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What Is a Power Trip? Exploring the Psychology, Signs, and Impact of Going on a Power Trip

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By Happy Sharer

taking a power trip


The term “power trip” has become increasingly popular in recent years. But what exactly is a power trip? In its simplest form, a power trip is when someone seeks to gain control over others by using their power or authority. This can manifest itself in different ways, such as through manipulation, bullying, or intimidation. It’s important to understand what a power trip is and the potential consequences it can have on relationships and mental health.

Exploring the Psychology Behind Power Trips

When it comes to understanding the motivations behind power trips, there are a few psychological factors at play. According to Dr. Ramani Durvasula, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at California State University, Los Angeles, “Power trips are rooted in insecurity, narcissism, and a need to feel powerful and in control.” 1 People who go on power trips may be trying to compensate for a sense of inadequacy or to make up for a lack of self-esteem. They may also be driven by a need to prove themselves or to be seen as superior.

Another factor that may contribute to power trips is an individual’s ego. Ego can cause people to overestimate their capabilities and underestimate the capabilities of others. This can lead them to take on more than they can handle and to act in a controlling manner. As psychologist Dr. Gail Saltz explains, “People who are prone to power trips often have a sense of entitlement, which means they believe they should get what they want without having to work for it.” 2 This can lead to unrealistic expectations and a lack of empathy for those around them.

Examining Common Examples of Power Trips

Examining Common Examples of Power Trips

Power trips can occur in many different contexts, but some of the most common examples are in the workplace, social settings, and family relationships. In the workplace, a power trip might involve a supervisor or manager who uses their position to manipulate or intimidate others. This could include setting unreasonable demands or expectations, micromanaging employees, or withholding praise or recognition. In social settings, a power trip could involve someone who tries to dominate conversations or make decisions for the group without considering other people’s opinions. In family relationships, a power trip might involve a parent who attempts to control their children’s behavior or choices.

Recognizing the Signs of a Power Trip

Recognizing the Signs of a Power Trip

It’s important to be able to recognize the signs of a power trip so you can address the issue before it escalates. Some common signs to watch out for include:

  • Controlling behavior: A person on a power trip may attempt to control or dictate the behavior of those around them.
  • Aggressive or demanding language: They may use aggressive language or demand things from others.
  • Unreasonable expectations: They may set unrealistic expectations or make unreasonable demands.

Discussing the Impact of Power Trips on Relationships

Power trips can have a profound impact on relationships, both personal and professional. People who go on power trips tend to create tension and conflict, which can strain relationships and lead to feelings of resentment. Additionally, power trips can damage self-esteem and lead to feelings of worthlessness. Research shows that power trips can even have long-term effects on mental health, such as depression and anxiety. 3 It’s important to recognize the impact power trips can have and take steps to address the issue.

Exploring Ways to Avoid Going on a Power Trip

Exploring Ways to Avoid Going on a Power Trip

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to avoid going on a power trip. The first step is to understand your own motivations. Ask yourself why you want to exert control over others and consider whether there are healthier ways to meet your needs. It’s also important to practice empathy and compromise. Make sure to listen to the perspectives of others and be open to making concessions. Finally, it’s important to set clear boundaries. Let people know what you expect from them and don’t be afraid to say no if something doesn’t feel right.

In conclusion, it’s important to be aware of what a power trip is and the potential consequences it can have on relationships and mental health. Power trips are often driven by insecurity and ego and can manifest themselves in different ways. Recognizing the signs of a power trip is key to avoiding it and setting clear boundaries can help you maintain healthy relationships. By understanding the psychology behind power trips and taking steps to avoid them, you can ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of trying to control others.

1 Durvasula, R. (2019, October 23). What is a Power Trip? Verywell Mind. Retrieved from

2 Saltz, G. (2018, December 21). 8 Signs Someone Is on a Power Trip. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

3 Rudolph, K. D., & Hammen, C. (2002). Interpersonal stress and depression: Tests of transactional and diathesis-stress models. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111(4), 602–614. doi: 10.1037/0021-843X.111.4.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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taking a power trip

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Someone on Your Team Having a Power Trip? How to Reinforce Teamwork with High Performers

If you manage a large, dynamic team, you may have experienced certain employees with strong personalities going on “power trips.” A power trip is a situation in which someone takes advantage of their authority or position to gain an unfair advantage over others. This can be seen in the workplace when certain individuals use their power and influence for personal gain, often at the expense of other employees. Power trips can create an atmosphere of fear and distrust that makes it difficult for employees to work together effectively, resulting in decreased productivity, morale, and teamwork.

In addition, those on a power trip may take excessive risks with company resources or make decisions based on their own interests rather than what's best for the business as a whole. Ultimately, this type of behavior can lead to significant damage both to employee relationships and the organization as a whole.

taking a power trip

It's important to recognize signs of a power trip in the workplace, such as an individual using their authority to bully or intimidate others, making decisions without considering input from employees, or taking credit for successes that were due to the contributions of other team members. If left unchecked, this type of behavior can have serious long-term consequences on both employee morale and organizational performance. However, you may notice that many of the individuals who “go on power trips” are your high performers. This is largely due to the fact that high performers can be very competitive. It isn’t just a sense of money or obligation that drives them to be the best. They want to be the best, and as a result they can grow a sense of entitlement if not directed by leadership.

The best way to address power trips is for management to first make it clear that unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Secondly, ensure that there is an outlet for good competition, and that teamwork and great communication is rewarded before anything else in the company. Management should also ensure that everyone has access to the same resources and opportunities, and that favoritism is not a part of your company's management structure. By creating an environment where respect and fairness are upheld, employers can help prevent power trips before they start and maintain a positive work atmosphere.

How To Combat Negative Competition in the Workplace

Competition is a powerful tool in the workplace. It can help create a productive and fulfilling environment for your team. However, negative competition can be detrimental to the productivity of your workplace. Negative competition is when an individual or group of individuals become self-serving in their endeavors to be successful, and care more about their own success than the success of the company or team at large. Typically negative competition causes an “every man for themselves” type of mentality and derails good teamwork. That is why the best way to extinguish negative competition is not through discouraging competition, but rather encouraging teamwork.

Teamwork is an important factor in the success of any workplace. Establishing strong teams can help increase productivity and efficiency, as well as create a positive working environment. To foster teamwork, employers should create an environment that encourages collaboration and communication between team members. This can include setting up dedicated workspaces for teams to work together, organizing regular activities or meetings, and exchanging recognition and rewards.

Additionally, it is important to provide training opportunities that focus on developing interpersonal skills such as problem-solving, conflict management, good communication practices, and trust-building exercises. Encouraging employees to take part in initiatives like volunteering together or participating in team sports activities can also go a long way towards reinforcing teamwork.

Ultimately, employers should strive to create a culture of trust, respect and collaboration that encourages open dialogue and creativity among team members. This will help to maximize the potential of their teams and create a positive working environment where employees feel empowered to work together as one unit.

taking a power trip

Here Are 5 Ways to Foster Teamwork in Your Workplace:

1. Celebrate Success Together: Recognizing team success is a great way to reinforce teamwork in the workplace. This could be as simple as having an end-of-day celebration for reaching a big milestone or achievement, or handing out awards for exemplary performance. It’s important to make sure that everyone feels included and appreciated, so try to find ways to recognize individual contributions as well as collective efforts.

2. Encourage Open Communication: Good communication is essential for any team to succeed, so it's important to create an environment that encourages employees to speak up and share their ideas. Scheduling regular meetings where everyone can discuss progress and goals can help keep everyone on the same page and foster collaboration within the team. Additionally, providing feedback to team members in a constructive and positive way helps ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

3. Set Clear Goals: Having clear objectives and goals for the team can help guide their work and motivate them to work together to reach those goals. Making sure that everyone understands what they are expected to do, as well as how they can contribute to the team's success, can help foster a sense of ownership among employees. This will also make it easier for managers to provide feedback and recognize individual achievements based on progress towards these goals.

4. Offer Professional Development Opportunities: Investing in your team's professional development is a great way to show that you value their contributions and believe in their potential growth. Offering training and educational opportunities can help employees stay up-to-date with trends in their field and ensure that everyone is working to the best of their abilities. This will also create a culture of continuous learning and development, which can be beneficial for the entire team.

5. Acknowledge Contributions: Finally, acknowledging each team member's individual contributions is essential for reinforcing teamwork in the workplace. Showing your appreciation for specific tasks or projects completed goes a long way towards creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, which in turn helps to promote collaboration between coworkers. Taking time to recognize each person's unique skill set and acknowledge their individual successes will help foster an atmosphere of trust and camaraderie among your employees.

By following these simple steps, you can help create a positive work environment where everyone feels empowered to contribute and collaborate. Reinforcing teamwork in the workplace is essential for any business's success, so taking the time to invest in your employees' growth and progress will pay dividends in the long run. With strong team dynamics, you'll be able to maximize productivity, foster innovative ideas and drive success

taking a power trip

Leadership Matters

It’s easy to see how power trips in the workplace can be destructive and prevent teams from working effectively together. They create an environment of mistrust, with employees feeling like their opinions aren't valued or respected. It also leads to poor communication, because of intimidation and fear tactics. Power trips can lead to resentment among team members who don't feel like they have a say in decision making processes, stifling creativity and collaboration.

However, it is important to not disregard the team member who is not being a team player, and look at your management structure first. Many times, people who are not being a team player, are doing so because they feel undervalued. In addition, their behavior may be encouraged due to lack of communication or lack of strong leadership. Using the 5 tips above can be a way to develop a great team and help people with strong personalities and competitive drives to become team players. Ultimately, bullying behavior cannot be tolerated, but it is important as leaders to take responsibility first.

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Music Features

Power trip returns, reshaped by loss, the thrash metal band finds catharsis in a familiar place.

Evan Minsker

taking a power trip

Four years after the death of frontman Riley Gale, Power Trip surprised fans onstage at Mohawk in Austin, featuring a new vocalist. Samantha Tellez/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

Four years after the death of frontman Riley Gale, Power Trip surprised fans onstage at Mohawk in Austin, featuring a new vocalist.

The open-air venue Mohawk in Austin, Texas, has an upper deck perch that's perfect for observing the churning cyclone of bodies below. Emotions were high on Dec. 1, 2023: Texas band Fugitive was the headliner, but many in the crowd had a hunch about the promised "special guests." When Power Trip , the crossover thrash metal giants who had been missing in action for four years, finally appeared, there were tears in the pit. Bodies flew from the stage into the torrent of thrashing heads screaming every word of "Executioner's Tax (Swing of the Axe)" in blunt, ecstatic unison. It was a moment of catharsis for a scene that had been in mourning since the shocking 2020 death of the band's lead singer, Riley Gale .

Blake Ibanez, guitarist in both Fugitive and Power Trip, called the decision to bring the band back that night "testing the waters" to see how fans would react. "It was a safe way to do it, because on one hand it's, like, 'Hey, it's just a Fugitive show, and I'm having the guys come up here. We're gonna just celebrate and play the songs,' " he tells NPR on a video call. "I mean, at some point it's gotta happen." This year, Power Trip will play full-length sets at the Pomona, Calif., festival No Values (June 8), in its hometown of Dallas (July 6) and in New York City (Aug. 24).

