zoom safari resort


A partire da 19,90€

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Ricevi 30€ di cashback


Passa una notte nella savana

zoom safari resort


Una grande serra in cui passeggiare circondati da oltre 300 farfalle colorate!  Osservale da vicino, lascia che si posino su di te e scopri la nursery delle crisalidi.  Entra in un mondo fantastico fatto di colori e leggerezza, l’Oasi è aperta, non fare il bruco!


zoom safari resort


Partecipa ai tanti talk  organizzati durante la giornata per conoscere tutte le curiosità sulla vita degli animali e dei loro habitat. Inoltre osserva gli animali da una prospettiva tutta nuova grazie alle extra experience!

Scopri di più

zoom safari resort

Vivi l’esperienza unica di una notte sotto le stelle e risvegliati in Savana!

Colazione con le giraffe e i leoni, passeggiata esclusiva al sorgere del sole, talk, visita dei dieci habitat e tanti eventi imperdibili.

La tua vacanza nella Savana ti aspetta!

zoom safari resort


Non perderti gli spettacoli circensi, la sonorizzazione musicale, l’animazione e i laboratori immersi nella natura: ZOOM rende speciale il tuo Maggio!


zoom safari resort


La gita a ZOOM è sempre  fortemente educativa, sicura e accessibile , con tanti laboratori, biologi, spazi aperti e in sicurezza e ampi viali. Scopri il divertimento e l’avventura a partire da 15€, inoltre per ogni bambino  un abbonamento per la stagione 2024 in regalo!

zoom safari resort


Stiamo vivendo in un’Era nella quale l’essere umano con le sue attività ha inciso notevolmente sui processi geologici e sul delicato equilibrio della natura. La Fondazione sarà un fulcro per lo sviluppo  di iniziative provenienti o legate ai problemi culturali, educativi, scientifici e sociali relativi al mondo dell’ambiente e della natura

zoom safari resort


Zoom non è un semplice safari , ma un’esperienza di viaggio irresistibile!  Un’avventura a piedi, tra Asia e Africa, immersi nella natura per scoprire gli animali nei loro habitat.

Esplora i 10 habitat africani e asiatici  e impara, divertendoti, curiosità, particolarità e problematiche delle specie grazie agli incontri con i biologi.

Scopri il vincitore del premio “Miglior attrazione family 2023” dei Parksmania Awards: l’habitat immersivo dedicato ai leoni africani La Rupe del Masai Mara

In estate  potrai nuotare accanto ai pinguini africani di Bolder Beach  e  immergerti in un lago per  osservare gli ippopotami a Malawi Beach .

Scopri il parco

Il tuo viaggio

zoom safari resort

© 2024 Zoom Torino Spa | All rights reserved

VAT: IT08992290018

Il Resort è al completo. Scopri gli hotel convenzionati da 49€

zoom safari resort

Cosa comprende:

– adozione per un anno del piccolo di ippopotamo

– certificato di adozione (digitale)

– lettera del keeper con le informazioni sull’animale adottato (una ogni 6 mesi – digitale)

– un biglietto per la stagione 2022

– un biglietto omaggio per Natale Bestiale (ingresso entro il 9 gennaio 2022, consultare giorni e orari di apertura sul sito)

Prezzo: 44€  34€*

* il ricavato viene devoluto alla Fondazione ZOOM a favore delle attività per i bambini ospedalizzati.

Al momento il Lake Eyasi è chiuso, ma a breve riaprirà   con la colazione con le giraffe, passeggiata esclusiva al sorgere del sole, talk, visita dei 9 habitat e tanti eventi imperdibili.

zoom safari resort

Dal 19 febbraio tanto divertimento con le bolle di sapone!

zoom safari resort

Dal 19 febbraio: Facepainting, tante attività e sfilata dei bambini in maschera con Oscar Nevales, il più famoso talent scout di Carnevale al mondo!

zoom safari resort

Animazione, facepainting, bolle di sapone e sfilate non bastano? Arrivano i cosplayer a rendere il Parco ancora più spettacolare! Per quattro giorni, dal 26 febbraio al 1 marzo, incontra dal vivo i tuoi personaggi preferiti e partecipa alla grande parata!

zoom safari resort

Vuoi passare un San Valentino speciale? Allora lo speciale weekend di ZOOM fa per te! il 12 e il 13 febbraio, vieni a scoprire i talk dedicati all’amore nel regno animale, i laboratori educativi per i più piccoli e il menu speciale Innamorati della Natura!

zoom safari resort

– Peluche (a scelta tra quelli dello shop)

– Borraccia Fondazione ZOOM

– shopper

– un biglietto per Natale Bestiale (ingresso entro il 9 gennaio 2022, consultare giorni e orari di apertura sul sito) per ritirare i regali.

Prezzo: 44€  29€*

* una parte del ricavato viene devoluto alla Fondazione ZOOM a favore delle attività per i bambini ospedalizzati.

Attenzione: i prodotti NON vengono spediti. Possono essere acquistati online e ritirati presso lo shop del parco nei giorni di apertura.

zoom safari resort

Prezzo 22€, incluso un biglietto omaggio per Natale Bestiale (ingresso entro il 9 gennaio 2022).

I giorni e gli orari di apertura saranno comunicati sul sito.

zoom safari resort

Uno speciale biglietto per una cena in famiglia con ingresso dalle 17* : passeggia tra le grandi sculture luminose dedicate agli animali della Savana e poi fermati a cena! Ti aspetta il Menu dell’Elfo a Ombiasy Restaurant.

Prezzo speciale: 25 euro adulti/12 euro bambini, *animali visibili fino alle 17.

zoom safari resort

Uno speciale biglietto per ingressi dalle 17*: gusta un aperitivo o una merenda mentre passeggi tra le grandi sculture luminose dedicate agli animali della Savana.

Prezzo speciale: 9 euro a persona..

zoom safari resort

Alle 17.15: Performance di Natale e accensione sculture luminose Le mille Luci della Savana.

*  in caso di maltempo le attività potrebbero essere svolte al chiuso.  

zoom safari resort

*In caso di maltempo o temperature rigide alcune specie potrebbero non essere visibili.

zoom safari resort

Le sculture sono realizzate da studenti ed ex studenti dell’Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino che ne assume il patrocinio.

zoom safari resort

Tutti i weekend*, cerca la speciale foglia all’interno della piscina di foglie,  firmala e incollala per formare il grande albero!

*  in caso di maltempo le attività potrebbero non essere disponibili. Gli orari delle attività sono disponibili al parco.

zoom safari resort

Laboratori all’insegna dei colori autunnali , con estrazione dei pigmenti delle foglie, caccia al tesoro all’interno del parco, quiz , creazione di coriandoli biodegradabili e realizzazione del proprio animale preferito utilizzando tantissime foglie colorate.

zoom safari resort

Il ristorante è aperto, inoltre, tutte le sere per cena a partire dalle 19. Vieni a provare il nuovo menu autunnale. Scopri di più su www.ombiasy.com

zoom safari resort

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-KzLhOWyNQ&autoplay=0[/embedyt]

zoom safari resort

Osserva le diverse specie di  rapaci  da vicino insieme ai falconieri!

Ricordati di prenotare online questa experience

zoom safari resort

Guarda negli occhi le giraffe e scopri tutte le curiosità grazie ai nostri keeper

zoom safari resort

Fai un salto sulla Savana Terrace per una dolce merenda o uno sfizioso aperitivo.  

zoom safari resort

ZOOM è un giardino zoologico completamente all’aperto, verrà richiesto il Green Pass per accedere nei luoghi previsti da disposizioni ministeriali, ovvero l’Anfiteatro di Petra

Verrà richiesto il Green pass per accedere nei luoghi previsti da disposizioni ministeriali, ovvero l’Anfiteatro di Petra e nella sala interna del Ristorante Ombiasy. Tutti i punti food hanno ampi dehors disponibili per pranzare o cenare.


I bambini delle scuole del piemonte fino agli 11 anni (compresi) potranno visitare gratuitamente il parco nei mesi di maggio e giugno 2021. per partecipare all’iniziativa i genitori dovranno scaricare il coupon omaggio compilando il form e seguire le indicazioni ricevute via mail.ogni coupon dà diritto ad un massimo di 2 ingressi bambino (fino ad 11 anni) gratuiti da utilizzare entro il 10/06/2021 (piscina non inclusa)., per gli insegnanti, compilando il form (e selezionando l’opzione “insegnanti”) i docenti delle scuole infanzia/primaria piemontesi riceveranno un coupon valido per 1 ingresso parco omaggio riservato agli insegnanti/dirigenti scolastici da utilizzarsi entro il 10/06/2021 (piscina non inclusa)., disponibili agosto e settembre., scopri anche gli hotel convenzionati a pochi minuti di macchina dal parco..

zoom safari resort

Ad ogni comune sono stati dedicate delle specifiche giornate 2 weekend (dal venerdì alla domenica) in cui i residenti potranno accedere gratuitamente al parco in orario serale (dalle 18.00 alle 22.00). Calendario consultabile nel regolamento dell’iniziativa.

Per partecipare all’iniziativa è sufficiente scaricare il coupon di prenotazione compilando il form e seguire le indicazioni ricevute via mail., biglietto dedicato ai soli cittadini residenti. ingresso a partire dalle ore 18.00 valido solo nella giornata scelta, necessario esibire un documento di identità..

NOVITA’: se acquisti un biglietto 2021, potrai tornare a visitare il parco (entro il 7/11/2021) la seconda volta e le successive ad un prezzo massimo di  10€ a visita.  Attiva gratuitamente la promozione:  scarica l’APP Zoom Torino,  fotografa il QR code sui biglietti del primo ingresso e segui le istruzioni. Il secondo ingresso e i successivi sono nominativi e possono essere usati solo da chi ha utilizzato il primo ingresso. Ingresso piscine non incluso (+10€ cad.).


La prenotazione del posto non è obbligatoria, ma è comunque consigliata. Prenota il tuo posto QUI .

HAI UN BIGLIETTO 2020? Se hai un biglietto scaduto valido per la stagione 2020  che non hai potuto utilizzare a causa della chiusura anticipata del parco, clicca QUI e segui le istruzioni che si applicano al tuo caso.


Al Parco sono applicate tutte le misure di contenimento Covid. Per legge è necessario indossare la mascherina durante la visita ad eccezione dei bambini sotto i 6 anni che sono esentati dall’obbligo di indossarla.

È NECESSARIA LA PRENOTAZIONE? La prenotazione non è necessaria, ma ti suggeriamo di acquistare il tuo biglietto online per saltare la coda in cassa ed evitare assembramenti.


Durante la zona arancione sarà attivato il servizio di asporto nei limiti di legge. In alternativa è possibile pranzare al sacco utilizzando le AREE PICNIC.

Quest’anno le cene e le serate di Halloween saranno TRE: sabato 24, venerdì 30 e il classico sabato 31 ottobre. In programma speciali performance in Anfiteatro e animazioni dedicate ispirate alla grande festa messicana per il Dia de los Muertos. Inoltre, Dolcetto o scherzetto?, streghe, fantasmi, speciali talk serali (Hippo Underwater, Feeding Lontre, Holding Giraffe e I segreti delle Tigri), maschere tematiche e…tutti voi! Cene tematiche con animazione per bambini all’interno dell’Ombiasy Restaurant e menù Dehor (con consumazione ai tavoli dei dehor). Chiusura parco ore 22 (possibilità biglietto serale dalle ore 16 oppure biglietto diurno dalle ore 10). Le serate vengono organizzate in ottemperanza alle normative per il contenimento Covid-19. Gli ingressi saranno contingentati e verrà richiesto l’uso della mascherina e il distanziamento.

[totalpoll id=”8340″]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xjNEYMollM[/embedyt]

zoom safari resort


È NECESSARIA LA PRENOTAZIONE? La prenotazione non è obbligatoria, ma è comunque CONSIGLIATA. Per avere la garanzia del posto acquista il tuo biglietto a DATA FISSA online scegliendo la data della visita. Per chi acquista online non è necessaria ulteriore prenotazione. Se invece hai già un ABBONAMENTO o un biglietto a DATA APERTA (biglietti circoli aziendali, Esselunga, IlTuoticket, Groupon ecc.) puoi prenotare la data della tua visita qui .

È POSSIBILE PRANZARE AL PARCO? È possibile pranzare nei PUNTI RISTORO del parco. Chi lo desidera può prenotare il pranzo online o direttamente al parco, al momento dell’arrivo. In alternativa è possibile pranzare al sacco utilizzando le AREE PICNIC.

CI SONO PRECAUZIONE DA PRENDERE A CAUSA DEL COVID-19? Per legge è necessario indossare la mascherina durante la vista ad eccezione dei bambini sotto i 6 anni che sono esentati dall’obbligo di indossarla. Nelle piscine e zone limitrofe non è necessario indossare la mascherina. Trovi il regolamento completo qui.

Clicca qui per tutte le altre FAQ

Se acquisti un biglietto a Data Fissa e nel giorno scelto, a causa della pioggia, decidi di uscire dal parco entro 2 ore dal tuo ingresso, ti verrà dato un biglietto omaggio nominale e non cedibile da utilizzare entro 30 giorni.

Se acquisti un biglietto a Data Fissa e nel giorno scelto, a causa della pioggia, decidi di uscire dal parco entro 2 ore dal tuo ingresso, ti verrà dato un biglietto omaggio nominale e non cedibile da utilizzare entro 30 giorni. Se invece decidi proprio di non venire a Zoom nel giorno scelto, potrai presentarti direttamente in biglietteria in un giorno qualsiasi durante la stagione 2020 e accedere al parco pagando la differenza con il biglietto di listino.

