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Green Destinations Certification Programs for Destinations

Our certification programs offer something for all types of destinations: large or small, new to or experienced in sustainable destination management .  Municipalities, cities, islands, regions, protected areas and private destinations can apply; while countries, states or provinces can opt for our Integrated Program for Countries and Regions  to collectively introduce sustainable destination management and certification to a number of destinations within a territory.

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About this program

Why join this program, methodology, about the green destinations certification programs for destinations, who is this program for.

Municipalities, counties, regions, islands protected areas etc.

Certificate Validity

2 years for Awards and 3 years for Certification


Initial engagement phase followed by minimum 2 years membership

Starting from €2300 annually, based on destination size and type. Discount for low & middle-income countries

Green Destinations & QualityCoast

GD Awards indicate (independent auditor-evaluated) compliance levels with the Green Destinations Standard, recognised by the GSTC. Audits are required every 2 years and result in Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum designation. QualityCoast Awards are especially designed for destinations focusing on waterfront sustainability, seaside, and beach quality. We celebrate our certified destinations at our annual Global Green Destinations Conference and our yearly ITB Berlin event . 

GSTC Certification by Green Destinations

“Green Destinations Certified” is our option to obtain GSTC Certification : global recognition for excellence in sustainable destination management.

The certification is Accredited by by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) for adhering to the highest standards of transparent, objective and evidence-based certification.  The audit is more rigorous involving broad stakeholder consultation to verify compliance, and all criteria compliance should be fully supported by documented evidence.

Destinations enrolled in the Awards and Certification Program participate in a sustainability management cycle aimed at continuous improvement through regular assessments and independent verifications.

Our certification programs are structured by the sustainability management guidelines of our Green Destinations Standard , which is recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) to cover globally agreed sustainability requirements. Progress is monitored through indicators, which makes the program concrete and measurable. You can easily implement our guidelines and indicators in your management system.

Destinations signing up for the GD Certification Awards and GSTC Certification program engage in a sustainability management cycle aimed at continuous improvement with periodic assessment and independent verification.

The main steps include:

1. Registration 

Register your interest for Award or Certification by filling in this online registration form . Based on the submitted details such as destination size and location, we will send you an offer for certification.

2. Engagement and reporting

Induction training to destination sustainability and how to apply the GD Standard, and report your compliance to the GD Standard on our online assessment platform . Coaching by GD secretariat or local representative.

3. Evaluation

Technical check and independent audit of reported sustainability compliance.

4. Certification

A Certification Committee evaluates auditor conclusions and (upon sufficient score), issues the Award or GSTC Certification, which remains valid for 2 or 3 years, respectively.

5. Action planning for continuous improvement

The online assessment platform provides an Action Planning tool and good practice examples for easy planning and implementing your sustainability improvements following the independent evaluation recommendations. 

The Green Destinations Standard

The Green Destinations Standard is the backbone of our Award & Certification program. It is a GSTC-recognised set of criteria to measure, monitor and improve the sustainability policy and management of destinations and regions. It makes sustainable development concrete, objective and demonstrable. In 2020, the 1st GD Standard (developed in 2016) was updated based on consultation with the GD Partnership and re-aligned with the GSTC Destination Criteria V2 – prolonging its ‘GSTC Recognised Status’ in 2021.


Main contact.

Hugo de Jong

Hugo de Jong

Head of Destination Certification

Kassandra Marie Correa

Kassandra Marie Correa

Destination Certification Coordinator


Slovenia Green

Join the Awards and Certifications program today

We offer two types of recognition GD Certification Awards and GD GSTC Certification.

Our awards and certification programs offer something for all types of destinations: large or small, new to or experienced in sustainable destination management.

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Sustainable Tourism Training Program 2020

sustainable tourism certification programs

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Travelers are becoming more aware of the potential impact they have on the environment and communities. They expect tourist hosts or facilities to be more accountable for their current and future economic, social and environmental impacts. Sustainable tourism certification is a credential that gives evidence of good sustainable tourism management.

Auditing and certification for sustainable tourism

CWM is now able to offer auditing and certification for sustainable tourism for the Global Sustainable Tourism Council ( GSTC ) standards, one of the most recognised sustainable tourism certification programs for hotels/accommodations, tour operators/transport providers, and destinations.

Future of tourism: sustainable and GSTC certified

We believe that sustainable tourism practices are essential for the future of tourism, to remove the negative impact that tourism activities cause on the environment and society and instead to create positive benefits for the local economy, society and environment.  We are working with our partners Vireo, to provide certification audits for GSTC.

CWM is at your service!

Would you like to know more about our services? Contact us for more information or request a quotation.

sustainable tourism certification programs

How does it work?

The process.

The Sustainability Management System (SMS) is the backbone of sustainability certification, it is a process designed and implemented for the facility to manage the different aspects related to the sustainability performance.

In a well-developed SMS nearly all staff from the facility will be involved in some form, and some staff have designated roles or responsibilities to ensure that the aspects are covered.

The GSTC criteria is organized around four main themes:

  • demonstrate effective sustainable management.
  • maximize social and economic benefits to the local community and minimize negative impacts.
  • maximize benefits to cultural heritage and minimize negative impacts.
  • maximize benefits to the environment and minimize negative impacts.

In order to obtain GSTC certification, our qualified auditors will audit the facility to the GSTC standards to verify that the criteria is met. This means that during the audit, the facility should be able to demonstrate that the SMS is up and running in accordance with GSTC.

