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The Ultimate Jogini Falls Manali Trek Guide – Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

Manali is the perfect location in Himachal Pradesh for some scenic hikes and trekking. You’ll be walking in amongst lush forests, over babbling streams with mountains all around you!

However, if you’re on a tight time frame, you may find that a 2/3 day hike is not possible on your itinerary. 

But, don’t fret. There are many really lovely short treks you can do around Manali as well. One of those is the Jogini Falls Trek. 

This easy hike from Vashisht will lead you to one of the best waterfalls in the area and, from here, you can get some incredible views as well.

A lot of companies seem to advertise that you need to pay to go on this trek with a guide. But, it’s easy to go self-guided as well and it won’t cost you a penny. 

Here is my complete Jogini Falls Manali Trek guide with detailed directions and everything you need to know before you go!

Jogini Falls Trek Manali

Table of Contents

What is Jogini Falls?

The Jogini Waterfall is a 160-foot cascade that crashes over the mountains and into the Beas River and Kullu Valley below. 

It’s located near Vashisht village in Manali and the waterfall gets its name from the village goddess known as Jogini. 

The area, river, and forest around the waterfall are seen as sacred due to it being a place where one of the Shakti Peethas fell. Making it a place of Feminine Power.

If you’re unfamiliar with Shakti Peethas, they are considered holy places to Hindus. 

According to sacred Hindu texts, a Shakti Peetha is a place where Lord Shiva’s Wife’s body fell. She was called Sati and, when she died, Shiva could not stop mourning her.

He carried her body around endlessly and started to perform his ‘Rudra Tandava’ or dance of destruction. He was causing havoc in the process and threatened to destroy the Earth.

Knowing full well that Shiva could not be tamed while he had Sati, Vishnu decided to cut her body up into 51 pieces and they fell across India. Now, there are temples dedicated to each place where Sati’s body parts fell. 

In Vashisht and the Jogini falls, the goddess is said to reside in the waters of this waterfall. So, it’s important to respect the area surrounding it on your visit.

A very basic description. But, if you wanted to learn more, you can read my Kamakhya Temple guide . It’s for Guwahati. I’ve actually been to 10 of these Shakti Peetha temples now! 

Jogini Waterfall Vashisht Manali

Where is the Jogini Falls in Manali & how to visit? 

Although many people advertise this waterfall as being in Manali, it’s actually accessible around 4 kilometres away from New Manali in the village of Vashisht (Bashisht). 

There is no short way to access Jogini Falls by car or by rickshaw. You can only access the waterfall by taking a trek.

From New Manali, you’ll need to trek around 4 kilometres to access the start of the Jogini Falls trail in Vashisht village. 

So, if you wanted to save some energy you could take a car or rickshaw to Vashisht temple. From there, you can start your hike.

From Vashisht Temple, the trek to Jogini Falls is around 3 kilometres through a forest trail. But, it’s not a flat path and does have some steep hills and steps in order to access it. 

Jogini Falls Vashisht Manali

How long does the Jogini Waterfall trek take? 

This completely depends on where you start from, your levels of fitness, and whether you want to take breaks or not. You’ll also need to schedule in time to relax at the waterfall, if you want to go swimming, take photos etc. 

If you’re starting your trek from the Old/New Manali area, it will be around 6/7 kilometres one way (14 kilometres total) . So, the walk and visit will take you around 3-6 hours.

If you start off your trek in Vashisht, it will be a lot shorter at 3 kilometres one way (6 kilometres in total). You’ll probably save yourself an hour or so. So, I’d factor in around 2-4 hours from Vashisht itself. 

Again, it depends on a variety of factors like if it’s been raining making the path muddy, whether you choose to stop for chai, how long you decide to stay at Jogini falls etc.

But, I’d definitely plan at least a half-day out of your Manali itinerary to complete this walk. Don’t leave it too late in the afternoon as you don’t want to be out here trekking in the dark. 

As we had just got off our overnight bus, we decided to hit the ground running and go out straight away for this trek. Ha, that was a huge mistake! 

So, as we were tired, we took our time getting there over a few hours. But, I didn’t mind as the views were incredible anyway. 

We also spent way more time than we anticipated at the falls just relaxing and dipping our toes in the water. As well as drinking a steaming hot cup of chai in the treehouses on the way back. It was a lot nicer to go slower and take it all in.

Jogini Falls Trek Manali

What is the best time to visit? 

Like most of India, Manali in Himachal Pradesh is a seasonal town. Winters can see it completely snowed under with no transport to access it! 

Most attractions and restaurants open from around April – September. So, if you did want to visit Manali, I’d plan to travel around the Summer/early monsoon season.

But, saying that, Jogini Falls isn’t a paid-for hike or attraction. There is no entrance fee. It’s open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year. There are no restrictions on when you visit. 

The best months to visit Manali are in India’s summer season around April – June. This is when there is less chance of rain and landfalls. The temperatures are cooler and paths won’t be as muddy. 

By June – September, Manali does see a lot of rainfall. It gets quite muggy and, if there have been heavy rains, the pathways here could be pretty mucky. So prepare with waterproofs. 

If you did visit in the offseason, you can still go on this trek but it will be riskier as it’s icy. However, I’ve heard that the Jogini falls freeze into ice and it’s magical! 

Manali in Monsoon Rains

Does it cost money to visit & can you go self-guided?

No, the Jogini Falls trek is completely FREE to go on and you don’t need to go with a guide either. 

A lot of companies will advertise this trek as a tour in a package in order to make money. They will make it seem like you can’t go alone. But, this is not true at all.

It’s completely possible to visit Jogini Waterfall self-guided.

Although there aren’t any signs on the trail to guide your way to these falls, it’s really easy to follow the single-track trail through the sanctuary forest. 

There is even a Google Map pin for it, so you could download an offline map on Maps.Me if you have no signal or data. 

To help you out, I’m going to give you some detailed directions below. 

Jogini Falls Trek Manali

Things to prepare for your Jogini Falls Trek

Before you go on the trek, there are a few things you should prepare;

  • Walking shoes – I wouldn’t say you need proper walking boots to do this trek but a good pair of shoes like trainers is easier. I wore my sandals and it was a stupid idea. It made walking up and down the steep hills that much harder and I kept slipping! 
  • Waterproofs – I usually don’t wear overalls or waterproofs in India as I find it too muggy. But, it’s a good idea to have a waterproof backpack for your valuables and electronics in monsoon. You can get soaked.
  • Offline Map / Maps – I didn’t have any sort of map or directions as I asked locals on the way. But, you could easily download an offline map to help out if you were afraid of getting lost. 
  • Water – Always take water with you. Whether you choose to buy some in Vashisht or take your own reusable bottle. Although the water from the falls is fresh and you could refill your water bottle with it, I don’t recommend drinking it. If you’re not used to the local water, it could make you seriously ill. That is unless you have something like purifying powder to clean it with. 
  • Snacks – There are plenty of cafés and chai stalls on the way. They sell chai, coffee, water and some fizzy drinks. They even have some snacks available like biscuits and instant Maggi noodles. But, if you want food at Jogini falls, there are no facilities. So, stock up for a picnic.

Please: if you take food in plastic bags and wrappers or buy single-use bottles, remember to take your trash with you to dispose of it later. 

Jogini Waterfall Hike trail Vashisht

Detailed Jogini Waterfall Trek directions

There are a few ways to access the trail for the waterfall but the easiest way is to firstly access the small village of Vashisht and start from there;

1. Navigate over to Vashisht village 

If you want to access Vashisht in Manali, you can easily walk from either Old Manali or New Manali in around an hour (4km). 

Vashisht is actually much cheaper for accommodation and food. So, if you were on a shoestring budget, you could base yourself here for trekking! 

This used to be the main place to stay for hippie travellers before Old Manali. This is because it’s much more peaceful with less traffic and bother.

If you’re based in New Manali or Old Manali and didn’t fancy walking, you can easily grab a rickshaw to Vashisht for around 100 rupees.

I wouldn’t blame you as it’s best to save your energy for the hike!

Vashisht Village Himachal Pradesh India

2. Locate Vashisht Temple

So, once you’ve arrived in Vashisht town, you’ll need to make your way over to Vashisht Temple.

It’s a tiny place, so you’re not likely to get lost. But, if you find yourself stuck, ask a local to direct you to the main temple here.

This temple is actually really pretty, intricately carved out of wood, and worth a look in. Like all temples in India remember to take off your shoes and make sure you’re appropriately dressed. 

Vashisht temple is also famous for its ‘hot springs’ nearby that apparently have healing properties. 

We were tempted to look for it but, for me, I’ve always been a little disappointed with these ‘hot spring’ type attractions. They always sound more magical than reality.

For one, women can’t really swim in there without being fully clothed meanwhile boys can swim around almost naked in their boxers. Yes, I know it’s the culture but it doesn’t half annoy me sometimes.

Also, there’s rarely ever any ‘hot’ water involved in these natural hot springs But, you’re welcome to try! Anyway, I digress, that’s a post for another day. 

Once you find the Vashisht Temple, follow the trail behind it to access the Jogini Falls walking trail!

Vashisht Temple complex Manali

3. Start the trek towards Jogini Mata Temple through the Sanctuary Forest 

You’ll instantly be relieved as soon as you walk out of Vashisht Town. Although it is quieter than that of Manali, it’s still not immune to traffic and noise.

Once you’re out in nature, you’ll love the feeling of hearing nothing. Just peace and quiet! 

It’s a single-track path really the whole way and nearer the start/end of the trek, you’ll find many cafés and stalls on the path. You could stop here to buy snacks or have a warm chai (more on that later)! 

After you walk past the majority of the cafés, you’ll end up entering amazing apple orchards, rolling rivers, and bridges over babbling brooks! It’s extremely scenic. 

Manali Mountains Himachal Pradesh India

Eventually, the trail will lead you inside a dense Sanctuary forest. These are sacred grounds that are part of the Jogini Temple. 

Many villagers come here to meditate, pray and leave offerings for the goddess. You may even find locals sleeping overnight, places where food has been prepared, or small offerings.

There are signs to tell you but it’s important to remain quiet through this forest out of respect. Lots of people come here for healing and don’t want to be disturbed from their peace. 

Not that many people seem to heed this notice. But, I always believe it does no harm to respect the rules.

Once you’ve come out of the forest, this is when you’ll see the Jogini Mata Temple with another more modern shrine nearby

Vashisht Forest Sanctuary Jogini Goddess

4. Walk passed the Jogini Mata Temple and you’ve made it!

From what I could see, this temple is not a place where tourists can visit. But, it is still nice to stop and have a quick peek from the outside. 

