Everything you need to know before going to Marrakesh

Nov 29, 2023 • 6 min read

original travel marrakech

Marrakesh can be a sensory overload for first-time visitors so read on for some local advice before you go © minoandriani / Getty Images

I lived in Marrakesh full-time for almost 10 years with no intention of leaving. My life in Morocco was colorful, diverse and endlessly inspiring for a curious, creative soul like me. And today the city’s intrigue and magic continues to pull me back.

I will never tire of wandering the tiny alleyways of the Marrakesh medina, stopping for a nouss nouss at Cafe des Epices or gazing at the art deco architecture throughout my Gueliz neighborhood, stepping inside to discover independent art galleries .

Picture-perfect guest houses, and chefs putting a creative spin on local cuisine, are also part of the charm. The design scene in Marrakesh is second-to-none, and in my opinion unique in Morocco as traditional artisans sell their wares alongside contemporary designers, putting a new touch on the traditional techniques and crafts.

A visit to Marrakesh is not about ticking sites off a must-see list but rather meandering – stumbling upon a historic site and watching the world go by from a street-side cafe – the city itself is a sight. Allow three days to see the main historical sites, sample local cuisine and take in a bit of shopping, but design lovers could easily spend a week here.

1. Plan your days prior to arrival

While there is something to be said for spontaneous wanders and chance encounters, Marrakesh is the country’s leading tourist destination and guides, experiences and restaurants book up days, weeks and months in advance.

Jardin Majorelle and the nearby Musée Yves Saint Laurent require online advance bookings via their website. To ensure a table at popular restaurants like +61 , La Famille and Nomad , book prior to arrival for best availability.

2. Book an airport transfer or catch the local bus

It’s best to organize an airport transfer via your accommodation provider for a smooth arrival. Taxis have a reputation for overcharging clients, despite posted rates. A city bus departs frequently from the airport to Djemaa el Fna and destinations throughout Gueliz for Dh30 (cash only). Find the bus stop beyond the waiting taxis, near the car rental offices.

3. Hone your negotiation skills in advance

From haggling in souqs to negotiating fares with taxi drivers, bargaining is commonplace in Marrakesh. Shopkeepers often state an offer and the buyer is expected to negotiate a price they are prepared to pay. I say: pay what the goods are worth to you . You may find the same item cheaper (or more expensive) elsewhere, but is that worth worrying about? It's all part of the Morocco experience.

Prior to hopping in a cab, negotiate a price in advance if the meter is not activated, or if it (notoriously) doesn’t work. The price within Marrakesh city limits shouldn’t cost more than Dh30 if the meter is activated. Daytime rates start at Dh1.70 – Dh2.40 at night – and increase based on distance. If the meter does not work, negotiate the price in advance and make sure you have small bills and coins to pay the exact amount agreed upon (the amount will already include a tip).

4. Be wise about the street food you eat

Some of the best food is served up street side in Marrakesh. When deciding where to eat, consider how many locals are pulling up a seat to tuck into the local delicacy like msemen (pancakes), harira (soup) or a tajine. In Djemaa el Fna , opt for stalls where the food is prepared in front of you.

5. Stay current

Morocco’s Dirham is a closed currency, and visitors are permitted to arrive and leave with a maximum of 1,000 Dirhams. Most ATMs distribute up to Dh2,000 per transaction to a daily maximum of Dh4,000 per bank card, though this varies by international bank. All banks will charge a fee.

For the best currency exchange, head to Hotel Ali in Djemaa el Fna or Hotel Farouq on Avenue Hassan II near the train station.

6. Dress like a local for a comfortable experience

For women, I suggest ditching any belly tops and short shorts while wandering in the Marrakesh medina, one of the city’s most traditional neighborhoods. Instead, opt for dresses that fall below the knee or trousers and a shirt that covers your shoulders. For men, knee-length shorts or trousers are advised. For traversing the cobblestoned and uneven footpaths, flats are best, ideally close-toed.

7. Don’t avoid visiting Marrakesh just because it’s Ramadan

Don’t put off a trip to Marrakesh during the month of Ramadan. It provides an insight into another aspect of this rich culture. Locals will expect that visitors will want to eat and drink, even while out in public. Guides may join you at the table and won’t want you to feel guilty about eating or drinking. During this holy month it is even more important that you're mindful about alcohol consumption.

Dish at Adwak restaurant, Rue de Tétouan n°2? Avenue Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah.

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25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco

By Brianna | January 27, 2020

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Few cities capture the imagination quite like Marrakech. A blend of Berber, Arabic and French influences give this UNESCO World Heritage site a timeless appeal. With the beautiful frenzy of the Medina, ornate Arabic architecture and one of the world’s greatest cuisines it’s no surprise that more people are traveling to Marrakech now more than ever. Whether you spell it Marrakech or Marrakesh (both are acceptable), a visit to Morocco’s Red City is surely an experience you will  never forget. Marrakech can be overwhelming to say the least, with a dizzying array of sights, smells and tastes providing a sensory overload; but armed with these tips you can find the best things to do in Marrakech and make your first trip one to remember.

Ben Youssef Madersa-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

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1.Airport/Transportation in Marrakech

Flights to Marrakech arrive at Menara Airport (RAK). A valid passport is required for entry into Morocco, currently for Americans visas are not required for visits less than 90 days ( check the State Department website for the latest requirements ).

Taxis are available but best to arrange transportation with your hotel. If you are staying in the Medina be aware that cars can’t make it through the narrow streets to drop you off directly at your accommodation. Your riad or hotel can arrange for staff to meet you at a drop off point and walk with you to your destination.

2.Money in Morocco

Cash is king in Marrakech as only resorts, riads, some restaurants and a handful of shops accept credit cards. ATMs can be hard to find in the Medina (much easier in the new city) so your best bet is to exchange money at the airport (this can be done for no fee). Some riads and resorts will also exchange money for you. The official currency is the Moroccan Dirham(MAD) and currently the exchange rate is approximately 9 MAD/1USD. Of note, it is also illegal to take dirham out of Morocco so make sure you spend or exchange your dirham before leaving the country.

3. Tipping in Morocco

Morocco has a big tipping culture and it is expected that you tip anyone you assists you (whether that help was wanted or not). Be sure to carry plenty of coins and small bills.

4. Dress for Women

I did not once feel unsafe as a woman travelling in Marrakech and while many women visit and have a great experience it is not uncommon to hear from women who have received unwanted attention or catcalls. Marrakech tends to be more accepting of Western attire but as Morocco is a Muslim country women are advised to dress conservatively. So what should you wear in Morocco ? This means making sure your knees and shoulders are covered ( save the halter top for Ibiza ladies ). I wore loose t shirts and lightweight pants or long skirts most days, with a wrap or scarf to cover up if I got chilly at night. Close toed shoes are also a good idea as donkeys and other animals (and what they leave behind) are a common sight in the Medina.

Female travel in Marrakech- 25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

5. Stay in an Authentic Riad in Marrakech

For a more authentic Marrakech experience a stay in a riad is your best bet. Riads are traditional Moroccan homes centered around a courtyard located within the Medina, most are 10 rooms or less and offer up a more intimate experience. Most riads are decorated with handmade items from the local souks and many feature beautiful courtyard pools and gardens as well as rooftop terraces. There are beautiful riads throughout Marrakech for every budget, for less than $100 per night you can enjoy the boutique hospitality of Riad Al Loune  or if you’re looking to splash out  check in at the luxurious  El Fenn . I loved my stay at Riad Farnatchi , a beautifully restored guesthouse in the heart of the Medina (read my review of Riad Farnatchi here ).

Riads in Marrakech

Budget riads.

Riad Haraka

Mid-Range Riads

Riad Sapphire

Riad Annyssates

Luxury Riads

Riad Farnatchi, Marrakech-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

6. Luxury Resorts in Marrakech

Marrakech’s modern and fashionable Ville Nouvelle (new city) is home to some some of the world’s most glamorous resorts. For five star luxury with a decidedly Moroccan flair check out the Royal Mansour   and La Mamounia .

7.Weather in Marrakech

Marrakech is a popular destination with nearly year round sunshine. Summers (June-September) can get quite hot with temperature near 100 degrees F while the winter months can get chilly with night time temps dipping into the 30 degree F range. March-May and September-October are generally pleasant with highs in the 70s and 80s.

25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

8.Shop the Souks in Marrakech

I’m typically not a big shopper when I travel but Marrakech is one of the few places where I wish I had shopped more. Morocco has a rich heritage of crafts and instead of the typical “made in China” souvenirs I found the souks filled with leather goods ( I got a pair of handmade leather shoes for $18 ), beautiful metal work, colorful ceramics and handmade rugs.

Shopping in the souks of Marrakech-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

9.Buying Moroccan Rugs in Marrakech

I had zero intention of buying a rug went I visited Marrakech.

I now own a Moroccan rug.

Our tour guide brought us into the cooperative and I fully expected to enjoy the demonstration while sipping my mint tea and go on my way. I’m not sure if it was the intricate Berber patterns, or the softness of the camel wool but I soon found myself the proud owner of a Moroccan rug and I absolutely love it. The quality of this handmade Berber rug far surpasses any commercial rug I’ve owned before. You will find rugs of varying size and quality throughout the souks, be prepared to haggle or buy your rug from a cooperative that ensures a fair wage for the craftswomen.

Buying a Moroccan rug in Marrakech-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

10. Language in Morocco

The official languages in Morocco are Modern Standard Arabic and Amazigh (Berber) and additionally many Moroccans speak French. While most people I interacted with spoke English it’s always a good idea to learn a few words of the local language wherever you travel, here are a few common words in Arabic:

Hello -Al Salam Alaikum,

Thank You – Shukran,

Yes – naäam,

No – Laa

Night market in Marrakech-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

11. Scams in Marrakech

Scams are an unfortunate part of life in the Medina, often in the form of unsolicited help with directions, telling tourists that the street they are on is closed or “tannery tours” , all of which will then demand a payment for their services. My friend Amanda of Marocmama has excellent advice on various scams in Marrakech.

