Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Mädchen Düne 45

Wüste & Nationalparks

Die höchsten Sanddünen der Welt erklimmen und wenige Tage später Safaris im Etosha Nationalpark erleben - das geht nur in Namibia!

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Namibia mit Kindern

Ihr reiseveranstalter für einzigartige namibia rundreisen mit kindern.

Erleben Sie die Kultur, Natur und Menschen in Namibia mit Kindern durch die gewaltigen Weiten des Landes. Erforschen Sie die unglaubliche Tierwelt auf Namibia Safaris mit Kindern und bestaunen Sie die höchsten Dünen der Welt .

Als Spezialist für Namibia Reisen mit Kindern haben wir Ihnen einzigartige Gruppen- und Individualreisen zusammengestellt, zu denen wir Sie jederzeit gerne persönlich beraten!

Foto von Team Afrika

Team Afrika +49 221 177309-00

Namibia Gruppenreisen mit Kindern

Namibia Familienreise - Familie in den Dünen - Namibia for family

Namibia for family

  • Safaris im Etosha & Pirschtouren im Jeep
  • Die höchsten Dünen der Welt erklimmen
  • Katamarantour zu Robben & Delfinen

Gruppenreise 16 Tage

  • 4.8 von 5 Sternen
  • Bewertungen ansehen

Namibia mit Jugendlichen - Einheimischer Bogenscheißen - Namibia Family & Teens

Namibia Family & Teens

  • Pirschfahrten im Etosha Nationalpark
  • Im Quad Bike über die Dünen
  • Buschmänner & Damara-Familie
  • 4.9 von 5 Sternen

Namibia Botswana Family & Teens Gruppenreise

Namibia Botswana Family & Teens

  • Safaris im Etosha und Chobe Nationalpark
  • Afrika-Feeling beim Camping
  • Imposante Victoria Falls

Namibia Individualreisen mit Kindern

Namibia mit Kindern individuell - Namibia for family individuell - Namibia mit Kindern entspannt

Namibia for family individuell

  • 18 Tage im eigenen Mietwagen
  • kürzere Fahrtstrecken
  • 4 Nächte in Swakopmund

Individualreise 18 Tage

Namibia for family individuell - Namibia mit Kindern individuell - Best of Namibia mit Kindern

  • 17 Tage im Allradmietwagen
  • Kalahari & Sesriem Canyon
  • Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha

Individualreise 17 Tage

  • 5 von 5 Sternen

Namibia for family individuell - Namibia mit Kindern individuell - Namibias Highlights kompakt

  • 14 Tage im Allradmietwagen
  • Namib, Swakopmund & Erongo Berge
  • Etosha Nationalpark & Waterberg

Individualreise 14 Tage

Namibia for family individuell - Namibia mit Kindern individuell - Camping-Abenteuer in Namibia

  • Übernachtung im 4x4 mit Dachzelt
  • Die Highlights Namibias
  • Best of Wüste, Safari & Küste
  • 4.5 von 5 Sternen

Namibia for family individuell - Namibia mit Kindern individuell - Namibia, Botswana & Simbabwe

  • 3 Länder in 18 Tagen erkunden
  • Alle Highlights in Namibia
  • Chobe Nationalpark & Victoria Falls

Individualreise 19 Tage

Namibia mit Kindern vom Spezialisten

Seit 20 Jahren sind wir Experte für Ferneisen mit Kindern und auch wenn wir auf unseren geführten Namibia mit Kindern Rundreisen den wilden und großen Tieren so nah wie möglich kommen möchten, steht Ihre die Sicherheit dabei an höchster Stelle. Unsere Reiseleiter in Namibia sind im Umgang mit Kindern sehr erfahren . Sie kennen Namibia wie ihre eigene Westentasche und zeigen uns begeistert Zusammenhänge der Natur auf, wie zum Beispiel dass es die Big Five ohne Termitenhügel, Spinnen und Käfer gar nicht geben würde.

Um die Zusatzausgaben vor Ort für Sie etwas kalkulierbarer zu machen, haben wir bereits viele Aktivitäten und Eintrittspreise für Sie im Reisepreis inkludiert . Genauere Informationen zu unseren Inklusivleistungen finden Sie in den einzelnen Tagesbeschreibungen im Reiserverlauf der Namibia Reisen. Ergänzende Ausflüge und optionale Aktivitäten, zusätzlich zum inkludierten Gruppenprogramm, können Sie vor Ort selbstverständlich (gg. Gebühr) noch hinzubuchen. Auch bei der Verpflegung haben wir bereits viele Mahlzeiten für Sie inkludiert . Neben dem Frühstück, sind an einigen Tagen zudem das gemeinsame Mittag- oder Abendessen für Sie im Reisepreis inbegriffen. Gerne beraten wir Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch zu Ihrem Namibia Urlaub mit Kindern und finden die passende Flugverbindung für Sie.

Aktuelle Bewertungen zu Namibia mit Kindern

Fantastische rundreise durch namibia.

Wir hatten eine fantastische Rundreise durch Namibia mit einem herausragenden Reiseleiter vor Ort. Das Programm war sehr… mehr

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Unsere Namibia-Reise war für die ganze Familie ein großartiges Erlebnis! Wir werden die morgendliche Dünenbesteigung in Sossusvlei, die… mehr

Super Reiseleiter

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Alternativen zu Namibia mit Kindern

Garden Route for family - Pinguine

Garden Route for family

  • Abenteuer & Safari malariafrei
  • Big 5 im Addo Nationalpark
  • Kapstadt, Hermanus & Canopy-Tour

Gruppenreise 14 Tage

Kenia Familienreise - Elefanten vor Kilimajaro - Kenia for family

Kenia for family

  • Unvergessliche Safari-Pirschfahrten
  • Besuch bei den Massai
  • Beach Resort am Indischen Ozean

Gruppenreise 13 Tage

  • 4.4 von 5 Sternen

Tansania Family & Teens - Tansania mit Jugendlichen - Pirschfahrt

Tansania Family & Teens

  • Die besten Safarigebiete Afrikas
  • Massai und auf Jagd mit den Hadzabe
  • Urlaub im Paradies auf Sansibar

Gruppenreise 15 Tage

Uganda mit Jugendlichen - Uganda Family & Teens - Affe im Dschungel

Uganda Family & Teens

  • Atemberaubende Jeep- & Bootsafaris
  • Begegnungen mit Gorillas & Schimpansen
  • Sumpfwanderung & Nashorn-Pirsch

Südafrika for family - Südafrika Familienreise - Safari im Entabeni Safari Conservancy

Südafrika for family

  • Jeeptouren zu den Big 5
  • Safari-Geheimtipp Entabeni
  • Entspannung am Pool
  • 3 von 5 Sternen

Garden Route mit Kindern individuell - Garden Route for family individuell - Familiensafari plus

Garden Route for family individuell

  • Elefanten im Addo Nationalpark
  • Die Highlights der Garden Route

Namibia mit Kindern Bildergalerie

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Bootsfahrt zu Walvis Bay - Pelikan mit Mädchen auf Boot

Fragen und Antworten zu Namibia mit Kindern

Wohin in namibia mit kindern was können familien in namibia erleben, namibia mit kindern ab welchem alter, namibia safari mit kindern – welche tierbeobachtungen können sie machen, namibia lodge oder dachzelt mit kindern – wo übernachten familien in namibia, wann ist die beste zeit, um mit kindern nach namibia zu reisen, was gilt es in namibia mit kindern zu beachten.

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Namibia Safari mit Kindern - Kinder am Wasserloch im Etosha Nationalpark

Erleben Sie mit Ihren Kindern ein ausgewogenes Programm an Spaß, Action, Kultur und Erholung in Namibia. Entdecken Sie die einzigartige Tierwelt Afrikas auf einer Namibia Safari mit Kindern und genießen Sie die vielfältigen Landschaften und spektakulären Weiten, die dieses Land zu bieten hat.

Ihre Namibia Rundreise startet in Windhoek und führt Sie zu den sehenswerten Orten des Landes. Highlight ist ein mehrtägiger Aufenthalt im Etosha Nationalpark , wo Sie auf Safari zu Löwen, Giraffen und Elefanten gehen werden. Abenteuerlich geht es im Kajak zu den Robben in Walvis Bay und bei einer Quad-Bike-Tour in den Dünen von Swakopmund zu. In der Namib-Wüste erklimmen Sie zum Sonnenaufgang die riesigen Soussusvlei Dünen. Auch mit den Einheimischen kommen Sie während Ihrer Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern in Kontakt. Gemeinsam besuchen wir das Kinderhilfsprojekt Mammadù und treffen auf die San-Buschmänner, welche uns vieles über ihr Leben und das ihrer Vorfahren als Jäger und Sammler erzählen. An der Spitzkoppe campen Sie eine Nacht und die Kids können die Felsmalereien am „Bushman’s Paradise“ suchen.

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Kleinkinder und Guide auf Living Desert Tour

Namibia können Sie mit Kindern jeden Alters bereisen. Unsere Namibia for family Gruppenreise ist für Kinder ab sieben Jahre ausgelegt, die Namibia Family & Teens Gruppenreise für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahren. Wenn Sie Namibia mit Kindern als Selbstfahrer erkunden möchten, können die Kids auch im Kindergartenalter, ab ca. vier Jahren, sein, da wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen Ihre Rundreise zusammenstellen und beispielsweise kürzere Fahrtstrecken und längere Aufenthalte in den Lodges einplanen. So verläuft die Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern für alle entspannt.

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Namibia Safari mit Kindern - Pirschfahrt zu den Big Five im Etosha Nationalpark

Tiere in der freien Wildbahn und in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung zu beobachten, ist ein wichtiger Schwerpunkt unserer Namibia Rundreisen mit Kindern. Daher verbringen wir auf unseren Gruppenreisen drei Tage im Etosha Nationalpark, um mit den Kindern auf Safari zu gehen. Der Etosha ist einer der wildreichsten Parks auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent und beheimatet zahlreiche Tiere. Vom Safarifahrzeug halten wir Ausschau nach den hier vorkommenden Tieren der berühmten Big Five . Büffel halten sich im Etosha nicht auf, aber wir können Elefanten, Nashörner, Leoparden und Löwen sowie auch Antilopen und Giraffen beobachten.

Mit Adleraugen können Sie auch die Litte Five suchen, die kleineren Wildtiere – Elefantenspitzmaus, Ameisenlöwe, Nashornkäfer, Büffelweber und die Leopardenschildkröte – sieht man nicht sofort auf den ersten Blick. Bei einer Living Desert Tour durch die Namib-Wüste zeigt der Guide den Kids die kleinsten Lebewesen, zum Beispiel Wüsteneidechsen und Insekten, die sich im Sand tummeln. An der Atlantikküste vor Swakopmund fahren Sie im Katamaran zur Walvis Bay. Hier sind große Robbenkolonien beheimatet und Pelikane hüpfen auch mal auf das Boot. Mit etwas Glück können Sie sogar Delfine im Meer sehen.

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Namibia Lodge mit Kindern - Lake Oanob Resort Ausblick Stausee

In Namibia mit Kindern übernachten Sie in ausgewählten, authentischen Lodges . Die Gästehäuser und Camps bieten fantastische Ausblicke auf die umliegende Naturlandschaft und befinden sich in optimaler, aber dennoch ruhiger Lage, um zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten des Tages zu gelangen. Unsere Camps am Etosha liegen beispielsweise nur wenige Minuten vom Eingangstor des Nationalparks entfernt, sodass wir früh morgens in die Safaris mit Kindern starten können. Die Lodges verfügen über einen Pool, in dem sich die Kids nach den Ausflügen und Touren abkühlen und eine Runde toben können.

Wenn Sie Namibia mit einem Dachzelt bereisen möchten, kehren Sie auf ausgewählten Campingplätzen ein. Diese sind mit allem Nötigen ausgestattet und Sie können auch die Anlagen des Campingplatzes wie Pool und Restaurants nutzen, wenn Sie mal nicht selbst grillen oder andere Mahlzeiten zubereiten möchten.

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Kind mit Guide schauen Straußenei an

Namibia ist ein ganzjähriges Reiseziel und jede Saison bietet tolle Vorteile für eine Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern. Das Land liegt neben Südafrika auf der Südhalbkugel, weshalb die Jahreszeiten umgekehrt zu unseren auf der Nordhalbkugel sind. Von November bis Februar herrscht in Namibia also Sommer und es ist Regenzeit. Gleichzeitig ist dies die Hochsaison, da viele Südafrikaner sowie andere internationale Touristen Namibia bereisen. Regenzeit bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass es täglich Dauerregen gibt – es kommen ab und zu nur kurze Schauer runter. Aufgrund des Regens blüht die Vegetation auf, was schön anzusehen ist, aber auch Tierbeobachtungen erschwert, da die Lebewesen sich nun besser im Gebüsch verstecken können. Die Tagestemperaturen klettern schnell auf 30°C, dafür ist es auch nachts auch noch angenehm warm, um draußen zu sein.

Von Februar bis Mai fällt wieder weniger Niederschlag und die Tagestemperaturen sinken. Doch auch in den Wintermonaten Juni und Juli sind die Temperaturen tagsüber mit 20 bis 25°C angenehm warm. Die Natur wird wieder karger, Wasserlöcher werden weniger, sodass die Sichtungswahrscheinlichkeit von wilden Tieren auf einer Safari mit Kindern wieder steigt. Allerdings wird es nachts deutlich frischer, sodass Pullover und Mütze im Gepäck nicht fehlen sollten.

Beachten Sie, dass die Wetterverhältnisse in den verschiedenen Regionen voneinander abweichen. In der Namib-Wüste herrschen andere klimatische Bedingungen als in Swakopmund am Atlantik.

Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Geführte Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern - Kids auf Jeep

Berücksichtigen Sie, dass über Weihnachten Hochsaison in Namibia herrscht. Südafrikaner haben lange Sommerferien und reisen gerne in das Nachbarland, aber auch internationale Touristen bereisen Namibia gerne über den Jahreswechsel. Buchen Sie daher frühzeitig Ihre Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern , da die Lodges über begrenzte Kapazitäten verfügen. So können wir bereits weit im Voraus Ihre gewünschten Lodges buchen.

Viele Eltern fragen sich, ob Malaria in Namibia mit Kindern ein Risiko darstellt. Die meisten Gebiete Namibias, in denen Sie sich aufhalten werden, sind malariafrei . Erfahren Sie in diesem Namibia mit Kindern Reisebericht mehr zu unseren Reiseerfahrungen in Namibia.

Wenn Sie Namibia als Selbstfahrer im eigenen Mietwagen erkunden möchten, haben wir in diesem Blogartikel wichtige Infos für Sie zusammengefasst.

safari namibia kinder

For Family Reisen Katalog 2024

Bestellen Sie jetzt den Katalog 2024.

safari namibia kinder

For Family Reisen Podcast

Kurzweilige Podcast-Folgen zu unseren Reisezielen mit Kindern.

safari namibia kinder

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Namibia mit Kindern - Namibia Rundreisen mit Kindern - Namibia bewusst mit For Family Reisen erleben

For Family Reisen steht für höchste Qualität & nachhaltige Reisekonzepte.

Entdecken Sie Namibia mit Kindern und erleben auf spannenden Safaris Elefanten, Leoparden, Löwen, Nashörner und viele andere wilde Tiere im Etosha Nationalpark. Gemeinsam besuchen wir die San-Buschmänner und erfahren mehr über die Lebensweise ihrer Vorfahren. Bei dem Kinderhilfsprojekt Mammadù können die Kinder mit den einheimischen Kids spielen und erfahren, wie ihr Alltag aussieht. Mit Jugendlichen campen wir eine Nacht an der Spitzkoppe und erleben Action und Spaß in den Dünen. Unsere Namibia Reisen mit Kindern tragen immer unsere persönliche Handschrift: Alle Reisen mit Kindern werden von uns getestet und stetig anhand der Feedbacks unserer Gäste optimiert. Unsere Reiseplanung fängt dabei stets bereits mit der individuellen Beratung an. Wir beantworten all Ihre Fragen und stehen Ihnen jederzeit mit ausführlichen und aktuellen Informationen zur Seite – vor, während und nach Ihrer Namibia Rundreise mit Kindern. Wir geben jeden Tag unser Bestes in der Konzeption und Durchführung unserer individuellen und geführten Namibia Rundreisen mit Kindern und hoffen, auch Sie von unserem Angebot begeistern zu können. Gern senden wir Ihnen ein persönliches Reiseangebot und freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage!

9 of the best things to do in Namibia with kids

Mary Fitzpatrick

Oct 25, 2023 • 6 min read

safari namibia kinder

From wildlife-watching safaris to camping under the stars, here are Namibia's best family-friendly experiences © JurgaR / Getty Images

Imagine days full of fresh air and sunshine, open spaces with dramatic desert scenery, giant sand dunes, a family-friendly culture and the chance to see seals, elephants, giraffes and rhinos. Mix it up with some long, hot, dusty days driving with hardly any other vehicles on the road, and you’ll get an idea of how it is to travel in Namibia with kids.

Is Namibia good for kids?

Namibia is a fine destination for all ages: it’s clean and generally safe, with good infrastructure, a mostly well-maintained networks of gravel roads and tarmac main arteries, excellent campgrounds and lodges – many with swimming pools – and plenty to do . Self-drive is the main way to get around , and most places are welcoming to children.

When planning, keep in mind that distances between major attractions can be long. Your visit will likely be smoother and more enjoyable for everyone if you limit daily driving and work in as many drive-free days as possible, focusing more on one or two regions rather than the entire country. Another tip: especially if you’re traveling in summer , try to find hotels and campgrounds with a swimming pool.

If you’ll be traveling with babies and very young children, strollers won’t be practical for getting around in towns; it’s much better to use some sort of carrier or sling. Baby changing stations are frequently available in larger towns, generally found in women’s restrooms or in common lobby areas.

Although Namibia has a short rainy season, you can count on the weather being sunny and pleasant almost every day. During the winter months from June through August, evenings get very cold, with temperatures sometimes dropping to freezing in highland areas; jackets are essential. During summer, be prepared for temperatures close to 40°C (104°F) in inland areas. For any road trips or activities, especially during the hottest months from November to February, pack plenty of water.

A woman carrying a baby on her shoulders walks along a steep ochre-colored sand dune that contrasts with the bright blue sky

Where is best in Namibia for kids?

With its fresh sea air and abundance of kid-friendly activities, Namibia’s central coast around Swakopmund is an ideal starting point for family travel. An easy drive to the north is Cape Cross , with its seals, and just south is Walvis Bay , with sea kayaking. Spreading out to the south and east is Namib-Naukluft National Park , where the soaring, ochre-colored dunes around Sossusvlei and Deadvlei are a hit for travelers of all ages.

In Namibia’s far south is the Orange River, with canoeing, and in the northeast are the wildlife-filled waterways of Zambezi (Caprivi), which offer the chance for boat safaris. In between, don’t miss Etosha National Park , with world-class wildlife watching that everyone will enjoy, and Damaraland , which is a great destination for spotting desert-adapted wildlife and learning about Namibia’s Damara people. The small capital of Windhoek has a range of family-friendly diversions.

Best things to do in Namibia with babies and toddlers

Walk with the fish and swim at the beach in swakopmund.

The aquarium in Swakopmund, with its tunnel walkway where fish swim above and around you, is sure to please. Nearby is a small snake park where you can see all sorts of desert dwellers behind glass, and just a short walk away are several ice cream shops. During the summer months, the beach at Swakopmund’s Mole is ideal for a relaxing afternoon, with its sheltered, slightly warmer waters and stretch of sand.

Take a short wildlife drive near Windhoek

Spot warthogs, impalas, ostriches and more on a wildlife drive on the outskirts of Windhoek, followed by a buffet lunch overlooking the large, green lawns of Okapuka Safari Lodge . Advance bookings are essential.

A family of tourists sits on a bench watching a family of elephants at a water hole in a safari park

Best things to do in Namibia with school-age kids

Bounce at windhoek’s trampoline park.

The popular Planet Aero trampoline park in Windhoek’s Maerua Mall is ideal for a few hours of fun and getting the energy out, and is suitable for kids of all ages.

Surf the dunes, kayak, and spot seals along the Central Coast

Most excursions begin with quad biking through the desert, taking in views towards the ocean, and finish with time sliding down the dunes on the outskirts of Swakopmund, either on snowboards or waxed, lie-down sandboards.

From Swakopmund, it’s then an easy drive north to visit Cape Cross, where thousands of Cape fur seals frolic in the waves and lounge on the beach. Don’t miss the shipwrecks en route. About 35km (22 miles) south of Swakopmund is Walvis Bay, where kayaking around Pelican Point is a family-friendly highlight. Nearby is Sandwich Harbour , one of the best places to see desert dunes cascading into the sea.

Take a boat safari in the Zambezi region

The waterways of Zambezi, in northeastern Namibia, are full of wildlife. A boat safari is an excellent way to spot elephants, hippos and more. Afterwards, enjoy the relaxed ambiance at the region’s many riverside camps and lodges.

Watch wildlife in Etosha National Park

Etosha National Park , Namibia’s wildlife hub, is optimally set out for self-drive visits, with well-spaced camps and lodges, and will be a hit for the entire family. Some lodges have floodlit waterholes, offering the chance for excellent nighttime wildlife watching.

Best things to do in Namibia with tweens and teenagers

Climb the dunes and stargaze around sossusvlei.

Sossusvlei , with its dramatic scenery and iconic dune panoramas, is an ideal destination during the winter months for travelers of all ages. Climbing up the steep dune slopes is easiest earlier in the day when the sand is cooler. At night, enjoy the star- and planet-filled night skies from the surrounding camps and lodges.

Canoe along the Orange River

A multiday canoe trip down the Orange River makes for a wonderful adventure for tweens and teens, taking in dramatic scenery by day and sleeping on the river bank under the stars by night. After canoeing, make a detour northwards to appreciate the stark magnificence of  Fish River Canyon .

Visit a living museum and see rock art in Damaraland

Damaraland, conveniently positioned between Etosha National Park and the coast, is notable for its dramatic rock formations, gnarly welwitschia mirabilis plants, desert-adapted elephants and rhinos, and the UNESCO World Heritage site at Twyfelfontein , which protects one of the continent’s largest collections of rock art. It’s also home to Namibia’s ancient Damara people, and the worthwhile Damara Living Museum , where the whole family can learn about Damara life and culture.

Two children in silhouette dangle from a tree at a campsite in a national park as the sun sets

Planning tips for family travel in Namibia

Most lodges, parks, and other attractions offer children’s discounts, usually about 50% of the adult rate, and usually applicable for children 12 and under.

Self-drive is a family-friendly, environmentally kind way to get around, and is the best option for traveling with kids in Namibia. Seatbelts are required for all passengers. For larger families (more than five people), it can be difficult to find vehicles with enough seatbelts, so book well in advance.

Most restaurants have children’s menus or will prepare kid-sized portions on request. Supermarkets in Windhoek and Swakopmund carry infant formula and baby food.

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  • Namibia safaris

Namibia safari guides – where & when to go, and what to see & do

Wedged between the Atlantic coast and the Kalahari Desert, Namibia is one of Africa’s hidden gems that is slowly emerging as a popular tourist destination, with safaris in Namibia high on the to-do list. A sense of freedom is generated by an epic, empty landscape with wide horizons, unpolluted skies and one of the world’s lowest population densities. These facts, combined with a plethora of large game animals and a frontier feel make Namibia the ultimate photography or self-drive safari destination , and not too bad either if you’re looking for an indulgent luxury safari experience.

