Tourism Management Practice Exam


About Tourism Management Tourism management is a multidisciplinary field that includes all activities related to the tourism and hospitality industries. It prepares candidates with the experience and training required to hold managerial positions in food, accommodation and tourism industry. The three major areas of tourism management are: •    Business administration (finance, human resources and marketing activities); •    Management theories and principles; •    Tourism industry (travel accommodation, environmental factors and tourism organizations) Why is Tourism Management important? Tourism is vital for the success of many economies around the world. There are several benefits of tourism on host destinations.  Tourism boosts the revenue of the economy, creates thousands of jobs, develops the infrastructures of a country, and plants a sense of cultural exchange between foreigners and citizens. Tourism management ensures the ongoing promotion and preservation of cultural heritage, and supports the economic survival of otherwise under-resourced communities.

Benefits are •    Improved tourist satisfaction •    Better and faster decision making. •    Quicker problem-solving. •    Supported business growth and development. •    Sharing of expertise. •    More revenue and tourists •    Improved business processes. Who should take the Tourism Management Exam? •    Front desk clerk/receptionist •    Events manager •    Hotel or resort manager •    Housekeeper •    Tour operator •    Tourism marketing manager •    Travel agency manager •    Tourist Information Centre manager •    Accountant or sales manager •    Guest relations manager

Knowledge and Skills required for the Tourism Management

Candidates gain quick success if they have skills of critical thinking and good communication skills.

Tourism Management Practice Exam Objectives

Tourism Management exam focuses on assessing your skills and knowledge in Hospitality Basics, Front Office Operations and Customer Service.

Tourism Management Practice Exam Pre-requisite

There are no prerequisites for the Tourism Management exam.

Tourism Management Certification Course Outline 1. Hospitality and Tourism Basics 2. Front Office Operations 3. Customer Service 4. Food and Beverage Management 5. Hospitality Accounting 6. Human Resource Management 7. Housekeeping 8. Food Sanitation, Safety and Health 9. Facilities and Maintenance Management 10. Hospitality and Tourism Marketing Exam Format and Information Certification name – Tourism Management Certification Exam duration – 60 minutes Exam type - Multiple Choice Questions Eligibility / pre-requisite - None Exam language - English Exam format - Online Passing score - 25 Exam Fees - INR 1199

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What Is Project 2025, and Why Is Trump Disavowing It?

The Biden campaign has attacked Donald J. Trump’s ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch, though it is not his official platform.

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Kevin Roberts, wearing a dark suit and blue tie and speaking into a microphone at a lectern. The lectern says, “National Religious Broadcasters,”

By Simon J. Levien

Donald J. Trump has gone to great lengths to distance himself from Project 2025, a set of conservative policy proposals for a future Republican administration that has outraged Democrats. He has claimed he knows nothing about it or the people involved in creating it.

Mr. Trump himself was not behind the project. But some of his allies were.

The document, its origins and the interplay between it and the Trump campaign have made for one of the most hotly debated questions of the 2024 race.

Here is what to know about Project 2025, and who is behind it.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 was spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation and like-minded conservative groups before Mr. Trump officially entered the 2024 race. The Heritage Foundation is a think tank that has shaped the personnel and policies of Republican administrations since the Reagan presidency.

The project was intended as a buffet of options for the Trump administration or any other Republican presidency. It’s the latest installment in the Heritage Foundation’s Mandate for Leadership series, which has compiled conservative policy proposals every few years since 1981. But no previous study has been as sweeping in its recommendations — or as widely discussed.

Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation, which began putting together the latest document in 2022, said he thought the American government would embrace a more conservative era, one that he hoped Republicans would usher in.

“We are in the process of the second American Revolution,” Mr. Roberts said on Real America’s Voice, a right-wing cable channel, in early July, adding pointedly that the revolt “will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

A representative for Project 2025 said it did not speak for any candidate, adding that “it is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to implement.”

What does Project 2025 propose?

