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Healthcare in  Kenya  

Understanding the fundamentals.

Kenya’s scenery, magnificent wildlife and pleasant climate make it a popular destination among expats looking for a unique experience in Africa. In recent years, the country’s healthcare system has seen dramatic improvements, but there are still a number of issues to be mindful of when considering healthcare options in Kenya.

The Kenyan health system can be divided into three categories: public providers; private non-profit organisations (including faith-based and mission hospitals as well as local and international NGOs); and private for-profit healthcare providers.

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Public healthcare in Kenya

Basic government-funded public healthcare is provided at primary healthcare centres and dispensaries. The government pharmaceutical chain KEMSA provides medication and medical supplies to government dispensaries. These are usually run and managed by nurses.

Public health centres provide free services for simple ailments such as the common cold and flu, uncomplicated malaria and minor skin conditions. Patients with conditions that cannot be handled by a nurse are referred to clinics and hospitals.

While expats are not restricted from using public healthcare, the standards they will encounter may be well below what they are accustomed to. Expats living in Kenya will find that public healthcare programmes and facilities tend to be understaffed, poorly equipped and lacking in supplies. The Central Province and Nairobi offer the best public healthcare facilities, whereas the North-Eastern Province is the most under-developed.

Private healthcare in Kenya

The private healthcare sector in Kenya has become more prominent in recent years. Private clinics of varying standards exist in most major urban centres, including coastal beach resort areas such as Diani and Malindi. Private hospitals can be found mainly in Nairobi, with a few options in Mombasa.

The private Aga Khan University hospital, located in Nairobi, is widely respected and is popular among expats. However, expats should be aware that private healthcare in Kenya can be prohibitively expensive without the assistance of a comprehensive health insurance policy. Good health insurance will also cover travel to other, better equipped, countries such as South Africa in cases where specialised care is required.

Pharmacies and medication in Kenya

The Kenyan healthcare system has been plagued by issues of low-quality and counterfeit medication. In large cities, expats will find an abundance of small road-side pharmacies. While these may be cheaper than large chain pharmacies attached to reputable hospitals, they are also more likely to have issues with fake medication, and their staff are less likely to be trained or qualified to give sound medical advice.

Most prescription medication should be available in Kenya. However, brand names can differ from country to country, so expats should note the generic name of any medication before travelling. It is also unlikely that any significant issues will be encountered when bringing prescription medication into Kenya. Expats are advised to bring the original packaging and to have a copy of the prescription on hand when travelling.

Health hazards in Kenya

There are a few potential health hazards to be aware of in Kenya. Malaria is still a problem in parts of Kenya, while yellow fever, to a lesser extent, is also warned against. The risk of contracting malaria is higher in rural parts of Kenya, so expats planning to spend time in these areas are advised to consider precautionary methods such as anti-malarial prophylaxis and using repellent.

In certain regions, altitude sickness or heat-related ailments may also be a risk. Expats should be sure to drink enough water and avoid overexposure to the sun. If food safety is a concern, it is best to avoid drinking tap water and eating any food containing unpasteurised dairy products.

Routine vaccinations are recommended, as well as additional vaccinations for Covid, polio, rabies and hepatitis, particularly if expats plan on spending time in rural areas. It is also recommended that expats moving to Kenya have a yellow fever vaccination and carry the certificate when travelling in and out of the country, particularly those expats travelling from countries with high yellow fever prevalence.

Emergency services and important numbers in Kenya

Emergency services in Kenya outside of large cities are limited and largely unreliable. Ambulance response times, in general, tend to be slow as there are not many rapid response vehicles. Even when available, Kenyan ambulances may not always be equipped to expat standards.

Some serious health issues will require medical evacuation. This can also be extremely costly, and expats should ensure that their health insurance will provide appropriate cover.

The medical emergency number in Kenya is 999 and is run by English-speaking operators. Expats should be sure to carry the contact details of their nearest embassy in case of an emergency.

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Travel Insurance in Kenya

Travel insurance is one of the most popular products in Kenya driven being one of the mandatory requirements before applying for a visa at most foreign embassies and consulates in Kenya.

Among the most commonly covered risks in travel insurance covers for emergency medical expenses overseas, repatriation in case of death, terrorism and hijack, travel delay and cancellation, baggage delay or loss, loss of passport/ID and a number of public liabilities while in the destination country.

Most of the local insurance companies are partnered with international insurance countries to provide travel insurance in Kenya to citizens and foreign residents, this is to increase their reach worldwide and be able to provide assistance to clients worldwide. Among the most international partnerships are MAPFRE, ASSISTENCIA, AXA and several others. While most travellers buy a standalone travel insurance cover, some medical insurance plans have an inbuilt travel insurance e.g. BUPA, AETNA. Before purchasing travel insurance, it is important to check with the embassy/consulate you are applying to, to confirm the accepted insurance companies and the scope of the travel insurance cover that is required. Here is an example of a guideline from one of the European consulates on their travel insurance requirements

What is covered on an international travel insurance policy issued in Kenya?

Travel insurance covers different areas to ensure a comprehensive coverage when travelling to USA/Canada, Schengen countries , Middle East, Asia and even within Africa. In order to save money on your policy, it is advisable to compare cheap online travel insurance policies especially offered by different companies on their portals. In addition, some companies in Kenya also offer customers an online self service portal from where policies are automatically issued upon payment. Different embassies in Kenya have varying requirements on a travel insurance policy but the following risks are covered in most overseas travel insurance policies issued in Kenya:

  • Medical Protection this includes: emergency medical related expense, medical transportation and repatriation, in-hospital cash benefit, dental and optical expenses, burial, cremation and return of mortal remains, follow up treatment in your country of residence, terrorism, hostage, hijack and wrongful detention.
  • Personal Accident
  • Cancellation or curtailment of journey
  • Travel Delay
  • Personal Liability
  • Hijack, hostage or wrongful detention inconvenience
  • Luggage delay
  • Loss of currency and/or travel credentials
  • Emergency travel assistance

Emergency medical expenses

In the case of a medical necessity, the travel insurance company will compensate you in the form of a reimbursement you up to the paramount amount shown schedule benefit and service as shown on the schedule subject to the deductible, if as a result to bodily injury or sickness while on your trip. Necessary covered medical expenses (covered medical expenses are necessary medical assistance and necessities commended by the ministering physician and include the services of a legally qualified physician, charges of ward confinement and use of hospital rooms, cost of anaesthetics including execution, x-ray exams or treatment and lab tests, ambulance services, drugs, medicine, prosthetics and remedial applicability and supplies, emergency dental and/or optical medication for the relief of pain.

