James M. Tour

T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

255 Dell Butcher Hall | 713-348-6246 | [email protected]

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Synthetic Organic & Materials Chemist

Tour has over 725 publications and 140 patent families, an h-index of 150, and ~110,000 citations.

Awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Centenary Prize in 2020

...for innovations in materials chemistry with applications in medicine and nanotechnology, 2020 +140 Patent Families National Academy of Inventors, 2015

Scientist of the Year by R&D Magazine

He was named “Scientist of the Year” by  R&D Magazine , 2013.

Changing the world one atom at a time.

The value of a material is not in the atoms themselves; it is in how the atoms are arranged.

tour whiteboad cropped 850x452 use 2

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James M. Tour, a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina, he joined the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in 1999 where he is presently the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Tour has about 650 research publications and over 200 patents, with an H-index = 129 and i10 index = 538 with total citations over 77,000 (Google Scholar). He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2015. Tour was named among “The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by  TheBestSchools.org  in 2014; listed in “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters  ScienceWatch.com  in 2014; recipient of the Trotter Prize in “Information, Complexity and Inference” in 2014; and was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2014. Tour was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine, 2013. He was awarded the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, 2012, Rice University; won the ACS Nano Lectureship Award from the American Chemical Society, 2012; was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2011; and was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2009. Tour was ranked one of the Top 10 chemists in the world over the past decade, by a Thomson Reuters citations per publication index survey, 2009; won the Distinguished Alumni Award, Purdue University, 2009; and the Houston Technology Center’s Nanotechnology Award in 2009. He won the Feynman Prize in Experimental Nanotechnology in 2008, the NASA Space Act Award in 2008 for his development of carbon nanotube reinforced elastomers, and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society for his achievements in organic chemistry in 2007. Tour was the recipient of the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching in 2007. He also won the Small Times magazine’s Innovator of the Year Award in 2006, the Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Innovator Award in 2006, the Alan Berman Research Publication Award, Department of the Navy in 2006, the Southern Chemist of the Year Award from the American Chemical Society in 2005, and The Honda Innovation Award for Nanocars in 2005. Tour’s paper on Nanocars was the most highly accessed journal article of all American Chemical Society articles in 2005, and it was listed by LiveScience as the second most influential paper in all of science in 2005. Tour has won several other national awards including the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry.

james tour scholar

James M. Tour, a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina, he joined the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in 1999 where he is presently the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering.

Dr. Tour has 750 research publications, over 130 granted patents and over 100 pending patents. In 2021, he won the Oesper Award from the American Chemical Society which is awarded to “outstanding chemists for lifetime significant accomplishments in the field of chemistry with long-lasting impact on the chemical sciences.” In 2020, he became a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and in the same year was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Centenary Prize for innovations in materials chemistry with applications in medicine and nanotechnology. He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2015.

Tour was named among “The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by TheBestSchools.org in 2019; listed in “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch.com in 2014; and recipient of the Trotter Prize in “Information, Complexity and Inference” in 2014; and was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2014. Tour was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine, 2013.

Tour was also ranked one of the Top 10 chemists in the world over the past decade, by a Thomson Reuters citations per publication index survey, 2009; won the Distinguished Alumni Award, Purdue University, 2009 and the Houston Technology Center’s Nanotechnology Award in 2009. He won the Feynman Prize in Experimental Nanotechnology in 2008, the NASA Space Act Award in 2008 for his development of carbon nanotube reinforced elastomers and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society for his achievements in organic chemistry in 2007. Tour has won several other national awards including the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry.

Professor Tour has served as a visiting scholar at Harvard University, on the Chemical Reviews Editorial Advisory Board, the Governor’s Mathematics and Science Advisory Board for South Carolina, the Defense Science Study Group through the Institute for Defense Analyses, the Defense Science Board Chem/Nano Study Section, the Department of Commerce Emerging Technology and Research Advisory Committee and the MD Anderson Cancer Research Center’s Competitive Grant Renewal Board. He has been active in consulting on several national defense-related topics, in addition to numerous other professional committees and panels.

james tour scholar

Dr. James Tour

Dr. james tour: how did life come into being, james tour: how did life come into being, share guest.

The C.S. Lewis Study Group

For Those Interested In The Thought and Writings of C.S. Lewis

James M. Tour-Synthetic Organic Chemist

james tour scholar


==> James Tour Website   <==

Tour has over 640 research publications and over 120 patents, with an H-index = 129 (107 by ISI Web of Science) and i10 index = 538 with total citations over 77,000 (Google Scholar). He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2015. Tour was named among “The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by The Best Schools (.org) in 2014; listed in “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch.com in 2014; and recipient of the Trotter Prize in “Information, Complexity and Inference” in 2014; and was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2014. Tour was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine , 2013. He was awarded the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, 2012, Rice University; won the ACS Nano Lectureship Award from the American Chemical Society, 2012; was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2011 and was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2009. Tour was ranked one of the Top 10 chemists in the world over the past decade, by a Thomson Reuters citations per publication index survey, 2009; won the Distinguished Alumni Award, Purdue University, 2009 and the Houston Technology Center’s Nanotechnology Award in 2009.

james tour scholar

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Dr. Tour on Wikipedia

In an attempt to place us within an imaginary grasp of what Dr. Tour is attempting to explain in the video above I thought it might be helpful to consider a quote from William Grassie as he in turn is found quoting Bill Bryson as he gives a description of ==> a simple prokaryotic cell   from his book A Short History of Nearly Everything.