Just beyond the outskirts of the temple area is the bottom of the Jogini Waterfall! 

From here, you can access the Beas River and a small pool at the bottom where lots of people cool off and dip their feet. Lots of people also go swimming in the pool as well.

You can chill out here and relax at the bottom of the falls, even pull out a picnic by the water if you wanted to. 

But, you can barely see the waterfall cascade from the bottom. So, if you wanted to get a closer look at the waterfall in the mountains. I’d recommend hiking up the steep hillside to the upper viewpoint. 

Jogini Falls Trek Temple Jogini Mata Temple

5. Alternative route – head up the hillside to take a closer look at the waterfall

Now, I’m not going to lie to you, the walk up the hillside to get a closer look is pretty steep. 

Remember that I said I had sandals on?! Yeah, I really regretted my choice of footwear when I decided to climb up this hill. Don’t be as irresponsible as me. 

There isn’t really a beaten track or trail at all to get to the top. So, you’re almost scrambling up the hillside to reach the peak. 

The uphill climb to Jogini Falls View

At one point, due to the hill being muddy, I fell and almost tumbled down the hill! Luckily, my friend grabbed me but he said his heart nearly fell out of his chest! Thankfully, I didn’t roll too far haha! 

Despite the scrambling, it is well worth climbing to the top. From here, you can really see the cascade falling through the mountains and the views are spectacular as well. 

There are also lots of overhanging rocks that you can climb and little places to explore around this area. So, go for it!

The only thing I did hate more than going up, was trying to get back down.

The trail doesn’t really lead anywhere else beyond the waterfall, or, not that I’m aware. So, we just started to head back to Vashisht once we were done. 

Jogini Falls View Vashisht

6. See the lower Jogini waterfall

As well as seeing the view of the waterfall, there is the option to trek over to the lower waterfall area up the mountain a little bit. 

This is by far the most impressive experience as you’ll see the full force of the cascade but it will take a lot longer to trek too. 

Here you can go stream hiking, swimming, and explore the cave beneath the mountains where the waterfall hits the Beas River.

For us, we were simply too tired and were pretty happy with our impressive lookout from the top! 

But, if you’re feeling energised, you can head further on into the waterfall if you wish. It will require a bit of climbing upstream but I’ve heard it’s well worth the extra effort. 

7. Stop off at the many chai stall ‘treehouses’ on the way back!

So, once you’re ready to head back, you’ll come across those amazing tea stalls that will be waiting for you! 

We decided to treat ourselves to a steaming cup of chai on the way back from our walk. It was almost like a treehouse that overlooked the mountains and it was the perfect place to chill out for a while. 

I definitely slept well later that evening as we were pretty much running on empty.

I was so glad we did it though as the Jogini waterfall is well worth seeing in Manali! 

Chai treehouse in Manali Himachal Pradesh

Looking for more things to do in Manali?

Manali is breathtaking! As it’s located high up in the mountains of Himachal Pradesh, you don’t have to go far to see the views. They will be all around you! 

A lot of travellers choose to hang out in the many amazing cafés here, I’d highly recommend checking out Dylan’s Café and trying their incredible cookies.

If you do fancy exploring some of the areas, there are lots of amazing attractions to explore. You could visit the amazing Hadimba temple to learn about local Hindu culture.

I loved my day trip up to the Rohtang Pass, also known as India’s most dangerous road! We hired a car with some other travellers and made the journey up into the mountains. You can read about that here.

A few days later, we then also made our journey up to Leh Ladakh via the same road. If that is your plan next make sure you read my bus journey guide here. Or, my Ladakh travel guide here.

There are so many amazing things to see in Manali. So, make sure you read my complete Manali travel guide for more options.

The Beas River In Manali

Read more of my North Indian articles

Here are some more articles for exploring Himachal Pradesh & beyond;

Off the beaten track Ladakh, Thiksay, She and more

Why you need to visit Shimla

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A complete Bhagsunag waterfall guide

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Save this Jogini Falls Trek for later!

Jogini Falls Trek Manali Vashisht village Himachal Pradesh

Sophie Pearce is the founder of Third Eye Traveller. Always having a restless soul seeking adventure, she has now travelled to over 30+ countries, many of them solo. Leaving her heart in India, which gifted her a "Third Eye", she felt inspired to share her travel stories in the hope of encouraging others to find their inner magic and explore this beautiful world of ours. Even if it's on their own!

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Does it take 3-4 from Vashisht to the Jogini falls, or the entire trek (other than the time we spend at the falls) takes 3-4 hours from Vashisht?

Hi shreetama, it will take around 3-4 hours from the town of Vashisht itself! It’s a long old hike there, so take water and breaks when you need. Stay safe, Sophie x

Jogini waterfall trek starts from Vashisht village and it is 4 km away from Vashisht temple and 7.5 km from Manali bus stand.

The main thing about Jogini Waterfall Manali is that the stream of water makes it into two waterfalls. It takes 10-15 minutes to reach the first waterfall and again the next 20-25 minutes to reach the top waterfall. There is a different way from the first waterfall to another.

Jogini waterfall Manali got its name because of Jogini goddess of Vashisht temple. Its water gets merged into Beas River downstream. You should do a Jogini waterfall trek in December or in the rainy season. I have heard that Jogini waterfall Manali in December creates a different enthusiasm because of the winter season.

Trust me if you come to explore Manali and Jogini falls trek Manali is not there in your bucket list then in my opinion your trip will remain incomplete.

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Jogini Falls Trekking Guide – A Natural Gem Near Manali

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Located 8 KM from Mall Road and a 3 KM trek from Vashisht Temple, Jogini falls is one of the most scenic waterfalls in Himachal Pradesh . It is a 3-tier waterfall that is only accessible by foot. The top most fall is the most scenic and thunderous while the bottom 2 are perfect to take bath.

The water in the falls comes through the mountain and joins the Beas river in the Kullu valley. It is the best place to visit near Manali .

The waterfall gets its name from the local deity of Village goddess Jogini. There is a temple dedicated to Jogini Mata at the base of Falls. So, don’t forget to take the blessings of Jogini Mata while visiting the fall.

Why is Jogini falls famous?

jogini falls

The trek to the waterfall makes it very famous among travelers. Traversing through the forest of pine, orchards, small wooden bridge, streams, lots of small shops and spectacular views, the route to reach the fall is very exciting. Therefore, it is best for short treks near Manali that can be done by beginners as well. Also, the picturesque beauty of the falls attracts people to it. Watching the falling water straight out of the mountain from the height of 160 feet would excite anyone. And you can also swim inside the natural pool that is framed due to the waterfall.

Jogini Falls Trek Guide

  • Height – 160 feet.
  • Trekking Distance – 3 KM from Vashisht Temple
  • Duration – 2 hours max
  • Difficulty Level – Easy
  • Parking Fees for Bike at Vashisht Temple – 40 INR Per Hour

The trek to Jogini falls starts from the Vashisht temple after crossing the main market. You can take the bus, auto-rickshaw or self-rented bikes & cars to reach the Vashisht temple. There is enough parking space for both bikes and cars at minimal prices.

vashisht temple

After parking your vehicle take the blessing of sage Vashisht & Lord Rama at Vashisht temple and start your journey to Jogini Falls. Always keep in mind that Jogini falls is only accessible by trek so do prepare yourself with proper trekking shoes.

on the way to jogini falls

You won’t face any problems while finding the right path as every day many tourists visit Jogini falls. In case you lost your way then ask the locals, they are very helpful. The trek traverse through the village area, big pine trees, apple orchards, small streams and cafes serving local dish & food. So, get ready with your camera to capture wonderful pictures.

Just after the Vashisht temple, you can find pure tap water sources where you can refill your water bottle.

the views while trekking up to jogini falls

Jogini falls is a 3 tier waterfall . The way to reach the first 2 falls is very easy as most of the path is flat and easy to walk. The first 2 falls are located near to each other while the top most is situated 20 minutes uphill trek from the bottom one.

natural pool under jogini falls

After enjoying the bath under the freshwater of the 2nd falls start your journey to the topmost one. This 20-minute trek can ask you some difficult questions as it is an uphill trek and at some point, you’ve to cross a very steep path so it’s good to wear trekking shoes. But after reaching the top you’ll feel the worth of all the efforts you did to reach the waterfalls. The spray & soothing sound of falling water will heal all your pain and calm your soul. And the views of the valley and beas river will act as the cherry on top.

the 2nd tier jogini falls

The internet is flooded with the picture of the top most Jogini falls when you search it on Google.

Pro Tip – Leave early morning to visit the Jogini falls so you can easily enjoy the beauty of this natural wonder without getting rushed and come back at your stay on time. As there are no facilities of lights on the trek so trekking to fall during the evening would be dangerous.

Best time to visit Jogini Falls

Jogini falls - 2nd tier

Jogini falls is truly a natural wonder where you don’t have to pay anything to visit. So any time of the year would be the ideal time to visit Jogini falls. But if you love the soothing sound of falling water and lush green valleys then summer & monsoon (April to September) is the best time to visit Jogini Falls. During rain, the waterfall looks wonderful as this is the time when the stream becomes active and falls become thunderous. Monsoon is the time when the Jogini fall reaches its peak. But due to rain the path becomes slippery so be prepared with your trekking gears.

If you love snow and freezing falls then winter is the perfect time to visit Jogini Falls. During peak winters the waterfall freezes and looks amazing.

Things You Should Know Before Visiting Jogini Falls

  • There is no entry fee for Jogini Falls.
  • Jogini Falls is a 3-tier waterfall so don’t come after visiting the lower ones. You need to take a 20 to 30 uphill trek to reach the top one.
  • Wear good trekking shoes.
  • There are many local cafes on the trek that serve delicious local food, dish and refreshment.
  • Don’t throw garbage on the trek. Please take responsibility for your own trash and don’t litter this beautiful place. Carry a small garbage bag, bring your trash down, and throw it into the dustbin.   

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you need a guide to jogini fall trek.

No, you don’t need any guide to reach Jogini Falls. The trek is very easy and the path is very simple. Ask locals for directions. Just make sure that you leave early in the morning so you can get back to your stay before going dark.

Is Jogini falls trek difficult?

Jogini falls trek is an easy trek of 3 KM and perfect for beginners. The last part of the trek is quite challenging where you need to hike a narrow uphill path for 20 minutes. So make sure you wear good trekking shoes. The whole trek would take around 2 to 3 hours.

