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Permission Letter to Visit a museum

Permission Letter to Visit a Museum

Different schools and other types of organizations organize trips. The purpose of this trip is not always to entertain people always. In schools and other educational institutes, trips are generally educational and the purpose of these trips is to educate students of the school. They are taken to different historical places which they might have studied about in their course. Similarly, some schools take the trip to the museum. The museum is the best place for learning and this is the reason.

What is a permission letter to visit a museum?

The letter written by the management of the school to the parents of the child to take permission from them to take the child on a trip is called a permission letter. Most of the students in school are under 18 years. The law of the state does not allow them to go anywhere without the permission of their parents. Therefore, they cannot go on the trip unless their parents write the permission on the letterhead of the school. The permission written on the letterhead of the school is proof that parents have granted the permission exclusively to the school.

How to write the permission letter?

There is a proper channel through which the permission letter by a school is written and then sent to the parents. For a professional permission letter, below are some guidelines that can be followed:

Announce the trip:

Professional letters are usually written with straightforward information. It means, they don’t include formal sentences. Therefore, it is recommended that as soon as you start this letter, you must announce that the school has organized the trip for kids, and the child of the recipient must also go with the trip.

Tell the type of trip:

Some overprotective parents do not allow their kids to go on a school trip because they think that the trip is the waste of time. So, if the school organizes the kind of trip which is educational and enjoyable at the same time, this should be mentioned in the letter also. It should be told that the trip is educational because it is paying a visit to the museum and therefore, the parents can expect to learn a lot from their children.

Specify what you want the recipient to do:

You should tell the reader emphatically that you want him to write your permission on the letterhead of the school. The parents or guardians must also know that what they should write and how.

Sample letter:

Name of the sender: Contact details of the sender: Address of sender: Designation of the sender in the organization:

Name of the organization: The subject of the letter:

Dear Mr. ABC,

The ABC School has decided to pay a visit to the museum [mention the name of the museum] on 15 th April 20XX. We want to visit the museum because we want to learn more and obtain information about the cultural heritage of our country and lots of other things in history. We believe it is very important to indoctrinate our students with the knowledge of different aspects of history. We assure you that your child will learn a lot after paying a visit to the museum. 

Since this school has the policy to take permission from parents of the child who are willing to go, we are writing this letter to seek permission from you. The trip will be for 4 hours maximum and children will be returned to the school within school hours. The school will organize the trip via its express buses.

We require you to permit us by bringing it in writing on the letterhead of the school. Also, specify the date and time of your permission and affix your signatures there. The last date to send your written permission is 10 th April. Your permission is very important to us because we have to make further arrangements.

Just in case you need to get more information about the trip or anything, please send us your query via email or you can also call us within school hours. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Signatures of the sender


permission to visit the museum letter

Request Letter Template for Permission – Format Sample & Example

For permission for anything from the authority, one needs to write a letter to request permission . The letter will be formal and every detail of the requirements should be mentioned clearly. The details of the person who is requesting the permission and the purpose of the request should be precisely explained. The language will be humble and on a positive note, that can indicate the purpose of using anyone’s property us genuine and gentle, with the guarantee of no harmful means. The format of the letter will be easy and understandable for the reader.

permission to visit the museum letter

When someone is willing to use a particular facility of any authority or an individual, he should have a legal permission of it. Be it a community hall for any celebration or any ground for any kind of assembly.

The requester should write a letter to the authority seeking permission for his requirement.

Request Letter for Permission to Use Facilities

From, Rougue Ftuie Operational Manager RT Solution Pvt Ltd [email protected]

Date: 12/05/2013

To, Sapna Guihati Self Employed 1664- H Block, Offer City, California, USA 3487-2345-789 [email protected]

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am writing this letter to request you for access to the community hall on 6 th of December in the occasion of my brother’s marriage. We have around two hundred guests to be invited and I believe the community hall will be enough space to accommodate the number of guests. Hence I request to the authority to grant permission to use the hall for the mentioned day, and I promise the venue will not be damaged or harmed by any means.

We will take care of its cleanliness and hygiene.

Thank you in advance.

Sincerely, Rougue Ftuie 678-569-9898 Operational Manager RT Solution Pvt Ltd [email protected]

In school or college, classrooms are required of many uses. For extra class or rehearsal, student or teacher may seek permission to use a classroom. Below is an example of a letter to the Principal to request permission for access to a classroom.

Request Letter for Permission to Use Classroom

From, Tommy Cruise 45-T, 11th Floor, Union Society Alaska, USA 879-345-3245 [email protected]

Date: 09/09/2018

To, Romil Desuza 56- G, 6 -T, Basement, California, USA

Dear Romil Desuza,

As you are already aware of that we have organised the “Literature Fest” for this year on 23 rd of June and we have already started the rehearsals. As our current music room is found to be less spacious four accommodating the number of participants, we have decided to practice the skit in KG II classroom, which remains unused every day after 1400 hrs. We will be using it for maximum of two hours per day till the “Literature Fair” and I promise it will be as calm as possible. Please grant permission to access the classroom for a few days, it will be a great help for the students to rehearse.

Thank you for your support.

Sincerely, Tommy Cruise The Literature Committee IVSP School, Noida 789-345-2345, 879-345-3245

If there’s any celebration held or any ceremony is organized, a venue is needed for the requirement. The organizer should seek permission from the authority of the venue.

One should write a letter for permission, explicitly mentioned the purpose and the date it will be availed.

Sample Request Letter for Permission to Use a Venue

From, Sid Robin D - 405, 7th Floor, Alaska, USA, 70001 666-444-8989 [email protected]

Date: 3/9/2009

To, Sunthe Decresa Big Market, Near Great Mall Canada, 5555-4545-982

This I’d to state that we, from the Samriddhi Welfare Society, has organized a donation camp to distribute books to the underprivileged children. For the camp, we will need some space to organize the distribution. Hence, we found the Sampriti Club Ground as a feasible spot to invite the children and held a small cultural function following the distribution. The camp will be held on 5 th September, and I believe the ground will not be used by another party on that day. We will be highly obliged of you grant permission for that day. We promise the ground will not be damaged by any means.

Sincerely, Sid Robin President Samriddhi Welfare Society

For using any particular equipment of any person or any organisation, there should be a permission from the authority.

Below is an example of this letter for permission to use an equipment:

Request Letter for Permission to Use Equipment

From, Vielka Nielsen Ap-7326 Elementum Rd. Fort Smith North Dakota 79637 (836) 342-3454

Date: 12-12-2019

To, Jasper Carney 3423 Lobortis Rd. New Orleans New Hampshire 71983 (111) 123-1232

This is to state that for the construction work of our new building we require a crane with which, we can easily remove the debris. We found it feasible that you reside very close to our construction location, so we can use it and can hand it over immediately after the use. Please mention the amount you will charge on a daily basis. We promise to try our best to avoid any kind of damage to the equipment. We will need it from 23 rd March to 26 th March.

This will be a great help for us.

Sincerely, Vielka Nielsen Gupta Builders

To visit any particular place like a temple or a museum, sometimes special permission is needed from the higher authority. One only has to write a mail with all the details of the writer and his purpose of visit.

