HelloSafe » Travel Insurance » What Are The Best Student Travel Insurances?

What Are The Best Student Travel Insurances?

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Your are student and you would like to buy the right travel insurance that’s tailored to your age range and kind of trip?

You’ve come at the right place.

In the below guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about student travel insurance: is it compulsory, which cover should you get, what travel insurance terms you should pay attention to, etc.

Why does students need travel insurance?

Students need travel insurance just like anybody else to be covered for unexpected event that can go wrong such as:

  • medical treatment abroad
  • lost or stolen baggage
  • repatriation in emergency
  • accident while practicing sport etc.

Additionnaly, students are frequent travellers and are therefore even more likely to need assistance abroad.

Just to show you how important applying for travel insurance is, here are a few examples of what an unfortunate and unexpected event might cost you during an example holiday:

Good to know

Did you know that a survey conducted by Which in 2018 showed that of 10 000+ UK travellers of all age ranges, 64% had medical treatment while they were travelling abroad? The average medical spend abroad is around £1300 but it can be much more.

Depending on your trip destination, the medical expenses or trip cancellation fees you may have to face as a student could really leave you out of pocket. This is why a comprehensive travel insurance – providing you with financial compensation and assistance – is a must-have.

Compare best travel insurances for students

In order to save you time (and money!), we’ve came up with a non-exhaustive list of companies to help you finding the right student travel insurance, that is tailored for your age range and kind of trip (study abroad, gap year, single trip to discover the world with uni friends etc.):

Always carefully check insurers’ policy booklets before leaving your child alone on a trip. Understand the exclusions of the travel insurance you applied for.

Which student travel insurance policy should I go for?

It depends on what you are planning to do:

  • your destination(s)
  • the length of your stay
  • your activities abroad.

What travel insurance should I get for backpacking around the world?

As mentioned above, if you are a student leaving UK to discover the world, you should get a specific backpacker travel insurance plan.

If you are a student backpacking, you may want to use your money in booking flights rather than hotels and fancy restaurants. You are more likely to stay in hostels, order affordable foodtrucks meals etc. You may want to get flexible travel insurance in line with your flexible itinerary. You therefore represent a higher risk than standard family travellers for example.

Backpackers dedicated travel insurance plans usually take that into account offering extras such as flexible cancellation cover, gadget cover or adventurous activities cover as standard.

Many insurers offer dedicated plan tailored for this kind of trip as mentioned above.

How much is student holiday insurance?

Student single trip travel insurance are often very affordable policies. For as cheap as £1 per day, you could let your child travel alone with peace of mind.

The table below shows indicative quotes for students travel insurance:

* Prices above are for a 25 years old student .

It is, however, quite difficult to give precise ranges of how much a travel insurance will cost as prices are based on a wide range of criteria. It will mainly depend on:

  • If you are travelling alone on a single trip or as a couple, as a group, on multi-trips etc.
  • If you’re subscribing to students upgrades such as gadget cover
  • If you have pre-existing medical conditions (epilepsy travel insurance for example)
  • The duration and destination of your stay
  • The financial limits you’d like to get in case of a claim
  • The excess amount you’re willing to pay
  • What you will be doing abroad (winter, extreme sports).

Is student travel insurance compulsory?

No, travel insurance is not a legal requirement no matter your age range.

However, although not compulsory, we strongly advise you to apply for a travel insurance policy to cover any trip cancellation, repatriation expenses, loss of baggages you may have to face while travelling.

What travel insurance for students should cover?

Each travel insurance policy is different, since it is the insurer who determines the content of the contracts it offers: guarantees, compensation limits, deductibles, travel insurance prices, etc.

However, all contracts on the market must include at least the following guarantees, applicable in Europe or worldwide:

  • Medical expenses: compensation by the insurer for your health expenses during your stay (consultation, analysis, emergency treatment, longer hospital stay, etc.)
  • Repatriation assistance to the UK: financial and logistical support by a dedicated 24/7 team for your early return to your country of residence if it proves necessary
  • Trip cancellation and cover for delayed or missed departure: compensation if you need to cancel your trip for whatever reason or if you missed your departure
  • Personal liability: compensation for any damage or injury made to a third party (consider adding it as extra if not included in standard cover)
  • Baggage: compensation for any lost or theft of baggage while travelling(consider adding it as extra if not included in standard cover)

Most of the time, travel insurers offer different formulas. Cover types involved are usually the same but the compensation limits and deductibles vary.

When applying for under 16s holiday insurance abroad, you should pay close attention to:

Always carefully check the age limit and compensation amounts as well as deductibles you’ll have to pay in case you need to make a claim. For medical expenses, always get your insurer to accept them before paying if you need to advance fees.

As nice-to-have features, you may want to get:

  • dental emergency treatment abroad
  • money and cash stolen (although it is often included in standard policies)
  • loss of passport or official documentation.

What does student travel insurance not cover?

Most student travel insurers will not give financial compensation for:

  • Any claim made as a result of a pre-existing medical condition or pending diagnosis undeclared at the time of purchase
  • Any claim made as a result of you being under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Difficulties due to natural disaster, war, civil unrest (look out for strikes)
  • Any claim made as a result of a terrorist act (except if you took out this cover as an option)
  • Any claim made as a result of extreme sport practice not disclosed at the time of applying.

We would strongly advise you to carefully check your policy booklet for the main exclusions before leaving home. 

What travel insurance options for students can I get?

We’ve noticed that insurers emphasizes on the following extras for the under 16s age range:

Tips for students travel insurance

  • Always pay attention to destination, maximum number of days and exclusions (sports, strike, cancellation trip due to carrier default, etc.) in your insurer policy booklet before choosing one.
  • If you are away practicing sport, always check that the activity you're doing is covered by your travel insurance policy.
  • Always take with you your European Health Insurance Card if you are travelling to Europe . It will cover you for any routine medical treatment as a local resident. That is not, in any case, a substitute for travel insurance though.
  • Carefully check the claim process of each insurer before choosing one : do you have to pay fees upfront? How many days does it take to be reimbursed? Can I claim online?
  • Protect all your items (gadgets, laptops, smartphones, camera, sunglasses, music instruments etc.) and check the valuable limits for each included in your travel insurance.

Alexandre Desoutter has been working as editor-in-chief and head of press relations at HelloSafe since June 2020. A graduate of Sciences Po Grenoble, he worked as a journalist for several years in French media, and continues to collaborate as a as a contributor to several publications. In this sense, his role leads him to carry out steering and support work with all HelloSafe editors and contributors so that the editorial line defined by the company is fully respected. and declined through the texts published daily on our platforms. As such, Alexandre is responsible for implementing and maintaining the strictest journalistic standards within the HelloSafe editorial staff, in order to guarantee the most accurate, up-to-date information on our platforms. and expert as possible. Alexandre has in particular undertaken for two years now the implementation of a system of systematic double-checking of all the articles published within the HelloSafe ecosystem, able to guarantee the highest quality of information.

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Student Travel Insurance

Backpacking through the balkans interrailing around the swiss alps.

Don’t forget Admiral Travel Insurance when you plan your trip of a lifetime.

Travel insurance  might be the last thing on your mind when organising your epic trip. But when you’re carrying all your belongings in a backpack and intend to be away for a while, having the right cover in place should be a vital part of your plans.

Covid-19 - what our travel insurance covers

Our travel insurance now covers you for certain events related to Coronavirus (COVID-19), provided you have proof of a positive Covid-19 test and your cover is active at the time of the event.

What we cover

We provide cover for some costs related to Covid-19: please see Section 1 'emergency medical costs and repatriation' and Section 2 'cancelling or cutting short your trip' in your policy book for full details on what's covered.

We'll cover you if:

  • you were diagnosed with Covid-19 before your trip was due to start
  • a close relative died or became seriously ill as a result of Covid-19 before your trip was due to start
  • you weren't allowed to board your pre-booked outbound travel due to symptoms of Covid-19
  • an insured person or a close relative died during the trip because of Covid-19
  • you couldn't take part in an excursion due to you self-isolating after getting Covid-19

What we don’t cover

You won't be covered if:

  • you had reason to believe your trip may be cancelled, postponed or cut short when you booked it, purchased your policy or started your trip
  • any government or public authority imposes travel restrictions or quarantine on a community, location, or vessel because of Covid-19 (this includes, but is not limited to, local lockdowns, entry requirements, being denied entry and airspace closures)
  • you have to quarantine after arriving in the UK or abroad
  • the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) change their advice to avoid ‘all travel’ or ‘all but essential travel’ to your destination because of Covid-19

For more information about how Coronavirus (COVID-19) affects your travel cover, see our FAQ page . And remember to check the policy booklet carefully before you buy to make sure our cover meets your needs.

What kind of student travel insurance will I need?

The policy you need depends on how long you'll be travelling for. If you're lucky enough to be taking a few months – or even a year – to travel, then you'll need a policy that covers you for the full duration.

Unlike many single trip policies that cover you for up to 31 days away, our single trip policy covers you for 365 days, as long as you don't come back to the UK at all during that period.

If you're breaking up your travels over the course of a year, or studying abroad as part of your university course and planning to return to the UK after each term, then an annual policy – which allows multiple trips abroad, up to 31 days per trip as standard – could be right for you.

Admiral Student Travel Insurance comes with three tiers to choose from – Admiral, Admiral Gold and Admiral Platinum – with increasing coverage and product benefits.

Read the full list of benefits in the policy summary booklet .

travel insurance for students in uk

Which countries does student travel insurance cover?

Your student travel insurance needs to cover you in all the countries you're visiting, as well as every stop you make on the way (even if you're only passing through the country on an interrailing trip).

If you're heading to Europe, a  European travel policy  should meet your needs. We also include the following countries in our European travel insurance:

If your student travels are taking you further afield – to America,  Australia  or the Caribbean for instance – you'll need to look at a  worldwide insurance policy  instead.

We offer two options:

  • Worldwide excluding USA, Canada, Caribbean and Mexico

What's the difference between standard and student travel insurance?

Most travel insurance policies will cover you for things like:

  • Loss or theft of personal belongings
  • Travel delay

But if your student trip is going to last longer than the average holiday and you'll be trying out some extreme sports along the way, then you may need to look at some additional or specialist cover. Check the  policy booklet  or  contact us  to find out if the activity you want to do is covered.

Volunteering or working abroad

Whether providing childcare in a developing country's orphanages, helping on sustainability projects in a rainforest in Peru or feeding pandas at a conservation project in China, volunteering for a great cause abroad is a fantastic thing to do when you're a student.

It's a feel-good and do-good experience you'll treasure forever.

Maybe you're planning on working your way through your travels, taking on temporary jobs to help cover the cost of your adventures.

Our  travel policies  will cover you for your trip as long as you're not doing manual work. We define this as ‘paid or unpaid manual work or physical labour of any kind’.

For example, we won’t cover activities that require any heavy lifting or risk physical injury. If you’re unsure if what you plan to do is considered manual work,  call our team  to double check.

Student ski travel insurance for skiing and adventure holidays

We know relaxing on a beach isn't everyone's idea of fun. If you're planning to try new experiences and activities on your travels, make sure you check your  travel insurance policy booklet  first.

While our standard travel insurance covers you for active pursuits such as sail-boarding and surfing, anything riskier like diving with sharks or canyon swinging (yes, it's a thing!) will require a ‘hazardous activity' upgrade to your policy.

And if you're hitting the slopes, you'll need our  winter sports insurance  upgrade to cover your ski equipment and activities from skiing to snowmobiling. Without this upgrade, your trip won’t be covered at all.

Accidents and illness can happen, of course, so don't forget your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) if it’s still in date. Otherwise you should apply for a new Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) . These cards aren’t a substitute for travel insurance, though.

They entitle you to emergency care but treatment may not be free, and the cards won't cover extra costs such as those of getting you back to the UK in a medical emergency.

What about gadget travel insurance?

We know you won't want to be parted from your tech on your travels – how else will you Skype your family or Instagram your latest location?

But accidents happen, and expensive gadgets can get lost or stolen, so check your policy covers things such as smartphones, cameras or tablets.

If the value of your tech adds up to more than the valuables limit under your personal belongings cover in your travel insurance, you can add on gadget cover.

Admiral's gadget travel insurance pays up to £1,500 for gadgets that are lost, stolen or damaged on your trip.

What if I have a pre-existing condition?

A pre-existing condition is a short or long term illness or injury you have or have had before you buy travel insurance. This includes having symptoms, tests, diagnosis or medical treatment for a condition.

You can declare your pre-existing conditions during the quote process to see if we can offer cover. If you’re unsure what needs to be declared or if you're unable to find your condition on the medical conditions list, please contact us on 0333 234 9913 .

Your pre-existing conditions won’t be covered unless you’ve:

  • Declared them all on your policy
  • Received written confirmation that we’ll cover your medical condition
  • Paid any additional premium in full

Policy terms and conditions apply. Please note, if you’ve had a positive diagnosis of Covid-19 and been prescribed medication, received treatment, or had a consultation with a doctor or hospital specialist for any medical condition in the past two years, this needs to be declared on your policy.

If you don’t tell us about your pre-existing conditions or give us incorrect information, your policy may be invalid, and we may refuse all or part of any claim you submit.

For a quote with us, click the green button above.

The MoneyHelper directory

If you require cover for more serious medical conditions, MoneyHelper may be able to help you find specialist travel insurance through their medical directory.

If you wish to get in touch with them you can call them on 0800 138 7777 or find them online . (Monday to Friday 8:00-18:00, closed on Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.)

Need help with your quote? Give us a call.

  • Monday to Friday: 8am - 10pm
  • Saturday: 9am - 6pm
  • Sunday: 10am - 6pm

Calls to 03 numbers will cost no more than calls to national geographic numbers (starting 01 or 02) from both mobiles and landlines.

Getting the most out of your trip

Going anywhere nice.

Off to one of the destinations below? Take a look at our guides for some hints and tips on what you need to remember.

Travel insurance that suits you

Whether you're travelling solo, with your family, or with a little one on the way, read our guides to make sure our cover is right for you.

Family Travel Insurance

Travelling while pregnant, travel insurance over 65, travelling with medical conditions, travel insurance upgrades.

Whether you want the adrenaline rush of a skiing holiday, or fancy taking to the seas on a cruise, you'll need to add extra cover to your policy.

Cruise Travel Insurance

Ski travel insurance, gadget travel insurance, adventurous sports insurance, single trip insurance, annual trip insurance.