The Namib Desert is the oldest and one of the largest deserts in the world , and a predominant feature of the country, extending all the way up the Atlantic coast on the western side of the country. The desert is scored by a number of rivers coming down from the Central Plateau – most of which are now permanently dry, or only flow during the rainy summer months.

The north of Namibia is dominated by the huge, permanently flowing rivers of the Kuene, Kavango and Zambezi, which make up the borders with Angola, Botswana and Zambia respectively. This part of the country is lush and green with dense woodlands most of the year, and home to several small national parks that teem with wildlife and birdlife. The rest of the country is made up of scrubby bushland of the higher Central Plateau, trailing off into the Kalahari desert in the east.

Wildlife in Namibia is varied, and taking a safari in Namibia will allow you the opportunity to see all of Southern Africa’s mammals. As well as the big five , the Namib Desert is home to the exceptional and endemic desert-adapted elephant and rhino. In the Namib Desert and elsewhere in Namibia a truly extraordinary fact is that the country has one of the densest congregations of animals in the world, combined with one of the sparsest human populations, making for fantastic wildlife viewing.

Unlike much of the rest of Africa, habitat destruction is not generally an issue in Namibia, and you can expect to see large mammals roaming the wilderness as you drive between Namibian national parks or towns. This means you need to be ready for a safari experience in Namibia at any time you’re not in a well populated area!

Namibia Safaris 1

Useful resources

Book a Namibia safari

Namibia wildlife

Namibia Tourist Board

Namibia Wildlife Resorts

Weather in Namibia

Namibia guidebooks

Namibia safari highlights

Sossusvlei’s stunning dunes.

Large orange sand dune with sun on one side and shadow on the other, with many more dunes in the backgorund

Discover the sand dunes of Sossusvlei with a dawn game drive and hike to top of a dune to watch the sun rise over the Namib desert. The dunes and surrounding area are truly specatular, reaching almost 400 metres high and providing inspiration to any budding photographer.

Self-drive safari in Etosha

family of zebras stand on gravel road under a stormy sky

Take a self-drive safari tour around accessible but wild Etosha National Park – one of the world’s premier national parks. 763 km of open roads around the park make for the ultimate self-drive safari. The park is based around a huge salt pan, and seems inhospitable to life, but a string of watering holes brings herds of antelope species and their prey from the surrounding scrub.

Fish River Canyon views

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Visit the jaw-dropping 100km long, 26km wide Fish River Canyon in  the Ai-Ais/Richtersveld Transfrontier Park . It world’s second largest canyon after the Grand Canyon in the US, though with far less tourists visiting, as with all destinations in Namibia it’s both beautiful and serene.

The Walvis Bay ‘marine big five’

Namibia Safaris 3

The cold waters off the Namibian coast harbor a wealth of marine life, no location more so than Walvis Bay. Styled as the ‘marine big five,, it’s possible to see whales, dolphn, sunfish, turtles and seals on a boat – or even canoe – safari .

Best time to go on safari in Namibia

As with the rest of Southern Africa, Namibia experiences summer between November and March and winter from May to August. From August temperatures keep rising until October when the first rains start to arrive in the northern areas, followed by large amounts of rain and occasional flash-flooding.

The best time to go on safari in Namibia depends on where you’re going, and what you’d like to see. October to March is the best time to visit Namibia’s coast around Walvis Bay and Sossusvlei as the climate provides a pleasant respite from the heated interior. If you’re travelling through the Skeleton Coast region the climate is similar year-round, with regular mist and winds.

For the inland areas of Namibia – including the Namib desert, Etosha and Kavango regions, the cooler months from April September provide temperatures far more bearable than summer months. Between May and September, thirsty animals gather at diminishing waterholes, making it the best time to go to Etosha for game viewing.

Flights To Namibia

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Namibia Accommodation

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Namibia Car Hire

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Activities in Namibia

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National parks in Namibia

All national parks in Namibia are administered by the extremely efficient Namibia Wildlife Resorts.

Namibia is an enormous country, and one with large tracts given over to national parks. This gives Namibia the impressive status of being the country with the highest ratio of animals to humans in the world: In short, Namibia’s national parks are fantastic places to visit for safaris and wildlife watching.

A word of warning – the distances between national parks can be huge, and very few roads are tarmacked. A 2WD will serve most of the year in most parts of the country, but rainy season will see even 4WDs struggling in some areas on a driving safari in Namibia.

Top Namibia national park picks

Etosha national park.

A gemsbok ponders the desert scenery in Etosha with sandstorm in the distance and blue sky

 A classic African national park – with excellent visitor facilities – housing the ‘big five’ and much more in plains surrounding a huge central salt pan. Herds of elephants, black-maned lions and the world’s largest population of rare black rhinos gather at the 86 waterholes, springs and fountains found around the edges of the pan.

Skeleton Coast National Park

Entrance gate to Skeleton Coast National Park - complete with skull and crossbones and elephant bones

With a reputation as one of the most desolate places on earth, the 20,000 km sq park is one of the most inhospitable and least visited places on earth. Shimmering white dunes, martian rock, beautiful sand beaches and treacherous, rough seas dotted with hulks of shipwrecks make up the park scenery.

Namib Naukluft National Park

Parched dead trees standing in front of an orange sand dune, white sand floor and bright blue sky

The oldest desert on earth, and quite possibly the most beautiful. Namib Naukluft National Park is easily accessible from Sossusvlei, where giant dunes tower 400m into the air, and pockets of long ago dried-out lakes serve as sporadic homes to forests of thousand year old dead trees. In a word, epic!

Cape Cross Seal Reserve

Thousands of seals lounging on rocks with the ocean in the far distance.

All national parks in Namibia

Use the map to locate all national parks in Namibia. Click the icons for more info.

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Babwata National Park: Small national park in Caprivi Strip, unique in that it houses both a large animal and human population.

Cape Cross Seal Reserve: More seals breed at Cape Cross that anywhere else in the world, so if you like seals you’re in for a treat.

Etosha National Park:  A classic African national park – with excellent visitor facilities – housing the “big five” and much more in plains surrounding the huge central pan.

Fish River Canyon National Park:  A rugged desert wilderness home to the awe-inspiring Fish River Canyon – the world’s second largest canyon.

Khaudum National Park: Remote and wild national park hidden away in the Kavango Region is home to large elephant herds and packs of the endangered wild dogs. A visit here is not to be taken lightly.

Mamili National Park: Little visited .national park in Namibia’s northern Caprivi Strip, offering plenty of classic African wildlife a true wilderness experience.

Mudumu National Park: A riverine national park with undisturbed mopane forest, flood plains and swamps. Unsurprisingly, water-living creatures feature large – crocodiles, hippos, elephants, otters, turtles.

Namib Naukluft National Park: Namibia’s largest park, and one of the world’s oldest and most intensely studied deserts.

Skeleton Coast National Park: Take a drive through one of the world’s most inhospitable spots, with alien landscapes and ancient shipwrecks adding atmosphere.

Sperrgebiet National Park: Recently established desert national park on Namibia’s “forbidden coast”, home to ghost towns, Atlantic coast and hyenas.

Waterberg National Park: Rising 200m above the dry African savannah, the lush green Waterberg Plateau is unique in terms of vegetation and geological makeup.

Other Namibia safari resources

Namibia safari companies.

Herd of cape buffalo trudge towards trees into a rosy sunset

Whilst self drive safaris are a definite option in Namibia – given most national parks in the country allow this – there are still a number of quality safari tour companies in Namibia that you may want to speak to before arrival in the country. With a fairly well developed regional and international inbound tourist market, Namibia has lots of wildlife activities and safaris on offer. These are supported and promoted by a broad range of  safari tour targeting budgets of all sizes and trips of all lengths – from half days trips from the capital Windhoek to two or four week driving expeditions.  Check out our reviews of safari tour companies in Namibia .

Namibia safari lodges

Namibia Safaris 4

Much like it’s neighbour Botswana, Namibia doesn’t see huge tourist numbers and has a focus on either low-impact, high-end safaris, or self-drive safaris. Safari accommodation on offer in Namibia reflects this, with a broad range of  high-end safari lodges around the national parks, and excellent camping facilities for self-drivers attached to most safari lodges. If you want accommodation in a national park, this must be booked in person or by phone with Namibia Wildlife Resorts, who take care of all of Namibia’s national parks. Search and book accommodation in Namibia .

Namibia Safaris 5

Read safari guides to all countries

Botswana safaris , Namibia safaris , Rwanda safaris , South Africa safaris , Tanzania safaris , Uganda safaris , Zimbabwe safaris

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Top countries for safaris

  • Botswana safaris
  • Kenya safaris
  • South Africa safaris
  • Tanzania safaris
  • Uganda safaris

Safari basics

  • Safari animals
  • How to find the right safari company
  • When to go on safari
  • What to take on safari
  • Safari clothing – what to wear
  • Safari rules & etiquette
  • Wildlife spotting tips

Most read articles

  • All about the ‘big five’ animals
  • Collective nouns for animals
  • Safari movies to watch before you go
  • The world’s fastest land animals
  • Apex predators
  • 10 Fascinating African tribes
  • The biggest animals in the world
  • 17 Epic hybrid animals
  • The world’s ugliest animals
  • Why are flamingos pink?

Africa’s best game reserves

  • Chobe National Park, Botswana
  • Etosha National Park, Namibia
  • Kruger National Park, South Africa
  • Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
  • Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana
  • Okavango Delta, Botswana
  • Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

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Namibia, Botswana, Zambezi

Top Safari Adventures for Young Explorers


Your Guide to Africa

Melissa Siebert

Going on safari with your kids, or even with your parents and your children, promises to be one of the most memorable journeys of your lives. What’s more wonderful than a child’s excitement at first spotting an elephant, or sharing African tales around a fire with the next generation? Bonding in and through nature can last a lifetime.

safari namibia kinder

For every family safari booking, we donate USD20 to our Children in the Wilderness non-profit partner, enriching the lives of children in the rural areas where we operate, through leadership and conservation training. Creating an army of young eco-warriors.

We have endless adventures in store for you and your cubs. Wild creatures feature of course – on game drives, walks, in our libraries and research centres. Much to marvel at zoologically. Botanically, ecologically, and culturally, too. The bush is the best classroom, and our guides are incomparably trained to teach not just the facts, but the appreciation. The love. Our staff can also share special moments with your children making pizzas and other culinary delights; drawing and painting; learning their way around Olympus camera equipment; identifying constellations in awesomely starry skies; finding the beat on a djembe drum; and so much more. Age restrictions apply in some cases, but ultimately there’s something for everyone.

Here’s a taste of what awaits you, in some of our camps in Namibia, Botswana, and the Zambezi region (Zimbabwe and Zambia). We’ll keep you safe and happily occupied. Entertained. Enthralled. Engaged. Together with your children, and sometimes apart, to give you a break and them some extra youth-orientated attention on an African safari for families.

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Namibia Family Safaris

Namibia will wow your children, and you as well. With its landscapes of rust-coloured desert, plains, canyons, mountains, edged to the west by a wild coast where the desert meets the sea, it’s otherworldly.

At Little Kulala , race up and down 300-metre high dunes at Sossusvlei, like ‘Big Daddy’. Our exclusive-use access point gets you there faster, keeping everyone more content (fewer ‘are we there yets?’). On game drives or walks, spot desert-adapted wildlife such as ostriches, springbok, gemsbok, brown hyaenas, black-backed jackals, bat-eared foxes, perhaps an aardwolf, or the endemic dune lark. Age permitting, explore the sands by e-bike or eco-sensitive quad bike. At dusk hear geckos bark; set out for a fairy circle dinner in the desert, prefaced by a ‘critter night walk’. Later, follow a guide and UV light on a scorpion safari. Stargaze in one of the darkest places on Earth, counting the constellations by laser.

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Damaraland Camp offers guided nature walks for the young ones (and their elders), taking in fascinating desert-adapted life such as strange plant species and elephants almost camouflaged by the dust.  A visit to Tywfelfontein introduces your children to astounding San rock art and engravings dating back 6 000 years. In camp at Damaraland, fireside boma evenings of song, dance, and local stories will captivate all of you.

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More desert-adapted wildlife is seen at remote, stunning Hoanib Skeleton Coast , where you can treat your team to a private dinner at the in-camp research centre as a scientist regales you with ‘lion tales’ – stories of the desert-adapted predators they’re studying, along with elephant and hyaena. An uber-highlight for the family: take a rollicking guided 4X4 drive over the floodplain and dunes to the Skeleton Coast, a wild stretch of the Atlantic where the cold Benguela current collides with the warmer sand, sending miles of mist upwards. Where white beaches are dotted with whale bones and shipwreck remains. Picnic on the sands to the cry of seabirds and Cape fur seals. Discover the remnants of Strandloper – Beachcomber – lifestyle from centuries past. Fly back to camp for an aerial view of what seems uninhabitable, but is full of life. Walk with a guide to witness that life, including the smaller creatures, an impressive variety of birds, and unusual flora.

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Serra Cafema , our camp in Namibia’s far north, lies in one of the most untouched places on Earth – along a river incongruously rushing through an ochre desert. Explore the local geological wonders, like the phenomenal rocky outcrops of ancient metamorphosised granite at Bogenfels. A wonderland of natural crevices, caves, and bizarre rock formations that your young ones can investigate with a guide while you ease into your sundowners. Meet with a community of Himba, Namibia’s last semi-nomads still living traditionally, and local custodians of the land. Hear their stories, and share yours. When water levels permit, boat on the Kunene, with Angola’s craggy mountains in the distance and plenty of aquatic life all around.

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Explore the dunes on foot and in game vehicles, perhaps spotting oryx, springbok, Hartmann’s mountain zebras, or tiny desert chameleons. Along specially allocated, low-impact pathways, quad bike across the untamed, lunar landscape. Disconnect and connect at the same time.

Botswana Family Safaris

Botswana spoils for choice, whatever age you are. Most of our camps in the Okavango Delta and the Linyanti Wildlife Reserve offer both land- and water-based game viewing, so the family-friendly adventures just keep coming. Private game-drive vehicles are booked for families with children younger than 12 years of age. At our Delta camps, children upwards of six years old can learn the art of poling in a  mokoro ( traditional dugout) along safe, shallow channels. Watch their faces light up as they glide across the deep-blue water, spying reed frogs, colourful water birds and huge waterlilies.

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Enjoy boating and catch-and-release fishing at our water-based camps in Botswana 

Our camp in Botswana’s Central Kalahari, Kalahari Plains , offers a complete contrast – and unforgettable encounters with desert-adapted wildlife, like the iconic black-maned lion, and with a local San community. Africa’s ‘first people’ strive to preserve their culture, one of great indigenous wisdom, invaluable to the planet. A cultural walk with a San family will stay in your family’s hearts forever.

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For foodies of all ages – at Seba Camp , aside from a classic Delta safari, you’ll get to make pizza in an unused termite mound.  DumaTau in the Linyanti, sited between two wildlife corridors and boasting one of the largest elephant meta-herds in Africa, delights with evenings on the floating firepit, serenaded by hippos and other creatures, brunch or supper on a barge, and bush breakfasts where children can play sous-chef. Our flagship camp in the Delta, Mombo , promises not only some of the best game viewing in Africa and lessons in impactful tourism (rhino conservation, leaving a light footprint, etc.), but also stages harvest table meals in the bush, where your family can feast to your hearts’ content. At lovely Vumbura Plains , you can loll about on cushions, picnicking on a Delta island perhaps, while your children enjoy supervised play.

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Zambezi: Zimbabwe & Zambia Family Safaris

The legendary Zambezi River – slow-moving, vast, and a significant piece of African history – is a destination on its own. It separates Zambia to the north and Zimbabwe to the south, flowing like a giant silvery ribbon through gorgeous, game-rich wildernesses. Victoria Falls, a must-see natural wonder and the world’s largest water curtain, sits midway along the river’s course from north-west Zambia to the Indian Ocean. Thrills await the entire family: getting pleasurably drenched by the Falls’ mile-high spray and immersing yourselves in the endless plains of some of Africa’s most pristine reserves, bristling with wildlife.

safari namibia kinder

Reading animal tracks with our expert guides excites just about any child, teen – or adult. Our camps in Hwange, Zimbabwe’s largest national park – Linkwasha , Little Makalolo , and Davison’s – offer exceptional tracking experiences. Stop at a pan or waterhole; shoes off; start deciphering the latest creature ‘news’, the stories in the sand. Hwange’s Ngamo Plains, dotted with vleis and ilala palms, serves up a never-ending wildlife parade. On a guided walk or game drive, find uncountable dust-kicking buffalos; some of the 40 000 local elephants; herd after antelope herd, with predators like lions, cheetahs, or African painted dogs in their wake; the more elusive pangolins, lesser bushbabies, and honey badgers; more than 400 bird species, including raptors, which fill the skies once the rains start. At night, a simple white sheet and flashlight or lantern attract dozens of weird bugs; identifying them is a hit with the young ones. As is roasting marshmallows over an open fire, to deep lion roars and hippo grunts. Or a sleepover in a Star Bed, up in a tree.

safari namibia kinder

Zimbabwe’s Mana Pools – a World Heritage Site that is home to our camps Chikwenya , Ruckomechi , and Little Ruckomechi – mesmerises with its albida forests bathed in golden light, where elephants stand on tiptoe foraging for seed pods. While the hours away catch-and-release fishing in the shallows of the Zambezi, trying to catch little bream, imbiri, and chessa. Your littlest ones will love to ‘dobba-dobba ’, catching the tiniest fish and letting them go, to grow.

safari namibia kinder

Many call Zambia ‘the real Africa’, and rate its safari experiences above all others. Our camps Shumba and Busanga Bush Camp , sited in Kafue National Park’s renowned Busanga Plains, do not disappoint. For five months each year, before the rains return, watch a wildlife extravaganza play out on the infinite floodplains. Witness hundreds of red lechwe, puku, and other plains game, often fleeing predators. Like the famous ‘flying lions’ leaping across the channels after prey – the area’s show-stealers. Boating, game drives, catch-and-release fishing, and an engrossing introduction to birding are just some of the unforgettable activities that can be tailored to younger guests.

safari namibia kinder

Finally, a shout-out to our Bush Buddies – throughout your journey they’re there to help with the younger set, both children and teens. Highly trained in child care and education, our team ensures the best safari experience. Customised activities, co-ordinated by staff between camps to avoid duplication, include:

  • Guided walks in camp, pointing out the miraculous minutiae often missed on game drives;
  • Tracking lessons and competitions, and making plaster casts of tracks to take home;
  • Bird and animal-call identification;
  • Collection and identification of leaves, insects, dung, etc.;
  • Scrapbooking;
  • Treasure hunts;
  • Soccer and volleyball games with staff;
  • Popular board games;
  • Assisting a camp chef;
  • An assortment of arts and crafts (painting, sculpture, drawing, jewellery-making, basket-weaving, writing and telling stories, etc.);
  • Dancing and drumming lessons;
  • Stargazing and astronomy lessons.

safari namibia kinder

Let’s do it together - book your luxury family safari at a Wilderness camp today!

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When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.

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safari namibia kinder

Exploring Namibia on a month-long road trip with kids

Africa Geographic Stories & Galleries

Dianne Tipping-Woods

Friday, 17 August 2018

safari namibia kinder

It’s a familiar ritual to anyone who has camped at Okaukuejo in Etosha National Park in Namibia in June; it takes some effort to hammer your tent pegs securely into the hard, chalky ground, but it’s worth it when the wind blows. Our toddler, Sanne (18 months old), had seen us pitching our tent at the Waterberg Plateau campsite two nights before and she knew the drill, despite the hammer weighing almost as much as her. With each thwack , she kicked up a swirling puff of rose-tinted dust, then looked at us with a proud smile. In the distance, a black rhino ambled down for a drink at the waterhole.

We were six days into a month-long trip with friends through Namibia , and so far their toddler and our Sanne were handling the travel like seasoned pros. They were glowing with the fresh air, and full of curiosity about each of the new places we’d visited so far: Phuduphudu and Kalahari Rest Camp in Botswana, and the Waterberg Plateau in Namibia. After Etosha, we would make our way via Buschberg Guest Farm to Brandberg, Swakopmund, Spitzkoppe and Erongo, before heading home on the Trans-Kalahari Highway – a round trip of about 7,000 kilometres.

Namibia had been a logical choice for an extended camping trip. It’s malaria-free and full of wildlife and wild open spaces. It’s easy to get around and more beautiful than you can imagine.

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As we watched a second black rhino stroll down for a drink, we knew that our instincts had been right; having kids is no reason to avoid the wilds of southern Africa. In fact, it’s just another reason to go. At each stop, we would smile as Sanne and her friend Josh (20 months old) helped pitch the tents or unfold the camp chairs, absorbed in the logistics of camp making and the novelty of a familiar-but-new home for the next few nights. They filled every minute of every day with an endless enthusiasm that allowed us to experience the fun of camping and glimpse the wonders of Namibia’s wildlife and landscapes through their eyes, as well as our own.

Here are some of the highlights from our month-long road trip through Namibia.

The Waterberg

Hikes, rocks and sand

The Waterberg Plateau campsite in the Waterberg Wilderness, east of Otjiwarongo in northern central Namibia, was a brilliant find. There were rocks to climb, sand to dig in and hikes that are short enough for independent little legs. The private nature reserve borders the Waterberg Plateau Park, but there is no dangerous game around the campsite, making it a fun and safe area to explore on foot.

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Arriving late, we got the last of the camp’s eight spots and in the morning headed out to hike one of the five demarcated trails that start at the camp. The views over the Omaheke plains towards the flat-topped mountain that gives the area its name is spectacular, and we took regular stops to drink them in and to examine ant trails and stones and spiderwebs.

Okaukuejo, Halali and Numatoni

The beautiful location of Okaukuejo with its large campsite, nests full of sociable weavers and its waterholes made it an easy place to spend some quality time out of our vehicles. Our delight in the spectacular wildlife that came down to the camp waterhole to drink was magnified by the joy on Sanne and Josh’s faces as they spotted anything from elephants to springbok. They especially loved the creatures that came out after dark: black-tailed tree rats, resident white-faced scops owls, black-backed jackals, various scorpions and more, which provided hours of spotlight fun for everyone.

safari namibia kinder

Halali was the least child-friendly of the camps, and we had a few awkward sundowner moments on the camp’s spectacular viewing deck when the kids’ chatter was met with frowns. Its honey badgers were fascinating, but bigger and bolder than the kids, so we had to pay extra attention to their movements after dark! We did drives during nap times (heat wasn’t an issue as we were travelling in winter) and had some of our most rewarding sightings at its floodlit waterhole after Sanne and Josh were asleep; rhino bulls fighting, a leopard making a kill, and thirsty elephants drinking from moonlit pools, then fading into the inky darkness.

Namutoni has a great network of shorter drives around the camp, and we enjoyed spending time in the big, cool swimming pool and on the green lawns around the campsite (Okaukuejo and Halali also have pools). We had our best lion sightings here, and the kids loved listening to them roar in the early hours of the morning and then setting out with flasks of hot chocolate to find them. We also spent a very relaxing morning at Mokuti Etosha Lodge . They serve a killer buffet breakfast, have an interesting snake park, and beautiful gardens to wander around.

