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Everest Base Camp Trek in December

everest base camp trek in december

Everest Base Camp Trek in December: Everest Base Camp hike has never ceased to amaze trekkers with its everlasting charm and subtlety. It has sort of always induced the excursionist with its epic trail, lush verdure, and awe-inspiring landscapes stretched to an astounding 40 miles.

If that weren’t already enough to envy backpackers, Base Camp also provides an enticing view of Chukhung Valley which looks fabulous whenever visited. But, December adds an impressive flash of white color to the alley and old-fashioned houses in villages.

Regardless of how cold and distant Everest Base Camp Trek in December seems, it’s actually fun with lots of incredible sights to see. Although spectacular year-round, the region’s most scenic in December with sky-scraping snow peaks, snowy trails, and sub alpine meadows.

Wildflowers may have been gone but the woods still look fresh and alive in the wintry morning. There’s an utter silence on the trail with a handful of trekkers visiting Everest Base Camp in December.

As snow cloaks the rooftop, villages look mesmerizing during December. Unlike lodges and teahouses, monasteries are open in the month to visit and offer prayers. You can also explore the sanctuary and the wild animals inhabiting there.

Highlights for December Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek in October

1. Kala Patthar

It’s hard to picture Everest Base Camp trek without a short run to Kala Patthar via Gorak Shep. Almost every trekker who visits base camp necessarily takes a stroll of this big brown mountain facing Pumori to get a snap of Mt. Everest.

Towered up to 5,643 meters , Kala Patthar is a famous landmark in the Khumbu region. It hosts hundreds of thousands of travelers every year to provide the sight of shimmering glaciers and icefalls.

Compared to other months, December does receive fewer visitors but the sceneries are still delirious. Days are pretty much awesome with clear sky and wind chill which makes trekking a lot easier than walking in scorching summer.

2. Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park is not just a sanctuary but a preordained course to reach Everest Base Camp. Without navigating the park, it’s nearly impossible to reach the base camp unless you take a flight.

Extended in an area of 1,148 sq. km, Sagarmatha National Park is an abode to more than 208 species of birds including the bearded vulture and alpine cough. It has also provided shelter to many deep valleys, mountains, and glaciers which you can spot along the way.

3. Namche Bazaar

Whichever way you decide to traverse Everest Base Camp, Namche Bazaar will stay on to be the highlight of the trip. This Sherpa town is quite popular amidst hikers for acclimatization but there’s so much more to it.

A lot of sites in Namche Bazaar offer a glimpse of snow-capped mountains, deep gorges, and valleys. Nestled at 3,440 meters altitude in Khumjung valley, the town is culturally rich with ancient monasteries and mani walls.

You can anytime drop by the Sherpa Cultural Museum and check out the photo gallery or read the old manuscript. The markets are pretty colorful with too many local shops selling various apparel.

4. Ngozumpa Glacier

Everest Base Camp is no stranger to surprising visitors with marvelous sights and Ngozumpa Glacier is just one of it. One of the longest glaciers in the Himalayas extending up to 22 miles, Ngozumpa puts quite a display. It exhibits a shimmering visual that looks even more marvelous in the beam of sunlight, captivating sightseers.

Everest Base Camp Trek in December – 12 Days Itinerary

Day 01: flight to lukla, trek to phakding.

Maximum Altitude: 2,610 meters

Flight Distance: 138 km

Flight Duration: 40 minutes

To kick-off the Everest Base Camp trek with a bang, we’ll take an idyllic flight to Lukla. As the journey lasts about 40 minutes, we get to relish the charming view of snow peaks and epic landscapes.

After the flight lands at the runway, we’ll take a little break and start walking the trail. Ascending the rolling hills on the left bank of Dudh Koshi river and over the valley for about 3 hours , Tonight, we’ll rest in a lodge at Lukla.

Day 02: Trek to Namche Bazaar

Maximum Altitude: 3,440 meters

Trek Distance: 7.4 km

Trek Duration: 5-6 hours

The trek from Phakding to Namche Bazaar is 6 hours long so we’ll start early and ascend over the terrace farm. Following the path to Monjo, we’ll make a stop at Sagarmatha National Park. As the trail climbs uphill, we pop up at a crest of a ridge from where the glimmering Lhotse can be witnessed.

From here, the trek eases with a restful walk into the pine forests and rhododendron. Shortly afterward, the mesmerizing Namche Bazaar will be right before our eyes. Since it’s impossible to carry on with the trek, we’ll shelter in a lodge at Namche.

Day 03: Rest day at Namche Bazaar


After a tough day yesterday, it’s time for us to slow down a little bit and enjoy the time at Namche. After breakfast, we’ll walk up the steep hill to Syangboche. The trail is slightly rugged and upward, taking us nearly 2 hours to finish.

After watching the close-up view of Everest and having breakfast at Everest View Hotel, we’ll get back to the village. If left with spare time, you can visit the Sherpa museum, walk in the local shops or explore the village.

Day 04: Trek to Tengboche

Maximum Altitude: 3,867 meters

Trek Distance: 9.2 km

Trek Duration: 4-5 hours

After a reinvigorating day at Namche, it’s time to return to the trek. The 6-miles long trail from Namche starts with a descent before running through the village of Trashinga. Coming out of the settlement, we’ll take a long uphill walk to Tengboche, passing mani stones and green meadows.

Following the quiet walk through the densely forested area, the hike gets easier from here. Along the way to Tengboche, you can see impressive cliffs and snow peaks. After less than an hour’s walk, we’ll arrive at the beautiful village which is also our final stretch for the day. Overnight stay in a teahouse at Tengboche.

Day 05: Trek to Dingboche

Maximum Altitude: 4,410 meters

Trek Distance: 10.5 km

Early in the morning, we’ll pay a visit to the Tengboche monastery. After the prayers are over, we resume our trek by climbing uphill on the mountainside. Throughout the way, we have a stunning view of Ama Dablam and Kantega to accompany us.

As the trail gradually soars, it becomes annoying to walk the trail. However, the surrounding scenery and cool breeze of December will keep us charged up. Most of the trail walk uphill from here, leading the way through Pangboche. After traversing a zigzagged trail and a few mani walls, we’ll finally arrive at Dingboche.

Day 06: Acclimatization at Dingboche

Since the altitude rises sharply from Dingboche prompting altitude sickness, we’ll take a day off and rest at the village. Instead of goofing up, we’ll make the day worthwhile by taking a short walk to Chhukung village. From here, you can see the astonishing view of Lobuche, Amphu Lapcha, and Kongde Ri.

If you don’t want to go that far, you can ramble up to Nagarjuna Hill which too comes with a pretty amazing view. The trek takes just about 3 to 4 hours so you’ll not have a lot of stress

Overnight stay in a teahouse at Dingboche.

Day 07: Trek to Lobuche

Maximum Altitude: 4,950 meters

Trek Distance: 11 km

Trek Duration: 5 hours

The trail above Dingboche is extremely tough, arising from low air pressure and cold climate. Hence, we’ll start slow and catch the speed gently. It’s a downhill trekking from Dingboche to Pheriche until arriving at Dugla. Here, we’ll cross the small wooden bridge and stop at a local teahouse on the other side for a meal.

After reenergizing, we yet again proceed to the trail that climbs uphill. It takes about an hour to complete the trail before Lobuche village starts to show up. The settlement lies on the foot of Khumbu Glacier and is the last stop for lodging before Everest Base Camp.

Day 08: Trek to Gorak Shep, Hike to Everest Base Camp

Maximum Altitude: 5,364 meters

Trek Distance: 15 km

Trek Duration: 7-8 hours

It’s all or nothing today as we’re all set to take on Everest Base Camp. After the early morning breakfast, we’ll start walking the trail, passing rocky moraine and glacial lakes. Leading the way from the iceberg underneath Khumbu Glacier, our trails climb moraine dunes and a short stroll over rocks to Gorak Shep.

Upon reaching the small settlement, lying on the side of a frozen lakebed, we’ll have some food to get the energy needed. From there, our trek navigates the rocky trail and ice sheets to make it to Everest Base Camp.

The campsite offers some of the best mountain views in all of the Khumbu region. You’ll get to glance at Mount Everest and the mountains scattered all over including Nuptse and Lhotse. Besides, you get to watch an unspoiled view of Khumbu Icefall, rolling landscapes, and tranquil lakes. After done with sightseeing, you’ll climb down Gorak Shep and spend the night there.

Day 09: Hike to Kala Patthar, Trek to Pheriche

Maximum Altitude: 5,644 meters

Trek Distance: 13 km

Early in the morning, we’ll steer the rocky terrain inclining upward all the way to Kala Patthar. As the trail rises up to 5,644 meters, you might get anxious in-between but the views alongside will keep grabbing your attention.

At Kala Patthar, you’ll get the most surreal views of Everest and the stunning glacial lakes that shine with the rising sun. After all the exploration, we’ll head back to the trail that fleets Gorak Shep and Lobuche.

The trail from Lobuche walks past cairns and shrines put on the memory of lost lives while climbing Everest. Finally, after walking for 5-6 hours, we’ll reach Pheriche and spend the night there.

Day 10: Trek to Namche Bazaar

Trek Distance: 14.3 km

Trek Duration: 6-7 hours

After a wonderful time at Pheriche, we go back to the trail and finish the journey to Namche Bazaar. The hike is a bit easy today as most sections are downhill with a few steep ascents. We’ll walk through the forest, come across a bunch of traditional villages until arriving at the Sherpa capital, Namche Bazaar. Overnight stay in a lodge at Namche.

Day 11: Trek to Lukla

Maximum Altitude: 2,860 meters

On the last day of Everest Base Camp Trek in December, we’ll trek from Namche to Lukla. The trails are mostly downhill which is nice and relaxing but we also have to take some steep ascents.

Following the trek distance of 13 km, we’ll walk past a few villages including Monjo, Benkar, and Phakding. The path will also see us crossing the suspension bridge over the Dudh Koshi river and through the forests to reach Lukla. As for the night, we’ll stay in a lodge at Lukla.

Day 12: Flight to Kathmandu

Maximum Altitude: 1,400 meters

No more walking as the Everest Base Camp Trek in December is just minutes away from the termination. Today, we’ll fly back to Kathmandu from Lukla airstrip. The journey lasts about 40 minutes during which you’ll get a scenic view of snow-capped mountains, pouring waterfalls, and forests. After taking down the TIA, our officials will drive you back to the hotel.

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Difficulties During the Trek in December

Tenzing Hillart Airport

1. Altitude Sickness

Just because you’ve trekked earlier or never encountered acute mountain sickness doesn’t mean you’re not likely to get one. The base camp trek is somewhat tough with the trail inclining up to 17,585 feet high.

Hikers are more prone to altitude after reaching Namche Bazaar as the temperature radically declines from here. Weather is more rebellious than ever from the beginning of December as it clings between autumn and winter.

This gradual increase in altitude causes hikers to suffer from shortness of breath, dizziness, and even hypoxemia. The frigid climate adds even more strain during Everest Base Camp Trek in December, increasing the chances to suffer from pneumonia and frostbite.

2. Severe Weather

It’s really hard to embrace cold weather after enjoying autumn for almost 3 months. Although the atmosphere in December is not as terrible as in January, it’s not good either. Mornings and nights are relatively cold with the temperature falling up to -6 Degree Celsius while the days are mild.

The Autumn scent can be whiffed in the first two weeks of December. But as time passes, the vibrant colors and fragrance of fall flowers vanish with the icy smell taking over the air. The more altitude you gain, the tougher it becomes to steer the trail due to low oxygen and bad weather.

3. Steep Trail

With a timeless vivacity and overflowing natural wonders, hikers of Everest Base Camp trek in December may not feel miserable. But the endless trail walking 80 miles from Lukla sucks all the energy and causes people to tire out.

To make it worse, the walkway winds steep hills, for the most part, prompting exhaustion. In December, the paths are covered in thick snow which doesn’t provide a good grip. They are too slippery to walk without crampons and trekking poles.

4. Shorter Days

With the outset of winter, days start to shorten in December. If you don’t leave early or spend too much time on the trail, it’s impossible to finish the trek on time. The average walk during the Everest Base Camp trek is about 5-6 hours each day. Keeping that in mind, you have to plan your schedule and wind up the trek before dusk.

Weather During Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Region

December may indicate the arrival of the winter season but the month itself is not the coldest. In fact, the first few days of December still gives an Autumn vibe with long sunny days, warm weather, and clear sky.

It enfolds a moderate climate with an average temperature of 4 Degree Celsius in and around the base camp. But as time flies, the weather starts to frail with heavy snowfall covering woods and valleys.

By the end of December, the temperature falls below -5 Degree Celsius at higher altitude places like Dingboche and Gorak Shep. Mornings and nights are terribly cold while the days are slightly warmer with bright sunshine.

The precipitation is significantly low with dry air blowing through Chukhung valley. There’s no rainfall in December but the climate is still bitter. To stay protected from such an inhospitable atmosphere and escape cold, you must keep yourself warm. Carry high-insulated clothes and fleece jackets to retain heat.

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Why Trek Everest Base Camp in December?

Everest Base Camp trek

Although it officially marks the start of the winter season, December actually is quite better to explore the region than any other month. The lovely weather, charming towns, and freezing cold waters make the region even more full of life.

Since December is a blend of autumn and winter season, the climate is absolutely perfect. The month is totally underrated as you can do so many things, be it snowboarding in the mountains or sledding.

The fresh snowfall and sharp views of snow peaks make Everest Base Camp Trek in December worth. Trails are quiet and forsaken with no one to interrupt or create a fuss about. Some other reasons why you should do Everest Base Camp Trek in December are as follows.

1. Accommodation

Unlike primetime trekking season, December surely welcomes fewer visitors at Everest Base Camp. The trails are almost empty with not many people interested to ascend the camp and withstand frigid weather.

Trekkers who decide to scramble the base camp in December will be rewarded with a breathtaking view. Given the fall in the number of guests, it’s really easy to get standard accommodation at a reasonable price.

You can even bargain rates for rooms and meals. Most trekkers usually sit by the fireplace to keep yourself warm and impede getting sickened. Trekkers won’t have to surge the track before dawn as it’s crowd-free.

2. High visibility

Winter is far from full swing during December therefore, you’ll get sharper visibility of mountains and valleys. Although it’s winter, days are clear and warm in December due to which you can catch the glimpse of Everest from miles away. The wild forests and valleys look equally stunning in winter.

3. Easy flights

The regular aircrafts flying to Lukla are unoccupied during December. You won’t have to rush or book the flights earlier to get a room. However, you might not want to risk it and or miss the chance of visiting base camp due to unstable weather in Khumbu. Snowstorms and fog often just cause the flight to delay or cancel. Hence, it’s better to book the flights in advance instead of waiting for the last minute booking.

4. Quiet Trails

Even on the loveliest day of December, the trails of Everest Base Camp don’t have too many guests to accompany. Whether you take a stroll through the village or woods, it’s quiet everywhere that you can even hear the gentle wind blowing. People who appreciate a crowd-free environment will indeed enjoy Everest Base Camp Trek in December. They can travel anywhere at any time without the stress to beat the crowd.

5. Low precipitation

Starting from Lukla airstrip, Everest Base Camp Trek goes all the way up to 5,360 meters above sea level where the air is dry. At high-pressure belts, the precipitation is extremely low with occasional rainfall and snow. The cold air has less moisture which reduces the likeliness of drizzle so you can calmly explore the splendid sites.

Food and Accommodation

There are many guest houses and lodges ready to serve trekkers in December. They help guests with all kinds of services from booking rooms to offering food and drink. Accommodation at tea houses is usually great with spacious single or double bedrooms.

They cost as little as $3 to $5 and come with a nice bedsheet, a pillow, and a warm blanket. Hot showers and battery chargers cost extra price so if you’re willing to have it, be ready to spend a few more bucks.

Foods are delicious and warm on Everest Base Camp Trek in December. They are prepared using local ingredients and home-made spices beneficial for health. Meals in breakfast usually have milk tea, bread, and muesli while lunches have traditional Nepali food. Some tea houses also provide dumplings, stir-fried noodles, and flatbread.

Things to Consider

10 days Everest Base Camp Trek

Since the weather is constantly fluctuating in December, you need to be a little careful not to let the health deteriorate. The trails of Base Camp are not your best ally during December, as it gives a hard time while hiking. The cold weather also increases the level of difficulty by offering low oxygen and moisture in the air.

Hence, you need to be more attentive and mindful while traveling the Everest Base Camp trek in December. Without being fully prepared, it’s pointless to set forth on the trek. Some of the things you need to be really cautious of while trekking Everest Base Camp in December includes are

1. Guide and Porter

Although most trekkers don’t take it much importance, guides and porters play the most integral role in the success of your trekker. They help you with the loads and lead you all the way to the base camp. The maximum weight that a porter carries is 30 kg which means each person can lose their weight by 15 kg.

Excess weight or baggage will require an extra porter and extra charge therefore you must pack within weight. It’s to be made sure that the guide you have hired is professional and can speak fluent English.

2. Acclimatization

Everest Base Camp Trek is already hard and without proper acclimatization, it’s even harder to reach an altitude of 5,360 meters. Nearly every trekker which climbs the camp in December takes a rest at Namche Bazaar to adapt to the climate and temperature.

Most of them take a trip to Syangboche to take a close shot of Mt. Everest, Ama Dablam, and Nuptse. You can also walk through the forest and explore different wildlife including Himalayan Thar, Snow Leopard, and serow. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking as much water as possible to prevent altitude sickness.

3. Pack Essential Gears

The ease of your Everest Base Camp Trek in December depends on what essential gear you choose to have on the trek. Since December is a cold month, your choices of clothing and trekking gears should be according to it.

High-insulated clothes including down jackets and synthetic t-shirts keep the body warm even in a temperature below 0 Degree Celsius. Mountaineering boots with crampons are great for walking on a snowy trail.

4. Physical Training

Everest Base Camp Trek is fairly gruesome with a never-ending uphill walk that takes more than 2 weeks of hiking. Without enough physical strength and endurance power, it’s awfully hard to overcome that long trek. You can increase muscle strength and willpower by doing hardcore exercises like cardio and planks.

Preparation and Essential Equipment For December

It’ll be silly to hike the trail of Everest Base Camp without adequate preparation and training. Beginners often make the mistake of underestimating the course and take it lightly. But when you’re ascending as high as a base camp, you need to come with more strength and technical skills.

Don’t confuse trekking base camp for walking on a playground as the trails are quite challenging. Most of them scramble steep hills that drain all the energy and push you beyond the limits.

It becomes dreadfully tough to beat the outlying path while maintaining the pace and stamina from beginning to end. Thus, you have to follow an intense workout routine at least a month before the trek to get the balance right and increase perseverance.

Hikers usually suffer from altitude sickness due to lack of enough trekking experience or resilience to withstand the height. Therefore, it’s wise to warm up the body and take a few short distance hikes.

Physical Preparation

Physical preparation is crucial for trekkers climbing high altitude and long-drawn steep trails like Everest Base Camp. It requires a great amount of energy and whole-body stamina to conquer the route and reach base camp.

You need to layout a proper workout plan in order to stay physically fit. Preseason trekking can be a great help in keeping stability on the uneven trail. Exercise designed to improve muscle strength and boost power like cardio and planks has proven to be effective.

However, take a look around the workout you cling to build the physique as it must not put a lot of stress on hikers. If it gives strain or hurts too much then you should drop such physical activity and stick to a normal fitness regimen.

Mental Preparation

Considering what the trail of Everest Base Camp could bring in December, it’s tremendously important for you to be mentally prepared. Accept or deny but the hike to Everest Base Camp can be psychologically disturbing due to unexpected difficulties and frigid weather.

It’s hard to keep calm when the weather stops to show good signs and on top of that, you have not enough equipment needed on the hike. Having the right gear will increase your confidence and keep you going throughout the trek.

Prepare the appliance based on which season you’re traveling to the base camp. This will give you more strength to endure the walk even in a bad climatic condition. Eat nutritious food while on the trek as it will keep you healthy and stop from getting sick.

Essentials for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

The success of trekking depends on how you prepare and what you have on your rucksack to prevail over the hike. There’s no way a trekker can make it up to an elevation of 17,585 feet in December without the right gears and mountaineering equipment. Therefore, you must analyze the weather before trekking and get the equipment adapted. Some of the essentials that can be a big help during Everest Base Camp Trek in December are as follows.

  • Fleece jacket or warm wool jumper to prevent cold
  • Lightweight trekking trousers
  • Long-sleeve synthetic shirt
  • Windproof jacket for chilly nights and mornings

Climbing Shoes

  • Mountaineering Boots to avoid frostbite
  • Waterproof trekking shoes
  • 2 pairs of warm woolen socks


  • First-aid kit with prescribed medication
  • Spare batteries and power bank
  • Polarized sunglasses

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About the Route

Everest Base Camp trek

Extended up to 40 miles long, Everest Base Camp Trek can be started and finished in various locations. The most prevalent way to reach the base camp is by taking a short flight to Lukla from Kathmandu. As soon you land at the town, the hike formally kicks off on a standard route winding from Phakding to Everest Base Camp.

It takes more than a week to finish walking the trail that passes several quaint villages, terrains, and cliffs before ending up at the base camp. The trail along the camp passes many remote settlements including Namche, Dingboche, and Gorak Shep.

The other way around to get to the base camp is via the Jiri-EBC trail. It’s a long route and takes almost a month to complete but the experience is unrivaled. The views are overwhelming throughout the ride from Kathmandu to Jiri and even beyond with gorgeous terrace farms, ancient buildings, and Chortens.

It follows a different route until Namche but thereafter the trail steers through Tengboche and Lobuche. Before arriving at the Sherpa town, trekkers will be spending almost a week walking past Deurali and Junbesi.

Another alternative route for Everest Base Camp Trek in December is the Gokyo-EBC trail. The course to reach base camp via Gokyo is a bit dramatic and exhausting but well worth traversing. It offers an astounding view of snow-capped mountains, vivacious valleys, small hamlets, and ridge.

Fogs and mists are likely to obstruct the morning view of the hills during December. But since the days are clear with blue sky, you’ll get to explore the surrounding and sneak a look at tempting hilltops, cascading streams, and tranquil lakes.


Ashish Niraula

Ashish Niraula is a seasoned trekker and professional tour consultant based in the country of the Himalayas. He has over seven years of hands-on experience in the sector, which has helped fortify his knowledge and expertise to craft the most iconic and memorable adventure packages in the Himalayas. Ashish’s passion for traveling and the unwavering drive that always pushes him toward excellency, have helped him earn a reputation as a trustworthy advisor in the tourism sector.

As a traveling enthusiast, Ashish has explored all the major trekking routes of Nepal. With years of experience exploring the mystical Himalayas and professional engagement in the field, Ashish honed his skills to design the most iconic adventure experiences in the Himalayas that cater to the adventure palate of every traveler. From organizing the challenging treks to the rugged Himalayas with incredible thrills to facilitating culturally immersive experiences across the traditional settlements in the country, Ashish’s commitment to excellence shines through every aspect of his work.

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everest base camp trek in december

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Duration 15 Days
  • Difficulty Level Challenging
  • Places to Visit Everest Region
  • Max Altitude 5,545m/18,192ft.
  • Group Size 1 - 15
  • Starts Lukla
  • Best Season DECEMBER

December Everest Base Camp Trek Highlights

  • Witness breathtaking, crystal-clear views of Everest and surrounding peaks.
  • Experience the magic of less crowded peaceful trails and pristine winter landscapes.
  • Enjoy cozy nights in authentic mountain tea houses with local hospitality.
  • Witness the Milky Way that illuminates the winter landscape which is simply magical.
  • Challenge yourself with an extreme high-altitude winter adventure.
  • Get the entire Sherpa Villages for yourself and explore as if you own it which are usually overcrowded in the peak season.
  • Capture stunning photographs of snow-capped Himalayan giants including Everest, iconic Ama Dablam, Lhotse, Nupse, Thamserku, and many others.
  • Find your solitude in the profound silence and serenity of the mountains.
  • Bond with fellow trekkers and locals over a warm chimney and hot drinks.
  • Witness the raw beauty of nature in its most untouched winter state.
  • Earn the bragging rights of conquering Everest Base Camp in winter.

Trek to Everest Base Camp in December - The Perfect Time to Go

Freezing temperatures and extreme dryness may prevent some adventurers from pursuing Everest Base Camp Trek in December . However, those who take up the challenge for an Everest Base Camp trek in December will be rewarded with one of the most dreamlike and serene experiences in the Himalayas. In December the winter conditions create an entirely different trekking environment, making prominent EBC look like a less-trodden untouched valley.

