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How To Network As A Travel Agent (Networking Tips and Tricks)

Mar 24, 2022 | Abundance , Grow a travel business , Marketing , Sales , Travel Business

Are you the kind of person who loves to network with people?  Mingling at various 🥂 functions, calling people on the 📞 phone, getting involved in groups, setting up Zoom chats and what-not…  Are these all the kinds of things that get you out of bed every morning?  🌅  

Or are you a person who would rather do anything else, like getting a root canal or filling out your tax return? 🌧️ 

Networking can be a real benefit to a lot of travel agents, but if you’re not a natural social 🦋 butterfly, it can be hard to do.  And if you’re just starting out as a travel agent, you may not even know where to begin!   

I’ve compiled a few networking tips and tricks to help you get the ball rolling.  With these tips in your back pocket, you’ll be ready to network in ways that build your client base and your travel agency, while not being too painful.   

They’re all here in my latest 📽️ video, “ How To Network As A Travel Agent (Networking Tips and Tricks).”  

If you find networking to be a chore or if you’ve never really given it much thought, you’re going to get a lot out of this video.  And if you’re already a networking champ and have some tips of your own, pass them on!   I’m always excited to learn.  

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Find out all about it by clicking the button below.  You’re going to love it!  

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That’s why we put together Cyndi’s Top 10 Tools for Travel Agents – to give you the tools you need to grow your client base and business!

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Strategizing     Emily Mollown    March 28, 2024     10 min read

How to Merge Travel with Networking for Unprecedented Business Growth

How to Merge Travel with Networking for Unprecedented Business Growth

In the current global business arena, marked by widespread connectivity and the merging of markets, entrepreneurs and professionals across industries are tirelessly exploring creative avenues to drive expansion and broaden their reach. One often overlooked yet incredibly potent strategy is merging travel with networking.

This dynamic duo can catapult your business to new heights, offering opportunities for personal growth, market expansion, and invaluable global connections. Here’s how you can leverage travel networking to drive unprecedented business growth.

Embrace the Global Mindset

First and foremost, adopting a global mindset is crucial. This means viewing every travel opportunity, whether for leisure or business, as a golden ticket to understanding new cultures, markets, and business practices. Embracing a global mindset is akin to unlocking a door to diverse possibilities and untapped markets, essential for those aiming to elevate their business in today’s interconnected world.

This perspective encourages you to see beyond local boundaries and consider the vast tapestry of cultures, economies, and business practices that our world offers. It’s about recognizing that your next big opportunity might not be in your backyard, but on a different continent, requiring you to navigate new cultural nuances and market dynamics.

A global mindset empowers entrepreneurs to adapt their strategies and products to meet varied consumer needs and preferences, ultimately leading to innovative solutions that stand out in crowded markets. It fosters resilience and flexibility, qualities that are indispensable in facing the challenges of entering new territories. By understanding and appreciating the complexities of global markets, you can anticipate trends, seize opportunities, and mitigate risks more effectively.

Moreover, this mindset enhances your ability to build meaningful, cross-cultural relationships, laying the foundation for successful international collaborations and partnerships. It encourages continuous learning and curiosity, driving you to explore, ask questions, and engage deeply with different cultures and business environments. Adopting a global mindset is not just about expanding your business geographically; it’s about enriching your entrepreneurial journey with diverse experiences and perspectives, fostering growth on both a personal and professional level.

Plan Your Trips with a Networking Agenda

Strategic planning can transform any trip into a networking goldmine, including extended stays in Atlanta . Before embarking on your journey, research and identify key events, conferences, and meetups happening at your destination. Planning your trips with a networking agenda transforms mere travel into a strategic endeavor, maximizing every journey’s potential for business growth and development. Here’s how to effectively curate your trips to serve as powerful networking opportunities:

  • Pre-Trip Research: Weeks before departure, delve into the local business scene of your destination. Identify key industry events, conferences, and networking gatherings that align with your business interests. Utilizing platforms like Eventbrite or Meetup can offer insight into local professional events.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define what you aim to achieve through your networking efforts. Whether it’s finding potential clients, partners, or gaining market insights, having clear goals helps tailor your networking efforts effectively.
  • Engage on Social Media: Utilize LinkedIn and Twitter to announce your visit. Reach out to local professionals and industry leaders with a personalized message expressing your interest in connecting while you’re in town. This pre-engagement sets the groundwork for meaningful face-to-face interactions.
  • Schedule Smartly: Balance is key. While you want to maximize your networking opportunities, overbooking yourself can lead to rushed meetings and burnout. Schedule with ample time for each interaction, allowing for genuine connection and conversation.
  • Follow-Up Plan: Networking doesn’t end with the trip. Have a follow-up strategy for each contact made. Whether it’s a simple thank-you message, sharing a useful article, or proposing a collaboration, timely follow-up can cement the newly formed connections.

Adopting a structured approach to integrate networking into your travel plans not only enriches your business with valuable connections but also ensures that every trip contributes significantly to your professional growth and global footprint.

Leverage Social Media and Professional Platforms

Social media and professional networking platforms are invaluable tools for connecting with local professionals and industry leaders ahead of your travels. Leveraging social media and professional platforms is a powerful strategy to amplify your networking reach before, during, and after your travels. In today’s digital age, these platforms serve as virtual meeting grounds where professionals can connect, share insights, and explore collaborative opportunities beyond geographical constraints.

Before embarking on your journey, harness the potential of platforms like LinkedIn to announce your travel plans and intentions to network. This preemptive step not only alerts your existing connections about your visit but also piques the interest of potential new contacts in the destination area.

Engaging in relevant groups and forums related to your industry or destination can further enhance your visibility and introduce you to local professionals with aligned interests. Sharing valuable content, commenting on discussions, and asking insightful questions establishes your presence and expertise, making others more inclined to connect with you in person.

Twitter and Instagram also offer unique opportunities for real-time updates, allowing you to share moments from your travels and networking events. Using specific hashtags can attract attention from local professionals and event attendees, facilitating impromptu meet-ups or conversations.

After your travels, these platforms enable you to maintain and nurture the connections you’ve made. A personalized message thanking someone for their time or sharing a relevant article can keep the conversation going, laying the groundwork for a lasting professional relationship. By strategically utilizing social media and professional platforms, you turn every trip into a networking success story, continuously expanding your professional network and opening doors to new business opportunities.

Cultivate a Storytelling Approach

When networking, your ability to share your business journey compellingly can make a lasting impression. Cultivating a storytelling approach in networking can significantly enhance the impact of your interactions, making your business and personal brand more memorable and engaging. Here’s how to effectively harness the power of storytelling in your networking endeavors.

  • Identify Your Key Narratives: Begin by reflecting on your business journey, identifying pivotal moments, challenges overcome, and milestones reached. These elements form the backbone of your narrative, offering relatable and inspiring tales for your audience.
  • Emphasize Emotion and Relatability: Stories that evoke emotions or share common struggles and triumphs resonate more deeply. Highlight moments of uncertainty, learning, and success in a way that your listener can see themselves in your story, fostering a stronger connection.
  • Incorporate Lessons Learned: Every good story has a moral or lesson. Share insights gained through your experiences, offering value to your listener. This not only positions you as a thoughtful leader but also makes your stories educational.
  • Practice Brevity and Clarity: While detail is important, the ability to convey your story succinctly is crucial. Practice distilling your narratives into concise, impactful anecdotes that capture interest without losing the listener’s attention.
  • Adapt to Your Audience: Tailor your stories to suit your audience, whether it’s a potential client, a fellow entrepreneur, or a mentor. Personalizing your narrative to align with their interests or industry can make your message more impactful.

By weaving compelling narratives into your networking strategy, you not only leave a lasting impression but also build meaningful connections rooted in shared experiences and values. Storytelling is not just a tool for engagement; it’s a pathway to deeper, more substantive relationships in the business world.

Foster Genuine Relationships

Networking should never be a mere exchange of business cards; it’s about building genuine relationships. Show genuine interest in the people you meet, listen actively, and seek ways to offer value. This could mean sharing insights, making introductions, or offering solutions to challenges they might be facing. Remember, strong relationships are the foundation of a successful business network.

Follow Up and Nurture Your Connections

The magic of networking often happens after the initial interaction. Make it a point to follow up with your new connections through personalized messages, expressing your appreciation for the meeting and reiterating how you might help each other. Regularly sharing relevant information, such as articles, reports, or event invitations, can keep the conversation going and deepen the relationship over time.

Reflect and Strategize Post-Travel

Upon returning from your travels , take time to reflect on your experiences and the connections you’ve made. Evaluate how these new insights and relationships can be integrated into your business strategy. Perhaps you’ve identified a new market to explore, discovered a potential partner, or gained a fresh perspective on an existing challenge. Strategically incorporating these learnings can drive your business forward in unexpected and rewarding ways.

Case Studies and Success Stories

Throughout the business world, there are numerous success stories of individuals who have mastered the art of merging travel with networking to catalyze growth. Exploring case studies and success stories unveils the tangible impacts of integrating travel with networking, providing real-world insights into this strategy’s effectiveness. One illustrative example involves a startup founder who, by attending an international tech conference, connected with a venture capitalist interested in emerging technologies. 

This chance meeting led to a significant investment, catapulting the startup into new markets. Another story highlights a small business owner whose participation in a trade mission in Southeast Asia opened doors to lucrative export opportunities, significantly boosting annual revenues. These narratives not only serve as a testament to the power of strategic networking while traveling but also offer practical lessons and inspiration. They underscore the importance of being open to serendipitous encounters and the potential of every trip to foster pivotal connections that drive business forward.

The Road Ahead

Merging travel with networking is more than a strategy; it’s a mindset that views every journey as an opportunity to grow, learn, and connect. In an age where business is increasingly global, those who harness the power of travel networking are poised to achieve unprecedented growth. So, pack your bags, and your business cards, and embark on a journey where the world becomes your office, and every destination holds the promise of new connections and opportunities.

By weaving together the threads of travel and networking, you’re not just exploring new territories geographically but also charting a course for your business that’s rich in diversity, innovation, and boundless potential. The future of business growth is global, and it begins with the next step you take.

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Emily Mollown

Emily Mollown is a marketing specialist, business writer, and entrepreneur. She helps clients grow their personal and professional brands in a fast-changing and demanding market environment.

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Travel Leaders Network is a passionate community of travel professionals focused on mutual success. Travel Leaders Network is one of the largest sellers of luxury travel, cruises and tours in the industry. Representing over 5,700 travel agency locations across the United States and Canada, our Network uses the power of our parent company, Internova, to assist millions of leisure and business travelers annually.

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I am so appreciative of the Social Media images, tools and training provided by Travel Leaders Network. I'm often so busy crafting travel experiences for clients that I neglect my social media. Travel Leaders Network is such an asset and crucial partner to my business, because I can access and use the images and tools to engage with my audience on social media.

Angela Lindsey | Luxury Vacations and Travel, LLC

Being part of the Luxury Leaders Alliance gives me the opportunity to learn from other advisors that focus on luxury travel. Hearing their feedback about destinations, hotels and suppliers is priceless. Being able to have more intimate, smaller group trainings with more open dialogue has proven to be beneficial.

Diane Michael | Travel Leaders

The most valuable aspect of Engagement is the Agent-level marketing that ties my photo and profile to the online promotions and emails that go out our behalf. I recently heard from an old client who had not booked with me in years. She told me that she was so happy to see I was still in the business after seeing my photo on an email and the renewed relationship has already turned into two sales of more than $30,000 each.

Nora Blum | Market Square Travel

The Engagement program is AMAZING! I use the Engagement emails and mailers to keep in touch with my clients, reminding them that I am here when they need me and keeping them aware of travel trends and offers. Many of my clients tell me that they love getting the emails and mail so they can start dreaming about their next adventure!

Catherine Taucher | Destiny Travel & Group Tours

I can't do it without Engagement! This resource gives me a professional edge over other small travel agencies. I'm so excited each time a client contacts me to book a holiday based on the flyer they recently received in the mail. If you are not using this resource, you miss out on a great opportunity!

Brenda McCafferty | World Travel Destinations and Cruises, LLC.

The leads generated to me are incredible. I have booked Regent Seven Seas, Silversea and Paul Gauguin cruises from leads. I have booked Kensington Tours private safaris in Africa and high-end European private tours from leads generated from Agent Profiler. I have new clients that travel business class and stay in suite accommodation at Leading Hotels of the World that found me on Agent Profiler. They have told their friends about me and I have gained many more clients from their referrals. I love Agent Profiler. Thank you.