12.Consider Hiring a Guide in Marrakech

The winding streets of the Medina can be overwhelming for a first time visitor, I recommend hiring a guide for your first afternoon or morning out to get a feel for the city as well learn about the history and culture of Marrakech. Have your hotel or riad arrange a guide for you or if you hire one on your own make sure they are licensed( licensed guides will have a badge).

The Medina, Marrakech-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

13. You Will Get Lost

With the narrow winding streets of the Medina and little signage the chances of you getting lost at some point is fairly high. Paper maps provided by your hotel immediately mark you as a tourist, a better option is to download an offline map via Google maps. Beware of unsolicited advice for directions ( see Scams above ), if you must ask for directions your best bet is asking a shopkeeper or restaurant staff.

14. Food in Marrakech

Food in Marrakech is a feast for all the senses. The souks are lined with rows of sweet oranges, plump dates and countless varieties of olives while the air is heavy with the scent of intensely fragrant spices from the spice market.  Gently spiced shakshuka (eggs cooked in a gently spiced tomato sauce) and spongy Moroccan pancakes are a must for breakfast. You can’t leave Marrakech without  having a tagine; a stew, usually with chicken, lamb, beef or vegetables cooked and served in a clay pot of the same name. Eating is one of the best ways to experience Marrakech and a few of my personal favorites were sfenj ( a fried doughnut drizzled with intensely floral honey), msemen (fried bread either served plain or stuffed with spices, meat or cheese),  and tanjia (succulent lamb slow roasted in clay pots for hours in underground ovens). To see where the locals eat join one of several tours offered by Marrakech Food Tours or take a Moroccan cooking class .

Moroccan vegetables-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

15. Mint Tea in Morocco

Whether served as a sign of welcome, sipped during a business transaction or enjoyed as a way to unwind in the afternoon mint tea is central to life in Marrakech. A blend of green tea and fresh mint it is traditionally served very sweet.

Mint tea in Morocco-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

16. Alcohol in Marrakech

Being a Muslim country alcohol is not prevelant though you can increasingly find wine, beer and cocktails in restaurants and hotels catering to tourists (often at exhorbitant prices). Surprisingly there are even a handful of Moroccan vineyards producing Spanish style wines. Drinking to the point of intoxication (especially in public) is highly frowned upon.


Islam is the official state religion of Morocco, you will hear the call to prayer ring throughout the city 5 times per days and in general non-Muslims are not allowed inside mosques. Friday is the Muslim day of prayer and you may find some businesses and restaurants closed.

25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

18. Jamma el fna

When night falls Marrakech’s main square comes alive in what’s some call the greatest show on Earth. One of North Africa’s oldest and busiest market squares it is home to a dizzying array of dancers, magicians and storytellers vying for your attention (and dirham) as well as food vendors hawking a variety of Moroccan specialties. Of note, the animals you see with the snake charmers and dancing monkey acts are usually poorly treated and it’s best not to patronize these acts.

Jemma el fna, the main square in Marrakech at night-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

19.Be Prepared to Bargain

Haggling is an essential part of the shopping experience in Morocco. Don’t be afraid to walk away if the vendor does not agree to a final price you are comfortable with.

20. Argan Oil and Traditional Medicine in Morocco

Argan oil is arguably one of Morocco’s best known exports, usually used for hair and skin care in the US. Many shops in the souks sell pure argan oil both for cosmetic and culinary uses. Morocco has a long tradition of using herbs as traditional medicine and I recommend a stop at an herbalist for everything from natural remedies to fragrant cooking spices.

Spices in Marrakech-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

21. Bottled Water

To avoid any tummy issues it is advised that you use bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

22.Toilet Paper

Toilet paper in public restrooms is not a given in Marrakech so it’s best to carry your own. In places where there is a restroom attendant make sure you leave a small tip.

23. Going to a Hammam in Marrakech

A visit to a hammam, a traditional Moroccan bathhouse, is a must for any visit to Marrakech. A typical hammam experience starts with a steam room, a thorough scrubbing with a traditional kessa mitt and an olive based black soap and several rinses alternately with warm and cool water. For a traditional experience you can visit one of Marrakech’s community hammams ( be aware that community hammams are separated by gender, either with separate spaces or differing times for men and women) or treat yourself to an elevated hammam experience at one of Marrakech’s luxury spas. Whatever hammam experience you choose know you will be naked (or nearly naked) in front of others.

Hammam in Morocco-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

24. Top Marrakech Attractions

Ben youssef madersa.

One of the most popular sites in Marrakech, the Ben Youssef Madersa previously served as a center for Islamic learning for over 400 years.  Today visitors marvel at the intricately carved Moorish walls and stunning tile mosaics.

Majorelle Gardens

Once a private retreat for famed French designer Yves Saint Laurent the Majorelle Gardens are a beautiful mix of Berber and French cultures and provide a calming respite from the hustle of Marrakech.

Le Jardin Secret

An oasis from the chaos of the Medina, this beautifully restored courtyard features stunning tile work and lush gardens.

Bahia Palace

Considered one of the most lavish palaces in Marrakech, Bahia Palace features expansive courtyards, lush gardens and ornate architecture.

There are also many great day trips you can take from Marrakech , from the golden sands of the Sahara to the rugged peaks of the Atlas Mountains . You can also visit the blue city of Chefchaouen .

Ben Yousef Madersa-25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

25. Photography in Marrakech

The sights and colors of Marrakech can be irresistible to photographers but before you start snapping away nonstop be aware that many people in Marrakech are not open to having their picture, or pictures of their products, taken. In fact, I saw several signs in the souks requesting no photography. The main thing is to ask permission to take pictures and be respectful if the answer is no.

More Marrakech Inspiration

Review of the Selman Hotel, a luxury hotel in Marrakech  

Make sure to include Marrakech when you’re traveling through Morocco with kids .

Planning a trip to Marrakech, Morocco? Pin this post for later!

25 Tips for your First Trip to Marrakech, Morocco www.casualtravelist.com

About the Author

Freelance travel writer and blogger who seeks out laid back luxury. Focus on culinary, adventure and nature travel. [READ ALL ARTICLES]

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February 9, 2018 at 1:24 pm

This is sooo helpful as we’re likely taking our first trip to Marrakech this spring after two years of living close by in Spain! Especially BYOTP (bring your own toilet paper) – eek!

Absolutely beautiful photos too, now you’ve got me even more excited to visit!

Brianna says

March 2, 2018 at 10:31 pm

Thank you so much! Marrakech is an amazing destination.

Rhonda Albom says

February 10, 2018 at 6:02 am

The medinas in Moroccan cities were fascinating. I always stayed in riads whenever I could. The staff in the riads provided great tips on everything from where to eat down to which stalls in the souk to buy particular items from. Don’t forget, Friday is couscous day although my favourite dishes were chicken tajines with preserved lemon and olives or chicken with prunes.

March 2, 2018 at 10:32 pm

The couscous dishes were some of my favorites!

February 10, 2018 at 9:17 am

What beautiful photos you have of Marrakech!

Hannah says

February 10, 2018 at 10:24 am

This is a great list! I was nervous about visiting Marrakech because I’ve read so many negative things but your list makes it sound incredible and has totally changed my mind about going! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

March 2, 2018 at 10:33 pm

Marrakech can be overwhelming at first but is an amazing destination!

Marissa says

February 10, 2018 at 11:21 am

I just got back from Morocco last week, so I 100% agree with all of these! I found the souks in Marrakech had the best options compared to other cities I visited. It’s also important that you mentioned you will get lost because it’s true, but it’s fine. I tried to embrace it and “purposely” get lost during the day to explore more.

March 2, 2018 at 10:34 pm

The streets can be crazy to navigate for sure!

Rocio Novarino says

February 10, 2018 at 11:41 am

Nice pictures!! I am a photographer, so I take a particular look at the pictures always!! Stunning ones!

March 2, 2018 at 10:35 pm

Brianne Miers says

February 10, 2018 at 12:10 pm

Thanks for such a thorough and helpful post, Brianna! Marrakech is very high on my list, so this will be a great resource for me. Jamma el fna sounds like an incredible sight to see! And very interesting about the sensitivities surrounding photography.

Carmelatte says

February 10, 2018 at 12:12 pm

I am totally in love with your pictures <3


Esther says

February 10, 2018 at 2:57 pm

I totally agree on this. Husband and I travelled through Morocco and loved staying in Riads. Guides were worth our money, since we really didn’t like the scams. Also, after visiting Morroco twice, we now know that it can take quite a while to get into the country as queues for customs can be looong. In Casablanca I nearly finished my book waiting kn line for almost 2 hours!! #weekendwanderlust

March 2, 2018 at 10:36 pm

Hiring a guide in Marrakech was a life saver for us!

February 10, 2018 at 10:22 pm

Thanks for all the tips.. They will come handy when I plan for Morocco.. Would you recommend going solo in that country?

March 2, 2018 at 10:39 pm

I had several friends travel solo in Morocco. Like anywhere be sure to take your usual safety precautions and be aware.

February 11, 2018 at 5:21 am

Souks of Marrakech look so colorful. I am not sure if I will pick up a carpet as they are heavy to carry, but I know I will end up picking something or the other. Are there herbalists available to explain those herbs? Due to lack of explanation, I always find it difficult to buy herbs.

March 2, 2018 at 10:40 pm

The merchant was able to ship my rug to me. There was an herbalist and she was very helpful.

Claire says

February 11, 2018 at 7:03 am

Great tips! Especially for the closed shoes – I wouldn’t want to step in something unpleasant! The food sounds amazing, I love shakshuka and tagine, although the European versions of them – I’ve never had them in Morocco. I think I’d need to take a food tour to sample all the delicious dishes I can!

Carolina Colborn says

February 11, 2018 at 12:05 pm

Great tips. I remember our trip to Tangier and it is the same: getting lost in narrow alleys and poorly treated animals for show. But the colors and food are truly amazing. Lots of good photographs and meals!

Yvette Benhamou says

February 11, 2018 at 2:45 pm

My dad is from Casablanca and a Morocco has long been on my list of places I’d like to visit. Great tips and your photos are stunning.

Indrani says

February 12, 2018 at 4:29 am

You had an excellent tour there! I am relieved to know it isn’t so unsafe for women there as it sounds. Thanks for the tips on dressing. Lucky you got a rug from there, hope to have one myself. This no photography sign I saw in Sharjah, UAE too.