Can we swim in the Jogini waterfall?

Yes, in the lower fall you can swim and enjoy the refreshing water straight out of the mountain.

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Jogini Waterfall and Vashist temple: One Day Hike Near Manali

Views of Snow-capped mountains piercing the blue sky in the distance, gushing streams of glacier-fed rivers, rolling green meadows, and horses. You will also spot sheep grazing there lazily, deep awe-inspiring gorges, thick alpine forests, placid mountain lakes with dazzling landscapes around. These are pictures that pop up in our mind when we hear the name of this north Indian state.

But Himachal Pradesh is way more than that. The state has a rich cultural heritage that can be seen in its vibrant festivities. Apart from being a tourist destination,you find the pilgrimages, and spiritually significant places, temples, monasteries, churches, gurudwaras that attract pilgrims and spiritual seekers of different faiths throughout the year.

Home to famous hill station Shimla, summer vacation destination Kullu-Manali, jaw-dropping beautiful valleys of Kinnaur, Kangra, Lahaul, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh draws tourists not just from India but also from abroad.

Also Check: Trekking in Manali: 10 best treks in Manali

A heaven for adventure sports enthusiasts, Himachal Pradesh’s fast-flowing river systems offer various sports like river rafting, skiing in snow-laden slopes of Kufri , paragliding in Bir-Billing in Kangra. Trekking in the treacherous trails of Pin Parvati Pass , Beas Kund , Hampta Pass will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for you.

Keeping aside those famous and arduous trek routes of Himachal, there are many relatively easy and gentle treks scattered throughout the state. Trekking to the Jogini waterfall from Manali via Vashisht temple is one of those treks that can surely qualify as the title of the best short trek in Himachal .

Quick Glance of Jogini Waterfall

  • Trek Level – Beginner
  • Height – 7,850 ft
  • Trek Distance – 3km from Vashisht temple
  • Time taken - 1-2 hours from Bahang and 4-6 hours from Vashisht temple
  • Starting point and ending point – Vashisht temple or Bahang base camp
  • Route - Manali- Vashisht Temple- Jogini Waterfall
  • Nearest Airport – Kullu Manali Airport
  • Minimum apt age – 10 years
  • Best time – Summer

Jogini Waterfall

jogini waterfall

This is a beautiful waterfall whose beauty you will cherish for a lifetime. The Jogini waterfall trek distance is only 3 km away from the Vashisht temple near Manali. On the outskirts of Vashisht village, a small stream jumps off from a cliff and forms this amazing waterfall. The stream then flows down to join Beas river near Kullu Valley. Jogini waterfall height from sea level is around 150 ft.

Besides the apparent natural beauty of the waterfall, the place is of religious importance too. The temple of the village goddess Jogini Mata is located at the base of the waterfall. Locals visit the temple for Mundan(Chudakaran) and on some other occasions.

Climbing the rock cliff to reach the top of Jogini Waterfall is quite thrilling and takes merely 15 minutes. But if you don’t want to trek anymore then taking a dip in the water pool or just gazing at the grandeur of the waterfall and surrounding nature may give you immense pleasure.

Vashisht Temple

vashisht temple

6 km away from Manali, there is a local attraction which is a temple dedicated to sage Vashisht and the village where the temple is located is named after this sage in his honor.

In the temple, you will find intricate wood curvings at the walls and pillars. The charming traditional Himachali architecture of the temple will compel you to open your camera shutter and indulge in taking a few clicks.

Near the Vashisht temple, there is a sulfur enriched hot water spring that is said to have miraculous power of healing skin diseases and infections. The spring has separate areas for men and women to ensure comfortable dip into the hot water.

Mythological Background

Vashisht temple is said to be 4000 years old. The great sage Vashisht was one of the saptarishis(seven sages) and was Kulguru of Lord Rama.

Rishi Vashisht’s children were killed by Vashisht’s archenemy rishi Vishwamitra. Blinded by grief sage Vashisht came here and went to commit suicide by drowning in the river Beas. But the river was not able to drown the great sage due to his yogic power. Sage Vashisht began meditating and spent some days here.

The river was thus named ‘Bipasha’ which means to free oneself from bondage and the name Bipasha has been converted into Beas over time.

Adjacent to the temple there is another stone temple of Lord Rama and the hot spring is said to be created by Lakshmana, brother of Lord Rama.

On the other hand, the Jogini waterfall is believed to be the place where ‘Joginis’, daughters of Lord Indra used to take baths. The sacred Jogini Mata temple at the foot of the waterfall is revered as Shakti Peeth.

Best Time to Visit Jogini Waterfall trek

The best time to visit the Jogini waterfall is in summer especially from March to May. Some people take the tour of this waterfall and Vashisht temple in winter also. Jogini waterfall in winter from October to February would be the best time to go for this one-day trek.

Manali is best visited between October and June. During this time period, the tourist can soak in the divine beauty of the vibrant, multicolored flowers which are in full bloom with temperatures varying from 10 to 25 degrees Celsius. The months of December to February are ideal for snowfall in Manali. With subzero temperatures, Manali transforms into a winter wonderland with its snow-covered environs

jogini waterfall trek

During monsoon, from July to mid-September the region is subjected to heavy rainfall. The amount of rainfall sometimes reaches up to around 200 mm. In this season frequent landslide makes hiking and trekking activity dangerous. So, try to avoid this time of the year for your trip.

How to reach Jogini waterfall via Vashisht temple

Major cities to manali.

Manali is connected with the major cities of India by Train, Bus, Flight, and by road. The nearest airport from Manali is Bhuntar and it is 50 km away from the township. Jogini Falls from Manali is just 13 minutes away.

Joginder Nagar, Chandigarh, and Ambala are the nearest rail station but most of the trains from all over India halt in Chandigarh and Ambala station.

Buses and taxis are also available from North Indian cities to Manali.

Manali to Vashisht temple

Vashisht temple is in Vashisht village which is 6 km away from Manali. From Manali Private cab, auto rikshaws are available easily that go directly to the temple. You can reach the temple by foot taking Leh Manali Highway and it takes nearly 45 min.

From Vashisht temple to Jogini falls

From Vashisht temple the only way to reach Jogini waterfall is by trekking along a narrow trail through the woods.

What you can expect en route?

Vashisht temple has a parking area where you can park your two-wheeler and then start your journey to Jogini falls.

There are 2 different routes; one is easy; generally, tourists with families follow this path and the other one is a bit difficult uphill trek which takes you nearer to the commencement of the falls.

The easier trail starts from the alleyway adjacent to the Vashisht temple that goes through Himachali houses, shops of Vashisht village. Crossing the village, you will see billboards pointing the way towards the falls. You can ask any locals who are often seen along this path, to show you the way to the Jogini falls. Leaving the village behind, you will start trekking along the trail through tall pine and deodar forests.

Along this trail, Beas river and other small mountain streams accompany you on one side and on the other side you are greeted with apple orchards, pine forests, and greenery that will uplift your mood and pass a serene vibe. View of snow-covered mountains in the backdrop of rivers can be seen all time during the trek. In this way, you can reach the waterfall in 4 to 6 hours and it depends on whether you choose to walk at a brisk or leisurely pace.

The difficult route to the waterfall has no clearly defined trail rather, you will have to climb a slippery rock wall where the Jogini waterfall will be on your one side and deep gorge on the other. This path is indeed very risky and for those who are expert in trekking or rock climbing. But the experience you will have is worth the risk and hard work. This way will take you there in 1 to 1.5 hours.

There are some cafes and restaurants within 2km of the waterfall that offer authentic Himachali and Indian cuisines. These are the best places if you want to stop and relax in between the trek.

Jogini waterfall Weather and Temperature

The climate of the area is mild and warm . In summer rainfall is seen frequently but in the winter there is not a great deal of it.

In winter, the average temperature remains 5-7 degrees Celsius and sometimes goes down up to 0.8 degrees Celsius. But in summer the weather is comfortable, and the sky remains clear most of the time. The temperature fluctuates between 21 to 27 degrees in summer.

One day hike- Jogini Waterfall trek Itinerary

  • Get hold of a taxi from Manali to reach the Vashisht temple.
  • From the Vashisht temple, it is a 3 km trek to Jogini waterfalls.
  • The trek from Bahang will take about 1 to 2 hours and from Vashisht temple it will take about 4 to 6 hours.
  • The trek from Vashisht temple will take you through small streams, apple orchards and pine trees.
  • Reach Jogini waterfalls and explore its beauty. Relax for some time there. The trekkers can also take a dip in the pool which has been formed by the waterfall.

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jogini waterfall trek

Jogini Waterfalls Manali (Timings, Entry Fee, Images, Best time to visit, Location & Information)

Jogini waterfalls manali entry fee.

  • No Entry Fee

Jogini Waterfalls Manali Phone

jogini waterfall trek

Jogini Waterfalls Manali Address : On water fall way V.P.O.-Vashist 5 km.from , Manali , Himachal Pradesh , 175103 , India

Manali Tour Packages

Jogini waterfalls manali timings.

Jogini Waterfalls is one of the top tourist attractions in Manali , Himachal Pradesh. It is located in the Vashisht village, which lies close to the Manali town. This fascinating waterfall cascades down from a height of 7850 feet to flow into the Beas River in Kullu Valley. This place is not only popular for its natural beauty; it holds significant religious value too.

According to legends, this waterfall has been named after Goddess Jogini, who was the daughter of Lord Indra. There is a local belief too that this place is a Shakti Peetha. Hence, not only tourists but devotees too visit this area as there are some important temples located here like the Vashisht Temple , Jogini Mata Temple, etc. The locals bring their children to the Jogini Mata Temple, which is located at the foot of the waterfall, for their first tonsure and other rituals.

The most interesting aspect of Jogini Waterfalls in Himachal Pradesh is that it can be reached only through trekking. Though the trek to the top is only about 3 km, the view of the natural scenery during the trek is what draws tourists and adventurers from far away. The trail that leads to the waterfall is quite picturesque as it passes through Apple orchards and Pine trees. The sight of the Manali valley, Beas River and cascading streams during the trek is said to be quite mesmerizing. The trek to Jogini Falls is considered among the popular short treks in Manali.

History of Jogini Waterfalls in Manali

According to popular mythological stories, it is believed that these waterfalls were once the ritual bathing place for ‘Jogini’, who was the daughter of Lord Indra. Thus, the waterfall is named after her. There is a temple devoted to her at the foot of the waterfall called the Jogini Mata Temple. This area is also considered to be a Shakti Peetha by the locals.

