
Free Travel Agent Forms | Templates for Travel Agencies

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Do we have a present for you! A treasure trove of amazing travel agent forms! Short and sweet, we have two main types of forms:

  • Customizable Forms: These are online client-facing forms you can download and customize to YOUR agency (with JotForm) .
  • Grab & Go Printable Forms : These forms don't need any changing. All you need to do is print them off and viola! You're ready to go.

Don't worry! We take a deep dive into each form. Better yet? We have a fabo tutorial on how to customize JotForm templates (in under a minute . . . no joke) They will declutter your desk, save you time, and help you connect with your clients in meaningful ways.

Here's what we have in our vault:

⭐️ HAR Highlights: Fast Forward to free Travel agent Forms! ⭐️

1. Disclaimers Planning & Booking Forms for Clients

  • Travel Interest Survey Form (Pre Trip)
  • Travel Itinerary Template Form
  • Trip Details Confirmation (Post Booking)
  • Vacation In Review (Post Trip)
  • Disney World Planning & Booking Cheatsheet (Agent Facing)

2. Legal Forms For Your Travel Agency

  • Sample Service Fee Contract
  • Travel Agency Waivers and Disclosures

3. Travel Agent Inspection Checklist Forms

Site Inspection Checklist

  • Cruise Ship Inspection Form

4. Video Tutorials on Downloading & Customizing Forms

Free Travel Agent Forms: Trip Planning & Booking Forms for Clients

These planning and booking forms will help you automate the process of qualifying your client, booking their trip, and getting their feedback.

These aren’t your run of the mill, boring forms. No sirree. We created all of the trip planning & booking forms using JotForm . So instead of creating these forms from scratch, you can simply copy our free form templates over to your JotForm account and make them your own, takes about 5 seconds!

A quick word on JotForm: You may be thinking, *groan*, yet another account to start?, but it's worth it. All of JotForm's features we highlight are available on their free plan! That includes electronic signatures, encrypted data, custom PDFs, and even the ability to accept payments 1 ! Zilch. Zero. Nada.

Jump down to HAR's video tutorials on how to download and customize your forms.

Here's a few other reasons you’ll love these travel agent forms as much as we do:

1. They’re free and easy to copy!

Did I mention they're free? Yep. But it's worth repeating. The free plan allows 5 forms (Psst: Have more than 5 forms you want to use? You can always archive forms you aren't currently using so you don't lose any data), up to 100 monthly submissions and unlimited fields for your form.

2. We’ve built in conditional logic! This helps keep the forms organized and targeted to your clients' specific answers. What’s conditional logic?

It’s when you tell the form that IF someone selects a certain answer (ex: there will be kids on the trip), THEN the form displays a question just for them (ex: what are the ages of the kids). This keeps the form short, clean and relevant to your clients!

Here's a quick example:

3. You can customize these travel agent forms to your heart’s content! You can get it all dressed up with your very own agency logo, font, brand colors, and customized messages/questions.

4. Embed in your site. These forms can be embedded on your website so your clients can fill it out directly on your site. But they're flexible, so you can send clients a direct link in an email.

Already have the whole collection and want a brief tutorial on how to customize your JotForm forms ? No problem, just click here for a shortcut to the tutorial .

1. Travel Interest Survey:

Travel Interest Survey Download

Who it’s for: Clients (especially new clients) who might not be sure of what they want in their vacation or are looking for a quote. (Psst, it's also a really good way to save time with tire-kickers too.)

What it does: Asks questions about their interests so you can find out what their expectations are. Here’s a few of the topics it covers:

  • Accommodations for Travelers: This will help you anticipate any accommodations people in their group might need, whether they want to bring their dog, travel with an infant or have physical limitations.
  • Logistics: Have a grasp of how many travelers, ages, and when they’re looking to go so you can pull up possible quotes faster.

Final Thoughts: If you prefer to chat over the phone with your clients for a personal touch, this travel agent form is a great way for you to document the information from your initial contact conversation to make sure you collect all the information you need to give them a proper quote.

Go directly to our video tutorial here , to find out how to download and customize the form

2. Travel Itinerary Template form

Travel Itinerary Template

Who it’s for: If your agency is currently in DIY mode, and you're not using an itinerary building platform , this resource could be just what you need! You can download below or read all about it here: HAR's Travel Itinerary Template Form

What I love most about the travel itinerary template form is that you can either adapt it to use it for your travel business, or you can send it to your clients as a resource (with your branding) if they prefer to be in charge the scheduling the day-to-day activities, side trips, and attractions.

What it does: This travel agent form helps you go the extra mile in customer service, offering an opportunity to include a daily schedule of flights, hotel stays, tours/sites, and restaurants. You can adapt it to give your clients a detailed itinerary, or to use it as a sample itinerary for particular destinations to help entice your travelers.

Final Thoughts: This form is our exception to the rule. Why? Because it's customizable, but it's not via JotForm. Why did we throw you a curveball? Because we needed to go a different route in terms of template style. (It's essentially a fancified spreadsheet. Shh, don't tell.)

Once it's filled out with all the bells and whistles of the trip, all you need to do is download it as a PDF. Want to give it a go? Download the form, and find details on how to customize it here .

2. Trip Details Confirmation:

Trip Details Confirmation Form

Who It’s For: Clients that have just booked with you

What it Does: Gives travelers the chance to confirm trip details/passenger names/passport requirements yet again (can they ever look these over too carefully?!?). The form has an area for them to sign that they’ve looked over their itinerary and everything looks okay. We’ve heard horror stories about clients spending their life savings on a honeymoon only to be turned away because they didn’t know they needed a visa. Don’t let that happen to you. This travel agent form helps address that by reiterating:

  • Required Travel Documents: Goes over passport requirements and links to important websites for international travel on visas, vaccinations, and traveling with children you’re not the legal guardian of.
  • Confirm Travel Insurance was Offered: Cover your rear by having clients sign to say you offered them trip insurance or to remind you if you accidentally forgot.

This one is the real biggie of the bunch and includes SUPER IMPORTANT information clients need to know before they depart.

3. Vacation in Review:

Vacation in Review Form

Who it’s For: Clients post-travel to help process the highs and lows of their trip and share them with you.

What it Does: The Vacation in Review form is tool for clients to process the highs and lows of their trip and share them with you. The form will help you:

  • Collect Testimonials and Social Media Content: Clients can easily upload photos and thoughts you can use in for social media and other marketing (there’s a checkbox asking if it’s okay to share their thoughts publicly)
  • Easy Research: Get insider information and beef up your knowledge about destinations
  • Getting to Know Clients Understand the travel preferences of repeat clients

Final Thoughts: This form is a great way to gather testimonials for your website.

4. Disney World Planning & Booking CheatSheet:

Disney World Planning & Booking Cheatsheet

More Details: Our Travel Agent's Guide to HAR's Disney World Planning & Booking Cheatsheet article provides an in depth look at how to best use this cheatsheet. It even has a short video to walk you through it!

Who it's For: Disney Agents, this one's for you! In fact, even if you just dabble in Disney, this is a great resource. Can't remember off the top of your head what Susie Miller wanted as her third Fast Pass+ alternate for her trip to Animal Kingdom on Day 3? Unless you have Rain Man level skills (if you do, let's talk), you probably can't track that level of details for your entire client list.

