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Travel Advisory October 19, 2023

Brazil - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to Country Summary.

Exercise increased caution in Brazil due to  crime . Some areas have increased risk. Read the entire Travel Advisory.

Do not travel to:

  • Any areas within 150 km/100 miles of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to  crime . (Note: This does not apply to the Foz do Iguacu National Park or Pantanal National Park.)
  • Informal housing developments (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or conglomerados) at any time of day due to  crime  (see additional information below).
  • Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to  crime  (see additional information below).

Country Summary:   Violent crime, such as murder, armed robbery, and carjacking, is common in urban areas, day and night. Gang activity and organized crime is widespread. Assaults, including with sedatives and drugs placed in drinks, are common. U.S. government personnel are discouraged from using municipal buses in all parts of Brazil due to an elevated risk of robbery and assault at any time of day, and especially at night.

If you decide to travel to Brazil: 

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not physically resist any robbery attempt.
  • Do not accept food or drinks from strangers.
  • Use caution when walking or driving at night.
  • Avoid going to bars or nightclubs alone.
  • Avoid walking on beaches after dark.
  • Do not display signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry.
  • Be extra vigilant when visiting banks or ATMs.
  • Use caution at, or going to, major transportation centers or on public transportation, especially at night. Passengers face an elevated risk of robbery or assault using public, municipal bus transportation throughout Brazil.
  • Use increased caution when hiking in isolated areas.
  • Enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the Country Security Report for Brazil.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

International Borders – Level 4: Do Not Travel

U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to areas within 150 km/100 miles of the international land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay without advance approval from security officials due to crime. Travel to the Foz do Iguacu National Park and Pantanal National Park is permitted.

Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas .

Informal Housing Developments (commonly known as “Favelas”) – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Do not travel to informal housing developments (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or conglomerados), even on a guided tour.  Neither the tour companies nor the police can guarantee your safety when entering these communities.  Even in these communities that the police or local governments deem safe, the situation can change quickly and without notice.  While some informal housing developments have clear boundaries or gates, or even names such as “favela”, “vila”, “comunidade”, or “conglomerado”, other such developments may be less obvious, and may be identified by crowded quarters, poorer conditions, and/or irregular construction.  In addition, exercise caution in areas surrounding these communities, as occasionally, inter-gang fighting and confrontations with police move beyond the confines of these communities.  Except under limited circumstances and with advance approval, U.S. government personnel are not permitted to enter any informal housing developments in Brazil. Read the Safety and Security Section on the  country information page  and consult the maps on the Embassy’s website for further information regarding favelas.

Visit our website for Travel High-Risk Areas .

Brasilia’s Administrative Regions (commonly known as “Satellite Cities”) – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Without advance approval from security officials, U.S. government personnel are not permitted to travel to Brasilia’s Administrative Regions of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. (non-daylight hours) due to crime.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Must be valid on the date of entry

One page required for entry stamp

Yes, beginning April 10, 2025

None required, but see Health section

More than 10,000 BR must be declared to Customs

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Brasilia SES 801- Avenida das Nacoes, Lote 03 70403-900 - Brasilia, DF Brazil Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011-55-61-3312-7400 Fax: (61) 3312-7651 Email: [email protected]

Embassy Branch Office in Belo Horizonte Avenida do Contorno, 4520 / 2nd floor – Funcionários 30110-028 Belo Horizonte, MG – Brazil Telephone: +55 (31) 3338-4000 E-mail: [email protected] Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia

Consular Agency in Brasilia’s Consular District Manaus Consular Agency Edificio Atrium, Suite 306 Rua Franco de Sá, 310 69.079-210 Manaus, AM Brazil Telephone: 011-55-92-3611-3333 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Embassy in Brasilia

U.S. Consulate General Porto Alegre Avenida Assis Brasil, 1889 Passo d' Areia 91010-004 - Porto Alegre, RS Brazil Telephone:  011-55-51-3345-6000 Email:  [email protected]

U.S. Consulate General Recife Rua Goncalves Maia, 163, Boa Vista 50070-125 - Recife, PE Brazil Telephone:  011-55-81-3416-3050 or 011-55-81-3416-3080 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-81-3416-3060 or 011-55-81-9916-9470 Email:  [email protected]

Consular Agency in Recife’s Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Fortaleza Avenida Santos Dumont 2828, Aldeota, Suite 708 60150-162- Fortaleza, CE Brazil Telephone: 011-55-85-3223-4902 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Recife

U.S. Consulate General Rio de Janeiro Avenida Presidente Wilson, 147, Castelo 20030-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Telephone:  011-55-213823-2000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-21-3823-2029 Email:   [email protected]

Consular Agency in Rio de Janeiro’s Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Salvador da Bahia Avenida Tancredo Neves, 1632, Caminho das Arvores Salvador Trade Center-Torre Sul, Room 1401 41820-020 - Salvador, Bahia Brazil Telephone:  011-55-71-3113-2090/2091/2092 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro: (21) 3823-2029

U.S. Consulate General Sao Paulo Rua Henri Dunant, 500 Chacara Santo Antonio 04709-110 - Sao Paulo, SP Brazil Telephone:  011-55-11-3250-5000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  011-55-11-3250-5373 Email:  [email protected]

Destination Description

See the Department of State’s Fact Sheet on Brazil for information on U.S.-Brazil relations.  

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens.

Effective midnight on April 10, 2025 , a visa will be required for U.S. citizens to travel to Brazil, regardless of the purpose of travel. For more information about visa requirements, visit the Brazilian government-authorized website, https://brazil.vfsevisa.com

You will need:

  • A valid U.S. passport.
  • A valid Brazilian visa or e-visa, beginning April 10, 2025 for tourists and currently for all other types of travel.
  • Visit the Brazilian government-authorized website to obtain your e-visa: https://brazil.vfsevisa.com

Find a  Brazilian consulate abroad .           

