Olympia Kaukomatkatoimisto (Olympia Air Travel Ltd)
Olympia on suomalainen, perinteinen ja perheomisteinen ryhmämatkojen järjestäjä. Olympia perustettiin 1952 ja olemme siitä lähtien järjestäneet tasokkaita ryhmämatkoja kaikille mantereille, tällä hetkellä yli 80 maahan. Hyvin tärkeä tekijä matkoillamme on Olympian oma matkanjohtaja. Paikalliseen kulttuuriin perehtynyt ja järjestelykykyinen matkanjohtaja huolehtii puolestasi käytännön matkajärjestelyistä, joten voit kaikessa rauhassa nauttia matkasta ja sen kohteista. Ryhmien koko on pääsääntöisesti 15-25 matkustajaa, joten yksilöllinen tunnelma ja toiminnan joustavuus säilyvät kaikissa tilanteissa. Matkojemme hintaan sisältyy lentojen ja hyvätasoisen majoituksen lisäksi aina myös runsaasti ohjelmaa ja aterioita. Matkan hintaan sisältyy kaikki ohjelmassa mainitut kiertokäynnit ja vierailut pääsymaksuineen, verot ja palvelupalkkiot sekä paljon muuta. Järjestämme kiertomatkoja, safarimatkoja ja luontomatkoja, joilla liikumme pääosin bussilla, safariautoilla tai junalla. Aktiivimatkoilla tutustumme kohteeseen patikoiden, vaeltaen tai pyöräillen. Ohjelmassamme on myös kattava valikoima risteilyitä. ___________ OLYMPIA Air Travel Ltd. is a privately owned, solid Finnish tour operator. The company was established in 1952, after the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki. Today, our destinations cover all continents, including Antarctica and over 80 countries. The focus remains still on long-haul package tours even though we have expanded production also in Europe. Besides cultural and experiential aspect, some of our tours offer also physical activity experiences like hiking and biking. We call those trips Olympia Aktiivimatkat. One specific feature of OLYMPIA is travelling in small groups (max 25 pax). This allows individuality, flexibility and better visibility on tours. Our dedicated tour leaders accompany the group from Finland to Finland and enrich trips with their expertise and service.
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The flight time from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, Washington is:
9 hours, 57 minutes.
Change your flying speed:
mph knots km/h
take-off and landing: minutes
Flight map from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA
Open this map directly on Google Maps . For a quick answer, you can use TheDistanceNow.com to get the distance from Jamsa to Olympia .
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Flying time from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA
The total flight duration from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA is 9 hours, 57 minutes .
This assumes an average flight speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/h or 434 knots. It also adds an extra 30 minutes for take-off and landing. Your exact time may vary depending on wind speeds.
If you're planning a trip, remember to add more time for the plane to taxi between the gate and the airport runway. This measurement is only for the actual flying time. You should also factor in airport wait times and possible equipment or weather delays. If you're trying to figure out what time you'll arrive at the destination, you may want to see if there's a time difference between Jamsa, Finland and Olympia, WA .
The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA ("as the crow flies"), which is about 4,722 miles or 7 600 kilometers .
Your trip begins in Jamsa, Finland. It ends in Olympia, Washington.
Your flight direction from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA is Northwest (-23 degrees from North).
The flight time calculator measures the average flight duration between points. It uses the great circle formula to compute the travel mileage.
Jamsa, Finland
Related links.
- hotels near Jamsa, Finland
- airports near Jamsa, Finland
- cities near Jamsa, Finland
Olympia, Washington
- airlines serving Olympia, WA
- hotels near Olympia, WA
- cities near Olympia, WA
Flight time calculator
Travelmath provides an online flight time calculator for all types of travel routes. You can enter airports, cities, states, countries, or zip codes to find the flying time between any two points. The database uses the great circle distance and the average airspeed of a commercial airliner to figure out how long a typical flight would take. Find your travel time to estimate the length of a flight between airports, or ask how long it takes to fly from one city to another.
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Our Unaccompanied Child service allows minors aged between 5 and 11 to travel safely when not accompanied by their parents/ adult guardians.
Date of Birth (Child 1) is required
Date of Birth (Child 1) is invalid
Child 1 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Children under the age of 5 cannot travel without a parent/adult guardian.
