There She Goes Again

What to Expect on a Cameron Highlands Day Tour & Tips for Visiting

I knew during my trip to Kuala Lumpur , I wanted to make time to visit at least one big place out of the city while I was here. Since I’m a big tea fan, naturally I planned to do a nice Cameron Highlands day tour to explore the area as efficiently as possible. 

About midway through my trip, I decided to take the plunge and go to the highlands for two nights and one full day, as per my friend, Milou’s advice . It’s just a really lovely way to get out of the city’s humidity for a day or two. I decided to leave my laptop behind and travel with only my daypack so I could really try to disconnect.

What are the Cameron Highlands?

The Cameron Highlands ( Tanah Tinggi Cameron in Malay) is about 200km or 4-5 hours north of Kuala Lumpur in the Pahang state and sits 2,600 ft – 5,259 ft above sea level. It’s made of eight mountains, with Mt. Batu Brinchang as the highest you can reach by car, and eight settlements, the main one being Tanah Rata. The local aborigines are known as the Orang Asli, though, like most of Malaysia, the population is a mix of Chinese, Bumiputeras, Malays, Indians, and more. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

How we know of the area today is pretty much a colonial British creation.

The highlands get their name from William Cameron, who discovered the area in 1885 and promptly died about 2 weeks later. The land only started being developed after George Maxwell visited to see if it’d make a good resort in the 1920s, with construction beginning in the 1930s.

Today it’s known for its tea plantations and nature. Coupled with its cooler, more even temperatures, it’s a great way to relax in Malaysia.

Cameron Highland Tips

How long to stay.

So, you  can  do an actual day trip to the highlands from Kuala Lumpur. This tour starts with a 7am pick-up at your hotel and ends with an 8pm drop off. However, you’re going to be on the bus for roughly 4-5 hours each way, so to me that just sounded kind of exhausting. You’d spend more time traveling than actually  seeing the area!

Instead, I did one full day for a tour there and stayed two nights. If you really wanted to slow travel, you could probably spend another day or two, especially if you’re traveling Malaysia and headed towards Penang or Ipoh afterwards. 


The absolute easiest way is to just book a bus! You can do it all on Easybook , and it should be about RM 35 (~$8.50 USD) each way. It’s the same price as if you book at the stations too — I checked.

On the way there, it took about 4 1/2 hours, and the last 19 miles of winding, uphill road took at least an hour of it! On the way back, it was only 3 hours. I used Uniti Express and CS Travel, and both were cushy, well air-conditioned, and comfortable. They each made one stop at bathrooms.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

The buses leave from a few different stations in KL. I left from Terminal Bersepadu Selatan  and came back to  KL Sentral .  Both were easy, cheap Grab rides to and from my Airbnb. The nice thing about KL Sentral is that it’s near Little India and Brickfields, so if you want some Indian food when you get back, you can walk right over. Also, for Bersepadu, just go to the 7-11 for snacks and things. The other place’s stuff was overpriced, and they didn’t offer nearly as much.

The main bus terminal for the Highlands is  Tanah Rata Bus Terminal . Just an FYI, there weren’t really any convenience stores nearby, so if you’re the kind of person who wants to bring snacks on the bus, get them before you head over there.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


Just an FYI, Grab doesn’t work in this region. If you need to get around and can’t by foot, you’ll have to use a taxi. Apparently, they’re more expensive here than, say, KL, but I didn’t take one, so I can’t be sure.

I also did see a sign advertising motorbikes, if you trust yourself enough to ride one along the very windy roads. The sign I saw was for RM 50 for 5 hours and RM 80 for 10 hours. 


There are quite a few places to stay in the Cameron Highlands, mainly in the town of Tanah Rata. I’d recommend staying here and as close to the terminal as you can, so you avoid taking a taxi.

I stayed at The Cave House , which is set in an apartment complex about a 10-15 minute walk from the terminal. Just use Google Maps to guide you!

It’s a nice, budget-friendly place, and I only paid $29 USD for 2 nights in a private room, shared common area, and bathroom. Since I was also continuing to pay for my place in KL for those same two nights, I really didn’t want to spend too much for somewhere I was literally just sleeping! They have a free breakfast of toast and jam and tea and coffee, and there’s a filter to refill your water bottle. It’s also near some restaurants if you’re hungry, but I wasn’t, so I skipped dinner while I was there.

It  is in an apartment complex, and sound carries a lot, especially if you keep the windows open like I did. Who knew small children could run around outside at all hours of the night and still have energy? If you’re a light sleeper, bring ear plugs.

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Other Places

If you can splurge a bit, I’d try the Cameron Highlands Resort , which is uber luxurious. Or, on the opposite end, if you’re on even more of a budget than me, try Traveller Bunker Hostel 1 , which is only an 8-minute walk from the terminal.

There are also some Airbnb options if you want to set up shop here for more than a few days. If I was properly traveling through Malaysia and needed somewhere quiet to work, this is probably what I’d do. This apartment is in Brinchang , which is where the main attractions are, and pretty inexpensive while still being spacious and cute.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


The highlands were a LOT cooler than Kuala Lumpur, which was lovely since KL was going through a heatwave. My room didn’t even have A/C in it because the temperature is so regularly cool. 

If you get cold easily, then I’d probably wear loose pants and a comfortable top, like my go-to UNIQLO lounge pants . It also can get rainy, so if you’re worried, bring a light rain coat as well. I just wore jean shorts, short sleeved shirts, and black Nike sneakers. If I’d realized I’d be trekking like I did, I would have brought my hiking sneakers on this trip, but my Nike ones were fine. 


Guys, I kept track this time! Since it was such a short trip, and I didn’t spend much, it was easy to remember:

  • Bus to and from KL – RM 70
  • 2 nights hostel – RM 120
  • 1 day tour – RM 90
  • Lunch – RM 15 (or less can’t remember exact)
  • Cake & Iced Tea – RM 20 (or less)
  • Tea Souvenirs – RM 90

Total : RM 405 (~$99 USD)

Not too shabby for a big day, fairly touristy day trip! If you really wanted to make this cheaper, skip the tea souvenirs and get an even cheaper hostel. Obviously, if you do get hungry, you’ll want to add about RM 30 more for two dinners.

My Cameron Highlands Day Tour

I booked my day tour through the Cave House, and it wound up being with Eco Cameron Tours. You can shop around in Tanah Rata if you want to compare prices, but mine was RM 90 (~$22 USD) for the day, which seemed fair enough for me. Our tour wound up being a teensy bit different, so here’s what you’ll probably wind up doing if you do the same tour as I did with them. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

8:45 AM – PICK-UP

My guide, Hema, picked me up right in front of my guesthouse. There were a total of six people in our group, and I was the second stop. They use a manual jeep, which is a pretty fun ride on the roads. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


Instead of taking us to the normal walk in the Mossy Forest, Hema took us trekking. He asked us if we’d prefer to the normal walkway, which now costs RM 30, or if we’d like to go trekking on Eco Cameron’s private trail nearby. We decided to do the trekking. 

Guys, I WAS NOT PREPARED. In my head, I didn’t think it’d be such an uphill trek, but it was. I almost wore my Birkenstocks for this trip. Can you imagine what a mess that would have been? It was pretty muddy because of the recent rain, and the pathways are literally just dirt. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

We did get the whole thing to ourselves, and the view from the top was amazing. Just make sure you’re not wearing white (like me…) and be prepared to get quite dirty and sweaty. My backpack had mud at the bottom, I fell into a hole, so my one leg was dirty, and, of course, my hands were constantly dirty from balancing myself and jumping up or down things. Luckily one of the girls on the trip share her wet wipes with us, but I was still picking dirt from under my nails later in the day.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


Once we finished our hike, we went over to the real selling point of the whole area —  Boh Tea Plantation!  First we stopped by the famous lookout point while Hema told us a bit about the area:

  • It was started by a Scottish family in 1929, and the granddaughter still runs them now
  • BOH just means “Best of Highlands” or “Beauty of Highlands” LOL
  • They ONLY produce black tea
  • 85% of the workers are women
  • It’s not very high, about 1,500 above sea level
  • 95% of the tea goes to Malaysia and only 5% is exported to nearby countries

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


We then had about an hour to enjoy the plantation, including doing a tour to see how the leaves are made, enjoy the crowded cafe, and buy some tea for ourselves. I didn’t wind up doing a factory tour, but I enjoyed the views with carrot cake and peach iced tea, and then got two different kinds of tea to bring home with me. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

In retrospect, this and maybe the hike were my favorite parts of the day. So if I  didn’t want to do a tour next time, I’d just get a taxi or figure out a way to come to the plantation and stick around longer. 


