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Dicas e roteiros de viagem pela América Latina

Por Murilo Pagani

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City tour em Recife e Olinda: Melhor Roteiro e Preço

Fazer um city tour em Recife e estender a programação até a vizinha Olinda é uma excelente forma de visitar alguns pontos turísticos destas cidades. Afinal, assim como em qualquer destino histórico repleto atrações culturais, o passeio fica mais cativante quando se está acompanhado de um profissional do turismo.

Além disso, os city tours em Recife e Olinda também facilitam a logística de deslocamentos. Isso porque, de modo geral, estas atividades incluem o transporte de todos os trechos do percurso – buscando os viajantes em seus hotéis na Praia de Boa Viagem e os levando às áreas históricas destas cidades.

Olinda, por exemplo, está aproximadamente a 20 quilômetros de Boa Viagem. Ainda que seja possível fazer o percurso solicitando carros por aplicativos de corrida, o tour guiado costuma ser mais ágil.

Ainda assim, saiba que além do city tour, também recomendo deixar espaço no roteiro para conhecer o Recife Antigo – nome do bairro histórico da capital de Pernambuco – por conta própria. Isso porque, é possível que durante o passeio guiado não haja tempo suficiente para visitar todos os atrativos da vizinhança pois há muito o que ser visto por lá.

City tour em Recife e Olinda

  • Como fazer um city tour em Recife e Olinda?
  • Qual é o preço do city tour em Recife e Olinda?
  • Roteiro de city tour em Recife e Olinda

City tour em Recife por conta própria

Outros passeios em recife.

Recife city tour

Como fazer um city tour em Recife e Olinda ?

Para fazer um city tour em Recife e Olinda basta contratar um passeio com os receptivos turísticos que operam nestes destinos. No meu caso, sempre utilizo o site Civitatis para fazer a reserva porque nele há diversas opções de tours realizados pelos quatro cantos do mundo.

Além de ser bastante prático, outras facilidades de reservar no site Civitatis é que os preços são bastante realistas e muitas atividades podem ser canceladas gratuitamente com até 24 horas de antecedência da data agendada.

Ainda assim, saiba que os city tours em Recife e Olinda são vendidos por praticamente qualquer agência da cidade e os roteiros são bem semelhantes.

Na hora de reservar o city tour em Recife e Olinda é importante informar o nome do hotel em que estará hospedado. Afinal, os passeios incluem o transporte de ida e volta a partir da hospedagem do viajante. Caso ainda não tenha se decidido sobre onde ficar em Recife , você pode contratar o passeio mesmo assim e informar sua acomodação posteriormente.

Além dos transportes durante todo o tour, os passeios também incluem acompanhamento de um guia de turismo durante todo o itinerário. Almoço, atividades opcionais e ingressos de museus são pagos à parte durante o decorrer da programação.

Por fim, saiba que o city tour em Recife e Olinda dura o dia inteiro e as saídas geralmente são a partir das 7h30.

» Clique aqui para reservar um city tour por Recife e Olinda

como fazer city tour em Recife?

Qual é o preço de um city tour em Recife e Olinda ?

O preço do city tour em Recife e Olinda custa, em média, R$ 100,00 por pessoa. Crianças com idade entre 2 e 12 anos costumam pagar metade e menores de 2 anos não pagam nada.

Além disso, lembre-se de que também haverá outros gastos durante o tour . Porém, todos eles são opcionais e você pagará somente por aquilo que desejar, e diretamente para a atração em questão.

Seguem abaixo os valores de algumas despesas que os forasteiros costumam ter durante um city tour em Recife.

  • Almoço: R$50,00.
  • Passeio de catamarã pelo rio Capibaribe: R$25,00.
  • Passeio de micro–ônibus turístico por Olinda: R$35,00.
  • Ingresso das Embaixadas dos Bonecos Gigantes: R$15,00.
  • Ingresso do Paço do Frevo: R$ 10,00.

» Reservar city tour em Recife e Olinda (R$ 90,00)

city tour em Recife preço

Roteiro do city tour em Recife e Olinda

A depender da agência responsável pelo passeio pode haver pequenas diferenças no roteiro do city tour em Recife. Porém, de modo geral, a sequência da programação é a mesma: sair de Boa Viagem, ir ao Recife Antigo e finalizar em Olinda.

As vans dos receptivos turísticos começam a buscar os viajantes em seus hotéis por volta das 7h30. Depois do grupo reunido, o tour segue pela orla da Praia de Boa Viagem em direção ao centro de Recife.

A primeira parada costuma ser no Cais de Santa Rita, onde os viajantes podem optar em fazer um passeio de catamarã pelo Rio Capibaribe (R$ 25,00). A navegação dura cerca de 30 minutos e termina no Marco Zero de Recife.

Os turistas que não quiserem fazer o passeio de barco seguirão direto ao Marco Zero com o veículo em que já estavam.

Se acaso você não faz questão do passeio de catamarã, ir direto ao Recife Antigo dará alguns minutos extras para bater perna com mais tranquilidade ou entrar em mais pontos turísticos.

Ainda pela manhã e antes do almoço o city tour em Recife segue para outro bairro do centro da cidade: Santo Antônio. A parada acontece na Casa da Cultura, uma espécie de centro de artesanato que funciona no prédio de uma antiga penitenciária.

A próxima para do roteiro costuma ser para almoço em algum restaurante no centro de Recife . Geralmente, a refeição acontece em lugares que servem buffet a quilo pois desta forma o viajante consegue provar os sabores de diferente pratos típicos de Pernambuco.

Por fim, é hora de seguir para o último destino do roteiro: Olinda . Lá, o guia costuma fazer um recorrido pelas principais atrações do centro histórico e ainda deixa algum tempo livre para os viajantes baterem perna por conta própria.

city tour em Recife roteiro

Para os viajantes que preferem fazer um city tour por conta própria a minha sugestão é dividir o passeio em dois dias: um para o centro de Recife e outro para Olinda. Isso porque, dessa forma dá para aproveitar melhor as atrações de cada cidade.

Deixarei a seguir uma sugestão de roteiro de um dia para fazer pelo Recife Antigo e seus arredores. Tenha em mente, porém, que essa programação é baseada nas minhas preferências e não necessariamente é a mais legal para o seu perfil.

O meu itinerário começaria na realidade no bairro de São José, mais especificamente no Museu da Cidade do Recife , que fica no Forte das Cinco Pontas. Apesar de pequeno, o local tem um bom acervo de fotografias, mapas, pinturas e outros registros que dão um ótimo panorama sobre o passado de Pernambuco.

Em seguida, iria para o Mercado de São José , que tem uma grande variedade de boxes que vendem diferentes tipos de artesanato.

Ao sair do mercado iria para o Pátio de São Pedro , que está apenas a duas quadras de distância. Além de casarões históricos, lá também há outros pontos turísticos de Recife, como a Catedral de São Pedro dos Clérigos, o Memorial Chico Science e o Memorial Luiz Gonzaga.

city tour em Recife luck

A próxima parada deste roteiro seria a Casa da Cultura de Pernambuco . Depois de mais de 100 anos funcionando como a Casa de Detenção do Recife, atualmente esse enorme prédio funciona como uma espécie de centro de artesanato.

A pausa para o almoço seria no Mercado da Boa Vista, caso a intenção fosse comer bem sem gastar muito (até R$ 50,00), ou no Restaurante Leite, caso a intenção fosse provar pratos mais elaborados com sabores mais delicados (a partir de R$ 100,00).

Somente após o almoço é que finalmente iria para os pontos turísticos do Recife Antigo, provavelmente por volta das 13h.

Por lá, dedicaria cerca de 1h30 para visitar as atrações que estão próximas da Rua do Bom Jesus , como por exemplo, o Paço do Frevo e a Embaixada dos Bonecos Gigantes de Olinda.

