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An assessment of facilities and services at Anganwadi centers under the Integrated Child Development Service scheme in Northeast District of Delhi, India
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Akash Malik, Meenakshi Bhilwar, Neeti Rustagi, Davendra K. Taneja, An assessment of facilities and services at Anganwadi centers under the Integrated Child Development Service scheme in Northeast District of Delhi, India, International Journal for Quality in Health Care , Volume 27, Issue 3, June 2015, Pages 201–206, https://doi.org/10.1093/intqhc/mzv028
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The current study was aimed to assess the facilities and services being provided at the Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) by the Anganwadi workers with regards to the norms laid down by Integrated Child development Service (ICDS) scheme, with special emphasis on the children of 0–6 years of age.
Cross-sectional study.
A resettlement colony of North-West District of Delhi, having a population of hundred thousand.
A total of 41 AWCs were present in the study area and were included in our study. The Anganwadi workers at these AWCs were interviewed.
The outcome measures were the facilities present at the AWCs and knowledge of Anganwadi workers regarding the services to be provided and revised supplementary nutrition norms laid down by ICDS.
The AWCs in the area were covered under three projects namely Project A, B and C consisting of 18, 9 and 14 AWCs, respectively. The mean room size for all the AWCs was 108.97 ± 62.18 square feet. A weighing machine was present in 29 (70.7%) of the AWCs. Growth charts for growth monitoring of children were present in 28 (68.3%) of AWCs. A drug kit was not present in 14 (34.1%) of the 41 AWCs. The mean number of children of 0–3 years enrolled per AWC was 45.78 ± 14.07. However, the mean number of children present at the time of the visit at the AWCs was 6.24 ± 5.39. Knowledge of Anganwadi workers regarding revised norms for calorie and protein for beneficiaries was found to be poor.
This study showed a lack of facilities at the AWCs and poor knowledge of Anganwadi workers. Thus a regular training and supportive supervision of the Anganwadi workers is recommended along with the availability of adequate facilities and infrastructures.
Integrated Child development Service (ICDS) scheme started by the government of India in 1975 is a multi-sectoral endeavour which aims at integrated delivery of a package of services for children of 0–6 years of age, pregnant and lactating mothers and adolescent girls from disadvantaged sections belonging to poorest of the poor families ( http://wcd.nic.in/icds/icds.aspx ). The key objectives of this scheme are to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age group 0–6 years; to lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child; to reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout; to achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation among the various departments to promote child development; and to enhance the capability of mothers to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of their children through proper nutrition and health education. The above objectives are sought to be achieved through a package of services comprising supplementary nutrition and growth monitoring; immunization; health check-up; health referral services; non-formal pre-school education and health and nutrition education to be provided at all Anganwadi Centres (AWCs). The key functionary of ICDS scheme is the Anganwadi worker, an honorary worker who belongs to the community and caters to a population of ∼1000 people each. After more than 35 years of its existence, the ICDS scheme stands as the world's most unique and largest community-based outreach system for women and child development. After the immense success in initial years, the scheme was universalized to the whole country during the 10th 5-year plan by the government of India ( http://wcd.nic.in/icds/icds.aspx ). The efforts continued into the 11th 5-year plan, during which several changes were brought about to strengthen the scheme ( http://wcd.nic.in/icds/icds.aspx ) [ 1 ].
Currently, the ICDS scheme stands with strength of 12.41 lakh AWCs ( http://wcd.nic.in/icds/icds.aspx ). Thus, for the attainment of ICDS scheme goals, the Anganwadi worker at each AWC needs to be equipped with adequate infrastructure, functional equipment, tools and drugs. Furthermore, she should be aware of the norms regarding nutrition and other key services to be provided under the scheme.
The objective of this study was to assess the facilities and services available at the AWCs. The study also aimed to document the knowledge and practices of Anganwadi workers regarding the services being delivered through ICDS.
Study area and design
A cross-sectional study was designed in a resettlement colony of the Northeast District of Delhi with a population of around 1 lakh. According to the economic survey of Delhi, 2002 slums have been categorized typologically into eight types. Resettlement colonies are a type of slums which were formed in Delhi under a scheme wherein the residents of the slums were relocated in permanent colonies ( http://delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/connect/cbe80e00402738b9b36dbba13b643d8e/relocation+of+slum+and+jj+new.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&lmod=-1999015349&CACHEID=cbe80e00402738b9b36dbba13b643d8e ). We covered all AWCs operational in this resettlement colony.
Study period
The study was conducted from September to November 2011, during which regular visits were made to the AWCs between 11:30 am to 1:00 pm on designated days. The reason for choosing this time period for visits was that supplementary nutrition was usually distributed to the beneficiaries during this time, which ensured the presence of maximum number of beneficiaries at the time of the visit.
Sample size
It was decided to include all the AWCs in the area. Thus, a total of 41 AWCs under three projects A, B and C consist of 18, 9 and 14 AWCs, respectively, were covered.
Data collection
Data was collected by two Postgraduate Students of Department of Community Medicine, Maulana Azad Medical College and LN Hospital, New Delhi, who were trained in research techniques. During visits, a pre-designed, pre-tested semi-structured Performa was used to assess the adequacy of infrastructure, equipment and tools at each AWC. We also assessed whether the Anganwadi workers were aware of the services to be provided by them and were they actually providing these services. The questionnaires were standardized and pilot tested before data collection to ensure homogeneity of data. The principal investigator randomly checked the filled Performas to check for the accuracy of data.
Data analysis
The data were entered, tabulated and analysed using EpiInfo 7 ( http://www.cdc.gov/epiinfo ) and Excel 2010 ( http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/excel ) Softwares. The data were regularly checked for any errors. Qualitative data were expressed as proportions and percentages and quantitative data were expressed as means and standard deviations (SDs).
Three projects, namely Project A, B and C consisting of 18, 9 and 14 AWCs, respectively, were covered (Table 1 ). Five of the nine AWCs under Project B and 1 of 14 AWCs under Project C were started in April 2011 i.e. 7 months prior to the completion of the study period, whereas the rest of the AWCs were functional for more than 2 decades. More than 50% of the Anganwadi workers were either graduates or had passed higher secondary (12th Standard). The mean number of children aged 0–3 years enrolled per AWC was 45.78 ± 14.07. The mean number of children aged 3–6 years enrolled was 37.34 ± 11.08.
Facilities available at the Anganwadi Centres in the three projects, respectively
Infrastructure at AWCs
The mean room size of AWCs was 108.97 ± 62.18 square feet. A source of cross-ventilation was present in 66.7% AWCs in Project A, 55.6% in Project B and 71.4% in Project C. The mean door and window area expressed as percentage of floor area in each of the three projects was 27.85 ± 12.11, 20.92 ± 7.17 and 23.17 ± 9.18% for Projects A, B and C, respectively (Table 2 ).
Supplies available at the Anganwadi Centres in the three projects, respectively
The source of light was natural in 14.6% AWCs and the rest had an artificial source which consisted of a tube light in 36.6%, a CFL in 43.9% and a bulb in 4.9% of AWCs. However, it was possible to read a newspaper print, in any part of the room in only 65.9% of the AWCs (84.3, 64.3 and 33.3% AWCs in Projects A, B and C, respectively).
The source of drinking water supply was tap water (from the Delhi Jal Board) in all the AWCs. However, the storage of drinking water was found to be hygienic in only 78% of AWCs. Similarly, the method of drawing water for drinking was found to be hygienic in 80% of AWCs. A toilet was present in 88.9, 55.6 and 85.7% of AWCs in projects A, B and C, respectively. Sitting arrangement for children (rug/carpet) was present in 37 (90.24%) AWCs.
Equipment, tools and drugs available at the AWCs
A weighing machine was present in 29 (70.7%) of the AWCs. Five (83.33%) of the six new AWCs did not have a weighing machine and the one AWC (Project B) which had a weighing machine (bathroom scale) shared it with AWCs of other projects. The type of weighing machine and their working conditions also varied among the AWCs Table 2 .
World Health Organization recommended growth charts for growth monitoring of children were present in 28 (68.3%) of AWCs. Tools for non-formal pre-school education of 3–6 years children were present in 39 (95.12%) of the 41 AWCs.
As per norms, each of the Anganwadi workers is to be provided with a drug kit with seven essential items, namely, tablet paracetamol, syrup paracetamol, sulphacetamide eye drops, tablet mebendazole, gentian violet paint, cotton roll and bandages. A drug kit was not present in 14 (34.1%) of the total AWCs. None of the six new AWCs had received the drug kits, yet (since 7 months). As a result, the availability of drugs also varied among the AWCs.
Knowledge and practices of Anganwadi workers
The mean number of children present at the time of the visit to the AWCs was 6.24 ± 5.39 Table 3 .
Knowledge and practices of the Anganwadi workers in the three projects, respectively
As per norms for administering supplementary nutrition to children, food must be provided in the form of both a morning snack and cooked meals. Food was administered in the form of only morning snack in 2 (4.9%) AWCs, only cooked meal in 9 (22%) AWCs and as morning snack and cooked meal in 30 (73.2%) of AWCs.
The AWWs are expected to maintain the 10 types of records as per norms, including Anganwadi Survey Register, Supplementary Nutrition and Pre-school Education Register, Immunization Register Services for Pregnant and Lactating Mothers registers Mortality register and Daily diary. The records were maintained by 68–100% of AWWs depending upon the type of record.
Knowledge of Anganwadi workers regarding the revised norms for calorie, protein and the revised norms of rupees allocated for nutrition for each beneficiary was inadequate. For example the revised norms for calories for pregnant and lactating mothers, children 0–6 years and malnourished children were known to 19.5, 4.9 and 4.9% AWWs, respectively. However, knowledge about the indications of drugs present in the drug kit was good with 65–90% of AWWs being aware of the correct indication of the drugs.
The current study aimed to assess the adequacy of the infrastructure, facilities, equipment and drugs in the AWCs, largely looking at the basic infrastructure and services that should be available. This study also documented the knowledge and practices of the Anganwadi workers under the Integrated Child Development Service scheme.
The average space available in the AWCs in our study was 108.97 ± 62.18 square feet, whereas the average number of children of 3–6 years of age enrolled was 37.34 ± 11.08, thus allowing space of approximately 3 square feet per child. The lack of adequate space, lighting and ventilation are known to hasten the spread of communicable diseases. Though no norms have been laid for the average area per child under ICDS, it is much less than the recommended per capita space of 10 square feet for students in schools of India [ 2 ]. An appraisal of ICDS done in 2006 also reported that ∼36% of Anganwadis in urban areas lacked adequate indoor space [ 3 ]. A study was done in Chandauli district of Uttar Pradesh which also found that none of the 20 AWCs had adequate indoor or outdoor space [ 4 ]. Furthermore, ∼35% of the AWCs lacked proper lighting and ventilation in our study. These findings are in agreement with the recent study by Thakare et al . where nearly 75% of the AWCs lacked a fan, and 36% lacked proper lighting [ 5 ].
In the current study, ∼20% of the AWCs lacked a toilet, while the study by Thakare et al . found that 56% of AWCs lacked a toilet facility [ 5 ]. None of the studies reported the presence of child-friendly toilets in any of the AWCs. Lack of proper toilets has also been reported by other studies done in various states of India [ 6–10 ]. Storage of drinking water and the method of drawing water were found to be unhygienic in 20% of the AWCs. Though none of the previous studies have commented on this aspect; however, they have reported that hand pumps and tap water were the main sources of water in the majority of the AWCs [ 3 ]. Also in contrast to the current study, previous studies done in Delhi and Rajasthan have reported that only 58 and 53% centres had access to clean drinking water, respectively [ 4 , 10 ]. Similarly, Thakare et al . reported in their study that 35% of the AWCs lacked a piped water supply [ 5 ]. An evaluation of ICDS done by the Program Evaluation Organization of the Planning commission in 2009 reported that 87% of the centres had some drinking water supply, which is in agreement with the current study [ 11 ]. To control the spread of water-borne infections, which are one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the children not only the availability of safe drinking water is important but also its hygienic storage.
The effect of the lack of proper infrastructure was reflected by the poor attendance of children of 3–6 years at the AWCs (mean ± SD, 6.24 ± 5.39) which was only ∼17% of the total number of children enrolled in this age group. In an agreement with the present study, a previous study done in Delhi reported that only 43% of beneficiaries utilized the services of pre-school education [ 12 ]. Another study in Delhi found that only 3% of the beneficiaries took food at the AWCs [ 4 ]. Also, a study done in Madhya Pradesh reported that attendance was very short in the AWCs. For pre-school activities, there were always fewer children than at the time of supplementary nutrition [ 13 ].
Regarding the services available at the AWCs the current study found that nearly 30% of the AWCs did not have weighing scales, growth charts, drug kits and tools for pre-school education, which as per norms every AWC should have. In an agreement with our findings, the study done by Thakare et al . also reported that nearly 21% of AWCs lacked growth charts and 29% lacked educational material. Further, they report that 7% of AWCs lacked a weighing machine and in 14% it was not in a working condition [ 5 ]. Also, a study conducted in West Bengal reported that in ∼30% of the AWCs the weighing scales were either out of order or were kept in safe custody and not used [ 14 ]. Another study done in Madhya Pradesh reported that only 72% of the studied centres were having Salter weighing machine, only 66% centres were having adult weighing machines and only 58% centres were having growth registers [ 15 ]. The lack of weighing scales, growth charts and tools for pre-school education suggest that the AWCs are not able to fulfil the basic objectives with which the ICDS scheme was started.
The knowledge about the revised and pre-revised guidelines for the cost and calories allocated for the beneficiaries under ICDS was very poor among the Anganwadi workers. Without the knowledge of these norms, the workers may not be providing adequate services to the beneficiaries. This also suggests that the training activities of the Anganwadi workers have largely remained unsuccessful.
The strength of the current study lies in the large number of Anganwadis covered (catering to a population of more than 1 lakh) under three projects, which reiterates that the lack of services is not limited to any single project area. The study has conducted a comprehensive assessment of all the services and facilities along with knowledge and practice of the AWWs. Furthermore, the study also brings out the fact that some of the deficiencies have been existing for more than a decade, suggesting that the ICDS scheme has not been adequately monitored and evaluated on a regular basis. Also, the lack of knowledge among AWWs regarding the revised norms further raises a question of whether any supportive supervision or hand holding is being implemented in the ICDS scheme.
The major limitation of the study was that a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the cause of these deficiencies in services provided by these facilities was not assessed. The study also did not undertake assessment of knowledge and practices of Anganwadi workers at these facilities.
The study observed deficiency in the provision of services at the AWCs along with inadequate knowledge among Anganwadi workers regarding revised nutrition norms. The fact that the deficiency and inadequacy is not limited to any one project area suggests an urgent need to monitor and evaluate the scheme at all levels through effective supervision at each tier and to take corrective actions accordingly. Anganwadi workers need to be trained regularly and their knowledge updated from time to time followed by timely quality assurance of services. There is also a need to address the problems faced by the workers while delivering their duties.
Malik formulated the research question and contributed to designing the study, carried out the field investigations, carried out the initial data analyses, and drafted the initial manuscript.
Bhilwar contributed in developing standard operating procedures, carried out field investigations, contributed in field investigations, data analysis and interpretation and contributed in drafting the manuscript.
Rustagi contributed to designing the study, supervised the clinical data collection and management, and contributed to developing the standard operating procedures.
Taneja formulated the research question and contributed to designing the study, contributed to developing the standard operating procedures, implemented randomization and blinding, and reviewed and revised the manuscript; supervised the data collection; and interpreted the findings.
All authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
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State Specific Report on Visit to Anganwadi Centres(2017-18)
Visit to Anganwadi Centres- State Specific Report (2017-18)
Central Monitoring Unit, Monitoring & Evaluation Division National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development 5, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi – 110016
List of Contents Page No. Abbreviations 1
Number of AWCs Visited during 2017-18 2 Total 3-5
Andhra Pradesh 6-7 Arunachal Pradesh 8-9 Assam 10-11
Bihar 12-13
Haryana 14-15 Jammu & Kashmir 16-17 Jharkhand 18-19
Karnataka 20-21
Kerala 22-23 Madhya Pradesh 24-25 Maharashtra 26-27
Manipur 28-29
Meghalaya 30-31 Nagaland 32-33 Puducherry 34-35
Rajasthan 36-37 Tamil Nadu 38-39 Telangana 40-41 Tripura 42-43
Uttar Pradesh 44-45 West Bengal 46-47 Major Observations and Recommendations 48-80 Annexure 81-189
ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife AWC Anganwadi Centre AWW Anganwadi Worker BRGF Backward Regions Grant Fund CSR Corporate Social Responsibility GOI Government of India GOVT. Government HCM Hot cooked Meal ICDS Integrated Child Development Services MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act MLALAD Member of Legislative Assembly Local area Development MPLAD Members of Parliament Local Area Development MSDP Multi Sectoral Development Programme MS Morning Snacks NRC Nutrition Rehabilitation Centre P&LM Pregnant Women & Lactating Mother PHC Primary Health Centre PRI Panchayti Raj Institution PSE Pre School Education RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund SN Supplementary Nutrition THR Take Home Ration UT Union Territory WHO World Health Organization
Number of Anganwadi Centres visited in the year 2017-18
S.No Name of the No. visited in the year 2017-18 State/UT Districts Projects AWCs
1 Andhra Pradesh 4 5 25 2 Arunachal Pradesh 3 6 137 3 Assam 7 13 434
4 Bihar 1 4 30 5 Haryana 2 14 555 6 Jammu & Kashmir 1 7 239 7 Jharkhand 4 17 411
8 Karnataka 1 1 5 9 Kerala 3 7 167 10 Madhya Pradesh 4 4 20
11 Maharashtra 5 6 31
12 Manipur 5 7 200 13 Meghalaya 2 2 17 14 Nagaland 2 2 10
15 Puducherry 1 1 13
16 Rajasthan 9 17 491 17 Tamilnadu 1 3 15 18 Telangana 2 2 10
19 Tripura 2 2 10
20 Uttar Pradesh 8 8 40 21 West Bengal 3 23 206 Total 70 151 3066
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational
No. Of ICDS Projects 7075 7075 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 1400000 1362847
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 70 151 3066
IMPLEMENTATION OF ANGANWADI SERVICES SCHEME At the grass root level, the services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are delivered by AWCs/Mini AWCs. The Target Groups of Anganwadi Services Scheme are children below 6 years, Pregnant & Lactating Mothers and all eligible women in the reproductive age group.
There are 13.62 lakh operational AWCs out of 14.00 lakh sanctioned AWCs in the country. Of these 3066 AWCs in 151 ICDS Projects of 70 districts in 21 States/UTs were visited by Officials of CMU, M.E Division, NIPCCD during 2017-18.Out of 3066 visited AWCs, 2525 AWCs were found open and remaining 541 (17.65%) AWCs were found closed.
Out of 2525 opened AWCs, 1971 (78.06%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 554 (21.94%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 1575 (62.38%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 950 (37.62%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 1651 (65.39%) AWCs and 1818 (72%) AWCs. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 1243 (49.23%) AWCs. The concerned State Govt. and UT Administration have been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 1852 (73.35%) AWCs. 1069 (42.34%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 1456 (56.66%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt./UT administration have been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 2525 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 2469 (97.78%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 2134 (86.43%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt./UT Administration have been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target groups. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 69.78 percent, 52.20 percent and 73.19 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 1443 (57.15%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 66402 registered children (3-6 years), 44106 (66.42%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 73527 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 62772 (85.37%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 945 registered Severely Underweight children, 910 (96.30%) children were found availing SN and remaining 35 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 15852 pregnant women registered for SN, 14167 (89.37%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 14944 (87.39 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 17100 registered.
State Govt./UT Administration have been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme. The concerned State Govt. has also been requested to provide SN to beneficiaries, with no interruption, as per prescribed nutritional and cost norms under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among them. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 1187 AWCs (47.01%) had baby weighing scale and 971 AWCs (38.46%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at 1690 (66.93%) AWCs.
The concerned State Govt./UT Admn. have been requested to arrange for availability of baby & adult weighing scales and new WHO child growth charts at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 1558 (61.70%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 670 (26.53%) AWCs. State Govt./UT Administration have been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 66402 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 44106 children (66.42%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt./UT Administration has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre- school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 18273 children who completed one year, 14161 children (77.5%) were fully immunized. States/UT have been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 257 257 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 55607 55606
No. of District No. Of ICDS Projects No. of AWCs Visited Visited Visited 4 5 25
INFRASTRUCTURE Out of 25 AWCs, 16 (64%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 9 (36%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 10 (40%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 15 (60%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 19 (76%) AWCs and 16 (64%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 21 (84%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of toilet and drinking water facility was noticed in 72 percent and 88 percent of the AWCs. There is a need to provided toilet facilities in 28 percent of the AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
All the Anganwadi Workers have received job training. However, they are required to be trained on Growth Monitoring.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 100 percent, 92 percent and 96 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was not seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in AWCs.
It was found that out of 499 registered children (3-6 years), 411 (82.36%) received SN. Similarly, out of 761 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 758 (99.61%) received SN at AWCs. Out of 9 registered Severely Underweight children, all (100%) were found availing SN. Out of 160 pregnant women registered for SN, all (100%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 115 (97.46 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 118 registered. State
Govt. has been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme.
The State Govt. has also been requested to provide SN to beneficiaries, as per prescribed nutritional and cost norms for 300 days in a year under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
GROWTH MONITORING AND PROMOTION Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among them. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. All AWCs (100%) had baby weighing scale and 12 AWCs (48%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
The concerned State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of adult weighing scales at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centred on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 92 percent of Anganwadi centres. Similarly, Medicine kits were found available in 36 percent of the AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 98 98 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 6225 6225
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 3 6 137
Out of 137 AWCs, 79 (57.66%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 58 (42.34%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 122 (89.05%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 15 (10.95%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 72 (52.55%) AWCs and 116 (84.67%) AWCs respectively. The non-availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 73 (53.28%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging fund in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of toilet and drinking water facility was noticed in 21.90 percent and 45.99 percent of the AWCs. There is a need to provided toilet facilities in 78.10 percent of the AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
Out of 137 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 135 (98.54%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 99 (73.33%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme. However, they are also required to be trained on Growth Monitoring.
SUPPLEMENTARY NUTRITION As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 66.42 percent, 7.30 percent and 29.20 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 132 (96.35%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 1846 registered children (3-6 years), 1348 (73.02%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 1458 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 1224 (83.95%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 141 pregnant women registered for SN, 114 (80.85%)
pregnant women received SN and similarly, 248 (70.25 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 353 registered.
State Govt. has been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme. The State Govt. has also been requested to provide SN to beneficiaries, with no interruption, as per prescribed nutritional and cost norms under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
GROWTH MONITORING AND PROMOTION Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 42 AWCs (30.66%) had baby weighing scale and 20 AWCs (14.60%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at only 27 (19.71%) AWCs.
The State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of baby & adult weighing scales and new WHO child growth charts at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 117(85.40%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available in 82 (59.85%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1846 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 1384 children (66.42%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
IMMUNIZATION AND HEALTH CHECK-UP . Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 301 children who completed one year, 249 children (82.70%) were fully immunized. States has been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
STATE: ASSAM No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 231 231 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 62153 62153
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 7 13 434
Out of 434 visited AWCs one AWC was found closed at the time of visit, for which State Govt. has already been intimated.
Out of 433 opened AWCs, 400 (92.38%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 33 (7.62%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 362 (83.60%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 71 (16.40%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 311 (71.82%) AWCs and 393 (90.76%) AWCs. The non-availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 154 (35.57%) AWCs are a matter of concern. The concerned State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc. The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 185 (42.73%) AWCs. 116 (26.79%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 317 (73.21%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 433 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 431 (96.29%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 415 (96.29%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme. However, they are also required to be trained on Growth Monitoring.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 68.82 percent, 2.31 percent and 94.46 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 425 (98.15%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 11895 registered children (3-6 years), 9554 (80.32%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 11678 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 10067 (86.20%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 57 registered Severely Underweight children, 52 (91.23%) children were found availing SN and remaining 5 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 2079 pregnant women registered for SN, 1805 (86.82%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 1855 (88.21%) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 2103 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 81 AWCs (18.71%) had baby weighing scale and 106 AWCs (24.48%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 416 (96.07%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 382 (88.22%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 32 (7.39%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION Out of 11895 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 9554 children (80.32%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 3104 children who completed one year, 1717 children (55.32%) were fully immunized. States/UTs have been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 544 544 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 115009 91677
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 1 4 30
Out of 30 AWCs, 20 (66.67%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 10 (33.33%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 3 (10%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 27 (90%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 13 (43.33%) AWCs and 15 (50%) AWCs respectively. The non-availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 27 (90%) AWCs are a matter of concern. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 12 (40%) AWCs. 4 (13.33%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 26 (86.66%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 30 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, all AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 28 (93.33%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 70 percent, 96.67 percent and 100 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 21 (70%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 1325 registered children (3-6 years), 623 (47.02%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 1195 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 1076 (90.04%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 338 registered Severely Underweight children, 336
(99.41%) children were found availing SN and remaining 2 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. All 243 pregnant women registered for SN, were received SN and similarly, all 247 registered lactating mothers were found availing SN.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 20 AWCs (66.67%) had baby weighing scale and 23 AWCs (76.67%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at only 7 (23.33%) AWCs.
The concerned State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of baby & adult weighing scales and new WHO child growth charts at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 26 (86.67%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was not found available in any of the visited AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1325 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 623 children (47.02%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. All 457 children (100%) who completed one year were fully immunized.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 148 148 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 25962 25962
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 2 14 555
Out of 555 visited AWCs 489 (88.11%) AWCs were found closed at the time of visit, for which State Govt. has already been intimated.
Out of 66 opened AWCs, All (100%) AWCs were located in pucca building. 44 (66.67%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 22 (33.33%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 59 (89.39%) AWCs and 55 (83.33%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) is found in 51 (77.27%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 65 (98.48%) AWCs. 57 (86.36%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 66 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 64 (96.97%) AWWs were found present during visit. All the Anganwadi Workers had received job training.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 60.61 percent, 81.82 percent and 100 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 42 (63.64%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 2321 registered children (3-6 years), 443 (19.09%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 2015 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 1547 (76.77%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 17 registered Severely Underweight children, 14 (82.35%)
children were found availing SN and remaining 2 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 411 pregnant women registered for SN, 320 (77.86%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 352 (78.92 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 446 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. All AWCs (100%) had baby weighing scale and 38 AWCs (57.58%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 65 (98.48%) AWCs.
The concerned State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of adult weighing scales and new WHO child growth charts at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 63 (95.45%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 5 (7.58%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 2321 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 443 children (19.09%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 796 children who completed one year, 621 children (78.02%) were fully immunized. States has been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 141 141 No.of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 31938 29599
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 1 7 239
Out of 239 AWCs, 172 (71.97%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 67 (28.03%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 22 (9.21%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 217 (91.18%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 159 (66.53%) AWCs and 169 (70.71%) AWCs respectively. The non-availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 188 (78.66%) AWCs are a matter of concern. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 194 (81.17%) AWCs. 56 (23.43%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 183 (76.57%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 239 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 232 (97.07%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 207 (89.22%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 69.04 percent, 34.73 percent and 87.03 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 113 (47.28%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 1884 registered children (3-6 years), 1771 (94%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 2965 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 2759 (93.05%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 24 registered Severely Underweight children, 23 (95.83%)
children were found availing SN and remaining one Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 718 pregnant women registered for SN, 678 (94.43%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 468 (52.35%) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 894 registered.
State Govt. has been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme. The concerned State Govt. has also been requested to provide SN to beneficiaries, with no interruption, as per prescribed nutritional and cost norms under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 90 AWCs (37.66%) had baby weighing scale and 3 AWCs (1.26%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 3 (1.26%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 90 (37.66%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was not found available in any of the AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1884 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 1771 children (94%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 224 224 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 38432 38432
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 4 17 411
Out of 411 visited AWCs 6 (1.46%) AWCs were found closed at the time of visit, for which State Govt. has already been intimated. INFRASTRUCTURE
Out of 405 opened AWCs, 303 (74.81%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 102 (25.19%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 234 (57.78%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 171 (42.22%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 159 (39.26%) AWCs and 235 (58.02%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 221 (54.57%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 231 (57.04%) AWCs. 72 (17.78%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 333 (82.22%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 405 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 383 (94.57%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 320 (83.55%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 77.28 percent, 77.53 percent and 56.30 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 375 (92.59%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 15870 registered children (3-6 years), 10351 (65.22%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 21564 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 20070 (93.07%)
children received SN at AWCs. Out of 114 registered Severely Underweight children, 106 (92.98%) children were found availing SN and remaining 8 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 5051 pregnant women registered for SN, 4682 (92.69%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 5300 (92.32%) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 5741 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 155 AWCs (38.27%) had baby weighing scale and 83 AWCs (20.49%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 242 (59.75%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 80 (19.75%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 7 (1.73%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 15870 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 10351 children (65.22%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 5078 children who completed one year, 3893 children (76.66%) were fully immunized. States has been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 204 204 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 65911 65911
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited
Out of 5 AWCs, 3 (60%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 2 (40%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. All (100%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in all (100%) AWCs. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in all (100%) AWCs. The availability of drinking water and toilet facilities was noticed in all (100%) AWCs.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 5 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, all (100%) AWWs were found present during visit and all of them, had received job training.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by all (100%) of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was not seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in AWCs.
It was found that out of 112 registered children (3-6 years), 93 (83.04%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 122 registered children (6 months to 3 years), all (100%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 40 pregnant women registered for SN, all (100%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, all (100 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 35 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during
pregnancy and delivery. 155 AWCs (38.27%) had baby weighing scale and 83 AWCs (20.49%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
The State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of baby & adult weighing scales at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits and Medicine Kits have been reported from all (100%) Anganwadi Centres.
Out of 112 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 93 children (83.04%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 258 258 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 33318 33244
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects No. of AWCs Visited Visited 3 7 167
Out of 167 visited AWCs one AWC was found closed at the time of visit, for which State Govt. has already been intimated.
Out of 166 opened AWCs, 163 (98.19%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 3 (1.80%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 153 (92.17%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 13 (7.83%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 122 (73.49%) AWCs and 148 (89.16%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in all (100%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 154 (92.77%) AWCs. 153 (92.17%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE All (100%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 156 (93.98%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by all (100%) the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was not seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in any of the AWCs.
It was found that out of 5261 registered children (3-6 years), 2538 (48.24%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 5294 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 2286 (43.18%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 29 registered Severely Underweight children, 20 (68.97%) children were found availing SN and remaining 9 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 1219 pregnant women registered for SN, 883 (72.44%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 775 (71.63 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 1082 registered.