Death & repatriation

In case of death during the insured trip or journey, the insurance company will pay tentative to the ceiling shown in the schedule; pay a justifiable figure in regard to funeral, burial or cremation costs in the country where the death has happened or the acceptable amount of returning your body/ashes to your country of usual residence. For some of the cheap travel insurance packages available on the market, this limit might be so small that it does not make sense to the insured.

Personal belongings and luggage, passport ID

If your luggage has been delayed, misdirected or misplaced for somewhat 12 hours, the travel insurance company will refund the amount of acquiring emergency necessary pieces of clothing and personal effects. Written evidence of delay from the transport provider must be provided with any claim along with the original receipt in support of the acquiring of emergency essential pieces of clothing and personal effects.

The insurance company will also reimburse you in respect to accidental loss/destruction to own cash to mean currency notes, and non-refundable accommodation vouchers, prepaid and non-refundable entertainment tickets, the reissuing cost of existing travel tickets, traveller’s cheques, credit cards, visas, passports and vouchers.

Claims will not be paid if the arose from:

  • You decline to check your baggage according to the appointed times.
  • Delay, hold up, carnage or confiscation by customs staff or other authorities.
  • Delayed luggage at your final destination.
  • Wear and tear
  • Loss or destruction to bonds, stamps, negotiable instruments, manuscripts, deeds, securities of any kind or bullion.
  • Any claim not recorded by police or transport carrier immediately and a written police or irregularity affidavit obtained.
  • The first USD 50 of every claim.

Delay and cancellation of journey

If the planned and paid for departure of an insured trip or your public movement is deferred for not less than 6 hours or longer if stated in your insurance policy document or cover note due to any cause outside your control, the insurance company will reimburse you for a fair cost incurred for meals, drinks, travel costs, accommodation etc. if your carrier does not offer them. You must give the insurance company the original receipts of all the buys when making a claim. For some of the cheap travel insurance policies, this limit might have a very high excess/deductible that it doesn’t make sense to the insured.

The insurance company will not be responsible for:

  • The first 6 hours delay in respect of this benefit.
  • For the first USD 12 for each and every claim
  • Any costs or expenses incurred for periods exceeding 50 hours for each and every incidence or delay.

If you cancel your paid for scheduled trip or journey before departure due to unexpected or impromptu illness or injury of you, a travelling companion, a member of your immediate family or business associate as allowed by a medical doctor, then the company will reimburse you the non-refundable portions of your travel or lodging arrangement paid by you or which you are legally entitled to up to the policy limit.

Cover is structured between local seller and international insurer, examples

For a overseas travel insurance cover to be effective and ensure that it works seamlessly without inefficiencies, most insurance companies have partnered up with local sellers at the countries of travel outside Kenya to provide immediate emergency assistance.

For example, if you purchase travel insurance with CIC Insurance, you can contact Speciality Assist Limited for the following regions for travel and medical emergencies. With other companies like Jubilee Travel Insurance and AMACO international travel insurance, the provider is MAPFRE, a renown Spanish Insurance Company.

Others like this are Assistencia, AXA PPP and Allianz.

Cover can be bought from agents, brokers, travel agencies, attached to airline ticket etc.

Most overseas travel insurance covers can be easily obtained from insurance agents, brokers, travel agencies or even attached to airline travel tickets. In addition to that most insurance companies have set up online platforms where you can get these insurance directly from them. Other faster and cheaper platforms are the online comparison platforms where you can compare different companies and make a more informed decision in regards to which package best suits you. Although most travel insurance covers can be considered cheap as the premium rates are low, a good commission is still to be won.

Factors that determine the price of cover

The factors that determine the price of travel insurance packages include:

  • Duration of visit-the longer the visit, the more you pay, most insurance companies will charge per block of days you will be travelling e.g. 1-8 days, 12-20 days while others charge per single day which tends to be cheaper.
  • The level of coverage you choose that is the limit of coverage picked, the more benefits offered by a package the higher the price
  • In case you would require coverage when one has got a pre-existing condition.
  • In case you opt for the adventure sports, hiking, winter games insurance, this more costly than the standard kind of online travel insurance owing to the fact that such activities are higher risk.
  • Destination: Some destinations are more expensive than others owing to the higher cost of services in those destinations e.g. North America is a high cost of living area than Asia so any liability incurred there would cost insurance companies a lot more expenses.

In addition, for travel to some countries that are deemed high risk, the premiums will naturally be loaded for the security factor.

Family, Group & Student Discounts

Most insurance companies will give a discount on travel insurance premiums for families, groups and students. This means that it will be cheaper if you get travel insurance as a group instead of individuals.

Inbound vs Outbound travel insurance

Inbound travel insurance is generally taken by non-residents or immigrants to a foreign country rather than their country of residence for a short term stay or a longer stay. This kind of insurance is usually ideal or visitors to that country or people, who are to stay longer if on other form of visa rather than travel visa.

Outbound travel insurance is the most common of travel insurance and it is taken by the residence of a country when travelling to a foreign country. Most insurance companies offer this kind of travel insurance to their resident members as they travel abroad, this is the most common type of travel insurance sold in Kenya.

Special cover for sports, mountain climbing activities

For the standard online travel insurance, hazardous sports activities are not covered. These include: hunting racing (other than on foot), any organized bodily contact sport, football, rugby, gliding, skydiving/parachuting, rapid rafting, ski jumping, guided glacier walking, mountaineering using ropes, crampons, ice axes or guides and potholing or where you are required to acclimatize to altitude or your participation in underwater diving involving the use of any artificial breathing instruments, unless you have an open water diving certificate or are diving under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

You can enquire to the country of travel if there some insurance companies that offer adventure sports insurance as in Kenya there is none that offers this kind of insurance.

Travel insurance as part of medical insurance?

Most private medical insurance in Kenya offer a travel insurance benefit limit up to a specific limit upon travel. This limit is also subjected to number of days and at what point of travel.

Majority of the medical insurance providers have stated the maximum number of days mostly between 1-to a maximum of 30-45 days of travel as from the day of travel. The coverage is subject to a sublimit and also it is done on reimbursement basis only.