What it Does: I like to think of our Disney World Planning and Booking Checklist as a miniature CRM for your Disney trips—a tool where that you can log important client info, reservation deadlines, and a checklist—that walks you through the steps in planning and booking a stellar Disney Vacation. It's important to note that this is not a client-facing form. It's just for you to help track the details.

Final Thoughts: Let's face it, when it comes to Disney, there are a zillion details to remember. This tool will help you walk your clients through options and put together a quote/itinerary. Psst: Looking for some tips on booking Disney? We've got a whole series on Disney booking secrets .

Free Legal Forms for Travel Agents

Okay, so your clients are (abundantly) taken care of in the forms department. Now we're turning our attentions to critical legal forms to help your agency, including a service fee contract, an IC contract, client waivers and disclaimers.

Travel Agent Fee Contract Form Template

Travel agent fee agreement template

Who it’s For: This is for agents who charge fees (service fees or consultation fees) or for those who are exploring charging a fee.

What it Does: The contract helps you be very clear about your fee structure so your clients don't get sticker shock when they book with you! It outlines what you charge for fees and when they need to pay it.

Final Thoughts: This contract is thorough, and like other JotForm forms, you can modify the conditional logic to tailor it to the needs of your agency.

Read more about the complex relationship between Seller of Travel laws impact charging fees here .

Travel Agency Disclosures and Waivers

Travel Waivers and Disclaimers

More Details: Check out our Travel Waivers: Protect Your Travel Agency article to learn more about protecting your agency with waivers.

Who it’s For: The waivers are adaptable, so they can work for any type of travel business who is booking travel on behalf of clients.

What it Does: These travel waivers are the first line of defense. They are short disclaimers that you can include in email or contractual correspondence when you're quoting trips, or confirming trip details to make sure you're on the same page as your client.

The article linked above will walk you through what points your email waivers and disclaimers should cover. It ensures that you and your clients are on the same page when it comes to pricing (e.g. quoted price is subject to change), travel insurance, trip details, and all the goodies they need to know (like visas and passports) before they pack up and go.

Final Thoughts: While these waivers and disclaimers may not necessarily provide iron-clad protection in the court of law, they ensure that you're communicating very clearly with your client and assist you in fulfilling your duty of care as a travel agent.

Check out our Travel Waivers: Protect Your Travel Agency article to learn more about protecting your agency with waivers.

Travel Agency Site Inspection Forms & Checklists

In addition to client forms, we also have a few checklists made with travel professionals in mind. Do you want your inspections to feel as breezy as you make it look on social media, these inspection checklists are for you. With the help of expert advisors HAR cooked up two different inspection forms—one for site inspections and another specifically for cruises.

They're thorough and brief (1-3 pages) to make them portable . . . because seriously, who wants to juggle a books-worth of papers when you're already juggling your phone, your purse, and tote bag full of flyers while you're on an inspection?

Here's what we've got for our final installment:

Travel Agent Site Inspection Checklist

Who it’s For: Book hotels? Resorts? All-inclusive? Do you want help qualifying these properties and a tool to help you remember all your brilliant insights while you were there? This checklist is for you regardless of how much experience you have selling travel. (If you're looking for a cruise inspection, keep reading because we have one below👇🏼)

What it Does: This is a free travel agent form, written with travel agents at the front of our minds, focusing on the details you need to effectively qualify suppliers for your business. It's simple: You print out our painstakingly detailed one-page site inspection form and bring it with you on your FAM, site inspection, or on personal trip (I mean, if you absolutely must combine work and play) . Paperless? We've got you. You can also fill out this checklist on your phone/tablet during your inspection.

Final Thoughts: Our site inspection forms are customizable. We think we've covered most of the bases, but if there's anything you'd like to see added, we'd love to hear your feedback at [email protected] or in the comments down yonder.

Want more details on making the most out of your site inspection? Check out our full article: The Definitive Site Inspection Checklist !

Cruise Inspection Checklist

Cruise Ship Inspection Checklist button

Who it’s For: Not all cruises are created equal. This form is a 5-point checklist—port, lodging, dining, layout, and atmosphere (vibe). The form takes a deep dive into each category to make sure you're putting your clients on the right ship!

What it Does: This form is easy peasy. All you need to do is download it, print it out and bring it along to your next ship inspection. Since it's not a form to share with your clients, there's no need to customize it (but hey, you can if you want! We're not the boss of you!). Better yet, if you're 100% paperless, you can also fill out this checklist on your phone/tablet during your inspection. Check out our video preview below of the worksheet in Steph's Friday 15 !

Final Thoughts: Seriously, check out the entire Cruise Ship Inspection article . It chats on tips on how to make the most of a cruise ship inspection and is especially good for newbies. (You won't feel like a newbie after you read the article, even if it's your first time.)

Check out our full article: Make the Most of a Cruise Ship Inspection for more tips or just download using the form above!

Video Tutorials on How to Customize Forms

If you made it this far, that probably means you are ready to decorate your spiffy website by customizing your forms. We used JotForm to make all the electronic forms.

New to JotForm? No worries. Here's a brief tutorial to show you how to copy our templates and to quickly customize them to you!

How to Copy HAR's JotForm Forms & Customize to Your Agency

We whipped up a quick video, but if that's not your style, here are the 5 things you need to customize on HAR's JotForm templates for your business:

  • Logo: Replace with your own or remove altogether
  • All text in bracket [ ]: We bracketed things that need to be customized to you (like your agency name)
  • Emails: Take a look at the notification and/or autoresponder emails. You'll need to add your email/name and maybe some less template-y text.
  • Thank you page: Add your logo or some thank you text specific to your agency.
  • PDF download: This one is only for our Service/Consultation Fee Contract form . Be sure to add and customize contract PDF to be sent to your clients.

If you'd like to see how to change all these things, check out our video below!

Download & Customize Itinerary Template form on Google Sheets

Most of the forms in this article were created with JotForm but our Travel Itinerary Template needed a little something extra. Using Google Sheets, this video shows you how to download and customize HAR's travel itinerary template form.

We'd love to hear how you're updating these forms! Drop us a line in the comment below!

Thanks to the travel professionals, Bonnie Lee, Amy Burbank, and Dixie Cote who consulted with us and helping us make these forms even more relevant to travel agents!

Want to share, repurpose, reuse, or translate our content? Get information here about how to do that, we’re under a creative commons license.

  • JotForm doesn't charge any transaction fees but you do still have to pay any fees that go along with your chosen payment processor ↩

About the author

Author Steph Lee

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travel agent cruise booking form

  • Popular Forms
  • Job Application Form Template
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  • Hotel Accommodation Form Template
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Cruise Booking Form

Cruise companies and travel agencies can use this free cruise booking form template to create a form in less than a minute. It will organize the way you gather passenger information. You can start building your form immediately by clicking on the “use template” button below!

travel agent cruise booking form

  • Agreement Forms
  • Attendance Forms
  • Cancellation Forms
  • Clothing Order Forms
  • Complaint Forms
  • Consultation Forms
  • Contest Registration Forms
  • Customer Registration Forms
  • Customer Service Forms
  • Employment Forms
  • Estimate Forms
  • Evaluation Forms
  • Event Booking Forms
  • Event Registration Forms
  • Feedback Forms
  • File Upload Forms
  • Food Order Forms
  • Hotel Booking Forms
  • Informed Consent Forms
  • Inquiry Forms
  • Inspection Forms
  • Insurance Forms
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  • Medical Forms
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  • Real Estate Forms
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  • Report Forms
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  • Reservation Forms
  • School Application Forms
  • School Registration Forms
  • Self-evaluation Forms
  • Service Booking Forms
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What is a cruise booking form?