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  Meerkats, mountains and rock art

The drive from Etosha to Brandberg, which is near Uis in the heart of Damaraland, winds through dramatic scenery, so it was no surprise that the sprawling campsites at Brandberg White Lady Lodge were spectacular. The area is rural, with free-roaming wildlife and domestic animals sharing the same space, so we had to dodge donkey and elephant dung when picking our tent site.

The thick desert sand provided hours of entertainment for the kids, whose bucket baths with the fire-like mountain in the background, must rate amongst the most spectacular in the world. They also frequently wandered off with the resident meerkat to dig holes in the ground.

While there, we made the short drive to the famous White Lady rock painting site. The hike through a relatively lush and fragrant valley was well worth it as our knowledgeable guide talked about the 2000-year-old paintings (with the pigments bound with blood serum, egg white and casein), the fascinating biodiversity (about 16% of Namibia’s plants are endemic) and history linked to the granite monolith, which is Namibia’s highest mountain.

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  Sea, sand and a trip to the moon

After a desert drive from Brandberg to Swakopmund, we stayed in the bungalows at the municipal rest camp, an excellent value-for-money option in an often foggy Swakopmund . This vibey seaside city was lots of fun to explore with toddlers. We visited the aquarium and befriended creatures that thrive in the south Atlantic’s chilly Benguela Current, did an historic walking tour, watched people fish from the jetty (built in 1904), played on the beach and in the icy surf, ate delicious local food at several good restaurants (including amazing cheesecake from the institution that is Café Anton) and shed some of the sand we’d collected in the desert, which was replaced with salt.

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We also visited the well-curated museum, which is full of accessible info on Namibia’s fauna, flora, geography and history with some impressive, interactive contemporary displays. We also visited the playground next door and spent a morning looking for welwitschias – desert plants that are thousands of years old.

This took us through the ‘moon’ landscape just outside of Swakopmund, which we wished we had longer to explore. Next time, we’ll go with a guide to find the creatures that have made it their home. Another highlight was the trip to Walvis Bay to see the flamingos; a drive between endless dunes, a moody sea and then masses of pink birds!

Spitzkoppe Campsite

  Stones, stars and sweeping skies

safari namibia kinder

Spitzkoppe is a place of golden light and glowing rocks, with campsites amongst the most beautiful and private of any we have ever stayed at. The community camp feels like the land that time forgot. Scale and space distort and you feel yourself to be a tiny thing in a vast and ancient universe. Wraparound views and a sky of stars that you can almost touch made each hour in the camp a special one. We pitched our tents up against a rock face and lazed with lizards, lingered over sundowners on hot rocks and tried to fathom the fact that the dramatic granite rising from the desert is more than 120 million years old.

While we skipped the hardcore climbs and longer hikes (where you need a guide), there were plenty of shorter walks that were suitable for us with our toddlers in tow. They tackled them like little dassies (rock rabbits) and seeing their confidence taught us a thing or two about tackling challenges head-on.

safari namibia kinder

The last part of our journey was spent high up at Erongo Plateau Camp in search of Hartlaub’s spurfowl, which we never found, although birding during the rest of the trip was excellent. What we did find was a stark beauty and a tricky hike that we somehow navigated with kids in tow. It was hot and dry and quiet.

Although there was nothing particularly child-friendly about the camp or the area, by then, Sanne and Josh were able to amuse themselves with nothing more than some sand, sticks and stones.

Erongo Plateau Camp with hiker and child, Namibia

Heading home

When our month was up, we’d covered less ground than we might have without kids, but I think we saw more. We did fewer activities, but our eyes were opened like never before, both to the places we visited, but also to our children.

safari namibia kinder

Children on safari: Tips from our trip

• Temper your itinerary to keep the distances small; • Take less than you think you need, but don’t skimp on your medical kit; • Don’t include too many structured activities; • Pack bags of toys, books and games; • Make sure the kids have binoculars also; • Make sure everyone wears closed shoes at night – there are plenty of scorpions!; • Take extra sippy cups and snacks that you can pull out when needed; • Respect other travellers, but don’t apologise for your well-behaved kids; • Give the children (yes, even the toddlers) regular campsite chores; • Take extra moisturiser for winter trips, as the desert air is very dehydrating; • Don’t worry about stocking up on food before your travel (fresh meat and produce was easy to get); • In unfenced camps: A little common sense goes a long way. We avoided unfenced camps in areas where there is a high likelihood of having predators move through the camp. In sparse game areas, be vigilant and watch your children.

Medical and potential health issues • Be proactive before you travel. Speak to your paediatrician about emergency medication you might need. • Doing a CPR and basic first aid course is a good idea. Otherwise, be aware of potential dangers from snakes and scorpions and find out how the response to these is organised in the places you visit. • Inform yourself about medical evacuation procedures, local emergency numbers and cellphone coverage. Often the people who run the places you plan to stay at are excellent sources of advice and information. They usually have kids or know people in the area that do. • Let your medical aid know you’re out of the country, and understand what they cover and what they don’t. If you’re going really off the beaten track, consider a satellite phone.

R e ad more tips about travelling with kids on safari here:  Tips for going on safari with kids

safari namibia kinder

ABOUT THE AUTHOR, Dianne Tipping-Woods

safari namibia kinder


safari namibia kinder



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Africa Freak

Namibia safari – The complete guide for first-time visitors

Zebra fighting in Etosha

Namibia isn’t known for safari . This is Africa’s natural art gallery, a country of superlative landscapes and breathtaking silence.

Most people don’t even think a Namibia safari is possible. How can wildlife thrive in the desert? Why visit Namibia when Botswana and South Africa are next door?

Yet desert-adapted elephants make epic journeys across the sand. Rhinos gather around salt pans. Black-maned lions survey their dusty kingdoms. Gemsbok are everywhere, their majestic horns a symbol of Namibia.

A safari in Namibia can be as good as a safari anywhere else in Africa. It’s just a little different and you don’t have the same multitude of destinations.

This article guides first-time visitors through Namibia’s best safari destinations . It covers when to go, what to do, how to reduce costs, and how to make the most from the experience.

5 Compelling Reasons to Visit Namibia For Safari

Quiver tree in Spitzkoppe, Damaraland

1. Africa’s natural art gallery

Namibia requires time . It’s one of the world’s most sparsely populated countries and it’s difficult getting around. There’s virtually nothing other than wilderness. Even a town that’s signposted for 500 kilometres passes by in the blink of an eye.

Most of the land is inhospitable . Western Namibia is covered by the world’s greatest sand dunes, a barrier too inpenetrable for even the rampaging colonialists.

Eastern Namibia is dominated by the Kalahari Desert , barren plains that bake beneath the sun. Scattered through these deserts are some of Africa’s most surreal sights.

The Fish River Canyon , stark and evocative as it cuts a path through Africa’s crust. It’s the world’s second largest canyon and you can read our guide here .

Then the Namib Desert , where Sossusvlei and Deadvlei are just the famous attractions in a landscape of kaleidoscopic dunes. Read our complete Namib Desert guide here .

Damaraland is all strange rocks and massive mountains, an ethereal assortment of shapes and silence.

The desert has even taken over towns. Luderitz and Kolmanskop are a poignant reminder of nature’s power, where old wooden houses are now buried in sand.

These highlights make for an inspiring adventure. In Namibia there is more than safari and that is one of the big highlights. The vacation is more diverse and it’s also a lot cheaper when you don’t need to pay park fees every single day.

2. Animals are easy to find

Black rhino cow and calf in Etosha

Although it sounds counter-intuitive, such an inhospitable environment makes the safari incredibly easy .

Life in the desert revolves around water . Animals must cluster close to where water remains. So every Namibia safari focuses on waterholes, pans or rivers. Find the water and you find the animals.

Vegetation is sparse . There are very few places for wildlife to hide. Again, this makes wildlife encounters easy. Just gaze across the desert and you can spot herds from miles away.

3. Living with giants

You must be tough to survive here . So step forward desert-adapted elephants, white rhinos, Angolan giraffe and some of Africa’s most elegant antelope species .

In terms of actual numbers there are less large mammals in Namibia than Botswana , South Africa , Kenya or Tanzania . However, as these animals gather in similar places it’s possible to experience a superb wildlife diversity in one place.

Most importantly, Namibia is where you get close . It’s where you feel the battle for survival and experience life on the edge. It’s one thing to see an elephant in a lush forest. It’s quite another to see the emotion on an elephant that has travelled five days to reach water.

Evocative scenes play out. Enchanting gestures communicate how these animals feel. There’s joy and energy. And then there is the brutal reality of life .

Perhaps a carcass being picked at by African vultures . Maybe a wounded animal stumbling away from a battle to mate; or lions tossing bones from a zebra carcass.

4. Africa’s cheapest safari

Breakfast time in the desert, Namibia

Probably the biggest reason for choosing a Namibia safari is the cost . Here you get the most intense encounters for the best price.

Park fees are lower than other Southern African countries and significantly less than in East Africa.

The camps and lodges are usually modest , without the thrills and luxuries of some in South Africa. Most of them are at the lower end of the price scale, which is very different from Botswana where camps could be USD 1000 per person a night.

Namibia’s public campsites are excellent . They are simple and well maintained, located in areas that can be rich in wildlife. Anyone who is self sufficient will find these camps accessible and cheap.

While Namibia is an enormous wilderness country the safari destinations are relatively easy to reach . A four-wheel drive vehicle is required.

But it’s not like in Botswana where flights are necessary to reach parts of the Okavango Delta , or in East Africa where it’s almost impossible to visit without a local tour.

Namibia is so vast that you don’t need to escape the crowds . You can have a private concession-style safari experience, full of exclusive natural encounters, without needing to pay a premium.

5. The best country for a self drive safari

Excellent camps , easy to find wildlife , and accessible destinations . That adds up to a great self drive destination. You do the safari and this is cheaper than a tour.

The classic way to explore Namibia is to rent a four-wheel drive vehicle that is equipped with a popup roof tent, a camp kitchen, and everything that’s needed for multiple days in the wild.

Visit the national parks , spend the days on safari, then set up at one of the campsites. It’s raw and rugged , an adventure in elephant country with no guides to protect you.

Self drive safaris are not advisable in East Africa – rules and regulations make them expensive and dangerous. One Africa Freak contributor encountered two backpackers in a Toyota hatchback stuck in the Serengeti mud, leaning out of the window taking photos of lions.

South Africa is good but doesn’t have the same wilderness factor , not when the Kruger now has a paved road through the middle of it.

Much of Botswana’s best safari destinations are inaccessible, either because the roads are washed away or the area has been gazetted as a private concession.

Then there is Namibia: freedom , beauty , safari and a connection with your wild side.

Guide to Namibia Safari Destinations

Lion brothers portrait, with attentive zebra in the background

Etosha is one of Africa’s ultimate safari destinations. The rest in Namibia is good and exciting. Visit Namibia and Etosha has to be at the top of the list. If you can, add on the Caprivi Strip for an experience in contrasts.

Etosha National Park

Etosha has an eternal paradox . Like all of Namibia there is an incredible sense of wilderness and exploring a distant piece of old Africa. Yet Etosha is also very accessible and the game viewing is so simple.

There’s comfort and simplicity here, even when gazing across the shimmering Etosha salt pan. Within Etosha there’s the only water for hundreds of miles. That attracts a great succession of migratory mammals during the dry reason.

Often there’s a mystical collection of animals at a waterhole, a kind of animal party featuring hippos, gemsbok , impala, elephant, zebra and giraffe. Then the lions come and transform the dynamic.

The Etosha savannah is scorched yellow and red. Vegetation shrivels and a lot of the park appears lifeless. At the park’s heart is the Etosha Pan , a mammoth salt bed that the park is named after (Etosha literally means great white place ).

Springbok put on a funny choreography in Etosha National Park

Antelope splash about the pan after the rains. Elephants and buffalo dig for the nourishing salt. Gaze across the pan and rhinos emerge from the mirage, the image like something from a work of fiction.

After the pan shrivels and dries, life revolves around the park’s different waterholes . Most camps overlook one of these waterholes so a lot of the safari can be spent sat on a balcony, drinking a beer as wildlife also takes a drink.

The Etosha camp accommodation is very cheap in comparison to South Africa and Botswana, usually less than USD 150 per room for a very comfortable tented camp in a prime location (it may be USD 1000 in South Africa).

Public campsites aren’t next to the waterholes but are among migratory channels so you will see animals nearby. And every night the Etosha animals create their own noisy lullaby.

Animals to see and planning an Etosha visit

Tender love between two black-faced impala

Etosha is home to four of  the big five . It’s one of the best places in Africa to see white rhinos and their abundance is quite remarkable here.

Elusive species like black-faced impala are common. Tense predatory scenes are witnessed around the waterholes.

There’s just about everything you could ask for in a safari destination and the ease of the game viewing is elevated by Etosha’s openness . Spotting wildlife is straightforward, even without a guide.

Etosha is located in northern Namibia , roughly a four-hour drive from capital city Windhoek and seven hours from the Caprivi Strip.

Allow at least three full days . The park is big and there is more than enough wildlife for three days. Ideally consider four nights, allowing for two nights in two different sides of the park.

Ongava Game Reserve

A private concession in southern Etosha, Ongava is a luxurious and expensive destination. It’s typically included on high-end safari itineraries that use light aircraft to hop around the country.

The key highlight is the walking safaris , in particular walking safaris with white rhinos. Nighttime game drives and photography hides add to the intimacy.

Wildlife is similar to Etosha and there are only a dozen guests at a time , so it does feel very personal. Still, it’s debatable whether Ongava is worth the price when Etosha next door is so good.

Okonjima Nature Reserve

Halfway between Windhoek and Etosha, Okonjima can be a good Namibia safari introduction . The park is small and fenced but does provide good wildlife encounters, particularly with the cats.

Okonjima is home to the Africat Foundation that helps to rescue and rehabilitate Africa’s carnivores. These cats are in addition to free roaming wild predators. You will need to stay at the lodge in the reserve and one night is sufficient.

Caprivi Strip

Namibia’s fertile panhandle is a surreal contrast to the country’s desert wilderness. Forests and grasslands flourish as four of Africa’s great rivers take root: the Okavango, Zambezi, Chobe and Kwando .

These rivers attract migratory herds throughout the dry season, from various antelope to many thousands of elephant. Many animals stop by the Caprivi as part of their journey to the Okavango Delta or Chobe.

Animals and villages must coexist in the Caprivi. This makes sense: in a desert country almost everything wants to be near a river . There is no single national park but a series of small national parks interspersed with villages and a paved highway heading towards Victoria Falls.

Some of these have been established by local communities and the Caprivi Strip is a celebration of locally organised conservation .

Here there’s an acknowledgement that local people have been integral to conservation since the dawn of time. They’ve found a modern solution that satisfies the needs of wildlife, local people and tourists.

Bwabwata is the largest of the parks, followed by Mudumu and Nkasa Rupara . There’s also Caprivi Game Park , Mashi Conservancy , Wuparo Conservancy and Salambala Conservancy .

Although they don’t share borders, these parks do help create a single wilderness . They have successfully ensured the preservation of one of Africa’s most important wildlife corridors. Here you will see elephants and many other animals crossing the highway.

Each has either a public campsite or a camp and the prices are very reasonable .

Animals to see and planning a Caprivi visit

Lone hippo in the Caprivi strip

There is a little of everything but mostly you encounter elephants and different antelope . Giraffe poke their heads up above the trees, buffalo march around and zebra are conspicuous.

Don’t expect many big cat encounters . Not many live here and the lush vegetation makes them difficult to find.

Local San guides may be able to show you a wild dog den, so visitors with patience can be rewarded with sightings of one of Africa’s most endangered species;  read the full wild dog story here .

It’s relatively easy to cover any of the parks in a single morning or afternoon drive. To spend more than two nights in any of these parks doesn’t make sense.

The Caprivi is in the far north of Namibia and it’s literally a 400 kilometre strip that juts above Botswana. Follow the strip to the end and you reach Victoria Falls .

We’d recommend spreading the Caprivi journey over three days . With that you can spend a night in two parks or conservancies before leaving Namibia to visit Victoria Falls or Chobe in Botswana.

But if you are blessed with time then extend the journey. These peaceful parks provide a beautiful connection with your wild side . No other people, a handful of grazing animals, and a fertile wilderness.

When to Go on a Namibia Safari

Typical Namibian road in the wilderness

Namibia has clearly defined seasons and these have an enormous impact on the safari experience.

June to August – dry season, mild temperatures, good game viewing

  • Mild days and cold nights ; bring warm layers and expect to spend each evening around a campfire.
  • Great dry season wildlife viewing with lots of animals around waterholes.
  • Dusty skies which aren’t ideal for photography.
  • Peak season can result in crowds, especially in parts of Etosha.

September to November – dry season, hot, excellent game viewing

  • Hotter days and warmer nights; be prepared to sweat.
  • Outstanding dry season game viewing ; there is hardly any water left so wildlife is highly concentrated.
  • Less visitors compared to June to August.
  • The rains usually start in November and usually come as a relief.

December to January – wet season, very hot, best avoided

  • Very hot days in the desert.
  • Occasional storms but it doesn’t rain that much in the desert.
  • A surprising number of visitors as it is school holiday time in Southern Africa.
  • Animals have dispersed so game viewing is more difficult .

February to May – wet season, warm and beautiful

  • Namibia is incredibly attractive after the rains have come.
  • You may experience storms but mostly these months have blue skies and warm temperatures .
  • Wildlife looks healthy and you can see lots of babies.
  • However, it’s harder to see animals as they are dispersed.

Planning a Namibia Safari

Toyota Hilux with roof top tent under the stars, Namibia

Namibia safaris often require intensive planning as you must decide how to get around. Overland tours are the most popular mode of travel. You are in a small group and usually spend one to two weeks traveling through Namibia.

For self drive safaris think very carefully about where to pick up and return the vehicle. There’s a superb loop from Windhoek: Windhoek, Damaraland, Etosha, Caprivi Strip, Victoria Falls, then returning via Botswana.

It’s very tempting to extend the journey by starting in Cape Town or Johannesburg but this does add a lot of miles and fuel cost to an already long journey. However, coming from South Africa allows for a route incorporating Fish River Canyon and Sossusvlei.

Another option is to take public transport to Windhoek and then continue the journey from there. Windhoek based tour operators can take you on a three or four-day trip to Etosha for a reasonable price.

The more expensive option is a fly-in safari . Beautiful views extend from the window as you fly to Namibia’s distant destinations. These are aerial safaris and maximize the time you have, ideal if this is a multi-country and you only have two weeks in total.

Map of Namibia’s Main Parks

There’s at least a dozen national parks in Namibia. Here’s the country’s major protected areas and where to find them on a map.

Map of Namibia's major national parks

Good Luck in Namibia

Stunning sunset over a waterhole in Etosha

We love Namibia . This is where you really connect with your wild side.

At first it seems like an endless empty wilderness. Spend time and look closer, because this is where safari secrets hide .

About The Author

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2 thoughts on “namibia safari – the complete guide for first-time visitors”.

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Is it easy to arrive in the capital of Namibia and get a 5, 6 day tour/safari in a local enterprise, that will be cheaper then the ones we find on the internet and we contacted previously when abroad? I mean, I would like to know if I arrive in Namibia will it be easy to find a safari organized by locals, that are cheaper then the ones I find on the internet?

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Sure, it is definitely possible to organize your trip once you land in Namibia. There are various travel operators, especially in Windhoek.

That being said, I wouldn’t say it is necessarily “easy”.

It still requires time to organize things properly. You need to find a reliable operator, you might not have as many options… plus pricing will depend on the travel period (more expensive in the high season; in July-October).

NB: Namibia is the perfect destination for self drive safaris , so this could be a nice option to consider if you prefer more flexibility and freedom.

Hopefully this helps.

Happy planning,

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Namibia Safari Tours

Find the right safari tour for you in Namibia. There are 166 trips to choose from, that range from 3 days in length, up to 24 days. The month with the most departures is July, making it the most popular time to visit Namibia.

Namibia safari tours with 451 reviews

Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Sossusvlei, Swakopmund & Etosha (Camping) - 7 Days

Excellent tour, well organized and paced. Good good, facilities were simple but adequate and with perfect positions. Lukas was a very good driver and all the staff was very responsive and attenti be Only negative note: the first 3 days we were in 4 and that meant 3 people sitting on the back seat, very tight and uncomfortable.

Classic Namibia 12 Days DEPARTING SATURDAYS **Sustainable Approach to Travel Tour

Classic Namibia 12 Days DEPARTING SATURDAYS **Sustainable Approach to Travel

We are so happy that we went on safari with World Adventure Tours. We planned everything via email and it turned out great. It was quick and easy to communicate with Anna our trip designer, she also provided details required for the trip. The safari was spectacular and went smoothly from Windhoek and back. Amazing guides, great camp environment, nice food and the bush experience to die for

Namibia Explorer (Accommodated) - 10 Days Tour

Namibia Explorer (Accommodated) - 10 Days

I was very satisfied with my 10 day Namibia Coverage Lodging trip, organised by Discovery Tours. Everything was well planned, the lodges good and the guide experienced and nice. Would definitely recommend this trip.

4 Day Swakopmund & Sossusvlei Accommodated Adventure Tour

4 Day Swakopmund & Sossusvlei Accommodated Adventure

The tour of Sossusvlei and Swakopmund with Chameleon Safaris was truly the highlight of our trip to Namibia! Our guide Abraham was kind and knowledgeable and made everyone on the trip feel welcome. The tour takes in the beachside town of Swakopmund before heading inland past the Tropic of Capricorn to the dunes of Sossusvlei. The climb of the "Big Daddy" sand dune was challenging but well worth the effort! An amazing view from the top and a fun slide back down the massive dunes. Highly recommend this tour to anyone wanting to see a beautiful part of Namibia!

6 Day Etosha & Skeleton Coast Experience * DEPARTING THURSDAYS Tour

6 Day Etosha & Skeleton Coast Experience * DEPARTING THURSDAYS

3 Day Sossusvlei Express Accommodated Safari Tour

  • Overland Truck

3 Day Sossusvlei Express Accommodated Safari

I had such a great time in my Sossusvlei Express tour I can't find words to describe! The guide Abel and driver Tulimo were really nice. Great food cooked by Abel himself. And the landscape was absolutely astonishing! I would definitely recommend it!

10 Day Discover Namibia Small Group Safari Tour

10 Day Discover Namibia Small Group Safari

My daughter and I did the 9 day discover Namibia tour and had a fantastic time. The itinerary and accommodations were great, and our guide Willem was fantastic. He was extremely knowledgeable, patient, and accommodating; we could not have asked for a better guide. Namibia is a beautiful country; we would love to return.

11 Day Classic Namibia Highlights Tour

11 Day Classic Namibia Highlights

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African Safari Adventure in Namibia - 11 Days

The pick up was very punctual. All the accommodation was neat and clean, they had very friendly staff and a very friendly welcome. The sites exceeded our expectation, we saw a lot of wild life and breathtaking sunsets. the Hot air balloon trip was exceptional with the views of the ocean and desert. The whole trip was very relaxing as well as informative, there was ample time to take enough pictures and shopping while taking in the beautiful view. We enjoyed a lot of fresh seafood and authentic cuisines. I would recommend this package to anyone wanting a relaxed holiday with a few light adrenaline activities. This was well organized.

5 Days Swakopmund and Cape Cross Tour ( Lodging) Tour

5 Days Swakopmund and Cape Cross Tour ( Lodging)

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.



