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Do Najbliższego rajdu zostało:

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Zapraszamy Was na wyjątkowy rajd Tour de Moto, skierowany do wszystkich motocyklistów, którzy chcą wspólnie przeżyć fajną przygodę. Rajd otwieramy dla wszystkich jednośladów – bez względu na markę czy moc silnika – gdyż nie jest to wyścig. To wspólny przejazd w doborowym gronie, okazja do zwiedzenia nowych miejsc, podziwiania niezwykłych widoków i zawarcia nowych znajomości. Każdy z rajdów odbywa się według precyzyjnie opracowanej trasy, składającej się z odcinków specjalnych i stacji kontrolnych, na których można zdobywać punkty. Każdy z uczestników otrzymuje od nas ekskluzywny zestaw startowy oraz zastrzyk pozytywnej energii. Profesjonalnie przygotowany roadbook umożliwi każdemu uczestnikowi zapoznanie się z najważniejszymi punktami trasy – takimi jak stacje benzynowe, restauracje czy punkty widokowe. Na zakończenie rajdu organizujemy wspólne piknikowanie, połączone z licznymi atrakcjami artystycznymi, podczas którego zaczynamy planować kolejne trasy Tour de Moto.






tour de moto

Organizatorem imprezy sportowo-turystycznej „TOUR DE MOTO”, zwanej dalej „ Rajdem ” jest:

Umami Sushi Tomasz Czypionka ul. Sciegiennego 45 40-114 Katowice NIP 9542520700 REGON 241203452

zwany dalej Organizatorem

Rajd TOUR DE MOTO ma formę rajdu o charakterze turystycznego przejazdu po wyznaczonej trasie. Klasyfikacja Rajdu jest niezależna od osiągniętego czasu, ale od precyzji przejazdu. Przejazd po wyznaczonej trasie musi odbywać się zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami ruchu drogowego. Na trasie przejazdu Organizator przygotował dla uczestników punkty kontrolne, gdzie przewidziane zostały zadania do wykonania oraz miejscami do odnalezienia. Rajd skierowany jest do motocyklistów. Mogą w nim wziąć udział tylko pojazdy typu: motocykl lub skuter, niezależnie od wieku, typu i pojemności. Organizator zastrzega sobie możliwość dopuszczenia do Rajdu innych pojazdów

  • Osobą specjalnie wyznaczoną przez Organizatora w celu organizacji, koordynacji i przeprowadzenia Rajdu jest KIEROWNIK RAJDU. Rajd przeprowadzony jest wspólnie z wolontariuszami, uczestnikami, sponsorami, partnerami oraz innymi niezbędnymi osobami lub służbami.
  • Kierownik Rajdu pełni rolę sędziego, w związku z czym do Kierownika rajdu należy podejmowanie decyzji w sprawach spornych dotyczących punktacji w klasyfikacji generalnej oraz w poszczególnych zadaniach na punktach kontrolnych. Rozstrzygnięcia podejmowane przez Kierownika Rajdu dotyczące uczestników i klasyfikacji są ostateczne, tj. nie przysługuje od nich odwołanie.
  • jako Zawodnik-Kierowca
  • jako Zawodnik-Pasażer
  • Zawodnik-Kierowca musi posiadać ważne Prawo Jazdy z właściwą kategorią dla zgłoszonego do Rajdu pojazdu.
  • Za bezpieczeństwo Zawodnika-Pasażera odpowiada kierujący jego pojazdem Zawodnik-Kierowca.
  • Tytuł Zawodnika-Pasażera przysługuje jedynie tej osobie, która dokonała odpowiedniej rejestracji i wpłaciła określone przez Organizatora wpisowe. Osoba, która porusza się z Zawodnikiem-Kierowcą, a nie dokonała rejestracji i nie opłaciła wpisowego, nie jest Zawodnikiem Rajdu, a zatem nie przysługuje jej pakiet startowy i nie ma dostępu do żadnych atrakcji Rajdu przewidzianych przez Organizatora, w tym m.in. możliwość uczestniczenia w evencie na mecie oraz otrzymanie medalu.
  • Zarejestrować swój udział w Rajdzie – za pośrednictwem formularza znajdującego się na oficjalnej stronie internetowej Rajdu (www.tourdemoto.com) i mediach społecznościowych Organizatora (www.facebook.com/tourdemoto) lub osobiście w biurze zawodów (w miarę dostępnych miejsc) w dniu imprezy.
  • Uiścić wpisowe w wysokości określonej przez Organizatora. Wszelkie niezbędne dane dotyczące opłat będą opublikowane na stronie internetowej Rajdu www.tourdemoto.com.
  • Posiadać podpisany identyfikator wraz z numerem startowym przyklejonym do pojazdu, który został zgłoszony do udziału w Rajdzie.
  • Uczestnictwo w Rajdzie jest równoznaczne z akceptacją niniejszego Regulaminu.
  • Organizator nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za skutki złego stanu technicznego zgłoszonych do Rajdu pojazdów.
  • Zawodnicy biorący udział w Rajdzie są zobowiązani do uprzedniego zadbania o stan techniczny swoich pojazdów. Z pojazdu nie mogą wyciekać płyny, opony pojazdu muszą posiadać odpowiednią wysokość bieżnika oraz stosowną homologację. Elementy pojazdu oraz jego stan ogólny nie mogą zagrażać bezpieczeństwu innych uczestników Rajdu.
  • aktualne i opłacone ubezpieczenie od odpowiedzialności cywilnej (OC), ważne w czasie trwania Rajdu,
  • aktualny przegląd techniczny ważny w czasie trwania Rajdu,
  • W przypadku stwierdzenia niedostosowania się do powyższych wymogów opisanych w p.1-3 §6 Organizator wezwie Zawodnika do naprawy pojazdu i uzupełnienia braków. W razie braku możliwości usunięcia przeciwskazań do uczestniczenia w Rajdzie Zawodnik może zostać zdyskwalifikowany i skreślony z listy uczestników.
  • Każdy Zawodnik-Kierowca jest zobowiązany do posiadania przy sobie i okazania na żądanie Organizatora, Kierownika rajdu oraz osób przez Organizatora wskazanych, dokumentów potwierdzających dopuszczenie do jazdy (w tym m.in. prawo jazdy, aktualny przegląd techniczny pojazdu oraz ubezpieczenie OC). Zawodnik-Kierowca nieposiadający odpowiednich dokumentów zostanie zdyskwalifikowany i skreślony z listy uczestników Rajdu.
  • W przypadku dyskwalifikacji i skreślenia z listy uczestników Rajdu, zdyskwalifikowanemu nie przysługuje zwrot wpisowego.

Podczas Rajdu każdy Zawodnik musi obowiązkowo posiadać odpowiednie wyposażenie:

  • kask motocyklowy posiadający odpowiedni atest oraz homologację
  •  podpisany identyfikator wraz z numerem startowym przyklejonym do pojazdu
  • Wszyscy Zawodnicy, zarówno Kierowcy jak i Pasażerowie w trakcie całego trwania przejazdu (tj. od startu do mety) nie mogą spożywać ani znajdować się pod wpływem alkoholu, ani innych substancji psychoaktywnych.
  • Nieprzestrzeganie p. 1 §8 grozi dyskwalifikacją i skreśleniem z listy uczestników Rajdu. Zdyskwalifikowanym z tego powodu Zawodnikom nie przysługuje zwrot wpisowego.
  • Rajd rozgrywany jest na specjalnie przygotowanej trasie, która składa się wyłącznie z odcinków asfaltowych, na której wyznaczone zostały odcinki specjalne i stacji kontrolne. Całość trasy, odcinki specjalne i stacje kontrolne są umieszczone w roadbooku, który każdy Zawodnik otrzymuje przed startem.
  • Wyznaczoną trasę należy przejechać w wyznaczonym w roadbooku kierunku i kolejności.
  • Podczas całego Rajdu i na każdym etapie trasy Zawodnicy są zobowiązani do przestrzegania przepisów Kodeksu Drogowego oraz stosować się do obowiązujących na danym terenie ograniczeń dopuszczalnej prędkości – Rajd nie jest wyścigiem, w którym zwycięstwo zależy od czasu przyjazdu na metę.
  • Zawodnicy są wypuszczani ze startu przez wyznaczoną przez Organizatora osobę, wedle wskazówek wydanych przez Kierownika Rajdu.
  • Zawodnicy na trasie przejazdu mogą poruszać się samodzielnie lub w grupach składających się z maksymalnie czterech pojazdów.
  • Zawodnicy muszą dojechać do mety w określonym przez Organizatora czasie. Zawodnicy, którzy nie zmieszczą się w przewidzianym czasie mogą zostać zdyskwalifikowani.

Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do możliwości odwołania dowolnego punktu kontrolnego, zadania lub próby na trasie rajdu. W takim przypadku punkty przyznane za zadania lub odnalezienie punktu kontrolnego zostaną anulowane.

Organizator zastrzega sobie prawo do zmiany przebiegu trasy, odcinków specjalnych, punktów kontrolnych i zadań na trasie w dowolnym momencie trwania Rajdu.

Za prawidłowy przejazd trasy Rajdu, odcinków specjalnych, punktów kontrolnych i zadań przewidziane są nagrody specjalne.

  • Dyskwalifikacja i skreślenie z listy Zawodników wyklucza możliwość otrzymania nagrody i udziału w evencie zorganizowanym na koniec Rajdu. Dyskwalifikacja wiąże się również z utratą wpłaconego wpisowego.
  • Odwołania od nałożonej dyskwalifikacji można składać do Kierownika Rajdu.
  • Decyzje o dyskwalifikacji podejmuje Kierownik Rajdu oraz inne wyznaczone przez Organizatora osoby.
  • Każdy Zawodnik Rajdu może zgłosić Kierownikowi Rajdu wniosek o dyskwalifikację innego Zawodnika.

Każdy Zawodnik w ramach wpisowego otrzymuje od Organizatora zestaw startowy.