A cruise booking form is an online document used to collect the information of passengers who reserve a cruise. Your passengers can pay the booking fee through this form. You just need to add a payment field on your form to be able to accept payments.

How to share your form online

forms.app offers you various sharing options to choose. You can always choose multiple sharing methods if you need. Sharing is a free feature on forms.app, but you need to log into your forms.app account first. Now, here are some of these sharing methods:

  • Copy the link and share it on your website
  • Embed your form as iFrame onto your webpage
  • Share it on social media
  • Create a QR code and share it

How to receive reservation requests online

Making reservations is always useful for many reasons. But, most people don't just call a business to make a reservation anymore. Instead, they go online and see if there is an online booking system. It is more convenient and easy to use. As an online form builder, forms.app helps you to create your online form and allows people to make reservations and appointments.

What is a booking form?

A booking form is a web form that is used to book appointments or reservations. It is a convenient way to let your customers book appointments online without having to call or email you. Plus, you can insert form fields to collect information automatically.

Booking forms can be used for a variety of purposes, such as booking hotel rooms, renting cars, or making restaurant reservations. They are also commonly used to schedule appointments for services such as hair appointments, massages, and so on. Additionally, you can build complex forms with conditional logic or accept payments on forms.app. This will make your forms more functional than ever and tailored for all customer types.

How do I create an online booking form?

Normally making forms requires coding knowledge and hours of time. But these days are no more with forms.app. This powerful form creator comes with an easy-to-use UI and advanced features you can use without any coding. By following a few simple steps, you can create a form that is both user-friendly and effective.

  • Decide what information you need from your users
  • Use forms.app’s free booking form templates for a quick start
  • Include a brief description of the event, as well as pricing information (You can do this on the Welcome Page or add an explanation field to your form)
  • Then, collect necessary information, like contact information, personal details, and so on
  • Add a payment field if you want to collect payments or fees
  • Share your form with your audience or embed it on your website

Can you use forms.app as a booking system?

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Travel By Darcy

Creating Memorable Vacations Since 1996

Transfer Your Cruise Booking

travel agent cruise booking form

Clients often ask me if it’s better to book their cruise direct or with an agent. The answer is simple.  Travel agents have access to and arrange for private sales all the time. You will never pay more than what a cruise line is offering. In most cases, you’ll save money and receive exclusive value added amenities like shipboard credits, prepaid gratuities, wine, cabin upgrades, onboard coupon booklets and much more.

The biggest benefit is the ability to work with a cruise specialist and avoid long hold times to a call center.  We can tailor your cruise experience by assisting with pre and post hotel arrangements, flights with special cruise fares, travel insurance, private shore excursions and more.   To benefit from these extra perks and personal travel assistance, you must book or transfer your reservation to us.

If you transfer the booking to us, then you get to keep the same cabin, same booking number, and the same rate as you have with the cruise line.

  • To find out if your reservation qualifies for additional amenities, email the guest copy of your cruise line confirmation to [email protected].

The cruise lines have made the process to transfer your booking over to travel agencies fairly easy. Simply find your cruise below and fill out the form (if required). As soon as your booking as been successfully transferred, we will automatically add your special amenity.

Cruise Lines Travel Agent Transfer Forms and Policies:

Celebrity, royal caribbean and azamara club cruises.

-You may transfer your cruise booking up until 30 days from creation as long as your request is made outside of Final Payment period and the booking has not been paid in full.

-If a booking has a ChoiceAir ticket or if the transfer request involves a change in currency we cannot accommodate a transfer.

-In order to Transfer your booking from Celebrity, Royal Caribbean or Azamara, you have to complete the simple Travel Agent Transfer Form and fax it to the cruise line. The Fax number is on the form. Click to Download Form:

  • Celebrity Booking Transfer Form
  • Royal Caribbean Transfer Form
  • Azamara Cruises Transfer Form

-You may transfer your cruise bookings to us any time before final payment.

-If you have made deposit on the booking then you must send a letter to Cunard. Please call 603-418-8698 or email [email protected] for the mail address and assistance with the letter.

Disney Cruise Line

-Bookings may be transferred to us up until 30 days from creation. In order to transfer booking, you just need to send completed transfer form to Disney Cruise Lines. Click to Download Form: Disney Cruise Line Transfer Form

Norwegian Cruise Line

-Bookings may be transferred to us up until 14 days from creation

-Your booking cannot have the full payment on it.

– Deposit on Booking: you’ll need to fill out their simple transfer form and email it in. Click to Download Form:  Norwegian Cruise Line Transfer Form

MSC Cruises 

– Direct bookings may be transferred to us up until 30 days from creation

Your booking can not have full payment on it.

– Deposit on Booking: you’ll need to fill out their simple transfer form and email or fax it in.

Click to Download Form: MSC Cruises Transfer Form

Holland America Line

-You may transfer your Holland America Cruise booking to us as long as you have not made the full payment.  Please contact us for further instructions, simply email [email protected]

Viking River Cruises

-As long as you made your Viking River Cruise booking in the last 30 days and have not paid it in full, then you can transfer your booking to us. The process is easy, just email [email protected] to get started.

Oceania Cruises

– As long as your Oceania Cruise vacation was made in the last 30 days and is not yet paid in full, then you can transfer your booking to us.   The process is easy, just email [email protected] to get started.

Princess Cruises

– Bookings may be transferred to us up until 30 days from creation.  It’s really easy to do. Please contact us for details. Only legal residents of the United States, Canada and Mexico can book and/or transfer a Princess Cruises reservation to us (this is a policy of Princess Cruises, not our agency)

We also work with luxury lines like Riviera River Cruises, Silversea Cruises, Paul Gauguin Cruises, Seabourn Yachts, Windstar Cruises, AmaWaterways, Avalon Waterways and Uniworld Boutique River Cruises .   Most reservations can be easily transferred as long as final payment has not been made and you are within 30 days of the original booking date.  Please contact me for more information.

  • If you live outside of the US, it may not be possible to transfer your reservation to a travel agency outside of your own country due to various promotion restrictions and currencies.  Send us a message with any questions and we’ll be happy to review your cruise booking for you to see if you are eligible to work with us.
  • Special perks and amenities are available on upgraded cabins only of cruises that are 7+ nights.  If you’ve booked a short weekend cruise in the least expensive cabin (inside or ocean view) we likely will not be able to add anything extra to your reservation other than our stellar customer service.
  • Should the price of your cruise decrease or the promotion change after your booking has been transfer, the agency incentive may be voided.

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Travel Forms

Here’s a collection of form templates related to travel. These travel form templates might be handy if you own a travel agency or manage travels for individuals or groups. Customize them easily on 123FormBuilder without coding.