UGH. I didn’t even think about this place not being very animal-friendly because I didn’t even really think about going when I glanced at the itinerary. I think all day tours go here, which is really sad because it sucks. Like in my notes, I literally wrote “Sad, horrible place.” It’s not a conservation, it’s just… idk. If you’re on your own, DON’T GO, and if you’re on a tour, just tell them you’re not interested in going in. Maybe if your whole group is disinterested, you can stay longer at the tea plantation or head to your next stops. 

Not only are there butterflies, there are other animals and insects held in cages, some of them obviously too small. If Wild Florida was a place where the animals were beyond loved, this was the EXACT opposite. There’s no one in there watching them and making sure bratty kids aren’t constantly trying to touch the butterflies, and it just looks miserable. I finally left when I snapped at a 3-year-old kid for kicking a cat while his stupid parents said nothing. I tried seeing if the cat was ok, but, rightfully so, that guy jetted off away from humans.

Dear all Cameron Highlands day tours, especially Eco Cameron, STOP INCLUDING THIS IN YOUR ITINERARY. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


After the gardens, we went to lunch at  Restoran Yao Yat,  which was… okay. I was still upset over the Butterfly Garden and the cat kicking, so I wasn’t exactly hungry. I got the Nasi Lemak and ate maybe a few bites of the chicken and some rice because I mixed in the sauce and realized I didn’t really like it. There were also flies  everywhere , and we spent half our time swatting them away. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


We then had some time to wander around the local market. I got handmade green tea ice cream, which was pretty delicious, and just enjoyed the cooler air and peeking into the different stalls. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


Near the market is Raju’s Hill Strawberry Farm. You can tell where it is by the rainbow colored stairs leading up. There Hema told us about the Cameron Highlands and strawberries before we tried some organic jam and juice. Big fan of that strawberry juice (no added sugar).

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


This is such a fun little area that feels more like wandering through a cool thrift shop! It takes you back through the highland’s history from the Orang Asli to how it became known for its tea and more. There are a bunch of retro set-ups from the 50s and 60s as well. You can walk through the whole place in probably 20 minutes or less. 

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


Our last stop (and right before the rain hit) was Sam Poh Temple, a large, colorful Buddhist temple. There’s not much to see once you’re inside, so it really isn’t a long stop at all. 


We were then dropped off at our respective hotels! I immediately took a shower and shoved all my dirty clothes away before spending the rest of the evening reading and texting with friends. All in all, a peaceful end to an adventurous day!

And there you have it! A full guide on what to expect on a day tour of the Cameron Highlands! Let me know if you’ve been and what you thought of the area.

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cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

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Do you have the contact of the local tour person at cameron highlands ?

Hi Vinesh! Sorry, I don’t. But if you go I’m sure you could ask your hotel/bnb/hostel and they’ll have recommendations!

That’ a really interesting blog with cool pictures. Thank you! Appreciate the note about the butterflies, good to know. You mentioned you booked this toor through your hotel (or hostel), can you recommend a few websites where I can book a decent tour to see the plantations (that are not overly priced)?

Hi! Thanks! I’d say this tour would be your best bet –

I don’t think there are any butterflies involved on this one, but you can always send a message to double check.

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The PERFECT Cameron Highlands Day Trip Itinerary in 2024!

Planning a Cameron Highlands one day trip? Worry not. As one of the most popular tourist destinations in Malaysia, numerous tourists flock to Cameron Highlands every year to see some of the country’s best tea plantations, hiking trails, and natural scenery.

However, with so many things to do in Cameron Highlands, planning a day trip is no easy task. After visiting Cameron Highlands ourselves, we knew we had to write a blog post on Cameron Highlands. Hopefully, this will help you plan your trip, inform you what to do in Cameron Highlands in 1 day, how to get around, and the best time to visit !

Tired of planning your own Cameron Highlands day trip? Check out this day tour from Kuala Lumpur!

Is A Day Trip To Cameron Highlands Enough?


If you are planning a Cameron Highlands trip, you must wonder if one day in Cameron Highlands is enough . After all, there are tons of stunning Cameron Highlands attractions. Is one day really enough to enjoy them all?

The answer is… probably not .

From morning to night, Cameron Highlands is packed with fun activities. There are night markets, hiking trails, tea plantations, waterfalls , the list goes on and on. One day is simply not enough to fully experience Cameron Highlands.

Ideally, you would want to spend at least a weekend there. If you can only spend a day in Cameron Highlands, you will be able to see the main points of interest, but you will also miss quite a few!

If you are visiting just for a day, we recommend you take a tour to Cameron Highlands so you can get the most out of your time.

How To Get To Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

Located in the center of the Malay Peninsula, Cameron Highlands is reachable by many of the big cities of Malaysia. Below we will talk about how to get to Cameron Highlands from  Kuala Lumpur  (KL), Penang, and  Ipoh .

Getting From KL To Cameron Highlands

If you want to take a Cameron Highlands day trip from KL, you must be willing to get up early . About 200 kilometers apart, it takes about 3 hours to drive from Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands .

Personally, we wouldn’t recommend you to spend just one day in Cameron Highlands if you are coming from KL because you will spend half the day sitting on your butt.

Besides renting a car / having a car and driving to Cameron Highlands, you can also take the bus. The KL to Cameron Highlands bus departs at  Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) , and the journey takes about 3.5 hours.

If you get carsick easily, take a motion sickness pill. Though the journey is very scenic, it is also very windy.

Unfortunately, you cannot go from KL to Cameron Highlands by train. The train only takes you to Ipoh, where you would have to take a bus or drive to Cameron Highlands.

Due to the long commute, I recommend taking a tour from Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands.

Getting From Ipoh To Cameron Highlands


If you are going from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands, you can be a lot more flexible. The journey takes a little less than 2 hours , and renting a car or taking the bus are both viable options.

For anyone flying into the Cameron Highlands airport, you are actually going into the Ipoh Airport, because it is the closest airport to Cameron Highlands.

If you are taking the  bus from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands , you will have to get it from the Terminal Amanjaya . It is located 20-30 minutes away from Ipoh center, so plan accordingly. The bus journey takes about 2 hours and you are dropped off at Tanah Rata, one of the two main towns in Cameron Highlands.

The bus schedule is as follows: 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, and 6:30 PM.  This schedule changes occasionally, so it is best to reserve your ticket online before or buy your ticket at the terminal a day before.

If you are taking a taking day trip from Ipoh to Cameron Highlands, chances are you will want to take the 8 AM bus.

Getting From Penang To Cameron Highlands

Taking a day trip from Penang to Cameron Highlands is similar to taking one from Kuala Lumpur, it takes about 3 hours driving to get there. You must wake up early to avoid rush hour, otherwise it might take longer than you expect.

If driving is not an option, buses from Penang to Cameron Highlands depart at Sungai Nibong Bus Terminal daily. Frequently, there is only one bus that leaves in the AM, making your one-day trip to Cameron Highlands much more difficult.

The other option is to drive there. Having your own transportation in Cameron Highlands will be very useful.

Cameron Highlands Day Trip Itinerary

Above is an interactive map that outlines the stops on our itinerary. Make sure you take a look before visiting Cameron Highlands!

Quick summary of the morning activities in CH:

  • Boh Tea Centre
  • EE Feng Gu Bee Farm

Aim to arrive in Cameron Highlands as early as possible, ideally before 9 AM.