It's an opportunity for a passionate fan base of hardcore kids and metalheads to celebrate — people who loved the band's boundless energy, how it could wield scream-along pop hooks using the heaviest, scuzziest, most abrasive metal soundscapes. Some at the Mohawk show spoke of it with near-religious reverence. "This is so cliché, but it was the most electric feeling I've felt at a show," said Erica Hotchkiss, a fan from Irving, Texas. She and some friends drove three hours south to Austin to catch the show based on a clue in the flyer: an illustration of an executioner, which is a key piece of iconography from arguably Power Trip's most beloved song . "We didn't know if they were just going to come out and make an announcement. But we knew that we had to be there."

It was fans like this who compelled Power Trip to come back. "They can see we're in it for the right reasons," Ibanez says. "We didn't make any money off Power Trip at that show. We didn't do it for that. We did it for ourselves because we miss playing these songs together, and we did it to celebrate Riley." The full shape of what's next isn't yet defined beyond this handful of shows. Here's what's certain: The band wants to perform the music they put out, across two albums and scattered singles. Gale's family wants them to play. It took years for everyone to get to this point.

The loss of a lyricist and a leader

"It was one of the worst things that happened to me in my life, because Riley was my best friend," says Brandon Gale, Riley's father.

Riley Gale died in his sleep on Aug. 24, 2020, from the toxic effects of fentanyl. He was 34. The band lost its voice and lyricist; the scene lost a leader. Power Trip built its reputation on gleefully chaotic live shows, and those shows wouldn't have been half as powerful without the longhaired figure in a camo hat barking out front about systemic injustice, corporate greed and oppression. Every word was shouted with an authoritative grizzle; he could galvanize a crowd with a single-syllable grunt. "He had very strong messages in there," Brandon Gale emphasizes. "It wasn't just yelling for the sake of yelling on stage. He wanted people to genuinely get engaged in the message."

"Riley, dude, he was just such a force on stage," says Gray Muncy, a photographer from the Dallas-Fort Worth area who estimates he captured over 40 of the band's shows (and somehow never broke a camera in the process). "I've shot so many photos of him, and it was so easy because of his emotion." Whenever Muncy gets a compliment on photos of Power Trip, he credits the chemistry between the band and its audience. "If you go to a really good hardcore show, the crowd is in the band," he said. "There's that symbiotic relationship where they feed off of each other."

taking a power trip

Riley Gale, pictured here in 2018 at the Saturn in Birmingham, Ala., could galvanize a crowd with a single-syllable grunt. David A. Smith/Getty Images hide caption

Riley Gale, pictured here in 2018 at the Saturn in Birmingham, Ala., could galvanize a crowd with a single-syllable grunt.

In the wake of his passing, the Gales set up a 501(c)(3) charity called the Riley Gale Foundation in an effort to honor Riley's strong convictions. Brandon Gale says his son was the small guy in school who would stand up to bullies, and that he volunteered in soup kitchens as a young man. The foundation aims to be a continuation of his passions in life: It puts funds toward helping unhoused LGBTQ+ youth in the Dallas area (Riley was a committed supporter of the queer-focused outreach group Dallas Hope Charities), has named a library in his honor (he was a voracious reader) and also donates to a local dog rescue (loved animals).

Gale's friends affirm that on and off the stage, he led with empathy: He was the guy who let touring bands crash at his place, who made himself available to anyone who needed an ear. "With the fans, he wanted to be someone anybody could reach out to and talk to if they were dealing with something in their lives," says Power Trip guitarist Nick Stewart. "He was just such a comforting person when people didn't know where they stood. He felt like he could try to help everybody."

Before Power Trip began, Ibanez described Riley's previous band Balls Out as "the kings of Dallas hardcore." Gale was without a band when Ibanez, Stewart and bassist Chris Whetzel's band Reality Check was beginning to fizzle in the late 2000s. Mutual friends suggested they talk, and soon enough, Gale and Ibanez — then 21 and 16 — started bonding over hardcore bands like Cro-Mags, Breakdown and Leeway over messages on MySpace.

Power Trip's sound was a meeting point between hardcore punk and thrash metal, and in the process of creating it, the band connected with a wide swath of listeners interested in the greater sphere of heavy music. "We know we play a very subversive style of music, but we also want this to be for everyone," says drummer Chris Ulsh. "We want people to feel comfortable at our shows and have a good time. We're the type of band that can play with anyone regardless of if we're playing with indie bands, death metal bands, punk bands, whatever."

Steadily, a community of passionate fans formed around the band. Hotchkiss, who has an executioner tattoo with the caption "swing of the axe," saw the band around 10 times before attending the surprise show in Austin last year. "I'm married to my husband because we ran into each other at a Power Trip show," she said. Hotchkiss was a fan from the Dallas hardcore scene; her husband Kris was a metalhead. Previously acquaintances, they bonded instantly after she saw him in the pit: "Power Trip was our common ground." The date of that show appears on a decorative pillow in their home.

Who could step into Riley's role?

In the months after Gale passed, Ulsh said the band didn't consider or discuss the prospect of keeping the band going "for a really long time." It was 2020, and playing shows wasn't an option due to COVID-19, anyway. But as live music started to return, the band's members were talking on one of their regular FaceTime calls, and Ulsh broached the subject. "I'd never really mentioned it to anyone else and it kind of seemed like no one else had talked about it, but everyone was just like, yeah, we should," he says. "I like being a band with these guys, and we all seemed to feel the same way."

Some of the band's members had been busy with different projects, Ibanez with Fugitive and Ulsh with Quarantine. Still, the idea of these four starting a different band together didn't feel right — like it wouldn't be honest or respectful to their past together. "We put so much into this band and it just kind of seemed like it would be compounding tragedies: losing a close friend and then losing this thing that we dedicated our adult lives to," Ulsh says.

taking a power trip

Power Trip in 2024 now includes vocalist Seth Gilmore (far left). He plans to give it his all "to honor the spirit of Riley's memory." Adam Cedillo/Courtesy of the artist hide caption

Power Trip in 2024 now includes vocalist Seth Gilmore (far left). He plans to give it his all "to honor the spirit of Riley's memory."

"If anybody's going to step into this role and sing these songs, it'd be someone from our world who has history with us and gets this whole thing and knew Riley," Ibanez says. "The pool for that? I mean, I think it's [not] overstating it to say it's incredibly small. Beyond that, who's actually willing and is capable of doing it?"

Seth Gilmore was the guy, a friend embedded in the Texas hardcore scene for as long as Power Trip existed. As the frontman of Fugitive, he had established chemistry with Ibanez. Initially, he was hesitant. "A year or so after Riley passed, before we even started Fugitive, I may have thrown it his way: 'Hey, would you want to mess around with some of these songs I've been working on, that were actually songs for the Power Trip album that never happened?' " Ibanez recalls. The implication that he'd be standing in for Gale gave him pause, so he dropped it until well after Fugitive had earned the respect of fans. "By the time I brought it up to him again in the past year, at that point he didn't really think twice about it." Gilmore confirmed Ibanez's assessment in a statement, saying he plans to give it his all "to honor the spirit of Riley's memory."

So it was Gilmore barking "Manifest Decimation" and "Hornet's Nest" to the crowd at Mohawk. Gale could never be replaced, but for fans who had just watched a Fugitive set, the consensus was that it was an organic fit. "I personally don't think there's any other person better to fit the bill than Seth," Hotchkiss said. Of course, fans had a hunch he would be the guy. "Even before everybody knew Power Trip was playing that night in Austin, I said, 'Seth, your life's about to change,' and he just smiled," Muncy says.

There was some fallout from that night, too. Brandon Gale issued a statement saying the family was not told in advance about the show and was caught by surprise. He later issued an apology, saying that while he wishes he'd gotten a heads-up from the band, he still regrets the statement. "While it came as a surprise, it was a very visceral reaction and I would certainly undo it," he says.

That one show wasn't the extent of the issues between the band and Brandon Gale, as the statements brought to light a civil lawsuit he'd filed on behalf of Riley's estate on Feb. 10, 2021, against the members of Power Trip. The suit alleged breach of fiduciary duty and claimed the band owed the Gale estate money from merchandise sales, tour revenue and royalties. On Dec. 8, one week after the surprise set in Austin, the case was settled.

"There was an unfortunate need for the litigation," Brandon Gale says. "It was critically important that the foundation received all of the money that Riley was entitled to because that's the primary source, with contributions, of how we build and grow the foundation. It's settled, and what I want to do is focus on the good stuff going forward."

"We probably don't want to comment on that," Ulsh says of the lawsuit. "That was a very difficult and s****y thing that happened that we had to go through. It's behind us now, and we just want to leave it behind us." Ibanez adds: "When something really tragic happens like that, there's a lot of emotions involved. It happens this way with a lot of similar situations, when you have the family of someone who wasn't really involved and is trying to figure everything out and get things together. Yeah, it's behind us. And as everything stands, everything's all right."

Asked about the future of the band, Brandon Gale offered his blessing: "If Power Trip goes out and they start touring again, people are going to buy their music and Riley's going to get his royalties and the foundation's going to grow. So how could we not be in favor of that?"

'We're just taking it one step at a time'

Power Trip is currently resuming rehearsals in Dallas. Ulsh says he's excited to get back to playing for wild crowds instead of repeating the same songs over and over to each other in a practice space. Ibanez is excited to feel the rush again, too: "We were gone from it for so long, and then you get up there and it's like, wow, I forgot we're part of something really special."

Though Ibanez let it slip that Power Trip had been working on a new album before Gale's death, he refused to engage further on the possibility of new music in the future. "The main focus is to play the catalog — that's what people want to hear. I don't think we're really particularly interested in moving on from where we were," Ibanez says. "We really want to honor Riley and want to honor what we've done before just moving forward. That's the main thing, to treat the whole situation with as much respect as possible. ... We're just taking it one step at a time."

While Ulsh, Ibanez and Whetzel all stayed busy in recent years with other bands, Nick Stewart hadn't been back on a stage since Power Trip's last show with Gale. "I'm a civilian — I just book shows and don't have a side project right now. So it's even more reason why I'm excited to do this," Stewart says. "It's been our lives since I graduated high school, so to be able to do it again is really special. I love performing, man; I love getting up there and giving everything I got." As he spoke, his dog began barking in the background. "Sorry, my dog's going crazy. But yeah, excited as my dog right now to get up there and play some shows."

That December night in Austin, Muncy looked around in the pit and saw how many people around him were crying. "When I first thought about them playing, I was, like, 'My friends need this; Texas needs this show, our scene needs this,' " he says. "But then once it happened, I was like, 'You know what? My friends in the band needed that show more than anybody.' Those four dudes, they sacrificed a lot to get where they are. They can't just quit."


How To Deal With A Coworker On A Power Trip In 8 Ways

How to deal with a coworker on a power trip is a question many people find themselves asking. This type of coworker can be frustrating and challenging to deal with.

However, dealing with them is not that difficult if you know the proper methods. Below are some of the best ones:

8 Ways To Deal With A Coworker On A Power Trip

Now let’s get started with the tips to deal with a coworker on a power trip:

1. Don’t Get Involved In Their Games:

The first thing you need to do is avoid getting involved in their games.