Julie Evans | Valente Travel

The IC program has really helped me step by step to get my program up and running without feeling overwhelmed. We are a small agency and have little experience with ICs. On Agent Universe I am able to quickly access documents needed to continue my knowledge of the program. This helped me get my orientation packet together for my ICs and I am able to answer questions that I have not thought of.

Anne Jasper, Owner | Travel Leaders / Destinations Unlimited | Cedar Rapids, Iowa

The Host Agency+ program has been invaluable for me this year. For someone who has just dabbled in IC’s in the past, it has given me many resources especially in the area of recruitment and implementation that have helped me finally have a handle and focus on where I want to go with my IC efforts.

Ann Waters, President | Conference & Travel | Fort Wayne, Indiana

Travel Leaders Network has been a longstanding partner for us in providing the tools and resources our independent agents need. Extensive education opportunities, cutting edge technology, robust marketing programs and dedicated support all enhance and strengthen our independent agent network. Engaging with our agent network, providing support and ongoing education has always been a core focus for our agency and Travel Leaders Network has been a great collaborator for us in meeting that goal.

Kimberly LaScala Detore, President | Prestige Travel Systems Tampa, FL

I’m a veteran in the travel industry with over 34 years of experience, but I was a real novice in respect to ICs and being a host agency. I am so thankful for the Travel Leaders’ Host Agency+ Program which laid out a one-year plan to get me up and running with all the tools available online and at my disposal to be a successful host agency.

Sue Tindell, CTC, Owner | Travel Designers Travel Leaders | Rice Lake, Wisconsin

There are offerings out there for the dabblers and the tinkerers, but the Host Agency+ Program isn’t one of them. This program, by design, is intended for those who have already embraced a serious commitment to growing their host agency program. You will find in this program virtually every requisite tool to compete effectively in this very challenging marketplace. From competitive insights, to market trends, to critical analysis, it is all there.

Terry Denton, Executive Vice President | Main Street Travel | Fort Worth, Texas

For nearly 20 years, we’ve enjoyed far more than just the products and services offered by Travel Leaders Network. We’ve enjoyed sincere relationships with dedicated partners that are truly here to support us. We can’t imagine having a better partner than Travel Leaders Network.

Chad Burt, Co-Owner | Cruises & Tours, Unlimited | Jacksonville FL

“Since joining Travel Leaders, our business has grown significantly due to the support and programs offered. The training offered has taken my staff to a new level. We fully anticipate continued growth as part of Travel Leaders Network.”

Christy Prescott a Travel Leaders Network Associate Member from San Antonio, Texas

"I never thought in a million years that we would feel so valued in an organization this size, but it has been incredible. There is help with whatever we need to be successful. The marketing and support we’ve received has saved us thousands of dollars."

Mimi Comfort, a Travel Leaders Network Affiliate from Kansas City, Missouri

Find your community: inspiring travel networks

Bailey Freeman

Jul 31, 2018 • 6 min read

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Rear view of friends sitting on building terrace. Males and females are looking at cityscape and sea. They are wearing casuals.

The internet is a vast resource when it comes to travel – there’s an abundance of websites and apps designed to aid those looking to explore. At Lonely Planet, we curate collections of our experts' best recommendations, but we also realise the value of community, of conversing with fellow travellers who have been where you want to go, and who can answer questions and share experiences in real time. Here, we’ve compiled a list of thriving communities that exist on (and off) the web to help you plug into the perfect travel network.

A group of young people looking out over a panorama of a city © Nomad / Getty Images

Thorntree and Lonely Planet Travellers Group

Lonely Planet has long been home to a vibrant community of travellers keen to share tips and tricks. We established the Th orntree forum in 1996 – it's one of the longest-running online travel communities and a fantastic place to find detailed information on itineraries, recommendations and logistics. The forum is helpfully organised by country and interest, so you won't have to scroll through tons of unrelated posts to find your topic.

If Facebook is more your speed, hop into the new LP Travellers Group , where members share a variety of images, videos and information to help and inspire others.

Women stand in front of a pyramid with their hands stretched into the air © Girls Love Travel

Girls Love Travel

Girls Love Travel  (GLT) came onto the scene in 2015 and has become one of the biggest travel communities on the internet, amassing over 610,000 women or female-identifying members. Founder Haley Woods started the group after struggling with 'first-date friendships' during her own travels, creating a community who shared her passion for globetrotting and empowering more women to travel in the process.

The group contains a number of subgroups (GLT 35+, GLT Pride, GLT Moms, among others). Members can pay a monthly fee to be part of a new GiveBack subscription scheme, which gives them access to a smaller community and assistance with trip planning. The money goes toward purchasing passports for GLTers who don't have one. After six months, members of GiveBack receive either $50 toward branded merchandise or a GLT trip.

To Woods, the strength of GLT lies in the dedication and engagement of its members. 'Time and time again, members have asked a question, a local answered, and the member has ended up travelling and meeting the local. For us, it’s not just coming together online, but it's making sure we are building that offline relationship too. As all of us evolve more onto our devices, one thing that helps the travel community is knowing that there is someone else on the other side of the device.'

Digital Nomads Around the World

As companies continue to embrace the flexibility available with a remote working set-up and more people choose to leave the desk-bound life behind, record numbers of digital nomads are roaming the globe, taking their mobile offices with them. Digital Nomads Around the World is an online forum that connects full-time travelling professionals with others doing the same; members share tips on everything from useful on-the-road work hacks to workspace recommendations to restaurant advice.

A woman stands in front of white temple spires in Myanmar © Annette Richmond

Fat Girls Traveling  

Annette Richmond kicked off her online presence with a blog about plus-sized fashion before transitioning into the world of travel; today, she blends the two in her community platform Fat Girls Traveling. The project started on Instagram – Richmond chose to feature editorial photos that highlight the beauty and success of plus-size travellers, and since then the account has grown into a fully fledged community, with 4,300 members on Facebook and 14,500 followers on Instagram. The Instagram account has become a beacon of plus-size representation in travel, and the Facebook group allows for members to discuss all things related to discovering new destinations.

'Our society has always shown fat people to be depressed or eager to lose weight, to be the class clown – to fall back on other things because they can’t offer anything of beauty. I want to rock the boat a little bit,' says Richmond. 'We want to see representation of ourselves. We want to see fat people thriving because there are plenty of us that are.'

Richmond will be hosting her first annual Fat Camp in North Carolina in August 2018, a fat-positive adult summer camp for plus-size women. 'For fat people, camp can trigger negative emotions – it’s a time where they wanted to hide, or they were sent to a weight loss camp. We aren’t focused on weight loss or counting calories. We’ll have delicious food, nostalgic summer activities, tubing, s’mores and campfires.' Interested members can sign up for the whole weekend or day passes.

Women stand in front of a mural depicting the Brazilian flag © Nomadness

Nomadness Travel Tribe

What started as a Facebook group with 100 members has now morphed into an international network of 20,000 members: Nomadness Travel Tribe . The community is geared towards millennial travellers of colour and the only prerequisite to join is a single stamp in your passport. 'The community is for people who organise their lives so they can maximise their time on their road,' says founder Evita Robinson. 'It’s an alternative universe of knowledge: a community that looks like you, that understands your perspective and your concerns, and can give the most real, authentic answers to your questions.'

Nomadness usually hosts three to four formally organised trips per year (though the community averages around 100 meet-ups around the world annually), and in late summer of 2018, it is throwing its first festival for travellers of colour: Audacity Fest in Oakland, California. The event’s schedule features a number of speakers (including Oneika Raymond, Gloria Atanmo, and Tiffany 'The Budgetnista' Aliche) giving talks on a variety of travel-related topics.

For Robinson, Nomadness represents a movement. 'When it comes to mass media, [travellers of colour] are completely underrepresented. We are just as transformational and we are bringing so much money into this industry. African-American travellers – we’re talking about people who historically have gone through so much. Historical reference is what we carry with us. I step in as 20,000 – it’s not just me. I take my tribe wherever I go.' Potential members can join via Nomadness’ website.

Outdoor Afro

Outdoor Afro is a US-based nonprofit network that operates in 30 states, working to inspire African Americans to connect with the country's public lands and support their mission statement of inspiring 'black leadership in nature'. Trained volunteers lead a number of outdoor activities including hiking, camping, environmental education and conservation excursions. At the heart of these activities, the organisation promotes equitable access to public spaces and increased representation of the African American community in conversations regarding the infrastructures of and narratives surrounding these open spaces. The group specifically partners with organisations dedicated to environmentally sustainable and culturally respectful travel.

Outdoor Afro hosts a number of location-specific groups on Facebook , so find the one nearest you and hit the trail. To see what members are doing nationwide, follow the organisation's Instagram.

A man in a wheelchair in front of an ornately decorated cathedral entrance © Martin Heng

Travel for All

Martin Heng, Lonely Planet’s Accessible Travel Manager, kicked off the Travel for All online community in 2015, and since then its membership has boomed to 30,000. The group consists of travellers with access needs, providing a platform to share their own experiences, crowdsource information, and find travel inspiration.

'Particularly for people living with disability, travel can be daunting. Hearing from people with similar conditions overcoming their fears can be a great motivator,' says Heng. 'Also, accessibility is not just about the built environment; the barrier is often more a case of insufficient information about accessibility in any given location.'

The community, one of the first to address accessible and inclusive travel online, also serves as a space for disabled travel bloggers to share their work and for members to collect relevant articles and other literature in a central location. 'Confident or not, when you have access issues you do need to plan ahead, which means access to accurate and trustworthy information,' Heng says. 'There’s no real alternative to eyes on the ground.'

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Gateway Travel Host Agency

Top Ten Networking Strategies for Travel Agents to Enhance Industry Connections

Online connections

As travel agents, networking is an integral part of our profession. We strive to connect with industry leaders and peers, enabling us to better serve our clients and grow our businesses. However, networking can sometimes seem like a daunting task. How do you make that integral exchange valuable and memorable? How can you coin the art of mingling and conversing into a pathway to securing a long-lasting business relationship? Gateway Travel is here to help. We've compiled a list of networking strategies to help travel agents like you boost your industry connections and engage effectively with industry leaders.

The Power of Networking in the Travel Industry

Before we jump into the strategies, it is important to grasp the significant role networking plays in our industry. Networking is a matter of creating professional relationships. For travel agents, these connections lead to productive partnerships , business growth, sharing of expertise, and engagement with industry leaders who can provide you with invaluable insight and guidance.

Whether you are attending a travel industry conference or meeting others in a more casual setting, powerful networking can work wonders. The following strategies, therefore, will help open doors to beneficial discussions, forge strong connections, and elevate your travel agency to new heights.

Strategy 1: Be Prepared

Preparation is key when it comes to networking. Do your homework before attending any event. Research who is going to be there and identify who you want to meet. Have informed topics of discussion ready. This will impress industry leaders and show that you take your role as a travel agent seriously.

Strategy 2: Actively Listen

Actively listening to others is a fundamental aspect of networking. It shows that you value what others have to say, inviting in a sense of mutual respect and understanding that is likely to be reciprocated.

Strategy 3: Always Follow-Up

Once you establish a connection, don’t let it grow cold. Follow up with emails or phone calls and keep the conversation going. This will help maintain and strengthen that budding connection.

Strategy 4: Create and Refine Your Elevator Pitch

Crafting a compelling elevator pitch is crucial. A concise, targeted message about you and your travel agency leaves a lasting impression. Update it often, reflecting your current status and goals.

Strategy 5: Use Social Media Wisely

In today's digital era, social media platforms have emerged as crucial networking tools. Use them wisely to identify significant industry leaders and connect with them. Be active, engaging, and authentic.

Strategy 6: Be a Source of Information

Stay updated about industry trends and share this knowledge with your connections. Being a source of information will make you a go-to person and enhance your standing among industry leaders.

Strategy 7: Volunteer for Industry Events

Volunteering offers a great opportunity to meet and mingle with leaders in the travel industry. It also helps establish goodwill and credibility in your network.

Strategy 8: Participate Actively in Industry Forums

Many travel professionals participate in online forums. This is an excellent avenue to network with peers and industry leaders, engage in informative discussions and foster meaningful connections.

A woman cross arms.

Strategy 9: Follow the Norms of Professionalism

While networking, remain professional yet approachable. Avoid controversial topics and refrain from gossip. That will present you as a dependable, respectful industry professional.

