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location tente tours

Notre catalogue de Barnums

Alizé barnum, la solution de location de barnums en indre-et-loire.

location tente tours

4x6m, tente de réception, PVC, anti-feu, H. 2,6m, blanc

location tente tours

5x8m, tente de réception, PVC, anti-feu, H. 2,6m, blanc

location tente tours

Barnum 6x12

6x12m, tente de réception, PVC, anti-feu, H. 2,6m, blanc

Nous avons la solution

Tout notre savoir-faire à votre service

location tente tours

Un accompagnement personnalisé

Bruno est à votre disposition pour vous accompagner et vous aider à choisir la solution adaptée à vos besoins.

location tente tours

Des tarifs compétitifs

location tente tours

Notre expertise

Nous nous efforçons de répondre au mieux à vos demandes en terme de faisabilité. Notre matériel est de qualité professionnelle.


Catalogue des barnums Tentes pliantes les options devis Qui sommes-nous ? Mentions légales

Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi - Vendredi 08h00- 12h30 14h00 - 19h00

Samedi 08h00- 12h30 14h00 - 19h00


[email protected]



Location de yourte sur le site de votre événement

Pour votre événement une yourte de location surprendra vos invités. Cette tente de réception atypique à ossature bois rendra votre réception inoubliable.

Notre équipe se charge du transport, du montage et du démontage .

Nos yourtes de location sont d’inspiration mongole mais nous les fabriquons dans nos ateliers afin de respecter les normes des établissements recevant du public (ERP) dans la catégorie CTS. Pour que votre événement soit une réussite, ceci en toute sécurité, Elles sont adaptées à un usage événementiel et répondent à toutes les normes en vigueur relatives à la résistance au feu ainsi qu’à l’accès des personnes à mobilité réduite.

Mariage sous yourte

Vous rêvez de vous marier sous une yourte ? La yourte fera un espace d’accueil atypique et chaleureux pour votre mariage . Nous pouvons accoler plusieurs yourtes communicantes pour des mariages jusqu’à 100 personnes. Mais la location d’une yourte vous offre bien d’autres possibilités lors de votre mariage : en effet, elle fera un espace dancefloor avec plancher pour la piste de danse, une tente cocktail, un espace enfants ou même dortoir. Les yourtes peuvent être associées à nos tentes lodges permettant des solutions d’hébergement tout confort sur le site de votre manifestation. Nos yourtes de location sont également les tentes parfaite pour une cérémonie en petit comité.

Yourtes & Festival

Pour votre festival, nos yourtes de location peuvent répondre à vos besoins. Grâce au respect des normes en vigueur dans la catégorie CTS, vous pourrez y aménager un espace chill out, un bar, des stands merchandising, une salle de projection ou encore des loges d’artistes .

Cette tente à ossature bois est particulièrement appréciée dans le cadre des manifestations à destination des jeunes publics (conte, ateliers de confection, spectacles…)

Stands pour salon, foire & exposition

Vous participez ou organisez un salon, une foire ou une exposition ? Vous souhaitez bénéficier d’ un espace chaleureux, accueillant et confortable tout en vous démarquant . Nos yourtes sont toutes dotées de 2 portes qui permettront une circulation aisée de vos visiteurs. Suscitant la curiosité, la yourte de location boostera sans aucun doute l’affluence sur votre stand.

Yourte, village de noël & loge de père noël

Pourquoi installer une yourte sur un village de noël ? Entourée des traditionnels chalets de noël, la yourte fera une loge idéale pour le père noël mais aussi un espace pour accueillir des ateliers à destination des enfants . La yourte peut être chauffée et dotée d’un plancher pour un confort optimal. La yourte de noël peut également répondre aux besoins des entreprises souhaitant offrir à leurs salariés un espace féérique pour y accueillir un arbre de noël.

Nous pouvons vous proposer une yourte entièrement aménagée en loge de père noël avec son fauteuil rouge et blanc, ses guirlandes lumineuses, ses sapins et ses cadeaux. Vous pouvez consulter notre page dédiée à la yourte de noël . Confiez-nous votre projet.

Caractéristiques des yourtes de location

Diamètre : 7 mètres

Hauteur des murs (au plus bas) : 1.70 mètres

Hauteur totale : 3.20 mètres

Superficie : 38 m²

Capacité d’accueil : 49 personnes en cocktail ou 36 personnes à table

Accessibles aux personnes à mobilité réduite

Résistance au feu des toiles intérieures et extérieures, classification M2

Durée du montage : 2h30 hors plancher et options

Durée du démontage : 1h30 hors plancher et options

Si vous recherchez une tente d’une capacité plus importante, nous vous suggérons le tipi géant .

Une yourte peut être louée avec ou sans son plancher.  Comme le plancher, les toiles intérieures sont proposées en options. Consulter notre catalogue pour ce qui concerne le mobilier.

Consultez notre galerie photos et visionnez les différentes ambiances sous les yourtes de location.

Notre entreprise est basée en Indre-et-Loire près de Tours (37) mais nous nous déplaçons dans les départements voisins (49, 86, 41, 45, 72) et dans la France entière.

Location de yourtes pour mariage


Mise à disposition 48h

Journée supplémentaire


SARL Tours2locs Lieu dit Le Carroi


Notre offre :

Location de tentes de réception à ossature bois

Hébergement nomade, Wedding Glamping, Hôtellerie éphémère

Yourtes – Tipis – Dômes géodésiques – Tentes stretch – Lodges

Nom ou société (Obligatoire)

Téléphone (Obligatoire)

Email (Obligatoire)

Date et lieu de votre événement (Optionnel)

Budget prévu et nombre d'invités (optionnel)

Structure(s) souhaitée(s) Structure(s) souhaitée(s) Tipi chapiteau Yourte de réception Tentes lodges d'hébergement Tente stretch Autre

Descriptif de votre événement (Optionnel)

Tented Safaris – What is it, When and Where Should I Go?

It may seem impossible to get away from work and the stresses of everyday life, but it is crucial to recharge and replenish yourself so that you can face life with more clarity and vigour than before, a camping African adventure can do this for you. There is something magical about pitching a tent or spending nights in a tent in the great outdoors. 

What is a Tented Camp?

Basically, it is similar to camping by staying overnight in a tent; you spend your nights away from the hustle and bustle of city life and the concrete jungle – in a tranquil place where you can hear and see wildlife passing by or surrounding you. It is a magical experience. 

While camping in Tanzania for instance is a great budget choice for people who want to be near to nature without sacrificing comfort, tented camps provide greater creature amenities for those who want to be close to nature without sacrificing too much comfort.

Tented camps, often known as ‘glamping,’ combine the best of camping with the best of staying in a luxurious resort.

Why Stay in a Tented Camp?

A tented camp is a good balance between roughing it in a conventional tent and living distant from nature in a brick and mortar resort for people who wish to enjoy the raw grandeur of the Serengeti or Ngorongoro. It is an authentic experience. 

Everything from a comfy bed to a private toilet to electrical outlets to charge your cameras is likely to be found beneath the canvas canopy of your tent.

Expectations in a Tented Camp?

One of my fondest safari experiences was sleeping in tented camps and the entire tenting experience. Coming back to your campsite, after a long day spent viewing the wild, where tents are set up already. Having a great meal prepared by the crew and enjoying the meal while sitting around the blazing campfire as the sun sets over the African savannah – and the best part hearing the sounds of lions roaring, birds chirping, hyenas giggling and the nocturnal wildlife coming out to play. Like a lullaby putting me to sleep. 

Sleeping in a remote wilderness location, surrounded by nature while curled up on your bed or sleeping bag. These memories are simply priceless.

What are the types of Tents?

Depending on your budget, you can experience budget safari tented to luxurious tented camps. 

Mobile Tented Accommodation

These are known to be seasonal and temporary camps, that provide a unique classic safari experience, they are frequently created for three month periods to follow for example the great wildebeest migration, putting you in prime game-watching spots. 

Simple dome tents to opulent, classic safari tents are available for accommodation. En-suite facilities with bucket showers or also called ‘safari showers’ and toilets are provided in the tents. There are no permanent structures built and you basically stay in a remote location where there are no other people. When you leave the location, nothing is left behind. The crew bring all the necessary equipment and meals. The fabric of your tent will be the only thing standing between you and nature and the wild. Magical, right?

Mobile Tented Adventures are perfect for those who value having access to the best game viewing location sites; who also plan to spend the bulk of their time exploring the area and who prefer comfort above extra lodge frills.

Popular Mobile Tented Tour Options:

  • 7 Day Botswana Tented Safari (Fully Serviced)

Permanent Tented Camps

This ‘sleep under canvas’ set up is based upon fixed foundations at a fixed location with the amenities of a lodge. These Permanent tents are often set up on raised platforms with hardwood flooring and canvas walls. En-suite bathrooms include 24-hour running water for sinks, showers, and toilet flushing. The central lounge spaces are generally large, and many of them have swimming pools. Permanent ultra-luxury tented camps provide the ultimate luxury experience, with private plunge pools, butler service, and expansive living areas.

Only the canvas separates you from the wildlife which is a great Magical feeling! This tent experience is perfect for those who want to feel close to nature while enjoying a high level of comfort.

Popular Tented Safari Tour Options:

  • 5 Day Tanzania Tented Safari 
  • 10 Day Best of Tanzania and Kenya Safari
  • 5 Day Masai Mara Tented Safari

Adventure Camping

This is your typical ‘roughing it out‘ basic camping setup: dome tents, cots or sleeping bags, and the minimum essentials. Sleeping arrangements include a sleeping bag or a comfortable mattress. 

Electricity and Wi-Fi are unlikely to be available in campgrounds, and there will be shared bathroom and toilet facilities. You’ll have a genuine experience — falling asleep under the stars.

On these camping tours, the crew will prepare meals with the assistance of the travellers making it a self participation tour which is all part of the adventure experience. 

Popular Camping Tour Options:

  • 20 Day Cape Town to Victoria Falls Tour 
  • 40 Day Cape Town to Kenya Tour 
  • 55 Day Cape Town to Kenya and Gorillas Tours

When is the Best time to go on a Tented Safari?

Because the East and Southern African regions have different wet and dry seasons, you may go on safari at any time of year if you’re willing to be flexible with your destination. The optimum time for safari is determined by a variety of things, in addition to your own calendar of when you can actually take time off to go on safari:

Destination: Is there a country on your travel list that you would like to explore? 

Wildlife: Are you interested in Wildlife, any specific game? 

Budget: In the dry (high) safari season implies more animals, more people, and high season rates. Going on safari during the rainy season, on the other hand, offers less expensive rates and it can hamper your wildlife experience to some extent. On scheduled group safaris, the rates remain the same throughout the year. 

What is the difference between a campsite and a tent campsite?

A campsite is a location where people can camp including caravans or motorhomes. While a tent campsite, is only for tents to be pitched. 

What is a Tented Safari

Combining the words Safari meaning ‘’an expedition to observe animals in their natural habitat’’ and Tented ‘’consisting of tents; providing accommodation in the form of tents’’. A Tented Safari is staying or sleeping under the canvas while staying in a location where you can very close to nature and wildlife. 

Where to go on a Tented Safaris in Africa 

Tented safari botswana.

Popular regions for tented safaris in Bostwana are Moremi, Okavango Delta and Chobe. Botswana is a perfect destination to immerse yourself in wildlife and nature. Rates are high in order to conserve the area’s wildlife, who rely on money from tourism to protect the wildlife. 

Most Popular Tented Camps in Botswana

  • Zarafa Camp
  • Jack’s Camp
  • Belmond Eagle Island Lodge
  • Duba Plains Camp

Tented Safari Camps South Africa

South Africa has the most amazing tented safari camps located in the most remote and pristine areas leaving you in absolute awe!

Most Popular Tented Camps in South Africa 

  • AndBeyond Ngala Tented Camp
  • Honeyguide Mantobeni Tented Safari Camp
  • Kwafubesi Tented Safari Camp, Waterberg
  • Gorah Tented Camps, Addo Elephant National Park
  • Dwyka Tented Lodge, Sanbona Wildlife Reserve, Hasekraal private nature reserve
  • Tanda Tula, Limpopo

Tented Safari Kruger National Park

  • Hamilton’s Tented Safari Camp, Kruger National Park

Tented Safaris in East Africa 

Kenya boasts stunning tented camps located in prime wildlife locations and offering best friendly service, amazing food and great total safari experience.

Most Popular Tented Camps in Kenya

  • Kichwa Temba
  • Loisaba Tented Camp
  • Cottar’s 1920s Safari Camp 
  • Mara Tented Camp

Most popular Tented Camps in Tanzania 

  • Singita Sabora Tented Camp
  • Sayuri Camp
  • Chem Chem Lodge

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  • Advice and guidance
  • We're passionate travelers

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10 fascinating facts about botswana.

Ever heard of a country with elephants for neighbour's and salt pans like moonscapes? Welcome to Botswana, a treasure trove of fascinating facts just waiting to be discovered! While we can speak...

Beat The Crowds: Experience Africa’s Wilderness in Low Season

Tired of the bustling crowds surrounding you while you are trying to capture the perfect wilderness shot? Do you find yourself day dreaming of an authentic African experience that offers more bang...