As per legends, when Lord Shiva was in a state of mourning, carrying the dead body of his wife Sati and was wreaking havoc on earth, Lord Vishnu used his weapon to cut Goddess Sati’ body to tame the anger of Lord Shiva. These body parts fell at 51 different locations. Today, these places are known as Shakti Peethas or Shakti Sthals and are highly revered by Hindu devotees.

The starting point of the trek to the Jogini Waterfalls starts from Vashisht Temple, which is devoted to Maharishi Vashisht, who was a renowned sage from the Vedic period.

Things to do at Jogini Waterfalls, Manali

The first thing to do even before trekking to the famous Jogini Waterfalls is to pay respects at the Vashisht Temple. En route, tourists can make stopovers at restaurants or cafes for tea and snacks. The trek offers ample opportunities to capture breathtaking pictures of the Manali valley, Beas River and unending natural beauty. Thus, carrying a camera is a must.

A small pool is formed at the foot of the cascading waterfalls. Tourists can take a dip or even swim in it for a refreshing experience. Unwinding and picnicking at this spot is quite popular among the locals and tourists.

Jogini Waterfalls Entry Fee and Timings

There is no entry fee to visit this waterfall. It remains open on all days and a trek to this place can be undertaken anytime between 9 am to 7 pm. The ideal time to visit Manali Jogini Waterfalls is in the summer months - from March to June - when the local weather is pleasant.

The monsoons should be avoided as the trail leading to the waterfalls becomes muddy and slippery. In winters, the quaint town of Manali receives snowfall and thus, trekking to the waterfalls can be an arduous task.

How to Reach Jogini Waterfalls in Manali

The Vashisht Temple, the starting point of the trek to Jogini Waterfalls, is approximately at a distance of 3.7 km from the famous Mall Road of Manali. Tourists can avail private taxis or auto rickshaws to reach the temple within 15 minutes. Alternatively, they can choose to walk their way to this shrine; it takes about 45 minutes.

Avid trekkers can start their journey to the waterfalls by trekking from the Bahang base camp in Bahang village, which is about 5 km from Mall Road. It is about a 3 km trek to the waterfalls from the Vashisht temple. The trail passes through some steep hills and paved steps but the experience of walking past Pine trees and Apple orchards while witnessing scenic views of the Beas River, Dhauladhar mountain peaks and small streams overcompensates for these small inconveniences.

Towards the end of the trail, the path leads into a dense forest sanctuary, at the end of which, tourists will find the temple of Jogini Mata. On the outskirts of the temple, lies the foot of the waterfall, where a small pool has been formed by the cascading water stream. The path to the upper viewpoint of the Jogini Waterfalls from the bottom is quite steep but yet quite rewarding. The awe-inspiring views of the cascading waterfalls and the verdant Manali valley from this spot are truly charming.

Reaching Manali from nearby important cities like Chandigarh and New Delhi is quite easy as regular bus service is available from these places. The nearest airport to Manali is the Bhuntar Airport, which is at an approximate distance of 50 km. The nearest railhead to the town is Joginder Nagar railway station, which is approximately around 146 km away. A private taxi from top car rental companies in Manali can be availed from the airport and railway station to reach here comfortably.

Things to keep in mind while visiting Jogini Waterfalls, Himachal Pradesh

  • Starting the trek early in the morning and returning before dark is advisable
  • Wearing a good pair of walking shoes is a better option
  • Wearing warm clothes (if needed) and trekking gear can be used
  • Carrying bottled water and light snack is suggested
  • Light backpack for the trek should suffice
  • Treading carefully in the steep areas is advised
  • Taking help of a trek guide can be a good option
  • Littering and damaging natural surroundings should be avoided

Manali is a beautiful hill station blessed with abundant natural beauty and there is no better way to explore it than availing an all-inclusive Manali tour package . We at Manali Tourism, a division of Holidays DNA , are here to help you have the best holiday of your life. We offer various tour packages to suit your budget and other requirements. For more information on our packages, please fill the Contact Us form. Our travel experts will get back to you shortly.

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jogini waterfall trek


Jogini Waterfall, Manali

Jogini Waterfall is located in the beautiful Valley of Manali, about 3 kilometres away from the bustling town and around 2 kilometres away from the famous Vashisht Temple. What makes it a popular tourist spot is the trek from Vashisht Temple, through pine trees and orchards, to the mesmerising Jogini Waterfalls cascading from a height of 160 feet. The trekkers are enchanted as they cross several smaller streams with a dazzling view of River Beas and the snow-dusted peaks of Rohtang. A complete treat for nature lovers and adventure seekers, the Jogini Waterfall must be visited when exploring the breathtaking valley of Manali. About Jogini Waterfall The Jogini waterfall is shaped by a stream which is fused into Beas River in the way of a stream's current. It is one of the famous spots to visit in Manali and also one among the famed places to explore in Himachal Pradesh. It flows from a height of approx. 150 feet through numerous stages. A small puddle at the base is shaped by the fall where tourists can dive and bath just for fun. The water flow is chock-full in the rainy season, and it is advised not to jump in this period. Jogini Mata Temple is situated at the base of the fall. It is a revered location to the neighboring villages. The residents often perform the tonsure (mundane) ceremony here. The trekking route to Jogini Waterfalls is very popular and considered as one of the best short treks near Manali. The march through a tapered lane next to Vashisht temple crossing the apple plantations, towering pine trees and small water brooks leads you to your destination. You can also find some eating place and guest houses here. A mild walk for 1 hour will take you to the base of the waterfall. Though, after walking for 15 more minutes; you can reach the top of the jogini waterfall. It would take 3 hours to reach Vashisth Temple from here. Entire trek path is picturesque through beautiful rural communities allied with the vast gorges. Trekking here would give you a chance to explore and learn more about the attractive local beauty and rural life in Himalayan villages. Where is it located? Jogini waterfall is located four km from Vashisht Temple and 7.5 km from Manali Bus Stand. Vashisht is the nearest village to Jogni Waterfalls in Himachal Pradesh. As mentioned earlier a short trek from Vashisth Temple will lead you here. They are found on the Northern verge of Vashisht Village marking its border. There are many private agencies organizing hiking trip to Jogini falls at a nominal charges. How to Reach Jogini Falls? You can reach Jogini falls by hiring an auto from Manali to Vashisht Temple or take a ride on your two-wheeler. Park your bike near the Temple, you have trek down for waterfalls.During our trip, we took a ride on our two wheeler till Vashisht temple and then we did a trek till Jogini falls. Generally, this is a safe hiking route but still you are not comfortable hiking alone, you can easily join a group from Manali on prior booking.

Jogini waterfalls hiking guide,Manali

DIY Hiking Guide To Jogini Waterfall, Manali

Favored by the scenic shots of Indian films for ages, the Jogini waterfall in Manali is a much-admired one. What makes it unique is the experience of being allowed to go behind the waterfalls, attracting tourists all year. The water pours from a whopping height of 150 m, overlooking the breathtaking valley, making it a side to behold. 

This blog elaborates on the must-know information about taking up the visit to Jogini waterfalls, the dos and don’ts, and what to keep an eye out for. We’ve included hiking routes, places to eat, and so much more to make the trip a memorable one.

Jogini Waterfall Hiking Guide

Table of Contents

How To Reach?

There are two parts – lower and upper Jogini waterfalls. You can start navigating towards it by marking Jogini waterfall on Google Maps. There are no buses available to reach the base directly. You can hop on a bus that goes on the Manali – Leh highway and get down near the village of Bahang. From there, the base is at a walkable distance. You can rent two-wheelers from Manali or hop on a tuk-tuk as well. The walk is about 4.4 km from the Manali bus stand to the base, where the hike begins.

Best Time To Visit

Upper Jogini Waterfall full view

The summertime, between March to April, and wintertime, days between October and February, are voted as the best time to visit the Jogini waterfalls. The Jogini waterfall is inaccessible during the monsoon season, between July to early September.

Network Availability

Good signal reception is observed in both Airtel and Jio networks.

ATM Availability

The nearest ATM is available only in Old Manali and Vashist. Although this hike doesn’t require cash, it is always good to have some, just in case. UPI payments are accepted by the shop vendors at the base.

Languages Spoken

The locals speak the Hindi and Himachali languages of Kullu. Only a few people converse in English.

Parking Availability

There are a couple of paid parking spaces available en route near the trek starting point. Two-wheeler owners usually park their vehicles on the side of the roads.

Restroom Facilities

You are entirely dependent on nature once you start the hike. There are no restrooms available.

Where To Eat?

At the trek’s starting point, where the motorable road ends, there are a couple of vendors who sell snacks, drinks, and fresh fruits for the visitors. At the Upper Jogini waterfall, there’s this sweet lady selling tea and biscuits. You won’t find sit-in spots around here; those are all lined up along the main road. So, if you’re up for a waterfall snack, she’s got you covered!

Where To Stay?

It is usual for people to take a day trip to Jogini waterfall from Manali, Nasigi, Vashist, Old Manali, and other nearby settlements. We stayed at Bro’s hostel in Old Manali. Here are a few other recommendations.

  • Solitaire Express – Heaven In Mountains
  • Hadimba Way Manali
  • Bentenwood Resort
  • Woods Villa
  • 3 Bedroom Luxury villa with sceneric mountain view
  • Amarys Boutique Stays Manali

Things To Do In Jogini Waterfall

View of Manali from Upper Jogini waterfall

It is common for the locals to visit the temple located near the Lower Jogini Waterfall. Tourists hike to both the Lower and Upper Jogini Falls. You can even see rainbows at Upper Jogini during the afternoons.

You can take a dip on the Upper Jogini. The Lower Jogini is typically unreachable. However, be warned, the water is too cold, and most people can only handle dipping their feet in.

Hiking Details

Entry Fees: Free

Permission: Not Required

Camping: Allowed but not recommended as the water flow changes

Timings: Open 24*7

Duration: 1 hour for the ascend, 30 minutes to descend, and including the time that you spend at the waterfall; it usually takes at least half a day for the entire journey.

Min-Max Altitude & Elevation Gain: 2071 m – 2332 m, 261 m

Hike Distance: 1 km; one-way

Water Resources: The stream flowing from the Upper Jogini Waterfall is the only water source. It is better to filter the water before you drink it.

Difficulty Level : Easy, but it is highly subject to your fitness level.

Terrain: Forests, rocks, stone steps.