CWM can also provide a shorter pre-audit, to assist with preparation for main audits.

sustainable tourism certification programs

The advantages of working with CWM for Sustainable tourism Certification

We believe strongly in our work for sustainable tourism and part of our mission is to develop increased knowledge, understanding, adoption and demand for sustainable tourism practices. With good knowledge and experience of the GSTC standards, our auditors are in a position to advise the best practices to help you to consistently develop your sustainability goals. As more booking sites will eventually set the GSTC standards as a basic requirement for tourists to book hotels, this will be a necessity in the future.

sustainable tourism certification programs

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The International Ecotourism Society

“This course has helped me immensely – these courses are of great value” – Vanessa Byrne

Sustainable Tourism Certificate Details

Taking the Courses Online:  These courses, designed as a self-managed process, can be taken online, on your own schedule, in the comfort of your home or office. Whether you enroll in one course or complete the entire certificate program, each course offers you an excellent opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills needed to improve your professional standing. Each of the units in a course contains a course presentation which can be downloaded, and other online resources. Some units contain multi-media presentations for you to watch. After completing all of the units, you will be asked to complete a test. Once you successfully complete the test, you will have passed the course. Online students usually finish a course (the equivalent of 12 hours in the classroom) in about two weeks to a month.

Certificate Requirements

There are three certificates awarded with this program:

TIES Green Certificate:

To receive this certificate, you must take and pass the four core courses

— Introduction to Ecotourism — Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Assessment & Development — Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Management — Marketing Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Part I

TIES Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management:

To receive this certificate, you must take and pass the four core courses and six additional course electives.  

TIES Master Certificate in Sustainable Tourism:

To receive this certificate, you must take and pass the four core courses and twelve additional course electives.  

To be listed on TIES website as a certificate holder, you must have been awarded a certificate and be a current member in good standing with TIES.   You do not need to be a TIES member to hold the certification.  

Registration Information: The cost for each course is $140 USD, with TIES premium members receiving a $40 discount*. You must register for courses with our education office and, while you may enroll in any number of courses at the same time, you must complete at least four core courses to receive the certificate. Once you register, you will be given access to TIES online distance learning platform, Teachable, which include course outlines.

Course Descriptions

TIES 601 – Introduction to Ecotourism

This course has been written to convey the fundamentals of modern ecotourism as it is being practiced now.  Ecotourism is, by many estimates, an 800 billion to 1 trillion USD segment of the travel and tourism industry, and is regarded as one of the fastest growing , if not the fastest growing, segment of that industry.  As such, it is impossible to encapsulate all that ecotourism is in one course.

The goal of this course is to give the student a way to evaluate and understand ecotourism in their context.  It is hoped that this initial course will prepare the student to partake of and benefit from additional learning opportunities. The course will address the definition of ecotourism in its applied sense, both from the perspective of the definition shaped by academic and policy experience, and from the definition derived by observed practice.  We expect that students completing this course successfully will be able to determine genuine ecotourism when they interact with it, whether it is in plan form or extant. 

TIES 602 – Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Assessment & Development

The rapid growth of tourism worldwide has created many challenges and opportunities for established and emerging tourism destinations. This course looks at how to conduct a tourism assessment to examine ecotourism potential, and how to measure the potential costs and benefits of a sustainable tourism development program.

Course topics include:

• Expand economic development in your destination • Develop a community leadership model • Compile visitor profiles and economic impact data • Survey resident attitudes regarding tourism and its development • Conduct visioning and goal setting activities with your stakeholders • Assess tourism potential using a demand-driven marketing approach • Conduct a preliminary competitive-advantage analysis, using attraction and facility inventory techniques • Identify potential projects that contribute to economic development or investment promotion goals • Implement social, economic, and environmental project analyzes • Establish strategic alliances and partnerships

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TIES 603 – Marketing Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Part I

A practical, intensive, idea-packed approach to marketing tourism destinations. Examine how and why tourists make destination choices, and learn how to develop a strategic marketing system that emphasizes your destination or attraction’s distinctive appeal. The course features case studies, and practical tips for stretching marketing budget through better monitoring, cost controls and evaluation.

• Identify and attract profitable market segments • Create appeals that resonate with visitor benefits • Establish strategic alliances and public-private partnerships • Prepare an action-oriented marketing plan • Spot opportunities in tourist spending patterns • Track preferences of target visitors • Add value to natural and cultural attractions • Create and link attractions together • Creating and managing social media campaigns • Measure the performance of your marketing campaign • Determine your return on your marketing investment

TIES 703 – Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Video Marketing

Approximately 3 billion people use digital media, with that number increasing every day. More and more travelers are selecting videos to get their information on prospective destinations. The ability to engage with a broader audience, specifically on digital platforms, where travelers spend on average 2.5 hours a day, is critical to appealing to those travelers. A large percentage of video engaged ecotourists are 18-29 years old – the fastest growing segment of ecotravelers. The TIES Ecotourism Video Marketing course will teach registrants how to create entertaining, informative, and concise video segments. Ecotourism professionals who specialize in this type of storytelling will stand apart. Registrants will be exposed to Vlogs, interviews, tutorial videos, video presentations, testimonials, and live streams. Utilizing video techniques in drafting a video copy script, conducting individual interviews, video filming, and editing a final video product will help registrants conceive short, effective videos that engage a potential traveler’s attention.