25+ Templates

  • Most Popular 55
  • Forms with Rules 21
  • Educational Registration Forms 41
  • Medical Registration Forms 15
  • General Registration Forms 29
  • Business Registration Forms 26
  • Event Registration Forms 146
  • Customer Registration Forms 25
  • Membership Registration Forms 61
  • Entry Forms 54
  • Camp Registration Forms 45
  • Sports Registration Forms 60
  • Supplier Registration Forms 59
  • Events Application Forms 31
  • School Application Forms 26
  • Medical Application Forms 23
  • Rental Application Forms 28
  • Contest Entry Forms 29
  • Services Application Forms 50
  • Membership Application Forms 54
  • Job Application Forms 39
  • Vendor Application Forms 25
  • Volunteer Application Forms 45
  • Sponsorship Application Forms 27
  • Business Event Forms 89
  • Educational Events Form 40
  • Family Events Forms 37
  • Festival & Parade Events Forms 49
  • General Events Forms 119
  • Sports Events Form 25
  • Vendors Forms 35
  • Workshop Forms 46
  • Christmas and New Year Forms 23
  • Contest & Award Forms 60
  • Party Forms 19
  • Event Planning Forms 51
  • Ticket Forms 25
  • Travel Forms 25
  • Questionnaires 43
  • Satisfaction Surveys 54
  • Product Surveys 21
  • Feedback Surveys 108
  • Employee Surveys 24
  • Relationship Surveys 13
  • Wellness Surveys 29
  • Lifestyle Polls 12
  • Consumer Preferences Polls 7
  • Community Polls 7
  • Service Feedback Polls 5
  • Demographic Polls 6
  • Event Polls 3
  • Information Request Forms 21
  • Purchase Order Request Forms 15
  • Service Request Forms 109
  • Transportation Request Forms 17
  • Sport Evaluation Forms 11
  • Business Evaluation Forms 39
  • School Evaluation Forms 10
  • Health Evaluation Forms 16
  • Service Evaluation Forms 49
  • Construction Evaluation Forms 23
  • Service Feedback Forms 50
  • Travel Feedback Forms 16
  • Customer Feedback Forms 55
  • Patient Feedback Forms 20
  • Event Feedback Forms 26
  • Purchase Order Forms 95
  • Change Order Forms 9
  • Apparel Order Forms 23
  • Work Request Forms 13
  • Supply Order Forms 38
  • Production Order Forms 29
  • Small Business Order Forms 39
  • Fundraiser Order Forms 17
  • Media Consent Forms 15
  • Informed Consent Forms 37
  • Patient Consent Forms 17
  • Event Consent Forms 11
  • Child Consent Forms 20
  • Travel consent forms 15
  • Event Booking Forms 22
  • Transport Booking Forms 30
  • Holiday Booking Forms 16
  • Accommodation Booking Forms 24
  • Travel Reservation Forms 33
  • Event Reservation Forms 49
  • Contact Forms 74
  • Customer Inquiry Forms 13
  • Event Inquiry Forms 9
  • Product Inquiry Forms 8
  • Service Inquiry Forms 12
  • Consulting Forms 20
  • Telecommunication Forms 15
  • Cleaning Forms 19
  • Hospitality Forms 73
  • Utilities Forms 18
  • Waste Management Forms 11
  • Repair Forms 17
  • Estimate Forms 48
  • Reimbursement Calculation Forms 29
  • Inventory Calculation Forms 25
  • Insurance Calculation Forms 23
  • Membership Forms 75
  • Web Design Forms 24
  • Agreement Forms 88
  • Personal Forms 40
  • Volunteer Forms 69
  • Customer Service Forms 29
  • File Upload Forms 106
  • Employment Forms 92
  • Construction Inspection Forms 11
  • Manufacturing Inspection Forms 11
  • Safety Inspection Forms 25
  • Hygiene Inspection Forms 9
  • Fire Inspection Forms 7
  • Vehicle Inspection Forms 14
  • Cancellation Forms 52
  • Quote Forms 59
  • Appointment Forms 75
  • Donation Forms 63
  • Tracking Forms 52
  • Referral Forms 51
  • Recommendation Forms 34
  • Signup Forms 30
  • PayPal Payment Forms 73
  • Stripe Payment Forms 31
  • Sponsorship Forms 48
  • Complaint Forms 42
  • Business Quizzes 9
  • Personality Quizzes 4
  • Culture Quizzes 28
  • Entertainment Quizzes 13
  • Lifestyle Quizzes 11
  • Holiday Quizzes 8
  • Educational Quizzes 27
  • Incident Report Forms 21
  • Verification Forms 34
  • Telehealth Forms 16
  • Medical Assessment Forms 10
  • Immunization Forms 6
  • Health Forms for Schools 6
  • Counseling Forms 4
  • Medical Consent Forms 33
  • Dental Forms 26
  • Medical Request Forms 25
  • Medical Referral Forms 9
  • Medical Application Forms 21
  • Pharmacy Forms 15
  • Patient Registration Forms 13
  • Medical Questionnaires 29
  • Therapy Forms 14
  • Medical Insurance Forms 17
  • Hospital Discharge Forms 3
  • Veterinary Forms 10
  • Diagnosis Forms 12
  • Medication Order Forms 6
  • Advertising Forms 20
  • Branding Forms 23
  • Promotions and Campaigns Forms 31
  • Social Media and PR Forms 27
  • Design and Website Maintenance Forms 29
  • Shows and Exhibitions Forms 17
  • Product Placement Forms 13
  • Customer Experience Forms 14
  • Market Research Surveys 83
  • Employee Evaluation Forms 20
  • Employee Incident Forms 26
  • Employee Information Forms 24
  • Employee Review Forms 11
  • Reimbursement Forms 7
  • HR Request Forms 16
  • Safety Forms 13
  • Interview Forms 15
  • Leave Request Forms 13
  • Recruitment Forms 6
  • Safety Forms 9
  • Inventory Forms 13
  • Processes Forms 8
  • Tracking Forms 23
  • Inspection Forms 16
  • Maintenance Forms 6
  • Purchase Forms 4
  • Shipment Forms 16
  • Art Forms 6
  • Product Forms 17
  • School Application Forms 22
  • School Surveys 26
  • School Order Forms 8
  • School Registration Forms 30
  • College Admission Forms 9
  • Course Registration Forms 11
  • Pre School Forms 9
  • Parent Information Forms 11
  • Student Forms 41
  • Summer Camp Forms 12
  • Teacher Forms 13
  • Training Forms 8
  • Budget Forms 14
  • Claim Forms 15
  • Loan Forms 7
  • Tax Forms 10
  • Small Business Forms 165
  • Rent Control Forms 7
  • Land Use Forms 4
  • Legal Application Forms 38
  • Employee Forms 3
  • Legal Business Forms 2
  • Business Application Forms 5
  • Business Registration Forms 23
  • Bakery Order Forms 12
  • Catering Order Forms 13
  • Food Order Forms 30
  • Restaurant Forms 15
  • Hairdresser Forms 12
  • Nail Salon Forms 5
  • Makeup Forms 7
  • Beauty Procedure Forms 18
  • Spa Forms 8
  • Property Management Forms 8
  • Tenant Forms 9
  • Rental Application Forms 15
  • Delivery Forms 20
  • Inventory Forms 25
  • New Vendor Forms 21
  • Production Forms 15
  • Animal Shelter Forms 11
  • Dog Grooming Forms 5
  • Sports Forms 102
  • E-commerce Forms 48
  • Non-Profit Forms 64
  • Banking Application Forms 7
  • Credit Forms 7
  • Photography and Videography Forms 4
  • Venue Forms 6
  • Wedding Vendors Forms 10
  • Flowers and Decorations Forms 6
  • Wedding Documentation Forms 8
  • Entertainment and Music Forms 3
  • Wedding Planning Forms 19
  • Wedding Order Forms 6
  • Photography Contract Forms 7
  • Photography Pricing Forms 2
  • Wedding Photography Forms 4
  • Software Development Forms 4
  • IT Consulting Forms 6
  • Cloud Services Forms 2
  • Cybersecurity Services Forms 3
  • Entertainment forms 66
  • Church Forms 41
  • Blog Forms 9
  • Insurance Forms 52