Navigator Travel Insurance

 Instant Policy Delivery

 Secure Online Purchase

 Range of Working Activities

 Six Different Policies

 Option to Extend Duration

 Cover for UK Residents

 Wide Range of Sports

 24 Hr Medical Assistance

Student Travel Insurance for Holidays or Studying Abroad

Students aren’t usually the most thorough when looking into things like travel insurance. There’s more emphasis on the entertainment side of things than the boring, administrative tasks. However, it’s just as important that students get the right travel insurance policy as anyone else so they are covered when they head out on their holidays. At Navigator, we want to make the process as easy as possible so students can focus on what they do best: having fun.

If you are studying at an overseas university, you may encounter problems getting travel insurance for students in your second or third year, due to a residency requirement on many UK travel insurance policies. Many of these long stay policies have a rule in the small print, which states that, to be eligible to buy this policy, you must not have been out of the UK for more than 6 months during the 12 month period prior to buying the policy. Obviously, if you have been at an overseas university for most of the previous year, you cannot buy this type of cover. However, the long stay versions of our Silver or Gold policies do not have this wording. To be eligible under the residency requirements of these two policies, you just need to have a home in the UK or EU and be registered with a GP here. There are no restrictions on the amount of time that you have spent out of the UK/EU in the previous year.

The range of insurance policies we have, cater for any student travel insurance requirements, whether you’re heading out on a 3 month , extended summer trip or a 5-day tour with your sports team. We know students are looking for cheap student travel insurance, though it’s still important to have all your activities covered. If you go on football tour and don’t have a travel insurance policy which covers sporting activities then you’ll be in trouble if you suffer an injury on your trip. Likewise, there’s no point getting a hugely expensive adventure policy if you only plan on going on a beach holiday for a week .

The last thing students want to spend time doing is reading the small print on a complicated travel insurance policy, though it is important to understand exactly which one is best for you so you don’t end up finding out the hard way that the cheap cover that you found online won’t cover half of the things that you want to do. If you take expensive belongings away with you like iPods or mobile phones then you need to be aware of the limitations on cover for these items. You should look carefully at the Single Item Limit and Total Valuables Limit on travel insurance policies. These electrical items are classed as “valuables” and cover is always very limited for these. Navigator Travel’s  Travel Insurance Tips & Advice  page provides a breakdown of the pitfalls when selecting a policy so that you don’t get stung like this when you should be enjoying yourself.

Our aim at Navigator is to help you find the perfect travel insurance for students, with the least hassle possible, offering all the information up front in a simple and easy to understand format. We are also available to discuss any issues personally with you  via phone or email  if necessary.

Depending on the nature of your travel throughout your years of studying, we have a number of policies to choose from which fall into 3 main categories:

  • Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance
  • Long Stay Single Trip Travel Insurance
  • Short Stay Single Trip Travel Insurance

Whatever your travel plans, you will get the cover you need right here. If you can’t find the information or the policy you are searching for then call us direct on 0161 973 6435 and we will do our best to find the perfect policy for your needs.

Annual Multi-Trip

Cover for multiple trips.

  • Up to 45 days each trip
  • Option to extend to 62 days
  • Special deals for couples and families

Long Stay Single Trip

Cover from 2 to 18 months.

  • Extended backpacking
  • Career breaks
  • Volunteering
  • Working holidays abroad

Short Stay Single Trip

Cover for up to 45 days.

  • Single holiday
  • Business trip
  • Special rates for families
  • Accompanied kids go free

Ask Us Anything

  • Age(s) of travellers *
  • Destination(s) *
  • Date of Departure * Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Date of Arrival Back Home * Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Message: * Ask us a question about one of our products and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Name This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • Travel Insurance Policies
  • Annual Multi Trip
  • Coronavirus Travel Insurance
  • Long Stay Travel Insurance

Check out our blog below:

When Can You Fly With A Newborn?

When Can You Fly With A Newborn from the UK?

Can you Fly with a Catheter Bag?

Can you Fly with a Catheter Bag from the UK?

Can you Fly with Heart Arrhythmia?

Can you Fly with Heart Arrhythmia from the UK?

Can You Fly With Varicose Eczema?

Can you Fly with Varicose Eczema from the UK?


Holiday Makers

Families, couples or individuals.

Families, couples or individuals on holiday or business trips for shorter durations.


gap years, Backpackers and Career break

Usually couples or individuals requiring cover for longer term overseas trips of 2 months or more.

travel insurance for students in uk

Sports & Adventures

Skiing, snowboarding, climbing and more.

We offer four policies for people travelling overseas, requiring cover for specific sports and activities.

Interesting links

  • 1 Day Travel Insurance
  • 1 Month Travel Insurance
  • 10 Months Travel Insurance
  • 11 Month Travel Insurance
  • 12 Month Travel Insurance
  • 13 Month Travel Insurance
  • 14 Month Travel Insurance
  • 15 Month Travel Insurance
  • 18 Month Travel Insurance
  • 2 Day Travel Insurance
  • 2 Month Travel Insurance
  • 3 Day Travel Insurance
  • 3 Months Travel Insurance
  • 4 Months Travel Insurance
  • 5 Month Travel Insurance
  • 6 Month Travel Insurance
  • 7 Day Travel Insurance
  • 7 Month Travel Insurance
  • 8 Month Travel Insurance
  • 9 Month Travel Insurance
  • Adventure Travel Insurance
  • Africa Travel Insurance
  • Asia Travel Insurance
  • Climbing and Mountaineering Travel Insurance
  • Cycling Travel Insurance
  • Destinations
  • Domestic Travel Insurance
  • European Breakdown Insurance
  • European Travel Insurance
  • Extreme Sports Travel Insurance Policies
  • FAQ Travel Insurance
  • Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  • Gadget Travel Insurance
  • Get A Quote
  • Golf Travel Insurance Policies
  • High Risk Destination Travel Insurance
  • Holiday Travel Insurance
  • Important Information – Please Read
  • Key Facts & Policy Wording Documents
  • Kilimanjaro Travel Insurance
  • Martial Arts Travel Insurance Muay Thai
  • Motorcycle Travel Insurance Policies
  • Navigator Privacy Policy
  • New Zealand Travel Insurance
  • North America Travel Insurance
  • Oceania Travel Insurance
  • One Way Travel Insurance
  • Paragliding Travel Insurance
  • Polo Travel Insurance
  • Safari Travel Insurance
  • Sailing Travel Insurance
  • School Trip
  • Scuba Diving Travel Insurance
  • Single Trip
  • Skiing Travel Insurance Policies
  • Snowboarding Travel Insurance
  • South Africa
  • South America Travel Insurance
  • Surfing Travel Insurance
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Travel Insurance After Departure
  • Travel Insurance for Kids
  • Travel Insurance for Pensioners and the Elderly
  • Travel Insurance For Professional Sports
  • Trekking Travel Insurance
  • Water Skiing Travel Insurance
  • Watersports Travel Insurance
  • Weekend Travel Insurance
  • Winter Sports Travel Insurance
  • Working Abroad Travel Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • February 2022
  • January 2022
  • November 2021
  • October 2021
  • August 2021
  • August 2020
  • February 2020
  • December 2019
  • November 2019
  • October 2019
  • September 2019
  • August 2019

Coronavirus Update & FAQs

We now provide cover for Covid-19 on our policies, click here to find out more

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  • 14 day cooling off period
  • 24 hour Medical Helpline
  • Up to £10 million cover for medical emergencies and repatriation back to the UK
  • 100's of sports and activities covered as standard

Student Travel Insurance

When researching travel insurance for students, the most important thing to consider is whether the cover will suit your specific trip. Are you planning to go  backpacking  for your Gap Year or have you decided on working at Camp America this summer? Maybe you fancy  Interrailing  across Europe or are you just taking a two-week holiday with your mates to chill out in the summer sun?

Here at Alpha Travel Insurance, we want to ensure you have the best student travel insurance to suit your needs.  

What do we cover?

All of our policies provide the following benefits:

  • Worldwide, UK and Europe cover available, as long as you're not travelling against the advice of the FCDO (if you are, check out our  High-Risk Traveller )
  • Emergency 24-hour medical helpline
  • £10 million cover for medical emergencies and repatriation back to the UK
  • Over 100 sports and activities covered as standard
  • 14 day 'cooling off' period
  • Cover includes cancellation, medical emergencies, personal belongings, cash, travel documents and much more
  • Online medical screening tool

To make buying insurance simpler, our policies offer the same levels of cover, so all you need to decide is the excess you want to pay in the event of a claim, ranging from £0 - £175.

Top Tip : Spending a few more pennies now will mean a much lower excess if you experience a holiday disaster, so it’s probably worth one less drink at the bar!  

Why should Students choose Alpha Travel Insurance?

Alongside our customer promise, we believe that you, the customer, are the driving force of Alpha Travel Insurance. We regularly encourage our customers to share feedback about their experience with us, so that we can continually improve both our services and products.

Also, as well as all of the standard benefits above, we also offer the following optional extensions:

  • If you want cover for your gadgets and gizmos, you have the option to add our  gadget specific extension  to your policy.
  • If you are taking part in an activity that is not mentioned in the list of free activities we cover as standard, you can add the relevant  activity pack  to ensure full coverage.

Student Travel Tips and advice

Your valuables: Don’t show off your valuables, this could make you more vulnerable to theft.

Luggage: We can all relate to travelling abroad and having a few too many, but it’s important to be careful when abroad, as in the event of a claim, excessive alcohol may invalidate your claim.

Keeping in contact: Always tell someone where you are going, so someone knows where you will be in the event of an emergency.

Don’t forget: Don’t forget an adapter and painkillers when you are on your travels. These are often things that can slip our minds but come in very handy.

Over-packing: Try not to over-pack as additional baggage fees can be expensive. Buy a small luggage scale so you can avoid overpacking.

Tickets: Book tickets for places you would like to visit in advance, not only will this probably work out cheaper but will also ensure you won’t miss out if the queues are huge or tickets are sold out.

For more travel tips, visit our blog.  

Do you offer a Student Discount? We do not currently offer a specific student discount, however, keep an eye on your emails as we regularly send out discount codes in them for you to use for your next policy!

Do you offer Travel Insurance for International Students in the UK? We can only sell travel insurance to UK Residents, which we define as anyone who has their main home in the UK, and has not spent more than 6 months out of the last 12 out of the UK. If you are looking for insurance to be in the UK from your home country, we would be unable to cover you, unfortunately.

Do you offer insurance for students studying abroad? Yes, we cover studying abroad as standard!

*Please note, our online prices automatically include a 15% discount. 

Alpha Travel Insurance

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Secure Purchase

Alpha Travel Insurance is a trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN306537. tifgroup is trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc registered in England No. 3220410. tifgroup; all rights reserved. Registered Office: 1 Tower View, Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4UY. All policies offered are on a non-advised basis


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Winter sports.

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Student Travel Insurance

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At Holidaysafe we understand that studying at College or University can be extremely stressful, which is why students should take full opportunity of their breaks to take holidays with friends/family and unwind.

Students have enough to worry about without finding cheap travel insurance to protect them during the trip. Our award-winning policies offer multiple levels of cover so you can choose travel insurance which suits your need and your budget.

Benefits of Holidaysafe’s Travel Insurance policies include:

  • Featured on the Which? Best Rate tables ☆
  • Cover starts from just £6.32¹
  • European and Worldwide options available
  • We offer automatic cover for over 100 sports and activities. We also offer an affordable winter sports extension for any skiing or snowboarding enthusiasts
  • Gadget cover included as standard
  • Cover if your personal possessions or cash are lost, stolen or damaged, plus much more including cancellation, mugging, medical emergencies and travel delay
  • We aim to make our policy wordings as clear and concise as possible, ensuring you know what you’re covered for up-front
  • To find out more benefits of our travel insurance, read our dedicated travel insurance benefits page

If you’re looking for cover for a longer trip up to 24 months in duration for a gap year or a backpacker adventure, visit our dedicated Gap Year Travel Insurance page for more information .

Our student travel insurance is ideal if you are:

  • A student taking a gap year trip
  • Studying abroad
  • Taking a working holiday
  • Volunteering abroad

Working abroad can be an amazing way to enhance your CV and stand out from the crowd. It allows you to experience various other cultures, test out places to live and careers, or simply use the money that you are earning to purchase your next plane ticket.

However, going abroad doesn’t have to be all about working or saving money. You could also simply go away and spend money experiencing new things by going interrailing around Europe or backpacking around Asia. To ensure that you and your trip are protected against any unexpected holiday disasters such as medical emergencies or lost possessions, it’s important to invest in quality travel insurance!

  • Featured in the Which? Best Rate tables since 2010 ᶤ
  • Award-Winning Travel Insuranceɸ
  • Save 15% Online!Ɨ
  • FREE and SECURE Customer Area
  • Discounts on Couples & Family Policies
  • 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance

Award Winning Travel Insurance

  • Featured in the Which? Best Rate tables since 2010 ⱽ
  • Finalists - 'Best Travel Insurance Provider' in the 2022 Insurance Choice Awards

Travel Insurance Recommended Provider of the Year

¹ Pricing based on a 21 year old travelling to ‘Europe excluding Spain’ for three days, if the policy is taken out within 93 days of travelling on a Holidaysafe Standard Single Trip policy. Prices correct as of 01/12/20233

☆ The Which? Best Rate feature applies to Holidaysafe’s Premier cover, based on a 24-day Single Trip policy with Worldwide excluding Mexico cover. The table was last updated on Which?’s website on 30/06/2023.

Ɨ Please note, Holidaysafe’s online price automatically includes a 15% online discount against our Customer Service Centre prices. This is discounted from our core policy price before you add any additional cost of optional extensions or additional medical premium.

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Holidaysafe is a trading name of Travel Insurance Facilities Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN 306537. Registered Office: 1 Tower View, Kings Hill, West Malling, ME19 4UY. Travel Insurance Facilities Plc registered in England No. 3220410. All rights reserved. All policies offered are on a non-advised basis.

To get a quote please choose one of the following policy types:

travel insurance for students in uk

Annual Multi Trip

travel insurance for students in uk


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Student Travel Insurance

  • Student Travel Insurance with Covid Cover
  • Ideal Travel Insurance for Students studying abroad
  • Turing Scheme
  • Student Gap Year
  • Over 100 Adventure Activities as standard
  • Medical Expenses and Repatriation Cover
  • 24-hour / 365 Multi-lingual Assistance
  • Trip durations up to 15 months, plus extensions to 18 months
  • What’s covered
  • Geographical limits

What is student travel insurance?

