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We’ve got fantastic news! We are opening a new travel grant that’ll take you to #ESMO23 #ESMO2023 in Madrid.

Apply via the link https://ow.ly/jP8i50OJGOH

Source: ABC Global Alliance / Twitter 

  • ASCO Annual Meeting May 30 - June 4, 2024
  • Yvonne Award 2024 May 31, 2024
  • OncoThon 2024, Online Feb. 15, 2024
  • Global Summit on War & Cancer 2023, Online Dec. 14-16, 2023

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Travel grant: esmo breast, 15-17 may 2024, berlin, germany.

Full applications should be submitted to [email protected] by 9 February 2024 providing the following documents: - Short curriculum vitae - Letter describing the motivation for attending - Application form

Call for Abstracts

Updated Friday, November 10 (Fri), 2023

The submission for the final, updated late-breaking data for Late-breaking Abstract is now open. E-mail notification has been sent to those who have already made a provisional registration. Please check your e-mail and submit your abstract by the deadline.

Deadline for submitting the final, updated late-breaking data: Thursday, December 15 (Fri), 2023, noon (JST) Late-breaking Abstracts submission has been closed.

If you have difficulty in submitting your abstract by the above deadline, please contact the abstract submission section of Congress Secretariat ( [email protected]

If you are Japanese, please declare your COI and submit your abstract to the Japanese website .

Abstract Submission Period

  • JSMO 2024’s virtual session website

Abstract Young Investigator Award

Late-breaking abstracts, presidential session, highlight of the day, travel award, publication in "annals of oncology", disclosure of conflict of interest at 2024 the japanese society of medical oncology annual meeting, ethical principles for declaring ethical matters of your abstract, abstract submission, confirmation / modification / deletion of submitted abstract & additional submission, acceptance/rejection notification.

Noon, Thursday, June 15, 2023 – Noon, Friday, September 15, 2023 (JST) →Noon, Friday, September 29, 2023 (JST)

Extended until Fri, Sep 29. We look forward to your submissions!

Abstract Submission has been closed. Thank you for your submission!

General Abstract (Oral / Poster Presentation)

JSMO2024 accepts abstracts for General Abstract.

The Oral and Poster presentations will be given and held on-site.

Please select the abstract category from the list below. (The 1st & 2nd choices are required.)

↓ Swipe sideways to see.

  • (a) Abstracts submitted under the “Trials in Progress” category (14-03) will be posted on the program application and handed out to the participants at the venue on the day of the session.
  • Age limitation: The first author must be under the age 40 (as of February 24, 2024)
  • Once you are nominated as a candidate, you will be requested to submit an electronic data (Powerpoint presentation slides) for review in December 2023.
  • Details will be notified to nominees. If you would like to be reviewed as a candidate, please check the box to be reviewed as the candidate for the Abstract Young Investigator Award.

JSMO2024 would like to deepen discussions based on the latest research results. We accept such abstracts as "Late-breaking abstracts".

If you are applying for Late-breaking abstracts, please select "Yes" for the question, "Are you applying for late-breaking abstracts?" and submit an outline and predicted results of your research as interim registration in the abstract text box.

The submission for the final, updated late-breaking data is planned to open in early December, and run till late December 2023.

The accepted results are not influenced even if the actual research results were different from your prediction.

JSMO2024 will select abstracts to be presented in "Presidential Sessions" from the submitted abstracts this year instead of usual Plenary Session. The selection flow is as follows.

The program committee members recommend the following number of abstracts from each category.

38 abstracts in total: 6 abstracts from each Gastrointestinal Cancer and Lung Cancer /Thoracic Cancer, and each 2 abstracts from other category.

Congress president selects 12 abstracts out of 38 abstracts, and the final selection will be made at the program committee.

Of all the presentations on each day, those with the greatest impact will be selected for review the day after the presentation.

Abstracts submitted by young researchers from outside Japan will be reviewed by the JSMO2024 committee members. Those selected presenters will be awarded partial travel grant for their outstanding works. Abstracts authors are encouraged to apply for Travel Award as outlined below:

Award Details

  • JPY 50,000–100,000 of travel support to investigators from Asia (depending on the quality of abstract).
  • JPY 150,000 of travel support to investigators from others.
  • Congress registration to JSMO2024 is waived
  • Hotel accommodation while you stay in Japan (Single room for up to four nights).

Note: To qualify for the travel award, you must be free of any commercial grants or support.

Application Acceptance Period

Noon, Thursday, June 15, 2023 – Noon, Friday, September 15, 2023 (JST) (same as the application period for JSMO2024 abstracts)

Eligible Applicants

  • Applicants must be young overseas doctors / researchers, who live outside of Japan, age 45 years old or younger, as of February 24, 2024 (the last day of JSMO2024).
  • Applicants receiving commercial grant support or financial assistance are ineligible

How to Apply

Please apply by submitting your abstract from the Submission Page (click the "Submit" button).

Award Notification

Recipients will be notified by e-mail in the middle December 2023.

Abstracts (oral / poster) submitted in English for JSMO2024 will be published in ESMO/JSMO Scientific Journal, supplement to "Annals of Oncology" (Elsevier).

If you wish to have your abstract published in "Annals of Oncology," please select "Yes".

However, in case that there is any possibility of duplicate publication or encore publication, please refrain from selecting "Yes".

  • Terms to be published in Journal "Annals of Oncology" as to poster presentation:

Oral presentations are free of charge but poster presentations are required 5,000JPY of the posting fee of "Annals of Oncology" in addition to the Congress registration fee.

You can cancel publication of the journal after the acceptance notice.

We will contact you to confirm your final intention when the presentation style is decided.