Come usufruire del tuo rientro gratuito con la promo “Vieni a settembre, torni gratis ad ottobre!”

La promozione dà diritto a coloro che visiteranno il parco tra il 9/09 e il 30/09/2019 a tornare gratis nel mese di ottobre 2019 in un giorno di apertura del parco a scelta (esclusi il 26/10 e il 30/10).


  • La promozione è applicata esclusivamente ai biglietti acquistati su zoomtorino.it (biglietto dinamico) o presso le casse del parco a partire dal 09/09 e il 30/09/2019.
  • Il biglietto omaggio è nominale/non cedibile;
  • Il biglietto omaggio dà diritto ad accedere al parco gratuitamente in un giorno a scelta nel mese di ottobre 2019 (esclusi il 26/10 e il 30/10), compatibilmente con i giorni di apertura del parco;
  • Il biglietto omaggio per tornare deve essere esibito ai tornelli del parco unitamente ad un documento di identità;
  • La promozione non è cumulabile con altre promozioni precedenti o future quali a titolo puramente esemplificativo il “Biglietto pioggia”, “Vieni ad agosto e Torni gratis”, nonché gli accrediti o altre promozioni se non indicato;
  • Promozione non applicabile ai biglietti Esselunga, Groupon, Iltuoticket o acquistati presso altri rivenditori e nel caso di prevendite acquistate presso circoli aziendali/welfare aziendale;

Modalità di ritiro del biglietto omaggio

Il biglietto omaggio dev’essere RITIRATO il giorno della visita (non sono concesse eccezioni) presentando un documento di identità personale e unitamente al modulo di registrazione (in allegato) compilato e firmato.

Potrai ritirare il biglietto omaggio all’interno del parco presso la reception di Bolder Beach tra le 14:00 e le 18:00 del giorno della tua visita.

19 – 20,30: Speciale proiezione cortometraggio Sides of a Horn* e incontro con i rangers AIEA e Davide Bomben, per scoprire tutto sulle unità di salvaguardia dei rinoceronti in natura.

20,30-22: Cena, djset, acrobati disegnatrice naturalistica.

*Il primo film documentario che parla della guerra al bracconaggio africano da entrambi i lati della trincea. Presentato al festival Cinemambiente 2019.

Acquistabile al parco, fino ad esaurimento posti.

Il biglietto a data fissa è una promozione: non è rimborsabile e la data non è modificabile.

Se acquisti un biglietto e nel giorno scelto, a causa della pioggia, decidi di uscire dal parco entro 2 ore dal tuo ingresso, ti verrà dato un biglietto omaggio nominale e non cedibile da utilizzare entro 30 giorni..

Età : dai 5 anni in su. Non è possibile partecipare da soli all’attività, è richiesta la partecipazione anche di un adulto (con biglietto dell’attività) per i bambini fino a 12. L’attività non è consentita alle donne in stato di gravidanza, a persone immunodepresse o che presentino ferite cutanee o problemi dermatologici e solo dopo aver preso visione e accettato il  regolamento . Attività disponibile dalle 14 alle 16, solo nei weekend . Durata : circa 15 minuti. Numero partecipanti : fino a 20 partecipanti. Prezzo attività * : 5€ al parco * il biglietto dell’attività non comprende l’ingresso al parco. Il biglietto di ingresso al parco dev’essere acquistato separatamente. L’attività è acquistabile esclusivamente al parco il giorno stesso, fino ad esaurimento posti.


Stunt e Ballerina Happos aspettano tutti i bambini durante i weekend dal 15 al 30 settembre presso il Kids Corner, dalle 12 alle 17. In programma laboratori e animazione.

Un Back to School originale per imparare dalla natura e dagli animali.


I migliori amici dei bambini, a ZOOM, diventano realtà!

Tutti i weekend dal 15 al 30 settembre, Stunt e Ballerina Happos propongono laboratori e giochi per tutti i bambini. Un modo simpatico e coinvolgente per far scoprire curiosità e particolarità su una specie molto amata, ma anche sempre più minacciata.

Laboratori e giochi inclusi nel biglietto di ingresso. Tutti i weekend dal 15 al 30/9, dalle 12 alle 17 presso il Kids Corner del parco.


ai sensi del Reg. UE 2016/679

Presa visione della privacy policy presente sul sito e comprese le modalità e finalità del trattamento dei dati personali previste dalla ZOOM IN PROGRESS S.r.l. , l’apposizione del flag sulla presente opzione identifica la Sua piena comprensione della privacy policy in merito al trattamento dei Suoi dati personali per le seguenti finalità:

Instaurazione ed esecuzione dei rapporti contrattuali (acquisto biglietto di ingresso al parco e/o acquisto biglietto di ingresso al parco/piscina e servizi connessi, acquisto experience e conseguente emissione di biglietto elettronico) e obblighi conseguenti: a titolo esemplificativo, fatturazione, tutela del credito, servizi amministrativi, gestionali, organizzativi e funzionali all’esecuzione del contratto;, in conformità alle richieste giuridicamente vincolanti per adempiere un obbligo legale, regolamenti o provvedimenti dell’autorità giudiziaria, nonché per difendere un diritto in sede giudiziaria., i dati richiesti per le finalità di cui alle precedenti lettere a) e b) devono essere obbligatoriamente forniti per l’adempimento degli obblighi di legge e/o per la conclusione ed esecuzione del rapporto contrattuale e la fornitura dei servizi richiesti. pertanto il suo eventuale rifiuto, anche parziale, di fornire tali dati comporterebbe l’impossibilità per il fornitore di instaurare e gestire il rapporto stesso e di fornire il servizio richiesto., presa visione della privacy policy presente sul sito e comprese le modalità e finalità del trattamento dei dati personali previste dalla zoom in progress s.r.l. , l’apposizione del flag sulla presente opzione identifica il suo esplicito e volontario consenso al trattamento dei suoi dati personali per le seguenti finalità:, raccolta e conservazione dei dati personali per finalità di marketing e promozionali di prodotti e servizi del titolare;, comunicazioni commerciali, sia con mezzi automatizzati senza intervento dell’operatore (es. fax, posta elettronica ecc.) che tradizionali (tramite telefono, posta), nonché l’invio di periodiche newsletters informative;, elaborazione di studi e ricerche di mercato;, eventuale comunicazione dei dati personali in nostro possesso a soggetti nominati responsabili esterni del trattamento per necessità legate alla realizzazione dei punti di cui sopra., il conferimento dei suoi dati personali per le finalità sopra citate è facoltativo ed il mancato conferimento non preclude in alcun modo la possibilità di fornirle i servizi richiesti. la sua eventuale espressione di consenso potrà essere revocata in qualsiasi momento e senza che questa determini un’interruzione dell’erogazione di eventuali servizi richiesti in corso..


Dal 4 al 26 agosto, non perdere l’appuntamento con il Drum Circle sulla spiaggia di Malawi o Bolder Beach*. Alle ore 17 tutti riuniti intorno ad un cerchio per realizzare con le percussioni giochi ritmici e vocali, guidati da esperti animatori, sulle note  provenienti da tutti i continenti. Un’esperienza unica e divertente . *Indicazioni sulla mappa data in ingresso.

In caso di incertezza meteo, la direzione si riserva il diritto di modificare l’orario serale. Ti invitiamo a consultare il sito per eventuali aggiornamenti.


Dal 4 al 26 agosto, ogni sera grandi e piccini verranno coinvolti nel racconto di una storia incredibile: le fiabe intorno al fuoco i cui protagonisti sono gli animali. A raccontarle un narratore d’eccezione: Diego Casale, attore e cabarettista, volto noto di Zelig e della Melevisione . L’attore indossa i panni dell’avventuriero che narra ai bambini favole tradizionali delle culture dei diversi habitat di ZOOM per una serata magica e indimenticabile. Alle 20 presso Ombiasy Camp (controllare l’orario sulla mappa).

*In caso di incertezza meteo, la direzione si riserva il diritto di modificare l’orario serale. Ti invitiamo a consultare il sito per eventuali aggiornamenti.

Solo acquistando on line ti garantisci il posto sulle spiagge e risparmi fino a 4€ rispetto al prezzo al parco

I prezzi in biglietteria sono i seguenti(*):

Luglio: 12€

Agosto: 12€

(*) Nei weekend di Luglio e nel periodo 4-26 Agosto è prevista una maggiorazione di 4€


Fino ad esaurimento scorte.

Promozione valida fino al 31/08/2018.

Entra nella baia dei ciclidi e delle razze, indossa lo speciale visore e partecipa alla Snorkel Experience! Età : dai 5 anni in su. Dai 13 anni è possibile partecipare da soli all’attività. Per i bimbi da 5 a 12 anni è richiesta la partecipazione anche di un adulto (con biglietto dell’attività). L’attività non è consentita alle donne in stato di gravidanza, a persone immunodepresse o che presentino ferite cutanee o problemi dermatologici e solo dopo aver preso visione e accettato il  regolamento . Durata : circa 30 minuti. Numero partecipanti : fino a 20 partecipanti.






BIRRA (+1€)














Nuota accanto a pinguini e ippopotami, Immergiti insieme a 2000 pesci, Rilassati sulle nostre spiagge o sugli ampi solarium gratuiti


Biglietto parco+piscine

zoom safari resort

Snorkel experience

zoom safari resort

Ombrellone + 2 lettini

Conoscere per conservare_scontorno2

Assisti alla dimostrazione di volo, osservada vicino tigri e gibboni e goditi lo street food del Mr. Jiang truck


Demo di volo

Da non perdere!

zoom safari resort

Street food

zoom safari resort

Incontri coi biologi

Seguili tutti


Osserva i maestosi rinoceronti, dai da mangiare alle giraffe, gustati un vero african barbecue al Mitzoli Grill


Extra experience

zoom safari resort

Training Hippo

da non perdere!


Fino a 20 incontri coi biologi inclusi nel biglietto; punti ristoro, aree pic nic e zone dove divertirsi, anche fino alle 22 durante il night safari


Incontri con i biologi

Seguili tutti!

zoom safari resort

2 aree giochi

ideali per i bambini

zoom safari resort

Gli animali di notte

Aperto fino alle 22


Passeggia insieme ai lemuri, ammira fenicotteri e pellicani gustandoti una pizza presso il Malgasy restaurant

Madagascar_ZoomTorino (11) RID4

A passeggio con i lemuri

zoom safari resort

La promo SECONDO GIORNO è in vendita solo in biglietteria, a fronte dell’acquisto di un biglietto parco+piscina. Il biglietto rilasciato per tornare è nominativo, a tariffa unica, valido per l’ingresso parco+piscina in un giorno a scelta durante la stagione 2018

Una nuova entusiasmante Extra Experience!

Coming Soon…

zoom safari resort

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  • World's Best

The 10 Best Safari Lodges in Africa in 2022

The best safari lodges, according to Travel + Leisure readers, go beyond the traditional game drive with a wide range of cultural experiences.

zoom safari resort

Note: If you’re looking for our most recent recommendations, check out the 2023 list of our favorite safari lodges in Africa.

For Travel + Leisure readers, the best safari lodges in Africa aren't necessarily traditional safari properties — though plenty of those did make this list. Take, for example, Wilderness Safaris Bisate Lodge — a luxurious base for tracking mountain gorillas in the cloud forest of Rwanda. It seems that this once-in-a-lifetime experience elevated guests' memories beyond those of Big Five safaris: the word amazing appears repeatedly in Bisate reviews.

Every year for our World's Best Awards survey, T+L asks readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe — to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. Hotels (including safari lodges) were rated on their facilities, location, service, food, and overall value. Properties were classified as city hotel, resort, or safari lodge based on their locations and amenities.

This year's World's Best list reveals a growing interest in nontraditional safaris. In addition to Bisate at the top spot, there's another Rwandan lodge, One&Only Nyungwe House (No. 3), where the highlights are tracking chimpanzees, bird-watching, and visiting a tea plantation. "A gorgeous property in an incredible location," said one voter. And there's a second gorilla-tracking property on the list: Bwindi Lodge (No. 10), in Uganda. "How special to stay at Bwindi Lodge," wrote one guest, "and be so well cared for when setting out to see the magnificent gorillas."

At No. 2, Gibb's Farm is "the most unique lodge of any kind in East Africa," claimed one reader. Overlooking Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater, a protected area known for its incredible density of wildlife, the 17-cottage property offers activities around its coffee plantation and gardens, as well as bush walks from the property and wildlife drives in the crater. One guest loved that it was "fun for adults and kids." It's "an incredibly beautiful hotel," said another. "The food was amazing, and I loved the farm-to-table philosophy."

Classic safaris are still well represented, with guests favoring wildlife-rich areas such as the Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater, the Masai Mara reserve in Kenya, and the South African Kruger National Park. As well as wildlife sightings and luxurious rooms, it was the people who made an impact on T+L readers. Of andBeyond Bateleur Camp (No. 6), in Kenya's Masai Mara, one reader said that "the guides are truly spectacular," while another described "warm, welcoming service."

1. Wilderness Safaris Bisate Lodge, Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda

On the edge of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda, Bisate Lodge has six stylish and cozy villas, each overlooking the surrounding villages, forests, and misty mountain peaks. The main activity there is trekking into the national park to spend some time watching the mountain gorillas, but there are also opportunities to see golden monkeys, go hiking in the mountains, or visit the grave of renowned primatologist Dian Fossey. The staff are "amazing," said one reader, who added the food was "delicious," especially the homegrown vegetables. Another fan said staying at Bisate was "the absolute best...experience we have ever had. The food, service, and rooms were beyond amazing."