If you start playing their game, you’re only giving them the satisfaction of knowing that they can control you.

How To Deal With A Coworker On A Power Trip

They can make you angry, happy, or anything in between. So, the best thing you can do is  stay away from them.

To identify if someone is playing games with you, ask yourself if they are:

– Making decisions that will impact you without consulting you first

– Constantly changing their mind or expectations

– Trying to make you look bad in front of others

– Gossiping about you behind your back

– Giving you the silent treatment

Once you identify, avoid getting involved in their games by:

– Not reacting to their provocations

– Keeping your cool

– Not engaging in gossip

– Being assertive when you need to make decisions, etc.

This way, you won’t give them the satisfaction of  controlling  you. Thus, they will likely begin to stop their games.

2. Keep Clear Boundaries:

The next thing you need to do is to set boundaries with this coworker.

This means that you need to be clear about what is and isn’t acceptable to you.

For example, they are constantly  gossiping  about you or getting you in trouble.

You must let them know that this behavior won’t be tolerated.

If you don’t set clear boundaries, the other person will likely continue their bad behavior. They’ll feel like they have free rein.

By setting clear boundaries , though, they will know what they can and can’t do.

It will be harder for them to  take advantage of  you or control you. Some more ways to set clear boundaries are by:

– Being assertive and vocal about your needs

– Sticking up for yourself when needed, etc.

3. Talk To Them In Private:

One of the best ways to deal with a coworker on a power trip is by talking to them in private.

Sometimes, to deal with a coworker on a power trip is by having a direct conversation.

In this situation, you mustn’t do this in front of others.

This will make it seem like they are always right. And that you’re simply trying to cover up your  tracks  or  complain  about them.

Instead, find a  private place  to talk. This could be in your office or at a nearby coffee shop.

Then, calmly explain how their behavior affects you and ask them to stop.

If they refuse, it may be time to take your concerns further. You might need to speak with HR or discuss the issue with your manager.

Whatever you do, you must remain calm and collected.

4. Stand Up For Yourself:

Another important thing you need to do is to stand up for yourself.

This coworker will likely try to push you around or take advantage of you. Don’t let them get away with it.

If they’re trying to make you look bad in front of others, don’t just stand there and take it.  Defend yourself. 

If they’re constantly changing their expectations or requirements, speak up. Let them know that this isn’t acceptable behavior.

You must assert  yourself  and stand up for what’s right. Otherwise, they’ll continue to take advantage of you.

5. Stay Away From Them As Much As You Can:

Try to stay away from them as much as you can. This coworker is toxic, and they’re likely just going to cause you more stress.

unnecessary conversations

So, it’s best to stay away from them. If you can, avoid working with them altogether.

If you have to work with them, keep your  interactions to a minimum. 

The less contact you have with them, the better. However, you don’t have to ignore them completely.

Just don’t engage in any unnecessary conversations or interactions.

6. Try To Avoid Conflict:

Of course, it’s not always possible to avoid conflict with a coworker on a power trip.

But, you must try. If you can, avoid getting into arguments or fights with them.

This will escalate the situation and make things worse .

In some cases, it may be best to agree with them. Even if you disagree, it’s not worth getting into a fight over.

You can always discuss the issue later when you’re both calm.

7. Document Them:

If this coworker is giving you a hard time, it may be necessary to start documenting their behavior.

This way, you have a record of everything going on. This can be helpful if you need to take your concerns to HR or your manager.

Having this documentation can also help to keep you on track and focused.

It will remind you why it’s important not to let this coworker get to you.

8. Seek Help From Others:

If you’re struggling to deal with a coworker on a power trip, you must seek help from others.

This could include your manager , HR , or others you trust in the workplace.

Sometimes, it can be hard to deal with difficult coworkers independently.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it.

In many cases, others will be happy to assist. They may even have some advice or tips to share with you.

In the end, remember that dealing with a coworker on a power trip is never easy. But by following these tips and working hard, you can manage them effectively.

Signs Of A Power Tripping Coworker

Let’s take a look at some common signs that they may be on a power trip:

1. Micro-Management: 

Does your coworker constantly try to micromanage you? Are they continually telling you what to do and how to do it?

think outside the box.

If so, they may be on a power trip. Such behavior is often a sign that they try to  assert themselves  and make you  feel inferior.

Moreover, it can make it challenging to do your job correctly. If you’re constantly told what to do, it’s hard to be creative or think outside the box.

2. Excessively Criticizes You:

Another sign that your coworker may be on a power trip is if they excessively criticize you.

Do they always find ways to  nitpick  your work? Do they make  comments  that are designed to put you down?

If so, they may be trying to assert their dominance over you.

It’s essential that you stand up for yourself and not let them get away with this behavior.

3. Bullies:

It’s also possible that your coworker is bullying you to try and control you.

Suppose they’re constantly making  mean or hurtful comments . Or if they are trying to  embarrass  you in front of others.

Perhaps if they are generally acting like a  jerk , they may be trying to bully their way into power.

The important thing is not to let them get away with this behavior.

Whether you address it directly or report it to your manager, you should stand up for yourself and your rights in the workplace.

4. Disrespects Your Boundaries: 

Another potential sign is if they disrespect your boundaries.

For example, do they constantly try to  interrupt  or  dismiss  your opinions?

Do they act as if you should always listen to them and do whatever they want?

If so, you must stand up for yourself. Don’t let them push you around.

5. Unreasonable Demands: 

Another common sign of a power trip is if your coworker makes unreasonable demands.

Do they always want things their way? Do they expect you to do everything for them?

Such behavior is often a sign that they believe they are entitled to special treatment. Thus, it would help if you were willing to give it to them.

If so, it’s essential to set boundaries. Make it clear that you’re not going to put up with this behavior.

6. Takes Credit For Your Work: 

One sign that your coworker is on a power trip is if they take credit for your work.

Do they always make sure that their name is on everything? Do they try to take  credit  for your ideas?

If so, it’s essential to speak up. Don’t let them  steal  your hard-earned credit.

They can try to take your ideas, but they can’t take away your accomplishments.

7. Belittles Your Contributions: 

Do they make it seem like your ideas are  stupid  or  unimportant ? Do they always have to be the right one?

belittling your contributions,

They may be trying to belittle your contributions to make themselves feel important.

You mustn’t let them get away with this behavior. Stand up for yourself and your ideas.

8. Isolation: 

If your coworker is on a power trip, they may try to isolate you from the rest of the team.

Do they always leave you out of important  meetings ? Do they make sure that you’re not included in important  decisions ?

If so, it’s essential to speak up. Don’t let them isolate you from the team.

9. Only Wants To Be Friends With People In Higher Positions: 

Do they only want to be friends with people in higher positions than they are?

Do they always try to suck up to the  boss ? Moreover, do they try to make themselves look good by associating with essential people?

If so, they may be on a power trip. They may be trying to make themselves seem more important by  association .

10. Is Jealous Of Your Success: 

Do they always seem jealous of your success? Do they try to undermine you or make you look bad when you do something well?

If so, they may be on a power trip. They may be trying to make themselves feel better by making you look worse .

It’s important to stand up for yourself and not let your coworker walk all over you.

Remember that you have as much right to succeed as they do. They don’t have the right to put you down.


If your coworker is on a power trip, it can be challenging to deal with them.

However, you must stand up for yourself and your rights in the workplace.

By setting boundaries and speaking up for yourself, you can handle this situation. Ensure that you don’t let them get away with their bad behavior.

If you notice any signs of power tripping, it’s essential to take action. Don’t let them get away with their behavior.

Please stand up for yourself. Make sure that they know that you’re not going to tolerate their behavior.

Last Updated on 1 month by Shahzaib Arshad

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Power tripping: what to do when someone misuses their authority at work

Sep 22, 2020

Power tripping: what to do when someone misuses their authority at work

Journaliste indépendante

“Constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.” French philosopher, Montesquieu’s theory was that people with power have a natural tendency to abuse it. His words seem to be as true today as they were in the 18th century. Just take a look at the huge number of claims of harassment voiced during the #MeToo movement, as well as the many high-profile cases such as those citing President Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, and the late Jeffrey Epstein. Here in the UK, we are no more advanced: only a minority of universities have a policy against student-staff relationships.

But what exactly is the abuse of power in the business world? We hear a lot about sexual and psychological harassment, but are there other forms that the abuse may take? How can we recognize them? And how can employers strive to prevent them from happening? To find out more, we looked into what happens when power dynamics in the workplace become toxic .

What does “abuse of power” mean exactly?

Awareness of sexual harassment has increased in recent years, but it would be unwise to limit the definition of abuse of power to these particular forms. Abuse of power can be defined as any excessive exercise of a power by an individual. It’s when that individual uses their capabilities outside the usual scope of action or, in simpler terms, they exceed the limit of their rights. Legally, an employer has the right to:

  • Change the working conditions of employees (but they may not change employment contracts without employee consent)
  • Impose disciplinary action (but they may not proceed to dismissal without genuine and serious cause)
  • Choose to hire one person over another (but they may not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, or religion, for example).

Additionally, any decision made by an individual employer that is not made purely in the best interests of the company, but is instead primarily intended to directly harm an employee’s working conditions, may be considered an abuse of power.

While sexual harassment may seem the most “obvious” misuse of power in the workplace, it is not the only form. Misuse of power can also manifest as intimidation, humiliation, threats, or mockery . Through these means, employers can isolate targeted employees, hound them by micromanaging their work , demote them without good cause, overload them with work or r efuse to give them with enough to do , constantly [criticize ) them, demand justifications for their actions, or publicly dismiss any ideas or proposals they put forward––the list is long.

The Power Paradox

While every abuse of power case is unique, it is common for those in positions of power to be tempted to abuse it, even though they have likely acquired that power through genuine, laudable qualities. This is what the American professor and psychologist Dacher Keltner calls “the power paradox” : “In the behavioral research I’ve conducted over the past 20 years, I’ve uncovered a disturbing pattern: while people usually gain power through traits and actions that advance the interests of others, such as empathy, collaboration, openness, fairness, and sharing; when they start to feel powerful or enjoy a position of privilege, those qualities begin to fade. The powerful are more likely than other people to engage in rude, selfish, and unethical behavior,” he notes. Keltner also found that businesspeople in positions of power are three times more likely than their subordinates to interrupt colleagues , ignore them, or take other unwelcome actions during meetings, or to raise their voices or insult others in the office.

Power contributes to a loss of empathy among those who wield it. Because those in power no longer feel compelled to pay attention to the needs of others to ensure their own progression and position, they tend to develop a lack of both empathy and compassion. This not only makes it more difficult for them to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, but it’s also likely to make them more impulsive and more likely to take risks. These phenomena were observed by Professor Sukhvinder Obhi, a neuroscientist at McMaster University in Canada, who observed what was happening in the brains of people in positions of power and those in subordinate positions. It turned out that in the “powerful” group, the functioning of mirror neurons, which are responsible for empathy, was impaired . Professor Obhi provided scientific evidence that the brain chemistry of powerful individuals can hinder their efforts to show empathy and compassion towards others.

Serious consequences

The lack of empathy that so often accompanies power misuse can have profoundly serious consequences , both for the victimized employee and for the company.

