M Y Travel & Money Services LTD

M Y Travel & Money Services LTD

m y travel & money services ltd

Information about M Y Travel & Money Services LTD

Opening hours

  • Monday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

COVID-19 CUSTOMER NOTICEAs Of Monday 9th November 2020 The Office Timings Will Be:.Monday – 10:30am to 5:30pmTuesday – 10:30am to 5:30pmWednesday – 10:30am to 5:30pmThursday – 10:30am to 5:30pmFriday – 10:30am to 5:30pmSaturday – 10:30am to 3:30pmSorry for Any Inconvenience This May Ca...

M Y Travel & Money Services LTD: Reviews

Fantastic experience: Best servic

Fantastic experience:

Fantastic experience: Perfect service. They go the extra mile. Very helpful indeed

Fantastic experience: Good and fast service

Fantastic experience: Great service. Number 1 in the Birmingham

Fantastic experience: I recently booked holiday with them to agadir morocco their prices were cheaper than the other website akeel helped with transfers taxi aswell they answered my queries while I was on holiday will definitely go to them with for my next holiday Sakina

Fantastic experience: Very great service, trustworthy, competitive prices and quick response. I have been using their services to buy flight tickets and to send money abroad since 2001. Their father was a great person who unfortunately passed away in 2011.

Fantastic experience: Good comunication fast reply

Fantastic experience: Very welcoming and prompt service, professional transaction fully explained and went beyond explaining and directing how to have all my documents and money while away

Fantastic experience: Positive: Professionalism

Fantastic experience: Very good

Positive experience: Used their services a few times and never had a problem ... good customer servic

Fantastic experience: Customer services Amazing

Positive experience: They get the job done and stick to the rules/regulations as a money transfer shop. It would be nice if they could smile now and then just to show the customer thanks for your custom ! If they start smiling I'd give them 5* !

Fantastic experience: Best place to book your holidays, and fastest money service .

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  • Company No. 07990871

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M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd

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M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd

  • Incorporated on 14 Mar 2012

Reg Address: 437 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham B11 4LB

  • Company Number 07990871
  • Company Status Active
  • Incorporation Date 14 Mar 2012
  • Total Assets £104.28K £+0 (+0%)
  • Company Type Ltd
  • Country of Origin United Kingdom
  • Total Charges 0
  • Charges (Outstanding) 0
  • Charges (Partly Satisfied) 0
  • Charges (Satisfied) 0
  • Accounts Last Made 31 Mar 2023
  • Accounts Type Micro-entity
  • Accounts Next Due 31 Dec 2024
  • Ruturns Last Made -
  • Ruturns Next Due -
  • Confirmation Statement Last Made 14 Mar 2024
  • Confirmation Statement Next Due 28 Mar 2025
  • Average Number of Employees 3

Company Classifications: 79110 - Travel agency activities

  • Summary The company with name "M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd" is a ltd and located in 437 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham B11 4LB. M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd is currently in active status and it was incorporated on 14 Mar 2012 (12 years 5 months ago). Details about company profile is given in below sections.

Company Financials

Overview of company financial details and comparison for the last 2 years.

Following is the chart showing overview of the company assets and liabilities in last few years. Also there are details about company finances for current year and comparison with the last year.

  • Accounts Period Covered Start Date 1 Apr 2022
  • Accounts Period Covered End Date 31 Mar 2023
  • Total Assets £104.28K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Total Liabilities £-8.57K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Equity £94.24K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Equity (Share Capital) -
  • Investments in Group Undertakings -
  • Creditors £-8.57K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Current Assets £91K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Net Assets £94.24K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Net Current Assets £82.43K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Total Assets Less Current Liabilities £95.71K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Cash In Bank -
  • Fixed Assets £13.29K £+0 (+0%) change vs prev year
  • Property, Plant and Equipments -
  • Accounts Currency GBP

Directors and Secretaries

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Company number 07990871

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Officers: 1 officer / 0 resignations, yasin, mohammad akeel.

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m y travel & money services ltd

M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd

Category : Money Transfer Services Category : Money Transfer Services

Address: 437 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B11 4LB

Landline: 0121 77... Landline: 0121 77... Landline: 0121 771 3212 -->

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Limited cash to invest? Build positions in high-flying stocks with fractional trading

When a high-flying stock seems out ofreach for investors with limited cash, fractional trading can help fulfil that dream of owning a piece of the company — one small portion at a time.

