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Definition of safari noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • on safari to be/go on safari
  • open season

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to safari significado

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¿qué es un safari.

¿Qué es un safari? Munnsafaris

¿Quién no ha soñado con realizar un safari? ¿Quién no ha visto los famosos documentales de safaris? Pero, ¿qué es realmente un safari?

Si estás planificando uno, seguramente estas son las interrogantes que puedas tener, por no estar familiarizado con ¿Qué es un safari?

Desde Munnsafaris queremos ofrecerte toda la información necesaria para conocer todo sobre los safaris, cómo es un viaje por la vida salvaje y qué esperar de este tipo de viajes.

¿Qué significa un safari?

Un safari es simplemente un viaje emocionante y de aventura, adentrarse en la naturaleza para vivir la más impactante experiencia al observar animales salvajes en su hábitat natural.

La palabra safari proviene del swahili, tomado del árabe, el cual se refiere a un viaje o caravana, para cazar o explorar. Un concepto que se empezó a emplear muy comúnmente en África.

El safari ha venido evolucionando a través de su existencia, va más allá de ir a explorar por la sabana en busca de aventuras y conocer extraordinarias especies exóticas, abarca muchas cosas, es vivir una experiencia única e inolvidable que jamás se olvidará.

Origen del safari: ¿qué es un safari?

Durante el siglo XVIII se comenzó a realizar en el continente africano viajes comerciales para referirse a los swahilis , el cual proviene del idioma árabe que significa viaje.

Posteriormente, se comenzaron a hacer, durante el siglo XIX, los primeros viajes, con un concepto más de explorar las sábanas para ver animales salvajes. Cuando los naturalistas y aventureros William John Burchell, Thomas Ayres y Gustav Adolf Fischer, iniciando estudios de la vida salvaje en áfrica.

En la actualidad se escucha mundialmente el término safari, refiriéndose a una extraordinaria aventura en las tierras salvajes del continente africano, sin tener la intención de caza involucrada.

Estos viajes en reservas y parques nacionales, generalmente proporcionan ingresos en proyectos de conservación, ayudando a proteger el hábitat natural de los animales salvajes, sobre todo los cinco grandes y aquellos que estén en peligro de extinción.

to safari significado

¿Por qué ir de Safari?

Son numerosas las razones para ir de safari, vivir una experiencia única e inolvidable, conoce los motivos para adentrarte en la naturaleza salvaje:

  • Experimenta la vida silvestre en su entorno natural y ponte en contacto con la madre tierra.
  • Tendrás la mejor y única experiencia, sintiendo la adrenalina de presenciar los asombrosos animales en su hábitat natural
  • Tener la más increíble vista de un cielo lleno de estrellas
  • Contribuirás con la conservación de la vida salvaje y el desarrollo de los parques y reservas naturales
  • Podrás interactuar con la cultura local y aprender sobre sus tradiciones
  • Tendrás la libertad plena de conectarte con la naturaleza
  • Observar atardeceres incomparables
  • Dormir en plena sabana.

Tipos de safari

En los actuales momentos se ofrecen diversidad de opciones para disfrutar de un safari, desde el tradicional recorrido en vehículo 4X4, hasta los safaris de lujo.

Además, conoce los tipos de safaris, descubriendo cuál se adapta a tus necesidades.

Ve los cinco grandes

Todos los que realizan un safari en África quieren poder encontrar y ver los cinco grandes (león, rinoceronte, leopardo, búfalo y el elefante), míticos y únicos animales que atraen las miradas de los visitantes a los parques nacionales.

Uno de los sitios perfectos para contemplar estos majestuosos animales es el Parque Nacional Kruger, en Sudáfrica, territorio que permite apreciar el esplendor de la fauna en su hábitat.

¿Qué es un safari? Las respuestas ideales

Una manera de vivir la experiencia de safari de manera personal, en el cual se cuenta con un guía de viaje calificado, además de un explorador armado. Podrás acceder a lugares del parque para observar la vida silvestre de forma directa.

Uno de los destinos apropiados para efectuar a pie es el de los gorilas de la montaña en Uganda, Ruanda y la República Democrática del Congo. Siendo esta la única manera permitida por las autoridades para no perturbar la tranquilidad de los animales en su hábitat natural.

El safari de lujo es una experiencia extraordinaria para ofrecer todas las comodidades a los viajeros, el mejor alojamiento, transporte en 4×4 en los mejores parques nacionales, exquisita comida, un viaje con estilo que recordarás toda tu vida.

Lo que diferencia este tipo de safari es el alojamiento, colmados de lujos y altos estándares de servicio. Además, se pueden ingresar a reservas de concesión privada, permitiendo disfrutar de la naturaleza y animales en su esplendor.

Uno de los mejores sitios para disfrutar un safari de lujo es Sudáfrica, donde podrás tener guías privados, acceso a la espectacular fauna y flora salvaje.


Para los amantes de la fotografía en el continente africano existen múltiples opciones para acceder a un safari fotográfico, en el cual podrás recorrer la sabana mediante un vehículo 4X4 y tomar la mejor postal de animales únicos en su hábitat natural.

Existen muchos safaris y albergues donde podrás ir a los mejores destinos para capturar momentos mágicos, animales únicos, como los impactantes leones, elefantes, leopardos. Además de aves de vibrantes colores en un entorno natural que convierte el escenario perfecto para las fotografías.

Los mejores safaris en África fotográfico lo puedes hacer en Tanzania y Kenia, donde aparte de poder fotografías los cinco grandes, tendrás de fondo el imponente Kilimanjaro.

Safari en mokoro

Un safari en mokoro, es poder navegar en una embarcación tradicional en el majestuoso Delta del Okavango, en Botswana, recorriendo sus aguas tranquilas y consiguiendo avistar increíbles animales que se acercan a la orilla del río.

Aquí podrás ver manadas de elefantes, en la senda de los Elefantes, además de disfrutar del gran espectáculo que es ver el atardecer africano.  

¿Qué es un safari? Todo lo que necesitas saber

Safari marino

Un tipo de safari en el cual se puede explorar la naturaleza salvaje desde otra perspectiva, navegando a través de un barco los océanos. Teniendo la posibilidad de encontrar los cinco grandes del océano (tiburón blanco, ballena, delfines, pingüinos y lobos marinos) en su hábitat natural.