LoopHe won the Feynman Prize in Experimental Nanotechnology in 2008, the NASA Space Act Award in 2008 for his development of carbon nanotube reinforced elastomers and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society for his achievements in organic chemistry in 2007. Tour was the recipient of the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching in 2007. He also won the Small Times magazine’s Innovator of the Year Award in 2006, the Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Innovator Award in 2006, the Alan Berman Research Publication Award, Department of the Navy in 2006, the Southern Chemist of the Year Award from the American Chemical Society in 2005 and The Honda Innovation Award for Nanocars in 2005. Tour’s paper on Nanocars was the most highly accessed journal article of all American Chemical Society articles in 2005, and it was listed by LiveScience as the second most influential paper in all of science in 2005. Tour has won several other national awards including the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry.


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In this interview, Dr. James Tour and Dr. Henry “Fritz” Schaefer discuss science and faith, while Dr. Schaefer presents on “The Big Bang, Stephen Hawking, and God”. This comprehensive presentation details numerous conclusions from leading scientists in the areas of mathematics, physics, and cosmology, and it shows how the Big Bang was immensely powerful yet carefully planned and controlled in the release of matter, energy, space, and time. Schaefer then looks at the big question “Where do we go from here?” Dr. Schaefer’s wealth of research can be found here : https://www.chem.uga.edu/directory/pe… ​

Tour is the founder and principal of NanoJtech Consultants, LLC , performing technology assessments for the prospective investor. Tour is also a founder of Weebit (silicon oxide electronic memory), Dotz (graphene quantum dots from coal), Tubz (graphene nanopillar electrodes for energy storage devices), Acelerox (antioxidant particles for mitigating oxidative stress during trauma and autoimmune diseases) and Avid Chemotherapeutics (drug delivery for cancer chemotherapy). He has served as a visiting scholar at Harvard University, on the Chemical Reviews Editorial Advisory Board, the Governor’s Mathematics and Science Advisory Board for South Carolina, the Defense Science Study Group through the Institute for Defense Analyses, the Defense Science Board Chem/Nano Study Section, the Department of Commerce Emerging Technology and Research Advisory Committee and the MD Anderson Cancer Research Center’s Competitive Grant Renewal Board. He has been active in consulting on several national defense-related topics, in addition to numerous other professional committees and panels.

————————————————————————————————– ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦

             Dr. James Tour Testimony

              ———-   ♥ ———- ♥   Christ   ♥  ———- ♥   ————


Can a Scientist Believe in The Resurrection?



For those of you who would like a very through introduction to this new and fascinating science, click here ==> Introduction To Nanotechnology-The New Science of Smal l to learn all about  what =>  The  Teaching Company’s offering is on this subjtect.


Science and Society Move Away from God

Many people believe that religion and science are mutually exclusive, even contradictory to each other. That belief, however, is not required either by scientific fact or by the Bible. If we as Christians believe that the God of Creation is also the God of salvation, then such conflict is impossible. The same God will not create one testimony in the material record of the universe and then create a completely contradictory testimony in the written record of the Bible.

We do not want to return to the scientifically naive worldview of those like Ptolemy (ca. a.d. 85–160), who believed the universe was geo-centric—that is, with the earth at the center of it. The Bible nowhere teaches that the earth is the center of the universe. The Bible, although accurate in the science it does express, is not primarily concerned with science but with salvation. The location of the earth in relationship to the rest of the universe is irrelevant when compared to the spiritual concerns of the Bible. As we shall see in this section, there is no ultimate conflict between the reasonable and objective observation and interpretation of data (science) and a reasonable and objective interpretation of the Bible (theology).

From a biblical perspective, the story of the relationship of God and mankind is at the center of all existence. Quite properly, then, the Bible deals extensively with moral and philosophical ideas and only incidentally mentions scientific topics . . .                                                           Excerpt from chapter 1

                                                        Josh McDowell’s Hand Book of Apologetics


Christianity and Reason

Text → Christianity and Reason ← Text

Th at there exists an inherent antagonism between religion and science as is often portrayed by atheists’ writers can be expelled if and when one takes an unbiased look at the history of science. What it reveals is that modern science both grew out of and is an invention of medieval Christianity. To consider the way in which science evolved out of the medieval and Christian worldview we would invite you to consider a sample written by Dinesh D’Souza taken from his → What’s So Great About Christianity whose chapter is titled → Christianity and Reason .


      → The Return of the God Hypothesis

                              → Signature in the Cell

                                                → Darwin’s Doubt


J ust How Complex is Origin of Life?