Below is a letter for permission to visit such a place:

Request Letter for Permission to Visit

From: Rupesh Bhatia Balia, Beirut, 9870-98456-67 [email protected]

Date: 09/05/2010

To, Bhagel Visht Sangai, Punava India 123-234-3456 [email protected]

This is to state that my Daughter Anukriti Roy and I have this wish to visit the President’s Residence. As we are aware it requires a broad coating of security and we understand the concern, please let us know the actual process and if actually it is possible. I have no other guest with me other than my seven years old daughter. For my background, I am serving in the Government Telecom Sector and my ID and other details are mentioned with the attachment.

Thank you for considering.

Rupesh Bhatia 9870-98456-67 [email protected]

If there’s a request to travel to some unusual place that is otherwise prohibited for unavoidable reasons, one needs to seek special permission from the authority.

In this case, the traveler should write a formal request letter to the authority describing his position and identity. If there’s any reference the person can arrange, there should be a mention of it.

Below is an example of a permission letter for a visit.

Sample Letter of Request for Permission to Travel

From, Nituj Sahgal, Andher Nagri, Udaipur, Near RD Mall [email protected] 654-345-7895

Date: 06/07/2014

To, Aman Ptusht T-3097, 7th Floor Dellas, USA 876-435-9876

I am Purvi Das and I am a frequent traveler to the land of North East and I am eager to travel to Meghalaya state on the middle of June this year. I heard that there is a beautiful view point at Shillong under BSF constituency and BSF only can authorize someone to visit the point. Learning this, I request you to consider my visit in June. I am sure I will experience the serenity with no complaint. I have attached an approval letter from Mr. Jas want Singh, Superintendent of Police, Shilong.  I take all the responsibility for any kind of action.

In addition, I have attached my Ids with this mail for my background check.

Nituj Sahgal, [email protected] 654-345-7895

Request Letter Template for Permission Template in PDF and Word (doc.) Format:


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permission to visit the museum letter

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permission to visit the museum letter

Sample Letter Asking Requesting Or Seeking Permission

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

[Today's Date]

[Recipient's Name]

[Recipient's Title/Position]

[Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Request for Permission [or Specific Permission You're Seeking]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request permission [or specify the type of permission you are seeking] from [Company/Organization Name]. I am [briefly introduce yourself and your role, if applicable, e.g., an employee, a student, etc.].

The purpose of my request is [provide a concise explanation of the reason for seeking permission]. I believe that this [activity or situation] will [mention the positive outcomes or benefits that will arise from obtaining the permission].

I assure you that I will adhere to all the guidelines, policies, and regulations set forth by [Company/Organization Name] while carrying out this [activity or situation]. I am committed to maintaining the utmost professionalism and responsibility throughout the process.

If necessary, I am more than willing to provide any additional information or documentation that may be required to support my request. Moreover, I am open to discussing the details of my proposal at your earliest convenience to address any concerns you might have.

I sincerely value the importance of seeking permission in advance and ensuring that all actions are conducted with integrity and respect for the policies set by [Company/Organization Name]. I understand that your decision may be based on various factors, and I genuinely appreciate your time and consideration of my request.

Please find attached any relevant supporting documents [if applicable]. If there is a specific form or process for seeking such permissions, kindly inform me, and I will comply accordingly.

Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your prompt response, and I hope to receive a positive decision from [Company/Organization Name].

Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address].

Once again, thank you for your attention to this matter.

permission to visit the museum letter

  • Permission Letter Format

A permission letter can be written for a variety of reasons, including requesting leave to go on vacation, attending a ceremony, granting permission to use someone else’s copyrighted work, and so on. In any case, knowing how to draft a permission letter is critical to ensuring that the recipient has the authority to carry out a specified action without legal repercussions. In this article, we will look at the permission letter format along with its sample letters.

Permission Letter

Permission Letter

A permission letter is a formal letter submitted to higher authorities seeking authorization for a specific condition or forthcoming intentions. Always remember to address the letter to the correct person, who has the ability to grant authorization. The language of the letter should be formal and simple; polite terms (may I, could I, shall I) should be used to convey the purpose of the message.

Guidelines to Write a Permission Letter

  • Keep the letter free of grammatical faults and errors.
  • Make sure the wording used in the letter is formal and to the point.
  • Send your request to the appropriate authority.
  • Please provide your contact information for future reference.
  • Make certain that the information you submit, such as your address and contact information, is correct and accurate.
  • Avoid missing the most vital topics by being explicit and addressing your reasons for writing the letter.
  • It’s a good idea to print a duplicate or three copies so you have one for your records.
  • Sign permission letters by hand using only black or blue ink.

Recipient’s Name

Recipient’s Designation

Recipient’s Address

Subject: Requesting permission for ____________

Body of the letter: The first paragraph can describe the letter’s purpose, while the second paragraph can focus on the specifics of the situation at hand.

  • Complimentary Closing

Sender’s Name

Contact Details (if necessary)

Permission Letter Samples

Sample 1 – letter of permission for leave from work.

Senior Project Manager

ACL Technologies

Mumbai – 20

10 th November 2021

Subject: Requesting Permission for Granting Leave

My name is Ravi Mishra, and I work in your team as a Senior Software Developer. And I’m writing to ask for permission to take a three-day leave from November 20th to November 23rd. The reason for my leave is that my cousin is getting married, and I need to travel out of town; the journey will take one day each way.

I will complete the tasks allocated to me, and my absence will have no effect on the ongoing project. For that time, my colleague, Prakash Jha will handle the remainder of the task in my absence.

Looking for a favourable response from you.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

Ravi Mishra

Senior Software Developer

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Sample 2 – Letter of Permission to Work as an Intern

CubiQs Pvt. Ltd.

5 th January 2022

Subject: Seeking Permission for working as an Intern

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am Joel Johnson, a final year student of IT Engineering at XYZ Institute of Technology. I’m writing to express my desire to serve as a Backend Developer intern for your organization for three months. I’ve been learning everything there is to know about coding and have been hoping for an opportunity to work with a thriving firm like yours.

I request you to kindly allow me to be a member of your Development team as this would be an excellent opportunity for me to learn everything there is to know about being a Developer and help me take a significant step further in shaping my future career. I commit to trying my best, dedicating my time to learning, and putting what I learn into practice throughout my time there. I am also sending my résumé, and I am prepared to go through an interview round to demonstrate my abilities and tenacity.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Joel Johnson

Sample 3 – Copyright Permission Request Letter

Anglo Indian Café

34 th Street, Della Adventures

3 rd April 2022

Subject: Request For Use of Copyrighted Material

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope you are well as I write this letter. I’m writing to ask for your formal permission to combine and use the video bytes I shot of your stylish cafe as a YouTube video on my channel.

I am a Vlogger, and your café is one of the greatest in town. If you grant us permission, I would like to promote it in my YouTube video. I truly appreciated your great cuisine and how attentive you were to your clients.

If you allow me permission, I will ensure that all copyright credits are given to you, and I feel we will both profit from our collaboration. At the bottom, I’ve included my email address and a link to my YouTube account.

Thank You For Your Time and Consideration

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What exactly is a permission letter?

Answer. A permission letter is an official letter issued to request permission from your superiors to do or go somewhere. The purpose for requesting permission could be anything, such as requesting leave for vacation, going on a trip, attending a ceremony, and so on.

Q2. How should a Letter of Permission be written?

Answer. Permission letters should be authentic and truthful to the best of your ability. Be specific with your reasons and facts before writing an appealing letter. When writing a permission letter, make sure to include appropriate subject lines and closes.

Q3. What is the Permission Letter Format?

