35+ Hilarious Road Trip Games for Couples & Digital Nomads

If you’re soon to be embarking on a road trip with your better half, or you’re a digital nomad couple traversing the globe, you may well be on the lookout for some inspiration to wile away the hours! (Especially if he or she is doing the bulk of the driving).

Great road trip games for couples can provide hours of fun on long drives, making the time spent on the road more of an adventure than a chore.

Here are a few tried and tested favorites, plus some more obscure ones where you can pretty much make up your own rules as you go along!

And if you want to make it super easy on yourself, check out the ready made road trip games for couples in the third section. My husband & I have played a few of these with hilarious results!

Maksim Tarasov | Unsplash

Table of Contents

Road Trip Games for Couples – Tried & Tested Faves

We’re starting with one of the most classic road trip games for couples and families alike, “I Spy.”

Players take turns being the guesser and the spy, and the game can last as long as you like or until you get bored!

As the spy, you say ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with …’ and then provide the first letter of something you can see either inside or outside the car.

The guesser must figure out what you are looking at, and can guess as many times as they like.

This road trip game for couples can be made even more interesting with a little bit of imagination.

For example instead of the first letter, the spy could say something like, “I spy with my little eye, something round and red”.

Or the spy could assign point values to certain objects, making smaller, more common ones worth fewer points and trickier ones worth more points.

You can come up with your own rules and keep score throughout your road trip, creating a friendly competition!

2. 20 Questions

One of the best road trip games for couples is 20 Questions. This game can teach you a lot about each other in a fun way, and it’s easy to play on the road.

To start, one of you chooses a topic and then the other starts to ask questions about it.

For example, your partner can choose a place you’ve visited and you can come up with 20 questions about it. You can ask your partner questions about what they thought about the place, their favourite memories, and anything else you can think of.

Or to make it easier you can buy a bunch of question cards from Amazon & simply ask your partner what comes up on the cards.

This game can be an interesting way to learn more about each other while enjoying the scenery.

Dino Reichmuth | Unsplash

3. Truth or Lies

It’s tough to do truth or dare when one of you is driving, so an alternative road trip game for couples is ‘truth or lies’!

To play, one person starts by making a statement about something they have done in the past, or a funny anecdote. The other person must then determine if it is the truth or not.

The guessing partner has the chance to ask their partner any further questions to make their guess more accurate, like the location or timeframe in which the anecdote happened.

If both are in agreement about the answer, then the sharer scores a point. The person with the most points at the end of the drive wins!

A simple but fun road trip game. One partner starts by naming a city, town or country. The other partner then has to name another city, town or country which starts with the ending letter of the previous name’s destination.

So for example, if your partner says ‘London’, you might say ‘Netherlands’, then they might say ‘Switzerland’ and so on.

The game continues until one or other can’t think of a place and the point is awarded to the winner. You can just play for fun or for the more competitive amongst you, for coffees, ice creams or lunch!

5. Name That Tune

No road trip would be complete without a few rounds of Name That Tune!

As a couple, you can challenge each other to a sing-off by taking turns playing snippets of different songs on your phone or car stereo.

A game like this is great for couples as it tests your knowledge of one another’s music taste. To make it even more fun, you can add a points system, with the one who names the most right genres and artists out of 10 getting to choose the next stops on the road.

It’s a great way to spend a long drive learning about the music preferences of your beloved and enjoying a laugh or two.

Make sure to come up with a shortlist of songs from various genres, from classic rock or old-school punk to chart-toppers of recent years.

Taking this game a step further, you can also use popular children’s music or TV show theme songs as a source of inspiration.

Katie Drazdauskaite | Unsplash

6. The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is a great way to pass the time on a road trip for couples.

To play, one partner starts by saying “I’m going on a road trip, and I’m bringing…” while naming an item that begins with the letter “A.”

The other partner then follows with an item beginning with “B,” and the back-and-forth continues until someone can’t think of an item beginning with the appropriate letter.

You can easily customize the game by specifying items that fit the theme of your road trip destination – such as “I’m going to the beach and I’m bringing an anorak” or “I’m going to the Rockies and I’m bringing a – zipper.”

Alphabet Games are also recommended for couples who struggle with communication issues, as it encourages laughs and conversations about topics that don’t necessarily have to do with the relationship. Enjoy the game!

7. Kiss, Marry, Kill

Kiss, Marry, Kill is a classic road trip game for couples!

Start off by thinking of three people that both you and your partner know. They can be celebrities, friends or family members. Be sure to pick people you both know!

Then take turns and decide who you would “kiss”, “marry” or“kill” of the three people.

This game is a great way to get to know your partner on a deeper level, by finding out their likes, dislikes and general opinion of certain people.

It is also a great way to laugh together, as oftentimes the answers can be hilarious and out of the box.

Have your partner go first, take your turn and then discuss why you both chose these people. This can be an interesting and enlightening conversation that can provide further insight into the thoughts and opinions of your partner.

It’s important to make sure the game is kept light-hearted and meant to be fun though. This means not criticizing each other’s answers, especially with celebrities.

Put yourself in your partner’s shoes and don’t take it too seriously. Enjoy the game together and you’ll have a great time!

Thamlamm | Pixabay

8. Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is a classic game to play while on a road trip with your significant other.

Similar to Truth or Lies, but different, the game is simple.

Each partner takes turns telling two truths about themselves and one lie.

The other partner has to guess which is the lie.

You can make the game more interesting by adding a reward for correct guesses!

Some possible variations for two truths and a lie include guessing the truth about a destination you’ll be stopping at on your road trip, or about the people you’ll be visiting.

This game is great for getting to know more about your partner and building communication and trust. Try to make your truths and lies as creative as possible and you’ll keep each other entertained for hours!

You can even make a game out of guessing why each other lies or the meaning behind each lie. Fire up that car, grab a map, and get ready to Road Trip!

9. Would You Rather

If you’re looking for an easy and fun game to spice up your road trip with your significant other, you’ve got to try “Would You Rather?” This game is sure to get you giggling, if nothing else!

All you need to do is ask your partner a “Would You Rather” question, and they have to choose between two options.

For example, you can ask, “Would you rather go skydiving or swim with dolphins?” or “Would you rather camp in a tent or sleep in a luxury hotel?”

This game provides for a lot of interesting conversations, and will definitely bring up some unexpected answers.

You can use current events, locations along your road trip, or experiences from past trips: the possibilities are endless!

Tekhnika | Pixabay

10. Celebrity Trivia

Celebrity Trivia is a great road trip game for couples. Test each other’s knowledge of famous people and entertainment with this game!

To play, one person asks a question about a celebrity and the other has to answer correctly.

You can keep score if you like or just see who knows the most. If your partner is stumped, Google is your friend!

Whenever you catch sight of a celebrity’s name or picture, ask each other questions and get to guessing!

Who knows, maybe you’ll even learn something new about each other as you go!

11. Don’t Yes or No

Don’t Yes or No is a fun and simple game that can make a long drive go by quickly.

This game involves asking questions in pairs and receiving a response other than yes or no. Players can even go so far as to make up a few of their own rules; the crazier, the better!

To start the game, one player begins the conversation with a question that their partner must answer with something other than a yes or no. This can be as outlandish as they like, but the reply must include more than one word.

For example, if one partner asks, “Do you want to go for ice cream?” the other partner must come up with a response such as, “I suppose we could stop for an ice cream” or “Chocolate fudge is my favorite!”

The conversation can go on for as many turns the couple wants, with each partner continuing to ask questions that cannot be answered with yes or no. Couples can even introduce rules like having the other partner respond with a song or using their hands to mime the answer.

Don’t Yes or No is a great game for couples to play on a road trip, as it will definitely liven up the journey!

Chris Henry | Unsplash

12. Word Association

Word association is a classic road trip game that is perfect for couples, since it requires great communication and team work to progress.

The objective is to have both partners think of creative words that are associated with one another.

To start, one partner will begin by saying one word, then the other partner will have to come up with a word that is somehow related to the first one.

This can be a noun, verb, or adjective. The game can then continue with both partners getting their turn to give words, with the goal being to establish some sort of pattern between the two words.

For example, the two words might be related in a certain way; they might share the same root word, or be opposites of each other. After a certain number of turns, the couple can pick a new pattern to follow and repeat the game.

Besides being a fun way to keep the conversation flowing, this game is also a great way to practice valuable communication skills, such as finding the right words, listening, and understanding the other person’s perspective. With this game, couples can gain greater insight into their relationship and have a great time in the process.

13. Movie Game

The Movie Game is an entertaining road trip game for couples and great for livening up a boring drive.

Start the game by choosing a movie genre – it could be science fiction, comedy, romance or anything you fancy.

Take turns picking out a movie title from that genre, and writing it on a piece of paper that you fold up in front of you. (This is to stop cheating!)

The other person has to guess the movie by asking yes or no questions. For example, perhaps you chose ‘epic romance’ and wrote “Titanic” on the piece of paper.

Your partner could ask, “does the movie include a boat?” or “Does it feature Leonardo DiCaprio?”.

For each right answer, the guesser is awarded a point. Then switch to the other person and keep playing until you reach the best of 3 or the best of 5.

The Movie Game is a fun game for couples as it forces them to think quickly, plus it also helps improve your trivia skills.

Daniel Cabanas | Unsplash

14. Music Challenge

This is one of the most popular road trip games for couples. One person selects a song and then turns off the volume on the radio or their phone.

The other person has to try to guess the song by singing it, humming it, or just describing the song. This game will continue until the other person correctly guesses the song or gives-up after five guesses.

15. Charades

This classic game is always a fun way to pass time and make the ride more enjoyable. All you need to do is pick a person, place, or thing, and then act out the selection.

The other person has to guess the selection. This is a great way to practice your acting and facial expressions!

But be careful if you’re driving!

16. Spell It Out

This is a great game to help practice your spelling skills. One person will start off by saying a random word, and then the other person has to spell it out.

If the person spells the word correctly, they earn a point. To make this game more challenging, the person that spells out the right word can select a harder one for the next turn.

Try this one on for size;


17. Song Talk

Song Talk is a great way to keep the conversation going during a long road trip.

In this game, each partner takes turns playing a song of their choice and then discussing why it has significance to them.

All topics are open to discussion, ranging from memories of a past trip to the feeling of connection to a certain artist. This game can be helpful for couples that may have different opinions on music.

This is a great opportunity to share some of your innermost feelings with your partner.

For example emotional songs might open up honest conversations about emotions and relationships, while upbeat songs might evoke positive memories or funny stories from your past.

This is both a fun game & a potential bonding experience. Enjoy!

453169 | Unsplash

18. Car Bingo

Car Bingo is a super fun road trip game!

All you need is a road trip bingo game sheet that you can print out online, purchase from Amazon or make your own.

Before the game starts, each couple chooses a row, column, or diagonal line they want to play and agree on the prizes. Like who drives next, who pays for lunch or who gets a big sloppy kiss!

During the road trip, every time one of you sees something on the bingo sheet, you cross it off your game card.

If you get a bingo, the game is over and you can claim your prize.

19. Guess Who

Guess Who is a great game for couples to play on the road. This two-player game involves guessing the identity of a mystery person based on a series of questions. To play Guess Who, each player selects a mystery person, and the other player must try to determine that person’s identity by getting as close as possible through yes-or-no questions.

This game is perfect for couples on a long drive, as it’s easy to set up and can be played with almost any kind of person or object.

To start the game, one partner thinks of a well known person or someone you both know. To stop any cheating they can write the name of that person on a piece of paper or a note app.

Then the guesser asks obvious questions, such as “Is this person a movie star?”, “Are they your best friend?” or “Does this person call you everyday?” until they narrow down the options and can make a good guess. If they guess correctly, they win the point. If they give up, you win the point!

Keep going, taking turns until someone wins, or you get bored!

Prateek Katyal | Unsplash

20. Never Have I Ever

“Never Have I Ever” is usually a drinking game reserved for a group of friends on a night out, but you can adapt it to a road trip game with your partner.

The idea is that one person states something they have never done, and those who have done it must raise their hands. All those with their hands up take a “drink”.

Instead while in the car, one partner starts by saying “Never Have I Ever X” and if the other partner has done it, they can have a sweet or a chip, or some kind of treat and tell their story!

If they haven’t done it you can discuss whether it’s something you want to do together and add it to your bucket list !

Some examples of “Never Have I Ever” statements might be: “never have I ever visited a foreign country”; “never have I ever seen an opera”; or “never have I ever won something significant”.

Make sure to think of as many fun and lighthearted questions as possible.

More Fun Road Trip Games for Couples

21. naming game.

The Naming Game is an enjoyable and creative road trip game for couples. The idea is to take turns coming up with a creative and unique name of an object that combines two words.

For example, a stoplight could become a “stoplightnin’” or a tree could be a “treelight.”

Take turns pondering and coming up with imaginative ideas by combining words that form a whole new object. When playing the Naming Game, set rules or “odds” that need to be followed to ensure you’re both on the same page.

For example, if the first person decides on “showermirror”, the other player must then come up with an object that starts with the same letter as the last letter of “showermirror” – like “ranchbowl.”

Through this game, think outside the box and explore creative concepts and ideas that you can share with each other that may inspire a project you’re working on or provide insight on an everyday object you’ve taken for granted.

Have fun, be creative, and see where this game takes you!

Sam Burriss | Unsplash

22. This or That?

The classic car ride game, “This or That” is a great road trip game for couples.

It’s simple to play, but can give rise to interesting conversations and debates.

To start, one person will ask a “this or that” question, such as “Do you prefer tacos or burritos?”

The other person must choose one of the two options. They can elaborate on their answer, but it’s not necessary.

The opponent will then get a chance to answer the same question, continuing back and forth between the couple.

This game can cover topics like books, movies, cuisine, cars, and more.

There is no set structure for the length of the game, so couples can take as much time as they want to contemplate each answer.

“This or That” is one of the more fun road trip games for couples and can help two people get to know each other better in a lighthearted way.

23. True Confessions

True confessions is a fun way to pass the time on a long road trip.

In the game, one partner will share something that the other partner didn’t know about them. (If there is anything – I’m a bit of an open book in my relationship!)

It could be something from the past, a guilty pleasure, or a funny quirk. The other partner can then take a guess and see if their partner reveals the truth. This game can be fun and lighthearted, or it can get deeper, depending on the couple’s comfort level.

It could be as silly as, “I once got stuck in a tree!”, or as serious as, “I’ve always wanted to move to a different country.” Regardless, it can be a great way to get to know each other more while on the road.

True confessions can also give couples the chance to ask each other questions that are difficult to ask, and talk about topics that they may not bring up in everyday conversation. It could give insight and clarity on things that weren’t as clear before, and also deepen their understanding of each other.

Rebecca FInk | Pixabay

24. Storytelling

We all love a good tale and it’s even better when you share it with someone else.

Storytelling is a great way to keep things fun on a road trip and while it is important to listen to your partner, you can also take turns recounting stories.

Storytelling can range from tales of your childhood to stories about the places you are visiting.

You can even come up with silly stories together, telling a sentence each until the tale is complete.

Road Trip Games for Couples are all about creating shared experiences, so this can be a great way to break up long hours in the car and keep you both engaged with each other, while creating some hilarious moments along the way.

25. License Plate Game

This is a game that takes various forms depending on which version you want to play.

There’s the

  • Read a plate and make up a word game – Example JFD 70 might be – Jolly Fat Dad ate 70 pies
  • How many different license plates do you see on your travels – you can use different styles, colors, countries, states etc.

But my favorite is the – ‘guess where the plate is from’ game.

You might be road tripping through the US, so you can guess the state. If you’re traveling through Europe , you can guess the country. Even here in Thailand, I try to guess the province by reading the Thai words on the plates (yep I’m sometimes that bored!)

Use social media to help you research the right answers and have fun!

26. Compliment Game

The Compliment Game encourages couples to give positive feedback to each other and motivates them to focus on the positives in their relationship.

To begin the game, one person starts by giving a compliment to their partner. The partner then responds with a compliment of their own which leads to an alternating exchange of compliments.

The goal of the game is to see how long you can go without repeating a compliment.

The game also allows couples to focus on areas of their relationship they may overlook, as finding new compliments each time encourages players to dig deep into their partner’s best qualities.

This game beautifully showcases the appreciation and gratitude you have for each other and supports your goal of having a happy and exciting road trip. It’s a fun and lighthearted way to share compliments and make the most out of your shared travel experience .

paje victoria | Unsplash

27. Odd Color Cars

This is a bit of a random game, but remember that bright yellow tesla you recently saw or that turquoise blue sedan?

Yep that’s what I’m talking about. If you’re on a road trip in quite a busy area, this is more fun as you see more cars and can spot the truly odd colored ones.

If you’re driving across Australia, this could actually take days to just spot one, so choose your environment!

For an extra challenge, see if you can find unusual objects or natural phenomena in odd colors also. This can be things like the color of the sky or walls of a building passing in the background.

28. Finish It

This game is all about experimentation and coming up with creative phrases. One person starts a sentence or phrase, and the other person has to finish it with their own special style and spin.

You can come up with phrases such as “I love you because…” or “I wish we could…”. The possibilities are endless, so get creative and have fun with this game.

29. Name That State

Another popular game if you’re on a road trip in the US, is to name the states that you pass by. One partner can name the state and then give the other partner a hint as to which state is next.

This game can help pass time and also help you understand the various geographical regions of the United States. However, depending on where you’re driving it could take forever, so some alternatives include;

  • Name the biggest cities in this state
  • Name the Governor of the state we’re driving through
  • Name all the states!

Spencer Davis | Unsplash

30. Word Formation

Similar to word association but with a twist, word formation will test your literacy skills!

One partner will say the beginning of a word, such as “tele” and the other person has to come up with words associated with it. Examples can include “telephone”, “teleportation”, “television”, and so on.

The more words you can think of the more points you get!

31. Trick Taking Card Games

Trick taking games can provide hours of card game fun. In Hearts , the objective is to avoid accumulating points by steering clear of certain penalty cards, like the Hearts and the Queen of Spades. In Spades , players aim to win a certain number of tricks based on their bids, working either individually or with a partner.

Both games are excellent for road trips as they are engaging, encourage strategic thinking, and can be easily played with a single deck of cards. Probably best played when taking a break, camping overnight or lunching on route!  

Ready Made Road Trip Games for Couples

32. so cards.

So Cards are a great way to skip shallow conversation and dive straight into the deep end.

If you think you know everything about your partner, think again! So Cards will ask questions you may never have thought off, eliciting responses from your partner you will definitely not have heard before!

Each deck comes with 52 question cards, 2 blanks, and 2 rule cards. It’s the perfect size to fit in your pocket or purse, making it an ideal road trip game for couples.

Use them to get closer with your partner and learn new things about them. The cards are designed to spark connections and encourage deeper conversations.

33. Carpool Chaos

Carpool Chaos includes 160 large, action-packed cards with games, challenges, hypothetical situations and all sorts.

If you’re looking for some fantastic prompts for road trip games and challenges this games pack is for you!

Plus, the box fits perfectly in the seat back pocket or door, making it easy to take on the road with you wherever you go.

34. License Plate Bingo

A ready made version of the License plate game, if you’re traveling through the US, this is a fab road trip game!

This set includes 4 reusable bingo cards. The cards each have finger tip shutter windows, which you’ll use to mark off your squares as you spot license plates from different states.

Whether you’re on a cross-country road trip or just driving to the beach, the License Plate Travel Bingo Set is a great way to make the journey more fun.

35. Road Trip Trivia

If you want to test your trivia skills this Travel Trivia Game is for you!

This fun and easy game is perfect for couples on road trips and for anyone who wants to learn more about interesting destinations around the world.

With 80 questions featuring multiple choice game play and bonus facts, this game is sure to wile away the hours, while teaching you a thing or two!

Got a ‘know it all’ husband who always wins trivial pursuits and happens to be driving? Just make up the answers and tell him he’s wrong (he can’t drive and check! 😉)

36. Travel Puzzles / Riddles

Think Outside The Box is the perfect game for couples road trips!

Not only is it entertaining, but it also boosts your creativity and makes time fly. The portable size makes it great for on-the-go, and the simple gameplay and rules make it easy to pick up and play.

You will hear 40 stories with unexpected endings. Asking Yes/No questions only, try to restore the chain of events and find out what happened in the story. There will be 3 clues to use if you reach a dead end. The puzzles are challenging yet fun, and will require thinking outside the box to find creative solutions.

37. Shotgun Road Trip Game

This hilarious card game is great for couples road trips.

To play, one player is nominated as the card reader, and they will read the cards aloud. The other players must then respond to the prompt on the card. The game can be played until you reach your destination or until you stop for fast food… whichever comes first!

Shotgun contains 200 cards, a drawstring pouch for easy storage, and instructions. So, whether you’re on a long road trip or just looking for something to keep you entertained, Shotgun is sure to deliver plenty of laughs.

Road Trip Games for Couples – Summary

There’s no need to sit in silence or sleep all the way to a destination when you have all these options at your fingertips.