The first stop of your 1-day Cameron Highlands itinerary is the renowned  BOH Tea Centre . (Don’t get this confused with BOH Tea Plantation, which is another destination in Cameron Highlands)

Due to the moderate weather, consistent rainfall, and rich soil, the tea produced from Cameron Highlands is some of the finest tea you will find in the world.

At BOH Tea Centre, you can marvel at the acres of undisturbed tea plantations with the perfect cup of tea in hand. The tea plants stretch for miles, r unning up and down the lush hills of Cameron Highlands.

The vibrant blue sky harmonizes with the rich green, and it reminds us of the beautiful paddy fields in  Sekinchan .

If you have not had breakfast yet, their cafe serves light snacks that will keep your energy up for now.

BOH-Tea-Plantation Cameron Highlands

When you are done enjoying the incredible views at their cafe, take a free guided tour of their tea processing facility . Here you will see every step of the procedure and every machinery used to create this tasty delicacy.

The free guided tours take place every 30 minutes, and you can register for them when you arrive at BOH Tea Centre.

Before you leave, make sure you check out the BOH Tea Shop , the perfect place to purchase BOH’s tea to take home!

BOH Tea Centre is one of the most crowded places in Cameron Highlands. We highly recommend you to arrive early and leave before the crowd comes.

  • Admission Fee for BOH Tea Centre: Free


After you have finished visiting BOH Tea Centre, it is time to move on to the next attraction on the itinerary, the  Ee Feng Gu Bee Farm .

Featuring a small garden in the rear, visitors can observe the honey bees in action . After strolling through the garden, make a stop at their multi-level souvenir shop. Featuring cheap and locally-made honey, don’t forget to grab some on your way out!  Honey has many known health benefits!

  • Admission Fee for Ee Feng Gu Bee Farm: Free


Quick summary of the afternoon activities in CH:

  • Pasar Pagi Kea Farmers’ Market
  • Lord’s Cafe for afternoon tea
  • Big Red Strawberry Farm

After a visit to the Ee Feng Gu Bee Farm, the next stop is the  Pasar Pagi Kea Farm (Farmers’ Market) .

At first sight, this crowded farmers’ market in Cameron Highlands might look like a tourist trap. However, if you do a little bit of observing and investigating, you will notice both tourists and locals shop here.

The market is only one street long , but stalls inundate the sides of the street like the rainy season in Malaysia.

The farmers’ market mainly sells fresh produce from the region, but you will also find souvenir shops and a fair share of street food . It is also one of the best places to catch a glimpse of a local’s daily life.

If you have been following this Cameron Highlands one day itinerary, you probably have not eaten yet. Time to stuff yourself with some street food!


Chances are you the street food at the farmer’s market is just a Band-Aid on a bullet wound. If you are like us and love to eat all the time, you might still be hungry after the street food.

If that is the case, it is time to head into Tanah Rata !

Modeled after a traditional British village, Tanah Rata is a quaint walkable town in Cameron Highlands. Known for its easy accessibility, good food, and affordable accommodation, Tanah Rata is the best place to stay in Cameron Highlands.

Here in Tanah Rata, you will find your afternoon tea (or second meal).

Being an ex-British colony, Malaysia still has many traces of British traditions. In the Lord’s Cafe in Tanah Rata, you will find delicious British scones, pies, cakes , and other dishes. Their strawberry scones are known to be mouth-wateringly delicious.

After a delicious second meal at the Lord’s Cafe, it is time for one of Cameron Highlands’ best attractions, the Big Red Strawberry Farm .


Not only is Cameron Highlands climate perfect for cultivating tea, but it is also the ideal location for growing strawberries . Throughout Cameron Highlands, there are numerous amount of strawberry farms, but the one you must visit is the  Big Red Strawberry Farm .

The Big Red Strawberry Farm is exactly what the name suggests, a big strawberry farm. Visitors can stroll down its hydroponic environment and check out the strawberries growing in action. When they first start growing, the strawberries are as tiny as a peanut , an occurrence we usually don’t get to see.

Besides strawberries, the farm also grows a variety of other produce such as vegetables and flowers. They also have an on-site cafe serving food made with ingredients from the farm. The strawberry sundae is one that you have to try!

If you are visiting Cameron Highlands, chances are you would like to do some strawberry picking. At Big Red Strawberry Farm, the price for strawberry picking is 60 RM per 1 kg. If you are traveling to Cameron Highlands with kids, this is a must-do activity. 

Before you visit, give the farm a call to make sure strawberry picking is available. Though the strawberry-picking season is from May to August , it is best to confirm with the property!

  • Admission Fee to Big Red Strawberry Farm: Free


Quick summary of the evening activities in CH:

  • Golden Hills Weekend Night Market (only available on weekends)
  • Mossy Forest (optional)
  • Mount Brinchang for sunset (optional)

At this point, you are probably exhausted from your Cameron Highlands trip. While there are still many things to do in Cameron Highlands, you have seen the best.

If you have extra time, I would recommend that you visit the Mossy Forest and Mount Brinchang for sunset , though it is a bit of effort to get to both. (We will talk about these two attractions down below.)

If you are visiting Cameron Highlands on the weekend , then you are in luck. The Cameron Highlands Night Market, also known as the  Golden Hills Weekend Night Market , is happening!

The Golden Hills Weekend Night Market is the best thing to do in Cameron Highlands at night. If you thought the street food at the farmers’ market was intense, then you need to see the Golden Hills Weekend Night Market.

You can find extremely affordable meals here, great souvenirs , and lots of sweaty people . Golden Hills Weekend Night Market does not understand the concept of personal space! It surely didn’t stop us from getting a 4 RM meal here though.

If you have been to  Jalan Alor  in Kuala Lumpur, this night market is about half the size but twice the hecticness. Skewers, nasi lemak ( the national food of Malaysia ), nasi goreng (fried rice), mie goreng (fried noodles), fried vegetables, desserts, there is definitely more food than you can handle!

Don’t worry about giving everything a try though because the food there is so affordable.

Though advertised as a night market, the market is open as early as 5 PM. Don’t miss it before you leave Cameron Highlands (if you are here on a weekend).


Additional Things To Do In Cameron Highlands

If you have extra time on your day Cameron Highlands one day trip, consider some of the additional things to do down below. Similarly, if you have more than one day in Cameron Highlands, you could take a  day trip to Ipoh  and check out some of the  cave temples around Ipoh .

1. Hiking in Cameron Highlands


The moderate climate and stunning views make hiking one of the most popular activities in Cameron Highlands.

There are a total of 14 hiking trails in Cameron Highlands, and each of them is conveniently numbered. Not all trails are created equal, and others such as Trail 9 is known to be overgrown and dangerous.

Personally, I would recommend Trail 10 combined with Trail 6 as the trail allows you to walk through some of the local farms and stunning tea plantations.

💪 Pro Tip: Make sure you install the mobile app before hiking and use their offline maps to avoid getting lost!

The trailhead starts right outside the town of Tanah Rata, so it is still accessible if you don’t have your own vehicle. The hike takes about 3.5 hours to complete. Just keep in mind you finish at Cameron Valley Tea House and you would need to take a taxi back to town!

Another popular trail in Cameron Highlands is Trail No.1 . Trail No.1 is a 3-hour hike that takes you up to the peak of Mount Brinchang , the second highest peak in Cameron Highlands.

The views from Mount Brinchang are said to be some of the best in Cameron Highlands, as you get a panoramic view of the lushness Cameron Highlands is known for.

If you enjoy hiking, you must check out Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia’s highest mountain, in  Sabah !

2. Visit Mount Brinchang


As we have mentioned above, Mount Brinchang is the second tallest mountain in Cameron Highlands and offers unparalleled views of the surrounding area. Luckily for you, hiking is not the only way to get there. 

Travelers can also take a taxi or drive up to Mount Brinchang. Because of the constant rain that Cameron Highlands receives, the road is not exactly in the best condition. To make matters worse, parts of the road are so narrow that only one car can fit through at once.