  • Zawodnicy biorą udział w Rajdzie na własną odpowiedzialność. Uczestnictwo w Rajdzie jest równoznaczne z akceptacją niniejszego regulaminu.
  • Każda osoba zainteresowana udziałem w Rajdzie, przed dokonaniem rejestracji, zobowiązana jest do zapoznania się z regulaminem i zobowiązuje się do jego bezwzględnego przestrzegania.
  • Rejestracja jest równoznaczna z wyrażeniem zgody przez Zawodnika na zwarcie z nim umowy o uczestnictwie w Rajdzie.
  • Organizator oraz wszystkie osoby z nim współpracujące, w tym m.in. Kierownik Rajdu, nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności względem uczestników za szkody osobowe, rzeczowe i majątkowe, które wystąpią w trakcie Rajdu, a także podczas eventu na koniec Rajdu.
  • Zawodnicy biorą udział w Rajdzie na własną odpowiedzialność i ponoszą odpowiedzialność cywilną i prawną za wszystkie wyrządzone przez siebie szkody.
  • Zawodnicy nie mogą wnosić żadnych roszczeń w stosunku do Organizatora i osób z nim współpracujących, w związku wypadkiem lub szkodą związaną z udziałem w Rajdzie.
  • Każdy Zawodnik, poprzez uczestnictwo w Rajdzie, zrzeka się możliwości dochodzenia roszczeń od Organizatora i osób z nim współpracujących w razie wypadku lub szkody związanej z udziałem w Rajdzie.

W związku z obowiązującymi ograniczeniami w zakresie profilaktyki i ograniczeń związanych z COVID-19 podczas przejazdu na trasie Rajdu oraz evencie pod koniec Rajdu obowiązują obostrzenia oraz zasady bezpieczeństwa mające na celu zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa wszystkim Zawodnikom. Są to przede wszystkim: nakaz dezynfekcji rąk podczas postojów oraz obowiązek zachowywania minimum 1,5 metrowych odstępów. Jeśli zachowanie odstępu podczas postoju nie jest możliwe należy w prawidłowy sposób zasłaniać usta oraz nos.

  • Zawodnik wyraża zgodę na wykorzystywanie swojego wizerunku w postaci zdjęć oraz filmów, powstałych podczas Rajdu, które mogą być wykorzystane przez Organizatora do promocji Rajdu na jego stronach internetowych i mediach społecznościowych
  • Zawodnik ma prawo odmówić wykorzystania jego wizerunku w celach promocyjnych przez Organizatora, lecz musi go o tym poinformować pisemnie lub poprzez pocztę elektroniczną do dnia rozpoczęcia imprezy.
  • Organizatorzy zastrzegają sobie prawo do poprawek, uzupełnień i zmian niniejszego regulaminu.
  • O wszelkich zmianach Organizator będzie niezwłocznie informować Zawodników – poprzez stronę internetową oraz media społecznościowe.

Zabrania się rozpowszechniania, kopiowania i udostępniania osobom trzecim zapisu trasy rajdu, a także wszelkich treści umieszczonych w roadbooku bez zgody Organizatora, który posiada do niego wszelkie prawa materialne.

Rajd nie jest imprezą masową w sensie prawnym. Jest imprezą zamkniętą tylko dla zaproszonych i zarejestrowanych osób.

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The combination of 2 days of instruction followed by 3 days of cross country riding was invaluable. Instruction only wouldn't have had the same impact. Yesterday I rode 37 miles of dirt, every inch of it standing up. Prior to this experience, I hadn't ridden 100 ft standing up. Those 5 days of training and riding made all the difference.

- Jim S., Northfield, IL

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Red and black Citroen 2CV parked on a mountaintop.

Rumor Has it The Tiny Citröen 2CV’s Gearing Dictated the Tour de France Stages

A gaggle of bicyclists are currently ripping around the French countryside in a spectacle that will make even an ironman triathlete self-conscious about their fitness. The first Tour de France was held in 1903, though in the route has changed a bit in the past 121 years. Rumor has it that the modern 20+ stage route, mapped out in 1947, is graded based on the gearing of Citröen’s adorable two horsepower 2CV.

Citröen first pioneered a front engine, FWD layout with its Traction Avant. But the expensive car did little to bring transportation to the masses. By WWII, a surprising number of French farmers still used horses and carts. So after the war, Citroën finally rolled out its budget-friendly and capable 2CV.

The car’s full name was the deux chevaux , which is French for “two horses.” The vehicle had two “taxable” horsepower. But don’t let the name fool you. Its BHP was rated at a mighty nine horsepower. I’ve ridden in a 2CV and am here to tell you, shifting isn’t optional.

The 2CV featured long-travel suspension because very little of France’s roads were paved yet. It also had a windshield-to-rear-bumper canvas sunroof. Once you folded it up, you could basically use the thing like a tiny truck. The roof also gave it the adorable nickname, “umbrella on wheels.”

While the 2CV’s engineering was relatively advanced, its bodywork and glass was all flat, to make it easier to repair. You can think of it as the VW Beetle of France. And it was the world’s first FWD car to sell more than a million units because it proved so popular all over the world.

Red and black two-tone Citroën 2CV driving through the countryside.

As you can imagine, a nine horsepower first-generation Citröen 2CV would struggle with some of the hills the Tour de France bicyclists navigate in the Alps and Pyrenees mountains. On many of these hills you need to downshift severely. And, interestingly, they are categorized with “1” as the steepest. It is easy to imagine the Tour’s 1947 route planners in a little 2CV, grading each hill based on how many gears they had to drop. And this may be why this has been such a persistent myth.

The cycling publication Rouleur wrote, “Legend has it that the classifications were originally decided with a Citroën 2CV car, with the climb’s category judged to be the same as the gear necessary to motor up it.”

Rouleur interviewed Thierry Gouvenou, the Tour’s current race director, responsible for mapping the race route. He felt the legend was just that. “Perhaps the story came from a drunken night between journalists…In cycling we have so many stories like that that have been embellished over time. Maybe there’s some truth in it somewhere, but I’m not convinced.”

Gouvenou may be right. But my Tour de France headcanon will always include a team of sporting Frenchmen motoring around the countryside, planning the route of a race to reinvigorate their country after WWII, crawling up hills in a determined little 2CV so slowly it would be quicker to get out and pedal, and grading each climb based on the deux chevaux’s gear. Then stopping at the summit to let the poor thing cool down while enjoying a picnic and maybe a bottle of wine.

Alfa Romeo logo above the grille on a silver gray cr.

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Red and black Citroen 2CV parked on a mountaintop.

The Ford Contour SVT Is the Forgotten Blue Oval BMW

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Henry Cesari

Henry Cesari joined MotorBiscuit in 2021 and brings his deep interest in vintage cars, trucks, and motorcycles to the site. Having restored his first classic car at just 16 years old, Henry has wrenched on everything from overland campers to Japanese motorcycles and even pre-war Bugattis. Henry is also an avid attendee at local car shows and genuinely enjoys connecting with fellow auto enthusiasts.

Henry earned a Bachelor’s in Anthropology and English from the University of Vermont. He has since incorporated his love of the written word with his admiration of classic cars. While Henry is interested in vintage cars, he believes the golden age of cars is yet to come. He is confident journalists will play an important role in this revolution by exposing the industry as it is now and envisioning its possible future.

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Guided Motorcycle Tours

Our Guided Motorcycle Tours allow you to truly enjoy touring Europe in style. We'll greet you at the airport, provide you with a late model motorcycle, put you up in the best hotels, and take you to the selected restaurants serving excellent regional specialties. Our knowledgeable and friendly guides are highly committed to ensuring your needs are cared for, and excited to have you experience how fantastic our riding terrain is.  All our guided tours have a GUARANTEED departure and can be done as a SELF-GUIDED  or CUSTOM  (closed group) tour.

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Adriatic Coast & the Balkans

Adriatic riviera tour.

  • Days: 9 days / 7 riding days

Beautiful Balkans Adventure

  • Days: 15 days / 13 riding days

Intriguing Southeast Europe

Romania to istanbul adventure.

  • Days: 16 days / 14 riding days

Balkans and Adriatic Explorer

  • Days: 18 days / 16 riding days


French riviera to barcelona, greece tour.

  • Days: 14 days / 12 riding days

Tuscany Sardinia Corsica

South of rome & sicily tour, sardinia & corsica - riders' heaven, sicily tour, tour of tuscany - italia espresso, best of eastern alps, western alps adventure, alps adriatic adventure, alps deluxe & french riviera, top of the alps, central europe, royal gems of europe, czech hungary tour, grand european tour, slovenia tour, scandinavia new, vikings and fjords - tour of norway, custom / private guided tours.

Legend: Tours starting points

Adriatic Riviera Tour

Ride the gorgeous roads of the Adriatic coastline enjoying Dalmatian atmosphere in the beautiful town of Dubrovnik and on the lush Hvar Island.

Quick facts

  • Countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Dates: 24.8.2024 - 1.9.2024, 28.9.2024 - 6.10.2024, More 10.5.2025 - 18.5.2025, 23.8.2025 - 31.8.2025, 27.9.2025 - 5.10.2025

from 3.720 €

Beautiful Balkans Adventure

Discover the Balkans, a region rich in culture & history, with great diversity, amazing landscapes and fantastic riding.

  • Countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Dates: 23.8.2024 - 6.9.2024, 24.5.2025 - 7.6.2025, More 22.8.2025 - 5.9.2025

from 6.220 €

Intriguing Southeast Europe

Explore the traditional and authentic Eastern Europe off the beaten track and visit some of the fascinating places yet to be discoverd.

  • Countries: Serbia, Bulgaria, Republic of North Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo
  • Dates: 7.9.2024 - 21.9.2024, 8.6.2025 - 22.6.2025, More 6.9.2025 - 20.9.2025

from 5.850 €

Romania to Istanbul Adventure

Ride two of Europe's best roads: Transfagarasan Road and the Transalpina, and ride all the way to Galipoli and Istanbul.

  • Countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey
  • Dates: 7.9.2024 - 22.9.2024, 23.9.2024 - 8.10.2024, More 6.9.2025 - 21.9.2025, 22.9.2025 - 7.10.2025

from 6.280 €

Balkans and Adriatic Explorer

Longer version of our popular Beautiful Balkans Adventure, with more rest days, riding inspiring Croatia and mysterious Durmitor National Park.

  • Dates: 4.9.2024 - 21.9.2024, 3.9.2025 - 20.9.2025

from 7.470 €

French Riviera to Barcelona

Explore the French Riviera, Provence, Pyrenees, Barcelona, and the Alps in one tour.

  • Countries: Spain, France
  • Dates: 31.5.2025 - 14.6.2025

from 6.920 €

Greece Tour

To experience one of the world's classic tourist destinations from the seat of a motorcycle, is to experience it to the fullest.

  • Countries: Greece
  • Dates: 28.9.2024 - 11.10.2024, 13.10.2024 - 26.10.2024, More 15.10.2024 - 28.10.2024, 24.5.2025 - 6.6.2025, 27.9.2025 - 10.10.2025, 12.10.2025 - 25.10.2025

from 5.870 €

Tuscany Sardinia Corsica

Riding in Italy provides a depth of experience matched by few places in the world. More than just a motorcycle adventure!