February 12, 2018 at 5:56 am

Great tips! Morocco is high on my list of places to visit. Actually hope to make it there around April after traveling through Asia. It just seems like a place full of life, color and more. Saving this one so I can start planning my trip there. #weekendwanderlust

February 13, 2018 at 8:14 am

Morocco seems to be a popular spot right now. It was not on my radar so you comprehensive set of tips are something I have pinned in case we travel there. It would be a toss up for me whether I stay in a traditional Riad or what looks to be great luxury accommodations. Maybe splitting my time would work. We did a hammam in Cordoba and it was so relaxing. I would definitely look for one here. I must admit I laughed when I heard you bought a rug. I too usually avoid places like this – maybe because I am afraid I too would go home with a rug!

Sandy N Vyjay says

February 13, 2018 at 12:21 pm

This is an exhaustive dossier on Marrakech. Indeed a ready reckoner for first time visitors to Marrakech. Marrakech and Morocco have been on our bucket list and we hope to get there some day. When we do this post and the tips therein are going to stand us in good stead. Who knows, we may end up being the proud owners of a Moroccan rug.

alison abbott says

February 13, 2018 at 10:14 pm

I hear you! I had no intention of purchasing a carpet either. It’s one of my most favorite purchases ever and takes me back to the medina each day I walk on it. Great tips-they are all spot on.

JeffNourse says

February 15, 2018 at 8:23 am

What a useful tips you shared with us. It is really interesting and informative post. Thank you so much for sharing it.

Kristin L. says

February 15, 2018 at 10:03 am

I remember going to Marrakech for the first time in 2005 and I was SO stressed about what to wear, so I made sure I had plenty of things that covered my knees and my shoulders. Then, to my surprise, I arrived and found all the young local women wearing the shortest mini-skirts and tank tops! I’ve been back to Morocco twice since then and don’t worry about my clothing, except if I’m going in a mosque.

Lauren Monitz says

February 15, 2018 at 1:58 pm

Morocco is just so hot right now! While I don’t like going to super trendy places, I keep seeing these amazing photos and feel like I must!

Mike from TravelAndDestinations says

February 17, 2018 at 1:34 pm

Definitely the best post I have read on Marrakech. Me and my gf are thinking of visiting this year so it’s super helpful and also good to know about the scams. I will also check out your friends post that you recommended. The city looks amazing and I can’t wait to visit!!

February 17, 2018 at 9:45 pm

Very useful tips! I’m looking at going to Morocco so this is very timely. thanks!

February 19, 2018 at 11:01 am

OMG I’ve been dying to go to Morocco all year. Your pictures made my wanderlust worse, I went back in 2008 but as a backpacker so I couldn’t bring any big souvenirs back, I want to go back with an empty suitcase and hit the souks hard!

Charlotte says

February 19, 2018 at 11:57 am

I loved this post, so many great tips! Marocco is high on my travel wish list. And I have every intention of buying one of those incredible rugs 😀 Can’t wait!

Rob+Ann @TravelLatte(.net) says

February 20, 2018 at 9:32 pm

What a great post! We are ashamed to say that we have not been to Morocco, and we even have friends to visit there! Shame Shame Shame on us. When we do go, though… we’ll be reading through your posts again! Meanwhile, your beautiful pictures are fueling our Moroccan day dreams. 🙂

March 2, 2018 at 8:15 am

Lovely post and great tips to get me ready for my trip to Morocco! Cheers!

Cory Lee says

March 2, 2018 at 9:33 am

This is such a great post! I’ll be going to Morocco next month and while I’ll be touring a lot of the country, I’m most excited for Marrakech. Awesome tips here!

Jossus Travelpics says

March 2, 2018 at 10:11 pm

I loved Marrakech and the Bahia Palace.

Bernie Watt says

April 25, 2018 at 12:27 pm

Great advice. We are so, so keen to get to Morocco and this is quite the inspiration.

Sebastian Vaz says

August 10, 2018 at 2:42 am

I haven’t been to Morocco. But I have heard lots of good things about the country. Must visit soon. Your guide will help me plan. Thanks 🙂

Violet Tellez says

August 30, 2018 at 1:29 pm

Thank you for the insightful info. I’m currently planning a trip for next spring and originally thought about joining a tour group but since I’d rather have a more relaxed schedule, an individual tour guide might be best to help me get around. Can you recommend a good company that does this, please?

We3Travel says

September 21, 2018 at 5:00 pm

Great tips and I’m glad I read them before our trip!

Marilyn Jacob says

June 21, 2019 at 1:14 am

We are travelling.to Morocco in December,so it’s our very first time.Looking forward to our.holiday.Good tips and advice made sense to.me,so I.am aware ,I will make the best and enjoy Morocco.

August 2, 2019 at 7:09 pm

the amount of times i got lost in Medina, sometimes it was fun – like in Essaouira, sometimes a bit scarry like in Marrakesh, but still at least i have stories to tell.

Katie Diederichs says

February 1, 2020 at 12:02 pm

This is SO helpful! We’ve been itching to get to Morocco, so I’m definitely saving this for later.

February 1, 2020 at 1:14 pm

The food and the night market look amazing! I always feel like Morocco is a mysterious place.

Linnea says

February 1, 2020 at 1:36 pm

Great guide! I appreciated the tip about cash. How much was your rug if you don’t mind me asking? Did you ship it home?

Kariss Ainsworth says

February 1, 2020 at 3:49 pm

I’ve been looking at going here, it is so colourful!

Diana Sahara says

October 24, 2020 at 3:08 am

yeah it s amazing. Colors and smells…

February 1, 2020 at 9:36 pm

This guide was so so helpful thank you so much and loved the recommendations and the pictures. Looking forward to go to Le Jardin Secret it makes me curious.

October 24, 2020 at 3:06 am

Very useful tips! There is also a bus to go to the medina for those traveling on budget and yeah! For sure everyone gets lost in the medina. I think it s important to point that someone will try to help you when you get lost (expecting some tip) so better to let him know you will not tip him in advance…

[…] centuries of history and a vibrant culture it’s no surprise that a trip to Marrakech is high on the wish list of many travelers. There are a number of large luxury resorts on the […]

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[…] here, enjoy the meal. If your looking for more information and travel tips, check out this Marrakesh travel tips post for more details, what to do and not do while visiting this exotic […]

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[…] I’ve been blessed to have had some amazing adventures in the past year-Morocco (both in Marrakech and the Atlas Mountains), Portugal, Zion and cruising on the Norwegian Bliss; all done while […]

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[…] also these tips on preparing for your first visit to Marrakech – it’ll seriously help prevent the seemingly unavoidable sensory […]

[…] you are just visiting Marrakech or flying city to city from Marrakech to Fes and only visiting those two cities or doing day trips, […]

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Home » Africa » Marrakech


Marrakech is a destination like no other! This vibrant city is an explosion of the senses, with things to see, touch, smell, and hear wherever you go. It is an essential part of any trip to Morocco, as this city has so much to offer its visitors. Our Marrakech itinerary will show you just what.

As you walk down the busy streets of Marrakech, you will  be inspired by the colorful walls, decorated doors, pristine piles of spices, the busy shops and the unique Moroccan charm found wherever you go. Read on to discover our ultimate Marrakech itinerary guide. You’ll undoubtedly fall in love with this magnificent destination.

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Best Time To Visit Marrakech

Where to stay in marrakech, marrakech itinerary, day 1 itinerary in marrakech, day 2 itinerary in marrakech, day three and beyond, staying safe in marrakech, day trips from marrakech, faq on marrakech itinerary.

There is certainly no bad time to visit Morocco, as the weather here is pleasant all year round. However, there are definitely ideal seasons that will make your weekend in Marrakech as enjoyable as possible.

The best time to travel to Marrakech would have to be during the shoulder seasons. This would be from March to May, and September to November. These seasons provide the most desirable weather conditions – sunny skies with moderate temperatures. Not only this, but the city is more affordable during these periods, with accommodation prices often dropping a little. 

when to visit marrakech

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Be aware that the summer months here can be scorching hot! If you don’t deal well with the heat, then consider visiting during winter. While Morocco’s warmth and sunny skies may seem appealing, the summer heat can get a little bit unbearable. While the winter months have great weather, the city also fills up with tourists over this period. 

Wondering when to visit Marrakech? Take a look at our detailed weather guide below. 

Choosing the best place to stay in Marrakech can be difficult. This vibrant city is split into two different sections – Medina (the historic part) and the European District (the new town). The different areas in Marrakech are all unique, giving you many different places to experience during your Marrakech itinerary. 

The most popular and possibly best choice of areas to stay in Marrakech would be Medina. This is the heart of old-world Marrakech, with all kinds of charming winding streets, alleys, and points of interest. There are many great accommodation choices in this part of the city, and it is the ideal base for exploring the rest of Marrakech, as everything is within easy reach! 

where to stay in marrakech

If you would like to stay somewhere a little bit less visited by tourists, then Gueliz is a great area. Gueliz is part of the more modern European District and is a super trendy hub of shops, restaurants, and nightlife hotspots. If you would like to experience the modern side of Morocco, then this is the place to be. 

Now that you know where to stay, its time to choose your accommodation! Here are some of the best accommodation options for your Marrakech itinerary. 

Best Hostel in Marrakech – Rodamon Riad Marrakech Hostel

marrakech itinerary

  • Has an authentic Moroccan feel to it
  • Central location
  • Awesome rooftop terrace

Rodamon Riad Marrakech Hostel is the ultimate place to stay in this city! With an ideal Medina location, clean modern facilities and comfortable rooms, everything you need is right here! The rooftop terrace, bar, and pool make this a really fun place to stay!

For more cool hostel options, check out our Best Hostels in Marrakech guide!

Best Airbnb in Marrakech – Beautiful home with a lot of space

Beautiful home with a lot of space in Marrakech

Riad Barbmar is a renovated traditional Moroccan riad in the Marrakech Medina. A riad is a type of traditional Moroccan house or palace with an interior garden or courtyard. It accommodates up to eight guests in four bedrooms. Regardless of whether you are 1 traveller or a group of 2-8 people, you will have the private use of the entire house and will not share with other guests. The indoor pool is perfect for cooling off after sightseeing. The third floor roof terrace is a great space for socialising with family and friends. The upper terrace on the fourth floor is shaded and ideal for outdoor meals. From there you look over the entire Medina.