December provides you with serene paths and clear views under the bright blue heavens. Trekkers trekking during this month of the year can have a magical mounting view of the surrounding mighty peaks free from cloud obstructive clouds. Due to the extreme chill factor, there will not be many trekkers like in the peak season time, so you can enjoy great tranquility and solitude without any disturbances.

Securing accommodation on the way to Everest Base Camp is usually very competitive during the peak trekking seasons. In December you will enjoy worry-free access to ample accommodations. Tea houses that are typically overcrowded with trekkers in peak season sit mostly vacant during this winter's extreme chill.

December trekkers will have abundant room choices, discounted off-season rates, and exclusive access to amenities like hot showers, a hot chimney, and battery charging. With fewer guests to accommodate, the teahouses will provide enhanced hospitality and comfort. Despite December being peak winter and very cold, finding shelter any night keeps December adventurers at hearty ease.

The night sky view will be spectacular filled with glittering stars unhindered by artificial light. The chilling air and profound stillness fill a mystical atmosphere. Extra preparedness with gear is very important to combat the extreme cold during this time of year. 

However, those who venture here in December relax in the magic of the Everest region to its most natural form. If you are seeking the most serene and solitary time to trek to EBC, a December Everest Base Camp Trek promises adventure, beauty, and the ultimate test of perseverance.

Why Everest Base Camp Trek in December is GREAT?

Everest Base Camp Trek in December certainly offers a unique adventure experience. Despite the trek being challenging due to extreme cold and being an off-season journey, the experience is magical. The month of December without a doubt delivers spectacular views, true solitude, and absolute serenity. 

Here's why December is considered the perfect time to do EBC Trek :

  • Crystal-Clear Skies : It is said that December delivers the clearest skies with unhindered views of the majestic mountain peaks and surrounding landscapes.

Spectacular Vistas :

  • During the day: Delivers open deep blue sky with outstanding views without clouds.
  • At night: A clear night sky with abundant glittering stars, one of the most incredible views one could imagine.

Opportunities :

  • Peaceful Trails : You will experience the raw beauty of Sagarmatha National Park without the maddening crowd of trekkers. It’s indeed a beautiful experience to walk in the peaceful trails of the world’s most popular trekking destination.
  • Exclusive Care :  With only a few trekkers on the trail you will receive more personal attention from the teahouses and your guides. Since in the peak season, the high demand for service takes away this personal attention.
  • Pristine Winter Paradise : With fewer people on the trail and less activity the winter landscapes offer a picturesque scenery that looks pristine. One would not imagine that this place could be so overcrowded in the peak season time.
  • Great Photography Opportunities : Trekking in December offers you a great opportunity to capture the Himalayas in their winter glory.

Experience Solitude :

  • Witness the deep silence of the mountains with serenity. Experience mindfulness.
  • Connect deeply with nature, wilderness, and your surroundings
  • Witness the most beautiful night sky, the beauty of which can’t be compared with anything else.

For those prepared for extreme cold, December offers the true magnificence of the Everest region. As the beauty and silence unfold before you, the bitter cold fades away. Since not many people trek to EBC during winter you will discover solitude and peace of mind. 

Are you ready to challenge yourself and discover the winter magic of Everest Base Camp ? 

Also, check WHY TREK TO EVEREST BASE CAMP  and Everest Base Camp Trek all year around .

Outline Itinerary

  • Day 01: Arrival at Kathmandu Airport, The Capital City (1,400 m / 4,593 feet)
  • Day 02: Fly to Lukla (2,800 m 9,186 feet) and Trek to Phakding (2,600 m/8,530 feet)
  • Day 03: Trek to Namche Bazaar (3,450 m / 11,318 feet) - the Capital of Khumbu Region
  • Day 04: REST DAY - Acclimatization Hike
  • Day 05: Trek to Phortse Village (3810 m / 12,500 feet) - the most picturesque village.
  • Day 06: Trek to Dingboche (4,350 m / 14,271 feet)
  • Day 08: Trek to Lobuche (4,910 m / 16,108 feet)- higher than Mont Blanc
  • Day 09: Trek to Gorak Shep (5,164 m /16,942 feet) and Trek to EBC (5,360 m/17,585 feet)
  • Day 10: Morning walk to Kala Patthar (5,545 m /18,192 feet) and trek to Pheriche (4,240 m/13,901 feet)
  • Day 11: Trek Back to Namche Bazaar (3,450 m/11,318 feet) via Tengboche Monastery (3,860 m/12,664 feet)
  • Day 12: Trek back to Lukla our Final Destination @ 2,840 m/9.317 feet
  • Day 13: Mountain Flight to the Capital City of Kathmandu
  • Day 14: Contingency Day in Kathmandu
  • Day 15: Trip Ends - Transfer to Kathmandu International Airport

Everest Base Camp Trek in December Detailed Itinerary

Once you land at the Kathmandu airport, our office representative or your Trek Leader will meet you. They will take you to your hotel in the city. Kathmandu is Nepal's busy, chaotic capital city. However, it has its own appeal and local culture to discover amidst the traffic and noise.

Your hotel is located in the popular Thamel neighborhood, at the heart of Kathmandu. Thamel is a hub for tourists, with its colorful streets, shops, and restaurants. After you check in, you can take some time to explore this fascinating area on your own before the welcome dinner.

Later, you will have a Trek briefing that gives you details on what to expect while on trek in the mountain in winter among other things. This will also be a chance to get acquainted with the others in your group as well. Shortly after the briefing WELCOME DINNER will be organized in one of the fabulous local restaurant at Thamel. 

  • Altitude: 1,400 m / 4,593 feet
  • Accommodation: 3 Star hotel
  • Meals: Welcome Dinner
  • Distance: 6 km
  • Transport: Airport Pickup

In winter (the trekking off-season), all flights to Lukla will operate from Kathmandu airport itself. The flight time duration to Lukla from Kathmandu is a little longer than from the Manthali Airport - It's a thrilling 35-minute flight.

Upon arrival, we'll have some time to take in the excitement of flights departing and arriving at this high-altitude airport. Shortly after, we'll start our first day's trek towards Phakding, just a 3-4 hour peaceful hike through the Dudh Koshi Gorge.

As we set out, you'll get your first glimpses of the Everest region's villages and landscapes. We'll pass through charming Sherpa settlements, seeing how the locals live amongst the towering peaks. Lush green valleys, the raging Dudh Koshi River, and farmlands cling to mountainsides under the wide blue skies.

After taking in the views all afternoon, we'll stay overnight in the village of Phakding. In the evening, your leader will brief you on the coming days of the trek over dinner. You can also swap stories with your group beneath the starry night sky.

  • Altitude: 2,800 m 9,186 feet
  • Accommodation: Teahouse Lodge
  • Walking Hour: 35 min Flight - 4/5 hrs. Walk
  • Meals: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner
  • Distance: 7 km
  • Transport: Mountain Flight

We’ll start our second day early and head for Namche Bazaar - the bustling capital of the Khumbu region. At 11,000 ft, this lively town sits surrounded by towering peaks and thin air.

After breakfast in peaceful Phakding, we have a pleasant 3-hour walk ahead through rural villages. We’ll stop for lunch in Jorsale, the last settlement before the landscape changes.

Today’s trek features five thrilling high-suspension bridge crossings over rivers and waterfalls. The most iconic comes just before the Namche climb that is going over the Hillary Suspension Bridge. We’ll pause to admire the phenomenal views of plunging gorges and soaring cliffs.

Then we’ll steadily ascend to avoid altitude sickness. It’s not about speed - focus on acclimatization and enjoying each step. The efforts will pay off when we finally enter the vibrant Namche Bazaar. We’ll settle into this luxurious town with a relaxing hot tea and the view. 

  • Altitude: 3,450 m / 11,318 feet
  • Walking Hour: 7/8 Hours
  • Distance: 9 km

Adjusting to high-altitude environments is vital for safety, comfort, and fully enjoying your Himalayan adventure. The process of acclimatization allows your body to gradually adapt as you explore mountains with less available oxygen.

On our rest day in Namche Bazaar, we’ll do an easy 1.5-hour hike up to Syangboche airstrip - the world’s highest runway at 12,000 ft! This stunning walk helps your body acclimatize while rewarding you with unbelievable scenery.

We’ll visit the Everest View Lodge, where over hot drinks you can be mesmerized by the first close-up views of the tallest peak on Earth, Everest. Besides Everest, you will see ample other iconic peaks like Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Thamserchu, etc. Nearby, witness vibrant Tibetan Buddhist culture and the realm of the woolly mountain yaks. From the vibrant green hills rolling into the distance to the mighty Himalayan giants, this corner of the Khumbu is simply enchanting.

  • Accommodation: At Namche Bazaar
  • Meals: Inclusive

Leaving Namche, we'll hike uphill till we get to the end ridge of the town. Soon the trail levels out, winding smoothly between two colorful Buddhist shrines with perfect views of the dramatic peaks of Thamserku and Ama Dablam.

After passing through the small village of Khyangjuma, we'll tackle a steep climb up to Mong La. Here we'll diverge from the main trail to explore the serene lower Gokyo Valley instead.

The walk to Khyangjuma is beautiful, with Thamserku and Ama Dablam dominating the horizon ahead. At Mong La, we will have lunch with magnificent mountain panoramas. Shortly we will drop down sharply into the Gokyo Gorge towards Phortse Tanga and ascend the forested trail to Phortse. If we're lucky, we might spot graceful musk deer here too.

Unlike other villages, the terraced settlement of Phortse is uniquely picturesque. Cradled within the mighty Everest landscape, it's an unspoiled gem that charms with its fields, vistas, and dramatic natural setting - a true beauty amidst Himalayan peaks and valleys.

  • Altitude: 3810 m / 12,500 feet
  • Walking Hour: 6 Hours
  • Distance: 8.9 km

After breakfast, we will say goodbye to the most picturesque village of Phortes. Today we will take the less traveled High Altitude Trail, considered one of the most scenic in the region. We'll walk above breathtaking valleys and in full view of the Himalayas' giants, before dropping down into Pangboche. We will continue with our hike further to Somare for Lunch and then hike to the mesmerizing settlement of Dingboche.

  • All through today expect non-stop panoramas, with frequent wildlife sightings adding to the magic. Graceful musk deer, nimble mountain goats, and countless exotic birds inhabit these high mountain slopes.
  • After Pangboche village we'll stop for lunch in Somare, where views stretch uninterrupted to the horizon. Then just an easy walk farther to Dingboche, where the valley opens wide to reveal its full magnificence.
  • The clarity of the high mountain air unveils new details of the many unnamed peaks now surrounding us. After acclimatizing here, we’ll be ready to venture even closer to the world’s highest summits.
  • Altitude: 4,350 m / 14,271 feet
  • Walking Hour: 6/7 hours
  • Distance: 9.5 km

In the Everest region, the extreme altitudes demand proper acclimatization before proceeding higher. Without gradually adjusting to decreasing oxygen levels, even the hardiest of adventurers risk developing severe altitude sickness.

By allowing the body to adapt over time, acclimatization safeguards health while enhancing overall vigor at higher elevations. Well-acclimatized hikers feel less fatigued, sleep better, and think more clearly.

The next morning after reaching Dingboche, we’ll hike partway up Nangkartshang Peak. This short excursion boosts our acclimatization by a few hundred vital meters, stepping us closer to the heights we’ll soon be exploring.

You will have a 360-degree mountain view including Island Peak and MAKALU (the world’s 5th highest mountain) and many more. 

With trees behind us, we’ll take our time adjusting to the harsh, yet hauntingly beautiful high-altitude landscape. Rocky trails wind gradually upwards, showing us views of the Cholatse, Lobuche, and Pumori peaks.

After climbing high up to Thugla Pass we’ll pause at this solemn spot - a memorial plateau honoring climbers lost on Everest and other Himalayan giants. Hundreds of memorials, cairns, and strings of prayer flags form a moving tribute amidst the icy crags.

Continuing higher leads finally to Lobuche, our second last stop before Everest Base Camp. At the foot of towering Lobuche Peak, this tiny settlement marks the launching point for tomorrow’s triumphant finale. As EBC itself edging closer we feel the adrenaline rushing. Though nights here in December are bitterly cold, stars blaze brighter than anywhere on Earth as we are ready for the crown jewel of adventures to come!

  • Altitude: 4,910 m / 16,108 feet
  • Walking Hour: 5 Hours
  • Distance: 8 km

Today’s 3-hour trek from Lobuche to Gorak Shep is extraordinary, crossing rocky, undulating terrain under the surrounding majestic peaks. Surrounded by Pumori, Lingtren, Nuptse, and the supreme peak - Everest herself - Gorak Shep stuns.

Remember it's December - so will start casually and walk to Gorak Shep and walk to EBC after a quick lunch. Make sure you are very well equipped with warm clothing because it is going to be extremely chilly. After we get back from our EBC hike we will enjoy hot tea with a lit chimney at the teahouse. 

Here drinking water, insulated rooms, and the flushing of western toilets can be a problem at this time of year. WE HAVE NO OPTIONS BUT TO ACCEPT AS IT IS. 

  • Altitude: 5,360 m/17,585 feet
  • Walking Hour: 8/9 Hours
  • Distance: 12 km in TOTAL

Today we will wake up early to summit Kala Patthar. It’s a tough climb, but reaching the top at 18,192 feet brings once-in-a-lifetime Himalayan vistas in every direction. From here, Everest’s magnificence will surpass your wildest dreams.

Gazing at golden light spilling across the world’s highest peaks, we’ll feel a profoundly peaceful and rewarding moment together. Having now achieved two iconic milestones - Base Camp and Kala Patthar’s summit - the celebration is in order!

Descending close to 1,000 meters, we will spend a night at Pheriche village and restore our energy far from the thinning air and harsh elements. Exhausted but victorious, our small community will recount tales of hardship, glory, and the beauty of the region in the the midst of WINTER.

  • Altitude: 5,545 m /18,192 feet
  • Distance: 14 km OVERALL

Retracing steps to Pangboche brings us back amongst trees, cleaner air, and normalized breathing - a welcome relief! From a high ridge in Thyangboche, we'll look back with a profound sense of achievement at the epic trail to Base Camp.

We’ll make a special visit to the centuries-old Tengboche Monastery, the spiritual heart of the Khumbu region. Chanting monks fill its serene courtyard with otherworldly calm, framed by sacred peaks like Everest, Lhotse, Ama Dablam, Kangtega, Thamserku, Cholatse, etc. This powerful place perfectly blends Himalayan nature and Buddhist devotion.

Heading down the valley again, each bend reveals new angles on peaks now familiar. We’ll overnight in Namche Bazaar once more before our final day. It is time for celebaratin now.

  • Altitude: 3,860 m/12,664 feet
  • Distance: 16.5 KM

Leaving Namche we will retrace our trail back to Lukla for our final night in the Everest region.

Since it's our last night we will have dinner together with all our Porters, assistant guides, and your Trek Leader. 

This event will be followed by dancing and giving thanks to our crew with the culture of Tipping.

  • Altitude: 2,840 m/9.317 feet
  • Distance: 16 km

We will have a scenic flight back to Kathmandu that will be 35 minutes.

Flying out of Lukla Airport is seriously Thrilling.

  • Accommodation: 3 Star Hotel
  • Walking Hour: 35 min. FLIGHT
  • Meals: Breakfast

When trekking in the Everest region, having contingency days is vital. The Himalayan climate frequently brings harsh conditions like heavy snow, strong winds, or thick cloud cover. These can delay schedules and disrupt routes.

Contingency days act as a buffer for such weather disruptions. They also allow for extra rest and acclimatization time if needed. With the high risk of altitude sickness, having this flexibility improves safety as well as the overall trekking experience.

Contingency days provide essential breathing room - a safety net enabling one to navigate the extreme terrain with greater confidence. They make last-minute changes due to weather or other factors much less stressful.

Depending on your flight schedule airport transportation will be provided. in Nepal, your airport reporting time is usually 3 hours prior to your flight. Your leader will be there to assist you to at the international airport.

  • Accommodation: HOME
  • Transport: Airport Transfer
  • PERMITS: All essential permits required from the Government and local authorities to legally trek in the region are procured.
  • PICKUP AND DROPS: Roundtrip airport pickup and drop-off facilities for both domestic and international flights are included in the trek package.
  • ACCOMMODATION IN KATHMANDU: Three nights of hotel accommodation in Kathmandu at a three-star twin-sharing hotel on a bed and breakfast-basis.
  • WELCOME DINNER: A traditional Nepali-style welcome dinner at a local restaurant in Kathmandu.
  • SIGHTSEEING: A half-day guided sightseeing tour of Kathmandu's two most sacred UNESCO World Heritage sites with entrance fees paid.
  • TAXES: All applicable local and national government taxes are covered.
  • TRANSPORTATION:  Roundtrip PRIVATE VEHICLE transportation between Kathmandu and the Manthali Airport for the flight to Lukla.
  • DOMESTIC FLIGHTS: Domestic flights TO and FROM LUKLA.
  • EQUIPMENT: Essential trekking gear such as sleeping bags, fleece liners, PrimaLoft jackets, rain ponchos, yak tracks, trekking poles, etc are provided.
  • LODGING: Local Tea-house accommodation on a twin-sharing basis – A single supplement is provided on request OVER MINIMAL COST, however, depends solely on the availability.
  • DRINKING WATER: Properly filtered and boiled water for drinking is provided each morning and evening. Trekkers are advised to carry reusable water bottles/bladder bags that can hold at least 3 liters.
  • GLORIOUS FOOD: All meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with hot beverages are provided throughout the trek duration.
  • TREK LEADER AND ASSISTANT GUIDE: An experienced trek leader holding legitimate licensing leads the group, along with assistant guides based on group size. Groups of 3 or more are typically assigned at least 1 assistant guide.
  • PORTERS: The porter to trekker ratio is 1:2 - meaning 1 porter for every 2 trekkers. However, for groups larger than 4 trekkers, an additional porter is provided specifically to assist with hot water supply during the trek.
  • STAFF INSURANCE & ALLOWANCES: Insurance coverage, wages, and allowances for all trek staff are included.
  • SAFETY CONCERNS: Emergency equipment including oxygen cylinders and a comprehensive medical kit is available at all times during the trek.
  • COMPLIMENTARY TAKE AWAY: Trekkers receive a duffel bag, t-shirt, multi-functional headwear, baseball hat, trekking map, and completion certificate to take home.
  • NEPAL VISA : A fee of $50 that is levied on a 30-day Nepali visa.
  • INTERNATIONAL AIRFARE: The cost of all international flights.
  • PERSONAL EXPENSES: All personal expenses that may include Nepalese SIM card, internet, battery charging, hot shower, laundry, fizzy drinks, Alcohol, etc.
  • EMERGENCY: A medical examination of any kind, High Altitude Evacuation over any circumstances, Air Evacuation and Rescues.
  • DONATIONS: Donations of any kind.
  • STAFF TIPPING: Tipping is entirely a personal matter, however, it’s a trekking culture.
  • EXTRA NIGHTS: Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu on early arrival or Late departure.
  • SANCTIONS: Permits or the letter of Authorization that is required for special Filming, big Drones, and Filming Cameras.
  • INSURANCE: All-inclusive Travel or medical insurance is a must.
  • EXTRA PORTER: Over request Extra Porter or Assistant is provided that may include the cost of $25 per day.
  • OPTIONAL TOURS: Optional tours and sightseeing or any activities during free time.

Everest Winter Trek

Challenges to Consider on the Everest Base Camp Trek in December:

Trekking to the Base of the world’s highest mountain, Everest Base Camp is already a challenging adventure. Conversely, doing an EBC trek in the freezing temperatures of December will surely add extra difficulties.

Below we have listed a few challenges to consider while Trekking to EBC in December .

  • Extreme Cold Temperature : Cold temperature is the most significant challenge which will drop below freezing, especially at night. We recommend everyone be well-equipped with high-quality warm gear.
  • Frozen Water : Freezing of water is a very common issue in winter in the Everest region. Water resources freeze quickly making everyday life difficult like flushing the toilets, no water for the morning wash, availability of drinking water, etc.
  • Closure of Teahouses : Since December is off-season time many teahouses and shops close due to harsh winter conditions. Due to this, there is a possibility of having access to limited facilities with food choices, teahouses, internet, etc. which can be challenging
  • Frozen Toilets : Since most teahouses now have western toilets due to high demand, these toilets and the entire plumbing systems will freeze in an extremely chill environment. This is something the trekkers have to cope with, however, they have an alternative to the LONG-DROP TOILET facility.
  • Altitude Sickness : It is believed that there is a higher chance of altitude sickness in extremely cold weather conditions.
  • Short Daylight and Demanding Trails : In December our trekking time is limited due to short daylights. Furthermore, the morning frost and ice make the trails slippery and dangerous. However, it’s not an everyday occasion.
  • Limited Medical Facility : At this time of year most Health posts may close resulting in fewer or no people and resources available in case of emergencies.
  • Physically and Mentally Challenging : The extremely cold temperature and high altitude make this Winter Everest Base Camp trek challenging. To cope with such an environment and harsh conditions one requires strong determination. 

All these challenges make the December Everest Base Camp Trek an extreme and strenuous adventure. However, despite all these challenges the winter views are surprisingly amazing. No wonder the December EBC trek is getting so popular these days.

Is it possible to trek to Everest Base Camp during December or January?

Yes, we can trek to Everest Base Camp in December or January despite the challenges of the winter months . While it will be extremely cold with temperatures dropping below freezing, and some lodges and tea houses along the trail will be closed, the trails are still accessible. The main advantage of trekking this route during December-January is that you will have clearer skies and views of the Himalayan peaks compared to the busier spring and autumn months.

However, you need to be prepared for the brutal cold and the strong wind chill factor. Frozen water sources can also be an issue, so bring enough water bottles or bladders for your water supply.

While trekking to Everest Base Camp in December and January requires an extra level of preparation and tolerance for freezing temperatures, the crystal-clear skies, snow-covered trails, and chance to see the Himalayas at their stillest often make the challenges worthwhile for adventurous trekkers.

Wind Chill Factor and Temperature at EBC during December: What to Expect.

The winds on Mount Everest are notoriously brutal, and the wind chill factor at Everest Base Camp during December makes conditions feel even more extreme. In December, temperatures at Base Camp typically range from -20°C to -30°C.

However, with winds regularly whipping across the mountain at speeds over 50 mph, the windchill factor feels more extreme. For example, at an actual temperature of -20°C followed by 60 mph winds, the windchill factor to a human body feels like -55°C out. This deep bone-chilling cold takes away heat from any exposed skin almost instantly, making way for Hypothermia.

So December trekkers have to take major precautions against these bitter winds by wearing appropriate gear. For details on Packing appropriate gear for winter trekking in Everest Base Camp - CLICK HERE. This intense windchill during December at Everest Base Camp makes it an incredibly harsh environment that tests the limits of the human capacity for withstanding extreme cold.

December Everest Base Camp Trekking Routes and Itinerary:

There are multiple routes you can take while trekking to Everest Base Camp depending on your time frame. Furthermore, anybody can customize the itinerary in accordance with their time and preferences. However, classic routes and alternative routes are the basic forms that most companies and individual trekkers still use. These two basic forms of routes can be used while trekking to Everest Base Camp in December as well.

Classic Route:

The classic route is straightforward and starts from Lukla to Everest Base Camp. In this Classic route you either go via Tengboche monastery or you can divert via Phortse Village. This Classic route typically takes 14-16 days. However, you will not be deprived of your acclimatization days along the way. It is still a gradual ascent with enough days to acclimatize and relax.

Alternative Routes:

Next are alternative routes where you can include other popular valleys. There are trekkers who would like to include a cherry on top. When it comes to alternative trek you can either add Gokyo Lake via Chola Pass or you can add Thame Village and Gokyo Lake with Renjo Pass and Chola Pass . Nonetheless, going over these passes in December sometimes can be hazardous and impossible with the snow. But including Gokyo Lake is possible since you can go via Phortse Village without having to worry about going over the Chola Pass.

