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Voyage of the dawn treader: why peter & susan don't return to narnia.

Peter and Susan do not return to Narnia in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but the reason for this is different between the books and the films.

  • Peter and Susan Pevensie don't return to Narnia in " The Voyage of the Dawn Treader " due to their age and experiences.
  • In the books, Peter is able to return to Narnia while Susan is forbidden from doing so.
  • The films offer a more optimistic reason for Peter and Susan's absence, suggesting that they have learned what they can from Narnia and it's time for them to live in their own world.

Peter and Susan Pevensie didn't return to Narnia for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader . The third Chronicles of Narnia movie, The Voyage sees siblings Lucy and Edmund Pevensie, along with their cousin Eustace, traveling over the seas of Narnia, and many viewers wonder why Peter and Susan aren't with them. The first two Narnia movies centered on all Pevensie children. Peter and Susan, however, only appeared briefly in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader after they were told by Aslan that they would be unable to return to Narnia after their departure at the end of Prince Caspian .

While this was a bit of a shock to audience members unfamiliar with the source material, Peter and Susan leaving Narnia forever was consistent with C.S. Lewis' novels. However, the reason Peter and Susan can't return to Narnia differs between the books and the movies. While the Narnia novels have often been described as Christian allegory, author C.S. Lewis himself rejected this label, preferring to consider them "suppositional," among the primary theories for why Peter and Susan don't return to Narnia are their age and experiences, and the Christian metaphors throughout the books factor into both.

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Why can't peter and susan return to narnia, loss of faith prevents the oldest pevensie children from going back.

The Christian themes in The Chronicles of Narnia books are clear, constant, and — by the definition of many scholars — allegorical. One of these Christian themes is the idea that many adults did have faith as children and merely let themselves grow out of it as they became older , choosing instead to follow the ways of the world and think too logically. As such, adults cannot enter Narnia, though there seems to be no fixed age limit — it’s merely when a person has “grown up,” as Susan and Peter do, that they can no longer enter.

In the Prince Caspian novel, Peter and Susan are told they can't return to Narnia simply because they are " getting too old ." Later, in the final book of the Chronicles Of Narnia series, The Last Battle , Susan is said to be “ no longer a friend of Narnia ” and “ interested in nothing nowadays except nylons and lipstick and invitations. ” She speaks of Narnia as a place of make-believe that she and her siblings conjured during playtime as children. As one who has lost her belief in Narnia, Susan is the only one of her siblings who never truly return.

Peter finally does go back to Narnia at the end of The Last Battle and, upon arriving, asks how it was possible after being told he would never return. Peter is then told that he is in the true Narnia and that the Narnia he knew as a child was “ only a shadow or copy .” The C.S. Lewis books never fully explain why Susan is forbidden from returning to the true Narnia and Peter is not , even though he had also presumably become occupied with the "real world" for much of the series.

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The movies had their own reason for peter and susan staying out of narnia, the cinematic version of events is much more wholesome.

Aslan comforts the concerned Edmund and Lucy in The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader movie by saying that Peter and Susan won’t return to Narnia — not because they have done anything wrong, but because they “ have learned what they can from this world ,” and that “ it’s time for them to live in their own. ” This offers a more optimistic interpretation of Peter and Susan’s absence in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader . Peter and Susan may even desire to go back to Narnia, but Aslan knows that their adventures are now in adulthood and the real world.

Though Peter and Susan are told in both the books and films that they will not return to Narnia after the events of Prince Caspian , the films have left the door open just far enough to conceivably bring Peter and Susan back for either a fourth Chronicles of Narnia film or the upcoming Netflix Narnia series . However, this would be a wild deviation from C.S. Lewis's original novels.

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There’s a tragic reason peter and susan never return to narnia in the books, peter and susan's narnia stories don't end well.

The books offer a far less optimistic reason for Peter and Susan’s absence from Narnia when Edmund and Lucy return . Susan, specifically, is mentioned in the novels as having lost her faith in Narnia. Though all four of the Pevensie siblings share the experience of Narnia, Susan grows out of “ playing pretend ” with her siblings. Lewis’ work calls out Susan for growing up and moving on from her siblings. Her no longer "being a friend" to Narnia means that she no longer has faith.

She visits America with her parents while her siblings are still in England and attends a separate boarding school from the rest of them as well. At twenty-one years old, all three of her siblings and their cousin Eustace are killed in a train accident . When they are, the group meets Aslan again as they all die. Susan is the only member of her family not to be in the train accident. It’s a tragic ending for her and the rest of the children in The Chronicles of Narnia , since she not only doesn’t share the belief the rest of her family has but also loses them all in one fell swoop.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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The Voyage of the "Dawn Treader" , the third book in the series (fifth in chronological order) of The Chronicles of Narnia , where Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, as well as their priggish cousin, Eustace Scrubb, return to Narnia. There they accompany King Caspian on a voyage to find the seven lords who were banished when Caspian's uncle Miraz stole the throne. This perilous journey brought them face to face with many wonders and dangers, as they sailed toward Aslan’s Country at the eastern end of the world.

The story took place in the Narnian-year 2306/Earth year 1941/1942. (These dates were not drawn from the original books, but from later sources that don't necessarily harmonize with the story line.)

See the note on typography below about the italics in the book's title.

  • 1 Chapter Listings/Contents
  • 2.1 The Painting
  • 2.2 The Lone Islands
  • 2.3 Eustace's Diary
  • 2.4 Dragon Island
  • 2.5 The Sea Serpent
  • 2.6 Deathwater Island
  • 2.7 Island of the Dufflepuds
  • 2.8 The Dark Island
  • 2.9 Ramandu's Island
  • 2.10 The Wonders of the Last Sea
  • 2.11 Caspian Tries to Abdicate
  • 2.12 Aslan's Country
  • 2.13 Postscript
  • 3 Commentary
  • 4 Differences between British and American editions
  • 5 Adaptations
  • 6 Locations
  • 7 Characters
  • 8 Note on typography
  • 9 External links

Chapter Listings/Contents [ ]

  • The Picture in the Bedroom
  • On Board the Dawn Treader
  • The Lone Islands
  • What Caspian Did There
  • The Storm and What Came of It
  • The Adventures of Eustace
  • How the Adventure Ended
  • Two Narrow Escapes
  • The Island of the Voices
  • The Magician's Book
  • The Dufflepuds Made Happy
  • The Dark Island
  • The Three Sleepers
  • The Beginning of the End of the World
  • The Wonders of the Last Sea
  • The Very End of the World

Plot Summary [ ]

The painting [ ].