Road trip games for couples offer a great way to break up the monotony of a road trip and inject some fun and playfulness into your journey.

Whether you’re a competitive couple who love a good challenge or an easy-going pair who just want to pass the time, these games are sure to bring some much-needed entertainment.

Plus some of them will kick start some deeper conversations and you may learn things about each other which bring you even closer!

Now that you’ve explored some of the best Road Trip Games for Couples, get ready to make some lasting memories and have a blast on your next adventure!

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21 Freakin’ FUN Road Trip Games for Couples

By: Author Mitch Glass

Posted on Last updated: May 5, 2023

You’ve packed your bags, topped up your tank, and hit the open road with your partner.

Then it hits you…

What the heck are you supposed to talk about for the next 5 hours?

Sure, you could jam out to your favorite road trip playlist. But why not fill that time with some fun car ride games for couples? (And hopefully get to know your partner better!)

Maybe you’re setting off on a romantic weekend getaway. Or maybe you’re on a long-term van life adventure, realizing the reality of van life involves much more driving than you anticipated.

Either way, these wickedly fun road trip games for couples will keep you entertained for hours on end. 

Table of Contents

1. Two Truths and a Lie

2. true confessions, 3. would you rather, 4. 21 questions, 5. question and answer, 6. guess the song, 7. musical alphabet, 8. theme song game, 9. speak in song, 10. did you hear that…, 11. sorry i was late, 12. truth or dare, 13. fortunately/unfortunately, 14. mystery gift, 15. alphabet game, 16. alphabet game (challenging version), 17. trivia games, 18. categories, 19. the compliment game, 20. kiss. marry. kill., 21. finish the sentence, bonus: road trip bingo, other fun things for couples to do on a road trip, fun car games for couples to get to know one another better.

This is an oldie but a goodie, and one of the most popular games to play in the car for couples.  

You and your partner take turns coming up with two truths (two things that are true about you) and a lie (something untrue about you). 

These can be…

  • Things that you’ve done.
  • Things that have happened to you.
  • Facts about your past or yourself in general. 

Try to keep them succinct — one sentence tops, like, “I once caught a fly ball at a stadium baseball game.”

Then, your partner guesses which one is the lie, and you can reveal the answer after they’ve chosen. This is a surefire way to learn new things about each other.

To up the ante, you can keep score — loser buys ice cream.

This one came from Jimmy Fallon’s True Confessions segment, and it makes for a great road trip game.

It’s similar to two truths and a lie, but with a twist. 

On your turn, think of either a truth or a lie about something you’ve experienced. For example, “I once met Ryan Gosling.” 

Then, your partner has 60 seconds to ask questions about it to guess if it’s true. 

If it’s a lie, you have to keep creatively making up the story as if it were true. When the 60 seconds are up, your partner guesses if you are telling the truth or a lie, then you reveal whether they’re right or not.

While this car game can be a riot, it also reveals to your partner how good of a liar you are — be careful!

road trip games with significant other

Another oldie, but still tons of fun.

For this game, you and your partner take turns giving each other two scenarios to choose from, phrased as “Would you rather…?” 

So, for example, you can ask your partner “Would you rather skydive or swim with sharks?” 

These are usually most fun with two sucky options, two epic options, or two batcrap crazy options. 

It’s also another clever way to get to know each other better, especially if you explain your choices.

This is a bit different than the famous 20 Questions game. It’s one of the best road trip games for two people to get to know each other better.

Unlike 20 Questions — where you take turns choosing an object or celebrity for your partner to guess — 21 Questions is about you and your partner . 

You get 21 questions to ask your partner about anything, and they must answer honestly. You can ask all 21 questions at once, or you both can alternate.

If it’s a new relationship, you might want to set some rules about topics you want to avoid. The last thing you want is to ruin the fun by asking uncomfortable questions.

road trip games with significant other

Road trip questions for couples

Sometimes, just a good old game of Question and Answer can be one of the most fun things for couples to do on a road trip.

Here are some ideas to start you off:

  • What was your favorite childhood vacation?  
  • If you had superpowers, what would they be?
  • What was it about me that first caught your eye?
  • What was your favorite subject when you were a kid?
  • Who was/is your favorite family member to travel with?
  • What were your favorite childhood movies, songs, or tv shows?
  • If you could time travel to any time in the past, when would it be?
  • What was the best gift you’d ever received for a birthday or holiday?
  • If you could have a conversation with anyone in history, who would it be?

Keep the questions general, or make them a bit more personal. It’s up to you! Just remember to keep it fun. 

Music-related car ride games for couples

This is one of the best road trip games if you and your partner love music. 

Set your music to shuffle, and try to guess what song plays before your partner. To make it more challenging, you can make the rule that you need to name the song and the artist to win a point.

If you have internet, you can also search for “guess that song mix” on Youtube for a bunch of compilations to choose from. 

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road trip games with significant other

To play Musical Alphabet, you and your partner take turns thinking of songs and singing lyrics from them.

The catch is you start at the beginning of the alphabet, and go in alphabetical order, choosing a song that starts with that letter. 

So, if you have “A”, you might choose “ A Part of Your World ,” and then your partner has “B”, and chooses, “ Baby One More Time ,” and so on. 

Remember — you have to be able to sing at least one lyric from the song. So if you choose a song title that fits, but you can’t remember any lyrics from it, it doesn’t count!

Theme songs are pretty ingrained into our memories, especially when they’re from childhood shows. To play this game, take turns coming up with a theme song for your partner to sing (or at least attempt to sing). 

If your partner can sing the whole theme song from memory, they get the point. 

Try to pick songs from shows you know your partner has seen to keep this game fun, or even suggest a commercial jingle.

You can also use theme songs to play the “Guess the Song” game to make it more nostalgic. Type in “theme song compilation” or something similar into YouTube, and you’ll find a bunch of options.

Here’s an example:

This music game is a bit more challenging because singing isn’t allowed. 

Taking turns, both you and your partner have to speak in song, carrying on a conversation only using song titles or song lyrics. The challenging part of this is to try to make the conversation make sense. 

For example, you could say “I Feel Good,” and your partner can say “Because of You.” 

Whoever can’t come up with a lyric, or sings it, loses.

Another version is to speak the lyrics of a song in a normal voice, and have your partner try to guess it. You’d be surprised how tricky this can be sometimes.

Creative road trip games for couples

To play this game, you and your partner take turns telling each other a fact that may or may not be true. Then, your partner tries to guess if the fact is true or false. 

For example, “Did you know that North Dakota and South Dakota used to be one Dakota?” (That is actually true!) 

This game works with any topic, such as pop-culture trivia, history facts, anything. And if you and your partner want to make it more personal, you can use facts about yourselves. Such as, “Did you know that I have ten cousins?” 

This is one of the best travel games for couples because it helps you get to know each other (or test your knowledge of one another).

couple holding hands

Sorry I Was Late is played by beginning with saying “Sorry I was late…” and proceeding to give the plot or a storyline from a movie. Then, your partner has to guess what movie you are describing. 

For example, “Sorry I was late… I was working late at the museum of natural history, and the dinosaur exhibit tried to escape the building.” (Night at the Museum.)

You can be as direct or as indirect as you want to be. Set a time limit to make it more difficult.

Who says this is just for kids on a sleepover?

This can be one of the most fun car games. On your turn, ask your partner “truth or dare?”, and if they choose truth, you get to ask them a question they must reply truthfully to. If they choose dare, then they must do whatever you dare them to do. 

Since you’re playing in a car, this game requires a bit more creativity for the dares. Think of things such as opening the window and daring your partner to sing loudly along with the radio at a stoplight.

road trip games with significant other

This is one of the most fun road trip games for couples. It can get incredibly creative.

To play Fortunately/Unfortunately, the first person starts by saying something beginning with the word “Fortunately”. So, something like, “ Fortunately, I made it to work on time .” 

Then, it’s your partner’s turn. They must start their sentence off with “Unfortunately”, and alter your statement with something unfortunate happening. Such as “ Unfortunately, I got fired.” 

Then the next statement is another fortunately, and then unfortunately. As you go along, you’ll both be telling quite the rollercoaster of a story.

This car game is for longer road trips. It’s also less of a game, and more of a surprise for the end of your long driving days.

Every time you make a pitstop at gas stations, tourist attractions, or shops, give each other a few minutes of private time. During your private time, search for surprise road trip gifts for your partner. The more memorable, the better. 

At the end of your day, play 21 Questions to guess each other’s gift. Once you figure it out, you get to have it. 

To avoid any disappointment, you might want to set a price limit so the gifts are more-or-less equal. Here are some creative souvenir ideas to get your juices flowing

road trip games with significant other

This game is similar to Musical Alphabet, except there’s no singing or songs involved. 

Instead, you and your partner first agree on a category. It could be famous people (you can even niche down to specific famous people, such as singers, actors, historic people, etc.), places, movies, tv shows, whatever you want. 

Then, starting with the first letter of the alphabet, you’ll say something in that category that starts with the letter “A”. Then your partner says something that starts with “B” and so on.

There is a similar game that is a little spin off of the Alphabet Game.

The rules are the same except you don’t go in alphabetical order. Instead, after “A”, the next letter you start with is the last letter of the answer that was just given. For example, if the category is “animals” and you say “alligator,” the next letter your partner must start with is “R”. 

It’s a more challenging game, and makes it easier for one of you to slip up. To crank up the pressure, you can count down from 10 as your partner scrambles to think of an answer. 

road trip games with significant other

You and your partner simply take turns thinking of something (perhaps you can choose a category first, such as a celebrity, a place, animal, etc.) and start listing off facts about said thing until your partner guesses correctly. 

This game helps you learn a lot about each other based on the knowledge you each have on certain topics.

If you don’t want to come up with the topics yourself, download some trivia road trip apps before you set off.

For this game, you and your partner settle on a category, such as car brands, countries, actors, movies, anything really. 

Then, taking turns, you and your partner both say things in that category. 

So, if you choose car brands, you might start with “Audi”, your partner chimes in “Honda,” and you’ll go back and forth like that. When someone pauses for more than 5 seconds, they lose.

couple standing on van rooftop

For this game, we’re doing a little variation of the Alphabet Game. But instead of choosing a topic and naming people or things for each letter of the alphabet, you and your partner give each other compliments. 

Alternating every letter in alphabetical order, you start with “A” and give your partner a compliment that starts with “A”, then your partner gives you a compliment that starts with “B”, and so on. 

It requires you both to get creative (especially when letters get to “X” and “Z”) as well as being a fun, romantic game.

This is a really popular game to play even outside of the car. 

The rules are simple: give your partner three people, and ask them to decide which of the options they’d kiss, marry, and kill. 

A good piece of advice is to make sure you don’t use people that either of you personally know. There’s a huge chance someone may get offended if you’re playing with your friends as options.

So, instead, use actors, singers, historical figures, heck, even cartoons like Mickey and Minnie Mouse can make it even more fun. 

couple playing road trip games for couples

Pretty self-explanatory, but Finish the Sentence is played by finishing each other’s sentences. 

On your turn, come up with half a sentence, such as, “Sue went to the store to…” and then your partner finishes the sentence. Then you continue the story with another half of a sentence, and your partner continues after that. 

You can improvise the game completely, or you both can decide on a character, setting or situation to start things off. You can even make it a romantic story to make it more of a couples game to play.

This is a “background car activity” you can play simultaneously with other games, and it’s super easy.

Before you leave, write down a list of 10-20 things you predict to see during your trip. These can be as mundane or as strange as you want — the stranger, the harder.

Here are some ideas to get you started: 🚗 Someone mowing their lawn. 🚗 Someone running a red light. 🚗 Someone with the exact same car as you. 🚗 Someone singing or dancing like crazy in their car. 🚗 A sign-flipper. 🚗 A hitchhiker.

…you get the idea.

Try to be the first person to call out the scenario when you see it, then check it off your list.

This isn’t the most exciting road trip activity in the world, but it keeps your mind alert.

These couple’s road trip games will keep you occupied for hours, but you can only play the Alphabet Game so many times without getting bored.

If you’re on a longer-term adventure, you may need a bit more.

That’s where this list of fun travel hobbies comes in.

By choosing a travel hobby with your partner — activities you both enjoy doing while traveling — you’ll never get bored on the road.

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Mitch is your typical nomadic backpacker. Or at least, he was . But after stopping in Colombia to take “one week” of salsa lessons, his life took a sharp left turn. He met a cute Colombian girl in dance class, fell in love, and got married. Over half a decade has passed since he left his career to travel the world as a digital nomad, and he’s never looked back.

Nowadays, he’s the blogger behind Project Untethered — where he runs an awesome email newsletter and Youtube channel teaching adventure-craved wanderlusters how to escape the rat race, earn money from anywhere, and build an “untethered life”.

His advice has been featured in Forbes, USA Today, Yahoo, MSN, Reader’s Digest, Condé Nast Traveler, and more.

Mitch's Travel Recommendations: Travel Planning Resources - Everything you need to plan your trip on one convenient page. Going Cheap Flights Newsletter - Get flight deals from your airport up to 90% off sent straight to your inbox. Safetywing Insurance - This cheap travel insurance has saved me over $15,000 in medical bills. - Book accommodation without adding your credit card (in case you need to cancel). Trusted House Sitters - Take care of pets in exchange for free (sometimes luxury) accommodation. Flexjobs - Find remote jobs without having to sift through crappy ones. Skillshare - Free trial to take unlimited classes that teach digital nomad skills. Wise - Send and receive money abroad cheaply (great for freelancers).

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30 Road Trip Games for Couples

road trip games with significant other

The car is packed, the playlist is prepped, and the passenger princess is strapped in. What are you forgetting? 

With a few long hours ahead, we suggest making note of these road-trip games for couples that will keep everyone entertained — even if rush-hour traffic stops you in your tracks! Discover your favorite road trip game for your next couple’s adventure, and you’ll be surprised how fast time will tick by. 

Whether you want to quiz your partner or want to walk down memory lane with some classic games (hello I Spy!), we’ve rounded up the best road trip games to help you pass the time. 

What can you do with your boyfriend or girlfriend on a long car ride?

Traveling as a pair with no kids or friends in tow? Take the opportunity to get to know your partner better! With countless hours at your disposal, there is a range of road trip games to keep you both entertained! 

1. Mystery gifts

Do you have a gift-giving love language ? Then this could be the game for you. 

Your road trip’s going to have lots of gas station stops. Pledge to buy each other one mystery gift at the next stop. You can turn it into a guessing game or just get them something quirky as a memento.

Whether you make it into a sweet tooth stop or feel like stocking up on some quirky keychains, the options are endless! 

2. Counting your steps

Fun car games all involve sitting still, right? Next time you pull over, set yourselves a time limit. Using your smartphone, watch and any step apps, use the limited time to get as many steps in as you can. 

Will you look a little crazy running around the car park? Yes. Will it make it even more fun? Also, yes. 

This one’s a great game for competitive types – who will log the most steps?

3. 36 questions to get to know each other

Want to get the conversation flowing? 

If you’re looking for conversation starters , you can’t do better than these 36 questions to fall in love . Learn more about your deepest, most treasured memories or plan for the future with these road trip questions.

4. Would you rather?

A good old-fashioned game of ‘ Would you rather? ’ is guaranteed to get your significant other laughing. 

It’s a world away from those road trip games for couples questions and involves picking the best of two bad scenarios. Start small and dial it up to something more frisky! 

5. Two truths and a lie

How much do you really know about each other? Tell your partner two truths and one lie, then make them guess which one is the lie. 

Try and keep your poker face on, and no matter how many questions your partner asks — don’t give any hints! 

6. Kiss, marry, kill

This is one of the best fun road trip games for couples but it also works in groups. 

Simply pick three celebrities and say if you would kiss (or more!), marry or kill them. It’s an amazing insight into the mind!

7. The Compliment Game

Ready to get all ooey-gooey with your partner?

Begin with the first letter of the alphabet and compliment something you like about them, starting with that letter. Arms, boobs, zippers – you get the idea.

8. The Newlywed Game 

This one needs the passenger prince/princess to be in control, keeping score along the way!

Put your partner under pressure by asking them a range of intimate questions, from where you had your first date, to the first time you said you love each other. Take turns as you run through all the questions, and when you change drivers at the next pitstop — it’s your turn in the hot seat! 

What are some good games to play on a long road trip?

If you’ve got a really long road trip, or if you’re traveling with others, you’ll need to get creative. Try these on for size.

9. Road trip bingo

This one takes a little prep. Make up some bingo cards before you leave and mark them with observations like “somebody mowing their lawn” or “somebody crossing the street”. 

The rarer the spot, the better!

10. I’d like to know more about…

The one thing you have been blessed with on this trip is time. 

So ask yourselves, what’s a topic you’d really like to learn more about? Dig out some podcasts, look for audiobooks on Amazon, or just head to Wikipedia and start learning.

To make sure everyone was listening, why not break out a quiz round at the end? 

11. License plate anagrams

The license plate game is great for getting those creative cogs whirring. Look at the plates in front of you and try to come up with words – could these be linked to the driver?

Or if you want to expand your horizons, they can also use any passing billboards, signs, or any other tools to encrypt the words. 

12. The story game

Feeling inventive? Start to tell a story. It can be something simple like, “Once upon a time there was a couple driving home.” 

Your partner can start the next sentence and so on –  like your road trip, who knows where it will end up?

13. Sorry I Was Late

This one’s a great movie game for you cinephiles out there. Start by telling your partner you’re sorry you were late, then explain why – but in the style of a movie plot. Have them guess what it is.

For example, I’m so sorry that I was late, I was just bitten by a spider that gave me superpowers and then I had to go save the world with a billionaire superhero. (Any guesses?) 

14. 21 Questions 

A classic but it can get pretty interesting, especially if you’re willing to be inventive!

Learn more about the way your partner’s brain works by asking them 21 questions , and if you want to get extra competitive, give out points for every question you didn’t use. 

15. The Movie Game 

This is another great one for movie buffs, or even those who are secretly obsessed with pop culture. Start by naming an actor and then go to the next person, so they can name one of the films they were in!

Go back and forth between your group until someone runs out of ideas!

16. The Name Game 

This word game is perfect to keep you on your toes!

Start with anyone’s full name (try and be more creative than your own!) and then the next person has to name someone using the first letter of the previous person’s last name. It sounds confusing, but once you get into it, there’s no stopping you! 

road trip games for couples

What are some games to play in the car?

Traveling with kids? There are plenty of car ride games for couples and kids, with lots of distractions to keep everyone entertained! 

To avoid the constant, ‘Are we there yet?’ questions, these games could be your ticket to a fun road trip! 

17. What’s their story?

There’s nothing like a bit of people-watching to pass the time, is there? 

Look around for the first person you can see. Ask your partner and the kids – what’s their story? See what exciting versions of their lives you can come up with.

18. The cockpit game

Ready to take off? Pretend the car is your own jumbo jet. You’re upfront with the pilot and the kids are the cabin crew. Where are you going, and will the pilot take off safely? Whoosh!

19. Scattergories

This alphabet game involves picking a category and then a letter of the alphabet. So you might say something like car brands and ‘P.’ Whoever runs out of ideas loses!

20. Odd car out

Make your next road trip more exciting by looking out for automobile oddities. You might spot a classic car on the other side of the road, or it might just be a funky color. Set each other a goal for vehicles to spot and see who gets there first!

Long drives always go quicker with a game of I Spy. Have the kids guessing for hours or watch them drift off – then you can play the more adult games for couples!

22. Alpha-DJ

Another fun alphabet name game, you’ll need a music player to play this one. Play DJ and get everybody to ask you for a song title or artist beginning with a certain letter.

23. Guess the song

Still playing DJ? Start by playing only the first few seconds of a track, before the song lyrics kick in if you can. The first player to guess the song correctly wins!

24. Speaking in song

This one’s as much a memory game as it is a trivia game – can you think of a song that will keep the conversation going? 

Start a new chat with the title of a song, such as, “Have I told you lately?” Then the next player will have to respond with another song title. The player with the last word wins.

25. While you were sleeping! 

This is a great one if you have any sleepy kids in the car!

Just wait for one member of the family to doze off, while the rest of you concoct a wild story of what happened while they were sleeping. Get as creative as possible, and see if they believe you! 

What do adults play in the car?

If you’re lucky enough to be enjoying road trip activities solo, you can be as naughty as you like. You’ve also got free rein to make games more complicated – just keep those eyes on the road.

26. Degrees of separation

Start by naming two distinct objects. Let’s say a witch’s broom and a getaway car. Can you get there in six steps or fewer by word association alone? Hermione rode a witch’s broom…Hermione loves Ron…Ron drove a getaway car…you get the idea.

27. Junk memories

Who said clearing out the messes in your car can’t be fun? Go through your old receipts and tickets and try to think back to the memories of that day. Here’s a check for a burger restaurant…remember that date?

This can be a fun walk down memory lane, while also being a subtle way to clean up their car! 

28.  Truth or dare

You can make this one as daring as you like! It could be something tame like tooting your horn at another driver or making a fool of yourself in the gas station. 