Maximum and Minimum Temperature on the Route to EBC in December:

The temperatures provided below are general guidelines that may vary and are subject to change every year depending on certain conditions and of course the unusual pattern due to CLIMATE CHANGE

  • Located at 2,860 meters (9,383 feet)
  • Average December temperature can be typically around 4 to 8 degrees Celsius (about 39/46 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Coldest average temperatures drop to -2 to -4 degrees Celsius (about 29/24 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Warmest average temperatures reach up to 9 to 12 degrees Celsius (about 48/53 degrees Fahrenheit)

Namche Bazaar

  • Located at 3,440 meters (11,286 feet)
  • Average December temperature can be 0.5 to 5 degrees Celsius (about 33/41 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Minimum average temperatures in December are around -6.5 degrees Celsius (about 20 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Maximum average temperatures are around 7 to 10 degrees Celsius (about 44/50 degrees Fahrenheit)

Phortse Village

  • Located at 3810 meters (12,500 feet)
  • Average December temperature can be 0.5 to 4 degrees Celsius (about 23/39 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Coldest temperatures average around -7.5 degrees Celsius (about 18 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Warmest temperatures reach an average high of 5 to 8 degrees Celsius (about 41/46 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Located at 4,360 meters (14,301 feet)
  • Average December temperature can be -5.1 degrees Celsius (about 23 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Coldest temperatures average around -13 to -15 degrees Celsius (about 8/5 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Warmest temperatures reach an average high of 3 to 7 degrees Celsius (about 37/44 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Located at 4,928 meters (16,164 feet)
  • Average December temperature can be -7.7 degrees Celsius (about 18 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Low temperatures can drop to an average of -16.4 degrees Celsius (about 2 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • High temperatures average around 1.1 degrees Celsius (about 34 degrees Fahrenheit)

Gorak Shep/Everest Base Camp

  • Located at 5,164 meters (16,942 feet)
  • Average December temperatures can be -8.9 degrees Celsius (about 16 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Coldest temperatures average around -17 to - 25 degrees Celsius (near 0 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Maximum temperatures average around 0 to 2 degrees Celsius (32/35 degrees Fahrenheit)

The average daily wind speed along the route is typically between 12-19 kilometers per hour or around 8-12 miles per hour.

How to Keep Ourselves Warm in the Evening during our December EBC Trek?

Staying warm in the evenings will be critical during a December trek to Everest Base Camp as the temperatures can drop quite drastically after sunset. Your accommodation at the mountain teahouses and our staff will provide some key comforts to keep you warm:

  • Dining halls at all open teahouses have a chimney with a warming fireplace lit by the hotel staff in the evening. Trekkers can sit by the fire chatting, playing games, and dining with hot drinks to stay cozily warm.
  • Our trekking guides and assistant guides will provide all guests with a HOT WATER BAG for you at night. This hot bag stays warm for many hours allowing you to cuddle up with it at night. Additional blankets are also added to beds as the staff are accustomed to the needs of winter trekkers.

Thermal innerwear for sleeping is highly recommended on December EBC treks as well. Pack your long johns to sleep comfortably. Wearing a warm winter cap even while sleeping makes a difference too.

While the conditions may be quite cold, with the extra efforts and provisions arranged by both the teahouse hotel staff and our own crew, staying warm through the nights is manageable. 

Everest Base Camp Trek in December FAQs

Why always trek with nepal pyramids.

Selecting Nepal Pyramids Trekking Company as your adventure partner in Nepal will undoubtedly be an excellent decision for several reasons: Why Nepal Pyramids Trekking and Climbing?

  • We are a locally owned and operated company with extensive knowledge of the region. Our team consists of experienced guides and staff well-versed in the culture, terrain, and trekking routes of Nepal.
  • Safety is our topmost priority. We are renowned for our commitment to stringent safety standards. We provide well-maintained equipment and our guides are trained in first aid as well as emergency protocols.
  • Nepal Pyramids offers a diverse range of trekking packages tailored to suit your preferences and fitness levels. Whether an avid trekker or a novice, we can customize an itinerary as per your requirements.
  • We are devoted to sustainable and responsible tourism. We strongly focus on minimizing the ecological impact of all our treks while supporting local communities.
  • Along with quality services, we provide competitive pricing making trekking in Nepal accessible to a wide range of travelers.
  • Reviews and testimonials from our previous clients offer insights into our reputation and the experiences of those who have trekked with us.

What are accommodation like in Everset in December?

Finding places to stay on the way to Everest Base Camp can be difficult during the popular trekking seasons when many travelers visit. In December, there are usually plenty of rooms available in tea houses and lodges. These accommodations are normally very full with trekkers during peak season times but sit mostly empty when it is very cold in December. However, due to harsh weather conditions, many lodges and shops will remain closed until the next Spring season. So to say only limited lodges will be open to cater to the few winter trekkers visiting the region

People trekking in December enjoy several benefits: no long lines, lots of choices for rooms, cheaper off-season rates, and more exclusive access to nice amenities like hot showers, fireplaces, and places to charge devices. Since there are fewer guests, the tea houses and lodges can provide better service and comfort. 

Why December is a good time to Trek to EBC?

The Everest Base Camp Trek in December is in reality very fascinating. It delivers you breathtakingly clear skies which you don't find at any other time of year. During the day, a mesmerizing deep blue sky remains untouched by even a wisp of cloud as the mighty Himalayan peaks stand out sharply against the gentle winter sun.

At night, freezing temperatures transform the sky into a glittering expanse of shimmering stars.

December also brings tranquility.

A trek to Everest Base Camp in December promises a uniquely serene experience. Due to the bitter cold during this off-season, you will hardly see any tourist trekking in the region. Without overpopulated tourists, the tranquil stillness envelops the majestic slopes and valleys. You will enjoy absolute serenity and solitude at this time of year. The lack of visual disturbances from colorful tents and clothing allows the valley to showcase its magnificent natural brilliance without interruption. December offers a perfect opportunity to experience the dreamlike peace, thrill of solitude, and enchanting beauty for which the Everest landscape is renowned. Away from the annoying activity of the trekking high season, one can fully appreciate the calming arms of glorious Mother Nature.

Is trekking in December to EBC is Challenging?

Yes, trekking to Everest Base Camp (EBC) in December, which is the peak winter season in Nepal, can be quite challenging:

  • Temperatures will be quite cold, often dropping below freezing at night and even during the daytime, especially at higher elevations. Proper layering and warm gear (jackets, hats, gloves, etc.) are essential.
  • There is a higher chance of snowfall and ice/snow on the trails which can make them slippery and difficult to traverse. Crampons may be required in certain sections.
  • With fewer daylight hours, you need to make sure to start and end hiking early. It gets dark around 5 PM.
  • Many teahouses along the route are closed for winter. Accommodation options become more limited.
  • Weather conditions can change quickly in the mountains. Winter storms or heavy snowfall could happen unexpectedly, making the trek more strenuous.

Do Flights fly to Lukla Airport in December?

Yes, flights do operate to Lukla in December. However, there are fewer flights in the winter months compared to peak trekking seasons. The number of flights drops to just a few per day. This also means seats get booked up quicker in advance usually by the locals who, to escape the harsh winter, would fly back to a city like Kathmandu. Some airlines stop their Lukla flights entirely in the winter, especially later in December. However, airlines like Summit Air and Tara Air continue to operate almost all through the years.

Furthermore, due to Short daylight, the number of flights may only be 1-2 flight cycles to Lukla.

What am I to pack for this EBC December Trek?

There is a 15-kilogram baggage limit on all flights to Lukla Airport. This 15 kg weight should include your duffel bag and your daypack together. All airlines must follow this weight restriction. There are also limits on how much weight porters can carry while trekking in Nepal. Even though December is extremely cold and you'll need warm gear, it is best to pack light with only essential items for the trek. The cold makes traveling difficult, so carrying less will help. To see suggestions on what important gear and clothing to bring, please click on the links provided.


Food Options in December at Everest region?

Since many teahouses and lodges at Everest Base Camp are closed in December due to the harsh winter conditions, food options can become quite limited compared to the more popular trekking seasons. Their supply lines are also impacted by the cold and snow.

However, despite the reductions in lodging and supplies, trekkers will still be able to find nourishing meals along the Everest trail during December treks. The few open teahouses will provide simple Daal Bhat (rice and lentils), noodles, eggs, porridge, and other staple meals. While menu variety goes down, essential foods remain available through the efforts of the hard-working local staff who remain in the mountains year-round.

So while fancy dishes or imported foods are off the table, basic energy-providing meals can still be arranged. The food options may be basic, but no client will be left hungry!

Nepal Pyramids is here to craft your Nepal dreams into reality. We assure you a trip extraordinarily out of the world with quality service and value for money. We propose comprehensive flexible packages with unbeatable price - without any hidden cost.

Our team of local experts is the driving force behind our success. With their passion, experience, and commitment, our team of local experts ensures that we all are not just participants but integral contributors to the growth and well-being of the community we serve.

Safety is our foremost concern at our Travel company. We prioritize the well-being of our adventurers above all else. We provide top-notch equipment and conduct rigorous safety checks to ensure every trek is as secure as it is adventurous.

Sustainability is at the heart of our mission. We ensure that the beauty and integrity of the destinations we explore are preserved. We believe in responsible tourism that contributes positively to the environment and the livelihoods of the local people.

Nepal Pyramids takes pride in making your journey hassle-free from start to finish. With our efficient services, expert Group Leading, and attention to detail, you can leave the hassles behind and focus on creating lasting memories during your travels.

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Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Everest Region Guide

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

December is the winter season, and it is a less popular month for trekking in Nepal . Nevertheless, it offers clear views of the Himalayas and adds a thrilling and adventurous journey.

During the Everest Base Camp Trek in December, you can enjoy views of Mount Everest and unique vegetation in complete solitude.

Due to the cold, only a few trekkers attempt this adventure. So, for true adventure seekers, the Everest Base Camp Trek in December will be a peaceful trek.

The temperature in Everest Base Camp falls below zero degrees Celsius in December. However, with the good preparation and planning trekking to Everest Base Camp is doable.

The amazing views of snow-covered mountains, frozen glaciers, lakes, rivers and icefalls are the benefits of trekking to Everest Base Camp in December.

Everest Base Camp Weather in December

During December, the weather at Everest Base Camp is very cold at night and early in the morning.

At night, the temperature drops to -14 degrees Celsius. During the day, the maximum temperature ranges from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. The daytime is reasonable.

In December, the average temperature in EBC will be around 6 degrees Celsius.

Also, it does not rain in December. But, it might snow at high altitudes. During December , the average rainfall is 3mm. That means the chances of clouds covering the mountains are fairly low.

Even though the mornings and nights are very cold, the weather is pleasant during the day. But don’t forget to bring proper winter gear and warm thermals for your grand journey to EBC.

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

What to Expect When Trekking to EBC during December

Superb Views

Despite the freezing temperatures, views of the magnificent Himalayas will not be compromised during December. The skies are crystal clear, with excellent visibility, offering breathtaking views of the Everest region. The awe-inspiring views of the snow-capped mountains are unforgettable.

Low Rainfall

Everest area experiences low rainfall during December. It means you have the least possibility of facing cloudy days. December is a dry month, you can walk in trails free of rain and bugs.

Pleasant Trails

The month of December is considered the off-season for trekking in the Everest region. The trail which gets extremely crowded in high season is quiet and peaceful in this month.

So, if you enjoy trekking in a relax environment, trekking to Everest Base Camp in December is ideal for you. You can also enjoy the complete wilderness of the surrounding area as well as encounter the incredible winter world.

Choice of Accommodations

During this time, the lodges will be less crowded. You don’t have to bargain for prices and comfortable beds. You can easily find accommodations and meals at cheap prices than in high seasons. You also don’t have to struggle for the hot showers.

Some Practical Tips for Trekking to Everest Base Camp in Winter

  • The trek to Everest Base Camp is rather challenging in December. So, always trek with a guide or in a group.
  • Due to the snow, the trails can be wet and slippery. Bring a good pair of trekking boots and warm clothing.
  • Always follow and listen to your guide for your safety. They are experienced who are familiar in all aspects of the journey.
  • Winter trekking requires more clothing and gears. As a result, hiring a porter to share the load is highly recommended. So, the luggage could be heavier, making it difficult to carry, especially in the winter.
  • Stay hydrated, because December is a cold month, you may miss out of drinking water. Bring a flask, you’ll be able to take warm water.
  • Take the necessary rest for acclimatization and go slowly. Do not hurry.
  • Keep a few extra days in case of flight delays due to weather or unforeseen reason.

General FAQs Everest Base Camp Trek in December

How hard is it to Trek to Everest Base Camp?

The Everest Base Camp Trek is a moderate to demanding trek that does not require any technical climbing knowledge or skills. It is basically a long walk up to an elevation of 5,364 meters / 17,599 feet.

Is travel insurance required when trekking to EBC in December?

YES. All year, travel insurance is strongly recommended. It’s a great way to get immediate assistance if you get altitude sickness.

You never know when you’ll run into trouble on your journey. Travel insurance for the Everest Base Camp trek is one of many ways to ensuring a risk-free trip.

Is Everest Base Camp Trek Dangerous?

When compared to climbing Everest, the Everest Base Camp trek is much safer. However, due to its location and high altitude, the Everest Base Camp trek still possesses many risks. This means that the trekkers are still vulnerable to altitude sickness due to insufficient acclimatization.

Do I need to hire a porter if I have a guide?

Yes, you could. Guides and porters are 2 different people serving different roles along the trek. Due to cold, your body loses more energy in the winter. As a result, carrying the entire weight on your shoulders will require more energy.

Allowing a porter to carry your backpack reduces the amount of energy lost while trekking. If you suffer from altitude sickness , having someone carry your load will provide much-needed relief.

everest base camp trek in december

Best Alternative Treks during December

1. everest view trek.

Everest View Trek is a great option for those looking for a short trek in the Everest region. You will visit famous Namche Bazaar and Tengboche monastery .

If you want to avoid the cold winter at Everest Base Camp in December, this could be the perfect trek for you.

2. Everest for Breakfast

The cold weather in December may tempt you to skip the Everest region completely. However, the Everest for breakfast might make you want to think about it. You can avoid trekking in the Everest region while still visiting the Everest Base Camp with the Everest for breakfast .

In a single day, you will travel to and from the Everest region. And it’s all done in a helicopter. Isn’t that great?

3. Gokyo Lake Trek

If you are trekking in the Everest region, you should also consider doing the Gokyo Lake Trek . The clear weather in December will allow for spectacular views of the entire Gokyo valley, including its magical Gokyo lakes. The Gokyo Valley and Renjo La Pass Trek is another wonderful adventure.

4. Jiri to Everest Base Camp Trek

If you’re unsure whether you’ll be able to acclimate to the cold of December or the altitude of the Everest region, the Jiri to Everest Base Camp trek will guarantees that you do.

This is a long journey to the Everest Base Camp, with small altitude gains each day. This trek is doable if you have close to three weeks of Nepal holidays.

everest base camp trek in december

Trekking to Everest Base Camp in December is possible and truly rewarding too. In the snowy Everest region, you can experience a perfect winter wonderland.

During December, there are very few trekkers at Everest Base Camp. As a result, you won’t have to worry about finding accommodation, food, or services during this time. So, it is also an ideal time for those who prefer a peaceful and silent trail.

However, make sure you have all of the necessary equipment and winter gear for the trek. Moreover, always trek with proper guidance and preparation. For further question or enquiries, please feel free to contact us . It is our pleasure to assist and guide you to the best of our knowledge.

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everest base camp trek in december

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Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

The Everest Base Camp Trek in December boasts of being quite a unique and rewarding experience for adventure-seeking trekkers. Consequently, the trail is less crowded during this period, hence offering a more peaceful and intimate trek through the majestic Himalayan landscapes.

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Because there are fewer travelers, one can fully take pleasure from the amazing scenery around and get to know various aspects concerning culture and tradition in the area; it is indeed an extraordinary expedition.

  • Scenic Flight to Lukla: Experience a thrilling flight from Kathmandu to Lukla, the gateway to Everest.
  • Namche Bazaar: Discover the vibrant market nestled in the heart of the Himalayas.
  • View from Kalapatthar: Admire the best view of Mount Everest from 5643 meters.
  • Everest Base Camp: Meet climbers preparing to summit the world’s highest peak.
  • Quiet Trails: Relish the tranquility of the trails with fewer trekkers around.

December brings distinct weather conditions to the Everest region. The Everest base camp weather in December includes clear, crisp days with brilliant blue skies, offering unobstructed views of the towering peaks. However, it is also one of the coldest months, with temperatures at Everest Base Camp often dropping well below freezing, especially at night. The Everest base camp temp ranges from -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F) during the day and can plummet further after sunset.

Understanding the Everest base camp weather in December is crucial for preparation. The cold conditions demand appropriate gear and clothing to ensure a safe and comfortable trek. Trekking in December, although hindered by the weather challenges, is made to be an unforgettable experience by the stunning, calming winter landscape. Having the right plan and preparation is vital in order to maximize the Everest Base Camp Trek in this extraordinary season.

Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek

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Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek

Everest base camp weather in december.

December marks the start of the coldest season in Nepal, bringing a significant drop in temperatures, especially at higher altitudes. During this time, the Everest Base Camp weather showcases a mix of moderate to extreme conditions influenced by the altitude variations along the trek. In lower altitude areas like Lukla, Phakding, Namche, and Tengboche, daytime temperatures are relatively warmer, making the hikes pleasant, although nights can get moderately cold with occasional snowfalls.

Namche Bazaar View during December

In higher altitude regions such as Dingboche, Lobuche, Gorakshep, Everest Base Camp, and Kala Patthar, the days maintain moderate warmth. Still, the nights turn intensely cold, often plunging to sub-zero temperatures. The colder conditions at these elevations make the nights challenging, with freezing temperatures that can significantly impact the trekking experience.

For those prepared to endure the cold and navigate icy trails, the Everest Base Camp Trek in December offers a true adventure. With the trails less crowded and often covered in snow, trekking becomes more challenging but equally rewarding, presenting a serene and starkly beautiful landscape. The unique conditions of December provide an exceptional opportunity for trekkers seeking solitude and a distinct winter trekking experience.

Everest Base Camp Temperature in December

Everest Base Camp Temperature in December

Advantages of Trekking in December

Fewer crowds on the trail.

In December, the Everest Base Camp Trek attracts fewer trekkers. This reduction in crowd size allows for a more personal and unhurried experience on the trails. With fewer groups and solo hikers around, you can interact more deeply with local guides and residents, enhancing your cultural exchange and making the trek more memorable.

Clear Skies and Stunning Mountain Views

During the Everest Base Camp trek in December, trekkers often experience clear skies. Dry air reduces cloud cover, giving you an unobstructed view of the Himalayas. These crystal-clear conditions are perfect for photographers and nature lovers who want to capture the majestic peaks of Mount Everest, Lhotse, and Ama Dablam in their fully snow-covered glory.

Unique Winter Landscape and Serene Environment

December transforms the Everest region into a quiet, snowy paradise. This unique winter landscape, rarely seen during other times of the year, makes the trek both a physical and spiritual trek.

The snow-covered paths and frosty air create a serene ambiance, ideal for those seeking peace away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This serene environment offers moments of reflection and a deep connection with nature amidst the grandeur of the mountains.

Challenges to Expect

Cold weather and possible snowfall.

The cold weather poses a significant challenge during the Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Temperatures often plummet well below freezing, particularly at night, and snowfall is common. Icy trails can make trekking difficult, so you must be well-prepared for slippery conditions. Specialized winter gear is essential to maintain warmth and safety throughout the trek.

Shorter Daylight Hours

December in the Everest region brings shorter daylight hours, limiting the time available for trekking each day. Careful planning is necessary to make sure that you complete each day’s trek within the available light. Starting early in the morning is crucial to make the most of the daylight hours. Additionally, the shorter days require you to be more efficient in your daily routines and time management.

Need for Extra Preparation and Gear

The Everest Base Camp Trek in December demands extra preparation. You need to pack appropriate winter clothing, including insulated jackets, thermal layers, gloves, and hats, to protect against the extreme cold.

Safety gear, such as crampons or microspikes, is essential for added traction on icy paths. Additionally, carrying a higher-calorie diet and using thermal flasks to keep liquids warm will support your overall energy and hydration.

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Jiri to Everest Base Camp Trek

Essential packing list for december trek, warm clothing and layering techniques.

To keep oneself warm and accommodate shifting weather conditions during the Everest Base Camp Trek in December, you need to layer clothing. The first thing to do is to wear a base layer, which helps keep moisture off your body by absorbing sweat. In addition, put on some insulation that contributes to the warmth of your body; this may include any pullover made of fleece or woolen sweater.

Wear a coat that can repel water as well as stop the wind, thereby protecting it from elements such as snow or heavy rain. Thermal gloves and hats, among others, help warm up the hands and head regions. This layering technique lets you adjust your clothing throughout the day as temperatures change.

Important Gear: Sleeping Bag, Thermal Wear, Down Jacket

A high-quality sleeping bag is crucial for cold nights on the Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Choose one with a comfort rating suitable for temperatures as low as -20°C (-4°F) to ensure you stay warm. Wear thermal tops and bottoms to add an extra layer of insulation and keep your core temperature stable.

A down jacket is invaluable for its lightweight yet highly effective insulation, providing warmth during rest stops and evenings when temperatures drop significantly. Please make sure your sleeping bag can handle extreme cold, and always use a liner for added warmth.

Tips for Staying Warm and Comfortable

Follow these tips to stay safe and comfortable on the Everest Base Camp Trek in December:

  • Stay Dry: Wet clothing can quickly lead to hypothermia. Change out of wet clothes as soon as possible and use waterproof bags to keep your gear dry.
  • Keep Hydrated: Drink warm fluids regularly to maintain hydration and body temperature. Use a thermal flask to keep drinks warm throughout the day.
  • Move Regularly: Keep moving to generate body heat, but avoid sweating excessively, as it can lead to chills when you stop. Adjust your layers to manage your body temperature effectively.
  • Use Hand and Foot Warmers: Chemical hand and foot warmers provide additional warmth in extreme conditions. Please place them in your gloves and boots to keep your extremities warm.
  • Warm Up Before Sleeping: Do some light exercise before getting into your sleeping bag to generate heat and stay warm throughout the night. Jumping jacks or brisk walking can help raise your body temperature.

Accommodation and Facilities

Types of accommodations available.

On the Everest Base Camp Trek in December, teahouses and lodges primarily offer accommodation. These small, family-run establishments provide basic but comfortable rooms.

Teahouses offer shared sleeping quarters or private rooms, depending on their size and location. Each lodge typically features a central communal area warmed by a wood or yak dung stove, which serves as a gathering place for trekkers to eat and share experiences.

Availability of Facilities in December

While all necessary facilities remain available in December, some teahouses might close during particularly harsh winters. However, those that stay open are well-prepared for the cold season.

They equip themselves with essential amenities like warm bedding, hot showers (often solar-powered), and electricity for charging devices. Water availability can sometimes be limited, so using it sparingly, especially hot water, is wise.

Health and Safety Tips

Acclimatizing properly is essential for a successful Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Gradually ascend and take rest days in places like Namche Bazaar and Dingboche to help your body adjust to higher altitudes. These measures reduce the risk of altitude sickness and enhance your overall trekking experience.

Stay hydrated during the Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Despite the cold weather making you less aware of your fluid intake, drinking plenty of water maintains your energy levels and prevents dehydration. Carry a thermal flask to keep your drinks warm, and ensure you drink regularly.

On the December Everest Base Camp Trek, there is much worry about altitude sickness. One should identify common symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and nausea early enough and, if need be, descend to lower altitudes. Moreover, make sure you eat a healthy diet, sleep well, and monitor yourself in order to have a safer and more interesting trek.

Travel Tips for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Please carefully plan your flight to Lukla from Kathmandu for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December. The most efficient way to reach Lukla is by taking a flight from Kathmandu. Winter weather often causes flight delays or cancellations, so booking early morning flights increases your chances of departure, as conditions are usually clearer in the morning.

You can book your flights and accommodation for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December well in advance. Although December sees fewer trekkers, flights, and lodges can still fill up quickly. Could you confirm your bookings and maintain regular contact with airlines and lodges to stay updated on any changes?

Please allocate buffer days when you plan your Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Unpredictable weather conditions can cause delays in flights and trekking schedules. You can set aside a few extra days at the beginning and end of your trek to accommodate any unforeseen delays, ensuring a smooth and stress-free adventure.

Recommended Everest Trekking in December

1. everest base camp trek.

Duration: 15 Days

The Everest Base Camp Trek provides a classic Himalayan adventure. Start with an exciting flight from Kathmandu to Lukla, then trek through vibrant Sherpa villages such as Namche Bazaar and Tengboche. Acclimatization days are essential for adjusting to high altitudes and minimizing the risk of altitude sickness.

On the way to Everest Base Camp

The trek reaches its peak at Everest Base Camp and includes a climb to Kala Patthar for stunning views of Mount Everest and nearby peaks. This trek is perfect for those wanting to experience the grandeur of the Himalayas and Sherpa culture.

2. Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek

Duration: 16 Days

The Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek offers a blend of adventure and comfort. It follows the same route as the standard trek but includes stays in upscale lodges that provide better facilities and comfort.