Score: 98.29

More information: wilderness-safaris.com

2 Gibb's Farm, Karatu, Tanzania

Score: 96.63

More information: gibbsfarm.com

3. One&Only Nyungwe House, Nyungwe Forest National Park, Rwanda

Score: 96.36

More information: oneandonlyresorts.com

4. andBeyond Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

Score: 95.80

More information: andbeyond.com

5. Angama Mara, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Score: 94.95

More information: angama.com

6. andBeyond Bateleur Camp, Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Score: 94.88

7. Four Seasons Safari Lodge Serengeti, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

Score: 94.00

More information: fourseasons.com

8. andBeyond Ngala Safari Lodge, Kruger National Park Area, South Africa

Score: 93.09

9. Lion Sands Game Reserve, Sabi Sand Game Reserve, South Africa

Score: 92.47

More information: more.co.za

10. Bwindi Lodge, Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda

Score: 89.68

More information: volcanoessafaris.com

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14 Top-Rated Luxury Safari Lodges in South Africa

Written by Becca Blond and Karen Hastings Updated Jan 19, 2024 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Imagine sitting in an open-topped Land Cruiser on a morning safari drive, watching the sun rise beyond a line of elephants clomping their way through the bush. Or falling asleep to the not-so-distant roar of a lion from a mosquito net-draped bed in the most luxurious canvas tent you've ever slept in. Both are experiences you'll likely encounter while staying at one of South Africa's most exclusive luxury safari lodges. These are some of the very best resorts in Africa.

Photographing a lion on safari in South Africa

South Africa has safari lodges in national parks and private reserves scattered across much of the country. But many of the most luxurious lodges are in the private game reserves bordering Kruger National Park , such as Sabi Sands, with abundant wildlife and few other tourists. Expert guides and trackers take you right to the action in open-air safari vehicles, with regular sightings of the Big Five (lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos, and buffalos), as well as an astounding diversity of other wildlife.

Luxury safari lodges are also found in other parts of South Africa including the malaria-free Madikwe Game Reserve at the edge of the Kalahari Desert in South Africa's northwest on the border with Botswana. The Northern Cape and KwaZulu Natal provinces are also home to fantastic lodges.

Remote and intimate, these exclusive and eco-conscious lodges offer a true small-group luxury wilderness experience, with exceptional service. It's a good idea to split your time between two or more lodges in different areas to maximize the diversity of game viewing. Families will be pleased to learn that many of these camps welcome children.

Note that all of these safari lodges are all-inclusive . Rates include your meals and game drives.

1. Singita Sabi Sand

2. royal malewane, 3. ulusaba rock lodge and safari lodge, 4. singita sweni and lebombo, 5. londolozi, 6. lion sands, 7. jaci's lodges, 8. sabi sabi, 9. &beyond ngala safari lodge, 10. tswalu kalahari reserve, 11. cheetah plains, 12. jamala madikwe, madikwe game reserve, 13. &beyond phinda vlei lodge, 14. shamwari private game reserve.

Photo Source: Singita Boulders Lodge

Bordering Kruger, in Sabi Sand Game Reserve, the oldest of South Africa's private reserves, Singita Sabi Sand oozes safari chic. You can choose from three different luxury lodges here: Boulders, Ebony, and Castleton.

Singita Boulders Lodge , on the banks of the Sand River, is one of the world's best lodges. Floor-to-ceiling glass windows encase each luxurious suite, with decor inspired by the tones and textures of nature. Think rustic elegance, with tribal motifs, stone accents, sculptural tree trunk supports, and open-air rooms that bring the outdoors in.

Equally elegant, Singita Ebony Lodge has a tented camp feel with exposed thatch roofs and beige canvas accents. Each of the 12 suites here come with their own private plunge pool, and the two-bedroom suites are perfect for families.

Overlooking a water hole, Singita Castleton recalls a country farmhouse with communal living areas, albeit one with a swimming pool, tennis courts, and spa treatment rooms. Guests here sleep in separate cottages sprinkled around the grounds, and children of all ages are welcome.

The property covers 45,000 acres of wilderness with a high concentration of game, including the Big Five, and frequent close-up leopard sightings.

As well as the twice daily game drives, the lodge offers mountain biking safaris, walking safaris, visits to local villages, and archery for those so inclined. A fitness center with beautiful bush views is also on-site.

Photo Source: Royal Malewane

In Thornybush Game Reserve, bordering Kruger National Park, Royal Malewane is not only one of South Africa's best safari lodges, it's one of the top all-inclusive resorts in the world .

A classic old-world feel sets the scene here for a safari that could come right out of Hemingway's journal. Animals roam freely around camp, and this particular reserve, north of Sabi Sand, is known for its spectacular game viewing and abundance of lions.

Decorated in an eclectic colonial style, the eight air-conditioned suites (including two separate two-bedroom Royal Suites ) exude a seemingly effortless elegance. Jewel-toned oriental rugs cloak the floors, thatch peeks out between ceiling beams, private plunge pools beckon on expansive decks with views over the bush (and sometimes visiting elephants), and you can wash off the African dust in private open-air showers.

Africa House, a six-bedroom, exclusive-use villa with a private chef, is also available for families and groups.

Expert teams of trackers and guides scour the bush to bring you Big Five action. When you're not watching animals, you can enjoy a pampering treatment at the award-winning bush spa , or work out at the fully equipped gym.

Many guests like to combine a stay here with one of the lodges farther south, such as Singita Boulders Lodge, but book as early as possible, as Royal Malewane often fills up a year in advance.

Children aged 10 years and older are welcome in the luxury suites, and children of all ages are welcome in the Royal Suites and Africa House.

Photo Source: Ulusaba Rock Lodge

Owned by Sir Richard Branson, Ulusaba Rock Lodge and Safari Lodge lie in spectacular locations at the Western end of Sabi Sand. Game viewing is excellent, with all the Big Five in abundance, as well as wild dog, baboons, impala, cheetah, and many species of birds.

Ulusaba offers unique accommodations in two dramatic settings: Ulusaba Rock Lodge sits high atop a koppie (rocky peak), with breathtaking views over the sweeping wilderness below. Its conical, thatched roofs jutting up from the peak of the koppie evoke a whimsical African-style palace.

Each of the eight rooms is uniquely decorated with textural tribal elements and natural materials, and some are split between multiple levels and come with their own private infinity pools. Rock Lodge also includes deluxe Cliff Lodge suites , which are ideal for families. Book them both, and you score your own private chef, safari vehicle, spa, and gym.

Ulusaba Safari Lodge nestles in a canopy of trees on a dry riverbank, where a parade of animals wanders past to drink at a nearby waterhole. At Safari Lodge, some of the rooms are built like treehouses, perched high on stilts among the leaves. Rope swing bridges connect some of the rooms to the common areas, creating a sense of adventure as soon as you step out the door.

Spa treatments, tennis, workouts at the gym, and pool time fills the post-safari hours. Guided walking safaris are also available, and guests with a social conscience also have the option of volunteering at local schools and villages.

Children aged 12 years and older are welcome at Safari Lodge, and kids of all ages are welcome at Rock Lodge.

Photo Source: Singita Lebombo Lodge

Near the border with Mozambique, Singita Sweni Lodge and Singita Lebombo Lodge are, like their sister lodges in Sabi Sand, eco-sensitive and extraordinarily beautiful.

The lodges occupy a 33,000-acre exclusive concession on the southeastern side of Kruger National Park, meaning the density of guests here is extremely low. The area spans four different ecological zones, creating fantastic opportunities for diverse game viewing. All the Big Five are in abundance, as well as four big prides of lion.

The two lodges here occupy spectacular locations. Suspended in the canopy along the Sweni River, Singita Sweni Lodge is a series of light-filled luxury treehouses wrapped in glass for prime viewing of the animals along the river below. The interior tones and textures blend seamlessly with the environment, and expansive decks jut out into the wilderness. The main lodge includes an inviting pool, spa, gym, and the Singita Boutique & Gallery.

Perched on a mountain above the N'Wanetsi River, and inspired by the eagles' nests found up high here, Singita Lebombo Lodge overlooks the magnificent wilderness below. It has a contemporary yet textural and earthy feel and offers 13 open-plan suites and a fully-staffed villa on the riverbank. Perfect for groups, the villa comes with two interlinked two-bedroom suites that share a pool and kitchen.

Other highlights at Lebombo include a panoramic roof terrace with a library, an espresso bar, help-yourself deli, inviting pool, and expansive indoor/outdoor decks.

As with all of Singita's lodges, conservation is paramount, and the company strives to leave the lightest possible footprint on the Earth. Children 10 years and older are welcome.

Photo Source: Londolozi Private Granite Suites

Set along the Sand River in Sabi Sand Game Reserve, family-run Londolozi has welcomed guests for almost a century and is one of the most famous safari lodges in South Africa. It lies within the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, a wilderness area of six million acres that also incorporates Kruger National Park.

White rhino and lion live here in some of the highest concentrations found anywhere in Africa, but Londolozi is best known for its leopards, one of Africa's most elusive predators. Londolozi is a Zulu word meaning, "protector of all living things," so it's not surprising that conservation is a focus here, with features like open-air, electric safari vehicles.

You can choose between five different camps, all of which boast prestigious Relais & Châteaux status. The adults-only Londolozi Private Granite Suites is the most luxurious, while Londolozi Tree Camp and the nostalgic and romantic Londolozi Pioneer Camp are not far behind. Stylish decor, abundant glass, large living rooms, spa-like baths, and private heated plunge pools, are typical features.

Londolozi Founders Camp , along the banks of the Sand River, and the venerable Londolozi Varty Camp are larger and more family-orientated with features like thatched roof bungalows, interlinked "skywalk" rooms, and private outdoor pools.

Besides game drives, other activities available here include walking safaris, yoga classes, massage therapies, and workouts at the fitness center.

Both of these camps, as well as Pioneer Camp, welcome children six years and older.

Photo Source: Lion Sands Ivory Lodge

The only lodge with access to the perennial Sabie River, Lion Sands, in the Sabi Sand game reserve, offers a collection of sumptuous safari lodges, each with its own inspiration and style.

Game viewing is excellent in this game-rich area, and the lodge boasts one of only four master trackers in the world to help you find the best sightings.

A unique feature at Lion Sands is the opportunity for guests at the lodges to combine their visit with a romantic overnight stay, sleeping under the stars in one of their luxurious treehouses . Guests snuggle up in plush four-poster canopied beds on towers raised high above the wilderness.

Each of the luxurious Lion Sands lodges has a unique personality, from organic chic to mid-century modern, so you can choose a lodge that matches your style.

Lion Sands River Lodge is the largest, with 20 thatched rooms dressed in soothing textures and tones of creme and white.

Overlooking the Sabie River, the villas of Ivory Lodge are grounded in an eco-minded, mid-century-modern aesthetic, incorporating tribal touches and natural materials such as thatch, steel, wood, and sand. Light streams in through the walls of glass, and the two-bedroom Fish Eagle suite comes with its own private Land Rover, pool, spa, and gym.

Tinga Lodge on the Sabie River has a "contemporary colonial" theme, and Narina Lodge has a treehouse feel, with nine villas suspended high in the canopy and linked by raised walkways.

Typical features at all the lodges include personal butlers; luxury bathrooms, some with outdoor showers; sitting areas with fireplaces; and private pools.

Post-game-drive activities include pampering treatments at the Africology Spa, helicopter rides over the Blyde River Canyon, and trips to Hippo Pools.

Children aged 10 years and older are welcome here, but only select lodges offer babysitting services.

A Safari Lodge at Jaci's Lodges

Jaci's Lodges in the spectacular Madikwe Game Reserve in South Africa's North-West Province are a collection of family-owned boutique properties that offer guests an intimate, highly personalized safari experience. Madikwe, which sits on the border with Botswana and the edge of the Kalahari in a malaria-free area, is known for its thriving wild dog population.

The second most endangered carnivore in Africa after Ethiopian wolves, seeing a wild dog on safari is a rare experience anywhere else in South Africa. But in Madikwe there are three hunting packs roaming the park, and it's not uncommon to see these enigmatic pups here.

A bathtub at Jaci's Lodges

If you don't have a DSLR camera with a wildlife photography-sized lens, don't worry. You can still capture the wild dogs and all the other animals (the park also has healthy lion and rhino populations) you see in crisp, close-ups by renting a Nikon from Jaci's for the duration of your trip (highly recommended).

Jaci's is comprised of two adjacent camps, each offering a slightly different sleeping experience .

At Jaci's Safari Lodge , there are six tented suites, including two that are suitable for a family or a small group of friends. The tents have thatched roofs, hardwood floors, and canvas side panels that can be completely rolled up. The interior design features bright African colors and patterns as well as bathrooms with soaking tubs and indoor and outdoor showers.

Starbed Suite at Jaci's Lodges

There are also two Starbed Suites at this camp. The lodge's newest builds, these have a more contemporary look and are a good choice for people who want to sleep within walls instead of the more exposed canvas tents. The suites are two-level affairs with the second level being an open-air rooftop deck where you can sleep in a proper king-sized bed under the stars.

Rooftop bed with the Starbed Suite

Downstairs you'll find a second king bed in case you prefer sleeping indoors (or it rains). The Starbed Suites are especially popular with honeymooners and couples on romantic getaways .

Jaci's Tree Lodge is the adjacent property. Here you'll find eight treehouse suites built on stilts and connected by elevated walkways that offer fabulous views of the surrounding forest and glimpses of the Marico River. Guests here also have access to a hide for photographing animals without their knowledge and a public treehouse space with a hot tub facing an active waterhole.

