• Non-player races
  • Season Eight: The Sphere
  • Solanae Dyson Sphere
  • Pre-22nd Century
  • VisualEditor


The Voth are an ancient civilization in the Delta Quadrant . Their culture dates back twenty million years and relies on strict adherence to Voth Doctrine or simply "Doctrine". Questioning Doctrine is considered heresy and punished harshly by the ruling Ministry of Elders . The Doctrine is called into question by scientists finding evidence for the Distant Origin Theory , which posits that the Voth evolved on Earth . Whether the Voth have a homeworld in the Delta Quadrant is currently unknown.

  • 1 Physiology
  • 3.1 Solanae Dyson Sphere
  • 3.2 Delta Quadrant
  • 4.2 Duty officers
  • 5.1 Starships/Vehicles
  • 5.2 Ground forces
  • 9 External links

Physiology [ | ]

Voth are a humanoid reptiloid species that presumably descended from the Hadrosaurid Parasaurolophus , extinct on Earth since the Late Cretaceous era, roughly 75 to 65 million years ago. The Voth have retained the crest extending from the back of their head. Smaller Voth have shorter cranial crests than their bulkier counterparts. The largest Voth stand taller than most humanoids and rather compare with enormous Breen like Thot Trel , or the most massive Gorn Ra'wiq and Hodch . They also have the ability to deploy spines from their forearms which are laced with a paralytic toxin, though this ability is rarely used.

History [ | ]

Klingon Intelligence File - Voth

A Klingon Defense Force intel report on the Voth

Voth Commander

A Voth Strike Commander

  • Over 400 million years ago [1] , Eryops , the last common ancestor of warm- and cold-blooded animals (and thus Humans and Voth) lives on Earth.
  • ~75 million years ago, Parasaurolophus , the direct ancestor of the Voth, lives on Earth.
  • By ~65 million years ago, the intelligent saurian Voth had evolved from the Parasaurolophus . In anticipation of a massive asteroid impact that would wipe out their civilization and all dinosaurs , they somehow left Earth and took with them genetic samples of the soon-to-be extinct dinosaurs.
  • The Voth had reached the Delta Quadrant by ~20 million years ago , which is as far back as their cultural identity extends. Over the ensuing period they developed what came to be known as 'The Doctrine', their guiding principles, which specified that the Voth were the first lifeforms in the quadrant and that they originated in that area of space. In addition, another clause declared that non-indigenous beings had no rights. Heresy against Doctrine was an arrestable and serious offence.
  • Sometime after that, the Voth broke the transwarp threshold. The Doctrine proclaimed this new technology to be dangerous to Voth culture, so it was initially held back for millennia. At some point of time, the Voth also ally themselves with the Turei , who they consider worthy partners due to their reptilian ancestry.
  • In 2363 , Professor Forra Gegen propounds his "Distant Origin Theory", contending that the Voth originated on a far away world and thereby contradicting the Doctrine.
  • In 2373, Gegen and his assistant Tova Veer are able to prove their theory by comparing Voth genes with genetic samples extracted from the remains of a crewmember of the U.S.S. Voyager . Although they even "extract" a live Human from the Voyager and present it to the Voth Ministry of Elders, Gegen's work is banned as heresy.
  • In 2409 , the Voth discover the Solanae Dyson Sphere and attempt to claim it as their own, but encounter resistance from an alliance of Starfleet , KDF , and Romulan Republic forces, leading to armed conflict between the two groups.
  • ↑ According to real world-science, the genus Eryops lived ~300 million years ago.

Nelen Exil

Nelen Exil , a Voth scientist, played a vital role in uncovering the secrets of Solanae Dyson Sphere

Missions involved [ | ]

Voth vs Vaadwaur - Turei Homeworld

Despite being known for their technological superiority, Voth suffered a heavy defeat at the hands of Vaadwaur.

Voth vs Vaadwaur - Mech Suit

Voth often employed mech suits in combat.

Solanae Dyson Sphere [ | ]


Delta Quadrant [ | ]

People [ | ], duty officers [ | ], military [ | ], starships/vehicles [ | ].

Critter Rank 0 icon

  • Voth Fortress Ship

Ground forces [ | ]

Bosses [ | ], gallery [ | ].

Voth Strike Commander

Voth Strike Commander

Voth Specialist

Voth Specialist

Voth Medic

Dacentrus-Class Exosuit

Bio-Engineered Dankanasaur

Bio-Engineered Dankanasaur

Bio-Engineered Furiadon

Bio-Engineered Furiadon

Bio-Engineered Viriosaurus Rex

Bio-Engineered Viriosaurus Rex

Rex Axxara

Voth Bastion Cruiser

Voth Citadel Dreadnought

Voth Citadel Dreadnought

Notes [ | ]

  • At least some Voth ships seem to use a V.S.S. prefix, presumably standing for ' V oth s pace s hip'.

See also [ | ]

  • Playable Voth starships

External links [ | ]

  • Season 8 Dev Blog #4 - Designing the Voth
  • Season 8 Dev Blog #5 - Designing the Voth's Ships
  • Season 8 Dev Blog #6 - Designing the Voth Ground Combat Experience
  • Season 8 Dev Blog #7 - Designing the Voth Space Combat Experience
  • Voth at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Ministry of Elders at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Voth Doctrine at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Distant Origin Theory at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Voth at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 Lobi Crystal Consortium

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from video games
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from games
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from novellas
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from reference works
  • Humanoid species
  • Races and cultures
  • Delta Quadrant races and cultures
  • Reptilian races and cultures
  • 1.1 24th century
  • 1.2 25th century
  • 1.3 27th century
  • 2 Alternate timeline
  • 4 Culture and Society
  • 5 Technology
  • 6 Known individuals
  • 7.1 Ground forces
  • 7.2 Space vehicles
  • 9.1 Connections
  • 9.2 External link

History [ ]

The ancient ancestors of the Voth were the Hadrosaurids , which were a species of large herbivore dinosaurs that inhabited prehistoric Earth. They may have evolved until they became a bipedal race and formed settlements on their homeworld. At some point in their time, they discovered that an asteroid would destroy the surface of their planet and began the task of leaving their homeworld. It had been suggested by Commander Chakotay that any settlements that the Voth had on Earth had been buried by natural disasters such as earthquakes or sank to the bottom of the sea.

Somehow, the Voth would later find themselves in the Delta Quadrant where they began to start a new life. Nothing is known about this period or how the race managed to 'forget' its origins on Earth. They established their new homeworld and began to believe in a new belief known as Doctrine which governed their society. This was enforced by Inquisitors .

Around 75,000 BCE, the race would eventually learn to travel through transwarp space even though Doctrine stated that a great disaster would occur should this happen. Upon using this advanced form of propulsion, a new era of exploration began for the species.

24th century [ ]

Despite the relative calm within their race, a noted scientist, Professor Forra Gegen , believed in the theory that their race was not native to that region of space. This came after an extend analysis that showed that their race had nothing in common with the species native to their homeworld. They also discovered the remains of a mammalian endothermic that contained genetic markers that were common with the Voth. Gegen would be on the run from his government with his assistant Tova Veer as they searched for the USS Voyager , which was present in the Delta Quadrant. In December 2374 , they managed to locate the ship and confirm the theory but were apprehended by the Ministry of Elders who journeyed to the location and captured the starship Voyager .

On board the Voth City Ship the Ministry rejected Gegen's arguments for his theory and forced him to retract his statement or the Voyager crew would face detention and the destruction of their starship. He would later be assigned to metallurgy while the Voyager crew were warned not to encounter the Voth again. ( VOY episode : " Distant Origin ")

Despite the Ministry of Elders' misgivings, the Distant Origin theory gained traction among parts of the Voth population. Chakotay had given Gegen a globe representing Earth and containing a chip with Starfleet 's database entry of the planet. In 2376 , Chakotay met two members of the Voth underground on the Markonian outpost , 40,000 light-years away from the location of Voyager 's first encounter with their people. The underground informed Chakotay that the knowledge was being disseminated and that the orthodoxy began to send fleets of ships to demand symbolic obedience to them. While the underground was unable to directly share the spoils of the Voth's transwarp technology, they provided the chance to collect scans of its usage by giving Chakotay the coordinates of a Voth transwarp conduit near a young star.

On stardate 53058.8 (January 22, 2376), a Voth cruiser engaged its transwarp engines when Voyager was present, inadvertently allowing it to take detailed scans of the process with its multispatial probe . The Voth noticed Voyager , however, and targeted the probe with a coronal mass ejection from the young star. Unfortunately, the probe was damaged. Lieutenant Marika Wilkarah died trying to retrieve the probe, and the multispatial probe itself was lost. ( VOY short story : " Brief Candle ")

In late 2381 , the Devore , Karlon , Turei , Vaadwaur and Voth joined the Kinara and began blockading the Gateway to the First World . The Confederacy Interstellar Fleet and the Kinara became embroiled in skirmishes, and the Voth sabotaged the Federation subspace relay network in the Delta Quadrant. At some point before February 2382 , the fugitive Neyser criminal Meegan McDonnell took control of Devore, Turei, Vaadwaur, and other leaders by occupying their minds with those of her fellow criminal Neysers. ( VOY novels : Protectors , Acts of Contrition )

In late 2381, a Kinara fleet attacked the Federation starships USS Voyager and USS Demeter and their wave form allies near the Ark Planet . The CIF Twelfth Lamont led a fleet of the Confederacy Interstellar Fleet and obliterated the Kinara fleet. General Mattings subsequently invited the Federation ships to visit the First World. ( VOY novel : Protectors )

In February 2382 , Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway convinced the Presider of the Confederacy of the Worlds of the First Quadrant , Isorla Cin , to enter negotiations with the Kinara fleet blockading the Gateway. Skeen Rigger Meeml of the starship Lightcarrier responded to her hail, and the Confederacy learned of the Kinara's demands for the first time. The diplomatic exchange was enabled by the Federation starship USS Vesta .

The Neyser-possessed commanding officer of the Devore warship Manticle , Inspector Kashyk , inserted himself into the conversation and made the extradition of Admiral Janeway a non-negotiable term for peace between the Confederacy and the Kinara . When the Confederacy declined to abide to these terms, the standoff degenerated into open battle. The battle came to a halt when Janeway agreed to be extradited. A shuttle carried her and two subordinates to the Manticle , where Kashyk and a multi-species security team took her into custody to stand trial. The Manticle departed afterwards. ( VOY novels : Protectors , Acts of Contrition )

25th century [ ]


A Voth mech exosuit .