Luxury Everest Base Camp Trek

The trek concludes with a helicopter flight from Gorakshep to Kathmandu, offering a spectacular aerial view of the Everest region. This option suits trekkers who want to enjoy the beauty of the Himalayas with added luxury and convenience.

3. Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter Return

Duration: 11 Days

This trek combines the adventure of reaching Everest Base Camp with the convenience of a helicopter return to Kathmandu. After trekking through key points like Lukla, Namche Bazaar, and Tengboche, trekkers reach Everest Base Camp.

Everest Base Camp trek with Helicopter Return

The helicopter return saves time and provides breathtaking aerial views of the mountains. This trek is ideal for those wanting to maximize their experience in a shorter timeframe.

4. Everest Panorama Trek

Duration: 9 Days

The Everest Panorama Trek offers a shorter, less strenuous option while still providing stunning views of Everest and other peaks. This trek includes visits to Namche Bazaar and the Syangboche viewpoint. It is accessible to a wider range of trekkers, including families and older travelers, as it stays below the highest altitudes.

5. Gokyo Cho La Pass Trek

Duration: 17 Days

The Gokyo Cho La Pass Trek presents a more challenging alternative to the traditional Everest Base Camp route. It takes trekkers through the stunning Gokyo Lakes and over the Cho La Pass, offering dramatic landscapes and fewer crowds.

Gokyo Cho La Pass Trek

Trekkers can enjoy the serene beauty of the Gokyo Valley, view the Ngozumpa Glacier, and eventually join the Everest Base Camp route. This trek suits experienced trekkers seeking a unique and less-traveled path.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. how difficult is the ebc trek in december.

The Everest Base Camp Trek in December is challenging due to harsh winter conditions. Trekkers face colder temperatures, especially at higher altitudes, where temperatures drop well below freezing at night.

The trail can be slippery and covered with snow, requiring careful navigation and appropriate gear. Shorter daylight hours limit the trekking time each day, necessitating early starts and efficient time management. However, the clear skies and serene environment make the extra effort worthwhile for many trekkers.

2. How will accommodation in the Khumbu Region be in December?

Accommodation in the Khumbu Region during December typically consists of teahouses and lodges. These family-run establishments offer basic but comfortable rooms, usually with shared bathrooms. The cold weather often leads to heating communal areas with wood or yak dung stoves.

Some teahouses might close if the winter is particularly harsh. Still, those that remain open are well-prepared, providing warm bedding, hot showers (usually solar-powered), and limited electricity for charging devices. It’s advisable to confirm bookings in advance and check the availability of these facilities.

3. Is it necessary to hire a guide for the EBC trek in December?

Hiring a guide for the Everest base camp trek in December is highly recommended, though optional. Guides provide valuable information on local, cultural, and road conditions.

They are especially helpful in navigating snow-covered roads and dealing with issues or emergencies involving high altitude. The guides provide accommodation and food, making the trip easy and enjoyable. So, hiring a guide can enhance your travel experience.

4. Do we need to have a porter while trekking to Everest Base Camp in December?

Hiring a porter for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December is optional but beneficial. Porters can carry your heavy gear, allowing you to trek with just a light daypack, significantly reducing fatigue and strain, especially in cold and challenging conditions.

It enhances your overall trekking experience, allowing you to focus on the scenery and enjoy the trek more. Additionally, employing a porter provides economic support to local communities.

The Everest Base Camp Trek in December provides a unique and rewarding experience. Despite challenges like cold weather, snow-covered trails, and shorter daylight hours, trekkers benefit from fewer crowds, clear skies, and serene mountain landscapes. Proper preparation, including hiring guides and porters, greatly enhances safety and enjoyment during the trek.

Take on the Everest Base Camp trek in December so you can enjoy the serene Himalayas from a different perspective altogether. About this trek, the mesmerizing winter scenery and being immersed in culture make this trip one that doesn’t easily leave one’s memory. By challenging yourself and accepting the magnificence of the Everest Base Camp trek during December, you will create an entirely distinctive walking expedition.

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Everest base camp trek in December

Nepal everest base camp.

  • Last Updated on Jul 24, 2023

December is the last month of the year in Nepal, which is a season of extreme coldness and frequent snowfalls. Thus, trekkers usually ask “Is it possible to have Everest Base Camp Trek in December?”

Well, the answer is Yes! It is possible to visit Everest Base Camp during December; as the trails to EBC is empty, and which offers more adventure and challenges. Also, you can enjoy your trip freely.

The weather and temperature of the Everest region during December is extreme cold with strong cold winds, icy pathway, snowfall, and temperatures reach minus degrees. Trekkers who want to escape an overcrowded season of Autumn and Spring season then Winter season is perfect for you. But, you must be prepared yourself for extreme weather up there

Table of Contents

The weather and temperature of the Everest region during December is extreme cold with strong cold winds, icy pathway, snowfall, and temperatures reach minus degrees. Trekkers who want to escape an overcrowded season of Autumn and Spring season then Winter season is perfect for you. But, you must be prepared yourself for extreme weather up there. 

Things to Know About EBC Trek in December

Everest base camp trek weather in december.

Nepal has four types of the season which are Summer/Monsoon, Autumn, December, and Spring. The coldest season of the year starts from December which is the last month of the year. During this trek, you walk from low altitude places to higher altitude places which can rise to 5,600 meters. Thus, Everest Base Camp Trek weather in December is quite unpredictable as it varies from moderate to extreme. 

At lower altitudes places like Lukla, Phakding, Namche, and Tengboche, during the day the weather is warmer while nights are moderate cold with few snowfalls. But at higher altitude places like Dingboche, Lobuche, Gorakshep, EBC and Kala Patthar, the days are warm and moderate while nights are freezing cold where temperature can go minus degrees. 

Thus, people who can bear the cold and walk over icy trails then they can do EBC Trek in December. You can experience true adventure when trekking in this month as the trails are empty, snow-covered which makes walking very difficult and slippery. 

The following Table Demonstrates the Everest Base Camp Trek in December:

Merits of everest base camp trek in december.

Every trekking month in Nepal has its attractions, Same way December also has its unique advantages and feature;

Less Rainfall

Most trekkers are afraid of trekking in the off-season due to fear of rainfall while trekking. They do not want to spoil their precious day or once in a lifetime views and scenery because of rain. Thus, most of the trekkers cancel their Nepal Visit during Monsoon and Winter season. 

But, for adventure lovers, there is good news. The weather of Everest in another month (seasons) is very unpredictable but incase of December (winter season) the weather is predictable. In December, there is no rainfall in the Everest Region but sometimes there is snowfall in place of rainfall. 

Magnificent Views.

Trekkers might think “ does the views and scenery will be magnificent in December?”. For those who think that fogs and clouds might blur out the Himalayas views and scenery then they are wrong. During December, fogs and clouds gather at the lower region making the higher region of Everest crystal clear with breathtaking views and scenery.  Thus, you get to see wonderful views even in December.

Empty and Peaceful Trails.

Most trekkers get feared of extreme weather, fewer views and scenery, low accommodation, etc thus they cancel their Mount Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Making the trails free for those who love extreme adventure and been waiting for a moment like this. In December, you get to walk in open space without any disturbances from fellow EBC Trekkers . Trekking in empty trails adds extra adventure and thrills to your journey which you can’t get from peak seasons. 

Better Accommodation

During the peak season of trekking, hotels and lodges in the Everest/Khumbu region are packed with uncountable tourists. Thus, it becomes very difficult for trekkers to get good accommodated hotels. Cases like sharing rooms arise. But in December, you don’t have to bother about hotels and lodges as you can find various choices and can get high-quality rooms at cheap rates too. 

Easy Flight Trip

Every trek to Everest Base Camp starts with a scenic Kathmandu to Lukla flights. In the peak season, Lukla flight tickets are very difficult to get due to a large number of tourists traveling. You have to wait for days to get your tickets but if you are trekking to Everest Base camp in December then you can get flight tickets more easily. 

The attraction of Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Scenic Mountain flight from Kathmandu to Lukla.
  • 360°degree sweeping views of apex peaks from Kala Patthar.
  • Once in a lifetime sunrise views from Kala Patthar.
  • Adventuring and Challenging off-beaten snowy trails.
  • Picturesque villages of Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, Lukla, Gorakshep, and Lobuche. 
  • Exploring renowned Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Tengboche Monastery, the largest monastery of the Khumbu region.
  • The highest altitude glacier of Khumbu.
  • A direct encounter with the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest.
  • Trails decorated with prayer flags and wheels, mani stones.
  • Swinging suspension bridges over the Dudh Kosi river and Imja river.

Everest Trekking Permits

Want to trek in the Everest region then you need to have permits to enter this preserved area. You can apply for permits alone or your Trekking Agency in Kathmandu can apply for you. Another you need to pay some amount at the entrance of Sagarmatha National Park to enter this conservation area. Trekking to Everest Base Camp in December requires three permits i.e.

  • Tims (Trekkers Information Management System): $10
  • Sagarmatha National Park Entry: $35
  • Pasang Lamu sherpa V.municipality special Permit $20
  • Frequently Asked Question about Mount Everest Base Camp Trek in December

How difficult is EBC Trek in December?

As compared to other months, trekking in December is not much different as it follows the same trails, villages, bridges, forests, valleys, etc. The trails start at altitude on a flat pathway to high altitudes with a rocky, snowy and steep pathway. Thus, its difficulty varies from moderate to difficult level. But, there are some differences in terms of climate, weather and trail structure. December has extremely cold weather with frequent snow falls at higher altitudes leaving a thick snowy pathway; thus makes the trekking very difficult as compared to others. 

How is accommodation in Khumbu Region in December?

Accommodation is better in the Khumbu region in December as compared to peak seasons. Most hotels, lodges and tea houses are empty or have low visitors due to off-seasons. So, it will be a great opportunity for trekkers like you to get well-accommodated rooms at reliable rates as you have too many options.

Is it required to hire a guide of EBC trek in December?

It depends on how experienced you are. But we suggest you have a guide on your journey as they can be very helpful. Even experienced trekkers hire guides as they know a lot of things which they are not aware of. Guides can take you places which you didn't know about, they will interact you to the local people and even in emergency cases they will help you and save your life. Thus, hire a guide while having Everest Base Camp Trek in December. 

Do we need to have porter while trekking to Everest Base Camp in December?

Yes, you need to have a porter on your EBC journey. If you didn’t take them then you have to carry your heavy bags to EBC which is impossible for you to do. Trails in December are full of snow, which makes walking very difficult while carrying heavy loads. 

Porters have to experiences of carrying heavy loads and walking over these difficult routes. Besides that, Tourism is the main source of income in this region. So, if you take porters then you are providing jobs to these people. 

Recommended Everest Trekking in December

Everest view trek.

This Everest View Trek in December is a special Everest package who want to experience Mt.Everest with a light adventure of trekking. Your last stop is Tengboche, land to the largest monastery of Khumbu districts. 

Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour

One of the best holiday packages in the World as well as Nepal. This EBC Helicopter tour is the easiest and shortest way to reach the base camp of World’s Tallest Mountain, Mt.Everest. Within a couple of hours, you reach the kingdom of Himalayas.

Everest Gokyo Lake Trek

This wonderful trek takes you to the lap of unexplored and unspoiled Gokyo Valley. This valley has a remote village of Gokyo and beautiful Gokyo Lake located aside of the largest glacier of Nepal, Ngozumpa Glacier. On this trek, you pass through one of the Three High Passes of Everest Region, Cho La Pass (5,420m).

Everest High Pass Trek

It is one of the most difficult and challenging trekking routes in Nepal that passes through the Three High Passes of Everest Region. They are Kongma La Pass (5,528m), Cho La Pass (5,420m), Renjo La Pass (5,435m).  

Phaplu Everest Base Camp Trek

Reaching EBC has many approaches among them Phaplu is one of the popular ones. It is considered safe, length, adventurous, oldest, etc. Those who want to skip the Lukla flight then trekking from the beautiful village of Phaplu is the best. As  trails from Phaplu passes through wonderful valleys, forests, remote ethnic villages, stony pathways, bridges, and more. 

You might think of extreme coldness, accommodation, safety, which are the reason to back off you from trekking to Everest Base Camp in Winter . For them, please do read our blog or contact us for more details. Otherwise, you can interact with people who have done Everest Base Camp Trek in December. From their reviews, they say Trekking to Mount Everest Base Camp in December is one of the best trips they have taken in their lifetime on a peaceful trail to EBC.  

  • Trekking in Nepal

Nepal Everest base camp

Established in 2017, Everest Base Camp Trekking has been managed by a team of 25 plus members. It is the best trekking in all of Nepal. Our tour package comes with the most unforgettable experience of them and if you are seeking a quality service, then the Nepal Everest Base Camp trekking company also gives top-class service too, experienced guides and other needed necessary things that are needed for trekking.

Our company provides quality package in all of Nepal. Trekking to us is like taking a visit to a mountain museum. We are also the specialist organizers for the Everest region trekking packages. We also organize  Everest base camp trek, Everest High Passes Trekking, Everest Circuit Trekking, Jiri Everest Base Camp Trekking, Everest Panorama (View) Trekking, Island Peak via Everest Base Camp Trek, and organized other tour and travels packages all over Nepal. Our other sister company is Nepal Hiking Adventure Company Pvt. Ltd.

 We at Nepal We at Base Camp Trekking Company will offer you the land of the high Himalayas, raging glacial rivers, deep valleys, dense jungles, culture which is rich at age old traditions. Providing value-added services to the guest and travelers who come to experience our small and pretty country with a cultural and religious way of life as it was for centuries.

Nepal Everest Base Camp Trekking Company has the team of experienced staff and with logistic support, always serving to provide you at the very best. Apart from running the trekking in Nepal and other adventure sports in Nepal.  Also providing opportunities like employment and redistribution of income in the remote corners of the country. We will also guide you to experience all that is special about the natural beauty of Nepal and other Himalayan regions, scenic mountain views, vibrant religious festivals, vibrant cultural traditions, Long Treks in Nepal, Short trek in Nepal and most importantly, the charm and gracious hospitality for the people.

We are the ones to open the doors of this hidden treasure for the Himalaya and its beauty to you and bid you welcome in our humble nation. Come and join and try us once for your lifetime dream destination and to be away from this modernization world and your hectic schedules of life, offering you with unparallel exotic holiday spot, varieties of thrills to all sort of travelers. From Mountain expeditions and Trekking, -Jungle Safari, Mountain Biking, Cultural Tour, Rafting and many more excursions are also popular in the cool Himalayan glacial rivers, and has also visiting traditional rural villages at the backdrop of the great Himalayan range to Rafting the whitewater with scenic float in the glacial rivers and stay safe in the comfort of the Jungle Resorts and ideal wilderness at one of the world's most famed National Parks.

Our team at Nepal Hiking Camp Trekking is led by our able leader and manging director Mr. Bishnu Lamsal and His Team a native of Nepal Himalaya and tourism experts have organized and has guided numerous adventure trips in the Himalayan region that also include Bhutan and Tibet since 1999 AD. At present Mr. B. Lamsal with the Company has organizing trekking, and leisure trips including special made itineraries for family, mini groups of small students and also large corporate executives. Running trips at the scenic, cultural routes also providing absolute wilderness away from the main trails giving a new experience to the valuable clients along with his company warm hospitality. We have them all for you to experience and to your delight your mind and senses.

Besides Mr Bishnu Lamsal, we have Sanjay Lamsal who is our general manger, our trekking guides are Seresh Shrestha,  Sudakar Rijal, Yak Pu Sherpa and Ram Krishna Dhakal who is our experienced trek, tour operator and trekking guide.

Why Choose Us?

  • We have conducted several trekking, climbing and our expedition programs has more than 100 peaks and trails there off.
  • We have a success rate that reached up to 98 percent which is unheard in Nepalese market.
  • Our team has also participated in the Dhaulagiri Base Camp Clean up Campaign that has removed tin, glass, batteries, left overs by the trekkers. The team has also cleaned up Annapurna Clean Up Campaign.
  •  We are growing in our business and we strive hard to deliver in our promise. Our dedicated staff member is totally in providing our client with topmost quality service.
  • Apart from providing packages, we are also committed in giving it back to society. We support Childcare center Nepal. CCN is the non-government, non-profit organization and to educate and caring for Nepal children who were orphaned during Nepal civil war.
  • Nepal Hiking Adventure Company also trains our local staff so the communities benefit our tremendous effort. Many of our guides has worked for more than 10 years and they are best in the business.

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Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Everest Base Camp Trek in December
  • Apr 15, 2020
  • Index Adventure

Everest Base Camp Trek is a dream trek for most of the adventures around the world. Why not be? After all, it is the adventurous journey to the base camp of the world's highest peak, Mt Everest(8,848m).

Until now, the thousands of the trekkers have successfully completed Everest Base Camp Trek during various periods of the year. But still, there is a dilemma about Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Is it possible? Is it safer? We’ll make this clear here on this article.

December is the first month of the Winter season and it is obvious that this month is colder. But, being the initial month this month showcases some characteristics of last season also, i.e. Autumn season. So, people trekking in early December can get the experience of two seasons, i.e. Autumn and Winter season.

Yes, this month is a bit more difficult than the other peak months. Keeping the cold temperature aside, the December month has so much to offer. The peaceful trails, clear and unobstructed views, no rainfalls are some of the perks of December month.

When most of the trekkers hear December, they only think of the extreme temperature and snowfalls. They don't look at the positive sides of December

Yes, December does not provide warm trekking temperatures like the months of Autumn and Spring .

But it provides a serene and peaceful environment. With proper preparation and clothing, the Everest Base Camp Trek during December is possible.

You’ll get to experience that Everest Base Camp journey which most trekkers are missing out.

Read this full article to find answers of:

  • Why do Everest Base Camp Trek during December?
  • How is the weather of Everest Base Camp Trek during December?
  • What are the difficulties of Everest Base Camp Trek during December?
  • What things to pack on for Everest Base Camp Trek during December?
  • What are the essential tips for trek to Everest Base Camp in December?
  • What are the alternative trips for Everest Base Camp Trek during December?

Highlights of Everest Base Camp Trek

  • Peaceful trekking environment in the trails of Everest Base Camp
  • Retrace the footprints of pioneers of Mt. Everest
  • Explore the unique culture and traditions of mighty Sherpas
  • Get the once in a lifetime Everest region experience at Everest Base Camp(5380m)
  • Breathtaking sunrise and mountains view from Kala Patthar(5,643m)
  • Awe-inspiring panoramic and clear views of Mt Everest, Mt Lhotse, Mt Ama Dablam, Mt Nuptse, etc
  • Enjoy the welcoming hospitality of rural Nepali peoples

Table of Contents

Weather and temperature of everest base camp trek in december.

December is the first month of the coldest Winter season in Nepal. With the arrival of December, the temperature around the Everest region starts to drop to the freezing level. As we know, the higher regions like Everest Base Camp are cold throughout the year.

The matter is sometimes it’s colder and sometimes it’s less cold. And, December is the first month of the Winter season, it is sure the temperature drops extremely. The lower regions of Everest Base Camp Trek are less colder than the higher regions.

Let’s see each of the stops and their temperature of the Everest Base Camp Trek in December:

Altitude : 2,829m

Max Temperature : 9.8°C

Min Temperature : -1.8°C

Average Temperature : 4°C

Namche Bazaar

Altitude :3,463m

Max Temperature : 7.6°C

Min Temperature : -6.5°C

Average Temperature : 0.5°C

Altitude : 4,910m

Max Temperature : 1.1°C

Min Temperature : -16.4°C

Average Temperature : -7.7°C

Altitude : 5,180m

Max Temperature : 0°C

Min Temperature : -17.8°C

Average Temperature : -8.9°C

The above data shows the temperatures of popular destinations you go through during the  Everest Base Camp Trek . As you can see that with the increase in elevation the temperature has also decreased. So, Elevation and temperature work oppositely in the higher region. The morning and night times are the coldest throughout the 24 hours.

The average nighttime temperature is around -14°C. But the daytime temperature of December’s day is bearable and pleasant to walk. The precipitation level is very low, around 3mm , which means very low chances of rainfall and overcast conditions. No rainfall provides dry trails, clear skies, and clear mountain views.

If you are thinking of Everest Base Camp Trek in December, don't go anywhere, we have the best package for you. Just contact us .

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Why do Everest Base Camp Trek in December?

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Very Low Precipitation level

Rainfall and overcloud conditions are the two head-aching things for any of the trekkers. Due to rainfalls, the trails become slippery and muddy, the mountain views get obstructed and the possibility of landslides. To say all this, rainfall is not a good sign for trekking.

However, the December month is the driest month of all with very low precipitation levels. You’ll enjoy dry trails, clear skies and unobstructed mountain views throughout the December month.

Awesome visibility

The clear and awesome visibility of the Everest region is the major perks of Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Due to the low level of rainfall , the views are crystal clear without fogs and clouds. Walking just under the clear skies towards the mountains by enjoying the crystal-clear view of surroundings, is the kind of trekking experience you will get in the month of December.

December is the first month after the departure of the peak Autumn season. So, if you will trek in early December, you will get to experience some remaining shades of the Autumn season as well.

Peaceful Trails

December is the first month of the Winter season which is considered as the off-season for Everest Base Camp Trek . Due to this understanding among people, the trails of Everest Base Camp Trek in December are emptier and peaceful than ever.

You can just walk on your own just the way you want, no disturbance and nor crowd. By the way, walking in the peaceful trails of the Everest region is far more explorative than the crowded trails. Just you and the beautiful surrounding, nothing else.

Easy accommodations

Finding the choice of accommodations in the Everest region is just impossible during the Autumn and Spring season. Due to the peak trekking time, the lodges and teahouses are packed with the abundant trekkers. But that is not the case in December, you can easily get the accommodation of your pick and preferences. During December, the Everest region doesn’t see much of the trekkers which results in empty lodges. So, you will get discounts on accommodations and meals. The lodging areas are also empty which means you can enjoy your meal peacefully.

Easy Flight Tickets

During December you don’t need to panic too much for the flight tickets. The tickets are easily available, no need for advance booking. Due to off-season, the flights to Lukla are mostly empty which is a rare thing to happen. If you are here during any months of Autumn or Spring season then only you will know the stress of the Lukla tickets. Seeing that, December is far relaxing and stress-free in the case of flight tickets.

Everest Base Camp Trek Difficulties in December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Trekking Distance

Everest Base Camp Trek is a moderate rated trek which covers the total distance of 130km in a round trip. On the normal 12-days itinerary , you have to walk for 9 days out of total with a distance of 15km per day . The trekking trails are not flat rather they are bumpy sometimes up and sometimes down. Due to these rough trekking terrain, it will be difficult to cover the targeted distance in a day. This difficulty is not only for Everest Base Camp Trek in December it is for all months and seasons. But with prior training and good preparation, the Everest Base Camp Trek is not that difficult as it seems.

Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is a challenging part of Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Everest Base Camp Trek is a high altitude trek that takes you to the mountains-touching altitudes of Everest Base Camp(5,364m) and Kala Patthar(5,643m) . Everyone is not used to higher altitudes like the locals.

You will see regular changes in altitudes every next day and the human body needs a certain time to adjust with new altitudes. Altitude sickness can hit you anytime and anywhere in Everest Base Camp Trek. Altitude sickness can get dangerous in case of no emergency treatment.

Shorter Days

Days of December are shorter than the normal days. Shorter days increase trekking pressure in the trekker mind, you have to walk a bit faster to reach the overnight destinations. Everest Base Camp Trek is a moderate trek with 5 to 8 hours of trekking per day . Hence, the short days of December can add pressure to the already existing difficulties of Everest Base Camp Trek in December.

Unexpected Snowfalls

December is the month of the Winter season, the coldest season of all. So, there can be unexpected snowfalls in the higher regions. The snowfall makes the trail difficult to walk on. The thick snow layer on the trails is slippery to trek on without the snow gears. The snowfalls can even block the entire route sometimes.

Cold temperature

The temperature of the Everest regions during December is colder than ever. Higher regions are mostly under zero degrees celsius . The cold and chilly temperatures can cause some serious problems also. The morning and night hours are the coldest ones.

Essential tips for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Do physical training.

Join physical and mental training several months before the trek date. Everest Base Camp trek is a moderate rated trek that demands 5 to 8 hours of a daily walk. The trails also consist of regular ascents and descents. To walk for long-duration making ascents and descents is not an easy thing to do. Hence, cardio training like swimming, cycling, hiking, running can boost your pain endurance level. And, the stronger your endurance level the easier it will be the Everest Base Camp Trek.

Acclimatize yourself

Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the highest altitude treks. You will encounter regular changes in altitudes which can cause altitude sickness. To avoid altitude sickness you need to acclimate yourself with the new altitudes. So, take one or two off days for acclimatization during the trek for adjusting with the high altitudes.