The presenter (the first author) and the principal investigator must disclose the name of any company or for-profit organization related to medicine they have a relationship with, defined as follows: in the following items (3) to (9), (11), (12), exceeding separately stipulated criteria, and (1), (2), (10), (13) if met. The subject period is from January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2022.

To view the PDF files, you may need, "Adobe Reader" ( Download Adobe Reader )

COI Policy (in revision)

Detailed Enforcement Regulations of COI (in revision)

For oral presentation, please use the slide below as a template to disclose conflict of interest.

For poster presentation, please prepare and print out the slide, and put it at lower right of the poster panel.

Inquiries regarding COI disclosure

In order to review whether your abstract is conformed to the standard of applicable research ethics such as "GCP", "GPSP", "Ethical guidelines on medical research on humans", "Ethical guidelines on research on human genome and gene analysis", etc., JSMO asks you to declare the following items:

The content of your declaration will not affect the acceptance or rejection of your abstract. Please submit to the following:

  • Does your study include medical research on human subjects, human material or human data? *Required
  • Does your study comply with the Declaration of Helsinki?
  • Was your study approved by an institutional review board before starting the research?

Important note to those whose study includes Japanese participants.

Previously, you had been directed to the Japanese website, however, the guideline has changed.

From now on, please access the English website for all submissions.

We accept abstracts submitted online only through the submission system.

You may enter the submission page from "Abstract Submission" button at the bottom of this page.

  • Author information and abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Abstract title must be up to 120 single-byte characters.(including spaces)
  • Abstract text must be up to 2,000 single-byte characters.(including spaces)
  • The maximum of 20 authors (first author & co-authors) can be registered.
  • The maximum of 20 affiliations (including the affiliation of the first author) can be registered.
  • Background:
  • Conclusion:
  • Any chart or diagram cannot be included.
  • In the registration page, you will be asked to enter the information such as "application for Young Investigator Award", "application for Travel Award", "about in Encore Abstract", "about Presented Abstract", "application for Late-breaking abstracts", "publication in Annals of Oncology" as well as COI information.
  • It is recommended that you prepare your abstract text by Word/ text file in advance, and then copy it on the registration page.
  • After completing the abstract submission, the abstract registration ID number and your password will be sent to the first author’s email address. The ID number and password will be required to confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts. Please be sure to enter the correct e-mail address. Please be sure to keep the ID number and password by yourself. The congress secretariat will NOT keep track of your information.

You can access to confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts during the abstract submission period.

The ID number and password will be required to enter the page (confirm/modify/delete/add abstracts).

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Peer Review Committee and decided comprehensively based on the study contents,ethical aspects, and etc. You may choose the presentation style (oral or poster) when you submit an abstract. However, pleaseunderstand that the congress president will make a final decision on the presentation style, presentation session, as well asacceptance/rejection.

Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent to the first author by email in the early of December, 2023.

Confirmation / Modification / Deletion of submitted abstract & Additional submission Page

Inquiries for abstract submission.

Catalyzing Change: Young Moroccan Oncologists Spearhead the Fight Against Sarcoma

The management of sarcoma presents several challenges because of its rarity and diverse subtypes, making accurate diagnosis and specialized treatment crucial. A multidisciplinary approach involving various experts from different cancer specialties is the optimal strategy to improve survival and reduce recurrence rates. Limited awareness and expertise in sarcoma among health-care professionals may lead to delayed or suboptimal management, emphasizing the importance of specialized sarcoma centers, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

Research efforts are ongoing to develop targeted therapies and improve treatment outcomes, but more research and clinical trials are needed given the rarity and heterogeneity of sarcomas. This year, the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) organized the inaugural ESMO Sarcoma and Rare Cancers Congress, which took place from March 20 to 22, 2023, in Lugano, Switzerland. This highly specialized meeting integrated the content of the former ESMO Sarcoma and GIST Symposium and the updated ESO-ESMO-RCE (European School of Oncology–ESMO–Rare Cancers Europe) Clinical Day on Sarcomas and Rare Adult Solid Cancers, bringing together esteemed international experts and the brightest minds working in these areas of cancer research. This event provided a unique opportunity for the international rare cancer community to foster new collaborations and engage in discussions on challenging cases with renowned experts in this field, including Jean-Yves Blay, MD, PhD; Judith Bovée, MD, PhD; and Robin L. Jones, PhD; among others.

travel grant esmo

Meeting Highlights

This event provided insights into the diagnosis, prognosis, management, and research outputs of rare adult solid cancers. Specifically, after the inaugural session, the morning was devoted to an overview of the molecular classification, biology, diagnosis, and management of ultra-rare sarcomas, as well as rare cancers of the gynecologic and genitourinary tracts, along with other rare skin cancers. The afternoon was dedicated to sessions discussing advances and challenges in the surgical management of sarcomas (including extremely rare types of thoracic and head/neck cancers).

Additionally, topics included the management of neuroendocrine tumors and how artificial intelligence (AI) may be integrated into this field of rare cancers. AI holds great promise in managing rare cancers by providing performant algorithms to analyze medical images to aid in the early detection and accurate diagnosis of rare cancers. Furthermore, AI can scrutinize genomic and molecular data to identify specific biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets, and this may assist clinicians in tailoring treatment approaches and selecting the most effective therapies for patients.

Focus on Young Oncologists

On the second day of the congress, educational and scientific sessions covered state-of-the-art multidisciplinary care for patients affected by rare solid tumors, as defined by the European Reference Networks. In addition, precision therapies for rare cancers and specific rare molecular subgroups of common cancers were addressed. This meeting dedicated several sessions to discussing methodologic, policy, and advocacy issues focused on rare cancers. A Young Oncologist session provided young oncologists from around the world with an opportunity to exchange ideas, share experiences, and discuss the challenges they face in treating rare sarcomas and cancers within their respective settings. The aim was to foster collaborations and develop perspective solutions.