GROWTH MONITORING AND PROMOTION Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. All AWCs (100%) had baby weighing scale and 96 AWCs (57.83%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION Out of 5261 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 2538 children (48.24%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 1183 children who completed one year, 1071 children (90.53%) were fully immunized. States has been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 453 453 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 97135 97132
Out of 20 AWCs, 17 (85%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 3 (15 %) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 14 (70%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 6 (30%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 16 (80%) AWCs and 13 (65%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 7 (35%) AWCs are a matter of concern. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 19 (95%) AWCs. 9 (45%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 11 (55%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE All (100%) AWWs were found present during visit and all of them had received job training.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 100 percent, 65 percent and 100 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 6 (30%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 1010 registered children (3-6 years), 504 (49.90%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 1060 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 956 (90.19%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 35 registered Severely Underweight children, all (100%) children were found availing SN and remaining. Out of 220 pregnant women registered for SN, 217 (98.64%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 180 (99.45 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 181 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 14 AWCs (70%) had baby weighing scale and 14 AWCs (70%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 12 (60%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 18 (90%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1010 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 504 children (49.90%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 553 553 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 110486 109779
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 5 6 31
Out of 31 AWCs, 26 (83.87%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 5 (16.13%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 28 (90.32%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 3 (9.68%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 27 (87.10%) AWCs. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 22 (70.97%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 28 (90.32%) AWCs. 21 (67.74%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 10 (32.26%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 31 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 30 (96.67%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 29 (96.67%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 93.55 percent, 77.42 percent and 96.77 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 4 (12.90%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 1095 registered children (3-6 years), 567 (51.78%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 1022 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 818 (80.04%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 30 registered Severely Underweight children, all children were found availing SN. Out of 222 pregnant women registered for SN, 201 (90.54%) pregnant
women received SN and similarly, 149 (83.71%) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 178 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 23 AWCs (74.19%) had baby weighing scale and 19 AWCs (61.29%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits and Medicine Kits has not been reported from any of the Anganwadi Centres. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1095 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 567 children (51.78%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 13 children who completed one year, all children (100%) were found fully immunized.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 43 43 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 11510 11510
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 5 7 200
Out of 200 AWCs, 111 (55.50%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 89 (44.50%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 56 (28%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 144 (72%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 114 (57%) AWCs and 126 (63%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 121 (60.50%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 184 (92%) AWCs. 145 (72.50%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 200 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, all AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 179 (89.50%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration was not distributed by any of the AWCs. Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 7.50 percent and 10 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 168 (84%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 3814 registered children (3-6 years), 3427 (89.85%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 3241 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 3188 (98.36%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 2 registered Severely Underweight children, both children were found availing SN. Out of 525 pregnant women registered for SN, 524 (99.81%) pregnant
women received SN and similarly, 631 (99.68 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 633 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 19 AWCs (9.50%) had baby weighing scale and 20 AWCs (10%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 108 (54%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 1558 (61.70%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 670 (26.53%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION Out of 3814 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 3427 children (89.85%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 936 children who completed one year, 676 children (72.22%) were fully immunized. States/UTs have been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 41 41 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 5896 5896
No. of District No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 2 2 17
Out of 17 opened AWCs, all (100%) AWCs were located in pucca building. 5 (29.41%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 12 (70.59%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 12 (70.59%) AWCs and 15 (88.24%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 14 (82.35%) AWCs. The State Govt. have been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 6 (35.29%) AWCs. 4 (23.53%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 13 (76.47%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 17 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, all (100%) AWWs were found present during visit and all AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 100 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was not seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in any of the AWCs.
It was found that out of 963 registered children (3-6 years), 738 (76.64%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 865 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 821 (94.91%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 2 registered Severely Underweight children, 2 (100%) children were found availing SN. Out of 150 pregnant women registered for SN, 147 (98%)
pregnant women received SN and similarly, all (100 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of total registered.
State Govt. has been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 4 AWCs (23.53%) had baby weighing scale and 9 AWCs (52.94%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 13 (76.47%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 5 (29.41%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 3 (17.65%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 840 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 263 children (30.58%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 60 60 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 3980 3980
Out of 10 opened AWCs, 9 (90%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 1 (10%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 9 (90%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 1 (10%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in all (100%) AWCs. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) is found in 8 (80%) AWCs. The State Govt. have been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in all (100%) AWCs. 4 (40%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 6 (60%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration was distributed by all the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries.
It was found that out of 186 registered children (3-6 years), all (100%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 247 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 200 (80.97%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 18 registered Severely Underweight children, all (100%) children were found availing SN. Out of 48 pregnant women registered for SN, all (100%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, all 79 (100 %) registered lactating mothers were found availing
SN State Govt. has been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 5 AWCs (50%) had baby weighing scale and 9 AWCs (90%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported from all (100%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from all (100%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 6 (60%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
All 186 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, were found attending PSE.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 5 5 No .of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 855 855
No. of District Visited No Of ICDS Projects Visited No .of AWCs Visited 1 1 13
Out of 13 opened AWCs, 11(84.62%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 2 (15.38 %) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 3 (23.08%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 10 (76.92%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 3 (23.08%) AWCs and 7 (53.85%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) is found in 9 (69.23%) AWCs. The UT Administration has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 8 (61.54%) AWCs. 10 (76.92%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 3 (23.08%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. UT administration has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 13 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 12 (92.31%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 7 (58.33%) AWWs had received job training. UT Administration has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by all (100%) of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries. Interruption was not seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in any of the AWCs.
It was found that out of 1203 registered children (3-6 years), 675 (56.11%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 1295 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 690 (53.28%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 132 pregnant women registered for SN, 36 (27.27%)
pregnant women received SN and similarly, 77 (47.83 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 161 registered.
UT Administration has been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries of SN under Anganwadi Services Scheme. The UT Admn. has also been requested to provide SN to beneficiaries, with no interruption, as per prescribed nutritional and cost norms under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. None of the AWCs had baby weighing scale and 10 AWCs (76.92%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at 10 (76.92%) AWCs.
The UT Administration has been requested to arrange for availability of baby & adult weighing scales and new WHO child growth charts at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 6 (46.15%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was not found available in any of the AWCs. UT Administration has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1203 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 675 children (59.11%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. UT Administration has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 354 children who completed one year, all children (100%) were fully immunized.
STATE: RAJASTHAN No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 304 304 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 62010 61974
No. of District Visited No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 9 17 491
Out of 491 visited AWCs 2 AWCs (0.41%) were found closed at the time of visit, for which State Govt. has already been intimated.
INFRASTRUCTURE Out of 489 opened AWCs, 473 (96.73%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 16 (3.27%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 337 (68.92%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 152 (31.08%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 381 (77.91%) AWCs and 375 (76.69%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) is found in 174 (35.587%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 452 (92.43%) AWCs. 278 (56.85%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 489 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 471 (96.32%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 466 (98.94%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by all (100%) of the AWCs and Morning Snacks in 94.48 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 10 (2.04%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 9523 registered children (3-6 years), 7612 (79.493%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 14764 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 12786 (86.60%)
children received SN at AWCs. Out of 25 registered Severely Underweight children, all (100%) children were found availing SN. Out of 3654 pregnant women registered for SN, 3293 (90.12%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 3565 (90.80 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 3926 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 286 AWCs (58.49%) had baby weighing scale and 358 AWCs (73.21%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at 464 (94.89%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 405 (82.82%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 183 (37.42%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 9523 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 7612 children (79.93%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 5865 children who completed one year, 4962 children (84.60%) were fully immunized. State has been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
STATE: TAMIL NADU No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 434 434 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 54439 54439
No. of District No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 1 3 15
Out of 15 opened AWCs, all (100%) AWCs were located in pucca building. 11 (73.33%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 4 (26.67%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor space was found in 14 (93.33%) AWCs and none of the AWCs had availability of adequate indoor space. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in all (100%) AWCs. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 9 (60%) AWCs. 11 (73.33%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 15 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 15 (100%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 14 (93.33%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 69.78 percent, 52.20 percent and 73.19 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 1443 (57.15%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 294 registered children (3-6 years), 207 (70.41%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 595 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 473 (79.50%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 5 registered Severely Underweight children, 2 (40%) children were found availing SN and remaining 3 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 93 pregnant women registered for SN, 92
(98.92%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 80 (93.02%) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 86 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. All AWCs (100%) had baby weighing scale and 11 AWCs (73.33%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at 11 (73.33%) AWCs.
The State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of adult weighing scales and new WHO child growth charts at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 8 (53.33%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available in 11 (73.33%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 294 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 207 children (70.41%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Immunization and health check - up services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are provided by Health Department. Out of total 186 children who completed one year, 148 children (79.57%) were fully immunized. State has been requested to review immunization status of children in coordination with Health Department to immunize cent percent children in the Anganwadi area.
No. Of ICDS Projects 149 149 No .of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 35700 35634
No. of District No. Of ICDS Projects No. of AWCs Visited
Visited Visited 2 2 10
Out of 10 opened AWCs, 8 (80%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 2 (20 %) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 4 (40%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 6 (60%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 5 (50%) AWCs and 2 (20%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in all (100%) AWCs. The concerned State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 9 (60%) AWCs. 7 (70%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 3 (30%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE All (100%) AWWs were found present during visit and all AWWs had received job training.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 100 percent, 50 percent and 90 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 2 (20%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 335 registered children (3-6 years), 213 (63.58%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 403 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 394 (97.77%) children received SN at AWCs. All 16 registered Severely Underweight children were found availing SN. Out of 89 pregnant women registered for SN, 71 (79.78%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 45 (78.95 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 57 registered.
GROWTH MONITORING AND PROMOTION Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 8 AWCs (80%) had baby weighing scale and 1 AWCs (10%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 8 (80%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 4 (40%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 335 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 213 children (63.58%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 56 56 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 10145 10145
No. of District No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited
Out of 10 opened AWCs, all (100%) AWCs were located in pucca building. All (100%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings. The adequate availability of outdoor space was found in all (100%) AWCs and indoor space was found in 9 (90%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 8 (80%) AWCs.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in all (100%) AWCs. 8 (80%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE All Anganwadi Workers (100%) were found present during visit and all of them had received job training.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. None of the AWCs were found distributing Take Home Ration. Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by all (100%) AWCs to the beneficiaries.
It was found that all 174 registered children (3-6 years), received SN. Similarly, all 127 registered children (6 months to 3 years) received SN at AWCs. All 38 pregnant women registered for SN received SN and similarly, all (100 %) registered lactating mothers were found availing SN.
. The State Govt. has been requested to provide SN to beneficiaries, as per prescribed nutritional and cost norms under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
GROWTH MONITORING AND PROMOTION Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been
prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. All AWCs (100%) had baby weighing scale and none of the AWCs had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at all (100%) AWCs.
The State Govt. has been requested to arrange for availability of adult weighing scales at AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 9 (90%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was not available in any of the AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
All registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, were found attending PSE at AWCs on the day of visit.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 897 897 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 190145 187997
Out of 40 opened AWCs, 37 (92.50%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 3 (7.50 %) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 33 (82.50%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 7 (17.5%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 33 (82.50%) AWCs and 29 (72.50%) AWCs respectively. The availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 9 (22.50%) AWCs. The concerned State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in all AWCs. 13 (32.50%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 27 (67.5%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE All Anganwadi Workers were found present during visit. Of these, 39 (97.50%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 87.50 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 5 (12.50%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 1997 registered children (3-6 years), 999 (50.03%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 2546 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 2138 (83.97%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 216 registered Severely Underweight children, 213
(98.61%) children were found availing SN and remaining 3 Severely Underweight children have not been provided SN as per norms of the scheme. Out of 539 pregnant women registered for SN, 513 (95.18%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 491 (94.06 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 522 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 8 AWCs (20%) had baby weighing scale and 34 AWCs (85%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported at 32 (80%) AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centered on organization of play activities. The availability of PSE kits has been reported from 9 (22.50%) Anganwadi Centres. Medicine Kits was available only in 5 (12.50%) AWCs. State Govt. has been requested to arrange and ensure the supply of PSE Kits & Medicine Kits and other materials at AWCs as prescribed.
Out of 1997registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 999 children (50.03%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
No. of Projects/ AWCs Sanctioned Operational No. Of ICDS Projects 576 576 No. of AWCs/ Mini AWCs 119481 115318
No. of District No. Of ICDS Projects Visited No. of AWCs Visited 4 23 206
Out of 206 visited AWCs 42 AWCs (20.89%) were found closed at the time of visit, for which State Govt. has already been intimated.
INFRASTRUCTURE Out of 164 opened AWCs, 15 (9.15%) AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 149 (90.85%) AWCs need to be progressively shifted in pucca buildings. 110 (67.07%) AWCs were found running in their own buildings and remaining 54 (32.93%) AWCs need to be shifted in their own buildings respectively. The adequate availability of outdoor and Indoor space was found in 107 (65.24%) AWCs and 53 (32.32%) AWCs respectively. The non- availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) was found in 154 (93.90%) AWCs are a matter of concern. The State Govt. has been requested to construct AWC buildings by leveraging funds in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in 145 (88.41%) AWCs. 48 (29.27%) AWCs had usable toilets and remaining 116 (70.73%) AWCs may be provided toilet facilities. State Govt. has been requested to take necessary action in providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under Fifteenth Finance Commission etc.
TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE Out of 164 sanctioned posts of Anganwadi Workers, 163 (99.39%) AWWs were found present during visit. Of these, 14 (8.59%) AWWs had received job training. State Govt. has been requested to review the training status of AWWs and arrange for Job/Refresher Training of untrained AWWs for the smooth functioning of Anganwadi Services Scheme.
As per schematic norms of Anganwadi Services Scheme, AWCs are required to provide Supplementary Nutrition to the beneficiaries of target group. Take Home Ration was not provided by any of the AWCs. Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal was distributed by 9.15 percent and 8.54 percent of the visited AWCs to the beneficiaries respectively. Interruption was seen in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition during last six months in 140 (85.37%) AWCs.
It was found that out of 4795 registered children (3-6 years), 1672 (34.87%) children received SN. Similarly, out of 310 registered children (6 months to 3 years), 272 (87.74%) children received SN at AWCs. Out of 7 registered Severely Underweight children, all (100%) children were found availing SN. Out of 80 pregnant women registered for SN, 62 (77.50%) pregnant women received SN and similarly, 42 (87.50 %) lactating mothers were found availing SN out of 48 registered.
Baby weighing scale and New WHO Growth Charts have been prescribed for children to detect malnourishment among children. Similarly, adult weighing scale has been prescribed for pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM) to monitor their weight during pregnancy and delivery. 145 AWCs (88.41%) had baby weighing scale and 105 AWCs (64.02%) had adult weighing scales. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 15 (9.15%) AWCs.
Out of 4795 registered children (3-6 Years) for Pre School Education, 1672 children (34.87%) attended PSE at AWCs on the day of visit. State Govt. has been requested to put efforts to increase the attendance of the pre school children. In this regard it was suggested that all the AWCs must be equipped with contextualized ECCE Curriculum, age specific activity books and child assessment card along with adequate Teaching Learning Materials.
Major Observations of the Monitoring Visit to Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) During 2017-18:
Monitoring is a continuous process. It may lead to programme failure if not done properly. In order to strengthen the monitoring of Anganwadi Services Scheme, Ministry of Women and Child Development set up a Monitoring and Supervision mechanism of the Anganwadi Services Scheme through NIPCCD in addition to the existing Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the Ministry of Women and Child Development. At the National level, a Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) has been set up at NIPCCD, New Delhi, with the objective to undertake regular monitoring of functioning and implementation of Anganwadi Services Scheme in the country. At the grass root level, the services under Anganwadi Services Scheme are delivered by AWCs/Mini AWCs. The Target Groups of Anganwadi Services Scheme are children below 6 years, Pregnant & Lactating Mothers and all eligible women in the reproductive age group. The opening and closing time of the AWCs may be ensured so that all these services can be provided as per GOI, MWCD guidelines.
The Officials of CMU and Faculty/Staff members of NIPCCD visited 3066 Anganwadi Centres from 151 ICDS Projects in 70 Districts covering 21 States in the country.
The various points emerged from the visit to the AWCs during 2017-18 have been shared with State Govt./UT administration, District administration and Block level for taking remedial action in improving the implementation of Anganwadi Services Scheme under Umbrella ICDS as per details given below :-
Number of AWCs Visited N = 3066 Out of 3066 AWCs visited during 2017-18, 541 (17.65%) AWCs in 6 States viz. Haryana (88.11%), West Bengal (20.39%), Jharkhand (1.46%), 541 Kerala (0.60%), Rajasthan (0.41%) and Assam (0.23%) were found closed at the time of visit. In the State of Haryana, 2525 480 AWCs in the district of Sirsa was found closed due to strike of AWWs/AWHs and 9 AWCs in the district of Kurushetra due to winter vacation. State wise numbers of visited AWCs are AWCs found closed AWC found open as under:
No. of AWCs visited and found open/closed at the time of visit
Sl. States/UTs Total No. AWCs AWCs % No. of AWCs Found found visited Open closed
1 Andhra Pradesh 25 25 0 0.00 2 Arunachal Pradesh 137 137 0 0.00 3 Assam 434 433 1 0.23 4 Bihar 30 30 0 0.00 5 Haryana 555 66 489 88.11 6 Jammu & Kashmir 239 239 0 0.00
7 Jharkhand 411 405 6 1.46 8 Karnataka 5 5 0 0.00 9 Kerala 167 166 1 0.60 10 Madhya Pradesh 20 20 0 0.00 11 Maharashtra 31 31 0 0.00 12 Manipur 200 200 0 0.00 13 Meghalaya 17 17 0 0.00 14 Nagaland 10 10 0 0.00 15 Puducherry 13 13 0 0.00 16 Rajasthan 491 489 2 0.41 17 Tamil Nadu 15 15 0 0.00 18 Telangana 10 10 0 0.00 19 Tripura 10 10 0 0.00 20 Uttar Pradesh 40 40 0 0.00 21 West Bengal 206 164 42 20.39 Total 3066 2525 541 17.65
Type of Building:
For the effective implementation of Anganwadi Services Scheme, the development of a suitable infrastructure in the form of pucca Anganwadi building is an essential requirement. The location of Anganwadi Centres in Pucca buildings not only provides a distinct identity to the AWC in the community but also save the beneficiaries of Anganwadi Services Scheme from vagaries of weather. The data have been gathered about the type (kutcha and pucca) of AWCs building. The State wise percentage of AWCs running from Pucca Building are as under-:
AWCs Running in Pucca Building N =2525
100 100 100 100 96.73 100 98.19 92.50 90 92.38 85 84.62 83.87 90 80 78.06 71.97 80 74.81 66.67 64 70 60 57.66 60 55.50 50 40
30 Percentage 20 9.15 10 0
Information on type of building as presented in Table below shows that more than three fourth (78.06%) of AWCs are located in Pucca buildings. Rest of the AWCs were either found running in Kutcha or open Space or in Hut. All the visited AWCs from the 4 States of Haryana, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu and Tripura were running in Pucca building. More than 75 percent of the AWCs running in pucca building in 9 States/UT of Kerala, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Madhya Pradesh, Puducherry, Maharashtra and Telangana. Less than three fourth of AWCs were running in Pucca building in the state of Jharkhand (74.81%) followed by 71.97 per cent in Jammu& Kashmir. Only two third (66.67%) of the AWCs were running in Pucca building in the state of Bihar, 64 percent Andhra Pradesh, 60 percent in Karnataka, 57.66 percent in Arunachal Pradesh and 55.5 per cent in Manipur. Only 9.15 percent of the AWCs from the state of West Bengal were found running in pucca building. The data collected is presented in Table below:
AWCs running in Pucca Building States/UTs Number of Number of AWCs % AWC found running from Open Pucca Buildings
Andhra Pradesh 25 16 64 Arunachal Pradesh 137 79 57.66 Assam 433 400 92.38 Bihar 30 20 66.67 Haryana 66 66 100 Jammu & Kashmir 239 172 71.97 Jharkhand 405 303 74.81 Karnataka 5 3 60 Kerala 166 163 98.19 Madhya Pradesh 20 17 85 Maharashtra 31 26 83.87 Manipur 200 111 55.50 Meghalaya 17 17 100 Nagaland 10 9 90 Puducherry 13 11 84.62 Rajasthan 489 473 96.73 Tamil Nadu 15 15 100 Telangana 10 8 80 Tripura 10 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 37 92.50 West Bengal 164 15 9.15 Total 2525 1971 78.06
Building Status - Own Building :
Government of India provides necessary budgetary support and also leverage fund for the construction of AWC building in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF for construction of AWCs. Local community contribution either in cash, labour, or building material is also envisaged so as to make the AWC a permanent community asset, free from all encumbrances and its ability to run without interruption.
Number of AWCs Running in Own Building N=2525
70 67.07 80 63.38
30 10 20 9.21
Percentage 10 0
The average of all AWCs monitored from different states reveals that 63.88 percent AWC building are located in the buildings either provided by State Government or constructed by the State Government utilizing the provisions under various other schemes. In two States viz Karnataka and Tripura, cent percent AWCs were running from own building either provided by State Government or constructed by the State Government. In 6 States viz Kerala (92.17%), Maharashtra (90.32%), Nagaland (90%), Arunachal Pradesh (89.05%), Assam (83.60%) and Uttar Pradesh (82.5%) more than 75 percent AWCs were running from own building. Less than one fifth (9.21%) of the AWCs in the state of Jammu & Kashmir were located in buildings either provided by State Government or constructed by the State Government followed by Bihar (10%), Puducherry (23.08%), Manipur (28%) and Meghalaya (29.41%) respectively. 60 percent of the visited AWCs needs to be shifted into own building in the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Similarly 42.22 percent of the visited AWCs in the State of Jharkhand need to be shifted into buildings either provided by State Governments or constructed by State Government. The State wise data is presented as under:-
AWCs Running in Own Building
States/UTs AWC Found Own % Open Building Andhra Pradesh 25 10 40 Arunachal Pradesh 137 122 89.05 Assam 433 362 83.60 Bihar 30 3 10 Haryana 66 44 66.67 Jammu & Kashmir 239 22 9.21 Jharkhand 405 234 57.78
Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 153 92.17 Madhya Pradesh 20 14 70 Maharashtra 31 28 90.32 Manipur 200 56 28.00 Meghalaya 17 5 29.41 Nagaland 10 9 90 Puducherry 13 3 23.08 Rajasthan 489 337 68.92 Tamil Nadu 15 11 73.33 Telangana 10 4 40 Tripura 10 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 33 82.50 West Bengal 164 110 67.07 Total 2525 1575 63.38
Availability of Indoor and Outdoor Space :
Every AWC should have indoor space where children can move around in small groups, in pairs and in circle depending upon the activity. While children are doing the activities in a group, the AWW should be able to move around and interact with them by giving them individual attention. Similarly, availability of outdoor play offers unparalleled opportunities for the children to grow, to enhance their motor skills, allows them to explore their surroundings, to discover and to learn eventually and allows them to explore their surroundings. Adequate Indoor Space in AWCs N=2525
100 100 90.76 90 89.16 100 87.10 83.33 90 88.24 84.67 76.69 72.5 70.71 80 65 64 63 72 58.02 70 60 53.85 50 50 40 32.32 30 20 20 Percentage 10 0 0
Adequate Outdoor Space in AWCs N=2525
100 100 100
66.53 65.24
60 43.33 50 39.26 40 30 23.08 20 10
Percentage 0
The outdoor area of AWC should be utilized for organizing free play, structured games, physical exercises, multimedia activities and the like. It is evident from the data that availability of adequate indoor space was reported from 72 percent and 65.39 percent of AWCs located across the country respectively. 2 States namely Karnataka and Nagaland had adequate indoor space in all the AWCs. 8 States viz. Assam (90.76%), Tripura (90%), Kerala (89.16%), Meghalaya (88.24%), Maharashtra (87.10%), Arunachal Pradesh (84.67%), Haryana (83.33%) and Rajasthan (76.69%) had adequate indoor space in more than 75 percent of AWCs. 11 States viz. Uttar Pradesh (72.5%), Jammu & Kashmir (70.71%), Madhya Pradesh (65%), Andhra Pradesh (64%), Manipur (63%), Jharkhand (58.02%), Puducherry (53.85%), Bihar (50%), West Bengal (32.32%), Telangana (20%) and Tamil Nadu (0%) had adequate indoor space less than 75 percent of AWCs. 3 States viz. Karnataka, Nagaland and Tripura had adequate outdoor space in all of AWCs. 7 States viz. Tamil Nadu (93.33%), Haryana (89.39%), Maharashtra (87.10%), Uttar Pradesh (82.5%), Madhya Pradesh (80%), Rajasthan (77.91%) and Andhra Pradesh (76%) had adequate outdoor in more than 75 percent of AWCs. 11 States/UT viz. Kerala (73.49%), Assam (71.82%), Meghalaya (70.59%), Jammu & Kashmir (66.53%), West Bengal (65.24%), Manipur (57%), Arunachal Pradesh (52.55%), Telangana (50%), Bihar (43.33%), Jharkhand (39.26%) and Puducherry (23.08%) had adequate outdoor space in less than 75% of AWCs. The data as obtained on availability and adequacy of indoor and outdoor space is presented in Table below:
AWCs having Adequate Indoor and Outdoor Space States/UT AWC Found Adequate % Adequate % Open indoor space outdoor space Andhra Pradesh 25 16 64 19 76 Arunachal Pradesh 137 116 84.67 72 52.55 Assam 433 393 90.76 311 71.82 Bihar 30 15 50 13 43.33 Haryana 66 55 83.33 59 89.39 Jammu & Kashmir 239 169 70.71 159 66.53 Jharkhand 405 235 58.02 159 39.26 Karnataka 5 5 100 5 100 Kerala 166 148 89.16 122 73.49 Madhya Pradesh 20 13 65 16 80 Maharashtra 31 27 87.10 27 87.10 Manipur 200 126 63 114 57 Meghalaya 17 15 88.24 12 70.59
Nagaland 10 10 100 10 100 Puducherry 13 7 53.85 3 23.08 Rajasthan 489 375 76.69 381 77.91 Tamil Nadu 15 0 - 14 93.33 Telangana 10 2 20 5 50 Tripura 10 9 90 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 29 72.50 33 82.50 West Bengal 164 53 32.32 107 65.24 Total 2525 1818 72 1651 65.39
Sanitation has been proven, by various independent studies, to have a positive economic as well as health impact on families in Rural India. There is, therefore, a direct relationship between water, sanitation and health. Improper disposal of human excreta and improper environmental sanitation have been major causes of many diseases in developing countries including India. Prevailing high infant mortality rate is also largely attributed to poor sanitation. In order to change the behaviour of children from very early stage of life, it is essential that AWCs are used as a platform for behaviour change of the children as well as mothers attending the AWCs. MWCD vide its letter no 19-3/2004-CD-1 dated 6th September 2010 has requested Secretaries In Charge of ICDS in all States/UT Administration to take suitable steps in convergence with total sanitation campaign programme of the Ministry of Rural Development to ensure provision of potable water and sanitation facilities at all AWCs in a time bound manner. As per MWCD AWCs having Availability of usable Toilet Facility letter no.F.No.CD- N=2525 II-14/2/217-CD-II dated 8th Bihar 13.33 December 2017, Jharkhand 17.78 Rs.12,000/- per Arunachal Pradesh 21.90 AWC per annum Jammu & Kashmir 23.43 for construction of Meghalaya 23.53 70,000 toilet in Assam 26.79 existing Government 29.27 West Bengal owned AWCs Uttar Pradesh 32.5 buildings was Nagaland 40 provided to Total 42.34 States/UTs. Madhya Pradesh 45 Rajasthan 56.85
Maharashtra 67.74 Telangana 70 Andhra Pradesh 72
Manipur 72.5 Tamil Nadu 73.33 Puducherry 76.92
Tripura 80 Haryana 86.36 Kerala 92.17 Karnataka 100
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage 54
Toilet facility was observed by the officials during monitoring visit in 1069 (42.34%) AWCs. All the AWCs visited in the state of Karnataka were having availability of usable toilet. 4 States/UT namely Puducherry (76.92%), Tripura (80%), Haryana (86.36%) and Kerala (92.17%) had toilet facilities in more than 75% of AWCs. 16 States namely Bihar (13.33%), Jharkhand (17.78%), Arunachal Pradesh (21.90%), Jammu & Kashmir (23.43%), Meghalaya (23.53%), Assam (26.79%), West Bengal (29.27%), Uttar Pradesh (32.5%), Nagaland (40%), Madhya Pradesh (45%), Rajasthan (56.85%), Maharashtra (67.74%), Telangana (70%), Andhra Pradesh (72%), Manipur (72.5%) and Tamil Nadu (73.33%) had toilet activities in less than 75% of AWCs. State Govt./ UT Administration has been requested to tap funds for construction of Toilets in AWCs from Fifteen time Commission etc. in addition to the Budgetary Provision made by MWCD. The usable toilet facility condition was noted for all the centres and has been represented in the Table below:
Usable Toilet Facility Available at AWCs States/UTs AWC Found Open Toilet in use %
Andhra Pradesh 25 18 72. Arunachal Pradesh 137 30 21.90 Assam 433 116 26.79 Bihar 30 4 13.33 Haryana 66 57 86.36 Jammu & Kashmir 239 56 23.43 Jharkhand 405 72 17.78 Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 153 92.17 Madhya Pradesh 20 9 45 Maharashtra 31 21 67.74 Manipur 200 145 72.50 Meghalaya 17 4 23.53 Nagaland 10 4 40 Puducherry 13 10 76.92 Rajasthan 489 278 56.85 Tamil Nadu 15 11 73.33 Telangana 10 7 70 Tripura 10 8 80 Uttar Pradesh 40 13 32.50 West Bengal 164 48 29.27 Total 2525 1069 42.34
Drinking Water
Providing safe drinking water is of utmost importance for any life including small children who are prone to water- borne diseases. MWCD vide letter No.CCD-II-14.02.2017-CD-II dated 8.12.2017, approved provision of Drinking Water in additional 20,000 AWCs @ Rs.10,000/- per annum per AWCs.
Availability of Drinking Water Facilities at AWC N=2525 100 100 100 100 100 98.48 95 92.77 92.43 92 100 90.32 88.41 88 90 81.17 80 73.35 61.54 70 60 57.04 60 45.99 42.73 40 50 35.29 40 30 20
Percentage 10
5 States viz. Karnataka, Nagaland, Telangana, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh had drinking water facilities in all AWCs. 9 States viz. Haryana (98.48%), Madhya Pradesh (95%), Kerala (92.77%), Rajasthan (92.43%), Manipur (92%), MAharashtra (90.32%), West Bengal (88.41%), Andhra Pradesh (88%) and Jammu & Kashmir (81.17%) had drinking water facilities in more than 75% AWCs. 7 States/UT viz. Puducherry (61.54%), Tamil Nadu (60%), Jharkhand (57.04%), Arunachal Pradesh (45.99%), Assam (42.73%), Bihar (40%) and Meghalaya (35.29%) had drinking water facilities in less than 75 percent of AWCs. States have been requested to tap fund from various Schemes like 15 Finance Commission and in convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Corporate Social Responsibility activities, Swachh Bharat Kosh and Panchayati Raj Institutions. Table below summarises the availability of drinking water.