Depois, iria para Cais do Sertão (atenção, pois fecha às 16h), que é um centro cultural dedicado à cultura sertaneja e, para mim, um dos melhores museus em Recife .

Já durante o entardecer, o último ponto turístico do Recife Antigo que eu visitaria é o Marco Zero – que está de frente para o Parque das Esculturas Francisco Brennand e ao lado do Centro de Artesanato de Pernambuco. Além de artesanato, neste último também há uma lojinha de bebidas, vinhos e espumantes locais.

Para terminar o dia, iria ao Paço da Alfândega , onde também está a belíssima Livraria Jaqueira. Além de vasculhar as estantes em busca de novos títulos, tomaria um café na sua simpática cafeteria.

tour em Recife

Além do city tour para visitar os pontos turísticos de Recife que estão localizados no centro histórico, saiba que há outros passeios que saem da capital do estado e que levam os forasteiros para conhecer outras belezas de Pernambuco.

De modo geral, são tours no esquema bate e volta, que duram o dia inteiro e têm como destino alguma praia do litoral sul pernambucano . Na minha opinião, para quem pretende fazer estada em Recife essa é a melhor maneira de combinar um roteiro cultural com dias à toa de frente para o mar.

A Praia de Boa Viagem , a principal da cidade, até garante ótimas caminhadas na orla e oferece bons trechos para esticar a canga na areia. No entanto, para os banhistas que gostam de entrar no mar e prezam por restaurantes para passar o dia, é mais bacana fazer um itinerário às praias de municípios vizinhos.

Para mim, os três melhores passeios bate volta saindo de Recife para incluir nas férias, são:

  • Tour bate volta a Porto de Galinhas (R$ 100,00)
  • Passeio à Praia dos Carneiros (R$ 125,00)
  • Passeio de 1 dia a Maragogi (R$ 125,00)

Para mais detalhes sobre cada atividade ou para fazer a sua reserva, basta clicar nos links acima que estão destacados com esta cor .

Ou, se acaso preferir, clique aqui para consultar a lista completa de passeios para fazer em Recife.

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THE BEST Recife City Tours

City tours in recife.

  • Cultural Tours
  • Historical & Heritage Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Night Tours
  • Literary, Art & Music Tours
  • Self-Guided Tours & Rentals
  • Shopping Tours
  • Skip-the-Line Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

city tour recife

1. Jewish Tour Recife and Olinda Jewish Presence SEC XVI, XVII and XX

city tour recife

2. City Tour of Olinda Including Instituto Ricardo Brennand

city tour recife

3. Shopping Tour in Recife

city tour recife

4. City Tour of Recife Including the Park of Sculptures

  • City Tour of Olinda Including Instituto Ricardo Brennand
  • Shopping Tour in Recife
  • City Tour of Recife Including the Park of Sculptures
  • Caju Tour Passeios & Translado
  • Gray Line Recife
  • A G F Turismo Passeios e Traslados
  • Turismo Ambiental
  • Tangol Tours Recife

City Tour Olinda and Recife

city tour recife

  • Hotel Pick up/drop off
  • Bilingual Guide
  • Entrance Tickets
  • Food and beverages
  • Entry/Admission - Basilica de Sao Bento
  • Entry/Admission - Paço do Frevo
  • Entry/Admission - Museu Cais do Sertão
  • Not wheelchair accessible
  • Infants must sit on laps
  • Confirmation will be received at time of booking
  • Most travellers can participate
  • A minimum of 2 people per booking is required
  • Not recommended for people with motor disabilities
  • This experience requires a minimum number of travellers. If it’s cancelled because the minimum isn’t met, you’ll be offered a different date/experience or a full refund
  • This tour/activity will have a maximum of 20 travellers
  • For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours in advance of the start date of the experience.
  • Basilica de Sao Bento
  • Centro de Artesanato de Pernambuco Unidade Recife
  • Museu Cais do Sertão
  • Paço do Frevo
  • Praça do Arsenal

Similar experiences

city tour recife

  • You'll get picked up See departure details
  • Pass by Olinda
  • 1 Basilica de Sao Bento Stop: 20 minutes - Admission excluded See details
  • 2 Ladeira da Misericórdia Stop: 20 minutes See details
  • 3 Rua do Amparo Stop: 30 minutes See details
  • 4 S.B Silvio Botelho Stop: 20 minutes See details
  • 5 Praca do Arsenal Stop: 20 minutes See details
  • 6 Paco do Frevo Stop: 30 minutes - Admission excluded See details
  • 7 Museu Cais do Sertao Stop: 30 minutes - Admission excluded See details
  • 8 Centro de Artesanato de Pernambuco Unidade Recife Stop: 60 minutes See details
  • You'll return to the starting point

city tour recife

  • Airbusflyer 0 contributions 1.0 of 5 bubbles Waited 40 minutes, then used a taxi. Received an email confirmation for our hotel to the airport shuttle. The night before our departure we received a message that our pickup time would be 1730 on our departure date, which was perfect. When the time came for pickup we waited 20 minutes and I "Whatsapp" messaged the company about our shuttle. They responded in about five minutes that the shuttle was on the way. We waited another 20 minutes, for a total of 40 minutes late and NO SHUTTLE. We were trying to make a flight so we took a taxi instead (which is 1/3 the price of the shuttle). No messages from the Shuttle company, no explanation. Terrible. What makes this worse is we had the same problem when we arrived, this company NEVER SHOWED up to take us from the airport to our hotel. STAY AWAY from this shuttle company. Read more Written 5 July 2019

More to explore in Recife

city tour recife

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

David G

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city tour recife

City Tour Olinda and Recife provided by Tangol Tours Recife

Brazil City Guides

The Ultimate Recife Travel Guide: Explore Brazil Like a Local [2024]

Table of Contents


Recife brazil: a quick look.

Hello, adventurers of this world! I’m going to tell you about an incredible destination affectionately known as Brazilian Venice. Recife is brimming with history! It is the capital of Pernambuco and also the oldest capital in the country. It has stunning beauty, is full of gastronomic delights, breathtaking architecture, a pleasant climate, and colorful streets with lots of maracatu and frevo.

In this Recife travel guide, you will find everything you need to know, from pre-planning your trip to staying safe.  For an in-depth country guide, see our complete  Brazil travel guide . 

As expected, Recife has one of the main carnivals in Brazil. Well, it’s no surprise that the biggest carnival block in the world, according to the Guinness Book, O Galo da Madrugada, receives around two million excited revelers on the morning of Carnival Saturday. They say location is everything. So, Recife is privileged. With beautiful beaches a city with a very rich and diverse history, it is one of the most fascinating cities in Brazil.

I believe that I am a very lucky person, as I had the opportunity to visit many places in Brazil, and now I want to be able to share with you everything I experienced. I know many tips and curiosities that only locals know. So, with so much information in hand, I hope I can help you on your adventure in Recife.

Side note: One of the main questions we get when planning a trip to our country is “when is the best time to visit Brazil ”, which you can read later.

Now let’s get to know this Recife travel guide. Here we go!

Recife Brazil: Quick travel tips before you go

🛫 Airport: Recife’s main airport is Recife International Airport (Guararapes) (REC).

🤑 Currency: Brazilian Real, denoted by the symbol R$

🗣️ Language: Portuguese is the official language in Recife, but English is spoken in tourist areas and hotels.

🕰️ Time Zone: Brasilia Standard Time (GMT-3). One hour before EST and 4 hours before PST.

💵 Cost: Recife is even more affordable if it’s in a stronger currency, such as the US dollar, euro, or yen.

🛜 Internet: nternet speeds in Recife may vary, as they do in other cities in Brazil. However, you will find reasonably fast Internet connections.