Hiking Route:

Jogini waterfall entry gate

A small entrance opens up the hiking path after the motorable road ends. There are two ways to reach the Upper Jogini waterfall.

Jogini waterfall steps route

One follows towards the mandir side with a proper staircase, followed by a trail route, while the other is on the opposite side, steep and short. When you ascend towards the mandir through the rocky steps, after 500 m of walking past the multiple twists and turns, a trail path follows up.

Upper Jogini Waterfall

When you walk further, you’ll reach a flat terrain through which the beautiful waterfall comes into the picture.

Jogini waterfall hiking route

You can choose to descend via the other side. While descending, you will spot a huge boulder mid-way.

Lower Jogini waterfall

Taking a left here will lead you to the Lower Jogini waterfall. And then back to the base. Be careful, as the terrain is steep and slippery with loose sand.

Important Points To Remember

  • The use of plastics, smoking, and drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  • As a hiker, it is incumbent on you to be responsible and not litter. Leave it better than it was before.
  • Although the directions are not marked along the trail, the chances of getting lost are very limited.
  • The route is available in OSMAND and Maps.me. You can download the GPS file and follow the route accordingly.

Essential Things To Carry

  • Ensure you carry at least 1 l of water per person.
  • Take a sufficient amount of snacks and energy bars.
  • Cap, sunscreen & sunglasses are essential to ward off the heat.
  • Carry a poncho or raincoat.
  • Wear comfortable shoes as the trip involves hiking.

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Twins - Agalya And Atchaya

Twins - Agalya and Atchaya

Agalya and Atchaya are the owners and authors of TwinsOnToes, a travel blog that helps travelers explore smarter, longer, and more affordably. With a wealth of experience from traveling since 2017 and writing over 350 blog posts, their tips and insights reflect a deep passion for the great outdoors. When not blogging about their favorite destinations, they are often found hiking remote trails or seeking out thrilling adventures.

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jogini waterfall trek

Jogini Waterfall: Nature’s Serenade in the Heart of Manali

Jogini Waterfall

Written by:

surender mahant

Jogini Falls

Imagine wandering through the lush greenery of the Himalayan foothills, where every step brings you to a hidden wonderland. That’s the appeal of Jogini waterfall, tucked away in the epitome of Manali’s tranquil skyline. It is no longer just a vacation spot; it is an invitation to lose yourself in the rhythm of nature.

Primula sessilis flower near Jogini Waterfall

As you meander along the path, nature will reveal its secrets before you do. The wild flowers sway in the breeze and their vibrant colors make for the best photographic scene against the backdrop of the snow clad peaks . The air is alive with the scent of pine and earth, a reminder of the wasteland that surrounds you.

Jogini Waterfall Cascading Wonder

And then, like a curtain opening on a grand stage, you get your first glimpse of the Jogini waterfall. It’s a sight to behold—the water cascading down in a swirling dance, the sunlight gambling across the floor like a shimmering veil. The sound is unmistakable, a symphony of nature’s personal creation that resonates deep within your soul.

cliffs of Jogini Waterfall

  • Learn more about 1 day treks in Manali

As you stand there, amazed to have used the beauty before you, you can’t help but feel the experience of surprise. The cliffs, decorated with moss and fern, seem to whisper stories of ancient times. Cool and welcoming, the water beckons you to dip your toes in and wash away the cares of the world.

But it’s no longer just the surroundings that captivate you; it’s a feeling of being part of something more. When you close your eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest – the pressure of the water, the rustling of the leaves – you understand that nature has its own heartbeat. And in that second, you feel a deep connection with the world around you.

So take your time, soak it all in and let Jogini Falls work its magic on you. Whether you’re looking for a getaway or just a moment of peace, this hidden gem has a lot to offer. Come, revel in the beauty of nature’s heartbeat and discover the wonder that awaits you in the magical realm of Manali .

Book Now for this one-day trek at Rs:1200/-

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The term “Jogini” originates from Indian mythology and refers to mystical female spirits in sacred places, especially in the Himalayan region. The Jogini Waterfall in Manali is named after these spirits, who are revered as guardian spirits of the surrounding mountains. The waterfall’s association with the Joginis signifies its spiritual significance and cultural importance, making it a sacred sanctuary for pilgrims seeking spiritual renewal and healing.

Jogini Waterfall is located near the picturesque town of Manali in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. To reach the waterfall, you can embark on a scenic trek from the Vashisht Temple or Old Manali. The trek takes approximately 4 to 6 hours, covering a distance of around 4 kilometers. Alternatively, you can hire a taxi or private vehicle to drop you off at the starting point of the trek.

The best time to visit Jogini Waterfall is during the summer and monsoon seasons, from April to October. During this time, the weather is pleasant, and the waterfall is at its full glory, cascading gracefully down the mountainside. However, it’s advisable to avoid visiting during the winter months when the trail may be covered in snow, making it inaccessible and potentially dangerous.

Table of Content:


Since 1995, Surender Mahant has been a mountain guide. In 2001, he created Alpine Trek & Tours in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, and in 2017, he merged with Ascent Descent Adventures. Eco-friendly rancher with homestays in Manali H.P.


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jogini waterfall trek

🗓 Best Time To Visit: March to June

⏰ Open Hours: 24 hours

🏞 Things To Do: Trekking, photography, picnic

💰 Budget: Free Entry

🧳 Traveller Types: Nature lovers, Adventure Seekers, Photographers

🔍 Known For: Scenic beauty, waterfalls, serene atmosphere

📍 Distances: 50 km from Bhuntar Airport, 3 km from Vashisht Village, 8.5 km from Manali Bus Depot

👟 Trek Difficulty: Moderate

⛰ Elevation: 2050 meters above sea level

🌡 Weather: Mildly cold during summers and freezing during winters

📸 Photo Opportunities: Waterfall, valley, surrounding mountains

Jogini Waterfall: A Complete Guide to the Nature’s Paradise in Manali

Are you looking for a refreshing and adventurous escape from the hustle and bustle of city life? Do you want to experience the beauty and tranquility of nature in one of the most scenic destinations in India? If yes, then you should definitely visit Jogini Waterfall, a stunning cascade of water that flows from the Rohtang peaks to the Beas river in Manali, Himachal Pradesh.

Jogini Waterfall is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Manali and a must-visit for nature lovers, trekkers, photographers, and spiritual seekers. It offers a variety of features and attractions that will make your visit memorable and rewarding. In this article, we will provide you with a complete guide to Jogini Waterfall and its surroundings. So, let’s get started!

Jogini Waterfall Highlights

Jogini Waterfall is not just a waterfall, but a whole package of adventure, exploration, relaxation, and spirituality. It has something for everyone and every mood. Here are some of the highlights of Jogini Waterfall that you should not miss:

One of the main attractions of Jogini Waterfall is the trek that leads to it. The trek starts from Vashisht Temple complex, which is about 3 km from Manali town. The trek is easy to moderate in difficulty and takes about an hour to reach the waterfall. Along the way, you will pass through lush green pine forests, apple orchards, villages, streams, and bridges. You will also get to see some amazing views of Rohtang peaks, Beas river, and Manali valley.

Photo of Jogini Waterfall 1/5 by

The trek is suitable for beginners as well as experienced trekkers. The best time to do the trek is from April to October when the weather is pleasant and the trail is clear. You should carry water and snacks with you as there are no shops or cafes on the way. You should also wear comfortable shoes and clothes that can protect you from sunburns, insects, and thorns. You should avoid trekking alone or at night as there are no lights or signboards on the trail. You should also respect the local culture and environment by not littering or making noise.

Another highlight of Jogini Waterfall is the Yogini Mata Temple that is located near the waterfall. The temple is dedicated to Jogini Mata, who is believed to be a manifestation of Goddess Durga. The temple is a sacred place for the locals who come here to worship and offer prayers. The temple also has a natural spring that is considered holy and has healing properties.

The temple is open from 6 am to 6 pm every day. You can reach the temple by following a short trail from the waterfall. You can also take a dip in the spring or drink its water as a blessing from Jogini Mata. You should dress modestly and remove your shoes before entering the temple. You should also refrain from taking photos or videos inside the temple as it is considered disrespectful.

One of the most refreshing and exhilarating experiences at Jogini Waterfall is swimming in the natural pool at its base. The pool is formed by the water that falls from a height of about 150 feet. The water is crystal clear, cold, and refreshing. It is a great way to cool off after a long trek or a hot day.

The best time to swim in the pool is from May to September when the water level is high and safe. You should wear swimwear or clothes that can dry quickly as there are no changing rooms or lockers available. You should also be careful of slippery rocks and strong currents while swimming. You should avoid swimming during monsoon or winter when the water level is low or frozen.

Last but not least, Jogini Waterfall offers some spectacular views of nature that will leave you spellbound. From the waterfall, you can see the majestic Rohtang peaks that are covered with snow all year round. You can also see the sparkling Beas river that flows through Manali valley. From the trek route, you can see the lush green pine forests that surround the waterfall. You can also see the colorful apple orchards that dot the landscape. From Vashisht Temple complex , you can see the panoramic view of Manali town and its landmarks.

The best time to enjoy the views is from sunrise to sunset when the light is perfect and the colors are vivid. You should carry a camera or a smartphone with you to capture the beauty of Jogini Waterfall and its surroundings. You should also use a tripod or a selfie stick to avoid shaky or blurry photos. You should also be respectful of the privacy of the locals and their properties while taking photos.

How to Reach Jogini Waterfall

Jogini Waterfall is easily accessible from different places such as Manali, Kullu, Delhi, Chandigarh, etc. Here are some of the ways you can reach Jogini Waterfall from these places:

Photo of Jogini Waterfall 2/5 by

From Manali

Jogini Waterfall is about 3 km from Manali town. You can reach Jogini Waterfall from Manali by road or by foot.

By road: You can take a taxi, an auto-rickshaw, or a bus from Manali town to Vashisht Temple complex, which is the starting point of the trek to Jogini Waterfall. The road journey takes about 15 minutes and costs around Rs. 100-200 per person.

By foot: You can also walk from Manali town to Vashisht Temple complex, which is a pleasant and scenic walk along the Beas river. The walk takes about 45 minutes and is free of cost.

Jogini Waterfall is about 50 km from Kullu town. You can reach Jogini Waterfall from Kullu by road or by air.

Photo of Jogini Waterfall 3/5 by

By road: You can take a taxi, a bus, or a bike from Kullu town to Manali town , which is the nearest major town to Jogini Waterfall. The road journey takes about 2 hours and costs around Rs. 500-1000 per person.