Answer. The Permission Letter Format is as follows:

  • Correct heading
  • Address the intended recipient
  • Recipient’s Address
  • The Letter’s Body

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  • No Due Certificate From Bank

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Rooftop where gunman shot at Trump was identified as a security vulnerability before rally: sources

The rooftop where a gunman shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally was identified by the Secret Service as a potential vulnerability in the days before the event, two sources familiar with the agency’s operations told NBC News.

The building, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said.

“Someone should have been on the roof or securing the building so no one could get on the roof,” said one of the sources, a former senior Secret Service agent who was familiar with the planning. 

Understanding how the gunman got onto the roof — despite those concerns — is a central question for investigators scrutinizing how a lone attacker managed to shoot at Trump during Saturday’s campaign event.

The Secret Service worked with local law enforcement to maintain event security, including sniper teams poised on rooftops to identify and eliminate threats, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. But no officers were posted on the building used by the would-be assassin, outside the event’s security perimeter but only about 148 yards from the stage — within range of a semiautomatic rifle like the one the gunman was carrying.

The Secret Service had designated that rooftop as being under the jurisdiction of local law enforcement, a common practice in securing outdoor rallies, Guglielmi said.Butler County District Attorney Richard Goldinger said his office maintains an Emergency Services Unit team, which deployed four sniper teams and four “quick response teams” at the rally. But he said the Secret Service agents were in charge of security outside the venue. 

“They had meetings in the week prior. The Secret Service ran the show. They were the ones who designated who did what,” Goldinger said. “In the command hierarchy, they were top, they were No. 1.”

Goldinger said the commander of the Emergency Services Unit told him it was not responsible for securing areas outside the venue. “To me, the whole thing is under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service. And they will delineate from there,” he said.

The former senior Secret Service agent also said that even if local law enforcement “did drop the ball,” it’s still the agency’s responsibility “to ensure that they are following through either beforehand or in the moment.”

“Just because it is outside of the perimeter, it doesn’t take it out of play for a vulnerability, and you’ve got to mitigate it in some fashion,” the source added.

Donald Trump Rally Shooting

A volley of shots rang out minutes into Trump’s speech. He reached for his right ear — he said later it was pierced by a bullet — then dropped to the ground as Secret Service agents rushed to shield him. Trump emerged with blood on his ear and his face. One attendee was killed , and two others were injured.Witnesses listening to Trump’s speech from outside the event’s security perimeter recalled pointing out the gunman to law enforcement a couple of minutes before the shooting began. After the gunfire started, Secret Service personnel shot and killed the 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks .

The clamor over the Secret Service’s biggest failure since the shooting of President Ronald Reagan in 1981 is coming from both political parties, from former agents and from security experts.

“My question is: How did he get onto that roof undetected?” said Anthony Cangelosi, a former Secret Service agent who worked on protective details for presidential candidates, including John Kerry in 2004.

The Secret Service’s work on campaign events like Saturday’s begins with advance planning, setting up a security perimeter and positioning teams on the ground and on rooftops — often in partnership with local law enforcement. The ground deployments include a counterassault team, and the rooftop personnel include counter-sniper teams.

Police officers at Donald Trump's Rally

Guglielmi, the Secret Service spokesman, said the agency had two of its counterassault agents at the event and filled out the rest of the platoon with at least six officers from Butler County tactical units. The Secret Service also deployed two counter-sniper teams. Two other security units needed for the event were staffed by local law enforcement agencies, Guglielmi said. Those details were first reported by The Washington Post.Investigators will want to examine the Secret Service’s site security plan for the rally, said Cangelosi, the former Secret Service agent. He expects they’ll discover one of two things: Either officials failed to make an effective plan for keeping potential shooters off the building Crooks fired from, or officers on the ground failed to execute the plan.

“I don’t like making any assumptions, but it does look like some mistakes were made, that this was preventable,” said Cangelosi, now a lecturer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York.

Although it’s common to task local law enforcement agencies with patrolling outside an event’s security perimeter, Cangelosi said, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that all vulnerabilities are covered rests with the Secret Service.

If officials had placed an officer on the building where the gunman fired from, Cangelosi said, chances are he “wouldn’t even attempt what he attempted.”

“You don’t surrender the discretion of what’s supposed to be done to the local police,” he said. “In other words, you guys have the outer perimeter, but you would want to say, ‘We need an officer on that roof.’ Not ‘that’s your responsibility; do what you see fit.’”

Jim Cavanaugh, a retired special agent in charge with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who has worked on Secret Service details, told NBC News that while the Secret Service did a good job taking out the gunman after shots began, the failure to post officers on the building he scaled was “a tremendous lapse.”

“The only way to stop that is you have a lot of people, you get there first, and you command the high ground,” Cavanaugh said. “This is basic, and the Secret Service has done it for years successfully, so I’m really surprised that they did not have that high ground covered.”

Police snipers at Donald Trump's Rally

The questions extended to Congress, where members demanded answers from the Secret Service and its parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security.“This raises serious concerns regarding how a shooter was able to access a rooftop within range and direct line of sight of where President Trump was speaking,” House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., wrote in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Green asked Mayorkas to provide documentation relating to the event’s security plan, the screening of attendees and the level of resources provided to Trump’s Secret Service detail. A committee spokesperson told NBC News that Republican members would hold a briefing with Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle on Monday “to voice their concerns and ask pressing questions.”

Another lawmaker, Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., wrote Cheatle asking who approved the security plan, whether a proper threat assessment was conducted, whether attendees raised alarms and whether there were failures in following protocols that allowed the attack to happen.

“I call on all those responsible for the planning, approving, and executing of this failed security plan to be held accountable and to testify before Congress immediately,” Gallego wrote in a letter to Cheatle .

Robert McDonald, a former Secret Service agent who ran protection for Joe Biden when he was vice president, told NBC News that he believes the assassination attempt will prompt soul-searching and procedural changes at the agency.

“The Secret Service is going to need to ask some hard questions of itself here and be prepared to stand up and represent why, what happened,” McDonald said.

Election 2024 Trump

Cangelosi, the former Secret Service agent, said investigators are also likely to ask when agents identified Crooks as a potential threat, how they reacted and whether it’s possible they could have taken him down before he fired at Trump.Secret Service snipers are trained to make rapid decisions, he said. But it’s possible that if they noticed Crooks on the roof but couldn’t tell whether he had a rifle, agents might have waited to fire on him.

“If the sniper can’t tell whether he has a gun, he or she is not going to take the shot,” Cangelosi said. “Because God forbid it’s a child who’s just excited to see a political candidate, right? So you want to make sure that there’s actually a threat.”

If there was uncertainty, Cangelosi said, it’s possible the sniper team would have dispatched officers to investigate and confirm. But investigating a potential threat can take minutes, he said, while a gunman with a semiautomatic rifle can fire several shots in a matter of seconds.

That’s why, Cangelosi said, the best defense would have been to plan ahead to keep the shooter off the roof in the first place.

“Who wants to be in that position?” he said of the snipers protecting Trump on Saturday. “You’ve got to make a split-second call. And imagine if you’re wrong.”

Sarah Fitzpatrick is a senior investigative producer and story editor for NBC News. She previously worked for CBS News and "60 Minutes." 

permission to visit the museum letter

Julia Ainsley is the homeland security correspondent for NBC News and covers the Department of Homeland Security for the NBC News Investigative Unit.

permission to visit the museum letter

Mike Hixenbaugh is a senior investigative reporter for NBC News, based in Maryland, and author of "They Came for the Schools."

permission to visit the museum letter

Andrea Mitchell is chief Washington correspondent and chief foreign affairs correspondent for NBC News.

permission to visit the museum letter

Jon Schuppe is an enterprise reporter for NBC News, based in New York.