  • Countries: Italy, France
  • Dates: 26.9.2024 - 11.10.2024, 27.4.2025 - 12.5.2025, More 25.9.2025 - 10.10.2025

from 6.980 €

South of Rome & Sicily Tour

Admire the sublime art and architecture, ride the stunning Amalfi Coast and discover the amazing Sicily, all in one trip.

  • Countries: Italy
  • Dates: 13.10.2024 - 27.10.2024, 26.4.2025 - 10.5.2025, More 12.10.2025 - 26.10.2025

from 6.850 €

Sardinia & Corsica - Riders' Heaven

Ride some of the best roads in Europe and be amazed by stunning scenery. Get ready for one of the best riding adventures.

  • Dates: 19.10.2024 - 27.10.2024, 17.5.2025 - 25.5.2025, More 18.10.2025 - 26.10.2025

from 4.350 €

Sicily Tour

Welcome to the land of Greek temples, Roman mosaics, active volcanos and Cosa Nostra!

from 4.360 €

Tour of Tuscany - Italia Espresso

Tuscany enchants with its winding roads, hillside villages and historic cities, world-renowned cuisine and wines.

from 4.130 €

Best of Eastern Alps

Enjoy the stunning landscape of the Eastern Alps and experience roads less travelled riding some of the best passes in Italy and Austria.

  • Countries: Italy, Slovenia, Austria
  • Dates: 14.6.2025 - 22.6.2025

from 4.240 €

Western Alps Adventure

This tour will take you right into the heart of the Swiss and French Alps, revealing more than just the exhilarating high alpine passes. Tune in!

  • Countries: Italy, Switzerland, France
  • Dates: 12.7.2025 - 20.7.2025

from 4.230 €

Alps Adriatic Adventure

Join a spectacular tour, which combines the best scenery you can find in Slovenia with rugged Adriatic coastline and Alpine passes.

  • Countries: Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia
  • Dates: 1.9.2024 - 15.9.2024, 31.8.2025 - 14.9.2025

from 5.920 €

Alps Deluxe & French Riviera

Ride the highest passes in the Alps and relax on French Riviera. A tour for adventurous and proficient riders.

  • Countries: Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France
  • Dates: 14.6.2025 - 28.6.2025, 28.6.2025 - 12.7.2025

from 6.590 €

Top of the Alps

Ride the best passes and switchbacks in the Swiss, Austrian and Italian Alps.

  • Countries: Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria
  • Dates: 20.7.2024 - 28.7.2024, 24.8.2024 - 1.9.2024, More 28.6.2025 - 6.7.2025, 26.7.2025 - 3.8.2025, 23.8.2025 - 31.8.2025

from 4.290 €

Royal Gems of Europe

Join us on a journey through some of the richest legendary landscapes in the heart of Europe, riding tradition-steeped scenic routes.

  • Countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France
  • Dates: 14.7.2024 - 22.7.2024, 5.7.2025 - 13.7.2025

from 4.400 €

Czech Hungary Tour

Conquer the exhilarating Alpine passes and ride through the heart of Europe, visiting some of Europe's finest historical places.

  • Countries: Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia
  • Dates: 27.7.2024 - 10.8.2024, 2.8.2025 - 16.8.2025

from 6.230 €

Grand European Tour

For the lovers of European history and great riding. Admire the ˝great four˝: Vienna, Budapest, Krakow and Prague in one tour.

  • Dates: 19.6.2025 - 6.7.2025

from 7.480 €

sLOVEnia Tour

Discover an Alpine jewel of a country. Small in size, but large in talent, is how Slovenia could be qualified.

  • Countries: Austria, Slovenia, Croatia

from 3.380 €


Vikings and Fjords - Tour of Norway

The land of intense natural beauty, picture perfect villages and roads one can hardly believe exist.

  • Countries: Norway
  • Dates: 20.7.2024 - 2.8.2024, 20.7.2024 - 2.8.2024, More 3.8.2024 - 16.8.2024, 19.7.2025 - 1.8.2025, 2.8.2025 - 15.8.2025

from 8.040 €

Custom Guided Tour

Custom Guided Tour

For those who wish to ride at some other time of year and in the company of close friends or riding partners, we will be happy to organize a custom or private tour that will suit you best in terms of number of days, kilometers that you want to ride, and things you would like to see or do.

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... or please fill our contact form

+386 30 465 555 / GMT+1h

Adriatic Moto Tours

SMTours d.o.o., Trpinčeva 37a 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, EU

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Islândia Ring Road Motoxplorers10.jpg



WhatsApp Image 2019-03-28 at 12.31.02.jp



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Tour de France Moto 2 : à l'avant du peloton

  • tous publics

Tous les directs

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Tour de France

tour de moto

Suivez le Tour de France au cœur du peloton grâce aux images de la moto 2.

Moto Trails USA Motorcycles tours on Yamaha Tenere 700

Experience the true American wilderness

We offer motorcycle guided tours on the most beautiful dirt roads the United States has to offer. The Wild West is a paradise for outdoor adventures, offering an incredible diversity of terrain that riders can enjoy on our fleet of rental Yamaha Tenere 700. The distances are huge, and either on a 5-day BDR trip or on the famous 13-day Continental Divide adventure, you’ll ride for hours on fun dirt roads without seeing any sign of civilization !




tour de moto


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Benefits of choosing moto trails usa, customized training.

There’s always something to learn… Save energy and ride safer with our private off-road classes:

✔ Low speed evolution, U-turns on a dime ✔  Going up and down steep hills ✔ Riding positions ✔ Riding in the sand ✔ Pick-up the bike after a crash ✔ Use your GPS to find alternate routes ✔ Manage small mechanical emergencies


✔ No need to ship/ride your own bike ✔ Maintenance free! Our bikes are serviced before / after each ride for your peace of mind ✔ Dunlop tires with aggressive knobs ✔  MoskoMoto soft bags to carry gear, water and snacks ✔  GPS track and paper map included ✔  ZOLEO Satellite device ✔ Low seat upon request



We take care of everything so you just have to show up and ride!

✔ Take it easy:  Tours are all inclusive (lodging, gas, meal, a 4×4 vehicle for parts and luggage, a support rider …) ✔  S elf guided tours:  You’re responsible for your safety and will be free to take your own route depending on your abilities ✔ Don’t get lost: You’ll have a fully loaded GPS , a paper map ✔ Ride Safer: We have satellite devices!

new mexico tenere yamaha


Here are some reviews from riders who shared our adventures…, continental divide – septembre 2023 – olivier (france).

tour de moto

Continental Divide – Septembre 2023 –  Christophe (France)

tour de moto

Continental Divide – August 2023 – Leslie (Australia)

tour de moto

1. The landscape and scenery is amazing from beginning to end. I am a forestry scientist so had great interest in the forest communities and landscapes. Most of the ride was at elevations above 5,000’ often through beautiful pine, spruce and aspen forest with lots of wildlife.

2. Both Stefan and Emma are highly experienced, remarkable hosts. Both understate their CV’s in promotional material, so I did not fully understand just how capable they were until a couple of days into the ride. At all time I felt well looked after and confident that if anything went wrong, there were capable hands nearby. Their focus on GPS tracking of all riders, safety stops and attention to detail in morning briefings left me confident that we were well looked after.

3. The accommodation was always the best available in each town. It was always meticulously organised to the extent you would ride up to your room each day and find Emma allocating keys, if they weren’t already in the door. Most accommodation had a pool and hot tub which I used almost every day.

4. Food was well organised with lunch either in a good café or supplied by Emma from her pickup truck at a great location, often on a lake. Lunch was always great quality non-fattening food.

5.I often swapped bikes with Stefan and other riders and formed a view the Yamaha T700 are a great bike and ideal for the tour. Stefan runs mousse in all bikes which negates and chance of punctures.

My experience with the CD ride far exceeded my expectations principally because of the quality of the customer service delivered by the hosts. I have no hesitation in recommending this company for those who want a supported ADV ride. I certainly will be a repeat customer next year for BDR rides.

Continental Divide – Août 2023 – Cyril (France)

tour de moto

Continental Divide – Août 2023 –  Thomas (France)

tour de moto

Continental Divide – Août 2023 – Guillaume (France)

tour de moto

Continental Divide – Août 2023 – Attilio (France)

tour de moto

Continental Divide – Juillet 2023 – Christophe (Suisse)

tour de moto

Formidable ! Fantastique ! Des paysages superbes, vraiment Magique !

Merci à toute l’équipe !

Continental Divide – Juin 2023 – Jacques (France)

tour de moto

Continental Divide – Juin 2023 – Jerome (France)

tour de moto

Merci à tous. Jerome

Continental Divide – Juillet 2023 – Jacques (Suisse)

tour de moto

Merci à toute l’équipe. Jacques

Continental Divide 2022 – Mark B.

tour de moto

Every day was different both in terms of beauty but also the technical riding skills required. That combined with sharing the experience with a group of international like minded riders, the choice of bike (I can’t imagine a better bike than the T7 for the route) and the orangisation and leadership that both Olivier and Caroline put into the organisation and support was supurb!

This is a hard riding trip with long days and high levels of concentration required. You absolutely need off-road riding skills but Olivier is an excellent teacher as well as rider so he will also help those requiring improvement to ride better and faster. I have been riding for over 40 years including early years riding enduro in NZ however there were many things Olivier helped me with in learning almost a new style of riding suited to the terrain and bike (think 40 degree heat in the morning, river crossings, mud, sand, snow, technical climbs, high altitude passes all in a single day!).

Olivier keeps the number of riders to a small group so it feels like a team both while you are riding and in the evenings over dinner. As everyone is all satnav’d up and satelitte tracked you can ride in your own time, yet know where the others are at any time.

What is also unique about this trip is that if the days start to get too much or there are technical sections you are not comfortable enough with then Olivier has mapped road sections that you can take for a breather. Equally as beautiful.

Would I recommend this trip, absolutely.

Many thanks Olivier and Caroline. Here’s to great memories and making new ones!

Continental Divide 2022 – Noé R.

tour de moto

Concernant les pneus Dunlop TrailMax Mission, je pense qu’on a tous été surpris en bien. Ce qui m’a le plus surpris était la tenue sur route, on aurait cru avoir un pneu de moto route, pas peur de mettre de l’angle et ils mettent directement en confiance. Et quand il y a un peu de gravier sur la route, c’est pas un problème vu que le pneu possède du relief. Concernant le terrain, ils étaient très agréables et très crocheur à la fois ! La résistance à l’usure est bluffante avec tout le chemin qu’on a parcouru sur les différents terrains, et j’ai fais beaucoup de glisse dans la gravel ;). La polyvalence est au rendez-vous et c’est exactement ce qu’il nous fallait durant ces deux semaines. Bref, je pense qu’il ne pourrait pas y avoir beaucoup mieux pour réaliser ce genre de road trip !

