Discover Purdue Engineering

Learn more about our world-class undergraduate engineering programs.


Welcome to the College of Engineering Virtual Visit page!

The Office of Future Engineers has created this virtual guide to walk you through nearly everything that Purdue Engineering has to offer. This guide is composed of a series of virtual stops, each one focusing on a specific topic. Consider this as your customized self-guided tour, so you're able to spend as much (or as little!) time at each stop based on your interests.

We also plan on continually updating the content on this page so that we can keep things fresh and add new experiences. Keep an eye on our social media feeds for announcements about new updates!

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Stop #1: Overview of Purdue University and the Admissions Process

Purdue Memorial Union Arch

Overview of Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research university in West Lafayette, Indiana, conveniently situated just one hour north of Indianapolis and two hours south of Chicago. Purdue University was founded in 1869, thanks to the generous $150,000 gift from John Purdue (equivalent to about $2,900,000 today), a $50,000 gift from Tippecanoe County, and 100 acres donated from residents. The university has maintained its compact size and welcoming atmosphere by keeping its academic campus within one square mile.

Purdue University offers more than 200 undergraduate majors and over 69 masters and doctoral programs. Purdue is a proud member of the Big Ten Conference and is home to 18 intercollegiate sports teams. We are known as the “Cradle of Astronauts” for our 25 astronaut alumni including Neil Armstrong, Gene Cernin, and Beth Moses, the first female commercial astronaut. Purdue is also known as the “Cradle of Quarterbacks” (12 Alums including 3 Super Bowl Winners), and as of April 2019, the university has been associated with 13 Nobel Prize recipients.

Although Purdue does not have a music major, it is home to the Purdue "All-American" Marching Band (AAMB), the World’s Largest Drum, and a variety of musical ensembles and choirs. Over half of the musicians and singers on campus are students from STEM majors, and over half of those are studying engineering at Purdue.

Continue swiping through this section to learn about important dates & deadlines and a brief overview of the application process.

Application Information

All students interested in applying to Purdue University should start with the Office of Admissions and consider them the #1 resource for application questions. When it comes to specifics about Purdue Engineering, and life as an engineering student, the Office of Future Engineers (OFE) is here for you. While OFE does not review applications, we do understand what Admissions is looking for and can provide some general guidance and advice.

Interested students should apply to Purdue via the Common App. When applying to Purdue Engineering, all students will be applying to our First-Year Engineering program (which we'll cover in the next stop of this Virtual Tour), regardless of which specific engineering major they are interested in.

To apply to the First-Year Engineering program on the Common App, you would make the following selections in the ‘Academics’ section:

College, School, or Program: College of Engineering Campus: Main Campus - West Lafayette Major/Program of Study-First Choice: Engineering (First-Year)(Fall Only)

The Area of Interest field, while required, is for informational purposes only and your selection for this field does not impact your application in any way, nor does it commit you to a specific engineering major. All students are on equal footing applying to the First-Year Engineering program regardless of engineering major of interest. A student interested in Mechanical Engineering, for example, would not be considered differently than a student interested in Nuclear Engineering or who is undecided on an engineering major.

Important Application Dates & Deadlines

The application timeline for Purdue University typically remains unchanged from year to year, barring any extraordinary circumstances. Here are key dates to keep in mind:

August 1: Applications open via the Common App November 1: Early Action application deadline January 15: Regular Decision application deadline & release date for Early Action and merit scholarship decisions March 31: Final Regular Decision release date May 1: Deadline to accept Purdue admission decision

Students who apply by the Early Action deadline will automatically be considered for campus-wide merit scholarships and have the opportunity to apply to the Honors College if they wish to do so. Early Action applicants will also receive their Purdue admission decision sooner than the Regular Decision applicants. Applying Early Action is non-binding, so Early Action applicants who are admitted to Purdue on January 15 still have until May 1 to decide where they wish to go to college.

Students who apply during the Regular Decision window of November 2 through January 15 will not be considered for merit scholarships, will not be able to apply to the Honors College, and will receive their Purdue admission decision sometime between January 15 and March 31.

Purdue University Fast Facts

Total student enrollment, undergraduate students, public university in the u.s., best value insitution in the u.s., stop #2: first-year engineering, first-year engineering overview.

Our First-Year Engineering (FYE) Program is the starting point for all undergraduate engineering students at Purdue. Students in the First-Year Engineering program (FYE) will get first-hand experience with problem-solving, critical analysis, and teamwork skills while also exploring the various major and career options available to them. They will have time to cultivate a strong foundation in math, science, and engineering basics before deciding which engineering discipline is right for them.

Just because everyone starts in FYE, however, doesn't mean everyone has the same experience. We know every student is unique, and that is why there are multiple different pathways to complete the FYE Program! Each option provides students with a core engineering foundation while allowing for individual customization of their learning space.

Swipe through this section to learn more about all of the different pathways through our First-Year Engineering program, including Ideas to Innovation , the Goss Scholars Program , EPICS , and Vertically-Integrated Projects .

Ideas to Innovation

Ideas to Innovation (i2i) is the “original” First-Year Engineering (FYE) pathway, but it’s far from ordinary. Students will take ENGR 13100 & ENGR 13200 in addition to their other math, science, and elective courses. These two engineering courses are taught by professors whose research background centers on educating the next generation of engineers and take place in specialized classrooms.

Purdue's i2i Learning Laboratory is an experiential, collaborative, reconfigurable learning environment that prepares FYE students for the rigors of their professional programs and, ultimately, for the workforce where they'll be equipped to make positive contributions. During the two-semester sequenced course students will be assigned to teams of four each semester where they will create solutions to real-world engineering problems across a variety of industries.

The i2i Learning Laboratory includes four studios (Design, Innovation, Prototyping, Demonstration) and a companion classroom, all currently housed in the lower level of the Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering. The studios are set-up to take students through each stage of the design cycle. Like professional engineers, students identify design criteria for a particular problem, come up with potential alternatives, plan for a chosen solution, build and test a prototype, evaluate their work, and refine their solution.

Goss Scholars Program

The Goss Scholars Program (formerly known as Engineering Honors) starts with the Goss Scholars Learning Community. The learning community is a year-long experience designed to foster a seamless academic transition and social adjustment for students as they enter college and begin exploring the engineering as a profession.

The Goss Scholars Learning Community seeks to build community among first-year engineering students who have demonstrated scholastic excellence and want to extend the depth of their academic experience. Goss Scholars are challenged in experiential first-year engineering design, and benefit from personalized guidance from a network of support from academic advisors and peer mentors. The Goss Scholars Advantage is intentional programming that focuses on success factors, allowing students to thrive during their first year and in their future endeavors.

There are two ways of opting into the Goss Scholars program: 1) Applying and being admitted to the Honors College at Purdue, or 2) applying and being admitted to the Goss Scholars Learning Community.

EPICS Learning Community

Do you want to learn engineering design while immediately making an impact in the local or global community? The EPICS Learning Community places first-semester students in the award-winning EPICS program to design engineering-based solutions for some of the most pressing needs of the local and global communities while working with human service, governmental, and educational institutions.

This learning community builds a support system by offering first-year students three common classes with other EPICS learning community students, outside-of-class activities, the opportunity for a shared residence experience, and a formal mentoring experience. This combination helps students transition to Purdue, explore different engineering disciplines, and find fulfilling career paths.

While the EPICS Learning Community is for incoming freshman, students are also able to join the EPICS program at any point in their academic career. EPICS is open to all students at Purdue regardless of major.

Vertically-Integrated Projects

The Vertically-Integrated Projects (VIP) Learning Community provides an opportunity for first-year engineering students to engage with other undergraduates (sophomores, juniors, and seniors), graduate students and faculty mentors in authentic and extended research and design projects on multi-disciplinary VIP teams that are typically related to active research areas of Purdue faculty members. Most projects in VIP last multiple years, so students are typically able to continue participating in the research project beyond their freshman year if they wish to do so.

