great views of the Pacific Ocean and when you ride through the inlands, it will be covered with redwoods. Some of these trees are the tallest living things on our planet reaching 300 to 350 feet high. Just incredible!

Due to their height they look skinny but that is deceiving because there are a massive 16 to 18 feet in diameter, due to which some areas you will have a narrow winding road while the rest will be proper four-lane highway.

Further reading: Best motorcycle tours in India

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The ultimate guide to riding Route 66 on a motorcycle

There's arguably no more iconic American road trip than the Mother Road—here’s how to travel it on two wheels

By Roadtrippers

If your idea of a perfect motorcycle road trip involves scenic, winding roads far away from people, cities, and cars, Route 66 might not be for you. But if you’re a fan of American history, kitschy roadside attractions, classic neon signs, mid-century architecture, Indigenous heritage and culture, and talking to friendly locals, there is arguably no better road trip in the world than driving the Mother Road. 

And if you ask me, the best way to experience it is by motorcycle.

Last year, Roadtrippers published Route 66: Chicago to Santa Monica , and I immediately jumped on the chance to take the book out for a proper test run. This past October, I spent 7 days riding Route 66 from Illinois to California. Here’s what I learned along the way.

road trip usa moto

Roadtrippers Route 66: Chicago to Santa Monica

What is route 66 .

Stretching 2,448 miles (3,940 kilometers) from Chicago in the east to Santa Monica in the west, Route 66 crosses through eight states and offers a near-perfect snapshot of the U.S.—from bustling cities to crumbling ghost towns. The original road was established in 1926, and during its mid-century heyday, small towns went all in on capturing the tourism that came along with the highway’s rise in popularity. Roadside attractions, diners, and motels sprang up along the route, many of which are still standing today. But as more and more sections of the original route were bypassed by interstate, other towns and destinations weren’t so lucky, and fell into disrepair or disappeared entirely. 

road trip usa moto

Route 66 was officially decommissioned in 1985, but it has seen a revival in the last few decades. According to Rhys Martin, president of the Oklahoma Route 66 Association, a lot of the buzz can be attributed to Pixar’s 2006 movie Cars .   

“The figure that’s quoted is that the businesses along the route saw a 30 percent jump just from the movie,” he says. “And as those kids grow up and introduce their own kids to Cars , that’s getting them interested in the history and the story. And now, just from a greater cultural standpoint, you have people who are more interested in authentic experiences.” 

And despite the occasional tourist trap, you’d be hard pressed to find a more authentic road trip experience than Route 66. 

Related: The Roadtrippers guide to Route 66

What to ride on a route 66 motorcycle road trip.

When I first started planning my trip, I knew that I wanted to do it on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. I’d conjured up images of cruising down the highway on a chromed-out machine that, in many people’s minds, occupies the same cultural space as the Mother Road itself: a bit dated, perhaps, but still undeniably American.  

Instead of a classic cruiser, I got the opportunity to ride Harley-Davidson’s new adventure motorcycle, the Pan America . Comfortable, fast, and able to go anywhere, it ended up being the perfect choice for the trip. And I couldn’t help but appreciate the juxtaposition between riding a new generation of Harley on the most classic American road.   

A motorcycle parked behind two pumps at a vintage service station

For those not bringing their own motorcycle, the easiest choice is to rent a bike. Motorcycle rental company EagleRider has locations in both Chicago and Los Angeles, and the option of a one-way rental is available for an additional fee. EagleRider also offers guided and self-guided Route 66 tours. The 15-day self-guided tour package starts at about $2,500—however, it is entirely possible to ride all of Route 66 in 7 to 10 days, as long as you’re comfortable riding a few hundred miles per day. 

If you’re able to pick up and drop off the bike in the same location, you’re going to have a lot more options. Peer-to-peer rental platforms such as Riders Share and Twisted Road generally offer a wider range of models at a lower price point than traditional rental companies. I’ve also heard of people purchasing a used motorcycle at the start of the route and selling it after they reach the end—but that involves a lot more risk, money, and paperwork than most people are going to be comfortable with.

What to pack for a Route 66 motorcycle road trip

No matter what bike you end up with, make sure it’s comfortable enough to ride long distances on, and that it has space to carry all your gear. Since Route 66 crosses through multiple states with widely varying climates, you’ll want to make sure you pack for all-weather travel.  

Traveling on a motorcycle means always being exposed to the elements, with very little protection beyond what you’re wearing. Depending on the time of year you travel Route 66, you may hit everything from scorching heat to snowstorms (in fact, you’re likely to encounter both some of the hottest and coldest days of your journey just within the state of Arizona). 

The best way to handle extreme weather on a motorcycle is to bring layers. Make sure you pack both warm and cool base layers, protective gear (built-in armor and abrasion-resistant fabrics are highly recommended), and rain gear. For next-level comfort in the cold, I recommend investing in heated gear.    

Route 66 runs through multiple large or mid-sized cities, and you’re never far from restaurants or gas stations. That said, it’s always a good idea to carry water and snacks on your bike in case of an emergency. A basic toolkit can also be a lifesaver in unexpected situations. A lot can happen in 2,400 miles—parts rattle loose, tires wear out, and oil may need to be refilled. Make sure you carry tools that fit your specific bike, and regularly check things like brakes, fluid levels, tire pressure, lights, and bolts. 

Related: How to prepare for a motorcycle road trip 

State-by-state itinerary.

Original route mileage: 301 miles (484 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Start of Route 66 sign, Gemini Giant, Illinois Route 66 Hall of Fame and Museum, Bunyon with a Hot Dog, Pink Elephant Antiques, World’s Largest Catsup Bottle

Route 66 starts in downtown Chicago. Anyone who’s ridden a motorcycle here, or in any major metropolitan downtown area, knows it’s not necessarily the most enjoyable experience; navigating around traffic, pedestrians, and one-way streets is a far cry from the open road. But it’s definitely still worth kicking off the trip with a photo in front of one of the Historic Route 66 “Begin” signs located along East Adams Street. One is on the north side of the street near Michigan Avenue and another on the south side, in a small park near Wabash Avenue. I was able to easily find motorcycle parking just in front of the Wabash Avenue sign. 

If you’re already hungry, consider grabbing a donut hole from Lou Mitchell’s Restaurant & Bakery , or stop at Dell Rhea’s Chicken Basket just outside of the city for one of the most classic Route 66 dining experiences. Just a heads up: You’ll likely be eating a lot of greasy American cuisine over the next few days, so pace yourself.

A motorcycle parked in front of a large fiberglass statue of a man holding a rocket ship

Continuing on the greasy food theme, a favorite stop for bikers is the Launching Pad diner, a Route 66 staple in Wilmington, Illinois. The parking lot is typically packed with motorcycles and vintage cars, and the Gemini Giant Muffler Man makes for a great photo op. There’s also a gas station conveniently located across the street. I ended up spending more than an hour here talking to other motorcyclists who wanted to hear about my bike—the Pan America is still so new that seeing one out in the wild is a novelty, and I was more than happy to sing its praises. It was a good reminder: Motorcyclists love to talk about motorcycles, so make sure to factor in extra time for chit chat during gas stops.  

About 100 miles southwest of Wilmington is Atlanta, another small town packed with Route 66 attractions. Don’t miss the Bunyon with a Hot Dog Muffler Man or the Route 66 Arcade Museum , both located on the same block of Arch Street in downtown. 

After a long first day on the road, I rolled into St. Louis, Missouri, just as the sun was starting to set. I took a slight detour on the way to my hotel to check out Gateway Arch National Park , which was beautiful at sunset.  