We did the "7 Days Wildlife Etosha and Sossusvlei Namibian Safari (Accommodated)" with Safari World Tours in December 2023 and it was the best choice for our family! We are experienced travelers (49 countries visited) and found that to travel to Namibia with a small child (4 years old) a tour would the the best option, which now we can recommend 100%. First we asked for the budget and itinerary, then we booked the tour and exchanged a lot of information and Safari World Tours was always very fast to answer and provided all the details we needed. Very professional and trustworthy, their representatives made us feel even before leaving that the trip was well organized. They had a child seat for our daughter to use in the car and were always on time for all the appointments. Our guide Henzel was amazing, the perfect balance between being professional, funny, enthusiastic, informative, knowladgeable and trustworthy. He took care of us the whole trip, drove safely, knew all the local details, assumed the arrangements and left us with the easy task of just enjoying ourselves and this beautiful country. We thought 7 days would feel rushed, but it really didn't. We visited all the places we wanted and still had time to relax by the pool, beach or restaurants. Did some great extra activities as well. All the accommodation booked was high standard and the food was delicious. Couldn't recommend this company more and their responsibility for the success of our Namibia trip! Ask for Henzel, go with your family and you won't regret it ;)

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Namibian Discovery Safari 10 Days/ 9 Nights ( Comfort)

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Namibia the Finest Way, Self-Drive

Etosha Express Safari 3 Days / 2 Nights ( Comfort) Tour

Etosha Express Safari 3 Days / 2 Nights ( Comfort)

What people love about safari tours in namibia.

Had a great round trip in Namibia. Our guide Shawn was excellent, showing us the sights and telling us a lot about Namibia. Amazing experiences in the desert, and Etosha. Only wish I had more days there! Some misunderstanding with dates from office, but it was sorted out and ended up very well. Super happy with the trip, and can recommend it if you have a limited number of days in Namibia and want to see the sights

Safari Tours

  • Wildlife (84)

National Park

  • Etosha National Park (45)

Regions in Namibia

  • Sossusvlei (54)
  • Etosha National Park (49)
  • Skeleton Coast (5)

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Best Safari Lodges in Namibia

Diane Du Plessis

Author: Diane Du Plessis - 7 June 2021

Last Update: 30 January 2024

Part of the Travel To Namibia & Namibia Travel & African Safari Collection

Namibia  is known as one of Africa's most intriguing corners. It offers tourists exclusive game-viewing experiences with its adventurous  Namibia safari options  and its exotic desert-adapted animals.

It offers tourists a secluded, remote Namibia safari vacation that we believe is ideal for a post-covid vacation.

We are so eager for tourists to visit this desolate paradise that we have decided to compile a list of the top six Namibia safari lodges:

Namib Dune Star

4.5 Rating on Tripadvisor.

“Absolutely outstanding and must-do experience for all those who come to this part of Namibia!” Hoopmans from Marrakech Morroco
“This is one of those places that should be on your travel adventure list. Sleeping in the oldest desert on earth under the stars far removed from civilization is just amazing.” Wikus from Namibia.”

What makes Namib Dune Star Camp unique?

Namib Dune Star Camp is a Lodge in Namibia where dreams come true, perched on the crest of a sand dune where the stars are so clear that they seem just beyond control.

Unlike any other Namibian Safari Lodge, you can sleep under the stars while still getting access to modern conveniences – in the world's oldest desert – which is one of the many reasons it is regarded as one of the best Safari lodges in Namibia.

Dining at Dune Star Camp, Best Safari Lodges Namibia

Dining options at Namib Dune Star Camp

Dinners and breakfast are prepared in the kitchen by a team known for its delectable offerings at this Lodge Safari in Namibia.

Dinners are served in three courses, and breakfast is a full breakfast with hot and cold options, both served in the dining room of this spectacular Namibian Safari Lodge.

According to many reviewers, Namib Dune Star Camp's mouth-watering 4-course meals are a significant factor that contributes to Namib Dune Star Camp's status as one of Namibia's best safari lodges.

Oryx walking through the Desert, Namibia

Activities at Namib Dune Star Camp

sunrise and sunset guided walks

Kambaku Lodge

5 Rating on Tripadvisor.

“Fantastic Lodge with Family Flair for Horse-Riding ” Gunther V from Frankfurt.”
“Beautiful lodge with an excellent team!” Isabel from Dusseldorf.” 

What makes Kambaku Safari Lodge unique?

Kambaku is a small but award-winning family-run Lodge Safari in Namibia nestled at the foot of the Waterberg Plateau.

Kambaku warmly welcomes all visitors to their Namibia Safari Lodge and provides special rates for children, teens, and solo travellers.

Horse Riding at Kambaku Lodge, Namibia

Couples and honeymooners, on the other hand, find comfort in luxurious rooms with private porches/terraces, open fireplaces, fruit baskets and wine selections, and the option to book a private guide for a wildlife Namibia Safari adventures in Namibia's heart.

Kambaku operates a private Hospitality College for young Namibians who want to work in the hospitality industry and have the best vacations possible.

Kambaku Lodge, Best Safari Lodges in Namibia

Licensed teachers and experts from leading hotels around the world teach students excellent service skills and international hotel know-how, with studies in the College on-site and realistic job experiences in their lodge.

Their specialized hotel and kitchen workers are also regularly educated. The Staff can spend training time in hotels/restaurants in Germany and Switzerland, ensuring that they maintain their status as one of Namibia's best safari lodges at all times.

Dining options at Kambaku Lodge

Another aspect that makes Kambaku one of the best Safari Lodges in Namibia is that they are pretty famous for their food. 

Dining at Kambaku Lodge, Namibia

Quality ingredients such as fresh vegetables from their kitchen garden and meat from the reserve, delicious Mediterranean recipes and homemade bread and more, chosen wines from Southern Africa, and stylishly decorated places ensure a touch of haute cuisine at lunch and dinner under the stars.

So all is in place for a great indulgence on a Namibia safari in the heart of Namibia.

Activities at Kambaku Lodge   

  • Guided Wildlife activities available twice a day (nature walks, game drives, observations at waterholes/hides with guides, etc.)
  • Wildlife training college experience
  • Hiking Trails
  • Mountain Biking
  • Table Tennis
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Clay Pigeon shooting
  • Horseback riding 

Grootberg Lodge

“Exceptional views & staff” 2s on Tours from Frankfurt. “Breathtaking view and landscape” Penny from the United Kingdom.

What makes Grootberg Lodge unique?

Grootberg Lodge is Namibia's first middle-market establishment operated entirely by the Conservancy of Namibia. The Grootberg Lodge's hosts are also members of the rural community.

Grootberg Lodge, Namibia | Photo credits: Arthur Peuckert

On your Namibia safari, marvel at the stunning view of the Klip River Valley below while sitting on the deck or cooling off in their infinity pool and observing the scenic views of one of Namibia's best safari lodges.

Dining options at Grootberg Lodge

Enjoy a magical sundowner from the Namibia Lodge Safari restaurant's veranda while tasting the hearty meals prepared by their enthusiastic chefs, or get cosy with family and friends around their fireplace to add a cool winter night atmosphere.

  Activities at Grootberg Lodge 

  • Damara Cultural tour
  • Desert Elephant tracking
  • Moringa Guided Walk
  • Rhino Tracking

Erindi Private Game Reserve 

Rated 4.5 Stars on Tripadvisor.

“Erindi was the highlight of our Namibia trip, great staff, great food nice rooms and all the animals.” Danny from Stockholm. “Erindi never fails to amaze. The premises are beautifully cared for with luscious green grass. The management staff is committed and extremely helpful.” Jaime from Windhoek, Namibia.

What makes Erindi Private Game Reserve Unique?

The Erindi Private Game Reserve, regarded as one of Namibia's best safari lodges, is a vast natural wonderland where conservation is at the heart of its eco-tourism philosophy.

They are the custodians of the most endemic species and numerous conservation initiatives.

Overlooking the watering hole, Safari Lodges Namibia

They have taken on an immense challenge of undertaking conservation initiatives in the name of eco-friendly tourism while empowering our local communities, with 70,719 hectares of pristine wilderness under their protection.

Today, Erindi is an idyllic Namibia Safari retreat with a rich cultural heritage, skilled guides, and unrivalled hospitality, offering visitors the kind of safari that will last a lifetime.

Dining options at Erindi Private Game Reserve

Dining at the Old Traders Lodge is a culinary adventure that mixes regional African cuisine with many cooking types left behind by the great continent's early explorers.

Old Trader Lodge Breakfast

This Namibia Safari Lodge stocks a wide selection of South African wines, spirits, and liqueurs.

Every afternoon, this Safari Lodge in Namibia serves high tea with delectable sweet and tasty food.

Activities at Erindi Private Game Reserve   

  • Game Drives with wildlife viewings (guided game drive, private game drive, leopard project drive, etc.)
  • Walking safaris (Cheetah walk, guided bush walk, San Village trip, etc.)
  • Conservation experiences ( ultimate ecological experience, telemetry tracking, etc.)
  • Photography activities ( Private photographic safari, Private Birding drive, Fly your drone safari)

Hobatere Lodge 

“Hobatere was my favorite lodge on my trip to Namibia.” Piaa M from Shanghai. “Thank you, COVID, for giving us the opportunity to visit Hobatere, where we were surrounded around the clock by huge herd of elephants, zebra, oryx, giraffe and impala, who were free to roam the lodge due to the lack of visitors.” Finny123  from Windhoek.

What makes Hobatere Lodge unique?

Guests on a Namibia safari will immerse themselves in the untamed wilderness of Damaraland by staying at Hobatare Lodge. Their slogan is “become one with honour.”

Hobatere Lodge is a wildlife sanctuary worth visiting on a Namibia safari, thanks to their near friendship with the Namibian Lion Trust Foundation, frequent sightings of wildlife viewings such as; elephants, and a plethora of birdlife.

Hobatere Lodge Game Viewing | Photo Credits: Denzel Bezuidenhout

The Namibia Safari Lodge is situated in an area that is a sanctuary for outdoor enthusiasts. The proximity of the waterhole ensures an up-close encounter wildlife viewing with wild creatures in the forest, making this one of Namibia's best safari lodges.

Dining Options at Hobatere Lodge

A boma is the Southern African word for an enclosure, usually for wild animals. This Namibia Safari Lodge's boma dinner is for guests who want to interact with the bush soul and enjoy the sights and sounds of an African night on a Namibian safari.

Boma Themed Dinner at Hobatere Lodge

What activities does Hobatere Lodge offer?   

  • Night Drives
  • ​Afternoon Game Drives
  • Etosha Game Drive
  • Overnighting in a Tree House experience

The Desert Grace 

Rated 4.5 stars on Tripadvisor.

“From the minute we drove onto the premises to the minute we saw it in our rearview mirror it was absolutely amazing.” Kwenanij from Windhoek” “Wow just wow, this place will blow your mind.. Oh talk about the quality of the service, and exclusive privacy… Oh my this place is one of dreams..” Leonard Richard from Pretoria.

What makes The Desert Grace unique?

This Namibia Safari Lodge property provides a never-before-seen peek into the mighty Namib Desert's rhythms. Each building is built entirely of sandbags, rather than bricks, as part of a daring architectural feat. 

The Desert Grace Lodge, Best Safari Lodges Namibia

These intricately designed bungalows pay homage to old Hollywood in a modern form, making this one of Namibia's most interesting and best safari lodges.

This Namibia safari lodge, which faces west, offers views of the sunset from the warmth of a private plunge pool.

Dining Options at The Desert Grace 

The restaurant at Desert Grace is set up like a food stand, with a buffet of appetisers that includes a variety of salads, bread, cheese, and soup.

One Night In Namibia Bar, Desert Grace Lodge

There are two main course options: make your own pizza stand and a barbeque/braai stand where you can choose from a range of meats, including some exotic local options.

Dining Area at the Desert Grace Lodge

Dessert is a help-yourself pink flamboyant ice cream cart, which is quite fitting considering the warm desert surroundings.

What activities does Desert Grace offer? 

  • nature guide
  • Sossusvlei excursion (guided)
  • scorpion night walk (guided)
  • e-biking guided and self-guided
  • walking trails (self-guided) 

Etosha Safari Camp

Rated 4 stars on Tripadvisor.

“ The service was impeccable, the staff were all very friendly and professional.“ Tuna from Windhoek.  “We liked the place! Very cosy and the music in the evening was fun. The dinner was good. We did a tour with 1 female guides through Etosha. Her name is Francelina. We had a wonderful day with her. Because of her african eyes we saw 4 of the big 5. Francelina is a fantastic guide! “ Wim Van Heunen from the Netherlands.

What makes Etosha Safari Camp unique?

The Etosha Safari Camp represents the Namibian Shebeen Culture in everything it provides, making it ideal for a Namibia safari by taking on the iconic location of Etosha and adding a playful-local flair to it.

Etosha Boys playing music at Etosha Safari Lodge

The Etosha Boys, with their strum guitars and vibrant local songs, offer a Shebeen-style of life that is embraced not only by the bright colours and humour but also by indulging in the local music offered by The Etosha Boys, with their strum guitars and vibrant local songs every evening at this Lodge Safari in Namibia.

Dining at Etosha Safari Camp

A delicious assortment of food is spread out on an old train compartment at this Safari Lodge in Namibia.

During the cooler months, guests can dine in the fascinating 'township' dining rooms or outside in the courtyard, where The Etosha Boys strum guitars and sing lively local songs.

During the day, African wildlife takes precedence for a Namibia Safari at this Etosha Safari camp, which is just a short drive from the lodge's gateway, Andersson Gate.

Activites at Etosha Safari Camp

  • Full-Day Game Drive with Wildlife viewing 
  • Half-Day Game Drive with Wildlife viewing 

Congratulations, you have reached the end of our list of the best safari lodges in Namibia. We hope this article has helped you prepare for your next trip to Africa and choosing the right safari destinations.

Besides a Namibian safari, there are also several other safari destinations to choose from, such as;  Skeleton Coast ,  Namib Naukluft park ,  South Africa ,  Botswana ,  Kenya ,  Zambia ,  Zimbabwe , and so much more; stay tuned for whatever country or destination gets featured next month. Or why not try out a  self-drive adventure  through Namibia? 

15 Interesting Facts About Namibia

What to Pack for Your Botswana Safari

Related Safari Tours

These popular itineraries can be customised to match your budget and how many people you're planning to travel with..

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Namibia Self-Drive Adventure

Southern Africa Namibia Swakopmund Windhoek Etosha

From $ 1575 /USD

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Namibia Highlights Group Tour

Southern Africa Namibia Sossusvlei Damaraland Etosha Swakopmund

From $ 2290 /USD

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Affordable Namibia Adventure

From $ 4400 /USD

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7-Day Namibia Safari Tours

Namibia never disappoints. There is beauty wherever you go. Sossusvlei, with its huge red dunes, is one of Africa’s most iconic destinations. The Fish River Canyon is second only in size to the Grand Canyon. The Skeleton Coast, littered with shipwrecks and home to large seal colonies, is refreshingly wild. Etosha National Park’s pans are a magnet for wildlife in the Dry season, but tracking desert elephants and black rhinos in Damaraland offers a different kind of wildlife experience. No wonder Namibia is a photographer’s dream. To do these landscapes justice, go out in the golden hours of early morning and late afternoon, when the sun is low in the sky. You’ll get better pictures and truly feel the magic of this extraordinary place.

7-Day Desert and Dunes Self-Drive Safari

7-Day Desert and Dunes Self-Drive Safari

$3,080 to $3,353 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Luxury Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Kalahari Region, Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Erongo Mountains (Mountain Range) , Windhoek Airport (End)

Secret Namibia   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  16 Reviews

7-Day Classic Namibia Guided Safari Experience

7-Day Classic Namibia Guided Safari Experience

$2,747 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 8 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Guest House

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Himba Village (Cultural Village) , Etosha NP, Eastern Etosha, Windhoek (End)

People Tours And Safari   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  25 Reviews

7-Day Namibia First Glance Luxury Fly-in Safari

7-Day Namibia First Glance Luxury Fly-in Safari

$4,768 to $5,861 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Eastern Etosha, Windhoek (End)

Desert Africa Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  17 Reviews

7-Day Best of Namibia

7-Day Best of Namibia

$2,635 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 20 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Twyfelfontein (Rock Art) , Etosha NP, Windhoek (End)

Africa Zim Travel & Tours

5.0 /5  –  118 Reviews

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7-Day Namib Desert and Etosha Wildlife

$2,750 pp (USD)

Namibia: Shared tour (max 10 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Chalet

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Etosha NP, Swakopmund (City) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Windhoek (End)

Africa Uncovered Safaris

4.9 /5  –  32 Reviews

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7-Day Namibia Getaway Adventure

$3,004 to $3,119 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Etosha NP, Eastern Etosha, Windhoek (City) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Windhoek (End)

Nature Travel Namibia   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

4.9 /5  –  156 Reviews

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7-Day Luxury Namibia Fly-in Safari

$12,843 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Luxury+ Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Skeleton Coast NP, Damaraland, Eastern Etosha, Windhoek Airport (End)

CrissCross Namibia Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Namibia

5.0 /5  –  59 Reviews

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7-Day Namibia Highlights Luxury Fly-in Safari

$7,934 to $8,772 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Namib-Naukluft NP (Namib Desert) , Swakopmund (City) , Damaraland, Etosha NP, Windhoek Airport (End)

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7-Day Namibia Sand to Sea Fly-in Safari

$5,558 to $6,860 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Hotel

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Fish River Canyon (|Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld TP) , Lüderitz (Town) , Swakopmund (City) , Windhoek (End)

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7-Day Sossusvlei and Swakopmund Self-Drive Safari

$2,775 to $3,585 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Mid-range Lodge & Guest House

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Windhoek (End)

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7-Day Self Drive - Etosha Animal Kingdom

$1,536 to $1,751 pp (USD)

Namibia: Self-drive Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Okonjima NR, Etosha NP, Eastern Etosha, Waterberg Plateau, Windhoek Airport (End)

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7-Day All Inclusive Namibia Desert Luxury Fly-in Safari

$9,668 to $15,700 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Skeleton Coast NP, Kaokoland, Windhoek Airport (End)

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7-Day Highlights Namibia Mid-Range Fly-in Safari

$4,253 to $5,198 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (City) , Etosha NP, Hosea Kutako Airport (End)

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7-Day Namib Desert and Skeleton Coast Fly-in Safari

$14,103 to $17,446 pp (USD)

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Skeleton Coast NP, Windhoek (End)

safari namibia kinder

7-Day Southern Namibia Safari

$2,826 pp (USD)

Namibia: Private tour Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Windhoek (Start) , Mariental (Town) , Canyon Nature Park (Highlight) , Fish River Canyon (|Ai-|Ais/Richtersveld TP) , Tsau //Khaeb NP, Aus (Town) , Sossusvlei (Sand Dunes) , Swakopmund (End)

Tour Operators Offering Custom Tours

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6 Questions About 7-Day Namibia Safaris

Ariadne van Zandbergen

Answered by

Ariadne van zandbergen.

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What can I expect from a 7-day Namibia safari?

“A Namibia safari is as much about the landscapes as the wildlife. The striking desert environment doesn’t support the wildlife densities of some other safari destinations. However, with such sparse vegetation, sightings tend to be excellent. The one exception is Etosha NP in the Dry season. Here you can see lots of wildlife together at the waterholes. The highlights of Namibia are spread out and you should expect a fair amount of driving time on a 7-day safari. That is, unless you opt for a fly-in safari where you hop between destinations by small aircraft. Driving time in Namibia is never wasted though. You’ll get to appreciate the vast open spaces and endless horizons. The daily routine of a 7-day Namibia safari consists of getting out and about early in the morning and late afternoon. Especially when looking for wildlife on game drives. The middle of the day is hot and animals become less active and hide in the shade. When staying 2 or more nights in a lodge, you get a chance to relax when you get back from your morning excursion. Afternoons are usually spent exploring again. You might get back to the lodge before dusk or even after dark if you are doing a night drive where you look for nocturnal animals by spotlight.”

Where should I go on a Namibia trip?

“A popular 7-day itinerary includes stays at Windhoek, the capital city, Sossusvlei in the Namib Desert, the coastal town of Swakopmund and Etosha NP. On this tour you can also visit Walvis Bay for its flamingos, pelicans and other birdlife, and Cape Cross for its seal colony. You can add a stop in Damaraland, especially on a fly-in safari. Here you can see some of the best rock art in southern Africa at Twyfelfontein. If you get a chance to go deeper into this magnificent wild area, you’ll have the opportunity to see desert elephants. Another option is to head south from Windhoek to one of the most impressive viewpoints in the country, the Fish River Canyon. This can be combined with stops in Tsau //Khaeb National Park, Sossusvlei and Swakopmund. There are obviously lots of different options and you’ll have to make some hard choices when going on a 7-day Namibia safari. If you’re going on a road trip (self-drive or guided), you should avoid trying to cover too much distance.”

What kinds of tours are available for a Namibia safari?

“There are different ways to travel in Namibia on a one-week safari. You can book a private tour or a shared tour. If you’re not a group person, private might work best for you. It also gives you the most flexibility. Your guide won’t have to consider other travelers, so they can discuss the daily program with you and accommodate your wishes where possible. However, shared tours are great fun and a good opportunity to meet people sharing your love for travel. And group tours are usually more cost-effective than private tours. When booking a shared tour, always check the maximum number of people and the vehicle used. Larger groups often travel in overland trucks, while groups of up to six or eight people usually get around in a minivan or 4x4 vehicle. If you feel adventurous and you like more independence on your travels, you can consider booking a self-drive safari. Namibia is a very safe country and self-drive holidays are popular here. While it is possible to rent a vehicle and make your own travel arrangements, many visitors prefer to leave the planning to the experts. This doesn’t only save you time, it also ensures that travel distances are realistic and bookings are confirmed. This kind of package usually includes 24/7 road assistance in case of a breakdown or any other problem.”

Should I choose a fly-in or road safari?

“When booking a 7-day Namibia tour, you should think about whether a fly-in or road safari is most suitable for you. Both have pros and cons to consider. There are many 7-day road safaris available in Namibia. One week isn’t a lot of time for a Namibia safari and you can expect to be spending quite a lot of time driving between destinations. The long drives can be tiring, but covering distance gives you a chance to appreciate the scenery and the emptiness of this beautiful country. However, the main advantage of a road safari is that it is cheaper than a fly-in safari. If you want to save valuable time on a 7-day Namibia safari, a fly-in safari is a good choice. It allows you to spend more time at prime locations without having to schedule overnight stops between highlights. Fly-in packages are usually tied in with luxury accommodation. In some cases these lodges are in remote locations and offer a high level of exclusivity. Even if you can’t afford a full fly-in safari, you can consider combining a road safari with a stay in one of the country’s remote fly-in lodges.”

What is the best time of the year for a Namibia trip?

“Namibia has a dry desert climate and can be visited throughout the year. Overall the best time for wildlife viewing is from June to October, the middle and end of the Dry season. Etosha NP, in particular, is a very seasonal park. During these months, animals gather around the waterholes and sightings tend to be phenomenal. Once the rains start, animals disperse and the viewing is more hit-and-miss. The Wet season, especially from November to February, is usually very hot and humid. April and May are lovely months in Namibia. As the rains subside, temperatures are mild and the scenery is green and crisp. Even when traveling in the Wet season, rainfall is sporadic. It usually comes in afternoon thunderstorms, which can be refreshing as the temperatures drop temporarily. December to April is the low season and you might get discounted packages during these months.”