In a survey conducted by American professors Christine Porath and Christine Pearson with 800 managers and employees across 17 industries, about half of those surveyed who reported being subjected to abuse of power said they responded by deliberately reducing their efforts and/or lowering the quality of their work. This demotivation can be extremely powerful itself, sometimes even leading employees to stop caring about their work altogether.

Companies suffer when there is a widespread lack of motivation, but those individuals who are being mistreated should not be forgotten. Stress, anxiety, feelings of isolation, and a deep sense of injustice are some of the most common symptoms among the victims. If it happens consistently and repeatedly, the misuse of power can ultimately lead to burn-out and depression.

For Marion, an office manager at a small communications agency, it took a while before she could adequately describe her condition: “My boss often asked me to do little things for him, which were not part of my job, such as running errands, booking his holidays, going to his place to get his keys. At first, I did these things for him as a favor, but then it ended up encroaching on my actual job. I didn’t know how to say no, but I was getting more and more stressed, and was going to work with knots in my stomach. I felt that something was definitely wrong, but I couldn’t talk about it. Eventually, I went to my doctor about my anxiety attacks, which were becoming more and more frequent, and he immediately diagnosed me with burn-out.”

Talking about it isn’t enough: the spectre of sexual harassment

Although there’s increased visibility of workplace abuses of power, particularly with regards to cases of sexual harassment, there’s still an enormous amount to do. It’s particularly worth remembering that, according to a survey carried out by the Everyday Sexism project in conjunction with the TUC, more than half of women surveyed in the UK reported being the victims of unwanted sexual behavior at work. However, only 20% of those affected had opened up to a colleague about the issue, and only 5% had spoken to someone who potentially had the authority to act on what had happened.

In seeking to remedy this, the UK government instituted a public consultation in mid-2019, which sought opinions on whether “the current laws on this issue provide the protections they’re supposed to; considering whether there are any gaps and thinking about what more can be done at a practical level to ensure people are properly protected at work” . Nevertheless, progress on the issue remains difficult to measure since nearly a year after the consultation closed, no steps have been taken based on the results of the consultation. Indeed, the results themselves have not been revealed publicly yet. In an environment such as this, it’s impossible to avoid the conclusion that victims of sexually-oriented abuses of power have to rely on solutions and structures initiated by their employers.

Prevention campaigns and support groups

The majority of studies agree that to deal with the various issues related to abuse of power, prevention efforts must first be put in place within companies.

According to Christine Marsan, a psychologist, coach, and the author of ‘Violence in Business and How to Avoid It’, the first step is educating executives about the complexity of the workplace as it is today: “Young people today need meaning, they need power to be shared, and they seek to understand the purpose of the actions they are being asked to take. It’s no longer possible to manage by diktat. The most common complaints relating to abuses of power are regarding orders that make no sense, contradictory demands, management by stress…because managers promote the values of openness and cooperation but fail to apply them in their own management, managers get trapped in their own contradictions, and will pass them on to others through ordering one thing while doing another.” To remedy this, it’s necessary to train business leaders to share power with the lower members of the hierarchy, to recognize the uniqueness of each employee, and to adapt to a view of business that is more progressive: specifically, organizations where decisions are more and more collective , and where power is no longer entirely held by a single person or leadership group.

In its practical guide, entitled “Sexual harassment and harassment at work: technical guidance,” the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission gives employees a legal explanation and practical examples of how to tackle and respond effectively to harassment, including examples of harassment and victimization, the effects of harassment in the workplace, employers’ responsibilities and how to prevent and respond to harassment.

While #MeToo has enabled an undeniable release of speech and the implementation of certain measures against sexual harassment and power misuse, there is still a long way to go when it comes to prevention in business.

Translated by Andrea Schwam

Photo: Welcome to the Jungle

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Power Trip Officially Return With Summer Shows: ‘The Time Is Right to Get Back On Stage’

  • By Daniel Kreps

Daniel Kreps

The surviving members of Power Trip have revealed their surprise reunion in December — the Dallas thrash group’s first gig together since the death of singer Riley Gale in 2020 — was not a one-off as the band has scheduled three more shows this summer.

Following their unannounced five-song reunion in Austin in December, Power Trip — guitarist Blake Ibanez, guitarist Nick Stewart, bassist Chris Whetzel, and drummer Chris Ulsh, along with Fugitive singer Seth Gilmore, who handled lead vocals at that Austin gig — have booked shows at Pomona, California’s No Values Fest on June 8, Dallas’ the Factory on July 6, and New York’s Knockdown Center on Aug. 24.

See you soon. — POWER TRIP (@powertriptx) February 20, 2024

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Power Trip continued, “We’ll never have the words to convey our appreciation of the enduring support we’ve received over the years, and we feel as though the time is right to get back on stage for all of you who’ve been there throughout our existence as a band.”

Following Gale’s August 2020 death from an accidental overdose from the toxic effects of fentanyl, Power Trip went on hiatus and moved on to other projects, but the surviving members did not rule out a reunion someday. “We do want to continue to play music together; we just are not sure what that looks like at this time,” Ibanez  told the  Los Angeles Times in March 2021, shortly after the group was nominated for a Best Metal Performance Grammy Award for their live rendition of “Executioner’s Tax (Swing of the Axe).”

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Power Trip live: Reviews of Metallica, Tool, AC/DC, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Guns N' Roses

taking a power trip

For those about to rock, we salute you. We'll be reporting all the action at Power Trip, Goldenvoice's three-day metal festival in the desert featuring heavy-hitters Guns N' Roses and Iron Maiden on Friday, AC/DC and Judas Priest on Saturday, and culminating with Metallica and Tool on Sunday.

Will this "once-in-a-lifetime" billing live up to the hype? Check back here for the sights, sounds, special guests and music reviews from the Empire Polo Club in Indio, Calif.

  • Review: Metallica closes out festival in electric style
  • Review: Tool underwhelms after AC/DC energy
  • Power Trip Day 3: The good, the bad and the epic
  • Review: AC/DC delivers epic set after seven-year hiatus
  • Review: Judas Priest delivers beyond expectations, new album
  • Power Trip Day 2: The good, the bad, the sweat
  • Review: Guns N' Roses brings crowd pleasing, hit-filled set
  • Review: Iron Maiden brings the drama to first Power Trip set
  • Power Trip Day 1: The good, the bad, the hot

Tool and Metallica close out the last day of Power Trip in style

Tool and Metallica are two distinctly different bands, so, naturally, they brought two vastly different shows to the same audience Sunday night at Power Trip.

But there was a third band we couldn't help to compare them with: AC/DC.

It's probably unfair to compare the performance of one band to another, particularly when one is as beloved as AC/DC, and is playing its first live show in more than seven years. But while Tool sounded crisp and loud, and thousands appeared to enjoy the band's set at the festival, it inevitably felt like a let down after AC/DC, and as festivalgoers were gearing up for a highly anticipated show from Metallica.

Metallica, on the other hand, understood their assignment. Closing out a once-in-a-lifetime festival such as Power Trip is no easy task, and the California rockers didn't disappoint on Sunday night,

Read our full Tool review here.

Read our full Metallica review here.

—Brian Blueskye and Andrew John

Power Trip proves itself to be an international affair

What’s the furthest someone traveled to Power Trip? It’s hard to say, but Indio resident Leonard Ortiz has something that provides answers. Since Friday, Ortiz has collected signatures from attendees and their origins on a California state flag. Some of the attendees who signed included residents of Australia, Nepal, Austria, and Colombia. Ortiz said there was also “a lot of Mexico on there.”

Ortiz said he got the idea to track signatures at Power Trip from attending Metallica concerts and seeing fans with flags from their home states doing the same.

“I just thought it would be cool to do (at Power Trip),” because I knew that AC/DC and Iron Maiden have a following from all over the world, and I want to put it (the flag) up in my mancave. People are really digging it, and I’ve only had one person tell me no when I’ve asked them to sign for whatever reason,” Ortiz said. 

—Brian Blueskye

The most rockstar-worthy burger at Power Trip comes from Grill 'Em All

There’s one food vendor in the South Lounge area of the festival that gets our unofficial award for Most Clever Play on Words: the metal-inspired and Alhambra-based burger restaurant Grill ‘Em All, which is a take on Metallica’s 1983 debut album “Kill ‘Em All.”

Desert Sun reporter Andrew John tried the AC/DC burger and enthusiastically said “It’s good!” after taking his first bite.

The restaurant is known for showing pro wrestling and a selection of burgers named after metal icons such as Twisted Sister frontman Dee Snider, Ozzy Osbourne, Metallica and more.

Holy Dive Bar provides sports fans and non-sports fans alike a shaded place to kick back, grab a drink

Rob Vollgraf traveled to Power Trip from Northern California with the understanding that he’d be able to watch his Las Vegas Raiders at the Holy Dive Bar. He'd heard about the setup inside Empire Polo Club, but was skeptical about whether it would be anything substantial.

On Sunday, the festivalgoer admitted he was pleasantly surprised.

“They’ve done an outstanding job here,” said Vollgraf, wearing a black Raiders shirt. “This blew away my expectations.”

Read the full story here.

—Andrew John

Tool brings fans from around the world to the polo grounds

When Alejandro Grijalva Duran saw the lineup announcement in March for Power Trip and noticed the band Tool was part of it, he immediately contacted his son, Juan Pablo Grijalva Saenz. The two purchased tickets and made travel arrangements to Indio from Chihuahua, Mexico.

On Sunday, the father and son had just waited in line at Tool’s merchandise booth and was taking pictures with a poster they'd purchased. Power Trip is the first time the two will see the band perform. 

“(Tool) is a unique band,” Grijalva Saenz said. “You see the lineup and all the classic rock bands, having Tool in the lineup at this festival is mind-blowing. Their concept in music is different than other bands like Judas Priest, AC/DC and Iron Maiden, so it’s a unique occasion to see Tool at this festival and venue.”

Grijalva Duran is a longtime fan, and said there are limited opportunities to see Tool in Mexico, who typically perform in cities such as Monterrey or Guadalajara.

“I like a lot of Tool’s music and have been a fan since the beginning,” said Grijalva Duran.

Real metal fans take their grandkids to Power Trip

Brooklyn Harper and Illy Pirylis of Cherry Hill, New Jersey, both 17, have been enjoying Power Trip this weekend with their grandmother, 59-year-old Kerri Yingst of Hobe Sound, Florida. But it's not the first time they've rocked out at a concert together.

It's the third festival the trio have attended together since the 2022 Welcome to Rockville festival in Daytona Beach.

On Saturday afternoon, all three were excited to see the first performance by AC/DC in seven years and spent over an hour standing in line at the band's merchandise tent after the gates opened. Yingst referred to her granddaughters as her "concert buddies"

“I didn’t know they liked my music,” Yingst said. “I was (in New Jersey) visiting and I heard Black Sabbath coming from the bedroom, and I’m like ‘Wait a minute, maybe they’re just on YouTube.’ I go about my business and go back upstairs, and I asked them, ‘Do you like that?’ and they said ‘Yeah!’ That’s when we found Welcome to Rockville and started going to festivals together.”

To read the full story, click here.