📄 Brazil Visa: As of now, If you are traveling from the United States, Canada, Australia, or Japan, then NO. This could change as of October 1, 2023. Track the status and details here . You do NOT need a visa for EU Nationals, and you may not be affected by the Oct 1, 2023 change. You can see the details here .

🔌 Power Outlets: Excellent! Brazil operates entirely on 127/220V and 60 Hz. In Recife specifically, it works on 220 volts with a frequency of 60 hertz (Hz), but some older installations may run on 127 volts, so it’s wise to ask first. Make sure to bring a universal travel adapter to ensure your electronic devices are compatible with the local power outlets.

🔋 Power Grid: It is excellent. Brazil mainly operates on a 127/220V supply voltage and 60Hz. Some newer buildings are working on 220V, but don’t count on it everywhere.

📳 SIM Card: If you have any doubts about the need for a SIM card for Brazil, the answer to that is YES: they are very cheap, and buying one in any country you visit is a matter of necessity.

🚘 Car Rentals: It can seem a bit daunting to rent a car in Brazil , especially when you’re visiting another country. But it can be an excellent alternative.

recife travel guide

Recife brazil: safety travel tips (use common sense).

🍏 Food safety: The food in Recife is safe. However, as there are many seafood dishes, you should be aware if you have a food intolerance or allergy.

💧 Water safety: Tap water is not recommended for drinking, but you can use it to brush your teeth, shower, and wash your hands. I recommend that you always buy filtered water so that it can be consumed. Consider bringing a Water-To-Go Filterable Bottle for convenient access to clean and safe drinking water during your travels.

👷‍♀️ Daytime safety: During the day, Recife is relatively safe for residents and visitors, especially in more touristy and commercial areas. However, it is always important that you take basic precautions to ensure you are safe.

🦺 Nighttime safety: It’s always important to use your common sense wherever you go. Don’t keep valuables in your pockets, stay in well-lit and busy areas, don’t walk alone at night, don’t pick up your phone in the street, and don’t wear jewelry or anything of considerable value.

👺 Avoiding scams: Make sure all your valuables are stored in a safe place. Uber or cabs should be booked directly through the app or the place where you are staying. Also, don’t leave your water or other drinks unattended.

Recife Brazil Travel Tips: A Locals Perspective

🏨 Best neighborhoods for tourists: Choosing the neighborhood you want to stay in will depend on your interests and the type of experience you want to have. Boa Viagem (Family), Pina (Individual travelers and groups). Casa Forte (couples).

🎄 Top Brazilian holidays and traditions: This Recife travel guide recommends trying Carnival, Easter, Independence Day (September 7), Our Lady of Aparecida Day (October 12), and Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

🍜 Local food to try: Carne de Sol (It is beef that is salted and dried in the sun. It is generally served grilled with side dishes). Caldo de Sururu (It is a broth made from shellfish, which are cooked with seasonings, coconut milk, and other ingredients). Buchada de Bode (a dish made with the goat’s entrails, such as the stomach, cooked with spices and herbs, a delicacy that may not please everyone). Arrumadinho (It is a dish that consists of green beans, shredded corned beef, fried cassava, curd cheese, and vinaigrette). Shrimp and Seafood (Due to Recife’s beachfront location, fresh seafood is abundant). Tapioca (It is a type of crepe made with cassava starch. It can be filled with different ingredients such as banana, cheese, and meat).

🍹 Local drinks to try (alcoholic): Cerveja de mandioca – Cassava beer (Some local breweries produce beers that incorporate regional ingredients, such as cassava). Jenipapo Liqueur (Genipapo is a fruit from the region and is used to make a sweet, full-bodied liqueur) Cachaça (It is a distilled alcoholic drink made from sugar cane and is the base for many Brazilian cocktails). Caipirinha (Caipirinha is a classic Brazilian cocktail made with cachaça, lemon, sugar, and ice. It is very refreshing and a perfect choice on hot days.

🧉 Local drinks to try (non-alcoholic): Cajuína (It is a sweet drink made from concentrated cashew juice, typical of the Brazilian Northeast). Natural Juices (fresh fruit juice, such as mango, pineapple, acerola, passion fruit, and guava). Guaraná (It is a Brazilian soft drink made from the fruit of the same name). Coconut Water (Fresh coconut water is a very popular drink in Brazil and especially in Recife due to the hot climate).

🚶‍♂️ Walkability: A great choice! Walking in Recife is a great option, especially in certain areas of the city. The city offers beautiful landscapes to hike and explore on foot. By taking these walks, you’ll have the opportunity to explore nature, beaches, and spectacular views.

🎉 Nightlife: It’s GREAT! The nightlife in Recife is lively. The city has many options for those who like to go out at night. The city has a lively and vibrant cultural scene, with bars, pubs, restaurants, nightclubs, and cultural events to suit different tastes.

😀 Friendly to Foreigners: Like many cities in Brazil, Recife is a warm and welcoming city. Brazilians are generally known for their friendliness and hospitality. Therefore, the experience of making friends in Recife is a way of getting to know the local culture even better.

🏥 Hospitals: In Recife, you will find health units that offer medical care and assistance in case of emergencies. Hospitals in Recife, as in other Brazilian cities, vary in terms of infrastructure and quality.

🇺🇸 English speaking: English is spoken in hotels, restaurants, and tourist areas to welcome foreign visitors.

Where is Recife Brazil Located?

Recife map .

Recife is located in the northeastern region of Brazil. It is the capital of the state of Pernambuco and is situated on the east coast of the country, on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean. Recife is positioned near the mouth of the Capibaribe River, which makes it a privileged coastal location. It is one of the most important cities in the northeast of Brazil in economic and cultural terms.

What State is Recife In? 

Recife is located in the state of Pernambuco and is one of the states that make up the Northeast region of Brazil. As Recife is the capital of Pernambuco, it is one of the most important cities in the area and is well known for its rich history, culture, and economy.

What’s the Closest Airport to Recife Brazil?

Recife/Guararapes International Airport (REC) is the closest airport to Recife. This is the gateway airport to the city and also to the Pernambuco region. It is located approximately 11 kilometers (6 mi) south of Recife’s city center, making it the most convenient option for travelers wishing to visit Recife.

What is the Best Way to Get to Your Recife Hotel?

When you arrive at Recife/Guararapes International Airport (REC), there are several means of transportation to get to your chosen place of accommodation:

Taxi: When you land at Recife International Airport, you will probably find a line of taxis available to take you to your hotel. If you want to use this means of transport, check the fare in advance and also make sure the meter is working.

Uber: Uber is a very good alternative and also often cheaper than taking a taxi. You can request an Uber through the app, and it will then arrive at your hotel.

Airport Transfer: Many hotels in Recife offer an airport transfer service to their guests. Therefore, it is a good idea to check with your hotel to see if they provide this type of service and how you will need to make an appointment.

Rent a car : If you want to have greater flexibility on your trip and want to explore areas beyond Recife, a good option is to rent a car at the airport. There are several car rental companies available at Recife International Airport. That is great.

How to Get Around Recife?

Ride Sharing (top choice): One of my favorite options, walking can be one of the most enjoyable ways to explore the city, places like Recife Antigo and the Boa Viagem waterfront, for example, and especially in locations with attractions close to each other. When I went to Recife, this was the method I used the most to get around the city.

Rent a Car (top choice): If you are exploring Recife in more depth or have specific travel plans, renting a car will be an excellent option. There are several car rental agencies available in the city and at Recife International Airport.

Take a Taxi: You will always have a taxi available in Recife. You can find them at taxi ranks, in front of hotels, and on the streets.

Extra Tip: Recife has an initiative called “Bike PE” that encourages the use of bicycles as a means of transport. There are bike rental stations in various parts of the city, and you can also use an app to rent a bike for a short period if you prefer. I thought this was fantastic.

Extra Tip: To cross the Capibaribe River and visit neighboring neighborhoods, you can use boat services that operate in the city.