Chinese calligraphy artist Bong Wai Chen honored at Portland Chinatown Museum

  • Updated: Jul. 16, 2024, 7:01 a.m.
  • | Published: Jul. 16, 2024, 7:00 a.m.

Bong Wai Chen exhibition

Bong Wai Chen's calligraphy and artwork will be on display until Oct. 27 at the Portland Chinatown Museum. Pictured is Bong Wai Chen's "The Virtue of Hui" on rice paper, which was gifted to his wife, Virginia Chen. Chiara Profenna

  • Chiara Profenna | The Oregonian/OregonLive.com

Standing in the “ Bong Wai Chen: Reframing Tradition ” exhibition at the Portland Chinatown Museum , Stephen Chen is taken back to the early 1960s when he would watch his father paint butterflies and horses, each brushstroke a precise and perfected moment in time.

“He was known for his horses and bamboo,” said Stephen Chen, viewing his father’s art on display. “If you saw him paint, you would see how each stroke is one stroke, as soon as the ink touches the paper, that’s it.”

At the opening reception for “ Bong Wai Chen: Reframing Tradition ” on May 18, his four surviving children, Stephen Chen, Spencer Chen, Serena Chen and Sabrina Lozano, saw their father’s work displayed in a gallery for the first time.

They came together again Saturday, July 13, for a reception at the Portland Chinatown Museum and a reunion for Chinese Language School students at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association office. Honoring Bong Wai Chen’s legacy, the afternoon was filled with stories from his life, memories from language school and joyful reconnections between family and friends.

Bong Wai Chen exhibition

Stephen Chen, Sabrina Lozano, Serena Chen and Spencer Chen pose in front of a mural painted by their father, Bong Wai Chen. Chiara Profenna

Bong Wai Chen rose to prominence in Portland in the 1950s and was known for his traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. During the 17 years he lived in Portland, Bong Wai Chen worked as a greeter at Chinese Village Restaurant, a principal for the Chinese Language School and in 1960, he opened the Chinese Art Studio all in Chinatown.

As an authority on Chinese calligraphy, Bong Wai Chen taught art classes in his studio, lectured on the theory and practice of calligraphy and provided demonstrations for schools and cultural events during his time in Portland. He is also regarded as a pioneer for cultural understanding and exchange, family members said.

From 1950 to 1967, Bong Wai Chen, his wife, Virginia Chen, and four of his children, Stephen, Spencer, Serena and Sabrina, lived in Portland. Stanford Chen, the artist’s second-born son who was raised by Bong Wai Chen’s older brother and wife in Oakland, California, died in 1999.

In 1967, the family returned to Oakland after Bong Wai Chen was diagnosed with kidney cancer. He died shortly after on Feb. 12, 1968. By supplying artwork from their own personal collections for the Portland exhibition, Bong Wai Chen’s children were able to reconnect with their father and each other.

Bong Wai Chen exhibition

A historic photo, from Serena Chen's collection, shows the Chen family in the early 1950s. From left to right: Stephen Chen, Bong Wai Chen, Spencer Chen, Serena Chen and Virginia Chen. Chiara Profenna

“Through this, we’ve learned so much history about our own parents, our lives, and each other that has enriched our stories,” Sabrina Lozano said.

The exhibition, curated by Roberta May Wong, is a retrospective on the art and life of Bong Wai Chen. In the gallery, dozens of pieces featuring landscapes, animals and calligraphy display his work. A smaller room in the museum includes images from Bong Wai Chen’s life, showing news clips and photographs from events, his store and calligraphy tools he used during his lifetime.

The first piece visitors see as they enter the museum is a letter written by Bong Wai Chen to his wife, Virginia Chen, in Chinese calligraphy. The piece is titled, The Virtue of Hui,” and is signed with butterflies, a repeating motif in his art, symbolizing freedom and evolution, said Sabrina Lozano.

“The piece — you see it when you walk in — is actually a love note from him to her,” Sabrina Lozano said. “And in it he basically thanks her for all for putting up with his ambition … and leading such a simple life.”

The artwork is dated a few months before the family moved back to Oakland in 1967. The calligraphy is shaky, said Spencer Chen, who realized his father knew he was dying as he wrote the love letter to his wife.

“When my dad died, I was 8,” Sabrina Lozano said. “So I stayed with my mother quite a bit at home and at some point, she said to me, ‘One day I hope we could have an exhibit of dad’s work in one place.’ I think that’s why it’s so special. We finally get to fulfill her dream.”

Following the viewing, the family reunited with classmates at the Chinese Language School reunion, where Bong Wai Chen served as the first official principal. Click here to read more about the event.

Learn more about Bong Wai Chen here or visit the Portland Chinatown Museum at 127 N.W. Third Ave., open 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday - Sunday. “ Bong Wai Chen: Reframing Tradition ” will be on display until Oct. 27.

— Chiara Profenna covers religion, faith and cultural connections. Reach her at 503-221-4327; [email protected] or @chiara_profenna

The Oregonian/OregonLive receives support from the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust to bring readers stories on religion, faith and cultural connections in Oregon. The Oregonian/OregonLive is solely responsible for all content.

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Pollinators are attracted to Swamp milkweed by color and scent..JPG

The Nature Museum in Grafton will present "Pollinators, Plants, and People," at the Westminster West Church on Sunday.

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Nature Museum features 'Pollinators, Plants, and People'

  • Jul 16, 2024

WESTMINSTER WEST — The Nature Museum in Grafton will present "Pollinators, Plants, and People," an evening featuring Dr. Robert Michael Pyle, the founder of the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.

The event will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 21, at the Westminster West Church in Westminster West. This event is co-sponsored by The Vermont Biodiversity Alliance, the Living Earth Action Group, and the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center

Pyle is an author, teacher, poet and naturalist, renowned for his groundbreaking work in butterfly ecology and conservation. He is the author of numerous acclaimed books, including "The Audubon Society Field Guide to Butterflies." His insights into the interconnectedness of plant-insect-bird coevolution and its implications for human stewardship of the environment make this event a must-attend for anyone interested in conservation and biodiversity.

“Robert Michael Pyle’s visit comes at an exciting time for The Nature Museum as we restore our nearby wetland to improve habitat for pollinators and many other species,” said Nikolas Katrick, executive director of the museum, in a news release. “We’re excited to host him in Vermont, share our community with him, and hear his stories and poetry.”

The evening will include a presentation by Dr. Pyle, where he will share insights drawn from decades of research and activism. Attendees will learn how even small acts of stewardship can have a profound impact on local ecology and contribute to the broader health of the planet.

Admission to the event is by donation, with a free option available, and pre-registration is requested due to limited seating. To register and secure your place, visit The Nature Museum’s website, www.nature-museum.org .

The next evening, join Dr. Pyle on Monday, July 22, at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Square Booksellers, Bellows Falls, for a poetry reading reflecting on the presence of nature in our lives.

This event is made possible through the support of The Vermont Biodiversity Alliance, the Living Earth Action Group, and the Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center, organizations committed to promoting environmental awareness and conservation practices in our community.


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In an Outback Town, Praising the Lord and Improvising the Details

For some churches, it’s all about music. Others translate scripture into Indigenous languages or enlist local artists to depict Bible stories in their own way.