International student travel insurance is similar to any other travel insurance but it's suitable for students. This Travel Insurance with Covid cover is a perfect way to stay protected while travelling as a student and seeing the world whilst studying and experiencing new sites and cultures. You should get this policy if you’re going abroad to study, or work as part of your study, you're on a turing programme, volunteering, or if you're taking a gap year, or time out before you start study or work abroad.

The main difference with travel insurance for students is that it usually covers you for a long stay trip abroad.

Travel Insurance coverage for Students studying abroad is essential. You never know what might happen and thing you want to worry about is getting ill or having an accident and not having medical cover or any local help. With Globelink you'll get Student Travel Insurance with Covid cover included as standard, so you're protected if you get Covid and need medical treatment while you're away.  Students who study abroad are particularly vulnerable because they may not have easy access to the local healthcare system; nor the support of family close by. With more educational opportunities available worldwide, make sure you're protected by reliable travel insurance if you opt for a study adventure. 

Globelink's international student health insurance is perfect if you are on a budget but still looking for reliable, comprehensive insurance. Choose a policy that suits your requirements. This could be one of our Globetrekker options or our Regular or Comprehensive policies. International Student Health Insurance is available wherever you plan to travel. You can buy one of our policies as long as your usual place of residence is UK, EU and EEA. Our products are all also available to Australian, New Zealand and South African passportholders currently living in the UK or EU.

Student Travel Insurance and international health insurance are general terms we use to describe our products that can cover students travelling abroad. Always check that the policy you chose suits your particular requirements by checking thoroughly whats covered and the terms that apply.

The Main Benefits:

Buy your International Student Travel Insurance as soon as you book your trip. That way you will be protected for certain cancellation risks even before you travel, such as an accident or illness (including catching Covid with 14 days of your trip and while you are away). You can choose which Travel Insurance for students studying abroad from all of our products as they can all be suitable for you depending on your particular travel needs and trip length. Just chose the benefit package that best suits you. Key Benefits include:

  • Emergency Medical and Repatriation Home Cover
  • Over 100 Adventure Activities covered for Free
  • 24 hour 365 multi-lingual Assistance Service for free
  • Cancellation and Curtailment cover
  • Personal Liability Cover

Attention! The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) / Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) provides some emergency healthcare within the EU, but it does not cover Repatriation costs, or a doctor or nurse escort home; nor lost or stolen property. You need Travel Insurance for that.

Is International Student Travel Insurance a legal requirement?

A travel insurance policy for those studying abroad, or students working abroad is not a legal requirement, but it may be part of your course entry requirements, or visa entry requirements to have travel insurance in place. Most travel experts and the FCDO agree that travel insurance is important to protect you while abroad. Travel Insurance cover for Students will give you financial security and peace of mind.

What's in a good Travel Insurance Policy for Studets?

This depends on what you need and the good news is study abroad travel insurance can cover all sorts of eventualities. Think about what you might need if something goes wrong, but as a minimum you should ensure cover for:

Injury or illness : including Covid cover. Your insurance should cover medical expenses (at least 5 Million) if you fall ill or have an accident while abroad.

Repatriation : if you need a medical repatriation home this could cost thousands, so ensure a good level of cover.

Baggage & personal possessions: if luggage is lost or stolen.

Trip cancellation, curtailment or delays : with Globelink this means you will have cover before you travel for certain risks including catching covid within 14 days of your trip.  You can claim if you are unable to travel to your destination for certain reasons such as serious illness or injury preventing you from travelling, or jury service. You will also be covered for the same reasons if you have to cut your trip short.

Top Tip: Remember to check behind the headlines and be aware of standard exclusions that usually apply, such as Pre-existing medical conditions (unless accepted by your insurance); Extreme sports; incidents linked to alcohol or drugs; any unlawful acts; some manual labour (if you plan to work while away).

Types of Student Travel Insurance available?

Backpacker / Globetrekker Travel Insurance cover - covers longer trips, for younger travellers on a budget. Globelink Backpacker policies cover people up to age 50 for up to 15 months (and the option to extend to 18 months subject to approval).  It’s ideal for students studying abroad, or gap years, or volunteering abroad. It's a good option for students. All policies include over 100 Adventure Activities for free plus 50 pre-existing medical conditions.

Single Trip Travel Insurance - covers one trip - whether its for a few days or up to 15 months, for people aged 89 yrs. Good for one trip overseas and you can choose from no frills budget options like Economy Cover, to full cover with a Comprehensive policy.

Multi-trip cover - covers you for multiple trips per year up to 120 days at a time.

Can I travel anywhere with international student health insurance?

Our backpacker student travel insurance gives worldwide cover, or you can choose a different geographical area as long as your destination is included.

Top Tip: Think about other places you may visit or pass through while you're away. It may be cheaper to opt for a worldwide Globetrekker policy to give you flexibility to travel while you are studying abroad.

Always check and comply with your local Government advice on travel. For UK residents this is the FCDO.

It’s always a good idea to take out travel insurance as soon as you know you’re going away, but remember to take care of yourself and your belongings - especially while you are away and never leave your belongings unattended.

Globetrekkers Standard Cover

Don`t just travel on budget, get insured on budget too! Ideal for people aged under 51.

Ideal for people aged under 51 years old and backpackers on a tight budget but looking for an Emergency Medical Travel Insurance policy without the frills.

  • Cancellation or Curtailment - up to £2,000 in total
  • Emergency Medical Expenses - up to £5,000,000 in total
  • Baggage - Nil

Globetrekkers Standard Plus Cover

Gives you the essential backpacker cover plus protects your Baggage, Money, Passport etc.

Provides you excellent Emergency Medical Expenses cover plus the added protection of Baggage cover, Money, Passport, Personal Accident etc.

  • Baggage - up to £1,000 in total

Single Trip Travel Insurance

Single Trip Travel Insurance is designed for people aged up to 89 travelling independently or on a package holiday with a maximum trip duration of up to 15 months.

  • Cancellation or Curtailment - up to £6,000 in total
  • Emergency Medical Expenses - up to £10,000,000 in total
  • Baggage - up to £3,000 in total

Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance

Travelling more than once a year? Take as many holidays as you wish and be covered all year long! 17 days Winter Sports Cover FREE if you take out the 45 days policy.

Designed for most Individuals, Couples or Families who undertake several trips of up to 120 days within a 12 months period. For people aged up to 79 years!

  • Baggage - up to £3,000 in total

Backpacker Travel Insurance

Career breaker? Globetrekker? Globelink Insurance offer the budget solution for long stay journeys.

Aimed at under 51 years old backpackers on a tight budget up to a maximum of 18 months. Most adventure sports covered for free.

  • Cancellation or Curtailment - up to £2,000 in total
  • Emergency Medical Expenses - up to £5,000,000 in total
  • Baggage - up to £1,000 in total

J1 Basic Policy

Gives you the essential J1 cover for people aged up to 50.

Globelink J1 Basic Travel Insurance provides all the essentials if you are on a tight budget but still need a policy that exceeds the requirements of the US J-1 Visa exchange programme set by the U.S Department of State.

  • Cancellation or Curtailment - up to £1,500
  • Emergency Medical Expenses - up to £5,000,000
  • Personal Liability - up to £2,000,000

J1 Regular Policy

All the J1 essentials, plus baggage, money, exam failure cover and more, for people aged up to 50.

Globelink J1 Regular Travel Insurance provides all the essentials and much more. It exceeds the requirements of the US J-1 Visa exchange programme set by the U.S Department of State.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is overseas student travel insurance.

Study abroad insurance is similar to any other travel insurance but its suitable for students, so usually its available for long trip durations. Its  designed to prtect you while are on a trip, or studying abroad.

How much does International Student travel insurance cost?

It depends on what type of travel insurance policy you choose. The no frills, cheapest option for students is Single Economy (£ ) for short trips (check it covers what you need), or Backpacker cover (£ ) for longer stays.

See also: J1 visa travel insurance , gap year travel insurance , international travel insurance , travel insurance for working abroad , budget travel insurance , expat travel insurance , cruise travel insurance , annual travel insurance to Europe , best travel insurance , best value travel insurance , business travel insurance , camping insurance , cheap European travel insurance , cheap holiday insurance for over 65 , cheap travel insurance couples travel insurance , Easter travel insurance , essential travel insurance , extended travel insurance , extreme sports insurance , family travel insurance , fcdo travel advice , global travel insurance , group travel insurance , holiday travel insurance , last minute travel insurance , long stay travel insurance , long term travel insurance , one way travel insurance , worldwide travel insurance , yearly travel insurance , quick quote travel insurance , travel insurance for children , travel insurance for Europe , travel insurance for non UK residents , travel insurance to America , travel insurance for UK residents

Still have questions?

Globelink team will assist solving any of your questions over the phone 00 44 (0) 1353 699082.

Summary of the Cover Student Travel Insurance

Schedule of Cover and Limits of Indemnity per Insured Person (All Benefits are stated in UK Pounds)

Travel Insurance

Please read your Policy Wording carefully to ensure that it meets with your precise requirements. View and download the relevant Policy Wording* from the links below. If you purchased a Globelink policy previously while you were an EU RESIDENT, or you need to view the Policy Wording we issue to EU Residents, please click here to visit our Globelink EU site.

*If you purchased your Travel Insurance policy prior to Jan 2022, you can view your policy wording by reviewing your Globelink Travel Insurance Documents Purchase email, or obtain a copy by contacting [email protected] with your name and address details.

*if you purchased a STAYCATION Policy please see the *last PDF at the bottom of this page – for the Staycation Policy Wording

Policy Wording for Policies issued to UK residents (Living in the UK only) from from 29th November onwards .

Policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 1st october 2023 to 28th november ., policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 1st june 2022 to 30th september 2023 ., policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 1st feb 2022 to 31st may 2022., policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 30th dec 2020 to 31st january 2022, policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 29th oct - 29th dec 2020, policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 1st oct - 28th oct 2020, policy wording for policies issued to uk residents (living in the uk only) from 1st feb – 10th august 2020.

For reliable Travel Insurance, simply complete 5 quick & easy steps. Pay with your Visa, MasterCard, or PayPal and receive your policy documents by email in seconds.

Get 20% OFF Covid Testing with any Travel insurance purchase

If you're planning a single trip each year, it is important to purchase travel insurance. Anything from lost luggage to medical expenses can cost you dear.

Student travel insurance

What is travel insurance for students.

Student insurance will cover you for the duration of your stay abroad, up to 12 months, leaving you with one less thing to worry about as you tackle foreign languages, new cultures, and time away from home and loved ones. You will have a whole new list of responsibilities, so it's wise to make sure that some things are covered before you leave.

AXA Student travel insurance covers unexpected and unforeseen events that could turn an adventure away from home into a real drama. Everything from the loss or theft of a bank card or your ID to stolen or damaged possessions should be covered. And, if you plan on staying in a student facility, you might like your new pad to be covered in case of fire, flood or another disaster.

AXA Student Travel Insurance

Please visit our dedicated travel insurance store by clicking the button below.

You should also make sure you are covered for any kind of medical emergency or repatriation in case of serious injury or illness. We all know that being a student isn't a paid gig, so money can be tight, and extra costs for things that could have been covered affordably before your trip are not an option. Stay focused on your studies and don’t fret about unforeseen circumstances.  

What is the best student insurance?

Just like any insurance policy, you need to carefully check what's covered. Some student insurances will cover you during your studies, but not your holidays. You might like to take a musical instrument, a laptop, or a bicycle – to save on travel expenses. Make sure these are covered for damage, loss, or theft.

Travel insurance single trip

How to choose student insurance?

  • Check policy excesses and terms and conditions to ensure you choose the right coverage according to your belongings and way of life.
  • Check the period of insurance.
  • List your expensive possessions (laptop, bike, jewellery etc) separately – and make sure they are covered for loss, theft, and damage.  

Why should you include AXA travel student insurance?

With AXA student insurance , you’ll be covered in case of medical emergency and repatriation. There are also allowances to cover the travel costs of a relative, who has to be at your side in case of hospitalisation. Also, you will benefit from l iability insurance and a legal support, which will be invaluable if you find yourself arrested or jailed.

Disclaimer : This article provides a broad summary of benefits and is intended solely for informational purposes. To learn about the specific coverage, exclusions, and benefits included in your personal travel insurance policy, please refer to your individual certificate of insurance or local IPID document. If you have any questions or concerns, we recommend reaching out to one of our local travel insurance store for further assistance. Prices, cover types & guarantees at the moment of publication may vary depending on your country. Local Terms & Conditions apply. Please download T&Cs from your local store for more information.

Student Travel Insurance

Protect yourself, and your plans

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Travel Insurance for Studying Abroad

Travel insurance can protect your finances if your travel plans go awry..

Nick Dauk

6+ years writing about insurance, travel, and personal finances

Contributor to brands like Credible

In addition to insurance, Nick specializes in writing about business, entrepreneurship, personal finance, and travel. He’s been featured in myriad web publications, including Fox Business.

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Danny Smith

Licensed auto and home insurance agent

4+ years in content creation and marketing

As Insurify’s home and pet insurance editor, Danny also specializes in auto insurance. His goal is to help consumers navigate the complex world of insurance buying.

Updated September 22, 2023

travel insurance for students in uk

Table of contents

  • Travel insurance
  • Coverage options

Travel medical insurance

  • Purchasing coverage

Studying abroad is one of the most engaging ways to continue your studies while learning about a country’s history, culture, and more. While thousands of students have an immensely positive experience, not all study abroad trips go off without a hitch. That’s what makes travel insurance so important.

Sometimes, a student must have travel insurance while studying abroad; other times, it’s optional coverage. Regardless, you should consider having at least a minimal amount of travel insurance when studying abroad just in case the unexpected happens.

What is travel insurance for studying abroad?

Travel insurance is a type of insurance that reimburses you for part of or all of your expenses when you experience an unfortunate event when traveling. This could be anything from losing your luggage to having to completely cancel the trip. [1]

Travel insurance could help you recover financially from these unexpected problems. Aside from issues with the trip itself, you may want to also consider travel health insurance.

In most cases, your regular health insurance plan won’t cover the costs of your medical care outside of the United States, and the U.S. government won’t pay for medical bills or related costs if you’re injured while abroad. [2]

What travel insurance should a student have?

Parents and students alike may need clarification on whether travel insurance is necessary for studying abroad. If the university requires travel insurance for a semester abroad, faculty members or staff in charge of the program should notify the students of the policy requirements.