TIES 604 – Ecotourism & Sustainable Tourism Management

Ecotourism has proven to be an economically viable alternative for attracting tourism revenue without compromising local community values or degrading the environment. This course provides the tools needed by tourism planners, conservationists, businesses and communities to work together to develop ecotourism plans and products that will attract and accommodate the ecotourist while conserving natural resources and benefiting local people. Designed to help you understand the unique structure of the ecotourism industry, the course provides the most recent information on ecotourism marketing approaches and product development.

• Understand the basic elements of ecotourism, the market and market trends • Assess the potential of individual and group ecotourist specialty markets • Use green guidelines for operating a successful ecotourism business • Analyze and address the special needs of ecotourists and local communities • Establish an ecotourism planning process at the local and regional levels • Develop trip circuits and travel packages that are safe and offer a wide variety of experiences • Understand the vital role of interpretation and education in adding value

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a deadline for registration? No. You can register any time throughout the year.

What are the steps I need to take to register? Do I receive confirmation for my registration? Follow the online links to sign up for classes and make payment. Yes, you should receive an email confirmation.

What is the cost per course? Each Course is $140 with TIES premium members receiving a $40 discount*.

Can I pay one course per time or should I pay for all courses at once? It is suggested that you pay for all courses at once, because you’ll receive a discount, but you can register for all or just one course if you wish.

Is a refund available? No, there are no refunds on distance learning courses.

Is there discount for taking more than 4 courses? Yes. The prices for additional courses are listed, with the discounts incorporated.

Is there discount available if two or more people from one organization sign up for the program? Is there a group rate? Yes. Contact us at [email protected] to find out more.

How soon after I register will I be able to start the courses? Your log in information will be provided in the registration confirmation that you will receive. Your registration is usually processed within 72 hours (except on weekends). Registration is available now

What kind of certificate will I receive upon completion of all certificate requirements? You will receive a professional Certificate in Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Management issued by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES). You will further, if you are a member of TIES in good standing, be listed on our website as a certified expert, should you wish it.

Do I get a certificate if I take only one course?

Yes, you receive a Letter of Completion for the specific course.

To achieve the Certificate in Ecotourism and Sustainable Tourism Management, you must register and complete ten courses. Each time you complete a course you will receive a Letter of Completion.

Where will my certificate be mailed? When? No. You will be sent a certificate suitable for printing by email.

Could these courses be counted as credits if I start a Master in Tourism Program? Not automatically.  If you wish to take these courses for university credit, you must first arrange it with your institution and with TIES.

Is there a deadline for completing one course or the four courses for certificate? Are extensions available? Each course must be completed within two years. The entire certificate program must be completed within two years from the date you enrolled in your first course. Beyond two years, you may be asked to pay a $55 update fee.

Is there a certain pace I have to follow while in the courses? Are there deadlines for logging in and out and completing the sections within courses? No, you can cover the course materials with your own pace. There are no log in requirements as long as you complete each course within two years.

Should the four core courses be taken before the electives? Yes.  We recommend that you take the core courses first as they provide the base of knowledge for the program, however, you are not required to take the courses in any particular order.

Who do I communicate with if I have questions during the course? The courses are self-managed courses. There is an education manager at TIES ([email protected]) that is available to answer any questions you might have.

Is any material mailed to me or everything is accessible online? All of your material is available on-line. Nothing is mailed to you.

If I score less than the required passing score on my test can I retake it? Yes, you may retake the test after a seven day waiting period. To do that, please contact us at ([email protected]) to reset your score. You may take the test as many times as you need.

Do I need to buy any textbooks? No, all of your materials are included in the on-line course. Any readings that are mentioned throughout the courses, but not provided to you are just recommended readings.

What are the career opportunities for me after completion of the certificate? Are there any networks of job/internship opportunities that I can access? Career opportunities in the travel and tourism fields are varied. We suggest you investigate whether this industry is a good fit for you and considering to join TIES as an individual member.

Is the program completely online or at some point I have to travel to another country to take the exams for example? The entire program is taken on-line.

What happens if my e-mail changes? You should alert the us if your email changes.

Who do I contact in case of technical problem with my access to online course materials? If you are experiencing technical difficulties with the access to your course contact us at [email protected].

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Home / Certification / A Simple User’s Guide to Certification for Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism

A Simple User's Guide to Certification for Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism

Tourism is an enormous and widespread industry. It is found all over the world, so its impacts, social, economic, and environmental, are also worldwide.

These impacts can be positive, doing good, or negative, doing harm. Sustainable tourism usually aims to have minimal negative impacts, to minimize harm, and to optimize economic benefits. Ecotourism, a type of sustainable tourism, is usually conducted in largely untouched natural areas, which tend to be both environmentally and often socially sensitive (especially if local indigenous groups are involved), so its potential impacts can be even greater, for good or ill. Ecotourism aims to extend the positive impacts, through a special focus on conservation, benefits for host populations, and the education of visitors.

sustainable tourism certification programs

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GreenStep Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism Certification for Businesses

How it works, just five simple steps....

To become a member, set up a call with our team to start the process, or join online . We will send your membership agreement, the Sustainable Tourism Code of Conduct, provide access to our online assessment portal, and schedule your assessment. 

Work through the questions. Some businesses will do this in under two hours and some will take more time to gather responses from their team. 

Schedule your assessment with a GreenStep assessor. The assessment will last two to four hours and your assessor will review and discuss your responses with you in detail. 

After the assessment you will be asked to submit further evidence for a random selection of criteria. Once this has been submitted, your assessor will finalize your report. 

