Cruise America

based on 117 locations

About Cruise America

Cruise America has an average rating of 2.7 from 1501 reviews. The rating indicates that most customers are generally dissatisfied. The official website is Cruise America is popular for RV Rental, Hotels & Travel. Cruise America has 117 locations on Yelp across the US. Read below to see the top rated Cruise America businesses on Yelp and their customer service rating.

Photos of Cruise America

Cruise America - null

By Eddie P.

Cruise America - Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

By Shannon E.

Cruise America - Custer State park wildlife Loop rd.

By Tiffany N.

Cruise America - null

By Calvin I.

Cruise America - Zion National Park

By Arnold S.

Cruise America - Cruise America

By Enrique K.

Cruise America - Picking up the RV

By Demetrias B.

Cruise America - ... as the sign says

By Daniel P.

Cruise America - null

Recent reviews of Cruise America

1,501 reviews based on 117 locations

Photo of Clara L.

3: Another flat tire (different tire) same valve stem issue. I called customer service for a repair and had to call back 90 minutes later because ....crickets. They then said there wasn't someone within 100 miles who could help. i was driving across the country with my family and didn't even know where exactly I was but Google helped me find someone within 10 minutes. I paid over $4,000 dollars for this nightmare of an experience so when I sent in my formal complaint, I also asked for half of my money back. They acknowledged it's was their fault, offered me $119.00 refund (a single day's rental) and a $75 gift card for my next rental.... i'm not sure which is more ridiculous... their incredibly insincere offer or the thought that I would ever rent from them again.

Photo of David I.

hours later we finally were able to load up. The noise level while driving was horrible, could not hold a conversation, the black water and gray water sensors were never reading correctly, never knew what level they were at, was told when I returned it "oh they never work correctly" I spent hours flushing both tanks. Besides the filth, noise and tanks, the steering was very loose spent 20 hours driving constantly correcting lane position. At our campsite we turned on the AC, it was so loud, shut it off to sleep, woke up an hour later sweating, turned on AC on, woke everyone up couldn't sleep while it was running, so loud. Cut vacation short couldn't stand it.

Photo of Antonio V.

first day. I called time after time after time after time to customer service and they said it was my responsibility to take it to the shop. For a 10 day trip and the fact that I had to charge the trailer with my truck so my 8 month old baby can stay warm is despicable. Horrendous customer service and I won't be renting from them again. Not only that, after I submitted a complaint to get some help from them, the representative told me that stories like mine are perfect for their company to share within themselves so that hopefully they can become better. So let's rent someone something, knowing it's bad, and then let's learn from it. Above all else, where we camped, other campers had Cruise America RV's, and their doors weren't working, lights, batteries, windows, horrible. One of them had to climb out of the window in the snow because their door wouldn't work. Unreal. Stay away from them and pay $10-$20 more somewhere else for a better experience.

Photo of Travis N.

a room full of people who had been waiting 3 hours to pick up their truck. This is unacceptable, under any conditions. Their system was only down for about 1.5 hours but people still couldn't leave with their trucks because the trucks they had rented hadn't been turned in by the previous users...unacceptable. It's a reservation, both from a truck reserve standpoint and a appointment standpoint. The truck was fine but showing its age. Some panels were coming loose, an air vent handle broke off in my hands, the black water sensor is stuck at 2/3 full, the tire sensor alarms was going off any time we started up the truck, and the exterior had quite a bit of damage all over. We really had to take our time with the walk around. We were comped for the black water dump and any interior cleaning. We will not use Cruise America again. I know it's a bargain solution but it's unnecessary to go THIS bargain. When can you remember the last time a holiday went exactly as planned?

Photo of Sean C.

AS A CHOICE FOR RV TRAVEL.I am tired and sore and frustrated. This was not the vacation we envisioned.This truck needs new shocks at the very least. Notice I said TRUCK. IT DROVE LIKE A BATTERED UHAUL MOVING TRUCK.It is LOUD AND NOISY AND JUST AWFUL. Spend the extra dollars and get a REAL RV...I promise you will thank me for this sound advice. It had issues from day one. The fridge took 24 hours to get cold. Had to get a cooler in the interim. The generator is so loud you can't hear anything else. The bathroom smells. Only one burner worked on the stove. The microwave rattled and moved around. The drawers and bathroom door flew open with every turn! We spoke to other cruise and abuse RVers on the road and they agreed...NEVER AGAIN! ALL Cruise America RV Rentals are the same. Just HORRIBLE BOXES ON WHEELS. We did NOT rent from Carson location.

Photo of None Y.

booked over the phone correctly the first time. Then reservations proceeded to tell me that because the rate changed I would halve to buy another day to get a free day at an INCREASED rate of $105 per night, tow, zero liability coverage & tax. I had to agree because of prior arrangements made with our trip. This was an inconvenience in itself and cost me more money at my expense. On the day of pick up we checked in and drove to a location to load everything including my trailer to tow. But Cruise America FORGOT to unlock the hitch pin which cause me to waste more time and miles to go back and forth again just to get the pin unlocked. We then drove about 250 miles to our location high in the mountains where we didn't have service. The next morning I ran the generator to heat the water heater. And used the AC. Totaling 1 hr of use. Later that afternoon on the 1st day I turned the generator on to run the AC, water pump and water heater but the cabin filled up with carbon monoxide tremendously. Our 3 children were sitting right in it at the table. We sat outside for a good 2 hours because of the thick exhaust. The alarm went off like crazy. We tried to call customer support at this time but we had no service and the nearest town was very far. Records of this log. The next day, Thursday, I noticed our food was not cool and the freezer was not cold at all. The "check" light on refrigerator was continually blinking. I tried to look into it in the book but nothing. I went outside and heard, click click click continually. This is when I realized that the pilot light for the refrigerator was out. The propane was on. It could not reignite the entire time we were there. I did bring a cooler but that is not what I paid for as far a luxury. Shower, heated water, electricity ect. The rental assistant upon check out went over the RV before departure and stated if we used the water pump without the generator that it will drain thr battery. So we had zero water because we would have no one to jump out battery if we used it! We returned to drop off on time, clean and paid. We did our part but Cruise America failed us tremendously. Upon drop off we were rudely greeted but what I believe her name was is "Mia". A shorter Hispanic lady on Sunday, Mesa location near 1pm. We were about 4 feet away from here and she wreaked of alcohol. Not on that but she was slurring sentences. Blood shot eyes and sweating like a pig. Saying that we were trying to tell her everything stated above but she didn't care. Every time we tried to speak about our situation she rudely interrupted and told us she can't do anything. Without her knowing even half these issues she called a mechanic named Tyler to go to the RV to check us of. What kind of customer service is this. I stated to him, "I smell alcohol on here and she is drunk". He stated she was drinking all night and doesn't even think she slept before work." She wanted nothing to do with us and I'm not sure why. We did our part, paid, cleaned ect. Today, Monday, we went back to rental in Mesa and talked with Jade. She is a manager but has done nothing. We have proof we have called from different phones to try to get someone to answer. No one answers and I'm left in the dark. It's now evening in Phoenix. With all this said I could have towed my nice truck, put a mattress in it and it would have been the exact experience except it would have not cost me $1,200. Maybe $200 in fuel. It seems like no one cares about this. If the luxury on the RV which I paid for was there, working, operating safely and correctly than I would rent again because I have plans in the near future to go back to my secret location for recreation purposes. Someone help.