Et encore un grand merci à vous pour ce trip, franchement ici on a de la peine de le raconter et de faire ressentir les émotions tellement c’était bien. Le temps passe trop vite haha!

Continental Divide 2022 – Mark S.

tour de moto

The scenery, riding, bikes, one horse towns and group of people were all fantastic. Olivier and Caroline went above and beyond to ensure we all had a good time and the best experience possible.

The bikes were in great condition and Olivier gave excellent advice and feedback on our riding. As the trip progressed my riding improved massively and by the end I felt much quicker and safer .

I highly recommend MotoTrails and am now thinking about which tour to do next!

Continental Divide 2022 – Christophe P.

tour de moto

2022 Continental Divide – Ghislain B.

tour de moto

2022 Continental Divide – Samy L.

tour de moto

La Yamaha T7, malgré son poids, est parfaite pour ce trip et même si on a roulé en groupe, j’ai pu bien m’amuser avec cette moto en la pilotant à ma main.

Olivier et Caroline sont des personnes très à l’écoute, pleines de ressource et qui se plient en 4 pour vous satisfaire. Encore merci à eux d’avoir pris le risque de monter un trip comme celui ci…

2022 Continental Divide – Stéphane C.

tour de moto

— Dear Moto Trails USA, I took part in this trip and would like to thank you once again. When I was younger, I did some motorcycle competitions, including the famous Dakar: I found a lot of similarities, routines to set up, dream landscapes, but I especially understood the difference: in a race, we have only one objective: to finish the race with the best ranking if possible. With you, the real pleasure is elsewhere, it is all along the way, even stronger!

2022 Spirit of Dakar – Justin B.

Justin B

Continental Divide 2022 – Gilles A.

tour de moto

2022 Spirit of Dakar – Robert G.

tour de moto

Olivier and Caroline operate a truly thought out route with many options based on your experience. We experienced every type of adventurous terrain (Snow, ice, mud, sand, silt, gravel, dirt, and asphalt). A true adventure bike experience.

Call them to book your next motor experience and ever lasting experience.

2022 Spirit of Dakar – Taylor P.

tour de moto

2022 Spirit of Dakar – James R.

tour de moto

2017 – 2020 Continental Divide – Romain D

tour de moto

My first experience on the Continental Divide in 2017 with Moto Trails on the XR650L was amazing. In 2020, I did it again but on the Yamaha Tenere 700, and it was another level of fun. The bike is so easy to ride!

The trails are great, the landscapes are different every day, the planning by Moto Trails USA is perfect, I’ll come back for sure!


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  • Hertz Ride Team
  • HR Adventure Tours

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Tours de Moto Guiados

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The tour of a lifetime starts here

O que está incluído

Tours com Guia em:

Países: Todos

Duração: Todos

Preço: Preço ascendente

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Tour com Guia

6 dias - 5 noites

Aventura no Norte de Portugal

A “Aventura no Norte de Portugal" é uma oportunidade fantástica pa...

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8 dias - 7 noites

Inverno em Portugal

O inverno no sul de Portugal oferece a todos os motociclistas uma agra...

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Destaques da Andaluzia

"Destaques da Andaluzia" é a versão curta do nosso tour de 15 dias p...

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O Melhor da Toscana

“O Melhor da Toscana" é uma viagem através das regiões centrais i...

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9 dias - 8 noites

Introdução a Marrocos

"Introdução a Marrocos" é a alternativa perfeita à nossa rota marr...

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10 dias - 9 noites

Rota nos Alpes

Este passeio é um convite através do esplendor dos Alpes, as montanh...

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15 dias - 14 noites

Descobrir Portugal

Debruçado sobre a extremidade sudoeste da Europa, Portugal é um dos ...

tour de moto

Marrocos Mágico

Encantador, charmoso e misterioso, Marrocos está repleto de diversida...

A Hertz Ride tem uma vasta gama de motos para que possa realizar o tour que sempre sonhou. Os nossos tours exclusivos operacionalizados pela Aventura Motorcycle Tour incluem moto com sistema completo de bagagem, assistência em viagem e estadia em hotéis de eleição, garantindo uma experiência única. A Aventura Motorcycle Tours é totalmente dedicada aos entusiastas de mototurismo, promovendo padrões de qualidade elevados nos seus tours.

HR Adventure Tours

Aventura Motorcycle Tours é o parceiro oficial de viagens da Hertz Ride, que oferece Tours de moto premium na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, planeados cuidadosamente por Tours Leaders experientes e especializados. A Aventura Motorcycle Tours é totalmente dedicada aos entusiastas de mototurismo, promovendo padrões de qualidade elevados nos seus tours.

Mais de 8  Países do mundo

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Over 7 countries worldwide

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Moto Tours Japan

Mount Fuji Tour

Okinawa motorcycle self-guided tour, 2024 tour calendar, kyushu tour, live a unique adventure in the land of the rising sun with moto tours japan motorcycles tours..

At Moto Tours Japan we believe that Japan is a unique and precious experience any person live in its personal way and with its personal organize special package tours.


tour de moto

Included ☑ New Model Motorcycle   ☑ Hotels ☑ Route Map ☑ Mobile Tour Guide App

tour de moto

Included ☑ Guide on motorcycle ☑ Support Van ☑ New Model Motorcycle  ☑ Hotels ☑ Route Map

tour de moto

Customization ☑ Days ☑ Area ☑ Motorcycle Manufacturer ☑ Event ☑ Hotels ☑ Attendees Support 


Symbol of Japan/Mount Fuji Tour

Touring around the mount Fuji and riding motorcycles on wonderful roads!  See more information about Mount Fuji tour⇗

Tohoku Tour-

The Tohoku area has its own unique and original beauty... 

See more information about Tohoku tour⇗

The Dragon Route

Beautiful winding roads and the beach we can ride in  the middle of Japan! See more information about Dragon route tour⇗

Let's ride on the beach!

“The Dragon Route” bike tour across the heart of Japan. See more information about Dragon route tour⇗

the Mount FUJI is beautiful...!

Touring around the mount fuji and riding motorcycles on wonderful roads! 

See more information about Mount FUJI tour⇗

Autumn Aso -Kyushu Area-

Beautiful autumn leaves and mountain view! One of popular places for Japanese riders.

See more information about Kumamoto tour⇗

Recommend Tours

<Free self-tour at your own pace>

tour de moto

30Days Run Through Japan Tour! 【Self】 Tokyo DEP from ¥1,196,000


Izu Hakone Fuji Tour 3D/2N 【Self】 Yokohama DEP from ¥137,000


Nagasaki Kumamoto  Tour 3D/2N 【Self】 Hukuoka DEP from ¥124,000

tour de moto

Dogo Katsurahama Tour 3D/2N 【Self】 Matsuyama DEP from ¥126,000

<Tour with Motorcycle Attendant>

tour de moto

Dragon Route Tour 7D/6N 【Guide】 【Support Van】

tour de moto

Kanto Tour 7D/6N 【Guide】 【Support Van】 

tour de moto

Kyushu Tour 7D/6N 【Guide】【Support Van】  

tour de moto


  • FEBRUARY|20 FEB - 22 FEB Okinawa Tour > Coming Soon
  • MARCH|17 MAR - 23 MAR Mount Fuji Tour >
  • MARCH|17 MAR - 23 MAR Kyushu Tour >
  • MARVH|24 MAR - 30 MAR Kyoto Ise Kii Peninsula > Coming Soon
  • MARCH|24 MAR - 30 MAR Dragon Route Tour >
  • APRIL|14 APR - 20 APR Dragon Route Tour >
  • MAY|12 MAY - 18 MAY Dragon Route Tour >
  • MAY|19 MAY - 25 MAY Mount Fuji Tour >
  • MAY|26 MAY - 01 JUN Kyoto Ise Kii Peninsula > Coming Soon
  • JUNE|09 JUN - 15 JUN Mount Fuji Tour >
  • JUNE|16 JUN - 22 JUN Tohoku Tour >
  • JUNE|23 JUN - 29 JUN Dragon Route Tour >

See more guided tours⇗

Information of japan.

tour de moto

Moto Tours Japan, first official Ducati Travel Partner in Japan Live a unique adventure in the land of the rising sun on your beloved Ducati with Moto Tours Japan, first official Ducati Travel Partner in Japan.

Moto Tours Japan, the first official Japanese Ducati Travel Partner, will offer you the unique  experience of a Ducati Tour in the Land of the Rising Sun. We can organize tour with any model in Ducati official lineup. The peerless sensation of riding on the Ducati of your dreams to reach Tokyo’s futuristic street, ancient and luxurious Kyoto, Chirihama beach’s roads on the seaside and then Mount Fuji, the symbol of Japan. Come to Japan and live with us the touring experience of a lifetime.

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この投稿をInstagramで見る 🏍🏔🇯🇵 Adventure Time with @mtj_japantours 👍 #mototoursjapan #motogeo #arai #ducatimultistrada #bikersparadise MotoGeo (@motogeo)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 9月月15日午後4時37分PDT
この投稿をInstagramで見る Moto Tour Japan 2019, Day 3 Matsuzaki Port #mototoursjapan #izu #nishiizu #matsuzaki #suzukivstrom Hideki Asano (@asano.hideki)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年11月月15日午後10時44分PST
この投稿をInstagramで見る Okinawa Road Trip 始動 #kjxxlife #mototoursjapan #rental819 Shih_ChianChuen (@kenjunxx)がシェアした投稿 - 2017年 9月月3日午後8時35分PDT
この投稿をInstagramで見る #freddiespencer #1 & Rocket #ronhaslam Elf project Machine 👌🏁 #hondamuseum #motorcycles #motogeo #mototoursjapan MotoGeo (@motogeo)がシェアした投稿 - 2019年 9月月27日午前11時21分PDT


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Tour de France

Video: local mountain biker jumps over tour de france riders on stage 11, valentin anouilh previously leaped tour in 2019, thought to be the first to repeat feat..

Don't miss a moment of the 2024 Tour de France! Get recaps, insights, and exclusive takes with Velo's daily newsletter. >","name":"in-content-cta","type":"link"}}'>Sign up today! .

Frenchman Valentin Anouilh gave Tour de France riders an unexpected surprise on Wednesday’s stage 11, soaring over a group of riders on the stage from Évaux-les-Bains to Le Lioran.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by (@valentin_anouilh)

According to our sister publication PinkBike , he scouted out a cliff for the stunt after he found out that the race was passing through his hometown.