For the insurance company in Kenya to activate this travel insurance aspect of the medical insurance, you will need to inform your medical insurance provider which country you will be going to and for how long.

However, this travel insurance part of the medical insurance doesn’t cover most of the other aspects like travel delay, loss of baggage, ID, passport or public liability during the journey if travelling outside Kenya. It will only cover the emergency medical expenses part of the journey.

Some international overseas companies like AXA, AETNA, BUPA and others offer this type of insurance among their packages.

Common terms and exclusions

Most common exclusions are below, note that the cheaper the overseas travel insurance package, the likelihood of increased lists of exclusions:

  • Your participation in motor cycling except as a driver of a motor cycle and/or quad bikes with an engine capacity of 150cc or less.
  • Your participation in underwater diving with the aid artificial breathing tools, unless you have an open water diving certificate or are diving under the supervision of a qualified instructor
  • Your participation in any hazardous or professional sport
  • Consequential loss, loss of enjoyment or financial expense not directly covered in this Policy
  • Acute and chronic psychiatric or psychological or emotional illness of any kind.
  • The effect and influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics upon you unless administered by a member of the medical profession
  • Flying or air travel of any kind other than: a flight arranged by the assistance company or any fully licensed passenger carrying aircraft but not as a crew member) and not for the reason of doing any trade or technical operation
  • Any child born whilst on a journey
  • Manual work in connection with a business or a trade
  • Any unlawful act committed by you or being dishonest and untruthful with all answers, statements and submissions made.
  • Your willful exposure to or active participation in war, invasion, riots and strikes, and any other civil commotion.
  • Loss or destruction of, or damage to, any property
  • Any person who has attained the age of 81
  • You traveling with the intention of emigrating
  • You engaging in or taking part in armed forces service or operations
  • Your intentional exposure to great danger (except in an attempt to save human life)
  • Your participation or taking part in any mining operations.
  • Sexually transmitted infection, and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) or any condition related thereto


For any international travel policy cheap or executive issued in Kenya, the

  • “Accident” means a sudden, unexpected, unusual, particular instance which occurs at an unknown time and location, but also including a mishap from the conveyance in which you are traveling.
  • “Accidental Injury” means bodily harm caused by an disaster (of external origin) being the plain and sovereign cause in the loss
  • “Pre-Existing Condition” means any injury. Sickness or condition of yourself, for which medical advice, diagnosis, cans or treatment was recommended or received with the 180-day period ending on the Effective Date. Conditions are not considered pre-existing if the condition for which prescribed drugs or medicine is taken remains controlled without any change in the required prescription purchased.
  • there is present a severe or acute symptom requiring immediate care and the failure to obtain such care could reasonably result in serious deterioration of your condition or place your life in jeopardy
  • the severe or acute symptom occurs suddenly and un- expectedly
  • the severe or acute symptom occurs while your coverage is in force and during your Trip
  • Personal Effects: means spectacles, dentures, purses, wallets, bangles, watches, cameras, rings, necklaces. video cameras, video cameras, mobile phones, cosmetics and other personal effects normally worn or carried on the person
  • Physician means a licensed practitioner of medical surgical or dental services acting within the scope of his/ her license. The treating Physician may not be yourself, or a Family Member.
  • the severe or acute symptom occurs while your coverage is in force and during your Trip.


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  • Terms & Conditions is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Kenya. Licence Number : IRA/05/30639/2016. Please refer to our Terms and conditions on this website.

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  • 5 Tips for Buying Affordable Travel Insurance in Kenya


Affordable travel insurance in Kenya

Are you planning for a business trip, studying abroad, or going for your annual holiday? You could also have realized that your work-approved business trip requires you to have travel insurance as part of your visa requirements. Travel insurance is an essential checklist item in your traveling arrangement, especially if you are going out of Kenya where your other insurance might not serve you well and comes with some good benefits.

Table of Contents

What is travel insurance in Kenya?

What is travel insurance and what makes it so important? Travel insurance helps with taking care of the uncertainties and risks when traveling within your country or abroad. Unforeseen events that might happen in your travel include:

  • Lost and/or lost luggage
  • Medical emergencies
  • Trip cancellations and delays
  • Lost travel documents

Good reasons to consider travel insurance in Kenya

Some of the important reasons to have travel insurance include:

  • Medical emergencies: This is the biggest reason why travel insurance is provided. This will cater to cost related to medical emergencies such as accidental injuries, and acute illnesses while traveling. It also can be extended to medical emergency evaluation as well.
  • Travel insurance Kenya covid-19 is extended to you in most travel insurance covers available.
  • Serious illness, serious bodily accident, or death to the insured or a member of their family
  • Notification of the insured person to appear in court especially if the insured was not aware of it before organizing the trip
  • Serious property damage to either their residence or place of business caused by fire, explosions, robbery, or acts of nature such as floods
  • professional, non-disciplinary dismissal of the insured.
  • Lost luggage: A comprehensive travel insurance in Kenya will ensure that you have an allocation in your policy regarding lost, stolen, or damaged baggage and personal belongings. This is usually extended to cover lost passports and other identification documents and other important travel documents.
  • 24 hours medical assistance which includes getting help from the nearest medical facility and the best course of action.
  • Legal assistance: if the insured is arrested as a result of non-criminal action
  • Pre-departure services: provide assistance in regard to Visa requirements, and immunization requirements among others.
  • Losses and delays: Travel insurance in Kenya will cover also cover things such as delayed departure as well as missed travel connections as long as it meets the meet criteria as defined in your travel insurance.
  • Personal liability which includes an advance of bail bond, the legal defense set up while abroad, and personal civil liability

Best travel insurance in Kenya

When it comes to the best travel insurance and travel insurance for a Schengen visa Kenya approved companies to include in alphabetical order:

  • AAR Insurance
  • APA Insurance
  • Corporate Insurance
  • Fidelity Shield Insurance
  • First Assurance
  • GA Insurance
  • Geminia Insurance
  • Heritage Insurance
  • Jubilee Allianz Insurance
  • Kenindia Assurance
  • Madison Insurance
  • Mayfair Insurance
  • MUA Insurance
  • Occidental Insurance
  • Pacis Insurance
  • Pioneer Insurance
  • Takaful Insurance of Africa
  • Tausi Assurance
  • UAP Insurance is now Old Mutual Insurance

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Affordable travel insurance in Kenya

Types of travel insurance plans in Kenya

Travel insurance in Kenya offers various plans based on the company and your needs. What are the three types of travel insurance?