Photo of Joey K.

mess to deal with. Without getting into details, they were understanding enough to do a partial refund that was fair. Other than that the RV was solid, drove well and had low mileage.

Photo of Zoe Z.

the Sun Valley location and everything always went smoothly. Our RV was delivered clean and everything worked well during our trip. It was not worn out in any way. Our RV had lots of storage space and towed our jet ski trailer with no problems. I had to get up in the middle of the night and put on a jacket because the air conditioner worked so well!

Photo of Robert B.

for a fee. Similarly, you can dump the RV greywater/waste yourself, clean the RV yourself, and a number of other services yourself -- or pay Cruise America to do them for you. What they DON'T tell you is who determines if you're going to pay for those things. You can do all those activities yourself: fill on gas, dump the RV, clean the RV -- and when you drop off the RV, you'll be told "Oh, looks good, we'll send you your bill via email". You'll walk away and drive home with a smile on your face because, seemingly, everything went very well and you had a positive experience. And then you'll get your bill hours later, long after you've driven home, and random fees will be tacked on. Oh, you chose not to dump the waste, okay that's worth the fee. Wait a minute, you DID clean the RV... why is there a charge for that? What's this other stuff? Long review summary: Don't trust this place to honor their pricing. Take photos of EVERYTHING before you return it. Get a written or printed receipt outlining all charges prior to leaving. If you know you're doing that prior to renting this RV... then you'll decide if it's worth fighting them when they upcharge you for random services. The RV experience is otherwise positive, but their pricing is dishonest.

Photo of C W.

likely LAST) time renting an RV. We got the zero dollar deductible insurance. at one point the microwave shifted and we could not get it back to its original position. This was no fault of our own and we reported it immediately. There was no charge for this. That made sense. As I said, we had never rented an RV before. We were excited to use the sink and shower because it wasn't something we normally did. To our disappointment, the water tasted like fuel. This, coupled with the fact that the back storage area reeked the fuel gave us newcomers the impression that that was just the way it was. It was unpleasant, but considering the Podunk lot, we got it from, we assumed that this was a drawback of cheap RV travel. We bought bottled water and showered at the campgrounds. There was no way we could have known. There was no way we could have caused this. But because we didn't report it during the trip (we didn't know we needed to) there is no record of it from our point of view. Now it is down to us to fit the bill. We could barely afford this trip and now we have to come up with $2500 in the middle of a move while selling a house in a lower market than the one in which we are buying. But I don't think we have a legal leg to stand on so it is up to 'corporate' to decide whether or not this is a valid charge. Oh, and the charge went to our back up bank with no forewarning, not an email, not a call, nothing. Cruise America has flippantly posted a charge to a Secondary bank account, BYPASSING THE FIRST ACCOUNT ON FILE, with no communication or ANY indication of an issue, fully one month after our business should have been concluded, for a very unlikely scenario of liability. Meanwhile, we have to scramble between accounts to cover a charge we didn't know we had, let alone needed to dispute, over a weekend at the beginning week of the month. I will keep posted if I can.

Photo of Art G.

make Cruise America what it is today, and for decades past as well. Anyone living in the PHX area, especially the East Valley, must regard Cruise America as a tactical asset. Look over their website. Book online or call. Pick up your RV. It's that easy. I did want to also point out that reviews for this Corporate location May include reviews for other locations as well. I mention that because the PHX/Mesa location is an RV buyers/renters dream. You should see their Motorhomes for sale. They're unique in the market. And gorgeous in civilian trim. All Cruise America vehicles are built to their proprietary specifications. Just sayin'.

Photo of Michelle P.

had no recourse for me whatsoever. It was awful since I heard it every night and could barely sleep listening to it above my head. Was unable to empty the gray water during the entire trip due to a tight cap even with others assistance to try and remove. Unable to shower rest of trip. Came back and sweat my butt off cleaning the entire vehicle. Purchased additional insurance to protect myself on any small issues I came across or items I broke on accident. They still charged me a cleaning fee for dirt under the RV in the storage compartment and the steps you walk into the RV. Omg. The property they are parked on is completely wet gravel. If I would have known how quickly they were to charge, I would have brought shoe protectors to fricken wear the entire time. I've had better landlords than them. And well of course, they will proceed to tell you they did ME a favor by not charging me tons of additional costs; Like a late fee for returning hours after closing bc I didn't want to sleep with a mouse any longer or stay unshowered. I guess I should have just accepted that and kept the RV the 2 extra days. It must be tough times for them if they have to play these kind of games. I should have walked away after the altercation they had with the customer that dropped off when I was picking up and all the crap they talked about other supposed "rude" customers to my face. Gotta live to learn. This is one business I will not recommend. Not to say all cruise americas are similar but this particular one is a no no.

Photo of Lee F.

operational. The paint was brand new, the roof didn't leak and all the appliances worked perfectly. It had a new battery, new tires, new belt and brakes and I had zero problems with it. That is a contrast to my experience with the unit I bought in Carrollton. After purchasing the motorhome, it became very apparent that this was far from refurbished rather it had a cursory glance and a cleaning. Here's just an example of the items that were not operational. 1) trailer hitch wiring wasn't even connected to the chassis 2) belt was cracked and squealing 3) front end was not aligned, and it pulled dangerously to one side 4) in the first rain the bathroom skylight leaked over a gallon of water in one rainstorm into a bucket. After having a RV repair company inspect the roof, they showed me that they had never resealed any of the skylights. There were holes as large as half an inch and diameter where there was no sealant whatsoever. 5) the hot water heater had a bad day. It wouldn't stay on for more than 15 minutes and never got hot enough for a shower. 6) the air conditioner, and the vents on one side were in operative 7) the battery was over four years old failed the load test and only was pushing out 9 V. 8) the exhaust fan in the bathroom didn't work had to have it replaced. Keep in mind I bought this from them in the winter and didn't discover any of these issues until it rained and I had to dry where I wasn't plugged in otherwise I would've dressed sooner. They did fix a few of the items that I discovered immediately after taking delivery, but the rest of them totaling over $1200 , they told me to pound sand. My main issue with them is them promoting these units as being refurbished when they clearly aren't going through a checklist and verifying the systems before they deliver the RV. I never would buy another unit from them after this horrible experience. Stay clear or take it for a pre-purchase inspection privately before you buy it.

Photo of Bill P.

salesperson ... love her !!!! Will refer family and friends to her !!!!

Photo of Dori B.

very easy to drive. It was so much more comfortable than a car or truck. Getting snacks from the fridge or just standing up to stretch made the 30+ hour drive a pleasure. We can't wait to rent again for our exploration of our new home state

Photo of Pip C.

and toilet unusable, forcing us to go without essential amenities. While the 24/7 agent was helpful, their suggestion for immediate servicing wasn't feasible for our road trip plans. Furthermore, there was a noticeable lack of communication and training from the staff, exacerbating our frustrations. The fridge/freezer, running on propane, continuously spoiled our food, necessitating constant shutdowns during our journey to avoid disruptive beeping every 15 minutes. Overall, our experience fell far short of expectations, leaving us deeply disappointed with our rental experience.