Best Budget Hotel in Marrakech – Hotel & Spa Riad El Walaa

marrakech itinerary

  • Excellent location
  • Fantastic facilities
  • A beautiful outdoor terrace

Hotel & Spa Riad El Walaa is a brilliant accommodation choice for your trip to Marrakech. This place offers affordable luxury, with amazing rooms, thoughtful facilities, and a top location in the heart of Marrakech. Enjoy the authentic Moroccan decor, the stunning outdoor terrace, and the relaxing spa. 

Best Luxury Hotel in Marrakech – Four Seasons Resort Marrakech

marrakech itinerary

  • Luxurious rooms and facilities
  • Loads of thoughtful touches
  • An amazing pool area

For the absolute best that Marrakech has to offer, consider checking into the Four Seasons Resort here. This place has world-class modern facilities, well-equipped rooms, and all kinds of thoughtful touches across the hotel. The service is excellent, and the pool is a great place to relax!

marrakech itinerary

Before you start to plan your itinerary for Marrakech, it is important to know how to get around this awesome city. When you are in the medina old town, walking around is one of the best things to do in Marrakech . This way you get to see and experience all the magic that this city has to offer. However, walking around here can also be pretty intimidating and confusing at times. 

In terms of public transport taxis, are your best options. Taxis are easy to catch and will take you wherever you want to go without any stress. They are also very cheap – just be sure to agree on a price before you get in! The bus network in Marrakech is also pretty good, allowing you to travel all over the different parts of the city but it can be slow and can get hot. 

It’s time to start planning your trip! Here are some of the best things to include in your Marrakech itinerary. 

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Jemaa el-Fnaa | Koutoubia Mosque | Hammam | Saadian Tombs | Marrakech Museum | Souk | Bahia Palace

Your 2 days in Marrakech will start off with some of the top sights and landmarks in the city. This first day will show you some of the most iconic Moroccan points of interest and cultural attractions. Here is what to do in Marrakech on your first day.

Day 1 / Stop 1 – Jemaa el-Fnaa

  • Why it’s awesome: The main central hub of Marrakech
  • Cost: Free to explore
  • Food recommendation: There are all kinds of delicious local foods on offer at the stalls here. Grab a fresh orange juice in the morning, a delicious lamb dish at night, or even some boiled snails if you are feeling adventurous!

Jemaa el-Fnaa is an essential addition to any Marrakech itinerary! When in the city, you just have to wander through this central hub in order to really experience the place properly. This is one of the top Marrakech points of interest due to its bustling walkways and truly Moroccan atmosphere. 

Take a walk through here and take in all of the stalls and entertainers around you. You will pass snake charmers, henna tattoo artists, huge piles of spices, dates, olives, and more! As this square is the heart of Marrakech, it is always busy no matter what time you visit! 

Jemaa el Fnaa

This is a brilliant place to try some delicious local foods, buy something to take home or to just soak up the unique culture in this city. No Marrakech itinerary would be complete without a trip to Jemaa el-Fnaa.

Insiders tip: This square can get very busy and a little overwhelming, so visit early to avoid crowds. 

Day 1 / Stop 2 – Koutoubia Mosque

  • Why it’s awesome: The largest mosque in Marrakech
  • Food recommendation: Cafe Kif Kif is located nearby the Koutoubia Mosque, offering the perfect place to grab a bite to eat or a pot of local mint tea. The menu boasts some of the best Moroccan classics. This is a great setting to try some of the best local food in Marrakech. 

Mosques play a huge role throughout Marrakech and these buildings have great historical and spiritual importance to the locals. Not only this, but they also offer some of the best architectural points of interest in the city. 

During your Marrakech itinerary, be sure to visit the Koutoubia Mosque – the largest in the city! This stunning 12th-century mosque is a marvel to look at, being an iconic structure in the city. 

Koutoubia Mosque

Visit during the call to prayer to take in one of the most important sites in the city. It is important to understand and appreciate the various mosques here during your Marrakech itinerary, as this will give you a stronger understanding of the city. 

Insider tip: The call to prayer occurs five times a day from the top of the minaret. This is great to experience up close. 

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Experience a Hammam

  • Why it’s awesome: Traditional local bathhouses found throughout the city
  • Cost: Entry to local hammams usually costs around USD $4, while different treatments and establishments differ in price
  • Food recommendation: Patisserie Anjar is located near the popular Hammam Ziani, offering the perfect place to grab a treat after your relaxing experience. Choose between many local delicacies, teas and sweet treats at the authentic patisserie. 

When in Morocco, treating yourself to a relaxing hammam experience is a must. Hammams are local bathhouses/spas that are found throughout the city. These are popular attractions for locals and tourists and they will be sure to leave you relaxed, clean, and glowing.

Enjoy a massage, a steam in the sauna, or a dip in the different thermal pools. This is such a great way to escape the frenzy of the busy city and enjoy a peaceful, quiet moment relaxing inside. You can choose between busy local hammams and secluded private hammams.

Experience a Hammam

Some of the most popular hammams in Marrakech include Hammam Ziani, Hammam De La Rose, Hammam-e Sultan Mir, Les Bains de Marrakech Morocco, and Hammam Mouassine. A treatment at a hammam is an essential addition to your Marrakech itinerary! 

Insider Tip: Consider booking a private hammam experience if public nudity is not your thing. People who don’t know this can have some bad experiences in Morocco .

Day 1 / Stop 4 – Saadian Tombs

  • Why it’s awesome: Historic tombs for many important rulers of the Saadi Dynasty
  • Cost: USD $1
  • Food recommendation: Dar Cherifa is the ideal place to grab an authentic Moroccan meal nearby these tombs. You must try the tagine and Moroccan couscous in this Marrakech gem. 

The Saadian Tombs are one of the most popular Marrakech landmarks, offering visitors a great historical place of interest. These tombs are where many of the most important rulers and members of the Saadi Dynasty are buried. The tombs were rediscovered in 1917 after they had been sealed for centuries! 

Saadian Tombs

The Saadian Tombs are beautifully decorated with colorful tiles, carvings, and Arabic calligraphy. This is a wonderful site to explore, as you will learn all about the rich history of the area as you witness some stunning decorated tombs. 

If you love history and want to learn more about this ancient city, then a visit to the Saadian Tombs should be an essential addition to your Marrakech itinerary. 

Day 1 / Stop 5 – Marrakech Museum

  • Why it’s awesome: An amazing art museum in the center of Marrakech
  • Cost: USD $4
  • Food recommendation: Le Trou au Mur is an excellent restaurant near the museum. With a stylish interior and delicious cuisine, this is a fantastic place for a sightseeing break!

Marrakech boasts many brilliant museums, with the Marrakech Museum being one of the best! This is an art museum located in the heart of the city. Expect to see loads of modern and traditional Moroccan art, as well as many other interesting displays. 

Marrakech Museum

While the museum is a fascinating place to visit with all its exhibitions, the building itself is definitely worth adding to your Marrakech itinerary! Housed in a 19th-century palace, this is a grand building to explore. 

Admire the magnificent Moroccan architecture and details throughout this museum. Soak up art, history, and culture as well! This is one of the best Marrakech attractions for those wanting to discover more about the city and its interesting past. 

Day 1 / Stop 6 – Old Town Souk

  • Why it’s awesome: The old town trading hub offers the most authentic Moroccan market experience
  • Cost: Free to browse
  • Food recommendation: Terrace des Epices is the perfect place to grab something to eat between shopping in the busy souks. This rooftop terrace provides a peaceful escape from the busy streets below, with some fantastic food options!

Exploring the bustling souks of Medina is an essential addition to any Marrakech itinerary. Souks are the traditional market streets that are found all over the city. 

These originate from the times when merchants would sell their goods that were transported by camel across the desert into Marrakech. There may not be the camels anymore, but souks today are just as vibrant and important to the Moroccan lifestyle as they have always been! 

Old Town Souk

Wander through the busy market streets and admire all of the goods for sale. Carpets, lamps, leather products, spices, foods, and all kinds of other things will be on offer here. If you are after a truly authentic Marrakech experience, then the souks of the Old Town/Medina are the places to be.

Insiders tip: While the souks are a lot of fun, they can also be pretty intimidating. Merchants will often try to rip off tourists, and taking in all of the stalls on offer can be overwhelming. Try to bring your negotiating skills and a firm attitude when navigating through the busy souks. 

Day 1 / Stop 7 – Bahia Palace

  • Why it’s awesome: Magnificent 19th-century palace and gardens
  • Food recommendation: La Table de Marrakech is the perfect place to grab something to eat or drink after a long day of sightseeing. Sit outside next to the palace and enjoy some quality Moroccan cuisine. 

The Bahia Palace is a 19th-century building that was designed to be the greatest palace of its time. This stunning structure is a real marvel to take in, with its iconic Islamic and Moroccan style. Bahia translates to brilliance, and you will see why when you visit.

Bahia Palace

The palace is a great place to explore and learn more about the history and cultural traditions of Marrakech. It is also the perfect place to take in some of the best architecture in the city. Beyond the amazing palace building, there are also beautiful gardens located here. These are well worth spending some time exploring. 

For a look into the royal life of this old city, be sure to add the Bahia Palace to your Marrakech trip itinerary! 

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Jardin Majorelle | El Badi Palace | Ben Youssef Madrassa | Maison De La Photographie | Menara Gardens

Day 2 of our 3-day itinerary in Marrakech will give you a deeper insight into the history, culture, and atmosphere in the city. Here are some must-do attractions for you if you are seeing Marrakech in 2 days. 

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Jardin Majorelle

  • Why it’s awesome: A stunning botanical garden to add to your itinerary for Marrakech
  • Cost: USD $20
  • Food recommendation: Cafe Jardin Majorelle Marrakech is the perfect place to grab some food, tea or coffee during your trip to the garden. Enjoy local favorites in a beautiful setting. 

