The Ardennes Travel Guide

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Belgium’s southern reaches are a striking contrast to the crowded, industrial north, for it’s here in the south that the cities give way to the rugged wilderness landscapes of the Ardennes. Beginning in France, the Ardennes stretches east across Luxembourg and Belgium before continuing on into Germany, covering three Belgian provinces en route – Namur in the west, Luxembourg in the south and Liège in the east. The highest part, lying in the German-speaking east of the country, is the Hautes Fagnes (the High Fens), an expanse of windswept heathland that extends from Eupen to Malmédy. But this is not the Ardennes’ most attractive or popular corner, which lies further west, its limits roughly marked by Dinant, La Roche-en-Ardenne and Bouillon. This region is given character and variety by its river valleys: deep, wooded canyons, at times sublimely and inspiringly beautiful, reaching up to high green peaks. The Ardennes’ cave systems are also a major pull, especially those in the Meuse, Ourthe and Lesse valleys, carved out over the centuries by underground rivers that have cut through and dissolved the limestone hills, leaving stalagmites and stalactites in their wake.

Bouillon and around

La roche-en-ardenne and around, cycling, canoeing and other activities, namur and around, rochefort, han and around, walks from rochefort, canoeing and kayaking on the river lesse, south of dinant: the meuse and the lesse river valleys, st-hubert and around, walking, biking and canoeing along the river lesse.

The obvious gateway to the most scenic portion of the Ardennes is Namur , strategically sited at the junction of the Sambre and Meuse rivers, and well worth a visit in its own right. The town’s pride and joy is its massive, mostly nineteenth-century citadel – once one of the mightiest fortresses in Europe – but it also musters a handful of decent museums, some good restaurants and (for the Ardennes) a lively bar scene. From Namur you can follow the Meuse by train down to Dinant , a pleasant – and very popular – journey, before going on to explore the Meuse Valley south of Dinant by boat or taking a canoe up the narrower and wilder River Lesse . From Dinant, routes lead east into the heart of the Ardennes – to workaday Han-sur-Lesse , surrounded by undulating hills riddled with caves, to prettier Rochefort , and to St-Hubert , with its splendid Italianate basilica. The most charming of the towns hereabouts, however, are La Roche-en-Ardenne to the northeast, a rustic, hardy kind of place, pushed in tight against the River Ourthe beneath wooded hills and renowned for its smoked ham and game; and Bouillon , a picturesque little place whose narrow streets trail alongside the River Semois beneath an ancient castle. Bouillon is situated close to the French frontier, on the southern periphery of the Belgian Ardennes and within easy striking distance of some of the region’s most dramatic scenery, along the valley of the Semois. If you’re visiting the eastern Ardennes, the handiest starting point is big and gritty Liège , an industrial sprawl from where it’s a short hop south to the historic resort of Spa and the picturesque town of Stavelot , with its marvellous carnival. You can use Spa or Stavelot as bases for hiking or canoeing into the surrounding countryside and to venture into the Hautes Fagnes , though the attractive little town of Malmédy is slightly nearer.

Travel ideas for Belgium, created by local experts

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The best of the Netherlands and Belgium

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Experience the Liberation Route in BeNeLux

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Taste of Three - Belgium, France and Switzerland

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Beguiling BOUILLON , close to the French border on the edge of the Ardennes, some 50km southwest of La Roche, is a well-known and quite handsome resort town, enclosed in a loop of the River Semois and crowned by an outstanding castle. It’s a relaxed and amiable place, and an excellent base for exploring the wildly dramatic scenery of the countryside around, in particular the Semois river valley .

Bouillon's château

Bouillon’s pride and joy is its impossibly picturesque Château , set on a long and craggy ridge that runs high above town. The castle was originally held by a succession of independent dukes who controlled most of the land hereabouts. There were five of these, all called Godfrey de Bouillon , the fifth and last of whom left on the First Crusade in 1096, selling his dominions (partly to raise the cash for his trip) to the prince-bishop of Liège, and capturing Jerusalem three years later, when he was elected the Crusaders’ king. However, he barely had time to settle himself before he became sick – either from disease or, as was suggested at the time, because his Muslim enemies poisoned him, and he died in Jerusalem in 1100. Later, Louis XIV got his hands on the old dukedom and promptly had the castle refortified to the design of his military architect Vauban , whose handiwork defines most of the fortress today.

It’s an intriguing old place, with paths winding through most of its courtyards, along the battlements and towers, and through dungeons filled with weaponry and instruments of torture. Most visitors drive to the entrance, but walking there is easy enough too – either via rue du Château or, more strenuously, by a set of steep steps that climbs up from rue du Moulin, one street back from the river. Among the highlights, the Salle de Godfrey , hewn out of the rock, contains a large wooden cross sunk into the floor and sports carvings illustrating the castle’s history; there’s also the Tour d’Autriche (Austrian Tower) at the top of the castle, with fabulous views over the Semois valley.

Semois valley hikes

You can see the countryside around Rochehaut and Poupehan on foot by doing a half-day’s circular hike from Rochehaut to Poupehan and back again. From Rochehaut, take the path out of the southern end of the village, which leads into thick forests high above the river, from where a series of fixed ladders help you to negotiate the steep slopes down to the water. This is by far the hardest part of the walk, and once you’re at the bottom you can follow the easy path to Poupehan; from there, take the path that follows the river north back up to a quaint bridge over the river to the hamlet of Frahan , a huddle of stone houses draped over a steep hillock and surrounded by meadows. From here various paths will deliver you back up to Rochehaut on its perch high above.

Slung along the River Meuse beneath craggy green cliffs, DINANT , 30km from Namur, has a picture-postcard setting, its distinctive, onion-domed church of Notre-Dame lording it over the comings and goings of the barges and cruise boats. The Romans were the first to put the place on the map, occupying the town and naming it after Diana, the goddess of the hunt, but the town’s heyday came much later, in the fourteenth century, when it boomed from the profits of the metalworking industry, turning copper, brass and bronze into ornate jewellery known as dinanderie . Dinant’s prosperity turned rival cities, especially Namur, green with envy, and they watched with some satisfaction as local counts slugged it out for possession of the town. They may have been even happier when, in 1466, Charles the Bold decided to settle his Dinant account by simply razing the place to the ground. One result of all this medieval blood and thunder was the construction of an imposing citadel on the cliff immediately above the town, and, although Dinant was sacked on several subsequent occasions and badly damaged in both World Wars, the fortress has survived to become the town’s principal attraction.

Nowadays, Dinant makes a healthy living as a base for the tourist industry on the rivers Meuse and Lesse , its cruise boats, canoes and kayaks providing watery fun and games for thousands of visitors – though frankly the scenery is not nearly as wild as you’ll find deeper in the Ardennes, whilst the town itself is quickly exhausted.

By boat from Dinant

Despite its serpentine profile, the River Meuse south of Dinant is not especially scenic, though the town’s boat-tour operators still drum up lots of business for their river cruises . There are several different companies, but all boats depart from avenue Winston Churchill, one block from the main street, rue Grande; prices and itineraries are pretty standard whichever company you choose. Two good bets are the cruises to Anseremme , where you can hike off into the surrounding countryside, and Freÿr . There are also boats north along the Meuse to Namur on Sundays from mid-July to late August.

Sax Appeal in Dinant

Dinant’s most famous native is Adolphe Sax (1814–94), the inventor of the saxophone. Saxophiles will want to have a look at the musician’s old home, at rue Adolphe Sax 35, marked by a commemorative plaque and a neat stained-glass mural of a man blowing his horn (sadly it’s not open to the public), along with a statue of the king of cool reclining on a bench outside. For more sax appeal, take a left off Grand Rue onto rue en Rhée for the enjoyable Maison de la Pataphonie , at no. 51 ( t 082 21 39 39), which among other things supplies an interactive journey into the life and sounds of Sax but bear in mind it’s popular and you need to book in advance.

About 30km northwest of Bastogne and 25km northeast of St-Hubert, LA ROCHE-EN-ARDENNE is amazingly picturesque, hidden by hills until you’re right on top of it, and crowned by romantic castle ruins. It’s a strange mixture: a hidden place, geographically cut off from the rest of the world and surrounded by some of the wildest scenery in the Ardennes, yet it teems with people during high summer (most of whom come to get out into the countryside on foot or by canoe). Near here too, is Durbuy , a pretty little place with excellent accommodation and great walking, and the Grottes de Hotton , one of the best of the many Ardennes cave complexes.

The Grottes de Hotton

There’s a touch of Jules Verne about the Grottes de Hotton . The deepest of the Ardennes cave systems, they’re well worth the short trip from la Roche – and not just on a rainy day, either. Tours last an hour and take you 75m underground, where a fast-flowing river pours through a canyon almost 40m deep and just a few metres wide – an awesome sight. There are stalactites and stalagmites galore, again among the best you’ll see in all of Belgium’s caves, including patches of rare and peculiar specimens that grow horizontally from the rock.

The caves are about 2km from the centre of the sprawling village of Hotton – they’re well signposted but only reachable on foot or by car; from the main riverside rue de la Roche, follow route de Speleo Club de Belgique.

Walking, cycling and canoeing in the Ourthe valley

The tourist office in La Roche sells a rather rudimentary walking map ( Carte de Promenades ), with a dozen circular walks marked in the vicinity. The longest and most attractive of these is the 13km Walk 5 , which takes about six hours and is mildly strenuous. It starts on rue Bon Dieu du Maka, near place du Bronze, and rises steeply before levelling out through the woods above town and across fields of wildflowers. The walk follows GR route 57, dropping sharply to the river at Maboge , where several cafés offer lunch, then rejoining the main road for 500m until it turns left alongside a tributary of the Ourthe as far as the farm at Borzee. From here the route is easy to find, again heading through the woods with fabulous views, but when it descends towards the town keep your eyes peeled for a right and then an immediate left down an unpromising footpath that drops you onto the main road by the river. From here, take the second right for a final gentle stretch above the road, with good views over the town. Allow around three hours’ walking time for the 13km; to extend the route by an hour or so, pick up Walk 12 at Borzee, joining Walk 11 as far as the small town of Samree and returning through the forest to La Roche.

If you’re after a shorter hike, follow Walk 4 , a 6km route that takes about two hours. From the tourist office, head for place du Bronze and before you cross the bridge turn left on rue Clerue, and sharp left again up rue St Quolin. Turn left at the top and follow the road round to St Margaret’s Chapel , built in 1600 and once connected to the castle by an underground passageway. Just left of the chapel, a scramble up the steep slope leads up to a lookout point with views over La Roche, while continuing up the footpath brings you to the attractive but often crowded Parc Forestier du Deister . If you continue through the park you’ll rejoin Walk 4, looping briefly north and then dropping back to town, all along the roadway. Alternatively, GR route 57 provides a full half-day’s walking between La Roche and the hamlet of Nadrin, a distance of around 15km. Nadrin is home to a belvedere – actually a high tower with a restaurant attached – from which you can see the River Ourthe at six different points on its meandering course in and out of the tightly packed hills. The return journey can be completed by bus, but this only runs twice daily, so be sure to check times with the tourist office before you leave.

Obviously enough, renting a mountain bike allows you to see more of the surrounding forests: eight circular routes are set out in the Carte des Circuits Cyclotouristes , on sale at the tourist office. Bikes can be rented from Ardennes Aventures by the north bridge. They also organize canoeing trips on the Ourthe, bussing you (or letting you mountain bike) to Maboge for the 10km paddle downstream to La Roche (€15 per person, €30 with the bike ride), or to Nisramont for the strenuous 25km river trip (€20). They also organize river rafting and cross-country skiing in the winter.

Though the effective capital of the Ardennes, and of its own province, LIÈGE isn’t the most obvious stop on most travellers’ itineraries. It’s a large, grimy, industrial city, with few notable sights and little immediate appeal. However, it’s somewhat hard to avoid if you’re visiting the northern Ardennes and, once you’ve got to grips with the place, has a few pleasant surprises, not least the excellence of its restaurants. Certainly, if you’re overnighting here, give yourself at least half a day to nose around.

For most of its history, Liège was an independent principality; from the tenth century onwards it was the seat of a long line of prince-bishops , who ruled over bodies and souls until 1794, when the French revolutionary army expelled the last prince-bishop, torching his cathedral to hammer home the point. Later, Liège was incorporated into the Belgian state, rising to prominence as an industrial city. The coal and steel industries hereabouts date back to the twelfth century, but it was only in the nineteenth century that real development of the city’s position and natural resources took place, principally under one John Cockerill (1790–1840), a British entrepreneur whose family name you still see around town – though unfortunately for Liège and its workers, its industries are now in steep decline. Another name to conjure with is Georges Simenon , the famously priapic crime writer who spent his early life here – the tourist office has a leaflet describing a “Simenon Route”.

About 8km northeast of Stavelot, and connected to it (and Trois Ponts) by regular buses, the bustling resort of MALMÉDY is a popular tourist destination, its attractive streets flanked by lively restaurants, smart shops and cheap hotels. There’s not much to the town, but it’s a pleasant place to spend a night or two and makes a relatively inexpensive base for the Hautes Fagnes. Malmédy is also home to the Cwarmê , one of Belgium’s most famous festivals, held over the four days leading up to Shrove Tuesday. The main knees-up is the Sunday, during which roving groups of masked figures in red robes and plumed hats – the so-called Haguètes – wander around town seizing people with long wooden pincers derived, it’s thought, from the devices that were once used to give food to lepers. The Musée du Cwarmê on place de Rome has displays on the carnival, although at time of writing it was closed to visitors. The town’s compact centre runs from here to the main square, place Albert 1er , off of which is the imposing but somewhat plain eighteenth-century cathedral , surrounded by a clutch of fancy Germanic buildings.

Just 60km southeast of Brussels, NAMUR is a logical first stop if you’re heading into the Ardennes from the north or west, and is refreshingly clear of the industrial belts of Hainaut and Brabant. Many of Belgium’s towns and cities have suffered at the hands of invading armies and the same is certainly true of Namur, so much so that from the sixteenth century up until 1978, when the Belgian army finally moved out, Namur remained the quintessential military town, its sole purpose being the control of the strategically important junction of the rivers Sambre and Meuse. Generations of military engineers have pondered how to make Namur’s hilltop citadel impregnable – no one more so than Louis XIV’s Vauban – and the substantial remains of these past efforts are now the town’s main tourist attraction. Down below, the centre crowds the north bank of the River Sambre, its cramped squares and streets lined by big old mansions in the French style and sprinkled with several fine old churches and a handful of decent museums. There are some top-flight restaurants here too, but despite a substantial student presence, the nightlife is a little sedate, not that you’d guess if you visit during one of the town’s main festivals : in particular, the four-day Namur en Mai ( w ) packs the streets with jugglers, stilt-walkers and all sorts of spectaculars, and also showcases the talents of some internationally acclaimed performers.

The Trésor du Prieuré d’Oignies

The pick of the town’s museums is also its smallest, the Trésor du Prieuré d’Oignies , housed in just one small room of a convent at rue Julie Billiart 17. It’s a unique collection that comprises examples of the exquisitely beautiful gold and silver work of Brother Hugo d’Oignies , one of the most gifted of the region’s medieval metalworkers. From the eleventh to the thirteenth century, the Meuse valley was famous for the skill of its craftsmen, who worked in an essentially Romanesque style but evolved a more naturalistic and dynamic approach to their subject matter, a characteristic of early Gothic. Hugo was an innovator in the art of filigree , raising the decoration from the background so that the tiny human figures and animals seem to be suspended in space; and niello , in which a black mixture of sulphur or lead is used to incise lines into the gold. The pieces here are elaborately studded with precious and semiprecious stones and display an exquisite balance between ornament and function, depicting minute hunting scenes, with animals leaping convincingly through delicate foliage, engraved with a Christian dedication, or embossed with a tiny picture of the artist offering up his art to God in worship. In particular, look out for the intricately worked double-crosses, the dazzling reliquary cover for St Peter’s rib, the charming songbird and goblet of St Marie of Oignies, and a magnificent cover for a Book of the Gospels. The free audio-guide in English helps to make sense of it all.

A few kilometres upstream from Houyet, to the southeast, lies one of the Ardennes’ most beautiful regions, centring on the tourist resorts of Han-sur-Lesse and Rochefort . The district offers one or two specific sights, most notably the Han-sur-Lesse caves, as well as a scattering of castles, but the real magnet is the splendid countryside, a thickly wooded terrain of plateaux, gentle hills and valleys, and with quiet roads perfect for cycling. The best base for these rural wanderings is Rochefort, a middling sort of place with a good range of accommodation – and few of the crowds that swamp Han-sur-Lesse. By public transport , access is easiest from Namur; take the train to Jemelle , from where it’s about 3km west to Rochefort, 6km more to Han; there is an hourly bus service linking all three.


Just 6km southwest of Rochefort, the busy village of HAN-SUR-LESSE has got one thing going for it, the Grottes de Han , rue J. Lamotte 2 ( w ). Discovered at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the caves measure about 8km in length, a series of limestone galleries carved out of the hills by the River Lesse millions of years ago. The caves are actually just outside the village a little way downriver, but special trams (no extra charge) leave from a central ticket office in the heart of the village. Tours leave every half an hour during summer (hourly in April, Sept & Oct), last around an hour and are well worth it, although you visit only a small part of the cave system, taking in the so-called Salle du Trophée, the site of the largest stalagmite; the Salle d’Armes, where the Lesse reappears after travelling underground for 1km; and the massive Salle du Dôme – 129m high – which contains a small lake. After the tour, you make your own way back to the village on foot, which is a five- to ten-minute walk.

For an insight into how the caves were formed, head to the Musée du Monde Souterrain , at place Théo Lannoy 3; it’s behind the tourist office and church, across the street from the caves’ ticket office. A section of the museum explains the process, while others display the prehistoric artefacts unearthed during a series of archeological digs in and around the caves. Most were found where the Lesse surfaces again after travelling through the grottoes – among them flints, tools and bone ornaments from the Neolithic period, as well as weapons and jewellery from the Bronze Age.

A small, fairly undistinguished place, the pocket-sized town of ROCHEFORT is an excellent base for exploring the western reaches of the Ardennes, with a decent range of accommodation and other facilities. The town follows the contours of an irregularly shaped hill, with its long and pleasant main street, rue de Behogne , slicing through the centre from north to south. The ruins of the medieval Château Comtal perch atop a rocky outcrop off to the right of rue Jacquet, but were closed for renovation at the time of writing. In any case there’s not much to see beyond the views – just the remains of the old walls, a couple of wells and, in the small park just below the entrance, the eighteenth-century arcades that were added to prop up the château’s fashionable formal gardens.