Photo Source: Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge

As the name suggests, Sabi Sabi is also in the Sabi Sand game reserve, abutting the southwestern border of Kruger National Park. This area is famous for its diversity and density of wildlife, including the Big Five and up to 350 species of birds.

Each of the four separate lodges here exudes its own personality. Steeped in colonial charm, Sabi Sabi Selati Camp is the most romantic, with a style inspired by the movie, Out of Africa .

Family-friendly Sabi Sabi Bush Lodge and Little Bush Camp are more contemporary in feel. Bush Lodge has a children's center and spa, and at the intimate Little Bush Camp , each room comes with a private terrace and hot tub.

True to its name, the more minimalistic Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge has won accolades for its environmentally-sensitive design. It blends effortlessly with the surrounding landscapes, with plenty of neutral tones and sleek lines. All the lodges come with swimming pools, but Earth Lodge suites come with private plunge pools, and the lodge has its own library, art gallery, meditation garden, and spa.

Day and night safaris are available here, as well as walking safaris with experienced guides and trackers.

Children are welcome, though only those older than six years are allowed on game drives unless a private vehicle is reserved.

Photo Source: &Beyond Ngala Safari Lodge

On a private game reserve inside Kruger National Park , &Beyond Ngala Safari Lodge offers superb Big 5 game-viewing and warm and welcoming staff members who treat guests like family.

Nostalgic safari elegance sets the tone in the 20 thatched-roof cottages. Bush views bleed into the interiors through floor-to-ceiling windows, and private verandahs offer popular spots to watch the passing parade of animals. Still can't tear yourself away from the wilderness views? Every room comes with an alfresco shower.

Families are welcome and are comfortably accommodated in three spacious cottages with interconnecting rooms, as well as in a family suite with a private swimming pool. Interactive kid-focused activities and childcare also provide parents with some alone time.

Besides twice-daily game drives and walking safaris, guests here can relax with a spa treatment; paddle in the pool; or sign up for a conservation experience, working directly with some of the wildlife.

Honeymooners should opt for a romantic evening in the magical Ngala Treehouse .

Eco-conscious guests will be pleased to know that &Beyond works collaboratively with local groups and communities on conservation initiatives and sustainable business practices.

Photo Source: The Motse

Covering 1,000 square kilometers in the less-visited Kalahari region, family-friendly Tswalu is the largest private game reserve in South Africa. Conservation is key here, and the owners' mission is to restore newly acquired lands back to their natural existence and fund multiple conservation and community-minded projects.

Hauntingly beautiful landscapes of red sand, golden grass, and wind-sculpted acacia trees characterize this region, and the wildlife is uniquely adapted to the harsh environment. Among the many animals here are the magnificent black-maned Kalahari lion, endangered desert black rhino, meerkats, sable and roan antelopes, wild dogs, porcupines, aardvarks, aardwolves, honey badgers, and cheetah.

Safaris are tailored to each individual party, with no set schedule. Best of all, this lodge lies in a year-round malaria-free zone .

Adorned with natural earthy materials and an abundance of textural elements, the freestanding thatched villas blend beautifully with their surrounding environment. You can choose from two locations: The Motse , a "village" of nine air-conditioned luxury suites overlooking a waterhole at the foot of the Korannaberg Mountains, and Tarkuni , the owners' family home, with five impeccably furnished suites, a pool, personal host, and a private five-star chef.

At Motse , the cottages mix modern comforts with an African feel. Thatched roofs and walls of stone, red clay, and desert sand echo the surrounding environment. Other features include spacious bedrooms with open fireplaces, indoor/outdoor showers, and large decks with sweeping vistas of the vast desert. Three two-bedrooms cottages, are perfect for families, with large living rooms and two bathrooms.

At the communal area here, you can take a dip in the infinity pool, curl up with a book from the library, or enjoy a relaxing spa treatment. Other things to do include hikes to nearby attractions such as ancient rock art; horseback safaris; and sleeping under the stars at The Malori, a raised platform with weather-proof blinds.

Tswalu hosts children of all ages, and offers a nanny service and Junior Ranger program to keep the little ones engaged.

Staying at Tswalu, with its contrasting landscapes and unique species of wildlife found only in this region, is a great complement to visiting the lodges near Kruger National Park.

Photo Source: Cheetah Plains

In Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Cheetah Plains offers a sustainable, ultra-luxe safari experience catering to multi-gen families or groups of friends . This is the lodge to book if you want a very private and personalized holiday. There are just eight elegant sleek villas, each of which can accommodate up to eight people in four bedrooms and must be rented exclusively regardless of your group size .

These villas have a modern look with lots of glass window walls that are far removed from the canvas-tented camp vibe found at many lodges. All are luxuriously appointed with curated art collections, a chef's kitchen, indoor and outdoor living and dining spaces, and a private swimming pool on a large deck.

You'll be assigned a personal hospitality team upon check-in. This includes a personal chef, spa therapist, and expert guide and tracker that will be dedicated to your villa for the length of your stay, allowing for an extremely personalized experience.

Cheetah Plains also prides itself on being carbon-negative. Your twice daily game drives take place in electric Land Cruisers for a completely silent ride.

Photo Source: Jamala Madikwe

Set around a game-rich waterhole in South Africa's North West Province, Jamala Madikwe is known for its superb wildlife viewing, luxurious lodgings, and friendly staff.

It lies in the Madikwe Game Reserve , a malaria-free area along the Botswana border that once consisted mainly of cattle farms before it was transformed into a wildlife reserve in the early 90s.

Today, the reserve supports an incredible diversity of species due to the fact that it lies in an ecological transition zone, between the Kalahari and lowveld wilderness. Game drives regularly bring sightings of the Big Five, as well as brown hyena, zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, oryx, African wild dogs, and even the rare aardwolf.

Best of all, the lodge's orientation around the waterhole means you can enjoy a "Sofa Safari" here and watch all the action from the villas and common areas, without even leaving the camp.

Accommodation is in five air-conditioned, freestanding villas that blend a colonial feel with African artifacts. Typical features include four-poster netted beds, crisp linens, outdoor showers, spa-like indoor bathrooms, living rooms with fireplaces, dining areas, and expansive decks with rim-flow plunge pools.

When you're not out on game drives, you can enjoy a luxury treatment at the Royal Spa, look for wildlife from the watchtower perched above the waterhole, or relax at the main lodge with a book from the library.

Photo Source: &Beyond Phinda Vlei Lodge

In South Africa's diverse northeastern province of Kwazulu Natal, family-friendly &Beyond Phinda offers a winning combination of private and spacious villas, superb service, and fantastic Big Five game viewing. Cheetah and antelopes such as nyala are also plentiful here. This is one of several &Beyond lodges in Phinda Reserve, an area of rehabilitated farmland now brimming with wildlife.

Tucked amid trees on the edge of a vlei (wetland), the six freestanding thatched villas at &Beyond Phinda Vlei Lodge could easily be at home in Bali if it weren't for the parade of African animals wandering past.

Louvered windows and large glass doors slide open to create seamless indoor/outdoor living areas, and each villa has a sitting room with a fireplace and a rambling deck with a private plunge pool. Elephants sometimes come to drink from the pools, and antelope graze on the lush grass.

Walking safaris and river cruises are other fun ways to explore the wilderness.

One of the bonuses about choosing a safari at this lodge is that you can complement your bush experience with several day trip adventures, such as a scuba safari at Sodwana Bay, about an hour's drive away; swimming with whale sharks; a Zulu village tour; black rhino tracking; and visits to an endangered wild cats project.

Kids are welcome, and the lodge offers a fun children's program and special family safaris tailored to the ages of each child.

Photo Source: Shamwari Private Game Reserve

Considered one of South Africa's most successful private conservation initiatives, Shamwari Private Game Reserve is a favorite with celebrities and has hosted everyone from Brad Pitt to John Travolta and Tiger Woods.

Away from the main safari areas, it is located off the N2 in a malaria-free area of the Eastern Cape between the cities of Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown. It can be reached easily by private vehicle with just 7 kilometers of driving on a gravel road. If you prefer to arrive by plane, there is also a private airstrip.

One of South Africa's largest private game reserves, it is home to the Big Five as well as cheetah. The reserve hosts six luxury lodges , each of which offers a different style. Long Lee Manor is a newly redesigned lodge with elegant Edwardian-styled suites and a beautiful rim-flow swimming pool.

Sindile is Shamwari's newest luxury tented camp in a secluded locale. It has nine very posh, free-standing tents elevated above the surrounding bush that offer stunning views and dark night skies for stargazing. These tents are designed to leave as minimal of an environmental footprint as possible.

For something even more adventurous book Explorer Camp. Open only during the summer season (between October and May), the wilderness bush camp is located on a granite and basalt plateau and has lodging in tents that truly make you feel you are staying in the bush – expect to hear lots of animal sounds at night (the camp is, however, discreetly fenced for safety). Guests staying here do guided walking safaris that allow you to get up close and personal with wildlife.

Whichever accommodation you choose, expect twice-daily game drives led by guide and tracker teams that will get you very close to the animals. There are also spa treatments (extra fee) available at many of the lodges.

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Be of Nature...Indulge in Life

Immerse yourself into Zion with unique accommodations Be Of Nature

Elevate your escape: luxury immersed in zion's majesty.

Discover serenity and inspiration at Open Sky Zion, where unparalleled comfort meets the breathtaking wilderness of Zion. Experience the ultimate outdoor luxury retreat.

Luxury Camps & Extraordinary Experiences

Drift into dreams beneath the star-studded sky in your sumptuously furnished safari tent, and greet each dawn with the profound quiet of nature.


Located right on the cusp of Zion National Park, yet still off the beaten track, Open Sky is a place where guests come to find adventure, steep in relaxation and reconnect.

Exquisite Craftsmanship Defines Our Luxury Tent Experience

Crafted with precision, our Bushtech safari-style tents hail from South Africa, embodying unmatched quality and luxury, seamlessly harmonizing with Zion's breathtaking vistas. In our tranquil haven, we treasure the luxury of seclusion, positioning each tent to ensure privacy and capture the most stunning views.

Luxury with Intent

  • Decor that reflects our love of nature
  • Luxurious natural cotton linens
  • Soaker tubs with views to the sky and stars
  • Private outdoor and indoor showers
  • Locally sourced organic amenities
  • Comfortable and relaxing outdoor living spaces

Now is the Time to Visit the Places You Love - Open Sky Zion

Surrounding area activities.

  • Mountain Biking
  • Canyoneering
  • Zion National Park
  • State Parks
  • Art Galleries
  • ATV/Off-roading

The Art of Doing Nothing

Afterward, chill on your front porch with loved ones or stargaze while soaking in your deep-water bathtub which comes with a view of the night sky.

Everywhere you look, the infinite beauty somehow magically rekindles sparks of forgotten dreams – all while you do nothing.

2024 Season is Open

Unlock Unforgettable Experiences at Open Sky Resort!

Experience the allure of Open Sky Resort's 2024 season by reserving your stay today! We are thrilled to open our 2024 season for extraordinary winter/spring stays starting on February 16th, 2024. Embrace new experiences, delight in seasonal treats from the Black Sage restaurant, and revel in the utmost comfort of our charming heated tents. Don't miss the chance to secure your spot and immerse yourself in a world of boundless possibilities at Open Sky Resort!

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The Bespoke African Safari Co. Logo

Exclusive African Luxury Safari Lodges, Camps, Resorts & Hotels

Exclusive African Luxury Safari Lodges, Camps, Resorts & Hotels. Where to stay, Videos, Reviews for families, couple, seniors, couples.

The most Exclusive African Luxury Safari Lodges range from classic Big Five safari camps to sumptuous riverside retreats, the range of five-star African Luxury safari lodges, resorts, and Camps is nothing short of extraordinary. In no particular order, these are 100 of the continent’s best.

Our Trusted African Luxury Safari Lodges

Some of the best chances in the world to see wildlife are in Africa. On a safari, the “ Big Five “—the lion, elephant, rhino, Cape buffalo, and the elusive leopard—take center stage, but it may also be fascinating and interesting to view the smaller, less famous species, such as impalas, zebras, and hyenas. Nothing compares to a safari that includes watching the Great Migration in Kenya’s Masai Mara or Tanzania’s Serengeti. The Okavango Delta in Botswana and Kruger National Park in South Africa are two additional fantastic safari locations . It seems sense that the 100 most opulent safari lodges in Africa are all found in these regions.

African Luxury Safari Lodges: Country By Country

With no loss of its romance and adventure, African safari has advanced significantly in the last century from the dusty tents of explorers to luxurious eco-conscious resorts. While some tented camps today provide a whole new perspective on African aesthetics, authenticity, and luxury, others have totally revitalized the safari lodge. Many of them still reflect the grandeur and splendor of bygone days.

You can also see, do, and even taste a lot more; think of fly-in safaris, hot-air ballooning, glamping (glitzy camping), and modern gourmet dining. The knowledge that, as a visitor, you are essential to a sustainable and comprehensive conservation model enhances the whole experience together with cultural, historical, and environmental emphasis. What, therefore, is not to like about a luxury African safari ? It offers adventure, wildlife, cultural enrichment, and incredibly smart and customised service.