He previous did such a leap back in 2019, although he said that this second jump was his biggest ever at 12m high and 8m long.

It took him a week to build the jump and he competed that work the night before the stage.

Anouilh is thought to be the first person to leap the Tour on two occasions. Dave Watson was the first back in 2002, crashing on the landing. Alexis Bosson, Roman Marandet and Dan Leclercq also made the leap.

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As the Tour de France Climbs Higher, It’s a Two-Man Race

Tadej Pogacar and Jonas Vingegaard, who have split the past four Tour de France wins, are set for a duel in the mountains.

Jonas Vingegaard stands up out of his bicycle saddle while racing on an asphalt road against Tadej Pogacar, who is wearing yellow.

By Victor Mather

The world’s best cyclists have been battling one another in the Tour de France since late June. But the Tour is won in the high mountains. And the highest mountains are just ahead.

The Pyrenees and the Alps stand in the way of the July 21 finish in Nice, and the two prerace favorites are right where they were expected to be: near the front of the pack.

Jonas Vingegaard, the Danish two-time defending champion, and Tadej Pogacar, the 2020 and 2021 winner from Slovenia, are joined by the Belgian cyclist Remco Evenepoel for now. But Vingegaard, 27, and Pogacar, 25, are expected to resume their two-man race for the yellow jersey when a traverse of the Pyrenees begins on Saturday.

Pogacar leads the field by about one minute after success in the race’s first pass through the Alps. But Vingegaard seems to be recovered from an injury he suffered earlier this year and could have the wherewithal to land a third straight Tour.

There’s already been a record and historic firsts.

Much of this three-week-long race has been flat so far. When there are no challenging mountains to break up the field, the riders stay bunched, and a different type of athlete, a sprinter, often wins the day.

And this year, the flat stretches of the Tour have produced notable moments.

On July 1, the speedy Biniam Girmay of Eritrea became the first Black African to win a stage of the Tour. A crash about a mile before the finish sowed chaos in the field, but Girmay was able to stay safe and pull away.

“This victory means a lot to me, to my team which has been waiting a long time to win a stage, for my country and also to all of Africa,” he said after his win. “Now we are really part of the big races.”

For good measure, Girmay, 24, won two more stages, on July 6 and 11, and leads the green jersey competition for best sprinter.

Mark Cavendish, 39, of Britain, has never been a contender to win the Tour, but his sprinting prowess had earned him 34 stage victories over the years, tying the 1970s superstar Eddy Merckx for most stage wins in Tour history. Win No. 34 came in 2021. Cavendish did not race in 2022 and crashed out in 2023, so he had to wait until this year, his 15th Tour, to break the record and win his 35th career stage. He did so on July 3.

“Every little detail has been put toward specifically today. You see what this means. It doesn’t mean we are going to be top of the U.C.I. rankings or anything,” he said, referring to the international cycling rankings . “But the Tour de France is bigger than cycling isn’t it?”

On the day of Girmay’s historic win, Richard Carapaz became the first Ecuadorean cyclist to wear the yellow jersey, albeit briefly.

There’s a duel within the race.

If there were any doubt that the race for yellow was strictly between Pogacar and Vingegaard, it was laid to rest on Wednesday, in the Tour’s second big mountain stage. With about 20 miles to go on the Pas de Peyrol, a mountain pass, a group of elite cyclists caught the last breakaway rider and then Pogacar struck, making his move up the steep grade. Vingegaard pursued, but fell about 30 seconds behind.

The stage was not over, however. Vingegaard chased Pogacar down, and the two contenders raced side by side through the Massif Central with the rest of the world’s great cyclists well behind them.

Vingegaard, whose fitness was a question heading into the Tour after he broke his collarbone in a crash in April, got the psychological boost by winning the final sprint by mere inches. Going into Friday’s flat stage in southern France, Vingegaard still trailed Pogacar overall by 1 minute 14 seconds. (Evenepoel was actually in second, 1:06 back, but because he can’t match the big two in the high mountains, he is probably racing for third place.)

Riders approach the Mediterranean finish line.

On Saturday in the Pyrenees, though, a 1:14 lead may suddenly look like nothing. First the riders will climb one of the Tour’s most fearsome mountains, the Tourmalet. Then, after another tough climb and two speedy descents, the stage will finish on the slopes of the Pla d’Adet, another mountain.

The Tour cheerily describes this stage as “a festival of summits.” Few of the riders will be enjoying themselves.

There are more tough climbs on Sunday, as well as on July 17, 19 (including Cime de la Bonette, the Tour’s high point at 9,193 feet) and 20. Crucially, several of these stages have an uphill finish. With no flat or downhill stretch after the final climb for the weaker climbers to catch up, the strongest men will benefit.

And it will all play out in the heat of southern France: Temperatures have been in the upper 80s Fahrenheit recently, causing a few riders to drop out.

On July 21, the Tour will come to an unusual end with a time trial. And in a first, the race will finish in Nice, rather than Paris, to steer clear of the coming Summer Olympics. After more than 2,000 miles, there will be a winner.

All the mountain racing may decide the Tour before then. But given that both Pogacar and Vingegaard are riding well, and that oddsmakers are currently calling the race a tossup, the time trial could be a dramatic finish.

That would evoke the closest Tour in history, which happened to be the last time a Tour ended with a time trial. In 1989, Greg LeMond, an American, made up a 50-second deficit to the French cyclist Laurent Fignon, winning by just eight seconds.

Victor Mather, who has been a reporter and editor at The Times for 25 years, covers sports and breaking news. More about Victor Mather


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Pogacar wins mountainous 14th stage of Tour de France to extend overall lead over Vingegaard


Stage winner Slovenia’s Tadej Pogacar, wearing the overall leader’s yellow jersey, celebrates after crossing the finish line during the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (Stephane Mahe/Pool Photo via AP)

Stage winner Slovenia’s Tadej Pogacar, wearing the overall leader’s yellow jersey, celebrates as he crosses the finish line during the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard crosses the finish line with a delay on his main rival during the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Ireland’s Ben Healy was awarded the most combative rider of the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard arrives for the start of the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)

Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard, cente,r is followed by teammate Netherlands’ Wilco Kelderman as they speed downhill during the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)

Denmark’s Jonas Vingegaard, center front, leads before Belgium’s Remco Evenepoel, wearing the best young rider’s white jersey, and Slovenia’s Tadej Pogacar, wearing the overall leader’s yellow jersey, right, as they climb Col du Tourmalet pass during the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet, France, Saturday, July 13, 2024. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole)

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SAINT-LARY-SOULAN PLA D’ADET, France (AP) — Two-time champion Tadej Pogacar surged ahead on the last climb to win the mountainous 14th stage of the Tour de France and extend his overall lead to nearly two minutes on Saturday.

The elite climbers’ duel between Pogacar and the two-time defending champion Jonas Vingegaard finally came when Pogacar peeled away with about five kilometers (three miles) left.

“I love racing on instinct,” Pogacar said. “Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but I love it that way.”

Pogacar caught up with and overtook his UAE Emirates teammate Adam Yates, while Vingegaard was initially dropped but showed good composure to limit the damage.

The Dane crossed the line 39 seconds behind the Slovenian Pogacar, who completed the 152-kilometer (99-mile) trek in just over four hours.

“Let’s keep this positive energy so we can win more,” Pogacar said. “I was feeling really good today.”

Remco Evenepoel of Belgium was third and dropped to third overall behind Vingegaard.

“I stayed with him a little but he rode faster and faster and I was dropped,” Evenepoel said. “The pace was very high.”


After about two hours riders reached the first of the day’s two big “hors catégorie” (beyond category) climbs — a 19-kilometer (12-mile) grind up the Col du Tourmalet, one of the race’s most famed Pyrenean climbs.

The second HC climb to the finish at Saint-Lary-Soulan Pla d’Adet was shorter at 10.6 kilometers (seven miles) but with a steeper gradient.

Irishman Ben Healy attacked first but was caught by Yates, who set up Pogacar for his 13th stage win of his Tour career.

“Thanks to all the team, especially Adam,” said Pogacar, who won his second Tour in 2021.

Time bonuses for the victory added four valuable seconds and extended Pogacar’s lead over Vingegaard to 1 minute, 57 seconds.

“It’s a good lead, but you never know,” Pogacar said. “There is a long way to go.”

Evenepoel was 2:22 behind Pogacar heading into another big mountain stage on Sunday.

A group of 10 riders formed a breakaway in Saturday’s stage, moving four minutes ahead of the yellow jersey group approaching the Tourmalet ascent.

But with Nils Politt riding tempo for Pogacar’s team, the breakaway soon shredded to five riders, including Healy.

Approaching the final climb, Healy attacked and the four others could not follow.

Healy had a chance to win his first Tour stage and a second in major races following a stage win at the Giro d’Italia last year. But those hopes ended when Yates, followed by Pogacar, overtook him.

Their attack seemed to surprise Vingegaard, who beat Pogacar to win Stage 11 on Wednesday, and it looked like he would lose significantly more time. But a strong response from the Team Jumbo Visma rider helped him stay within one minute of Pogacar.

Eritrean cyclist Biniam Girmay, who has won three stages, retained the best sprinter’s green jersey.

Sunday’s 15th stage — which falls on Bastille Day, France’s national day — features four big climbs before an even harder grind up to Plateau de Beille.

Monday is the second rest day of the three-week race, which this year finishes in Nice rather than Paris because of the Olympic Games . ___

AP sports: https://apnews.com/hub/apf-sports

tour de moto

2024 Tour de France: Schedule, classification, and how to watch remaining stages

tour de moto

The 2024 Tour de France is halfway through but provided plenty of thrilling action from the first 12 stages. Biniam Girmay became the first black African cyclist to win a Tour de France stage with his Stage 3 win. He followed that with wins in Stage 8 and Stage 12 to take the lead in the green jersey points classification. Legendary sprinter Mark Cavendish broke the Tour de France record for stage wins with 35 after his victory in Stage 5.

Through 12 stages, two-time winner Tadej Pogačar leads the general classification by one minute and six seconds over Remco Evenepoel. Two-time defending winner Jonas Vingegaard sits a further eight seconds behind in a three-way fight for the yellow jersey.

