20 Example Travel Websites That Will Get You Moving

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Pack your bags. We’re going on vacation!

That’s exactly what an effective travel website should make you feel. It should activate the travel bug with vibrant imagery and vivid copy.

And while photos can do a lot of the work in inspiring visitors, a travel site can’t accomplish its purpose without great web design.

Web design plays a major role in visitors’ first impressions of a business. In fact, in one study, when participants were asked why they distrusted a website, 94% of the comments were about design.

For a travel site, this means that design can be the determining factor in whether a visitor trusts recommendations and information.

And considering the significant investments that go into planning a trip, trust is essential.

It can make or break a traveler’s decision to take a certain tour, stay at a certain hotel, or even visit a city or country altogether.

Plus, beyond serving as a trustworthy source of inspiration, a travel site also needs to give would-be travelers all the information they need to arrange their travel plans.

Once a visitor is convinced that they need to see the sights in the photos for themselves, it should be easy for them to plan their trip.

This means that the site needs to have straightforward travel information, helpful logistical details, and tips that will help visitors simplify the travel process.

Not all travel sites tick all of these boxes, but the ones that do stand out from all the rest.

So whether you’re considering launching a new travel site, or you’re ready to improve an existing one, you want to make sure you leave no stone unturned.

That’s why in this post, I’ll cover the essential elements your site needs to include, then go over 20 examples of travel sites you can use to inspire your own design .

What should a travel website include?

There are tons of different types of sites that fall under the travel site umbrella.

The design elements you need depend on the type of site you’re running.

An official tourism site for a city will have different goals from those of a travel blogger or tour company.

So as you read through this post, keep in mind that not all of the recommendations will apply to your site.

But in general, the ideal travel website should include a mix of the following:

  • High-quality photography
  • A brief summary of the area, with highlights of important places
  • Hotel recommendations with web links to hotel and booking sites
  • Information about recreation and outdoor activities
  • Guides to arts and culture, including museums, theaters, and other attractions
  • Packing tips
  • Maps and guides
  • Public transport information
  • Airport information
  • Relevant tips on language and local dialect

Of course, your site likely won’t need to include all of the elements on this list. Tailor it to your needs.

And there’s tons of example travel sites that we can use for inspiration. Let’s get started.

1. Telluride, Colorado

The first site on our list is the official tourism guide to the city of Telluride, Colorado.

examples for travel website

Right from the start, a prominent image gallery does a lot of the selling on the website for Telluride.

By making the images so large, the site makes sure the first thing you see is a beautiful landscape.

This is an example of a site that relies less on copy. Instead of a detail-heavy approach, the design focuses more on the picturesque views and various activities in action.

Once a visitor is drawn in by the photos, they can opt to click on the main call to action, “Plan Your Spring Trip” for more information.

From there, visitors can read about the various activities they can do in the city, then purchase any necessary tickets, passes, or equipment rentals.

This approach works, because it combines attention-grabbing imagery with a clear call to action.

Many Internet users have short attention spans, so it’s important to give them the opportunity to take action as soon as possible. Don’t make them think, wait, or read too much copy before giving them the opportunity to convert.

2. Visit Brasil

Visit Brasil is the country’s official tourism site.

examples for travel website

On the surface, you might think that arranging this site would be a simple process.

After all, how difficult could it be to persuade visitors to check out beautiful beaches and hikes through the Amazon?

But considering that Brazil is a huge country, making up almost half of the continent of South America, the site has a lot of information to cover.

It does this by dividing the various regions into different “Experiences.”

examples for travel website

By breaking the country into smaller, more manageable areas, the site aims to create a virtual travel experience that allows the user to explore the sights of Brazil right from their computer.

This can help visitors decide where they want to go within this massive country. If they’re looking for a relaxed beach trip, for example, they’ll have very different options from travelers looking for hiking trips or adventure tours.

Then, once a visitor has selected a destination, the breakdowns on the site will give them an accurate idea of what they can hope to see within the span of their trip.

3. On the Grid

Unlike the previous two examples, which centered on one city and one country, On the Grid is a travel blog spanning many countries and continents.

examples for travel website

As a result, the site requires a very different type of organization.

Instead of letting visitors jump right into information about hotels and activities, the main navigation bar is organized by region.

Then, the homepage features an alphabetical list of city guides, from Aberdeen to Zurich.

[tweet_box design=”default”]This level of organization makes it easy for users to access information, whether they’re looking for a guide to a specific city or simply browsing for trip inspiration.[/tweet_box]

4. Cookiesound

Cookiesound is another travel blog that focuses on sharing personal stories from a mother-daughter photographer team.

examples for travel website

The pair has made a name for themselves taking photos around the world, and they’ve created a nice compilation of their journeys.

And while the photos are likely what initially draw readers in, what sets this site apart from others is the personal perspective. You can tell that this site was made out of a passion for traveling.

So if you’re running a travel blog, it’s important to remember that photos can’t do all the work for you in building an audience and establishing a loyal reader base.

Make sure to spend just as much time creating interesting, well-written content for your site, and you’ll be much more effective in reaching your site’s goals.

5. Toucan Cafe & Tours

Toucan Cafe is a Medellin coffee shop that also runs tours and language exchanges.

examples for travel website

Their site is exceptionally comprehensive. It features different types of tours and details about the cafe, as well as general tourist information for visitors to the city.

Best of all, everything is easily accessible from the big menu bar. Given that the site is designed to provide information about very distinct categories, it’s essential that visitors can immediately find what they’re looking for.

After all, if a user were to arrive looking for details on a walking tour, but think they’d mistakenly come to the website of a random coffee shop, Toucan would quickly lose a potential customer.

But this straightforward navigation setup eliminates that issue and makes it easy for users to access the information they need.

Plus, it’s worth noting that all of the content on the site is available in Spanish and English.

While some of the company’s customers might be traveling within Colombia, they’ve clearly determined that many of their tour attendees come from English-speaking countries.

By making all of their information available in English, Toucan expands their audience and makes sure they don’t miss out on potential customers because of a language barrier.

6. Wheeling, West Virginia

As you may have guessed, this is the official tourism site for the city of Wheeling, West Virginia.

examples for travel website

The site features a series of high-quality images on its homepage that highlight the various activities available to visitors within the city.

From there, the page is divided into sections that cover hotels, restaurants, recreation, and other activities.

If this doesn’t sound like a novel approach, that’s because it isn’t.

But the site makes it easy for visitors to see why they should visit the city, as well as access all of the information they need to plan their trip.

In this case, simplicity works.

[tweet_box design=”default”]As you plan your site, remember not to get caught up in flashy design elements.[/tweet_box]

While a unique site can help you stand out, your priority should be to create a user-friendly experience that enables visitors to plan their next trip.

7. Utah, Life Elevated

Life Elevated is the tourism site for the state of Utah.

examples for travel website

Much like many of the sites on this list, the homepage features large, compelling images of scenic destinations.

Then, users can click the featured call to action to learn more about the location in the photo.

This combination is extremely effective. The image elicits an emotional response, and the action-oriented text encourages visitors to put that excitement towards their own adventure.

But if you choose to take a similar approach, then pay attention to the size and quality of your images.

First, make sure that if you feature an image on your homepage, it’s high in quality. Grainy, low-quality photos won’t do you any favors in conveying the beauty of a location.

Then, always optimize your file sizes. Many site owners make the mistake of including massive image files on their homepages.

While these might look great, they can drastically slow down page load times.

And considering the impact that page speed has on page views, customer satisfaction, and conversion rates, it’s not something you can afford to damage.

So as you incorporate photos into your site, and especially onto your homepage, pay attention to file size. Your files should be large enough to produce high-quality detail, but not so big that they slow down your site.

As a general rule of thumb, your images should be 100KB or less .

After all, beautiful photos won’t do you any favors if no one sticks around long enough for them to load.

Crop your images to the necessary size and compress them before uploading, and they’ll be much more helpful in moving you towards your site’s goals.

8. Travel Oregon

One of the most creative sites on this list is Travel Oregon .

examples for travel website

Like many of the other examples on this page, it’s designed to attract visitors to the state.

But unlike any of the others, it presents the various regions and attractions with a video game-inspired design.

The homepage begins by explaining that “Oregon is magic,” then encourages visitors to learn more about the state with choose-your-own-adventure style calls to action like, “Wander into the forest,” “Visit the Rose City,” and “See the magic Coast.”

examples for travel website

From there, each of these calls to action directs users to more information (and real photos) of their selected region.

This kind of spin on website design isn’t for everyone. But for the fun, laid-back feeling Oregon is aiming to convey on their site, it’s perfect.

It’s also a fantastic reminder that travel sites can be as unique as the destinations they promote.

While there are a few basic elements you’ll need to include, feel free to get creative with the way you arrange them and present information.

9. Visit Australia

Although Australia’s official website includes plenty of eye-catching photos for visitors to check out, it also takes things a step further by heavily incorporating video into the mix.

examples for travel website

Like many travel sites, it’s designed to encourage visitors to learn more about specific regions of the country, so they can determine which is best-suited to what they’re looking for in a trip.

And in addition to high-quality photos and compelling descriptions of each, the site also offers 360º videos. These give a more in-depth look than even the most high-quality photos could, so visitors can choose a vacation spot and explore it from the comfort of their home.

Interactive elements are becoming increasingly popular in web design for many industries. But in many cases, it feels like they only exist for the sake of checking “interactive” off on an arbitrary list of design elements.

So if you choose to include interactives, it’s important that they serve a clear purpose and don’t come off as gimmicky.

In this case, Visit Australia’s 360º videos are a fun, engaging addition to the site. They’re a special way to highlight different locations throughout the country, and add value to the overall site experience.

10. Live Africa

As a tourism site for an entire continent, Live Africa has an extremely large job.

examples for travel website

But their site’s design does an excellent job of showing the exact feeling and experience they want to convey.

Live Africa encapsulates the essence of the African safari that the site heavily promotes, down to the textures and colors used throughout each page.

Plus, the striking videos of majestic animals roaming in the wild show the reader what they can witness when they plan their trip to Africa using the resources on the site.

Optimize for travel bookings

11. African Budget Safaris

African Budget Safaris has a similar goal to the previous example on this list but takes a slightly different approach with their design.

examples for travel website

Right from the start, the site keeps things direct and to the point.

There are no frills here — just all the information a visitor needs to plan their African safari adventure.

But the most important detail here is that visitors can instantly tell that this site will help them find inexpensive trips.

Of course, the name itself implies that the company’s goal is to provide affordable safari trips.

But by highlighting details on budget-friendly, quality tours, and including information about discounts right in their header, the site makes it clear that providing value is a priority.

This is an important piece of information to convey, and the site does it extremely well.

After all, effectively communicating content is one of the most important functions of any website. You can have the most beautiful photos and visually appealing design in the world, but if readers have trouble finding key information, they won’t become customers.

Make your site’s value crystal clear. Your homepage should be optimized for not only conversions but also user-friendliness — and that means making sure that visitors can tell exactly what to expect from you.

12. Mount Kilimanjaro Guide

Unlike many of examples listed in this post, Mount Kilimanjaro Guide takes an information-based approach on their homepage.

examples for travel website

This is a great way for the site to make a memorable impression on visitors.

There are a ton of sites out there with information on Mount Kilimanjaro. It’s an extremely popular tourist destination, so there are dozens of guide companies competing for potential hikers’ attention online.

But as you’ve likely gathered from the examples in this list so far, most travel sites feature one large, compelling image on their homepage.

That’s great for sites focused on promoting a unique location!

In this case, however, the site isn’t trying to convince visitors that they should visit Mount Kilimanjaro. Their target audience is made up of people who are already interested in climbing the mountain and are looking for more detailed information on how to accomplish this goal.

As a result, they created a copy-heavy homepage that jumps right into the value of their guide.

This might not seem like an especially compelling approach but think of it from the perspective of a traveler who’s looking for information about climbing the mountain.

If you visit a dozen sites with homepages featuring similar images of Mount Kilimanjaro, and one site that gives you detailed information from the second you arrive, which do you think you’ll remember?

Probably the one that promises an approach with a summit success chance of 90%.

If your travel site operates within a competitive niche, look at what your competitors are doing to figure out how you can set your company apart.

And even if you don’t operate within a competitive niche, this site also serves as a great example of how to write effective copy.

Many site owners make the mistake of letting their images do all of the “talking.” But while stunning photos are great for grabbing visitors’ attention, they’re ultimately not what will drive most of them to take action.

When done well, your copy can be your pitch, presentation, and close all on its own. So as you create your site, don’t let this essential element become a last-minute consideration.

13. The Hawaiian Islands

The Hawaiian Islands’ website offers a no-fuss user experience.

examples for travel website

At first, The Hawaiian Islands seems to be an average travel site.

And in many ways, it is. It features a scenic landscape image with tourists enjoying a hike, and a standard navigation bar with all of the options you’d expect.

But take a second look, and you’ll see how clean and simple the design is.

The navigation hierarchy is broken down into six basic tabs so that users can find exactly what they’re looking for within one or two clicks.

And for visitors who aren’t sure what, exactly, they’re looking for, the “Scroll to continue” tag at the bottom of the page encourages them to keep reading and learn more.

Altogether, these elements make for a direct, effective site. And for users who want a simple way to plan a trip, this is perfect.

After all, most of us take vacations to relax — so preparing for one shouldn’t be a stressful process.

14. Lake Crackenback

The website for the Lake Crackenback Resort & Spa does a nice job of balancing detail and design.

examples for travel website

When it comes to creating any kind of website, it’s often challenging to strike a balance between including enough information, but not so much that you overwhelm your visitors.

This is especially true for travel sites.

You need to explain to visitors why they should visit the destination you’re promoting, and show them all of the great experiences they could have by planning a trip. You’ll also want to make it clear what role your site plays in the planning process.

But if your site appears too complicated, visitors might leave in favor of a simpler, easier option.

Lake Crackenback’s site is a great example of how to walk this fine line. There are several menu items, but nothing feels cramped, and it’s all easy to navigate.

Visitors have the option to explore information about hotels, dining, events, and activities — essentially, all the details they might need to plan their trip.

But all of this information is neatly organized into tabs, instead of cluttering up the homepage.

So as you design your site, make sure to do so in a way that won’t overwhelm your visitors.

You likely have lots of helpful content you want to share with prospective travelers.

And that’s great!

But don’t attempt to fit it all onto one page.

Make sure you give everything some breathing room and focus on letting visitors access the pages that are most relevant to their needs.

15. Visit Idaho

The next state-focused site on our list, Visit Idaho , is a breeze to use.

examples for travel website

At first glance, this may look like a fairly standard tourism site. But Idaho’s website is unlike any of the others on this list.

So, what sets it apart?

Simple: It uses graphics in its menu.

This may seem like a small decision, but it makes navigation that much easier. Visitors can easily spot the tab that holds the information they need.

And beyond that, this setup also forces the site to group menu options using just four categories.

This makes the navigation process extremely straightforward. The more options you give visitors, the more they’ll have to consider before deciding which to click.

And while this may seem like a small concern, it can be the determining factor in whether a visitor decides to stay and engage with your content, or leave in favor of a simpler site.

So as you design your site, pay special attention to your navigation setup, and remember that navigating a site should be fun and frustration-free.

You can utilize anything from graphics to interactive elements to achieve this goal — as long as your final product is one that makes it easy for visitors to find and engage with the content that will get them closer to planning their trip.

16. Washington The State

It’s clear from Washington The State ’s homepage that its focus is on highlighting the state’s natural beauty, and this idea is apparent throughout the entire site.

examples for travel website

Although the state also includes several large cities, the site goes heavy on the visuals showcasing its natural beauty.

As a result, we can gather that their target audience is prospective travelers who want to spend their trip enjoying the outdoors.

And while this might seem to limit their ability to attract vacationers, choosing a specific audience is a wise choice.

That’s because marketing a destination isn’t all that different from marketing a product or service.

And as any experienced marketer will tell you, having a clear picture of your target audience is absolutely essential for creating effective campaigns and content.

When you try to cater to too many people, it’s difficult to really engage anyone. Instead, you’ll be more effective when you narrow in on a defined audience.

This way, you can keep that audience in mind as you develop each part of your marketing strategy. You can select images, create design elements, and write copy with the goal of connecting with a specific set of users.

By keeping their priorities and preferences in mind, you’ll be able to create an entire marketing strategy that matches what they’re looking for in a vacation.

On this site, for example, even the subtle, natural-toned color scheme is designed to match the scenic imagery.

And while this might not appeal to travelers looking to explore downtown Seattle, that’s okay — because the site’s primary goal is to engage visitors looking for an outdoor-focused adventure.

So if you’re struggling to figure out how to market your site or destination, it might be time to narrow your audience.

Determine exactly who you want to reach, and it will be much easier to figure out what kinds of content you should be producing to attract their attention.

17. Egyptian Tourism Authority

On the exact opposite end of the spectrum from the previous example, the Egyptian Tourism Authority ’s website does an excellent job of highlighting different types of trips and experiences available to travelers.

examples for travel website

In this case, they opted not to niche down — and it works.

That’s in large part because the site is designed to highlight the country’s variety and cultural richness.

The first thing visitors see is a stunning landscape. From there, the photos on the page display Egypt’s diversity, showcasing everything from beaches to deserts to the iconic Giza Pyramids.

The idea they’re attempting to convey is that the country holds something for everyone.

While narrowing in on a specific attraction would’ve made it easier to write copy and tailor their content to a specific type of traveler, this approach lets the site show off several different attractions.

And while it might seem contradictory to place this example of a site that covers an entire country immediately following a site that focuses on a subset of attractions within a specific state, the takeaway is that there’s no “best” approach that will work for every site.

If you’re working to increase tourism in an entire region or country, you’ll need to design for a broad audience. But if you’re trying to reach travelers looking for a specific type of trip or tour experience, you might see better results by niching down.

Determine what you’re hoping to accomplish with your site, then work from there.

18. Costa Navarino

Costa Navarino is located on the Mediterranean coast of Greece, and their site focuses on highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of the destination.

examples for travel website

Their site seems to have one main objective: to make visitors forget about everything but the beautiful island scenery in front of them.

Travel sites are particularly effective when they enable potential customers to envision themselves in luxurious destinations from the minute they arrive on the homepage.

That can be the primary motivation for a traveler to book tickets from their cold home in the winter — and Costa Navarino’s site reflects this.

To accomplish this goal, they feature stunning images of coastlines, beaches, pools, and luxury villas. The weather report in the top right corner is a nice touch, too.

Altogether, the site does a nice job of minimizing distractions. Site visitors are encouraged to focus solely on the destination in front of them — at least until they’re ready to start taking steps to plan their trip.

19. Experience Columbus

Experience Columbus is the state of Ohio’s site for attracting visitors to their capital city.

examples for travel website

The first thing you’ll notice on this site, after the gorgeous shot of the city’s skyline, is that the site is fast and appealing.

Of course, the site looks nice. But arguably even more important than that it loads extremely quickly. And it doesn’t lag on mobile devices, either.

Since many people now use smartphones and tablets to access information online, this last detail is critical.

And beyond that, the site is designed to be extremely user-friendly on any device.

Regardless of a visitor’s browser or screen size, it’s easy for them to access information about sightseeing, restaurants, events, hotels, neighborhoods, and virtually anything else they might want to know about the city.

So as you design your travel site, make sure that user experience is a key consideration right from the start.

Utilize responsive design, so that travelers can easily navigate your content on whatever device they’re using. Then, ensure that your testing process includes a variety of operating systems.

When not coded correctly, elements like buttons and your navigation bar can appear distorted on devices other than desktop and laptop computers. This can easily make or break a user’s experience with your site.

You don’t want this to be the determining factor in whether a user decides to visit your city or sign up for your tour service — so invest the time it takes to create a user-friendly site.

20. Discover Chile

The last site on our list is Chile’s official tourism site, Discover Chile .

examples for travel website

The first thing you’ll notice on their homepage is likely the stunning image of a whitewater kayaker flying over a waterfall.

But after that , you’ll see the goal logo at the top of the page, announcing that Chile is the “World’s Leading Adventure Tourism Destination.”

Chile has received numerous awards for tourism, and it displays the most prestigious of these awards prominently on its homepage. The slideshow features three hero images, each with a different award at the top.

This is essentially a form of social proof.

If you’re not familiar with the concept of social proof , it’s the practice of using third-party reviews and opinions to create positive associations with your brand or business.

After all, consumers know that companies are biased towards whatever it is that they’re promoting.

As a result, they’re typically more inclined to trust the opinions of other consumers and organizations that don’t have a clear incentive to speak highly of a particular product or service.

That’s why many of us seek out customer reviews and ratings before purchasing anything online.

Of course, reviews work a bit differently within the travel industry. Travelers might rate specific attractions they visit or tours they attend, but most won’t take the time to write and publish a review of a destination as a whole.

But in Chile’s case, the titles they received from World Travel Awards are just as compelling.

And if a visitor in search of an adventurous trip lands on this homepage, they’ll immediately know that the country offers what they’re looking for — and they don’t have to take a biased tourism site’s word for it.

If your city, attraction, or site has earned any awards or distinctions, be sure to feature them prominently.

Even if it’s just a small award from a local organization, having some sort of third-party verification can go a long way in building trust with your visitors.

There’s no guaranteed template to follow when designing a travel website.

The 20 sites in this post alone cover a variety of design styles and approaches — they each work for their own unique audiences and goals.

Regardless of your industry or niche, there are a few important points to keep in mind when working on your site:

  • Make sure your navigation is simple. Graphics, smart category grouping, and smaller menus can all help with this.
  • Images play a huge role with travel sites! Don’t be afraid to use big banner images. Just make sure that your file sizes don’t slow down your page load times .
  • Try to set your site apart from the rest. Figure out what your competitors are doing, then aim to come up with a unique approach.

Make your website better. Instantly.

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Last Updated on September 25, 2019

Vandelay Design

25 Travel Website Design Examples for Tourism and Agencies

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The quality of design is very important for websites in the travel and tourism industry. These sites need to inspire and entice travelers, so travel website design is usually highly visual.

Regardless of whether the site is for a hotel, resort, travel agent, booking, or tour operator, tourism website design needs to look and function well to appeal to visitors.

On this page, we’ll take a look at travel and tourism website examples to provide web design inspiration and observe some current trends in the travel industry.

The Best Travel Website Design Examples

These travel website examples should provide plenty of inspiration that you can put to good use. Whether you’re creating a site for a hotel or resort, a comparison or booking site, or looking to design one of the best travel agency websites, you’ll find beautiful examples here.

For more web design inspiration , please see some of our other articles, like winery & vineyard websites , restaurant websites , and museum websites .

MORE Family Collection

The MORE Family Collection is a group of resorts in South Africa. The website features a clean design with a heavy does of photos and video clips. The site also uses nice typography with big, bold headline fonts .

MORE Family Collection

Grand Forest

An excellent example of tourism website design, this five-star mountain hotel in Greece features a full-screen background video on the homepage that rotates clips every few seconds. Just about every page on the site includes a very large header photo.

Grand Forest

Equinox Explore

The homepage of Equinox Explore uses several full-screen background photos with some scrolling effects. The images carry the load in this web design as the rest of the layout is fairly simple for this travel company.

Equinox Explore

Tall, True & Tangled

This website uses lots of large images, color, background patterns, and a handwritten font on the homepage. It’s one of the best tourism website design examples you’ll find.

Tall, True & Tangled

Adams & Butler

You would expect a luxury travel agency to have a beautiful website, and Adams & Butler delivers, providing one of the best travel agency website examples. The full-screen background video on the home rotates through a number of clips that showcase amazing scenery and culture that are sure to have an impact on any website visitor or potential customer.

Adams & Butler

Aguas de Ibiza

This hotel website uses a lot of images, a nice mobile-friendly navigation menu, and a convenient way to check availability and book your stay.

Aguas de Ibiza

Makena Golf and Beach Club

Located in Hawaii, this golf and beach club offers a highly-visual experience that is sure to make you want to book a trip. The amount of text content on the site is relatively light, allowing the images to take center stage.

McKenna Golf and Beach Club

Dorsia takes a different approach with its travel website. Instead of a large photo or video on the homepage, visitors are greeted with a unique illustration. The site is really well-designed with illustrations playing a significant role even on secondary pages.