By Julia Bergin

A minibus drives on a red dirt road through a vast, open landscape.

The Australia Letter is a weekly newsletter from our Australia bureau. Sign up to get it by email.This week’s issue is written by Julia Bergin, a reporter based in the Northern Territory.

The brick building and gabled roof of the Baptist Church was the backdrop for the service in the outback town of Yuendumu on a recent Sunday. Twenty parishioners — eight men and 12 women — sat out in the full sun, as they often do, in plastic chairs, flipping through a 64-page booklet of songs looking for the next hymn.

“Number 34!” suggested one worshiper, which was followed by whispers of “What page?” and chuckles of “No idea.” There was no formal choir but everyone sang, while one parishioner accompanied the music on an acoustic guitar.

Yuendumu, a remote Aboriginal community about a three-hour drive north from Alice Springs, has a population of roughly 750. It is home to two churches: the Baptists, who took up residence in 1947 after Yuendumu was established by the Australian government as a ration and welfare settlement, and the more recent United Pentecostal Church.

The community is a microcosm of Christianity in Central Australia, where many denominations, including the Catholics, Lutherans and Mormons, are present. And like elsewhere, they diverge in how they practice their beliefs in remote Indigenous settings.

For some, it’s all about music. Others translate scripture into Indigenous languages or enlist local artists to depict Bible stories in their own way. And overall, churches are far more unstructured, relaxed and D.I.Y. than their big-city counterparts.

At the Yuendumu Baptist Church, the pastor is Eddie Jampijinpa Robertson, an elder from the local Warlpiri tribe. As the congregation worked through the songbook, he kept musical time, tapping his heel on the ground and tapping his knee with his hand. Everyone volunteered for prayers and readings and the parishioners took turns — a woman, then a man — to recite in both English and in Warlpiri.

“Who’s reading it?” asked Tess Napaljarri Ross, another community elder. There was no response. Ms. Ross suppressed a smile and said, “Oh, I’ll do it.”

When she finished, it was the turn of Clancy Jangala Watson, the guitar player. Everyone waited patiently for him to open his eyes, raise his head, and start reading, but it soon became clear he was deep in silent prayer.

“Clancy. Clancy!” several people piped up. “It’s not time for prayer, you’ve got to read.”

Danny Hunt, a Melbourne-based missionary, was seated among the congregation. He and his wife, Beth, have visited three times a year over the past three years as support workers for the church. Their role, he said, is “simply to be there” and assist with whatever local leaders have planned, which he adds, is typically decided during service.

“While the missionaries in the past would have been seen as the pastor or the leader, that’s not the case now,” Mr. Hunt said, pointing both hands toward Mr. Robertson. “We’re not the permission givers and we’re not the experts. We learn more than we teach.”

Other denominations have also had to adapt. The Mormon stricture against hot drinks , for instance, is hard to apply in settings where cups of tea are consumed in abundance. In some Pentecostal denominations, women are not supposed to cut their hair , but in Indigenous culture, when someone passes away and the mourning rituals known as Sorry Business ensues, women are culturally obligated to cut it off.

Despite the differences between Aboriginal culture and Christianity, community members said the two were complementary, and straightforward to practice because they were eternal and fixed — in contrast with government policies, which were sometimes frustratingly mutable.

“Our culture never changes. God’s law never changes. But government law, there’s too much change,” Mr. Robertson said.

As the Sunday sun set in Yuendumu, the Pentecostal congregation gathered for its own evening service. There’s no building as such, just a motor home, two raised shipping containers strung together with a tarp, and a circle of 15 chairs around an open fire. Only four were occupied.

Reading in English directly from the Bible, the Rev. Col French recited to his audience of three the story of David and Goliath. He paused plenty of times to explain things like the size of the giant — “Nearly as tall as that container” — made sweeping hand motions to signal rivers and valleys and signed off all explanations with either “Does that make sense?” or “Praise the Lord.”

Murmurs of “mmm” and “yea” were just audible over the loud hum of a generator. It was noisy yet peaceful, and very different from the teaching style and tone of the Baptist church.

But that too, had rapidly changed since the morning service.

A keyboard, an electric guitar, a sizable amplifier and a portable microphone had all been enlisted for an impromptu gospel night referred to as singalong. Mr. Hunt said it was exactly what the church had been designed for.

“It’s like an open performance space. They might open the windows or set up a fire outside, someone will take the microphone, maybe talk about the song, then they’ll crank up the volume and just jam. They really love their music,” he said.

Here are this week’s stories.

Australia and New Zealand

It Turns Out the Picassos Anchoring a Gallery’s Exhibit Were Not by Picasso . The Museum of Old and New Art in Australia claimed to have placed several Picassos inside a women’s restroom to protest a court ruling against the women-only exhibit. The curator now says they were fake.

How an Australian Schooled in Cricket Became a Blossoming Baseball Star . On Sunday, Travis Bazzana will be the first Australian-born player selected in the first round of the Major League Baseball draft.

Around The Times

They Called It ‘Improper’ to Have Women in the Olympics. But She Persisted . A century ago, Alice Milliat fought for the inclusion of female athletes in the Olympics. Her contribution, long overlooked, is now being recognized.

A Mammoth First: 52,000-Year-Old DNA, in 3-D . A “fossil chromosome” preserves the structure of a woolly mammoth’s genome — and offers a better grasp of how it once worked.

‘ Eno’ Review: Creativity, 52 Billion Billion Ways . A new documentary about the groundbreaking artist Brian Eno breaks its own ground, too.

Thermonuclear Blasts and New Species: Inside Elon Musk’s Plan to Colonize Mars. SpaceX employees are working on plans for a Martian city, including dome habitats, spacesuits and researching whether humans can procreate off Earth. Mr. Musk has volunteered his sperm.

Are you enjoying our Australia bureau dispatches? Tell us what you think at [email protected] .

Like this email? Forward it to your friends (they could use a little fresh perspective, right?) and let them know they can sign up here .

Around the World With The Times

Our reporters across the globe take you into the field..

The Chinese Base That Isn’t There: China insists it is not building a naval base in Cambodia. Before and after satellite images suggest otherwise .

Transforming Russia From Afar:  A crime novelist exiled in London hopes that fomenting a vibrant Russian culture abroad  might undermine President Vladimir Putin’s government.

Colombia’s Cocaine Problem: Even as cocaine production surges in Colombia, the country is facing tectonic shifts  as a result of domestic and global forces that are reshaping the drug industry.

India’s New Gilded Age: The son of India’s richest man wed his fiancée in Mumbai , the finale of a monthslong extravaganza that offered a peek inside India’s uppermost echelons .

Playing the Game Her Way: A professional soccer player wanted to wear her hijab on the field. France wouldn’t let her, so she joined a team in Saudi Arabia .

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How to visit Space Research Center at SHAR, Sriharikota

Visit to SHAR, Sriharikota

This post was last updated on 22nd April 2019

Satish Dhawan Space center in Sriharikota is one of the 2 rocket launch centers in India. This state of the art facility is maintained by Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and is the main base for India’s space flight programs. The space station is open to visitors but the facility tour is limited to assembly buildings, launch pads, launch pedestals, mission control and launch control centers (MCC and LCC) and the space museum. This is worth the visit to admire and appreciate the efforts made by India in the space research. You can visit Sriharikota to watch a rocket launch live too, but the facilities at SHAR are closed for visitors at that time due to security reasons. If you would like to watch a launch, you can read my blog on How to watch a rocket launch in Sriharikota, India or How to register for Chandrayaan-2 launch .