Safari de luna de miel

Vive la experiencia romántica y de aventura de un safari de luna de miel en África. Disfruta la magia de estar en medio de la sabana con el amor de tu vida.

¿Qué debes saber para ir de viaje a un safari?

Antes de aventurarte en la asombrosa experiencia de un safari, seguramente empiezan a surgir dudas, por lo que resulta importante conocer algunas recomendaciones para adentrarse en la naturaleza salvaje. Por otra parte, si pretendes ir, seguramente quieres ver animales, durante la mayoría del recorrido del viaje se centrará en visitar zonas donde puedas ver la fauna en su hábitat natural.

La ayuda de un guía influye mucho para ir a los mejores lugares para disfrutar de los más increíbles animales.

  • Los safaris en África permiten ver los más impactantes y únicos paisajes.
  • Los parques y reservas son extensiones de territorios enormes, los cuales no se pueden recorrer fácilmente, donde hay caminos a los que no es fácil llegar.
  • Los recorridos en los parques y reservas tienen horarios de desplazamientos. Algunos viajes comienzan muy temprano por la mañana y están muy activos por la tarde.
  • Se recomienda no bajar del vehículo sin preguntar al guía. Existen zonas autorizadas y seguras para recorrerlas a pie, donde se pueden acercar a los animales, además de disfrutar de un pícnic
  • El alojamiento de la mayoría de los safaris permiten dormir en medio de la sabana, teniendo la posibilidad de estar muy cerca de los animales, sentir la experiencia de escuchar el rugido de un león, la sensación de tenerlos muy cerca del campamento.
  • Deberás respetar los animales, las normas impuestas por los parques, donde se imparten ciertas indicaciones para que se pueda disfrutar del safari con normalidad y sin problemas.
  • No alimentes a los animales, no está permitido, recuerda son salvajes, no perturbes su vida normal y su dieta, provocando severos daños.
  • Los alojamientos varían según los tipos de safari, según tus necesidades y requerimientos, desde campañas básicas o de lujo.
  • Asegúrate de siempre estar hidratado, teniendo abundante agua embotellada.

Los mejores destinos de viaje safari

Conoce cuáles son los mejores safaris para que vivas una experiencia alucinante:

  • Safari en la Reserva Natural en Masái Mara, Kenia
  • Un viaje en el Serengueti, Tanzania
  • Safari en la Zona de Conservación Ngorongoro (Tanzania)
  • Safari en Botswana, Parque Chobe y Delta del Okavango,
  • Un Safari en Namibia, Parque Etosha y el Desierto de Namib
  • Safari en Sudáfrica, Parque Nacional Kruger
  • Safari en Zimbabue: Parque Hwange, Cataratas Victoria, Parque Nacional Matobo
  • Un viaje en Zambia, Cataratas Victoria, Parque South Luangwa
  • Safari en el Bosque de Bwindi, Uganda

Cuando se piensa en safaris, se nos viene a la mente ir a África, sin embargo, esta maravillosa experiencia se puede disfrutar en otros lugares:

  • Galápagos, Ecuador
  • Wyoming y Montana, Yellowstone, Estados Unidos
  • Ranthambhore, India
  • Uda Walawe, Sri Lanka
  • Isla de los canguros, Australia
  • Denali, Alaska

respuestas a qué es un safari

Si quieres vivir un momento inolvidable, no lo pienses más y simplemente prepara y organiza un safari, una aventura que jamás olvidarás.

Desde Munnsafaris queremos ayudarte a vivir una increíble experiencia. Ponte en contacto con nosotros y algunos de nuestros expertos organizarán una asombrosa aventura.

¿Estás listo para vivir la experiencia de un safari?

Preguntas frecuentes

La respuesta es muy sencilla: se trata de una experiencia increíble en la que podrás conectar con la naturaleza y disfrutar de miles de momentos únicos.

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to safari significado

Safaris exclusivos en todo el mundo

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Nuestros safaris

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  • Safaris en Tanzania

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to safari significado

Viaja de Safari. Munn Safaris te ofrece un viaje inolvidable por los mejores safaris de toda África.

Calle Roger de Lauria 28 Pta 4, 46002, Valencia

+34 633 57 14 66

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Definition of safari

Examples of safari in a sentence.

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'safari.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Swahili, journey, from Arabic safarī of a journey

1859, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Phrases Containing safari

  • safari jacket
  • safari park
  • safari suit

Dictionary Entries Near safari

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“Safari.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/safari. Accessed 5 May. 2024.

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Kids definition of safari, more from merriam-webster on safari.

Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for safari

Nglish: Translation of safari for Spanish Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about safari

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to safari significado

Para obtener una tarifa lo más aproximada posible al precio real, indica la moneda y el país de origen deseados.

Qué es un safari.

El significado de la palabra ‘safari’ ha variado a lo largo de su existencia. Lo que originalmente describía en swahili a los ‘viajes comerciales’ del siglo XVIII, posteriormente pasó a utilizarse para referirse a los viajes fotográficos en busca de animales a partir del siglo XIX.

Hoy en día, un safari se puede realizar de muchas formas distintas, como el clásico en vehículo 4x4, en barco en algunos canales o ríos, a pie para los más valientes o incluso en globo aerostático. Todos ellos tienen el mismo objetivo: conseguir el mayor número de avistamientos posibles de la fauna africana.

to safari significado

Como es un Safari de Lujo

Un Safari de Lujo es una experiencia que va más allá del safari clásico. Además de todas las comodidades que los caracterizan, toda la estancia en el alojamiento es una experiencia en si misma. En estos, puedes disfrutar y aprender de la cultura de la zona, relajarte con un buen baño o masaje en plena naturaleza, contemplando las estrellas en la noche y compartiendo historias con los experimentados rangers.

Todo gira en entorno a ti, para que el objetivo principal de tus vacaciones se cumpla, relajarte y disfrutar sin ninguna preocupación mientras contemplas el impresionante entorno que te rodea.

to safari significado

La propia actividad de Safari está basada en el avistamiento de la mayor cantidad de fauna posible, entre los que se suelen incluir los Big 5 si se encuentran en la reserva natural.