Once your evidence is received, your assessor will finalize and send your report and sustainability action plan. If you have met the minimum points required, your score will determine your bronze, silver, gold, or platinum certification.  A report will be sent and reviewed, along with your marketing toolkit.   

What you Get

Expert guidance, marketing support, enhanced credibility.

Annual fees for accommodation providers are based on the number of rooms. All other tourism businesses and organizations are based upon the number of full time equivalent employees (FTEs). Choose your size below. For Sustainable Tourism Destination Certification pricing, please see our Destinations page .  

Micro Business

Rooms: 1 – 10

FTE’s: 1 – 5

Price: $599/year

Small Business

Rooms: 11 – 20

FTE’s: 6 – 25

Price: $899/year

Medium Business

Rooms: 21 – 100

FTE’s: 26 – 75

Price: $1,299/year

Large Business

Rooms: 101 – 200

FTE’s: 76 – 100

Price: $1,899/year

Enterprise Business

Rooms: 201+

FTE’s: 100+

Price: $2,499/year

Need a little more information?

Book a complimentary consultation today to discuss your needs and learn more about how we can help you reach your business goals., frequently asked questions.

Unlike other sustainable business certification programs that allow self-assessments and grading, every one of our members are individually assessed by a trained sustainable business expert, who reviews everything from energy efficiency to food sources.

This thorough assessment process gives our members insight into how to further reduce their businesses’s impact, how to best manage future projects, as well as a personalized action plan about how to build their sustainable business.

Sustainable Tourism has assessed all types of businesses, including hotels, campgrounds, wineries, distilleries, tour operators, tourist attractions, visitor centres, and more.

Tourists are looking for ways to be more sustainable in their travel, and look for ways to verify businesses engaging in sustainable actions. Research shows that businesses who are actively trying to address social and environmental issues in their business retain employees better, and have a more loyal consumer base. All of this works to generate higher returns for tourism businesses by engaging in behaviours that are good for people, the planet, AND profit. 

Sustainable Tourism helps you recognize the good things you’re doing, and gives you guidance and support to work on the initiatives you want to employ. The Sustainable Tourism Certification shows customers, employees, and fellow business owners that you are doing good things for the world, and have the credibility to prove it. 

The Sustainable Tourism Assessment consists of approximately 81 questions related to various areas of sustainable tourism operations. Each question of the assessment has been assigned a specific point value based on the environmental, social, and economic impacts of the particular action.

Sustainable Tourism Grading Levels: Platinum: 90%+ Gold: 75-89% Silver: 55-74% Bronze: 35-54%

Sustainable Tourism Certified membership is an annual fee, which must be renewed on an annual basis in order to maintain your grading status and to continue receiving the benefits associated with membership.

Prices vary depending on the size of your business. See our pricing page for more information.

Yes! When you sign up for your free Sustainability Score you will work through all of the questions and then learn what your grading might be.

It depends on your primary goal for undertaking an assessment. Most of our members are seeking a benchmark, advice and roadmap for future improvements, while gaining recognition for where they’re doing well. A quick response to all of the questions should take under an hour. Mark the ones you’re unsure of for “review” then go and get the answers and complete the remaining questions. 

Depending on the size of your businesses, assessments can take from two hours for a very small business, or up to four hours for a large business.

Members are strongly encouraged to involve their sustainability teams or committees in the assessment process, as well as department managers. These people are involved in the day-to-day employment of sustainability initiatives and often have the best insight on operations within their functional roles. This ensures that the answers provided for the assessment are reflective of current operations and details can be given from the direct and appropriate source. 

The assessment call should include you or your Green Team leader, and any other staff you feel are important to attend. 

The certification process is comprised of an assessment carried out by a trained Sustainable Tourism assessor, which lasts approximately 2 to 4 hours, depending on the size of your businesses. We will ask for evidence for some of the criteria to verify your grading, but reserve the right to complete an onsite assessment. Each year we complete onsite audits to verify the sustainability practices of 10% to 20% of our members.

In order to maintain your grading level and status, you  will need pay an annual membership fee which includes a reassessment every two years to ensure that you  are continuing to meet the GreenStep Sustainable Tourism Certified standard.

Sustainable Tourism Certified businesses are promoted through online Sustainable Tourism platforms.  Businesses will receive a certification announcement through social media platforms, and mentions in Sustainable tourism newsletters and blogs. Members will also be listed in the online Sustainable Tourism Certified directory.

Businesses should  use their certification as grounds for their own personal marketing efforts through the use of logos and promotion of completed certification and achieved grading. Certification includes the use of the Sustainable Tourism Certified logo (with associated graded) in online and printed marketing materials, a window decal for display, and aluminum sign to post onsite. 

Not sure how sustainable you are?


19 Aug Certifications and Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism management is more than picking a few eco-things and doing them when you remember. Sustainable tourism management requires a range of actions that must be actively managed. It requires a long-term commitment to performance improvement.

The best certifications support ongoing sustainable tourism management. Good certifications are transparent, have credible, technically sound standards, and include independent third-party assessment. Good certifications help sustainable tourism enterprises manage the variety of activities they must undertake to achieve their goals and help them “ratchet” up their performance over time.

Certification isn’t just about the moment the certificate was presented. Certification represents a dedication to achieving standards of performance that not every organization cares about. It is about taking the work seriously and being as good as the very best.

The choice to commit to certification is an important one for any organization. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) provides credible, technically sound standards on which sustainable tourism certifications are built and accredits certification programs, ensuring they meet globally recognized standards.