Moreover, the congress served as a remarkable platform for young oncologists to present their original scientific research advancements through oral and poster communications. (See the photo of Dr. Saoussane Kharmoum presenting her poster after receiving a merit travel grant from ESMO to attend the conference.) Indeed, four oral communications were presented, followed by discussions led by experts in the field. The presentations focused on the tumor of the sex cord of the ovaries, adenocarcinoma of the appendix, and neuroendocrine tumors.

A poster session was also scheduled where each author presented his or her study findings to the ESMO committee and the participants. This session generated a lot of discussion and exchange between presenters and attendees. It is worth noting that some presenters received ESMO merit grants to cover their accommodation and travel expenses, enabling young oncologists from around the world to attend and showcase their research work.

Jinane Kharmoum, MD

Jinane Kharmoum, MD

Mariame Chraibi, MD

Mariame Chraibi, MD

Mohammed Shimi, MD

Mohammed Shimi, MD

Hassan Errihani, MD, PhD

Hassan Errihani, MD, PhD

Survey-Based Sarcoma Study Findings From Morocco

Our communicated abstract summarized a cross-sectional survey-based study conducted in Morocco. The study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by Moroccan practitioners in managing extremity sarcomas. We surveyed 153 medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and orthopedic traumatologists and found that oncologists often received sarcoma cases without prior biopsy or imaging assessment. Additionally, a significant proportion of surgeons lacked specialization in surgical oncology. Limited access to imaging and specialized pathology services was observed, and participation in sarcoma multidisciplinary meetings was low. The majority of practitioners reported difficulties in determining the best therapeutic options for patients. Furthermore, high-dose methotrexate-based protocols were not used in adult cancer centers, and there were challenges in accessing rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and psychotherapeutic management services. Our study highlights the challenges Morocco faces in accurately diagnosing and treating sarcomas, emphasizing the urgent need for a national reference sarcoma center with expert multidisciplinary teams.

A Valuable Opportunity

The opportunity to attend an ESMO scientific event is highly anticipated by young oncologists from around the globe, especially those practicing in low- and mid dle-income countries such as Morocco. It provides us with a valuable opportunity to engage in real-time interactions with esteemed experts in the field of sarcoma and benefit from their exten sive experience in large-scale clinical trials and real-world evidence.

In our setting in Morocco, the field of sarcoma oncology is not well developed, and we have received insufficient training in managing these rare cancers. Therefore, there is an urgent need for qualified human resources in sarcoma oncology, particularly in resource-limited settings. The involvement of international oncology societies such as ESMO remains one of the best approaches to support health-care professionals and advance their careers in oncology.

Closing Thoughts From Dr. Saoussane Kharmoum

As a passionate young Moroccan medical oncologist dedicated to the management of sarcomas and eager to advance research and enhance patient care in my country, this event presented a golden opportunity for me. It allowed me to explore groundbreaking data with the potential to transform practices in this field, such as precision medicine. Furthermore, I gained new insights into the biology, molecular classification, and diagnosis of sarcomas and rare cancers. The event facilitated the exchange of promising ideas with like-minded oncologists who share similar concerns. Additionally, I had the chance to present my own research on the challenges faced in the management of sarcomas in Morocco, thereby amplifying the voices of my patients on an international stage . 

Dr. Saoussane Kharmoum is a medical oncologist at Regional Hospital Center, Tangier, Morocco. Dr. Jinane Kharmoum is Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Pathology, Mohammed VI University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tétouan. Dr. Chraibi is Professor and Head of the Laboratory of Pathology, Mohammed VI University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tétouan. Dr. Shimi is Professor and Head of the Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, Mohammed VI University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Tangier, Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tétouan. Dr. Errihani is Professor and Head of the Department of Medical Oncology, National Institute of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco.

DISCLOSURE: Dr. Saoussane Kharmoum has participated in a speakers bureau for MSD Oncology and Roche; and has been reimbursed for travel expenses by AstraZeneca and Merck. Dr. Jinane Kharmoum , Dr. Chraibi , and Dr. Shimi reported no conflicts of interest. Dr. Errihani has served as a consultant or advisor for MSD; has participated in a speakers bureau for Novartis, and AstraZeneca; and has received research funding from Roche.


1. Kharmoum S, Najdi A, Kharmoum J, et al: 91P Management challenges of extremity sarcomas in under-resourced settings: The first survey-based study in Morocco. ESMO Open 8(suppl 3):101128, 2023.

2. Kharmoum J, Serhrouchni KI, Eliahai I, et al: Exploring real-world practices and challenges of sarcoma diagnosis in Morocco: A survey-based study among 144 pathologists. Acta Biomed 94:e2023006, 2023.

3. ESMO Daily Reporter: Access to high-quality care for sarcomas is still unequal worldwide. March 20, 2023. Available at https://dailyreporter.esmo.org/esmo-sarcoma-and-rare-cancers-congress-2023/esmo-sarcoma-and-rare-cancers-congress-2023/access-to-high-quality-care-for-sarcomas-is-still-unequal-worldwide. Accessed August 28, 2023.

FDA Approves Ready-to-Use Version of Bortezomib for Subcutaneous Administration

Omitting 5-fu bolus may reduce side effects in patients with gastrointestinal cancers, how accurate is staging in early pancreatic cancer, study supports universal genetic testing of newly diagnosed patients with invasive breast cancer, prostate cancer mortality and 5-ari use.