AC/DC starts out strong despite seven-year performance hiatus

Shortly after AC/DC performed “Shoot to Thrill” about an hour into their Saturday set at Power Trip, CNL Executive Transportation owner and operator Craig Blucher was heading towards the exit to give a client a ride.

But as he walked, the San Diego resident who has seen AC/DC seven times described the set as “epic.”

Blucher’s first time seeing AC/DC was during the original lineup era featuring original frontman Bon Scott, who died in 1980. He also caught the band’s comeback tour that same year with current vocalist Brian Johnson.

Since AC/DC released the album “Power Up” in 2020, the band hasn’t played together live, meaning Saturday’s performance was its first show in seven years.

Even though AC/DC is celebrating 50 years, the band hasn't announced a new album or any plans to tour, leaving many to speculate whether Power Trip may be the group's last performance.

When asked if he thinks it will be the last, Blucher said he hopes not.

“They need to stay healthy and they’re getting old. These old timers don’t live forever,” Blucher said. 

Check out AC/DC's setlist here.

Check out our full review of AC/DC's set here.

Judas Priest announces new album, brings out Glenn Tipton

Judas Priest replaced Ozzy Osbourne as the first band on the Power Trip Day 2 schedule, but they didn't act like anyone's second choice.

After five decades, the English heavy metal group proved it still has plenty of gas in the tank, far exceeding expectations. The crowd cheered as Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" played as the intro, but was followed by a few moments of silence before a graphic showed on the video screens announcing Judas Priest's upcoming album, "The Invincible Shield," which is due out March 8.

Perhaps the best moment of the set was the encore, which featured guitarist Glenn Tipton, who retired from the band in 2018 due to Parkinson's disease. Tipton performed with the group during the last three songs of the set: classics "Metal Gods," "Breaking the Law" and "Living After Midnight."

Click here to read the full Judas Priest setlist.

Coachella has 'Spectra,' Power Trip has the rocker cactus

While concertgoers are not allowed inside "Spectra," the popular illuminated installation that features a winding ramp, right next to it is a new piece of art that has many lined up to take a selfie with.

A blue devil-horned-shaped cactus has caught the attention of many here at Power Trip. It has provided a perfect photo-op for this metal festival, with Spectra, the ground’s iconic Ferris wheel and the mountains of La Quinta providing a cool backdrop. 

Power Trip's hottest accessory will cost you $20, and sellers prefer cash

One thing most festivalgoers probably didn't expect at Power Trip, which markets itself very openly as a cashless festival, is a vendor that asks for cash. That's exactly what fans are facing when they go to purchase light-up AC/DC devil horn headbands at one of the various vendor carts scattered across the festival grounds today.

Although these vendors technically take credit cards (because they have to to be part of the festival), the signs on the carts read "$ CASH IS KING !!!"

The night's hottest accessory, which will set you back $20, is a nod to AC/DC co-founder, lead guitarist, songwriter, and only remaining founding member Angus Young, who popularized the devil horn symbol by using his two index fingers to form two horns above his head while he performs.

—Niki Kottmann

Judas Priest proves to be the most punctual band of Power Trip thus far

Judas Priest just took the stage, just a few minutes later than scheduled, unlike the Friday performers who were 20 minutes (Iron Maiden) and 40 minutes (Guns N' Roses) behind schedule. Now let's see if they can make Ozzy proud.

Group of fans decide to push through the Power Trip gates early

Those of us who entered Day 2 of Power Trip through the Red Path/camping area got a surprise Saturday when a group of rowdy festivalgoers decided they didn't want to wait any longer and pushed the gates open. Security nearby let it happen, seemingly because they were going to open the gates themselves a few minutes later, and because those who pushed through were hit by a wall of metal detectors and bag checkers on the other side of the gate.

Guns' N' Roses delivers the hits to close out the first day of Power Trip

Guns N' Roses put on a phenomenal show of heavy rock 'n' roll hits and treated festivalgoers to highlights of the band's career, even paying tribute to Sir Paul McCartney's 50th anniversary of the James Bond anthem "Live And Let Die." The two-hour set was full of stunning video production and lasers, but notably no pyrotechnics.

Even though the band was 40 minutes late for its headlining performance, the crowd was calm and there were no signs of the old days when the band would appear hours late or not at all. When the festival went dark and the band's strange animated psychedelic visuals appeared, the crowd was on its feet, screaming in anticipation.

Starting with "It's So Easy," frontman Axl Rose appeared like a lightning rod and the rest of the band, which also features original members guitarist Slash and bassist Duff McKagan, were precise in every note.

Click here to read the band's complete Power Trip setlist.

Our highs and lows of Power Trip Day 1: Where's the good food hiding?

OK, so festival food is famously never great, but Coachella always includes some trendy (and mouthwatering) Asian food from LA and Stagecoach always has delicious BBQ (when Guy Fieri's involved, you know it's good), so what is Power Trip going to be notable for cuisine-wise? So far, crappy grilled cheese.

That might be on me for ordering something a bit odd, but I thought you couldn't mess up grilled cheese! It's so simple! Tomorrow I'll be going in a totally different direction and heading straight for the booth of a Palm Springs favorite: Sandfish.

Read up on our other highs and lows from the first day of the festival here.

Parking causes headaches on Power Trip Day 1, leads some to leave early

Parking for those who tried to get in after 4:30 p.m. today was reportedly out-of-this-world difficult (our own photographer nearly ran out of gas in the middle of Miles Avenue because traffic controlers forced him to circle the venue so many times), which seems to be the reason why many people were seen leaving the festival after the first hour of Guns N' Roses' set.

I can't blame them for wanting to beat the traffic, and I can't help but wonder how long it's going to take me to get out after Guns N' Roses is done playing ... moral of the story: get here as early as possible tomorrow, festivalgoers.

Iron Maiden delivers theatrical, energetic set to kick off the night

As Iron Maiden kicked off the first set of Power Trip performing "Caught Somewhere In Time," frontman Bruce Dickinson appeared as if he stepped into the present day from a futuristic sci-fi film set.

That post-apocalyptic vibe continued throughout the stellar performance, which included stage visuals showing the flux capacitor from the 1985 time travel comedy film "Back to the Future."

Want to see the complete set list? Click here.

—Niki Kottmann and Brian Blueskye

Metal fans came from all over the world for this event

As the rumors began circulating about Power Trip in March, Rob Myers of Hershey, Pennsylvania created the Facebook community “Power Trip Festival Group,” which has over 10,000 members. On Friday afternoon, Myers met a fraction of the group in front of the Ferris wheel for a group photo. A group member brought a California state flag and is having members sign it as he meets them at the festival.

Myers said he has created similar groups for festivals such as the Inkcarceration Music & Tattoo Festival in Mansfield, Ohio and estimates 5,000 attendees from all around the world and demographics joined the Power Trip group during April.

“People had interest in seeing six powerhouse acts all at once,” Myers said. “These bands have international recognition – Guns N’ Roses, Iron Maiden, Metallica – even in Europe, you don’t see all three of those bands at one festival. You may see one, but you’re not going to get all at once.”

The members of the group have posted invites for carpooling to the festival, social gatherings in the area and even shared travel tips for those new to the Coachella Valley. There’s a stronger sense of community among metal fans for this festival than the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and Stagecoach country music festival.

“If you go to any metal festival, especially if you’re in camping, you’re never going to have an empty stomach, an empty cup or go without anything you need,” Myers said. “I have met grandmothers and mothers at metal festivals and they’re the ones helping those who say ‘Hey, I need this’ or ‘I ran out of this.’ Everybody just wants to take care of each other. With metal, there are different emotions, some of these people have been hurt and have a stronger sense of empathy. I’ve noticed people who have been through something, metal is their healing." 

Our first impression of the festival: spacious

Although it was crowded by the entrance, once the gates opened 18 minutes behind schedule, our first impression of the festival was that it's wonderfully spread out. Nobody's on top of each other, and even though the merch tents were Coachella-level busy less than 15 minutes into the start of the festival, the Iron Maiden-specific and Guns N' Roses-specific booths had shockingly small lines.

This is also a little nerdy of us to notice, but the famed Coachella/Stagecoach Ferris wheel (aka Le Grande Wheel) is back with new open-air cars (as opposed to the traditional enclosed cars we're used to at the other two festivals).

Power Trip: Gates are open and crowd has cool cross-generational vibe

The gates are open at Power Trip but the music has yet to start. The crowd so far consists of lots of big groups and families with adult children. "How you holding up mom?" was heard from a man who appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s.

Those who attended the original "Trip" ... Desert Trip in 2016 that featured the kings of classic rock ... will understand.

Also notable about the first hour on scene: It's hot. Overheard waiting to get through the gate: “I’m sweating so much I’m losing my buzz, it’s terrible!”

—Niki Kottmann and Kate Franco

Headed to Power Trip but don't want to miss the game? You can experience both

Goldevoice is typically all about the music. But this weekend at Power Trip, the promoter is offering a rare opportunity to watch live sports at one of its bar areas within the festival.

All weekend long, festivalgoers can head to the Holy Dive Bar to watch the following televised sports:

  • Thursday: NFL Chicago @ Washington
  • Friday: MLB Playoffs
  • Saturday: MLB Playoffs
  • Saturday: NCAA Football
  • Sunday: NFL Football

—Niki Kottmann and Andrew John

Power Trip pre-game: Free tattoos at AC/DC-themed pop-up bar in Indio

AC/DC will hit the stage for the first time in seven years during the second day of Power Trip, but you don't have to wait until Saturday to get in on the fun.

Club 5 Bar in downtown Indio has officially opened as a pop-up fan experience called the AC/DC High Voltage Dive Bar , featuring collectible rock relics, unique Easter eggs, a beer garden food trucks and, perhaps most notably, free tattoos of the many different AC/DC logos over the band's 50-year history.

If you're looking for a place outside the festival grounds to honor the gods of rock, this is your spot.

Power Trip special guests: Who we think might make a stage cameo

Would it even be a Goldenvoice festival without surprise special guests? Here's a few we're hoping to see (and yes, some are far-fetched, but we can dream):

With Guns N' Roses:

  • Misfits frontman Glenn Danzig (to sing "Attitude")
  • Bob Dylan (to sing that cover of "Knockin' On Heavens Door")

With AC/DC:

  • AC/DC could quite possibly bring out any rockers, but ... wouldn't it be amazing if they brought out actor/singer Jack Black for the cover of "It’s a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll)" from the movie "School of Rock"?

With Metallica:

  • King Diamond (to sing "Mercyful Fate")
  • St. Vincent, Slipknot vocalist Corey Taylor, or another artist who performed on the "The Metallica Blacklist"

Power Trip set times: When will Tool, Guns 'N Roses, Metallica take the stage?

Need some help planning your Power Trip? Here are the set times :

  • Friday, Oct. 6:  Iron Maiden at 6:45 p.m., Guns N' Roses at 9:25 p.m.
  • Saturday, Oct. 7:  Judas Priest at 6:45 p.m., AC/DC at 9:25 p.m.
  • Sunday, Oct. 8:  Tool at 6:55 p.m., Metallica at 9:35 p.m.

Where is Power Trip festival 2023?

Power Trip, which features six heavy metal bands from Friday, Oct. 6 to Sunday, Oct. 8, is being held at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California. Music-lovers likely know (or know of) the venue as the home to the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival and Stagecoach country music festival, which are held on the lush grounds at 81-800 51st Ave. over three weekends in April.