Great African Animal Migrations

You’ve probably heard of the wildebeest migration – the biggest mammal migration on the planet – which takes place annually between the Masai Mara in Kenya and the Serengeti in Tanzania (read our...

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Advice for two senior persons, fit and active, tented safari in Kenya and prices from France please

Interested in a private, tented safari for a group of 16 Jan 2023

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location tente tours


Begin Your Extraordinary Adventure, Where Adventure Meets the Desert’s Tranquility

Book Your Stay

Discover the perfect tent for your ideal getaway in the Moroccan Sahara. Whether you’re seeking seclusion in nature or adventure by the desert dunes, our range of tents offers the ultimate escape to recharge and unwind..

In the Heart of the Moroccan desert, Outstanding Views

Nestled amidst the majestic Moroccan Desert, Majestic Dunes Camp offers an unparalleled desert experience. Located just steps away from the towering Erg Chebbi dunes, our oasis beckons adventurers to explore the mesmerizing landscape. Immerse yourself in the rich culture with camel tours through the desert, thrilling quad or buggy rides over the golden sands, and savor the flavors of traditional Moroccan cuisine under the starry night sky. Experience the magic of the desert like never before at Majestic Dunes Camp.

location tente tours

Inspired by heritage, embraced by nature, and tailored for a unique journey, The Sandy Tents invites you to explore where tradition meets adventure.

Unforgettable Experience

location tente tours

Tours From Marrakech

Within this package, select the journey that resonates most with you, ensuring an experience tailored to your preferences.

location tente tours

Tours From Fes

Dive into Morocco’s vibrant culture, from fes to desert adventures. Discover the magic of Morocco with our expert guides.

location tente tours

Tours From Errachidia

From desert dunes to ancient villages, uncover the essence of Morocco’s eastern wonders with our local guides.

The Accommodations

location tente tours

Deluxe Tents

Dinner / Breakfast included Experience the ultimate comfort in our Double room, complete with a spacious bed for restful nights. Stay connected with complimentary WiFi …

location tente tours

Junior Tents

  • 2 separated beds

Dinner / Breakfast included   Welcome to the Twins room! Step into a world where symmetry meets serenity. This space is designed with duality in …

location tente tours

Comfort Tents

Dinner / Breakfast included   Escape to our Triple tent, a spacious sanctuary designed to accommodate up to three guests. Embrace the tranquility of nature …

Every Moment Holds a Story, Every Memory Paints a Dream

From Dream Weddings to Inspiring Team Building, We Elevate Every Occasion with Luxury, Charm, and Unforgettable Moments.

location tente tours

Turn dreams into reality at The Sandy Tents. From enchanting proposals to magical weddings, our desert oasis sets the stage for unforgettable moments amidst the breathtaking Sahara backdrop.

location tente tours

Celebrate life’s milestones at The Sandy Tents. From intimate gatherings to joyful celebrations, our desert sanctuary offers an unforgettable experience against the majestic Sahara landscape.

location tente tours

Team building

Unleash your team’s potential at The Sandy Tents. Amidst the desert’s expanse, forge bonds, and foster growth in an environment unlike any other.

Choose the price

© Copyright The Sandy Tents

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Purchase any ticket to a public bus tour in NYC, get 20% off the Central Park Tour!

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At On Location Tours, we pride ourselves on excellent service and fantastic tours, and our customers feel the same way. Don’t take it from us- see for yourself! Read our 5-star reviews below:

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Domaine des Deux Tours - Mariage - séminaire - lieu de réception - reception privée - ile de france - essonne - etampes

Espace accessible pour les personnes à mobilité réduite

location tente tours

Le Domaine des Deux Tours - mariage - tente de réception - cérémonie laïque - Rikila Location - grange extérieure - Essonne - paris - mariage laïque - lieu de réception - lieu mariage - séminaire - team building - lieu de tournage - tour médiévale - lieu historique

location tente tours

La Salle de Réception

Situé en plein cœur du domaine, notre chapiteau cristal avec une vue à 360 degrés sur le domaine et ses tours saura éblouir vos convives. Chauffée, climatisée et munie d’un parquet, cette salle vous attend pour organiser vos cérémonies, cocktails ou repas.

Capacité de 199 personnes 

Espace de 225m ²


LA TOILE NOMADE  - Location  Tente de Réception   - - Tente Stretch  / Chapiteaux / Barnums -

© Ludo Charles / Ludo le photographe

Donnez du style à votre évènement

Réception privée, evènement d'entreprise, manifestation culturelle, evènement public, charme & elégance, nos tentes stretch.

Vous recherchez un espace de réception original et convivial qui sorte des sentiers battus? Surprenez vos invités avec nos tentes stretch hauts de gammes.

A la fois contemporaines et authentiques , elles plongeront vos convives dans  une atmosphère chaleureuse et festive.

Tente Stretch connecté 320m2 - La Toile Nomade

© Grégoire Placca

La Toile Nomade c'est l'allure et le charme, c'est l'élégance naturelle et sobre qui se marie aussi bien avec les vieilles pierres qu'avec les environnements plus sauvages. 

© Thomas Dal Farra

location tente tours

© Olivier Rouvreau Pieraggi / La cabane rouge production

Notre Mobilier

Chic & bohême.

Et pour parachever votre ambiance, nous vous proposons une offre de mobilier en parfait accord avec le style de la tente, que vous soyez plutôt chic ou plutôt champêtre

Chaises Square - Mobilier La Toile Nomade

Nous nous occupons de tout ! Il ne vous reste plus qu'à vous concentrer sur la décoration pour créer une ambiance qui  vous ressemble

Des prestations sur mesure

Un mariage, un marché de Noël, une guinguette en plein air ? Nous vous proposons un service de location courte et longue durée adapté à vos besoins

Vous souhaitez équiper votre lieux?  Nous vous accompagnons dans la mise en place d'un espace de reception extérieur sous une tente stretch

Tente Stretch coins rabattus - La Toile Nomade

© Sabrina Photographie


Sud-ouest & centre.

Que ce soit dans le sud-ouest ou le centre nous avons hâte de vous rencontrez, de nous laisser inspirer par vos envies et vos idées, de créer avec vous des moments dont vous vous souviendrez!

Pau  -  Bayonne  -  Dax  -  Toulouse  -  Auch

Orléans  -  paris  -  chartres  -  blois  -  versailles, quelques idées.

En quête d'inspiration pour votre évènement ? 

Une petite flânerie dans notre album photo pourra peut être vous donner des idées...

Tente Stretch sur façade - La Toile Nomade

© Anne-Sophie Morel Photographie

La Toile Nomade c'est aussi les souvenirs qui s'écrivent sous les étoiles, à la lueur des lampions. C'est le petit plus, le supplément d'âme qui rendra vos soirées belles et authentiques.

Le blog de la Toile Nomade

location tente tours

Dix inspirations de lieux pour votre évènement sous tente stretch.

location tente tours

Mariage à la maison, la nouvelle tendance.

Ils nous ont fait confiance

location tente tours


Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc [2024 Update]

Have you ever wanted to spend 11 days in the world’s most majestic mountains, walking on rugged trails by day, indulging in delicious food by night, and sleeping under the stars?

Welcome to the Tour du Mont Blanc.

This trek is truly incredible any way you approach it, but we’re here to tell you that bringing your tent makes the experience so much more rewarding. This post has everything you need to prepare for your Tour du Mont Blanc camping adventure.

Water and steep mountains on stage 4 of the TMB

In This Guide:

  • About the Hike
  • Why You Should Camp on the TMB

Campsites on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Wild camping on the tour du mont blanc.

  • How to Find Your Campsites

What to Pack for Camping on the TMB

  • Food and Drink while Camping

Budgeting and Money

Everything you need to camp on the tmb – all in one place..

Simplify your Tour du Mont Blanc camping adventure by getting the resource specifically designed for camping along the Tour du Mont Blanc . From custom itineraries to maps created specifically for campers, our Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc is the ultimate resource to help you plan your trip.

When you purchase a guide, you’ll get instant access to all the information you need to plan your trip in our planning portal as well as in a downloadable PDF eGuide.

  • Planning Portal Access: Get instant access to our online trip planning portal complete with 9-day, 11-day, and 12-day TMB Camping itineraries.
  • Campground Insights:  You’ll get detailed information for every camping option along the route, including amenities, nearby services, transportation, and helpful area maps.
  • GPS Maps:  Every guide comes with custom GPS maps for three different itineraries. Download the maps for offline use so you’ll always be able to find your next campsite.
  • Expert Advice:  Find detailed maps for every stage, accommodation & booking information, packing lists, and much more.

location tente tours

We’re confident this is the best resource available for camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc.  Pick up your guide below and if you’re not satisfied for any reason we’ll give you a full refund!

( 100% Money Back Guarantee )

About the Tour du Mont Blanc

The Tour du Mont Blanc takes trekkers through France, Italy, and Switzerland on one of the most spectacular trails in the world . Typically completed in 11 stages , the route circumnavigates  Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe. The trail passes through seven unique and beautiful valleys, where charming hamlets and regional delicacies abound. Between the valleys, the route traverses rugged mountain landscapes and stunning high alpine scenery .

The TMB is one of the most popular long-distance treks in Europe and is considered to be a classic walk that belongs on any passionate hiker’s bucket list. Along the way most hikers stay in refuges , high mountain huts that provide basic accommodation and meals. However, in recent years it has become increasingly difficult to secure bookings at these huts, making camping along the route very appealing!

To get an overview of camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc check out our virtual fly-through video below:

Why You Should Camp on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc opens a world of possibilities that simply aren’t possible if you’re staying in mountain refuges along the route. We outline our top three reasons to camp below:

#1 – Avoid the refuge booking craze!

Every year it seems like booking refuges along the TMB gets more and more difficult. Nowadays, unless you have a full itinerary ready to go in early October, your chance of securing beds at all of your preferred refuges is slim to none. So, you’re either stuck with settling for an alternate itinerary or paying a tour company to arrange your bookings.

Camping solves this problem!

When you camp on the TMB, you don’t need to worry about making any reservations. You can simply show up and pitch your tent at any of the campgrounds along the route.

#2 – Add flexibility!

When you camp, you add a layer of flexibility that isn’t possible when staying in refuges. Even if you run into bad weather, twist an ankle, or end up hiking slower or faster than anticipated, you won’t have any flexibility if you’ve booked your night’s stay at a refuge. You simply must make it there or forgo your reservation.

However, campers have ultimately flexibility by not only avoiding the need for reservations, but also having everything they need with them. Simply find a safe and legal place to camp, and you’ll be all set.

#3 – Save money!

The last one is maybe the most obvious, but it’s still worth mentioning. Camping is significantly less expensive compared to staying in refuges along the Tour du Mont Blanc. Yes, you won’t enjoy some of the creature comforts that the refuges provide, but you’ll be able to complete the trek on a much smaller budget!

There are many campgrounds along the Tour du Mont Blanc circuit, and it is possible to hike the entire trek and camp every night. The following section covers all of the campgrounds on the route as well as some of the more popular wild camping locations. We’ve also created the helpful map below so you can see the location of each camping option:

For those interested in wild camping on the TMB, be sure to check out the section later in this article that outlines the rules and regulations. We generally recommend against wild camping outside of sanctioned areas, as this leads to all sorts of negative impacts on the environment.

Our Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc has three of the best camping itineraries for the TMB. It also has all of the information you need to plan your own TMB trip in your tent.

Get Your FREE TMB Campground List

Wondering where you can camp along the TMB? This downloadable list has all of the campgrounds along the route, plus a few wild camping spots too. It’s the perfect tool to help you start planning your adventure.

List of campgrounds on the TMB

Your TMB Campsite List will be emailed to you shortly. 

Les Houches & Chamonix

The Tour du Mont Blanc officially begins in the town of Les Houches, which is about 15 minutes by bus from Chamonix. The bus is easy to use and runs frequently , so you can stay in either town the night before starting your trek.

Campers will be spoiled with choices when it comes to campgrounds in the area. Here are our recommendations for the best places to pitch your tent in both Chamonix and Les Houches, as well as the services available at the campgrounds and nearby.

Camping Les Arolles (Chamonix)

Washing area, toilets & hot showers, bus connections available.

Camping Les Arolles in Chamonix.

There are several campgrounds in the Chamonix Valley, but Camping Les Arolles is the only camping option within the actual town of Chamonix. If you prefer the convenience of being able to walk from your tent to shops, restaurants, and other amenities, this is your best bet.

If you don’t mind riding the bus to get to things, there are several more campgrounds in Les Bossons, which is on the bus route between Chamonix and Les Houches. Camping Les Arolles is nice, but it can get a bit crowded in peak season. Try to get there early in the afternoon to snag a good pitch.

  • Services at Camping Les Arolles: Free wifi, washing area, electronics charging, toilets, and hot showers.
  • Nearby: Chamonix has multiple grocery stores and outdoor retailers, bus stops, a train station, post office, several bars, restaurants, and bakeries, laundry facilities, and pharmacies.

Map of campgrounds at the start of the Tour du Mont Blanc

Camping Bellevue (Les Houches)

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In Les Houches, camping is available at the Bellevue Campsite which is located at the base of the cable car of the same name. This is your only camping option in Les Houches. The campground is also right at the start of the trail, so you can get an early start on your first day.