Generalmente, los recorridos de Safari se realizan en un vehículo 4x4, que son conducidos por rangers expertos en la zona. Estos tratarán de encontrar animales de la forma menos intrusiva posible, para así garantizar un turismo responsable con el medio ambiente, pero a su vez intentando que sea lo más interesante para los visitantes, explicando lo que se está observando en el momento.

to safari significado

Tipos de Safaris

Como ya se ha mencionado antes, existen muchos tipos de Safaris además del clásico safari en vehículo 4x4. Pero no solo varían por el medio utilizado para realizar avistamientos, como en coche, en barco o en globo, si no que también varían en el propio contenido a presenciar. A continuación, te detallamos 2 tipos de Safaris que seguro no conocías.

Safari Floral : Los safaris florales tratan de mostrar la enorme variedad de especies florales que existen en un determinado entorno. En ellos, los animales no son los protagonistas, si no la plantas. Se realiza un recorrido en vehículo 4x4 a la vez que un guía da las explicaciones oportunas sobre la vegetación de la ruta. Una de las mejores zonas para realizar esta fantástica y relajante actividad es en la impresionante reserva natural de Grootbos , en Sudáfrica.

Safari Big 5 Marinos: Si, has leído bien, Big 5 Marinos. Como te puedes imaginar, en esta ocasión se trata de encontrar a los 5 grandes de los océanos. Para ello, este tipo de Safari se realiza en barco y dependiendo de que animal se vaya a avistar, se tomará una ruta u otra. Los denominados Big 5 Marinos son: tiburón blanco, ballena, delfines, pingüino y lobos marinos

to safari significado

Tu viaje de Safari de Lujo

En Aventura África somos expertos en organizar viajes de Safari de Lujo a medida. Si buscas inspiración para tu viaje, puedes consultar nuestros Safaris de ejemplo, en los que encontrarás toda la información que necesites sobre los viajes.

También puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros a través del formulario y uno de nuestros asesores te ayudará a crear tu viaje de lujo a medida adaptado a tus gustos y necesidades. 

Nuestros post recomendados

to safari significado

Paisajes y naturaleza

¿Conoces el archipiélago de Las Mascareñas? Descubre los destinos más exóticos de Isla Mauricio y aventúrate al auténtico paraíso.

to safari significado

Los enchufes e internet en alojamientos

Cuando realizamos un viaje de este tipo, necesitamos compartir nuestra aventura en redes sociales o estar en contacto ¿Que cómo?

to safari significado

Requisitos para viajar a Mozambique desde Chile

Requisitos para viajar a Mozambique desde Chile: Visados, Pasaportes, Vacunas, Viajes con menores... Y más.

to safari significado

Turismo en Ciudad del Cabo

¿Planeando un viaje a Ciudad del Cabo? Conoce sus actividades más prestigiosas y atractivas, descubre los secretos más codiciados y disfruta.

to safari significado

Turismo en Ruanda

Conoce su gentilicio, sus maravillas geográficas y naturales, actividades de ensueño y sus mágicos animales. Presentamos la clave de tu viaje.

to safari significado

La mejor época para viajar a Namibia

Presentamos la mejor época para viajar a Namibia, sus temporadas líderes de visita y disfrute, y nuestra recomendación experta del cuándo y cómo.

Requisitos para viajar a Mozambique desde Perú

Requisitos para viajar a Mozambique desde Perú: Visados, Pasaportes, Vacunas, Viajes con menores... Y más.

to safari significado

Turismo en Zanzíbar

Conoce su gentilicio, sus maravillas geográficas y naturales, actividades de ensueño y sus mágicos animales. Presentamos la clave para tu viaje.

Blazing fast. Incredibly private.

to safari significado

Safari is the best way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customization options, powerful privacy protections, and optimizes battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it’s the world’s fastest browser. 1


More with the battery. less with the loading..

With a blazing-fast JavaScript engine, Safari is the world’s fastest browser. 1 It’s developed to run specifically on Apple devices, so it’s geared to make the most out of your battery life and deliver long-lasting power.

to safari significado

Increased performance

We’re always working to make the fastest desktop browser on the planet even faster.

to safari significado

Improved power efficiency

Safari lets you do more online on a single charge.

to safari significado

Up to 4 hours more streaming videos compared with Chrome 3

to safari significado

Up to 17 hours of video streaming 3

Best-in-class browsing

Safari outperforms both Mac and PC browsers in benchmark after benchmark on the same Mac. 4

  • JetStream /
  • MotionMark /
  • Speedometer /

JavaScript performance on advanced web applications. 4

Safari vs. other Mac browsers

Safari on macOS

Chrome on macOS

Edge on macOS

Firefox on macOS

Safari vs. Windows 11 browsers

Chrome on Windows 11

Edge on Windows 11

Firefox on Windows 11

Rendering performance of animated content. 4

Web application responsiveness. 4

4K video streaming

See your favorite shows and films in their best light. Safari supports in-browser 4K HDR video playback for YouTube, Netflix, and Apple TV+. 5 And it runs efficiently for longer-lasting battery life.

to safari significado

Privacy is built in.

Online privacy isn’t just something you should hope for — it’s something you should expect. That’s why Safari comes with industry-leading privacy protection technology built in, including Intelligent Tracking Prevention that identifies trackers and helps prevent them from profiling or following you across the web. Upgrading to iCloud+ gives you even more privacy protections, including the ability to sign up for websites and services without having to share your personal email address.

to safari significado

Intelligent Tracking Prevention

to safari significado

Safari stops trackers in their tracks.

What you browse is no one’s business but your own. Safari has built‑in protections to help stop websites and data-collection companies from watching and profiling you based on your browsing activity. Intelligent Tracking Prevention uses on‑device intelligence to help prevent cross‑site tracking and stops known trackers from using your IP address — making it incredibly difficult to learn who you are and what you’re interested in.

Privacy Report

Safari makes it simple to see how your privacy is protected on all the websites you visit. Click Privacy Report in the Safari menu for a snapshot of cross-site trackers currently prevented from profiling you on the website you’re visiting. Or view a weekly Privacy Report to see how Safari protects you as you browse over time.

to safari significado


Putting the you in url..