Stay Hydrated

A hydrated body is very less prone to altitude sickness. So while trekking it is very important to keep your body hydrated. To hydrate your body, drink water regularly with certain breaks. Avoid alcohol and smoke as they dehydrate your body.

Take breaks

Walking rapidly without the breaks and pause can cause altitude sickness. So, it is better to slow down your trekking speed and rest for a while. Taking breaks will recharge your tired body hence increasing your trekking speed as well. But, don’t pause for too long.

Start early

Days of December are shorter in comparison to other days of the year. And you have to cover around 10 to 15 km per day in Everest Base Camp Trek. So, with the shorter days you will have a short period to trek. Hence, it is suggested to start early in mornings to reach the overnight destination before nightfall. But remember that, the first hours of the days are a bit colder than the day time. So, you have to wear warm clothes to avoid the cold during the morning.

Get Travel insurance

Travel insurance is very handy during the high altitude treks. It can happen anything during the trek for example, injuries, accidents or maybe altitude sickness. So, travel insurance covers all the cost and expenses of these incidents. Also, in case of altitude sickness it also covers the cost of emergency helicopter rescue.

Backpack wisely

Backpacking is one of the important things to consider while Everest Base Camp Trek in December. December is a cold month and you have to pack accordingly. You have to pack warm and thick clothes to bear the harsh temperature of Everest region. So pack all the layering clothes to keep your body warm. Also, don't miss out on the snow gears that can come handy in snowy trails. We have one full heading for the packing list for Everest Base Camp Trek in December, read that full guide and pack your bag appropriately.

Get experienced guide and porters

Having the experienced guide on trips like Everest Base Camp is very helpful. Everest Base Camp Trek in December can see some harsh weather turnarounds like snowfall. So in such situations, an experienced guide can direct the safe way. Don't miss out on porters as they carry your heavy bags on trek. Everest Base Camp Trek is a long and tiring journey, it is difficult to trek with a heavy bag on your back. So, this is where porters come friendly.

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Additional tips for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Wear right gears while trekking
  • Carry some extra jackets and sleeping bags
  • Re-check all the bag items to make sure you have packed all the essentials
  • Be up-to-date with temperature, snowfalls before deciding the trek date
  • Walk confidently with a passion to complete the trek
  • Let the animals like yak, donkeys go ahead, give them way
  • Carry some energy bars, dry foods and energy drinks with you
  • Don't get panic on having altitude sickness symptoms, it is normal in high altitude treks

Packing List for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Sun hat or cap
  • Warm hat or cap
  • Sunglasses(UV)
  • Hiking T-shirts
  • Light thermal tops
  • Fleece jacket
  • Down jacket
  • Pullovers or sweaters
  • Fleece windshield jacket
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Inner layer gloves
  • Warm outer-layer gloves
  • Waterproof outer layer gloves
  • Breathable undergarments
  • Light trekking pants
  • Warm trousers/ pants
  • Water/windproof pants
  • Light inner socks
  • Warm trekking socks
  • Strong trekking shoes with spare laces
  • Sport shoes
  • Sandals or flip flops


  • Sleeping bag(-10C)
  • Headtorch with extra batteries
  • Trekking Bags/Duffel bag
  • Day Backpack
  • First Aid Kit
  • Extra plastic bags
  • Trekking sticks
  • Water bottles
  • Quick drying towel
  • Toothbrush and Toothpaste
  • Soap and Shampoos
  • Deodorants/Body spray
  • Face/Body Moisturizing cream
  • Wet wipes/tissues
  • Toilet papers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Female toiletries products

Miscellaneous (optional)

  • Playing cards
  • Pillow case

Other Possible treks of Everest Region in Early December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Base Camp Trek is not the only option available during December to explore the beauty of Everest region. We have several other packages that are equally adventurous and worthy as Everest Base Camp trek.

Gokyo Valley Trek

Trip Facts:

Duration: 13 days & 12 nights | Trip Difficulty: Moderate | Max Altitude: 5,483m |

Group Size : 2 to 16 pax | Price: USD 1210 per person

Gokyo Valley Trek is a popular trekking destination of the Everest region. This trek takes you to the one of the most beautiful valleys of Nepal, Gokyo Valley. The Gokyo Ri(5483m) is the major attraction of this trek, you will get to climb it. Other than this, the trek has ample mountain views, terrain views,and cultural explorations.

The main highlights of Gokyo Valley Trek are as below:

  • Scenic Lukla flights
  • Exploration of Sherpa’s unique culture, lifestyles and hospitality
  • Scaling the Gokyo Ri(5483m)
  • Walking through wonderful landscapes and alpine forests
  • Entering the UNESCO site Sagarmatha National Park
  • Various Gokyo glacier lakes
  • Breathtaking views of Mt Everest, Mt Cho Oyu, Mt Lhotse, Mt Makalu

For a detailed overview and Itinerary of this trip or for customization and booking, click this link: Gokyo Valley Trek

  • Mount Everest 3 High Pass Trek

Duration: 21 days & 20 nights | Trip Difficulty: Strenuous | Max Altitude: 5,545m |

Group Size : 2 to 16 pax | Price: USD 1950 per person

Mount Everest 3 High Pass Trek is also one of the popular trekking options in the Everest region. This trek is longest of all with 21 days & 20 nights which takes you to three high pass of the Everest region, i.e. Renjola Pass(5435m), Chola Pass(5420m), Kongma La Pass(5535m) . This is one of the most challenging and adventurous treks in Nepal. Specially designed for the adventure-seekers.

The main highlights of Mount Everest 3 High Pass Trek are as below:

  • Scenic flights from Kathmandu to Lukla and vice versa
  • Ascending the three passes: Renjola Pass, Chola Pass, and Kongma La Pass
  • Hiking to the top of Gokyo Ri
  • Exploration of unique Himalayan lifestyle and culture
  • Visiting ancient and famous Tengboche Monastery
  • Trekking through world highest glacier, i.e. Khumbu glacier
  • Viewing the Mt Everest from Kala Patthar(5,545m)
  • Breathtaking gokyo lakes

For detailed overview and Itinerary of this trip or for customization and booking, click this link: Mount Everest 3 High Pass Trek

Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter return

Duration: 9 days & 8 nights | Trip Difficulty: Moderate | Max Altitude: 5,555m |

Group Size : 2 to 16 pax | Price: USD 2800 per person

Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter return is a combination of Helicopter ride and trek. This trek is designed with one way via trek and other way via Helicopter ride. It is very suitable to those who don't have much time for the round trip of Everest Base Camp Trek. Within 9 days , you will experience all of the Everest region, i.e. air flights to Lukla, trekking from Lukla to EBC, and helicopter return to Kathmandu. This trek is best to avoid the long homecoming trek and also for Everest Base Camp trek in December.

The main highlights of Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter return are as below:

  • Scenic flights from Kathmandu to Lukla
  • Dining at the World highest placed hotel, Everest View Hotel
  • Panoramic views of Everest region mountains from Kala Patthar
  • Trekking through Khumbu glacier and icefall
  • Exploring the culture and lifestyles of unique Sherpas
  • Adventurous and scenic helicopter return from Kala Patthar(5545m) to Kathmandu

For detailed overview and Itinerary of this trip or for customization and booking, click this link: Everest Base Camp Trek with Helicopter return

  • Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Duration: 1 day | Trip Difficulty: Easy | Max Altitude: 5,555m |

Group Size : 1 to 5 pax | Price: USD 1100 to 1500 per person

Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour is the easiest option of all to experience the Everest region. This tour takes just 1 day to complete. So, within 12 hours you will reach Everest Base Camp to enjoy the views and return to Kathmandu. This luxurious adventure is designed for those who don't have much time to do the entire Everest Base Camp Trek. And, this tour is possible throughout the year only depending upon the immediate weather.

The main highlights of Everest Base Camp Trek Helicopter Tour are as below:

  • Scenic 1 hour Lukla flight from Kathmandu
  • Lukla to Kala Patthar Helicopter ride
  • Breathtaking mountain views from Kala Patthar and Everest Base Camp
  • Dining at one of the highest placed hotels, Everest View Hotel
  • Short cultural explorations of locals at Lukla

For detailed overview and Itinerary of this trip or for customization and booking, click this link: Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour

“Everest Base Camp Trek in December is impossible” this is just a myth among the people. In reality, the trek to Everest Base Camp in December is possible. Yeah, it is a bit more difficult than the other periods of the year. But remember that “Difficult road often leads to beautiful destinations”. The same is with the December month, the Everest Base Camp Trek in December is a peaceful natural experience.

Related Trips you may like:

  • 8 days Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Everest View Trek - 7 Days

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Index Adventure Pvt. Ltd.

Nepal Guide Treks & Expedition – Hiking & Peak Climbing Agency

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

The beautiful Everest Base Camp is a dream destination for trekkers all around the world. This incredible trek is ideal throughout the year. While December falls off-season and Everest base camp trek in December is still a great time to trek the Himalayan trails. Trekkers will get to travel in a tranquil atmosphere without any crowded trails in December.

However, the latter part of December can get quite cold, so it is not recommended for the trek. Hence, you should trek in the early part of the month for an outstanding adventure. December is perfect for budget travelers and backpackers as the facilities are available at a bargain price.

The weather remains dry in the season, but the weather gets cold when the sun goes down. Thus, the trekkers must prepare with proper clothing and trekking gear. The trails get quiet and peaceful in the winter, which means trekkers will have a great time exploring the region.

Besides that, you will also get to observe the region’s cultural landscapes. There are local settlements of the Sherpa and Tibetan communities along the trails. Their unique heritage, including landmarks like monasteries, gompas, and small Chortens are the highlights of this journey.

Overall, the beautiful winter Trekking Everest Base Camp in December is a pleasant experience. Want to know more about this trek? Read further for the complete details regarding Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Happy Traveling!

Check our Everest base camp trek package . You might also like the short Everest base camp trek package .

Highlights of the Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Magical Himalayan sunrises from Kaala Patthar and other viewpoints
  • The awe-inspiring views of snow-clad mountains, including Mount Everest, Ama Dablam, Lobuche, Nuptse, Lhotse, and others
  • Gorgeous trails consisting of forest, waterfalls, Lakes, glaciers, and others
  • The warm hospitality and welcome from the locals
  • Experiencing the winter atmosphere of the Everest region
  • Tasting the delicacies of the Nepalese people
  • Cultural exploration of the rich heritage, tradition, and lifestyle of the local community

Weather Conditions of the Everest region in December

December is a beautiful month for trekking adventures in the winter season. However, the weather can get quite extreme in late December. The temperature gradually drops down this month. The lower region trails are less cold, but as you move high up along the route, you can experience freezing conditions.

Moreover, the temperatures in Lukla, which is the starting point of the trek, are around 8-10 degrees celsius. However, by the time you arrive at the Gorakshep and Everest Base Camp, you can experience average temperatures of around -8 to -10 degrees celsius. The nighttime temperatures can drop even lower.

However, the daytime temperatures make it perfect for trekking in challenging conditions. As you move your body, it heats up, and you can trek with ease. Moreover, the average precipitation is around 3mm, which leads to dry trails and minimal chances of rainfall. You can walk observing the snow-clad mountains in the clear skies.

everest base camp trek

The Difficulty Level of the EBC Trek in December

The trek to Everest Base Camp is moderately challenging throughout the year. The difficulty level rises in the off-season of winter and monsoon. The first challenge is altitude sickness. This acute mountain sickness remains prevalent among trekkers. Trekkers will gain significant altitude in a short period. Besides, there are low oxygen levels and air pressure in the atmosphere which makes trekkers prone to altitude sickness.

Hence, trekkers will need to acclimatize and rest well between their treks to tackle this problem. Each day on the way, they should hydrate regularly with 3 to 4 liters of water. Moreover, they should trek gently and not gain more than 500 meters in altitude. Besides that, you should also sleep at a lower elevation point than the maximum point covered during the course.

This itinerary has two acclimatization days to explore the beautiful region while adapting to the high altitude. Another such difficulty is the terrain that passes through uphills and downhills regularly. Various trails are pretty difficult to pass through, even for experienced trekkers. For this reason, you should train well with physical and mental exercises.

A professional guide is essential to avoid getting lost, injured, and other emergencies. Besides, trekkers will also need to stay in some local teahouses. These tea houses are not fancy and only contain the bare minimum of meals and accommodation facilities. Trekkers will need to adapt and accommodate themselves in these basic facilities.

Moreover, the weather remains challenging this season as the temperature gradually drops throughout the month. Since December is the first winter month, the mornings and the early nights are pretty cold. The trekkers will experience unpredictable fluctuating weather in the high altitudes. Overall, trekkers need to be well prepared before going on this Everest Base Camp Trek in December.

Essential Tips for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Trek early so that you will have plenty of time to reach your destination
  • Hydrate well with 3 to 4 liters of water per day
  • Rest sufficiently between your treks
  • Acclimatize and adapt to the changing conditions
  • Carry snacks to eat along the way so that you will remain charged
  • Get yourself proper travel insurance before the trek
  • Get appropriate trekking clothing and gears for the trek
  • Trek gently so that you will not get drained out between the trek
  • Trek only 500 meters in altitude each day before resting
  • Book all your facility for the route in advance, like meals and accommodation
  • Hire trekking guides and porters required
  • Do not trek after dark in the remote trails
  • Always do proper background checks on guides and porters
  • Get yourself knowledge of the trek through the internet, veteran trekkers, etc

Training for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December

A rigorous training regime is an essential aspect of the Everest Base Camp trek in December. The incredible foothills of the Everest region pass through strenuous trails. There you will have to climb at a constant pace for long hours. These trails can drain you out and cause fatigue quite easily. The risk of injuries and cramps along the route is relatively high. Hence, trekkers need to train well for the trek to avoid them.

These training regimes should include multiple physical exercises that build your strength and stamina. Besides that, aerobics or cardiovascular exercises are also important because they will help you gain flexibility. It will help you reduce these minor injuries and help you breathe in low Oxygen and air pressure conditions. Hence, these exercises are an integral part of this trekking journey.

Last but not least, mental stability along these treks is essential as well. The mental exercises prepare you for the challenging hike and keep your mind positive and stable throughout the route. This helps you immensely to continue through the higher altitude train. Even if you are physically strong, you must have the mental strength to pull this trek off. Overall you should focus on these training exercises a couple of weeks ahead. This whole process will get you accustomed to the tough conditions.

everest base camp trek in december

Why Take The Everest Base Camp Trek in December?

Incredible mountain views.

The high-altitude trek offers awe-inspiring views of the mountain peaks. Moreover, the Himalayas of the Everest region remain unparalleled to any other natural landmarks in the world.

Various viewpoints like Kala Pathar provide you with sweeping views of the snow-covered mountains. Besides that, the gorgeous sunrise and sunset views make this trek even more special. You can capture these unforgettable moments on your camera.

Exciting trekking adventure

The primary aspect of this Everest Base Camp region is the beautiful and adventurous trekking adventure. The trek is through challenging landscapes, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for trekkers to explore the foothills of the Himalayas. The Himalayan foothills are quite rugged and pass through diverse natural terrains, including green hills, grasslands, glaciers, lakes, and waterfalls.

Diverse cultural exploration

As with other treks in the country, the Everest Base Camp Trek is also cultural. You can find settlements of the local people even at the high altitude. Along with the settlements, you can find Buddhist landmarks like prayer wheels, flags, and stones carved in Tibetan prayers.

You can learn about this ancient culture inspired by Tibetan Buddhism and interact with the locals with the help of a professional trekking guide. And this knowledge will help you learn about the region’s civilization and history. Therefore, it is quite a highlight of this trekking adventure.

Wildlife exploration

Various opportunities for wildlife exploration are also present in this Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Trekkers will get to observe rare and endangered wildlife species, including Himalayan Tahrs, black bears, dance, etc. However, you will find it hard to see them in the latter part of the month because they generally Hibernate in winter.

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Package 3 Days Everest View Trek Using Helicopter 7 Days Langtang Valley Short Trek Ama Dablam Expedition Annapurna Base Camp Trek Annapurna Base Camp Trek with Helicopter Annapurna Base Camp Trek with Mardi Himal Annapurna Circuit Trek Annapurna Panorama Short Trek Annapurna Sanctuary Trek Bardia National Park Baruntse Expedition Bhutan Cultural Tour Bird Watching Tour in Nepal CHULU EAST PEAK CLIMBING Chulu Far East Peak Climbing Chulu West Peak Climbing Climbing Island Peak Dhampus Peak Climbing Dhaulagiri Circuit Trek Dhaulagiri High Pass Trek Dhorpatan Jumla Trek Dolpo Helicopter Tour Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour (Flyover) Everest Base Camp Short Trek Everest Base Camp Trek - 14 Days Everest Photography Tour Everest Three Passes Trek Everest View Trek Gokyo Cho La Pass with Everest Base Camp Trek Gokyo Lake Trek Gokyo Renjo La Pass Trek Gokyo to Everest Base Camp with Island Peak Gosainkunda Lake Trek Himlung Himal Expedition Honeymoon Tour Nepal India Bhutan and Nepal Tour India, Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet Tour Island Peak Climbing with EBC Kanchenjunga Circuit Trek Kathmandu Valley Sightseeing Khopra Ridge/Danda Trek Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve Langtang Ganja La Pass Trek Langtang Gosainkunda Trek Langtang Helambu Trekking Langtang Valley Trek Larkya Peak Climbing Lhasa EBC Kathmandu Biking Tour Lobuche Peak Climbing Lower Dolpo Trek Lower Manaslu EcoTrek Lower Mustang Trek Makalu High Pass Trek Makalu Trek with Sherpani Col Manaslu Circuit and Tsum Valley Trek Manaslu Circuit Trek Manaslu Expedition Manaslu Larke Pass Trek Manaslu Short Trek Mardi Himal And Khopra Danda Trek Mardi Himal Peak Climbing Mardi Himal Trek - 5 Days Mera and Island Two Peak Climb Mera Island & Lobuche: Three Peak Climb Mera Peak Climbing Mera Peak Hinku Valley Trek Mera Peak via Arun Valley Mount Kailash Tour via Lhasa Mt Annapurna Expedition Mt Everest Expedition Mustang Helicopter Tour Nar Phu Valley Tilicho Lake Trek Nar Phu Valley Trek Naya Kanga Peak Climbing Nepal Bhutan Tour Nepal Holiday Tour Nepal Pilgrimage Tour Nepal Tibet Bhutan Tour Nepal Tour Nirekha Peak Climbing Parchamo Peak Climbing Photography Tour In Nepal Pikey Peak Trail Pisang Peak Climbing Pumori Expedition Rara Lake Trek Rolwaling Tashi Lapcha Pass Trek Ruby Valley Trek Short Tour Nepal Short Tour to Lhasa Tibet Singu Chuli Peak Climbing Tamang Heritage Trail With Langtang valley Tharpu Chuli Peak Climbing Three Peak Climbing: Island Peak, Lobuche and Nirekha Peak Tilicho Lake Thorong la Pass Trek Tilicho Lake Trek ( Via Mesokanta La Pass ) Tsum Valley Trek Upper Dolpo Circuit Trek Upper Dolpo Trek 26 Days Itinerary Upper Mustang Mountain Biking Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Trek Upper Mustang Trek World Heritage Photography Tour in Nepal Yala Peak Climbing

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Things to Consider for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December


Trekking to EBC is a serious challenge that requires trekkers to remain fit. Hence, acclimatization is essential during the journey as it helps adapt to changing conditions. Since the trekkers will arrive at this destination in a short amount of time, they will not have proper time to adjust.

They will get to traverse the area and adapt their body to a higher altitude. This is a significant aspect of any trekking journey, and you must follow it. However, even in this acclimatization, you will hike a little to explore but won’t gain much altitude.

Trekking guides and porters

Various professional trekking guides are available to help you in multiple ways during the trial. They will help you with navigation, protect you from various external factors, and help you in case of any emergency.

So you should hire an excellent professional guide after a background check. They have the appropriate knowledge of the local place, and therefore, interacting and exploring the local region is no problem. You will get an up-close insight into the place with the help of these guides.

Porters are those who carry the trekking luggage to the tea houses. They will help you remain fit to arrive at your destination in time during the trek. Porter guides who work as both are also available. Therefore, you can hire them at a reduced price.

Trekking gears and equipment

Everest Base Camp Trek in December requires trekkers to get protected from various factors. Hence, the trekkers need proper warm clothing and trekking gear to remain safe during the trek. The cold climate, unpredictable weather, freezing temperatures, etc., are some of the challenges. If you are only planning to use these trekking gears once, you can hire them daily.

  • Travel insurance

The various risk factors in this trek are high altitude, climate, and injuries. Even if the trekkers get a slight cramp, they need to get evacuated as there are no health facilities in the region.

Hence, for these reasons, trekkers need to get these travel insurance packages before going out on the trek. Also, it must cover various factors, including those mentioned above. Besides, travel insurance also covers loss, damage, property theft, etc.

Training regime

The training Regime for the Everest Base Camp Trek includes various physical and mental exercises. The fitness level of trekkers allows them to trek comfortably even in the most strenuous terrain. Mental strength, a positive attitude, and a motivated mind are essential to complete your journey without any hassle.

Everest base camp trek in december

Outline Itinerary for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Day 1 – Flight from Kathmandu to Lukla (2,830 m.) and trek to Phakding (2,640 m).

Day 2 – Trek From Phakding to Namche Bazaar (3440m)

Day 3 – Acclimatization in Namche

Day 4 – Trek from Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3867 m)

Day 5 – Trek from Tengboche to Dingboche (4260 m)

Day 6 – Acclimatization Day in Dingboche

Day 7 – Trek from Dingboche to Lobuche (4930 m)

Day 8 – Trek from Lobuche to Gorak Shep (5170 m) and Everest Base Camp (5364 m) and return to Gorakshep.

Day 9 – Early morning hike to Kalapathar (5545 m) and trek to Pheriche (4240 m)

Day 10 – Trek from Pheriche to Namche Bazaar (3467 m)

Day 11 – Trek from Namche Bazaar to Lukla (2800 m)

Day 12 – Fly from Lukla to Kathmandu

Is Trekking Guide Necessary for Everest Base Camp Trek in December?

Professional trekking guys are an essential part of this Everest Base Camp Trek. These trekking guides help you with the various challenging aspects, including navigation. While the Everest Base Camp Trek is pretty mainstream, trekkers can get lost due to confusing routes. Therefore, these guys will help you navigate and protect you from various external factors.

They are also well equipped with first aid knowledge and safety protocol. Therefore, you will get complete protection during the trek and evacuation if necessary. Another exciting aspect of hiring a guide is that they will help you with the local language. This local knowledge is essential while interacting and dealing with the locals in the tea houses.

They also have networks around; therefore, you will get the best of these facilities and accommodations. Besides that, you will explore the cultural landscapes and learn about the region’s rich heritage. The porters take your stuff to your destination in advance. This allows you to trek freely without any burden on your back. Hence, hiring these guides and porters is essential for the Everest Base Camp Trek in December.

Typical Day in the Trek

The typical day in the Everest Base Camp Trek journey starts early in the sunrise from the tea house balcony. Trekkers can observe the gorgeous views of the sun rising from the snow-clad mountains. The weather remains clear in the morning. After that, you will complete your daily rituals and have breakfast in the teahouse, which generally includes bread, eggs, tea, and coffee.

The destination and the time duration for the day also determine the pace of the trek. You will continue till you reach a teahouse where you can have lunch. The lunch of “Dal Bhat” is very fulfilling and gives you energy for the trek. We will continue our walk by hydrating regularly and resting in between.

Don’t forget to bring snacks for the trek so that you will not remain hungry. Finally, you will arrive at the destination where you will rest and have some snacks. At around 8 p.m., you will have your dinner, which is generally Dal Bhaat. You can socialize with trekkers or occupy yourself by reading a book. You will sleep early to observe the beautiful sunrise in the morning.

Food and Accommodation for the Trek

The food and accommodation along the trail are generally in the local teahouses. The most common meals in these places include Dal, rice, cereal (pulses), vegetable, lentils, spinach, and others. These meals provide a balanced diet to avoid remaining hungry even after the taxing journey. You will get served this meal twice a day.

You can have light meals like tea and coffee with bread and eggs for breakfast. Some tea houses in the lower region also have meal facilities, including noodles, momo, thukpa, and others. Still, as you move high during your journey, you will find the facility and the menu varieties get reduced significantly.

The meal prices are pretty high because the food ingredients need to be transported on the back of a yak, donkey, or through porters. Drinking water is available in tea houses, but you should not drink the tap water directly and only drink water after purifying it by boiling or through water purification tablets.