Participating in this learning community assists students in integrating into the Purdue Engineering community and helps support engagement in research and design activities. It is an incredible opportunity for students interested in getting first-hand experience in cutting edge research to do so as soon as they get to Purdue!

Photo of Emmalee Severson

Emmalee Severson

I2I First-Year Engineering

Photo of Riley Brown

Riley Brown

Photo of Alanna Nash

Alanna Nash

Photo of Matt Blount

Matt Blount

Photo of Nick Sergeant

Nick Sergeant

Photo of Peggy Hutchinson

Peggy Hutchinson

Stop #3: engineering majors, engineering majors.

Purdue Engineering offers 17 different majors for students to choose from. Combine that with the various specialty tracks within each major and you get over 90 different ways to tailor Purdue Engineering to your interests! Additionally, the breadth of each discipline means Purdue students are fit to work in almost any field, regardless of major.

To help round out their degree or pursue an additional interest, many engineering students also pursue minors. Some of the most popular minors for engineering students include business, foreign language, computer science, and other engineering disciplines. For some students, certificate programs may be a preferred addition to their engineering degree. :

  • Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Biological Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Construction Engineering & Management
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental & Ecological Engineering
  • Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Interdisiciplinary & Multidisciplinary Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering

Example Modal - First Last

Maor Gozalzani

Biological Engineering - Allison Biddinger

Allison Biddinger

Biological Engineering - Katie Krick

Katie Krick

Biological Engineering - Laura Flandermeyer

Laura Flandermeyer

Biological Engineering - Lina Trigg

Morgan Callin

Biomedical Engineering - Jade Weber

Basie Andoh

Construction Engineering & Management - Samantha Davis

Samantha Davis

Construction Engineering & Management - Sam Conrad

Ethan Edwards

Chemical Engineering - Andrea Copeland

Andrea Copeland

Chemical Engineering - Ashley King

Ashley King

Chemical Engineering - Tyler Roberts

Tyler Roberts

Computer Engineering - Andrew LaPrade

Andrew LaPrade

Computer Engineering - Kaiwen Shen

Kaiwen Shen

Computer Engineering - Leah Crisco

Leah Crisco

Environmental & Ecological Engineering - Abby Francis

Abby Francis

Environmental & Ecological Engineering - Laurel Stevenson

Laurel Stevenson

Environmental & Ecological Engineering - Matthew Vining

Matthew Vining

Electrical Engineering - Jackson Sanders

Jackson Sanders

Electrical Engineering - Marlee Reisinger

Marlee Reisinger

Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering - Megan Casey

Megan Casey

Interdisciplinary Engineering - Rachel Casetti

Rachel Casetti

Industrial Engineering - Emmalee Severson

Lauren Heiss

Multidisciplinary Engineering - Leigh Witek

Leigh Witek

Multidisciplinary Engineering - Namita Mekala

Namita Mekala

Mechanical Engineering - Evan Parshall

Evan Parshall

Mechanical Engineering - Lexie Zovko

Lexie Zovko

Mechanical Engineering - Teddy Sergesketter

Teddy Sergesketter

Materials Engineering - Brynna Keelin_Kelly

Brynna Keelin_Kelly

Materials Engineering - Peggy Hutchinson

Isabelle Lindsay

Nuclear Engineering - Jeremy Mateja

Jeremy Mateja

Nuclear Engineering - Mark D'Aloia

Mark D'Aloia

Stop #4: engineering opportunities, engineering opportunities overview.

Being an engineering student opens up - quite literally - a world of opportunities! You can get involved in world-class research, gain real-world work experience with companies through internships and co-ops, study abroad, and even start a business!

Swipe through this section to learn more about Research , Internships & Co-Ops , Study Abroad , and Entrepreneurship & Innovation .

Are you interested in discovering a world of opportunity through research? As an R1 Research institute, undergraduate students can work alongside award-winning faculty on a variety of exciting research projects for experience, credit, or pay. With over 2,000 undergraduate research opportunities available every year, Purdue research is an amazing way for students to gain experience in cutting-edge fields of technology, science, math, and beyond.

There are lots of different ways to get involved in research at Purdue:

Internships & Co-Ops

Internships and Co-Ops offer students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world problems, and earn a significant salary to help pay for college.

With over 30 career fairs and more than 1700 different employers visiting campus every year, there are several opportunities for students to get the experience employers want to see in graduating seniors. The largest career fair hosted at Purdue is called Industrial Roundtable. This student-run fair is held in September every year with over 350 employers attending! Employers say that Purdue is usually at the top of their short list of colleges to visit because of the quality and preparation of students.

Since Purdue is known globally known, employers from around the world are hiring their summer interns from Purdue. Most engineering students choose to do internships due to the ability to try a variety of industries and positions before finding the right fit for their first employer after graduation.

Co-ops are not unique to Purdue; however, we are well known for having a formalized structure benefitting both student and employer. Committed to fostering a holistic student experience, the Office of Professional Practice (OPP) offers formal programs in 5-Session Co-Op, 3-Session Co-Op, internship, and research formats. OPP also facilitates the Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education (GEARE), Purdue’s premier international work experience program. Purdue designs Professional Practice programs to combine practical on-the-job experiences with the classroom training of a four-year college curriculum. Co-ops are a great option for those students who know what industry they want to work in after graduation.

Determining to do an internship or co-op often comes down to student preference, however the options are also guided by industry demand. Some industries choose to not offer co-op opportunities while other may offer both options. No matter which option a student chooses, on average a Purdue Engineering undergraduate student will earn between $20-$30/hour while working on internships or co-ops.

Study Abroad

There are a variety of opportunities open to students at Purdue to explore the world. Studying abroad allows students to combine unique cultural experiences with gaining professional skills. Programs range in duration from one week, one month, one semester, or even up to one year and can fit into your plan of study with any major. There are even opportunities for incoming students to take a trip the summer before starting classes at Purdue!

When considering the best Study Abroad opportunities for you the place to start is the Global Engineering Programs & Partnerships (GEPP). Today, most US businesses are global, and many have employees, value chains, and markets extending far beyond US borders. GEPP believes that immersive, transformative international experiences such as studying, working, or researching abroad lead to more effective engineers - graduates that can work effectively across cultural, ethnic, and national boundaries and help their employers or their own businesses succeed in an increasingly interconnected world.

Students interested in an immersive global option are encouraged to check out the Global Engineering Alliance for Research and Education (GEARE) program. GEARE is the most comprehensive global engineering training program in the country. Students in the program pursue a minor in Global Engineering Studies by completing academic, intercultural, and professional experiences. These include foreign language study, at least a full semester of study abroad, domestic and global internship/research experiences, cultural training seminars, and global design team projects.

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

Have an innovative idea that you’ve never been able to bring to fruition? Purdue has the resources to help you make those ideas a reality! Purdue allows students to retain the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of the things they create while studying at Purdue. In addition, Purdue will help you develop, patent, and market your ideas or products through a system of departments designed to walk you through every step of the process.

Stop #5: Engineering Student Life

Engineering student life.

Your experience at Purdue is what you make of it. Even with all the opportunities we've covered so far, engineering students still find plenty of time for an active social life.

While Purdue is a large university with an average enrollment of 40,000 students, current students will tell you it has a small feel thanks in part to the Learning Communities, Greek System, and nearly 1,000 student organizations. From the Goat Club, Free Food Club, robotics teams, a Quidditch team, faith-based organizations, cultural centers, big-name speakers, concerts or Broadway productions, Purdue offers unlimited involvement opportunities to meet other students with similar interests and backgrounds.