States/UT AWC Found Open Drinking water % Andhra Pradesh 25 22 88 Arunachal Pradesh 137 63 45.99 Assam 433 185 42.73 Bihar 30 12 40 Haryana 66 65 98.48 Jammu & Kashmir 239 194 81.17 Jharkhand 405 231 57.04 Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 154 92.77 Madhya Pradesh 20 19 95 Maharashtra 31 28 90.32 Manipur 200 184 92 Meghalaya 17 6 35.29
Nagaland 10 10 100 Puducherry 13 8 61.54 Rajasthan 489 452 92.43 Tamil Nadu 15 9 60 Telangana 10 10 100 Tripura 10 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 40 100 West Bengal 164 145 88.41 Total 2525 1852 73.35
Availability of Kitchen
Availability of Kitchen in AWCs
100 100 100 100 100 84 82.35 90 80 80 77.27 70.97 80 69.23 58.66 70 60.50 54.57 60 49.23 46.72 50 35 40 35.58 22.50
Percent 30 21.34 20 10 6.10 10 -
Availability of Kitchen in AWCs The availability of kitchen is required mostly in those AWCs where Hot N= 2525 Cooked Meal was cooked by AWW or 49.23 AWH, however, it was found that in 50.00 majority of the AWCs HCF was cooked by AWH or AWW. The availability of 40.00 separate cooking space (Kitchen) was 30.00 found in 49.23 per cent of the AWCs. 4 States namely Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil 20.00 Nadu and Telangana had separate
Percentage cooking space (Kitchen) at all AWCs. 5 10.00 States namely Andhra Pradesh (84%), - Meghalaya (82.35%), Nagaland (80%), Total Tripura (80%) and Haryana (77.27%) had separate cooking space (Kitchen) is more than 75% of AWCs. 12 States/UT namely Maharashtra (70.97%), Puducherry (69.23%), Manipur (60.50%), Assam (58.66%), Jharkhand (54.57%), Arunachal Pradesh (46.72%),
Rajasthan (35.58%), Madhya Pradesh (35%), Uttar Pradesh (22.5%), Jammu & Kashmir (21.34%), Bihar (10%) and West Bengal (6.10%) had separate cooking space (Kitchen) in less than 75% of AWCs. Mostly in the States where SN was prepared at AWCs due to lack of separate room the food was either cooked in the centre where children were having PSE or outside the centre. Safety of the children should be the utmost priority of the children at AWCs. State wise data in the availability of separate kitchen is presented in Table below.
Availability of Separate Kitchen in AWCs States/UTs AWC Found Separate % Open Kitchen Andhra Pradesh 25 21 84 Arunachal 137 64 46.72 Pradesh Assam 433 254 58.66 Bihar 30 3 10 Haryana 66 51 77.27 Jammu & Kashmir 239 51 21.34 Jharkhand 405 221 54.57 Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 166 100 Madhya Pradesh 20 7 35 Maharashtra 31 22 70.97 Manipur 200 121 60.50 Meghalaya 17 14 82.35 Nagaland 10 8 80 Puducherry 13 9 69.23 Rajasthan 489 174 35.58 Tamil Nadu 15 15 100 Telangana 10 10 100 Tripura 10 8 80 Uttar Pradesh 40 9 22.50 West Bengal 164 10 6.10 Total 2525 1243 49.23
Immunization is one of the Health Services provided at the platform of AWC to the beneficiaries in convergence with Health Department by organizing monthly vaccination camps or through Mission Indradhanush. Due list is prepared and as per list ANM immunized the children. Data in this regard was captured and presented as under.
Immunisation Status of Children till One Year at Out of total 18273 AWCs children who completed one year, only 14161 20000 18273 were fully immunized. 18000 The reason for
16000 14161 incomplete 14000 immunization was 12000 reported as migration of
Number 10000 8000 beneficiaries and 6000 vacant position of 4000 health functionaries 2000 including ANM etc. 0 State wise data on No. of children completed 1 yr. No. of children fully immunized immunization status is during current yr. given below:
Immunization Status of Children till One Year at AWCs States/UT AWC Found No. of children completed No. of children % Open 1 yr. during current yr. fully immunized Andhra Pradesh 25 0 0 0.00 Arunachal Pradesh 137 301 249 82.72 Assam 433 3104 1717 55.32 Bihar 30 457 457 100 Haryana 66 796 621 78.02 Jammu & Kashmir 239 0 0 0.00 Jharkhand 405 5078 3893 76.66 Karnataka 5 0 0 0.00 Kerala 166 1183 1071 90.53 Madhya Pradesh 20 0 0 0.00 Maharashtra 31 13 13 100 Manipur 200 936 676 72.22 Meghalaya 17 0 0 0.00 Nagaland 10 0 0 0.00 Puducherry 13 354 354 100 Rajasthan 489 5865 4962 84.6 Tamil Nadu 15 186 148 79.57 Telangana 10 0 0 0.00 Tripura 10 0 0 0.00 Uttar Pradesh 40 0 0 0.00 West Bengal 164 0 0 0 Total 2525 18273 14161 77.5
State Government has been requested to review the States of fully Immunization of Children in coordination with Health Department. So that Cent percent Children are Immunization.
Growth Monitoring And Promotion:
Growth Monitoring and Promotion of Children from birth to five years is one of the important components of the Anganwadi Services Scheme. Weight for age has been adopted as the method for assessment and improvement of nutritional status of children under the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
Availability of New WHO Child Growth Charts
Growth Charts have been prescribed at the AWCs to record the Weight for Age data on malnutrition of children (0-6 years), ever since the inception of the scheme, based on India Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)' Classifications. This helps to detect both growth faltering and also in assessing nutritional status. Anganwadi Centres are provided with weighing scales to weight the children below six year of age. Children below the age of three years of age are weighed once a month and children 3-6 years of age are weighed quarterly. Fixed day immunization sessions or days when mothers of children under two years collect take-home ration, are opportunities for growth monitoring and promotion of younger children. Growth monitoring and promotion helps families understand better the linkage between dietary intake, health care, safe drinking water and environmental sanitation and child growth. Identified severely malnourished children, are given special supplementary feeding which may be therapeutic in nature, or just double ration, and are also referred to medical services. MWCD adopted Weight for age WHO Standards and has revised Growth Monitoring Chart which describe how children should grow The New Growth Chart has three coloured tracks rather than the earlier classification lines of normal, Grade I, Grade II, Grade III and Grade IV. In the New Growth Chart Grade I & Grade II have been merged and shown as a yellow track and children who are plotted in this track would be termed as moderately underweight. Below the yellow track there in an orange track which comprise Grade III and Grade IV children and they would now be termed as severely underweight children. The Children in the green track and above are all normal children. The weight of a Girl and a Boy of same age differs slightly therefore separate growth charts for boys and girls have been introduced in ASS. By, New WHO Growth Chart, normal and severely underweight children would increase, and moderately undernourished children would decreased.
Availability of New WHO Growth Chart at AWCs
100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
76.92 73.33
70 59.75 54
23.33 19.71
20 9.15 1.26 PERCENTAGE 10 0
In about two third (66.93%) of the AWCs, new WHO child growth charts were availability at AWCs. The availability of New WHO Child Growth Charts were found less than 75 percent in the visited AWCs from 7 States of Jammu & Kashmir (1.26%), West Bengal (9.15%), Arunachal Pradesh (19.71%), Bihar (23.33%), Manipur (54%), Jharkhand (59.75%) and Tamil Nadu (73.33%). A look at the state-specific data reveals that availability of new WHO child growth standards charts has been observed in most (more than 75%) of AWCs located in 6 States of Haryana (98.48%), Assam (96.07%), Rajasthan (94.89%), Uttar Pradesh (80%) and UT of Puducherry (76.92%) respectively. 8 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Telangana and Tripura have new WHO Growth Charts available in all AWCs. Data regarding this is presented below:
AWCs having Availability of New WHO Child Growth Charts
States/UT AWC Found New Growth % Open Chart Andhra Pradesh 25 25 100 Arunachal Pradesh 137 27 19.71 Assam 433 416 96.07 Bihar 30 7 23.33 Haryana 66 65 98.48 Jammu & Kashmir 239 3 1.26 Jharkhand 405 242 59.75 Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 166 100 Madhya Pradesh 20 20 100 Maharashtra 31 31 100 Manipur 200 108 54 Meghalaya 17 13 76.47 Nagaland 10 10 100 Puducherry 13 10 76.92 Rajasthan 489 464 94.89 Tamil Nadu 15 11 73.33 Telangana 10 10 100 Tripura 10 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 32 80 West Bengal 164 15 9.15 Total 2525 1690 66.93
Availability of Weighing Scales/Adult Weighing Machine
Regular weighing of the child is necessary for monitoring her/his growth. Mainly two types of scales are being used in Anganwadi Centres for weighing children. These are Bar the Salter or Dial scale (Baby Scale) and Adult Weighing Scales. The salter weighing scale is a reliable, light and portable scale which can weigh children weighing up to 25 kg. The adult weighing scales weigh Pregnant and Lactating Mothers at AWCs.
AVAILABILITY OF FUNCTIONAL It is evident from the above graph WEIGHING MACHINES AT AWCS that 47.01 percent of the AWCs were 50 47.01 N=2525 having functional Baby weighing scales at AWCs. Only in 38.46 percent of the 38.46 40 AWCs were having availability of Adult weighing scales at AWCs. The data 30 regarding types of weighing scales being used in AWCs are presented in Table
20 below. Percentage
0 Weighing Machine Weighing Machine Salter (Baby) Adult
Availability of Weighing Machines at AWCs Multiple Responses
States/UTs AWC Weighing % Weighing % Found Machine Machine Open Salter Adult
Andhra Pradesh 25 25 100 12 48 Arunachal Pradesh 137 42 30.66 20 14.6 Assam 433 81 18.71 106 24.48 Bihar 30 20 66.67 23 76.67 Haryana 66 66 100 38 57.58 Jammu & Kashmir 239 90 37.66 3 1.26 Jharkhand 405 155 38.27 83 20.49 Karnataka 5 5 100 0 0.00 Kerala 166 166 100 96 57.83 Madhya Pradesh 20 14 70 14 70 Maharashtra 31 23 74.19 19 61.29 Manipur 200 19 9.5 20 10 Meghalaya 17 4 23.53 9 52.94 Nagaland 10 5 50 9 90 Puducherry 13 0 - 10 76.92 Rajasthan 489 286 58.49 358 73.21 Tamil Nadu 15 15 100 11 73.33 Telangana 10 8 80 1 10 Tripura 10 10 100 0 0.00 Uttar Pradesh 40 8 20 34 85 West Bengal 164 145 88.41 105 64.02 Total 2525 1187 47.01 971 38.46
Availability of Pre School Education Kits and Medical Kits:
Supply of PSE Kit
As per MWCD vide letter no F.No.CD-II- 14/2/217-CD-II dated 8th December 2017, all State Governments/UTs have been requested for supply of PSE kits in each AWC every year at the rate of Rs.5,000/- per AWC per annum. However, if any State has already purchased the PSE Kits as per the old cost norms the amount of PSE Kits will be restricted as per old cost norms only or amount actually spent by the State, whichever is less. The suggested list of PSE kits includes; Flash cards for story-telling, Models on pictures/picture books of animals, fruits, vegetables, parts of the body, pictures/picture books, Building blocks-plastic or card board or wood, Stuffed toys, Dolls for role play, Colours, number, alphabet, matching cards, Stacking rings/shape towers, Balls, Threading Boards/Beads & Wires, Kitchen Set, Wheel toys and Simple Puzzles etc.
Availability of PSE Kit at AWCs 100 100 100 95.45 N= 2525 92 90 88.22 100 85.4 86.67 90 82.82 80 80 70 62.5 61.7 60 53.33 60 46.15 50 37.66 40 29.41 30 22.5 19.75 20 5.49 10 0
The Supply of PSE kit has been reported in 61.7 percent of the AWCs. Less than 75 percent of the AWCs were having availability of PSE Kit in 10 States of Manipur (62.5%), Madhya Pradesh (60%), Tamil Nadu (53.33%), Puducherry (46.15%), Jammu & Kashmir (37.66%), Meghalaya (29.41%), Uttar Pradesh (22.5%), Jharkhand (19.75%), West Bengal (5.49%) and Maharashtra (0%). 8 States viz. Telangana (80%), Rajasthan (82.82%), Arunachal Pradesh (85.4%), Bihar (86.67%), Assam (88.22%), Tripura (90%), Andhra Pradesh (92%) and Haryana (95.45%) had PSE Kits available in more than 75 percent of AWCs. 3 States viz. Nagaland, Kerala and Karnataka had PSE Kits available in all AWCs. Data about supply of PSE kit are presented in Table below:
AWCs having Supply of Pre-School Education Kit States/UTs AWC Found PSE Kit % Open Andhra Pradesh 25 23 92 Arunachal Pradesh 137 117 85.4 Assam 433 382 88.22 Bihar 30 26 86.67 Haryana 66 63 95.45 Jammu & Kashmir 239 90 37.66 Jharkhand 405 80 19.75 Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 166 100 Madhya Pradesh 20 12 60 Maharashtra 31 0 0.00 Manipur 200 125 62.5 Meghalaya 17 5 29.41 Nagaland 10 10 100 Puducherry 13 6 46.15 Rajasthan 489 405 82.82 Tamil Nadu 15 8 53.33
Telangana 10 8 80 Tripura 10 9 90 Uttar Pradesh 40 9 22.5 West Bengal 164 9 5.49 Total 2525 1558 61.7
Supply of Medicine Kit
MWCD, GOI has made provision for supply of medicine kit in each AWC. As per financial provision contained in MWCD office order 1-8/2012–CD-1 dated 22nd October, 2012, the medicine kit has to be provided for all operational AWCs in the States/UTs. The revised cost norms for procuring Medicine kit is as per letter dated 18.12.2017, MWCD, GOI, increased cost norm from Rs.1000/- per AWCs and Rs.500/- per Mini AWC per annum to Rs.1500/- per AWC and Rs.750/- per Mini AWC per annum. .
Availability of Medicine Kit at AWCs
0 0 0 0 0 Percentage 10 0
The data reveals that the availability of medicine kit was found in 26.53 percent of AWCs. The medicine Kit was available in all the AWCs located in 2 States of Karnataka and Kerala. In 5 States/UT viz Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Puducherry and Tripura medicine kits were not available at the AWCs. The availability of medicine kit in less than 75 percent of AWCs were found in 10 States of Jharkhand (1.73%), West Bengal (6.1%), Assam (7.39%), Haryana (7.58%), Uttar Pradesh (12.5%), Meghalaya (17.65%), Andhra Pradesh (59.85%), Nagaland (60%), Manipur (62%) and Tamil Nadu (73.33%). Medicine kit was found available in 90 percent of the AWCs in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The data showing availability of medicine kit in AWCs is given at Table below. Availability of Medicine Kit at AWCs States/UTs AWC Found Medicine % Open Kit Andhra Pradesh 25 9 36 Arunachal Pradesh 137 82 59.85 Assam 433 32 7.39
Bihar 30 0 0 Haryana 66 5 7.58 Jammu & Kashmir 239 0 0 Jharkhand 405 7 1.73 Karnataka 5 5 100 Kerala 166 166 100 Madhya Pradesh 20 18 90 Maharashtra 31 0 0 Manipur 200 124 62 Meghalaya 17 3 17.65 Nagaland 10 6 60 Puducherry 13 0 0 Rajasthan 489 183 37.42 Tamil Nadu 15 11 73.33 Telangana 10 4 40 Tripura 10 0 0 Uttar Pradesh 40 5 12.5 West Bengal 164 10 6.1 Total 2525 670 26.53
Beneficiaries Registered and Availing Supplementary Nutrition (SN):
Supplementary Nutrition under Anganwadi Services Scheme is primarily designed to bridge the gap between Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) and the Average Daily Intake (ADI). On an average, the efforts are to provide daily nutritional supplements to the extent of 500 calories and 12-15 gm of protein for children of 6-72 months; 800 calorie and 20-25 gm of protein to severely undernourished children; and 600 calories and 18-20 gm of protein to pregnant and nursing mothers. Data depicts regarding number of beneficiaries registered and availing SN.
6 months - 3 years availing SN:
6m-3yrs Children Received SN N=73527
90.19 90.04
80.97 80.04
90 79.5 76.77 80 70
60 53.28 43.18
50 40 30 20 10 Percentage 0
Out of total 73527 children (6 months - 3 years) registered, 62772 (85.37%) children were found availing Supplementary Nutrition. In the State of Kerala out of total registered only 43.15 percent were observed availing SN. All the children (6 months - 3 years) registered were found availing SN in the States of Karnataka and Tripura.
Number of Children in age group of 6 months - 3 years availing Supplementary Nutrition
States/UT AWC Children Children % found 6m-3yrs 6m-3yrs open Registered Availing SN Andhra Pradesh 25 761 758 99.61 Arunachal Pradesh 137 1458 1224 83.95 Assam 433 11678 10067 86.20 Bihar 30 1195 1076 90.04 Haryana 66 2015 1547 76.77 Jammu & Kashmir 239 2965 2759 93.05 Jharkhand 405 21564 20070 93.07 Karnataka 5 122 122 100 Kerala 166 5294 2286 43.18 Madhya Pradesh 20 1060 956 90.19 Maharashtra 31 1022 818 80.04 Manipur 200 3241 3188 98.36 Meghalaya 17 865 821 94.91
Nagaland 10 247 200 80.97 Puducherry 13 1295 690 53.28 Rajasthan 489 14764 12786 86.60 Tamil Nadu 15 595 473 79.50 Telangana 10 403 394 97.77 Tripura 10 127 127 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 2546 2138 83.97 West Bengal 164 310 272 87.74 Total 2525 73527 62772 85.37
3-6 years Children availing SN:
Out of total 66402 children (3 - 6 years) registered, 44106 (66.42%) were found availing SN. All the registered children (3-6 Years) were found availing SN in the States of Nagaland and Tripura. Less than half (50%) of the registered children were found availing SN in 5 States of Madhya Pradesh (49.9%), Kerala (48.24%), Bihar (47.02%), West Bengal (34.87%) and Haryana
(19.09%) respectively. State wise data is placed in Table below:
3-6yrs Children Availing SN No. Of AWCs= 2525
82.36 80.32
51.78 50.03
48.24 47.02
30 19.09 20 Percentage 10 0
Number of Children in age group of 3 -6 years availing Supplementary Nutrition
States/UT AWC 3-6yrs 3-6yrs % found Children Children open Registered Availing SN Andhra Pradesh 25 499 411 82.36 Arunachal Pradesh 137 1846 1348 73.02
Assam 433 11895 9554 80.32 Bihar 30 1325 623 47.02 Haryana 66 2321 443 19.09 Jammu & Kashmir 239 1884 1771 94 Jharkhand 405 15870 10351 65.22 Karnataka 5 112 93 83.04 Kerala 166 5261 2538 48.24 Madhya Pradesh 20 1010 504 49.9 Maharashtra 31 1095 567 51.78 Manipur 200 3814 3427 89.85 Meghalaya 17 963 738 76.64 Nagaland 10 186 186 100 Puducherry 13 1203 675 56.11 Rajasthan 489 9523 7612 79.93 Tamil Nadu 15 294 207 70.41 Telangana 10 335 213 63.58 Tripura 10 174 174 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 1997 999 50.03 West Bengal 164 4795 1672 34.87 Total 2525 66402 44106 66.42
Severely Underweight Children (6 months-6 Years) availing SN:
Severely Underweight Children (6 months-6 years) In AWCs, there is a provision to Availing SN No.of AWCs= 2525 provide energy dense food in addition 945 to the SN given to the children fall in Normal category to the Severely 950 Underweight children to help them
940 recover fast. Out of total 945 severely 930 underweighed children registered 910
910 children were found availing SN. None Number 920 of the children from the States of 910 Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Tripura 900 and UT of Puducherry were found severely underweight. Distribution of 890 SN to the Severely Underweight Registered Severely Actual Severely Und. children as per data shows is depicted Und. Weight Weight below:
Immunization Status of Children (One Year of Age)
States/UT AWC Registered Actual % found Severely Und. Severely open Weight Und. Children Weight Children Andhra Pradesh 25 9 9 100 Arunachal Pradesh 137 1 0 - Assam 433 57 52 91.23 Bihar 30 338 336 99.41 Haryana 66 17 14 82.35 Jammu & Kashmir 239 24 23 95.83 Jharkhand 405 114 106 92.98 Karnataka 5 0 0 - Kerala 166 29 20 68.97 Madhya Pradesh 20 35 35 100 Maharashtra 31 30 30 100 Manipur 200 2 2 100 Meghalaya 17 2 2 100 Nagaland 10 18 18 100 Puducherry 13 0 0 - Rajasthan 489 25 25 100 Tamil Nadu 15 5 2 40 Telangana 10 16 16 100 Tripura 10 0 0 - Uttar Pradesh 40 216 213 98.61 West Bengal 164 7 7 100 Total 2525 945 910 96.3
Pregnant Women availing SN:
The data shows that out of 15852 registered pregnant women 14167 (89.37%) of them were actually availing the services related to supplementary nutrition.
Pregnant Women Availing SN
No of AWCs= 2525
100 100 100 100 100
90.54 90.12
79.78 77.86
90 77.5 80 72.44
40 27.27 30
Percentage 20 10 0
All the enrolled pregnant women (100%) in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Nagaland and Tripura and majority of the pregnant women (more than 90%) from the States of Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Manipur were found availing the services of SN. The situation needs improvement in the UT of Puducherry where only 27.27 percent of the registered pregnant were found availing the services of SN.
States/UT AWC found Registered Pregnant Women % open Pregnant Women Availing SN Andhra Pradesh 25 160 160 100 Arunachal Pradesh 137 141 114 80.85 Assam 433 2079 1805 86.82 Bihar 30 243 243 100 Haryana 66 411 320 77.86 Jammu & Kashmir 239 718 678 94.43 Jharkhand 405 5051 4682 92.69 Karnataka 5 40 40 100 Kerala 166 1219 883 72.44 Madhya Pradesh 20 220 217 98.64 Maharashtra 31 222 201 90.54 Manipur 200 525 524 99.81 Meghalaya 17 150 147 98 Nagaland 10 48 48 100 Puducherry 13 132 36 27.27 Rajasthan 489 3654 3293 90.12 Tamil Nadu 15 93 92 98.92
Telangana 10 89 71 79.78 Tripura 10 38 38 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 539 513 95.18 West Bengal 164 80 62 77.5 Total 2525 15852 14167 89.37
Lactating Mothers availing SN:
Lactating Mothers Availing SN
No. of AWCs= 2525
78.95 78.92
90 71.63 80 70.25
70 52.35 60 47.83
50 40 30 20 10
0 Percentage
It is evident from the data that out of total registered Lactating mothers, 87.39 percent of them were found availing the services related to supplementary nutrition
. In 5 States viz. Bihar, Karnataka, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura all of the registered lactating mothers were availing SN. In 12 States viz. Haryana (78.92%), Telangana (78.95%), Maharashtra (83.71%), West Bengal (87.39%), Assam (88.21%), Rajasthan (90.8%), Jharkhand (92.32%), Tamil Nadu (93.02%), Uttar Pradesh (94.06%), Andhra Pradesh (97.46%), Madhya Pradesh (99.45%) and Manipur (99.68%), more than 75% of registered Lactating Mothers were availing SN. In 4 States/UT viz. Kerala (71.63%), Arunachal Pradesh (70.25%), Jammu & Kashmir (52.35%) and Puducherry (47.83%) less than 75% of registered Lactating Mother were availing SN. Table below is presenting State/UT wise data:
Lactating Mothers Availing SN States/UT AWC Registered Lactating % found Lactating Mother open Mother Availing SN Andhra Pradesh 25 118 115 97.46 Arunachal Pradesh 137 353 248 70.25 Assam 433 2103 1855 88.21 Bihar 30 247 247 100 Haryana 66 446 352 78.92 Jammu & Kashmir 239 894 468 52.35 Jharkhand 405 5741 5300 92.32 Karnataka 5 35 35 100 Kerala 166 1082 775 71.63
Madhya Pradesh 20 181 180 99.45 Maharashtra 31 178 149 83.71 Manipur 200 633 631 99.68 Meghalaya 17 182 182 100 Nagaland 10 79 79 100 Puducherry 13 161 77 47.83 Rajasthan 489 3926 3565 90.8 Tamil Nadu 15 86 80 93.02 Telangana 10 57 45 78.95 Tripura 10 28 28 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 522 491 94.06 West Bengal 164 48 42 87.5 Total 2525 17100 14944 87.39
Type of Supplementary Nutrition:
As per MWCD Office Order no 5-9/2005/ND/Tech (Vol-II) dated 24th February, 2009, all States/UTs have been requested to serve more than one meal to the children. This includes providing a morning snacks in the form of milk/banana/egg/seasonal fruits/micro nutrient fortified food followed by a Hot Cooked Meal. For children below three years of age, THR has to be provided.
Type of SN Distributed at AWCs
N=2525 73.19 80 69.78 70 60 52.2
30 Percentage 20
0 HCM THR Morn. Snack
Out of 2525 visited AWCs, Hot Cooked Food (HCF) was distributed in 73.19 percent of the AWCs, Take Home Ration (THR) was distributed in 69.78 percent of the AWCs and Morning Snacks (MS) in the form of Ready to Eat (RTE) was distributed in 52.2 percent of the AWCs. State specific data is presented in the Table below:
Type of Supplementary Nutrition Distributed to the Beneficiaries
States/UT AWC THR % Morn. % HCM % found Snack open Andhra Pradesh 25 25 100 23 92 24 96 Arunachal Pradesh 137 91 66.42 10 7.3 40 29.2 Assam 433 298 68.82 10 2.31 409 94.46 Bihar 30 21 70 29 96.67 30 100 Haryana 66 40 60.61 54 81.82 66 100 Jammu & Kashmir 239 165 69.04 83 34.73 208 87.03 Jharkhand 405 313 77.28 314 77.53 228 56.3 Karnataka 5 5 100 5 100 5 100 Kerala 166 166 100 166 100 166 100 Madhya Pradesh 20 20 100 13 65 20 100 Maharashtra 31 29 93.55 24 77.42 30 96.77 Manipur 200 0 0 15 7.5 20 10 Meghalaya 17 17 100 17 100 17 100 Nagaland 10 10 100 0 0 0 0 Puducherry 13 13 100 13 100 13 100 Rajasthan 489 489 100 462 94.48 489 100 Tamil Nadu 15 15 100 15 100 15 100 Telangana 10 10 100 5 50 9 90 Tripura 10 0 0 10 100 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 35 87.5 35 87.5 35 87.5 West Bengal 164 0 0 15 9.15 14 8.54 Total 2525 1762 69.78 1318 52.2 1848 73.19
Disruption In Distribution Of Supplementary Nutrition:
Distribution of supplementary food is a crucial indicator having implications on the impact and benefits intended to be achieved by supplementary nutrition. As per norms, supplementary nutrition has to be provided for 300 days in a year. CDPOs were asked to report the interruption of supplementary food. This was counter checked with available records. Data in this regards presented below:
No. of AWCs having Interruption in Last Six Months
63.64 57.15
20 12.5 2.04 Percentage 0
The data on interruption of supplementary nutrition reveals that on an average 57.15 percent of the visited AWCs had faced interruption in distribution of supplementary nutrition to the beneficiaries during the last six months. Out of AWCs visited in 21 States, majority of the AWCs of 7 States viz. Assam (98.15%), Arunachal Pradesh (96.35%), Jharkhand (92.59%), West Bengal (85.37%), Manipur (84%), Bihar (70%) and Haryana (63.64%) interruption in distribution of supplementary nutrition during the last six months had been reported. In majority of the AWCs of 6 States viz. Jammu & Kashmir (47.28%), Madhya Pradesh (30%), Telangana (20%), Maharashtra (12.9%), Uttar Pradesh (12.5%) and Rajasthan (2.04%), interruption in distribution of supplementary nutrition during the last six months had been reported. No interruption in distribution of supplementary had been seen in any of the AWC located in 8 States/UT viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu and Tripura.
AWCs Where Disruption in Distribution of Supplementary Nutrition was reported in Last 6 Months States/UT AWC found No. of % open AWCs having Interruption in last six months Andhra Pradesh 25 0 0.00 Arunachal Pradesh 137 132 96.35 Assam 433 425 98.15 Bihar 30 21 70 Haryana 66 42 63.64 Jammu & Kashmir 239 113 47.28 Jharkhand 405 375 92.59 Karnataka 5 0 0.00 Kerala 166 0 0.00 Madhya Pradesh 20 6 30 Maharashtra 31 4 12.9
Manipur 200 168 84 Meghalaya 17 0 0.00 Nagaland 10 0 0.00 Puducherry 13 0 0.00 Rajasthan 489 10 2.04 Tamil Nadu 15 0 0.00 Telangana 10 2 20 Tripura 10 0 0.00 Uttar Pradesh 40 5 12.5 West Bengal 164 140 85.37 Total 2525 1443 57.15
Training Status of Anganwadi Workers:
Under Comprehensive Training Strategy of Anganwadi Services Scheme, all categories of functionaries are required to undergo Job Training Course (JTC) with the broad objectives to make them understand their role in implementation of the scheme and to enable them to develop appropriate skills necessary for implementation of various activities and services planned under the scheme. Training of functionaries aims at strengthening their capabilities not only to organize the Anganwadi Services activities effectively but also to understand the expectations of beneficiaries and to work with community towards improved child care and behavioral practices. Adequate provisions have been made in training of grass root functionaries. Data regarding status of Job Training of AWW is presented below:
Training Status of AWWs No of AWC =2525 2469 (97.78%) Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) were 97.78 100.00 found present out of 2525 AWCs visited during 2017- 18. Of these, 2134 95.00
(86.43%) AWWs were trained. In West Bengal, 90.00 86.43 8.59 percent AWWs had received the Job Training Percentage 85.00 as per State specific data. 58.33 percent AWWs in UT of Puducherry and 73.33 80.00 percent AWWs in AWW Present at the AWWs Job Trained Arunachal Pradesh had Time of Visit received Job Training. In 10 States viz. Rajasthan (98.94%), Uttar Pradesh (97.50%), Maharashtra (96.67%), Assam (96.29%), Kerala (93.98%), Bihar (93.33%), Tamil Nadu (93.33%), Manipur (89.5%), Jammu & Kashmir (89.22%) and Jharkhand (83.55%), Job Training has been received by more than 75 percent of AWWs. All the AWWs were found trained in 8 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland Telangana and Tripura respectively. State wise data is presented in Table below:
Training Status of AWWs
States/UT AWC AWW found % Job % found Present Training open Andhra Pradesh 25 25 100 25 100 Arunachal 137 135 98.54 99 73.33 Pradesh Assam 433 431 99.54 415 96.29 Bihar 30 30 100 28 93.33 Haryana 66 64 96.97 64 100 Jammu & Kashmir 239 232 97.07 207 89.22 Jharkhand 405 383 94.57 320 83.55 Karnataka 5 5 100 5 100 Kerala 166 166 100 156 93.98 Madhya Pradesh 20 20 100 20 100 Maharashtra 31 30 96.77 29 96.67 Manipur 200 200 100 179 89.5 Meghalaya 17 17 100 17 100 Nagaland 10 10 100 10 100 Puducherry 13 12 92.31 7 58.33 Rajasthan 489 471 96.32 466 98.94 Tamil Nadu 15 15 100 14 93.33 Telangana 10 10 100 10 100 Tripura 10 10 100 10 100 Uttar Pradesh 40 40 100 39 97.5 West Bengal 164 163 99.39 14 8.59 Total 2525 2469 97.78 2134 86.43
1. OPENING OF AWCs: There are 13.62 lakh operational AWCs out of 14.00 lakh sanctioned AWCs in the country. Of these 3,066 AWCs in 151 ICDS Projects of 70 districts in 21 States/UTs were visited by Officials of CMU, Monitoring & Evaluation (M. & E.) Division, NIPCCD during 2017-18. Out of 3,066 visited AWCs, 541 (17.65%) AWCs were found closed at the time of visit for which respective State Government has already been intimated.