Besides, you can carry snacks so that you do not get hungry while trekking the challenging trails of the region. Along with the meals, you will find your accommodation in the tea houses as well. The houses are pretty tiny with basic facilities of the room. In the case of the packed rooms, you’ll also have to share rooms with another trekker.

However small the facility is, the services provided by the locals will warm your heart. They provide incredible hospitality to travelers. You will get immense pleasure from staying in these tiny houses during your stay. You should, however, carry extra sleeping bags.

The weather is freezing in these conditions, especially in the latter part of December. You should prepare well for the trek with warm clothes and gear and manage your toiletries. And the toilet facilities are generally eastern squat style which means you will have to get accustomed to these facilities.

Packing List – Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Down jacket
  • Trekking pants
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Trekking shirts
  • Windproof jacket
  • Thermal wears
  • Trekking socks
  • Warm woolen cap
  • Trekking gloves
  • Trekking boots

First Aid and Toiletries

  • Anti-nauseant medication
  • Water purifying tablets
  • Insect repellent
  • Quick-dry towel
  • Toilet paper
  • Power Banks
  • Solar Charges
  • Extra Batteries
  • Local SIM card
  • Trekking Map
  • Reusable water bottles

Important documents

  • Trekking Permits

Everest Base Camp Trek in December is an ideal adventure for trekkers who love a peaceful adventure. It is an off-season trek since December lies in the winter season. The trekkers will trek through beautiful landscapes in a tranquil atmosphere without much crowd.

However, the latter part of December can get entirely freezing with chances of heavy snowfall. It would be best if you trekked in early December as far as possible. Trekkers should prepare well with proper clothing and trekking gear during this trek in December. Overall this December Trek in the Everest Base Camp region is a unique and beautiful experience.

Major Airports Nepal

Major Airports in Nepal

Food on everest base camp trek.

food on everest base camp trek

Prakash Devkota

Meet with Prakash Chandra Devkota, Managing Director and Team Leader

Mr. Devkota hails from the beautiful hilly region of Gorkha District. He started his career as a guide in 1997 and quickly became a reputed figure in the Tourism Industry because of his extensive experience. He has gathered impressive experience in all Trekking and Climbing Routes, such as Mera, Island, Lobuche, Ama Dablam etc.

His success also lies in his brilliant mind and hospitable nature. He is fully dedicated to providing excellent services and introducing innovative concepts. With more than 15 years of experience in trekking and expedition operations in Nepal, Tibet, India, and Bhutan, he has earned a reputation as a renowned leader in the field. He understands the importance of personalized service for creating memorable experiences for his clients and constantly seeks innovative company operation methods.

Mr. Devkota has always been an avid practitioner of eco-friendly tourism and has always promoted environmental conservation throughout his career. He motivates his staff to embrace eco-friendly tourism through responsible tourism practices.

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Everest Base Camp Trek in December

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13 Jan 2020 Magic Himalaya Treks

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest base camp trek in December goes from autumn season to winter season. December is the final month of the year. It is also the less popular months for trekking in Nepal as well as Everest trek. With this beginning of winter, there is still some magic remains from the autumn season to enjoy. Like in Autumn we can enjoy beautiful mountains, peace trails, and nature. As we know that Everest base camp trek is possible all the months of the year. Everest base camp trek in December is also enjoyable. During this month there is a wonderful view, accommodations as well as food. The trail does not crow. The hotel and trail are empty. So, you can enjoy nature in silence mood without any disturbance from others.

Table of Contents

 Weather for Everest base camp trek in December

The weather in December is definitely cold as well as snowy. Here is some of the temperature of places in  Everest base camp trek :

Lukla – 2829 meters elevation – average temperature 4 degree Celsius – minimum temp is -2 degree Celsius –maximum is 10 degrees Celsius.

Namche – 3444 meters elevation – average temperature 5 degree Celsius – minimum temp is -7 degree Celsius –maximum is 8 degree Celsius.

Dingbochea -4483 meters elevation – average temperature -4 degree Celsius – minimum temp is -12 degree Celsius –maximum is 3 degree Celsius.

Laubecha- 4910 meters elevation – average temperature -8 degree Celsius – minimum temp is -14 degree Celsius –maximum is 1 degree Celsius.

Gorekshap – 5180 meters elevation – average temperature -9 degree Celsius – minimum temp is -16 degree Celsius –maximum is 0 degree Celsius.

Why Everest base camp trek in December?

Few Trekkers : During December there will be few trekkers on Everest routes. It will not have any disturbance on popular viewpoints and while treks.

More choices for accommodations : During December due to fewer travelers there are many options for accommodations. You can choose from cheap to expensive accommodations according to your capacity.

Easy Lukla flights: In December we don’t have to worry about the flights. It is because only fewer people travel and there will be enough space on the plane.

Less rainfall : During December no rainfall. But there will be snow in high elevations. This will be a perfect time for snow lovers.

Clear viability : The visibility is very clear during this time. So, no problems to have a wonderful view of Himalayas vistas.

Budget-friendly : During this time there will be a low cost for rooms. So, it is very friendly for those who looking for cheap.

Magic Himalaya Treks

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

For trekkers from all over the world, the picturesque Everest Base Camp Trek is a dream destination. This fantastic hike may be done at any time of year. While December is off-season, it is still a beautiful time to travel the Himalayan mountains, especially to Everest base camp. In December, hikers will be able to enjoy a peaceful environment free of crowds.

However, because the latter half of December can be rather chilly, the walk is not suggested. As a result, for an unforgettable journey, you should trek in the first half of the month. December is ideal for budget travelers and backpackers because the amenities are inexpensive.

Mount Everest

The weather remains dry in the season, but the weather gets cold when the sun goes down. Thus, the trekkers must prepare with proper clothing and trekking gear. The trails get quiet and peaceful in the winter, which means trekkers will have a great time exploring the region.

Besides that, you will also get to observe the region’s cultural landscapes. There are local settlements of the Sherpa and Tibetan communities along the trails. Their unique heritage, including landmarks like monasteries, gompas, and small Chortens are the highlights of this journey.

Overall, trekking to Everest Base Camp in December is a spectacular winter experience. Do you want to learn more about this adventure? Continue reading for comprehensive information about the December Everest Base Camp Trek.

Highlights of Everest Base Camp Trek

  • Sunrises from Kala Patthar and other Himalayan vistas are magical.
  • Views of snow-capped mountains such as Mount Everest, Ama Dablam, Lobuche, Nuptse, Lhotse, and others are breathtaking.
  • Beautiful pathways with forests, waterfalls, lakes, glaciers, and more.
  • The warm welcome and warmth of the locals
  • Experiencing the Everest region’s winter atmosphere
  • Trying the Nepalese people’s delicacies
  • Cultural exploration of the community’s rich legacy, culture, and way of life

Weather Condition of Everest Region in December

In the winter, December is a fantastic month for trekking experiences. However, the weather in late December can be fairly harsh. This month, the temperature progressively declines. The trails in the lower regions are less frigid, but as you progress higher up the route, you may encounter freezing temperatures.

Furthermore, the temperature in Lukla, the trek’s starting point, is roughly 8-10 degrees Celsius. By the time you reach Gorakshep and Everest Base Camp, however, temperatures are expected to be around -8 to -10 degrees Celsius. Even lower temperatures are possible at night.

The daytime temperatures, on the other hand, are ideal for difficult trekking. Your body heats up as you walk, allowing you to journey with ease. Furthermore, the average rainfall is around 3mm, resulting in dry trails and little chance of rain. In clear skies, you can walk while admiring the snow-capped Alps.

The Difficulty of Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Throughout the year, the trip to Everest Base Camp is somewhat difficult. During the off-seasons of winter and monsoon, the difficulty level increases. Altitude sickness is the first obstacle. Trekkers continue to suffer from acute mountain sickness. Trekkers will gain a lot of elevation in a short amount of time. Furthermore, the climate has low oxygen levels and air pressure, making hikers susceptible to altitude sickness.

To combat this condition, trekkers will need to acclimatize and rest well in between treks. They should drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day while on the road. They should also hike slowly and not climb more than 500 meters in elevation. Furthermore, the climate has low oxygen levels and air pressure, making hikers susceptible to altitude sickness.

To combat this condition, trekkers will need to acclimatize and rest well in between treks. They should drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day while on the road. They should also hike slowly and not climb more than 500 meters in elevation. Furthermore, you should sleep at a lower level than the highest point reached during the course.

More on the difficulties of Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Two acclimatization days are included in this trip to allow you to enjoy the gorgeous region while adjusting to the high altitude. Another obstacle is the topography, which frequently travels through uphills and downhills. Even experienced trekkers will find certain trails challenging to navigate. As a result, you should engage in rigorous physical and mental training.

A competent guide is required to avoid becoming lost, wounded, or experiencing other problems. In addition, hikers will need to overnight in local teahouses. These tea houses aren’t luxurious and just offer the absolute essentials in terms of food and lodging. Trekkers will have to adjust and make do with these primitive facilities.

Furthermore, the weather this season remains tough, as the temperature progressively declines throughout the month. Because December is the first month of the winter season, the mornings and early evenings are bitterly chilly. In the high heights, the hikers will face unpredictably changing weather. Overall, trekkers should be properly prepared before embarking on the December Everest Base Camp Trek.

Essential Tips for Everest Base Camp Trek in December

  • Trek early in the morning to ensure you have enough time to reach your objective.
  • Drink 3 to 4 liters of water per day to stay hydrated.
  • Between trips, take enough rest.
  • Acclimate and adjust to the new environment.
  • Bring snacks to munch along the journey to keep you energized.
  • Before going on the expedition, make sure you have adequate travel insurance.
  • Prepare for the journey by purchasing adequate trekking apparel and equipment.
  • Trek slowly so that you do not become exhausted in between.
  • Each day, just climb 500 meters in altitude before resting.
  • Pre-book all of your route’s amenities, such as meals and lodging.
  • Trekking guides and porters must be hired.
  • In the distant trails, do not trek after dark.
  • Conduct thorough background checks on all guides and porters.
  • Learn about the trek through the internet, veteran trekkers, and other sources.

Training For Everest Base Camp Trek in December

The Everest Base Camp trip in December necessitates a demanding training regimen. The Everest region’s breathtaking foothills are traversed by challenging treks. There, you’ll have to ascend steadily for several hours. These pathways can quickly deplete your energy and produce weariness. Along the trip, there is a great chance of injury and cramps. As a result, trekkers must prepare thoroughly for the trek to prevent them.

Multiple physical exercises that improve strength and stamina should be included in these training regimens. Aside from that, aerobics or cardiovascular exercises are crucial because they aid with flexibility. It will assist you in reducing minor injuries and breathing in low oxygen and air pressure situations. As a result, these activities are an important aspect of this adventure.

Last but not least, mental stability is required for these treks. The mental exercises help you prepare for the difficult hike by keeping your mind positive and stable. This will assist you in completing the higher altitude training. Even if you are physically fit, you will need mental fortitude to complete this journey. Overall, you should devote a few weeks to these training routines. This entire process will acclimate you to the harsh environment.

Why Take Everest Base Camp Trek in December?

Incredible mountain view.

The high-altitude climb provides breathtaking views of the summits. Furthermore, the Himalayas of the Everest region are unlike any other natural wonder on the planet.

Various overlooks, such as Kala Pathar, offer panoramic views of the snow-capped Himalayas. Apart from that, the breathtaking sunrise and sunset vistas make this journey even more memorable. You can use your camera to capture these wonderful moments.

Exciting Trekking Experience

The gorgeous and daring hiking journey is the main feature of this Everest Base Camp region. The journey passes through difficult terrain and provides trekkers with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to discover the Himalayan foothills. The Himalayan foothills are rugged, passing through a variety of natural landscapes such as green hills, grasslands, glaciers, lakes, and waterfalls.

Diverse Cultural Experience

The Everest Base Camp Trek is culturally significant, as are other treks in the country. Even at high altitudes, local people’s settlements can be found. Buddhist landmarks such as prayer wheels, flags, and stones etched with Tibetan prayers can be found alongside the settlements.

With the guidance of a skilled trekking guide, you may learn about this ancient culture inspired by Tibetan Buddhism and connect with the people. This understanding will also assist you in learning about the civilization and history of the region. As a result, it is a high point of this trekking adventure.

Wildlife Exploration

This Everest Base Camp Trek in December also offers numerous opportunities for animal discovery. Trekkers will see Himalayan Tahrs, black bears, Danfe, and other rare and endangered wildlife species. However, because they hibernate in the winter, it will be difficult to observe them in the latter part of the month.

Things to Consider during Everest Base Camp Trek in December


Trekking to EBC is a difficult task that needs trekkers to stay in shape. As a result, acclimatization is critical during the voyage because it aids in the adaptation to changing environments. The trekkers will not have enough time to acclimate because they will reach this location in a short period.

They will have the opportunity to explore the surroundings and adjust their bodies to a greater altitude. This is a crucial part of every trekking trip, and you must adhere to it. You will, however, hike a little to explore while acclimating, although you will not gain much altitude.

Trekking Guides and Porters

Professional trekking guides are available to assist you in a variety of ways throughout the challenge. They will aid with navigation, protect from numerous external forces, and assist you in the event of an emergency.

So, after conducting a background check, you should select an exceptional expert advisor. They have the necessary understanding of the area, thus engaging and exploring the area is not a problem for them. These guides will provide you with an up-close look at the location.

Porters are responsible for transporting trekking luggage to tea houses. They’ll keep you in shape so you can make it to your destination on time. Porter guides who can serve in both capacities are also available. Therefore, you can hire them at a reduced price on the trip.

Trekking Gear and Equipment

To complete the Everest Base Camp Trek in December, trekkers must be safeguarded from a variety of hazards. As a result, hikers will require appropriate warm clothes and hiking equipment to stay safe during the trek. Some of the problems are the chilly climate, unpredictable weather, frigid temperatures, and so on. You can rent these hiking gears daily if you just want to use them once.

Travel Insurance

High altitude, environment, and injuries are all danger concerns in this expedition. Even if the hikers experience a little cramp, they must be removed because there are no medical facilities in the area.

As a result, trekkers should purchase these travel insurance packages before embarking on their journey. It must also address several factors, including those described above. Additionally, travel insurance covers loss, damage, and property theft, among other things. Some of the problems are the chilly climate, unpredictable weather, frigid temperatures, and so on. You can rent these hiking gears daily if you just want to use them once.

Training Regime

Various physical and mental activities are included in the Everest Base Camp Trek training regimen. Trekkers’ fitness permits them to journey comfortably even in the most difficult terrain. Mental toughness, a positive attitude, and a focused mind are all necessary for a successful journey.

Outlined Itinerary for Everest Base Camp Trek

Note: The following day represents the days one will be spending at the Everest Base Camp Trek .

1 – Flight from Kathmandu to Lukla (2,830 m.) and trek to Phakding (2,640 m).

2 – Trek From Phakding to Namche Bazaar (3440m)

3 – Acclimatization in Namche

4 – Trek from Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3867 m)

5 – Trek from Tengboche to Dingboche (4260 m)

6 – Acclimatization Day in Dingboche

7 – Trek from Dingboche to Lobuche (4930 m)

8 – Trek from Lobuche to Gorak Shep (5170 m) and Everest Base Camp (5364 m) and return to Gorakshep.

9 – Early morning hike to Kalapathar (5545 m) and trek to Pheriche (4240 m)

10 – Trek from Pheriche to Namche Bazaar (3467 m)

11 – Trek from Namche Bazaar to Lukla (2800 m)

12 – Fly from Lukla to Kathmandu

Trekking Guides are essential for Everest Base Camp Trek

This Everest Base Camp Trek requires the services of professional trekking guides. These trekking guides will assist you with a variety of difficult areas, such as navigation. Although the Everest Base Camp Trek is very well-known, trekkers may become disoriented due to convoluted pathways. As a result, these people will guide you and protect you from numerous external threats.

They are also knowledgeable about first aid and safety protocols. As a result, you will be fully protected throughout the walk and, if required, evacuated. Another appealing feature of hiring a guide is that they will assist you in learning the local language. When engaging and dealing with the locals in the tea shops, this local knowledge is crucial.

They also have networks, so you will have access to the best amenities and accommodations. You will also learn about the region’s rich heritage and experience cultural landscapes. Porters deliver your belongings to your location ahead of time. This allows you to trek without having to carry anything on your back. As a result, employing these guides and porters is critical for the December Everest Base Camp Trek.

Start of the Everest Base Camp Trek

The Everest Base Camp Trek adventure often begins with a sunrise from the tea house balcony. Trekkers can enjoy stunning views of the sun rising over the snow-covered mountains. In the morning, the sky remains clear. After that, you’ll finish your morning routines and go to the teahouse for breakfast, which usually consists of bread, eggs, tea, and coffee.

The trek’s pace is also determined by the destination and the duration of the day. You’ll keep walking until you reach a teahouse where you can stop for lunch. The “Dal Bhat” lunch is highly filling and provides energy for the walk. We’ll keep walking by hydrating frequently and resting in between.

Remember to bring refreshments for the hike so that you do not go hungry. You will finally arrive at your destination, where you will rest and have some food. One will eat your dinner, which is usually Dal Bhaat, around 8 p.m. You can converse with other hikers or read a book to pass the time. You will go to bed early to see the gorgeous sunrise the next morning.

Food and Accommodation During the Trek

Food and lodging are often provided by local teahouses along the walk. Dal, rice, cereal (pulses), vegetables, lentils, spinach, and other dishes are common in these areas. These meals provide a well-balanced diet, ensuring that you don’t go hungry even after a long journey. This lunch will be offered twice a day.

Breakfast can consist of small meals such as tea and coffee with bread and eggs. Noodles, momo, thukpa, and other dishes are available at some tea shops in the lower region. Even yet, as you progress further on your voyage, the facilities and menu variety will be drastically diminished.

Because the food items must be brought on the back of a yak, donkey, or by porters, the meal expenses are quite costly. In tea shops, drinking water is provided, but you should not drink it straight from the tap; instead, purify it by boiling or using water purification tablets.

You can also bring snacks with you so you don’t get hungry while hiking the region’s difficult routes. The tea houses will also provide you with lodging in addition to food. The houses are quite small, with only the most basic of amenities. In the case of overcrowding, you may be forced to share a room with another trekker.

The services offered by the people will melt your heart, no matter how little the facility is. They treat visitors with wonderful kindness. During your trip, staying in these modest houses will provide you with a great deal of enjoyment. However, you should bring extra sleeping bags.

In these conditions, the temperature is bitterly cold, especially in late December. You should pack warm clothes and supplies for the hike and keep track of your toiletries. Furthermore, the toilet facilities are typically eastern squat style, which means you’ll have to get used to them.

Packing List for Everest Base Camp Trek in Nepal

  • Trekking shirts
  • Windproof jacket
  • Thermal wears
  • Trekking socks
  • Warm woolen cap
  • Trekking gloves
  • Trekking boots
  • Down jacket
  • Trekking pants
  • Waterproof jacket

First aid and Toiletries

  • Quick-dry towel
  • Toilet paper
  • Anti-nauseant medication
  • Water purifying tablets
  • Insect repellent
  • Solar Charges
  • Extra Batteries
  • Local SIM card
  • Trekking Map
  • Reusable water bottles
  • Power Banks
  • Important Document
  • Trekking Permits
  • Travel insurance

Last but not the Least

The Everest Base Camp Trek in December is great for those seeking a calm trip. Since December falls during the winter season, this is an off-season excursion. The hikers will travel through beautiful scenery in a peaceful, uncrowded environment.

However, the second half of December can be quite cold, with the possibility of substantial snowfall. It would be ideal if you trekked as far as possible in early December. During this December trek, trekkers should dress appropriately and have appropriate trekking equipment. This December trek in the Everest Base Camp region is a one-of-a-kind and breathtaking adventure.

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Can I trek to Everest base camp in December


  • October 30, 2022
  • Everest Base Camp

The Everest Base Camp transitions from the fall to the winter season in the last month of the year. As we move from autumn—one of the busiest trekking seasons – to winter. Yes, that is the response.

Even though the Everest region experiences relatively little precipitation, the temperature at Everest Base Camp drops below zero in December throughout the trekking path. This promises stunning photographs and a clear perspective of the mountains.

everest base camp during december

If you enjoy traveling in relatively tranquil places or times, you can be enticed to visit here because the hiking trails are not busy this month. You won’t have to share a room with anyone because the hotels and tea houses along the trek are deserted.

All courageous hikers leave the trekking trails as winter approaches. But if you’re prepared for the chilly weather, December is a great season to hike to Everest Base Camp. Continue reading to learn more about December trekking in the Everest region.

What is the weather like in December?

In the Everest region , it is surely cold in December. However, the presence of open hotels and tea houses along the route indicates that there are no people in the area. In addition, a lot of individuals enjoy the December hike, especially those who live in areas that are always covered in snow.

Although December isn’t quite as frigid as January, there isn’t much of a difference. This month, Namche Bazaar’s average high is 44°F (7°C), while its average low is around 21°F (-6°C). The weather will be even colder higher up because Namche is only 11,290 feet (3,440 meters) above sea level.

Namche bazaar in winter

December typically receives 3mm of precipitation. This implies that there aren’t many chances of clouds obscuring the mountains. It shouldn’t be a surprise that December is when some of the most alluring photographs of the Everest region are captured.

Even though rain is still scarce, it is not as scarce as it was in November. And snow may fall anywhere along the Everest Base Camp (EBC) trail, not just higher up. In December, there’s a good chance you’ll see some stunningly clear, sharp mountain views.

Hence, the temperature is great throughout the day, but the evenings and nights are cool. But please keep in mind that December has the shortest day. Additionally, because the temperature will swiftly drop after dusk, you must schedule your days carefully.

Which route should you prefer?

You can set out on the traditional EBC trip this month, provided you’re prepared for the cold. Especially at night conscious that you might have to turn around at any time if there’s too much snow.

Avoid alternate routes in Everest region that require crossing high passes since winter conditions are chilly, and snowfall can be an issue (such as the Three Passes Trek ). Treks that stay below 13,000 feet will be more secure and comfortable. But it’s crucial to monitor the weather as you advance on any journey in this region.

yak in everest base camp trek during december snow

Consider a shorter trip in the Everest region that doesn’t go all the way to EBC to avoid the coldest weather. Setting up shop in Namche Bazaar is a cozy choice. There are other excellent day hikes nearby, and it takes two days to go to the town from Lukla. There are some fairly amazing views in the area, but you won’t be able to see EBC itself from there.

The initial route to the Everest region, used by early mountaineers before the Lukla airport was established in 1960s, can be taken from Jiri to Lukla . The journey from Kathmandu to Jiri takes a day. Alternatively, one can take a flight from Kathmandu to Phaplu and then embark on a trek across the Solukhumbu region. These trails offer a gradual approach to Lukla and the Everest region, but are not frequently used today.

December is perfect time for a luxury vacation in the Everest region. High-end lodges like Yeti Mountain Homes and Everest Summit Lodges are available and provide comfort similar to cozy boutique hotels in Kathmandu. Winter season adds a special touch as you can enjoy the warmth and comfort of the luxurious lodge after a long day of trekking.

What are the major events you can enjoy in December?

Nowadays, these paths are infrequently hiked, and December is a popular month to commemorate Tamu Lhosar (Hindu and Buddhist festivals follow a lunar calendar). The Tibetan Buddhist New Year is known as Lhosar; however, several ethnic groups in Nepal observe various Lhosar festivities, some of which last until the end of February. Tamu Lhosar is a festive occasion in Kathmandu that is observed by Gurung, Magar, and Tamang people.

A trek near Mount Everest is undoubtedly a memorable way to spend New Year’s Eve. On December 31, try to be in Namche Bazaar to experience Himalayan nightlife. The small town has pubs and restaurants, but keep in mind that drinking has negative effects.

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Is the EBC trek route too crowded in December?

Due to Nepal’s good weather during the major trekking season, also known as peak season, Everest paths become congested with tourists worldwide. During that time, you can go on a hike with other hikers and also line up to take pictures of the stunning mountain scenery.

You can find peaceful pathways and routes during the Everest base camp trip in December, so you can fully appreciate the natural scenery and ancient cultures. The current period is better for those who value peace.

In Khumbu, about 6% of yearly hikers are present in December. In December of last year, over 3,000 trekkers visited the Everest region. This implies that you won’t have too many people around to make it feel like a circus, but just enough to keep things interesting. With Christmas and New Year, there are typically much more people on the path in the second half of December than in the first.

Major attractions you can witness in December

Fantastic views.

There is no way that you can compromise on the breathtaking vistas of the Himalayas in the Everest region if you are there. And you won’t have to make any compromises of that nature if you plan to hike to the Everest Base Camp in December. The views of the mountains are breathtaking.