This luxury Hawaiian hotel uses a full-screen video background, plus lots of big and colorful photos throughout the website.


Maryculter House

Maryculter House uses a large video background on the homepage. The rest of the site is attractive with nice typography. An elegant serif font is used for headlines.

Maryculter House

Getaway’s website will have you ready to book a cabin rental for your next trip. The photos showcase cabins surrounded by stunning nature. In addition to viewing properties and units, you can also place your booking when you’re ready.


Visit Arizona

As one of the more spectacular states in the U.S., it makes sense that Arizona would showcase that amazing scenery in its tourism website.

Visit Arizona

Salt In Our Hair

Travel blog Salt In Our Hair features a beautiful design. The homepage uses a large background image at the top of the page. Naturally, photos play a large role throughout the site.

Salt In Our Hair

Explore Charleston

Charleston, SC encourages visitors with the help of an informative, attractive website. You can find the best places to stay, places to eat, shopping, and things to do while you’re there.

Explore Charleston

Relais de Chambord

This French hotel has a beautiful website to match the elegance of the building and property itself. Photos and typography are among the primary elements that make this website look great.

Relais de Chambord

Spain Collection

Spain Collection offers luxury travel experiences in Spain and Portugal. The site features a lot of photos and videos, as well as some scrolling effects.

Spain Collection

Backpacking Tours

Backpacking Tours uses a full-screen background video to grab attention and entice visitors to watch the full promo video. As you scroll down the page, you’ll see a colorful design that incorporates photos and some hand-drawn effects.

Backpacking Tours

The Scott Resort & Spa

The website of The Scott Resort & Spa uses images, video, beautiful typography, and a lot of animation effects as you scroll. Overall, the site provides an excellent experience that encourages visitors to book a stay.

The Scott Resort & Spa

Discover Ireland

Discover Ireland provides information and ideas for visitors who are researching. There are many photos on the site with a heavy emphasis on the natural beauty of Ireland and outdoor activities.

Discover Ireland

Africa Travel Resource

Africa Travel Resource offers safari tours, so naturally, their website includes countless wildlife and nature photos of exotic destinations. The layout and design of the site is very clean and clutter-free.



Travelshift entices travelers with large, beautiful photos. On the site, you can find information about the different trips and itineraries.


Ultima Corfu

This Mediterranean wellness retreat uses a large video on the homepage. The rest of the site features plenty of photos that showcase the natural beauty.

Ultima Corfu

The website for this hotel in Oslo uses a large video on the homepage. The web design incorporates nice typography and some animation effects as you scroll.


St. Regis Venice

This hotel in Venice has a quality website with plenty of information and photos. It’s easy to book a stay thanks to a sticky header menu with a “reserve now” link.

St. Regis Venice

Kenauk Nature

Kenauk Nature offers luxury lodge rentals in Quebec. The homepage uses a large video to capture attention. Throughout the site you can find articles and photos about the various attractions and activities that are likely to appeal to the target audience.

Kenauk Nature

Travel Website Design Trends

After browsing through this showcase, a few trends in travel website development are obvious.

Full-Screen Background Videos

Many of the sites showcased here use a large video on the homepage that immediately grabs the attention of visitors. Most of the videos rotate and change the clips every few seconds to hold viewers’ attention longer. Some sites use large background photos instead of video, but the use of video is a noticeable trend.

Heavy Use of Photos

What’s the best way to inspire travelers and encourage sharing on social media? Photos and video are much more effective than text, so it makes sense that travel and tourism websites use a lot of beautiful photos to showcase the travel destination and venues.

Not only do these sites use a lot of photos, but the photos also tend to be big and unmissable.

Clean Layouts

Most of the sites use images and videos as the primary visual elements. In some cases, the designs and layouts are fairly simple (in a good way), which allows the images to have the full attention of visitors while providing a positive user experience.

Many of the sites showcased on this page are related to luxury travel, either hotels, resorts, or travel agencies. One of the best ways to give an elegant and luxurious feel to a website is through typography. While this trend does not apply to every site on the list, several of them feature typography that adds to the feel of luxury.

Final Thoughts on Travel Website Design

We hope you enjoyed this showcase of the best travel website design examples. There are a variety of different types of businesses represented here, so you should find plenty of inspiration for your own tourism website design to create an outstanding online presence.

The travel website examples shown here use web design as a powerful tool to advertise and encourage people to visit or stay. All of these sites are valuable assets to the business and we’re sure that your site has the same potential.

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Steven is an industry veteran with nearly two decades of web design experience. He was instrumental in the launch (2007) and growth of the Vandelay Design blog. Vandelay Design is one of the leading web design blogs and has reached more than 50 million visitors. Steven has also been a regular contributor at other websites like Smashing Magazine and Envato's Tuts+ and was a contributing author for the Smashing Book. Connect with Steven at LinkedIn .

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What is Kerning in Typography: Detailed

examples for travel website

New York Mets Colors – Hex,

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The QPR Logo History, Colors, Font,

examples for travel website

What is Tracking in Typography: Essential

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The 29 Best Tourism Website Design Examples to Inspire Travel

  • BY Bogdan Sandu
  • 12 January 2024

examples for travel website

Imagine your screen as a portal—the gateway where wanderlust meets the digital realm. It’s here that the alchemy of best tourism website design examples transforms browsers into travelers.

In the tapestry of the virtual universe, every pixel, every swipe matters. As a weaver of this digital fabric, I understand the essence of crafting sites that don’t just inform but enthrall.

This article is your compass to the peaks of creativity in tourism web design. You’re not just looking for aesthetics; you want that perfect blend of user engagement , integrated online booking systems , and visual storytelling that turns lookers into bookers.

By journey’s end, you’ll unravel the tapestry of top-tier travel site features—a map to destination website best practices that magnetize and resonate.

Dive deep into the immersive canyons of tour operator web design , scale the heights of responsive travel website design ; your quest for inspiration starts now, unearthing gems from award-winning travel websites to interactive travel site examples .

Welcome to a curated showcase, a spectrum where effective travel website features shine the brightest.

Best Tourism Websites To Check Out


TripAdvisor The 29 Best Tourism Website Design Examples to Inspire Travel

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The 29 Best Tourism Website Design Examples to Inspire Travel

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9 Best Travel Website Examples to Check Out in 2024

Explore the best travel website examples that offer a perfect blend of visual appeal and practicality for travelers.

by Divya Singh • 23 August 2024

9 Best Travel Website Examples to Check Out in 2024

If you are dreaming of building a travel website that captures attention and turns visitors into excited travelers, you're in the right place. 

The best travel websites don’t just showcase destinations, they ignite a sense of adventure and curiosity. But how do you design a site that not only looks stunning but also keeps people hooked? 

In this guide, I’ll reveal the secrets behind the most captivating travel sites and share 9 best travel website examples that give you inspiration, so you can start your journey. 

Let’s dive in!

Top 9 Travel Website Design Examples for Your Inspiration

Let’s explore the top 9 travel website design examples to spark ideas for your own site.

1.  Tour With Me   

Tour With Me

The "Tour With Me" website offers a visually inviting experience with a fresh, airy design that invites exploration. The use of light blues and soft whites creates a sense of openness. 

Plus, this website is easy to navigate and created with Dorik AI , the best no-code website builder powered by AI that brings your vision to life with just a simple prompt.

Its design speaks directly to the traveler looking for a personalized European adventure and here the visuals are strategically placed to capture your attention and encourage you to explore your travel dreams.

If you're looking to explore a wide variety of websites and discover the best examples across different categories, be sure to check out our blog, ' Best Website Examples .'

If you want to create a travel website in minutes, you can obviously try Dorik AI.  The builder can generate SEO optimized web copy and pixel perfect images tailored to your brand. Plus, you can generate sites in any language you want. 

2.  Sydney Opera House  

Sydney Opera House

The Sydney Opera House website has a bold and dynamic design that perfectly goes with the iconic nature of the venue. The homepage immediately draws you in with a striking combination of dark tones and vibrant highlights. This color combo is creating a dramatic yet inviting atmosphere.

The site uses large, impactful visuals along with clear, concise text to grab your attention and guide you to key events and offerings.

Plus, it has a well-organized layout that guides you to explore events, plan your visit, or stream content effortlessly. Every section seems thoughtfully designed to improve user engagement. 

3.  Lonely Planet  

Lonely Planet

The Lonely Planet website has a vibrant design that reflects the brand's adventurous spirit. The homepage features bold images and clean typography to encourage you to explore further.

Lively colors like blue, green, and orange bring energy to the page, while the smart  use of white space  keeps everything easy to navigate.

The layout is straightforward, so you can easily check out sections like destinations, travel tips, and stories. Plus, big, eye-catching visuals paired with short text capture the feel of each destination.

Every detail of this site is designed to inspire you to plan your next trip.

4.  Thrillophilia  


The Thrillophilia website follows an organized design that appeals to adventurous travelers. Its homepage is packed with colorful images of various destinations, each presented in a grid format that makes it easy to browse through options.

The use of bright colors, like orange and green, adds energy to the page and also helps important details like prices and booking buttons stand out. 

You can quickly compare different travel packages and make decisions.

The process of discovering, comparing, and booking travel adventures is so smooth and engaging. 

5.  Black Tomato

Black Tomato

The Black Tomato website captures the luxury travel vibe with its elegant and sophisticated design. Right from the homepage, you're welcomed with stunning full-width visuals that draw you into a world of adventure.

The deep, muted tones like rich browns and purples add a classy touch, perfectly matching the high-end travel experiences they offer.

The site’s clean and simple layout makes it super easy to explore destinations and services. Plus, it offers a user experience that’s both luxurious and easy to navigate.

6.  Dollywood Parks & Resorts  

Dollywood Parks & Resorts

The Dollywood Parks & Resorts website has a fun and vibrant design that reflects the excitement of the park. The homepage is full of colorful visuals that capture the lively spirit of the attractions. They’ll make you feel like you’re already part of the action.

The design uses bright and inviting colors like blues and greens. These colors are giving the site a fresh and energetic feel. 

Navigating is smooth with an easy-to-follow layout. You can quickly find information on tickets, events, and lodging.

7.  Toucan Tours

Toucan Tours

The Toucan Tours website uses a lively and cheerful design to capture the adventurous spirit of its tours. The homepage is filled with colorful and lively images. They give you a glimpse of Medellín’s best tours.

Bright colors usage like green and orange give the site an energetic and playful feel. The straightforward layout makes it simple for you to find the perfect tour for your Medellín experience.

8.  Travel Oregon

Travel Oregon

The Travel Oregon website does a great job of showcasing the state’s natural beauty. It has a warm and inviting design. The calming mix of green and earthy tones really connects you to Oregon’s lush landscapes.

The design is simple but works well, with big images that highlight the different attractions Oregon has to offer. The green color fits the natural theme perfectly and helps guide you to important sections like trip planning and outdoor activities.

The layout is easy to follow. You can easily explore different sections. The site is designed to make planning your Oregon trip as enjoyable as the adventure itself.

9.  Experience Egypt

Experience Egypt

The Experience Egypt website has a vibrant and colorful design. The homepage features stunning images of iconic spots like the Red Sea and the Nile, all presented in bright, eye-catching blues, yellows, and reds.

The design is lively and welcoming, with bold colors guiding you to different sections like "Where to Go" and "What to Do." This makes it easy to explore the various travel options and activities in Egypt.

You can effortlessly navigate through the site. Each section is well-organized, with large visuals and concise text. 

Learn more about  How to create ui and ux for your website  

4 Must-Know Tips for Travel Website Design

Following are the key points that you need to keep in mind while designing a travel website:

1. Know Your Market: Understand the distinct languages, cultural norms, and legal requirements of different regions. So, you can tailor your website to these specifics and avoid issues like low conversion rates or legal complications.

2. Map the Customer Journey: Ensure your website provides a seamless experience across all devices. Users should easily continue their journey regardless of the device they're using. Additionally, tracking customer behavior will help you refine your marketing strategies.

3. Test Everything, Always: Constant testing keeps your website optimized and competitive. You need to regularly test various website’s elements, like call-to-action buttons and layouts.

4. Use High-Quality Images: High-resolution images of destinations and accommodations are so much important for engaging users. These images should be both visually stunning and quick to load to avoid frustrating potential customers.

Now that you know the essential tips for your travel website, it's also important to stay updated with web design trends and explore ways to improve the web site design.

What Should be Included in a Travel Website?

A travel website should include the following features:

  • Booking System: A seamless and secure booking system that allows users to reserve flights, accommodations, and activities directly through the website.
  • Detailed Itineraries: It should provide detailed itineraries to help travelers plan their trips with day-by-day details, including activities, destinations, and expected costs.
  • High-Quality Images: You must show stunning visuals of destinations, accommodations, and attractions to inspire travelers and give them a glimpse of what to expect on their journey.
  • Customer Reviews: You should include reviews from previous travelers to build trust and help potential customers make informed decisions based on real experiences.
  • User-Friendly Design: The design should be responsive and intuitive so that users can easily navigate the website, find information, and complete bookings on any device.

FAQs On Travel Website Examples, Answered

What is content in a travel website.

Content on a travel website refers to all the information, articles, images, videos, and other media that help inform and inspire travelers. This can include destination guides, travel tips, blog posts, itineraries, and even customer reviews.

How do I start a travel content?

To start creating travel content, pick your niche, start your blog or social media account, and share your travel experiences. Then, focus on storytelling, capture great photos, and actively engage with your audience.

Why do people use travel websites?

People use travel websites to find the best deals on flights, hotels, and car rentals. These sites makes it easy for you to compare prices and discover discounts. 

Design a Travel Website that Captivates Your Visitors

Creating a travel website that captivates your visitors starts with staying true to your brand and focusing on a seamless user experience.

With these tips and some inspiration from travel website examples, you'll be on your way to building a site that not only looks amazing but also drives results. Happy designing!

Divya Singh

Divya Singh

Divya Singh is the editor of Dorik AI, leading the editorial strategy and creating strategies to boost readership. She has a background in business and marketing coupled with years of content marketing experience. When she's not working, you can find her listening to a podcast, trying out a new recipe, or recording songs.

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Travel Website Design: Our 22 Favorites for 2023

Madison Zoey Vettorino

Updated: July 31, 2024

Published: April 03, 2024

If you're building a travel website but need help figuring out where to begin, we've got you covered. You can get inspired as you create your site by checking out some of the most effective travel website design examples.

travel website design: image shows a typewriter and a rocket ship

In this post, we'll share 22 of our favorite travel website design examples. We'll also share some of the most important concepts to keep in mind as you navigate your own website development . 

examples for travel website

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The Best Travel Website Design: Our 22 Favorites

Ready for a hearty helping of travel website ideas? Here are 22 of the best travel website design examples to boost inspiration.

1. Google Travel

travel website design: google travel homepage

2. Travel + Leisure

travel website design: travel and leisure homepage example

Next up is Airbnb. When you land on the website, you're immediately greeted with different accommodation options. Like Google Travel, Airbnb uses icons to showcase the different experiences available. This allows visitors to peruse the options and find what they want easily. 

4. New York Times Travel

travel website design: NY Times travel

5. Costco Travel

Costco Travel demonstrates that the most compelling travel website design is sometimes the most basic. While Costco Travel isn't as visually engaging as others on this list, visitors can input plenty of information regarding their desired trip, which makes for a seamless user experience . 

6. Lonely Planet

travel website design: lonely planet homepage

8. The United States Department of State - Travel

travel website design: US department of state travel

The first thing you notice about Kayak's website is its vertical menu, which stands out amongst other travel websites with horizontal navigation . Because of this, you can quickly get to any pages you need, and the menu stays put as you scroll.

10. Bus2Alps

The website for this student travel agency allows users to find what they're seeking fast, as it keeps the trip search bar front and center. Without even scrolling, you can input your destination and the duration of your trip. Then, you can quickly search and populate results. As you scroll down the page, you can see upcoming trips the agency is advertising. We also love that reviews are placed on the homepage so visitors can learn more about how other travelers enjoyed their trip. 

11. Pro Travel International

Next is Pro Trip International, a travel agency website that demonstrates how color contrast and compelling visuals can prove effective on a travel site. You're greeted with a gorgeous picture of the water when you visit the website. We also love the CTA , which invites you to 'Begin your journey.' The coloring in the imagery pops against the menu, which is set against a black background. 

12. AAA Travel

AAA Travel's website does something that no other on this list has done: It presents its blog posts front and center. When you arrive on the website, you're immediately presented with articles that are published on the company blog . Then, you can click and read more, which compels visitors to book their trip. We also love how the AAA travel website makes it easy to find AAA-preferred accommodations, car rentals, and more, as these are displayed on the top of the page in a menu format. 

13. Travelocity

travel website design: travelocity

14. Smart Trip

travel website design: smart trip

15. Liberty Travel

Liberty Travel is an excellent travel website because it's easy to navigate. The search bar is especially compelling for visitors, as it asks 'Where to' and allows users to input an answer. When you scroll down, you can learn more about trending travel deals, check out reviews, and read posts from the company blog . 

16. CNN Travel

travel website design: CNN travel

17. JetBlue

This airline website demonstrates that the best travel website design stays true to your company's branding. The copywriting stands out here , as the first thing readers see is copy that says, "It's so fly to see you." This infuses personality into the website and stays true to the company's branding. The site itself is clean and has a large enough menu that helps visitors find what they're looking for. 

18. Trip Advisor

In a sea of travel website design examples, Trip Advisor does something unique: It offers visitors the opportunity to use artificial intelligence (AI) to build the trip of their dreams. We love that when you arrive on the website, you're immediately greeted with a tool that can help you put together your vacation. Also, at the top of the page is a simple yet effective menu that helps visitors navigate to different sections of the site they may have missed otherwise. 

19. BBC Travel

travel website design: BBC travel

20. ViaHero

travel website design: viahero homepage

21. Virtuoso

Virtuoso is a luxury travel agency, and when the website homepage loads, you immediately know you're in the right place for that. Like AAA Travel, Virtuoso focuses on previous blog posts visitors can read to learn more about potential destinations. We love this site's upscale color scheme and elegant font choices . 

22. Booking.com

travel website design: booking.com

Travel Website Ideas: How to Make Yours Stand Out

Now that you've perused over 20 websites, you might wonder: How do I enact these key takeaways to build my travel website? Here are a few actionable ways to help your travel site stand out in such a saturated market. 

Keep it simple. 

It's no secret that planning a trip can be an overwhelming experience. The most successful travel websites keep it simple, provide ample white space, and present users with information as needed instead of throwing everything at them at once. Your visitors are likely already semi-stressed planning their trip — the last thing they want is to land on a highly overwhelming website. Spread your website out accordingly, don't make it too cluttered, and use a readable font. In other words, prioritize not only your site looking good but being user-friendly, too. 

Stay true to your branding.  

The best travel websites are those that stay true to their branding. If your brand is known for its vibrant colors, having a sleek and minimalist design probably doesn't make sense. Instead, you can incorporate your branding so your site feels like an extension of the brand your visitors already know and love. 

If you're unsure where to begin, remember that you can start with a template and customize it to suit your branding. For instance, when you build your website with Content Hub , you can use the pre-existing templates available and infuse your unique branding into them. (Plus, you'll love that you can start completely free.) 

Try to find something that your brand can uniquely offer. 

The travel websites that stand out offer something that others don't. For instance, Trip Advisor is notable because it offers AI that helps visitors create the trip of their dreams, or Jet Blue's site stands out because of its funny and quirky copywriting. Find what only your brand offers — and build your site around that. 

Build a website your visitors will love. 

Remember: Travel websites vary greatly, so as long as you're creating one that feels true to your brand and prioritizes user experience, you'll see success. Good luck and enjoy creating with these travel design ideas in mind! 

examples of brilliant homepage, blog, and landing page design

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Travel websites

Travel website with the title 'Web design concept for BeMyTravelMuse'

Make your business shine online with a custom travel website designed just for you by a professional designer. Need ideas? We’ve collected some amazing examples of travel websites from our global community of designers. Get inspired and start planning the perfect travel web design today.

Want a free travel website?

Try the Vista x Wix website builder today. No design expertise or team needed.

Travel website with the title 'Web Design for OpenKey'

Web Design for OpenKey

Travel website with the title 'Go Adventure'

Go Adventure

Travel website with the title 'Website design'

Website design

Website for a retreat in Portugal

Travel website with the title 'Webdesign for a Travel Site'

Webdesign for a Travel Site

Homepage designed for a unique travel agency. Peredrift guides the user to a few top locations to that meets their needs and then helps them to build a day-to-day schedule including where to go and stay, how to get there, and what to do. This is shared with a group who can comment and recommend alternative suggestions until they have a final plan that everyone is excited for.

Travel website with the title 'Colorful - travel, fashion, lifestyle web design'

Colorful - travel, fashion, lifestyle web design

Audraverse (Audra’s Universe) is a lifestyle page of travel & style stories from around the world. Audra's passion for travel has taken her to 75 countries across 6 continents thus far. She wants it to be bold & colorful page where the blog post looks like handwritten Post-it notes. Her traveling blog is Inspiring thousands of people from all around the world.

Travel website with the title 'Roaming Free: Web Design'

Roaming Free: Web Design

Travel website with the title 'Landing Page for Yacht Rental Service'

Landing Page for Yacht Rental Service

Created this eye-catching landing page with bold imagery and nice colors into a contest for a Yacht Rental Service.

Travel website with the title 'A Network TV Series "WESTWOOD GOES WAYWARD" needs a new website design'

A Network TV Series "WESTWOOD GOES WAYWARD" needs a new website design

Feel free to contact me to discuss your project needs.

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Exciting professional design for travel company

Enjoyed working on this project. Client wanted a sophisticated design for the travel deals industry yet keeping it fun and professional.

Travel website with the title 'Website design concept for a travel company'

Website design concept for a travel company

Travel website with the title 'Quinta Dos Amarelos'

Quinta Dos Amarelos

Quinta Dos Amarelos webdesign

Travel website with the title 'Amazing eCommerce homepage'

Amazing eCommerce homepage

Travel website with the title 'Web Design For Justice Travel'

Web Design For Justice Travel

Homepage concept for a travel agency that conducts tours around the world in partnership with human rights activists.

Travel website with the title 'Canadian Tourism Website'

Canadian Tourism Website

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I love working on travel projects like this. Unfortunately it wasn't client taste. However let me know feedback on this one and what do you think.

Travel website with the title 'RealAdventures Website Redesign'

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A very upscale oceanfront resort located on a 7 1/2 acre “island” between the Atlantic Ocean and White Point Swash. Surrounded by a spectacular 2 1/2 acre water escape that features swimming pools, spas, lazy river, swim-up pool bar and private cabanas. North Beach Plantation has been awarded the 4 Diamond Award, is ranked #1 on Trip Advisor and is also included in the Trip Advisor Hall of Fame.

Travel website with the title 'Travelicious Blog'

Travelicious Blog

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Baby Boomer Trips

It should be more modern, but have large icons and buttons for people to easily read and understand. Text should be large and minimal. We want a top bar that either drops down or displays subcategories underneath. Each page should feature bright photos that we will link to our deals.

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Travel website with the title 'Travel Website'

Travel Website

I designed a minimalistic and visually captivating website for a travel company, focusing on an image-centric approach to evoke wanderlust. By leveraging high-quality, full-screen images, the site creates an emotional connection with visitors, inspiring them to explore and book their next adventure. The clean and intuitive layout, combined with a responsive design, ensures a seamless user experience across all devices.

Travel website with the title 'Girls Travel Website'

Girls Travel Website

Travel website for women to able to get ideas for Girls Trips, coordinate their trip with each other through a Groups area, and book their trip right on the website.

Travel website with the title 'Travel Designs '

Travel Designs

Travel design

Travel website with the title 'Redesign of existing snow travel booking page'

Redesign of existing snow travel booking page

Travel website with the title 'HOME DESIGN for Ski Resort'

HOME DESIGN for Ski Resort

I created a new layout for a old ski resort in Italy, PRATI DI TIVO.