The majority of them are run by the three most prestigious safari firms on the continent: &Beyond , Wilderness Safaris , Sanctuary Retreats, Asilia, African Bush Camps, Desert & Delta, Governors’ Camp Collection, Wild Horizons, The Bushcamp Company, The Zanzibar Collection, The Safari Collection, Saruni Lodges, Porini Camps, Alex Walker’s Serian Camps, Angama Mara, Azura Retreats, Babylonstoren, Chem Chem Safari, Chiawa Collection, Constance Hotels, MORE Family Collection, Natural Selection Camps, Cape Grace, Newmark Hotels, Simbavati Lodge Collection, Time + Tide, Thornybush Collection, and Singita .

Linyanti Ebony

South African Safari Lodges, Hotels & Camps

Top Luxury Lodges & Camps

Even the pickiest tourists can get everything they need in South Africa. The Rainbow Nation has it all, whether you want to spend your days relaxing on the beach, enjoying exquisite wine in picturesque vineyards, discovering culture-rich urban cities, or going on a traditional Big 5 African safari. Beginning your ideal vacation in the perennially popular Kruger National Park, travel to Cape Town, one of the most stunning cities in the world.

Explore Lodges in South Africa

Saseka Tented Camp

Botswana Safari Lodges, Camps, Hotels 

Best Luxury Lodges & Camps

The Okavango Delta and Chobe National Park are two of the most well-liked safari locations in Africa, and both are located in Botswana. The Kalahari and Linyanti are two undiscovered jewels. Botswana is a safari enthusiast’s dream since it is teeming with a variety of species and has a varied terrain that varies from lush riverine forests to dramatic salt flats.

Explore Lodges in Botswana

luxury lodges in Mozambique

Mozambique Beach Lodges & Hotels

Top Luxury lodges & Hotels

In and around Mozambique, a wide variety of lodging alternatives are available. These range from basic backpackers to wild camping, but the lodges we’ve chosen offer an opulent and unique experience. The beauty of Mozambique is that there aren’t many big resorts, so you can truly escape the city’s flashing lights. The majority of our guests choose to stay in opulent beach cottages in remote seaside locations rather than hotels.

Explore Lodges in Mozambique

Shipwreck Lodge

Namibia Safari Lodges, Hotels, and Camps

Luxury lodges in Namibia

Luxury safari lodges and camps in Namibia are few and far between – the arid Namib Desert makes it one of the least densely populated places on Earth – but because we’ve been exploring this destination since 1998, we’re able to curate a definitive list.

Explore Lodges in Namibia

Shumba Camp

Zambia Safari Lodges and Camps

Top luxury lodges & camps

Both experienced and inexperienced safari travelers like Zambia. A Zambia safari has plenty to offer every kind of traveler thanks to wonders like South Luangwa National Park, which is famed for walking safaris across its wildlife-rich plains, and the legendary Victoria Falls.

Explore Lodges in Zambia

Singita Pamushana Lodge.

Zimbabwe Safari Lodges & Camps

Top luxury lodges and camps

With each region offering its own unique wonders, exploring the country’s top spots is highly recommended. To help you plan and find the best Zimbabwe accommodation, we’ve found the 19 best places to stay in Zimbabwe.

Explore Lodges in Zimbabwe

Elsa's Kopje

Kenya Safari Lodges, Hotels, and Camps

Top luxury lodges, and camps

Choosing a place to stay when embarking on a luxury safari in Kenya is almost as important as the national park or game reserve. To make things a little easier, we’ve rounded up the best spots for luxury accommodation in Kenya:

Explore Lodges in Kenya

Mboko Camp

Congo Safari Lodges and Camps

A unique safari lodges and camps

Stay in the most beautiful rainforest and bai sites in one of the many one-of-a-kind Congo safari lodges that are perfectly at home with the surrounding forest on a safari in the Congo that is centered on Odzala-Kokoua National Park. The best places to stay, eat, and wash your boots in between treks are listed here.

Explore Lodges in Congo

Magashi in Akagera National Park

Rwanda Safari Lodges, Camps

Top safari lodges, camps, and hotels

Rwanda’s rainforests and savannahs, two of the country’s most spectacular regions, offer a wide variety of conservation tourism opportunities. Bisate, a town that has won numerous awards, is located on the edge of Volcanoes National Park in an eroded volcanic cone. And the sophisticated Magashi in Akagera National Park, where you can take in breathtaking views of Lake Rwanyakazinga and a wide variety of the famous animals that make Africa what it is.

Explore Lodges in Rwanda

Alphonse Island Lodge

Seychelles Safari Lodges, Hotels

Discover safari lodges and hotels

Welcome to blue safari Seychelles, We are blazing a trail for a new kind of unique lodging and experiential travel in the heart of the Indian Ocean’s last untamed frontier while also actively safeguarding this precious area.

Explore Lodges in Seychelles

Kaya Mawa Lodge

Malawi Safari Lodges, Camps, Hotels

An unrivaled safari lodges, camps and hotels

Affectionate and laid-back Anyone interested in a safari and beach vacation should consider visiting Malawi. Malawi has a wide variety of places to stay, from little guesthouses on the shores of Lake Malawi to sprawling luxury hotels on its rocky islands and even in safari hotspots like Liwonde National Park and the Nyika Plateau.

Explore Lodges in Malawi

Shangri-La Le Touessrok

Mauritius Safari Lodges, Resorts, Camps and Hotels

Experience safari lodges, camps and hotels

In the middle of the Indian Ocean, surrounded by coral reefs and white sand beaches, is the island paradise of Mauritius. Along the island’s shoreline are luxurious resorts with ginormous pools, an abundance of water sports, and shady sun loungers just steps from the water. The beauty of a vacation in Mauritius is that it is simple and stress-free because everything you could possibly need is in close proximity to one another. The service at these resorts is good, the amenities are excellent, and all tastes are catered for.

Explore Lodges in Mauritius

Jabali Ridge

Tanzania Safari Lodges, Camps, Resorts, hotels

Top safari lodges, hotels and resorts

Tanzania is home to a wide variety of ecosystems, from sun-drenched savannas and lush forests to pristine beaches and exotic islands. The variety of available lodgings, from rustic safari camps to modern eco-lodges and romantic getaways, is a reflection of the region’s rich cultural heritage. There are safaris that are suitable for families, others that are ideal for lone travelers, and still others that are tailored to larger groups or private excursions.

Explore Lodges in Tanzania

Mihingo Lodge

Uganda Safari Lodges, Camps, Hotels, and Resorts

Luxury Safari lodges, resorts, and camps

Forests, mountains, and river valleys are where you’ll find the most impressive resorts on your Uganda safari. Check out some of our top picks for the best safari lodges in Africa to decide where you want to stay.

Explore Lodges in Uganda

Hyatt Regency Addis Ababa

Ethiopia Safari Lodges, Hotels, Camps & Resorts

Luxury safari lodges, hotels and camps

There was a dearth of high-end lodging options in Ethiopia until very recently, and this is still true to some extent. Camps and safari lodges of varying degrees of complexity, some of which remain both basic and simply practical, make up the bulk of the country’s offering. There used to be a dearth of high-quality lodging options in Ethiopia, but that’s changing, especially in popular destinations like Lalibela and Addis Ababa.

Explore Lodges in Ethiopia

Diar Abou Habibi

Tunisa Safari Lodges, Camps, and Hotels

Luxury lodges, camps and hotels

Tunisia, a country in North Africa on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, is a great vacation spot for people from all over the world. This tiny country is jam-packed with historical sites and breathtaking landscapes, making it a must-see for any adventurer. The country’s diversified geography is typified by the sandy Mediterranean coast and its beaches, the wide expanse of the Sahara Desert, forested coasts, dazzling salt flats, and busy cobblestone alleyways scented with jasmine and sea wind.

Explore Lodges in Tunisia

Angama Mara

Egypt Safari Lodges, Hotels, Camps

Lovely Safari Lodges, hotels and camps

Some of the world’s most famous hotels may be found in Egypt. These hotels, many of which date back to the colonial era, were frequented by famous figures like Howard Carter, Winston Churchill, and Agatha Christie.

Explore Lodges in Egypt

Zaina Lodge

Ghana Safari Lodges, Resorts, Camps & Hotels

Exclusive safari lodges, resorts, and camps

Although many visitors and would-be visitors associate Africa with safaris, the promise of gazing at gorgeous wild game is not true in the vast majority of Africa’s varied ecosystems. West Africa is an enclave of cultural tourism, where the people rather than the wildlife are the main appeal. This is in contrast to the eastern and southern extremities of Africa, which are characterized by various safari offerings in mystical natural surroundings.

Explore Lodges in Ghana

Dar Hnini

Morocco Safari Lodges, Resort, camps, spa and hotels

Luxury safari lodges, spa, hotels and camps

There are numerous sides to Morocco, each reflecting the country’s extensive history and diverse cultural traditions. This primarily Muslim nation is well-known for its mouthwatering cuisine, stunning buildings, exotic souks, and vibrant Berber culture. Morocco’s varied landscape includes towering mountains, lush oasis towns, historic walled seaports, and stunning deserts. It is one of just three countries in the world to have both an Atlantic and Mediterranean coastline.

Explore Lodges in Morocco

Hotels near San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Escondido

Enter your dates and choose from 22 hotels and other places to stay, featured hotels near san diego zoo safari park, star rating, review score.

See the latest prices and deals by choosing your dates. Choose dates

Escondido Vineyard Estate Walk to Wineries!

Escondido (1.7 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park)

Escondido Vineyard Estate Walk to Wineries! is located in Escondido, just 29 miles from Old Town San Diego State Historic Park and 29 miles from San Diego Zoo.

Motel Mediteran

Escondido (4.7 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park)

Centrally located near several San Diego attractions, this motel has convenient amenities just minutes from golf, shopping and exciting recreational activities in beautiful Escondido, California.

SpringHill Suites by Marriott Escondido Downtown

Hotel in Escondido (6.3 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park)

Located in Escondido, 7.4 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park, SpringHill Suites by Marriott Escondido Downtown has accommodations with free bikes, private parking, an outdoor swimming pool and a...

Escondido Inn

Escondido (6.2 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park)

Located in downtown Escondido, this hotel is just 5 minutes off I-15 and a 15-minute drive from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. The hotel features free Wi-Fi access.

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites San Diego-Escondido, an IHG Hotel

Hotel in Escondido (6.6 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park)

Located just off Highway 15, this hotel features an outdoor pool and whirlpool and rooms with a 32-inch flat-screen cable TV and free Wi-Fi. Escondido Children’s Museum is 1.4 miles away.

Rancho Bernardo Inn

Rancho Bernardo (6.1 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park)

Set in Rancho Bernardo, 23 mi from San Diego, Rancho Bernardo Inn features a year-round outdoor pool and spa center.

Top 10 trending hotels near San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Discover our most popular hotels from the last 30 days, enjoy breakfast at hotels near san diego zoo safari park.

Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites San Diego-Escondido, an IHG Hotel

The organization and the staff are very well trained

Best Western Escondido Hotel

Best Western Escondido Hotel

Featuring an outdoor swimming pool, this pet-friendly Escondido hotel is 10 miles from the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Free WiFi and a free continental breakfast is provided daily.

The property is nice. Wyatt is an amazing BW manager

Hilton Garden Inn San Diego/Rancho Bernardo

Hilton Garden Inn San Diego/Rancho Bernardo

Conveniently located off of Interstate 15, this hotel is in the Park Terrace Business Park. The center of San Diego is 25-minute drive away.

It smelled good, it was clean and quiet. I felt safe.

Rodeway Inn Escondido Downtown

Rodeway Inn Escondido Downtown

Welcome to the Rodeway Inn hotel, conveniently located in southern California, one of the closest hotels to the San Diego Zoo's Wild Animal Park.

Beds were comfortable and good location friendly staff would stay again.

Sonesta ES Suites San Diego - Rancho Bernardo

Sonesta ES Suites San Diego - Rancho Bernardo

Adjacent to the Northrop Grumman corporation and Scripps Hospital in San Diego's Rancho Bernardo community.

Location very good with lots of places to eat nearby

Planning a trip to see the San Diego Zoo Safari Park? Check out the latest reviews and scores

We only purchased the basic admission ticket..

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What a fabulous place!

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Hacienda Motel

Hacienda Motel

SpringHill Suites by Marriott Escondido Downtown

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  • About Our Zoo
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  • Private Guided Tours
  • Petting Zoo
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Current Discounts
  • All Cabin Amenities
  • Safari Cabin FAQ
  • The Bear’s Den
  • The Safari Hut
  • The Catfish Hole
  • Lucy’s Hideout
  • The Elk Lodge
  • Dottie’s Place
  • Omar’s Oasis
  • The Outback Shack
  • Cabin Policies

Exotic Resort Zoo, Inc. Logo

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  • School Field Trips
  • Birthday Parties

We have 8 safari cabins that are available for overnight stays throughout the year. These cabins offer beautiful views and include plenty of complimentary amenities. You can check out our amenities here !

Don’t wait, request your reservation now! After you’ve made your reservation, you’ll receive a confirmation invoice for your own records! The rates that you see below do not include tax. Plan to pay both sales tax and hotel/motel tax on your stay. These taxes will be reflected in your confirmation email, as well as all of our current policies.

Is there a minimum night’s stay? The Exotic Resort Zoo maintains a two-night minimum on the weekends, and during the Spring, Summer and Holiday Breaks. However, you are welcome to inquire about one-night stays during our slower seasons. If approved for a one-night stay, guests will pay a one-time Housekeeping Fee dependent on the size of the cabin. For two-night stays, the fee is waived! To check one-night availability, click here.

Planning Suggestions!