If travel insurance is optional, study abroad program participants should at least know which options to consider. Whether it’s to provide health insurance coverage that your normal U.S. insurance policy doesn’t cover or to cover en-route travel challenges, such as lost baggage, you should be familiar with how additional insurance can help.

Even if you’re staying in your home country — such as a student from the mainland United States enrolling in a semester in Alaska, Hawaii, or one of the U.S. territories — lost luggage, flight delays, and cancellations caused by a natural disaster could all occur.

Travel medical insurance typically pays for medical services you receive outside your home country, such as a routine service like a doctor visit for a prescription or a vaccination, as well as an emergency service suddenly required during your study trip. Travel medical insurance plans differ with each travel insurance company, so compare policies accordingly.

Baggage insurance

Baggage insurance covers your luggage if you lose it in transit. For example: Suppose you checked a bag at an airport in your home country, changed planes in a layover airport, and arrived at your destination only to discover that you no longer have your baggage. In this instance, baggage insurance would pay for the cost of your lost luggage.

This insurance might not be an important consideration for students using only carry-on luggage.

Delay insurance

Travel insurance works on a case-by-case basis, and covered information-specific events are outlined in your policy. It’s important to remember that trip cancellation differs from a trip delay. Basic travel insurance covers some long delays that result in you missing a significant amount of your trip; additional delay insurance can potentially cover you for smaller delays, such as long flight delays or transportation strikes.

Cancellation insurance

Trip cancellation insurance is an important consideration, even if you believe you don’t need baggage insurance or delay insurance. Cancellation insurance protects your financial investment in a single trip by reimbursing you for canceled cruises, flights, train tickets, and more.

For instance, if your host country suddenly changes its entry requirements or your home country suddenly sets new travel restrictions, cancellation insurance may cover these events.

Mental health coverage

Travel can include moments of stress, anxiety, and loneliness. Some policies allow you to purchase additional insurance related to mental health coverage.

If you currently receive mental health services through your university, talk to your study abroad office about how you can ensure your unique psychological needs are covered abroad through mental health travel insurance.

Travel evacuation insurance

There’s medical evacuation insurance that helps in the event of things like accidental death or dismemberment, but there’s also evacuation insurance unrelated to you sustaining a serious medical emergency, like injuries, accidents, or illnesses. Travel evacuation insurance removes you from the host country if military action or political unrest breaks out.

Why you should get travel medical insurance

Seeking medical treatment at a medical facility abroad can be expensive, as can simply refilling a prescription medication. Having access to international health insurance can reduce these costs dramatically.

Make sure to inquire about any pre-existing conditions you have. Some travel insurance companies include pre-existing conditions, while other international health insurance plans don’t.

Travel insurance for COVID-19

Because COVID-19 is still present worldwide, some countries may have strict rules regarding how a student may enter, remain, or leave the country if they contract the virus.

The U.S. Department of State recommends that travelers obtain travel insurance that includes coverage for all COVID-19-related trip cancellations and disruptions, as well as medical coverage for COVID-19-related treatments. [3]

Like many other specific coverage options, COVID-19 insurance may not be automatically included in a basic travel insurance policy for students.

Where to get travel insurance for studying abroad

Many insurance companies offer policies specifically designed for the needs of study abroad students. Cultural Insurance Services International (CISI) provides travel insurance policies for international students and students studying abroad. [4] You can also purchase travel insurance through a global network of insurance companies for school-related trips.

The first places to search for policies are either through the study abroad office at your university or through your current insurance company. Most schools that facilitate study abroad trips will have either documents for you to view or email and other contact information to find a plan.

Similarly, your current medical, auto, or even homeowner insurance company may offer travel insurance that you can add to your policy.

Study abroad insurance FAQs

Whether it’s your first time studying abroad, or if you’ve never purchased travel insurance for a previous academic adventure, here’s some helpful information about study abroad insurance.

When should you buy travel insurance?

Unless your study abroad program has a specific deadline, you should purchase travel insurance as soon as you’ve confirmed your trip. Many insurers recommend purchasing it immediately after you secure your travel arrangements, as the longer you wait the more expensive it will be. At the latest, you should purchase a policy within 14 to 15 days of your trip.

Do you need insurance to travel or study abroad?

You don’t typically need travel insurance unless the destination country requires it. However, a traveler on a formal trip like a tour will likely need to purchase travel insurance to attend the trip. [5] A student studying abroad may also need travel insurance to meet the requirements of their university or school.

What does study abroad insurance cover?

Study abroad insurance isn’t a set-in-stone policy. Rather, it’s a type of travel insurance offered by an insurer designed to meet a student’s specific needs. Students studying abroad may choose a policy that covers medical expenses, trip cancellation, baggage loss, or other events.

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  • National Association of Insurance Commissioners . " Travel Insurance ."
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Nick Dauk

Nick Dauk is a freelance writer specializing in business, entrepreneurship, personal finance, and travel. His work has been featured in Fox Business, BBC, The Edge, Business Insider, and Bisnow. Nick is a first-generation college graduate, having majored in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Central Florida. His eclectic coursework, combined with previous managerial roles in the retail and broadcast television industries, have helped him develop an interdisciplinary approach to writing.

For nearly a decade, Nick has created content for mom-and-pop businesses and global corporations. As a travel writer, his global adventures have also been featured on Inside Hook, Houston Chronicle, Culture Trip, and Matador. When he's not traveling, Nick can be found in Orlando spending time with his wife and toddler.

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Student Travel Insurance

Insurance for international students studying in the uk.

  • Get A Quote

Having worked alongside English language schools for a number of years, One Education knows that Student Travel Insurance is a vital provision. To ensure your students have the right protection while studying abroad, our insurers, Ortus Underwriting, provide a wide range of protection to our clients. The cost of this insurance can be included within your course fees, or sold as an optional extra.

Cover includes:

  • Cancellation, curtailment and course fees, up to £7,500
  • Up to £10 million medical expenses, including coronavirus cases
  • Emergency mental health or dental treatment
  • Personal belongings, up to £2,000
  • Work experience (dependant on activities being undertaken)

Optional extensions:

  • Cover for valuables up to £300
  • Excess protection (waiver of £50 excess)
  • Natural disaster cover in respect of cancellation

What is International Student Travel Insurance?

Sometimes known as ‘Inbound Travel Insurance’ or ‘Exchange Student Insurance’, it is a policy designed for international students who want to travel to the UK in order to study English. It can cover students aged between 6-70, including school children and university students.

We have two types of policy available:

Group Policy: This allows you to offer Student Travel Insurance as an optional extra.

Commercial: This allows you to include the cost of a policy within the total course fees.

Both policies cover: cancellation, curtailment and course fees; medical expenses; personal belongings; personal liability and personal accident. Find out more.

Please note that medical expenses incurred as a result of coronavirus are covered while the student is travelling to or from the UK.

Are medical expenses covered by the NHS?

In some instances, yes. However, this is dependent on a number of factors, including the student’s country of origin and the treatment required. However, it is recommended that International Student Travel Insurance is in place as it provides protection against more than just medical expenses.

Are pre-existing medical conditions excluded?

No. While many other insurance products cannot provide cover for such, we do not exclude pre-existing conditions, providing the student is declared fit to travel. However, the student should not travel against medical advice or after a terminal prognosis and cannot be travelling for the purposes of obtaining medical treatment.

There is no cover in respect of medication or treatment that was known about at the time of departure to be required or to be continued outside the country of residence.

Is there a maximum trip length?

We would not expect any student to be in the UK for more than 12 months.

Is there a minimum age limit?

Yes. 6 years old, and the child must be a student studying with you for International Student Travel Insurance to apply. 

We are running a series of online courses. Is the student still covered by the policy?

This is a travel policy designed for studying abroad in the UK. Remote courses that do not include any travel will not be covered.

Does ‘cancellation cover’ apply to cancellation due to Covid-19?

Yes. If a trip is cancelled before commencement directly and necessarily as a result of (a) illness caused by COVID-19 of an Insured Person, or, (b) an Insured Person receiving a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 following an official PCR test, a claim will be considered by your insurer subject to providing evidence to support the claim.

If you have a current policy with us, then this cover change will apply at your policy renewal.

A claim cannot be made under Section 2 – Course Fees, as the school may issue a refund or credit for a change of travel dates.

If a student contracts coronavirus in the UK and cannot travel, are student and school costs covered if we have to stay open to provide care?

If a student is ill with coronavirus, resulting in a valid claim under Section 3 – Medical Expenses, then cover would also include reasonable and necessary costs for travel and accommodation of the student in returning home. For instance, the cost to change a flight or extended (or alternative) accommodation.

In this instance, we recommend you contact the claims management team for specific advice.

If a student is due to fly but can’t because their government has restricted travel, can they make a claim?

No. The policy will not cover regulations, border restrictions or orders made by any Public Authority or Government. This applies to both the country of origin and the destination.

Emergency dental cover for relief of pain and discomfort is included, but what about actual dental work? Does this fall under the ‘Up to £10 million’ medical expenses?

No. We provide £500 of cover for the emergency relief of pain only. Full dental work would need to be completed at their own cost.

Supplementary travel cover is £5,000 – can this be increased?

No. We believe this limit is sufficient based on previous claims data.

Can work experience include manual activity?

These are considered on a case by case basis. Please provide as much information as possible so that we can make an informed decision.

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Embarking on a journey as a student can be an exciting and enriching experience, whether it is studying abroad, participating in an exchange program, or simply traveling during school breaks. However, along with the thrill of exploration comes the need for protection against unforeseen circumstances that may disrupt your plans or pose financial risks. This is where student travel insurance comes into play. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of student travel insurance, covering everything from what it is and why it is essential, to the benefits, coverage options, costs, and more.

Understanding Student Travel Insurance

Why is student travel insurance essential, benefits of student travel insurance, coverage options, importance of student travel insurance, cost of student travel insurance, how to purchase student travel insurance.

Student travel insurance is a specialized type of insurance designed to provide coverage and protection to students traveling domestically or internationally for educational purposes. Whether you’re studying abroad for a term, participating in a student exchange program, or taking a gap year to travel and explore the world, having the right insurance coverage is crucial. Student travel insurance offers peace of mind by mitigating the financial risks associated with unforeseen events such as medical emergencies, trip cancellations, baggage loss, and more.

Traveling as a student can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with its share of risks and uncertainties. Medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost baggage, and other unforeseen events can not only disrupt your plans but also result in significant financial losses. Student travel insurance provides a safety net by offering financial protection and assistance when you need it most. Whether you’re studying abroad or traveling for leisure, having the right insurance coverage ensures that you can focus on your education or exploration without worrying about the what-ifs.

Student travel insurance offers a range of benefits tailored to the unique needs of students. One of the primary benefits is medical coverage, which includes reimbursement for emergency medical expenses, hospitalization, doctor visits, prescription medications, and medical evacuation. This ensures that students receive necessary medical treatment without incurring exorbitant out-of-pocket expenses. Additionally, student travel insurance typically covers trip cancellation or interruption due to reasons such as illness, injury, death of a family member, natural disasters, or other emergencies. Other benefits may include coverage for lost or delayed baggage, emergency evacuation and repatriation, personal liability, and more.

Student travel insurance policies vary in coverage options and benefits, so it is essential to carefully review the policy terms and conditions before purchasing. Some policies may offer comprehensive coverage, including medical expenses, trip cancellation, baggage loss, and more, while others may provide more limited coverage tailored to specific needs or budgets. Additionally, students may have the option to customise their coverage by adding optional benefits, such as adventure sports coverage, Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR) coverage, or coverage for pre-existing medical conditions. Understanding the coverage options available and selecting the right policy for your needs is key to ensuring adequate protection while traveling as a student.

The importance of student travel insurance cannot be overstated, as it serves as a crucial safeguard for students embarking on educational journeys abroad or domestically. Traveling as a student often involves unique risks and uncertainties, ranging from medical emergencies to trip cancellations and lost baggage. Student travel insurance provides essential coverage and protection against these unforeseen events, ensuring that students can focus on their studies or exploration without worrying about potential financial setbacks. Additionally, student travel insurance offers peace of mind to students and their families with the knowledge that they have access to assistance and support in the event of emergencies while away from home. By investing in student travel insurance, students can mitigate risks and enjoy their educational experiences with greater confidence and security.

The cost of student travel insurance varies depending on factors such as the duration of coverage, destination, coverage limits, and optional benefits selected. Generally, student travel insurance is relatively affordable compared to other types of insurance, making it accessible to students on a budget. Premiums may range from a few pounds per day for basic coverage to much more for more comprehensive policies with additional benefits. While cost is undoubtedly a consideration, it is essential for students to prioritize adequate coverage and protection when choosing a travel insurance policy.

Purchasing student travel insurance is a relatively straightforward process, offering students peace of mind as they embark on their educational journeys. To begin, students can explore various insurance providers online, comparing policies, coverage options, and premiums to find the best fit for their needs and budget. Many insurance companies offer user-friendly online platforms where students can easily enroll by providing essential information such as travel dates, destination, and any optional benefits desired.

It’s crucial for students to accurately disclose relevant details, including medical history, to ensure they receive adequate coverage. Once enrolled, students should carefully review their policy documents to understand the terms and conditions, as well as any exclusions or limitations. If there are any questions or concerns, students can reach out to their insurance provider for clarification before embarking on their journey. With the right student travel insurance in place, students can travel confidently, knowing they have protection against unforeseen events that may disrupt their plans or pose financial risks.

Student travel insurance is a valuable investment for students traveling domestically or internationally for educational purposes. It provides essential coverage and protection against unforeseen events that may disrupt your plans or pose financial risks. From medical emergencies to trip cancellations, lost baggage, and more, student travel insurance offers peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your education or exploration without worrying about the what-ifs. By understanding the benefits, coverage options, costs, and how to purchase student travel insurance, students can ensure they have the right protection in place for their journey ahead.

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student travel

The Best Student Travel Insurance Plans for 2024

Companies like Faye, Travelex and Seven Corners can provide affordable options for student travel insurance if you’re planning to travel or study abroad.

with our comparison partner, TravelInsurance.com

Sarah Horvath Photo

Sarah Horvath is a finance writer and researcher based in New York City. She specializes in writing about home warranties, insurance and home financial protection.

Tori Addison Photo

Tori Addison is an editor who has worked in the digital marketing industry for over five years. Her experience includes communications and marketing work in the nonprofit, governmental and academic sectors. A journalist by trade, she started her career covering politics and news in New York’s Hudson Valley. Her work included coverage of local and state budgets, federal financial regulations and health care legislation.