Astronomer Hugh Ross & Biologist Stephen Myers


A realm into which these developments speak volumes can be found on our page ==> The Atheist Delusion 




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James Tour is the T. T. and W. F. Chao professor of chemistry, professor of computer science, and professor of materials science and nano-engineering at Rice University. A synthetic organic chemist, he has served on the faculty of the University of South Carolina and as a visiting scholar at Harvard University. Tour has over 700 research publications and over 130 patent families.

Articles by James Tour

Clueless on the origin of life

Clueless on the origin of life

A chemist breaks down the problems with the research


T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

Department of Chemistry

O'Connor Building for Engineering and Science 211A | 713-348-6246 | [email protected]

WEBSITE(S) | Tour Group Rice | Google Scholar Citations

Research Summary

Tour’s scientific research areas include nanoelectronics, graphene electronics, silicon oxide electronics, carbon nanovectors for medical applications, green carbon research for enhanced oil recovery and environmentally friendly oil and gas extraction, graphene photovoltaics, carbon supercapacitors, lithium ion batteries, lithium metal batteries, CO2 capture, water splitting to H2 and O2, water purification, carbon nanotube and graphene synthetic modifications, graphene oxide, carbon composites, hydrogen storage on nanoengineered carbon scaffolds, and synthesis of single-molecule nanomachines which includes molecular motors and nanocars and nanomachines that can drill through cell membranes. He has also developed strategies for retarding chemical terrorist attacks. For pre-college education, Tour developed the NanoKids concept for K-12 education in nanoscale science, and also Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero science packages for elementary and middle school education: SciRave ( www.scirave.org ) which later expanded to a Stemscopes-based SciRave. The SciRave program has risen to be the #1 most widely adopted program in Texas to complement science instruction, and it is currently used by over 450 school districts and 40,000 teachers with over 1 million student downloads.

James M. Tour, a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina, he joined the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in 1999 where he is presently the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Tour has about 650 research publications and over 200 patents, with an H-index = 129 and i10 index = 538 with total citations over 77,000 (Google Scholar). He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2015. Tour was named among “The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by TheBestSchools.org in 2014; listed in “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch.com in 2014; recipient of the Trotter Prize in “Information, Complexity and Inference” in 2014; and was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2014. Tour was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine, 2013. He was awarded the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, 2012, Rice University; won the ACS Nano Lectureship Award from the American Chemical Society, 2012; was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2011; and was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2009. Tour was ranked one of the Top 10 chemists in the world over the past decade, by a Thomson Reuters citations per publication index survey, 2009; won the Distinguished Alumni Award, Purdue University, 2009; and the Houston Technology Center’s Nanotechnology Award in 2009. He won the Feynman Prize in Experimental Nanotechnology in 2008, the NASA Space Act Award in 2008 for his development of carbon nanotube reinforced elastomers, and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society for his achievements in organic chemistry in 2007. Tour was the recipient of the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching in 2007. He also won the Small Times magazine’s Innovator of the Year Award in 2006, the Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Innovator Award in 2006, the Alan Berman Research Publication Award, Department of the Navy in 2006, the Southern Chemist of the Year Award from the American Chemical Society in 2005, and The Honda Innovation Award for Nanocars in 2005. Tour’s paper on Nanocars was the most highly accessed journal article of all American Chemical Society articles in 2005, and it was listed by LiveScience as the second most influential paper in all of science in 2005. Tour has won several other national awards including the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry.

Research Areas

Organic Synthesis; Chemical Biology; Spectroscopy & Imaging; Nanomaterial Synthesis

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History and theology in the gospels : Seventh International East-West Symposium of New Testament Scholars, Moscow, September 26 to October 1, 2016

Available online, at the library.

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Creators/contributors, contents/summary.