Safari is more customizable than ever. Organize your tabs into Tab Groups so it’s easy to go from one interest to the next. Set a custom background image and fine-tune your browser window with your favorite features — like Reading List, Favorites, iCloud Tabs, and Siri Suggestions. And third-party extensions for iPhone, iPad, and Mac let you do even more with Safari, so you can browse the way you want across all your devices.

to safari significado

Safari Profiles allow you to separate your history, extensions, Tab Groups, favorites, cookies, and more. Quickly switch between profiles for topics you create, like Personal and Work.

to safari significado

Web apps let you save your favorite websites to the Dock on Mac and to the Home Screen on iPhone and iPad. A simplified toolbar and separate settings give you an app-like experience.

to safari significado

Safari Extensions add functionality to your browser to help you explore the web the way you want. Find and add your favorite extensions in the dedicated Safari category on the App Store.

to safari significado

Save and organize your tabs in the way that works best for you. Name your Tab Groups, edit them, and switch among them across devices. You can also share Tab Groups — making planning your next family trip or group project easier and more collaborative.

to safari significado

Smart Tools

Designed to help your work flow..

Built-in tools create a browsing experience that’s far more immersive, intuitive, and immediate. Get detailed information about a subject in a photo with just a click, select text within any image, instantly translate an entire web page, and quickly take notes wherever you are on a site — without having to switch apps.

to safari significado

Notes is your go-to app to capture any thought. And with the Quick Note feature, you can instantly jot down ideas as you browse websites without having to leave Safari.

to safari significado


Translate entire web pages with a single click. You can also get translations for text in images and paused video without leaving Safari.

Interact with text in any image or paused video on the web using functions like copy and paste, translate, and lookup. 6

to safari significado

Visual Look Up

Quickly learn more about landmarks, works of art, breeds of dogs, and more with only a photo or an image you find online. And easily lift the subject of an image from Safari, remove its background, and paste it into Messages, Notes, or other apps.

to safari significado

Surf safe and sound.

Strong security protections in Safari help keep you safe. Passkeys introduce a safer way to sign in. iCloud Keychain securely stores and autofills passkeys and passwords across all your devices. Safari also notifies you when it encounters suspicious websites and prevents them from loading. Because it loads each web page in a separate process, any harmful code is always confined to a single browser tab so it won’t crash the entire application or access your data. And Safari automatically upgrades sites from HTTP to the more secure HTTPS when available.

to safari significado

Passkeys introduce a more secure and easier way to sign in. No passwords required.

Passkeys are end-to-end encrypted and safe from phishing and data leaks, and they are stronger than all common two-factor authentication types. Thanks to iCloud Keychain, they work across all your Apple devices, and they even work on non-Apple devices.

Learn more about passkeys

to safari significado

Apple Pay and Wallet make checkout as easy as lifting a finger.

Apple Pay is the easiest and most secure way to shop on Safari — allowing you to complete transactions with Face ID or Touch ID on your iPhone or iPad, with Touch ID on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, or by double-clicking the side button on your Apple Watch.

Learn more about Apple Pay

With AutoFill, you can easily fill in your previously saved credit card information from the Wallet app during checkout. Your credit card details are never shared, and your transactions are protected with industry-leading security.

Same Safari. Different device.

Safari works seamlessly and syncs your passwords, bookmarks, history, tabs, and more across Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Apple Watch. And when your Mac, iOS, or iPadOS devices are near each other, they can automatically pass what you’re doing in Safari from one device to another using Handoff. You can even copy images, video, or text from Safari on your iPhone or iPad, then paste into another app on your nearby Mac — or vice versa.

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When you use Safari on multiple devices, your tabs carry over from one Apple device to another. So you can search, shop, work, or browse on your iPhone, then switch to your iPad or Mac and pick up right where you left off.

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Roaming Nanny

Safari Terms and Phrases: 22 Important Words Related to Safari

When going on an African Safari guides will use certain safari terms and phrases. To help you feel more prepared for your trip I’ve compiled this list of all the words related to safari you’ll need to know.

safari terms: lioness looking off the side of the camera lense standing in a field with small trees.

African Safari Terms and Phrases and Words Related to Safari

Table of Contents

A bean bag is used to stabilize a camera while taking photos or videos in the safari vehicle. Some safari guides will have them available in the truck for your use and other will not. If you are going with an outfitter that does not have them, I recommend getting the Grizzly Camera Bean Bag .

The Big Five

The safari term , “Big Five” is an old hunting term to name the five most difficult and most dangerous animals to hunt. It is less used for hunting and more so for safari goers. Learn more about what animals make up the big five in my blog post.

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To help you feel more prepared for your African Safari I've compiled this list of all the safari terms and phrases you'll need to know.

Words Related to Safari: The Bush

A sparely populated area usually where safari animals can be found. This can include both wooded areas, grass land, and scrub bushes.

Bush Breakfast

A full breakfast had while out in the bush on safari. Safari guides set up a table and chairs to sit and enjoy. Food can consist of, but is not limited to: eggs, sausage, yogurt, granola, cereal, fruit, nuts, homemade bread, and fruit juices.

words related to safari, safari guide standing next to a truck with a table full of food in front of her.


A privately maintained area to manage and preserve wildlife and the environment.

Deep Tissue Massage

This is a play on words for when your safari vehicle goes over a bumpy area. Many safari guides will jokingly call this a deep tissue massage.

Read More: Ultimate Safari Packing List

Safari terms, diurnal animals.

Diurnal is a safari term for animals that are most active during the day. A few examples of diurnal animals are giraffes, zebras, hippos, and monkeys.

Safari Terms: Game Drive

A game drive is when you go out in the safari vehicle to view the African animals in the bush. Game Drives usually happen in the mornings and evenings as that is when majority of the animals are active.

The Great Migration

Taking place in the ecosystems of the Serengeti in Tanzania and the Masai Mara in Kenya , the Great Migration is the largest animal migration in the world. Happening annually, over 2 million animals including wildebeest, zebra, and gazelle migrate in search of water.

More Safari Terms and Words Related to Safari

Mark my territory.

When you go to the bathroom out in the bush.

National Park

A National Park is a natural protected area run by the state. When inside a National Park visitors are not allowed to go hunting or fishing. There are usually stricter rules to follow as well. Nairobi National Park is the most unique park in Africa as it is located right next to a major city, Nairobi, Kenya .

Safari Terms: Night Drive

A Night Drive is similar to a Game Drive except it is done after the sun goes down. It is the perfect of the opportunity to see nocturnal animals.

safari terms - mostly dark photo with a stream of red light illuminating lion cubs.

Words Related to Safari: Nocturnal Animal

Nocturnal is the term used for animals that are most active at night. A few examples of nocturnal animals are Aardvarks, Bushbabies, Civets, and Honey Badgers.