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Cruise America RV Rental in Yulee

  • chance to grow
  • no loss of sales
  • money saving

People rated this organization with 5 on average.

You can visit the organization at: United States, Yulee, FL 32097, 850700 US-17. To learn extra details try dialing them: (904) 849—1362. Cruise America RV Rental is open at: Mon-Fri: 8 — 8AM; Sat: 9 - 9AM. The official web page:

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B2b companies in yulee.

  • Cruise America RV Rental in Yulee
  • Mc Gee Inc III Yulee, FL 32097, 85105 Commercial Park Dr
  • Kennedy Electric Co Inc Yulee, FL 32097, 86521 Cardinal St #5559
  • Yulee Beauty Yulee, FL 32097, 463155 State Rd 200 Suite 14
  • United States Postal Service Yulee, FL 32097, 463063 State Rd 200

Warehousing centers in Yulee

  • Southeastern RV & Boat Storage Yulee, FL 32097, 86075 St Francis Way
  • Shred Nations Yulee, FL 32097, 463688 State Rd 200 Ste 1
  • Victaulic Jacksonville Branch Yulee, FL 32097, 86202 Coastline Dr

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Cruise America is a Great Way to RV

Not everybody wants to be an avid RVer . While full-timers, weekend warriors and part-timers all have their place in the RV world, some folks just want to RV here and there. They may have an annual summer vacation or get the RVing bug once a twice a year and that’s about it. For these types of RVers purchasing a motorhome that could cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars just doesn’t make sense. You don’t have to buy an RV to get on the road, you can just rent !

The RV industry is loaded with rental joints across the country, but one of the most reliable ways to rent an RV is to use Cruise America. Let’s get to know Cruise America including what services they offer, where you can find a Cruise America location and some of the great tips and tricks they provide. You’ll be ready to rent or buy an RV from Cruise America in no time. 

What You Need to Know About Cruise America

Cruise America’s bread and butter are found in its RV rental services. Cruise America is not loaded down with rental options but for rookie RVers, this may work for their advantage. Trying to decide between a Class C, fifth wheel or diesel pusher may be a little over the head for those not too acquainted with RV types but Cruise America makes selection much easier. 

There are four rental options at Cruise America known as compact, standard, intermediate and large. The compact model is 19’ in length and can sleep three people, the standard model is 25’ and can sleep five people, the intermediate is 28’ and can sleep six while the large model can sleep seven and is 30’ in length. Despite the differences in sizes all models are Class C cover style motorhomes and are manufactured by Ford. Engines range from V8 to V10. 

With this simple selection process, you can determine what type of RV you need to rent by looking at size and amount of people you need to sleep. You can find further details about the RVs on 

Renting an RV from Cruise America 

The easiest way to rent from Cruise America is to visit one of their 116 locations found across the United States and Canada. You can also visit to get started on the rental process. Use the box found at the upper left of Cruise America’s Homepage. Enter in the city and state where you would like to pick up your RV as well as start and end dates to get a price estimate for your rental. Prices for rentals can fluctuate depending on where you’re renting, what time of the year you’re renting and how fast you need the RV. The earlier you book your rental the cheaper it will be according to the website. 

Buying an RV from Cruise America 

While rentals may be the largest part of Cruise America’s business they do purchases as well. Heck, you could rent an RV, fall in love with it and decide that same model. Click the BUY button found at the top part of to see what type of inventory they have in stock and get an idea of what type of prices you’re looking at. In some cases, you can buy the exact RV you’ve rented from Cruise America on a trip if you fall in love with it. What other rental company out there let consumers do that?

Other Services by Cruise America 

Cruise America is a great way to get a great rental but their website also provides other resources for RVers such as a Vacation Ideas page that includes travel planning, unique RV uses, destinations, outdoor activity guide and event planning. Try these tips and ideas even if you aren’t renting from Cruise America. Renting an RV is the start of an adventure that could turn into a lifetime of exploring the great outdoors with family and friends. Services like Cruise America make it easy to find out if you love RVing and take advantage before you invest in your own rig.

Cruise America provides a simple, no-frills rental service that is easy to for rookie RVers to get accustomed to. Try out Cruise America if you’re looking to rent an RV from a reputable, trustworthy and easy-going business.

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Cell Phone Apps Every RVer Needs on the Road

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An RVer's Guide to Route 101

How to Find Free and Discounted RV Parking

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Cruise America   Reviews

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Brandon was extremely helpful

Brandon was extremely helpful. He was patient with me as I fine tuned our travel plans and coordinated our RV rental. He was courteous, resourceful, considerate, and prompt in getting back to me.

Date of experience : February 11, 2022

Reply from Cruise America

We appreciate your post about your rental booking. Have a fun trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

The person that helped us was very…

The person that helped us was very professional.

We appreciate you and your review. Have a memorable trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Deena was extremely helpful and…

Deena was extremely helpful and enthusiastic. A real treat to deal with her during our booking experience.

Deena is just one of many amazing reservations agents waiting 24/7 to assist our callers with their rental bookings. Have a fantastic trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

fantastic, the conversation and service was great, Tyre was great

Date of experience : February 10, 2022

Tyre is just one of our many outstanding reservations agents waiting to take your call 24/7. Have a magnificent trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Stellar customer service

Stellar customer service, Brandon was great!

We were exceptionally pleased to read about the stellar service that your rental booking agent gave you while booking your rental. Have an awesome trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Cristopher was so helpful

Cristopher was so helpful. He answers all my questions and gave me very good information. Very smooth booking process.

We were pleased to read what a smooth rental booking process that you experienced. Have a delightful trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

This was the easiest booking process…

This was the easiest booking process and agent was ver thorough answering my guest ions

We were happy to read how easy your rental booking process was. Have an awesome trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Cornelia Copeland was great at setting…

Cornelia Copeland was great at setting up my trip but I have to drive 2 hours to get the RV.

Date of experience : February 09, 2022

We appreciate your feedback. Have a fun trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Booked with ease and confidence

To date, David Shepherd was the most professional, knowledgeable and efficient sales representative I have ever had the pleasure of speaking on the phone with, from any company. An excellent experience all around.

Date of experience : February 08, 2022

We appreciate you and your review. Have a wonderful trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Outstanding customer service!

Renee was extremely helpful in securing the RV rental for our upcoming vacation.