Fractional trading is a great way for young people to get started in investing, said Kalee Boisvert, investment adviser at Raymond James Ltd.

If a stock is trading at $300 per share, for example, the investor can buy a portion of one share and start building their position in that stock over time, Boisvert explained.

Young people in particular sometimes shy away from starting to invest because they don’t have large quantities of money set aside. Boisvert recalledbeing fearful of investing in the stock market in her 20s because of that very reason.

“I thought that you had to have a lot more money to start and I didn’t start until much later,” she said. Looking back, she realizes how much she missed out on in terms of compounding because she delayed her investing journey.

Fractional trading removes that mental roadblock of needing a huge sum of money to invest and makes stocks more accessible to people, Boisvert added.

“The idea is you can start investing with less money, you can buy stocks that maybe were seen as expensive,” Boisvert said.

Fractional trading has been around for a long time and is fairly common on do-it-yourself trading platforms such as Wealthsimple or Robinhood.

On Robinhood, for instance, a fraction of a share can be one-millionth of the whole share.

Last week, TD Direct Investing launched fractional trading to allow customers to buy and sell fractions of stocks and exchange-traded funds for as little as $5.

Cindy Marques, CEO of financial planning company MakeCents, said the popularity and ease of trading onDIY investingplatforms have challenged big banks to open their doors to easier ways of trading.

“They have to compete,” she said of the big banks expanding to fractional trading.

Marques said trading apps have made investing straightforward in many ways for Canadians and at low cost, without having to work with an adviser or visit a bank.

With fractional ownership comes fractional rights to dividends and voting in a company.

“You still have all the same rights,” Marques said. “It will just be in proportion to the shares.”

If an investor bought 50 per cent of a share, the fraction of the dividend will be equivalent to that proportion, pro-rated to the ownership of that stock. Likewise, the weight of the vote is pro-rated to the fractional share, Marques explained.

When it comes to selling fractional shares, it’s similar to selling a whole share, except investors can put the exact dollar amount they’d like to get from the sale instead of the number of shares, said Boisvert.

Marques warned trading, whether whole or fractional, isn’t for everyone — especially those who can’t make time to research a company before buying.

“Although it makes (trading) easier to do so fractionally with a smaller budget, that takes a lot of research,” Marques said.

“In many cases for your average Canadians who may not have the time or the interest or the expertise in researching companies or taking this kind of a gamble on just one company, it’s still more appropriate to work with managed portfolios,” she suggested.

The basics of investing still apply to fractional investing, Boisvert said, such as keeping in mind your time horizonand risk tolerance.

For instance, if you have a goal to put a down payment on a home in the next year, the investor shouldn’t be putting that money into equities that can be volatile in the short-term, she explained.

Instead, rely on tried-and-true investment concepts like diversification, which is also easier to achieve with fractional units, she said. Fractional shares also make it more accessible to purchase stocks at various price points, especially when the purchases are spread across months.

It’s important to not put all of your eggs in one basket, and have no more than five per cent of a portfolio in any one holding, Boisvert added.

“When we’re talking about buying units of shares, keep in mind to avoid FOMO (fear of missing out),” Boisvert warned.

She said young investors often gravitate toward stocks that are gaining popularity. But if a stock is soaring, chances are you’re a bit too late to the game already, Boisvert added.

She suggested a Warren Buffett-style approach to the stock market where investors put their money to work in companies they’re comfortable owning for years.

Fractional ownership could also help those hoping to get in on Buffett’s investing results, as even Berkshire Hathaway Inc.’s B shares sell for about US$430 each. Still, that’s a bargain compared with its A shares, which run around US$646,000 a pop.

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Understanding the Costco Car Rental Program and How It Can Save Money

A re you a Costco member who loves to travel? Did you know Costco offers an exclusive service for members that can save money on car rentals? This program can be accessed through Costco Travel’s services and collaborates with well-known car rental agencies to offer an extensive fleet of rental vehicles at discounted rates.