Brazilian law requires any minor who is a Brazilian citizen (even dual nationals who are both U.S. and Brazilian citizens) to have permission from each parent to travel within Brazil or exit the country. When a minor travels with both parents, no written authorization is needed. When the minor travels with only one parent or without either parent, s/he  must have two original written authorization letters from each absent parent  and carry a copy* of the child’s birth certificate or have an annotation in his/her Brazilian passport authorizing travel alone or with only one parent. Brazilian citizen minors without authorization letters and a birth certificate* or an annotated Brazilian passport likely will not be allowed by authorities to pass through immigration or to board a flight departing Brazil.     

The U.S. Embassy and its consulates cannot intervene in Brazilian immigration matters or request that this requirement be waived for U.S. citizen travelers.

Written Authorization Letter:  If the absent parent is in Brazil, written authorization letters must be in Portuguese and notarized by a Brazilian notary. If the absent parent is in the United States or elsewhere outside of Brazil, the authorization must be done at the nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate using the form provided by that office. Again, please note that Brazilian law requires two original authorizations for each absent parent. This is important, because Federal Police may request and retain one authorization upon the minor’s entry into Brazil. Authorities may then request the second original document upon the minor’s departure.  Authorizations written in English or executed before a U.S. (or any non-Brazilian) notary public are not accepted by the Brazilian Federal Police.  Similarly, birth certificates issued outside of Brazil that are not  apostilled * and translated by a certified translator may not be accepted.

Brazilian Passport Annotation:  In lieu of carrying authorization letters, parents of dual U.S.-Brazilian citizen minors may instead request an annotation be placed in the minor’s Brazilian passport authorizing the minor to travel with only one parent, or to travel alone or with a third party. This annotation replaces the requirement for written authorization letters until the passport expires. Parents residing in Brazil should contact the Brazilian Federal Police for details on obtaining an annotated passport. Parents residing abroad should contact the nearest Brazilian Embassy or Consulate. The annotated Brazilian passport must not be expired and must be carried along with the minor’s U.S. passport at all times for Brazilian Federal Police to accept it in lieu of an authorization letter. There is no comparable annotation available in U.S. passports.

Children who are not dual citizens of Brazil: Please note that, while Brazilian law related to travel authorization does not explicitly apply to non-citizens of Brazil, Federal Police have, at times, delayed the travel of non-Brazilian minors who lack appropriate authorization from both parents. For this reason, we recommend that families of non-Brazilian minors who may travel through Brazil without one or both parents execute written authorizations (following the instructions in the preceding paragraph) in advance of travel and ensure that the minor, or the minor’s traveling companion, carries the original or notarized copy** of the minor’s birth certificate.

An exemplar of the form used by Brazilian authorities to document parental permission for minors to travel without one or both parents may be found here.

*There is a useful pamphlet published by the Hague Conference called “ The ABCs of Apostilles .” The Brazilian competent authority that issues apostilles is the  Conselho Nacional de Justiça .

**If the birth certificate was issued in Brazil, copies must be notarized by a Brazilian notary. If issued outside of Brazil, copies must be apostilled and translated by a certified translator into Portuguese.

HIV/AIDS Restrictions:  The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Brazil.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Crime:  The violent crime rate is high in most Brazilian urban centers. Public transportation, hotel sectors, and tourist areas report high crime rates, but these incidents can happen anywhere and at any time.  Be aware of your surroundings.

  • Informal housing developments in Brazil (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or satellite cities), even on a guided tour, at any time of day due to crime. Neither the tour companies nor the police can guarantee your safety when entering these areas. Even in favelas that the police or local governments deem safe, the situation can change quickly and without notice. In addition, exercise caution in areas surrounding favelas, as occasionally, inter-gang fighting and confrontations with police move beyond the confines of these communities.
  • Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours due to crime.
  • Any areas within 150 km of Brazil’s land borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay due to crime. (Note: This does not apply to the Foz do Iguacu National Park or Pantanal National Park.)
  • Consider avoiding the use of public, municipal buses in Brazil at any time of day, and especially at night. Crime trends indicate an elevated risk of robbery or assault on public bus systems throughout Brazil. The U.S. government recommends against personnel using public, municipal buses in all parts of Brazil.
  • Avoid going to bars or nightclubs alone and avoid leaving with strangers.
  • Before going on a date with someone you met on a dating app, tell a loved one who you are meeting, where you are going, and the details of the dating application account.
  • Be wary about inviting individuals to your residence. If inviting a new acquaintance to your residence, speak to your door attendant in advance about your invited guest.
  • Trust your instincts – if something does not feel right or if you suddenly feel ill, walk away from the situation.
  • If you believe you may have been drugged, seek immediate medical attention. Some people can have life-threatening reactions to these drugs. After that, report the crime to local police and contact us at the numbers listed below.
  • Traveling Outside Metropolitan Areas After Dark: Travelers are encouraged to organize their trips so that they can travel during daylight hours. Road conditions throughout Brazil can vary widely, and travelers must exercise caution due to debris in the road, horse-drawn carriages, unmarked speed bumps, and other infrastructure deficiencies.
  • Armed hold-ups of pedestrians and motorists can happen, including at or near public beaches. Personal belongings, left unattended even for a moment, are often taken. If you are robbed, hand over your personal belongings without resisting. Resisting will increase your risk of injury.
  • Carjackings and hold-ups can occur at any time of the day or night, especially at intersections and in tunnels. Some robberies involve individuals robbed at gunpoint and taken to make purchases or to withdraw as much money as possible from one or more ATMs.
  • Crime on public transportation occurs.  Registered taxis have red license plates and openly display company information and phone numbers.
  • Credit card fraud and ATM scams are common in Brazil. Work closely with your financial institutions to monitor accounts and keep your credit card in view while it is scanned at a point of sale.
  • Avoid using ATMs in unfamiliar, secluded, or lightly protected areas. Be aware that criminals often target ATMs and businesses in the early hours of the morning when there are fewer witnesses and law enforcement response times may be delayed. If you opt to use an ATM, select those that are located inside of secure facilities, such as an airport, hospital, bank, or government building. 
  • Avoid openly displaying your cell phone.  When using a ride share service or taxi, wait for its arrival in a secure area.
  • Avoid large groups or events where crowds have gathered. Public events of any nature, including concerts and sporting events, can unexpectedly turn violent.
  • Travel to any areas within 150 km of the international borders with Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Paraguay, except in limited circumstances with the appropriate U.S. Department of State approvals. Individuals with ties to illegal criminal networks operate along Brazilian borders. Travel to the Foz do Iguaçu National Park and Pantanal National Park is permitted.
  • Enter any informal housing developments in Brazil (commonly referred to in Brazil as favelas, vilas, comunidades, and/or satellite cities), except in limited circumstances with the appropriate approvals.
  • Enter Brasilia’s administrative regions (commonly known as “satellite cities”) of Ceilandia, Santa Maria, Sao Sebastiao, and Paranoa during non-daylight hours.