Feel free to  make it naughtier too – this is a couple’s road trip, after all.

29. Fun photo ops

Nothing makes for weird and wonderful photo effects like a moving car. Take snaps out of the window or of the two of you while moving. Just make sure you don’t distract the driver!

30.  Never have I ever

Travel games for couples are great because they rely on imagination rather than just alcohol. 

In this booze-free version of this classic game, ask each other to confess your deepest darkest secrets. Take a swig of a non-alcoholic drink or try another gesture, like winking.

road trip games with significant other

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Type and hit enter to search, 22 sizzling romantic road trip games for couples.

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Your next road trip adventure shouldn’t just be about getting to the destination or the typical activities; there are road trip games for couples to keep you interested and connected the entire time. Of course, you can’t even concentrate on your devices the entire time, while your partner focuses on driving.

There is no amount of conversation that will be enough to fill in the gaps that will fill the car when you’ve run out of stories, so you know you won’t just spend the entire time staring out the window or fiddling with your phones and tablets.

You need certain road trip activities that are specific to lovers to get along and endure a long car ride to your destination. Whether on a weekend getaway with your significant other or simply one of those daring couples that enjoy taking long road drives just for fun. 

Here are some of my favorite road trip activities for couples going on a road trip. A variety of traditional and original games are available for your enjoyment while traveling. Even on a trip that was not originally intended to be romantic, playing road trip games with your significant other is a great way to strengthen your relationship and make romantic memories.

The most fun road trip games for couples are listed below for you to try out on your upcoming journey.

Road Trip Classics Games for Couples


Road trip classic games have been played for ages, yet they still provide players with the same level of enjoyment today. Even though they have withstood the test of time, these games continue to be played frequently and are cherished by many people. Some of them include:

With Ispy, you can never go wrong. Ispy continues to be the best road game, so couples looking for games to make their car trip enjoyable won’t be disappointed.


To make it more specialized and engaging for couples’ road trip excursions, you can do away with the standard trivia questions and create your own trivia that centers around your relationship.  Make it entertaining enough.

Road trip bingos will never lose their appeal due to the excitement they provide. Couples get the opportunity to learn about one another’s tastes and experiences while still having fun. For your road trip, download as many printable bingos as you can.

License Plate Game

Another timeless game for road trips that is always a blast is the license plate game. To compete with one another and see who can find more license plates on the road than the other at the end of the trip, print out the license plate codes for each of the 50 states. It can also be played cooperatively, allowing you to learn the states on a single sheet while working as a group. Whatever works best. Good enough, you can play this game and play other games simultaneously.

Check out these 25 Most Exciting Road Trip Games You Don’t Need to Pay for .

Bonding/Building Games


Couples can play these road trip activities to learn more about one other’s personalities, tales, or even past experiences. This fosters a bond from a position of more informed understanding. It helps couples get ready for their trip by letting them know what to do or avoid in private for the greatest vacation experience.

However, these games can also be the breaking point, if the information released will not be assimilated well by the other.

These include:

Conversation starters

They might consist of 21 Questions-style games. The questions can be modified to focus on the relationship, their personalities, and values. in order to learn more about one another.

Would You Rather

This classic is not just funny but a terrific game for bonding between couples. The Would You Rather game gives players a platform to express their preferences and the other party gains knowledge from details.

Never Have I Ever

Couples are given the opportunity to share something unusual that they have never done before. It makes space for information, understanding, and perhaps even the “wow” factor between couples in addition to laughter.

Road Trip Games for Laughs


They include games that feature stories, obviously intended to make other people laugh silly. You two will undoubtedly be bursting with laughter while playing the following games:

Fortunately and Unfortunately

“Fortunately and Unfortunately” is a very common road trip game that will have you rolling with laughter from the fortunate or unfortunate stories; occasionally, it may even make you cry, but for a lighter mood between couples, it’s best to stick to the good and funny stories like “Unfortunately, I married my high school crush…” Then your spouse says, Fortunately, she still views me as the top dog in town.”

Road trip jokes

For laughs, take turns telling jokes and reading amusing memes. Collect as many amusing memes and jokes as you can, then alternately recite them out to one another to cause fits of laughing. You can also check out these 100+ Thought-Provoking Road Trip Questions for Couples

headset for song road trip games for couples

There are road trip activities for couples that incorporate songs, performers, and their lyrics if you and your partner enjoy singing. How well do you know the lyrics of your favorite artist’s recent or old albums? On a romantic car trip, some musical games include:


One person begins a song and stops midway through, either singing a few lines or just a line, and the other continues with a new song, beginning with a word from the first song and pausing before the other begins with a new song beginning with the word just paused. It must be completed without taking long breaks.

Guess the lyrics

A single performer belts out a verse from a song of their choice. The other person must then identify the music. It’s their turn to sing if they get it properly! Make it more challenging by reciting the lyrics, or singing each song to a different tune. Alternatively, you might play the song through the speakers and ask people to identify it. You can’t sing any song for the other person to guess until you get it right.

Freaky Road Trip Games for Couples

freaky road trip games for couples

Freaky games are road trip activities for couples to enjoy in order to deepen intimacy and liven up the journey. The mood between the couples in the car is transformed into one that is intense and passionate. Among the freaky car games for couples are:

Strip Padiddle

Make a list of items that can be seen along the way and whoever sees it first yells “Strip Padiddle” and touches the roof of the car. The person explains what he saw after that.  The last person to touch the car roof is the defaulter who gets to strip. The defaulter takes off one piece of clothing and the game continues till someone has taken off all pieces of clothing items on the body.  

You all know what might occur next when you’re all wearing very little clothing. It is a private game meant only for couples traveling together in complete solitude. This is one of the best road trip games for couples to feel sexy and passionate in that sizzling way.

Truth or Dare

Truth and dare is another way to get freaky with your partner during a road trip. Get to choose daring options that are possible to be done within the car. Dare each other to do crazy things. While some crazy dares may not require getting freaky, be sure to make freaky dares too.


This is one of those road trip games for couples that could get quite freaky. Do you know how it is when you meet someone and decide you want to have a one-night stand? (We’ll refer to this as a one-moment stand.) This is precisely the point of the game. Play the role of a stranger being picked up for a ride by the other. Both couples act as though they are strangers to one another while conversing, getting hitched, and possibly having a passionate moment like you would with a new acquaintance.

Know your Partner Road Trip Games for Couples

get to know your partner road trip games for couples

These are road trip games for couples to test how much of their partner’s personalities, past, and plans they know. They include:

Two Truths and a Lie

Take turns presenting three assertions, two truths, and one lie. The story or statement’s events must be well-created in order to appear genuine. Which of the three claims or stories is the truth, according to your spouse, and which is a lie? If your companion answers all the questions correctly, he earns a point; otherwise, he loses one.

Would I Lie to You? 

You two take turns reading or telling amazing personal stories as your companion checks to see if you are telling the truth or a lie by posing questions to you for you to back up your claims. If the investigation reveals that your account was false or inconsistent, the investigator wins; if it establishes your innocence, you win; and if you are deceitful to such an extent that it is believed to be real, you win.

For example, “I once went to a man’s house on a Sunday morning and found him lying dead” can be the story. And the probing goes “how did you get in, with key or door ajar”,  “No one saw you? “How did you cover your mess, no cops traced a fingerprint to you?”. Your answers will give you away or support your claim.

Camaraderie Road Trip Games for Couples

camaraderie road trip games for couples

These are the kinds of games that improve partner relationships and mental bonds. They are games that enable players to compromise and reach an understanding. These include games like:

I’m Going on a Holiday

They alternate taking turns adding lines to the stories as quickly as they can without pausing to take a breath after their spouse announces what he will do or carry for the holiday. The stories don’t have to be true.

For instance, “I’m going on vacation and I’ll meet a man…” “He’ll take you to a bar, he says…” “I will get offered some wine…” “and get intoxicated with the wine…” etc


Your partner says a word and you follow up with a related word and the list continues. For example Cops, murder, pistol, handcuff, prison…”

Read also: 20 Guaranteed Road Trip Activities for Kids .

Adventurous Road Trip Games for Couples

adventurous road trip games for couples

These are adrenaline-pumping road trip games for couples that could need you to do things that are uncomfortable for you to do or that could get you into trouble. These games consist of:

Left, Right, or Straight?

It’s one of those road trip activities for couples who have the freedom to explore and are up for the challenge. Therefore, join in on this game where you alternately choose random detours whenever you reach a junction if you have enough free time. when you reach a junction? The other person gets to choose any random road after asking whether to go left, right, or straight.

You can decide to choose random routes that lead nowhere just for the fun of exploration or pick random detours that you hope will lead to your destination. Either one, be sure to have enough time at hand and not be in a hurry because you may sure get lost. But there’s always your GPS to the rescue when you are tired.

  • Scavenger Hunt.

Make a list of the treasures you hope to find while traveling. Until all the items on the list have been removed, anyone who finds these objects takes them up. Couples should enjoy their road trip by participating in a road treasure hunt because it is action-packed and guaranteed to get their heart racing.

Read also: 14 Romantic Road Trip Activities for Couples .

card games road trip games for couples

One of the best ways to enjoy a road trip is to play cards while driving. Playing cards is a lot of fun. It is appropriate for a trip where the couples are being driven, or perhaps if you stop by the side of the road for a rest or a picnic. Several card games are:

Crazy Eights

Mentally stimulating games.

scrabble is a mentally stimulating road trip games for couples

These entail road trip games that test couples’ cognitive abilities while they compete against one another and work through issues. Among them are board games like:

What Can I Do On a Road Trip With My Boyfriend?

In addition to road trip games for couples, there are other road trip activities for couples to liven up the lengthy journey, when games have been played to the point of exhaustion, or even just to take a break from the games.

On a road trip, you and your boo can enjoy the following activities:

  • Snacking together
  • Selfies and videos
  • Vlog with Boo
  • Listen to audiobooks and podcasts together while cuddled up under a travel duvet if someone else is driving.
  • Netflix together
  • Stop by a park for a romantic picnic
  • Drop by a fancy restaurant in any city you are passing by for a quiet unplanned romantic date.
  • Get lost on the way by turning off your GPS and Maps and simply just explore the roads ahead. It leaves both of you feeling like the only ones in the world and having each other to yourselves.

What are the Most Fun Road Trip Games for Couples?

No matter how long the ride, these are some of the most entertaining games that every couple can play in the car without getting bored or tense:

  • Strip Padiddle.
  • Hitch-hiker.
  • Truth or Dare.
  • I’m going on Holiday.
  • 21 Questions.
  • Road Trip Bingos.
  • Would I Lie to You?
  • Card Games.

Don’t go hungry while on any road trip; I am sure you would love these 20 Awesome and Healthy Lunch Ideas for Road Trips for healthy dieting during road trips.

These suggestions will undoubtedly form a wonderful road trip itinerary for couples who want to create lasting memories. Road trip games for couples are a great plan to add to your travel experience for total entertainment, so the fun doesn’t have to wait until you get to your vacation or host destination.

Read also: 30 Fun Things to do on a Road Trip

Along with the activities, how you pack for a road trip with your partner is important. for an adventure. You might want to wear some hiking-related clothing, like sturdy trekking boots. You should never leave for a vacation without your camera and its carrying case because they are both crucial items for the trip.

You can make a road trip with boo memorable enough to make you eager for a recurrence by coming up with these 100+ Thought-Provoking Road Trip Questions for Couples and many other road travel ideas. 

Traveling with children? Here are some Fun Road Trip Games for Kids .

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Daisy Edikan

I’m Daisy, a passionate traveler and adventurer who loves sharing her travel and camping tips. From a young age, I’ve had a thirst for exploration, taking myself to different corners of the world. I enjoy combining my love for travel with camping trips and believe that it's not just about the destination, but also about the journey and the people you meet along the way. Through this blog and social media platforms, I share my travel experiences, recommendations, and tips to inspire others to travel more and explore the world around them. When I’m not traveling, I can be found planning my next adventure or spending time in nature writing.

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15 fun road trip games for couples.

Road trips are a fantastic way for couples to get away and explore together. It's a great way to bond, enjoy each other's company, and create memories. But planning a road trip can be stressful, especially when figuring out what activities to do along the way. One of the best ways to keep the journey exciting and enjoyable for both of you is to play road trip games! Road trip games for couples can help you have fun, learn about each other, and pass the time on the road. In this blog post, we'll look at why road trips are great for couples and then give you 15 fun road trip games for couples to play during your journey.

Why Road Trips are Great for Couples

Road trips offer a unique opportunity for couples to get away together and make special memories. Here are some of the benefits of taking a road trip as a couple: 1. Quality Time: A road trip allows couples to spend quality time together away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You can focus on each other, talk, and enjoy being in each other's company. 2. Adventure: Road trips can be an adventure; you never know what experiences are around the next corner. It's a chance to explore and discover new places together. 3. Bonding: As you spend time together on the road, you'll get to know each other better and deepen your bond. 4. Memories: Road trips create special memories that will last a lifetime.

15 Road Trip Games for Couples

Now that you know why a road trip as a couple is a great idea, let's look at some fun road trip games for couples.

1. Lucky's Road Trip Kit

Lucky's Road Trip Kit includes four games that you can play on the road OR on the couch! Games include Lucky Likes (a fun and unique guessing game), Mirror Dice (essentially charades on the road), Carn't Be True (to test your knowledge of your partner), and A-Z (a twist on the classic Alphabet Game). Lucky's Road Trip Kit is great for both couples, families, and friends!

Learn more about this fun road trip game kit for couples HERE .

luckys road trip game kit for couples and families

2. 141 Outrageous Conversation Starters

This deck includes 141 crazy, off-the-wall conversation starters you and your partner can talk through together!

3. Interstate Bingo

You and your partner can each create a bingo card of items you expect to observe on the journey to the destination. The person not behind the wheel can tick off each one as they are seen. This game is a simple yet effective way to start a conversation and make the trip more fun. Plus, it'll be exciting to see who wins!

4. Odd Colored Car

Before you set off, jot down some unusual car colors you hope to spot on your journey. As you travel, keep an eye out for these colors and record the number of times you see them. The person who checks off the highest count will be the winner!

5. 20 Questions

One person thinks of an object, person, or place, and the other has to guess what it is in 20 questions or less.

6. Name That Tune

One person hums or sings a song, and the other has to guess the song's name.

7. Would You Rather

Each person comes up with a "would you rather" question, and the other person has to answer.

8. The Memory Game

Each person takes turns picking an object or place, and the other person has to remember it. The first person to forget an item loses.

9. The Drawing Game

One person draws a picture, and the other has to guess what it is.

10. The Movie Game

Each person takes turns naming a movie that starts with the last letter of the previous film.

11. The Story Game

One person starts a story and says one sentence, and the other must continue. Switch off after every sentence.

12. The Alphabet Game

One person picks a category (like animals, movies, or cities), and the other person has to name something for each letter of the alphabet.

13. The Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items you can find on your road trip and see who can find them all first.

14. Decode the Plate

Translating license plates into personalized messages can be a fun and creative way to pass the time in the car. For example, "7DA8D2F" can be interpreted as "7 Delicious Apples, 8 Donuts, and 2 Fries - that's what I want when we stop next ".

15. The Word Association Game

One person says a word, and the other has to say a word associated with it. Road trips are an excellent way for couples to get away, explore, and make memories. But planning a road trip can be stressful, so it's essential to come up with fun activities along the way. One of the best ways to pass the time and have fun is to play road trip games for couples. In this blog post, we've looked at why road trips are great for couples and given you 15 road trip games for couples to play. So, get ready to hit the road and have fun with your significant other!

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35 Road Trip Games for Couples That Are Super Fun

Last Updated: May 6, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was reviewed by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Sophie Burkholder, BA . John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love. He teaches and holds dating workshops internationally, from Los Angeles to London and from Rio de Janeiro to Prague. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Humans of New York, and Men's Health. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 2,553 times.

Road trips are great for couples: seeing romantic scenery, duetting your favorite songs, and spending quality time with your significant other. You can use the miles to get to know each other better, improve your intimacy, or spice things up—and this list of games will help you do all that. If you’re packing up for a road trip with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other, try these games to grow closer to your partner in the most fun way possible!

20 Questions

  • Is it a living thing?
  • Is this person alive?
  • Is this person famous?
  • Can this animal fly?
  • Does this animal eat meat?
  • Is this object smaller than a breadbox?
  • Can I see this object in the car now?
  • Is this place somewhere I’ve been to?
  • For an added challenge, only use words you see that start with each letter. Look for words on road signs, street signs, or bumper stickers.

License Plate Anagrams

road trip games with significant other

The Picnic Game

  • Start by saying, “I’m going to a picnic and bringing ____.” Beginning with the letter “A,” choose something to bring to a picnic, like “artichoke hearts” or “ants.” You and your partner then take turns naming items that start with each letter of the alphabet until you reach the end of the alphabet or someone gets stumped!

Desert Island

road trip games with significant other

  • One example rule is everything has to have a double letter in the word. Start with, “I’m going to a desert island and bringing a lollipop.” Your partner can bring “rolls,” “spoons,” or “spaghetti,” but they can’t bring “lemons,” “forks,” or “sushi.”

Hum That Tune

  • Take turns humming the rhythm of a song you both know. Your partner must try to correctly guess the name of the tune. When the right song is guessed (or revealed), switch off! Depending on your musical skills, this game can result in a lot of giggles. [3] X Research source

Two Truths and a Lie

  • Make all the statements about your relationship or mutual friends for a more personal touch.

Never Have I Ever

road trip games with significant other

  • Turn this game into a storytelling activity by telling each other the story behind what you have done.
  • To spice this game up a little more for couples, kiss each other or take off an item of clothing for each thing you have done.

Would You Rather

  • Would you rather relax on a beach or climb a mountain?
  • Would you rather have more time or more money?
  • Would you rather get stuck in an elevator with someone you hate or be alone?
  • Would you rather never wear underwear or socks again?
  • Would you rather be the big spoon or the little spoon?
  • Atlas: “Spai n ” → “ N ew Mexic o → “ O man…”
  • Foods: “Peanut s ” → “ S hortbrea d → “ D eviled eggs…”
  • Sports Teams: “Manchester Unite d ” → “ D enver Bronco s → “ S an Francisco 49ers…”
  • Names: “Roy Roger s ” → “ S andra Bulloc k → “ K eanu Reeves…”

road trip games with significant other

  • Who is your biggest celebrity crush?
  • What song lives in your head rent-free?
  • Do you think aliens believe in humans?
  • What’s your favorite swear word?
  • What’s one of your guilty pleasures?
  • Do you believe in being monogamous?
  • What’s a secret that only your closest friend knows about you?
  • What piece of advice did you receive that changed your life?
  • Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Compliment Giving Game

  • For example, “I love your a mbition” followed by “You’re b reathtakingly beautiful.”

The Newlywed Game

  • What is your partner’s dream job?
  • How does your partner like their eggs?
  • What color are your partner’s eyes?
  • Who is most likely to lose their temper in traffic?
  • What does your partner usually wear to bed?
  • When and where was our first kiss?
  • Who made the first move?
  • Who said “I love you” first?
  • Who is the better gift-giver?
  • Who gives better massages?

Kiss, Marry, Kill

  • Famous Justins: Justin Bieber, Justin Trudeau, Justin Timberlake.
  • Girl group members: Victoria Beckham, Camila Cabello, Beyoncé.
  • Fictional vampires: Angel, Edward Cullen, Damon Salvatore.
  • Disney princesses: Ariel, Pocahontas, Snow White.

Truth or Dare

  • Truth: What is the grossest habit you have?
  • Dare: Lick whatever’s directly in front of you.
  • Truth: What did you think when you first met me?
  • Dare: Dance at every red light & make eye contact with the cars beside you.

Spicy Storytelling

  • For example, start with, “This morning, we heard a knock on the door.”
  • Your partner may continue, “When we went to answer it, no one was there.”
  • You respond, “I shrugged and closed the door, only to hear the doorbell ringing!”
  • This pattern continues until the story comes to a natural end.

Junk Reminiscing

road trip games with significant other

Who Are They?

  • Maybe you see a woman in the car next to you. You could say, “Her name is Marjorie Mums. She was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee, and takes that cowboy hat everywhere. It belonged to her great-grandfather, but now she puts it on her dog, Frito, when she takes him for walks. Today, she’s on the way to see her long-lost lover that she met on a summer vacation to Greece.”

Fortunately, Unfortunately

  • This silly game can go on for as long as you want, and you can take it in any direction you like! [9] X Research source

The Question Game

  • ”Do YOU like fruit?” (Repetition)
  • ”I like fruit.” (Statement)
  • ”Um…” (Hesitation)
  • Instead, respond to “Do you like fruit?” with “Does fruit have seeds?” or “Is a tomato a fruit?”

Degrees of Separation

road trip games with significant other

  • Bumblebees and outer space: “Bumblebees are the main characters in Bee Movie, an animated film. Animated films are also made by Pixar and Disney, who made the movie Toy Story. That movie stars a character named Buzz Lightyear, a toy astronaut who dreams of going to outer space.”
  • Jessica Chastain and Rihanna: Jessica Chastain was in The Huntsman with Liam Neeson, who was in Battleship with Rihanna.