Date of Birth (Child 2) is required
Date of Birth (Child 2) is invalid
Child 2 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 3) is required
Date of Birth (Child 3) is invalid
Child 3 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 4) is required
Date of Birth (Child 4) is invalid
Child 4 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 5) is required
Date of Birth (Child 5) is invalid
Child 5 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 6) is required
Date of Birth (Child 6) is invalid
Child 6 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 7) is required
Date of Birth (Child 7) is invalid
Child 7 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 8) is required
Date of Birth (Child 8) is invalid
Child 8 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
Date of Birth (Child 9) is required
Date of Birth (Child 9) is invalid
Child 9 must be between the ages of 5-12 throughout the entire duration of the trip.
0"> Check the dates of birth for unaccompanied children Too many travelers have been selected, the maximum allowed is 9 Too many infants have been selected, the maximum allowed is 1 infant per adult
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Olympia kaukomatkatoimiston yhteystiedot.
s-posti: olympia(at)olympia.fi etunimi.sukunimi(at)olympia.fi
Matkavaraukset ja asiakaspalvelu, puhelin (09) 6962 770 Palvelemme sinua puhelimitse, sähköpostin ja chatin välityksellä ma–pe klo 9.00–16.00. Asiakaskäynnit ajanvarauksella.
HUOM. Uudenvuoden päivänä, loppiaispäivänä, vappupäivänä, helatorstaina, juhannusaattona, 6.12., 24.–26.12. sekä 31.12. asiakaspalvelumme on suljettu.
Oy Lentomatkatoimisto OLYMPIA Flygresebyrå Ab Postiosoite: Lautatarhankatu 8 B, 00580 Helsinki
OLYMPIA Lentomatkatoimiston pankkiyhteydet: Nordea FI71 2153 3800 0033 57 Osuuspankki FI43 5789 5420 1083 62
Y-tunnus 2150319-2 ALV Rek SMAL 21295, KUVI 8065/07/Mj
Valvova viranomainen
Kilpailja- ja kuluttajavirasto / kuluttaja-asiamies yhteystiedot: Ylijohtaja/kuluttaja-asiamies Katri Väänänen Postiosoite: KKV, PL 5, 00531 Helsinki Kuluttajaneuvonta (ma-ke ja pe klo 9-12, to 12-15) puhelin 029 505 3050
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Kaukomatkat ja kiertomatkat 70 vuoden kokemuksella. Suomalainen Olympia on järjestänyt jo 50-luvulla eksoottisia kiertomatkoja Afrikkaan, Lähi-itään ja Eurooppaan. Tänä päivänäkin kulmakivemme on tarjota laadukkaita elämyksiä kohteisiin, joihin et välttämättä edes pääsisi yksin. Matkamme hintaan sisältyvät kaikki oleelliset ...
OLYMPIA Air Travel Ltd. is a privately owned, solid Finnish tour operator.The company was established in 1952, after the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki. ... Our dedicated tour leaders accompany the group from Finland to Finland and enrich trips with their expertise and service. Operative Management: Mrs. Anne-Marjut Väänänen, Managing Director
Kesän matkat - Olympia Kaukomatkat ... Kesän matkat
Book flights to Finland on Olympic Air and travel with safety and confidence throughout your travel journey. ... Flights to Finland with Olympic Air from €112* Home; Olympic Air Flights; To Finland; Lowest fares for our most popular flights to Finland. From: To:
Olympia Kaukomatkatoimisto, Helsinki. 4,072 likes · 286 talking about this · 12 were here. Elämyksellisiä kierto- ja aktiivimatkoja & safareja ⭐️ Laadukkaat pienryhmämatkat ympäri maailmaa
Air Travel; Honeymoons and Romance; Business Travel; Train Travel; Traveling With Disabilities; ... Finland. 7,136 posts. 83 helpful votes. 1. Re: Travel from Olympia Terminal to Helsinki Airport . 10 years ago. ... Travel from Olympia Terminal to Helsinki Airport . 9 years ago.
Director Tour Production, Deputy Managing Director at Olympia Kaukomatkatoimisto (Olympia Air Travel Ltd) Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland. 982 followers 500+ connections See your mutual connections. View mutual connections with Ari ... Finland Travel Bureau Ltd Mar 2001 - May 2006 5 years 3 months. Head of department organizing and selling worldwide ...