  • Introduction
  • Opening Paper and Plenary Discussion
  • The "Demythologization" of New Testament Studies (Opening Paper) / Metropolitan Hilarion
  • The Session in Retrospect : Plenary Discussion / Carl R. Holladay
  • Responses / William Loader, Francis Watson, Joel Marcus
  • Counter Response / Metropolitan Hilarion
  • Main Papers
  • History and Theology in Matthew / Joel Marcus
  • The Matthean Passion Narrative in Serbian Interpretation / Vladan Tatalović
  • History and Theology in Mark / Francis Watson
  • Between Criticism and Patristics : The Transfiguration Story in Mark from an Eastern Point of View / Cosmin Pricop
  • The Lukan Travel Narrative : History and Theology in Luke's Gospel / Carl R. Holladay
  • The Problem of the Continuity of Acts with Luke, the Church's Reception of Two Separated Volumes, and the Construction of Luke's 'Theology' : Toward a Theology of Jesus the "Christ" of Israel and the "Lord of All" in the Light of the Worldwide Church ... of Luke's 'Gospel Acts' / David P. Moessner
  • "... but he was acting in the temple of his body" : Symbolic Performance of Death and Resurrection in the Cleansing of the Temple (John 2:13-23) / Margareta Gruber
  • The Gospel of John : From Christology to Theology / Anatoly A. Alexeev
  • The Figure of Jesus According to the Canonical Gospels / Armand Puig i Tàrrech
  • The Gospel Narrative in Byzantine Liturgy / Stefanos Alexopoulos
  • History and Theology in the Non-Canonical Gospels / Tobias Nicklas
  • Seminar Papers
  • A New Translation of Ps 78:2 (77:2 LXX) in Matt 13:35 / Ekaterina Matusova
  • The Final Countdown : The Last Judgment in the Light of Narratology and Argumentation Analysis / Lauri Thurén
  • The Function and Importance of Matthew 28:16-20 in the Gospel of Matthew / Petr Mareček
  • Matthew's Post-War Mission to Israel : Some Observations on a Jewish Reading of the First Gospel / Manuel Vogel
  • Is There Such a Thing as Prophetic Christology in the Gospel of Mark? A Reader-Centered Approach / Christos Karakolis
  • Jesus' Portrait in the Gospel of Mark Reflected in Two Christological Titles : Son of Man and Son of God / Stelian Tofanǎ
  • Jesus' Banquet Etiquette (Luke 14:7-14) and the Heavenly Banquet / Alexey Somov
  • The Lukan Assumption Stories (Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-11) : Their Narrative Function and Theological Relevance within the Lukan Corpus / Thomas Schumacher
  • Translating Luke between Narrative and Theology / Andrei S. Desnitsky
  • From Cana to Cana, from Jews to Gentiles? Observations on the Johannine Cana-Cycle (John 2-4) / Hans-Ulrich Weidemann
  • Of Manna and Eucharist : The Feeding of the Five Thousand in the Gospel of John / James Buchanan Wallace
  • Cognitive Approach to John / Petr Shitikov
  • To the Question of the Meaning of Philippians 2:6b / Maria Karyakina
  • 'For Moses Wrote of Me' : Reflections from Having Lived at Mount Sinai / Hieromonk Justin
  • List of Contributors
  • Index of Sources
  • Index of Modern Authors
  • Index of Subjects

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Indiana University mourns death of longtime trustee and alumnus James T. Morris

Indiana University is mourning the loss of longtime trustee and alumnus James T. Morris, who died on July 12 at age 81.

“Jim Morris was a quintessential Hoosier,” IU President Pamela Whitten said. “Few have given so much to our university, our state and our world.

James T. Morris headshot

Morris served in many distinguished roles over the course of his career, including vice chairman of Pacers Sports and Entertainment, chief of staff to Mayor Richard G. Lugar, president of Lilly Endowment, chairman and CEO for IWC Resources Corp. and Indianapolis Water Co., and executive director of the United Nations World Food Programme.

He studied political science at IU Bloomington and was active in student government. After years of supporting the university as a professional, alumnus and parent, Morris was first elected to the IU Board of Trustees in 1996.

“On behalf of the Indiana University Board of Trustees, we remember the towering legacy of Jim Morris,” Trustee Chair W. Quinn Buckner said. “Through his longtime board leadership, endless generosity and love for his alma mater, Jim made a tremendous impact on the IU community, the people of Indiana and many others across the globe. In my own life, Jim was a mentor and confidant, as he was to many. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, and all who benefitted from his wisdom and generosity.”

Morris retired from the IU Board of Trustees in 2022, after serving on and off for decades.

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Cleveland Top Chef fundraiser tickets for sale, samples from James Beard Award finalists and more

  • Updated: Jul. 16, 2024, 3:37 p.m.
  • | Published: Jul. 16, 2024, 3:25 p.m.

Cleveland Top Chefs fundraiser Mia Humphrey

Chef Mia Humphrey (left) of Culinary by Design in Chardon returns this year to Cleveland Top Chefs. Paris Wolfe

  • Paris Wolfe, cleveland.com

CHESTERLAND, Ohio – Tickets are on sale now for the Cleveland Top Chefs fundraiser, set on Sunday, August 25 at the International Culinary Arts & Sciences Institute in Chesterland.

More than a dozen chefs from around Northeast Ohio will share their talents through small bites at this indoor/outdoor event. The menu includes appetizer, entrée, dessert and beverage samples.

The who’s who chef list includes Dante Boccuzzi (Dante); Paul Minnillo/Matt Mytro (Flour); Sam Lesniak (Cru Uncorked) Vinnie Cimino (Cordelia); Jeremy Umansky (Larder); Richie Cunningham (Sara’s Place); Brad Race (The Last Page); Eric Wells (Skye LaRae’s Culinary Services); Mia Humphrey (Culinary by Design); Adam DiLauro (DiLauro’s Pizzeria & Retro Burger); Molly Cheraso (Verbena Free-Spirited); Kristen Barnes (Sweet Bean Chocolates); Kevin Keough (Kevin Is Always Mixing) and more.