Much of the plan’s nearly 900 pages detail extreme executive-branch overhauls. Among many recommendations, Project 2025 lays out plans for criminalizing pornography, disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, rejecting the idea of abortion as health care and shredding climate protections.

It calls out the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which includes the National Weather Service, as “one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry.” And it backs deploying the military “to assist in arrest operations” along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Beyond the policy proposals, something else comes up over and over again in the document — Mr. Trump and the Trump administration, which are mentioned hundreds of times.

What are Trump’s ties to Project 2025?

Project 2025 is led by the Heritage Foundation. It does not directly come from Mr. Trump. But that’s only part of the story.

Portions of the plan were driven by people who were top advisers to Mr. Trump during his first term and would most likely serve in prominent roles if he wins in November.

Russell T. Vought, Mr. Trump’s former budget director, led a section of Project 2025 that dealt with executive orders. Mr. Vought is the policy director for the Republican National Convention, and the national party is controlled by Trump allies. The party on Monday adopted a new policy platform that reflect priorities laid out on the Trump campaign website. Another person involved in Project 2025 is John McEntee, a former White House personnel chief who began Mr. Trump’s systematic attempt to sweep out officials deemed to be disloyal in 2020.

Mr. Trump has recently gone to great lengths to distance himself from the project, even falsely claiming that he knows nothing about it or people involved in it.

Mr. Trump wrote in a post on his social media site on Friday that he knew nothing about Project 2025 but also that he disagreed with parts of it: “Some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.” He did not specify which items he was talking about.

What are Trump’s plans for a second term?

The former president has been historically disengaged, even hostile, toward any type of transition planning for a possible second term.

But he has made no secret about his plans to gut civil-service protections, conduct the largest mass deportation effort in history, impose sweeping tariffs and target his enemies using presidential powers. His allies have developed a legal rationale to erase the Justice Department’s independence from the president, and several of his closest advisers are now vetting lawyers seen as more likely to embrace aggressive legal theories about the scope of his power .

Some of this, though not all of it, can be found in the Trump campaign’s own policy platform called Agenda47 . It is more sparse than Project 2025. And even though Agenda47 is his campaign’s official list of policy priorities, Mr. Trump himself rarely mentions Agenda47 by name on the campaign trail.

Mr. Trump won in 2016 in part by saying any number of things, some of them contradictory, about policy, letting different people hear what they wanted in his words. In keeping with that approach, the Republican Party platform released Monday presents a less-specific agenda he directly approved that he can point to. The platform reflects a softening on abortion — the issue he views as his biggest vulnerability after the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

How do the Trump campaign plans and Project 2025 differ, and overlap?

There are a few ways the two plans differ.

One is on abortion. Project 2025 takes an aggressive approach to curtailing abortion rights, stating that the federal Health and Human Services Department “should return to being known as the Department of Life” (it was never known by that name) and that the next conservative president “has a moral responsibility to lead the nation in restoring a culture of life in America again.” Agenda47, however, does not mention abortion once.

Mr. Trump’s public position on abortion has regularly shifted. When he ran in 2016, he pledged to install justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. He called the ruling that overturned it “a great thing” at the presidential debate this year. He also said at the debate that abortion rights should be decided on a state-by-state basis.

Despite the differences, there are numerous similarities. One overlap: eroding the independence of the Justice Department. Mr. Trump has frequently criticized the legitimacy of the department’s investigation into attempts to overturn the 2020 election. Project 2025 argues that the department suffers from bureaucratic bloat and must be reined in, teeming with employees committed to a “radical liberal agenda.” On immigration, Mr. Trump has made no secret of his plans to hold the largest mass deportation effort in history. Project 2025, likewise, suggested the removal of any and all “immigration violators.”

The campaign and Project 2025 also share equal demands to end diversity, equity and inclusion programs and the “toxic normalization of transgenderism” as Project 2025 calls it. In many rallies, Mr. Trump asserts he will “keep men out of women’s sports.”

On international policy, Mr. Trump and Project 2025 both emphasize a protectionist outlook, often called “America First” policies by the Trump campaign. Sections in Project 2025 and in Agenda47 both suggest higher tariffs on competitors, and increasing competition with China.