The story began with the introduction of Eustace Clarence Scrubb, an unpleasant boy who was the cousin of the Pevensie children. The youngest of the Pevensies, Edmund and Lucy, were staying at Eustace's house, and were not fond of their cousin because of the way he teased them about Narnia and how they talked about it.

The adventure began when Edmund and Lucy were looking at a painting in Lucy's room, and remarked how Narnian the ship in the picture looked. Eustace walked in and began teasing them again about Narnia when suddenly, much to their surprise, the waves and ship seemed to be moving! Suddenly the three of them were drawn into the painting and found themselves floating beside the magnificent ship. Someone from the ship jumped into the water and brought Lucy alongside to have her lifted up, followed by Edmund, and finally the completely miserable Eustace.

The rescuer turned out to be King Caspian X, whom the Pevensies had helped restore to the throne of Narnia. Caspian was entertained by Eustace's cries to be let off from the ship, and ordered wine for the three. Eustace groaned when a large mouse stepped from a nearby cabin and addressed Lucy. The mouse turned out to be Reepicheep , hero of the Second Battle of Beruna . He greeted Lucy politely, but threatened Eustace for his lack of courtesy. Caspian offered his cabin to Lucy while he, Edmund and Eustace would share a cabin.

The children, except for Eustace, were introduced to the captain of the ship, the Lord Drinian , and then sat down with Caspian to discuss what had happened since their last visit to Narnia (one year had passed in England while three had passed in Narnia). Caspian had left Narnia in the care of Trumpkin during this voyage, the purpose of which was to locate the Seven Noble Lords, find them, and if any of them died then avenge their deaths. The Lords were: -

  • Lord Revilian ,
  • Lord Bern ,
  • Lord Argoz ,
  • Lord Mavramorn ,
  • Lord Octesian ,
  • Lord Restimar ,
  • And finally, Lord Rhoop .

Miraz had sent all these men out to sea after the death of Caspian's father . However, Reepicheep's purpose was to sail to Aslan's own land. The voyage had already taken the ship beyond the Seven Isles , and was now bound for the Lone Islands , beyond which no one had ever been.

Lucy decided to go tend to Eustace, who was suffering from seasickness. Caspian had luckily brought with him her cordial and dagger, so she took the cordial to the boys' cabin to help her cousin. He reluctantly took a drop from the cordial and instantly began feeling better. After much doing about nothing, he decided to put on the fresh clothes left for him, and came out on deck. All were taken on a tour of the ship, and while Lucy and Edmund marveled at the workmanship, Eustace was not impressed, and relayed his feelings in a diary, in which he complained about everything from the company to the food.

The dawn treader 1k

Plan of the Dawn Treader

The Lone Islands [ ]

It was the following morning when the voyagers arrived at the Lone Islands. Lucy longed to walk on the green turf of Felimath , even though most civilization was on Doorn . Caspian decided that they could land, walk across the island, and have the Dawn Treader pick them up on the other side. Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Reepicheep all disembarked and began the stroll across the island. They were not long on the island before they came upon several men under a tree. Caspian instructed his men to keep silent about their true identities.

The men invited them to have a drink with them, and Caspian learned that His Sufficiency, Gumpas , was Governor of the Lone Islands . The voyagers barely got the cups to their lips when the men surrounded and bound them. They were to be taken to Narrowhaven to be sold as slaves. The leader marveled at Reepicheep's ability to talk, and determined that he would be the most expensive of the lot.

Before he could load his catch onto a boat, Pug , one of the slavers, was stopped by a fine-looking man. The man inquired as to the price of Caspian. The discussion ended with the man paying 150 Calormene crescents for Caspian, who was then separated from the others. Pug loaded Lucy, Edmund, Eustace and Reepicheep in the cargo hold of his boat and headed for Narrowhaven.

Meanwhile, Caspian was informed that he had been purchased because he reminded the man of Caspian IX . Caspian decided to reveal his true identity. After offering some evidence, the Lord Bern (one of the seven lords) kneeled and kissed Caspian's hand. Caspian questioned him about how he came to the Lone Islands, and then about the loyalty of Gumpas. It was decided that he should not pursue Pug to rescue the others, but should make it appear that there were more of them than there really were to fool Gumpas into submission. The plan was carried out, and Caspian rejoined the Dawn Treader and spend the night at Bern's home.

The following morning, Caspian and his men, with the Lord Bern and his men, proceeded into Narrowhaven and up to the Governor's castle where they met no resistance until they pounded on the castle gate. A slovenly man with messy hair and an ugly dirty hat on his head appeared, and mumbled the proper times for conferences with the governor. Bern's men pushed aside the gatekeeper and opened the gates for Caspian's procession to enter the castle grounds. Once inside, Caspian instructed the Captain of the guard to assemble his troops in the proper array by noon the following day or else. Caspian, Bern, Drinian and four others went to Gumpas's throne room to address matters.

Caspian told the governor that the tribute dues for the Lone Islands had not been paid for over 150 years, and that the practice of slavery was to be stopped immediately. Unable to comply with the wishes of the king, Caspian relieved Gumpas of his office, making Bern the Duke of the Lone Islands. Having established the new anti-slavery laws, Caspian proceeded to the slave market and saved his friends from their captivity. All had been sold except Eustace, who no one wished to buy. Caspian was able to recover his friends, and ordered Pug to repay the money the Calormens had spent on them.

The dawn treader cover

Cover of the 1980 Edition

Eustace's Diary [ ]

Once the Dawn Treader was repaired and supplied, the voyagers continued on beyond the Lone Islands, prompting Eustace to write more in a diary. Once at sea, the voyagers encountered a storm that last for nearly two weeks and drained the ship's supply of water and food to nearly zero. Water was closely rationed, much to Eustace's dismay who insisted that if the men worked harder, they would need less water. Several days later, Eustace was caught attempting to steal water, and was sharply rebuked. A few days later, the crew spotted land. Eustace stopped his diary here and forgot about keeping it for a long time.

Dragon Island [ ]

When the voyagers went ashore, Eustace sneaked away to avoid work and became lost in the mountains. It was not until dinner that the rest of the crew realized that Eustace was gone. He had, however, fallen into a valley and was unable to crawl out because of the steep sides. A noise distracted him, and he turned to see a dragon emerging from a cave. Frozen with fright, Eustace could only stand and watch, as the beast crawled toward a small pool and fell over. He slowly approached the dragon, relieved to find that it was dead. A sudden rain storm then sent him into the dragon's cave for shelter. There he was amazed to find treasure beyond his imagination. He stuffed his pockets and slipped a large golden arm-ring up on his left forearm. It was not long before he fell asleep on the dragon's gold.