Congratulations (and thank you) to each organization that commits to sustainable tourism certification through a GSTC accredited certifying organization. You are the changemakers tourism needs today.

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Jonathon Day

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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In 2019, the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme is starting, with support the French Government, UN Environment and UNWTO, a cycle of online trainings to support tourism practitioners in integrating sustainable consumption and production patterns in their everyday operations. These trainings offer network members (and beyond) the opportunity to access free of charge short courses on the use of open tools and methodologies designed to advance the resource efficiency of tourism operations and will put a strong accent on the use of measurement and monitoring frameworks to better understand the environmental and social outcomes of SCP. 

Online training 1. How to map tourism value chains & identify key actions

One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme

The first training of the cycle is organized in partnership with the UN Environment, WRAP and 3Keel within the frame of the “Promoting resource efficient and low-carbon development through transforming tourism value chains in developing countries and SIDS” project, which is funded by the German government’s International Climate Change Initiative.


Objectives of the training are to: 

  • Understand value chains and hotspots analysis concepts 
  • Learn how to map tourism value chains to identify and respond to environmental impact
  • Become able to identify actions to address key environmental concerns, protect tourism assets and improve the resilience of the tourism sector
  • Learn how to build a business case and workplan to address priority hotspots
  • Explore policy frameworks to support tourism value chain actions

This one hour and half online training will help participants to better understand how to map the tourism value chain at a national, destination or business-level, in order to collaborate with value chain partners to improve the efficiency with which resources are used, reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions and put tourism on a low carbon development path.

The value chain mapping approach included in this training has been developed and refined based on work undertaken in four countries where the tourism sector represents a significant proportion of national GDP, as part of the UN Environment “Transforming Tourism Value Chains” project, which is funded by the German government’s International Climate Change Initiative.

Mapping and managing the tourism value chain is all about extending your line of sight and influence beyond the traditional areas of focus on immediate supply chain partners, to take a more comprehensive look at the entire commodity, product or service chain. Map looks both upstream to primary producers and raw materials, intermediate suppliers and service providers; and downstream to consumers and end of life management (e.g. how to reuse, refurbish or recycle products used in the tourism sector or managing the waste streams arising from tourism activities responsibly and sustainably). The aim is to limit risk and add value at each stage of the value chain; and to guide the activities to be taken within the value chain based on the identification of hotspots, threats, opportunities and the creation of new partnerships and collaborations to address or capitalize on them. 

Where possible, a map should be multi-faceted, containing operational, economic, environmental and social information.


The training will be conducted by Mark Barthel , a partner at UK-based sustainability and resilience practice, 3Keel, with over 25 years of experience of working on sustainability issues at the international, national, sector and business-level. During his career he has advised a range of different organizations from UN agencies, the European Commission and UK government departments; to major international brands and well-known international NGOs.


The training session will be moderated by Sandra Averous-Monnery , Programme Officer within the  Consumption and Production Unit of the Economy Division, UN Environment. With 12 years of experience in UN Environment, mostly on sustainable consumption and production, she is responsible for eco-innovation, circular economy and global value chains work, and contributes to the project on “transforming tourism value chain”.

Online Trainings

  • Presentation of the training in PDF
  • Presentation of the training in Powerpoint Presentation
  • Concept Note

For more information on the online training, please kindly contact 

Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawaii

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Become A Certified Sustainable Tour Operator

certified seal

Aloha Tour Operators!

What is sustainable tour operator certification.

Sustainable Tour Operator certification via the Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawai’i (STAH) allows companies to be recognized for their commitment to sustainable operations. STAH is the only third-party sustainable tourism certification in the United States. This annual certification evaluates our local partners’ ongoing commitment to natural resource stewardship, cultural education, community outreach, and more. We have recently aligned with Travelife, enhancing global recognition for certified operators.  The STAH certification stamp demonstrates credibility and offers defense against greenwashing, all while communicating your company’s ongoing commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

What are the benefits of certification?

Benefits include:

  • Attain your company’s sustainability goals & help our islands flourish!
  • Access on-demand, internationally-accredited educational & training opportunities for you & your staff
  • Undergo a professionally guided sustainability assessment, create a personalized action plan & enjoy access to ongoing sustainability coaching & auditing
  • Use a globally-recognized certification logo for marketing
  • Enjoy special prioritization by industry partners & organizations throughout Hawai’i
  • Your link-able company profile will be added to our website & our interactive Hawai’i Travel Planner
  • Join a network of 40+ certified operators statewide (click here to see our certified tour operators)
  • Pursue internationally accredited Travelife certification

How do I become certified?

General overview of the process:

  • Appoint a Sustainability Coordinator (SC) & pay fee
  • SC completes training (an ~8-hour time investment)
  • Trained SC completes your company’s sustainability checklist with the help of a certified STAH coach
  • A sustainability audit of your business location is conducted. If you pass, an auditor joins a tour for further assessment.
  • The auditor drafts a report either recommending certification or indicating needed improvements. An action plan is then developed on how to achieve certification.
  • Upon earning full certification, organizations and other partners (eg: HVCB) are notified, & certification seals are presented to you for your use in marketing, etc. Welcome to our ‘ohana!
  • Within 8 months of certification, one of our Pono Traveler “secret shoppers” will also evaluate one of your tours
  • We re-certify annually each fall: we will conduct a desk audit to ensure certification requirements continue to be met annually, and we’ll help with any new sustainability goals. Your annual fee will be due at this time. 