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Treatment Resistance Group

UCL Cancer Institute, London, UK

Agilent Thought Leader Award, Gert Attard

Early Career Entrepreneur of the Year CRUK Cancer Horizons , Anjui Wu

European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Translational Fellowship , 2022-2024, Nicole Brighi

Jean Shanks and Pathological Society Clinical PhD Fellowship , Charles Parker

Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Research  Training  Fellowship,  Gianmarco Leone

Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award (YIA) , Emily Grist

Conquer Cancer Foundation ASCO Merit Award , Emily Grist

Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Award (YIA) , Anu Jayaram

Conquer Cancer Foundation ASCO Merit Award , Cinzia Conteduca and Anu Jayaram

Wellcome Trust Travel Award , Anjui Wu

ESMO Travel Grant for MAP Conference , Emily Grist

ESMO Travel Grant for MAP Conference , Anu Jayaram

CfDNA Conference Travel Grant , Anjui Wu

University of London Travel Grant , Anjui Wu

Best Fellowship Award from ESMO , Cinzia Conteduca

Cancer Research UK Future Leader’s Prize , Gert Attard

Appointment to Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians , Gert Attard

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) Young Investigator Travel Award , Anjui Wu

ICR Annual Conference  Poster Prize Winner , Karolina Nowakowska

Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Research Fellowship , Anu Jayaram

CRUK Clinical Training Award , Emily Grist

Evolutionary Biology and Ecology of Cancer Course Bursary, Karolina Nowakowska

Androgens Meeting  Oral Presentation Prize Winner , Karolina Nowakowska

I nvitation to ECCO-AACR-EORTC-ESMO Flims Workshop on Methods in Clinical Cancer Research , Cinzia Conteduca and Anu Jayaram

European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) Translational Fellowship , 2014-2016, Cinzia Conteduca

Irish Health Research Board Grant , Anu Jayaram

National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Academic Clinical Fellowship (ACF) , Emily Grist

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Faculty Travel Grants

Travel grants may be used for research related travel expenses that follow the additional guidelines below. Research related travel expenses that do not fall into these guidelines can still receive funding from the research grant.

Dates & Deadlines

Deadline for application and letter of support

Fall | October, 11th at 5pm

Spring | March, 6th at 5pm

Grant award announcements

Fall | First week of December

Spring | First week of May

The following information relates specifically to travel grants

Amount of Award

  • Significance of the travel
  • Transportation and associated costs
  • Evidence of partial support from other sources is highly desirable

Restrictions and Conditions

  • Must be giving a talk or chairing a session
  • Other travel to workshops or talks will not be funded
  • The impact of the conference/meeting
  • The nature of the presentation (Keynote address: high priority. Poster presentation: low priority)

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Travel Grant Information

Forms to Submit

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Travel Grant Application

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Mini oral session 1 - Gastrointestinal tumours, upper digestive

Lba80 - tislelizumab (tis) plus chemotherapy (chemo) vs placebo (pbo) plus chemo as first-line (1l) treatment of advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma (gc/gejc): final analysis results of the rationale-305 study, tumour site, author affiliations.

  • 1 Department Of Medical Oncology, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Collaborative Innovation Center of Cancer Medicine, 510060 - Guangzhou/CN
  • 2 Department Of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital Cancer Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 110-744 - Seoul/KR
  • 3 Department Of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo/JP
  • 4 Department Of Drug Development, Sarah Cannon Research Institute, W1G 6AD - London/GB
  • 5 Department Of Medical Oncology, Vall d’Hebron Hospital Campus and Institute of Oncology (VHIO), 8035 - Barcelona/ES
  • 6 School Of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan/PR
  • 7 Department Of Oncology, Clinical Oncology Dispensary, BIH Of Omsk Region, Omsk Oblast/RU
  • 8 Department Of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Harbin Medical University Cancer Hospital, Harbin/CN
  • 9 Department Ii Of Medical Oncology, Linyi Cancer Hospital, Linyi/CN
  • 10 Department Of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, 463-707 - Seongnam/KR
  • 11 Department Of Thoracic Medical Oncology, Tennessee Oncology, Nashville/US
  • 12 Department Of Oncology And Radiotherapy, Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, 02-781 - Warsaw/PL
  • 13 Department Of Medical Oncology, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, 50009 - Zaragoza/ES
  • 14 Clinical Development/clinical Biomarker, BeiGene (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing/CN
  • 15 Clinical Development, BeiGene (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 200020 - Shanghai/CN
  • 16 Gsds, BeiGene USA, Inc., 02142 - Cambridge/US
  • 17 Department Of Internal Medicine I, Johannes Gutenberg-University Clinic, 55131 - Mainz/DE

Abstract LBA80

TIS (anti-PD-1 antibody) plus (+) chemo demonstrated significant overall survival (OS) benefit vs PBO + chemo as 1L treatment in patients (pts) with advanced GC/GEJC at a pre-specified interim analysis of the PD-L1-positive (tumor area positivity score ≥5%) population in the global, phase 3 RATIONALE-305 study (NCT03777657). Here, we present primary analysis results in the intent-to-treat (ITT) population at the pre-specified final analysis.

Adults with previously untreated, HER2-negative, locally advanced, unresectable, or metastatic GC/GEJC, regardless of PD-L1 expression status, were randomized (1:1) to receive TIS 200 mg or PBO IV once every 3 weeks plus investigator (INV)-choice of chemo (5-FU + cisplatin or capecitabine + oxaliplatin). The primary endpoints were OS in the PD-L1-positive and ITT populations. Secondary endpoints included progression-free survival, objective response rate, and duration of response by INV per RECIST v1.1, and safety.