  • The Bear’s Den , Safari Hut , Lucy’s Hideout and Omar’s Oasis sleep (4) people comfortably. All of these cabins have a fridge, microwave and coffee pot. But, Lucy’s Hideout is the only small cabin that has a full-functioning kitchen with the addition of a range top for cooking!
  • For larger groups, both the Elk Lodge and the Catfish Hole sleep (6) people comfortably. These two cabins have fully-functioning kitchens with a range top for cooking, fridge, microwave, coffee pot and toaster. The Elk Lodge is our only 2-story cabin and it allows for amazing views of the Hill Country sunsets!
  • Our largest cabins, Dottie’s Place and the Outback Shack sleep (8) people comfortably. These two cabins have fully functioning kitchens with a range top and stove for cooking, fridge, microwave, coffee pot and toaster.

All cabins include basic accommodations, linens and bath towels up to their capacity guest rating. Bring your own pool towels if you plan on swimming! We do not supply body wash, shampoo or conditioner – however, there’s plenty of toilet paper to go around. We also do not supply paper towels, charcoal, lighter fluid or a lighter! If you are planning an extended stay, please bring some extra toiletries as we do not restock linens or toilet paper during the stay. Check-in is at 4pm and check-out is 11am!

Cabin #1 – The Bear’s Den

Bear’s Den patio and tree.

The Bear’s Den was the very first cabin built on our property. It is finished with aromatic cedar, including the interior & cathedral-style ceilings. It has recently been redecorated to honor Teddy the Black Bear, who was one of the original critters back in 1995.

The cabin includes two separate rooms (queen bed in each) with one bathroom, comfortably sleeping up to four guests for $200/night!

Click here to learn more about the Bear’s Den!

Cabin #2 – The Safari Hut

Safari Hut exterior.

The Safari Hut is our handicapped-accessible safari cabin! It has a ramp for easy access to the outdoor deck and interior of the cabin. This cabin is decorated to honor some of our beautiful African species!

The cabin includes two separate rooms (queen bed in each) with one bathroom, sleeping up to four guests comfortably for $200/night!

Interested in the Safari Hut? Click here!

Cabin #3 – The Catfish Hole

Catfish Hole backyard and picnic table.

The Catfish Hole houses three queen beds, one-and-a-half baths, and plenty of floor space. It’s been decorated to display one of our favorite activities: catching monster catfish in our stocked pond! This roomy cabin and is tucked back in the shade under a large canopy of oak trees.

Once inside, the first room includes a queen size bed + half bath as you walk in, with a spacious kitchenette area on the right. The second room past the kitchen includes two separate beds and a full bath with tub and shower! Catch this cabin for six guests for $275/night.

The Catfish Hole is just right for you! Click here to learn more.

Cabin #4 – Lucy’s Hideout

Lucy’s Hideout - front porch exterior.

This is one of our oldest cabins and is setup similar to Cabins 1, 2 and 7! However, it is our only four-sleeper with an almost-full kitchen!  The kitchenette is perfect for a quiet breakfast-in-bed experience, as you close the wooden-shuttered windows to fully escape the day and enjoy your peaceful solitude. It’s been decorated in honor of Lucy the Ringtailed Lemur, one of our original fur babies!

This cabin comfortably sleeps up to four guests for only $200/night.

Climb in and learn more about Lucy’s Hideout here!

Cabin #5 – The Elk Lodge

Elk Lodge exterior.

The Elk Lodge is our only 2-story cabin. It offers tremendous views of the safari park and surrounding hill country from two balconies – you don’t want to miss the amazing hill country sunsets! Downstairs, there is a full kitchen with full-size fridge and a spacious living area. There is a private bathroom and two-bed suite downstairs as well. Make your way upstairs to find a bedroom suite and another private bathroom!

This six-sleeper cabin is only $275/night.

Find out more about lounging in the Elk Lodge here!

Cabin #6 – Dottie’s Place

Dottie's Place deck.

Dottie’s Cabin is one of the largest cabins that sleep up to (8) guests for only $400/night. It also has our largest patio deck with amazing views of the zoo and surrounding hill country.

Inside the cabin:

  • You’ll find a great room equipped with two murphy beds, plenty of living space, the kitchen and a full bathroom (shower).
  • There is a separate room with two additional queen beds and another full bath (tub).

Have an even larger group? Cabin #7, Omar’s Oasis, shares an adjoining porch, so you can book cabins #6 & #7 together to sleep up to 12 guests!

Dottie’s Place is sure to suit your group. Click here to get more information!

Cabin #7 – Omar’s Oasis

Omar's Oasis exterior.

Omar’s Oasis was built in memory of our original kissing camel from our early days. This cabin is set-up as a cozy individual 2 bedroom suite ideal for up to 4 guests, for $200/night!

Click here to learn more about Omar’s Oasis!

Cabin #8 – The Outback Shack

Outback Shack exterior.

Welcome to our newest cabin, the Outback Shack! This cabin is built similar to Dottie’s Place, but rather than murphy beds in the great room, we’ve added another private suite! This cabin has a large living space and kitchen area with two private bedrooms that house (2) full beds in each with a private bathroom off of each as well. Reserve the outback shack for $400/night.

Learn more about our newest cabin by clicking here!

The Cabin Area

Here is a quick layout of our cabin area! Everything is within walking distance of each other! You are also welcome to call us at (830)868-4357 if you have questions regarding our cabin area.

Cabin Map

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We are open every day.

The only days that the Exotic Resort Zoo is closed is Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Contact Us

235 Zoo Trail - Johnson City, Texas 78636

Phone: (830)868-4357

Email: [email protected]

Guided Tours are BACK!

We offer one-of-a-kind Guided Tours (tractor ride) through the park. You may buy tickets online or in-house for this experience! Typical wait time for a Guided Tour is about 30 minutes in the petting zoo. However, they are definitely worth the wait for a unique experience!

If you are interested in the Drive-Thru (your vehicle) option, you must buy tickets online to reserve a spot. Just click the ‘Buy Tickets’ option & proceed!

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JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge

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Fig Tree Lounge

Welcome to JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge

Experience a luxury african safari lodge in the masai mara.

JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge marks the debut of the first luxury safari lodge in the brand portfolio. Overlooking the Talek River and the Masai Mara National Reserve, this lodge features 20 luxurious and expansive ensuite tents (including an interconnecting family suite and accessible suite, all with their own private outdoor Jacuzzi tub and deck. Your experience includes meals (breakfast, lunch, high tea sundowner and dinner, both on property and bush meals, a selection of beverages, game drives, airstrip transfers, and many meaningful moments. Communal areas include a dining area, lounge bar, spa, gym, photographic studio, garden and a large outdoor viewing deck with a fire pit. Embark on a soul enriching journey with us, where every moment is destined to be unforgettable in one of the finest luxury tented camps and African safari lodges. For the safety and comfort of our guests we have age restrictions for children under six.

Rooms & Suites

Featured amenities on-site, hotel information.

Check-in: 2:00 pm

Check-out: 10:00 am

Pets Not Allowed

Service animals only

Complimentary On-Site Parking

Sarabi Lounge

Sarabi Restaurant

Savour diverse, locally-inspired cuisine freshly prepared to suit your own distinctive tastes in a breathtaking setting. A culinary journey awaits al fresco at the veranda. It's a wonderful place to experience breakfast or dinner during your Mara visit.

Morning Shamba

A nourishing and relaxing outdoor space that fosters authentic connections while striving to honor the surrounding natural environment.

Sarabi Breakfast

Indulge in a delightful spread of freshly baked pastries, hearty omelets, and gourmet coffee at Sarabi Restaurant.

Fig Tree Lounge and Deck

Be inspired by the simple beauty of the world around you as you sip on meticulously crafted drinks infused with fresh ingredients at our Fig Tree Lounge and Deck.

More Ways to Enjoy Your Stay


Enjoy an unforgettable experience at our luxury spa. We understand your need to regenerate holistically and offer locally rooted organic products and treatments for the Whole You experience.

Sunrise Yoga

Fitness Center

Enjoy the tranquility of the wilderness while still focusing on your fitness at our hotel gym.

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Talek River, Masai Mara Reserve, Masai Mara, Kenya, 00100

Safari land cruisers;on request


Local Shuttle Complimentary

Property Details

Accepts: Credit Cards

Concierge desk service

Languages spoken by staff: English

For more information about the physical features of our accessible rooms, common areas or special services relating to a specific disability please call +254 797-222999

Accessible on-site parking

Van Accessible on-site parking

Accessible Entrance to On-Site Pool

Entrance to On-Site Fitness Center is Accessible

Entrance to On-Site Spa is Accessible

Main Entrance is Accessible

Meeting Spaces are Accessible

On-Site Restaurants are Accessible

Accessible Vanities

Adjustable Height Hand-Held Shower Wand

Bathtub Grab Rails

Bathtub Seat

Deadbolts on Guest Room and Suites Doors

Electronic Room Key

Guest Room and Suites Doors Self-Closing

Lever Handles on Guest Room Doors

Lowered Electrical Outlets

Mobility accessible rooms

Non-slip Grab Rails in the Bathroom

Roll-in Shower

Toilet Seat at Wheelchair Height - Toilet for Disabled

Transfer Showers in Guest Rooms

Frequently Asked Questions

The check-in time at JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge is 2:00 pm and the check-out time is 10:00 am.

The pet policy at JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge is:

Pets Not Allowed (Service animals only)

The parking options at JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge are:

The property amenities at JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge are:

Yes, JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge has free Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.

Unlock your stay with the Marriott Bonvoy™ App


Talek River, Masai Mara Reserve,

Masai Mara, Kenya, 00100

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Drive Thru Safari Fun

Explore 900 acres of drive-thru safari adventure, hundreds of animals, conservation meets adventure, the texas zoofari park is open for the 2024 season. get your tickets, attractions.

At the Texas Zoofari Park, you can spend time with our resident animals in several ways. Observe them from your vehicle on the safari drive-thru or get up close and personal during a stroll through our village walk-thru.

Safari Drive-Thru

Safari Drive-Thru

Village Walk-Thru

Village Walk-Thru

Giraffe Feeding

Giraffe Feeding

Now Open - Kangaroo Walk-About

Now Open - Kangaroo Walk-About

Zoofari Parks, LLC, is excited to be expanding to the great state of Texas.”

Join The Team

Featured Animals

Get to know our resident animals. We spotlight a few featured animals and teach you about their eating habits, their status in the wild and statistics, like their average weight, height and more.

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News from our parks

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Texas Zoofari Park Welcomes Two Southern White Rhinos

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Alabama Safari Park Welcomes Its Newest and Slowest Residents to the Zoo

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Gulf Breeze Zoo Welcomes Its Newest Orangutan, Satu

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Virginia Safari Park Recognized by ZAA for Excellence in Breeding

Follow us on instagram.

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Celebrate Mother's Day at the Texas Zoofari Park!

Every Mom Receives a FREE bucket of animal feed

Last admission is at 3:30 pm.

Aqua Safari Resort

Our inviting pool

View prices for your travel dates

  • Excellent 172
  • Very Good 81
  • Terrible 22
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" Road from Ada town to the place not so good "

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" Pack a hat and plan your activities because there are alot of options. "

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" The name Safari speaks for itself with the beautiful greenery, beautiful animals and beautiful beach front for your enjoyment. "

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" - There’s lots and lots of food, don’t worry about bringing snacks. - Everything is provided for, just come with your clothes 😂. "

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" From Accra stay on the N1 to Aflao for over 64 km, keep eyes on the bill boards, even though they are few. Have patience for huge humps "

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Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve

Book Now Tickets + Safaris

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Explore 600 acres of Kentish Savannah

A truly incredible safari experience.

Visit Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve for an unforgettable safari experience set against hundreds of acres of stunning Kentish savannah. 

There's never been a better time to visit Port Lympne. Bring your family to meet our family!

Glamping Sale!

30% off magical getaways with award-winning accommodation, exotic wildlife, good food and spectacular views, right on your doorstep!

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Book Day Tickets

Book a visit to Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve and come face-to-face with hundreds of rare and endangered animals in the Kent countryside

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Spring Safari Staycations

Join us on our stunning Kentish savannah this spring and enjoy a magical getaway with award-winning accommodation, exotic wildlife, good food and spectacular views, right on your doorstep!

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Sunday Roast at The Garden Room

One of the finest English traditions, a leisurely Sunday roast can be enjoyed in the Garden Room.

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Bear Lodge Restaurant

Informal family dining overlooking the spectacled bear habitat, with a spectacular view across the reserve and to the Kent coastline.

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How Your Visit Helps

Dinosaur forest, eat and drink.

Don't forget to book your seats aboard a safari truck and see how many magnificent animals you can spot on your way!

We’re home to over 900 animals across 75 species, including Kent's only spectacled bears as well as giraffes, zebras, lions, tigers, gorillas, monkeys and more! Find out more about our incredible animals here .

Your ticket will help to fund not only the care of the animals here at Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve but will also support our overseas projects. Thanks to the generosity of visitors like you, we - in conjunction with The Aspinall Foundation (charity number 326567) - have released more than 75 gorillas back to the wild and our released gorillas have had over 35 wild births! In Indonesia, we have released 41 Javan gibbons, 14 Javan grizzled langurs and 125 Javan ebony langurs. The Indonesian primates have over 35 wild births. We have also transferred 8 black rhino from our Kent parks to Africa, who have produced 25 offspring between them. Find out more about our conservation work around the world.

Steel your nerves and discover the forest that time forgot as you explore the UK’s largest outdoor dinosaur exhibition, Dinosaur Forest , featuring all your favourite beasts.

We serve home cooked food made with fresh, locally sourced produce at our restaurants and cafes . You'll find family favourites at Basecamp Cafe, Italian inspired dishes at Babydoll's Wood Fired Pizza or dine in style at The Garden Room Restaurant & Bar.