Thank you for posting about your outstanding customer service that you received while booking your rental. Have a happy trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

We traveled 5 hours to pick up our RV

We traveled 5 hours to pick up our RV on Friday. Luckily it was near our destination. The RV was not in the best of condition. There was duct tape, yes duct tape, to cover where the coating on the wall above the bed had torn. We could tell because the duct tape was not put on properly and was also peeling off as well as not totally covering the tear. We had the unit less than 6 hours when we started having issues with it. Called customer care, they stated they made arrangements for us to return the RV and exchange it for another the next day, Saturday by noon. So, we had the unit less than 24 hours and were already unpacking. We arrived at the UHaul rental where we were to pick up the new vehicle. They had to put screws in the cabinet before I would rent it. They could not give me any documentation for the new vehicle. (ie. Updated registration Vin number nothing to say I had exchanged the vehicle) Was told they would take care of it when I returned the unit. Nice time to give me that information. Was also told by customer care that when I returned the vehicle I would receive some sort of compensation for all the of yet nothing, but will see what happens when I return this unit..We exchanged the vehicle and were doing great until 3 days into our rental. We had some heating issues with this unit. It got down to 28 degrees and no heat. The call center was rude, and obnoxious. They stated that what I said about not having papers for this unit was impossible. Well, I have the vehicle so it must be possible. Then she tells me that nothing is notated in the file about me swapping vehicles under my reservation number. So since I could not give her the unit number she could not help me and hung up. Great, so, it is 3am, no heat and it's 28 degrees. We are plugged into shore power which we were told to do and were told should not have any issues as long as we had shore power but we are! Will be cutting our trip short and returning this vehicle. Will just miss a couple days with our baby Granddaughter. So sad and frustrated. Also, Cruise America does not offer Military or senior discounts, which is really disappointing. Will see about the compensation I was promised when I return the RV later today. Really frustrating!! I returned the RV to the rental facility, while the clerk was not sure how to to do a credit he did ask the company. I have received a call from the regional manager and will be receiving a discount coupon towards a future rental and they apologized for all the issues.

We appreciate you and your update. Have a nice week. Customer Relations Cruise America

I had problems using the website

I had problems using the website, but when I spoke to a person he was very helpful and I was able to complete the reservation.

Date of experience : February 07, 2022

We were happy to see that you were able to get help making your rental reservation. Have a phenomenal trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

DEREK WHITLEY was incredibly helpful in…

DEREK WHITLEY was incredibly helpful in reserving my RV!

We were pleased to read how incredibly helpful your rental booking agent was for you. Have a terrific trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Wonderful person & outstanding service!

We appreciate you sharing what an outstanding rental agent assisted you with your booking. Have a fantastic trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

They had the best prices in the area

Tayler was super helpful and pleasant to work with. Their prices were also the best in the area.

Date of experience : February 06, 2022

We do our very best to keep our prices as low as possible. Have an amazing trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Super-friendly and knowledgeable staff!

We appreciate your feedback. Have a nice weekend. Customer Relations Cruise America

Excellent. Professional and courteous

Date of experience : February 05, 2022

Thank you for your post that your rental booking was excellent. Have a fantastic trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

great service

We appreciate that you posted what great service that you received during your rental booking. Have a delightful trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Luka was awesome

Luka was awesome. Very professional.

We appreciate your time and review. Have a perfect trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

Very and helpful especially as I will…

Very and helpful especially as I will be traveling with my handicapped son !!And it’s my first time doing this!!

We wish you a safe and memorable trip! Customer Relations Cruise America

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Experience the Best that RVs, RV Accessories, Campers, Boats, Camping, Hiking & Fishing has to offer.

Cruise America Review: What We Really Think

Cruise America, as a corporate rental company, strongly contrasts with popular peer-to-peer rental service providers like RVshare and Outdoorsy. And looking for the best RV rental service, you are likely wondering whether Cruise America is a good place to rent an RV from.

To figure out whether renting an RV from this company is worth it, we need to cover a lot of details, including rental options, fees, penalties, insurance, and whatnot. They are important for our points that we will present to you in the end, as well as for your understanding of what Cruise America is.

Let’s begin with the rental options offered by Cruise America.

Cruise America Review

Cruise America review

The primary rental options offered by Cruise America is the traditional round-trip rental where you rent an RV, drive it to your destination, spend your vacation, drive back, and pay the fees. This rental has a minimum duration of 7 days.

Aside from this, however, Cruise America also offers one-way and long-term rentals. Let’s overview them a little more in-depth.

The other big player in the RV peer to peer rental space is RVShare and Outdoorsy you might want to check out our in-depth review of them here and here .

One-way rental

With one-way rental, you can pick up an RV at one Cruise America location and drop it off at another, without having to drive the RV back to the location where you took it from.

One-way rentals can be cheaper than round-trip rentals, with the rates sometimes being as low as $1/night. However, there is a drop fee associated with one-way rental – usually between $250-650 – as well as some other fees that we are going to talk about a bit later.

With peer-to-peer RV rental, people very rarely rent-out their RV for one-way trips. The vast majority of the rental offers are round-trip. Thus, the one-way rental option certainly is a plus for Cruise America.

On the other hand, Cruise has “more than 120 rental locations” in the United States and Canada, which is very little given that they are servicing almost the entire North America. So even though one-way rental has some nice benefits, you will be rather limited with drop-off locations.

It should be also kept in mind that Cruise America won’t always able to provide RVs for one-way rental due to certain RV number requirements at each location.

Long-term rental

Cruise America also offers long-term RV rental. In fact, they offer this type of rental for both temporary housing needs for individuals and for business uses. The pricing for these rental options is set on a case-by-case basis, so you’d need to contact Cruise America and provide them with all the details of your trip so that they could set a fee.

As a corporate rental company, Cruise America has its own RV fleet.

One very common complaint with Cruise America is their poor selection of RVs. And indeed, even though they do offer RVs of different sizes for rental, they only have a couple of Thor Majestic class C motorhomes, which are basically reinforced variants of Thor Four Winds RVs.

Cruise America has 4 RV rental options to offer – Large, Standard, Compact, and Truck Camper. These options differ by their amenities and comfort, and we think we should briefly overview them so that you know what you are dealing with.

Cruise America seeks to always maintain their RVs in good condition for rental, so you could be sure that you are getting a problem-free RV from them. Even if mechanical breakdowns do occur while on the road, Cruise America has an assistance and reimbursement program, which we will cover a bit later.

Before moving on to overviewing the RV offers, we’d like to note that Cruise America provides quite a lot of information on their RVs. Compared to offers available on peer-to-peer rental websites, it may be much easier to make an informed decision with Cruise America.

Cruise America doesn’t dive too deep into the specs of their RVs – which they maybe should – but they do provide you with some crucial information in regard to floorplans and key amenities.

Large RV Rental

The RV in this offer is a 30 feet class C motorhome, the Thor Majestic 28A. This motorhome offers up to 7 sleeping spots. Among the amenities provided with this RV are:

  • Air conditioning.
  • Shower & freshwater toilet.
  • Gas cooktop.
  • 4KW generator.

A thing that Cruise America also lists among the comfort features of this plan is pet friendliness. This actually is a feature of all the rental plans, and it is among the things that we like about Cruise America. With peer-to-peer rental, not everyone is going to allow you to bring along pets.

Cruise America also allows towing with their 30 feet class C motorhomes. However, there are certain limits to towing:

  • Cruise America doesn’t provide hook-up services or towing equipment.
  • The towing weight needs to be within 2,500 pounds of tow weight restrictions.
  • A daily towing charge is imposed if you tow a vehicle to Cruise America’s RVs.

Keep in mind that before rental, Cruise America requires that you declare the intention to tow prior to departure from a rental center.

Cruise America also allows customers to attach a bike rack to the receiver hitch free of charge. The customer needs to again let the rental center know about the intention of mounting a bike rack so that the RV’s locking pin can be removed.

Standard RV rental

With Standard RV rental, you get a 25 feet Thor Majestic 23A class C motorhome.