Travel website with the title 'Holiday Rental Website'

Holiday Rental Website

The venue has resort style facilities/amenities. Offering tranquillity of themes where guests can switch from open fire place, to Bali-style relaxation area besides pool to more vigorous actives.

Travel website with the title 'Website design for a great travel consultancy company'

Website design for a great travel consultancy company

Prodigar Travel 's website is built on Squarespace platform, it is not based on a template, it is 100% customized to perfectly reflect the brand and the business. I addition to the web design, we also made the Search Engine Optimization, so that the website to be as search-engine-friendly as possible and ready to take the organic search lists by storm :) Visit the live website: www.prodigartravel.com

Travel website with the title 'Homepage Design for a Popular RV Rentals Website'

Homepage Design for a Popular RV Rentals Website

Website design for RV Rentals

Travel website with the title 'Yosemite Hotel/Lodge Website Design'

Yosemite Hotel/Lodge Website Design

Evergreen Lodge offers a unique outdoor experience at the entrance to Yosemite National Park in California. They cater to travelers looking to spend a few days out in the park hiking, climbing, camping, and just sightseeing.

Travel website with the title 'Airport Website Design'

Airport Website Design

Very informative website, easy to navigate inside of it where the passenger can find information about an airport.

Travel website with the title 'Car Sharing'

Car Sharing

Car Sharing application desktop Interface.

Travel website with the title 'Web design for Glass Lodge in Iceland'

Web design for Glass Lodge in Iceland

Design for a travel location in Iceland

Travel website with the title 'Design for Prolific Immigration Consultants'

Design for Prolific Immigration Consultants

Client wanted a minimal and modern design which the home page reflects clearly. Most important work in this project was doing the research.

Travel website with the title 'Travel website design'

Travel website design

Website for travel company

Travel website with the title 'VIP concierge services website'

VIP concierge services website

Vip concierge services to the people who wants to travel to Mykonos.

Travel website with the title 'Classic Travel'

Classic Travel

Web design for luxury booking engine

Travel website with the title 'Bago Travel Bags Website Redesign'

Bago Travel Bags Website Redesign

Redesign Brand Language and HomePage - Bago Travel Bags

Travel website with the title 'OwnerDirect.com homepage design'

OwnerDirect.com homepage design

Travel website with the title 'Create a landing page for Narooma Tours & Charter Fish Narooma'

Create a landing page for Narooma Tours & Charter Fish Narooma

One of my favorite projects, and one of my dear clients - good and fast feedbacks, and great appreciation for my work.

Travel website with the title 'Modern TRAVEL Design'

Modern TRAVEL Design

Travel website

Travel website with the title 'Luxury Travel Agency - Luxtrips.co'

Luxury Travel Agency - Luxtrips.co

Website design for luxury travel agency. Being expert Luxury Travel Designers, Lux Trips offers bespoke experience of travelling.

Travel website with the title 'Corporate Stays'

Corporate Stays

An expert team of corporate housing specialists and property partners work tirelessly to manage and maintain our variety of handpicked furnished apartments with acute attention to detail.

Travel website with the title 'Web Design for Travel Agency'

Web Design for Travel Agency

Vibrant color to emphasize the mood of holiday. Neat and modern layout for better user experience

Travel website with the title 'Home Page concept for Bhrillion Travels'

Home Page concept for Bhrillion Travels

We tried to show a vintage look into the design.

Travel website with the title 'Clean & minimal concept for resort style travel website design'

Clean & minimal concept for resort style travel website design

Travel website with the title 'Webdesign for a company active in the segment of educational travel'

Webdesign for a company active in the segment of educational travel

It was a very tough contest with other 5 world class designers and finally my design won the final price.

Travel website with the title 'simplybooking'


Screen concepts for a software that allows vacation property managers to list their properties on their own site and allow people to book the properties.

Travel website with the title 'Meowtaineer adventure kitty website'

Meowtaineer adventure kitty website

Funny and clean website for cat blog.

Travel website with the title 'Website design for travel insurance company'

Website design for travel insurance company

Clean, minimal but elegant website redesign for travel insurance company in germany

Travel website with the title 'Redesign of Monte-carlo.mc Homepage'

Redesign of Monte-carlo.mc Homepage

Travel website with the title 'Traveling Website Design'

Traveling Website Design

Client Review! "After we had received a vast array of designs we then received Smart Envisions, Instantly we knew we had the design, look and feel we were looking for, clean, professional and uncluttered. I would certainly recommend Smart Envision for anyone who is looking for a professional prompt service. We fully intend to use them in the future. Many thanks Smart Envision !!"

Travel website with the title 'Web design for a travel booking company'

Web design for a travel booking company

Redesign of a travel website. Aesthetically I went for a rich use of imagery, and focused on creating a sense of depth, it helps make the user feel immersed by the experience.

Travel website with the title 'Website concept for a Mountain Resort'

Website concept for a Mountain Resort

Travel website with the title 'Homepage concept for private jet service provider'

Homepage concept for private jet service provider

Travel website with the title 'USIMS App's Homepage'

USIMS App's Homepage

USIMS offers an Internet eSIM service, which allows users to access the Internet at local rates globally, without incurring roaming charges.

Travel website with the title 'Travel agency web design concept'

Travel agency web design concept

Sophisticated, clean user friendly web design concept

Travel website with the title 'World Unite!'

World Unite!

Active in the segment of educational travel

Travel website with the title 'Travel Agency Webdesign'

Travel Agency Webdesign

Made a hawaii inspired website for a travel agency that showcase hawaii destination. the main focus was to fill the site with image and must have a summer/hawaii feel. yet keeping everything organize

Travel website with the title 'We need a new web design to offer and promote our holiday home'

We need a new web design to offer and promote our holiday home

We are looking for a one-pager which displays a description and photo's form one holiday home. Visitors of the website must be informed how the house look like and what specifications it has. Also some new and information about what you can do in the area. The site must be looking so nice that you want directly book a vacation to this home.

Travel website with the title 'Social Network for Travelers'

Social Network for Travelers

Profile page for AGENCESTP which is social network for travelers around the whole world. I've tried to keep it really modern, light, clean and easy to use.

Travel website with the title 'Countryside webpage design concepts'

Countryside webpage design concepts

Deb design concept for Countryside created simply and modern concept is easy to read and navigation.

Travel website with the title 'Luxury Cabin Rentals'

Luxury Cabin Rentals

A little vintage design for people who rents cabins in mountains.

Travel website with the title 'GayCities Website Redesign - Part 1'

GayCities Website Redesign - Part 1

Travel website with the title 'Informational webdesign'

Informational webdesign

Travel website with the title 'GoAdventure'


GoAdventure is a adventure travel booking website.

Travel website with the title 'Alternative, conscious & honest website for inspirational travel company'

Alternative, conscious & honest website for inspirational travel company

We are a company active in the segment of educational travel. As our company name ("World Unite!") indicates, our aim is to achieve that our international travel experiences result in cultural exchange, cultural learning, curiousity and understanding for each other and thus that "the world unites". ------------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project
Reach Out to Us:

Travel website with the title 'Campervan Rental-Redesign'

Campervan Rental-Redesign

Travel website with the title 'CruizeReizen webpage redesign concept'

CruizeReizen webpage redesign concept

Travel website with the title 'Travel Blog Homepage'

Travel Blog Homepage

Travel website with the title 'Website for apartment hotel in Norway'

Website for apartment hotel in Norway

Website design and development for apartment hotel in Norway

Travel website with the title 'Visa & Travel Assistance website'

Visa & Travel Assistance website

Design for a Visa & Travel assistance website.

Travel website with the title 'Website for travel service provider'

Website for travel service provider

Travel website with the title 'Vacation resort'

Vacation resort

A simple, yet classy design for a cozy vacation house. The design contains: Home page; a description page of the villa; location and places around the villa which you can visit ; booking page with price.

Travel website with the title 'A Yacht Booking website'

A Yacht Booking website

A modern, responsive, fullscreen design with an impactful landing page that intuitively takes you though the booking process, providing a plethora of options along the way.

Travel website with the title 'Looking for a Fresh Travel and Resort Style Web Design'

Looking for a Fresh Travel and Resort Style Web Design

TZORT: Resort Style Travel for Everyone Why settle for just good enough when you can stay at a resort? Our exclusive resorts offer luxury accommodations with amenities that go far beyond the average hotel. Our Design Approach :- -Creative & Custom web page design with 100% customer satisfaction! - out of the box design thinking and provided world class design - website design approach with modern design with unique concept! - Mobile Responsive concept design ---------------------------------------- Are you Looking for a Creative & Custom Website Design & Development Services ? ---------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project Reach Out to Us: https://99designs.com/profiles/3143151

Travel website with the title 'Egoist Nature Resort'

Egoist Nature Resort

We are a nature resort that offers accommodation services in 8 beautiful contemporary bungalows, great meals served in a farm-to-table restaurant barn and wellbeing therapies. Our Design Approach :- -Creative & Custom web page design with 100% customer satisfaction! - out of the box design thinking and provided world class design - website design approach with modern design with unique concept! - Mobile Responsive concept design ---------------------------------------- Are you Looking for a Creative & Custom Website Design & Development Services ? ---------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project Reach Out to Us: https://99designs.com/profiles/3143151

Travel website with the title 'Dunhill Travel Deals Website'

Dunhill Travel Deals Website

Travel website with the title 'Website for Monaco/ Monte Carlo'

Website for Monaco/ Monte Carlo

The Website is about everything in Monaco and the goal was to show all events, locations, ... to possible visitors. I focused on UX here and thought about to make the content as easy accessable as possible.

Travel website with the title 'Bold concepts for luxury holiday villas in Mallorca'

Bold concepts for luxury holiday villas in Mallorca

Travel website with the title 'Elegant website concept for Souther California's black car service'

Elegant website concept for Souther California's black car service

Travel website with the title 'Website for travel health insurance'

Website for travel health insurance

SimplyGlobal is a marketplace for Indians living in the US and other countries. One of the main services is the travel health insurance comparison and purchase. This design contest is for this service only ------------------------------------------- Let's start a One-to-One project
Reach Out to Us:

Travel website with the title 'Classic Travel Website Design'

Classic Travel Website Design

Website design for Classic Travel.

Travel website with the title 'Landing Page for Earth Nook, Discover & Experience Travel'

Landing Page for Earth Nook, Discover & Experience Travel

Travel website with the title 'Design for Travel Company'

Design for Travel Company

The design was for a travel company with exotic destinations. The three key areas should be displayed and also some information about the company.

Travel website with the title 'Tablet View - Monte-carlo.mc Homepage'

Tablet View - Monte-carlo.mc Homepage

Travel website with the title 'Travel Landing Page'

Travel Landing Page

I won this contest and it's a landing page of the website.

Travel website with the title 'Van rental webdesign'

Van rental webdesign

Travel website with the title 'Airport Transfers, Luxury Travel Chaffeur Driven'

Airport Transfers, Luxury Travel Chaffeur Driven

pieman by E-T

Travel websites not a good fit? Try something else:

How to create your travel website design.

If you want an amazing travel website that stands out from the competition, work with a professional designer. Find and hire a designer to make your vision come to life, or host a design contest and get ideas from designers around the world.

Start a contest

Designers from around the world pitch you ideas. You provide feedback, hone your favorites and choose a winner.

Start a project

Find the perfect designer to match your style and budget. Then collaborate one-on-one to create a custom website.

Travel website with the title 'Hotel webdesign'

4.6 average from 2,355 web page design customer reviews

What makes a good travel website?

A great website shows the world who you are, makes people remember you, and helps potential customers understand if they found what they were looking for. Websites communicate all of that through color, shape and other design elements. Learn how to make your travel website tell your brand’s story.

Travel website with the title 'Creative web design for city buildings blog'

Types of websites There are 8 different types of websites. Find out what they are, so you can decide which will meet your needs… Keep reading
How to create a website Creating a website can be complicated. This guide will walk you through the process of getting a website step-by-step… Keep reading
Web design colors Choosing the right website colors can highlight your business’ strengths and help you attract the right customers… Keep reading
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In This Article

14 best travel website design examples, 13+ travel website examples [design ideas].

Emmanuel Whyke Avatar

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Updated on: July 25, 2024

The number of people traveling around the world is rapidly increasing due to various reasons. With a higher search volume of travel-related inquiries, if you want people to fall in love with your site, you’ll need a great travel website design. Worry no more! We’ll be showing you some great travel related design examples in this post.

Travel Website Design

Typically**, you need a technologically advanced, simple, yet aesthetically appealing website to grab the attention of intending travelers and make them engage your web pages for a longer period**. Honestly, this may be somewhat challenging, especially with the era of fast-paced technological advancements the world is in, plus the saturation of the travel industry.

Nonetheless, drawing inspiration from already-existing travel website examples is a brilliant way of ensuring your site is also perfectly positioned to enjoy considerably fair traction of the available user traffic.

This article comprehensively reviews the best travel website design examples to draw inspiration when designing your own site. Without any further ado, let’s get straight into the list!

Below is a detailed compilation of the best travel website examples featuring excellent imagery, design, clean user experience, etc.

1. Tourists Paradise

Your browser does not support the video tag.

Tourists Paradise website is a travel museum. The website design uses a beautiful full-screen scrolling navigation to create a quite unique experience for its visitors.

As you scroll down with the page will snap to a different section, both vertically and horizontally. Images get displayed in full-height so if you are planning to use beautiful visusals, this design might be for you!

This website is using the fullPage.js component , which allows you to create the same full screen scrolling navigation. Available also for WordPress builders like Elementor and Gutenberg . (For the horizontal sliding, it’s using the Scroll Horizontally extension for fullPage.js ).

2. Bosco Alto

Second on the list is the Bosco Alto accomodations for travellers. Featuring a Fullscreen background image throughout the website, Bosco Alto includes a brilliant and attention-grabbing transitioning between each section of the website known as parallax effect .

If you like this effect, you might find useful our article on how to create a Parallax Effect just with only CSS . And if you prefer to avoid any coding, you can always make use of the Parallax extension of the fullPage.js library that we have just mentioned in the previous example.

3. Breckenridge

Breckenridge Travel Webpage

Breckenrdge is a very simple, modern, and exquisitely elegant travel website design example. It features a blend of bold typography, natural color tones and interactive background video that matches the website’s overall theme.

This can easily be done on your website with some CSS coding. Check this article on how to create a background video with CSS . You can even set a Youtube video as the background .

The brilliant use of white space and easy navigation for visitors also makes this website an excellent source of inspiration for travel agencies.

Y.CO’s travel website design is ideal for travel agencies who want to prioritize ease of navigation. The use of organized grid layouts helps users find whatever they need very quickly. The website layout also significantly contributes to its aesthetics, inviting visitors to dig even deeper into their website.

You’ll notice that on travel website designs the use of background videos is quite a common technique. An easy way to beautify any page and catch the visitors attention.

5. Pitch Luxury Tents

Pitch Luxury Tents Travel Website Design

This website employs brilliant illustrations, which makes it stand out amongst several other travel website examples on the net. These illustrations seamlessly blend with the multiple solid color backgrounds and simple animation effects included in the website’s design. Pitch Luxury Tent’s travel website design is ideal if you have more textual content than media content.

UTAH Travel Webpage Design

Utah is another travel agency website that features a simple yet modern design . The website includes a blend of solid background photos and images, plus a brilliant transition into the use of whitespace for its textual content. Other elements that make the UVE travel website design example stand out are their brilliant pagination, ease of navigation, and amazing use of bold typography.

7. Knai Bang Chatt

Knai Bang Chatt Website Design

Knai Bang Chatt is a luxuriously designed website, featuring elegant typography, impressive video, sophisticated imagery, and other brilliant UI components.

Other impressive features included in this travel website design example include the weather element at the bottom right of the welcome screen, testimonials sliders , brilliant use of white space, subtle scrolling animation effects and scroll-triggered text animations .

Fiji Travel Web Design

Fiji travel website design example includes a compilation of amusing photos that can easily capture the attention of visitors. More like a documentary, the welcome screen also features attention-grabbing photography followed by compelling, well-written content that ensures easy navigation throughout the website. It is a good example of an aesthetic travel agency website design.

9. Casa Angelina

Casa Angelina Web Design

This travel website example features a blend of white space, simple animation effects, and amusing photography. It’s a perfect way to tell a story with your website, taking your users through your world until they take action.

The “Book Now” button is prominent throughout the website, easily accessible to any user. Easy navigation, interactive videos, and a sticky sidebar menu are other UI elements that make this travel website design example stand out.

10. Nira Alpina

Nira Alpina Website Design

This travel website design example features an extraordinary mountainous view, including stunning photography, immersive video, and easy-to-understand textual content. Nira Alpina also includes compelling CTAs carefully arranged in prominent parts of the website.

11. Telluride

Telluride Travel Website

Telluride champions user-friendliness amongst the travel agency website design examples included on this list. The homepage includes a prominent gallery filled with large images to capture the attention of visitors as quickly as possible. This website design example is ideal if you want to be maximally detailed without risking boredom or bombarding your visitors excessively. Telluride’s travel agency website design portrays simplicity: a hamburger menu is used to avoid an over-crowded navigation menu.

12. Visit Baltimore

Visit Baltimore Travel Webpage

You will find an interactive video immediately when you land on this travel agency website, grabbing your attention and inviting you to continue browsing the site. Visit Baltimore also features an immersive layout, easy navigation, and subtle scroll animation effects that keep users more immersed.

13. On the Grid

On the Grid Travel Web Design example

On the Grid is also a travel blog. This travel website design example features an intriguing organized layout that ensures users’ ease of navigation. The website’s homepage also includes an alphabetical list of city guides, from Zurich to Aberdeen.

14. Wheeling

Wheeling Web Design Example

The last on our list of the best travel website design examples is the Wheeling website. Wheeling’s homepage features multiple top-quality images and multiple grid layouts to help visitors navigate easily. Although simple, Wheeling’s website is ultra-modern, including colorful and vibrant solid backgrounds and a blend of properly-managed whitespace.

Having explored our top 14 travel agency website designs, now is the best time to create one for your travel agency. Your prospective client expects luxury, great layout and ease of navigation, amazing user experience, top-quality images, etc., with your website. You should keep all of these in mind when designing yours.

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Emmanuel Whyke

Emmanuel W. is a UK-based creative and research-driven content writer and editor with 8+ years of experience. He owns a Masters of Science (MSc) in Digital Marketing from Coventry University.

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Travel Agency Websites: 22 Inspiring Examples (2024)

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Every travel agency, new or experienced, faces the problem of generating leads and attracting customers constantly. The solution? A good travel agency website to drive online traffic to and show potential customers the services you offer.

But what if I don’t have the design skills or coding knowledge to create one?

Good news! You can create a mind-blowing travel website without having to spend a fortune on a web designer by using a website builder. Many travel agency website builders are available in the market. Wix and Squarespace are our standout picks.

This article covers the top travel agency websites built with the best website builders you can use for inspiration to create your own site.

1. Global Nomad

Made with Squarespace

1. Global Nomad - Travel Website example

Global Nomad is one of the best travel agency websites that offer services like booking flights, hotels, and car rentals. I love the simple landing page travel agency website design because of its clean layout and simple messaging.

The first thing you see when you visit the website is a high-quality nice sea trip image. This image choice is smart and reflective of the unique trip experience the travel company provides.

Global Nomad uses a bold, white, and stylish font to display what it does. I love how it uses small circular contact icons that direct visitors to the respective platforms.

2. Avenue H

2. Avenue H - Travel Website example

Avenue H is a London-based travel site specializing in international trips and surprise vacations. You can’t miss the looping video of the ocean when you enter its landing page. I love how it centers its tagline and description and uses a single CTA button.

Clicking on the CTA button, “Explore Here,” will take you to its home page. Here, you will see many vivid and stunning images and videos of different travel destinations.

3. Pack Up + Go

3. Pack Up + Go - Travel Website example

Pack Up + Go is an international travel and vacation planning agency known for its surprise vacations. This web design is simple and organized. I love how it uses an attractive tagline that captures the attention of visitors looking to arrange trips.

The use of pastel aquamarine blue, white, and grande resin look colors create a heavenly website. Addressing their ideal client’s pain points clearly in the website copy and offering solutions is worth applying to your own website.

4. Champlain Tours

Made with Wix

4. Champlain Tours - Travel Website example

Champlain Tours’ website makes for an interesting web design study. You can’t miss the background video that starts playing and shows you different exciting travel locations once you visit the site.

I love how this travel agency puts its contact phone number at the top-right side to make it visible to every eye. The entire website uses blue tones and a white background to create that sea-like imagery and professional look.

There is a large customer review section that acts as social proof that helps establish credibility and trust in the brand.

5. Earth + Ocean Travel Company

5. Earth + Ocean Travel Company - Travel Website example

The Earth + Ocean Travel Company is a great website example for businesses in the travel and tourism industry. Using a high-quality picture of a perfect trip getaway is the norm for travel agencies.

I love how the website displays large images of beautiful tour locations from different countries to create a professional online presence. The minimalist web design style and short content encourage user engagement.

6. Custom Travel

Made with Weebly

6. Custom Travel - Travel Website example

Custom Travel is a travel business built on the travel agency website builder, Weebly. You can’t help but love how it uses a stunning background of a perfect beach trip location. Add the simple slogan in bold white fonts that makes your ideal audience long for such an experience.

The website’s use of blue, white, and ash colors points to a professional website. Customer Travel features a glowing testimonial section to build credibility and trust.

Visitors enjoy easy access to their contact details by clicking on the “Contact” menu or scrolling down to that section.

7. United Travel Visa

Made With Webflow

7. United Travel & Visa - Travel Website example

The United Travel Visa company has one of the best travel websites. I love how it uses local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and mobile readiness to attract potential clients to its travel and visa services.

You can’t help but notice how it uses user-friendly design elements and cool slideshows that make you want to book your next trip. This website displays glowing testimonials from happy clients.

8. Big Adventure Travel Company

8. Big Adventure Travel Company - Travel Website example

The Big Adventure Travel Company is a great example of a well-designed website for individuals and businesses in the travel industry.

I love how the website uses slideshows to display high-quality images that hint at the services it offers. Its bold white fonts and cool typography set it apart from other travel agency websites.

The Big Adventure Travel Company has a dedicated travel blog section that provides readers with every kind of travel information they require.

9. Milk + Honey Travels

9. Milk + Honey Travels - Travel Website example

Milk + Honey Travels is a travel agent website that helps any interested party plan their next travel destination. You can’t help but love the beautiful photography and crisp typography splashed around the website.

Navigating the content of the website is easy with its search function. I love the milky white and other warm colors that reflect luxury travel branding.

This website displays social proof by associating itself with top travel brands it partners with for hotel booking and other travel needs.

10. Poe Travel

10. Poe Travel - Travel Website example

Poe Travel has one of the best travel agency website designs you can emulate to create your own website. Visitors find the rich white and pink collage picture worth their attention. The different items in the background point to exciting tour experiences.

I love how the website is full of pictures of fabulous tours it has organized for clients. In case you are still in doubt, Poe Travel uses social proof to show you its stellar awards and accomplishments.

11. Classic Travel Connection

11. Classic Travel Connection - Travel Website example

Classic Travel Connection is a full-service adventure travel brand that provides clients with the best tour experiences. The inclusion of a live chat feature helps visitors navigate through their services. There’s a free travel guide for new travelers and those that want to travel better.

I love how Classic Travel Connection uses slideshows to display the different wonderful tour locations. The use of expressive client testimonials helps potential clients picture the same experience when using this travel agency.

12. Roam Travel Company

12. Roam Travel - Travel Website example

Roam Travel Company is a boutique travel agency that focuses on providing personalized and exceptional services to clients. This travel agency website is full of high-quality travel and tour images that make visitors want to book a trip instantly.

I love how the website displays its preferred contact and social media options as small icons on the top left part of your screen. There is a search function you can use to find any information you need.

13. Huffman Travel

13. Huffman Travel - Travel Website example

Huffman Travel has a beautiful homepage filled with many user-friendly designs. I love how the website starts with a plain clay creek color that draws your attention to the white text and clickable buttons.

The website changes from plain background color to an exciting rush of colors and high-quality travel images as you scroll to other sections.