ITT population.Data cutoff: 28 February 2023. Chemo, chemotherapy; CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; ITT, intent-to-treat; mDoR, median duration of response; mo, months; ORR, objective response rate; OS, overall survival; PBO, placebo; PFS, progression-free survival; TIS, tislelizumab.


In the ITT population, TIS + chemo showed statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in OS vs PBO + chemo, and was well tolerated. These data support the TIS + chemo combination as a potential 1L treatment option for pts with advanced GC/GEJC.

Clinical trial identification

NCT03777657 (first posted December 17, 2018).

Editorial acknowledgement

This study was sponsored by BeiGene, Ltd. Medical writing support, under the direction of the authors, was provided by Victoria Dagwell, MSc, and Gemma Walker, BSc, of Ashfield MedComms, an Inizio company, and was funded by BeiGene, Ltd.

Legal entity responsible for the study

BeiGene Ltd.

BeiGene, Ltd.

R. Xu: Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: BMS, MSD; Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: Henrui, BeiGene, Astalas, Merck, Junshi. D. Oh: Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: AstraZeneca, Novartis, Genentech/Roche, Merck Serono, Bayer, Taiho, ASLAN, Halozyme, Zymeworks, BMS/Celgene, BeiGene, Basilea, Turning Point, Yuhan, Arcus Biosciences, IQVIA, MSD; Financial Interests, Institutional, Research Grant: AstraZeneca, Novartis, Array, Eli Lilly, Servier, BeiGene, MSD, Handok. K. Kato: Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: ONO Pharmaceutical, Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck and Co; Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: ONO Pharmaceutical, Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck and Co, BAYER, AstraZeneca, BeiGene, Taiho, Merck Biophrma, Amgen, Novartis, Daiichi Sankyo; Financial Interests, Institutional, Coordinating PI: ONO Pharmaceuticals, Merck & Co; Financial Interests, Institutional, Local PI: BAYER, AstraZeneca, BeiGene, Chugai, Taiho, Oncolys Biopharma, Janssen Pharmaceutical. J. Tabernero: Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board, scientific consultancy role: Orion Biotechnology, Array Biopharma, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Chugai, Daiichi Sankyo, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Genentech Inc., HalioDX SAS, Ikena Oncology, IQVIA, Lilly, Menarini, Merck Serono, Merus, MSD, Mirati, Neophore, Novartis, Peptomyc, Pfizer, Pierre Fabre, Samsung Bioepis, Sanofi, Seattle Genetics, Servier, Taiho, Tessa Therapeutics, TheraMyc, Hutchinson MediPharma International, Scandion Oncology, Ona Therapeutics, Sotio Biotech, Inspirna Inc, Scorpion Therapeutics, Tolremo Therapeutics; Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker, educational collaboration: Medscape Education, Physicians Education Resource (PER), PeerView Institute for Medical Education, Imedex / HMP; Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker, educacional collaboration: MJH Life Sciences; Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: Cardiff Oncology; Financial Interests, Personal, Stocks/Shares: Oniria Therapeuics; Financial Interests, Institutional, Research Grant, ACRCelerate: Colorectal Cancer Stratified: Fundación Científica de la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer; Financial Interests, Institutional, Research Grant, OPTIMISTICC: Opportunity to Investigate the Microbiome’s Impact on Science and Treatment In Colorectal Cancer: Cancer Research UK; Financial Interests, Institutional, Funding, Clinical Trials & Research: Amgen Inc, Array Biopharma Inc, AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Bristol-Myers Squibb International Corporation, Celgene International SARL, Debiopharm International SA, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Genentech Inc, Janssen-Cilag International NV, Merck Health KGAA, Merck, Sharp & Dohme de España, SA, Novartis Farmacéutica SA, PharmaMar SA, Sanofi-Aventis Recherche & Développement, Servier, Taiho Pharma USA, Inc, BeiGene, Boehringer Ingelheim, HalioDX SAS, Hutchinson Medipharma, MedImmune, Menarini, Merus N V, Pfizer, Mirati; Non-Financial Interests, Invited Speaker, Board of Directors: Cancer Core Europe, Spanish Association Against Cancer -AECC; Non-Financial Interests, Invited Speaker, General Assembly: Horizon Europe Cancer Mission; Non-Financial Interests, Leadership Role, External Scientific Committee: Institute for Health Research INCLIVA – Clinical Hospital of Valencia, IdiSNA –Universidad de Navarra; Non-Financial Interests, Leadership Role, Scientific Advisory Board: Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO); Non-Financial Interests, Advisory Role, International Scientific Evaluation Committee: Bosch Health Campus (BHC); Non-Financial Interests, Advisory Role, Review Board: National Decade Against Cancer (NCT) - German Consortium for Translational Cancer Research (DKTK); Non-Financial Interests, Advisory Role, Scientific Advisory Board: Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Centre; Non-Financial Interests, Advisory Role, International Review Committee (IRC): Oncode Institute; Non-Financial Interests, Advisory Role, Scientific Advisory Board (SAB): Oslo University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Centre (OUH CCC); Non-Financial Interests, Principal Investigator, Clinical Trials & Research: AstraZeneca Pharmaceutics LP, Array Biopharma Inc., BeiGene, Boehringer Ingelheim, Debiopharm International SA, Bristol-Myers Squibb International Corporation, Celgene International SARL, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Genentech Inc., HalioDX SAS, Hutchinson Medipharma, Menarini, Janssen-Cilag International NV, MedImmune, Merck Healthcare KGAA, Merck, Sharp & Dohme de España SA, Merus NV, Mirati, Novartis Farmacéutica