The amenities are very similar between the Standard and Large RV rentals. One difference should be noted though – at the moment of the review’s writing, Cruise America provided customers with generators only in the US, so do keep that in mind if you want to rent an RV from them in Canada.

Aside from that, 25 feet RVs sleep up to 5 people.

Compact RV rental

With the Compact RV rental option, you are getting a 20 feet Thor Majestic 19G motorhome. The RVs in this plan offer up to 3 sleeping spots.

Like it was with the Standard RV rental plan, Cruise America only provides US customers with RV generators. And aside from some differences linked to the smaller size – like smaller water or fuel tank sizes – the Compact RV rental doesn’t differ from the previous two options.

Truck Camper RV rental

With the Truck Camper rental, Cruise America basically provides you with a Ford F-150 truck with a truck camper mounted on top. Aside from the much smaller size, one crucial difference in this option is that the RVs don’t include a generator, as well as can’t be used for towing.

On the other hand, the interior amenities in the Truck Campers are very nice, essentially corresponding to those of the previous rental options. And like the Standard and Compact RV rental options, you are getting 3 sleeping spots out of this thing.

RV rental rates

Compared to peer-to-peer renting, Cruise America certainly offers a couple of good things for the money. However, there are also some downsides that you should know about. Cruise America’s payment system is a bit convoluted compared to peer-to-peer renting, and there’s a lot to know about.

One thing that we and many other people dislike about Cruise America is the variety of fees they impose, as well as the variety of upsells they offer.

Aside from that, what we personally don’t like is that Cruise America has all the fee info scattered throughout their website instead of having it easily accessible in one place. Not only that, but we actually had to go to third-party websites to get some of the fee information.

Overall, here’s what you will have to pay for when renting from Cruise America:

  • Reservation deposit.
  • Nightly fee.
  • Mileage fee.
  • Environmental fee.

In addition, there are some charges that you may or may not need to pay:

  • Generator fee if you use the RV generator.
  • Early Bird Departure Special fee.
  • Optional kit fees.
  • De-winterization fee.
  • Towing fees if you use the RV for towing.
  • Certain penalties for failing to comply with the rental conditions.

As you can see, Cruise America has many service fees, and this is a big reason why people prefer to opt for peer-to-peer rental services. If you will indeed be renting an RV from Cruise America, we’d advise you to find out about all the possible fees directly from them since we may have missed something, and things may change over time.

Cruise America requires that all the payments be made with Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards. In the US, they also accept Discover Cards. The credit card needs to bear an imprint of your name that matches the driver’s license. The cardholder is required to be listed on the contract as the primary renter or an additional authorized driver.

Upon the return of the vehicle, Cruise America accepts stored value/prepaid/gift cards.

Now, let’s overview all the aforementioned charges one by one.

Mandatory fees

The very first thing you are going to pay for with Cruise America is deposits. Cruise America requires you to make two kinds of deposits – a $300 reservation down payment and a refundable $500 security deposit.

The reservation down payment will be applied toward the rental charges. As for the security deposit, it is used to cover any excess charges that occur during the trip. Upon return, extra charges are balanced against the security deposit.

If you didn’t use up the $500 security deposit, Cruise America will issue a credit to cover the refund. If you aren’t using a credit card, Cruise America will issue a check and send to your home address. Cruise America doesn’t do cash refunds.

Speaking of cash, the $500 security deposit needs to be paid with a credit card. If you are using any means other than a credit card, the security deposit charge will be $1,000. Keep this in mind in order to avoid quite expensive surprise costs.

A thing to note is that for certain rental applications like Bonnaroo or Burning Man, Cruise America may impose increased charges at their own discretion. In addition, they may require you to make a full prepayment in advance for rental events like auto race events, music festivals, or gatherings in remote areas.

Per-night fees

Cruise America imposes per-night fees which vary from season to season. On average, it seems that the nightly fee is around $90-100. It may be lower or higher depending on the season.

Given that Cruise America rents out RVs for at least 7 days, your fees per night will likely quite easily exceed the $300 down payment deposit.

Cruise America calls their daily rental rates Flex Rates since they vary over time, and sometimes quite significantly. If you book an RV early and there are plenty of them available, the daily rental rate will be lower for you.

If you need a change after booking and confirmation (aside from changing party size and adding pre-paid items), the rate will be recalculated using the most current Flex Rate. This Flex Rate will be compared to the Flex Rate that you’ve booked an RV with. The higher rate of the two will be selected as a new Flex Rate.

Mileage fees

Aside from a nightly fee, Cruise America applies estimated mileage charges to your rental in advance. Mileage charges are per night based on 100 miles for round-trip rentals and 250 miles for one-way rentals. In other words, you will be charged 100 miles per day with round-trip rental and 250 miles per day for one-way rental.

At the end of the rental, you will be refunded if you’ve driven fewer miles than you’ve paid for. Conversely, you will be charged $0.35 per mile if you have exceeded the estimated mileage.

Cruise America offers pre-paid mileage packs as well – the 100-Mile Package for $28, 500-Mile Package for $140, Unlimited Miles Package for $750, and Unlimited Miles Plus Package for $1000.

The Unlimited Miles Plus Package includes unlimited mileage, one personal kit for each passenger, one vehicle departure kit, and unlimited use of the RV generator for 21 days. Past 21 days, Cruise America will charge you with $29 per day. The same applies to the Unlimited Miles Package.

All the costs above are excluding taxes. Since these will likely depend on the area you will be renting the RV from, it is difficult to say how much tax you will have to pay.

Environmental fee

Cruise America imposes a $5 environmental fee per rental. As Cruise America writes, this fee’s purpose is to offset a “wide range of environmental expenses” associated with the proper disposal of shop waste, filters, tires, batteries, etc.

Optional fees

Generator fees.

Cruise America also imposes a generator fee of $3.50 per hour. This fee will be collected upon return based on the onboard running time meter. There is also an option of purchasing unlimited generator usage at an $8 daily rate.

Keep in mind that the generator is not required for normal RV operation, so you don’t have to operate it while traveling. A generator will be required only if you decide to run the RV electrical appliances while on the road. You can power all the appliances at campgrounds with electrical supply systems.

Early Bird Departure Special fee

Cruise America offers an optional Early Bird Departure Special for a $350 fee. The Early Bird Departure Special allows you to depart from a rental location as early as 9 AM instead of the regular 1 PM.

You will then need to return the vehicle at the specified date between 9 AM and 3 PM. Regular renters need to return the vehicle by 9 AM and in no case later than 11 AM.

The Early Bird Departure Special needs to be reserved at least 30 days in advance and prepaid. In addition, keep in mind that Sunday departures/returns aren’t allowed.

Optional kits

Cruise America also offers a couple of optional kits for borrowers. These kits are the Vehicle Provisioning Kit and the Personal Kit.

The Vehicle Provisioning Kit includes kitchen-related items like bows, forks, knives, plates, and many other things. The Personal Kit includes items like bath & dish towels, pillows with pillowcases, etc.

The Personal Kit costs $60 per person, while the Vehicle Provisioning Kit costs $110 per vehicle. All items must be returned clean to Cruise America.

