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Rowery Trek MTB

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Kask Trek Velocis Mips Road Czerwony Viper

1 049,30 zł

Cena regularna: 1 499,00 zł

Kask Bontrager Circuit WaveCel biały

Cena regularna: 829,00 zł

Kask Bontrager Circuit WaveCel Czarny

Cena regularna: 189,00 zł

Lampka Światło Bontrager Glo Multi-Purpose białe przód

Cena regularna: 59,90 zł

Zestaw świateł do roweru miejskiego Bontrager Ion 100 R/Flare R

Cena regularna: 579,00 zł

Kask rowerowy Bontrager Solstice Granatowy

Cena regularna: 219,00 zł

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Matt Anthracite

2 899,00 zł

Regulowana nóżka Bontrager

Z założenia rower górski został stworzony do przeznaczenia terenowego. W porównaniu do rowerów szosowych oraz trekkingowych, rowery MTB są zazwyczaj cięższe, ze względu na konstrukcję o wyższej wytrzymałości. Rowery górskie możemy podzielić na kilka podkategorii w zależności od przeznaczenia. Marka Trek jest światowym liderem w technologii rowerów górskich. Nic dziwnego, że rowery górskie marki Trek to najbardziej zaawansowane technicznie modele na rynku. Wieloletnie doświadczenie i polityka firmy ukierunkowana na najwyższą jakość powoduje, że nawet podstawowe modele rowerów górskich marki Trek są wyjątkowymi produktami. Innowacje nie są ograniczone wyłącznie do rowerów z najwyższej półki. Każdy model ma mnóstwo rozwiązań i detali, dzięki którym twoja jazda będzie lepsza a trasa sprawi mnóstwo radości.

Marlin 7 gen 2 Marigold to Radioactive Red Fade

Marlin 7 gen 2 Marigold to Radioactive Red Fade

Marlin 7 to pierwszy w kolekcji rower górski nadający się do ścigania. Płynnie pracujący, lekki widelec RockShox i usprawnione części czynią z tego modelu najlepszy wybór dla osób rozpoczynających przygodę z kolarstwem, które szukają szybkiego hardtaila do cross country, który może się mierzyć z wyższej klasy rowerami na wyścigi.


Wysyłka w: 3 dni

3 756,00 zł

Cena regularna: 4 419,00 zł

Procaliber 9.5 Lithium Grey/Trek Black

Procaliber 9.5 Lithium Grey/Trek Black

Procaliber 9.5, to lekki rower z przednim zawieszeniem wykonany z włókna węglowego, w którym zastosowaliśmy nasze wyjątkowe rozwiązanie w postaci rozdzielacza IsoSpeed łagodzące nierówności podłoża. Jest to najbardziej przystępny cenowo model roweru górskiego z rodziny Procaliber, wykonany z włókna węglowego, który został stworzony z myślą o prędkości i wydajności na singletrack’ach, wyposażony w napęd Shimano Deore 1x12 o szerokim zakresie przełożeń, widelec RockShox Judy SL i szybkie, 29-calowe koła.

Dostępność: WYPRZEDANY

7 328,00 zł

Cena regularna: 10 179,00 zł

Trek FUEL EX 8 XT 29 Rage Red to Dnister Black Fade

Trek FUEL EX 8 XT  29 Rage Red to Dnister Black Fade

Fuel EX 8 to idealny rower na szlaki dla osób, które potrzebują wszechstronnego potwora wyposażonego w pełne zawieszenie, dzięki któremu mordercze dla ciała i umysłu wspinaczki staną się mniej bolesne, a wymagające szlaki przyniosą mnóstwo satysfakcji. Ten rower to idealny kompromis pomiędzy osiągami a ceną, dzięki połączeniu high-endowych części z solidną, a mimo to lekką ramą ze stopu aluminium.

12 135,00 zł

Cena regularna: 13 484,00 zł

Trek Marlin 4 Gen 2 Alpine Blue

Trek Marlin 4 Gen 2 Alpine Blue

Cena regularna: 2 999,00 zł

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Matt Anthracite

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Matt Anthracite

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Matt Trek Black

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Matt Trek Black

Marlin 4 to idealny sposób na wejście w świat jazdy po szlakach. To wspaniały wybór dla osób rozpoczynających przygodę z rowerem górskim, które szukają maszyny z terenowymi oponami, która sprawdzi się też podczas dojazdów do pracy. Hamulce tarczowe, przednie zawieszenie, 21 biegów i mocowania bagażnika oraz błotników czynią z tego roweru idealny wybór na rozpoczęcie jazdy po szlakach i dojazdy na kampus.

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Voodoo Aloha Gren

Trek MARLIN 4 gen 2 Voodoo Aloha Gren

Trek MARLIN 5 29 Alpine Blue to Deep Dark Blue

Trek MARLIN 5  29 Alpine Blue to Deep Dark Blue

Marlin 5 to gotowy na szlaki rower do codziennej jazdy, który świetnie się sprawdzi podczas codziennych przygód, tak na szlaku, jak i poza nim. Zbudowany jest na podstawie sprawnej ramy na szlaki z widelcem amortyzowanym i wyposażony w 9-biegowy napęd Shimano CUES oraz mocowania na bagażnik oraz nóżkę, które czynią go idealnym wyborem dla zaczynających jazdę po szlakach, jak też wszystkich szukających wygodnego i stabilnego roweru na dojazdy do pracy o wytrzymałości prawdziwego roweru górskiego.