When to Go to Recife?

The best time for you to travel and take advantage of all these tips on what to do in Recife is summer. In other words, if you can, visit the capital of Pernambuco between September and March. It’s even better if you can come just before or after Carnival, so you can enjoy the city and the festivities. Let’s take a look at the best time to visit Recife. 

Recife Brazil Summer (December to February): During the summer, which runs from December to February, the weather is hot and humid in Recife, with average temperatures in the 30°C (86°F) range. This is beach season, and they are very busy.

Summer Carnival: Carnival is celebrated in style in Recife. It is a unique experience with a contagious atmosphere of party and celebration. So, suppose you like music, dance, and Brazilian culture. In that case,, Carnival is a wonderful time to visit the city and be captivated by this beautiful party. So, if you want to experience this party, you will have to plan ahead. Booking a hotel in advance will be essential if you don’t want to pay stratospheric prices.

Recife Brazil Fall (March to May): The climate is milder, with more comfortable temperatures, ranging between 25°C and 30°C (77°F to 86°F). The city tends to be less busy. It’s a good time to avoid large crowds.

Recife Brazil Winter (June to August): Winter in Recife is mild, with cooler temperatures compared to summer, with night temperatures that can drop to around 20°C (68°F). It’s a good time to visit if you prefer to avoid Recife’s intense heat. Recife Brazil Spring (September to November): Spring is the beginning of gradual warming, with temperatures gradually rising. The climate is more pleasant, with temperatures varying between 25°C and 30°C (77°F to 86°F).

Where to Stay in Recife Brazil? (By Neighborhood)

There are many good places to stay in Recife, so the best choice will depend on how much you are willing to pay for accommodation and the type of trip you want to take.

The options presented in this Belo Horizonte guide are Boa Viagem (family). Pina (Individual travelers and groups. Casa Forte (couples).

I summarized this topic so that you can more easily understand what each of these neighborhoods has to offer.

 Recife Antigo – Old Recife (Best Central Location And Nightlife)

This is the best central location in Recife. It’s an area rich in culture and history and has a lively nightlife with lots of bars, restaurants, and live music. It’s also central, so it’s easy to get to other parts of the city. 

Pina (Individual Travelers and Groups) 

Located next to the Boa Viagem neighborhood, Pina offers a very beautiful and pleasant coastal area with beaches, many beach bars, and restaurants. Ideal for enjoying alone or with friends. 

Boa Viagem – Bon Voyage  (Family) 

This seaside neighborhood has a wide range of hotels, rental apartments and tourist infrastructure. The beach is suitable for families, as there are plenty of restaurants and activities in the vicinity. 

Casa Forte – Strong house (Couples)

For couples looking for a quieter, more romantic place, Casa Forte offers a more charming yet relaxing atmosphere.

Best Things to Do in Recife Brazil

  • Carnival in Recife: Carnival in Recife is an attraction you need to go to. So if you visit Recife during the Carnival season, don’t miss the lively street parties, parades, and cultural events. Recife’s Carnival is one of the most famous in Brazil.
  • Mercado de São José: Visit this historic and bustling market where you can buy local handicrafts, food, and souvenirs to take home.
  • Rua do Bom Jesus: already elected as one of the most beautiful in the world. In addition to the colorful buildings, it houses the first synagogue in the Americas, Kahal Zur Israel, which can be visited. Still, on the street, you will find the Embaixada dos Bonecos Gigantes, a very simple mini “museum” that houses many dolls that are a trademark of Carnival in Recife.
  • Francisco Brennand Museum: This museum has the works of Pernambuco artist Francisco Brennand in an impressive environment with his sculptures, ceramics, and contemporary art.
  • Boa Viagem Beach: Enjoy relaxing on the famous urban beach of Boa Viagem. Enjoy the sun, swim in the warm waters, and take walks along the boardwalk. But pay attention to shark warnings and stay close to shore.
  • Recife Antigo: It is the most touristic neighborhood in the city, called Bairro do Recife, it is in the central region of Recife and it is lovely. Walking aimlessly through its cobblestone streets is worth it. But don’t think that’s all. Recife Antigo also has several cool attractions, as well as good restaurants and bars.
  • Cais do Sertão: Discover the Cais do Sertão museum, one of the coolest I’ve ever visited. The museum uses the life of artist Luiz Gonzaga as a guiding thread, mixing the traditional with the modern. It was installed in the place of old warehouses in the Port of Recife and uses technological resources to show different points of country life: living, working, singing, occupying, believing, migrating, and creating. Find out more about
  • Capibaribe River: Take the opportunity to take a boat trip along the Capibaribe River to get a unique view of the city and enjoy the landscape along the banks of the river.
  • Local Food: My favorite part of the whole trip. Try the rich northeastern cuisine, with dishes such as tapioca, acarajé, sun-dried meat, and the traditional Pernambuco feijoada.

Regardless of the tours you choose, Recife has beautiful places that allow you to enjoy many unforgettable moments in this tropical paradise.

Best Recife Tours

Visiting Recife is an incredible experience. The city has a huge variety of tourist attractions, and one of my favorites was enjoying the beautiful beaches and tasting the local cuisine.

 I believe that with all the attractions there are to do, it is possible to please everyone who comes to visit this wonderful city. With this travel guide to Recife, you will find the best tours to take.

💡Pro Tip: As Recife has many tours and tourist attractions to do, you must have a broader idea of the places you want to visit so you can outline your destinations in more detail. This way, you will be able to adjust your days and your time so as not to leave anything out of your plans.

💡Pro Tip: When you book tours, don’t ask just anyone on the street. It is very reliable and safe to buy online or see if your hotel can help you with this. However, hotels may charge a little more for this service.

Here Are the Top Tours for Recife:

  • Catamaran Tour along the Capibaribe and Beberibe Rivers: A catamaran is a model of a vessel that has two parallel and identical hulls, known as “pontoons.” Catamarans range in size from small pleasure craft to large passenger ferries and commercial vessels. So think how cool it is to explore the city on the water.
  • City Tour in Recife: A City Tour is a wonderful tour that will take you to the city’s main tourist attractions, such as Recife Antigo, where Praça do Marco Zero is located and with well-preserved colonial architecture. During this tour, you will learn more about the city’s history, architecture, and culture.
  • Instituto Ricardo Brennand: Also, visit this impressive private museum. It has a collection of art and fantastic armor. Take the opportunity to explore the gardens and the unique architecture that the place has.
  • Buggy Ride on the Beaches: One of the most exciting rides and the one I liked most. The buggy tour takes you along the beautiful beaches of Recife, natural pools, and coastal landscapes, stops for a meal, and includes optional activities.
  • Catamaran Trip to Itamaracá Island: This catamaran trip will take you to Itamaracá Island, where you can visit Forte Orange and enjoy the local beaches.
  • Gastronomic Tour: A unique and delicious experience on the trip. Try Pernambuco cuisine on a gastronomic tour of Recife, so you can try traditional dishes such as acarajé, sun-dried meat, and tapioca.
  • Visit the Cais do Sertão Museum: Discover this interactive museum that tells the history and culture of the Brazilian Northeast in a magical and very engaging way.
  • Night Tour through Recife Antigo: Take a night tour and experience the charming atmosphere of Recife Antigo. On this tour, you will listen to live music and go to beautiful restaurants and bars along the riverside.
  • Visit the São José Market: Discover this historic and lively local market. At the market, you can buy local handicrafts, souvenirs, and various foods.
  • Tour of Dona Lindu Park: Visit the park. It is located on the seafront in Boa Viagem, designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer. In addition to the park, there is also a cultural center that has cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Bike Tour: If you like cycling, like me, there are companies in Recife that offer bike tours. It’s a really fun way to explore Recife.

Always remember that it is important to check tour availability and times. These were some of the many tours you can take in Recife to make your trip memorable.