What is the cost of becoming certified?

The certification process ranges depending on the size of your company and your company’s needs.

# of full-time equivalent employees 1-5 – $250 6-14 – $600 15+ – $1,500

The best way to identify the potential cost is to fill out the form so we can get connected! We recognize each operation is unique and we are open to tailoring an option that works for your business.

In September 2021, we received new funding from HTA. In the spirit of kākou, we have decided to devote a significant chunk of our budget to make your company’s journey toward sustainability a little more affordable!  So, keep calm and certify on!

Connect with us to be eligible for possible grant funding!

Certification program objectives.

gc tour moutain

Educate commercial tour operators and community stakeholders on certification and best management practices for the responsible use of natural and cultural resources.

gc beach


Ensure credibility using third party assessment for tour providers whose operations positively affect the natural and cultural resources, contribute to conservation, and help sustain local communities.

gc tourist group


Increase visibility of sustainable tourism operators and raise awareness amongst visitors.



Connect with Us by Oct. 15th

Interested operators need to connect with STAH by filling out the form below by October 15th to be certified for the 2021-2022 year.


Pay Annual Fee & Choose Sustainability Coordinator to Work on Checklist

After filling out the interest form, STAH will connect directly with you and will help you determine your grant eligibility. Operators will then be required to submit their annual fee by no later than November 1, 2021.

During this time, you should be thinking of who you might choose as your company’s Sustainability Coordinator (SC). This can be anyone at your company who is interested in sustainability and is able to undergo the required self-led 8+ hours of training needed for this certification. Once trained, the SC will begin working through your company’s personalized checklist with access to sustainability coaching through STAH. This is considered a journey, a chance to learn more about sustainable/regenerative tourism and how your business can better contribute to this field.


Submit Checklist & Go Through Audit

Once the SC submits the completed checklist for your business, your business will then be assigned a desk audit. If you pass this on-site desk audit, an on-site evaluation is scheduled. This on-site evaluation involves the auditor going on a tour, meeting with your staff, and reviewing the information that is included in the checklist to verify.

If everything checks out, you will receive a STAH Sustainable Tour Operator stamp! This stamp can be used in your marketing to show your commitment to sustainable tourism.

After some time, a ‘Pono Traveler’ (secret shopper) may visit you later in the year as a tour guest. This helps with “quality control” to see if you need additional support in your ongoing commitment!

Benefits Of Certification

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The Scope Of The Certification Evaluation

Definition of Sustainable Tourism Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.[1]

To maximize social and economic benefits to Hawaii’s communities and businesses while respecting, nourishing, preserving and enhancing Hawaii’s natural, cultural and human assets.[2]

Only established operations are evaluated Some operators may plan to construct buildings in the future, rent a location for their operation, or add a product or service. This certification assumes that the operation at the time of evaluation is being certified.

gc sailing beach

Tours have a natural and/or cultural area focus

Eligible tour operators must principally engage in activities which involve guided excursions for the purpose of engaging Hawaii’s natural environment and/or cultural resources.

gc yacht

The whole tour operator company/organization is certified Although tourism businesses in general often offer a wide range of activities, some of which may not be eligible for sustainable tourism certification, in order to obtain STAH certification, all of the company’s operations – including work commissioned to subcontractors – are required to meet the minimum set of sustainability practices outlined.

holokino hawaii canoe ride

Evaluation does not include impacts from air travel Sustainable tourism is difficult for island communities because air travel is required to reach these destinations. The scope of this document includes activities once on an island.

Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawaii Needs You

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Proud To Be Sponsored By

Hawaii Tourism Authority


Sustainable Tourism Association of Hawaii PO Box 491 Kahului, HI 96733

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Eco Tourism Certificates

Select Green Hotels is a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The GSTC manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism and provides international accreditation for sustainable tourism Certification Bodies. Membership is open to all interested parties and does not by itself imply endorsement by the GSTC of the policies and practices of the member organization.

Why are we showcasing eco-labels in addition to our sustainability criteria?

Usually, we strive for minimalism. However, when it comes to inspections by certifications bodies, we think the more the merrier. An eco certificate offers an extra layer of guidance to the traveler and thus helps to make more conscious choices. All hotel certifications that we demonstrate on our site, are following international standards and are officially recognized by the GSTC.


Global Sustainable Tourism Council

The GSTC Criteria form the foundation Accreditation for Certification Bodies that certify hotels/accommodations, tour operators/transport providers, and destinations as having sustainable policies and practices in place. GSTC does not directly certify any products or services; but provides an accreditation program through its partner ASI/Assurance Services International to accredit Certification Bodies.



Green Globe Certification

The Green Globe certification is a structured assessment of the sustainability performance of travel and tourism businesses and their supply chain partners. Businesses can monitor improvements and document achievements leading to certification of their enterprises’ sustainable operation and management.

The Green Globe Standard includes 44 core criteria supported by over 380 compliance indicators. The applicable indicators vary by type of certification, geographical area as well as local factors. The entire Green Globe Standard is reviewed and updated twice per calendar year.



Green Key is a voluntary ecolabel for hotels, hostels, campsites, holiday parks, small accommodations as well as conference centres, attractions and restaurants. The Green Key award is based on compliance with strict criteria in the areas of environmental management (water, energy, waste, cleaning, etc.) and sustainability education (staff, guests, suppliers, etc.). Compliance with the criteria is confirmed through a rigorous application process and verified at on-site audits. The award is valid for one year at a time. Currently (May 2021), more than 3,000 establishments in 60 countries are Green Key awarded. The program is managed by the international charity, the Foundation for Environmental Education. Green Key is endorsed by the World Tourism Organization and its hotel criteria are recognized by Global Sustainable Tourism Council.