Strategy 10: Be True to You

Authenticity is key to effective networking. Be yourself and let your passion for travel and your work shine through. More people will connect with you when you are genuine and sincere.

By following these networking strategies, travel agents can foster powerful connections with industry leaders. Remember, networking isn’t just about getting your name out there; it is about creating a solid reputation for your business, engaging effectively with industry leaders, learning from them, and sharing your insights and experiences with others. As you employ these tips and start increasing your network, remember that each connection brings unique opportunities for growth and success in the travel industry. Happy networking!

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Designing Lifestyle Travel Experiences from Alberta

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland

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Irish Summer Tour & Luxury Castle Stay

Private Tour: July 3rd - 12th, 2025 

8 Nights / 10 Days - 15 Meals, Castles, Music,  & Tours

$5588 CAD per person based on double

Single: $6488 Triple: $5488 (Including all taxes)

Return flight to Dublin approximately: $1500 per person

Tour Highlights

Live like royalty during overnight stays on the grounds of a castle. From history-filled Dublin to the rolling green hills and dramatic coast, experience Ireland’s charms on a journey through the Emerald Isle. Choose how you explore the city of Dublin. Kiss the Blarney Stone at historic Blarney Castle. See Killarney from an Irish jaunting car. Please pick from the best restaurants with our Diner’s Choice program. Experience the world-famous beauty of the Ring of Kerry. See border collies in action during a traditional sheepdog demonstration. Stand in awe at the top of the stunning 700-foot Cliffs of Moher. Experience the famous Guinness Storehouse and learn how to pour a perfect pint. A vibrant blend of captivating culture and breathtaking nature, this is the Ireland you’ve always imagined. 

Pre-Departure Irish Pub Night

Hosted from Edmonton: Rick MacSwain - Network Travel  

Detailed Itinerary Click HERE        Please get in touch with me!

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We manage all travel but Groups are our Specialty!

Group Travel, Our Expertise!

Join one of our customized experiences, or let us create a group for you!

At Network Travel we specialize in crafting unforgettable group travel experiences. Whether you are planning a family reunion, a friend's getaway, a destination wedding, or a corporate retreat, we are dedicated to making every journey seamless and enjoyable.  

* Tailored Itineraries (to any destination)

We design custom travel plans, unique to your group's interest

* Expert Coordination

From transportation to accommodation, our team handles all logistics, ensuring a stress-free adventure 

* Shared Memories

We create opportunities for bonding and shared experiences that you'll cherish for a lifetime

* Cost Efficiency 

Benefit from group discounts and shared expenses, making your dream trip more affordable. 

Travel together, laugh together, and explore together with Network Travel. Let us take care of the details so you can focus on creating memories.

Princess Cruise

Alaska from $786 CAD

Cruise Deals! (Canadian Dollars )

September  7, 2024

7-Day Voyage of the Glaciers with Glacier Bay 

Sapphire Princess 

Inside Stateroom: $786 p/p 

Oceanview $1464 p/p

Balcony Stateroom: $2962 p/p

September 18, 2024, Grand  Princess - 5 Ports

7-Day Roundtrip from Vancouver

Interior Cabin: $1471 per person based on double 

Balcony Cabin: $3776 p/p

September 14th, 2024- Sapphire Princess

10-Day Inside Passage Roundtrip Vancouver 

Interior Cabin $2159 per person based on double

Suite: $6749

We can arrange your flights and pre or post-stays

Note - Taxes and flights extra

Ask about other dates and cabin categories 

Please contact me!

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14-Night Cruise Group Escorted from Edmonton

March 2nd - 16th, 2025 ( 14 nights / 15 Days)

Holland America Cruise Line on the Westerdam

Outside Stateroom: From $5339 CAD p/p 

Balcony Stateroom: From $6249 CAD p/p

Signature Suite: From $7719 CAD p/p    (**Call for Single Rates)


Drink package, gratuities, $200 USD Shore excursion credit, 

2 nights specialty dining, Wifi,  taxes, port charges, & transfers 

Itinerary:    CLICK HERE

Departs: Sydney, Australia to Melbourne & Tasmania 

New Zealand -Milford Sound, Fiordland National Park, Port Chalmers (Dunedin), Timaru, Picton, Wellington, Napier, Tauranga, Disembark in Auckland


Departing Sydney Australia with a stop in Melbourne and then on to Tasmania known for its unique wildlife and World Heritage area. 

New Zealand is one of the most unique destinations on Earth, where scenes of sweeping, verdant landscapes and pristine wilderness abound. New Zealand is also known for its rich culture, friendly people & excellent food & wine. 

Hosts: CFCW's Dean Thorpe & Rick MacSwain Network Travel

Please contact me by email

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17 Nights in Kenya - Safari & Indian Ocean

Join Network Travel's Rick MacSwain as he escorts another group back to Kenya on safari. 

Please NOTE: This is NOT an off-the-self, pre-packaged tour

Our unique safari is designed to provide the greatest opportunity to experience the Big 5 in comfort and safety.  

January 10th - 27th, 2025  -- $12,399 CAD p/p based on double 

Highlights (Limited to 24 Guests) 

2 Nights to rest after a long flight, 2 Nights in Samburu, 2 Nights in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, 1 Night Lake Nakuru, 3 Nights Masai Mara, 1 Night Lake Naivasha, 2 Nights Amboseli National Park with Mt. Kilimanjaro as the backdrop and 4 Nights post safari on the Indian Ocean at an all-inclusive beachfront resort.

• Luxury Lodges / Hotels (6 Nights in tented lodges)

• Private Land Cruisers with open hatch roofs, onboard    fresh drinking water, binoculars & coolers

• Safety & Comfort - Only 4 guests per Land Cruiser with a private English-speaking driver guide

• Daily morning & afternoon game drives

• Visit the Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage and Giraffe Centre including lunch. 

Detailed Itinerary        Please contact me by email

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This Fall - Canada & New England

10-Day Classic Canada & New England  - 6 Ports

Quebec City to Boston on Emerald Princess 

Includes: Saguenay, Charlottetown, Sydney, Halifax, Saint John (Bay of Fundy) Portland Maine & Boston Massachusetts  

Inside Stateroom: $1387 p/p 

Oceanview $2166 p/p

Balcony Stateroom: $2496 p/p

October 17, 2024, Emerald Princess - 6 Ports

14-Day Quebec City to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Quebec City, Halifax, Portland Maine, Boston, New York City, Norfolk, Charleston South Carolina, Ft. Lauderdale. 

Interior Cabin: $1522 per person based on double 

Oceanview $2427 p/p

Balcony Stateroom: $3912 p/p

Mini-Suite: $6188 p/p

Note - Taxes Included - Flights extra

Luxury cruise ship in Antarctica

Antarctica Luxury Cruise

January 29th - February 8th, 2026

10 Nights Antarctica Ushuaia - Ushuaia 

Superior Stateroom $12,635 USD p/p based on double

Ponant Cruise Line "Explore to Inspire"

The most common reaction upon reaching the 7th Continent is a sense of reverence and awe. The experience is beyond words since few places are as untouched and enduring as Antarctica. You will begin to appreciate why this region has long captivated the attention of explorers and travelers alike. 

• All meals while on board the ship

• Standard Open Bar Package • Gratuities

• Port charges ($560 per person) • Airport charges

• Flight Package 1 Night in Buenos Aires + flight Buenos        Aires/Ushuaia + visit + flight Ushuaia/Buenos Aires

• Captain’s welcome cocktail and gala dinner

• Unlimited Wi-Fi • Onboard credit ($100 per person)

• Evening entertainment and events

• Room service 24h (special selection)

• Highly qualified expedition team 

• Zodiac landings and park entry fees into protected areas

• Complimentary boot rental & a Polar Parka to keep

Please contact me with more details! 

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Circle Japan & her Southern Islands

17-Day Cruise departing June 14th, 2025 on Diamond Princess

Roundtrip from Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan

9 Ports: Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan Nagasaki, Japan Busan, South Korea Sakaiminato, Japan Aomori, Japan Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan Taipei (Keelung)Hualien, Taiwan Ishigaki, Japan Okinawa, Japan Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan (Taxes included / Flights are extra)

Inside Stateroom: $2992 p/p - Oceanview $4072 - Balcony  $4747 p/p

On this incredible journey, you will enjoy the most astonishing city on earth; the city of Tokyo. In Nagasaki visit: (Peace Memorial Park, Atomic Bomb Museum, Shimabara Castle & Village, Mt. Inasa)

Enjoy Busan, the second largest city in  South Korea from modern high-rise towers to ancient Buddhist temples. You will visit the small fishing port of Sakaiminato in Japan, esteemed for centuries for its superb seafood. In Northern Japan, you will enjoy the city of Aomori, known for its beauty from apple orchards and cherry blossoms. In Taiwan, you will visit the bustling city of Taipei and other interesting areas surrounding on this fascinating island in the East China Sea. 

Onboard the Diamond Princess

Dine on freshly prepared sashimi in Kai Sushi, watch street performers in the dazzling Atrium, or take in a lavish production show in our state-of-the-art theater. Please contact me!

CFCW South Pacific boat cruise with Jackie Rae

Nov 15th - 26th, 2025 Small Ship Experience!

11-Night / 12-Day Cruise Video Click HERE

From $5549 USD p/p based on double 

Group Price: Save over $700 USD per person

November 15th - 26th, 2025 

Small Ship Experience - 330 Guests & 217 Crew

Includes: luxury cruise, all-inclusive meals, alcoholic/non-alcoholic beverages, transfers, port charges, gratuities, taxes, and $150 USD Shipboard credit per person. 

Flights not included - only 8.5 hours direct from Seattle

Why is a Paul Gauguin Cruise - SPECIAL? 

The MS Paul Gauguin was specifically built to explore the islands of the South Pacific. It is one of a few ships able to access the shallow reef-protected lagoons, so you to get close up to the islands that larger ships cannot access. Every shade of blue is here. The Paul Gauguin's marina means you enjoy watersports right off the ship with kayaks and standup paddleboards. A team of locals (Gauguins and Gaugines) are on board to share their local culture. 

Pre-cruise Options: New Zealand Tour or overwater bungalow experience!     Full Itinerary - Click HERE

Click here to inquire by email

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South Africa - Victoria Falls & Botswana

Depart Canada January 31st - Feb 14th, 2025

From $7999 CAD p/p double occupancy 

Includes: Escorted from Edmonton

Park fees and domestic  flights - Victoria Falls & Botswana

5 Star accommodations, 29 meals, vineyard tasting 

Victoria Falls, Chobe National Park, Pilanesberg National Park,  8 game drives, Cape Winelands, Cape Town and Table Mountain.  (International flights not included)

Get ready for an unparalleled journey through southern Africa's cultural diversity and abundant wildlife. Seek out the “Big 5” on 8 different safari game drives. Get a taste of South African culture at local wineries. Witness the natural beauty of Victoria Falls and learn about its people during a township visit and home-hosted lunch. Greet African elephants and spend time learning about them. Search for animals along the winding Chobe River. Epic scenery and winding coastlines come together in an incredible adventure. 

Contact us for more details

Itinerary Details - Click HERE

Optional: 3 Night Pre-tour in Dubai

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Private Island & Overwater Bungalows

10 Night Package

Customized - Only 15 Bungalows

February 9th - 20th, 2025 (10 Nights)

$4499 CAD per person based on double occupancy 

International flights from Edmonton approx. $2000 extra

(Direct flight from Vancouver to Singapore)

7 Nights Overwater Bungalows - King Bedroom

3 Nights Singapore - Mondrian Singapore King Room

All Meals - Overwater Bungalow (7 Nights)

Daily Breakfast - Mondrian Singapore Duxton Hotel

60 Minute Massage - Overwater Bungalows

Transfers - Airport and Ferry to private island

Experience your own private island & 3 Nights in Singapore!

We designed this incredible Experience for guests seeking something unique and off the beaten track. 

Ask about adding more days to your vacation!

  Contact us by email

Weddings with Network Travel

Make it SPECIAL!

A customized wedding is thoughtful, special, and full of pleasant surprises for your invited guests. 

We will make your celebration SPECIAL!

May we suggest!

Start with the Wow Factor! 

Guests arrive at the resort on a private yacht shuttle

A thank-you gift is thoughtfully placed in each guest suite

Your welcome reception is a sunset delight

Group Outing 

Spa & wine tasting  or golf & cocktails

Wedding Celebration 

Private remote setting exclusive for you with warm tropical breezes and the scent of fresh flowers

Your reception is magically decorated with fine dining and music.   

