motorcycle tour of iceland

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It’s hard to really experience Iceland from the highway and motorcycles just bring us closer to the environment more than any other way of travel.



2024 Tours SOLD OUT


Tour Difficulty: Intermediate – Advanced, Off-Road Trip Distance: 408 Miles Call for pricing

An extreme adventure tour across the South-Central Highlands. This tour takes the road less travelled to some of Iceland’s most famous sights and beyond. We take extreme highland routes and tracks past Geysir, geothermal pools, volcanos and some of Iceland’s most beautiful waterfalls. You will get close to Iceland’s largest glaciers, the monochrome lava desert landscapes and luscious valleys on the south shore. We also visit the Tolkien like landscapes of Lakagígar, which were formed by the world’s largest eruption in historical times. The 26 miles long fissure created an ash cloud that blackened the sky in both London and Moscow in the year 1783.



2024 tours sold out 2025 tours sold out.

Tour Difficulty: Intermediate – Advanced, Off-Road Trip Distance: 491 Miles CALL FOR PRICING

An extended version of our 5 day Geysir, Glacier, Volcanos trip with one additional day. This trip takes us further East on the deserted volcanic mountain ranges of the South East.



2024 tours 11-16 september 1 spot left 2025 tours 1-6 july  2 spots left 14-19 september 11 spots left  .

Tour Difficulty: Advanced Trip Distance: 680.4 Miles CALL FOR PRICING

The ultimate tour in our South-Central Highlands adventure series, crossing from West to East. This tour has it all, every variation of Icelands extreme volcanic landscape, visiting areas where few Icelanders even wander, but also ensures that we get a unique taste of some of Iceland’s most famous landmarks. More rugged roads, more rugged landscapes, more oasis, cold and geothermal water, still and cascading.

You will get close to Iceland’s largest glaciers, including Eyjafjallajökull (yeah, the one causing all the flight disruptions in 2010) and Vatnajökull, Europe’s second largest glacier at almost 2,000,000 acres.



North-west  , dual sport tour from the south to the western fjords    , an icelandx favorite, 2024 tours aug 31-september 8 1-spot left 2025 tours 13-21 june 9 spots left 4-12 september 10 spots left.

Tour Difficulty: Intermediate  (suitable for less experienced off-road riders) Trip Distance: 1,139 Miles Call for pricing

The ultimate tour in our South-Central Highlands adventure series, crossing from West to East. This tour has it all, every variation of Iceland's extreme volcanic landscape, more rugged roads, more rugged landscapes, more oasis, cold and geothermal water and Iceland’s largest glaciers

Mad or Nomad

The Best Motorcycle Routes in Iceland

Iceland is packed with out of this world roads and routes and is an adventure rider’s playground. This detailed guide lists the very best routes and tours for motorcycle riders as well as a list of top destinations. 

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

By Jimmy and Naz

Jimmy and Naz run Freedom Moto Adventures and are experts motorcycle travel in Iceland.

Welcome to Iceland! This guide is an add-on to our comprehensive travel guide for Iceland. Here you’ll find a selection of five incredible routes and a top list of 15 don’t miss destinations. We recommend having a read of the travel guide once you’ve finished here. 

READ MORE: Motorcycle Travel Guide: Iceland

F210 and F232

F210 is one of two roads that cut through the Fjallabak National Park. F210 covers the southern side of the area and offers a compact version of Iceland. As you ride from the west, you will experience hills and canyons and multiple water crossings, including one that is a few hundred meters long ride in the river bed.

As you get closer to the Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, the land gets more barren, and the temperature drops until you reach the point when you’re riding on a black sand desert with white glacier in the short distance and cold mist rolling over the black sand. Occasionally, you will see black hills partially covered in slime green moss.  I have never experienced such a place.  For a moment, you feel like you are on an alien planet.  It’s the kind of place where you find yourself stopping every couple of miles to try and process what you’re seeing. 

As you progress east, you will again enter the canyons and solid lava area until you reach a fork where F232 starts. Follow it and cross the river just meters to the edge of Bláfjallafoss waterfall if you dare. Before you do, check how deep it is. The last thing you want is your beloved machine rolling down the waterfall.

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

F206 and F207

From the ring road, you can turn north into F206, which will take you to the heart of the Laki area (or Lakagígar), a testament to how violent Iceland can be. The area formed by the 1783 eruption, known as Skaftáreldar, when over 130 volcanoes opened, spraying this vast area with magma. Today you can ride between lava fields covered in bright green moss and black sand roads.

The area has some of the roughest F-roads in Iceland, and if you like water, there are many water crossings to conquer. Once you reach the end of F206, you can follow F207 and circle the national park. There is also a very convenient camping place beside the park ranger’s hut. Regardless of whether you stay there overnight, which we recommend (advance booking is needed if you want a solid roof over your head), the only way from there is to ride back the same road you came. So, yet again, you will travel through the lava fields and water crossings, mostly probably marvelling at how different one place can look few hours apart thanks to Mother Nature’s sheer power.

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

Road 61 from Ísafjörður to Hólmavík

Most Icelandic roads follow the coastline, but road 61 is the most spectacular of them all. If you start your ride from Ísafjörður, you will travel through a series of fjords, some as long as 16km. You will have mountains with countless waterfalls on your right hand and the sea to the left.

You will be constantly torn between looking for seals that often inhabit fjords and marvelling at water cascading right next to the road. After the first two, you may have an overbearing sense of deja vu. With mostly empty roads and seemingly repeating views, it’s very easy to lose all sense of time and progress. The perceived monotony is only rarely disturbed by a passing car or a tiny settlement. Roughly halfway through, you will see Litlibær, a small café in an old farm building. It’s the perfect place to stop for coffee and waffles.

Finally, after 200km, the road will rapidly turn right and climb. The road will slowly gain altitude in what feels like a never-ending mountain pass. For the next 30 or so kilometres, you will slowly reach the top of the pass that looks more like a vast plateau than a mountain pass. From there, a rapid descent will start, and soon you will reach the town of Holmavik. Stop there for a night and get a space on the whale-watching boat. The area is a very popular feeding ground for humpbacks.

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

F88 and Odadahraun lava field

The whole area north of Vatnajökull is yet another testament to the power of nature. While a series of fissures have formed the Lakagígar, the Odadahraun was created by a single massive explosion in 1875. The whole area looks like a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Cracked earth, solidified lava and bus-sized rocks that look like they were thrown by a giant’s hand.

The Road F88 will lead you from the ring road all the way to Askja, through the barren desert, through many deep water crossings and lava fields. This road can’t be more different than the F206 we described before. Instead of black sand and green moss, you will see a grey and barren moon-like landscape that feels cold and hostile. For a while, you will be travelling in the shadow of Herðubreið, a massive solitary mountain with the top often hidden in the clouds. When you finally reach Dreki campsite and the ranger’s hut, you will know you are there. Ask the ranger about conditions on Askja and head on to the top. 

Leave your bike at the car park and hike to the caldera. If you are lucky and conditions are favourable, you may jump in the caldera lake’s luke warm waters. Be careful, though, and do not disturb the ghosts of two scientists who disappeared there without a trace in 1907. Refreshed, head back to Dreki for a night.

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

Road 54 from Borgarnes to Stykkishólmur

Visitors often overlook West Fjords and follow the famous Ring Road (road number 1) that follows north from Borgarnes. It’s worth adding a few days to your stay and exploring the area. On the last roundabout in Borgarnes, turn left and follow Road 54. While it may not be Iceland’s most thrilling and spectacular road, it’s an entrance to another experience and adventure. The road will take you across flat pains towards a glistering white peak of Snæfellsjökull at the tip of Snæfellsnes peninsula. As you get closer to the mountains, things will become more interesting. Starting from Gerðuberg Cliffs looming in the distance, the surroundings will become more spectacular with every passing kilometre.

Resist the urge to turn right into very inviting Road 56 and keep straight (there is a nice stop for coffee and soup at the crossroad). You will be rewarded with breathtaking views around you. Stop at Ytri Tunga, a famous beach where you will see seals playing and resting on the rocks and follow towards the mountain growing in front of you. The coastline will grow into tall cliffs, mountains will get closer to the road, and you will want to follow this road forever. Finally, you will reach Bjarnarfoss cascading from the mountain, where the road will leave the coast and start climbing. Here you will be presented with the choice. You can follow and climb the pass or take a left turn and follow road 574 around the white-capped mountain. The choice is yours.

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

Must visit places in Iceland for motorcycle travellers

Listing places to visit in Iceland is nearly impossible. Countless guides cover the Golden Circle and the main tourist attractions. Here is a list of less known places that should not be missed.

Nauthúsagil – a narrow gorge with a beautiful waterfall at the end.

The Commonwealth farm – a less-known replica of a Viking-era farm and stave church with a turf roof.

Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon – beautiful canyon worth the hike.

Lakagígar (or Laki) area – accessible by F206 area covered by black sand and moss covered lava fields.

Landmannalaugar – an area in Fjallabak Nature Reserve with colourful mountains

Stuðlagil canyon – deep river canyon with hexagonal basalt columns

Fjalladýrð – a small village with breathtaking views of Herðubreið mountain and turf-covered houses

Kolugljúfur Canyon – deep canyon with a raging river

Laugarvatn Fontana – a relatively unknown hot springs where you can bathe, and experience traditional bread cooked in hot springs.

Svarta Kaffið – a small place in Reykjavik that serves only one dish, soup in bread. Remember to ask for more butter and lap up the yummy bread bowl to save on washing!

Hellnar – a small town in Snæfellsnes peninsula with a nice hotel and small café between cliffs.

Kaffi Kyrrð – quirky café in Borgarnes

Reykjanes Geothermal Beach – a small beach hidden minutes from Road 61 with thermal vents

Troll Garden – Trolls are a big part of Icelandic folklore so this is a must see for all ages. 

Krauma Natural Geothermal Baths – water originates from Europe’s most powerful hot spring, Deildartunguhver.  Follow a soak in the hot springs with a coffee in the nearby café inside a greenhouse.    

Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

Iceland motorcycle tours

We run motorcycle tours in Iceland as Freedom Moto Adventures. If you’d like to join us, then here are the two Iceland tours we offer that cover these awesome routes: 

Icelandic Explorer is a 14-day road tour that circles Iceland. The route is 3200km long and will take you through the most amazing places, from the must-see tourist attractions to more unknown places. You will enjoy empty roads and breathtaking views. The trip is suitable for all bikes and you will enjoy the comfort of hotels and guest houses.

Iceland Unleashed is a 15-day long adventure that will take you on a 2300km route through Icelandic highlands. We will take you to the most remote parts of Iceland, travel rough F-roads and give you a proper adventure. We will stay in rangers’ huts and mountain shelters.

All our trips include accommodation, support 4×4 to carry luggage and shipping your own bike from the UK and Europe:

About the authors

Jimmy Skowronski and Naz Keceli

You can usually find Jimmy on local lanes in Kent and Surrey in the UK where he leads group rides with Adventure Bros. If not there, he is training in Wales, preparing for a trial or planning his next adventure. Naz jumped on her first bike straight after Covid and is now riding a KTM 890 Adventure R and exploring Iceland. 

The duo run a motorcycle tour company and take adventure riders to Iceland for incredible rides. Check out their awesome tours here:

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Motorcycle Travel Guide Iceland

Read more on motorcycle travel in Iceland and Europe

Thanks for checking out the Motorcycle Travel Guide: Iceland. We hope you enjoyed it! Here’s a few more articles on motorcycle travel in Iceland and Europe that we recommend you read next. 

  • Iceland Motorcycle Guides
  • Motorcycle Travel Guide: Iceland 
  • Iceland Rental and Tour Companies
  • Europe Motorcycle Guides

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Are you planning a motorcycle tour in Iceland? Do you have any questions, tips or suggestions? Let us know in the comments below. 

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Why ride with us

Riding with us is easy and fun. Our rides, short and long, are relaxed and easygoing. Some would call them slow, and they are, but safety and enjoying the ride are the most important for us. This is why we ride in the first place.

The motorcycle offers what no car can ever give you. The ability to stop at the side of the road, look around, take a picture, take a breath and have a cup of coffee. For us to ride slowly is to enjoy the ride. For us, riding is staying connected with the surroundings. We are not riding to get from A to B. We are riding to have a great time.

We will make your trip relaxing and safe with very reasonable daily distances and the Sweet Lamb instructor on hand (for Iceland Unleashed), we will make your experience not only relaxed but also safe. You will have plenty of time to stop, take pictures, enjoy the views and have a coffee whilst looking at the glaciers. When you ride, there will be always help and coaching available.

We won't be the best choice if you are looking for the speed and thrill of skid turns, wheelies, and adrenaline. But if you are looking for a relaxed adventure without being rushed and time to enjoy the magnificent scenery, ride with us.

Together with Sweet Lamb

Together with Sweet Lamb

Our goal is to give you an unforgettable adventure, but two weeks of riding is also great opportunity to grow your skills. For that, we teamed up with Sweet Lamb Adventure Bike Experience to make our adventures a learning experience. Sweet Lamb instructors will assist you on our off-road trips and will give you coaching and support during the trip.

Together with Sweet Lamb

Featured in

Here are links to some places where our trips were featured. Happy reading!

ABR Magazine

  • Featured in "Epic Adventures for 2024" in the Issue 79 of ABR Magazine
  • Take your adventures to the next level with a motorcycle tour of Iceland

Mad or Nomad

  • The Best Motorcycle Routes in Iceland
  • Motorcycle Travel Guide: Iceland

Extreme 6 Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Icelandic Highlands with Waterfalls & Glaciers

motorcycle tour of iceland


Prepare to enjoy a fully loaded 6-day motorcycle adventure taking you on an extreme expedition revealing to you Iceland's stunning nature greatest jewels. You'll be riding on the  KTM 690 R and Husqvarna 701 dual sports bikes making sure you'll have a fully loaded journey. The expert guides that accompany you will navigate and support your expedition needs. 