Who can visit SHAR at Sriharikota?

  • School/ Colleges : If you belong to a school/ college; you can go for a field trip with your teachers.
  • Guest of an employee : If you know someone working in SHAR/ ISRO, they can take you along with visitor pass.
  • Indian nationals registering for rocket launch: Indian nationals can now register on the SHAR website to witness rocket launches from a viewing gallery. Registration can be done on their website https://www.shar.gov.in/VSCREGISTRATION/index.jsp a few days before launch.

In first 2 cases, someone from SHAR will be assigned to give you a tour of the facility. Under any circumstances, one is not allowed to visit SHAR unaccompanied. The facility is well guarded by CISF and there are more than 12 watch towers for security reasons.

Procedure to visit SHAR through school or college

School or college students who want to visit SHAR need to follow these steps:

  • Request your principal to send a mail to SHAR
  • Get a confirmation from SHAR and list of required documents
  • Submit the required details through email or FAX
  • On the date of your visit, reach 30 min before your scheduled time
  • Request your principal to send a mail to [email protected] mentioning the school would want to go for a trip to SHAR, ISRO. If you are an individual, you can get a permission letter from the principal and attach it along with your mail. A sample of both letters is attached here: Permission letter to visit SHAR, Satish Dhawan Space Museum, Sriharikota- School Trip Permission letter to visit SHAR, Satish Dhawan Space Museum, Sriharikota- Individual Student The mail would be in the lines of:
To, Mr.Gopikrishna, Head, Public Outreach and Space Museum, Satish Dhawan Space Center, SHAR Sriharikota – 524124 Date: Dear Sir, Subject: Permission to visit Space Museum and facilities at SHAR <School/ College Name> located at <Address, City> would like to visit Space Museum and the other facilities at Satish Dhawan Space Center for an educational tour. I believe that visiting a facility like SHAR would inspire them in science and the experience will stay with them through their life. We would like to visit on <Date>. If this date is not feasible, please suggest an alternate date in the same week. Your cooperation in this regard is solicited. With Regards, (<Principal Name>) <School/ College>
  •  You will get a reply from SHAR detailing the date, time of reporting and other details for the visit. You will be required to submit details of every person visiting SHAR (including bus crew, teachers). Details should include name, age, father’s name, address and contact no. Visit to Space Museum SHAR, Sriharikota – Guidelines Some of the main points in this are:
  • Only Indian nationals are allowed inside ISRO premises. So if the school/ college has international students, please ensure you do not take them along.
  • Photography is strictly prohibited: For obvious security reasons, camera, camcorders, recorders, phones etc are not allowed inside the SHAR premises. You can deposit them at the main gate with the security and get a acknowledgment token.
  • You will need to have your own vehicle. The facility is huge and one needs a vehicle to go around. You will need to keep one seat for the tour guide who will accompany you.
  • SHAR being in the forest area has a threat of honeybees. Do not plan to wear bright/highly colorful dresses, deodorants /Body Sprays/perfumes etc.

Submit the required details through email or FAX.

On the date of your visit, reach 30 min before your scheduled time because everyone will need to get an entry permit. Also, you will have to arrange your own food/ snacks depending on the time of your visit. You can go to Sullurupeta after the visit for lunch/ dinner. The tour usually lasts for 3 hours. Though the Sullurpeta town does not have many touristy activities, you can plan your visit around Jan/ Feb when tourism department hosts a Flamingo Festival in the Pulicat lake which surrounds the facility. Viewing towers are constructed and boating is arranged for visitors to view the migratory birds who flock in thousands during this time. If you have been to Space Research Center and would like to share your experience, do post a comment and let us know 🙂


Hello Ma’am, we are travelling from Bangalore to see the launch on 14th. Is there transportation available from Sriharikota bus stand to the launch view gallery?

Hi Siddharth, Sorry, I do not have any idea on that. Since it is not in city, you may have to reserve an auto and go. There could be shared autos running before and after the launch. Regards, Priyanka

Hi Siddharth,

There is public transport available from Sullurupeta to SHAR too. I have got confirmation on this.

Regards, Priyanka

Hello madam,

Any idea on public transportation from Sullurpeta rly stn to SHAR visitors gallery ?

Hi Shankar, Sorry, I do not have any idea on that. Since it is not in city, you may have to reserve an auto and go. Regards, Priyanka

we have a group of 50 students and wishing to have an educational visit on SCSC. Kindly help me to contact the right person for making this visit possible.

Would you inform the date of next satellite launch

Hi Kanthimathivel,

No, I will not update the blog everytime there is a launch planned. You can keep yourself updated through these sites:

ISRO website: http://www.isro.gov.in/ SHAR website: https://www.shar.gov.in ISRO Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ISRO/ SpaceFlight Now: https://spaceflightnow.com/launch-schedule/

Hope it helps! Priyanka

Hey Priyanka,

This is Swapnil am a college student of The Maharaja Sayajirao University from Vadodara. I had a query, just wanna ask that if we wanna arrange a visit to the space center (SHAR) then is it mandatory that a faculty from the college should accompany us or only group of students will be okay

Hi Swapnil,

A faculty was required. However, I am not sure if they have started allowing visits post-covid. You will need to mail or call SHAR and find it out.

Hello ma’am I’m Aayushi We are thinking about visit ISRO as group of friends not from educational institution … Can we ?

No Aayushi. SHAR does not allow visitors unless they are educational tours.

Hi Priyanka,

This is Vivek from Bangalore, we want to visit the center as a family. Is it allowed as per your info, and is the procedure same?

Not sure. General public was only allowed for the launch in any case. You need to get in touch with someone at IISC/SHAR who can help you get visitor’s pass to visit inside. I am not sure if they are doing that now in COVID times.

is Mr.Gopikrishna, the head of, Public Outreach and Space Museum,…???? or whom should we email in alternative..what is the email of the public outreach office??

Already send the letter to visit SHAR in one month ago .As a reminder today also I send a letter . But no reply from your side. Pls help me.

Please contact SHAR directly. I do not have any connections there.

Allready send the letter to visit. But no reply from ur side. Pls help me Madhu [email protected]

Dear Mam, We are from Hyderabad. we are from Spring Dale’s High School.On 28th October 2019 We sent you a mail to visit SHAR but we didn’t receive any reply from you. Please check our mail and reply as early as possible.

Thanking You Spring Dale’s High School. 9246364021 / 9849096125

Hi, I am not fro SHAR. Please contact them directly, I have mentioned their website in the blog where you can check their contact details. I do not have any connections there.

We are from Warangal. Our school name is Maatrusri High School. Our childrens want to visit SHAR. so pls help me what is process to visit. Thanking you Madhu 7093625012

Hi Madhu, Process is written in the blog post. Please read carefully. Regards, Priyanka

Hi Mam, We already sent requisition letter. In that we wrongly mention the date of 20.12.2019 instead of 13.12.2019, so please help us to clear the problem.

Thanks for the details. I am from Chennai. My son and daughter are studying in class 7 and class 3.

I want to take them to visit SHAR, Sriharikota during november, 2019.

Can I take them directly? What are the procedures to be followed?

Please guide me.

Srinivasan V

Hello Mr.Srinivasan,

SHAR does not allow family visits. Your kids can visit only through educational school trips; or if you have some personal contact in ISRO who can arrange it for you.