Many tour operators might even tell you it is impossible to reach without a 4×4. However, that is just not true. If you have a regular automobile, you will get there without a problem. If you have a motorcycle, it’s not impossible, but just a little tricky.

Is it worth the effort? Definitely YES!

3. Check out the Mossy Forest


Due to the elevation of Cameron Highlands, low-level clouds constantly cover the area with mist and moisture. The result? A perfect environment for mosses ferns, lichens, and other plants to grow .

In fact, such a phenomenon has created one of the most interesting places in Cameron Highlands, the Mossy Forest.

Mossy Forest is located a short drive from Brinchang on the same narrow road. If you visit the Mossy Forest, you should also see Mount Brinchang and vice versa.

The entrance cost to the Mossy Forest is 30 RM for foreigners and 10 RM for locals. Once you are inside the Mossy Forest, you are limited to a ~250-meter boardwalk. Some travelers say the price is too steep for such a short visit. Whether or not the price is justified is up to you! 

Getting Around Cameron Highlands


One thing travelers must be aware of is how difficult it is to get around Cameron Highlands . Without your own vehicle, the only way to get from one attraction to another is by taxi. Some of these attractions are located very far apart from each other, so be prepared to spend quite a bit of money.

Taxis can be found at the  Tanah Rata Bus Terminal , the location where your bus will drop you off if you are taking a bus. If you are planning to visit a ton of places in Cameron Highlands at once, try to rent a taxi by the hour. As always, don’t forget to negotiate! 

If you are able to drive a scooter legally in Malaysia, renting a scooter in Cameron Highlands could be an option for you. There are several scooter rental places in Tanah Rata, and they are much more flexible than taking a taxi.

Half-day tours can also be found in many of the kiosks along the streets of Tanah Rata. If you only have 1 day in Cameron Highlands and would like to see as much as possible, taking a tour might not be a bad idea. 

Best Time To Visit Cameron Highlands


When considering when is the best time to visit Cameron Highlands, you must think about what you are trying to accomplish .

Are you planning on doing some hiking in Cameron Highlands? Picking strawberries? Or do you just want to stay away from the crowd? 

For hiking , you will want to pick the months that rain the least. Months like January, February, June, and July are the best months for hiking in Cameron Highlands because it rains less frequently.

However, June and July are months of summer vacation, so you will see huge crowds and tons of traffic. The months of October and November are known to be the peak of the rainy season.

If you want to go strawberry picking , May to August is considered the strawberry-picking season. Just remember to check with the strawberry farm because there could be minor discrepancies. 

Temperature-wise , it is moderate all year round, though in the winter months (especially January and February) you might see some snow!

Where To Stay In Cameron Highlands

Staying more than 1 day in Cameron Highlands is not a bad idea, as there are so many activities to do. If you are planning to stay for a weekend or longer, here are some of our recommendations on where to stay!

Our Favorite Hotel in Cameron Highlands –  Century Pines Cameron Highlands Resort

Where to Stay in Cameron Highlands Hotel

There is no better hotel in Cameron Highlands than the Century Pines Cameron Highlands Resort. Arguably one of the most luxurious hotels in CH, this resort offers guests a sublime experience.

Nestled in nature, guests can enjoy the serenity as they enjoy their free breakfast or work out at the gym. The decor is the perfect combination of modern and cozy, and the rooms are spacious and comfortable.

Best Budget Hotel In CH –  Father’s Guest House

Where To Stay in Cameron Highlands

If you are looking for a cheap place to stay in Cameron Highlands, then Father’s Guesthouse is ideal for you. This no-fuzz private room features all the necessities such as an en-suite bathroom, hot water and complimentary tea and coffee. Guests will find a great night’s sleep on their double beds!

Visiting Cameron Highlands FAQs

Is cameron highlands worth visiting, is it better to stay in tanah rata or brinchang.

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This concludes our guide to a day trip to Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. We hope it has given you a rough idea of how to plan your Cameron Highlands itinerary!  Any questions? Let us know in the comments!

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World Traveler, Travel Blogger, Photographer


Sean is the founder of the travel blog, LivingOutLau. He has been to over 30 countries in over 5 years of travel. Every day, he is traveling and sharing his discoveries of the world through exceptional travel guides on his blog!

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Touring Tanah Rata in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

The tiny town of Tanah Rata is the usual base for budget travelers wishing to explore Malaysia 's beautiful Cameron Highlands . With temperatures that dip as low as 50 F at night, Tanah Rata is a welcomed break from Southeast Asia 's heat and humidity.

Vivid, green tea plantations clinging to the surrounding hills and perpetually blooming flowers lend a sweet smell to the air. The tranquility of the scenery is contagious; the vibe in Tanah Rata is pleasantly relaxed and people are friendly. Jungle walks await the adventurous while strawberry farms and lush greenhouses entertain those wishing to stay closer to civilization.


Tanah Rata is ridiculously compact – no map required. Life centers around one main vein passing through the town known as Jalan Besar, or the "Big Road". Small side streets are home to simple budget accommodation as well as pleasant cafes and outdoor eateries. The bus station is located on the very western edge of town.

Surprisingly, for a place that receives so many tourists, the official Tourist Information Office in Tanah Rata is closed permanently. The many signs around town offering "tourist information" belong to tour agencies hoping to sell a tour.


Accommodation in Tanah Rata is an excellent value - a handful of simple but comfortable budget operations offer cheap places to stay. Many of the budget places have TV rooms and landscaped patios filled with hanging flowers.

The nearby town of Brinchang also has a selection of hotels and resorts for your consideration. Its Chinatown-like feel tends to attract a more Malaysian and Singaporean family-friendly clientele; from Brinchang's small town center and its variety of shops, eating houses, and hotels, visitors can walk to neighboring farms and hiking trails with ease. The Pasar Malam (night market) is also a popular draw on weekends.​

Touring Tea Plantations

The camellia sinensis plant - also known as the tea tree – is Tanah Rata's cash crop. Black, oolong, white, and green tea all come from the same leaves of the hardy plant but are processed differently to create the familiar teas that we love.

Touring the massive tea plantations is one of the most popular things to do in the Cameron Highlands. Your job at home won't seem so hard once you witness workers at the plantations climbing the hills with massive bags of tea leaves on their back.

You can enter and stroll around the peaceful tea plantations on your own for free; many plantations offer free tours of their processing facilities. To gain a deeper insight, tour guides with an excellent knowledge of the tea process can be hired in Tanah Rata.

  • Sungai Palas Boh Tea Estate:  Just 15 minutes north of Tanah Rata, this tea estate is possibly the most beautiful and easiest to visit. Take the hourly bus north toward Brinchang and get off at "The Junction" when you see the fruit stalls along the road. Tours are free.
  • Cameron Bharat Tea Estate:  A beautiful roadside overlook with a tea shop and outdoor cafe is the best reason to head south of Tanah Rata to this tea plantation. Take the bus south toward Ringlet and ask to exit at the "Scenic Viewpoint". The trails throughout the tea estate are very steep, consider visiting Sungai Palas Boh Tea Estate if you wish to stroll through the fields.

After viewing the tea plantations, drop by one of the Indian restaurants for a hot cup of  teh tarik  - a Malaysian specialty tea - to warm up.

The Cameron Highlands is crisscrossed with  jungle trails , most of which converge near Tanah Rata or the neighboring town of Brinchang. Most of the trails aren't for the faint of heart - many are steep and poorly maintained.

Parit Falls and Robinson Falls are easily reached from town, however, both are lackluster. Guides are available for hire that can walk you up the various summits in the area. If you intend to tackle the trails on your own, the trekking maps sold around town are well worth the $1 price; many of the trailheads are difficult to find without help.

Sites Nearby

The road north of Tanah Rata is lined with pick-your-own strawberry greenhouses, bee farms, butterfly gardens, and souvenir stalls and other tacky tourist attractions. Popular options include sampling local-made honey, trying fresh-picked strawberry juice, and taking in the sweet smells inside the flower greenhouses.

You can make your own way north by bus and walk between the sites. Alternatively, tours are offered at guesthouses which include transportation.