A Ranger is a guard that protects parks, reserves, and conservancies. They’re responsible for protecting both the land and animals. For example, the Rangers at Ol Pejeta Conservancy are charged with protecting the endangered animals, specifically the last 2 Northern White Rhinos in the world.

Even More Safari Terms and Words Related to Safari

The Savannah is grassy plain with scattered trees and bushes. This ecosystem has only two seasons a wet and a dry season.

Words Related to Safari = a cheetah sitting up and looking around the grasses and trees around it.

Safari Terms: Self-Drive Safari

A safari in which you drive yourself around to view the animals. Not all conservancies, reserves, or parks allow self-drive safaris, so plan accordingly.

Tse Tse Fly

A small fly that is attracted to dark colors like black and dark blue. When it comes to what to pack for an African safari avoid dark colors to help keep the tse tse flies away.

A sunset drink is usually had while on an evening Game Drive accompanied by a light snack.

Tented Camp

A semi-permanent camp usually consisting of safari tents, a lounge, food tent, and sometimes a pool.

Words Related to Safari: Territory

The area in which an animal frequents and raises it’s young. Lions and Leopards are 2 examples of territorial animals.

A porridge made of maize or cassava, that comes from the manioc plant. It is served with fish, meat or vegetables. You’ll most likely try this is you’re traveling in East African countries such as Tanzania.

Words Related to Safari: Walking Safari

A Walking Safari is a Safari on foot where a guide takes a small group of people around the Bush usually pointing out the flora and fauna difficult to see from a safari vehicle. The guide is armed for safety purposed.

Do you know any other safari terms and words related to safari? If I missed any let me know what they are in the comments.

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Safari to get an AI boost in iOS 18, macOS 15 with smarter search, web page ‘eraser’

Roman Loyola

Much of the noise being made about Apple’s efforts into AI has been focused on general improvements to iOS 18 and Siri as well as the upcoming M4 chip for the Mac. However, as we get closer to WWDC, more reports about the AI software that Apple will create are coming out, with the most recent one covering Apple’s efforts to enhance the next major version of Safari.

AppleInsider reports that the company is working on a new “Intelligent Search” feature that uses on-device AI to summarize a web page. The language learning model that Apple has developed can identify key phrases and topics that give an idea of what a web page’s content is about and create a summary for the user.

Other features that Apple is working on include:

  • A Web Eraser that gives users the option to remove parts of a web page. This includes ads, text, and images. Safari will remember the parts that have been removed when the page is closed, and if the page is revisited, Safari alerts the user that the page has been modified.
  • A new page controls menu that appears in the address bar. This menu essentially collects user controls that are spread throughout Safari (text size, zoom, Reader mode, Privacy Report, and more).
  • An AI enhancement to Visual Lookup that gives users product information. This feature could also be implemented system-wide, not just in Safari.

Apple plans to implement the new Safari 18 features in both iOS 18 and macOS 15, which will be announced at WWDC24 on June 10. The report claims some features, such as the AI Visual Lookup, may not be available until 2025. That tracks with previous rumors that have suggested AI features will be rolled out in waves. AppleInsider also reported recently on Apple’s plans to update the Notes and Calculator apps.

For the latest news and rumors, check out our iOS 18 and macOS 15 superguides. And learn more about WWDC24 in June.

Author: Roman Loyola , Senior Editor

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Roman has covered technology since the early 1990s. His career started at MacUser, and he's worked for MacAddict, Mac|Life, and TechTV.

Recent stories by Roman Loyola:

  • Apple’s M3 chip is a victim of the times
  • macOS 15: Everything you need to know about the next big Mac update
  • If your iPhone alarm stopped working in iOS 17.4.1, here’s a fix

Apple Safari may get these AI-powered features next month

Waquar Haider

Apple's Safari web browser is said to be receiving a significant upgrade and may soon incorporate artificial intelligence (AI)-powered functionalities. A recent report suggested that Safari could be among the first Apple apps to integrate AI capabilities.

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Apple's Safari web browser is reportedly getting a major upgrade. Here's what we know so far: https://t.co/vOat10AJDu — Gadgets 360 (@Gadgets360) May 1, 2024

The company is conducting internal tests on various new features for the upcoming Safari 18 build, which will be included in iOS 18 and macOS 15. Furthermore, Apple is reportedly working on a system-wide visual lookup feature.

According to AppleInsider, the next Safari update might include a minor interface redesign, article summarization features, content blocking on web pages, and even an AI-powered assistant. The report, citing anonymous sources familiar with the development, mentioned that Apple is currently assessing the performance and feasibility of these features. The publication also shared images showcasing these functionalities.

The report highlights Intelligent Search as the most prominent feature. It utilizes Apple's on-device AI technology, particularly the language-learning model Ajax, to provide concise summaries of web pages and articles.

By analyzing topic headlines and small paragraphs, the AI feature effectively summarizes the text. It is worth mentioning that Google's Gemini AI and Microsoft's Copilot also offer similar functionalities. However, it remains uncertain if the Intelligent Assistant will include additional features like text generation.

According to the report, Apple is currently developing another AI-powered feature for its Safari 18 browser known as Web Eraser. This particular tool serves as a content-blocking mechanism, allowing users to eliminate various elements from a web page. With the Web Eraser, users can easily remove banner ads, images, and even text.

Apple's Safari web browser is apparently getting a major update and may soon include artificial intelligence (AI) features. Earlier this month, a source stated that Safari might be among the first Apple apps to include AI functionality. #Apple https://t.co/qkvYykBt0z pic.twitter.com/udtMLyYZCu — LoudFact.com (@loudfactcom) May 2, 2024

Interestingly, the Safari browser has the capability to remember the elements that have been removed by a user, even after the session has ended. When revisiting the same page, the browser automatically applies the same effect and provides the option to revert back to the unblocked view.

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New iOS 18 leak reveals how Apple's AI will transform Safari and Siri

Published on May 3, 2024

AirPods Pro 2nd generation Siri iPhone

  • A new report sheds light on specific AI features Apple may roll out in its next iOS update, improving core apps like Safari and Siri.
  • On-device text analysis seems to be a major focus, potentially enabling features like quick website summaries and smarter Siri interactions.
  • Apple’s commitment to privacy remains evident, with the report suggesting that much of the AI processing could happen locally on your device.

The buzz surrounding Apple’s major AI push with the iPhone 16 series and iOS 18 has been building for months. Now, we might finally have a first look at what we can expect from Apple’s AI deployment.