travel frequency poll

Travel Frequency Poll

Our customizable poll template helps you understand where your audience dreams of going and their travel frequency.

travel destinations poll

Travel Destinations Poll

Using our poll template, you can gain valuable insights into travel trends and preferences.

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Travel Club Membership Form

Use our template – your passport to a smooth membership registration process and unforgettable journeys!

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Group Travel Reservation Form

Using our template you can streamline your group travel bookings.

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Airplane Ticket Reservation Form

We are introducing our professional Airplane Ticket Reservation Form - the ultimate solution for streamlining your ticket reservation process!

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Travel Agency Contact Form

Our travel agency contact form is excellent for getting in touch with your potential customers.


Honeymoon Travel Plan Form

Offer the most romantic and unforgettable honeymoon deals using our online Honeymoon Travel Plan Form.

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Travel Risk Assessment Form

You can digitalize your insurance policy using our free Travel Risk Assessment Form, which is fully customizable.

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Cruise Planning Quote Form

Collect customer information quickly and efficiently, and send an offer promptly.

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Group Circuit Booking Form

You can quickly obtain contact information using our Group Circuit Booking Form on your tourism website.

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Trip Completion Questionnaire Form

Using our Trip Completion Questionnaire Form, it's easy as 123 to assess travelers' satisfaction.

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Vacation Travel Survey Form

Using our form template, you can learn about people's travel habits and tailor your services accordingly.

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Travel Agency Transfer Form

This modern and digital form can come in handy for travelers to fill out a transfer form.


Travel Inquiry Form

With this fantastic form, you can guide and help your clients select the best journey plan for their expectations.

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Airport Parking Booking Form

By incorporating this template into your website, you can make it simple for travelers to book parking.

Trip Planning Survey Template

Trip Planning Survey

Anticipate voyage excitement with this ready-made trip planning questionnaire. Simple d...

Travel Booking Form Template

Travel Booking Form

Use this travel booking form template in your organization, tune it up as needed and pu...

Tour Booking Form Template

Tour Booking Form

You can use this booking form to make reservations for your tour. It's easy to modify w...

travel agent cruise booking form

Travel Consent Form

Add this parental travel consent form on your website that parents or legal guardians c...

Camping Booking Form Template

Camping Booking Form

Book campers within minutes with this intuitive and user-friendly camping booking form ...

Group Cruise Registration Form Template

Group Cruise Registration Form

With this group cruise registration form, you can collect the data that you need in no ...

Cruise Booking Form Template

Cruise Booking Form

Share this cruise booking form template with your customers to make it much easier for ...

Travel Registration Form Template

Travel Registration Form

Use this travel registration form template in your organization, configure it and publi...

travel agent cruise booking form

Travel Request Form

Got employees that intend to leave on a business trip? This form template may help you ...

Travel Agency Feedback Form Template

Travel Agency Feedback Form

Add this travel agency feedback form template to your website with 123FormBuilder.

Read 123 Form Builder reviews on G2

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travel agent cruise booking form

Welcome to My Viking Journey®

Designed exclusively for you to prepare for your upcoming voyage, customize your travel experience, and manage your bookings. Sign in or create your account and get started today.

Manage Your Booking

The countdown to your departure has begun. You can complete your Guest Information Form, make payments, confirm cruise preferences, print your travel documents, book shore excursions and make dining reservations and spa appointments.

Review & Manage Flights

Use My Viking Journey to fully customize your flight itinerary, including seat assignments, flight upgrades, or change your dates of travel and preferred airports. You can also add a stopover before or after your cruise and add flight preferences.

Explore Life On Board

Enjoy a virtual tour of your ship by exploring each deck, including the spacious public areas and your stateroom. Learn about our onboard amenities, dining venues, cultural enrichment programs and more.

Included Benefits

Complete your guest information form.

Once you have made your booking, you can complete your Guest Information Form. This is a first step to finalize travel documents and airline reservations.

travel agent cruise booking form

Make & Schedule Payments

Schedule and make online payments using ACH or credit card. It is safe, secure and fast.

travel agent cruise booking form

Browse & Book Shore Excursions

One complimentary excursion is included in every port of call. These thoughtfully curated experiences provide insights into local culture, history and attractions.

travel agent cruise booking form

Access & Print Important Documents

My Viking Journey gives you access to important documents, such as your Passenger Ticker Contract, visa requirments and packing tips.

travel agent cruise booking form

Find answers to questions you may have about your upcoming journey, including travel documents, life on board your ship, foreign currency and more.

travel agent cruise booking form

Sign in or Create Your Account

travel agent cruise booking form

You can rest assured that Viking is with you for every step of your journey—from the time you begin making travel plans until you return home. Creating an account in My Viking Journey is quick and easy—get started today.

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Viking River Cruises

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  • Quiet Season Mediterranean
  • Australia & New Zealand
  • World Cruises
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Viking Expeditions

  • Great Lakes
  • Longitudinal World Cruises

2024-2027 RIVER CRUISE AND AIR FARES:  Offer applies to bookings made from September 1-30, 2024. Terms & conditions for select promotions may vary. $25 deposit is applicable to all River itineraries. Special fares plus up to FREE International airfare valid on select departures of Grand European Tour, Lyon Provence & the Rhineland, European Sojourn and Capitals of Eastern Europe, Paris to the Swiss Alps, Cities of Light, London, Paris & D-Day, Rhine & Main Explorer . Airfares may vary on other gateways & departures. Airfare does not have to be purchased to get cruise\cruisetour offer. All prices are in US dollars and for US residents only. Additional restrictions may apply. 2024 : Pay in full by September 30, 2024 or at time of booking if within 120 days of departure. 2025 : Pay in full by October 31, 2024. 2026 : Pay in full by April 30, 2025. 2027 : Pay in full by January 15, 2026. Offers expires September 30, 2024.

$25 DEPOSIT:  For itineraries 35 days or less, a $25 deposit applies to February 2025 & onward departures; for itineraries greater than 35 days, a $25 deposit applies to April 2025 & onward departures; World Cruise products excluded; call for details.

AIR UPGRADE:  Upgrade to Premium Economy air from $799 per person or Business Class air from $3,499 per person based on select gateways and dates. Additional airline-imposed baggage charges may apply; for more information visit  Airline Luggage Restrictions  . Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received. For more information about customized air services and US gateways, visit the Viking Air Plus page.

GENERAL RESTRICTIONS:  Cruise fares listed are cruise only in U.S. dollars, per person, based on double occupancy. Single supplement savings are off applicable rates. Cruise fares listed are valid for U.S. residents only. All fares and offers are for new bookings only and are subject to availability, may not combinable with other offers except Viking Explorer Society Travel Credits and Viking Referral Rewards, are capacity-controlled and may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Special fares are based upon published full brochure fares; cruise fares do not include pre-paid charges, optional facilities, and personal charges, as defined in the terms and conditions of the  Passenger Ticket Contract  which may be viewed elsewhere on this website. Full brochure fares may not have resulted in actual sales in all stateroom categories and may not have been in effect during the last 90 days. Promotional fares may remain in effect after the expiration date. Air promotion applies to roundtrip flights only from select Viking Cruises U.S. gateways and includes airport-to-ship or hotel transfers, air taxes and air fuel surcharges. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights. Viking reserves the right to correct errors or omissions and to change any and all fares at any time. For up-to-date prices, please call Viking or your Travel Agent. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Complete terms and conditions may be found in the  Passenger Ticket Contract .

AIR OFFER RESTRICTIONS:  Offer expires September 30, 2024.

NOTE: U.S. flights depart one day prior to check-in date. Paid Business or Premium Economy Class may require travel in economy on flights within North America or Europe. Premium economy is limited to specific airlines and we may not be able to accommodate based on aircraft type and availability. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights. Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received.

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Travel Agents Rule!

FAMrates.com is the "Original & First" website owned and operated by travel professionals who strive to bring you the latest in Fam tip and Travel Agent Discount information. With our experience, expertise, and supplier participation, you can count on us to provide accurate and exciting fam information every week! .

Gain access to countless FAM Opportunities. BONUS: Also includes a FREE downloadable copy of: Once you subscribe, a downloadable copy of: "The Complete Guide to FAM Trips & Travel Agent Discounts" will be available. This guide will teach you, step-by-step, how to set-up and request your own fam trips and site inspections.


Our site is updated weekly with new and exciting 2024 FAM postings that are categorized by geographic location ( time sensitive additions are added immediately ): USA & Canada, Asia & Middle East, Europe, Pacific and Hawaii, Mexico and Caribbean, Central and South America.

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From complimentary/free hotel stays to $99 cruises, over the last 20 years we've seen it all.

Fam Trips & Travel Agent Discount

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20 Year Anniversary

Moscow Tourism

  • Travel Packages
  • Travel Guide

Russia Tour Operators

  • Moscow Tour Operators

Plan Your Holiday

  • Religious & Pilgrimage
  • Safari Tours
  • Monuments & Historical Places
  • Honeymoon & Romantic Tours
  • Ship & Cruise
  • Architecture & Gardens
  • Spa / Wellness
  • Culture & Heritage
  • Family & Group Tours

Tour Operators

  • Hotel Booking Agents
  • Airline Ticketing Agents
  • Car & Coach Rental
  • Rail Ticketing Agents
  • Passport & Visa Services
  • Travel Insurance Agents
  • Bus Ticketing Services

Travel Agents In Moscow

  • (20) Ratings
  • (10) Reviews

Crimea Travels

Nizhnyaya Pervomajskaya Street 42-95 , Moscow , Russia

Service Offer :

We are a travel company dedicated to provide a high quality tour and guide services to English & French speaking clients who travel to Crimea. We are eager to show our beautiful, magic and unique land ..more

Black Russian Tours Llc

Barrikadnaya Street, 8 Building 5a , Moscow , Russia - 123242

Black Russian Tours Company is a team with a mysterious Russian soul and an unforgettable beauty of the Russian aristocracy. We have absorbed the love and respect of our native land, to open you up t ..more

Ayurveda Embassy Alliance

Moscow , Russia

Expertise :

Religious & Pilgrimage, Spa / Wellness, Culture & Heritage, Family & Group Tours

We deal in tour and travel services.

Veles Travel

Gamsonovski Per., 2, Office 113 , Moscow , Russia

We are Dealing in Tour & Travels Services.

We heart Moscow Travels

119019, Filippovskiy per. 7, 1 , Moscow , Russia

Troika Llc Travels

9 Gazetniy Pereulok, Stroenie 7, Office 41 , Moscow , Russia - 125009

Our services are adapted to the curious, those who seek to go beyond tourist scenery to discover the country off the beaten track through encounters with locals. We encourage our travellers to learn s ..more

Favorit Dmc

115280, Russia Moscow, 19 Leninskaya Sloboda Str., ( Metro Station "avtozavodskaya") , Moscow , Russia

Destination Management Company in Russia for you and for your business since 1993 Favorit DMC - is a b2b and b2c tour operator arranging your trip and event in Russia since 1993.

Bridge to Moscow

Myasnitskaya St. 24/7, Building 1, Office 68 , Moscow , Russia

We are a group of Muscovites, curious and enthusiastic, interested in the life of our capital. We love our city and we're happy to explore it with all the newcomers. We are not only professional to ..more

Work Travel

Jaipur , Moscow , Russia , India

We Deal in Tour operator Services

Visit City Tours LLC

Russia, Moscow, Shabolovka 34, Building 5 , Moscow , Russia

Mos-tour, Llc

Office 2, Building 1, 45/1 Prechistenskaya Embankment , Moscow , Russia

Religious & Pilgrimage, Safari Tours, Monuments & Historical Places, Honeymoon & Romantic Tours, Ship & Cruise, Architecture & Gardens, Wildlife

Alicomm Travel Company

109147, Abel'manovskaya Str., 5 , Moscow , Russia - 109147

We Offers a Variety Packages of Travel Services for Foreign and Russian Citizens.

All Russia Tours

4 Zemlyanoy Val, Bld.1 , Moscow , Russia - 105064

Countries Covered :

  • A Day in St.Petersburg Package (1 Days 0 Nights)
  • Explore Moscow On Footn Package (1 Days 0 Nights)
  • Explore St.petersburg On Foot Package (1 Days 0 Nights)
  • One-day Moscow Tours Package (1 Days 0 Nights)

Fly High Visa

Delhi , Moscow , Russia , India


49. Bhulabhai Desai Road,Mumbai 400026,India , Moscow , Russia , India

deals in tour and travel..

DR Tours

Volgogradsky Prospect 26 , Moscow , Russia

Hotel Booking Agents, Tour Operators

We are Destination Management Company in Russia. We Deal with Leisure Groups, Incentive Groups, Business Travellers, Mice Groups, Individual Travellers.

Saga Voyages Ltd.

59v/101 Vavilova street , Moscow , Russia

Airline Ticketing Agents, Hotel Booking Agents, Car & Coach Rental, Rail Ticketing Agents, Passport & Visa Services, Travel Insurance Agents, Tour Operators, Bus Ticketing Services

Travel to Russia with Saga Voyages! Saga Voyages is one of the largest Russian tour operators that specialize in the invitation of foreign guests and the organization of tours in Russia. Saga Voyage ..more

Asra Trevels

Mani Majra, Pin Code 160101, Manimajra , Moscow , Russia , India

We Deals in Tour Operators Services.