To reduce the chance of becoming the victim of a crime, in addition to the above recommendations, please review the below precautions:

  • Limit the personal belongings you carry with you. Carry your money in your front pockets and limit the number of credit cards you carry. Make copies of all of your personal documents – including your credit cards, license, passport, etc. – and keep them in a safe place. This will be helpful if you lose your documents.
  • Do not carry or wear valuable items that will attract the attention of thieves. If you need to wear expensive jewelry or carry a camera, conceal it until you arrive at your destination.
  • Be aware of the street environment and avoid contact with those who may be looking for robbery targets. Seek a safer location. Go into a store, bank, or simply cross the street.
  • Do not walk on beaches after dark. Assaults are common.
  • Use increased caution when hiking in isolated areas, particularly near popular tourist locations in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Demonstrations  and strikes are common in urban areas, may occur unexpectedly, disrupt transportation, and may escalate into violence.

  • Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly become violent. 
  • Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.
  • Check the website of the Embassy or Consulate nearest you for current information on demonstrations.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Victims of Crime: 

U.S. citizen victims of crime should contact the local authorities to file a Brazilian police report before departing Brazil. In most instances, you can report crimes to the tourist or civil police. U.S. citizens should also inform the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate, but local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

  • Police number - 190
  • the U.S. Embassy at 011-55-61-3312-7000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Porto Alegre at 011-55-51-3345-6000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Recife at 011-55-81-3416-3050 or 011-55-81-3416-3080
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro at 011-55-21-3823-2000
  • the U.S. Consulate General in Sao Paulo at 011-55-11-3250-5000

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Replace a lost or stolen passport
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Provide information on  victims' compensation programs in the U.S .
  • Provide a list of local lawyers who speak English

The local equivalent to the “911” emergency line in Brazil is divided among four services:

  • 190 - Policia (Police)
  • 191 - Policia Rodoviaria (on interstate roads)
  • 192 - Ambulancia (Ambulance)
  • 193 - Bombeiros (Fire Department)

Victims of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault:  Contact the nearest Embassy or Consulate for assistance after contacting local authorities.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities are inconsistent. Inquire with property management about the presence and functionality of safety equipment, such as fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Hazardous areas/activities are normally identified with appropriate signage in major urban centers but may not be in other locations. Tourism industry staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate and timely medical treatment is consistently available only in or near major cities. First responders can face delays accessing areas outside of major cities to quickly provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.  

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy or Consulate immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Firearms: Brazil forbids importing, exporting, and possessing firearms without prior authorization of the Brazilian Government. U.S. citizens are subject to arrest and prosecution in Brazil for possession of unauthorized firearms or firearm components anywhere in the country, including airports. This prohibition extends to spent shell casings or ammunition, even if inside luggage during transit, regardless of whether those items were legally purchased in the United States or elsewhere.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website  for more information.

Water Hazards:  Many of Brazil’s beaches have very dangerous riptides, even if the water looks safe. Ocean currents and waves are unpredictable, even in popular beaches frequented by tourists. Shark attacks are reported in the waters of some beaches in northeastern Brazil, particularly near Recife. Always observe posted warnings and never swim while under the influence of alcohol. Follow local authorities’ guidance and refrain from swimming alone in areas marked with red warning signs or at beaches where there are no municipal lifeguards or first responder services.

Electricity Blackouts:  Power failures in large urban centers are common and sometimes followed by increased crime. Most tourist hotels are equipped with generators, minimizing the impact of a blackout, but you should remain cautious.

Natural Disasters:  Flooding and mudslides occur throughout the country and can be fatal. Monitor news and weather reports and adhere to municipal advisories before traveling to areas prone to flooding or landslides. Many of Brazil’s larger cities have frequent heavy rainstorms that cause flash flooding and can disrupt traffic.

Customs Restrictions : Contact the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, D.C. or one of Brazil's consulates in the United States for specific information regarding import and export regulations. Please also refer to our  information on customs regulations .

  • Brazilian customs authorities may enforce strict regulations concerning temporarily importing or exporting items such as firearms, antiquities, mineral samples, tropical plants, wildlife, medications, and business and communication equipment. 
  • In the Amazon region, there is special scrutiny of exporting biological material. People raising, growing, or exporting biological materials without permits can be charged with “biopiracy.”

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTI Travelers:  Brazil does not have legal restrictions on same-sex marriage, relations, or events coordinated by LGBTI organizations. However, according to the 2019 Human Rights Report, violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals was a serious concern, with local NGOs reporting 297 LGBTI persons were victims of hate killings. See our  LGBTI Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance:  Brazilian law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical and mental disabilities in employment, education, and access to health care. However, accessibility to public transportation and the ability to accommodate the needs of physically disabled persons are limited in most areas. 

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

COVID-19 Testing: Brazil is a very large, diverse country with varying medical resources, both private and public, throughout the country. Many private labs perform COVID-19 testing at various prices, typically between $20 and $100.  PCR, serology-based antibody tests, and antigen tests are available.  Turn-around time varies widely depending upon location. Please verify turn-around time with your chosen lab before taking the test.  Express results within 2-4 hours are available in many locations at an increased fee, including in the Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo and Galeão International Airport in Rio de Janeiro. Testing is available in the private sector without a doctor’s prescription, but a prescription may be required for insurance payment.