Whether it’s taking a weekend trip to Chicago or Indianapolis, participating in intramurals , or even just getting dinner with some friends, there is always time to make new lifelong memories at Purdue

Photo of Emmalee Severson

Entrepreneurship Certificate

Photo of Erin Mickey

Erin Mickey

Photo of Alex Freriks

Alex Freriks

Student Life

Photo of Sam Dlott

Elizabeth Higgins

Photo of Ekin Vardar

Ekin Vardar

Engineering Student Orgs

Photo of Hunter Malmin

Hunter Malmin

Photo of Jade Weber

Engineering Outreach

Photo of Teddy Sergesketter

Stop #6: Virtual Tours

Virtual tours.

There are over 30 buildings associated with Purdue Engineering for academics and research, with world-class facilities and innovative classrooms.

360° Photo Tours

Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering

Armstrong Hall of Engineering

Bechtel Innovation Design Center Shop Floor

Bechtel Innovation Design Center (BIDC)

Research facilities.

Herrick Labs

Herrick Labs

Zucrow Labs Exterior Photo

Zucrow Labs

Image 3

Birck Nanotechnology Center

Image 4

Purdue Technology Center Aerospace

Video tours.

Image 1

Stop #7: Connect with Us

Connect with the students & staff of purdue engineering.

The absolute best way to get to know Purdue Engineering is to visit with current students! The Office of Future Engineers (OFE) Peer Counselors are current undergraduate engineering students who are ready to help you learn more about our campus, our programs, and what it’s really like to be a student in Purdue Engineering.

The Purdue Student Engineering Foundation (PSEF) is a student organization of dozens of current undergraduate engineering students who are all passionate about sharing their stories and experiences with prospective students and families.

We in OFE understand what a big and complex decision college choice is, which is why we believe that being honest and authentic is vital to helping you find your best college fit. Feel free to ask us anything! Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (765) 494-3975 .

Want to know what’s happening right now? Follow OFE’s social media! You can find us on Twitter , Instagram , YouTube , and Facebook .

Final Stop: Campus Visit Opportunities

Come visit purdue's campus.

Nothing can beat coming to our beautiful campus and experiencing it in person! There are opportunities to visit our campus all year-round.

Ready to visit Purdue Engineering? Check out our Visit Us page linked below to plan your visit to campus!

Bechtel Innovation Design Center 360 Tour

Armstrong hall 360 tour, herrick research labs.

Slide 2

Undergraduate Admissions

Purdue University Office of Admissions logo

Prospective Student Experiences

With several unique in-person and virtual visit opportunities available to you, explore how one small step can lead to your next giant leap at Purdue. Our students are persistent. They drive innovation. And, most importantly they move the world forward, together. Are you ready to see if Purdue is the perfect fit for you? Check out our visit opportunities below!

Daily Visits - West Lafayette

Daily Visits are a great way to see life at Purdue in West Lafayette! Start with an Admissions information session and then explore campus with a student tour guide!

Daily Visits - Indianapolis

A Daily Visit at Purdue in Indianapolis is the perfect way to get to know our new, urban campus in the heart of the city! Start with an Admissions information session and then explore campus with a student tour guide.

Introducing Purdue - West Lafayette

Want to fully experience what Purdue University in West Lafayette has to offer? During this full-day visit, take part in the information fair, academic and admission information sessions and more!

Introducing Purdue - Indianapolis

Ready to learn about all that Purdue University in Indianapolis has to offer? Get all your questions about applying answered, learn about our academic programs and student life, and finish your day with a campus tour!

Purdue Diversity Day - West Lafayette

A full-day visit program that is open to 8-12 graders. You will have the opportunity to learn about next steps for getting to college, Purdue majors, tour campus, eat in a dining court, and hear what current students say about life at Purdue.

Preview Purdue - Various Locations

Not sure if you can make it to campus? No worries! Purdue comes to you through events in (or near) your hometown! Join us for an event near you to gain valuable insights into student life, majors, the application process and more.

Evening With Admissions - Virtual

From the comfort of your own home, dive into an engaging session with an admissions counselor who will expertly guide you through Purdue's application process. Then, get the inside scoop on campus life from a panel of current students!

Real Talk Diversity Chats - Virtual

These sessions are all about community — if you have questions about transitioning from high school to college, finding your community, connecting with faculty, or the best spot on campus to relax, this is the event for you!

Transfer Tracks - West Lafayette

This daylong campus visit is designed just for transfer students who want to learn more about life at Purdue and the transfer process! Tour campus, get insightful tips, meet with one of our admissions counselors or representatives from our colleges and schools, and more!

Transfer Talks - Virtual

As a transfer student, what you want to get out of an information session may be different than what a high school student wants. This virtual opportunity includes an admissions presentation and a chance to hear from current transfer students!

Still looking to connect? An Admissions Counselor can help guide you as you explore all the options at Purdue.

Want to learn more about what Purdue has to offer?

You may also like to schedule a group visit or explore college  visit opportunities below. 

  College of Agriculture

Schedule a custom visit to tour the purdue agriculture campus and explore the possibilities by connecting with students and staff.

We invite you to tour the Agriculture campus with a student Ag Ambassador and meet with staff in the academic department(s) you are interested in learning more about.  

If you’re unable to come to campus or prefer to meet virtually, live student panels and college information sessions are also available. The event titles on the registration page specify what is offered for every date on the calendar. No matter where you are in your college search journey, a custom visit is a great next step!

  College of Education

Make a difference in the life of others by becoming part of the college of education at purdue..

Inspire, Impact, Engage. Custom Visits with the College of Education are designed for students at any stage of their college search. Learn more about the College of Education and find out if it's the right fit for you by registering below for a custom visit!

  College of Engineering

Purdue engineers make an impact on the world by supporting human flourishing by designing, innovating, creating and problem solving. From mechanical and materials to biomedical, chemical and more, our engineers are making a difference in an ever-changing world and you can, too!

Attend an information session or visit our office

The College of Engineering at Purdue offers on campus information sessions throughout the year as well as opportunities to talk with current engineering students and staff. Schedule a session with us or stop by our office in Indianapolis or West Lafayette to learn more about the 18 engineering majors offered at Purdue and how you can start your journey with us.

  Exploratory Studies

Exploratory studies is offering group visits to allow students and their guests to meet with our senior recruitment manager. learn more about how exploratory studies can help you find your fit.

Schedule an in-person visit with Exploratory Studies

  College of Health and Human Sciences

From hospitality to healthcare, business to brain-behavior, purdue university’s college of health and human sciences (hhs) interdisciplinary researchers and students work together to enhance human health and well-being at every stage of life., attend an hhs information session.

Visit campus and attend a College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS) Information session! These group visits allow students and families to meet with a member of the Student Services team to discuss potential majors and opportunities within HHS.



  John Martinson Honors College

The john martinson honors college is an academic residential college that seeks to educate the whole student, bridging the gap between curricular and extracurricular learning. , visit the honors college.

Students and families will have the opportunity to meet with an Honors College Ambassador to find out more about the Honors College curriculum, the student experience in the Honors College and receive a tour of Honors College facilities.

  College of Liberal Arts

Explore what it means to be a liberal arts boilermaker .

The College of Liberal Arts wants to help you discover how over 40 Liberal Arts majors can align your passions and interests into successful career goals. Check out their visit opportunities below to see what being a Liberal Arts Boilermaker is all about! 

In-Person Custom Visits

Schedule an in-person, one-on-one meeting with a recruitment staff member, current student and/or faculty member, dependent upon availability. Additional information will be shared directly with you upon registration.

Virtual Liberal Arts Sessions

Take your first “virtual” step and explore the arts, humanities, and social sciences at Purdue. These virtual experiences include academic presentations, student panels and much more. Plus with our virtual chat feature, you can interact and ask any questions you might have. Explore the unique opportunities we have waiting for you!

  Daniels School of Business

This is where global business leaders begin..

As a top-ranked business school operating within a university at the forefront of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education, Purdue's School of Business provides its students with a unique competitive edge that few institutions can match.

Information Sessions 

The best way to find out more for yourself is to schedule an in-person visit! Sign up for a School of Business information session, offered most Mondays and Fridays.