Paris Wolfe

Stories by Paris Wolfe

  • Irish Cultural Festival, Taste of Tremont, MJ: The Musical,’ the Pretenders and 25 other things to do in Northeast Ohio this weekend
  • ‘Le Diner en Blanc’ returns to Cleveland for elegant evening in secret location
  • honeygrow fast-casual chain opens in two NEO suburbs

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the first ICASI graduating class. Among the attending ICASI graduates will be Eric Wells and Adam DiLauro as well as James Beard Award finalists Vinnie Cimino and Jeremy Umansky.

Cleveland Top Chefs Bourbon Brothers

Bourbon Brothers will be part of the Cleveland Top Chefs event on August 25. Paris Wolfe

The event will include wine from local vintners Laurello Vineyards of Madison and Ferrante Winery of Harpersfield and beer from Great Lakes Brewery of Cleveland. A bourbon-tasting bar will return this year.

“These chefs are donating their time and talent to help raise much needed scholarship funds for students to pursue their dream of becoming a chef in the Culinary and Pastry Arts fields, despite their economic status,” said Loretta Paganini, founder of ICASI. “This is an all-volunteer event benefiting the ICASI Scholarship Fund, a 501(c)(3) Public Charity.”

Additional fundraisers include raffles for ...

  • Seven-night tour of Italian wine regions for two --Tuscany, Piedmont, and the Italian Riviera -- with cooking classes and more. $10,000 value.  $100/ticket, limited number of tickets sold.
  • Private cooking class/dinner for 12 with Loretta Paganini at the Loretta Paganini School of Cooking 
  • Private cooking class/dinner for 12 with Chef Tim McCoy in your home
  • Top Chef Gift Card Basket
  • Dine Around Cleveland Gift Card baskets
  • Cooler of Cheer (various spirits)

Guests are encouraged to wear festive attire. The event is from 4 to 7 p.m., Sunday, August 25 at ICASI, 8700 Mayfield Rd, Chesterland. Tickets are $150.

Send dining, drinking and culture story ideas to Paris Wolfe at [email protected] . Review her previous stories here. Follow Paris Wolfe on Instagram @pariswolfe.

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George Strait Sets New Record with Historic Concert at Kyle Field

Country star George Strait has set a new record. On June 15, 110,905 fans gathered at Kyle Field at Texas A&M University in College Station. This surpassed the previous record set by the Grateful Dead in 1977, with 107,019 attendees.

By Julian James

Record-Breaking Show in Texas

George Strait’s concert was not only the largest ticketed concert in the U.S., but it also set a new record for Kyle Field. The previous highest attendance was 110,633 during a Texas A&M game in 2014. With guest stars Parker McCollum and Catie Offerman, the evening provided an unforgettable experience for the audience.

A Remarkable Career

Throughout his career, George Strait has achieved numerous records. He holds the record for the most number-one singles of any artist in any genre and is the only artist to have a top 10 hit every year for 30 years. Additionally, he has the most number-one albums, gold albums, and platinum albums in country music history.

New Music and Emotional Dedications

Before the concert, Strait introduced two new songs from his upcoming album “Cowboys And Dreamers,” set to be released on September 6. The titles “MIA in MIA” and “The Little Things” were well-received by the audience. Strait dedicated the album to his long-time friends and colleagues, recently passed away, reflecting on the good times they shared.

An Unforgettable Evening

George Strait’s show at Kyle Field marked another milestone in his illustrious career. The record number of fans and the emotional delivery of his new songs made the evening particularly special. Anticipation for his new album is growing, and fans eagerly await more great music from this legendary artist. This event demonstrated once again George Strait’s enduring popularity and influence in the music industry.

George Strait’s record-breaking concert at Kyle Field showcased his remarkable talent and highlighted the deep connection he shares with his fans. As the anticipation for his upcoming album “Cowboys And Dreamers” builds, it’s clear that Strait’s legacy in country music continues to grow. This historic event will be celebrated for years to come as a testament to his enduring appeal and exceptional career.

Based on content from www.udiscovermusic.com

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EU Commission boycotts Hungarian presidency over Orbán's controversial trips to Moscow and Beijing

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The European Commission has decided to boycott Hungary's six-month presidency of the EU Council in response to Viktor Orbán 's controversial trips to Moscow and Beijing, widely seen as an affront to the bloc's political unity.

"In light of recent developments marking the start of the Hungarian Presidency, the President ( Ursula von der Leyen ) has decided that the European Commission will be represented at senior civil servant level only during informal meetings of the Council," the executive's chief spokesperson, Eric Mamer, announced on Monday evening.

"The College visit to the Presidency will not take place," he added, confirming that the major event that marks the start of each rotating presidency has been called off.

During his recent visit to Moscow, Orbán met with President Vladimir Putin, a man wanted for war crimes, to discuss the war in Ukraine and, in the premier's words, "start a dialogue on the shortest road to peace." Days later, Russian troops bombed a children's hospital in Kyiv.

In Beijing, Orbán praised the "Chinese peace plan" of President Xi Jinping, which the EU has dismissed for making a selective interpretation of international law and blurring the line between the aggressor and the aggressed. "China is the only world power that has been clearly committed to peace since the beginning," he said, defying Western concerns that Beijing is propping up Russia's war economy.