Tour de France standings, results: Jonas Vingegaard posts emotional Stage 11 win

Here are the current classification leaders:

  • Yellow jersey (general classification): Tadej Pogačar
  • Green jersey (points classification): Biniam Girmay
  • Polka dot jersey (mountains classification): Tadej Pogačar
  • White jersey (young rider classification): Remco Evenepoel
  • Yellow numbers (team classification): UAE Team Emirates
  • Gold numbers (combativity award): Quentin Pacher

'Sorry, but what was that?': Tour de France rider fined for stopping to kiss wife during time trial

How to watch the 2024 Tour de France

NBC Sports holds the U.S. broadcast rights for the 2024 Tour de France. All stages are available to stream on Peacock and fuboTV but two more stages will be broadcast on NBC as well: Stages 14 and 20.

How to watch: Catch the 2024 Tour de France FREE on Fubo

Looking for reliable streaming options? Check out  USA TODAY Home Internet  for broadband service plans in your area.

2024 Tour de France stage schedule, distance, characteristics

  • Coverage begins at 7:30 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 6:30 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 6:55 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 6:50 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 6:05 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 7:05 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 7:35 a.m. ET
  • Coverage begins at 10:10 a.m. ET

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  • Northern Green Spain Motorcycle Tour
  • Essence of Northern Spain Tour
  • The Great Northern Discovery Motorcycle Tour
  • Pyrenees Coast to Coast Motorcycle Tour
  • Perfect Pyrenees Motorcycle Tour


Northern Spain & Pyrenees Motorcycle Tours

Northern Spain is one of the areas with the most cultural, landscape, and even climatological diversity in the entire Iberian Peninsula. Boasting a human presence for 10,000 years, the vestiges of other times remain palpable today. Traveling by motorcycle on the roads of northern Spain is undoubtedly one of the best ways to get to know and experience all that this part of the world has to offer– both geographically and historically.

Here are the most important mountain ranges of the Spanish territory: the Pyrenees, running along the border with France, and the Picos de Europa on the Cantabrian coast. The coastline itself is also remarkable, with a small but wild section in the Mediterranean, and a more extensive coast along the Cantabrian Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in Galicia.

The different civilizations that have inhabited the north of Spain have left their mark throughout the country. Their legacy is still visible in the richness and variety of the architecture, culture and cuisine, as well as in several languages ​​and dialects still used in their original form to this day, along with others that have practically died out.

Some of the most appreciated treasures left to us, especially by lovers of motorcycle travel, are undoubtedly the enormous number of existing roads. Many of the routes we use today were created thanks to the passage of nomadic tribes, travelers, and shepherds over the centuries. There are also many old Roman roads. In both cases, they are paradise to travel on a motorcycle.

The north of Spain has innumerable attributes, among which we must certainly count its famous and varied gastronomy, rich folklore, and charismatic inhabitants. These qualities have made it one of the most sought-after destinations for motorcycle travelers from all over Spain, as well as from other European countries. Although it can rain on occasion, it has a mild climate and is a joy to travel by motorcycle for most of the year.

At IMTBIKE, we have extensive experience organizing guided motorcycle tours in northern Spain. We offer 3 different routes here, and the roads, accommodations, and destinations in each are carefully selected so that those who travel with us by motorcycle through the north of Spain enjoy the best possible experience in this amazing region.

Tours in Northern Spain & Pyrenees Motorcycle Tours


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FIM Touring events give riders the opportunity to travel to established events in various countries, knowing that they can meet new friends that have similar interests involving motorcycle touring. They can travel to these events without the restrictions of fixed routes and schedules allowing riders to explore other countries at their own pace. They will also benefit from learning about great new riding routes and experiences.

CTL events will provide safe and interesting locations to gather with these people to have fun and recreation. It also allows opportunities to learn from experienced touring riders from many different countries. Long time friendships can develop, which can enhance your touring activity. CTL is at present investigating the implementation of a loyalty card that will provide cardholders with many benefits and discounts which will be valuable for touring activity.

In addition to the personal benefits derived from attending these events, there is the knowledge that you are supporting a well established, respected organization that is advocating for motorcycle touring and recreation. FIM is active in road safety promotion, training and government education and lobbying on your behalf. FIM also supports a clean environment and sustainable motorcycling activity. These values are highlighted at all our events along with commitment to fair play and social responsibility.

So why not get involved with FIM and the events sponsored by the CTL? You will be rewarded with new experiences, friends and the knowledge that you are part of an organization that supports and promotes the activities that you, as a motorcyclist, so enjoy.

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What It’s Like to Ride a Race Motorcycle in the Tour de France

A former pro cyclist himself, Bruno Thibout shares the tension and excitement of being in constant pursuit of the peloton

Bruno Thibout motorcycle Tour de France

Thibout was a professional bike racer who himself raced the Tour three times, as well as the Vuelta a España and the Giro d’Italia. After he retired, Thibout felt a sense of yearning for the exhilaration that racing used to provide, and knew that being back in the race convoy was going to be the only way to safeguard his future from boredom. Here he reveals to us what it’s like to be, at times, nearly elbow-to-elbow with the peloton. (Thibout speaks French, so this interview was translated by Seb Piquet, the speaker of Race Radio—see our Q&A with Seb from last week.)

Are all the motorbike pilots ex-pros? Do you you think it makes a difference?

Not all of them, but quite a few are. Being a former rider it makes things a lot easier because you feel things in a different way as a former cyclist, and you know how to adapt in a better way to the peloton. The thing is when you’ve been a professional bike rider you ride your motorbike like you would ride your bicycle—the positioning, the reflexes.

Sometimes I’m driving along right next to the cyclists as if I were one of them, and I can do that because I’m an ex-pro and it comes naturally to me, it feels comfortable.

Do you think the peloton trusts you a lot more because you’re an ex-pro?

I don’t know, I’m not sure they actually know who I am. Some of them do and at the beginning a lot more knew who I was. Guys like [Tony] Gallopin and Phil Gilbert do because I used to ride with them, so yeah they probably trust me more, but the new guys don’t know who I am.

Do they ever get annoyed by you riding close to them?

[Laughs] I’ve had a few issues with some riders, a few rows, but nothing serious. But I’m a former rider, I’m not a motorbike rider who drives alongside them and admires them. I don’t really care, I feel like I’m just next to my fellow riders. So if I need to yell at them then I will, we’re part of the same family.

Do you have to go through any training or do you help train the other motorcyclists? Especially after the accidents that have happened over the past few years?

Good question. It’s an idea I’m actually having right now, to train more motorbike riders. I trained on my own, I’m sort of a self-made motorbike pilot. [As a racer] I always kept an eye on the police motorbikes, the Gendarmerie. I also did two training camps in Fontainebleau with the Gendarmerie, which is organised by ASO.

But I would actually like to set up a training facility where I can train future motorcyclists for the bike races, where eventually they would get a diploma that allows them to drive in the races. I would love that.

What do you think is the most challenging part of the job?

Driving the bike has to be natural, you shouldn’t have to think about it to be able to carry on and do the rest of your job. You have to be able to concentrate on your radio and your task and not on the riding. And for a guy who is not used to descending down the Alps or the Pyrenees it’s not easy when you’re not a natural driver or rider.

Which is scariest descending down a mountain on a road bike or on a motorbike?

On a motorbike, definitely. When you’re driving you have to focus on not being a nuisance to the riders, not putting them in danger, not putting yourself in danger, and thinking about the spectators. You also have to be careful with the TV motorbikes who have priority to film.

I guess you have to pay attention to a lot more on the motorbike.

I have five stopwatches on me, so I have to focus on them and remember which one is which, and on places where I need to stop the stopwatch. For example, a guy on the front motorbike says, “Stop the watch at Rosso’s Italian restaurant.” Then when I get to Rosso’s Italian restaurant I will stop the watch and give the time gap to Seb [Piquet] in the car. Focusing on all these things is tough. On one stage I will do between 200 and 250 time checks.

Wow! Has it ever gone wrong?

[Laughs] Yes it has, because sometimes the stopwatch will be launched on a guy who has an umbrella, for example, and then if he puts the umbrella down or moves, then you can’t see it anymore.

What’s been the biggest thing that has gone wrong?

In the Tour de France one year on Plateau de Beille in the Pyrenees I got one stopwatch wrong so then all the rest were wrong, a knock-on effect. It made a difference of 1 minute 30 and it was a super important stage. Seb [Piquet] was going mad in the car at me.

From all the years that you have been covering the races which has been your most memorable moment?

It’s a memory from when I was driving the motorbike for press. Everyday it’s always the same rider but each day the journalist changes, from different newspapers or photographers. That day I was with a journalist and I decided to go behind the pack which I normally never do. And I said to the journalist, “You’re going to see something that you’ve never seen before,” and suddenly there were echelons everywhere with Contador at the front, and the race was exploding behind. That’s a moment I’ll remember forever.

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When you were riding the press bike, could just any journalist get on the back of your motorbike and ride with you? Do they receive any briefing on how they have to act on the back of the motorbike?

Yeah anyone can be on the bike, they have to get approval through ASO, but I’m the guy who briefs them. They’re given a long-sleeved jacket and a helmet. It’s crazy because they get on the back of a motorbike and are descending at speed down mountains, and they might never have been on the back of a motorbike before, and you’re dealing with their life. You have to be a little bit crazy for this job. But that’s what I love about the it, the exhilaration.

I guess after being a professional cyclist, to go into a job like this is the perfect transition.

It’s exactly that. I like the aspect of danger, functioning on the edge. I need that. If I didn’t have that level of exhilaration in my life I would get bored—and I don’t want to be bored.

So while Seb is in the car and can eat his ham and cornichon sandwiches, what do you do? Do you not eat for the whole stage?

Sometimes we eat but it’ll be when the race is fully established and the break is really far down the road. The problem is I have to eat my sandwich whilst I’m driving. I always have mayonnaise issues because I have to push the mic away from my mouth when I’m eating and then Seb speaks to me and I have to respond instantly. Sometimes there’s food everywhere.

Who is the scariest rider to follow down a descent?

I think Tony Gallopin. He is really good on descents. We were on a descent on the Dauphiné, and I couldn’t get rid of him because he was so fast behind me. The riders who are good on descents, I’ll be pushing everything to the limit just to stay ahead of them.

Besides drafting, is being in front of the rider a benefit to them on a descent because they can see when you’re braking?

Yeah definitely. When I was a rider I would always keep an eye on the Gendarme, because when you see their lights you know when you need to brake. I have so much fun descending with them, it definitely stops life from being boring,

preview for HDM All Sections Playlist - Bicycling

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Cycling-Philipsen Sprints to Tour De France Stage 13 Victory


Cycling - Tour de France - Stage 13 - Agen to Pau - Agen, France - July 12, 2024 Alpecin - Deceuninck's Jasper Philipsen celebrates winning stage 13 REUTERS/Molly Darlington

(Reuters) - Jasper Philipsen of Alpecin-Deceuninck won Friday's stage 13 of the Tour de France, a 165km flat ride from Agen to Pau, pipping Wout Van Aert to the line in a crash-marred sprint finale to win his second stage in four days.