If you’re a college student planning an international excursion, you may decide to protect your investment with travel insurance. Travel insurance compensates you if you need to cancel your trip for a covered reason, get injured abroad, or lose your luggage or other personal belongings while traveling.

Our top recommended travel insurance provider for college students is Faye , thanks to its easy sign-up process, fair pricing and comprehensive coverage.

Faye Logo

Compare Travel Insurance for Students

Our top picks for student travel insurance are Travelex, Faye and Nationwide, which offer a blend of affordability and a range of coverage options.

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Our editorial team follows a comprehensive methodology for rating and reviewing travel insurance companies. Advertisers have no effect on our rankings.

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Top 6 Travel Insurance Companies for Students

Here are our top picks for companies that offer student travel insurance:

  • Faye: Our top pick for students
  • Travelex: Our pick for affordable plans
  • Seven Corners : Our pick for international travelers
  • AXA Assistance USA : Our pick for leisure travelers
  • Nationwide: Our pick for cruise travel
  • Generali Global Assistance: Our pick for emergency assistance

To help you get a better idea of what you might pay for travel insurance as a student, we requested quotes from each of the above providers, as listed in the table below. We collected sample quotes for seven trip types, outlined in our methodology.


Why We Chose Faye

If you’re a digital native, you may enjoy how Faye leverages insurance tech to help you get a policy quickly and file a claim on the go. Benefitting from a digital underwriting process, Faye allows you to view policy options and start comparing quotes in seconds.

Launched in 2022 , Faye may be a newcomer to the travel insurance industry, but its seamless online experience has already earned the company hundreds of positive online customer reviews.

Faye features an all-online quote process with just a handful of questions, enrollment and claims-filing process. You can enroll in coverage and file claims directly through its mobile app, and even be reimbursed on approved claims to your phone’s Faye wallet. Faye also offers real-time alerts and 24/7 customer service before and during your trip.

We recommend Faye to travelers who want a quick, all-online experience that doesn’t require wading through complicated coverage options.

Pros & Cons

Coverage & add-ons.

Faye offers one plan with several optional add-on options.

Optional Add-Ons 

  • Cancel for any reason (CFAR) 
  • Rental car damage or theft
  • Adventure and extreme sports protection 
  • Vacation rental damage protection

*Coverage limits and availability may vary by state of residence.

A 30-year-old traveler planning a $4,000, five-day trip to the Bahamas would pay about $187 for travel insurance with Faye. Unlike competitors, this company offers only one policy for international travelers.


We We Chose Travelex

As a student, price may be a main focus when shopping for travel coverage. Travelex is Our pick for families for affordable student travel insurance thanks to its low rates. It offers two policies — the Travel Select and Travel Basic plans — with coverage available from just $30 for most low-value trips. Travel Basic plans include limited coverage but can provide peace of mind for students traveling on a budget.

Each plan also includes access to the company’s 24-hour assistance services, a hotline you can call for help with a variety of travel-related issues, such as medical emergencies and lost passports. Note that you will need to purchase the higher-cost Travel Select to cover a trip longer than 30 days (like a semester abroad).

Coverage & Cost

Add-On Options

Travelex offers the following add-on coverages with its travel insurance plans.

  • CFAR coverage:  Reimburses you up to 50% for nonrefundable expenses if a trip is canceled for a covered reason.
  • Additional medical expense coverage:  Extends your emergency medical expense coverage to $500,000 depending on your plan.
  • Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D):  Offers your family members up to $25,000 in death benefits if you die or are dismembered while traveling. Coverage excludes airline accidents.
  • Adventure sports riders:  Travelex’s policies exclude injuries from adventure sports from your emergency medical coverage. This waiver eliminates that exclusion, extending your coverage to sporting accidents.

To help you get an idea of how much you might pay for a travel insurance policy, we requested a few sample quotes directly from Travelex. Browse the table below to learn more about coverage costs.

Seven Corners Travel Insurance

We We Chose Seven Corners

Seven Corners is a travel insurance provider offering a range of affordable options for students living both in the U.S. and abroad. The Basic and Choice RoundTrip plans will be the most useful for students who are residents of the U.S., providing protections for trip cancellation and interruption, emergency medical expenses, emergency evacuation and repatriation, and lost or stolen baggage.

It’s important to note that the coverage provided by the RoundTrip plan may be subject to certain limits and exclusions, so it’s important to read the policy details carefully and contact Seven Corners with any questions. However, with affordable rates and comprehensive plan inclusions, Seven Corners offers a great policy selection for students.

Seven Corners allows you to enhance travel insurance policies with the following add-ons:

  • Cancel for any reason (CFAR) coverage:  Extends up to 75% reimbursement for nonrefundable travel expenses. You must add CFAR coverage within 20 days of your initial trip payment deposit.
  • Rental car damage:  Extends coverage to include up to $35,000 in collision coverage for rental cars you use abroad.
  • Trip interruption for any reason (IFAR) coverage:  Like CFAR coverage, this add-on extends up to a 75% reimbursement if you need to leave your vacation early. You must purchase IFAR coverage within 20 days of your initial trip payment.

To help you get an idea of how much you might pay for a travel insurance policy, we requested a few sample quotes directly from Seven Corners. Browse the table below to learn more about coverage costs.

AXA Assistance USA

We We Chose AXA

AXA’s travel insurance policies are comprehensive and provide higher-than-average coverage limits compared to some providers. AXA offers three plan choices — and its most inclusive policy, the Platinum Plan, is ideal for adventure travelers. It includes coverage for lost skiing days, rounds of golf and even up to $1,000 in sports equipment rentals.

Overall, AXA’s plans are highly inclusive and offer a range of benefits. However, pricing is higher than competitors, which can be a particularly large consideration for students.

AXA offers two add-on options.

  • CFAR coverage:  Provides reimbursements of up to 75% of your trip costs, but you must purchase coverage within 14 days of your initial trip payment.
  • Collision coverage:  Extends up to $50,000 in collision coverage if you rent a car abroad.

Browse the table below to learn more about what you might pay for an insurance plan with AXA.

Nationwide Travel Insurance

We We Chose Nationwide

If you’re a student saving up for a cruise, you probably want to do everything you can to protect your investment. Nationwide is one of the only travel insurance providers to offer policies specifically for cruise vacations. Cruise policies from Nationwide include coverage for all of the following: trip cancellation and interruption, missed connections, itinerary changes, and emergency medical expenses and evacuations.

All Nationwide cruise insurance plans include coverage for weather, work and school-related schedule changes. Coverage even extends to international terrorism that forces you or your cruise liner to cancel. Nationwide also offers standard round-trip insurance plans, which cover all of the standard protections you’d expect from competing insurance providers.

You can add the following optional coverages to Nationwide’s travel plans:

  • AD&D:  Policies include up to $25,000 in add-on coverage for events that result in AD&D.
  • CFAR coverage:  Reimburses you for up to 75% of nonrefundable trip expenses.
  • Preexisting conditions waiver:  Select plans allow you to extend your medical insurance coverage to include preexisting medical conditions present at the time that you apply for coverage.
  • Rental car collision coverage:  Extends up to $35,000 in rental car collision coverage depending on your plan choice.

Browse the table below to learn more about what you might pay for an insurance plan with Nationwide. Quotes are for standard roundtrip travel insurance policies.

Generali Global Assistance

We We Chose Generali

Generali is our top choice for travel insurance that includes 24/7 emergency service — an important consideration if you’re a student traveling abroad for the first time. Generali customers receive access to a 24/7 emergency hotline to contact international travel or telemedicine experts. If you’re traveling to a country where the native language is not English, this can provide peace of mind if you need translation services during an emergency.

Generali’s plans include all the standard coverages one would expect from travel insurance, with three policies available. All policies also include access to emergency transportation, telemedicine assistance and identity theft protection.

You can add the following optional coverages to Generali’s travel insurance plans.

  • Rental car damage:  You can add up to $25,000 worth of rental car collision coverage on most trips.
  • CFAR coverage:  Generali allows you to add CFAR coverage to select plans, which provide you with reimbursements of up to 60% for prepaid expenses.

Browse the table below to learn more about what you might pay for an insurance plan with Generali Global Assistance.

What Does Student Travel Insurance Cover?

As a student, most of your money likely goes towards tuition, housing expenses, textbooks and other costs associated with furthering your education. This can make it especially important to protect your financial investments when traveling.

Student travel insurance can provide coverage if you are traveling abroad for educational or cultural purposes. This type of insurance typically covers a range of risks that students may encounter while traveling domestically or abroad, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations or interruptions, lost or stolen luggage, and emergency medical evacuation.

You can purchase travel insurance for a single trip or for multiple trips over a specified period of time. Travel insurance coverage can vary widely depending on your policy details and provider, but if your trip is interrupted or canceled, most plans provide reimbursements for the following nonrefundable expenses:

  • Plane tickets
  • Reserved car deposits
  • Lodging expenses
  • Event tickets and excursions you’re unable to use
  • Meals, clothing, toiletries and other necessities if your luggage is lost or stolen
  • Medical expenses if you are hurt while traveling

While travel insurance is not mandatory for most trips, it can provide peace of mind if you want protection from unexpected trip expenses or disruptions. But keep in mind that travel insurance only provides reimbursements for nonrefundable trip expenses under certain cancellation circumstances — unless you opt for CFAR coverage .

Common Add-Ons

Travel insurance companies commonly allow you to upgrade your plan with add-on coverages. Some of the most common travel insurance add-ons include the following:

  • CFAR coverage: Allows you to cancel your trip for any reason and still receive partial reimbursement.
  • Rental car coverage: If you’re renting a car abroad, you may need collision coverage. Many travel insurers allow you to add this coverage for an additional cost.
  • Umbrella policies: If you’re traveling to a country with particularly high medical expenses, you may want to extend medical coverage using an umbrella rider.

Specific add-on availability will vary by the insurance provider.

Should Students Consider COVID-19 Coverage?

Students may be concerned about whether travel insurance will cover cancellations and interruptions due to COVID-19 . While the specific details of each policy will vary depending on the insurance provider, most travel insurance plans treat COVID-19 as a standard illness when considering reimbursements.

Under the terms of most travel insurance cancellation policies, if you become sick with COVID before traveling and must cancel your trip, you’d be entitled to a reimbursement. Policies may also include medical coverage that extends to a COVID diagnosis you receive abroad. However, plans do not cover trip cancellations due to new COVID-19 outbreaks or strains that develop, nor fear of international travel due to COVID-19.

How Much Does Student Travel Insurance Cost?

According to our research, the average cost of student travel insurance is $154. However, the total cost of your trip will be the primary factor that influences the price of your travel insurance policy. As the value of your trip increases, so does the expense your insurer will need to cover if you file a claim.

This can make travel insurance cheaper for students who tend to travel on a budget. Medical coverage can also be more affordable for younger travelers, as they are less likely to incur major treatment bills abroad.

For accurate sample pricing, our team collected quotes for the following trips:

  • A 19-year-old taking a 7-day, $4,000 trip to Mexico
  • A 21-year-old taking a 5-day, $1,200 cruise in the Bahamas
  • A 20-year-old taking a 9-day, $5,000 trip to Italy
  • A 22-year-old taking a 2-week, $6,000 trip to France
  • A 20-year-old taking a month-long trip to Europe (visiting the UK, Ireland, France, Spain and Greece) costing $8,000

Explore the table below to learn more about how age, trip cost and trip length influence price.

As you can see, trip cost influences the price of travel insurance the most for students.

What Impacts the Cost of Student Travel Insurance?

Several factors can affect the cost of student travel insurance, including:

  • Destination: The cost of travel insurance can vary based on where you’re traveling. Some destinations may have higher medical care or evacuation expenses, affecting your premium.
  • Length of trip: The length of your trip can affect the cost of travel insurance. The longer your trip, the higher your premium will be.
  • Age: The age of the traveler can also impact the cost of travel insurance. Older travelers may have higher premiums due to an increased risk of health issues.
  • Preexisting medical conditions: If you have preexisting medical conditions, it can affect the cost of travel insurance. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need to pay a higher premium.
  • Trip cost: More expensive trips will come with higher insurance costs since potential reimbursements depend on the price you paid for the trip.
  • Deductible: If you choose a travel insurance plan with a deductible, it can lower your premium. However, you’ll be responsible for paying the deductible before insurance coverage kicks in.

Before you buy travel insurance, it’s important to compare companies carefully and select a plan that offers the coverage you need at a price you can afford. You can also check out our guide to the cheapest travel insurance for more coverage options.

Use the dropdown menu below to select your country of travel for a more in-depth guide on travel insurance for that specific location.

travel insurance for students in uk

Is Student Travel Insurance Worth It?

Student travel insurance is often affordable, as students are more likely to be younger and insure less expensive trips. Both of these factors make students less likely to need to file a claim, which lowers the price of your insurance premium. If you’re planning a more valuable trip or you’re investing a significant amount of time putting your trip together, it can be worth it to consider travel insurance .

Finding the most affordable student coverage starts by defining your needs. If you are traveling abroad for more than a few weeks to study abroad , be sure to review your visa requirements before buying coverage. Read each company’s policy documentation before you buy, and get a quote from at least three providers to see which offers the best deal for your trip.

Frequently Asked Questions About Student Travel Insurance

Can i get travel insurance for a school trip.

Yes, travel insurance companies do provide insurance coverage for school-sponsored trips. If you’re planning on joining a class trip and have non-refundable expenses, it can be a good idea to consider a travel insurance policy.

Do I need travel insurance to study abroad?

Travel insurance is not usually legally required by international governments for students studying abroad. However, your college or university may have its own requirements you must meet in order to qualify for international study. Consult with your student advisor after selecting a study abroad destination to learn more about travel insurance program requirements.

How can college students afford to travel?

College students can afford to travel by taking trips during off seasons, saving money regularly throughout the year, and by taking advantage of study abroad programs. Students traveling internationally may also want to explore budget accommodations like hostels and low-cost airlines to travel without spending as much money.

What does student travel insurance cover?

Student travel insurance provides coverage for unexpected events that can occur during a trip to other U.S. states or a foreign country. These events may include trip cancellations, trip delays or interruptions, emergency medical bills, lost or stolen luggage, and other unforeseen circumstances.

Do I need student health insurance to travel or study abroad?

While U.S. residents do not legally need health insurance to travel, some schools require students to have health insurance while studying abroad. If your medical coverage does not extend outside your home country, you can purchase travel medical insurance to cover you abroad. While standard travel insurance only covers costs related to medical emergencies, some companies offer specific international health insurance plans for routine healthcare costs and medical treatments while traveling.