One of Project 2025’s proposals to turn more federal jobs over to appointees loyal to the president mirrors a Trump-era policy. The back story: During Mr. Trump’s presidency, he issued an executive order making it easier to fire career officials and replace them with loyalists. Mr. Biden rescinded the order, known as Schedule F , but Mr. Trump has said he would reissue it if he wins a second term. Project 2025 also calls for Schedule F to be reinstated.

What are Democrats saying about Project 2025?

President Biden’s campaign and his supporters have yoked Project 2025 around Mr. Trump’s neck, repeatedly warning that it is his shadow platform and that it is evidence of an extreme second-term agenda. They have called it an authoritarian blueprint in an onslaught of news releases, social media posts and TV appearances.

In a rarity for an in-the-weeds policy memo, Project 2025 has made its way into the wider public, drawing condemnations on late-night shows, podcasts and awards programs. Since February, @BidenHQ , the campaign’s social media account, has posted about Project 2025 hundreds of times, associating it with Mr. Trump. The effort has received more engagement than most of the account’s posts, according to a Biden campaign official.

“Project 2025 should scare every single American,” Mr. Biden said in a statement. “It would give Trump limitless power over our daily lives.”

Late last month, John Oliver, the host of “Last Week Tonight,” dedicated a nearly 30-minute segment to criticizing Project 2025 and dissecting its dangers; it received over seven million views on YouTube. Taraji P. Henson, the actress and Biden campaign surrogate, encouraged people to vote against Republicans in a speech at the BET Awards by focusing on Project 2025.

Elected Democrats, particularly those on the left, have used the project to highlight the dangers of a second Trump term. Liberal members of Congress like Ayanna S. Pressley of Massachusetts have taken to news programs and congressional hearings to highlight what they say is Mr. Trump’s unspoken platform.

At a June 11 hearing , Ms. Pressley called Project 2025 “a far-right manifesto” that would “destroy the federal government as we know it.”

What are Trump’s aides and other Republicans saying about Project 2025?

Last year, after Project 2025 gained traction in the media and the Biden campaign incorporated it as a core part of its messaging, top Trump campaign officials issued a statement.

Mr. Trump’s top aides, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, said in a December statement that unless indicated by campaign staff or the former president directly, “no aspect of future presidential staffing or policy announcements should be deemed official.”

Ms. Wiles and Mr. LaCivita have been continually frustrated with press coverage of Project 2025. They see much of it as potentially damaging in a general election. They are especially anxious about anything to do with restrictions on abortion, a sign that Mr. Trump is trying to appear more moderate on the issue as his focus shifts from the G.O.P. primary concerns of his base to the broader electorate in November.

Following the overturning of Roe, a decision put in place by conservative justices he appointed, Mr. Trump has grown ever more convinced that hard-line abortion restrictions are electoral poison. The new official Republican Party platform, which Mr. Trump directly approved, significantly waters down the abortion section compared with the 2016 and 2020 G.O.P. platform.

Beyond the abortion issue, many conservatives do not contest the radical nature of Project 2025, and they embrace the publicity.

Steve Bannon, a close Trump ally, told ABC News in late June, before he reported to federal prison to begin a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress, that Project 2025 would “take apart the administrative state brick by brick” as he brandished a copy of the report.

Michael Gold and Neil Vigdor contributed reporting.

Simon J. Levien is a Times political reporter covering the 2024 elections and a member of the 2024-25 Times Fellowship class, a program for journalists early in their careers. More about Simon J. Levien

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  • Credentials

Certified Hospitality and Tourism Management Professional (CHTMP) Examination

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Must pass Level 1 and Level 2 to obtain this credential. Accommodations also include multiple test sessions, time of day and order of tasks. High school students can earn an industry-recognized, professional certification when they complete the two-year HTMP curriculum, pass both year’s exams and complete an internship experience. Those unable to complete an internship can take the online Knowledge Matters Virtual Business Hotel simulation. This certification is available only to graduates of the HTMP program. CHTMP is recognized by the top hospitality brands in the industry. The test is available as an online or print exam to accommodate examinees and schools.