Related: A resurrected Route 66 diner serves up hot fudge sundaes with a side of grief counseling

Original route mileage: 317 miles (510 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Gateway Arch National Park, Murals of Cuba, World’s Second Largest Rocking Chair, Uranus Fudge Factory, Gary’s Gay Parita, Red Oak II

My first stop after leaving St. Louis was at the Route 66 State Park visitor center, located just off I-44 along the Meramec River in Eureka, Missouri. It started raining as I pulled into the parking lot, so I went inside to hide from the weather. The visitor center has a small museum documenting the road’s history in the state, and a helpful staffer gave me a printed map and pointed me in the direction of the route’s original alignment.

A handing holding up a "Roadtrippers Route 66" guidebook in front of a very large rocking chair

As with much of Route 66, the original road in Missouri largely runs parallel to the interstate, and it’s easy to get on and off. With my tight schedule, I ended up making a list of stops ahead of the trip and, in the interest of saving time, jumped on and off the freeway between stops. Those with more time to spend on the route will be able to meander along on its original parts. This is an excellent way to find small towns that may be less touristy, but still packed with history and hidden gems. “Generally speaking, if you find yourself on the interstate and you’re passing a lot of towns, you’ve missed something somewhere,” Martin says.

While the Missouri stretch of Route 66 is often beautiful—it crosses through the lush, green Ozarks—the weather was not in my favor. It was pouring rain for most of the day I spent riding through the state, but with proper rain gear and a quick switch to “rain mode” on the motorcycle, it wasn’t too bad. 

I stopped for lunch in Cuba, a town known for its murals depicting historical events. Since I don’t eat meat, I opted out of Missouri Hick ’s famous barbecue and instead found Little Shop of Comics & Audrey’s Eatery on Main Street, a cozy comic book shop with a cafe in the back. I ordered soup and waited out the rain. 

Back on the road, I made my way to the World’s Second Largest Rocking Chair (it used to be the largest, until 2015, when an even bigger rocking chair in Casey, Illinois, knocked it down to second place), the Devil’s Elbow Bridge , and the Uranus Fudge Factory and General Store . The latter may be a classic tourist trap, but anyone who enjoys potty humor will have a good time in Uranus. 

A smiling man seated on a bench on a porch next to a goose, surrounded by Route 66 memorabilia

One of my must-see stops was Gary’s Gay Parita , a replica of a 1930 Sinclair gas station. The property is packed with memorabilia from the heyday of Route 66, including vintage cars, gas pumps, signs, old glass bottles, and more. The current owner, George Bowick, has a wealth of Route 66 knowledge and is happy to share it with anyone who asks. As we were chatting, Lady Bird, his tame goose, nibbled on my boots. Bowick recommended I visit Red Oak II on my way into Carthage, so naturally I obliged. 

Red Oak II is a unique type of place. Created by artist Lowell Davis, it’s a replica of the real Red Oak, Missouri, where Davis grew up. After leaving for many years and returning to find that his hometown had turned into a ghost town, Davis started moving buildings from the old town and restoring them on his farm just outside Carthage. The result is a quaint but eerie town that feels completely frozen in time. I didn’t see a single person during my visit, but a very sweet dog showed up out of nowhere and escorted me around. 

Original route mileage: 13 miles (21 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Cars on the Route, Gearhead Curios, Rainbow Bridge

The Kansas section of Route 66 is short but sweet. In just about 13 miles, the state manages to pack in several can’t-miss stops. Entering into Kansas through Missouri’s Old 66 Boulevard puts you at the north end of Main Street in Galena (population: 3,000). Your first stop here should be Cars on the Route , a restored Kan-O-Tex service station. Grab some snacks or Cars memorabilia, and check out the old truck that inspired the movie’s Tow Mater character.     

A motorcycle parked in front of a brightly colored vintage service station

As you ride down Main Street, you’ll come across the Galena City Jail, another vintage service station called Gearhead Curios, and a large “Galena on Historic Route 66” mural. I can never pass up a good bridge, so from Galena I continued onto the Rainbow Bridge, a beautiful Marsh Rainbow Arch bridge built in 1923 over Bush Creek.

If you have time for a detour, the Tri-State Marker just a few miles south of the route allows you to stand in three states at once: Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri, a worthy photo op.

Original route mileage: 432 miles (695 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Blue Whale of Catoosa, Buck Atom’s Cosmic Curios on 66, Seaba Station Motorcycle Museum, POPS Soda Ranch, Lucille’s Service Station, Sandhills Curiosity Shop

If you’ve ever traveled I-44 through Oklahoma, you’re already familiar with its most annoying feature: the frequent cash-only toll booth stops. From the Missouri state line and all the way to Oklahoma City, old Route 66 runs parallel to I-44, and if you have the time (and want to save a few dollars), it’s a much more pleasant way to travel. It’s also the easiest way to make sure you don’t miss any roadside attractions along the way.

The first must-see stop in Oklahoma on my list was the Blue Whale of Catoosa , one of the most recognizable stops along the route. I sat down at a picnic table for a snack while admiring this roadside attraction, originally built as an anniversary gift to a wife who loved whales. 

A motorcycle parked in front of a large fiberglass statue of a man holding a rocket ship

In Tulsa, I took a much-needed break from greasy diners with lunch at Chimera Cafe. I had originally planned to avoid bigger cities as much as possible on this trip, but Tulsa is a real Route 66 goldmine and I ended up spending more time here than I originally planned. One of the highlights was Buck Atom’s Cosmic Curios and its Space Cowboy Muffler Man. Just as I was about to leave, a guy rode in on a dual-sport motorcycle to ask me about my bike. This turned out to be Chris Wollard, the local artist who designed and built the Space Cowboy’s shiny rocket ship ( Mark Cline fabricated the Muffler Man). 

A few hours later I stopped at the Seaba Station Motorcycle Museum . While chatting with the guy at the front desk, I quickly realized we had friends in common. The museum is small but jam-packed with vintage motorcycles dating back to the early 1900s. Entry is free, but donations are appreciated. 

I stayed the night in Elk City, home to the National Route 66 Museum. The next morning I was on the road by sunrise, heading toward my final stop in Oklahoma: Sandhills Curiosity Shop . Owned by “hillbilly hoarder” Harley Russell, it’s neither a store nor a museum—but it’s a classic Route 66 stop that makes for a great photo op. 

Related: Route 66’s most famous hillbilly hoarder, presides over a shop where nothing is for sale

Original route mileage: 186 miles (299 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Tower Conoco Station & U-Drop Inn, Slug Bug Ranch, Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Jack Sisemore Traveland RV Museum, Cadillac Ranch, Midpoint Cafe

The Texas Panhandle, with its flat plains and unrelenting stretch of I-40, isn’t necessarily known as the most scenic place to ride a motorcycle. However, this part of the Mother Road features some of its most iconic stops—and some of the best detours.

A towering art deco building against a blue sky

There are so many vintage service stations—restored or abandoned—along Route 66 that it’s impossible to visit them all. But if you only have time for one, the Tower Station and U-Drop Inn in Shamrock is a stunning art deco masterpiece that should not be missed. As a bonus, Ramone’s House of Body Art, the auto body shop in Cars , was heavily inspired by this building.    

One of the more famous Route 66 attractions in Texas is Cadillac Ranch . And while that’s absolutely worth a stop, I found Slug Bug Ranch to be a less crowded and equally enjoyable alternative. Located just 15 miles east of Cadillac Ranch, this whimsical tribute features a row of Volkswagen Beetles buried nose down and covered in graffiti. 

During my jaunt through Texas, I decided I’d had enough of riding straight, flat highways and needed a change of scenery. After grabbing lunch in Amarillo, I took a 30-mile detour south to Palo Duro Canyon State Park . Home to the second largest canyon system in the country, the gorgeous scenery and steep switchbacks of the park did not disappoint. If you go, remember to check the forecast beforehand—due to its microclimate, temperatures at the bottom of the canyon can be significantly higher than at the rim. 