Individual Appointment

If you are unable to make it to campus on a Monday or Friday, sign up for an individual appointment with an Undergraduate Recruiter. These personalized visits last around 30-45 minutes, with an optional tour with a student Business Ambassador after the appointment, pending availability.

  College of Pharmacy

For 140 years, the purdue university college of pharmacy has trained the world's elite pharmacy leaders through acclaimed curricula, preeminent faculty, and active industry partnerships..

Explore more about the College of Pharmacy through one of the visit opportunities offered!

  Purdue Polytechnic Institute

Bring your innovation, creativity and problem-solving skills to the polytechnic, information session.

Learn more about the unique educational approach available in the 30+ majors of the Polytechnic’s 6 academic areas: engineering technologies, computing and graphics, aviation, construction and technology leadership and education, and review their degree programs for high-demand career fields. 

Aviation Session

Interested in one of the Polytechnic’s aviation-focused degrees? Register for an aviation session, which includes a visit to the Purdue airport.

Explore all of our majors, review recent graduate outcome data and download materials from our Prospective Student page here . 

  College of Science

It’s a place where “what if” becomes “why not”  it’s a place where you will fit right in..

Purdue University College of Science is a place where faculty and students work together to resolve some of the world’s toughest challenges: combating infectious diseases, exploring life on Mars, refining artificial intelligence or unraveling climate change.

Schedule an appointment to talk with a recruiter, visit campus or meet with our student ambassadors.

  College of Veterinary Medicine

The purdue veterinary nursing program has been educating students for almost 50 years. since 2019, we have been rated the #1 veterinary technology program by

Graduates are in high demand due to our commitment to quality education. In addition to excellent classroom instruction, our students complete over 1200 hours of clinical experience in the Purdue University Veterinary Hospital. 

Would you like to learn more? Schedule an in-person or virtual appointment with a member of our team. Call  765-494-7893 or  email PVM Admissions and Recruitment.

  • Housing & Dining  
  • Student Life  

Where you choose to live plays an integral role in your college experiences.

Purdue University Residences provide an environment that will make you feel right at home, while at the same time being in the middle of campus life!


Planning to visit campus? Sign up for a University Residences Housing and Dining Tour!   Learn about our facilities and accommodations, leadership opportunities, delicious food and incredible student experiences. All tours are led by current students and include stops in at least one residence hall showroom, a dining court and community spaces.

Register Here

With 13 years of frozen tuition, meaning that Purdue's tuition has not increased since 2012 – we are committed to helping you access a world-class, affordable education.

In addition, our office can help you through the financial aid process and understanding your options to pay for college because we believe your next giant leap starts here. Visit our website for more information.

The Division of Financial Aid's office is located in Stewart Center, Room G18 and is open to visitors on a first-come, first-served basis from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday. 

Here at Purdue, we have a campus community full of diverse opportunities and exciting experiences.

As a Boilermaker, students have the chance to build friendships that will last a lifetime.

There are so many great things to be involved in whether it is by joining one of our over 1,000 student clubs and organizations, or just by meeting peers within residence halls, the ways to get involved on campus are endless. Check out some of our student life opportunities!

Explore Campus

Take a 360-degree look at campus and stop along the way to check out campus facts, photos and videos of the places that you'll frequent as a future Boilermaker!

virtual tour preview

Daily Visit Information and Agenda

Purdue hosts Daily Visits almost every day, sometimes with multiple options per day, and some Saturdays.

These visits include a Purdue information session and a walking campus tour. Our Daily Visits are designed for students at any stage of their college search.

Your experience includes:

  • Information Session (30 minutes) — Gain insights into Purdue's academic programs, resources and life on campus. Plus, get all the information you'll need about the admissions process.
  • Campus Tour (90 minutes) — Explore campus with student tour guides on a walking tour.

Purdue in Indianapolis hosts Daily Visit events throughout the year!

  • Campus Tour (60 minutes) — Explore campus with student tour guides on a walking tour.

Introducing Purdue West Lafayette Information and Agenda

Experience Purdue University in West Lafayette!

In the morning, pick two academic information sessions you want to attend — ask questions and get the real scoop from current students and representatives from our colleges and schools.

In the afternoon, enjoy lunch on your own and then you and your family can decide what to do next! You can choose to tour all of campus or just the facilities you really want to see, learn more about specific majors or check out our cultural centers or recreation center. The day is yours to customize!

Agenda at a Glance All times shown are Eastern Time.

Housing Tours will be available every 15 minutes at the University Residences Alumni and Guest Center in Cary Quadrangle.

Introducing Purdue Indianapolis Information and Agenda

Experience Purdue University in Indianapolis!

Get a feel for what life at Purdue in Indianapolis is really like! Attend our information fair and admissions presentation and then pick from two academic information sessions  — ask questions and get the scoop from representatives from our colleges and schools. Cap off your visit with a tour of campus!

Agenda at a glance: All times shown are Eastern Time.

Purdue Diversity Day Information and Agenda

Visitors will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to get an overview of the campus, Purdue's academic programs and campus life. Learn about next steps for getting to college, Purdue majors, tour campus, eat in a dining court, and hear what current students say about life at Purdue. There will also be activities that may be of special interest to students who come from diverse backgrounds.

Preview Purdue Information

This event is great for students that are unable to make it to an in-person visit. Our admissions counselors may travel to a location near you to give you a taste of Purdue.

During Preview Purdue you will hear about student life, different majors offered at Purdue, what the application process is like and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Dates and locations vary across the United States- be sure to check back as more events are added throughout the fall. 

Evening with Admissions Information

Join us for a unique virtual experience to learn more about Purdue University and life as a Boilermaker! During a 30-minute live admissions presentation, one of our admissions counselors will provide an overview of campus life and the application process. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions throughout the session. At the end, student ambassadors will join to talk about student life and answer questions from a student’s perspective.

Real Talk Diversity Chats Information

Join us virtually for Real Talk Diversity Chats to get an unfiltered view of Purdue through the lens of current students! Ask Boilermakers about their college experience, learn about life at Purdue and engage with admissions counselors. 

Transfer Tracks Information and Agenda

At this on-campus event, students interested in transferring to Purdue can attend an information fair, meet with representatives from Purdue's colleges and schools, tour campus and check out student housing. 

This one hour virtual information session is for students who are interested in transferring to Purdue. Sessions will be presented and moderated by an admissions counselor, who will walk you through next steps as a transfer student. Participants will also have the opportunity to hear from real students who have transferred to Purdue. 

College of Engineering

purdue university engineering tour

Highly Ranked

U.S. News and World Report has ranked our programs in the  Top 10 nationwide , with our graduate program at No. 4, our undergraduate program at No. 9, and online graduate program at No. 3. Purdue’s College of Engineering has the largest top 10 undergraduate engineering program in the U.S. The College includes  13 academic programs , all with high rankings; Agricultural and Biological Engineering is No. 1 for graduate and undergraduate studies.

Accelerated Growth

Purdue’s College of Engineering is rapidly accelerating progress toward the Pinnacle of Excellence at Scale . Among the signs, we have more than 10 federally funded centers, each with at least $10 million in research funding; we are constructing the largest academic facility on campus and preparing to erect a building for leading-edge hypersonics research; and we are the first non-medical public college to raise more than $1 billion in philanthropic gifts in a campaign.

Beyond the Classroom: Interdisciplinary, Global, Diverse Learning

Beginning in their first year, students have abundant opportunities to augment and enrich their education through experiential learning and contributions to world-improving technologies. Teaching and research programs transcend traditional academic and grade-level boundaries, often engaging industry, government, alumni and other university partners . Leveraging our diversity and incorporating all perspectives, we’re  equipping students to excel in an ever-evolving and increasingly global economy . G.R.I.T.+ initiatives offer Purdue Engineers experiential learning opportunities, such as study and work abroad, industry co-ops and internships, hands-on research, community service, and entrepreneurship projects.