Sorry I Was Late

  • Start by saying, “Sorry I was late…” then give an excuse that matches the plot of a famous film. For example, say, “Sorry I was late; I found a little alien and had to take him home on my bike to meet my siblings.” See if your partner can guess what movie you’re describing.

The Movie Game

  • For example, you could name Zendaya. Your partner could name Dune, which Zendaya starred in.
  • You then must name another actor in Dune, like Timothée Chalamet or Stellan Skarsgård.
  • If you say Stellan Skarsgård, your partner could say Mamma Mia or Good Will Hunting. Play continues until someone can’t name another movie or actor.

Lyrical Connections

  • Start with a line like, “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”
  • Your partner must continue, “Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.”
  • Keep alternating lyrics until someone messes up.

Speak in Song

  • “Where Have You Been” → “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” → “Wish You Were Here” → “Shake It Off…”
  • “Who Let the Dogs Out?” → “It Wasn’t Me” → “I Gotta Feeling” → “Boy’s a Liar”

License Plate Decoder

  • Read the license plates around you and use the letters to make full sentences or stories. These are probably going to be pretty silly and nonsensical, but fun! For example, “CSU S4E” could be “crazy Santa understudy scares 4 elves” or “GTGE9F” could be “got to go, eating 9 frankfurters.”

License Plate Mathematician

  • For each license plate you see, try to find a mathematical equation that fits its numbers. For example, the license plate “5J9301” could be 5 = 9 - 3 + 0 - 1. Keep track of who finds the most successful calculations!
  • Keep your eyes out for a Volkswagen Beetle car. When you see one on the road, you must be the first to say “Slug Bug!” before smacking your partner on the arm. Add other vehicles to this game with a “PT Cruiser Bruiser,” “Jeep Beep,” “Copper Bopper,” “Dodge Ram Bam,” or “Cadillac Whack.”

Strip Padiddle

  • When driving at night, look for cars with one burnt-out headlight or brake light. These vehicles are known as “padiddles.” Play by smacking each other every time you see a padiddle, or spice it up by removing one piece of clothing for every padiddle. It's a good thing you can only play this at night!

Odd Color Car

road trip games with significant other

  • To level up this game, remove an article of clothing whenever your partner spots their chosen car color.

Road Trip Bingo

  • Make your own bingo sheets ahead of time or buy some premade road-trip-themed Bingo cards . [12] X Research source

Road Trip Trivia

  • Google these questions as you go or make a list ahead of time.

Mystery Stop and Shop

  • When you stop at a gas station, rest stop, or roadside attraction, find a silly or sweet gift for your partner. This could be something as simple as their favorite candy, a souvenir shot glass, or a postcard of wherever you are. This is a great way to add excitement to your stops and have more mementos of your time together! [14] X Research source

Count Your Steps

  • Every time you stop for a gas, snack, or bathroom break, set a time for 3-5 minutes. Use a step-counting app or tool and walk (safely) around the parking area. Whoever gets the most steps is the winner! Although you might look a little goofy to the other road-trippers passing by.

36 Questions to Fall In Love

road trip games with significant other

  • Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?
  • Would you like to be famous? In what way?
  • Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?
  • What would constitute a "perfect" day for you?
  • When did you last sing to yourself? To someone else?
  • If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?
  • Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?
  • Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common.
  • For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
  • If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?
  • Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible.
  • If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?
  • If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
  • Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?
  • What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
  • What do you value most in a friendship?
  • What is your most treasured memory?
  • What is your most terrible memory?
  • If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living? Why?
  • What does friendship mean to you?
  • What roles do love and affection play in your life?
  • Alternate sharing something you consider a positive characteristic of your partner. Share a total of five items.
  • How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?
  • How do you feel about your relationship with your mother?
  • Make three true "we" statements each. For instance, "We are both in this room feeling..."
  • Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share..."
  • If you were going to become a close friend with your partner, please share what would be important for him or her to know.
  • Tell your partner what you like about them; be very honest this time, saying things that you might not say to someone you've just met.
  • Share with your partner an embarrassing moment in your life.
  • When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?
  • Tell your partner something that you like about them already.
  • What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
  • If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven't you told them yet?
  • Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?
  • Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?
  • Share a personal problem and ask your partner's advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

Expert Q&A

  • Road trips become even more romantic if you choose the destination wisely, so pick a route with stunning and memorable views. There are plenty of romantic road-trip routes in the United States and all over the world! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Preparing for a road trip (and packing for one) can be stressful, so pack some conversation cards or other couples road trip games so your focus can be on each other the whole time. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Other ways to stay entertained on road trips include reading a book to each other, listening to podcasts, and visiting kooky roadside attractions. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

road trip games with significant other

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15+ Hilarious Road Trip Games for Couples & Digital Nomads

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Road trip games for couples make the journey more enjoyable and foster connection. Whether you’re on a long road trip or just a short getaway, engaging in fun and interactive games can add excitement and create lasting memories.

Playing games during a road trip is a great way to bond with your partner and break the monotony of driving. These games not only help pass the time but also allow you to learn more about each other and strengthen your relationship.

From classic games like “I Spy” and the “Alphabet Game” to creative games like “20 Questions” and “Two Truths and a Lie,” there are plenty of options to choose from. We will explore some popular road trip games for couples that will make your journey more enjoyable.

Road trips provide the perfect opportunity for couples to bond and create lasting memories. One way to add some fun and excitement to your journey is through song talk. Song talk involves choosing a song and discussing what it means to each of you.

It’s a great way to learn more about your partner’s favorite music and to connect on a deeper level. As you take turns sharing songs, you can discuss the lyrics, the emotions they evoke, and any personal memories associated with them.

This activity not only allows you to discover new music but also provides insight into each other’s thoughts and feelings. So, next time you hit the road, don’t forget to bring along a playlist of your favorite songs and get ready for some meaningful song talk.

It’s a guaranteed way to make your road trip even more special.

20 Questions

Embark on your next road trip with an entertaining game of 20 Questions for couples. This classic game is a perfect way to pass the time and learn more about your partner. Take turns asking each other thought-provoking and fun questions.

Whether it’s about childhood memories, future dreams, or favorite foods, 20 Questions is sure to spark interesting conversations and laughter. It’s a simple yet effective way to deepen your bond and create lasting memories while on the open road. So, grab a pen and paper, and get ready for an enjoyable and engaging journey with your significant other.

Truth Or Lies

Road trips are a great way for couples to bond and create lasting memories together. One popular game that can add excitement and laughter to the journey is Truth or Lies. In this game, couples take turns asking each other questions, and the objective is to guess if the answer is true or false.

It’s a fun way to learn more about each other and spark interesting conversations. To keep the game engaging, couples can come up with creative questions that require some thought, or even throw in some silly and outrageous ones to lighten the mood.

Whether you’re driving through scenic routes or just cruising on the highway, playing Truth or Lies can make the time fly by and make your road trip even more enjoyable. So, grab your partner, prepare some intriguing questions, and get ready for some exciting and revealing moments on your next couples’ road trip.

15+ Hilarious Road Trip Games for Couples & Digital Nomads

Embarking on a road trip with your significant other can be an exciting adventure filled with laughter, memorable moments, and quality bonding time. One way to make the journey even more enjoyable is by playing fun and interactive games together.

While it’s great to have a destination in mind, part of the magic lies in the spontaneity and surprises that the open road brings. To navigate your way through this adventure, an atlas becomes an indispensable companion. An atlas provides not only guidance on directions and routes but also fascinating information about the places you will encounter along the way.

Use the atlas as a conversation starter, discussing interesting facts, landmarks, and historical sites that catch your eye. Let the atlas be your guide as you explore, discover, and create lasting memories with your partner on this incredible road trip.

Name That Tune

Taking a road trip with your significant other? Name That Tune is an engaging game to play to pass the time. One person hums or sings a few bars of a song and the other has to guess the title.

For an added challenge, you can set a time limit for guessing. This game is perfect for testing your knowledge of each other’s music preferences and can lead to fun conversations about memories associated with certain songs. You can create a playlist together and reminisce about the songs you’ve heard on your journey.

Name That Tune is a great way to bond and enjoy each other’s company while on the road.

The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is a fantastic road trip game for couples. It’s a simple yet addictive game that will keep you entertained during long drives. To play, each person takes turns finding words that start with each letter of the alphabet in order.

For example, the first person might say “apple” for A, and the second person might pick “butterfly” for B. The game continues until someone can’t think of a word for a certain letter. The Alphabet Game is not only a fun way to pass the time, but it also encourages creativity, vocabulary skills, and healthy competition between partners.

So, next time you hit the road with your loved one, make sure to try out this game and see who can come up with the most unique and clever words.

Kiss, Marry, Kill

Are you looking for a fun and interactive way to spice up your road trip with your partner? Look no further! One popular game that couples can play is “Kiss, Marry, Kill. ” This game involves naming three individuals and deciding which one you would kiss, marry, or kill.

It may sound intense, but it’s all in good fun! By playing this game, you and your partner can learn more about each other’s preferences and engage in lively discussions. From celebrities to fictional characters, the possibilities are endless. So, the next time you hit the road, make sure to include “Kiss, Marry, Kill” in your couples’ game lineup for an entertaining and memorable journey together.

Two Truths And A Lie

Looking for some fun games to play on your next road trip with your partner? One entertaining option is the classic “Two Truths and a Lie. ” In this game, both of you take turns sharing three statements about yourselves – two truths and one lie.

The other person has to guess which statement is the lie. It’s a fantastic way to learn more about each other and keep the journey entertaining. Plus, it can lead to some amusing and surprising revelations. So, the next time you hit the road as a couple, be sure to give this game a try and enjoy hours of laughter and connection.

Would You Rather

Embarking on a road trip with your significant other is an exciting adventure to create lasting memories. To keep things entertaining during long hours on the road, playing games can be a fun way to pass the time. One popular game to play as a couple is “Would You Rather.

” This game involves presenting two options and choosing which one you would prefer. It can lead to interesting conversations and reveal aspects of each other’s personalities. For example, you might ask, “Would you rather explore a bustling city or unwind in a peaceful countryside?

” Discussing and explaining your choices can be a great way to connect and learn more about each other. Whether you agree or disagree, the game sparks conversation and makes the journey more enjoyable. So, on your next road trip, don’t forget to bring along the game of “Would You Rather” and have a blast exploring each other’s preferences and dreams.

Celebrity Trivia

One classic road trip game that can keep couples entertained for hours is Celebrity Trivia. This game is perfect for testing your knowledge about famous personalities from various industries, including movies, sports, music, and more. To play, simply take turns naming a celebrity and the other person has to come up with another celebrity whose first name starts with the last letter of the previous celebrity’s last name.

For example, if one person says “Tom Hanks,” the next person could say “Sandra Bullock,” and so on. This game can be a fun way to pass the time during long stretches of driving, and it’s a great opportunity to learn more about your partner’s favorite celebrities and their accomplishments.

So, brush up on your celebrity knowledge and get ready for an enjoyable and challenging game of Celebrity Trivia on your next road trip.

Don’t Yes Or No

Embarking on a road trip as a couple can be a thrilling and memorable experience. To make the journey even more enjoyable, consider playing the “Don’t Yes or No” game. This game involves avoiding saying the words “yes” or “no” in response to questions asked by your partner.

The goal is to engage in meaningful conversations and learn more about each other while testing your communication skills. You can take turns asking open-ended questions and encourage each other to respond creatively. This interactive game will not only help pass the time during long drives but also strengthen your bond as a couple.

So, pack your bags, hit the road, and give this game a try on your next adventure together. Watch On YouTube

Word Association

Embarking on a road trip with your partner is the perfect way to create lasting memories and strengthen your bond. To make the journey more enjoyable, why not engage in a word association game? This classic game involves one person saying a word, and the other person quickly responding with a related word.

The game continues, allowing each person to come up with a word that connects to the previous one. It’s a simple yet effective way to pass the time while stimulating your creativity and communication skills. You’ll be amazed at the different paths your minds will take and the surprising connections you’ll discover.

Whether you choose to play the game to challenge each other or simply to have fun, word association is sure to add some excitement to your road trip. So, pack your bags, hit the open road, and get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey of words and connection. Watch On YouTube

Are you planning a road trip with your significant other? Keep the journey entertaining with some fun road trip games for couples. One popular game that will make time fly by is the movie game. To play, simply take turns naming movies based on the last letter of the previous movie title.

For example, if your partner says “The Shawshank Redemption,” you could respond with “National Lampoon’s Vacation. ” This game is an enjoyable way to test your movie knowledge as well as spark conversations about favorite films and actors. It’s bound to create some laughs and keep you engaged throughout the trip.

So, the next time you hit the road with your partner, don’t forget to pack the movie game and enjoy a journey filled with entertainment and quality time together.

Music Challenge

Embarking on a road trip as a couple can be an exciting and fun-filled experience, and adding some music challenges to the journey can enhance the enjoyment. One engaging game for couples is to take turns guessing the title and artist of a song playing on the radio.

To make it more competitive, you can set a time limit for each turn. Alternatively, create a playlist of your favorite tunes and challenge each other to guess the song within the first few seconds. This game not only adds a fun element to the journey but also allows you to share and enjoy your taste in music together.

Whether you’re belting out the lyrics at the top of your lungs or triumphantly celebrating a correct guess, these music challenges can add a memorable and entertaining dimension to your road trip as a couple.

Spell It Out

Are you and your partner planning a road trip? Make the journey even more enjoyable by playing some fun and engaging games along the way. One game that will test your spelling skills is called “Spell It Out. ” To play the game, take turns choosing a word and then challenging your partner to spell it out loud.

You can adjust the difficulty level by using simple or more complex words. This game not only provides entertainment but also enhances your vocabulary and spelling abilities. So, next time you hit the road, don’t forget to pack some wordplay into your journey with “Spell It Out.

” It’s a great way to pass the time and have a laugh together while sharpening your linguistic skills. Watch On YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions Of Road Trip Games For Couples

What are some fun road trip games for couples.

There are several fun road trip games for couples, such as the alphabet game, 20 questions, and the license plate game. These games help pass the time and make the journey more enjoyable.

How Can Road Trip Games Benefit A Couple’s Relationship?

Road trip games can benefit a couple’s relationship by creating opportunities for communication, bonding, and shared experiences. They help break the monotony and strengthen the connection between partners.

Are There Any Games Specifically Designed For Long Road Trips?

Yes, there are games specifically designed for long road trips, such as “Would You Rather,” “Trivia,” and “The Rhyme Game. ” These games are engaging and can keep couples entertained for hours while on the road.

Can Road Trip Games Help Reduce Travel Stress?

Yes, road trip games can help reduce travel stress by diverting attention from potential road-related anxieties and providing a fun and positive distraction. They help create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere during the journey.

Are There Any Games That Encourage Conversation And Getting To Know Each Other Better?

Certainly! Games like “The Newlywed Game,” “20 Questions,” and “Truth or Dare” encourage conversation and help couples learn more about each other. These games facilitate deepening their connection and understanding.

After reading this post, hopefully, you have found some exciting road trip game ideas to enhance your next journey with your partner. Remember, these games not only add fun and spark to the trip but also create lasting memories. So, pack your bags, grab these ideas, hit the road, and enjoy a memorable and romantic road trip together!

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Top 35 Entertaining Road Trip Games for Couples to Have an Ultimate Fun Trip

Fun Road Trip Games for Couples

Going on a road trip with your significant other can be an exhilarating and memorable experience to have. This provides an uninterrupted opportunity to spend time together engaging in deep conversations, playing games, or simply enjoying each other’s company while exploring new places. You can plan your route and schedule together, try local cuisine, make a to-do list, and create lasting memories by learning more about each other’s preferences. Enjoy the journey, embrace the unexpected, and make the most of this special time knowing each other.

Road Trip Games for Couples

A fun and engaging journey can transform an ordinary trip into something extraordinary. It enhances your bond with joy and excitement. It adds positive energy to the entire adventure, making it more memorable for you and your better half. It will strengthen your interconnection and relationship. It also reduces stress and gives you a getaway from regular life. To add more fun and romance here are the top 35 entertaining road trip games for couples that will accompany you throughout your trip and will undoubtedly make your trip pleasant while you are still on the road!

1. The name game 

Start with a familiar name. Your partner will say another name starting with the same alphabet as your name’s last alphabet . You can try doing this with country, animals, flowers, and literally any category.

Playing this game lets you know your partner’s strong zone.

Say I spy with my eyes and state an object you can see. Your partner will try to spot it, too. This will help you to have a better engagement with each other.

3. The license plate game

Count the license plates from different states. Whoever counts the most wins. It is a fun challenge to know if your partner is competitive enough or not!  

4. This or That

Play this or that with opposite options, and choose between the options. This will give you an excellent opportunity to learn more about your partner.

5. The Word association game

Couples Road Trip Games

You must keep saying random words without any interruption. Who takes time and pauses and loses. Knowing whether your partner possesses a competitive spirit can be quite amusing.

6. Memory chain  

State some words, and your partner has to memorize the words and say. Increase the words, and they must repeat the newly added words along with the previous ones. Take turns doing so —he who can memorize the most wins.

You can have a quick memory and focusing capability check through this game.

7. Guess the animal

Make a noise of an animal, and the other person has to guess. This will bring a roll of laughter, creating an amazing bond.

8. Hold your laugh challenge 

Put on a funny video or sound that makes you laugh, but you must hold it. Whoever laughs first loses. It is a very hilarious challenge, and you’ll get to know who quickly bursts into laughter.

 9. Cows on my side

Select a cow or any other object, and count the number of times you’ve witnessed it during your road trip. This will give you an idea of your partner’s focusing skills.

10. Search a-z

Search for objects that start with the letter A and continue until Z. Whoever finishes first wins. This, again, will showcase how competitive you are.

11. The first one to see 

List some objects that are likely to be seen on the road. Whoever spots one of those first gets the point. The one having the most points wins.

12. The picnic basket game

You will put an imaginary picnic essential in an imaginary basket without repetition . If you stop or repeat, you’ll lose.

13. Have a tongue twister challenge  

Note down some tongue twisters, and have a challenge based on those. It will certainly create a hilarious environment and might lead you to your partner’s hidden tongue-twister talent.

14. Ten questions

In this game, your partner will determine an object/ person, and you get to ask ten questions to guess that exact object. Your partner will answer in only ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to your questions. The quicker you can guess, the more points you gain.

This will help you to learn about your partner’s thinking and approaching capability. 

15. Would you rather

Make two opposite scenarios, and your partner will choose between those options. You can spice it up by asking an intriguing scenario. This will let you learn about your partner’s preferences and choices.

16. Alphabet game in conversation 

This game is a conversational game. One will start a conversation with A, and both of them will keep the conversation going, maintaining the alphabetical order. 

Example: you- A pple pie is my favorite. 

 Your partner- B ut I don’t like it.

 You- C ause you didn’t get to taste my grandma’s special apple pie.

This will keep your conversation going while having ultimate fun of it.

17. Name the movie game 

One person will act in a famous movie cut scene and may state dialogue. The other person will try guessing it. Whoever guesses right gets the point.

This will help you to know about your person’s favorite movies or characters, and you might get pretty amazed at his/ her acting skill as a bonus.

18. Storytelling with a new perspective

This is a fun game. Write down some prompts like ‘sad,’ ‘funny,’ etc., then shuffle them and let everyone pick one. Choose one renowned story; you both must tell it according to your prompts! 

This will give you a clear view of your partner’s thinking strategy and storytelling skills.

19. 20-second challenge 

You will have 20 seconds to emulate one person or an object, and the other will try guessing it.

20. Never have I ever

It’s a widespread yet fun game. You can have funny questions from the internet or make them on your own, and you both will answer whether you ever did it. Playing this game may initiate some thought-provoking conversations with your partner, contributing to the enjoyment.

21. Two truths, one lie 

You’ll state two truths, and one lie that the other person doesn’t know. He or she will guess which one is the lie among the three. It will help you both to know about each other more.

22. Finish the sentence challenge

One person will state half of a sentence, and the person has to finish the sentence. This gets funnier as the sentence gets weirder. It will showcase your mental similarity or dissimilarity, but whichever it is, it is a table-turner, obviously!

23. Replying with questions challenge 

This is another conversational game. You have to answer your partner’s questions with another question! Whoever breaks the chain loses.

24. Compliment and complaint

In this game, your partner will give you a thing or a person. You will blindly draw one from ‘compliment’ or ‘complaint.’ Then, with your drawn prompt, you have to compliment or complain about that certain thing or person for one minute straight. If you pause, you lose points. This will bring a burst of laughter and help you gain more hands-on knowledge about your partner.

25. Fortunately- unfortunately

Another game to keep your conversations getting heated up! One person will start a sentence beginning with ‘fortunately,’ and the other person will reply to it with a sentence ‘unfortunately’; the next person again will start with ‘fortunately.’ It gets funnier when personal incidents are brought up!