We will ride out into the depths of wonderful Iceland, the milestones we witness are incredible. We'll ride lava deserts that strike stunning awe, we will ride with majestic glaciers with incredible power, admire the extreme geothermal energy of hot springs and the incredible uses they offer us.

This adventure will have you experience hot geysers shooting water high into the air, waterfalls of incredible beauty and energy of magnificent volcanos with raw crumbling power. This epic journey includes such awesome rides in such awesome locations that experienced riders are completely mind blown with the supreme beauty that Iceland beholds.

The Icelandic highlands are untouched and wild offering the ride of a lifetime as you'll find the whole journey as you can imagine the beauty of riding along glacier lagoons as it is certainly a profound experience that invigorates the spirit. 

This is a well-orchestrated 6-day motorcycle journey through the epic nature of Iceland. You'll be accompanied by expert guides making certain your needs are met as you ride the incredible landscape of Iceland. Special routes have been professionally mapped out by our expert guides so that you really get the best riding experience possible with us. Check availability by choosing a date.


Lakagigur is a row of craters in the South Icelandic Highlands.

Daily itinerary

Wide valleys seen fron high above are a great reason to join a dirt bike tour in the Icelandic highlands

Day 1 - Day 1 - Selfoss to Fremstaver (179 kilometers / 111 miles)

The first day of our incredible 6-day motorcycle ride begins with an awesome trip from the starting point Selfoss to the incredible Gullfoss waterfall. Along with this amazing path, we'll make sure to stop by some remarkably beautiful places. We are talking about the magnificent Nesjavellir, an incredible landscape packed with an enormous amount of geothermal activity making the landscape appear literally stunning.

We'll witness Þingvellir National Park which is the host of the first parliament established on earth. This site has over a thousand years of recorded history and happens to be the exact place where the tectonic plates of America and Europe meet. The site is a UNESCO heritage site and is certainly worthwhile to ride and see the magic ourselves.

After this lava fields and hot erupting springs await you which will truly spark the senses. Finally, Gullfoss the incredible golden waterfall made famous in Iceland by an incredibly bold Icelandic woman who stopped a national company from creating a dam in the river on the sake of the magical Gullfoss. The movie Prometheus used this exact waterfall in an epic scene explaining to us the origins of humans. The guides will tell you more great stuff that you may love to know.

Hvítárvatn cabin is where these travellers will stay, but it is supposedly haunted.

Day 2 - Day 2 - Fremstaver to Sultarfit (192 kilometers / 119 miles)

Get ready to see Hvítarvatn Lagoon, and drive wild in the awesome terrain in the proximity of the phenomenal glacier Langjökull. We'll be crossing a river and examining super hot steam springs connected to huge volcanic systems. We'll ride to see Kerlingafjöll, an incredible stunning mountain range ruling heavenly over its terrain which you will truly enjoy experiencing.

This is a fully packed day of fire and ice in close proximity surrounded by majestic bodies of both glacier and mountain.

Iceland offers intense natural beauty for those willing to seek it out.

Day 3 - Day 3 - Sultarfit to Hungurfit (234 kilometers / 145 miles)

Today we'll ride over one of Iceland's most famous deserts, Sprengisandur, this ride is awesome. This wreckless desert truly hits the spot of this sport. We ride the desert to arrive at Iceland's largest lake Þórisvatn and then to a huge lava field called Veiðvatnahraun at the complete central highlands of Iceland.

What an incredible oasis, the Veiðivötn Lakes carry the best arctic char in the world. Heading on from the lakes to the incredibly powerful Mt.Hekla which is one of Iceland's most scary and most active volcanoes. There is a solid reason why Mt. Hekla is called "The Gateway To Hell".

This is a stunning day to witness all these hidden gems in one day, completely unbelievable. Also, you'll explore an incredibly cool and smart built hydroelectric power plant named Sultartangi. A true day of riding with Power!

Get ready for river crossing! Your feet will get wet!

Day 4 - Day 4 - Hungurfit to Skaftárdalur (171 kilometers / 106 miles)

On day four we'll be exploring the Fjallabak region which translates to Behind The Mountains. The Fjallabak is composed of numerous wild and rugged mountains with deeply incised valleys. Riding this region is epic like the scenes of the Lord of the Ring movies.

We ride into the amazing highlands to find the incredible Landmannalaugar, hot geothermal pools shaped by the powers of nature to create the perfect balance of hot and cold. Bathing in these pools is comforting and relaxing surrounded with the phenomenal landscape. We'll track the Tungnaá River towards Europe's largest glacier Vatnajökull where we will discover the Langisjór Lake.

Riding down from the highlands is a supreme ride all the way as we'll be tracking Skaftá River to the volcano canyon Eldgjá, a 60 kilometres long canyon which is at times up to 600 meters wide and down to 150 meters deep. This awesome canyon was formed in the year 934 during one of Iceland's history largest volcanic eruptions.

A bike standing by a lake, waiting for it's rider to take it out for a spin.

Day 5 - Day 5 - Skaftardalur to Skaftardalur (134 kilometers / 83 miles)

We head out from the farm Skaftárdalur riding east towards Laki, a stunning series of volcanic craters formed in of the world's largest mixed eruptions. Riding this incredibly vast lava field is an amazing riding experience. This incredible amount of lava came rushing forth from the highlands down to the plains of a small town called Kirkjubæjarklaustur in the year 1783. Amazingly so, all the townsfolk had gathered in the town church asking divine intervention, and behold, the lava rushing forth stopped roughly one hundred meters from the church.

The contrast in the landscape is like no other and the vantage points we will get as we ride the best routes are incredible. We will be observing Fagrifoss waterfall which name's translates exactly to Beautiful Waterfall. Fjarðrárgljúfur Canyon is a remarkable canyon carved by the Fjaðraá over great lengths of time making the area resonate with a great beauty which certainly reminds of magic. Riding these fantastic routes on the fully equipped motorcycles is an unforgettable experience.

Open road, and a large mountain. No, you can't ride up the mountain, but you can ride the open road.

Day 6 - Day 6 - Skaftardalur to Selfoss (200 kilometers / 124 miles)

On the sixth and last day of our epic motorcycle exploration of Iceland, we head out from the farm in Kirkjubæjarklaustur with our sights on Vík. The route to the village Vík offers us a perfect coastline exploration to the extremely stunning Reynisdrangar Basalt Sea Stacks, these are tall rock formations standing straight up into the air in one of Iceland's most dangerous beaches, the black beach Reynisfjara. Follow your expert guide's instructions at all times.

You'll ride the dark sand to the incredibly luscious and green Skógarfoss Waterfall who reigns high and mighty in the Eyjafjallajökull region. The landscape we'll be riding together is breathtakingly beautiful and we'll find our way to Seljavallalaug, an old mountain swimming pool where we will bathe in together after the incredible ride. This epic day will have you mesmerized as we ride out secret trails in wicked cool landscapes to witness stellar sights and bathe in phenomenal geothermal waters. The trip ends where we started at Selfoss village once we've truly invigorated our spirits.

What to bring

Good to know.

All participants must bring their own full riding gear. If you are unsure about your gear, don’t hesitate to contact us. Please note that a valid motorcycle driving licence is required for this tour.

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The Best Motorbiking Tours in Iceland

Motorbike tours are immensely popular in Iceland, and it is easy to see why. This tour gives you, the traveler, full control of a vehicle that can take you anywhere you want to go, on or off. The best Motorbiking Tours in Iceland are the ones that let you experience Iceland for yourself while planning out the route and keeping you safe.

A motorbiking tour price range is around $2000 to $5000 for most guided tours, while self-guided ones can be slightly cheaper. These tours will last an average of six to eight days, and at least ten or more motorbiking tours are ongoing each month in Iceland . While these tours are generally safe for travelers, they do often feature off-road wilderness sections that can be dangerous. The weather in Iceland can be tricky to navigate, causing problems for travelers in an instant.

Many motorbiking tours will start at various stations, including Reykjavík, Selfoss, and the Golden Circle in southern Iceland. Motorbiking tours typically originate from these places because they are popular and have a higher population density than other areas.

If you are interested in determining what the best motorbike tours in Iceland are for you, then keep reading!

1. 6 days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour (South Iceland, July-August)

The six days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure is a cross-country motorcycle trip that offers scenic rides across Iceland’s ring road. Many reviewers of this tour praised it as one of the best ways to see and experience Iceland and gave it high marks for its overnight accommodations and off-road riding. 

This tour costs $4954 per person and lasts for six days. Your adventure will take place in the summer months of Iceland, where the sun is shining brighter and for longer. The price includes five nights in mountain huts where you sleep in sleeping bags. You will also have five breakfasts, six lunches, and five dinners paid for during the trip. This tour also offers an unlimited amount of snacks, coffee, and water for the six-day duration. You will get a motorcycle rented as part of the price, a backup bike, all fuel costs covered, and a support vehicle with a drive in case something goes wrong. The ticket price also covers motorcycle and liability vehicle insurance that protects your vehicle in case of collision or medical costs.

Your tour begins in Reykjavík, where you will be picked up from your accommodations and driven to Selfoss . From there, you will encounter many sights on your six-day journey, including:

  • Selfoss: A town in Iceland that sits on the famous ring road that leads to every area of Iceland. It gets its name from its proximity to many popular waterfalls, which is what ‘foss’ means in Icelandic. However, the town itself is built on a flat river , which ironically does not lead to a waterfall.
  • Mt Hekla: An Iceland volcano that is one of Iceland’s most active volcanoes. It has had over 20 eruptions since the middle ages and gained a reputation in ancient times from the Icelandic Norse people as the ‘Gateway to Hell.’
  • Langisjór Lake : A mysterious lake in the highlands of Iceland, one of the country’s largest natural lakes. Despite being so big, it is nearly impossible to see unless you travel close to the edge of the water. It is mysterious because it was not discovered until the 1800s because no one had bothered to adventure that far into the highlands. Even to this day, it is hard to find even if you know where to look for it.

Your tour ends with back in Selfoss, where you will be driven back to your accommodation in Reykjavík.

There are a few things to consider before booking the tour. This tour does not cover the cost of riding gear and helmets, and any flights into Iceland are not included as part of the ticket price. Also, this tour will not pay for any additional accommodations you need on the trip. You will also need to remember that the weather in Iceland can vary daily, and Iceland gets a lot of precipitation, even during the summer. As a traveler in Iceland, you will want to pack waterproof socks and clothing. Also, your tour will often stop at places offering pools, hot tubs, or bathing, so you want to pack a swimming suit. Another thing to remember is that while hotel pickup is included in the tour, airport transfer is not.

2. Extreme 6-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Icelandic Highlands with Waterfalls & Glaciers (South Iceland, July-October)

The Extreme 6 Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Icelandic Highlands with Waterfalls & Glaciers is an excellent and fully-loaded motorbike adventure that manages to fit in Iceland’s most remarkable natural attractions. People who went on this tour liked how in-depth the tour was and complemented how through the guides were.

This tour costs $4,960 per person and lasts for six days. The tour covers a majority of the popular locales in South Iceland between July and October. There is no minimum age for this tour, so kids are welcome to join as well. Because of this, this is an excellent tour for families, couples, and anybody who can handle a motorbiking challenge. This tour is physically demanding, taking many off-road trails and consisting of multiple-hour drives over several days.

The tour includes a pick-up at any Reykjavík hotel at the start of the tour and a drop-off back to a hotel after the last day of the tour. The tour also includes five nights of accommodations in mountain hut dorms with sleeping bags and mattresses. During the tour, you will be treated to five breakfasts, six lunches, and six dinners. You will also have unlimited access to snacks while driving and coffee and water for six days. Your tour package also provides a rental for a Husky 701 motorcycle, a punchy bike with impressive performance both on the road and off the road, and delivers a smooth ride.

The ticket price for the tour also covers fuel for your motorcycle, motorcycle insurance, a backup motorcycle, and a support driver. Your tour will include an expert guide who speaks English and Icelandic. This tour is also great because it has a flexible starting time, meaning you can travel as long as you want in Iceland’s capital before going on your motorbike adventure.

You should be aware that you will need to bring some things on tour yourself, as the tour doesn’t provide everything. You will need to bring your own full set of riding gear along with a motocross helmet. You will also need to provide proof of driving in the form of an international driver’s license. The weather conditions of Iceland can be unpredictable, so your group may need to change routes or delay travel when the conditions turn harsh. Also, airport transfer is not included in the tour package, so you will need to pay for your own transfer to your accommodation or arrange a way to get to the meeting place for the tour.

The tour begins with you being picked up at Reykjavík accommodation. After your pickup, you will be driven to Selfoss, where you will meet your bike and instructor and get a brief rundown on the route and itinerary. After introductions, you and your group will ride out across Iceland on a well-orchestrated journey, seeing many mind-blowing sights, including:

  • Day One: Your group will set out towards the incredible Gullfoss waterfall , one of Iceland’s most iconic falls that are known as the ‘Golden Falls.’
  • Day Two: On the next day, your group will travel to the Hvítarvatn Lagoon, a beautiful glacier lake in the highlands that is the main source for some of Iceland’s largest rivers.
  • Day Three: The group will then travel towards Sprengisandur, one of Iceland’s famous deserts. It is a reckless area that adds some extra difficulty to the tour.
  • Day Four: After the desert, you will head to the ‘Behind The Mountains’ region. This area is known for its rugged mountain paths and deep valleys. Many travelers find this section of the tour epic like it is out of a movie.
  • Day Five: Your group will then head toward Laki, where you can see stunning volcanic craters, lava fields, and the gorgeous Fjarðrárgljúfur Canyon .
  • Day Six: The last day of the tour will see your group exploring the coastline and getting a glimpse of the fantastic Reynisdrangar Basalt Sea Stacks and Iceland’s back sand beaches. The trip ends once the group arrives back at Selfoss, where you can bathe in geothermal water before being dropped off back in Reykjavík.