To find out more about Purdue Engineering, check out the rest of this Web site. You can also contact us , or please come for a visit to see what Purdue and you can do together.

Engineering Departments

Admissions (website), first-year engineering at purdue.

The First-Year Engineering (FYE) program is the entry point for all beginning engineering students. In the FYE program, students complete foundational coursework in math, science, engineering, and communications (oral and written). After this common first year, students choose their discipline of engineering and start to follow the plan of study of a particular degree program. The mission of this student-oriented program is to advise, prepare and retain outstanding students for degree programs in  Purdue’s College of Engineering .

See First-Year Engineering    for more information.

Advising Information

Talk to an FYE Advisor

  • make an appointment to meet with your FYE advisor
  • learn about the walk-in schedule for FYE advisors or for Student Representatives of Professional Engineering Schools
  • other common advisor questions

Contact Information

Office of the dean of engineering.

Purdue University Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, Suite 3000 701 West Stadium Ave. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2045 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +1 (765) 494-5345 FAX: +1 (765) 494-9321

For additional faculty and staff contact information, consult our directory .

Other Courses

College of Engineering Administration

  • •  Global Engineering Studies Minor
  • •  Innovation and Transformational Change Minor

First-Year Engineering


  • •  First-Year Engineering

School of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

  • •  Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, BSAAE

Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering

Weldon school of biomedical engineering.

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering

  • •  Biomedical Engineering, BSBME

Davidson School of Chemical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

  • •  Chemical Engineering, BSCHE

Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

  • •  Civil Engineering, BSCE

Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering

  • •  Construction Engineering, BSCNE
  • •  Architectural Engineering Minor
  • •  Construction Engineering Minor

Elmore Family School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

  • •  Computer Engineering, BSCMPE

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

  • •  Electrical Engineering, BSEE
  • •  Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Minor
  • •  Electrical and Computer Engineering Minor
  • •  Microelectronics and Semiconductors Minor

School of Engineering Education

Bachelor of Science

  • •  Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies/Engineering Science Studies Concentration, BS
  • •  Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies/Pre-Med Concentration, BS

Bachelor of Science in Engineering

  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Acoustical Engineering Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Educational Engineering Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Engineering Management Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/General Engineering Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Humanitarian Engineering Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Lighting Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Nano Engineering, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Theatre Engineering Concentration, BSE
  • •  Multidisciplinary Engineering/Visual Design Engineering Concentration, BSE

Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Environmental and Ecological Engineering

  • •  Environmental and Ecological Engineering, BSEEE
  • •  Environmental and Ecological Engineering Minor

School of Industrial Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

  • •  Industrial Engineering, BSIE
  • •  Manufacturing Minor

School of Materials Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering

  • •  Materials Engineering, BSMSE
  • •  Materials Science and Engineering Minor

School of Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

  • •  Mechanical Engineering, BSME
  • •  Motorsports Engineering, BSMSTE (Indianapolis Only)
  • •  Engineering and Public Policy Minor
  • •  Intellectual Property Law for Engineers Minor
  • •  Sustainable Engineering Minor

School of Nuclear Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering

  • •  Nuclear Engineering, BSNE
  • •  Nuclear Engineering Minor

What we did on our summer vacation - Mechanical Engineering - Purdue University

Purdue University

What we did on our summer vacation

Alex chortos.

At the ASME Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC) in Knoxville, Tennessee, I presented an invited talk on the use of 3D printing for making bio-inspired soft electronics like 3D artificial muscles.

At TechConnect in Washington DC , my company PolyC Plastics and Composites received an award for the "Top 15% most innovative companies." Miko Cakmak and I, and a Purdue PhD student (Michael Sotzing), are scientific advisors for PolyC, and displayed product concepts and discussed with investors at the booth. TechConnect is America's premier conference for entrepreneurship and startup investment. This summer, I joined with Monique McClain and Heather Liddell to run a summer course for high school students that teaches product design and entrepreneurship using 3D printing. 43 students designed a product, printed it, and pitched their product ideas to a panel of judges. As the top design, the judges chose a modular storage solution for wheelchairs, while students chose a project on custom cleats.

Andrea Vacca

One of my Ph.D. students (now graduated) Xin Tian became a finalist for the 2024 Giuseppe Pellizzi Prize , representing the best international Ph.D. thesis on agricultural mechanization. Her thesis was " Methods to reduce energy consumption in the hydraulic system: toward the next generation of green, high-efficient agricultural tractors. "

Dave Cappelleri

purdue university engineering tour

We had a few trips this summer:

  • IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Yokohama, Japan
  • NSF ERC IoT4Ag Annual Retreat , Merced, CA
  • IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Automation, and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) , Delft, Netherlands (Fun fact:  I will be organizing this conference next year at Purdue!)

I also received the official Guinness World Record for 3D printing the world's smallest drum !

David Warsinger

purdue university engineering tour

I also received the Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer at the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference in Anaheim, California.

Davide Ziviani

purdue university engineering tour

The Herrick Conferences took place here at Purdue just two weeks later, for which I served as chair of the International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference. My students won several awards:

  • Steven Liang, current PhD candidate at Herrick Labs co-advised by Jim Braun and myself, received the Best Paper Award in the International Compressor Engineering Conferences. He prototyped a novel reciprocating compressor with vapor injection that will enable next generation high-efficiency domestic refrigerators. He also received the Dave Tree Distinguished Service Award for his work in managing all the conferences’ papers, presentations, program and activities " the first time this award has been given to a student.
  • Jan Spale is a PhD student from Czech Technical University in Prague and was a Fulbright Scholar at Herrick Labs for approximately 1 year under my supervision. He received the 2nd place in the Student Paper Competition, writing about high temperature heat pumps .

Eric Holloway

I was part of various teams that presented six papers at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference in Portland, Oregon from June 23-26. Two of the papers that had the most significance for Mechanical Engineering were:

  • A Framework for Students’ Professional Development When Meeting with Employers in a Microelectronics Workforce Development Program, co-authored by ME undergraduate Benjamin Burson (who I mentored for three semesters) and myself, focused on helping students in the Purdue-led SCALE microelectronic consortium prepare to meet with employers.
  • Validity Evidence for the Sophomore Engineering Experiences Survey, co-authored by ME faculty Beth Holloway, myself, and our graduate student Fanyi Zhang, received Honorable Mention for the Best Paper in the Education Research and Methods (ERM) Division of ASEE. The ERM Division is generally considered the most stringent and has the most papers submitted for review.

Guillermo Paniagua

purdue university engineering tour

A good summer update from the team here at Purdue Experimental Turbine Aerothermal Laboratory (PETAL) . Aubrey McKelvy and coauthors were awarded the Best Paper Award in “Controls, Diagnostics & Instrumentation” at the ASME Turbo Expo , which took place in London. McKelvy A., Braun J., Paniagua G., Andre T., Choquet E., Falempin F., 2023, “Quantitative Definition of Spray Edge With Extinction Diagnostics for Liquid Jets in Supersonic Cross-flow”. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2023. Paper GT2023-102536. Boston, USA. June.

purdue university engineering tour

I have several undergraduate students who won awards at NOISE-CON 2024 in New Orleans, the annual conference of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering (INCE-USA) .

  • Ruxin Li (incoming graduate student in my group, starting Fall 2024): Leo Beranek Student Medal for Excellence in Noise Control
  • Shaocheng Wu (ME, Junior): Hallberg Foundation Award and Undergraduate Research Project Award
  • Yijie Zhang (AE, Senior): Hallberg Foundation Award and Undergraduate Research Project Award

Partha Mukherjee

purdue university engineering tour

In June, I attended the Gordon Research Conference in Maine, focused on Understanding and Exploiting Structure, Property, and Novel Synthesis for Next Generation Energetic Materials. Our group had several posters presented and Diane Collard and Monique McClain were invited speakers.

purdue university engineering tour

Also in June, I attended the Workshop on Pyrotechnic Combustion where I gave an invited presentation, and the  International Annual Conference of the Fraunhofer ICT , both in Karlsruhe, Germany.