Methodology: Our System for Rating Travel Insurance Companies

  • A 30-year-old couple taking a $5,000 vacation to Mexico.
  • A family of four taking an $8,000 vacation to Mexico.
  • A 65-year-old couple taking a $7,000 vacation to the United Kingdom.
  • A 30-year-old couple taking a $7,000 trip to the United Kingdom.
  • A 19-year-old taking a $2,000 trip to France.
  • A 27-year-old couple taking a $1,200 trip to Greece.
  • A 51-year-old couple taking a $2,000 trip to Spain.
  • Plan availability (10%): We look for insurers with a variety of travel insurance plans and the ability to customize a policy with coverage upgrades.
  • Coverage details (29%): We review the baseline coverage each company offers in its cheapest comprehensive plan. A provider with robust coverage earns full points, including baggage delay and loss, COVID-19 coverage, emergency evacuation and medical coverage, trip delay and cancellation coverage, and more. Companies also receive points for offering a variety of policy add-ons like accidental death and dismemberment, extreme sports, valuable items, cancel for any reason coverage and more.
  • Coverage times and amounts (34%): We compare each company’s waiting periods and maximum reimbursement amounts for baggage, travel and weather delays. Companies that offer customers reimbursement after fewer than 12 hours of delays earn full points in this category. We also reward travel insurance providers that cover more than 100% of trip costs in the event of cancellations or interruptions.
  • Company service and reviews (17%): We look for indicators that a company is well-prepared to respond to customer needs. Companies with an established global resource network, 24/7 emergency hotline, mobile app, multiple ways to file a claim and concierge services score higher in this category. We assess reputation by evaluating consumer reviews, third-party financial strength and customer experience ratings, specifically from AM Best and the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

For more information, read our full travel insurance methodology.

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If you have feedback or questions about this article, please email the MarketWatch Guides team at  editors@marketwatchguides. com .

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Travel Insurance

Medical travel insurance, seniors travel insurance, europe travel insurance, worldwide travel insurance, coronavirus travel insurance, student travel insurance.

  • Unlimited medical emergency expenses¹
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Covered 27 million+ travellers

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Whether you’re going on a quick getaway to take your mind off your studies, spending a term at a foreign university, or travelling the world on post-finals extravaganza, InsureandGo will have a student savvy insurance policy for you.

What is student travel insurance?

Students often want travel insurance that is as cheap as possible, but this can be a mistake if it doesn’t cover everything you need.

Our Budget policy is designed with travellers such as students in mind, being cheap but still covering the essentials – so you won’t get caught out. The policy can cover everything from short city breaks to backpacking odysseys! 

What does student travel insurance cover?

All of our student travel insurance policies include:

  • Cover for cancellation of your trip
  • Over  50 sports and activities  covered as standard (see policy wording for a full list)
  • Emergency dental treatment
  • Personal belongings and baggage cover
  • Personal money, passports and travel documents cover
  • Accommodation cover
  • Legal expenses cover

The excess and cover limits will vary depending on the policy chosen. Find out more in our  policy wordings . Cover for additional activities, or any particularly valuable belongings, can be added to your travel insurance policy, making sure you’re covered for your specific needs.

What are you covered for with student travel insurance?

Depending on the type of trip you’re planning, we can cover a wide range of possibilities. Our single trip  Budget policy  will cover you for up to 365 days, more than enough for most student getaways. Alternatively, an annual multi-trip policy might work out cheaper if you’ll be going away more than once this year.

Both policies include medical expenses cover, insurance for your luggage, and cover for an extensive list of over 50 different activities – so you can enjoy whatever your destination has to offer.

Have a look through the  policy documents  to see which type suits you. Or  get a quote  to see how our policies and prices compare.

Does my student travel insurance cover adventurous sports?

Yes! For many students, joining the college or university sports team can be one of the top priorities when studying abroad. With our  travel insurance  policies we cover over  50 adventurous sports  and activities as standard so you’re free to have fun knowing you’re covered should something unfortunate occur.

If you happen to be an adrenaline junkie and plan on taking part in an activity not covered as standard, additional  extreme sports cover  can be added to any of our policies.  This covers you if you’re planning on  skydiving ,  rock climbing , swimming with sharks and many other extreme sports.

Take a look at our  policy wording  for full details of the cover provided.

Student travel insurance with medical conditions

We’ll consider covering any diagnosed  medical condition  you might be travelling with – just let us know before you go! Our Budget policies don’t offer medical screening, so if you do have a condition just choose Silver, Gold or Black and answer a few simple questions. We can cover many medical conditions at no extra cost, but for others there may be an additional premium to pay.

You can check through our insurance  policy documents  for further details, or  get in touch  for more information.

What to pack for your student trip

We all end up forgetting something when we’re packing last minute, be it your toothbrush, underwear or some other unmentionables. Here are a few items that are frequently forgotten, but a godsend to have in your bag:

  • The ever-important travel plug You do not want your phone, tablet, iPod, e-reader, or other electrical essentials going dead!You may need to contact someone in an emergency, but more importantly you’ll need something to keep you entertained during those long flights (or those long nights when your travelling companions’ snoring just will not quit).
  • Waterproof bags It doesn’t have to be anything more than a supermarket carrier bag (really, it doesn’t), but putting your toiletries and liquids inside a plastic bag can make all the difference. Especially if your bag takes a bump getting on or off the plane – nobody wants to open their luggage to find a suntan lotion explosion.
  • Drugs Remember painkillers, tummy-settlers, and any other medication you might need. Nothing ruins a party or even a hike more than a sudden, untreatable headache. Taking a mini first aid pack could save your day or night out. Include bits like plasters, paracetamol and protection (insect repellent or otherwise).
  • Somewhere clever to put emergency cash Unfortunately, young people can often be an easy target for crime. Whether you’ve fallen asleep on a beach in Magaluf, or simply let your guard down backpacking, having a secret pocket or hidden compartment in your clothing or shoes could be the one thing that gets you back to safety.

For great student travel insurance,  get a quote online  or  get in touch . We’re happy to answer any questions you may have, no matter how simple.

*Discount excludes any premium generated to cover medical conditions or optional extras & is automatically applied. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Discount tiers of 5% for premiums between £0-49, 10% for £50-249, & 20% for £250+ apply. Offer ends at 23:59 on 02/09/24. T&Cs apply.

  • Unlimited emergency medical expenses available on Black level policies.
  • InsureandGo’s Gold achieved a Which? Best Buy.

Fly Finance

Student Travel Insurance for UK: Top Companies, Eligibility, How to Claim

Shekhar Suman

May 29, 2024

Student Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is a mandatory thing you must purchase before moving to the UK for academic purposes. Travel and health insurance covers incidents such as accidents, personal illness, legal fees, loss of baggage etc. Student travel insurance for the UK can be purchased through a lot of renowned service providers such as Bajaj Allianz, Tata AIG, Reliance General Insurance etc. All these insurance companies offer different policies designed especially for international students travelling to the UK for studies. Let’s check and understand the major features and benefits of student travel insurance for the UK.

travel insurance for students in uk

Table of contents

Student travel insurance: top insurance companies, eligibility criteria for student travel insurance, how to purchase student travel insurance policy for uk, how to claim student travel insurance policy, important guidelines.

When you get admission to any college in the UK, the university will make it mandatory to have travel and health insurance.  International Student Insurance  is mandatory in almost all major countries and universities. This is done to assure that the student shall not suffer any financial stress in case of any unfortunate incidents or unforeseen circumstances. Below are the details of some major insurance companies for student travel insurance:

There are certain eligibility criteria determined by the insurance companies in line with IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India). All the students buying an insurance policy from any company must fulfil all the listed eligibility criteria. If you are not eligible and still have a policy, it will be declared null and void as insurance requires complete transparency. Check some of the mandatory eligibility criteria below:

  • The minimum and maximum age for buying a student travel insurance policy shall be 16 and 35 years respectively
  • The admission must have been confirmed in a university abroad
  • Students shall disclose if there is a pre-existing disease

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Purchasing a student travel insurance policy for UK is simple. You can buy the policy online or on a phone call. All you have to do is visit the official website of the preferred insurance company and submit the enquiry mentioning your exact requirements. Check the steps below for purchasing a student travel insurance policy for UK:

  • Visit the official website of the insurance company
  • Go to the student travel insurance section and select the plan that suits your requirement
  • Go through the features mentioned on the website and submit the enquiry
  • Wait for the call from a representative of the company
  • Pay the premium and download the policy documents

Claiming an insurance policy is very easy these days. Every single process is available just a click away. However, most insurance companies provide cashless hospitalisation services in which you don’t need to spend a single penny and you will get the treatment just by showing the card or by getting assisted by the on-spot representative. In case you want to raise a claim for any other incident, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Visit the official website or call the company on the toll-free number
  • Explain the situation to the representative and enquire about further steps
  • Upload the supporting documents on the portal (if required) as directed by the representative
  • The claim will be processed after verification and the claim amount will be settled in the registered bank account

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Student travel insurance policies are offered by a lot of companies and since it is mandatory the students are required to buy the policy before arrival. However, it is very important to understand the policy terms and compare the different policies offered by the insurance companies. Check some important guidelines below:

  • Read the entire detail of the policy and check what’s included and excluded in the policy.
  • Never try to make a false claim against the policy as it may land you in trouble and legal actions may be initiated
  • Keep the contract of insurance safely with you for future reference so that you can use it at the time of making an insurance claim
  • Renew the policy at least 10-15 days before the expiry date

This was all about Student Travel Insurance for UK. Check some of the common FAQs based on the same below:

Student travel insurance is mandatory for students moving to the UK to ensure they are financially protected against unforeseen incidents such as accidents, personal illness, legal fees, or loss of baggage.

Major features offered by insurance companies for student travel insurance include Tata AIG’s coverage in around 200 destinations, on-the-spot travel insurance service, and a large customer base whereas Reliance General Insurance offers no medical checkup policy, cashless hospitalisation, and hassle-free claim settlement

The eligibility criteria for purchasing student travel insurance include: – The student must be between the ages of 16 and 35. – Admission must be confirmed in a university abroad. – Disclosure of any pre-existing diseases is required. Meeting these criteria ensures the validity of the insurance policy, as transparency is crucial for its effectiveness.

To purchase a student travel insurance policy for the UK, follow these steps: -Visit the official website of the preferred insurance company. -Go to the student travel insurance section and select a suitable plan. -Review the features and submit an enquiry with your requirements. -Wait for a call from a company representative. -Pay the premium and download the policy documents.

To claim your student travel insurance policy, follow these steps: -Visit the official website of the insurance company or call their toll-free number. -Explain your situation to the representative and ask for further instructions. -Upload the required supporting documents on the portal as directed. -The claim will be processed after verification, and the claim amount will be settled in your registered bank account.

To know more about  education loans , the best  bank accounts for students , forex and banking experience for global students or  international money transfers , reach out to our experts at 1800572126 to help ease your study abroad experience.

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About Shekhar Suman

Shekhar is a versatile writer with a passion for sharing knowledge and creativity. With expertise in crafting informative blogs on study abroad and finance, Shekhar helps readers navigate the complexities of education and financial planning. Most of his writings blend the practicality of finance and the beauty of language, making a meaningful impact in both spheres. Beyond his professional pursuits, he finds solace in the writing Shayari.

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Travel insurance covers you for costs that could occur when you are travelling, find the best travel product for your needs, what is travel insurance.

A travel insurance policy protects you against costs you’d otherwise incur if problems arise when travelling. A good policy will cover you for essentials such as cancellation, lost luggage, delayed flights, stolen property, illness, injury and repatriation.

Sometimes, travel insurance is called “holiday insurance”. You don’t legally need it to travel, but it could prove invaluable if something happens while you were away.

A good policy will cover you for essentials such as cancellation, lost luggage and delayed flights."

Do I need travel insurance?

If you experience problems when travelling, you might have to fork out a lot of money.

For example, if you fall ill overseas, your medical bill can run into tens of thousands of pounds or even more, especially if you must remain in hospital for some time or need to be repatriated. 

Don’t fall into the trap of only getting round to travel insurance when you’re pretty much on your way to the airport. Always search for and buy cover when you book your trip, so you’re protected against cancellations or delays, which could wreck your holiday even before it begins.

The right policy will contain all the elements you need. For example, the personal belongings cover limit should be higher than the cost of replacing any expensive items you’re taking with you.

Worldwide travel insurance 

It’s also worth considering worldwide travel insurance if you are travelling outside of Europe.  Worldwide travel insurance can either include or exclude the USA, Canada and the Caribbean, so read the small print.

Types of travel insurance

Single trip insurance.

This covers you for one trip to just one location (or locations - for example, if you’re travelling to a few destinations) for a specific period of time. The cover ends when you return home.

Multi-trip travel insurance

This covers you for every trip you make during a 12-month period. The best policy will depend on what cover you want and how often you travel. If you’re only going on one or two holidays in the next year, it’s usually a good idea to get single-trip travel insurance.

If you travel more often, annual travel insurance could work out much cheaper in the long run. Here’s how to choose between single-trip travel insurance or annual travel insurance.

How to choose the best travel insurance

Shop around, get the right kind of policy, don’t always get the optional extras, what does travel insurance cover, not covered with some policies, how does pre-existing medical conditions impact travel insurance.

Any pre-existing conditions must be declared when you apply for travel insurance. You’ll need to share information about these when you get your holiday insurance quotes and apply for a policy.

If you don’t declare your medical conditions, you cannot claim on your holiday insurance should you fall ill as a result of your condition. For example, if you don’t tell your insurer about your angina and then suffer a heart attack or stroke while on holiday, your policy probably won’t pay out.

That’s why it’s important to be as open and honest as you can when you sort out travel medical insurance. You might like to find specialist cover for people with pre-existing medical conditions.

If you don’t declare your medical conditions, you cannot claim on your holiday insurance."

How can I get cheap travel insurance?

It’s important to find the best travel insurance for your needs rather than just searching for cheap travel insurance. That’s because cheap holiday insurance might not cover what you need.

If you just need standard travel insurance, searching on a comparison site will provide you with an ample selection of policies to consider. 

If you have more specific needs, such as a pre-existing medical condition, you may need to speak to a specialist. The Money and Pensions Service and the British Insurance Brokers’ Association should be able to help you find affordable cover.

Do I need extra protection or a specialist policy?

Not all activities are covered on every holiday insurance policy. Depending on what you’ll be doing while you’re away, you might need extra cover for activities that aren’t included as standard.