Is Recife Safe for Tourists?

On my visit to Recife, I found it to be a safe city. Recife receives a large number of tourists every year. The city also has a well-established tourist industry, this is a factor that contributes to a safer city in tourist areas. However, just like anywhere you visit, you must be aware of your surroundings to ensure your trip is enjoyable.

I believe the main concern is petty theft. Because, anywhere in the world, this could happen. That’s why the more organized and planned your trip is, the safer you will be.

💡 Here, I Will Give You Some Professional Safety Tips for Each City You Travel To:

  • Taking care of your belongings: Regardless of where you are traveling, it is very important to take care of your personal belongings, such as wallets, watches, bags, and smartphones. Do not leave your valuables visible in vehicles.
  • Avoid going to dangerous places: You shouldn’t trust a certain area with your eyes closed just because it’s touristy. Therefore, avoid unknown neighborhoods because there is a danger of petty theft.
  • Safe transportation: Only use reliable transportation like Taxi or Uber to get around the city at night; do not walk in unfamiliar areas.
  • Do not display valuables: Avoid displaying valuables such as expensive jewelry, cameras, and watches in public places, as this may attract a lot of unwanted attention to you.
  • Local information: Ask your hotel about safe places and places to avoid that could be considered dangerous.
  • Emergency information: Always have emergency phone numbers, such as medical services and police, so you can call if you need anything.
  • Pay attention to traffic: Traffic in Recife can be a little chaotic, so be careful when crossing streets or driving. Use pedestrian crossings and also respect the signage.

Therefore, all the precautions we take when traveling are essential, regardless of the destination you choose. Recife is a safe city for tourists, yet it is very important to always be aware of your surroundings and take secure measures to ensure that your trip is pleasant and peaceful.

As safety conditions may vary from time to time, always check for up-to-date safety information before taking your trip.

What is the Best Travel Insurance for Brazil?

This is a question that I get a lot, as travel insurance can get confusing. This is a critical part of your trip though so that you do not have to worry when visiting Recife or any other part of the world. 

Figuring out travel insurance can be overwhelming. However, having the right travel insurance coverage is essential for a stress-free trip to Ouro Preto, Brazil. The key is to make sure it is simple and flexible. 

To streamline this, we have broken down the best travel insurance companies out there in the industry that are all great but also serve different needs.  

Let’s explore what each of them brings to the table: 

✅ World Nomads : Best for comprehensive coverage, flexibility, AND adventure sports. Covers trip cancellation, emergency medical costs, and emergency medical transportation and protects your travel gear. 

✅ SafetyWing : This is for general travelers, frequent travelers,  and long-term digital nomads in Brazil. Provides lots of flexibility as far as start date, coverage extension, and automatic renewals. It also has limited home-country coverage. 

✅ Travel Insurance Master : Brazil travel insurance search tool, this is for people who really want to compare policies. 

Recife Travel: Frequently Asked Questions

Can you drink the water in recife brazil.

Straight from the tap is a big NO .

This Recife guide recommends that you don’t drink tap water. It is safe for general use, so don’t risk drinking it.

You can use tap water to brush your teeth and take a shower! I recommend that you always buy bottled water whenever necessary.

Bottled water is sold in supermarkets and stores in Recife. Furthermore, always pay attention to the temperature during the day, as the Brazilian sun is VERY hot, so you always need to be well hydrated.

These are the steps to staying safe with healthy water: 

  • In an Airbnb, you will need to boil water if you don’t have bottled or filtered water.
  • In a hotel that does not have filtered water, buy bottled water.
  • I recommend that you always buy bottled water. This way, you will have the convenience of carrying it in your bag or backpack. And what’s more, you will always be well hydrated. Consider investing in a Water-To-Go Filterable Bottle for an eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic bottles, allowing you to refill and filter water on the go.

What’s the Recife Weather Like?

Average min and max temperatures in Recife, Brazil

Recife has a tropical monsoon climate, which is strongly characterized by high temperatures throughout the year and a well-defined rainy season.

Average annual temperatures in Recife range from 24°C (75.2°F) to 28°C (82.4°F). The rainy season runs from March to July, with April and May being the wettest. The dry season is from August to February. During this period, the rains are less frequent.

Recife has a high relative humidity, which makes it humid for much of the year. And the seawater temperature is very pleasant throughout the year, so you can enjoy Recife’s beaches.

  During the summer, average temperatures range from 28°C (82.4°F) to 31°C (87.8°F). The nights are milder, and temperatures are around 23°C (73.4 °F) to 25°C (77 °F). This is my favorite season. In autumn, it is still quite warm, with averages between 28°C (82.4°F) and 30°C (86°F). The nights are more pleasant, with average temperatures of 23°C (73.4°F) to 25°C (77°F). This is the beginning of the rainy season. Winter in Recife has temperatures between 27°C (80.6°F) and 29°C (84.2°F) and nights with pleasant temperatures of 22°C (71.6°F) to 24°C (75.2 °F), this is the dry season. In spring, temperatures are similar to winter, ranging from 28°C (82.4°F) to 30°C (86°F).

Is Recife Expensive?

Saying that Recife is an expensive city or not can vary greatly from each person’s perspective. Costs will depend on each choice, such as accommodation, activities, and food. Recife has options for different budgets, making it a very attractive city for its visitors and residents.

Recife has a wide variety of restaurants and bars. So there you can find everything, from simple local restaurants to the most sophisticated.

Therefore, costs in Recife vary according to each individual’s choices. But always be aware that costs increase during peak season. So, organize your budget before making the details of your trip.

Is Recife Worth Visiting?

If you have doubts about whether Recife is a good destination, I can say that and yes! Recife is a destination that is VERY worth visiting, especially if you are interested in exploring the culture, natural beauty of Northeast Brazil, and history.

Recife is a city rich in its culture and history. It has a preserved historic center that features charming colonial architecture with museums, baroque churches, and a unique atmosphere. The city is also famous for its cultural festivities, such as Carnival, which is a unique experience that you will have the opportunity to experience.

The Recife region has enchanting beaches. It’s impossible not to fall in love. I can highlight Boa Viagem, which is an urban beach with warm waters. It’s wonderful to relax in this place.

Northeastern cuisine, the best part of the trip, is an attraction in itself. On my visit to Recife, I had the opportunity to try delicious dishes, such as acarajé, sun-dried meat, tapioca, and fresh seafood.

The region of Recife and its surroundings offer opportunities for you to experience ecotourism. This includes boat trips, beautiful trails, visits to natural parks, and you can even watch dolphins. Have you ever thought what a unique experience?

The local population is very friendly and hospitable, which contributes greatly to a welcoming experience for tourists.

How Many Days Do I Need in Recife Brazil?

The number of days you should choose to spend in Recife largely depends on the time you have available and your personal interests, such as what you want to do in the city and the pace you want to have on your trip.

Recife is so enchanting that four or five days may not be enough to enjoy everything it has to offer. It is important to remember that in high season, beaches and accommodations are more crowded. This can affect the pace of the activities you want to carry out, as everything can take a little longer.

Therefore, choosing the number of days will depend on your personal preferences and also how much you want to enjoy the trip. Regardless of the length of your stay, having adequate planning is essential so that you can have an unforgettable experience.

General Recife, Brazil Travel Info & FAQ

🌞 Recife Weather The climate in Recife, Brazil, is characterized by being very hot and humid throughout the year due to its tropical monsoon climate.

In general, temperatures in Recife are hot all year round. The city has a rainy season that runs from March to July, with April and May being the wettest. So during this period, heavy rains are very common. The dry season in Recife takes place from August to February, so during this period, the showers are less frequent. The relative humidity is high throughout the year, making Recife a humid city.