3. Thrilling 7-Day Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Westfjords with Waterfalls & Glaciers (Westfjords, June-October)

The Thrilling 7 Day Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Westfjords is a unique exploration of the one-of-a-kind region that is the Icelandic Westfjords. Travelers who take this tour will be overcome by the beautiful stillness and magnificence of the landscape, creating excellent photo moments and memories throughout the tour.

This tour costs $5492 per person and lasts seven days in western Iceland. The tour is available between June and October and is considered an easy tour fit for inexperienced riders and people who want a more casual experience. There is no minimum age for the tour, so this tour is excellent for families or couples of any age. Included in this tour is an expert tour guide that can safely guide you through the countryside and speaks English and Icelandic. The tour also includes hotel pickup for any accommodation in Reykjavík and a drop-off after the tour is done. This tour also provides six nights in a hotel that covers the tour’s duration and six breakfasts. The tour gives you a seven-day rental for a motorcycle that you can select from several different options. Also included in this tour are motorcycle insurance and fuel for your motorcycle.

Some things to consider on this tour is that the price of lunch, dinner, and snacks is not built into the price of this tour. This means you are responsible for paying for most of your meals while traveling, so you should factor that into the cost of the trip when planning. Also, the tour does not provide any riding gear, so you will either need to rent or bring your own riding gear and helmet along to the tour. Also, all tour participants must have a valid motorcycle license translated into Latin characters to be allowed to drive a motorbike. Make sure you don’t leave home and arrive in Iceland without considering these things.

Your tour begins with a pick-up from your hotel in Reykjavík. From there, a bus will take you and your group to the bike rental base in Selfoss. You will select which bike you wish to rent and meet your instructor and tour guide. This guide will brief you on the route you will take and what you will do in case the weather forces that to change. The guide will also take you through all the safety procedures and local driving rules you will need to follow. After being introduced to the tour and its guide, your group will start heading out. Along the way, you will be able to see many wonderful sights, including:

  • Day One: Your group will follow the F550 mountain road to view the incredible sights of the Langjökull glacier and the surrounding mountains. Along the way, your path will be filled with beauty from birch forests, lava fields, glaciers, lakes, and active volcanoes.
  • Day Two & Three: Next, you will head along the coastline and take a two-day tour of the southern part of the Westfjords. This coastline is home to many faunas living on over a thousand islands in the distance.
  • Day Four: On this day, your group will ride along steep mountain cliffs as you visit one of Iceland’s most beautiful towns: Ísafjörður.
  • Day Five: Your group will ride out from Djúpavík and get a taste of the local culture here by seeing abandoned herring factories and lots with a rich history of local stories, including some haunted stories.
  • Day Six: The tour group will explore the coastline of Drangsnes, which has many remote fishing villages and is home to the adorable puffin. You will also visit the town of Hólmavík, a town where legend says a local defeated the devil through sorcery.
  • Day Seven: As the tour wraps up, you will explore the southern part of Snæfellsnes before returning to your accommodations.

4. Challenging 4-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in Iceland (South Iceland, July-October)

The Challenging 4-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in Iceland is a fantastic trek through lava deserts, glaciers, waterfalls, and active volcanoes in Iceland’s southern region. This tour is famous for its unique water passages that test your motorbike skills in an exciting way that gets your adrenaline pumping. The gravel trails in the remote, desolate highlands give you a sense of awe and smallness as you look out over the landscape.

This tour costs $3,682 per person and lasts for four days. Travelers who sign up for this tour will find a flexible starting time and no minimum age requirements. This tour is considered very demanding, so people who will be driving should be experienced with motorbike driving and confident with rugged trails. This tour can be great for outdoors-oriented families that have experienced motorcycle drivers as members.

The tour includes an option to pick up travelers at the Reykjavík hotel and drop them off in the city after the tour concludes. Travelers will also receive three nights of accommodation in private mountain huts where they will sleep in sleeping bags. The tour also includes three breakfasts, four lunches, four dinners, and any amount of snacks while driving through the Icelandic countryside. Travelers will also be entitled to drink all the water and coffee they need to stay refreshed during the tour. Your tour package will come with a four-day rental of a motorcycle, a backup motorcycle, and motorcycle insurance. The ticket price also includes all fuel-related costs to keep your motorbike running.

This tour does not cover everything, and there are some things you will need to bring to Iceland yourself. You must rent or bring your own motorbike suit, helmet, and safety pads. This gear will need to be checked by your instructor to make sure it meets safety standards. You will want to coordinate with the tour company to ensure your equipment is sufficient; otherwise, you will need to make arrangements to buy some in Iceland or rent some. Also, all drivers of motorbikes in Iceland will need to bring their motorcycle license to be eligible to participate in the tour. Some travelers can be riders, but some tour group members need to be able to drive their motorbikes.

Your tour begins with a pickup in Reykjavík, where you are escorted to Selfoss to pick out your motorbike and meet with your tour group. Once you have arrived at the meeting spot, you will meet your experienced tour guide, who can speak both English and Icelandic. Your guide will take you through the different safety rules and tips to keep your bike on the right path. The guide will also lay out the tour route and go over any contingencies in case the weather causes plans to change. Once your group is ready, you will set out into the wilder parts of South Iceland. Along the way, you will have the opportunity to be up close to many of Iceland’s natural vistas, including the following:

  • Heckla: One of Iceland’s most explosive and powerful volcanoes. In medieval times,s it gained the nickname of ‘the gateway to hell’ because of how ferocious it is. It has erupted nearly thirty times since people first settled in the area. Some of these eruptions have lasted more than thirteen months.
  • Eldgjá: A beautiful canyon area that is the largest volcanic canyon in the world. It covers a significant percentage of the country and is famous for its hot springs. One of the popular attractions in the area, Lakagígar craters, was formed from a spectacular lava eruption.
  • Langisjór: One of Iceland’s highlands that has one of the clearest lakes in the country. It is located between beautiful mountains and is a popular spot for trout fishing.

5. Extreme 3-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Icelandic Highlands with Langjokull & Fjallabak (South Iceland, August-October)

The Extreme 3-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Icelandic Highlands is a thrilling and demanding exploration of the beautiful lava deserts of southern Iceland. People on this tour need a certain amount of skill and a sense of offroad adventure to truly enjoy the sights of beautiful terrain and gorgeous landscapes you have to earn by riding through rugged trailers.

This tour costs $2813 per person and lasts for three days. The tour is available from August to October and takes advantage of the maximum amount of daylight time available to get the most out of each day. This tour has no minimum age but is considered very physically demanding, meaning the tour is not recommended for younger kids who cannot handle long rides on a bike.

This tour includes two nights of accommodation in mountain dorms with sleeping bags. You will also receive two breakfasts, three lunches, and three dinners that will keep you fed during the tour. This tour can work around any dietary restrictions or food allergies you may have to provide you with hearty and satisfying meals that can keep your energy up while you are driving or riding on these intense trails. The tour also includes three days of unlimited coffee, water, snacks, and refreshments to make the journey easier. Your tour ticket also allows you three days of a motorbike rental, insurance, and a backup motorcycle in case something happens to you. The tour will also cover any fuel costs for your bike.

There are a few things to consider before booking this tour. The tour does not include airport transfers, so you will either need to use their Reykjavík pickup service or find your way to the meeting site in Selfoss. Also, the tour does not provide any riding safety gear; you will need to rent or buy your own. The laws in Iceland require you to have adequate safety equipment that your tour guide must approve before you are allowed out on a motorbike. You will also need to bring your motorbike license and have it inspected before you are allowed to drive or rent a motorbike in Iceland. 

Another thing to consider is that Iceland’s weather can be unpredictable, even during summer. Iceland gets many rainy days and precipitation even during the driest months, so you should make plans in case the tour has to be rescheduled or canceled. Driving in the wilderness in Iceland can be dangerous, and weather conditions can often cause a tour to be canceled for safety reasons.

After you arrive in Iceland, your tour will begin with a pickup in Reykjavík. You will be escorted to Selfoss, where you will get familiar with your motorbike rental and meet your expert instructor. This expert guide speaks English and Icelandic and will provide insightful commentary throughout the tour and bring his countless hours of driving experience with him. During this time, the instructor will explain the safety rules and driving tips and check your equipment to ensure it can satisfy safety standards. After the brief tour introduction period, you are reading to experience the wilder side of Iceland! You will explore many unforgettable sights during your journey; your trip itinerary is listed below:

  • Day One: The highlight of this day is Nesjavellir, a stunning geothermal power plant that is in harmony with nature. You will also get to visit the Þingvallavatn great lake.
  • Day Two: After spending a night close to nature, your group will explore Langjökull glacier, which is known for being Iceland’s largest glacier. This glacier also sits on a hot volcano, giving you the perfect view of the extreme results of hot and cold temperatures interacting with the environment.
  • Day Three: The last day is spent in the Fjallabak region, which is known for its treacherous ridges and mountain trails. It is a famous region for being a filming location for the Lord of the Rings series. Your tour group will travel back to Selfoss, and you will be dropped off at your accommodation in Reykjavík

6. Around Iceland Adventure Route Tour (South and North Iceland, May-September)

The Around Iceland Adventure Route Tour is a self-guided motorbike tour that takes you through some of the lesser traveled parts of Iceland to get a more personal or private tour experience. You will explore many remote and spectacular landscapes that are isolated and have sparse populations.

This tour costs $70 and lasts for six days. Since it is a self-guided tour, you have complete freedom of when you want to go and the people you want to bring. This tour is recommended to be taken between May and September because you have the lowest chance of adverse weather, but this tour can be taken during any time of the year. You will travel through 30% gravel and 70% paved roads. 

The tour is recommended for experienced riders and casual passengers. When you sign up for this tour you will get several guarantees and inclusions. The tour includes the GPS route to plan your itinerary, as well as detailed route notes to tell you all of the tips and best places to visit. You also get hotel and guesthouse suggestions to stay at and food recommendations. 

There are a few considerations you must plan out before booking this motorbike tour. This tour does not provide any accommodations, airport transfers, or pickups. Also, the tour package does not include any bike rentals, so you will have to rent the motorbike yourself as well as pay for motorcycle insurance and any fuel costs incurred while traveling. You will also need to bring a motorbike license to be allowed to rent and drive a motorcycle in Iceland. This driver’s license will need to be translated into Latin characters to meet the standards in Iceland. Another consideration to think about is that Iceland’s severe and unpredictable weather can force you to delay, reschedule, or cancel a route while traveling. It is recommended that you hire a personal travel agent while staying in Iceland that can help you sort out your plans in case something unexpected happens.

The tour starts after you arrive in Reykjavík. You will want to spend the night in your hotel and enjoy a relaxing evening to prepare for your motorbike journey. During your journey, you will visit the beautiful vistas of Iceland, including the ones listed below:

  • Geysir: The first geyser discovered and written down in European sources. Its name is where English derives the word geyser. It has been active for more than 10,000 years and stays active thanks to the shifting of tectonic plates and earthquakes.
  • Vatnajokull: The biggest glacier in Europe that covers nearly eight percent of the country of Iceland. It is the source of many of Iceland’s rivers in the area and is responsible for pushing volcanic debris out and onto the shores of Iceland when it melts during the summer months.
  • Asbyrgi: A huge canyon formed by catastrophic glacial flooding surrounded by high cliff walls. It is known for its distinct horseshoe shape and distinct thick woodlands that don’t look like any other place in the world. Icelandic legend tells that the valley was formed by Odin’s eight-legged steed, Sleipnir, stomping the ground and leaving a trace of his horseshoe print in the earth.

7. Black Desert Guided Motorcycle Tour (Hekla, July)

The Black Desert Guided Motorcycle Tour is a moderately challenging motorbike tour of the area surrounding Hekla, the most active volcano in Iceland. On this tour, you will almost exclusively ride on volcanic-sand roads and pass valleys and river crossings.

This tour costs $4,393 on average per person and lasts for four days. The tour is offered only in July, so your tour group can take full advantage of the midnight sun for maximum riding time. It is recommended that people signing up for this tour are experienced riders with off road experience. While not professional people can participate, they will have to ride in a support van and miss out on riding on a motorbike. 

The total distance you will be riding is 1350 km or 838 miles. Your group will consist of a minimum of six riders with a maximum of ten. Included in this tour are a bike rental, a bilingual tour leader, and damage insurance. The tour will also include three nights’ hotel accommodation, a support vehicle, fuel costs, and all meals. You will also be able to have access to unlimited refreshments and snacks during the journey. This tour also offers airport transfer and hotel pick-up.

There are a few things this tour does not include in its price. You will have to buy your own personal travel insurance while in Iceland. Also, alcoholic beverages are not included in the cost of your ticket. You will also have to pay for your own flights entering and leaving Iceland. Travelers will also need to bring their own riding safety equipment and helmets for the trip. Be aware that the weather in Iceland can change at the drop of a hat. It is recommended that you hire a personal travel agent that can arrange backup plans in case any of your tours in Iceland fall through.