As I continued my journey west, I made a final stop in Texas at the Midpoint Cafe in Adrian. This roadside diner and gift shop marks the official halfway point of Route 66—1,139 miles down, 1,139 miles to go.

Original route mileage: 487 miles (784 kilometers)  Must-see highlights: Russell’s Travel Center & Car Museum, Tee Pee Curios, Blue Swallow Motel, Blue Hole of Santa Rosa, Tinkertown, Old Town Albuquerque, Laguna Pueblo, Bandera Volcano and Ice Cave, El Rancho Hotel

While New Mexico has no shortage of mid-century kitsch, it’s also arguably the best state along the route to dive deep into Indigenous history and culture. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the state’s pueblos and Native American villages were all closed to visitors during my trip. 

Exterior of a vintage motel at dusk, with a lit neon sign and a 1950s car parked at the entrance

I spent the night at one of the most iconic accommodations along the route: the Blue Swallow Motel in Tucumcari, a classic 1940s motor court (each room comes with a private garage for your motorcycle) known for its spectacular neon signage. I rolled in right before sunset and was lucky enough to get the last available room, despite not having made a reservation in advance. This irked my neighbors in the room next door, who had made their reservations months earlier. But as several people I spoke to during the trip confirmed, the route was much less busy than normal because the pandemic had temporarily halted the influx of one of the most prevalent Route 66 travelers: the European tourist. 

Tucumcari is worth a visit whether you’re staying the night or not. Pick up a souvenir from Tee Pee Curios , grab a home-cooked meal from Del’s Restaurant, or get a photo in front of one of the town’s Route 66 murals. 

Heading west through the Land of Enchantment, Albuquerque contains the longest continuous stretch of Route 66 within a single city. Here, you can stand at the intersection of two different historical alignments of the highway. Beyond its Mother Road legacy, the city is also home to mid-century modern architecture , a Historic Old Town area packed with museums, the famous Balloon Fiesta (which, coincidentally, took place during my visit), and tons of artsy Southwestern charm. On my way into town, I took a detour to ride some proper switchback roads to the top of the Sandia Crest ridge. 

A Hotel el Rancho sign on top of a building set against a cloudy gray sky

Before heading into Arizona, I stopped in Gallup to admire the historic El Rancho Hotel and say “howdy” to the cowboy Muffler Man at John’s Used Cars. 

Original route mileage: 401 miles (645 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Chief Yellowhorse Trading Post, Petrified Forest National Park, Jackrabbit Trading Post, Standin’ on the Corner Park, La Posada Hotel, Two Guns, Twin Arrows Trading Post, Delgadillo’s Snow Cap, Hackberry General Store, Cool Springs Gas Station

In just over 400 miles, the Arizona stretch of Route 66 packs in so many must-see stops—including ghost towns, a national park, vintage service stations, interesting architecture, and roadside attractions—that it might be worth budgeting in some extra time to make sure you don’t miss anything. If you can, add an additional day to your itinerary for a detour to the Grand Canyon as well.   

You’ll know you’ve entered Arizona when you see the big yellow signs for Yellowhorse , a Navajo-owned trading post set against a dramatic red rock backdrop. Both Yellowhorse and the neighboring Teepee Trading Post are perfect places to stop for souvenirs, photos, and snacks. 

Large yellow billboard with a jackalope silhouette and the words HERE IT IS

My next stop was Petrified Forest National Park , the only national park to have a section of Old Route 66 preserved inside it. Exploring the entire park can easily take a full day or more—but for those only interested in the Mother Road marker, it’s located in the northern part of the park, a 20-minute ride from I-40 along a scenic road (note that you will need to pay the park entrance fee to access it).   

Arizona has several towns that have gone all in on their Route 66 legacy, including Holbrook, Winslow, Seligman, and Kingman. But one of the more intriguing stops along the entire Mother Road is located off I-40 right in between Holbrook and Winslow. Those who’ve been paying attention may have noticed a few bright yellow mileage signs at other locations along the route. These all point to the Jack Rabbit Trading Post , an unassuming roadside souvenir store, and you’ll know you’ve arrived by the massive “Here it is” billboard.  

Some other highlights in the Grand Canyon State include standing on the corner in Winslow, exploring the ruins of the Two Guns ghost town, grabbing a sundae at Delgadillo’s Snow Cap in Seligman, and riding the Oatman Highway—not for the faint of heart, it features 191 curves in 8 miles, a narrow roadway with no guardrails, and roaming burros that tend to be standing in the middle of the road as you’re coming around a tight turn.    

A burro walking down a paved road surrounded by desert

The Arizona section of Route 66 also contains what is probably the most drastic change in climate you’ll find in a single state during your trip. On one of the days I spent here, I woke up to 45-degree weather in Flagstaff. A few hours later, as I was crossing the Colorado River and making my way into California, the temperature was closer to 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Make sure you’ve packed layers, or chances are you’ll be uncomfortable at some point.

Related: Lured by gold and ghosts, visitors just can’t quit the tiny mountain town of Oatman, Arizona

Original route mileage: 314 miles (505 kilometers) Must-see highlights: Roy’s Motel and Cafe, Amboy Crater, Calico Ghost Town, Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch, First Original McDonald’s Museum, Wigwam Village Motel No. 7, Aztec Hotel, Santa Monica Pier

The California section of Route 66 starts in Needles. As I was grabbing food at the local Wagon Wheel Restaurant, I noticed a hand-written sign inside, summing up the town: “Needles, California, hot spot known for absolutely nothing; 20 miles from water, 2 feet from hell.”  

Heading west through the California desert, the first can’t-miss stop on this part of the route is Roy’s Motel and Cafe in Amboy. This gas station and souvenir shop is a popular stop for photos thanks to its iconic—and recently restored—neon sign. Nearby you’ll also find Amboy Crater , a 250-foot-tall volcanic cinder cone, where you can hike by lava lakes, basalt flows, and collapsed lava tubes. 

A large neon sign that reads "Roy's Motel Cafe" with a vintage car parked in front of it

Make a pit stop at Calico Ghost Town , walk through the glass forest at Elmer’s Bottle Tree Ranch , and get nostalgic at the First Original McDonald’s Museum before it’s time to leave the more quiet and remote parts of this trip behind and enter the busy city streets of Los Angeles. 

As you get closer to the coast, you may experience something you haven’t seen since you left Chicago: traffic. Los Angeles has a lot of it—however, since lane filtering is legal in the state, you can easily bypass it on a motorcycle. Just go slow and stay alert. 

The western half of California’s Route 66 passes through several bustling cities and towns, where strip malls and chain restaurants greatly outnumber quirky roadside attractions. But keep your eyes peeled for mid-century architecture, neon signs, and vintage service stations along this stretch, including Cucamonga Service Station ; built in 1915, it actually predates the route. 

Unfortunately you can’t ride a motorcycle all the way to the finish line—but when you reach the Pacific Ocean, park your bike and walk to the end of the Santa Monica Pier to get a photo in front of the iconic “End of the Trail” sign. Congratulations, you made it.

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USA Motorcycle Tours

Our guided and self guided USA motorcycle tours are designed to take the stress out of planning a motorbike holiday. They include:

  • Either an experienced guide or an easy to follow route
  • Pre-booked motorcycle friendly accommodation
  • Your choice of touring, classic, street or sports bike
  • Unlimited mileage, so you can explore further

With FREEDOM you can book your motorcycle tour, flights and any extra nights as one ATOL protected package, so choose a ride and get in touch!

Freedom Favourite

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California Coast & National Parks

Las Vegas | Yosemite National Park | San Francisco | Monterey | Pismo | Los Angeles

Guided Motorcycle Tours

Explore the USA with an experienced guide and in the company of other riders.