Understanding the Costco car rental program is vital for members planning on utilizing its services. It ensures transparency, prevents unexpected costs, and allows informed decisions on vehicles and exclusive member prices.  Though plenty of rental service options are available, Costco members are encouraged to take advantage of the many exclusive perks and discounts included with their membership. Not convinced yet? 

Let’s discuss, in detail, the advantages of choosing Costco’s car rental program for your future travel endeavors. Whether your travels include a week-long stay at a luxury hotel or an upcoming family road trip, knowing you have the best package on your car rental will give you peace of mind.

The Many Benefits of Costco Travel 

Costco Travel offers a myriad of benefits that make it a go-to choice for members looking for convenient and affordable travel options. One of the primary draws is the substantial cost savings and exclusive discounts available to Costco members. Through strategic partnerships with major car rental companies, Costco Travel ensures its members enjoy preferential rates, translating into significant savings on their travel expenses.

Moreover, the program boasts a diverse selection of available vehicles, catering to a wide range of preferences and travel needs. Whether members are searching for compact cars for city exploration, spacious SUVs for family adventures, or luxurious options for special occasions, Costco Travel provides vehicle options to suit every occasion.

In addition to cost-effectiveness and vehicle diversity, Costco Travel enhances the travel experience with additional perks and features. Members often benefit from complimentary extras like free additional drivers, unlimited mileage, and special promotions. These benefits add value to the rental and create a more enjoyable and stress-free travel experience.

Participating Car Rental Companies 

Costco Travel collaborates with major car rental companies, forming a robust network that provides Costco members with diverse choices and unique features for their rental needs. The program’s impressive roster of car rental partners includes well-known names in the industry, such as Avis, Budget, Enterprise, and Alamo. 

This extensive partnership ensures members have access to a broad spectrum of rental options, from economy cars to premium vehicles, enabling them to tailor their choices based on their preferences and travel requirements.

Each car rental partner within the Costco Travel program brings its own set of unique features and advantages. For instance, Avis and Budget are renowned for their widespread global presence and premium vehicle options, while Enterprise is recognized for its exceptional customer service and extensive network of conveniently located branches. 

Costco car rentals are available in the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii , as well as several foreign countries.

How to Access Costco Travel’s Rental Car Program

Accessing Costco’s car rental program is a straightforward process that begins with meeting membership requirements. To unlock the program’s exclusive benefits and discounts, individuals must first be Costco members. 

The program is accessible both online and in the store. The online platform provides a user-friendly interface where members can explore various rental options, compare prices, and make reservations at their convenience.

Costco’s brick-and-mortar locations facilitate access to the rental car program for those who prefer a more hands-on approach. The knowledgeable staff at Costco’s physical stores can guide members through the process, offering in-person assistance and ensuring every member gets the most out of the program.

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Understanding the rental process.

Understanding the rental process with Costco Travel is essential for a smooth and stress-free experience. The steps are as follows:

  • Make a reservation (either online or in-store.) 
  • Provide travel details.
  • Select a vehicle.
  • Select a pickup and drop-off time and location

Cost Factors and Considerations 

The breakdown of rental fees, as provided by Costco Travel, ensures transparency, allowing members to comprehend the full cost upfront, including base rental rates, taxes, and any applicable fees. This clarity aids in accurate budgeting and eliminates unexpected financial surprises.

However, members should also be mindful of potential additional costs. These may include fees for extra services, fuel policies, and charges for returning the vehicle late. Costco Travel often details these potential costs, empowering members to make informed decisions that align with their preferences and travel budgets.

To maximize savings, Costco Travel offers valuable tips. Members can take advantage of exclusive discounts, promotions, and additional perks to maximize their travel budgets when utilizing Costco’s rental car program.

Insurance Options 

Costco’s rental program offers comprehensive insurance coverage options, aiming to provide members with peace of mind during their travels. The available insurance coverage typically includes:

Liability Insurance:  

Covers bodily injury and property damage claims up to a specified limit, offering financial protection in case of an accident for which the renter is responsible.

Collision Damage Waiver (CDW):  

CDW limits the renter’s financial responsibility for damage to the rental car, subject to a deductible.

Comprehensive Coverage:  

This coverage offers protection against non-collision incidents, such as theft, vandalism, or natural disasters.