How much will a 7-day Namibia safari cost?

“You can expect a starting price of US$1,000 per person for a 7-day shared camping tour, going up to US$3,000 per person for a mid-range private tour. Fly-in tours start at around US$4,500 per person. There are a lot of factors that determine the cost of a safari in Namibia. The most budget-friendly option is to join a group camping tour. These are a lot of fun, but there is some lovely accommodation to choose from, and staying in safari lodges can be part of the experience. There are lodges in different price brackets offering different levels of luxury and comfort. Most popular is mid-range accommodation at competitive prices. Whether you’re going for a mid-range or luxury tour, you should consider traveling out of the high season. You’ll probably get a better deal at this time; the scenery is lusher and the parks are less busy. Be warned though that animals in Etosha NP are scattered and harder to find at that time. Once you’ve narrowed down your priorities, get a few quotes before making a final decision. ”

Namibia Reviews

safari namibia kinder

Lizzie is a reputed guidebook writer and author of the Footprint guides to South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

Unspoilt wilderness and unique and stunning landscapes offering a variety of contrasting safari expe

A hauntingly beautiful country that stretches along the west coast of southern Africa, with wide open spaces, big skies and some of the earth's most mystical and vivid sunsets, any visitor is blown away by the way Namibia ‘looks’ –...

Full Review

safari namibia kinder

Mike is an award-winning wildlife writer, former editor of Travel Zambia magazine and author of the Bradt Guide to Southern African Wildlife.

Harsh beauty

Namibia breaks the mould. Its rugged rock and desert landscapes provide a quite different backdrop – and thus different visitor experience – from any other African safari destination. For many, the country’s attractions are as much...

Beautiful country, people and nature!

We saw amazing sceneries, from deserts to ocean, from savanna to mountains, insane wildlife including rhinos fighting, leopards and all the expected animals and more! The roads were excellent, the lodges had character and luxury and the...


Incredible trip of 10 days all around Namibia. The travel agency organised everything and personalised it. All the lodges were excellent. Can't decide what was better, the dunes in Sossusvlei, or the wildlife in the North.

United States

Namibia was one of the most enchanting, fascinating, and beautiful countries I've ever been to!

My recent trip to Namibia was nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment I set foot in this captivating country, I was greeted by a landscape that seemed to stretch endlessly, offering a mesmerizing blend of natural wonders and...


Wild, remote, exclusively for adventurous nature lovers...

From all the many things we worried about before booking our Namibia trip that potentially could go wrong, nothing did! I think that must my starting point of my review. We didn't get sick, we had no road accident (not one flat tyre in 4000...

safari namibia kinder

Best Safari Lodges in Namibia

Here’s a look at our top 10 picks for best safari lodges in Namibia and why they made the cut. A glimpse into some of Namibia’s most luxury safari lodges, all so entirely different and equally as impressive for different reasons.

  • Shipwreck Lodge
  • Sossusvlei Desert Lodge
  • Omaanda Lodge
  • Onguma The Fort
  • Little Ongava
  • Wolwedans Mountain View Suite
  • Serra Cafema
  • Hoanib Valley Camp
  • Mowani Mountain Camp Private Suite
  • Okonjima Villa

The settings are naturally exclusive. The lodges and camps exude unique character and offer top-notch service and five star views that blend effortlessly into the surrounds.

We’ve happily explored all the options first-hand over the past 30 years to make sure those that top our list as the best safari lodges in Namibia will exceed your expectations:

1. Shipwreck Lodge

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Shipwreck Lodge is the only lodge situated in the Skeleton Coast National Park . In an area barren and desolate between the towering sand dunes of an ancient desert and the tumultuous Atlantic Ocean. Watch as the fog rolls in off the coast. Eerie and mystifying and amidst it all, a luxury lodge seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Shipwrecked. The scattered, luxurious wooden cabins sit on the sand dunes looking out onto one of the most evocative and hauntingly romantic landscapes of Namibia.  

Why we love it:

  • Explore the remote Skeleton Coast National Park
  • Unique in design and location - a one-of-a-kind lodge
  • Deserted and desolate beaches all to yourself
  • Track elusive desert-adapted wildlife including elephants, desert lions and brown hyena
  • Untouched wilderness in one of Namibia’s most isolated destinations
“Shipwreck Lodge was a highlight, not only because of the luxury that you get to stay in, but because of the stunning area.  The barren coast plus the lush gorge in the dry river bed and the oasis in the middle of the dunes. It is just too beautiful for words.” – Ashlee, Travel Expert

2. Sossusvlei Desert Lodge

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The setting here is equally as special as the lodge. An endless desert landscape of sand dunes and distant mountains is enough to lure you in. You’re on the edge of the world’s oldest desert on a pristine private reserve bordering the NamibRand Nature Reserve . From the main deck or the plunge pool from your private suite, the view is spectacular. All luxurious, all inclusive, Sossusvlei Desert Lodge is contemporary and elegant in its design that effortlessly blends into the surrounds. Every detail has been thought out and executed in absolute style. There’s a resident astronomer on site, a walk-in wine cellar, your very own personal bar and premium coffee station and a stargazing skylight above your bed. There’s no more luxurious way to enjoy the desert or the dark night skies.  

  • Situated on a private reserve in one of the most beautiful areas of the Namib Desert
  • Explore the International Dark Sky Reserve from the observatory with an astronomer
  • Spacious and luxurious rooms with top class amenities
  • Day activities to Sossusvlei, Dead Vlei and Sesriem Canyon
  • Own private airstrip
  • Stay three or more nights and receive a free 45 minute scenic helicopter or hot are balloon safari (seasonal)
“This is a lodge that dreams are made of. There is nothing missing. It is by far one of the most amazing safari lodges in Namibia.” – Ashlee, Travel Expert

3. Omaanda Lodge

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On a private reserve just outside of Windhoek’s city limits, this may not be the first place you think to include in your itinerary, but as a first stop on arrival in Namibia or the last place you visit before flying out, you certainly can’t do better than this. It’s a destination in its own right and flying the Zannier flag extremely high, it’s worth including for sure. This lodge is immaculate as is the food and the service. We’d go as far as to say it could boast some of the best in Namibia and that’s quite the claim. Game drives on the 9,000 hectare Zannier Reserve of Naankuse gives an opportunity to enjoy wildlife right from the start or right till the very end. Relax at the pool, enjoy a sundowner with a view and of course there is time enough for a spa treatment.

  • The most luxurious accommodation option near Windhoek and easily one of the best safari lodges in Namibia
  • Only 20 minutes from the Windhoek International Airport
  • Spacious hut style rooms with top-notch amenities and top class finishes
  • Heated infinity swimming pool with a view
  • Activities on the private reserve – a chance to see some of Namibia’s famed wildlife
  • On-site spa and tailor-made concierge
  • Visit Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary for additional activities
“It was truly an amazing experience. Definitely where luxury meets the wild. Undoubtedly one of the most incredible lodges and offerings in Namibia. A true safari experience, you would never say you were just outside the capital.” – Bonique, Travel Expert

4. Onguma The Fort

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On the edge of eastern Etosha National Park , you’ll find the luxury safari lodge of Onguma The Fort. On the private Onguma Reserve, Onguma The Fort is the most luxurious safari lodge in their portfolio and when we say luxurious, it’s not only top-drawer in standard but it’s also one of the most striking safari lodges in Namibia. The attention to detail transcends that which can be seen, it is spectacular, it goes beyond exceptional. It is in every fine detail that makes this safari lodge one of the best in Etosha National Park, where the game viewing experience and the accommodation are first-rate.  

  • A picturesque waterhole in front of the lodge with views over Fischer’s Pan in Etosha
  • Situated close to the eastern Etosha National Park entrance gate at Namutoni
  • Game drives in Etosha and on the private Onguma Reserve
  • Spacious and private suites all with waterhole views
  • Walk-in wine cellar and fine dining
  • Combine your stay with a romantic sleepout and include the Onguma Dream Cruiser
“Everything about this lodge is amazing. The stunning setting, the immaculate service and the atmosphere. It’s one of my top favourites throughout the whole of Namibia.” – Wilmari, Travel Expert

5. Little Ongava

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On the southern side of Etosha National Park , close to the Andersson’s entrance gate, you’ll find the superlative, top luxury, all suite lodge of Little Ongava. Situated on the private Ongava Reserve, this has to be the most lavish safari lodge on this side of Etosha and it consists of only three private suites. Indulge in your own sala and private flow-rim plunge pool overlooking an active waterhole below. Here you are on top of a hill with an extensive view. Expect top class amenities as well as world class game viewing.

  • A small and intimate lodge set apart from the Ongava Lodge
  • Suites offer superior luxury and ultimate privacy
  • Game drives into Etosha National Park and on the private Ongava Reserve
  • Rhino tracking activities and big game sightings
  • Can be booked on an exclusive use basis with a private vehicle for activities
“Little Ongava is top luxury and the fact that it’s small and intimate makes it even more exclusive. The Ongava Reserve is easily one of the best in Namibia and you’re right on the doorstep of Etosha. – Ashlee, Travel Expert

6. Wolwedans Mountain View Suite

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This suite is easily one of the most romantic in Namibia. As part of the Wolwedans Dunes Lodge, the Mountain View Suite is set aside with it’s very own sweeping views. Perched atop a red sand dune overlooking the distant mountains and landscape of 'fairy circles' in the NamibRand Nature Reserve , it could also easily take first prize for most impressive setting in Namibia. It’s surreal. You’ll have private meals prepared by your own chef and all your activities are private too. If you’re looking for that ideal and all exclusive getaway to one of Namibia’s most beautiful locations with the darkest night skies, then this is it.

  • Situated on the private NamibRand Reserve it offers ultimate luxury in a remote and picturesque setting
  • Own private chef and private guide with private use vehicle
  • Experience star gazing in the International Dark Sky Reserve
  • Panoramic views from the bedroom, deck and plunge pool
  • Intimate and private location
“There is something really special about this place, both in the lodge and the setting. Easily one of my favourite locations. The views here never get old.” – Edward, General Manager

7. Serra Cafema

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One of the most remote safari lodges in Namibia, it sits on the banks of the Kunene River in northern Kaokoland , in the furthest reaches of the desolate and rugged Hartmann’s Valley. The entire area is untouched wilderness and pure nature. It offers utmost relaxation in an idyllic desert setting with river views. Go on nature walks, explore the river by boat and meet authentic Himba tribes. In an area that sells itself, Serra Cafema stands out as a safari lodge that is elegant, sleek and refined.

  • It stakes its claim as one of southern Africa’s most remote camps
  • The most luxurious lodge on the Kunene River in northern Namibia
  • Authentic interactions with the semi-nomadic Himba pastoralists
  • Explore the farthest reaches of the desolate Hartmann’s Valley
  • The Honeymoon Suite is a must for the best views and ultimate privacy
“Serra Cafema has always been a hidden treasure of Namibia for all the right reasons.” – Edward Taylor, General Manager

8. Hoanib Valley Camp

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Another of Namibia’s best safari lodges in the otherworldly location of the Kaokoland . It’s incredibly remote, incredibly intimate and incredibly magical. The setting is something else. Hidden in a valley, it’s a tented safari lodge that is both elegant and modern in design and feel yet takes nothing from its surrounds. It’s intimate and secluded with all the creature comforts and luxuries you’d want but would not expect to find in a location as extensive and desolate as this. It’s charming and down to earth yet it easily rivals some of Namibia’s greats and is a fine contender on our list of best safari lodges in Namibia.  

  • Hidden in an untouched wilderness area of the desolate Koakoveld
  • A chance to see elusive desert adapted wildlife such as giraffe, elephant, lion and rhino
  • Local cultural interactions with Herero people of the north
  • Incredible sunsets overlooking the dry Hoanib River Valley
  • A tented camp with luxurious finishes and modern amenities off-the-beaten-track
“Magic, pure magic! One of the most incredible properties I have stayed at. The lodge itself is beautiful and blends so well with the landscape around it, if you blink, you will be sure to miss it. The views are out of this world, the staff are incredible and the sundowner spot is spectacular! Absolutely amazing.” – Kirsti, Travel Expert

9. Mowani Mountain Camp Private Suite

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Mowani Mountain Camp is unique in design and offers an extraordinary view of the typical Damaraland landscape of enormous granite boulders. The private suite is the epitome of luxury here. With its wrap-around views, outside bath tub and private dining and bar facilities. You’ll have your own personal waiter on request. What more could you ask for? You’re well located to the highlights of the Twyfelfontein area, your sundowner is easily one of Namibia’s most exceptional and you have air-conditioning. The smallest details have been thought out. This is the lap of luxury at its most exquisite.

  • Well located to the sights of Twyfelfontein. The most luxurious offering within this proximity
  • The private Mountain Suite is romantic and all exclusive
  • Own private butler and chef with private dining room
  • The whole suite opens up with incredible panoramic views
  • Magnificent private sundowner deck
“Mowani Mountain Camp Private Suite sets the bar really high. It’s ultimate luxury. The scenery and views are spectacular and the lodge is equally as impressive.” – Wilmari, Travel Expert

10. Okonjima Villa

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Your very own private and super stylish villa in typical bush of central Namibia . It’s a safari lodge that’s all private and all peace and quiet so you can simply enjoy the surrounds and that view over the natural waterhole. Best at sunset but always incredible. Immersed in the wilderness, the private Okonjima Reserve offers unrivalled wildlife and big cat encounters. Book it on a private use basis and you’ll have your own chef, personal host and private guide with private safari vehicle for activities.

  • In a private and secluded spot on the private Okonjima Reserve
  • Get up close with big cats on a safari activity and visit the AfriCat Foundation
  • On exclusive use: your own private chef, personal host and private guide for activities
  • Luxury amenities throughout the villa
  • Spectacular private deck and swimming pool with a view
“This is one of my favourites as an all inclusive, all exclusive offering in one of Namibia’s finest bush locations. The lodge and the overall experience is top class.” – Ashlee, Travel Expert

In Conclusion

There you have it, our curated list of the top 10 best safari lodges in Namibia. We love them and know you will love them too, but there are more. Loads more. Let us know if you wish to explore all the luxury safari lodge options for Namibia or perhaps look at your options based on specific experiences or defined by other characteristics. We’ll gladly help you to decide which are best for your Namibia safari based on your route, budget and preferences.

There are equivalents for Botswana , Zimbabwe , Zambia and South Africa so if you’re considering adding something across the border or to any of these amazing African safari destinations, we’ll make sure we include the very best safari lodges for you there too.

Speak to your travel expert today to make your luxury Namibia safari the best Namibia safari by a mile and then some.

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Full Suitcase Travel Blog

African Safari With Kids: First-timer’s Guide & Helpful Tips

By Author Jurga

Posted on Last updated: April 24, 2024

African Safari With Kids: First-timer’s Guide & Helpful Tips

Are you thinking of going on safari with kids , but not sure what to expect? This post should answer all your questions about taking your kids on safari. Read on!

There is a common belief that safari and family travel doesn’t go well together. Let me tell you that it’s not true. I decided to write this post because of all the emails I get from readers asking me about taking their kids on safari. I hope this will help to answer some of your questions, ease your fears, and most important – show you that you can have an unforgettable African safari experience, also with young children.

We are in no way experts of traveling to Africa with kids. We are just a family who likes to travel, take the kids along, and share our experiences hoping to inspire others to do the same.

It just so happens that South Africa was our first far trip with all three kids. And so the twins went on their first safari game drive when they were just 2 years old. Our oldest was 4. A year and a half later, when our kids were 3, 3, and 5, we made a beautiful four-week road trip in Namibia .

We attended as many sundowners and game drives as we possibly could, we made self-drive wildlife viewing trips, watched animals at the waterholes, and had so many unforgettable safari experiences with kids.

Best place to stay in Etosha Namibia is Okaukuejo Camp

So here is some practical information you may want to know when planning an African safari with young children. I have compiled all kinds of questions that I have received from my readers about taking kids on safari in Africa.

If you don’t find an answer to your question below, please feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this page, and I will try my best to help you out.

Safari with children - all your questions answered

Which African countries are best for a safari with kids?

In my opinion, South Africa and Namibia are the best countries for families traveling to Africa. There are several reasons for this.

First, both countries have good wildlife viewing that is easily accessible . You can visit Kruger National Park or Etosha National Park with your rental car. This is not the case in most other African countries, where you need to have a guide/driver to visit national parks. Self-drive safari is always cheaper and it allows you to take kids of any age on safari.

Second, Namibia and South Africa both have very small malaria risk in certain periods. So you can take your kids on safari without having to take malaria pills. See question 4 for more information.

Third, both countries are relatively safe for an individual family trip . I say ‘relatively’, because, well, bad things can happen anywhere. As everywhere else in the world, you have to use common sense. We never felt unsafe anywhere in Namibia. As for South Africa, most places are completely safe, just be cautious around townships next to the big cities, like Johannesburg.

Addo Elephant National Park offers one of the best safari experiences in South Africa

How old do my kids have to be to go on safari in Africa?

While most organized safari trips and game drives have various age restrictions, there is no age limit for a self-drive safari. Our kids’ first safari experience was when they were just 2 years old. It was a guided game drive in a private game reserve on the Garden Route in South Africa. Here you can read more about our South Arica trip with young kids .

In Namibia, we could join several safari rides with a guide, but there were also other places that wouldn’t take kids under 6 years. Some others would allow young kids on safari rides, but would warn you from the start that they would not stop anywhere near the ‘cats’ (lions, leopards, cheetahs) with such young kids in an open vehicle.

If you are thinking of taking a longer safari trip with nothing but animal viewing for a few days in a row, you better check with the organizing company what their policy is in regard to kids’ ages. For Kenya or Tanzania safari trips, I think usually kids have to be at least 6 years old.

How many days do we need for safari with kids?

This will depend on the destination of your choice. In Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, and many other African countries, the purpose of the whole trip is often nothing else but animal viewing. So you are in a safari vehicle for days and days in a row.

Honestly, I think that these kinds of trips are too long and too boring for young kids. Even most adults will probably have seen enough wildlife after 7 days, let alone children…

That’s why – again- South Africa and Namibia are excellent choices to take your kids on safari. Both countries have so much more to offer than just animal viewing. So you can combine safari drives with many other sightseeing possibilities.

I think that 3-4 days of safari in a row is more than enough for any child. If you can add some variation to your trip and go watching animals every couple of days rather than a week in one go, you will have a much more relaxing and fun trip.

Can we go on safari with a 2 – 3 year old? 4, 5, 6 year old? And for how long?

I wouldn’t advise long safari trips with kids younger than 6. Here is a breakdown per age of what I think is best when considering safari with young kids.

  • 2-3 year old kids: Half-day game drives, self-drive safari and wildlife viewing at waterholes. You can do this for several days, but don’t take a 2-year-old on a 3-day safari experience with nothing else on the program than wildlife viewing.
  • 4-5 year old kids: Half-day to full-day safari drives, either with your own vehicle or on guided safari tours. I would advise against a long safari trip with nothing else than wildlife viewing at this age.
  • 6-8 year old children: I guess it depends on your child, but most kids at this age should be able to sit still in a car for a day, and so a longer safari trip is possible. You have to be aware though that safari involves lots of driving and searching for animals, which is not always as exciting as the actual viewing of the animals.

Safari with young kids - all you may want to know before your African family trip

Is it dangerous to take young kids on safari?

As with everything, if done with caution, safari is perfectly safe with kids.

For self-drives, remember to stay in your vehicle at all times. It’s not because you don’t see animals, that they are not there. Don’t make too much noise in the car when animals are nearby, and certainly don’t stick your arms outside the window, not even to take a picture.

For guided game drives with kids, you have to remember that you are in an open vehicle. Kids shouldn’t make noise, and the same rule applies here too – you shouldn’t stick your head or arms outside the vehicle. Follow the instructions of your guide.

What about malaria pills for young kids?

I can’t really answer this question, because we have always chosen to visit malaria-free areas with our kids up to now. I always read that malaria pills aren’t advisable for young kids under 5-6 years old. And since there are perfectly nice malaria-free areas to take your kids on safari, why would you take the risk…

We visited Kruger NP and Etosha NP in July (African winter), when malaria risk is very low. We used mosquito sprays with DEET, but that’s it. The southern part of South Africa is malaria-free all year round. There are several private game reserves in that area, and also Addo Elephant National Park is malaria-free. All perfect places for the first safari with kids.

If you are traveling to an area that has high malaria risk, make sure to talk to your doctor before the trip. For more medical information you can check the website of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium . You can find medical advice for any country you are traveling to.

Do we need any special vaccinations when going on safari with kids?

In most African countries you do need some type of vaccine, both for kids and for adults. Make sure to check the medical information for the country you are visiting before the trip.

Some countries require a yellow fever vaccination. It’s not the case in South Africa and Namibia.

What to pack for kids on safari?

In one of my older posts, you can find safari tips , including a complete safari packing list.

You don’t really need to pack anything special for kids on safari. Except – my best tip – pack one pair of binoculars for each child. It keeps them interested and engaged during the rides. Safari involves lots of driving and lots of patience. Binoculars are better than any toy. Just don’t waste your money on toy binoculars, there are plenty of affordable decent quality binoculars that kids can use.

If your kids can read already, it might be interesting to take a book or an African wildlife guide , so that they can look up in the book what kind of animals they saw, etc. But don’t count on doing much reading on the bumpy roads in Africa’s National Parks.

Always take a sweater on safari, mosquito spray, sunscreen lotion, a sun hat, and sunglasses. Leave all the toys at home, unless you are doing a self-drive safari, in that case, pack whatever you would normally pack to keep the kids busy and happy in the car . For our kids, audiobooks do wonders!

Young child on safari in Africa

Do we need khaki color clothing when going on safari?

It’s popular to think that you need to buy a whole new garderobe in khaki colors when going on safari. But in most cases, it’s really not necessary.

It might not be such a good idea to go on a walking safari wearing a red t-shirt, but for a self-drive safari in a closed vehicle colors don’t matter at all. After all, you are sitting in the car all the time.

For open-vehicle safari drives I would advise against bright colors, but then again – you don’t need to buy ten new t-shirts for every kid. Just pick the ones that are less bright and that’s it.

If you buy one thing, then it might be wise to invest in a light-brown safari shirt with long sleeves . You can wear it several times, also over other t-shirts, it protects against mosquitoes, and also against the sun.

As for the colors of sweaters and jackets. Our kids had very bright rain jackets that we packed for our trip to Namibia. I wasn’t going to buy three new jackets just for that trip. And you know what, the only time we needed those jackets was early in the morning or late in the evening, when it was dark, so the color didn’t matter at all.

If you are visiting Kruger in winter (July-August), you may need to wear a sweater or a jacket during the day as well. In that case, it might be wiser to pack something in a light brown or dark color. But you will see people wearing all kinds of colorful clothing on the game drives in Africa.

All you may want to know about taking young children on safari in Africa

What kind of shoes to pack for kids on safari?

It doesn’t really matter what kind of shoes you or your kids wear, as you will be sitting in the car all the time anyway. I would advise wearing closed shoes at all times if you are going in an open vehicle. It can get really cold during early morning and sunset game drives.

What if my child has to go to the bathroom during a safari drive?

In some areas, this may be a problem, yes. If you know that you are going to drive in an area where it’s forbidden to get out of the car, make sure that the whole family goes to the bathroom before you leave. Also, be sure to plan some stops in the rest camps along the way.