SA, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis Recherche & Développement, Servier, Taiho Pharma USA Inc; Non-Financial Interests, Leadership Role, Governance Advisory Committee: European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer -EORTC; Non-Financial Interests, Leadership Role, Vice Chairman: World Innovative Networking (WIN) Consortium in Personalized Cancer Medicine; Non-Financial Interests, Other, Coordinating PI & Steering Committee Member. Clinical Trials & Research: Array Biopharma Inc., AstraZeneca Pharmaceutical LP, Boehringer Ingelheim, MedImmune, Menarini, Merck Healthcare KGAA, Merck, Sharp & Dohme de España SA, Pfizer, Servier; Non-Financial Interests, Other, Steering Committee Member. Clinical Trials & Research: Debiopharm International SA, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Genentech Inc., HalioDX SAS, Hutchinson Medipharma, Janssen-Cilag International NV, Merus NV, Taiho Pharma USA Inc; Non-Financial Interests, Other, Coordinating PI. Clinical Trials & Research: Mirati; Non-Financial Interests, Member: AACR, ASCO, EACR, EORTC, SEOM; Other, President: Oncology Master Plan – Catalonia Department of Health; Other, Advisory Committee: Advisory Committee on Pharmaceutical Provision Financing under the Spanish National Health System. M. Cruz-Correa: Financial Interests, Institutional, Research Grant: Merck, SeaGen, BMS, TAIHO, Pfizer, Janssen, AbbVie, Genentech, Incyte, HUYABIO, BeiGene. A. Zimina: Non-Financial Interests, Principal Investigator, Participation as PI in YUHAN LASER-301 trial.: YUHAN. K. Lee: Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: BMS (Korea), Bayer (Korea), Daiichi Sankyo (Korea), Merck Sharp & Dohme (Korea), Metafines, Vifor pharma (Korea), Astellas (Korea); Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: Boryung Co.; Financial Interests, Institutional, Invited Speaker: ABLBIO, ALX Oncology, Amgen, Arcus Biosciences, Astellas Pharma, AstraZeneca, BeiGene, Bolt therapeutics, Daiichi Sankyo, Exelixis, Genexine, Green Cross Corp, InventisBio, LSK BioPharma, Leap therapeutics, Macrogenics, MedPacto, Merck KGaA, Merck Sharp & Dohme, Oncologie, Ono pharmaceutical, Pfizer, Pharmacyclics, Seagen, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Trishula therapeutics, Y-BIOLOGICS, Zymeworks,; Non-Financial Interests, Leadership Role, SMC chair of ASPEN-06 study: ALX Oncology. H. Hirano: Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: Taiho Pharmaceutical, Ono Pharmaceutical, Teijin Phama, Novartis; Financial Interests, Personal, Writing Engagement: Nichi-Iko; Financial Interests, Institutional, Research Grant: Chugai Pharmaceutical, Daiichi Sankyo, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Ono Pharmaceutical, Janssen Pharmaceutical, Merck Biopharma, Bristol Myers Squibb, Pfizer, Eisai, Amgen, astellas, Seagen, MSD, Insyte, BeiGene, Novartis. D.R. Spigel: Financial Interests, Institutional, Other, Consulting: Amgen, AstraZeneca, BeiGene, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Curio Science, EMD Serono, Evidera, Exelixis, Genentech/Roche, GSK, Intellisphere, Ipsen Biopharmaceuticals, Janssen, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, Lilly, Mirati Therapeutics, Pfizer, Molecular Templates, Monte Rosa Therapeutics, Novartis, Puma Biotechnology, Regeneron, Sanofi-Aventis; Financial Interests, Institutional, Research Grant, Serve as PI: Amgen, Aeglea Biotherapeutics, Agios, Bayer, Arrys Therapeutics, Astellas, AstraZeneca, BeiGene, BIND Therapeutics, Blueprint Medicine, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Daiichi Sankyo, Celgene, Celldex Therapeutics, Clovis, Eisai, Lilly, EMD Serono, Genentech/Roche, G1 Therapeutics, Gilead Sciences, ImClone Systems, GSK, GRAIL, Hutchinson MediPharma, Ipsen, Janssen, Loxo, MacroGenics, MedImmune, Merck, Nektar, PTC Therapeutics, Neon Therapeutics, Novartis, Novocure, Rgenix, SeaGen, Taiho Oncology, Tarveda, Tizona Therapeutics, Transgene, UT Southwestern, Verastem, Arcus Biosciences, Oncologie, Molecular Template, Cyteir Therapeutics, BioNTech, Apollomics, Pure Tech Health, Elevation Oncology, Repare Therapeutics, Kronos Bio, Razor Genomics, Denovo Biopharma, Erasca, Zai Laboratory, Faeth Therapeutics, Ascendis Pharma, Lyell Immunopharma, Synthekine, Shenzhen Chipscreen Biosciences. L.S. Wyrwicz: Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: BMS, Servier; Financial Interests, Personal and Institutional, Invited Speaker: BMS, MSD, Servier, BeiGene, Roche, AstraZeneca; Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: AstraZeneca. R.A. Pazo Cid: Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: Roche, BMS, Servier, Ipsen; Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: Servier, BMS, Roche, Eisai; Financial Interests, Personal, Expert Testimony: Lilly, Astra-Zeneca; Financial Interests, Personal and Institutional, Invited Speaker, Support for manuscript presentation (funding, provision of study materials, medical writing, article processing charges): Ipsen, Astellas. L. Li: Financial Interests, Full or part-time Employment: BeiGene; Financial Interests, Stocks/Shares: BeiGene; Financial Interests, Training: BeiGene. Y. Xu: Financial Interests, Full or part-time Employment: BeiGene; Financial Interests, Stocks/Shares: BGNE (NASDAQ). M..B. McHenry: Financial Interests, Full or part-time Employment: BeiGene; Financial Interests, Stocks/Shares: BeiGene. S. Yang: Financial Interests, Full or part-time Employment: BeiGene. M. Moehler: Financial Interests, Personal, Advisory Board: BMS, Servier, Amgen, Lilly, BeiGene, Novartis, Taiho, Daiichi, Amgen, MD; Financial Interests, Personal, Invited Speaker: MSD, BMS, Falk foundation, AIO, BeiGene, Amgen; Financial Interests, Institutional, Advisory Board: Bayer, Sanofi; Financial Interests, Personal, Other, Chair: EORTC. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.