In a detailed leak, Apple Insider has revealed key details about the AI-powered upgrades that Apple is planning across its core iOS applications. These updates, aimed at Safari, Spotlight Search, Siri, Mail, and Messages, promise to elevate the user experience while preserving privacy — a key factor in Apple’s AI strategy.

According to the report, a major feature in Apple’s AI development is a lightning-fast, on-device generation of complete sentence responses. The ‘Ajax’ LLM reportedly analyzes text input at incredible speeds, offering multiple potential replies ranked by accuracy and relevance.

Text analysis will be a cornerstone feature, with the built-in LLM identifying keywords and phrases for succinct text summaries within both Safari and Messages. Apple’s upcoming Safari 18 update may introduce a new ‘Intelligent Search’ feature that would allow users to generate concise summaries of web pages.

Apple’s AI model also demonstrates remarkable integration with the device and its apps, identifying contacts mentioned in a text and pulling relevant information from the Calendar app to craft contextually appropriate responses. Siri will likely benefit from this, as it will be able to analyze Messages content and potentially offer simplified summaries or responses.

Of course, more complex tasks like creative text generation or in-depth text analysis might still rely on some cloud processing, which aligns with previous reports of Apple exploring partnerships with OpenAI and Google for the same.

Apple Insider further reports that even within testing environments, the software shows a clear dedication to user privacy. The company aims to minimize cloud-based processing, ensuring that sensitive data remains protected.

It’s anticipated that Apple will formally unveil these AI-powered features at the Worldwide Developers’ Conference (WWDC) later this year.

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Apple loop: iphone 16 pro design, latest ios problem, apple’s ambitious ai browser.

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Taking a look back at this week’s news and headlines from Apple, including iPhone 16 design leaks, iPhone alarm problems, a Mac-beating iPad Pro, Watch Ultra 3 specs, buying into Safari search, an AI browser, and new titanium cards for all.

Apple Loop is here to remind you of a few of the many discussions around Apple in the last seven days. You can also read my weekly digest of Android news here on Forbes .

The Color Of Your iPhone

Following a leak of the upcoming iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro handsets, we have clear pictures of the new colors Apple will be launching with its next smartphone.

"Finally, three of the seven colors that will be available are on show: the traditional black (which Apple loves to label as space grey) and two pastel shades of pink and violet. The current iPhone 15 is offered in black, blue, green, pink, and yellow. Violet would be one of the new colors. White will also join the line-up as a new option, making seven in total."

( Forbes ).

iPhone 16 family of handsets

Your Best Look Yet At The New iPhone 16

Imessage s lock on america is this really the beginning of the end, arrowhead tells helldivers 2 players to change reviews to negative over psn linking, don’t be alarmed.

It might sound like a small bug, but having your iPhone’s Clock application fail to ring an alarm is an awkward bug. With it present in the iPhoen community, can you trust your smartphone to call for your attention at the right time? Thankfully Apple is aware of the issue, but as yet ther is no word on the timeline for a potential fix:

"The bad news is we don’t know enough about the issue to be sure how widespread it is or how it manifests itself. We know it’s not affecting everyone and that it’s only failing to play certain sounds, rather than all of them."

Leapfrogging The Mac In A Tablet

Apple’s next event is this coming week, and all the signs point to some iPad action. The tantalizing prospect of the next iPad Pro being offered with the desktop-level M4 chipset,… remarkable as no Mac or MacBook ships with the M4. Would Apple debut the fastest ARM-based chip on a tablet?

"I’m hearing there is a strong possibility that the chip in the new iPad Pro will be the M4, not the M3. Better yet, I believe Apple will position the tablet as its first truly AI-powered device — and that it will tout each new product from then on as an AI device. This, of course, is all in response to the AI craze that has swept the tech industry over the last couple years. "

(Bloomberg via 9to5Mac ).

Ultra’s Steady Spec

While an Apple Watch Ultra is now expected to arrive later this year, don’t expect anything major in the new version of the premium smartwatch. The Ultra 3 looks to be little more than (ahem) marking time:

"In a direct message shared with MacRumors today, Kuo said that while the Apple Watch Ultra will be updated this year, the new model will have "almost no" hardware upgrades compared to the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Kuo did not reveal any specific changes planned for the Apple Watch Ultra 3, which will presumably launch in September."

( MacRumors ).

The Cost Of Safari’s Default

The anti-trust case against Google continues to shine a light on the machinations driving the smartphone community, with Google’s payment to Apple to be the default search engine in Safari. Both companies have been hoping to keep a number out of public view:

"Court documents filed late Tuesday ahead of the closing arguments mark the first public confirmation of the figures by Apple’s senior vice president of services, Eddy Cue. Such numbers aren’t disclosed by either company in their securities filings. The documents also revealed the importance of the payments to Apple’s bottom line. For instance, in 2020, Google’s payments to Apple constituted 17.5% of the iPhone maker’s operating income."

( Bloomberg ).

The AI Browser

Should every app be infused with AI? Apple thinks that is Safari web browser is, and is preparing to add in summaries, search, topic highlighting, and more:

"The software — expected to debut as Safari 18 later in 2024 — is currently undergoing evaluation alongside internal builds of Apple's next-generation operating system updates, namely iOS 18 and macOS 15, according to people familiar with the matter. Should all of the new features make it to the release candidate stage, users will be treated to a new user interface (UI) for customizing popular page controls, a "Web eraser" feature, and AI-driven content summarization tools."

( Apple Insider ).

And Finally...

As part of their cycle, credit cards expire and are replaced regularly. That’s the case with the Apple Card, even it was manufactured using titanium.

"The first physical Apple Cards are nearing expiration in July 2024 for those who signed up for the service in 2019. The cards are known for their unique design and absence of traditional card numbers, which Apple bills as a privacy feature. In an ongoing email campaign to its customers, Apple assures that the replacement cards will be sent to the billing addresses on file and should arrive within two weeks from the notice date."

Apple Loop brings you seven days worth of highlights every weekend here on Forbes. Don’t forget to follow me so you don’t miss any coverage in the future. Last week’s Apple Loop can be read here , or this week’s edition of Loop’s sister column, Android Circuit, is also available on Forbes .