Product Manager at Olympia Air Travel Ltd Helsinki, Uusimaa, Finland. 13 followers 13 connections See your mutual connections ... Finland Society Travel Ltd May 1990 - Mar 1996 5 years 11 months. Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland View Kati's full profile See who you know in common ...
Production and Operations at Olympia Kaukomatkatoimisto (Olympia Air Travel Ltd) Finland. 455 followers 455 connections See your mutual connections. View mutual connections with Atro ... Pacific Asia Travel Association Finland Chapter Nov 2008 - Present 15 years 2 months. Education Malmi - 1985 - 1987. More activity by Atro ...
Opastettu kiertomatka - kokenut matkanjohtaja aina mukana. Kiertomatkoillemme voit lähteä turvallisin mielin, sillä mukana on ammattitaitoinen suomalainen matkanjohtaja. Panostamme paljon matkanjohtajiemme valintaan, koulutukseen ja kohdetuntemukseen. Perillä kohteissa matkanjohtajallamme on apunaan usein myös paikallisopas.
Answer 1 of 4: I'm on a flight that arrives into Helsinki at 3:05pm, and I want to get on the 5pm Silja Line ferry to Stockholm the same day. Does anyone know if that's enough time to get from the airport to the terminal to get on the boat? I know...
Reach decision-makers at Olympia Kaukomatkatoimisto (Olympia Air Travel Ltd). Find their phone numbers & email addresses. It's free. - Lusha
Official Olympic Air® website | Flights in Greece
Matkakalenteri - Olympia Kaukomatkat ... Matkakalenteri
Executed business over 30 countries. Opened new challenging markets like South Africa, Morocco, Dubai and Russia.<br><br>Trusted key note speaker and advisor. · Kokemus: Olympia Kaukomatkatoimisto (Olympia Air Travel Ltd) · Sijainti: Helsinki · 500+ yhteyttä LinkedInissä.
The calculation of flight time is based on the straight line distance from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA ("as the crow flies"), which is about 4,722 miles or 7 600 kilometers. Your trip begins in Jamsa, Finland. It ends in Olympia, Washington. Your flight direction from Jamsa, Finland to Olympia, WA is Northwest (-23 degrees from North).
Aegean Airlines - Official Website. Book your flight to Athens, Greece and Europe with Aegean Airlines, the largest Greek airline. Reserve cheap flights.
Aasian matkoja, joilla näet enemmän. Aasian monimuotoisuus on häkellyttävää. Häkellyttävän monimuotoinen on myös Olympian valikoima kiertomatkoja eri puolille Aasiaa mm. Intiaan, Kiinaan, Japaniin, Sri Lankaan, Etelä-Koreaan ja Bhutaniin. Myös matkat Malediiveille, Nepaliin ja Vietnamiin löytyvät näiltä sivuilta.
Education. 1998 - 2012. 1978 - 1981. Experience: Olympia Air Travel Ltd · Location: Helsinki · 4 connections on LinkedIn. View Hannu Takala (Gruppenfuehrer)'s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
Book your flight to Athens and other 30 Greek destinations with Olympic Air. Find cheap tickets and offers online. ... Our Unaccompanied Child service allows minors aged between 5 and 11 to travel safely when not accompanied by their parents/ adult guardians. Date of birth: Child 1 Child 1 {{Mask.UmnrCheck}} {{Mask.C12DOB1}}
Olympia Kaukomatkatoimiston yhteystiedot. s-posti: olympia (at)olympia.fi. etunimi.sukunimi (at)olympia.fi. Matkavaraukset ja asiakaspalvelu, puhelin (09) 6962 770. Palvelemme sinua puhelimitse, sähköpostin ja chatin välityksellä ma-pe klo 9.00-16.00. Asiakaskäynnit ajanvarauksella. HUOM.
The former Olympic Airways logo. In 1951 the poor financial state of the three airlines led to a decision by the Greek state to merge them into a single operator, TAE Greek National Airlines (TAE). The new airline operated a fleet of twin-engine Douglas DC-3 airliners on domestic Greek routes until the last example was disposed of in May 1970. [8] A four-engine Douglas DC-4 was acquired in ...