Other Concerns

  • Food:  A string of side-by-side Indian restaurants on the main road serve delicious food on the covered sidewalk. A mostly-empty food court serving cheap eats dominates the center of town. Chinese steamboat and noodle cafes are dotted along Jalan Besar.
  • Money:  Two banks reside in Tanah Rata, each is equipped with an ATM.
  • Shopping:  Aside from a few sidewalk boutiques offering souvenirs or crafts, there isn't much in the way of shopping around Tanah Rata. Instead, head out of town to the tea plantations, bee farms, and strawberry greenhouses to find unique gifts.

Getting There

The only option for getting to Tanah Rata and the Cameron Highlands is by bus. Being a popular stop along the infamous backpacker's banana-pancake trail , Tanah Rata receives buses from as far away as Singapore! The last hour of the bus journey is a stomach-churning tangle of switchbacks and sharp curves as you wind higher into the hills.

  • From Kuala Lumpur:  About five hours by bus or minibus
  • From Ipoh:  About two hours by bus
  • From Penang:  Buses from Butterworth take around five hours

Trekking Trails in the Cameron Highlands

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The Pinay Solo Backpacker Itinerary Blog

2023 Cameron Highlands Itinerary (3 Days 2 Nights) with Budget

by thepinay solobackpacker | Jan 3, 2023 | Cameron Highlands , Itinerary , Malaysia , Travel Guide

Comprehensive Cameron Highlands itinerary blog with sample budget, places to visit, and list of accommodations.  

The distinctive blend of landscape and verdant tea plantations assured the fame of Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. Flanked by towering mountains draped by dense wilderness, this once sleepy district is now a popular hills station and sought after holiday destination for tourists seeking a laidback escape from the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur.

I recently revisited Cameron Highlands to see the changes in the past decade. And though now it is peppered by high-rise apartments buildings, strawberry and flower farms, it has retained much of its charm.  Exploring Cameron Highlands is like unraveling a beehive of adventure. If you’re keen on visiting, here’s my latest Cameron Highlands itinerary blog for 3 days and 2 nights to help you plan your trip.



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Since Cameron Highlands is in Malaysia, its travel requirements is the same as the rest of the country. As of 2023, there’s no more travel requirements for Malaysia. So, whether you are vaccinated or not, you can enter Malaysia. Just make sure your passport must still be valid for at least, 6 months prior to your entry to Malaysia.

However, if you are coming from the Philippines and you’re a Philippine Passport holder, I highly recommend you book your hotel and tours in advance, book a return flight to the Philippines, just in case the Philippine Immigration Official (IO) asks you for these documents before your departure from the Philippines. You can book your hotels and tours through the mentioned links below.


Where to stay in cameron highlands.

Cameron Highlands is peppered with accommodations for all types of budget.   The main towns here are Ringlet, Tanah Rata , and Brinchang. Most budget and mid-range hotels are located in Tanah Rata, while most mid-range and luxury hotels are scattered in Brinchang. But whenever I am in Cameron Highlands, I stay in a hotel in Tanah Rata, because everything is accessible here. This is where Terminal Freesia, the main bus terminal in Cameron Highlands is located. Also, restaurants, ATM, travel agencies, and shops are concentrated here.

If you’re looking for a place to stay in Cameron Highlands, here’s a list of some of the top accommodations in the area.

Where to Stay in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands

  Stayed at Brick’s Backpacker’s Hotel during my last trip to Cameron Highlands. Got my own private room. This hostel is really clean and the manager is so helpful.

  • Brick’s Backpacker’s Hotel
  • Location: Tanah Rata
  • Cameronian Inn
  • Heritage Hotel Cameron
  • Spot On 89751 Bed Station Guesthouse
  • Avillion Cameron Highlands

Where to Stay in Brinchang, Cameron Highlands

  • Cameron KEA Farm Hotel
  • Location: Brinchang
  • Copthorne Cameron Highlands
  • Snooze Too Hotel

How to get to Cameron Highlands  

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From Manila (Philippines) fly to Kuala Lumpur.   Cebu Pacific has daily flights between Manila (Philippines) and  Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). Estimated departure from NAIA Terminal 3 (Manila) is at 8:30 PM  and estimated arrival in KLIA2 (Kuala Lumpur) is at 12:50 AM the next  day. Book your flights at CEBUPACIFICAIR.COM

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If you are coming from KLIA2,you can take a train, a bus, a taxi, Grab, or charter a car to Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS) Station.  Here’s how to get to Bandar Tasik Selatan by train and by bus:

          By bus:

          If you want to commute from Kuala Lumpur  International Airport 2  KLIA2) to Bandar Tasik Selatan (BTS), the cheapest way is to take a bus.

  • After clearing Immigration , exit the Arrival Hall and look for the sign to the bus services at Gateway KLIA2 Mall.
  • Take the elevatorto Level 1 and look for the ticket booth for buses. Buy a ticket to Bandar Tasik Selatan  (BTS)  Bus fare is RM 12 (₱151/$3). First trip is at 5:00 AM. 3.
  • Wait for your bus at the designated gate. Show your ticket to the bus conductor. Put your luggage on the compartment and ride the bus.
  • Get off at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station (BTS) Station. Travel time is roughly 1 hour. Take the escalator to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) bus station.

       B y train:

At KLIA2, head to Level 2 and look for the sign to the ERL (KLIA Ekspres and KLIA Transit) station. Buy a KLIA Transit ticket (not KLIA Ekspres) to Bandar Tasik Selatan. Standard fare is around RM 40 (₱485/$9). You can also buy ticket online, ahead of time, which is usually cheaper. If you’re going to KL Sentral, you can book the KLIA Ekspres below.  But for Bandar Tasik Selatan, you need a different ticket, you need to buy the KLIA Transit ticket at KLIA or KLIA2.


  • Now once you secured your  KLIA Transit train ticket. Go down to Level 1 of  Gateway KLIA2 mall to ride KLIA Transit train bound for KL Sentral at the ERL station.
  • Get off at Bandar Tasik Selatan Station (BTS).
  • Walk to Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS), about 2 mins

If you’re wondering what’s the difference between KLIA Ekspress and KLIA Transit, well, KLIA Ekspress runs from KLIA to KL Sentral and links KLIA to KLIA2. Meanwhile, KLIA Transit stops at all station along the line. So, if you’re headed to BTS Station where the Terminal Bersepadu Selatan bus station is located, you need to take the KLIA Transit  not the KLIA Ekspres.

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Queue at the centralized ticket booth and buy your ticket. Bus fare to Cameron Highlands is   RM 38 (₱480/$9) and travel time is roughly 4 hours. First trip is at 8:30 AM and last trip leaves at 5:00 PM.  Going back, the trip from Cameron Highlands to Kuala Lumour is more expensive, bus fare is RM 40 (₱504/$9).

The first trip at 8:30 AM to Cameron Highlands and the trip going backt to Kuala Lumpur at 10:45 AM and 11:45 AM are usually full. So,if you want to secure a seat, best to book online ahead of time. You can book through the link below. Print your booking and then onceyour at TBS bus station, line up at the centralized ticket booth and show it at the counter. They will print a bus ticket for you.

Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands Bus: RESERVE HERE 

Here’s the Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands Bus Schedule:

  • Pick up: Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
  • Drop-Off: Terminal Freesia (Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands)

Here’s the Cameron Highlands to Kuala Lumpur Bus Schedule

  • Pick up: Terminal Freesia (Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands)
  • Drop-Off:  Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)


Go to the gate indicated on your ticket and wait for your bus. You can buy snacks and drinks at a convenience store inside the TBS station before proceeding to your gate. Be at your gate at least 30 minutes before your bus trip.


Show your ticket to the staff. Then line up to put your luggage on the bus compartment before riding the bus.


Travel time from Bandar Tasik Selatan (TBS) to Cameron Highlands is roughly 4 hours. There’s 1 bus stop where you can use the toilet and buy snacks and drinks. The bus will terminate at Terminal Freesia in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands where most accommodations are located. Now if your hotel is in Brinchang, you can take a taxi to your hotel. There are cabs waiting for passengers at Terminal Freesia.