Possible Preparatory Courses

  • Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation I
  • Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation II
  • Lodging Management
  • Travel and Tourism Marketing
  • Travel, Tourism, and Destination Marketing

Accommodations: Students with Disabilities

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30 Hotel Management Quiz Questions and Answers

Hotel management refers to the administration, operation, and coordination of all aspects related to running a hotel or hospitality establishment. It involves various activities and responsibilities aimed at providing a comfortable and enjoyable experience for guests while ensuring the efficient functioning and profitability of the hotel.

Key Aspects of Hotel Management:

Guest Services: Hotel management focuses on providing excellent customer service and ensuring that guests have a pleasant and comfortable stay. This includes welcoming guests, handling check-ins and check-outs, managing reservations, and addressing guest inquiries and complaints.

Room Operations: Managing room operations involves maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in guest rooms, ensuring proper housekeeping, and addressing any maintenance issues promptly.

Food and Beverage Management: Hotel management oversees the restaurant, bar, and room service operations, ensuring the quality of food and beverages, menu planning, and efficient service.

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Sales and Marketing: Hotel managers are responsible for promoting the hotel, attracting new guests, and retaining existing customers. This involves creating marketing strategies, advertising campaigns, and managing online booking platforms.

Staff Management: Effective hotel management involves recruiting, training, and managing a skilled and professional workforce. Ensuring staff satisfaction and providing ongoing training is crucial for maintaining high-quality service.

In this article

Part 1: 30 hotel management quiz questions & answers.

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1. What does hotel management primarily focus on? a) Maximizing hotel profits b) Providing exceptional guest experiences c) Improving hotel facilities d) Hiring and training staff

Answer: b) Providing exceptional guest experiences

2. Which department is responsible for welcoming guests, handling check-ins, and check-outs? a) Housekeeping b) Front Office c) Sales and Marketing d) Food and Beverage

Answer: b) Front Office

3. What is the term for the process of setting competitive room rates to maximize revenue? a) Revenue control b) Pricing strategy c) Rate optimization d) Revenue management

Answer: d) Revenue management

4. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of hotel management? a) Budgeting and financial analysis b) Managing room operations c) Repairing and maintaining facilities d) Handling guest complaints

Answer: c) Repairing and maintaining facilities

5. What is the main goal of hotel marketing? a) Attracting new guests and increasing revenue b) Improving staff efficiency c) Lowering room rates to attract budget travelers d) Reducing operating costs

Answer: a) Attracting new guests and increasing revenue

6. Which department is responsible for preparing and serving food and beverages? a) Housekeeping b) Front Office c) Sales and Marketing d) Food and Beverage

Answer: d) Food and Beverage

7. What is the term for the practice of analyzing guest data to identify trends and preferences? a) Customer analysis b) Market research c) Data mining d) Competitive analysis

Answer: c) Data mining

8. What does ADR stand for in hotel management? a) Average Daily Rate b) Average Discount Rate c) Advanced Direct Reservation d) Annual Dividend Ratio

Answer: a) Average Daily Rate

9. Which of the following is an essential skill for hotel managers? a) Gourmet cooking b) IT programming c) Marketing analytics d) Leadership and communication

Answer: d) Leadership and communication

10. What does RevPAR stand for in hotel management? a) Revenue Per Room b) Revenue Percentage c) Room and Package Rates d) Revenue and Profit Analysis Report

Answer: a) Revenue Per Room

11. What type of hotel offers basic accommodation and limited services at a budget-friendly price? a) Resort hotel b) Luxury hotel c) Boutique hotel d) Economy hotel

Answer: d) Economy hotel

12. Which department is responsible for cleaning and maintaining guest rooms? a) Front Office b) Food and Beverage c) Housekeeping d) Sales and Marketing

Answer: c) Housekeeping

13. What is the term for the practice of offering personalized services to VIP guests? a) Revenue management b) Yield management c) Guest relationship management d) Concierge services