3 099,00 zł

Trek MARLIN 5 29 Power Surge

Trek MARLIN 5  29 Power Surge

Trek MARLIN 5 29 Matte Dnister Black

Trek MARLIN 5 29 Matte Dnister Black

Dostępność: brak towaru

Trek MARLIN 5 29 Purple Flip To Trek Black Fade

Trek MARLIN 5 29 Purple Flip To Trek Black Fade

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Azure

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Azure

Marlin 5 to gotowy na szlaki rower do codziennej jazdy, który świetnie się sprawdzi podczas codziennych przygód, tak na szlaku, jak i poza nim. Widelec amortyzowany, napęd 2x8 i mocowania na bagażnik oraz nóżkę czynią go idealnym wyborem dla zaczynających jazdę po szlakach, jak też wszystkich szukających wygodnego i stabilnego roweru na dojazdy do pracy o wytrzymałości prawdziwego roweru górskiego.

Cena regularna: 3 499,00 zł

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Lithium Grey

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Lithium Grey

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Radioactive Red

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Radioactive Red

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Volt to Miami Green Fade

Trek MARLIN 5 gen 2 Volt to Miami Green Fade

Rowery górskie to bardzo szeroka gama produktów. Z przyjemnością przeprowadzimy Was przez proces dopasowania roweru swoich marzeń. Trek przygotował rowery górskie zarówno dla najbardziej wymagających riderów jak i dla osób zaczynających swoją przygodę z kolarstwem. Prezentując ofertę marki Trek zaczniemy od pokazania serii Marlin , wybieranej bardzo często przez miłośników wielu dyscyplin sportowych a także osoby wkraczające w swój rowerowy świat. Linia Marlin to wszechstronne rowery typu Hardtail ( z przednią amortyzacją) posiadające wszystkie cechy pełnoprawnego roweru górskiego, z możliwością wykorzystania go w celu dojazdów do pracy lub zakupów.

Dla użytkowników, którzy postawili już swoje pierwsze kroki i chcą ambitniejszego roweru typu hardtail, Trek zaprojektował serię X-Caliber . Rama serii Alpha Gold Aluminium, powietrzna amortyzacja i wysokiej klasy napęd powodują, że X-Caliber świetnie sprawdzi się na wyścigach cross country a także podczas jazdy po lokalnych singletrackach ze znajomymi.

Karbonowa linia Procaliber łączy wydajność hardtaila z przewagą, jaką daje wygładzanie drogi, czyli technologia IsoSpeed, czyniąc z niego maszynę na wyścigi XC, która jedzie na czele. Jeśli chcesz roweru szybszego i bardziej zwinnego od reszty, Procaliber to coś dla Ciebie.

Rowery full suspension oferują pełną kontrolę i komfort w trudnym terenie.

Konstrukcje zawieszeń Treka to efekt wielu lat prób i usprawnień. Technologie Active Braking Pivot (ABP), Full Floater i Mino Link stawiają modele full suspension Treka o klasę wyżej niż konkurencja.

Model Top Fuel wyewoluował ze swoich korzeni w XC. To teraz niesamowicie szybki rower na szlaki zjazdowe, który daje niezrównaną frajdę w trudnym terenie. Świetnie poradzi sobie podczas wspinaczek oraz szybkich sprintów i na pewno nie odpuści, gdy zdecydujesz się nieco bardziej zaszaleć.

Slash/ Remedy to rowery na szlaki o dużym skoku stworzone do all-mountain, wyścigów po trudnych trasach enduro i po prostu świetnej zabawy w trudniejszym terenie. Dostępne są w wersjach z ramą z włókna węglowego i ze stopu aluminium, w obu z mocnym zawieszeniem o skoku 160/150mm (Remedy) i 170/160 mm, geometrią enduro i 27.5 lub 29-calowymi kołami do żwawej i stabilnej jazdy.

Fuel EX to wszechstronny rower górski z pełnym zawieszeniem, który pędzi po singletracku, sprawnie rozprawia się z trudnym terenem i daje mnóstwo radości gdziekolwiek na nim jedziesz. Najpopularniejszy rower na szlaki od Treka oferuje 140 mm z przodu i 130 mm skoku z tyłu, wykorzystuje innowacyjne technologie konstrukcji ramy i zawieszenia, a użyte w nim części pozwalają atakować najróżniejszy teren.

Supercaliber to rowery górskie cross country, które wprowadziły prawdziwą rewolucję w tym segmencie kolarstwa MTB. Rower łączący w sobie lekkość typową dla hardtaili oraz korzyści wynikające z pełnej amortyzacji.

Sprawdź naszą szeroką ofertę rowerów MTB od Treka i zyskaj mnóstwo radości z jazdy.

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trek e caliber

Trek’s Newest E-Mountain Bike is Light, Fast, and Sporty

An adventurous pedal-assist bike, the E-Caliber has the heart of a cross-country racer.

The Takeaway: The Trek E-Caliber is a lightweight, XC-oriented electric mountain bike for riders who want a nimble and agile machine that excels on a wide range of trails.

  • Trek claims the 34.8-pound E-caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS is the lightest full-suspension eMTB.
  • 60mm carbon frame, 120mm fork, and aggressive geometry
  • Fazua Evation pedal-assist motor can be removed for unassisted riding

Price: $11,999 Weight: 36 lb. (size Large)

A light and efficient 60mm carbon frame, cross country-oriented geometry, a 120mm fork, and...a Fazua Evation pedal assist motor?

Old Man Winter has been very uncooperative this month, leaving much of my trails buried deep beneath the snow . But as I write this, the sun is shining, snow is melting, and I’m optimistic that it won’t be long before I can hit the trails for some more substantial rides.

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trek e caliber

Short Travel

The lightweight, single-pivot design allows just 60mm of travel.

trek e caliber

Carbon Wheels

Bontrager Kovee XXX hoops are light, stiff, and very durable.

trek e caliber

Removable Motor

The battery and drive unit can be taken out of the downtube.

trek e caliber

Minimalist Controls

The buttons for the Fazua motor blend nicely into the handlebar.

trek e caliber

Lightweight rear suspension offers great pedaling efficiency.

The E-Caliber was borne from Trek’s full-suspension XC racer, the Supercaliber . The Fazua Evation motor neatly integrated in the downtube gives riders three levels of pedal assist. Besides being very light (7.4 pounds on my scale), the battery and drive system are removable and can be replaced with a dummy battery that doubles as a storage compartment, leaving me with a 28-pound (for size Large) bike that should pedal like a non-electric bike.

Class 1 Fazua Evation Motor

The Fazua Evation motor is powered by a 250-Wh battery with a claimed range of 18 to 50 miles. As with all e-bikes, that depends heavily on what mode you use, how much you weigh, and how hilly the terrain is. The more power you demand, the quicker the battery drains.

That motor itself represents a departure for Trek, as we’re more accustomed to seeing bikes from the Wisconsin-based brand with Bosch’s stellar Performance Line CX motor. Ott attributed that move to the new Black Pepper Tune, “which we felt took a good bike and made it a great bike for us,” he said, because it refines power delivery over a broader cadence range. Ott also told me the new tune improved responsiveness, making the pedal assist engage sooner.

The system has three power modes with very Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance names. Breeze is the economy mode and gives riders a constant 100 watts of help. River provides progressive assistance where the motor’s software attempts to match the amount of assist with what you’re putting into the pedals, but only up to 210 watts. The full gas mode is called Rocket, which gives riders an extra 250 watts regardless of how much effort they put into the pedals. But because this is a Class 1 e-bike , additional power cuts out when speed tops 20 miles per hour regardless of mode.

trek e caliber

Fazua plans to release an app in April that will give riders complete freedom to customize the power curve in all levels of assist.

The E-Caliber retains the IsoStrut single-pivot suspension design from the Supercaliber, giving the bike just 60mm of rear wheel travel and exceptionally low weight due to the lack of pivots and linkage. But things change on the front end to handle the extra speed and hard riding the motor adds to the equation. Front suspension goes up to 120mm, giving the bike a more adventurous feel like the Cannondale Scalpel SE and Specialized Epic EVO . Head angle is kicked out to 67.5 degrees, the result of bumping travel up by 20mm. That’s still aggressive by trail standards but within the realm of modern XC geometry like we see on the Scalpel, Specialized Epic , and BMC Twostroke 01 . Reach got longer than the Supercaliber’s, in this case by 15mm (440mm for a Large).

Those three changes represent the main geometry differences between the E-Caliber and its analog sibling. As with other bikes that get the longer/lower/slacker treatment, the idea was to add stability at high speed and make the bike handle better on rougher terrain.

Trek E-Caliber 9.9 XTR Details

Style: E-mountain bike Material: Carbon Wheel Size: 29er Fork: Fox SC34 Factory 120mm Shock: Trek IsoStrut 60mm Drivetrain: Shimano XTR Cranks: E*thirteen E*spec Race Carbon Chainring: 32t Cassette: Shimano XTR 10-51 Brakes: Shimano XTR M9120 4-piston Wheels: Bontrager Kovee XXX 30 Carbon Tires: 2.4-inch Bontrager XR3 Team Issue Saddle: Bontrager Verse Pro Seatpost: Bontrager XXX OCLV Carbon Handlebar: 750mm Bontrager Line Pro OCLV Carbon Stem: 70mm Bontrager Kovee Pro Tire Clearance: 29 x 2.4-inches

Where Does This Bike Fit In?

Mid-travel e-bikes have proven to be great options for a wide range of uses, not the least of which are shuttling enduro runs, ripping flow trails, and making any hard, mountainous trail more accessible to riders who have less than professional-level fitness. However, those bikes can quickly lose their appeal for riders who enjoy taking a more active role in piloting because the heavy frames, big tires, and longer travel have a way of letting you steamroll over obstacles. The E-Caliber is still a 36-pound bike, which, while light for an electric mountain bike, is hefty. I don’t expect it to behave exactly like my XC bike that weighs 30 percent less, but I’ll be looking very carefully to see if it holds onto the spirit of that style of riding. I’m cautiously optimistic that the combination of short travel, light weight, and aggressive geometry will make for a bike that opens up the joys of long trail adventures and ripping fast singletrack to a segment of riders that may not otherwise get to experience that thrill.

trek e caliber

E-Caliber Family

The E-Caliber is available in five models priced from $6,499 for the E-Caliber 9.6 all the way to $12,499 for the range-topping, jaw-dropping, 34.8 pound E-Caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS. All models share the same full-carbon, 60mm frame with a 120mm fork. Interestingly, the top-tier 9.9 XTR and 9.9 XX1 AXS builds do not come with dropper posts. That’s disappointing, but it’s a move we often see on new XC bikes, where droppers are omitted for the sake of keeping the weight as low as possible. As ubiquitous as dropper posts are these days, it feels like an artificial way to claim a lower weight. If you’d like a dropper stock on your bike, look to any of the three lower priced options. You can also add a dropper to any of the higher priced models through Trek's Project One options.

trek e caliber

The cheapest (still $6,499) E-Caliber, the 9.6, features a drivetrain that’s a mix of Shimano XT and Deore, with a 120mm RockShox Gold fork and Bontrager Kovee Comp wheels. For $7,999 the E-Caliber 9.8 gives you Bontrager Kovee Pro carbon wheels, a 120mm RockShox SID Select+ fork and the choice of either a SRAM GX or Shimano XT drivetrain. The next jump is a steep one: an extra $3,500 nets you the E-Caliber 9.9 XTR with a 120mm Fox Factory 34 SC fork and Bontrager Kovee XXX Carbon wheels. The top spot is reserved for riders willing to plunk down 12,499 bones for a dreamy bike, the E-Caliber 9.9 XX1 AXS, resplendent with SRAM’s wireless shifting and a 120mm RockShox Sid Ultimate fork.

Trek E-Caliber 9.9 XTR

E-Caliber 9.9 XTR

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Know what’s coming The Trek CarBack bike radar and rear light alerts you to rear-approaching cars and features a daytime-visible light so you can stay aware of your surroundings and stand out to passing vehicles. It’s a win-win for riders and drivers alike, allowing for safer passing and sharing of roadways.

  • Shop CarBack
  • See the Setup guide

Designed to help make roads safer for everyone

Helps you see drivers

CarBack’s focused radar helps detect rear-approaching vehicles from up to 240m away.   

Helps drivers see you

An integrated daytime-visible rear light can be seen by drivers from up to 2km away.   

See CarBack in action

mtb rower trek

Smart phone and GPS compatible

You can pair CarBack with most major GPS cycling computers, GPS sport watches, and with your smart phone using the Trek Accessory app.  

Visible battery gauge 

A four-bar LED battery gauge makes it easy to know when it’s time for another charge.  

Waterproof USB-C charging port  

A waterproof IPX7 rating helps protect your CarBack in wetter weather, and USB-C charging is quick and convenient.  

Compact design  

CarBack’s smaller profile fits on smaller frames and on bikes with saddle bags.  

Audible and visual alerts

Pair CarBack with your phone and the Trek Accessory App and choose how you get alerts. Keep the App screen open for a visual display of detected vehicles or run it in the background with audio alerts alongside your favorite ride mapping app, or from your phone safely tucked into a jersey pocket.

See rear-approaching vehicles in real time with the Trek Accessory app Download the Trek Accessory app to pair CarBack with your phone and get the added benefit of seeing the exact location of approaching vehicles in real time. Plus, when you pair your radar with the app, you can activate audio alerts to get pinged for oncoming cars even when you have your phone in your pocket or are using other ride mapping apps.

  • Google play

Need a hand?  

Learn how to set up your CarBack radar with our simple guide.  

Bikepacking Alliance

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

If you’re looking for an affordable mountain bike that can help you tackle any terrain the 2023 Trek Roscoe 9 could be the answer you are searching for.

The world-renowned bicycle manufacturing company, Trek, has recently released their new flagship mountain bike – The Roscoe 9. Filled with advanced features and innovative technologies, this mountain bike promises a safe and smooth ride.

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

Whether you’re a beginner or a more seasoned cyclist, the 2023 Trek Roscoe 9 offers riders of all abilities the perfect combination of performance and comfort. In this review we take an in-depth look at the modern features, design and specs of the Roscoe 9 to determine whether it is worth its price tag.

The Trek Roscoe 9 is the latest addition to the trail hardtail lineup. It features a 140mm travel fork coupled with 29×2.6″ tires, to provide just enough cushion and rollover capability for when you hit the trails.

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

The bike also comes equipped with an aluminum frame, wide-range 12-speed drivetrain, powerful brakes, plus modern components that offer amazing comfort and capability.

Whether you’re in search of high speed or tight turns, the 2023 Trek Roscoe 9 can take your ride to the next level.

Explore your world with the Trek Roscoe 9, a rugged and capable mountain bike capable of conquering multiple terrains.

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

This reliable hard-tail bike is designed with an aggressive geometry to help you tackle steep inclines and features a supple 120mm rear suspension for extra cushion against rough terrain.

With wider tires to increase contact patch and excellent hydraulic brakes for precise control, this bike pushes your limits with ease—perfect for bikepacking or general exploration on the trails. 

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

– Alpha Gold Aluminum frame maximizes stiffness while maintaining lightweight design

– Fox Rhythm 36, Float EVOL air spring front fork with 140mm travel

– TranzX dropper post allows you to adjust saddle height easily on the fly

– 29×2.6″ Bontrager XR4 Team Issue tires provide increased traction and contact patch

– Internal cable routing ensures cables are out of sight during your ride

– Shimano drivetrain offers smooth shifting no matter what terrain you’re riding on

– 29” Bontrager Line Comp 30, Tubeless Ready wheels roll fast over loose rocks and dirt

– Excellent Shimano 4-piston hydraulic brakes allow precision control while descending

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

The Trek Roscoe 9 frameset is built from lightweight Alpha Gold Aluminum and includes a Fox Rhythm 36 140mm travel fork with for efficiency on smooth surfaces.

Thanks to its sloping top tube construction and ample tire clearance, you can hit steep hills without issues and enjoy agility on tight turns as well.

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

This mountain bike comes equipped with a Shimano SLX 1×12 Drivetrain that offers plenty of range for conquering steep trails thanks to its 30T crankset paired up with an impressive 11-51T cassette combination.

While most Trek bikes come equipped with a Shimano crankset the Roscoe 9 comes with an impressive E*thirteen Helix crankset. 

2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

The Roscoe 9 is fitted with Shimano 4-piston hydraulic disc brakes that deliver powerful stopping power through their 180mm rotors regardless of descendance gradient or trail condition.

Not only have these brakes been designed to efficiently dissipate heat throughout long descents but they come fitted with four-pot calipers configured in each wheel set; helping ensure secure adhesion between brake pads whether tackling abrupt corners or absorbing surprise descent changes at unexpected moments!

The 2023 Trek Rosco 9 proves just why it continues its reign into 2023 as one of the most popular trail bikes around; equipped with world-class frame technology backed by quality components it is impossible not to have fun out on every single ride – making it ideal for those who are looking for maximum thrills out on every ride!

Order online and have it shipped to your local dealer for final assembly!!

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Trek 1200: Unveiling Its Unique Road Bike Traits

September 28, 2023

Trek 1200: Unveiling Its Unique Road Bike Traits | PedalChef

‍ Key Takeaways

  • The Trek 1200 boasts advanced technology, an aerodynamic design, and the robust Alpha SL aluminum frame, elevating its road performance.
  • Quality components, including Shimano Tiagra and Bontrager Select, ensure reliable shifting and lasting durability.
  • Its aggressive geometry and unique blend of materials cater to both casual commuters and competitive racers, making it a versatile choice.

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‍ The Trek 1200 is an exceptional road bike and ranks as a top choice for cyclists. But what unique features make it so special?

The Trek 1200 stands out in the road bike industry with advanced technology, an aerodynamic shape to boost speed, and quality materials to promise durability. Plus, the lightweight Alpha SL Aluminum frame offers nimble handling. It’s all capped off with an aggressive geometry for intense riders.

As cycling enthusiasts, we appreciate the unique characteristics that make this bike stand out among its competitors. In this guide, we'll unveil some unique traits that make the Trek 1200 a top choice for riders looking for a versatile and budget-friendly option.


‍ What Are The Unique Traits of Trek 1200?

The Trek 1200 is an iconic road bike from the renowned Trek Bicycle Corporation, a global leader in designing and manufacturing bicycles and cycling products.

Launched during the late 20th century, the Trek 1200 quickly gained popularity among amateur and professional cyclists for its lightweight construction, superior performance, and affordability.

Crafted with Trek's signature aluminum frame, the 1200 model aimed to balance daily commuting reliability and the agility needed for competitive racing.  So, let’s take a closer look at the unique traits of this very nice bike.

Advanced Technology

The Trek 1200 is a road bike incorporating advanced technology into its design. This allows for a smoother, more efficient ride, making it great for experienced riders and those new to the cycling world.

This technology elevates the biking experience, optimizing gear shifts, handling, and overall performance, making each journey effortless.

Aerodynamic Design

To provide a bike that cuts through the wind with ease, the Trek 1200 boasts an aerodynamic design. This reduces drag and increases speed, making it ideal for those seeking an efficient and enjoyable cycling experience.

Its aerodynamic design enhances speed and improves energy efficiency, allowing riders to efficiently cover more ground with less exertion and achieve their personal best times.

Quality Material and Components

The Trek 1200 has a lightweight aluminum frame and a carbon fiber fork, ensuring durability and a high-performance ride. It also includes Shimano Tiagra components for reliable and responsive shifting.

You will also notice that the Bontrager Select components provide added value and quality. Each part, from the brake pads to the gear sets, is sourced from top-tier manufacturers.

Alpha SL Aluminum Frame

One of the main reasons the Trek 1200 stands out is its Alpha SL aluminum frame. This frame is lightweight yet strong, allowing the bike to maintain a stiffness that increases power transfer and keeps the ride smooth and efficient.

The frame also offers an optimal strength-to-weight ratio. It ensures an agile handling experience without compromising stability, making it ideal for city commutes and long-distance tours.

Aggressive Geometry

The Trek 1200 features a steep headtube angle of 73°, resulting in aggressive geometry that enables riders to climb more efficiently on steeper uphill roads and descend more comfortably.

This type of geometry adds an element of excitement and helps riders unlock their full potential on varying terrains. With its unique combination of advanced technology, aerodynamic design, quality materials, and aggressive geometry, the Trek 1200 road bike is an exceptional choice for anyone looking to enhance their cycling experience.

Riding Experience With Trek 1200

The Trek 1200 is more than just a bike; it's a finely tuned machine designed for unparalleled riding experiences. Embarking on a journey with this bike promises exhilarating moments complemented by its superior design and mechanics.

We love how the Trek 1200 road bike boasts a lightweight aluminum frame that provides a comfortable yet lively ride. The frame's aggressive head tube angle and slim design, combined with a carbon fiber fork, create a smooth ride even on rough surfaces.

The saddle and handlebars are ergonomically designed to minimize discomfort during long rides. Every element, from the saddle to the handlebar positioning, is crafted with a rider's comfort in mind, making prolonged journeys less taxing and more enjoyable.

The Trek 1200 is a very nice bike if you're looking for a mix of speed and efficiency on the road. With its Shimano Tiagra components, shifting between gears is smooth and accurate, allowing you to maintain a steady pace.

The lightweight aluminum frame and stiff build mean you can easily pick up speed, even on steeper uphill roads. This bike is excellent for those who want a fast yet affordable option.

Its aerodynamic design and quality components work in harmony to deliver impressive speed. Whether racing or enjoying a casual ride, the Trek 1200 effortlessly glides on roads, making swift journeys a breeze.

The handling on the Trek 1200 road bike is noteworthy due to its very steep headtube angle and responsive brakes. The precise steering and stable front wheel enable riders to navigate tight turns and avoid obstacles easily.

The bike's reliable rim brakes make stopping efficient even on wet or slippery surfaces. With the Trek 1200, maneuvering through winding roads or bustling streets is a cinch.

Its lightweight Alpha SL Aluminum frame and precise steering mechanism ensure impeccable control and stability, making each ride safe and fluid.

What We Like Most About The Trek 1200

The Trek 1200 is a paragon of mid-range road bikes, combining functionality with style. Its lightweight aluminum frame, a trademark of Trek, offers both durability and a nimble riding experience.

Cyclists rave about its precise shifting, courtesy of the reliable componentry, ensuring a smooth transition between gears on varying terrains. Another commendable feature is its ergonomic design, emphasizing rider comfort during prolonged use – perfect for lengthy commutes or extended training sessions.

The bike's aesthetics don't fall short either; its sleek, modern design and classic Trek branding have a contemporary flair and timeless elegance. The Trek 1200 seamlessly marries performance with aesthetics, making it a favorite among many.

What We Don’t Like About The Trek 1200

While the Trek 1200 boasts many commendable features, it has shortcomings. Some riders have expressed concerns over its stock saddle, finding it somewhat uncomfortable during longer rides, necessitating an upgrade for optimal comfort.

Additionally, its aluminum frame is lightweight and agile, but it doesn't absorb shocks and road vibrations as efficiently as carbon frames, leading to a slightly harsher ride on uneven terrains.

Some critics have also pointed out the bike's limited versatility. It excels on roads, but it's not designed for off-road or gravel adventures. And since this is an older model, you must explore the used bike trade to find a model to purchase.

Maintenance Tips For Trek 1200

The Trek 1200 is an excellent bike with an aluminum frame and a carbon fiber fork. As bike enthusiasts, we know the importance of keeping our bikes in good shape.

Firstly, remember to clean your bike regularly. We recommend using a rag or, if it's particularly dirty, soap and water to remove any grime or debris. As part of this process, inspect the frame and components for any signs of wear, such as cracks or damage.

This will help prevent unwanted surprises on your rides. Tire care is essential for smooth and efficient rides. Check the tire pressure frequently and add air if needed.

This helps you ride comfortably, handle potholes better, and reduce the risk of punctures. Don't forget to inspect the tires for wear and replace them when necessary.

When it comes to the gears, the chain plays a crucial role in seamless shifting. It's important to clean and lube the chain regularly to increase its lifespan and ensure smooth gear changes. Lubrication can also protect the chain from rust and corrosion.

Adjust the brake levers and check the rim brakes for any damage. You should also inspect the brake cables for any fraying or rust, which could affect their performance. Replace them if you notice any problems or feel that your brakes aren't as responsive as they should be.

Finally, don't forget the bottom bracket and wheel hubs. These components are essential for a smooth ride, providing support and ensuring proper rotation. Check for any play or excessive movement in the bracket or hub, and address potential issues as soon as possible.

Trek 1200 In Comparison

When comparing the Trek 1200 to other Trek bikes, one of the standout features is its lightweight aluminum frame. This makes the bike more suitable for versatile riding such as tackling hills or commuting in the city.

The bike also has a very steep headtube angle which allows riders to climb steep uphill roads more comfortably and efficiently. The Trek 1200 comes with some good quality components, including:

  • Bontrager Race Carbon fork
  • Shimano Tiagra STI Dual Control brake levers
  • Bontrager Ergo handlebar
  • Aluminum stem

While some Trek road bikes have made the shift to disc brakes, the Trek 1200 still uses rim brakes. This might make the bike less appealing for riders who prioritize braking performance, but it also helps to keep the bike on a tight budget for those looking for an affordable option.

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Danny Lawson

Danny Lawson

Mountain biking is more than just a hobby for me - it's a way of life. I love the challenge and excitement that comes with it, and I'm always pushing myself to go faster and ride harder. Some people might think that mountain biking is dangerous, but I see it as the only way to live.

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PedalChef is a blog on all things cycling. We are a group of people who love bikes, and we want to share the joy that comes with the experience. You can read more about us here .

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  • Russia  
  • Moscow Oblast  


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Find the right bike route for you through Elektrostal, where we've got 330 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of June and August.

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Trek Bicycle opens its first Reno store and showroom

The first dedicated trek store and showroom in reno is located at the crossing at meadowood square..

mtb rower trek

A big name in cycling is joining the list of shops in the area as Trek Bicycle opened a new 8,000-square-foot store and showroom in Reno.

The Trek store is in south Reno at The Crossing at Meadowood Square across the street from Whole Foods. The store is Trek’s first in Reno, according to the K Corp., which manages the shopping center at 6407 S. Virginia Street.

The store sells the latest bikes and products from Trek and the Bontrager brand. Offerings include cycling accessories, apparel and gear. The store includes a demo area to try out the bicycles.

The Trek store also provides service for any brand of bike. The full-service bike shop offers tune-ups, maintenance, repairs and customizations.

The Trek showroom is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

The Crossing at Meadowood got Reno’s first dedicated Panera Bread last year . Other stores there include Blind Onion Pizza, FedEx and Hotworx.

mtb rower trek

mtb rower trek

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One of the things that can be intimidating about buying a cargo ebike is how unfamiliar they feel. Whether a bike is designed with weird geometry and wheel sizes or odd features for heavy hauling, every ride can feel unfamiliar.

For traditional cyclists who want to haul a grocery store trip’s worth of groceries home but don’t want to mess with technology they’re unfamiliar with, the Trek Fetch+ 2 is a decent option. It’s more expensive than some of our favorite alternatives, but it has an easy-to-ride step-through design, well-made components, and great plastic buckets (and other accessories) for storage.

There are bikes with more advanced features for the money, but even after I spent a summer riding the Fetch+ 2, it barely needed a tune-up. For a modern cargo ebike with a classic cargo bike maintenance schedule, it might be worth spending a bit more cash.

On the Road

The Fetch+ 2 is the smaller of Trek’s two latest cargo ebikes, which includes the box-fronted Fetch+ 4 ($8,500) , which is more oriented toward toting around dogs and children in between groceries and beer.

The Fetch+ 2 instead is a more traditional step-through cargo bike that employs a myriad of attachments, most notably two plastic panniers that hang off an extended rack on the rear. You can get a padded seat cover for the rear to let friends hold on and ride, or mount a couple kids’ seats behind you, but I’d still probably use this bike more for errands than transporting little ones.

Side view of black and silver bike with 2 containers attached near the rear wheel and 2 containers attached near the...

As an objet d’art , the bike is simple and unassuming, which is ideal for a bike this expensive. The battery is integrated into the frame, but a sizable bulge means nobody will fail to notice it's an ebike. You can get it in three colors. I liked the black of our review unit, but the bright blue would probably be my choice if I was buying one.

While much of the bike will be familiar to anyone who has ever seen or contemplated a cargo bike, Trek really gets the geometry and style of this bike correct as far as making it very usable for many tasks. Even the dual-sided kickstand pops up and down with remarkable ease (shockingly rare on other large ebikes I've used). I particularly enjoyed using the rear panniers for hauling flats of berries and other easily squished items that tend to rattle around in softer panniers.

The panniers fit a ton of stuff; I was able to get four full-size grocery bags spread between the two black plastic totes. I like that they had little plugs in the bottom that you could feasibly use a plastic bag to cover and then fill them with ice and drinks.

I spent a couple months using the Fetch+ 2 as my primary bike, and came away much more impressed than anticipated, given the specs and the price.

On paper, this is an expensive ebike to have pretty standard mid-drive cargo bike specs. The 85 Nm Bosch motor and 500-wH battery are good for 20-plus miles a day loaded down in any city, but they’re not better than models like the larger Xtracycle Stoker, which has the same torque and a 630-wH battery for $4,999. The Trek also doesn’t have a carbon belt drive and variable transmission, which we consider the best (and easiest to maintain) shifting mechanism for cargo bikes.

Overhead view of bike handlebars

The more traditional chain-and-gears drivetrain and no suspension make this a less comfortable and more difficult-to-maintain bike than favorites like the Tern GSD ( 8/10, WIRED Recommends ), which costs about the same. I have to say, I was expecting the difference in riding experience to be more severe. The fatter-than-usual 20 x 2.35-inch tires of the Trek absorbed potholes better than other suspensionless bikes. It also stopped just as well as its competitors, thanks to hydraulic disc brakes.

Mid-drive cargo bikes are much better than their rear-hub counterparts, especially when toting larger items or smaller humans, because they allow you to get more torque to the wheels, and provide a more traditional riding experience. I never found myself lacking for power, though I did crunch through the gears a bit when starting on a hill.

The Fetch+ 2 rides really well, with a solid frame and no creaks or sketchiness of any kind (as picked up from my local Trek dealer, another plus of ordering from the brand), and I really liked how bright the built-in lights were when riding home from soccer games and band practices at night. The fat wheels were easy to turn, giving this a turning radius similar to a non-extended ebike when I was making U-turns in the city. It also has a built-in phone mount with a wireless charger, which makes it really nice for using a map app to cruise to unfamiliar places.

Side view of grey and black bike with small rack over the rear tire

It’s not a fun bike to ride in the traditional sense; it’s not the fastest or the most comfortable, but it is satisfyingly robust and confidence-inducing. In my months of riding, I never had a single issue with the bike. That’s unusual given the state of some of the roads I often took the Fetch+ 2 on the side of, and a testament to Trek's great build quality.

If I was a longtime Trek owner and interested in getting into cargo ebikes, I’d certainly give this line a look, with the understanding that I might find something I like better from Tern, Xtracycle, or another brand for the same price—or something from Rad Power Bikes or another more affordable direct-to-consumer manufacturer for less. It’s a well-made bike that does what it claims to do, but it’s on the spendy side.

It is a bit hard to come by, at least in bike shops around my hometown of Portland, Oregon. If you’re interested in this one for your treks around town, I’d make sure to call ahead for a test ride. If you want a familiar-feeling bike with all the frills of electrification, it’s worth a spin.

mtb rower trek

  • What to see
  • Elektrostal
  • 9th radio centre of Moscow

9th radio centre of Moscow, Elektrostal

#11 among attractions in Elektrostal

9th radio centre of Moscow location map

9th radio centre of Moscow – popular in the area (distance from the attraction)

Nearby attractions include: Park otdyha, Istoriko-hudozestvennyj muzej, Vystavocnyj zal, Park otdyha.

park otdyha elektrostal location map

Park otdyha, Elektrostal

30 min walk • Amusement, Amusement park

istoriko hudozestvennyj muzej elektrostal location map

Istoriko-hudozestvennyj muzej, Elektrostal

19 min walk • Museum

vystavocnyj zal elektrostal location map

Vystavocnyj zal, Elektrostal

17 min walk • Museum

park otdyha elektrostal location map

24 min walk • Amusement, Amusement park

shopping center elektrostal location map

Shopping Center, Elektrostal

32 min walk • Shopping, Shopping centre

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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    Mountain bikes. Trek is the world leader in mountain bike technology. No surprise that our mountain bikes are the most technologically advanced on the market. Here, innovations are not limited to only the highest-end MTB models. Every Trek mountain bike is loaded with features and details that will make any ride, on any trail, better. 180 Results.

  4. Rowery górskie Trek

    Sprawdź naszą szeroką ofertę rowerów MTB od Treka i zyskaj mnóstwo radości z jazdy. Duży wybór rowerów górskich marki Trek. Najnowsze modele rowerów z kolekcji 2022. Rowery do XC, enduro, downhill. Na pewno znajdziesz coś dla siebie. Zapraszamy.

  5. Zobacz zupełnie nowe rowery

    Nowe rowery. Najnowsze modele Treka na 2024 rok to czysta radość, mnóstwo przygód i technologia, która pomoże Ci pokonać każdą drogę, ścieżkę czy szlak. Odkryj nowe rowery tutaj i przygotuj się na najwspanialsze przejażdżki swojego życia. Płeć. Cena. Do wykonania na zamówienie w Project One.

  6. Rower górski MTB

    Trek X-Caliber 7 to dobry rower na początek przygody z MTB. 🏔Rower który świetnie się nadaje na pierwsze wyścigi jak i do agresywnej jazdy w terenie. 🚴‍♀Św...

  7. Trek E-Caliber Review

    The Takeaway: The Trek E-Caliber is a lightweight, XC-oriented electric mountain bike for riders who want a nimble and agile machine that excels on a wide range of trails. Trek claims the 34.8 ...

  8. Wybieramy najlepszy rower MTB w 2022! Scott vs Trek vs ...

    Zastanawialiście się kiedyś który rower MTB jest najlepszy na świecie? 🌍Czym się różnią najlepsze maszyny do ścigania 🏎 w terenie 🏔? Dlaczego jeden z prod...

  9. TEST w terenie roweru MTB za 2500zł

    Najtańsze rowery MTB mają to do siebie, że nie kiedy... nie do końca nadają się do jeżdżenia w prawdziwym terenie górskim 😱Kamil i nieKamil postanowili wypr...

  10. Najpopularniejsze rowery górskie / MTB na świecie! Nowe Trek Marlin

    Przed Wami 🥳 najnowsza generacja rowerów Trek 🇺🇸 Marlin - z całkowicie nową bazą, jaką jest rama 🛠️Czym się różnią? Co się zmieniło? Czy ceny, tak jak by...

  11. 2023 Trek E-Caliber 9.6 Gen 2 Review

    Trek's 2023 E-Caliber 9.6 Gen 2 is a top-tier electric mountain bike with an OCLV Mountain Carbon main frame & stays, advanced Fazua Ride Trail 50 motor, and 1×12 speed Shimano Deore drivetrain. This bike features cutting edge components and Trek's upgraded innovative tech to give you an exceptionally lightweight and responsive ride.

  12. Jaki MTB wybrać?

    Podjęliśmy rękawice i… porównujemy największe firmy rowerowe do siebie 🥊.W dzisiejszym ringu znajdziecie aż 4️⃣ rowery:1. Giant Talon 2 GE - https://sprint-...

  13. Jaki rower MTB do 4000 ? Rower górski Trek Marlin 7 vs ...

    Starcie Dawida z Goliatem 🥊Trek vs. Polygon i to w terenie, specjalnie dla naszych telejutuwidzów 🎥Wybieramy najlepszy rower w cenie około 4000 zł 🎈Jak wy...

  14. Trek CarBack bike radar and rear light

    The Trek CarBack bike radar and rear light alerts you to rear-approaching cars and features a daytime-visible light so you can stay aware of your surroundings and stand out to passing vehicles. It's a win-win for riders and drivers alike, allowing for safer passing and sharing of roadways.

  15. 2023 Trek Roscoe 9 Review

    In this review we take an in-depth look at the modern features, design and specs of the Roscoe 9 to determine whether it is worth its price tag. The Trek Roscoe 9 is the latest addition to the trail hardtail lineup. It features a 140mm travel fork coupled with 29×2.6″ tires, to provide just enough cushion and rollover capability for when you ...

  16. Trek 1200: Unveiling Its Unique Road Bike Traits

    The Trek 1200 is an iconic road bike from the renowned Trek Bicycle Corporation, a global leader in designing and manufacturing bicycles and cycling products. Launched during the late 20th century, the Trek 1200 quickly gained popularity among amateur and professional cyclists for its lightweight construction, superior performance, and ...

  17. Cycling routes in Elektrostal

    Find the right bike route for you through Elektrostal, where we've got 327 cycle routes to explore. The routes you most commonly find here are of the hilly type. Most people get on their bikes to ride here in the months of June and August.

  18. Trek Bicycle opens its first Reno store and showroom

    The Trek store also provides service for any brand of bike. The full-service bike shop offers tune-ups, maintenance, repairs and customizations. The Trek showroom is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m ...

  19. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  20. Trek Fetch+ 2 Review: A Solid, Though Expensive, Cargo Ebike

    Solid, familiar design. Excellent plastic panniers make toting groceries easy. Good brakes, built-in lights. Expensive. No suspension. No belt drive or variable gearing; uses traditional bike ...

  21. 9th radio centre of Moscow, Elektrostal

    The 9th radio centre of Moscow was a high power shortwave and medium wave broadcasting facility at Elektrostal near Moscow.Its broadcasting frequency was 873 kHz with a transmission power of up to 1200 kilowatts. It was also used as radio jammer of "unwanted" stations.

  22. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...