Before traveling to Cameron Highlands, you can take motion sickness pill because the road is winding.

  • By Car Rental

If you are traveling in groups, you might want to consider hiring a car or van from Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands for your convenience. You can book through the link below, price depends on the type of vehicle.

        Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands Private Transfer:   RESERVE HERE 

Getting around cameron highlands.

By Tour Package

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A cheap way to get around Cameron Highlands is by joining a group tour. It’s a good option if you’re traveling alone or with a travel partner or you’re a small group (3-4 persons).  Cameron Highlands tour costs around RM 50 (₱632/$11)  to RM 75 (₱948/$17) for half day tours, and approximately RM 90 (₱1,138/$20)  for whole day tour.  You can find travel agencies in Tanah Rata, or book online in advance to secure a slot.

The RM 50 half day tour tour typically only includes Boh Plantation Tour and The Coral Hill (Mini Mossy Forest).  The Coral Hill replaced the Mossy Forest Tour, which has been closed last year.  It is a harder trek, but is manageable if you wear the proper outfit.

Meanwhile, the RM 75 half day tour usually includes the Boh Tea Plantation, The Coral Hill, the The Strawberry Farm and Insect Farm. You can book this in advance online to secure a slot. You will be joining other tourists in this group tour.  The driver will serve as guide during the tour.

Whereas, the RM 90 whole day tour typically includes the Boh Tea Plantation, the Coral Hill (Mini Mossy Forest), the Strawberry Forest, the Bee Farm, the Flower Farm, and the Buddhist Temple. See more details below about the top tourist attractions in Cameron Highlands.


Cameron highlands sunrise tour: book here, cameron highlands tour from kl: reserve here, cameron highlands private nature discovery tour :   book here.

If you want to customize your Cameron Highlands Tour and you want to do it on your pace, you can hire a taxi to get you around Cameron Highlands and visit the top tourist attractions in the area. This is more expensive than joining a group tour, but you can pick the places that you wanted to visit. Taxi rate is usually RM 30 (₱379/$7)  per hour, they are usually parked at Terminal Freesia.

If you have the energy and luxury of time, you can get around Cameron Highlands by foot. But be warned that this will take a lot of time since the tourist attractions are quite a distance from Tanah Rata and other tourist spots in Brinchang.

Places to See in Cameron Highlands

1.boh tea plantation.

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The main attraction in Cameron Highlands is the tea plantation, and the most popular estate here is the BOH Tea Plantation.

BOH Tea was founded by an Englishman named John Archibald “Archie” Russel. Sometime in the 1930’s, during the Great Depression, he decided to plant tea at Cameron Highlands along with the veteran Sri Lankan tea planter A.B Milne. In the 1950’s, BOH acquired the Sungei Tea Palas, and the then BOH chairman Tristan Russel turned it into a massive tea plantation. In 2007, the visitor center and the cafe overlooking the lush green tea estate was built.  This place is arguably the most visited and most photographed place in Cameron Highlands because it is typically part of the Cameron Highlands package tour.

  • BOH Tea Sungei Palas
  • Address: Brinchang, Pahang, Malaysia
  • Open Hours:   Tuesday to Sunday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM  (closed on Mondays)
  • Entrance Fee:  FREE

2. Cameron Highlands Valley Tea House 1, 2, & 3

Another tea plantation worthy to visit is the Cameron Valley Tea House. This isn’t part of the usual Cameron Highlands Tour, so you need to arrange your own visit here. There are 3 tea houses here owned by Bharat Group, and they’re located in Tanah Rata. You can dine in and sip tea at one of their cafes overlooking the tea plantation.  There are no guided tours but you can enter the tea plantation and tour it on your own for a minimal fee, RM 3 (₱38/$0.68).

  • Address: 34 Mile Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands
  • Open Hours:   Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs – 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Fri, Sat, Sun – 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Entrance Fee: FREE

3. Coral Hill

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  • Address: Kuartes Jkr Sungai Burung Brinchang, Pahang Malaysia
  • Open hours:   Daily 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Entrance Fee:   FREE

4. Strawberry Farm

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Address:   Tanah Rata and Brinchang

Open Hours:   Daily 8:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Entrance Fee:   Free,  strawberry picking RM 40 (₱504/$9) for 500 g

  5. Buddhist Temple

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I visited a Buddhist Temple during my first visit in Cameron Highlands. But during my recent visit, I saw a bigger Buddist temple called Sam Poh Temple. I’m not sure if this is the same temple I saw before, but Sam Poh Temple is the usual temple included in the tour package now. It is located in on top of the hill with a view of Brinchang Town. Like many Buddhist Temple, it houses a gigantic Buddha statue.

  • Sam Poh Temple
  • Address: 4I Miles Brinchang, Cameron Highlands
  • Entrance Fee:  Free

6. Bee Farm

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There are bee farms in Cameron Highland. During my first visit to Cameron Highlands, I was able to visit the Eu Feng Gu Bee Farm in Brinchang, near the BOH Tea Plantation.  This place is home to tons of bees at their apiary that are pesticide-free. You can purchase honey here, like the pure premium honey for RM 100 (₱1,264/$23) for 1 kg.

  • Address: Tringkap, Ringlet, Brinchang
  • Open Hours:   Daily 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Entrance Fee: Free

7. The Sheep Sanctuary

Located in the midst of the Kea Farm Market, the Sheep Santuary is home to several cuddly sheep. You can pay a visit after your Cameron Highlands Tour if you’re staying in Brinchang area.

The Sheep Sanctuary:   BOOK HERE

  • Address: Pasar Malam Kea Farm, Brinchang
  • Open Hours:  Monday 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Tuesday to Sunday 9:00 AM -5:30 PM
  • Entrance Fee:  Adult – RM 8 (₱101/$1.82), Child -RM 5 (₱63/$1.14)

  8. Lavender  Farm

As the name suggests, this place is peppered with lavender flowers, mostly Taiwanese and Hokkaido Lavender. You can see other flowers here to such as hydrangea, Japanese rose, morning glory, Gerbera daises, etc. You can also buy lavender-made souvenirs here and dine at their cafe and try their lavender ice cream (RM 8(₱101/$2) and lavender cheesecake. The entrance fee is a tad expensive, but if you want lavender photos for your Instagram and try lavender products, then you can give this place a try.

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Address: Taman Tringkap, Brinchang Pahang

Open Hours: Monday to Thursday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Friday to Sunday 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Entrance Fee:  Adult – RM 20 (₱253/$5), Child –  RM 10 (₱126.40/$2.27)

Cameron Highlands Itinerary

Here’s a 3 Days 3 Nights Cameron Highlands itinerary with expenses to help you plan your trip.  You can do Cameron Highlands for 2 Days 3 nights itinerary if you will just do the half day tour, but it will be a jam-packed itinerary, and you have to check-out from your hotel the next day before you leave for your half day tour. I prefer a 3 days 2 night stay in Cameron Highlands because it doesn’t feel too rushed.

Anyway, the Cameron Highlands itinerary and expenses below doesn’t include the expenses for souvenirs, drinks, accommodations and flight to Kuala Lumpur.

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I spent around RM 123.39 (₱1,559.66/$28) for my 3 days 2 nights hostel (private room, good for 2 persons) in Cameron Highlands. So, if I add that to the sample expenses above  RM 240.40 (₱3,039/$55.11), my total expenses for 3 days 2 nights in Cameron Highlands (including accommodation) is roughly RM 363.79 (₱4,598.66/$83.11)


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  • Bring jacket during your trip to Cameron Highlands as the temperature here is usually cold, just like in Baguio and Tagaytay. Bring umbrella too as it usually rains in the afternoon.
  • Although most accommodations offer free Wi-Fi, while in Cameron Highlands or in Malaysia in general, it is best to stay online using a pocket wifi or data. You can buy Malaysian sim card in advance and top up at convenience stores.