Walking, cycling and canoeing around Rochefort

Crisscrossed by rivers, the handsome countryside around Rochefort provides lots of opportunities for walking, canoeing and mountain-biking. Walkers need the Institut Géographique National’s map, Rochefort et ses villages (on sale at the tourist offices in Rochefort and Han), which lists almost thirty numbered walks, as well as eight routes for mountain bikers and three for cyclists . Kayaks Lesse et Lomme in Han rents out mountain bikes and regular bikes, and organizes excursions involving a combination of canoeing and cycling; mountain bikes can also be rented from the tourist office in Rochefort.

The Résurgence d’Eprave – Walk 12 – is one of the most scenically varied, a 12km circular route. Take rue Jacquet out of town past the château and the route is signposted to the right, through Hamerenne with its tiny Romanesque chapel of St Odile, and across fields full of wild flowers, to the River Lomme. Follow the riverbank to the spot where the River Wamme emerges from underground to join the Lomme; don’t try to cross the river but double back and turn right for the stiff climb uphill past the Eprave Grotto for grand views over the cornfields. Fifteen minutes’ walk further on, the village of Eprave has a restored mill with a working water wheel and, opposite on rue de l’Aujoule, the Auberge du Vieux Moulin , an immaculate four-star hotel with ultramodern rooms, which makes a delightful place to stay or eat ( t 084 37 73 18, w ; €121–150). The restaurant is open daily in July and August, but closes on Sunday and Tuesday evening as well as all of Monday at other times of the year; the menu is firmly nouveau, with main courses beginning at about €17. The walk back to Rochefort from here is rather dull, following the road, and you may want to retrace your steps, or join Walk 4 , Grotte d’Eprave, to Han for the hourly bus back to Rochefort. A couple of good shorter walks around Rochefort include Walk 7 , Lorette, a thirty-minute climb up through the woods above town, taking in the Lorette chapel and some decent views over the castle. Head up rue de Lorette towards the caves and turn left, keeping to the left where the track is signposted. The 6km Walk 10 , Abbaye de Saint Rémy, goes the other way out of town, across the bridge and cutting north off the main road through some thickly wooded scenery as far as Abbaye de St Remy, where they produce Rochefort Trappist beer, before looping back to Rochefort.

To mess about on the river, canoes and kayaks can be rented from Kayaks Lesse et Lomme, near the bridge in Han ( t 082 22 43 97). They have a few canoes and pedal boats for splashing around town, but it’s much more scenic and fun to join one of their excursions . The shortest (and least expensive) trip is the two-hour jaunt by kayak to Lessive, 6km away, and 4km back by bike (about €20 per person, €30 for two, all-inclusive). The longest is to Wanlin, 19km by kayak and 13km return by bike or bus. You can start the shortest trip anytime between 10am and 4pm; for Wanlin you have start between 10am and noon. Incidentally, in high summer the water level on the Lesse can drop low enough to make canoeing impossible; call ahead to confirm.

Beyond Dinant, the River Meuse loops its way south to Givet, across the border in France, and can be explored by cruise boat from Dinant. This stretch of the river is pleasant enough, but certainly not exciting – it’s too wide and sluggish for that – and neither is the scenery more than mildly inviting, its best feature being the steep, wooded cliffs framing portions of the riverbank.

The tiny settlements lining up along the river are pretty bland too, the only real exception being HASTIÈRE-PAR-DELÀ , about 15km from Dinant, which is home to the fascinating Église Notre Dame , a finely proportioned church built at the behest of a colony of Irish monks in the 1030s, although the Gothic choir was added two hundred years later. Subsequent architectural tinkering followed two attacks – one by Protestants in 1568, the other by the French revolutionary army in the 1790s – but most of the medieval church has survived intact, with a flat wooden roof, plain square pillars and heavy round arches. The triumphal arch bears a faded painting dating from the original construction and is underpinned by gallows (wooden scaffolding), which in their turn support an unusual German fifteenth-century Calvary, depicting Christ, Mary and St John standing on a dragon. Close by, the wooden thirteenth-century choir stalls are among the oldest in Belgium, with unique misericord carvings – some allegorical, some satirical and some purely decorative. Curiously, a number of them were replaced with a plain triangle in 1443 on the grounds that they were blasphemous – or at least disrespectful. Finally, next to the baptismal font are two statues of the Virgin, one of which – the one on the left in the glass case – is an exquisite sixteenth-century carving, whose graceful posture has earned it a place in several national exhibitions. After you’ve explored the church, you can pop across the road to Le Côté Meuse , a pleasant café with a good line in crepes and waffles.

Wilder and prettier, the River Lesse spears off the Meuse in ANSEREMME , and although there’s precious little point in hanging around here, it’s a good starting point for both local hikes and canoe trips; by the river, Lesse Kayaks ( t 082 22 43 97, w ) rents out one- and two-seater kayaks, three-person canoes and large piloted boats for up to twenty passengers. Reckon on paying €16–19 for a single kayak, €22–30 for a double, or around €30 for a three-person canoe.

Heading south from Anseremme, it’s 2.5km to the solitary Château de Freÿr , a crisply symmetrical, largely eighteenth-century brick mansion pushed up against the main road and the river. The compulsory guided tour ( w ) traipses through a series of opulent rooms, distinguished by their period furniture and thundering fireplaces. Running parallel to the river are the adjoining gardens , laid out in the formal French style, spreading over three terraces and including a maze. A pavilion at the highest point provides a lovely view over the château and river.

SPA , about 30km southeast of Liège, was the world’s first health resort, established way back in the sixteenth century: Pliny the Elder knew of the healing properties of the waters here and Henry VIII was an early visitor, but it was Peter the Great who clinched the town’s fame, heralding it as “the best place to take the waters”. Since then the town has given its name to thermal resorts worldwide, reaching a height of popularity in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when it was known as the “Café of Europe”, being graced by monarchs, statesmen, intellectuals and aristocrats from every corner of the continent. Later the town went into slow decline – when the poet Matthew Arnold visited in 1860, he claimed it “astonished us by its insignificance” – but Spa is now on the way back following the opening of a new thermal complex, Les Thermes de Spa , on the hill overlooking the resort. Furthermore, the town below still preserves an endearing sense of faded distinction and continues to draw a loyal clientele of elderly locals, whilst also making a good base for excursions into the Hautes Fagnes, a short drive to the south and southeast.

The small and tranquil town of STAVELOT rambles up the hill from the River Amblève. It grew up around its abbey , which ran the area as an independent principality until the French revolutionary army ended its privileges at the end of the eighteenth century. The town was also the scene of fierce fighting during the Ardennes campaign of the last war, and some of the Nazis’ worst atrocities in Belgium were committed here.

These days it’s a pleasant old place, the pretty streets of its tiny centre flanked by a battery of half-timbered houses that mostly date from the eighteenth century. The best time to be here is for its renowned annual carnival , the Laetare , first celebrated here in 1502 and held on the third weekend before Easter, from Saturday to Monday evening; the main protagonists are the Blancs Moussis , figures of which you’ll see adorning various Stavelot houses. There are also festivals of theatre and music in July and August respectively, with performances in the abbey buildings.

The Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens

To the east of Spa, the pleasant but unexceptional little town of Eupen is the capital of the German-speaking region of Belgium, or Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens , a pint-sized area pushed tight against the German border that’s home to around 75,000 people and enjoys the same federal status as the other two linguistic areas of the country. Once part of Prussia, the area was ceded to Belgium by the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I in 1919, but German remains the main language (and is still spoken somewhat in neighbouring Malmedy and other areas), and the area has its own tiny parliament and government. Eupen itself certainly has a distinctive Rhineland feel, but that aside there’s precious little reason to visit.


Just outside Francorchamps, the race circuit of Spa-Francorchamps is renowned as one of the most scenic and historic venues in the motorsports world. Formerly a 14km-long road circuit, races used to take in the whole of the surrounding area, to Malmédy and Stavelot and back, but now those towns serve as dormitories for the thousands who come here to enjoy the racing every year. The highlight by far is September’s Belgian Grand Prix, but the circuit is busy almost every day between March and November, hosting all kinds of events, some of which are free. Anyone can visit, and most of the time there’s free access to the paddock and pit lane, as well as the panoramic top-floor brasserie. It’s also possible to see more of the circuit – the media centre and race control room, for example – by way of the regular guided tours that are run on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 2pm ( t 087 29 37 00, w ).

ST-HUBERT , about 20km southeast of Rochefort, is another popular Ardennes resort, albeit one with an entirely different feel from its neighbours, largely on account of its solitary location, up on a plateau and surrounded by forest. A small town with just six thousand inhabitants, it’s well worth a visit, though after you’ve explored its star turn, the basilica , and maybe hiked out into the surrounding woods, there’s not much to detain you: the town centre is too dishevelled to be particularly endearing and the lack of quality accommodation may make you think twice about staying.

Basilique St-Hubert

The Basilique St-Hubert is easily the grandest religious edifice in the Ardennes and has been an important place of pilgrimage since the relics of the eponymous saint were moved here in the ninth century. A well-respected though shadowy figure, St Hubert (c.656–727 AD) was, according to legend, formerly Count Hubert, a Frankish noble whose love of hunting culminated in a vision of Christ between the antlers of a stag, after which he gave his money away and dedicated his life to the church, and was later canonized as the patron saint of hunters and trappers. The first abbey here predated the cult of St Hubert, but after the saint’s relics arrived, the abbey – as well as the village that grew up in its shadow – was named in his honour. In medieval times, the abbey was one of the region’s richest and a major landowner; it was suppressed by the French in the 1790s, but the abbey church – now the basilica – plus several of the old buildings survived, and flank the grand rectangular piazza that leads to the basilica’s main entrance.

From the outside, the basilica’s outstanding feature is the Baroque west facade of 1702, made of limestone and equipped with twin pepper-pot towers, a clock and a carving on the pediment depicting the miracle of St Hubert. Inside, the clear lines of the Gothic nave and aisles have taken an aesthetic hammering from both an extensive Baroque refurbishment and a heavy-handed neo-Gothic makeover in the 1840s. It’s impressive more for its size rather than for any particular features, but do take a look at the choir stalls , typically Baroque and retelling the legend of St Hubert (on the right-hand side) and St Benedict (on the left), as well as the elaborate tomb of St Hubert, on the left at the beginning of the ambulatory, carved in the 1840s (King Léopold I, a keen huntsman, picked up the bill). Above the tomb is the only stained-glass window to have survived from the sixteenth century, a richly coloured, wonderfully executed work of art.

The Dinant tourist office sells the Institut Géographique National’s map Dinant et ses Anciennes Communes , which shows fifteen numbered circular walks in the Dinant area, each of which has a designated starting point at one of the district’s hotels. Also shown on the map are one cycling circuit and five mountain bike routes , the latter ranging from five to forty kilometres in length; to see the most attractive scenery you need to get out on the longer routes 19 and 20. The 5km Walk 5 takes in much of the locality’s most pleasant scenery, weaving its way along and around the River Lesse between the hamlets of Anseremme and Pont à Lesse. It involves some reasonably testing ascents, whereas GR route 126 offers about three hours of gentle walking along the Lesse between Houyet and Gendron-Celles, both of which have a train station. Take the train timetable along with your picnic and you can plan to arrive at Gendron-Celles in time for the return train to Dinant. The 8km Walk 8 is not one of the more spectacular routes – much of it is over tarmac road – but it does allow you to visit a couple of places of some interest. From Gendron-Celles train station, the route leads about 2km northeast along a country road – and beside a small tributary of the Lesse – to Vêves , whose fifteenth-century château is perched on a grassy mound overlooking the surrounding countryside ( w ). With its spiky turrets and dinky towers, the château is inordinately picturesque, but the interior is disappointingly mundane – mostly eighteenth-century period rooms. A couple of kilometres further on, Celles is one of the prettier villages hereabouts, gently filing up the slope of a wooded hill, underneath the huge tower and Lombard arches of the Romanesque Église St-Hadelin. There’s a sporadic bus service from here to Dinant, or you can return to Gendron-Celles train station via the Bois de Hubermont. If you’re driving, note that Celles is on the N94, about 9km east of Dinant.

The standard itinerary for potential canoeists and kayakers begins at Anseremme, where most take the train (or special minibus) to either Gendron-Celles (for the 11km 3hr paddle back) or Houyet (21km; 5hr). If you’re travelling by train to begin with, you can go straight to Gendron or Houyet from Dinant and pick up a boat there – but remember that advance reservations are well-nigh essential. The Lesse itself is wild and winding, with great scenery, though be warned that it sometimes gets so packed that there’s a veritable canoe log jam. Consequently, it’s a good idea to set out as early as possible to avoid some of the crush – though if you’re paddling back from Houyet you really have to get going early anyway. Both Gendron-Celles and Houyet train stations are metres from the river – and the boats – and also make good starting points for hiking the surrounding countryside.

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updated 30.04.2021


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Long exposure of stunning and popular waterfalls in the Belgian Ardennes, Waterfalls of Coo, province of Liege, Wallonia, Belgium. Beautiful nature and sunny day.

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The Ardennes

If you’re looking for outdoor activities, fresh air and greenery, head for Belgium’s southeastern corner. Here you’ll find meandering rivers that are ideal for low-intensity kayaking. A whole series of dramatic cave systems have been sensitively equipped for visitors. Forested hills and deep valleys shelter appealing small towns topped by picture-perfect castle ruins. And in midwinter the slopes that edge the Hautes Fagnes fenlands might get enough snow to offer a weekend or two of skiing. As winter comes towards its end, the fabulous carnivals of Stavelot, Malmédy and Eupen burst with revelry. OK, so some of the Meuse Valley cities look dauntingly grimy, but scratch the surface and you'll find history, great hospitality and a wealth of attractions hiding history beneath the careworn exteriors.


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Château de Bouillon

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The Ardennes and beyond

View from the stairway of the Montagne de Bueren downwards to the city center of Liege, Belgium

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Nature and leisure essentials

The Meuse Cycle Route/EuroVelo 19

The loop of the meuse at monthermé.

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  • The Roc la Tour

Old Forges Lake

  • Lake Bairon

The Ardennes on video

Explore the Ardennes on video

Facing the impressive Monthermé loop

One Ardennes, 3 countries

The great nature escape

By motorhome and/or van in the Ardennes

The great nature escape

Cycling in the Ardennes

On foot in the Ardennes

On foot in the Ardennes

Pleasure in the Ardennes

On the water in the Ardennes

The great nature escape

Mountain biking in the Ardennes

The great nature escape

On a motorcycle in the Ardennes

The great nature escape

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Meditation at Roc la Tour

The Roc la Tour site in Monthermé - © Les Droners

The great nature escape

Couple Place Ducale

Place Ducale in Charleville-Mézières - © David Truillard

Let yourself be surprised

Inspiration Loop of the Meuse in Monthermé

The Meuse loop at Monthermé - © Les Droners

Rejuvenate in nature

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The fortified castle of Sedan - © Laetis

Step into history

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The South Ardennes Greenway - © David Truillard

On the way to freedom

Wild boar

The Ardennes wild boar - © Denis Mignon

Closer to animals

Paddle on the Lac des Vieilles-Forges

The Vieilles-Forges Lake - © Les Droners

For a moment of serenity

The ardennes.


Lake of Vieilles-Forges


On the water

A motorcycle

Hiking in the Ardennes

In the Ardennes, walking is a pleasure, nature an undisputed queen. One-day walk or multi-day roaming, you will find your happiness here for hiking.

Hiking in the Ardennes

The road to Santiago de Compostela

The great nature escape

From the Ardennes massif to the forests of the Argonne or the valleys of the Thiérache, the Ardennes offer lovers of cycling a playground accessible to all. For the more athletic, the Ardennes massif also offers beautiful mountain biking circuits.

The South-Ardennes Greenway

The South-Ardennes Greenway

The Meuse by bike

The Meuse by bike

Pénichette on the Canal des Ardennes

Water is an important component of the Ardennes department. Rivers, rivers and lakes dot the landscape and offer a range of recreational and sporting activities.

The lakes in the Ardennes

The lakes in the Ardennes

Pénichette on the Canal des Ardennes

River tourism

The great nature escape

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Rimbaud-Verlaine road

Rimbaud-Verlaine road

Bikers welcome, the Ardennes by motorbike

Bikers welcome, the Ardennes by motorbike

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Unusual accommodation

Bed & Breakfasts

Bed & Breakfasts

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ardennes belgium best places to visit

Gastronomy & terroir

There are many opportunities to get together and celebrate life in the Ardennes. Its soil is rich, tasty and the Ardennes people are friendly. Sharing is their watchword. Welcome to the Ardennes, a world of tastes and good food where life is good.

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The fortified castle of Sedan

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The sound and light show of La Cassine en Ardenne©

The sound and light show of La Cassine en Ardenne©

The Cabaret Vert in Charleville-Mézières

The Cabaret Vert in Charleville-Mézières

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20 Best things to do in Ardennes: My 4 day itinerary

November 22, 2023 | Posted in: Belgium

My 4-day gastronomic journey in the Belgian Ardennes was an experience filled with discovery and indulgence.

Day 1 began at The Owl Distillery. Though not a drinker, the visit was enlightening. Our guide, Isabelle, shared the history and production of their unique whiskies. The distillery's close collaboration with local farmers was notable. Despite my usual aversion to alcohol, I tried some whisky. The flavors were intense and varied, a revelation made possible by Isabelle's guidance. In the evening, dinner at La Cucinella in Liège was a delight. Julien Marzano's approachable Italian cuisine and the restaurant's welcoming atmosphere stood out. I savored veal carpaccio, followed by linguine with mussels. Each dish was a testament to Julien's culinary skills. The plan was to visit BeerLovers after dinner, a café with an extensive beer selection. However, I opted for rest instead, given the early start to the day. I spent the night at The Street Lodge, a cozy B&B with a generous breakfast spread that included rice pie, croissants, and various bread and cakes.

the ardennes activities

Day 2 took us to chocolatier Darcis in Verviers. As a chocolate enthusiast, this visit was a highlight. The museum tour offered insights into the history of Belgian chocolate and Darcis' unique creations. We even had a chance to make pralines. Lunch at Au Vieux Bourg in Verviers was memorable for its hearty, traditional fare. The grilled chicken salad was particularly enjoyable. The afternoon was spent at Val-Dieu Abbey and brewery. Our guide, Martine, led us through the history and brewing process, culminating in a tasting session. Dinner at Yves Radelet's restaurant in Luxembourg was another culinary highlight. My meal included scallop carpaccio, shrimp ravioli, and a decadent chocolate moelleux. We stayed at the Hotel International in Clervaux, a comfortable and well-appointed establishment.

the ardennes belgium

Day 3 was about hands-on experiences. We started at the National Brewery Museum in Luxembourg, engaging in a brewing workshop. Crafting our beer was educational and fun. Lunch was at Robbesscheier, where we made our pizzas in a traditional oven and participated in a food-guessing quiz. We also visited the Rackésmillen, an old water mill, and then enjoyed dinner at Wagon Leo. The restaurant, with its train theme and excellent food, was unique. Our stay at Gaussignac B&B was warm and hospitable, with superb Ardennes cuisine prepared by the hosts, Françoise and Michel.

ardennes belgium tourism

Day 4 began with a walk and horse carriage ride through the snowy Ardennes landscape, led by Richard Mignolet of Ardenne Plaisir. The experience was magical, especially the carriage ride through snow-covered forests. We concluded our trip with a visit to the Saint-Monon brewery in Ambly. This microbrewery tour included a tasting of their diverse beers.

weekend ardennes

Based on my recent trip, here’s a list of my pick of the best things to do in Ardennes and Belgian Ardennes.