For example, in Etosha NP, there are some fenced picnic areas with toilet facilities. They are indicated on the map of the park that you get at the entrance. Plan a bathroom stop every two hours or so. And always make your kids go to the bathroom when you can, even if they tell you they don’t have to.

Having said all this, I know that sometimes kids ‘just have to go’. In a way, it’s easier with young kids who still have diapers. Ours were at a difficult age (3) when we were in Etosha. At one moment we just stopped and let our son pee through an open door of the car, while we were watching the area to make sure there were no animals nearby.

Once again, animals can be very well camouflaged, so try to avoid toilet stops in dangerous areas.

Lions at Okaukuejo waterhole in Namibia

What about food – can we take snacks on safari?

Most organized safari trips have some kind of meal included. Usually, the guide will stop the vehicle in a safe area, set the table outside, and you will have an unforgettable meal in an African savannah.

Most guided safaris will include water and other drinks. But you should always take some water with you. I would definitely take some snacks for the kids. There is nothing worse than a tired, bored hungry kid, isn’t it? Favorite snacks can be a life-saver during long safari drives with kids.

Our picnic lunch in an African savannah on a Himba tour in Northern Namibia

Are there better ways to see African animals with kids than sitting in a dusty vehicle driving on bumpy roads for hours?

As a matter of fact, there are. But you will need to do some research before the trip. One of the best ways to see African animals is by visiting waterholes or rivers.

Some lodges, hotels, or rest camps have beautiful waterholes with lots of animals visiting them during the whole day. Some others might have a waterhole where you hardly ever see any animals at all. And many others don’t have waterholes at all.

One of the best waterholes we came across during our trips in Africa is the Okaukuejo waterhole in Etosha National Park in Namibia. Animal viewing was so good there that we stayed by the waterhole the whole day, in the evening, and also at night.

It’s by far the most luxurious way to see safari animals with kids! They could even go to a nearby shop and get some ice cream to eat while watching hundreds and hundreds of animals. The best part is that Okaukuejo rest camp is a government-run place and the prices are really reasonable.

Another place that has a really good active waterhole is the Old Traders Lodge in Erindi private game reserve (also Namibia). Staying at the lodge is quite expensive though, but day visitors can sit on the terrace and watch the waterhole too. Still, if your budget allows it, I would advise staying at least one night in Erindi. It’s one of our favorite lodges in Namibia, and no, this mention is not sponsored.

I am sure there are many more lodges that have good waterholes with plenty of wildlife viewing. So do some research and you might be rewarded with the most unforgettable experience!

If you are driving around a national park looking for animals and your kids get tired or car sick, why not take a break and stop by the river or at any waterhole you come across. If you just sit and wait, you might see more animals than by driving around and looking for them.

Okaukuejo waterhole in Etosha National Park Namibia

How expensive is it to go on safari with kids?

As with any trip, the cost can be just as low or as high as you want it to be. As I said, one of the cheapest ways to go on safari with a family is by doing a self-drive road trip in South Africa or in Namibia. Flights, rental car, and hotels are all you need. Park entrance fees are usually very reasonable, and often free for kids.

Here you can find the best accommodation deals for visiting Kruger NP , Etosha NP , and Addo Elephant NP .

You can also opt to do an organized   day game drive , in combination with the self-drive safari. This is what we usually do. The price of these game drives depends on location and duration, and also if you are sharing the vehicle with others. It’s really impossible to give an estimate of the price because so much depends on the location and the tour that you book (the duration, private or with a group, etc.).

Here you can find some organized game drives for Kruger National Park (South Africa),  Etosha National Park (Namibia), or Addo Elephant National Park (South Africa). It will give you a good idea of the cost.

The good news is that very often kids under 6 travel free (if they are allowed). Older kids get discounts. We were often lucky to pay a shared rate for just 2 adults and have the whole safari jeep to ourselves.

This is not guaranteed (unless you pay the higher rates for a private trip), but from all the game drives we did, we only had to share a jeep with another family once. While most other vehicles departing at the same time usually had 8-12 passengers, we had the luxury of a private game drive for a very low price. You see, traveling with kids has some benefits .

If you are thinking of booking a private safari with a guide/driver in Kenya or Tanzania , then it can quickly cost you 3,000-4,000 EUR/week/person and even more (it all depends on the accommodation choices and the season when you travel). On the other hand, everything is then organized and arranged for you.

Do you have more questions about taking your kids on safari?

So, these are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about taking young kids on safari. My intention is to update this post with any other questions/answers in the future. So don’t hesitate to let me know if I left something unanswered. You can do so by leaving a comment below.

READ ALSO: South Africa with Kids and Namibia with Kids

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Everything you may want to know about going on an African safari with kids

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Thursday 9th of November 2023

Thank you Jurga for information concerning traveling with kids for a safari. But it would be great to travel in a destination whith diverse experiences clustered together to avoid long traveling hours and early waking up of kids. Kenya can be one of the those destinations.

Friday 10th of November 2023

Of course, Wilson, I'm sure that Kenya is amazing. We looked at it more than once but haven't gotten there yet. Maybe one day. There is just one main concern for families with younger kids - the risk of malaria and yellow fever vaccinations. For that, South Africa or Namibia are simpler, especially if traveling in certain seasons/areas where you have minimal malaria risk.

Tuesday 19th of November 2019

South Africa and Namibia are the best countries for families traveling to Africa. For Kenya or Tanzania safari trips, I think usually kids have to be at least 6 years old.

Wednesday 20th of November 2019

Agree with you on South Africa and Namibia - both wonderful choices for a family trip. I think that taking kids younger than 6 to malaria areas isn't the best idea anyway, so we never visited Kenya or Tanzania when ours were that young.

Thursday 4th of April 2019

Hi Jurga! Enjoyed reading your posts, definitely helpful information when travelling with kids. I know how difficult it can be sometimes to do so. I was wondering if you ever thought of packing meals for your kids while you're on a day safari adventure. I've come to realize how often and quickly kids can get hungry so packed meals are definitely helpful. I've looked into sustainable packed meal options because I'd like to be able to enjoy an eco-friendly travel and be sustainable at it. I think it's important to consider this kind of things because it'll helpful the location we're visiting in terms of preserving its beauty and the life there.

Hi Ana, yes, of course, we always pack some food when traveling with kids - on safari or not. It's not like you can just go to the restaurant when you get hungry in the middle of safari, so it's essential to take a picnic lunch. As for sustainable packing solutions, most hotels will pack a lunch for you and it's usually just some paper bags - not much waste at all. If you travel with an organized safari day trip they will usually foresee meals for everyone and those are packed in reusable containers. Africa never struck me as a place where people pollute too much - unfortunately, that can't be said about the packaging of meals in the US or most countries in Asia.

Susana Portocarrero

Thursday 27th of December 2018

Hi Im planning to come in July or August with my nephew will be 12 next year, I dont know what park is the best with more animals to see, we both are animals lovers and my dree is to see a Giraffe in its habitat we are coming all the way from mexico, so I have to see if those months are ok, what park because of the miration of the animals etc... Please help

Saturday 5th of January 2019

Hi Susana, yes, July and August are perfect months for safari in Africa. As for where to go, there are SO MANY options. Do you want a self-drive trip, then I'd suggest South Africa. Kruger NP is great, but there are also several private game reserves, as well as Ado Elephant National Park. Namibia is also wonderful and it's quite doable to drive to Etosha NP on your own. Otherwise, if you are taking a tour, your options are pretty much unlimited. Some of the most popular places for safari are Kenya and Tanzania, but both these countries have malaria risk and require yellow fever vaccination. That's why we personally opted for Namibia and South Africa when traveling with our kids. As for giraffes, they are very common in Africa, so I think it's safe to say that you'll see them no matter which country or which park you'll choose. I'm sorry but I can't really help more. You should first decide which country you want to visit and how (self drive trip vs a tour) and then you can start looking closer at what options you have.

Saturday 1st of September 2018

Hi Jurga. What a really fantastic post! So comprehensive and spot on. I'm South African and married to a Namibian with 3 kids incl twin boys! We haven't been been on a proper safari yet with all 3 yet but will def go soon. We went with my daughter but not since the boys were born. Love Etosha and Kruger! I've just started a family travel blog.

Monday 3rd of September 2018

Hi Julie, thanks a lot for your kind words. It's nice to e-meet you and good luck with your new blog! Another African safari is also my dream trip, I love African trips. There is something so special about that beautiful continent that you call home..

safari namibia kinder


safari namibia kinder


safari namibia kinder

Namibia primary resource

Explore the wildlife of namibia on a classroom safari.

This primary resource explores the different wildlife, habitats and landmarks of Namibia, southern Africa. Discover which animals are native to Namibia and the kinds of environments they live in. What kind of ocean life can be found in along the Skeleton Coast? How long have the San people lived in Namibia? How many plains zebras are there in Namibia?

Pupils will learn about the unique environments of the Namibia, including Etosha National Park, in our National Geographic Kids’ Animals and Geography primary resource sheet.

The teaching resource can be used in study group tasks for discussing the features of the land (and sea) and how it supports wildlife; as a printed handout for each pupil to review and annotate, or for display on the interactive whiteboard using the images and information included in the resource for class discussion.

safari namibia kinder

Activity: Ask the children to make flash cards of each of the animals listed on the Namibian safari. This could be completed as a whole class activity, with pupils being divided into groups and each group given a different animal to research and make a flash card about. Children could imagine they are on the safari trip described and write a diary entry about the sights and sounds they encounter. They could make field notes of the kinds of tracks they might find left behind by the animals listed. Using the resource as an introduction, pupils could further research the traditional roles and ways of life of the San people.

N.B. The following information for mapping the resource documents to the school curriculum is specifically tailored to the English National Curriculum and Scottish Curriculum for Excellence . We are currently working to bring specifically tailored curriculum resource links for our other territories; including South Africa , Australia and New Zealand . If you have any queries about our upcoming curriculum resource links, please email: [email protected]

This primary resource assists with teaching the following Key Stage 1 Science (Year 1) objectives from the National Curriculum :

Pupils should be taught to:

  • identify and name a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals
  • identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores
  • describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets) 

Pupils might work scientifically by: using their observations to compare and contrast animals at first hand or through videos and photographs, describing how they identify and group them; grouping animals according to what they eat; and using their senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells.

National Curriculum Key Stage 1 Science (Year 2) objective :

Pupils should be taught to:  

  • identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other 
  • identify and name a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including micro- habitats

  Pupils should be introduced to the idea that all living things have certain characteristics that are essential for keeping them alive and healthy. They should raise and answer questions that help them to become familiar with the life processes that are common to all living things.

Pupils should be introduced to the terms ‘habitat’ (a natural environment or home of a variety of plants and animals) and ‘micro-habitat’ (a very small habitat, for example for woodlice under stones, logs or leaf litter).

 Pupils should compare animals in familiar habitats with animals found in less familiar habitats, for example, on the seashore, in woodland, in the ocean, in the rainforest.

National Curriculum Lower Key Stage 2 Science (Year 3) objective :

  • identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat 

Pupils They might compare and contrast the diets of different animals (including their pets) and decide ways of grouping them according to what they eat. They might research different food groups and how they keep us healthy and design meals based on what they find out.

National Curriculum Lower Key Stage 2 Science (Year 4) objective :

  • recognise that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways  
  • recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things 

National Curriculum Upper Key Stage 2 Science (Year 5) objective :  

Pupils should observe life-cycle changes in a variety of living things, for example, plants in the vegetable garden or flower border, and animals in the local environment. They should find out about the work of naturalists and animal behaviourists, for example, David Attenborough

This  primary resource also assists with teaching the following Key Stage 1 Geography objectives from the National Curriculum :  

  • use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea, ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather
  • name, locate and identify characteristics of the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas

  National Curriculum Key Stage 2 Geography objective:

  • describe and understand key aspects of: physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle
  • name and locate counties and cities of the United Kingdom, geographical regions and their identifying human and physical characteristics, key topographical features (including hills, mountains, coasts and rivers), and land-use patterns; and understand how some of these aspects have changed over time

This primary resource assists with teaching the following Sciences Second level objectives from the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence :

  • I can identify and classify examples of living things, past and present, to help me appreciate their diversity. I can relate physical and behavioural characteristics to their survival or extinction.
  • I can use my knowledge of the interactions and energy flow between plants and animals in ecosystems, food chains and webs. I have contributed to the design or conservation of a wildlife area.

Scottish Curriculum for Excellence Third level Sciences objectives :

  • I can sample and identify living things from different habitats to compare their biodiversity and can suggest reasons for their distribution.

Scottish Curriculum for Excellence Fourth level Sciences objectives :

I understand how animal and plant species depend on each other and how living things are adapted for survival. I can predict the impact of population growth and natural hazards on biodiversity.

This British Isles primary resource assists with teaching the following Social Studies Second level objective from the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence :

  • By comparing my local area with a contrasting area outwith Britain, I can investigate the main features of weather and climate, discussing the impact on living things.

Scottish Curriculum for Excellence Third level Social Studies objective :

  • Having investigated processes which form and shape landscapes, I can explain their impact on selected landscapes in Scotland, Europe and beyond.
  • I can investigate the climate, physical features and living things of a natural environment different from my own and explain their interrelationship.
  • I can investigate the relationship between climate and weather to be able to understand the causes of weather patterns within a selected climate zone.

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Namibia: Our first Safari

The magic of close-up encounters with wildlife

Elephant at Erindi Private Game Reserve

This baby is just weeks old – and imitating it’s Mom all the time!

Table of Contents

Our first elephant encounter

There’s no way to describe the exhilarating feeling when a herd of elephants slowly and very silently passes by right in front of your very eyes. We are at a loss for words. We even forget to take photos for a couple of minutes. At least 30 elephants cross our path right in the middle of the Namibian bush – the older ones protecting the small ones with their trunks. It’s a sight that becomes a memory for a lifetime, a raw encounter with nature in it’s very original and basic state – unstaged and unexpected.

Elephant herd at Erindi Private Game Reserve

Elephants stick together in herds, that are led by a matriarch!

Elephants at a Safari in Namibia

They roam the bushes together – always protecting the little ones.

Elephants are incredibly gentle – you can almost overhear and overlook them in the thorough thicket, that is the Namibian bush in April. Yes, April. Not the most common season for a Namibia trip (yet). After a couple of months of rainy season everything is lush and green here in the Northern parts of Namibia. It’s the season, where the animals have enough water and are harder to spot, but it’s no less rewarding!

Elephant at a Safari in Namibia

Only when the elephants leave the thicket, they are easy to spot.

April: the green season in namibia.

April ist not really the most recommended season when it comes to traveling Namibia. The best season for visitors starts in May, when fall arrives, the temperatures drop and the rain stops. With every month that passes the green landscapes will be transformed into a yellow-brownish wasteland – making it easier to spot wildlife, which assembles at the scarce water holes.

Steenbok at a Safari in Namibia

The abundance of grass and flowers is the perfect condition for herbivores like antelopes and zebras.

This bat-eared fox uses the bushes as a perfect cover, but didn’t fool us 😉.

But we chose April anyways. Why? It’s the end of the rainy season, so chances are low for rain. During our three weeks in Namibia we saw rain three times, but never longer than a couple of hours (and mostly at night). And more importantly: April is still low season . This makes it easier to find hotels and lodges without pre-booking everything. We wanted some freedom and liberty to change our route once in a while. This turned out to be a good idea, as we changed our plans quite a lot during this trip!

Find out more about our 3 week Namibia road trip itinerary here .

Rain cloud in Namibia in April

Late April rain showers hit us only once during our Safari, but they make for amazing sunsets!

We definitely want to go back to Namibia one day in September or October to see how the landscapes change and how the wildlife adapts to the harsher conditions.

Sunrise at Erindi

Everything that’s green here will be yellow and brown by the end of the dry season!

What kind of wildlife can you see during a safari in namibia.

There’s the ones that are easy to spot (giraffes, zebras, oryx, kudu, steenbok, springbok, wildebeest, hippos, crocodiles, hyenas, impalas) and then the more elusive types of animals (lions, cheetahs, leopards, eland, wild dogs, rhinos, elephants). But guess what: We saw all of the before mentioned during our week-long Safari in Namibia.

We chose to spend this week at Erindi Private Game Reserve , which is famous among wildlife photographers ( read all about our verdict of private game reserve and lodge here ).

At this private game reserve the large predators are collared with GPS collars and guides use these to track them during game drives (especially if guests ask for specific species that they want to see). This kind of tracking is usually not possible in publicly operated National Parks, where collaring is only used for scientific purposes or for conservation monitoring and not for touristic purposes. Compared to our self drive safaris in Etosha this was much more successful of course.

But now many safaris later we do appreciate the authentic safari experience without collars and GPS trackers…

Giraffe and Oryx at a Safari in Namibia

From Giraffes and Oryx to Zebras, Baboons and Impalas. Animals can be seen in abundance during a Safari in Namibia!

The only animal we didn’t get to spot is the pangolin – the most elusive of them all. Every day the guides at Erindi write their wildlife encounters on a huge chalkboard , and the pangolin was seen by other groups multiple times during our week there. So we just didn’t get lucky. But instead we had two very rare encounters. We saw a cheetah up close with a fresh kill (yes, that sounds irritating and it really is quite gut-wrenching – especially when you hear the cry of the baby first) and we even had a meet-up with a leopard! If even just for a few seconds, before he disappeared into the bushes again.

Cheetah with a kill at a Safari in Namibia

Our most amazing cat encounters – from a cheetah with prey to an elusive leopard!

If you wanted to complete the famous Safari Big 5 (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant, buffalo) there was one species missing in Erindi during our visit in 2018. They didn’t have African buffalos (yet). We tried finding out if they had finally managed to reintroduce buffalos (there was back and forth with he government for many years), but couldn’t find reliable info. On their own website Erindi doesn’t even disclose that they have rhinos (we assume for poaching protection purposes), so for now this remains a mystery (maybe someone can tell us who has recently been there!?).

Male lion at a Safari in Namibia

Here he is: The king of the jungle. In our case he looked more like a cute, but a little sad cat… 🙂

But in all honesty, we don’t care about collecting animals on a list (then we might as well become trophy hunters). We rather enjoyed spending time with wildlife on a daily basis. We didn’t care about visiting the same group of lions twice in a row, because it was just incredible to follow their daily routine. On day one we watched the mother and three cubs range the plains on their search for food. We even watched the gorgeous lioness making an attempt at killing a wildebeest (unsuccessful though).

Lioness with three cubs at a Safari in Namibia

This lioness just had her second litter of three male cubs. They are about one year old, but still too young to hunt their own food.

We returned to find them a day later sitting in the shadow of a tree with a fresh wildebeest kill. Mom had been successful in feeding her babies. (We’re sparing you a photo of the dead animal – just in case you’re vegetarians, like us 😉 ).

Lion Cub at a Safari in Namibia

Someone is sleepy after having lunch 😉

During our days in Erindi we noticed that most visitors had limited time for their successful Safari. Most of them only spent one or two nights in the lodge and tried to see everything in a short period. This puts quite some pressure on the guides, which have to find lions, leopards, elephants and so on – all during one or two game drives. And it also limits the time, that can be spent with the animals. Our most precious moments on Safari in Namibia were the hours we just spent with a herd of elephants or a pride of lions. So we highly recommend planning at least 4-5 days for a Safari in Namibia !

Baboon at a safari in Namibia

Top to bottom: Baboon, Waterbuck, Mountain Zebras.

With more time during a Safari you can also focus on animals, that aren’t on top of everyone’s list . Like the hilarious baboons (it’s a real comedy watching them), waterbucks (guess how their name is connected to a toilet seat…) or the two different kinds of zebras, that you can encounter in Namibia.

Lilac-breasted roller at a Safari in Namibia

Top to bottom: Lilac-breasted roller, red-billed spurfowl, endangered African wild dogs.

In our week at the Private Game Reserve we had enough time to learn about the abundance of birds in Namibia, but also about the  incredible African wild dogs . Often overlooked this species is even more threatened by extinction than cheetahs and leopards. During our visit the wild dog population at Erindi was at 12 dogs, but there was just a new litter – so it might already have increased since then! In total there’s only around 6.000 wild dogs believed to still exist worldwide, which makes them fall into the category “endangered” according to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species .

Elephant at a Safari in Namibia

We definitely plan to return for another Safari in Namibia soon!

Learning about the animals and the conservation efforts to keep them secure is one of the most valuable parts of a safari in Namibia. It’s not only about coming close to wildlife and experiencing nature, but also to learn how to protect their species & habitat. Which brings us to the next point:

Self-drive vs. guided Safaris

During our trip to Namibia we tested both ways to explore the wild. At the Erindi Private Game Reserve we enjoyed daily guided game drives with knowledgeable rangers . The first day we shared the car with other guests and then we had the car to ourselves for the rest of the stay. At Wolwedans we also had our private guide and a car to ourselves (read about our oryx safaris in the desert here ). And our last safari brought us to the plains of Etosha, where we drove ourselves (read more about Etosha here ).

Car at Erindi Private Game Reserve

With a knowledgeable guide you won’t only learn about wildlife, but also get to drive off-road to experience nature even closer!

Both ways have their Pros and Cons, but we definitely preferred the tours with guides ! Especially at Erindi it’s really valuable to have a guide with you as this will bring you closer to wildlife as you might have dreamed of. The off-road experience is something, that isn’t possible without a guide and really pays off, when the pack of lions is hiding in the bushes again.

Lion brothers at Erindi Private Game Reserve

Lions prefer to rest in the shade most of the day – therefore they are often hard to spot without leaving the road.

At Etosha we did see huge herds of zebras and antelopes from our car, but those are the animals that are easy to spot. During our self-drive safari we  didn’t get to see any lions, leopards or other elusive animals .

Self-driving safari at Etosha National Park

We drove ourselves in Etosha National Park, which resulted in less sightings of elusive animals.

The rangers and guides at the reserves not only have profound skills in tracking and tracing wildlife , they also share their vast knowledge about every species and how you can help to protect them and which conservation efforts are undertaken. This is invaluable and you can’t get this from books alone!

Ostrich at Etosha National Park

Did you know that ostriches swallow stones to help grinding food in their stomach? Each adult ostrich is carrying around 1kg in stones at any given time in their belly.

Therefore we would absolutely recommend guided safaris and would only do self-drive tours if there’s no other way (be it for budget reasons or if tours are booked out).

Guide Warren at Erindi Private Game Reserve

Our guide Warren not only changed flat tyres. He also showed us the edible Omajowa mushrooms, which grow in termite mounts and taste amazing.

Last but not least we want to give you a few tips if you’re first-timers on a Safari as well:

5 invaluable tips for your first Safari

There are a couple of things that I wish I had known before I went on my first Safari . Here’s a list of 5 of the tips, that might help you if you’re planning your first Safari.

1. Bring warm clothes and dress in layers

The vehicles at the game drives are open – there’s no windshield and no windows. And you’ll probably drive in the darkness (before sunrise or after sunset), when it does get cold in Namibia . In April temperatures can drop down below 15 degrees Celsius at night, in July even below 5 degrees Celsius. During the day it warms up nicely though, so you’ll be thankful for layering.

Me in my blanket at Erindi Private Game Reserve

A typical day in April: In the morning I used the blanket to stay warm, during the day I only wore my shirt and at sunset I needed my jacket again.

2. you can wear sandals.