Action : State Government have been requested to review the Status from time to time and instruct all the concerned Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs) and District Programme Officer to ensure that Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) are open strictly as per the prescribed guidelines and norms of the Anganwadi Services Scheme.
AWC BUILDINGS During visit it has been observed that 78.06 percent of visited AWCs were located in pucca building and remaining 21.9 percent AWCs were running from Kutcha building. Similarly, less than two third (62.38%) of visited AWCs were found running in their own building and remaining AWCs need to be shifted in Govt. building. The adequate availability of outdoor and indoor space needs to be ensured in about 34.61 percent and 28 percent of the visited AWCs respectively. The non-availability of separate cooking space (Kitchen) in about 50.77 percent of the AWCs is a matter of concern and needs immediate attention.
Action : State Government/ UT Administration have been requested to review the Status of AWC Buildings and take all required action like identification of land for AWC building and leverage fund for the construction of AWC building in convergence with other schemes like MPLADs, MLALADs, Tribal Development, Multi Sectoral Development Programme (MSDP) of Ministry of Minority Affair, MGNREGA, RIDF and BRGF etc.
DRINKINGS WATER AND TOILET FACILITIES AT AWCs Toilet facility was observed by the officials during monitoring visit in 1069 (42.34%) AWCs and there is a need to provide toilet facility in 57.66 percent of the AWCs.. The availability of drinking water facility was noticed in less than three fourth (73.35%) of the AWCs.
Action : State Governments/ UT Administration have been requested to take necessary action for providing Safe Drinking Water & Toilet Facilities at AWCs by effective convergence with Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation by leverage funds under CSR activities, Swachh Bharat Kosh and Panchayati Raj Institutions.
3. TRAINING AND PERSONAL PROFILE 2469 (97.78%) Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) were found present out of 2525 AWCs visited during 2017-18. Of these, 2134 (86.43%) AWWs had received Job Training.
Action : State Governments/ UT Administration have been requested to review the Status of training of functionaries including Job/Refresher Training of AWWs and include the actual requirement in STRAP so that training of the untrained AWWs are organized.
Supplementary Nutrition is being provided to children (6 months - 6 years) as well as pregnant & lactating women under Anganwadi Services Scheme. Take Home Ration, Morning Snacks and Hot Cooked Meal were distributed by 69.78 percent, 52.20 percent and 73.19 percent of the visited AWCs respectively to the beneficiaries. During last six months Interruption in distribution of Supplementary Nutrition was seen in 57.15 percent of the AWCs.
It has been found that out of total registered children (3-6 years) only 66.42 percent had received SN. Similarly, 85.37 percent children (6 months - 3 years) and 96.30 percent Severely Underweight Children received SN at AWCs. Out of total registered 87.39 percent lactating mothers and 89.37 percent pregnant women had received SN. The data on interruption of supplementary nutrition reveals that on an average 57.15% of the visited AWCs had faced interruption in distribution of supplementary nutrition to the beneficiaries during the last six months.
Action: State Governments/ UT Administration have been requested to ensure distribution of Supplementary Nutrition at all AWCs as per prescribed nutritional norms and cost norms for supplementary nutrition to beneficiaries under the Scheme. State Government have also been requested to optimize coverage of beneficiaries under supplementary nutrition. State Government has also been requested to head count the beneficiaries and remove the ghost beneficiaries from the scheme if any.
Growth Monitoring and Promotion of Children from birth to five years is one of the important components of the Anganwadi Services Scheme. Weight for age has been adopted as the method for assessment and improvement of nutritional status of children under the Anganwadi Services Scheme. The availability of new WHO child growth charts has been reported only at 66.93 percent of the AWCs. Baby weighing scale is being provided at AWC to weigh children and accordingly determine their status of health on New WHO Child Growth Charts. Similarly, availability of adult weighing scale has been made mandatory at AWC for routine weight monitoring of pregnant women & lactating mother (P&LM). It was observed that out of total visited AWCs, 1,187 (47.01%) had baby weighing scale and 971 (38.46%) had adult weighing scales.
Action: State Governments/ UT Administration have been requested to ensure availability of baby & adult weighing scales and New WHO Child Growth Charts in all the AWCs.
The programme content of pre-school activities for children needs to be largely centred on organization of play activities and availability of PSE Kit. It has been found that only six out of ten AWCs (61.70%) had access to PSE Kit. Medicine Kits was found available only in 26.53 percent of AWCs.
State Governments/ UT Administration have been requested to ensure availability of PSE Kits, Medicine Kits and materials regularly at AWCs.
Out of total visited AWCs, children (3-6 years) were found present in 92.87 percent of the AWCs for pre-school education.
Action : State Governments have been requested to take efforts to make the PSE more attractive so that attendance of children (3 -6 years) at AWCs could be increased/ optimized.
Immunization facility, Iron & Folic Acid tablets and regular health checkup facilities at AWC are provided for beneficiaries under Health Services in coordination with Health Department. Health services were not found convincing in the visited States. The Immunization & Health checkup records were not being maintained properly in majority of visited AWCs. Out of total 18,273 children who had completed one year, 14,161 children (77.5%) were found to be fully immunized.
State Governments/ UT Administrations have been requested to review the immunization status of children in consultation with Department of Health and Family Welfare to immunize centpercent children in the Anganwadi area.
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Amruthaluru Rural 26/6/17- SC Hostel Area , Vemuru -5 Ms. K. Jaya Ranjani 2/7/17 2 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Amruthaluru Rural 26/6/17- Near Ambedkar Status , Vemuru -4 Ms. K. Jaya Ranjani 2/7/17 3 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Amruthaluru Rural 26/6/17- Turthern Church Area, Kollururu Ms. K. Jaya Ranjani 2/7/17 4 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Amruthaluru Rural 26/6/17- Sanjeeva Nagar, Kolluru Ms. K. Jaya Ranjani 2/7/17 5 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Amruthaluru Rural 26/6/17- Near jandachettu , Pedapudi Ms. K. Jaya Ranjani 2/7/17 6 Andhra Pradesh Krishna chillakallu Rural 9-11/5/2017 Jaggaiahpeta-21 Ms. Kavitha M 7 Andhra Pradesh Krishna chillakallu Rural 9-11/5/2017 Jaggaiahpeta, Ward- 19, Centre 1 Ms. Kavitha M 8 Andhra Pradesh Krishna chillakallu Rural 9-11/5/2017 Balusupadu-2 Ms. Kavitha M 9 Andhra Pradesh Krishna chillakallu Rural 9-11/5/2017 Mukteswarapuram-III Ms. Kavitha M 10 Andhra Pradesh Krishna chillakallu Rural 9-11/5/2017 Pedamodugupalli-I Ms. Kavitha M 11 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Tiruvur Rural 19- NTR Colony, Kampala Gud Ms. Kavitha M 24/6/2017 12 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Tiruvur Rural 19- Gosavi BU S.C Colony kampal Gud Ms. Kavitha M 24/6/2017 Mandal 13 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Tiruvur Rural 19- Allapnagada Village , A. Konduru Ms. Kavitha M 24/6/2017 Mandala 14 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Tiruvur Rural 19- Old P.O Seetha Mahalakshmi Colony Ms. Kavitha M 24/6/2017 15 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Tiruvur Rural 19- East Madavaram(161) Ms. Kavitha M 24/6/2017 16 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Giddalur Rural 30/6/17- K.S Palli -II S.C.Colony Dr. Naveeda 5/7/15 Khatoon 17 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Giddalur Rural 30/6/17- Akkapalli AWC , Akaveduseeto Dr. Naveeda 5/7/15 Khatoon 18 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Giddalur Rural 30/6/17- Rangareddy Palli Dr. Naveeda 5/7/15 Khatoon 19 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Giddalur Rural 30/6/17- Railway Colony AWC , Nalgonde Dr. Naveeda 5/7/15 Bazar Khatoon 20 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Giddalur Rural 30/6/17- Guntalavedi , 8th ward, pampule palli Dr. Naveeda 5/7/15 road Khatoon 21 Andhra Pradesh Vizainagaram Bobbli urban 17- Indiramma Colony -I , 46 Dr. Bharat Kumar 23/6/2017 22 Andhra Pradesh Vizainagaram Bobbli urban 17- TR Colony -II , 30th Ward Kotareedhi, Dr. Bharat Kumar 23/6/2017 BBL, V2M 23 Andhra Pradesh Vizainagaram Bobbli urban 17- Naidu Colony (indirammacolony-II) Dr. Bharat Kumar 23/6/2017 24 Andhra Pradesh Vizainagaram Bobbli urban 17- Kurakula Veedhi III-62 Dr. Bharat Kumar 23/6/2017 25 Andhra Pradesh Vizainagaram Bobbli urban 17- Jangalaveedhi -I , Bobbile Dr. Bharat Kumar 23/6/2017 26 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Panbari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 27 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Tezukhola II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 28 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Tribal Colony Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 29 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ DIC Colony Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 30 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Telluliang II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 31 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ T R Camp II (B) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 32 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Jalukbari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 33 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ T R Camp II (A) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 34 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ 34 Mile AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 35 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ ALC Line AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 36 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Tamla Nagar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 37 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Telluliang I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 38 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Mepo Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 39 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ 28 Mile I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 40 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ 28 Mile II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 41 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ 27 Mile Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 42 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Mekailiang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 43 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Koraliang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 44 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Loiliang III Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 45 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Hucheliang V Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 46 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Loilang II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 47 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Upper Loilang Segment 9/10 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 48 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Liliang Segment VIII Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 49 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Lohitpur Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 50 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Paya Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 51 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Hatiduba Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 52 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ 20 mile (Chailiang) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 53 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Yealliang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 54 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Jeko Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 55 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Sonpura I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 56 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Sonpura II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 57 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Tezu 7-10/2/ Chapori Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 58 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Parsuramkund Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 59 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Mawai I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 60 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ New Pukhuri Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 61 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Kanjang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 62 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Chereng Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 63 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Gundri Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 64 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Wakro I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 65 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Hallow (Wakro III) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 66 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Wakro II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 67 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Kamja Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 68 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Kareh II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 69 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Kareh I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 70 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Manyuliang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 71 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Tissue Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 72 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Hooking Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 73 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Wakhetliang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 74 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Medo Bazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 75 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Medo Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 76 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Lamliang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 77 Arunachal Pradesh Lohit Wakro 12-15/2/ Kamlang Nagar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 78 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Pumluk Sh. M. Alam 2018 79 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Bar Camp Sh. M. Alam 2018 80 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Boar Simla I Sh. M. Alam 2018 81 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Boar Simla II Sh. M. Alam 2018 82 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Godak Sh. M. Alam 2018 83 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Sey Godak Sh. M. Alam 2018 84 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Kigam Sh. M. Alam 2018 85 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Kemliko Sh. M. Alam 2018 86 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Kicho Sh. M. Alam 2018 87 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Dokum Sh. M. Alam 2018 88 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Raga II Sh. M. Alam 2018 89 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Pel Mili Sh. M. Alam 2018 90 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Yada Sh. M. Alam 2018 91 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Raker Sh. M. Alam 2018 92 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Raga III Sh. M. Alam 2018 93 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Surya Sh. M. Alam 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 94 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Poku Sh. M. Alam 2018 95 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Taya Sh. M. Alam 2018 96 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Tamen II Sh. M. Alam 2018 97 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Tamen III Sh. M. Alam 2018 98 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Tamen Raga 3-11/2/ Boa Simla III Sh. M. Alam 2018 99 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Tallo Uko Dr. M. Regon 2018 100 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Kago West Saji Tullu Dr. M. Regon 2018 101 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Tapi Myobia Dr. M. Regon 2018 102 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Siikhe Siilyo Dr. M. Regon 2018 103 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Nara Pabu Dr. M. Regon 2018 104 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Hong I Dr. M. Regon 2018 105 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Budhi Kiira Dr. M. Regon 2018 106 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Nending Puttu Dr. M. Regon 2018 107 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Tasso Dr. M. Regon 2018 108 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Hari II Dr. M. Regon 2018 109 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Reru I Dr. M. Regon 2018 110 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Taro Nenting Dr. M. Regon 2018 111 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Nako Tajang Dr. M. Regon 2018 112 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Jajang Dr. M. Regon 2018 113 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Lankhiing Dr. M. Regon 2018 114 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Sululya Dr. M. Regon 2018 115 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Kudung Barang Dr. M. Regon 2018 116 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Ritubo Dr. M. Regon 2018 117 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Dutta Paph Dr. M. Regon 2018 118 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Buru Dr. M. Regon 2018 119 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Haj Puna Dani Dr. M. Regon 2018 120 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Middle Hija Dr. M. Regon 2018 121 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Keliya Dr. M. Regon 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 122 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Siire Palu Dr. M. Regon 2018 123 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Maripoliyang Dr. M. Regon 2018 124 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ SSB AWC Dr. M. Regon 2018 125 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Kochi Paker Dr. M. Regon 2018 126 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Sibey Dr. M. Regon 2018 127 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro I 10-17/2/ Para Colony Dr. M. Regon 2018 128 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Shaldy Smt. L. Kumari 2018 129 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Pistana Smt. L. Kumari 2018 130 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Poru Smt. L. Kumari 2018 131 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Tulli Smt. L. Kumari 2018 132 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Joram Yayum Smt. L. Kumari 2018 133 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Shuil Joram Smt. L. Kumari 2018 134 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Migo Joram Smt. L. Kumari 2018 135 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Sekhjoren Smt. L. Kumari 2018 136 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Jara Smt. L. Kumari 2018 137 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Yakha Smt. L. Kumari 2018 138 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Puk Smt. L. Kumari 2018 139 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Upper Tolo Smt. L. Kumari 2018 140 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Rumling Smt. L. Kumari 2018 141 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Lower Tolo Smt. L. Kumari 2018 142 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Ruya Deku Smt. L. Kumari 2018 143 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Joram Smt. L. Kumari 2018 144 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Jath Smt. L. Kumari 2018 145 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Mai Smt. L. Kumari 2018 146 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Yachuli Town Smt. L. Kumari 2018 147 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Yachuli Smt. L. Kumari 2018 148 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Toon Smt. L. Kumari 2018 149 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Potiu Smt. L. Kumari 2018 150 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Possa Smt. L. Kumari 2018 151 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Taba Yalio Smt. L. Kumari 2018 152 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ New Pita Pool Smt. L. Kumari 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 153 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Chullyes Smt. L. Kumari 2018 154 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Toboum Smt. L. Kumari 2018 155 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Yayali Khael Smt. L. Kumari 2018 156 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Peni Smt. L. Kumari 2018 157 Arunachal Pradesh L. Subansiri Ziro II 3-10/2/ Yayali Market Smt. L. Kumari 2018 158 Arunachal Pradesh Tawang Thingbu Mukto 22- Plakshenang Tang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/5/2017 159 Arunachal Pradesh Tawang Thingbu Mukto 22- Marmong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/5/2017 160 Arunachal Pradesh Tawang Thingbu Mukto 22- Yuthembu Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/5/2017 161 Arunachal Pradesh Tawang Thingbu Mukto 22- Namazing Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/5/2017 162 Arunachal Pradesh Tawang Thingbu Mukto 22- Old Khasra village Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/5/2017 163 Assam Bongaigaon Boitamri 15-16/11/17 Salbari Garodukan 18319010413 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 164 Assam Bongaigaon Boitamri 15-16/11/17 Barkhata Part I 18281010115 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 165 Assam Bongaigaon Boitamri 15-16/11/17 24 No. Talguri 18281011207 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 166 Assam Bongaigaon Boitamri 15-16/11/17 Nayagaon Muslimpara 19281010502 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 167 Assam Bongaigaon Boitamri 15-16/11/17 Chalantapara part II 18281010707 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 168 Assam Dhubri Mahamaya 13-14/11/17 Chalbamdha 183011003198 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 169 Assam Dhubri Mahamaya 13-14/11/17 113 No. Jogiormalal 18301100422 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 170 Assam Dhubri Mahamaya 13-14/11/17 9 No. Mahamaya Dham 18300100904 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 171 Assam Dhubri Mahamaya 13-14/11/17 152 Khanbari Ponenaiani Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 18301100231 172 Assam Dhubri Mahamaya 13-14/11/17 33 No. dalaner Alga Part II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 173 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Uparanchi Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 174 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Uparanchi Saitmari - II Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 175 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Saitmari Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 176 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Model Gram Phar Toli Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 177 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Balachara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 178 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Thekasu Part-III Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 179 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Teksua Part-III Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 180 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Thekasu part-I Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 181 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Thekasu CRP camp Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 182 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Tekasu Part-II Hathkhola Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 183 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Fotal Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 184 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Puranivita Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 185 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Basowa Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 186 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Tarapara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 187 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Patiyarpara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 188 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Dosimapara (II) Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 189 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Belpara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 190 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Hadipara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 191 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sandan Para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 192 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sadapara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 193 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sadarpara Part-I pub Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 194 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Paschim KyarhPara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 195 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Budlung Farovita Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 196 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Bkhalukjuli Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 197 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Khilamara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 198 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Kahibari Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 199 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Nepalipara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 200 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Garuna Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 201 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Adarshapara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 202 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sagunbari part-I Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 203 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Haphimari Pahartoli Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 204 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Pat para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 205 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Khalepara Part -I Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 206 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Citalmari Bongram Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 207 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- North puran Para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 208 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Tiplai Adarsha Para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 209 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Tiplai Puran Para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 210 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Kathor Bari Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 211 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Garuchatka Part- I Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 212 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Garuchatka Hindupara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 213 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sutarpara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 214 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Dighali Part III Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 215 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Jurani para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 216 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Bazarpatti (Dhopdhara) Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 217 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Bakhurpara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 218 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Jogi para Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 219 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sashibori Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 220 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Sashibori-II Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 221 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Dharbari Part I Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 222 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Chaplai Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 223 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Madang part III Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 224 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Bahabari Part I Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 225 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Madang Mariapara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 226 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Madang Nawaapara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 227 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Ambuk Koimery Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 228 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Ambuk Amguri Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 229 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Haldhi Bari Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 230 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Khapamamara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 231 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Kathalmuri Palsa Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 232 Assam Goalpara Dudhoni 18- Duramari Letkupara Smt. L. Kumari 23/12/2017 233 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Koraibari Pt.III Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 234 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Koraibari chalapara Part I Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 235 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kharubajnama Folimari Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 236 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kachukata Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 237 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Rajmita uttar Madhya Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 238 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Dhupkura Khalerkanda Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 239 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kasrapara Garakanda Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 240 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Chilarvita North Part II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 241 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Tarangapur Pathalipara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 242 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Tarangapur Ghonapara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 243 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Bollapuri Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 244 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Thangpuripara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 245 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Singhara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 246 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- College Nagar Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 247 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Jaleswar bil (Kha) Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 248 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Sotoudmari Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 249 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Boro Udmari Dakhinmore Chariali Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 250 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Tekona Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 251 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Bashmura Pt-II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 252 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kukurkata Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 253 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Jharbari Jhokmari Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 254 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Khalisavita Hindu pada Pt.II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 255 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Khalisavita Hindu pada Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 256 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Paschim Garojan Pt-II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 257 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Garojan Hindu para Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 258 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Simlabari Bazar Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 259 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gagowarpar Nayapara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 260 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gosaidubi Barmanpara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 261 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gosaidubi Bazar Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 262 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gosaidubi Mamapara Pt.II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 263 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gosaidubi Mama- para Folimari Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 264 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gosaidubi Hindupara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 265 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Tanglarmaru Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 266 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Dhumerghat Paul para Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 267 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Ambari Kartimari Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 268 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Goleker pam west Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 269 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kontimari Golekerepam Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 270 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Jamaipara College Nagar Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 271 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Godlarpam Pt-II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 272 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kekradera Gadlar pam Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 273 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kurshapakri Pt-II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 274 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gandhipara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 275 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Rangduba Raba Para Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 276 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Bhaluona Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 277 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Kurshapakri West Jilapara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 278 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Hatimura Nayapara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 279 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gaurnagar Pahartal Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 280 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Gournagar Bazar Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 281 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Chulkani Pt-II Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 282 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Borbila Pt.I Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 283 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Takimari Pathaliapara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 284 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Konea Desipara Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 285 Assam Goalpara Jaleswar 14- Damribhasa Tiniali Sh. M. Alam 23/12/2017 286 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharmuja Part I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017 287 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharmuja Garopara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017 288 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharmuja Majerpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017 289 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Deodhuturi Panikheti Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 290 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharmuja Part II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017 291 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Nolonga Uzanpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017 292 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Nolonga Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017 293 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Singimari A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
294 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Nalanga Part I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
295 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Sopatola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
296 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Narangabari A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
297 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Narangabari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
298 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Chinabari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
299 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Muralijhar A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
300 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Dhumbandha Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
301 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Basbari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
302 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Chakla A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
303 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Angulkati Batabari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 304 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharichala Batabari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
305 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Markula Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
306 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Simlabari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
307 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kadotika East Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
308 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kodalkati Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
309 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kalyanpur A (Mini AWC) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
310 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kalyanpur Part I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
311 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Dosra Ambari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
312 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Rakhaldubi A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
313 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Rakhaldubi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
314 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Rakhaldubi Nayapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
315 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Rakhaldubi East Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
316 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Rowmari Bhuyanpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 317 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Singimari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
318 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Lalkura East Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
319 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Simlabari I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
320 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharmuja Garopara A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
321 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kharmuja Charpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
322 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Nalbari A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
323 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Nalbari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
324 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- West Pandoba Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
325 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Batabari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
326 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Bamundanga B Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
327 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Lampara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
328 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Markula West Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
329 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Pandoba Rabhapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 330 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Pandoba Bilpara (Mini AWC) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
331 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Kalyanpur East Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
332 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Konachipara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
333 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Joypur Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
334 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Rowmari Hajipara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
335 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Joypur Sotarkanda Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
336 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Joypur Bazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
337 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Bhasanipara II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
338 Assam Goalpara Kharmuza 14- Nunkhowa I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/12/2017 22- 23/12/2017
339 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Narshingbari Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 340 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kachari Road Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 341 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bilpitty Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 342 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Pachim Pahartoli Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 343 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Gollipara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 344 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Badalpara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 345 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Gopinipara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 346 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kalibari Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 347 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Shyam Sundar Road Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 348 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Krishnai Balijan Twin ICDS Project Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 349 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Tilapara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 350 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bamunpara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 351 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Suwori Pathar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 352 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Hadayatpur Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 353 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Biharibasti Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 354 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Puroni Bakurpara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 355 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Swaraj Road Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 356 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Chowk Bazar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 357 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Baniapara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 358 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Hasilapara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 359 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Alampara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 360 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kalpana Nagar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 361 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Vidya Nagar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 362 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Islampur Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 363 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Gitanagar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 364 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kismatpur Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 365 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Milan Nagar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 366 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Durga Mandir Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 367 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Jyotinagar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 368 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Jyotinagar A Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 369 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Balijana Vaterinary Hospital Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 370 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Balijana Bazar Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 371 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Balijana Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 372 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kalitapara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 373 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Deoli Ijira Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 374 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Chotto Hatighopa Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 375 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Chotto Hatighopa (Mini AWC) Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 376 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Boro Hatighopa Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 377 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Silsak Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 378 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Khellabury Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 379 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Narayanpara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 380 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Balijana Ambari 1 No. Khanda Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 381 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Fatehpur Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 382 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bhandara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 383 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bhandara Lanchi Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 384 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Sutradhar Budhipara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 385 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Budhipara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 386 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Tokrapara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 387 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Rampur Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 388 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bardamal Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 389 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bapupara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 390 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Bapupara A Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 391 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Rekhapara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 392 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Dorapara Ulupara Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 393 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Agiya Part-II Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 394 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Paharkota Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 395 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kalpani A Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 396 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kalpani Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 397 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kokira Part-I Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 398 Assam Goalpara Krishnai Balijana 18- Kokira Part-II Dr. M. Regon 21/12/2017 399 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Letharpara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 400 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Rambudura Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 401 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Baromatia garopara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 402 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Damraraipara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 403 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Hastinapur Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 404 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Bakhrakuti Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 405 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Udaypur Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 406 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Bishnu Rabha Path Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 407 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Thekash Part III Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 408 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Kathalpukhuri (Mini AWC) Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 409 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Kathalpukhuri Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 410 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Weekly Market (Mini AWC) Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 411 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Shantipur Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 412 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Uttar Bishnupur Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 413 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Sialmari Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 414 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Upartala kacharipara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 415 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Upartala Kalitapara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 416 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Upartala Nathpara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 417 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Upartala Dohapara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 418 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Upartala pashimiapara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 419 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Upartala Bijnipara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 420 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Daholaboripara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 421 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Chakalpara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 422 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Lengrapara Silorbori Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 423 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Bijnipara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 424 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Milantali Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 425 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Dhahila Kalitapara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 426 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Siliarbari Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 427 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Darranggiri Bazar Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 428 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Duramari Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 429 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Hazaripara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 430 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Nabasalpara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 431 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Gulianpara Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 432 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22- Chengading Dr. M. Regon/ 23/12/2017 Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 433 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Nalbari Garo para Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 434 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Amjonga Pahartoli Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 435 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Dolongduba Sushilapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 436 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Amjonga Baniyapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 437 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Gabilpara Nidanpur Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 438 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Dwappara Majipara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 439 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Balapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 440 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Shantinagar Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 441 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 22/12/2017 Bhalapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 442 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Santinagar Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 443 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Nabagram Kacharipara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 444 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Nabagram Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 445 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Sadrapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 446 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Latapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 447 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Hatkholabari Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 448 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Bongalpara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 449 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Kushdhowa Komarpara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 450 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Bahortoli Mejengpara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 451 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 South Kushdhowa Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 452 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Tini Kanya Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 453 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Khedelapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 454 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Tilapara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 455 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Monopara Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 456 Assam Goalpara Kusdhuwa 23/12/2017 Komarbari Dr. M. Regon/ Smt.K.S.Sheshadri 457 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Hirapara Hatipara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 458 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Hirapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 459 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Haluapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 460 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Amolapatty Natunbazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 461 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Ambari Bamunpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 462 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nidanpur Beparipara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 463 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nidanpur Beparipara (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 464 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nidanpur East (III) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 465 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Saptibari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 466 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nidanpur Rahamatpur Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 467 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Fetangapara (I) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 468 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nidanpur Shantipur Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 469 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nidanpur Bilpara (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 470 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bilpara Part I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 471 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Pub Nayapara Islampur Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 472 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Kurshakati Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 473 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Kurshakati (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 474 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nij Kurshakati Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 475 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nij Kurshakati (IV) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 476 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Aolatoli Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 477 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Nij Kurshikata (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 478 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Saktola A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 479 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Saktola B Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 480 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Saktola (III) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 481 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Saktola A (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 482 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Saktola Part I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 483 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Kokradanga Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 484 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Mothabari Pubpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 485 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Mothabari (I) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 486 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Mothabari Koryapara (III) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 487 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Mothabari (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 488 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Maladhara (II) B Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 489 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Maladhara II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 490 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Dipkai Garopara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 491 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Dipkai Baida Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 492 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Baida Purani Rabhapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 493 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Jurigaon Tilapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 494 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Jurigaon Palpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 495 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Jurigaon Rabhapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 496 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Jurigaon Berupara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 497 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Jurigaon Muslimpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 498 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bapurbhita Baxopara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 499 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bapurbhita Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 500 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bapurbhita A Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 501 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bapurbhita Chokpra Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 502 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bapurbhita Madhyapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 503 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Bapurbhita (II) B Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 504 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Simulkandi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 505 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Manas Chalpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 506 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Khanubhaj East Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 507 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Rajmita North Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 508 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Rajmita South Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 509 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Ghugudanga Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 510 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Ghugudanga II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 511 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Domribhasa Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 512 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Gaurnagar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 513 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Hatimura Namapara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 514 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Hurkachungi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 515 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Kantapur II Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 516 Assam Goalpara Lakhipur 18- Kantapur I Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 21/12/2017 517 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Garopara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 518 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Domini Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 519 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Nalduba Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 520 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- West Matia Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 521 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Islampur Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 522 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dakaidol Amtoli Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 523 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dakaidol Amtoli Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 524 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dakaidol (Kha) Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 525 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dakadonposhim Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 526 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Bhatimornai Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 527 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Sonapur Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 528 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dubapara A Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 529 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- West Phahassinghpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 530 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Khamar Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 531 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dhanubhanga Kocharipari Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 532 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Fulguri Sarapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 533 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Sonapur (Karipara) Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 534 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Chakla Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 535 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Herapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 536 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dahapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 537 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Tilapara Hindu Suba Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 538 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Bakaitari Adarsapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 539 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Nabilabari Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 540 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Sidhabari Chariali Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 541 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Sidhabari Saranarthi Sibir Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 542 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Saranartha Sibir A Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 543 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Ranua Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 544 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Panchayatpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 545 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Ranua Adarshapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 546 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Sidhabari-II, Hedayatpur Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 547 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dolgomapal para Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 548 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Hedyatpur Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 549 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Barkanda Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 550 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Goisabari Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 551 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Borbalupara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 552 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Sokhelipara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 553 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Dolgonapub Part-II Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 554 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Budduchar Muslimpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 555 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Buduchar Ujanpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 556 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Jayantipur Daspara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 557 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Jayantipur Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 558 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Buddaswar Hatkhola Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 559 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Buduchar Rajagarh Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 560 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Paschim Kadamtala Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 561 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Kadamtola East Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 562 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Domani Majorpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 563 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Nepali khuti, Beltola Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 564 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Beltol Patharpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 565 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Rajapara Muslimpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 566 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Nepali khuti Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 567 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Bhatipara Hajongpara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 568 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Helapakhari Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 569 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Helapakhari, Tilapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 570 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Helapakhari, Jungle Block Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 571 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Garopara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 572 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Helapakhari, Mamabhagin Shil Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 573 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Bolatmari garobazar Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 574 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Bolatmari Char Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 575 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Kalubazar Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 576 Assam Goalpara Matia 14- Baladmareichar, Uttarapara Smt. K. Sunita 23/12/2017 Seshadri 577 Assam Dibrugarh Tingkhong 22- Dolpa Village , Ting Khong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/6/2017 578 Assam Dibrugarh Tingkhong 22- Oufulia village , Ting Khong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/6/2017 579 Assam Dibrugarh Tingkhong 22- Sukani Village Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/6/2017 580 Assam Dibrugarh Tingkhong 22- Nilamani TE AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/6/2017 581 Assam Dibrugarh Tingkhong 22- Ajijbagh TE AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 23/6/2017 582 Assam Kamrup Bihdia Jajikona 19- No 124, Belkona KalitaSupa Sh. Mushir Alam Rural 21/6/2017 583 Assam Kamrup Bihdia Jajikona 19- No 30, Karuara Talukdar Sh. Mushir Alam Rural 21/6/2017 584 Assam Kamrup Bihdia Jajikona 19- No 57, Dadgaon Sh. Mushir Alam Rural 21/6/2017 585 Assam Kamrup Bihdia Jajikona 19- No 66, Baregaon LPS Sh. Mushir Alam Rural 21/6/2017 586 Assam Kamrup Bihdia Jajikona 19- Nagaon, Baihata Chariali Sh. Mushir Alam Rural 21/6/2017 587 Assam Lakhimpur Dhakuakhana 20- Village Baligaon, Cakhinepur DR. Minakshi Regon 24/6/2017 588 Assam Lakhimpur Dhakuakhana 20- village 1 No -Hiloidari Gaon P.O DR. Minakshi Regon 24/6/2017 Dighole 589 Assam Lakhimpur Dhakuakhana 20- Village Huzgaon, P.O Dnakuakhana DR. Minakshi Regon 24/6/2017 590 Assam Lakhimpur Dhakuakhana 20- village Sapolia Nahorani Chittagaon DR. Minakshi Regon 24/6/2017 591 Assam Lakhimpur Dhakuakhana 20- Village Dewalia Gaon P.O Gobindpur DR. Minakshi Regon 24/6/2017 592 Assam Sivasagar Sivasagar Urban 14- Thanamukh ,Ward No -3 Smt. Leena Kumari 17/6/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 593 Assam Sivasagar Sivasagar Urban 14- Town M.V School Redcross road Smt. Leena Kumari 17/6/2017 ward -6 594 Assam Sivasagar Sivasagar Urban 14- Punjan AWC , Siv Sagar Smt. Leena Kumari 17/6/2017 595 Assam Sivasagar Sivasagar Urban 14- B.G Road , Town M.V School Smt. Leena Kumari 17/6/2017 596 Assam Sivasagar Sivasagar Urban 14- Darban Field paccaghat Ward No Smt. Leena Kumari 17/6/2017 597 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Bada Shathan Mali Tola Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 598 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- ASHOK SHAH KA DARBAJA Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 599 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- _ Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 600 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Garib Ram ka Darwaza Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 601 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- MD Sultan ka Darwaza Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 602 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Alp Sankhyak Tol Dahibat Moumin Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 Ward 603 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Shankar Paswan ka Darwaza Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 604 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Ganj Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 605 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Harijan Dalan Tola Mahindra Ghar ke Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 pass 606 Bihar Madhubani Pandaul 15- Samudayik Bhawan Dhobi Tola Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 607 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 1 15- Jay Narayan Mishra Ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 608 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 1 15- Braham Dev Yadav ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 609 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 1 15- Harijan Colony Gangasagar Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 610 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 1 15- Sukhave Mochi ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 611 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 1 15- Mallah Tola Samudayik Bhawan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 612 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 2 15- Mushar Viklang Colony Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 613 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 2 15- Samudayik Bhawan Ktahi Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 614 Bihar Madhubani Rahika 2 15- Samudayik Bhawan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 615 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Mahendra Safi ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 616 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Ramchandra Karak ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 617 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Vivah Bhawan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 618 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Umesh Mahto ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 619 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Sabiya Khatoon ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 620 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Sudhir Mahto ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 621 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Dargah Chowk Samudayik Bhawan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 622 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Jaushala Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 623 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 624 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 625 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Vinod Shah ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 626 Bihar Madhubani Rahkia 3 15- Nariyal Bazar Shiv Shahu ka Dalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 20/01/2018 627 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Marcheri Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 628 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Marcheri Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 629 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 630 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Nirankari Colony Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 631 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Valmiki Choupal Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 632 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Majbi Sikh Chowpal Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 633 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Pandit Mohalla Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 634 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Govt. Girls Middle School Babain Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 635 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Near Kheramari Babain Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 636 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Near Kheramari Babain Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 637 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Bint Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 638 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- General Chowpal, Bint Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 639 Haryana Kurushetra Babain 26- Bhagwanpur Smt. Vibha Singh 27/12/2017 640 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Sonti DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 641 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Sonti DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 642 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Sonti DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 643 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Beer Sonti DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 644 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Beer Sonti Dera DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 645 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Lohara DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 646 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Lohara DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 647 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Antedi AWC DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 648 Haryana Kurushetra Ladwa 26- Antedi DR. N. Khan 27/12/2017 649 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Bhor Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal
650 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Siyana Saidam Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 651 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Murtapur Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 652 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- K. Shib Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 653 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Mohanpur Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 654 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Tangoli Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 655 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Jakhwala II Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 656 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Bodha Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 657 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Gashilangri Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 658 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- - Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 659 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Sayana Sehda Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 660 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Kausahab Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 661 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Mohanpur Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 662 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Mohanpur Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2018 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 663 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Iakhwala Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 664 Haryana Kurushetra Pehowa 26- Bodha Sh. Sumit Duggal 27/12/2017 & Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 665 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Dhantori Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 666 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Chanarthal Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 667 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Rawa Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 668 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Rawa Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 669 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Valmiki Basti Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 670 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Meerapur Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 671 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Ravidas Colony Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 672 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Himgiri Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 673 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Jindheri Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 674 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Deeg Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 675 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Dantodi Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 676 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Chanarthal Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 677 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Dangli Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 678 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Rawa Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 679 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Rawa Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 680 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Balmiki Basti Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 681 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Deeg Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 682 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Deeg Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 683 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Jhandheri Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar
684 Haryana Kurushetra Shahbad 26- Jhandheri Ms. Deepshikha 27/12/2017 Srivastava & Sh. Ashok Kumar 685 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Singhpura Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 686 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Singhpura Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 687 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Chiba Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 688 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Udarsi Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 689 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Jhimreri I Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 690 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Jhimreri I Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 691 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Hingakheri Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 692 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Hingakheri Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 693 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Ajraani Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 694 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Ajraani Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 695 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Adhonn Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 696 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Rural 26- Adhonn Sh. Sunil Kumar 27/12/2017 697 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Urban 26- New Colony Smt. farhin G. Khan 27/12/2017 698 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Urban 26- Rajendra Colony Smt. farhin G. Khan 27/12/2017 699 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Urban 26- Paras Basti Smt. farhin G. Khan 27/12/2017 700 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Urban 26- Kalyan Nagar Smt. farhin G. Khan 27/12/2017 701 Haryana Kurushetra Thanesar Urban 26- Kalyan Nagar Smt. farhin G. Khan 27/12/2017 702 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sahuwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 703 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sahuwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 704 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sahuwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 705 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sekhapuria Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 706 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sekhapuria Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 707 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sekhapuria Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 708 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Fatehpuriya Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 709 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Khaiser Garh Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 710 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Khaiser Garh Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 711 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Khaiser Garh Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 712 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Biruwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 713 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Biruwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 714 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Biruwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 715 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Panjuana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 716 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Khuian .N Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 717 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Karamgarh Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 718 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Fatehpuriya Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 719 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 720 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Khuian .N .P Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 721 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Jhord Rohi Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 722 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Panjuana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 723 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Panjuana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 724 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Panjuana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 725 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Fatehpuriya Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 726 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 727 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 728 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 729 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Karamgarh Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 730 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Khuian .N .P Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 731 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhagsar Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 732 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sahuwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 733 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Malewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 734 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Malewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 735 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Malewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 736 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Buda Bhana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 737 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Buda Bhana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 738 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Buda Bhana Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 739 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Kriadkot Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 740 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Kriadkot Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 741 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bupp Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 742 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bupp Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 743 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bupp Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 744 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bupp Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 745 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 746 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Nagoki Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 747 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Nagoki Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 748 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Nagoki Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 749 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Nagoki Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 750 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Alikan Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 751 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Alikan Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 752 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Alikan Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 753 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Ranga Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 754 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Mattar Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 755 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Lehngewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 756 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Lehngewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 757 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 758 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 759 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 760 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 761 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 762 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 763 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 764 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 765 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Rori Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 766 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sharni Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 767 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Sharni Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 768 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Buraj Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 769 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Buraj Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 770 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Buraj Bhangu Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 771 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Dhaban Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 772 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Dhaban Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 773 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Baragudha Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 774 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Baragudha Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 775 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Baragudha Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 776 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Baragudha Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 777 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Baragudha Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 778 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Baragudha Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 779 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Subskhera Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 780 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhadra Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 781 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Bhadra Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 782 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Biruwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 783 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Biruwala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 784 Haryana Sirsa Baraguda 21-23/02/ Chatriya Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 2018 785 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ RAJPURA Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 786 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ RAJPURA Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 787 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Ratta kehra Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 788 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Ratta kehra Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 789 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Ratta kehra Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 790 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ rampura bishnoi Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 791 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ rampura bishnoi Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 792 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ rampura bishnoi Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 793 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ banwala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 794 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ banwala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 795 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ banwala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 796 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ banwala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 797 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ resalia khera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 798 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ bijjuwali Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 799 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ bijjuwali Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 800 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ ahmedpur dariwala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 801 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Kaluna Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 802 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Kaluna Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 803 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Kaluna Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 804 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ godika Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 805 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ shergarh Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 806 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ shergarh Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 807 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ shergarh Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 808 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ saktakhera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 809 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ saktakhera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 810 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ saktakhera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 811 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ saktakhera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 812 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ saktakhera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 813 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ abubshar Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 814 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ abubshar Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 815 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ abubshar Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 816 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 817 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 818 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 819 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 820 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 821 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 822 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 823 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 824 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 825 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 826 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 827 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 828 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 829 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 830 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 831 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ choutala Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 832 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Chaula dhani Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 833 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ dabwali village Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 834 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ dabwali village Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 835 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ dabwali village Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 836 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ dabwali village Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 837 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ dabwali village Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 838 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ dabwali village Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 839 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ chohan nagar Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 840 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ kabir basti Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 841 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ sawant khera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 842 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ sawant khera Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 843 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Neelawali Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 844 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ Neelawali Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 845 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ paniwallaruldu Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 846 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ paniwallaruldu Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 847 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ paniwallaruldu Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 848 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ paniwallaruldu Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 849 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ hebuana Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 850 Haryana Sirsa Dhawali 21-23/02/ hebuana Dr. Souman 2018 Acharya 851 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mallenka Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 852 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mallenka Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 853 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mallenka Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 854 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mallenka Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 855 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mallenka Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 856 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mallenka Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 857 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Dhani Bachan Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 858 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Bhuratwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 859 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Bhuratwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 860 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Bhuratwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 861 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Bhuratwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 862 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Bhuratwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 863 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Bhuratwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 864 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Chilkni Dhab Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 865 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Chilkni Dhab Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 866 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Chilkni Dhab Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 867 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mehna Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 868 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mehna Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 869 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mehna Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 870 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Umedpura Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 871 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Umedpura Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 872 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Umedpura Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 873 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mamera Kalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 874 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mamera Kalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 875 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mamera Kalan Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 876 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Old Moju khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 877 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ New Moju Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 878 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Budhimeri Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 879 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Budhimeri Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 880 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jiwan Nagar Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 881 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jiwan Nagar Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 882 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jagmallera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 883 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jagmallera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 884 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jagmallera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 885 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jagmallera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 886 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Jagmallera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 887 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Damdama Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 888 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Damdama Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 889 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kariwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 890 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kariwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 891 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kariwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 892 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kariwala Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 893 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Santokhpura Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 894 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Harni Khurd Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 895 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Harni Khurd Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 896 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Amritsar Khurd Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 897 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Mirzapur Thedi Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 898 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kripal Palli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 899 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Shekhu Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 900 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Humanyu Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 901 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Ratti Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 902 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Ratti Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 903 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Ratti Khera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 904 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kutta Badh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 905 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kutta Badh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 906 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kutta Badh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 907 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kutta Badh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 908 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kutta Badh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 909 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Kutta Badh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 910 Haryana Sirsa Ellenabad 21-23/02/ Musli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2018 911 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Moriwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 912 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Moriwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 913 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Moriwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 914 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli Smt. Vibha Singh 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 915 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 916 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 917 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 918 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 919 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli (Mandir) Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 920 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli (Mandir) Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 921 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kotli Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 922 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kanwarpura Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 923 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kanwarpura Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 924 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kusumbhi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 925 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kanwarpura Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 926 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kusumbhi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 927 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Meerpur Colony Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 928 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Meerpur Village Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 929 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Meerpur Village Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 930 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhopra Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 931 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhopra Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 932 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Khairhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 933 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Khairhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 934 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Khairhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 935 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Khairhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 936 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Meerpur Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 937 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Bansudhar Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 938 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Bansudhar Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 939 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Chamal Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 940 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Chamal Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 941 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Chamal Smt. Vibha Singh 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 942 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Chamal Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 943 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Meerpur Village Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 944 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kelnia Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 945 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Kelnia Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 946 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Bansudhar Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 947 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhoranali Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 948 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhoranali Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 949 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhoranali Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 950 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhoranali Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 951 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Jhoranali Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 952 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Farwain Khurd Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 953 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Farwain Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 954 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Farwain Kalan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 955 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Farwain Kalan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 956 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Farwain Kalan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 957 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Burj Karamgarh Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 958 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Burj Karamgarh Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 959 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Panihari Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 960 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Panihari Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 961 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Panihari Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 962 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Panihari Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 963 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Panihari Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 964 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Bharokhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 965 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Bharokhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 966 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Dhan Bharkhan Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 967 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Bharokhan (Dhani) Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 968 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Darbi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 969 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Darbi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 970 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Darbi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 971 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Darbi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 972 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Darbi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 973 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Darbi Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 974 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Vaidwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 975 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Vaidwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 976 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Vaidwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 977 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Vaidwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 978 Haryana Sirsa Madhosinghana 21-23/02/ Vaidwala Smt. Vibha Singh 2018 979 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Nejiya Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 980 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Nejiya Kheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 981 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Nejiya Kheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 982 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Ali Mohammad -III Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 983 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Ali Mohammad -II Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 984 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Ali Mohammad Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 985 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Chadiwal Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 986 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Chadiwal -II Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 987 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Dadba Kalan Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 988 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Dadba Kalan III Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 989 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Dadba Kalan II Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 990 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Dadba Kalan III Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 991 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Chopta Sr SEC School Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 992 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Araniyawali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 993 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Araniyawali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 994 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Araniyawali Harijan Chopal Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 995 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Araniyawali Harijan Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 996 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Bakariyan wali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 997 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Bakariyan Wali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 998 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Bakariyan Wali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 999 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Bakariyan Wali Sh. H.P. Joshi
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2018 1000 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Bakariyan Wali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1001 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Gudiyakheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1002 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Gudiyakheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1003 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Gudiyakheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1004 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Gudiyakheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1005 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Gudiyakheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1006 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Raipur Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1007 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Raipur Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1008 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Rupawas Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1009 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Ludesar Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1010 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Ludesar Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1011 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Ludesar Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1012 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shakar Mandori Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1013 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shakar Mandori Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1014 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shahpuria Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1015 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shahpuria Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1016 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shahpuria Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1017 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Makhu Sarani Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1018 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Makhu Sarani Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1019 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Makhu Sarani Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1020 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shakar Mandori Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1021 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Shakar Mandori Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1022 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Rupana Ganja Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1023 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Rupana Ganja Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1024 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Rupana Ganja Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1025 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Rupana Bishnoi Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1026 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Rupana Bishnoi Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1027 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Nahrana Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1028 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Nahrana Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1029 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Narayan Kheda Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1030 Haryana Sirsa Nathusari Chopta 21-23/02/ Kairawali Sh. H.P. Joshi 2018 1031 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Chekerian Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1032 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Village Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1033 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Village Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1034 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1035 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1036 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Village Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1037 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Village Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1038 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Rural Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1039 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Rural Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1040 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kewal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1041 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kewal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1042 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dharampura Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1043 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dharampura Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1044 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Singhpura Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1045 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Singhpura Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1046 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Singhpura Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1047 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kewal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1048 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dadu Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1049 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dadu Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1050 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dadu Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1051 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dadu Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1052 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Dadu Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1053 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Lakarwali Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1054 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Lakarwali Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1055 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Lakarwali Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1056 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Lakarwali Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1057 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Lakarwali Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1058 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1059 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1060 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1061 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1062 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Takhatmal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1063 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Takhatmal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1064 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1065 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1066 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1067 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1068 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Takhatmal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1069 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Takhatmal Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1070 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1071 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1072 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1073 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Kalanwali Urban Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1074 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1075 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1076 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1077 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1078 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1079 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1080 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Chormar Khera Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1081 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Chormar Khera Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1082 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1083 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1084 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1085 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Odhan Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1086 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Chormar Khera Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1087 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1088 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1089 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1090 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1091 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1092 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1093 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1094 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1095 Haryana Sirsa Odhan 21-23/02/ Paniwala Mota Ms. Deepshikha 2018 Srivastava 1096 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ chakrian Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1097 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ chakrian Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1098 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ ottu Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1099 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ ottu Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1100 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ ottu Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1101 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ ottu Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1102 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ ottu Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1103 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bharolianwali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1104 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bharolianwali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1105 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bharolianwali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1106 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Balasar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1107 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Balasar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1108 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Ram pur their Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1109 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Nakara Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1110 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bani Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1111 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Nakora Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1112 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bani Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1113 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bani Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1114 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bani Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1115 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bani Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1116 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bacher Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1117 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ kharian Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1118 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ kharian Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1119 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Nirankar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1120 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Jagjit Nagar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1121 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Jagjit Nagar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1122 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Haripura Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1123 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Dhudianwali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1124 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Haripura Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1125 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Dhudianwali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1126 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Dhudianwali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1127 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Haripura Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1128 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Patti Rathawas Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1129 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Patti Rathawas Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1130 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Sadewala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1131 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Sadewala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1132 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Sadewala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1133 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Sadewala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1134 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Matuwala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1135 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Matuwala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1136 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Matuwala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1137 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Mammur Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1138 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Saroj bala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1139 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Mammur Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1140 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ chakrian Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1141 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Mangalian Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1142 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Nanuana Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1143 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Nanuana Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1144 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Nanuana Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1145 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bahiyan Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1146 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bahiyan Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1147 Haryana Sirsa Rania 21-23/02/ Bahiyan Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2018 1148 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Kirti Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1149 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Kirti Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1150 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Kirti Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1151 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Kirti Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1152 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Mohalla Sigikaat Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1153 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Mela Ground Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1154 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ JJ Colony Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1155 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ JJ Colony Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1156 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ JJ Colony Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1157 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ MC Colony Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1158 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ MC Colony Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1159 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ MC Colony Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1160 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Bazigar Basti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1161 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Bazigar Basti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1162 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Regar Basti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1163 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Thed Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1164 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Thed Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1165 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Thed Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1166 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Thed Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1167 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Thed Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1168 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chandigarhia Moh. Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1169 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chandigarhia Moh. Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1170 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1171 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1172 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1173 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1174 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1175 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1176 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Chatergarh Patti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1177 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Shakti Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1178 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Shakti Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1179 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Subhash Basti Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1180 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Ekta Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1181 Haryana Sirsa Sirsa Shahri 21-23/02/ Ekta Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 2018 1182 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Tarala charah Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1183 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Tirala Morakhera Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1184 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Trana Nall Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1185 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Tarala khet Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1186 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- K. Chambi Trai kala chambtraaw- Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 kotrarke Acharya 1187 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- chamitrar-b vill charnbi trarw NO 2 Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1188 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Hundi Panihad Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1189 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Panihad Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1190 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Mohra Panihad Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1191 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Panihad Mohra Dakhai Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1192 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Paniad cher Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1193 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Baror Bandian(khaniad panihad) Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1194 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Panhad Mohra Navan(Danihad) Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1195 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Murrian Panital Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1196 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- chai koteranka Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1197 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Dupri jiglana ktarlea( path jaglanoo) Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1198 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- jaglanoo proper kotranka Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1199 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Pir Mohalla draj Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1200 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Moda Masgit Phalani Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1201 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Mohra Many Phalani Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1202 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Maidan phalini(b) Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1203 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Abdullah Mohalla Tergai(Dhanma Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 phani) Acharya 1204 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Mohalla khoo kewal(kewal khu 2 Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Budhal Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1205 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Samiti Gali phalni Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1206 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Kotarka Rather Mohalla Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1207 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Aziz Mohalla Dramman Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1208 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Pserinar Mohra Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1209 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- kewal Branaman Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1210 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Kharkana kanna sagote Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1211 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Charan Ward 5 Salyote, Dalorho Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1212 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Argi Sair ward No 3 Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1213 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Argi (D) Khaki Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1214 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Dhanodi (A) Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1215 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Sewa Wajagir Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1216 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Sewa zair Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1217 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Salyote Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1218 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Purani Rojori Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1219 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Charian Argi(chrriam) Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1220 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Budhal 18- Chapra Dhalon Dr. Soumen 22/09/2017 Acharya 1221 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Ujhaan Barigah Guda Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1222 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Ujhaan A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1223 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Malhut B Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1224 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Leeran Naka Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1225 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Malhut C Masjid Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1226 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Warmati Thand Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1227 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Kassian Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1228 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Kothran A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1229 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Dhanna A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1230 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Dehan B Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1231 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Thanda A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1232 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Thanamang A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1233 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Dodasan Bala Kundan Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1234 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Lower dodasan bala Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1235 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Siam Samit, ward no. 3 Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1236 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Siam Samit thathi Mode Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1237 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Siam Samit C Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1238 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Dehri Loharan Mohalla Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1239 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Badakana A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1240 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Rajdhani Lower Lane Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1241 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Rajdhani Upper Lane Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1242 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Rajdhani Mohalla Lohia Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1243 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Rajdhani Tohid Pura E Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1244 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Barthpuri Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1245 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Old thanamandi Ward No 3 Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1246 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Old thanamandi Ward No 13 Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1247 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Dhakian A Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1248 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Bhangai Mohalla Kashmiri Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1249 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Darhal 18- Bhangai B Smt. Anubha jain 22/09/2017 1250 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Sailsui Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1251 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Gala Mohalla Sailsui Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1252 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Sailsui Ward No.2 Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1253 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Panjnara (B) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1254 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Panjnara (A) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1255 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Panglote Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1256 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Dayala Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1257 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Seela Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1258 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Mehrotedhakki Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1259 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Kurah 'A' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1260 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Tatta pani Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1261 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Panoti Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1262 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Baramandal Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1263 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Keri Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1264 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Chainpur Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1265 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Thermal Colony Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1266 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Sair 'B' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1267 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Badog'A' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1268 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Badog'c' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1269 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Badog'B' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1270 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Batyari Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1271 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Sair 'A' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1272 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Mehari 'A' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1273 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Mehari 'B' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1274 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Panjah 'B' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1275 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Panjah 'A' Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1276 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Kural East Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1277 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Dharamsal (A) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1278 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Solki (B) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1279 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Seri Dharamsal Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1280 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Badnoo Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1281 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Kalakote 18- Dharamsal (B) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/09/2017 1282 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Thandikassi Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1283 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Irwankhater Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1284 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Ghamber bharamane Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1285 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Sadhyal Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1286 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Sadhyal-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1287 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- thandikassi-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1288 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Misjid Mhohala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1289 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Takia Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1290 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- kalali-A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1291 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Tiandian-Gura Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1292 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Mangalnath Pail Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1293 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Mankot -A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1294 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Mankot -b Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1295 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Bariban charl Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1296 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Guletha khokhar Mohalla Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1297 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Dehri Ralyote Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1298 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- pail Dhriralyote Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1299 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Jammu khot Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1300 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Khokhar Mohalla Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1301 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Masjid Mohala Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1302 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- upper dupri Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1303 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Ghai Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1304 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Kala ban Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1305 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Gugli Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1306 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Kala ban-b Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1307 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Manjakote 18- Bandi chowki Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/09/2017 1308 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Langer Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1309 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Top Langer Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1310 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Ganiya A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1311 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Ganiya B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1312 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Dhanaka A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1313 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Dhanaka C Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1314 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Manpur Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1315 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Bliniyan Deing Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1316 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Deing C Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1317 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Deing A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1318 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Seri Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1319 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Mangiote Nallah Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1320 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Seyal Thakragura Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1321 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Seyal B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1322 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Seyal A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1323 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Mangote Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1324 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Kalal B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1325 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Kalal A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1326 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Lamberi Mandi Moh. Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1327 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Hanjana Jaba Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1328 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Rajal Thathi Upper Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1329 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Rajal D Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1330 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Rajal B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1331 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Rajal A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1332 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Thilhakima B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1333 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Rajal Shopping Complex Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1334 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Dandesar D Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1335 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Dandesar A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1336 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Lamberi Simble Moh Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1337 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Lamberi Takia Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1338 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- NSR NAC Ward No. 4 B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1339 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- NSR NAC Ward No. 1 Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1340 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- NSR NAC Ara Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1341 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- NSR ward no. 2 Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1342 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- NSR NAC Sarai Moh. Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1343 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Nonial Gref Moh. Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1344 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Nonial Drati Moh. Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1345 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Nonial Saraf Moh. Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1346 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Ghari Nonial Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1347 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Ghari Ground, Chowki Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1348 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Chowki Handan B Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1349 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Tanda Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1350 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Kalsin A Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1351 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Kalsian PM Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1352 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Nawshera 18- Bhawani Pandtian Mo Ms. Deepshikha 22/09/2017 Srivastava 1353 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Pathan Mohra -B (ward no- 14) Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1354 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Dassal Jattan Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1355 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Dasal Gujran Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1356 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Marad Pur ward no- 3 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1357 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Firing Range,Ward No 1 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1358 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Phaliana, Ward - 15 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1359 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Palam Main road, Ward no-2 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1360 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Palam A Mandir, Ward- 3 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1361 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Palam Dupri, Ward no- 5 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1362 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Nagrota B Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1363 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Badhoon A, Ward no-5 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1364 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Badhoon, Ward no-6 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1365 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Tanooni, Ward no 1 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1366 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Dhangri Ward no 5 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1367 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Dhangri C, Ward no 1 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1368 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Talab Mohalla Mehta , Ward no 1, Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 Dhangri 1369 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Dhangri, Ward no 7 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1370 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Agrati North A (ward no 2)- zone F Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1371 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Sasal Kote ward no - 4, Zone F Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1372 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Androlla (Zone E) Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1373 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Ati Karhwal Mohallah (ward no- 2) Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1374 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Fatehpur Gurrian Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1375 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Dhanore Lohra ward no- 6 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1376 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Rehtal B ward no 4 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1377 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Chwdry Nar Ward no 1 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1378 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Rathal D ward No 1 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1379 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Rajouri Rural 18- Fatehpur Gurian Eid Gah ward no 7 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/09/2017 1380 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Siotdheera Ward-3 Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1381 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Siot 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1382 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Siot H/S (D) Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1383 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kote Bakhar Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1384 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Balshama 'C' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1385 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Balshama 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1386 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Siot Bank Bela Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1387 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Balshama 'B' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1388 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Bakhar Main Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1389 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kalideh 'B' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1390 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Tala Tanda 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1391 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Seri Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1392 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kuldabbi 'B' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1393 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Behra Khaiter Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1394 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Jogi Mohalla Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1395 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- B' Mohalla Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1396 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kaledeh 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1397 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kuldabbi 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1398 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Changi Kangriala 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1399 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Louhara Kote Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1400 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani Ward.No-2 Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1401 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani 'C' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1402 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani 'W. No-3' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1403 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani 'B' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1404 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani 'D' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1405 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1406 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Sunderbani 'W.No-6' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1407 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Thandapani 'C' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1408 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Thandapani 'B' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1409 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Thandapani 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1410 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Thandapani Parla Grah Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1411 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Mawa 'B' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1412 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Patrara 'A' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1413 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kund Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1414 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Khabal Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1415 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kangri 'E' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1416 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kangri 'Lower D' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1417 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Rawarian Tala Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1418 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Lamman Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1419 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Fulauri Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1420 Jammu & Kashmir Rajouri Sunderbani 18- Kangri 'C' Smt. Vibha Singh 22/09/2017 & Smt. Seema Gupta 1421 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Pandrani Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1422 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Parsa Mohua Toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1423 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Chetto Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1424 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Tetenga Toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1425 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Pokhar toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1426 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Gulaichi toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1427 Jharkhand Gumla Bharno 29/01/18- Karauj Toli Sausera Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1428 Jharkhand Gumla Gumla sadar 29/01/18- Khadiya Para Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1429 Jharkhand Gumla Gumla sadar 29/01/18- Bhatti Mohalla Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1430 Jharkhand Gumla Gumla sadar 29/01/18- Sarua Toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1431 Jharkhand Gumla Gumla sadar 29/01/18- Baraik Mohalla Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1432 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Madai Koua Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1433 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Dahudar Gaon Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1434 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Malam Nawa Toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1435 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Orama Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1436 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Saksari Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1437 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Pakucy Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1438 Jharkhand Gumla Chainpur 29/01/18- Kusumgarh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1439 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- AmbeeraDeeh Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1440 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- BagheemwTukkuToli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1441 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- BagheemeBadaikToli (Mini) Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1442 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- ToliAmbaToli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1443 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- GhausiToli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1444 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- BangaroKhas Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1445 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- Pojenga Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1446 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- OrbeugDeeprToli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1447 Jharkhand Gumla Palkot 29/01/18- BangarooGangooToli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1448 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Kothatoli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1449 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Silambartoli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1450 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Silam II Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1451 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Bharmanda Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1452 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Khirakhad Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1453 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Shauk Modin Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1454 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Kat Kaya II Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1455 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Patra Toli Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1456 Jharkhand Gumla Raidih 29/01/18- Bazar Tand Sh. Ashok Kumar 2/2/18 1457 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Yadab Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1458 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Prahari Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1459 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Gupta Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1460 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Dom Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1461 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Hatpara Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1462 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Nawab Chowk Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1463 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Naya Jadav Tola (Mini) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1464 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Sonajori Pradhan Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1465 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Sonajori Momin Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1466 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Sonajori Upartola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1467 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Sonajori Kumbhar Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1468 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Sonajori Teli Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1469 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Santhali Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1470 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Barhait Pokhra Patal Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1471 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Islampur Barhait Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1472 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Babukur Prenat Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1473 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Panchkatia Mandir Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1474 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Panchkatia Teli Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1475 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Panchkatia Bangali Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1476 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Panchkatia Momin Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1477 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Panchkatia Manjhi Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1478 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Roksy Manjhi Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1479 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Harwadih Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1480 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Harwadih Momin Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1481 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Gopladih Santhal Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1482 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Gopladih Pradhan Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1483 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Bhagabandh Pradhan Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1484 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Bhagabandh Nugu Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1485 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Dhanjori Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1486 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Bhagabandh Momin Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1487 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Kundali Uttar Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1488 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Kundali Keot Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1489 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Phulbhanga Chappar Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1490 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Phulbhanga Manjhi Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1491 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Phubhanga Muslim Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1492 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Simaldab Keor Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1493 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barhait 12- Simladab Teli Tola Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 16/3/2018 1494 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- jagari tola Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1495 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Khushwa Tola Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1496 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Koyri Para Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1497 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Bararhi Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1498 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Risord3 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1499 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Rishod 1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1500 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Barari charnrackauk Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1501 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- khetoripara Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1502 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- ghar gram 1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1503 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- ghargram 2 dhakin tola Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1504 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- hari hara 1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1505 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- madhu para Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1506 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Agoli1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1507 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- Narain pur Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1508 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- sri kund paschim Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1509 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- aAdharkhotadakshin tola Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1510 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- jorapokur Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1511 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- mayur tola paschim Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1512 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- mayur tola purba Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1513 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- kotal pukur paschim Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1514 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- kotal pukur purba Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1515 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- maharajpur Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1516 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- maharaj pur Turipara Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1517 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- auth gram 3 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1518 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- rupas pur Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1519 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- mohanpur 1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1520 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- bindupara3 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1521 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- bindupara4 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1522 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- chawal challa Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1523 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- kharpara1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1524 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- kharpara2 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1525 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- goarai pukur Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1526 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- kalipara Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1527 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- naya tola Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1528 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- bindubham path 2 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1529 Jharkhand Sahibganj Barharwa 12- bindubham path 1 Dr. Souman 16/3/2018 Acharya 1530 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Durga Tola Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1531 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Banjhi Santhali 2 Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1532 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Banjhi Bazaar Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1533 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Mogra Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1534 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Marcho Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1535 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Mahsol Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1536 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Gouripur Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1537 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Mangeroo Tikar Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1538 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Basco Badtala Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1539 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Chotta Kendua Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1540 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Pual Upper Tola Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1541 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Dighi (Mini AWC) Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1542 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Kadma Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1543 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Borio Santhali 2 Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1544 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Borio Teli Tola Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1545 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Ranchara Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1546 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Banderi Bandakula Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1547 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Abrol Khatori Tola Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1548 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Bada Rakso Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1549 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Digra Pahar Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1550 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Madua Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1551 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Kari Kander( Mini) Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1552 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Lohan Da Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1553 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Adro Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1554 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Danvar Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1555 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Balideh Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1556 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- rang Matia Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1557 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Kurumba Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1558 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Barmasia Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1559 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Sampur Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1560 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Moti Pahari Santhali Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1561 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Rajhans Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1562 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Sakru Ghar Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1563 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Paswan Tola Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1564 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Bada Taufir Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1565 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Satichowki Pangro Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1566 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Satichowki Kuthari Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1567 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Satichowki Kothari-2 Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1568 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Bada Pagado Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1569 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Bada Madan Sahi 1 Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1570 Jharkhand Sahibganj Borio 12- Prem Nagar Smt. Anubha jain 16/3/2018 1571 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Tetaria Muslim Tola Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1572 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Tetaria Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1573 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Badtolla Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1574 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Pradhan Tola (Badtolla) Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1575 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Phadpur Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1576 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Kohbara-I Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1577 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Sahibganj Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1578 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Koudikhutana Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1579 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Sadaktola Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1580 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Vishanpur Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1581 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Dayalpur Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1582 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Godra I Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1583 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Bhimchak Badkhori Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1584 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Ranideh Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1585 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Motilaxmi Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1586 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Backhori Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1587 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Backhori -I Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1588 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Backhori -II Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1589 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Dhobana Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1590 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Khaira Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1591 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Simta Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1592 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Khairban Ikhari Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1593 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Bhurkunda Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1594 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Bada Kendwa Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1595 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Trilykhariya Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1596 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Banglia Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1597 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Mandro Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1598 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Tetria Muslimtola Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1599 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Baskodih Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1600 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Rangukita Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1601 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Hariyola Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1602 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Taledin Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1603 Jharkhand Sahibganj Mandro 12- Gadra Muslim tola Sh. K.S. Dangi 16/3/2018 1604 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Ranga Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1605 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Huktakiya ( Musahar Tola ) Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1606 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Santhali Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1607 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Badr Dighi Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1608 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Badr Dighi -II Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1609 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Badi Kelr Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1610 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Madho Pada Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1611 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Raja Bhithe Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1612 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Talbadiya -III Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1613 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Uijaypur Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1614 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Mohabbat Pur -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1615 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Mohabbat Pur -II Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1616 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Mohabbat Pur -II Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1617 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Aamgachhi III Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1618 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Kendue III Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1619 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Kendua II Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1620 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Modikola -II Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1621 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Modikola -IV Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1622 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Modikola -V Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1623 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Modikola -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1624 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Chhota Ranga (Tola Mundu ) Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1625 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Chhota Mahagama -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1626 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Koradih Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1627 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Chopotola Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1628 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Barmasiya Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1629 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Lakhipur -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1630 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Kumhariya Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1631 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Badr Digha (yadav Tola ) Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1632 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Suranga Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1633 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Dharmpur (Madhu tola ) Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1634 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Mayur Jhooti Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1635 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Bada Rangr Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1636 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Bada Rangr -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1637 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Aomgachhi -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1638 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Shiva Pahadi Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1639 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Bishnpur Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1640 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Bishnpur -IV Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1641 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Bishnpur -IV Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1642 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Kendur -I Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1643 Jharkhand Sahibganj Pathna 12- Aamgachhi II Sh. Ashok Kumar 16/3/2018 1644 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Sukhsena Ghat II Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1645 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Budhwaria II Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1646 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Budhwaria I Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1647 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Ghat Jamuni Tapua Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1648 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Ghat Selempur Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1649 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Maniktola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1650 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Yogichak Dakshin Bhag Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1651 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Kamlen Baghicha Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1652 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Jairampur Gosh Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1653 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Kanhaiyasthan Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1654 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Munna Patal Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1655 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Saitpur Buzurg I Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1656 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Dedhgava Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1657 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Tekbathan Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1658 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Sangrampur Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1659 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Makhani Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1660 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Naugachi Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1661 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Punni Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1662 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Naya Basti Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1663 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Nageshwarbagh II Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1664 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Nageshwarbagh I Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1665 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Logai Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1666 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Murli Simaldhab Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1667 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Padhariya Salbani Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1668 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Teenpahadh west Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1669 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Naya Rustam Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1670 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Rafatulla Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1671 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Amin Haji Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1672 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Pran Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1673 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Usmani Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1674 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Karbala Jai Narayan Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1675 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Kachua Kaul Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1676 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Usmani Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1677 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Felu Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1678 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Kamal Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1679 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Mazhar Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1680 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Kabiraj Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1681 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Kharddighi Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1682 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Govindpur Machchua Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1683 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Govindpur Mahajan Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1684 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Govindpur Chai Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1685 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Punni Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1686 Jharkhand Sahibganj Rajmahal 12- Dakshin Tola Smt. Farhin Ghufran 16/3/2018 Khan 1687 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Muslim Tola Purab Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1688 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Mahdavgang east Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1689 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Mahdavgang West Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1690 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Shablampur Bhat Part-1 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1691 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Shablampur Bhat Part-2 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1692 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- chota Dusadh tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1693 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- chota tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1694 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- vhahid tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1695 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Aarsadh tola Rampur Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1696 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Rampur jabar tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1697 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Sath Dhaiya tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1698 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Muslim Tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1699 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- chasha tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1700 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Harijan tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1701 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- choti khudarjana Bind tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1702 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- choti khudarjana kumar tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1703 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- choti khudarjana part-2 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1704 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- nadi diyara Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1705 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- nadi diyara pande tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1706 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- choti khodarjana Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1707 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- nadi diyara pande tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1708 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Maldar Tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1709 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- jayanteregram part-2 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1710 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Badi khodarjana Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1711 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- choti khodarjana part-2 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1712 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Rampur english bind tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1713 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Rampura karara Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1714 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Mangal Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1715 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Asharam tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1716 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Samdha Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1717 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- samdhasij-1 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1718 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- shukar bajar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1719 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Dehari Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1720 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- shukar bajar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1721 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- hajipur west Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1722 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- hajipur east Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1723 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Hajipur ojha tola Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1724 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- hajipur diyara east Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1725 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- shobahnpur dera Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1726 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- choti khuddhar jana Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1727 Jharkhand Sahibganj Sahibganj Rural 12- Choti khudarjana part-2 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 16/3/2018 1728 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Boha Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1729 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Moti Jharna I Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1730 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Moti Jharna II Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1731 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Dak Bangla Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1732 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Meena Bazar Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1733 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Dhanbad Bhatti Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1734 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Maskaliya Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1735 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Fatehpur II Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1736 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Karanpura I Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1737 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Karanpura II Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1738 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Jamalpur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1739 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Kalajhar Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1740 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Navghatta Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1741 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Dudhkol Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1742 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Khairbani Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1743 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Bishanpur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1744 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Bhatbhanga Santhali Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1745 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Madanshahi Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1746 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Gangatiya Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1747 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Gadiadab Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1748 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Bartalla Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1749 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Sahrajdhan Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1750 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Radhakishanpur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1751 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Tiril Tola (mini AWC) Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1752 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Vrindavan Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1753 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Rampur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1754 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Kumhar Tola (Mini Awc) Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1755 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Harijan Tola Sagadbhanga Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1756 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Barmasia Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1757 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Mahuataad Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1758 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Mahadevpur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1759 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Shaharpur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1760 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Bada Durgapur Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1761 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Sarjam Tola (Mini AWC) Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1762 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Dahartola Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1763 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Macchuatola Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1764 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Dhamdhamija Santhali Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1765 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Chhoti bagiyamari Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1766 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Jamini Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1767 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Chhoti bagiyamari I Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1768 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Chengro Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1769 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Ambadeeh Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1770 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Banskola Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1771 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Banskola Santhali Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1772 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Paltanganj Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1773 Jharkhand Sahibganj Taljhari 12- Hathigarh Ms. Deepshikha 16/3/2018 Srivastava 1774 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Road Pada Babutola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1775 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- KhadiTola MirzaNagar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1776 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- BakaiTola Pashim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1777 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Kistopur Talbanna Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1778 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- DumriPahad Dakshin Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1779 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- DumriPahad Pattoda Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1780 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Atapur Uttar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1781 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- RangaTola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1782 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Naya Anutola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1783 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Dafadar Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1784 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Mukhiya Tola Uttar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1785 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Mukhiya Tola Dakshin Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1786 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Sadek Ali Uttar tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1787 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Sadek Ali tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1788 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Govind Das Dakshin Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1789 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Govind Das Uttar Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1790 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Babutolla Uttar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1791 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Dumri Pahad Madya Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1792 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Dumri Pahad Pashim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1793 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Talbanna Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1794 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Mohanpur Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1795 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Lalbhathan Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1796 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Haji Khushruddin Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1797 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Bhiku Ahmad Tola Pashim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1798 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Bhiku Ahmad Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1799 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Anesh Mandal Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1800 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Sadek Master Tola Uttar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1801 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Jangle Para Pashim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1802 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Jangle Para Purab Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1803 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Daulat Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1804 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Naya Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1805 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Gohalbadi Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1806 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Sikandar Mukiya Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1807 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Arun Mandal Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1808 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Mojammal Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1809 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Ashutosh Mandal Tola Uttar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1810 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Ashutosh Mandal Tola Dakshin Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1811 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Mahesh Bathan Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1812 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Babutolla 2 Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1813 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Babutolla Pashim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1814 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Babutola 01 Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1815 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Babutola Purab Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1816 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Singhi Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1817 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Yad mohammad Tola Purab Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1818 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Yad mohammad Tola Madya Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1819 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Yad mohammad Tola Paschim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1820 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Balugram Paschim Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1821 Jharkhand Sahibganj Udhwa 12- Vishwanath Mandal Tola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 16/3/2018 1822 Jharkhand Giridih Deori 12- Poorni Garliya -20349040214 Sh. Ashok Kumar 14/6/2017 1823 Jharkhand Giridih Deori 12- Mankdeeha -20349040215 Sh. Ashok Kumar 14/6/2017 1824 Jharkhand Giridih Deori 12- Parsatand 20349046605 Sh. Ashok Kumar 14/6/2017 1825 Jharkhand Giridih Deori 12- Mahtodhram-20349040115 Sh. Ashok Kumar 14/6/2017 1826 Jharkhand Giridih Deori 12- Pandeydeeh AWC no 20349040318 Sh. Ashok Kumar 14/6/2017 1827 Jharkhand Koderma Koderma rural 15- Bonakali-20348020525 Sh. Ashok Kumar 17/6/2017 1828 Jharkhand Koderma Koderma rural 15- Lochanpur -I , 20348020514 Sh. Ashok Kumar 17/6/2017 1829 Jharkhand Koderma Koderma rural 15- Urwan-IV, 20348020604 Sh. Ashok Kumar 17/6/2017 1830 Jharkhand Koderma Koderma rural 15- Tinavatand Harijantola Sh. Ashok Kumar 17/6/2017 1831 Jharkhand Koderma Koderma rural 15- Bajrang Nagar -20348020130 Sh. Ashok Kumar 17/6/2017 1832 Karnataka Dakshina Vitla ( Tribal ) 19- P.O Gudoh , VITTLA , Karnataka Sh. S. K. Arvind Kannada 23/6/2017 1833 Karnataka Dakshina Vitla ( Tribal ) 19- School Ground VITLA Sh. S. K. Arvind Kannada 23/6/2017 1834 Karnataka Dakshina Vitla ( Tribal ) 19- Kadangdi , Manlhi Op &Vill Bantwal Sh. S. K. Arvind Kannada 23/6/2017 1835 Karnataka Dakshina Vitla ( Tribal ) 19- Manuh Po Kalnao Sh. S. K. Arvind Kannada 23/6/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1836 Karnataka Dakshina Vitla ( Tribal ) 19- VITLA -574244 Sh. S. K. Arvind Kannada 23/6/2017 1837 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 Ainipully Ahamed memorialAWC Dr. Souman Acharya 1838 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 penapiltarha fourcent colony Dr. Souman Acharya 1839 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 kuncheri Dr. Souman Acharya 1840 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 puthiara Dr. Souman Acharya 1841 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 THANGALPADI Dr. Souman Acharya 1842 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 PERIYAMBALAM Dr. Souman Acharya 1843 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 ANDATHODE Dr. Souman Acharya 1844 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 PAPPALI Dr. Souman Acharya 1845 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 ANDATHODE Dr. Souman Acharya 1846 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 MANNALAMKUNNU KINAR Dr. Souman Acharya 1847 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 KUMARANPADI Dr. Souman Acharya 1848 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 MANNALAMKUNNU KINAR WEST Dr. Souman Acharya 1849 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 PANANTHARA Dr. Souman Acharya 1850 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu 5-9/2/2018 PANANTHARA Dr. Souman Acharya 1851 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu Addl. 5-9/2/2018 ottathengu Dr. Souman Acharya 1852 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu Addl. 5-9/2/2018 ambedker colony Dr. Souman Acharya 1853 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu Addl. 5-9/2/2018 maangottappadi Dr. Souman Acharya 1854 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu Addl. 5-9/2/2018 muthammave Dr. Souman Acharya 1855 Kerala Thrissur Chavakkadu Addl. 5-9/2/2018 monnam kallu Dr. Souman Acharya 1856 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Chaithanaya Ms. Kavitha M 1857 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Parijatham Ms. Kavitha M 1858 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Aiswarya Ms. Kavitha M 1859 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Snehatheeram Ms. Kavitha M 1860 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Snehatheeram I Ms. Kavitha M 1861 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Varna Ms. Kavitha M 1862 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Pratheeksha Ms. Kavitha M 1863 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Jaykeerala Ms. Kavitha M 1864 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Thruvathira Ms. Kavitha M 1865 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Snehajyothi Ms. Kavitha M 1866 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Sangamithra Ms. Kavitha M 1867 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Sangama Ms. Kavitha M 1868 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Abduruhman Ms. Kavitha M 1869 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Peyvazar west Ms. Kavitha M 1870 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Geetham Ms. Kavitha M
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1871 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Moduel AWC Ms. Kavitha M 1872 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Ayyarilhamza Memorial Ms. Kavitha M 1873 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Kasturba Ms. Kavitha M 1874 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Ponpularalary Ms. Kavitha M 1875 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Snehadeepa Ms. Kavitha M 1876 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Sahrudaya Ms. Kavitha M 1877 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Usheus Ms. Kavitha M 1878 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Malarvad Ms. Kavitha M 1879 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Akshara Ms. Kavitha M 1880 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Pomottu Ms. Kavitha M 1881 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Priyadarshini Ms. Kavitha M 1882 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Arunaodayam Ms. Kavitha M 1883 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Naruma Ms. Kavitha M 1884 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Puari Ms. Kavitha M 1885 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Thanal Ms. Kavitha M 1886 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Mythri Ms. Kavitha M 1887 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Janani Ms. Kavitha M 1888 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Mahathma Ms. Kavitha M 1889 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Ponpulari Ms. Kavitha M 1890 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Navami Ms. Kavitha M 1891 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Iswarya Ms. Kavitha M 1892 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Fisherman Colony Ms. Kavitha M 1893 Kerala Thrissur Kodungaloor 5-9/2/2018 Elthuruth Ms. Kavitha M 1894 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Hareshree Ms. Kavitha M 1895 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Udayshree Ms. Kavitha M 1896 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Priyadarshini Ms. Kavitha M 1897 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Akshara Ms. Kavitha M 1898 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Achamkandam Ms. Kavitha M 1899 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Jayashree Ms. Kavitha M 1900 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Kanamapalli puram Ms. Kavitha M 1901 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Vilasini Memorial Ms. Kavitha M 1902 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Bhuvaneshwari Ms. Kavitha M 1903 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Pratheeksha Ms. Kavitha M 1904 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Gramashree Ms. Kavitha M 1905 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Koorikuzhi Ms. Kavitha M 1906 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Kairali Ms. Kavitha M 1907 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Thaliru Ms. Kavitha M 1908 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Navanitham Ms. Kavitha M 1909 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Mythri Ms. Kavitha M 1910 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Jansi Ms. Kavitha M
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1911 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Mahathma Ms. Kavitha M 1912 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Saparya Ms. Kavitha M 1913 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Hareshree Ms. Kavitha M 1914 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Navodaya Ms. Kavitha M 1915 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Mahathma Ms. Kavitha M 1916 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Shishu Bhavan Ms. Kavitha M 1917 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Thattungal Ms. Kavitha M 1918 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Sarga Ms. Kavitha M 1919 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Buterfly Ms. Kavitha M 1920 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Nandana Ms. Kavitha M 1921 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Keragramam Ms. Kavitha M 1922 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Mahathma Ms. Kavitha M 1923 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Cherupusam Ms. Kavitha M 1924 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Viriandavanam Ms. Kavitha M 1925 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Navarathnam Ms. Kavitha M 1926 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Priyadarshini Ms. Kavitha M 1927 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Sangeerathanam Ms. Kavitha M 1928 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Aramam Ms. Kavitha M 1929 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Drushayakala Ms. Kavitha M 1930 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Swaruma Ms. Kavitha M 1931 Kerala Thrissur Mathilakam 5-9/2/2018 Harishri Ms. Kavitha M 1932 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Ushus Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1933 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Chiplimadu Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1934 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Chettuva Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1935 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Souhrudha Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1936 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 16 Santhi Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1937 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 17 Kadappuram Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1938 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Fishries Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1939 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Thushara Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1940 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 111 Thirumangalam temple Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1941 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 15 Deepam Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1942 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 42 chilanka Road (Patalangalabi) Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1943 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 40 Sai Centre Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1944 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 AWC Ganesh Mangalam Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1945 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Tagore AWC Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1946 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 117 Dhubai Road Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1947 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 29 Kadappuram Ms. Deepshikha