26. Kiss, marry, kill

You must choose whom you want to kiss, marry, or kill!  They can be celebrities, can be characters, or can be mutual.  This gets heated up when you are playing this as a couple!

27. 100 odd object challenge

Select an object before heading out, such as a red motorcycle. Both of you will count how often you have witnessed the thing while on the go. The one with the most views will win.

28. Have a conversation with song lyrics challenge

Have a conversation only using song lyrics. Whoever breaks the chain loses. You might get fascinated with your partner’s singing skills.

29. Interconnecting the words

You’ll be given five random comments, and you’ll have to interconnect those words, putting an explanation of how those words are connected. Whoever does the better explanation wins.

It will pick out the better excuse shower of the two!

Entertaining Road Trip Games for Couples

30. Mad-libs

You will be asked to state a verb/ noun/ number or something similar like this. Your partner will fill the mad-libs sheet with those selected words and read out, hearing absolutely hilarious. This will help you two to engage more. 

31. Make a song with five random words

You’ll be given five words, and you have to create and sing a song with those five words in your song. This will definitely determine your creativity and singing skills to your partner. You can agree on who’s the better singer too.

32. Talk like a

It is a fun game. You can challenge your partner to talk like a robot, and he or she must have to accept the challenge no matter what. It is funny with different and creative prompts.

33. Name the song

Start a music, and they both have to guess the song. Whoever guesses first, wins.

34. Guess the Country

A picture of a random country will appear, and you have to think of the name of that country. If you fail, you’ll get a pillow beaten.

35. Finish the lyric challenge

Stop a song midway; you must finish the lyrics before the time runs out. Whoever gets a grip on the lyrics first wins.

Remember to Set clear rules and expectations before starting a game. It is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for you both. Clear communication, fairness, respect, and openness to discussions will undoubtedly lead you to your expected road trip experience, enhancing your bond and care for each other.

Road trip games encourage communication and connection between you and your partner, promoting conversation, laughter, and shared experiences. Playing games during a road trip creates lasting memories and ensures quality time. If you’re in the early stages of a relationship, road trip games can be the perfect ice breaker and can initiate lighthearted conversations.

So buckle up, fasten your seatbelts, and immediately head out on a couple road trip!

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Traveling Found Love

31 Best Games for Road Trips for Adults to Beat the Boredom

Road-tripping is our absolute favorite way of traveling . Not only are you able to get off the beaten path to find some hidden treasures, but also have a rewarding time with your travel partner to make ever-lasting memories. Especially when you pass the time with some fun games for road trips for adults.

But even the greatest road trip can have its downside with never-ending drives to the next destination to listening to the same playlist on repeat. Luckily, we are here to help with all of that with a list of road trip games.

On our two cross-country road trips through the USA, we tested so many different ways of being entertained while on the road. Our favorite thing to beat the boredom is playing some fun car games.

Here are our top 31 games for road trips for adults . Some you might already know, some you might find too crazy, some you might need an app for, and some will make you want to continue driving, even though you’re already at your destination. Feel free to change them the way they suit you best!

Before you head out on the road, do you have the right vehicle for your trip? You may want to think about renting a car or getting into an RV .

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Our Other Resources for Road Trips

45 useful gifts for road trips you didn’t know you needed, 100+ tested road trip pack list essentials you will not want to forget.

  • 90+ Road Trip Quotes to Excite You to Hit the Road

Helpful Resources for Road Trips

Gas: When going on a road trip, money for gas can quickly disappear. Find the cheapest gas prices and more perks like a trip cost calculator with the GasBuddy app. l GasBuddy

Rental Car: Get out on the road and explore your destination with a rental car at the best price with Discover Cars. l Discover Cars 

Campervan: Our favorite way to explore the US National Parks is by campervan. Go to the world’s largest peer-to-peer RV rental marketplace and find your perfect van. l RVshare

Accommodations: After a day full of adventures, you deserve a good night’s rest. Whether it is a hotel room or a vacation home find a cozy accommodation that will make you feel at home. l  l  Vrbo

Travel Insurance: Feel safe on all your adventures around the world with simple and flexible travel insurance for all occasions. l World Nomad

Experiences: Make unforgettable experiences on your next trip with Get Your Guide, the best company to compare and book Sedona activities, and fun tours. l Get Your Guide

What to Pack: 100+ Tested Road Trip Pack List Essentials You Will Not Want to Forget

What Road Trip Games Can You Play while Driving?

Road trip classics.

Dana standing in front of a wall of license plates and signs

Who doesn’t enjoy the good, old traditional road trip games? Even though they are around for a while and everyone knows them, they are still a lot of fun and don’t require anything fancy.

Road Trip Trivia

Goal: Learn the history of the area you are visiting.

Why Play this Game: Who doesn’t love a good trivia game? Now, you can design it yourself. Not only will you see and experience the area that you are traveling through, but you can also learn a little about it!

How to Play:

  • Designate one person to host the road trip trivia game.
  • The host will ask the passengers specific questions related to the country, state, area, or city you are road-tripping through. As a host, you can also use wifi to find some tricky questions for your fellow travelers.
  • For every correct answer, the passenger will receive 1 point.
  • The passenger with the most points is the winner for that round.

The Quiet Game

Goal: To stay quiet the longest.

Why Play this Game: If you are looking for some quiet to enjoy your ride, this is the game for you! It is ideal to play when you are traveling with small children or even an annoying road-trip partner who keeps asking, “Are we there yet?”

  • Start a timer and then stay quiet. 2. If you speak, you are out. 3. The person who stays the quietest the longest, wins!

The License Plate Game

Goal: To be the first to find as many different state or country license plates as possible.

Why Play this Game: Isn’t it fun finding a new license plate? Especially when it is one you have never seen before. We all do it, so why not make it a game. You can learn the states, maybe even a little geography, and have some fun while on your road trip.

  • Look out for different license plates before someone else finds them. 2. Check off or mark each license plate that you see. 3. Award yourself 1 point for each license plate (a point is only awarded to the first person to find the license plate). 4. Player with the most points at the end of the game wins.


1. Decide on how long the game will be played.

For example: for the duration of the trip or for a specific time frame.

2. Change the way of scoring points.

For example , Certain license plates, e.g. harder to find license plates can equal 2 points.

3. Work in teams instead of alone.

Goal: To be the first person to find the object from the clue.

Why Play this Game: This classic road trip game will keep you and your passengers guessing and guessing what other people can see. You will never get bored because there is always something new and interesting to find along the way. Who will be the I Spy champion?

  • One person has to find an object by looking out the window.
  • Then provide a clue for the other passengers to try and guess the object.
  • The passenger who correctly identifies the object wins.
  • Now it is the winner’s turn to find a new object.

Goal: Be the last one left in the game by not missing a category

Why Play this Game: How many different objects of a category can you name? There are endless possibilities for different category topics which makes it a perfect game to play over and over again. All you have to do is choose a new category. Get creative and challenge your road trip partners to a fun car game of categories. Who will be the last one standing?

  • Pick a category (cars, songs, movies, colors, countries, etc). 2. Each person takes turns naming something in the category. If you are stumped, you are out. 3. The last one left without being stumped is the winner.

1. Players have to name things in alphabetical order.

For example, The category is songs. The first player would have to start by naming a song that starts with “A.” Then B, C, D, and so on.”

2. The next player’s answer has to start with the last letter of the answer from the previous player.

For example, The category is songs. The answer is “Take Me Home, Country Roads.” The next player would have to name a song that starts with the letter “S.”

3. Decide on how long a player has to respond before the time is up.

For example, Each player has 10 seconds to give an answer.

Goal: Be the first person to get BINGO.

Why Play this Game: Turn the classic, old lady game, Bingo into a fun, exciting road trip car games that will entertain and excite everyone. This game needs a little preparation because you have to create a variety of Bingo cards before you start your trip.

  • Give each passenger a Bingo card and something to write with.
  • Each passenger will mark off their card until they have Bingo (5 covered squares in a row).
  • The first-person with Bingo wins.

1. Choose a different BINGO pattern in order to win.

For example: Instead of having 5 squares in a row, you have to get a small square, a large square, an X, or even the full card to win.

2. Create different BINGO cards with different topics.

For example, Street signs, types of cards, fast food restaurants, songs, etc.

Price is Right

Goal: Try and guess the gas price to the nearest tenth in the area you are traveling through.

Why Play this Game: One thing that adds up quickly on a road trip is gas. Anytime we are on the road, we try to find the cheapest gas possible to save a little money. So why not make a game of it to pass the time?

  • Each passenger will take a chance at guessing the gas price in the certain area you are traveling through.
  • The person with the guess that is farthest away from the actual price has to pay for the next fill-up or a little treat at the next gas station ;-).

Music Car Games for Road Trips for Adults

Our van in front of scenic forest with rock formations in Colorado

Listening to music is the number one activity to be entertained on a road trip. But hearing the same playlist over and over again can get a little boring after a while. Why not try something new and get more involved with the artists and songs. Here are 5 fun games to play in the car with adults that make you enjoy music in a different, fun way .

Name that Song

Goal: Be the first one to name the song that is playing.

Why Play this Game: What is a road trip without great music, right? Now you can have fun testing your musical knowledge against your road trip partner to see who knows more song titles. Try putting on a local radio station to discover new music.

But what happens when no one knows the song? Use the Shazam app to find out the name.

  • Turn on music from the radio, Sirius XM, or a Music App. 2. Listen to a song. 3. Guess the name of the song. 4. The first one to say the correct title, wins.

1. Naming song titles is too easy? Try to figure out the artist.

For example , Take It Easy by The Eagles

2. Maybe your music knowledge is so good that you can even name the genre.

For example , Take It Easy by The Eagles – Genre: Rock

Hum that Tune

Goal: Be the first person to correctly guess the tune that is being hummed.

Why Play this Game: Humming a tune may not be as easy as you thought. This car game will definitely have everyone laughing. It is time to put your musical skills to the test on your next road trip adventure.

  • One person starts off the game by humming the beat of a song.
  • The rest of the passengers will try to guess the name of the tune.
  • The first passenger to guess correctly wins the game.
  • Winners then get to hum a tune.

Song Lyric Game

Goal: Guess the name of the song by hearing a lyric of the song.

Why Play this Game: This game is an excellent way to be introduced to new music or reminisce about the good old times with some oldies. Have fun trying to stump your road trip partner with a variety of songs. See how many songs you really know.

  • One passenger will start by saying a lyric from a song.
  • Other passengers will have to try and guess the song from the lyrics.
  • If a passenger guesses correctly, it is now their turn to pick a song lyric.

Radio Roulette

Goal: Find new songs or rediscover the music you haven’t heard in a while, as you shuffle through the radio on your road trip.

Why Play this Game: Sometimes tuning in to the same playlist or radio station can get a little boring. Why not listen to a variety of music? Radio Roulette is a great car game for road trips for adults that will keep the tunes changing and the time passing.

  • Designate a certain time frame (ex: every 30 minutes).
  • After the designated time, hit search on the radio.
  • Whatever radio station it lands on will be your music choice for the next 30 minutes, or whatever time you set.
  • See if you find any new songs, artists, or genres of music that you didn’t know you liked before.

Music Battle

Goal: Pick a song for a specific category and let the judge decide who had the best choice.

Why Play this Game: Do you think your music knowledge is unbeatable? When you have at least 3 road trip passengers of all ages, take on the challenge and find the best songs for a category. This game will have you laughing, smiling, and forgetting about how much longer until you arrive.

  • Designate a music judge.
  • The judge will then have to name a specific category.
  • Participants have to think of a song that goes with that specific category.
  • Once all songs have been entered, the judge will pick the best song for the category.

Word Associated Car Games for Road Trips for Adults

Historic US 66 signs on the road in Oatman Arizona

Time to encounter some new words, you have never heard before, with these fantastic word-associated adult car games.

The Alphabet Game

Goal: Find something that starts with every letter in the alphabet.

Why Play this Game: It is a non-competitive game that keeps everyone happy and working together. Since there are 26 letters in the alphabet, it will take up a lot of time when you have a long drive between destinations, especially when you get to the harder letters at the end of the alphabet.

  • The first player has to find something visible that starts with the letter “A” 2. Next player has to find something visible starting with the letter “B” 3. Game continues until you reach the end of the alphabet.

The Rhyming Game

Goal: Find as many rhyming words as possible.

Why Play this Game: This is a great game for everyone from couples to families, who love to use their brains and have a good time laughing.

  • One person starts by picking a word.  For example , Time
  • Then everyone has to go around in order and say a word that rhymes with the chosen word. For example , dime, crime, climb, etc.
  • If you get stumped or repeat a word, you are out.
  •  Last one left wins.

Don’t Say That

Goal: Refrain from saying designated specific words.

Why Play this Game: Make your next road trip conversation a little more challenging with this fun car game for road trips for adults. Who will be the one who can’t stop saying those “Don’t Say That” words?

  • Pick 5 commonly used words that people use when traveling.
  • Identify the specific consequences for saying the “Don’t Say That” word.
  • Test your memory skills to see who says the most “Don’t Say That” words during the road trip.

Spelling Bee

Goal: Correctly spell the words.

Why Play this Game: A fun way to test out each other’s spelling skills. Now, it is your time to prove you are the master speller!

Note: This car game for road trips for adults may work better with a group.

  • Designate a passenger to be the host of the Spelling Bee.
  • Other passengers will be the Spelling Bee participants.
  • The host will look up challenging words to spell and ask one participant to spell the word.
  • The one with the most words spelled correctly is the winner.

Movie-Based Car Games for Road Trips for Adults

Our van driving through a covered bridge

As a real movie fan, Dana’s Hollywood knowledge isn’t bad but these games definitely reached her limit. When you love movies as much as we do, get ready for the challenge. Just be aware that there will be a lot of movies on your to-watch list when you’re done playing.

The Movie Game

Goal: See how many different actors or actresses and movies they have starred in you can name.

Why Play this Game: Ready to boost your movie knowledge? Team up with your road trip partner(s) and see how good your movie, actors, and actress’ memory is. Maybe you will find out that it is time to start watching more movies.

  • One passenger starts the game by naming an actor or actress.
  • Another passenger has to name a movie that the actor or actress has starred in.
  • Then, either another passenger or the starting passenger will have to name another actor or actress that plays in that movie.
  • The next passenger will then name a movie that the newly named actor or actress has starred in.
  • The rotation continues until someone is no longer able to name an actor or actress or a movie.

Guess the Quote

Goal: Correctly guess who said the quote, what movie or show it is from, or what song it is in.

Why Play this Game: Road trips can be long and tiring. When the boredom sets in, pass the time and play Guess the Quote. This game will instantly have you forgetting about the time and how many more miles there are to go.

  • One passenger starts by saying a quote from a movie, tv show, or song.
  • It is the job of the other passengers to try and guess who said it, or where the quote is from.
  • The passenger that guesses correctly, gets to pick the next quote.

Conversational Car Games for Road Trips for Adults

Dana sitting in the van in front of a gas station on Route 66

On the road for hours and have nothing left to chat about? Break the silence with these games which will keep you talking and talking. Not only will it give you something great to do, but these fun games in the car will also make sure you will get to know your road trip partners inside and out.

While You Were Sleeping

Goal: Create a story that happened while one road trip passenger was snoozing away.

Why Play this Game: This game only works when a passenger is taking a nap during the road trip. For all the passengers that are awake, it is time to have a little fun. Be creative and stay in character.

  • Work together to create an unforgettable, unbelievable, unimaginable story that occurred while your road trip partner was sleeping.
  • Everyone in the car will need to mesmerize the same story.
  • When your road trip partner wakes up, it is time to start acting. Share the unimaginable series of events that happened while they were sleeping.
  • Do your best without breaking character. See how long it will take for them to find out everything was made up.

Goal: Work together to create a personal story.

Why Play this Game: Bring out your creative side on your next family or friends’ road trip. Have you always wanted to be a writer or storyteller? How will your story end?

  • The first person will start the story off by saying a word or a phrase.
  • Taking turns, each road trip passenger will add on one word at a time to complete the sentence.
  • Keep going until your story is complete.

Never Have I Ever

Goal: To eliminate everyone by asking “Never have I ever…” questions.

Why Play this Game: This is a perfect game to get to know more about your road trip partner(s), whether they are friends, family, or your significant other.

  • Everyone starts with 5 points.
  • Take turns saying something you have never done. For example: Never have I ever… been to Canada.
  • If you have done it before, you minus a point. For example: If you have been to Canada, you would be minus a point.
  •  Once you have lost all your points, you are out.
  • The last one with points wins.

1. You can use up to 10 points.

2. If only 1 person has done whatever the question was, then it’s storytime. They have to explain how it happened.

Would You Rather?

Goal: Create the craziest questions to stump the other players.

Why Play this Game: Are you sure you really know the other passengers in the car? During this amusing game, you will definitely find out some new facts, or maybe even secrets about the other players…

  • Think of fun questions for the other passengers.
  • Ask the questions by saying, “Would you rather “this” or “that”?  For example: Would you rather go relax on a beach or climb a mountain?
  • Everyone can answer which one they would rather do.
  • Players can alternate asking questions.

The Hot Seat

Goal: Find out the hidden secrets of your road trip partner.

Why Play this Game: Want to get to know your road trip partner a little more but have not found the right time to ask the questions? Well, now you have the chance. On your next road trip consider playing the fun car game, The Hot Seat, and ask all those questions people usually do not want to answer.

  • Each road trip passenger takes a chance at being in the Hot Seat.
  • While in the Hot Seat, you will have to answer 5 questions that your road trip partner asks.
  • After 5 questions switch roles.

21 Questions

Goal: You have 21 questions to try and guess what someone is thinking.

Why Play this Game: Test your skills and see how quickly you can guess what your road trip partner is thinking. This game can keep you occupied for a few minutes or even hours, depending on how good you are at guessing and asking questions. It is easily played by anyone because you can make it as hard or as easy as you want.

  • One player thinks of something.
  • Then, the rest of the players in the car start asking questions about this thought.
  •  They only have 21 questions to figure it out.
  • A question cannot be repeated.
  • You can guess the player’s thoughts at any point. If you guess correctly, you get to start the next round. Congratulations on being the best guesser in the car.

Most Likely to Game

Goal: Identify the road trip partner you think is “most likely to” (whatever the topic is).

Why Play this Game: Didn’t win a class superlative back in High School? Now, it is your chance to see what your road trip partners think about you. Have fun laughing and joking, and expect some surprises with these road trip car games.

  • Each player will take a turn and say a statement like, “most likely to be on TV.”
  • All passengers will then point or name the person in the car who they think is the best fit for that statement.
  • Add a twist, and then explain why you think this person best fits the statement.

Road Trip Apps: Car Games for Road Trips for Adults

Our van driving off-road surrounded by fall coloured leaves

Lean back and let your phone be the host. There are so many great fun car game apps out there that offer a huge variety of playing experiences and are not even expensive.

NOTE: Just keep in mind, that they require a charged phone and most of the time wifi. When you’re out in the backcountry, you have to play the more conventional car games for road trips for adults.

Drivetime (

Drivetime is a one-of-a-kind app that uses interactive voice audio to entertain you safely while on the road. Once the app is opened, say play, and you will be able to control everything with your voice, so your hands can stay on the wheel. It is actually the only hands-free app with such an interactive entertainment experience. There is no need to even look at your screen again.

The app features a variety of content, mostly quizzes: from the popular Daily Trivia Show to Superfan Movie questions, and Jeopardy with Alex Trebek. You can also name the songs on Tune Time, or answer laughable questions in Would you Rather.

We used this app on our road trip last year and were overly surprised. Drivetime has a lot of different options for what to play, whereas other apps just concentrate on one topic.

The app is free to download in Apple’s App Store or Google Play. Want unlimited access to all of Drivetime entertainment? Purchase a subscription for $4.99 a month or $49.99 a year.

Popcorn Trivia

The Popcorn Trivia app brings the movies to you. Instead of just watching the movies, this app is more interactive and has more than 14,000,000 questions for you to answer. You can put your skills and knowledge to the test by challenging a friend, or a road trip partner, and you can even host your own movie game show.

It is time to brush up on your favorite movies.

The app is free to download in Apple’s App Store or Google Play.

Trivia Crack 2

Are you ready for a little trivia competition? Trivia Crack 2 has thousands of challenging trivia questions to see just how smart you are.

Want to be a trivia expert? Try and answer questions in all 6 categories. (Art, Science, History, Entertainment, Sports, and Geography).

The app is free to download in Apple’s App Store or Google Play. Want to play ad-free? Subscriptions start at $4.99 a month, 3 months at $11.99, and $39.99 a year.

An easy-to-use, free trivia quiz game right on your phone which makes it easy to play anywhere. Start playing on your next road trip and see where you rank on the leaderboards. The entertainment and challenges are never-ending with the variety of categories available in the app.

A cool feature of this app is that you are able to choose up to 12 different languages to play in.

This app is free to download in Apple’s App Store or Google Play.