Pascal Ackerman was third while Biniam Girmay, who has won three stages so far, was fourth.

(Reporting by Rohith Nair in Bengaluru; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Beverly "Cookie" Grant reacts to the Fanflashtic experience, an operational replica of one constructed at the Woodstock Music and Art Fair, at the Museum At Bethel Woods, Friday, June 14, 2024, in Bethel, N.Y. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

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Reporting by Anita Kobylinska in Gdansk, additional reporting by Vincent Daheron; Editing by Toby Chopra and Alison Williams

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We know Tibet, Southeast Asia and China intimately – each route is carefully planned, tested and selected. Just like the hotels, sights and restaurants.

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Our own fleet of BMW motorcycles and enduro bikes are waiting for you. Technically perfect and equipped with travel equipment such as side boxes and crash bars.

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English speaking guides on own motorcycle guide you. With their many years of experience, you can rely on them 100%. In addition, a first-class road manager and local guides are there to assist you.

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All trips are accompanied by an experienced mechanic. If a repair cannot take place on site, you will continue on a replacement bike. A comfortable service vehicle is available for passengers and luggage.

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The tours are adapted to recommended acclimatization times at high altitudes. In an emergency, a team trained in first aid and a service vehicle are at your side.

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Tibetmoto Tours is a German managed company based in the European Union, China and Thailand. With our local offices in Asia, we have unique access to all destinations and with our headquarters in the E.U. our customers enjoy booking security.

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Tibetmoto Tours

Motorcycle adventures in tibet, china & southeast asia.

Tibetmoto Tours was founded in 2010 in the Tibetan old town of Shangri-la in the southwest Chinese province of Yunnan. After an initial start-up phase with numerous scouting and expedition tours to the provinces of Tibet, Sichuan, Qinghai and Guangxi, we organized the first tours in 2011. Shangri-la is located at the foothills of the Himalayas at 3,300 meters and is the ideal starting point for motorcycle tours in this unique landscape; in the north Shangri-la borders on Tibet, in the West its sharing a provincial border with Sichuan, in the south it borders on the Chinese-influenced subtropics. In addition, Shangri-la is surrounded by wild mountain ranges, grasslands, deep gorges such as the Tiger Leaping Gorge and the mighty Yangtze and Mekong rivers. A perfect start and end point for BMW motorcycle tours in China and Tibet. Since then Tibetmoto Tours conducted more than 100 tours and served 1,300 riders from 19 countries.

In 2019 Tibetmoto Tours opened a new company with licenses from the Department of Business Development (DBD) and Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT). The new motorcycle base with attached garage and workshop is located in Chiang Mai, Thailand. From here motorcycle tours to the region of Thailand and Southeast Asia are organized, many tours start or end in Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai is located in the mountainous north of Thailand near the Golden Triangle and borders Myanmar and Laos. The borders with China, Vietnam and Cambodia are not far away and offer endless possibilities for motorcycle tours in one of the most beautiful and diverse areas in the world. Tibetmoto Tours is the sister company of Classic Bike Adventure . Many tours are carried out and organized together. We exchange our know-how and train our team across borders.

Tibetmoto Tours is an official partner of BMW Motorrad and conducts selected motorcycle tours with certified BMW Motorrad tour guides who have completed training at the BWM International Tourguide Academy. All tours meet the high standard of BMW Motorrad in terms of professional tour guidance, condition of the motorcycles, accommodation and safety.

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China Office: Dali Yema Tourism Culture Development Co., Ltd. No. 14 Nanmenxincun, 671003 Dali Old Town, Dali, Yunnan Province People´s Republic of China

Thailand Office: Classic Bike Adventure Co., Ltd. 153/22, No 8, Nongchom, Sansai, Chiang Mai 50210, Thailand Thailand Commercial Register Number: 0505562017968 Tourism of Thailand License Number: 21/00947

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Our enthusiasm for China, Tibet and Southeast Asia, for the breathtaking landscapes, the panoramic roads, mountain passes and above all the people and their culture continues even after 10 years and many successful and unforgettable motorcycle tours. Tibetmoto Tours was founded out of a passion for motorcycling and we want to bring you closer to the most beautiful roads, routes and sights of a region – with technically perfect motorcycles, tried and tested routes, selected hotels and boutique guest houses and an experienced team of tour guides, road managers and mechanics.

The Tibetmoto Tours Travel Concept

Everything starts with your travel request.

Good and informative advice with reliable and timely information via email and/or telephone is our priority. Thanks to our local knowledge and transparent terms and conditions, we offer you valuable first-hand information, because our offices are directly on site in India, China and Thailand.

With us you get everything you need for your trip – excellent travel advice, all tour bookings, your own tour guide and on-site services. Being a tour operator enables us to ensure the same high standard on all tours – private and group tours. Do not hesitate to contact us! We advise you individually, create your personal adventure and make your trip unforgettable!

To make the decision easy we have classified our motorcycle tours!

Our four travel styles give you a frame of reference on the number of points of interest and unpaved roads that await you, how challenging the tour will be, and how many hours in the saddle you can expect every day. This will help you to book the tour that’s right for you. More information about the individual icons and our concept can be found here .

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Four Ways to Travel

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We prepare our adventure tours carefully, yet they still have scope for unforeseen events. In particular the high-altitude terrain and its forces of nature, remote regions or foreign peoples can always offer new experiences or challenges. According to the motto “The journey is the reward”,  we offer a spectacular riding experience with team spirit, as well as fun in new situations on slopes and unpaved road conditions. We also plan a simply overnight stay in exiting, remote locations – pure adventure!

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On our discovery tours, we create a balance between riding time, riding fun, dreamy landscapes and carefully selected country and mountain roads. You will get to know the country and its people, as well as discover foreign customs and cultures. Those keen to explore will get their money’s worth here: Sights such as temples or half-forgotten ruined cities can be explored from the back of a motorcycle – without having to forego the comfort of a beautiful accommodation.

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Riding a motorcycle and relax? Why not? On these tours there is a lot of time to relax in selected hotels, mountain resorts or beach bungalows after exciting riding days. The daily riding distances are manageable and the terrain is less demanding. This leaves more time to enjoy, relax and get to know the country, its culture and sights.

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Would you like to experience this tour as a private trip with your friends or family? Luxury or “the hard way”? – No problem. We would be happy to advise you in detail and individually. We can also shorten or lengthen your selected tour and adapt it to your wishes in terms of routing and hotels. If you are interested, look out for this symbol!

What awaits you in Tibet, Thailand & China

We are the official partner of BMW Motorrad and conduct BMW Motorycle tours in different parts of China including Tibet, Yunnan, Sichuan, Qinghai, Guangxi and Guizhou. Tibetmoto Tours is an experienced operator of organized motorbike tours in Tibet, China and Thailand. Every motorcycle tour, whether in Southwest China, Tibet, Thailand or elsewhere in Southeast Asia, is led by an experienced motorcycle tour guide who has several years of experience. In addition, all of our tour guides are trained by our team so that each of our tours achieves the same high standard. Our team can guide even the most demanding tours. Decisions are made confidently even when difficulties arise that can occur during adventure and discovery trips. You are in the best hands – our motorcycle tour guides are professionals!

Our tour guides all have their own style, but many have in common that they like to promote “easy riding”. The tour guide does not ride ahead during the motorbike tour but among the tour group riders and clearly recognizable stops where the group comes together again are discussed in the morning briefing. This type of travel has the advantage that the riders can organize photo stops or short breaks themselves, an inevitable trip behind the tour guide is not mandatory. But of course this is also possible, if desired.

All BMW motorcycle tours take place with a comfortable support vehicle. Luggage and pillions have plenty of space in the service vehicle and all pillions have a guaranteed seat.

The support vehicle can also be used to comfortably reach sights or restaurants for dinner if the motorcycle has already been parked for the night.

Every tour is accompanied by an experienced mechanic who can do repairs on site. Should it happen that a motorcycle cannot be repaired immediately, we will provide you with a replacement motorcycle, and the repair will take place in the hotel upon arrival. The replacement motorcycle can be used immediately – so you hardly miss a single curve on your trip.

Excellent hotels and great food are also important aspects of any trip with Tibetmoto Tours. We like to stay in selected charming boutique hotels, but of course this is not always possible in remote areas. There we choose the best hotel or guest house the destination has to offer. But also a simple overnight stay, such as the modest monastery guesthouse at Rongbuk Monastery on 4,900 meters at the foot of Mount Everest, is a real highlight since you have views onto the highest mountain on earth.

Whichever Tibetmoto Tours motorcycle tour you choose – adventures, first-class discoveries and fantastic experiences await you!

BMW Motorcycle Tours in China

Tibetmoto Tours has been organizing BMW motorcycle tours in China for many years, especially in the southwest of the country, in the provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Qinghai, Guangxi and Guizhou. One of our most popular motorcycle tours is our South of the Clouds Yunnan Motorbike Tour , which leads through the spectacular subtropical province of Yunnan and does not leave out any of the numerous highlights. Yunnan is so stunning that many travel guides consider it the most beautiful of all Chinese provinces. The tour begins at an altitude of 3,300 meters in the Tibetan old town of mystical Shangri-La, which is entirely made of wood, in the eastern Himalayas. From there we ride into the Tiger Leaping Gorge, one of the deepest canyons in the world, and on to Lake Lugu, whose shores are inhabited by the Mosu ethnic minority. Of course, the UNESCO World Heritage city of Lijiang is just as important as Dali or Shaxi, where we follow the historic Tea Horse Trade Route that once connected Myanmar and India with southwest China. The Indians traded in tea, the Chinese traded silk and the Burmese traded jade. The highlight of the tour is surely the overnight stay with our Tibetan host family on the banks of the upper reaches of the Mekong river in a traditional farm house, the visit to Mt. Kawa Karpo with fantastic views of the 6,740 meter high mountain peak and glacier and the ride along the Mekong and Yangtze to the 4,292 meters high pass of the White Horse in the Himalayas. Motorcycling can hardly be more beautiful!

Our tour On the Dragon´s Backbone Motorbike Tour leads through the almost tropical landscapes of the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi to Yangshuo, a place that inspires with its gentle beauty and bizarre karst formations. One of the highlights of this BMW Motorbike tour is the world’s largest rice terraces at Yuanyang of the Hani minority, which took 500 years to complete and which we will visit by motorcycle after our tour start in Hong Kong. The route leads across the smallest mountain roads from Kunming and we visit Luoping, the national park near Leye and the wind and rain bridge near Chengyang. Then we reach the rice terraces at Longji, which means “backbone of the dragon” and gave the tour its name – because the landscape and the tiny mountain roads look exactly like the rugged terrain of a Dragon´s body. At the end of the tour we reach Yangshuo and enjoy a raft ride on the famous Li river with fabulous views.