Moscow , Moscow , Russia

Travel Agency In Moscow

TourTravelWorld.com is the right place to get in touch with tour operators in Moscow, who can customize tour packages for you as per your requirements. Travel agents in Moscow can facilitate your trip to the city by also providing effective local advice at reasonable charges. We have a strong network of travel agency in Moscow that you can easily connect with, and plan your trip for a hassle-free experience. These tour operators in Moscow have a long-standing in the travel industry, and they are known for providing Moscow tour package that is comprehensive, professional, and affordable. Simply send your requirement to Moscow travel agents for getting the best quote.

Latest Moscow Tour Reviews

Chetan goyal

Russia Tour Packages by Theme

Russia travel guide.

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  • Beaches and Islands Tour Packages
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  • Wildlife Sanctuaries & National Parks Tour Packages
  • Nightlife Tour Packages
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  • Lakes & Rivers Tour Packages
  • Trekking Tour Packages
  • Water Sports Tour Packages
  • Wildlife Tour Packages
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  • Jungle Safari Tour Packages
  • Yoga & Meditation Tour Packages
  • Mountaineering Tour Packages
  • Boating Tour Packages
  • Boat Safari Tour Packages
  • River Cruising Tour Packages
  • Boat Cruise Tour Packages
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  • Monuments & Historical Places Tour Packages
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  • Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky Tour Operators
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  • St.Petersburg Tour Operators
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Cruise Booking Form

  • Booking Forms

Hotel Booking Forms

Hotel Booking Form Template

Hotel Booking Form

An online hotel booking form is used to track bookings and manage reservations through a hotel’s website. Whether you own or manage a hotel, motel, or hostel, streamline your booking process with our free Hotel Booking Form template — you can customize it and embed it in seconds! Simply drag and drop to get the look you want, integrate with powerful third-party apps, and embed it on your website to start booking rooms for clients. By using an online booking form instead of phone or email bookings, you can reach a wider audience, make it easier for customers to book rooms in your hotel, and boost the number of bookings you gather. Every hotel is unique, so get the design you want with Jotform’s easy-to-use Form Builder! Just drag and drop form fields to rearrange the layout, upload your company logo or a new background image, or choose a beautiful form theme to get started. You can even collect payments for bookings with trusted payment processors like Square, Stripe, or PayPal, integrate with file-sharing platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox, or add guests to CRM systems such as Salesforce (also available on Salesforce AppExchange) or HubSpot. Take your establishment into the 21st century with our free, online Hotel Booking Form — by accepting bookings online, you’ll boost business for your hotel and impress customers with your efficiency.

Hotel Reservation Form Template

Hotel Reservation Form

An online hotel reservation form is used to track bookings and manage reservations through a hotel’s website. Whether you own or manage a hotel, motel, or hostel, streamline your booking process with our free Hotel Reservation Form template. This form will provide you with the travel details, and accommodation information with your customers' personal and contact information. The form will ask your customers to select the room they desire to stay in and will automatically calculate the total cost.You can customize it and embed it in seconds! Simply drag and drop to get the look you want, integrate with powerful third-party apps, and embed it on your website to start booking rooms for clients. By using an online booking form instead of phone or email bookings, you can reach a wider audience, make it easier for customers to book rooms in your hotel, and boost the number of bookings you gather.

Booking For Bed And Breakfast Form Template

Booking For Bed And Breakfast Form

Use this simple Booking Form template to be filled out by your clients to make a room reservation. You can gather all necessary information like name, phone number, email, number of people and date details. Also, you can set up autoresponder emails using this booking form template, so your clients can make sure that their reservation is completed.

Hotel Guest Registration Form Template

Hotel Guest Registration Form

Hotel Guest Registration Forms are used as a mode to collect information from guests for hotel bookings for accommodations. These forms have become an essential element in receiving guest bookings either online or by the front desk. Hotel Guest Registration Forms collect information such as the name, contact information, date of birth for verification purposes. The most important part of the form is the details of the reservation such as the type of room, days of departure and arrival.This Hotel Guest Registration Form Template collects personal information from guests who wish to reserve for a room in a hotel. The form contains information for collecting personal information from guests and provides various room types which when selected, shall automatically compute the room rate amount multiplied by the number of days/nights the room is reserved. This Hotel Guest Registration Form Template is easy to use and modify. Use this by copying the form template to your Jotform account, modify the contents and publish right away!

Booking Enquiry Form Template

Booking Enquiry Form

A simple Booking Enquiry Form template which allows customers to submit their booking inquiry or any other comment with their contact information that would allow you to conveniently respond your customers to confirm the booking availability. Add your logo, images, colors and customize it with a variety of widgets. Either embed it to your website or use it as a standalone form.

Book A Room Form Template

Book A Room Form

A simple form template allows collecting customer name, email address, phone number, arrival date, number of nights to stay and the number of guests which is useful especially for hostels and small hotels. The form also allows customers to share additional requests and notes if any. You can use the template as a basis and build your own form through a variety of widgets, add your logo, images and either embed it to your website or use it as a standalone form. 

Boost bookings for your hotel with a free, online Hotel Booking Form. Quickly customize and embed in your website. Sync to apps, accept payments, and more!

An online hotel reservation form is used to track bookings and manage reservations through a hotel’s website.

A simple Bed and Breakfast Booking Form template for your clients to make a room reservation. You can gather all necessary information like name, phone number, email, number of people and date details and send auto-respond emails.

Conveniently receive guest reservations for your hotel or apartment online. Use this Hotel Guest Registration Form Template, embed it on a website or share it via social media and accept reservations 24/7 hassle free!

A simple form template which allows customers to submit their booking inquiry or any other comment with their contact information that would allow you to conveniently respond your customers to confirm the booking availability.

A simple form allows collecting customer name, email address, phone number, arrival date, number of nights to stay and the number of guests to book a room which is useful especially for hostels and small hotels.

Modern Hotel Booking Form Mobile Responsive Form Template

Modern Hotel Booking Form Mobile Responsive

A mobile friendly hotel booking form with fade transition and a survey-like scheme that allows gathering customer personal/contact information, booking and arrival/departure details, pickup options and special requests if any.

Boutique Hotel Booking Form Template

Boutique Hotel Booking Form


Hotel Room Reservation Form Template

Hotel Room Reservation Form

An online hotel room reservation form is used to track bookings and manage reservations through a hotel’s website. Easy to use. No coding.

Hotel Room Booking Form Template

Hotel Room Booking Form

An online hotel booking form is used to track bookings and manage reservations through a hotel’s website.

Booking Request Form Template

Booking Request Form

An accommodation booking form that is useful for managing booking requests and arranging airport transfers if offered. Form collects from the users their preferred room type, headcount, departure/arrival date, and flight details.

Hotel Meeting And Booking Request Form Template

Hotel Meeting And Booking Request Form

A Hotel Meeting and Booking Request Form is a form template designed to streamline the process of booking hotels for events and meetings.