  • Visit Bouillon Castle. Bouillon Castle is a medieval fortress dating back over 1,000 years, located on a ridge overlooking Bouillon. It has a long history of destruction and reconstruction through various wars. Today visitors can explore the towers, ramparts, Gothic hall, dungeons and secret passages. Highlights include falconry shows, the Scriptura exhibition on writing history, and summer night tours. There are also kid-friendly activities.
  • Explore the medieval town of Durbuy. Durbuy is Belgium's smallest official “city” with about 400 residents. Its charming cobblestone streets and timber-framed medieval houses have remained unchanged since the 14th century when it was a walled city. Visitors can explore the pedestrian streets, museum, castle, and St Nicholas Church. The surrounding hills also offer hiking, rock climbing, and river activities.
  • Go hiking in the Semois Valley. Semois Valley follows the 100km Semois River through forests and farmland in Belgium's Ardennes region. There are numerous trails like the GR 16 for hiking, opportunities for kayaking and fishing, historic landmarks like Bouillon Castle, and a restored old slate mine turned museum. The valley can be reached by train or car.
  • See the Coo Waterfalls. The Coo Waterfalls have a 15m drop, making them Belgium's tallest. Formed in the 18th century, they lie in a natural setting surrounded by forests. Nearby attractions include Plopsa Amusement Park, kayaking, mini golf, chair lift rides, and hiking trails to showcase Belgium's Ardennes scenery. Families and nature lovers would appreciate the site.
  • Tour the Caves of Han-sur-Lesse. The Caves of Han are a natural 1.6km long cave complex with formations like stalactites and huge chambers, situated below Han-sur-Lesse village. TheDomain of the Caves features a sound/light show, wildlife park with native animals, interactive museums about regional history and peasant life, restaurants, and lodging. Access is by 30-60 minute guided tours.
  • Canoe or kayak down the Lesse River. The Lesse River flows 89km in Belgium's Ardennes, featuring sections suitable for paddling. Outfitters offer equipment rentals and shuttle services for beginner or winter tours along the Lesse. The riverbanks provide trails for hiking and cycling. Fishing and more adventurous underground kayaking in the limestone caves are other options. The Lesse appeals for outdoor recreation.
  • Visit Orval Abbey and brewery. Orval Abbey, founded in 1070, features ruins of past buildings, museums, gardens, and a gift shop. Uniquely, there has been a brewery onsite since the earliest days to finance monastery operations. Visitors can tour the grounds and museum to explore the abbey's history, beer making, and medicinal herbs. The abbey is located deep in the countryside.
  • Bike the Trans-Ardennes cycle path. The 130km traffic-free Trans-Ardennes cycle trail follows the Meuse River through northeast France. Passing forests and farmland with no steep sections, it was voted “Cycle Route of the Year” in 2010. Highlights include medieval castles, riverside towns and traces of industrial heritage. Reachable by 1.5 hour train from Paris, it suits leisurely family cycling.
  • Go to Dinant and tour the citadel. Built atop a 100m cliff overlooking Dinant, the formidable citadel has strategically controlled this stretch of the Meuse valley for centuries. Destroyed and rebuilt many times during conflicts, the current 1815 citadel houses a museum on its history. Visitors enjoy the impressive valley views, displays of weaponry and trenches, the steep 408 steps to the city center, or a cable car ride.
  • See the ruins of Reinhardstein Castle. Reinhardstein is a meticulously rebuilt 14th century hilltop castle overlooking Belgium's Warche valley. Guided tours explain the castle's rooms and history over 600 years. Visitors must park away and walk 600m to the site. Surrounding trails range from easy to moderate difficulty.

travel around the ardennes

1. Visit Bouillon Castle

Bouillon Castle is a medieval fortress located on a rocky ridge overlooking the town of Bouillon and the Semois River valley in Belgium. The full address is Esplanade Godefroid 1, 6830 Bouillon. It is also known as Château-Fort de Bouillon in French.

Bouillon Castle is special because of its long history dating back over 1,000 years and connection to the famous Crusader Godfrey of Bouillon. The castle has been expanded, destroyed, and rebuilt several times through wars and sieges. Today, visitors can explore the maze of tunnels, towers, ramparts, dungeons, and secret passages. Popular highlights include the large Gothic hall called the Salle Godefroy de Bouillon, the Austria Tower with panoramic views, and the 165m deep well.

Visitors to Bouillon Castle can take part in daily falconry shows from March-November, explore the permanent Scriptura exhibition on the history of writing, and join nighttime torchlight tours in summer. There are activities suitable for families like treasure hunts for kids. The castle also hosts special events such as medieval fairs, jousting tournaments, theater productions, and sound/light shows.

Bouillon Castle is located in the town of Bouillon in the province of Luxembourg, 90km from Luxembourg City. It can be reached by car via the E411 motorway. Street parking is available near the castle. Without a car, take the train to Libramont Station, then bus #8 directly to Bouillon.

The castle, activities, and views appeal to visitors of all ages. Families and kids enjoy the hands-on offerings while history buffs appreciate the architecture and museum-quality collections. Admission prices in 2023 are €15 (US$17, £13) for adults and €11 (US$12, £10) for seniors and students. Discounted combination tickets are available.

Bouillon Castle

2. Explore the medieval town of Durbuy

Durbuy is a small medieval town located in southeast Belgium in the province of Luxembourg. With only 400 permanent residents in its town center, Durbuy claims the title of being “the smallest city in the world.” The town is situated at the edge of the Ardennes Forest on the River Ourthe, about 125 kilometers from Brussels and near the borders of Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany. Durbuy goes by a couple of other names including “the eternal little city” and “the smallest town on earth.” However, its official name remains simply Durbuy.

Durbuy has an exceptionally well-preserved medieval character. The layout of its charming cobblestone streets lined with stone and timber-framed houses has not changed since the 14th century when it was enclosed by defensive walls. In 1331, Durbuy was elevated to the rank of city by John the Blind, Count of Luxembourg and King of Bohemia. Though it has only about 400 permanent residents, it retains this official designation today.

Visitors to Durbuy can explore its fairytale-like old town on foot and browse the cafes, restaurants, shops and art galleries tucked away on its narrow pedestrian streets. Popular sites include the 17th century Corn Exchange (Halle aux Blés) which now houses a museum, the towering castle overlooking the river, and St Nicholas Church with its impressive baptismal font and pulpit.

Durbuy also serves as a gateway for outdoor recreation. The surrounding hills and forests offer hiking, rock climbing, and opportunities for kayaking, canoeing or rafting on the River Ourthe which flows through town. Family-friendly activities can be found at the Adventure Valley Durbuy activity park located just outside town, while the peaceful Topiary Park along the river banks showcases imaginative sculptures carved from trimmed shrubs and trees.

Visitors can reach Durbuy by the local train from Brussels to the nearby Barvaux-sur-Ourthe station and then walk or take a taxi the remaining distance to town. Durbuy can be reached by car in 90 minutes from Brussels by taking the E411 motorway towards Namur and then following signs for the town center.

Durbuy appeals most to families and outdoor enthusiasts due to its abundance of cafes, kid-friendly attractions and access to the great outdoors. Solo travelers and couples would also appreciate exploring its historic old town and relaxing riverside cafes. Access to particular sights in Durbuy like the museum or activity park carries additional charges, like the entry to the Topiary Park costs €4.50 for adults and €1 for children ages 6-12.

Medieval town of Durbuy

3. Explore the Semois Valley

Semois Valley is a river valley located in southeastern Belgium's Ardennes region. The valley follows the path of the Semois River for around 100 kilometers (62 miles) as it winds through forested hills and farmland, beginning near the town of Arlon and eventually flowing into the Meuse River in France. Some key features of Semois Valley include the medieval town of Bouillon with its hilltop castle, beautiful viewpoints overlooking the river, restored slate quarries, hiking trails, and remnants of the region's historical tobacco cultivation.

The full address of Semois Valley would be the towns and villages located along the Semois River's course through southeastern Belgium's Luxembourg and Namur provinces. This includes towns and villages like Arlon, Bouillon, Alle-sur-Semois, Vresse-sur-Semois, Chiny, Florenville, Herbeumont, and Bohan. Several panoramic viewpoints allow visitors to take in the scenery, including spots like the Bouillon Belvedere, Tombeau du Geant, and Le Jambon de la Semois. The slate history of towns like Bertrix and Alle-sur-Semois is also unique. Semois river itself was historically referred to as Sesbach in German and Semoy in French.

Visitors to the valley can hike numerous trails along the river and surrounding area, like the GR 16 long distance path. The river also provides opportunities for kayaking, canoeing and fishing. Cycling mountain bike trails and visiting historic villages and landmarks like the Bouillon Castle are other popular activities. An old slate mine in Alle-sur-Semois was also turned into a museum to showcase the region's history.

People visiting Semois Valley can drive there or take the train. Major nearby cities with train stations include Namur, Liège, Brussels, and Luxembourg City. From these stations trains run to smaller stations in the valley area like Libramont, Bertrix or Paliseul. Renting a car would provide the most flexibility for getting around the valley itself. The valley's outdoor recreation would appeal most to adult hikers, cyclists, fishing enthusiasts and nature lovers. Families would also enjoy exploring the Bouillon Castle or slate mine museum.

Semois Valley

4. See the Coo Waterfalls

Coo Waterfalls, known as Cascade de Coo, is a picturesque waterfall located on the Amblève River in the village of Coo in the province of Liège, Belgium. The waterfall has a height of 15 meters (49 feet), making it the highest natural waterfall in Belgium. The Coo Waterfalls are comprised of two distinct waterfalls in close proximity. The smaller waterfall on the right has existed since at least the 15th century. In the 18th century, monks constructed the larger waterfall to prevent flooding in the nearby village of Petit-Coo. They created an opening in the riverbank to divert the water flow, unintentionally forming the stunning waterfall visitors see today.

The Coo Waterfalls are situated in a beautiful natural setting, surrounded by lush greenery and forests. It is located 50 kilometers (31 miles) from Liège and have been a popular tourist destination since the 19th century, drawing 1.5 million visitors annually.

At the base of the falls lies the village of Coo, home to several attractions and activities. An amusement park called Plopsa Coo features rides, games, and a petting zoo for children. Visitors can also go kayaking on the river, play mini golf, ride go-karts, and take a hike on one of the many nearby trails. A chair lift travels up the hillside for impressive views of the Amblève valley.

The Coo Waterfalls offer beautiful scenery for nature lovers and photographers. The surroundings showcase the lush forests, rivers, and valleys definitive of Belgium's Ardennes region. Families will appreciate the family-friendly facilities. Adventurous travelers can enjoy outdoor sports like kayaking and hiking. There is something for everyone at this magnificent natural wonder.

Entry to view the waterfalls is free. Access to activities in the adjoining amusement park and tourist facilities requires paid admission. Tickets to ride the chairlift up the mountain cost €6 ($7, £5) for adults and €4 ($5, £3) for children. Rental of equipment like kayaks and admission to attractions like the petting zoo also come at additional costs ranging from €3-15 ($4-18, £3-13). Visitors should come prepared to pay for certain entertainment options beyond simple viewing of the falls.

Coo Waterfalls

5. Tour the Caves of Han-sur-Lesse

The Caves of Han-sur-Lesse, also known as Grottes de Han, are a famous natural cave complex located on the outskirts of the village of Han-sur-Lesse in Belgium's Walloon region. The caves are situated within the 250-hectare Domain of the Caves of Han, which also encompasses a wildlife park, museums, restaurants, and accommodations.

The cave complex was formed over 500,000 years ago due to erosion from the underground river Lesse, which carved out a network of spectacular galleries and chambers in the limestone hillside before emerging on the other side of the ridge. The caves extend 1.6 kilometers underground and feature impressive formations like stalactites, stalagmites, columns, draperies, and cascading pools.

The most outstanding chamber is the Salle du Dôme, with immense dimensions of 149 meters long, 86 meters wide, and 62 meters high. Another highlight is the Caves of Han sound and light show “Origin,” which brings the underground scenery alive through state-of-the-art laser, video mapping, and lighting effects.

Outside, visitors can explore the Domain's 250-hectare wildlife park by foot or safari bus to observe native wildlife like deer, wild boars, wolves, lynxes, bears, and vultures. Two small museums are also accessible with cave tickets: the PrehistoHan museum covers 10,000 years of regional history revealed through archaeological excavations, while the Han 1900 museum depicts early 20th century peasant life.

The Domain of the Caves of Han is located at Rue Joseph Lamotte 2, 5580 Han-sur-Lesse, Belgium. Access is only by guided tour, with tours departing every 30-60 minutes. Tickets cost 27€ for adults and 21€ for children aged 4-11.

Visitors are transported to the cave entrance by a charming century-old narrow-gauge tramline. The cave has temperatures of 13°C year-round, so warm clothing is recommended. The standard “Cave Discovery” tour takes 1 hour 15 minutes to explore the main galleries and Origin show. The more extensive 2 hour “Cave Journey” tour covers deeper sections of the cave by traversing 2 kilometers underground and climbing 510 steps each way.

The Cave of Han appeals to visitors of all ages. Families appreciate the kid-friendly wildlife park, playground, interactive museums, and special events. Adults find the extensive cave complex fascinating from geological, historical, and artistic perspectives. Thrill-seekers can book more adventurous cave explorations like guided climbs or underground kayaking on the subterranean river.

Caves of Han-sur-Lesse

6. Visit the Lesse River

The Lesse River is located in Belgium, rising in the Ardennes Mountains and flowing northwest for approximately 89 kilometers before joining the Meuse River near Dinant. The source of the Lesse is found near Libramont-Chevigny in Belgium's Luxembourg province. From its source, the river flows through the villages of Daverdisse, Halma, Chanly and Resteigne. The Lesse then passes underground for around 1.6 kilometers, flowing through limestone caves, including the famous Grottoes of Han near the village of Han-sur-Lesse. After emerging, the Lesse continues through Lessive, Villers-sur-Lesse and Houyet before reaching its confluence with the Meuse at Anseremme in the Dinant municipality.

Numerous caves line the Lesse's banks, containing important archaeological sites and prehistoric remains from the Paleolithic period onward. The underground section of river flowing through the Grottoes of Han is well-known for its spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. Trout, grayling and other fish inhabit the clear waters of the Lesse.

Visitors to the Lesse River can enjoy kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, fishing, hiking, cycling and more. Outfitters in towns such as Dinant offer equipment rentals and shuttle services for paddling along the Lesse. The river includes stretches suitable for beginners, with paddle tours ranging from 9 kilometers to 21 kilometers offered. Seasoned kayakers and canoers can also navigate parts of the Lesse in winter when water levels allow. Hiking trails along the banks provide views of the river, valley and neighboring cliffs. Anglers can fish for trout, grayling, pike, carp and other species with the proper local permits. Road cyclists in particular appreciate the hilly terrain surrounding the Lesse.

The river is reachable via the main A4/E411 highway from cities such as Brussels and Luxembourg City, with the drive taking around 2 to 2.5 hours. Dinant is the nearest major town to the lower Lesse. Public transportation via train is also available, with stations located in towns along the river including Gendron and Houyet.

Outdoor and adventure activities on the Lesse River best suit older children and adults seeking either a relaxing excursion amidst nature or a recreational challenge. Paddling the Lesse is considered safe for children as young as 5 when accompanied by adults. No admission fees are charged to visit the river itself. Usage regulations and permits do apply for fishing, and outfitters charge rental fees for equipment like kayaks and bikes.

Lesse River

7. Visit Orval Abbey and brewery

Orval Abbey and brewery is a Trappist abbey located in Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium. The abbey was founded in 1070, became Cistercian in 1132, and adopted the Trappist order in the 17th century. The present-day buildings were constructed beginning in 1926, after the abbey had laid in ruins following destruction during the French Revolution. The abbey is located at Orval 1, 6823 Villers-devant-Orval, Belgium. It does not have an alternative name.

What makes Orval Abbey unique is that there has been a brewery on the grounds since the abbey's earliest days, with beer brewing being a custom in the region. The current brewery was constructed in 1931 both to finance rebuilding efforts and to carry on the centuries-old tradition of beer brewing by the monks. Today, the Orval brewery continues to produce beer sold internationally to fund the day-to-day operations of the monastery as well as charitable works.

Visitors to Orval Abbey can take self-guided walking tours of the monastery grounds, including the ruins of previous abbey buildings, gardens, and a museum. The museum covers the history of the abbey and provides information on the beer brewing process. The grounds also feature an herb garden explaining the medicinal uses of various plants. The iconic Orval gift shop sells the abbey's beer, cheese, ceramics, and religious items.

Orval Abbey is located deep in the Belgian countryside about 17 kilometers (11 miles) from the nearest train station in Florenville. From there, visitors would need to take a bus or taxi to the abbey. The abbey grounds themselves are suited for visitors of all ages and fitness levels, as they include paved walkways and stairs. There is a small fee of €6 ($7, £5) for access to the museum and grounds. The beer and cheese in the gift shop have standard retail costs.

Orval Abbey and brewery

8. Bike the Trans-Ardennes cycle path

The Trans-Ardennes cycle path is a 130 km traffic-free cycling route running along the River Meuse through the spectacular Ardennes region in northeast France. It connects the towns of Mouzon, Sedan, Charleville-Mézières and Givet, passing through forests, farmland and picturesque villages, with no steep climbs.

The cycle path follows the former towpath beside the Meuse so it is flat, making it suitable for leisurely family cycling. It was voted “Cycle Route of the Year” in 2010 by Dutch journalists and has since attracted over 200,000 users.

The Trans-Ardennes greenway, as it is also known, offers riders diverse landscapes in the Ardennes department. The path starts in Mouzon where the Yoncq river joins the Meuse. It continues through the historic town of Sedan, home to Europe’s largest medieval castle, and on to Charleville-Mézières, the capital of the Ardennes. Other highlights include the riverside town of Monthermé in a loop of the Meuse, and the fortified town of Givet where the path finishes.