Jeopardy! World Tour

Love watching Jeopardy on TV? It is even more fun to play it yourself on your phone, anywhere you want. Find out who will be the next Jeopardy World Tour champion on your next road trip by competing in thousands of unique categories.

Road trips are great for listening to music. When you love our music games, take it up a notch by downloading Song Pop 2 , the world’s biggest music trivia game. Compete to see who has better music knowledge with more than 100,000 music clips from popular artists.

Need to step up your music game, before you are ready to compete? Start in practice mode and improve your skills.

TOP TIP: If you like this POP game, you might also like TravelPop, a captivating photo trivia game that makes you dream of foreign places.

The app is free to download in Apple’s App Store and Google Play. Monthly VIP subscriptions to remove the ads start at $4.99.

Which car games entertained you the most? Did we forget any of your favorite games for road trips for adults?

Share your experiences with us or drop a question in the comments below!

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  • Road Trip: 100+ Tested Road Trip Pack List Essentials You Will Not Want to Forget
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Curvy road with high mountains in the background

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road trip games with significant other

20 Road Trip Games for Couples

road trip games with significant other

Want to improve your relationship?

road trip games with significant other

Embarking on a road trip with your significant other can be an exciting adventure, but it's important to keep the journey fun and engaging. That's where road trip games for couples come in handy. Whether you're looking to pass the time, strengthen your bond, or simply have a good laugh, these games are sure to inject some entertainment into your journey.

The Couply app is your trusty companion for ensuring that every moment on the road is a memorable one.

As we delve into these 20 road trip games designed for couples, don't forget to have the Couply app ready to accompany you. This app has made a name for itself in strengthening relationships by fostering memorable moments, encouraging communication, and creating lasting memories for partners

Benefits of Playing Road Trip Games as a Couple

road trip games with significant other

Road trips are a great way to explore new places and spend time with your loved ones. But long car rides can also get boring, especially for couples. That's where road trip games come in!

Playing road trip games with your partner can help you pass the time in a fun and engaging way. It can also help you learn more about each other, strengthen your bond, and create lasting memories.

Here are some of the benefits of playing road trip games as a couple:

  • Pass the time in a fun and engaging way. Road trip games can help you pass the time in a fun and engaging way. This is especially important on long car rides, where boredom can quickly set in.
  • Learn more about each other. Road trip games can help you learn more about your partner's interests, values, and sense of humor. This can help you deepen your connection and build a stronger relationship.
  • Strengthen your bond. Playing games together is a great way to bond with your partner. It can help you laugh together, work together, and support each other.
  • Create lasting memories. Road trip games can help you create lasting memories that you will cherish for years to come. When you look back on your road trip, you will remember the fun times you had playing games with your partner.

road trip games with significant other

Road trips can be a lot of fun for couples, and playing games along the way can make the journey even more enjoyable. Here are some road trip games for couples to keep you entertained:

1. 20 Questions

Think of a person, place, or thing, and your partner has 20 questions to guess what it is. The catch is they can only ask yes-or-no questions.

One person selects an object they can see, and the other person has to guess what it is based on the phrase "I spy with my little eye, something that is...".

3. Would You Rather ‍

Take turns asking each other "Would you rather" questions. For example, "Would you rather have the ability to time travel or read minds?"

4. License Plate Game ‍

Try to spot license plates from as many different states or countries as possible. Keep a tally of how many you find.

5. Alphabet Game ‍

Find words on billboards, signs, or license plates that start with each letter of the alphabet in order.

6. 20-Questions Playlist ‍

Create a playlist with 20 songs, and take turns guessing the title and artist. The first person to guess the correct answer gets a point.

7. Name that Tune ‍

Hum or sing a few bars of a song, and your partner has to guess the song's title and artist.

8. Storytelling ‍

Build a story together, with each person adding a sentence or two to the narrative. The goal is to create a funny or imaginative tale.

9. Trivia Quiz ‍

Prepare a list of trivia questions on various topics and take turns quizzing each other. You can keep score and see who gets more answers right.

10. Rhyme Time ‍

Start with a word, and your partner has to come up with a word that rhymes with it. Continue taking turns until someone can't think of a rhyme.

11. 20 Questions About Your Partner ‍

Take turns asking personal questions about each other. This can be a great way to learn more about your partner's thoughts and experiences.

12. Two Truths and a Lie ‍

Each of you takes turns saying two true statements and one false statement about yourself. Your partner has to guess which statement is the lie.

13. The Movie Game ‍

Name an actor or actress, and your partner has to name a movie they've been in. Keep going until someone can't think of a movie, actor, or actress.

14. Guess the Song Lyrics ‍

Read a line from a song's lyrics, and your partner has to guess the song and artist. You can also sing the lyrics for added fun.

15. Category Game ‍

Choose a category (e.g., types of animals, colors, countries) and take turns naming things within that category. The first person who can't think of something loses.

16. Count the Cows ‍

Keep a running tally of how many cows you see on your journey. You can expand this to counting other objects, like red cars or windmills.

17. Name the City ‍

When you see a road sign, one person has to name a city that starts with the last letter of the previous city named.

18. 20-Questions Food Game ‍

Think of a food item, and your partner has 20 questions to guess what it is. They can only ask yes-or-no questions.

19. The Geography Game ‍

Test your knowledge of geography by taking turns naming countries, capitals, or U.S. states.

20. Sing-Along Karaoke ‍

Create a road trip playlist and sing your hearts out together. Bonus points for duets!

These road trip games for couples will help pass the time and create lasting memories as you enjoy your journey together.

Tips for Incorporating Road Trip Games into Your Journey

road trip games with significant other

Here are a few tips for incorporating road trip games into your journey:

  • Plan ahead: Take some time to plan out which games you want to play before you leave. This will help you avoid wasting time on the road trying to figure out what to do.
  • Pack your supplies: Make sure to pack all of the supplies you need for your games, such as paper, pencils, and dice.
  • Take breaks. Get out of the car and stretch your legs every few hours. This will help to keep everyone from getting bored and restless.
  • Be flexible: Be willing to change your plans if the kids get bored or restless.
  • Have fun: The The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the time with your partner.

So, the next time you embark on a road trip with your partner, don't forget to pack along a few games. You'll find that these simple activities can add a touch of magic to your journey, transforming it from a mere means of transportation to an adventure filled with laughter, connection, and unforgettable memories.

Grab your phone, open the Couply app, and let's set off on a journey filled with laughter, bonding, and unforgettable adventures. These road trip games are more than just ways to pass the time; they're the key to building a treasure trove of memories with your partner.

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10 Fun Road Trip Games for Couples

Put down the Angry Birds, get off the Grand Theft Auto III and stop playing on Snake. When you’re on a long journey / stuck in an airport / waiting for your taxi to arrive, it’s the perfect time to play mind-expanding retro road trip games for couples, no electricity or batteries required.

road trip couple games playing cards

A road trip is the perfect way for couples to spend quality time with each other while having fun! There are plenty of card games that you can play with your significant other on a long drive. In this article I’ll list some of my favourite car games for couples. You don’t have to be bored when you’re driving across country. Instead, you can use this time and make it part of the holiday.

Here are the best road trip games for couples

From trivia quizzes to revealing, drinking games, there are lots of fun games couples can play in the car.

1. A-Z pubs and bars

It’s just like the age old name-something-beginning-with- every-letter game, but with a twist. In the A-Z of pubs and bars you should create a name for your bar/pub, and then explain their unique selling point and explain the concept around your drinking establishment. The more detail, the better.

“M = Mother’s Ruin, a bar selling only different types of gin. Old gin advertising posters cover the walls and there are art displays using old gin bottles throughout. Including a display coming down from the ceiling involving lights and old-school gin bottles.

row of pubs and shops to play one of the easiest road trip games for couples

Of course, this game can easily be adapted to many topics – restaurants, sweet shops, magazine titles – or just drop the explanations and try to get the alphabet in as many animals/birds/names, as possible.

2. Would you rather

It’s an oldie, but a goldie, and just so flexible. It’s a great getting-to-know-you game too, the rules are simple: choose two or three scenarios and you have to choose the one you’d rather.

road trip would you rather game for couple

“Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?” “Would you rather be a pop star or a famous traveller?” You know the sort of thing, can be as ridiculous as you like!

3. Name that tune

This one is guaranteed to annoy / thrill everyone around you if you’re on a bus or train. Maybe it should be saved for the inevitable wait at the airport over Christmas, when you can find yourself a quiet little corner. Think how much fun the people in this picture could be having right now if only they knew about this game…

name that tune roadtrip couple game

Right, the rules: hum / whistle / sing a tune and the other person / people have to guess it. You set the boundaries, but it could be, if they name it in five seconds they get 10 points, ten seconds, five points, 20 seconds 1 point. Or you could easily make it into a drinking game. If the opponent gets it right, the singer has to do a shot, if they get it wrong, they have to do a shot.

4. Never have I ever

You might be familiar with the naughty version of this a lot of teenagers like to play to see what their mates have been up to with their boyfriends and girlfriends. I’m not denying this is a fun game, but you can turn it around a bit to find out more about your travelling buddies beyond how many girls they’ve kissed. The rules: The game starts by saying something they’ve never done.

“Never have I ever not made it back to my own bed after a night out”

smiling couple in a car looking out of the window

Then everyone who has done that takes a swig of their drink/admits it. This makes for some great story times. Then the question moves on to the next person. It can be something really mundane, like “Never have I ever changed a baby’s nappy” and then everyone will probably be shocked. It’s also a good idea to have some travel shot glasses with you too (obviously for when you’ve pulled over for the night).

5. Yellow car

My brother used to punch me in the arm as hard as he could whenever he saw a yellow car – now I’m not condoning this violence, having spent 15 years at the end of it, but he did have the basis for a good game there. And I’m very glad we never went to New York.

couple getting a taxi in new york

Choose something such as a yellow car and every time you see it, the first person to scream yellow wins. You could add a few more in the mix, whenever you see an animal you have to get up and imitate the animal, or if you’re in an airport, whenever you see a baby, stand up and start crying demanding some milk. Or whenever you see someone in a ski jacket, get up and imitate a skier. Just be careful who you mock.

6. Truth or Dare

Be careful with this one!

While truth or dare has the potential to be one of the best road trip games for couples, it can also be one of the most dangerous. By dangerous I’m not only referring to crazy dares but also truths no one wants to hear while stuck in a car together.

For example, don’t go asking about past lovers or dirtiest habits etc…these things do not need to be discussed in enclosed environments.

Keep it fun!

7. License Plate Game

You can mix this up however you like, but the general principle of the license plate game is to find as many license plates from either different countries or years etc. But an alternative spin on this, which makes it a more fun road trip game for couples is to make it about you.

spotting license plates can be a fun road trip game for couples

So maybe trying to find cars with license plates that begin with certain letters to spell out your partner’s name or the city you met etc. Otherwise this game can get pretty dull fast if you play it the normal way.

8. Couple’s Trivia

This is one of the road trip games that can really put couples to the test, where you’ll be tested on how much you know about each other. Dig deep and try to remember all those conversations you’ve had over the years.

Or if you’re a fairly new couple, maybe it’s a good way to get to know more about each other?

happy couple laughing in a car

Couple’s Trivia works by having to guess the answer to questions about your partner, such as where were they born, how old were they when they learned to ride a bike etc. You could prepare question cards in advance and whoever gets the answer right scores a point.

If you don’t want to play trivia about each other, you could always opt for general trivia. From movies to music, and pop culture to… road trips, here are 50 trivia questions and answers already prepared for you.

9. 20 Questions

In the game of 20 Questions, one person has to think of someone famous and the other has to guess by asking up to 20 yes/no questions. The famous person can be real or fictional, dead or alive, male or female etc.

couple in a caravan playing a game and talking

If the person guessing gets the answer in 20 questions or less, they score a point and roles are reversed. It’s a simple game, but a great way to pass the time. It’s also one of the road trip games for couples that doesn’t require preparation in advance.

10. Kiss, Marry, Kill

Find out which celebrities your partner has a thing for or who they think is the lesser of three evils in this game. Kiss, Marry, Kill involves giving your partner three famous people and they have to choose which one they would rather kiss, marry or kill. It’s a simple couple’s game that’s great for road trips, as it’s often one of the funniest.

couple in back of a van on a road trip smiling and laughing

Some alternatives replace the word ‘kiss’ so you can choose whatever combination of words you want. Also, don’t always choose three beautiful celebrities, go for funnier options like three horrendous politicians or people you know your partner can’t stand.

Road trip games for couples

You might think some of the games sound a little silly now, but just you wait until you’re at a loss on a long journey with no access to charge your iPad / iPhone / Android, whatever. You’ll need something to occupy yourselves and fun road trip games for couples or friends are great for this.

Remember, it doesn’t matter what game you play as long as you’re sharing laughter and memories together! Just make sure you keep things light and don’t go too heavy on the personal questions (it’s supposed to be fun, not an interrogation).

I hope this list of games has given you some ideas for your next road trip with your significant other, or even a group of friends. Whether the goal is to keep everyone awake, find out who knows their stuff about their partner more, or rekindle romance, these fun road trip games for couples help make a long journey enjoyable.

If you want more inspiration on games to play while on the road, I’ve also listed the best board games for road trips you can play to keep things fun.

Quicklist of the best road trip games for couples

  • A-Z pubs and bars
  • Would you rather
  • Name that tune
  • Never have I ever
  • Truth or dare
  • License plate game
  • Couple’s trivia
  • 20 questions
  • Kiss, marry, kill

How can I be romantic on a road trip?

There are several ways to add a touch of romance to your road trip. These road trip games for couples are one way to get to know each other and have fun at the same time. You can also plan surprise stops at scenic locations, prepare a playlist of songs that are special to both of you, or arrange a picnic with your partner’s favourite foods.

What is a fun game to play with your spouse?

There are many fun games you can play with your spouse. One popular option is Would You Rather, where you pose scenarios to each other and choose between them. Another is Couples Trivia, where you can show off (or be shamed) about how much (or little) you know about your partner. These games can lead to interesting conversations and help you learn more about each other.

What games can you play while on a road trip?

There are numerous games you can play on a road trip to keep the journey entertaining. Some popular ones include 20 Questions, License Plate Game, and Road Trip Bingo. You can also create your own games based on your shared interests too. So if you and others in your travel party love music or sports, you could play games linked to these.

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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.

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DateBox Club

10 Road Trip Games for Couples

This month’s Date Box takes couples on a road trip across the good old USA! Nothing makes the miles fly by like an excellent playlist, or some good old fashioned road trip games. Ours are updated for “adults” but you can adjust them to be more family friendly if needed.

1) The Casserole Game

One passenger starts by saying, “I’m making a casserole and I’m going to need artichokes.” Each passenger takes a turn reciting the previous ingredients and then choosing the next one, which must start with the next letter in the alphabet. See if you can get all the way to the letter Z. You can change up the casserole part to anything from people’s names to packing a suitcase.

2) Who Are They?

Choose another car on the road and imagine the story of the passengers inside. Who are they? What is their relationship? Are they a group of spies, headed to thwart an international villain? Get creative and share your stories.

3) Spicy Storytelling

Get the creative juices flowing by creating a story together. The game starts by creating the first line of the story. You can start with a simple “Once upon a time, there lived a princess” or come up with something more unconventional like, “There was an empty stool in a bar.” Next, your partner adds a line, and the story builds and builds. Depending on your story telling stamina, you could go on for a few minutes or a few hours. We like to add the sexy side to this back and forth game.

4) Odd Color Car

At the beginning of the trip, each passenger chooses an odd or rare-colored car (yellow, purple, orange, pink, etc.). During the drive, passengers get a point for spotting cars of their chosen color. Alternate idea: passengers can steal points from each other if they spot another passenger’s car color first!

5) License Plate Decoder

Pretend that every license plate is a personalized message and decode it. “HDR 732″ might stand for “Hairdresser Diva Rollerderby, 7 days a week, 32 hours a day.” We like to add some adult humor to keep it creative: “HDR 732 = Hot Delicious Redhead Needs 7 boys for 3 dates with her 2 friends″ – you get the picture.

6) Fortunately – Unfortunately

One person shares a statement beginning with the word, “fortunately.” As in, “Fortunately, I remembered to pack a sexy swimsuit.” The other person must follow up with a statement beginning with the word, “unfortunately.” As in, “Unfortunately, I took it out of your suitcase to make room for my shaver.” You can also switch the game around by starting with unfortunate ideas first.

7) Speak in Song

Carry on a conversation using only the titles or lyrics from songs. No singing allowed.

8) Would you Rather

Take turns offering various options to other passengers, either wonderful, horrible, painful, embarrassing, or otherwise. Find out who would rather jump in a flaming volcano or sit in a cage of snakes. If you do some pre-planning, you can buy a book of these silly questions in an   X-Rated version   to bring along.

9) Strip Padiddle

The rules are simple: whenever you spot a car with a headlight out, you shout ‘Padiddle. and touch your palm to the roof of the car’ . The last one to shout it & hit the roof has to remove an item of clothing. You can tone it down by swapping stripping for kisses.

10) Carspotting

This might be the simplest game on this list — you try and identify every car on the road with you. The trick is to be the first person to ID a car from the farthest away. Very useful when you can make out the front lights of a Crown Vic or the hump of a slug bug at a half a mile.

Bonus: The Steamy Game

There are lots of variations to this one, but we think this one is the best.  The steamy RV game. Adding the word ‘steamy’ before the name of every RV you pass. Such as “Steamy Jamboree” – and now that you know, you will do it for life… you’re welcome!

DateBox Club Bonus

Buy our exclusive Road Trip Trivia and Connector card deck HERE .  

  • Our Road Trip Deck is 2 date nights in one!
  • The deck has 52 high-quality photo cards, that cover festivals, landmarks and local delights across the USA. Race to identify the photo with your partner.
  • Each card also has a related connector question, for deep conversations.
  • With 52 full-color cards, every state is covered!
  • This is our easiest date night yet - and can be played over and over. It also makes a great double date!

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11 of the Most Fun Road Trip Activities for Couples on Honeymoons

So you’ve decided on a road trip . Good choice! Not only will you enjoy going from place to place , but we have fun ideas for long road trips. After all, part of the journey is—the journey! Our road trip activities for couples will hopefully give you ideas for things to do while on the go. Think of it as a bucket list for your travels together.

11 of the Most Fun Road Trip Activities for Couples

Fun Ideas for Long Road Trips

A road trip with your significant other might sound like a dream come true. However, the reality is that it can sound more fun in concept than in practice. Yikes!

Be intentional with your road trip plans. Otherwise, your time can turn into a lot of silence and driving instead of jamming and fun. Play road trip games and create a bucket list of things to do. Use our road trip tips for couples to make your next journey more special.

road trip games with significant other

Road Trip Activities for Couples

1. try a new type of cuisine during your travels..

As you travel, you will eventually have to eat. Instead of going with safe bets, try out some new cuisines . Look up reviews for the best Indian, Thai, or other ethnic foods while you’re driving. Then stop for a new and exciting meal.

2. Take a selfie together as you cross each state line.

Document your trip with a fun selfie as you cross each state line . Planning pictures is great for long road trips where you’ll be driving through multiple states. However, you can even take photos on shorter trips.

Mixed Couple Taking Selfie on Road Trip

3. Go on the road less traveled.

Instead of taking the most direct route down the highway, consider some backroad fun. Backroads often have better views and neat places that are worth stopping to explore. Exploring is one of the best things to do on a road trip.

4. Play road trip games for two.

We all love travel games for adults . Popular games, such as the alphabet game or license plate game , will suffice. However, there are many guessing games and other road trip games you may enjoy.

5. Listen to an audiobook or podcast during the drive.

Grab an audiobook that both you and your significant other will enjoy. Listen to a captivating story on the drive to help keep you both entertained. Another option is to pick a podcast on a subject that interests you both . So fun!

6. Make a list of roadside attractions to stop and see.

Every state has something odd or fun to stop and look at. Whether it’s the largest boot or tallest peach, find what’s on your route. Then make a list to stop and see. Stopping to see those once-in-a-lifetime sites is one of the best road trip activities for couples.

Couple Traveling on a Road Trip Stop

7. Swap the drive-through for a picnic or sit down meal.

Take your food to a picnic table at a rest stop to eat. Additionally, you could choose to sit down at a restaurant instead of doing a drive-thru. Not only is this safer for driving, but it’s a good chance for you to make memories together.

8. Plan exciting date stops on the road.

What kind of activities do you two like to do? Is it hiking? Then find some trails on your route to stop and hike. Is it shopping? Then find some unique shops to do some shopping. Whatever you both like to do , blend it into your travel plans.

9. Find unique rest stops while you’re traveling.

We all know that some rest stops are terrible. However, others can be full of things like free orange juice and cookies. Find the rest stops that are top-notch if you need to stop. Of course, that’s unless you really can’t hold your bladder any longer.

Road Trip Activities for Couples

10. Schedule a longer trip and explore.

Instead of just driving straight to your destination, consider taking a slightly longer trip . Consequently, planning time will allow you to explore the cities along the way. You might find that an interesting small town or a nearby city along your trip. It may be well worth a pitstop for the night .