Some time later he was awakened by a pain in his left arm, and was frightened to discover that he had been turned into a dragon. The golden arm-band was still on his forearm, but was stuck due to his arm being much larger than it was before. Unsure of what to do, he came to the realization that the others were not so bad after all, and that he would really like the opportunity to speak to them all again. He attempts to crawl out of the precipice by jumping, and was amazed to find that he could fly. With his new-found ability, Eustace flew to the beach where the voyagers came ashore.

Caspian's crew were alarmed when the dragon landed on the beach, and preparations were made to go fight the beast. As they approached him, Lucy sees that it is crying and runs to him. After an amount of speculation and questioning, the voyagers discover that the dragon is in fact Eustace. Caspian realizes that the golden arm-band is that of the Lord Octesian, and that he probably got no further than this island. Eustace becomes a much better person as a dragon, and assists the crew by toppling a tree to replace the damaged mast, killing animals for food, and taking them on flying tours of the island.

Several days after turning into a dragon, Eustace was taken into the mountains by Aslan himself and told to disrobe. After some effort, Eustace was able to shed his dragon skin, but not completely. Several attempts to shed the dragon skin fail before Aslan steps in. He cuts the dragon flesh deeply and peels the skin off to free Eustace. Aslan then bathes and dresses Eustace before returning him to the beach where he tells his tale to Edmund before gloriously rejoining the others.

The ship sets sail, but not before Eustace turns over the Lord Octesian's arm-ring. Caspian flings it to a mountain, where it would hang on a rock. The Island is henceforth named Dragon island.

The Sea Serpent [ ]

Soon after leaving Dragon Island, the Dawn Treader finds another, smaller landmass. The island has only a ruined village (believed to be the work of pirates or the dragon), but they find a small coracle (a simple boat) that Reepicheep takes as his own. They call the land Burnt Island (due to the scorched shoreline), and continue eastwards.

At sea, they are briefly attacked by a massive Sea Serpent, which attempts to constrict the Dawn Treader into matchwood. The crew, led by Reepicheep, managed to push the ship out of the monster's coils, although the stern's decorative dragon tail was damaged in the process. During the battle, Eustace attacked the beast to help save the ship from danger. Though Eustace wasn't as helpful as he hoped (only succeeding in breaking Caspian's second-best sword on the Serpent's scales), the crew noted his newfound bravery and willingness to help, and applauded him for it. As such, Eustace began to become a more likeable person, and the others treat him better in return.

Deathwater Island [ ]

Days after the Sea Serpent's attack, the crew sighted land and went ashore to refill the water casks. After doing so at one of two streams on the island, Lucy, Edmund, Caspian, Reepicheep and Eustace decided to go exploring before returning to the ship. They climbed to find the source of the stream, from which they did not take water.

During a short break, Edmund sat on something unusually sharp, which turned out to be an old Narnian sword, followed by a mail shirt, a helmet, a dagger and Narnian coins. They assumed that that was all that remained of one of the seven lords. Venturing further, the group saw a statue of a man, apparently made of solid gold, in a small pool. Desiring to remove the statue, Edmund took a spear and tested the water's depth before attempting any recovery. Once the spear was placed into the water, it became too heavy for Edmund to hold onto, and dropped it. When he did that, he suddenly ordered the others to fall back. The toe of his shoe, which had touched the edge of the water, was solid gold. It is now clear what had happened to the man - he had undressed and prepared to bathe in the pool, but was turned into gold as he dived in.

Realizing the value of the pool, Caspian claimed the land (dubbed Goldwater Island) for Narnia and swears all to secrecy on pain of death. Edmund denies his allegiance to the crown of Narnia, and the boys fight. Lucy cried for them to stop, but it was only when Aslan appeared for a moment that the boys stopped fighting and realized what fools they were being. The island is named Deathwater Island by Reepicheep, and all return to the Dawn Treader, unable to recount their tale to the crew, except for the discovery of a Narnian Lord's corpse in a pool.

Island of the Dufflepuds [ ]

After several days at sea, the Dawn Treader lands on an island. The usual party went ashore and went toward a small building on the island. Lucy, who had stopped to remove a rock from her shoe, heard the sound of thumping and thudding and, most mysteriously of all, voices. She saw where the ground was tred upon, but saw nothing. When the thumping faded, Lucy caught up with the others to tell them what she heard. Several plans are offered and refused, and the final decision was to face the unseen adversary.

When Caspian and the others arrive on the beach, a voice commands them to stop. Much dialogue leads to the understanding that the unseen creatures want Lucy to reverse a spell they put on themselves, which made them invisible. They wanted to be invisible because a magician, who had asked them to do some work, changed them into "uglified" forms when they refused to work. However, they were tired of being invisible and wished to be turned back to normal. They needed Lucy to read the spell because it was a little girl (one of their own) who read the invisibility spell. Lucy agrees.

The following morning, Lucy proceeds to the second floor of the creatures' house where she is to locate a spell book and then find and read the spell for making the unseen seen. Lucy finds the book but must read past many spells before finding the one she is looking for. She sees a spell that would make her beautiful "beyond the lot of mortals." She desired to read it because she knows Susan is considered the pretty one, and she wanted to be beautiful too. Aslan's face appeared on the page and Lucy quickly moved on. She finds, and reads, a spell that would let you know what others think about you. The results trouble her when she learns how some schoolmates are talking poorly about her. Finally, she finds the spell for making invisible things visible and reads it. After she has done so, she hears footsteps in the hall behind her. She turns to see Aslan at the doorway.

Aslan scolded her mildly for eavesdropping on her schoolmates, and then took her to meet the magician. The magician, who was actually a "star", Coriakin , gives her lunch and shows her the invisible creatures now made visible. Lucy was amazed to see nearly 50 one-legged creatures bouncing about the yard. She leaves Coriakin and goes downstairs, much to the relief of Caspian and the others. Before leaving the island of the Monopods (the race of dwarfs with only one big foot), who mixed this name with their old name of dwarfs to Dufflepuds , Coriakin magically repairs the Dawn Treader , creates a magical map of all the lands Caspian has seen on his voyage, and tells of a Narnian ship that passed through 7 years ago with the Lords Revilian, Argoz, Mavramorn and Rhoop, meaning the man at Deathwater Island must be the Lord Restimar.

The Dark Island [ ]

The voyagers set sail once again. After nearly a fortnight at sea, land is sighted. The shape of the land is indistinct, and appeared as more of a mist than an island. Darkness suddenly loomed before them, and the voyagers are reluctant to proceed. Only after some chiding from Reepicheep did Caspian decide to go forward with swords drawn and lights lit. The ship disappeared into the blackness, which had a seemingly unearthly quality to it. After several minutes of uncertain rowing, a cry was heard from some distance away. The stranger was urged to come toward the ship. Several minutes later, a head was seen in the water next to the ship. The man brought on board was maniacal and pleading with them to row for their lives. He claimed that the island was one where dreams come true - not wants or desires, but real dreams...including the bad ones.