Your tour begins with your arrival in downtown Reykjavík. During your exciting motorbike adventure, you will go to many places and see Iceland’s natural wonders in the area. Your itinerary is listed below:

  • Day One: You will arrive in Reykjavík and get a chance to spend a relaxing evening with your tour guide and group at a restaurant in the downtown area.
  • Day Two: This will be your first day traveling on your bike, and you will get to zip past lake Kleifarvatn, one of the largest lakes in Iceland. You will also stop to visit Seltun, a geothermal field. For lunch, you will eat delicious lobster soup in the fishing village of Eyrarbakki.
  • Day Three: Next, your group will visit the tour’s highlight, Mt. Hekla. This volcano is a Strato volcano that is the most active in Iceland. It has had over 20 eruptions since the early parts of Iceland’s history. The volcano resembles an overturned boat and was once a highly forested area. However, due to the volcano’s ash, much of the ground is unsuitable for vegetation because of erosion.
  • Day Four: On the fourth day, you will visit Iceland’s Golden Triangle area. Here you will see a hydropower plant, the Gullfoss waterfall, and Þingvellir national park before heading back to Reykjavík.

8. Guided Westfjord Adventure Motorbike Tour (Westfjord, June)

The Guided Westfjord Adventure Motorbike Tour is a motorbike exploration of the western-most point of Europe, the West fjords. This magnificent area is known for its mountainous landscape, sparse population, and isolated natural wonders. Many people on this trip experience some of Iceland’s most untouched and secret habitats and natural features.

This tour costs $5484 and lasts for six days. It is a moderately tricky riding tour, so it is recommended that if you sign for a ride, you have a decent amount of experience. You will be driving on 30% gravel and 70% paved roads on this tour. The tour supports pillions, which are passenger riders who will not have to have such a strict motorbike experience. Your group will consist of a minimum of six riders and a maximum of 10 riders that will travel a distance of 1275 km or 792 miles. 

This tour includes a bike rental, a professional tour guide, and five nights of accommodation in guesthouses or hotels. The tour also provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the duration of the tour and water, coffee, and other beverages during your journey. You will also be able to get an included airport transfer or hotel pickup while in Reykjavík. This tour also comes with a support vehicle and driver for anyone who doesn’t want to ride on a motorbike. The tour also includes any fuel expenses incurred in the tour cost.

You should be aware that this tour has some requirements that are not covered in the tour’s ticket price. People must buy their travel insurance while traveling in Iceland and pay for any flights while visiting the country. Travelers also will need to bring their own riding gear, helmets, gloves, and safety pads on the journey. You will need this extra protection when riding in difficult-to-traverse areas. The ticket price also doesn’t include any alcoholic beverages you will want to consume while resting after a day’s travel.

The tour begins upon your arrival in Reykjavík. While staying in the downtown area on the first day, you are given the freedom to relax or meet with your tour group members at a restaurant to get acquainted. During the other days on tour, you will get to visit and experience Iceland in several areas, including the areas listed below:

  • Whalefjord: One of Iceland’s most beautiful fjords is known as the “biker’s paradise” because of its beauty. The former site of a WW2 naval base which is still there today.
  • Steingrímsfjardarheidi: An ancient mountain route that is famous in Icelandic legend. It is shrouded in mystery, this area contains a waterfall that doesn’t have a name, and the snow doesn’t disappear even during the summer.
  • Latrabjarg: This is the largest cliff in the entire country of Iceland. It is famous for being the nesting home of millions of different birds of various species. This is the highlight of the tour, known for being the western-most point in Europe.

9. Self-guided Westfjord Adventure Tour (Westfjord, May-September)

The Westfjord Adventure Tour is a riding exploration of some of the lesser-known landscapes in Iceland. People like this tour for its ability to get you off the beaten path and find untouched secrets of the Icelandic wilderness that makes your journey more memorable.

This tour costs $70 and lasts for six days. The tour is available from May to September. Since this is a self-guided tour, you will be responsible for finding accommodations, renting a bike, and paying for food and gas. With self-guided tours it is highly recommended that you hire a personal travel agent to make organizing your trip much more manageable. The tour is not very dangerous or challenging to finish; still, it is recommended for experienced drivers for maximum safety. Families will have a great time ironing the details out of this tour, and since there is no minimum age, all family members are free to come along. Airport transfer is not included as a part of this tour.

The tour begins in Whalefjord, a place known as the motorcyclist’s paradise for its astounding number of biking trails. During your journey, you will explore the highlights of the West fjords before exploring the famous golden triangle and departing from Reykjavík.

10. Three days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour (Jökulheimar, July-August)

The three days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour is a popular scenic riding tour that takes you through some of Iceland’s most important historical and cultural sites. The nickname for this tour is ‘The land of volcanoes’ because of its focus on Iceland’s volcanoes and the surrounding areas.

On average, this tour costs $2810 per person and lasts for three days. The tour is available for four to eight participants during July or August. This tour starts in Selfoss and makes its way to Mount Hekla while exploring different attractions and natural landmarks in between. The tour package includes a bike rental, accommodations, and food for the three days that you are part of the tour group. It is an excellent tour for families because of the easy path. 

It should be noted that motorbike experience is required and recommended for you to get the most out of the tour. While this tour has a hotel pick-up option, there is no option for airport transfer. You will have access to unlimited snacks, coffee, and water for three days, and your accommodations will include two breakfasts, three lunches, and two dinners. Travelers will need to bring their own riding gear and helmets and always be aware of changing weather conditions that could delay or cancel their traveling progress through the region.

What to know for Best Motorbiking Trip Tours in Iceland

There are several things you will want to know and consider when you sign up for the best motorbiking trip tours in Iceland. These considerations are listed below:

Airport Transfer Arrival/Departure: Getting to and from the airport will be important in Iceland since that’s the main way travelers will arrive. Some motorbike tours have an airport transfer option, but many do not. You will want to research before you land in Iceland to ensure you can get where you need to go.

Accommodation Cost: You will also want to look into the accommodation costs during your motorbike adventure. Many motorbike-guided tours will include the cost of accommodations for your journey. However, many motorbike tours will leave out the days before and after the tour, meaning you will need to pay for those accommodations on your own.

Personal Travel Agent: It is highly recommended to employ a personal travel agent while taking a motorbiking tour. A personal travel agent will have the right connections to ensure your tour runs smoothly and will be your first contact if something goes wrong. They can also provide for your safety and make alternative arrangements if the weather cancels part of your trip.

Price Range: The price range for motorbiking tours in Iceland is usually between $2000 and $5000.

Price Factors: Several factors will influence the price of a motorbiking tour. You will need to consider what time of the year you are visiting, the duration of your tour, and whether you want a guided tour or not. Non-guided tours are a more considerable burden on you but can be much cheaper than guided tours.

Popularity: Motorbike tours are extremely popular with people who travel to Iceland. Because of this, you will want to book your tour far in advance. Some motorbike tours will sell out two or three seasons ahead of time. If you are thinking of going to Iceland with a group, research how many members each tour session can accommodate.

COVID-19 Precautions: Iceland has been gradually scaling down its COVID-19 restrictions, but there are still some precautions to be aware of. Many tours will require their guests to pass a COVID-19 test to be allowed to participate. Also, some areas still observe rules on social distancing and masking.

Which Regions of Iceland are Better for Motorbiking Trip Tours?

Some regions of Iceland are better for motorbiking trip tours than others. Some of the better regions for motorbiking trip tours include the following:

  • Southern Iceland: This area is excellent for motorbiking because there is so much to see and you will never get bored with the view. You will see glaciers, volcanoes, lava fields, waterfalls, black sand beaches, and forests of fir and birch trees.
  • West Fjords: A more remote region that makes for a more personal and private motorbiking tour. It also has many great mountains and rivers to explore.

What are the Most Famous Motorbiking Trip Tours of Iceland?

A great way to start researching tours is to find out which ones are more popular. The most famous motorbiking trip tours of Iceland are listed below:

  • Black Desert Guided Motorcycle Tour: This tour is famous among Iceland’s travelers because it takes full advantage of the midnight sun to explore the south coast and Iceland’s famous black desert.
  • Six days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour: A tour that is famous for how much ground it can cover in its duration. This is a popular tour for someone who likes to land in Reykjavík for their first time in Iceland.

What are the Best Motorbiking Trip Tours for Families?

Families looking to visit Iceland have a great selection of tours to choose from. Some of the best motorbiking trip tours for families include the tours listed below:

  • Six days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour: This tour is great for families because it includes a backup vehicle for family members who don’t want to be riding passengers. It is a relatively easy tour to make through.
  • Thrilling 7-Day Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour in the Westfjords with Waterfalls & Glaciers: A great time for families because it has no minimum age and many options for younger guests.
  • Around Iceland Adventure Route Tour: This self-guided tour can be as good for families as you want it to be because it is so flexible. You will have to plan more of the tour yourself, but that flexibility allows you to account for any needs your family might have.
  • Black Desert Guided Motorcycle Tour: A fun tour that is one of the easiest tours you can book. You will also see many spectacular sights that can thrill family members of any age.

What are the Best Motorbiking Trip Tours for Couples?

If you are a part of a couple thinking of traveling to Iceland, you will most likely value privacy and romantic locations over other considerations. Some of the best motorbiking trip tours for couples include the following:

  • Black Desert Guided Motorcycle Tour: This tour has some of the most romantic locations on this list that take advantage of the midnight summer sun for maximum beauty.
  • Around Iceland Adventure Route Tour: A tour that is great for couples because it takes you to more private and secluded areas of Iceland that you won’t see on many other tours.

What are the Most Exciting Iceland Motorbiking Tours?

The most exciting motorbiking tours are the Around Iceland Adventure Route Tour and Extreme 6-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour because of how many adventurous trails and locations they manage to pack into the tour.

What are the Most Dangerous Iceland Motorbiking Tours?

The most dangerous motorbiking tours are the Extreme 6-Day Motorcycle Adventure Tour and the Thrilling 7-Day Iceland Motorcycle Adventure Tour. These tours are dangerous because they take travelers to some of the trickiest trails that can be extremely physically demanding. When traveling, you must have someone on standby, like a personal travel agent who can help you out of a tough situation in case you get unlucky on Iceland’s trails.

What are the Most Luxury Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours?

The most luxurious motorbiking trip tour is the Guided Westfjord Adventure Motorbike Tour because it offers better accommodations than some of the other tours on the list.

What is the Price Range for Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours?

The price range for motorbiking trip tours in Iceland is between $2000 and $5000. Things that will influence the price are the time of year the tour takes place, the price, duration, and quality of accommodations. The most expensive month will generally be July because it is in the middle of the busy season. February is the cheapest month as not that many people travel to Iceland during that time.

What is the Cheapest Motorbiking Trip Tour in Iceland?

The cheapest motorbiking tours are the Around Iceland Adventure Route Tour and the West fjord Adventure tours because they are both self-guided tours. Self-guided tours are generally cheaper because they do not include meals, accommodations, or field costs.

What are the Rules for Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours?

All travelers of Iceland motorbiking trip tours must follow specific rules. These rules are vital to protecting the safety of Iceland’s guests and the people around them. Some of these rules including the following:

  • Bring your own safety gear: Whether you need to rent or buy safety gear, you will need to bring your own gear on most tours. This gear also has to meet safety standards for any guided tour you partake in.
  • Bring your motorbike license: Iceland is strict on who can drive a motorbike. Any motorbike driver must be at least 16 years old and have proof that they have passed a licensing exam. Don’t forget yours at home!
  • Always check the weather : Iceland’s weather can be unpredictable and cause massive problems for roads and wilderness trails. While in Iceland, you need to stay on top of the weather to be sure you won’t be caught in a storm while on your tour.

Is taking photographs allowed for Motorbiking Tours?

Yes, taking photographs is allowed on motorbiking tours. These tours offer you a unique opportunity to capture beautiful vistas, so taking your own pictures is highly recommended. 

Do Tour Packages offer Photography for Motorbiking Tours?

No, tour packages do not generally offer photography for motorbike tours. Few motorbike tours will offer rental cameras, so if you plan to capture your trip in photos or video, you will need to rely on your own camera.

Are Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours safe from COVID-19?

Yes, Iceland motorbiking trip tours are generally pretty safe from COVID-19. Tour guests are often required to pass a COVID-19 screening before joining the tour. Also, many areas of Iceland are still cautious about spreading COVID-19.

Are Motorbiking Trips in Iceland alone allowed?

Yes, there are several self-guided motorbike tours in Iceland where you are allowed to travel alone. It is recommended in the case of these tours that you hire a personal travel agent to eliminate the extra stress from planning the trip yourself.

Are you allowed to bring Food to the Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours?

Yes, you are allowed to bring food to Iceland motorbiking trip tours. Many of these tours will provide meals as a part of the tour package, but some do not. You will also want to bring food if you get hungry during your trip and need a quick snack.

What are the Best Sessions for Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours by Month?

When traveling to Iceland for motorbiking tours, the best sessions by month are listed below:

  • May-July: This is one of the best periods to visit Iceland for motorbiking because the weather is warmer, less likely to turn into precipitation, and the trails are generally clearer of hazards you need to worry about.
  • September-November: Many areas are less crowded during this period than during the busy summer season. September marks the start of the off-season, so it is a great time to go if you want a more private experience.

What is the Average Duration of Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours?

Motorbiking Iceland tours last for an average duration of six to eight days. Typically you will be paying around $571 per day on average for the cost of renting the bike and food. If you want a better price on these tours, you will want to go during the off-season when demand isn’t as high.

Where do the Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours start?

Motorbiking trip tours will often start at a few places, including the following:

  • Reykjavík: The capital of Iceland is a central hub for coordinating many activities in Iceland, including motorbiking tours.
  • Selfoss: This town is a popular starting point for motorbiking because there are many opportunities for renting bikes there.