We welcome all weddings and coordinate guests arriving from around the world.  

Email Us: [email protected]

Call: 780-454-4933 ext.: 101 TF: 866-604-8714 ext.: 101

Escorted Tours, Groups & Affordable Luxury

We all love travel deals and occasionally we discover offers that are simply out of this world. Sign up to receive our “Network Getaways” and we will ensure you are on the top of our VIP list. Note: We hate spam too! We respect your privacy and only send permission-based emails.

In the News

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Start and scale your business with the travel host agency that makes it simple.

The smartest way to sell travel, imagine starting a travel business with the resources, supplier relationships, and tools you need from day one., build a foundation, business essentials.

Start selling and earning commission instantly with top-rated travel planning tools, industry memberships, and access to our list of trusted suppliers and vendors.

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Network perks.

Premier pricing and special offers to our network of preferred partners, including marketing content, design software, promotional items, and travel planning resources.

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Agent resources.

Members-only tools and trainings to make your travel business a success from the very start. Access your exclusive resources any time in your Pickles Travel Network Portal.

Pickles Travel Network is proud to be a 5-star rated agency on Google and Host Agency Reviews!

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“PTN is incredibly dependable and supportive.  As a new TA, I honestly feel lucky that I found Pickles.  They have connected me with ridiculously amazing resources/opportunities (i.e. VIRTUOSO!!, CLIA, and a top-level list of ….They are also very approachable and easy to communicate with.  I love the supportive culture they are continually developing.  Pickles is doing an amazing job equipping and empowering me to become the successful TA that I am striving to be.”

Jonathan H.

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“Pickles Travel Network is the best! The entire staff is helpful and supportive; you can feel how much they want you to succeed. They have also created an incredibly encouraging community that feels like a family. I highly recommend them!”

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“Pickles Travel Network offers AMAZING ongoing training, resources and support. As a new agent, the training offered to expand my knowledge and growth is priceless! If you’re looking for a host Pickles is definitely worth it! The best decision I have made as a travel agent was signing up with Pickles Travel Network. I am so grateful that I found the PTN community :)”

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“The best decision I have made as a travel agent was signing up with Pickles Travel Network. Pickles Travel Network has the nicest, most supportive staff and members. They also offer the best resources in the industry that are necessary for success. I cannot say enough wonderful things about Pickles!”

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“Pickles Travel Network has been such a huge help to me as a new travel advisor. They provide wonderful resources, the ability to choose your commission percentage, the ability to keep 100% of your planning fees, a wide variety of training options, and they are always available to help when I need it. PTN feels like a family, & I’m very thankful to be part of their agency!”

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“The Pickles team has been a wonderful and attentive support system for agents at every level and at every turn. They’ve laid some amazing ground work that is there for you to take advantage of to learn and grow professionally. It’s been incredibly helpful to me as a new travel agent.”

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“Pickles is a great host agency! They have amazing support and lots of good trainings! I love the fact that all their programs are easy and clear to understand and I’m glad I switched over to this host agency!”

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“I began this process about 6 months ago, found PTN and scheduled a call with Stephanie. The fact that she took my call and answered all of my questions made me feel this was the best choice to help launch my career change to Travel Advisor from Educator. The support has been tremendous and I am so happy to be a part of PTN.”

travel to network

“Working with PTN has been nothing but exceptional. Someone always gets back to me with questions or concerns and is attentive to the needs of everyone. The trainings are so valuable as well with a variety of topics discussed every month. If I can’t attend a live training, the replays are always available.”

travel to network

“Pickles has made life simple with some tools that are amazing. They provide an easy to use booking system, a comprehensive travel agent portal, and a customer service team that is always available to help. They also offer a variety of marketing materials and resources… Pickles is the perfect host agency for any travel agent looking to make their business successful.”

start a travel agent business

let us guess...

You’re here because you love planning incredible vacations, but want the time and flexibility in your schedule to enjoy your own, too..

Get your agency up and running in no time at all! We provide you with everything you need to be your own boss.

A host agency is a foundation to support independent travel contractors. They provide low start-up costs, industry credentials, accreditation, suppliers, access to educational programs, tools, and agent support. 

  • They are sour & sweet, crunchy and taste great with ice cream!
  • You have the ability to charge planning fees and keep a 100% of your fees**. Unlike other host agencies that require you to include them with your commission split.*
  • Membership with Virtuoso, the leading global luxury travel network. 
  • Commission Tracking with Sion 
  • Membership to Travefy a platform for Itineraries, Proposals, Client Management & Marketing Tools 
  • Group coaching
  • Supplier trainings
  • You choose your commission rate* – 70%, 80%, or 90%, unlike other travel hosts that have you hit a min sales to get higher commission rates. Keep more of your profits from day one
  • Ability to brand your own agency and be your own boss
  • Access to FAM (Familiarization) trips and reduced travel rates

No, we welcome new and experienced agents. We have all the tools you need to be successful as a travel advisor new or experienced.

If you have a passion for travel and willingness to grow your own business, you’re a perfect fit for Pickles Travel Network!

We like to break things down into three areas. Business Essentials are the core systems and software you’ll need to get your agency up and running, and these are included at no extra cost with your PTN membership. Network Perks are the optional add-ons like marketing resources and extra training that you can purchase at a discount any time if you’re a PTN member. And our personal favorite, Agent Resources are the complete (and growing!) bank of educational and training resources that we provide to you to support you in growing your travel business. These include seminars led by our Pickles Vacations team, guest experts, and recorded Q+A calls for PTN members only. Learn more about what’s included with your membership here!

How does today sound? Apply right now online, and set up an appointment with a member of our team to get your questions answered. If it sounds like it’ll be a good fit between us, we’ll invite you to sign up and grant you access to the PTN portal right away! As you complete your enrollment steps, we’ll work on getting your accounts created with our partner platforms.

see all FAQs →

Our vendors + affiliates

Sometimes, it’s all about who you know..

The travel industry is all about relationships. That’s why we make the connections for you and partner with industry leaders to give you reliable, modern, and user-friendly resources to run your travel business easily. When you become an agent with Pickles Travel Network, you’ll get automatic access to Virtuoso’s membership network, Sion, Travefy, and more affiliates through your exclusive member portal. We can’t wait to see you in the network!

What's the dill?

Educational blog for travel advisors.

Understanding travel insurance as a travel agent.

Understanding Travel Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide for Agents

Travel insurance is an essential tool for safeguarding travelers against unforeseen events.

A travel blogger photographs an influencer in the desert.

How to Leverage Influencers and Bloggers for Travel Agency Marketing

Leveraging influencers and bloggers can significantly enhance your travel agency’s marketing efforts. 

A traveler stands in the rugged hills of Asia.

6 Travel Trends to Watch in the Next Decade

The future of travel is dynamic and filled with opportunities for those who can adapt to emerging trends.

Staying informed in the travel industry.

10 Ways Travel Agents Can Adapt to Market Shifts and Industry Changes

Stay ahead of the curve with insights on embracing technology, diversifying offerings, and fostering a culture of innovation.

A woman plans her finances at her laptop.

Successful Financial Management for Travel Agents: The Ultimate Guide

By budgeting meticulously, diversifying revenue streams, cutting costs, and planning strategically, you can maximize profitability and ensure sustainable growth in your travel business. 

Using automations as s travel agent.

5 Ways to Maximize Travel Agent Efficiency with AI and Automation

AI and automation offer transformative potential for travel agents, enhancing efficiency, improving client service, and driving business growth.

*Not available for residents in Hawaii.

**Advisors are responsible for checking state laws before charging planning fees.

Hours of Operation

Mon - fri: 9am - 5pm ct.

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©2022 Pickles Travel Network


Seller of Travel: CA #2152037-50 | FL #ST43007 | WA #604-994-859 

IATA | CLIA Membership

Ptn iatan code: 45769253, ptn clia number: 00032299.

When you enroll with suppliers, you must use PTN’s codes to receive a commission from us. Want to sign up for your own CLIA or IATA numbers for exclusive travel benefits? See below.

Get your own IATA/IATAN ID Card:

The IATA/IATAN ID Card is the industry-standard credential to identify bona fide travel professionals. Key benefits include access to concessionary incentives from industry suppliers. The IATA MemberPerks program provides cardholders with daily savings at over 300,000 merchants across North America.

To be eligible, you must register with IATAN under PTN’s IATA number 45769253, work a minimum of 20 hours per week, and earn a minimum of $5,000 per annum in commissions. You’ll need to send PTN a support ticket asking for approval. Once approved, we will send you a PRIN # to allow you to register with IATAN and ask for an ID card.

Get your own CLIA EMBARK ID:


Obtain a CLIA EMBARC ID for travel discounts and FAM (Familiarization) trips. Join CLIA as an Individual Agent Member under Pickles Travel Network CLIA #00032299.

To be eligible, you must work at least 20 hours per week and earn a minimum of $5,000 per annum in commissions. Once you’ve registered, submit a support ticket to let us know, and we will approve your registration.

Please select the option that best describes you for more information.

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The Best Networking Tips for Travel Agents (Step-by-Step Guide For Growth)

  • Published on March 23, 2023

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With the rising use of new technologies and advanced tools to grow and market any business today, the value of an important traditional method to connect with industry peers is gradually being forgotten; this slowly fading yet effective way is called Networking .

Networking, in simple terms, means the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting.

It is especially important for a Travel Agent because connecting with the other travel industry members can help you hone your existing relationships as well as make new contacts, get new ideas, mentorship, opportunities and a potential set of customers.

It will make you an active, knowledgeable and known member in the market and definitely help you gain trust of new and existing customers.

It keeps you on your toes by exposing you to the necessary competition and support needed to grow in this fast-paced world of Tourism.

Whether you’re new to the industry or an old player, networking has proven to be a valuable tool regardless! 

Ways of Networking for Travel Agents:

travel to network

Networking is a crucial art for any entrepreneur. It is all about building mutually beneficial relationships where interacting face to face, staying in touch, explaining yours and understanding the other person’s needs is considered as the best form of communication.

Listed below are the top ways in which you can practice maximum networking as a Travel Agent:

1. Networking with Clients

travel to network

Every travel agent, big or small, wants to have the maximum customer base but what makes an agent different is his skill to identify moments and turn them into business opportunities .

Talk about travel with the people you come in contact with, tell them about your agency, what you do and what you can do for them. This type of networking can simply start with a handshake at any informal get-together, party or even at the gym, school functions or grocery stores.

If you are new in business then this is the best form of networking for you!

2. Networking with Travel Agents

travel to network

Agent to agent networking is considered to be the most beneficial and amazing form of networking.

Meeting your fellow agents, discussing new travel trends , destinations, challenges and ideas can help you learn and plan the future of your travel agency.

Attend as many agent to agent events as possible, interact actively, exchange contacts and explore the best business opportunities available from time to time.

3. Supplier events and FAM Trips

Attending supplier events and webinars whenever possible is a great way to build relationships across the industry.

Learning about new destinations, connecting with suppliers , letting them know what your needs are and what the end customers expect can help you expand your business further.

Attending events like tourism roadshows or SATTE ,  participating in supplier webinars and undertaking FAM trips can shape and widen your understanding of the business.

4. Social Media Networking

travel to network

Go ahead and connect with agents, suppliers as well as clients on Social Media. Be active on the internet, market your business, share deals / posters , ask your customers to write testimonials, follow fellow agents and join tourism groups on facebook, whatsapp, etc.

This will help you reach out to a wider audience and make a market presence of your brand. Take your business online today and slowly build a brand that people connect with.

We hope these networking tips help you expand your business, plan its course and find more customers.

Keep working, keep networking and keep getting closer to making your business known!

We at TravClan have compiled for you the latest marketing content, interactive videos, world-class website, latest travel deals, and much more in a bundle just for you to use and upgrade your travel agency to the next level.

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WorldVIA Travel Quest Network

Everything your travel business needs in one place.

You are not alone.

As a travel professional, whether new to the industry or well-seasoned, you want a host agency that truly knows how to support you and your business.

WorldVia Travel Quest Network has been empowering entrepreneurs with industry-leading education, marketing, and technology for over twenty-five years, with a world-class Member Success team backing you up every step of the way.

How We Help You

Our integrated and AI-powered technologies work together to create efficiency in running your travel business, helping you attract more clients and boost your productivity.