But this isn't the first October "Trip" staged by Goldenvoice. Desert Trip, featuring Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Neil Young and Promise of the Real, Roger Waters and Paul McCartney , was held at the polo grounds over two October weekends in 2016. It was heralded as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see some of the biggest names in classic rock on one stage.

—Kate Franco

From the archive: When Desert Trip rocked the music world in 2016

Watch: AC/DC Kick Off Power Up Tour in Germany

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The Rock Revival

Power Trip Festival 2023: Full Lineup and Details Announced

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It may be the biggest North American rock festival ever

Power Trip Festival 2023 Goldenvoice

UPDATED: July 11, 2023

The stacked lineup for the all-new festival Power Trip is here. Earlier this week, headliners Metallica, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, AC/DC,  Tool , and  Guns N’ Roses all teased the festival on their official social media. Now, the full lineup is officially confirmed for what may very well be the biggest hard rock festival ever in North America.

On Monday, July 10, Ozzy Osbourne revealed that he would no longer be performing at Power Trip. On Tuesday, July 11, it was announced that British metal icons Judas Priest would be stepping in for Ozzy. Priest will now play opposite AC/DC on Saturday, October 7.

Check out the full lineup artwork below.

Goldenvoice, the company behind Coachella, Stagecoach, Cruel World, and more will be putting on Power Trip. The festival will take place in Indio, California at the Empire Polo Grounds (home of Coachella) on October 6 through October 8, 2023.

Tickets go on sale Thursday, April 6 at 10am PT. Hotel and VIP Packages available starting Tuesday, April 4 at 10am PT. Fans can register for the on-sale now HERE . 3-Day General Admission tickets start at $599 + fees, or turn the volume up with GA + Shuttle ($699), The Pit ($1,599), Reserved Floor ($799 – $1,599), Grandstand Seating ($1,099 – $1,399), and various VIP Packages ($1,749 – $2,999). Payment plans (50/50) are available for general admission tickets. 

Camping options include Car & Tent Camping, ready-to-go 2 person Lodge/4 person tents, RV spots and more. Amenities and activities are available for all campers. Accommodations include hotel packages: Bundle your Power Trip tickets with nearby hotel accommodations and “any line” shuttle passes. Available for groups of 2 or 4 people, exclusively through   Valley Music Travel . Packages start at $3,199 + fees.

Fans who want to commemorate the weekend can pre-order a Power Trip Commemorative Poster. The premium quality giclee print poster delivered in advance of the show. Designed and printed by artist  J. Bannon  (limited edition of 1,000), the posters are available in 18×24 on fine art textured stock. For now, you must purchase a ticket in order to add the poster to your order.

After announcing his  retirement from touring  back in February, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Ozzy Osbourne has recently expressed his desire to still perform at some capacity in the future. Commercially, Ozzy is enjoying the fruits of his widely successful album  Patient No. 9 . He won two GRAMMY® Awards at the 65th annual event in Los Angeles last month. He took home the hardware for Best Metal Performance and Best Rock Album. It marked the metal legend’s first solo GRAMMY® win since 1994 when he won Best Metal Performance for “I Don’t Wanna Change the World ( Live & Loud ).

“I’m one lucky motherfucker to have won the Best Rock Album Grammy,” the now a five-time GRAMMY® Award winner exclaimed. “I was blessed to work with some of the greatest musicians in the world and Andrew Watt as my producer on this album. Winning the Best Metal Performance was equally gratifying being that the song featured my longtime friend and Black Sabbath bandmate, Tony Iommi.”

Metallica’s upcoming eleventh studio LP  72 Seasons  arrives on April 14 via the band’s own Blackened Recordings. Produced by Greg Fidelman with frontman James Hetfield and drummer Lars Ulrich, and clocking in at over 77 minutes, the 12-track  72 Seasons  is Metallica’s first full length collection of new material since 2016’s  Hardwired…To Self-Destruct . The album will be released in formats including 2LP 140-gram black vinyl and limited edition variants, CD and digital download.

Additionally, Metallica are  returning to the road  this summer. The band previously announced their M72 Word Tour which will see the band perform back-to-back nights at each stop with no repeat performances. In each city, special guests on Night One will be Pantera and Mammoth WVH. Five Finger Death Punch and Ice Nine Kills will serve as support on Night 2. Tickets are on sale now  HERE . 

Iron Maiden brought their Legacy of the Beast Tour back to North American last year for another massive run. The band’s latest album  Senjutsu  arrived in 2021. The album peaked at No. 3 on the Billboard 200, and No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Rock and Top Hard Rock Albums charts.

In 2020, AC/DC released their seventeenth studio album  Power Up . The record peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, and topped the charts in several other countries around the world. Once again, Angus and Malcolm Young’s nephew Stevie Young, who took over rhythm guitar duties for Malcolm after his passing in 2017. AC/DC have not toured since their Rock or Bust trek wrapped up in 2016.

Tool have a number of festival appearances slated for 2022, including a headlining slot at Aftershock. Last summer, they released their GRAMMY®-Award winning fifth album  Fear Inoculum  as a new black vinyl set via RCA Records. The 3-disc 180 gram set on black vinyl features new artwork by guitarist Adam Jones. It comes in a triple gatefold jacket and an exclusive 12″ x 36″ double-sided poster. Last March, Tool released a re-imagined version of “Opiate,” the title track from their first EP. To celebrate the 30th anniversary of their first commercially-available release, the band re-worked and extended the song –  “Opiate 2 “  – with an accompanying short film.

Guns N’ Roses are embarking on a massive world tour this summer. The North American leg runs through October 16m making stops in Boston, Chicago, Nashville, Charlotte, Vancouver, and more. The band is also returning to Hersheypark Stadium in Pennsylvania for the first U.S. show of the tour. They previously kicked off their We’re F’N Back! Tour there back in 2021. Revisit our review and live photos from the show  HERE .

Last year, Guns N’ Roses came out with a a new EP  Hard Skool . The record was released nearly a year ago on February 25, 2022. It was the first time in 28 years that vocalist Axl Rose, guitarist Slash, and bassist Duff McKagan collaborated together on new material together.

The trio was accompanied on the new studio effort by the current members of the GNR lineup, which is completed by guitarist Richard Fortus and drummer Frank Ferrer, as well as keyboardists Dizzy Reed and Melissa Reese. The EP featured live recordings of the band’s ‘91 power ballad “Don’t Cry” and “You’re Crazy” from their seminal debut LP  Appetite For Destruction .

Released back in August of 2021, the single “Absurd “ was the first new Guns N’ Roses song in 13 years.

Fresh off their  50th anniversary celebrations , Judas Priest are reportedly working on music for the follow-up to their acclaimed 2018 album  Firepower . The record is the band’s biggest commercial success, charting at No. 5 on the UK Albums Chart and Billboard 200 as well as hitting No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Hard Rock Albums chart. After delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Judas Priest toured relentlessly to celebrate the success of Firepower and the band’s five decades of heavy metal.

Power Trip Festival lineup updated Judas Priest

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Tina Gilbertson LPC

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One Way to Deal With Someone on A Power Trip

Hint: many who throw their weight around don’t feel all that powerful..

Posted September 17, 2019 | Reviewed by Ekua Hagan

Aleksander Kaczmarek/Getty Images Pro

Sure, there are people out there who like to use power to control other people—that’s pretty much the definition of a power trip. But is your boss, coworker, ex-friend, or estranged relative really one of them?

Not necessarily.

Not everybody who seems to be on a power trip actually is. Even the most controlling, domineering person in your life may simply be… protecting herself.

Self-protection isn’t the only alternative explanation for an apparent power trip. But it’s one that’s often overlooked.

If you can spot self-protection in action, you’re more likely to respond effectively and even potentially help the person heal.

The Power of Self-Protection

Most of us, if we’ve been hurt badly enough in the past, will prioritize doing whatever it takes to stay emotionally and physically safe.

Some of the behaviors we use as a shield can easily be mistaken for something more aggressive. Here are just a few examples:

  • Dictating the details of how things play out to make sure we don’t get hurt again
  • Requiring lots of information upfront before we agree to do things
  • Changing our minds after agreeing to something that makes us nervous
  • Reducing or eliminating contact with people who feel dangerous

All of these behaviors can come across as power-tripping. But self-protection is not about enjoying power; it’s about trying to ensure safety.

Sometimes, self-protection requires us to remove ourselves from certain relationships. There are various ways of doing this, ranging from “ ghosting ” (disappearing without explanation) to having a respectful conversation in which we clearly state our needs and boundaries in a way that others can choose to act on, or not, with the understanding that we hope they’ll be able to do so.

Mostly, when we’re in self-defense mode, we’re not especially polite. We might come across as unreasonable, stubborn, or even aggressive.

Think about it: If you’re at a backyard barbecue, and your shorts catch fire, you’re going to make a beeline for the swimming pool without concern for whose Coke you knock over. While you’re dashing to the pool, your only thought is for your own safety.

Even if we don’t feel especially powerful, our self-protection can make us look like power-hungry control freaks.

Refusing to return someone’s phone call, from their point of view, is just rude. Even if the truth is we’re scared of what might happen if we talk to them.

Leaving relationships, or acting inconsistently within them because of our own ambivalence, can come across as a power trip because we’re controlling the contact schedule. Sometimes we’re available; other times, we’re not. We decide from moment to moment what we can tolerate.

To the person on the receiving end, we’re just messing with them.

How to Respond

If you’re on the other side, looking at someone who appears to be on a power trip, there are some questions you might consider. To your knowledge…

Has that person experienced physical harm, emotional pain, or deep disappointment in relationships?

How secure does he seem, in general? How’s his overall self-image ?

Is it possible that the “power trip” is really just a need for safety?

If the relationship is important to you, don’t skip over self-protection as a possible explanation for behavior that appears power-driven.

If it might be the case that the person is protecting himself, how can you help him feel safer, especially in the relationship you share?

Here are a few ways to provide safety for people who’ve been hurt and/or traumatized in relationships:

  • Ask permission. Ask about timing, locations, activities, topics that are OK to discuss… anything that the person seems anxious to control. These are important to her, so let her decide what feels OK.
  • Offer choices. Same as above, and let the person know you’re open to hearing her ideas and preferences. Respect her choices, as long as they don’t directly violate your personal boundaries.
  • Don’t push. Fear of being dominated often goes hand in hand with concerns about safety. Never try to coerce someone who’s been traumatized into doing what you want them to do.
  • Be patient. Intrusive self-protective behaviors stem from past harm, not malice. People need time, understanding, and acceptance in order to heal.

taking a power trip

These behaviors represent the opposite of what most of us feel like doing when someone is throwing their weight around. It’s human nature to want to push back against anything that feels like an inappropriate power-grab.

So if the relationship is not that important to you, you may choose simply not to deal with someone who seems to be on a power trip.

But now that you know it could be something deeper, you can make an informed choice about your own response.

Tina Gilbertson LPC

Tina Gilbertson, LPC, is the author of Reconnecting with Your Estranged Adult Child and Constructive Wallowing: How to Beat Bad Feelings By Letting Yourself Have Them . She hosts the Reconnection Club Podcast for parents of estranged adult children and offers consultation by distance.