By air: You can also take a flight from Kullu airport to Bhuntar airport, which is about 10 km from Kullu town. From Bhuntar airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Manali town, which is about 50 km away. The flight journey takes about 15 minutes and costs around Rs. 2000-3000 per person.

Also check out: A Small Paradise: Jogini Waterfalls

Jogini Waterfall is about 530 km from Delhi city. You can reach Jogini Waterfall from Delhi by road or by train or by air.

By road: You can take a car, a bus, or a bike from Delhi city to Manali town, which is the nearest major town to Jogini Waterfall. The road journey takes about 12 hours and costs around Rs. 1500-3000 per person.

By train: You can also take a train from Delhi railway station to Chandigarh railway station, which is about 250 km from Delhi city. From Chandigarh railway station, you can take a taxi or a bus to Manali town, which is about 300 km away. The train journey takes about 4 hours and costs around Rs. 500-1000 per person.

By air: You can also take a flight from Delhi airport to Bhuntar airport, which is about 10 km from Kullu town. From Bhuntar airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Manali town, which is about 50 km away. The flight journey takes about an hour and costs around Rs. 5000-7000 per person.

From Chandigarh

Jogini Waterfall is about 300 km from Chandigarh city. You can reach Jogini Waterfall from Chandigarh by road or by train or by air.

By road: You can take a car, a bus, or a bike from Chandigarh city to Manali town, which is the nearest major town to Jogini Waterfall. The road journey takes about 8 hours and costs around Rs. 1000-2000 per person.

By train: You can also take a train from Chandigarh railway station to Kalka railway station, which is about 30 km from Chandigarh city. From Kalka railway station, you can take the toy train to Shimla railway station, which is about 90 km away. From Shimla railway station, you can take a taxi or a bus to Manali town, which is about 250 km away. The train journey takes about 6 hours and costs around Rs. 500-1000 per person.

By air: You can also take a flight from Chandigarh airport to Bhuntar airport , which is about 10 km from Kullu town. From Bhuntar airport, you can take a taxi or a bus to Manali town, which is about 50 km away. The flight journey takes about an hour and costs around Rs. 5000-7000 per person.

Best Time to Visit Jogini Waterfall

Jogini Waterfall is open all year round, but the best time to visit Jogini Waterfall depends on your preference and purpose. Jogini Waterfall changes with different seasons and climatic conditions, offering different experiences and challenges. Here are some of the pros and cons of visiting Jogini Waterfall in different seasons:

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Summer is a good time to visit Jogini Waterfall if you want to enjoy the pleasant weather and the refreshing swim. Summer lasts from April to June in Manali and the temperature ranges from 10°C to 25°C. The waterfall is in full flow and the pool is deep and clear. The trek is easy and the views are stunning.

However, summer is also the peak season for tourism in Manali and Jogini Waterfall can get crowded and noisy. You may have to wait in long queues or share the pool with many people. You may also have to pay higher prices for transportation, accommodation, and food.

Monsoon is a risky time to visit Jogini Waterfall if you want to avoid the rainfall and the landslide. Monsoon lasts from July to September in Manali and the rainfall is heavy and frequent. The waterfall becomes more powerful and the pool becomes more turbulent. The trek becomes slippery and dangerous and the views become foggy and cloudy.

However, monsoon is also a low season for tourism in Manali and Jogini Waterfall can be less crowded and more peaceful. You may have more privacy and space to enjoy the waterfall and its surroundings. You may also get lower prices for transportation, accommodation, and food.

You may also like to check out: Jogini Waterfall, Manali : An Enthralling Experience Of Our First Trek Together

Winter is a challenging time to visit Jogini Waterfall if you want to experience the snowfall and the cold. Winter lasts from October to March in Manali and the temperature ranges from -5°C to 10°C. The waterfall freezes partially or completely and the pool becomes shallow or dry. The trek becomes difficult and the views become snowy and icy.

However, winter is also a beautiful time to visit Jogini Waterfall if you want to see a different side of it. The frozen waterfall looks like a crystal sculpture and the snow-covered landscape looks like a fairy tale. You may also get to see some rare wildlife such as snow leopards, musk deer, or Himalayan tahr.

Tips for Visiting Jogini Waterfall

Jogini Waterfall is a wonderful place to visit, but it also requires some preparation and caution. Here are some tips and precautions for visiting Jogini Waterfall safely and responsibly:

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Carry water and snacks:

Jogini Waterfall is a remote place and there are no shops or cafes nearby. You should carry enough water and snacks with you to stay hydrated and energized during the trek and swim. You should also carry a reusable water bottle and a biodegradable bag to avoid plastic waste.

Wear comfortable shoes and clothes:

Jogini Waterfall is a natural place and there are no facilities or amenities available. You should wear comfortable shoes that can grip well on wet or rocky surfaces. You should also wear clothes that can protect you from sunburns, insects, and thorns. You should also carry a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, insect repellent, etc.

Respect local culture and environment:

Jogini Waterfall is a sacred place for the locals who live nearby. You should respect their customs, beliefs, and traditions by not littering, making noise, or taking photos inside the temple. You should also respect their privacy and property by not trespassing or disturbing them. You should also protect the natural beauty and cleanliness of Jogini Waterfall by not throwing garbage, plucking flowers, or harming animals.

Avoid trekking alone or at night:

Jogini Waterfall is a secluded place and there are no lights or signboards on the trail. You should trek with a guide or a group who knows the way well. You should also trek during daylight hours when you can see clearly and avoid any risks or dangers.

Jogini Waterfall is a must-visit destination for anyone who loves nature, adventure, spirituality, or photography. It offers a variety of features and attractions that will make your visit memorable and rewarding. Whether you want to trek, swim, pray, or view, Jogini Waterfall has something for you.

We hope this article has given you all the information you need to plan your visit to Jogini Waterfall. If you have any feedback, questions, or experiences about Jogini Waterfall, please feel free to share them with us in the comments section below or contact us at Tripoto.com. We would love to hear from you!

Happy traveling!

Jogini Waterfall Reviews

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Jogini Waterfall, Manali : An Enthralling Experience Of Our First Trek Together

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Nature at its best

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What we did enroute jogini waterfalls, a short photo series crossed beautiful vashisht village .

Vashisht Village near Jogini Falls

Enjoyed Beautiful Vistas

Enjoying Vistas near Jogini Falls

First View of Jogini Waterfall

Jogini Falls

How To Reach Jogini Waterfall?

Things to keep in mind for jogini waterfall trek.

  • Its a 3 KM trek from Vashisht Temple.
  • Don't opt for cars as you won't be able to find parking for it outside the temple or nearby.
  • Carry a water bottle and something to eat.
  • It's a moderate trek that any healthy person can do.
  • There is only one eatery you will find so if you get hungry or want to take a sip of tea/coffee, take a halt as there is no other shop.
  • In between, you will reach a place (base of the waterfall) that many people think is the final destination. However, the trek is till the top of the waterfall.
  • Leave on time so that you are back on time.
  • Photography enthusiasts should ensure they trek at a time so that they reach the top during noon for capturing the beauty of the place. 
  • Soon we were back in our hotel room relaxing and enjoying checking out pictures of the beautiful Jogini waterfalls. It was indeed one of the best days of our bike rides. The serene beauty of the mountains has this power of attracting everyone and make everyone feel blissful.

Aesthetic view from Jogini Falls

P.S.: Please maintain the beauty of the place by being a sensible traveller and not littering around!

      View this post on Instagram What happens when travel, trek, waterfalls, mountains, nature blend together? Well, it comes as a surprising package? Want to know what we got? The picture here is glimpse of what we experienced at the top of our Jogini Waterfall trek. —�—�—�—�—�—�—� Click the link in bio to know more about our trek to one of the most beautiful places we have been to. • • Link in Bio > Link in Bio > Link in Bio • • #coupleonbike #ride #rideout #bikelife #biker #travelcouple #traveltheworld #travel #traveling #travelblog #travelblogger #traveladdict #travelogger #traveltheworld #mytravelgram #travelgram #rajasthan #jaipur #jaipurlove #trekking #trekkingday #trekkinglife #waterfalls #waterfalling #mountaintops #himachal #himachalpradesh #manali #himachaltourism A post shared by Rajni & Yogesh (@coupleonbike) on Oct 25, 2017 at 12:55am PDT

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  • Places to visit in Manali

Jogini Waterfall

Hiking with Scenic Views

Jogini Waterfall-2

Found in the peaceful and remote surrounds of Vashisht Village, precisely 4km from Manali, the beautiful Jogini Waterfall calls attention to chilled water and a great route for some trekking.

Suggested Duration - 2-3 hours

What To Expect?

Jogini Falls is favourable for a family trek from Manali as it's fairly easy. You can also visit Jogini Mata Mandir which is incorporated in most of the guided trekking packages.

  • If you're going for a trek then don't forget to carry snacks and a water bottle.
  • The popular Vashishtha Temple is a 42-minute trek away from the waterfalls.
  • The trek is easy but the climb to the top is a bit tough yet the panoramic views are worth the effort.

Exploring a destination...

The joy of travel comes in exploring new things. Planting your feet somewhere you’ve never been before brings with it the rush of discovery and the joy of pushing back on the boundaries of your world.

But when one does arrive at that fresh frontier, there are ways better than others to begin your journey of discovery. Follow these steps and see the world with a new light.

• Discover a new city through a food tour. Food tour’s are the easiest way to take a tour, learn about the local delicacies, and the best of all, get great tips that aren’t just “local” tips for tourists, but sometimes, lessons for a lifetime too

• Use Public Transportation. When you are in a new city, you can possibly see places and people that you wouldn’t normally see when simply walking to the places that checks your list. Some buses or rails take you to parts of the city you wouldn’t get to see otherwise. Whilst using public transportation, just ensure that you are following the local norms and do remember to watch the locals!

• Find a local festival. Go beyond what other tourists might do while visiting a place. Look for the unique things you would want to do. Use social media or the local tourism website to find out what’s going on locally. You may have to move out of the center of the city to do some of the less popular but more unique things, so just keep that in mind!

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions about Jogini Waterfall

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jogini waterfall trek

Tour Details

Jogini Waterfall trek has a very pretty picturesque setting for a waterfall in the heart of the hills, this is one of the must-do day treks in Manali . This waterfall is created by the stream which later on merges with the river Beas. It has a small pool at the bottom where tourists like to get in. Although it is suggested not to get in the pool in monsoon times as the flow of water is exponentially quick and risky.