Horrified, Caspian and the crew, turned the ship back and began rowing back toward the light, much to Reepicheep's dismay. Each person had visions of nightmares they had had in the past, each seeming very real to the dreamer. After some time and a prayer to Aslan, the ship emerged from the darkness. The man brought on board identifies himself as the Lord Rhoop, who asked to never be sent to that land again. Caspian and Rhoop look toward the Dark Island to find that it no longer existed.

Ramandu's Island [ ]

Several more days at sea brought the voyagers to land yet again. The usual party rowed to land to explore the island. They see several columns in rows, and between the rows a large table covered with the most magnificent feast any of them had ever seen. Seated at the table, fast asleep, were 3 men. Caspian is unable to wake them. They only mumble about Narnia and sailing east. Caspian surmises that these are the remaining Lords and that their official quest is at an end. Reepicheep states that the three are probably in an enchanted sleep, caused by eating the food. Darkness is falling and the group decide to return to the Dawn Treader , all except for Reepicheep who wants to stay and find what adventures are about. Caspian, Edmund, Lucy and Eustace all decided to remain with him. Drinian returned to the ship while the others find seats that are not too close nor too far from the sleepers.

Just before sunrise, the group sees a door open in the hillside near the table. A woman stepped from that doorway and approached the table. She inquires as to why they had not eaten any of the food. Caspian explains about the sleepers and the enchantment from the food. The woman explains that the three never tasted the food, but rather fell into the enchanted sleep by arguing amongst themselves. In the argument, one of the men touched a stone knife (the same knife used on Aslan at the Stone Table many years before), which lay on the table and the sleep came upon them. Convinced, Reepicheep eats some of the food, and soon all are feasting. Caspian asks the girl how he can break the enchantment. She tells him that her father will explain how to undo the sleep.

She points to the doorway through which she came, and a very old man comes from the same door. He stands on the opposite side of the table from his daughter and both turn to the east with their hands outstreched before them. They sing, as the sun rises over the horizon, shining first light on the table and the stone knife. Out of the center of the sun, the group could see a flock of birds flying toward them. The birds alight on everything, creating a snow-like look. One bird flies to the old man and puts a little strange-looking fruit which looked like a live coal into his mouth. The birds then devour every edible thing on the table before flying back into the sun, carrying with them all things which could not be eaten, leaving only dishes and utensils on the table. The old man then addresses Caspian's party, introducing himself as Ramandu , a former star in the heavens.

The voyagers question him about how to undo the enchantment. He tells them that they must sail as far east as they can and leave one of their party behind. Reepicheep is delighted to learn that that one must sail on to the world's end. Rhoop is permitted to remain on the island to get some much needed sleep while the rest of the ship's party is to sail east. Caspian earns the loyalty of his crew by telling them that not all will have the privilege of sailing to the end of the world and that Drinian and Rhince would be among those who decided who would stay and who would go. The crew is eventually convinced that they should go and Caspian takes all the other sailors except a man named Pittencream, who decided to stay on the island and wait for Caspian to come back.

The Wonders of the Last Sea [ ]

The ship sets sail toward the east and an apparently larger sun shines before them. While looking overboard at a perfectly calm, clear sea, Lucy notices that there are shapes that look rather like a road and forest under the water. It is not long before she sees a large, underwater castle and sea people. The sea people, who are on a hunting expedition, spot the Dawn Treader and move closer to investigate. One of the sea people, who looks like a king, shakes his spear at Lucy in a menacing way. Just then, Edmund and Drinian come up behind her. She shows them the sea people. Drinian instructs them to turn around and not to look. It wouldn't do to have one of the crew fall in love with a sea person or underwater world. As he tells them this, a voice saying,"Man overboard!" is heard. The "man" is actually Reepicheep who was provoked to fight the sea-king. After Drinian pulls Reepicheep on board, he insisted that he stay quiet about what he had seen. However, Reepicheep was excited about something else entirely. The water was fresh and sweet, not salty. Reepicheep repeats an old rhyme he heard while in his cradle about the waves growing sweet at the utter east. All members of the ship's company understand and drink the water, which gives them more tolerance for the increasing intensity of the sunlight. It also made them less desiring of food or sleep.

Caspian Tries to Abdicate [ ]

After several days sailing eastward, Drinian and Caspian see on the horizon what appears to be ice. The Dawn Treader rows out of what appears to be a 40 foot wide current and stops while the boat is lowered to investigate. The white turns out to be lilies, miles of them as far as the eye can see. The boat returns and the ship resumes its course in the current and ever eastward. The depth finally becomes too shallow for the ship to continue and Caspian calls his crew together. He orders Drinian to take the ship and return to Narnia, where they, with Regent Trumpkin, will select a new king. Caspian is told that he cannot abdicate, but must return to Narnia. In a fit of anger, Caspian declares that none shall go on and all will return to Narnia. He storms to his cabin, where he is joined shortly by his usual companions.

Caspian tells them that he has seen Aslan and has been instructed to let Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and Reepicheep go on. Tearful farewells are bid and the four set off.

Aslan's Country [ ]

They sail on until the boat runs aground and can go no further. They are at the world's end and a great wave of water rises before them like a waterfall, not moving but ever flowing. Reepicheep lowers his coracle and paddles into the wave and is seen at the top of the wave one last time before disappearing forever. The children go ashore and walk across a green meadow in a most beautiful land. The sky seems to come down and meet the ground. Between them and the sky, there is a beautiful Lamb, who asks them to come and eat.

The three approach the Lamb and ask how to get to Aslan's country. The Lamb replies that the way to Aslan's country is through their own world. The form of the Lamb changes and before them stands Aslan. Aslan tells the children that He will be telling them all of the time how to get to His country but for now they would have to go back to Earth. Lucy asks when they will be allowed to return to Narnia and, to their disappointment, He tells them that they will never come back for they are getting too old. Lucy asks if Eustace will be returning, to which Aslan replies that it is not hers to know. Aslan opens a window in the sky and returns the children to the very room from which they came.

Postscript [ ]

It is noted that Caspian did return and married Ramandu's daughter and she bore him a son and was the grandmother of many kings. Secondly, the three Lords did wake up and returned to Narnia with Caspian. Finally, it is noted how those on this side of the wardrobe door recognized a change in Eustace for the better, except for Alberta, his mother. She said that he had grown more tiresome and commonplace and "it must have been the influence of those Pevensie children."