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Route 66 Motorcycle Tour

Chicago | Springfield | St Louis | Joplin | Oklahoma | Amarillo | Santa Fe | Gallup | Grand Canyon | Las Vegas | Los Angeles

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L.A. to Las Vegas

Los Angeles | Palm Springs | Grand Canyon | Monument Valley | Bryce Canyon | Zion National Park | Las Vegas

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California & The Wild West

Los Angeles | Palm Springs | Grand Canyon | Monument Valley | Bryce Canyon | Las Vegas | Yosemite | San Francisco | Monterey | Pismo

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Blue Ridge Blues & BBQ

New Orleans | Natchez | Clarksdale | Memphis | Muscle Shoals | Nashville | Townsend | Blowing Rock | Washington D.C.

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Canadian Rockies to Yellowstone

Seattle | Winthrop | Kamloops | Jasper | Banff | Waterton Lakes | Whitefish | Cody | Yellowstone | Jackson | Ogden | Salt Lake City

For more guided itineraries, please speak with our team.

Self guided motorcycle tours.

With bike hire, pre-arranged accommodation and a detailed itinerary included.

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America’s Wild West

Los Angeles | Palm Springs | Grand Canyon | Zion National Park | Las Vegas | Yosemite | San Francisco | Monterey | Pismo

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Route 66 on a Harley

Chicago | Springfield | Tulsa | Clinton | Amarillo | Santa Fe | Gallup | Flagstaff | Williams | Laughlin | Victorville | Los Angeles

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West Coast Ride

Seattle | Ocean Shores | Newport | Crescent City | Fort Bragg | San Francisco | Monterey | Pismo Beach | Los Angeles

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New Orleans & Southern States

New Orleans | Vicksburg | Memphis | Nashville | Birmingham | Mobile

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Florida & Georgia

Orlando | Daytona Beach | St. Augustine | Savannah | Beaufort | Charleston | Macon | Tallahassee

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Florida Fly Ride

Orlando | Palm Beach | Fort Myers

Or get in touch to plan your own route.

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Explore America by motorbike, car or motorhome – or just hit the beach.

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Usa motorcycle tours 2024 & 2025.

There can’t be many better ways to explore America than on the back of a Harley Davidson.

At FREEDOM we offer a great range of both guided and self guided motorcycle tours or the option to plan your own route. Either way, your bike and accommodation will be arranged for you, so you can hit the road as soon as you get there.

Guided Motorbike Tours across America

Guided motorbike holidays are a superb choice for those who enjoy:

  • Meeting and riding with new, like-minded people
  • Learning about the places they visit, from a local
  • Someone else doing all the planning!

On your choice of motorcycle, you will ride in a group, led by an experienced guide and followed by a support vehicle that also carries your luggage. Should you break down, there will be a back-up bike available for you.

You will also receive your own armoured riding jacket, which you can take home, and on the last night of the tour get to experience a fabled Eagle Rider farewell dinner, safe in the knowledge you haven’t got 200 miles to cover the next day!

Top Guided US Motorcycle Tours

Below are our six most popular guided routes, though our team can provide more options if there’s a different part of the US you would like to explore.

  • Route 66 Motorcycle Tour – the ultimate road trip, from Chicago to L.A.
  • L.A. to Las Vegas – glitzy cities, the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley
  • California & The Wild West – desert, city and mountain riding
  • California Coast & National Parks – Highway 1, Yosemite and more
  • Triple B  – soul searching blues, great BBQ and the Blue Ridge Parkway
  • Canadian Rockies to Yellowstone  – a cross border adventure!

Tours that stop at the Grand Canyon also include a helicopter flight above America’s greatest natural wonder, just to add to the excitement.

Self Guided Motorbike Touring

If you prefer to just travel with friends, or alone, our self guided motorcycle tours are designed to offer the ultimate adventure, with minimum fuss. They include:

  • Motorcycle hire
  • Rider and passenger half-shell helmets
  • Unlimited mileage
  • Pre-booked hotel and motel accommodation
  • Detailed itinerary and route map
  • Downloadable travel guide app

There are different levels of insurance cover available, which your Travel Consultant can take you through.

Six of the Best Self Guided Rides

Rugged coastlines, unreal National Parks, glitzy cities and bucket loads of Americana make these self guided fly rides our customers’ favourites. Click on each for the full itinerary.

  • Route 66 on a Harley – Chicago to Los Angeles, along the ‘Mother Road’
  • West Coast Ride – Seattle to L.A. including the renowned Highway 1
  • Wild West – San Francisco, Vegas, Yosemite, Palm Springs, L.A. and more
  • The South & New Orleans – a circular ride including Nashville and Memphis
  • Florida Fly Ride – a round trip from Miami to Key West, Naples and Orlando

If you have another route in mind, no problem. Our North America Specialists will be able to advise on the best pick-up and drop-off locations, suggest places to visit on the way and find motorcycle friendly accommodation for you.

Your Choice of Motorcycle

Harley or Indian, Goldwing or Beemer? For all our USA motorcycle tours, you can choose from a range of bikes, including:

  • Touring class – Indian Chieftain, Harley Davidson Road Glide
  • Grand touring class – Harley Davidson Electra Glide
  • Classic class – Indian Chief Vintage, Harley Davidson Heritage Softail
  • Street class – Indian Scout, Harley Davidson Low Rider
  • Sports tourers – Honda Goldwing 1800, BMW R1200 GS
  • Adventure tourers – Yamaha Super Tenere

Our  USA motorcycle hire  page has more options, and even if your preferred model isn’t listed, the chances are we can still arrange it, just give us a call.

Next Steps…

Once you have a route and bike in mind, get in touch and we can provide a price and start putting your itinerary together for you.

Your personal Travel Consultant can also find you the best flights to America and places to stay before or after your ride, allowing you to book your complete USA motorcycle holiday in one place.

At FREEDOM, we’re road trip specialists, with over 20 years’ experience designing incredible self drive holidays. In addition, our North America team have all travelled or lived in the United States and would be pleased to share their recommendations to make your American motorcycle holiday one you will never forget.

General store, Route 66

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Moto Trails USA Motorcycles tours on Yamaha Tenere 700

Experience the true American wilderness

We offer motorcycle guided tours on the most beautiful dirt roads the United States has to offer. The Wild West is a paradise for outdoor adventures, offering an incredible diversity of terrain that riders can enjoy on our fleet of rental Yamaha Tenere 700. The distances are huge, and either on a 5-day BDR trip or on the famous 13-day Continental Divide adventure, you’ll ride for hours on fun dirt roads without seeing any sign of civilization !




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red rocks arizona utah tenere 700


Benefits of choosing moto trails usa, customized training.

There’s always something to learn… Save energy and ride safer with our private off-road classes:

✔ Low speed evolution, U-turns on a dime ✔  Going up and down steep hills ✔ Riding positions ✔ Riding in the sand ✔ Pick-up the bike after a crash ✔ Use your GPS to find alternate routes ✔ Manage small mechanical emergencies


✔ No need to ship/ride your own bike ✔ Maintenance free! Our bikes are serviced before / after each ride for your peace of mind ✔ Dunlop tires with aggressive knobs ✔  MoskoMoto soft bags to carry gear, water and snacks ✔  GPS track and paper map included ✔  ZOLEO Satellite device ✔ Low seat upon request



We take care of everything so you just have to show up and ride!

✔ Take it easy:  Tours are all inclusive (lodging, gas, meal, a 4×4 vehicle for parts and luggage, a support rider …) ✔  S elf guided tours:  You’re responsible for your safety and will be free to take your own route depending on your abilities ✔ Don’t get lost: You’ll have a fully loaded GPS , a paper map ✔ Ride Safer: We have satellite devices!

new mexico tenere yamaha


Here are some reviews from riders who shared our adventures…, continental divide – septembre 2023 – olivier (france).

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Continental Divide – Septembre 2023 –  Christophe (France)

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Continental Divide – August 2023 – Leslie (Australia)

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1. The landscape and scenery is amazing from beginning to end. I am a forestry scientist so had great interest in the forest communities and landscapes. Most of the ride was at elevations above 5,000’ often through beautiful pine, spruce and aspen forest with lots of wildlife.