Most of the game drives will have you sitting in the car for 90% of the time . The moments you get out of the car are at lookout spots or for sundowners. And those are usually at very convenient locations – so you don’t need boots. (I know I’m wearing boots in all the photos above – somehow I didn’t find one photo of me in sandals… but I wore them most of the time) 🙂

San people at Erindi Private Game Reserve

The bushmen go barefoot – if that is any good explanation 😉

3. buy a long tele lens.

Yes, the animals will also come close – as in very close – to your car. But not all of the time. So for you to be able to get photos a long tele lens is recommended . I packed a 70-200mm lens and a 2x converter (making it a 140-400mm) and I really appreciated it.

Sundowner at Erindi Private Game Reserve

I don’t know why I put my 70-200mm lens here – I guess it was the only table available at the sundown spot… 🙂

4. invest in a monopod (or ask for bean bags).

Now this is the part where I messed up – I only have a tripod, which you can’t use inside a car. But keeping the camera steady while shooting with 400mm is more or less impossible. Every little shake will result in blurry photos. Do invest in a monopod! or ask your guides for bean bags in the car – those are priceless (and you don’t have to carry them!).

Giraffes at Erindi Private Game Reserve

Getting a sharp photo isn’t easy with a tele lens without any stabilisation!

5. don’t be afraid (until your guide is afraid, then you’re allowed to fear for your life…).

We had two close-up encounters, that made us sweat a little. At our very first game drive two lion brothers walked right in front of our car. We slowly followed them along the road until they turned around and roared in a bone-cracking matter. We had never heard something so profoundly threatening before. It’s a sound that makes your stomach feel all queasy. And then they turned around and started walking towards us. All the time our guide FN just stayed very calm, put in the reverse gear and just reversed for hundreds of meters…

Lion brothers chasing our car

This was the moment the lion brothers decided they were now following us…

The second encounter was when we took a left at a crossing where a huge male elephant in must was hiding behind a bush . We didn’t see him, so we came onto him way too quickly. He immediately started flapping his ears, trumpeting and running towards us – as we were like rivals to him. We literally held our breath and turned to complete silence in the car. Our guide Warren just stopped the motor and started talking to the elephant – as in “Easy boy… easy!”. Yes – like talking to a little baby. And it worked – after three attempts of running towards us and then backing up again, we finally were good to go. We did take another road in the end – just to be safe.

Elephant encounter at Erindi Private Game Reserve

These are the moments when it’s nice to have an experienced guide at your side! He managed to calm the elephant down.

Thank you for reading through our experiences from our first safari back in 2018. Since then we have returned to Africa multiple times for safaris and have written many more guides about Zambia, Botswana, Kenya and Rwanda. If you’re wondering where to go on your first safari check out this post:

Which country to choose for your first safari?

Erindi Game Drive Namibia Safari

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Namibia Safari Reise

Namibia safari mit kindern.

Eine Namibia Safari Reise mit Kindern garantiert eine faszinierende Mischung aus unberührter Natur , reizender Tierwelt und ist das zu Hause vieler Menschen zahlreicher farbenfroher Kulturen . Du wirst gemeinsam mit den Kindern die nächsten drei Wochen diese Afrika Faszination auf eigene Faust kennenlernen.

Du benötigst als Selbstfahrer in Namibia nicht viel Reiseerfahrung und auch keinen großen Mut, um Afrika auf eigene Faust zu bereisen. Wir haben Namibia mit unseren Kindern mehrmals getestet und das afrikanische Reiseziel als kinderfreundliches Reiseziel kennengelernt.

Eine Namibia Safari ist mit der TOP Planung durch den spezialisierten Reiseveranstalter für jedes Kind geeignet. Wir garantieren euch nicht nur eine perfekte Beratung , sondern ebenfalls eine professionelle Organisation der Safari Reise mit erstklassigen deutschsprechenden Ansprechpartnern vor Ort. Immerhin buchst du deine Namibia Reise laut Feedbacks und Empfehlungen  unserer Gäste beim kinderfreundlichsten Reiseveranstalter!

  • 3 ganze Tage als Selbstfahrer auf Safari in Etosha Nationalpark
  • Ureinwohner wie Buschmänner, Himba und Damara auf Augenhöhe kennenlernen
  • Jede Namibia Safari Reise wird maßgeschneidert nach deinen Wünschen zusammengestellt
  • Im Vergleich zu Tansania und Südafrika ist Namibia viel kinderfreundlicher
  • Die Kosten für eine Selbstfahrer Namibia Reise mit Kindern sind abhängig von der Wahl der Unterkünfte
  • Abwechslungsreich mit Unterkünften von Dachzelt bis hin zur Luxuslodge

Reiseroute längere Namibia Safari Reise Eine 20-tägige kindgerechte Reiseroute mit zahlreichen afrikanischen Highlights

1 ankunft windhoek - autofahrt rehoboth transfer vom flughafen zum mietwagen-terminal in windhoek | reisetipp: erste safarisafari.

Lasse deine Flüge durch TRAVELKID organisieren und spare zwei Übernachtungen in Windhoek. Nur bei bestimmten Flügen ist es möglich, dein Mietwagen am ersten Tag zu übernehmen und deine Namibia Safari Reise gleich zu starten.

Willkommen in Namibia

Heute wirst du direkt nach der Ankunft in Windhoek vom Flughafen abgeholt und komfortabel zum Mietwagen-Terminal im Süden der Stadt gebracht. Hier triffst du einen Mitarbeiter unserer Agentur für ein Meet & Greet . Nach einer ausführlichen Erklärung beginnt endlich deine Namibia Reise und es stehen die ersten Erfahrungen mit der faszinierenden Natur Afrikas auf dem Programm.

Die kleine Stadt Rehoboth liegt rund 90 Kilometer südlich von Windhoek an der Nationalstraße B1. Lake Oanob ist das heutige Ziel, der Campingplatz befindet sich gleich neben einem kleinen See. Angrenzend befindet sich ein kleiner Wildpark mit Giraffen, Kudus, Zebras und Springböcken. Du wirst heute sicherlich deine erste Safari unternehmen. Für unsere Gäste, die das Zimmer bevorzugen, hat die Safari Lodge einige Zimmer mit Seeblick parat.  

Reisezeit : 1 Stunde 15 Minuten

2 Autofahrt Rehoboth - Mariental Sterne Safari, Abendessen | Reisetipps: Wanderungen in der Kalahari Wüste

Die Kalahari Wüste ist Teil eines riesigen Sandkastens mit einer Fläche von mehr als 1,2 Millionen Quadratkilometern. Auf gut markierten Wanderwegen können dir Tiere wie Oryx-Antilope, Kudus, Kuhantilopen oder Springböcke begegnen. Und in den vielen Kameldornbäumen findest du riesige Nestkolonien von Webervögeln .

Am Abend steht eine besondere Safari auf dem Programm. Nach dem Abendessen geht es zur Sternewarte für eine Sterne Safari. Was am Himmel alles so glänzt und funkelt, ist Afrika-Pur! 

Reisezeit : 2 Stunden 30 Minuten

3 Freizeit in Mariental Wanderungen mit den Buschmännern, Abendessen

Weil es in der Wüste, sicherlich im Juni und Juli, in der Nacht echt bitterkalt wird, haben wir eine schöne Safari Lodge für euch geplant. Hier genießt du nicht nur eine ruhige Nacht, sondern in der Früh ein fantastisches Frühstücksbuffet !

Der intensiv orangerote Sandkasten der Kalahari Wüste ist durch Erosion weicher Gesteinsformationen entstanden. Während deiner Namibia Reise lernst du als Selbstfahrer diese rote Landschaft am besten kennen, durch eine Wanderung mit den Buschmännern zu machen.

4 Autofahrt Naukluft Region am Rand der Namib Wüste Reisetipps: Wanderungen oder Reittour

Deine Safari Reise durch Namibia führt weiter in die Naukluft Region, am Rande der Namib Wüste. Die Pferdefarm in der Naukluft ist eine der ältesten Farmen in Namibia und wird seit 1993 als Gästefarm geführt.

Die Naukluft kannst du zu Fuß oder auf dem Pferderücken erkunden. Wenn wir deine Namibia Reise mit einer Nacht verlängern, kannst du die 5-stündige Wanderung durch die bekannte Köcherbaumschlucht machen.

5 Autofahrt Naukluft – Sesriem Reisetipps: Sesriem Canyon und Elim Düne

Heute führt dich deine Namibia Safari Reise weiter nach Sesriem . Wenn du Sesriem erreichst, solltest du das Auto erst mal wieder volltanken. Bei dieser Tankstelle gibt es herrliche Brötchen und einen gut schmeckenden warmen Cappuccino

Bevor du dich auf der Campsite oder in der Lodge in Sesriem niederlässt, kannst du zuerst den Sesriem Canyon besuchen.

Reisezeit : 1 Stunde 30 Minuten

6 Sesriem oder Autofahrt Sesriem - Solitaire Reisetipps: Sossusvlei und Dead Vlei, Solitaire

Für einen Besuch der Sossusvlei solltest du früh aufstehen, Besucher der Campsite dürfen bereits um 5 Uhr in den Nationalpark hinein. Wenn du in der Safari Lodge übernachtest, kannst du eine Stunde länger schlafen. 

Die meisten Menschen fahren zur Düne 45 , um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen. Das bekannte Farbspiel der Dünen, womit Namibia wirbt, wird mit dem Sonnenaufgang immer deutlicher. An einer Seite des Dünenkamms schaut der Sand schwarz aus, an der Sonnenseite färbt sich der Sand wunderschön rot. 

Wir sind der Meinung, dass die Dead Vlei , am Ende des Tales, sicherlich spannender ist. Aufgepasst , du darfst die letzten vier Kilometer nur mit einem 4x4 Auto zurücklegen. Bizarr sind die abgestorbenen fast 500 Jahre alten Bäume , die hier aufgrund der Trockenheit nur sehr langsam verwittern. Auch stellt sich hier die Frage, ob du auf dem Big Mama oder lieber auf dem Big Papa klettern willst.  

Wenn du eine Lodge Reise buchst, übernachtest du nochmals in Sesriem. Camping Gäste fahren zur kleinen Campsite in der Nähe von Solitaire . Direkt beim Eingang der Stellplätze befindet sich ein Loch. Schau mal welches Tier sich hier aufhält … 

Reisezeit : 1 Stunde

7 Autofahrt Solitaire – Swakopmund Reisetipps: Kaffeepause Solitaire, Picknick Kuiseb Pass, Flamingos Walvis Bay

Als Selbstfahrer wirst du heute die meiste Zeit des Tages im 4x4 Mietwagen verbringen. Der Weg nach Swakopmund ist relativ lange, denn die Autofahrt dauert fast 5 Stunden. In Solitaire solltest du die Tankstelle aufsuchen. Nicht für Benzin, sondern für frischen Apfelstrudel. Dieser kannst du auf den Picknickplätzen am Gaub oder Kuiseb Pass beim Picknick aufessen.

Swakopmund ist bekannt als Städtchen mit vielen architektonischen Spuren der Kolonialzeit oder als Intermezzo, um auf der Namibia Safari Reise durch den Busch mit den Kindern mal wieder kultiviert shoppen zu gehen. Weil Swakopmund so viel zu bieten hat und man Dünen ja schon reichlich in der Sossusvlei gesehen hat, machen sich nur wenige auf, die Dünen um Swakopmund herum zu erkunden - Normalsterbliche entdecken dort kaum etwas außer viel, viel Sand und ein paar karge Büschlein. 

8 Freizeit in Swakopmund Baustein: Safari zu the little five

Heute haben wir etwas ganz besonders für dich im Angebot! Dein Tag in der Wüste kann zu einem unvergesslichen Höhepunkt werden, wenn du mit Tommy unterwegs bist. Um Punkt 8 wirst du abgeholt und machst du Jagd auf the little five der Wüste . Lasse dich von TRAVELKID überraschen, die Kinder werden begeistert sein! 

9 Freizeit in Swakopmund Baustein: Kanufahrt zu den Pelzrobben oder Bootsfahrt mit dem Katamaran

Passend zu dieser Gegend, mit den faszinierenden Zeugnissen der Urzeit, wächst im Hinterland Swakopmunds die Welwitschia Mirabilis , eines der kuriosesten pflanzlichen Geschöpfe der Erde. Genauso empfehlenswert ist der Souvenirmarkt , direkt neben dem Tennisplatz. Zahlreiche Künstler und Verkäufer von Holzschnitzereien haben sich hier versammelt, um ihre Waren zu verkaufen. 

Reiseblog: Souvenirmärkte in Namibia

Swakopmund ist auch das Abenteuer-Zentrum für Gäste, die in verschiedenen Adventure Aktivitäten den Thrill suchen. Quadbiken und Sandboarden zerstören das komplexe System der Wüste und passen nicht zu einer verantwortungsbewussten Namibia Reise. Weil die Nachhaltigkeit auf Reisen uns wichtig ist, buchen wir diese Aktivitäten nicht. Mache stattdessen lieber eine Kanufahrt bei Walvis Bay und paddle zwischen den Pelzrobben durch oder buche bei TRAVELKID eine schöne Fahrt mit dem Katamaran . 

10 Autofahrt Swakopmund - Twyfelfontein Reisetipps: Cape Cross, Wanderung White Lady Felsgravuren am Brandberg

Deine Namibia Safari mit Kindern geht weiter und führt dich zuerst nach Cape Cross . Cape Cross ist bekannt für seine Pelzrobbenkolonie . Wenn du die Kanufahrt in Walvis Bay gemacht hast, ist dieser Abstecher nicht notwendig.

Nach dem Besuch fährst du mit deinem 4x4 Mietwagen ins Landesinnere hinein nach Uis. In dieser kleinen Minenstadt werden vielerlei Mineralien, Quarze und Halbedelsteine am Straßenrand zum Verkauf angeboten. Du solltest unbedingt das Auto in Uis noch mal volltanken . Als Selbstfahrer in Namibia solltest du wissen, dass ab jetzt die Tankstellen sehr sporadisch vorhanden sind und nicht immer über Benzin verfügen.

Die Felsgravuren the white lady am Brandberg liegen ca. 20 km nördlich von Uis. Gemeinsam mit einem Ranger wanderst du eine Stunde dem Flussbett entlang, währenddessen leisten die zahlreichen Klipp Dassies dir Gesellschaft.

Du übernachtest in Twyfelfontein am Campingplatz oder in der Safari Lodge. Oder gönne dir etwas Luxus und buche eine traumhafte Luxuslodge ! Das habt ihr euch verdient!

Reisezeit : 4 Stunden 30 Minuten - ohne Cape Cross 3 Stunden 30 Minuten

11 Twyfelfontein Reisetipps: Living Museum der Damara, Felsgravuren Buschmänner, Safari zu den Wüstenelefanten

In Twyfelfontein ist das Living Museum der Damara fast ein Muss. Vor Ort kannst du verschiedene Angebote buchen, wobei du die Tradition und Lebensweise der Damara kennen lernen wirst.

Etwas weiter findest du die Felsmalereien der San, die Orgelpfeifen und Burnt Mountain . 

Übernachtest du in der Safari Lodge? Wahrscheinlich organisiert die Safari Lodge eine Safari zu den seltenen Wüstenelefanten .

Wenn du wissen möchtest, was es sonst noch für Sehenswürdigkeiten und kulturelle Ausflüge im Damaraland gibt, dann klick hier für unseren Reiseblog.

12 Autofahrt Twyfelfontein - Sesfontein Reiseetipps: Besuch Sesfontein Fort, Joubert Pass

Ab jetzt verlässt du die Touristenpfade und deine Namibia Safari Reise führt dich abseits in den Hohen Norden. Die Straßen werden abenteuerlich und du musst den Joubert Pass überqueren. Noch ist es nicht soweit. Du kannst einen Abstecher nach Sesfontein machen und den alten Sesfontein Fort besuchen.  

Von der Hauptstraße bis zur Campsite sind es fünf sehr abenteuerliche Kilometer! Du musst zuerst ein Flussbett durchqueren, die Straße danach ist kaum als Straße zu kennzeichnen. Gut, dass du als Selbstfahrer mit einem robusten 4x4 Mietwagen unterwegs bist. Lodge Gäste übernachten in Palmwag.

Reisezeit : 3 Stunden 30 Minuten

13 Autofahrt Sesfontein - Opuwo Reisetipps: Kaokoveld mit Himba-Dörfern

Heute wirst du mit deiner Familie durch das Kaokoveld reisen. Der Norden Namibias ist herrlich und es scheint, dass es sich seit mehr als 100 Jahren nicht mehr verändert hat. Du wirst die traditionellen Himba Dörfer sehen und ihre traditionell gekleideten Einwohner, die aussehen, als ob sie von einer anderen Ära kommen. 

Auch Herero Frauen , mit ihren traditionell viktorianischen Gewändern, wirst du zu Gesicht bekommen. Als Tourist bist eher du ein Blickfang für die Einheimischen in ihren Regionen.

Reisezeit : 1 Stunde 50 Minuten

14 Freizeit in Opuwo Baustein: geführte Tour zum Himba Dorf

Heute ist ein Tag zum Relaxen. Am späteren Nachmittag kannst du ein heimisches  Himba Dorf  besuchen. Die Himba sind ein Hirtenvolk und du kannst sie mit TRAVELKID auf Augenhöhe begegnen. Sie züchten im Wesentlichen Rinder und Ziegen und führen ein halbnomadisches Leben. Je nach Jahreszeit ziehen sie mit ihren Herden zu den unterschiedlichen Wasserstellen.

15 Autofahrt Opuwo - Etosha Reisetipps: Safari im Etosha Nationalpark

Endlich ist es soweit: das absolute Highlight der Namibia Reise steht am Programm – mit den Kindern auf Safari! Mit seinen rund 23.000 km² Fläche - so groß wie Vorarlberg, Tirol und das Salzburgerland zusammen - ist der Etosha Nationalpark eines der größten Naturreservate der Welt. Nach der Serengeti in Tansania hat Etosha die höchste Wildtierdichte aller Nationalparks Afrikas.

Während dieser Selbstfahrer Reise durch Namibia wirst du in Etosha jeden Tag in einer anderen Unterkunft verbringen, so bekommst du einen intensiven Einblick in den Nationalpark. 

Reisezeit : 3 Stunden

16 Freizeit in Etosha Reisetipps: Safari im Etosha Nationalpark

Alle großen Wildtiere leben in Etosha: Löwen, Geparden, Nashörner, Leoparden und Hyänen. Aber auch die großen afrikanischen Elefanten, sowie Warzenschweine, Strauße und viele andere hufartige Tiere kannst du entdecken.

17 Freizeit in Etosha Reisetipps: Safari im Etosha Nationalpark

Gut gepflegte Schotterstraßen führen in Etosha Nationalpark zu den Wasserlöchern, bei denen man die Wildtiere am besten beobachten kann. Tagsüber hast du die Möglichkeit als Selbstfahrer durch den Nationalpark zu fahren.

Am Abend kannst du dann am beleuchteten Wasserloch , welches sich in der Nähe deiner Safari Lodgebefindet, das Wild beobachten. Alle Informationen über den Etosha Nationalpark findest du in unserem Reiseblog.

18 Autofahrt Etosha – Waterberg Baustein: geführte Tour zum Geparden Schutzprojekt

Heute führt dich die Namibia Safari mit Kindern weiter zum nächsten Highlight. Das Waterberg Plateau ist ein Sandstein-Plateau, welches sich 200 Meter aus der umgebenden Landschaft erhebt. Während es oben auf dem Plateau sehr trocken ist, gibt es am Fuße viel Oberflächenwasser und kräftige permanente Quellen. Die Vegetation ist darum am Fuß vergleichsweise üppig und grün und besonders artenreich.

Weil es oben auf dem Waterberg inzwischen sehr touristisch geworden ist, organisieren wir eine Übernachtung am Fuß des Waterbergs. In der Nähe der Gästefarm befindet sich ein Schutzzentrum für Geparden . Gemeinsam mit einem Ranger kannst du hier eine schöne Safari zu diesen Wildtieren machen.

19 Autofahrt Waterberg – Private Game Reserve Reisetipps: Dinosaurierspuren Kalkfeld | Baustein: geführte Safaris

Wenn du einen kleinen Paläontologen zu Hause hast, solltest du in der Nähe von Kalkfeld unbedingt die 200 Millionen Jahre alten Dinosaurierspuren anschauen.

Und weil man sich an Elefanten nie satt schauen kann, haben wir noch eine schöne Übernachtung in einem Wildreservat für dich geplant. Die letzte Nacht verbringst du in kleinen niedlichen Selfcatering Häuschen in einer gemütlichen Safari Lodge, damit du die Namibia Reise gemütlich beim Schwimmbad oder beim Wasserloch ausklingen lassen kannst.

20 Autofahrt Windhoek - Abflug Rückgabe Mietwagen, Transfer zum Flughafen | Reisetipps: Souvenirmärkte Okahandja und Windhoek

Wenn der Flug am späteren Abend loslegt, kannst du heute gemütlich zum Mietwagen-Terminal fahren, um das Auto zurückzubringen. Wenn der Rückflug früher stattfindet, ist eine Änderung der Namibia Reise notwendig. Besprich deine Reiseroute mit unseren Reiseprofis!

Auf dem Weg nach Windhoek empfehlen wir einen Stopp beim Souvenirmarkt in Okahandja oder beim Namib Craft Center in der Hauptstadt. Grüße dort Morris , beim Eingang, von uns. Zahlreiche Handwerkstücken von seiner Hand stehen bei uns im Büro. 

Anschließend wirst du zum Flughafen gebracht und die wunderschöne Namibia Safari Reise geht leider dem Ende zu. 

TRAVELKID führt dich sicher durch Afrikas Wildnis

Jetzt Angebot anfordern

Was kostet diese Namibia Reise? Abenteuerliche Safari Reise mit Kindern zu fairen nachhaltigen Preisen

Während dieser Namibia Safari Reise bist du mit einem Mietwagen unterwegs. Du kannst diese Namibia Rundreise mit Dachzelt oder mit einer Übernachtung in Lodges reservieren. Gib uns deine Wünsche bekannt, dann planen wir diese gehobene Fernreise maßgeschneidert mit romantischen Übernachtungen in gemütlichen Luxuslodges .

Hier findest du eine Übersicht über die Reisetermine und Preise für diese Namibia Safari Reise mit Kinder. Die Preise sind in Euro pro Person zu verstehen. Bitte achte auf die Zimmereinteilung.