It is worth remembering that these are general conditions, and actual weather conditions vary from year to year. Recife is known for its warm and pleasant tropical climate, which is an attractive factor for those who love beaches and outdoor activities for much of the year. But I always like to highlight that it’s important to always have good planning, because if you don’t keep this in mind, you might choose a not-so-great season and this could affect your trip and the activities you’d like to do.

💰 Brazil Currency  The official currency of Brazil is the Brazilian real, indicated by BRL or R$. Nowadays, cards are accepted practically everywhere, but this Recife travel guide advises that you always have some cash on hand, a small amount, as Recife has a lot of local crafts and really cool things to take as souvenirs. So I would hate for you to miss something like that because you didn’t take a small amount of money with you on your trips.

🗣️ Brazil Language  As the official language of Brazil is Portuguese, both in Recife and throughout the country, this is what you will hear on the streets.

However, English is present in places that have tourist attractions and hotels. However, this Recife travel guide recommends that you learn a few things in the native language. It could just be a few easy words or phrases in Portuguese, as this will help you become more immersed in the local culture and also in your trip.

If you want to learn a little Portuguese before traveling, use DuoLingo or Pimsleur; they are great tools.

🛫 Recife Brazil Busy Season & Slow Season Recife Busy Season: The busy season in Recife is during the summer, in the months of December, January, and February. During this period, there are many tourists in Recife, both Brazilian and foreign, who are attracted by the combination of warm weather, end-of-year festivities such as New Year’s Eve, stunning beaches, and Carnival.

Recife Slow Season: The slow season in Recife is when the city is least visited by tourists. It is the rainy season period, which is from March to July. So during this period, if you visit Recife, you will find fewer crowds and also lower prices. However, be aware of the weather conditions, especially during this rainy season.

Recife Shoulder Season: This season runs from September to November. The shoulder season in Recife is the intermediary between the high season and the low season. In shoulder season, you will find a balance between fewer crowds and good weather conditions. If you prefer a more relaxed atmosphere without so many groups, this is the ideal time to visit Recife.

Do I Need a Visa for Brazil? 

The Short Answer: If you are traveling from the US, Canada, Australia, and Japan, the answer is no, UNTIL October 1, 2023, then the answer is yes. Currently, no visa is necessary from European Union (EU) countries. This looks like it will be the case even after October 1, 2023. 

The Longer Answer: Traveling to Brazil is a great experience, but it is important to make sure you have all your ducks in a row so to speak. That means having the proper documentation needed to enter the country. 

Here’s what you need to know about securing a visa for Brazil, specifically for citizens of the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, and European Union (EU) countries.

Section 1: US, Canada, Australia, and Japan Citizens of the US, Canada, Australia, and Japan can currently enter visa-free travel to Brazil for tourism or business purposes. 

This applies to stays of up to 90 days within a 12-month period. All you need is a valid passport with an expiry date at least six months beyond your intended departure from Brazil.

Brazil is looking to implement the visa requirement again for these four countries as of October 1, 2023, so plan in advance for this. 

Section 2: European Union (EU)  Nationals

For most European Union citizens, including those from the UK, Germany, France, and Italy, also benefit from visa-free entry to Brazil. 

This policy permits EU nationals to stay in Brazil for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days within a 12-month period. Like others, they will need a passport that is valid for at least six months past the date of entry into Brazil.

Visa and immigration requirements can and do change. It is always advised to check the latest information from the official government websites of Brazil or your home country’s foreign travel advisory services before making travel plans.

For the most recent and comprehensive information about visa requirements for all nationalities, consult the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website or a Brazilian embassy or consulate near you during your pre-planning phase of your trip. 

The October 1st, 2023 update does not look like it will affect EU Nationals, but research accordingly here .

What Do I Need on My Brazil Packing List? 

Perhaps packing a suitcase that is too big and taking things that are not important to the other side of the world is one of the worst things about traveling. On the other hand, it’s also terrible to really need something and not have it. This can ruin anyone’s mood.

Packing your bags for a trip to Brazil or any other destination must be done in advance! This way you will only take what you need and won’t need to carry a lot of luggage.

Here’s a curated list focusing on your primary needs: 🔌 Power Adapters: Brazil has type C and N sockets, which can be inconvenient if you don’t plan everything in advance. Therefore, buy the right adapters for your devices before traveling so you won’t waste time buying one when you arrive at your destination. Consider investing in a universal travel adapter to cover your needs efficiently.

📳 Brazil and Florianopolis SIM Card: Having internet these days is essential, even more so when traveling far from your home country. So don’t forget to buy a Brazilian SIM card so you can use the internet and communicate. This is an essential tool if you intend to use Uber and Google Maps, for example.

💧 Filterable Water Bottle: Tap water in Recife is not safe to drink. So, do what I do: buy water and take your bottle wherever you go. Consider investing in a Water-To-Go Filterable Bottle for convenient access to clean and safe drinking water during your travels.

💊 Anti-Hangover Meds: Brazil’s nightlife is wild. It’s for sure worth carrying anti-hangover medications to make sure your trip runs smoother. The last thing you want to do is waste an entire day out of a seven-day trip in bed with a hangover. 

👒 Sun Protection: The Brazilian sun is VERY intense. This Recife travel guide recommends that you take your favorite sunscreen with HIGH SPF and hats for extra protection. Because even if you are exposed to the sun for a short time, you may regret it. Trust a person who has had some unfortunate sunburns.

🦟 Bug Repellent: By now, you should know that Brazil is a tropical country, and as such, you will have plenty of mosquitoes and insects to keep you company. Repellent is a REQUIRED item. Nobody likes itching or catching dengue fever and other diseases. Consider using an eco-friendly bug repellent to protect yourself while minimizing environmental impact.

🩴 Comfortable Footwear: There are different terrains in Recife. Therefore, bring comfortable walking shoes, sneakers, sandals, flip-flops, and whatever else you think is necessary.

📄 Travel Documents: Make sure you have collected all the necessary documents, such as passport, visa (if required), travel insurance documents, and everything else. Furthermore, have copies of everything. If it is lost or stolen, you will have extra copies. Avoid frustration so you can enjoy your trip.

And don’t forget to bring clothes suitable for the season in which you will travel to Recife. This travel list can be changed whenever you want, as long as you enjoy every minute of your trip without forgetting any details!

Is it Safe to Rent a Car and Drive in Recife Brazil? 

Renting a car and driving in Recife can be a great option, but you need to pay attention to several details to avoid any problems.

  Please be aware that road conditions in Recife can vary, and less busy roads may not be in good condition. So, drive carefully and be prepared to deal with possible potholes on the streets.

In high season, in the summer months, Recife is very busy, and traffic can be somewhat chaotic, with traffic jams in some areas, for example. If possible, try to avoid peak times and plan your trips well in advance.

Use a good GPS to help you get around Recife. Signage may be limited in certain areas. Be aware of Brazilian traffic laws and follow them. This includes speed limits, wearing a seat belt, and driving on the right side.

You need to have an international driver’s license to drive legally in the country. So if you choose to rent a car, take out good insurance to give you peace of mind.

Personal Safety: Always keep your belongings in a safe place and avoid leaving valuables in sight in the car. Because crimes of opportunity, such as vehicle break-ins, can occur in some areas.

Do I Need to Speak Portuguese to Visit Brazil?

Visiting Recife is something unique, a wonderful experience. The vast majority of locals will be very welcoming, regardless of how well you speak the language (Portuguese). But in situations where English may not be said, a tool like Duoling can be very useful! Not just Duo, but other platforms are very easy to use and great.

However, in my opinion, learning some basic phrases and words can open doors for you to have even more affectionate contact with the local population. Imagine how a simple “Obrigada” (thank you) or “Bom dia” (Good morning) in Portuguese can light up someone’s face when they see that you’re really making an effort to speak the language, even if it’s just something very basic.