Ewan Spence

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Court documents reveal Google's payments to Apple increased to an eye-watering $20 billion

  • Google paid Apple $20 billion in 2022 to be Safari's default search engine, per court documents.
  • That's a $2 billion increase compared to the reported amount Google paid Apple in 2021.
  • The deal is key evidence in a US antitrust lawsuit that says Google has an illegal search monopoly.

Insider Today

The price to be the default search engine on iPhones, iPads, and Macs has apparently gone up.

Newly disclosed court documents from the Department of Justice's antitrust case against Google said the tech giant paid over $20 billion in 2022 to secure itself as the default search engine on Apple's Safari browser.

That's at least $2 billion more than the reported price it paid Apple in 2021. According to the court documents, Google paid Apple around $18 billion that year, surpassing $1 billion every month.

Public disclosure of the documents is a big deal because both parties have kept quiet about the exact dollar amount of the arrangement and the numbers have also been excluded from SEC filings.

At the trial last fall, Apple execs were cryptic about the payment and said Google spent "billions" on a deal with Apple. A witness later accidentally said Google paid 36% of the revenue it earned from search ads through Safari.

The $20 billion deal with Apple is a key piece of evidence in the DOJ's landmark antitrust lawsuit against Google. Since 2005, the agreement has required Apple to set Google as Safari's sole default search engine on its devices, according to the court documents.

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It's been a very valuable deal for Apple. In 2021, Bernstein analysts estimated that Google's payments to Apple made up about 15% of the iPhone maker's operating income.

While Google has been paying Apple to be the default search engine on Apple devices since 2002, the value of the deal has increased significantly. In 2014, Google was paying $1 billion, per court documents filed in a separate case involving Oracle.

The court documents say that in search, Google and Apple seek to "work as if [they] are one company."

An email from Don Harrison, Google's president of global partnerships and corporate development, said in 2018 that Tim Cook's "overall message to Google was 'I imagine us as being able to be deep deep partners,'" and "deeply connected" at the point where Apple's services end and Google's begin, according to the court documents.

As one of Apple's biggest smartphone competitors, the deal also reveals a complex relationship between the two tech giants. Court documents said that Google CEO Sundar Pichai said, at one point, the company "continued to have moments of tension" with Apple as they competed over rival products.

Representatives for Google and Apple didn't immediately respond to Business Insider's requests for comment ahead of publication.

Closing arguments in the antitrust case against Google are taking place this week, with the Justice Department arguing that Google is illegally dominating the search-engine market. Google has denied the allegations.

Apple is also fighting its own antitrust lawsuit that accuses the iPhone maker of illegally maintaining a smartphone monopoly by making its competitors' offerings worse, allegations that Apple has denied.

On February 28, Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, joined 31 other media groups and filed a $2.3 billion suit against Google in Dutch court, alleging losses suffered due to the company's advertising practices.

Watch: Apple's antitrust lawsuit is just one of its major battles

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Google pays apple top dollar to be the default safari search engine.

Roughly 16.75% of Apple's operating income in 2022 came from Google

  • Google paid Apple a hefty $20 billion in 2022 to keep its search engine as the default on Safari.
  • The US Department of Justice views Google as a bully for paying huge sums to other browsers to maintain dominance.
  • Google's market share of 86.99% and its status as the default search engine on iPhones make it challenging for competitors like Microsoft's Bing to compete.

A ton of information about Apple and Google's supposed dealings came to light in November last year, when revelations from an antitrust lawsuit rocked the Mountain View, California-based company for allegedly running a monopoly over the search engine market. At the time, it was reported that Google pays the likes of Apple's Safari and Mozilla's Firefox a hefty sum for maintaining its search engine as the default one. Reportedly, in 2021, the search giant paid Apple a 36 percent cut of revenue that it generated from being the default search engine on Safari, and wrote checks upward of $26.3 billion to Firefox, Safari, and other browsers.

Google's landmark antitrust lawsuit explained

Now, new information revealed in court documents on Tuesday, April 30, via Bloomberg , help us move away from vague sums to a concrete figure that Google paid Apple in 2022. A whopping $20 billion .

That huge sum is one of the reasons why the US Department of Justice thinks that Google is a bully, saying that Google pays other browsers so much money to maintain its default browser spot that other search engines, like Microsoft's Bing, have no chance to compete. To put that into context, Google remittance to Apple in 2020 constituted 17.5% of the Cupertino, California-based tech giant's operating income. In 2022, Apple's operating income was roughly $119.437 billion , and Google's $20 billion payment to the iPhone-maker makes up roughly 16.75% of it.

Why fight when you've already been crowned the winner?

Google Search holds 86.99% of the global search engine market share , and it's been that way for a while now. However, Apple's iPhones are very popular, especially in North America, with a 55.13% market share . Ensuring that the majority of smartphone users use Google Search for their needs serves as a goldmine for Google's revenue via ads. The Android phone market largely defaults to Google anyway, so the tech giant has less to worry about on that front.

Microsoft, which operates the Bing search engine, has seen a recent rise in prominence, likely due to Copilot and Bing AI. However, it still doesn't threaten Google Search in any way. Redmond, Washington-based Microsoft has tried to sway Apple in its favor, suggests Bloomberg , offering the iPhone-maker as much as 90% of its ad revenue to switch to Bing as the default browser on Safari to no avail. You can read more about Microsoft's reported pitch to Apple, which includes hiding the Bing brand, via Bloomberg's report .

If you own an iPhone and want to change your default Safari search engine, head to the Settings app, then scroll down and tap on Safari . Under Search , tap on Search Engine and select the desired one.

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  1. safari

    safari nm (excursión de caza) safari n : hunting trip n : Fueron de safari a Kenia para cazar leones. They went on safari to Kenya to hunt lions. safari nm (para ver animales) safari n : En el safari vimos jirafas y elefantes. We saw giraffes and elephants on safari.


    SAFARI Significado, definición, qué es SAFARI: 1. an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa: 2. an…. Aprender más.


    safari significado, definición, qué es safari: 1. an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa: 2. an…. Saber más.