De-winterization fee

In locations with colder winter weather, Cruise America winterizes their motorhomes from around mid-October to late March. When winterized, you cannot use the RV’s water and holding tanks. Due to this, if you chose to have the motorhome de-winterized, you will need to pay an up to $40 fee.

Towing charges

If you plan to tow a car or boat behind the motorhome, keep in mind that Cruise America imposes towing charges of $25 per night.

Aside from the charges we’ve described above, there are certain penalties that borrowers will need to pay should they fail to comply with the rental terms.

These penalties include, but aren’t limited to, the following:

  • Housekeeping charges of up to $250 for returning an RV uncleaned.
  • Reservation changes are charged at $50 per change from second and subsequent reservation changes. The first change is free of charge.
  • Dump charges of up to $50 for not emptying the RV holding tank prior to returning the vehicle.
  • The RV is overdue after 11 AM on the return date. If you fail to return the vehicle on time, you will be charged a fee of $25 per hour after 11 AM of the return date.
  • You are responsible for any damage or equipment loss, except mechanical wear. The penalty for damage or equipment loss is limited to $1,500 per occurrence or incident.
  • $200 – 46 days or more prior to departure.
  • $600 – 16-45 days prior to departure.
  • $850 – 8-15 days prior to departure.
  • $1050 – 1-7 days prior to departure.
  • Full rental charges – departure day and no-shows.

Cruise America rental deals

Cruise America from time to time offers rental deals and discounts. For example, for departures between September 4, 2019, and December 31, 2019, from any of Cruise America’s North American rental centers, a mileage rate reduction of 50% applies. Another deal is 300 free miles for departures by December 31, 2019, in the US.

Offers are typically not combinable with others, but they do offer some remarkable value. These were examples of deals available as of June 2019, but Cruise America will surely introduce others in the future as well.

How Cruise America handles RV maintenance & breakdowns

Overall, it seems that Cruise America keeps a good eye on their RVs. They appear to be quite strict when it comes to RV condition, so you could be sure that the RV you are renting from them is in a good state.

But for cases when the rented RV breaks down, Cruise America offers nice support to the clients.

Roadside assistance & repair reimbursement

In the event of mechanical breakdown on the road, Cruise America provides the around-the-clock Travelers Assistance Hotline. For authorized repairs, your expenses will be reimbursed by Cruise America. Alternatively, Cruise America may directly pay for the repairs.

According to the conditions of Cruise America, any vehicle service expense over $75 requires authorization from Travelers Assistance, where your problem will be documented in a customer service log.

For repairs costing under $75, you may have repairs done, but you will need to keep the receipt with you for reimbursement. Rental centers will reimburse receipts under $75 without a service log. If a repair service costing over $75 isn’t documented by Cruise America, you will not be provided with a reimbursement.

Aside from that, engine battery jump-starts require approval from Travelers Assistance, so keep that in mind.

Long service time reimbursements

If as a result of a breakdown the RV is in repair for 12 hours or less through no fault of yours, Cruise America may refund you a portion of the daily rental rate. If the repair requires more than 12 hours, certain living/transportation expenses may be reimbursed by Cruise America as well. However, you will need to immediately report the breakdown to Cruise America.

Cruise America provides up to $30 a day per party for transportation expenses and up to $30 a day per person for lodging. Total provisions are limited by Cruise America up to $3000 per tour. To receive reimbursement, you will need to provide all receipts for your expenses.

In certain cases, Cruise America does not reimburse for repairs, transportation, and lodging. Cruise America does not cover expenses associated with the breakdown of the RV generator, AC unit, refrigerator, microwave, appliances, and cruise control since these aren’t needed for the basic operation of the RV.

In addition, Cruise America doesn’t reimburse damage caused by collision or accident. Plus, failure to call Travelers Assistance immediately after a breakdown will make the reimbursement void.

There are certain travel restrictions as well. The areas that fall under Cruise America’s restrictions are:

  • Death Valley and other desert areas.
  • Alaska and Manhattan, New York City, in the US.
  • Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Newfoundland in Canada.

If issues occur in specified areas, Cruise America coverages will not apply. In fact, you may be held responsible for all vehicle damages associated with driving the RV in the restricted areas.

Aside from that, Cruise America prohibits entry of their RVs to Mexico, so be mindful of that.

How Cruise America handles tolls and traffic violations

Cruise America also has specific procedures with regard to tolls and parking/traffic violations.

Cruise America has a policy for All-Electronic Tolling. If you didn’t know, with All-Electronic Tolling, the picture of a vehicle’s license plate is taken and then used to determine who will be billed.

In some cases, a process called reassignment is utilized by Cruise America. The company basically transfers your information to the relevant tolling authority. Then, you will have to handle the fees yourself.

For other cases, Cruise America will pay the tolling authority directly. However, Cruise America will impose a $10 administrative fee on you and charge the credit card you used for rental. The administrative fee is per rental.

For other tolling services like EZ Pass lanes or Fastrack, it will be your responsibility to use a corresponding transponder in order to avoid any fees or penalties.

Parking/traffic violations

Cruise America handles parking and traffic violations in a similar manner to tolling. However, in cases where they pay the fines for you, you will be charged a $35 administrative fee per rental.

At rental return, you will be responsible for reporting and paying for any parking or traffic violations. If you fail to report a parking/traffic violation at return, Cruise America will charge an administrative fee of up to $250.

Cruise America rental coverage

A very nice thing about Cruise America is that they offer coverage options for their customers in case of accidents or mechanical breakdown. We’ve overviewed mechanical breakdown coverage above, but there’s more to the coverage provided by Cruise America.

All in all, Cruise America offers:

  • Up to $1 million Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) against claims made by third parties for property damage or bodily/injury caused by the operation of the RV. There are certain exclusions to the SLI, a part of which is contained in the rental contract.
  • Expense reimbursement of up to $3,000 in case of long service times, which we overviewed earlier.
  • Responsibility of up to $1,500 for vehicle damage or loss per occurrence. If you do not abide by the terms of the rental contract and fail to promptly report any incident, you will be fully responsible for the damage or loss of the RV.

RV departure & return at Cruise America

The RV departure time at Cruise America begins at 1 PM. For Early Birders, as we mentioned above, the departure starts at 9 AM and ends at 12 PM.

A common point of complaint among users of Cruise America services is that it can take several hours before you actually leave the rental center. Early Birders may be able to avoid waiting for hours, but they aren’t insured from it as well.

As for RV return, regular renters are required to return the vehicle by 9 AM and no later than 11 AM. As we mentioned above, Cruise America imposes a $25 fee for each hour past 11 AM. At the same time, no refunds will be made if you return the vehicle early or if you pick it up late.

For Early Birders, which we again mentioned earlier in the material, the return time is between 9 AM and 3 PM. Failure to return the vehicle in this time frame will incur an hourly $25 penalty.

Keep in mind that departure and return times on Saturday may vary because some Cruise America locations close earlier.

Customer interaction

Customer interaction is another area where Cruise America is notorious. If you look around for user reviews, you will find that quite a considerable number of people have complained about the customer support of Cruise America in various areas, starting from the quickness of service and ending with the inability of the company to resolve issues.

A testimony to this may be Cruise America’s frankly quite low BBB rating , which indicates how the company is expected to interact with customers. There have been so many complaints about Cruise America that BBB has even put alerts on the company profile page, indicating noticeable issues with customer service.