In July I attended the International Pyrotechnic Society meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ph.D. student Bekah Travis gave a presentation and we had several posters.

In July I was an invited speaker at the 14th International Workshop on Combustion and Propulsion in Pescara, Italy.

Oh, and did I mention I got to visit an aircraft carrier ?

purdue university engineering tour

Stuart Bolton

purdue university engineering tour

Thomas Siegmund

purdue university engineering tour

Xiulin Ruan

Two of my students won awards at the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference in Anaheim, California. Gilbreth Postdoctoral Fellow Dr. Xiaojie Liu received a K9 Session Presentation Award for her talk entitled “Low-emissivity colored paints enabled by conductive polymer coating for year-round energy-efficient buildings.” PhD student Andrea Felicelli received a K9 Session Presentation Award for her talk entitled “Structural Radiative Cooling in Highly Reflective White Snail Shells as Adaptation to Extreme Heat Environments.”

purdue university engineering tour

Undergraduate Admissions

Purdue University Office of Admissions logo

  • Chemical Engineering

Purdue University in West Lafayette

Chemical engineers rely on their knowledge of mathematics and science – particularly chemistry – to overcome technical problems in industry and society.  While the chemist studies basic chemical reactions, the chemical engineer applies the results of chemical research and transforms laboratory processes into efficient, full-scale processes or facilities. 

With their strong problem-solving skills and fundamental background in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, chemical engineers can seize opportunities to translate industrial problems into competitive advantages.  Currently, chemical engineers demand among the highest salaries for college graduates with a bachelor’s degree. 

Note: The First-Year Engineering Program is the entry point for all beginning engineering students. They must complete the  First-Year Engineering requirements  before entering the engineering school of their choice. The mission of this student-oriented service program is to advise, teach and retain outstanding students for Purdue's  College of Engineering . This core curriculum includes courses in math, chemistry, physics, computer programming, and communication skills, as well as introductory engineering coursework taught in the new  Ideas to Innovation (i2i) Learning Laboratory . The First-Year Engineering Program provides students with a firm foundation and initial understanding of engineering and career options to assist them in identifying which of Purdue's  engineering disciplines  is the right fit. Our professional academic advisors, faculty and student advisors are dedicated to assisting beginning engineers with the first-year experience.

The Engineering Experience: Jennifer Biasi

Jennifer Biasi portrait

What is your favorite part about engineering?

The school of Chemical Engineering. They are so supportive and I have really grown close to my peers in ChemE.

What is the best thing about Purdue and/or why?

The atmosphere! Everyone is filled with so much spirit and Purdue pride.

Tell us about a funny memory of your time at Purdue!

Being a team leader of BGR! It was great to be able to give back and help new students as they start college.

Why do you love Purdue?

Purdue has so many students but it still feels like home. Everyone is so welcoming and supportive, which I think differs from other schools.

What sorts of things are you involved in on campus?

I am a team leader for Boiler Gold Rush and I am in Delta Gamma, a sorority on campus.

Fun fact about yourself?

I have an identical twin.

What is your favorite class and why?

CHE 205. It is really hard but awesome to be taking a class that I know will be applicable after college

What's something you wish you had known when going through the college search process?

You will eventually find your home. Don't put too much pressure on yourself when deciding where you will go.

What is the best advice you received for college?

If you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it, whether that be from a professor, friend a counselor, etc.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?

Engineering can be hard but don't forget to have fun, make memories and spend time with friends while you are here!

Original Article

Plan of Study

  • Chemical Engineering, BSCHE

Transfer to Chemical Engineering

Purdue admits to individual majors. Transfer students must meet Purdue's overall transfer criteria , as well as any major-specific requirements. Before you apply, check the closed programs page to confirm this major is open to transfer students. If it is, refer to the information below for major-specific transfer criteria.

Minimum GPA: 3.5

Additional Requirements: See the  Engineering Transfer Criteria  page for more detailed course requirements.

Contact Information

CHE Undergraduate Office (765) 494-5650 [email protected]

Careers in Chemical Engineering

As a chemical engineer, you can work in product development, process design, management, quality control, pollution control, marketing, technical sales, or other areas.


  • Petrochemical industry
  • Biochemical and biomedical
  • Polymer materials
  • Renewable resources engineering
  • Reaction engineering and catalysis
  • New/alternative energy


  • Food and nutritional products
  • Environmental engineering
  • Process systems engineering
  • Risk management
  • Personal care products
  • Microelectronics and personal electronics


  • Particle technology
  • Gene therapy
  • Tissue engineering
  • Biological materials
  • Drug discovery
  • Drug delivery
  • Drug manufacturing
  • Management/business
  • Transport phenomena
  • Separation processes
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Environment and Ecology
  • Science and Research
  • Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering (College of Engineering)
  • Biological Engineering (College of Engineering)
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Construction Engineering and Management
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering (First Year)
  • Environmental and Ecological Engineering
  • Environmental & Natural Resources Engineering (College of Engineering)
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Interdisciplinary Engineering Studies
  • Materials Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Motorsports Engineering
  • Multidisciplinary Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • College of Engineering

Purdue University Careers

  • Why Work at Purdue
  • How to Apply
  • Life in Lafayette-West Lafayette
  • Architect, Planning and Design
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  • Information Technology
  • Office Administration
  • Planning, Design, and Construction
  • Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Project Management
  • Public Safety, Security and Emergency Services
  • Research and Laboratory
  • Secretarial/Clerical
  • Student Affairs, Student Services, & Res Life
  • Veterinary Medicine

Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer position.  Position may be filled at the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level based upon candidate qualifications and business needs.  This is a full-time, academic-year, non-tenure track position at the West Lafayette location, effective Fall 2024. The position is renewable based upon satisfactory performance review, staffing needs, and funding. The successful candidate will be expected to provide instructional support for the Weldon School's program by teaching courses from the Biomedical Engineering curriculum and contributing to ongoing course development.

The position includes the following duties:

  • Teaching up to 3 courses per semester in large-enrollment courses, such as 200-level Introduction to Biomechanical Analysis and Bioinstrumentation and Circuit Theory, 300-level Junior Design and 400-level Senior Design Labs, and other courses in Biomedical Engineering.
  • Working with staff and TAs and assisting in coordinating courses.
  • Participating on BME Undergraduate and Graduate Curriculum Committees and contributing to ongoing curriculum development.
  • Collaborating with other faculty to assist in course development and ensure consistency across sections offered at West Lafayette and Indianapolis locations.
  • Supervising multiple teams of Engineering Projects in Community Service (EPICS) and Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) sections, as needed.
  • Assisting with other duties related to teaching and mentoring students, as needed.

Candidates for the position must have completed a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering or closely related field by the position start date. Evidence of teaching effectiveness is required. In addition, successful candidates will have demonstrated skills in innovative pedagogical techniques and project/problem-based learning.

To apply, please visit

Applications must include 1) a complete curriculum vitae, (2) a teaching statement that includes the teaching philosophy, interests, and experience, and (3) at least three names of references.

Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All individuals, including minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.

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Polytechnic collaborators work to establish new dual-site NSF AI image center at Purdue and Houston

Shirley Dyke and postdoctoral researcher Chul Min Yeum are the first to adapt deep-learning technologies to perform post-earthquake rapid assessment of reinforced concrete buildings (Purdue University photo/Eric Bender)

Purdue University’s School of Mechanical Engineering reported that the National Science Foundation is working with a team headed up by professors Shirley Dyke, Julio Ramirez, and Thomas Hacker of Purdue Polytechnics computer and information technology department. The goal is to establish the Center for Visual Structural Expertise for Resilience (C-ViSER).