Comprehensive travel insurance

Comprehensive travel insurance in Kenya is the most preferred type of travel insurance by most travelers as it takes care of all major concerns a first-time traveler or a frequent traveler might want to be covered. It covers:

  • Medical expenses and emergency assistance including medical evacuation and repatriation of mortal remains and of a family member
  • Personal assistance services including hijacking in public transportation and missed travel trave
  • Baggage including loss of passport and IDs.
  • Trip cancellation and trip curtailment.
  • Losses and delays including delayed departure
  • Personal accident cover including fatal accidents and total disability as a result of transport
  • Personal liability includes an advance of bail bond, personal civil liability, and legal defense while on travel. Important to note that you should be not involved in criminal activity.
  • Other medical complimentary services such as daily hospital cash.

This is the most preferred by most travelers and most suitable for worldwide travel travelers.

Medical emergency travel insurance

Travel insurance in Kenya offers the above type of insurance to people who are more concerned about the medical expenses that they may incur when the unexpected happens. Most medical expense travel insurance cover:

  • Medical expenses and hospitalization
  • Emergency dental care
  • Repatriation of mortal remains

The below extra areas of cover can be provided as the more enhanced travel insurance in Kenya plans and worldwide travel insurance. Your travel insurance in Kenya policy will specify if they cover any of the below:

  • Repatriation of a family member traveling with this insured person
  • Compulsory quarantine due to covid-19 diagnosis
  • Emergency return home following the death of a close family member
  • traveling of one immediate member.

Evacuation travel insurance in Kenya

Though this will be offered in most cases under your basic travel insurance, however, a more enhanced version is available through the Maisha Air Ambulance cover provided by AMREF Flying Doctors.

From as little as Ksh. 2,500 annually you can get:

  • Unlimited air evacuation a year for medical emergencies in Kenya
  • Unlimited ground ambulance transfers in Kenya
  • 24-hour hotline for medical advice
  • Direct access to AMREF Flying Doctors and their medic

These covers by Maisha are available for subscriptions annually or short term by individuals, groups, visitors to Kenya, or corporates.

Short-term travel insurance in Kenya

This is a type of insurance cover that is most common in the Kenya travel insurance market and it is ideal for people who are not frequent travelers.

This type of cover is based on the number of days one is traveling for. The premiums are then charged according to the number of days. E.g if one is traveling for less than 7 days they will pay cheaply compared to a person traveling for more than 7 days.

Different insurance companies have different date bands and will define how long one can get continuous coverage without the need to exit the country they had traveled to. Most travel insurance in Kenya have either 92 days or 180 days of continuous coverage for short-term travel insurance

Multi-trip/Annual travel insurance in Kenya

This is usually ideal for frequent travelers as it will manage the cost when it comes to travel insurance. Depending on the type of insurance company you will settle for, you need to understand the following:

  • If you will need to declare every time you travel while with the cover
  • How many days are allowed for a continuous cover
  • If the cover number of days you travel in a year is higher than the short-term covers.

Student’s travel insurance in Kenya

This type of coverage is available to students only and it is given either on a short-term basis or an annual term basis by travel insurance companies in Kenya. Different insurance companies will dictate the terms that qualify one to take this coverage such as:

  • Age of the person
  • School admission letter to be onboarded on the cover

5 tips for buying affordable travel insurance in Kenya

When it comes to getting affordable travel insurance consider:

  • compare prices of different insurance companies: Comparison insurance websites like ours will help you compare insurance companies’ travel insurance plans.
  • Talk to your medical insurance provider: They can provide with you a travel letter for medical emergency expenses only. Hence allowing you to get cheaper travel insurance for all the other travel insurance benefits.
  • Consider getting bundled products: Some bank accounts, and credit card providers, as well as travel agents’ packages, offer travel insurance as part of their benefits. Engage your provider to see if it makes sense
  • Look for discounts: Travelling as a group or family, consider getting family packages or group packages to lower the cost of travel insurance
  • Buy only what you need: If you aren’t a frequent traveler consider getting short-term travel insurance in Kenya cover instead of a multi-trip and vice versa.

Who needs travel insurance in Kenya?

All the below categories of people need travel insurance, especially if traveling to a new country:

  • Individuals and families

Which company provides the best travel insurance?

There is no one shoe fit all but it is important to consider a company that: Has a track record of paying travel insurance claims Recognized in the country you traveling to Cost in terms of premiums Compare different companies jubilee travel insurance Kenya plans, Jubilee Allianz travel insurance, AIG travel insurance,

How Much Does Kenya Travel Insurance Cost?

The cost of travel insurance in Kenya is determined by:

  • Number of days you will be traveling
  • How many people are traveling if in a group? The larger the group the larger the discount
  • If corporate travel insurance
  • Country of destination
  • Type of travel insurance selected
  • Nature of travel (Holidays, business, student)

What is not covered by travel insurance in Kenya?

  • Events following war or terrorism unless otherwise stated.
  • Intoxication or poisoning following consumption of foodstuff.
  • Injuries and accidents following engagement in any criminal activities.
  • Natural disasters
  • Events following armed forces activities
  • Meteorite strikes.
  • Injury or accidents following radioactive nuclear energy.
  • Accidents under the effects of drugs, narcotics, or toxins.
  • Accidents following engaging in competitive sporting activities or high-risk activities unless provided for in the cover.
  • Health insurance
  • Company Health insurance
  • Child Only Health insurance
  • Car insurance
  • Business insurance
  • Home insurance
  • WIBA insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Travel insurance
  • Property insurance

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List of Allianz Insurance Branches in Kenya

This is a list of all Allianz Insurance branches in Kenya. It is one of the 56 licensed insurance companies in Kenya  by the  Insurance Regulatory Authority . It is a German multinational financial services company that has been in operation since 1890. Allianz operates in more than 70 countries and is currently the largest Insurance company in the world. It was launched in Kenya on 24th November 2016.