11. Ask road trip questions for couples.

If you’re looking at a long road trip ahead of you, try some conversation starters to lighten the mood. The answers can help you pass the time and learn more about your significant other at the same time.

Final Thoughts on Road Trip Activities for Couples

Looking for a few ways to make your road trip more romantic and more fun? Our ideas will not disappoint! There is something here for every couple so you can have nothing but fun for miles to come .

Save our road trip activities for couples!

Fun Road Trip Activities for Couples

Photos: Jonathan Borba , Kampus Production , Maris Jool , Averie Woodard

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  • 20 questions
  • word association
  • cows on my side
  • radio roulette
  • carpool karaoke
  • would you rather?
  • travel bingo
  • storytelling relay
  • while you were sleeping
  • road trip dares

10 Fun Road Trip Games to Play in the Car

Make the ride a little more enjoyable.

best road trip games

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A good road trip is about so much more than just reaching your final destination —it’s about the unforgettable memories you create along the way! So when you head off on your spring or summer travels this year, be sure to include some fun road trip games on your list of travel essentials . And if you need a little inspiration, check out our collection of the best road trip games!

There’s something here for everyone to enjoy, from classic games like 20 Questions and Word Association to spontaneous challenges like Road Trip Dares and While You Were Sleeping. Most of these games are fun for all ages, too! Whether you’re traveling solo, with your significant other, or with a group of friends or family , these road trip games will add laughter to the miles ahead. So, pack your neck pillows , buckle up, and let the games begin!

20 Questions

road trip games with significant other

You can’t go wrong with a classic! This guessing game challenges players to guess a specific person, place, or thing within 20 questions. Here’s how it typically works: One player thinks of a subject, and the other players try to guess what it is by asking yes-or-no questions. The guessers use the answers to eliminate possibilities and refine their guesses. The game continues with the guessers asking questions until they either guess the correct answer or they have asked 20 questions without guessing correctly.

Word Association

road trip games with significant other

This is a fun but engaging game that challenges players to think quickly and make connections between words. To begin: The starting player says a word out loud. It can be anything—a noun, verb, adjective, etc. The next player must quickly respond with a word that is associated with it. This association can be based on similarity, opposites, wordplay, or any other creative connection. Each player after then responds with a word associated with the previous word. Players must respond quickly to keep the game flowing smoothly. If a player can’t think of a related word within a reasonable time frame or if their word doesn’t have a clear association with the previous word, they are out of that round. The game continues with players taking turns contributing words to the chain until everyone forfeits!

Cows On My Side

road trip games with significant other

This classic road trip game challenges players to spot and count cows on their side of the car. As the car travels along, players keep an eye out for cows on their designated side of the car. When a player spots a cow on their side, they call out “Cow on my side!” or simply “Cow!” The player who spotted the cow earns a point for each cow they see. However, if a player sees a cow on the opposite side of the car and calls it out, they lose all their points from that round. Whoever has the most points at the end of the trip wins the game!

Radio Roulette

road trip games with significant other

This road trip-friendly twist on Name That Tune involves guessing the artists and titles of songs you hear on the radio. To play, choose a “DJ” to control the radio. They will flip through the stations, manually or instead using preset buttons, and play snippets of songs (around 15 seconds). The first player to identify the song wins, with one point being awarded for naming the song, its artist, or its album. 

Carpool Karaoke

road trip games with significant other

Inspired by the famous segment from The Late Late Show with James Corden , participants take turns singing along to their favorite songs while someone records the performance. (Did you know that this is how Jonathan and Zooey met ?!) To enhance the experience, consider bringing along props like microphones, sunglasses, or inflatable guitars! And remember, Carpool Karaoke is all about having a blast and enjoying each other’s company while belting out tunes. So don’t worry about hitting all the right notes—just let loose and sing your heart out!

Would You Rather?

road trip games with significant other

The goal of this game is to spark conversation and laughter by presenting players with amusing or thought-provoking “Would You Rather” scenarios. Designate one player to be the moderator, who will present two hypothetical “Would You Rather” scenarios to the other players. For example, the moderator might ask, “Would you rather have to sing everything you say or dance every time you hear music?” Players then take turns answering the question, explaining their choice and reason behind it. This often leads to lively discussions and debates among the players!

Travel Bingo

road trip games with significant other

Create bingo cards on pieces of notebook paper for everyone with common road trip sights like road signs, vehicles, landmarks, animals, or anything else relevant to the journey. Players then mark off each item they see, and the first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal of marked-off items shouts “Bingo!” to signal their win. 

Storytelling Relay

best road trip games

In this collaborative and imaginative game, players work together to create a story one sentence at a time. The starting player begins the story by saying a single sentence. Then, each subsequent player adds to the story by contributing their own sentence, building upon the events or characters introduced by the previous player. Players can get as creative or silly as they like, introducing new characters, plot twists, settings, or conflicts. That way, it keeps the story entertaining.

While You Were Sleeping

sleeping in car, best road trip games

 Got a snoozing car mate? This is where the road trip fun really begins! Five minutes after a passenger falls asleep, the rest of the people in the car begin crafting a believable story to tell the sleeper when they wake up. Points are gained for fooling the sleeper or lost for breaking character or going off-script. If the sleeper successfully joins the story, then they steal the current point total. The one with the most points at the end of the trip wins.

Road Trip Dares

best road trip games

This game will surely add an element of excitement and spontaneity to your journey! Take turns drawing dares from a hat or assigning them randomly to passengers. Dares could include dancing at a rest stop, striking a pose at a landmark, or singing a silly song. Remember, the goal of this game is to add laughter and entertainment to your journey, so make sure the dares are safe and enjoyable for everyone involved. 

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177 Fun Road Trip Questions for Couples to Kill Boredom

Are you planning to go on a road trip with your loved one and looking for ways to kill boredom on that long drive? Then check out these road trip questions for couples that will inspire fun and deep conversations.

I love road trips! There is something about packing your bags and driving away while playing music that brings out all the excitement! 

And it becomes even more fun when going with a loved one! Talk about excitement mixed with romantic feelings! 

But however much in love you are with your loved one, sometimes boredom kicks in especially if you’re on a long road trip!

So to help you kill boredom while road-tripping with your loved one, I’ve compiled a list of the best road trip questions for couples should those road trip blues kick in!


To help make navigation easier for you, I’ve categorized these questions about road trips for couples into fun questions for road trips, deep road trip questions for couples, romantic/relationship questions, and other general questions for road trips.

So if you’re planning to go on a road trip with your significant other, make sure that you bookmark this page to have access to all the fun road trip questions for couples you can ask each other not only to kill boredom but also to get to know each other more! 

And, as you plan your road trip , make sure that you don’t leave behind these road trip essentials and read these road trip mistakes you should avoid for a fun trip on the road.

If you complete all these car ride questions for couples, you can also check out these road trip games to play to stay entertained.

Road Trip Questions for Couples to Stay Entertained

Without any further ado, here are the best road trip questions for couples!

Dating/Relationship/Romantic Questions for a Road Trip

Road Trip Questions for Couples

Here are the romantic or dating questions for couples on a road trip that will be perfect conversation starters.

1. What do you love about me?

2. What was your worst date?

3. What did you think of me when we first met?

4. How would your romantic night out look like?

5. What is the lamest pick-up line you’ve ever been told (or you told)?

6. Are you happy with me?

7. Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship?

8. What silly thing do I do that you like about me?

9. How did you envision your boyfriend/girlfriend before you got one?

10. When was your first kiss?

11. What’s that one thing you’d like to see me do that I don’t currently do?

12. Would you relocate for love?

13. Who is your celebrity crush?

14. Why did you break up with your ex-girlfriend/ boyfriend?

15. What do you find most interesting about me?

16. What do you find the most annoying about me?

17. What is your relationship deal-breaker?

18. What’s your favorite memory of us?

19. If we were to redo our first date, how would you want it to go?

20. Did you think you’d date me after our first date?

21. Which kind of guys/girls do you usually date?

22. How could we improve our relationship?

23. What did you think of me when we first met?

24. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received from me?

25. What three words would you use to describe me?

road trip questions for couples

26. What do you consider cheating in a relationship?

27. If we could spend a day anywhere in the world, just the two of us, where would it be?

28. What song reminds you of our relationship?

29. What is a dream date that you would like to have with me?

30. What do you think is the most important ingredient in a successful relationship?

31. What’s your favorite way to spend a lazy Sunday with me?

32. What is the most meaningful gift I have ever given you?

33. What makes our relationship unique, according to you?

34. What small things do I do that make you feel loved?

35. What do you think is our greatest strength as a couple?

36. What are some ways we can keep the romance alive in our relationship?

37. How has our relationship strengthened over time?

38. How do you feel we complement each other?

39. What is something new you would like to try together?

Road Trip Questions for Couples About the Future

Road Trip Questions for Couples About the Future

If you want to know what your future holds, then these car questions for couples will come in handy!

40. How many kids would you love to have in the future?

41. If we end up buying a home, do you prefer an open house concept or a closed one?

42. What are your plans for the future?

43. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

44. Where do you see our relationship in 5 to 10 years?

45. How do you envision our retirement years?

46. What are the values you want to instill in our future children, if we decide to have any?

47. What financial goals should we set for our future?

48. Are there any hobbies or activities you would like to pursue together in the future?

49. How can we ensure that we grow together, not apart, in the years to come?

50. What kind of home do you dream of living in together?

51. How would you like to celebrate our future anniversaries?

52. If we were to start a business together, what kind of business would it be?

53. Are there any traditions you’d like to start or continue as a couple?

54. What are some ways we can invest in our relationship to make it stronger?

55. What are your thoughts on joint financial planning for the future?

56. How do you envision us handling conflicts or disagreements in the future?

57. How can we support each other’s personal growth and aspirations?

Would You Rather Road Trip Quizzes for Couples

Would You Rather Road Trip Quizzes for Couples

These would you rather will make the perfect couple’s road trip questions!

58. Would you rather vacation in an all-inclusive resort or plan your own trip?

59. Would you rather spend the day hiking or on a beach?

60. Would you rather go camping or glamping and why?

61. Would you rather go backpacking or flashpacking and why?

62. Would you rather buy a house and settle or travel the world?

63. Would you rather go to Paris or Rome?

64. Would you rather live in a beach town or a big city?

65. Would you rather live in an apartment or in a house?

66. Would you rather take a scenic route with many stops or get to our destination as quickly as possible?

67. Would you rather listen to podcasts or music during our road trip?

68. Would you rather have a detailed itinerary or go with the flow?

69. Would you rather drive during the day or at night?

70. Would you rather dine at local eateries or make your own meals during the road trip?

71. Would you rather take a road trip during the summer or winter?

72. Would you rather have a quiet, peaceful trip or a more adventurous, active one?

73. Would you rather visit historical sites or natural landmarks?

74. Would you rather have a week of short road trips or one long extended trip?

75. Would you rather end our road trip with a romantic dinner or a relaxing spa day?

Fun Couples Questions on a Road Trip

Fun Couples Questions on a Road Trip

For a good laugh, these fun and funny road trip questions for couples will definitely do the trick.

76. What’s the funniest myth you’ve ever heard?

77. If you won a lottery of 500k USD, what would you spend it on?

78. Do you prefer summer or winter? Why

79. Which language would you love to learn?

80. Do you prefer romantic comedies or psychological thrillers?

81. What’s your favorite romantic movie? And why?

82. What’s the best book you’ve read before?

83. Which food do you hate but is loved by most people?

84. Who is the most influential person you’ve ever met in your life?

85. What is the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?

86. How long can you live without your phone?

road trip questions to ask your spouse

87. What thing do people do in public that nags you the most?

88. What guilty pleasure(s) do you have?

89. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?

90. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

91. What TV show are currently obsessed with?

92. If we could have a theme song for our relationship, what would it be?

93. If we were characters in a TV show, which show would it be and why?

94. If we could instantly learn a new language together, which one would it be?

95. What’s the funniest or most unusual roadside attraction you’d like to visit?

96. What’s the quirkiest thing about our relationship?

97. If we were to write a book about our adventures, what would the title be?

98. If we could take home any animal we spot on our road trip as a pet, which one would it be?

99. What’s the most interesting or unusual souvenir you’d like to bring back from our road trip?

100. If we could plan a road trip based on a movie, which movie would it be?

101. If we could choose any era to travel back in time to, where and when would we go?

Road Trip Couple Questions That Show How Much You Know About Each Other

Road Trip Couple Questions That Show How Much You Know About Each Other

Here are more questions to ask your partner on a road trip to know how much they know about you!

102. What’s my favorite song?

103. Who is my favorite musician?

104. What’s my favorite comfort food?

105. Who is my favorite person in the world?

106. Which city/town am I from?

107. What is my favorite road trip snack?

108. Can you name a place we visited that left a lasting impression on me?

109. What is my preferred style of accommodation when we travel?

110. What’s one thing that can always lift my mood?

111. What’s my go-to beverage – coffee, tea, or something else?

112. What’s one travel habit of mine that you’ve noticed during our road trips?

113. Can you name a movie that always makes me cry?

114. What’s one talent or skill that I wish I had?

115. What’s my favorite season of the year, and why?

116. What’s a hobby or activity that I enjoy doing in my free time?

117. What’s a pet peeve of mine?

118. What’s my go-to comfort food?

119. What’s an achievement or milestone in my life that I’m really proud of?

Travel Related Road Trip Questions for Couples

Travel Related Road Trip Questions for Couples

Here are some cool travel-related road trip conversation topics for couples!

120. What’s the weirdest scenario you’ve ever found yourself in while traveling?

121. What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten and where?

122. What made you fall in love with travel?

123. How old were you when you first traveled abroad?

124. If never been abroad…how old were you when you took your first trip?

125. What is the most adventurous activity you’ve ever done before? …If you haven’t done any, then you can check out my crazy adventurous bucket list to inspire you.

126. What is the most adventurous activity you’re scared of doing but still can’t wait to do?

127. Which destination have you been to that surprised you the most?

128. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where you go?

129. If you could relocate anywhere in the world, where would it be?

130. Which place/destination have you been to but you think is so overrated?

131. Which place/destination have you been to but you think is so underrated?

132. What is the worst travel experience you’ve ever had?

road trip conversation topics for couples

133. What’s your favorite country in the world?

134. Have you ever been on an African safari ?

135. Which place have you traveled to and felt like home?

136. Do you know of a tradition from a country that you found interesting?

137. What’s that one travel memory you’d love to recreate?

138. What has been your favorite road trip so far?

139. What destination do you want us to visit next?

140. If you could only visit one destination, where would you go?

141. What’s your favorite go-to food when traveling?

142. What is the most memorable meal we’ve had while traveling?

143. What’s the most breathtaking natural scenery we’ve witnessed together on our trips?

144. Is there a festival or event in another country that we should plan to attend on one of our trips?

145. If we could take a year off to travel, where would you want to go first?

146. What’s a place you visited that taught you something new or gave you a fresh perspective?

147. If you could volunteer abroad, where would it be and what kind of work would you want to do?

Real life/ Deep Road Trip Questions for Couples

Real life/ Deep Road Trip Questions for Couples

For deeper conversations, you can use these couple road trip questions!

148. Do you believe in fate and destiny?

149. If you were to change anything on your body, what would it be?

150. What do you love the most about yourself?

151. What was your childhood like?

152. Were you a happy kid?

153. Are you truly happy in life?

154. What’s your greatest achievement in life?

155. Are you close to your family?

156. What are you most thankful for in life?

157. Are you a religious person?

158. What scares you the most in life?

159. Do you get scared or excited about change?

160. How did you imagine your life would be by the time you turned your current age?

161. What motivates you to keep going?

162. What did you want to be when you were a kid?

163. What negative thing has happened to you that actually turned out to be for the best?

Best Gifts For A Road Tripper

164. If everything was possible, who would you become?

165. What advice would you give to your teenage younger self?

166. What are some life lessons that you’ve learned that have profoundly affected you?

167. How have your goals and dreams evolved over the years?

168. What does success mean to you?

169. What are some personal barriers or fears that you’re working on overcoming?

170. What are some values and principles that are non-negotiable for you in a relationship?

171. What steps do you take to ensure you maintain your individuality and personal growth while being in a relationship?

172. Can you tell me about a time when you faced a significant challenge and how you handled it?

173. Can you share a moment that significantly shifted your perspective on life?

174. If you could change one aspect of your past, what would it be and why?

175. What are the core values that guide your decisions and actions?

176. What’s your philosophy when it comes to giving back to the community or helping others?

177. Are there any dreams or aspirations that you haven’t pursued yet but would like to in the future?

Final Thoughts on the Fun Couple Questions for a Road Trip

Road trips don’t have to be boring or all about looking in the window! So I hope that you’ll have fun with these road trip questions and get to know more about each other as a couple as you drive away to your destination.

What’s your favorite part about road-tripping with your loved one other than asking yourselves questions? Let me know in the comments below. And of course, I hope you found these couple road trip questions useful!

More posts to help you enjoy the outdoors

  • Mistakes to avoid while hiking
  • What to pack for a day hike
  • Easy camping breakfast meals
  • Essential items to pack for camping
  • Tips for backpacking for beginner
  • How to plan a perfect road trip
  • Big mistakes to avoid on a road trip
  • What to pack for a road trip

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55 romantic (and spicy) roadtrip questions to ask your significant other .

couple holding each other as woman lays on her back in a car with her head out of the window in a desert

As a kid whenever we road tripped, since the small movie screen in our Suburban had broken, our family would generally just talk to pass the time. I look back with much fondness on those hours and hours of chatting. It was so much fun! If you and your significant other are planning a road trip soon, why not spend the time you have driving together, having deep, fun, and connecting conversation? In this blog, we share 55 romantic questions you can ask to help the drive go by faster while creating deeper connection between you and your significant other! Sounds like a win-win situation to me! Here are the questions:   

 55 Questions to Ask On A Roadtrip

  • What’s something I do that makes you feel loved?   
  • When did you know you wanted to be in a relationship with me?   
  • What’s your guilty pleasure?   
  • Do you believe in soulmates? If so, are we soulmates?   
  • What’s your favorite steamy movie scene?   
  • What’s the most attractive thing I do?   
  • What turns you on the most?   
  • What’s your favorite steamy book?   
  • How do you feel about PDA?   
  • What’s your favorite love song?   
  • What does your ideal date look like?   
  • What’s your favorite memory of us?   
  • Why do you think we make a good couple?   
  • Where do you see this relationship going?   
  • Could you see us spending the rest of our lives together?    
  • Is there a song that reminds you of us?   
  • What makes you feel the most beautiful?   
  • What’s your favorite type of kiss?   
  • What time of day is your favorite time to be intimate?   
  • What’s one thing I do that makes you smile?   
  • How would you describe me in 5 words?   
  • What’s something I used to do that you miss?   
  • What was your first impression of me?   
  • How would you tell our love story?   
  • What’s your favorite way to cuddle?   
  • Where’s your favorite place to kiss?   
  • How can I make you feel more loved?   
  • Where do you see us in five years?   
  • How have we grown as a couple since we starting dating?   
  • What’s been the most romantic thing we’ve done?   
  • Where’s our dream place to live?   
  • Where do we want to settle down?   
  • What’s one thing you admire about me?   
  • How’d you know you were in love with me?   
  • What’s your idea of a perfect romantic evening?   
  • What’s your favorite part of my body?   
  • Have you ever had a sexy dream about me? What was it?   
  • What’s your favorite time we’ve been intimate?   
  • What’s something you've always wanted to try in the bedroom?   
  • Where’s the craziest place you’ve had intimacy?   
  • What outfit of mine is your favorite?   
  • What’s your favorite part of our relationship?    
  •  What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?   
  • What’s the best birthday present you’ve ever gotten?   
  • Who was your celebrity crush as a child? Who’s it now?   
  • What’s your favorite scent?   
  • What’s your life dream?   
  • What's something that surprised you about falling in love?   
  • What makes you feel attractive?   
  • How would you describe the feeling of being in love?   
  • What do you love about me?    
  • What do you love about us?   
  • What’s romance to you?   
  • What’s your favorite love story?   
  • Who’s a couple you admire? And why?   

Talking about your relationship, especially the romantic part, is so important! There’s so much to learn from each other and so much fun to be had when discussing such topics! I hope you enjoy your road trip and these questions help create laughter and connection during the drive! You know what they say, “time flies when you’re having fun!”  

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Justin Fague reviewed this article. To reach out, please email [email protected]

road trip games with significant other

50+ Romantic Camping Ideas for Couples

W hen it comes to camping, adding a touch of romance can elevate the experience from ordinary to extraordinary. Cozying up by the campfire under a starlit sky, sharing stories and laughter with your significant other – is there anything better?

Contrast the hustle and bustle of daily life with the tranquility of nature, where you can unwind together in a serene setting. 