Personal Accident Insurance (PAI):  

PAI provides coverage for medical expenses and accidental death benefits for the renter and passengers.

Personal Effects Coverage:  

This option protects personal belongings inside the rental car in case of theft or damage.

Exclusive Offers and Promotions 

As mentioned, Costco Travel frequently offers periodic promotions as exclusive perks for its members, enhancing the value of the Costco car rental Program. These promotions can include special discounts, complimentary upgrades, additional benefits, or unique packages, providing members with opportunities to save money or enjoy extra amenities during their car rental experience.

Staying updated on these special offers is essential for Costco members looking to maximize their benefits. Here are ways members can stay informed about periodic promotions:

Costco Travel Website:

Regularly check the Costco Travel website for announcements and featured promotions. The website often highlights ongoing offers, providing detailed information on the benefits and terms associated with each promotion.

Email Notifications:

Costco may send email notifications to its members, alerting them to the latest travel promotions related to the car rental program. Members can subscribe to receive Costco communications to stay in the loop.

Costco Connection Magazine:

The Costco Connection magazine, available to Costco members, periodically features travel-related promotions and offers. Members can peruse the magazine for insights into the latest travel deals.

Costco Travel Social Media Channels:

Follow Costco Travel on social media platforms, where the company occasionally announces promotions and exclusive offers. Social media channels often serve as real-time communication tools for companies to connect with their members.

Membership Account Alerts:

Costco members can customize their online accounts to receive alerts and notifications about special promotions. Doing so ensures they are promptly informed when new offers become available.

These are some of the most frequently asked questions concerning Costco’s car rental program.

Membership Requirements:

  • “Do I need a Costco membership to access the car rental program?”
  • Yes, a Costco membership is required to benefit from the exclusive discounts and perks offered through the Costco car rental Program.

Rental Duration:

  • “What is the minimum/maximum rental duration allowed?”
  • Costco Travel typically offers flexibility in rental durations. Check the terms and conditions for specific details and any potential restrictions.

Insurance Coverage:

  • “What kind of insurance is included in the rental?”
  • Costco’s rental packages usually include basic insurance coverage. Members are encouraged to review the details and consider additional coverage based on their preferences and needs.

Clarifying Misconceptions

As straightforward as Costco’s car rental program is, there are still some commonly misunderstood features. Here are two of them:

Exclusive to Costco Members:

  • “The Costco car rental program is available to non-members.”
  • No, the Costco car rental program is exclusive to Costco members, and the benefits are a part of the membership offerings.

Limited Vehicle Options:

  • “Costco only offers basic car models.”
  • Costco’s program works with major rental companies, providing a broad selection of vehicles, including economy, SUVs, and luxury options.

Providing Contact Information for Further Assistance

For further assistance or specific inquiries, Costco members can reach out to Costco Travel through the following channels:

  • Customer Service Hotline:  

Members can contact the dedicated customer service line for assistance with reservations, clarifications, or concerns.

  • Online Help Center:  

The Costco Travel website often features a comprehensive help center with FAQs and guides to address common questions.

  • In-Store Assistance:  

Visit a local Costco store for in-person assistance from knowledgeable staff who can guide members through the program details.

Choose Costco Car Rental for Your Travel Needs 

As you consider exploring the Costco Travel offerings, remember the transparent breakdown of fees, potential additional costs, and valuable tips for maximizing savings. Understanding the rental process, from reservation procedures to pickup and drop-off details, adds to the seamless experience Costco aims to provide. You’ll travel with confidence when you choose a Costco car rental for your future travel needs.

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Understanding the Costco Car Rental Program and How It Can Save Money

Money blog: Inflation will rise in upcoming announcement, economists say

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Economists believe inflation rose above target once again last month, as we await the release of official figures tomorrow.

Those polled by Reuters think the headline figure for July will rise from 2% in June to 2.3% - the first increase since December.

It is thought the fading impact of lower energy prices will contribute to the upward movement.

Though the closely watched services inflation figure is expected to have fallen, it could still remain above 5% due to air fares, package holidays, hotel prices and wage growth (see our 7.22am post for more on this).