  • If you plan on visiting the Coral Hill (Mossy Forest), wear the proper hiking outfit, Avoid white shoes and long pants as the trail can get muddy especially during the rainy season.
  • Stack up Malaysian ringgit cash as most shops and restaurants accepts cash, but there are also a handful of ATM in town.

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cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

17 Aug 2024 - 8 min read

10 Best Cameron Highlands Hotel & Resorts for Family and Couples, Enjoy the Green Scenery!

Imagine waking up in the centre of the tea garden. And savour the refreshing day with a cool breeze together hand in hand with your couple, only in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia . While looking for a hotel and resort for your family trip, we’re gonna unpack the details just for you.

Known for its pleasant climate, lush greenery, and rich biodiversity, Cameron Highlands always be a favourite place for travellers who are escaping from the hustle and bustle of the city.

About Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

 BOH Tea Centre is a tea plantation located in Cameron Highlands.

BOH Tea Centre is a tea plantation located in Cameron Highlands.

Cameron Highlands is in the state of Pahang, Malaysia. It is located in the Malaysian Peninsula's centre. The location is approximately 200 kilometres (124 miles) from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia's state of city. If you want to go to Cameron Highlands by car from Kuala Lumpur, you can take the North-South Expressway, which usually takes 3-4 hours. Because of its well-known cooler temperatures, this hill station is a well-liked getaway from the tropical heat of the lowlands.

You can explore and enjoy the tea estates at Boh Tea Plantation and Cameron Valley Tea House. One of the biggest and most well-known tea plantations in Malaysia is the Boh Tea Plantation, which offers breathtaking panoramic views, tea shops, and guided tours. At Cameron Valley Tea House, you can take pleasure in tea-tasting sessions and the cafe while admiring a gorgeous view of the tea fields.

10 Best Cameron Highlands Hotel & Resorts

With our list of the 10 best Cameron Highlands hotel and resorts for family and couples, you must be very grateful to choose one of these best accommodations. Now, let’s check this out!

1. Strawberry Park Resort

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Source: Strawberry Park Resort Website

Cameron Highlands' Strawberry Park Resort is a well-known facility renowned for its lovely surroundings, first-rate amenities, and unique blend of contemporary and traditional architecture. The resort offers a variety of lodging options, such as airy rooms, suites, and even private chalets. Because each apartment is attentively constructed, the ambiance is cosy and comfortable. Amenities like fireplaces and private balconies with breathtaking views are available to guests.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Strawberry Park Resort Cameron Highland

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

2. Cameron Highlands Resort

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Cameron Highlands Resort

The opulent Cameron Highlands Resort is situated in the centre of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. The rooms and suites at Cameron Highlands Resort are varied and each is created to give a fusion of contemporary comfort and traditional colonial charm. With contemporary facilities, the resort's deluxe rooms and suites have lovely views of the garden or golf course.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Cameron Highlands Resort - Small Luxury Hotels of the World

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Cameron Highlands

3. Casa dela Rosa Hotel

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Casa dela Rosa Hotel

Located in Malaysia's Cameron Highlands, Casa dela Rosa Hotel is a quaint boutique hotel. With its easy access to the area's attractions and Tudor-style architecture, it offers a comfortable stay. The hotel's decor is cosy and rustic, echoing Cameron Highlands' colonial heritage. The gorgeous highland scenery and golf course are also visible from a number of the rooms.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Hotel Casa Dela Rosa

4. Zenith Hotel Cameron

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Zenith Hotel Cameron

Located in Malaysia's Cameron Highlands, the Zenith Hotel Cameron is a contemporary luxury hotel. Travellers looking for comfort and convenience in the highlands frequently choose this hotel because of its modern style, extensive amenities, and handy location. The hotel has elegant décor and top-notch finishing, all in a clean, modern style.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

5. The Lakehouse Cameron Highlands

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

The Lakehouse Cameron Highlands

Nestled in the stunning scenery of Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, is the luxurious 5-star Lakehouse Cameron Highlands . This prestigious hotel offers a great retreat for discriminating visitors by skillfully fusing modern luxury with historic charm. Nestled on a charming incline, The Lakehouse boasts an abundance of verdant gardens and an enjoyable view of a peaceful lake, resulting in a calm and dreamlike environment.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

6. Century Pines Resort Cameron Highlands

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Century Pines Resort Cameron Highlands

The well-known Century Pines Resort is situated in Malaysia's Cameron Highlands. It's well-known for its cosy lodgings and picturesque surroundings, making it an excellent starting point for seeing the highlands' natural splendour and attractions. The resort's architecture combines colonial-style architecture and contemporary amenities to create a distinct and endearing atmosphere.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

7. Smokehouse Hotel Cameron Highlands

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Smokehouse Hotel Cameron Highlands

Cameron Highlands' Smokehouse Hotel & Restaurant By The Golf Course is a prestigious establishment that blends traditional charm with contemporary luxury. The hotel offers well-furnished rooms in the traditional English cottage style. Every room offers a unique combination of modern conveniences and classic elegance, all elegantly designed.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

The Smokehouse Hotel Cameron Highlands

Expect plush mattresses, comfy furnishings, and a warm atmosphere. Well-kept gardens frequently encircle the hotel, providing visitors with a charming environment to explore. These outdoor areas offer a peaceful setting for strolls or just taking in the beauty of the surroundings.

8. Planters Country Hotel

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Planters Country Hotel

The Planters Country Hotel is a quaint hotel with a colonial feel. Renowned for its charming English architecture, verdant gardens, and welcoming ambiance, the hotel is a well-liked option for individuals looking for a tranquil and nostalgic getaway. Beautifully designed gardens are available for visitors to unwind in and take in the crisp highland air.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

The Bala's Holiday Chalet (Planters Country Hotel)

9. Hotel De’la Ferns Cameron Highlands

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Hotel De’la Ferns Cameron Highlands

Situated in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, Hotel De'la Ferns is a renowned lodging facility. Situated in Cameron Highlands, a well-known hill station in Pahang, Malaysia, is Hotel De'la Ferns. The area is well-known for its beautiful scenery, mild weather, and tourist destinations including strawberry and tea plantations. Because of Cameron Highlands' rich colonial past, several lodging establishments in the area—such as Hotel De'la Ferns—may use colonial-style architecture or other design features to create a distinctive atmosphere.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

Hotel De'La Ferns

10. Nova Highlands Hotel

Nova Highlands Hotel

Nova Highlands Hotel

Nova Highlands Hotel is a modern accommodation. Travellers on business or vacation can both benefit from its contemporary lodgings and array of services. The hotel's handy location makes it simple for visitors to enjoy the natural beauty and popular tourist destinations in Cameron Highlands.

cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

The hotel's rooftop Sky Garden Restaurant is an alfresco eating area with breathtaking views of Cameron Highlands and a menu that includes grilled and barbecued foods. To ensure that families have a nice stay, there is also an indoor playground for kids. The proximity to a mall adds even more convenience for visitors by offering more places to eat and shop.

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cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

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  1. Exploring Malaysia's Cameron Highlands From Tanah Rata

    cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

  2. Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour 2023

    cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

  3. A Guide to Tanah Rata and the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia

    cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

  4. Cameron Highlands/ Tanah Rata

    cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

  5. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Tanah Rata

    cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata

  6. Cameron Highlands Trail No. 10 (Tanah Rata): All You Need to Know

    cameron highlands day tour from tanah rata


  1. THE 10 BEST Tanah Rata Tours & Excursions

    Cameron Highland Private Day Tour. 8. Bus Tours 6-12 hours English. Cameron Highlands, at 1500m above sea level with an average temperature of 20°C is famous for it's scenic tea plantation, Strawberry farm, Rose Garden and a British architecture. Visit the day market where many local produce can be found.

  2. Cameron Highlands Sightseing Tour 2024

    Nature and Wildlife Tours in Tanah Rata: Check out 11 reviews and photos of Viator's Cameron Highlands Sightseing Tour. a Tripadvisor company. Top Tanah Rata activities ... Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group. 0. 9 hours. Free Cancellation. From. $292.31. Cameron Highlands City to Kuala Lumpur Airport EN-ROUTE Batu Caves Tour. 0.

  3. 2024 (Tanah Rata) Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour

    Tanah Rata Tours. See all things to do. ... Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour. By Magunatip Holidays. 0 reviews. See all photos. About. from . $75.00. per adult (price varies by group size) Lowest price guarantee Reserve now & pay later Free cancellation. Ages 0-99, max of 15 per group. Duration: 7h.

  4. 2024 (Tanah Rata) Cameron Highlands Day Tour from Kuala Lumpur

    About. Cameron Highlands in Pahang is one of Malaysia's most popular tourist destinations, a collection of peaceful townships perched 1500 meters high on a nest of serene mountains. Cooling resorts, tea plantations and strawberry farms sprawl lazily across lush valleys and meandering hillslopes, the perfect setting for a relaxing holiday.

  5. THE 10 BEST Day Trips from Tanah Rata (UPDATED 2024)

    1. Cameron Highland Best Tour from Ipoh (Private Day Trip) 182. Recommended by 98% of travellers. Full-day Tours 8-10 hours. Travelers that looking for a short getaway to cool and breezy hill station from Ipoh can opt for this tour. It is the BEST LOCAL WAY to visit Cameron Highlands.

  6. Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour 2024

    Tanah Rata, Pahang. Cameron Highlands Sightseing Tour. 4. from £26.42. Price varies by group size. Tanah Rata, Pahang. Mount Irau Mossy Trek. from £64.04. Viator earns higher commissions on experiences featured here.

  7. 2024 (Tanah Rata) Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour

    Tanah Rata Tours. See all things to do. ... Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour. By Magunatip Holidays. 0 reviews. 12. What is Travellers' Choice? Tripadvisor gives a Travellers' Choice award to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently earn great reviews from travellers and are ranked within the top 10% of properties on ...

  8. Cameron Highlands Day Tour: What to Expect

    The Cameron Highlands ( Tanah Tinggi Cameron in Malay) is about 200km or 4-5 hours north of Kuala Lumpur in the Pahang state and sits 2,600 ft - 5,259 ft above sea level. It's made of eight mountains, with Mt. Batu Brinchang as the highest you can reach by car, and eight settlements, the main one being Tanah Rata.

  9. THE 10 BEST Tanah Rata Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    Free cancellation. Reserve. 2. Cameron Highland Best Tour from Ipoh (Private Day Trip) 179. Recommended by 98% of travellers. Full-day Tours 8-10 hours. Travelers that looking for a short getaway to cool and breezy hill station from Ipoh can opt for this tour. It is the BEST LOCAL WAY to visit Cameron Highlands.

  10. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Tanah Rata (2024)

    Things to Do in Tanah Rata, Malaysia: See Tripadvisor's 24,937 traveler reviews and photos of Tanah Rata tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in August. ... Cameron Highlands Day Tour from Kuala Lumpur with Lunch (SIC - Shared Tours) 262. Full-day Tours. from . $91. per adult. Full Day Cameron Highlands Nature Tour. 49 ...

  11. Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour 2024

    Day Trips in Tanah Rata: Check out 12 reviews and photos of Viator's Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour. a Tripadvisor company. Top Tanah Rata activities ... Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group. 0. 9 hours. Free Cancellation. From. $456.60. Cameron Highlands: Agro Delight Tour. 1. 4 hours. Free Cancellation.

  12. The PERFECT Cameron Highlands Day Trip Itinerary in 2024!

    It is located 20-30 minutes away from Ipoh center, so plan accordingly. The bus journey takes about 2 hours and you are dropped off at Tanah Rata, one of the two main towns in Cameron Highlands. The bus schedule is as follows: 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 3 PM, 5 PM, and 6:30 PM.

  13. 2024 (Tanah Rata) Cameron Highlands Sightseing Tour

    Tour Transfer limited to Hotels located in Tanah Rata area. ... Hi, We will stay in Ipoh and wondering how I can book a one day tour from Ipoh to Cameron highland. We would like to see and explore everything the cameron Highland can offer including Mount Brinchang, Mossy Forest, Tea Plantation, Tea Factory, Butterfly and Insect Farm, Vegetables ...

  14. Exploring Malaysia's Cameron Highlands From Tanah Rata

    The tiny town of Tanah Rata is the usual base for budget travelers wishing to explore Malaysia 's beautiful Cameron Highlands. With temperatures that dip as low as 50 F at night, Tanah Rata is a welcomed break from Southeast Asia 's heat and humidity. Vivid, green tea plantations clinging to the surrounding hills and perpetually blooming ...

  15. Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour 2024

    Day Trips in Tanah Rata: Check out 12 reviews and photos of Viator's Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour. a Tripadvisor company. Top Tanah Rata activities. Explore by category ... Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group. 0. 9 hours. Free Cancellation. From. $403.70. Cameron Highlands Sunrise Discovery. 3. 4 hours. Free Cancellation.

  16. 2024 (Tanah Rata) Cameron Highlands Day Tour from Kuala Lumpur

    Tanah Rata Hotels Things to Do Restaurants Flights Holiday Homes Forums. Asia. Malaysia. Pahang. Cameron Highlands. Tanah Rata. Places to visit in Tanah Rata. Tanah Rata Tours ...

  17. 2023 Cameron Highlands Itinerary (3 Days 2 Nights) with Budget

    Cameron Highlands tour costs around RM 50 (₱632/$11) to RM 75 (₱948/$17) for half day tours, and approximately RM 90 (₱1,138/$20) for whole day tour. You can find travel agencies in Tanah Rata, or book online in advance to secure a slot.

  18. Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour 2023

    Cameron Highlands Full Day Tour. Tanah Rata, Malaysia. Save to Wishlist. See More. See More. See More. See More. From $62.00. Price varies by group size.

  19. Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group

    Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group. By ToBadaa. 0 reviews. 3. What is Travellers' Choice? ... Sightseeing Tours in Tanah Rata Walking Tours in Tanah Rata Coffee & Tea Tours in Tanah Rata Food Tours in Tanah Rata 4WD, ...

  20. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Tanah Rata (UPDATED 2024)

    Ways to tour Tanah Rata. Book these experiences for a close-up look at Tanah Rata. See all. Cameron Highland Best Tour from Ipoh (Private Day Trip) 171. Full-day Tours. ... Cameron Highlands Day Tour from Kuala Lumpur with Lunch (SIC - Shared Tours) 260. Full-day Tours. from ₹7,766. per adult.

  21. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Tanah Rata 2024 (with Photos)

    1. Cameron Bharat Tea Estate. 1,061. Farms. Tea plantation with scenic walkways, traditional house tours, and tea tasting. Enjoy masala tea and homemade masala powder amidst picturesque landscapes. See ways to experience (31) 2. Cameron Highlands Trail No. 10.

  22. 10 Best Cameron Highlands Hotel & Resorts for Family and ...

    Experience the cool climate and stunning scenery of Cameron Highlands at 10 best hotels and resorts for family and couples, perfect for nature exploration. ... And savour the refreshing day with a cool breeze together hand in hand with your couple, only in Cameron Highlands, ... Tanah Rata. USD 105.44. USD 73.05. Book Now. 2. Cameron Highlands ...

  23. Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group

    Tanah Rata Tours. See all things to do. Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group. Special Cameron Highlands ~ Day tour;Solo;Couple;Group. By ToBadaa. 0 reviews. About. Must see sites in Famous Cameron Highlands. Big Red Strawberry Farm, Unique Tea's farm. More than 700 species of plants. Private modern A/C car.

  24. 2024 (Tanah Rata) Cameron Highlands Day Tour from Kuala Lumpur

    Tanah Rata Tours. See all things to do. ... Cameron Highlands Day Tour from Kuala Lumpur. By Zainal KL TAXI MPV Tour. 1 review. See all photos. About. Cameron Highlands in Pahang is one of Malaysia's most popular tourist destinations, a collection of peaceful townships perched 1500 meters high on a nest of serene mountains. Cooling resorts, tea ...