  4. safari

    safari jacket n (shirtlike jacket) chaqueta de safari nf + loc adj : cazadora nf: go on safari v expr (take wildlife trip in Africa) ir de safari loc verb : ir a un safari loc verb: safari hat n (brimmed hat worn on wildlife tours) sombrero safari grupo nom : A safari hat helps to prevent sunburn in hot, sunny places. safari park n (parklike zoo)

  5. Safari

    masculine noun. 1. (expedition) a. safari. Cuando estuve de safari en Mozambique, vi leones.I saw lions when I went on safari in Mozambique. b. hunting trip (for hunting) Se prohibieron los safaris a fin de preservar la fauna.Hunting trips were forbidden in order to preserve the fauna. 2. (zoo)

  6. safari

    safari. Del ingl. safari, este del suajili safari, y este del ár. safar 'viaje 1 '. 1. m. Excursión de caza mayor, que se realiza en algunas regiones de África. Sin.: expedición, excursión. 2. m. Excursión para ver o fotografiar animales salvajes, efectuada en África o en otros territorios. Sin.:

  7. Traducción safari al Español

    Climb aboard our safari style boat and take out your cameras.: Suba a bordo de un bote estilo safari y prepare sus cámaras.: Get the zebra through his safari without getting into any trouble.: Obtener la cebra a través de su safari sin meterse en problemas.: The global power failure is also impacting zoos and safari parks.: La escasez mundial de energía ha impacto en los zoológicos y safaris.

  8. Safari in Spanish

    Translate Safari. See authoritative translations of Safari in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.

  9. safari

    safari - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. All Free.

  10. safari

    safari significado, definición, qué es safari: a trip to see or hunt wild animals, espe...: Conozca más.

  11. Translation meaning & definition of the word "safari" into ...

    Traducción significado y definición de la palabra "safari" al idioma español. ... An overland journey by hunters (especially in africa) synonym: campaign, hunting expedition, safari. 1. Un viaje por tierra de cazadores ( especialmente en áfrica ) sinónimo: campaña, expedición de caza, safari.

  12. SAFARI

    SAFARI definition: 1. an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa: 2. an…. Learn more.

  13. safari noun

    Definition of safari noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  14. SAFARI Definition & Meaning

    Safari definition: a journey or expedition, for hunting, exploration, or investigation, especially in eastern Africa.. See examples of SAFARI used in a sentence.

  15. ¿Qué es un safari?

    La palabra safari proviene del swahili, tomado del árabe, el cual se refiere a un viaje o caravana, para cazar o explorar. Un concepto que se empezó a emplear muy comúnmente en África. El safari ha venido evolucionando a través de su existencia, va más allá de ir a explorar por la sabana en busca de aventuras y conocer extraordinarias ...

  16. Safari Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of SAFARI is the caravan and equipment of a hunting expedition especially in eastern Africa; also : such a hunting expedition. How to use safari in a sentence.

  17. ¿Qué es un Safari? ¡Descubre su significado y todos los tipos de

    A continuación, te detallamos 2 tipos de Safaris que seguro no conocías. Safari Floral: Los safaris florales tratan de mostrar la enorme variedad de especies florales que existen en un determinado entorno. En ellos, los animales no son los protagonistas, si no la plantas. Se realiza un recorrido en vehículo 4x4 a la vez que un guía da las ...

  18. Safari

    Safari. Blazing fast. Incredibly private. Safari is the best way to experience the internet on all your Apple devices. It brings robust customization options, powerful privacy protections, and optimizes battery life — so you can browse how you like, when you like. And when it comes to speed, it's the world's fastest browser. 1.

  19. Safari Terms and Phrases: 22 Important Words Related to Safari

    The safari term, "Big Five" is an old hunting term to name the five most difficult and most dangerous animals to hunt. It is less used for hunting and more so for safari goers. Learn more about what animals make up the big five in my blog post. Pin this safari terms and words related to safari post for Later

  20. What Is A Safari In Africa REALLY Like?

    African wildlife safari companies stuff you with food, so plan on dieting when you get home. Around 20:00 marks dinner time. Sometimes, dinners are in a communal setting, or sometimes, you'll enjoy a private dinner with your party. Dinners are often served with bottomless wine or three or five-course.

  21. Translate a webpage in Safari on Mac

    In the Safari app on your Mac, go to the webpage you want to translate. If the webpage can be translated, the Smart Search field displays the Translate button . Click the Translate button , then choose a language. If you think the translation might need improvement, click the Translate button , then choose Report Translation Issue.

  22. Video Shows Tourists' Wild Encounter As Lions Begin Mating Atop Safari

    Tourists witnessed an unexpected scene as two lions decided to use their safari truck as a makeshift love nest. The incident, caught on camera, shows a male lion mounting a lioness atop the vehicle, much to the amusement and surprise of the onlookers below, according to TMZ. A couple of lions were DEFINITELY feelin' the love during a South African safari … so much so they started getting ...

  23. Safari to get an AI boost in iOS 18, macOS 15 with smarter ...

    Apple plans to implement the new Safari 18 features in both iOS 18 and macOS 15, which will be announced at WWDC24 on June 10. The report claims some features, such as the AI Visual Lookup, may ...

  24. SAFARI

    SAFARI significado, definição SAFARI: 1. an organized journey to look at, or sometimes hunt, wild animals, especially in Africa: 2. an…

  25. Apple Safari may get these AI-powered features next month

    Apple's Safari web browser is said to be receiving a significant upgrade and may soon incorporate artificial intelligence (AI)-powered functionalities. A recent report suggested that Safari could be among the first Apple apps to integrate AI capabilities. Also Read: Samsung to mass-produce 2nm chips in 2025, using GAA technology; Report

  26. New iOS 18 leak reveals how Apple's AI will transform Safari and Siri

    These updates, aimed at Safari, Spotlight Search, Siri, Mail, and Messages, promise to elevate the user experience while preserving privacy — a key factor in Apple's AI strategy.

  27. Apple Loop: iPhone 16 Pro Design, Latest iOS Problem, Apple ...

    Taking a look back at this week's news and headlines from Apple, including iPhone 16 design leaks, iPhone alarm problems, a Mac-beating iPad Pro, Watch Ultra 3 specs, buying into Safari search ...

  28. Google Paid Apple an Eye-Watering $20 Billion in 2022

    Google paid Apple $20 billion in 2022 to be Safari's default search engine, per court documents. That's a $2 billion increase compared to the reported amount Google paid Apple in 2021.

  29. Google pays Apple top dollar to be the default Safari search engine

    Reportedly, in 2021, the search giant paid Apple a 36 percent cut of revenue that it generated from being the default search engine on Safari, and wrote checks upward of $26.3 billion to Firefox ...

  30. safari

    safari definição: a journey, usually to Africa, to see or hunt wild animals: . Veja mais em Learner's Dictionary