In the public healthcare system, each Brazilian state has its own COVID-19 testing plan. We recommend that you  contact local/state authorities for more information.  Typically, a COVID-19 test is ordered by an emergency room physician and then sent to a public lab. Turnaround time is much slower and can take up to seven days, but tests are generally free.  Information on testing sites and procedures is available through the  official app of the Ministry of Health.

COVID-19 Vaccines: The COVID-19 vaccine is available for U.S. citizens to receive in Brazil once they register with the public Unified Health System (SUS) . According to the Ministry of Health, available vaccines include AstraZeneca/Oxford (Fiocruz), CoronaVac (Butantan), Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), and Pfizer (BioNTech). For more information on local availability of COVID-19 vaccines, please see the Brazilian Ministry of Health’s website and also contact local health authorities .  

For emergency services in Brazil, dial 192.

Ambulance services are not present throughout the country or are unreliable in most areas except in state capitals and other large cities. 

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance. 

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See  our webpage  for more information on overseas insurance coverage. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with the  Government of Brazil  to ensure the medication is legal in Brazil. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging, along with your doctor’s prescription. 

Vaccinations:  Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Though the yellow fever vaccine is not required to enter Brazil, travelers wishing to be vaccinated should consider receiving it prior to travel, as local supplies are limited. Please note that the yellow fever vaccine should be administered ten days prior to travel for it to be effective.

Also note that, while yellow fever vaccine is not required to enter Brazil, some neighboring countries (French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, Bolivia, and Paraguay) do require travelers with recent entries in Brazil to show proof of yellow fever vaccination.

All travelers to the country are advised to carry documentation, such as a vaccination card, that they have been appropriately vaccinated for yellow fever.

The following diseases are prevalent in Brazil:

  • Chikungunya
  • Leishmaniasis
  • Travelers' diarrhea
  • Tuberculosis
  • Schistosomiasis

In recent years, outbreaks of these diseases have also been detected in certain areas of Brazil:

  • Yellow fever

Elective Surgery : Although Brazil has many elective/cosmetic surgery facilities that are on par with those found in the United States, the quality of care varies widely. If you plan to undergo surgery in Brazil, make sure that emergency medical facilities are available and professionals are accredited and qualified. Some “boutique” plastic surgery operations offer luxurious facilities but are not hospitals and are unable to handle emergencies. 

Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website for information on Medical Tourism, the risks of medical tourism, and what you can do to prepare before traveling to Brazil.

Non-traditional Medicine: Several U.S. citizens have died while seeking medical care from non-traditional “healers” and practitioners in Brazil. Ensure you have access to licensed emergency medical facilities if seeking such services.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Public Transportation:  Consider avoiding the use of public, municipal buses in Brazil at any time of day, and especially at night. Crime trends indicate an elevated risk of robbery or assault on public bus systems throughout Brazil. The U.S. government recommends against personnel using public, municipal buses in all parts of Brazil.

Public buses are one of the main modes of inter-city road travel. Buses can range (depending on route and price) from luxurious and well-maintained to basic and mechanically unsound. Bus hijacking can occur at random.

Road Conditions and Safety:  Driving on Brazil's roads poses significant risks. Poor driving skills, bad roads, and high-density traffic make road travel more hazardous than in the United States. Road maintenance is inadequate in many areas and some long-distance roads through the Amazon forest are impassable much of the year due to flooding. 

Apart from toll roads, which generally have their own services, roadside assistance is available only sporadically and informally through local mechanics. The fastest way to summon assistance in an emergency anywhere in the country is to dial 193, a universal number staffed by local fire departments. This service is in Portuguese only.

Traffic Laws:  Travelers planning on staying for more than 180 days should obtain an Inter-American Driving Permit to carry with their valid U.S. license if they plan to drive in Brazil. Such permits can be obtained through AAA or other sources. Please note:

  • Everyone in the vehicle must wear a seatbelt. Brazilian federal law requires child seats for all children under the age of 7 ½. From age 7 ½ years to 10, children must only ride in the back seat.
  • Drivers must yield the right of way to cars on their right. Compliance with stop signs is rarely enforced, so many motorists treat them as yield signs. It is common for drivers to turn or cross one or more lanes of traffic without warning.
  • Drivers often flash their lights or wave their hand out the window to signal other drivers to slow down. 
  • Pedestrian crossings are only observed in some places, such as Brasilia. 
  • Drivers must have their daytime running lights on during the day and headlights on at night on Federal Highways.
  • Under Brazil’s Lei Seca (“Dry Law”),  you cannot operate a vehicle with any measurable blood-alcohol level. Checkpoints are often set up in urban areas, and randomly chosen drivers are required to perform a breathalyzer test. Those in violation are subject to legal penalties and having their vehicle impounded. 

See our  Road Safety page  for more information. Visit the website of Brazil’s  national tourist office  and  national authority responsible for road safety . 

Aviation Safety Oversight:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the government of Brazil’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Brazil’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Brazil should also check for  U.S. maritime advisories and alerts .  Information may also be posted to the   U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Brazil was cited in the State Department’s 2022 Annual Report to Congress on International Child Abduction for demonstrating a pattern of non-compliance with respect to international parental child abduction. Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in  Brazil . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report. 

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

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Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.


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20 jan .



Allianz parque, 21  jan , 24  fev, curitiba, pr, pedreira paulo leminski, 02  mar, belo horizonte, mg, esplanada do mineirão, 09  mar, ribeirão preto, sp, estádio comercial, 16  mar, florianópolis, sc, 23  mar, porto alegre, rs, estádio passo d'areia (zequinha), 13  abr, fortaleza, ce, área externa iguatemi hall, classic hall, 27  abr, brasília, df, arena brb nilson nelson, 04  mai, goiânia, go, centro cultural oscar niemeyer, 18  mai, belém, pa, espaço náutico marine club, 25  mai, 01  jun, rio de janeiro, rj, praça da apoteose, 24  ago, salvador, ba, 18  jan .