Hope this helps, Priyanka

There is a launch scheduled on Nov 26. How to register to view from Gallery?

How many students are allowed inside sriharikota from a school trip

Hi Priyanka, I need a small clarity on the age or class of students who can visit and witness the launch pad. Regards Suman

I don’t think there is any age limit because my friends who visited during Chandrayaan-2 launch said very young kids were also present in the gallery.

An article earlier had mentioned that kids below 10 well but be allowed, but apparently that’s not being enforced.

Namaste Mam,

I am from Chennai and would like to organise this visit for my school students. Is there any entry fees that we need to pay for the students ?

There are no charges to be paid to ISRO/SHAR for school visits. But you need to follow the procedure and get permission before visiting.

Hope this helps! Priyanka

Respected mam : I am charan from. C. B. I. T institute of technology and science which was in kadapa district .we are of 55 students are really willing to visit SHAR. I have a doubt mam like we can mail an formal letter from our college as per instructions then can we expect that the permission will granted for us mam, if by any chance it was doubted then pls help us by saying an alternate way to get permission to visit mam. Thank you mam.

That is the procedure. You will need to mail them and then wait for their reply or follow up on phone.

Hello Madam,

Is it possible to visit the center with family. I do not have any known person there. Please let me know.

Sorry there is no way to visit with family, unless you register to see one of the launch from the launch gallery.

for which could i forward my permission letter, details please

dear sir/madam…we are from telangana , warangal….of christhu jyothi institute of technology students ..we want to vist ISRO for our knowledge ,please provide me details of contact and mails….

Reg, madhu k [email protected] 9949407694

All the details are mentioned in the blog post.Pls read it carefully and follow the steps.

I am from AGRA(UP). I am a teacher in Senior secondary school. School makes plan visit ISRO but we are from utter pradesh (india). if possible please provide us any tour operator contact number which help us during visit like food, hotel for students, transport in Banglore.

Hello Mr.Dinesh,

I do have any contact with tour operators. You may want to check with tour operators in Agra who can get the entire trip done for you.

Best Regards, Priyanka

Dear Sir , we are a Leading travel agent in Indore , we can conduct this trip from any where . U are from Agra , we can Pickup from Agra for ISRO

Dear Mr.Dinesh,


You may get in touch with us for school tours and trips.

Regards, Ajay Dhiman, Himanalayanone Expeditions, Chandigarh, 9464341601.

* Himalayanone Expeditions

Hello Dinesh,

Greetings from Brainspark educational services offering wide range of services in education sector that includes school trips. we offers trips to SDSC(SHAR) and other places including food and accommodation. Please send me your requirements so that ill get back to you with all details of the visit.

Send your requirement to ‘[email protected]’ or you can contact by dialing to +91 8639159382.

Regards, Rajesh, Business development manager, Brainspark educational services, Hyderabad.

Dear Priyanka ,

I am Priyankush from Bangalore and want to visit the space museum etc. as a tourist . How can I go there and visit the places which are open to public ? I have asked one of my friend in ISRO also on this . Do you know the procedure ?

Regards , Priyankush Mobile – +919632366633

Hi Priyankush,

SHAR-ISRO does not entertain tourists. The only way to visit SHAR is through some contact inside SHAR; or as a part of educational tour. You can visit Sriharikota for rocket launches, but the other facilities are not open for public.

I am a student of govt.polytechnic, Nellore. Me and my friends are planning for the visit to sdsc shar.Only 5 members are planning for the visit.Hence This is not a school trip,how should we proceed?Please reply! What is the procedure we have to follow

Hi Rithesh,

You still have to get the letter signed by your principal and get approval from SHAR. The procedure is same as written in the blog.

Respected mam/sir, i am vivek Patil, a proud Indian & proud of what our scientist achieve in the field of space, i want to visit a SDSC, Shri harikota centre for taking information about space. it is my dream to visit this space centre, can i get my dream come true, as i don’t know any one working inside. i am waiting for your reply, please also tell me the procedure of applying for visit, if there any.

I dont know anyone in SHAR. If you are a student, you need to go through the principal. If not, you can visit SHAR during one of the rocket launches. The Space Museum is not open to public yet during the launch, but they plan to open it in future. You can see the details in the blog post https://coveringmiles.com/visit-space-research-center-shar-sriharikota/

Good Evening How to visit sriharikota in the month of 14th September 2019. Please guide us We are 2 people THANKYOU

There are only 2 ways for general visitor to enter SHAR. You either need to have some SHAR staff take you inside, or you can register to go when there is a rocket launch. ISRO has recently opened its doors for general public to see launches. Registration for Chandrayaan-2 mission opened today.You can check https://coveringmiles.com/register-for-chandraayan-mission-launch/ for details.

Hope it helps. Priyanka

I would have the following two questions please:

1) I understand that foreign nationals (non Indians) are not allowed to enter and visit SHAR. Is it correct? By SHAR, does it mean the whole island or some areas are still accessible (such as the Space museum for example)?

2) What would be the best place to watch the launch in that case? Would it be the area of the bird sanctuary?

Thanks, Alex

Yes Alex. Foreign nationals are not allowed inside the SHAR premises; which includes Space Museum. Best place for you to watch it would be near Environmental Education Center as mentioned in my blog post: https://coveringmiles.com/watch-rocket-launch-sriharikota-india/

Some of the scientists inside SHAR mention that the launch is better visible from this place than inside SHAR 🙂

Hi, we want to take our school children to SHAR, what is the maximum number they will allow. And Who is present Head, of Public Outreach and space Museum.

Hi Mr.Manohar,

Please check the SHAR website https://www.shar.gov.in/sdscshar/phonebook.jsp for details.

Thanks, Priyanka

We are 6 and working in Sulekha.com in Chennai, we would like to visit our SHAR, kindly suggest us how to get permission to visit.

Hi Kaliraj,

There are only 2 ways for general visitor to enter SHAR. You either need to have some SHAR staff take you inside, or you can register to go when there is a rocket launch. ISRO has recently opened its doors for general public to see launches. Registration opens a week before any launch.

Hi, I would like to visit with my family members (15 ) people. Should I follow the same instruction? Or

Regards Jayabal

If you are viewing the launch from outside, then yes.

hello mam i am not a student ,i am interested to visit , how to apply for visit pass

You cannot visit Ganesh unless you know someone inside SHAR who can get you visitor’s pass.

Hello ma’am Can I visit to ISRO or SHAR with my siblings and parents?

No, unless you get permission through your principal and appoint your parents as guardian for the trip.

i am from travel agency. i want to send group of 15 school students. i have sent a mail to GROUP HEAD , MSA, ISRO How much time it will take to get conformation.

I am a blogger. You need to follow up with the concerned authorities at SHAR/ISRO on this.

I am a student, want to visit SHAR ,Shriharikota with my father if my school principal give permission.

Hi Somnath,

You will need to check with SHAR if they allow parents along with students. Pls write to them directly.




madam entry of museum is only in jan&feb months or any els .

You can go in any month, but you have to get permission. Follow the steps provided in the blog.

hello mam please send your contact

You can mail me on [email protected] . However, I am not a SHAR employee. You will have to follow the steps mentioned in the blog or call the space research museum no. from the numbers mentioned on http://www.shar.gov.in/sdscshar/phonebook.jsp

hello sir i am a engineering student ,i interest to visit , how to apply visit pass

I am only a blogger who has mentioned how to visit SHAR. You need to follow the steps mentioned in this post to get permission.