Are Iceland Motorbiking Trip Tours hard to Finish?

No, Iceland motorbiking trip tours are not hard to finish for the most part. Some tours are designed to be more challenging, but most tours can be entirely by a rider without too much extra experience.

What to know about Motorbiking in Iceland?

When motorbiking in Iceland, you will want to know all the best places to ride. To get the best experience on your motorbiking tour, you will want to hire an experienced tour guide that can deliver an experience that is good for your skill level.

What are the Inclusions in Motorbiking Tours in Iceland?

Motorbike tours usually offer similar inclusions in their tour packages. You will typically find that they will offer a bike rental, accommodations, meals, and fuel costs. Many motorbike tours will also have a support vehicle following behind riders so that people can take breaks or stay out of the way during rugged trails.

Can you rent a Motorbike in Iceland?

Yes, most people can rent a motorbike in Iceland. To rent a motorbike in Iceland, you must show proof of a motorbike license and be at least 16 years old.

How many Motorbiking Spots does Iceland have?

Depending on the region you visit, they will each have different motorbike spots which may include the following:

  • North Region: There are 5+ motorbiking spots in the north region, with there being several in Akureyri.
  • West Region: This region probably contains at least 20+ motorbiking spots, including Reykjavík.
  • East Region: A region that contains 10+ motorbiking spots, including the famous Lagarfljot lake.
  • South Region: The Golden Circle contains at least 20 motorbiking spots to visit and is one of the more popular regions for motorbiking.

What are the other Activities for Iceland Tours?

While traveling in Iceland and traveling in a motorcycle tour group, there are many other activities that you can also do while on your tour. Some of these activities include the following:

  • Experiencing Authentic Cuisine: At the end of each day, you will rest in a new area of Iceland, meaning a new chance to experience more unique flavors.
  • Sightseeing: Many motorbike tours will take you through different wilderness areas, which is a perfect time to see the beautiful sights unique to Iceland.
  • Bird Watching: During your long rides on mountain trails, you will pass by the habitats of many of Iceland’s unique birds.
  • Photography: This is one of the best activities that cost you next to nothing that you can do in Iceland. The beauty of Iceland is all around you; all you need to do is point the camera and shoot.
  • Hot Springs : Many areas of Iceland have hot springs that are heated by geothermal energy. Because of this, there are many opportunities for you to put on a bathing suit and soak in the relaxing and steamy water.
  • Fishing : A good number of motorbike tours like to take travelers over rugged trails that pass through rivers and other bodies of water. If your group gets a chance to stop by one of these water sources, there are many tasty Icelandic fish that you can catch.

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motorcycle tour of iceland

ICELAND – Fire & Ice

Iceland - the best place for riding your adventure motorcycle.

The perfect destination for a unique and exciting experience on two wheels. The off-road riding on Iceland is one of the best in Europe, and offers a lot of variety through breath taking nature! Leave the tarmac behind and explore not only the more known highlights but also the desolate Highlands of inner Iceland.

If you are looking for an exciting organised trip through Iceland, way off the usual tourist paths, this is the right place. The best tour ever! It was great fun riding with you guys" ~ Erik Peters ( ) / Germany

This motorcycle adventure will show you landscapes, which are truly unique in the world. It’s an adventurous tour where you will experience different aspects of great nature. We will drive on unpaved mountain roads (F-roads) as much as possible. Stay in basic mountain cabins, far away from the touristy places, and will be crossing the inhospitable and deserted Highlands of Iceland twice. This is only allowed and possible by 4WD or an adventure bike!

An overwhelming environment that is dominated by glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, black lava desert, wild rivers, hot springs and rainbow coloured mountains awaits you!

Check out the movie made by Brake-Magazine below (and don't let the weather scare you ;)

Highlights Iceland tour:

  • Fantastic on- and offroad riding through Iceland, mostly in the Highlands
  • Impressing waterfalls like Dettifoss  and Aldeyarfoss
  • Guided glacier walk (included)
  • Thingvellir - where tectonic plates drift apart
  • Lake Myvatn
  • Sprengisandur (mountain road through inner Iceland)
  • Whale watching in Husavik (optional)
  • Enjoying natural hot-springs
  • Landmannalaugar - fairytale landscapes
  • Laki - row of 120 volcano craters
  • Unique accommodations up in the Highlands - far away from all the tourists
  • No luggage / side-cases on your motorcycle because we have a support vehicle!

WE SHIP YOUR OWN BIKE (included in the price):

Do you have an adventure bike yourself? Shipping it by sea-container and fly yourself to Reykjavik is possible from: • Great Britain (Immingham) • The Netherlands (Rotterdam) • Germany (Bremerhaven) • Denmark (Aarhus) • Sweden (Helsingborg) • Norway (Frederikstad)


Not able to ship your own bike? You can rent the trustworthy BMW 1250 GS* for our Iceland Experience. It performs well on the tarmac, but also when it becomes a bit rougher on the gravel roads.

* We’ve got special permission from the rental company for riding the F-roads (mountain roads) with the rental bikes on Iceland.


motorcycle tour of iceland

Travel information

  • 4 ADVENTURE (1-5)
  • 2 COMFORT (1-5)

motorcycle tour of iceland

  • EUR 4795 PRICE (from)
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  • Availability
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  • Fully booked
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  • 10 place(s) left
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  • MOROCCO - High Atlas
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  • NEPAL - Upper Mustang
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  • NEPAL - Mustang and more! (recce)
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  • MOROCCO - Surf 'n Turf
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  • 30 Nov - 14 Dec 2024
  • SRI LANKA's secrets
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  • ICELAND - Black Edition
  • 22 Aug - 1 Sep 2025
  • 4 place(s) left
  • ICELAND - Fire & Ice
  • NORWAY = 100% nature (custom tour)
  • 29 Jun - 6 Jul 2025
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  • 8 Feb - 19 Feb 2025
  • 1 place(s) left
  • VIETNAM - Tribal North
  • 2 Nov - 15 Nov 2024
  • 9 Nov - 22 Nov 2025
  • WALES - ORS training + Allroad tour
  • 3 May - 10 May 2025
  • 3 (of 24) place(s) left
  • WALES - Off Road Skills training only
  • 3 May - 6 May 2025
  • 2 (of 8) place(s) left
  • SWEDEN Off-road course (basic)
  • 24 May - 25 May 2025
  • 7 place(s) left
  • GEORGIA - Land of wolfs (scouting tour)
  • 15 Jun - 30 Jun 2024
  • GEORGIA - Land of wolfs (pilot tour)
  • 29 Jun - 11 Jul 2025


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Iceland Motorcycle Adventure

TOUR UNAVAILABLE TO BOOK This Iceland Motorcycle Adventure features a mix of paved and unpaved roads, so come and discover Iceland with us!

Iceland is an otherworldly place of fire and ice, marooned near the top of the globe.  Here the mighty forces of nature have created a volatile playground.  It is as if this place has been created specially for a unique adventure motorcycle tour!

Glaciers, lava fields, volcanoes, tundra, geysirs, hot springs, waterfalls and fjords form the pristine rugged landscape.  A superb backdrop as we explore this island using remote inland gravel roads and stunning coastal routes.   This country is one of the least densely populated on the planet, with only 340,000 people.  So you can be sure that once out of Reykjavik, finding your own slice of isolation will never be that hard.   The roads are empty and once on the gravel roads, it’s where wilderness rules supreme, and never more so when riding the F-35 inner road .  Park up and take a moment to delight in the incredible views and breathe the fresh air.  But that’s not all!  Why not soak in natural hot springs by the road side, crawl along the cliff edge to spot puffins or watch the boiling mud pots at Hverir?

Iceland’s breath-taking natural sights, such as the  original Geysir , the  Dettifoss Waterfalls ,   Vatnajökull Glacier  and  Pingvellir ,  are all part of this incredible Iceland motorcycle tour.

This Iceland Motorcycle Adventure is a mix of on and off road riding.  It is accompanied by our expert Tour Manager and a support vehicle to carry your luggage.  If you prefer a tour with primarily paved roads only, then look at our Iceland Tour – Beyond the Wall .

At a glance

Miles covered, riding difficulty, unpaved roads, culture shock, dates & prices.

The Rider Price shown is based on the rider using their own motorcycle. For tours less than four weeks, you will need motorcycle rental if you do not have your own motorcycle available at the start destination of the tour.

  • Accommodation
  • Whats Included
  • Useful Info
  • Photo Gallery
  • Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik – see the settler building architecture and experience the vibrant downtown bars and restaurants.
  • Riding by Iceland’s geothermal pipeline, an amazing achievement with over 85% percent of houses in Iceland being heated with geothermal energy.
  • This motorcycle tour of Iceland ventures past the largest glacier in Europe. Ride past Vatnajokull , familiar to Game of Thrones fans as “Beyond the Wall”!
  • Cross the spot where the Eurasian and North American Tectonic plates meet in Iceland, literally tearing the island in half at the rate of one centimetre per year
  • Visit Akureyri, Iceland’s second city and the option to go whale watching.
  • Take on the motorcycle riding challenge of the infamous F-35 interior road across Iceland, between Langjokull and Hofsjokull Glaciers.
  • Westfjords , the most remote and isolated part of Iceland, where we ride deserted and twisty roads along the fjords. Visit the witchcraft museum and learn about some of the magic of the Westfjords
  • Reach the westernmost point in Iceland, and also Europe. The nearest landmass due south is the Antarctic!
  • Ride up to the Snaefellsjokull glacier, made famous by Jules Verne in the Journey to the Center of the Earth and Ride through the national park.
  • Go native with Icelandic cuisine – if fermented shark sounds too extreme, sample smoked puffin, with a shot of Brennivin, an Icelandic Schnapps!
  • Try a dip in geothermally heated pools, as great way to relax after a days ride!

This is a 12 day, 11 night itinerary and includes between 40 – 50% graded gravel roads.  It is the ultimate Iceland Motorcycle Tour, taking you into the interior, out to the Westfjords and still allowing time for the traditional Icelandic tourist highlights.

Day 1: Arrive Reykjavik On arrival into Reykjavik, take the Airport Bus or taxi to reach the group hotel.  Depending on the timing of the shipment, we will go to the docks to collect your bike or it may already be at the hotel.  In the afternoon, there is a Tour Briefing and then we go out for a group Welcome Dinner.

Day 2: Reykjavik to Vik (180 miles) Ride by Iceland’s geothermal pipeline and visit waterfalls, geysers and glaciers along the way.  You will see Pingvellir  – see the continental drift and the ancient place where Iceland’s chieftains first met to create what is now the oldest existing parliament.  Wonder at the stunning waterfalls of Seljalandsfoss and Skogafoss.  Visit the most southern point of Iceland and the Dyrholaey Reserve .

Day 3:  Vik to Hofn (185 miles) Amazing views as you ride towards the largest glacier in Europe, Vatnajokull and the Skaftafell National Park. Get up close to Svinafellsjokull and hear it cracking and grinding as it moves and melts. Cross vast glacial plains and head to Glacier Lagoon and Iceberg Beach, where chucks of the glacier break off and float down to the ocean.  Already you see how little traffic is on, making riding an utter delight.

Day 4: Hofn to Hallormsstadur (220miles) A great section of gravel road as we head to Egilsstadir, and then another lovely dirt road through a beautiful valley before we take the Ring Road again. Overnight in lakeside cabins.

Day 5: Hallormsstadur to Husavik (253 miles) This is an great days ride on of Iceland’s beautiful dirt roads.  The twisty 915 overlooking the bay en route to Vopnafjodur.  We ride on the eastern dirt road to see Dettifoss (the most powerful waterfall in Europe) enjoying the quieter views on this side of the waterfall.  Further north, you can also visit the Asbyrgi Cliffs.

Day 6: Husavik to Akureyri (118 miles) A short morning ride via Lake Myvatn, to Iceland’s second city, and time to go whale watching in the afternoon.

Day 7: Akureyri to Geysir (193 miles) We take the famous F-35, also know as the  Kjölur highland gravel route, which crosses between two glaciers, Langjökull and Hofsjökull through the interior of Iceland.  Time to visit the mighty Gullfoss Waterfall.

Day 8: Geysir to Heydular  (295  miles) Early morning is the perfect time to view the original “Geysir” before we turn north to Husafell on another great dirt road, the 550.  Then we continue to the Westfjords , travelling on wonderful coastal routes on part dirt, part tarmac roads.

Day 9:  Heydular to Patreksfordjur (195 miles) A fabulous days ride in and out of the coastal fjords – stop for a fantastic fish buffet in Isafjordur, before continuing through the single track tunnel and along more dirt roads to the massive Dynjandi Waterfall.  Patreksfjordur has incredible views across the bay to the cliffs.

Day 10:  Patreksfordjur to Stykissholmur (263 miles) There’s an option to ride out to the Latraberg Bird Cliffs and spot puffins at the start of the day, which is a along a stunning cliff side dirt road to the westernmost point of Iceland.  Then return back along the southern coast roads and head across old lavafields to the north side of the Snaefellsnes Peninsula .  This section can be very windy!

Day 11:  Stykissholmur to Reykjavik (174 miles) Drop by the Shark Museum at Bjarnarhofn.  After, there is a small gravel road that take us up to the Snaefellsjokul glacier, but we need to check conditions and that it’s open.  We continue to Borganes (where you can see the Settlement Centre), and back into Reykjavik. Drop your bikes off at the freight depot and then our for the evening and our group Farewell Meal.

Day 12: Depart Reykjavik Transfer to airport for flight home.