Jardin Majorelle is a two and a half acre botanical garden in Marrakech, but really it is so much more than that! This beautiful attraction is a kind of artistic landscape created by the French artist Jacques Majorelle over a period of almost 40 years. The garden was then acquired by the famous designer Yves Saint-Laurent who restored it to its glory.

As you walk through this amazing garden, you will pass through an absolute Eden. There are many magnificent plants, water features, trees, and sculptures. Beyond the gardens, the space also houses the Berber Museum and the Islamic Art Museum of Marrakech. Both of these cultural institutions are well worth the visit. 

Jardin Majorelle

If you are after amazing art, culture, history, and an unbeatable garden oases, then Jardin Majorelle is the place to go. This stunning city attraction will certainly be a highlight of your Marrakech itinerary. 

Insider Tip: These gardens and museums are not to be confused with the Yves Saint-Laurent museum nearby (which is also well worth the visit!)

Day 2 / Stop 2 – El Badi Palace

  • Why it’s awesome: An ancient ruined palace
  • Food recommendation: Dar Marjana, located close to El Badi Palace, is one of the best traditional Marrakech riad restaurants. Try some of the tastiest authentic Moroccan food here in a charming setting! 

El Badi Palace is one of the world’s greatest examples of ancient ruins. Comparable to the Roman Forum, or the Acropolis in Athens, this enormous building shows off the ancient past of Marrakech. 

El Badi Palace

Explore the huge ruins of El Badi Palace to experience just how grand this place must have been back in its time. The palace was built in the 16th century to commemorate the victory of The Battle of the Three Kings. The palace consisted of 300 rooms, decorated in gold, turquoise, and crystal. 

Visiting this site will teach you a great deal of the history behind Marrakech. Experience first hand what the ancient city might have looked like, and learn about its interesting past. This is a must-do activity for history lovers! 

Day 2 / Stop 3 – Ben Youssef Madrassa

  • Why it’s awesome: A beautiful 14th-century Islamic school
  • Cost: USD $6
  • Food recommendation: Jnane Tamsna is a brilliant place to grab a bite to eat or some relaxing tea when visiting Ben Youssef Madrassa. Enjoy the tranquil setting and excellent food!

Ben Youssef Madrassa is a former Islamic school dating all the way back to the 14th century. Ben Youssef Madrassa is a popular attraction in Marrakech for anyone wanting to get a glimpse into the magnificent past of this city. 

While it is old, the Madrassa is beautifully preserved providing an unbeatable example of Moroccan architecture and design. 

Ben Youssef Madrassa

Admire the detailed tiles and unique curves of the building. As you explore the Ben Youssef Madrassa, take some time to appreciate the tiny rooms that once held 900 students. Enjoy the peaceful courtyard and stunning wooden windows throughout the building. 

This is one of the best places to visit in Marrakech for an authentic look into Moroccan design and architecture. This is also an interesting historical stop in the city. 

Day 2 / Stop 4 – Maison De La Photographie

  • Why it’s awesome: An interesting Moroccan photography museum
  • Cost: USD $11
  • Food recommendation: Enjoy a great pot of mint tea or a bite to eat from the rooftop cafe here. Not only is the food and service excellent, but the view from here is definitely worth the visit!

Maison De La Photographie is an excellent museum to add to your Marrakech itinerary. This may be a fairly small gallery, but it really has a great deal to offer. During your visit here, you can expect some of the best photography from Marrakech.

Maison De La Photographie

The museum mostly displays excellent street photography and portraits, but there are also some interesting photographs dating back over 150 years. This offers an amazing insight into Moroccan life and history. 

The small building housing the museum is also lovely to explore, with beautiful colorful tiles and a magnificent rooftop. This is a really special addition to your 2-day itinerary in Marrakech . 

Day 2 / Stop 5 – Menara Gardens

  • Why it’s awesome: 12th-century botanical gardens
  • Food recommendation: Cafe Oasis et Tafernout is a great spot to stop and enjoy a cup of coffee or bite to eat while exploring the Menara Gardens. 

The Menara Gardens are the most popular landscaped gardens in Marrakech. The gardens can be found near the Atlas Mountains, to the west of Medina. These beautiful gardens surround a lake, and they offer the perfect breath of fresh air from the busy city. The gardens date back to the 12th century, and so they have an interesting history as well!

Menara Gardens

Enjoy walking around the pristine lake, and appreciate the wonderful pavilion alongside it. Explore the gardens and take in all of the different flowerbeds, trees, and lush green spaces. If the streets of Marrakech are getting too much, then escaping to this peaceful oasis is the perfect thing to do! 

Insider Tip: Visit on a sunny day and enjoy relaxing under a tree in this picture-perfect garden

marrakech itinerary

Rodamon Riad Marrakech Hostel

Rodamon Riad Marrakech Hostel is the ultimate place to stay in this city! With an ideal Medina location, clean modern facilities and comfortable rooms, everything you need is right here!

  • Linen Included

Souk Place des Epices | Gueliz | Hot Air Balloon | Dar Si Said Museum | Quad Bike Tour

If you are looking for more places to visit in Marrakech, then here are some excellent ideas. There is so much to see and do around this city, so planning at least 3 days in Morocco is always a good idea. 

Souk Place des Epices

  • A lively souk
  • Famous for its many spice traders
  • These spices are an essential part of Moroccan culture

Souk Place des Epices is a large square-based souk in the heart of Marrakech. When you are in this bustling city, visiting the different souks is a vital way to really experience the local culture and buzz. This souk, in particular, is special due to its piles of colorful spices!

Souk Place des Epices

Morocco is world-famous for its unique cuisine, something that comes from its many flavorsome spices. Wandering through this souk will show you the many immaculately piled spices. The kind of smells and sights that you take in here really could never be found anywhere else in the world.

Whether you are looking to purchase some of these amazing spices to take home, or simply want to admire them in their tall piles, a visit to Souk Place des Epices will always be worth it! Exploring this busy souk is one of the best ways to get an authentic insight into Moroccan life and culture, and it is a great place to learn more about this country’s delicious cuisine.

  • The most modern and trendy area of Marrakech
  • Offers excellent shopping and restaurants
  • Often called the European district

When exploring Marrakech, chances are you will be spending most of your time within the old town. This is where the majority of landmark attractions and riad accommodation options can be found. If you have 3 days in Marrakech, or if you would just like a change of scene, consider visiting the trendy district of Gueliz. 

Gueliz offers you an insight into what modern-day Morocco looks like. This is a super trendy part of the city. Spend your time enjoying the vast array of boutique shops, malls, and beautiful homeware stores. Between this, there are also some of the best restaurants and cafes in the city – perfect for a break between your retail therapy! 


Gueliz also boasts some of the best nightlife in Marrakech. There are plenty of fun and lively bars here to visit for an unforgettable night out! 

In order to truly understand Marrakech, you will need to experience both the new and the old. This is why spending an afternoon wandering around Gueliz can be highly rewarding for any Marrakech itinerary.

Ride a Hot Air Balloon

  • This is a must-do activity in Morocco
  • The best views in Marrakech
  • A fun and unique experience

There are many different ways to see and experience Marrakech, but a hot air balloon is possibly the best. Taking an exciting and absolutely breathtaking hot air balloon flight is one of the most popular activities for tourists in Marrakech,

The best hot air balloon flights in Marrakech will start at dawn, allowing you to witness the magnificent sunrise during your flight. As you rise up, you will get the most unbelievable panoramic views across Marrakech. 

Ride a Hot Air Balloon

As you float across the stunning desert and towards the Atlas Mountains, you will get to experience the true majesty of this destination. Beyond the amazing views though, hot air balloon rides are such a fun experience. This way of flying cannot be compared to anything else. This is a truly unique thing to do in Marrakech, and an experience you will certainly remember! 

There are a number of hot air balloon companies that operate from Marrakech. Flights generally last about an hour, giving you plenty of time to soak up all of the incredible views around you. 

Dar Si Said Museum of Weaving and Carpets

  • A fascinating museum
  • The museum is focused towards Berber carpets
  • A great place to learn more about Moroccan cultural heritage

A museum completely dedicated to carpets may not sound that exciting to everyone, but this Marrakech attraction is seriously worth the visit. Whether you are interested in Berber carpets or not, you will be sure to learn a great deal of interesting information here, as well as admire some very impressive exhibitions! 

The museum will teach you all about the unique Berber carpets in Marrakech. There are all sorts of fascinating displays devoted to this. There is also a central focus on the art of weaving these products, and what kind of role that has played in Morocco. 

Dar Si Said Museum of Weaving and Carpets

As you will learn from a visit here, these carpets are truly special parts of the cultural heritage in this country. They have a rich and interesting history and have helped to shape Marrakech in many ways. Beyond the carpets though, this museum is an awesome building to visit!

There are some seriously impressive halls here, as well as stunning courtyards and gardens within the museum. This is a great place to take in some beautiful examples of Moroccan architecture while learning about some of the country’s most iconic designs and products. 

Quad Bike Tour

  • Quad bike tours are available through the desert
  • A fun way to see the area
  • Explore the rugged surrounding desert

Now that you have seen some of the best sights and attractions within Marrakech, its time to do some exploring in the surrounding desert. If you would like to experience the breathtaking desert through one of the most exciting ways possible, then consider taking a quad bike tour! 

Quad Bike Tour

Not only is speeding along in a quad bike loads of fun, but it is also the best way to navigate the desert landscape. You will get to ride between the stone desert, the dramatic valley found here, and the famous palm groves. 

There are a number of quad bike experiences available in Marrakech. While each may be unique, they will all offer a valuable insight into the life and scenery of the harsh desert. This is a really great way to experience the dramatic landscape around Marrakech. 

Marrakech received loads of each year and most end without incident. While safety does not need to be a major concern while you are here, it is important to understand any potential safety precautions that you might want to take in Marrakech. 

The souks are super busy, small spaces. If you are not careful, these can be easy places for thieves and pickpockets to do their work. When walking through the souks, always keep your belongings close. Also, try to avoid walking through the souks at night. 

Scams are also pretty common in Marrakech, so always be on the lookout for these. Tourists can often look like easy targets for scammers or people trying to rip you off, so keep your wits about you! Also avoid walking alone at night, and stay away from empty alleys.