Per Julia Davis at mechanical engineering: “This is an  Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC), a partnership to maximize the relationships between industry, government, and academic researchers. … The new center is comprised of two sites, Purdue University and the University of Houston. There will be a workshop in Houston on October 21-22 that will disseminate the goals of the center and foster these new partnerships between industry and academia.”

The center will have its basis in some of the progress already achieved by the Purdue team—such as the Automated Reconnaissance Image Organizer (ARIO) tool which uses machine learning algorithms to automatically organize hundreds of thousands of images in seconds.

This system is used to examine architecture and structure designs to identify potential weaknesses. This data can then be applied in cases of natural disasters; in the past the group has collaborated with the Mid-America Earthquake Center, Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) Network, Natural Hazard Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) Network, and virtual communities like Multi Hazard Engineering Collaboratory and Hybrid Simulation (MECHS) and NASA.

Hacker noted that he and his graduate student Zhiwei Chu have worked on several NSF-funded projects with the Purdue team over the course of several years, all of which were relevant to uncovering new machine learning applications for civil engineering.

Read the full story here .

Additional information

  • New NSF center applies artificial intelligence to structural engineering
  • Polytechnic research awards - June 2024
  • Thomas Hacker

Recent News

Purdue physicists throw world’s smallest disco party

A new milestone has been set for levitated optomechanics as prof. tongcang li’s group observed the berry phase of electron spins in nano-sized diamonds levitated in vacuum.

Tongcang Li, Yuanbin Jin, Kunhong Shen

Physicists at Purdue are throwing the world’s smallest disco party.  The disco ball itself is a fluorescent nanodiamond, which they have levitated and spun at incredibly high speeds. The fluorescent diamond emits and scatters multicolor lights in different directions as it rotates. The party continues as they study the effects of fast rotation on the spin qubits within their system and are able to observe the Berry phase. The team, led by Tongcang Li , professor of  Physics and Astronomy  and  Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, published their results in Nature Communications . Reviewers of the publication described this work as “arguably a groundbreaking moment for the study of rotating quantum systems and levitodynamics” and “a new milestone for the levitated optomechanics community.”

“Imagine tiny diamonds floating in an empty space or vacuum. Inside these diamonds, there are spin qubits that scientists can use to make precise measurements and explore the mysterious relationship between quantum mechanics and gravity,” explains Li, who is also a member of the Purdue Quantum Science and Engineering Institute .  “In the past, experiments with these floating diamonds had trouble in preventing their loss in vacuum and reading out the spin qubits. However, in our work, we successfully levitated a diamond in a high vacuum using a special ion trap. For the first time, we could observe and control the behavior of the spin qubits inside the levitated diamond in high vacuum.”

The team made the diamonds rotate incredibly fast—up to 1.2 billion times per minute! By doing this, they were able to observe how the rotation affected the spin qubits in a unique way known as the Berry phase.

“This breakthrough helps us better understand and study the fascinating world of quantum physics,” he says.

The fluorescent nanodiamonds, with an average diameter of about 750 nm, were produced through high-pressure, high-temperature synthesis. These diamonds were irradiated with high-energy electrons to create nitrogen-vacancy color centers, which host electron spin qubits. When illuminated by a green laser, they emitted red light, which was used to read out their electron spin states. An additional infrared laser was shone at the levitated nanodiamond to monitor its rotation. Like a disco ball, as the nanodiamond rotated, the direction of the scattered infrared light changed, carrying the rotation information of the nanodiamond.

The authors of this paper were mostly from Purdue University and are members of Li’s research group: Yuanbin Jin (postdoc), Kunhong Shen (PhD student), Xingyu Gao (PhD student) and Peng Ju (recent PhD graduate). Li, Jin, Shen, and Ju conceived and designed the project and Jin and Shen built the setup. Jin subsequently performed measurements and calculations and the team collectively discussed the results. Two non-Purdue authors are Alejandro Grine, principal member of technical staff at Sandia National Laboratories, and Chong Zu, assistant professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Li’s team discussed the experiment results with Grine and Zu who provided suggestions for improvement of the experiment and manuscript.

“For the design of our integrated surface ion trap,” explains Jin, “we used a commercial software, COMSOL Multiphysics, to perform 3D simulations. We calculate the trapping position and the microwave transmittance using different parameters to optimize the design. We added extra electrodes to conveniently control the motion of a levitated diamond. And for fabrication, the surface ion trap is fabricated on a sapphire wafer using photolithography. A 300-nm-thick gold layer is deposited on the sapphire wafer to create the electrodes of the surface ion trap.”

Rotating levitated nanodiamond

So which way are the diamonds spinning and can they be speed or direction manipulated? Shen says yes, they can adjust the spin direction and levitation.

“We can adjust the driving voltage to change the spinning direction,” he explains. “The levitated diamond can rotate around the z-axis (which is perpendicular to the surface of the ion trap), shown in the schematic, either clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on our driving signal. If we don’t apply the driving signal, the diamond will spin omnidirectionally, like a ball of yarn.”

Levitated nanodiamonds with embedded spin qubits have been proposed for precision measurements and creating large quantum superpositions to test the limit of quantum mechanics and the quantum nature of gravity.

“General relativity and quantum mechanics are two of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the 20 th century. However, we still do not know how gravity might be quantized,” says Li. “Achieving the ability to study quantum gravity experimentally would be a tremendous breakthrough. In addition, rotating diamonds with embedded spin qubits provide a platform to study the coupling between mechanical motion and quantum spins.”

This discovery could have a ripple effect in industrial applications. Li says that levitated micro and nano-scale particles in vacuum can serve as excellent accelerometers and electric field sensors. For example, the US Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) are using optically-levitated nanoparticles to develop solutions for critical problems in navigation and communication .

“At Purdue University, we have state-of-the-art facilities for our research in levitated optomechanics,” says Li. “We have two specialized, home-built systems dedicated to this area of study. Additionally, we have access to the shared facilities at the Birck Nanotechnology Center, which enables us to fabricate and characterize the integrated surface ion trap on campus. We are also fortunate to have talented students and postdocs capable of conducting cutting-edge research. Furthermore, my group has been working in this field for ten years, and our extensive experience has allowed us to make rapid progress.”

Quantum research is one of four key pillars of the   Purdue Computes   initiative, which emphasizes the university’s extensive technological and computational environment.

This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (grant number PHY-2110591), the Office of Naval Research (grant number N00014-18-1-2371), and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (grant DOI 10.37807/gbmf12259). The project is also partially supported by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Sandia National Laboratories.

Related News:

  • Purdue physicists lift a nano-dumbbell with light and spin it at 100 billion rpm near a surface: Department of Physics and Astronomy: Purdue University
  • Chip-based optical tweezers levitate nanoparticles in a vacuum (
  • Light powers world's fastest-spinning object - Purdue University News

About the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Purdue University   

Purdue’s Department of Physics and Astronomy has a rich and long history dating back to 1904. Our faculty and students are exploring nature at all length scales, from the subatomic to the macroscopic and everything in between. With an excellent and diverse community of faculty, postdocs and students who are pushing new scientific frontiers, we offer a dynamic learning environment, an inclusive research community and an engaging network of scholars.  

Physics and Astronomy is one of the seven departments within the Purdue University College of Science. World-class research is performed in astrophysics, atomic and molecular optics, accelerator mass spectrometry, biophysics, condensed matter physics, quantum information science, and particle and nuclear physics. Our state-of-the-art facilities are in the Physics Building, but our researchers also engage in interdisciplinary work at Discovery Park District at Purdue, particularly the Birck Nanotechnology Center and the Bindley Bioscience Center. We also participate in global research including at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, many national laboratories (such as Argonne National Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Fermilab, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Stanford Linear Accelerator, etc.), the James Webb Space Telescope, and several observatories around the world.   