It’s like a small gesture of affection that can make your stay even more pleasant. Don’t worry if you don’t speak the language, as the locals will welcome you just the same. One piece of advice: make the most of this experience!

Here are some great language preparation options for your trip to Brazil:

Learning basic Portuguese: Using good platforms to learn the basics of the language is really cool. I particularly like using DuoLingo, but there is also Pimsleur, for example. They have quick, interactive courses to help you gain more confidence and speak some Portuguese before your trip.

Use the Google Translate app: This app can be a lifesaver when it comes to language barriers. Remember that it works online, so you will need a Brazilian SIM card with good internet.

Get a Portuguese phrasebook : Consider carrying a Portuguese phrasebook , for example, the Lonely Planet Portuguese Phrasebook . This book can be very useful in helping you understand the local language a little, even in emergency situations. You won’t become fluent in the language, but you will gain some knowledge that could be very useful. This will certainly enrich your trip to Recife. Locals really appreciate it when visitors make an effort, no matter how small it may seem.

Is Brazil Safe for Solo Female Travel? 

Brazil can be a safe destination! But using common sense is always a good idea on any trip you take around the world.

There are some safety measures that I consider essential, such as avoiding going out alone at night and always being aware of your surroundings, staying in hotels that have a good rating and in safe areas, and booking tours only online.

Don’t go out with anything that attracts a lot of attention on the street, whether it’s something expensive or branded. Leave your valuables in a safe at your hotel.

I don’t think any Recife travel guide dictates any dress code or behavior, but they all recommend that you only use reliable transportation. And if you prefer to go out after 8 p.m., call an Uber! Remember that you will need mobile internet to use it!

Tell your family and friends everything about your trip, what your plans and steps are, and when you want to go back to the hotel for the night. A tip: share your location with your friends and family until you are safe.

As I am an experienced traveler, you can trust this Recife travel guide because it is a unique experience! Whether for a weekend or a longer trip, Recife awaits your visit!

Author: Talia is local Brazilian writer born and raised in Brazil.

Hello, adventurers of the world! my name is Talia Cordeiro and I am 26 years old. I was born in the coldest city in the state of Paraná, located in the south of Brazil. For as long as I can remember, I have been an adventurer at heart. And over the years, I had the opportunity to explore different corners of Brazil. My trip is not just about stunning landscapes but also about immersing myself in local culture and cuisine. I want to inspire all of you to explore the wonders of my country and experience the magic I find everywhere I go.

My story is an invitation to everyone who wants to know Brazil through my eyes. Our adventure starts now!

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Nossos tours


B aseado nas obras de escritores como Gilberto Freyre, Carneiro Vilela e Roberto Beltrão, nos relatos jornalísticos e contos populares.

Visitamos os locais reais das lendas: casarões, museus, palácios, teatros, becos, ruas e praças em Recife, Olinda e Jaboatão


Somos fanáticos por segurança. Por isso sempre contamos com o apoio das instituições de segurança além de apoio próprio.

Nossos roteiros


Um passeio a pé pelo Bairro do Recife , Poço da Panela ou  Olinda. Focamos as histórias de mistérios e assombros acontecidos durante os quase 500 anos de povoamento nesses locais. ​ Passeio nas ruas e becos do bairro, com possíveis surpresas no caminho. Caminhada Recife:​ 1h30 de duração R$ 40, Individual R$ 75, Duplo R$ 165, (5 pessoas)


Explorando a área de matas nativas , veremos ali várias histórias assombradas do interior e matas de Pernambuco. ​ Em nosso percurso faremos uma trilha (caso não chova) em plena matas e florestas, onde tudo pode acontecer e aparecer.  ​ Desaconselhável para menores de 12 anos e cardíacos. Ambiente seguro e controlado, ​ 3h de duração Valor a depender da localidade

Você será levado a um casarão e nele tentará achar pistas que o leve ao objetivo da missão. seja salvar alguém, descobrir um crime ou achar determinado objeto. para isso o tempo vai rolar e você só terá a ajuda dos seus amigos para cumprir a missão. média de 1 hora de duração  valor r$ 70, individual valor especial para grupos.


Um passeio a pé pelo Bairro do Recife (e edição anual em Olinda) com visita e exploração de um magnífico casarão.  Focamos as histórias de mistérios e assombros acontecidos nas ruas e no casarão visitado. ​ Passeio nas ruas e becos do bairro, com possíveis surpresas no caminho. Caminhada Recife:​ 1h40 de duração R$ 45, Individual R$ 80, Duplo R$ 175, - 5 Amigos


Durante o mês de Outubro acontece o especial de Halloween, onde as histórias mais medonhas são contadas. Aqui a carga de medo aumenta e por isso mesmo não recomendamos para menores de 12 anos nem para cardíacos. Ou você continua são ou vem para o nosso tour do Halloween. Os dois não dá! Valores: Consultar na aba agenda



A cada dois meses faremos uma expedição aos mais recônditos lugares da nossa cidade e região.

é uma forma de chamarmos atenção a locais abandonados e que merecem atenção do público e autoridades. tudo feito com máximo de segurança e apoio., 4 a 5 horas de duração, valor sob consulta..


City tour com várias versões de roteiros: Zona Centro, Zona Norte e Fantasmas da Revolução. ​ Nele percorremos de ônibus os bairros mais antigos da cidade fazendo 4 ou 5 visitas em casarões, museus ou qualquer instalação que tenha sido palco de alguma história real assombrada. ​ 4h de duração R$ 76, Individual R$ 140, Duplo R$ 260, Quádruplo

mao tumulo branco.fw.png


Acontece em Maio. Seguimos para um hotel repleto de histórias assombradas e fenômenos paranormais, distante da civilização, em meio a Mata Atlântica. 

Pela manhã você aproveita de toda a estrutura do hotel. à noite torça para que as entidades não se aproveitem da sua alma., saiba mais aqui.


Uma comemoração adaptada para a idade do aniversariante. Incomum, inesquecível. Mistura muita cultura com doses elevadas de diversão.

Modalidade de ônibus pela cidade ou em caminhada em um dos bairros escolhidos.. , realização sob encomenda com o opcional de kit festa assombrado., 4h de duração.

fundo faixa rma peq.fw.png

A magia começou!

O sonho de pertencer a uma escola exclusiva para bruxos, agora pode ser realizado no recife. próximas turmas: -bruxos adultos 1º ano 13 a 16 junho -especial colônia mirim 2 a 5 julho -juvenil (11 a 14 anos) 9 a 12 julho .

guardiao dos mortos best.jpg


Inscreva-se para receber as novidades.


Obrigado pela inscrição!


Contrate a festa mais espetacular deste e do outro mundo!

barao assombracao.jpg


Escape rooms


loira do banheiro.jpg

Não importa se você tem 8 ou 80, nós temos um passeio para cada idade.

Odyssey Magazine

City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included

While some may think city tours can be mundane, the ‘City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included’ offers a refreshing twist that elevates the exploration experience.

Picture yourself gliding along the tranquil waters, soaking in panoramic views of Recife’s architectural wonders and lush landscapes.

But there’s more to this tour than meets the eye. Stay tuned to uncover how this unique adventure combines history, culture , and relaxation in an unforgettable journey through the heart of Brazil’s coastal gem.

City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included - Key Points

  • Flexible booking and payment options ensure stress-free planning and adaptability.
  • Anticipate a 5-hour engaging tour exploring historical landmarks and iconic sites.
  • Experience a Catamaran ride along Capibaribe River as part of the tour package.
  • Convenient pick-up and drop-off services at hotels in Boa Viagem for hassle-free transportation.