Preise & Termine

  • Start der Namibia Safari Reise mit Kindern täglich zwischen 1. September 2023 - 31. Dezember 2024
  • Geeignet für Kinder ab 6 Jahre , für Familien mit Kindern unter 6 Jahre können wir diese Route entschärfen
  • Du kannst auswählen, ob du auf Campingplätzen schlafen willst oder während der Rundreise lieber in komfortablen Safari Lodges übernachten möchtest. Dazu gibt es die Möglichkeit bei der Campingreise auch einige extra Übernachtungen in Safari Lodges zu buchen.  Rufe uns einfach an  für ein unverbindliches Beratungsgespräch!
  • Auf Anfrage ist eine Programmänderung oder Verlängerung der Namibia Safari Reise mit Mietwagen  jederzeit möglich


Auf unserem Reiseblog erfährst du nützliche Reisetipps für deine Reise und du profitierst von unserer beeindruckender Reiserfahrung.

zum Reiseblog

  • Preise Nebensaison
  • Preise Hauptsaison
  • Inkludierte Leistungen

Im Preis inkludiert

  • Alle Transfers vom Flughafen zum Hotel, sowie vom Hotel zur Leihstation und retour
  • bei der Campingreise:  15 Übernachtungen in Dachzelte, komplette Campingausrüstung, 5 Übernachtung in Windhuk und Swakopmund in einer Pension mit Frühstück
  • bei Übernachtung in Lodges: 18 Übernachtungen in einem Familienzimmer inkl. Frühstück, 2 Übernachtungen im Selfcatering Chalet ohne Frühstück 
  • Mietwagen Toyota Hilux  2.4 TD Off-Road 4x4 Wheel Drive Fahrzeug, Fahrzeugeinweisung und Testfahrt, Fahrzeug Versicherung mit Standard Kaution, Unfallversicherung, Unbegrenzte Kilometer und 24-Stunden Breakdown Service
  • Kindersitze  für Kinder bis 9 Jahre und  Kühlschrank
  • Meet & Greet mit unserer Agentur vor Ort
  • Geführte Tour zu den Geparden in Kamanjab
  • TRAVELKID Reise-App:  ausführliche Reisebeschreibung, detaillierte Wegbeschreibung, Straßenkarte von Namibia, Stadtplan von Windhuk, Straßenkarte vom Etosha NP, Beschreibung von Sehenswürdigkeiten, Tipps und Informationen
  • TRAVELKID  Reisebericht :  Elefantenspuren - mit meiner Tochter auf Abenteuerreise durch Namibia
  • TRAVELKID Reise-Tagebuch  für Kinder zwischen 4 und 14 Jahren

Nicht inkludiert:

  • Extra Hauptsaison Zuschlag 4x4 Fahrzeug à Euro 25 pro Tag (zwischen 15. Juli - 15. August)
  • Der Flug nach Windhoek
  • übrige Mahlzeiten,Trinkgelder und persönliche Ausgaben
  • Parkgebühren, sonstige Eintrittsgelder, fakultative Ausflüge
  • Storno- und Reiseversicherungen

Empfehlung Taschengeld

Richtlinie Taschengeld vor Ort: Euro 175 - Euro 225 pro Person und Woche bei einer Campingreise | Euro 250 - Euro 300 pro Person und Woche bei einer Lodge Reise 

Du kannst diese Namibia Rundreise mit extra Ausflügen für Kleinkinder erweitern. Eine Auflistung unserer Bausteine bekommst du bei einer Angebotsanfrage zugeschickt.

Fotos Namibia Rundreise Wir schenken euch Nahrung für die Sehnsucht

Reisetipps für namibia reisen profitiere von einer perfekten reiseplanung für deine safari reise in afrika, flüge nach namibia.

TRAVELKID stellt selbst Tickets aus und arbeitet ausschließlich mit renommierten Fluggesellschaften zusammen. Wir kennen deine Rechte bei Flugänderungen, Streiks und Repatriierungen und passen die Flüge an deine Namibia Rundreise an. Vor allem bei dieser Reise sollten die Flüge genau passend dazu gebucht werden.  

Es gibt ab Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz genügend Möglichkeiten, nach Windhoek zu fliegen. Lufthansa bietet direkte Flüge von Frankfurt an. Eine andere Möglichkeit ist es, mit einem Zwischenstopp in Johannesburg nach Windhoek zu fliegen.

Transport in Namibia

Bei allen Rundreisen in Namibia wirst du von unserer Kontaktperson am Flughafen abgeholt und zu deinem ersten Hotel in der Stadt gebracht. Hier bekommst du bei einem Meet & Greet mit unserer Agentur alle Informationen, die du für die Namibia Rundreise benötigst: eine Reisebeschreibung, detaillierte Wegbeschreibungen, Straßenkarte von Namibia und alle Voucher für die Unterkünfte. Am nächsten Tag wirst du von deinem Hotel abgeholt und zum Mietwagen-Terminal gebracht.

Die Sicherheit steht bei TRAVELKID an erster Stelle, du hast immerhin deine Kinder auf der Rücksitzbank des Mietwagens sitzen. Deswegen arbeiten wir ausschließlich mit starken und verlässlichen 4x4 Off-Road Fahrzeugen. Dieser robuste und starke Mietwagen wird deine Familie sicher durch Namibia bringen.

Wie unsere Mietwagen ausgestattet sind und warum du in Namibia besser mit einem 4x4 Mietwagen fahren solltest, erklären wir im Reiseblog: Sicher Autofahren in Namibia . Kindersitze sind bei TRAVELKID selbstverständlich im Preis inkludiert.

Kinderfreundliche Lodges in Namibia

Aus Sicherheitsgründen buchen wir für diese Rundreise durch Namibia einen Toyota Hilux, für Großfamilien bis zu 6 Personen reservieren wir einen Toyota Landcruiser. Dabei übernachtest du in einem Dachzelt oben auf dem Auto. Die gesamte Campingausrüsting ist im Preis inkludiert.

Während unserer Rundreise durch Namibia haben wir die Luxuslodges für dich auf Kinderfreundlichkeit getestet. Natürlich gibt es die Möglichkeit, ausschließlich in Lodges zu übernachten. Namibia verfügt über unterschiedlichste Unterkünfte wie Pensionen, Gästefarmen, Safari Lodges, Safarizelte oder Luxuslodges. Darüber hinaus sind dem Luxus keine Grenze gesetzt. Wir können sogar Fly-In Safari Rundreisen für euch organisieren, also mit Kleinflugzeug statt mit Mietwagen. Du hast bei TRAVELKID immer die Wahl!

Das Frühstück ist bei einer Übernachtung in der Lodge im Preis inkludiert. Manche Lodges haben ein Abendessen im Preis inkludiert. Und wenn du eine Kombination aus Dachzelt und Lodge buchen willst, geht das natürlich auch! Gerne können wir in einem Beratungsgespräch sämtliche eurer Wünsche für diese Reise besprechen.

Reisedokumente für Namibia

Reisepass Jeder deutsche, österreichische und Schweizer Staatsbürger muss im Besitz eines gültigen, biometrischen und maschinenlesbaren Reisepasses sein, der bei der Rückreise aus Namibia noch mindestens 6 Monate gültig ist. Im Reisepass muss noch mindestens eine freie Seite im Bereich „Sichtvermerk“ sein. Desweiteren werden verlängerte Kinderreisepässe (auch wenn nur das Foto aktualisiert wurde) bei Einreise nicht akzeptiert und die Einreise wird verweigert. In diesem Fall muss ein neuer Kinderpass ausgestellt werden!

Andere Staatsbürger können die Einreisebedingungen bei uns anfordern. Jeder Passagier ist für seine eigenen Reisedokumente verantwortlich. Folgeschäden wegen ungültiger Reisedokumente können nicht bei TRAVELKID deklariert werden.

Reisen mit minderjährigen Kindern Sollte das Kind einen anderen Namen tragen als der mit dem Kind reisende Elternteil, so ist die Vorlage der Original-Geburtsurkunde beim Check-In am Flughafen notwendig. Wenn minderjährige Kinder mit nur einem Elternteil verreisen, ist eine notariell beglaubigte Einwilligung des anderen Elternteils vorzulegen. Das gilt auch, wenn Kinder ohne ihre leiblichen Eltern oder mit ihren Großeltern verreisen.


Eltern, die mit minderjährigen Kindern (unter 18 Jahren) nach Namibia reisen, müssen eine Geburtsurkunde (Original) des Kindes, welche die Zugehörigkeit des Kindes nachweist, vorweisen können. In dem Fall, dass nur ein Elternteil mit dem Kind reist, muss einerseits eine internationale Geburtsurkunde und —

  • eine Einwilligung des anderen Elternteils, welcher auf der Geburtsurkunde aufscheint, in Form einer eidesstattlichen Erklärung, die ihn bevollmächtigt mit dem Kind in die Republik ein- und auszureisen; oder
  • ein gerichtlicher Beschluss, welcher das volle Sorgerecht oder die Vormundschaft für das Kind erteilt, wenn er oder sie der Vater/Mutter oder der/die Erziehungsberechtigte des Kindes ist; oder
  • wo zutreffend, eine Sterbeurkunde des verstorbenen Elternteils, welcher in der Geburtsurkunde des Kindes eingetragen ist;

in englischer Sprache vorgewiesen werden können.

Visum Ein Visum wird bei der Einreise kostenlos ausgestellt. Dazu müssen die Reisedokumente passen.

Impfungen Du solltest dich unbedingt rechtzeitig informieren, welche Impfschutz- bzw. Prophylaxe Maßnahmen für deine Namibia Reisesinnvoll sind. Eine Impfberatung durch die Mitarbeiter von TRAVELKID ist leider nicht möglich, da hierzu eine medizinische Ausbildung nötig wäre.

Gute Informationsmöglichkeiten bieten das Centrum für Reisemedizin und einen Tropenarzt wie Dr. Christian Gruber aus Salzburg.

Beste Reisezeit für eine Namibia Reise

In Namibia sind die Saisonen umgekehrt wie bei uns. Im Juli ist dort Winter mit Temperaturen zwischen 15 – 20 Grad. Es kann in der Nacht doch ziemlich abkühlen und wir empfehlen hier in die Lodge zu wechseln. Diese Zeit ist auf Grund der vielen Wildtiere eine gute Reisezeit.   Die beste Reisezeit ist von Oktober bis Ende April. Dann ist in Namibia Sommer und die Temperaturen steigen tagsüber auf bis zu 25 – 30 Grad.

Unser Fazit: Abhängig von der Wahl der Unterkünfte ist Namibia ein Ganzjahres Reiseziel.

Blog: Wetter und beste Reisezeit Namibia

Währung und Valuta

Die Währungseinheit von Namibia ist der Namibia Dollar (NAD). Mit der OANDA App kannst du die Währung jederzeit umrechnen. Der Umtausch von Euros und US-Dollar in Namibia Dollar ist am Flughafen, in der Lodge oder bei den örtlichen Banken problemlos möglich. Darüber hinaus kannst du mit einer EC-Karte bei vielen Geldautomaten entlang der Reiseroute Geld abheben. Auch in den Supermärkten gibt es öfters eine ATM Maschine, wobei du meistens bis maximal 1500 - 2000 Namibia Dollar abheben kannst. Wir empfehlen zusätzlich etwas Bargeld in Euro mitzunehmen.

Für Zahlung mit einer Kreditkarte ist eine funktionierende Telefonleitung notwendig. Dies funktioniert in Namibia nicht immer.

Ausflüge und Eintrittsgelder TRAVELKID organisiert individuelle Fernreisen, wobei jede Familie die Freiheit hat, den Tag nach eigenen Wünschen zu gestalten. Deswegen sind Ausflüge und Eintrittsgelder nicht im Preis inkludiert. Die Kosten für die Nationalparks sind nicht so hoch. Du bezahlst ungefähr N$ 110 pro Auto und N$ 10 pro Erwachsenen pro Tag. Kinder sind meistens gratis. Nur die Gebühren für Etosha und Sossusvlei sind etwas höher.

Zusätzlich können wir einige Ausflüge in Namibia für euch dazu buchen, die Möglichkeiten schicken wir gerne im Angebot.

Essen in Namibia

Das Frühstück ist bei einer Namibia Luxusreise mit Lodge Übernachtungen immer inkludiert, damit du den Tag gemütlich anfangen kannst. Bei manchen Lodges oder Luxuslodges ist zusätzlich ein Abendessen im Preis inkludiert.

Die übrigen Mahlzeiten sind nicht im Reisepreis inbegriffen, so dass jeder nach seinen eigenen Vorlieben essen kann.

Es gibt in Namibia genügend Möglichkeiten, frische Lebensmittel zu kaufen. Einen großen Supermarkt findest du in allen Städten und die Auswahl ist enorm! Auf den Stellplätzen gibt es Grillmöglichkeiten, Wasser- und Elektrizitätsanschlüsse. Kohlen und Holz sind in Namibia überall erhältlich. Das Grillgitter, sowie der Kühlschrank sind bei der Mietwagenausrüstung standardmäßig dabei. 

Informationen Namibia Safari Reise

Alter der Kinder Während dieser 20-tägigen Namibia Safari Reise mit Kindern siehst du die Dünen, die Küste von Swakopmund, die Himba in Opuwo und du machst kindgerechte Safaris in Etosha, wobei du viele Wildtiere wie Elefanten, Löwen, Geparden und Giraffen siehst. Weil die Reiseroute ins Kaokoveld etwas robuster ist, empfehlen wir diese Safari Reise erst mit Kindern ab 8 Jahre malariafrei zu machen. Wenn du mit jüngeren Kindern unterwegs bist, können wir die Reiseroute entschärfen. Unsere Namibia Reiseexperten beraten euch gerne. 

Bedenke noch, dass wir das Sichten von Großwild nicht garantieren können und dass die Wildtiere sich anderseits auch hinter jedem Busch befinden können.

Elektrizität Die Stromversorgung in Namibia ist 220 Volt. Du benötigst einen Adapter mit 13 Ampère Pins. Die Mitnahme einer Steckerleiste ist empfehlenswert.

Zeitverschiebung Zur europäischen Sommerzeit ist es in Namibia eine Stunde früher. Zur europäischen Winterzeit ist es in Namibia eine Stunde später. In Namibia wird die Uhr in der ersten Samstagnacht im April und in der ersten Samstagnacht im September umgestellt.

Wie geht es jetzt weiter? Wir erstellen jede Namibia Safari Reise maßgeschneidert und planen mit Herz

Mit reiseexperten träume erfüllen.

Unser Reiseexperte Patrice hat die Reiseziele mit ihrer Tochter mehrmals vor Ort getestet und hat 35 Jahre Erfahung bei der Planung von Fernreisen. Sie kann deine Wünsche und Träume erfüllen.

Reisetipps für Fernreisen mit Kindern finden

Mit den praktischen Reisetipps von TRAVELKID bist du für eine Fernreise mit deinen Kindern bestens vorbereitet. Wir berichten im Reiseblog aus erster Hand. Profitiere von unseren Erfahrungen!

Spannende Reiseberichte in Buchform lesen

Jeder Reisebericht schildert Reiseerlebnisse aus erster Hand. Wir nehmen dich mit auf eine Fernreise und geben viele nützliche Reisetipps für deine abenteuerliche Reise mit den Kindern.

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  1. NAMIBIA mit Kindern » malariafreie Safaris in Afrika » TRAVELKID

    safari namibia kinder

  2. NAMIBIA mit Kindern » malariafreie Safaris in Afrika » TRAVELKID

    safari namibia kinder

  3. Family safari in Namibia

    safari namibia kinder

  4. Namibia mit Kindern: Reisebericht Namibia Familienreise

    safari namibia kinder

  5. Familienspaß in Namibia

    safari namibia kinder

  6. NAMIBIA mit Kindern » malariafreie Safaris in Afrika » TRAVELKID

    safari namibia kinder


  1. Safari Okapuka.wmv

  2. Safari Namibia 360 Grad

  3. Kinder Safari #kinderkarussel #kirmes #frühjahrskirmes #meppen #2024

  4. Kinder Safari #kinderkarussel #jahrmarkt #frühjahr #osnabrück #kirmes #2024

  5. WÜSTENELEFANTEN ganz nah! #outdooradventuresafaris #namibia #naturreisen

  6. Private Safaris


  1. Safari Kids in Namibia

    Step into a vast and mysterious land, where desert meets ocean, ancient tribes live and dunes touch the sky. Namibia safari activities for kids. A children's safari in Namibia promises adventure at every turn. From adrenaline-racing action to quiet evenings soaking in the balm of the quiet desert. We'll curate the perfect itineraries and ...

  2. Family Journeys| Family Safaris

    Wilderness Safaris' newly refurbished camp in Namibia's 27 000-hectare Kulala Wilderness Reserve entices with its adventures. Yet along with all the activity it offers a vast amount of space, arresting landscapes, and peace. The ultimate pristine wilderness. You can't get much closer to the renowned dunes of Sossusvlei and the haunting ...

  3. Namibia mit Kindern

    Erforschen Sie die unglaubliche Tierwelt auf Namibia Safaris mit Kindern und bestaunen Sie die höchsten Dünen der Welt. Als Spezialist für Namibia Reisen mit Kindern haben wir Ihnen einzigartige Gruppen- und Individualreisen zusammengestellt, zu denen wir Sie jederzeit gerne persönlich beraten! Team Afrika +49 221 177309-00.

  4. 90 Namibia Family Safaris (Offered by 20 Tour Operators)

    Compare 90 family safaris to Namibia offered by 20 specialized tour operators. Find the best deals using the largest marketplace for African safaris. Best price guarantee! ... As a general rule, the cost of Namibia family safari packages is similar to that of any other kind of safari. Prices start at US$150 per person per day and can go higher ...

  5. 9 of the best things to do in Namibia with kids

    Planning tips for family travel in Namibia. Most lodges, parks, and other attractions offer children's discounts, usually about 50% of the adult rate, and usually applicable for children 12 and under. Self-drive is a family-friendly, environmentally kind way to get around, and is the best option for traveling with kids in Namibia.

  6. The Best Safaris In Namibia: An Expert Guide By Melanie Van Zyl

    Trek the iconic Fish River Canyon. By Melanie van Zyl. Namibia's Fish River Canyon is a staggering geological masterpiece in the /Ai-/Ais Richtersveld Transfrontier Park, shared by Namibia and South Africa. The main viewpoint and information centre are worth a visit for an epic sunset if it's on your route, but to truly escape the tourists ...

  7. Namibia Safari: A Guide To Going On Safari In Namibia

    Best time to go on safari in Namibia. As with the rest of Southern Africa, Namibia experiences summer between November and March and winter from May to August. From August temperatures keep rising until October when the first rains start to arrive in the northern areas, followed by large amounts of rain and occasional flash-flooding.

  8. 142 Namibia Safaris (Offered by 24 Tour Operators)

    What are the major attractions in Namibia? "Wildlife is a major draw for visitors on Namibia safaris. Etosha National Park, in particular, is one of Africa's most celebrated safari destinations - and rightly so.Its combination of hallucinatory salt pans and large wildlife populations (including lions, elephants and plains animals in abundance) give it a distinction found in few other parks.

  9. Family African Safaris

    Namibia Family Safaris. Namibia will wow your children, and you as well. With its landscapes of rust-coloured desert, plains, canyons, mountains, edged to the west by a wild coast where the desert meets the sea, it's otherworldly. At Little Kulala, race up and down 300-metre high dunes at Sossusvlei, like 'Big Daddy'.

  10. 14-Day Namibia Safaris (Offered by Top Rated Operators)

    Compare 14-day safaris to Namibia offered by specialized tour operators. Find the best deals using the largest marketplace for African safaris. Best price guarantee! ... What kinds of tours are available for a 14-day Namibia safari? "Namibia can be experienced in many different ways on a two-week safari. Use the filters on the SafariBookings ...

  11. Namibia

    Exploring Namibia on a month-long road trip with kids. It's a familiar ritual to anyone who has camped at Okaukuejo in Etosha National Park in Namibia in June; it takes some effort to hammer your tent pegs securely into the hard, chalky ground, but it's worth it when the wind blows. Our toddler, Sanne (18 months old), had seen us pitching ...

  12. Namibia Safari

    1. Africa's natural art gallery. Namibia requires time. It's one of the world's most sparsely populated countries and it's difficult getting around. There's virtually nothing other than wilderness. Even a town that's signposted for 500 kilometres passes by in the blink of an eye. Most of the land is inhospitable.

  13. 10 Best Safari Tours in Namibia 2024/2025

    Namibia Safari Tours. Find the right safari tour for you in Namibia. There are 166 trips to choose from, that range from 3 days in length, up to 24 days. The month with the most departures is July, making it the most popular time to visit Namibia. Dates & length Places Filters.

  14. NAMIBIA mit Kindern » malariafreie Safaris in Afrika » TRAVELKID

    Namibia mit Kindern Malariafreie Safaris in der Heimat der Giraffen Für eine spannende Selbstfahrer Reise in Afrika ist Namibia mit Kindern genau das richtige Reiseziel. Als spezialisierter Reiseveranstalter werden wir jede Reiseroute in Namibia auf die Bedürfnisse deiner Kinder abstimmen.Egal ob du Namibia mit Kleinkindern, Schulkindern oder Jugendlichen erkunden möchtest, du bist mit dem ...

  15. Best Safari Lodges in Namibia

    The Desert Grace Lodge, Best Safari Lodges Namibia. These intricately designed bungalows pay homage to old Hollywood in a modern form, making this one of Namibia's most interesting and best safari lodges. This Namibia safari lodge, which faces west, offers views of the sunset from the warmth of a private plunge pool.

  16. 10 Best Luxury Safari Lodges and Camps in Namibia

    The Fort is a luxury safari lodge in Namibia's Onguma Game Reserve, an 84 000-acre private wilderness bordering the renowned Etosha National Park. Considered the only safari lodge of its kind in Namibia, The Fort's gorgeous suites feature spectacular views of a waterhole and yonder Etosha Pans. This Moroccan-inspired hideaway is beautifully ...

  17. 7-Day Namibia Safaris (Offered by Top Rated Operators)

    Compare 7-day safaris to Namibia offered by specialized tour operators. Find the best deals using the largest marketplace for African safaris. Best price guarantee! ... but tracking desert elephants and black rhinos in Damaraland offers a different kind of wildlife experience. No wonder Namibia is a photographer's dream. To do these ...

  18. Wildlife in Namibia: What Animals Will You See on Safari?

    Giraffes in Namibia are usually found in the east, south and west of Etosha National Park, as well as on private game reserves in Damaraland and Kaokoland. 12. Aardvark. Afrikaans Name: Aardvark. With a name that translates to 'earth pig', the aardvark is a rather peculiar-looking creature.

  19. Best Safari Lodges in Namibia

    Here's a look at our top 10 picks for best safari lodges in Namibia and why they made the cut. A glimpse into some of Namibia's most luxury safari lodges, all so entirely different and equally as impressive for different reasons. Shipwreck Lodge. Sossusvlei Desert Lodge. Omaanda Lodge. Onguma The Fort. Little Ongava. Wolwedans Mountain View ...

  20. African Safari With Kids: First-timer's Guide & Helpful Tips

    Self-drive safari is always cheaper and it allows you to take kids of any age on safari. Second, Namibia and South Africa both have very small malaria risk in certain periods. So you can take your kids on safari without having to take malaria pills. ... Most organized safari trips have some kind of meal included. Usually, the guide will stop ...

  21. Namibia primary resource

    Pupils will learn about the unique environments of the Namibia, including Etosha National Park, in our National Geographic Kids' Animals and Geography primary resource sheet. The teaching resource can be used in study group tasks for discussing the features of the land (and sea) and how it supports wildlife; as a printed handout for each ...

  22. Namibia: Our first Safari

    Namibia: Our first Safari. The magic of close-up encounters with wildlife. Share: (Last Update, September 2023). It's completely silent. The last rays of sun are twinkling through the leaves and slowly dusk is coming closer. And all of a sudden: The cracking of wood right next to our car. And only seconds later a trumpeting sound echoes ...

  23. Namibia Safari mit Kindern » TOP geplante Rundreise » TRAVELKID

    Start der Namibia Safari Reise mit Kindern täglich zwischen 1. September 2023 - 31. Dezember 2024. Geeignet für Kinder ab 6 Jahre, für Familien mit Kindern unter 6 Jahre können wir diese Route entschärfen. Du kannst auswählen, ob du auf Campingplätzen schlafen willst oder während der Rundreise lieber in komfortablen Safari Lodges ...