Era uma vez um conto de fadas moderno de um artista em evolução.

Cada álbum lançado por ele era uma viagem pelos quatro elementos da natureza.

Agora chegou o momento de Jão completar o ciclo, um capítulo que será marcado pela SUPERTURNÊ , que promete ser uma das maiores do Brasil em 2024.

Em cada show, seremos transportados para uma atmosfera mágica: uma performance autêntica e emocionante pra gente presenciar um novo voo de Jão .

Chegou a hora de celebrar esse grande momento com a SUPERTURNÊ .

Onde a gente se encontra?

Trovoa Comunicação

[email protected]


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  • riocentro.oficial

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O mais versátil espaço para eventos do Brasil

Sou organizador.

Faça o seu evento em um dos  Centro de Convenções mais versáteis do Brasil. Solicite o seu orçamento.

Sou visitante

Agenda com uma grande versatilidade de eventos, estacionamento amplo e hotel oficial dentro do complexo do Riocentro.

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World MICE Awards

O Riocentro conquistou pelo terceiro ano consecutivo o título de Melhor Centro de Convenções do Brasil no World MICE Awards 2024!

Com pavilhões versáteis e totalmente equipados para atender a uma ampla gama de eventos — desde congressos e convenções até shows, feiras, formaturas e exposições — o Riocentro continua a ser o espaço ideal para todas as ocasiões.

Agradecemos imensamente a confiança dos profissionais da indústria e do público que votaram em nós. Estamos comprometidos em proporcionar experiências excepcionais para os eventos mais memoráveis do país!

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Espaço Uber no Rock In Rio

A parceria entre o Riocentro, Uber e a Easy Life oferece segurança e conforto para quem vai curtir o Rock in Rio. Com o Espaço Uber localizado no Centro de Convenções Riocentro, você pode aproveitar uma estrutura completa com banheiros, áreas de descanso, estações de carregamento e food trucks.

O local é gratuito e fácil de acessar, permitindo que você solicite seu Uber pelo celular sem necessidade de cadastro adicional. A caminhada até o festival é de apenas 1 km, com uma passarela fechada garantindo sua segurança. Tanto na ida quanto na volta, placas de sinalização e suporte no aplicativo te guiarão, proporcionando uma experiência tranquila e prática.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

SBC Summit Rio

Está confirmado: em 2025, o SBC Summit Rio será no Riocentro!📍

Previsto para acontecer de 25 a 27 de fevereiro de 2025, este evento apresenta uma oportunidade incomparável para líderes da indústria, por sua capacidade de reunir executivos seniores do Brasil e de todo o mundo para explorarem o dinâmico cenário de mercado de apostas esportivas e iGaming do Brasil.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Locação de Estúdios

Conheça o Complexo de Estúdios 3AB do Pavilhão 3 do Riocentro, onde a magia da produção audiovisual se encontra com a excelência técnica.

Inaugurados desde 2018, os espaços foram especialmente projetados para atender grandes produções, sendo o Estúdio 3A com 1.107m² e o Estúdio 3AB com 637m². Além de terem estrutura completa com climatização, qualidade acústica, salas de produção, camarins, banheiros exclusivos, estrutura suspensa para fixação de equipamentos, acomodação para plateia e muito mais!

a&e tour rio de janeiro


Facilite a chegada ao seu destino e conheça o Riocentro em 3D

Nossa estrutura

Consolidado como um dos mais versáteis espaços para eventos do país, o Riocentro oferece 4 Pavilhões, um Centro de Convenções, 3 estúdios, um Anfiteatro e um Hotel com 306 apartamentos. 

Pavilhão das Artes

A maior galeria de artes da América Latina com obras de artistas como: Kobra, Rafa Mon, ACME, Marcelo Ment, Linda Valente e Mario Bands.

Área total: 22.715 m² Salão de exposições 1: 2.354 m² Salão de exposilões 2: 4.688 m² Pé direito: variável Estúdios e escritórios

Área total: 11.465 m² Salão de exposições: 10.706 m² Pé direito: 10 m Capacidade de pessoas: 7.500 pessoas (variável de acordo com a montagem) 2 mezaninos com ar condicionado, toaletes e copa privativos Sistema de climatização Cais de carga e descarga (para até 17 caminhões simultaneamente) Canaletas subterrâneas para distribuição hidráulica, elétrica e de ar comprimido

Área total: 16.939 m² Salão de exposições: 15.725 m² Pé direito: 10m Capacidade de pessoas: 9.000 pessoas (variável de acordo com a montagem) 4 mezaninos com ar condicionado e toaletes privativos Posto médico Sistema de climatização Cais de carga e descarga (para até 7 caminhões simultaneamente) Canaletas subterrâneas para distribuição hidráulica, elétrica e de ar comprimido

Área total: 22.988 m² Salão de exposições: 21.453 m² Pé direito: 12 m Capacidade de pessoas: 16.750 (variável de acordo com montagem) 4 mezaninos com ar condicionado, toaletes e copa privativos Auditório para até 400 pessoas Sistema de climatização Canaletas subterrâneas para distribuição hidráulica, elétrica e de ar comprimido Cais de carga e descarga (para até 17 caminhões simultaneamente)

Centro de Convenções

O Centro de Convenções possui 13.532 m² e conta com salas modulares climatizadas, com paredes retráteis e divisórias acústicas. A versatilidade dos espaços permite acomodar qualquer formato de evento, sendo ideal para eventos dinâmicos com atividades simultâneas.