2. Both Stefan and Emma are highly experienced, remarkable hosts. Both understate their CV’s in promotional material, so I did not fully understand just how capable they were until a couple of days into the ride. At all time I felt well looked after and confident that if anything went wrong, there were capable hands nearby. Their focus on GPS tracking of all riders, safety stops and attention to detail in morning briefings left me confident that we were well looked after.

3. The accommodation was always the best available in each town. It was always meticulously organised to the extent you would ride up to your room each day and find Emma allocating keys, if they weren’t already in the door. Most accommodation had a pool and hot tub which I used almost every day.

4. Food was well organised with lunch either in a good café or supplied by Emma from her pickup truck at a great location, often on a lake. Lunch was always great quality non-fattening food.

5.I often swapped bikes with Stefan and other riders and formed a view the Yamaha T700 are a great bike and ideal for the tour. Stefan runs mousse in all bikes which negates and chance of punctures.

My experience with the CD ride far exceeded my expectations principally because of the quality of the customer service delivered by the hosts. I have no hesitation in recommending this company for those who want a supported ADV ride. I certainly will be a repeat customer next year for BDR rides.

Continental Divide – Août 2023 – Cyril (France)

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Continental Divide – Août 2023 –  Thomas (France)

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Continental Divide – Août 2023 – Guillaume (France)

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Continental Divide – Août 2023 – Attilio (France)

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Continental Divide – Juillet 2023 – Christophe (Suisse)

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Formidable ! Fantastique ! Des paysages superbes, vraiment Magique !

Merci à toute l’équipe !

Continental Divide – Juin 2023 – Jacques (France)

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Continental Divide – Juin 2023 – Jerome (France)

road trip usa moto

Merci à tous. Jerome

Continental Divide – Juillet 2023 – Jacques (Suisse)

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Merci à toute l’équipe. Jacques

Continental Divide 2022 – Mark B.

road trip usa moto

Every day was different both in terms of beauty but also the technical riding skills required. That combined with sharing the experience with a group of international like minded riders, the choice of bike (I can’t imagine a better bike than the T7 for the route) and the orangisation and leadership that both Olivier and Caroline put into the organisation and support was supurb!

This is a hard riding trip with long days and high levels of concentration required. You absolutely need off-road riding skills but Olivier is an excellent teacher as well as rider so he will also help those requiring improvement to ride better and faster. I have been riding for over 40 years including early years riding enduro in NZ however there were many things Olivier helped me with in learning almost a new style of riding suited to the terrain and bike (think 40 degree heat in the morning, river crossings, mud, sand, snow, technical climbs, high altitude passes all in a single day!).

Olivier keeps the number of riders to a small group so it feels like a team both while you are riding and in the evenings over dinner. As everyone is all satnav’d up and satelitte tracked you can ride in your own time, yet know where the others are at any time.

What is also unique about this trip is that if the days start to get too much or there are technical sections you are not comfortable enough with then Olivier has mapped road sections that you can take for a breather. Equally as beautiful.

Would I recommend this trip, absolutely.

Many thanks Olivier and Caroline. Here’s to great memories and making new ones!

Continental Divide 2022 – Noé R.

road trip usa moto

Concernant les pneus Dunlop TrailMax Mission, je pense qu’on a tous été surpris en bien. Ce qui m’a le plus surpris était la tenue sur route, on aurait cru avoir un pneu de moto route, pas peur de mettre de l’angle et ils mettent directement en confiance. Et quand il y a un peu de gravier sur la route, c’est pas un problème vu que le pneu possède du relief. Concernant le terrain, ils étaient très agréables et très crocheur à la fois ! La résistance à l’usure est bluffante avec tout le chemin qu’on a parcouru sur les différents terrains, et j’ai fais beaucoup de glisse dans la gravel ;). La polyvalence est au rendez-vous et c’est exactement ce qu’il nous fallait durant ces deux semaines. Bref, je pense qu’il ne pourrait pas y avoir beaucoup mieux pour réaliser ce genre de road trip !

Et encore un grand merci à vous pour ce trip, franchement ici on a de la peine de le raconter et de faire ressentir les émotions tellement c’était bien. Le temps passe trop vite haha!

Continental Divide 2022 – Mark S.

road trip usa moto

The scenery, riding, bikes, one horse towns and group of people were all fantastic. Olivier and Caroline went above and beyond to ensure we all had a good time and the best experience possible.

The bikes were in great condition and Olivier gave excellent advice and feedback on our riding. As the trip progressed my riding improved massively and by the end I felt much quicker and safer .

I highly recommend MotoTrails and am now thinking about which tour to do next!

Continental Divide 2022 – Christophe P.

road trip usa moto

2022 Continental Divide – Ghislain B.

road trip usa moto

2022 Continental Divide – Samy L.

road trip usa moto

La Yamaha T7, malgré son poids, est parfaite pour ce trip et même si on a roulé en groupe, j’ai pu bien m’amuser avec cette moto en la pilotant à ma main.

Olivier et Caroline sont des personnes très à l’écoute, pleines de ressource et qui se plient en 4 pour vous satisfaire. Encore merci à eux d’avoir pris le risque de monter un trip comme celui ci…

2022 Continental Divide – Stéphane C.

road trip usa moto

— Dear Moto Trails USA, I took part in this trip and would like to thank you once again. When I was younger, I did some motorcycle competitions, including the famous Dakar: I found a lot of similarities, routines to set up, dream landscapes, but I especially understood the difference: in a race, we have only one objective: to finish the race with the best ranking if possible. With you, the real pleasure is elsewhere, it is all along the way, even stronger!

2022 Spirit of Dakar – Justin B.

Justin B

Continental Divide 2022 – Gilles A.

road trip usa moto

2022 Spirit of Dakar – Robert G.

road trip usa moto

Olivier and Caroline operate a truly thought out route with many options based on your experience. We experienced every type of adventurous terrain (Snow, ice, mud, sand, silt, gravel, dirt, and asphalt). A true adventure bike experience.

Call them to book your next motor experience and ever lasting experience.

2022 Spirit of Dakar – Taylor P.

road trip usa moto

2022 Spirit of Dakar – James R.

road trip usa moto

2017 – 2020 Continental Divide – Romain D

road trip usa moto

My first experience on the Continental Divide in 2017 with Moto Trails on the XR650L was amazing. In 2020, I did it again but on the Yamaha Tenere 700, and it was another level of fun. The bike is so easy to ride!

The trails are great, the landscapes are different every day, the planning by Moto Trails USA is perfect, I’ll come back for sure!


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Select the tour you're interested in (optional) Select the tour you're interested in (optional) Spirit of Dakar Red Rocks Continental Divide Other question

Voyage Moto

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Voyage Moto aux USA

roadtrip aux états unis et voyage moto aux usa

Nos road-trips et voyages moto aux USA :

voyage moto sur la côte ouest des usa

Le rêve ultime de la plupart des motards est probablement de faire le tour des États-Unis au guidon d’une Harley-Davidson . Aujourd’hui, nous proposons à nos clients non seulement des Harley-Davidson mais également des motos BMW et des Indian pour effectuer leurs voyages moto aux USA. Les routes du pays offrent suffisamment de potentiel pour de longs trajets à moto. Et comme vous pouvez vous en doutez, il y a beaucoup à voir. Les fans des Etats-Unis auront du mal à décider sur quel circuit ils veulent découvrir les USA.

Les circuits et voyages à moto aux USA les plus populaires :

Le road-trip sur la route 66 : 15 jours, de chicago à los angeles, le long de la route 66 à travers huit états américains.