You can tailor your policy with extras such as:

Extreme and winter sports cover: This is for accidents that happen while you take part in sports such as skiing or snowboarding. You might see this being called ski travel insurance

Business cover: This provides cover if you’re travelling for work purposes

Golf cover: This covers your golfing equipment and other associated costs

You can also get specialist policies, including:

Travel insurance for seniors: This is for older people, who are statistically more likely to make a medical claim

Pre-existing medical conditions: This travel insurance element is for people with diagnosed health conditions

Cruise travel insurance: Cruise insurance covers incidents such as cabin confinement or a missed port

Backpacker travel insurance: If you’re going away for longer than usual periods, such as a gap-year trip, you may wish to consider backpacker insurance policies

Family travel insurance: If you’re travelling as a family, this can be a good way to save on the costs as it covers you all

Do I legally need to have travel insurance?

No, but you should never travel without it because medical treatment abroad can cost tens of thousands of pounds or more.

When should I buy travel insurance?

It’s best to buy travel insurance as soon as you book your holiday. That way, you’ll be covered if something happens that means you can’t go or you’re delayed. This could include illness or weather disruptions – but check your policy carefully to see what you’re covered for. If you’re not insured, you won’t be able to claim.

Remember that with travel insurance, you’ll usually have to pay for any costs yourself, and your insurer will pay you back later when you claim. So don’t forget to keep receipts and bills to prove what you paid for.

When might I not need to buy travel insurance?

While you should always travel with insurance, you might not need to buy a policy if you already have it through another source, such as through work or as part of a packaged bank account .

Can I get travel insurance with pre-existing medical conditions?

Yes, but it can be more expensive, and not all insurers will cover you. This guide explains how to find travel insurance with pre-existing conditions .

Will my destination be covered?

Most popular destinations will be, but check your policy and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) because some countries may not be insured if they are deemed dangerous.

How long can I go away for?

It depends on your policy, but most insurers offer maximum single-trip lengths of between 30 and 90 days. 

Some insurers will offer longer lengths of cover, such as up to 120 days, although there may be upper age limit restrictions.

Can I claim for cancellation before my holiday starts?

Yes, you’re covered from the moment you take out your policy. For this reason, it’s best to buy travel insurance when you book your trip.

Do I need travel insurance in Europe if I have a EHIC?

Yes, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) only gives you access to basic state-provided healthcare when in European Union countries and Switzerland. It doesn’t cover ongoing care, medicines or repatriation costs.

Despite Brexit, the cards remain valid until their expiration dates. When your EHIC expires, you can replace it with a EHIC UK or Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).

Will travel insurance cover me if I travel for business?

Yes, and some policies will offer business cover as an extra to cover gadgets and other devices, including laptops and mobile phones as well as business equipment.

Explore our travel insurance guides

How to get travel insurance with pre-existing conditions

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Buy a Student Travel Insurance

Traveling abroad for your Studies? We have you covered

Student Travel Insurance

Follow your dreams, safely.

Every year, thousands of young Indians decide to leave the nest while pursuing their education. You might want to travel to America, Germany or the UK to follow your passion and get the education you want. But, studying abroad can be expensive. Apart from your tuition fee and cost of living, it’s entirely possible that a sickness or unpredictable situation ends up burning a massive hole in your pocket. To keep you and your family’s finances safe, it’s always best to get student travel insurance before heading off to broaden your mind.

TATA AIG’s student travel insurance has been built keeping the unique needs of every student in mind. Apart from providing cover against lost baggage and medical emergencies, like other travel insurance policies , your student travel insurance will also reimburse you if you’re forced to interrupt your studies due to a medical emergency, you can compare travel insurance plans to pick the one that suits you the most, in terms of coverage amount & premium. What’s more, our plans can be customised so you only pay for the days when you’re out of India instead of for the whole year.

Offering safety, security and care-free travel, a student travel insurance policy is a must-have in every Indian student’s carry-on!

*Tata AIG offers coverage for medical expenses related to COVID – 19 when the insured is outside India. Policy T&C apply

Features Of TATA AIG Student Travel Insurance

Your international student travel insurance policy provides you with safety and comfort while you’re studying abroad. here’s a look at the features you can enjoy when you purchase a tata aig overseas student travel insurance plan:, cover for accidents and illnesses.

Falling sick is always a terrible experience, but falling ill abroad is overwhelming. Our policy will help take care of the costs associated with getting treatment when you’re ill. But that isn’t all. An accident could lead to a short hospitalisation or end up being fatal. Whatever happens, our international student travel insurance plan will help you deal with the costs. From emergency medical treatment to medical evacuation and the repatriation of the insured’s remains, we’ll take care of everything. Our student travel insurance policy will even provide cover for emergency dental services, if required.

Compassionate Visits

Being away from your family can be difficult, especially when somebody’s sick. If you’re hospitalised for more than seven consecutive days, your student travel insurance policy will help look after the cost of having a family member fly down to be with you. If a family member is ill back home and has been hospitalised for more than seven consecutive days, your travel insurance policy will help you cover the cost of flying down to be with them.

Study Interruption

There are a number of difficult situations that you might have to deal with while studying abroad. You could end up terminally ill or have to be hospitalised for treatment for more than a month. You might not want to think about it, but a family member may pass away, requiring you to travel back home immediately. If you end up unable to complete a semester for which you’ve already paid due to these unfortunate circumstances, your student travel insurance policy will help reimburse you for unused tuition fee.

Travel Assistance

Studying in a foreign country and experiencing the culture can be thrilling. But if something goes wrong, it can be downright scary. If you need any help to identify where you can get medical treatment or how to go about applying for a new passport if yours is lost or stolen, our international student travel insurance plan will be there for you.

Hijack Cover

If you’re the victim of a hijacking, our international travel insurance policy will provide you with distress allowance. We know it can’t make up for the trauma you experience, but we hope it helps.

Personal Liability

If you’re involved in an accident where another individual is hurt or another person’s property is damaged, you won’t have to pay for it out of your own pocket. Our student travel insurance policy will help take care of the cost of necessary medical expenses or repairs.

Baggage Loss or Delay

If your bag is stolen, lost or delayed because it was sent to another location or unintentionally left behind, you don’t need to break a sweat. Our overseas student travel insurance policy will help you deal with the cost of purchasing necessary personal items or reimburse you for the cost of your lost luggage.

Advantages Of TATA AIG International Student Travel Insurance

We’ll reimburse your semester fee if you’re unable to continue your studies due to a medical emergency.

Sponsor Protection

If your sponsor is fatally injured or left permanently disabled, your student travel insurance policy will help take care of your tuition fees for the remainder of your course.

Pay In Rupees Get Cover In Dollars

When you opt for a student travel insurance policy, your premiums are in Indian Rupees, but you’re covered in USD. So, you can rest easy knowing you’ll get the cover you need at an affordable cost.

Affordable Policies

Our student travel insurance policies start at just INR 41.33 per day! That’s a small price to pay for care-free semesters abroad!

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What’s Covered Under TATA AIG International Student Travel Insurance?

Our overseas travel insurance policy will help you take care of a number of situations, covid-19 covers.

Accident & Sickness Medical Expense Under the Accident & Sickness Medical Expense, Student travel insurance with COVID-19 covered compensates for the medical expenses incurred by the insured because of being diagnosed with COVID-19 outside the Republic of India during the trip duration & is hospitalized. The policy provides coverage against Medical expenses upto the limit mentioned in the policy schedule.

Baggage Covers

Landing up somewhere without your personal belongings can be a harrowing experience. We make it easier to manage with these covers:

Delayed Checked-In Baggage Almost everybody has a story about a time when they travelled and their luggage was unnecessarily delayed. If this happens and you have our student travel insurance policy, you can rest easy. Your overseas student travel insurance plan will help cover the cost of any necessary personal items that you need to purchase until your bag can reach you.

Lost Checked-In Baggage Having your bag delayed is one thing, but if your bag is lost or stolen, managing the situation can be incredibly difficult. Luckily, our student travel insurance policy can help you deal with this issue. Depending on the travel insurance policy terms, we will help reimburse you for the items in your luggage.

Journey Covers

Travelling to study abroad can be an exhilarating experience. You can enjoy stress-free semesters abroad with our travel insurance policy that will provide cover for:

Sponsor Protection We understand that an unfortunate accident could mean that your sponsor, or the person who helps pay for your fees, is no longer able to do so. This can leave you in an uncertain position and may force you to withdraw from your course. With our student travel insurance policy, you don’t have to worry. We’ll help you pay the tuition for the rest of your course so you can continue to follow your dreams.

Lost Passport Obtaining a new passport in a foreign country isn’t always easy. Your international student travel insurance policy will help you with the necessary and reasonable expenses that are attached to getting a new passport made.

Missed Flights Bad weather, a strike of some kind or equipment failure could mean that you miss your departure or connecting flights. If this is the case, you don’t have to worry. Our international student travel insurance policy will help you deal with any additional expenses you may incur while trying to get home.

Hijack Help Our international student travel insurance policy will offer something known as distress allowance in case the flight that you’re travelling on is hijacked.

Personal Liability Accidents can happen at any time under any circumstance. If you happen to be involved in an accident where somebody else is harmed or injured, it could cost you quite dearly. Our overseas student travel insurance policy will help cover damage caused to any third-party individual or property while you’re abroad.

Fraudulent Charges Most often, our loved ones will tell us to be careful with our belongings while travelling abroad. In case your cards are stolen or used to make unauthorised purchases, our student travel insurance policy will reimburse you for the fraudulent charges, as long as you report the issue within 12 hours of the event.

Bail Bond If you’re wrongfully detained or arrested by a foreign government, your student travel insurance plan will help you pay for the bail bond.

Medical Covers

We can’t think of anything worse than having to get emergency medical treatment while you’re abroad. Luckily, our overseas student travel insurance plan will help you deal with:

Medical Emergencies Your international student travel insurance policy will help you deal with the financial implications that come with meeting with an accident or falling ill while you’re abroad. The policy will cover everything right from a regular illness that requires hospitalisation to dental emergencies and even fatalities.

Emergency Evacuation If the company providing assistance feels that you need to be moved to another location or return to India for better medical treatment, your student travel insurance policy will help cover the cost of such a journey.

Continuing Treatment Your student travel insurance policy will help take care of medical expenses that arise due to an injury or illness for which a successful and valid claim has already been settled.

Accidental Death and Repatriation We don’t want to think about it, but it’s possible that an accident or medical emergency abroad could end up being fatal. TATA AIG’s international student travel insurance policy will provide your nominee with the full sum insured amount if this happens. We will also take care of the cost of repatriating the insured individual’s remains back to India.

Study Interruption If you happen to be hospitalised for more than a month due to a covered illness or injury, or have to travel back to India because a family member is ill or passes away, you don’t have to worry about losing out on your tuition fee. Your student travel insurance policy will help reimburse you for any unused tuition if you have to interrupt your studies.

Compassionate Visit If you’re hospitalised for over seven consecutive days and cannot be repatriated back to India, we’ll take care of the cost of having an adult family member travel to you and help look after you.

Maternity Benefit After a waiting period of 10 months, your international student travel insurance policy will help you take care of in-patient maternity treatment costs as well as the cost of one month of post-natal care.

Childcare Benefits Looking after an infant is difficult. If your child is between the ages of 7 and 90 days and is hospitalised for two or more days, we’ll help you deal with the costs.

Cancer Screening Your health is always our topmost priority. While you’re studying abroad, we’ll help cover the cost of any cancer screening or mammography exams if a qualified physician recommends the tests. If these tests are part of a routine check-up, we won’t be able to cover the cost.

Physiotherapy The cost of any medically necessary physiotherapy that you require after an accident will be taken care of by your student travel insurance policy.

*Kindly check the policy wordings for a complete understanding of the product offerings, inclusions and exclusions.

What’s Not Covered By TATA AIG's Student Travel Insurance Plans?

Unfortunately, Some Things Are Out Of Our Hands. Here’s A Look At A Few Situations Where We’ll Be Unable To Help:

Journey Exclusions

  • If your flight is delayed due to a reason that you were already aware of before you purchased the policy, we will not be able to help.
  • Participation in adventure sports, like skydiving, scuba diving, or mountain climbing will not be covered under our international student travel insurance plans.
  • We will not entertain refund requests if you’ve missed your flight due to a local protest or agitation.
  • Any losses experienced while drunk or under the influence of other drugs will not be covered.
  • If you cancel your trip because a pet is ill or passes away, your student travel insurance policy will not cover the cost of cancellation or refunds. Instead, you can reschedule your trip and travel once you’re ready.

Medical Exclusions

  • If you have travelled against the advice of your doctor, we will not be able to provide you with overseas student travel insurance cover.
  • If you suffer from a complication or require assistance due to a pre-existing health condition, the medical bills will not be covered.
  • Damages or loss caused by a nuclear reaction, radiation, radioactive contamination or through the dispersal of pathogenic or poisonous materials will not be covered.
  • Any injuries sustained while serving as a member of the armed forces will not be covered.
  • The medical costs of dealing with self-inflicted injuries, sexually-transmitted diseases, and mental or nervous disorders will not be covered.
  • Any treatment required due to injuries sustained under the influence of alcohol, drugs, hallucinogens or other intoxicants will not be covered.

Baggage Exclusions

  • Loss of baggage will not be covered in cases where you have shipped the items separately or before your travel date.
  • We cannot provide cover if your baggage is delayed while you’re in India while you’re leaving for your trip or once you return.

When Is Student Travel Insurance Required?

Deciding to go abroad to further your education is not an easy decision to make. as a student, you’ll likely be travelling and living alone in a foreign country for the first time in your life. you may not have any family or support where you’re heading. as a parent, letting your child leave the nest and move to a foreign country is a scary thought. you won’t be there to help take care of them and any number of things could go wrong. this is precisely why student travel insurance is a must. let’s take a look at a few instances in which a good overseas student travel insurance policy will come in handy:, for admission.

Depending on where you’re headed, you may have to purchase a travel insurance policy to get the requisite visa and confirm your seat in your chosen college. Several educational institutions today require students to have student travel insurance so that they’re safeguarded from all kinds of issues in the future.

In Medical Emergencies

Getting quality medical treatment in a foreign country could lead to hefty medical bills. Often, students may not be able to get the healthcare they need without a good insurance policy. This is why student travel insurance is so crucial. It will help you get the quality treatment you need in case of an emergency. The policy will look after the cost, leaving you free to focus on your health.