The trek to Jogini Falls is a walk through small villages and beautiful valleys, setting of the whole trail is so serene and peaceful that one wants to live in that bubble rather than to get out of such a Xanadu. Jogini falls also has religious significance and has a small temple dedicated to Jogini Mata at the bottom of the falls.

This 150ft tall waterfall is a sight to behold and the village’s perfect sceneries with the valleys just makes it even better. With gradual elevation gain this is the perfect outting for a family.

Starting / End Point

Vashisht village (4 km from Manali)

Start / Finish Time

10:00 am / 4:00 pm (tentative)

Nearest Roadhead

Vashisht village (near Manali)

Nearest Railhead

Chandigarh Railway Station

Nearest Airport

Bhuntar Airport (50 km from Manali)

  • All snacks & packed veg. day meals on the trek
  • forest trek permits
  • Well trained & experienced trek leader / guides
  • any kind of road travel or transport to reach / depart from trek start / finish point
  • any kind of expense incurred in case a trekker drops out of the trek
  • any kind of hotel / lodge stay
  • any kind of personal expense on food or medicines
  • any thing not mentioned in inclusions


  • Bottled water
  • Extra snacks (biscuits/cookies)

Tour Highlights

Jogini Waterfall trek is a 6.5 km loop trail near Manali , Himachal Pradesh. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 5-6 hours to complete. This is a very popular area for bird watching , hiking , and snowshoeing , so you’ll likely encounter other people while exploring. The best times to visit Jogini Falls is March to December .

  • Jogini Waterfalls
  • Bird watching
  • Scenic valley views
  • Snowshoeing in winters
  • Jogini Mata temple & small mountain villages

Arrive at Vashisht village about 4 km / 15 mins drive from Manali

Report & meet our trek staff at 10:00 am at vashisht temple (old wooden famous temple), start trek to jogini mata temple through the sanctuary forest, reach jogini mata temple hike further up to jogini falls, have packed lunch near the grassy patches, return by 3:30 pm to vashisht village, driver back to manali.

Is it necessary to hire a guide on this tour ?

Yes, it is absolutely essential to take a guide for this tour whether you are solo or in a group.

What is the best season for this trek ?

The best season for Jogini Waterfall trek is from March to December. Avoid Jan-Feb, as the region is usually out of bound due to heavy snow.

Is this trek suitable for kids ?

It is ideally recommended for 5+ age kids.

Is this trek safe for women & solo travelers ?

Yes, in fact all the treks in the mountain regions are quite safe for women & solo travelers. People of the region are very warm, caring & hospitable in nature.

Do we have to give tip money to guides / porters ?

Guides & porters in the region will never demand any tip money from you. They just need their daily wages paid by the trek operator. However, it is always encouraging if one can give a little tip to them if they provide good services.

Which currency is accepted during transit or in nearby villages on this trek ?

Indian currency is accepted

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sar pass

Virender Parmar

Superb day hike to Jogini Waterfalls !!! Amazing mountain views, adventurous forest trail from Vashisht temple & what a mesmerizing trail all the way up to the eye soothing Jogini Falls.

' src=

Kiran Desai

One day trek to Jogini Falls near Manali was definitely worth it with breathtaking valley views & majestic cascading waterfalls. Thanks TrailHikers !

' src=

Enjoyed an excellent trip to Vashisht temple & Jogini Falls, well organized by team TrailHikers !

jogini waterfall trek

jogini waterfall trek

Discover The Hidden Gems Of Manali Beyond Tourist Spots

M anali is a small town located within the state of Himachal Pradesh in India. It is known for its natural beauty, adventurous activities and a vibrant culture. Although famous attractions like Solang Valley, Rohtang Pass, Hadimba Temple draw crowds throughout the year, Manali also has many unknown places where one can find peace and see true India worth visiting. Let's go and discover these hidden gems of Manali.

1. Jogini Waterfalls

Jogini Waterfalls is nestled deep inside the lush green valley situated only a short trek away from Vashisht Temple. The trek to these falls offers fantastic views of mountains around and beautiful waterfalls dropping down through rocks is something you won't be able to forget for a long time. This place makes an ideal location for quiet picnics or simply enjoying nature away from masses.

2. Naggar Castle

One hidden architectural marvel on the left bank of River Beas is Naggar Castle which has stood the test of time offering both history and charm. Built in the 15th century by Raja Sidh Singh of Kullu, this ancient castle offers a panoramic view of the valley below. Visit its art gallery with some intricate wood and stone work; it showcases Russian painter Nicholas Roerich's paintings or have some moments walking silently through its gardens.

Located on your way to Rohtang Pass, Gulaba is an incredibly beautiful village with almost no tourists around just serene landscapes everywhere you look at it here I mean snow-capped peaks, green meadows and sparkling streams unlike roaring crowd at Rohtang pass it offers peaceful haven for people who would love to take up walks amidst nature or are passionate photographers willing to capture untainted beauty of Himalayas.

4. Manu Temple

Manu Temple atop the hill overlooking Old Manali town is dedicated to the sage Manu who according to Hindu mythology was a creator of this world. Dense deodar forests enclose this ancient temple and you can feel spirituality and calmness in it. From here one can see stunning views of Beas River Valley as well as seek blessings at a holy place far away from crowds.

5. Hampta Pass

Hampta pass, located at an altitude of 4,270 meters above sea level is a great trekking destination for adventure seekers. This offbeat trail is blessed with snow-clad peaks, green valleys as well as alpine meadows that are all so pure. Through this trek which passes by hidden village hamlets having old temples and wide woods full of peace you will discover the true essence lying in the Indian Himalayas.

6. Bhrigu Lake

Bhrigu Lake is situated deep inside Pir Panjal Range; it's another unseen attraction due to its enchanting beauty and historical importance attached to it, supposedly sage Bhrigu used to meditate there once upon a time while cleansing his soul by dipping into its water.Around this lake stand towering mountains alongside alpine meadows making it perfect retreat for nature enthusiasts or adventure junkies.

7. Sethan Village

Sethan Village is the perfect place for anyone who desires to have a taste of Himalaya. Moreover, it's a remote village from Manali and represents a typical mountainous lifestyle. Of course, people come here not to spend time in any luxurious hotel but to experience the rural atmosphere of this region through traditional mud houses and meet friendly local villagers who are always ready to help you. You can enjoy living with families, taste some local food as well as participate in farming work, go hiking and talk to inhabitants.

In conclusion, even though Manali is famous for its many tourist spots, exploring lesser known gemstones could make your journey more fulfilling and genuine. Solitude in nature or cultural immersion or adrenaline flowing trips- whatever may be the case these hidden locations in Manali offer something for everyone who loves travel. So get packing, go off the beaten track and start unraveling the mysteries of this magical Himalayan destination.

Discover Manali's Best Kept Secrets Offbeat Tourist Spots


Updates since the 2nd edition, optional hikes, photographs.

Austin Stream Falls, Maine


waterfall guidebook


  • DON'T FORGET THE ESSENTIALS - When you visit waterfalls, you should consider bringing all of the following: (a) bug spray; (b) food/snacks; (c) water/sports drinks; (d) camera/smart-phone; (e) guidebook/trail map; (f) daypack/backpack; and (g) hiking shoes, hiking boots or watershoes. A full day hiking packing list can be found here .
  • CONSIDER BUYING WATER SHOES - You won't see too many people using them, but watershoes are fantastic pieces of equipment that can make your trip to waterfalls and swimming holes safer and more enjoyable. Merrill and Keen make some fantastic watershoes (here are some great ones from Merrill: womens / mens ).
  • LEAVE NO TRACE - When you visit waterfalls and swimming holes, you'll often see some trash and sometimes you'll even find clothing left behind by others. It's really, really sad, and it irks the heck out of us. Won't you consider carrying out some of trash and clothing left by others when you leave? That would leave the spot more beautiful for the next person. Bring a trash bag and be a hero!
  • PRIVATE PROPERTY - Many waterfalls and swimming holes are located on private property and so we are truly fortunate that many landowners allow us to enjoy them. If you want to ensure that they stay open to the public, please do your best to leave no trace . If you see a sign that says 'Private Property', turn around and find another waterfall to visit or a different place to swim.
  • BRING A DSLR CAMERA AND TRIPOD WITH YOU - If you want to take high-quality photographs of waterfalls, your smart-phone just won't cut it. Get a DSLR camera, a tripod, and learn to master the art of waterfall photography .
  • SCOUT FIRST, SWIM SECOND - Never enter a swimming hole without first scouting it, even if you see somebody else swimming in it. Stop and access the risks based upon the depth of water, the power of the current, evidence of slippery rocks, and other safety factors.
  • CLIFF JUMPING - Cliff jumping is dangerous. Like, seriously dangerous. Understand the risks before you partake in this activity. Many have died from doing this in New England. Here is a list of all known deaths at waterfalls and swimming holes in New England.
  • PLEASE DON'T BUILD ROCK CAIRNS - Please do not build new rock cairns at waterfalls or swimming holes. Cairns are a strong reminder of human presence, and don't we all want to see waterfalls in their natural state and glory? Photographers get particularly annoyed at seeing cairns, so please resist the urge to build them.
  • DON'T RELY ON YOUR GPS TO GET YOU TO THE TRAILHEAD - Waterfalls don't have addresses, so relying on your GPS to get you to a trailhead is great way to get yourself lost. You need a guidebook, a road atlas, and/or a hiking map to visit the vast majority of waterfalls in New England. Also keep in mind that waterfalls are often located in wild areas, where smart-phone map apps and car GPS units may not work at all.
  • WATERFALLS IN SPRING - The best time to visit waterfalls is generally in the spring during the annual snowmelt (which is April to June). However, most waterfalls will often look great for several days after a significant rain storm.
  • HELP KEEP THE ULTRA-SECRET SWIMMING HOLES A SECRET (FOREVER) - If you find some ultra-secret swimming holes, please do your best to keep them a secret. Do not post their locations online or wildly share directions or photos with others. All of the swimming holes that are included in the guidebook and online through this website are the well-known swimming spots. There are many more holes that are much further off the beaten path, but they deserve a chance to stay wild and pristine.
  • DON'T SCRAMBLE UP WATERFALLS - So many people been seriously injured and killed in the waterfalls of New England. Many of these folks got too close to a waterfall and slipped and fell. Don't become a statistic: stay far back from the edge.
  • WEAR TRACTION IF YOU VISIT WATERFALLS IN WINTER - Visiting waterfalls in winter can be rewarding, but there is often a higher element of danger. You may need crampons, snowshoes, and/or some other form of traction (like Microspikes ) in order to safely hike to waterfalls in winter.
  • SUPPORT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS THAT CONSERVE WATERFALLS & SWIMMING HOLES - There are some organizations in New England that work diligently to conserve and maintain waterfalls and swimming holes. Please consider supporting these organizations, either with their trail maintenance projects or with monetary donations. Here are three excellent organizations engaged in this extremely important mission: the Trustees of Reservations , the Vermont River Conservancy and the Nature Conservancy .