  • Sala principal modular de 3.926 m² e pé direito de 5 m
  • Sala VIP com banheiro e copa privativos
  • 5.000 cadeiras
  • Cozinha industrial.
  • Escadas rolantes, elevador social e de carga. Cais de carga e descarga (para até 08 caminhões simultaneamente)
  • 20 salas modulares
  • Para 100 a 720 pessoas sentadas – Hall de 865 m² – Copa

Área total: 7.738 m² Salão de exposições: 4.500 m² Pé direito: 15 m Capacidade total de pessoas: 12.000 pessoas Capacidade em auditório: 9.000 pessoas Capacidade arquibancada: 3.648 cadeiras fixas. Livre de colunas e com cortina divisória para fracionamento Posto médico 3 entradas voltadas exclusivamente para carga e descarga

Localizado no Pavilhão das Artes Área de gravação: 815 m² Pé direito: 7,85m 8 salas de apoio

Sala multiuso B Área de gravação: 637 m² Pé direito: 7,5m 9 salas de apoio

Lagune Barra Hotel

306 apartamentos 06 salas para eventos Restaurante Rooftop com piscina Academia Saunas seca e a vapor Estacionamento Grátis Heliponto

Facilidades para o seu evento

Nos preocupamos com a experiência do seu público.

Caçamba de lixo

Facilidade na remoção, coleta, separação e destinação correta para todo tipo de resíduo. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Instalação de fechamento em lycra

Através de serviço prestado por um parceiro comercial, instalações de fechamento em lycra que são projetadas para oferecer segurança, conforto e privacidade para seus eventos e atividades. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Telefonia & Internet

Estrutura completa de Internet, Wi-fi e Telefonia para o seu evento, expositores e público visitante. Este serviço é prestado exclusivamente por um parceiro comercial.

Geradores projetados para fornecer energia elétrica confiável e de qualidade, garantindo que você possa manter suas atividades em funcionamento mesmo em casos de falta de energia elétrica através dos nossos parceiros comerciais. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Instalações Elétricas e Hidráulicas

Instalação de estruturas de energia e água, com distribuição eficiente e projetos sob medida. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Estruturas Suspensas

Estruturas suspensas que são projetadas para serem seguras e confiáveis, permitindo que o cliente execute seu trabalho com eficiência e eficácia. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.


Através de parceiros comerciais, se dispõe espaços para publicidade que proporcionam um grande diferencial competitivo diante dos concorrentes e multiplicam a visibilidade da sua marca. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Limpeza de Banheiros

Serviços de limpeza dos banheiros para garantir que estejam sempre higienizados e com um aroma agradável para os usuários. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Alimentos e Bebidas

O Riocentro oferece uma ampla variedade de soluções em A&B, através de parceiros comerciais, que fornecem serviços com excelência e produtos de qualidade. Trata-se de um serviço exclusivo prestado por um parceiro comercial.

Próximos Eventos

Confira a agenda do Riocentro

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Mega Gestante

  • Site oficial

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International Myeloma Society

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Congresso Brasileiro de Biomedicina

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World Customs Organization

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Festival Único

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Festa Super Prime

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Feira dos Estados e Nações

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Love Sessions

O que os nossos clientes dizem.

Clécio Torres

Fale com o Riocentro:

  • Blog Riocentro

Fique por dentro do nosso conteúdo exclusivo.

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Como a parceria entre Riocentro e Uber vai facilitar sua experiência no Rock in Rio 2024?

16 de setembro de 2024.

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Riocentro: A porta para grandes congressos e convenções no Rio.

2 de julho de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Riocentro: Infraestrutura para grandes eventos na Barra Olímpica.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Riocentro: A melhor infraestrutura para eventos corporativos.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

O Riocentro é o melhor lugar para o seu evento.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Salas para conferências: A chave para o sucesso do seu evento.

14 de junho de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Congressos e convenções: Impacto e benefícios para a cidade.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Riocentro: Um motor de desenvolvimento para o Rio.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Descubra o Riocentro: O coração dos grandes eventos do Brasil.

8 de maio de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Estúdios 3AB do Pavilhão 03 do Riocentro: Excelência técnica e audiovisual.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Riocentro: ampla gama de serviços para atender suas necessidades.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Riocentro: O centro dos grandes eventos no Brasil.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Tecnologia e infraestrutura para eventos: O que o Riocentro oferece.

26 de março de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Eventos no Riocentro: Cases de sucesso e experiências memoráveis.

20 de março de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

O local ideal para seu evento: Fatores a considerar no Riocentro.

14 de março de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Produção de feiras e exposições: Maximizando o sucesso do seu evento.

26 de fevereiro de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Guia para organização de eventos corporativos: Passo a passo.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

A importância da gestão no espaço corporativo – Riocentro

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Riocentro: O mais completo centro de eventos e convenções do Brasil.

31 de janeiro de 2024.

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Riocentro: o Centro de Convenções mais versátil da América Latina.

19 de janeiro de 2024, institucional.

  • Sobre a GL events


  • Facilidades
  • Política de privacidade
  • Termos de uso
  • Código de Conduta – Fornecedores
  • Fale conosco
  • Trabalhe conosco
  • Localização
  • [email protected]
  • Av. Salvador Allende, 6555, Barra Olímpica


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Todos os direitos reservados a Riocentro

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  • Agenda de eventos

Nosso Anfiteatro

Sala principal modular  de 3.926 m² e pé direito de 5 m para até  4.000 pessoas sentadas

Sala VIP   com banheiro e copa privativos 5.000 cadeiras

Cozinha industrial escadas rolantes, elevador social e de carga

cais de carga e descarga (para até  08 caminhões simultaneamente

a&e tour rio de janeiro

Escadas de acesso 2º Andar do camarim

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Madonna’s final celebration tour concert takes over copabacana beach in rio — here’s how to watch in the u.s..

The massive show will only be broadcast locally in Brazil on Saturday, May 4, but there are a few ways for those in the U.S. to stream it online.

By Danielle Directo-Meston

Danielle Directo-Meston

E-Commerce Writer

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How to Watch Madonna's Celebration Tour Final Concert in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Madonna is showing her appreciation for fans with a free concert on Saturday, May 4, at the Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro — the final stop of her Celebration Tour.