Shopkeepers, hawkers and unsolicited guides can be persistent and a real nuisance.  Be firm and if anybody bothers you too much, use the magic word “police” and they will disappear.

Be sure to always drink bottled water, and try to avoid ice (as this may contain bacteria). You may also want to avoid eating from street vendors, as there is always the chance of getting ill.

Besides exercising regular caution and following standard safety procedures of a big city, Marrakech should be a safe destination for all visitors! 

If you are also visiting other places in Morocco, you will be pleased to know that on the whole Morocco is a safe country .

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Marrakech

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If you are planning a 3-day itinerary in Marrakech, then you may want to consider exploring some more of Morocco . This city serves as the perfect base for your Moroccan travels, allowing you to do so much more while touring Marrakech. 

Here are some of the best day trips from Marrakech to experience during your visit. 

Full-Day Tour to Ouzoud Waterfalls

Full-Day Tour to Ouzoud Waterfalls

Marrakech is an amazing city to experience, but there is also plenty of natural splendor just beyond the city itself. Spend a day taking in the magnificent Ouzoud Waterfalls on this sightseeing tour from Marrakech. 

The highlight of this tour is, of course, witnessing the incredible cascades of the Ouzoud Waterfalls. Your day will also be filled with plenty of other exciting activities, such as swimming in nature in the Al Abib River, and seeing local monkeys in the mountains! The tour includes round trip transportation and an expert Marrakech tour guide. 

Take a Trip to the Atlas Mountains

Take a Trip to the Atlas Mountains

Just beyond the city of Marrakech tower the impressive Atlas Mountains. These mountains are not just a breathtaking sight to see, but they are brimming with Moroccan Berber culture and picturesque villages. Take this exciting day trip to escape the busy city and explore a more peaceful side of Morocco. 

The trip will include a visit to the village of Imlil, as well as a fun camel ride. You will get to drink mint tea, admire the highest peak in North Africa, and learn all about traditional Berber culture. This is one of the best day trips from Marrakech for those wanting to discover more about the interesting culture and natural beauty of the area. 

Tour Essaouira and the Atlantic Coast

Tour Essaouira and the Atlantic Coast

Morocco is famous for its magnificent desert landscapes, but there is also an amazing coast to discover in this country. To experience the best of the Atlantic Coast here, take a full day trip out to Essaouira. 

This is a beautiful coastal town that you will be able to explore at your own pace. Enjoy the laid-back atmosphere, the historic medina in the town, and the long stretches of pristine beaches. This day trip will show you a great deal more of the unspoiled and absolutely beautiful Moroccan landscape. 

Visit Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou

Visit Ouarzazate and Ait Benhaddou

Across the Atlas Mountains lie two of the most majestic deserts in Morocco. Enjoy a day trip out to this area to take in some of the most impressive and important sites in the area. The day will include a visit to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Ait Benhaddou kasbah, a crossing over the Tizi-n-Tichka pass, and a journey through Ouarzazate. 

This area is referred to as the “Hollywood of Africa” as famous films such as The Mummy, Lawrence of Arabia, and Gladiator were filmed here. Needless to say, this day trip will show you some of the most magnificent landscapes in Morocco! 

Explore the Berber Villages and 3 Valleys

Explore the Berber Villages and 3 Valleys

If you are planning a trip to Marrakech, exploring the unique Berber culture here is a great idea. If this sounds like fun, consider taking this day trip out to the beautiful Berber settlements high up in the Atlas Mountains.

You will get to trek through beautiful hamlets and valleys, and soak up some of the best scenic views in the area. You will get to stop for lunch in a traditional Berber home in one of the stunning villages that you visit. This is a truly unforgettable experience that could only be enjoyed during your Marrakech itinerary! 

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Find out what people want to know when planning their Marrakech itinerary.

How many days do you need in Marrakech?

To see all the main highlights, I would allow 3 days to see everything. However, you could easily stay 4-5 days and enjoy the cities unique charm.

Is Marrakech worth visiting?

Yes, absolutely! Marrakesh is the most famous and unique city in Morocco and there’s no where else like it.

What is the best month to visit Marrakesh?

The best time to visit Marrakesh is during the Spring (March-May) when the weather is at its nicest.

Is Marrakesh safe for tourists?

Marrakesh is on the whole quite safe for tourists, but you should keep your eyes on the look out for petty crimes such as pick pocketing and bag snatching.

Marrakech is a busy and vibrant city, with so much going on in every street. Walking through the old town truly is an explosion of the senses, as there is just always such a great deal to take in. This city has such a unique charm to it, and should be a definite bucket-list destination for any traveler.

Marrakech is famous for its spices and cuisine, its peaceful riads, bustling souks, visible history, and beautiful desert landscapes. As you walk down the streets here, you will notice the iconic Moroccan design and sights that just can’t be experienced anywhere else. 

Marrakech really is a destination like no other! With so much to do and see in this city, one day in Marrakech probably isn’t enough. You could spend weeks here without getting bored. We hope our ultimate Marrakech itinerary helps you to make the most of your time in this epic North African destination! 

If your plan is to travel around Morocco and you need to sort your accommodations, check out our Best Hostels in Morocco guide!

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Marrakech Tours & Vacations

Cyclists at the markets with colourful goods in the stalls, in Marrakech, Morocco

From storyteller-filled main squares and famous mosques, to frenetic bazaars and beyond: this is Marrakech in all its glory

Marrakech is a must on any Morocco itinerary, promising a window into the everyday life of locals — a place full of activity and colour. On our tours to and from Marrakech, you'll see that it's more than just a market town (although you have to visit Djemaa el-Fna). This charming city is bursting with spectacular sights and scintillating smells, and while it might be overwhelming at first, you'll soon find it extraordinary. 

Tours to Marrakech

While you might never want to leave Marrakech, the fun continues on your Morrocan journey with a trek into the mountains and meeting the local Berber families. Sleep in a traditional gite in Armoud or under the stars on a desert camp in the Sahara and soak up the laidback style of seaside Essaouira. Our tours from Marrakech will leave you wanting more.

Let's create an exclusive trip for your group.

Tours from Marrakech

After exploring the High Atlas Mountains, Ait Benhaddou, and the shores of Essaouira, as well as journeying down from Casablanca through the blue city of Chefchaouen and the ancient medina of Fes, your next adventure is Marrakech: the perfect final spot. 

Marrakech tour reviews

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5 City Itineraries from Luxury Hotel Concierges Around the World

W alk through any high-end hotel lobby, and you'll probably see it: a concierge desk where a smiling staff member is ready to assist. But it's also a place that guests all too often pass up. (And if they do stop by, it's mostly to book theater tickets or to try to score a reservation at an impossible-to-get-into restaurant.)

What savvy travelers understand, though, is that a top-notch concierge can be the secret weapon to a truly special trip thanks to their deep knowledge of their home city. They can unlock an experience you might not have known existed-like a vibrant cultural pocket of Hong Kong or a cultural site that reveals Marrakech's ancient history. At the very least, they can find the best way to bring to life your long-held fantasy about a destination, like partaking in harvest season in the Winelands of South Africa or embarking on a culinary tour of Paris. Here, we've tapped five of the best concierges around the world that can make all of that happen . . . and more.

Art and flowers in Chelsea, London: Jason Laker-Jones, concierge, Corinthia London

London has a wealth of cultural experiences throughout the year, and a personal favorite of mine would have to be RHS Chelsea Flower Show (in 2024, it's taking place from May 21 to 25). The flower show is the epitome of British summertime culture, and it turns urban London into a horticulturist's paradise. And when combined with Chelsea in Bloom , where surrounding designer stores and Chelsea boutiques compete to create their own floral masterpieces, the week feels like a quintessential British experience.

Chelsea also happens to be my favorite neighborhood, since it offers the traveler a holistic London experience: art, culture, a food market, and a vast array of dining options. As far as what to see here, the Saatchi Gallery showcases the work of emerging artists, highlighting contemporary works in a beautiful space. For a bite to eat, I recommend The Butcher's Tap and Grill by noted English chef Tom Kerridge. A true highlight is curating a picnic with items from the Duke of York Square fine-food market, located steps from the Saatchi Gallery, to enjoy in the Chelsea Physic Garden , which was established in 1673. And no trip to London is complete without a visit to iconic department stores Harvey Nicholls , Selfridges , or Harrods , and I suggest a trip to all three. From $1,202

A cultural immersion in Hong Kong: Michael Chou, chief concierge, The Peninsula Hong Kong

Although Hong Kong is often thought of as a hyper-modern financial center, there's so much more to the city. For example, one of my favorite places is Tai Kwun, a revitalized historic complex in Central's Soho district, and I always recommend guests visit for its blend of culture, art, and a sense of the past. It's a former police station and prison compound that was completed in the 1920s. Now it's one of the main places in Hong Kong to see modern art and architecture (Herzog & de Meuron designed the JC Contemporary gallery, which looks like a giant cube and hosts several exhibitions a year). Elsewhere in Tai Kwun, you can see what the city looked like a century ago through its preserved buildings, including old jail cells. Afterward, I suggest guests take the steep Peak Tram ride from Central to Victoria Peak (known locally as simply "the Peak,") which is one of the highest points in Hong Kong and offers breathtaking views of the city-especially at night.

There are also a couple of neighborhoods I love to recommend. The first is Mongkok, known for its bustling markets and lively atmosphere. It's easy to immerse yourself in local culture by exploring Temple Street, which has a famous night market filled with food stalls, fortune tellers, and vendors selling everything from clothes to electronics. I also love the West Kowloon Cultural District , which is a hub of arts and culture in Hong Kong. Here, you can visit the M+ Museum , another Herzog & de Meuron building that showcases contemporary art, design, and architecture. The Hong Kong Palace Museum , meanwhile, offers a look into Chinese imperial art and history. For those interested in traditional Chinese opera, visit the Xiqu Centre, with its stunning architecture and performances. From $830

Paris for gourmands: Julie Benoit, lead of guest experience, SO/ Paris

The first thing most guests want to know when they arrive in Paris is where to eat and drink, as there are so many options. It can feel overwhelming, but I have a list of favorites that I love to share. Tekès , in Sentier (the former garment district), offers vegetarian cuisine with Levantine-inspired dishes meant for sharing in a cozy, candlelit atmosphere. Then there's Caché , tucked away between the Père-Lachaise cemetery and Rue de Bagnolet. It's kind of a Parisian secret that serves Mediterranean cuisine featuring fresh fish daily. It's perfect for a summer evening, especially with its cobblestone terrace.