Answer: d) Concierge services

14. What is the primary role of a hotel’s General Manager (GM)? a) Handling guest check-ins and check-outs b) Overseeing daily hotel operations c) Managing the hotel’s finances d) Designing marketing campaigns

Answer: b) Overseeing daily hotel operations

15. What does OTA stand for in the hotel industry? a) Online Travel Agency b) Overbooked Travel Accommodation c) Optimal Travel Arrangement d) Outdated Travel Amenities

Answer: a) Online Travel Agency

Part 2: Download hotel management questions & answers for free

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16. Which department is responsible for promoting the hotel and attracting potential guests? a) Front Office b) Food and Beverage c) Sales and Marketing d) Housekeeping

Answer: c) Sales and Marketing

17. What does GOPPAR stand for in hotel management? a) Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room b) Gross Operating Profit Percentage c) Guest Operational Performance Percentage d) Guest Operating Profit Per Average Room

Answer: a) Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room

18. Which of the following is NOT a component of a hotel’s revenue management strategy? a) Discounted room rates during peak season b) Dynamic pricing based on demand c) Overbooking to maximize occupancy d) Strategic marketing campaigns

Answer: a) Discounted room rates during peak season

19. Which department is responsible for planning and organizing conferences and events held at the hotel? a) Front Office b) Food and Beverage c) Sales and Marketing d) Event Management

Answer: d) Event Management

20. What is the term for the practice of selling multiple hotel services or amenities as a package

deal? a) Cross-selling b) Upselling c) Bundling d) Leasing

Answer: c) Bundling

21. What is the purpose of a hotel’s “yield management” strategy? a) To maximize hotel occupancy by offering discounts b) To optimize room rates based on demand and booking patterns c) To ensure all hotel facilities are properly maintained d) To manage guest complaints and ensure satisfaction

Answer: b) To optimize room rates based on demand and booking patterns

22. Which of the following is an example of a hotel’s “ancillary revenue”? a) Room revenue b) Food and beverage revenue c) Spa revenue d) Complimentary Wi-Fi for guests

Answer: c) Spa revenue

23. What does PMS stand for in hotel management? a) Property Management System b) Public Marketing Strategy c) Performance Monitoring System d) Profit Maximization Strategy

Answer: a) Property Management System

24. Which type of hotel offers upscale amenities, personalized services, and a high level of luxury? a) Economy hotel b) Budget hotel c) Luxury hotel d) Boutique hotel

Answer: c) Luxury hotel

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25. What is the purpose of a hotel’s “Housekeeping Report”? a) To analyze guest feedback and reviews b) To track daily revenue and expenses c) To assess staff performance and training needs d) To monitor room status and cleanliness

Answer: d) To monitor room status and cleanliness

26. What does CTA stand for in hotel management? a) Call-to-Action b) Customer Target Analysis c) Cost-Tracking Assessment d) Customer Transaction Agreement

Answer: a) Call-to-Action

27. What is the primary goal of a hotel’s “Guest Satisfaction Survey”? a) To evaluate staff performance and provide feedback b) To assess the hotel’s financial performance c) To track room occupancy and rates d) To gauge guest satisfaction and identify areas for improvement

Answer: d) To gauge guest satisfaction and identify areas for improvement

28. Which of the following is NOT a common service offered by hotel concierge? a) Arranging transportation for guests b) Booking tours and excursions c) Handling guest check-ins and check-outs d) Providing restaurant recommendations and reservations

Answer: c) Handling guest check-ins and check-outs

29. What is the term for the process of managing a hotel’s online reputation and responding to guest reviews? a) Online brand monitoring b) Social media management c) Online reputation management d) Online review optimization

Answer: c) Online reputation management

30. What is the primary goal of a hotel’s revenue management strategy? a) Maximizing revenue and profitability b) Minimizing operating costs and expenses c) Attracting budget-conscious travelers d) Offering discounts to increase room occupancy

Answer: a) Maximizing revenue and profitability

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Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, major in Travel Operation and Service Management (4 years)

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Offered by the College of Tourism and Hospitality Management  – Department of Tourism Management


BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT  is a four-year degree program related to the fields of hospitality and tourism education. It provides students the opportunity to become directly involved in managing and planning the world’s biggest people industry – tourism.  This concentrates on courses such as history, travel, language, and other cultural aspects. It provides exposure and training of becoming experts in management of the travel, tour, and hospitality industry and will lead students to a journey toward a senior role in the exciting, diverse, and growing industry.