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At a Glance: How to Watch Madonna’s Celebration Tour in Rio Online

  • When Saturday, May 4 at 5:45 p.m. PT/8:45 p.m. ET (9:45 p.m. local Brazil time)
  • Channel TV Globo (Brazil)
  • Stream online DirecTV , Sling (add-on required)
  • More ways to watch online Globoplay (available at Appstore for Android on Amazon , Apple App Store )

Madonna’s free Celebration concert in Rio will only be broadcast locally in Brazil, including on the Brazilian streaming video-on-demand service Globoplay. Fans outside Brazil can livestream the big event online on a cable streaming service that carries TV Globo or through a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Below, keep reading for more details on how to watch Madonna’s Celebration show in Rio online in the U.S., including for free.

How to Watch Madonna’s Celebration Concert in Rio: Date, Time, Channel

Madonna’s final Celebration Tour stop will take place at Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday, May 4. It will air on the Brazilian channel TV Globo at 9:45 p.m. local time in Rio.

Stream Madonna’s Celebration Show in Rio: How to Watch in the U.S.

If you want to watch Madonna’s Rio concert outside of Brazil, you can tune into TV Globo at 5:45 p.m. PT/8:45 p.m. ET in the U.S. You can stream TV Globo on any live TV streaming service that carries the Brazilian channel, including DirecTV and Sling .

Already have a Globoplay account? There’s a way to access your service from outside of Brazil.

Get more details on how to watch TV Globo and other Brazilian channels in the U.S. below.

DirecTV Stream

You can watch Madonna’s concert in Rio on DirecTV when you add Brazilian programming (including the TV Globo channel) to a satellite or internet-based plan. New subscribers can stream for free with DirecTV’s five-day trial. For satellite subscribers, you can add international programming to a Basic or Preferred Choice base package ($27.99 to $59.99 per month plus tax). The BrazilianDirect add-on is an extra $29.99 per month and includes TV Globo, or you can get the standalone TV Globo channel add-on for $19.99 per month. For DirecTV subscribers connecting via internet, add Brazilian programming for just $30 per month on top of your existing cable TV streaming package. Learn more here. And for a limited time, eligible subscribers can save up to $240; learn more here .

Watch Madonna’s Celebration concert in Rio on TV Globo with Sling , which offers a free three-day trial when you add select Brazilian TV Pack plans (reg. $13.99 and up per month) to your streaming package. New subscribers save half off their first month of Sling, so you can stream Madonna’s show in Brazil starting at only $20 for the Orange plan (reg. $40 per month) that includes CNN, HGTV, ID, A&E, ESPN, Disney Channel and other networks. Other packages include the Blue tier ($22.50 for the first month, reg. $45 monthly) and the combined Orange & Blue package (reg. $60 monthly) that includes exclusive news and entertainment channels such as ABC, NBC, Fox, E!, FS1, FX and others.

For those who already have Brazil’s Globoplay streaming video-on-demand service, you can use a virtual private network (VPN) to access your account in the U.S. Plans start at $12.95 per month or $8.32 monthly with annual billing; learn more here .

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a&e tour rio de janeiro

Funcionamento: Quarta à domingo de 09h às 17h, com último horário de entrada às 16h.

Aproveite visitas ilimitadas durante o ano, descontos especiais nos produtos do parque e horários exclusivos, além de contribuir diretamente para nossos projetos de conservação!

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Esqueça tudo que você conhece sobre o antigo zoológico. Baseado no tripé Educação, Pesquisa e Conservação, descubra o novo BioParque do Rio.

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Bem-vindo a um novo conceito de zoológico. Diferente de tudo que você conhece sobre o antigo zoológico, o BioParque do Rio veio escrever um novo capítulo na história da conservação de espécies no Brasil e ser o cenário de diversas lembranças inesquecíveis que você vai construir com sua família!


Bienvenido a un nuevo concepto de zoológico. A diferencia de todo lo que conoces sobre el antiguo zoológico, BioParque do Rio ha llegado para escribir un nuevo capítulo en la historia de la conservación de especies en Brasil y ser el escenario de inolvidables recuerdos que crearás con tu familia.


Welcome to a new concept of a zoo. Unlike anything you know about the old zoo, BioParque do Rio has come to write a new chapter in the history of species conservation in Brazil and be the setting for many unforgettable memories you will create with your family!

Parque da Quinta da Boa Vista S/N São Cristóvão, RJ, 20940-040. Telefone: (21) 3900-6672 (Atendimento de segunda à sexta-feira, exceto feriados, de 9h às 17h). [email protected] © 2024 BioParque do Rio. Todos os direitos reservados.

a&e tour rio de janeiro


  1. AE TOUR (Rio de Janeiro)

    a&e tour rio de janeiro

  2. Discover The Real Rio De Janeiro Walking Tour: Triphobo

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  3. Tour Rio de Janeiro

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  4. City Tour Río de Janeiro: Tours, Precios y Horarios

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  5. Tour Rio de Janeiro

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  6. City Tour Rio de Janeiro [INGRESSOS INCLUÍDOS]

    a&e tour rio de janeiro


  1. ✈️ ExpoRio Turismo

  2. COMEÇOU A THE ERAS TOUR! Feat Mari Bianchini

  3. 🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro Brazil Night Markets Copacabana Beach

  4. ✈️ ExpoRio Turismo


  6. Tour Rio de Janeiro


  1. AE Tour RJ

    A&E tour Rio de Janeiro. 130 avaliações no Google. Escreva sua avaliação. Milagros Velez . 23/05/2023. ... R. Francisco Otaviano, 67 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22080-040 +55 21 970097831; Pagamentos; [email protected]; Atendimento; Dom a Dom das 09:00 às 22:30

  2. THE TOP 10 Rio de Janeiro Tours & Excursions

    Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf, Lunch and Small Group City Tour. 462. Combine visits to Rio de Janeiro's top landmarks and highlights on a single full-day tour. Stops include the Sambadromo, the Christ the Redeemer Statue, the Tijuca Rainforest, and others.

  3. Pacotes

    Entre em contato com a AE Tour RJ pelo WhatsApp para maiores informações! WhatsApp. Caso prefira entrar em contato através do e-mail basta preencher o formulário.