There’s an interesting Travel Inspiration section that uses slideshows to show you a rich gallery of travel ideas. If you are still not convinced Huffman Travel is right for you, the footer contains images of top publications that recommend its exceptional services.

14. Explorateur Travel

14. Explorateur Travel - Travel Website example

Explorateur Travel is the best travel agency website for people looking to embark on a unique adventure. This travel website starts with a video loop that shows you a glimpse of the fun trips and adventures it offers.

I love how Explorateur Travel designed its happy travelers’ section. The idea of using different travel images as background for each traveler’s review is brilliant. Every image matches where the specific traveler writing the review visited.

Visitors can navigate through different happy travelers' reviews with the interactive twin arrow buttons.

15. Allure Travel

15. Allure Travel by CTM - Travel Website example

Allure Travel specializes in designing custom vacation and travel experiences that suit its clients’ preferences. This travel agency website is different from other examples cited. You will notice it has more text but in a simple and engaging style.

Watch out for the interactive picture box t hat changes when you click on the dotted links. High-quality pictures that show people enjoying their vacations that appeal to the eye are everywhere on the site.

I love how Allure Travel uses a detailed contact section to start working with interested people and collect leads they can nurture into customers.

16. Inward Travel

16. Inward Travel - Travel Website example

Inward Travel offers cold water vacation experiences and sweat-dripping exercises. The first thing that catches your attention on the site is the background video showing different cold water experiences.  

I love how the website uses high-quality pictures to show the services it offers. The use of white, silver chalice, and pine tree background colors give the website a professional look.

The founder story section tells the interesting story of Noå and shows his expertise in organizing cold water vacation experiences.

17. All Inclusive Vacations

17. All Inclusive Vacations - Travel Website example

All Inclusive Vacations is a great hotel booking and travel site you can use for inspiration to create yours. The choice of white and orange colors not just for the background but for every graphic design element including text and CTA is brilliant.

Visitors can easily navigate to find the top resorts and destinations covered by this travel agency. I love that each recommended travel destination comes with a good-quality image. 

The travel agency website has an interactive widget that allows you to select your travel destination, check-in and check-out dates, and the number of travelers.

18. Bouteco

18. Bouteco - Travel Website example

Bouteco is a travel website agency that helps luxury travel lovers find hotels and locations dedicated to conversing and reducing their carbon footprint.

I love its use of high-quality eco-friendly travel destination images and clean layouts to communicate its brand values expertly.

This eco-traveler website takes complete control of how visitors perceive it. Glowing recommendations from top publications like Forbes serve as social proof that fosters trust and credibility.

19. Get Your Guide

19. Get Your Guide - Travel Website example

Get Your Guide’s website uses a clean and stunning cover background image that grabs your attention on arrival. You don’t need search engines like Google and Bing to find your travel location. There’s an inbuilt search function that generates top travel attractions.

This website uses high-quality images taken at eye level that make you feel like you are present in that location.

Visitors can easily navigate through its four unforgettable travel experiences. These experiences become menus as you scroll down the website. I like how every travel location has clear details like name, picture, cost, time, and ratings.

20. VIP Traveler

Made with Unbounce

20. VIP Traveler - Travel Website example

VIP Traveler is a leading online travel agency you can draw inspiration from to create your own website.

The first cool design element on the site that captures your attention is its background video showing you different travel locations. If you want to hear the sound while the video is playing, click on the black circle with the sound icon.

There’s a moving arrow element that when you click takes you to the next section. I love how VIP Traveler uses social proof by showing logos of top publications. 

21. Inspirato

21. Inspirato - Travel Website example

Inspirato is a luxury travel agency website for personal, business, and group trips. You can’t miss out on the high-quality background picture of the sea. The website is full of great travel pictures that show luxury, fun, and exciting experiences.

I love Inspirato uses black CTA buttons to contrast the light colors for the website background. There are links to great resources at the footer like its travel blog section, magazine, store, and video gallery.

22. Embark Beyond

22. Embark Beyond - Travel Website example

Embark Beyond’s website wears a simple design and plenty of white space background to draw attention to its pictures and text. I find the background video that displays different travel locations and people having fun is worth copying.

This website uses large high-quality travel images and bold black text to keep visitors hooked and willing to scroll down for more information. You can’t miss the contact section just before the footer that comes with a map.

Explore Further

  • Best Website Designs (Top Examples & Inspiration)
  • Online Travel Booking Statistics & Trends
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Home » Designing Websites » 10 Travel Website Design Examples to Inspire You

10 Travel Website Design Examples to Inspire You

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After a rollercoaster few years with Covid-19 significantly disrupting travel plans, the industry is now booming. And who can blame us: there’s nothing like being stuck inside your home for long periods of time to make you want to… leave home!

The growth in the travel sector means that there are more websites geared towards helping travelers than ever before. And believe us: not all travel websites are created equally!

This article will walk you through the basics of travel website design , and show 10 brilliant examples of websites that have got it right. Read on for some top tips and to get inspired to make or improve your own website.

What Is a Travel Website?

A travel website is any site that’s set up to provide information or inspiration for wannabe travelers.

For example, some users will want to be inspired and gather ideas, so there are websites specifically set up to showcase what different destinations have to offer, allow you to read reviews from previous travelers, or to map out potential journeys.

Other travel websites are more practical and set up to help travelers organize a trip, such as comparing prices or accommodation options, and then making a booking.

Why Does Design Matter?

We’ve included all types of travel websites for the various phases of the traveler customer journey, so you can compare their features and designs.

We think design is one of the most important factors of any travel website. Ultimately, a travel website is selling an experience, and a well-designed, visually-impactful website will be far more likely to leave a positive impression on the visitor.

Travel Website Design Inspiration

Ready? Let’s dive into 10 of the best travel website design examples:

#1. Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet is one of the OG travel companies, having published over 150 million travel guides over the past five decades! Nowadays, Lonely Planet is one of the best travel websites on the planet, with a super simple and impactful website design .

The use of bold photography paired with white text is highly effective, and something you could consider for your own site.

The website is especially well-designed for users searching for inspiration. We love the “Can’t decide where to go?” banner at the top of the homepage, and the section which divides destinations into categories such as “Learn,” “Cook,” “Connect,” and “Unwind” to help narrow down options.

Lonely Planet hompage with bright image backgrounds

#2. Secret Escapes

We love the Secret Escapes website for the variety of travel ideas it provides. On the same page you can consider a cozy English cottage, next to a wild African safari or an uber-cool Ibiza yoga retreat!

The carefully-considered design means that despite the potentially overwhelming options on offer, the site is clean and easy to use. Clear labels such as “Editor’s pick” or “Flights included” help with the decision making process, and we like how you can search “Anywhere” or “Anytime,” or be more specific.

Secret Escapes homepage featuring a search bar and photos of three locations

#3. Skyscanner

Skyscanner is single-minded in its mission: matching people to flights. A staggering 100 million people use the site every month, and it’s available worldwide in over 30 languages.

What makes this site so compelling? We think design plays a big part. A full screen image provides a striking backdrop to this powerful search engine, and the homepage is purposefully stripped back and simple.

The search function has clever features such as the ability to find the cheapest month to travel in, and the option to filter searches by their departure time or number of layovers. Simple yet beautiful.

Skyscanner homepage featuring a search feature against a background of a beach scene

#4. Tripadvisor

Everyone knows Tripadvisor as the go-to review website for checking how local restaurants rank, but did you know it can also be used for booking accommodation and things to do?

We think you’ll agree, the colorful Tripadvisor website is a treat for the eyes, all thanks to a relatively recent rebrand and redesign. Their homepage is unique among travel sites for opting for an illustrated homepage rather than photography.  You could try this on your own site, as illustration is a surefire way to inject some fun and personality!

Tripadvisor homepage featuring a search bar against a background of bright, colorful illustrations of people surfing, eating, and quad biking

Find Out More

Color is another great way to inject personality and branding into your travel website design. Check out our guide on How to Choose a Color for Your Websit e for more tips!

#5. Interrail Europe

Interrailing is a way to travel the length and breadth of Europe by train, with lots of different passes and packages available.

The best part of the Interrail website is the trip planner tool. This allows a visitor to build a fully customized itinerary with dates and locations, and see their trip mapped out. Adding clever tools such as this to a website will ensure visitors find genuine value in your content, spend longer on your site and build up genuine excitement about their trip.

Interrail map of Europe with points plotted in Italy, Belgium, France, and Spain

#6. Visit Australia 

Search “Visit…” and the name of practically any country, state, or holiday destination, and you’re likely to come across an official-looking tourism website.

The quality of these websites varies greatly, with some unfortunately providing biased or generic information. However, there are many good examples to take inspiration from, and the Visit Australia website is a standout example.

What we particularly love about the Visit Australia website design is the fun interactive elements , epitomized by “Ruby” the bouncing kangaroo who guides you through your trip to Australia. Ripper!

Visit Australia homepage: landscape of Uluru and an animated kangaroo in the foreground

#7. Greyhound

“I ride the greyhound bus, I ride it everywhere…” so goes the song about the USA’s most famous bus service, which has also featured in too many movies to count.

Anyway, enough about film and music, we’re here to talk about design. The Greyhound bus website is practical and functional , primarily catering for travelers who wish to compare and book trips across the states.

A particularly neat feature of the Greyhound site is the “Explore” section, which lists the most popular destinations alphabetically. Striking photographs overlaid with a greyscale is a clever design technique which makes photos appear more uniform.

Greyhound Bus city guide showing nine images of different cities

#8. Hostel World 

Budget-conscious travelers will be familiar with Hostel World, the world’s most famous search engine for affordable accommodation.

A key lesson to learn from the Hostel World website is that, when it comes to design, less is more . Their homepage is intentionally clean and simple, with only the most essential information on display. “Meet the world” provides an inspiring and motivating strapline, and asking a simple question “Where do you want to go?” invites the user to explore.

Advice from the Experts

Top tip: love the website design examples you’re seeing here you can learn more here about how to choose your website template..

Hostel World homepage: background underwater scene of someone snorkeling and a search bar

What is Wwoofing, we hear you ask?! Wwoof stands for “Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms,” and the site is all about matching up visitors with organic farmers, to create a global ecologically-conscious community.

Sounds cool, right? But perhaps a little complicated? The Wwoof website recognises that users may be unfamiliar or daunted by the idea, so utilizes a carefully-designed step-by-step guide to help visitors choose a country, explore hosts, sign up, and plan their stay.

Five Wwoofing steps are shown on white cards against a beige background

#10. Airbnb

Last but not least, we couldn’t explore the world of website design without mentioning Airbnb. Before Airbnb came along, websites for booking homestay accommodation were disparate, difficult to use, and inelegant. We believe a huge part of the success of Airbnb is down to the organization’s commitment to fuss-free, impactful design and clever innovations.

The search functionality has been expanded over the years, and now includes the option to search for “Treehouses,” “Shepherd’s huts,” “Castles,” or even “OMG!” properties. These categories are demonstrated through the use of simple icons , which add a cute and minimalist touch to the designs.

Top tip: Use a mixture of vibrant photography with simple icons to create a well-balanced homepage

Airbnb result page showing treehouse locations with photos, dates and prices

Remember, think about the needs of the user visiting your site, and what stage of the customer journey they might be at.

Consider using vibrant photography or illustrations to inspire the potential traveler, an inspirational travel blog , or perhaps an interactive tool to help bring their journey to life. And for more practical sections of your site, try using icons, step-by-step guides or smartly-designed search engines.

That’s it, folks! We hope this has given you a taste of some of the best travel website design out in the world, and provided inspiration for your own site. Travel is a saturated marketplace, with thousands of websites competing for visitors. This means that design which is both impactful, beautiful, and functional is more important than ever.

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10 Best Travel Website Design Examples That Will Make You Want to Pack Your Bags

published 13, October 2020

updated 24, July 2023

For several years, tourism has been a significant contributor to the global economy, and many countries rely on this sector for their GDP growth. However, the COVID-19 pandemic presented an unparalleled challenge to the industry in 2020. With most countries imposing travel restrictions or in lockdown, tourism faced immense pressure to stay afloat.

With the internet being the primary source of information for many people, travel websites have become crucial in providing comprehensive details about tourism services and attractions. It’s no wonder that tourism companies invest heavily in their online platforms, ensuring they are as user-friendly as possible.

As a web design agency that has worked with various travel agencies, we understand the importance of creating exceptional travel websites in 2023. We’ve compiled a list of some of the best travel website designs to get you inspired.

Captivating Travelers: Must-Have Features for an Outstanding Tourism Website

Before we start exploring the best travel websites, let’s define what makes a great tourism platform and what features you should consider when designing one in 2023.

  • Visually Appealing Design: A clean, modern, and visually appealing design is crucial for capturing visitors’ attention. High-quality images and videos showcasing the destination’s highlights, culture, and natural beauty are essential for evoking a sense of wanderlust.
  • Easy Navigation: A user-friendly interface with clear navigation menus and a logical site structure ensures that visitors can quickly find the information they’re looking for. Including a search function, filters, and categorization of content can further enhance the browsing experience.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: A responsive design ensures that the website is accessible and functional on various devices, including smartphones and tablets. This is important as a significant portion of users access websites on mobile devices, especially while traveling.
  • Informative Content: Provide detailed, up-to-date, and accurate information about the destination’s attractions, accommodations, restaurants, and activities. Content should be written in a captivating and engaging manner, enticing visitors to explore and plan their trip.
  • Multilingual Support: Offering content in multiple languages increases the website’s accessibility to a broader audience, ensuring that travelers from different linguistic backgrounds can comfortably navigate and understand the information provided.
  • Interactive Maps: Incorporate interactive maps that allow users to explore the destination, find nearby attractions, and get directions. This helps visitors plan their routes and visualize the proximity of various points of interest.
  • Personalization: Personalized recommendations based on users’ preferences and interests can enhance the user experience and make the website more relevant to individual visitors.
  • Social Media Integration: Incorporate social media sharing buttons and feeds, allowing users to share their favorite attractions, accommodations, and experiences with their networks. This not only amplifies the destination’s reach but also adds a layer of social proof.
  • Reviews and Testimonials: Including reviews and testimonials from previous visitors adds credibility to the website and helps potential travelers make informed decisions about their trip.
  • Online Booking and Reservation System: A seamless and secure online booking system for accommodations, tours, and activities simplifies the planning process for travelers and increases the likelihood of them making reservations directly through the website.
  • Contact Information and Support: Provide clear contact information and support options, such as email, phone, or live chat, to assist visitors with any questions or concerns they may have while planning their trip.

By integrating these features, a tourism website can effectively engage visitors, provide valuable information, and ultimately inspire them to book their next adventure.

Best Travel Website Design Examples

Here are some examples of travel websites that excel in design and functionality. These websites showcase various aspects of an effective tourism website, such as visually appealing designs, easy navigation, informative content, and more.

Experience an Immersive Adventure with Visit Humboldt’s Game-Inspired Travel Website Design

Travel websites often feature beautiful images of faraway destinations but provide minimal information about the services and tours available. However, Visit Humboldt, a travel agency website, is a refreshing change from this norm.

Humboldt County, California, is renowned for its redwood forests and well-developed hiking trails, and Visit Humboldt’s web design provides an immersive adventure for visitors. The one-page, game-inspired interface allows users to choose between activities, places to stay, and interesting spots to visit. Users can add their preferred options to a virtual suitcase, which will be planned and scheduled to create a personalized travel itinerary.

Visit Humboldt’s website design features clickable elements and interlinked pages, ensuring visitors stay longer on the site, improving the company’s SEO parameters, and creating a memorable brand voice . The interactive user experience of the site makes it difficult to leave, as users can watch beautiful scenery, learn about the various regions of Humboldt County, and experience the whimsical and magical character of the California countryside.

If you’re looking for an innovative and engaging travel website design, Visit Humboldt is the perfect choice.


Tour Partner Group Website Development and Design: User-Friendly and Functional with a Corporate Look

Tour Partner Group is a collective of destination management companies from various European travel agencies that specialize in providing tailor-made tours in the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Nordics, and the Baltic states. The Tour Partner Group website is incredibly user-friendly, with a variety of photos, readable text, and easy navigation. Visitors can browse the company’s main destinations, brochures, and learn more about their history and services.

Ester Digital developed and designed the Tour Partner Group website , ensuring it was bold, colorful, and functional, with a clear corporate look and sleek visual architecture. The designers made sure to balance the bright corporate colors with a welcoming and inviting design that supports the website’s usability. Micro-interactions, animations, and icons were added to enhance the user experience, and the mobile version of the platform was optimized for all devices.


Context Travel: A Travel Agency Website with a Smooth and Transparent Design

Context Travel is a travel company that provides tours with specific themes and objectives, such as art, Jewish heritage, cuisine, and more. All tour guides are highly trained and specialize in their respective areas, providing expert knowledge about topics and locations that visitors are interested in.

The Context Travel website design is smooth and transparent, focusing on clearly arranged information blocks rather than flashy photos or colorful images . The website’s tone does not overtly advertise its expertise, but the platform’s design appeals directly to its audience’s needs. Context Travel is a prime example of a travel company that has tailored its position in the market to provide customers with a special and memorable experience.


Outlines: How Color Palette Can Boost Your Travel Website Design

Outlines is a travel agency that caters to non-tourists by promoting a low ecological footprint, supporting local communities in the places they visit, and expanding travelers’ horizons emotionally, as well as physically and geographically. The Outlines website design reflects this unconventional approach, with Mars-like landscape photos and neatly arranged information blocks that focus on the company’s message.

The website’s orange color is used consistently throughout, even in small details such as transport icons, to ensure cohesiveness and brand recognition. The company’s routes are listed according to difficulty mode, with each trip described thoroughly, including the number of participants and main destination points. Their creative approach to traveling is reflected in the use of contrasting colors and additional icons that serve illustrative purposes.


Rome2Rio: The Travel Agency Website with Ultimate Functionality

Rome2Rio is a travel agency website that offers innovative and practical tools for finding transportation around the world. Although the website’s design is not the most distinctive or eye-catching, its functionality more than makes up for it. Rome2Rio’s tools facilitate the process of finding transportation, providing several alternatives and transportation types at a time.

This travel agency site is particularly useful for those planning a long-distance journey or on a budget and need to see all possible financial options. Rome2Rio carefully plans the trip and shows the cheapest ways to travel along the entire route. In addition to transportation schedules, the website can track bookings for hotels, airports, and car rides. Visitors can create an account and manage all their booking details themselves.


Arctic Wild’s User-Friendly Tourism Website: Your Guide to Alaska

Arctic Wild is a tourism website dedicated to the areas near Fairbanks, Alaska, offering classic hiking, rafting, camping, and photography trips. Visitors can view all scheduled trips, make reservations, and request custom-made trips tailored to their specific needs. The website’s navigation is clear, and all calls to action and clickable elements are easy to find and use.

The homepage features breathtaking photos of nature and an incredible presentation video. The harmonious and serene color scheme of the site evokes a sense of tranquility and peacefulness that is associated with Alaska. The website provides an enjoyable user experience , with information that is well-balanced and informative. Visitors can check out the places they plan to visit and see the profiles of guides who will navigate them through the wilderness, contributing to the platform’s personable feel.


The Yacht Week: Engaging Website Design

The Yacht Week is a travel company website that provides an exclusive one-week yachting experience. Visitors can choose between their customized traveling plan or a scheduled-out package. They can also choose their crew, hire skippers and hosts, or find new members to add via a special search tool if their team is less than 12 members.

The website’s white and blue color palette and large negative space areas fully explore the sea theme. The site features numerous inviting photos of people enjoying the sun and having fun on yachts. Visitors can feel the light sea breeze and can’t help but be tempted to try out The Yacht Week’s services.

As an industry leader in the given niche sphere, The Yacht Week’s navigation tools are impeccable, and the information provided on the website is full and detailed. The platform also features a nicely structured blog with insights and promotional materials.


Experience England: Elegant and Premium Design

Experience England is a travel agency that provides luxurious and unique events and tours across Wales and England, including London. The website’s elegant and premium design is designed to appeal to even the most demanding clients. The platform is concise, with no overwhelming CTAs, photos, or data blocks. Experience England knows its target audience and appeals directly to them.

The Ester Digital team worked on the travel agency logo and branding, and the logo appears across all website pages. The color palette of royal blue and gold exudes poise and excellence. The site features photos of the locations where they hold meetings and destinations of some of the tours the company provides. The simplicity and subtleness of the website design lend itself to the brand’s mission to be creative but laconic, relying on the niche they take up and the audience they’re appealing to.


Thrillophilia: Simple and Effective Website Design

Thrillophilia is a travel agency website that offers a variety of extreme activities such as helicopter rides, paragliding, hot air balloon rides, bungee jumping, rafting, and many more. The landing page features CTAs that allow visitors to filter all the available destinations, activities, and locations and book the tour of their choice.

Thrillophilia makes the most of CTAs to hook and draw in users, and the platform also provides an impressive set of statistics on how well the company is doing, listing the number of users, travel experiences, and countries. The website design is simple and straightforward, with no flashy details or colors to detract attention from the numerous pages, CTAs, and blocks of information.


Getaway: The Role of UI/UX Design

Getaway is a travel agency website that provides an escape from the big city to a serene and worry-free break somewhere in the woods, far away from civilization. The website features loads of stunning photos, easy navigation tools, visible CTAs, and a calming color palette. The Getaway team also works on the Getaway Podcast, Getaway Book, Getaway Shop, and The Journal, providing insights, guides, and tips on how to stay sane and deal with modern life challenges.

Getaway offers a perfect solution for people who want to decompress in nature and reconnect with what matters most to them. The website’s design and content focus on providing a calming and relaxing user experience, with easy navigation tools and clear CTAs.


On a Final Note

Travel websites are often associated with overwhelming pop-ups, slow loading times, and excessive images. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Ester Digital has compiled a list of the best travel website designs in 2023 that demonstrate the potential for travel websites to appeal to various audiences, whether they operate locally or globally, offer exclusive experiences, or cater to a broad range of interests.

There are endless ways to enhance a website’s design, including bold color palettes, informative CTAs, and creative visual arrangements. However, the design of a travel website should reflect the travel agency’s approach, whether it’s a small company or an industry leader. Clear and concise messaging is critical to ensure that travelers don’t end up disappointed with their trip after traveling thousands of miles.

If you’re unsure about how to create a successful travel website, the Ester Digital team is here to help. Contact us for assistance with designing and developing a platform that accurately represents your travel agency and appeals to your target audience.


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18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023

Your site ought to be the best source of new clients for the exercise. Will it be? Otherwise, learn how to improve your exercise…

18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023

18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 1

Your site ought to be the best source of new clients for the exercise. Will it be? Otherwise, learn how to improve your exercise through using the most effective methods displayed during these real-world types of beautifully designed Travel websites.

Travel Website Examples

A great website shows the world who you are, makes people remember you, and helps potential customers understand if they found what they were looking for. Websites communicate all of that through color, shape and other design elements. Learn how to make your Travel website tell your brand’s story.


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 2


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 3


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 4


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 5


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 6


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 8


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 9


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 10


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 11


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 12


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 13


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 16


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 17


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 18


18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 19

Travel website not right for your company? 

Try one example of these:

  • Photography websites
  • Marketing websites
  • Corporate websites
  • Hotels websites

Make Your Ideas Come to Life with Fireart

You’ve looked at tons of Travel website examples, so you’re feeling inspired to design your Travel site. But where do you start? And how do you build your site?

If you don’t know how to get started Fireart Studio, is here to help. We have an award-winning team of web designers that provide travel website development services and help you build the website of your dreams.

Don’t wait any longer to build your dream website! Contact us! 

18 Best Travel Website Design Examples for 2023 20

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17 February 2017

9 Best Examples of Travel Website Design

Best Examples of Travel Website Design

Travel websites provide a whole package of travel experience which used to rest on the shoulders of offline travel agents. Today, the online travel market size has reached $432 billion, as most people want to book their trips through websites themselves. That’s why tourism website design is of crucial importance in marketing. 