What we really think of Cruise America

With everything above in mind, we’d like to present to you the advantages and disadvantages of RV rental with Cruise America, as well as what we really think of Cruise America.

So, the advantages are:

  • A good amount of information provided on the RVs.
  • Well-maintained RVs.
  • One-way and long-term rentals available.
  • Pet-friendliness.
  • Reimbursements for mechanical breakdowns and long maintenance.
  • Quite advantageous deals.

What we didn’t like about Cruise America.

  • The plentitude of fees makes rental quite pricey.
  • Poor selection of RVs.
  • The customer interaction isn’t always spot-on.
  • Quite uneasy to find fee information.
  • The minimum rental period is 7 days.

As a corporate RV rental company, Cruise America isn’t going to provide you with much flexibility. They have a mechanism that works and doesn’t really take into account your specific needs, unlike peer-to-peer rental platforms.  You have limited options when it comes to fees and RV selection. Their customer service also isn’t spot-on.

On the other hand, they do have some benefits like one-way rental, a comprehensive reimbursement policy, and occasional deals. So we can’t say that Cruise America is a bad place to rent an RV from.

In the end, we’d say that those who want to quickly rent an RV may want to go for Cruise America since it has an established policy that is designed to ensure hassle-free rentals. But if you want flexibility and don’t mind spending a lot of time finding the right RV, you’d want to go for a peer-to-peer platform.

If you’d like to see how Cruise America is rated against other RV rental companies you might want to check out our review of the best RV rental companies .

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  • Northern Europe & Baltic Sea

St. Petersburg vs Moscow?

By ethereal , June 30, 2008 in Northern Europe & Baltic Sea

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My DH and I are taking our first (and probably only) Baltic cruise in August on the Celebrity Constellation. We'll only have 2 days in St. Petersburg, so we're wondering if it's possible to go to Moscow for 1 day and still see enough in St. Petersburg to feel like we haven't missed out. Has anyone done this? If you only had 1 day in St. Pete, what would you see?

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In late July, we'll have three days in St. Petersburg. We are doing one of those trips to Moscow through our ship's tour. That still leaves us with two days for St. Petersburg. From others on this site, some said strong to spend ALL of the time in St. Petersburg. BUT, those who have done this one day trip trip to Moscow say it is super great and the "experience of a lifetime" . It's a long, long day in going to Moscow. It's "POSSIBLE" to do your plan, but it is does sharply limit what you can see and do in St. Petersburg in only one day. In many ways you'll have to choose between seeing the great palaces outside of town at the Peterhoff and Catherine's versus the Hermitage and the wonderful city-Cathedral sites. Choices and trade-offs!!?? Lots of great options. Your choice! If your personal energy and wallet are better, it is easier to do more and accomplish most of your goals. If you've only got one day in St. Petersburg, doing a private tour makes it better to be more time efficient and see just the "best of the best" that you want to do in only one day. St. Petersburg is a large city of five million people so it does take some time for your logistics in this congested area.

THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio



Another couple at our dinner table last summer did the one day trip to Moscow and then hired a car and guide (from the shorex) to take them around St. Petersburg the next day. When it is just you and the guide and the driver, you can cover a lot of territory. You see only the things that you want to see and you don't spend a lot of time waiting for anybody.

You are right; this might be your only trip to the Baltic and for sure you should make it count. As Terry said, it is a matter of choices and trade-offs.

If I had to do St. P in a whirlwind day, I would choose the following: The Amber Room at Catherine's Palace (go straight to the Amber Room and don't stop to see anything else), the gardens at the Peterhof (don't visit any interiors if you want to save time but Monplaisire Palace is a quick visit and Peter's favorite) and then head into St. P for a driving tour of the high points and a stop at either the Hermitage or Church on Spilled Blood for an extended visit. You can spend even more time sightseeing if you bring lunch from the ship and eat in the car as you drive from place to place (order sandwiches from room services).


I think it's not good idea in 2 days visit Moscow...

read about 1 day tour here:

Another couple at our dinner table last summer did the one day trip to Moscow and then hired a car and guide (from the shorex) to take them around St. Petersburg the next day. When it is just you and the guide and the driver, you can cover a lot of territory. You see only the things that you want to see and you don't spend a lot of time waiting for anybody. You are right; this might be your only trip to the Baltic and for sure you should make it count. As Terry said, it is a matter of choices and trade-offs. If I had to do St. P in a whirlwind day, I would choose the following: The Amber Room at Catherine's Palace (go straight to the Amber Room and don't stop to see anything else), the gardens at the Peterhof (don't visit any interiors if you want to save time but Monplaisire Palace is a quick visit and Peter's favorite) and then head into St. P for a driving tour of the high points and a stop at either the Hermitage or Church on Spilled Blood for an extended visit. You can spend even more time sightseeing if you bring lunch from the ship and eat in the car as you drive from place to place (order sandwiches from room services).

Good summary of the best option IF you are trying to work it ALL in during two days , including Moscow and St. Petersburg. Or, do both days in St. Petersburg. Your choice, depending on your budget, travel style, energy and goals. THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

I really appreciate your input -- sounds like it could be done, but definitely not in as much depth as I would like. I'm also concerned about the 15 1/2 hour Moscow involvement, coupled with what would be a hectic day in St. Petersburg, followed by Helsinki and Stockholm the following 2 days. Perhaps St. Petersburg done well (as well as 2 days allow!) would be the best solution -- especially since it's been at the top of my wish list for many years. Thanks a lot -- will drink a toast to you when I get there!!

Perhaps St. Petersburg done well (as well as 2 days allow!) would be the best solution -- especially since it's been at the top of my wish list for many years. Thanks a lot -- will drink a toast to you when I get there!!

Now go find a tour guide and car to take you around or join a small group going to the places you want to see (check out the roll call for your sailing for tour shares and search this forum for St. Petersburg to find the names of private tour companies).

Don't waste your time trying to figure out how to get from place to place --let an expert take care of that part for you. And let that expert handle the details of getting you in and out of the commercial port where most of the cruise ships dock.

Enjoy your dream cruise!!:)

Now go find a tour guide and car to take you around or join a small group going to the places you want to see (check out the roll call for your sailing for tour shares and search this forum for St. Petersburg to find the names of private tour companies). Don't waste your time trying to figure out how to get from place to place --let an expert take care of that part for you. And let that expert handle the details of getting you in and out of the commercial port where most of the cruise ships dock.

Good decision and reasoning. Moscow is a long day. The day after our Moscow trip, we're waiting till 10 am to start our St. Petersburg adventures. Doing a private guide does make a huge difference in being able to see and do more. Work with them as they know the hours open, logistics, etc. Time is money. The better your budget, the more you can do. Enjoy! Terry in Ohio

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  1. RV Rental Jacksonville (Yulee), FL

    Cruise America has a rental location right in Jacksonville, so your adventure can begin in Florida's largest city. Skip to content. Available 24/7 1-800-671-8042 | View Deals ... (Yulee), FL. Southern Boat & RV Storage RV Rental Center 850700 US-17 Yulee, FL 32097. Rentals.