Collier de la Reine is my team's favorite spot, and it has a cocktail bar, a brasserie offering French dishes and seafood platters, and a wine cellar. Sushi Shunei is one of the best omakase menus in Paris, in an elegant and minimalist setting dedicated entirely to sushi. Only a maximum of 10 people are allowed in the intimate dining room. In 2016, Jean-François Piège opened Clover Grill , a now very well-known steakhouse in the heart of Paris, offering exceptional cuts of meat cooked over charcoal or spit fire. BB Blanche is the perfect spot for a brunch alfresco as spring begins. Set in a former private mansion, it offers a quintessential Parisian experience.

The first thing most guests want to know when they arrive in Paris is where to eat and drink... I have a list of favorites that I love to share.

For bars and wine cellars, the options are almost as vast, but my favorites include L'Avant Comptoir du Marché , located under the arcades of Marché Saint-Germain, one of Yves Camdeborde's renowned spots, perfect for social gatherings over drinks, with light snacks or a full meal. Grain[s] is a small wine and sake bar in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Près with '70s-inspired decor (zinc counters, terra-cotta floors). It barely accommodates 15 people. Candelaria is a standout Mexican taqueria in the Marais, with everything made in-house, including the tortillas, as well as a world-class cocktail bar. Fréquence has as many wine bottles and shakers as there are vinyl records, all with a cool Scandinavian ambience in the Bastille neighborhood. Cravan in Saint-Germain-des-Prés has vibes inspired by art, fashion, cinema, and literature-perfect for enjoying a cocktail in a special setting. From $653

South Africa for oenophiles: Nigel Oosthuizen, concierge guide, One&Only Cape Town

Here in the fertile agricultural regions around Cape Town, we have legendary vineyards that are a big part of life for many Capetonians (combined, the Cape Winelands produce about a billion liters of wine each year). We have a few one-of-a-kind experiences here for guests that show off Cape Town at its best when it comes to wine. These tours give hotel guests a behind-the-scenes glimpse of how it all comes together, from the soil to bottling. Luvo Ntezo is our head sommelier at the One&Only Cape Town, and during the harvest (which is usually in January) you can participate in an exclusive tour of Simonsig Wine Estate in Stellenbosch with him.

Here, the experience begins in a tractor. You meander through the vineyards while indulging in the knowledge of an expert winemaker. A walk in the vines includes soil analyses and picking grapes while learning about viniculture. Then, you visit the cellars and learn how grapes are de-stemmed, sorted, punched, crushed, and finally transferred into barrels. This is a fun and interactive day that also includes a delicious lunch, as well as a winemaker certificate to remember the experience by-and of course a delicious tasting of wines set among the vineyards. From $1,225

Stories from the desert: Omnia Driba, concierge, Mandarin Oriental Marrakech

Two of the most special aspects of Marrakech are its historical sites and the desert. First, I would recommend all travelers start with a tour of the Medina-the original walled city in Marrakech. Must-see stops include Koutoubia Mosque, Medersa Ben Youssef (a 14th-century Islamic college), and Bahia Palace. We can arrange private tours of the Medina, which is a wonderful way to learn the history of the city. And then for something more adventurous, my favorite experiences we offer are the outings to the Agafay Desert, which is only about 30 minutes by car from Marrakech.

You have a couple of options in terms of activities. One is a quad and buggy ride across the rugged sand dunes and desert terrain. Otherwise, you can try a camel ride that will eventually take you to a traditional Berber tent where a Moroccan lunch is served. (I'd suggest doing the quad ride in the morning followed by the camel ride afterward, if you want to try both.) The best part of this excursion is when the sun sets: There's a bonfire for staying warm while stargazing. We can also arrange a hot-air balloon ride over the Atlas Mountains at sunrise, followed by breakfast by Dar El Bacha , a beautiful old palace in the Medina, which is now a museum. From $1,743

Jason Laker-Jones is the head concierge at the Corinthia London.

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North Korea reportedly to reopen border city to tourists after 5 years

By Lucia Suarez Sang

August 16, 2024 / 9:11 AM EDT / CBS News

Tourists will soon be able to travel once more to North Korea.

According to two Chinese-based tour operators, the Hermit Kingdom will soon reopen one city to foreign tourists after nearly five years of border closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic . Visitors will be allowed to travel to the northern mountainous city of Samjiyon starting in December, CBS News partner BBC News reported.

North Korea sealed itself off from the world at the start of the pandemic in early 2020 and began scaling back its restrictions in the middle of 2023.

"So far just Samjiyon has been officially confirmed but we think that Pyongyang and other places will open too!!!" Shenyang's KTG Tours wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

In a subsequent post outlining more details, KTG Tours said the borders are set to open this winter, "presumably December," but the exact dates have not been confirmed. It also said there has been no official confirmation for other cities across North Korea.

"Having waited for over four years to make this announcement, Koryo Tours is very excited for the opening of North Korean tourism once again," that company said on its website .

Koryo Tours told the BBC that North Korean officials have allowed tourists from any country except South Korea to join the trips they offer. The United States bans its citizens from traveling to North Korea.

International flights in and out of North Korea resumed last year and a small group of Russian tourists flew to North Korea for a private tour in February, Reuters reported. Top foreign officials, including Russian President Vladimir Putin in June, have also been visiting the country amid warming ties between the two nations.

FILE PHOTO: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guides the Samjiyon City construction project

North Korea is said to be building what it called a "socialist utopia" in Samjiyon, a city near the Chinese border, that will include "a model of highly-civilized mountain city" with new apartments, hotels, a ski resort and commercial, cultural and medical facilities, Reuters reported.

In July, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sacked or demoted some senior officials for their so-called "irresponsible" handling of his flagship project, state media KCNA reported at the time. Kim said senior officials' irresponsibility caused serious deviations, including poor construction work and financial losses, Reuters  reported.

Chad O'Carroll, CEO of the U.S.-based analysis firm Korea Risk Group, told the BBC this week that there are doubts about the reopening announcement.

"I will believe it when I see it," he said. "For now, I am quite skeptical we will see any real movement in December."

  • North Korea

Lucia Suarez Sang is an associate managing editor at CBSNews.com. Previously, Lucia was the director of digital content at FOX61 News in Connecticut and has previously written for outlets including FoxNews.com, Fox News Latino and the Rutland Herald.

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Mpox cases are soaring in Africa – what must be done to prevent a global pandemic

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Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science, University of Hull

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Cheryl Walter does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Hull provides funding as a member of The Conversation UK.

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Handsd with mpox

Alarmed by the surge in mpox cases, the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention has taken the unprecedented step of declaring the outbreak sweeping through African countries a continental public health emergency. A day later, the World Health Organization declared that the outbreak constitutes a global health emergency.

These moves come after a virulent strain of the disease spread rapidly to 16 countries and six new countries were affected in 10 days.

There have been 15,132 mpox confirmed cases in Africa since the beginning of 2024. Some of the countries affected are Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Uganda and Kenya.

Virologist Cheryl Walter sets out some of the reasons the mpox outbreaks are so worrying.

How many strains of mpox are there and which ones should we be worried about?

Mpox is one species of pox virus, such as smallpox and cowpox, characterised by a rash followed by bumps that appear on the skin. With mpox the bumps then fill with liquid and eventually scab over.

As we’ve come to know through diseases such as COVID-19, viruses change genetically and mutate quite quickly.

Mpox is no different, although pox viruses typically mutate much more slowly compared to other viruses, such as HIV. HIV changes approximately every three times a single virus replicates.

There are two strains of mpox – clade I and clade II. Think of them as two big branches on a tree.

Until about five or six years ago these clades weren’t that diverse.

Something has changed. These branches are growing and the leaves on the branches are becoming more numerous. In fact, we have new subclades for both I and II, so two new offshoot branches have appeared.

Clade II is far less dangerous with a case fatality rate of about 0.1% . In other words, roughly one person in a thousand dies.

Now scientists are seeing thousands of cases of clade I being reported in 16 countries in Africa and a case fatality rate of anything from 3% to 4%. That means three or four people in a hundred die. Many cases are children.

Let’s use COVID-19 again as a comparison. It was declared an international public emergency from 30 January 2020 to 31 December 2021, with an estimated case fatality rate of 1.2% .

Mpox is a relatively understudied virus. Until recently there were a handful of confirmed cases every year. It occurred primarily in tropical rainforest areas of central and west Africa. There was very little opportunity for the virus to adapt to a human host.

We don’t understand if genetic changes are making these viruses spread more easily and if the variants in circulation are more dangerous.

We do know the virus is changing and moving through lots of people. Viruses can only mutate when they’re passing through a host such as a human.

The more people it passes through, the more opportunity it has to change and potentially become more virulent or more transmissible.

Now this virus is moving through lots of people, there are lots of these opportunities.

Virus illie

Read more: Mpox: what to watch out for, treatment and what to worry about

How does the disease spread to new areas?

The virus spreads through contact such as sharing utensils, plates, towels and bedding.

Women and children are disproportionately affected through skin-to-skin contact because they are close to each other every day. Children play games in schools and creches and touch objects and each other all the time.

Viruses also spread easily when people live in densely populated, low income areas and can’t isolate themselves because they have to bring in an income.

Two of the other other reasons mpox spreads quickly is the longer incubation period and vague symptoms.

The incubation period ranges quite widely from five to up to 21 days. A person can become infected with mpox during this period and travel to another country and transmit the disease to others.

The initial symptoms are vague and include swollen glands, fever and feeling a bit run down. It is estimated 10% of people infected with mpox are asymptomatic.

It’s only when the rash appears that it might become apparent that it’s not a cold or flu or COVID-19.

To add to that challenge, when children get those rashes they could be mistaken for chickenpox or one of the other childhood infectious diseases.

What emergency measures need to be put in place to ensure the outbreak doesn’t explode into a pandemic?

There are a couple of things stacked against African health agencies trying to contain the virus.

There are few resources to fight this disease and the shortage of vaccines is a major problem. The Africa Centres for Disease Control estimates there are only 200,000 doses available to African countries compared with a demand of at least 10 million.

However, there’s still a lot that can be done.

Testing: This is the number one tool in this fight. We need to know where these cases are and who in the community mpox is passing through. We also need to use this data to trace contacts. We can do this with simple lateral flow tests – using a swab of the nose and/or throat that can be done in the community and give results within 30 minutes.

Messaging: In the previous outbreak across the world, a lot of communications that were going out were aimed at sex workers and men who have sex with men. As a result, people may have thought that this is only a sexually transmitted disease. It’s not.

Now women and children are getting the virus, so communities need to be told what symptoms to look for and what action to take.

Vaccinating: Because mpox is so similar to smallpox, we can use that vaccine. However there are limited stockpiles and we can’t manufacture smallpox vaccines quickly enough. The WHO has called for vaccine candidates for fast approval and distribution.

These measures and others need to be taken urgently to contain and to repress this epidemic before it potentially becomes a global pandemic.

Read more: At what point is a disease deemed to be a global threat? Here's the answer

  • World Health Organization (WHO)
  • Global health emergency

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Cultural Curiosities: A Luxury Moroccan Adventure

  • Craft your own handmade leather journal in a book-binding workshop
  • Explore the roman ruins of Voubilis
  • Wander around the beautiful blue city of Chefchaouen
  • Enjoy a gentle hike through the serene Talassemtane National Park
  • Learn about the development of the Beat generation in Tangier
  • Ride a camel through the desert before camping under the stars in a luxury tent
  • Trek into the foothills of the Atlas Mountains and stay in a remote village overnight

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Fly to Morocco

Your Morocco adventure holiday starts here. Feel like royalty as you skip past the queues with our fast track through check-in and security, accompanied by one of the Original Travel team members. Then sit comfortably in the airport lounge, enjoying free drinks and snacks prior to boarding your short three-and-a-half-hour overnight flight to Casablanca. Once you have cleared customs and collected your luggage, your driver will be waiting to meet you at arrivals, holding a board bearing your name.

Spend the rest of the day in Casablanca relaxing in your hotel or perhaps exploring the city with handy tips from our Concierge.

The Imperial City of Fez

This morning, get up bright and early for your four-hour private transfer to Fez where you will be staying for the next four nights. Once you've settled into your hotel, spend the rest of the day exploring Morocco's oldest Imperial City. Founded approximately 1,200 years ago, Fez is a real beauty, adorned with historical architecture and quintessential streets filled with colourful souqs.

Your expert guide will enrich your knowledge with the history of Fez and how the city evolved over the years. You will visit leather tanneries and Al Qarawiyyin University before stopping for a well-earned lunch in the middle of the medina.

Continue with your guide to the Jewish neighbourhood, 'Mellah', which dates back to the 15th century. Visit the Ibn Danan synagogue and the Jewish Cemetery which contains tombstones that are 400 years old.

End your busy first day in Fez by treating yourself to a relaxing massage in a traditional hammam, the ultimate indulgence after hours spent travelling to get here.

Book-binding Workshop

Get crafting today as you participate in a book-binding workshop. Learn the step-by-step technique of crafting handmade leather journals with long stitches - skills formerly only taught to young Fessi apprentices. Enjoy an afternoon at your own leisure. Consider wandering the wonderful souqs in the medina; here you will find a wealth of wonderful crafts and treasures to browse and perhaps bring home.

Roman Volubilis and Islamic Meknes

Continue your Morocco adventure holiday as you travel back in time on a visit to the ancient Roman ruins of Voubilis. Dating back to the third century B.C. and growing rapidly under Roman rule, the site still contains many well-preserved mosaics which are a spectacle to see.

En route back to Fez, stop in at another of Morocco's imperial cities, Meknes. Capture a picture by the city's famous door - Bab Mansour - and admire the pretty palaces and medersas the city has to offer.


Today your driver will take you on a scenic route across the hilly Rif Mountains. After just over three-and-a-half hours, you will arrive in the famous blue city of Chefchaouen. You will have the afternoon free to explore this dazzling little city. The entirety of Chefchaouen is painted in harmonic blue shades and is a true wonder to see; pictures just don't live up to its grandeur.

The Blue City and Talassemtane

Today you will enrich your knowledge with the history of Chefchaouen before lacing up your hiking boots to discover Talassemtane National Park. A local guide will accompany you around the Moorish fortress of Chefchaouen this morning and teach you about the history of its inhabitants and the reason the city sparkles blue.

Swap urban exploring for a hit of nature in the afternoon while you walk through the sacred landscapes of Talassemtane National Park. Wander along quiet trails through the glorious park and admire the peaceful surroundings.

After a scenic drive across the Rif Mountains, check in to your boutique accommodation and enjoy a beautiful view of Tangier and the Atlantic Ocean while savouring a scrumptious late lunch on the terrace. Today is a day to relax and bask in the warmth of Morocco's sun. Visit one of the nearby Hammams for a soothing massage - well deserved after the busy week you have had so far.

Head to highly acclaimed Cafe Hafa for sunset and sip a customary Moroccan mint tea. This establishment has been visited by many celebrities including The Beatles, Randy Weston and Sean Connery.

History of Tangier

After resting your feet yesterday, today will see you trotting around Tangier to learn about its literary and artistic history. Tangier was a key location in the development of the Beat generation - a post World War II American counterculture movement. Follow in the path of the Beat Generation, from the Socco squares to the Hotel Continental, losing yourself in the American Legation museum and legendary libraries along the way.

Following lunch, delve into the peaceful streets of the Kasbah and its history museum, and then end the day listening to Andalusian musicians in the intimate Les Fils de Detroid.

Relocate to Rabat

Your Morocco adventure holiday continues today with a scenic drive across the Rif Mountains up to the capital of Rabat. After the three-hour drive, enjoy a simple but delicious lunch in a beautiful courtyard restaurant prior to checking into your hotel. The afternoon is yours to spend at your own leisure. Sooth yourself with a traditional Moroccan hammam ritual at the in-house spa, or relax in the sun and lose yourself in a good book. Rabat is a haven of peace and greenery, ideal for a leisurely stroll before a nourishing Moroccan dinner.

Rabat to Marrakech

Take in views of the beautifully blue Bouregreg river, sprinkled with small rowing boats, as you take a tour of Rabat and delve into its historical past. Starting at the picturesque Chellah necropolis, you will be lead towards Hassan tower and the Mausoleum of Mahammed V. stopping for some unmissable mint tea in the Oudaya Kasbah, accompanied by marvellous views over the Atlantic Ocean.

Following a fresh lunch, rest your feet while your driver transfers you to your hotel in Marrakech, a journey that will take approximately three-and-a-half hours.

Massages in Marrakech

Enjoy a relaxing day at your hotel today. With five riads, the hotel is designed to feel as though you are living in one of the city's old palaces. Boasting one of the best spas in the city, complete with two traditional hammam steam rooms, this is the ideal time to indulge in the remarkable Moroccan massages and wellness treatments.

In the evening, your guide will take you to the magical medina of Marrakech, where you will tour the tastiest food stalls and visit a myriad of souqs - a must on your Morocco adventure holiday.

Marrakech and Jardin Marjorelle

Lose yourself in history and Moroccan culture today as you explore Bahia Palace, the Saadian tombs, the Secret Garden and the Koutoubia Mosque. Stop for lunch in the medina before visiting Jardin Marjorelle, a sprawling, colourful botanical garden. The property was purchased by the fashion designers Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Berge in the 1980s, and is now open to the public. The garden homes the Islamic Art Museum, the Berber Museum and the Yves Saint Laurent Museum, all well worth a visit.

Day at Leisure in Marrakech

After the whirlwind of activities on your Morocco adventure holiday, today is yours to do as you wish. Perhaps you fancy exploring the souqs to stock up on gifts and souvenirs or pop back to a museum if you missed one yesterday. Tuck into a light lunch in the peaceful courtyard of a local non-profit restaurant and come evening, enjoy an animated dinner with live music performances and belly dancing shows.

Desert Stay and Camping

Your Morocco adventure holiday continues today with an epic four-and-a-half-hour drive across the stunning Atlas Mountains and into the southern desert. Here, you will get to enjoy the unforgettable experience of camping in the desert. With unpolluted skies, you'll enjoy some of the best star gazing conditions in the world. You will be spending the night in a luxury tented camp in Skoura, one of Morocco's magnificent oases. During your stay you will have your own private driver and guide, and have the option to partake in a host of amazing activities including camel back riding across the savannah and a romantic walk through the Valley of Roses.

Atlas Mountains

From the southern desert, travel to the foothills of the Atlas Mountains. After a six-hour drive, check into your hotel and gaze, wide-eyed, over the beautiful snow-capped peaks towering above the desert floor. Spend the next couple of days trekking or biking with an experienced guide through walnut groves and past Berber goatherds. If you're feeling adventurous, try an overnight trip to a remote village, accompanied by a donkey laden with all the necessary food and bedding for an overnight stay.

Meet your private driver today and travel to the breezy city of Casablanca on the Atlantic coast. The drive should take approximately three-hours-and-forty-minutes depending on traffic. Casablanca became the chief port of Morocco during the French protectorate and since then has grown and developed rapidly. This is a wonderful city for travellers who want to feel like a local, rather than a tourist.

While the sun is beaming, lose yourself in the Art Deco and Habbous neighbourhoods, and visit the impressive Hassan II mosque - the largest mosque in Africa, and the second tallest in the world.

After a dip in a Turkish bath, don your finest clothes and experience Casablanca's vibrant nightlife; the perfect way to celebrate the success of your Morocco adventure holiday.

After a lazy morning, pop down to the nearby souqs to spend your last few dirhams. Sip mint tea and soak up your final bit of sun. The day is yours to relax and enjoy the final moments of your Morocco adventure holiday. When you are ready, your driver will be waiting to take you on the short forty-minute drive to the airport for your flight home.

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