This makes for a good option if you prefer the quieter village of Les Houches to busier Chamonix. The camping area is large and flat, making for a comfortable place to pitch your tent.

However, be warned that there is almost no shade at Camping Bellevue, so it can get a bit hot on summer afternoons.

  • Services at Camping Bellevue: The campground has basic bathroom facilities and places to charge electronics. 
  • Nearby: Les Houches has several bars, restaurants, ATMs, a small outdoors store where you can purchase stove fuel, a post office, and a grocery store.  There is a bus that runs frequently to and from Chamonix, which has several outdoor retailers and shops that will provide you with anything you may have forgotten to pack. 

Map showing the camping options in Les Houches on the Tour du Mont Blanc.

Refuge de Miage Wild Camping

Drinking water, public toilets.

Map of camping near Refuge de Miage.

If you’ve taken the Col de Tricot alternate route on the first stage, it is possible to camp adjacent to the lovely Refuge de Miage. This is a beautiful place to pitch your tent, with stunning views of the surrounding remote valley.

Drinking water is available nearby and there are also public restrooms available for your use.

You can also purchase food and drinks from the refuge, just don’t count on being able to get dinner as that is typically reserved for guests only.

Les Contamines Region

Upon reaching Les Contamines, most campers will prefer to pitch their tent at Camping Le Pontet , just past the town of Les Contamines. This is the traditional stopping point for this stage, and it gives you better access to services and amenities, both at the campground and in the nearby town.

However, if you’d like to cover even more ground on stage one and you’d prefer a site that is more similar to wild camping, there is also the option of continuing on to Nant Borrant or even further to Refuge de la Balme .

Campgrounds near Les Contamines on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Camping Le Pontet (Les Contamines)

Bar & restaurant.

Tents at Camping Le Pontet in Les Contamines.

This campground is located about 40 minutes past the town of Les Contamines. You can continue on the TMB trail to reach Camping Le Pontet, or when the trail forks you can veer left to climb briefly uphill to reach the town.

When you reach the edge of town, descend back down to the trail and walk onward to the campground. While you have to walk a bit further to reach the campground, it is right on the TMB and you’ll have a head start the next morning! 

  • Services: This campground has toilets, sinks (with potable water), warm (not hot) showers, a café/bar, places to charge electronics, and a covered area for cooking.  
  • Nearby: Les Contamines has bars, restaurants, shops, and an ATM. We highly recommend stopping in town for a cheese plate and a Picon Biere (beer mixed with the famous French orange liqueur, Picon) en route to the campground!

Refuge Nant Borrant Bivouac

Water supply, near refuge.

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If you continue walking a short way past the Nant Borrant Refuge, you’ll see some legal wild camping spots on the left hand side of the trail.  The camping area is marked by a sign reading “bivouac” and you can spend the night here free of charge.

There is also a water source about 200 meters from the camping area and you’re also adjacent to a small river which can be filtered for drinking water.

  • Services: Toilet
  • Nearby: You can fill up on drinking water at the refuge. There are no other services near this camping area.

Refuge de la Balme Bivouac

Hiking trail on the way to Refuge de la Balme.

Refuge de la Balme is located another 1.2 miles past the Nant Borrant camping area. Hikers are welcome to camp for free near the refuge. Check in with the refuge staff before pitching your tent.

This is a beautiful campsite with stunning views of the surrounding mountain peaks. If you have the energy, we recommend camping here as opposed to the bivouac area near Nant Borrant.

  • Services: Toilets, potable water, sinks, and meals are all available at the refuge.
  • Nearby: There are no services near Refuge de la Balme.

Les Chapieux & Surrounding Area

The traditional stopping point at the end of stage two is the lovely little hamlet of Les Chapieux, where free camping is available in the field next to the tourist office. However, if you want to stop earlier, it is possible to camp outside of the Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme.

Map of campgrounds near Les Chapieux on the Tour du Mont Blanc

Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme Bivouac

Col du Bonhomme

This refuge is located just past the top of Col du Bonhomme, meaning that in good weather this could be a glorious place to pitch your tent with sweeping views of the surrounding area. Hikers are allowed to set up camp for free just outside the refuge. However, in cold/windy/rainy/stormy conditions, this would be a pretty miserable place to camp, given its exposed location.

  • Services: Toilets, showers, electronics charging, potable water, meals for purchase.
  • Nearby: There are no shops or services until you reach Les Chapieux.

Les Chapieux Free Camping

Bar & restaurant nearby.

Camping in Les Chapieux on the Tour du Mont Blanc.

When you descend into tiny and charming Les Chapieux, you can’t miss the large grassy field on the edge of town in which you can pitch your tent for free.

The folks in the tourist office can provide you with tickets and information for the bus that travels to Refuge Des Mottets .  This bus allows you to avoid the one of the TMB’s longest sections of road walking (about 2 hours’ worth) on your next day.  

  • Services: The tourist office, located in the center of the camping area, has bathrooms with sinks (cold water, potable) and toilets.
  • Nearby:   There is a small shop across the road from the campsite that sells delicious local cheeses, snacks, and hiker basics like instant noodles, trail mix, and some toiletries. Additionally, the Auberge de la Nova, just down the road from your campsite, is a nice option for drinks, snacks, or dinner.

Camper in their tent in Les Chapieux.

Rifugio Elisabetta & Val Veny

The traditional stage three of the TMB poses some problems for campers. You cannot camp at Rifugio Elisabetta and there are no towns or campgrounds anywhere near the rifugio where you can pitch a tent. So, what’s a camper to do?

The best alternative is to head to one of the three campgrounds in the Val Veny, just off the main TMB route. This alternative requires you to hike further than the traditional stage three stopping point (about 4-5 miles extra), but much of that walking is easy road walking or gentle downhill trails.

Hikers who choose this option will leave the traditional TMB route and descend into the Veny Valley, where they can walk and/or catch the bus to one of the three campgrounds in the area.

For more in-depth details on how to plan your itinerary around these campgrounds, you’ll want to get our Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc .

Map of camping options near Rifugio Elisabetta.

Not sure where to camp?

We get it- the options for camping on this section of the TMB can be confusing. You’ll need to utilize alternate routes and/or public transportation in order to make it work, which can be complicated.

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Our Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc simplifies your options and provides specific itineraries that allow you to camp on every stage with detailed maps and directions!

Check it out below:

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Camping Aiguille Noire

Camping Aiguille Noire in the Italian Val Veny.

Camping Aiguille Noire is our top pick for camping in the Val Veny, primarily for its convenience to the trail as well as public transit. However, this is also a wonderful place to spend the night with great facilities such as a well-stocked food shop, bar/restaurant, and well-equipped toilet and shower facilities.

Behind the campground is a link trail that takes you back up to the main Tour du Mont Blanc route and there is also a bus stop right in front of the campground.

  • Services: You’ll find great services at Camping Aiguille Noire including a bar/restaurant, food shop, clean shower block, and free WiFi.
  • Nearby: There is a bus that runs between La Visaille and Courmayeur, and you can catch it from a stop very close to the campgrounds. There are no other services available until you reach Courmayeur.

Camping Hobo

View of Hobo Camping near Courmayeur.

Camping Hobo sits adjacent to Camping Aiguille Noire and is another popular stop for TMB campers. The campground is more basic, but the staff is incredibly friendly and helpful, making this a great place to pitch for the night.

You’ll get all the typical amenities you would expect from a full service campground, and it is relatively easy to rejoin the TMB route from here.

  • Services: Camping Hobo has a bar, free WiFi, a place to charge electronics, a small shop, and an indoor common space. There is also on-site laundry.

Camping Mont Blanc La Sorgente

Entrance to Camping Mont Blanc La Sorgente.

Camping Mont Blanc La Sorgente is the least convenient of the three Val Veny campgrounds for Tour du Mont Blanc hikers. It is located further down the valley and off the main road. This makes for a quieter camping experience that is worth considering if you don’t mind a bit of extra walking.

The facilities at La Sorgente are excellent and equivalent to the other campgrounds in Val Veny.

  • Services: Bar/restaurant, free WiFi, clean toilet/shower block, small shop.

Courmayeur Camping Options

There are no campgrounds within the town of Courmayeur .  One option is to treat yourself to a real bed and in Courmayeur, Italy’s iconic mountaineering village.

Alternatively, you can hop on the local bus to reach a number of well-appointed campgrounds in either Val Veny or Val Ferret. We’ve laid out your options below:

Map of campgrounds near Courmayeur, Italy

Option #1: Courmayeur (no camping available)

The first time we hiked the TMB, we decided to splurge on a hotel in the lovely nearby town of La Saxe (just north of Courmayeur), and let me tell you it was worth every penny.  If you’re into cozy, luxurious, and affordable lodging experiences, check out Maison La Saxe .  

This tiny hotel offers top-notch service and a peaceful location with convenient access to the Courmayeur city center.  They also serve up a delicious complimentary breakfast made with all local, high-quality ingredients.  Book Suite #2 for a private roof terrace and breathtaking views of the entire valley.

There are tons of other great accommodation options in Courmayeur and the surrounding towns of Dolonne, La Saxe and Entrèves, but you won’t find any campgrounds in these towns.

Nearby: Courmayeur has restaurants, bars, ATMs, laundry services, outdoor retailers, pharmacies, grocery stores, and a bus stop.  

Image of Courmayeur, Italy

Option #2: Stay in either Val Veny or Val Ferret

If you prefer to camp, you’ll need to catch a bus or hike to one of the campgrounds in either the Val Veny or Val Ferret. Either works fine, just be sure to double check those bus schedules before deciding on one.

For Val Veny, see the campgrounds listed in the previous section, which includes Camping Aiguille Noire, Camping Hobo, or Camping Mont Blanc La Sorgente.

If you prefer Val Ferret, we’ve outlined your campground choices below. Be sure to check out The Guide to Camping on the TMB to learn more about these options.

Camping Grandes Jorasses (Val Ferret)

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Camping Grand Jorasses is a good camping option near Courmayeur.  It is about 3.5 miles down the road past Courmayeur in the town of Plampincieux (local bus #924 will take you right there from Courmayeur).  

The campground is in Val Ferret (directly below the TMB route). The staff can give you information about nearby trails that will connect you back with the TMB. 

There is a bar/pizzeria onsite or you can make the trip into Courmayeur for tons of additional options.

  • Services: Bathrooms, sinks, showers, electronics charging, small shop, and a pizzeria/bar. 
  • Nearby: Besides the bus stop, there are no other services available. You’ll need to go into Courmayeur to access shops, ATMs, and other services.

Camping Tronchey (Val Ferret)

Entrance to Camping Tronchey in Italian Val Ferret.

Camping Tronchey is your other option in the Italian Val Ferret. W e highly recommend you stay at Camping Grandes Jorasses instead, as the facilities here are not nearly as nice here . However, it does have a bus stop right in front and is set back a bit further from the main road compared to Grandes Jorasses.

  • Services: Very basic bathroom facilities, small shop .

Camping near Rifugio Bonatti

Unfortunately, there are no sanctioned camping areas between Courmayeur and La Fouly . This creates a challenge for campers, since nearby towns and bus services to alternate campgrounds are limited on this stage. Don’t worry though, we’ve shared all of the options below:

Map of camping options near Rifugio Bonatti.

If you don’t want to sleep indoors at Rifugio Bonatti, Camping Grandes Jorasses, located in Val Ferret, remains the closest and most convenient camping option on this stage of the TMB.

If you really want to camp every night, but don’t want to miss out on too much of the main TMB route, here’s what you can do:

  • Upon completing stage four, take the bus from Courmayeur to one of the camping options (either in Val Veny or Val Ferret) and then ride the bus back to Courmayeur to begin hiking on the morning of stage five.
  • Upon reaching Rifugio Bonatti at the end of stage five, you’ll see a link trail that leads down to Val Ferret, where you can catch the bus or walk to Camping Grandes Jorasses.
  • The next day (stage six), you could take the bus from Camping Grandes Jorasses to the Arp Nouvaz stop, where you’ll be able to connect back to the TMB and hike onwards to La Fouly.

For more details on Camping Grandes Jorasses and Camping Tronchey, see the previous section on camping near Courmayeur.

The Rifugio Bonatti area is another part of the TMB that presents challenges for campers. You’ll need to use link trails and public transportation to get to your campsite, making things a bit tricky.

Camping in La Fouly

Campers will breathe a huge sigh of relief upon getting to this stage. Finally, you don’t have to deal with inconvenient workarounds when it comes to pitching your tent!

With a well-located campground just off the Tour du Mont Blanc route, La Fouly is as easy as can be (at least the camping part…the hiking part is another story!)

Map of camping in La Fouly

Camping des Glaciers

Camping des Glaciers in La Fouly.

Camping des Glaciers might feel a bit hectic at first, but it has plenty of redeeming qualities.  Yes, you’ll be camping with what feels like half of Switzerland’s children, dogs, and RV’s, but you’ll have your pick from several flat and shady sites and the views are dynamite. 

We recommend choosing a spot that borders the river to drown out any ambient noise from your neighbors. The camp office (like most places in the Alps) is closed for a lunch break in the middle of the day, but you can choose a site, set up camp, and use the facilities before registering in the office.  

  • Services: The campground offers hot showers, toilets, sinks (with potable water), electronics charging, and good free wifi.  The office sells a few snacks, stove fuel, and beverages. You can order fresh bread for the morning if you’d like.
  • Nearby: About a ten minute walk from the campground, the town center has a few restaurants, an ATM, and a grocery store.  

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C hampex-Lac

Upon reaching Champex-Lac you’ll have two choices for routes on the following day, which may impact where you camp. The standard Tour du Mont Blanc route travels along the Bovine Alp route, while the challenging alternate Fenetre d’Arpette route takes hikers up and over a difficult pass.

Your first option, Camping les Rocailles in Champex will work for either route, while you may prefer to camping at Relais d’Arpette if you plan to hike the Fenetre d’Arpette.

Map of campgrounds near Champex, Switzerland.

Camping les Rocailles

Camping Les Rocailles in Champex.

Camping Les Rocailles is located on the far end of Champex, past the city center.  When you reach Champex, just remind yourself that you have another 20 minutes of walking before you are really done for the day.  This might help you to avoid the “Are we there yet?” syndrome that can come after a long day of hiking. The good news is that you’ll have a head start on the hike tomorrow.  

This lovely little campground offers three terraces with mostly flat spots to pitch your tent, but not much shade to be found.   If you want to continue on even further to get a head start on the Fenêtre d’Arpette variant the following day, see the alternative option described below. 

Keep in mind you’re in Switzerland, and the prices at Camping les Rocailles reflect that!

  • Services: The campground provides toilets, sinks (with potable water), hot showers, a dishwashing/laundry room, electronics charging, wifi, and an area for drying wet clothes.  The office sells beer, wine, and soda.  
  • Nearby: Champex has a grocery store, cafes, bars, restaurants, outdoor retailers, and an ATM. The lake offers several tranquil and beautiful spots along the shore for relaxing after a long day on your feet. Make sure you stock up on provisions before leaving Champex, as this is the last real town that the TMB passes through directly until the endpoint in Les Houches. 

Relais d’Arpette

Map of Relais d'Arpette

This alternative only makes sense for hikers who are planning on taking the Fenêtre d’Arpette variant the following day, as the Relais d’Arpette campground is not located along the main TMB route.

The campground is reached by continuing about 45 minutes gently uphill past the town of Champex. To find it, simply follow the Fenêtre d’Arpette trail signs. Make sure you stock up on provisions before leaving Champex, however, as this is the last real town that the TMB passes directly through until the endpoint in Les Houches. 

  • Services: Toilets, hot showers, potable water, free wifi, electronics charging, restaurant, and packed lunches available.
  • Nearby: There are no services nearby once you leave Champex.

Col de la Forclaz, Trient & Le Peuty Camping

You have two great options for camping on this stage of the TMB.  You can camp on the terraced field next to Hotel de la Forclaz or pitch your tent on the edge of the tiny hamlet of Le Peuty.

Map of camping options at Col de la Forclaz and Le Peuty

Hotel Col de la Forclaz Camping

Camping area at Hotel Col de la Forclaz.

The camping at Hotel Col de la Forclaz is the more luxurious option of the two available on this stage. Here you’ll have access to toilets and showers, as well as the option to purchase breakfast and/or dinner at the hotel.

There is a small shop where you can pick up snacks and a few essentials. This campsite is also closer to Champex, making for a shorter day of hiking. This option doesn’t make sense for hikers who who take the Fenêtre d’Arpette variant, as they would need to backtrack about half a mile along the main TMB route to reach Hotel de la Forclaz. 

  • Services: Toilets, hot showers, electronics charging, restaurant, and a small shop. Transportation on/off the trail may be possible from here.
  • Nearby:   Besides what’s offered at the hotel, there are no other services in the area.

Le Peuty Camping

Toilets & showers.

Tent at the camping area at Le Peuty on the TMB.

For about half the price of Hotel de la Forclaz, you can camp in the field next to Refuge Le Peuty. Th e facilities are basic, and the simplicity can be a nice change of pace after staying at some of the larger, busier campgrounds along the route .  To reach Le Peuty, simply continue downhill on the trail for another 30-40 minutes past Col de la Forclaz.

Make sure to reference our map when you get close, as the campground is really just an empty field without much signage or information. Just pitch your tent when you get there and someone will stop by in the evening to collect your payment. You can pay in CHF or Euros.  

  • Services:  Potable water (cold), toilets (no TP or soap), sinks, sheltered cooking area with picnic tables, trash and recycling, one outlet, portable showers (hot water is hit or miss), clothesline.
  • Nearby: There is a restaurant at the gite next to the campsite, as well as a few other restaurant offerings in Trient (15 minutes down the road). There are no grocery stores or ATM’s in the area, so stock up before leaving Champex.

Camping at Le Peuty.

Tré-le-Champ & Argentiere

As of 2024 you’ll now find only a single option for camping on this stage of the Tour du Mont Blanc after Auberge La Boerne announced that they are closing their camping area. Now, campers will need to detour off the TMB and head into Argentiere when you can stay at the large Camping du Glacier.

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Camping du Glaciers (Argentiere)

The trail into Argentiere.

Camping du Glaciers in Argentière consistently gets excellent reviews.  This is a large campsite with lots of great amenities. To reach the campground, you’ll have to walk an extra 45 minutes off the trail (and then back the next morning), but in exchange you’ll get easy access to a much wider array of amenities in the larger town of Argentière.

In addition, it is possible to take the bus or train from the Montroc station near Tre-le-Champ into Argentiere, saving your legs some walking.

  • Services: T oilets, hot showers, drinking water, laundry, wifi, a restaurant (which serves breakfast), and a place to purchase snacks and stove fuel.
  • Nearby: Grocery store, ATM, restaurants, a Tourist Office, and bus connections.

Refuge La Flégère & Surrounding Area

There is no official campground on this stage, but it is possible to camp about 100 meters from Refuge La Flégère (ask the refuge staff to show you where to pitch your tent when you arrive). Y ou can also wild camp near Lacs de Chéserys, which is off the main TMB on the route up to Lac Blanc.

If you are unsure where wild camping is permitted in this area, we highly recommend downloading the Chamonix App which has a detailed map of where camping is permitted in this area.

For those camping near Refuge La Flegere, y ou can use the facilities at the refuge or in the cable car station during its open hours.

If you would like to stay at a developed campground or need to access more services, there is also the option of taking the cable car down to the town of Les Praz from La Flégère. 

Map of camping near La Flegere.

Refuge La Flégère Bivouac

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Adjacent to the refuge is a small water reservoir inside a wooden fence. Refuge staff generally permit bivouacking within the fenced in area so long as you set up your tent later in the evening and are packed up early in the morning.

The good thing about wild camping here is that during the daytime you’ll have access to the services at the refuge as well as the adjacent cable car station.

  • Services: Potable water and toilets in the cable car station. Also, you can charge electronics and use the bathroom in the refuge if you have a drink or a meal there.
  • Nearby: There is a café in the cable car station that provides meals, water for purchase, and snacks. If needed, you can ride the cable car down from here to Les Praz to access grocery stores, sporting goods stores, and other modern amenities, but the ticket is quite pricey. Information about the cable car can be found here.

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Camping de la Mer de Glace (Les Praz)

Camping Mer de Glace.

For those who would like to stay at a developed campground or need to access more services, there is the option of taking the cable car down to the town of Les Praz from La Flégère.

Be sure to check ahead of time to make sure the cable car will be running during your hike and to see updated prices . Once you get down to Les Praz, Camping de la Mer de Glace is a 15-minute walk from the cable car station.  In the morning, you’ll need to ride the cable car back up to La Flégère to rejoin the TMB.

  • Services: Toilets, hot showers, electronics charging, free wifi, laundry facilities, covered sitting area, bar, and small food shop.
  • Nearby: There are restaurants, transit links, and a small shop in the town of La Praz.

Where to stay upon completing the TMB

Congratulations! You’ve completed the Tour du Mont Blanc, one of the world’s most beautiful and iconic walks! This is no small feat, as the TMB is a major physical and mental challenge.

It’s time to reward yourself. Hardcore campers can return to one of the campgrounds in the Chamonix Valley, while those looking to reward themselves with the luxuries of the indoor world should check out our recommendations below.

Regardless of where you stay, make sure you take some time to reflect on your journey and toast to your remarkable achievement!

Hotel Helopic & Spa is our top pick in Chamonix for before the Tour du Mont Blanc. You'll find comfortable rooms, spacious guest areas, and the location can't be beat!

  • Spacious Rooms
  • Excellent Spa
  • Easy access to public transport

Heliopic Hotel & Spa

Featuring spacious rooms and an on-site spa, the Heliopic Hotel & Spa is the perfect location to relax after your TMB trek. The central location makes it easy to get to and they have great amenities like free-luggage storage and beautiful common areas.

This is our top-pick in Chamonix for Tour du Mont Blanc trekkers.

Auberge du Manoir – Known for their friendly staff, beautiful rooms, and great location, the Auberge du Manoir is a great option in Chamonix.

Hôtel Le Refuge des Aiglons – The Hotel Le Refuge des Aiglons is located adjacent to the Chamonix Sud bus station, making it an ideal location for the night you arrive in or before you depart Chamonix.

Wild camping along the TMB is a bit complicated. The trail passes through three countries and several local municipalities, each with their own specific rules and regulations. Generally speaking, wild camping may be allowed in France at high altitudes between sunset and sunrise, it may be permitted above 2,500 meters (from dusk until dawn) in Italy, and it is strictly forbidden in Switzerland.

If wild camping in the area near Chamonix, you’ll need to register on the Chamonix App before setting up camp. The app also has a super helpful map that shows where wild camping is allowed, where it’s discouraged, and where it’s outright forbidden.

The good news is that there are many official campsites that are easily accessible along the TMB. While not entirely cheap, we feel it is important to use these facilities whenever they are available in order to give respect to the local communities and the fragile natural environment. Furthermore, there are quite a few opportunities to pitch your tent in free sanctioned wild and semi-wild camp spots along the TMB. If you choose to wild camp outside of these areas, set up after dusk, pack up at dawn, and utilize leave no trace practices.

Sanctioned Wild and Semi-Wild Campsites

  • Chalet Miage (located on the Col de Tricot variant)
  • Refuge Nant Borrant
  • Refuge de la Balme
  • Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme
  • Les Chapieux
  • Refuge la Flégère
  • Inside the Réserve Naturelle des Aiguilles Rouges (7p.m. to 9 a.m.)

Wildflowers on stage 4 of the TMB

Let us help plan your TMB

We’re here to help! We offer comprehensive TMB planning support so you can plan your perfect trip!

In addition to our popular guides, we also offer the following TMB planning services:

GPS Digital Download

GPS files for the entire TMB

Navigate with confidence on the trail

Works with all GPS navigation apps & devices

Custom GPS File

Custom GPS file created for your unique itinerary

Includes all of your accommodations

Confidently navigate using a GPS file designed just for you

Expert Consultation s

1-on-1 video calls

Specifically catered to your questions

Problem-solve your itinerary, bookings, route options, and more!

Why work with us?

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As passionate hikers, we’ve made it our goal to empower you with all of the information you need to have your best TMB experience. 

We’ve helped over 2,500 hikers prepare for their trips, navigate on the trail, and simplify the planning process.

How to Find Your Campsites on the Tour du Mont Blanc

As you’ve no doubt noticed from the list of campground above, not every camping option is located directly along the main Tour du Mont Blanc trail. Several, especially those around Courmayeur and in the Chamonix area, will require you to detour off the main route in order to find camping options.

Not only that, but you’ll also surely be wondering how far you need to hike to get to the next campground, regardless of where you are on the trail.

Our solution to this is to use a GPS navigation app, with our favorite being Gaia GPS.

Our Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc comes with three unique GPS files that contain all of the campground locations along the route along and intel on the best link trails to get to all of the campgrounds that aren’t on the main route. Using our files, your navigation app will look like this:

GPS map showing campgrounds on the Tour du Mont Blanc.

As you can see, you have a clearly labeled route to the campground making it easy to stay on track. Trust us, having a GPS route saved for offline use will be the single best thing you do to make your trek more manageable!

If there is one best reason to purchase our Guide , this is it! Do yourself a favor and make navigating while camping on the TMB that much easier!

Don’t want the full camping guide? No worries, we also offer a basic GPS file for the entire TMB.

Packing for camping on TMB is balancing act between ensuring you have everything you need and not making your experience miserable by carrying too much weight. You’ll have a more extensive packing list compared to hikers staying in refuges and the stakes are a bit higher if you neglect to bring something essential.

We’ve provided a summary below, but for a complete packing list, check out this post .

How much should my pack weigh?

This isn’t easy to answer, since there are a ton of factors that influence how much is too much for any individual hiker. Some things to think about…

  • How fast are you hoping to hike? Generally speaking, lighter=faster
  • Have you completed a multi-day through hike with this specific backpack and this amount of weight before? If not, you should really try to keep it below 25lbs (including water!) 
  • Are you injury-prone or do you have any chronic knee, hip, or back issues? If so, you need to make sure that backpack is below 20lbs!
  • If you have other travel destinations before or after the TMB, you can store your extra luggage in Chamonix. See our logistics article for more on this. 

Caution sign showing a person falling off a cliff.

What type of tent should I bring?

Most of the campgrounds on the TMB will have a level place to pitch your tent and soft ground that will make staking a breeze. However, if you plan on wild camping or staying at any of the bivouac areas described above, you’ll want to bring some heavy duty stakes and a durable ground cover for underneath your tent.

You can expect variable weather at any time of year on the Tour du Mont Blanc, so a good rain fly is an absolute must. Wind is also a concern, so a lower profile tent makes a lot of sense.

Finally, you’ll want something reasonably lightweight as you’ll have to pack it up and carry it across challenging terrain each day on the trail!

In terms of the best brands, we like the backpacking tents offered by MSR, Big Agnes, and Sierra Designs. Our favorite is the MSR Hubba Hubba , which is widely available in both North America and Europe. Check it out below:

The MSR Hubba Hubba 2 is our top pick for a backpacking tent that stands up to any and all conditions. Lightweight, durable, and easy to set-up, this is our favorite backpacking tent!

MSR Hubba Hubba 2-Person Backpacking Tent

How warm should my sleeping bag be?

We often get asked about the warmth rating your sleeping bag should have for the Tour du Mont Blanc. The answer, of course, is that it depends.

Generally speaking, most campers will be comfortable with a sleeping bag in the -5 to 5 degree Celsius range. That will cover most conditions that you’ll encounter while still keeping your pack relatively light.

If you tend to sleep a bit hot, you should be fine with something in the 10 degree Celsius range. Just be sure you have a well insulated sleeping pad.

Top gear picks for TMB Campers

Beyond a good tent and sleeping bag, here are a few specific items that we found really make camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc a lot more enjoyable:

Battery Backup

If you plan on using your phone as a GPS to navigate along the TMB (which we highly recommend!), it’s imperative that it stays charged. Many campgrounds will allow you to charge electronics, but this isn’t a guarantee everywhere. And trust us when we say it gets competitive for access to an outlet!

Our favorite power bank for backpacking is the BioLite Charge 80 , which is super lightweight, designed specifically for use in the outdoors, and charges most phones 4-5 times. This is an essential item for TMB campers in our opinion.

The BioLite Charge 80 is our favorite power bank for hiking. It will charge your phone up to five times and won't weigh down your pack!

BioLite Charge 80 PD Power Bank

Trekking Poles

These are a total game-changer on a tough trek like the TMB. You (and your knees) will be so glad to have them on steep sections, and this is especially true for campers who are carrying heavier loads.

Merino Wool Socks

Keeping your feet happy is one of the best pieces of advice we can offer for would be TMB trekkers. This means using comfortable boots/trail runners that you have hiked in before and are well broken in.

However, your socks are just as, if not more, important than your boots. Bringing a few pairs of high-quality merino wool socks will be your best defense against blisters and foot issues. For that, we highly recommend Darn Tough socks for their comfort, durability, and lifetime guarantee. These are the only socks we hike in!

Darn Tough makes legendary socks that are known for their durability, odor control, and lifetime warranty. We don't hike in anything else!

Darn Tough Hiker Micro Crew Cushion Socks

A few other honorable mentions…

Puffy down jacket: Lightweight, warm, packable and all you need (it’s not necessary to bring a heavy fleece, too).

Kev Reynolds’ Ciccerone Guide to the TMB : The best guidebook for the Tour du Mont Blanc in our estimation.

Don’t forget travel insurance!

One final item to get squared away before your trip that isn’t on many TMB campers list is travel insurance. We recommend a basic policy for all TMB trekkers to protect you against lost luggage, medical evacuation, and any other issues that can pop up and ruin your trip. We have a full breakdown of what to look for in travel insurance for the TMB here.

Food and Drink for TMB Campers

One of the many wonderful things about the TMB is that you don’t need to worry about carrying (and eating) eleven days’ worth of underwhelming freeze-dried backpacker meals. Due to the fact that the trail passes through many towns and villages, you will be able to resupply every few days. We’ve noted the availability of shops and restaurants at every stop along the route in our Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc.

Make sure you plan accordingly, as you won’t pass shops on every stage.

For budget travelers, it is possible to self-cater and keep your food and drink costs quite reasonable. You’ll need to bring your own camp stove and cooking equipment if you plan on fixing most of your own meals along the TMB. 

Additionally (for those with slightly deeper pockets), many of the hotels, gites, and refuges offer the option of purchasing meals. You can just show up for lunch, but you’ll need to order dinner ahead of time (earlier in the day is typically fine). Not all refuges are able to accommodate campers for dinner.

Whichever way you approach your food and drink strategy, we think you’ll find that trekking in the Alps is every bit as much a culinary delight as a natural one! 

All of the hotels, gites, and campgrounds provide potable water. You will pass through many villages with public drinking fountains, but make sure to plan ahead and carry 1-2 liters of water each day. Due to the presence of agricultural activity near large swaths of the trail, we do not recommend drinking any water from natural streams without filtering it first.

As such, packing a lightweight and packable water filter is always a good idea. We’re partial to the simple, yet effective, Sawyer Squeeze for a great option for campers on the TMB:

The Sawyer Squeeze is a lightweight, packable, and dependable water filter. We've used our backpacking all over the world with great success!

Sawyer Squeeze Water Filtration System

Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc is a great way to save money on your trip. Not only will you avoid the expense of staying in a refuge each night, you’ll also be able to save money on food and drink by getting many of your meals from shops and small cafes, which tend to be a lot less expensive than refuges.

Below, you can find a few basics to keep in mind in terms of money on the Tour du Mont Blanc:

Cash or Credit?

While an increasing number of accommodation providers, shops, and other services are beginning to accept credit cards, cash is still the primary payment method used along the TMB. It is important to carry enough cash to cover all of your expenses for several days, as  ATMs are infrequent along the trail.

The TMB crosses the borders of three different countries, meaning that you’ll need to switch from using Euros in France to Swiss Francs in Switzerland then back to Euros upon entering Italy. While most places in Switzerland will accept Euros, you’ll get better exchange rates using Francs. 

Typical Costs

Although it has the reputation for being one of the more expensive and luxurious thru-hikes, it is still very possible to hike the TMB on a tight budget (camping helps tremendously with this!) Furthermore, you can even eat delicious foods and drink some tasty beverages without breaking the bank.

The two keys to saving money on the TMB? Lodging and food.

Since you’ve found this camping guide, you’re well on your way to having the first one covered. Camping will save you boatloads of money, and you’ll have a better experience too!

In terms of food, the best thing you can do is to avoid eating meals at restaurants and refuges. Sure, stop for a coffee and a pastry, enjoy a post-hike beer, and definitely pick up some local cheese, but if you cook some of your own meals you will greatly, greatly reduce your overall spending.

Read more: How Much it Cost Us to Hike the TMB

Hikers take in the views from the top of a pass on the TMB

Let Us Make Your TMB Trip A Success

We have used our experience, research, and passion to create effective and trail-tested resources for all TMB hikers. If you plan to trek without the support of a tour company, our resources can help you with the logistics of preparing for the trip of a lifetime.

  • Camping Guide (Our Best Seller): If camping is more your style, our dedicated camping guide is just for you. It includes detailed campground descriptions and camping-specific itineraries.
  • GPS Digital Downloads (2nd Best Seller): Navigate the TMB with ease using our GPS files, updated yearly and compatible with most devices. The files cover the entire trek, including common alternate routes.
  • Guide to the TMB:  Our comprehensive guide includes everything you need to know about the TMB. It’s available on our online planning portal and as a downloadable eGuide. The guide includes accommodation recommendations, offline GPS & maps, and video fly-throughs of the trail.
  • Custom Itineraries:  We’ll help you design a TMB itinerary that fits your specific needs, including your trip length, accommodation type, hiking ability, budget, and more.
  • Custom GPS Files:  For a truly personalized experience, we can create a GPS file customized to your specific itinerary, including your accommodations and route preferences.

As passionate hikers, we’ve made it our goal to empower you with all the information you need for your best TMB experience. We’ve helped over 2,500 hikers prepare for their trips, navigate on the trail, and simplify the planning process.

location tente tours

What’s Next?

If you’ve read our post up to this point, you’re well on your way to having an incredible experience walking the Tour du Mont Blanc.

However, you still have lots of preparation before you’re truly ready! Be sure to read our entire series on the Tour du Mont Blanc to learn everything you’ll need to know to prepare for this incredible adventure!

  • Tour du Mont Blanc Packing List – Be sure you’ve got everything you need!
  • Tour du Mont Blanc | Maps & Routes – Get an overview of this incredible trail!
  • Tour du Mont Blanc Logistics – Don’t forget the small details!
  • How to Navigate on the TMB – Turn your smartphone into a GPS!
  • How to find all of your campgrounds on the TMB – Know where you are and where you’re going!
  • How to train for the TMB – Avoid being the last person to the campground!
  • 10 Essentials for the Tour du Mont Blanc- The quick and dirty basics
  • TMB Trip Report – Know what to expect!
  • Tour du Mont Blanc Photo Galley – Find some inspiration!
  • How to hike the TMB for (nearly) free – save BIG on your TMB costs!
  • Tour du Mont Blanc Accommodation and Refuge Guide
  • Tour du Mont Blanc – Shortcuts, Detours, & Public Transit

47 thoughts on “Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc [2024 Update]”

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  • Pingback: Tour du Mont Blanc Packing List - TMBtent

Thank you for producing such a fantastic, comprehensive and inspirational website!

My wife and I have been wanting to hike the TMB for over 15 years and we have finally got round to it. We start tomorrow.

Until we read your website we had not considered camping on the route. However, your website changed all that and we are now planning to spend as many nights as we can in the tent on the TMB. Your detailed camping information really leaves no stone unturned and we can’t wait to get started!

Thanks again.

John & Sharon Crawford (UK)

John & Sharon, Thank you so much for your kind words! We are so glad that you found the information useful and that it inspired you to camp more along the route. We hope you have a fantastic time on your walk! -Emily & Ian

Did you make any reservations in advance for the campsites? Thanks!

Hi Joy, We did not reserve any of our campsites in advance, and had no problem finding a pitch. Hope this helps!

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  • Pingback: How to navigate on the Tour du Mont Blanc - TMBtent
  • Pingback: Welcome to the Travel for Free Series! - TMBtent
  • Pingback: How to train for the Tour of Mont Blanc - TMBtent
  • Pingback: 10 Essentials for the Tour du Mont Blanc - TMBtent

Hello Guys! Thanks for all the information you share! Very useful!

I am Tiago from Brazil!

I will do the tour in august 2018 with my wife. Would like to know if the campsites rent a tent? And how much it cost?

Thanks a lot for your attention, apreciate!

Hey Tiago, glad you’ve found the information useful! Excited to hear about your 2018 TMB plans. Unfortunately, none of the campsites we visited rented tents, so you’ll need to bring your own. Hope this helps and let us know if you have any more questions!

Thanks for producing this info guide. It has been a huge help with planning my TMB trip 2018 or 2019.

Do you remember the price of camping at Chalet Pierre Semard please?

This site is the only place I’ve even heard of it and I like the sound of it.

I checked the site you gave the link for but I can’t figure out how to translate it to English.

Thanks again for all the helpful info.

Hi Phil, Glad our guide has been helpful in planning your trip. Pierre Semard was definitely one of our favorite campgrounds and we were thrilled to find it given that there wasn’t a lot of information available on it. If I remember correctly we paid 4 euros/night – a bargain.

The website here has some additional information in English: https://www.chamonix.com/camping-pierre-semard,117-209642,en.html Hope this helps and be sure to let us know if you have any other questions.

Hi Im planning on camping on the trail in June, what are the coldest night temperatures i can expect? Thank you for this great website!

Hi Sebastian, We hiked in early-July and the coldest it got at night was low 50s (10 Celsius). It will most likely be a bit colder in June and you can see the average monthly temperatures for June for Chamonix here: https://www.accuweather.com/en/fr/chamonix/136573/month/136573?monyr=6/01/2018

Also, if hiking in June you’ll want to be prepared to encounter snow on the trail. It has been a very snowy winter in the Alps this year so I’d imagine snow will linger on the trail into July. Best of luck!

Thank you so much for writing this! I am hiking the TMB this June (17th -26th). I’m fairly experienced with trekking as well as snow hiking. In your experience, do you think even with the heavy snow year, the TMB is doable for capable hikers?

Either way, thank you so much again for this post! We are hoping to camp most of it.

Hi Jenny, Glad you found our information useful! It’s really difficult to say what the trail conditions will be like in mid-June. We hiked in early July last year, and there were short sections that were snowy and slightly difficult with a loaded backpack. We’d recommend checking in with the various huts on the route, as they’ll have a good idea of current conditions. The good news is that even if some sections are too snowy to traverse there are plenty of alternate routes and ways to connect various sections of the trail.

Hi! Looking to go in June! Very helpful article. Would you by any chance have any advice on how to complete the trail in 7 nights/8 days? Wanted to see if you have any advice/trails for us since we still wanted to complete the full hike with cutting down the days!

Hi Kristina, Thanks for reaching our and glad you’ve found our site useful! Tackling the entire trail in 8-days will be very difficult, though not impossible. Be prepared for some very long, very tiring days. Our best recommendation would be to hike from Courmayeur to Alpage de La Peule, skipping Refugio Bonatti. From La Peule you would then walk to Champex, skipping La Fouly. You could also combine the last day and walk directly from Tre-le-Champ to Les Houches. For all of these days you’d want to get a very early start and be prepared to arrive very late in the day.

There are also bus connections that would make an 8-day trek much more pleasurable without the long demanding days. Hope this helps!

Hello Kristina a, I am also hiking the tour in June as a post-graduation experience, but unfortunately I will be hiking alone. I am hoping to meet people on the hike when I go. I was wondering when in June will you be hiking?

Hello, do you recommend completing this hike alone? I would very much like to hike this tour during June 2019 as a post-graduation vacation, but I am slightly worried because of the conditions and lack of experience hiking. Is it likely to meet other groups or people during the hike and joining them? Thank you very much and have a great day!

Hi Ryan, The TMB is certainly a great hike to do solo. The trail is well marked and there are many groups of other hikers who you are likely to encounter. We’d recommend being sure you are fit enough given your lack of experience hiking and also brushing up on some of your outdoor preparedness skills in advance. With both of those accomplished it is very likely that you’ll meet other sociable hikers along the route! Hope you have a great TMB!

Hi! Great info and I want to purchase your guide, but how up-to-date is it? I understand that the route might change slightly from year to year, and nothing would be more frustrating to have outdated info on a guide. Thanks in advance!

Hi Alex, Glad you’re finding the info on our site useful! All of the campsite info in our Guide is up to date for 2019 and the route doesn’t change year to year, unless there was heavy snow and you are starting early in the season. Either way we always offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee for our Guide so if you buy it and don’t like it we’ll give you a refund no questions asked! Cheers, Ian

hi, im planning on going and walking over 12days. im going with a 10year old how bad is the wild camping restrictions uphold as i am sure one or two days my son will be too tired to make camp sites

Hi there, It’s difficult to give you an easy, surefire answer, as the rules and availability for wild camping vary quite a bit throughout the walk. At most stages, if you’re able to set up camp after dusk and pack up at dawn you’ll likely be okay. If you think your itinerary could be too challenging, there are lots of easy ways to cut out segments via public transportation or you could look into adding or cutting out days.

Hope you and your son have a great trip! Emily and Ian

Hello, i know it might be a silly question, but is reservation necessary for the campsites?

thank you for your website! it was key for organizing my TMB trek.

Hi there, Not a silly question at all! While reservations are very necessary for many of the mountain huts, you do not need them at the campgrounds. In fact, many won’t even accept them in advance. If you’re concerned about getting a good pitch, try to get there a little earlier in the day and you should be just fine.

Have a wonderful trip! Emily and Ian

I am planning to hike the TMB next year and I have found your online guide to be extremely helpful and informative. I have just a couple of questions:

1. Did you make your reservations ahead of time for camping? If not were you ever turned away because it was at capacity?

2. Did you make reservations in advance when you stayed at the refugio’s? And if so how far in advance?

I would rather not be tied down to a schedule but also don’t want to stress about no available sites!

Hello! 1. Campsite reservations are not necessary. They always make room for walkers. If you’re worried about getting a good pitch, try to get there a bit earlier in the day and you’ll have no problem.

2. Yes, we strongly recommend that you book the refigios ahead of time. Many fill up months in advance. As soon as you work out your itinerary, it’s a good idea to call and make a reservation. If you’re on the trail and you think you’ll need to change something, you can phone the hut and see if they’ll be able to adjust your reservation.

Hope you have a great hike! Emily and Ian

Hi, thanks for the camping guide. One update: we hiked the tour last week and camping close to refugio Elisabetta was strictly forbidden (at the refugio they told us that the police comes and checks… which was a bit unfortunate, as the refugio was fully booked). As we walked clockwise, we continued that day to cross the boarder to France and reach Les Chapieux (very long day!). Also, some people wild-camp higher up, closer to the French boarder, or at the French side.

How was your clockwise hike? Where did you start your hike and did you complete the entire TMB? We are planing to hike this late June early July 2020 and don’t yet know if my husband will have more than 7 days. We looked at alternatives for starting points and I was leaning towards starting in Courmayeur since Chamonix has a number of events in late June and early July that will make it quite busy (Mont Blanc Marathon June 25-28; Chamonix Yoga Festival Jul 3-5 and Climbing World Cup Jul 11-13).

  • Pingback: More Europe 2018 Logistics | Heather Shearer

Thanks so much for this info! I’m keen to buy your guide book and follow stages above, just checking if info is still valid for summer 2022? I’ve seen a few places where it says wild camping is illegal below 2500 m? Just thought I’d double check. Also, is there still no need to book if I go early august?

Hi Becky, Yep, the Guide is up to date for 2022! Just to note, it does not include specific wild camping sites, but rather is focused on staying in developed campgrounds. We always recommend this to limit impacts on the environment. Thanks, Ian

Hi there! thanks so much for all the well detailed info and useful tips. I was interested to hike during the month of May 2023. as the following months I won’t have the same availability. Is this possible at all?

Hi Calen, Glad you’re finding it helpful! Unfortunately, it’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to do the hike in May. There’s typically too much snow still on the trail to trek without snow-specific equipment, and most (if not all) of the refuges and campgrounds will not have opened for the season.

Hello, I’m looking to camp the trail in early October will this be possible due to the weather conditions and availability of camping spots?

Hi Kyle, It’s hard to say what the weather will be like in early October. You might get lucky with some lovely sunny fall days, but you also might encounter some wicked rain and snow. Either way, be prepared for cold nights and mornings. Many of the campgrounds will have closed for the season, so you will need to wild camp at many points along the route. Best of luck!

For camping, do I need to bring any sort of container for my food or can I keep it in my tent?

Hi Danila, You can store your food in your tent, as bears or other wildlife are not much of a concern. Have a great trip!

This is great information! I just wish you posted the mileage between each stage and maybe some prices of the campsites and huts. Where do you go to find out the price of the campsites? Thanks!

Hi Kathryn, Thanks for the feedback. To find the most updated prices, we recommend visiting the campgrounds’ websites. Typically you can expect to pay around 10 euros per person at a campground. There are also some free sites along the route. Have a great trip!

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location tente tours

We’re Emily and Ian, outdoor lovers and planning nerds who live in Boulder, Colorado. The only thing we love more than researching and mapping out our next adventure, is actually being out there on the trail. Between the two of us, we’ve been to over 30 countries, and much of our travel in these countries has been on two feet or two wheels. When we’re not in a far-flung destination, we spend a lot of time exploring the amazing camping, hiking, and biking destinations in our home state of Colorado. Learn More About Us


Tente Toit 4 Van Away 2019 720x600px


The family roof tent for 4 people....

Roof tents to be installed on your vehicle and sleep under the stars.


Tente de toit compacte pour 2 personnes


Included in the rental.

location tente tours

 Brand new tent

location tente tours

Night places

How about transforming your car into an RV? The Arizona roof top tents can be installed in a few minutes and abracadabra, you are on the road to adventure !

The Arizona roof top tents are compact and can accomodate 2 people in complete comfort .

The Arizona roof top tents are really easy to put up on top of any kind of car regardless of its size or model (traditional road cars or utility vehicles). Your vehicle must be equipped with two standard roof rails that run across the width of your car that can support 75 kilos or more.

With its fabric made of waterproof cotton that breathes , a unique ventilation system and it’s user-friendly operation , a good night’s sleep is guaranteed.

The tents unfold and fold up in just a few seconds . They are made to withstand winds of up to 100k per hour when they are mounted. Our Arizona tents are rented out with all the necessary gear you will need (to be stowed in your car). You will be completely autonomous with your : electric ice chest, camping stove, dishes, water tank and solar heated shower.

Do you want to travel with 4 people in a mini Caretta caravan? Kit it out with an Arizona tent and you have 2 bedrooms for 2 couples or parents and children. Cool!

The Arizona roof top tents are made in France by a company called NaïtUp (Duö model).

location tente tours

Enjoy a good night’s sleep for two just like at home on a highly resilient firm, mattress.

Meals on Wheels! Van-Away supplies you with all the equipment you will need ( dishes and cutlery, a camping stove , folding table and chairs , a water container….) to be completely autonomous on your journey.

We also furnish you with a compression fridge that plugs into the cigarette lighter so you can keep your food and drinks cool even in the height of summer!

Go for the optional extra gas barbecue that includes all the cylinders you will need throughout your trip. This extra appliance allows you to grill meat, fish and veggies even in places where traditional barbecues are prohibited.

Do you want even more comfort and convenience?

VAN-AWAY offers a host of optional extra accessories to give your tent a personal touch.

Your own vehicle or mini trailer Caretta

Width : 1,23m / length : 2,15m / height: 0,28m, fuel consumpt.(manufacturer data), transmission, road handling, any car with roof rails can be fitted with a roof top tent, stationary heating system, also to discover.

location tente tours

Arizona 4 Roof tent

location mini caravane caretta


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Bienvenue chez JustATent

Solutions pour une réception abordable

A partir de 45€/Jour*

Location de tentes de réception idéale pour votre événement

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Tente de réception 5x10

location tente tours

Tente de réception 3x6 "Rapide"

location tente tours

Tente de réception 6x12

location tente tours

Tente de réception 4x8

Deux jours minimum pour les tentes à monter ou week-end.

Bienvenue chez JustATent, votre fournisseur de choix pour la location de tentes d'événement ! Quelle que soit l'occasion, nous avons la solution parfaite pour rendre votre événement spécial et mémorable.

Une sélection de tentes pour tous types d'événements Explorez notre gamme de tentes adaptées à tous les types d'événements. Que vous planifiez un mariage, un anniversaire ou un rassemblement familial, ou un évènement professionnel nous avons la taille idéale pour répondre à vos besoins.

Location d'équipement pour événements Pour rendre votre événement encore plus inoubliable, Just A Tent propose également des équipements complémentaires tels que les éclairages, Nous avons la vocation de devenir votre guichet unique pour créer l'ambiance parfaite. N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos besoins. 

Tentes professionnelle  Impressionnez vos invités avec nos tentes de qualité professionnel, idéales pour un dîner élégant en plein air. Dotées de designs sophistiqués, de fenêtres, ces tentes ajoutent une touche d'élégance à votre événement. Quel que soit le style de votre réception, nous avons une tente pour vous. Découvrez notre sélection de tentes pour compléter parfaitement votre célébration.

Créez des événements incroyables en plein air Organisez des événements spectaculaires en pleine nature grâce à nos tentes résistantes et adaptées aux espaces extérieurs. Profitez de l'air frais, du soleil et des paysages pittoresques pour faire de votre célébration un succès inoubliable.

Rassemblements familiaux chaleureux Réunissez votre famille avec style grâce à Just A Tent ! Nos tentes conviennent parfaitement aux réunions de famille, aux barbecues dans le jardin, aux pique-niques et à d'autres événements.

Faites confiance à Just A Tent pour transformer votre événement en une expérience mémorable. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour discuter de vos besoins et réserve r la tente parfaite pour votre occasion spéciale.


Location de Tente de réception

La vocation de JusTAtent depuis ses débuts est de proposer un service complet à un cout abordable. 

Dans cette perspective nous vous proposons un modèle de location complet et optimisé en vous permettant de récupérer le matériel près de nos dépôts. 


Livraison dans le 06 & 83

Si le volume de chargement est trop important pour vous, nous vous proposons une livraison le jour-J ou bien à J-1 à un tarif préférentiel. 

Vous pourrez prendre le temps de monter le barnum en avance et finaliser vos préparatifs en toute  sérénité 


Location de véhicule utilitaire

Afin de répondre toujours au mieux à vos besoins, nous proposons la location d'un véhicule utilitaire pendant toute la durée de votre évènement . 

Il sera mis à disposition sur un parking proche de nos points de dépôt et vous permettrons de récupérer le matériel quand vous vous le voulez de manière autonome



Merci pour votre envoi !

© 2024  - JustATent.com par les éditions André Charlin

Camping en tente aménagée et équipée

Qui a dit que dormir en tente voulait dire sacrifier son confort ? Découvrez le camping en tente aménagée par Sites et Paysages, et ressourcez-vous au cœur de la nature en profitant d’un niveau de…

Le Ventoulou

Laissez la vallée de la Dordogne vous séduire depuis l'un des emplacements de ce camping nature. Vous profitez d'un cadre naturel d'exception et d'installations haut de gamme : piscine à débordement et hébergements tout confort, entourés de verdure.

Les Hirondelles

Situé entre Sarlat et Rocamadour, en plein cœur de la Vallée de la Dordogne, ce camping vous promet des vacances au vert aussi reposantes qu'enrichissantes. Découvrez un établissement tourné vers la nature avec une piscine couverte et chauffée.

Aux portes de Cheverny, en plein cœur du Centre-Val-de-Loire, découvrez un camping familial fier des châteaux de sa région. Passez des vacances reposantes, riches en découvertes ou sportives dans ce camping tout confort, labellisé "accueil vélo".

Le Village du Port

Le camping du Village du Port vous propose des vacances à l'abri de l'agitation quotidienne au bord de l'eau.


Niché au cœur des vignobles de l'Anjou, à quelques pas de la belle ville d'Angers, vous goûtez aux joies du camping haut de gamme entouré de vos proches. Sur les rives de l'étang de Brissac ou au bord d'une des deux piscines, goûtez enfin au repos.

Domaine de la Catinière

Le majestueux port de Honfleur, la campagne normande colorée et les plages accueillantes, voici le cadre idéal pour des vacances en famille dans un camping haut de gamme. Les nombreuses solutions d'hébergements vous garantissent des vacances au vert.

Vos vacances au camping Beauregard vous dévoilent tout le charme du Jura, dans un établissement haut de gamme tourné vers le bien-être. Avec des emplacements tout confort et des hébergements atypiques, vous vous ressourcez au cœur de la nature.

Le Petit Liou

A proximité du lac de Serre-Ponçon, ce camping vous accueille pour des vacances reposantes. L'air de la montagne et les reliefs des alentours vous offrent mille possibilités tandis que la piscine et le restaurant du camping illuminent votre séjour.

Au camping Le Moulin, le Sud-Ouest tient toutes ses promesses : soleil, nature luxuriante et convivialité, pour des vacances en camping réussies. Entre Toulouse et la frontière espagnole, venez passer des vacances au vert dans un établissement haut de gamme.

De Martinière

Le Parc Naturel de la Chartreuse vous attend pour des vacances uniques en famille. Entourés d'une nature sauvage et d'une flore préservée, vous revenez à l'essentiel et profitez d'un camping tout équipé. Sports de montagne ou piscine, à vous de choisir.

De Vaubarlet

Sur les vastes emplacements du camping De Vaubarlet, vous profitez de vos vacances en famille, dans une nature préservée, un jardin secret entouré de superbes paysages. La rivière et l'espace aquatique vous annoncent de beaux instants de complicité.

Le camping du Pouldu est un camping entre mer, campagne et forêt, à quelques pas des plus belles plages du Finistère. Venez profiter de vos vacances en famille dans cet ancien verger, aménagé en paradis du repos : piscine chauffée, location de vélo et snack.

Camping Touristique de Gien

Invité d'honneur du château de Gien, vous campez dans un vaste parc d'arbres centenaires. Lieu idéal pour visiter les autres joyaux de la Loire, ce camping est aussi un lieu propice au repos ou aux sports nautiques, avec sa piscine et sa plage de sable.

Les Pinèdes

Entre Nice et Cannes, et à seulement 7 km de la mer, ce camping vous annonce des vacances reposantes au cœur du joyau de la Riviera Côte d'Azur. Entourés de pins parasols, vous choisissez entre farniente à l'ombre et détente dans l'espace aquatique.

Au Gré des Vents

Le camping Au Gré des Vents vous ouvre sur les merveilles de la Bretagne à quelques pas de l'Océan. Gastronomie, contes et légendes, festivals ou balades à vélo, vos sens sont en éveil. Le microclimat du Golfe du Morbihan n'est pas seulement un mythe...

Au Clos de la Chaume

Un camping en pleine nature, à une quinzaine de minutes du superbe lac de Gérardmer. Sports nautiques, randonnées en montagne ou repos sur les transats au bord de la piscine couverte, les vacances en camping dans les Vosges ravissent toute la famille.

Lou P'tit Poun

Un camping familial situé à quelques pas de Bayonne et des plages landaises qui vous invite à découvrir les richesses naturelles et culturelles du Pays Basque. Dans une nature préservée, vivez des vacances tout confort : piscine et animations pour tous.

Le Petit Bois

Près de Vallon Pont d'Arc, au bord de la rivière Ardèche et de la plage de Ruoms, venez passer des vacances familiales reposantes dans un camping en pleine nature. Un restaurant, une piscine et un espace de fitness prolongent vos plaisirs de vacances.

Admirez ce paysage naturel sauvage où la mer et les falaises se rencontrent. Randonnées, dégustation, visites, baignades rythmeront vos prochaines vacances en Bretagne.


Un camping qui porte bien son nom, idéal pour le ressourcement de toute la famille. Installé au cœur d'une nature préservée, entre fruits, fleurs et cours d'eau, il permet de découvrir la beauté de l'Ardèche et ses nombreuses propositions sportives.

Au Tylo Soleil

Au cœur du Parc Naturel du Lubéron proche du village de Forcalquier et de Dauphin ce camping vous promet calme et repos. Vivez une vraie expérience camping en famille.

Domaine de l'Étang de Bazange

Venez passer des vacances au grand air au Domaine de l'Etang de Bazange, un camping haut de gamme tourné vers la nature. Arbres majestueux, château centenaire, fraîcheur de l'eau et paysages colorés, le Périgord devient un cadre de vacances privilégié.

La Dordogne Verte

Découvrez le territoire encore méconnu de la Dordogne : La Double. Au cœur du Périgord Vert, à Saint-Aulaye, ce camping familial à taille humaine fera le bonheur de votre famille pour vos vacances.

Le Moulin de Sainte Anne

A deux pas de la belle Carcassonne, vous voici au cœur des merveilles du pays Cathare. Entourés de décors naturels spectaculaires, vous passez des vacances calmes et reposantes dans un camping haut de gamme. Piscine et jacuzzi seront aussi de la partie.


Campez au bord du célèbre lac de Pareloup et comblez les attentes de toute la famille. Dans un mobil-home ou sous tente, vivez des journées riches en émotions et en découvertes. Un accès direct à la plage permet de tester de nombreux sports nautiques.

Vous avez vu 15 campings sur 25

  • Camping France avec Sites et Paysages
  • Hébergements
  • Location tente équipée

Camping en tente aménagée : vivez un séjour outdoor unique

location tente equipee

Cette année, passez des vacances garanties zéro charge mentale ! Finis les coffres de toit impossibles à fermer à cause des tables et chaises de camping qui débordent, ou encore le regret de passer un séjour sans transat parce qu’il prenait trop de place dans la voiture. En camping en tente aménagée , votre hébergement est entièrement équipé : literie de qualité, petit électroménager, mobilier de jardin, barbecue… Vous n’avez plus qu’à poser vos valises pour la période de votre choix, et surtout : profiter ! Écoutez le chant des oiseaux en buvant votre café le matin, feuilletez votre magazine préféré confortablement installé à l’ombre d’un arbre après le déjeuner, et regardez le soleil se coucher sur des paysages hors du commun depuis votre terrasse.

Camping en tente aménagée : le confort avant tout

location tente equipee nuit

Le camping en tente aménagée offre tous les avantages du camping et vous fait profiter de tout ce que la nature a à vous offrir. Choisissez une tente équipée et bénéficiez d’un grand emplacement, parfaitement délimité et dans l’environnement qui vous correspondra le mieux : à l’ombre ou au soleil, sur l’herbe ou sur de la terre, avec ou sans électricité… Le choix vous appartient ! En camping en tente aménagée , votre confort est maximisé : terrasse aménagée, mobilier haut de gamme, literie confortable, espaces communs spacieux, cuisine et même salle de bain dans certains campings… Transformez vos vacances en réel moment de confort et de détente en choisissant un séjour en tente équipée .

Le camping autrement, avec un séjour en tente équipée

location tente tours

Faites passer vos vacances au niveau supérieur en séjournant dans un camping en tente aménagée . D’une capacité de 2 à 6 personnes, les tentes équipées sont le parfait compromis entre camping en mobil-home et campement en tente ordinaire. Envie de combiner tente aménagée et hébergement insolite ? Optez pour une écolodge au milieu des bois, et vivez des vacances pleines d’aventures !

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The founding of Leopard Tours in 1985 was an inspiration from the sheer wealth of natural attractions that make Tanzania one of the most enchanting safari destinations in Africa. It is a destination of natural wonders and understated beauty. With more than 25% of its area of 945,087 square kilometres set aside for game parks and reserves, Tanzania is considered the ultimate destination for nature observation and recreation.

In a ceremony held in Arusha, Tanzania, on 11 th  February 2013, to honour the winners of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, Tanzania was recognized as the leading nature destination in Africa. Out of the Seven Natural Wonders of Africa, three of the World Heritage Sites of Tanzania were among the winners in the celebrated list, namely: Kilimanjaro National Park (Mount Kilimanjaro) , the Ngorongoro Conservation Area (Ngorongoro Crater) and Serengeti National Park.  The winners were announced by the President and Founder of Seven Natural Wonders, Dr Phillip Imler, with Serengeti National Park emerging as the best of them all.

Leopard Tours is constantly investing in product development, focused on using the preferred assortment of safari vehicles and operations team needed to provide the best conditions for visitors to share with us the natural wonders of Tanzania.


Leopard Tours is proudly organizing visits to these wonderful places, including the idyllic islands of Zanzibar and Mafia , keeping in mind the arrangements and guest experiences are as rewarding as possible in recognition of the special value that visitors attach to these tours. Part of the tour fees that our guests pay go directly to the conservation and management of these nature reserves and cultural heritage sites.

The Tanzania Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism vision statement is “Sustainable conservation of natural and cultural resources and development of responsible tourism”.

Tanzania is committed to low impact, sustainable tourism. Before starting their safari tour and holiday in Tanzania, visitors traveling with Leopard Tours are briefed about the fragility of the ecosystems and the need to tread lightly. Among other pre-safari notes, the guest’s welcome information kit includes National Park regulations, as we believe the protection of our natural world and cultural heritage is the responsibility of every one of us. 







location tente tours


location tente tours


location tente tours


location tente tours


location tente tours




(2 nights Ngorongoro, 2 nights Serengeti & 1 night Lake Manyara)

(Minimum 2 pax per departure)



(1 night Manyara, 1 night Serengeti, 1 night Ngorongoro & 1 night Tarangire)



(Marangu Route)

News & Updates

Leopard Tours Tanzania


Leading Tour Operator in Tanzania. Experts in Wildlife Safaris since 1985. Great People for Memorable Safaris

location tente tours

  • Les Castels : collection unique de campings de luxe en France
  • Hébergements
  • Location tente équipée

Camping avec location de tentes équipées et aménagées

Partir en camping dans une tente équipée, associant le confort d'un hébergement et le charme des vacances en camping, ça vous tente ? Découvrez des propositions à mi-chemin entre une location et une…

La Garangeoire

Découvrez les charmes de la Vendée depuis un camping luxe, tourné vers la nature et le confort de ses hôtes. Proche des plages, avec un parc aquatique et un lagon artificiel, c'est le lieu de vacances idéal de tous les membres de la famille.

Parc de Fierbois

Vos vacances prennent des allures de vie de château dans ce camping de luxe tourné vers la nature. Vivez un séjour reposant en famille ou riche en découvertes, dans ce camping idéalement situé pour visiter la Touraine et les châteaux du Val de Loire.

Le Brévedent

Un camping haut de gamme et éco-responsable au cœur de la Normandie qui ravira les curieux et les gourmands. Entre plages du débarquement, promenades au bord de l'étang, café-concert, ferme pédagogique et piscine chauffée, à chacun son activité.

Château de Martragny

Placez le charme et l'élégance au cœur de vos vacances en camping en Normandie. Le Château de Martragny annonce une belle palette d'activités sportives ou tournées vers la détente, pour tous. Vous préférez l'histoire ? Rendez-vous sur les plages du débarquement.

Les Bois du Bardelet

Un camping idéal pour les familles qui souhaitent découvrir la Sologne et sillonner les différents châteaux de la Loire. Entre étang et forêt, dans un grand jardin fleuri, ce camping de luxe dispose d'un espace aquatique et d'hébergements tout confort.

Château de Poinsouze

L'expression "camping nature" prend tout son sens au Château de Poinsouze. Dans un environnement calme et verdoyant au coeur de la Creuse, vous optez au choix pour des vacances reposantes ou un séjour plus rythmé : piscine, sport, visites et animations familiales au programme.

Les Ormes, Domaine & Resort

Entre Saint-Malo et le Mont Saint-Michel, découvrez un camping de luxe qui prône le calme, l'intimité et le respect de la nature. Dans son immense parc aménagé, sa grande piscine couverte ou sur les plages des localités voisines, divertissez-vous en famille.

Château de Chanteloup

Le camping se transforme en conte de fées dans le parc boisé du château de Chanteloup. La détente se vit au bord de la piscine, sur les rives de l'étang ou les terrains de sport du domaine. Un établissement qui fait rimer luxe et confort avec nature.

Château de Lez Eaux

La Normandie vous attend pour un séjour en camping à la fois dépaysant et reposant. Choisissez parmi des hébergements haut de gamme ou plus classiques et dessinez votre séjour : les toboggans de la piscine, après ou avant l'escapade au Mont Saint Michel ?

Trouver un camping avec location de tente équipée

location tente tours

Les vacances en camping sous une tente équipée séduiront plus d’une famille ! Imaginez votre prochain départ en camping, sans table ni chaise à charger dans votre coffre... Projetez vous autour d'un ensemble de mobilier de jardin tout confort, avec pour seul bruit le chant des oiseaux qui vous entourent ! Songez aux nuits agréables passées sur un vrai matelas moelleux, bien loin de votre tapis de sol inconfortable... Voilà les promesses tenues par la location de tentes équipées dans nos campings de France. Nos tentes vous permettent de vivre les joies du camping sans ses inconvénients : un retour aux sources qui vous promet des vacances vraiment reposantes.

Une location de tente équipée pour des vacances inoubliables

location tente tours

Sous votre location de tente meublée, sur un emplacement spacieux et parfaitement délimité, vous passez d’agréables vacances au grand air et en pleine nature. Ombre ou soleil, herbe ou sol plus plat, avec ou sans électricité, choisissez les caractéristiques de votre emplacement selon nos disponibilités. A l’intérieur de votre tente aménagée, profitez de vrais couchages confortables, d’un espace commun facile à vivre et spacieux. Equipé d’une cuisine, et d’une salle de bain dans certains campings, la location d'une tente équipée surprendra toute la famille.

Une tente équipée, le camping traditionnel revisité

location tente tours

La location d'une tente équipée vous permet de passer des vacances en camping amélioré, de 2 à 6 personnes. Les tentes équipées, aussi nommées "hébergement toilé" sont un juste milieu parfait entre le mobil-home et la toile de tente ! Coco sweet, tente lodge, tente safari ou tipi : chaque modèle d’hébergement toilé possède son propre charme et vous fera vivre l’expérience du glamping, le camping confort et glamour au plus près de la nature ! Cette année, laissez la location de tente équipée enchanter vos vacances.

Un cadre privilégié pour vos vacances en tente aménagée

location tente tours

Nos campings Les Castels offrent des emplacements de choix pour votre tente aménagée. Que ce soit à l'ombre de chênes centenaires, à quelques pas d'une plage de sable fin ou au cœur d'une clairière paisible, chaque site a été choisi pour son cadre exceptionnel. Vivez au rythme de la nature, réveillez-vous avec le lever du soleil et endormez-vous sous un ciel étoilé, dans le confort de votre tente équipée.

Des vacances qui riment avec simplicité et liberté

location tente tours

Opter pour une tente aménagée, c'est choisir la simplicité sans sacrifier le confort. Libérés des contraintes matérielles, vous pouvez vous consacrer pleinement à l'exploration des environs, aux activités proposées par le camping ou simplement au repos. Les tentes équipées sont l'option idéale pour des vacances en famille, en couple ou entre amis, alliant liberté, aventure et confort.

Des équipements qui font toute la différence

location tente tours

La location d'une tente aménagée avec Les Castels, c'est l'assurance de bénéficier d'équipements de qualité. De la literie confortable aux ustensiles de cuisine, en passant par le mobilier de jardin, tout est pensé pour que votre séjour soit aussi agréable que possible. Pour ceux qui recherchent un plus grand confort, certaines de nos tentes sont équipées de sanitaires privatifs, ajoutant une touche de luxe à votre expérience de camping.

Vivez l'expérience du camping réinventé

location tente tours

Que vous soyez un campeur aguerri à la recherche d'un peu plus de confort ou un novice du camping attiré par l'appel de la nature mais réticent à l'idée de dormir sous une simple toile, la location d'une tente aménagée est la solution idéale. Elle offre une porte d'entrée accessible à tous pour découvrir ou redécouvrir les joies du camping, avec un petit supplément d'âme et beaucoup de confort.

Alors, prêts à embarquer pour une aventure où nature et confort se rencontrent ? Réservez dès maintenant votre tente aménagée dans l'un de nos campings de charme et vivez des vacances inoubliables dans le confort douillet de votre tente.

FAQ - Tout savoir sur la location de tentes aménagées

location tente tours

Qu'est-ce qu'une tente aménagée ?

Une tente aménagée est un type d'hébergement de camping qui combine le charme et l'authenticité du camping traditionnel avec le confort des installations modernes. Elle est généralement équipée de lits, d’un espace de vie, d'une cuisine, d’un accès Wifi et parfois même de sanitaires privatifs si votre tente est implanté sur un emplacement Castels Suite.

Quels sont les équipements fournis dans une tente aménagée ?

Les équipements varient selon les campings, mais une tente aménagée inclut habituellement des lits confortables, un coin cuisine avec le nécessaire de cuisine, un espace repas… Des meubles de jardin peuvent également être fournis pour profiter de l’extérieur.

location tente tours

Les tentes aménagées sont-elles adaptées aux séjours avec des enfants ?

Les tentes aménagées sont parfaites pour des vacances en famille ! Elles offrent un cadre sécurisé et confortable pour les enfants, tout en leur permettant de profiter pleinement de l'expérience du camping.

Peut-on cuisiner à l'intérieur d'une tente aménagée ?

Oui, la plupart des tentes aménagées disposent d'un coin cuisine équipé pour préparer des repas simples, ce qui vous permet de jouir d'une autonomie complète pour vos repas.

Les animaux de compagnie sont-ils autorisés dans les tentes aménagées ?

La politique concernant les animaux de compagnie varie d'un camping à l'autre. Il est important de vérifier cette information auprès du camping choisi lors de votre réservation.

location tente tours

Quelle est la meilleure période pour louer une tente aménagée ?

Les tentes aménagées peuvent être louées tout au long de la saison de camping, généralement du printemps à l'automne.

Comment réserver une tente aménagée ?

La réservation se fait directement via notre site. Il est recommandé de réserver à l'avance, surtout pour les périodes de haute saison, afin de garantir la disponibilité.

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  1. Tente étoile 13 mètres

    location tente tours

  2. Location Tente de reception Tours

    location tente tours

  3. Tente étoile 13 mètres

    location tente tours

  4. Tente stretch

    location tente tours

  5. Location Tente Mariage Tipi

    location tente tours

  6. Tente Lodge Lotus

    location tente tours


  1. Camping Sunêlia les Sablons *****


  1. Location de tentes et de barnums Tours

    Events37 le spécialiste de la location de Tentes Bédouines & Mange-debouts à Tours | Devis GRATUIT en ligne ou au 06 78 90 15 84. Menu. Events37-3, ... Location de tentes et de barnums Tours. Louez vos tentes de réception et barnums en quelques clics avec Events37!

  2. Location de tentes lodges

    Location de tentes - wedding camping - Location tentes tipis lodges nomades pour hébergement temporaire. Solutions couchages pour mariage et séminaire. Accueil. ... Tours 2 locs, location de tentes de réception atypiques. Spécialiste des yourtes de réception, tipis chapiteaux & hôtellerie nomade sous tentes - Mariages - Séminaires ...

  3. Location de barnum et tente pliante en Touraine (37)

    Alizé Barnum Location. Alizé Barnum Location propose un service de location de barnums et de tentes pliables.La société est située en Indre-et-Loire dans la commune de Veretz.Bruno est à votre écoute pour vous accompagner, vous conseiller et vous proposer la structure de tente la plus adaptée à votre événement et à votre budget.

  4. Location Yourtes, tipis, stretch, dômes géodésiques, tentes hébergement

    Location de tente de réception, yourte, tipi et tentes lodges pour votre événement, mariage, festival, séminaire d'entreprise, réception et team building. ... Tours 2 locs, location de tentes de réception atypiques. Spécialiste des yourtes de réception, tipis chapiteaux & hôtellerie nomade sous tentes - Mariages - Séminaires ...

  5. Barnums et tentes pliantes à louer en Touraine (37)

    Alizé Barnum, la solution de location de barnumsen Indre-et-Loire. Nous vous proposons plusieurs tailles de barnums, adaptés à la dimension de votre évènement : mariage, séminaire, réception privée. Pour agrémenter votre évènement et simplifier son organisation, nous mettons à votre disposition un catalogue d'options .

  6. Location de yourte pour réception, mariage et événnements

    Nos yourtes de location sont également les tentes parfaite pour une cérémonie en petit comité. Yourtes & Festival. ... Tours 2 locs, location de tentes de réception atypiques. Spécialiste des yourtes de réception, tipis chapiteaux & hôtellerie nomade sous tentes - Mariages - Séminaires - Festivals - SARL Tours2Locs au capital de 18 ...

  7. Tented Safaris

    What is a Tented Safari. Combining the words Safari meaning ''an expedition to observe animals in their natural habitat'' and Tented ''consisting of tents; providing accommodation in the form of tents''. A Tented Safari is staying or sleeping under the canvas while staying in a location where you can very close to nature and ...

  8. About Us

    On Location Tours, the Concierge Choice Award Winner for Sightseeing and Tours, is one of the world's largest TV and movie tour companies and the only one operating in multiple cities. The tours feature sites from the hottest and latest on the big and small screen. Founded in 1999 by Georgette Blau, it has quickly become one of the East Coast ...

  9. On Location Tours

    Follow in the footsteps of your favorite TV and movie characters on one of the East Coast's hottest tourist attractions. On Location Tours offers the most unique and only TV and movie-themed bus tours and walking tours in New York City and Boston. Tour New York TV and movie sites. See all the Sex and the City hotspots.

  10. Home

    Located just steps away from the towering Erg Chebbi dunes, our oasis beckons adventurers to explore the mesmerizing landscape. Immerse yourself in the rich culture with camel tours through the desert, thrilling quad or buggy rides over the golden sands, and savor the flavors of traditional Moroccan cuisine under the starry night sky.

  11. Reviews

    Let us know how we did using the form below or write your own review on TripAdvisor. Name. First Last. Email. Message. ON LOCATION TOURS. (212) 683-2027 [email protected]. QUICK LINKS.

  12. La Salle de Réception

    Le Domaine des Deux Tours - mariage - tente de réception - cérémonie laïque - Rikila Location - grange extérieure - Essonne - paris - mariage laïque - lieu de réception - lieu mariage - séminaire - team building - lieu de tournage - tour médiévale - lieu historique

  13. Africa's Top Luxury Tented Safari Camps

    5 Best-kept Secrets in Tanzania. 4. Cottar's 1920s Safari Camp. Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Just outside the Masai Mara, in its own game-rich conservancy, is Cottar's 1920s Camp. The Olderkesi Private Conservancy on which the camp is positioned forms a corridor between the Masai Mara and Serengeti.

  14. 8 Incredible Filming Locations in Christopher Nolan's 'Tenet'

    StreamingVideo GamesCountry MusicTop 100 Music. Food & Drink. WhiskeyBeerRecipesCocktails & SpiritsHealthy FoodWine. A new blockbuster from the auteur director, Christopher Nolan's 'Tenet' was ...

  15. Plan a Visit

    Location & Directions. Tenement Museum. 103 Orchard Street. New York, NY 10002. 1 (877) 975-3786. Located on the corner of Orchard St and Delancey St. All tours start here. Our wheelchair-accessible entrance faces the Delancey St side of 103 Orchard Street. The exact street address is 81 Delancey Street.

  16. La Toile Nomade

    Implanté dans le Pays Basque, la Toile Nomade propose la location de Tentes Stretch / Tentes Nomades. Chapiteaux - Barnums - Tente de réception. Tente Chic & Bohème / Champêtre Intervention sur tout le sud-ouest ( Pau - Bayonne - Biarritz - Tarbes - Toulouse - Auch - Mont de Marsan - Dax) ainsi que la région centre ( Orléans - Paris - Blois - Chartres - Versaille )

  17. Guide to Camping on the Tour du Mont Blanc [2024 Update]

    About the Tour du Mont Blanc. The Tour du Mont Blanc takes trekkers through France, Italy, and Switzerland on one of the most spectacular trails in the world.Typically completed in 11 stages, the route circumnavigates Mont Blanc, the highest peak in Western Europe. The trail passes through seven unique and beautiful valleys, where charming hamlets and regional delicacies abound.

  18. Locations

    TENTE Casters Co., Ltd. Chindori-cho 13272-0126 Ichikawa-city Chiba Japan. [email protected] +81 47 300 2333. Call Mail. TENTE Casters, Inc. 2266 Southpark DriveHebron KY 41048 United States of America. [email protected] +1 859 586 5558. Call Mail. TENTE Castors & Wheels Pty. Ltd.

  19. location tente de toit

    Cool! The Arizona roof top tents are made in France by a company called NaïtUp (Duö model). Meals on Wheels! Van-Away supplies you with all the equipment you will need (. We also furnish you with a compression fridge that plugs into the cigarette lighter so you can keep your food and drinks cool even in the height of summer!

  20. Location de tentes de reception, barnums et bien plus en PACA

    Louez des tentes de receptio chez Justatent à petit prix, Livraison et location de mobilier pour tous vos événements en PACA. Réservez dès maintenant ! top of page. ... Bienvenue chez JustATent, votre fournisseur de choix pour la location de tentes d'événement ! Quelle que soit l'occasion, nous avons la solution parfaite pour rendre ...

  21. Camping en tente aménagée et équipée

    En camping en tente aménagée, votre confort est maximisé : terrasse aménagée, mobilier haut de gamme, literie confortable, espaces communs spacieux, cuisine et même salle de bain dans certains campings…. Transformez vos vacances en réel moment de confort et de détente en choisissant un séjour en tente équipée.

  22. Leopard Tours

    Leopard Tours is proudly organizing visits to these wonderful places, including the idyllic islands of Zanzibar and Mafia, keeping in mind the arrangements and guest experiences are as rewarding as possible in recognition of the special value that visitors attach to these tours.Part of the tour fees that our guests pay go directly to the conservation and management of these nature reserves and ...

  23. Camping location tente équipée et aménagée

    Des équipements qui font toute la différence. La location d'une tente aménagée avec Les Castels, c'est l'assurance de bénéficier d'équipements de qualité. De la literie confortable aux ustensiles de cuisine, en passant par le mobilier de jardin, tout est pensé pour que votre séjour soit aussi agréable que possible.