Relax, unwind, and recharge with an overnight stay in one of our unique accommodations .

The BIG day out

Annual pass.

Go wild and enjoy the best value days out to two of Kent's most popular animal parks with our new Annual Pass.  Visit Howletts Wild Animal Park and Port Lympne Reserve as many times as you like in a year! 

Your next adventure awaits

Enjoy unforgettable short breaks with friends, family and loved ones. Stay as long as you like and even pick a different accommodation for each night! Choose additional experiences or just soak up the peace and quiet, recharge and reconnect.

Stay in our multi award-winning accommodation

There are so many amazing ways to stay at Port Lympne. Our award winning short breaks range from glamping to a luxurious 4* hotel , or a unique Treehouse stay . Set in this unique coastal location, with amazing views, surrounded by wildlife, it’s a short break you’ll never forget.

What’s more, all profits from the parks and short breaks go back into the conservation work of our partner charity, The Aspinall Foundation. So you can enjoy your stay, knowing that you are directly helping our conservation work.

Luxury Stays

Immerse yourself in the lives of the lion pride at Lion Lodge and explore the rest of the Reserve on your private golf buggy.

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Tiger Lodge

Wake up in a tiger’s world, then head out in your own personal golf buggy to meet the rest of the animals in the 600 acre reserve.

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Be part of the pack and watch our wolves from your private viewing window. Then discover over 700 animals as you explore the reserve on your golf buggy.

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Rhino Lodge

Make friends with your wild neighbours and explore the reserve in your own personal golf buggy.

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Enjoy stunning views from your award winning self-catering treehouse suite and explore the 600 acre reserve on your own personal golf buggy.

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Mansion Hotel

Get away from it all with a stay at our 4* boutique hotel.

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Giraffe Cottage

A classic country retreat with a guided safari and a private chef!

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The Treetop Bubble

Immerse yourself in a luxury romantic retreat amongst the treetops, with 180 degree panoramic views. Includes your own personal golf buggy.

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Forest Hideaway

Exclusive hidden forest dens, for the ultimate romantic retreat. Includes a golf buggy to explore the reserve at your leisure.

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Hog Deer Creek

Stay in the wilds of Kent in your cosy shepherd’s hut. Explore the 600 acre reserve on your own private golf buggy.

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Glamping Stays

Unforgettable glamping getaway overlooking the spectacled bear habitat. Camp out under the stars and immerse yourself in an exciting safari experience.

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Giraffe Lodge

Camp out under the stars and immerse yourself in an exciting safari experience - right here in Kent!

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Put the fun back into camping without the need to pitch a tent at Pinewood, where you can sleep within roaring distance of lions!

Pinewood - Shepherds Hut

Camp in style and comfort at Pinewood's Shepherd's Hut and fall asleep to the sound of the roaring lions!

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There's so much more to Port Lympne...

We’re not just an award-winning wild day out and we’re not just a charity with conservation at our heart. We take good care of our animals and good care of our guests, too! There’s nowhere in the world quite like Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve.

  • Book activities including animal encounters, keeper days and safari park tours
  • Have a party or host your next conference or event 
  • Book your next getaway
  • Get married at our award-winning wedding venue
  • Eat and drink

Fun family days out at Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve in Kent

What's on

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Explore: dinosaur forest.

Steel your nerves as you journey through Dinosaur Forest !  Marvel at the tremendous T-Rex, stare at the Stegosaurus, feel the terror of the Pterodactyl, and delight at the sheer size of the diplodocus! Come face to face with prehistoric life-sized creatures in the UK’s largest dinosaur forest!

Dinosaur Forest at Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve in Kent

We’re not a zoo

  • Port Lympne Reserve is a breeding sanctuary for rare and endangered animals and wherever possible we aim to send animals born here to protected areas of their natural habitat where they can live free – just as they should be.
  • We always make sure that the animals come first, from enclosure design to diet, no expense is spared. We grow our own herbs and vegetables and source our meat from trustworthy suppliers.
  • We design our enclosures with the animals in mind, so there’s lots of natural foliage and furniture to provide shelter and camouflage.
  • We never lock our animals into viewing areas, so, just like in the wild, it may take some time to spot certain animals.
  • We do our best to provide a fantastic visitor experience, whilst not forgetting the primary reason we’re here – to ensure the survival of endangered animals.
TRIPADVISOR Wonderful Day Out An excellent place to visit - see the animals close up and enjoy excellent food at Baby Dolls restaurant. Friendly helpful staff everywhere around the huge park. The Safari ride is a must do. A great day out at a great price. Ken S. Written August 26, 2021
TRIPADVISOR Super Safari The reserve is large and offers a lovely day out. I highly recommend booking the safari as this was the best part of our visit. Amy Rogers. Written August 6, 2021
TRIPADVISOR An unbelievable experience We were all amazed at just how good this place is. We stayed in the hotel for two nights so got two full days in the park. Everything is so well organised and the safari drives are brilliant. You get to see so many animals close up. We have been to a South African safari and we saw more animals here than we did there. We were very luck with the weather which added to the experience. You have to give this place a try, you will love it and the kids will too. Gary F. Written October 6, 2020

How to get here

Port Lympne Reserve, Lympne (Nr Hythe), Kent, United Kingdom, CT21 4PD

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The Aspinall Foundation

Zažijte život zvířat!!!

Poznejte život více než 230 zvířat 25 druhů v jejich přirozeném prostředí., co vám můžeme nabídnout.


Nezmeškejte naše akce v Safari Resortu na Hluboké u Borovan a prožijte příjemný den se spoustou zajímavostí a zábavy.

Důležitá informace: do areálu je povolen vstup se psem pouze na vodítku a do ubytovacích zařízení je pes zakázán !


Safari Park

V našem Safari Parku naleznete až 25 druhů zvířat, k viděni jsou kozy, koně, daňci, jeleni či exotické druhy jako velbloudi, lamy nebo bizoni. Užijte si krásný výlet na v Hluboké u Borovan.


Zažijte jedinečnou atmosféru života mezi zvířaty. Přijeďte se ubytovat do našeho Safari Resortu v Hluboké u Borovan v krásných apartmánech uprostřed přírody.


Offroad Safari

Nasedněte do našich otevřených terénních vozů a vyražte přímo do obory mezi zvířata! Offroad vyjížďka je zde pro Vás každý den. Rezervujte si jízdu ONLINE.


Programy pro děti

Nabídka naučného programu v SAFARI pro školy, mateřské školky a jiná dětská zařízení. Nově v nabídce i narozeninové oslavy pro děti.


Safari Balloon

Že se svět z výšky zdá krásnější? Nezdá. Opravdu je!  Zažijte přelet nad stádem bizonů, prohlédněte si Safari z ptačí perspektivy. Safari Balloon - let v Safari nejen nad zvířaty!



Ochutnejte naše úžasné pokrmy z vlastních surovin od spřátelených farem z Jižních Čech u nás v restauraci. Vaříme pouze z nejčerstvějších surovin od lokálních farmářů.


Bike centrum

Prověřte svoje schopnosti na naší Pump track, která je vhodná jak pro děti, tak dospělé. Pro ty zkušenější zde máme připravený skill track. Zažijte ten pravý adrenalin na Hluboké u Borovan. Novinkou je půjčovna kol a elektrokol.


V našem safari parku nemáme pouhé dětské hřiště. Mále Safariště! Široký výběr atrakcí na ploše 3500 m2. Zažijte nekonečnou porci zábavy v našem stylovém fun-parku.


Pokochejte se fotografiemi z našeho Zoo resortu na Hluboké u Borovan a nebo ještě lépe, přijeďte a zažijte úžasná zvířata a přírodu na vlastní kůži.


Online webkamera ze Safari Resortu. Prohlédněte si na safari zblízka.


Residence Hotels

Ubytujte se u nás a všude se budete cítit jako doma.Užijte si ubytování v Čechách i v Rakousku.

Nasedněte do našich otevřených terénních vozů a vyražte přímo do obory mezi zvířata! Offroad vyjížďka je zde pro Vás každý den.


Minimuzeum Land Rover

Vozidla této legendární značky od nejstarších modelů po různé přestavby


Hledáte neobyčejné místo pro svatbu? Safari Resort je tím pravým místem, kde je vše na jednom místě.

...a spousta dalších aktivit, např. půjčovna kánoí, rybolov, grilování...

Answer The Call of the Wild Answer The Call of the Wild

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Two stunning lodges, one safari adventure

Our lodges sparkle with a unique personality, and together form the ultimate Botswana safari. Elephants parade across the plains against the Botswana sunrise. Predators kick up plumes of dust. The setting sun brings startling pink skies. With indulgent and elegant tented rooms, feasts of local delicacies and camps perfectly positioned for game spotting, Belmond safaris sizzle with savannah magic.

Thank you for your interest in Belmond.


Preferred date

For further information about how we use your data, please see our privacy policy .

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Our Safari Lodges

Explore our individual lodges, or book both together for the ultimate exploration of Botswana — email [email protected] to learn more


  • Eagle Island Lodge

Okavango Delta

Discover a modern, sophisticated sanctuary on a private island at the heart of the Okavango Delta

  • Savute Elephant Lodge

Chobe National Park

Beside the mysterious Savute Channel, this tented oasis is the perfect base to discover the wonders of Chobe National Park

A pair of unforgettable adventures

A female guest sits in a round wicker chair reading a book alongside the pool

Unpredictable wet and dry cycles create a dynamic landscape alive with a vibrant, raw energy—and wildlife to match.

A couple standing on the bow of a candlelit boat at sunset in the Okavango Delta

In the heart of UNESCO wetlands, this newly renovated lodge offers boutique tents and thrilling helicopter safaris.

Our Africa Itineraries

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Grand Tour of Botswana

4 or 6 nights Embark on the ultimate Belmond adventure in Botswana with a stay at our two uniquely enchanting safari lodges.

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Splendours of Africa

11 nights Experience the splendours of Africa; a luxurious stay at Mount Nelson, a journey on the legendary Rovos Rail, and the untamed romance of Belmond Safaris.

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Two Worlds Collide

11 nights Embark on a journey that contrasts the dramatic, beautiful deserts of Namibia with the lush bush-life of Belmond Safaris in Botswana.

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Best of Both

7 nights Marvel at the teeming wildlife and majestic scenery of Botswana on a Belmond Safari before being captured by the spellbinding drama of the Victoria Falls.

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Botswana At Its Best

4 or 6 nights Experience extreme diversity as you explore the waterways of the Delta at Eagle Island Lodge, and listen to the rumble of elephants through Savute Elephant Lodge.

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Romancing the Senses

7 nights Combine an action-packed stay at a Belmond safari lodge in Botswana with an indulgent beach break on a journey perfect for honeymooners or families.

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Journey to the Heart of Africa

10 nights Discover the joie de vivre of Johannesburg. Experience the thrills of Belmond Safaris. Be part of the vibrant, cosmopolitan city of Cape Town at Mount Nelson.

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Safari Trilogy

10 nights Stay at any Belmond Safari and explore the Okavango Delta in Botswana, a vibrant wetland and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Witness the majestic feline colonies of the Sabi Sand, and learn about rhino conservation among the rugged landscape of the Kalahari Desert.

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Whales & Wine

7 nights After a luxury stay at Mount Nelson, sample award-winning vintages in the famous Winelands region. Then head to coastal Hermanus, where the seasonal whales make their annual visit.

Not to be missed

With our exclusive selection of thrilling activities, you’ll find endless things to do on Safari with Belmond

Guests enjoy galloping on horseback through the delta wetlands

Horseback and Helicopter

A first in Northern Botswana, this safari begins with a 10-minute helicopter flight before you saddle up for a thrilling horseback ride through the delta.

Safari guide steering two guests along a river at sunset in a traditional mokoro canoe

Mokoro Canoe Safari

Glide along the delta in a traditional dugout canoe at first flight. Explore the clear waters teeming with varieties of plantlife and majestic animals.

Group of guests sitting around a campfire gazing at a starry sky in the savannah

Be captivated by the treasures of the boundless night sky. Using a telescope to focus in on the constellations and discover how Bushmen used the stars to locate the true south.

Guests enjoy learning local dances around the firepit after dark

Gather round the campfire and exchange stories of your day’s adventures, much as villagers do throughout Botswana. The evening often ends with everyone dancing, to rhythms handed down through generations.

Local delta children playing on sandy tracks through their village

Village Life

Visit Nxhoga village nearby Eagle Island Lodge. Meet elders, chat with the children and browse the small market, churches and bakery as you get a taste of village life in Botswana.

An excursion gives guests a chance to get up close to the famous baobab trees

Bushmen Paintings and Baobab Trees

Head out into the bush and find a collection of paintings that will take your breath away. Then continue on to the amazing baobab grove, a cathedral-like cluster of 13 giant trees that are almost as old as the paintings.

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Amid sprays of churned up water, a herd of zebras spectacularly gallops across a river in Botswana


I'm looking for exceptional experiences, in remarkable destinations, especially at iconic hotels, trains, boats or safaris.

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Explore in Depth

See more ideas and articles from Belmond

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Okavango Adventures

“You know you are truly alive when you’re living among lions.” – Karen Blixen, Out of Africa.

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Destination Guides

Unlock Botswana

“Africa changes you forever, like nowhere on earth. But how do you begin to describe its magic to someone who has never felt it? How can you explain the fascination of this vast, dusty continent, whose oldest roads are elephant paths?"

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Mysteries of the Okavango Delta

The essential work of a ranger is the lifeblood of our Belmond Safaris. Read on to uncover the magic of Botswana’s Okavango Delta with Moses Maphane.

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Botswana with Alexander McCall Smith

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of his bestselling series ‘The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency’, Alexander McCall Smith reflects on his time in Botswana with Belmond Safaris.

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Take Me To The River

Embark on the ultimate adventure and discover the breathtaking beauty of the Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and home to our three Belmond Safaris.

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Top 5: Alfresco Tables

Let’s take this outside. With our alfresco tables, the views promise to be just as delicious as the dishes.

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Packages & Tours

Explore Africa with Belmond

From the buzz of Cape Town to the drama of Botswana, embark on the ultimate tour of Africa with Belmond.

Plan your next adventure

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  • Student & Youth Groups
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  • Our Mission

Roar & Snore camp tents

Roar & Snore Safari

$160 & up*

*Per person, plus admission. Admission is separate and required.

  • CALL TO BOOK 619-718-3000

At A Glance

Pack up your “trunk” for a sleepover adventure at the Safari Park! All sleepovers include camp activities, an after-hours look at the wild lives of wildlife, guided walks, s'mores around the campfire, dinner, an evening snack, and breakfast the following morning. Choose from several age-appropriate sleepover categories with their own themes.

  • Tent Options

Family eating S'mores

All Ages Roar & Snore

Spend the night at the Safari Park with your family! Campers of all ages are invited to experience a sleepover that has something for everyone !

couple with cockatoo

Adults Only Roar & Snore

  • Ages 21 & up

Join us for an adults-only adventure camping at the Safari Park! You’ll explore the Safari Park after dark, enjoy classic camp activities, and hear amazing stories about San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s conservation work around the globe.

three girls

Girl Scouts Roar & Snore

  • Ages 5 & up

Bring your troop to the Safari Park for a sleepover they will never forget! Designed especially for Girl Scouts ages five and older and their troop leaders or adult chaperones, this Roar & Snore sleepover offers a special Safari Park experience that you can only get at night.   All campers will receive a special Roar & Snore patch for participating. 

A group of young children tugging a rope

School & Youth Nights Roar & Snore

  • Grades 3–12 with adults

Bring your students or youth groups to the Safari Park for a sleepover they will never forget! Designed especially for school and youth groups, this special Roar & Snore Safari offers a way to experience the Park in a whole new way that is perfect for your group’s next adventure.


photo of classic tent

Classic Tent

  • 9 x 14-foot interior
  • Sleeping pads
  • Traditional vinyl-covered tent floor

Our traditional camping tent with vinyl-covered tent floor and sleeping pads for up to five campers.

* Maximum five person occupancy per tent. Single campers pay a minimum two-person price. Admission is separate and required.

Photo of Vista Tent

  • Cots (2 bunk cots and 2 single cots)
  • Electrical outlets, fan, and heater

Our traditional camping tent—with cots and a view! Spend the night looking out over the African Plains, home to grazing giraffes, rhinos, antelope, and more. Suitable for up to six campers.

* Maximum six person occupancy per tent. Single campers pay a minimum two-person price. Admission is separate and required.

Photo of Premium Tent

Premium Tent

  • 12 x 16-foot interior
  • Queen bed plus two cots
  • Wood floors with area rug
  • Bed linens and pillows

Our most luxurious “glamping” tent option, complete with a queen-size bed and two cots. Perfect for couples or families of four.

* Maximum four person occupancy per tent. Single campers pay a minimum two-person price. Admission is separate and required.

Enhance Your Roar & Snore Experience!

These special add-on Safaris require advance reservations and can be reserved when you call to schedule your Roar & Snore Safari. Our Reservation Sales team is ready to help you plan a perfect stay at the Safari Park.

Call 619-718-3000 for more information and reservations. Age and other restrictions may apply.  

Supreme Roar & Snore

Supreme Roar & Snore

  • Must have a valid Roar & Snore ticket
  • Includes Flightline Safari, Night Vision Safari, Exclusive Viewing of Wildlife Ambassador Encounters & Wildlife Safari
  • Guests ages 8–15 must be accompanied by paid adult; maximum 3 children per adult

Upgrade to a Supreme Roar & Snore Safari package for a whole new level of adventure! You’ll begin your evening by soaring into camp on our 2/3-mile Flightline Safari zip line. At night, take a Night Vision Safari to view wildlife of Africa and Asia through night vision binoculars. After breakfast, you’ll enjoy reserved VIP viewing of wildlife ambassador encounters. Finally, conclude your overnight experience with a Wildlife Safari into expansive savanna habitats in the back of covered, open-air safari truck for an up-close view of an amazing variety of wildlife.

To participate in the Flightline Safari component, participants must be at least 8 years old; weigh between 60 and 300 pounds; meet the minimum height requirement of 48"; wear secure, close-toed shoes; and fit comfortably in the harness.

Offered on All Ages events, Adults Only events, and some Exclusive events. Space is limited. Please call 619-718-3000 for availability and pricing.

PLEASE NOTE: Supreme Roar & Snore guests will need to check in between 3:30 and 3:45 p.m. for the Flightline portion of their Supreme experience.  


Giraffe staring at camera.

Wildlife Safari

Travel in the back of a covered, open-air safari truck into our expansive savanna habitats, with an expert guide.  


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Hotel with pool


SDZWA adventures botswana elephant

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SDZWA adventures monarch butterfly

Travel with us to see Monarchs

Groom and bride embracing as a giraffe looks on in the distance.

Picture Your Special Day at the Park!


  1. Zoom Safari

    zoom safari resort

  2. 10 Best African Safari Family Lodges

    zoom safari resort

  3. Top 10 Best Luxury African Safari Resorts & Lodges

    zoom safari resort

  4. You Can Now Stay Overnight In These Amazing Lodges At West Midland

    zoom safari resort

  5. Best Luxury Safari Lodges in Tanzania

    zoom safari resort

  6. Best Luxury Safari Lodges in Kenya

    zoom safari resort


  1. Resort

    C.I.R. 001097-CAM-00002. (+39)0119070318. Str.Piscina 36, 10040 Cumiana TO. Scrivici. C.I.R. 001097-CAM-00002. Lake Eyasi: a Torino ti addormenti sotto le stelle e ti risvegli nella Savana, facendo colazione con le giraffe! Se 5 stelle non ti bastano, scopri ZOOM Africa Glamping.

  2. Night Safari, your nights at ZOOM

    Night Safari, your nights at ZOOM. On Saturday evening in July and from August 5th to 27th, there is an unforgettable emotion to discover the park and the animals even after sunset, engaging dances and African music to discover Senegal and Malawi ….

  3. Zoom Torino

    Zoom non è un semplice safari, ma un'esperienza di viaggio irresistibile! Un'avventura a piedi, tra Asia e Africa, immersi nella natura per scoprire gli animali nei loro habitat. Esplora i 10 habitat africani e asiatici e impara, divertendoti, curiosità, particolarità e problematiche delle specie grazie agli incontri con i biologi.. Scopri il vincitore del premio "Miglior attrazione ...

  4. Zoom Torino

    Zoom Torino is a unique wildlife park in Cumiana, Italy, where you can experience close encounters with animals from different continents. Explore the habitats of African savannah, Asian tropical forest, and Australian outback, and enjoy the interactive shows and activities. Read the reviews from other travelers and book your tickets online with Tripadvisor.

  5. Safaris

    The Ultimate Safari is your key to exclusive areas, wildlife interactions, and the very best in personalized service. READ MORE. Roar & Snore Safaris. All Ages; $160 & up per person; Pack up your "trunk" for a sleepover adventure at the Safari Park! Choose from several age-appropriate sleepover categories with their own themes.

  6. The 10 Best Safari Lodges in Africa in 2022

    Crookes And Jackson/Courtesy of Wilderness Safaris. This year's World's Best list reveals a growing interest in nontraditional safaris. In addition to Bisate at the top spot, there's another ...

  7. THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Escondido

    Guests. 1 room, 2 adults, 0 children. 15500 San Pasqual Valley Rd, Escondido, CA 92027-7017. Read Reviews of San Diego Zoo Safari Park.

  8. Luxury Gay Travel

    Zoom has been perfecting Luxury Gay Travel since 2002. Zoom is rated the #1 vacation travel experience for Gay and LGBTQ travel! ... or African safari hopping by private plane, Zoom Vacations® brings unmatched experiences, showing our travelers more than just a good time. We want our guests to feel inspired. View our Tours. Morocco ...

  9. 11 Best Hotels Near San Diego Zoo Safari Park in Escondido, CA

    Top Hotels Near San Diego Zoo Safari Park. 1. Rancho Bernardo Inn. Distance to San Diego Zoo Safari Park: 7.6 miles. Photo courtesy of Rancho Bernardo Inn. Rancho Bernardo Inn San Diego is the luxury boutique hotel option on this list, located in peaceful Rancho Bernardo on a golf course and near a fantastic winery.

  10. Emirates Park Zoo & Resort: Abu Dhabi Wildlife

    Emirates Park Zoo and Resort Location. test . Learn More. People who trust us. Testimonial What people say about us. Went on the 'Breakfast with the Giraffes' Experience and it was absolutley amazing. The experience was so intimate and the giraffes were wonderful! Our guide Mohanned was fantastic and gave us all the information we needed and ...

  11. 14 Top-Rated Luxury Safari Lodges in South Africa

    2. Royal Malewane Photo Source: Royal Malewane. In Thornybush Game Reserve, bordering Kruger National Park, Royal Malewane is not only one of South Africa's best safari lodges, it's one of the top all-inclusive resorts in the world.. A classic old-world feel sets the scene here for a safari that could come right out of Hemingway's journal.

  12. Open Sky Zion

    Experience the allure of Open Sky Resort's 2024 season by reserving your stay today! We are thrilled to open our 2024 season for extraordinary winter/spring stays starting on February 16th, 2024. Embrace new experiences, delight in seasonal treats from the Black Sage restaurant, and revel in the utmost comfort of our charming heated tents.

  13. Exclusive African Luxury Safari Lodges, Camps, And Resorts

    Exclusive African Luxury Safari Lodges, Camps, Hotels, Resorts. Where to stay, Videos, Reviews for families. African Luxury Safari Lodges are typically located within game reserves or national parks or at least close by to a wildlife area where daily activities include game drives or nature walks to experience the African wilderness and the animals in their natural habitat.

  14. Home

    Welcome to the Exotic Resort Zoo & Safari Cabins! Where things are always wild & there is fun for all ages! We are open 362 days of the year from 9am to 6pm; Last tour leaves no later than 4:30pm. Johnson City is playing center stage for a total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2023! For that day only, we are requiring our visitors to ...

  15. Hotels near San Diego Zoo Safari Park, Escondido

    Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites San Diego-Escondido, an IHG Hotel. Hotel in Escondido (6.6 miles from San Diego Zoo Safari Park) Located just off Highway 15, this hotel features an outdoor pool and whirlpool and rooms with a 32-inch flat-screen cable TV and free Wi-Fi. Escondido Children's Museum is 1.4 miles away.

  16. Safari Cabins

    Here is a quick layout of our cabin area! Everything is within walking distance of each other! You are also welcome to call us at (830)868-4357 if you have questions regarding our cabin area. We have (8) Safari-Styled Cabins for overnight stays! They allow you to experience the safari to it's fullest potential!

  17. JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge (Official Site)

    JW Marriott Masai Mara Lodge marks the debut of the first luxury safari lodge in the brand portfolio. Overlooking the Talek River and the Masai Mara National Reserve, this lodge features 20 luxurious and expansive ensuite tents (including an interconnecting family suite and accessible suite, all with their own private outdoor Jacuzzi tub and deck.

  18. Texas Zoofari Park

    Virginia Safari Park Recognized by ZAA for Excellence in Breeding. Virginia Safari Park was recognized recently by the Zoological Association of America for its breakthrough in successful breeding of Ruppell's Griffon Vulture. Texas Zoofari Park, located 30 miles outside of Dallas, gives you a front-row seat to see and feed animals from all ...


    Cleanliness. 3.9. Service. 3.9. Value. 4.1. Travelers' Choice. Aqua Safari Resort, a top eco-friendly luxury getaway resort in the heart of Ada in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana, West Africa offers to you our esteemed guest, wonderful experiences in our amazing facilities that have been carefully designed for your relaxation and pleasure.

  20. Port Lympne Safari Park, Wild Animal Reserve & Hotel

    A truly incredible safari experience. Visit Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve for an unforgettable safari experience set against hundreds of acres of stunning Kentish savannah. There's never been a better time to visit Port Lympne. Bring your family to meet our family! View all tickets and season passes.

  21. Safari Resort Hluboká u Borovan

    Safari Park Offroad Safari Safari Balloon Galerie Ubytování Bistro „NAŠE FARMA" Kontakt Residence Hotels Residence Hotels s.r.o., Rybná 669/4, 110 00, Praha - Staré Město +420 773 771 728 [email protected]

  22. Belmond Safaris

    Safari Trilogy. 10 nights. Stay at any Belmond Safari and explore the Okavango Delta in Botswana, a vibrant wetland and UNESCO World Heritage Site. Witness the majestic feline colonies of the Sabi Sand, and learn about rhino conservation among the rugged landscape of the Kalahari Desert. View itinerary.

  23. Roar & Snore Safari

    These special add-on Safaris require advance reservations and can be reserved when you call to schedule your Roar & Snore Safari. Our Reservation Sales team is ready to help you plan a perfect stay at the Safari Park. Call 619-718-3000 for more information and reservations. Age and other restrictions may apply.