  2. RV Rental Florida

    Cruise America offers RV rentals in 34744, 34203, 33484, 33912, 33312, 32601, 34669, 32244, 33150, 33157, 34287, 32765, 32751, and 33603. With a rental RV from Cruise America, the state of Florida really is your playground. It would take volumes to list all of the destinations that provide a great time for your family.

  3. RV Rental Locations

    RV Rental Locations | Cruise America. Available 24/7 1-800-671-8042 | View Deals. Rent. BUY. Locations. Trip Inspiration. Where to Stay.

  4. Cruise America Reviews

    About Cruise America. Cruise America has an average rating of 2.7 from 1497 reviews. The rating indicates that most customers are generally dissatisfied. The official website is Cruise America is popular for RV Rental, Hotels & Travel. Cruise America has 117 locations on Yelp across the US.

  5. Cruise America RV Rental in Yulee, FL 32097

    Cruise America RV Rental located at 850700 Hwy 17, Yulee, FL 32097 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more.

  6. Cruise America RV Rental in Yulee

    Cruise America RV Rental in Yulee details with đź“ž phone number, đź“… work hours, đź“Ť location on map. Find similar b2b companies in Florida on Nicelocal.

  7. Renting an RV from Cruise America?

    I travelled with my sister and we are both young, so we didnt know anything about rv's, but we thought this one was big enough for our needs. We booked this rv for one month. From november 20th-december 20th. Daily rate $34.80x 30 equals rental total $1044.00. Extras total: unlimited miles option $984.50.

  8. Cruise America Reviews

    Cruise America are seen as experts in first time rental and brings in customers from all over the world to experience one of 4 models that can sleep anywhere from 2 to 7 people. Paired with a fantastic business model, Cruise has a strong customer focused culture and is motivated by helping customers experience memorable vacations. When ...

  9. Cruise America is a Great Way to RV

    Renting an RV from Cruise America . The easiest way to rent from Cruise America is to visit one of their 116 locations found across the United States and Canada. You can also visit to get started on the rental process. Use the box found at the upper left of Cruise America's Homepage. Enter in the city and state where you ...

  10. Yulee Vacation Ideas

    Book Everything in One Place. From cruises to day tours, buy all parts of your vacation in one transaction, or work with our nationwide network of AAA Travel Agents to secure the trip of your dreams! Plan your Yulee vacation, cruise or road trip. Trip Canvas gives you access to discounts, travel agency services and expertise from AAA Travel.

  11. Fifteen Percent Off at Select Location In the USA

    The official source for all Cruise America Rental Deals. Deals change all of the time. Make sure to bookmark this page! ... Jacksonville (Yulee) 850700 US-17 Yulee FL 32097. Pensacola. 6216 Hwy 90 Milton FL 32570. Tallahassee. 346 Koa Rd Montecello FL 32344. Massachusetts. Boston (Lawrence)

  12. My Review And Tips For Renting a Cruise America RV (With Kids)

    The Cruise America RV gas mileage is only about 8-10 miles per gallon, so it's smart to use Google Maps to find the cheapest gas along your route. In general, you might find yourself driving 5-10% slower than the speed limit, which means you should anticipate arriving at your destination a bit later than Google Maps projects.

  13. Cruise America Reviews

    Do you agree with Cruise America's 4-star rating? Check out what 7,258 people have written so far, and share your own experience. | Read 2,141-2,160 Reviews out of 7,109

  14. Cruise America Review: What We Really Think

    Cruise America imposes a $5 environmental fee per rental. As Cruise America writes, this fee's purpose is to offset a "wide range of environmental expenses" associated with the proper disposal of shop waste, filters, tires, batteries, etc. Optional fees Generator fees. Cruise America also imposes a generator fee of $3.50 per hour.

  15. Viking Moscow to St. Petersburg: Safety??

    We are looking at doing the Viking Moscow to St. Petersburg river cruise in 2020. When I checked the US State Dept. They classify Russia as a "Consider another location" due to increased terrorism against American Tourists. I would love to hear peoples thoughts as I have never been to Russia and ...

  16. St. Petersburg vs Moscow?

    My DH and I are taking our first (and probably only) Baltic cruise in August on the Celebrity Constellation. We'll only have 2 days in St. Petersburg, so we're wondering if it's possible to go to Moscow for 1 day and still see enough in St. Petersburg to feel like we haven't missed out. Has anyon...

  17. Pros & Cons of buying a used RV from Cruise America

    Originally Posted by Ron Dittmer. Rentals, regardless of the load they carry, the tire pressure is set to the max of 80 psi as stated on the stickers above each tire on the fenders. This is extremely hard on a rig that requires a lot less air. The rough ride is extremely abusive on everything RV.

  18. Rent a Car Rent a Car at Ft Lauderdale Cruiseport Shttl

    Ft Lauderdale Cruiseport Shttl (EV3) (1) 954-761-7231. Corporate. Sun 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM; Mon - Fri 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM; Sat 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. At Budget, we want to make the rental process even easier for you. We offer cruise shuttles between the Port Everglades piers and our nearby Fort Lauderdale car rental location.

  19. Cruise America

    With 130+ rental locations, Cruise America RV Rentals is your go-to place for Class C motor homes. Skip to content. Available 24/7 1-800-671-8042 | View Deals. Rent. Rent; RV Renter's Resources; Rental Deals; BUY. Sales Inventory USA; Sales Inventory Canada ...

  20. Cruise America Inc

    We went on a ******************* June, and from the very first day had problems with the generator. We were in 90 degree heat most of the time, with 3 young children, so we needed AC. We called ...

  21. Putin has broken one of the most sacred rules of warfare

    Putin has broken one of the most sacred rules of warfare - and the consequences could be dire Attacks on Ukraine's nuclear energy sites are an unprecedented violation of international law

  22. Ukraine's incursion

    Ukraine's Foreign Ministry has announced it has no intention of permanently holding on to the small pocket of Russian territory it has seized over the last week. But it still faces a stark ...

  23. Cruise America RV & Motorhome Rentals

    Explore the country at your own pace and in complete comfort with an RV rental from Cruise America. A traditional motorhome with the self-contained features you expect. This economical family unit is a traditional favorite for those who want the walk-through convenience of a motorhome. See Large Details. Find Rental Locationmap.

  24. Russian troops descend on Kursk with 'greater force'

    Key moments. Chosen by us to get you up to speed at a glance. 2:57pm Nato helped Ukraine launch Kursk invasion, Russia claims 12:20pm Russia moves 'thousands of troops' from Ukraine to defend ...

  25. Rental Deals

    At Cruise America we have the best deals around on rentals and campgrounds. Enjoy big discounts on our already low prices. Unmissable Discount: 15% Off at Select Locations! 15 Percent Discount at Select Locations. Half Price Miles Our mileage rate is reduced to 19¢ per mile/km. ...

  26. Ukraine says troops advancing further in Russia, as BBC told UK tanks

    Kyiv says it is setting an administrative office in the Russian region of Kursk, where it is pressing ahead with a military offensive.

  27. RV Rental California

    Head to the California State Capitol Museum with an RV rental in Sacramento and tour the state capitol building. Go to the Knott's Berry Farm Theme Park in Buena Park, which has been slated as one of the funnest theme parks in the country. Napa Valley and the Vineyards provide a great place to uncork your imagination and take in the tours.