Here's some more nearby activities we've reviewed

  • DIVING in PORTO De GALINHAS (With Cylinder)
  • From Recife: Beach Day in Porto De Galinhas With Jangada Included
  • Recife: Brazil Esim Roaming Mobile Data Plan
  • Colonial North Coast Beaches – Full-Day Tour

Booking Details

City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included - Booking Details

When planning your City Tour Recife with Catamaran included, take advantage of the flexible booking options that allow for free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance, ensuring a stress-free experience.

The tour offers a convenient and worry-free approach with its flexible payment options. Travelers can reserve their spot without immediate payment, keeping their plans adaptable.

Plus, the free cancellation policy provides peace of mind, allowing changes to be made without financial consequences if circumstances shift. This flexibility adds a layer of convenience to the booking process, ensuring that participants can adjust their plans as needed without any hassle.

Duration and Schedule

City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included - Duration and Schedule

As travelers plan their City Tour Recife with Catamaran included, they can anticipate an engaging 5-hour experience exploring the city’s highlights and embracing different starting times for scheduling flexibility.

When considering the duration and schedule of this tour, visitors should keep in mind the following:

  • Sightseeing options are plentiful, covering the old town of Recife, the Venice of Brazil on a Catamaran, centuries-old churches , Parque das Esculturas , and Marco Zero Square.
  • Time management is crucial with a 5-hour tour, ensuring you make the most of your experience.
  • Different starting times offer scheduling flexibility to fit various itineraries.
  • Planning ahead allows you to make the most of every moment during the tour.

Tour Highlights

With a captivating blend of history and natural beauty, the tour highlights in Recife promise an unforgettable exploration experience. Travelers will have the opportunity to embark on a mesmerizing Catamaran experience , cruising through the picturesque Capibaribe River. Along the journey, they can marvel at centuries-old churches that stand as testaments to the city’s rich history. Visitors will also get to explore the old town of Recife, soaking in its charm and cultural significance. Plus, they can discover the iconic Parque das Esculturas and Marco Zero Square, two must-see historical landmarks that showcase the essence of Recife. The table below provides a snapshot of the captivating tour highlights awaiting adventurers in Recife:

Full Tour Description

City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included - Full Tour Description

Set out on a journey through Recife’s cultural tapestry with a guided tour that promises to immerse you in the city’s history and charm. Explore the old town of Recife, visit the Venice of Brazil on a Catamaran, marvel at centuries-old churches, and discover Parque das Esculturas and Marco Zero Square.

Your adventure begins with a pick-up at your hotel in Boa Viagem, leading you to key landmarks like Parque das Esculturas, Casa da Cultura e Praça do Marco Zero. Enjoy a scenic ride through Capibaribe River, cruising along Capeberibe River inside the old town of Recife.

After a day filled with historical landmarks and cultural insights , relax and reflect on the experience as you’re returned to your hotel.

Transportation and Logistics

Upon arrival at hotels in Boa Viagem, guests can anticipate a seamless experience with provided pick-up services for their City Tour Recife, ensuring a comfortable and informative exploration of the city’s cultural gems. The tour includes a captivating Catamaran experience, allowing visitors to witness the beauty of Recife from the water. Expert tour guides accompany guests, sharing insights into the city’s rich history and vibrant culture throughout the journey. Transportation is well-organized, offering a hassle-free way to navigate the city and visit key landmarks. At the end of the tour, participants are conveniently dropped back at their hotel, concluding a fulfilling day of discovery and relaxation.

Itinerary Overview

The itinerary for the City Tour Recife promises a captivating exploration of the city’s cultural treasures and scenic delights. Visitors can look forward to:

  • Experiencing a memorable Catamaran ride.
  • Enjoying a scenic river cruise through the Capibaribe River.
  • Exploring the old town of Recife with its centuries-old churches.
  • Discovering Parque das Esculturas and Marco Zero Square.

These highlights offer a perfect blend of historical charm and natural beauty, making the tour an enriching experience.

The Catamaran experience and the scenic river cruise add a unique touch to the itinerary, allowing travelers to appreciate Recife’s beauty from a different perspective.

Get ready to learn about the rich culture and stunning landscapes of this vibrant Brazilian city.

What to Expect

As travelers venture into the City Tour Recife, they can anticipate a captivating blend of historical marvels and scenic wonders waiting to be explored.

The journey begins with breathtaking scenic views aboard the Catamaran, offering a unique perspective of Recife as you cruise along the Capibaribe River. Passengers can enjoy the onboard experience , feeling the gentle breeze and taking in panoramic sights of the Venice of Brazil.

Marvel at the centuries-old churches that line the riverbanks, adding a touch of grandeur to the surroundings.

The tour promises an unforgettable mix of culture and natural beauty, making it a perfect way to explore the heart of Recife’s charm.

Additional Information

Enjoy the rich tapestry of local culture and heritage through the engaging narratives shared during the guided tour.

Catamaran Experience : Enjoy a leisurely ride on a catamaran as you explore the stunning waterways of Recife and witness the beauty of the Venice of Brazil.

Local Cuisine : Indulge in the flavors of Recife with optional stops to taste authentic local cuisine, adding a culinary delight to your tour experience.

Souvenir Opportunities : Browse through charming local shops and stalls to find unique souvenirs and gifts to remember your time in Recife.

Expert Guides : Benefit from knowledgeable guides who offer insights into the history, architecture , and traditions of the city, enhancing your overall tour experience.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we have reviewed.

  • Recife: City Tour Recife & Olinda
  • Recife Airport: 1-Way and Round-Trip Shared Transfers
  • Recife: Airport to Maragogi Hotels Private Transfer
  • Recife Boat Tour With Transfers
  • Recife: Airport to Porto De Galinhas Transfer

Common questions

Can i bring my own food and drinks on the catamaran ride.

Guests can bring snacks and drinks on the catamaran ride, enjoying a picnic experience. Catamaran rules allow personal food and drinks, offering a relaxed outing. This policy enhances the tour, providing flexibility for guests to enjoy refreshments during the journey.

Are There Any Restrictions on Photography During the Tour?

When exploring Recife, visitors can freely take photos during the tour, capturing the beauty of the old town and Catamaran ride. However, they should be mindful of privacy and respect regulations regarding photography etiquette to ensure a pleasant experience for all.

Is There a Restroom Available on the Catamaran?

Yes, there is a restroom available on the catamaran. Visitors can access this amenity for their convenience during the tour. The catamaran ensures comfort and essential facilities for a pleasant experience while exploring the waterways of Recife.

Are There Any Opportunities for Shopping or Souvenir Purchases During the Tour?

Shopping options and souvenir selection are available during the tour. Visitors can explore local shops and markets to find unique mementos. The tour offers opportunities to purchase crafts, gifts , and keepsakes to remember the experience in Recife.

What Language(S) Are the Tour Guides Fluent In?

The tour guides are fluent in Spanish and Portuguese, ensuring a seamless experience for visitors. Their multilingual skills provide informative and engaging commentary throughout the excursion, enhancing the understanding and enjoyment of the sights and landmarks visited.

Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Full Day Tour to Olinda and Recife
  • São Miguel Dos Milagres – AL
  • Transfer Recife Airport to Praia Dos Carneiros PE
  • Carneiros Beach – Pernambuco
  • Coqueirinho Beach – Paraíba
  • City Tour Olinda and Recife
  • Private Transport From Recife to Maragogi
  • City Tour of Olinda Including Instituto Ricardo Brennand
  • Private Transfer From Recife Airport to Maragogi
  • Private Transfer From Recife Airport to Porto De Galinhas
  • Recife (Historic Centre) Scavenger Hunt and Self-Guided Tour

Get ready to embark on a truly unique journey through the captivating city of Recife with the ‘City Tour Recife With Catamaran Included’.

From exploring historic landmarks to cruising along the picturesque Capibaribe River, this tour offers an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking to enjoy the vibrant culture of Brazil.

With expert guides and convenient transportation, this adventure promises to be seamless and memorable. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover the Venice of Brazil in a whole new way!

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