Our multi-faceted approach to loyalty marketing keeps your good name in front of clients all year long and inspires them to rely on your services.

Events + Education

Discover new ways to grow through a wealth of in-person and online training and development opportunities, including detailed program tutorials to get you started.

Lead Generation

Our lead generation program connects you with the exact travelers looking for your services by promoting your distinct capabilities and personalities first and foremost and utilizing the latest SEO strategies.


Our supplier and destination partners provide our members with the most robust offers, incentives, and training in the industry, giving you every advantage you need to sell more and profit more.

Luxury Travel Solutions

As a member of our network, you can access programs, tools, marketing, and services that help advisors better serve affluent consumers.

Corporate Travel Solutions

Grow your corporate travel business by offering customized solutions backed by our tools and resources.

Product Programs

Reward your clients with exclusive experiences, pricing, and added amenities, enhancing your commissions and client loyalty.

Plus, connect with thousands of other agents who are growing their travel business.

What our members think.

"...The training resources are abundant as are the suppliers that Travel Quest Network has relationships with. The commission rates are top tier for all of them. Other agents have been so helpful with sharing information, making suggestions, and offering encouragement. As others have said, it really is like a family..."

"Wow, wow, wow. I can't say enough good things about TQN. I changed recently after a rough first year at a small host agency that was quite honestly a mess. I love not having to fight tooth and nail for my commissions. They pop up on time under "Commission Manager" and it's so easy to follow along. The times I've had to reach out to the team they've been SO nice and helped right away!"

"I cannot recommend them enough. I have learned so much through them, their Weekly Chat, Monthly All Call, their private FB page, and University. It's also they are connected with Travel Leaders, you have much better training and resources. I personally came from another Host, that specialized in one thing and not the thing I wanted to specialize in. Here I have found my home. OH and the CEO answers FB questions, how cool is that!!"

Hear Akua's Story

"To anyone considering Travel Quest Network, once you come across it, you won't regret the decision."

Get To Know WorldVia Travel Quest Network

Do you want to know more about the host agency designed for Travel Entrepreneurs—WorldVia Travel Quest Network?

If so, take a peek behind the curtain as our team shares what makes us the best platform for building a thriving travel business in America.

Register For An Upcoming Session

New to the Travel Industry?  

WorldVia Travel Quest Network makes becoming an independent travel professional simple. As your host agency, we give you an edge, supplying you with everything you need to run a business successfully.

So even though you're business is entirely yours, you're never going at it alone.

Learn more about what a host agency does

Travel Quest Network

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Agency of Excellence Award Logo 2024

Agency of Excellence Award Logo 2024

4140 Parker Rd. Allentown, New Mexico 31134

Host Agency of the Year Award 2024 logo

Host Agency of the Year Award 2024 logo

Elite Award Logo 2024

Elite Award Logo 2024

Travel Leaders Agency of Excellence 2023

Travel Leaders Agency of Excellence 2023

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PATH Professional Association of Travel Hosts

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A Hacker ‘Ghost’ Network Is Quietly Spreading Malware on GitHub

Image may contain Logo Disk and Light

A secretive network of around 3,000 “ghost” accounts on GitHub has quietly been manipulating pages on the code-hosting website to promote malware and phishing links, according to new research seen by WIRED.

Since at least June last year, according to researchers at cybersecurity company Check Point, a cybercriminal they dubbed “Stargazer Goblin” has been hosting malicious code repositories on the Microsoft-owned platform. GitHub is the world’s largest open-source code website, hosting millions of developers' work. As well as uploading malicious repositories, Stargazer Goblin has been boosting the pages by using GitHub’s own community tools.

Antonis Terefos, a malware reverse engineer at Check Point who discovered the nefarious behavior , says the persona behind the network uses their false accounts to “star,” “fork,” and “watch” the malicious pages. These actions—which are loosely similar to liking, sharing, and subscribing, respectively—help make the pages appear popular and genuine. The more stars, the more realistic a page looks. “The malicious repositories appeared really legitimate,” Terefos says.

“The way he has developed it is really smart, taking advantage of how GitHub operates,” Terefos says of the person behind the persona. While cybercriminals have been abusing GitHub for years, uploading malicious code and adapting legitimate repositories , Terefos says he has not previously seen a network of fake accounts operating in this way on the platform. The buying and selling of repositories and starring is coordinated on a cybercrime-linked Telegram channel and criminal marketplaces. WIRED previously reported on other GitHub black markets.

The Stargazers Ghost Network, which Check Point named after one of the first accounts they spotted, has been spreading malicious GitHub repositories that offer downloads of social media, gaming, and cryptocurrency tools. For instance, pages might be claiming to provide code to run a VPN or license a version of Adobe's Photoshop. These are mostly targeting Windows users, the research says, and aim to capitalize on people potentially searching for free software online.

The operator behind the network charges other hackers to use their services, which Check Point call “distribution as a service.” The harmful network has been spotted sharing various types of ransomware and info-stealer malware, Check Point says, including the Atlantida Stealer , Rhadamanthys , and the Lumma Stealer . Terefos says he discovered the network while researching instances of the Atlantida Stealer. The researcher says the network could be bigger than he expects, as he has also seen legitimate GitHub accounts being taken over using stolen login details.

“We disabled user accounts in accordance with GitHub’s Acceptable Use Policies , which prohibit posting content that directly supports unlawful active attack or malware campaigns that are causing technical harms,” says Alexis Wales, vice president of security operations at GitHub. “We have teams dedicated to detecting, analyzing, and removing content and accounts that violate these policies.”

GitHub has more than 100 million users who have contributed over 420 million repositories on the platform. Given the breadth of the platform, it’s unsurprising that cybercriminals and hackers are attempting to abuse it. In recent years, researchers have been mapping instances of fake stars , spotting dangerous code hidden in projects , facing growing supply-chain attacks against open source software , and seeing comments being used to spread malware .

The Mysterious Discovery of ‘Dark Oxygen’ on the Ocean Floor

The Stargazer Goblin threat actor identified by Check Point sells their services through ads on cybercrime forums and also through a Telegram account. A posts on a Russian-language cybercrime forum advertises 100 stars for $10 and 500 for $50 and says they can provide clones of existing repositories and trusted accounts. “For GitHub, the process looks organic,” one translated post says. The Check Point research says the network could have started operating as early as August 2022 and may have made as much as $100,000—from mid-May to mid-June this year, they estimate the operator made around $8,000.

Terefos says, in some instances, he has seen a legitimate code repository being changed by the threat actor, potentially using stolen credentials, and turned into a malicious one. If legitimate users fork a malicious repository, it has the potential to spread the code, Terefos says. The reverse malware engineer adds that he has automated the search for accounts linked to the network and is able to identify them based on common features, such as repositories using similar templates and tags. Some of the repositories seen by WIRED use variations on "instagram-follower" and "youtube-views" tags, with the names changed based on the software the page alleges to offer.

“Users of GitHub, and especially inexperienced users, can easily download malicious code, which can often be the result of fictitious reviews and starring,” says Jake Moore, global cybersecurity adviser at security firm Eset. “Telltale signs of malicious code on GitHub could also be unexpected or suspicious code changes, code that accesses external resources, and specific hard-coded credentials or API keys.”

Terefos says the activity of the network—staring and watching pages—is likely automated, as he saw repositories being acted upon in quick succession. “I don't think they're clicking, doing like manual work.” For GitHub, Terefos says, it may be difficult to identify this activity, as the behavior of the accounts is intended to look like a genuine GitHub user. Wales, from GitHub, says the company uses a combination of manual reviews and “at-scale detections” that use machine learning to identify suspicious activity

The Check Point engineer also says he identified one YouTube “ghost” account that was sharing malicious links via video, indicating that the network could be more encompassing. “I think this is not the whole picture,” Terefos says.

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New Evidence Adds to Findings Hinting at Network of Caves on Moon

Two rows of five squares, each showing a round depression in the center of a gray background. The depressions vary in sizes, and the backgrounds vary in shades of gray.

An international team of scientists using data from NASA’s LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) has discovered evidence of caves beneath the Moon’s surface.

In re-analyzing radar data collected by LRO’s Mini-RF (Miniature Radio-Frequency) instrument in 2010, the team found evidence of a cave extending more than 200 feet from the base of a pit. The pit is located 230 miles northeast of the first human landing site on the Moon in Mare Tranquillitatis . The full extent of the cave is unknown, but it could stretch for miles beneath the mare.

Scientists have suspected for decades that there are subsurface caves on the Moon, just like there are on Earth. Pits that may lead to caves were suggested in images from NASA’s lunar orbiters that mapped the Moon’s surface before NASA’s Apollo human landings. A pit was then confirmed in 2009 from images taken by JAXA’s (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) Kaguya orbiter, and many have since been found across the Moon through images and thermal measurements of the surface taken by LRO. 

NASA’s LRO Finds Lunar Pits Harbor Comfortable Temperatures

“Now the analysis of the Mini-RF radar data tells us how far these caves might extend,” said Noah Petro , LRO project scientist based at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

Lunar Pits Could Shelter Astronauts, Reveal Details of How ‘Man in the Moon’ Formed

Like “lava tubes” found here on Earth, scientists suspect that lunar caves formed when molten lava flowed beneath a field of cooled lava, or a crust formed over a river of lava, leaving a long, hollow tunnel. If the ceiling of a solidified lava tube collapses, it opens a pit, like a skylight, that can lead into the rest of the cave-like tube.

Mini-RF is operated by The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland. LRO is managed by NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Launched on June 18, 2009, LRO has collected a treasure trove of data with its seven powerful instruments, making an invaluable contribution to our knowledge about the Moon. NASA is returning to the Moon with commercial and international partners to expand human presence in space and bring back new knowledge and opportunities.

By Lonnie Shekhtman

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.

CrowdStrike still frustrating airline travelers. Are you entitled to a refund?

When CrowdStrike hit last Friday , the airline industry was thrown into disarray as Delta, American and United were grounding planes and canceling flights.

The canceled flights, while at times unavoidable, left travelers with a plethora of questions. Here's a little guidance.

If my flight is canceled am I entitled to a refund?

Yes. Travelers are entitled to a refund if the airline cancels a flight, regardless of the reason, and they choose not to travel.

When should an airline give me a refund?

According to the Department of Transportation , there are other situations in which airlines are required to give refunds.

  • A consumer is entitled to a refund if the airline makes a significant schedule change or significantly delays a flight and the consumer chooses not to travel. However, the DOT hasn't defined what a “significant delay” is. A refund is dependent on many factors such as the length of the delay, the length of the flight, and your particular circumstances.
  • A consumer is entitled to a refund if the traveler was involuntarily moved to a lower class of service.  Basically, if the traveler was downgraded from business class to economy class because of an aircraft swap, the consumer is owed the difference in fares.
  • A consumer is entitled to a refund of fees paid for an optional service if the consumer was unable to use the optional service due to a flight cancellation, delay, schedule change, or a situation where the consumer was involuntarily denied boarding.
  • A consumer is entitled to a refund if the consumer paid a baggage fee and his or her baggage has been declared lost by the airline.
  • Consumers who purchase fully refundable tickets are entitled to a refund when they do not use the purchased ticket to complete their travel

What is Crowdstrike?: Microsoft outage causes flight delays including Philly, Wilmington

Is Delta being investigated by the DOT?

Chaos continues at  Delta Air Lines  as the carrier enters its fourth day of struggling with the fallout from Friday’s CrowdStrike outage. Now the Department of Transportation is investigating what’s going on at the airline.

While other U.S. carriers’ operations are more or less back to normal, Delta posted more than 400 cancellations by 9 a.m. ET Tuesday. Since Friday, the airline has canceled more than 5,500 flights overall, with thousands more delayed, according to FlightAware. That’s more than half the number of flights the airline canceled in 2023, according to  DOT statistics .

Passengers have taken to social media saying the airline hasn’t honored its commitments to provide hotel and meal vouchers or offer rebooking options on other airlines. In some cases, passengers have also said the airline refused to provide cash refunds, instead offering only credits for future flights.

“We have made clear to Delta that they must take care of their passengers and honor their customer service commitments. This is not just the right thing to do, it’s the law, and our department will leverage the full extent of our investigative and enforcement power to ensure the rights of Delta’s passengers are upheld,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said in a statement. 

The statement also said the DOT’s investigation will continue to evolve as it learns more and processes all the passenger complaints.

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How a Network of Tech Billionaires Helped J.D. Vance Leap Into Power

Mr. Vance spent less than five years in Silicon Valley’s tech industry, but the connections he made with Peter Thiel and others became crucial to his political ascent.

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David Sacks, with his hands in his pockets, talks with J.D. Vance, holding a bottle of water, amid bunting and crowds.

By Ryan Mac and Theodore Schleifer

Last month, J.D. Vance flew to San Francisco to hold a fund-raiser for Donald J. Trump and to host a private dinner afterward with two dozen tech and crypto executives and investors.

The location was the opulent Pacific Heights mansion of David Sacks, an entrepreneur and podcaster whom Mr. Vance had met through the tech investor Peter Thiel . Mr. Vance, now 39 years old, had worked for one of Mr. Thiel’s investment firms in San Francisco in 2016.

During the $300,000-a-person dinner that night, Mr. Trump, seated between Mr. Sacks and another tech investor, Chamath Palihapitiya, informally polled the room about whom to choose as his running mate. Even with another vice-presidential hopeful, Doug Burgum, the governor of North Dakota, in attendance, Mr. Sacks, Mr. Palihapitiya and others all had the same answer: Pick Mr. Vance, they told Mr. Trump, according to two people with knowledge of the exchange.

Mr. Vance, the Ohio senator selected by Mr. Trump this week to be his running mate, spent less than five years in Silicon Valley’s tech industry, where he worked as a junior venture capitalist and a biotech executive. But while he made little mark on the tech scene, it was a formative period that has powered Mr. Vance’s stunning ascent in the Republican Party — and is likely to influence his political future.

Mr. Vance’s stint in tech was crucial for forging connections with billionaire executives and investors, including Mr. Thiel, Mr. Sacks and Elon Musk , who owns X. Over and over, those men have funded Mr. Vance’s political ambitions, raised his profile among other wealthy donors and on social media, and lobbied Mr. Trump to choose him as his running mate.

Before the 2022 midterm elections, Mr. Thiel gave $15 million to support Mr. Vance’s campaign for the Senate. Mr. Sacks donated $1 million to a political action committee backing Mr. Vance’s run. In a post on Truth Social on Monday, Mr. Trump cited Mr. Vance’s “very successful business career in Technology and Finance” as one reason he was chosen as his running mate.

“His experience in tech has absolutely influenced his thinking,” Nathan Leamer, the chief executive of Fixed Gear Strategies, a tech policy consulting firm, said of Mr. Vance. “He built rapport with some important influencers now onboard with Trump.”

Yet if Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance are elected to the White House in November, it is unclear whether Mr. Vance will be on the same page with Silicon Valley’s interests. He has praised the Federal Trade Commission, which has brought antitrust cases against tech’s biggest companies, and called for the breakup of Google because it was an “explicitly progressive technology company.”

Representatives for Mr. Vance, the Trump campaign and Mr. Sacks did not respond to requests for comment.

“J.D. is an exceptional pick,” Mr. Palihapitiya said in a text message. “We will all be better off as he works on all of our behalfs.”

Mr. Vance’s path to the tech industry began when he was a student at Yale Law School. In 2011, he met Mr. Thiel after the investor delivered a speech at Yale, where he derided the professional prospects of law students and argued that their time might be better spent in Silicon Valley.

“Peter’s talk remains the most significant moment of my time at Yale Law School,” Mr. Vance wrote in a 2020 essay for a Catholic literary journal.

Mr. Vance, who graduated from Yale Law in 2013, moved to the San Francisco Bay Area and worked as an executive at Circuit Therapeutics, a biotechnology company.

Frederic Moll , the chief executive of Circuit at the time, said he hired Mr. Vance because “he was a very smart guy with an impressive background in the law, but also it was a favor to Peter,” referring to Mr. Thiel. Mr. Thiel’s venture capital firm had previously invested in one of Dr. Moll’s companies.

Mr. Vance kept in touch with Mr. Thiel, who wrote a promotional blurb for Mr. Vance’s 2016 memoir, “Hillbilly Elegy.” Mr. Thiel also encouraged the hiring of Mr. Vance for a role at Mithril Capital, a venture firm that Mr. Thiel co-founded, a person with knowledge of the situation said.

Mr. Vance joined the firm in 2016 as a principal. Colleagues mostly remember him for introducing them to the ultra-sweet Big Red soda, a far cry from the La Croix seltzers that define Silicon Valley culture, one fellow investor said.

Around then, Mr. Vance’s profile began rising as “Hillbilly Elegy” became a best seller. While Mr. Thiel had gained attention for his support of Mr. Trump , Mr. Vance went in a different direction, calling himself a “never-Trump guy” in an interview with Charlie Rose that fall.

Several months later, Mr. Vance left Mithril Capital after butting heads with the firm’s managing partner, Ajay Royan, three people familiar with the situation said.

“J.D. is a friend, and he was a talented, valued member of the Mithril team,” Mr. Royan said in a statement.

In 2017, Mr. Vance became a partner at Revolution, a venture firm founded by the America Online co-founder Steve Case, and began splitting his time between Ohio and Washington, where the firm was based. He worked there for about 18 months.

In interviews , Mr. Case has said Mr. Vance “wasn’t really working that much” at Revolution. Mr. Case declined to comment through a spokeswoman.

In 2020, Mr. Vance founded his own venture firm, Narya Capital, in Cincinnati. He turned to his tech connections, including the former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt, the billionaire investor Marc Andreessen and Mr. Thiel, to raise a $120 million fund. Mr. Thiel agreed to serve on Narya’s leadership advisory committee, a person with knowledge of the relationship said.

During this time, Mr. Vance became interested in backing tech platforms favored by conservatives, including the social network Parler. He advised Rebekah Mercer, Parler’s controlling shareholder and a major Republican donor, and considered investing in the compan y, two people with knowledge of the discussions said.

Narya did not ultimately invest in Parler, but invested alongside Mr. Thiel in Rumble , a YouTube competitor favored by conservatives, in 2021. Narya also invested in AppHarvest, a Kentucky-based indoor farming company, which went public in late 2020. AppHarvest filed for bankruptcy last year.

Around that time, Mr. Vance co-founded a network of major conservative donors with some tech leaders, called the Rockbridge Network . In July 2021, he announced a run for Ohio’s soon-to-be-vacated Senate seat. Mr. Thiel agreed to back him and brokered talks between Mr. Trump and Mr. Vance, who sought support from the former president.

“Like some others, J.D. Vance may have said some not so great things about me in the past, but he gets it now, and I have seen that in spades,” Mr. Trump said when he eventually endorsed Mr. Vance’s Senate run.

Mr. Thiel’s relationship with Mr. Trump has since soured while Mr. Vance’s ties to the former president have strengthened. At a conference in Aspen, Colo., last month, Mr. Thiel said he would vote for Mr. Trump only “if you hold a gun to my head.”

Mr. Thiel placed calls to encourage Mr. Trump to choose Mr. Vance, two people briefed on the calls said. With Mr. Vance now Mr. Trump’s running mate, Mr. Thiel is significantly more likely to back the ticket, two other people close to the investor said. After Mr. Trump announced Mr. Vance as his pick on Monday, Mr. Thiel messaged close associates to express his excitement, they said.

Mr. Vance “was very much a friend of the Thiel network going back years,” said Crystal McKellar, a venture capitalist who worked with Mr. Vance at Mithril Capital. “It seemed like Peter saw something really special in him and wanted to encourage it.”

Mr. Musk also encouraged Mr. Trump to choose Mr. Vance in private communications recently. On Monday, Mr. Musk called Mr. Vance’s selection an “excellent decision.”

Mr. Vance has relied on Mr. Sacks, whom he called “one of my closest confidants” in politics at a gala this spring. After that event, Mr. Vance introduced Mr. Sacks to Mr. Trump’s oldest son , Donald Trump Jr.

The former president has been impressed by Mr. Sacks’s wealth and media profile, a person familiar with Mr. Trump’s thinking said, and Mr. Sacks spoke on Monday at the Republican National Convention.

At the San Francisco fund-raiser for Mr. Trump last month, Mr. Sacks returned the favor to Mr. Vance. The high-profile event, which raised $12 million for Mr. Trump’s campaign, would not have happened without Mr. Vance, Mr. Sacks said, according to a person with knowledge of his remarks there.

“This is who I want by Trump’s side,” Mr. Sacks posted on X on Monday, adding, “God bless JD, God bless Trump, and God bless the USA.”

Sharon LaFraniere contributed reporting. Alain Delaquérière contributed research.

Ryan Mac covers corporate accountability across the global technology industry. More about Ryan Mac

Theodore Schleifer writes about campaign finance and the influence of billionaires in American politics. More about Theodore Schleifer

Reminder: Disney World’s Genie+ system changes tomorrow. Here’s what to know

Portrait of Samantha Neely

Heading to Disney World anytime on or after Wednesday, July 24? You might not be aware that a certain genie is going back into its bottle and we're not referencing Aladdin.

Last month, the amusement park announced its  Genie+ system  was being replaced by  two new systems  starting in July, with those changes about to kick off.

Implemented  back in 2021 , the Genie system served as an in-park planning tool and attraction reservation system. With the addition of Genie+, guests could reserve times to experience attractions for an additional cost, replacing the free Disney FastPass system.

Here's what these changes are and how they can impact your upcoming Disney vacation starting tomorrow.

What is Disney's Lightning Lane?

Disney's Lightning Lane entry lets parkgoers bypass the standby queue and join a separate queue for select attraction and entertainment experiences. There will be two new systems starting on Wednesday, July 24 — the Lightning Lane Multi Pass and Lightning Lane Single Pass.

The Lightning Lane Multi Pass will include the same  rides currently covered by Genie+ . A la carte Lightning Lane Single Passes will be available for the most popular attractions at each park, like  Individual Lightning Lanes .

How does Lightning Lane Multi-Pass and Single Day differ from Genie+ and Individual Lightning Lanes? 

Guests staying at Disney World’s resort hotels can make selections up to seven days in advance, all at once, for up to 14 days of their stay. Other guests can make selections up to three days in advance. So, no more waking up at 7 a.m. to book the Slinky Dog Dash Roller Coaster or Star Wars Smugglers Run!

Parkgoers will also be able to see prices and select attraction times before purchasing passes “​​so you know what you’re getting.” Currently, guests have to purchase Genie+ before they can see availability. Disney World’s app and website will be updated for easier planning and purchasing.

How many pre-arrival selections can be made with Lightning Lane Multi-Pass or Lightning Lane Single Pass? 

Guests can make up to three advance  Lightning Lane Multi Pass selections  for each day of their trip. Once they arrive at the park and complete their first experience, they can book additional experiences pending availability.

Lightning Lane Single Passes remain limited to two per day, like Individual Lightning Lanes are currently.

How much is the Lightning Lane at Disney World?

Disney Lightning Lane pricing varies by date and park. There will be no price increase related to these changes.

According to  Walt Disney World officials , guests can expect similar pricing to Genie+ when Lightning Lane Multi-Pass launches.

How do I purchase the Lightning Lane Single and Multi-Pass?

Before you  purchase a Lightning Lane pass , Disney World officials say you’ll need to do 3 things:

  • First, download the latest version of the  My Disney Experience app .
  • Connect everyone in your travel group on your Family & Friends list in the My Disney Experience app — so you’ll be able to purchase Lightning Lane passes and make plans for everyone eligible.
  • Gather your group’s wish list for attractions and experiences. You can save your group’s top picks in the My Disney Experience app using the “My Day” feature.

When you’re ready to purchase Lightning Lane passes, here’s what to do:

  • Open the  My Disney Experience app , then tap the Lightning Lane Passes section on the home screen.
  • Select a date and theme park.
  • If you select a Lightning Lane Multi Pass, you can choose up to 3 Lightning Lane Multi Pass experiences and arrival windows in advance.
  • If you select a Lightning Lane Single Pass, you can choose an arrival window in advance.
  • Follow all prompts to complete your purchase — and receive a confirmation.
  • From the confirmation screen, you can tap “Plan Another Day” to purchase another pass — or tap “View My Day” for details about your Lightning Lane selections.

Can Lightning Lane Single and Multi-Pass both be purchased together?

Yes. You can purchase all Lightning Lane passes for your travel party for the same day in a single transaction.

However, the FAQ section of the site notes that Lightning Lane Multi Pass holders can only choose from a variety of eligible multi pass attractions and experiences. For single pass attractions, Lightning Lane entry is  only  available with the purchase of a Lightning Lane Single Pass.

Can I modify my Lighting Lane Single and Multi-Pass plans?

Yes. Officials advise those to tap the Lightning Lane Passes section on the My Disney Experience home screen to find your plans. Then, you can:

  • Change your selected park and/or date in advance (subject to availability) — up until the moment you redeem your first Lightning Lane selection of the day.
  • Change each selected experience and/or arrival window in advance (subject to availability)—up until the start of the arrival window

See Lightning Lane attractions in all Disney World parks

All of the Lightning Lane experiences and options are subject to change without notice and are subject to availability, according to Disney's website. Here's what attractions are available under the different pass tiers:

Magic Kingdom:

Choose up to one experience from this group:

  • Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
  • Jungle Cruise
  • Peter Pan’s Flight
  • Space Mountain
  • Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

Choose your other 2 experiences — or all 3 — from this group:

  • The Barnstormer
  • Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin
  • Dumbo the Flying Elephant
  • Haunted Mansion
  • “it’s a small world”
  • Mad Tea Party
  • The Magic Carpets of Aladdin
  • The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
  • Mickey’s PhilharMagic
  • Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor
  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Tomorrowland Speedway
  • Under the Sea ~ Journey of The Little Mermaid

Single Pass Attractions (Not available with the Multi Pass)

  • Seven Dwarfs Mine Train
  • TRON Lightcycle / Run
  • Frozen Ever After
  • Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure
  • Soarin' Around the World

Choose your other 2 experiences—or all 3—from this group:

  • Disney and Pixar Short Film Festival
  • Journey into Imagination with Figment
  • Living with the Land
  • Mission: SPACE
  • The Seas with Nemo & Friends
  • Spaceship Earth
  • Turtle Talk with Crush
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

Hollywood Studios:

  • Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway
  • Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run
  • Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
  • Slinky Dog Dash
  • Alien Swirling Saucers
  • Beauty and the Beast Live on Stage
  • Disney Junior Play & Dance!
  • For the First Time in Forever: A Frozen Sing-Along Celebration
  • Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular
  • Muppet*Vision 3D
  • Star Tours – The Adventures Continue
  • The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror™
  • Toy Story Mania!
  • Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance

Animal Kingdom:

Choose all 3 experiences from this group:

  • Expedition Everest – Legend of the Forbidden Mountain
  • Feathered Friends in Flight!
  • Festival of the Lion King
  • Finding Nemo: The Big Blue... and Beyond!
  • It’s Tough to Be a Bug!
  • Kali River Rapids
  • Kilimanjaro Safaris
  • Naʻvi River Journey
  • Avatar Flight of Passage

Can I make ride selections for multiple Disney parks?

Disney's website shares that once you redeem a selection on the day of your park visit, you can use the My Disney Experience app to choose another multi pass experience in any Walt Disney World theme park, as long as you have a valid ticket with the Park Hopper option or an Annual Pass.

The ability to visit another park is subject to the park’s capacity limitations.

Can I book the same rides multiple times in a day? Is the '120' rule still a thing at Disney?

Disney Tourist Blog  shares that, just as with Genie+, you won’t be able to book the same Lightning Lane more than once per day.

Frequent parkgoers and Genie+ might recall the infamous "120 rule" which is where you can only make a new selection every 120 minutes or after you have redeemed the previous Genie+ selection, whichever comes first. With the changes to Lighting Lane, the rule is now gone.

Will Disney Genie still be available?

The free Disney Genie planning tool will still be available for all guests to help plan their trips. The paid Genie+ service is the one changing.

Contributing reporting: Eve Chen, USA TODAY

The Travel Coach Network

The Travel Coach Network

Travel is more than just a transaction, facebook members, podcast downloads.

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HIre a Travel Coach

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What the travel coach network entails.

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Learn about becoming a Certified Travel Coach™ or view all of our courses and programs

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Membership Club

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Meet, connect, and collaborate with other Travel Coaches from around the globe in our online community!

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Search for and hire a Travel Coach that best suits yours travel needs

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We believe in the power that travel has on our mind, lifestyle, relationships, wellbeing, and even our work-life.

Travel Coaching is about helping people use travel as a tool for healing, transformation, connection, self-discovery, or reaching their personal or professional goals.

We as human beings travel for far deeper reasons than just for a vacation.  Travel Coaches help people bring awareness to why they want to travel so that they can be more intentional with their travel decisions.

We have all heard of “tranformative travel” before. Well, travel coaches simply help make that transformation possible.


The Travel Coach Network is not a travel agency. Instead we focus on empowering and guiding the next wave of leaders, change-makers, and travel experts in the travel industry by pioneering the Travel Coaching industry. The TCN is a women-led company that trains, educates, and certifies travel coaches through our world’s first and only International Coach Federation certification program. We are a global community of travel coaches who focus in specific niches and help travelers have the transformative and meaningful experiences that they need.

Learn more about the TCN’s 2023 Survey on the Deeper Reasons for Why People Travel.

travel coach 2023 survey

The Travel Coach Network is empowering and guiding the next wave of leaders, change-makers, and travel experts in the travel industry by pioneering the Travel Coaching industry. The TCN is a women-led company that humanizes travel experiences by adding the human-centric approach to how and why people travel. We are a global community of travel coaches who are ready to help travelers have the transformative and meaningful experiences that their souls are yearning for.


thrive through travel


We pride ourselves on our Thrive Through Travel™ initiative. The TCN understands the true value that travel has on our wellbeing and its ability to help us thrive personally, mentally, socially, professionally, and more. Travel is shifting from just wanting to sip a pina colada on a beach and staying within the four walls of an all-inclusive resort. People are seeking an experience that transforms, heals, inspires, and resets them. Travel is the ideal tool to do that but only when intention is made. Join us as we emphasize the fact that travel is an incredible way to help us thrive through all aspects of life.

Home to the World’s First and Only ICF Accredited Certification Program for International Travel Coaches.

What our travel coaches do.

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“I help intentional seekers create more enriching, fulfilling, and rewarding travel experiences through mindful tools adn practices. Together we navigate both their inner and outer journeys, so they feel inspired adn empowered to travel and live with greater purpose, meaning, and impact.”

travel to network


“I coach people interested in long-term travel, including a gap year, sabbatical, or career break, so they can make their travel dreams a reality. Through coaching, we explore personal desires for long-term travel in order to create a trip that is meaningful and purpose-driven.”

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Geneva Lutomski


“l help US based 20-somethings achieve long-term international work and travel goals throughout Europe and Australasia. I coach people interested in long-term travel, including a gap year, sabbatical, or career break, so they can make their travel dreams a reality. Through coaching, we explore personal desires for long-term travel in order to create a trip that is meaningful and purpose-driven.”

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Denise Entholzner


“I empower first time solo travelers to gain confidence and find personal and spiritual growth through solo travel.”

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Rebecca Thomas


“Combining my 20-year recruitment and career coaching experience with my passion for travel I help those at a career crossroads find clarity and courage to take the next step in their journey. I also help individuals develop their leadership and personal skills through travel and work with organizations to help support their employees’ wellbeing whilst travelling for business.”

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Nizie Nazeha Lokman, FCIM


“I help multi-passionate corporate mothers and mompreneurs to nail their strategic narrative and manifest their world inspired by their travels so they can shift from burnout to becoming balanced-in that creates transformative value to themselves and others, as who they truly are, that positively impacts the world.”

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Jabulile B. Ngwenya


“I help people who have suffered loss see beyond the prison of grief and connect with the abundance they are and the abundance in the world. Using the power of ubuntu – I am because we are, I help people connect positively with communities in Africa. When we commune with the wholeness of others through conversation and storytelling, we learn to find ourselves again, we learn to engage with our inherent abundance and allow ourselves to live the full unique expression of life and love that we are.”

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Anna (ANNIE) Rodriguez Brulloths


“I help families take recurring vacations and digitally scrapbook their treasured travel memories to enjoy over and over again, all on a budget. I also help them knock down their mental hurdles of traveling and vacationing due to fear, lack of experience, or finances.”

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Sonia Cruz Oro


“I help people to reconnect with their authentic self and clearly envision where to go next with their life.”

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Claire Burt


“I help travel businesses thoughtfully elevate products and services such as books, courses, itineraries, and presentations. As a Meaningful Travel Coach, I use research-based strategies rooted in fields like psychology to help your travel business bridge the gap between the logistics of travel and the human experience.”

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Francesca Elisabetta Owens


“Francesca Elisabetta as featured in the Washington Post & AARP ETHEL magazine transforms the lives of women 55+ through curated travel experiences in Italy & Europe. Choose from her Travel From The Inside Out 3-month online course, 10-day “Il Dolce Far Niente” coaching experience in Spoleto Italy or online trip design with overcoming your obstacles.”

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Veerle Beelen


“I help expats & nomads to reinvent themselves, create their ideal lifestyle and find home within, wherever they are.”

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Tiffany H. Lyon


“I use tools including travel and adventure to help professionals successfully navigate personal change associated with mid-to-late career transitions such as (but not limited to) retirement.”

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Andrea L. Leschak


“I help travelers, especially those with illness or complex medical challenges, proactively identify and problem-solve health-related concerns, empowering them to travel with confidence and self-reliance.”

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Kara McWest


“I help people build their confidence and reignite their sense of wonder through meaningful solo travel experiences.”

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Jessica Grace Coleman


“I help people boost their confidence and conquer their fears through intentional travel and my Travel Transformation Framework.”

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Kiawna Brewster


“To help build a world with more people who get outside of their comfort zones to experience the world and open their perspectives. Helping people realize the importance of travel for human connection and how cultural and linguistic knowledge can play into this. Helping people to see that travel is not only a personal but a political act as we experience the realities of the world outside of our own bubble, recognize out priviledge, become more aware and concerned for our planet and the creatures that inhabit it, feel more compassion for other people.”

travel to network

Cherie Vicera

“I help my clients to see there is more to travel than a destination, a date, or a dwelling. I want them to look back on their travels and know they have become a better person because of them.”

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Alicia Cintron

“I help more young women of color travel confidently and safely”

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Erica Forrest


“I help curious travelers use their excitement about upcoming trips to invest in meaningful discovery before they leave. I blend over thirty years’ experience in education with the discoveries made through my own journeys, supporting clients to better understand their destinations, and ultimately, themselves. I excel at expanding my clients’ excitement for travel into deeper understanding and joyful discovery. ”

travel to network


“I encourage people to use traveling as a form of relaxation and mental wellness. I also get people to travel more, expand their horizons and understanding of the world”

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  • Mobile Apps
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  • Ghost Brothers
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  • The Dead Files
  • Destination Fear
  • Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life
  • Expedition Bigfoot
  • Ghost Nation
  • The Holzer Files
  • Kindred Spirits
  • Mountain Monsters

Paranormal Caught on Camera

  • Portals to Hell
  • Amy Bruni and Adam Berry
  • Destination Fear Team
  • Don Wildman
  • Ghost Adventures Crew
  • The Holzer Files Team
  • Jack Osbourne and Katrina Weidman
  • Steve Dischiavi
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  • World's 10 Best Swimming Holes
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  • Big City, Little Budget: San Francisco
  • Bizarre Foods in the Kitchen
  • One Bag and You're Out

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  • Booze Traveler
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Travel Channel Shows

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The Terrifying History Of The Most Haunted Doll In The World

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Ghost Brothers: Lights Out Returns for Season 2 on discovery+!

What's new from travel channel shows.

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Jack Osbourne's Most Shocking Adventures 9 Photos

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The Spirits in the Conjuring House Were Quick to Show Themselves

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Haunted History: A Shuttered Pennsylvania Nursing Home Is Home to Dozens of Trapped Souls

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Cult Leader Charles Manson Controlled People from Behind Bars

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7 Best Pieces of Evidence Recovered By the Expedition Bigfoot Team

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6 Things Witnesses Said About the Roswell Incident

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Creepy Urban Legends From Each State

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Unraveling The Mysterious Death of Marilyn Monroe

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Top 5 States For UFO Sightings

Creepy urban legends from each state 50 photos.

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A Massachusetts Family Fled Their Home After Chilling Door-Camera Footage

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6 Museums That Are Home To Creepy And Mysterious Artifacts

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Settle In For A Boo Binge With The New Season Of 'Ghost Brothers: Lights Out'

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Fact Or Fiction? Modern Vampire Lore May Be A Planned Misinformation Campaign

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Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping: Was The Famous Pilot Responsible For His Missing Son?

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Top 6 States With The Most Alien Encounters

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5 Unforgettable Spirits From Ghost Adventures Season 25

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5 Craziest Moments From Fright Club Season 2

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Four Terrifying Moments From 'Ghosts Of Devil's Perch'

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Shock Docs: The Visitors Reveals the Horrors of Alien Abduction from Best-Selling Author Whitley Strieber in Terrifying New Doc

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7 Of Russell Acord’s Most Heart-Pounding Moments On 'Expedition Bigfoot'

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Jack Osbourne Teams up with Jason Mewes and Jamie Kennedy in the New discovery+ Special, Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs

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Who Are The Odd Fellows?

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Boy Records Selfie With Grandma’s Ghost

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The Haunted History of San Francisco’s Westerfeld House

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An Elite Team of Paranormal Investigators Race to Help a Petrified Western Town in the New Series Ghosts of Devil's Perch

More travel channel shows.

  • Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests
  • Legendary Locations
  • Loch Ness Monster: New Evidence
  • Scariest Night of My Life
  • Witches of Salem

What's New from TRVL

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Jack Osbourne's Most Shocking Adventures 9 Photos

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The Spirits in the Conjuring House Were Quick to Show Themselves Apr 7, 2023

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Haunted History: A Shuttered Pennsylvania Nursing Home Is Home to Dozens of Trapped Souls Mar 30, 2023

travel to network

Cult Leader Charles Manson Controlled People from Behind Bars Mar 24, 2023

travel to network

7 Best Pieces of Evidence Recovered By the Expedition Bigfoot Team Mar 14, 2023

travel to network

6 Things Witnesses Said About the Roswell Incident Mar 10, 2023

travel to network

Creepy Urban Legends From Each State Nov 16, 2022

travel to network

Unraveling The Mysterious Death of Marilyn Monroe Feb 24, 2023

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Top 5 States For UFO Sightings Feb 8, 2023

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A Massachusetts Family Fled Their Home After Chilling Door-Camera Footage Nov 22, 2022

travel to network

6 Museums That Are Home To Creepy And Mysterious Artifacts Oct 31, 2022

travel to network

Settle In For A Boo Binge With The New Season Of 'Ghost Brothers: Lights Out' Oct 11, 2022

travel to network

Ghost Brothers: Lights Out Returns for Season 2 on discovery+! Sep 22, 2022

travel to network

Fact Or Fiction? Modern Vampire Lore May Be A Planned Misinformation Campaign Aug 22, 2022

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Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping: Was The Famous Pilot Responsible For His Missing Son? Aug 22, 2022

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Top 6 States With The Most Alien Encounters Aug 22, 2022

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5 Unforgettable Spirits From Ghost Adventures Season 25 Sep 14, 2022

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5 Craziest Moments From Fright Club Season 2 Sep 1, 2022

travel to network

Four Terrifying Moments From 'Ghosts Of Devil's Perch' Aug 31, 2022

travel to network

Shock Docs: The Visitors Reveals the Horrors of Alien Abduction from Best-Selling Author Whitley Strieber in Terrifying New Doc Sep 3, 2022

travel to network

7 Of Russell Acord’s Most Heart-Pounding Moments On 'Expedition Bigfoot' Aug 12, 2022

travel to network

Jack Osbourne Teams up with Jason Mewes and Jamie Kennedy in the New discovery+ Special, Jack Osbourne's Night of Terror: UFOs Aug 2, 2022

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Who Are The Odd Fellows? Jul 29, 2022

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Boy Records Selfie With Grandma’s Ghost Jul 27, 2022

travel to network

The Haunted History of San Francisco’s Westerfeld House Jul 19, 2022

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An Elite Team of Paranormal Investigators Race to Help a Petrified Western Town in the New Series Ghosts of Devil's Perch Jul 19, 2022

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13 Terrifying Pieces of Evidence from Ghost Hunters: TAPS Returns Jul 14, 2022

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National Dive Bar Day: Is There a Portal To Hell In Memphis? Jul 7, 2022

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7 Scary Homes From 'Ghost Adventures: House Calls' Season 1 Jun 30, 2022

Alien encounters in area 51: a mysteries at the museum special.

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  1. How data travels across the Internet

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  5. Host Agency Reviews 2024 Host Week Q&A

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  1. A Must-Read Guide to Choosing a Travel Agent Network

    Travel Leaders Network, a travel advisor network within Travel Leaders Group, which rebranded in 2020 to be Internova, describes itself as "a passionate community of travel professionals focused on mutual success." The organization offers members a variety of services and features, including booking tools, marketing programs, lead ...

  2. What Travel Networking Looks Like in 2023

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  3. #1 Travel Agent Network in North America

    Travel Leaders is the 1 travel agent network in the USA, offering personalized travel packages, deals and services for leisure and business travel. Whether you are looking for a unique vacation, a super agent profile, a president's circle offer, or a local travel expert in Wisconsin or Grand Forks, Travel Leaders can help you travel better.

  4. Find a Travel Agent

    Travel Leaders Network is the largest network of professional travel agents in North America. Wherever you want to go, however you want to get there — we have a travel agent for you. Explore. Our database of travel experts & specialists. Connect. With an agent via text, email or phone.

  5. Signature Travel Network

    Join Signature. Created by a group of like-minded agency owners in 1956, Signature Travel Network ® has continued to attract the travel industry's most successful and prominent retailers. We proudly serve a broad and diverse base of retail travel companies, including many of the nation's top multi-location, market dominant organizations ...

  6. How To Network As A Travel Agent (Networking Tips and Tricks)

    With these tips in your back pocket, you'll be ready to network in ways that build your client base and your travel agency, while not being too painful. They're all here in my latest 📽️ video, "How To Network As A Travel Agent (Networking Tips and Tricks).". If you find networking to be a chore or if you've never really given it ...

  7. How to Manage Traveling with Networking

    Here's how you can leverage travel networking to drive unprecedented business growth. Embrace the Global Mindset. First and foremost, adopting a global mindset is crucial. This means viewing every travel opportunity, whether for leisure or business, as a golden ticket to understanding new cultures, markets, and business practices.

  8. Travel Agency Network

    Travel Leaders Network is a passionate community of travel professionals focused on mutual success. Travel Leaders Network is one of the largest sellers of luxury travel, cruises and tours in the industry. Representing over 5,700 travel agency locations across the United States and Canada, our Network uses the power of our parent company, Internova, to assist millions of leisure and business ...

  9. Meet the New Travel Agents (a.k.a. Travel Networks)

    Signature Travel Network has more than 7,000 agents. Ignacio Maza, the company's executive vice president, said that the network's agents can get clients benefits valued at up to $500 at ...

  10. Harnessing the Power of Networking in the Travel Industry

    The art of networking is a fundamental tool to a thriving career, especially in the vibrant and globally-interconnected travel sector. To become a successful travel agent, you need more than a knack for spicy destinations or knowing the best resorts in popular holiday cities.Building a robust and influential network is pivotal for both newcomers and seasoned travel agents looking to break new ...

  11. Find your community: inspiring travel networks

    Thorntree and Lonely Planet Travellers Group. Lonely Planet has long been home to a vibrant community of travellers keen to share tips and tricks. We established the Th orntree forum in 1996 - it's one of the longest-running online travel communities and a fantastic place to find detailed information on itineraries, recommendations and logistics.

  12. 5 Benefits of Networking Through Travel

    3. Build Up Your Confidence. The next benefit of networking through travel has more to do with the mental side of things than the physical side of things. As you expand your contacts and meet new people, you are putting yourself out into a variety of situations and pushing your comfort zone enough to make yourself grow as a person.

  13. Top Ten Networking Strategies for Travel Agents to Enhance Industry

    Strategy 7: Volunteer for Industry Events. Volunteering offers a great opportunity to meet and mingle with leaders in the travel industry. It also helps establish goodwill and credibility in your network. Strategy 8: Participate Actively in Industry Forums. Many travel professionals participate in online forums.

  14. Network Travel

    At Network Travel we specialize in crafting unforgettable group travel experiences. Whether you are planning a family reunion, a friend's getaway, a destination wedding, or a corporate retreat, we are dedicated to making every journey seamless and enjoyable.

  15. Global tech outage: What to know if you're traveling this weekend

    Widespread IT problems are impacting global travel. It's believed the issue stems, at least in part, from a software update issued by software company CrowdStrike on Microsoft Windows operating ...

  16. Best Host Agency for Travel Agents

    Pickles Travel Network is proud to be a 5-star rated agency on Google and Host Agency Reviews! "Pickles is a great host agency! They have amazing support and lots of good trainings! I love the fact that all their programs are easy and clear to understand and I'm glad I switched over to this host agency!".

  17. The Best Networking Tips for Travel Agents (Step-by-Step Guide For

    Listed below are the top ways in which you can practice maximum networking as a Travel Agent: 1. Networking with Clients. Every travel agent, big or small, wants to have the maximum customer base but what makes an agent different is his skill to identify moments and turn them into business opportunities. Talk about travel with the people you ...

  18. WorldVia Travel Network

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  19. A Hacker 'Ghost' Network Is Quietly Spreading Malware on GitHub

    A secretive network of around 3,000 "ghost" accounts on GitHub has quietly been manipulating pages on the code-hosting website to promote malware and phishing links, according to new research ...

  20. Home

    MAST Travel Network is a member-owned and member-driven consortium composed of more than 200 travel agencies across the United States & Canada. Through exclusive agreements, partnerships, training, and support, MAST agencies have the tools to deliver an outstanding customer service experience every time. LEARN MORE.

  21. New Evidence Adds to Findings Hinting at Network of Caves on Moon

    In re-analyzing radar data collected by LRO's Mini-RF (Miniature Radio-Frequency) instrument in 2010, the team found evidence of a cave extending more than 200 feet from the base of a pit. The pit is located 230 miles northeast of the first human landing site on the Moon in Mare Tranquillitatis.The full extent of the cave is unknown, but it could stretch for miles beneath the mare.

  22. CrowdStrike hampering air travel. Are you entitled to a refund

    A consumer is entitled to a refund if the airline makes a significant schedule change or significantly delays a flight and the consumer chooses not to travel. However, the DOT hasn't defined what ...

  23. Outage caused by a CrowdStrike update

    Hundreds of US flights were canceled early Monday, as carriers, particularly Delta Air Lines, work to recover four days after a global tech outage caused massive delays and left travelers stranded ...

  24. Why are flights canceled, delayed? Global IT outage snarls air travel

    A global IT outage caused delays and cancellations for air passengers around the world. Several U.S. carriers, including American Airlines, United Airlines, and Delta Air Lines, issued ground ...

  25. Travel Doctor Network

    Travel Doctor Network is a resource and information network committed to providing accurate and up-to-date travel health information to guide travellers, corporate clients and travel health practitioners. Ebola. A new Ebola epidemic has been declared in Guinea. Cases have also been reported in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  26. Cartoon Network 'Mighty Magiswords' creator Kyle Carrozza arrested

    A Cartoon Network series creator has been arrested on child pornography charges.. Kyle Carrozza, an animator who created the television series "Mighty Magiswords" and worked on multiple Cartoon ...

  27. How a Network of Tech Billionaires Helped J.D. Vance Leap Into Power

    Around that time, Mr. Vance co-founded a network of major conservative donors with some tech leaders, called the Rockbridge Network. In July 2021, he announced a run for Ohio's soon-to-be ...

  28. Disney World Genie+: What to know before new changes on July 24

    Connect everyone in your travel group on your Family & Friends list in the My Disney Experience app — so you'll be able to purchase Lightning Lane passes and make plans for everyone eligible ...

  29. The Travel Coach Network

    The Travel Coach Network is empowering and guiding the next wave of leaders, change-makers, and travel experts in the travel industry by pioneering the Travel Coaching industry. The TCN is a women-led company that humanizes travel experiences by adding the human-centric approach to how and why people travel. We are a global community of travel ...

  30. Travel Channel Shows

    Ghost Brothers: Haunted Houseguests. Kindred Spirits. Legendary Locations. Loch Ness Monster: New Evidence. Paranormal Caught on Camera. Portals to Hell. Scariest Night of My Life. Witches of Salem. Get access to your favorite Travel Channel shows, including 'Hotel Impossible,' 'Ghost Adventures,' 'Trip Flip,' 'Bizarre Foods ...