It is important to understand that other than Akureyri (18,000 popn) and Greater Reykjavik (200,000 popn), all other settlements in Iceland are very small. Places marked in large, bold writing may be villages of 200 – 1,500 people. Places marked on a map can look as if they will be towns, but they are only a family homestead or a ranch. Some hotels are shown on the map in their own right, as they consist of a hotel, a restaurant (maybe a petrol pump) and that’s it. Outside the greater Reykjavik area in the South West and Akureryi, everywhere is Iceland is remote and quiet, dominated by farms and fishing activities.

International hotel chains only exist in Reykavik; outside of this area there are some small Iceland hotel chains such as Centerhotels, Fosshotel and IcelandAir (with 8-10 hotels), but after that, pretty much all accommodation is family run and does not have an official star ratings.

In Reykjavik, we stay at an excellent 3* hotel. However, once we leave Reykjavik, the accommodation varies between hotels and family guesthouses and it has been chosen to reflect the area we are in; sometimes it is the only accommodation available in the area that can accommodate a group of our size.  You should note that in guesthouses, sometimes rooms do not have televisions and on occasion,  there are shared bathroom facilities (which is very common for Iceland), but often we have a guesthouse just for our group.  Wifi is available at all accommodation, but in remote locations, you need to expect it to be slow and not consistent.

Just a note about the sleeping arrangements and what is the norm in Iceland. Beds are often single beds which are pushed together (for a double bed) or pulled “apart” (for two single beds), depending on the type of bed you have requested. Two single beds for people who are sharing, may be in a hotel room pushed close together. Please feel free to pull the beds away from each other! You should also note that it is normal to have two separate sleeping duvets for a couple using one large bed (one large duvet is just not the way it is done in Iceland).

Rooms will be on a double occupancy shared basis, unless you have booked for a Single Room. You should note that it is normal for a single room to be a smaller room with a single bed (not double sized). Peak season in Iceland means a single room needs to have been requested at the time of making your booking to ensure availability.

Finally, a note about the showers.  Iceland’s hot water is supplied by geothermic pipelines and the hot water is straight from the ground.  It can be scorching hot immediately you turn a tap on (so beware!) and also it can smell of sulphur, which can be off putting the first time you get in the shower.  Please don’t complain about how the water smells, it is what it is and is considered perfectly normal in Iceland!

Before you go

  • Access to the GlobeBusters Team for one to one meeting about preparing for the tour and what to expect.
  • Motorcycle Tour Travel Pack, including Tour Specific Guidance Handbook & hard copy Michelin / Reise Know How Maps, marked with route.
  • Daily hard copy route notes with GPS co-ordinates and information about the hotels, the roads and the sights
  • Loan SD Card with open source GPS mapping for the region (suitable for Garmin units), downloadable routes and custom waypoints for hotels, lunch stops, viewpoints etc
  • Hotel bed and breakfast accommodation on a shared basis (unless Single Room booked).
  • Standard of accommodation is either hotels or guesthouses of mainly 3* (or equivalent) and some 4* standard.
  • 6 evening meals, including your Welcome & Farewell Meal.
  • Local overnight hotel parking charges.
  • Entrances to National Parks are free.
  • Team Tour Shirt

Support Crew

  • Motorcycle Tour Manager on motorcycle to accompany the group.
  • GlobeBusters Support Vehicle, equipped with mobile phone, spare fuel, water, tools, selected spare parts and emergency first aid kit, acting as a sweeper vehicle
  • Support Driver, with motorcycle mechanical experience and first aid qualifications

Motorcycle Freight

  • Sea freight of your motorcycle from UK to Iceland return, with all Customs formalities done on your behalf.
  • In transit marine insurance for your motorcycle (but not personal belongings) during freight, subject to £500 excess.

Motorcycle Rental (if selected)

Where you have chosen to rent a motorcycle, this is organised by us with the local motorcycle rental provider, Biking Viking, who is the Approved BMW Travel Partner for Iceland. Your rental fee includes:

  • 11 days of motorcycle rental of the model as chosen by you (or equivalent model)
  • Motorcycle is supplied with side cases / panniers
  • Rider/passenger injury insurance, 3rd party damage insurance and a full damage insurance with deductible self risk of EUR 2,000:- held on a credit card.

Your contract for motorcycle rental is with Biking Viking and not with us and you must comply with their terms and conditions for rental. We act as agent for Biking Viking, and on arrival you will be required to sign the local motorcycle rental contract. You can request a copy of these terms and conditions from us by contacting us in advance. You must provide the local provider with valid credit card details with sufficient credit limit as a guarantee against damages up to the agreed insurance excess of EUR 2,000.  Please note that on rare occasions the local provider may need to substitute your choice of motorcycle for something equivalent.

Not Included

  • Transfers to / from the airport at the start and end of the tour.
  • Return passenger airline flights to get to the start and from the finish point for the tour.
  • Personal travel, accident and medical insurance (covering matters such as medical expenses, repatriation, cancellation, curtailment, loss or damage to property)
  • Entrance fees to sights and parks, optional excursions, meals (all except where stated).
  • Personal spending money, tips, souvenirs or other extras.
  • Personal documentation (eg visas, passport), vaccinations, motorcycle documentation
  • Fuel, oil & other motorcycle consumables
  • Toll road fees, traffic fines or other charges relating to breach of the law
  • Any travel, subsistence & hotel costs to and from the freight depot when you drop off or collect your motorcycle.
  • We do not supply riding gear; you must bring a minimum of your own helmet, jacket, trousers, boots and gloves.
  • Any other item not specifically included in the price.

Flights For clarity, we do not include your passenger flights.  It is your responsibility to organise your own flights to and from the destination.  You need to book an outward flight to our start point, Reykjavik to arrive no later than midday on the official start date.  The earliest leave date is any time on the official end date .    However,  do not book your flights until the tour is designated as a Guaranteed Departure.

Should you wish to arrive before the official start date or stay after the official end date, please simply request extra nights at the time of booking and we can make the reservation at our group hotel.

Please also refer to our  Booking Conditions .

What type of bike do I need? We recommend that you use a dual purpose / adventure style bike.   We support any make and model .  Our Support Crew normally ride the Triumph Tiger 900 Rally or Tiger 1200 Rally.  We also have extensive experience with the BMW GS motorcycle range, having ridden them for over 15 years.  What is important is that you have a reliable and robust bike that you are comfortable riding and that it has been properly prepared and fully serviced prior to the start and has new tyres.


If you need to improve your off road riding skills, attending a training school such as Adventure Bike Training , Triumph Adventure Experience or BMW Off Road Skills is highly recommended.

It is your responsibility to ensure your motorcycling skills are up to the requirements for this tour.

How does the motorcycle freight work? Your tour price includes the freight of your motorcycle from the UK to Reykjavik.  You must bring your bike to our shipping depot (close to Grimsby, UK) for sea freight out to Iceland.  The drop off for you motorcycle is normally around 10-12 days prior to the start date.  Our shipping agent will load the container and once it arrives in Iceland, we facilitate the Customs procedures.  Depending on timing, we may take your bike to the hotel so it is waiting for you or you may be required to collect your own bike from the port with us.  The port is only located 3 miles from our hotel.  At the end, on the final day, we all ride the bikes back to the shipping depot in Iceland for sea freight back to the UK.

Can I hire a bike? Yes, please select this option on booking.  Where you have chosen to rent a motorcycle, this is organised by us with the local motorcycle rental provider, Biking Viking, who is the Approved BMW Travel Partner for Iceland.  The amount that we charge for motorcycle rental is a net price having deducted your credit for motorcycle freight.  Your price includes

  • Motorcycle is supplied with side cases / panniers.  No other equipment is available to rent.

What about flights? We do not include flights in your tour price.  Once we tell you that this motorcycle tour is a Guaranteed Departure, you must book your own passenger flights to arrive / depart Reykjavik.  From the UK, there are direct flights from London, Aberdeen, Belfast, Manchester with a combination of Iceland Air, British Airways, Easyjet.  Airport transfers are not included – you can use an airport taxi or the coach transfer.  Details about this are provided in our Tour Guidance Handbook prior to departure.  Do not book any flights until we confirm that the tour is a confirmed departure.  When you do book flights please make sure that you arrive no later than midday on the official start date.

Do I have to ride in a group? No!  We do not make you ride in convoy.  We offer you the freedom to decide how you would like to ride.  We give you a road book, with recommendations for lunch or coffee stops, fuel stops and hotel information.  You also get an SD card with mapping, custom routes & GPS co-ordinates to download to your GPS.  You can use these tools to self-navigate.  Most riders prefer to have this freedom, so they can stop where they want and for how long they want without feeling under pressure.  However if you prefer to ride with our Motorcycle Tour Manager, then you can do this.  They will give you a time to start in the morning, so please be prompt and ready to ride with them.  Each day you can change between riding on your own, or with a small group of other riders or with the Tour Manager.  We like to have a very flexible approach.

What is the average group size? Our groups are normally 8 – 12 riders (some riders will have passengers).  The majority of customers are from the UK, but we also get riders from North America and other European countries.

Is this ride suitable for a passenger? Absolutely.  This is mainly a paved road motorcycle tour, with a good standard of accommodation.  Your passenger must ride the motorcycle each touring day – there is no option to sit in the support vehicle as this is for participants who are ill or injured, unless the road conditions are too difficult for a rider and passenger to attempt two-up.

Is there a support vehicle? Yes, this tour operates with a GlobeBusters Support Vehicle and Driver.  It is capable of carrying two motorcycle and two passengers.  Our support vehicles carry a mobile phone, medical bag and spinal board, spare fuel, water, tools, some spare parts, some spare tyres.  Our support vehicle provides temporary assistance to you if you have a mechanical problem or an accident and are injured.  It will carry one small piece of luggage per person (maximum 60 litre bag), which must be waterproof and dustproof. Suitcases and wheelie trolleys are not suitable and can be left in the hotel in Reykjavik.

What will the weather be like? Iceland is a long way north, so it is never going to be hot and weather can be unpredictable, even in peak summer season.  We have chosen to travel just before the height of the summer season, so that there is less crowding at the key sights and temperatures are normally between 10 – 16C.  It will rain at some point during the tour, so make sure you have rain gear.  But there is also the possibility of it being quite chilly and sea mists, so you need to make sure you have extra layers with you.  Think of riding in Iceland a bit like, riding in the UK on a day in Spring.

How expensive is Iceland? So it comes as no shock to you once you are there, and so that you can budget, we estimate the following approximate costs for food & drink in Iceland – don’t be surprised to spend a minimum of £60 per night per person on a three course evening dinner.

  • Cup of coffee – £5 + (although with some meals, coffee is provided free)
  • Starter – £15 +
  • Main course – £25-£35 + (sometimes soup is provided free of charge with a main meal)
  • Dessert – £12 +
  • Bottle of wine with dinner – £35 +
  • Bottle of beer in bar or restaurant – £12 +

What documents do I need? You will need your original documents as follows:  Passport, Motorcycle Registration Document or Title, Driving Licence from the country of your residence, minimum 3 rd Party Motorcycle Liability Insurance Certificate,  Travel Insurance Certificate (see below).  Visas are not required for UK/EU, USA or Canadian citizens.

You should note that we need to request copies of some of the above documentation, which we have to send to suppliers such as Icelandic hotels, freight forwarder / shipping line, customs authorities in Iceland and the UK.  Please refer to our Privacy Policy .

What about my health when I am abroad? You need to be physically fit and healthy and also take the necessary health precautions.  It is essential for you to consult your doctor or travel clinic for up-to-date medical travel information prior of travel, particularly if you have a pre-existing medical condition. For up-to-date medical advice you may wish to use the Medical Advisory Service for Travellers Abroad “MASTA”  , the NHS website    or NaTHNaC  .

You will be obliged to disclose any medical condition or medication that you are taking to GlobeBusters in advance and to your Tour Manager at the start of your Tour, for health and safety purposes. We provide you with our Emergency Details Form for this purpose and to collect information about who to contact for you back home in the event of an emergency.

Do I need Travel / Medical Insurance? It is a condition of you travelling with us that you are adequately insured.  Your insurance policy must cover you for the costs of any medical expenses, medical treatment or repatriation needed, due to injury or illness on this trip, including those that occur whilst motorcycle touring, either as the rider or a passenger.  It is important that your insurance company understands that the MAIN PURPOSE of your trip is motorcycle touring, using your own large capacity cc motorcycle or a rental motorcycle.  Your insurance must cover you for the full duration of the trip and for all countries we travel through.  Your policy must also cover you due to cancellation of curtailment due to COVID-19.

In addition, we strongly recommend that your insurance policy has cover for loss or damage to your personal belongings, delay at your outward or homeward point of departure, personal liability, overseas legal expenses and cancellation and curtailment.

We also strongly recommend that you take out your travel  insurance at the time of booking your trip  as cover will commence for pre-departure cancellation from the policy issue date. This will therefore provide cover should you have to cancel your trip for an insured reason such as illness or serious injury. We do not refund your deposit simply because you failed to take out insurance in sufficient time.

Is Iceland safe?

There are no COVID-19 travel restrictions in place for travel to Iceland.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) (  ) monitors overseas destinations and provides destination travel advice for UK nationals. GlobeBusters monitors the advice from the FCO and any decisions taken regarding a Tour’s safety and security will use the vast experience of the company’s 16 years of operating as well as the FCO advice. In the interests of your safety and security, changes may be made to your Tour based on any FCO warnings given.