Budapest insists both trips, which Orbán advertised as chapters of a so-called "peace mission," were strictly done under bilateral diplomacy. But the timing of the international tour, the selection of countries and the use of the Hungarian presidency's official logo fuelled harsh accusations of abuse of power and disloyalty.

Separately, Orbán participated in an informal summit of the Organisation of Turkic States, which includes the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" that only Turkey recognises, prompting fresh condemnation .

Speculation about a coordinated boycott has been rife in Brussels since then, with one diplomat telling Euronews the plan was to "make Orbán less visible."

The Commission's decision, taken by President Ursula von der Leyen, confirms the rumours: Brussels will not engage at the highest level in the many events that Budapest plans to host until the end of the year.

Formal ministerial meetings, which happen in Brussels and Luxembourg, will not be affected as their organisation does not depend on the rotating presidency.

The traditional visit of the College of Commissioners to mark the beginning of a new rotating presidency will not go ahead at any time. Von der Leyen, however, might still attend the informal summit of EU leaders in Budapest scheduled for November.

Reacting to the news, János Bóka, Hungary's minister for EU Affairs, said the presidency remained "committed to sincere cooperation" to address "common challenges."

"The EU is an international organisation constituted by its member states. The European Commission is an institution of the EU," Bóka said on social media.

"The European Commission cannot cherry-pick institutions and member states it wants to cooperate with. Are all Commission decisions now based on political considerations?"

The boycott comes as a group of 63 MEPs, led by Estonia's Riho Terras, send a letter demanding Hungary be stripped of its voting rights under the Article 7 procedure as retaliation for Orbán's "abuses of power."

"This kind of behavior amounts to usurping the powers and prerogatives of the EU Member States in the field of foreign policy," the lawmakers write in the letter , addressed to Presidents Ursula von der Leyen, Charles Michel and Roberta Metsola.

"We call on you to take decisive action as soon as possible in order to limit further damage, not only to the credibility of the EU as a whole, but also regarding the current geopolitical situation," they go on. "Practice has shown that mere verbal condemnations of this situation have no effect."

Hungary's presidency began on 1 July and is set to last until 31 December.

This article has been updated with more information.

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James M Tour Group

Rice University

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James M. Tour, Ph.D.

T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering

Department of Chemistry

Smalley-Curl Institute, NanoCarbon Center and Welch Institute for Advanced Materials 6100 Main St. MS 222 Houston, TX 77005 Office: 713-348-6246

Email: [email protected]

Lab Manager: Dustin James, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Phone: 713-348-6247

Prof. James M. Tour

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Rafael Nadal uses protected ranking to enter US Open

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 05: Rafael Nadal of Spain returns a shot against Frances Tiafoe of the United States during their Men’s Singles Fourth Round match on Day Eight of the 2022 US Open at USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center on September 05, 2022 in the Flushing neighborhood of the Queens borough of New York City. (Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images)

Rafael Nadal could play his first US Open in two years this August. The four-time champion has entered the men’s singles draw using his protected injury ranking of world No 9, after missing last year’s tournament through injury. His current world ranking is No 261.

Although his protected ranking is inside the top 32, players are not allowed to use the system to gain a seeding, so Nadal could still be drawn against one of the top 32 in the world at the time of the tournament. At the French Open, this dynamic led him to face then-world No 4 Alexander Zverev in the first round, in which the 38-year-old lost in three sets.


Nadal’s 2022 US Open ended in a thrilling defeat to home favourite Frances Tiafoe, who reached the semifinals before losing a five-set thriller to eventual champion Carlos Alcaraz. The Spaniard is currently playing in both the singles and the doubles tournament in Bastad, Sweden, as he prepares for the Paris Olympics, where he will play singles and doubles, the latter with compatriot Alcaraz.


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Another American, Reilly Opelka has also entered using his protected injury ranking of No 33, having returned to tennis at the Hall of Fame Open in Newport, Rhode Island this week after two years out through injury.

In the women’s draw, 2021 US Open champion Emma Raducanu’s Wimbledon run has pushed her inside the top 100, gaining her an automatic entry spot. Ajla Tomljanovic, a 2022 quarterfinalist, and Shelby Rogers, who reached that stage in 2020, have entered using WTA-protected rankings.

What is a protected ranking on the ATP Tour?

Injured male players can petition the ATP for a protected ranking if they are injured for six months or more. If granted, the protected ranking is an average of their ranking in the first three months of their injury.

A player whose injury lasts between six and 12 months can use a protected ranking for nine tournaments or nine months, whichever occurs first, and a player whose injury lasts over 12 months has 12 tournaments or months, whichever occurs first.

What is a protected ranking on the WTA Tour?

WTA-protected rankings, referred to as “special rankings,” do not use an average. They instead use a fixed ranking, taken from the time at which the player first suffered their injury. WTA players can use it for eight tournaments in a 12-month period, or for 12 tournaments if their absence extends beyond 12 months.