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit Srivastava 1948 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Kuttamugham Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1949 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Kottai Colony Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1950 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 21 Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1951 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Gandhi Gram Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1952 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Angens Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1953 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Kalanji Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1954 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Aishwarya Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1955 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Bodhy Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1956 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Kottathukavu Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1957 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Kalidasa Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1958 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Chaithanya Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1959 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Thalikulam Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1960 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Chaithanya Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1961 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Ithikood Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1962 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Palace Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1963 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Koprakklam Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1964 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Balya Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1965 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Thaliru Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1966 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Sree Parmeshwary Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1967 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Chemmpplly Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1968 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 AKG Colony Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1969 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Cherkara Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1970 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 77 Mosque North Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1971 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Thriprayar Beach Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1972 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 78 Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1973 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 76 Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1974 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 63 Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1975 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 64 near Pt. Ground Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1976 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Sri Ramachandra Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1977 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 72 Thriprayar Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1978 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 125 Hospital Colony Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1979 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 89 Kothakulam East Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 1980 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 88 Kurisupallu Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1981 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 110 Suvarnajublee Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1982 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Anupama Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1983 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 83 Chithra Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1984 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 129 palappetti Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1985 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 130 Minnaminni Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1986 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Vrindavan Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1987 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 94 Kairali Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1988 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 96 Karayamuttom Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1989 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Udaya Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1990 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 99 Chaithanya Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1991 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Priyadarshini Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1992 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 SN Kazhibram Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1993 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 Mahatma Gandhi Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1994 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 128Pakalaveedu Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1995 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 127 Maithri Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1996 Kerala Thrissur Thalikkulam 5-9/2/2018 109 TOMo Ms. Deepshikha Srivastava 1997 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Roftakkolly Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 1998 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Poovanarikkunnu Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 1999 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Miladi II Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 2000 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Kothmangalam Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 2001 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Pakkam Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 2002 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Mannikanni Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 2003 Kerala Wayanad Kalapetta rural 21- Ambileri Dr. Naveed Khatoon 24/12/2017 2004 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Govindpura Urban 12- Narela Sankari Sh. Sumit Duggal 16/6/2017 2005 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Govindpura Urban 12- Anand Nagar Sh. Sumit Duggal 16/6/2017 2006 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Govindpura Urban 12- Aadampur Sh. Sumit Duggal 16/6/2017 2007 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Govindpura Urban 12- Indranpuri Labour Colony Sh. Sumit Duggal 16/6/2017 2008 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Govindpura Urban 12- Aadampur Chavni Sh. Sumit Duggal 16/6/2017 2009 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior Morar Rural 27- Ganeshpara AWC -73 Sh. Nilesh Shinde 30/6/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2010 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior Morar Rural 27- AWC Birampura ,89 Sh. Nilesh Shinde 30/6/2017 2011 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior Morar Rural 27- Janahar No 2 Sh. Nilesh Shinde 30/6/2017 2012 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior Morar Rural 27- Baretho AWC 85 Sh. Nilesh Shinde 30/6/2017 2013 Madhya Pradesh Gwalior Morar Rural 27- Bahadurpur ,AWC No 102 Sh. Nilesh Shinde 30/6/2017 2014 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Kundam (Tribal) 17- Amjlar,23451080603 Dr. Rajesh Mishra 20/7/2017 2015 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Kundam (Tribal) 17- Bijapur,sector Padana Dr. Rajesh Mishra 20/7/2017 2016 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Kundam (Tribal) 17- Sadaphal-I Dr. Rajesh Mishra 20/7/2017 2017 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Kundam (Tribal) 17- Bhokadevj 44160234510 Dr. Rajesh Mishra 20/7/2017 2018 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Kundam (Tribal) 17- Sanjavi 23451080704 Dr. Rajesh Mishra 20/7/2017 2019 Madhya Pradesh Chattarpur Bijawar 27- Mazquaon Khund 23425030322 Sh. S.G Gangur 30/6/2017 2020 Madhya Pradesh Chattarpur Bijawar 27- Dahi 053 Sh. S.G Gangur 30/6/2017 2021 Madhya Pradesh Chattarpur Bijawar 27- Gulganj 23425030316 Sh. S.G Gangur 30/6/2017 2022 Madhya Pradesh Chattarpur Bijawar 27- Gulgarj Bijanur 23425030318 Sh. S.G Gangur 30/6/2017 2023 Madhya Pradesh Chattarpur Bijawar 27- Pathapur 23425030351 Sh. S.G Gangur 30/6/2017 2024 Maharashtra Akola Murtijapur 14- Sirson-6 Sh. K.S Dangi 15/6/2017 2025 Maharashtra Akola Murtijapur 14- Brahami Bai , PO. Brohami Khund Sh. K.S Dangi 15/6/2017 2026 Maharashtra Akola Murtijapur 14- Sajanpur (Hirpur) Sh. K.S Dangi 15/6/2017 2027 Maharashtra Akola Murtijapur 14- Sonori -2 Sh. K.S Dangi 15/6/2017 2028 Maharashtra Akola Murtijapur 14- Hathgaon Kramark-4 Sh. K.S Dangi 15/6/2017 2029 Maharashtra Hingoli Basmath Rural 10- Injangaon, Hingoli Sh. K.S Dangi 12/6/2017 2030 Maharashtra Hingoli Basmath Rural 10- Aasegaon - II Sh. K.S Dangi 12/6/2017 2031 Maharashtra Hingoli Basmath Rural 10- Chandgovhan (Mini AWC) Sh. K.S Dangi 12/6/2017 2032 Maharashtra Hingoli Basmath Rural 10- Borala -I Sh. K.S Dangi 12/6/2017 2033 Maharashtra Hingoli Basmath Rural 10- Karitha -2 Sh. K.S Dangi 12/6/2017 2034 Maharashtra Parbhani Gangakhed 6-7/6/2017 Kho day Sh. K.S Dangi 2035 Maharashtra Parbhani Gangakhed 6-7/6/2017 Mahatpuri-IV Sh. K.S Dangi 2036 Maharashtra Parbhani Gangakhed 6-7/6/2017 Mahatpuri-I Sh. K.S Dangi 2037 Maharashtra Parbhani Gangakhed 6-7/6/2017 Antavali Sh. K.S Dangi 2038 Maharashtra Parbhani Gangakhed 6-7/6/2017 Akoli -3 Sh. K.S Dangi 2039 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Vaked No. 89 Dr. Aneel V. B. 13/2/2018 Babu 2040 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Kurne AWC Dr. Aneel V. B. 13/2/2018 Babu 2041 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Purve - Pachim Bazar Peth Dr. Aneel V. B. 13/2/2018 Babu 2042 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Lanja Kanavjevad Sh. Nilesh Shinde 13/2/2018 2043 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Lanja Shetywadi Sh. Nilesh Shinde
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 13/2/2018 2044 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Sangve Sh. Nilesh Shinde 13/2/2018 2045 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Sayale Sh. Nilesh Shinde 13/2/2018 2046 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Ozre AWC Khurd Ganeshwadi Sh. Nilesh Shinde 13/2/2018 2047 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Dhamapu Tarpei Deverukh Dr. Aneel V. B. 13/2/2018 Babu 2048 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Karambele Tarfe Dr. Aneel V. B. 13/2/2018 Babu 2049 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Lanja Rural 10- Terhe Madhali Wadi Dr. Aneel V. B. 13/2/2018 Babu 2050 Maharashtra Yavatmal Ghatanji(Tribal ) 26- Parwah -1 Taluk Ghatarji Smt. Shashikala 30/6/2017 Bodra 2051 Maharashtra Yavatmal Ghatanji(Tribal ) 26- Gram Panchayat Parwati No 2 Smt. Shashikala 30/6/2017 Bodra 2052 Maharashtra Yavatmal Ghatanji(Tribal ) 26- Murli No -2 Smt. Shashikala 30/6/2017 Bodra 2053 Maharashtra Yavatmal Ghatanji(Tribal ) 26- Mini AWC , Parwa Pode Smt. Shashikala 30/6/2017 Bodra 2054 Maharashtra Yavatmal Ghatanji(Tribal ) 26- Murli -1 Smt. Shashikala 30/6/2017 Bodra 2055 Manipur Bishnupur Moirang 22-23/11/18 Itting Khunjao Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2056 Manipur Bishnupur Moirang 22-23/11/18 Maring Makha Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2057 Manipur Bishnupur Moirang 22-23/11/18 Keibul Takmu Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2058 Manipur Bishnupur Moirang 22-23/11/18 Kumbi Kor Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2059 Manipur Bishnupur Moirang 22-23/11/18 Borayangba Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2060 Manipur Imphal East Imphal East I 20-21/11/17 Pourabi Awang Liekaii Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2061 Manipur Imphal East Imphal East I 20-21/11/17 Kangla Sangomsana ManaIngkhel Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2062 Manipur Imphal East Imphal East I 20-21/11/17 Sawombung Tejpur Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2063 Manipur Imphal East Imphal East I 20-21/11/17 Chingkhu Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2064 Manipur Imphal East Imphal East I 20-21/11/17 Lairikyegbam Awang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2065 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Waiknong Pompthakoppi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2066 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Waikhong Mamai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2067 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Waikhong Uyung Khonou Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2068 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Pangantabi Chingkta Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2069 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Chairel Khonou Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2070 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Korshantabi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2071 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Serou Mamang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2072 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Serou Bazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2073 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Segnu Thana Mani Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2074 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Umathel mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2075 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Thongam Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2076 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Kakching Khonou Tampakym Ward 2 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2077 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Kakching Khonou Awang Leikai (IV) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2078 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Kakching Khonou Awang Keithal Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2079 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Kakching Khonou Awang Heitup Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Makhang Leikai 2080 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Wabagai Maibam Leikai Lamdaibung Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2081 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Wabagai Leirak Acahuba Maning Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2082 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Lamjao Awang Mamang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2083 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Tazpur Awang mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2084 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Laimanai Mamang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2085 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Lamngmeidong Mamang Awang leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2086 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Elanagkhanpokpi Makha Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2087 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Lanmeidong Maning Awang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2088 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Lamjao Makha Maning Thounaojam Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2089 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Lamjao Makha Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2090 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Lamjao Makha Maning Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2091 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Palel Old Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2092 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Palel Makha Leikai Sabal Pareng Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2093 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Thongjao Maning Makha Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2094 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Thaonjao Mayai Maning Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2095 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Keirak Mamang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2096 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Wagabai Makha Maning Keithal Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Macha 2097 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Wagabai Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2098 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Hiyanlam Waikhong Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2099 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Hiyanlam Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2100 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Sekmaijin Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2101 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Sekmaijin Mamang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2102 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Old Sekmaijin Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2103 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Sekmaijin Makha leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2104 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Hangul Makha Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2105 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Maharani Loukon Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2106 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Irongband Awang Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2107 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Hawairou Mairembam Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2108 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Sora Old Centre Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2109 Manipur Thoubal Kakching 15-18/1/ Sora Awang Mamang Chingya Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2110 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Paji Leikai Part XII, Maning Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2111 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Khulem Part XII Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2112 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Part XI maning Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2113 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Mayai Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2114 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Laithagol Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2115 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 kakching Turel Wangma Maning Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2116 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Chumnang Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2117 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Chungnang Awang Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2118 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Keirak Heirangkhongjam Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2119 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Keirak Khongnang Leikai Sorok Mrs. K. Sunita Mapan Seshadri 2120 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Keirak Old AWC Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2121 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Part 1 Makha Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2122 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Part 2 Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2123 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Khunyai Leikai College road Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2124 Manipur Thoubal Kakching Rural 19/1/2018 Kakching Khunyai Parking Awang Mrs. K. Sunita Seshadri 2125 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Lilong Tairen Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2126 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Lilong Bazar Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2127 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Liling Liter Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2128 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Haoreibi Makha Urippi mapa Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2129 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Lilong Haoreibi Makha Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Penakhong Mamai Seshadri 2130 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Lilong Haoreibi Makha Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2131 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Lilong Haoreibi Salamkhong Mamang Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Leikai Seshadri 2132 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- LH Leikai salamkhong Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2133 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Lilong Konjil Liton Makhang Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2134 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Haoreib Makha Leikai Ward No 9 Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2135 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Liepharakpam Khaidehl Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2136 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Liepharakpam Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2137 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Autokhong Mamang Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2138 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Oinam Sawombung Makha Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2139 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Oinam Sawombung Awang Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2140 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Uchiwa Wangonataba Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2141 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Uchiwa Wangma Awang Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2142 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Uchiwa Nastao Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2143 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Khelakhong Amanbi Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2144 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Khelakhong Gahanbi Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2145 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Haibung Makhong Mathak Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2146 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Iddgah Road Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2147 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Maibam Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2148 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Maibam Konjil Mayai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2149 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Maibam Mayai Thoubal Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2150 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Maibam Kanjil Maning Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2151 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Maibam Konjil Sagolsem Mayai Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2152 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Maibam Maning Leikai Thongkhong Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2153 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Irong Chesaba Makha Bogi Leikai Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2154 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 16- Irong Chesaba Mrs. K. Sunita 20/1/2018 Seshadri 2155 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Lamkhia Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2156 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Thoubal Mayum leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2157 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Thoubal Mayum leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2158 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Awang Maning Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2159 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Mamang Litan Makhong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2160 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Awang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2161 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Moijing Leingoijil Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2162 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Nongthombam Leikai AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2163 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leishangtham Awang Mayai Leikeri Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2164 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leishangthem Awang Bashikhong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2165 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leisangthem Khong Manung Mathak Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2166 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leisangthem Khong Manung Mamang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Mayai Leikai 2167 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leisangthem Khong Mamang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2168 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Irongthokchom Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2169 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Irong Thokchom Meisnam Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2170 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Turel Ahanti Mathak Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2171 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Yangbi Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2172 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Yangbi Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2173 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Leihaokhong Mananag Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2174 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Leihaokhong maning Leilai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2175 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Leihaokhong mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2176 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leihaokhong Mayai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2177 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Leihaokhong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2178 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Harabi Awang Leiki Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2179 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Turel Ahanbi Aribam Salam Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Mathak 2180 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Suptukarong (1) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2181 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Tamyai Sumang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2182 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Lilong Hangamthabi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2183 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Waithou Sangomsang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2184 Manipur Thoubal Lilong 19-20/1/ Waithou Laimang Konjil (main) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2185 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Kiyam Siphai Babu Bazar Maning Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2186 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Tanjeng Khong Ahanbi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2187 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Haokha Maning Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2188 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal wakol Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2189 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal Achuba Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2190 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Nangangkhong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2191 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Nangangkhong Lai Leirak Makha Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2192 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal Bamol Leirak Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2193 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal Nangingkhong Bamon Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Makha Leikai 2194 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal Nangingkhong Mamang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2195 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal Nigambam Luxmi Bazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2196 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thoubal Achuba Mmamang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2197 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (I) Sorak Wangma Maning Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2198 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (II) Mayai Maning Turel Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Khongbal Leikai 2199 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (II) Khullakpam Thokchom Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Leikai 2200 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (I) Bazar Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2201 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (II) Khullakpam Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2202 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Athokpam Kolheibam Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2203 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Keijam Leikai Ward No. 5 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2204 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Athokpam Sandabung Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2205 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Athokpam Khangembam (II) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2206 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Athokpam Khunou Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2207 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok New Bazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2208 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (I) Awang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2209 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khangabok (II) MP Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2210 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Hayel Labuk Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2211 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Wangjing SK Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2212 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Lamding Cherapur Thonaojam Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2213 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Lamding Khumanthem Maning Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2214 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Wangjing Wangkhei Mining Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2215 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Sangaiyumphom Cherapur Muslim Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 Awang Leikai 2216 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Sangaiyumphom Karanchi Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2217 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Tentha Khungu Awang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2218 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Tentha Khungu AwangMorangband Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2219 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Kentha Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2220 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Tentha Haibung Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2221 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Kentha Kahnjao Bazar Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2222 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Tentha Khonjao Makha Khong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2223 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Kentha Khaongdoubi Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2224 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Phundrei Awang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2225 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Phundrei Khunou Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2226 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Wangjing SK Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2227 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Wangjing Sarokbaibam Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2228 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Kairembikhol Awang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2229 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Kairembikhol Awang leikai (B) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2230 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2231 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Devi Mandop Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2232 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Devi Mandop Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2233 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Thokchem Leikai Ningthaujam Lusak Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2234 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Thokchem Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2235 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Pujari Chitek Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2236 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Mayai Mini AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2237 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Bazar (B) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2238 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Bazar (A) Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2239 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Heirok (II) Maning Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2240 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Samaram Mamang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2241 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Sanaram Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2242 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khongjam Tengol Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2243 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Sapam Mayai Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2244 Manipur Thoubal Thoubal 10-13/1/ Khonjam Mamang Leikai Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2018 2245 Manipur Jiribam Jiribam 6-8/6/2017 Chandrapur I AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2246 Manipur Jiribam Jiribam 6-8/6/2017 Babupara I AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2247 Manipur Jiribam Jiribam 6-8/6/2017 Sonapur Village Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2248 Manipur Jiribam Jiribam 6-8/6/2017 Hillghat I AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2249 Manipur Jiribam Jiribam 6-8/6/2017 Lairembi II AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2250 Manipur Ukhrul Kasam Khullen 17- Konglairam AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 20/6/2017 2251 Manipur Ukhrul Kasam Khullen 17- K. Somari AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 20/6/2017 2252 Manipur Ukhrul Kasam Khullen 17- Yeasom B AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 20/6/2017 2253 Manipur Ukhrul Kasam Khullen 17- Near CDPO Office , Kasom Khullen E Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 20/6/2017 2254 Manipur Ukhrul Kasam Khullen 17- Khamlang AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 20/6/2017 2255 Meghalaya East Jaintia Khliehriat 25-26/8/17 Tuberwah 17669010505 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2256 Meghalaya East Jaintia Khliehriat 25-26/8/17 Shohshriehein 17669010501 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2257 Meghalaya East Jaintia Khliehriat 25-26//8/17 Byrewai 17669010615 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2258 Meghalaya East Jaintia Khliehriat 25-26/8/17 Wapungskur 17669010606 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2259 Meghalaya East Jaintia Khliehriat 25-26/8/17 West Dkhiah village 17669010111 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2260 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 lanong Mulong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2261 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Lalong Shnongthymme Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2262 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Mihnythu Lumpyrid Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2263 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Sabahmuswang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2264 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 sabah Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2265 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Lumbekhala Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2266 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Nongbah Poshong Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2267 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Nongbah Mission Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2268 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Mookyniang Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2269 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Mukhla Shohsheieh Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2270 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Wahiys Seinraji Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2271 Meghalaya west Jaintia Thadlaskein 4-8/12/2017 Luwdeinling Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Hills 2272 Nagaland Dimapur Niuland ICDS 17- Nihokhu AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 18/4/2017 2273 Nagaland Dimapur Niuland ICDS 17- Ninland A AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 18/4/2017 2274 Nagaland Dimapur Niuland ICDS 17- Viyito Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 18/4/2017 2275 Nagaland Dimapur Niuland ICDS 17- Hovishi A AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 18/4/2017 2276 Nagaland Dimapur Niuland ICDS 17- Kuhoxu AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 18/4/2017 2277 Nagaland Paren Jalukie ICDS 19- Phanjang AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 20/4/2017 2278 Nagaland Paren Jalukie ICDS 19- Dungki B AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 20/4/2017 2279 Nagaland Paren Jalukie ICDS 19- Gaili AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 20/4/2017 2280 Nagaland Paren Jalukie ICDS 19- Jalukie Colony AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 20/4/2017 2281 Nagaland Paren Jalukie ICDS 19- New Julukie B AWC Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Project 20/4/2017 2282 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Valavil, near Sree Kurumba Temple Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 Valauit 2283 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Poozithala, fisheries compound Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2284 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Puthhalam old LP school Choodikotta Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2285 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Manjakkal Sree Narayana Madan Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2286 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Cherukallayi Puthiya Parambath Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2287 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Chalakkara Sree Narayana Madan Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2288 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Chembr near sub centre Chembra Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2289 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Pandakkal-I near Majestic oil mill Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2290 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Edayil Peedika Kattil Parambath Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2291 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- East Pallore near spinning mill Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2292 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- West Paloor, Sree Narayana Madan Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 2293 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- M.Parauba near Sree kala Furniture Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 patoor 2294 Puducherry Mahe Mahe urban 27- Pandakkal -III Odayoth House Ms. Kavitha M 31/12/2017 compound hassan mukku, Pandakkel 2295 Rajasthan Alwar Rajgarh 22- AWC-19, Power House Ke Piche Smt. Vibha Singh 26/05/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2296 Rajasthan Alwar Rajgarh 22- Mahal Bagh /15 Smt. Vibha Singh 26/05/2017 2297 Rajasthan Alwar Rajgarh 22- Bankat Ki Kothi / 3 Smt. Vibha Singh 26/05/2017 2298 Rajasthan Alwar Rajgarh 22- Kumar Mohalla Raibapura/30 Smt. Vibha Singh 26/05/2017 2299 Rajasthan Alwar Rajgarh 22- Dhola Khoja Ki Kothi /7 Smt. Vibha Singh 26/05/2017 2300 Rajasthan Bharatpur Nagar Pahari 15- Nagar -I ,ward -18, 08105070101 Smt. Farhin Ghufran 19/5/2017 Khan 2301 Rajasthan Bharatpur Nagar Pahari 15- Nagar -12, ward -15, 08105070112 Smt. Farhin Ghufran 19/5/2017 Khan 2302 Rajasthan Bharatpur Nagar Pahari 15- Nagar -4, ward -4, 08105070104 Smt. Farhin Ghufran 19/5/2017 Khan 2303 Rajasthan Bharatpur Nagar Pahari 15- Khakhawali -2, 08105070148 Smt. Farhin Ghufran 19/5/2017 Khan 2304 Rajasthan Bharatpur Nagar Pahari 15- Burru -1 , 0205 Smt. Farhin Ghufran 19/5/2017 Khan 2305 Rajasthan Bharatpur Nagar Pahari 15- Nagar-20, ward 10 Smt. Farhin Ghufran 19/5/2017 Khan 2306 Rajasthan Dausa Panchayal Samiti 22- Anganwadi Pathsala , Raut-I Ms. Deepakshika Mahwa 26/5/2017 2307 Rajasthan Dausa Panchayal Samiti 22- Anganwadi Pathsala , Raut-II Ms. Deepakshika Mahwa 26/5/2017 2308 Rajasthan Dausa Panchayal Samiti 22- Anganwadi Pathsala , Hadiya -I Ms. Deepakshika Mahwa 26/5/2017 2309 Rajasthan Dausa Panchayal Samiti 22- Anganwadi , Hadiya -II Ms. Deepakshika Mahwa 26/5/2017 2310 Rajasthan Dausa Panchayal Samiti 22- Anganwadi Pathsala , Hadiya -III Ms. Deepakshika Mahwa 26/5/2017 2311 Rajasthan Dholpur Dholpur Urban 15- 436, ward 40 gajara Sarai Ms. Kiran Sonkar 19/5/2017 2312 Rajasthan Dholpur Dholpur Urban 15- 212,Modipara Dholpur Purana Shahar Ms. Kiran Sonkar 19/5/2017 2313 Rajasthan Dholpur Dholpur Urban 15- Jawahar Nagar 08106040148 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 19/5/2017 2314 Rajasthan Dholpur Dholpur Urban 15- ward -28, code 2013 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 19/5/2017 2315 Rajasthan Dholpur Dholpur Urban 15- Gurudwara ,8106040209 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 19/5/2017 2316 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 5 RTM Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2317 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 1 UDM Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2318 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 1 LSM-A Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2319 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 12 SM-B Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2320 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 4 KSM Banda Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2321 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 5 LSM ( Banda) Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit dangi
2322 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 3 SPSM Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2323 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 4 SPSM Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2324 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 68/2 G.b Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2325 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 66 G.B Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2326 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 65 G.B Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2327 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 59 GB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2328 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- lalgar Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2329 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ram singhpur-A Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2330 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ram singhpur-B Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2331 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 57GB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2332 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 40 GB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2333 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 41 GB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2334 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 45 GB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2335 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 9 AS Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2336 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 10 AS Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2337 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 13 AS Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2338 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 14AS Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2339 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 16AS Kupli Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2340 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 29 GBA Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2341 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.20 SBNR Sh. Kushal singh
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 22/12/2017 dangi
2342 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No19 Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2343 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No 18 SBNR Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2344 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.17 SB NR Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2345 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.5/8 Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2346 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.14 SBNR Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2347 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.3 Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2348 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 32 GB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2349 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 27 AB Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2350 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 27 AA Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2351 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 32A Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2352 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 10k Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2353 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 23A Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2354 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- 22 A Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2355 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.22 Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2356 Rajasthan Ganganagar Anoppgarh 18- Ward No.18 Sh. Kushal singh 22/12/2017 dangi
2357 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 6A Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2358 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 23GG Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2359 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- CHUNAWABD B Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2360 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- CHUNAWABD A Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2361 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- CHUNAWABD C Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2362 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- CHUNAWABD E Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2363 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- CHUNAWABD D Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2364 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 25GG Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2365 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Tatarstar B Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2366 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Tatarstar A Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2367 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Tatarstar c Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2368 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 10LL Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2369 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 8A Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2370 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- MOHANPURA A Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2371 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- MOHANPURA c Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2372 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- MOHANPURA b Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2373 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- KONI B Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2374 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 49 B Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2375 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 45 C Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2376 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 42G Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2377 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 48F Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2378 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 48C Dr. Souman 22/12/2017 Acharya 2379 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 2ML 2nd Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2380 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 11 LNP 1st Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2381 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 12 LNP 1st Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2382 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Bhadabawali Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2383 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 501 LNP Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2384 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 2Y Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2385 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Kaliya A Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2386 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Kaliya B Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2387 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- ObKI-A Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2388 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Sujavalpur-A Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2389 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Katha-B Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2390 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 5A-1st Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2391 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 7-G-choti Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2392 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 20GG Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2393 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 21 GG-1st Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2394 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Dingawali 4LL Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2395 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 19 GG Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2396 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 18 GG-B Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2397 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 7 Z-A Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2398 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 7 Z-B Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2399 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 3 B Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2400 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 5 B choti Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2401 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 9 Z Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2402 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 2 C-choti Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2403 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 11-Z Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2404 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 3K Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2405 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Mirzewala-C Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2406 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- Mirzewala-D Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2407 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- 11 Q Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2408 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar Rural 18- B Sh. Nilesh Shinde 22/12/2017 2409 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 2E Premnagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2410 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 1 C Arjun Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2411 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 1 B Devnagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2412 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 2 C Bharat Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2413 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 2 A Bharat Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2414 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 3 A Purani Abaadi Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2415 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 3 C Purani Abaadi Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2416 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 2 F Purani Abaadi Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2417 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 10 B Ravi Chowk Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2418 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 9 A Hanuman Chowk Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2419 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 47 B Bapu Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2420 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 47 C Bapu Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2421 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 47 D Bapu Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2422 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 42 A Kabir Chowk, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2423 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 45 E Kabir Chowk Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2424 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 46 C Guru Nanak Basti, Gali No-3 Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2425 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 45 D Gali No 13, Bapu Nagar, Indira Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 Colony 2426 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 45 C Ravinder Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2427 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 45 B Jawahar Nagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2428 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 45 A Guru Nanak Basti Gali No-8 Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2429 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 44 A Bapu Nagar, Gali No. 10 Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2430 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 44 D Kumhhar Mohalla Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2431 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 21 A Kripal Ashram, Setia farm, Gali Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 No. 13 2432 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 20 E Setia Farm Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2433 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 20 B, Setia Farm gali no.5 Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2434 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 20 A Setia Farm, Gali no. 5 Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2435 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 19 A, Vastu Devnagar Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2436 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 19 B, Ramesh ki dandhi Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2437 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 19 A Lalchand ki Dandhi Mini AWC Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2438 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 24 A, Jagdamba Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2439 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 30 A, Model Town Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2440 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 30 B, Sindhi Col;ony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2441 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 30 C, Chehal Chowk Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2442 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 13 E, Anupam Dhingra Sr. secondary Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 school 2443 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 12 B, Behind Multi Purpose school Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2444 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 12 A, Near Sukhwant Cinema Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2445 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 11 G, Gandhi Basti Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2446 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 11 E, Juggi Gandhi Basti Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2447 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 13 B, near state bank of India Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2448 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 13 A, Deffodil Public school Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2449 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 14 G, Mohar Singh Chowk Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2450 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 16 C, Green Park Aare wali gali Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2451 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 16 B, Udhiram Chowk, Sansi Mohalla Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2452 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 15 D, Dhingra State Road, near Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 Kochar Hospital 2453 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 15 A, Shiv Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2454 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 15 B, Shiv Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2455 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 43 A, Kummhar Mohalla, Indira Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 Colony 2456 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 43 B, Kummhar Mohalla, Indira Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 Colony 2457 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 40 A near ganga maiya mandir, Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 Ravidas nagar 2458 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 39 J, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2459 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 39 B, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2460 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 39 E, Bhoop Colony, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2461 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 39 F, Bhoop Colony, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2462 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 39 H, Arjun Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2463 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 42 F, Gali no. 7, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2464 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 42 E, Gali no.3, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2465 Rajasthan Ganganagar Ganganagar 18- 42 B, Gali no. 8, Indira Colony Smt. Vibha Singh Urban 22/12/2017 2466 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- IIPA Patrora Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2467 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- II PB Patrora Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2468 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 7MD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2469 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 10MD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2470 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 13 MD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2471 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 9 MDA Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2472 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 9 MDB Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2473 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 3GD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2474 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 7GD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2475 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 2GM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2476 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 3GM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2477 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 7MLDA Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2478 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 7MLDB Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2479 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 6MLDB Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2480 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 4 MLDB Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2481 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 14 MLD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2482 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 29AS Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2483 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 5 PSDA Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2484 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 3 PSDB Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2485 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 5PSDC Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2486 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 8 PSDA Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2487 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 8PSDC Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2488 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 8PSDD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2489 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 8PSDE Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2490 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 7 KND Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2491 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 10 KND Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2492 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 12 KND A Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2493 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 12 KND B Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2494 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 1 KNM II Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2495 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 17 KND B Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2496 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 17 KND A Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2497 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 13 KND C Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2498 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 1 BD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2499 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 22 AS Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2500 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 25 AS Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2501 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 5 DD Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2502 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 7 JM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2503 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 20 LM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2504 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 18 LM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2505 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 15 LM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2506 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 17 LM Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2507 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 12 ND B Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2508 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 12 ND A Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2509 Rajasthan Ganganagar Gharsana 18- 11 ND Sh. Ashok Kumar 22/12/2017 2510 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 37GG Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2511 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 5NN Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2512 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 17BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2513 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 24BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2514 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 19BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2515 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 4RB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2516 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 6RB Jaloki Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2517 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 6RB III Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2518 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 6RB I Jaloki Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2519 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 4DDI Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2520 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 9 BB II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2521 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Ward no. 12, Naya 15 Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2522 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 12BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2523 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 9BB III Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2524 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 5KK I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2525 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 5 KKII Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2526 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 16BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2527 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 15 BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2528 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Ward no. 1, (2) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2529 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 64 LNP II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2530 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 66 LNP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2531 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 59 LNP II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2532 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 59 LNP I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2533 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 60 LNP IV Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2534 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 60 LNPII Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2535 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 77 LNP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2536 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 75 LNP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2537 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 78 LNP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2538 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 72 LNP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2539 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 74 LNP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2540 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 31 BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2541 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 23 BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2542 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 29 BB II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2543 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 32 BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2544 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 2 BB A Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2545 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 1 JJ Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2546 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 1 BB A Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2547 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 33 BB Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2548 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 5 BBII Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2549 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Ward No. 4 Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2550 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 49 LLW II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2551 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 49 LLW I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2552 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 52 LNP II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2553 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 52 LNP I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2554 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 51 LNP I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2555 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 38 LNP (Mini) Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2556 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 1PP Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2557 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Ghamudwali III Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2558 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Ghamudwali II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2559 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Binjh Bayla IV Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2560 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- Binjh Bayla I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2561 Rajasthan Ganganagar Padampur 18- 45LLW Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/12/2017 2562 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 55 RB( Ramawali) Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2563 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 56 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2564 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 59 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2565 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 58 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2566 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 62 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2567 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Kikaravali-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2568 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Kikaravali-A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2569 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 9 PS Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2570 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 20 PS Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2571 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 10 TK Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2572 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 6 TK Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2573 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 3 T.K Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2574 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 10 M.K Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2575 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 17 P.S Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2576 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 9 M.k Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2577 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 32 M.l Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2578 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Muklava-A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2579 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Muklava-C Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2580 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Thadawala-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2581 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 2FFB Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2582 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 5FFB Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2583 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 26FF Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2584 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Kamarpara-A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2585 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Kamarpara-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2586 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Thandawala-A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2587 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 21 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2588 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 22 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2589 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 76 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2590 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 23 R.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2591 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 8 C Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2592 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 8-C Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2593 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 8-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2594 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 7-A Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2595 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 7-B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2596 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Bompur Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2597 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 25 P.S Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2598 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 23 P.S.C Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2599 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Ramji wali Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2600 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- ward no 1 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2601 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 29 S.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2602 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- Bagicha Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2603 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 22 p.s Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2604 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 21 P.S Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2605 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 12 T.K Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2606 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 9 T.K Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2607 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 26 N.P Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2608 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 56 N.P Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2609 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 58 NP Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2610 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 38 N.B Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2611 Rajasthan Ganganagar Raisinghnagar 18- 40 N.P Ms. Kiran Sonkar 22/12/2017 2612 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Lal Garh Jatan III Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2613 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Lal Garh I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2614 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 10LLG Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2615 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 9LLG Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2616 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Panniwala I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2617 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Panniwala II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2618 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Jogi Wala Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2619 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Kikar Chak Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2620 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Kalu wala Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2621 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Chak Maharaj Ka Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2622 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Bhagsar I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2623 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Bhagsar II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2624 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Dalia Wali I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2625 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- dalia Wali II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2626 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Hakmabad I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2627 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Hakmabad II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2628 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Budharwali I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2629 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Budharwali II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2630 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Chak badal (5BNW) Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2631 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- banwali I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2632 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- BanBali III Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2633 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Dool Pura Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2634 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Dharam Singh wala Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2635 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 9-10BNW Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2636 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Chek Khera Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2637 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Sunderpura Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2638 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Morjand Khari II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2639 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 37-39MMK(Mini) Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2640 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Chappa Wali I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2641 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Chappawalin II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2642 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Ward No-4 Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2643 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Ward No-5 Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2644 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Ward No-3 Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2645 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Ward No-1 Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2646 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Kharrad Wala 2 Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2647 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Noorpura I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2648 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Noorpura II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2649 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Dhig Tania Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2650 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Amar garh I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2651 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Amar garh II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2652 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 22 ML Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2653 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 44LLW Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2654 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Takhra wali II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2655 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 8TKW Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2656 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Takra Wali I Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2657 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 9TKW Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2658 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- 11TKW Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2659 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Ganesh Garh II Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2660 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sadulshahar 18- Doongar Singh Pura III Smt. Anubha jain 22/12/2017 2661 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- Ward No -10 Kaaranpur -I Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2662 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- Ward No -6-I Kaaranpur -I Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2663 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- Ward No-9 Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2664 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- Ward No-12 Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2665 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 42-H Kaaranpur -I Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2666 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 240-I Putty wala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2667 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 36-H Naggi -I Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2668 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 40-F Kharla Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2669 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 1-O Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2670 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2-O Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2671 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 10-O Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2672 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 36-F Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2673 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 43-F II Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2674 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 42-F Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2675 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 43 GG IInd Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2676 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 44 GG Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2677 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 48 GG Ist Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2678 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2-W Dhanur Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2679 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 21-H Dhanur Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2680 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 3V Dhanur Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2681 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2X Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2682 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- I-V Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2683 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 7-5 Kesrsinghpur Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2684 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 8-S KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2685 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2V KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2686 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 6-V IInd Dhanur Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2687 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 6-V 1st Dhanur Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2688 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 6-M Gulabewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2689 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2-M Fst Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2690 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2-M IInd Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2691 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 25-F Gulabewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2692 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 24-F Gulabewala Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2693 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 32-F IIIrd Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2694 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 32-F IInd Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2695 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 30-F Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2696 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 32-Fst Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2697 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 2T II KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2698 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- W No -7 KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2699 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- 12H -IInd KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2700 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- W-No -10 KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2701 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- W NO -9 KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2702 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- W NO -6 KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2703 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- W NO -11 KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2704 Rajasthan Ganganagar Sri Kaaranpur 18- W NO -8 KSP Smt. Rakhi Nautiyal 22/12/2017 2705 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 1 SGM IV Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2706 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 1 SGM III Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2707 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 1 SGM I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2708 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 1 SGM V Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2709 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 2 SGM I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2710 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 2 SGM II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2711 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 1 SGM II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2712 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 34 PBN Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2713 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Maneksar I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2714 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 4 II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2715 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 12 II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2716 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 12 I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2717 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 2 KSR I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2718 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 2 KSR II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2719 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 6 SHPD mini Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2720 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 4 SHPD Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2721 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 4 KSR I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2722 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 4 KSR II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2723 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 14 STB Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2724 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 14 SGR Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2725 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Sardarpura Bika II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2726 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Sardarpura Bika I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2727 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 7 DBN Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2728 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 7 II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2729 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 8 I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2730 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 7 Ist Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2731 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Rayawali I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2732 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Rayawali II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2733 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Faridsar Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2734 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Thukrana I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2735 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Thukrana II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2736 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Rattasar I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2737 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Rattasar II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2738 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Thermal I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2739 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Thermal II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2740 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 13 III Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2741 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 13 II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2742 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 13 Ist Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2743 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 14 Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2744 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 2 IInd Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2745 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 19 III Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2746 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 4 III Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2747 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 4 IV Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2748 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 28 Ist Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2749 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 8 IInd Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2750 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 10 Ist Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2751 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 30 Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2752 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2753 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 11+11 mini Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2754 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 9 Iind Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2755 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Ward no. 10 Iind Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2756 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 17 STB Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2757 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Paliwala Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2758 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 16 STB Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2759 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 10 SGR II Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2760 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 10 SGR I Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2761 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 8 SGR Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2762 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- Prempur Dhani Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2763 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 7 SGR A Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2764 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 18 LGW Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2765 Rajasthan Ganganagar Suratgarh 18- 13 LKS Ms. Deepshikha 22/12/2017 Srivastava 2766 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 5-9/6/2017 Ward -no -6 Chainpura School Smt. Anubha Jain 2767 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 5-9/6/2017 Lidariwa Village Smt. Anubha Jain 2768 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 5-9/6/2017 AWC-1, Rupsi Village Smt. Anubha Jain 2769 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 5-9/6/2017 Code 01, Bada Bagh Smt. Anubha Jain 2770 Rajasthan Jaisalmer Jaisalmer 5-9/6/2017 AWC-1 ,Code 805,Village Dabla Smt. Anubha Jain 2771 Rajasthan Karoli Hindon 24- ward No -1, 8107020106 Dr. Souman 29/4/2017 Acharya 2772 Rajasthan Karoli Hindon 24- ward No -2, 8107020103 Dr. Souman 29/4/2017 Acharya 2773 Rajasthan Karoli Hindon 24- AWC-8107020105 Dr. Souman 29/4/2017 Acharya 2774 Rajasthan Karoli Hindon 24- Ward No 3 II, 8107020106 Dr. Souman 29/4/2017 Acharya 2775 Rajasthan Karoli Hindon 24- Ward no 3 II, 8107020104 Dr. Souman 29/4/2017 Acharya 2776 Rajasthan Sikar Sikar City 5-9/6/2017 Ward No -46, Ambedkar Nagar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 2777 Rajasthan Sikar Sikar City 5-9/6/2017 AWC No -43-7, Dono Railway line ke Smt. Aparajita Gaur Beech 2778 Rajasthan Sikar Sikar City 5-9/6/2017 Ward No -47, Ambedkar Nagar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 2779 Rajasthan Sikar Sikar City 5-9/6/2017 AWC 430, Ambedkar Nagar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 2780 Rajasthan Sikar Sikar City 5-9/6/2017 AWC -43-2, Ambedkar Nagar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 2781 Rajasthan Pali Jaitaran 6-12/6/2017 H.S School Banjakudi code 409 Smt. Sonali Kumari 2782 Rajasthan Pali Jaitaran 6-12/6/2017 Bassi Code -107 Smt. Sonali Kumari 2783 Rajasthan Pali Jaitaran 6-12/6/2017 Lambia III , Code 603 Smt. Sonali Kumari 2784 Rajasthan Pali Jaitaran 6-12/6/2017 Lambia II , Code 602 Smt. Sonali Kumari 2785 Rajasthan Pali Jaitaran 6-12/6/2017 Garniya III , Code 229 Smt. Sonali Kumari 2786 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Pudukkottai Rural 26/1/2018 UtchimahaliammanKovil Street Ms. Kavitha M
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2787 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Pudukkottai Rural 26/1/2018 Maruthuvar Street Ms. Kavitha M 2788 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Pudukkottai Rural 26/1/2018 Arunchalapuram Ms. Kavitha M 2789 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Pudukkottai Rural 26/1/2018 Keelanainar Street Ms. Kavitha M 2790 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Pudukkottai Rural 26/1/2018 Thengaipundag Sali Ms. Kavitha M 2791 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thiruchandur 26/1/2018 UtchimahaliammanKovil Street Ms. Kavitha M Rural 2792 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thiruchandur 26/1/2018 Maruthuvar Street Ms. Kavitha M Rural 2793 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thiruchandur 26/1/2018 Arunchalapuram Ms. Kavitha M Rural 2794 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thiruchandur 26/1/2018 Keelanainar Street Ms. Kavitha M Rural 2795 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thiruchandur 26/1/2018 Thengaipundag Sali Ms. Kavitha M Rural 2796 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thoothukudi 26/1/18- Annanagar 12 th cross Ms. Kavitha M Urban 4/2/18 2797 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thoothukudi 26/1/18- Polpettai 78 Ms. Kavitha M Urban 4/2/18 2798 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thoothukudi 26/1/18- K.V.K Nagar Ms. Kavitha M Urban 4/2/18 2799 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thoothukudi 26/1/18- Alageswarapuram IV Ms. Kavitha M Urban 4/2/18 2800 Tamil Nadu Thoothukudi Thoothukudi 26/1/18- Shankarnarayan Poonya Ms. Kavitha M Urban 4/2/18 2801 Telagana Nagar Kurnool Kollapur Rural 22- BC, Area , Main Road Smt. Aliya Tayyaba 27/5/2017 2802 Telagana Nagar Kurnool Kollapur Rural 22- Satpur , SC Area , Peelavothapally Smt. Aliya Tayyaba 27/5/2017 2803 Telagana Nagar Kurnool Kollapur Rural 22- Somasila . Sc Colony Smt. Aliya Tayyaba 27/5/2017 2804 Telagana Nagar Kurnool Kollapur Rural 22- School Area , Kudi Killa Smt. Aliya Tayyaba 27/5/2017 2805 Telagana Nagar Kurnool Kollapur Rural 22- Krishanagar Colony , Kollapur Smt. Aliya Tayyaba 27/5/2017 2806 Telagana Ranga Reddy Maheshwaram 22- Thummalur II Maheshwar Smt. G. Jyothi 26/5/2017 2807 Telagana Ranga Reddy Maheshwaram 22- Gudur Kandullur Mandal Smt. G. Jyothi 26/5/2017 2808 Telagana Ranga Reddy Maheshwaram 22- RCI Colony Devendra Nagar Smt. G. Jyothi 26/5/2017 2809 Telagana Ranga Reddy Maheshwaram 22- Janjuchevuv Thanali , G.P Smt. G. Jyothi 26/5/2017 2810 Telagana Ranga Reddy Maheshwaram 22- Siddanth II , Shamshabad Smt. G. Jyothi 26/5/2017 2811 Tripura Dhalai Ambasa 18-19/8/17 N.C. Sarkarpara 16291010840 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2812 Tripura Dhalai Ambasa 18-19/8/17 Durgesh Das para 16291010909 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2813 Tripura Dhalai Ambasa 18-19/8/17 Paschim dalubari 16291010839 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2814 Tripura Dhalai Ambasa 18-19/8/17 14 mile PGP colony 1629101819 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2815 Tripura Dhalai Ambasa 18-19/8/17 Brikhoda Para 16291010307 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2816 Tripura Unakoti Kailashahar 21-22/8/17 Samrurpar village 16292030220 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2817 Tripura Unakoti Kailashahar 21-22/8/17 Kumarpara 16292030416 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2818 Tripura Unakoti Kailashahar 21-22/8/17 Jarul village 16392030317 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2819 Tripura Unakoti Kailashahar 21-22/8/17 Nalinipara16292030407 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2820 Tripura Unakoti Kailashahar 21-22/8/17 Debipur 16292030303 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2821 Uttar Pradesh Balrampur Rehra Bazar 27/6/17- Kritapur -I Smt. Smita 1/7/17 Srivastava 2822 Uttar Pradesh Balrampur Rehra Bazar 27/6/17- Pathkarpur Primary School Smt. Smita 1/7/17 Srivastava 2823 Uttar Pradesh Balrampur Rehra Bazar 27/6/17- Achalpurpur Chandhary Smt. Smita 1/7/17 Srivastava 2824 Uttar Pradesh Balrampur Rehra Bazar 27/6/17- Gram Bharwa Smt. Smita 1/7/17 Srivastava 2825 Uttar Pradesh Balrampur Rehra Bazar 27/6/17- Rudbauli Bujurg Smt. Smita 1/7/17 Srivastava 2826 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Kamalgarj 29/5/17- Balipur, 09159031006 Dr. Monika Sharma 1/6/17 2827 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Kamalgarj 29/5/17- Amanabad -I , 09159031002 Dr. Monika Sharma 1/6/17 2828 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Kamalgarj 29/5/17- Bhajpur -II , 09159031008 Dr. Monika Sharma 1/6/17 2829 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Kamalgarj 29/5/17- Bhajpur-I , 09159031009 Dr. Monika Sharma 1/6/17 2830 Uttar Pradesh Farrukhabad Kamalgarj 29/5/17- Amanabad -II , 09159031001 Dr. Monika Sharma 1/6/17 2831 Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur Muskara 5-9/6/2017 Biwan -2,723 Dr. V.D Gadkar 2832 Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur Muskara 5-9/6/2017 Bandurkhund -I Dr. V.D Gadkar 2833 Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur Muskara 5-9/6/2017 Mahera Block Murkara Dr. V.D Gadkar 2834 Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur Muskara 5-9/6/2017 Muskara -518 Dr. V.D Gadkar 2835 Uttar Pradesh Hamirpur Muskara 5-9/6/2017 Bhiani Kala -1 Dr. V.D Gadkar 2836 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Kadaura 29- Bhadrekhi Sh. Ashok Kumar 31/5/2017 2837 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Kadaura 29- Bhadrekhi Sh. Ashok Kumar 31/5/2017 2838 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Kadaura 29- Chaunk-III Sh. Ashok Kumar 31/5/2017 2839 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Kadaura 29- Usargaon Sh. Ashok Kumar 31/5/2017 2840 Uttar Pradesh Jalaun Kadaura 29- Dhamna Primary School Sh. Ashok Kumar 31/5/2017 2841 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Dehat Amrandha 25- Haldarpur-I ,code -16 Smt. T. Guite 26/5/2017 2842 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Dehat Amrandha 25- Girdhapur AWC ,code -8 Smt. T. Guite 26/5/2017 2843 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Dehat Amrandha 25- Chaura-I , Code-5 Smt. T. Guite 26/5/2017 2844 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Dehat Amrandha 25- Ahrouli Shekh,Code-3 Smt. T. Guite 26/5/2017 2845 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Dehat Amrandha 25- Aswahapur Code -7 Smt. T. Guite 26/5/2017 2846 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad Bilari 11- Dharampur Kalan- 09135060404 Sh. Ashok Kumar 13/7/2017 2847 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad Bilari 11- Ram Nagar Gangupur -09135060722 Sh. Ashok Kumar 13/7/2017 2848 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad Bilari 11- Bahadurpur - 0913506303 Sh. Ashok Kumar 13/7/2017 2849 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad Bilari 11- Rustampur Khas- 109135060804 Sh. Ashok Kumar 13/7/2017 2850 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad Bilari 11- Sahaspur - 99135060117 Sh. Ashok Kumar 13/7/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2851 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 29/6/17- Marhauti Primary School Dr. K. Khan 1/7/17 2852 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 29/6/17- Bahudurpur Matiyan Dr. K. Khan 1/7/17 2853 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 29/6/17- Ratapur Surjipur Dr. K. Khan 1/7/17 2854 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 29/6/17- AWC No 509 Dr. K. Khan 1/7/17 2855 Uttar Pradesh Sultanpur Dhanpatganj 29/6/17- AWC No 507 Dr. K. Khan 1/7/17 2856 Uttar Pradesh Mainpuri Giraur 6-7/7/2017 Kanjahar 119 Sh. Sunil kumar 2857 Uttar Pradesh Mainpuri Giraur 6-7/7/2017 Metdi 114 Sh. Sunil kumar 2858 Uttar Pradesh Mainpuri Giraur 6-7/7/2017 Kallori 104 Sh. Sunil kumar 2859 Uttar Pradesh Mainpuri Giraur 6-7/7/2017 Village Faizpur 126 Sh. Sunil kumar 2860 Uttar Pradesh Mainpuri Giraur 6-7/7/2017 Nangla Pran Nath Ghirour 605 Sh. Sunil kumar 2861 West Bengal Alipurduar Alipurduar II 18-19/9/17 Majhirlabri T.E 19328020916 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2862 West Bengal Alipurduar Alipurduar II 18-19/9/17 MTG Girja Line 19328010720 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2863 West Bengal Alipurduar Alipurduar II 18-19/9/17 MTG Ultra line Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2864 West Bengal Alipurduar Alipurduar II 18-19/9/17 Chandijhar 19328020421 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2865 West Bengal Alipurduar Alipurduar II 18-19/9/17 South Salsalakari Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 2866 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- Aswinpur Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2867 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- Rai Para Shibmandir Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2868 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- R K Burman Primary School Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2869 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- Chanchal Hatkola Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2870 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- Pouria Pry school Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2871 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- Basilhat Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2872 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-I 17- Jotchandi-1 Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2873 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Ramkrishnapur Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2874 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Pijorabad Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2875 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Kanaipur Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2876 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Hazratpur Middle-1 Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2877 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Chandipur Laxmitola Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2878 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Chandrapara Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2879 West Bengal Malda Chanchal-II 17- Chandrapara Pry school Smt. Anubha jain/ 22/07/2017 Ms.Kiran Sonkar 2880 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Sindurbona, Raniganj-I Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2881 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Bajesohil, Nalpur Khatiarpir Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2882 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Sohil, Ichahar Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2883 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Babnahar, Khatiarpir Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2884 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Dohilmohil, Ahora Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2885 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Taherkhani, Arjunpur Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2886 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Jagdishpur, Deotala Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2887 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-I 17- Ratul Roipara, Ranidighi Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2888 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Doghoria, Kamaldanga, Raniganj-I Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2889 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Sarisa Duli, Raniganj-I Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2890 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Alampur, Pandua Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2891 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Tikavita, Hatimari Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2892 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Roypara, Hatimari Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2893 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Hatimari Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2894 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Basudha, Raikhadighi Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2895 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Dhamua, Alampur Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2896 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Sakroldanga, Pandua Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2897 West Bengal Malda Gazole Ad-II 17- Kakritola, Alampur Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2898 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Chandan Dighi, Moyana Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2899 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Mirya Pagar, Moyana Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2900 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Pandua, Kutub Shehar Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2901 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Imamnagar, Alal, GP Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2902 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Paharivita-II, Alal GP Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2903 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Gajipur Mouza Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2904 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Dhulauri, Raniganj-II Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2905 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Shimiljhuri Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2906 West Bengal Malda Gazole Main 17- Purba Mallikpur, Raniganj-II Smt. Vibha Singh 22/07/2017 2907 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Habibpur Haldarpara Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2908 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Tajpur II Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2909 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Mangalpura Hat Khola I Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2910 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Sonarpara Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2911 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Begunbari Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2912 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Latkuri Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2913 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Kendpukur mahato Para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2914 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Kendpukur Vest para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2915 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Kula Danga III Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2916 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Kula Danga I Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2917 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Hukabhanga Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2918 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 1 17- Tajpur I Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2919 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Jajoil Dighi para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2920 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Manikora Santhal Para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2921 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Bijoil II Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2922 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Dighir Uttar Para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2923 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Dalla N.S. Pally Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2924 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Dharendra Jhinai Para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2925 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Baidypur Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2926 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Pirgachi Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2927 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Parbatidanga West II Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2928 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Add 2 17- Parbatidanga Pabhna Para Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2929 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- JadhavNagar Durga Mandir Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2930 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Talpukur Ghora Pukur Pur Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2931 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Shaktigarh North I Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2932 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Lonsa II Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2933 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Kanturka II Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2934 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Lonsa I Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2935 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Katlapukur Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2936 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Namotola Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2937 West Bengal Malda Habibpur Main 17- Salgamvita Kuchupukur Ms. Deepshikha 22/07/2017 Srivastava 2938 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Birua-2 Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2939 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- villge post Jabra Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2940 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Ramaipara Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2941 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Bairat-1 Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2942 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Tildangi Mahendrapur Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2943 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- sangathanpara Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2944 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Gang nadia Muslim para Smt. Anubha jain & I 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2945 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Bejpura High school Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2946 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Chandpur ring Bandh Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2947 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- kariali bagan Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2948 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Mihahat Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2949 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Masalda GP Godown Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2950 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Malipakur Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2951 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Daulat Nagar G.P Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2952 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Pemai Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2953 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Chitholia Pry School Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2954 West Bengal Malda Harishchandrapur- 17- Hariharpur Smt. Anubha jain & II 22/07/2017 Ms. Kiran Sonkar 2955 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 1 add 17- jafar ali para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2956 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 1 add 17- emamjia high school para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2957 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- puratan 16 mile Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2958 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- rameswar tola 1 kaliachauk 3 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2959 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- jamai para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2960 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- jhunjuni Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2961 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- mirzachauk bederabad kaliachauk 3 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2962 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- teli para-11 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2963 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- kbs barakamat Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2964 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- asgarmaster tola Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2965 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- paralpur ghat p Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2966 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- krishnapur chama Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2967 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- chakbhadrapur-11 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2968 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- nigoginagar Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2969 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 17- china para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2970 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk 3 add 17- alam para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2971 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- talabmandalpur Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2972 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- narayanpur purba Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2973 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- ranuchauk 4 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2974 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- ranuchauk 2 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2975 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- 52 bigha111 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2976 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- kazigram Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2977 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- nayagram Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2978 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- gopal prasad Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2979 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- gopal prasad Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2980 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- ghariali chauk muslim para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2981 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- mondal para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2982 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- jodupur moktaba Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2983 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- mondalpara Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2984 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- bathan Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2985 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- pachani para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2986 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- fatey pur roy para Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2987 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- chamatola 2 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2988 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- pipaltola Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2989 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk1 17- farida silk khadi utpadan kendra Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2990 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- Meharpur ,mothabari pin 732207 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2991 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- kachalitola , debipur achintala pin Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 732207 Acharya 2992 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- baisnab para kaliachauk Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2993 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- meghutola II kaliachauk II Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2994 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- haldibari kaliachauk pin 732207 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2995 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- jotmonsa kaliachauk 11pin 732207 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2996 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- shyamdapur 111 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 2997 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- new patal danga Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2998 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- kalachandtola kaliack 2 pin 732207 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 2999 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- govindo seik para po banitola pin Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 732207 Acharya 3000 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- vesta para kaliachauk pin 732207 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 3001 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- ismile tola kaliachak pin 732207 Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 3002 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- kamalpur 11 kaliacak Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 3003 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- munsitola kaliachauk Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 3004 West Bengal Malda kaliachauk2 17- hakimtola kalia chauk Dr. Soumen 22/07/2017 Acharya 3005 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Kalitola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3006 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- New Elahitola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3007 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Chotto Dharampur PS Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3008 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Shyampur primary S Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3009 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Hukumattola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3010 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Mohona-II Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3011 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Enayatpur Madhyapara Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3012 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Pirpur Junior basic school Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3013 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Sahebnagar Middle Para Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3014 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Shyam Sundari Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3015 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Jalalpur Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3016 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Sekhpura-I Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3017 West Bengal Malda Manikchak 17- Sekhpura Pashim para Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3018 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- GourKrishnapally Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3019 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Pulintola Panchayat Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3020 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Bholamari Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3021 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Atsaiajogitola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3022 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Gobordhantola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3023 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Utsabtola Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 3024 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Dhanrajgram Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3025 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Khairtola P S Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3026 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Nimnagar Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3027 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Nurpur Pathanpara East Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3028 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Dhanrajgram Muslimpara Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3029 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Khumri Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3030 West Bengal Malda Manikchak Addl 17- Dulepara Smt. Aparajita Gaur 22/07/2017 3031 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Battala Uttar B, Po. Bhado, Dist. Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Maidah 3032 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Balia, Po Bhado, Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3033 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Parakram Orawpara, Prakaram, Po. Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Shamshi 3034 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Bandhakuri West, Po. Shamshi Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3035 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Rangamati, Po- Rangamati Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3036 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Bhado, Po. Bhado Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3037 West Bengal Malda Rotua 1 Additional 17- Amarsinghi AWC,Sector A2 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3038 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Kutuganj Madarsa Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3039 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Charamari Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3040 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Charamari 2 Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3041 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Dakhin Chandpur Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3042 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Pirganj Police Camp Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3043 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Saiful House, Satmara Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3044 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Primary School (Shaukat's House at Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 present) 3045 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Raffat House, Pirgai Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3046 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Madhya Kutuganj Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3047 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Kutuganj KPS Madarsa (Aziziul Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Haque House) 3048 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Pukhuria house of Ainuddin Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3049 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Kutuganj MGD Primary School Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3050 West Bengal Malda Rotua 2 17- Barkal Primary School Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017
Sl. Name of the State District visited Project visited Period of Name & Address of AWC Visit conducted by NO. visit 3051 West Bengal Malda Rotua I 17- Salim Sabzi House,Rotua 1, Dist. Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Maldah 3052 West Bengal Malda Rotua I 17- Rukundipur,House of Mushtaque Ali, Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Rotua 1, Dist. Maldah 3053 West Bengal Malda Rotua I 17- Baikunthpur 5, Basic School, Rotua1, Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Maldah Dist. 3054 West Bengal Malda Rotua I 17- Alipara Binpara, Rotua, Sector A2, Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Dist. Maldah, W.B 3055 West Bengal Malda Rotua I 17- Alipara, Rotua Block, Sector A1, Dist. Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 Maldah, W.B 3056 West Bengal Malda Rotua I 17- Atgamma, Sector A3, Rotua Smt. farhin G. Khan 22/07/2017 3057 West Bengal Coochbehar Coochbehar-1 22-23/9/17 Gangalikuthi No. 19329030501 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3058 West Bengal Coochbehar Coochbehar-1 22-23/9/17 Dewanbash Charrakerkuthi No. Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 19329030402 3059 West Bengal Coochbehar Coochbehar-1 22-23/9/17 Harinweara No. 19329030303 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3060 West Bengal Coochbehar Coochbehar-1 22-23/9/17 Harinchara colony 19329030315 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3061 West Bengal Coochbehar Coochbehar-1 22-23/9/17 Bagrowa ST Para 19329030619 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3062 West Bengal Jalpaiguri Kalchini 20-21/9/17 rajabhat Khawa Bazar No.32813 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3063 West Bengal Jalpaiguri Kalchini 20-21/9/17 Pampur Basti, near RBK Railgate Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3064 West Bengal Jalpaiguri Kalchini 20-21/9/17 Panijhora Basti Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3065 West Bengal Jalpaiguri Kalchini 20-21/9/17 Nimtidong Jhora Sh. Nirmalya Ghose 3066 West Bengal Jalpaiguri Kalchini 20-21/9/17 Garmajot No. 2 Sh. Nirmalya Ghose Total 21 States 70 Districts 151 Projects 3066 AWCs
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An evaluation study of Anganwadis under ICDS in India
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Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme has expanded tremendously over the 30 years of its operation to cover almost all the development blocks in the country. It offers a wide range of health, nutrition and education related services to children, women and adolescent girls. The study wish to find out the impact and efficacy of the ICDS scheme. The study was conducted from April 2019 to December 2019. The study was conducted on purposive random sampling basis covering 19 States/UTs. 510 AWCs were selected and total 15300 children were covered. One of the important findings of the study is that the children in the Normal grade are found to be 77.4% of the total sample size which means that in spite of a lot of bottlenecks, the malnutrition has been reduced among the children of 0 to 5 years of age. As envisages from the field study, people are well aware of the ICDS scheme and are sending their children to AWCs. However, the children from remote areas are not able to avail these facilities. The opening of public nursery school in urban and rural areas poses a great threat to the enrollment of children in AWCs nowadays unless the infrastructural and other facilities of AWCs are upgraded. The working conditions and remuneration of AWC workers needs to be looked at sympathetically. The findings of the study are expected to help policymakers and programme implementing bodies to take appropriate corrective measures to make the ICDS more effective and thereby bringing down the malnutrition in children to zero level.
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Anganwadis: A report card
The Indian Express visited 14 anganwadis, and found similar problems almost everywhere.
A healthy meal and a stepping stone for school — anganwadis in the city have two key responsibilities. The Indian Express explores the problems at each front
Five-year-old Naseem does not go to school, but that doesn’t mean he can stay at home after breakfast. As soon as the clock strikes 9 am, Naseem leaves home, unenthusiastically dragging his feet across a small drain filled with plastic. He eventually reaches a small room on the ground floor of A block, New Seemapuri, in northeast Delhi.
Six others, some younger than Naseem, are already there, with an old fan and a rug to keep them comfortable. A few tattered charts with alphabets and numbers hang on the wall.
Naseem is greeted by his teacher (officially a ‘worker’), a woman in her 30s. She marks him ‘present’, and he sits down to play with the plastic toys scattered on the floor.
He spends the next four-and-a-half hours at the anganwadi centre (AWC), which is supposed to provide him supplementary nutrition and prepare him for Class I. But his mother, Shabana, has a grouse: “He has been going to the anganwadi for over two years. Forget learning the alphabets, he still doesn’t know how to hold a pencil, or colour.”
Shabana still sends her son to the AWC because that is the only time she gets to do tailoring work. Her husband is a daily wager. The couple have three other children — two study in a nearby municipal school and one in a Delhi government school.
As Naseem plays, another woman walks in holding two children, aged three and four, by their hands. She makes them sit alongside Naseem. She is a ‘helper’ at the AWC, responsible for bringing children aged six and below from the neighbourhood to the centre — under the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme.
Hard to swallow
The ICDS — under the Ministry of Women and Child Development, and looked after by the WCD department in each state — has been in place since 1975. It was restructured under the 12th Five-Year Plan to ensure holistic development of children aged six and below.
The aim was to reduce anaemia and child mortality rate by giving supplementary nutrition — especially to malnourished children — and to improve early learning outcomes.
Naseem’s teacher is meant to keep children engrossed till 12.30 pm, when food arrives. She makes them narrate a poem, but eventually they get fidgety and say they want to go home. The two women assure them they will get food soon. Eventually, men carrying two steel containers walk in around 11 am.
The food is to be distributed to children up to six years and pregnant and nursing mothers in the neighbourhood.
Today, the meal comprises pulao and salted chana (black gram). While there’s a different meal every day (see box), the snack alternates between black chana and white matar. The children — there are 6,97,158 in anganwadis across the city — know each day’s menu by heart. Even before the helper lifts the lid, Naseem says, “Aaj toh pulao milega . Mujhe toh sirf meetha dalia acha lagta hai , jo kal milega .”
The children line up with bowls. Some sit and eat, while Naseem runs home with the food. He keeps it in the kitchen and asks his mother for lunch. “Many children don’t like the food at the anganwadi. Naseem usually comes home and eats lunch,” says Shabana.
Sarita Dhariwal, a worker at an AWC a few blocks from Naseem’s home, explains why: “It is impossible to eat this rice. The chana has no salt. But children still eat the food because there is no one to cook for them.” Dhariwal, who has been at the centre since 2012, says the quality of food has deteriorated with each passing year. “It is only when there is news of an inspection that the quality improves,” she says.
Insufficient staffers
The food at the AWCs is supplied by non-profit organisations (NPOs) empanelled by the WCD department. There are 22 in the city and work is allotted through a tendering process. Each kitchen prepares food for 30-40 anganwadis.
The meal is supposed to provide 500 calories and 12-15 grams protein to children aged between 6-72 months, and 600 calories and 18-20 grams protein to pregnant and nursing mothers.
Dhariwal says she has raised the matter with her supervisor and the Child Development and Project Officer (CDPO). Since there are only 37 CDPOs for 95 projects, an officer cannot visit each centre under her daily, which means quality tends to slip. “Apart from visiting the centre, we also have a lot of administrative work. It is not possible to keep a record of every centre,” says a supervisor in south Delhi, who did not wish to be named.
There should be one CDPO for each project, but most positions haven’t been filled for years.
Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, who recently took additional charge of the WCD department, acknowledges the problem. “As services are no longer under the jurisdiction of the Delhi government, it has become difficult to appoint officers,” he says. For now, the minister has asked DANICS and ad hoc IAS officers to visit two anganwadi centres on Saturdays.
With few takers, most of the food at anganwadis in Sangam Vihar — one of Asia’s largest unauthorised colonies — is often thrown away. There are frequent complaints that the anganwadis have been serving the same snack every day. “Children get tired of eating the same thing. Since we have to keep them here till 12.30 pm, I buy biscuits for them,” says Suman Lata, a worker at AWC No. 100 in Hamdard Nagar.
Just like at her anganwadi, most other centres only have 10-15 children registered. Lata acknowledges that the number of children in the neighbourhood is far higher.
Former chairperson of the child welfare committee, Raj Mangal Prasad, says, “The government had decided that commercial ventures will not supply (food) and that work will be given to NPOs. But, ultimately, these commercial ventures started NPOs. The profit in food distribution is huge. Then there are supervisors who work with these NPOs, so monitoring quality has been a huge challenge.”
Each AWC gets food based on the number of children and women registered. NPOs are paid Rs 6 per day to supply meals for children below six years, Rs 9 per day for malnourished children, and Rs 7 per day for pregnant and nursing mothers.
A learning issue
Like Shabana, many other parents The Indian Express spoke to shared concerns about their children not learning enough.
Anganwadis are ideally supposed to serve as Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) centres, with Sisodia bringing in a fixed curriculum to be taught to children. By the time children leave the anganwadi, they should know the names of colours, seasons and learn how to write letters and numbers.
Four-year-old Rehan at anganwadi No. 104 in New Seemapuri plays with an alphabet cube, but doesn’t know what it is. “Mujhe nahi pata ye sab kya hai, ” he says. The helper brushes it off, saying Rehan is not regular.
But Rajiv Kumar of local NGO Pardarshita says the problem with most anganwadis is a dearth of workers responsible for teaching.
“Helpers are supposed to collect children and serve food, while workers do the teaching. But many positions are lying vacant,” he says.
At Rehan’s AWC, too, the worker has been on leave for a while now. That many anganwadi employees haven’t been paid for as long as four months doesn’t help. A worker gets Rs 5,000 a month, while a helper makes Rs 2,500.
“When we ask supervisors, they say we will be paid soon. If they expect us to work properly, they should also pay us,” says a worker at a centre in Lal Kuan.
Those who are regular complain that they haven’t been trained enough. “The government sends new guidelines and course sheets, but we don’t get training. We have to know how to teach children. Some workers have not been trained in the last 10 years,” says Kavita Chauhan, an anganwadi worker at Lal Kuan.
Chauhan, who studied till Class X, was hired as a worker in 2012. She was trained for a week when she joined — and that was about it. During training, they were taught how to fill registers, weigh children and maintain a record of malnourished kids.
How well that data is maintained is another story. Sunita, a resident of E-block in Sunder Nagri, says that when her daughter was three years old, she weighed just 3.7 kg — much below the WHO standard of 10.7 kg.
Sunita, whose daughter is now six, says she used to visit the AWC near her home to weigh her child and get vaccinations. But no one told her the child was malnourished. When NGO Pardarshita conducted a survey between 2013 and 2014, they found the child needed immediate medical attention and took her to the hospital. Till date, she has not fully recovered.
Of the 580 children weighed in just one block in Sunder Nagri, 65 were severely malnourished and 131 were malnourished. This is in stark contrast to a monthly report of the WCD department across the city during the same period, which showed only 201 children aged six or below were malnourished. “Anganwadis don’t have proper weighing machines… Many provide inaccurate measurements,” says Kumar.
Dhariwal says there is just one weighing machine for around 10 AWCs in the area. “We get to keep the machine for three days every month to weigh children at the centre and in the neighbourhood,” she says.
As per the National Family Health Survey (2015-2016), 27% of children in the city aged five or below were underweight, up from 26.1% in 2005-06. Similarly, 62.6% were anaemic, up from 57% in 2005-06. Field workers say the only way forward is to set up a state food commission, as mandated by the Food Security Act 2013.
“Section 6 of the Act is about malnutrition. The ICDS not recording this properly is a violation of the Act. The only solution is to establish a state food commission as a monitoring committee for such schemes,” says Arvind Singh of NGO Matri Sudha, which works in the field of nutrition and education.
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Targets Achieved through Anganwadi Centres
In order to achieve the Anganwadi Services objectives, a package of six services comprising (i) Supplementary nutrition; (ii) Pre-school non-formal education; (iii) nutrition & health education; (iv) immunization; (v) health check-up; and (vi) referral services are provided to the targeted beneficiaries i.e. all children below 6 years, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers. Three of the six services namely Immunisation, Health Check-up and Referral Services are delivered through Public Health Infrastructure under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
All the children in the age group 6 months to 6 years, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers are eligible for services under Anganwadi Services. Anganwadi Services is a self selecting scheme and no targets are fixed for the beneficiaries of either Supplementary Nutrition or Pre-school non-formal education. As on 31.03.2021, there are 675.07 lakh children and 156.73 lakh Pregnant and Lactating Mothers receiving Supplementary Nutrition at Anganwadi Centres.
From time to time Government has taken many steps for improving the conditions of Anganwadi Centres across the country. These include provision of construction of Anganwadi Centres under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and provision of drinking water and sanitation facilities under Swacchta Action Plan (SAP).
There have been sustained engagements with State Governments for review and improvement including recent interactions to discuss different implementation related issues such as Anganwadi Infrastructure, non-operationalisation of Anganwadi Centres, filling of vacancies of Anganwadi Services functionaries and smooth delivery of services to the beneficiaries to strengthen services. Further, streamlined guidelines were issued on 13.01.2021, covering several aspects such as quality assurance, roles and responsibilities of duty holders, procedure for procurement, integrating AYUSH concepts, Data management and Monitoring through "Poshan Tracker".
'Poshan Tracker', a robust ICT enabled digital platform, has been launched in March, 2021 to ensure real time monitoring of provisioning of supplementary nutrition by use of data analytics for prompt supervision and management of services. The system shall enable real-time monitoring and tracking of all AWCs, AWWs and beneficiaries on defined indicators.
Anganwadi Services (under Umbrella Integrated Child Development Services Scheme) was launched in 1975 with the objectives (i) to improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age-group 0-6 years; (ii) to lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of the child; (iii) to reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropout; (iv) to achieve effective co-ordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development; and (v) to enhance the capability of the mother to look after the normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition and health education.
This information was given by the Union Minister of Women and Child Development, Smt. SmritiZubinIrani, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.
Visit to Anganwadi Centres- State Specific Report (2017-18) 1 ANM Auxiliary Nurse Midwife AWC Anganwadi Centre AWW Anganwadi Worker BRGF Backward Regions Grant Fund CSR Corporate Social Responsibility GOI Government of India GOVT. Government HCM Hot cooked Meal ICDS Integrated Child Development Services MGNREGA Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
1. Immunization- it is efficient in every Anganwadi centre as claimed by The Anganwadi workers for the nurse mid-wife (NMW) comes every 1st Tuesday in one and on Thursday on the other for immunizing the children's and pregnant. 2. Supplementary nutrition 3. Health check-up 4.
The mean number of children of 0-3 years enrolled per AWC was 45.78 ± 14.07. However, the mean number of children present at the time of the visit at the AWCs was 6.24 ± 5.39. Knowledge of Anganwadi workers regarding revised norms for calorie and protein for beneficiaries was found to be poor.
Visit to Anganwadi Centres- State Specific Report (2017-18) Action : State Governments/ UT Administration have been requested to review the Status of training of functionaries including Job/Refresher Training of AWWs and include the actual requirement in STRAP so that training of the untrained AWWs are organized.
Anganwadi center (AWC) including infrastructure facilities. Materials and Methods: A total of 60 AWCs were selected including 46 AWCs from a rural area and 14 AWCs from an urban area during April 2012 to March 2013 from 12 districts of Gujarat. Five AWCs were selected from one district. Information on AWWs background characteristics, along with infrastructure and other services delivered at ...
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme. Launched on 2 nd October 1975, today, ICDS Scheme represents one of the world's largest and most unique programmes for early childhood development. ICDS is the foremost symbol of India's commitment to her children - India's response to the challenge of providing pre-school education on one hand and breaking the vicious cycle of ...
Role of Anganwadis in Early Schooling of Rural Children. Anganwadi is a government-sponsored child-care and mother-care development programmes in India at the village level. It caters to children in the 0-6 age group. They were started by the Indian government in 1975 as part of the Integrated Child Development Services program to combat child ...
Centre for Learning Resources (CLR) received seed funding from Porticus to develop a protocol for implementing ECCE in the urban anganwadi centres (AWCs) of Pune. The Centre's engagement with AWCs in urban and rural areas have made clear that the realities and requirements of urban centres are very different from those of rural centres.
25 . Village Child Development Centre (VCDC) 20 26 . Strengthening quality Improvement in Preschool Education 20 -21 27 . Social Behaviour Change Strategy to Fight Under nutrition 21 -24 28 . Nanda Ghar Yojana 24 -25 29 . Rajposhan Software 26 30. Khushi Anganwadi Programme 26 31. Vedanta Foundation & Nand Ghar 26 -27 32.
Sanctions. Allocation of addition food grains to the State of Odisha under WBNP to meet the Supplementary Nutrition under the Anganwadi Services (Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0) for the 1st Quarter of the year 2023-24 - Download (1.8 MB) Ad-hoc Allocation of Food Grains to States/UTs under Wheat Based Nutrition Programme (WBNP) to meet the ...
anganwadi centers needs to be equipped with adequate infrastructure, functional equipment, tools and drugs. 2. Review of literature Most of the studies so far concentrated on the way this program was affected the children attending the anganwadi centers and the problems of anganwadi workers. Singh and Rani (2015)
These measures have resulted in improvement in infrastructural facilities and service delivery at Anganwadi Centres. As per the report of NFHS-5 conducted in 2019-21, 32.1% children under 5 years of age are underweight, 19.3% are wasted and 35.5% are stunted indicating a reduction from the previous NFHS - 4 conducted in 2015-16, which ...
Programme Evaluation Organisation, Government of India. New Delhi, 2015. A Quick Evaluation Study of Anganwadis under ICDS. NITI Aayog, PEO Report No. 227. Saha M and Biswas R. An assessment of facilities and activities under integrated child development services in a city of Darjeeling district, West Bengal, India.
All Anganwadi Centres have been sanctioned to States/UTs. Further, the Ministry has requested State Governments to re-visit the issue of availability of Anganwadi Centres at the habitation level and determine the actual requirement of AWCs vis-a-vis the population of the area, number of children actually attending the AWCs and the number of ...
The individuals employed in the anganwadi centres do perform their job duties in a. pioneering way making use of the best devices in a creative and practical manner. The main. purpose of the ...
The Government is committed to repositioning the Anganwadi Centre (AWC) as a "vibrant ECD centre" to become the first village outpost for health, nutrition and early learning. Towards this end, several steps have been taken for improvement and strengthening of ICDS scheme covering programmatic, management and institutional areas.
The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) is a flagship programme of the Government of India and is delivered through a vast network of Anganwadi Centres (AWCs)—Courtyard Shelters—across rural and urban areas of the country. The ICDS is, however, affected by low coverage of various ICDS services, in general, and preschool education (PSE) services, in particular.
Children at an anganwadi centre in Nardan Basti, near Lal Kuan, in south Delhi.Express Photo by Oinam Anand. A healthy meal and a stepping stone for school — anganwadis in the city have two key responsibilities. The Indian Express explores the problems at each front. Five-year-old Naseem does not go to school, but that doesn't mean he can ...
Anganwadi Services under Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented by States/UTs providing a package of six services A total number of 303.17 lakh children of 3-6 years were covered till June 2022, under pre-school education, of which 154.67 lakhs were boys and 148.50 lakhs were girls.
The Centre has also informed State governments that under the Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 schemes, it is proposed that States may seek CSR funds on their own discretion, apart from accepting ...
All the children in the age group 6 months to 6 years, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers are eligible for services under Anganwadi Services. Anganwadi Services is a self selecting scheme and no targets are fixed for the beneficiaries of either Supplementary Nutrition or Pre-school non-formal education. As on 31.03.2021, there are 675.07 lakh ...
Savitri Devi from Bolrotand anganwadi centre in Lokai panchayat was invited to the Independence Day programme at Red Fort for her dedication and contributions to child development.