GreenSign is the leading sustainability certification for the hotel industry in Europe. The GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) recognized testing system evaluates and documents ecological, social and economic aspects of hotel management in over 100 criteria in eight core areas. This ACTUAL status assessment provides the perfect basis for a continuous improvement process in sustainability. In Germany, GreenSign is the market leader as a sustainability seal for hotels. However, it has also established itself internationally with now over 600 certified hotels in 18 countries.

The five-stage certification system, which was built on international frameworks, is unique in the industry and offers a transparent representation of sustainability in the eight core areas with the GreenSign Sustainability Barometer. The information provided by the hotels is rigorously verified during a personal on-site audit. The sustainability certification is awarded for 3 years, after which a new evaluation and audit take place.


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Seychelles expands Sustainable Tourism Certification to restaurants & tour operators


The Seychelles tourism department has announced that its Sustainable Seychelles Certification Program will now include restaurants and tour operators. Launched in 2012 and rebranded as the Sustainable Seychelles Brand in 2023, the program has significantly promoted sustainability within tourism accommodations. This expansion aims to further embed sustainable practices across the local tourism sector.

The voluntary certification aims to recognise and encourage sustainable practices in Seychelles' food service sector, helping businesses reduce operational costs and attract eco-conscious diners.

Sherin Francis, Principal Secretary for Tourism, expressed enthusiasm for extending the program's benefits beyond accommodations, highlighting strong interest from the sector's stakeholders. The Seychelles tourism department will support interested parties in achieving certification.

Source: Seychelles News Agency

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Why Become a Certified Destination?

Being certified sustainable by a Certification Body that is Accredited means that your destination complies with the highest social and environmental standards on the market. As public concern grows about the harmful effects and the positive impacts of travel and tourism, certification provides you with a credible solution to complex environmental and social issues.

Travel providers should proudly display information regarding their certificate and the certifying body that issued it. Doing so informs your stakeholders — from customers to ownership and to your supply chain — that your business is operated with sound management that looks to the future and not merely at today.

To view destinations that have been certified by a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body, see the GSTC Sustainable Destinations Map .

How To Become Certified: Key Stages

GSTC can assist destinations in the early stages of their journey to sustainability, before they are ready to apply for certification, see the GSTC Destination Program

To become certified, tourist destinations must:

1. Compare and Select a Certification Body Choose from the list below , of “Certification Bodies” that are Accredited or “Certification Schemes” that are committed to partnering exclusively with accredited Certification Bodies.

2. Register and/or Contract with a Certification Body

3. Submit Application/Documentary Evidence to the Certification Body

4. Onsite Audit

5 . Certification issued

The Certification Bodies listed here have been accredited by GSTC to certify destinations. As such, these CBs and their certificate-holders are authorized to display the designated GSTC Logo (upon completion of a licensing agreement with the GSTC).

sustainable tourism certification programs

GSTC-Accredited Certification Bodies for Destinations

EarthCheck 150x150

To be certified by EarthCheck, visit this link to Get Certified by EarthCheck .

Green Destinations

sustainable tourism certification programs

Green Destinations (GD) is a non-profit organisation of experts and destination ambassadors working in 80 countries. GD supports a large community of local, regional and country destination managers and stakeholders, enhancing destination sustainability, market visibility, and tourism quality. The GD Certification Committee supervises certification and benchmark awards (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum) based upon the GSTC- Recognized GD Standard, and other (e.g. national) standards. GD offers destinations and countries with state-of-the-art tools for baseline assessment, monitoring, reporting and strategic development, also in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To be certified by Green Destinations, visit this link to Get Certified by Green Destinations .

sustainable tourism certification programs

To be certified by Vireo Srl, contact them directly at [email protected] or visit this link to Get Certified by Vireo Srl .

  • Certification by a certifying body whose standard is “GSTC-Recognized” does NOT constitute being Certified by GSTC. “GSTC Recognized” relates to a published set of standards and NOT to the process of certification. Click here to learn more about GSTC-Recognized and to view lists of standards that are  Recognized by the GSTC as aligned with the GSTC Criteria.

The above standards have been Accredited as in compliance with the requirements of the GSTC Accreditation Manual. The Accredited mark means that the certification procedures largely meet international standards for transparency, impartiality, and competence.


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    sustainable tourism certification programs

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  5. Seychelles Tourism Grows Certification Program to Include Restaurants and Tour Operators

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  1. Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism

    The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) offers practical insights and expert guidance to assist tourism destinations and businesses implement effective steps and achieve tangible performance goals. The STTP uses the GSTC Criteria, the global standards for sustainability in travel and tourism, as the training curriculum framework ...

  2. Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC): Criteria, Standards

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  3. GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP)

    GSTC Sustainable Tourism Course. Gain in-depth knowledge of the GSTC Criteria, the global standard for sustainability in travel and tourism. Make informed decisions on how to implement sustainability practices for your company or destination. Get ready for developing viable and actionable sustainable tourism policies and practices for your ...