Are there limitations on protected ranking entries?

Yes: players can enter a maximum of two Grand Slam events using a protected ranking (the Olympics also counts as an event on this level.) Three former US Open women’s champions — Bianca Andreescu, Angelique Kerber, and Naomi Osaka — have used their allocation of events already, and so will not be eligible to use their protected rankings to enter this year’s tournament.

(Mike Stobe/Getty Images)

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James Hansen is a Senior Editor for The Athletic covering tennis. Prior to joining The Athletic in 2024, he spent just under five years as an editor at Vox Media in London. He attended Cambridge University, where he played college tennis (no relation to the American circuit), and is now a team captain at Ealing Tennis Club in west London. Follow James on Twitter @ jameskhansen

Rice Shield

Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering

713-348-6246 | [email protected]

Research Summary

Tour’s scientific research areas include nanoelectronics, graphene electronics, silicon oxide electronics, carbon nanovectors for medical applications, green carbon research for enhanced oil recovery and environmentally friendly oil and gas extraction, graphene photovoltaics, carbon supercapacitors, lithium ion batteries, lithium metal batteries, CO2 capture, water splitting to H2 and O2, water purification, carbon nanotube and graphene synthetic modifications, graphene oxide, carbon composites, hydrogen storage on nanoengineered carbon scaffolds, and synthesis of single-molecule nanomachines which includes molecular motors and nanocars and nanomachines that can drill through cell membranes. He has also developed strategies for retarding chemical terrorist attacks. For pre-college education, Tour developed the NanoKids concept for K-12 education in nanoscale science, and also Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero science packages for elementary and middle school education: SciRave ( www.scirave.org ) which later expanded to a Stemscopes-based SciRave. The SciRave program has risen to be the #1 most widely adopted program in Texas to complement science instruction, and it is currently used by over 450 school districts and 40,000 teachers with over 1 million student downloads.

Research Areas

Organic Synthesis; Chemical Biology; Spectroscopy & Imaging; Nanomaterial Synthesis

James M. Tour, a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of South Carolina, he joined the Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology at Rice University in 1999 where he is presently the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Tour has about 650 research publications and over 200 patents, with an H-index = 129 and i10 index = 538 with total citations over 77,000 (Google Scholar). He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors in 2015. Tour was named among “The 50 Most Influential Scientists in the World Today” by TheBestSchools.org in 2014; listed in “The World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters ScienceWatch.com in 2014; recipient of the Trotter Prize in “Information, Complexity and Inference” in 2014; and was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2014. Tour was named “Scientist of the Year” by R&D Magazine, 2013. He was awarded the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, 2012, Rice University; won the ACS Nano Lectureship Award from the American Chemical Society, 2012; was the Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University, June, 2011; and was elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2009. Tour was ranked one of the Top 10 chemists in the world over the past decade, by a Thomson Reuters citations per publication index survey, 2009; won the Distinguished Alumni Award, Purdue University, 2009; and the Houston Technology Center’s Nanotechnology Award in 2009. He won the Feynman Prize in Experimental Nanotechnology in 2008, the NASA Space Act Award in 2008 for his development of carbon nanotube reinforced elastomers, and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society for his achievements in organic chemistry in 2007. Tour was the recipient of the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching in 2007. He also won the Small Times magazine’s Innovator of the Year Award in 2006, the Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Innovator Award in 2006, the Alan Berman Research Publication Award, Department of the Navy in 2006, the Southern Chemist of the Year Award from the American Chemical Society in 2005, and The Honda Innovation Award for Nanocars in 2005. Tour’s paper on Nanocars was the most highly accessed journal article of all American Chemical Society articles in 2005, and it was listed by LiveScience as the second most influential paper in all of science in 2005. Tour has won several other national awards including the National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in Polymer Chemistry.


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  5. Live Q&A with Dr. James Tour on the Origin of Life Challenge

  6. James Tour


  1. ‪James M. Tour‬

    The following articles are merged in Scholar. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. ... James M. Tour. Professor, Rice University, Department of ... Y Zhu, JM Tour. Nature 468 (7323), 549-552, 2010. 1602: 2010: Conductance switching in single molecules through conformational changes. ZJ Donhauser, BA Mantooth, KF ...

  2. James Tour

    James Mitchell Tour is an American christian, chemist and nanotechnologist. He is a Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Materials Science and Nanoengineering at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Education. ... (Google Scholar, as of November 2023). Awards. Tour was ...

  3. James M Tour Group

    JAMES M. TOUR, Ph.D. T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry Professor of Computer Science Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering Rice University Smalley-Curl Institute and the NanoCarbon Center. ... Professor Tour has served as a visiting scholar at Harvard University, on the Chemical Reviews Editorial Advisory Board, the ...

  4. James M Tour Group » Resume

    JAMES M. TOUR Ph.D. T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering ... Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society, 2007 George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching, Rice University, 2007 Small Times Magazine's Innovator of the Year Award, 2006

  5. James M Tour Group » All Publications

    All Publications. J. M. Tour, Archived preprints under review: Fast-Charging Lithium Iron Phosphate Cathodes by Flash Carbon Coating. Boron Nitride Nanotube and Nanosheet Synthesis by Flash Joule Heating. Flash-within-flash synthesis of gram-scale solid-state materials.

  6. James M. Tour

    RICE SPACE INSTITUTE > RSI Faculty Affiliates. <BACK TO RSI FACULTY AFFILIATES. James M. Tour. T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering. CONTACT. 255 Dell Butcher Hall | 713-348-6246 | [email protected]. WEBSITE (S) | Rice Profile | Tour Group | Google Scholar Citations.

  7. James M Tour

    Tour has over 725 publications and 140 patent families, an h-index of 150, and ~110,000 citations. ... James M Tour Group. ... Google Scholar Page; ORCID (Connecting Research & Researchers) Job Openings; Contact; Personal Topics. Personal Statement;

  8. James Tour

    James M. Tour, a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. After spending 11 years on the faculty of the Department of Chemistry and ...

  9. James Tour

    James Tour is the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and Nano-Engineering at Rice University. ... He has served on the faculty of the University of South Carolina and as a visiting scholar at Harvard University. Tour has over 700 research publications and over 130 ...

  10. James Tour: The Goalposts are Racing Away from the Origin-of-Life

    James Tour is the T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and Nano-Engineering at Rice University. ... He has served on the faculty of the University of South Carolina and as a visiting scholar at Harvard University. Tour has over 700 research publications and over 130 ...

  11. James Tour

    Dr. Tour has 750 research publications, over 130 granted patents and over 100 pending patents. In 2021, he won the Oesper Award from the American Chemical Society which is awarded to "outstanding chemists for lifetime significant accomplishments in the field of chemistry with long-lasting impact on the chemical sciences.". In 2020, he ...

  12. James M. Tour-Synthetic Organic Chemist

    James M. Tour-Synthetic Organic Chemist. ———————————-. ==> James Tour Website <==. Tour has over 640 research publications and over 120 patents, with an H-index = 129 (107 by ISI Web of Science) and i10 index = 538 with total citations over 77,000 (Google Scholar). He was inducted into the National Academy of Inventors ...

  13. James Tour

    James Tour. James Tour is the T. T. and W. F. Chao professor of chemistry, professor of computer science, and professor of materials science and nano-engineering at Rice University. A synthetic organic chemist, he has served on the faculty of the University of South Carolina and as a visiting scholar at Harvard University.

  14. James Tour

    James M. Tour, a synthetic organic chemist, received his Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from Syracuse University, his Ph.D. in synthetic organic and organometallic chemistry from Purdue University, and postdoctoral training in synthetic organic chemistry at the University of Wisconsin and Stanford University. ... (Google Scholar). He ...

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  16. James M. Tour (0000-0002-8479-9328)

    Biography. Tour's scientific research areas include nanoelectronics, graphene electronics, silicon oxide electronics, carbon nanovectors for medical applications, green carbon research for enhanced oil recovery and environmentally friendly oil and gas extraction, graphene photovoltaics, carbon supercapacitors, lithium ion batteries, CO2 ...

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    The European Commission has decided to boycott Hungary's six-month presidency of the EU Council in response to Viktor Orbán 's controversial trips to Moscow and Beijing, widely seen as an affront to the bloc's political unity. "In light of recent developments marking the start of the Hungarian Presidency, the President (Ursula von der Leyen) has decided that the European Commission will be ...

  26. ‪James M. Tour‬

    The following articles are merged in Scholar. Their combined citations are counted only for the first article. ... James M. Tour. Professor, Rice University, Department of ... Y Zhu, JM Tour. Nature 468 (7323), 549-552, 2010. 1597: 2010: Conductance switching in single molecules through conformational changes. ZJ Donhauser, BA Mantooth, KF ...

  27. Argentina vs Colombia, your guide to the Copa America final: Superstars

    The two most dominant teams in South America over the past two years — Colombia, riding a 28-game unbeaten streak, and Argentina with just two losses over the past 61 games — go head-to-head ...

  28. James M Tour Group » Contact

    James M. Tour, Ph.D. T. T. and W. F. Chao Professor of Chemistry, Professor of Computer Science, and Professor of Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Rice University. Department of Chemistry. Smalley-Curl Institute, NanoCarbon Center and Welch Institute for Advanced Materials 6100 Main St. MS 222 Houston, TX 77005 Office: 713-348-6246. Email ...

  29. Rafael Nadal uses protected ranking to enter US Open

    Rafael Nadal could play his first US Open in two years this August. The four-time champion has entered the men's singles draw using his protected injury ranking of world No 9, after missing last ...

  30. James Tour

    James Tour. Professor of Materials Science & NanoEngineering CONTACT. ... and the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award from the American Chemical Society for his achievements in organic chemistry in 2007. Tour was the recipient of the George R. Brown Award for Superior Teaching in 2007. He also won the Small Times magazine's Innovator of the Year ...