Hotel Booking Payment Form Template

Hotel Booking Payment Form

Online Booking Enquiry Form Template

Online Booking Enquiry Form

Online Booking Enquiry Form that captures visitors' contact information. The number of people coming, their arrival and departure dates. Want them to leave you feedback of their experience? No problem! Allow them to write their heart out with our template!

Hotel Check In Form Template

Hotel Check In Form

Hotel Check-In Form allows hotels to log the client's check-in and check-out dates with basic personal information.

Hostel Booking Form Light Olive And Responsive Form Template

Hostel Booking Form Light Olive And Responsive

A Hostel Booking Form - Light Olive and Responsive is a user-friendly form template designed specifically for hostels to streamline the booking process for their customers.

Boutique Hotel Online Booking Form Template

Boutique Hotel Online Booking Form

Collect reservation requests online with this free boutique hotel booking form template you can customize to match your hotel. Prepare for your guests' arrival by gathering details about their room preferences, check-in and check-out times, and special requests for their stay.

Lodge Reservation Form Template

Lodge Reservation Form

Want to reserve for lodging? On business or leisure traveling? No problem! We got you booked with out template. Customization available for the different types of businesses.

Hotel Booking Form Deep Blue Theme Form Template

Hotel Booking Form Deep Blue Theme

Elegant multipage hotel booking form with relaxing blue colors that. The theme is similar with Facebook colors which adds a nice look.

Cruise Booking Form Template

Cruise form

Reservation Form Template

Reservation Form

Many customers will love to make a reservation using this form.

Hotel Booking Form Template

Hotel Booking Form Template

A hotel booking form template providing you with the necessary travel details and customer contact information.

Motel Booking Form Template

Motel Booking Form

A form that can be used by moteliers as their booking form to be filled out by their clients. It has basic information, type of booking and accommodation sections, number of rooms to reserve and number of adult and child that will accommodate, with check-in and check-out details section and comment section for additional instructions from your clients.

Maltese English Reservation & Booking Form Template

Maltese English Reservation & Booking

Here is a very savvy and intriguing Maltese Reservation Form which allows booking or reservation of an event, party, hotel as an example. The form is also written in English to avoid having to translate it.

About Hotel Booking Forms Agents

A hotel booking form is used to book a room in a hotel, motel, hostel, or any other type of accommodation. If you manage or own a hotel and are still getting ripped off by booking site fees, transform the way you gather bookings with Jotform’s free Hotel Booking Forms — you can accept booking requests straight through your website! To get started, just choose a free template, customize it to match your property, and embed it on your website. You’ll then receive bookings directly, with all information stored securely in your Jotform account and easily accessible on any device.

Make your Hotel Booking Form as stylish as your hotel with Jotform’s easy-to-use Form Builder — just drag and drop form elements to rearrange the layout, add your logo, and include photos of your rooms. Link your form to 130+ apps to integrate your workflow, or even collect payments via a trusted payment gateway like Square, Stripe, or PayPal. Since Jotform doesn’t charge any additional fees to collect payments through your forms, you’ll just have to pay the standard transaction fee from your chosen payment provider! Try a free Hotel Booking Form to seamlessly process bookings and payments through your hotel’s website, avoid paying additional fees, and better organize your hotel’s records.


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    Cruise Booking Form. Cruise companies and travel agencies can use this free cruise booking form template to create a form in less than a minute. It will organize the way you gather passenger information. ... A cruise booking form is an online document used to collect the information of passengers who reserve a cruise. Your passengers can pay ...

  4. Cruise Registration Form Template

    Travel Agency Booking Form Template. A travel agency booking form is a service reservation form used by travel agencies to book hotels, flights, or cruise packages. It is a useful tool to improve your hotel or airline booking services. A well-designed travel agency booking form template is a must have for travel agencies to take your services ...

  5. PDF Booking Transfer Authorization Form

    Date. After signing, please fax this Authorization Form to: 407-566-7739. Or please email this form (with the proper signature) to: [email protected]. This Authorization Form can also be mailed to: 210 Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830 USAOne adult from the reservation number listed above must agree to transf. the booking ...

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    Cunard. -You may transfer your cruise bookings to us any time before final payment. -If you have made deposit on the booking then you must send a letter to Cunard. Please call 603-418-8698 or email [email protected] for the mail address and assistance with the letter.

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    this form; your signature will signify your agreement with the following terms and conditions: Luv 2 Cruise Travel acts as a sales agent for any airline, hotel, car-rental company, tour operator, cruise line, or other service provider named in your itinerary ("Suppliers"). Luv 2 Cruise Travel is not responsible for acts or omissions of

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  9. PDF Azamara Cruises Booking Transfer Form

    Travel Agency Name: Travel Agent Name and Email Address: Travel Agency Phone Number: THE GUESTS TRAVELING IN THE STATEROOM 1. 3. 2. 4. For Quality Assurance purposes, please select below a reason for transfer. More than one option can be chosen. A selection is required. I have booked with this Travel Agency on my previous I received an offer or ...

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    in currency, we cannot accommodate a transfer. If your reservation meets the required criteria and you would like to transf. your reservation, please complete this form. Transfer request must be sent by one. of the guests on the reservation to Norwegian. When emailing the form to us at [email protected], pleas.

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    o I need to add air / hotel / cruisetour / insurance / transfers or other add-ons to my cruise booking ... If you would like to transfer your reservation to a Travel Agent, please complete this form and return to us via fax. TRAVEL AGENCY TRANSFER FORM ©2011 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Ships registry: The Bahamas. 11023807 • 5/10/2011 ...

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    Azamara Club Cruises® Booking Transfer Form I would like to transfer reservation number Guest Name Reservation Number for the on the sail date of to my travel agent. Name of Ship Sail Date MY TRAVEL AGENCY INFORMATION Travel Agency Name: Travel Agent Name: Travel Agency Phone Number: THE GUESTS TRAVELING IN THE STATEROOM 1. 3. 2. 4.

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    A travel agency booking form is a service reservation form used by travel agencies to book hotels, flights, or cruise packages. It is a useful tool to improve your hotel or airline booking services. A well-designed travel agency booking form template is a must have for travel agencies to take your services to the next level.

  18. PDF Celebrity Cruises Booking Transfer Form

    Print Guest Name: Signature:Guest Contact Phone Number:Bookings may only be transferred to a Travel Agent up until 60 days from creation if the request is made outside of Final Payment per. od and the booking is not paid in full. If a booking has a ChoiceAir ticket and the transfer request involves a change in cu.

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    Office 2, Building 1, 45/1 Prechistenskaya Embankment, Moscow, Russia. Service Offer : Tour Operators. Expertise : Religious & Pilgrimage, Safari Tours, Monuments & Historical Places, Honeymoon & Romantic Tours, Ship & Cruise, Architecture & Gardens, Wildlife. We are Dealing in Tour & Travels Services. Get Quote View Details +7-XXXXXX3573 View ...

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    A travel agency booking form is a service reservation form used by travel agencies to book hotels, flights, or cruise packages. It is a useful tool to improve your hotel or airline booking services. A well-designed travel agency booking form template is a must have for travel agencies to take your services to the next level. With this free ...

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