  4. Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Destination Management

    Students typically purchase two course bundles to complete the certificate program for a total cost of $2,700. Because the Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Destination Management is a non-degree program, federally funded student loan programs are not available, and the program is not eligible for deferment of such loans. Grades

  5. GreenStep Sustainable Tourism

    GreenStep Sustainable Tourism provides assessments, programs, and certifications to help tourism destinations and businesses measure and improve their sustainability performance. TAKE THE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM 2030 PLEDGE. ... Global Sustainable Tourism Council training ...

  6. The Global leader in Sustainable Tourism Certification

    Green Globe is the global leader in sustainable tourism certification, offering a comprehensive and credible framework for assessing and improving the environmental, social and economic performance of tourism businesses. Learn how to join the Green Globe network, access the online system, and meet the criteria and indicators for certification.

  7. GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training

    The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) provides the knowledge and tools needed to help improve sustainability practices in travel and tourism. The training covers the GSTC Criteria, the global baseline standards for sustainability in travel and tourism, and provides best practices for businesses and destinations.


    The Green Destinations Standard is the backbone of our Award & Certification program. It is a GSTC-recognised set of criteria to measure, monitor and improve the sustainability policy and management of destinations and regions. It makes sustainable development concrete, objective and demonstrable. In 2020, the 1st GD Standard (developed in 2016 ...

  9. Sustainable Tourism Training Program 2020

    The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) offers practical insights and effective steps to help you improve your sustainability practices, and in 2020 activities went online. Trainees expected to: Gain an in-depth knowledge of the GSTC Criteria, the baseline standard for sustainability in travel and tourism. Make informed decisions ...

  10. Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Tourism

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  11. Certification sustainable tourism

    Auditing and certification for sustainable tourism. CWM is now able to offer auditing and certification for sustainable tourism for the Global Sustainable Tourism Council ( GSTC) standards, one of the most recognised sustainable tourism certification programs for hotels/accommodations, tour operators/transport providers, and destinations.

  12. Hotels/Accommodations

    From 2022 through 2030, all accommodations Türkiye must be certified through a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body. Singapore Tourism Board announced the launch of the Hotel Sustainability Roadmap. By 2025 its goal is for 60% of hotel room stock to achieve hotel sustainability certification through a GSTC-Accredited Certification Body.

  13. Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management

    Certificate Requirements. There are three certificates awarded with this program: TIES Green Certificate: To receive this certificate, you must take and pass the four core courses. TIES Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management: To receive this certificate, you must take and pass the four core courses and six additional course electives.

  14. A Simple User's Guide to Certification for Sustainable Tourism and

    Tourism is an enormous and widespread industry. It is found all over the world, so its impacts, social, economic, and environmental, are also worldwide. These impacts can be positive, doing good, or negative, doing harm. Sustainable tourism usually aims to have minimal negative impacts, to minimize harm, and to optimize economic benefits. Ecotourism, a type […]

  15. Certification

    Unlike other sustainable business certification programs that allow self-assessments and grading, every one of our members are individually assessed by a trained sustainable business expert, who reviews everything from energy efficiency to food sources. ... The Sustainable Tourism Certification shows customers, employees, and fellow business ...

  16. Certifications and Sustainable Tourism

    The choice to commit to certification is an important one for any organization. The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) provides credible, technically sound standards on which sustainable tourism certifications are built and accredits certification programs, ensuring they meet globally recognized standards.

  17. Trainings

    Trainings. In 2019, the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme is starting, with support the French Government, UN Environment and UNWTO, a cycle of online trainings to support tourism practitioners in integrating sustainable consumption and production patterns in their everyday operations. These trainings offer network members (and beyond ...

  18. About the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC)

    The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP), with the support of the Education and Training Working Group, delivers training to managers and practitioners on use of contemporary tools and resources to facilitate the transition to sustainable practices. Training courses are relevant for a wide range of tourism industry professionals ...

  19. Become A Certified Tour Operator

    The certification process ranges depending on the size of your company and your company's needs. # of full-time equivalent employees 1-5 - $250 6-14 - $600 15+ - $1,500. The best way to identify the potential cost is to fill out the form so we can get connected!

  20. Certification for Sustainable Tourism Program

    The Certification for Sustainable Tourism Program is designed for all companies of the tourism sector. However initially in its first stage CST applied only to the hotel and lodge sector as they are labeled as Eco Hotels. Participation in this program is entirely voluntary and CST remains open to all hotels, inns, lodges, resorts that wish to ...

  21. Sustainable Tourism Online Course

    The GSTC Sustainable Tourism Training Program (STTP) provides the knowledge and tools needed to help improve sustainability practices in travel and tourism. The training covers the GSTC Criteria, the global baseline standards for sustainability in travel and tourism, and provides best practices for businesses and destinations. ...

  22. Certificates for Eco Tourism

    Currently (May 2021), more than 3,000 establishments in 60 countries are Green Key awarded. The program is managed by the international charity, the Foundation for Environmental Education. Green Key is endorsed by the World Tourism Organization and its hotel criteria are recognized by Global Sustainable Tourism Council. www.greenkey.global

  23. Seychelles expands Sustainable Tourism Certification to restaurants

    The Seychelles tourism department has announced that its Sustainable Seychelles Certification Program will now include restaurants and tour operators. Launched in 2012 and rebranded as the Sustainable Seychelles Brand in 2023, the program has significantly promoted sustainability within tourism accommodations.

  24. Destination

    GSTC can assist destinations in the early stages of their journey to sustainability, before they are ready to apply for certification, see the GSTC Destination Program. To become certified, tourist destinations must: 1. Compare and Select a Certification Body. Choose from the list below, of "Certification Bodies" that are Accredited or ...