Notre agence de voyage propose évidemment à son catalogue le voyage moto aux USA le plus prisé des motards : un circuit sur la fameuse Route 66 ! Notre road-trip américain sur Harley-Davidson le long de la Route 66 présente de nombreux avantages car ce séjour combine tous les points forts de la côte ouest des Etats-Unis sur un circuit unique. Tout d’abord, nous quittons la ville fastueuse de Los Angeles le long de la côte en direction de San Francisco. Après une visite de la ville connue pour son brouillard constant, notre itinéraire se poursuit vers l’intérieur des terres. Le point le plus à l’est de ce voyage aux USA sera la ville occidentale de Cody. Ensuite, direction le Grand Canyon, le Bryce Canyon et le parc national de Zion jusqu’à Las Vegas avant de retourner à notre au point de départ, de Los Angeles.

L’Ouest Américain en Harley-Davidson pour les passionnés de moto : Nature sauvage et parcs nationaux des USA

Notre agence de voyage spécialisée dans les voyages et road-trips à moto a dédié l’un de ces circuits aux USA aux parcs nationaux et aux merveilles de la nature qu’ offre l’ouest américain. Lors de votre parcours, vous pourrez découvrir et adminer le parc national de Zion, le parc national de Monument Valley, le parc national de la forêt pétrifiée et le parc national du Grand Canyon qui sont les destinations incontournables de ce voyage moto en Harley-Davidson. Les pilotes Harley-Davidson partent pour un véritable voyage d’aventures dans le cadre d’un l’aller-retour dans le Far West américain. Une vraie trouvaille ici est la visite de l’ancienne ville minière d’or de Tonopah.

Vous aurez aussi la possibilité de découvrir le circuit Highway 1 . L’autoroute côtière californienne du même nom est prédestinée à un road-trip à moto Harley-Davidson. Cette route des USA nous mènera du comté d’Orange au sud à Mendocino, au nord de San Francisco.

Des vacances à moto sur les traces d’Elvis et de Buffalo Bill lors d’un voyage aux États-Unis sur une Harley-Davidson

Il est recommandé aux fans des bonnes vieilles chansons d’Elvis de venir visiter son domaine à Memphis. Graceland, l’ancien lieu de résidence du chanteur est exceptionnel, et est une étape du de ce voyage moto aux USA. La visite à Nashville fait également du programme. Il devient clair où le voyage aller-retour de Reuthers USA a reçu son nom: Bluegrass est un genre dans le large spectre de la musique country.

Ce road-trip aux Etats Unis offre à ceux qui aiment l’aventure de suivre les traces de Buffalo Bill qui travailla par le passé pour le Pony Express. Le Pony Express a été lancé en 1860 pour la première fois comme relais de cavalier de Saint-Joseph à Sacramento. Le tronçon historique de ce circuit faisait environ 3 000 kilomètres. Notre voyage moto aux USA mènera nos motars en Harley-Davidson le long de l’ancienne route du Pony Express vers des villes voisines telles que Los Angeles et San Francisco et d’anciennes stations du Pony Express qui peuvent être visitées, comme par exemple, celles à proximité du parc national de Chimney Rock.

Dans l’est des États-Unis , le Sunshine State of Florida vous attend.

  • Histoire & Culture des Etats-Unis
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road trip usa moto

The 12 Best Beginner Motorcycles For Long Road Trips

I t's easy to romanticize the idea of setting off on a long road trip, especially when it concerns doing it on two wheels . It's a chance to revel in the freedom the open roads give you, explore, and, quite importantly, get to know the vehicle enabling this experience. Given that, though, it's critical to get the right kind of machine along for this trip.


Road trips, in general, can be tough if you don't have the right motorcycle along for the ride, especially if you are a novice rider. Given that, we have updated this list to include a few more entries of motorcycles perfectly suited for the job.

This is especially true if you're a rider devoid of a lot of seat time. The last thing you want to do is bring someone's sportbike along because while it may have a lot of power and consume miles rapidly, it's something you'll tire of rather quickly because of the compromised riding triangle. Luckily, this list should help you get through that selection process. It features beginner-friendly motorcycles you can legitimately rely on for long road trips by the likes of Suzuki , Harley-Davidson , Yamaha , and even Ducati, among others.

How we got our model selections: To compile this list, HotCars made a list of all the appropriate motorcycles on offer that enable long trips. While power was considered a criterion to narrow the list down, the motorcycles also needed to be beginner-friendly, meaning priority was given to motorcycles with comfortable ergonomics, impressive fuel tank capacity, and easy-to-handle curb weight figures. It should be noted that this list is a mix of motorcycles currently in production and those that have been discontinued but can be readily found in the used market. Also, the motorcycles have been organized in increasing order of the current market values.

Top 10 Beginner Motorcycles Under 500cc

Suzuki boulevard s40, used price range: $2,000-$6,000.

Suzuki's cheapest Boulevard doesn't leave you wanting for much. The 652cc engine is strong but not too strong for the bike's weight. It's not quite as long as other cruisers, which is nice for a beginner, and it's got a fairly affordable used price range, too. The seating is relaxed, with handles a little closer to you.

The newer ones come in a cool street-color gray and a classic blue. The way it features less chrome with a blacked-out engine and black finish on the wheels makes it look sporty and simple. A single speedometer over the gas tank is analog, and it has plates on the sides for saddlebags if you need cargo space.

2019 Suzuki Boulevard S40 Specs

(Specs sourced from Motorcycle Specs )

Harley-Davidson Iron 883

Used price range: $2,000-$10,000.

This Harley-Davidson gets 833 America-made ccs of power and goes for well under $10k in the used market. It's one of the best Harleys to start with, and you won't get kicked out of a biker bar for owning one. The Iron 883 has a V-Twin engine. If you don't know, this is a cool thing to have if you wear a leather jacket with patches unironically.

Admittedly, you don't get quite as much for your investment as an Indian Scout Sixty, and both will always be less reliable than a Honda or Kawasaki, but there are some things that just don't compare, like the trademark Harley rumble! Plus, with motorcycles, there's always less to fix than with cars so that you can do a lot of the work yourself.

2008 Harley-Davidson Iron 883 Specs

Yamaha v star 250, starting msrp: $4,699.

The Yamaha V-Star 250 is one of the very best for uneasy beginners looking to road trip . A new one costs just $4,699, and it gets 78 MPG. That means 195 miles between stops, which is pretty decent for a motorcycle. If you haven't figured it out, most of the time, the numbers by the name represent the ccs in a bike, so this has 249 (thus, 250). That means it's a very comfortable beginner's bike that won't scare you but can still get up to cruising speed faster than most cars. It also means the bike is lighter and easier to control.

It has a decent rear seat for passengers and a good base for saddlebags and packs. The speedometer is analog, and the styling is classic, so you might get confused if you park by any V-Star from the past 40 years. Despite the timeless look, the bike holds up to aging well and won't feel rough or uncomfortable on a long trip.

2024 Yamaha V-Star 250 Specs

(Specs sourced from WebBikeWorld )

These Are The Best Cheap Beginner Motorcycles From Japan

Ducati scrambler sixty2, used price range: $5,000-$7,000.

The Scrambler Sixty2 is a 399cc sportbike marketed more towards women. It weighs less than any on this list at just 403 lbs, which is great for people worried about laying it down on accident. It may look like a "naked" (a sportbike with no fairings or extra body covers), but this bike gets just shy of 250 miles of range, and even though the seat is a little more aggressive and won't hug your buns, the way it's shaped actually is relaxing and won't rub your behind the wrong way like a dirt bike (for men and women).

This bike won't be able to hold saddlebags, but the Sixty2 makes a great road trip bike for someone who won't spend more than three days riding in a row and wants a good in-town motorcycle the rest of the time. Surprisingly, for its size (but not for Ducati's standards), it can go up to 100 mph, so you'll never be left wanting more power on the freeway.