Allianz specializes in underwriting personal and business insurance. Under Personal Insurance, they provide Motor Insurance, Home Insurance, Personal Accident Insurance, Immigration Bond,  Medical Insurance, and Motorcycle Insurance. Their business products include Commercial Motor Insurance, Tractor Insurance, Transport of Goods / Marine Insurance, Engineering Insurance, Aviation Insurance, Business Assets Insurance, Liability Covers, Employee Covers, and Bond Insurance.

Allianz Insurance has only one office in Kenya as of 2020. The office is located along 96 Riverside Drive, in Westlands Nairobi.

Below are their contacts.

Allianz Insurance contacts

Office Location: Allianz Plaza, 96 Riverside Drive.

Phone: +254 709 566 000 / +254 709 566 000

Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

allianz travel insurance kenya

Victor Matara

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Popular Travel Insurance Plans

  • Annual Travel Insurance
  • Cruise Insurance
  • Domestic Travel Insurance
  • International Travel Insurance
  • Rental Car Insurance

View all of our travel insurance products

Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Please see your plan for full details. Benefits/Coverage may vary by state, and sublimits may apply.

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Insurance benefits underwritten by BCS Insurance Company (OH, Administrative Office: 2 Mid America Plaza, Suite 200, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181), rated “A” (Excellent) by A.M. Best Co., under BCS Form No. 52.201 series or 52.401 series, or Jefferson Insurance Company (NY, Administrative Office: 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233), rated “A+” (Superior) by A.M. Best Co., under Jefferson Form No. 101-C series or 101-P series, depending on your state of residence and plan chosen. A+ (Superior) and A (Excellent) are the 2nd and 3rd highest, respectively, of A.M. Best's 13 Financial Strength Ratings. Plans only available to U.S. residents and may not be available in all jurisdictions. Allianz Global Assistance and Allianz Travel Insurance are marks of AGA Service Company dba Allianz Global Assistance or its affiliates. Allianz Travel Insurance products are distributed by Allianz Global Assistance, the licensed producer and administrator of these plans and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall not receive any special benefit or advantage due to the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. Plans include insurance benefits and assistance services. Any Non-Insurance Assistance services purchased are provided through AGA Service Company. Except as expressly provided under your plan, you are responsible for charges you incur from third parties. Contact AGA Service Company at  800-284-8300 or 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 or [email protected] .

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Recommended plan

Premium Plan Cover THB 50-100 million up

  • UltraCare Plan

Standard Plan Cover THB 15-50 million

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Value Plan Cover not exceeding THB 5 million

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  • All Claim Services

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ประกันการเดินทางต่างประเทศ, แผนประกันเดินทาง travel plus


Travel insurance   online, travel plus health by allianz ayudhya, comprehensive travel insurance worldwide coverage for medical treatment up to thb 5,000,000 in case of sickness or accident, travel insurance online - benefit in detail.

  • Accredited by Schengen embassies for visa application.
  • Provide coverage up to THB 5,000,000 in case of sickness or accident.
  • Worldwide coverage.
  • 24/7 emergency medical assistance.
  • Emergency travel assistance.
  • Full refund in case of visa refusal.
  • Provides insurance coverage after 2 hours of travelling.

Please purchase insurance at least two hours before travelling.

Excluded country: Crimea region, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Israel, Nepal

Travel to Schengen countries, please specify "Schengen"

Frequently asked questions

  • Eligible for persons aged 1 month – 69 years and 364 days.
  • Children under the age of 16 years must apply and be accompanied by a parent.
  • The insurance only provides coverage on trips departure from Thailand and return to your residence in Thailand.
  • The annual plan covers all of your trips up to 90 days per trip during the whole policy year.
  • The period of coverage shall commence prior to the covered person leaving from Thailand for 2 hours by airplane according to the departure flight schedule and shall be valid until arrivals in Thailand or within 2 hours after arrives Thailand by airplane according to the arrival flight schedule or up to the expiry date of the policy.
  • The insured person could go to any hospital or medical clinic where have been registered to lawfully operate as a hospital and must pay for medical expenses incurred abroad, and submit the claims documents for reimbursement within 30 days after discharged from the hospital.
  • In case of Emergency Medical Assistance, please call +662-3058470 for services 24 hours. Any enquiry and medical advice, please call Customer Center +662-2328666 for services 24 hours.

The provision of international assistance when the member is travelling outbound from Thailand by provide these service :

  • Evacuation is to the nearest hospital where appropriate medical care is available.
  • Repatriation is to the Home country or Thailand.
  • Transportation of Mortal Remains is to Home Country or Thailand.

The policy cannot be cancelled. The policy can be fully refunded in case of the covered person has not been approved for VISA with the evidence of embassy together with other documents i.e. copy of passport, Copy of book bank account of the covered person by sending email to [email protected] by notify to the company prior to the first date of coverage.

Company will provide customers to retain and request permission to issue the new policy within 1 year.

  • Medical and physical conditions which existed prior to the commencement of cover.
  • Childbirth, pregnancy and conditions related to pregnancy, investigations and treatment for fertility.
  • Self-injury, intoxication and drug abuse.
  • Sage of drugs that are not prescribed by a physician.
  • The accident incurred while the covered person plays or compete in dangerous sports including all kinds of car, boat, horse racing, all kinds of ski racing, including jet ski, skating, all kinds of boxing including wrestling, parachuting, (except for parachuting for life saving), boarding or travelling in a balloon, gliding, bungy jumping, mountain climbing with equipment, diving with oxygen tank, and breathing equipment under water.
  • Any dental treatment except emergency dental treatment resulting from an accident.
  • Congenital abnormalities.
  • While the covered person is boarding or travelling in an aircraft which has no license for carrying passengers or does not operate as a commercial aircraft.

The travel insurance must provide the coverage accordingly :​

  • The insurance must cover at least 30,000 Euro or 1,500,000 THB.
  • The insurance must include costs for medical treatment, hospitalization and repatriation due to injury or medical reasons.
  • The insurance must be valid in all Schengen countries and cover the total length of the visit. We would like to provide Gold plus, Titanium, Paragon and Elite plan for submitting Schengen Visa. Please note that you have to bring your travel insurance with you when travelling due to inspections of relevant documents at the border control when you enter the Schengen area.

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  • Online Renewal
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Bajaj Allianz travel insurance for Kenya from India

Get bajaj allianz travel insurance quotes.

Bajaj Allianz Travel Insurance

Bajaj Allianz Kenya travel insurance key features

Bajaj allianz kenya travel insurance review.