In 2409 , an alliance consisting of the Federation , the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Republic began to occupy the Solanae Dyson Sphere in the Delta Quadrant to disable its capability of mass-producing Omega particles . The Voth were present in the Dyson sphere as well and intended to harness the powers of the particle and the Omega molecule derived from it as weapons against the Borg , who were attacking their borders. The Voth and the Allies subsequently began a trench war for the possession of the sphere. ( STO mission : " Circles within Circles "; STO website : Season 9 Dev Blog #11 )

The presence of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant "mammals" spurred the Voth underground and freethinkers. Numerous Voth defected to the Allies. ( STO episode : " Solanae Dyson Sphere ")

In 2410 , a Voth battle group attacked an Alpha Quadrant Alliance vessel sent to rescue the crew of the USS Callisto . However, the fleet warped out before more than the scouting elements could engage, responding to a distress signal from their allies the Turei . The AQA vessel followed and found the Voth engaged with the Vaadwaur in defense of the Turei homeworld . The Vaadwaur initially held the upper hand, but the AQA vessel deployed an away team to bring the Turei planetary defense grid back online, and the Voth deployed ground forces and reinforcements to repel the attack. The failure of the Voth to aid their ally against a renewed Vaadwaur assault later that year convinced the Turei to join the Delta Alliance . ( STO - Delta Quadrant missions : " Revelations ", " Alliances ")

27th century [ ]

In the 27th century , the Norolob Republic was a vital intermediary in building a lasting peace between the Voth and the Federation. ( DTI eBook : The Collectors )

Alternate timeline [ ]

In a timeline where the Borg were wiped out by Species 8472 , Voyager stayed in the Delta Quadrant and helped to found the Delta Coalition in 2375 . The Voth and the Coalition had an uneasy relationship but eventually formed an alliance against the invading Species 8472 after one of their Citadel -class city ships was destroyed by "the Scourge". The continued contact between the Voth and the Humans of Voyager spurred Gegen's Distant Origin theory. In 2376 , Species 8472 made peace with the Voth and Coalition, formally bowing to the Ministry of Elders to appease them so that the Voth would not unleash a weapon of mass destruction against fluidic space . ( VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile )

Biology [ ]

The Voth evolved from the Hadrosaur , a dinosaur species that existed before the extinction of the giant saurians on the planet Earth. This evolution resulted in a bipedal form with hands and legs present for both movement and manipulation of the environment. Voth skin is adorned with scales and bony plating, and is colored in various shades of orange, brown and gray, with green, yellow and purple streaking. An individual's skin color is subject to subtle changes; vasodilation is a form of non-verbal communication among the Voth, and much can be gleaned about an individual's emotional state from the current shade of their skin. Vasodilation is of particular importance during courtship.

Voth hands feature three clawed digits, one opposable. The skull sweeps back into a bony crest, while the nose bridge is protected by bony plates, as are the brows. The nose bridge plating of Voth males is smooth, whereas females have a protruding bone at the top.

The Voth are exothermic , and believe endotherms like mammals to be an inferior form of life. They equate the more rapid mammalian metabolism with the fleeting nature of their civilizations, in contrast to that of the Voth, which has endured in various forms for millions of years. It is certainly true that the Voth brain is more efficient than that of most endotherms; their cranial capacity is twenty-two percent greater than that of a Human. The Voth brain also features a Dilitus lobe , which is responsible for their heightened sense of smell. Again, Voth olfactory capabilities are far superior to those of most mammals. These heightened senses allow them to enjoy the Sulfur Lagoons of Hokath .


Klingon analysis on the Voth in 2409.

Voth are mostly herbivorous, but also feed upon insects between meals. The Voth tongue is lengthy and can be fired like that of a chameleon or some frogs. Voth often place lamps in their homes and aboard their ships in order to attract flying insects, which are then consumed at leisure. ( VOY episode : " Distant Origin ")

The Voth are not a naturally violent people, although they are brutal in enforcing their doctrine. Descended from herbivores, they are naturally equipped for defense rather than attack. When faced with a severe threat, most Voth can enter into a form of protective hibernation. Their heart rate and body temperature drop and their metabolisms almost completely shut down, although the automatic nervous system remains fully functional. In less extreme situations, they can defend themselves by firing organic needles called "bio-darts". Special orifices on the Voth forearm fire a natural biological stinger that delivers fast-acting venom. This venom is highly adaptive, and will render most species unconscious almost immediately, although it is not fatal. ( STO episode : " Solanae Dyson Sphere ")

Culture and Society [ ]

The Voth government appears to be led by the Ministry of Elders which serves as the administrative branch of the race and guides them. Another branch was the Circles of Science which is the scientific wing of the race and is divided into many 'sub-circles' such as the Circle of Exobiology .

The Voth religious belief is centered around Doctrine which is their governing principle that states that the Voth originate from their homeworld in the Delta Quadrant. While most believe this, a faction within the Circle of Science began to study this theory and hypothesized the Distant Origin theory . This theory, which is heretical as it opposes Doctrine, states that the race do not originate from their homeworld in the Delta Quadrant but are in fact from a planet in the Alpha Quadrant .

The belief in Doctrine is so rigid that it prevents many developments within their society though there are the odd occasions where Doctrine is proven wrong. One such example was the statement that using transwarp technology would bring about a great disaster but regardless of this warning, one member of their kind did succeed in this task. Despite breaking Doctrine, this was accepted and a new age of expansion began for their race while Doctrine was presumably altered to accommodate the new change in their society.

While many Voth are firm believers of Doctrine, it is known that only Heretics and the Ministry of Elders know of the truth. Heretics would be rounded up and sent to detention colonies while the Ministry would continue to suppress the knowledge as they could not bear to believe that they, as they saw it, were a race of nomads pitifully fleeing their homeworld. ( VOY episode : " Distant Origin ")

The Voth were known to serve the Vothian thunder leek as a form of food. ( ST reference : Star Trek Cookbook )

Mainstream Voth were severely prejudiced against endothermic species such as humans , whom they saw as an inferior form of life, but considered exotherms such as the Turei to be allies. ( VOY episode : " Distant Origin "; STO episode : " Solanae Dyson Sphere "; STO mission : " Revelations ")

Technology [ ]

By first contact with the Federation the Voth had developed a level of technology far above the successors of their original homeworld. They had developed not only transwarp drives but phase cloak devices that could be fitted on individuals as well as starships. Another demonstration of their advanced capabilities was the fielding of a massive Voth City Ship , as well as the ability to transport a starship the size of the USS Voyager into the vessel without any difficulty. ( VOY episode : " Distant Origin ")

Voth weapons technologies included antiproton beams and transphasic-chroniton torpedoes . Their ground forces included genetically engineered creatures similar to Earth theropod dinosaurs, acting as both supply carriers and armored vehicle analogues, in tandem with conventional infantry forces and crewed exosuits . ( STO episode : " Solanae Dyson Sphere ")

Known individuals [ ]

  • Brenn Mieze
  • Brigin Velgek
  • Feler Traum
  • Forla Veera
  • Forlak Geeran
  • Forra Gegen
  • Fraula Tren
  • Frola Gegen
  • Grensa Trask
  • Hathen Grek
  • Havla Leereg
  • Hogal Gavne
  • Lorn Gleben
  • Maren Biger
  • Nellan Klin
  • Norra Klein
  • Orotha Venna
  • Rathul Haken
  • Tranel Fell
  • Vell Dranen

Military [ ]

Ground forces [ ].

  • bio-engineered Dankanasaur
  • Voth mech repair drone
  • Voth supply runner
  • Voth spec ops
  • bio-engineered Furiadon
  • Ceratopsid -class exosuit
  • strike commander
  • Dacentrus -class exosuit
  • Polyonax -class exosuit
  • bio-engineered Viriosaurus Rex ( STO episode : " Solanae Dyson Sphere ")

Space vehicles [ ]

  • Voth City Ship ( VOY episode : " Distant Origin ")
  • Voth heavy fighter
  • Ward -class repair ship
  • Palisade -class frigate / science vessel
  • Bastion -class flight-deck cruiser
  • Bulwark -class battleship / dreadnought cruiser
  • Citadel -class dreadnought
  • Voth Fortress Ship ( STO episode : " Solanae Dyson Sphere ")

Gallery [ ]

Voth battle group.

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], external link [ ].

  • Voth article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Voth article at Star Trek Online Wiki .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Odyssey class
  • 3 DS9 relaunch

Task Force Phoenix

Tf phoenix is a star trek online player community..

star trek voth

Endeavors Made Easy

This guide will help to make the endeavor grind as quick and painless as possible. Since the Foundry and its easy to do kill accolade missions were removed from the game, some endeavors have become far less convenient to complete. For obvious reasons straightforward endeavors such as deal a certain type of damage will be omitted (with two exceptions). Some endeavors can be conveniently completed by starting a TFO and then quitting the mission (Assault on Terok Nor or Azure Nebula Rescue for example) but I do not advocate such a tactic.

One concept that will turn several otherwise time-consuming grinds into very quick and easy completions is leaving episodes in progress. You don’t have to complete an episode once you’ve started it, nor must you restart from the beginning. You can always abort with your progress saved to the last map transfer (or sometimes major plot point). When you come back to it, even months later, you will once again begin at that last map transfer without having to play through the preceding sections. For certain enemies who do not appear early in a mission nor have their own adventure zone, or whose TFOs rarely are queued for, this is a great way to reach your required kill numbers. This strategy works as long as you do not drop the mission at any point, and as long as you do not progress far enough to trigger the next map transfer or major plot point. Make sure you have all the mission rewards that you want from the episodes in question before you start using them for endeavors.

Defeat Tzenkethi (ground)

Mission: Scylla and Charybdis

Play through the space section. Yes, this is tedious the first time you do it, but once you have done it once you can start from the ground section “Adamant”, at which point this endeavor becomes one of the quickest and easiest to do. Play through the various Tzenkethi ambushes, but I would avoid going into the cave system because once you begin that combat it is difficult to extricate yourself from it so you can beam out. If your need to defeat more Tzenkethi than the outdoor section provides, simply beam up and start over.

Defeat Tzenkethi (space)

Location: Gon’cra space battlezone

This one does not have a convenient episode with which to transwarp to its location, so the transwarp destinations menu is required. Either that or a lot of slow flying from a different star system somewhat farther away.

Defeat Hur’q Attendants (ground)

Mission: Home

Play through the space section. It is a simple, albeit long, brawl, and then beam to the “Frontier Medicine” mission point. Fight through the Hur’q dreadnought interior but do not start Bashir’s computer hacking phase. If you need to defeat more attendants, simply beam up and start over.

Defeat Hur’q Frigates (space)

Just play through the initial space combat section. For obvious reasons, do not use the same character for this and the Hur’q attendants endeavor.

Defeat Terrans (ground)

Mission: Ragnarok

Play through the space section and then beam into “The Battle of Enterprise-J”. Fight the Terrans on the Enterprise but do not enter the engineering section. If you start the computer setup phase you will begin there when you restart the mission rather than at the beginning of the ground section. This initial sections contains 21 Terran ground soldiers.

Defeat Terrans (space)

Location: Badlands Battlezone

Use the episode “Spoils of War” to quickly transwarp there.

Defeat Herald Ships (space)

Mission: Broken Circle

The initial ground section is long and tedious with way too much talking, but once you’ve finished it once you can start in the space section “The Direct Approach” on all subsequent playthroughs. Fight each of the three groups of Herald ships and then warp out before repairing the damaged allied ships. If you need to defeat more Heralds then just do this first space section over again. As an aside, Captain Kagran’s strategy is a perfect example of what not to do when fighting from the weaker position of an asymmetrical war. The weaker side should always default to guerilla tactics and avoid a pitched battle.

Defeat Tholian Ships (space)

Mission: Archer System Patrol, Azure Nebula Rescue

Archer System Patrol is typical of most of the Romulan space area patrols with 5 waves of Tholians and should be able to quickly fulfil the endeavor’s requirements. It is located in the far right of the Narendra sector.

Azure Nebula Rescue is a fairly easy lucrative mission and is fun to do with a particle generator-based science ship. It takes a long time though so it may be one for skipping if you are in a hurry.

Defeat Voth (space)

Location: Sphere space contested zone

Depending on your luck this can be really quick or kind of a chore, depending on the state of the map when you get there. Each of the 4 towers can have large groups of Voth allowing you to complete the endeavor quickly if you can get to each one before the other players. Once the Voth fleet is triggered, you can obviously destroy a large number of them as long as the players on the map are not trying to tackle all 4 all at once. You can also do several of the found missions. Voth can be a tricky opponent to fight because of their Reflective Immunity Matrix, making them immune to energy weapons along one shield facing and quickly destroying your ship with a form of feedback pulse, so the best ships in which to complete this endeavor are pure torpedo boats and exotic damage-based science ships. The easiest way to get to the contested zone is to take the shuttle to the ground battlezone then beam up.