2018 Ducati Scrambler Sixty2 Specs

Bmw g 310 gs, starting msrp: $5,890.

The BMW G 310 GS is an adventure bike , meaning with some knobby tires, it makes a decent dirt bike for trails as well. With an adventure bike, you get way more travel (7.5 inches) for smoother rides, a more comfortable seat than a dirt bike, and a more upright seating position than dirt or bullet bikes. The 310 GS is one of the cheapest Beamers you can buy new for just $5,890. That being said, it is a Beamer. This won't win any awards for reliability.

The 310 GS makes a comfortable 313cc that won't get you up any hill climbs but will easily take you up to 90 miles per hour. With 71 MPG, it has a range of 213 miles. The digital display shows gas, gear, and speed in bold fashion, and the LED light makes for a great off-road light in bright mode.

2024 BMW G 310 GS Specs

Honda rebel 500, starting msrp: $6,499.

The Rebel 500 is an affordable and comfortable bike that will last you your whole life. It has 471ccs, which won't let you do any wheelies but does get you up to cruising speed sooner than you need. To keep yourself from locking up your brakes (a significant factor in motorcycle crashes), you can and should get the ABS option. The blacked-out bike may mimic a Harley, but the low seat height makes it ideal for women and the height-challenged. It is also surprisingly fitting for full-height people.

The Rebel has been around for years, so used ones aren't hard to find, and a new one will run for just $6,499. The digital cluster is simple and includes a fuel gauge (not included on all motorcycles). Honda’s slip/assist clutch makes shifting easy for the uninitiated, but sadly, this doesn't come with an automatic transmission. The manual is very forgiving, easy to learn, and worth it, in our opinion. This bike is ideal for beginners who don't plan on switching bikes for years to come.

2024 Honda Rebel 500 Specs

These are the best beginner motorcycles money can buy, kawasaki vulcan s, starting msrp: $7,349.

According to their official website, Kawasaki advertises the Vulcan as being able to fit a wide range of people. The 649cc engine has a good kick at low to mid-range for city stops, but it can also get up to 100 mph. For $7,349, it will feel sportier and quicker than other bikes, but it's also reportedly fun to sit on on the freeway! It has one of the most natural seating positions of any bike under $10,000, probably because it's adjustable.

It may look nothing like a beginner's bike, but it is what Kawasaki offers as their entry-level cruiser . If you're not worried about the bike weighing a little more, it is a very forgiving and comfortable ride. ABS is available, features like a windshield and back support are easy to add, and they are a massive plus on long rides.

2024 Kawasaki Vulcan S Specs

Honda nc750x, starting msrp: $9,499.

If there were a contender for the bike on this list that you could buy with your eyes closed, the Honda NC750X would be right up there at the top of that list.

It's easy on the eyes, great for beginners in terms of the riding ergonomics, is affordable enough, has a great ride, and the DCT on it is the cherry on the icing. It even includes riding modes, a windshield, and a low seat height. That the NC750X often gets discounted is a puzzle.

2024 Honda NC750X Specs

Triumph tiger 660, starting msrp: $9,695.

The star of the show here is, of course, Triumph's lovely 3-cylinder engine, but the Tiger 660 is no one-trick pony. This is about as close to ideal for beginners to get on and go on a long trip .

Tack on luggage and load it up, and the excellent tractability of the motor will still pull you along comfortably. You can even add optional extras that will make the journey more comfortable, like additional lighting and heated grips. Hard to fault the Tiger 660, really.

2023 Triumph Tiger 660 Specs

10 best beginner motorcycles money can buy, bmw f 750 gs.

BMW's GS motorcycle lineup is legendary . The F 750 GS is a natural at completing longer journeys in absolute comfort. One of the most important factors is, of course, the seat, and the F 750 GS makes do with one that's ideally suited to road trips.

At 32.1 inches, it's much lower than you'd expect for a bike this size, but if that's not enough, BMW will also sell you a suspension lowering kit and soft seat, bringing the seat height down further to 30.3 inches. In addition to that, it also gets dynamic traction control, ride modes, and adjustable brake and clutch levers, among others. For the money, it's quite a deal.

2023 BMW F 750 GS Specs

Indian scout sixty, starting msrp: $11,749.

The Indian Scout Sixty is one "beginner" bike that will earn you a lot of respect . It starts at $11,749 and is pretty long and wide but isn't necessarily heavy. The wider handlebars give you better in-city control around corners, and ABS is an option. The engine is 1000ccs, the most of any on this list, but not something an average-fit person couldn't handle easily.

While this is more of a luxury option, it allows for things like a windshield (don't discount how useful one of these is after just two hours of 60+ mph wind in your face) and genuine leather saddlebags. The seat is wide, which benefits the narrow-waisted as well as larger people.

2024 Indian Scout Sixty Specs

Energica eva esseesse9+, starting msrp: $16,110.

This electric bike warrants some cautionary tales: First, do not listen to music until you are comfortable with traffic flow and riding defensively! Cars cannot hear you at all, and they can't see you too well either. Also, its range is 143 miles combined, which is not the best for long trips but is still passable with some planning.

With that out of the way, you get an 80% charge in 40 minutes with a fast charge! All you need to do is stop for a meal by a power station, and you're as well off as any ICE bike. The EsseEsse9 has a nice, upright position , but you're also working with a lot of torque, so make sure you take it slow, or you can pop a wheelie. Otherwise, unlike combustion bikes, it's small and simple and won't have any mechanical issues to stump you. The gauge is simple and can tell the range so you won't be left without power.

2020 Energica EVA EsseEsse9+ Specs

(Specs sourced from Bikez )

  • Source for features: Respective manufacturers' websites
  • Source for technical specifications: Motorcycle Specs, Bikez, WebBikeWorld
  • Source for used prices: Cycle Trader

The 12 Best Beginner Motorcycles For Long Road Trips

Florida is a top road trip state . Here are 7 driving routes to fun attractions

Last year, 60% of the people who visited Florida drove instead of getting on a plane, according to Visit Florida.

And this year, AAA predicted busy travel seasons for the spring and summer in Florida.

Florida has plenty of road trip destinations , from the state’s 825 miles of sandy beach, to the theme parks and popular scuba and snorkeling destinations like freshwater springs and the Florida Keys.

So it isn’t surprising that Florida recently ranked high on WalletHub’s list of the best states for road tripping this summer.

Here’s where Florida ranks on WalletHub’s “Best States for Summer Road Trips in 2024” and some of the best road trip destinations in the state.

Where is the best place to road trip in the U.S.?

To find the best states in the U.S. for road trips, WalletHub compared each state based on more than 30 key metrics, like how many attractions and national parks are in each state, gas and car repair costs, vacation rentals per capita and quality of roads and bridges.

According to the study, Texas is the best state in the country for road-tripping this summer.

“Texas (leads) the country when it comes to the number of available attractions, especially things like zoos, botanical gardens and amusement parks,” the study says.

“Even in between activities, the act of being on the road in Texas can be very enjoyable, since the state has over 9,500 miles of scenic byways”

And while the Buc-ee’s convenience store and gas station chain wasn’t mentioned by name in the study, the gas station sensation that excites road trippers across the south was born in Texas. There are more than 35 locations throughout the state.

“Accommodations and food are very important during road trips as well, and the Lone Star State has those things covered,” the study said.

Florida took fifth place on WalletHub’s rankings list, behind Minnesota, New York and Louisiana.

Here’s WalletHub’s list of the top 10 best states in the U.S. for road tripping this summer:

  • North Carolina
  • Pennsylvania

Florida ranked high in individual categories, too, taking first place for having the most attractions out of all 50 states and sixth place for the most nightlife options per capita.

Where are the best places to road trip in Florida?