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Invited Discussant LBA79, LBA80 and 1513MO

Presenter: Tania Fleitas

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Omsk: Western Siberia's hidden gem

A city view of Omsk. Source: Dmitry Feoktistov

A city view of Omsk. Source: Dmitry Feoktistov

Omsk was founded in 1716 when a wooden fort was constructed to house a Cossack unit in the area to protect the expanding Russian frontier from Central Asian nomadic incursions. It served various administrative functions throughout the 1800s and became infamous as a place of exile and incarceration. The city was rundown when selected as a hub for the Trans-Siberian railway in the 1890s. Many international trade companies and foreign consulates relocated here and the remnants of their offices can still be found in the city today.

The mystery of Kolchak’s gold

Omsk became the headquarters of the anti-Bolshevik white army led by Admiral Aleksandr Kolchak in 1918. In late 1918 there was a revolt in the city initiated by a leftist faction (Socialist Revolutionary Party or SPs) with 500 rebel deaths at the hands of Cossacks and Czechoslovak soldiers, a major factor in convincing the SPs to join the Bolsheviks. There is a large Soviet-era monument to the uprising at the corner of Lenina street and Broz Tito street.  

Kolchak was entrusted with a large portion of the Tsarist’s gold reserves, yet amazingly lost much of it. Supposedly 250 million rubles were lost (about $8 million at the time). Legend has it that they were buried near the village of Taiga, yet numerous excavations have turned up nothing. The area still attracts the occasional fortune seeker.

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Kolchak’s headquarters are located at what is today the  Omsk Regional Archives  at Broz Tito St., 3. Nothing shows how much times have changed as the imposing Kolchak statue that was unveiled in 2012 around the corner. The statue guards  Kolchak restaurant , a four-story culinary complex featuring a steak house, an Irish pub, a Central Asian café and an Italian eatery.  For more details on where and how to dig Kolchak's gold, see  Top Ten Mysterious Lost Treasures of Russia

Dostoevsky and the Tsar

At 1.15 million people Omsk dwarfs the region’s second largest city, Tara (population 28,000). The city is split by the River Irtysh into two sections (all places of interest are on the right bank) with downtown emanating from the River Om.

Most foreigners have heard of Omsk via writer Fyodor Dostoevsky who spent four years here as a prisoner (1849-1853). He spent most of his time in Omsk in squalor and chains and with no books besides the Bible, however, it left an indelible mark on his memory and influenced his future literary output. There is a statue of the writer in chains grasping a Bible at the corner of Partizanskaya and Spartakovskaya streets, where Dostoevsky undoubtedly stepped many times. A  museum dedicated to the author's time in Omsk  is located nearby at Dostoevskogo St. 1. The local university is also named for him.

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A view of the Assumption Cathedral, Omsk. Source: Lori/Legion-Media

Tarskaya Street is one of the city’s oldest thoroughfares. It features a monument to victims of Stalinist repressions and the Tara gates, originally built in 1792 as one of the four entrances to the Omsk fort. Nearby stands the Assumption Cathedral, one of the largest churches in Siberia. Future Tsar Nicholas II laid the first stone here in 1891 when making his way back to St. Petersburg after his Eastern journey.

In Omsk you are never more than a few steps from the village, made clear when one exits the center to the north, where most houses are wooden and roads unpaved. Stroll along Bulatova and Rabinovicha streets, a well-preserved ensemble of wooden architecture.

Omsk’s cultural heritage 

The Pushkin State Library is worth a look with busts of Russian literary figures adorning the front side of the building. At the corner under the big “M” is one of several stations of the never completed Omsk metro. Construction began in 1992, but as of 2014 the project is again dormant due to financing problems.

One of Omsk’s most famous sons is Symbolist painter Mikhail Vrubel (1856-1910). Vrubel ignored contemporary trends and focused on themes from fairy tales, demons and religious subjects and also designed a majolica frieze for the Metropol Hotel in Moscow. Omsk’s Fine Arts Museum is named for him and features a number of  his works .

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Milhail Vrubel's painting 'Demon Seated in a Garden' (1890)

Over the years a number of tourists have tripped over the monument to Stepanych. This bust of a plumber rising from a sewer was the idea of Omsk’s former mayor after a trip to Slovakia in the 1990s. Stepanych has become one of the symbols of the city.

Omsk is a hockey town, with one of the major teams,  Avangard , in the KHL, Russia’s premiere professional league. Russian champions on several occasions, check out a match at Omsk Arena. But if you can’t catch a game there’s a large kiosk featuring the team’s merchandise at the airport.

Siberian   punk, jazz and the classics

While Omsk may not be on everyone’s radar musically, it does host a  musical theater  built just after the war. The building on 10 Let Oktyabrya Street is in the form of an enormous sloping grand piano.

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A monument to Stepanych, Lenina Street, Omsk. Photo credit: RIA Novosti/Pavel Lisitsyn 

Perhaps Russia’s most famous punk band,  Grazhdanskaya oborona  (Civil Defence), was formed here in 1982. The band was active until 2008 when lead singer Yegor Letov died of heart failure at age 43. Letov is buried at the Staro-Vostochnoe cemetery. A sprawling graveyard with thousands of graves, fans should stop at the administration for help in locating his grave.