Commentary [ ]

The role of Aslan as a Christ-like figure is developed further; he appears at the end as a lamb, a Biblical image for Jesus; on the isle of Ramandu the imagery of Aslan's table is also used. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is unique in that it contains what might be called the "John 3:16" of the Chronicles of Narnia. When asked by Edmund whether or not Aslan exists in their world he replies:

This is arguably the most succinct and precise evidence of a possible parallel between Narnia and The Bible.

Parallels may also be drawn with the Arthurian legend of the Holy Grail. Three knights set off for the grail—Galahad, Percival and Launcelot— of whom Launcelot turned back in sight of the Grail, while Galahad and Percival both partook of the Grail. Galahad was subsequently raptured, while Percival returned to the realm of mortals.

In a similar vein, three groups on the Dawn Treader were on quest to seek the uttermost East, where Aslan's Country is rumored to be. Caspian, King of Narnia, was turned back due to Ramandu's daughter, whom he wishes to marry; and because he is reminded that, as King of Narnia, he has a responsibility to his country, in sight of the Last Sea. The Pevensie children and Eustace met with Aslan, and were returned to their own world in England. Reepicheep , Chief of the Talking Mice, was the only voyager on the Dawn Treader entirely without fear, and disappeared into the waters of the Utter East, where in the words of C.S. Lewis, "...he vanished, and since that moment no one can truly claim to have seen Reepicheep the Mouse. But my belief is that he came safe to Aslan's country and is alive there to this day."

Reepicheep is indeed encountered there in the closing chapters of The Last Battle , making him presumably unique in the history of Narnia in having been bodily assumed into Aslan's country while still alive (compare Enoch the patriarch and Elijah the prophet).

Differences between British and American editions [ ]

Prior to the publication of the first American edition of Voyage , Lewis made the following changes to chaper 12 "The Dark Island". When HarperCollins took over publication of the series in 1994, they decided to use the British edition as the standard for all subsequent editions worldwide.

Adaptations [ ]

  • In 1983 the world premiere of the musical stage adaptation of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was produced by Northwestern College (Minnesota) at the Totino Fine Arts Center. Director: Carol Thomas; Libretto: Wayne Olson; Music and Lyrics: Kevin Norberg (ASCAP).
  • The BBC produced a TV miniseries of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989); it was combined with the previous film and released as Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader .
  • BBC Radio 4 produced a radio play based on the book in 1995.
  • Focus on the Family Radio Theatre released a longer version as part of its complete production of all the Chronicles of Narnia.
  • Walt Disney Pictures dropped funding for the movie adaption and Walden Media worked with Twentieth Century Fox on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader , which was released on December 10, 2010.
  • In 2000 a musical version was written and produced by the Alternative Community School of Ithaca, NY

Locations [ ]

  • Dragon Island
  • Deathwater Island
  • Land of the Duffers
  • Ramandu's Island
  • Aslan's Country

Characters [ ]

  • Edmund Pevensie
  • Lucy Pevensie
  • Eustace Scrubb
  • Ramandu's Daughter
  • Captain Drinian
  • Pittencream
  • Governor Gumpas
  • Lord Octesian
  • Lord Restimar
  • The Dufflepuds
  • Anne Feathertone and Marjorie Preston
  • Lord Revilian , Lord Argoz , and Lord Mavramorn
  • The Sea People and the Sea Girl
  • Harold Scrubb and Alberta Scrubb

Note on typography [ ]

External links [ ].

  • Dawn Treader model photographs
  • The Voyage of the Dawn Treader at Narnia Fans
  • 3 Caspian X

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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What to Know

Its leisurely, businesslike pace won't win the franchise many new fans, but Voyage of the Dawn Treader restores some of the Narnia franchise's lost luster with strong performances and impressive special effects.

Audience Reviews

Cast & crew.

Michael Apted

Georgie Henley

Lucy Pevensie

Skandar Keynes

Edmund Pevensie

King Caspian

Will Poulter

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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

The voyage of the dawn treader.

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C.S. Lewis’s Narnia Chronicles has been a bestseller in the category of children’s stories, having sold 120 million copies in 47 languages since the first book of the series appeared in 1947. The seven books are adventures in the magical land of Narnia. In his highly acclaimed work, The Narnian, Alan Jacobs argues that every major theme Lewis addresses in his literary works and apologetics is reflected in the Narnia Chronicles. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (VDT), the third in the series, is coming to the screen in December. The first film, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (LWW), is number 36 in the list of best-grossing movies. Prince Caspian (PC) did not do as well, but there is hope that all seven books in the series will be seen in the theaters.

In VDT Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia with their cousin, Eustace, onboard a ship called the Dawn Treader, where they meet King Caspian. Peter and Susan, principal characters in LWW and PC, do not return to Narnia in the novel. However, they do make a cameo appearance in the film. The reason for the voyage is to find seven lost lords from Narnia who have not returned from a voyage. They also hope by sailing to the east, to come to the end of the world. Edmund and Lucy have many adventures on the seas and on islands they discover. Let’s consider the characters, a plot summary, and Aslan’s role in the novel, before focusing on specific thematic temptations presented in the unfolding story....

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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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Summary and Study Guide

C. S. Lewis’s The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a fantasy novel for children originally published in 1952 as the third installment of The Chronicles of Narnia series. However, because recent editions of the series tend to number the books in chronological order of storytelling rather than the original order of publication, it is most often counted as the fifth volume in modern printings.

The Chronicles of Narnia includes seven novels: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1950), Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia (1951), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952), The Silver Chair (1953), The Horse and His Boy (1954), The Magician’s Nephew (1955), and The Last Battle (1956). Today, it is regarded as a classic of children’s literature and has inspired numerous radio, stage, and film adaptations. This includes a 2010 movie adaptation of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by 20th Century Fox starring Ben Barnes, Liam Neeson, and Tilda Swinton.

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As a prominent scholar and theologian, Lewis infuses his work with significant Christian symbolism . Narnia, the fictional land to which the protagonists are transported in their adventures, is often viewed as an allegorical Christian kingdom ruled over by the anthropomorphic lion, Aslan , who sometimes embodies the role of a Christ figure (as in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ), and at other times represents a more abstract vision of God, depending upon the specific needs of the scene. Within its place in Lewis’s larger Christian allegory , The Voyage of the Dawn Treader explores the themes of Fate and Divine Intervention , Bravery and Honor , and The Consequences of Greed and Sloth .

This guide is based on the 2008 Kindle edition of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader .

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Plot Summary

British author C. S. Lewis’s children’s fantasy novel The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952) is the third installment published in his popular and culturally significant series, The Chronicles of Narnia . The Voyage of the Dawn Treader tells the story of three children who are transported to the magical. world of Narnia through a painting of a ship.