This article explores trends in travel web development and design, killer features, cost, tech stack, and Agente’s experience as a tourism web design company. 

examples for travel website

Trends in travel website design and development

Utility is the word to live by when it comes to travel and tourism web development and design. Take a look at the latest trends that represent this concept:

  • Simplicity: Websites are now developed and designed to make them efficient on mobile devices, leaving behind clumsy and cluttered layouts. Modular design, flat architecture, and simple navigation are the design choices these days.
  • Inspirational videos: Great quality videos, like interactive city guides and 360-degree clips inspire people and boost their motivation to travel.
  • User-generated content: More and more website source content from clients’ social media, creating boards with Instagram or Facebook photos. It helps to demonstrate real-life experiences and builds trust between the website and its users.
  • Data analytics. Travel website developers introduce travel boards to gain invaluable insights into the forms of content users prefer, the partners that provide the best services, and a lot more.

Features to add to tourism website design

The tourism and travel industry includes many types of sites, like bookings, tour operators, accessory suppliers, and blogs. Therefore, the functionality will vary depending on your specialization. Here, we describe the features common to all travel and tourism websites.


Registration should include manual filling out and connecting to Google, Apple, and Facebook accounts, as well as email address and signing in through the accounts.

examples for travel website

Source:  Airbnb

Search bars and filtering

It’s essential to allow people to find places by commonly searched features such as location, available rooms; free Wi-Fi, parking, room service, breakfast, or wheelchair accessibility.

examples for travel website

Source:  Expedia

Customer reviews

People want to get as much information about the place they are going to visit or the product/ service they want to purchase, so reviews and testimonials from travelers always enhance credibility.

examples for travel website

Source:  Booking.com


You need to create a reservation system that manages dates, room types, facilities, tour packages, and more. Don’t forget to create blocked-out slots for unavailable options.

It’s great for users to see the upcoming months' options so they can compare prices and get the best value for money.

examples for travel website

High-quality images and meaningful descriptions

Visual content inspires people and conveys a more precise message about the place, product, or service. High-quality images  boost the brand’s credibility together with an evocative, compelling, and keyword-rich copy.

examples for travel website

Source:  Vrbo

Payment gateways

You can use popular gateways like Stripe, PayPal, Braintree or Dwolla. Include multi-currency acceptance; it makes your site much more user-friendly.

examples for travel website

Source:  Kiwi


It’s good practice to notify registered users about booking confirmations, cancelations, or purchased equipment via email. If users allow, keep them updated on places worth visiting with push notifications.

Customer support

Customer help should be available from any page. It’s for you to decide whether it will be in the dropdown menu or chat support.

examples for travel website

Enable website visitors to find  places by selecting the exact location or distance range on a map. The map should be interactive with activities available, prices, and several photos of the destination.

examples for travel website

Source:  TripAdvisor

Examples of Travel and Tourism Website Design

We’ve divided all the examples into three categories:

  • search and booking (OTAs, flights, and hotels)
  • custom packaging tours and holidays
  • travel content sites and portals

We will analyze websites in each category and then describe why we have chosen these sites, considering criteria such as user experience, visual UI design and its quality, as well as content and services presented on the website.

Search and booking

There are many systems and services for searching and booking flights and hotels. The most popular are used each time people are planning their next trip, while others are used less often because they are niche booking engines or services. We chose the most interesting websites relating to the criteria described above.

examples for travel website

Source:  Kayak

An industry leader can’t have bad usability. It looks like hundreds of user tests are performed each week, and thousands of user metrics are tracked and gathered by the system for the following analytics. As a result, you get a system with great UX design, well-thought out structure, and even an adaptive logotype.

Kayak has a clear UI design style with flat elements complemented by big hero images, used as a background of the main search area. These images are related, and change according to search requests. The visual style is simple and clean, with bright color accents on call-to-action elements, which effectively attracts users’ attention.

The range of services on such types of sites has already become an industry standard with minimum variations and deviations. The content is well-structured, the main popular sections are highlighted and additionally marketed with glyph icons, which catches users’ eyes and immediately tells them what’s behind the content blocks.  

examples for travel website

Source:  Skyscanner

This website provides a clean and smooth UX when it comes to searching for flights, hotels, and cars. The search results are well-structured; each is separated from the other, which helps users perceive the page’s content much easier. The main booking buttons are well-highlighted and located in the main user's focus area.

The color scheme of visual UI is based on three main colors with minimalistic flat backgrounds. The beautiful background picture doesn’t distract from the content.

Skyscanner is not  just a flight search, it offers hotel and car bookings as well, which provides an all-in one travelling experience.

Design Hotels

examples for travel website

Source:  Design Hotels

Design Hotels is a well-known brand in the travel market as a niche searching and booking service, so a service with “design” in the title can't have bad UX/UI design because the target audience is rather spoiled, and is used to beautiful design and ease-of-use aspects. Yes, this project has good UX design, the responsive layout is well thought out, and calls to action are visible and well-placed.

The visual structure of the pages is not cluttered; it is well balanced with an emphasis on huge photos. The rest of the UI exists like the frame for the picture, which helps to draw attention to the beautiful design hotels.

The website offers the full range of services related to Design Hotels all over the world. Content is well-structured and grouped by the categories.

Custom packaging tours and holidays

We single out this category because there are so many impressive projects on the market that offer customized tours and niche travel possibilities. Tourists can take cruise adventures or journeys by car for business trips, or relaxing holidays to exotic destinations within any price range.

Travel Triangle

examples for travel website

Source:  Travel Triangle

Travel Triangle is one of the leaders in its category and niche, so leadership really deserves by thoughtful UX design and attractive visual UI.  

The color scheme uses pastels with flat UI elements, beautiful typography and use of custom iconography. The color accents on buttons are well balanced and noticeable. There’s a lot of space in which to easily find each functional element.

This project is loaded with interesting content and offers; there’s a choice of your perfect destination by theme; all content is well-structured.

Arctic Wild


Source:  Arctic Wild

The information structure is well-thought out; calls to action are visible and nicely placed. The multi-level navigation is useful and well-structured.

The color scheme is well-balanced, the accents on the pages are adventure photos. The design style is a bit outdated, but it still works well on the audience.

The website offers the full range of services related to Arctic travel activities. Content is well-structured and grouped by the categories.

The Yacht Week

examples for travel website

Source:  The Yacht Week

The Yacht Week is the industry leader and a famous brand in the yachting travel niche. The overall impression of using the website wasn't bad. The header navigation looks too small, but the structure is well-organized, and it’s easy to get the needed information in a few clicks.

Visual UI design is based mostly on large, attractive photos, and the color scheme consists of two main colors: blue and white. It would be nice to add a third accent color for important CTA elements, like buttons or some important UI controls.

The content and services look good; the site provides a lot of yachting-related types of entertainment in a range of destinations, and the blog section consists of typical promo content materials.

Travel content sites and portals

Some of the travel content sites use mixed models with booking and search services, but most of them provide the traveler with full information about countries, sharing inspirational ideas about traveling and possible ways to spend holidays.

Conde Nast Traveler

examples for travel website

Source:  Conde Nast Traveler

It’s no surprise that the largest media-publishing company owns one of the best content media resources related to traveling.

Conde Nast has been serving users/readers from a variety of niches for more than one century already, so they have a lot of UX design practice. I can say that UX in modern online media is sufficiently standardized, so Conde Nast Traveler is keeping good UX design standards.

This site has a content-centered design style, based on huge photography and typography with a lot of white space, which helps to perceive the content much easier.

The content is the king here. Everything is made around content and based on the content.

examples for travel website

Source:  Skift

The subsection of the website related to traveling has a good UX; the navigation is clear and well-structured, and the rest of the UX features are industry standard. 

The newspaper/magazine style layout has a lot of whitespace, huge typography and headers, and an emphasis on large photos.

Not only is Skift always at the cutting edge of tourism news, but the resource produces some of the most thoroughly researched and future-focused reports in the industry.

Jetsetter Magazine

examples for travel website

Source:  Jetsetter

The magazine section of the famous Jetsetter portal uses a typical grid structure layout, the usability is quite good enough, and the simple magazine functionality does not imply any super-custom or complex UX design features. Long-read articles have a good design with sub navigation, so it’s much easier to read the content.

Jetsetter has a blog- or magazine-style grid layout, with photos and a lot of white space.

The quality of photo content is the core of Jetsetter; all articles are supplemented with amazing professional photos and the post structure is well-divided with headings and subheadings.

How much does travel website design and development cost?

The final cost of tourism web design services and end-to-end development depends on the project scope, budget, number of specialists involved, and the specialists’ location. The basic feature set will usually engage a team of 7–10 members skilled at the development of travel websites:

  • project manager
  • data Scientist
  • 2–3 frontend developers
  • 2–3 backend developers
  • 1–2 QAs

When it comes to costs, an MVP will take around a month and will cost $31,000 in Eastern European countries. A fully-fledged product is normally ready within six months and will cost around $150 000 in Eastern Europe.

Tech Stack for Travel Website Development

The exact technologies may vary depending on the feature set required for a project, possible features are scalability, performance, cost, support, and maintenance. Here, we give the basics.

Frontend programming usually involves JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ember.js, jQuery, Backbone.js, and JavaScript technologies such as Angular, React, and Vue.

The backend programming languages include Java, Python, PHP, Ruby, Node. js, .NET.

Our company has extensive experience in developing travel projects mostly for the CIS market, mostly OTA (online travel agency website design) and booking platforms that provide flights, hotels, and car bookings. Take a look at our portfolio:

examples for travel website

Source:  One Life


examples for travel website

Source:   Agente

examples for travel website

Source:  Agente

Final Words

We hope our analysis will be useful for travel industry representatives. If you’re still wondering how to combine functionality and design, at least you know that nothing is impossible.

Moreover, applying our insights to a business travel app can significantly enhance its usability and appeal to professional travelers.

Use your bravest ideas and give them to professionals. AGENTE is always here to help you create an OTA or any other travel product or service from scratch—or improve your existing one. Our wide experience lets us deliver high-quality results mixed with the most creative and innovative solutions. Reach out to discuss your next project.

Are there any new features for travel websites in the post-pandemic world?

When it comes to booking flights and property, it’s becoming more and more popular to add the feature called “insurance.” A person can purchase insurance against catching COVID-19 and having to cancel the trip.

How to create an online travel website

There are several ways to do that. The cheapest is to create a website on a website builder, however, it will be too simple and won’t fit all the features you want. The second option is to buy an out-of-the-box solution and customize it. The feature set will not be impressive, and there may be problems with scalability. The third option is to hire travel website developers who will leverage their experience to create a fully-fledged custom solution.

How long does it take to develop a tourism website?

If we are talking about an MVP, it will take about a month (with standard features). A fully-fledged solution development will take around six months.

Read also: How to develop a website like Udemy ?

examples for travel website

Partner / Managing Director

Andrew Terehin

Andrew is the Founder of Agente. The decade of experience in the UX design field, web development, and business development help him to find efficient solutions for clients and share this knowledge with the audience.

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Travel Agency Websites: 15+ Inspiring Examples

Last Updated January 5 2024

examples for travel website

Written By Steve Benjamins

The best travel agency websites show potential customers why they need a travel agency to make a trip the best it can possibly be. Chosen website builders should make the user experience easy to navigate and ultimately, easy to get in touch with the agency.

Beautiful, high-end photography is also an absolute must that should give a sneak peek into some of the locations and trips they can create. A good travel agency website should advertise it’s specialties, be it luxury trips, more budget friendly options or corporate travel.

It’s important for those interested in hiring an agency to feel confident that the agency is a good fit for them, and that professionalism is at the forefront. After all, traveling is a financial investment and a travel agency should guarantee that the client investment goes smoothly.

Tip: Use ← and → arrow keys to browse.

‘My First Website’ Challenge

  • • Build your first website in one week.
  • • One 10-minute lesson per day.
  • • Free email course.

examples for travel website

1. Pack Up + Go

Pack Up + Go is a travel agency that specializes in surprise vacations. Travelers fill out a survey about their travel preferences, budget etc. The travel agent will then plan every aspect of the trip accordingly. This type of vacation is perfect for those who love to travel and be spontaneous, but don’t like creative travel planning. It’s also a great way to explore new places without any preconceived notions or expectations.

2. The Global Nomad

Established in 2015, The Global Nomad is a full-service travel agency website that specializes in international travel. They offer a wide range of services, from booking flights and hotels to organizing car rentals. Their goal in the travel industry is to make international travel easy and accessible for everyone.

3. Avenue H

Avenue H is a comprehensive travel agency that provides it’s members with exclusive luxury trip planning. The travel agency website features a professional design and offers a ton of unique trip options including both popular destinations and hidden gems for potential customers.

4. Allure Travel

Allure Travel is a full-service travel agency that specializes in creating custom travel experiences for its clients. Whether you’re looking for a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or an adventurous trip, Allure Travel can help make it happen. The travel site sets customers up with experienced agents that work to understand your travel goals and budget, and then create a personalized itinerary that includes everything from flights and hotels to activities and dining.

5. Explorateur Travel

At Explorateur, travel booking is about more than just ticking items off a list. They believe that travel should be a customized adventure, and aim to create the best adventure possible. They do this with a range of services to help form the perfect trip, from choosing the right destination to hotel booking and activities.

6. Huffman Travel

Huffman Travel is a full-service travel agent website with a beautiful homepage, featuring a slideshow and user-friendly design. The agency has a team of 20 different agents that are known for providing exceptional customer service when creating relaxing vacations, cruises and special events.

7. Roam Travel Company

Roam Travel Company is a professional agency that provides expert guidance and planning of services to luxurious locations around the world. This specific online travel agency website is one of the most attractive we’ve seen due to its homepage, design elements and intriguing slideshows that make you want to immediately book a trip.

8. Classic Travel Connection

Classic Travel Connection believes that one’s journey should be as rewarding as the destination. As a full-service travel business in Alabama, their team is dedicated to helping clients experience the world in all its wonders. Whether you’re interested in exploring ancient ruins or soaking up the sun on a sandy beach, they’ll work hard to create a custom travel itinerary that suits your needs.

9. Poe Travel

Poe Travel has been in the travel business since 1961. They have a massive amount of expertise to give their clients and continue to prove why hiring an agency to plan is always worth it. We love the travel agency website design for it’s unique landing page that grabs your attention. They also have a travel blog where you can read about and view some of the fabulous trips they’ve planned.

10. Earth + Ocean Travel Co.

Erin Lindeman is the travel agent and event planner behind Earth + Ocean Travel Co. She specializes in planning destination weddings, honeymoons as well as vacations in general and guided trips. Her bright and airy web design makes the user experience easy, and the high-quality photography creates a professional online presence.

11. Milk + Honey Travels

One of the best travel agency websites we found is Milk + Honey Travels, a boutique travel agency created by a world traveler named Bri. We love it’s design template, crisp typography and the gorgeous photography. Visitors will instantly get a feel for the passion behind the brand with it’s content, design elements and interesting travel blog.

12. Big Adventure Travel Company

The Big Adventure Travel Company plans excursions around the world that focus on experiencing culture on a global level. The photography and typography in this website template display a noticeable vibe that sets this website apart from others and the type of trips they thrive off planning.

13. Liberty Travel

The Liberty Travel agency website is a corporate agency that will professionally plan a wide variety of trips including group trips, honeymoons and family vacations. Additionally, they will organize guided tours and cruises for a truly custom vacation experience. This website builder template also has a direct booking site that immediately connects the travel agent with the trip chosen.

14. Ciao Bambino!

Ciao Bambino! is a full service travel agency website that provides expertise in family travel excursions around the world. They love to create lasting memories that build relationships and experiences that will never be forgotten. Families can plan the trip of their dreams that will fit into the appropriate pricing, age-range and activities.

15. United Travel Visa

The United Travel Visa company has over 10 years of professional experience. This travel agency assists with travel, visa applications and obtaining them quickly and has a great reputation for doing so. The website displays testimonials from previous customers that the travel business has served successfully.

16. Alphabook

Luxury vacations and exciting activities are Alphabook’s expertise within the travel business. Traveling around the world, by private jet or yacht are a couple of high-end trips they might plan. The website template offers simple functionality for potential customers and includes attractive photography, easy to read typography and pricing information on their memberships.

17. Custom Travel

Custom Travel Agency is located in Victoria Texas and has been in the travel industry for more than 20 years. They are certified specialist in coordinating Sandals getaways, family trips to Disney and much more. Customer reviews are included in the website template that showcase their professionalism, as well as easy access to contact information and social media plugins.

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Travel & Tourism Website Templates

  • Recommended
  • Top Templates

Travel & Tourism website templates - Hotel

City Hotels, Guest Houses, Boutique Hotels and Hostels


With a fullscreen slideshow gallery situated on the homepage, this is the perfect website template for any proud hoteliers to impress and entice their guests. Simply customize the galleries by adding striking images of your hotel and the services you offer and personalize the text to suit the style of hotel. Manage your reservations using the Wix booking App and watch as your hotel rooms get booked up!

Travel & Tourism website templates - Hotel

Bed and breakfasts, guest houses, and small hotels

Convey the luxurious atmosphere of your dwelling with a clean and modern website. You can easily upload gorgeous images of your accommodations in minutes, and with a site that is custom tailored to fit your needs, visitors can easily find out more about your facilities, amenities, rates, and more. Get online today and start managing reservations and bookings with Wix Hotels.

Travel & Tourism website templates - Hotel

Bed & Breakfasts, Guesthouses and Small Hotels.

Featuring enticing images and easy-to-edit layout, this is the perfect website template for anyone wishing to attract guests to their beachside or island guesthouse. Visitors can browse images of your facilities, check out your rates, and make reservations with ease. Manage your hotel bookings with ease using the Wix Hotels, where you can customize room details and much more.

Travel & Tourism website templates - Resort

Hotels, resorts and guest houses.

Make dreams a reality and entice people to your resort with this alluring hotel website template. With Wix Hotels, managing your bookings has never been easier. Simply add descriptions and upload your own photos to attract guests. Once online, you can manage all your reservations and watch as your rooms get booked up!

Travel & Tourism website templates - Adventure Tour Company

Touring company, travel agency, trip planner

Kickoff your next adventure with this fun and engaging template. Visitors can easily reserve tours through Wix Bookings and explore past trips through the dynamic video gallery. Get started today!

Travel & Tourism website templates - Vacation Rental Company

Small hotels, B&Bs and privately owned villas.

Give you guests a tease of what they'll experience with this bright and alluring website template for your villa. The large sized images and elegant slideshow gallery allows you to showoff your villa or guest house and attract visitors from across the globe. Simply click edit and start customizing both the image and text to create a website that's as attractive as your accommodation.

Travel & Tourism website templates - Vacation Rental Company

Travel, tourism, hotels, hospitality, business, real estate

This modern template is perfect for the hotel or rental that has it all. Use the dramatic image galleries to feature your rooms and amenities, and Wix Hotels for the easiest booking experience. Post nearby attractions, restaurant recommendations and guest reviews...your guests will feel at home before they even arrive!

Travel & Tourism website templates - Vacation Rental Company

Guesthouses, Bed & Breakfasts and Small Hotels.

With it's stylish design and enticing images, this is the perfect hotel template for anyone wishing to rent out their accommodation during the Olympics! Simply use Wix Hotels to add the rooms you wish to rent, edit any important information and choose a payment method to get started. Start editing now and watch as your accommodation gets booked up!

Travel & Tourism website templates - Vacation Rental Company

B&Bs, Guest Houses, Small Hotels and Hostels

Attract visitors to your hotel with this warm and eye-catching full-screen website template. With Wix Hotels, it has never easier to manage your bookings and attract visitors to your hotel. Customize the About Page to list your hotel's local attractions and amenities and personalize the contact page so your guests know where to find you. Start editing today to give your hotel a professional online presence.

Travel & Tourism website templates - Travel Blog

Bloggers, Travel Blogs, & Lifestyle Blogs

What better way to share your traveling adventures than with this stunning template designed to showcase the sights, sounds, tastes, and vibes of your select destinations. The Travel Blog makes it easy to share travel tips, make recommendations, and highlight memorable experiences by showing off your beautiful pictures and videos. Take off with your travel blog today.

Travel & Tourism website templates - Travel Agency

Tour operators and travel agencies

Step off the beaten track with the vibrant colors and bold fonts of this free website template. Show off your exotic locations in the strip slideshow gallery and add text to describe your unique packages and services. Start editing to take your tour agency online!

Travel & Tourism website templates - RV Rentals Company

Rental shops, mechanics and vehicle dealers

A clean and trendy template design to put your business on the map. Promote your offerings, connect with site visitors using live chat, and feature inspiring ideas with a Wix Blog. You can even connect Wix Forms to help your clients check availability. Click ‘Edit’ to hitch your ride towards success!

travel blogging 101 logo

37 Best Travel Blog Examples to Inspire You in 2024

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You’ve come to the right place as I’ll be outlining 37 of the best travel blog examples to inspire you on your own journey.

Whether you’re a solo adventurer, niche enthusiast, or a family ready to blog about your travels, you’ll find many travel blog post examples in this list.

From personal storytelling to traveling that will captivate your audience, these successful travel blog samples are the perfect inspiration to start your blog.

What Makes a Great Travel Blog?

If you’re wondering how to write a travel blog, you’ll want to know the key elements of making a great one. Great blogs focus on a niche, and target a specific audience .

Woman working on her travel blog on her laptop.

So what’s going to set your blog apart?

  • Good travel blogs to read focus on quality content that meets user intent.
  • Good travel blogs focus on their main niche and cater to their readers.
  • Great travel writing blogs also design a way to help their audience with unique advice that readers can’t find anywhere else.
  • Good travel blog names help, too!

Of course, quality content and good SEO with a bit of personalization help content get found on search engines — and of course, having lots and lots of readers are a big part of making your travel blog truly great.

37 Top Travel Blog Examples

1. the planet d.

The Planet D blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Travel itineraries, digital nomad lifestyle, road trips, budget travel
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, display ads, partnerships, email marketing, digital products, YouTube

If you’re looking for an adventurous travel blog that has taken the world by storm, look no further than The Planet D adventure travel blog.

This power couple has been posting WordPress travel blog articles and traveling all seven continents since 2008. 

Their award-winning blog showcases unique experiences, detailed itineraries, and vlogs on YouTube where they share their adventures with a dedicated audience. 

To top off their unique travel blog, they also focus on nomad travel, teaching and inspiring their audience to earn money per month and travel — just as they have done for more than a decade now.

Travel Blog Examples

2. the blonde abroad.

The Blonde Abroad blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Solo female travel, lifestyle, photography
  • 💰 Income streams: Brand partnerships, ad income, affiliate marketing, digital products, all-female tours, photo presets

The Blonde Abroad is a notable name in the world of female travel and blogging. What started as a solo world tour to escape corporate life turned into a highly successful blog attracting travelers worldwide. 

This blonde travel blog reaches audiences far beyond what the name implies. The “blonde” here is blog creator, Kiersten Rich (AKA Kiki), and her blog covers lifestyle, photography , all-female trips, and more .

She also has a large following on Instagram, sharing her day-to-day adventures with a passionate audience.

3. Nomadic Matt

Nomadic Matt blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Budget travel, travel tips and guides
  • 💰 Income streams: Books, courses, display ads, affiliate marketing, email marketing

As one of the first true travel bloggers , Matt Kepnes AKA Nomadic Matt paved the way for countless other blogs that followed in his footsteps.

Now, he’s one of the biggest and best travel blog names on the internet and has even been featured in The New York Times.

His blog focuses on budget travel and destination guides, helping his audience travel without breaking the bank. 

The coolest thing? There’s no sponsored content on his blog. Matt and his team pay for every experience and excursion they write about. 

His commitment to authenticity and affordability has earned him a spot as one of the most inspirational budget travel blog examples for students on the list.

4. The Broke Backpacker

The Broke Backpacker blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Budget travel, digital nomad blogs
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, email marketing, and uniquely, The Broke Backpacker opened up Bali’s first co-working hostel

The Broke Backpacker is on a mission to get you to travel the world for $10 a day. It’s clear that this blog is one of the best travel blogs sites focused solely on affordable adventures .

Whether you’re looking for backpacking tips, hostel stays , or working remotely as a digital nomad, The Broke Backpacker has you covered.  

This simple yet effective blog features budget travel tips for hundreds of countries inspiring “broke backpackers” to get out and explore.

These are great travel article examples for students who are notorious for traveling on a budget.

5. Salt In Our Hair

Salt in Our Hair blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Digital nomads, social media, sustainable travel 
  • 💰 Income streams: Affiliate marketing, social media, email marketing, digital products, travel services, photo editing presets

Salt In Our Hair perfectly captures the essence of the adventurous couple behind it. Founded by a couple from the Netherlands, this bubbly blog inspires you to pack your bags and hit the road. 

Salt In Our Hair is a go-to resource for nomadic and sustainable travel .

Through an informative blog and popular Instagram, they offer an array of itineraries and travel guides for both popular and off-the-beaten-path countries. 

Whether you’re looking for unique experiences or responsible tourism, Salt in Our Hair continues to grow as one of the most inspiring and one of the best travel blog websites around.

🤩 Plus their website is absolutely gorgeous — it’s all custom-built by Nick who is a web developer, and Hannah who is a graphic designer. There’s no website builder in sight, but that doesn’t mean you need a custom website.

6. Oneika the Traveller

Oneika the Traveller blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Black travel, female travel
  • 💰 Income streams: Partnerships, email marketing, social media, affiliate marketing

Oneika the Traveller is more than just a female travel blogger — she’s a TV host, Emmy Award-winning journalist, and a great example of how a travel blog can open up a world of other opportunities.

Her unique perspective as a black female traveling solo has given her a loyal audience. 

With her blogging adventures spanning five continents, she collaborates with businesses big and small to spread her message. She even has a unique opinion section to share her thoughts SEO-free.

7. Hand Luggage Only

Hand Luggage Only blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Minimalist travel, photography, food, travel hacks, lifestyle
  • 💰 Income streams: Digital sales, ads, social media, affiliate marketing

If you’re looking for travel blogging inspiration, look no further than Hand Luggage Only .

This couple has made a name for themselves in the blogging world with their stunning photography, food recommendations , lifestyle hacks, and travel journals. 

Their site has a soft and inviting aesthetic with unique travel story examples — noticeably as fun and free as these two are.

8. Along Dusty Roads

Along Dusty Roads blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Packing tips, travel guides, digital nomad, photography journals 
  • 💰 Income streams: Display ads, photography sales, affiliate marketing, media trips (or, paid press trips)

Started in 2014 by a fun-loving couple, Along Dusty Roads is a blog about travel experiences where they passionately share their photography with the world. 

Filled with tips, tricks, and travel stories from more than 40 countries, their minimalist blog aims to help you travel better by sharing their travel wins and mistakes.

📸 They take every photo on their site, creating a personal and engaging experience of each destination for their readers.

If you’re looking to be wowed by incredible travel photography , then look no further.

9. I Am Aileen

I Am Aileen blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Remote work, digital nomadism, solo travel, food 
  • 💰 Income streams: digital products, display ads, YouTube, affiliate marketing, email marketing

Meet Aileen Adalid, the creator and blogger of the eye-catching I Am Aileen website.

Quitting her job in 2014, Aileen embarked on a journey to travel every continent as a full time digital nomad .

This abroad travel and lifestyle blog serves as one of the many great examples of the best travel blogs WordPress offers. This girls travel blog is also one of the best blog travel platforms for inspiration.

She’s become an expert in helping others make money while traveling the world through more than 400+ blog posts and vlogs .

In addition to her tips and insights in her blog for travelers on travel experiences, she’s also added a food travel blog section, combining her passion for travel and international cuisine in a travel meets foodie blog. 

 10. Expert Vagabond

Expert Vagabond blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: travel photography, digital nomad, outdoor travel
  • 💰 Income streams: affiliate marketing, display ads, email marketing 

Blogging life isn’t all high-end travel and expensive hotels. Expert Vagabond is focused on showing budget travelers and nomad enthusiasts that traveling doesn’t have to be complicated (or expensive). 

With more than a decade of nomad backpacking under his belt, this blog shares practical tips on traveling to hidden gems around the world. Plus, a bit of photography on the side as well.

 11. Honeymoon Always

Honeymoon Always blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Couples and honeymoon travel, travel planning
  • 💰 Income streams: Partnerships, display ads, affiliate marketing, YouTube and social media

This couples travel blog site is the ultimate go-to for couples seeking the perfect travel destination — whether it’s for a honeymoon, wedding, or just a romantic getaway.

This particular blog is the perfect example of a niche website . With a focus on luxury and all-inclusive vacations, Honeymoon Always has couple travel down to a science. 

They even partner with travel agents to help their audience plan every last detail of their romantic trip .

From intimate beach bungalows to all-inclusive getaways in amazing resort towns , Honeymoon Always makes it easy to plan trips with your favorite person.

 12. Practical Wanderlust

Practical Wanderlust blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Packing guides, travel tips, sustainable travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Partnerships, display ads, email marketing, coaching

Practical Wanderlust is a colorful and vibrant free travel blog that inspires readers to explore the world sustainably. 

They focus on travel tips and packing guides through their blog, podcast, and email list.

This couple even has a loyal travel community on social media, where they share their day-to-day responsible experiences. They’ve even shared their journey from couple travel to family travel blog writing.

 13. Hey Nadine

Hey Nadine blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: travel planning, lifestyle, vlogging
  • 💰 Income sources: Online courses, affiliate marketing, digital products, YouTube, partnerships

This chic and trendy travel blog is the inspiration you’re looking for. With more than 600,000 followers across the internet, Hey Nadine ‘s commitment to vlogging brings her travels to life. 

Hey Nadine is a great example of having a travel blog alongside a YouTube channel . Nadine has traveled to more than 60 countries, all recorded on video throughout the last 13+ years — that’s a lot of footage!

Her visually stunning site is full of packing guides , hidden gems , and travel inspiration.

14. Chasing the Donkey

Chasing the Donkey blog.

  • ✈️ Topics: Balkan travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads

Chasing the Donkey travel blog is as fun as it is informative — and another great example of a blog niche site.

From helpful travel guides to insider tips for getting around like a local , Chasing the Donkey focuses on all things Balkans travel. 

They’ve even thrown in some food inspiration to satisfy your traveling taste buds. This Balkan-based travel blog is a refreshing and exciting example of how informative a niche site can be.

15. Travel Mexico Solo

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Topics: Mexican travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, and digital products

I obviously had to also include my own website, Travel Mexico Solo .

I’m a former Miami travel magazine editor who ditched the office for the world. After traveling alone all over Mexico for one year, I decided to become a full-time expat in Mexico in 2018 .

I then decided to launch Travel Mexico Solo in 2020, in the midst of a pandemic. My website dispels Mexico travel misinformation. Instead, I provide accurate info from someone who lives in Mexico, and travels in Mexico often.

Today, my blog has more than 300,000 monthly readers and earns me a very healthy six-figure salary.

Travel Mexico Solo is a Mexico travel blog, and the perfect example of a niche website.

However, I decided to niche down even further when I launched my three other travel blogs: Travel To Merida ,  Travel To Oaxaca , and Tulum Travel Secrets .

16. The Barefoot Nomad

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Topics: Family travel, tech

Charles and Micki Kosman, the masterminds behind The Barefoot Nomad , bring a fusion of travel, tech, and family insights from their base in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

Launched in 2003, the blog has evolved from documenting the couple’s travels to sharing their experiences as a family of four 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

With about 75,000 unique monthly visits , it’s clear that what their doing is working.

The Barefoot Nomad provides a mix of travel tips, tech reviews, and insights into family travel , catering to a diverse audience.

What makes their blog really stand out is how they mix personal stories with handy tips. Their content ranges from destination reviews to technology insights, appealing to both travel enthusiasts and tech-savvy readers.

17. Indie Traveller

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Topics: DIY travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, book sales (author of Travel the World Without Worries)

Launched in 2013 by Marek Bron, Indie Traveller focuses on DIY travel — specifically focused on travelers looking to follow their own paths.

Today, Indie Traveler attracts more than 180,000 unique visitors each month who are eager to read Marek’s honest and inspiring travel guides.

With more than a decade of travel experience, he shares his extensive travel knowledge through various resources like gear reviews, travel tips , and destination guides , all based on his personal experiences.

His approach to travel is about following your own path and embracing the adventure, making Indie Traveler a go-to resource for independent travelers worldwide .

18. Our Escape Clause

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: World travel (including USA travel, Europe travel and Italy travel)

Jeremy and Kate are founders of Our Escape Clause . In 2016, they embarked on a journey, trading suburban life in the USA for full-time travel and adventure — and they’ve never looked back.

With more than six years of experience, they have become experts at sharing travel stories and personal reflections through their blog.

Our Escape Clause stands out for its comprehensive resources and actionable tips , aiding travelers in planning their trips.

The blog offers an extensive range of experiences, covering destinations across Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

19. Be My Travel Muse

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo and adventurous travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, group tours

Kristin Addis, the voice behind Be My Travel Muse , offers a unique perspective on solo travel, especially for women. Celebrated as one of the top women’s travel blogs, it draws more than 5 million annual readers .

Kristin’s journey in solo travel spans more than nine years, during which she has gathered a wealth of knowledge about budget-friendly and adventurous travels .

Be My Travel Muse is not just about Kristin’s personal travel stories; it’s a comprehensive resource for solo female travelers . The blog covers a wide range of topics, including tour and destination guides.

Kristin extends her insights through videos, sharing her adventures and practical tips, making her blog a source of inspiration and guidance for anyone looking for solo female travel tips .

20. Goats on the Road

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel and living abroad, Digital nomad travel
  • 💰 Income sources: Affiliate marketing, display ads, digital products and blogging courses

Founded by Canadian adventurers Nick and Dariece, Goats on the Road chronicles their journey since 2008. They offer insights on how people can travel the world and live a life of freedom, travel, and adventure.

More than a travel narrative, their blog dives into topics such as finding work abroad, embracing digital noma dism , and practical travel tips.

In addition to travel insights, Nick and Dariece offer courses on brand growth and SEO . These include courses include a free WordPress course and other advanced courses.

21. Adventurous Kate

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo female travel
  • 💰 Income Sources: display ads, affiliate marketing, sponsorships & partnerships

Kate McCulley, the force behind Adventurous Kate , has carved a niche in the travel blogging world, focusing on independent female travel.

With more than a decade of experience and visits to more than 83 countries and seven continents, her blog garners more than 176,000 monthly page views.

She was also named one of the top travel influencers by Forbes in 2017.

The blog offers a trove of resources for solo female travelers , from safety tips to destination guides.

Her commitment to empowering women travelers is evident throughout her blog, making it a go-to resource for those looking to embark on solo adventures.

22. Camels and Chocolate

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, lifestyle — a little bit of everything
  • 💰 Income: Affiliate marketing, consulting, ambassadorships, sponsorships

Since its inception in 2007, Camels and Chocolate has been a vibrant internet presence.

It has been recognized with various accolades such as Southern Living’s Bloggers to Follow in 2015 and the Bloggie for Best Travel Weblog (2008-2010).

Kristin and her husband share their colorful experiences in travel, art, and murals, visiting numerous destinations worldwide.

Kristin’s writing skills shine through in her engaging and personal narratives , providing valuable insights for aspiring bloggers and writers.

Camels and Chocolate is an example of leveraging a travel blog to branch out.

Kristin has used the blog as a springboard for diverse projects, including the creation of Odinn Media, a tourism marketing and media production company.

23. Helen in Wonderlust

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: African travel, challenging stereotypes
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, tour company, book

Helen in Wonderlust stands out as a fantastic example of a niche travel blog, focusing extensively on Africa travel.

Helen shares her deep love for the continent’s wildlife, landscapes, and cultures, actively working to dispel common misconceptions about its safety for travelers.

Her blog offers a wealth of resources on African destinations , including guides for adventurous, safe travel , and budget-friendly travel.

Beyond Africa, Helen also provides travel guides for other global destinations, adding variety to her niche-focused content.

24.   PS I’m On My Way

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Dynamic, interactive travel experiences
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, a tours business, trip planning

Founded by the award-winning journalist Trisha Velarmino, PS I Am On My Way is a travel blog known for its dynamic presentation and user-friendly design.

The blog is driven by a mission to inspire and assist others in living their dream life, with a strong emphasis on real-life experiences, entrepreneurship , and personal growth.

Trisha’s approach to travel is distinctive ; she immerses herself in a new culture by staying in one place for an extended period, usually three months or more. This allows her to deeply connect with the local lifestyle.

The blog is more than a travel guide; it’s a narrative about breaking societal norms and embracing a life of constant exploration and learning.

25. The Travel Book

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Eco-friendly traveling, sustainable lifestyle
  • 💰 Income: Books, e-books, posters

Travel Book is dedicated to teaching readers about eco-conscious travel, providing insights into how to explore the world while minimizing environmental impact.

From offering tips on eco-friendly accommodations and transportation and sharing knowledge about the most beautiful yet sustainable destinations, Travel Book is a treasure trove of green travel guidance.

The blog, beautifully crafted on WordPress , intertwines engaging travel stories with actionable advice, catering to an audience passionate about sustainable tourism.

26. Two Monkeys Travel

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Solo and global travel experiences
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, partnerships

Two Monkeys Travel , helmed by the globetrotting Kach from the Philippines, is a testament to the transformative power of travel.

With more than 500,000 monthly page views, the blog chronicles Kach’s journey from a fresh graduate to a full-time traveler who gave up her regular job in 2013 to explore the world.

Her blog stands as an inspiration for those dreaming of solo global adventures, showcasing her experiences in more than 180 countries with an aspiration to visit every nation on Earth.

The blog offers various content, from personal travel narratives to practical guides on various aspects of travel.

27. Roads and Kingdoms

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: In-depth storytelling, cultural exploration
  • 💰 Income: Publishing partnerships, brand collaborations

Roads & Kingdoms is a unique travel blog blending in-depth storytelling with cultural insights .

Celebrated for its comprehensive travel narratives, food journalism , and political commentary, the blog has earned accolades like the Emmy and James Beard Publication of the Year awards.

Its sections cover travel stories with stunning photography, culinary explorations, and detailed city guides.

This blog is a perfect example of incredible storytelling and jaw-dropping documentary-style travel photography .

28. Now In Portugal

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Exploring lesser-known sites in Portugal
  • 💰 Income: Affiliate programs, display ads

Now In Portugal , started in 2021 by Yvonne Ivanescu, is a dedicated travel blog that delves into the hidden gems and less explored locales of Portugal .

This platform stands out as a prime example of a destination-focused niche site, offering readers an in-depth look at Portugal’s unique and often overlooked destinations.

The blog’s content ranges from comprehensive travel guides to personal experiences, all centered around showcasing the diverse and rich cultural, historical, and natural landscapes of Portugal.

29. Charlotte Plans a Trip

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Personal travel stories, destination guides, travel tips
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, consultancy services

Charlotte Plans a Trip , managed by Dutch traveler Charlotte and her husband Ries, chronicles their global adventures — the website is in English and Dutch .

With more than 25 countries explored across multiple continents, the blog features a mix of personal stories, practical travel tips, and comprehensive destination guides.

The content is categorized into sections like Personal, Tips & Tricks, Travel Guides, Diary, Budget Tips, Travel Photography, and more.

Charlotte excels in creating both short and long-form posts with vivid images. She also maintains an active presence on Instagram, engaging her audience with regular updates and interactions.

30. Travel Freak  

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Resources for unconventional and solo travel adventures
  • 💰 Income: Display ads, affiliate marketing

Travel Freak , created by Jeremy Foster, is a standout travel blog catering to those who don’t align with conventional travel norms. With more than a decade of travel experience, Jeremy’s blog has influenced millions.

The site is a treasure trove of resources for solo travelers , offering insights on working abroad, money-saving tips, and reliable travel equipment for various adventures.

A significant portion of the content is devoted to travel gear reviews , a great revenue-generating strategy.

31. BucketListly

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Backpacking, hiking, and travel photography
  • 💰 Income: Guides, itineraries, and design resources

Based in Thailand, Pete Rojwongsuriya brings a unique blend of skills as a designer, blogger, and solo traveler to the BucketListly Travel Blog .

With more than a decade of experience, Pete specializes in creating comprehensive travel guides and backpacking itineraries. His blog is a reflection of his passions for adventure, photography and storytelling .

BucketListly stands out as an exceptionally well-designed travel blog, showcasing Pete’s expertise in design and programming.

The website is not just a resource for travel enthusiasts but also a visually stunning portfolio of Pete’s photography skills .

He also has a YouTube channel, which adds another dimension to Pete’s stunning visual storytelling of his travels.

32. One Girl One World

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, Beauty, Lifestyle
  • 💰 Income: E-books, one-on-one coaching, press, campaigns

Established in 2014, One Girl One World is a unique fusion of travel, beauty, and lifestyle from Francesca Murray. It offers another great example of a micro-niche blog.

It’s not just about travel; but a holistic guide for maintaining personal care during adventures.

The blog shares valuable insights on managing skincare routines and haircare while traveling, especially for natural curls.

One Girl One World stands out for its specific yet broadly appealing niche. Francesca, the blog’s creator, leverages her platform to forge exciting partnerships and diverse opportunities.

Her active engagement on Instagram and YouTube complements her blog, enhancing her digital presence and outreach.

33. Jessie on a Journey

examples for travel website

  • 🌍 Focus: Solo female travel, blogging, wellness travel
  • 💰 Income: Ads, brand collaborations, consulting, affiliate marketing, sponsored blog posts

Jessie Festa’s blog, Jessie on a Journey , is a vibrant mix of adventure stories, travel tips, and personal insights. It’s a go-to resource for solo travel , wellness, and turning a passion for travel into a career .

Her blog is not just a collection of travel tales, but a guide for those looking to make a mark in the world of travel blogging. The blog covers a range of topics, including destinations, travel planning, and responsible tourism.

It’s also a hub for blogging advice, showing others how to monetize travel experiences through various channels like advertisements, collaborations, consulting, and affiliate marketing .

34. Uncornered Market

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Responsible travel and experiential journeys
  • 💰 Income: Consultancy in tourism development and marketing, speaking engagements

UnCornered Market , created by Daniel Noll and Audrey Scott, champions the cause of responsible travel and the pursuit of personal growth.

The essence of their journey and the blog’s ethos centers on humanizing the places they visit. Through captivating photographs and storytelling , they aim to connect readers with diverse cultures and locales.

Beyond sharing their adventures, Daniel and Audrey have leveraged their blog’s influence to create remarkable opportunities. What started as a sustainable travel blog has evolved into a consultancy venture.

They now guide travel brands and tourism organizations in developing sustainable and community-focused tourism products and strategies.

35. Girl Eat World

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Travel, Food, and Photographic Storytelling
  • 💰 Income Sources: Affiliate Marketing, Display Advertisements, Brand Collaborations

Girl Eat World stands as a quintessential example of a travel blog, where Melissa Hie combines her passions for food, travel, and storytelling.

Launched in 2015 as a personal diary, it has evolved into a well-followed platform, thanks in part to Melissa’s strong Instagram presence — she currently has more than 300K followers.

The travel blog description for Girl Eat World paints a picture of a unique blend of travel tales and practical food travel guides , complemented by Melissa’s distinct approach to Instagram photography.

Girl Eat World offers a feast for the eyes and the soul, making it a notable entry into the travel blogging sphere — particularly in the food travel niche.

36. The Everywhereist  

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: A little bit of everything, from travel to personal development
  • 💰 Income Sources: Books, brand partnerships

Geraldine DeRuiter, a former copywriter, initially began documenting her travels alongside her husband, Rand as heartfelt love letters to him 😍

What started as a personal endeavor soon blossomed into The Everywhereist , a blog that gained recognition from Time Magazine as one of the best blogs in 2011 .

Geraldine’s journey is not just about travel; it’s a tale of transformation and passion. After being laid off, she channeled her energy into blogging, a story eloquently captured in her book, All Over The Place .

This narrative offers valuable inspiration for aspiring bloggers, showcasing how a setback can lead to a fulfilling new path.

37. Time Travel Turtle

examples for travel website

  • ✈️ Focus: Destinations, travel planning, food
  • 💰 Income sources: Display ads, affiliate marketing, photography sales, content production, speaking engagements, brand collaborations, sponsored posts

One travel blog that truly takes travel blogging to new heights is Time Travel Turtle .

The blog is a collection of Michael’s extensive travels, offering travel blog writing examples through vivid storytelling and stunning photography.

Notably, Michael sells some of his captivating photos, allowing companies to feature exotic locations and properties.

As a digital nomad, Michael continues his global explorations, add to his blog with practical travel tips and insights.

It’s Time To Start Your Own Travel Blog

Woman carrying her luggage and holding her phone.

If you’re ready to start your own travel blog , you’ll first need to get clear about your goals and your target audience.

Once that’s settled, learn about SEO and how to drive traffic to your site. 

From there, decide how you can help your audience — What can you offer them that no one else can?

Lastly, start creating quality content and begin your travel blogging journey .

Travel Blog Examples: FAQs

woman working on her laptop during a vacation

What makes a good travel blog?

The key elements that make a good travel blog are experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness , or what Google calls E-E-A-T.

The best blogs about travel deliver consistent, high-quality content to their readers. Really short travel blog posts usually aren’t long enough to offer quality content.

From original photos to unique personal experiences, top-notch personal travel blogs prioritize user intent .

They inform readers and drive them to take action – whether that means booking a trip, buying a product, or joining an email list.

How do I start a travel blog from scratch?

To start a travel blog from scratch, you’ll need to focus on strategic and physical efforts .

Strategically, choose a unique niche and conduct research to understand your competition and target audience. Learn about SEO and focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that provides value to your readers.

Physically, begin by selecting a reliable web hosting service. Purchase a domain name that reflects your niche and choose a responsive, visually appealing theme.

I personally use WordPress, and I use Kadence as a theme . However, some other bloggers use website builders like Divi and Elementor — but these can slow down your site.

You’ll also need to use blogging platforms and content management systems to publish and organize your posts effectively. Remember to continuously learn and adapt to trends and feedback for sustained growth and success.

👩‍💻  To help you start your travel blog, I highly recommend taking a course!  Check out this post for info on the  best travel blogging courses . I also did a review on the best course I’ve done,  head here .

low-cost hosting for travel blogs

For those looking to start a travel blog on a budget, shared hosting is the best option, as it is cost-efficient and provides all the basic features you need. 

Many people use cheap blog hosts like Bluehost or A2 hosting , but I personally love using Lyrical Host .

They are slightly more expensive, but you will be rewarded with a super speedy blog and 5 Star customer service. 

🤑 Lyrical Host Discount Code: Use code TRAVELBLOGGING101 to get 10% off all Lyrical hosting plans.

How hard is it to start a travel blog?

Starting a travel blog is not hard, but it does require consistent time and effort . Successful and inspiring blogs are not built overnight.

A travel blog WordPress site requires an abundance of quality content, building valuable backlinks, satisfying user intent, and more.

With patience and persistence, you can create a successful travel blog .

How do I write a travel blog?

To write a travel blog, you’ll first need to prioritize SEO to reach an audience and rank on search engines. This will help you understand user intent, incorporate EEAT signals, properly outline posts, and target the right keywords. 

Next, fill in your optimized outlines with accurate, professional, and personal information that will engage your readers.

Answer the question better than anyone else — show Google that you’re the expert in your travel blog.  

If you want to learn how to find keywords with big potential to earn affiliate income, check out my How to Find Affiliate Marketing Keywords Class .

Are travel blogs still profitable?

Yes — travel blogs are still profitable (or, they can be). With today’s ever-changing digital landscape, there are more opportunities than ever to monetize a travel blog and earn a living from it. 

Bloggers can choose from various income streams such as display advertising, affiliate links and marketing, digital products, email marketing, and more.

New and old travel blogs alike continue to generate money from valuable content . 

How do travel bloggers make money?

Travel bloggers have several options to make money . Two popular methods include affiliate marketing and display advertising. Additionally, bloggers can earn money through sponsorships and partnership opportunities.

Some bloggers choose to sell digital products or services directly to their audience – either on their blog or through email marketing.

Most travel bloggers choose to diversify their income streams with a combination of these methods.

Final Thoughts: Travel Blog Examples

Couple planning their trip together.

There’s no shortage of amazing examples of travel blog websites to inspire you to get out there and start your journey. 

Whether you’re passionate about backpacking on a budget, splurging on a luxurious honeymoon or helping others navigate your city like a local — the blogging examples here show there’s a place for you in travel blogging. 

If you’re ready to start your blogging journey, I have travel courses for every level.

If you’re new to this, start by exploring free travel planning tips on various platforms. These can be incredibly useful, especially since you’ll need to commit yourself to at least six months of travel blogging.

The blogging examples listed here, along with resources on Travel Blogspot and social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok, offer a wealth of information and community support to help you along the way.

Whatever your travel style might be, it’s time to grab your laptop and start creating .

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10 Examples of Travel Websites to Get Inspiration From

Summer might be over but that does not mean you cannot travel for the rest of the year. Pack your bags because we are going on a trip! This is how an inspiring travel website should make its visitors feel, it must awaken the wanderlust in them.

Now, how does a  travel website  attracts and inspires visitors to book a trip? Both web development and designs play a huge role in creating an excellent first impression for a business. In addition to this,  94% of visitors mistrust a website due to design-related reasons  — this is according to a study reported by Rocket Media.

examples for travel website

Trust is essential because of the significant investments put into planning for a trip. This can make or break a traveler’s decision to go on a trip or a vacation in a city and choosing the place to stay. Excellent travel websites should also give enough information needed so their visitors can arrange their next travel plans.

Fortunately, there are numerous travel websites that you can use as an inspiration to create your own and come up with a visually appealing and functional site.

Here are 10 examples of travel websites to get your inspiration from:

1.Visit Brazil

examples for travel website

Visit Brazil  is the country’s official tourism website. Looking at it, you might simply think that developing the site took an easy process because it’s not that difficult to entice travelers to visit a country that makes up almost half of South America’s continent — with diverse culture and vibrant places to see. However, the travel website made sure to cover as much information as needed for a traveler to know about the country.

The website offers key information that travelers need to know before they book a flight. This information includes health, security, visa and documents, emergency numbers, electricity, weather, telecommunications, language, and other important links about the country.

2. On The Grid

examples for travel website

On The Grid  is a travel blog that covers numerous countries and continents. This travel website requires a different organization — instead of visitors jumping right into hotel and events information, the site’s main navigation bar is organized by region.

While its homepage features an A-Z list of city guides that runs from Aberdeen to Zurich. Pretty cool huh?

3. Visit Australia

examples for travel website

The travel website encourages visitors to learn more about Australia’s specific regions and lets them determine which best suits their tastes. It also gives information about different travel essentials like facts and planning; FAQs for its visa, customs, and quarantine; and exploring the country by map.

4. Live Africa

examples for travel website

Live Africa  is the official tourism website for the entire continent which plays a huge role by giving the exact feeling and experience for the travelers. It shows the essence of the African safari that the travel website promotes.

For the website design, you’ll notice the textures and colors used reflecting the African safari. Videos of majestic animal roaming the wild kingdom are also shown on its landing page, showing what visitors would see if they go for a trip to Africa.

5. The Hawaiian Islands

examples for travel website

Aloha!  The Hawaiian Islands’  travel website is an excellent example of a “clean and crisp” site design. Yes, it may look like an average travel website — featuring a Hawaii’s scenic landscape, travelers enjoying a day kayaking, and exciting videos of the fun activities to do while there. But taking a closer look at the website gives you that serene feeling and vibe because of its simple design and website colors that calm your mind.

6. Egypt Tourism Authority

examples for travel website

Egypt Tourism Authority ’s travel website does an amazing job of promoting various types of experiences and trips that travelers can enjoy. The website is designed to highlight the country’s culture, with a 360 view of stunning landscapes and Giza’s pyramids. It also shows beaches and deserts tempting visitors to proceed with their travel plans.

The information presented on the travel website is excellent as well! From places to go, events, experiences, stories, to a visit planner which is essential for travelers.

7. Discover Chile

examples for travel website

Here’s Chile’s official tourism website,  Discover Chile . The first thing visitors would notice on this travel website are the stunning images of its landscapes and travelers enjoying nature’s serene beauty.

The travel website also shows its awards and badges from the lonely planet, The National Geographic, and World Traveler Awards — these are essential factors to increase visitor trust.

8. Toucan Cafe & Tours

examples for travel website

Toucan Cafe & Tours  is a Medellin coffee shop that offers languages and tours exchanges. Its travel website is excellently comprehensive that features various types of tours and details about its cafe.

The travel website also showcases museum tours, a visit to Columbia’s authentic coffee farm, and coffee workshops — these activities would sound amazing for coffee lovers who are also wanderlusts!

There is also language exchanges where expats, tourists, and locals come together to practice speaking and conversing in English and Spanish, this is a wonderful way of meeting people from diverse cultures.

9. Cookiesound

examples for travel website

Cookiesound  is a travel blog that features personal stories from a mother-daughter photographer team — their travel photography captures unique experiences, showing what they love to do most.

The mother-daughter tandem has made a name for themselves in travel photography by taking photos across the globe and their travel website shows a compilation of their wonderful journeys.

Along with these stunning photos are equally amazing stories behind it — making this travel website attractive and informative.

10. Outlines

examples for travel website

Outlines  is a unique travel website that offers visitors journeys beyond the map. The site offers tours to Route 66, a road trip to Croatia, Burma, India, Guatemala, a road trip to Mongolia, Nicaragua, Italy – Amalfi Coast in Vespa, and Cuba’s Havana, Santiago, and Sierra Maestra, and so much more!

Its design is attractive to those who seek a different kind of adventure that goes beyond the scenery of ordinary tourist spots by letting you experience road trips like never before.

There is no specific travel website development guide but these inspirations are more than enough to cover a variety of approach, design, and styles to get inspiration from. However, you must always keep in mind to keep your travel website’s navigation functional and simple — then you can never go wrong.

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Holland America Line Offers Cruisers the Chance to Sample a Grand Voyage, Exploring a Global Region in Grand Style Starting at Just $169/day

Guests can enjoy destinations like Easter Island, Antarctica and cities of the Med while enjoying signature experiences aboard a Grand Voyages

Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26, 2024 — Holland America Line , a leader in destination-rich longer voyages, is inviting cruisers to sample one of its most prolific cruise categories by booking a segment of either the 2025 Grand World Voyage or 2025 Grand Voyage: Pole to Pole, for as little as $169 per day, including all taxes and fees.

Seven segments are available on the Grand Voyage: Pole to Pole aboard Volendam, ranging from 33 to 100 days. On Zuiderdam’s Grand World Voyage, guests can choose from among six segments, ranging from 20 to 55 days. The segments allow guests to choose from a diverse selection of shorter itineraries, tailoring the Grand Voyage experience to their own taste and timeline.

“Our Grand Voyages are something our dedicated guests come back for every year while also attracting new guests who are eager to explore the world, but at over four months we recognize that not everyone has that time,” said Paul Grigsby, vice president of deployment and itinerary planning for Holland America Line. “By booking one of our 2025 Grand Voyage segments, cruisers can get a taste of the special atmosphere and community aboard these sailings at an incredible value.”

Grand Voyage segments sail between two key ports along each voyage, making it a seamless experience joining the ship in various locales around the world. On the Grand World Voyage, guests can sail from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Singapore or Sydney, Australia; Singapore to Athens, Greece; Cape Town, South Africa, to Fort Lauderdale; Sydney to Cape Town; and Athens to Fort Lauderdale.

The Grand Voyage: Pole to Pole segments cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Buenos Aires, Argentina; Buenos Aires to Barcelona, Spain, or Ijmuiden (Amsterdam), the Netherlands or Fort Lauderdale; Fort Lauderdale to Ijmuiden (Amsterdam); and Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) or Barcelona to Fort Lauderdale.

Highlighted Segments

2025 Grand World Voyage Aboard Zuiderdam, departs Jan. 4, roundtrip from Fort Lauderdale:

    o   55-Day Fort Lauderdale to Singapore , Jan. 4 — March 1, 2025: Those looking for a sampling of a world cruise can embark in the convenient North American homeport of Fort Lauderdale, sailing east to west, before ultimately disembarking in Singapore. On the voyage, Zuiderdam will call ports in 13 countries, and guests will experience multiple bucket list items, including a Panama Canal transit, overnight stay at Easter Island and scenic cruising in the Great Barrier Reef. 

    o   20-Day Athens to Fort Lauderdale , April 19 — May 9, 2025: Guests looking for the shortest taste of a grand can embark in Athens for a Mediterranean adventure, calling ports in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Morocco — including a special overnight celebration in Barcelona — before heading across the Atlantic Ocean, visiting San Juan, Puerto Rico, for a perfect day in paradise before disembarking at Fort Lauderdale.

2025 Grand Voyage: Pole to Pole aboard Volendam, departs Jan. 25, roundtrip from Fort Lauderdale:

    o   47-Day Fort Lauderdale to Buenos Aires , Jan. 25 — March 13, 2025: Those looking for an extended Antarctic adventure and exploration of South America can sail from Fort Lauderdale, experiencing a Panama Canal Transit before heading south to Central and South America, extensively exploring Peru (including an overnight at Lima) and Chile. A four-day Antarctica experience rounds off the segment before sailing north to Uruguay and Argentina.

    o   33-Day Ijmuiden (Amsterdam) to Fort Lauderdale , May 5 — June 7, 2025: Guests who dream of visiting the North Pole can embark in Ijmuiden, exploring the rugged coast of Norway before crossing the Arctic Circle and calling Honningsvåg (Nordkapp) in the North Cape. Volendam then visits Iceland, Greenland, Canada, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, and ports in Maine and Massachusetts before ending the voyage at Fort Lauderdale.

A Grand Onboard Experience

Guests sailing on any of the full or segmented Grand Voyages will have access to all the on-board offerings that Holland America Line is known for, including a robust entertainment and enrichment program that is exclusive to Grand Voyages. This includes 15 new production shows debuting in 2025 , [V(1] [C(2]  comedians, headline entertainers and performers brought on locally, and resident musicians, including a classical trio and dance band on both ships. 

Cruisers can delve deep into the cuisine of the region of the itinerary, as guest chefs will join select segments to share their culinary talents, including live cooking demonstrations, informative “coffee chats” and signature dishes in both the main Dining Room and Pinnacle Grill.

Grand Voyage Ships to Meet in Barcelona

During the Grand Voyages, Zuiderdam and Volendam will rendezvous April 24 in Barcelona. Guests on select segments will get to experience the historic meetup, which will be commemorated with Catalan-themed gala dinners, and a shipboard party capped off with a special drone show. Guests on both ships who want to meet up will have opportunities to get together as the ships overnight in port.

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Right to disconnect

Eligible employees have the right to refuse employer or third-party contact outside of working hours in some circumstances.

On this page:

Awards and agreements, tips for discussing out of hours contact, protections, tools and resources, related information.

For small business employers and their employees, the right to disconnect provisions apply from 26 August 2025 .

Employees of non-small business employers have the right to refuse to monitor, read or respond to contact (or attempted contact) outside their working hours, unless doing so is unreasonable. This includes contact (or attempted contact) from an employer or a third party.

Third party could include clients, suppliers, staff from other businesses, or members of the public.

Contact could include a range of communication channels used to engage with employees, such as calls, emails, texts, social media and messaging services.

Employers and employees are encouraged to discuss contact out of hours and set expectations that suit the workplace and the employee’s role. Find Tips for discussing out of hours contact .

When working out whether an employee’s refusal is unreasonable, the following factors must be considered:

  • the reason for the contact
  • how the contact is made and how disruptive it is to the employee
  • being available to perform work during the period they’re contacted, or
  • working additional hours outside their ordinary hours of work
  • the employee’s role in the business and level of responsibility
  • the employee’s personal circumstances, including family or caring responsibilities.

Other matters may also be considered.

It will be unreasonable for an employee to refuse to read, monitor or respond if the contact or attempted contact is required by law. 

Example: Employee’s personal circumstances make out of hours contact unreasonable

Selim is a consultant and is working on a major project for a client. Selim has 2 young children. He has flexible working arrangements and his working hours are 7.30 am to 4 pm so that he can pick up his children from daycare.

At 4.30 pm on a Tuesday afternoon, Selim’s supervisor, Ava, is copied into an urgent email to Selim from the client. Ava considers whether to contact Selim and ask him to action the client’s request. It’s urgent and Selim is very familiar with this aspect of the client’s work. However, Ava knows that Selim is on his way to pick up his children and it’s unlikely that he’ll be able to deal with the request.

Ava asks another consultant to help the client and will update Selim when he returns to work. Ava’s decision is appropriate given Selim’s family responsibilities and the fact that another employee could resolve the issue.

Example: Employee is compensated for reasonable out of hours contact

Elizabeth is an associate at a medium-sized architecture firm where she usually works 8.30 am to 5 pm.

Elizabeth has been asked to fill in for her manager who is taking 3 months leave. During this period, Elizabeth will need to lead the delivery of a project for a major client. She is receiving extra pay while acting in her manager’s role.

Her supervising partner, Devi, has let Elizabeth know that a reasonable amount of out of hours contact and work will be required during her acting period to deliver the project. She is also told that this has been factored into her higher pay.

Devi gives her a copy of the firm’s policy on out of hours contact and asks if she has any questions.

In her second week in the role, Elizabeth leaves work at 5 pm. Shortly after, Devi finds out that Elizabeth’s team needs to urgently provide the client with additional documents for the project by 10 am tomorrow. It will take around 3 hours to prepare the documents. Devi tries to call Elizabeth on her personal mobile and sends her a text message explaining the situation.

Elizabeth doesn’t answer the calls as she’s about to go to the gym and then run some errands. She reads the full message at 8 pm but decides that it’s too late to respond to Devi. Based on the circumstances, Elizabeth’s refusal to monitor or respond to Devi’s contact could be unreasonable.

Awards, enterprise agreements and other registered agreements can also include additional right to disconnect provisions.

All awards include a right to disconnect term.

Award changes

The Fair Work Commission added right to disconnect terms to all awards on 26 August 2024. Learn more at Variation of modern awards to include a right to disconnect .

In some situations, an employee may be required to monitor, read or respond to contact (or attempted contact) from the employer outside their working hours in accordance with an award term.

More award information will be available on this page soon. Check back for further updates. In the meantime, you can check your award for right to disconnect rules that apply for your industry or occupation.

If you're covered by an enterprise or other registered agreement, check the terms of your agreement for information about the right to disconnect. To find an enterprise agreement, go to the Fair Work Commission’s website .

Regular and open communication helps maintain a harmonious working environment. It can also prevent workplace problems from happening. Both employees and employers are responsible for open and effective communication at and about work. Learn more about good workplace communication practices.

Employers and employees are encouraged to discuss out of hours contact and set expectations that suit the workplace and the employee’s role. Where possible, there are benefits to having these conversations before out of hours contact happens.

A discussion about out of hours contact could include:

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It’s important employees know when they can disconnect from work and when they may be expected to monitor, read or respond to contact.

For example, a specialist technical engineer is told that while out of hours contact isn’t common, they may be contacted out of hours in response to a critical technical outage. They don’t need to monitor emails, but will be expected to answer or return a phone call about a serious outage.

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It’s important to check the relevant award, enterprise agreement or employment contract for entitlements that may apply. Learn more about Pay and wages and Employment conditions .

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For example, if there’s a serious issue, an employee may prefer to be called on their personal phone so that they don’t have to monitor a work phone or email account.

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For example, managers and supervisors may formalise arrangements for out of hours contact and communicate those arrangements with senior leaders. For external clients, managers and supervisors may consider whether and how they should discuss expectations about communication with their clients.

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For example, the arrangement could be reviewed on a regular basis or when there’s a change in an employee’s hours (such as a change to hours or work due to a flexible work arrangement).

Employers should also consider:

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For example, managers can develop their skills by:

  • completing our Difficult conversations in the workplace manager online course .
  • reading our Consultation and cooperation in the workplace guide.

Employees can develop their skills by completing our Difficult conversations in the workplace employee course .

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For example, updates to position descriptions to reflect expectations for out of hours contact.

For example, recording the arrangement in writing.

Tip: Guidance on the right to disconnect

The Australian Public Service Commission has published guidance on the right to disconnect in the public service sector .

The Fair Work Commission has published a video on understanding the new right to disconnect as well as a Right to disconnect fact sheet . They’re also required to make guidelines about the operation of the right to disconnect. These are not yet available.

Disputes about an employee’s right to disconnect should first be discussed at the workplace level to try to resolve the dispute.

If that isn’t successful, employees or employers can go to the Fair Work Commission (the Commission) to deal with the dispute. The Commission can make orders or deal with the dispute in other ways. This includes making orders to stop an employee from refusing contact or to stop an employer from taking certain actions.

You can read more at the Commission’s Right to disconnect disputes page.

Tip: We’re different from the Fair Work Commission

A reminder that the Commission is the national workplace relations tribunal and registered organisations regulator.

We’re the Fair Work Ombudsman. Our role is to give you advice and assistance on workplace laws.

Learn more about the difference between us (the Fair Work Ombudsman) and the Fair Work Commission .

The right to disconnect is a workplace right under general protection laws . These laws are protected rights employees have under the Fair Work Act.

Sources reference: Fair Work Act 2009 s.333M–333W, s.340

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The Fair Work Ombudsman acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia and their continuing connection to land, waters, skies and communities. We pay our respects to them, their Cultures, and Elders past, present and future.

Thank you for your feedback. If you would like to tell us more about the information you’ve found today you can complete our feedback form .

Please note that comments aren't monitored for personal information or workplace complaints. If you have a question or concern about your job, entitlements or obligations, please Contact us .

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The Fair Work Ombudsman is committed to providing you with advice that you can rely on. The information contained in this fact sheet is general in nature. If you are unsure about how it applies to your situation you can call our Infoline on 13 13 94 or speak with a union, industry association or a workplace relations professional.

Printed from fairwork.gov.au Content last updated: 2024-08-26 © Copyright Fair Work Ombudsman

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5 national parks to explore in India the are also UNESCO Heritage sites

Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / TRAVEL TRENDS , INDIA / Created : Aug 28, 2024, 14:56 IST

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It’s interesting to note that many also serve as outstanding examples of conservation efforts, protecting endangered species while offering a natural haven for countless others. Some of the parks have also managed to earn the pres … Read more

It’s interesting to note that many also serve as outstanding examples of conservation efforts, protecting endangered species while offering a natural haven for countless others. Some of the parks have also managed to earn the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage status. Here’s a look at some of the most prominent ones. Read less

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5 national parks to explore in India the are also UNESCO Heritage sites

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5 national parks to explore in India the are also UNESCO Heritage sites

It’s interesting to note that many also serve as outstanding examples of conservation efforts, protecting endangered species while offering a natural haven for countless others. Some of the parks have...

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The best motion sickness remedies, according to doctors and NBC Select editors

The best remedies for motion sickness include OTC and prescription medications, ginger chews and acupressure wearables.

If you’re prone to motion sickness, you know the feeling of panic that comes with the onset of symptoms like nausea, dizziness and an upset stomach. Motion sickness manifests in different ways and affects many people differently — for me, it hits me almost every time I’m in the passenger seat of a car , on a boat or a bumpy airplane ride ; for others, it can be on a train or in certain areas of a vehicle.

I spoke with four medical experts about how to treat symptoms and prevent them in the first place. I also rounded up my favorite products, as well as those of other NBC Select editors, to deal with motion sickness.

SKIP AHEAD What causes motion sickness? | Who is more prone to motion sickness? | What are the best ways to prevent motion sickness? | Do medications work for motion sickness? | Are there any alternative remedies for motion sickness? | Why trust NBC Select?

Our top picks for treating motion sickness

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Dramamine Ginger Chews

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Gin Gins Original Ginger Chews

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Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristband

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UpNature Peppermint Essential Oil Roll On

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Care Touch Alcohol Wipes

What exactly causes motion sickness.

Our body is made up of several sensory systems that work together to help us experience the world: The vestibular system, located in our inner ear, gives us balance; the visual system gives us sight and perspective; and the somatosensory system helps us understand where our body is, says Dr. Danielle Qing , internal medicine physician and assistant professor in the department of medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital. But sometimes, the sensory inputs our brain receives don’t quite add up, and motion sickness usually occurs when the input from these systems is mixed or in conflict, experts say.

“For example, imagine you’re on a boat. The visual system is telling you that the room is still, while the vestibular system is telling you that you’re off balance, given the motion of the waves,” says Qing. “It works the other way too, such as feeling the balance of sitting still in a car but seeing the landscape pass you by quickly. This sensory conflict is where motion sickness develops.”

Other factors that tend to lead to motion sickness include a history of migraines, hormonal changes (for example, pregnant women) and genetics. Allergies and congestion, for example, affect your inner ear due to mucus and pressure buildup, which can throw off sensory signals, says Dr. Barbara Bawer , primary care physician and clinical assistant professor at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. Also, being dehydrated, hungover or sleep-deprived can all increase feelings of nausea or dizziness, says Dr. Terez Malka , a travel medicine physician at Duration Health, a telehealth urgent care platform.

Even mindset can play a big role, and stress and anxiety about travel or motion sickness can make symptoms even worse. “Often, those who expect to get sick are the ones who do,” says Dr. Natascha Tuznik , infectious disease specialist and associate clinical professor of medicine at UC Davis Medical Center. (More on anxiety-related motion sickness below.)

Who is more prone to motion sickness?

Some people are more prone to motion sickness than others due to various factors. For example, women are more susceptible to motion sickness than men, and people experiencing hormonal changes (during pregnancy, for example) may also be more prone to motion sickness, says Tuznik. Children under 2 years old and adults over the age of 50 are usually the least susceptible to motion sickness, while it is most common in kids between the ages of 2 and 12, says Tuznik.

People with a history of migraines or those with certain medical conditions that impact the inner ear or balance center in the brain, including hearing damage and tumors or masses, can experience motion sickness symptoms at a higher rate, experts say.

There is also a genetic component: If your parents get motion sick, you are more likely to experience motion sickness, too, says Malka.

What are the best ways to prevent motion sickness?

The most effective way to avoid motion sickness symptoms is to prevent it altogether. That means avoiding situations that can trigger nausea and dizziness, such as reading in a moving vehicle or sitting in the backseat of a car, according to my experts. However, if that’s unavoidable, here are some expert-recommended tips for preventing motion sickness in any situation:

  • Use your environment: If you’re at sea, try looking at the horizon, or another stationary object or fixture if you’re in a moving vehicle, says Tuznik.
  • Take any medications in advance: Malka says all motion sickness medications work best if taken 20-40 minutes before you start traveling.
  • Avoid reading or staring at a stationary object: This includes putting down your phone or tablet, experts say. “Your eyes are looking at one thing, which is your screen or your phone or your book, but your ears are hearing things going past or your eyes are also moving,” says Bawer. “Let’s say you look up really quickly, and you see things whizzing by you. But when you look back down at the page, it sends mixed signals, and there’s a disconnect.”
  • Where you sit matters. “If you’re on a boat, avoid the upper levels. If you’re in a car, try to sit in the front. If you’re on a plane, look for a seat over the front edge of the wing,” says Tuznik. 
  • Stay hydrated and eat light: Make sure you drink water as you travel and avoid alcohol before and during traveling because a hangover or dehydration will make your symptoms much worse, says Malka. “Eating a light meal or frequent, easy-to-digest snacks like crackers so you are not too full or empty is typically best,” she says.
  • Be prepared: “ Getting adequate sleep and making sure you are dressed comfortably for the weather and not too warm, can also help keep your stomach settled,” says Malka.

Do medications work for motion sickness?

Several over-the-counter and prescription medications can help relieve or prevent motion sickness. All of the experts I spoke to say that OTC and prescription medications are some of the most effective treatments for motion sickness, with the latter being the best way to relieve severe nausea, dizziness and other typical symptoms.

Keep in mind that most of the following medications are antihistamines, which means they can make you feel drowsy. They may also come with certain side effects. Our experts generally recommend avoiding medications if you have mild symptoms because the side effects tend to outweigh the benefits.