We strongly recommend that you read the information about the country you are planning to visit to be fully informed – each country has a summary and general information as well as advice on safety & security, local laws & customs, entry requirements and health, and road conditions.  Currently the British FCO states “ Approximately 298,000 British nationals visited Iceland through Keflavik airport in 2018. Most visits are trouble-free ”

If you are not a UK national please make sure you have checked your own country’s travel advice for your destination/s: The US Department of State:   Canadian Foreign Affairs:   Australian Government Travel Advice:   NZ Government Travel Advice:  .

What about local currency? The local currency in Iceland is the Iceland Krona.  Pounds, Euros and Dollars are readily exchangeable.  However you should note that Iceland is largely a cashless society with the use of credit/debit cards on a chip and pin basis being very common and can be the only way to pay for fuel at remote petrol stations. Make sure you bring debit/credit cards with you.  Websites below will give you the current rates of exchange.

Minimum Numbers We require a minimum number of 8 riders on this tour.  If we do not have this number of bookings, then we reserve the right to cancel the tour. If we have to cancel the tour we will provide you a minimum of 84 days notice prior to departure.

motorcycle tour of iceland


Featured Image

Iceland Motorcycle Tour Self-Guided

Starts: August 9th, 2024

Touring Iceland with GlobeBusters really was everything we hoped for and more. Spectacular scenery and great riding, with all the benefits of being amongst like minded people experiencing it all together. GlobeBusters organised and delivered a great mini overland adventure, helping us to create memories that will last forever. Where next?

Allister & Zoe, 2021

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GlobeBusters Limited Trading Address: 59 Causeway Head Road, Sheffield, S17 3DS United Kingdom Registered Office: MacIntyre Hudson 1 The Forum Minerva Business Park Lynchwood Peterborough PE2 6FT United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)3452 304015 Email : [email protected]

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An epic tour.

motorcycle tour of iceland

Iceland is one of our absolute favorite countries when it comes to adventure riding! Or what can be more adventurous than lava fields, glaciers, waterfalls, volcanoes, hot springs, geysers, river crossings and never ending dirt roads that disperses into the horizons? As always on our tours, an amazing riding experience is the top priority, but if you are in Iceland, there are of course some highlights you have to visit along the way. During this tour we ride from Reykjavik, north via the most exciting places Iceland has to offer such as Geisyr, the waterfall Gullfoss and Unesco world heritage Þingvellir. During a long day, we then cross the Icelandic Highlands to mystical-filled Myvatn, Husavik & one of Iceland’s largest volcanoes Askja. We then cross Iceland’s remote highlands once again via even more exciting roads to finish the journey through the fairy-tale landscape Landmannalaugar.

We have put together a tour with as many highlights as humanly possible on an 8 days tour. The tours are arrange in the late summer, the only time of year when you can be sure that the snow melted on all the passes and the weather is at its best. We manly ride on gravel roads of mixed quality, but of course there will also be some asphalt. For two of the days, there are easier as well as more advanced routes as alternatives for those who wish. We always have our support vehicle with us at all time providing us with lunch, coffee, spare parts and tools if necessary. This is an intensive week of riding, and it is our strongest recommendation that you have done at least Rider Training Offroad Basic before your tour.

Photo on this page: Ann Cathrin Erga, John Brown & David Johansson

See all videos from Iceland on our YouTube channel 


The riding in Iceland is an endless mix of gravel roads, but we also ride some asphalt to transport us between the nice gravel roads. You don’t have to be a master on gravel to go to Iceland, but you have to feel comfortable on smaller gravel roads. Your physics should be relatively good as we sometimes ride long days. We simply have to get to the next hotel no matter what time it is. At tougher challenges such as sand or river crossings, we stop, talk about riding technique, and get through together and help each other out. Iceland is an adventure and you have to be prepared that it can sometimes be hard, but we also dare promise that you will have an absolutely amazing riding experience!

We have two long riding days during the tour as we cross the central parts of Iceland on gravel. This is an intensive week of riding, and it is our strongest recommendation that you have done at least Rider Training Offroad Basic before your tour.

WATER crossings, rocks AND SAND

During the tour, we pass a number of rivers we have to cross, most of them relatively easy but also a few bigger ones. The crossings vary from year to year and from day to day. When we come to the bigger river crossings, we stop and help each other and get through as a team. Some of the gravel roads we ride on are rocky, and the stones can be tough on both riders and the motorcycles, so it is important to adjust the speed to the roads and slow down when looking at the fantastic view. Sand we really only ride during the Advanced routes you can choose two of the days.

Food & Hotel

Throughout the tour, we stay comfortably in a good hotels and of course with toilet & shower on the room. Part of twin room is included in the price. Single rooms can be booked for a supplement (see cost for this in the booking).

Breakfast is included every day and next to the hotels there are always good restaurants. Coffee and lunch we usually have with us in our support vehicle so we can stay whenever and wherever we want for lunch. The same applies to our coffee/”fika” breaks, every time we stop there is always the opportunity to get something energy-rich.

Hydration is important when you work hard and it is our strongest recommendation that you use a hydration system  and make sure to always fill it up before we leave in the morning.

Island 2022 #0140

Long experience from Iceland

”First time I visited Iceland was in 2003, only a few months after I crossed Africa from north to South on a motorcycle. The reason that I booked the tour was simply that I got really restless after I got home, and I needed a new adventure. Maybe Iceland dosen´t sounds like an adventure after Africa, but in fact I realized that after only a week on Iceland I had been riding on more different terrain than during my six months in Africa. The riding is unbeatable, like riding in a fairy-tale that consists of everything you could wish for when it comes to challenges!

After my first trip to Iceland in 2003 is has been many more, 2006, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2022 & 2023. In total I have spent almost one year on this fantastic island, and there are always more to be fascinated over. Since 2016 you have the possibility to join us for motorcycle tours on Iceland, and I promise that it will be an experience of a life time!”

– David Johansson, CEO Ride Nordic AB & certified BMW Motorrad Tourguide.


Full support

In our support vehicle, we have tools, spare parts, spare wheels, tires, water, coffee and lunch, which we set out in a nice place during the breaks. First aid equipment is available both in our support vehicle and on the tour guide motorcycles. The support vehicle also has a satellite phone and defibrillator (AED). All our tour guides are trained in first aid and CPR.

Click on each day for more information and photos!

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Island 2022 #0139

Arrival day. Dinner & information

Our tour starts and finish in Reykjavik. All of Day 1 is arrival day, so whether you arrive early or late is up to you. In the evening,  togehter with the dinner, you will receive all the information you need about the coming week.

Our team

Approx. 08.00-16.00, Adventure tour - The Tourist

We gather in the morning and start with a presentation of ourselves and the motorcycles. After some set-up of the bikes, the day offers an approx. 150km ride where the first part goes on asphalt/larger dirt roads to Þingvellir, where the Eurasian and North American continental plates meet. The Icelandic parliament, Alltinget, was also created here in Tingvalla in year 930.  After lunch we continue towards the waterfall Gullfoss and Geysir where we stay for the night. The tour got its name since we pass some of Iceland’s more famous tourist attractions. After this day, we are more adventurers than tourists!

motorcycle tour of iceland

Approx. 08.00-18.00, Adventure tour - The Crossing

A long day of nearly 400km as we cross Iceland from south to north for the first time. The first half offers easy-to-ride dirt roads through a vast landscape. At the first coffee break, we take the opportunity to visit the Hveravellir thermal area. We ride on and pass, among other things, the Blue Lake. The landscape changes and becomes greener before we reach the sea on the north side of the island. The last 200km of the day are on tarmac along road no. 1, Iceland’s ring road, with fantastic views of the Arctic Ocean. The day ends at lake Myvatn.

motorcycle tour of iceland

Approx. 08.00-16.00 (08.00-18.00), Adventure tour - Dettifoss or Askja

On this day you have a couple of choices:

  • The Dettifoss tour begins with us passing one of the largest thermal areas in Iceland, Hverir. We then continue on nice gravel roads to Iceland’s most powerful waterfall, Dettifoss. Then we head towards Husavik for a cosy lunch in the harbour and finish with an exciting gravel stretch past one of our “secret” thermal areas. In the afternoon/evening there is the possibility to bathe at Myvatn Nature Baths for those who wish (charges apply).

motorcycle tour of iceland

  • If you look for a challenge, you can do the Askja tour instead. This tour also begins with us passing the Hverir thermal area. After a short stop at Hverir, we follow road 1 east for some kilometres before turning off towards Askja. The landscape changes and in a while it feels more like riding on the moon than in Iceland! We pass impressive lava fields, some exciting sand tracks and not least a couple of fairly big river crossings where we have to be help each other to get across. After about 300km we are back on road 1 and can relax the last kilometres back to the hotel.

motorcycle tour of iceland

  • As we are staying at the same hotel for two nights, there is also the option of taking a rest day on Tuesday.


Approx. 08.00-17.00, Adventure tour - The Highland

Time to head south again. Today’s route, which is about 300 km, starts with some nice asphalt to the beautiful waterfall Godafoss before we turn south on the road through Sprengisandur. We pass another very impressive waterfall, Aldeyjarfoss, before it is time for some 100 km free ride across the remote Icelandic highlands. We start with a bit of space so that you  and your riding buddy really get the feeling that you are alone in this the remote landscape. Our tour guides and support vehicle are of course always close by if you need assistance. After a few more exciting water crossings, where we once again help each other, and some fast gravel bits we arrive at the goal for the day.

motorcycle tour of iceland

Approx. 08.00-17.00, Adventure Tour - The Lakes & Fjallabaki

Another exciting day awaits. Where we start by riding to the majestic vulkano Hekla. We then make cross Landmannalaugar which offers plenty of river crossings. When we see the sea on the south coast, we arrive at the hotel of the night.

motorcycle tour of iceland

Approx. 08.00-16.00, Adventure Tour - The Glacier

We continue in the same spirit with wonderful gravel riding and, if possible, even better views. Black, green, white and hopefully blue, are the colours of the day. The 250km route passes impressive lava fields and several exciting river crossings along the Myrdalsjökul glacier before the last 100km of asphalt back to Reykjavik.

motorcycle tour of iceland

Breakfast and departure,

The adventure is over for this time… Whether you depart early or late is up to you. For those of you who leave later in the day, there is a lot to see in Reykjavik. But you are probably most interested in resting and thinking back on a magical week with a smile on your face. We hope to see you soon on another adventure with Ride Nordic!

motorcycle tour of iceland

Included in the price

  • 6 days of adventure riding
  • 3 tour guides on motorcycle
  • Feedback & riding tips from tourguide/instructor
  • 6 days rental of BMW GS of the newest model
  • Comprehensive motorcycle Insurance
  • Fuel for motorcycle
  • Technical support for motorcycle
  • Back-up motorcycle if needed
  • Support vehicle incl. driver
  • 7 night accommodation in twin room
  • Breakfast, lunch and coffee all riding days
  • Waterproof pack roll that will be transported by our support vehicle
  • Baggage storage at our start/finish hotel
  • Exclusive On Fire T-shirt

What is not included?

Flights, transfer, dinners, riding gear.

To think about

  • This tour starts and ends in Reykjavik. We recommend flying to/from Reykjavik/Keflavik Airport (KEF).
  • All of Day 1 and Day 8 are set aside for arrival and departure, so you are free to arrive/leave as early or as late as you wish. Information about the easiest way to get from the airport to our hotel can be found in the welcome information we send out before the tour.
  • Remember that a travel insurance is required in case you get ill or injure yourself. Check with your insurance company.
  • It is our strongest recommendation that you have some kind of hydration system  since you need to drink a lot during the days to stay hydrated.
  • Always wear complete riding gear while riding! An approved integral or motocross helmet (flip-up helmets must be closed during all riding), approved back protector, shoulder protectors, elbow protectors, knee protectors, gloves and rugged motocross or adventure boots. The weather in Iceland can change a lot from day to day and rain is not unusual. Make sure that your clothes really are waterproof. Waterproof socks are also a recommendation since we often ride through water. The temperature can vary from 0 to 25 degrees Celsius, so you need to be well prepared. An electric heating vest can also be useful on a cold day. All motorcycles are equipped with DIN-sockets.
  • If you have any food allergies please lets us know at latest 4 weeks ahead of your tour and we will adopt the food for you.

Island 2022 #0479

The price includes accommodation in twin room for 7 nights, 7 breakfasts, 6 lunches, coffee/snacks all riding days, tour guides and all guided tours, rental of a BMW R1300GS for 6 days, spare motorcycle if needed, fuel for motorcycle, comprehensive insurance for motorcycle, support vehicle incl. driver, waterproof 50 litre pack roll transported by support vehicle, T-shirt.

Our Iceland tours are arranged every two years, next tours will be in 2025

  • August 9 – 16
  • August 17 – 24

Waiting list

Is the tour sold out? Contact us and we will put you on our waitning list!

motorcycle tour of iceland

3 days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure

2024 tours 13-15 july sold out 2025 tours 10-12 july sold out.


Selfoss – Jökulheimar The Land of Volcanoes

Historic & Scenic Ride from Selfos to MT.Hekla, Hjálparfoss, Háifoss, Veiðivötn Lake Area, Jökulheimar Mountain Hut.

Embark on an unforgettable journey starting from Selfoss and make your way towards the majestic MT. Hekla, with stops at breath-taking locations including Hjálparfoss, Iceland’s second-highest waterfall, and Veiðivötn Lake Area. The scenic ride will take you through Jökulheimar Mountain Hut, where you’ll enjoy a delicious dinner featuring fresh caught Icelandic fish or delicious steak. On this very first day, you’ll get to explore the beautiful waterfalls and landscapes that Iceland is famous for.  Literally unforgettable views that will stimulate your senses into a deep and profound awe with nature.

Get ready to ride like a Viking and be amazed by the untouched territory of the highlands!