Cyclists of all abilities can enjoy activities along the way such as hiking trails, mountain biking, dining at riverside restaurants or picnicking at rest areas. Small villages dot the route, many with traces of past industrial heritage. Kids will also appreciate attractions like the huge Fantasticable zipline over the Meuse at Fumay.

People reach the start of the path by taking a 1.5 hour TGV train from Paris to Charleville-Mézières where bikes can be rented. A local TER train also runs alongside the Meuse valley so riders can modulate their journey.

The peaceful trail appeals most to leisure cyclists and families seeking relaxation in natural surrounds. But its proximity to Belgium allows easy connections to Europe’s larger cycling networks for touring cyclists.

Admission to ride the traffic-free path is free. Some optional activities like the zipline have fees but otherwise visitors pay only for bike rentals, food or accommodation en route.

Trans-Ardennes cycle path

9. Go to Dinant and tour the citadel

Dinant is a city located in the province of Namur in Wallonia, the French-speaking region of Belgium. The city sits along the River Meuse, known locally as “the daughter of the Meuse”, in a steep-sided valley with dramatic limestone cliffs. Perched atop one of these cliffs, 100 meters above the city, stands the formidable Citadel of Dinant.

The citadel is located at Chemin de la Citadelle 1, 5500 Dinant, Belgium. It overlooks the old city center of Dinant, with the River Meuse flowing below and the towering cliffs behind. The citadel does not have an alternative name.

Citadel of Dinant has a strategic location and always had a pivotal role throughout history in controlling this stretch of the Meuse valley. There have been fortifications on this spot since the 11th century, built by the Prince-Bishops of Liège to protect Dinant which was an important center of commerce. The citadel was destroyed and rebuilt many times over the centuries during various conflicts. The current citadel dates from 1815 when it was constructed by the Dutch. Later it was turned into a military museum.

For visitors, the main highlight is the impressive views over Dinant and the Meuse valley from the citadel's ramparts and towers. The museum inside brings history alive, with displays of weapons, life in the garrison, and reconstructions of trenches and shelters. Visitors can also descend the 408 steps dating from 1577 that lead down from the citadel to the city center below. For less effort, a cable car provides transportation between the citadel and the valley floor.

To reach the Citadel of Dinant, visitors can hike up the steep stairway from the city center, take the cable car, or drive up to the parking area located behind the citadel. The cable car runs frequently during high season and is included in the admission price to the citadel.

The citadel attractions and museum displays appeal to adults and older children from older than 8 years old. The views from atop the cliffs are enjoyable for all. Admission is 12 € for adults, 10 € for kids ages 4-12, and free for younger children.

Go to Dinant and tour the citadel

10. See the ruins of Reinhardstein Castle

Reinhardstein Castle is a 14th century medieval castle located in the Warche valley near the village of Ovifat in eastern Belgium. The castle sits on a rocky outcrop overlooking the river and forest below. It was originally built in 1354 for Wenceslaus, Duke of Luxembourg, by his vassal Reinhard of Weismes.

The full address of Reinhardstein Castle is Chemin du Cheneux 50, 4950 Ovifat, Belgium. It is sometimes referred to as Burg Reinhardstein or Burg Metternich, after the noble Metternich family that owned it for over 250 years until the French Revolution. Reinhardstein Castle was later rebuilt in the 1960s after falling into ruin. The reconstruction used original 14th century documents and drawings to rebuild the castle exactly as it had looked over 600 years earlier. Today, it stands as one of the most picturesque and unique castles in Belgium.

Visitors to Reinhardstein Castle can take a 75-minute guided tour to see the towers, ramparts, Knights' Hall, chapel, and living quarters of the castle. Tours provide information on the history of the castle and the families that lived there over the centuries. There are also special events held at the castle like concerts, exhibitions, medieval fairs, and candlelit storytelling evenings.

To reach Reinhardstein Castle, visitors must park their car about 600 meters away and walk the rest of the way on foot. The castle sits at the end of a small, rough road down in the valley which is not accessible for larger vehicles. An alternative is to park at the Robertville Dam about 1.5 kilometers away and hike to the castle from there through the forest.

The castle tours and grounds are suitable for visitors of all ages. The surrounding trails range from easy to moderately difficult so some parental guidance may be needed for very young children. Admission to enter Reinhardstein Castle for a guided tour is €10.50 (US$12, £9) for adults, €8.50 (US$10, £8) for seniors over 65 and students ages 18-25, and free for children under 6 years old.

ruins of Reinhardstein Castle

11. Explore the historic town of Bouillon

Bouillon is a picturesque medieval town located in southeastern Belgium. It sits along a sharp bend of the Semois River in the province of Luxembourg, within the wooded hills of the Ardennes region. The town covers just under 150 square kilometers and has a population of around 5,500 residents. Bouillon’s main claim to fame is its enormous hilltop castle, known as the Château de Bouillon, which towers over the valley and dominates the skyline. The castle has origins dating back to the 10th century and was once home to the notorious Crusader Godfrey of Bouillon.

In addition to the castle, key highlights of Bouillon include its quaint cobblestone streets lined with cafes and shops, the grand gothic-style church of Sts. Peter and Paul, and various hiking trails that wind through the surrounding forest and lead to stunning viewpoints. The peaceful Semois River also offers plenty of opportunities for kayaking, canoeing and fishing.

One of the top attractions is the Château de Bouillon itself. Visitors can take tours of the sprawling Medieval castle complex, which features a maze of tunnels, courtyards, and parapets offering panoramic views over the valley. Some tours even include a birds of prey demonstration showcasing eagles, falcons and other raptors.

Admission tickets to the castle also grant access to the Archeoscope and Ducal Museum, which provide more insight into Godfrey of Bouillon’s history as leader of the First Crusade, as well as the lifestyle and culture of Medieval Bouillon.

In terms of getting to Bouillon, the nearest major city is Namur, located around 70 kilometers (45 miles) to the north. By car, Bouillon can be reached from Brussels in about 2 hours via the E411 motorway. For those relying on public transportation, buses connect the town to the nearest train stations in Libramont or Bertrix, both about a 45 minute bus ride away.

Bouillon makes an excellent destination for history and architecture lovers of all ages. Families can enjoy exploring the castle grounds and partaking in some of the interactive exhibits and demonstrations. Outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate the scenic hikes offering breathtaking valley views. And foodies can indulge in Belgian specialties like moules-frites, waffles and Trappist beer from the array of local taverns and bistros.

historic town of Bouillon

12. Visit Hotton Caves

Hotton Caves is a cave system located near the town of Hotton in Belgium's Ardennes region. The full address is Chemin du Spéléo-Club 1, 6990 Hotton. An alternative name for Hotton Caves is Grottes des 1001 Nuits, which translates to “Caves of 1001 Nights” in English.

Hotton Caves is considered the most beautiful caves in Belgium. The cave system was formed by rainwater erosion over thousands of years, creating a maze of underground tunnels, rivers, galleries and chambers. Key highlights include stunning stalactites, stalagmites and rock formations in a variety of vibrant colors and shapes. The caves also feature Belgium's largest known underground canyon.

Visitors to Hotton Caves can take a 1-hour guided tour that descends 65 meters underground. The tour includes 580 steps and passes through different cave “rooms.” Guests can overlook a 30-meter deep sinkhole, walk alongside an underground river, and ride an elevator 35 meters back to the surface. There's also an outdoor Calestienne Garden to explore rare plants. The caves offer special kid-focused tours and activities, including a “time spiral” teaching visit for school groups. Kids can also enjoy the playground, treasure hunts and birthday parties. So the caves make an excellent family-friendly adventure.

Admission to Hotton Caves is €12 (around $13 or £10) for adults and €9 (around $10 or £8) for kids ages 4-11. Special group rates are available for 20+ visitors. Guided tours are offered in French, Dutch and English.

Getting to Hotton Caves is convenient by car, with free parking available at the site. For public transport, the nearest bus stop is a 17-minute walk away in Hotton's town center. Or visitors can take the train to Melreux station, which is a 25-minute drive from the caves.

Hotton Caves puts visitors in touch with nature through an unforgettable subterranean experience. Descending into Belgium's most stunning caverns reveals an alien, exciting underworld of rock formations and rivers carved out through the ages. It's a special adventure perfect for couples, families, school groups or anyone eager to explore one of Belgium's natural wonders up close.

Hotton Caves

13. Tour the Bastogne War Museum

The Bastogne War Museum is a World War II museum located in Bastogne, Belgium. The full address is Colline du Mardasson 5, 6600 Bastogne. The museum focuses on the history of the Battle of the Bulge, which took place in the Ardennes region where Bastogne is located. Bastogne War Museum opened in 2014 after four years of construction and features a highly interactive audio tour that immerses visitors in the stories of four key participants in the battle – a German officer, an American soldier, a Belgian teacher and a local boy. It showcases many artifacts and presents a timeline before, during and after the battle through films, eyewitness accounts and reconstructions of key moments. The museum's architecture resembles a five-pointed American star.

Visitors can take a two-hour audio tour, watch short films about the causes and key events of World War II, view artifacts like weapons, uniforms and personal letters from soldiers, and experience three “scenovisions” – multisensory 3D environments depicting scenes from the Battle of the Bulge. There is also a gift shop and café on site.

The museum can be reached by car or bus. Driving from Brussels takes around 2 hours. The closest train station is in Libramont, from where bus #6 stops near the museum. The museum appeals to history buffs and those interested in World War II. It is suitable for adults and older children. Lots of details and graphic content may make it less appropriate for young children.

Admission costs €20 for adults, €17 for seniors over 65, €14 for students and disabled visitors, and €12.50 for children aged 6-18. Children under 6 enter for free.

Bastogne War Museum

14. See the architectural wonder of Liège-Guillemins Railway Station

Liège-Guillemins Railway Station is the main railway station in Liège, Belgium. It was officially named Liège-Guillemins, designed by Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava and opened in 2009 after many years of construction. It is located at Place des Guillemins 2, 4000 Liège, Belgium.

The station has become a landmark and architectural attraction in Liège due to its impressive design. Its most striking feature is the enormous steel and glass vaulted roof that arches over the tracks and platforms. This monumental canopy is 200 meters long, 35 meters high and fully transparent. It filters daylight down to the train platforms and passenger areas below. Underneath, the station is open and airy, with views right through to the city on the opposite side.

Beyond aesthetics, Liège-Guillemins Railway Station is one of Belgium's most important transportation hubs. It serves major domestic and international railway lines, including high-speed trains to France, Germany and the Netherlands. The station has 9 tracks and 5 platforms and sees about 15,000 travelers per day. It features shops, restaurants, bus connections, parking and other services to accommodate its many passengers.

Visitors to Liège can experience Calatrava's unique architecture themselves by traveling through or simply touring the station. Photography is allowed. There is no admission fee to enter the main station, though accessing trains and facilities would require valid tickets. 

Liège-Guillemins Railway Station

15. Relax at Spa Town and its mineral hot springs

Spa Town in Belgium is a town built around natural mineral hot springs located 26 kilometers (17 miles) southeast of Liège in eastern Belgium’s Ardennes region. For at least 2,000 years, the mineral springs of the area have imparted their perceived health benefits. Magistrate Henry VIII of England visited in 1519 to “take the waters”, while Peter the Great of Russia visited frequently from 1698 to 1711. By the late 16th century, Belgian royalty touted Spa as a desirable destination, and its waters were being exported and consumed by aristocrats.

Spa in Belgium gained a widespread reputation for healing during this time which eventually led to the English use of the term “spa” to designate any health resort near a spring. One alternative name is “Café of Europe” because royalty, aristocrats, and renowned cultural figures from across Europe converged in the town to partake of waters believed to relieve illness and strengthen health. The town is sometimes called the “Pearl of the Ardennes” owing to its picturesque setting.

Spa Town in Belgium's defining feature is its natural springs supplying mineral-rich thermal water with restorative qualities. The famous Pouhon spring in central Spa flows forth at 30° Celsius (86° Fahrenheit). Its high iron content gives the water a distinctive metallic taste. Other springs have varying mineral content and supply water for different treatments. Visitors can experience public bathing facilities, enjoy peaceful walks along surrounding wooded hills, and sample the waters from fountain springs around town. Quality hotels with spa access, the historical thermal baths complex called Thermes de Spa featuring numerous health treatments, many restaurants, and unique shops add to its appeal as a spa destination.

Poeple seeking healing and relaxation at Spa Town come from Belgium, neighboring countries like Germany and the Netherlands, and travelers from across Europe and overseas drawn by its centuries-long reputation. The historic spa culture caters more to adults, though Spa is enjoyable for families as well, with horseback riding, bicycling, fishing, golf and other activities available in the vicinity. Spa hotels offer a range of spa relaxation and healing packages. As a prestigious destination, Spa tends toward higher-end prices but some free or lower-cost springs and public baths are accessible. Admission to the Thermes de Spa varies depending on treatments booked but averages 43 euros (47 dollars, 39 pounds) for a 2.5 hour session.

Travelers reach Spa Town by car or train in one hour from Brussels, one hour from Cologne or Dusseldorf in Germany, and 30 minutes from Liege in Belgium via the E42 motorway. Spa train station sees hourly arrivals. Many opt to stay at historic hotels in the town center that contribute to Spa's old-world charm while providing modern amenities. Vehicle transport enables exploring the lovely countryside, nearby medieval castles, and Bastogne with its Battle of the Bulge history.

Spa Town and its mineral hot springs

16. Visit the High Fens plateau

The High Fens, also known as Hautes Fagnes, is an upland plateau region straddling eastern Belgium and western Germany. It covers over 4,500 hectares between the Ardennes and Eifel highlands. High Fens was established as a nature reserve in 1957, constitute the largest nature reserve in Belgium and lie within the 700 km2 German-Belgian nature park, High Fens-Eifel, in the Ardennes.

The highest point at the High Fens is the Signal de Botrange near the town of Waimes, which stands at 694 meters above sea level. This is also the highest point in Belgium. A tower was built at Signal de Botrange that brings its height to 700 meters. The reserve features landscapes covered with herbaceous vegetation and low, grassy hills, as well as peat bogs that are over 10,000 years old. Its unique subalpine climate and flora and fauna are integral to the conservation efforts.

In 1966, the International Union for Conservation of Nature awarded the High Fens the “Diploma of Conservation” for its immense ecological value. More recently in 2008, Belgium added the High Fens to its tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The High Fens offer plenty for visitors to see and do while preserving the delicate ecology. Popular activities include hiking, cross-country skiing in winter, mountain biking and horseback riding along authorized paths and trails. Guided tours are available that provide fascinating glimpses into the landscape and wildlife. Exhibitions at visitor centers showcase conservation efforts and the natural history of the reserve.

The High Fens can be easily accessed by road. Main towns in the vicinity include Eupen to the north, Aachen in Germany to the east, Spa and Malmedy to the west and south in Belgium. Public transportation options are limited, so independent travelers would do best to have their own vehicle.

The High Fens tend to appeal most to nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, families and student groups rather than very young children or elderly travelers. Entry to the reserve is free with certain protected areas requiring accompaniment by an authorized guide.

High Fens plateau

17. Tour Sedan Castle fortress

Sedan Castle fortress, officially named Château Fort de Sedan, is a medieval fortress located in the city of Sedan in northeastern France. It is covering 35,000 square meters (376,700 square feet) across seven floors and considered the largest fortified castle in Europe. Construction first began on the site in 1424 under Lord Evrard de la Marck who built a modest triangular castle with towers, walls and a moat around an existing church. Over the next century, Evrard's descendants continued to expand and reinforce the fortress, adding multiple rings of defensive walls, rectangular towers, ramparts, bastions and extremely thick curtain walls reaching up to 27 meters (89 feet) wide.

By the early 16th century, Sedan Castle had been transformed into an imposing and nearly impenetrable stronghold, reflecting the rising power of the Lords of Sedan who ruled the independent Principality of Sedan. The castle's formidable defenses resisted sieges by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V’s troops in 1521 and other armies over the next century. In 1642, Sedan was annexed by France and the castle was turned into a military base and garrison. Renovations were later made by famed French military engineer Vauban. During the Franco-Prussian War in 1870, French Emperor Napoleon III made his last stand at Sedan Castle before surrendering to Prussian forces following the decisive Battle of Sedan.

Today, Sedan Castle fortress is located at Cours Clos du Château in the center of Sedan. It continues to be a predominant landmark in the area. Visitors to the castle can take self-guided or guided tours of the ramparts, bastions, princely apartments and great halls. Wax figures, artwork and exhibits in the Sedan Museum illustrate various eras in the castle's history. An audiovisual presentation provides background on the construction and growth of this mighty fortress. Visitors may also participate in seasonal events like medieval festivals, knight tournaments and evening torch tours. The on-site café offers light local fare while the hotel provides atmospheric accommodations. Sedan Castle appeals most to history enthusiasts and sightseers of all ages interested in medieval military architecture or European power struggles.

Admission to tour Sedan Castle fortress ranges from €8 (US$9, £7) per child and €11(US$12, £10) per adult for basic entry to €37 (US$40, £33) for a family pass. Opening hours are daily from 10AM-6PM during summer months (July-August) and shorter hours during other periods in high season between April and December. Sedan Castle can be easily accessed off the A34 motorway, with the castle situated a short walk from central parking areas in Sedan.

Sedan Castle fortress

18. See Saint-Hubert Basilica

Saint-Hubert Basilica, officially named the Abbey Church of Saints Peter and Paul, is a former Benedictine abbey church built in the late Gothic style in Saint-Hubert, Belgium. Construction on the present-day basilica began in 1525 after previous church buildings on the site were destroyed by fires. The impressive Baroque facade was added in the 18th century.

The basilica is located in the town of Saint-Hubert in Belgium's Luxembourg province. The full address is Place du Marché, 15, 6870 Saint-Hubert, Belgium.

Saint-Hubert Basilica was built on the site of earlier churches next to a Benedictine abbey founded in the 7th century. The abbey brought fame to the town after the relics of Saint Hubert were installed there in 825. Saint Hubert Basilica became an important stopping point for religious pilgrims. Architecturally, the tall Gothic interior lined with slender columns contrasts dramatically with the ornate 18th century Baroque facade.

Visitors to the basilica can take guided tours in English, French, Dutch or German with advance reservation. There is access to view the Gothic architecture and Baroque details. Audio guides are also available. Visitors can attend masses with Gregorian chants performed on hunting horns, adding to the medieval ambiance. The basilica is open to the public everyday.

Saint-Hubert town is located 68 kilometers southeast of Bastogne and 48 kilometers south of Liege in Belgium's Ardennes region. Brussels is 129 kilometers north. The nearest airports are in Charleroi (85 kilometers) and Liege (53 kilometers). Brussels Airport is 166 kilometers away. By train, Saint-Hubert is about 1 hour from Brussels, 45 minutes from Liege and 35 minutes from Luxembourg City.

The basilica appeals to visitors of all ages interested in history, architecture and religion. Admission to view the church is free. Guided tours for groups need to be booked in advance with fees applied. Food and souvenirs representing Saint Hubert and hunting culture are sold around the square outside.

Saint-Hubert Basilica

19. Bike or hike along RAVeL greenways

The RAVeL greenways refer to Réseau Autonome des Voies Lentes (Autonomous Network of Slow Ways) in Wallonia, Belgium. This network covers over 1,500 kilometers of paths reserved for walkers, cyclists, horse riders and those with reduced mobility. The paths are laid out mainly along towpaths and old railway lines. They include waymarked trails for activities like walking, hiking, cycling, horse riding and roller skating. RAVeL aims to interconnect these greenways to cover all of Wallonia and promote cycling tourism.

RAVeL goes by the alternative name “greenways” outside of Wallonia, which is a common term for non-motorized routes across Europe. These car-free paths respect the environment while linking people to landscapes and cultural heritage.

RAVeL transforms abandoned infrastructure into sustainable transport and recreation. Towpaths, once used by horses to tow boats along canals, now enable peaceful family walks. Disused railway lines that once carried goods across Wallonia have found new life serving cyclists and horse riders. RAVeL brings people outdoors to appreciate nature, towns, rural scenery and nature reserves as they traverse Wallonia.

Visitors to RAVeL can walk, hike, cycle, ride horses, rollerblade or wheelchair around 1,500 kilometers of greenways. These accessible paths appeal to all ages and mobility levels. Along the way, travelers can explore Wallonia's cities, villages and landscapes at their own pace. They can stop to rest or have a meal at some of the cafes, restaurants and hotels linked to the network. RAVeL also connects people to cultural sites and nature attractions worth discovering across Wallonia.

To access RAVeL greenways, head to any of the designated trailheads or junctions. Smaller trails and a few longer routes may be found within a single municipality, while several cross provincial or regional borders. Travelers can ride public transport like buses or trains to nearby transit hubs, then continue journeys via bicycle or on foot. Detailed maps mark each section of RAVeL and trail amenities. These free maps are available at tourist offices or through Wallonia's tourism website.

RAVeL greenways suit people of all ages and ability levels given the flat, gentle gradients. Families with young children, seniors and wheelchair users can all enjoy the traffic-free routes. Individuals, couples or groups who like moderately active vacations appreciate the opportunity to walk, cycle or ride horses traffic-free across scenery at their own pace. There are no admission fees to use public RAVeL trails, just free access to appreciate Wallonia's landscapes up close via sustainable transportation.

RAVeL greenways

20. Go ziplining over the Meuse River

The Meuse is a major European river originating in France and flowing through Belgium and the Netherlands before draining into the North Sea. With a total length of 925 kilometers (575 miles), the Meuse is the oldest river in the world.

The river starts in Pouilly-en-Bassigny, France and courses northwards, passing several French towns and cities like Commercy and Verdun before entering Belgium. In Belgium, the Meuse flows through Wallonia past towns and cities like Dinant, Namur, Huy, and Liège before forming much of the border between Belgium and the Netherlands. Key Dutch towns along the Meuse include Maastricht, Roermond, and Venlo. The river has a basin size of over 34,000 square kilometers spanning parts of France, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

The Meuse river flows through Belgium's Ardennes forest near the town of Dinant. The steep, rocky, wooded valley in this area offers some of the most dramatic scenery along the entire river. Adventurous visitors flock to Dinant to zipline across the Meuse, enjoying a thrilling ride high above the water with the forested cliffs and rock formations as a backdrop.

Multiple ziplining circuits are available, with rides starting from the top of the towering citadel in Dinant. Adrenaline seekers can zipline over 400 meters down to the banks of the Meuse, reaching speeds of up to 50 mph while strapped to the zipline. The ziplines in Dinant rank amongst the longest and fastest in Europe. Riders get an unparalleled view of the river gorge during the descent.

In addition to the main zipline route starting atop the massive citadel walls built in the 13th century, shorter rides are also offered lower down for less daring visitors. Ziplining at Dinant provides adventure lovers with a unique way to explore the Meuse's striking gorge landscape that is both scenic and thrilling.

The ziplining operators in Dinant provide all the necessary safety gear and equipment. First-time zipliners get training on how to safely ride down the lines criss-crossing the Meuse river canyon. The activity suits most visitors above 1.4 meters in height. Children under 14 require adult supervision.

Beyond ziplining, other popular ways to enjoy the dramatic scenery around the Meuse river near Dinant include kayaking on the river itself or rock climbing on the rocky bluffs flanking the gorge. So visitors have plenty of options to actively explore the river valley in this stretch of the Meuse that has almost a mountain landscape.

Meuse River

What are the best things to in the Ardennes with kids and toddlers?

Listed below are the best things to do in the Ardennes with kids and toddlers.

  • Plopsa Coo Amusement Park. Plopsa Coo Amusement Park is a theme park near the Cascade de Coo waterfall. It has rides and attractions tailored for younger kids, like a fairy tale-themed carousel, outdoor pedal karts, and a bobsleigh coaster. Kids can meet costumed characters from Studio 100 TV shows. The park is compact, making it easy for families to navigate.
  • Domain of the Caves of Han. The Grottes de Han cave complex has an educational PrehistoHan exhibit where kids can learn about prehistoric times through multimedia displays and simulations. They can make cave drawings, use ancient tools, and dress up as a Stone Age hunter. An interactive game lets them find artifacts in a virtual excavation.
  • Archeoscope Multimedia Show in Bouillon. Archeoscope Multimedia Show is an immersive show in Bouillon Castle, where kids will be enthralled by films, reconstructions, and interactive games unveiling the epic history of Godfrey de Bouillon. They can try on virtual costumes, act as castle defenders, and see vivid battle scenes. It brings the Middle Ages alive through technology.
  • Ebly Animal Park at Wéris. Ebly Animal Park to wolves, lynx, wild boars, deer and more animal species, this large outdoor park allows kids to safely observe wildlife in natural enclosures. They'll be thrilled to pet and feed farm animals at the petting zoo. An elevated rope course provides challenge. Guided electric cart tours available.
  • Le Labyrinthe at Barvaux. Le Labyrinthe at Barvaux is adorable summertime hedge maze crafted specially for kids has child-friendly paths and games. Kids can climb a 5-meter high treehouse, explore pirate ships and Western Forts integrated into the labyrinth, and more. The goal is fun over difficulty.
  • Museum of the Battle of the Ardennes in Bastogne. At Museum of the Battle, through detailed dioramas, multimedia reenactments, artifacts and simulated environments, kids can immerse themselves in the major WWII battle fought in Bastogne and grasp its historical importance. An emotional experience that brings history to life.
  • Aquarium-Museum. Aquarium-Museum in Dinant Covering river ecology, this museum has over 30 well-designed aquariums showcasing fish species found in the Meuse River. Kids enjoy observing trout, pike and more up close while learning about the aquatic environment. Creative workshops allow them to build fish models.

What are the best museums to visit in the Ardennes?

Find below a list with the best museums to visit in the Ardennes.

  • Bastogne War Museum. The Bastogne War Museum provides an in-depth look at the Battle of the Bulge in Bastogne, a major WWII battle fought in the Ardennes in December 1944. Through immersive exhibits spanning 13 rooms, visitors learn about the causes, course and consequences of this historic battle from different perspectives. Artifacts, soldier testimonials, reconstructions of events using life-size dioramas, short films, and multimedia installations vividly showcase the realities of war and importance of the Battle of Bastogne as a turning point. Its location makes it the perfect place to understand this area’s pivotal legacy.
  • Musée de la Bataille des Ardennes in La Roche-en-Ardenne. The Musée de la Bataille des Ardennes is located close to the Ourthe River in the heart of the Ardennes and explores the German Ardennes Offensive and key regional battles in December 1944 through model recreations, mannequins in period scenes, weaponry, photography, maps and more. It provides insight into combat on Belgian soil and helps visitors grasp day-to-day life for civilians and soldiers during this impactful time, putting a human face to the war. An evocative experience.
  • Musée en Piconrue – Folklore Museum in Bastogne. The Folklore Museum in Bastogne is located in an historic 17th century building in Bastogne provides a look at traditional life and folklore in the Ardennes region throughout history. Through displays of period rooms, costumes, carnival artifacts, tools, handicrafts and recreations of agricultural/village scenes, it spotlights cultural artifacts integral to local identity and the timeless natural environment that shaped lifestyles. Offers depth on the region's intangible heritage.
  • Val Dieu Abbey Beer Museum.  The monks of Val Dieu Abbey situated in the valley of the Hoëgne River have been brewing beer for 800 years, upholding the Ardennes’ artisanal brewing tradition. Their beer museum usescopious visuals and artifacts to explore six aspects of beer culture – raw ingredients, malt production, brewing process, varieties, glassware, and gastronomy pairings. Provides context of beer's historical connection to the region.
  • Mine Museum at Blegny Mine. Mine Museum at Blegny Mine was Belgium's last operating coal mine before closing in 1980, the Blegny Mine near Liège has been converted into a museum allowing visitors to journey down the original shafts in a cage lift and walk through the underground galleries. Through an immersive guided tour, you learn about mining history and technology from the 19th and 20th centuries. Offers firsthand look at industry integral to early Ardennes.

What is The Ardennes?

The Ardennes is an extensive region of forests, rolling hills and valleys primarily located in southeastern Belgium. Geographically, it stretches across portions of the Belgian provinces of Namur, Luxembourg and Liège. The densely wooded and rugged terrain of the Ardennes covers a total area of around 4,300 square miles. It forms a component of Belgium's famed Wallonia region south of Brussels and extends into neighboring parts of France, Luxembourg and Germany as well. Elevations across the Ardennes range from about 1,050 feet to just over 2,250 feet at the region's highest point, Signal de Botrange, located in Belgium's Hautes Fagnes. The geography includes deep, winding river valleys dotted with small villages, as well as high forested plateaus and peaks. Sandstone cliff formations frame stretches of waterways like the Meuse, Ourthe and Semois Rivers. The Ardennes owes its hilly landscape to its location along the western edge of the Rhenish Massif mountain range formed during the Paleozoic Era.

Where is Ardennes located?

Most of the Ardennes area sits in southeastern Belgium within portions of the provinces of Namur in the west, Luxembourg in the south-central area and Liège in the east. The cities of Dinant, Rochefort, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Durbuy and Bouillon mark some of the central points within the Belgian Ardennes. The region also reaches into the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg's Oesling area to the south and across borders to cover northeastern France's Ardennes department and western Germany's Eifel territory. In total, the Ardennes crosses sections of Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Germany within an irregular geographic span extending around 120 miles from the Belgium-Germany border southwest to the France-Belgium border. The Belgian part makes up the majority of the scenic, wooded landscapes most identify as the Ardennes region.

Which Belgian towns are located in Ardennes?

Some of the best-known Belgian towns fully or partially situated in the Ardennes region include Dinant, Han-sur-Lesse, Rochefort, La Roche-en-Ardenne, Marche-en-Famenne, Durbuy, Huy, Namur, Liege, Verviers, Spa, Malmedy, Waimes, Bastogne and Bouillon. Smaller villages and resort communities in the Ardennes range from Anseremme and Celles to Aywaille, Hotton, Sankt Vith, Vielsalm and many others, mostly concentrated along the course of rivers or nestled within forested valleys.

What are the best towns to visit in the Ardennes?

Top towns and villages to visit within Belgium's share of the Ardennes often include outdoor-oriented Durbuy, known as the smallest city in the country; riverside Dinant with its commanding citadel; Bouillon and its medieval castle; popular resort destination Spa; La Roche-en-Ardenne surrounded by stunning vistas; Han-sur-Lesse and its caves; Val Dieu and its namesake abbey brewery; picture-perfect Rochefort; and historic Stavelot, site of an ancient abbey. Rustic villages like Beauraing, Rochehaut and Hotton also offer Ardennes charm.

  • Durbuy. Durbuy is an exceptionally charming village and Belgium's smallest official city. It serves as a scenic base in the Ourthe River valley for exploring the Ardennes' forests and trails.
  • Dinant. Dinant's dramatic setting slung along a Meuse River bend below towering cliffs draws visitors to its medieval landmarks like the fortress bearing city views.
  • Bouillon. Bouillon liesembedded within a Semois River curve crowned by its fairy tale medieval castle which overlooks the Ardennes forests.
  • Spa town. The town of Spa retains fame as the birthplace of mineral springs wellness tourism which once drew European aristocrats to enjoy its reputed healing waters.
  • La Roche-en-Ardenne. Captivating La Roche-en-Ardenne makes an atmospheric central base for Ardennes adventures with its romantic castle ruins looming over the thickly wooded Ourthe valley.
  • Han-sur-Lesse. Han-sur-Lesse provides easy access to enter into the vast underground labyrinths formed within its limestone caves illuminated by subterranean rivers and lakes.
  • Val Dieu. Atmospheric Val Dieu is famed for the namesake abbey where its monks follow time-honored traditions to produce distinctive bottle-fermented Belgian beers.
  • Rochefort. Alluring Rochefort delivers a foretaste of Ardennes charm with the medieval remnants of its hilltop castle and valley dotted with country hotels that beckon hikers.
  • Stavelot. Historic Stavelot expands around the extant stone structures of its ninth century abbey whose towering Gothic facade now hosts performances during summer arts festivals.
  • Beauraing. Beauraing draws Catholic pilgrims to its wayside shrine where apparitions of the Virgin Mary appeared to youths in 1932, leaving visions of the future.
  • Rochehaut. Rochehaut's scenic riverside setting causes it to overflow with tourists and hikers bound for the spectacular views attained atop the iconic Botassart Belvedere overlook nearby.
  • Hotton. Hotton provides adventurous access points for explorers to climb deep down through unique caverns formed by subterranean waterways boring elaborate displays into ancient limestone.

What is the most beautiful part of the Ardennes?

Many travelers point to the dramatically scenic views found along Belgium's Semois River as it winds through rugged forested hills and cliffs as the most naturally beautiful part of the Ardennes region. The area around towns like Bouillon and Rochehaut provides breathtaking views from overlooks like the Botassart Belvedere. Other exceptionally pretty areas lie along river valleys like the Lesse near Dinant and Celles and the Ourthe by La Roche-en-Ardenne. Dense oak and pine forests cloaking rocky peaks and limestone cliffs also contribute to the Ardennes’ beauty.

What is Ardennes Belgium famous for?

The Ardennes region of southeast Belgium is famous for its outdoors-oriented tourism centered views and activities, with forests and valleys providing the backdrop. It sees renown for mountain biking, hiking, canoeing and kayaking. The area also holds history as a World War II battle site during 1944's Battle of the Bulge. People claims to recognition include hosting famed spa towns along mineral springs, producing distinct hams and pâtés, and supporting a variety of wildlife. The outdoor-oriented town of Durbuy has additionally drawn the title of the smallest official city in Belgium by land size.

When is the best time to visit Ardennes?

The most ideal times to visit the Ardennes region for comfortable weather and manageable crowds generally fall between March to mid-June during spring and mid-September through October in autumn. Summer is considered peak tourism season with July and August bringing the warmest weather but also larger numbers of visitors. Wintertime draws enthusiasts to the Ardennes’ high country for seasonal snow sports. But outside ski resorts, many hotels and restaurants limit operations in winter months when rainy days and cold nights prevail.

>Is Ardennes in France or Belgium?

The Ardennes spans adjacent sections of both northeastern France and southeastern Belgium . Belgium claims the majority share with its portion extending across much of the provinces of Namur, Luxembourg and Liège south of Brussels. The river valleys, dense forests and rugged hills associated with the Ardennes cross this large portion of southern Belgium. France's Ardennes department sits along Belgium's western border, mainly containing high plateau areas on the edge of the Ardennes geographical region.

What is the giant's tomb in the Ardennes?

The Giant's Tomb refers to a dramatic natural rock structure situated in a bend of Belgium's Semois River near the town of Bouillon in the Ardennes. Shaped roughly like an above-ground burial mound, legend claims it was the resting place of a giant slain by a Roman soldier. The moss-covered stone outcropping towers some 250 feet over the surrounding wooded valley, offering picturesque views from overlooks like the nearby Botassart Belvedere.

How many days should someone spend in Ardennes?

It is recommended for visitors to spend between 4 to 7 days in Ardennes, to make enough time for seeing top highlights in the Ardennes region of Belgium. At least 2 full days should be budgeted for visiting some of the charming historical towns and views along rivers like the Meuse and Lesse. Another 2 days would properly allow for outdoor recreation like hiking forested trails, biking backroads or kayaking waterways. Extending to 5 days would provide time for exploring regional World War II history sites or touring an underground cave system as well.

Is it worth to visit the Ardennes?

Yes, it is definitely worth visiting the Belgium's Ardennes as the region offers plenty of rewarding places to visit within its landscape of rolling wooded hills, winding river valleys, limestone cliffs and outdoor recreational access. The small villages provide local culture, regional culinary flavors and historical allure worth discovering. And few other areas so close to central Europe preserve such extensive natural wilderness vistas. The remote beauty and variety of sights make the Ardennes a worthwhile Belgian destination for nature and culture interests.

How to get to the Ardennes?

How to get around in the ardennes.

As mentioned above, the easiest way to get around the Ardennes is by car as a car allows you to visit every village, local producer, and sight with ease. If traveling by car isn't an option for you, check here for train routes in the whole of the Ardennes. If you want to travel by bus, TEC is the company that operates the local bus lines in the Belgian Ardennes. For Luxembourg, check the Mobilitéitszentral . I haven't found any solid info on local, small-scale bus transportation in the French Ardennes so if anybody knows more about this, feel free to let me know in the comments!


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Dominique Love says

This is one of the best travel blogs I’ve found.

I’m in the hospitality industry and have been coordinating a massive weekend in the Ardennes for my birthday. Our group is 75 strong coming from the States. I studied in the Ardennes many years ago and wanted to share the beauty of the region with my friends. Although I know enough to get me in trouble, this blog gave me the best food and beverage ideas for our group. I had been searching and searching for special experiences and then I landed here and it was pure gold! Thank you!!

Thanks so much for letting me know you found it useful, Dominique! I hope you have a wonderful trip!

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ardennes belgium best places to visit

The Ardennes are a low mountain range, perfect for relaxing or actually being really active on foot or by bike. Its most famous towns are Spa, Verviers, Chimay, Bastenaken, Neufchâteau en Malmedy in Belgium .

The Belgian Ardennes make up most of the Ardennes. This huge area is located in the south of Belgium. The Ardennes are called a middle mountain range, due to its limited height. The highest point is the Signal of Botrange in the High Fens with 694 meters.

There is also a small part in the north of Luxembourg and a small part adjacent to France. The latter are called the French Ardennes, but the Belgian Ardennes are bigger. And therefore more popular with nature loving people. These are the best highlights of the Belgian Ardennes.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The town of Spa in the Belgian Ardennes is famous as an ancient spa wellness town. Nowadays it is mainly a wonderful place to discover various springs, as well as taste the mineral-rich water. You will find six springs here, a large part of which is in the forest surrounding Spa. You can easily visit them on foot, by bike or by car.

Coo Waterfall

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The Coo Waterfall, or Cascades de Coo, are one of the best known waterfalls in Belgium. They're 50 feet high. The most well-known water source which flows over the Coo Waterfalls is from the Amblève River. Not everyone knows that these waterfalls were man-made by monks. These monks of Stavelot Abbey wanted to give more space to the rough waters of the river and created the falls. For many visitors, the Coo Waterfalls are one of the main attractions of the Belgian Ardennes. Opposite the waterfall you will find the amusement park Plopsa Coo.

Caves of Han

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The Caves of Han is a system of caves in Han-sur-Lesse. They are formed by the Lesse river and are one of the largest cave complexes in Europe. The Caves of Han are the first UNESCO Global Geopark in Belgium. You will also find the PrehistoHan museum here, where you will receive information about the origin of the caves. You can explore the caves. These caves are located on the transition from the Belgian Ardennes to the French Ardennes.

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Dolmens of the Ardennes

In Belgium they are called dolmen, although they are also called menhirs. These burial chambers of stones date from long gone times; about 3000-4000 BC. In the Ardennes you will find several dolmen. The most famous are Wéris megaliths, Menhir Danthine, Dolmen of Oppagne, Menhir of Heyd, Menhir of Ozo and Menhir de Morville. These dolmens can all be visited easily.

Reinhardstein Castle

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Reinhardstein Castle was built in 1354 by Reinout van Weismes. You can take a tour of the castle, and visit the museum on the history. The castle can be used as a wedding venue as well. The castle is surrounded by forests, so you can have a nice walk in the surroundings.

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The town of Dinant is popular with tourists. This fortified town is accessible by cable car. Or with a staircase with no less than 408 steps. The Rock Bayard is straight are two standing rocks. You can drive between these two rocks.  They can also be seen from the water. 

The bell tower of the Collegiate Our Lady of Dinant has a pear shape. In the city you see a lot of saxophones. This is where the inventor of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax lived. In Mr. Sax's house, you get a lot of information about him and the instrument he invented.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Durbuy is a medieval town in the Belgian Ardennes. It has the smallest city centre in all of Belgium that you can easily discover on foot. It is one of the biggest attractions in this area. This town is perfect as a base for your visit to the Ardennes. In the vicinity you’ll find several dolmens as well.

Semois Valley

The Semois is a river that runs through the Belgian Ardennes. In the Semois Valley you can enjoy hiking. One of the most popular routes is from Bouillon to Dohan. This is no less than 60 kilometers,  of which a part of it can be explored by foot. A well-known viewpoint is Botassart. This where you can see how the river runs through the valley.

Bouillon Castle

The Castle of Bouillon towers over the town of Bouillon. It dates back to the 11th century, but was rebuilt several times. The view from the castle is beautiful. The castle is located at an altitude of 340 meters. From the walls you look out over the Semois River and the hilly landscape behind it.

Euro Space Center

The Euro Space Center opened in 1991 near the town of Transinne. This is where kids can imagine being astronauts. And see what a space traveller's life entails. You will find a Space Shuttle here to explore. There are special attractions about space.

View of Rochehaut

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The village of Rochehaut is known for its location. Rochehaut is located at a bend on the Lesse River. From the shore you can look out over the river and the village of Frahan. This is a popular place for photographers. This area shows how rugged the Ardennes can be.

Hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

Several rivers run through the Belgian Ardennes. These are wild and wind through the landscape. There are several hiking routes, where you largely follow the river.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The Hoëgne is no less than 30 kilometers long. It is a tributary of the Vesder river. There a lovely hike through the Valley of the Hoëgne. There are several hiking routes: From 8 km to 21 km. One of the most beautiful places is the waterfall Léopold II with many rocks. The Pont de la Vecquée bridge is also worthwhile. The hiking trails are well signposted.

Le Ninglinspo

Le Ninglinspo is the only mountain river in Belgium. It is a tributary of the Amblève near Remouchamps. The decay of the river goes from 420 to 170 meters. It is about 3 kilometers long and you can walk along the shore. You will also find a waterfall of about ten meters: Waterfall of the Chaudière. One of the most beautiful places is Drouet, a vantage point at 315 meters altitude.

Kayaking in the Belgian Ardennes

Kayaking along the ourthe.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The many rivers in the Ardennes are perfect for kayaking. A kayak can be rented at various locations. One of the best places is on the Ourthe River, where you kayak past the beautiful town of La Roche-en-Ardenne. But there are more possibilities. Ask about it on the spot.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

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Mirador with a view over Frahan and the Semois hoop in Rochehaut

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  • Where to go

The Ardennes, which stretches to the South and East of Wallonia, is a real paradise for nature lovers and undeniably the most enchanting part of Belgium.

The hills offer, here and there, a rugged, windswept wilderness. Elsewhere, the gaze meets with thick forests, deep river valleys sprinkled with gorgeous villages. Head a little further on and you will in turn, marvel at spectacular underground cave systems and green peaks.

Outdoors can be enjoyed with equal pleasure through the year. In summer, rivers sparkle beautifully, vegetation offers vibrant palettes of green: well-marked walking trails demand that you get your boots on . In winter, a layer of snow often covers the high ground: perfect for skiers and the more intrepid hikers.

The region is also notable for its cuisine: game, wild boar, cheese and the world-famous Ardennes smoked ham and pâté.

And almost everywhere you venture, you come across traces of the two World Wars. The Ardennes staged the in August 1914 and the Battle of the Bulge in the winter of 1944/45 – the last conflict to be fought on Belgian territory. There are numerous memorials, cemeteries and museums dedicated to the combatants in the towns of Bastogne , La Roche, Sankt-Vith, Malmedy , Bure and Hotton .

The region is surprisingly easy to reach – approximately 120 miles from the Channel ports. With its pure air and natural beauty, the guarantee of a warm welcome and the option of a stress-relieving break or some thrilling sporting activities, the Ardennes have something for everyone.

Come to Wallonia – and make tracks to our remarkable hill country.

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The Best of the Belgian Ardennes

The ardennes refers to a hilly, forested corner of wallonia and encompasses the cities of namur and dinant as well as many picturesque towns and villages. largely undiscovered by foreign tourists, it’s a local getaway for sports activities, relaxing, and enjoying nature. the drive along the meuse river is studded with castles, scenic lookouts, and wonderful restaurants..

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World Wanderista

Magic happens when the adventure begins

Adventure , Ardennes , Belgium , Nature , Travel Guide · November 19, 2020

Hiking in the Belgian Ardennes: 11 most beautiful walks you must do

Hiking in the Belgian Ardennes has always been one of my favorite things to do in my home country. Walking through a fantastic forest is such a soothing and relaxing experience. The fresh air gives an energy boost and nature’s raw beauty brings instant happiness! The Japanese gave it a name; shinrin-yoku , which means forest bathing. It is even included in their national health program to reduce stress!

Hiking is probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Belgium. Most people associate Belgium with Brussels, Bruges or Ghent or its delicacies like beer, chocolates and fries. What they often don’t know is that the Belgian outdoors is absolutely stunning and a true paradise for hiking lovers! Belgium may not have towering peaks or massive glaciers, but the country does have rolling hills, magical forests, beautiful rivers and meanders, awesome viewpoints and rough rock formations.

hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

The following hikes in Wallonia are my absolute favorites. So if you ever decide to visit Belgium and you would love to hike in the Belgian Ardennes, I strongly advise to pick a hike from this list to get back to nature and do some forest bathing (literally and figuratively, since it can be quite muddy 😉 )

This post will be updated every time I discover more fantastic hikes in the Belgian Ardennes!

Hiking in the Belgian Ardennes: 11 walks you must do

Les deux vallées.

Distance: 9 km Indication: green standing rectangle Start/end: near Moulin du Bayehon (Route du Bayehon 64, Longfaye) Parking: at the side of the road near the information board at the Moulin du Bayehon Highlights: Cascade du Bayehon, Vieux Chêne (old hollow oak)

First you walk upstream next to the Bayehon river crossing several wooden bridges. After a steeper climb you arrive uphill and you’ll see the Cascade du Bayehon a little deeper in a small canyon on your right. This waterfall is 9m high and the third largest of Belgium. It may not seem that high, but if you descend to the waterfall, it looks a little more impressive. Especially during rainy periods the waterfall contains a lot of water. During the summer or drier periods there is only a small stream of water.

You continue following the Bayehon river and you’ll pass a hollow oak tree “Vieux Chêne” on your left. I think a lot of people miss this tree because it is a little further from the path, but I found it rather mysterious and fun to take a look inside of the tree.

When you reach the peatland “Fagne de Longfaye”, you leave the Bayehon behind and walk in between the peatland and the forest. Then you reach a path downhill through the woods and after a while you reach the Pouhon river. This river keeps you company until it disappears into the Bayehon. After this confluence you just have to climb a little more and you’ll reach the start point of your hike.

I loved this walk because I adore the sound of streaming water while I’m hiking. During my walk in the summertime I saw a lot of butterflies, different kinds of birds, greens and trees, but the waterfall looked rather empty. During autumn the woods have gorgeous warm colors and the waterfall has a big powerful stream!

hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

Warche Valley

Distance: 5.2 km Indication: blue rectangle Start/end: Chalet du Barrage Parking: at the Chalet du Barrage (Walk 96, Waimes) Highlights: Reinhardstein waterfall, Nez de Napoleon, Reinhardstein castle

At the Chalet du Barrage you take the path marked with the blue rectangle leading through the forest. After only 400m, you can already admire the scenic view of the Reinhardstein castle, which is situated on the opposite hill of the Warche valley and which you will pass later on this hike! Who knew hiking in the Belgian Ardennes would also mean castle chasing? Excited yet?

Continuing the walk leads you further into the forest to steep rock formations, until you reach a big protruding rock. This rock is called Nez de Napoleon and it offers more splendid views on the Warche valley.

From there the hike will bring you down the Warche valley where you will hike along its river. At the point where you will need to go back up, you can do a detour to Belgium’s highest waterfall; Cascade de Reinhardstein. This waterfall is 60m high and absolutely worth the extra meters (except when it has been dry for a while, then the waterfall won’t contain much water). The descent to the waterfall is quite steep, so be careful.

You can choose to either return back to the offical path or walk along the river until you find a gate to the Reinhardstein castle and then climb up to the castle from there. Then the path continues to the dam of the Robertville lake which will lead you back to the parking lot at Chalet du Barrage.

hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

Hoëgne Valley

Distance: 10 km Indication: blue cross Start/end: Pont de Belleheid Parking: Parking Pont de Belleheid (Chemin de Belle Heid 15, 4845 Jalhay) Highlights: Cascade Marie-Henriette, Cascade Léopold II, les Cascatelles

The Hoëgne river is probably one of the most impressive rivers of Belgium. So if you love hiking in the Belgian Ardennes, this hike must be added to your bucket list! The river’s source is situated at 660m altitude near Baraque Michel, one of Belgium’s highest points. This walk will lead you along the river’s most fast flowing part.

You start at the Belleheid bridge and walk along the river crossing several wooden bridges. It is a pleasant hike but at certain points you need to mind your step, since you’ll encounter a lot of tree roots, rocks and mud (unless there’s been a dry period). You pass 2 beautiful small waterfalls called Cascade Marie-Henriette & Cascade Léopold II, where you also find a nice picnic spot.

Then you keep climbing along the river until you reach Pont du Centenaire. But don’t forget to stop on the way at my most favorite part of the river; les Cascatelles. Here the river gets steeper so you’ll find a lot of little waterfalls and rapids to admire.

Once you arrive at the Pont du Centenaire you need to take the path on the left and take the first left again to walk back along the river, but from higher up. You’ll pass a viewpoint and when you arrive at the path with boulders you will need to descend via a path on the left. This will lead you back to the cascade du Léopold II to return to the parking lot.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Autumn in Belgium; most beautiful places to experience autumn & brighten your spirit!

Distance: 10 km Indication: blue rectangle Start/end: officially it starts/ends at the parking area near the church of Solwaster, but I started at the parking lot at the edge of the forest Parking: officially parking near the church St Antoine de Padoue in Solwaster / unofficially parking at the edge of the forest (GPS 50°31’25” – 5°58’32”) Highlights: Rocher de Bilisse, Cascade des Nutons

I started this hike at the parking lot near the forest to get instant nature vibes! Since it was autumn at the time, the forest ground was covered in yellow and orange leaves, which made it look as if I entered a magical golden forest. The first part takes you along the river and you will encounter a troll rock and hole! Yep, hiking in the Belgian Ardennes can be very fairy-tale-like as well!

A little further the Rocher de Bilisse rises from the ground. This massive vertical rock formation dates from the Cambrium area (500 million years ago) and is covered with some sort of yellow brownish lichen. Don’t climb it yet, but continue the hike to the Cascade des Nutons (troll’s waterfall).

I did not find any trolls on the way or at the waterfall, but I am very convinced they helped me finding my tripod handle! I lost it on the way to the waterfall. So I thought to return and look for it, which would be like searching for a needle in a haystack since the ground was completely covered with golden leaves. Only 10 seconds later I encountered a woman and I asked if she saw a tripod handle and her child screamed; “Yes! I found it!” and ran to a spot only 5m from where I was standing, where indeed I saw the handle lying in the middle of the path on top of a rock! Coincidence? I think not! 😉

Next you cross the river and proceed via the left bank of the river for about 800m. Turn right to the big rock and turn right again at the forest road. After another 800m you turn right at the junction, cross the bridge and walk towards “Vieux Marchés”. After 100m you’ll reach the cabin of the trolls (also no trolls there) and you take a left turn. Continue for one more kilometer and turn left to descend to the Rocher de Bilisse. From here you can admire the fantastic view from the rock.

Take the path down to the foot of the rock and turn right. If you want to shorten the hike, you can return the same way you came from to the parking lot. If you want to continue this hike in the Belgian Ardennes, cross the small bridge on the left and ascend along the river Bilisse to arrive at the dolmen, which is basically just a huge rock. Then the path leads to a clearing in the woods and some meadows and you will end at the church of Solwaster. If you parked at the parking lot near the forest, just follow the Route de la Statte back to the car.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Distance: 6 km Indication: blue rectangle Start/end: Sedoz parking next to restaurant Le Ninglinspo Parking: Sedoz parking (GPS 50°28’06” – 5°44’37”) Highlights: Ninglinspo river with its many little cascades and bains (baths)

As you probably already noticed hiking in the Belgian Ardennes means often hiking along beautiful rivers. The Ninglinspo is the most popular river hike in Belgium, so take that into account. Don’t go here during the weekends or holidays because the place gets overrun by families with children who want to play in the water.

The Ninglinspo is described as the only mountain river of Belgium. Which I think is odd, because we don’t have mountains. The walk starts along the river and is very varied. There are simple sandy paths and more rocky trails. You cross the river by wading through the water or at the more deep river crossings there are bridges made of tree trunks you can use. Sometimes the hike gets more difficult where the actual path disappears. Then you have to use a rope to climb the slippery rocks along the river. Those were my favorite parts, because it was quite adventurous.

The second part of the hike is a forest path that leads to a viewpoint called Drouet. From there you descent back to the parking lot. An extension of the hike is possible (red diamond). You can find the description of this 14km hike here .

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Bieley Felsen

Distance: 4.5 km Indication: none Start/end: Gut Heistert Parking: Gut Heistert 1, 52156 Monschau, Germany Highlights: Bieley rock Important: This hike leads through a military zone, so check the timetable (only available in Dutch and French) in advance on the Defence website to check if there is no target practice on the day you want to do this hike.

Even though this hike starts in Germany just right across the border, it leads to a fantastic viewpoint in Belgium. Park your car in front of the holiday home called Gut Heistert and start the hike, walking towards the pastures and the woods on the right of the house. If you are lucky you will encounter the cutest Highland Cows. Arriving at the forest border you take the path on the right leading into the forest.

This wide forest path goes slightly down and is decorated by moss on its sides. During autumn you’ll find a lot of toadstools here, even fly agarics! I also found toadstools looking like satellites! I guess gnomes don’t have cable yet!

At the fork you turn right and continue your walk until you cross the bridge over the Perlenbach river. There you turn right again and follow the big path for about 200m. Then you need to look for a big sign on the right through the bushes. There is a path leading through the high grass, but because not many people go here, it is possible you’ll miss it.

Walk through the grass towards the sign and check the timetable for target practice again to make sure it is safe to continue. I am sure getting shot during hiking in the Belgian Ardennes is probably not on your bucket list. The path leads through the grass and can be very muddy and wet, but the views of the winding river with its small waterfalls are magnificent. Keep following the river and after 850m you will need to climb up to the Bieley rock (felsen is German for rock).

The view from the top is definitely one of my favorites because you get a 180° view of the valley with the river with its many meanders and the pine forests. I sat here for a very long time, since I had the place all to myself. Afterwards you can choose to either return via the same way like I did, or via the path leading north. If you take the other path, you just follow it to the end and then turn left. If you continue the path you’ll end up at the path where the timetable was.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

37 Hidden gems in Belgium: unique off the beaten path places you need to visit

Furfooz Nature Reserve

Distance: 4 km Indication: yellow arrows in the park Start/end: the park entrance at the end of the Rue du Camp Romain Parking: At the park entrance Highlights: Roman ruins, caves and rock holes Entrance: 5€ / check the park’s website in advance to verify if you need to book in advance

An amazing path runs through the Furfooz nature reserve that you must not miss if you love hiking in the Belgian Ardennes! The well marked route not only leads you to old Roman ruins and a restored bath house, you’ll also find giant caves and sinkholes, idyllic stairways leading through impressive rock formations and fantastic views of the Lesse Valley!

This walk made me feel as if I was not in Belgium anymore. The vegetation in this park is different from the other woods I have visited. A lot of tongue ferns grow in the park and it is very lush. At certain points it felt as if I was on a tropical island. The only things that were still missing were palm trees and a warm temperature.

I was pleasantly suprised by the parc’s diversity. One of my favorite parts was the Trou du Grand Duc, which is a steep stairs leading down to a small cave with a “window” offering a marvelous view of the river Lesse. Another impressive cave is the Trou des Nutons and also the Puits des Vaux fascinated me. A cave is located at the bottom of this chasm with an underground lake with a depth of 40m. You can’t go there though, because the descent is very dangerous.

hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

Chiny: Rocher du Hât & Rocher du Pinco

Distance: Rocher du Hât: 1,8 km / Rocher du Pinco: 6 km Indication: none (check my map) Start/end: Rocher du Hât: the small kayak rental cabin / Rocher du Pinco: the little bridge over the river Semois by the hotel Aux Comtes de Chiny Parking: At hotel Aux Comtes De Chiny Highlights: the viewpoints of Rocher du Hât, Rocher de l’Ecureuil & Rocher du Pinco

ardennes belgium best places to visit

The first short hike to the Rocher du Hât starts at the small kayak rental cabin at the end of the Rue de Cornicelles. You enter the forest and you keep going straight ahead (you’ll pass two paths on the left leading into the forest, but you don’t take these). The path takes you to an open space and there you take the path on the left leading back into the forest. You pass a beautiful lush area overgrown with ferns. Due to last Summer’s drought a lot of ferns had a beautiful orange color when I was there, which offered a beautiful contrast with the green ferns and trees. At the end of the path you turn left and you climb up to the Rocher du Hât.

From the Rocher du Hât you will be able to enjoy gorgeous views on the meanders of the river Semois. During autumn the hills are covered with colorful trees. You can return the same way back to start the second hike.

hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

To start the second hike of the day you cross the red bridge at the hotel Aux Comtes de Chiny to the other side of the river. Then you turn left and follow the path which bends to the right after about 170m. After another 400m a path leads to the left. Cross the little bridge over the stream and take the path on the right that goes straight up. After the steep climb you arrive at the Rocher de l’Ecureuil. You can sit on the bench for a while enjoying another view of the river Semois and the surrounding woods.

After admiring the view you go back down and turn right to follow the path next to the riverbank. After 500m the path becomes steeper leading more into the forest. At the “T-crossing” you turn left and 150m further you turn left again. This path goes straight through the woods. Once you are closer to the river again, you see a super steep path leading all the way up to Rocher du Pinco. I wrote super steep, because it really was a serious climb! If you aren’t very steady on your legs, I strongly advise to use walking sticks. At certain points I used the trees and even climbed on hands and feet!

The view at Rocher du Pinco is worth the effort though! Luckily there is also a bench to rest after the climb! To go back I did not return via the steep hillside, because I would’ve probably ended up on my butt in the dirt sliding down. I took the path leading away from the viewpoint, keeping right. That way you follow a half circle leading back to the path that leads you along the river to the small bridge over the stream.

I was surprised to encounter a huge deer only 5m away from me, since this part of the path is quite close to the N85 (Grand-Route). Unfortunately the deer ran too fast, as surprised as I was, so I wasn’t able to grab my camera on time. From the small bridge you take the same way back to the hotel.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Nismes: La Roche aux Faucons & Fondry des Chiens

Distance: 8 km Indication: yellow rectangle Start/end: l’église Saint-Lambert de Nismes Parking: Place Châtillon (GPS: Rue Longue) Highlights: steam train tunnel, la Roche aux Faucons, Fondry des Chiens, Nismes

About 100 km south from Brussels, you’ll find Nismes. This small village with its charming houses is a sub-municipality of Viroinval in the province of Namur. Nismes is the starting point of the hike. After parking the car, head straight to the Saint-Lambert church and follow the yellow rectangle to Rue des Juifs. Here you will find a path going up on the left side of the house at n°9. You’ll need to climb the forest path for about 60 meters and then you’ll arrive at Les Abannets.

Les Abannets is a highland where most trees were cut down to produce charcoal. The path leads through grassland and woods where you will already encounter some small gorges in the limestone rocks. After about one kilometer you’ll enter the forest of Dourbes. I did the hike during autumn and there were a lot of toadstools along the path, waiting to be admired.

When you arrive near the river Viroin, make sure to hike down to the train track of the steam train. Here you will find a cool train tunnel hidden in the middle of the forest. It made me feel as if I was somewhere in Switzerland or Germany! Most hiking websites don’t mention this place, because it isn’t included in the official trail. You need to go “off trail” for about 15 meters.

Unfortunately the steam train didn’t run when I was there due to Covid-19 restrictions, but the track alone and its surroundings were beautiful and fun to explore. You can check the train’s timetable here .

From the train track the path gets steeper leading to the Roche aux Faucons, meaning Falcon Rock. I don’t think you will see a lot during summer, when the trees are covered with leaves. But in autumn when the leaves are falling and especially during winter you’ll get a great view of the village Olloy and its quarry.

Then the hike continues to Fondry des Chiens. Belgium’s truly unique piece of nature! Fondry des Chiens is a chasm of about 100 m long. It has a depth of 20 m and it was probably formed by the effect of acid rain on the limestone layers. The view of this small grey colored canyon surrounded by the colorful trees is absolutely splendid during autumn. You can also enter the canyon via a path to get a closer look of the deep cracks.

After exploring Belgium’s “Grand Canyon”, this beautiful hike in the Belgian Ardennes continues back to Nismes. You’ll cross a bridge over the river L’Eau Noire to reach the Arboretum of Nismes. This forest was planted to check which trees would be able to grow best in the limestone region. They became so big that you can no longer see their leaves or fruits. Nameplates were removed and it now looks more like a regular forest.

You’ll end the hike by arriving back at Nismes, passing the ruins of the old Pont d’Avignon castle.

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Distance: 3.2 km Indication: the first 500m you follow the red white sign of the GR path Start/end: path across the hotel Les Cinq Ourthes Parking: parking lot next to restaurant Le Belvédère Highlights: views on the Ourthe river and the Hérou rock

This is a short but rather difficult hike. First you follow the red-white signs of the GR path. These take you to a rocky path at the edge of the cliffs of the Hérou rock formation. You will be in awe seeing the views of the Ourthe from here. But make sure you stay attentive, because some parts of the path are slippery or difficult. A woman fell down the rocks not too long ago and died.

Then you will need to descent using a chain. I wasn’t able to do this part of the hike yet, since it is undoable when the weather is wet. But when the weather is dry you can continue the hike along the river banks of the Ourthe. Sometimes you will need to climb over a fallen tree or a rock, but this part is rather easy. Two kilometers later you will need to climb up again towards the parking lot.

As soon as spring or summer has arrived I will return to do this hike!

ardennes belgium best places to visit

Trôs Marets, another beautiful river hike in the Belgian Ardennes

Distance: 4.7 km Indication: blue rectancgle Start/end: path across the hotel Grand Champ and Ferme Libert Parking: parking lot next to Ferme Libert; Route de la Ferme Libert, 4960 Malmedy Highlights: river Trôs Marets

This hike is another beautiful river walk along the stream Trôs Marets. First you walk through the forest down to the river. Once you reach the river, you’ll walk right beside it. Under the first bridge you will find a beautiful waterfall. A little further you will need to hold on to cables for about 30 meters to climb over the rocks along the river. When you reach the Croix Schmitz, the hike changes since you will enter a pine forest and pass various meadows.

I loved this hike because it offered different landscapes. It was not too steep or difficult. Only the part with the cables needs good balance and strong knees!

Trôs Marets river

Some extra tips for hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

  • The best seasons to go hiking in the Belgian Ardennes are definitely autumn and spring. There will be a decent amount of water in the rivers and you can enjoy the colors and changes of nature.
  • Even in the rain you can still go hiking; wear a rain jacket and take an umbrella in case it really starts pouring.
  • Wear decent waterproof hiking shoes that prevent you from slipping. The ground is often muddy and rocks slippery.
  • Take lunch with you so you don’t have to go looking for a restaurant. They are often closed during low season. That way you don’t depend on anything and a picnic in the woods is always more fun! (Take all your garbage with you please)
  • Hiking alone or in pairs is always better. The more silent you are, the bigger the chance you’ll encounter wildlife!

Blog posts about Belgium that might interest you:

  • Hidden gems in Belgium
  • Best places to experience autumn in Belgium
  • Day trips in Belgium
  • The Ultimate Wallonia Road Trip: Chasing Castles & Fairy-tale Villages
  • Most beautiful castles around Antwerp and where to find them

Save this “Hiking in the Belgian Ardennes” post for later!

hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

Book your stay to go hiking in the Belgian Ardennes

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Spring in Belgium: blossoms and flowers

November 19, 2020 at 10:03 PM

Super, al die leuke onbekende plekken die we dankzij jou reeds ontdekt hebben. We staan er iedere keer opnieuw versteld van hoe mooi België wel niet is 😉 Een dikke merci!!

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November 19, 2020 at 10:22 PM

Oh dankjewel! Zo leuk om te lezen! 😊

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March 2, 2021 at 9:48 AM

Today my desktop screen showed me the beauty of The Azores and it led me to your blog about them (which is amazing). I was really surprised to discover that you are from Belgium and of course I got to this nice article about Ardennes. I also live in Belgium already for 10 year and my house is right next to Ninglinspo 😉 It is a pleasure to discover with you! Thanks and keep going!

March 2, 2021 at 10:11 AM

Thank you so much for your kind words!

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Belgium: Driving Through the Best Towns in the Ardennes

Posted by Shane | Jun 25, 2014 | Belgium , Europe | 0

Belgium: Driving Through the Best Towns in the Ardennes

We soon discovered ‘the classic’ Ardennes town: located along a river with houses built into cliff walls, a church spire in the distance, and always, always a castle perched on the very highest point overlooking it all. Which makes them all seem as enchanting as the last. Here are our picks for the best towns in the Ardennes:

Dinant is built along the river with a very impressive rock face and music constantly playing everywhere. What music you ask? Hits of the 80s delivered out of speakers (also from the 80s) mounted to all the buildings… or maybe it’s just that nothing has changed for 30 years?


The city overall has a musical theme, as the saxophone was invented here by Adolphe Sax. Fun fact, but we came for the views!

Close to the French border is Bouillon (like soup bouillon), which we found to be a little gem. We liked this even more than Dinant with its castle up on the hill and narrow streets lined with ice cream shops. It was the perfect spot to enjoy lunch.


Esch Sur Sure

The Ardennes has always been one of the most strategic locations in Europe dating as far back as the Roman Empire until as recently as World War II (Battle of the Bulge). Given that, this area has impressive examples of defensive fortifications that use the landscape to their advantage. Perhaps the best (and cutest) example is in Esch Sur Sure in Luxembourg where there is a fortress and castle on a hill surrounded by a river and quaint town below.


La Roche en Ardennes

La Roche en Ardennes also has similar enchanting characteristics that make it one of the holiday resort towns for the Dutch and Flemish.

Notice the pattern yet?


Overall the Ardennes is a beautiful place to explore. Driving between towns is fun, with tiny winding tree-lined roads sometimes only wide enough for one car. We definitely recommend a road trip around here if you get the chance!

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The Global Wizards – Travel Blog

Road trip to the Ardennes: the perfect itinerary for 3 days in Wallonia, Belgium with kids

Weekend Ardennes with family Namur

Weekend to the Ardennes with kids: from Louvain-La-Neuve to Torgny

Do you want to go to the Ardennes, the southern part of Belgium, with your family for a weekend? But not sure where to go? We explored the region for 3 days and followed an amazing itinerary through the heart of the Ardennes with Torgny, the southernmost village of Belgium, as the end destination.

Table of Contents

In this article, we’ll give you an overview of our route and some of the most beautiful places to visit in the Ardennes, Wallonia.

Read more: The Ardennes in France, a 4-day itinerary

We’ll discover the street art of Louvain-La-Neuve and the beautiful city of Namur , situated where the two rivers Sambre and Meuse meet. We visit the beautiful gardens of Annevoie and go treasure hunting at the Vêves castle . After a space adventure at the Euro Space Center, we end our journey in the most southern village of Belgium , Torgny .

In total this itinerary is about 300km . Continue to read to discover our entire route with all its activities, restaurants, and accommodations.

3 days itinerary in Belgium - The Ardennes

Day 1: via Louvain-La-Neuve we discover Namur

1. explore louvain-la-neuve with a fun street art walk.

After leaving Brussels (without any traffic jam 😉), we arrived in Louvain-La-Neuve , a student city situated about 20 kilometers below Brussels. We search for the starting point of the Kosmopolite Art Tour , a walk that takes you to the most beautiful murals of this city.

Kids Kosmopolite Art Tour Louvain-La-Neuve

In 2012 and 2015, this city hosted a graffiti festival. That’s why you can find some amazing art in the streets of Louvain-La-Neuve. It’s not always easy, however, to find the right path in between the small streets, so you could book a guide if you’d prefer that.

The walk itself is about 5 kilometers, but there are enough shops and little bars on the way to have a drink, amidst the students, of course! More information and a map of the walk can be found here.

Street Art Louvain-La-Neuve Owl Family Walk

2. Take the steep cable car to the citadel of Namur

If you’re taking a road trip through the Ardennes, you can’t miss a visit to Namur. We park our car at the Place Saint Aubain , right in the center of Namur and close to the start of the cable car. Keep in mind that you’re only allowed to park here for 3 hours.

It’s only a 10-minute walk to the ground station of the cable car, where you can buy your tickets. The kids are very excited, daddy a bit less as he has a fear of heights 😉.

Cable Car Namur Wallonia Citadel

From the cable car, we have a fantastic view over the Sambre, Meuse, and Namur. After a few minutes, we safely arrive at the top of the mountain. An experience you can’t miss in Namur! Order your tickets here.

View Cable car Namur Ardennes Wallonia Kids

3. Discover the underground network of the Citadel in Namur

Once you’re on top, go to the left to the entrance of the Citadel van Namen . There’s a little tourist information center where you can get a map of the citadel.

Walk in the tunnel and reach Terra Nova. This is the official visitor center of the citadel. Here you meet your guide for a walk through the underground network of the citadel .

Our guide speaks Dutch, which means our kids can follow everything he says. First, we get more information on the history of the citadel with an interactive screen . Afterward, we continue our walk deep into the earth. Don’t forget an extra sweater though, it’s only 12 degrees in the underground passages.

Citadel Namur Tour Guide Underground Passages Familiy

There are more than 7 km of underground passages. The kids are happy we only walk a small part of it. During our walk, we saw many projections with lots of information on how they built the underground network and the armies of Spain , Austria, France, and Belgium used it.

Soldier Citadel Namur Underground Network History

After 1,5 hours we’re outside again. On our way back, we enjoy the views over Namur and the structures of the Citadel. We can absolutely recommend this tour, especially with kids as well! Everything is very visual and interactive. A top experience in Namen !

4. Explore the Meuse with a boat of Les Capitaineries de Namur

After all those underground stories, it’s time to have some fun above the ground. We walk across the Meuse in the direction of Les Capitaineries de Namur . There’s a little electric boat waiting for us.

You don’t need a license for these kind of boats. Everybody can rent one of these and tour the Meuse themselves. We don’t need to worry, captains Yuna and Hanne (our kids 😉) have everything under control.

Family boat tour Meuse Namur Ardennes

Floating on the Meuse, we get a beautiful view of Namur and the Citadel. Next time we’ll bring a glass of cava, though. Same rules on the water, however, no drinking for the captain…

Les Capitaineries de Namur Boat tour Namur Family

When we return, we enjoy a nice drink on the floating terrace of Les Capitaineries . We have to be honest, we were very lucky with the weather. It was nice and sunny at 25 degrees.

If you want to book an electric boat or kayak, you can do that here .

5. Enjoy a well-deserved dinner in Namur at l’Huile sur le feu

After our boat trip, we cross the Meuse again and explore the city of Namur. We’re pleasantly surprised by how cozy and pleasant it is.

In one of the central esplanades (de Rue de Marchovelette) you can find the small Italian restaurant L’Huile sur le feu . They offer an attractive menu by aiming to keep all the dishes as delicious and simple as possible.

L'huile sur le feu Restaurant Italian Namur Family

We have a little table outside. After a well-deserved glass of Prosecco, we are spoiled with carpaccio, fresh pasta and so much more. It’s a true little gem, this restaurant ! We advise you to book ahead, which is possible here .

6. Spend the night at the amazing “Hotel Vedette” in Profondville

Tired but satisfied, we leave for Profondville , a small town situated at the Meuse only 15 minutes from Namen. We are welcomed at Hotel Vedette by Nathalie and Tom. They renovated this static old house into a beautiful boutique hotel full of charm.

Hotel Vedette Profondville Namur Superior Room Bath

We slept in a superior double room with a fantastic bathtub! Our kids stayed across the hall in another one of these luxurious beds. They decorated all rooms in dark, relaxing colors. It matches perfectly with the light, green environment.

Do you want to spend the night in this hotel ?

Family stay Profondville Namur Hotel Vedette

Day 2: From the water gardens of Annevoie to the castle of Vêves

1. start the day with a large breakfast at hotel vedette.

After a lovely night, we can enjoy a delicious breakfast in the amazing breakfast room of Hotel Vedette . Everything is ready when we arrive.

We get to enjoy the yummiest breakfast : a basket with bread, cheese, and meat from a local farm and e delicious egg prepared by Nathalie. And of course, a glass of champagne is offered as well. The kids feast on the choco paste, jam, and cornflakes.

We can’t imagine a better start to the day.

Breakfast Hotel Vedette Family Namur

2. Get lost in the beautiful water gardens of Annevoie

Situated only 10 km from Profondville, you can find the water gardens of Annevoie . Following the map, we start our walk through the greenery.

These water gardens were constructed over 250 years ago. In building the fountains, they only used the principles of communicating vessels and water pressure .

This means no extra means such as electricity or pumps are used. Caused by the difference in height, the natural water pressure creates waterfalls and fountains.

Water gardens Annevoie Swans Walk Family

For the last few years, they even maintained the gardens completely natural and organic. That means no pesticides or weed killers are used. In many spots, they leave the grass long, which helps the insects and birds a lot.

In the center of these extensive gardens lies a beautiful castle , currently renovated. But you don’t even notice that while strolling through the gardens.

Book your ticket for the water gardens of Annevoie here.

Water gardens Annevoie Castle Family Trip Ardennes Wallonia

3. Enjoy your lunch on a terrace in Dinant

Dinant is situated in between the water gardens of Annevoie and the castle of Vêves, our next destination. Perfect for a lunch break in the beautiful city lying on the river bans of the Meuse.

We walk along the waterside and go across the bridge to enjoy the famous view over the citadel, church, and colorful houses. Afterward, we enjoyed a delicious lunch while watching the boats float by on the Meuse.

We’ll definitely return to Dinant to discover some more of it!

Citadel Dinant Meuse View Family

4. Go treasure hunting in the magical castle of Vêves

After our lunch in Dinant, we drive through the forest, looking for the fairytale castle of Vêves. There we’ll enter a treasure hunt , where Yuna and Hanne have to look for the holy grail dressed as princesses.

Vêves Castle Princess Treasure Hunt Family

With its beautiful towers and amazing woodwork, this is without a doubt one of the most beautiful medieval castles of Belgium. And the fact that it’s still owned by Count Hadelin de Liedekerke Beaufort, adds to the fairytale feeling of the place.

Our princesses have to search for tips throughout the property and the lovely decorated rooms in order to crack a code to open the treasury .

After enjoying and searching the castle for about 1,5 hours, the treasure hunt is finished. What’s located in the treasury has to remain a secret, of course…

You can book your tickets here for your own visit to Vêves Castle.

Castle Vêves Chateau Celles

5. Explore Celles, a lovely village in Wallonia

Close to the castle, you can find Celles , a charming little village situated between four hills. Right next to the Roman church are some nice little terraces to enjoy a drink.

Have a local beer before you climb the stairs to the Hermitage of Saint Hadelinus.

Celles Most Beautiful Village Wallonia Ardennes

6. Enjoy a delicious dinner and lovely night at La Barrière de Transinne

After an amazing day, we arrive at La Barrièr e de Transinne , located in the heart of the province of Luxembourg. This beautiful hotel with a gastronomic restaurant lies only a few kilometers away from the Euro Space Center that we will visit tomorrow.

Alexandre, the friendly manager of the hotel, greets us and shows us around. We sleep in the chalet next to the restaurant, which has a beautiful view over de lush garden . Two spacious rooms are reserved for us, lying right across from each other in the hall, so the kids don’t need to worry.

La Barriere de Transinne Hotel Garden

After a nice start on the terrace, we are ready for our gastronomic diner . For Yuna and Hanne, it’s the first time they will try some true ‘haute cuisine’! The menu has been adapted here and there for the kids, and they love it. We end with a delicious dessert based on Guanaja chocolate with peanuts and popcorn!

Dessert La Barriere de Transinne Restaurant Family

For more information and reservations look here .

Day 3: From Euro Space Center to Torgny

1. breakfast at la barrière de transinne.

Again, we wake up with a radiant sun. After a delightful shower in our spacious bathroom, we join the breakfast buffet .

There are freshly baked pastries, salmon, eggs, freshly made orange juice, and so much more. After this fantastic start to the day, we are ready to go and explore space at the Euro Space Center.

Breakfast La Barriere De Transinne Hotel Ardennes

2. Become an astronaut for one day at the Euro Space Center

As a kid, on our way to France, we often drove by the Euro Space Center. And now we can finally visit it! We are at least as enthusiastic as our kids to become an astronaut one day !

You have to reserve your ticket before you go (because of Covid). You can scan the QR code on your wristband at many activities, and by the end of the day, they tell you if you are ready to become an astronaut .

We start with one of the top attractions, the Moonwalk / Marswalk XP. Here you can experience how it feels to walk on the moon and on Mars. You’re 6 times lighter on the moon and 3 times lighter on Mars. With the virtual reality glasses, it feels as if you’re walking there for real.

Euro Space Center Moon Walk Mars Family Kids

In the planetarium, we get an overview of all the planets, what their surface looks like, how many moons they have, and if extraterrestrial life would be possible.

Later, we explore Mars village where we learn everything about the red planet. Yuna and Hanne can even control their own Mars explorer while driving it over the planet.

In the building, there is a nice restaurant, with all kinds of dishes. We tried the fries and spaghetti which were both tasteful and not expensive. If it’s nice weather, you can eat your lunch outside.

In the afternoon, we attend the Space Tour which takes you on a journey through space history. We all get a headset, and the kids get their own adapted version of the information so they can understand everything. Through the interactive screens, we can test our knowledge about space in different quizzes.

If you want to feel how it is to be launched into space, you can try the Space Rotor . It allows you to experience real G-forces .

You step inside a big centrifuge, that spins really, really quickly. Because of this speed, it presses you against the wall. When the floor suddenly drops, the G-forces keep you pressed against the wall without any support from the floor. A very strange feeling that, luckily, only lasted for a couple of minutes.

F1 pilots and astronauts experience these G-forces for much longer and therefore need to train heavily to be able to cope with them.

To end our day, we do all the interactive activities that test if you are ready to become an astronaut! Through the QR code on our wristband, we can check our individual scores. The kids passed with flying colors and are all ready to enter space!

Euro Space Center is a must for a road trip to the Ardennes! More information and tickets for the Euro Space Center can be found here .

Euro Space Center Kid Family Mars Village

3. Discover Torgny in the most southern point of Belgium

After our exploration through space, we continue our journey to our end destination, Torgny, the southernmost village of Belgium .

It’s one of the most beautiful villages in Wallonia. We immediately get why. When we arrive, it feels as if we are in the Provence. Caused by a micro-climate, hundreds of flowers, herbs, and even grapevines grow in this area.

Torgny most beautiful village Wallonia Ardennes Gaume

In the Visitor Centre, we pick up a basket of local products and take it with us for a walk through the village. You can also pick up a map there with a nice walk through the town and surrounding area.

First, we climb the hill so we can admire Torgny from above. On a picnic bench, we enjoy some fresh strawberries and delicious fruit juice.

Local products Torgny Gaume

Torgny turns out to be the perfect ending to our fantastic weekend at the Ardennes! We can totally recommend visiting this little town and choosing this as the end destination of your 3-day itinerary through the Ardennes and Wallonia.

If you want to spend the night here as well, check out the best hotels in Torgny .

Torgny Gaume region Wallonia Ardennes

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Road trip to the Ardennes with kids in Belgium

Road trip to the Ardennes: the perfect route for 3 days in Wallonia, Belgium with kids

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Home » Travel Guides » Belgium » 15 Best Places to Visit in Belgium

15 Best Places to Visit in Belgium

A real gem of the European Low Countries, Belgium might be small but boy does it pack a punch! Ranging from the Francophone villages of Wallonia in the south to the Flemish diamond towns and North Sea coast, this nation hosts everything from buzzing European parliaments to sobering war memorials between its borders. Here, we take a look at all the best places to visit in Belgium , checking off the energetic capital, the wilds of the Ardennes, culturally-rich Mons and plenty, plenty more along the way!

Bruges, Belgium

Catapulted to fame by the 2008 hit film In Bruges, this pop-up cut-out of a medieval town in the heartlands of Flemish Belgium rarely fails to impress.

Its old centre is an enchanting labyrinth of winding stony streets, each fringed with the rising apses of Low Country townhouses. Here, soaring belfries clad in Gothic carvings and twisted gargoyles peak above the Grote Markt; chip merchants tout double-fried cones of Belgian frites next to ubiquitous Irish pubs (there’s an unexpectedly lively nightlife), and romantic gondolas drift up and down the canals.

Oh, and don’t miss the Basilica of the Holy Blood – a Gothic masterpiece that’s said to house a vial of Christ’s congealed blood! Also see our guide to Bruges !


It’s just a matter of time before Ghent begins to vie against Antwerp and Brussels for the top spot on lists of Belgium’s must-see metropolitan destinations.

Once one of the most powerful city states in Europe, it opted to take something of a backseat in the modern age; preferring to hide its gorgeous location on the confluence of the Scheldt and Leie and that chocolate box old town area (the largest pedestrianised urban zone in the country).

Today, travelers head in to explore the postcard-perfect rows of Flemish townhouses that line the Graslei docks, or delve into the Gothic medley that rises with the bulwarks of the Gravensteen castle. Others sip Belgian brews in the riverside pubs, or devour platters of moules frites amidst the tight-knit alleyways. Read more in our best things to do in Ghent !


Nestled deep in a wooded valley in the midst of the Wallonia Ardennes, Durbuy enchants visitors with a rustic web of winding cobblestone lanes and bucolic cottages dressed in rhododendron, ivy vines and poppy blooms.

A clutch of hearty and welcoming Belgian beer joints rubs shoulders with accomplished fine-dining restaurants between the streets of the medieval centre, while narrow lanes like Rue des Récollets are a real treat for strollers.

Summertime brings booming crowds to the craft boutiques of the self-proclaimed ‘smallest town in the world’, while winter gives a wilder hue to the riparian setting in the middle of pretty Luxembourg province.


Cool, confident and classically subversive, Antwerp has really honed its rep as the second city of Belgium.

A booming diamond trading centre and moneyed to the hilt, the town touts grandiose Flemish houses, winding medieval streets overshadowed by the looming Gothicism of the city Cathedral, the glorious old home of Rubens, and an endearingly gaudy Red Light district where Toots Thielemans tunes echo past candlelit beer bars.

And then – of course – there’s the Het Zuid neighbourhood; Antwerp’s sleepless modern edge, where bohemian coffee shops rub shoulders with antique emporiums, fixie riders glide past graffiti artists and the acclaimed MUHKA art gallery offers cutting-edge avant-garde. See our post on the best things to do in Antwerp to learn more!


Etched into the minds of many as the site of one of the most bloody and destructive battles of the First World War, little Ypres in the midst of the Westhoek is a real must for any history buffs making their way through Belgium.

From 1914 onwards, the rolling fields around this ancient city were dug-out by French, Canadian, British, ANZAC and other allied troops as they vied for control of West Flanders and attempted to push German lines back over the infamous Passendale Ridge.

Today, this bloody struggle is commemorated by the Menin Gate Memorial and the In Flanders Fields Museum, which has been hailed as the most comprehensive World War I exhibit in all of Europe.

6. The Hoge Kempen National Park

Hoge Kempen National Park

Belgium’s solitary National Park is a real patchwork of natural beauty that does well to sum up the wild hinterland of Eastern Flanders.

Covering 60 square kilometers of the picturesque Limburg region, the park is home to rolling heath and undulating hills, misty pine forests and mirror-like lakes, all dotted with packs of wild deer and sweeping blooms of lavender and thistle.

With a whopping total of more than 200 kilometers of winding hiking trails and countless bridal paths and biking tracks besides, it’s hardly surprising that this one’s now a real favourite amongst outdoorsy types making their way through the Low Countries.


Touting its 800-year-old university, a booming student population of more than 25,000 beer-loving erudite Belgians and the famous Grand Béguinage district (a UNESCO-attested area of cobbled streets, enchanting red-brick buildings and pretty Flemish facades), it’s hardly a surprise that Leuven is on the up.

Yes sir, travelers are now more eager than ever to delve into the elegant streets that weave around the Grote Markt below the filigreed Gothic spires of one eye-watering City Hall, while others will come just for the beer – this is the home of the sprawling InBev brewery (one of the largest of its kind in the world), along with countless specialist craft bars touting ancient Trappist ales and Belgian abbey beers to boot!

Also see: the 15 best things to do in Leuven .

8. Brussels


No list of Belgium’s top must-see sights could possibly be complete without at least a mention of its sprawling, action-packed and indelibly exciting capital city.

Not only is Brussels the beating heart of modern European politics, drawing lawmakers from Estonia to Portugal, but it’s also the home of the iconic Grand Place market square, where a palimpsest of the Gothic, the Baroque the  fin de siècle and Beaux-Arts styles coalesce amidst the apses and spires.

And all around this historic plaza, hidden alleys conceal Belgian beer bars bursting with Trappist brews and frothy ales, famous chocolatiers, holes-in-the-wall touting waffles and stacks of double-cooked Belgian frites, fine art museums bulging with Bruegel and Rubens, regal parks with soaring monuments like the Cinquantenaire – the list goes on as you’ll see in our guide on Brussels .


Proud former European Capital of Culture and the home of perhaps the most elegant historic centre in all of Belgium, Mons and its array of Luxembourgish-come-Germanic townhouses sits draped over the southwestern hillsides just a stone’s throw from the border with France.

The action focusses on the irresistible Grand Place square, where the elaborate facades of one seriously photogenic town hall sit in the shadow of Belgium’s only Baroque belfry (a UNESCO World Heritage Site to boot).

The town is also home to the erstwhile house of the totemic Dutch post-impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, while the famous Ducasse festivities in the spring make for a striking display of local religious traditions, complete with biblical re-enactments, pitched battles between St George and the dragon, horse parades and more.


Responsible for adding the prefix ‘spa’ to destinations famed for their bubbling mineral springs right across the globe, this charming little town in the heart of Liege province comes complete with row upon row of regal facades and La Belle Époque architectural pieces.

It has been hailed for its healing waters since way back in the 14th century, and today folk still flock to the all-new Thermes baths that look over the downtown streets where once Dumas and Victor Hugo and the fictional Hercule Poirot would have flitted between Parisian-style cafes and babbling fountains.


A patchwork of traditional Mosan-style homes built from grey brick and stoic black slate, crisscrossing cobblestone lanes and pretty riverside promenades, Namur belies its official status as a regional capital with a laid-back, historic vibe.

Its undisputed piece de resistance is the sprawling medieval Citadelle that crowns the hillsides above the Sambre. More than 1,000 years old, it remains one of the largest fortresses in all of Europe and comes complete with oodles of escape tunnels and bulwarks that were used right up until WWII.

And once travelers are done touring the castle complex on the hill, Namur’s cobbled Place du Vieux Marché beckons; a pretty European square that’s awash with al fresco cafes and Belgian beer bars aplenty.


Straddling the Meuse River as it meanders northwards through the grassy valleys and woods of Wallonia, Liege is one of the less-trodden cities in Belgium. However, travelers who linger here just a little before heading out to explore the wilds of the Ardennes are in for a real treat.

For one there’s a seriously pretty medieval old town area that cascades down from the fascinating Citadel of Liege to the riverbanks, encompassing the flying buttresses of a reconstructed city cathedral, acclaimed institutions like Musée des Beaux-Arts and the eclectic Egyptology-come-Bonapartist collections of the Curtius Museum as it goes.

And then there’s the nightlife – a medley of student-led jazz bars and Low Country pubs that bustles between the Victorian and Art Deco homes of the Le Carré neighbourhood. Learn more about Liege: best things to do in Liege .

13. The Ardennes

Ardennes, Belgium

A sprawling section of southern Belgium that’s famed as one of the most beautiful hiking destinations in all of Northern Europe, the Ardennes ranges from the city of Namur, across the valleys of the meandering Meuse River and down to the wild plateau Fens on the edge of the German Eifel Mountains.

Between its borders travelers can seek out rock-clad castles like Chateau de Bouillon, Mardi Gras festivities in Malmedy , beautiful canoeing waters along the River Lesse, stalactite-dotted caves and grottoes amidst the Ourthe hills, dense woodlands and Trappist monasteries in Rochefort , rugged cliffs in Dinant , verdant valleys that give way to winding river channels, misty forests that go on for miles and oodles, oodles more!


Escape the inland cities and towns of Belgium for a blast of North Sea air along the sun-splashed (at least by summer!) esplanades of Ostend , which runs its way along the windswept coastline of West-Flanders just a short ride out of Bruges.

Much-loved by locals for its buzzing atmosphere and sandy beaches between June and August, it’s actually surprisingly easy to fall in love with this one’s cookie cutter seaside hotels, curiously English tearooms and hedonistic clubs along Langestraat.

There’s history to explore too, most notably at the infamous Atlantic Wall Open Air Museum, which chronicles German fortification of the European seaboard, while aquariums and various marine-themed expos relate the town’s indelible connection to the North Sea.

15. Bastogne


Perched right on the borderlands with Luxembourg to the south, the now sleepy, 15,000-strong town of Bastogne boasts a history going all the way back to the centuries when Gallic tribes waged war with Roman centurions in the Low Countries.

However, the spot is now better known for its place at the heart of the tumultuous and dark histories of the 20th century. In 1944 it was from here that German divisions planned the Battle of the Bulge, and the town subsequently played host to the heroic 101st Airborne Division as they were encircled by Axis troops.

Today, this pivotal moment of the Western Front is commemorated at the acclaimed Bastogne War Museum, the colossal Mardasson Memorial and the Bastogne Barracks alike.

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  • The Hoge Kempen National Park
  • The Ardennes

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Waffles topped with rhubarb and clementines next to a pot of syrup

A taste of Belgium, from medieval spices to oral cooking traditions

Belgian cuisine continues to be influenced by the flavours of its medieval past.

Over the centuries, Belgium has been invaded by numerous European people — including the Romans, Vikings, Spanish, French, Germans and Dutch. The favourite ingredients and cooking techniques of the invaders were picked up by locals, who, by the Middle Ages, had developed a cuisine they could call their own.

Our cuisine is still deeply rooted in medieval cookery. This influence of the Middle Ages, a time when Flemish culture was highly developed, can be seen in the way we use condiments, mustards, vinegars and dried fruits to obtain delicate balances of sweet and sour, or sweet and salty; in our use of fresh and dried fruits and nuts, particularly almonds, to enhance flavour and presentation. The spices we use so abundantly to season everything, from meats and vegetables to desserts and wine, can be traced back to those favoured in the Middle Ages — nutmeg, cinnamon, peppercorns, saffron, ginger and bay leaves. We love chervil, tarragon, thyme, sage, parsley and chives — the same ingredients that grew in the herb gardens of medieval monasteries.

We also eat potatoes in nearly every guise; fried potatoes are practically our national dish. Mussels are consumed regularly, and we’re a nation of meat-lovers — pork, beef, veal and chicken, as well as game, from rabbit and wild boar to wild birds of every sort. We often make a meal of charcuterie accompanied by breads and beer. The country is known for its vegetables (namely brussels sprouts and endives) as well as for waffles and, of course, chocolate.

Given this bounty, it’s perhaps surprising that there are few cookbooks devoted to Belgian cooking. But the reason is simple: in Belgium, the secrets of cooking are still transmitted orally from generation to generation. Our cuisine is home cooking at its best.

Must-try dishes in Belgium

1. Warerzooi This delicate stew features chicken, or seafood, poached in a creamy broth and is laden with flavourful vegetables like leeks and celery. It’s the perfect vehicle for creativity; a summer version might include asparagus, tomatoes and fragrant basil, though my favourite is with scallops.

2. Vlaamse stoverij Also known as carbonades flamandes, this is a slow-cooked stew of beef — or pork cheeks — caramelised onions, aromatic herbs and a subtly bitter Belgian brew. Enjoy it with apple sauce, a generous helping of Belgian fries and a glass of beer.

3. Belgian waffles It’s hard to ignore the Belgians’ passion for waffles: you’ll notice the sweet aroma of the freshly baked delicacy wherever you go. The Brussels waffle, served in tearooms, is topped with chantilly, ice cream or fresh fruit.

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