Defeat Voth (ground)

Location: Dyson sphere ground battlezone

Travel there, fight dinosaurs with frickin’ laser beams on their heads. Make sure you get your missions from Commander Arnold so you can get big dilithium and Dyson mark rewards.

Defeat Borg (ground)

Location: Ohta and Qay’ghun ground battle zones, Defera ground adventure zone

These two planets have stationary groups of Borg just waiting to be killed. The one problem with going to Ohta (southeast of Nukara) on the Federation side is occasionally there will be a Klingon player waiting there to hunt you. Klingons on the other hand have the option of going to Qay’ghun (just southwest of Q’onos, so very convenient to get there) where there are no Federation players, and can also actually do the mission there to gain large dilithium rewards from Lieutenant B’Eta and Commander J’Vek, so I tend to favour doing this with a Klingon captain.

Apparently the Defera ground adventure zone is still a thing as well, so that would be another option.

Defeat Captains (ground)

Mission: The Undying

After a bit of running around at the beginning of this mission, you are put into a combat arena where each wave includes a captain ranked enemy for a total of 5, so this endeavor can be completed very quickly. If you weren’t lucky enough to meet a Nimbus miniboss on the way, the final Nausicaan guard captain before you get to Hassan’s office also counts, so this mission will get you your required 6. The Nimbus 3 episodes were removed from the main episode progression for some reason but are still accessible through the “Available” tab. To get to Shangdu the first time requires some running, however subsequent playthroughs can be reached quicker using the Nimbus 3 transporter system. The main transporter is in the bar behind the Dance Coordinator. The Stronghold transporter is under the scaffolding to the right of the door to Hassan’s club. Some players prefer to ignore the episode and instead hang around fighting the Orion Syndicate guards outside in the Stronghold. Located on the mezzanine above the transporter pad where you beam in is a pirate captain which counts toward this endeavor. The miniboss for the area also spawns fairly frequently. This takes a little longer than the episode to defeat 6 captains for the hard version of the endeavor but would be the preferred method for the easier versions requiring only 2 captains and has some small dilithium rewards.

Defeat Dreadnoughts (space)

Mission: Hive Onslaught (advanced or elite)

Most missions will have one dreadnought in them at some point. If you are doing the lower tier versions of this endeavor then there is no real trick to it. However, doing the elite endeavor requires a large number of dreadnoughts and the best place for that is Hive Onslaught, where every tactical cube counts as one, along with the unimatrix ships and the Queen’s octahedron. In the normal version of the mission there are no tactical cubes, so only the last 3 ships count as dreadnoughts.

Destroy Destructable Torpedoes (space)

Mission: Brushfire, Operation Riposte, Undine Battlezone, Awakening Patrols

This one is still a bit of a chore. The initial space section of Brushfire, if you fight every Son’a ship available and take a little time to do it will complete the elite version of this endeavor in 3 playthroughs. Operation Riposte, if you get to be the ship on missile interception duty, will complete the elite version of the endeavor but you have to play through much of the mission to even get to this section, though if you complete the mission you at least get the rewards. The Undine use destructible torpedoes occasionally. If you are in the battlezone with a significant number of enemies and a ship with plenty of multitarget weapons, you will be able to complete this endeavor eventually, though I have never completed the endeavor in this way.

Elachi use heavy torpedoes frequently, which makes the new Awakening patrols a potential great source for completing this endeavor. “Sentinels” seems particularly effective. I have not tried it yet as I have not gotten this endeavor since the new content was introduced.

From a reader:

Mission: Crystalline Catastrophe

The crystalline shards count as destructable torpedoes and doing this mission with any sort of multitarget attack guarantees quick completion of this endeavor. As a bonus, if you are powerful you get nice rewards for winning.

Materials Scan (ground)

Mission: Sphere of Influence

Not only does this mission have 2 materials on the first map with no combat, you can also transwarp to the location if you want to easily go to New Romulus. You may have to beam out and begin again two more times. You do not have to drop the mission in between runs, just beam out and restart the mission again.

Materials Scan (space)

Mission: Mine Enemy

The initial space section of this episode has a whopping 4 materials and the one fight is optional.

Gain Salvage

Methods: New Awakening patrols or buying things

The patrols introduced in Awakening have huge armadas of enemy ships and produce copious amounts of equipment loot. Just bring lots of firepower. Prior to this if you were powerful and lucky you could generate a lot of salvageable loot from space battle zones if you were in a big group, but that required either coordination or timing and was not guaranteed to be convenient so I would usually just go to a vendor and buy equipment specifically to salvage. These patrols however make it easy.

Repair shields (ground)

Methods: Engineering captain or bridge officers

If you have an engineering captain it is fairly easy to do this with Shield Recharge captain ability and access to so many shield heal kit modules. Just find a ground mission with a lot of incoming enemy fire and get shot. I often just take my engineering captain to the center location in either of the two Borg ground battle zones and let the turrets shoot me. MACO set bonus also has a shield heal. If you are a not an engineering captain, this might seem more difficult but it is still fairly easy. Just train an engineering bridge officer in your away team (preferably 2 of them) with shield recharge then play a mission with a lot of incoming enemy fire. I find Scylla and Charybdis with my character that is already set up to play that mission a good choice, which would be very convenient if both shield healing and defeat Tzenkethi endeavors were active at the same time. I’m sure there are other options.

Heal health (ground)

Methods: Science captain, Engineering captain, or bridge officers

Science captains have several different kit modules to generate healing, such as medical tricorder, vascular regenerator, or triage. Nanite health monitor would probably not end up being used for this since you’ll be being more proactive than that. Any mission with lots of damage dealing enemies will do. Engineering captains have medical generator and, here’s the synergistic part, quick fix. I simply go to the Borg ground battle zones and let the Borg shoot me and my medical generator while my medical generator heals me and I use quick fix to heal my medical generator. If you’re a tactical captain you will have to use science bridge officers in your away team with medical tricorder and vascular regenerator to heal you in a mission. Motivation provides some healing but needs help to complete the endeavor in a reasonable timeframe.

Tetryon Damage (space)

Mission: Argala system patrol

I know not many of you have significant tetryon use. You could always buy some low-end tetryon weapons. Most of you have at least one ship with a hangar bay and Tholian widows are a decent source of tetryon damage as well. However, if you want to make it a little easier on yourself, the two Benthan Guard ships in Argala system patrol count at your pets for the purpose of damage ownership, which is something that doesn’t happen with most allied ships in missions, and they use tetryon, so just let them do the work.

Physical Damage (ground)

Method: choose your weapon appropriately

If you, like me, actually have a couple of characters who are dedicated punchers or swordsmen, then this is easy. However, since this method of combat requires specialized equipment and is generally only effective against a small number of high hp enemies, most people don’t have an effective melee character. You could take your regular character into ground combat with one of the many decent Bat’leths and it would be okay against slower enemies, especially the Borg on Ohta or Qay’ghun, but if you were lucky enough to pick up the Zefram Cochrane shotgun or the replica tommygun, this endeavor becomes quite easy. There are also a couple of science kit modules and temporal kit modules that cause some physical damage, but they are somewhat weaker than the kinetic, fire, cold, and radiation options.

Of course, once you get into the swing of things you’ll have far more reroll tokens than you need, so you’ll be able to skip endeavors that are less convenient or lucrative for you. For instance, I always skip the complete TFOs endeavors unless it’s a single Borg one. This list contains everything I know to complete endeavors but I doubt it’s truly the end word for everything. I’m sure some of you have some other great ideas of how to complete the endeavors. Please comment below.

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19 comments on “ endeavors made easy ”.

Shards in “Crystaline catastrophe” counted as destructable torpedos. U can also shoot anti-planet protomatter torpedos is “scilla and charibda” mission

For ground healing combination of space suit and healing trible also work. Undine dreadnoughts appears in undine battlesone in fed and rom zones if many players are present (5+?) Tholian ships can also be found in “in to the web” space encounter (on alpha sector map). Fighters and webs are counted too.

Both great additions to the list. Thanks, Silver.

From fleet member Aniol, here’s an interesting one for completing the ground healing endeavor:

Episode “Home” has several plasma fire patches on the ground that cause high damage if you stand in them, including one in the very first room of the “Frontier Medicine” section. This can be used to quickly accumulate damage for the purposes of healing, whether from your own abilities or your bridge officers, and apparently certain tribbles can also be used for healing on the ground to help it along. Be careful to just quickly move in and out of the plasma fire patch as it can kill you very quickly. Naturally, this would be done on your character who already has this part of the mission unlocked for purposes of completing the defeat H’urq attendants endeavor.

I d like to comment heal shield and health on ground: i recommend to go to go to nukara and walk into acid to have constant loss of health/ shields. this allows constant regeneration

Any advice on “Kill Elachi Captains (3)”? I don’t want to do the TFO but am unsure where else I can find a captain rank Elachi. Thanks!

There is an Elachi Predator in the episode “What’s Left Behind” but I’m not sure if that would be any more convenient than doing the TFO. Sadly I don’t think there’s a way to make this particular endeavor easy.

Oh great thank you! So the Captain Rank Elachi are called Predators? That helps me narrow down my wiki search lol – thanks!

Do you know if the Elachi commander in Turnabout counts by chance? That’s where you capture an Elachi ship. Thank you!

For Kill Terrans Ground the mission Jaberwocky in the Cardassian Struggle arc is very useful for both ground and space endeavors.

Jabberwocky would certainly work too for Terrans. I’m not sure how many of them are in a single run of the ground section. I went with Ragnarok because this was back before I got my new computer and the rain effects from Jabberwocky made it chug.

There are enough Terran grounds to kill at least 10 and about that number of ships too. I’ve only ever gotten the kill 10 version of the Terran Endeavor so it’s worked out great for me lol 🙂

There’s definitely ten Terrans on the Jabberwocky ground mission. I use it even for the purple endeavor and just beam out and back in. Still the easiest way to get Terran kills. For space, the Badlands BZ is best.

That would be a bit more beaming in and out. Ragnarok has 21 in the first ground section so you’d only have to beam in 3 times for the purple endeavor. But if you’re happy with Jabberwocky I’m happy with Jabberwocky.

Any suggestions for Defeat Tholians (Ground)? Thanks.

For Defeat Tholians (Ground) the solution is obvious but doing it super easily is a bit more clever than that. Nukara Prime adventure zone provides the most Tholians to kill of course but there are a couple of things to make it more easy. First, find a good mission with which to transwarp for free nearby. I use “Sentinels” which drops me fairly close but with some digging through the episode options you might be able to find one closer. The second is using the Agony Field Generator universal kit module, which allows you to kill many Tholians in a wide circle around you without having to maintain a weapons line of sight on them.

Awesome! Thanks a lot. 🙂

So what TFOs have Voth if we don’t want to do the battlezone?

You’re both in luck and out of luck. You’re in luck because you commented on a 4 year old post on a blog that isn’t updated anymore and you’re getting a reply. You’re out of luck because there are no TFOs that have ground Voth in them with any consistency or numbers. There aren’t even any episodes that have sufficient numbers of Voth ground enemies. So if you want to complete that endeavour without rerolling it, the battlezone is your only option.

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Voth vs. the Borg

  • Thread starter c0rnedfr0g
  • Start date Aug 22, 2013

Voth vs. Borg

  • Total voters 33


  • Aug 22, 2013

Which species is superior in terms of technology? The Borg probably have an advantage in terms of sheer numbers and also benefit from the technology of species all over the galaxy, but the Voth have been space-faring for tens of millions of years. Being in the Delta Quadrant, I'm sure these two species have had their run-ins, or are at least aware of each other.  


Vice Admiral

The Borg. They have assimilated technology of millions. If they ever have encountered each other they Borg probably found them "unremarkable" like the Kazon.  

R. Star

Rear Admiral

Really the only thing known about the Voth is they're better than Voyager. As we never saw them again, it's really just speculation.  


The Imperious Leader

  • Aug 23, 2013
Pondwater said: The Borg. They have assimilated technology of millions. If they ever have encountered each other they Borg probably found them "unremarkable" like the Kazon. Click to expand...


There are hundreds of aliens in the Trek Galaxy alone that could annihilate the Borg. The writers were just pussies who didn't have the guts to show them.  


Pondwater said: The Borg. They have assimilated technology of millions. Click to expand...
Tosk said: Pondwater said: The Borg. They have assimilated technology of millions. Click to expand...
Brave words. I've heard them before, from thousands of species across thousands of worlds, since long before you were created. But, now they are all Borg. Click to expand...


Flet Adirmal

How many more actual Borg are there? Thing with Borg, let's say they come across the race of similar population levels.. all they need to do is go assimilate a few more planets and BOOM they have more people. And of course not having to worry about quality of life, just how fast they can build cubes, is a plus.  

Who were these two people who answered "dunno". Why have they got no opinion, don't they know that isn't allowed this is the internet goddamit.  



Fleet captain.

Based on what we've seen of the Voth, it seems as though the Voth have technology probably equivalent to what we've seen the Federation have in the 29th or 31st century (ball parking). I would guess the Voth surely don't out number the Borg in any capacity, heck, the species seems to live on a ship floating amongst the stars with no actual home planet (that they know of) but they surely seem to be able to out power the Borg. The Borg could, more then likely, mount an attack so massive against the Voth that they would widdle them down, but by the time they did, the causalities to the Borg may not be worth it, that is assuming they could corner them. We seem to get the impression the Voth have a stronger mastery of Transwarp then the Borg do.  



Only Species 8472 have proven problematic for the Borg, all others are just awaiting the day of their assimilation...that is if the Collective deems them worthy--maybe the Borg assimilated a Voth and found them lacking in their pursuit for perfection.  


What we saw of the Voth leads me to belive they are a very powerful race. Personal Cloaking Devices Transwarp City Ships That can swallow an intrepid class whole and disable it effortlessly. I don't know how many ships the Voth have though, I would assume that in a battle the Borg wouldjust outlast them due to superior numbers 1 on 1 I think a Voth ship could take out a cube though  

I think the Borg superior numbers are hilarious. It's like the ultimate card up their sleeve even if they run into an unassimilatable species with more oomph. They just retreat, assimilate, and when they reach maximum swarm capacity to overtake that species they kick ass.  

Bry_Sinclair said: Only Species 8472 have proven problematic for the Borg, all others are just awaiting the day of their assimilation...that is if the Collective deems them worthy--maybe the Borg assimilated a Voth and found them lacking in their pursuit for perfection. Click to expand...

There's no evidence the Borg can assimilat non-corporeal life-forms, but it would be pretty cool to see.  

teacake said: Who were these two people who answered "dunno". Why have they got no opinion, don't they know that isn't allowed this is the internet goddamit. Click to expand...

vulcan redshirt

Lieutenant commander.

As a race somewhat more advanced than the Federation combined tech level, it would make sense that the Voth would be of interest to the Borg, in respect to the fact that due to their tech level the Voth may be a potential threat to the Borg, even if the Borg already have all the Voth tech (or equivalent). Since the Borg go about assimilating whole races, not just a few notable individuals and some tech, it is surprising (possibly due to bad writing) that any highly advanced species exist in the DQ, for example Hirogen, Devore and 'The Hierarchy' and had not been wiped out. Given that the Voth had been in that area of space for so long, and had not formed a massive empire or colonial nation strikes as odd, unless of course, the Voth ship/ fleet was pretty much all that was left of them, after having been given a whipping by the Borg - and that the city ship was 'on the run'.  

  • Aug 24, 2013

Voth aren't afraid to build large vessels. The Doomsday Machine may actually be a simple vessel in some respects. A big civil war cannon can defeat 21st century body armor due to raw power. I think the Voth would get early victories, at least.  

Lt. Uhura-Brown

  • Aug 25, 2013

Don't the Voth have personal phasing cloaks, and can transport entire starships at once? The Borg don't seem to have those things, so it's unlikely they've been successful in their assimilation attempts.  

The Voth have superior Transwarp Drive to the Borg. The Borg need Conduit networks, the Voth don't.  

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A Voth . ( Star Trek: New Horizons )

The Voth were a technologically-advanced reptilian species from the Delta Quadrant . By the 24th century , they primarily lived in gigantic city-ships that roamed through space at transwarp velocities. The Voth were descended from Earth 's dinosaurs , transplanted to the Delta Quadrant sometime in the distant past . ( VOY : " Distant Origin ")

External links [ ]

  • Voth article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • Voth article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.
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Published Oct 18, 2013

Guest Blog: Designing The Voth

star trek voth

The Voth are an interesting group. They’re highly evolved, technologically advanced dinosaurs that left Earth millions of years ago to avoid impending doom (according to the “Distant Origin Theory” that some of the Voth believe in). We’ve been toying with the idea of using them as a villain group in Star Trek Online for quite a while now. We started doing initial Voth creature sketches back in 2010, but they were shelved when we decided to go in a different direction. The Sphere has finally given us the perfect venue to bring this group to life.

We knew immediately that in order to make this group a really interesting player experience it was going to need a lot of variety. We talked with the game design team and started to get a feel for what they wanted to see in the species. We kicked around a lot of ideas and had some debates about how to represent them. The Voth in " Distant Origin " ( Star Trek: Voyager , Ep 3x23) are portrayed as highly evolved scientists, and we wondered whether or not they would even have a military. In the end, we decided that it would be in the game’s best interest to design the Voth in the Sphere as a technologically advanced group of soldiers. We talked about everything from mechs and dinosaurs to flying creatures and super soldiers. At one point our Lead Designer, CaptainGeko, said, “All I want is dinosaurs with frickin’ laser beams on their heads!” We all chuckled, and then he said, “I’m being serious; this is a game. Let’s have some fun! ” So we did, and what we ended up with was almost too much diversity!

star trek voth

This is probably the most complex group we’ve done on the art side. There’s the base Voth humanoid, and then we have a Voth in power armor,  a class of mechs with jumpjets and a whole group of dinosaurs with frickin’ laser beams on their heads! For the Voth humanoid, we stuck pretty close to what we’d seen in the show, a dino humanoid that looks like it might have evolved from a Hadrosaur, with the largest similarity being the cranial crest. When it came to the mechs and armor however, we got to play with the designs. In general, because they are so advanced technologically, we went with a sleek futuristic look on all of their tech bits with smooth flowing lines and not a lot of right angles.

Because they’re antagonists and we wanted to make sure they looked like something that needed to be fought, we made sure to add a few toothy looking knife points into the costume designs. Mimicking the ship designs, we went with mostly blues and greens for the parts that glow, such as lights and tech panels. Then to keep them from feeling too generic sci-fi, we added some interesting ornamentation to their designs by incorporating a kind of wavy tiger stripe pattern that we gleaned from some of the outfits in the Voyager episode. Adding this one small design element really helped to bring a level of cohesion and uniqueness to their design and lets us know that these creatures take pride in their appearance and care about more than just function.

star trek voth

We’re still putting the finishing touches on the Voth, but what we have so far really is a visually interesting enemy group. Add to that all of the new and exciting gameplay scenarios and environments that payers are going to encounter, and Season 8: The Sphere is really shaping up to be an amazing update to this ever-expanding game. Lastly, make sure to check out this blog to see more images of them and to learn about the ground combat experience when facing them: http://sto.perfectworld.com/blog/?p=1004711

We hope you enjoy it!

Jeremy MattsonArt Lead Star Trek Online

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In the fictional world of Star Trek, there thrives a countless amount of diverse alien races and cultures, each with their own specific characteristics. The mind-reading Betazoids play a prominent role within The Next Generation, while the form-changing dictators the Founders played a role as fearsome villains.

Many of these alien species return time and time again, as either friend or foe, within the many TV shows and movies. However, there are a few who appear fleetingly as single-episode aliens who deserve more attention . Despite their brief tenures in the franchise, they remain intriguing for many viewers. The Voth are such a race, but they share a fairly unique character trait with humans that sets them aside from the rest. Who exactly are this race?

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The Voth made their one and only appearance in the memorable Voyager episode “Distant Origin.” While the show in general has received a lot of criticism over the years, this episode stands out as a good one. The Voth are a reptilian species that the crew of the iconic USS Voyager stumbled across during their long voyage home from the Delta Quadrant. Due to their biology, they are a cold-blooded species, with scaly skin and an acute sense of smell. They can change their skin pigmentation to match their mood, much like some reptilians of today. They are also taller than humans, with three clawed hands, can enter a hibernation state to protect themselves from harm. Interestingly, they also have a biological defense/attack system. They can fire spikes from their forearms, which upon impact would paralyze their victims. They live within city-ships that travel through space, several kilometers long. Although they move around, their domain is primarily in the Delta Quadrant.

While this was the place they called home, it was not always this way. During the events of the episode, it was discovered through genetic testing that the Voth likely originated from the Alpha Quadrant. Not only this, but they shared a surprising similarity with humans: the same home world. While the franchise already established that all life in the galaxy came from one single origin, hence why the majority of aliens are humanoid , this link was (relatively speaking) much closer, the two species sharing a staggering 47 genetic markers.

Voyager's holographic doctor speculated that the Voth evolved from what was known as the hadrosaur genus, a type of dinosaur who somehow managed to survive the cataclysmic mass extinction that wiped out the majority of the dinosaurs on Earth. Unknown to Earth history, these creatures continued to evolve, likely on a secluded landmass spectated from the rest of the planet, until they managed to get technologically advanced enough for intergalactic space travel. It’s likely, looking at the timeline for warp capable species , that they were one of the first in space. They left Earth behind and eventually ended up in the Delta Quadrant.

Here they continued to evolve and change, their culture growing until the point they had forgotten their ancient roots in the Alpha Quadrant. Voth history is noted to have started around 20 million years ago. At this point they had already established themselves in their new quadrant home, so there was no written proof of this ancestral home. But thanks to the Doctor and a Voth theory called the ‘Distant origin theory,’ they were able to work out their origins.

However, this was not a revelation the Voth wanted to know about. For a long period of their history, scientific or technological advancement was highly restricted. Known as the ‘Ancient Doctrine,’ this decree had become integral to Voth culture and society, setting limitations on development. The theory of distant origin was already floating around Voth culture for a while, but it went against what the Doctrine stated about Voth being beings of the Delta Quadrant. As such, any attempts to prove this theory was heavily controlled and stopped by their governing body, the Ministry of Elders. When actual evidence was discovered in 2373 by a Voth named Forra Gegen, he was charged with heresy, and he and the iconic USS Voyager were impounded.

Things all worked out in the end, somewhat. Gegen redacted his theory and the Voth continued on their merry ignorant ways, but the link between these two distant cousins was one that could have changed the franchise forever. Their very existence changes many things Star Trek historians knew about the evolution of humanity. The possibility that there might be other descendants of Earth in space somewhere could have opened up a plethora of new and exciting narrative story lines. With new shows constantly being added to canon, who knows? The Voth might return to reunite with (or forcefully take back) with their old home.

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Distant Origin

  • Episode aired Apr 30, 1997

Christopher Liam Moore and Henry Woronicz in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

A superior race, descended from Earth dinosaurs, discovers Voyager, but living proof of the controversial Distant Origin Theory goes against widespread doctrine. A superior race, descended from Earth dinosaurs, discovers Voyager, but living proof of the controversial Distant Origin Theory goes against widespread doctrine. A superior race, descended from Earth dinosaurs, discovers Voyager, but living proof of the controversial Distant Origin Theory goes against widespread doctrine.

  • David Livingston
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Rick Berman
  • Michael Piller
  • Kate Mulgrew
  • Robert Beltran
  • Roxann Dawson
  • 24 User reviews
  • 6 Critic reviews

Concetta Tomei and Marshall R. Teague in Star Trek: Voyager (1995)

Top cast 23

Kate Mulgrew

  • Capt. Kathryn Janeway

Robert Beltran

  • Cmdr. Chakotay

Roxann Dawson

  • Lt. B'Elanna Torres
  • (as Roxann Biggs-Dawson)

Jennifer Lien

  • Lt. Tom Paris

Ethan Phillips

  • Ensign Harry Kim

Henry Woronicz

  • Forra Gegen

Christopher Liam Moore

  • Minister Odala
  • Frola Gegen

Majel Barrett

  • Voyager Computer
  • Operations Division Officer
  • (uncredited)

Tracee Cocco

  • Nekrit Alien
  • Security Guard
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Did you know

  • Trivia This episode is unusual in that it is told from the viewpoint of a guest character rather than one of the Voyager crew (who don't even appear until well into the second act).
  • Goofs It is stated that there are 148 lifeforms on board Voyager (plus the Doctor); however, Janeway states in The 37's (1995) that there are 152 people on board, and 11 members of the crew have died since. Even allowing for the birth of Naomi Wildman, that leaves half a dozen crew members who seem to have come back to life.

Gegen : [examining a human skull] Did your eyes see the planet of our origin, the true home of our race? Was it... beautiful? Was it covered by oceans, by sand? Were there nine moons above your head? Were there none?

  • Connections References China Beach (1988)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: Voyager - Main Title Written by Jerry Goldsmith Performed by Jay Chattaway

User reviews 24

  • Dec 17, 2020
  • April 30, 1997 (United States)
  • United States
  • Official site
  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
  • Paramount Television
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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They evolved from a species of ornithischian dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period, in a part of the world which has since been submerged, preventing Humans from uncovering their relics and fossils. When an asteroid hit the Earth, causing a collapse of the ecosystem, the Voth population left the planet and became a nomadic species, eventually discovering the transwarp technology which allowed them to travel to, and settle in, the distant Delta Quadrant.

Having lived there for tens of millions of years in their colossal city vessels, modern Voth have long forgotten about their origins and instead adopted a quasi-religious doctrine which state that they were the first sapient species to evolve in the quadrant and have a birthright claim to their region of space. The "Distant Origin Theory", as proposed by some scientists, is viewed as heretical, since the Voth place a great value at their idea of "birthright to the land", consider immigrant species as unworthy, and refuse to accept that their ancestors might have been refugees and/or nomads. Voth society is ruled by a powerful Ministry of Elders.

Having evolved more than 70 million years prior to man, the Voth are now extremely advanced biologically as well as technologically. Physically, they are poikilothermic upright bipeds who describe themselves and similar species as "saurians". Their cranial capacity is 22% higher than that of Humans, which doesn't necessarily imply superior intelligence, although they do tend to view homeotherms as an inferior category of life (resulting in their species having bad political relationships with most mammalian races). Unlike their distant ancestors, they have no tail, but possess scaly skin which can change color subtly according to emotional shifts, and three clawed-fingers on each hand. Their olfactory sense is much more developed than that of Humans.

Most notably of all, they have a modified structure on the forearms which shoots venomous darts for self-defense. When threatened, they can enter into a hibernate state for many hours or days. Despite millions of years of isolation, however, modern Voth still have 47 genetic markers identical to those of Humans and other earthling lifeforms. As for technology, they are one of the very few species which masters transwarp equipment, as well as possessing phase cloak devices which allow individuals to operate undetected among others.

Gallery [ ]

Citadel-class Dreadnought of the 25th century, 5+ km long (Star Trek Online)

  • 1 Xenomorph
  • 2 Mala'kak

Memory Alpha

Distant Origin (episode)

  • 1.2 Act One
  • 1.3 Act Two
  • 1.4 Act Three
  • 1.5 Act Four
  • 1.6 Act Five
  • 2 Memorable quotes
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Summary [ ]

A pair of Voth , a species of reptilian humanoids , named Forra Gegen and Tova Veer conduct an archaeological investigation in a cave on an M-class planet . They search the cave with their flashlights and Veer discovers a tattered piece of cloth; while he does not appear to recognize it, it is a gold-colored Starfleet Operations division uniform. Gegen journeys a bit further into the cave where he delicately unearths a Human leg bone. Upon realizing what it is, he emits a series of clicking sounds to summon Veer and scans the bone with a small round device similar in function to a tricorder .

Veer asks if the discovery is a genetic match, although to what he does not say, and Gegen confirms it is. " Could this be it? The proof? " Veer asks eagerly. " If it is, " responds Gegen, " We've just made the most important discovery in Voth history. " He shines his light on a nearby Human skull as he speaks, and the camera fades out.

Act One [ ]

Forra Gegen holding a Human skull

Forra Gegen and a Human skull

Now aboard their vessel, Gegen and Veer have laid the bones collected out on a table, forming an approximation of what the skeleton would look like if complete. They study the incomplete skeleton much as paleontologists would study a dinosaur fossil and determine it is related to the Voth. They decide to present their findings to the Ministry of Elders .

However, Minister Odala does not take kindly to their findings. She claims the similarities are coincidental, accusing Gegen of questioning Voth Doctrine . Once he realizes that he will get nowhere with her, Gegen decides to mount an expedition on his own.

His daughter Frola wants to believe in him but she finds it hard to believe that the Voth are related to mammals from elsewhere in the galaxy . Unfortunately, Tova informs him that he has been charged with heresy against The Doctrine and all of his supporters have abandoned him. Determined to find the truth, Forra and Tova set out on their own.

The two of them find one clue on the uniform of the corpse they recovered: they need to find something called USS Voyager .

Act Two [ ]

Voth observe Voyager

The Voth observing Voyager

On the ship, Gegen jokes with Veer, who is clearly interested in Gegen's daughter, Frola. Suddenly Veer detects an energy transmission and after coming out of warp, he and Gegen see a ship 90 light-years away traveling at warp 6.2: Voyager .

After deciding to observe Voyager , the two board Voyager undetected under an interphase cloaking device and wander around the ship looking at several things such as the computer, the "male and female interacting" and "courting behavior" between Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres . As they observe, they seem to think of the Humans as primitive compared to their own species. On the bridge , still cloaked, they assume that the social hierarchy is matriarchal due to Kathryn Janeway being the captain . At this time the crew discovers two unknown hidden beings on board. Gegen and Veer attempt to leave only to realize they cannot transport off their ship. While the bridge is being sealed by a Level 10 force field , Gegen and Veer teleport to the mess hall . Lieutenant Tuvok makes the two appear and when Veer instinctively shoots Chakotay with a small dart, Gegen instantly transports himself and Chakotay away to his vessel.

Act Three [ ]

In sickbay , Janeway attempts to converse with Veer to find that he speaks with clicks. The Doctor finds that his body temperature and metabolism have dropped as he enters protective hibernation and Janeway orders others to examine the new species.

On Gegen's ship, Chakotay discovers that Gegen is a molecular paleontologist , and Gegen explains that he couldn't reach Veer in the mess hall and took Chakotay instead as a living specimen of Human. Gegen questions whether there are any of his species on Earth , but Chakotay asks Gegen to drop the force field around him. After Gegen shuts off the force field around Chakotay, he and Chakotay make formal first contact between the two.


A hadrosaur seen on the Holodeck, possibly the ancient ancestor with the unknown species

The Doctor finds that the DNA of the Voth and Humans are remarkably similar ( 47 genetic markers in common, a conclusion Gegen and Veer had reached earlier) and Janeway makes the conclusion that the Voth evolved on Earth. Janeway goes to Holodeck 2 and tries to picture the closest relative to the Voth from Earth. On the holodeck, she and The Doctor see various reptiles from the Cretaceous era , most notably a hadrosaur . The Doctor predicts that the hadrosaur continued to evolve after the extinction of other beings to the present Voth civilization.

On Gegen's ship, Chakotay and Gegen propose that any existence of the intelligence of the dinosaurs could have been deep under the surface, never to be found by the Humans on Earth. Gegen begins to see that the Humans and mammals as a whole are not as inferior as he once thought. When Chakotay requests to beam back to Voyager , Gegen denies his request and says that he must bring Chakotay to the Ministry to prove that Humans exist.

Back on Voyager , Tuvok and Paris are attempting to understand the Voth cloaking technology. Suddenly an enormous Voth city ship several times the size of Voyager de-cloaks. Voyager goes to red alert, then begins to be probed with an energy beam that cuts through the shields before the entire vessel is beamed into a large hangar onboard the Voth ship.

Act Four [ ]

Harry Kim, Kathryn Janeway, and Ayala aim phasers

" Your vessel is under our control. "

With Voyager inside the massive Voth city ship , the ship and weapons begin to lose power and Janeway orders to crew to repel boarders. Heading for the bridge, Tuvok is shot by a dart from behind and orders Paris, who is with him, to leave without him. The Voth manage to easily take over the ship, with Janeway and Harry Kim being interrupted by them while attempting to restore power. The Voth interrogate the Humans about their origin. When Janeway mentions Earth, Haluk suspects Gegen of spreading rumors. At the same time, Paris is able to make it to main engineering with a Voth personal cloaking device. He knocks out a Voth with his non-functional compression phaser rifle and attempts to fire a full spread of photon torpedoes through the city ship, however the Voth are somehow able to detect and block his attack.

Meanwhile, Gegen gets a communication from the Ministry threatening to destroy Voyager if he doesn't return. Gegen tells Chakotay that without his support, the council will discredit his theory and suppress the truth. Chakotay volunteers to accompany him to provide "living proof". Gegen reluctantly sets course back to the city ship. Professor Gegen meets the Ministry again and is accused of going against The Doctrine. He does not retract his statements, so Odala begins the trial.

Act Five [ ]

Voth city ship (interior)

Interior of the city ship with Voyager inside

On trial, the Ministry further accuses Gegen of disputing Doctrine through the Distant Origin Theory and being a destructive influence on society. After given a chance to deny of the evidence, Gegen refuses. The Minister states that the Humans are not related at all to counter Gegen's theory. Chakotay responds by saying that Voyager 's fossil records prove otherwise. The Ministry stops and begs Gegen to admit that his interpretation and theory is wrong. Gegen again refuses and claims that the entire Voth civilization is from the Human planet of Earth.

When the Minister brings forth Veer and questions him about the theory, he states, rather unenthusiastically, that Gegen's research was flawed. The Minister praises him for his testimony and he shuffles off sadly when she dismisses him. Once again, Gegen is questioned about his theory whether or not he has been mistaken. Gegen questions why Veer would have spoken against him, strongly suspecting that the Minister threatened the younger scientist in some way, perhaps from taking away his honors all the way up to threatening the man's family. He challenges the plan of the Voth to keep their "myth" of their history and beliefs. When the Minister asks yet again, Chakotay speaks against the Minister about how their beliefs are so clouded just as Gegen's theory is and that Gegen and he found out that the genetic structure of Voth is incredibly similar to almost every species found on Earth, which is too much to be coincidence. Chakotay states that the Doctrine was changed when transwarp technology was introduced, just as Gegen's theory is attempting to be introduced. The Minister states that she does not want to believe the theory because it might show weakness on the Voth's behalf, depicting them as a race of cowards who fled their home. Chakotay responds that the Voth culture had a great past, surviving on Earth against great odds and subsequently coming to leave Earth and thrive in a distant part of the galaxy, their denial of the past shows the denial of their true heritage. To deny this heritage would be to ignore what their ancestors accomplished, and all that they sacrificed, in order to save the species.

Despite Chakotay's plea, Gegen is found guilty and is sentenced to life imprisonment on a detention colony, which he accepts. However, to the scientist's horror and protests, the Minister then tells Chakotay that he and the entire Voyager crew are to be imprisoned along with Gegen and their ship destroyed. At the last moment, Gegen, defeated and unwilling to see the Voyager crew being dragged into his predicament, gives in to the Minister's desire and heartbroken, recants his theory. Satisfied, the Minister reassigns Gegen to a "more rewarding vocation" in metallurgical analysis and frees Chakotay, ordering Voyager to leave Voth space.

Back on Gegen's personal ship, the scientist, professing at not being that good at chemistry , sadly resigns himself to an unremarkable career in metallurgical analysis and thanks Chakotay for his help and friendship. Chakotay commends him on his bravery and gives Gegen a small hand-held globe of modern Earth in the hope that one day the Voth will see it as their home. Chakotay bids Gegen farewell with " Eyes open " that Gegen returns, before beaming back to Voyager .

Memorable quotes [ ]

" It would be in your best interest if I never saw you again."

" Did your eyes see the planet of our origin, the true home of our race? Was it beautiful? Was it covered by oceans? By sand? Were there nine moons above your head? Were there none? "

" I'll see you tonight. BYOB. " " What? " " Bring your own bat'leth."

" Note how the female through the feigned antagonism encourages the male in his attempt to mate. "

" Tuvok, I hope that's your stomach. "

" Who's that? " " My helmsman. Sounds like he's about to blast a hole in the side of your ship. "

" We are not immigrants! I will not deny twenty million years of history, and doctrine, just because one insignificant Saurian has a theory ! "

" Someday, every Voth will see this as home. "

" Eyes open. " " Eyes open. "

" This should do the trick. " " An apple? " " You said you wanted an organic test subject. " " I was referring to a bio-cylinder, but the fruit will suffice. "

Background information [ ]

Story and script [ ].

  • This episode started as a premise that co-writer Joe Menosky described as "basically dinos with automatic weapons." Menosky added, " That was the fun of it. [Co-writer] Brannon [Braga] 's a big action guy, a perverse horror story kind of a guy. That's the direction we had. " He also referred to the premise as "basically Aliens II , as it were, with automatic weapons." ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 86)
  • Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky then took this premise and several other story ideas to executive producer Jeri Taylor 's office. While they were there, executive producer Rick Berman happened to walk into the office and influence the story considerably. Joe Menosky remembered, " He happened to come into the room when we were talking about this show. The first story notion that Brannon laid out to Rick in Jeri's office was [the action-oriented story idea] and Rick just hated it. He said, 'All I see is a bunch of lizards with AK-47's. Where's the Humanity? This should be Galileo .' As soon as he said Galileo, I thought, that's perfect. I've done a lot of research in Italian history, so I knew exactly what he was talking about [....] Rick Berman's participation at that basic story level made this episode happen. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 86)
  • As they proceeded to work on the episode, Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky continued to use, as a historical point of inspiration, Galileo's trial by the Catholic Church. Joe Menosky said of the episode, " It's our retelling of Galileo's trial, in science fiction, Star Trek terms. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 86)
  • The writers enjoyed detailing the alien culture of the Voth. " What was really fun about this episode, " Joe Menosky reminisced, " was basically creating a culture, and all the little sort of texture details, knowing that we might not ever see these guys again. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112)
  • This episode's final draft script was submitted on 23 January 1997 . [1]

Cast and characters [ ]

  • The story's Galileo-related roots were personified in the character of Gegen, who Brannon Braga described as "this Galileo lizard." ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 28 , p. 17) Joe Menosky noted, " It's as if Chakotay were on trial along with Galileo. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112)
  • Joe Menosky was thrilled by the performance that Chakotay actor Robert Beltran gives in this episode. Moments after citing the episode as one of two Season 3 Voyager installments (the other being the third season finale " Scorpion ") that have "these scenes where Chakotay basically talks for an entire page of dialogue without break," Menosky remarked, " Robert Beltran was just awesome in 'Distant Origin'. He's just got massive amounts of charisma. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 94)
  • One aspect of this episode that Brannon Braga liked was "the acting", generally. ( Star Trek: Voyager Companion , p. 179)

Production and effects [ ]

  • According to the unauthorized reference book Delta Quadrant (p. 182), the opening shot of this episode was an establishing shot leftover from the production of the third season premiere " Basics, Part II ".
  • Also according to Delta Quadrant (p. 182, et al. ), this episode reuses a stock set that was previously utilized in the Season 3 installments " The Chute " (as the Akritirian maximum security detention facility ), " Fair Trade " (as Bahrat's space station ) and " Unity " (as the Cooperative 's colony).
  • Make-up supervisor Michael Westmore was challenged by the large quantity of Voth shown in this episode. " We only had time to make one basic head, " he recalled, " so we did a face cast of one of the females and designed a different version for the rest of them. Then they had the gloves, which were basically one size fits all. We had six or seven of them running around, and that's a lot for ST:VOY. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 32 , p. 75) Both director David Livingston and visual effects producer Dan Curry were highly pleased with the final look of the Voth. Livingston enthused, " Michael Westmore created this really compelling makeup. " Curry agreed, " That was a virtuoso makeup job by Mike Westmore and his department. " ( VOY Season 3 DVD special features)
  • During production, Gegen actor Henry Woronicz wore an undersuit padding lot (as did, presumably, the other performers portraying Voth). [2]
  • While filming this episode, David Livingston endeavored to accentuate the other-worldly quality of the aliens. He recalled, " I chose to shoot them with a really wide-angle lens, in close, to magnify and get as much detail and distort even the makeup that [Michael Westmore] had done. And by doing so, it made them look even more terrifying and weird and stuff. To me, distorting those dinosaurs was going to be really cool. So we put the camera right up against their face, and they did – they look really weird and somewhat, a little bit terrifying. It's a technique to make the makeup even weirder. You can't do that to Humans, because if you do that to Humans, they look distorted and stuff. But you can get away with that on aliens. " ( VOY Season 3 DVD special features)
  • Although David Livingston usually found that filming trial scenes was very difficult to make visually interesting, shooting the trial in this episode was much easier for him. He remarked, " Trials are really hard , because you want to keep it moving […] That one worked out okay because you had weird things to look at. You can do really weird angles of coming up, and really strong profiles, and do weird kind of tracking shots because you're in a weird courtroom. That particular trial scene was okay, because of the elements that we had to work with. " ( VOY Season 3 DVD special features)
  • Representing the holographic dinosaurs in this episode involved the use of physical models, as opposed to CGI depictions. The first stage of visualizing the holograms was the creation and utilization of life-size mock-ups. " There are a couple of moments where we saw dinosaurs recreated in the holodeck, " Dan Curry recalled, " so [Janeway and The Doctor] could determine how [the Voth had] evolved […] And so the actors would have a sense of how big they were, I made full-scale mock-ups of how big the dinosaurs would really be, putting them together like slot puppets so they could stand up, even though they were made out of two-dimensional foam core. " ( Red Alert: Amazing Visual Effects , VOY Season 3 DVD special features) " That way the director and the actors would have something to relate to on the set as a reference, " Curry further explained. " Their sight lines would be good, and we'd have a reference when we replace it with the detailed miniature dinosaurs. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 111) The two dinosaur models that were used in the episode's final version had their own separate genesis. " The actual sculpture that was used for the Eryops was […] made out of modeling clay that a sculptor named Jordu Schell made, " Curry remembered, " and then I did the final painting on it. And the large parasaurolophus -type creature was one that we rented. " The latter type of holographic dinosaur was actually much smaller than it appears on screen. Dan Curry noted, " On screen, it looked like it was about 12 feet high. " ( Red Alert: Amazing Visual Effects , VOY Season 3 DVD special features)
  • Visual effects were also used to depict the Voth vessels. Mitch Suskin , who served as visual effects supervisor on this episode, related, " There are a couple of [alien] ships in the show, a lot of shots of these enormous ships […] We see a cloaking effect, and the Voyager gets beamed inside of their enormous mother ship. " In fact, the Voth city ship was said to be one of the largest ships ever created for Star Trek . ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112)
  • The effect of the Voth ships speeding through space was adapted from the second season installment " Threshold ". Mitch Suskin explained, " There's an effect that was established in ['Threshold'] which is the episode where they're experimenting with transwarp. We're just going back to the transwarp effect. These people [meaning the Voth] have technology where they travel in transwarp, so we see them come out of transwarp a few times. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112)
  • Brannon Braga was ultimately highly satisfied with the visuals of this installment. He said of the episode, " It looks great. Great effects. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112) On another occasion, Braga stated that he enjoyed "the effects, and the directing…" of this episode. ( Star Trek: Voyager Companion , p. 179)

Reception [ ]

  • Ultimately, Brannon Braga and Joe Menosky were both very pleased with this episode. Moments after describing the possibility that dinosaurs had evolved to be bipedal organisms as "sort of a neat science fiction idea," Braga enthused, " It's the perfect episode in my mind. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 28 , p. 17) However, Braga also commented, " It was one episode that was just about perfect. " Moments later, he remarked, " It was a very complex [and] ambitious show that really turned out great. " ( Star Trek: Voyager Companion , p. 179) Shortly after completing work on Voyager 's third season, Braga said, " We think it's the best show that we did this season, and I think it's the best show I've written on Voyager . It's a very special episode. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 91) He also included this episode among a few examples of third season Voyager installments that he thought were good (the other episodes being " Scorpion " and " Unity "). He said of this particular installment, " That's a classic that I'm really happy with. That's good. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 29 , p. 13) For his part, Menosky commented, " I think [it's] classic Star Trek , with all the kind of Humanity that Trek is supposed to have. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 86) In fact, Menosky believed this episode captures the flavor of some of the most successful installments of Star Trek: The Next Generation . " It felt as close to TNG in spirit, as anything I've ever been involved on, since I've been writing for Voyager , frankly closer to the spirit of the kind of best TNG's than a lot of TNG's I've done. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112) Menosky particularly liked "the courtroom scenes" of this episode, saying, " I think [they] are just really wonderful. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112)
  • A particular facet of the episode that Joe Menosky thought was "very unique" is the alien perspective that the installment initially takes. ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112) Brannon Braga also thought this element was notable, believing that it partly made the episode's entire story very unusual. He observed of the episode, " It's a 'what if' science fiction premise [....] It's a really rich metaphor for the creation/science debates and Galileo-type struggles. And it's got a totally unique structure, which is them tracking us [....] It's rare that a Star Trek episode can have all three of those things, and this one does. " ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 28 , p. 17)
  • Story consultant Michael Piller was so impressed by this episode's teleplay that he sent a memo to Joe Menosky which said, " The best Voyager script I've ever read. " ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 112)
  • Executive producer Rick Berman also liked this episode. He referred to it as "a great Voyager episode" and also said, " It's a really classic piece of Star Trek . " ( Star Trek: Communicator  issue 111 , p. 8)
  • This episode achieved a Nielsen rating of 4.4 million homes, and a 7% share. [3] (X)
  • Cinefantastique rated this episode 2 and a half out of 4 stars. ( Cinefantastique , Vol. 29, No. 6/7, p. 111)
  • Star Trek Magazine scored this episode 4 out of 5 stars, defined as " Trill -powered viewing". ( Star Trek Monthly  issue 32 , p. 93)
  • The unauthorized reference book Delta Quadrant (p. 183) gives this installment a rating of 8 out of 10.
  • The undersuit padding lot that Henry Woronicz wore for this episode was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [4]
  • In 2017 , Kirsten Beyer cited this as one of three favorite VOY episodes (the other two being " Living Witness " and " Scorpion, Part II "). [5]

Continuity and trivia [ ]

  • This is the third time the crew of Voyager discover a direct connection to Earth in the Delta Quadrant, having previously encountered descendants of Humans abducted from Earth (" The 37's ") and descendants of aliens who have visited Earth (" Tattoo "). It is also the seventh time they have discovered a connection between the Alpha Quadrant and Delta Quadrant more generally, having previously discovered a wormhole connecting the two quadrants (" Eye of the Needle "), a Cardassian weapon (" Dreadnought "), Ferengi (" False Profits "), and former Borg that were assimilated in the Alpha Quadrant (" Unity ").
  • Voyager 's crew complement in this episode, according to the Voth's sensors, is 148 lifesigns (not including The Doctor). While this is consistent with the number of occupants of the Federation Habitat on the Nyrian biosphere vessel in " Displaced ", it is inconsistent with the crew complement of 152 established in " The 37's " and the (minimum of) 12 crew deaths that have happened since that episode. The difference of 7 may be attributed to a mistake in the sensor readings, or to additional crew members recruited from the Delta Quadrant.
  • The Human bone fragments and piece of uniform found by the Voth scientists' belonged to Ensign Hogan , who was killed by a native lifeform on that planet in the third season opener " Basics, Part II ".
  • The Voth visit Bahrat's space station in this episode to acquire information on Voyager , which is an acknowledgment of the events of " Fair Trade ". The canister of warp plasma they get from a Tak Tak trader on the station was presumably acquired during the trade mission seen at the beginning of " Macrocosm ".
  • The events of this episode are referred to in the seventh season episode " Friendship One ".
  • The Star Trek: Voyager Companion , p. 284 states that the throne chair that Minister Odala is sitting on was later reused as Doctor Chaotica 's throne in " Bride of Chaotica! " and that it was originally created for the Coneheads movie.
  • Reference to 47 : the number of genetic markers shared between Humans and Voth.
  • Janeway and The Doctor mention that Earth's hadrosaurs were cold-blooded. While long the prevailing theory, by the time the episode aired in 1997, films such as Jurassic Park four years earlier began to cement the idea of dinosaurs as warm-blooded animals (which first began taking shape as part of the "Dinosaur Renaissance" with the discovery of Deinonychus in the 1970s) in the popular consciousness, though at the time it was still relatively groundbreaking. Today, the idea of dinosaurs as cold-blooded has generally been discredited in both scientific and public circles.
  • None of the main characters appear for the first fifteen minutes of the episode.
  • The name "Gegen" might be derived from German "gegen", which means "against, contra" - a possible reference to his stance against the established Voth doctrine.
  • The Voth's humanoid appearance is likely due to the intervention of the Ancient humanoids as was explained in TNG : " The Chase ", as an explanation why so many sentient species end up sharing the same basic bipedal form.

Video and DVD releases [ ]

  • UK VHS release (two-episode tapes, CIC Video ): Volume 3.12, 29 September 1997
  • As part of the VOY Season 3 DVD collection

Links and references [ ]

Starring [ ].

  • Kate Mulgrew as Captain Kathryn Janeway

Also starring [ ]

  • Robert Beltran as Commander Chakotay
  • Roxann Dawson as Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
  • Jennifer Lien as Kes
  • Robert Duncan McNeill as Lieutenant Tom Paris
  • Ethan Phillips as Neelix
  • Robert Picardo as The Doctor
  • Tim Russ as Lieutenant Tuvok
  • Garrett Wang as Ensign Harry Kim

Guest stars [ ]

  • Henry Woronicz as Forra Gegen
  • Christopher Liam Moore as Tova Veer
  • Marshall R. Teague as Haluk

Special guest star [ ]

  • Concetta Tomei as Minister Odala

Co-stars [ ]

  • Nina Minton as Frola Gegen
  • Majel Barrett as Computer Voice

Uncredited co-stars [ ]

  • Steve Carnahan as operations officer
  • Tracee Lee Cocco as Nekrit alien
  • Damaris Cordelia as Foster
  • Tarik Ergin as Ayala
  • Ken Gruz as Tak Tak trader
  • Dennis Madalone as Voth guard
  • Louis Ortiz as Voth guard
  • John Tampoya as Kashimuro Nozawa

References [ ]

47 ; 400 million years ago ; 65 million years ago ; 20 million years ago ; 2363 ; 2367 ; ability ; academic circle ; accusation ; accuser ; analysis ; anodyne relay ; apple ; area of research ; asteroid ; automated message ; autonomic nervous system ; auxiliary power ; bat'leth ; behavior ; bio-cylinder ; body temperature ; building blocks ; BYOB ; career ; cartilage ; Circle of Archeology ; Circle of Exobiology ; Circles of Philosophy ; Circles of Science ; cold-blooded organism ; common people ; communicator ; computer extrapolation ; containment field ; courting behavior ; cranial capacity ; Cretaceous ; damage ; dart ; data storage device ; decalcification ; Delta Quadrant ; dilitus lobe ; dinosaur ; dispersion frequency ; Distant Origin Theory ; Devonian ; DNA ; DNA analysis ; Earth ; endotherm (aka warm-blooded organism ); Eryops ; evidence ; eye ; field trip ; first contact ; fossil ; Fourth Colony ; genome projection algorithm ; gigahertz ; hadrosaur ; Hanon IV ; Hanon IV sector ; harpoon ; heart rate ; heresy ; hibernation ; Hogan ; Hokath ; holodeck ; Holographic Voth ; identification code ; immigrant ; interphase ; interrogation surgeon ; Intrepid class decks ; Jefferies tube ; kilometer ; Klingon martial arts program ; lagoon ; land mass ; lower lifeform ; mammalian ; manual override ; mass extinction ; matriarchy ; medical tricorder ; mentor ; metabolism ; metallurgical analysis ; microcellular scan ; Milky Way Galaxy ; minister ; Ministry of Elders ; molecular paleontologist ; molecular physiology ; napping ; natural history museum ; Nekrit Expanse ; non-saurian race ( non-saurian ); paleontological database ; phase variance ; phaser burn ; photon torpedo ; plasma conduit ; polymer ; portation ; prejudice ; professor ; proper name ; red alert ; refugee ; replication technology ; saurian ; sense of smell ; scientific investigation ; social infrastructure ; society ; spacefaring ; spacefaring technology ; spatial fluctuation ; spatial displacement ; subspace frequency ; sulfur ; temperature ; test subject ; tetryon radiation ; thoracic region ; translation matrix ; transwarp ; tricorder ; Towt ; turbolift ; vocation ; vasodilation ; verbal interplay ; Voth ; Voth city ship ; Voth Doctrine ; Voth research vessel ; warp plasma ; weapons control ; weapons system ; wildlife

External links [ ]

  • " Distant Origin " at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • " Distant Origin " at Wikipedia
  • " Distant Origin " at MissionLogPodcast.com
  • " Distant Origin " at the Internet Movie Database
  • 2 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)


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  • August 22, 2024 | Exclusive: ‘Star Trek: Khan – Ceti Alpha V’ Audio Drama Podcast Is Currently Casting

Exclusive: ‘Star Trek: Khan – Ceti Alpha V’ Audio Drama Podcast Is Currently Casting

star trek voth

| August 22, 2024 | By: Anthony Pascale 45 comments so far

It was two years ago on Star Trek Day 2022 that Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (and Star Trek VI ) director Nicholas Meyer officially announced a new audio drama titled Star Trek: Khan – Ceti Alpha V . Originally developed as a streaming TV mini-series, the project had morphed into an official Paramount podcast series set to examine what happened in the years after Captain Kirk left Khan Noonien Singh on the untamed world of Ceti Alpha V, telling the story of Khan and his followers prior to the events of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan . We haven’t heard much about the project since then, but TrekMovie just got an exclusive update from Meyer himself.

Casting for Khan – Ceti Alpha V

Ahead of the release of his latest novel Sherlock Holmes and the Telegram from Hell next Tuesday as well as his Labor Day weekend appearance at a 70 MM screening of Star Trek II at the Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills (part of a TOS movies marathon), TrekMovie caught up with Meyer to talk about his history with Trek, and more. This included getting an update on Ceti Alpha V . When asked if the project is still going he was clear, “It’s alive!” He added:

“I’m thinking [recording will start] with within the next year. They’re casting.”

According to Meyer, he had written three one-hour episode scripts for a TV mini-series and those now “form the nucleus” of the audio drama podcast, which he expects will end up being nine or ten episodes in length.

star trek voth

Nicholas Meyer announcing Ceti Alpha V project at Star Trek Day 2022 event in Los Angeles

Khan as the hero

Meyer offered some backstory on the project as he described his approach to the story:

“It started with a suggestion by made by Alex Kurtzman. We were sitting in a deli and he said, “What ever happened to Khan on Ceti Alpha V?” And I suddenly remembered that exchange in Citizen Kane  between Kane and Boss Gettys . And Gettys says to Kane, ‘You know if it were anyone else, I’d say that what just happened to you would be a lesson. But you’re going to need more than one lesson. And you’re going to get more than one lesson.’ So this is about Khan discovering that there are more things in heaven than Ceti Alpha V than were dreamt of in his philosophy. And it’s how he copes.”

Khan is considered one of (if not the) greatest Star Trek villains. But Meyer explains how the  Star Trek: The Original Series episode that first featured the character allowed an opportunity to reframe him as a protagonist:

“[In Ceti Alpha V ] Khan is the hero. [In TOS “Space Seed”] Kirk says to him, ‘You think that genetically engineered man is the measure of all things. I’ll give you a chance to prove it.’ I’ll put you on an Eden-like planet, and let’s see if you can build your own Utopia, as you claim that you’re able to do… By the end of the story, I wanted people to weep for this man. I hope that you understand where he’s coming from and what his destiny is and why it is.”

In 2022 when the project was officially announced, executive producer Alex Kurtzman said in a statement:

“Nick made the definitive ‘Trek’ movie when he made ‘Wrath,’ and we’ve all been standing in its shadow since. Forty years have offered him a lot of perspective on these extraordinary characters and the way they’ve impacted generations of fans. Now he’s come up with something as surprising, gripping and emotional as the original, and it’s a real honor to be able to let him tell the next chapter in this story exactly the way he wants to.”

There are no details available on how Paramount plans to distribute the audio drama podcast, nor is there a release date, but this is the biggest update we have had all year.

Meyer tour for new Holmes book starts Tuesday in LA

Nicholas Meyer’s sixth Sherlock Holmes novel Sherlock Holmes and the Telegram from Hell , arrives on Tuesday, August 27. On that same day he kicks off a nationwide book tour where he will be doing readings from the book along with discussions. The first stop is Diesel, A Bookstore in Brentwood, CA. at 6:30 pm PT. The thirteen-stop takes him to cities across the USA, returning to LA for an event on Monday, September 30th. More details at nicholas-meyer.com .

star trek voth

Meyer at Labor Day weekend 70MM TOS movies marathon in Beverly Hills

Nicholas Meyer will be one of the Star Trek vets appearing during a special Star Trek screening series at the historic Fine Arts Theatre in Beverly Hills, CA. They will be showing the TOS era movies in Super 70MM starting on Friday, August 30st, wrapping up on Sunday, September 1st. Other luminaries lined up for the event include actresses Robin Curtis (Saavik) and Catherine Hicks (Dr. Gillian Taylor), executive producer Ralph Winter, producer Steven-Charles Jaffe and composer Cliff Eidelman. Leonard Nimoy’s son will also appear to discuss his film For the Love of Spock .

star trek voth

Tickets are available on the Fine Arts Theatre website, fineartstheatrebh.com and on the Fine Arts App available on Google Play Store and the Apple App store, as well as at fandango.com and  atomtickets.com. Free Parking is available at the Beverly Hills City Garage, 321 South La Cienega Boulevard.

More to come from Nick Meyer

TrekMovie had much more to talk about with Mr. Meyer so keep an eye out for more from that interview here on the site and via our All Access Star Trek podcast feed.

Keep up with news for the  Star Trek Universe at TrekMovie.com .

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I feel no need to weep for Khan, but ok.

I dunno, IMHO the best villians are the ones you can somewhat sympathize with. Villains that are pure evil are frankly boring. I don’t personally need more Khan in my life but if I trust anyone to do it it is obv this man.

I have at least some sympathy for him because everything he went through on Ceti Alpha V was Kirk’s fault.

Someone should have been looking into Khan and his people regularly, if for no other reason than Starfleet was so paranoid about genetically engineered people that a century later, they were going to drum Bashir out just because he was one.

Agreed. Even if you don’t care about them, look in to see they aren’t creating the next army to destroy the galaxy

He’s a villain, sure, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t merit exploration as a character. Villains are interesting, moreso when they’re relatable.

I think I’m done with Khan now. Time to move on.

Same here, no interest.

I’m done with other people messing with Khan who isn’t Nicholas Meyer, but Meyer gets a free pass from me, considering he’s the man who made Khan famous in the first place. This is arguably the first actually-Khan story since 1982.

As usual he is misremembering stuff, the planet was no paradise, it was deliberately chosen as a challenge by kirk, one khan relates to Marla as a challenge just to stay alive.

I wouldn’t have called it a paradise per se but it certainly wasn’t meant to be the barely livable desert hell it turned into. That happened because Ceti Alpha VI exploded in space and knocked V off of it’s original orbit.

Thanks so much for this update and coverage, looking forward to the podcasts and the new Sherlock Holmes book. The Super Star Trek Series sounds fantastic!

I want to be excited about this. I genuinely want to. Nicholas Meyer is extremely talented and he gave us the three best movies, II, IV, and VI. And yet, I can’t muster much enthusiasm. Khan’s story on Ceti Alpha V has been extensively explored in the novels and in the comics, so there’s really no need to retread that ground. Ricardo Montalban was mesmerizing in his two performances, but there’s just not much to the character; Khan is one-dimensional and not very good at what he does. After two episodes and two movies, spanning two TV shows and two realities, what more is there to say about a guy who claims to be superior but has been beaten four out of four times he’s tried to prove it (the Eugenics Wars, Space Seed, TWOK, and STID)? Khan just isn’t that formidable a villain, as he has repeatedly proven. Like certain celebrity politicians and nepo baby businessmen who claim to be geniuses and winners, he’s repeatedly proven himself to be a failed leader and a fascist loser.

This story could very well be about how a narcissistic strongman can lead people to ruin, or further ruin. In that context, it could be interesting. Not sure how I would “weep” for such a person, though.

We shall see. I mean, hear.

So, Khan is, TRUMP, now?

No, Khan has better hair.

But really it could apply to any number of strongman leaders throughout history and across the world currently.

No Khan is not that awful.

HA! Right?!?!?

No, that would just degrade Trek as a whole.

I tried posting a reply here three times last night and twice again this morning and in each instance, it just hung up and refused to post. But when I post the word test as an experiment, it goes through no problem.

Have to figure there are certain words or groups of words that this system won’t allow to be posted (and I’m NOT talking cuss words.) If true, then apparently there are house rules limiting free speech here that I don’t think I’ve encountered anywhere before.

Is this AI in action?

You could say the same of historically evil figures like Napolean and Hitler. OBV they were pure evil but it would be hard to argue they weren’t effectrive leaders. It’s really easy to cater to the worst forms in hate in a society and twist that and bend it to your will. That’s pretty much exactly who Khan is, minus all the genetic engineering stuff.

I know this isn’t the movies or tv or streaming but I wonder if this is going to be considered canon. No, it really doesn’t matter but I am still curious if Kurtzman will choose to build off of this story i a future project.

Good question. But would this still be considered canon if this Khan came from 1996 and not whenever baby Khan showed up in SNW timeline?

Or maybe it just proves SNW is not part of the prime timeline anymore?

I’m so confused. 😂

LOL me too buddy!

I doubt that Meyer cares about such minutia.

Wondering if they’re going to cast a Montalban sound-alike or go in a different direction.

Montalban AI?

Wish they would give Nicholas Meyer a Trek series. I bet SNW would have improved over Season 1 vs. jumped the shark had they had him in the show runner chair. He got Trek the nautical exploration action/adventure on the frontier better than even 90s “prophet” Roddenbery. Above all he seemed to make the actions of a single starship bridge crew and the Enterprise feel like a capital ship. Everything after ST VI feels like starships are a dime a dozen that rush each other like jet fighters that last 2 seconds in combat while starfleet command is right there on speed dial.

Season 2 did improve over Season 1’s spectacular debut. Loved every episode! Blush emoji.

AUDIO WHAT?? I love Meyer’s first two Sherlock Holmes novels, and the two or three Star Treks they were involved in. But the latest Sherlock novel is about fake news and ends with fake news in the afterword, very strange and very disappointing.

What Star Trek novels was Meyer involved with?

None, though his late assistant used cut material from TUC as a basis for his abysmal trek novel.

One of the greatest western films of all time, one that Meyer almost certainly saw as a teen, revolves around fake news. John Ford’s THE MAN WHO SHOT LIBERTY VALANCE revolves around myth vs truth and ends with the very cynical ‘print the legend.’

I haven’t read his Holmes stuff (not a fan of Holmes at all to be honest), but he did write CONFESSIONS OF A HOMING PIGEON, which I thought was a fantastic novel when it came out the year before TWOK (plus it hinted at what we’d see in that film, thematically.) Probably read it ten times since. Also, his THE LOVE STORY STORY on the making of that film was clever and personal, as he made his obvious fascination with Allie McGraw as a significant element as much as the making of the film itself.

I don’t really care about this but will listen to it. Maybe after this they can finally move on from Khan and look forward again from the 25th to the 32nd century. Lots and lots and lots of new stories and characters to tell between this time period.

And we’re already getting one Space Hitler movie with Adolf and Section 31 I don’t think we need another one with Khan. But hopefully it will be good at least.

okay….I know this is a me problem only most likely but – I had to re-read a few times to realize that the headline was saying they are hiring actors, not that the show was released.

Since it uses the term and is about a podcast, saying that it’s now ‘casting’ was confusing. Again….time for coffee.. D:

It’ll be a radio drama mini-series released directly to the public, like a podcast.

I understand that. I’m saying the title of this article, in using the words “is now casting” made my constant podcasting brain babblefished to “is now available”

While I feel Khan’s story has been told (and re-told) on screen in 2 movies and countless novels, I am curious because:

1) Nick Meyer took all the pieces of Star Trek II that people had assembled and combined it all and rewrote it, adding his own work in a very short time and gave us the best Trek movie EVER in ST2:TWOK.

2) Nick Meyer wrote EVERYTHING in Star Trek IV in the 20th century.

3) Nick co-wrote ST6:TUC.

Nick is responsible for so much of the look/feel/traditions that are familiar in all Trek.

Nick and Harve saved Trek.

So I trust him to give us a good story.

And then, YES, it’s time to move on from Khan!

Can we not use terrible AI generated images for this? The thumbnail is terrible as well as the main image

What? That is from one of the early poster concepts by Bob Peak from the 1980s. And the type treatment added on top comes from Paramount plus when they announced the podcast.

If this project is so great, why a podcast rather than investing the money into a movie or miniseries? That makes no sense to me.

You have probably heard that Paramount is in a bit of financial trouble. To be honest, I’m surprised that this project hasn’t been shelved completely. After we hadn’t heard any progress about it for so long I expected that they had abandoned the project. As to why it’s a podcast and not a movie or series: My guess is they estimated that the expected viewing numbers wouldn’t justify the costs of a bigger production. A podcast gives Meyer more freedom to expand the story and not be limited by costs for sets or VFX. Also, recording voice actors is much cheaper than actually filming stuff for real.

Because they probably don’t have the money and they fear not enough fans are interested enough to make it successful as a show or film. So this was the other option and yes the safer one given Paramount’s money woes these days.

And Terry Matalas confirmed the original mini series was canceled to make room for Picard which they knew would be an automatic hit. But he also made clear Star Trek doesn’t have a bottomless money to make whatever it wants and this was back in 2018. It’s much more dire today.

Paramount sure loves to give us new Star Trek productions that no one asked for…

Can we petition Paramount and Mr. Meyer to make a relatively low-budget, original Star Trek standalone movie or TV movie that concentrates on story and acting instead of $100 million worth of unnecessary CGI?

Nice to see this is still happening. Don’t have a lot of interest in it but will definitely listen to it when it does come out.

Just crazy something like this is taking three years and the scripts were written before it was even announced. Now we see why the movies continue to be DOA when an audio podcast takes this long to get made lol.

But yeah tired of going backwards, let’s keep going forward again with new stories once they finally got this out of their system.


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  11. The Voth vs. The Borg : r/startrek

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  14. Voth research vessel

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    The Voth are a reptilian species that the crew of the iconic USS Voyager stumbled across during their long voyage home from the Delta Quadrant. Due to their biology, they are a cold-blooded ...

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  17. Voth Invictus!

    Complete the Voth Invictus event to claim your very own Voth Exosuit! By Ambassador Kael March 08, 2023, 09:30 AM. Beginning on March 16th, the Voth are returning in their City Ship, intent on revenge against the Alliance for their actions in the Solanae Dyson Sphere. In both the Sphere itself and in a daring assault on the massive City Ship ...

  18. Voth

    Star Trek. The Voth are a sapient humanoid species of reptiles which currently dwell in the Delta Quadrant in the Milky Way Galaxy, at almost a full galactic diameter away from their original homeworld of Earth. They evolved from a species of ornithischian dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period, in a part of the world which has since been ...

  19. Voth Invictus! (Campaign Event 2) : r/sto

    This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains.

  20. The Voth Evolve in the Infinity Lock Box!

    Hangar Bays: 2. Hangar Bay equipped with Voth Heavy Fighters. Bridge Officer Stations: 1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical, 1 Commander Engineering/Command, 1 Lieutenant Commander Science, 1 Ensign Universal, 1 Lieutenant Universal/Miracle Worker. Console Modifications: 3 Tactical, 5 Engineering, 3 Science. Base Turn Rate: 6 degrees per second.

  21. Distant Origin (episode)

    An alien scientist finds evidence linking his species' ancestry to Earth, but government officials refuse to accept his evidence because it conflicts with existing doctrine. A pair of Voth, a species of reptilian humanoids, named Forra Gegen and Tova Veer conduct an archaeological investigation in a cave on an M-class planet. They search the cave with their flashlights and Veer discovers a ...

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    It was two years ago on Star Trek Day 2022 that Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (and Star Trek VI) director Nicholas Meyer officially announced a new audio drama titled Star Trek: Khan - Ceti ...