Here are seven “Unforgettable Road Trips to Take Before You Die” from travel and culture website Only in Your State:

  • North Florida - This road trip route stretches from Fort Clinch State Park, near Jacksonville on Florida’s northeast coast, to Florida Caverns State Park near Tallahassee. “This road trip showcases the best of North Florida, from the state's biggest waterfall to the nation's oldest city, and so much in between. It will take you almost 13 hours, but you should have no trouble finding incredible places to stay in cities like St. Augustine or Fernandina Beach -- or one of the many state parks on the trip.”
  • Central Florida - This road trip route is a 9- to 10-hour drive that will take you in a big circle around central Florida, from the gulf coast, to the east coast. “On this 9-hour trip, you'll see some of our favorite pieces of Old Florida, plus some of the must-visit attractions in Florida.”
  • Florida frights - This road trip route follows a theme and covers a huge portion of the state, with haunted stops as far north as St. Augustine and as far south as the Everglades. “Florida has its fair share of ghost stories and haunted places, and this is the ultimate trip for you ghost story fans out there. From a town of psychics to Florida's most haunted house, you'll find it all on this 15-hour drive.”
  • Florida’s small towns - This road trip route is a 10-hour tour of Florida’s most picturesque small towns. “We have a huge crush on Florida's charming small towns, and we can't think of anything better than to see as many of them as possible. This trip goes through some of our favorite towns, including Cedar Key, Mount Dora, and Tarpon Springs.”
  • Florida’s natural wonders - This road trip route is a 13-hour trip that stretches from Florida’s panhandle, running diagonally across the state, all the way down to Key Largo. “A lot of people think Florida is all beaches and theme parks, but this trip is full of all of Florida's jaw-dropping natural wonders. Get ready for a waterfall, springs, coral reef, and caves (yes, caves!). Of course, they can't all be nearby, so this trip will take about 13 hours of driving.”
  • Take a lighthouse tour through the state - This road trip route will take you from the panhandle, across the top of the state and all the way down the east coast, with stops at nine Florida lighthouses along the way. “Living in Florida, you're probably aware of our large collection of romantic, scenic lighthouses dotting the coast. See nine of the most picturesque examples in Florida, and even climb a few of them for some incredible views.”
  • Road trip on one tank of gas - This road trip route is great if you’re on a budget or don’t want to spend too much time in the car. It’s a little under five hours long, with stops at multiple freshwater springs and restaurants. “This trip has a couple of our favorite small towns, natural wonders, and mom-and-pop restaurants. Get ready for some of the best day trips in Florida on one map.”

Purdue basketball adds SEC road trip to 2024-25 non-conference schedule

road trip usa moto

  • Purdue basketball will play Auburn in Birmingham on Dec. 21, 2024.
  • The teams will also play in the Indy Classic on Dec. 20, 2025.
  • Purdue's 2024-25 non-conference schedule also includes Alabama, Marquette, Texas A&M and two other opponents in the Radey Children's Invitational.

INDIANAPOLIS -- Purdue men's basketball's 2024-25 non-conference schedule now includes a southern trip to face another NCAA Tournament regular.

The team announced Monday it has finalized an agreement with Auburn for a two-game neutral-site series, including a Dec. 21, 2024, game in Birmingham, Alabama. Auburn will play in the Indy Classic at Gainbridge Fieldhouse on Dec. 20, 2025.

The Birmingham game will be played at Legacy Arena, home of the NBA G League Birmingham Squadron.

Auburn returns five players who started at least five games last season. That includes center Johni Broome, who averaged 16.5 points, 8.5 rebounds and 2.2 blocks in a Third Team All-American season. Auburn went 27-8 and earned a No. 4 seed in the NCAA Tournament.

Auburn has  played in five of the last six NCAA Tournaments under Bruce Pearl, reaching the Final Four in 2019. Purdue is 2-1 against the Tigers all-time, including a 96-71 victory in the 2016 Cancun Classic.

Purdue's 2024 non-conference schedule also includes Alabama, Marquette, Texas A&M and a Radey Children's Invitational field which features BYU, N.C. State and Ole Miss.

I'm from the UK and moved to the US 19 years ago. Time zones still confuse me, and I don't get why people love long road trips.

  • I moved to the US from the UK in 2005 after landing a job in New York City.
  • I've adapted to the US culture pretty well during the 19 years I've lived here.
  • But three things continue to confuse me about the nation and its people.

Insider Today

It's not very often that you're offered a job in an exciting new country — at least in my case.

So, in 2005, I seized the chance to move from England to the US to work for a former colleague.

The plan was to stay for a maximum of two years. I couldn't bear the thought of being away from my friends, family, and homeland any longer.

It took a while to adjust. But homesickness aside, I enjoyed my fresh start in the US.

Then, I met my future husband in a bar in Manhattan. Before we knew it, we were married, had two children, and I got US citizenship .

People often ask about the biggest differences between the UK and the US. Drawing on my 19 years of experience, they include politics and healthcare, the size of the meals and the cars, and, of course, the English language application.

Nonetheless, I've acclimated well. I eat Buffalo chicken wings, cheerfully wave the flag at July 4 parades , and have stopped telling my kids to call me "Mum" instead of "Mom."

But a few random things about America and its ways befuddle me. Here are three that I'm still trying to figure out.

Americans love road trips

I can't quite understand the appeal of " The Great American Road Trip ," in which you drive 700 miles in one day while singing along to rock ballads.

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I grew up 250 miles from London, and the thought of driving to the capital in one go horrified me. Edinburgh was roughly 100 miles from my hometown, yet a day trip was inconceivable.

You can imagine my reaction when my husband suggested a 2,000-mile round trip between northern Florida and New York for spring break last year.

I felt mean, but I got a cheap flight and flew there alone. But, on the way back, I was trapped in a car for 15 hours with the family. The journey on I-95 felt like a rolling traffic jam.

My husband — who played ZZ Top on loop — had a ball. The kids showed their British side with endless whining.

Still, there is hope. Last week, we drove 360 miles to mid-coast Maine. It took seven hours. Our au pair downloaded an app for "License Plate Bingo."

We spotted 43 states, and it was fun. "You're a real American now," my husband said as I gleefully claimed Alabama.

There are so many time zones in the US

The UK — comprised of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Island — covers 94,354 square miles. There is one standard time zone for all four countries.

Meanwhile, there are six in the US, which encompasses 3,532,316 square miles, including Alaska Standard Time and Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time.

Math has never been my strongest subject. As a journalist who interviews people in different parts of the US daily, I've lost count of the times I've contacted them too early or too late.

Confusingly, 12 states have two time zones. I'm not arguing against physics and geography. But it messes with my mind.

My American-born husband reckons it's because, unlike him, I wasn't raised to know the difference between Mountain and Pacific.

It's gotten me off the hook a few times. But 17 years into our marriage, my mother-in-law (who lives in Oregon ) has become less relaxed about my forgetful phone calls at 6 a.m.

The amount of snow we get in the UK doesn't compare to what the US gets

When I was first offered a job in America, I could choose between living in Los Angeles and New York City.

My mother — who did some nursing in California in the 1950s — said it was a no-brainer. "The climate is perfect there," she said.

But LA was 5,500 miles from London, 2,000 more than New York. I didn't want to be a 10-and-a-half-hour flight away from my loved ones.

I picked New York without really thinking about the weather. I arrived in May during a heat wave, moving into my apartment when it was 95 degrees.

The first winter was brutal. I once made the mistake of walking 15 blocks to a holiday party wearing a short skirt and thin tights. The heat went out in my building on a 15-degree day.

It snows in Britain — in fact, my home county in the north has one of the snowiest areas in the UK — but it's nothing compared to New York. Few homes have air conditioning. Extreme weather is rare.

"Some things you get used to, some things you don't," goes the old saying about making a big change. But a fellow ex-pat recently told me that trying your best is important. I'll follow her advice in the future.

Do you have an interesting story about living outside your native country that you'd like to share with Business Insider? Please send details to [email protected]

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