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Taking a Power Trip

A field trip to experience the impact of mountaintop mining makes the invisible dramatically visible for students.

Taking a Power Trip

In this excerpt from Ecoliterate: How Educators Are Cultivating Emotional, Social, and Ecological Intelligence, the authors tell the story of a field trip organized by a school in Spartanburg, South Carolina to view the impact of mountaintop coal mining. While many schools don't have the resources for such an ambitious trip, the story demonstrates Ecoliterate practices — above all, making the invisible visible — that are applicable in a wide range of school settings.

Among the lessons illustrated by this story: It's an eye-opener for students to trace energy, water, and other resources to their sources, or waste to its destination, and to discover the often-unseen impacts of their actions. Experiencing these impacts firsthand, whether at a distant mountaintop-mining site or a nearby trash-processing facility, is more powerful than just reading about them. Meeting the people who are affected by their practices is a powerful learning experience. Students learn more about complex questions from trying to understand the motivations and rationales of people on all sides of an issue than from pointing fingers and identifying "bad guys." Once back at school, it's important for students to reflect on their experiences and move the reflections into action.   

Like many communities, Spartanburg, South Carolina, seems like a place with few connections to coal. Situated at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, this small college town boasts six institutions of higher learning and a vibrant arts community. Though Spartanburg was formerly a center of textile manufacturing, most of its residents now work in health care, government, education, the corporate headquarters of Denny's, or the nearby BMW manufacturing plant.

So when Allyn Steele, a history teacher at Spartanburg Day School, was challenged to inspire a sense of civic responsibility in his students, his decision to direct their attention to mountaintop mining in Appalachia was not an immediately obvious one.

He could, of course, point to some basic facts connecting the Carolinas to mountaintop mining. For example, Duke Energy, headquartered in North Carolina, is the nation's third largest user of coal acquired through mountaintop mining. And trains carrying coal from Kentucky sometimes passed by the local greasy spoon, Ike's Korner Grille.

But Spartanburg students didn't actually see coal being mined or burned. They couldn't truly grasp the meaning of "coal keeps the lights on." And they had little, if any, knowledge about or feeling for the impact of modern-day coal mining on the people and ecosystems of Appalachia.

So Steele designed a course called "The Power Trip," which examined the political, ecological, and economic consequences of coal energy — and most significantly, included a field trip to southeastern Kentucky.

Riding the Coal Line

On a Saturday morning in February, Steele, another adult chaperone, and six students set out to drive some 300 miles, tracking as closely as possible the coal line that ran between Spartanburg and southeastern Kentucky. When they arrived nearly seven hours later, the director of the retreat center, where they would spend the next several nights, warned them: "You can't drink the tap water. All the water in the water system is tainted."

Patty Tarquino, an organizer with Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, then led them on a tour that began with a hike in the Bad Branch Falls Nature Preserve, which boasts the largest concentrations of rare and uncommon species in the state. As the students made the trek, they occasionally helped each other scramble across a boulder or cross a creek, which Steele appreciated as team-building opportunities. But the primary goal was to see what Appalachia, one of the most biologically diverse regions in the country, looks like when undisturbed by human actions. Students saw rare flora and fauna and learned about how nature thrives in a system. They were told, as Steele recalls, "One has to be pretty respectful of all forms of life to keep that system in balance." They were also being prepared for a lesson in contrasts.

Bearing Witness

After the hike, Tarquino drove the students up a narrow country road traveled primarily by coal trucks. She explained that private coal companies had purchased this public land to mine the coal reserves below ground. As they drove, they passed several posted signs along the roadway:



"I was kind of freaking out," recalls Steele. "One wrong turn, and we'd fall off the mountain."

Local residents Sam and Evelyn Gilbert, whose house had a view of Black Mountain, the highest mountain in Kentucky and one scarred by strip mines, also rode with the students. At night, they said, you could see the lights of the mining site from their driveway. And when a blast occurred, you could feel the whole house shake.

Gilbert, who used to work at a strip mine, told the students that he knew what good surface mining was supposed to look like. He said that good surface mining practices required restoring a site to its original shape and soil contents. But that is not what many people believe is possible after a mountaintop mining operation. After all, even if the land is restored to its former contours, the plants and animals that once thrived in that ecosystem often can no longer survive. Headwater streams are routinely buried. And the area is left looking oddly stark and lifeless.

A Bird's-eye View

A few hours northwest of Black Mountain is Hazard, Kentucky, a city of nearly 5,000 surrounded by mountaintop mining — even though its residents cannot see the impact from where they live.

To grasp the magnitude of mountaintop mining here, you need to get in a small plane—which is what Steele and his students did on day two. What they saw — for as far as the eye could see — was land utterly transformed from anything that looked natural.

"Words really can't describe the level of destruction and degradation and complete disrespect for the land there," said Matt Roberts, who was fifteen years old when he made the trip. "You go from gorgeous mountains and trees and valleys to sludge ponds and fractured earth."

After the plane landed, several students appeared to be in shock.

"I've never seen something so intense," one said.

"These were all mountains at one time?" another asked.

"How is that possible?" asked a third.

Creative Discomfort 

On the last day of the trip, the students — ripe with questions — visited a coal processing plant, where the company representative also took the opportunity to challenge them.

"The representative said [the coal company] was doing the world a great service," recalls Roberts. "He said they left the land better than it was before. He said they were promoting economic growth [because you can build on flat land]. And, repeatedly, he said, 'Coal keeps the lights on. Are you going to stop using lights?'"

The students had already learned that mountaintop mining provides far fewer jobs than traditional mining ever did; sites are often too unstable to build upon after mining; and reclaimed land is never as good as the natural environment.

But Roberts was particularly moved to challenge what he heard when the coal representative stated, "There's nothing wrong with the water. I'm not worried about my water."

Having visited with Sam Gilbert, who lived near a creek as brown as chocolate milk, Roberts asked, "Are you on city water or well water?"

"I'm on city water," the representative replied.

"All the people we talked to are on well water," Roberts said, knowing that meant they were much more likely to be drinking water polluted by mining, since city water is treated to remove chemicals and impurities.

In the end, the coal representative stuck to his defense of mountaintop mining. But the students did not, as might be expected, adopt a simplistic oppositional posture that painted those who work in the coal industry as the "bad guys." What they learned instead was both more complex and realistic.

Roberts said the experience taught him: "We're the ones to blame. We want a lot of energy, and we want it cheap. The coal companies are meeting the demands of the people. It's a horrifying way of doing it. But if we weren't asking for it, they wouldn't be doing it."

Students recognized, Steele added, that "it's a systemic problem — we're all connected to this, we're all in on this."

And for anyone who might have missed the point, the connection was driven home to them as they left the plant, got into their cars, and headed back south to Spartanburg — in the same direction as a freshly loaded coal train.

Back to School

Having awakened both a sense of understanding and caring about the impact of mountaintop mining on the people and ecosystems of Appalachia, Steele next wanted to propel his students into action. "The idea was to get them to reflect on their experiences and move those experiences out into the world," he said.

Christopher Riehle helped write an article for Spartanburg Herald-Journal . Other students offered glasses of water with lumps of coal inside at a public forum. And Roberts, Riehle, and others cofounded the school's first Environmental Club, which grew from six to thirty members in two years.

"Allyn created an experience that caught everybody's attention," recalled Spartanburg school headmaster Chris Dorrance. "There were people living here who didn't know much about Kentucky or really believe mountaintop mining was happening. And he brought back kids with passion, and that, of course, was very good." It also, he said, helped galvanize the school community about the larger issues of energy and sustainability.

From the perspective of a school leader, he added, "I don't think there is any question that there is a growing imperative to address sustainability."

And the key to success, Dorrance and Steele agree, lies in making connections — between the lives of students and those of people and ecosystems at the other end of our energy, food, and water supplies.

"If we are to sustain ourselves, we have to think and act differently," Steele said. "And I think we can make education a valuable asset for that transformation."


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Power Trip Announce 2024 Return, Name Live Vocalist

A few months after reuniting for a brief live set this past December, Power Trip have announced their 2024 live return and named the vocalist they will continue with for these upcoming gigs.

The members of Power Trip — Blake Ibanez, Nick Stewart, Chris Whetzel and Chris Ulsh — played a show in Austin, Texas on Dec. 1 with Seth Gilmore of the bands Skourge and Fugitive. It marked their first live performance since the death of vocalist Riley Gale in August of 2020.

It appears as though the band plans to continue on with Gilmore as their vocalist. In a new post on their Instagram , Power Trip announced their first live show of 2024 will take place at California's No Values festival on June 8. They also alluded to some other shows that will take place later in the year.

The statement reads:

Nearly four years ago to the day, unbeknownst to us, we would perform for the last time as Power Trip. It has been a difficult road since then, marked by deep pain, grief, and everything else that came with losing our brother Riley. We know this can’t be undone, and it will always remain part of us. We have thought deeply about the future of Power Trip and what always comes back to us is that this band was founded on resilience, perseverance, and most importantly: a love for the music and for all of the people it has brought us closer to along the way. We’ll never have the words to convey our appreciation of the enduring support we’ve received over the years, and we feel as though the time is right to get back on stage for all of you who’ve been there throughout our existence as a band. With that, we are excited to announce a round of upcoming 2024 performances starting with  @novaluesfestival  on June 8th in SoCal. Joining us will be our long-time close friend/collaborator, and singer of  @fugitive_tx  /  @skourge713  —Seth Gilmore—who will be handling vocals for these upcoming shows. Stay tuned, more info on the way… Riley Gale Forever. Power Trip Forever. See you in the pit. - Blake, Chris, Nick and Chris

Misfits , Social Distortion , Iggy Pop , Turnstile , Bad Religion , Sublime , The Dillinger Escape Plan , The Damned , Suicidal Tendencies and Black Flag are among the other artists who are set to play the festival.

Check out the post below to see the full lineup.

After Power Trip's December 2023 show with Gilmore, Gale's family issued a statement that they were caught "entirely by surprise," as they were apparently unaware that the remaining members were planning a show together.

READ MORE:  12 Bands That Called It Quits After the Death of a Member

Shortly after, Gale's father clarified the family's comments in a new message, and wrote, "We also would like to specifically appreciate and thank Seth Gilmore. He really put his all into that performance."

"As Riley's dad and the person who wrote the original message, it broke my heart to hear that I got it wrong. I humbly request that you understand the raw emotions we face and how they impact us every day thinking about what the world lost when Riley died," he concluded.

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Geometry Dash Wiki

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Description [ ]

Power Trip introduces the second use of the new Random Trigger (showcased on the messages appearing at 60% and 85%). It also continues to showcase the new camera features.

  • A cube sequence takes place from 0% to 44%, while under the effects of the fast speed portal from 2% to 19%.
  • A wave sequence takes places from 45% to 56%, under the effects of the very fast speed portal from 45% to 56%,
  • A cube sequence takes place from 57% to 62%,
  • A 3x spider sequence takes place from 63% to 75%,
  • A 3x robot sequence takes place from 75% to 78%,
  • A cube sequence takes place from 79% to 100%, while under the effects of the size portal from 79% to 84%, and from 87% to 100%, and while under the effects of the fast speed portal from 84% to 87% and while under the effects of the very fast speed portal from 79% to 84% and from 87% to 100%.