About Purdue University

Purdue University is a public research institution demonstrating excellence at scale. Ranked among top 10 public universities and with two colleges in the top four in the United States, Purdue discovers and disseminates knowledge with a quality and at a scale second to none. More than 105,000 students study at Purdue across modalities and locations, including nearly 50,000 in person on the West Lafayette campus. Committed to affordability and accessibility, Purdue’s main campus has frozen tuition 13 years in a row. See how Purdue never stops in the persistent pursuit of the next giant leap — including its first comprehensive urban campus in Indianapolis, the Mitch Daniels School of Business, Purdue Computes and the One Health initiative — at .


Tongcang Li , Professor of   Physics and Astronomy   and   Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue

Tongcang Li Research Group | Purdue University (  

Writer:  Cheryl Pierce ,  Purdue College of Science

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    purdue university engineering tour


  1. Visit Purdue Engineering

    Visit Purdue Engineering Whether you're planning a visit to Purdue's campus or looking for virtual event opportunities, you've come to the right place! There are a variety of in-person and virtual events and information sessions offered throughout the year, hosted by the Office of Future Engineers and other engineering programs on campus.

  2. Visit Us : About Us

    For prospective students planning a visit to Purdue If you are a prospective engineering major, please visit Purdue! Contact the Office of Future Engineers to schedule an appointment with a Purdue Engineering recruiter to get your questions answered, schedule a tour of campus, and register for an academic info session.

  3. Purdue Engineering Virtual Experience

    Welcome to the College of Engineering Virtual Experience! The Office of Future Engineers has created this virtual guide to walk you through nearly everything that Purdue Engineering has to offer. Think of this as your self-guided tour, with a series of virtual stops that each focus on a specific ...

  4. College of Engineering Visit Opportunities

    Purdue Engineering Live Purdue Engineering Live is a series of live, virtual events that each focus on a particular aspect of Purdue Engineering and feature a panel of current students, staff, and/or faculty. Exclusively for admitted students and their families, you'll hear stories about how students tackle challenging courses, how a Purdue Engineering degree opened doors for alumni, and ...

  5. Visit Us

    Visit Us in Mechanical Engineering! Get a personal glimpse into the School of Mechanical Engineering in West Lafayette! We offer in-person visits daily at 2:00 pm EST . In-person visits include a 30 minute discussion with an Academic Advisor, followed by a tour of the Mechanical Engineering building led by a current ME student.

  6. Tours : Undergraduate Program

    Purdue's Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering strives to become the premier source of scientific discoveries and of well-educated biomedical engineers.

  7. Purdue Engineering Virtual Visit

    The Office of Future Engineers has created this virtual guide to walk you through nearly everything that Purdue Engineering has to offer. This guide is composed of a series of virtual stops, each one focusing on a specific topic. Consider this as your customized self-guided tour, so you're able to spend as much (or as little!) time at each stop based on your interests.

  8. Mechanical Engineering Building Self-Guided Tour

    Mechanical Engineering Building Self-Guided Tour Thank you for visiting the Mechanical Engineering Building at Purdue University! This is the headquarters of one of the largest ME departments in the country, with more than 2,000 undergraduate students, 1,000 graduate students, and 95 full-time faculty.

  9. Home

    Explore the undergraduate engineering programs at Purdue University and connect with our staff and current engineering students.

  10. Purdue University

    Take a virtual tour of Purdue University, a world-renowned, public research university that advances discoveries in science, technology, engineering and math.

  11. Visit Us

    Visit Us Many options are available for future Engineering students to explore Purdue University:

  12. Visiting Purdue

    Purdue hosts a variety of visit opportunities throughout the year. These experiences range from on-campus (when permissible), to virtual. Take a look at visits happening now!

  13. Exploring Engineering at Purdue

    Explore Purdue Engineering during a college campus visit, geared toward women in their junior year of high school! Design your own schedule! Attend specific engineering sessions and tour campus or a student dorm, all while connecting with engineering students, Purdue staff and alumnae. If you visit campus early, we offer an optional 'meet and greet' opportunity on Sunday evening, April 21! All ...

  14. Visit

    The Aeronautics and Astronautics curriculum emphasizes the disciplines of aerodynamics, aerospace systems, astrodynamics and space applications, propulsion, structures and materials, dynamics and control, and further provides courses that integrate these disciplines into the design of flight vehicles to perform the required mission.

  15. Exploring Engineering at Purdue (Grades: 11 & 12 ...

    Design your own schedule! Attend specific engineering sessions and tour campus or a student dorm, all while connecting with engineering students, Purdue staff and alumnae. If you visit campus early, we offer an optional "meet and greet" opportunity on Sunday evening, Oct. 13. All participants and their parents or guardians will enjoy a fun, casual atmosphere with the ability to mingle with ...

  16. Virtual Tour of the Mechanical Engineering Building

  17. Prospective Student Experiences

    Prospective Student Experiences. With several unique in-person and virtual visit opportunities available to you, explore how one small step can lead to your next giant leap at Purdue. Our students are persistent. They drive innovation. And, most importantly they move the world forward, together. Are you ready to see if Purdue is the perfect fit ...

  18. College of Engineering (Undergraduate)

    Purdue's College of Engineering has the largest top 10 undergraduate engineering program in the U.S. The College includes 13 academic programs , all with high rankings; Agricultural and Biological Engineering is No. 1 for graduate and undergraduate studies.

  19. Virtual Tour of ME Building

    Purdue's School of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest in the country, conducting world-class research in manufacturing, propulsion, sustainable energy ...

  20. Customize Your Daily Visit

    Customize Your Daily Visit ALERT: To ensure the health and safety of visitors, faculty, staff, and students, all Daily Visits have been condensed down to fifteen people per tour group. As part of the Protect Purdue Pledge, masks will be required for all tour participants throughout the duration of the tour. You can find more information about campus COVID-19 prevention methods on the Protect ...

  21. Exploring Engineering at Purdue

    Registration is open for a free, engineering focused event on April 17th, on the Purdue University campus. Exploring Engineering at Purdue is sponsored by the Women in Engineering Program and is geared toward young women in their junior year of high school with an engineering interest. Each registered participant is welcome to bring two guests. This event connects participants with current ...

  22. What we did on our summer vacation

    On the first day of school, kids typically write an essay about all the fun things they did on their summer vacation. For Purdue Mechanical Engineering faculty and students, their summers are busier than most! Here's a full report on all the conferences, awards, and special events that kept us busy this summer.

  23. Chemical Engineering

    Purdue University in West Lafayette Chemical engineers rely on their knowledge of mathematics and science - particularly chemistry - to overcome technical problems in industry and society. While the chemist studies basic chemical reactions, the chemical engineer applies the results of chemical research and transforms laboratory processes into efficient, full-scale processes or facilities.

  24. Visit Purdue University in Indianapolis

    Visit Opportunities for Prospective Students Purdue University in Indianapolis College of Engineering & Purdue Polytechnic Institute Information Session Meet with a representative from the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI, which will become Purdue University in Indianapolis starting July 1st, 2024.

  25. Lecturer, Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering Job Details

    Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University invites applications for a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer position. Position may be filled at the Lecturer or Senior Lecturer level based upon candidate qualifications and business needs.

  26. Doctor of Engineering

    The 90-credit-hour program — 60-credit-hours for those with a relevant a master's degree — features research methodology coursework, advanced mathematics and statistics, a choice of hundreds of engineering and other courses, and a culminating research project.

  27. Polytechnic collaborators work to establish new dual-site NSF AI image

    Per Julia Davis at mechanical engineering: "This is an Industry-University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC), a partnership to maximize the relationships between industry, government, and academic researchers. … The new center is comprised of two sites, Purdue University and the University of Houston.

  28. Purdue physicists throw world's smallest disco party

    The party continues as they study the effects of fast rotation on the spin qubits within their system and are able to observe the Berry phase. The team, led by Tongcang Li, professor of Physics and Astronomy and Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University, published their results in Nature Communications.