  • Waterfalls of Connecticut = link
  • Waterfalls of Maine = link
  • Waterfalls of Massachusetts = link
  • Waterfalls of New Hampshire = link
  • Waterfalls of Rhode Island = link
  • Waterfalls of Vermont = link
  • Best Waterfalls in New England = link
  • Best Swimming Holes in New England = link
  • Top 25 Day Hikes in New England = link
  • Top 25 Family-Friendly Day Hikes in New England = link
  • Waterfalls Near Boston, Massachusetts = link
  • Waterfalls Near Lincoln, New Hampshire = link
  • Waterfalls Near North Conway, New Hampshire = link
  • Waterfalls Near Stowe, Vermont = link
  • Waterfall Photography Tips = link


  • Connecticut Waterfalls (1st Edition: 2014) = link
  • Hiking Waterfalls in New England: A Guide to the Region's Best Waterfall Hikes (2nd Edition: 2022) = link
  • Hiking Waterfalls Maine: A Guide to the State's Best Waterfall Hikes (1st Edition: 2020) = link
  • Vermont Waterfalls (1st Edition: 2015) = link


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  1. Jogini Waterfall Manali: Entry fee, Best time to Visit, Photos & Reviews

    jogini waterfall trek

  2. The Ultimate Jogini Falls Manali Trek Guide

    jogini waterfall trek

  3. The Ultimate Jogini Falls Manali Trek Guide

    jogini waterfall trek

  4. Jogini Waterfall, Manali : An Enthralling Experience Of Our First Trek

    jogini waterfall trek

  5. Jogini Waterfall Trek from Manali

    jogini waterfall trek

  6. Jogini Waterfall, Manali

    jogini waterfall trek


  1. Trekking to Jogini Waterfall (Manali)

  2. jogini water fall trek in Manali..#shorts video#

  3. The jogini waterfalls Trek

  4. Jogini Waterfall Manali

  5. JOGINI WATERFALL MANALI #shorts #youtubeshorts #himachalpradesh

  6. trek 🫶📍jogini waterfall in manali.❤#travel #treak #nature #waterfall #lovetravel


  1. The Ultimate Jogini Falls Manali Trek Guide

    Learn how to hike to Jogini Falls, a sacred waterfall near Vashisht village in Manali, Himachal Pradesh. Find out the best time to visit, the distance, the difficulty, and the views of this easy trek.

  2. Jogini Waterfall, Manali

    Jogini Waterfall is a scenic waterfall near Vashisht Temple, accessible by a 3-hour trek through pine trees and orchards. It is a popular attraction for couples, adventure seekers and picnickers, offering stunning views of River Beas and Rohtang peaks.

  3. Jogini Falls Trekking Guide

    Learn how to trek to Jogini Falls, a 3-tier waterfall with a natural pool, near Manali. Find out the best time, distance, difficulty, and tips for this scenic and easy trek.

  4. Jogini Waterfall and Vashist temple: One Day Hike Near Manali

    The Jogini waterfall trek distance is only 3 km away from the Vashisht temple near Manali. On the outskirts of Vashisht village, a small stream jumps off from a cliff and forms this amazing waterfall. The stream then flows down to join Beas river near Kullu Valley. Jogini waterfall height from sea level is around 150 ft.

  5. JOGINI WATERFALL (2024) All You Need to Know BEFORE You ...

    The trek to upper level of Jogini waterfall is not easy, it is long and trecherous and not suitable for kids. But at the top, the view of Jogini waterfall is superb. Its a big waterfall and you get a good valley of the baes valley. Its a nice trek but brace for some uphill climb.

  6. Jogini Waterfalls Manali (Timings, Entry Fee, Images, Best time to

    Jogini Waterfalls is a scenic waterfall in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, that can be reached by trekking from Vashisht Temple. Learn about the legend, entry fee, best time to visit and how to reach this popular tourist attraction.

  7. Jogini Waterfall, Himachal Pradesh, India

    For people looking to do an easy hike, Jogini waterfall in Manali is a great option. The best part is to avoid repeating the same route while hiking. This circuit hike avoids the common busy trail from Vashisht Temple. The climb from north side (true right of waterfall) avoids forest giving scenic view of the Manali valley. The trail is neat ...

  8. Jogini Waterfall, Himachal Pradesh, India

    For people looking to do an easy hike, Jogini waterfall in Manali is a great option. The best part is to avoid repeating the same route while hiking. This circuit hike avoids the common busy trail from Vashisht Temple. The climb from north side (true right of waterfall) avoids forest giving scenic view of the Manali valley.

  9. Jogini Waterfall, Manali

    Jogini Waterfall is located in the beautiful Valley of Manali, about 3 kilometres away from the bustling town and around 2 kilometres away from the famous Vashisht Temple. What makes it a popular tourist spot is the trek from Vashisht Temple, through pine trees and orchards, to the mesmerising Jogini Waterfalls cascading from a height of 160 feet.

  10. Jogini Waterfall Trek from Manali

    Embark on a scenic trek from Vashisht Temple to Jogini Waterfall; Discover the spiritual ambiance of Vashisht Temple; Refresh yourself at Jogini Falls, a majestic cascade offering a retreat; Immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of the Himalayan landscape; Experience the perfect blend of adventure, spirituality, and natural beauty

  11. DIY Hiking Guide To Jogini Waterfall, Manali

    The walk is about 4.4 km from the Manali bus stand to the base, where the hike begins. Best Time To Visit. The summertime, between March to April, and wintertime, days between October and February, are voted as the best time to visit the Jogini waterfalls. The Jogini waterfall is inaccessible during the monsoon season, between July to early ...

  12. Jogini Waterfall: Nature's Serenade in the Heart of Manali

    How to Reach Jogini Waterfall? Jogini Waterfall is located near the picturesque town of Manali in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. To reach the waterfall, you can embark on a scenic trek from the Vashisht Temple or Old Manali. The trek takes approximately 4 to 6 hours, covering a distance of around 4 kilometers.

  13. Jogini Waterfall: View Images, Timing and Reviews

    From Manali. Jogini Waterfall is about 3 km from Manali town. You can reach Jogini Waterfall from Manali by road or by foot. By road: You can take a taxi, an auto-rickshaw, or a bus from Manali town to Vashisht Temple complex, which is the starting point of the trek to Jogini Waterfall. The road journey takes about 15 minutes and costs around Rs. 100-200 per person.

  14. Himachal Pradesh Jogini Waterfall Trek

    Jogini Waterfall Trek from Manali 100+ booked Gallery Similar adventures in Himachal Pradesh. What to expect. There is something truly special about Jogini Waterfalls that captures the heart and spirit of those who have gone to see it. Nearly 3km away from Vashisht Temple in Manali, this sacred waterfall is frequently visited by locals and ...

  15. 2024 (Vashisht) Jogini Waterfall Trek from Manali

    Jogini Waterfall Trek from Manali. 5. Jogini Waterfall Trek from Manali. By Sun Leisure World India. 1 review. See all photos. About. There's an undeniable charm to Jogini Waterfalls, captivating the hearts and spirits of all who visit. Situated nearly 3km from Vashisht Temple in Manali, this sacred site draws both locals and tourists alike.

  16. Jogini Waterfalls

    New Memories. By the way, this is our First Trek Together :-) Known by the name of Jogni Waterfall, it is a 3 Kilometers trek from Vashsisht Temple. We were quite excited about the trek amidst the green forest hence without any further adieu, and we went ahead. Jogni Waterfall trek is relatively easier to ascend, and anyone could do it because ...

  17. Manali's biggest waterfall

    Jogini Falls is one of the top tourist attractions in Manali. It is a fairly easy and short trek and the views on reaching the waterfall are worth it. Today ...

  18. Jogini Waterfall

    Overview. Found in the peaceful and remote surrounds of Vashisht Village, precisely 4km from Manali, the beautiful Jogini Waterfall calls attention to chilled water and a great route for some trekking. Suggested Duration - 2-3 hours.

  19. Jogini Waterfall Trek, Manali

    Experience the beauty and serenity of nature on this Jogini Waterfall Trek, Manali. Enjoy the scenic views of the Beas River and the snow-capped peaks of Rohtang as you hike through lush green forests and meadows. Witness the cascading waters of the Jogini Falls and feel refreshed by the cool breeze. Book your trek with Thrillophilia and get 40% off on this amazing adventure.

  20. Jogini Waterfall Trek

    Jogini Waterfall trek is a 6.5 km loop trail near Manali, Himachal Pradesh. Generally considered a moderately challenging route, it takes an average of 5-6 hours to complete. This is a very popular area for bird watching, hiking, and snowshoeing, so you'll likely encounter other people while exploring. The best times to visit Jogini Falls is ...

  21. Discover The Hidden Gems Of Manali Beyond Tourist Spots

    Jogini Waterfalls . Jogini Waterfalls is nestled deep inside the lush green valley situated only a short trek away from Vashisht Temple. The trek to these falls offers fantastic views of mountains ...

  22. Austin Stream Falls

    DIRECTIONS. From the northern junction of ME 201 and ME 16 in Bingham, take ME 16 east for 0.8 mile and turn left onto Dead Water Rd, which climbs a 10-foot hill at its start. Follow Dead Water Rd northeast for 5.5 miles and park on the left side of the road when you see a spur road on the left that heads into the woods.

  23. 10 Best Waterfall Trails in Russia

    Top trails (36) Moderate • 4.6 (25) #1 - Ninoskhevi Waterfall. Lagodekhi National Park. Length: 8.4 mi • Est. 4h 57m. Fun trail to a stunning waterfall with a partial difficult part. The trail goes by the river bed on the way towards the waterfall.

  24. THE 10 BEST Russia Waterfalls (Updated 2024)

    Technically there are 33 waterfalls, but the walking route has 15 with easy access, the rest are harder to get to. The circular route involves climbs a series of ramps and then walking down again on the other side. The entire area is shaded, and the tall trees are covered in moss. The entire experience is very relaxing, despite the exertion.