The BS Tourism Management program has two areas of specialization: (1) Major in Travel Operations and Service Management, and (2) Major in Recreation and Leisure Management.

The BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT Major in Travel Operations and Service Management program covers the study of various components focusing on the management, operations, and service delivery relevant to the travel and tourism industry. It encompasses technical, practical, and professional learning and application of skills with respect to specific areas such as travel agency management, tour arranging and planning, travel industry operations and procedures, tourism marketing and promotion strategies, travel counseling, travel industry law, international and domestic operations, and travel and tourism policy.

Becoming Part of the Program

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The University of Santo Tomas, in pursuit of truth, guided by reason and illumined by faith, dedicates herself to the generation, advancement, and transmission of knowledge to form competent and compassionate professionals committed to the service of the Church, the nation, and the global community.

I am a Thomasian. I carry the SEAL of Thomasian education. I am a S ervant leader, an E ffective communicator and collaborator, an A nalytical and creative thinker, and a L ifelong learner. With Christ at the center of my formation as a Thomasian, I am expected to demonstrate the following Thomasian Graduate Attributes ( ThoGAs ): 


  • Show leadership abilities to promote advocacies for life, freedom, justice, and solidarity in the service of the family, the local and global communities, the Church, and the environment. 
  • Implement relevant projects and activities that speak of Christian compassion to the poor and the marginalized in order to raise their quality of life. 
  • Show respect for the human person, regardless of race, religion, age, and gender. 


  • Express oneself clearly, correctly, and confidently in various environments, contexts, and technologies of human interaction.
  • Work productively with individuals or groups from diverse cultures and demographics. 
  • Show profound respect for individual differences and/or uniqueness as members of God’s creation. 


  • Show judiciousness and resourcefulness in making personal and professional decisions. 
  • Engage in research undertakings that respond to societal issues. 
  • Express personal and professional insights through an ethical and evidence-based approach. 


  • Engage in reflective practice to ensure disciplinal excellence and professional development. 
  • Exhibit preparedness and interest for continuous upgrading of competencies required by the profession or area of specialization. 
  • Manifest fidelity to the teachings of Christ, mediated by the Catholic Church, in the continuous deepening of faith and spirituality in dealing with new life situations and challenges. 

PEO1. Exhibit Christian leadership by promoting life advocacies through project implementation for social and economic transformation 

PEO2. Practice effective interpersonal and communication skills through collaboration, use of information technology, and respect for cultural heritage and diversity 

PEO3. Assess industry-academe trends and issues to generate research and business undertakings in tourism and hospitality through the basis of specific standards and criteria within personal, professional, societal, and ethical contexts 

PEO4. Employ a solid understanding and the need for continuous upgrading of the managerial and operational competencies of tourism and hospitality through reflective practice consistent with the global standards and Christian values 

Upon successful completion of the program, graduates should be able to:

PO1. perform leadership skills in various areas of tourism through advocacy programs that aim to improve the quality of life of both local and global communities;

PO2. engage in meaningful collaboration, communication, and processing of information through technology to effectively perform assigned tasks in a diverse cultural environment;

PO3. apply analytical and quantitative skills to formulate business decisions producing quality research and business outputs that respond to tourism and hospitality issues and trends compliant with the laws of the society; and

PO4. demonstrate the ability to perform basic supervisory job functions, as well as entrepreneurial competencies, manifesting Christian values, in the tour, travel, leisure and recreation, and hotel and restaurant careers.