From stargazing to taking a leisurely hike hand in hand, there are countless romantic things to do while camping that will create lasting memories for you both. You’ll love spending time together in the great outdoors with these romantic camping trip ideas! 

Before launching on the romantic getaway, it’s a good idea to remember these tips below to have the perfect time. Prepping for a romantic camping date is a fun way to have a great time! 

Choose the Perfect Campsite

Finding a scenic spot is essential for creating a romantic camping experience. Look for locations with stunning views, such as mountains or lakes, and choose a site that offers privacy and tranquility. The time of day also matters; the right lighting and ambiance can make all the difference.

Opting for secluded areas enhances intimacy and minimizes distractions. Instead of crowded campgrounds, seek out less-traveled sites or unique off-the-beaten-path locations to ensure a memorable experience.

Accessibility is another important factor. Consider the distance from your vehicle to the campsite and ensure the terrain is manageable for both partners. It’s also wise to plan for easy access to nearby attractions or trails to add variety to your stay.

Check for available amenities such as restrooms, water sources , fire pits, and picnic tables. Knowing these details beforehand can significantly enhance your camping experience and convenience.

Set Up a Cozy Camp

Creating a comfortable tent is key to a restful night’s sleep and an enjoyable camping trip. Invest in quality sleeping gear, including cozy blankets and pillows, to enhance comfort.

Thoughtful organization of the tent layout maximizes space and accessibility. To add a romantic touch, use ambient lighting like fairy lights or lanterns to create a warm glow. Candles, used safely, can also add warmth and intimacy, while colored lights can set the perfect mood.

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Arranging a soft seating area with cushions or portable chairs provides comfortable options for relaxation. Designate a specific spot within your tent for intimate conversations under the stars, strategically positioning your seating to enjoy the picturesque views.

Decorating with personal touches such as photographs, mementos, and nature-inspired elements can make your tent feel cozy and special, reflecting the uniqueness of your relationship.

Plan Romantic Camping Activities

Planning romantic activities is a great way to make the most of your camping trip. Going for a hike on trails with breathtaking views and potential wildlife sightings can be a shared adventure. Tailor the hike to suit both partners’ physical abilities, and consider packing a light picnic to enjoy at a scenic overlook.

Enjoying a sunset picnic with a simple meal in a picturesque location, along with a cozy blanket, can enhance the romantic ambiance.

Stargazing together is another beautiful activity. Seek out a dark area away from urban lights for optimal viewing and consider bringing a telescope or binoculars for a closer look at the stars. Learning about constellations together can foster shared knowledge and awe.

A moonlit walk on a safe path illuminated by the moon’s glow allows you to embrace the tranquility of the night, holding hands and listening to nature’s soothing sounds.

Cook Gourmet Meals

Cooking gourmet meals while camping adds a special touch to your trip. Plan a campfire dinner with favorite recipes like foil-wrapped potatoes or grilled veggies. Involving both partners in the cooking process can create a sense of collaboration and fun.

Using fresh ingredients enhances the taste and makes the meal more enjoyable. Making s’mores together by the campfire is a classic treat that never gets old. Experiment with various chocolate and cookie combinations to find your favorite and share stories as you roast marshmallows.

Surprise your partner with breakfast in bed by preparing a tray filled with their favorite morning delights. Enjoying breakfast inside the tent for a cozy start to the day can enhance the romantic atmosphere.

Sharing a bottle of wine that pairs well with your camping dishes adds a touch of elegance to your dining experience. Remember to bring a corkscrew and glasses, and raise a toast to your relationship while savoring the wine amidst the beauty of nature.

Engage in Fun Games

Engaging in fun games can make your camping trip even more enjoyable. Pack lightweight games like cards or travel-sized classic board games that are easy to play outdoors. Playing these games together can strengthen your bond and create cherished memories.

Trying couple challenges such as cooking competitions or hiking races promotes teamwork and cooperation. Celebrate your accomplishments together to enhance your relationship.

Singing around the campfire with a guitar or portable speaker can create a lively ambiance. Choose songs that hold sentimental value and encourage impromptu singing sessions.

Telling stories and jokes is another way to deepen your connection. Share personal stories to get to know each other better and exchange light-hearted jokes to maintain a fun atmosphere.

Establishing a storytelling tradition for future camping adventures can be a wonderful way to bond.

Surprise with Gifts

Surprising your partner with gifts can add an extra layer of romance to your camping trip. Giving a love letter expressing your emotions can create a touching and intimate moment, especially if you read them aloud. Preserve these letters as keepsakes to reminisce about your adventure.

Present personalized items like engraved keychains or mugs that hold significance and reflect shared memories. Thoughtful gestures like these show you care!

Introducing practical camping gadgets can elevate your experience. Select tools that add convenience and enhance comfort during your trip. Demonstrating how to use these gadgets can be fun and beneficial.

Gifting romantic keepsakes that symbolize your time together, such as a special photo frame, can help commemorate your outdoor escapade. Nature-themed keepsakes can remind you of your love and the beautiful time you spent together.

Additional Romantic Camping Ideas

There’s no doubt that your romantic camping adventure means that you want to make it an unforgettable experience! If you’re in a romantic mood for an outdoor adventure, any great option from the list below is sure to make it a perfect trip. These are a surefire way to have fun on your romantic camping getaway! 

Plan a Sunrise Viewing:  Set an early alarm to catch the sunrise. Bring a cozy blanket and hot beverages to enjoy the moment. Sharing the quiet beauty of the dawn together can be a magical experience.

Go Canoeing or Kayaking:  Rent a canoe or kayak for a serene paddle on a nearby lake or river. Pack a waterproof bag with snacks and drinks for a mid-paddle picnic. Enjoy the peacefulness of being on the water together.

Have a DIY Spa Day:  Bring along essential oils, face masks, and massage oils. Set up a relaxing area for giving each other massages and enjoy a nature-inspired spa experience together.

Watch a Movie Under the Stars:  Bring a portable projector and a white sheet. Choose a favorite movie and snuggle up with blankets for an outdoor cinema experience.

Write Your Bucket List Together:  Take time to discuss and write down your shared dreams and goals. Share your individual aspirations and find common ground. Keep the list as a keepsake and revisit it often.

Create a Scrapbook of the Trip:  Bring along a notebook, pens, and a Polaroid camera. Document your trip with photos, notes, and mementos. Create a tangible memory book of your adventure.

Try Bird Watching:  Bring a bird guidebook and binoculars. Spend time quietly observing and identifying different bird species. Enjoy the peaceful activity together.

Make a Time Capsule:  Collect items and notes that represent your camping trip. Bury them in a safe place to dig up in the future. Create a tradition of adding to it with each trip.

Go Fishing Together:  Bring fishing gear and find a quiet spot. Enjoy the patience and tranquility of fishing. Celebrate any catches with a special meal.

Plan a Surprise Date Night:  Organize a special evening without your partner knowing. Prepare a gourmet meal , set up a romantic spot, or plan a fun activity. Enjoy the element of surprise and the effort put into planning.

Take a Scenic Drive:  Find a nearby scenic route and take a leisurely drive, stopping at viewpoints and interesting spots along the way. Pack snacks and enjoy the journey together.

Create a Nature Art Project:  Collect natural items like leaves, flowers, and stones. Use these to create art projects or crafts together. This can be a fun and creative way to connect with nature and each other.

Attend a Local Event:  Research if there are any local events or festivals happening near your campsite. Attending a local fair, market, or cultural event can add a unique experience to your trip.

Try Photography Together:  Bring a good camera and spend time capturing the beauty of your surroundings. Take photos of each other and the landscape. This can be a fun and rewarding activity that leaves you with beautiful memories.

Do Some Yoga or Meditation:  Bring a yoga mat and enjoy a session of yoga or meditation in the serene environment. This can help you both relax and connect with each other and nature on a deeper level.

Explore a Nearby Town:  If your campsite is near a small town , spend a day exploring. Visit local shops, cafes, and attractions. This can add a charming and cultural aspect to your camping trip.

Make a Campfire Song Playlist:  Curate a playlist of your favorite songs to play around the campfire. Singing along or simply enjoying the music can create a wonderful atmosphere.

Have a Themed Camping Night:  Choose a theme for one of your camping nights, such as a tropical luau or a rustic cowboy evening. Plan decorations, food, and activities around your theme for a fun and memorable experience.

Build a Fort Together:  Use blankets , tarps, and natural materials to build a cozy fort. This can be a playful and intimate activity that brings you closer.

Plan a Scavenger Hunt:  Create a list of items to find or tasks to complete around the campsite. This can be a fun and engaging way to explore the area and enjoy each other’s company.

What are some tips for choosing the perfect campsite? 

When selecting a campsite, consider privacy, scenery, and proximity to amenities. Look for a spot with a beautiful view and enough activity space. Ensure it’s safe and complies with camping regulations. Think about light pollution when you’re trying to find the perfect place. 

How can I set up a cozy camp for a romantic camping experience? 

Create a cozy ambiance by decorating with fairy lights, bringing comfortable seating, and setting up a warm campfire. Use soft blankets and cushions for extra comfort. Consider adding personal touches like photos or candles to enhance the romantic atmosphere.

What are some romantic activities to plan while camping? 

Plan stargazing sessions, sunrise/sunset watching, nature walks, or tandem activities like kayaking or hiking. Enjoying quiet moments together, sharing stories by the fire, or simply relaxing in a hammock can also add romance to your camping trip.

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How can I cook gourmet meals while camping? 

Prepare in advance by marinating meats or chopping vegetables at home. Pack essential cooking tools like a portable grill or stove. Opt for simple yet flavorful recipes that are easy to cook outdoors.

Don’t forget to bring fresh ingredients and seasonings for delicious meals. Fresh fruit is also one of the best option ideas to have because it’s sweet and delicious! 

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What fun games can we engage in while camping? 

Consider classic games like charades, card games, or board games that are easy to play outdoors. Try activities such as scavenger hunts, frisbee, or nature-themed quizzes. These games can add excitement and laughter to your camping experience.

Happy camping and enjoy the romantic adventure with your significant other!

The post 50+ Romantic Camping Ideas for Couples appeared first on HodgePodge Hippie .

When it comes to camping, adding a touch of romance can elevate the experience from ordinary to extraordinary. Cozying up by the campfire under a starlit sky, sharing stories and laughter with your significant other – is there anything better? Contrast the hustle and bustle of daily life with the tranquility of nature, where you ... Read More about 50+ Romantic Camping Ideas for Couples

How Paris 2024 aims to become the first-ever gender-equal Olympics

The logo of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games is seen on an official Paris 2024 store in Paris, France, February 8, 2024. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

Paris 2024 Olympic Games this summer is set to achieve full gender parity – with equal representation for both women and men on the field of play. Image:  REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

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.chakra .wef-9dduvl{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-9dduvl{font-size:1.125rem;}} Explore and monitor how .chakra .wef-15eoq1r{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;color:#F7DB5E;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-15eoq1r{font-size:1.125rem;}} Gender Inequality is affecting economies, industries and global issues

A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;color:#2846F8;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{font-size:1.125rem;}} Get involved with our crowdsourced digital platform to deliver impact at scale

Stay up to date:, gender inequality.

  • Paris 2024 is set to make Olympic history by achieving full gender parity on the field of play for the first time.
  • There are equal numbers of women and male athletes competing this summer.
  • Despite these advancements, the world still has a way to go towards complete gender equality. It's estimated to take another 131 years to reach full parity, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2023.

A “monumental achievement” will be celebrated at this year’s Olympic Games in Paris, France.

For the first time in Olympic history, women athletes will have as many places in the Games as male athletes.

This 50:50 allocation means the Paris 2024 Olympic Games this summer will be the first Olympics ever to achieve full gender parity – equal representation for both women and men – on the field of play.

Thomas Bach, President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), which organizes the Games, described the milestone as “one of the most important moments in the history of women at the Olympic Games, and in sport overall”.

Have you read?

International women's day: how the world is progressing on gender equality across all 17 sdgs, how businesses can work with sports communities to become social change-makers, closing gender gaps in the private sector benefits over 850,000 women.

Participation of female athletes at the Olympic Games.

It’s been a long road for Olympic women

Women have come a long way since competing in the Olympic Games for the first time in 1900, also in Paris. That year, women represented only 2.2% of all participants.

Most competed in sports considered suitably “feminine ”, like golf or tennis, according to the Olympics news site Around the Rings. Women were also banned from competing in long, athletic events after the Amsterdam 1928 Olympics because of “physical weakness”.

But women athlete numbers grew steadily and accelerated from the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles, US, when women represented 23% of Olympic participants.

By the London 2012 Olympics, 44% of the athletes were women. London 2012 was described as ‘The Women’s Games’ because it was the first time in the Olympics that every country taking part had women athletes in their teams.

Why Olympic gender parity matters

Sport can change lives, says UN Women, the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. This includes promoting leadership, teamwork, self-reliance and confidence in women .

Gender parity also benefits economies and societies more widely.

In its Global Gender Gap Report 2023 , the World Economic Forum found that progress in closing gender gaps means more growth, innovation, and resilience for countries.

The report stated that the gender gap across 146 countries is currently 68.4% closed, but equal representation between men and women across the economic, political, health, and education spheres is still 131 years away at the current rate of progress.

The World Economic Forum has been measuring gender gaps since 2006 in the annual Global Gender Gap Report .

The Global Gender Gap Report tracks progress towards closing gender gaps on a national level. To turn these insights into concrete action and national progress, we have developed the Gender Parity Accelerator model for public private collaboration.

These accelerators have been convened in twelve countries across three regions. Accelerators are established in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico and Panama in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank in Latin America and the Caribbean, Egypt and Jordan in the Middle East and North Africa, and Japan and Kazakhstan in Asia.

All Country Accelerators, along with Knowledge Partner countries demonstrating global leadership in closing gender gaps, are part of a wider ecosystem, the Global Learning Network, that facilitates exchange of insights and experiences through the Forum’s platform.

In these countries CEOs and ministers are working together in a three-year time frame on policies that help to further close the economic gender gaps in their countries. This includes extended parental leave, subsidized childcare and making recruitment, retention and promotion practices more gender inclusive.

If you are a business in one of the Gender Parity Accelerator countries you can join the local membership base.

If you are a business or government in a country where we currently do not have a Gender Parity Accelerator you can reach out to us to explore opportunities for setting one up.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programmes are helping to drive gender parity and most companies are implementing programmes focusing on women – including 60% of organizations surveyed in the media, entertainment and sports industries, the Global Gender Gap Report found.

DEI programmes focusing on women, by industry

Gender equality beyond the Olympics

Other gender initiatives at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games include a more gender-balanced number of medal events, with 152 women’s events, 157 men’s events and 20 mixed-gender events.

But the IOC says its commitment to advancing gender equality does not end in Paris.

We will “keep leading the way and using the power of sport to contribute to a more equal and inclusive society,” it says.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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    The car is packed, the playlist is prepped, and the passenger princess is strapped in. What are you forgetting? With a few long hours ahead, we suggest making note of these road-trip games for couples that will keep everyone entertained — even if rush-hour traffic stops you in your tracks!

  5. 22 Sizzling Romantic Road Trip Games For Couples

    Your next road trip adventure shouldn't just be about getting to the destination or the typical activities; there are road trip games for couples to keep you interested and connected the entire time. Of course, you can't even concentrate on your devices the entire time, while your partner focuses on driving.

  6. 15 Fun Road Trip Games for Couples

    Road trips are a fantastic way for couples to get away and explore together. It's a great way to bond, enjoy each other's company, and create memories.But planning a road trip can be stressful, especially when figuring out what activities to do along the way. One of the best ways to keep the journey exciting and enjoya

  7. 35 Fun Road Trip Games for Couples to Help Pass the Time

    The best games for couples to pass time on a long road trip Road trips are great for couples: seeing romantic scenery, duetting your favorite songs, and spending quality time with your significant other. You can use the miles to get to...

  8. 15+ Hilarious Road Trip Games for Couples & Digital Nomads

    Embarking on a road trip with your significant other is an exciting adventure to create lasting memories. To keep things entertaining during long hours on the road, playing games can be a fun way to pass the time.

  9. Road Trip Games for Couples to Have an Ultimate Fun Trip

    Top 35 Entertaining Road Trip Games for Couples to Have an Ultimate Fun Trip. Going on a road trip with your significant other can be an exhilarating and memorable experience to have.

  10. 21 Best Road Trip Games For Couples

    Long road trips can lead to boredom.That's where the idea of automobile bingo enters the picture. Instead of digits, you play with items you see along the way, specific circumstances, or automobile brands.

  11. 7 Fun and Romantic Road Trip Games for Couples

    This post may contain affiliate links. Please read our disclosure for additional info.. Photo by Karsten Winegeart. Wondering how to make a couple road trip fun? Maybe you're worried you'll be bored or not know what to talk about on a long drive with your significant other.

  12. 31 Best Games for Road Trips for Adults to Beat the Boredom

    The License Plate Game. Goal: To be the first to find as many different state or country license plates as possible. Why Play this Game: Isn't it fun finding a new license plate? Especially when it is one you have never seen before. We all do it, so why not make it a game. You can learn the states, maybe even a little geography, and have some fun while on your road trip.

  13. 20 Road Trip Games for Couples

    Embarking on a road trip with your significant other can be an exciting adventure, but it's important to keep the journey fun and engaging. That's where road trip games for couples come in handy.

  14. 10 Fun Road Trip Games for Couples

    1. A-Z pubs and bars. It's just like the age old name-something-beginning-with- every-letter game, but with a twist. In the A-Z of pubs and bars you should create a name for your bar/pub, and then explain their unique selling point and explain the concept around your drinking establishment.

  15. 10 Road Trip Games for Couples

    This month's Date Box takes couples on a road trip across the good old USA! Nothing makes the miles fly by like an excellent playlist, or some good old fashioned road trip games. Ours are updated for "adults" but you can adjust them to be more family friendly if needed. 1) The Casserole Game One passenger starts by say

  16. 11 of the Most Fun Road Trip Activities for Couples on Honeymoons

    So you've decided on a road trip.Good choice! Not only will you enjoy going from place to place, but we have fun ideas for long road trips.After all, part of the journey is—the journey! Our road trip activities for couples will hopefully give you ideas for things to do while on the go.

  17. 10 Road Trip Games and Activities for Couples

    Planning a summer road trip? Don't get bored on the open road! Instead pass the time with these 10 Road Trip Games and Activities for Couples!

  18. 15 Funniest Road Trip Games for Adults & Kids

    Road trips with family or friends create memories that last a lifetime. To make the time pass quickly, try one of our fun road trip games. We have games for children of every age, including adult road trip games. Some can be played alone on a long drive, some with one other person, and some of our road trip games provide fun for everyone in the car.

  19. 41 Fun Road Trip Games To Play In The Car

    Road trip bingo involves looking out of the window and ticking off things from the checklist as you see them! You can either make your own sheets or use our Free Printable Road Trip Bingo Sheets for your car journey.. This is one of the activities featured in our comprehensive free printable road trip games article that is perfect for helping you keep the kids entertained in the car!

  20. 10 Best Road Trip Games to Play in the Car

    A good road trip is about so much more than just reaching your final destination—it's about the unforgettable memories you create along the way! So when you head off on your spring or summer travels this year, be sure to include some fun road trip games on your list of travel essentials.And if you need a little inspiration, check out our collection of the best road trip games!

  21. 177 Fun Road Trip Questions for Couples to Kill Boredom

    Final Thoughts on the Fun Couple Questions for a Road Trip. Road trips don't have to be boring or all about looking in the window! So I hope that you'll have fun with these road trip questions and get to know more about each other as a couple as you drive away to your destination.

  22. 27 Road Trip Games For Couples That Make Travel More Fun

    2. Truths, twists, and tantalizing tales. As far as road trip games go, Two Truths and a Lie is a classic. Let's put a unique twist on it. In this version of Two Truths and a Lie, you get to step into a world where reality blurs and deception reigns supreme.

  23. 186 Awesome Road Trip Questions for Couples (Spark Fun Conversation)

    Affiliate Disclosure: Thank you for supporting The Road Trip Expert. When you purchase through links on this site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Please see our advertising disclosure for more details.. Road Trip Questions For Couples - Keep It Interesting…

  24. 55 Romantic Roadtrip Questions to Ask Your Significant Other

    55 Romantic (and Spicy) Roadtrip Questions to Ask Your Significant Other As a kid whenever we road tripped, since the small movie screen in our Suburban had broken, our family would generally just talk to pass the time.

  25. Games That'll Keep Your Family Busy On A Long Road Trip

    To start, one person will think of a person, place, or object. The other family members will go around asking questions to narrow things down.

  26. 50+ Romantic Camping Ideas for Couples

    Opting for secluded areas enhances intimacy and minimizes distractions. Instead of crowded campgrounds, seek out less-traveled sites or unique off-the-beaten-path locations to ensure a memorable ...

  27. How Paris 2024 aims to become the first-ever gender-equal Olympics

    Paris 2024 is set to make Olympic history by achieving full gender parity on the field of play for the first time. There are equal numbers of women and male athletes competing this summer.