When You Need Family

Some medical issues are more serious than others. If you’re sick or injured and hospitalised for over a week, we’re sure you don’t want to weather that storm alone. With a student travel insurance plan, you won’t have to. The policy will ensure that a family member can come and be with you until you’re discharged. The reverse is also true. If a family member is hospitalised for a long time and you need to be with them, your student travel insurance policy will pay for you to go home.

When Your Studies Are Interrupted

We may not want to think about it, but it’s entirely possible that a critical or terminal illness may need you to be hospitalised for over a month. In more severe cases, you may have to suspend your course entirely. Since you pay the fee for the entire semester in advance, you could end up losing money while dealing with a difficult time. When you have a student travel insurance plan, you won’t have to worry about losing out on the fees you’ve paid. We’ll reimburse you for the fee you’ve paid in advance.

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Starmer to visit King and address nation as Sunak departs Downing Street with an apology - live updates

Sir Keir Starmer will address the nation from Downing Street at lunchtime after visiting the King. Rishi Sunak said "sorry" to voters as he resigned as Tory leader. His party endured a torrid night as Labour swept to a landslide, with the Lib Dems and Reform making big strides.

Friday 5 July 2024 11:14, UK

  • General Election 2024

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What you need to know

  • Labour win landslide - Sir Keir Starmer says: 'Change begins now'
  • Sam Coates analysis : A 'loveless landslide'
  • Sunak says sorry | Resigns as Tory leader
  • Beth Rigby analysis : Speech full of emotion and decency
  • Tory wipeout: Liz Truss shock loss | Jeremy Hunt's great escape | 12 cabinet ministers booted out
  • Record seats for Lib Dems - as SNP collapse
  • Nigel Farage an MP as Reform third in vote share and have four seats
  • Live reporting by Faith Ridler, Katie Williams and Brad Young, and (earlier) Ollie Cooper, Ben Bloch and Jess Sharp
  • Who is favourite to be next Tory leader?
  • Labour's vote share declines in areas with large Muslim populations amid Gaza anger - with Jonathan Ashworth ousted
  • How night unfolded in eight videos - from exit poll to defeated Rees-Mogg's film quote
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Unlike in the US, when a new president is sworn in in January following an election in November, a new UK prime minister takes over almost straight away.

"It's quite brutal as a changeover," Dr Nigel Fletcher, political historian at King's College London told Sky News.

"Even prime ministers who are quite confident of staying in Number 10 have often been known to pack up boxes and make sure they're ready to go," Dr Fletcher said.

"Margaret Thatcher was always paranoid she was going to jinx the result."

See more about the handover of power below: 

With just two seats left to declare, here is your 11am round-up:

  • Rishi Sunak announced he would step down as Tory leader once a replacement is secured;
  • He began his final speech outside Number 10 by apologising to the country , and said voters had "sent a clear signal".
  • His defeat will be " psychologically crushing ", being the worst on record for the Conservative Party, said our  political editor Beth Rigby ;
  • Mr Sunak is now heading to the palace to officially tender his resignation to the King , before Sir Keir Starmer takes over;
  • Elsewhere,  Donald Trump has congratulated Nigel Farage on becoming an MP for the first time - on his eighth attempt;
  • We've also had confirmation we  won't have full election results until tomorrow , due to a recount in the Scottish Highlands constituency of Inverness, Skye, and West Ross.

What's left to declare?

  • Inverness, Skye, and West Ross
  • Basildon South and East Thurrock

Our political editor Beth Rigby is now giving her immediate reaction to Rishi Sunak's speech, which she described as a "moving moment" outside Number 10.

She says he "looked quite emotional" when he thanked "his wife and their beautiful daughters", in a speech "full of emotion and decency".

Beth notes the outoging PM's praise for Sir Keir Starmer as a "decent public-spirited man who he respects", and his apology to the country and his colleagues in the Tory party.

Mr Sunak is "taking it on the chin", "accepting responsibility, offering a hand to Sir Keir and urging the country to get behind" the Labour leader.

Nonetheless, it's a "crushing defeat" for him.

Beth says Mr Sunak has been successful in life - educated privately, working in a hedge fund, becoming an MP, chancellor and PM - but now leaves Downing Street "as the least successful prime minister at the ballot box that the Conservative Party has ever seen".

"That is going to be psychologically crushing for him."

Beth says the country "was united in their dislike" for the Tories and "voted them out in the starkest of terms".

"I think the Conservative Party is going to feel shell-shocked today and wondering how on Earth they even begin to rebuild."

Rishi Sunak has arrived at Buckingham Palace to meet the King and formally offer his resignation.

It marks his last journey as prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Mr Sunak, with his wife Akshata Murty at his side, was greeted by Sir Clive Alderton, principal private secretary to the King and Queen, and the King's equerry Commander William Thornton.

The bookies have made Kemi Badenoch the favourite to be the next leader of the Conservative Party.

Rishi Sunak has announced he will quit after losing the election.

As business secretary, Ms Badenoch rarely missed an opportunity to play to the more right-wing Tory gallery.

She ran for party leadership following the demise of Boris Johnson, but failed to make the final three (Rishi Sunak, Penny Mordaunt and Liz Truss).

At 13/8, Sky Bet has her more likely to be the next leader than Tom Tugendhat , in second on 7/2.

The former security minister, who previously served in the British Army, has been considered by some as "one to watch" since he first walked into the Commons in 2015.

He was knocked out of the race before Ms Badenoch in 2022, throwing his support behind Liz Truss.

Mr Tugendhat was regarded highly in the One Nation group of moderate Tory MPs.

Coming in third is Priti Patel , at 9/2.

The former home secretary blamed the "centre of the party" for the Conservatives' heavy losses in the last local elections, possibly indicating her direction of political travel if she beats the odds.

Another notable name in the bookies top 10 is Boris Johnson , at 10/1 - but he is not an MP, a prerequisite by convention.

Few images from this election were as defining as Rishi Sunak announcing the 4 July date in the rain.

Commentators were quick to ask why he chose to start the campaign in the poor weather without an umbrella.

Mr Sunak may have lost the election, but he clearly learned a lesson.

While making his resignation speech moments ago, his wife, Akshata Murty, could be seen holding an umbrella - just in case.

Rishi Sunak acknowledges that Sir Keir Starmer will soon take over his role as prime minister, and wishes him well.

"Whatever our disagreements in this campaign, he is a decent, public-spirited man who I respect," he says.

Mr Sunak said Sir Keir and his family "deserve the very best of our understanding as they make the huge transition to their new lives" in Number 10.

As he comes to the end of his final speech as prime minister, he thanks his colleagues, cabinet and the civil service, before expressing "gratitude" for his wife and daughters.

"I can never thank them enough for the sacrifices they have made so that I might serve our country," he says.

'This is the best country in the world'

Mr Sunak touches on the fact it was considered "unremarkable" that he was elected two generations after his grandparents came to Britain.

He is the first British Asian and first Hindu to become PM.

"We must hold true to that idea of who we are that vision of kindness, decency, and tolerance that has always been the British way," he says.

"This is a difficult day at the end of a number of difficult days, but I leave this job honoured to have been your prime minister. 

"This is the best country in the world. And it is thanks entirely to you, the British people, the true source of all our achievements, our strength, and our greatness. Thank you."

Rishi Sunak begins his farewell speech by saying: "I'm sorry."

He says he has given the job his "all" but voters have "sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change".

Mr Sunak says the judgement of the public is the only judgement that matters.

He says he has heard the "anger" and "disappointment" of voters and adds that he takes responsibility for the Tories' crushing loss.

The outgoing prime minister apologises to Conservative candidates and campaigners, saying: "I'm sorry that we could not deliver on what your efforts deserved."

Rishi Sunak has confirmed he will resign as Conservative Party leader, after a wipeout result for the party in last night's general election.

He says this will not be "immediately", but after a replacement is in place. 

Mr Sunak says: "Following this result, I will step down as party leader, not immediately, but once the formal arrangements for selecting my successor are in place."

He adds it is important that the Conservative Party rebuilds to be an effective opposition.

The former prime minister goes on to list his achievements, including falling inflation and leading global efforts to support Ukraine in its war with Russia.

That's what this Number 10 social media post could be suggesting, describing the imminent address as a "resignation speech".

It could, of course, simply refer to him leaving Number 10 - but he isn't "resigning" as PM, he's been voted out.

Ahead of his address, Rishi Sunak himself also posted on X, saying he's "given this job my all" but voters "have sent a clear message".

He added: "I leave this job honoured to have been prime minister of the best country in the world."

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Health Insurance for International Students in Germany 2024-25

Germany is one of the study-abroad destinations with a consistently increasing craze of Indian students pursuing higher education in the nation. The nation is appealing due to the various compelling benefits of studying in Germany . These advantages include quite affordable cost of studying in Germany , high-quality education, top universities in the world, cutting-edge research facilities, and many more.

Is Health Insurance for International Students in Germany Necessary?

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Health Insurance for International Students in Germany 2024-25

One of the mandatory entry requirements is health insurance for international students in Germany. The German government has made it mandatory as a legal criterion to have health insurance for foreign students in Germany admitted to one of the top universities in the world . International students have the liberty to choose either public health insurance (affordable) or private one (a little expensive) from their own country.

Also, top universities in Germany require international students to have mandatory health insurance up to German standards. If the current health insurance is not recognised in Germany, students are required to apply for health insurance for international students in Germany on arrival.

Read the article below to learn all you need to know about health insurance for international students in Germany, its validity, application, as well as the student health insurance cost in Germany.

Yes, health insurance for foreign students in Germany is a compulsory requirement. All international students must have access to necessary health insurance. This compulsion is for everyone including German citizens, residents, and students.

The reasons why health insurance for international students in Germany is necessary are stated below for Indian student’s reference:

German Legal Obligation: It is one of the mandatory requirements for international students who aspire to study in Germany to have health insurance before coming to the country. One cannot get admission into the university or even get a German student visa without health insurance.

High Medical Costs Coverage: Health insurance for international students in Germany protects them against high medical costs in the nation which again helps them in moderate budgeting of living costs in Germany . Medical treatment in Germany can be expensive if you’re ill.

Access to German Healthcare: Having student health insurance in Germany helps students have access to a number of medical services, medicines, hospitals, doctors, emergency care, routine checkups, and many more.

Top Medical Facilities: German medical services are comprised of an excellent healthcare system and one can benefit from these services and professional healthcare help as they are covered in their insurance.

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As it is compulsory to have German health insurance for Indian students, there are two different options available for them. One must check whether they are eligible for which type of health insurance. Mainly, there are two types of health insurance for international students in Germany named ‘Public Health Insurance” and “Private Health Insurance”.

Public Health Insurance for International Students in Germany

Public health insurance in Germany for international students is owned and regulated by the government.

It provides a whole coverage of medical facilities which includes doctor appointments, hospital stays, medicinal prescriptions, emergency care, and many more.

One gets a health insurance card when they are insured by public health insurance for international students in Germany. They can show this card to the medical officer at the hospital and the medical bill is directly generated to the health insurance.

Private Health Insurance for international students in Germany

It is an alternative to public health insurance for international students in Germany.

Generally, this type of private health insurance is available for high-income holders (who earn more than EUR 69,300), professionals, and others.

Students have an option for selecting this type of private insurance as well but are mostly insured through a public healthcare system only.

It covers a wide range of healthcare facilities including hospital treatments, doctor appointments, dentist appointments, emergency care, medicinal prescriptions, and much more.

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One can get health insurance for international students in Germany by applying to the relevant healthcare service provider. There is a proper application process to apply for the selected (public or private health care system) as per their eligibility.

Public: All students below the age of 30 are are admitted in a full-time regular course of study in Germany are generally eligible to apply for public health insurance.

Private: Generally, all students above 30 years of age pursuing a course of study in Germany are eligible for private health insurance. Moreover, there is a chance that international students are not eligible for public healthcare, so they can select this type of insurance.

The application process is quite simple and depends on the eligibility of international students as well as their individual choices. The main application considerations for obtaining health insurance for foreign students in Germany include the following:

Check your eligibility: One must check whether they are eligible for public healthcare or private healthcare in Germany as per their age or other restrictions.

Select Healthcare provider: After knowing that one is eligible for which kind of German health insurance, one can now choose after exploring different health insurance, their benefits, costs, packages, etc in Germany.

Application Formalities: On selecting the healthcare provider, one must fill out a relevant application form for the healthcare service with correct information and submit it along with all supporting documentation required.

Get Insurance Card Certification: On health insurance for international students in Germany application approval, one receives an insurance card from the healthcare provider which can be shown to the hospitals or clinics for the medical services and can avail the relevant and applicable benefits.

Proof of health insurance for international students in Germany is required prior to applying for a German student visa . They can demonstrate their healthcare certificate from either public or private insurance (or insurance from their home country, if applicable). Hence, before the beginning of their intended course of study in Germany, all students must have a healthcare plan.

So, one can choose after evaluating and exploring the benefits, coverages, eligibility, costs, and many more. They must choose a healthcare plan which aligns with their future planning.

Public Health Insurance for Foreign Students in Germany Highlights

Private health insurance for international students in germany highlights.

The main concern for international students is how much of an insurance premium which they will need to pay for the selected health insurance for international students in Germany provider. The healthcare cost varies based on factors like age, family status, and the chosen health insurance for international students in Germany provider.

So, the premium ranges from EUR 120 TO EUR 130 per month depending upon the type of insurance plan under public healthcare. On the other hand, health insurance cost in Germany for international students from a private provider starts from EUR 226.26 and it can increase as well depending upon the insurance coverage.

Health insurance for foreign students in Germany covers a lot of medical facilities. Healthcare insurance coverage varies depending on the type of German insurance (public or private) and plan benefits. However, some of the common health insurance for international students in Germany coverage of medical facilities include the following:

Medical Appointments

Medical Prescriptions


Medical exams

Hospital Stays

Medical procedures

Preventive care such as vaccinations

Emergency care such as ambulance services, and emergency room visits

Dental care and mental therapies

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

The health insurance cost in Germany for international students is around EUR 120 to EUR 130 for the public healthcare system whereas private healthcare starts from EUR 226.

No, healthcare is not free in Germany for international students. They have to pay some amount as an insurance premium which varies depending on the type of insurance selected by the students.

One can get their German health insurance as an international student either via the university they are admitted to or through government-based providers.

Yes, Indian healthcare is acceptable in Germany. However, they only accept Indian travel medical insurance from the Indian healthcare providers which are recognised by the German embassy.

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