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The At the Roof of the World Tour is one of the most special tours from our BMW motorcycle tour program in China. It leads through the largely unknown provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai, which are inhabited by Tibetans and are on average 3,000 meters above sea level – or even higher. Many 5,000-meter-high passes are waiting, but first you fly from Shanghai to Lijiang. After leaving Lijiang we enter the Himalayas we reach a 5,100-meter-high pass near Litang, birthplace of the seventh D.L., after crossing the lake plateau “Haizi” – a high plateau beyond 4,000 meters dotted with small lakes. Along the monasteries that sit on the endless grasslands of Qinghai, inhabited by yaks, we ride to Sertar, the largest monastery complex in the world. We cross the Yangtze River twice and then reach Langmusi, also an ancient monastery where hundreds of Buddhist monks live and pray. The tour ends in Xining, provincial capital of Qinghai, but only after visiting the largest lake in the Himalayas, Qinghai Lake. A wonderful journey through the most remote and undiscovered areas of China.

But we also offer Overland Tours through China . Either for individuals driving their own vehicle, for example via the popular entry border Torugart Pass or Irkestam near Kyrgyzstan or Mohan from Laos – numerous borders are available. In case you are looking for adventure, you can book our silk road motorcycle tour along the Silk Road from Munich to Kashgar in China and further up to Tibet.

BMW Motorbike Tours in Tibet

Tibet is one of the most spectacular regions in the world and a visit to the Base Camp of Mount Everest is at the top of the bucket list for many. And what could be more breathtaking in the sense of the word than riding a BMW motorcycle to an altitude of 5,200 meters? Our Everest Base Camp Motorcycle Tour focuses on exactly that: Tibet by motorcycle with all the highlights that the Roof of the World has to offer, and of course a ride to the Base Camp of Mount Everest is not missing. On this trip, Chengdu is the starting point and the next day the plane leaves for Lhasa. After a some acclimatization we ride to Gyangze and visit the Palcho Monastery and along the Yamdrok Lake, a spectacular azure blue mountain lake, to Sakya Monastery and further up to the Everest Base Camp, where we spend the night at 4,900 meters in the guest house of Rongbuk Monastery. We return to Lhasa via Xigatze and Lake Namtso, a wonderful mountain lake with a 5,100 meter high pass.

On our new Shangri-la To Lhasa East Tibet Motorcycle Tour , the focus is on the Eastern Himalayas. From Shangri-la we ride up high along the rivers Yangtze, Mekong and Salween – on dreamlike routes without traffic. We start our motorbike tour at the southeastern foothills of the Himalayan Mountain range and ride up to the high plateau of the Roof of the World via Zuogong, Lake Ranwu, Lulang (Switzerland of the Orient), and over hundreds of curves parallel to the Nepalese-Chinese border to Everest Base Camp.

Our Kailash Motorcycle Tour takes you on selected routes in the west of Tibet to the holy Mt. Kailash. Visits to the equally sacred Manasarovar Lake, Saga, Nyima, Lake Serling and the forgotten Kingdom of Guge near Zanda are of course also included. Back to Lhasa we take a dreamlike route along the highest mountains in the world Shisha Pangma, Cho Oyu, Everest, Lhotse and Makalu.

Of course, Tibet is also a popular destination for Overland travelers with their own vehicle. Many drive to China via Kashgar on the Silk Road and then across the Tibetan high plateau to Nepal – we are happy to help with that too. Another point to note is that China does not recognize an International Driving Permit or License. Hence you have to get a Chinese driving license . But if you go on a tour with us, we will handle that for you.

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Motorcycle Tours in Thailand

Thailand motorcycle tours are among the most popular motorcycle tours in Asia and especially Southeast Asia. Thailand simply has everything a dream destination has to offer. Endless white sandy beaches near Phuket, Ko Samui or Krabi, a fascinating culture, golden temples, very good food, from seafood to noodles and curries and of course wonderful mountainous landscapes in the north for motorcyclists. We integrate all of these points into our motorcycle tours in Thailand, for example on our Thailand Golden Triangle Motorcycle Tour . From Chiang Mai, the “capital of the north” with its 800 temples, colorful night markets and busy streets, we start, first to the Golden Triangle, world-famous for the former Opium production, and then down to the Mekong – the lifeline of Southeast Asia. The winding roads near Nan also inspire well-traveled motorcyclists, they are among the most beautiful roads in Southeast Asia, on which the quickly successive curves trigger enthusiasm. After visiting Sukhothai, the former capital of Thailand with its exciting cultural highlights and ruins, we ride to the world-famous Mae Hong Son Loop, on which we head to the city of the same name and of course Pai, a hippie paradise in the mountains, leave nothing out. The trip ends in Chiang Mai again and we have time to enjoy the multi-faceted old town with its colorful temples.

Beside this tour, we also offer 5 days, 7 days and 10 days long tours – all different and exiting. Thailand is also suitable for overland travelers with their own vehicle. No matter which border, we make Thailand overland travel through the tropical paradise possible.


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    Our guided motorcycle tours allow you to truly enjoy motorcycling Europe in style. We'll greet you at the airport, provide you with a late model motorcycle, and put you up in-style in the best hotels ... Adriatic Moto Tours. SMTours d.o.o., Trpinčeva 37a 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, EU. Newsletter. Sign up, and stay up to date on the latest ...

  13. Premium Motorcycle Tours And Rentals Portugal

    Motoxplorers, Lda is a motorcycle tours and rentals company that specialises in organising motorcycle tours worldwide. Partners of BMW Motorrad we offer motorbike hire in Lisbon-Portugal, Guided and Self-Guided Motorcycle Tours. Ride countries like Morocco and Iceland without having to worry with anything. Rent a bike in Lisbon and travel all Europe.

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    Tour de France. Moto 2 : à l'avant du peloton . Cyclisme ; 8 h 11 min ; en direct; tous publics; Suivez le Tour de France au cœur du peloton grâce aux images de la moto 2. En savoir plus. Voir les résultats du Tour de France. L'actualité complète sur France Info. S'inscrire à la newsletter Paris 2024.

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  17. Moto Tours Japan

    Moto Tours Japan, the first official Japanese Ducati Travel Partner, will offer you the unique experience of a Ducati Tour in the Land of the Rising Sun. We can organize tour with any model in Ducati official lineup. The peerless sensation of riding on the Ducati of your dreams to reach Tokyo's futuristic street, ancient and luxurious Kyoto ...

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    Temple of Moto organizes motorcycle tours that combine the most exciting roads together with an unforgettable experience in the Great Outdoors. We offer three styles of tour: Basecamp, Landscape and Custom. Explore them below. All our tours are limited to a maximum of 10 motorcycles, and provide a one-on-one bespoke approach that is unmatched ...

  20. As the Tour de France Climbs Higher, It's a Two-Man Race

    There are more tough climbs on Sunday, as well as on July 17, 19 (including Cime de la Bonette, the Tour's high point at 9,193 feet) and 20. Crucially, several of these stages have an uphill finish.

  21. Tours en Moto en Estados Unidos

    Tour en moto guiado de Costa a Costa - Desde Los Ángeles hasta Orlando. Con Guia. Los Angeles, CA. 17 Días/ 16 Noches. Desde. €5,026.38. Ver Tour ¡Ahorra hasta€1,847.59 por persona hoy! Tour en Moto por la Ruta 66 - Experiencia VIP de Harley-Davidson. Con Guia. Milwaukee, WI. 17 Días/ 16 Noches.

  22. Pogacar wins mountainous 14th stage of Tour de France to extend overall

    Denmark's Jonas Vingegaard, center front, leads before Belgium's Remco Evenepoel, wearing the best young rider's white jersey, and Slovenia's Tadej Pogacar, wearing the overall leader's yellow jersey, right, as they climb Col du Tourmalet pass during the fourteenth stage of the Tour de France cycling race over 151.9 kilometers (94.4 miles) with start in Pau and finish in Saint-Lary ...

  23. Tour de France: How to watch final stages as Pogačar leads

    The 2024 Tour de France is halfway through but provided plenty of thrilling action from the first 12 stages. Biniam Girmay became the first black African cyclist to win a Tour de France stage with ...

  24. Northern Spain & Pyrenees Motorcycle Tours

    Sep. 06 — Sep. 14, 2025. The Great Northern Discovery Motorcycle Tour Complete Northern Spain from Barcelona to Santiago de Compostela. From: € 11180. Start / End Barcelona. Dates: May. 29 — Jun. 21, 2025. Pyrenees Coast to Coast Motorcycle Tour From Barcelona to San Sebastian. From: € 5310. Start / End Barcelona.

  25. Welcome to FIM Touring Home Page!

    FIM is the "Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme" or the International Motorcycling Federation. It was founded in Paris in 1904 and presently consists of more than 100 member countries around the world. FIM is the world advocate for motorcycling activity as well as the governing body for most motorcycle sport.

  26. Day in the Life of a Race Moto Rider at the Tour de France

    This is the life of Tour de France moto rider Bruno Thibout, who informs Radio Tour—the channel that lets everyone know what's happening during each stage of the Tour de France—on what ...

  27. Cycling-Philipsen Sprints to Tour De France Stage 13 Victory

    (Reuters) - Jasper Philipsen of Alpecin-Deceuninck won Friday's stage 13 of the Tour de France, a 165km flat ride from Agen to Pau, pipping Wout Van Aert to the line in a crash-marred sprint ...

  28. Girmay wins Tour de France stage 12, Pogacar remains in yellow

    Item 1 of 4 Cycling - Tour de France - Stage 12 - Aurillac to Villeneuve-sur-Lot - Aurillac, France - July 11, 2024 Intermarche - Wanty's Biniam Girmay is seen after winning stage 12 Pool via ...

  29. 10 Touring Bikes To Buy in 2023

    2023 Kawasaki Ninja H2 SX SE | $28,000 (base); $28,823 (as shown) Cue sad trombone: Kawasaki has officially dropped the Concours 14 from its 2023 lineup. Long a favorite of sport-touring pilots ...

  30. Motorcycle Tours China

    A perfect start and end point for BMW motorcycle tours in China and Tibet. Since then Tibetmoto Tours conducted more than 100 tours and served 1,300 riders from 19 countries. In 2019 Tibetmoto Tours opened a new company with licenses from the Department of Business Development (DBD) and Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT).