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weiler la tour luxembourg


The village of Weiler-la-Tour (Weiler-the-Tower) owes its name to a watchtower that once belonged to the fortifications of a Roman settlement. However, it has nothing in common with the round tower from 1750, you can nowadays see on numerous official documents. This newer tower and its counterpart (which has disappeared by now) once guarded the entrance to the Weiler manor house.

This municipality is very popular as a residential area and consists of the villages Hassel and Syren, which is where the source of the river Syr originates.

On one summer Sunday, the streets of Syren resound like an echo of times long past. At the Barrel Organ Festival, which takes place every two years, the pavement belongs to peculiar musicians who perform their songs and melodies on squares, sidewalks, courtyards and in many unexpected places for the great fun of the audience.

Apart from this extraordinary highlight, the town of Syren has a neo-Gothic church from 1850, which is on the list of national monuments.

A thematic trail with the promising name Steekauzewee (Minerva’s owl way) leads through the natural sights of Weiler-la-Tour. Of course, there is no shortage of cycle paths. By the way, one of them is dedicated to the Luxembourg cycling legend Charly Gaul.

weiler la tour luxembourg

Search suggestions

weiler la tour luxembourg


The village of Weiler-la-Tour (Weiler-the-Tower) owes its name to a watchtower that once belonged to the fortifications of a Roman settlement. However, it has nothing in common with the round tower from 1750, you can nowadays see on numerous official documents. This newer tower and its counterpart (which has disappeared by now) once guarded the entrance to the Weiler manor house.

This municipality is very popular as a residential area and consists of the villages Hassel and Syren, which is where the source of the river Syr originates.

On one summer Sunday, the streets of Syren resound like an echo of times long past. At the Barrel Organ Festival, which takes place every two years, the pavement belongs to peculiar musicians who perform their songs and melodies on squares, sidewalks, courtyards and in many unexpected places for the great fun of the audience.

Apart from this extraordinary highlight, the town of Syren has a neo-Gothic church from 1850, which is on the list of national monuments.

A thematic trail with the promising name Steekauzewee (Minerva’s owl way) leads through the natural sights of Weiler-la-Tour. Of course, there is no shortage of cycle paths. By the way, one of them is dedicated to the Luxembourg cycling legend Charly Gaul.

weiler la tour luxembourg

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Activités autour de Weiler-la-Tour

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À ne pas manquer autour de Weiler-la-Tour

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Cet itinéraire à vélo de plusieurs jours dans l’est du Luxembourg porte bien son nom : il longe les trois rivières Moselle, Sûre et Alzette et ...

La VeloRoute SaarLorLux s'étend sur environ 480 kilomètres à travers le triangle frontalier de l'Allemagne, de la France et du Luxembourg.

Auf rund 473 Kilometern führt die VeloRoute SaarLorLux  durch das Dreiländereck Deutschland, Frankreich & Luxemburg.

Découvrez la nature autour de Weiler-la-Tour sur cet itinéraire VTT adapté aux débutants

Tour Luxemburg - Entdecken Sie die beiden touristischen Städte „par excellence“ des Großherzogtums: die Kapitale Luxemburg mit ihrer Altstadt, ...

Die zweite Etappe des Arrangements "Europa-Route": In die Europäische Kulturhauptstadt 2007.

Explorez la région autour de la ville de Luxembourg pendant les week-ends du 17-18 août et du 24-25 août.

Avant de partir

Notes et avis de la communauté, destinations autour de weiler-la-tour.

weiler la tour luxembourg

Weiler-la-Tour commune: a lesser known residence within the capital area

In the canton of Luxembourg City lies charming village-like commune of Weiler-la-Tour, named after a tower guarding the castle in old times. Get to know details about life in this area with our article.

Table of content

Its population of 2505 inhabitants as of January 1, 2024 might appear modest, but this is not the case. It ranks eighth in terms of median income, with an average salary of 9,877 euros per month. Weiler-la-Tour's appeal lies in the coexistence of modest size and robust prosperity.

General characteristics of Weiler-la-Tour commune

Weiler-la-Tour, a commune of Luxembourg, lies adjacent to the capital within the Luxembourg canton. Surrounded by Contern to the north, Dalheim to the east, Frisange to the south, Roeser to the southwest, and Hesperange to the northwest, it comprises three main localities: Weiler-la-Tour, Hassel, and Syren.

Weiler-la-Tour is the most populated of the villages, followed by Hassel and Syren. These quiet villages offer a serene living environment characterized by a quaint village atmosphere and a rich natural environment, all within a short distance of about 20 minutes from the capital. The community enjoys convenient access to the national roads N2 to the north and N3 to the south, which are connected by various secondary roads, allowing smooth transportation throughout the region.

Population of the commune

As of January 1, 2024, Weiler-la-Tour had a population of 2505, making it the 63rd most populous commune out of the 100 in the country, and representing 0.37% of the total population. With 1,055 inhabitants, Weiler-la-Tour has the highest population density, followed by Hassel and Syren. 

The commune maintains a foreign population percentage of 30%, notably lower than the capital's average of 70.44%. Predominant nationalities, apart from Luxembourgish, include French, Portuguese, German, British, and Italian. Spanning 17.07 km2, Weiler-la-Tour ranks 69th in size among the country's 100 communes.

Hassel Syren and Weiler la Tour population luxembourg

Transport accessibility

For the accessibility of Weiler-la-Tour, connectivity plays an important role. The commune benefits from a well-developed road network that provides easy access to the capital and to the rest of the country, even though it does not have a direct train station. Let us examine the different modes of transportation available in the commune and analyze their efficiency and convenience.

No train station available

Keep in mind, that the commune have limited transportation options, which might be not suitable for some potential residents.

weiler la tour luxembourg

You can check in detail all the transportation options on the transportation page of the Weiler-la-Tour commune or get detailed instructions to get from one point to another on and its route planner.

Renting and buying real estate

The villages within Weiler-la-Tour have a rustic charm. Surrounded by fields and forests, they offer a lovely living environment away from the hectic pace of the capital. In spite of this peace and quiet, residents still enjoy the proximity to the city at much more affordable prices. Real estate prices remain fairly stable throughout the community, with minimal variation between localities.

buy flat in luxembourg

The average price to buy in the municipality is 7,534 euro/m², significantly lower than the capital's average of 12,468 euro/m². Likewise, rental prices are 19.87 euros/m², also well below the capital average of 32.07 euros/m².

For buying the average price is  

For renting the average price is  

Applications, search, and profound advice in our guide to renting

weiler la tour luxembourg

Infrastructure of the commune

Predominantly residential, Weiler-la-Tour offers limited infrastructure for those who choose to live here. The municipality has basic facilities such as schools, sports facilities including a gym and soccer field near the elementary school, and recreational areas such as parks and playgrounds, but they are modest. 

Shopping options are very scarce, with no supermarkets within its borders, necessitating trips to neighboring municipalities. Despite these limitations, Weiler-la-Tour maintains a tranquil atmosphere and proximity to essential services in surrounding areas.

Place to call home

If you're considering making Luxembourg your new home, we encourage you to explore our range of articles that look in depth at the different city communes and neighborhoods .

Pros and cons of living in the Weiler-la-Tour commune

Thanks to the proximity of the N2 and N3 motorways, Weiler-la-Tour offers the ideal combination of proximity to the capital and easy access. The commune also boasts significantly lower real estate prices, around 40% cheaper than in the capital, both to buy and to rent.

Weiler-la-Tour is distinguished by its country atmosphere and its numerous footpaths in the heart of nature, offering a peaceful lifestyle for those who love nature. But the limited infrastructure of the community is a disadvantage: cultural offerings are limited to a few community centers and there are no theaters, museums or cinemas.

There are also no medical facilities or health professionals within the community, and shopping is limited, with minimal to no stores and no supermarkets. Despite these limitations, Weiler-la-Tour offers a relaxed residential atmosphere for those seeking a quiet lifestyle in a natural setting.

What can you find in this commune?

The most important thing to keep in mind is that the community lacks educational facilities, and if you plan to have a family, you will have to use the neighboring districts when your children grow up to give them a place to study. Apart from that, Weilaer-la-Tour is a great place for young families with a car and an interest in the natural environment.

Saint-Laurent Church, source: Wayback Machine

Weiler-la-Tour's educational offerings are somewhat limited, comprising only a public primary school and the Bei de Fliedermais nursery. For secondary education or pursuits in various disciplines like music, residents must look to the capital.

Primary School

Bei de fliedermais nursery.

weiler la tour luxembourg

While Weiler-la-Tour hosts several cultural centers, one in each locality, the cultural offerings are somewhat limited, with fewer high-profile events occurring weekly compared to the capital. The number and variety of events are constrained, lacking the diversity found in the capital's cultural scene.

History and religion

But cultural offerings extend beyond the formal centers. Although there are no theaters or museums, Weiler-la-Tour has several sites worth visiting. Among them are the Church of Saint-Laurent in Syren, the Church of Sainte-Lucie in Hassel, the Church of Saint-Sébastien in Weiler-la-Tour, and the Orthodox Church of Saint Nicholas, also in Weiler-la-Tour.

Saint-Laurent Church

Sainte-lucie church, saint-sébastien church, saint nicholas orthodox cathedral.

Additionally, the commune features an Um Juck, a meeting place for local youth aged 12 to 25 . Here, activities such as an escape room, graffiti workshop, trips to Phantasialand, and Laser Game are offered. More information about Um Juck can be found on its Facebook page , providing a vibrant cultural outlet for the community's younger demographic.

An Huef cultural center

Syren cultural center, stiffchen meeting center.

Learn more about Luxembourg's culture and traditions in our special guide.

weiler la tour luxembourg

Weiler-la-Tour lacks medical centers, general practitioner offices, and specialist clinics. Pharmacies are also absent, requiring residents to visit the Pharmacie de Contern in the neighboring locality for immediate medication needs. For any medical requirements, residents must travel to nearby communes or the capital.

You can read more about urgent healthcare in our dedicated article: Emergency medical help in Luxembourg: ambulance and hospitals .

weiler la tour luxembourg

While lacking notable large parks, Weiler-la-Tour has numerous green spaces and five playground areas for children, two in Weiler-la-Tour and three in Syren. Spillplaz's website can tell you more on that.

Hiking enthusiasts

Weiler-la-Tour offers abundant natural beauty, particularly through its rural pathways ideal for nature walks. One such trail is the Steekauzewee thematic trail , translating to the Owl Trail, offering a delightful immersion into the municipality's natural charm!

Besides, the commune features regional cycling routes , including the Charly Gaul trail. Visit Guttland's website provides insights into the route and details of this cycling path, catering to outdoor enthusiasts seeking to explore the scenic landscapes of the area.

weiler la tour luxembourg

Local sports facilities are limited, comprising only a sports hall and a football pitch, which is home to FC Yellow Boys Weiler-la-Tour. Both facilities are located near the primary school. For a wider range of options, residents must look to neighboring communes or the capital.

Hall Sportif Weiler-la-Tour

Weiler-la-tour football field.

weiler la tour luxembourg

Weiler-la-Tour is primarily a residential municipality with extremely limited commercial offerings. There are few, if any, shops or stores, and no supermarkets for grocery shopping. Residents must venture to neighboring municipalities for shopping needs, with the closest supermarkets being Grand Frais in Contern and Delhaize in Alzingen.

Let's go shopping

Find out more about Luxembourg shopping malls in our dedicated  article .

Historical overview

The Weiler-la-Tour commune thrives upon the rich soil of its history, evidenced by numerous artifacts spanning from the Neolithic era to even Celtic civilization!

How did it get this name?

Taking history into account.

Today, Weiler'la-Touris a modern and well-established commune providing harmonious life to its residents.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How is the transportation network within the commune.

Weiler-la-Tour benefits from a decent transportation network, primarily facilitated by roadways. The commune is connected to the national highways N2 and N3, providing easy access to the capital and surrounding areas. Additionally, public bus services, including lines 423 and 424 of the General Road Transport Scheme (RGTR), serve the commune, offering convenient travel options for residents.

What healthcare services are available in the commune?

Healthcare services in Weiler-la-Tour are limited. The commune lacks medical facilities, general practitioner offices, and specialist clinics. Additionally, there are no pharmacies within the commune. Residents must rely on neighboring municipalities for medical needs, with the nearest pharmacy located in the neighboring locality of Contern.

Can you find supermarkets or shopping centers within Weiler-la-Tour?

Unfortunately, Weiler-la-Tour has limited shopping options. There are few, if any, shops or stores within the commune, and no supermarkets for grocery shopping. Residents typically travel to neighboring municipalities for shopping needs, with the closest supermarkets being Grand Frais in Contern and Delhaize in Alzingen.

How is the real estate market in Weiler-la-Tour compared to neighboring areas?

What parks and sport facilities are available in weiler-la-tour.

Source : , , , , , , , , ,

We took photos from these sources : Wikimedia Commons, Wayback Machine, Spillplaz

weiler la tour luxembourg

  • Dimanche le 07 juillet

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  • Menu de la semaine du 01 au 06 juillet

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  • Menu de la semaine du 24 au 29 juin

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  • National Day

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  • Menu de la semaine du 17 au 22 juin

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Menu de la semaine du 10 au 15 juin

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Menu de la semaine du 03 au 08 juin

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Menu de la semaine du 27 mai au 1er juin

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weiler la tour luxembourg

© 2024 Café Schlassstuff.

Gemacht mit von Graphene Themes .


Food Truck Festival 2024

Food trucks.

  • LëtzeBurger
  • Popeye Burger
  • The Piadrino Modena Food Truck
  • Food Riders
  • Tabor Food Concept
  • Home Flavours
  • Beiruty – The taste of Lebanon
  • Food Truck by « Am Stall »
  • Gertrude’s
  • Verace Pizza
  • Food Truck by « Schéiferei An Dottesch »
  • D’Humeur Végétale
  • Feierboun Coffeeroasters
  • Choco Fruits
  • La Churrerria
  • Street Catering vu Lëtzebuerg
  • Cocktails by beFit & Weiler Tower Runners
  • Softs & Beer by Entente Weiler-la-Tour
  • Wine & Champagne by Lux-Confrèrie des Grands Vins de Bourgogne


  1. Weiler-la-Tour

    weiler la tour luxembourg

  2. 4 Rue Des Forges 5770 Weiler-la-tour Luxembourg

    weiler la tour luxembourg

  3. START

    weiler la tour luxembourg

  4. Oorlogsmonument Weiler-la-Tour

    weiler la tour luxembourg

  5. Weiler La Tour Mairie

    weiler la tour luxembourg

  6. RedRock MTB Trail

    weiler la tour luxembourg


  1. Séance Académique 25 Joer

  2. Luxembourg

  3. Walk in Luxembourg: Wiltz

  4. Schueberfouer Tour Luxembourg September 2023

  5. Wegelnburg, Hohenbourg, Löwenstein und Bergwerk Nothweiler

  6. Short: Faschingsumzug Weiler in den Bergen 04.02.2024 (10)


  1. Accueil

    Changements d'horaires sur les lignes RGTR à partir du 7 juillet 2024. 26.06.2024. En date du 7 juillet 2024, des changements d'horaires et/ou d'itinéraires vont entrer en vigueur sur un certain nombre de lignes d'autobus du réseau RGTR.

  2. Weiler-la-Tour

    Weiler-la-Tour (en luxembourgeois : Weiler zum Tuer Écouter et en allemand : Weiler zum Turm) est une localité luxembourgeoise et une commune portant le même nom situées dans le canton de Luxembourg.

  3. Weiler-la-Tour

    Weiler-la-Tour. La localité de Weiler-la-Tour doit son nom à une barbacane faisant partie d'un village romain fortifié. Rien à voir cependant avec l'emblématique tour ronde datant de 1750 qui figure sur de nombreux documents officiels et qui servait, avec son pendant aujourd'hui disparu, à surveiller l'entrée au château des ...

  4. Carte MICHELIN Weiler-la-Tour

    Retrouvez les plans détaillés pour Luxembourg Luxembourg Weiler-la-Tour sur ViaMichelin, avec des informations sur le trafic routier, la possibilité de réserver un hébergement ou bien de consulter les informations sur les restaurants MICHELIN - Weiler-la-Tour.

  5. Weiler-la-Tour

    Weiler-la-Tour. La localité de Weiler-la-Tour doit son nom à une barbacane faisant partie d'un village romain fortifié. Rien à voir cependant avec l'emblématique tour ronde datant de 1750 qui figure sur de nombreux documents officiels et qui servait, avec son pendant aujourd'hui disparu, à surveiller l'entrée au château des ...

  6. La commune

    Services communaux. Administration. Recette communale. Service Technique. Éducation. École fondamentale Weiler-la-Tour. De séchere Schoulwee. École de musique. Maison relais "Bei de Steekauzen".

  7. Weiler-la-Tour

    The village of Weiler-la-Tour (Weiler-the-Tower) owes its name to a watchtower that once belonged to the fortifications of a Roman settlement. However, it has nothing in common with the round tower from 1750, you can nowadays see on numerous official documents.

  8. Weiler-la-Tour

    The village of Weiler-la-Tour (Weiler-the-Tower) owes its name to a watchtower that once belonged to the fortifications of a Roman settlement. However, it has nothing in common with the round tower from 1750, you can nowadays see on numerous official documents.

  9. Weiler-la-Tour

    Weiler-la-Tour (Luxembourgish: Weiler zum Tuer, German: Weiler zum Turm) is a commune and small town in southern Luxembourg. It is located south-east of Luxembourg City. The commune's administrative centre is Hassel. As of 2024, the town of Weiler-la-Tour, which lies in the south of the commune, has a population of 1,055.

  10. Historique

    La tour, qui se trouve actuellement à Weiler-la-Tour (voir armoiries), a été construite vers 1750. Elle est une des deux tours identiques qui formaient l'entrée monumentale du château des seigneurs de Weiler.

  11. Luxembourg à Weiler-la-Tour par Ligne 424 bus, Taxi, Voiture

    Il y a 3 façons d'aller de Luxembourg à Weiler-la-Tour en bus, taxi ou voiture. Sélectionnez une option ci-dessous pour visualiser l'itinéraire étape par étape et comparer le prix des billets et les temps de trajet sur votre calculateur d'itinéraire Rome2Rio. Le meilleur.

  12. Weiler-la-Tour

    Retrouvez toutes les activités en plein air à faire à Weiler-la-Tour et de l'inspiration pour vos prochaines sorties dans le secteur ! Vous pouvez également utiliser le planificateur d'itinéraires pour créer vos propres parcours et les partager avec la communauté.

  13. Weiler-la-Tour, Luxembourg: Ce qu'il faut savoir pour ...

    Weiler-la-Tour, Luxembourg: Ce qu'il faut savoir pour votre visite (2024) Hôtels. Activités. Restaurants. Vols. Locations de vacances. Croisières. Voitures de location. Forums. Explorez Weiler-la-Tour. Les revenus influencent le choix des expériences présentées sur cette page : en savoir plus. Europe. Luxembourg. District de Luxembourg.

  14. Living in Weiler-la-Tour near Luxembourg City

    In the canton of Luxembourg City lies charming village-like commune of Weiler-la-Tour, named after a tower guarding the castle in old times. Get to know details about life in this area with our article.

  15. Hôtels, hébergements Weiler-la-Tour

    Recherche et réservation d'un hôtel à Weiler-la-Tour avec ViaMichelin: hôtels de charme, design, luxe, de 1 à 5 étoiles.

  16. LES MEILLEURS hôtels : Weiler-la-Tour 2024

    Meilleurs hôtels à Weiler-la-Tour sur Tripadvisor : consultez les avis de voyageurs, les photos, les meilleures offres et comparez les prix pour hôtels à Weiler-la-Tour, Luxembourg.

  17. Weiler-la-Tour

    Calculez facilement votre itinéraire Weiler-la-Tour - Bettembourg en voiture avec ViaMichelin. Distance, coût (péages, carburant, coût par passager) et durée du trajet Weiler-la-Tour - Bettembourg, en tenant compte du trafic routier

  18. Meilleurs restaurants à Weiler-la-Tour, District de Luxembourg

    Vous sortez à Weiler-la-Tour, District de Luxembourg : lisez sur Tripadvisor 47 avis sur 3 restaurants à Weiler-la-Tour, recherchez par prix, quartier, etc.

  19. Café Schlassstuff

    Café Schlassstuff Weiler-la-Tour cuisine ouvert midi et soir Restauration Salle de Jeux de Quilles Terrasse Piste de Pétanque ... Vous recevez une mise à jour des menus du jour et nous vous informons sur tous les nouveaux événements. Prénom: Nom: E-Mail: Neueste Beiträge. Dimanche le 07 juillet; Menu de la semaine du 01 au 06 juillet ; Menu de la semaine du 24 au 29 juin; National Day ...

  20. Horaires

    Nos horaires d'ouverture. Bureau de la population. Le lundi de 08:30 à 11:30 et de 13:30 à 18:30. Le mardi, mercredi et vendredi de 08:30 à 11:30 et de 13:30 à 16:30. Le jeudi, fermé au public. Bureau de la recette. Le lundi, mardi, mercredi et vendredi de 08:30 à 11:30 et de 13:30 à 16:30. Le jeudi, fermé au public.

  21. Administration

    Le secrétariat s'occupe principalement des tâches suivantes : L'assistance au conseil communal, au collège échevinal et au bourgmestre et la rédaction des délibérations. L'élaboration des budgets et des comptes de la commune. La confection des règlements communaux. La gestion de l'état civil.

  22. Maison relais « Bei de Steekauzen

    Maison Relais « Bei de Steekauzen ». Tout enfant fréquentant l'éducation précoce, préscolaire ou l'enseignement primaire de la Commune de Weiler-la-Tour peut profiter de la Maison Relais.

  23. Food Truck Festival 2024

    Cocktails by beFit & Weiler Tower Runners. Softs & Beer by Entente Weiler-la-Tour. Wine & Champagne by Lux-Confrèrie des Grands Vins de Bourgogne. Samschdeg: - Official opening: 11h30. - 14h00 - 15h00 - Christian Lavey. - 15h00 - 19h00 - De Spillmann. - 19h30 - 21h30 - The4 Coverband. - DJ Dama - Non-stop.