In addition, graduates of BS in Tourism Management Major in Travel and Operations Management should be able to create concrete plans for the different stakeholders through service learning, manifesting global innovations in varied forms of communication and collaboration (PO5-TOSM). 

Application Period: July to December of each year

Application Website

Release of Results: January 28 of the following year

Go to  THIS PAGE and look for the “College of Tourism and Hospitality Management” tab for the tuition fees.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of BS in Tourism Management, Major in Travel Operations and Service Management may be a/an:

Area Supervisor

Ground Handling Personnel

Training Staff

Area Manager

Group Coordinator

Ticketing Manager

Administrative Assistant

File Clerk 

Tourism Center Director

Airline Purser

Flight Attendant

Airline Manager

Information Specialist

Tour Planner

Communications Specialist

Media Specialist

Travel Promotions Staff

Country Manager

Media Coordinator

Travel Representative

Customer Service Representative

Media Liaison

Travel Editor

Customer Service Quality Director

Manager of Travel Literature

Travel Photographer 

Chief of News and Information

Operations Employee

Travel Writer

Director for Customer Care

Package Tour Coordinator

Travel Counselor (Domestic / International)

Economic Development Specialist

Product Development Manager

Research Analyst

Reservation Agents

Public Information Officer

Research Director

Reservations Manager

Public Relations Officer


Since the program includes business-related courses, a BS in Tourism Management graduate may also be a/an: 

Sales Representative

Commercial Account Specialist

Trainee Group Consultant

Marketing Analyst

Sales and Marketing Manager

Customer Analyst

Advertising Specialist

Management Personnel (4 functional areas-HR, Marketing, Operations, Finance plus IT)

Financial Analyst

Marketing Coordinator

Senior Manager of Strategy and Marketing

Merchandising Analyst

Advertising Manager

Student Experience and Support

Department of Tourism Management Facilities

The University of Santo Tomas provides student services that cater to academic, spiritual, and wellness concerns of students. These support units are found in the different parts of the campus and can be accessed by Thomasians. When the University shifted to distance learning, the services also transitioned to online services to continue addressing the needs of Thomasians.

Program Curriculum (New)

Effectivity: A.Y. 2023-2024

This curriculum may have some changes upon the availability of new guidelines.

Effectivity: A.Y. 2021-2022

Effectivity: A.Y. 2019-2020

Effectivity: A.Y. 2018-2019

Student Life

The Tourism Management Department regularly offers immersion programs for the students to see and gain first-hand knowledge of how the industry works. From hotels, cruise lines, and community immersions, various adventures await you!


Our students regularly participate in various tourism-related contests, such as PHILTOA, UFTE, Domestikwhiz, TourCon, and HRT.


Apart from classroom learning and industry immersions, the college also has educational tour for the students. One of the most awaited highlights of being a Tourism Management student is the exciting domestic tours in Cebu, Bohol, Palawan and international tours in South Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.


Our students are often invited to assist and become ushers for University activities inside and outside the campus giving them more exposure and a chance to practice service and hospitality skills they learn in the classroom namely, Papal Visit, diplomatic missions, national and international events, UAAP, etc.

Ms. Anna Joy L. Putchero <br> (BS Tourism 2014)

The University of Santo Tomas is one of the leading private research universities in the Philippines and is consistently ranked among the top 1000 universities in the whole world. With academic degrees and research thrusts in the natural, health, applied, social, and sacred sciences, as well as business and management, the University continuously strives to make a positive impact on the society.

Visit Us: Espana Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines 1008

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  8. Tourism Management Practice Exam

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  10. Certified Hospitality and Tourism Management Professional (CHTMP

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    Answer: c) Repairing and maintaining facilities. 5. What is the main goal of hotel marketing? a) Attracting new guests and increasing revenue. b) Improving staff efficiency. c) Lowering room rates to attract budget travelers. d) Reducing operating costs. Answer: a) Attracting new guests and increasing revenue. 6.

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  16. Hotel Management and Hospitality Questions

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  19. BS in Tourism Management

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  23. Admissions and application procedures

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