Unlike previous installments, which featured all four Pevensie children (Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy), The Voyage of the Dawn Treader focuses on the two youngest Pevensie children, Lucy and Edmund, and their cousin, Eustace Scrubb. While the eldest, Peter and Susan, are off studying with Professor Kirke and in America with the children’s parents, respectively, Lucy Pevensie and Edmund Pevensie are forced to stay at the home of their sullen and unlikeable cousin, Eustace Scrubb. One day, the three children examine a painting of a ship at sea, which is hanging in the guest bedroom where Lucy is staying. The painting, which turns out to be a portal to Narnia, engulfs the three children and deposits them into the sea alongside a large sailing vessel known as the Dawn Treader . The ship belongs to Caspian X, the young ruler whom the Pevensie children helped to install as King of Narnia in the previous book, Prince Caspian (1951).

After a brief reunion with Caspian, the children learn that only three years have passed in Narnia since their last visit. As part of his oath of office, Caspian has vowed to track down the Seven Great Lords of Narnia who had been exiled by the king’s “wicked” uncle, Miraz. The lords’ names are Argoz, Bern, Mavramorn, Octesian, Restimar, Revilian, and Rhoop. Also aboard the ship is the captain (Lord Drinian), his first mate Rhince, and the children’s old friend Reepicheep , who is an easily excitable but highly honorable talking mouse. In addition to helping Caspian with his quest, Reepicheep hopes to discover Aslan’s Country, the fabled home of the lion deity who defeated the tyrannical White Witch in the first and most well-known installment of the series: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe .

The ship soon arrives at the Lone Islands, a remote territory that largely operates outside the boundaries of Narnian law. As such, the trading of enslaved people is legal there, unlike in the rest of Narnia. Almost immediately, Caspian, Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Reepicheep are captured and enslaved; their captors plan to sell them at a local market. Before they arrive at the market, however, Caspian is sold to a mysterious nobleperson who turns out to be the missing Lord Bern. After discovering the identity and mission of his captive, Lord Bern teams up with Caspian to overthrow the evil Governor Gumpas and abolish slavery. In return for Lord Bern’s help, Caspian installs him as the new leader of the Lone Islands, making him a Duke.

Not long after setting sail and heading further east, the ship encounters a massive storm that wrecks the mast and damages the hull. This section of the novel is punctuated by passages of spiteful first-person narration via Eustace’s journal; because Eustace has an unhelpful, judgmental, and entitled attitude from the very beginning of the story, Lewis makes liberal use of the “unreliable first-person narrator” trope to exhibit the character’s many shortcomings. Stranded in the ocean and running low on provisions, the crew finally lands on a small island. While most of the crew members, including Edmund and Lucy, work to repair the ship, the perpetually lazy Eustace wanders off to avoid hard labor. Inside a cave, he discovers a very old dragon dying atop a pile of treasure. After the dragon dies, Eustace claims the treasure as his own, putting on a bracelet and falling asleep on a bed of gold coins. However, when he awakens, he discovers that he has been transformed into a dragon himself. Fortunately for the crew, Eustace is much more useful as a dragon than he ever was as a human, hunting for food and uprooting trees to resupply and repair the ship. After Aslan miraculously appears to Eustace and turns him back into a human in a ritual that strongly resembles a baptism, Caspian notices that the bracelet on Eustace’s wrist belonged to Lord Octesian. The travelers conclude that Octesian was either killed by the now-dead dragon or had become the dragon himself, just like Eustace.

After an attack by a sea serpent, the ship arrives at Deathwater Island, which is home to a pool that turns anyone or anything that enters it into solid gold. Caspian learns that Lord Restimar met his end here when he touched the water and was transformed into a golden statue. On the next island, the company encounters a group of foolish, one-legged invisible gnomes called Duffers, who are ruled over by a mysterious Magician named Coriakin. After breaking the spell that renders the Duffers invisible, the company sails on and encounters a cloud of darkness, where they find and rescue a terrified man who turns out to be Lord Rhoop. Rhoop advises them to flee the cloud of darkness because it houses The Island Where Dreams Come True, which sounds a lot more enticing than it really is; the "Dreams" that come true are in fact nightmares.

Next, the ship lands on the Island of the Star where the crew meets Ramandu, a fallen star now living in human form. They also find Lords Argoz, Mavramorn, and Revilian on the island, but all three are trapped in a deep sleep. The only way to cure them of their enchantment, Ramandu states, is to sail to the Eastern edge of the world, which is flat, and leave behind a member of their crew. Caspian reluctantly agrees to fulfill Ramandu’s request.

The ship heads so far east that it runs out of water in which to sail. After running aground in shallow, sweet water, Caspian is visited by Aslan, who tells him that Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, and Reepicheep must go on alone to the edge of the world while Caspian remains behind. The four depart in small boats, eventually arriving at a giant wall of water. Reepicheep paddles up the wall of water in his boat and disappears, presumably reaching Aslan’s Country at last. The children are then drawn south until they arrive at a green plain and meet a lamb that reveals itself to be Aslan. Aslan says it is time for the children to go home and tells them that they will know him in their own world under a different name. Back in England, Eustace has matured significantly, thanks to his experiences in Narnia.

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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader CS Lewis

While The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe might be the most famous book in C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia series, one could argue that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader tells the most adventurous story of them all. No longer strangers to the land of Narnia, the youngest Pevensie children, Edmund and Lucy, get whisked back to the magical land with their extremely irritating cousin Eustace Scrubb. Rather than being summoned to save the world from existential peril as in the series’ first book, Edmund and Lucy instead join up to help King Caspian fulfill his vow to search for the missing Seven Lords of Narnia. With those more relaxed stakes, the book takes the children and the reader on a delightfully creative adventure, where each new stop along the way only deepens the fantasy and mystery. Along their journey, they meet dragons and merpeople, encounter dangerous curses and more. Though it’s a more carefree reading experience, the book also explores themes of sacrifice, personal responsibility and commitment , and like the Chronicles before it, maturity. The novel succeeds most on its ability to instill a sense of wonder, adventure, bravery and heart in pursuing a dream and fulfilling a promise. — Peter Allen Clark

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‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ Trailer is Here!

by fantasia_kitty · June 17, 2010

This is the moment we’ve been waiting for since Prince Caspian came out — the unveiling of the first trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader ! This film has had a tough journey from the book to the screen; for a while we didn’t even know if it would be made. The voyage isn’t over, but at long last the trailer has arrived in all its glory to tantalize Narnia fans around the world.

Click here to view the HD trailer at YouTube (official)

Click here to view the trailer at the official Facebook page!

Share your thoughts in the comments section below and in our forum .