Secret coins [ ]

Collecting all three secret coins will reward an additional cube.

  • Before Update 2.21.3, the pillars did not split apart and the player had to go through a non-indicated fake block. The following platform and green orb were originally a gravity deactivation portal.
  • Before Update 2.21.3, the coin was collected a different way. The player had to go through a fake block by not jumping at 32% (old percentage). Doing so would reveal an invisible path to the coin. However, the player needed to be careful to jump the instant they land on the ground after hitting the blue jump pad that returns them to the normal route.
  • Before Update 2.21.3, the third coin appeared at 98% at the end of the level and needed five clicks to appear.
  • The taps that are required MUST BE DONE SEPARATELY. Just doing 4 jumps by clicking once will only register as 1 tap, and therefore will not reward the coin.
  • If all 3 coins are collected, the player will be granted an extra icon.

Gameplay [ ]

Geometry Dash SubZero - Power Trip (Old)

  • The cube unlocked for completing the level in Normal Mode is the same cube showcased on the logo of Geometry Dash SubZero .
  • The initial release of the iOS version of the game had an error where the level's second secret coin was assigned the same ID as the first secret coin, meaning that there were two first coins and collecting either would be recorded as collecting a first coin on the level slider, while a second secret coin technically did not exist so it would not be shown as collected on the level slider, despite being shown as collected within the level on subsequent attempts. This was later fixed in an update.
  • At 42% a message will appear, being selected randomly out of "Oh no...", "Not again...", "Get ready...", "Why u do dis..." and "Rubrub?". There is also a chance that no message appears.
  • The message "NANI?!" is the Japanese term of "WHAT?!" as well as being part of the reference of the expression used in the anime and manga series Fist of the North Star , mostly due to "Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru", a Japanese meme.
  • It is also the second main level (again, excluding Geometry Dash World, and also the official levels from Stereo Madness to Time Machine) without any ball sequences after the mode's introduction, the first being Fingerdash .
  • Power Trip is one of three levels (the others being Electrodynamix and Press Start ) to end under the effects of the very fast speed portal.
  • The first is at 12%, where the direction switches to forwards. As the player approaches the magenta jump rings and after they jump off the last platform while avoiding the spikes below the platform, the player will skip the first magenta jump ring and hit only the second magenta jump ring.
  • The second is in the wave sequence, where the player reverses direction. If the player releases the wave before reversing at 50% and hits the wall, the player will instead teleport to the bottom route with the smiley face and then continue until the player reaches 77%, with the progress bar still moving after the level is completed. However, the player needs to ascend after passing the smiley face to avoid crashing. (Note: You will not be able to get the third secret coin when using this route).
  • The third is during the same wave sequence at 50%, where it is possible to die for hovering too close to the wall during the direction reversal. You will die on the wall as you ascend.
  • The fourth is during the last spider sequence, before the player approaches the robot portal. The player can skip the last jump ring before the robot portal, and then immediately flip gravity upon making contact with the ground. Run along the ceiling until near a wall of spikes and flip gravity again. Enter the cube portal to fall below the main route with the remainder of the level being skipped while the camera assumes a static position. Unlike most things, this was not fixed in Update 2.21.3.
  • Before Update 2.21.3, when the player traveled backwards, the percentage decreased. This changed all of the percentages in the level.
  • Power Trip takes 89 seconds to complete and requires a minimum of 61 jumps. This involves a jailbreak route. Completing the level without normally takes 94 seconds to complete and requires a minimum of 98 jumps.

Gallery [ ]

Level selection

  • 2 Geometry Dash
  • 3 Vault of Secrets

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Power Trip Music Festival 2023 – Guide

Are you going to the Power Trip 2023? Here's everything you need to know about the event and enjoy the festival as much as possible!

Julio Osuna

Julio Osuna

August 4, 2023

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The USA is home to many music festivals, many of which are rock or metal, and then there’s the Power Trip, a combination of both genres that will take place for the first time this year . People are waiting with their arms wide open to see how the festival will be, and there’s still time to prepare for it.

So, if you want to hit the road to go to the Power Trip in the USA, the time has come to know everything you need to know about the event. That’s why we have prepared a guide for those who are planning on going to the festival!


What’s Power Trip?

The Power Trip festival is a new face for everyone in the United States. This is not a festival people have seen before, and it might be the first time people will get to see an event that surely will become important throughout the following years. Like other festivals, Power Trip will last for three days , and the date for the festival is still months away!

Something important to mention about the Power Trip, since it’s a new festival that no one has seen before, it’s the fact that at the beginning, it was going to be a festival where the rock legend, Ozzy Osbourne, was going to return to huge shows. But this won’t happen due to his health issues .

taking a power trip

Still, huge names are part of the festival now, and since Ozzy is no longer in the festival. For example, the replacement for the rock legend is Judas Priest, another legendary band in the rock world.

Of course, some other important bands are performing during the three-day event, such as Tool, Metallica, and Iron Maiden. So is the perfect time for metal and rock lovers to hit the road and see some of the music legends hit the stages one more time!

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When is the Power Trip 2023 taking place?

The event will take place in October. As this is the festival’s first edition, it’s hard to tell whether the date will remain the same in the following years or if this will change. It’s even hard to tell whether it will be a Power Trip in the following years too.

Where is the Power Trip 2023 taking place?

As said before, the event will take place in the USA. But to be more specific, it will take place in California. The Power Trip will be held in the Empire Polo Club in Indio, California! Other places like Oklahoma have their own festivals, too, such as Rocklahoma !

Everything you need to attend the Power Trip

In case you are planning on going to the USA and it’s your first time ever going there, you need to keep some things in mind to have the perfect trip. And even more important, to have perfect memories of the festival! So, preparation is the key to success in this case.

As for those who are either traveling to the USA for the first time for a festival, there are some things that are, well, quite helpful. Therefore, let’s make a checklist of things everyone should pay attention to!

  • Get your tickets for the festival: Before you travel to California and reach the event, the main thing you will need is tickets , right? Then, to avoid wasting some time before the event takes place, you better buy them through the official website. Currently, there are tickets still available, and people can buy them according to whether they want to go to the whole festival or just for a day.
  • Use apps that will help you move around in California: If you are not from the USA and you are attending the Power Trip festival, you will need help moving from one side to another. Therefore, try using an app that can help you with this. Our favorite alternative is to use Google Maps, but you can go with the one you prefer using!
  • Think about how you will connect to the internet: One thing it’s sure; you need an internet connection. No matter where you go, you must make sure you have a way to access the internet. Currently, to travel to the USA, there are different ways to do it, such as through Pocket WiFi , roaming services , or an eSIM card USA . All of them are good options, but we prefer using eSIMs because they easy they are to use and get.

taking a power trip

  • Pack enough clothes for the festival: If you are attending a music festival such as the Power Trip in the USA you must have enough clothes . Especially because things can get really messy in no time, so pack enough clothes not only for the whole event, but also for the whole trip!
  • Get a place to stay: You will need a place to stay during the festival. If you are staying in the camping zone, it’s easier to move to where you will sleep. But if you don’t stay there, you need to think about where you will stay. It can either be in a hotel room or an Airbnb. It’s up to you.
  • Check the social media platforms of the Power Trip for updates: Do you want to stay updated? Check the Power Trip social media accounts. That way, you can get to know everything that will happen at the event!

Tips for Power Trip 2023 attendees

Moving forward on what to remember when going to the festival, it’s time to get some tips for the event. Knowing what to do before it’s great, but having in mind what to do during the festival is also something important!

As for now, having in mind some of these tips will help you out during the event and even will allow you to help others as well!

  • Check the schedule to know who’s playing next: If you have in mind seeing a certain band, you need to keep an eye on who’s playing next. Or maybe, if you are going for a single day, you want to check the schedule to see at what time the band you want to see live performing. And checking the schedule is actually quite easy; it’s on the website!
  • How are you moving while at the festival: If you are not staying at the camping site, you need to know how you will move from one way to the other. Even when the festival day comes, you need to know how to get there. So, think about how you will move around. There are lots of alternatives, so you won’t have a hard time at all finding the best option for you.
  • Eat, drink water, and get enough sleep: The last one is optional, just in case. But drinking enough water during the festival is important. You don’t want to be dehydrated and taken out while your favorite band is playing, right? Pretty much the same goes for the food. You need to eat in order to be strong enough to get into the mosh pit, don’t you think?

taking a power trip

  • Keep an eye on those who are near you: Do you have the chance to help others? Then do it. Those who are alone in the festival might have a hard time trying to get help if necessary, so if you see you can help them because something is happening to them, do it. Chances are they will help you back if you need it too.
  • Don’t travel on a tight budget: If you want to enjoy as much as possible the event, traveling with a low budget is not advisable. Therefore, if you can take as much money as possible, take it with you. That way you don’t have to worry too much while at the festival and after it!

Spending more days in the USA: What to do after the Power Trip?

Once the Power Trip is over, you might want to spend some days in the USA. If so, people can do many things while being there. California is a huge city, and getting to know it is an amazing plan. But what else can people do there?

  • Get to know California: California is a lovely city. During that time of the year, the weather will be easier to handle, so getting to know the city and its surroundings will be much easier than people might think!
  • Travel to another U.S. city: If you have the time, and money, to travel to a different city within the United States, go for it. There are many incredible places to meet, such as New York or Las Vegas, and that’s just saying some.
  • Ensure you aren’t leaving anything behind: Once you leave the festival, say goodbye to anything you left there. And the same goes if you are staying in a hotel room or Airbnb. Check that everything you brought to the festival is there with you!

FAQ about the Power Trip 2023

The event itself won’t have many bands. But the bands attending the event will make the three-day festival unforgettable. The current lineup is Judas Priest, Tool, Iron Maiden, Metallica, AC/DC, and Guns N’ Roses!

For people who are assisting the Power Trip festival, knowing at what time they will get to see their favorite bands is important. Therefore, arriving just in time is going to be their best ally. During the event, the venue will be open at 3 PM!

Camping at Power Trip is not free. But it is also not so expensive depending on the alternative people prefer to take. With the simple camping option, people can stay in a camping tent for $199 plus taxes. But for those who want to feel some extra luxury while in the event, prices can be higher than $1.000.

For the Power Trip event, there are different prices based on how people want to go to the festival. Prices will vary from $599 to over $2.500. The final price will depend on what people want with their tickets and whether they are paying to get access to additional features while at the festival.


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  22. Power Trip

    Power Trip is the third level of Geometry Dash SubZero and its first/only level with a Harder difficulty. Power Trip introduces the second use of the new Random Trigger (showcased on the messages appearing at 60% and 85%). It also continues to showcase the new camera features. A cube sequence takes place from 0% to 44%, while under the effects of the fast speed portal from 2% to 19%. A wave ...

  23. Power Trip Music Festival 2023

    Australia. From. € 6,00. EUR. The USA is home to many music festivals, many of which are rock or metal, and then there's the Power Trip, a combination of both genres that will take place for the first time this year. People are waiting with their arms wide open to see how the festival will be, and there's still time to prepare for it.