Trip highlights:

  • Hjálparfoss
  • Town of Selfoss
  • Jökulheimar

Jökulheimar – Álftavötn In between Glaciers

Discover the breathtaking Fjallabak region, a land of rugged mountains and valleys that feels like something straight out of a Lord of the Rings story! Immerse yourself in the magical wonders of Landmannalaugar and soak in the natural hot pools. As we ride along the track from Landmannalaugar to Tungnaá River, you’ll witness the stunning beauty of Vatnajökull Glacier and Langisjór Lake. On the way back, we’ll pass by the Skaftá River and explore the Eldgjá volcanic fissure, a 60-km-long canyon with a depth of up to 150 meters. This incredible natural wonder was formed in 934 during one of the most significant volcanic eruptions in Icelandic history, get ready for an interactive history lesson that takes your mind deep into the past of forgotten times.

You will surely experience the magnificence of Iceland’s geothermal magic on this unforgettable day with a meaningful connection to the actual history that roams these barren lands!

  • Landmannalaugar Geothermal Area
  • Langisjór lake
  • Eldgjá a Canyon & Volcano

Álftavötn – Selfoss  Fjallabak Region

On the final day of our journey, prepare to be blown away by the unexpected and unforgettable surprises in store! You’ll have the unique opportunity to ride along the magnificent mountain road, Öldufellsleið, which is a rare treat that few get to experience. This road connects Skaftártungur and Rangárvelli and offers breathtaking views of Mýrdalsjökull and Eyjafjallajökull glaciers – two of Iceland’s most famous natural wonders. We’ll travel past the stunning Mælifell volcano and the famous black desert before reaching the awe-inspiring Markarfljótsgljúfur canyon, a true wonder of nature. Our journey will continue through the Emstrur desolate area, where the uncanny and eye-catching landscapes will leave you in awe.

Finally, we’ll arrive back at Selfoss, where this magical adventure will come to an end. Although the journey will be over, the memories and experiences will stay with you forever!

  • Mýrdalsjökull
  • Mælifellssandur
  • Mælifell volcano mountain
  • Markafljót Canyon

Here’s everything you need to know:

What’s included:

  • Pick-up from any Reykjavik hotel and drop-off after the last riding day
  • 2 nights in mountain huts with sleeping bag accommodation and mattresses
  • 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, and 2 dinners (all food provided while we’re driving)
  • Snacks, coffee, and water for 3 days
  • Your choice of KTM 690 R, KTM 350,450, Husky 701, or Husky 450 and Honda CRF 300 L motorcycle for 3 days
  • Backup motorcycle available if needed (may be different from your original bike)
  • Fuel for your motorcycle
  • Support vehicle with driver and full support
  • Basic liability insurance covering damages to other vehicles in case of collision and medical insurance for you and anyone else involved in an accident
  • Optional CDW insurance for an additional 160 euros per person, per tour (covering the cost of repairs to the bike)

How to book:

  • Fill out the registration form on our website
  • Maximum tour size is 10 participants plus 2 riding guides from Ride With Locals
  • The minimum tour size is 3 participants plus 2 riding guides from Ride With Locals

Not included in the price:

  • Flights to/from Reykjavik/Keflavik
  • Hotel in Reykjavík the night before and after the trip
  • Riding gear and helmets

Note: Flights to/from Reykjavik/Keflavik can be booked from several destinations in Europe and the rest of the world.

Things to remember:

  • The weather in Iceland can differ from day to day and rain is not unusual. Make sure that your clothes are waterproof. Waterproof socks are highly recommended as we often ride through water.
  • The temperature can vary from 5 to 15 Celsius degrees, so come prepared.
  • Travel insurance is required in case you get ill or injure yourself. Check with your insurance company as most home insurances also include travel insurance. A European insurance card is also recommended (if European), and is provided free of charge by the state.
  • Bring your own bathing/swimming suit for the natural swimming pools and hot tubs.
  • Bring a fly net to cover your face, as we travel through areas with beautiful lakes where the fly population increases.
  • Motorcycle insurance covers the damage caused by the rider through the normal use of the bike without a deductible.

Please read our terms and conditions.

motorcycle tour of iceland

 You can contact us any time to change your booking. Choose a date to find availability and see prices

Iceland & South Africa Motorcycle Adventure Tours

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  • Packing List
  • Tel: +(354) 699-5777

Selfoss Home Town

Motorcycling tour: Iceland

  • 28/07 - 04/08/2024 (8 days)
  • 04 - 11/08/2024 (8 days)

Explore Iceland by motorcycle

This is what is waiting for you, the wild landscapes of iceland.

This unique tour of Iceland offers you mixed routes – 40% asphalt roads and 60% gentle gravel paths. Experience a unique combination of off-road riding and tourist destinations. Discover the major attractions on the island by motorcycle, along the Hringvegur national road.

Precisely planned routes

This motorcycling trip offers you a diverse route and plenty of satisfaction while riding, as you can expect mountainous, uneven terrain, as well as picturesque streams and rivers. This tour offers you an unforgettable experience by motorcycle in Iceland!

Certified BMW Motorrad tour guides

Experienced IIA instructors accompany you on your journey and provide expert information and some useful hints and tips. Small group sizes ensure that everyone is well looked after.

  • Day 1 – Day 2
  • Day 3 – Day 4
  • Day 5 – Day 6
  • Day 7 – Day 8

Geological wonders and historical locations

Your motorcycle tour starts with a flight to Reykjavik. Upon arrival at your destination airport, you will be taken to your hotel by our partner. There, the tour guides and the BMW Motorrad bikes will already be waiting for you, so that you can do a quick test ride before your adventure really starts on the second day.

Now you can explore the natural beauty of Iceland on the motorcycling tour. On the second day, your route will take you to impressive destinations, such as the Eyjafjallajökull volcano and the Svartifoss waterfall. The Jökulsárlón glacial lake is the highlight of the day, and we have also planned a coffee break in Hella, and a potential lunch break on the black-sand beach of Reynisfjara. A unique riding experience on breathtakingly beautiful roads.

Adventurous off-road tour

The adrenaline kick comes in early on the third day, when you will challenge yourself to conquer the mountainous gravel road, the F208. The Fjallabaki region, with plenty of seismic activity, will take your breath away! Experience the majestic lava fields while riding through the mountainous region of Landmannalaugar. Reward yourself with a refreshing dip in the hot river at a campsite. You will enjoy lunch al fresco, with a view of the stunning landscape. You will get so close to the most active volcano, Hekla, that you will feel that you're right at the heart of it. The "Geysir" attraction and the unusual "Strokkur", which shoots a column of hot water into the air every ten minutes, will cast a spell on you.

On the fourth day, you will continue along the impressive gravel roads of Kjolur and visit the Gullfoss waterfall. Let yourself be fascinated by the active geothermal field of Hveravellir and enjoy the local cuisine in Varmahlid. On your way to the second-largest city, Akureyri, you will visit the port city of Husavik, which is famous for its whales. The day ends with an excursion on the water and an overnight stay at the charming harbour in Akureyri.

Motorcycling tour to majestic waterfalls

On the fifth day, you will have the option to ride on your own or as part of a group. An easy asphalt transit route takes you straight to Godafoss waterfall, which is known as the waterfall of the gods and lovers. After a coffee break, the route will take you further through the valley, past Akureyri and Varmahlid, to the north of the city of Skagafjordur with its characteristic black-sand beach. You will end the afternoon with a relaxing ride to the hotel, so that you can relax and get ready for the excitement that the next day has in store for you.

On the sixth day, you will ride along the F550 and 52 gravel roads with the group to reach the Barnafoss waterfall. Then, you will ride on a seldom used mountain road, which is also referred to as a "beginner's course". You will ride on the Kaldidalur Pass and see a typical rescue station, many of which can be found in secluded areas of the island. A lunch will be provided in the city of Borgarnes on the headland, before you visit Reykjavik again in the evening, where you can enjoy some free time.

Historic Thingvellir

On the seventh day, you will experience the fascinating history of Iceland, while riding to the historically significant location of Thingvellir on a pleasant asphalt road. The feeling of significance that this location exudes may overwhelm you when you imagine that this is where one of the oldest parliaments in the world was created and Iceland's independence was declared. The geologically unique location has constant seismic activity, causing the tectonic plates to collide and form deep fissures.

The national park in which Thingvellir is located is one of the UNESCO wonders that you can explore here. In the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to relax in the hot springs of the SkyLagoon or take a unique tour of the interior of the volcano (Inside the Volcano), before returning to the hotel. The thought of your motorcycling adventure soon coming to an end is sure to put you in a sentimental mood while you begin to make your way back home on the eighth day.

Experiencing the raw beauty of Iceland's landscape by motorcycle is a unique adventure that will leave you with memories that won't be forgotten in a hurry.

Katarzyna Brzozowiec

Managing Director ADVPoland.PL (ADV Sp.zo.o.)

Experience details

Additional options.

Your journey takes place on a BMW F 900 GS. If you would like to ride a different model, you can also choose the BMW R 1300 GS for an additional charge:

  • BMW R 1300 GS: EUR 500

The single room supplement is EUR 1,000. The price for one passenger is EUR 1,400.

The bike used for the tour, the BMW GS

The BMW GS family makes every surface you will find on the tour a uniquely enjoyable riding experience. Don't lose sight of your destination if you wish to expand your horizons. Thanks to their comprehensive equipment, you can adjust the bikes to your needs with ease, allowing you to enjoy each and every second.

The motorcycles may vary from the ones depicted. The image serves only to represent the product family.

Frequently asked questions

Simply submit your enquiry via the contact form by clicking on the "Send request now" button and entering your contact information.

Select the options that best suit your needs from the services offered in the following overview. Our partner providing the service will immediately submit an offer tailored to your wishes and will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Please note that submitting an enquiry to our partner does not constitute a confirmed booking. The booking will be confirmed directly between you and our partner in the next step.

The tour is provided by our partner ADVPoland.PL (ADV Sp.zo.o.). Our partner will organise the experience independently and offer it to the participants in its own name. All the information relating to this offering, including price information, was provided by our FUEL FOR LIFE partner.

The team working for our partner, ADVPoland.PL, will be happy to help with any questions about the offer. You can reach our partner at the following email address: [email protected]

We, the FUEL FOR LIFE team, are also happy to help you at any time. You can email us at the following address: [email protected]

ADVPoland.PL logo

Organising partner

The experience is organised by our partner ADVPoland.PL . The company was founded over 10 years ago based on the idea of travelling to the most interesting places in Europe and the world by motorcycle. The team wanted to share the fabulous experience of motorcycling tours with others, too. Over thousands of miles on two wheels, they have often asked themselves how they could make motorcycling trips more popular and as attractive as possible. ADVPoland.PL endeavours to make the most of the time available, so that you can see and experience as much as possible. After years of travelling, they know exactly how to do this!

More experiences

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Information on data protection:

The personal data you provide will be processed to deal with your enquiry and, where necessary, forwarded to a BMW partner. Further information on the processing of your personal data by BMW AG, such as for the purpose of general customer care, as well as detailed information regarding your rights as a data subject can be found online in the  FUEL FOR LIFE Privacy Notice .

Thank you for getting in touch.

We will answer your message as soon as possible.


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  9. 4 days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure

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    During this motorcycle off-road adventure you will explore Iceland's landscapes, which are truly unique in the world.

  15. Iceland Motorcycle Adventure

    Iceland's breath-taking natural sights, such as the original Geysir, the Dettifoss Waterfalls , Vatnajökull Glacier and Pingvellir, are all part of this incredible Iceland motorcycle tour. This Iceland Motorcycle Adventure is a mix of on and off road riding. It is accompanied by our expert Tour Manager and a support vehicle to carry your ...

  16. 7 Days Dual Sport Tour West Fjords

    Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through Iceland's spectacular landscape! On the first day of our seven-day motorcycle tour, we'll depart from our hometown Selfoss and ride through some of Iceland's most stunning natural wonders.

  17. 7 Day Adventurous Dual Sport Guided Motorcycle Tour in Iceland

    Discover the most stunning corners of Iceland with Ride with Locals! Your guides are passionate motorcycle enthusiasts who love riding, exploring, and sharing the unique wonders of Iceland. Spend your time just enjoying the wind on your face, as you ride along roads that lead you to wonderful places. Book now and have a great adventure in Europe's wildest island!

  18. Iceland Enduro

    This exclusive dirtbike tour is the best way to discover Iceland. Explore the wild and untamed terrain on a most recent 4-stroke light and sporty Enduro bikes. Find out more!

  19. 6 Day Adventurous Off-Road Guided Motorcycle Tour in Iceland

    This motorbike tour will take place in Iceland. Located in the North-Atlantic ocean close by the Arctic Circle, Iceland is very much a bridge between continents. It takes approximately five hours to fly from New York to Reykjavík, and three hours from London.

  20. Ride motorcycle with us on magical Iceland!

    As always on our tours, an amazing riding experience is the top priority, but if you are in Iceland, there are of course some highlights you have to visit along the way. During this tour we ride from Reykjavik, north via the most exciting places Iceland has to offer such as Geisyr, the waterfall Gullfoss and Unesco world heritage Þingvellir.

  21. 3 days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure

    3 days Iceland Motorcycle Adventure 2024 Tours13-15 July Sold Out2025 Tours10-12 July Sold Out Day one Day two Day three Day one Day 1Selfoss - JökulheimarT ...

  22. Top 10 Motorcycle Tours in Iceland

    Experience some of the most amazing adventure motorcycle in the best motorcycle tours in Iceland!

  23. Guided motorcyle tour through Iceland

    Experience a 7-day guided BMW motorcycle trip through Iceland. Discover a unique route with exciting off-road sections.