Susannah Streeter, head of money and markets at investment platform Hargreaves Lansdown, said: "The CPI reading for July is expected to show that headline inflation has veered away from target again, with further rises expected before the end of the year. 

"It seems clear that the fight against insidious inflation has not yet been won."

What does this mean for interest rates?

If inflation has risen, it will illustrate the dilemma facing the Bank of England in deciding how quickly to cut interest rates.

The Bank has elevated the base rate to restrict spending and keep inflation at bay.

Ms Streeter said high wage growth remained a "lingering concern" for Bank rate setters.

"The belt to constrain growth is likely to stay in place in September, because some policymakers are still worried about the potential for wage growth to bulge again," she said.

"They're concerned that if it's not held back, it could prompt inflation to run away again if firms pass on higher wage costs to prices charged to customers."

After a first cut to 5% in August, the Bank suggested rates would not fall as quickly as they rose from the beginning of 2022 until August last year.

Markets are currently pricing in a base rate hold in September, followed by consecutive cuts in November and December.

That would leave the base rate at 4.5% at the end of the year.

"The resurgence in headline inflation in the second half of the year will create a challenging backdrop for the BOE," said Dan Hanson, chief UK economist at Bloomberg Economics. 

"While the rise can be easily explained by base effects associated with energy prices, the optics of easing policy when inflation is on the rise aren't favourable."

The pound has risen against the dollar this week, partly because traders have shifted their bets slightly on how long it will be before there's another interest rate cut.

Ofgem has given the green light to a £3.4bn project to build an electricity "super highway" between Scotland and England.

Eastern Green Link 2 - a joint programme between Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks and National Grid - would stretch for 500km (311 miles) from Aberdeenshire to North Yorkshire, transporting major quantities of renewable energy.

It marks the biggest single investment in electricity infrastructure in Britain and is part of a drive to modernise the grid.

Jonathan Brearley, Ofgem chief executive, said the energy regulator was "fully committed to supporting the government to meet its aims of getting clean power by 2030".

"Today's announcement is a further step in putting the regulatory systems and processes in place to speed up network regulation to achieve its aim," he said.

Read the full story here ...

Amazon has launched its own credit card that gives 1% back on all purchases through the site. 

Partnering up with Barclaycard, the online giant's card gives customers 0.5% back on transactions made elsewhere - this will drop to 0.25% after the first year. 

This does not include gambling transactions, cash withdrawals, balance transfers, buying currency or money transfers. 

Amazon Prime members also get 2% back from all spending with Amazon during designated shopping event days, including Cyber Monday, Black Friday, and Prime Day.

Those who are approved for the account will get a £20 Amazon gift card as well.

Cardholders will have access to Barclaycard's entertainment perks, including advance pre-sales for selected UK events, and 10% off pre-sale tickets when they use their Amazon Barclaycard to pay. 

It comes with 0% APR on all purchases for the first six months.

After this, the card has a representative APR of 28.9%, with lending and rate subject to customers' financial circumstances and borrowing history. 

At the moment, it is only available to new Barclaycard customers, with existing account holders unable to switch. 

However, Barclays and Amazon are aiming to open applications for existing Barclaycard customers in the coming months. 

"We're excited to introduce the Amazon Barclaycard - designed to offer cardmembers ways to earn rewards for their Amazon purchases and every day activities with no annual fee," said John Boumphrey, Amazon UK country manager. 

"Delivering value to our customers is incredibly important to us, so we're delighted to introduce a new payment option that allows customers to save and earn on Amazon." 

This is an abridged version of Ian's full analysis, which you can read  here

Asda looks to be in a very bad way.

Its market share has fallen to 12.6%, down from 13.7% a year ago, which is an astonishing fall from grace.

What happened?

In short, a great deal of upheaval.

In October 2020, while the pandemic was still raging, Walmart  sold a majority stake in Asda  to the private equity company TDR Capital and to brothers Mohsin and Zuber Issa.

With Walmart maintaining a strategic 10% stake in Asda, allowing the retailer access to its buying power, there was initial optimism.

But the financial engineering that underpinned the deal - the buyers raised £2.75bn towards the purchase by selling a bond secured against Asda's property assets and put just £780m of their own capital at risk - meant that Asda became a heavily leveraged business as a result.

The warning signs

An early warning sign came when, in August 2021, the well-regarded Roger Burnley stepped down as Asda's chief executive after reportedly falling out with the brothers over strategy.

Asda failed to appoint a successor despite making overtures to several big names in the industry and, in early 2022, the search was suspended. The search is now back on again, led by headhunters Spencer Stuart, amid reports that a £10m-a-year salary is on offer to the right person.

A run of criticism

In the meantime, Asda's high borrowing has weighed on it, something which did not go unnoticed by the Competition and Markets Authority which, in an investigation last year into whether motorists were being over-charged for fuel, singled out a  loss of competitiveness  at Asda - previously seen as the industry leader when it came to cutting petrol and diesel prices.

There was further embarrassment when, in July last year, the Business Select Committee  criticised the brothers  for their "opaque" accounting after an excruciating hearing during which Mohsin Issa declined to answer several questions on whether Asda had increased its profit margins on fuel since the takeover.

Stability was further undermined by constant speculation that the brothers had fallen out.

This was strenuously denied but, in June this year, Zuber Issa  agreed to sell  his 22.5% shareholding in Asda to TDR - giving the latter a controlling 67.5% stake. Reinforcing the sense that the brothers were going their separate ways, EG Group sold its remaining UK forecourts to Zuber for £228m, while the latter stepped down from EG Group's board in the process.

Many of the problems with Asda's operational performance have been laid at the door of Mohsin Issa and his comparative lack of experience in supermarket retailing.

There have been several  clashes with unions  over staffing levels in the business, with long-standing employees complaining at having to do too much, while a push to disentangle Asda's IT systems from those of Walmart also created upheaval.

Losing patience

Trying to keep the show on the road and bring order to the chaos have been Lord Rose of Monewden, Asda's chairman since 2021 and  Michael Gleeson , the chief financial officer.

But even Lord Rose, a lauded figure in retailing for his leadership of Marks & Spencer in the 2000s, appears to be losing patience, telling the Sunday Telegraph at the weekend: "I am going to be perfectly honest with you. I've been in this industry for a long time and I am slightly embarrassed. I won't deny that.

"I don't like being second, third or fourth. And if you look honestly now at the comparative numbers of Kantar or whatever index, we are not performing as well as we should be. And I don't like that."

Declaring that Mohsin needed to relinquish day-to-day running of Asda, Lord Rose added: "We need a full-time, fully experienced retail executive to come in… we always said Mohsin was a particular horse for a particular course.

"He is a disrupter, an entrepreneur, he is an agitator. We've added a significant number of stores and we've changed a lot, but it now needs a different animal.

"In the nicest possible way, Mohsin's work is largely complete."

Hopeful signs

All is not yet lost for Asda.

It has a number of new high-profile recruits due to join in coming months. And it also appears to be listening more to its customers, with Mr Gleeson announcing last week an increase in the staffing of checkouts.

It is impossible to avoid the sense, though, that it desperately needs a full-time chief executive and quickly.

Planning on visiting some of London and the UK's top attractions this summer?

If you're not already aware, you can get 2-4-1 entry or a third off ticket prices to some of the UK's top attractions just by traveling by train.

Many of the attractions in the National Rail deal are in London, but not exclusively.

You only need to follow these four simple steps:

  • Choose an attraction from this list ;
  • Download and print your vouchers or buy your tickets online;
  • Travel by train;
  • Present your voucher or online tickets and train tickets.

By doing so, you can save yourself some serious funds - especially if you were travelling by train anyway.

For example, let's say a family of four visited London to see the waxworks at Madame Tussauds. 

They travelled from Basingstoke and headed to the attraction at 1pm on Monday.

If they had bought two adult and two children's tickets for their chosen slot on the official website, it would have cost £144.

But by using the National Rail deal, the cost of entry was £73.32. 

That's a saving of £70.68. 

Pay your train fare in savings

Train travel isn't cheap - in fact, Sky News found the UK has the most expensive train travel in Europe  even  before the latest price hike in March . 

Train tickets to get two adults and two children (under 15) into London from Basingstoke just before 10am on Monday would have cost a combined £90 (assuming no railcards). 

By contrast, if they had gone by coach, it would have cost them £23.30 in total (although the journey would have taken around an hour longer). 

This hypothetical family may have saved £70.68 on their Madame Tussauds tickets, but they're still around £20 down - because they're travelling by train.

The good news is that the national rail deal can be used across multiple attractions (if used on the same day) - meaning customers can effectively pay for their train tickets via the savings they'll make by attending multiple venues. 

If we apply that to our earlier example, the family could have also visited the London Eye, SEA LIFE Aquarium as well as the waxworks - making savings at each along the way, which would cover the cost of their train tickets and more. 

They could also have shaved off pennies on meals out, like 2-4-1 off pizza and pasta at Azzurro Italian Bar & Kitchen Waterloo (when a drink is purchased). 

Further savings could have been made with annual railcards and hunting around the best times to travel and to book attractions. 

All prices correct as of time of writing. Train/bus tickets were advanced singles. 

Outside the capital 

As mentioned, the majority of the attractions on the list are in London, but there are plenty outside of the capital. 

Thorpe Park, Warwick Castle and Alton Towers are among the attractions listed across the UK - you can read the full list here . 

Nationwide and Halifax have become the latest lenders to announce further mortgage rate cuts as competition continues across the market. 

From tomorrow, Nationwide will reduce rates by up to 0.2 percentage points across its two, three and five-year fixed-rate offers. 

The lowest rate of 3.83% is part of a five-year fix at 60% LTV deal, which comes with a £1,499 fee and will be available to new and existing customers who are moving home. 

This makes it the joint lowest five-year deal on the market, tied with Barclays and Natwest. 

The Barclays deal comes with a £699 fee, while NatWest's has a £1,495 charge. 

First-time buyers will also be better off under the Nationwide cuts - here are some of the new deals available:

  • Five-year fixed rate at 60% LTV with a £999 fee is 4.19% 
  • Five-year fixed rate at 85% LTV with a £999 fee is 4.46%
  • Two-year fixed rate at 85% LTV with a £999 fee is 4.90% 

Selected two, three and five-year switcher rates up to 95% LTV will also be cut by up to 0.2 percentage points with rates starting from 4.06%.

Meanwhile, Halifax is reducing its three-year remortgage products by up to 0.37 percentage points. 

Brokers have welcomed the cuts, saying "two of the largest players in the mortgage market" are sending a "clear and strong message to borrowers". 

"Lenders are hungry for business during the remainder of 2024 and borrowers should take note. With competition between lenders heating up, now is a fantastic time for borrowers to make their property dreams a reality," Stephen Perkins, managing director at Yellow Brick Mortgages, told Newspage. 

However, others have pointed out that people with low deposits are still missing out on lower rates. 

"Yet again first-time buyers with small deposits of 5-10%, who are the backbone of the housing market, are left out in the cold. Lenders need to bring first-time buyers in to really heat the market up," Darryl Dhoffer, from The Mortgage Expert, says. 

By Sarah Taaffe-Maguire , business reporter

A new survey has suggested that fixing your energy tariff could save you just £5 a year - far less than savings in years gone by.

It had been the case that a typical customer could gain roughly £60 to £80 a year by setting bills for a 12-month period, according to research firm Cornwall Insight.

But cheaper deals have left the market amid forecasts of an October increase to the energy regulator's price cap, which places a maximum charge per unit of electricity. 

Fixed tariffs have struggled to offer a cheaper alternative since the beginning of the energy price crisis at the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine war.

Before Russia's invasion, customers could "consistently expect three-figure savings" if they switched to a fixed rate, Cornwall said. 

While there had been hopes that the benefits of fixed tariffs could return, "optimism may have been premature", analyst at Cornwall Insight, James Mabey, added. 

"Earlier this year, there were glimpses of savings in the hundreds of pounds, but fixed tariffs have since crept back up to around the same annual cost as the price cap," he said. 

Basically, GDP is a tool used to assess the size and health of an economy.

It stands for gross domestic product and measures the monetary value of final goods and services produced in the country over a given period.

Generally, if GDP is growing, and inflation is in check, it's a strong sign that the economy is doing well, with more jobs and better wages available, and people spending more money.

If it's falling, it signals the economy is doing badly, often bringing with it lower incomes and job cuts.

Governments, businesses and economists monitor GDP growth among other indicators to understand where the economy stands - and where it's headed.

How is it measured?

GDP can be measured in three ways:

  • Output - the value of goods and services produced by all sectors of the economy - construction, retail, manufacturing etc;
  • Expenditure - money invested by businesses and spending by households and the government;
  • Income - the total value of income generated by the production of goods and services in terms of company profits and employee benefits.

Output is the most often cited of the three, as it is the measure with the best information available to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

The ONS, the UK's largest statistics authority, publishes GDP figures every month (we'll get quarter figures this Thursday) - one of only a small number of countries to do so. However, the monthly data is more volatile, meaning the quarterly figures, which cover three-month periods, are seen as more important.

What does GDP not include?

GDP is an important tool - but it's not perfect.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) cautions there are some things that GDP does not reveal, such as the overall standard of living or wellbeing of the country.

It points out that the quality of life can depend on how wealth is distributed among residents, and not just the overall level. Higher output may also come at the expense of leisure time or the running down of non-renewables, it notes.

GDP also excludes any unpaid work, such as childcare or looking after elderly relatives.

One of the best measures of living standards is GDP per capita - which reflects economic growth per head of the population. This also takes into account the affects of migration.

What's happening with GDP now - and how does it affect me?

According to the latest ONS figures, the UK economy returned to growth in May after flatlining in April. As we said above, new data is due on Thursday.

GDP is estimated to have grown 0.4% month-on-month - double the pace economists predicted.

Labour has committed to having the fastest economic growth in the G7 during their time in office. 

But the IMF forecasts suggest the UK will fall far short of this both this year and next, with 0.7% growth this year considerably smaller than the 2.6% expected in the US, and next year's 1.5% smaller than Canada's projected 2.4%.

No growth can lead to recession

If GDP falls for successive three-month periods (quarters), the UK is in a technical recession.

During a recession, there's less money circulating: less money for workers from their employers, less money being spent in shops and restaurants, and less money going to the government in tax from wages to pay for things like benefits and public services.

You can learn more about this in our explainer here ...

Read other entries in our Basically series...

Thousands of Monzo users have reported the banking app is down.

Tracking monitor Downdetector said more than 2,000 reports of the app not working had been lodged so far. 

More than nine million people use Monzo. 

Users have been met with this message when opening the app...  

Some have complained on social media.

One said: "Any idea how long before you are back online gotta pay rent and unable to and even your phone lines are down."

Another said: "Just transferred money to my account and have not received it yet."

Sky News has reached out to Monzo for comment, but has not received a reply.

However, Monzo replied to one user, saying they were aware of the issue...

Not content with being named the UK's top on-the-go breakfast destination this year (ahead of McDonald's), Greggs is now targeting the evening meal market - with pizza potentially the main attraction.

CEO Roisin Currie said the bakery chain's evening sales were "growing faster" than any other time of day.

"We are very focused on evening trading at the moment because we believe this is a really profitable part of the business long term," she told The Grocer .

Ms Currie said the company could offer a "breadth of range" to customers - including hot and cold sandwiches, pizza, bakes and salads.

"Pizza is very important for us when competing with the food-to-go market as a whole," she said.

Up to 160 new sites, set up for evening trading, could be opened each year as part of the plans, The Grocer reports. The stores would be opened near train stations, airports and popular commuter routes.

"If a [Greggs] was open and busy at 7am, the shop would open at 6.30am," said Ms Currie. "The same way, if a shop is still busy at 7pm and there is trade around that shop, we will stretch their hours to 7.30pm."

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    M Y TRAVEL & MONEY SERVICES LTD. Company Number: 07990871 M Y TRAVEL & MONEY SERVICES LTD (the "Company") is a Private Limited Company, incorporated on 14 March 2012 (Wednesday) in UK. The company current operating status is Active and registered office is at 437 STRATFORD ROAD, SPARKHILL, BIRMINGHAM, WEST MIDLANDS.

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    Summary The company with name "M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd" is a private limited company and located in 437 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham B11 4LB. M Y Travel & Money Services Ltd is currently in active status and it was incorporated on 14 Mar 2012 (11 years 6 months 5 days ago). Details about company profile is given in below sections.

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