  4. AE Tour RJ

    AE Tour RJ, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. 599 likes · 2 were here. Somos uma Agencia de Turismo legalizada com guias credenciados. Juntos Fazemos suas férias

  5. Rio de Janeiro

    travel videos & photos at: https://townsofeurope.com/ with text, maps & links.Tour of Rio de Janeiro, visiting Copacabana, Ipanema, and downtown, seeing beac...

  6. THE TOP 10 Rio de Janeiro Bike Tours (UPDATED 2024)

    The best Bike Tours in Rio de Janeiro according to Viator travelers are: Sunset Sailing Tour in Rio de Janeiro. Half Day Private E-Bike Tour in Rio. Rio Hidden Gems: Waterfalls & Caves Trail in Tijuca Park. A day in Rio - Full City Tour. Rio's Full Day: Selarón Steps, Christ & Sugarloaf - Tickets & Lunch Included.

  7. THE 10 BEST Rio de Janeiro Bike Tours

    3. Small-Group Ultimate Bike Tour from Rio de Janeiro. 17. Full-day Tours. 6+ hours. See Rio by bike on this 7-hour tour of the South Zone and Old City of Rio de Janeiro. With a small group, see popular beaches…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers.

  8. A&E TOUR RJ

    A&E TOUR RJ. Your content goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the module Content settings. You can also style every aspect of this content in the module Design settings and even apply custom CSS to this text in the module Advanced settings.

  9. The BEST Rio de Janeiro Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    8. Rio de Janeiro: Sunset Sailing Tour. Marvel at the scenery of Rio de Janeiro, the Marvellous City, on a sunset sailing tour in Guanabara Bay. Admire the beautiful sunset, and savor all-inclusive drinks and snacks aboard your boat. Enjoy a small group tour or opt to splash out on a private tour to make your experience extra special.

  10. Jeep Tour

    Jeep Tour - Rio de Janeiro. Ver todas as coisas para fazer. Jeep Tour - Rio de Janeiro. 4. 213 avaliações. Nº 188 de 834 Atividades ao ar livre em: Rio de Janeiro. Excursões de off-road, quadriciclo e 4WD. Fechado agora.

  11. THE TOP 10 Rio de Janeiro Mountain Bike Tours (Prices from $35)

    814. Summit both Corcovado and Sugar Loaf mountains in the early morning to beat the crowds on this half-day tour in Rio de Janeiro. After bright and early pickup from your Rio hotel, travel through the Tijuca National Forest to get up close with the Christ the Redeemer statue without throngs of people around.

  12. Brazil Tours

    7 days from $26,800. View this itinerary. Brazil Signature. Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraty. Uncover the best of Brazil's beaches and bustling cities through this private-guided journey. 11 days from $9,913. View this itinerary. Brazil's Natural Wonders.

  13. The BEST Rio de Janeiro Cable car tours 2024

    Our most recommended Rio de Janeiro Cable car tours. 1. Rio: Christ the Redeemer Official Ticket by Cog Train. Go all the way up to the iconic statue of Christ the Redeemer by the Corcovado Train. The train rides through a railway inside Tijuca National Park, the largest urban forest in the world, making a unique view over Rio de Janeiro city.

  14. Rock in Rio

    Website. rockinrio.com. Rock in Rio is a biennial Brazilian multi-day music festival held at City of Rock in Rio de Janeiro. It later branched into other locations such as Lisbon, Madrid and Las Vegas. Nine incarnations of the festival have been held in Rio de Janeiro, in 1985, 1991, 2001, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2022; nine in Lisbon ...

  15. Home

    Experience unforgettable tours and excursions to iconic destinations worldwide with Gray Line. See our tours and book your adventure today. ... Rio de Janeiro. Brazil. Prague. Czech Republic. Porto. Portugal. Trending top experiences you can't miss. Essential Tour. Day trips . Heart of Montreal Motorcoach City Tour. Montreal. 3h30min.

  16. Brazil International Travel Information

    U.S. Consulate General Rio de Janeiro Avenida Presidente Wilson, 147, Castelo 20030-020, Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brazil Telephone: 011-55-213823-2000 Emergency After-Hours Telephone: 011-55-21-3823-2029 Email: [email protected]. Consular Agency in Rio de Janeiro's Consular District U.S. Consular Agency Salvador da Bahia

  17. U.S. Citizen Services

    U.S. Citizen Services. Effective midnight on April 10, 2025, a visa will be required for U.S. citizens to travel to Brazil, regardless of the purpose of travel. For more information about the e-visa option and application procedures, visit the Brazilian government-authorized website, https://brazil.vfsevisa.com. You will need:


    Era uma vez um conto de fadas moderno de um artista em evolução. Cada álbum lançado por ele era uma viagem pelos quatro elementos da natureza.. Agora chegou o momento de Jão completar o ciclo, um capítulo que será marcado pela SUPERTURNÊ, que promete ser uma das maiores do Brasil em 2024.. Em cada show, seremos transportados para uma atmosfera mágica: uma performance autêntica e ...

  19. Riocentro

    Riocentro: o Centro de Convenções mais versátil da América Latina. O Riocentro, localizado na Barra Olímpica, é um dos maiores centros de convenções da América Latina e palco de eventos significativos no Rio de Janeiro, área que também abriga os principais eventos... Saiba mais. 19 de janeiro de 2024.

  20. How to Watch Madonna's Last Celebration Tour Show in Rio Online

    At a Glance: How to Watch Madonna's Celebration Tour in Rio Online. When Saturday, May 4 at 5:45 p.m. PT/8:45 p.m. ET (9:45 p.m. local Brazil time) Channel TV Globo (Brazil) Stream online ...

  21. Google Maps

    Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

  22. BioParque do Rio

    Funcionamento: Quarta à domingo de 09h às 17h, com último horário de entrada às 16h. SEJA SÓCIO Aproveite visitas ilimitadas durante o ano, descontos especiais nos produtos do parque e horários exclusivos, além de contribuir diretamente para nossos projetos de conservação! Saiba mais Esqueça tudo que você conhece sobre o antigo zoológico. Baseado no tripé […]