OTC medications

  • Dimenhydrinate , also known by the brand name Dramamine , is a popular option to help reduce motion sickness symptoms like nausea. However, it is an antihistamine, which means it may cause drowsiness, dizziness and decreased mental alertness, says Tuznik. “Unfortunately, not much can be done to mitigate the side effects,” says Tuznik. “If you’ve taken it before, you should expect similar side effects each time.” You should avoid taking Dramamine while driving, according to experts.
  • Meclizine , also known by the brand name Bonine , is similar to Dramamine, but is less likely to cause drowsiness since you take it once a day (while you should take Dramamine every four to six hours as needed), says Tuznik.

Remember that non-sedative OTC antihistamines like Zyrtec, Claritin and Allegra won’t be effective for treating or preventing motion sickness, says Tuznik.

Prescription medications

  • Scopolamine patches: A prescription-only transdermal patch you can wear behind your ear at least four hours before travel and use for up to 72 hours to prevent or treat motion sickness, experts say. This is the most effective treatment for motion sickness, according to experts.
  • Ondansetron, promethazine and cyclizine are oral medications and sedatives that treat nausea and vomiting. Like other anti-nausea medications I mention above, these are drowsy (sedating) antihistamines. They come with potential side effects, so talk to your primary care doctor or travel clinic about whether these medications are right for you.

Are there any alternative remedies for motion sickness?

If you have mild motion sickness or aren’t looking to endure the side effects of anti-nausea medication, there are several natural remedies to try. Keep in mind that these remedies, like aromatherapy and acupressure, have limited research showing effectiveness and whether they actually work usually varies from person to person.  


Research shows that bad smells, like car fumes or cigarette smoke, can worsen motion sickness, while pleasant smells, like peppermint essential oils, may help reduce nausea. No major studies prove essential oils are safe or effective at treating motion sickness; however, ginger and peppermint essential oils or extracts have shown some promise in small studies , says Malka.

Zoe Malin , NBC Select associate updates editor, uses the UpNature Peppermint Essential Oil Roll-On to reduce her car sickness. “I keep a little roller ball of peppermint essential oil in my bathroom and apply it to my wrists before I go on a car ride, which is when I tend to experience the most motion sickness,” says Malin. “If I start getting nauseous, I’ll smell the essential oil — after a few deep breaths, the scent starts to dull the nausea.”

Woman applying peppermint oil on the inside of her wrists using a roll-on applicator

It is important to remember not to ingest essential oils or apply them directly to your skin, and to keep them away from children or pets, says Malka.

Ginger extract

Ginger can be an effective and natural way of preventing and treating nausea, according to several studies . Smaller studies have also shown that ginger spice is effective at reducing motion-related nausea .

Ginger comes in several forms, including chews, candies, supplement capsules, teas and tablets. Though there is no ideal dose for motion sickness, ginger generally helps your digestive system and supports the release of blood pressure-regulating hormones to calm the body, which ultimately reduces nausea, says Tuznik.

For my motion sickness, I’m a fan of the Dramamine Ginger Chews because they have a subtle ginger taste compared to others I’ve tried (ginger can be intense, in my experience), are fast-acting and have a chewy texture that makes it feel like I’m eating regular candy. Despite the brand name, these chews do not actually have the dimenhydrinate medicine that we commonly associate with Dramamine, so it does not leave you feeling drowsy.

One wrapped and one unwrapped Gin Gins ginger chew on a marble table

If you want a harder candy with a stronger taste, both Malin and I love the Gin Gins Original Ginger Chews . The strong ginger flavor stops motion sickness in the first place, in both my and Malin's experience. “Not only does the ginger taste of these candies make me feel less nauseous, but chewing them also gives me something to focus on other than how sick I feel in the car,” says Malin. “I’ve tried other ginger candies, but these are the only ones that have an intense enough flavor to dull my nausea.”


Some studies show that applying pressure on a certain point of the inner wrist may help prevent and treat nausea and vomiting, specifically at the pericardium 6 (P-6) acupressure point, which is three finger-widths away from the wrist, experts say.

Woman wearing a Sea-Band wristband on her left wrist next to a car window

Since I have severe motion sickness when I’m on a boat or in a moving car, I used the Sea-Band Anti-Nausea Acupressure Wristbands on each wrist during a vacation to Italy. Each band has a small plastic circle that presses on the P-6 pressure point, and they helped me avoid nausea and dizziness when on a tour boat in the Mediterranean ocean, on a ferry on the Amalfi Coast and in a small van riding through the hilly Tuscan vineyards.

While many people, including me, swear that pressing on an acupressure point at the base of the wrist or wearing bands that press on this area reduces motion sickness, research has not shown them to have much impact on symptoms. “But there is no harm in using them, either,” says Qing. ​​They are also safe and relatively inexpensive to try, says Tuznik.

Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol

Smelling rubbing alcohol can be a safe way to relieve nausea symptoms, and it’s sometimes as effective as some medications, says Malka. “Packaged single-use alcohol swabs are a safe, portable measure that you can bring with you to use as needed,” she says.

Frequently asked questions

Most motion sickness medications work best when you take them 20-40 minutes before you start traveling, so make sure to plan ahead, says Malka.

Avoid taking motion sickness medicines after the onset of symptoms. “Once you have the symptoms already, a lot of the anti-motion sickness medicines are not going to work as well because your stomach processing slows down, so the absorption of the medication you're taking at that moment is going to be decreased,” says Bawer. “It’s still going to work, but it just won’t be as effective.”

For people with a history of mild motion sickness (which means that it does not interfere with your ability to function), experts recommend environmental modifications and natural remedies. Medications are usually not recommended because the side effects may outweigh the benefits, says Tuznik.

Though motion sickness is most common in children between the ages of 2 and 12, some motion sickness medicines are not recommended for children. Talk to your child’s doctor about medicines and correct dosing for motion sickness, and only give the recommended dosage, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

One of the most common motion sickness triggers is stress and anxiety, specifically anxiety before you even start your travels. “If you know that anxiety or nerves cause a lot of motion sickness for you, talk with your doctor or a therapist before you leave about some options to reduce anxiety like meditation, breathwork, journaling or, in some cases, medication,” says Malka.

Meet our experts

At NBC Select, we work with experts with specialized knowledge and authority based on relevant training and/or experience. We also take steps to ensure all expert advice and recommendations are made independently and without undisclosed financial conflicts of interest.

  • Dr. Danielle Qing is an internal medicine physician and assistant professor in the Department of Medicine, division of General Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital.
  • Dr. Barbara Bawer is a primary care physician and clinical assistant professor of family and community medicine at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. 
  • Dr. Terez Malka is a travel medicine physician at Duration Health, a telehealth urgent care platform.
  • Dr. Natascha Tuznik is an infectious disease specialist and an associate clinical professor of medicine and associate program director of the Infectious Diseases Fellowship at UC Davis Medical Center.

Why trust NBC Select?

I am an updates editor at NBC Select covering a wide range of wellness topics, including sunscreen for kids , deodorants and antiperspirants , and rosacea treatments . For this article, I spoke to four physicians about the best ways to treat and prevent motion sickness, including OTC remedies and prescription medications. I also rounded up some NBC Select editor-favorite treatments for motion sickness.

Catch up on NBC Select’s in-depth coverage of personal finance , tech and tools , wellness and more, and follow us on Facebook , Instagram , Twitter and TikTok to stay up to date.

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Mili Godio is an updates editor for Select on NBC News.

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  • Section 6 - Perspectives : Avoiding Poorly Regulated Medicines & Medical Products During Travel
  • Section 7 - Pregnant Travelers

Medical Tourism

Cdc yellow book 2024.

Author(s): Matthew Crist, Grace Appiah, Laura Leidel, Rhett Stoney

  • Categories Of Medical Tourism

The Pretravel Consultation

Risks & complications, risk mitigation, additional guidance for us health care providers.

Medical tourism is the term commonly used to describe international travel for the purpose of receiving medical care. Medical tourists pursue medical care abroad for a variety of reasons, including decreased cost, recommendations from friends or family, the opportunity to combine medical care with a vacation destination, a preference to receive care from a culturally similar provider, or a desire to receive a procedure or therapy not available in their country of residence.

Medical tourism is a worldwide, multibillion-dollar market that continues to grow with the rising globalization of health care. Surveillance data indicate that millions of US residents travel internationally for medical care each year. Medical tourism destinations for US residents include Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Singapore, and Thailand. Categories of procedures that US medical tourists pursue include cancer treatment, dental care, fertility treatments, organ and tissue transplantation, and various forms of surgery, including bariatric, cosmetic, and non-cosmetic (e.g., orthopedic).

Most medical tourists pay for their care at time of service and often rely on private companies or medical concierge services to identify foreign health care facilities. Some US health insurance companies and large employers have alliances with health care facilities outside the United States to control costs.

Categories of Medical Tourism

Cosmetic tourism.

Cosmetic tourism, or travel abroad for aesthetic surgery, has become increasingly popular. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) reports that most cosmetic surgery patients are women 40–54 years old. The most common procedures sought by cosmetic tourists include abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, liposuction, and rhinoplasty. Popular destinations often are marketed to prospective medical tourists as low cost, all-inclusive cosmetic surgery vacations for elective procedures not typically covered by insurance. Complications, including infections and surgical revisions for unsatisfactory results, can compound initial costs.

Non-Cosmetic Medical Tourism

Cancer treatment.

Oncology, or cancer treatment, tourism often is pursued by people looking for alternative treatment options, better access to care, second opinions, or a combination of these. Oncology tourists are a vulnerable patient population because the fear caused by a cancer diagnosis can lead them to try potentially risky treatments or procedures. Often, the treatments or procedures used abroad have no established benefit, placing the oncology tourist at risk for harm due to complications (e.g., bleeding, infection) or by forgoing or delaying approved therapies in the United States.

Dental Care

Dental care is the most common form of medical tourism among US residents, in part due to the rising cost of dental care in the United States; a substantial proportion of people in the United States do not have dental insurance or are underinsured. Dentists in destination countries might not be subject to the same licensure oversight as their US counterparts, however. In addition, practitioners abroad might not adhere to standard infection-control practices used in the United States, placing dental tourists at a potential risk for infection due to bloodborne or waterborne pathogens.

Fertility Treatments

Fertility tourists are people who seek reproductive treatments in another country. Some do so to avoid associated barriers in their home country, including high costs, long waiting lists, and restrictive policies. Others believe they will receive higher quality care abroad. People traveling to other countries for fertility treatments often are in search of assisted reproductive technologies (e.g., artificial insemination by a donor, in vitro fertilization). Fertility tourists should be aware, however, that practices can vary in their level of clinical expertise, hygiene, and technique.

Physician-Assisted Suicide

The practice of a physician facilitating a patient’s desire to end their own life by providing either the information or the means (e.g., medications) for suicide is illegal in most countries. Some people consider physician-assisted suicide (PAS) tourism, also known as suicide travel or suicide tourism, as a possible option. Most PAS tourists have been diagnosed with a terminal illness or suffer from painful or debilitating medical conditions. PAS is legal in Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and New Zealand, making these the destinations selected by PAS travelers.

Rehab Tourism for Substance Use Disorders

Rehab tourism involves travel to another country for substance use disorder treatment and rehabilitation care. Travelers exploring this option might be seeking a greater range of treatment options at less expense than what is available domestically (see Sec. 3, Ch. 5, Substance Use & Substance Use Disorders , and Box 3-10 for pros and cons of rehab tourism).

Transplant Procedures

Transplant tourism refers to travel for receiving an organ, tissue, or stem cell transplant from an unrelated human donor. The practice can be motivated by reduced cost abroad or an effort to reduce the waiting time for organs. Xenotransplantation refers to receiving other biomaterial (e.g., cells, tissues) from nonhuman species, and xenotransplantation regulations vary from country to country. Many procedures involving injection of human or nonhuman cells have no scientific evidence to support a therapeutic benefit, and adverse events have been reported.

Depending on the location, organ or tissue donors might not be screened as thoroughly as they are in the United States; furthermore, organs and other tissues might be obtained using unethical means. In 2009, the World Health Organization released the revised Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation, emphasizing that cells, tissues, and organs should be donated freely, in the absence of any form of financial incentive.

Studies have shown that transplant tourists can be at risk of receiving care that varies from practice standards in the United States. For instance, patients might receive fewer immunosuppressive drugs, increasing their risk for rejection, or they might not receive antimicrobial prophylaxis, increasing their risk for infection. Traveling after a procedure poses an additional risk for infection in someone who is immunocompromised.

Ideally, medical tourists will consult a travel medicine specialist for travel advice tailored to their specific health needs 4–6 weeks before travel. During the pretravel consultation, make certain travelers are up to date on all routine vaccinations, that they receive additional vaccines based on destination, and especially encourage hepatitis B virus immunization for unvaccinated travelers (see Sec. 2, Ch. 3, Vaccination & Immunoprophylaxis & General Principles , and Sec. 5, Part 2, Ch. 8, Hepatitis B ). Counsel medical tourists that participating in typical vacation activities (e.g., consuming alcohol, participating in strenuous activity or exercise, sunbathing, swimming, taking long tours) during the postoperative period can delay or impede healing.

Advise medical tourists to also meet with their primary care provider to discuss their plan to seek medical care outside the United States, to address any concerns they or their provider might have, to ensure current medical conditions are well controlled, and to ensure they have a sufficient supply of all regular medications to last the duration of their trip. In addition, medical tourists should be aware of instances in which US medical professionals have elected not to treat medical tourists presenting with complications resulting from recent surgery, treatment, or procedures received abroad. Thus, encourage medical tourists to work with their primary care provider to identify physicians in their home communities who are willing and available to provide follow-up or emergency care upon their return.

Remind medical tourists to request copies of their overseas medical records in English and to provide this information to any health care providers they see subsequently for follow-up. Encourage medical tourists to disclose their entire travel history, medical history, and information about all surgeries or medical treatments received during their trip.

All medical and surgical procedures carry some risk, and complications can occur regardless of where treatment is received. Advise medical tourists not to delay seeking medical care if they suspect any complication during travel or after returning home. Obtaining immediate care can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment and a better outcome.

Among medical tourists, the most common complications are infection related. Inadequate infection-control practices place people at increased risk for bloodborne infections, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV; bloodstream infections; donor-derived infections; and wound infections. Moreover, the risk of acquiring antibiotic-resistant infections might be greater in certain countries or regions; some highly resistant bacterial (e.g., carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales [CRE]) and fungal (e.g., Candida auris ) pathogens appear to be more common in some countries where US residents travel for medical tourism (see Sec. 11, Ch. 5, Antimicrobial Resistance ).

Several infectious disease outbreaks have been documented among medical tourists, including CRE infections in patients undergoing invasive medical procedures in Mexico, surgical site infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients who underwent cosmetic surgery in the Dominican Republic, and Q fever in patients who received fetal sheep cell injections in Germany.

Noninfectious Complications

Medical tourists have the same risks for noninfectious complications as patients receiving medical care in the United States. Noninfectious complications include blood clots, contour abnormalities after cosmetic surgery, and surgical wound dehiscence.

Travel-Associated Risks

Traveling during the post-operative or post-procedure recovery period or when being treated for a medical condition could pose additional risks for patients. Air travel and surgery independently increase the risk for blood clots, including deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli (see Sec. 8, Ch. 3, Deep Vein Thrombosis & Pulmonary Embolism ). Travel after surgery further increases the risk of developing blood clots because travel can require medical tourists to remain seated for long periods while in a hypercoagulable state.

Commercial aircraft cabin pressures are roughly equivalent to the outside air pressure at 6,000–8,000 feet above sea level. Medical tourists should not fly for 10 days after chest or abdominal surgery to avoid risks associated with changes in atmospheric pressure. ASPS recommends that patients undergoing laser treatments or cosmetic procedures to the face, eyelids, or nose, wait 7–10 days after the procedure before flying. The Aerospace Medical Association published medical guidelines for air travel that provide useful information on the risks for travel with certain medical conditions.

Professional organizations have developed guidance, including template questions, that medical tourists can use when discussing what to expect with the facility providing the care, with the group facilitating the trip, and with their own domestic health care provider. For instance, the American Medical Association developed guiding principles on medical tourism for employers, insurance companies, and other entities that facilitate or incentivize medical care outside the United States ( Box 6-07 ). The American College of Surgeons (ACS) issued a similar statement on medical and surgical tourism, with the additional recommendation that travelers obtain a complete set of medical records before returning home to ensure that details of their care are available to providers in the United States, which can facilitate continuity of care and proper follow-up, if needed.

Box 6-07 American Medical Association’s guiding principles on medical tourism 1

  • Employers, insurance companies, and other entities that facilitate or incentivize medical care outside the United States should adhere to the following principles:
  • Receiving medical care outside the United States must be voluntary.
  • Financial incentives to travel outside the United States for medical care should not inappropriately limit the diagnostic and therapeutic alternatives that are offered to patients or restrict treatment or referral options.
  • Patients should only be referred for medical care to institutions that have been accredited by recognized international accrediting bodies (e.g., the Joint Commission International or the International Society for Quality in Health Care).
  • Prior to travel, local follow-up care should be coordinated, and financing should be arranged to ensure continuity of care when patients return from medical care outside the United States.
  • Coverage for travel outside the United States for medical care should include the costs of necessary follow-up care upon return to the United States.
  • Patients should be informed of their rights and legal recourse before agreeing to travel outside the United States for medical care.
  • Access to physician licensing and outcome data, as well as facility accreditation and outcomes data, should be arranged for patients seeking medical care outside the United States.
  • The transfer of patient medical records to and from facilities outside the United States should be consistent with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Action (HIPAA) guidelines.
  • Patients choosing to travel outside the United States for medical care should be provided with information about the potential risks of combining surgical procedures with long flights and vacation activities.

1 American Medical Association (AMA). New AMA Guidelines on Medical Tourism . Chicago: AMA; 2008.

Reviewing the Risks

Multiple resources are available for providers and medical tourists assessing medical tourism–related risks (see Table 6-02 ). When reviewing the risks associated with seeking health care abroad, encourage medical tourists to consider several factors besides the procedure; these include the destination, the facility or facilities where the procedure and recovery will take place, and the treating provider.

Make patients aware that medical tourism websites marketing directly to travelers might not include (or make available) comprehensive details on the accreditations, certifications, or qualifications of advertised facilities or providers. Local standards for facility accreditation and provider certification vary, and might not be the same as those in the United States; some facilities and providers abroad might lack accreditation or certification. In some locations, tracking patient outcome data or maintaining formal medical record privacy or security policies are not standard practices.

Medical tourists also should be aware that the drugs and medical products and devices used in other countries might not be subject to the same regulatory scrutiny and oversight as in the United States. In addition, some drugs could be counterfeit or otherwise ineffective because the medication expired, is contaminated, or was improperly stored (for more details, see the previous chapter in this section, . . . perspectives: Avoiding Poorly Regulated Medicines & Medical Products During Travel ).

Table 6-02 Online medical tourism resources

Checking credentials.

ACS recommends that medical tourists use internationally accredited facilities and seek care from providers certified in their specialties through a process equivalent to that established by the member boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties. Advise medical tourists to do as much advance research as possible on the facility and health care provider they are considering using. Also, inform medical tourists that accreditation does not guarantee a good outcome.

Accrediting organizations (e.g., The Joint Commission International, Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care) maintain listings of accredited facilities outside of the United States. Encourage prospective medical tourists to review these sources before committing to having a procedure or receiving medical care abroad.

ACS, ASPS, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery all accredit physicians abroad. Medical tourists should check the credentials of health care providers with search tools provided by relevant professional organizations.

Travel Health Insurance

Before travel, medical tourists should check their domestic health insurance plan carefully to understand what services, if any, are covered outside the United States. Additionally, travelers might need to purchase supplemental medical insurance coverage, including medical evacuation insurance; this is particularly important for travelers going to remote destinations or places lacking medical facilities that meet the standards found in high-income countries (see Sec. 6, Ch. 1, Travel Insurance, Travel Health Insurance & Medical Evacuation Insurance ). Medical tourists also should be aware that if complications develop, they might not have the same legal recourse as they would if they received their care in the United States.

Planning for Follow-Up Care

Medical tourists and their domestic physicians should plan for follow-up care. Patients and clinicians should establish what care will be provided abroad, and what the patient will need upon return. Medical tourists should make sure they understand what services are included as part of the cost for their procedures; some overseas facilities and providers charge substantial fees for follow-up care in addition to the base cost. Travelers also should know whether follow-up care is scheduled to occur at the same facility as the procedure.

Health care facilities in the United States should have systems in place to assess patients at admission to determine whether they have received medical care in other countries. Clinicians should obtain an explicit travel history from patients, including any medical care received abroad. Patients who have had an overnight stay in a health care facility outside the United States within 6 months of presentation should be screened for CRE. Admission screening is available free of charge through the Antibiotic Resistance Laboratory Network .

Notify state and local public health as soon as medical tourism–associated infections are identified. Returning patients often present to hospitals close to their home, and communication with public health authorities can help facilitate outbreak recognition. Health care facilities should follow all disease reporting requirements for their jurisdiction. Health care facilities also should report suspected or confirmed cases of unusual antibiotic resistance (e.g., carbapenem-resistant organisms, C. auris ) to public health authorities to facilitate testing and infection-control measures to prevent further transmission. In addition to notifying the state or local health department, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at [email protected] to report complications related to medical tourism.

The following authors contributed to the previous version of this chapter: Isaac Benowitz, Joanna Gaines


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Pavli A, Maltezou HC. Infectious complications related to medical tourism. J Travel Med. 2021;28(1):taaa210.

Pereira RT, Malone CM, Flaherty GT. Aesthetic journeys: a review of cosmetic surgery tourism. J Travel Med. 2018;25(1):tay042.

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Schnabel D, Esposito DH, Gaines J, Ridpath A, Barry MA, Feldman KA, et al. Multistate US outbreak of rapidly growing mycobacterial infections associated with medical tourism to the Dominican Republic, 2013–2014. Emerg Infect Dis. 2016;22(8):1340–7.

Stoney RJ, Kozarsky PE, Walker AT, Gaines JL. Population-based surveillance of medical tourism among US residents from 11 states and territories: findings from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022;43(7):870–5.

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    Not necessarily. It depends on what PII is on the document. The document becomes CUI when individual pieces of PII are combined which can then be used collaboratively to identify a specific individual. Examples of PII include: Full SSN or truncated SSN (such as last four digits) Date of birth (month, day, and year) Passport number; Driver's ...

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    Seattle, Wash., Aug. 26, 2024 — Holland America Line, a leader in destination-rich longer voyages, is inviting cruisers to sample one of its most prolific cruise categories by booking a segment of either the 2025 Grand World Voyage or 2025 Grand Voyage: Pole to Pole, for as little as $169 per day, including all taxes and fees.

  26. Right to disconnect

    Example: Employee is compensated for reasonable out of hours contact. Elizabeth is an associate at a medium-sized architecture firm where she usually works 8.30 am to 5 pm. Elizabeth has been asked to fill in for her manager who is taking 3 months leave. During this period, Elizabeth will need to lead the delivery of a project for a major client.

  27. 5 national parks to explore in India the are also UNESCO Heritage sites

    Kaziranga National Park, Assam Kaziranga National Park is celebrated for its success in conserving the one-horned rhinoceros. This park, recognised as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985, is a ...

  28. Here is what Trump plans to do if he returns to the White House

    Trump wants to reimpose his travel ban that originally targeted seven Muslim-majority countries and expand it to "keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the country." In the wake of the Hamas attack on Israel, he has pledged to put in place "ideological screening" for immigrants. His aim: bar "dangerous lunatics, haters, bigots, and ...

  29. The best motion sickness remedies of 2024, according to experts

    Here are the best ways to treat and prevent motion sickness while traveling. Browse treatments from brands like Dramamine, Sea-Band and GinGins.

  30. Medical Tourism

    Medical tourism is the term commonly used to describe international travel for the purpose of receiving medical care. Medical tourists pursue medical care abroad for a variety of reasons, including decreased cost, recommendations from friends or family, the opportunity to combine medical care with a vacation destination, a preference to receive care from a culturally similar provider, or a ...