USD 15,000 / 25,000/ 50,000/ 1Lakh / 2.5Lakhs / 5Lakhs / 7.5Lakhs / 10Lakhs

180 days ( can be extended for further)

6 months to upto 99 years

Bajaj Travel insurance extension / renewal while outside India

Travelers who have travelled from India to foreign countries with a valid travel insurance policy from Bajaj Allianz and who are extending their stay in overseas have to renew / extend their insurance to enjoy continuous worry free insurance cover. The reason for extended stay in overseas might be different from one traveler to the other.

  • Click the url extend or renew Bajaj Allianz travel insurance online .
  • Fill the renewal form with correct information and click on submit.
  • Once you submit the form successfully, our insurance advisors will receive the filled renewal form online.
  • Your filled form will be then sent for approval to the head office.
  • Renewal request approved / rejected in the head office in couple of hours (maximum 1 working day).
  • If your policy renewal request is approved, then we will send you a new link where you can pay the premium for the policy renewal.
  • Once payment is success you will get your renewed policy.
  • In case if your renewal request is rejected due to some reasons, our insurance advisors will get in touch with you to suggest you alternative insurance if any.

Indian travel insurance for Kenya by Bajaj Allianz, Travel insurance India to Kenya

Bajaj Allianz offers travel insurance plans specifically tailored for trips from India to Kenya. Here we review some of the benefits covered under Bajaj Allianz travel insurance to Kenya.

Comprehensive Plans : Bajaj Allianz travel insurance policies for travel from India to Kenya typically provide comprehensive coverage for various eventualities. The sum insured covered for this destination ranges from USD $15,000 to $25,000. The duration of this plans is up to 30 days. However if you are travelling for longer duration or willing to purchase higher sum insured (up to $10 lakhs), you can buy the plans online using travel medical insurance premium chart from Bajaj Allianz . 70 plus senior citizens travelling to Kenya and other Asian countries can buy an equivalent plan using Kenya travel insurance for senior citizens link.

Medical Expenses : This plan offers health insurance coverage for the travellers visiting Kenya from India. It covers both sickness medical expenses and accident medical expenses. In-patient medical expenses are cashless and OPD / out patient / doctor visits are like pay from your pocket and claim for refund later.

Pre-existing disease cover : Travelers of any age group, who are travelling to Kenya and looking to buy a plan which covers pre-existing cover can go for travel insurance to Kenya with pre-existing disease covered

Coverage Benefits : Along with health insurance cover, other benefits covered under this specific plan include baggage loss, baggage delay, loss of passport, trip delay, personal accident etc. However if you go for higher coverage plans you will enjoy wide range of benefits, add-on covers and more.

Claims settlement : Bajaj Allianz have their own network worldwide and hence faster claims assistance and settlement as per terms and conditions.

Renewals : If you already have a travel insurance to Kenya plan wants to renew / extend your policy being in the Asian country due to some reasons. You can easily renew the policy online with the steps expalined in the section above.

Buy Online : These plans can be purchased online using UPI, scan and pay, debit card, credit card, NEFT, wallets, cash cards and more options.

Before purchasing travel insurance for your trip to Kenya from India, go through the product details, review the benefits covered and limitations. You can compare and buy the plans online.

Bajaj Allianz travel insurance benefits

Bajaj allianz asia travel health insurance.

  • This plan is suitable for traveling to Asian countries
  • Period of travel ranging from 1-30 days
  • Different plans like Asia Flair and Asia Supreme.

Individual travel insurance

Digital payments.

  • UPI, Scan and pay, wallets etc.

Senior citizen travel insurance to Kenya – Bajaj Allianz

  • Travellers who are 71 years and above, visiting Kenya can buy these plans.
  • Maximum coverage is $50,000
  • Available for 180 days without any medical reports
  • Special Condition: Any one illness and accident medical expenses limit or break up in medical expenses varies depending on the age and the plan you purchase.
  • It covers Golfer Hole-in-one, Trip Cancellation, Home Burglary, Trip Curtailment, Hospitalization Daily Allowance and Trip Delay

Bajaj Allianz individual travel health insurance policy can be purchased online from anywhere in the world using a credit card UPI, Scan and pay, wallets etc. Simply get the insurance quotes using our premium calculator, select the plan you like, fill the online application and pay using your card. Many of our customers are located in the USA, Canada, the UK, or Europe (Schengen states), Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand are buying the insurance for family members traveling from India. International as well as Indian cards are accepted. Indian Debit cards or online banking are also accepted. On completing the online transaction, the policy will be issued and emailed to the email address provided in the application form. The policy will also be couriered within India on request. Compare Bajaj Allianz travel insurance cost and buy the policy online.

Insurance customers can also purchase the plan by using their cheque. The cheque payment facility will be useful for those who do not or cannot use their credit/debit card to buy Bajaj Allianz overseas travel insurance policy.

If the customers want to clarify more about cheque payment facility they can call us at +91(80) 4110 1026 in India. There will be an insurance adviser at your service to assist you to purchase the plan.

Popular tourist destinations in Kenya

Buy travel insurance for Kenya

Tsavo is the largest national park in Kenya and one of the largest in the world. Due to its size the park was divided into Tsavo West and Tsavo East.

Kenya travel insurance

Lamu Island is a part of Kenya's Lamu Archipelago, and has managed to stay unspoiled and untouched by the mass tourism that has hit much of Kenya's coastline.

Buy visitor insurance Kenya

The main tourist attraction in Nairobi, the Nairobi National Park is unique as the only national park within a city boundary.

Travel insurance Kenya

Lake Naivasha is the highest lake in the Great Rift Valley and offers a fantastic place to observe some of the 400 different birds in the region.

  Kenya - General information

East Africa

Kenyan Shilling

Jan to Mar & Jul to Sep

Around 5.5 crore

English, Swahili

Nairobi, Monbasa, Amboseli, Tsavo West & East, Lake Nakuru, Masai Mara, Lamu, Mount Kenya, Malindi, Malindi, Naivasha, Kisumu, Eldoret, Thika, Wasini Island.

Bajaj Allianz travel insurance Kenya - Frequently asked questions

If you are applying for Kenya visa, the consular authorities can ask you to have adequate travel insurance for Kenya. However given the fact that your domestic Indian health insurance provides little coverage in Kenya, it is important for Indian travelers to buy good Bajaj Allianz travel health insurance for Kenya.