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In Russia, Omsk is known among the younger, tech-savvy generation primarily because of the “Omsk bird,” also known as Winged Doom. The origin of what became one of Russia’s most ubiquitous memes comes from a painting by German artist Heiko  Müller. One day in 2009 an Internet user posted this painting with the line, “Welcome to Omsk,” at the top. Additional versions menace viewers stating, “Don't try to leave Omsk,” and “Omsk is closer than you think.” Like many popular memes on the Internet, this one went viral and has become something like an unofficial symbol of the city.

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  • ESMO Course in Medical Oncology for Medical Students Naples 2024

ESMO Course in Medical Oncology for Medical Students Naples 2024: Contacts & General Information

Find out how to get in touch with the course organisers, medical student course secretariat.

ESMO Head Office Education Department Via Ginevra 4 6900 Lugano Switzerland E-mail:  [email protected]

Visa letter

If you need a visa letter, please contact the ESMO Head Office at  [email protected]


60 medical students will be selected on a competitive basis. All participants will receive free registration.


Accommodation will be in several bed & breakfast (B&Bs) and hotels located in the area of the Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” ( shared room: 2 students in each room ). Free accommodation and meals will be offered to all selected participants.

Travel and travel grant

Each student must arrange his/her own travel. ESMO will reimburse participants with a grant of  200 euros  after the course.

The organisers bear no responsibility for any untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the course. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal and travel coverage.

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  2. Travel Grants for Young Oncologists

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  3. ESMO Congress 2023: Patient Travel Grant Programme

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  4. Open travel grant

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    We are opening a new travel grant that'll take you to #ESMO23 - ABC Global Alliance / ABCGlobalAlliance, ESMO, grant, OncoDaily, Oncology. Insight. Onco Daily. News Feed Opinion Career Insight Dialogues Blog Oncolibrary. Facebook . RSS . Twitter. Youtube . Linkedin . Positive ...

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  11. Awards

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  12. Travel grant

    Travel grants support participation in conferences in locations outside the continental United States if the individual is to make a presentation significant to their professional growth. Travel that is part of a research project, either domestic or foreign, and travel expenses that are part of a research leave should be submitted under the ...

  13. Faculty Travel Grants

    Travel grants only fund travel to international conferences Must be giving a talk or chairing a session; Other travel to workshops or talks will not be funded; Documented evidence of prospective participation is required. Final decision based on: The impact of the conference/meeting; The nature of the presentation (Keynote address: high priority.

  14. ESMO Congress 2023

    Additional main efficacy results are presented in the Table. Grade ≥3 treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) occurred in 268 (53.8%) pts in the TIS arm and 246 (49.8%) pts in the PBO arm; TRAEs led to treatment discontinuation in 16.1% vs 8.1% of pts, respectively, and death in 1.2% vs 0.4%, respectively. Table: LBA80. ITT population.Data ...

  15. PDF ESMO trAvEL grAnt opportunitiEs

    ESMO CONGrESS DEParTMENT CONTaCT DETaILS The form must be duly completed and returned in its entirety: - via email to [email protected] - via fax to + 41 91 973 19 18 ESMO trAvEL grAnt opportunitiEs Events list and application process ESMO Preceptorship on Gastric Cancer 2 Geneva, Switzerland, 15 - 16 November 2013 , 20- 21December 2013

  16. Full article: The INSIGHT study: a randomized, Phase III study of

    Abstract. Somatic KIT activating mutations drive most gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs). Disease progression eventually develops with first-line imatinib, commonly due to KIT secondary mutations, and different kinase inhibitors have various levels of treatment efficacy dependent on specific acquired resistance mutations. Ripretinib is a broad-spectrum switch-control KIT/PDGFRA tyrosine ...

  17. Omsk Oblast Map

    Neighbors: Novosibirsk Oblast, Tomsk Oblast and Tyumen Oblast. Categories: oblast of Russia and locality. Location: Western Siberia, Siberia, Russia, Eastern Europe, Europe. View on Open­Street­Map. Latitude of center. 56.0935° or 56° 5' 37" north. Longitude of center. 73.51° or 73° 30' 36" east. Population.

  18. ESMO 2022: Patient Advocates (PA) Travel Grants Programme

    ESMO is delighted to offer a limited number of travel grants to enable Patient Advocates to attend the ESMO 2022 Patient Advocacy Track in Paris, from 9-13 September 2022. IMPORTANT: only Patient Advocates who are active ESMO members will be eligible to apply for a travel grant. Patient advocates can join ESMO for a very convenient annual fee ...

  19. The best of Omsk walking tour

    Tripadvisor gives a Travelers' Choice award to accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently earn great reviews from travelers and are ranked within the top 10% of properties on Tripadvisor.

  20. Omsk: Western Siberia's hidden gem

    Omsk was founded in 1716 when a wooden fort was constructed to house a Cossack unit in the area to protect the expanding Russian frontier from Central Asian nomadic incursions. It served various ...

  21. Abstracts

    ESMO Merit Travel Grants. A limited number of Merit Travel Grants to ESMO Congress 2023 are available, upon application, to first authors under the age of 40 (forty) who submit abstracts considered deserving of recognition. Selection will be made by the ESMO Congress 2023 Scientific Committee on a competitive basis from among the accepted ...

  22. Contacts & General Information

    Each student must arrange his/her own travel. ESMO will reimburse participants with a grant of 200 euros after the course. Insurance. The organisers bear no responsibility for any untoward events in connection with, before, during and after the course. Participants are strongly advised to take out their own personal and travel coverage.