All the best, Priyanka

if i send them the mail today, when will they call me to visit? after how many days approximately?

You need a send a mail with your preferred date and they will let you know if you can visit then. I hope you are sending the mail through your school/college principal.

I am a medical student Am I allowed to visit sriharikota with permission of my principal

Yes, as long as you are an Indian citizen studying in an Indian college; you can visit Sriharikota with permission letter.

Hope you have a good trip:) Priyanka

Is it possible to have an individual visit, if it is then please tell how it works.

It is not possible visit as an individual, unless you know some staff who can take you inside.

Can I get mail ID of the ISRO to visit?

Hi Sathish,

You can visit Satish Dhawan Space Research Center in Sriharikota if you are a student. You can write to Mr.Gopikrishna on [email protected] and seek permission for the same. A format of the letter is posted in the blog.

I have sent a mail to the email id provided here but it has bounced back. Any other email id to contact ?

I am sorry for the late reply, I was travelling. You will need to call up the space museum phone no. (08623) 226104 and get the email ID on which you can send the request mail.

Hope it helps! Thanks, Priyanka

The email ID mentioned ([email protected]) is correct. I checked with the authorities and mails are being received on this ID. Maybe there was some temporary issue with the same.

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Alaska Public Media

This museum exhibit is a love letter to AK’s boarding culture | State of Art

permission to visit the museum letter

Skateboarding and snowboarding both have colorful and complex histories in Alaska. From homemade rigs to backyard shreds, boarders have built a whole culture of creativity and ingenuity around riding. Now there’s a new exhibit showcasing this culture and the energy of this group in the Anchorage Museum. The exhibit, Northern Boarders , features photos, videos, decks and boards from all over the state, giving visitors just a brief glimpse into the radiant and exciting world of boarding that has sometimes gone underappreciated. Alex Taitt, a curator for the museum, gave us insight into how this exhibit came to be and what they were trying to highlight with this showcase. The Northern Boarders exhibit runs until February 25, 2025. 

Leigh Walden, Alaska Public Media - Anchorage

permission to visit the museum letter

Ammon Swenson, Alaska Public Media

Ammon Swenson is Alaska Public Media’s Audio Media Content Producer. He was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska. He graduated from UAA in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and integrated media. He’s previously worked for KRUA radio, the Anchorage Press, and The Northern Light.


Alaska news nightly: monday, july 15, 2024, alaska news nightly: friday, july 12, 2024, alaska news nightly: thursday, july 11, 2024.


NMC refuses permission to five new medical colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Representative image

VIJAYAWADA: The Medical Assessment and Rating Board (MARB) of National Medical Commission (NMC) has recently permitted the establishment of five new medical colleges for the academic year 2024-25, creating a wave of optimism across the State.

However, the enthusiasm was short-lived as the NMC has refused to issue the Letter of Permission (LOP) necessary for college admissions, citing inadequate facilities after the inspection of the NMC Expert Committee. NEET UG aspirants expecting to study MBBS course at Markapur, Madanapalle, Adoni, Paderu and Pulivendula medical colleges this year will now have to wait.

Representative image

The NMC’s inspection on June 24, 2024, revealed multiple deficiencies in faculty and infrastructure in the new medical colleges, allegedly a legacy of the previous YSRC government’s hasty and faulty planning.

The tender agreements for these colleges were signed late, leaving insufficient time for the completion of necessary civil works. Markapur and Madanapalle’s agreements were signed in February 2023, Adoni and Pulivendula in December 2022, and Paderu in June 2021.

According to engineers of the Andhra Pradesh Medical Services and Infrastructure Development Corporation (APMSIDC), it takes at least 30 months to complete the major civil works of new medical colleges.

Out of the total Rs 2,425 crore sanctioned for the five medical colleges, only Rs 533 crore (22%) has been spent. Payments worth Rs 188 crore have been pending since July 2023, leading to halt in construction works. Notably, only 6% of the approved cost of Madanapalle college has been spent, with similar underexpenditure of 10% at Markapur and Adoni. Paderu and Pulivendula colleges fared slightly better with spending of 23% and 58% of sanctioned funds.

According to official sources, the previous government failed to release Rs 198 crore from Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) and Special Assistance for Capital Investment (SACI). Paderu medical college, receiving Central assistance, has seen slow progress due to the non-release of funds. The other four colleges, supported by NABARD loans, also faced funding issues.

The NMC experts committee reported significant faculty shortages, including 51% of professors, 46% of associate professors and 26% of assistant professors. College-wise deficiencies were highest in Pulivendula (48%) and Markapur (42%), and they were least in case of Madanapalle (13%).

The new government formed on June 12, 2024, had less than two weeks before the NMC inspection. The present administration has attributed the deficiencies in new medical colleges to the previous government’s mismanagement, which could not be rectified in such a short time.

Now, the new government will face a challenging task in meeting NMC standards within a short period. Ensuring timely completion of civil works, resolving financial bottlenecks, and recruiting adequate faculty are critical to obtain LOP for the ensuing academic year.

Speaking to TNIE , Director of Medical Education Dr Narasimham said the NMC approval for the five new colleges is pending. After creating the necessary infrastructure as per the guidelines of NMC, it can be urged to send the expert committee again to inspect the facilities for the issuance of LOP, he said.

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Letter Seeking Permission for Field Trip – Sample Permission Letter to Principal for Field Trip

permission to visit the museum letter

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Principal, __________(Name of the College), __________(Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Seeking permission for a field trip

Respected Sir/Madam,

I would like to state that I __________ (Name) studying in ___________ (Year) of ____________ (Department) department of your esteemed college i.e. _________ (College name).

With due respect, on behalf of students of ___________ (Department) department, I am writing this letter to you for seeking your kind permission for a field trip to __________ (Location) on __/__/___(Date). This would be an educational trip as well as a ___________ (excursion/picnic – if applicable) making it an opportunity for the students to attain good knowledge and get real-time exposure. This will also help in refreshing the student’s minds.

Therefore, I request your positive response. I shall be highly obliged.

Yours Sincerely/Faithfully, __________ (Name), __________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • A: Including your roll number helps the recipient identify you among other students and facilitates record-keeping.
  • A: Yes, briefly explaining the educational and recreational aspects of the trip helps the recipient understand its significance.
  • A: It's advisable to submit the letter well in advance to allow sufficient time for review and approval by the concerned authorities.
  • A: If the trip involves expenses, it's advisable to mention how those expenses will be managed, whether by the students or through college funding.
  • A: Yes, expressing gratitude at the end of the letter shows respect and appreciation for the principal's consideration of the request.

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English Summary

Write An Application To The Principal For Museum Visit In English

The Principal St. Xaviers School Kopal Kerala

Subject :- An application for museum visit.

Respected Sir, Most humbly and respectfully, I, Mohit Raina, on behalf of class 12th of your esteemed institution, am writing this application to seek your permission for a class visit to the Government of India Museum which lies 15 km from our school. This museum is the storehouse of many ancient artifacts that have been preserved here by the government of India for the people to see and study the ancient past of our country.

This museum also has a display of certain prehistoric human settlements that can help us a lot in developing our interest in the subject as well as for our preparation in the exam. I hope you will allow us to visit with our teacher. We have full faith in your sense of justice.

Thanking You Yours Faithfully Mohit Raina Class Representative Roll No. 01

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