The cost for the Kenya travel insurance varies depending on the age of the traveler and the duration of coverage required. The older the traveler the higher is the cost. The longer the duration of Kenya travel insurance required, the greater will be the cost.

You can get buy Bajaj Allianz travel insurance for Kenya by getting free quotes on our website and then completing the Bajaj Allianz overseas health insurance proposal form and buying the Indian overseas mediclaim policy online.

Bajaj Allianz travel insurance is one of the most popular Indian travel insurance policy since Bajaj Allianz general insurance among the most reputed general insurance companies in India. Bajaj Allianz travel insurance product is considered one of the best Indian travel insurance products available.

Getting travel insurance before you travel outside India is always a good idea. Healthcare outside India, especially in Europe and the US is very expensive. Nobody can predict what will happen while traveling, so it is important to be prepared.

Travel insurance provides coverage for expenses related to hospitalisation, baggage loss assistance, medical emergencies..etc and the cost of travel insurance is very affordable given that it provides coverage in US Dollars while the premium is paid in Indian Rupees.

Bajaj Allianz has an excellent track record of providing good travel insurance plans for international travel. There are multiple plans which provide comprehensive protection at a nominal cost.

Yes you can travel without having travel insurance unless it is mandated by the respective consulates while issuing the travel visa. Many countries like all the Schengen states eg - Austria, Greece, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands insist of travel insurance while issuing the travel visa.

However beyond mandated requirement for the visa, it is prudent to buy travel insurance for from India since healthcare is very expensive outside India, and you do not want to be forced to go to a hospital overseas without any travel insurance .

No, there is no travel insurance without medical coverage included. Always consult your insurance provider before filing a claim, or you risk having your claim denied.

If the traveler is already outside India, you can fill the traveler outside India form with the requested details. We will try to get an approval from the Underwriting team for you to buy overseas mediclaim insurance.

  • Competitive price.
  • Cashless hospitalization claim settlement in Kenya.
  • No age limit and no paper work

You can renew the Bajaj Allianz policy online . Fill the relevant details of the current existing policy and claims information (if any)and submit the form online. Our insurance advisors will then try to get approval based on the filled details.

The policy holder will be updated on the approval or rejection of the renewal request as early as possible (maximum 1 working day). if approved the policy holder will be sent a buy url where he / she can pay online and renew his policy.

Yes you can extend your travel insurance while being abroad. Fill the Bajaj Allianz insurance policy renewal form so that our insurance advisors will help you to renew your policy.

Travel policies can initially be purchased for 6 months and can be renewed for another 6 months provided that the policy holder is in good health, no claims on the existing policy and the policy has not expired. If the policy has expired or has any claims then renewal is based on approval from the insurance head office.

Bajaj Allianz travel insurance - Useful links

You can buy insurance online by using a credit/debit card, UPI, direct funds transfer using NEFT or RTGS or by using a cheque.

Travelers already outside India without insurance? We can try to get special approval to buy Bajaj Allianz travel insurance online.

Get all the answers to the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding Bajaj Allianz overseas travel health insurance.

In case of Claim or reimbursement of treatment expenses, notify Bajaj Allianz travel health insurance.

Download Bajaj Allianz travel insurance soft copy for overseas travel!

Insurance customers can renew their existing policy online before the exipry date at any time.

Popular travel destinations

Customer testimonials.

Prompt Claims Settlement I want to add that 'NRIOL' has provided excellent service so far, for the past 3-4 years that we have used it.

Quick Service Thanks insurance team for quick turnaround and going extra mile on this.

Excellent Service Thanks very much, your prompt response / help is appreciated.

Convenient & Effortless Thank you very much for the excellent guidance in obtaining the renewal of medical insurance policy for my parents.

Excellent Service Thanks a lot for the quick help at this time of the evening.

Bajaj Allianz Citation

Mr. Anshul Nijhawan, Head Travel Services at Bajaj Allianz says NRIOL and bajaj allianz have been working together for quite sometime now and NRIOL has successfully delivered seamless customer service by making available bajaj allianz travel insurance products to its customers online".

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What is the Motor Insurance?

It provides cover for accidental loss or damage to the insured motor vehicle, death or bodily injury to the vehicle crew and third parties as well as loss or damage to property of third parties arising out of use of motor vehicles.

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Personal Accident

Protects individuals in the event of an injury, disability or death.

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Travel Insurance

A policy that protects travelers from anywhere in the world.

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Home Insurance

A policy that protects your home and its contents

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  1. Allianz Travel Insurance: Comprehensive Coverage For Overseas Trips

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  2. Allianz Travel Insurance Review 2019: Do I Need It?

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  3. Allianz Travel Insurance Tips for Hassle-Free Claims

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  4. Allianz Travel Insurance Announces Innovations for the TravelSmart App

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  5. Allianz Insurance Company of Kenya Limited

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  6. Bajaj Allianz Motor Insurance Claim Printable Pdf Download

    allianz travel insurance kenya


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    Get A Dedicated Team Of Travel And Medical Experts On Your Side. Compare Plans Today. With Our Review Period Of 15 Days Or More, Changing Your Mind Won't Cost You Anything

  3. Travel Insurance

    Travel anywhere in the world, we provide 24-hour cover for medical expenses and assistance, travel delay or flight cancellation, personal accident, loss of passport, total loss of baggage that has been checked in international airline, loss of money, personal civil liability and hijacking. PICK A PLAN TO PROTECT YOUR TRIP.

  4. Jubilee Allianz Kenya Insurance

    Travel Insurance. Is traveling your hobby? Get started by purchasing affordable travel insurance. ... Jubilee Allianz Kenya Jubilee Insurance Building - Wabera Street Find our offices. Corporate. Marine Insurance Fire & Allied Perils Small & Medium Enterprise(SMEs') ...

  5. Medical Only Travel Insurance

    That's why Allianz Global Assistance created the OneTrip Emergency Medical Plan. This low-cost travel insurance plan includes only post-departure benefits, such as emergency medical care and emergency medical transportation, so you can travel with complete peace of mind. Great. 89,322 reviews on. Emergency Medical Travel Insurance: Primary ...

  6. Travel Insurance For Trips To Kenya

    The average cost of travel insurance for a trip to Kenya is $538, according to Squaremouth. This is for an average trip length to Kenya of 17 days with an average insured trip cost of $8,878 ...

  7. International Travel Insurance Plans

    Wherever your adventure takes you, international travel insurance can help you travel with peace of mind. If you become sick or injured while traveling; or if circumstances cause you to cancel or interrupt your trip, international travel insurance is there to help you. And, with our OneTrip Prime plan, kids 17 and under are covered for free ...

  8. Travel Insurance

    Travel insurance can reimburse you for your prepaid, non-refundable trip costs — including vacation rentals, car rentals, hotels and flights — if you have to cancel for a covered reason. Travel delays leave you stranded. Travel insurance can reimburse you for eligible meals, accommodation and transportation expenses during a covered delay.

  9. Best Travel Insurance Companies in Kenya: Comprehensive Coverage for

    3. Best Travel Insurance Companies in Kenya. When it comes to selecting travel insurance, Kenya has several reputable providers that offer both domestic and international coverage. Here are some of the best travel insurance companies in Kenya, known for their comprehensive policies, excellent customer service, and reliable claims processing.

  10. Kenya

    Allianz Insurance Company of Kenya Ltd. P. O Box 66257-00800 Allianz Plaza - 5th Floor, 96 Riverside Drive, Nairobi Kenya +254 709 566 000. Send e-mail. Further regions & locations. back to overview. Main pages. About us Economic Research Investor Relations ...

  11. Travel Insurance

    Travel Insurance. Enjoy peace of mind whenever you travel anywhere in the world with our Travel insurance. Whether you are travelling within Africa, to Asia, Europe or America, we got you covered. You can purchase a single trip cover every time you travel or an annual cover to cover all the trips you will undertake within a 12-month period.

  12. Guide Healthcare in Kenya

    The private healthcare sector in Kenya has become more prominent in recent years. Private clinics of varying standards exist in most major urban centres, including coastal beach resort areas such as Diani and Malindi. Private hospitals can be found mainly in Nairobi, with a few options in Mombasa. The private Aga Khan University hospital ...

  13. Travel Insurance Kenya

    Most of the local insurance companies are partnered with international insurance countries to provide travel insurance in Kenya to citizens and foreign residents, this is to increase their reach worldwide and be able to provide assistance to clients worldwide. ... AXA PPP and Allianz. Cover can be bought from agents, brokers, travel agencies ...

  14. Quotation

    Get a quote for Jubilee Allianz General's travel insurance to ensure a worry-free journey.

  15. Explore Travel Requirements by Country

    A travel protection plan from Allianz Global Assistance can safeguard your trip investment, reimburse covered emergency medical costs, and give you 24-7 access to Assistance services, among other benefits. If you have to cancel your trip for a covered reason, our travel insurance can reimburse you for your prepaid, non-refundable trip costs.

  16. Jubilee Travel Insurance for Peace of Mind on Exploration

    Enjoy a carefree travel experience. There's nothing quite like the comfort of knowing you have Jubilee Insurance by your side as you travel. With Jubilee travel insurance, you can embark on your travel adventures with peace of mind. Whether you're visiting loved ones overseas or embarking on a solo adventure, our comprehensive Travel Insurance ...

  17. Personal Insurance

    Whether you are reuniting with family and friends in farway places outside Kenya, or embarking on solo adventure to explore the unknown, make the most of your trip covered with Jubilee-Allianz Travel Insurance. Learn More. Personal Accident We provide compensation in case of calamities such as injuries, disability or death caused by violence or ...

  18. Affordable Travel Insurance in Kenya

    5 tips for buying affordable travel insurance in Kenya. When it comes to getting affordable travel insurance consider: compare prices of different insurance companies: Comparison insurance websites like ours will help you compare insurance companies' travel insurance plans. Talk to your medical insurance provider: They can provide with you a ...

  19. International Medical Insurance

    Round-the-clock support in over 26 languages. Includes evacuation and repatriation coverage. Covers chronic and pre-existing conditions. Individual benefit limit of up to USD 4.5 Million. With International Health Cover, your health and well-being take precedence. Travel with confidence, knowing you have coverage and support every step of the way.

  20. About Us

    Why Allianz. Whether you are an individual or a business, we want to be your trusted insurance partner, providing the cover you need to protect and preserve what matters to you most. Here are a few reasons why you should insure with us. send us an e-mail. Start a chat. Find our offices. Provides Details about the company such as its history.

  21. List of Allianz Insurance Branches in Kenya

    Allianz Insurance has only one office in Kenya as of 2020. The office is located along 96 Riverside Drive, in Westlands Nairobi. Below are their contacts. Allianz Insurance contacts. Office Location: Allianz Plaza, 96 Riverside Drive. Phone: +254 709 566 000 / +254 709 566 000. Email: [email protected]/ [email protected]

  22. Your Guide to a Family African Safari

    Kenya is home to the beautiful Masai Mara, while Tanzania is the site of the magnificent Serengeti and the world-famous Ngorongoro Crater. In addition, both Tanzania and Kenya boast numerous smaller, less well-known parks. ... Allianz Travel Insurance products are distributed by Allianz Global Assistance, the licensed producer and administrator ...

  23. Travel Insurance Online

    The travel insurance must provide the coverage accordingly : The insurance must cover at least 30,000 Euro or 1,500,000 THB. The insurance must include costs for medical treatment, hospitalization and repatriation due to injury or medical reasons. The insurance must be valid in all Schengen countries and cover the total length of the visit.

  24. Bajaj Allianz travel insurance for visiting Kenya

    However if you are travelling for longer duration or willing to purchase higher sum insured (up to $10 lakhs), you can buy the plans online using travel medical insurance premium chart from Bajaj Allianz. 70 plus senior citizens travelling to Kenya and other Asian countries can buy an equivalent plan using Kenya travel insurance for senior ...

  25. Who we are

    About Jubilee Allianz Kenya. Jubilee Allianz General Insurance (K) Limited, a subsidiary of SanlamAllianz, traces its roots back to the founding of Jubilee Insurance Company of Kenya (JICK) Ltd in 1937. On December 18, 2019, JICK was split into three separate companies and one of these companies became Jubilee General Insurance Limited.

  26. Motor Vehicle Insurance

    Emergency Medical Expenses. 200,000. Repair Authority. 100,000. Third Party Property Damage. 30,000,000. Third Party Bodily Injury. Per Person - 4,000,000