See our Screen Caps for every shot in the trailer.

Fox has sent us a couple of fun little Aslan badges. If you like, you change your profile picture to let the world know you’ve seen the Dawn Treader Trailer.


Opening shot in Cambridge with recruitment posters

Recruitment Officer: Are you sure you’re 18?

Edmund: Why, do I look older?

Lucy: Edmund, you’re supposed to be helping me with the groceries.

Other boys in line: [laughter] Good luck next time eh squirt?

Outside of the recruitment building Edmund and Lucy load up their groceries on a bicycle

Edmund: Squirt! I’m a king.

Lucy: Not in this world.

20th Century Fox Logo and the Walden Media Logo

In the Scrubb household, Edmund and Lucy study a painting of an ocean with a tiny ship sailing on it

Edmund: Lucy, have you seen this ship before

A closeup of the painting and the waves are starting to roll and on one side a tiny trickle of water forms

Lucy: It’s very Narnian looking isn’t it?

In the same bedroom, all of a sudden the painting starts gushing water into the room and Edmund, Lucy and Eustace look dumbfounded

Eustace: What’s going on here?

Lucy: Edmund the painting!

Eustace yells and pulls it off the wall. Edmund and Lucy try to help, but water is rapidly filling the bedroom. Lucy screams and falls and suddenly the room is completely underwater with furniture floating around. They swim upwards towards the surface and just as they reach it and gasp for air Lucy turns and sees the Dawn Treader sailing towards them.

Lucy: Edmund!

Caspian and Lucy are hoisted out of the water onto the ship. Lucy, now in Narnian clothes looks into a mirror and sees her reflection and Aslan looking back at her.

Lucy: Aslan.

Aslan: Welcome. You have come far, but your journey lies beyond.

A shot of the Dawn Treader sailing away from an island at sunset. A shot of a minotaur on board as well as a couple crew members in the background. A shot of Lucy and Edmund standing on deck wrapped in blankets.

Lucy: Reepicheep!

Reepicheep bows.

Reepicheep: Your majesties!

A shot of a mermaid swimming in the water next to the ship. She waves and Lucy waves back.

Edmund: So if there are no wars to fight, then why are we here?

Caspian walks through a door followed by Edmund and someone else. Edmund looks through a spyglass. A shot of an island surrounded by fog. A shot of Coriakin magically throwing a map across the floor.

Coriakin: You are all about to be tested.

A shot of Eustace peeking through something. Smoking tendrils surround the ship and head towards the crew members. One in particular heads towards Edmund.

White Witch: Edmund, I can make you my king.

A vision of the White Witch

White Witch: And much more.

Lucy blows across the cover of the Magician’s Book and the letters on the front of it arrange into The Book of Incantations. She opens it. She sees a reflection of herself on one page and then begins to transform into Susan.

Lucy: I’m beautiful.

Lucy hears a lion roar and jumps away from the book as pages quickly turn away from the page. Next shot is Lucy standing in the Magician’s room as snow is falling all around her. She gazes up in wonder.

Coriakin: You have an extraordinary destiny.

Reepicheep quickly climbs up the mast of the Dawn Treader where he reaches the crow’s nest and looks out smiling.

Coriakin: Something greater than you could have imagined.

Narrator: From C. S. Lewis’ epic masterpiece…

Shot of the crew aboard the Dawn Treader with Drinian at the helm. Shot of what is likely Narrowhaven. Shot of Lilliandil glowing beautifully.

Lilliandil: The fate of Narnia depends on you.

Narrator: This Christmas…

Edmund holds Rhindon in his hand. It’s glowing blue. Lilliandil turns back into a star and shoots into the heavens while Caspian, Edmund, and Lucy look on.

Narrator: Return to Hope

Shot of a faun doing a flip in Narrowhaven and kicking someone. Shot of Lucy aboard the Dawn Treader about to fire an arrow.

Narrator: Return to Magic

In the magician’s study, suddenly where he was once invisible, Coriakin turns around with a book in his hand. Shot changes to the Dufflepuds bouncing around on one foot with Eustace standing in the middle of them looking dumbfounded.

Chief Dufflepud: This place just gets weirder and weirder.

Narrator: Return to Narnia

Shot of Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and Reepicheep paddling a rowboat through the sea of lilies. Shot of Aslan standing on dry ground next to Caspian, Edmund, Eustace, Lucy, and Reepicheep while holding back a wave.

Aslan: You have returned for a reason. Your adventure begins now.

Shot of Peter. Shot of Susan. Shot of Lucy. Shot of Edmund. Aslan standing on the shore roars.

End credits. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader form out of spiked rocks and then turn into the well known logo with the Dawn treader seen sailing in the background between snowy mountains. Christmas. 3D.

Narrator: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Directed by Michael Apted. This December in Digital 3D.

395 Responses

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' src=

Uhhh, tu no hablas el espanol, do you? (but i agree!!! the trailer looks really good, i'm so excited!!!)

Where did you see that? the movie isn't out yet

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Does anyone know what it says on the front of the magic book that Lucy read? It's really been bugging me :/ It looks kinda like 'The Book of Incantations', but not all the letters are there I don't think. xx

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The BCC version is for the little kids, NOT this one! At least, that's what I tell my little brother.

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I think that Caspian might just be helping them row to the end of the world, because he isn't in the next shot with Aslan and the wave. In that shot, it's just Reepicheep, Eustace, Edmund, and what appears to be Lucy.

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I LOVE this. whoo vdt

' src=

Wow! I saw Toy Story 3 3D yesterday and the VDT trailer was amazing! I don't think that we need to worry about the quality of the 3D! When Lucy was reading out of the "Book of Incantations" and the snow was falling around her, it looked so real that I reached out to see if I could catch the snowflakes!

' src=

I just saw the trailer with eclipse, wasn't really expecting it, but it was a nice surprise

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Keep in mind that this is only the first trailer, and the release date is not for another five and a half months

' src=

i think the trailer looks great it was similar to the lww trailer but more magical so far i think fox is doing a great job the only thing that upseted me was dark island and the waterfall at the end

' src=

William and Anna are playing different characters in this movie.

Ooops! Sorry. Will and Anna are cameos for this movie not different characters.

You have 2 remember that this is a trailer and it's not going 2 show u everything ,u just have 2 wait 4 the movie 2 come out.

Peter and Susan are playing as cameos.

I agree perfectly w/u! People keep getting all shook up about it when it isnt a big deal!

I wouldn't judge it 2 harshley/ Afterall they have a different director so it's going 2 be different than the last 2.

I'm pretty sure its the ship!

Susan and Peter arent going 2 be in this film. At least not as Susan and Peter. Anyways it said directly in the last film that they weren't coming back.

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the trailer looks awsome, although does anyone know if they will make another trailer to maybe show more parts of the film which haven't been completed yet?

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LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ditto ditto ditto! My sentiments exactly!! Yes yes yes!!! I agree!!!! I hope that the actual movie won't be quite so… dramatic, shall we say? I think that's the word I'm looking for! However, I DO like the trailer, and think it simply loverly. And sail on VDT!!!!!

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pero exelentisimo!!!!! tengo muchas ganasssss de ver la pelicula

You can see the movie wallpapers on the web

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Okay! I have decided that Narniaweb has the most critical reviews of Narnia more than any site. Yes, I know we're fans, it's our job to pick it a part,but every other site has better reviews than we do.

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For $32,000…… "The Book of Incantations" is correct!!

i am going 2 c twilight eclipse 2moz and i hope the trailer is shown, would love 2 c the trailer on the big screen

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Last time I checked we weren't in a competition to see who could suck up to Fox/Walden the most.

You do realize that having Peter and Susan in Narnia in VDT would make Aslan a liar?

Not everyone's opinion of the trailer is going to be "OMIGOSH!! IT'S SO FREAKING SHINY!!!" Get over it.

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Could the White Witch part be some vague reference to the Dark Island of Worst Nightmares? I sure do hope they stay faithful to the book, still – there was no reference to Eustace's adventure or the seven missing lords. :/

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As much as I hate to say it, the old school BBC versions of the Narnia movies are much better than the newer ones that they've come out with. The costumes were cheesy, the acting was so-so, and the visual effects were ludicrously simple. But they were actually true to the Narnia books. When I was growing up, they still captured the magic that the books contained. The new movies are visually beautiful (mostly) but they get everything wrong. I'm not necessarily talking about small details like hair color (although that's there too.) But when they practically write Aslan out of the first movie it upsets me. The children had one prophesy about them, Aslan had several. But somehow he became a subnote for the saving of Narnia, and the children became the focus. Prince Caspian got virtually everything wrong about the plot of the movie, Caspian's motivation, etc. And what they didn't get wrong plotwise, had a completely different flavor than what the book portrayed. For me, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is sacred. I can only hope that the low level graphics that we are seeing is simply a product of the still distant release date. But much more important to me is that they can get the story right, with all of the elements put into their proper context. I can forgive the preview for presenting the story as being disjointed; the novel itself is written with one chapter having little in common with previous ones. It's hardly a continuous story. But if Aslan isn't at the end of the movie telling the kids to learn his other name, I think I'll rip somebody's head off. I don't want to see still somebody else's far fetched interpretation of how the books are meant to be taken. The way they are written is perfect for me.

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wow i cant wait to watch the movie i will be interesting

Yeah, that's exactly what I think. I don't see any reason at all for the Chief Dufflepud to say that anyway. . . I think it's just a mistake. Or I hope it is! Anyway, sail on VDT!!!

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Can you not rip my head of?;)

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I wonder If Harry G. Williams will make the music for this movie as well.

peter voyage of the dawn treader

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The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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There was not much difficulty in settling the matter once Eustace realized that everyone took the idea of a duel seriously and heard Caspian offering to lend him a sword, and Drinian and Edmund discussing whether he ought to be handicapped in some way to make up for his being so much bigger than Reepicheep. He apologized sulkily and went off with Lucy to have his hand bathed and bandaged and then went to his bunk. He was careful to lie on his side.

peter voyage of the dawn treader

“Well, anyway, I looked up and saw the very last thing I expected: a huge lion coming slowly toward me. And one queer thing was that there was no moon last night, but there was moonlight where the lion was. So it came nearer and nearer. I was terribly afraid of it. You may think that, being a dragon, I could have knocked any lion out easily enough. But it wasn’t that kind of fear. I wasn’t afraid of it eating me, I was just afraid of it—if you can understand.”

peter voyage of the dawn treader

“The King who owned this island,” said Caspian slowly, and his face flushed as he spoke, “would soon be the richest of all Kings of the world. I claim this land forever as a Narnian possession. It shall be called Goldwater Island. And I bind all of you to secrecy. No one must know of this. Not even Drinian—on pain of death, do you hear?”

“Who are you talking to?” said Edmund. “I’m no subject of yours. If anything it’s the other way round. I am one of the four ancient sovereigns of Narnia and you are under allegiance to the High King my brother.”

“I will say the spell,” said Lucy. “I don’t care. I will.” She said I don’t care because she had a strong feeling that she mustn’t.

But when she looked back at the opening words of the spell, there in the middle of the writing, where she felt quite sure there had been no picture before, she found the great face of a lion, of The Lion, Aslan himself, staring into hers.

“You can’t know,” said the girl. “You can only believe—or not.”

The King took the bucket in both hands, raised it to his lips, sipped, then drank deeply and raised his head. His face was changed. Not only his eyes but everything about him seemed to be brighter.

“Yes,” he said, “it is sweet. That’s real water, that. I’m not sure that it isn’t going to kill me. But it is the death I would have chosen—if I’d known about it till now.”

“What do you mean?” asked Edmund.

“It—it’s like light more than anything else,” said Caspian.

“That is what it is,” said Reepicheep. “Drinkable light. We must be very near the end of the world now.”

“Dearest,” said Aslan very gently, “you and your brother will never come back to Narnia.”

“Oh, Aslan!!” said Edmund and Lucy both together in despairing voices.

“You are too old, children,” said Aslan, “and you must begin to come close to your own world now.”

“Only two more things need to be told. One is that Caspian and his men all came safely back to Ramandu’s Island. And the three lords woke from their sleep. Caspian married Ramandu’s daughter and they all reached Narnia in the end, and she became a great queen and the mother and grandmother of great kings. The other is that back in our own world everyone soon started saying how Eustace had improved, and how “You’d never know him for the same boy”: everyone except Aunt Alberta, who said he had become very commonplace and tiresome and it must have been the influence of those Pevensie children.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader PDF


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  7. PDF The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

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  8. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Study Guide

    C.S. Lewis. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is a classic children's fantasy novel, and Book Three (by publication order) in The Chronicles of Narnia series by English writer C.S. Lewis, published in 1951. When Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, the youngest of the Pevensie siblings, along with their unlikeable cousin Eustace Scrubb, are magically drawn ...

  9. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Study Guide

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  21. The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

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  22. PDF Answer Key to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Study Guide

    Chapter 2: On Board the Dawn Treader Vocabulary Enrichment Activities: A. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions from the lists above that make the most sense based on the story. 1) The Pevensies had last been in Narnia at the time of aspian's coronation. 2) The purpose of aspian's voyage was to avenge his father's friends.

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