Pleasant trekking

Some people might not enjoy trekking in an environment where trekkers are commonplace. And if you fall into this category, a climb to EBC in December would be ideal for you. There is no place like the Everest region in December for tranquillity. A small hiking population also means that you won’t be distracted by other people’s sights. You can walk freely taking images of the area and you want to document.

The thought that rain will prevent their travels from continuing deters many people. You have to wait one or two more days for picturesque views when it rains. Who wants to hike on slick trails, after all?  In this way, December is particularly wonderful. In the Everest region in December, the weather is consistent. This makes it easier for you to stay calm about the sudden weather shift.

everest in winter

Accommodation in December

In December, lodging in the Everest region is not difficult to come by. Since it is not the busiest hiking season, most tea houses and hotels are deserted. Because there are fewer people, you can have several of the tea houses’ mattresses to yourself.

Therefore, if the winter is something you’re concerned about, the idea of having access to several blankets and beds brings joy to many. Furthermore, that will provide you with all the warmth you require.

You could feel stressed about trekking in the Everest region during the winter. However, if you talk to a lot of people who have made the trek to EBC in December. They will tell you that it was one of the best treks they have ever done.

In addition, if you carefully read this blog, you won’t need to worry about lodging or the weather. So as long as you make the necessary preparations, you will be able to finish the EBC trek in December.


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Trek booking opened for 2024/25 !  A notice for Lukla flight diversion through Manthali Airport from March, April and October and November 2024 !

  • Amadablam Base Camp Trekking - 10 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Heli Tour -1 Day
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trekking - 10 Days
  • Annapurna Base Camp Trekking - 7 Days
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  • Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trekking - 13 Days
  • Annapurna Foot Hill Trekking - 6 Days
  • Annapurna Honey Hunting Tour - 4 Days
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  • Australian Camp Hiking - 3 Days
  • Baglungpani Ghanpokhara Trek -7 Days
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  • Chitwan Jungle Safari Tour - 3 Days
  • Chulu East Peak Climbing - 15 Days
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  • Everest 3 Pass Trekking - 16 Days
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  • Ghandruk Trekking - 3 Days
  • Ghorepani Poon Hill Trekking - 4 Days
  • Gokyo Lake Trekking - 10 Days
  • Gosaikunda Lake Trek
  • Gurja Himal Dhorpatan Trekking - 11 Days
  • Gurja Himal Trek - 8 Days
  • Helambu Trekking - 5 Days
  • Helambu, Gosaikunda and Langtang Trekking - 13 Days
  • Indigenous People Trail Trek - 5 Days
  • Island Peak Climbing with EBC Trekking - 17 Days
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  • Kathmandu World Heritage Tour - 5 Days
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  • Langtang Valley Trekking - 8 Days
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  • Luxurious Cultural Tour - 9 Days
  • Makalu Base Camp Trekking - 13 Days
  • Manaslu and Annapurna Circuit Trekking - 23 Days
  • Manaslu Circuit Trek - 12 Days
  • Manaslu Honey Hunting tour - 4 Days
  • Manaslu Short Trek - 9 Days
  • Manaslu, Annapurna Circuit and Upper Mustang Trekking - 33 Days
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  • Pisang Peak Climbing - 15 Days
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  • Ruby Valley Circuit Trekking - 12 Days
  • Ruby Valley Trekking - 7 Days
  • Sarangkot hiking - 1 Day
  • Shivapuri Hiking - 1 Day
  • Siklesh Village Trekking - 4 Days
  • Singla Pass Ganesh Himal Trekking - 6 Days
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  • The Royal Trekking - 4 Days
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  • Tsum Valley Trekking - 12 Days
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  • Annapurna Circuit Trekking – 11 Days
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  • Mardi and Annapurna Base Camp Trekking – 12 Days
  • Lamjung Himal Trekking – 12 Days
  • Annapurna Circuit with Tilicho Lake Trekking – 13 Days
  • Upper Mustang Tiji Festival Trekking – 14 Days
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  • Upper Mustang Alternative Trek – 15 Days
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  • Cultural Tour – 14 Days
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4th April, 2024 posted by Tej Bahadur Gurung

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Everest Base Camp Trek in December is a journey into the snowy landscapes of the Himalayas. If you love challenges and the cold temperature does not bother you, December is an excellent time to take up this trek. 

Visiting the Everest Base Camp is the dream for many trekkers worldwide. The trek in the Everest region of Nepal offers a close-up view of the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest. Its scenic landscapes, diverse flora and fauna, and rich culture promise an awe-inspiring trekking experience unlike anywhere else.   

Table of Contents

Along the trek, you will traverse picturesque Sherpa settlements like Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, Gorak Shep, and more. Similarly, you will trek through the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Sagarmatha National Park. The trail follows the famous Dudh Koshi River and crosses several suspension bridges, ancient monasteries, and more. 

Most trekkers prefer spring and autumn for EBC Trek. However, December, which falls in the off-season, offers a unique trek experience. You can escape the usually crowded route and enjoy the pristine beauty of the trails. The panoramic views of Mount Everest, Lhotse, Nuptse, Ama Dablam, and others look even more enchanting at this time of the year . 

Extreme weather makes the trek more difficult, but it is precisely what attracts daredevil trekkers to Everest Base Camp during December. Let’s explore the EBC Trek more at this time of year! 

Can you Trek to Everest Base Camp Trek in December?

Definitely, yes! Everest Base Camp in December is doable. The trails are serene and quiet, and the scenery is a winter wonderland. 

Everest Base Camp Trek is one of the most popular treks in Nepal, so the trails are pretty busy in peak seasons . However, the Everest Region in winter is quiet, with less crowded trails. Moreover, it is a perfect short trek that takes 7 to 12 days for adventurous trekkers looking for a challenge. 

At Everest Base Camp

Many might think December may not be ideal for trekking. They may think heavy clouds and fog obstruct the scenery and mountain vistas in the winter season. The opposite is true. The clouds and fog gather in the lower regions, so the views of the higher regions are unobstructed and crystal-clear. Thus, you can fully enjoy the magnificent mountain views. 

The low precipitation level is another benefit of the Everest Base Camp Trek in December. There is a low chance of rainfall, so trekkers are less likely to encounter leeches or bugs during the trek. 

With very few trekkers on the route, you are more likely to find better accommodations and services. As lodges are mostly empty, most accommodations even offer discounts. The services are also better. Despite the general thinking that winter is one of the worst trekking times, it is a great time to enjoy the serene trails and incredible winter scenery.   

There are other several trekking destinations in the Everest region that are great alternatives if you want to avoid the crowd in peak seasons. These include the Everest Three Pass Trek, Gokyo Valley or Gokyo Lake Trek , and Everest View Trek . You can also check Everest Base Camp Trek in September !   

How Difficult is Everest Base Camp in December?

Trekking to EBC at this month of the year is more challenging than during peak season. The first difficulty is the harsh weather conditions. In December, temperatures can reach sub-zero. Thus, trekkers need to prepare adequate clothing, comfortable trekking boots, and equipment. 

Likewise, there is heavy snowfall and strong winds. Because of the freezing temperature, there is a risk of getting frostbite and hypothermia. Due to the high-altitude nature of the trek, trekkers can also fall prey to altitude sickness. 

The heavy snowfall makes the Everest Trek trails slippery and dangerous. It is incredibly challenging to walk on steep sections, which require trekking poles and crampons. Heavy snowfall also increases the risk of avalanches. Additionally, daylight hours are shorter in December. Thus, trekkers must complete the trek considering these facts. 

Proper acclimatization and preparation can help trekkers overcome the difficulty of the Everest Base Camp Trek in December. While spring and autumn are the best time to trek, December’s thrilling and awe-inspiring experience is worth the daunting trek.     

Everest Base Camp Weather and Temperature in December

December marks the beginning of winter, and the Everest Base Camp Trek weather and temperature begin to get colder. Similarly, the base camp trek weather in December is unpredictable, and temperatures can reach sub-zero at higher altitudes . Depending on the altitude, the temperature can vary from moderate to extreme. 

Namche bazzar

The days are warm in lower regions like Lukla, Phakding, and Namche Bazaar. The nighttime temperature is moderately cold, with occasional snowfall. Meanwhile, the nighttime temperature at higher altitudes like Gorak Shep, EBC, and Kala Pathar can go below zero. 

The weather of Everest Base Camp is usually sunny, warm, and clear. Similarly, the average daily daylight is 5 to 7 hours, and the average wind speed in December is around 12 to 19 k/hr (8 to 12 mph). Take a look at the temperature of the Everest region in different elevations:   

What Does Accommodation Look Like In December?

Since the number of trekkers in the month of December is lower, you will find wide options for accommodations. Most tea houses, hotels, and lodges are empty, so you can find good rooms without booking . The services are also better as there is less crowd, and discounts are available during this time. 

Generally, the teahouses and lodges provide basic facilities, including rooms on a twin-sharing basis, mattresses, pillows, blankets, and bedsheets. They also have shared bathrooms and communal dining halls. However, you can also find single rooms and rooms with attached bathrooms. Few luxury accommodations are available in Namche. 

Almost all teahouses and lodges have a wood-burning stove in the middle of the dining hall. It keeps the room and everyone inside warm. These accommodations also provide meal services. You must pay extra fees for hot showers, charging electronic devices, internet/WiFi, etc. 

Some Preparation For Everest Base Camp Trek During December

Before you embark on your Everest Base Camp Trek in December, there are some preparations you need to make other than physical and mental preparation. These include the following: 

All foreign travelers need a visa to travel and participate in various activities in Nepal, including trekking. You can obtain the visa on arrival at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu. The cost of the visa varies depending on your duration of stay. 

  • 15 Days: USD 30
  • 30 Days: USD 50
  • 90 Days: USD 125

If you want to extend your visa, you must apply before it expires. You can apply at the Department of Immigration in Kathmandu or the Immigration Office in Pokhara. The cost for an extended tourist visa for 15 days is USD 45, and you must pay an additional USD 3 each day.  

Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is mandatory for the Everest Base Camp Trek. It is an essential safety net for trekkers in high-altitude regions with high risk. The EBC Trek trails are challenging and get tougher as you ascend to higher altitudes. 

The weather becomes unpredictable, the trails are rugged and rough, and there are sections with steep ascends and descents. Even with a guide, trekkers may get injured or experience altitude sickness. Thus, travel insurance should cover medical and emergency expenses like altitude sickness, helicopter rescue, and evacuation at a high altitude of 3000 m.  

You will need a Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit and a Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Entrance Permit for the Everest Base Camp Trek. You can obtain the permits from registered trekking agencies and local tour operators. 

  • Sagarmatha National Park costs NPR 2000 for non-SSARC nationals and NPR 1000 for SAARC nationals. 
  • Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Entrance Permit costs NPR 3000 for non-SSARC nationals and NPR 1500 for SAARC nationals.

You will also need the Gauri Shankar Conservation Area Permit if you plan to trek from Jiri to Everest Base Camp. It will cost NPR 3000 for non-SSARC nationals and NPR 1000 for SAARC nationals.

Altitude Sickness and Ways to Prevent Sickness

One risk during high-altitude treks like Everest Base Camp is altitude sickness . After crossing the 2,500-meter elevation, the oxygen level and air pressure in the atmosphere reduce, and trekkers begin to experience the symptoms of altitude sickness . The symptoms can range from mild to severe and can also be fatal if not taken seriously. It can be classified into three types: 

AMS: Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is a mild form of altitude sickness whose symptoms include nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, swelling, and difficulty breathing. 

HAPE: High-altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) is a severe form of altitude that occurs when a lack of oxygen causes fluid to accumulate in the lungs. Its symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, persistent dry cough, chest tightness or pain, rapid heartbeat, and blue or gray lips and fingertips. 

HACE: High-altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE) is another severe altitude sickness that occurs when the low oxygen level causes fluid to accumulate in the brain. Its symptoms include nausea, headache, vomiting, disorientation, lack of coordination, and change in behavior. 

Altitude sickness can be life-threatening, so it should not be taken lightly. But luckily, there are ways to prevent the symptoms. Some of the precautions you can take are as follows: 

  • Ascend to a higher altitude slowly. Recommended altitude ascension is 300 to 500m a day.
  • Take acclimatization or rest day. It helps your body adjust to high altitudes, changing temperatures, and humidity. 
  • Stay hydrated, and drink 4 to 5 liters of water while on a trek. 
  • Avoid excessive intake of caffeine and alcoholic beverages and smoking. 
  • To prevent the symptoms, take medications like acetazolamide (Diamox), Ibuprofen, etc.; however, consult healthcare professionals before taking any medicines. 
  • Take a nutritious diet with sufficient calorie intake. 
  • Listen to your body; do not push yourself too hard. 
  • Despite the precautions and cures, if the symptoms persist, descend to the lower altitude immediately. 

Calculation For Cost & Daily Budget

The cost of an EBC Trek can vary depending on the duration, season, and services. Generally, trek packages average USD 1100 to USD 1500 . These include round-trip flights between Kathmandu and Lukla, accommodations, meals, permits, guides, and porter fees. 

However, luxury trek packages can cost anywhere from USD 1800 to USD 3000 . These packages include services like luxury accommodations, helicopter rides, and more. The price can increase based on the customization services. You can calculate your cost and budget to match your needs and preferences. 

These packages do not include visas, travel insurance, or personal expenses. Personal expenses include extra charges for hot showers, internet and WiFi, charging for electronic devices, laundry, etc., during the trek. Drinks and tips for guides and porters are also personal expenses. 

Thus, trekkers should carry extra cash with them during the trek . There are not many ATMs along the EBC route, and only a few are at Namche. Cash is the preferred payment method in almost all teahouses and shops. 

Hire a Guide and Porter For the Everest Base Camp Trek

As of March 2023, the government of Nepal has made hiring a guide compulsory. With more and more travelers flocking to Nepal for trekking, injuries and accidents have also increased. Especially at challenging and demanding treks like Everest Base Camp, trekkers’ safety has been a topic of concern for the government of Nepal and the Nepal Tourism Board. 

According to the latest trekking rules in Nepal , you must hire a registered and professional guide. Guides provide valuable support and guidance during treks in remote and challenging Himalayan terrains. They also provide deeper insights into the region’s local customs and traditions, which helps promote the region’s culture. 

Hiring a porter is not mandatory but is highly advised. Trekking on demanding terrains with a heavy backpack can risk injuries and accidents. They help carry that load off the trekkers so they can focus on enjoying the trek comfortably. 

The cost of hiring a guide can range from USD 30 to USD 40 per day . Meanwhile, hiring a porter starts at USD 25 per day , and they can carry a maximum of 25 kg of luggage. The guide and porter fees, as well as their meals, accommodation, insurance, and equipment, are included in a trek package. Ensure that the guide and porter have the qualifications and insurance for the trek.  

Outline Itinerary For Everest Base Camp in December

  • Day 01: Fly to Lukla – Trek to Phakding (Max Altitude: 2640 m/ 8745 ft)
  • Day 02: Trek to Namche Bazaar (Max Altitude: 3440m/ 11352 ft)
  • Day 03: Acclimatization Day in Namche Bazaar
  • Day 04: Trek to Debuche (Max Altitude: 3750 m/12705 ft) 
  • Day 05: Trek to Dingboche  (Max Altitude: 4350 m/ 14355 ft)
  • Day 06: Acclimatization Day in Dingboche
  • Day 07: Trek to Lobuche (Max Altitude: 4900 m/ 16170 ft)
  • Day 08: Trek to Gorak Shep – Excursion to Everest Base Camp (Max Altitude: 5364 m/ 17701 ft)
  • Day 09: Trek to Pheriche (Max Altitude: 4250 m/14025 ft)
  • Day 10: Trek to Namche Bazaar  (Max Altitude: 3440 m/ 11352 ft)
  • Day 11: Trek to Lukla (Max Altitude: 2800m/ 9240 ft)
  • Day 12: Fly to Kathmandu (Max Altitude: 1295m/ 4273 ft)

By now, you know that the Everest Base Camp Trek in December is one of the best times to explore the wonders of the Himalayas in winter. However, proper planning and preparation are required. Extreme weather and freezing temperatures will make the trek more demanding, but the peaceful atmosphere and exquisite scenery are worth the challenge. 

So, make sure you understand the difficulties of the trek before planning your trek. With proper preparation, the EBC Trek in December is perfectly doable. For a memorable trip with a comfortable itinerary, remember Nepal Alternative Treks!

Tej Bahadur Gurung

With an experience of almost two decades, founder Mr. Tej Bahadur Gurung has established Nepal Alternative Treks as a widely recognized and reliable tourism operator. His degree in Tourism Studies and devotion to the sector has given him in-depth knowledge about trekking, climbing, cultural, and geological aspects of the country. He is a pioneer in introducing the concept of ‘off-beaten tracks’ and ‘alternative routes’ as well as treks and tour packages surrounding it.

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How to trek to Everest Base Camp

Bradley Mayhew

Jun 20, 2023 • 9 min read

everest base camp trek in december

From permits to teahouses, here's everything you need to know about trekking to Everest Base Camp © Mint Images / Getty Images

Top of many people's travel bucket lists, the trek to Everest Base Camp is often the first thing people think about when they start dreaming of a trip to Nepal . 

The walk takes trekkers past Sherpa villages and Tibetan-style monasteries, right up into the heart of the high Himalaya, into a breathtaking world (literally) of iconic glaciers, lakes and the tallest peaks on earth. It's probably the world's most famous trek.

But what is it actually like to trek to Base Camp? Is it something within your capabilities or budget? What should you bring? And, most importantly, can you get a proper coffee en route? 

I just returned from trekking to Everest Base Camp for Lonely Planet's Nepal guide . Here’s what I think you need to know.

A couple with trekking poles and backpacks follow a trail through the mountains

What's so great about the Everest Base Camp (EBC) trek anyway?

Firstly, the mountain scenery surrounding the world's highest peak is truly spectacular. The sublime views of Ama Dablam, Pumori, Nuptse and Thamserku peaks are unbeatable and constantly change as you progress along the walk. The Sherpa villages and monasteries are fascinating places to visit and the lodges (called teahouses) are the best in the world. 

The knowledge that you are walking in the expedition footsteps of Hillary, Tenzing, Messner and others is a thrill. Anyone who has read Into Thin Air will be moved by the memorial stupas of Rob Hall, Scott Fischer and others who have lost their lives on the mountain. And then there's the fact that you will have reached the base of the world's highest peak; whether you call it Chomolongma (Tibetan), Sagarmatha (Nepali) or Everest, it’s a rush all the same.

And what’s not so great about the Everest Base Camp trek?

Well, if you force us to play devil's advocate… EBC is one of the busiest trails in Nepal. In the high season months of October and November you'll be walking with thousands of other trekkers, competing with them to get a bed, a lunch order or an airplane seat. There will be lines at checkpoints and even at moments on the trail itself. In bad weather you might be stranded at Lukla airport with hundreds of other trekkers, all trying to get on the first flight out. It's not quite the Zen-like wilderness experience you may have been imagining.

Bear in mind also that even after a solid week of walking, your view of Everest will be partial at best (for infinitely more dramatic Everest views visit the northern Everest Base Camp in Tibet ). If you trek outside of May's expedition weather window you won’t actually find much to see at Base Camp beyond a boulder hastily spray-painted with "Everest Base Camp".

If this has put you off, don’t worry; there are dozens of other fantastic treks in Nepal .

Crowds gather outside traditional teahouses (lodgings) on the trail to Everest Base Camp with colorful flags fluttering in the breeze

How long does it take to trek to Everest Base Camp?

The walk from the airport at Lukla to Everest Base Camp and back takes a minimum of 15 days. Several of the days are surprisingly short, but this is because you have to figure in time to acclimatize to the high altitudes.

If you can, it's definitely worth adding on a couple of extra days to this basic itinerary. Some of the most dramatic (and least visited) views are from detours off the main trail. I always add two days to visit Thame, two days to visit Chhukung and, if possible, three or four days to visit the lakes of the Gokyo Valley – probably the most beautiful scenery in the Everest region.

Be sure to also budget an extra day or two as a transport buffer. Weather-related flight delays in and out of Lukla are not uncommon (I had to wait six days for a flight to Lukla on my recent trip) so you need some buffer time if heading back for an international flight home.

How challenging is the trek to EBC?

In terms of physical effort, the EBC trek itself is not especially tough. There are only a couple of steep climbs, lasting about an hour each, and most days involve less than four hours of walking.

The thing that makes the EBC trek tough is the altitude. Base Camp is at 5600m (18,373ft) and you will need to spend one or two nights above 5000m (16,404ft). Above 4000m (13,123ft) you are going to feel increasingly lethargic and out of breath as the amount of oxygen in the air decreases. Combine this with the cold, the discomfort of being at altitude and the compounded tiredness from walking for two weeks straight, and you can see why the whole trek experience is definitely a physical challenge.

While you don't need to be an athlete to walk to EBC it is still a good idea to start a fitness regime in the weeks leading up to your trek. You'll enjoy the walk so much more if you are in decent shape.

When is the best time to trek to Everest Base Camp?

October and November bring the best weather and the clearest skies but these are also the most popular months. The second most popular season is April to early May, when spring blooms and expedition traffic bring extra interest to the trail. To avoid the crowds but still enjoy clear views, pack an extra thermal layer and come in December or March.

A female trekker stands on a high point looking down towards a mountain settlement

What can I do to avoid altitude sickness?

The majority of people who fail to reach Base Camp do so because they failed to acclimatize properly to the altitude. It's essential not to gain altitude too quickly by following the recommended overnight stops and limiting your daily altitude gain to a maximum of 400m (1312ft) when above 3000m (9843ft).

Be sure to add in acclimatization days at both Namche Bazaar and Dingboche, during which it's a good idea to hike to higher altitudes during the day, returning to sleep lower at night.

What are the teahouses like?

At lower altitudes the Everest lodges are the most comfortable in Nepal. Private rooms are the norm, many of which have private bathrooms. Showers are available at most places, though the hot water supply can be patchy. All have cozy dining rooms with tables arranged around a central dung-fueled stove. There are even a few luxury lodges along the trail.

In budget lodges, or when you get above Dingboche, things get simpler, with rooms offering little more than a collection of plywood walls, a solar light and a foam mattress. Toilets are a mixture of seats and squatters; sometimes outdoors, always freezing. A blanket is normally supplied but be sure to bring a four-season sleeping bag rated to well below 0°C (32°F).

What's the food like?

Menus in teahouses range from pasta and pizza to spring rolls, fried potatoes and soups, though the most popular meal is a daal bhaat , a set Nepali meal of rice, lentil soup and fried vegetables, normally served with a papad and pickle, and with a refill included. It's the most filling and environmentally sustainable meal you can order.

In villages such as Namche Bazaar and Dingboche you will also find bakery-cafes serving espresso and slices of delicious apple pie, plus shops selling everything from Snickers bars to bottles of beer. This is one trek where you might actually gain weight!

Can I get wi-fi or phone coverage?

Most lodges offer wi-fi, either free of charge or for a few dollars per day (at higher elevations). Above Namche Bazaar you will likely have to buy a scratch card, giving you unlimited data for twelve hours (AirCell) or a specific amount of data over a month (Everestlink). Depending on your network provider you'll likely get data and a phone signal at lower elevations, and possibly even at Everest Base Camp, but not at other high altitudes. So yes, in theory, you can Skype all your friends from Base Camp!

What should I bring?

Warm clothes are a must, and you should pack thermal underwear, a down jacket and fleece hat. Comfortable hiking boots and good, padded socks are also essential. Sun block, a sun hat with a brim and good sunglasses are important against the strong high-altitude light. 

Morale-boosting snacks like chocolate and salami are always helpful, as is a book and smartphone with mapping software like Maps.me. Bring water purification of some sort. If you forget something, don’t worry, you can buy almost anything you might want in Namche Bazaar these days (from ice axes to cans of Pringles), though at prices higher than in Kathmandu .

A person, carrying a large loaded basket on their back, heads up a mountain trail with huge snow-covered peaks in the distance

Do I need a porter and guide?

In terms of finding your way you don't need a guide if you are an experienced walker, as the route is clearly marked and well-trod. A guide can be useful for smoothing your way at teahouses, making sure you get your food on time and helping you pay your bill. It's important not to trek alone, so solo trekkers should find a companion or take a guide or porter.

A porter will carry a bag of around 15kg, freeing you up to pack a few extra chocolate bars and enjoy the walk with little more than a day pack. Not having the strain of carrying a full pack is worth its weight in gold for anyone over the age of 50. Trust me.

How much does the Everest Base Camp trek cost?

For a room in a lodge and three meals a day, figure on US$20–25 per person per day, a bit more if you want a room with a private bathroom and the occasional slice of apple pie. Add on another US$5 every time you want a shower. Figure on an additional US$20 per day for a porter, and US$25–30 for a guide, and budget 10–15% of that fee for an end-of-trip tip.

You'll pay a bit more to have a Kathmandu-based trekking company arrange your entire trek, and a lot more for the convenience and backup of an international trekking tour.

Do I need any permits?

You will need to buy an Everest region permit (US$20) at Lukla, as well as a Sagarmatha National Park entry ticket (US$30) at Monjo. Currently that's all you need.

How can I trek more sustainably?

With 60,000 trekkers and guides headed to the Everest region, it’s important to minimize your impact on the region. Firstly, don't buy bottled water on the trek, as the bottles are nonrecyclable and are a huge problem throughout the region. Bring a system of water purification, like a Lifestraw or Sawyer filter, a Steripen or chemical purification.

Secondly, carry all your trash out (especially batteries), and sign up for the Carry Me Back program, whereby you carry a 1kg bag of trash from Namche Bazaar to Lukla, for it to be recycled in Kathmandu.

Finally, be polite to the Sherpas and porters you meet en route, as well as your fellow trekkers. Walk clockwise around stupas and be respectful at monasteries and shrines.

How do I get to Lukla to start the trek?

Flights run multiple times daily between Kathmandu and Lukla, taking around 30 minutes. During high season however you may have to drive five hours from Kathmandu to Ramechhap airport to catch your Lukla flight there.

It's also possible to fly or drive to Phaplu and walk two days to Lukla from there, or walk from Shivalaya to Lukla in seven days as an excellent pre-trek warm-up.

This article was first published Jan 14, 2013 and updated Jun 20, 2023.

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Power Traveller

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure

The Everest Base Camp Trek is a renowned adventure that draws outdoor enthusiasts from across the globe. This challenging yet rewarding expedition takes trekkers on a journey through the majestic Himalayas, immersing them in a world of breathtaking landscapes , vibrant cultures , and iconic landmarks. With expert guidance and carefully curated itineraries, adventurers can expect a seamless experience that ensures proper acclimatization to high altitudes , maximizing their chances of reaching the legendary base camp and witnessing the sheer grandeur of the world’s highest peaks. Whether seeking awe-inspiring vistas or a deeper connection with the local communities, this trek promises an unforgettable adventure that will leave a lasting impression.

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Key Points

  • Immerse in the awe-inspiring natural wonders of the Everest region with scenic mountain flights, traditional village exploration, and panoramic viewpoints.
  • Set out on a tailored 16-day Everest Base Camp expedition with gradual ascent and proper acclimatization to ensure a safe and memorable adventure.
  • Benefit from experienced guides, 24/7 ground support, and comprehensive first-aid access for a secure and personalized trekking experience.
  • Enjoy a sustainable tourism approach that supports local communities and minimizes environmental impact through responsible practices.
  • Customize your trek with optional activities like peak climbing, cycling, and camping to create a truly personalized Everest adventure.

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • Everest Base Camp: Luxury Heli Trek 9 Days
  • Everest Basecamp Luxury Trekking
  • Everest Base Camp Trekking
  • Everest Base Camp Trekking – 15 Days

Trek Highlights

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Trek Highlights

Trekking through the captivating landscapes of the Everest region, adventurers are treated to a sensory feast. The journey begins with a scenic mountain flight from Ramachhap to Lukla, offering breathtaking aerial views of the Himalayas.

As the trek progresses, travelers enjoy the rich tapestry of traditional villages , monasteries, and awe-inspiring vistas. Highlights include a hike to the Hotel Everest View at 3,880m, providing panoramic perspectives of the world’s tallest peaks.

The tailored itinerary ensures proper acclimatization , with altitudes reaching up to 5,364m, allowing trekkers to fully absorb the grandeur of the Everest Base Camp.

Whether in spring or autumn, this trek promises an unforgettable adventure amidst nature’s most remarkable wonders.

Seasons and Acclimatization

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Seasons and Acclimatization

The Everest Base Camp trek is ideally undertaken during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to December) seasons. These periods offer the best weather conditions and visibility for trekkers. Proper acclimatization is crucial at the high altitudes, reaching up to 5,364m (17,598ft). The trek’s itinerary is carefully tailored to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, with strategic rest days built-in for acclimation. The following table outlines the key considerations regarding the trekking seasons and acclimatization:

Itinerary Overview

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Itinerary Overview

A 16-day journey awaits trekkers embarking on the Everest Base Camp expedition .

The trek highlights include a scenic mountain flight from Ramachhap to Lukla, traversing traditional villages , monasteries, and breathtaking landscapes.

The best trekking seasons are spring (March-May) and autumn (September-December), with tailored itineraries ensuring proper acclimatization at altitudes up to 5,364 meters.

The itinerary covers destinations like Phakding, Namche, Deboche, Dingboche, Lobuche, and Gorakshep before the return to Lukla and Kathmandu.

Throughout the trek, safety is of paramount importance , with expert guides and continuous ground support, as well as access to first-aid and emergency services.

Safety Measures

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Safety Measures

Ensuring the safety and well-being of trekkers is the top priority for any Everest Base Camp expedition. Experienced guides and porters lead the way, equipped with comprehensive first-aid kits and emergency communication devices. Trekkers are provided with 24/7 ground support, ensuring prompt assistance if needed. Plus, all guides and porters are insured, offering peace of mind during the journey.

Inclusions and Services

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Inclusions and Services

One of the key inclusions of the Everest Base Camp trek is the private group experience with tailored itineraries .

Travelers can expect airport pick-up and drop-off, as well as private transfers from Kathmandu to Ramechhap. The trek also includes two-way flights between Ramechhap and Lukla.

Accommodations are on a twin-sharing basis , with upgrade options available. Meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, are all included during the trek.

Plus, travelers will receive an Everest Link WIFI card, have access to battery charging, and enjoy small pot hot water services.

These comprehensive inclusions ensure a seamless and well-supported experience for adventurers tackling the iconic Everest Base Camp trek.

Sustainable Tourism

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Sustainable Tourism

Sustainability is a key focus for the Everest Base Camp trek. The operators place great emphasis on responsible tourism practices that prioritize the well-being of the local communities and environment.

This includes:

  • Hiring and training local guides and porters to promote economic opportunities for the Sherpa people.
  • Encouraging the use of eco-friendly equipment and proper waste management along the trekking routes.
  • Partnering with environmental organizations to offset the trek’s carbon footprint and support conservation efforts.
  • Educating trekkers on the importance of respecting local customs and minimizing their environmental impact .

Personalized Experience

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Personalized Experience

With a personalized approach , the Everest Base Camp trek operators tailor the experience to each group’s unique needs and preferences .

Detailed consultations ensure the itinerary aligns with the participants’ interests, fitness levels, and adventure aspirations. Experienced guides work closely with the group to provide a seamless journey, adjusting the pace and activities as required.

The operators prioritize community engagement , offering opportunities to immerse in local Sherpa culture through village visits and interactions.

Beyond the classic trek, customized add-ons like peak climbing, cycling, and camping further enhance the personalized experience.

Cutting-edge technologies like Everest Link WiFi ensure connectivity throughout the expedition.

Essential Gear

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Essential Gear

Proper gear is essential for a successful and comfortable Everest Base Camp trek. From durable hiking boots to warm layered clothing, each item on the packing list serves a critical purpose .

An essential four-item checklist includes:

  • Sturdy, broken-in hiking boots with good traction for navigating uneven terrain
  • Moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and weatherproof outer shells to maintain body temperature
  • High-quality socks, gloves, and hat to protect from the elements
  • Sun protection like sunglasses, sunscreen, and lip balm to combat the intense mountain sun

With the right gear, trekkers can focus on the journey ahead, confident in their ability to handle the challenges of the Everest region.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Everest Base Camp Trek 12 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Trek With Gokyo Lake 15 Days
  • Everest Base Camp Comfort Trek – 18 Days
  • Everest Base Camp: Trek With Helicopter Return
  • From Kathmandu: Private 14-Day Everest Base Camp Adventure
  • Rapid Everest Base Camp Trek – 9 Days

Frequently Asked Questions

Everest Base Camp Trek : Ultimate Adventure - Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Minimum and Maximum Group Size for the Trek?

The group size for the trek can range from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 12 participants. The tour operator ensures a personalized experience by tailoring the itinerary to the group’s needs.

Can I Book the Trek as a Solo Traveler?

As a solo traveler, you can absolutely book the Everest Base Camp trek. The tour operator offers private group experiences, accommodating solo travelers who’ll be paired with other trekkers for a safe and personalized adventure.

Is There a Possibility to Extend the Trek Duration?

Yes, the trek duration can be extended. Many tour operators offer customizable itineraries that allow trekkers to extend their trek, explore additional locations, or add acclimatization days based on individual preferences and fitness levels.

Are There Any Restrictions on the Type of Luggage Allowed?

Yes, there are restrictions on the type of luggage allowed. Trekkers are advised to pack light, with a maximum weight limit of 15kg for their main luggage and a daypack not exceeding 5kg.

Can I Bring My Own Trekking Equipment or Is It Provided?

Trekkers can bring their own trekking equipment, but it’s not required. Quality trekking gear can be rented or purchased locally, providing a convenient and cost-effective option for those who don’t want to carry extra gear.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Kathmandu: Everest Base Camp Helicopter Tour
  • Everest Base Camp Trek for Thrill-Seekers and Nature Lovers
  • From Kathmandu: 15 Day Everest Base Camp & Kala Patthar Trek
  • Kathmandu: Everest Helicopter Tour With Guaranteed Landing
  • Everest Base Camp Trek : 15Days
  • From Kathmandu Budget: 15 Day Everest Base Camp Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek Back by Helicopter
  • Everest Base Camp Service Trek
  • Everest Base Camp Trek: 12 Days
  • Everest Base Camp: Helicopter Landing Tour (4-5 Hours)
  • Classic Everest Base Camp Hike
  • Everest Base Camp Short Trek
  • Everest Base Camp: a Short Trek
  • 14 Days Everest Base Camp Trek

The Everest Base Camp Trek offers an unparalleled adventure, immersing trekkers in the majestic beauty of the Himalayas . With expert guidance, tailored itineraries, and a focus on safety and sustainability, this expedition allows participants to create unforgettable memories amidst the world’s highest peaks. Whether seeking a challenging physical journey or a culture, the Everest Base Camp Trek is an ultimate experience for outdoor enthusiasts.

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Everest Base Camp Trek in December Doable?

In the final month of the year, the Everest Base Camp goes from the autumn to the winter. This transition from autumn, one of the busiest trekking seasons, to Winter might prompt you to ask: “Is the Everest Base Camp trek in December doable?”.

The answer is a “YES”.

Despite the fact that the temperature of Everest Base Camp in the month of December goes below zero degrees along the trekking route, the precipitation in the Everest region is very low. This promises for clear view of the mountains and awesome photography.

The fact that the trekking trails are not crowded in this month might tempt you to come here if you love traveling in relatively quiet areas or time. Also, the hotels and tea houses along the trek is empty which means you won’t have to share a room with others.

Let us look at all the necessary details of the Everest Base Camp trek in December

Table of Content

Everest Base Camp Weather in December

The weather undoubtedly is cold in December in the Everest region. But the fact that tea houses and hotels along the way are open means that the region is devoid of human presence. Besides, there are many people who enjoy the December trek, especially people who are residents of places which are perennially snowy.

Everest Base Camp Trek Temperature in December :

The average precipitation in the month of December if 3mm. This means that the chances of cloud covering the mountains are pretty low. It shouldn’t come as a mystery that some of the most captivating pictures of the Everest region are taken in December.

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Attractions of the Everest Base Camp Trek in December

Low rainfall.

Many people are put off by the idea that their treks are going to be interrupted by rain. Rain means that you have to wait an extra day or two for scenic views. Besides, who is looking for slippery trails to trek in?

December is really pleasant in this regard. The weather is predictable in the Everest region in December. This helps you avoid any unnecessary worries about the abrupt change in weather.

Wonderful Views

If you are coming to Everest region, there is no way that you will compromise with the views of the awesome Himalayas of this region. And if you are coming to trek to the Everest Base Camp in December, you won’t have to make any compromise of that sort. The mountainous views are simply awesome.

Peaceful trekking

There might be some people who don’t like to trek in an environment where trekkers are everywhere. And if you happen to be one of such person, trekking to EBC in December might be perfect for you.

The serene environment at the Everest region during the month of December is unmatched. A sparse trekking population also means that the pictures of the surrounding you want to capture will not be interrupted by the sights of people.

FAQs about the EBC trek in December

1. how hard is it to find accommodation in the everest region in december.

Accommodation is quite easy to find in the Everest region in December. Most tea houses and hotels are empty as this is not the peak trekking season. Less number of people results in the fact that you can have many mattresses of the tea houses to yourself.

So if the winter is a worry for you, the availability of a lot of blankets and mattresses you can have with yourself is a thought that rejoices many people. And more importantly, that will provide you with all the warmth you need.

2. Is it necessary to hire a guide for the EBC trek in December?

Guides are not simply important for the EBC trek in December but all year round. And on top of that, hiring a guide to EBC  is a simple task. All you need to do is consult a travel agency and they will take care of it.

You can choose from a variety of travel guides to know which ones you will feel comfortable with to go along the trek. The fact that there might be several trekking trails closed in this month makes hiring a guide all the more necessary.

3. Will I need a porter if I have a guide?

Yes, you will. Guides and porters are two different people who serve different purposes along the trek. During the winter, your body loses more energy due to surrounding cold. So more energy will be lost if you carry all the weight on your shoulders.

Letting a porter carry your bag will mean that the amount of energy lost while trekking is quite low. If you are struck with altitude sickness , the fact that there is someone to carry your load will come as a much-needed relief.

4. Do I need to carry extra clothing while trekking to EBC in December?

Standard clothing while trekking to the Everest region is needed. This includes the base layer, intermediate insulation layer as well as the outermost layer. Also snow-proof down jackets as well as trousers will be something that you won’t be able to do without.

The fact that there are chances of snow in this region in January means that a trekking pole will come in handy.

5. Is a travel insurance while trekking in the Everest region in December recommended?

Oh, Definitely. Travel Insurance is recommended all year round. It is a great way of getting immediate relief if you happen to be struck with altitude sickness along the way or your belongings are stolen.

You never know when you might bump into some problems while you are on your journey. Getting a travel insurance for the EBC trek is one of the many ways of making your trip risk free.

Other Recommended treks in the Everest Region in December

1. everest panorama trek.

Everest Panorama Trek  is for all trekkers who are looking for a light trek in the Everest region. You will go to Namche Bazaar as well as to Tengboche Monastery.

So if you feel that you would want to avoid the cold winter in the Everest Base Camp in December, this might just be the right trek for you.

2. Everest Base Camp Helicopter Ride

The cold December winter might tempt you to not trek in the Everest region at all. But, the Helicopter ride in the Everest region might make you want to think about it once again. With the Everest Base Camp Helicopter tour , you can avoid any trekking in the Everest region and still visit the Everest Base Camp.

Within one day, you will go to and return back from the Everest region. And that too in a helicopter. Isn’t that sweet?

3. Gokyo Valley Trek

If you are coming to the Everest region for trekking, you could try out the Gokyo Valley trek  as well. The clear weather during the month of December will provide excellent views in the Gokyo region including the majestic lakes there.

Gokyo Valley and Renjo La Pass Trek  is another trek you can look into.

4. Jiri to Everest Base Camp Trek

If you are not sure that you will be able to acclimatize with the December cold of the Everest region or its altitude, Jiri to Everest Base Camp trek will make sure that you do.

This is a long trek to the Everest region where you gain small altitude every day. You can undertake this trek if you have close to 3 weeks of trekking days.

The winter of the Everest region might prompt you to dread about the trekking in the region. But if you interact with many travelers who have trekked to EBC in December, they will tell you that this was one of the most awesome treks they have undertaken.

Besides, if you have read this article closely, there is nothing in terms of accommodation, hiring a guide or the weather you have to worry about. So as long as you plan properly, you will be able to complete the EBC trek in December.

everest base camp trek in december

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Everest Base Camp Trek in December 2024

everest base camp trek in december

Table of Contents

Everest base camp trek in december.

The best seasons for trekking to Everest Base Camp are generally considered to be spring ( March to May ) and autumn ( September to November ) but people like to trek according to their favor. Trekking to Everest Base Camp in December can be a challenging yet rewarding adventure. Especially for those Chinophile, December is the best month for trekking to Everest Base Camp . Since, December falls in the Everest region, it is important to be prepared for cold weather and potentially harsh conditions.  Although fellow traveler makes your trip meaningful, it is better to go with your close group with whom you can share your experience frankly. Traveler will encounter with light snowfall to massive after arriving in Lukla to Everest Base Camp.

Major highlight of Everest Base Camp Trek in December

• Serene and Beautiful Winter Landscape

• Fewer Crowds

• Cultural Experience

• Challenging Adventure

• Panoramic Mountain Views

• Sense of Achievement

everest base camp trek in december

Everest Base Camp Trek in December Itinerary

General outline of trek day.

Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu             Arrive in Kathmandu, Nepal             Transfer to your hotel            Rest and prepare for the trek            Attend a pre-trek briefing and meet your guide Day 2: Fly to Lukla and Trek to Phakding            Take an early morning flight from Kathmandu to Lukla             Begin your trek from Lukla ( 2,860 meters ) to Phakding ( 2,610 meters )             Trekking time: Approximately 3-4 hours             Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Phakding Day 3 : Trek to Namche Bazaar             Continue trekking from Phakding to Namche Bazaar ( 3,440 meters )            Trekking time: Approximately 5-6 hours            Experience the first views of Everest and surrounding peaks            Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Namche Bazaar   Day 4 : Acclimatization Day in Namche Bazaar             Take a short hike to Everest View Hotel for panoramic mountain views             Explore the vibrant town and visit the local markets and monasteries             Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Namche Bazaar Day 5: Trek to Tengboche             Trek from Namche Bazaar to Tengboche ( 3,860 meters )             Trekking time: Approximately 5-6 hours             Visit the famous Tengboche Monastery and soak in the spiritual atmosphere             Enjoy magnificent views of Everest, Ama Dablam, and other peaks             Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Tengboche Day 6 : Trek to Dingboche             Continue trekking from Tengboche to Dingboche ( 4,410 meters )             Trekking time: Approximately 5-6 hours             Pass through beautiful rhododendron forests and scenic landscapes             Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Dingboche Day 7: Acclimatization Day in Dingboche             Rest and acclimatize to the higher altitude in Dingboche             Take a short hike to Nangkartshang Peak for stunning views of the Himalayas             Explore the village and enjoy the surrounding mountain vistas             Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Dingboche Day 8 : Trek to Lobuche             Trek from Dingboche to Lobuche ( 4,910 meters )             Trekking time: Approximately 5-6 hours              Ascend gradually and pass by memorials for climbers who lost their lives on Everest              Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Lobuche Day 9 : Trek to Everest Base Camp and Gorak Shep             Trek from Lobuche to Everest Base Camp ( 5,364 meters ) via Gorak Shep ( 5,160 meters )             Trekking time: Approximately 7-8 hours             Reach Everest Base Camp and soak in the incredible surroundings             Explore the area and capture memorable photographs             Return to Gorak Shep for overnight stay in a tea house or lodge Day 10: Hike to Kala Patthar and Trek to Pheriche               Early morning hike to Kala Patthar (5,550 meters) for sunrise views of Everest               Descend to Gorak Shep and continue trekking to Pheriche (4,240 meters)              Trekking time: Approximately 6-7 hours              Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Pheriche Day 11 : Trek to Namche Bazaar              Trek from Pheriche to Namche Bazaar              Trekking time: Approximately 6-7 hours              Descend through forests and cross suspension bridges              Reach Namche Bazaar and celebrate the completion of your trek              Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Namche Bazaar Day 12 : Trek to Lukla              Trek from Namche Bazaar to Lukla              Trekking time: Approximately 6-7 hours              Return to Lukla, where you began your trek              Reflect on your journey and enjoy a final evening in the mountains              Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Lukla Day 13 : Fly to Kathmandu              Take an early morning flight from Lukla to Kathmandu              Transfer to your hotel in Kathmandu              Rest and relax after the trek              Explore the vibrant city and indulge in Nepalese cuisine Day 14 : Departure from Kathmandu               Depart from Kathmandu or extend your stay to explore more of Nepal It's important to maintain flexibility during the trek, considering factors such as weather conditions, trail conditions, and your own physical well-being.

Things that you should know

Weather condition

December is considered the winter season in the Everest region, so you can expect cold temperatures and occasional snowfall. The daytime temperatures at lower altitudes (around Namche Bazaar) may range from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius ( 41 to 59 degrees Fahrenheit ). However, as you ascend to higher altitudes, the temperatures can drop significantly, especially during the nights and early mornings, reaching well below freezing.

Trekking Difficulty :

Trekking in December can be more challenging due to the cold weather and potentially slippery trails. The paths might be covered with snow, making the terrain more difficult to navigate. You should be prepared for icy conditions, especially in higher altitudes, and ensure you have proper gear such as insulated clothing, sturdy boots, and crampons for traction.

Compared to the peak seasons of spring and autumn, December sees fewer trekkers in the Everest region. This can be advantageous for those seeking a quieter experience, with fewer crowds along the trail and in teahouses. However, keep in mind that some teahouses and facilities might have limited services or even close during the winter season.

Altitude Considerations :

Altitude sickness is a concern when trekking to Everest Base Camp, regardless of the season. In December, the higher elevations will be even colder, and the risk of altitude-related issues can be higher due to the cold weather. It's crucial to acclimatize properly, ascend slowly, and listen to your body. Make sure to consult with a medical professional, follow recommended guidelines, and be familiar with the symptoms and treatment of altitude sickness.

Packing Essentials :

Packing the right gear and clothing is essential for a December trek to Everest Base Camp. Layering is key to adapt to the changing temperatures. You'll need warm thermal base layers, fleece jackets, down jackets, waterproof outer layers, hats, gloves, warm socks, and sturdy trekking boots. Additionally, carry a good-quality sleeping bag rated for cold temperatures. Don't forget other essentials like sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, a headlamp, and a first aid kit.

Trekking Permits

To trek in the Everest region, you will need a Sagarmatha National Park entry permit and a TIMS (Trekkers' Information Management System) card . These permits can be obtained in Kathmandu or in Monjo, the entrance to Sagarmatha National Park. Make sure to bring your passport, passport-sized photographs, and sufficient cash for permit fees.

Guide and Porter :

Hiring a guide and/or porter is a personal choice. While it's not mandatory, having a guide can be beneficial, especially during the winter season when the trails might be covered in snow and visibility can be reduced. A guide can assist with navigation, provide local knowledge, and ensure your safety. A porter can help carry your heavy backpack, allowing you to focus on the trek itself.

Remember that trekking to Everest Base Camp in December requires careful planning, physical fitness, and appropriate gear. It's advisable to consult with a reputable trekking agency or local experts who can provide up-to-date information and help you prepare for the trek.

Frequently Asked Question about Everest Base Camp Trek in December

How cold is everest base camp in december.

In December, Everest Base Camp (EBC) and the surrounding region are extremely cold due to their high altitude and the winter season. Temperatures at Everest Base Camp can drop well below freezing point, and it is essential to be prepared for harsh weather conditions. Here are some approximate temperature ranges you can expect:

• During the daytime: The temperature at Everest Base Camp and its vicinity can range from around -10°C (14°F) to -5°C (23°F). However, keep in mind that these temperatures can feel even colder due to factors such as wind chill and the high altitude.

• During the nighttime: The nighttime temperatures at Everest Base Camp can plummet significantly, often dropping below -20°C (-4°F) or even lower. It is not uncommon to encounter temperatures as low as -30°C (-22°F) during the nighttime in December.

It is highly recommended to consult with experienced trekking guides or local authorities for the most accurate and up-to-date information on the weather conditions and to ensure you have the appropriate equipment and clothing to stay warm and safe during the trek.

How many days required for Everest Base Camp trek in December?

In December, the duration of the Everest Base Camp trek remains relatively the same as during other times of the year, typically around 12 to 14 days . Keep in mind that weather and trail conditions can be unpredictable in December, so it's important to be prepared for potential delays or modifications to the itinerary due to safety concerns. Having extra days in your schedule allows for flexibility in case of adverse weather or other unforeseen circumstances during the trek.

How far is Everest Base Camp from Kathmandu?

The distance from Kathmandu to Everest Base Camp ( EBC ) is approximately 130 kilometers (81 miles) in a straight line. However, the actual trekking distance from Lukla, the usual starting point of the trek, to Everest Base Camp is longer due to the winding trails and elevation gain. This distance is spread over a period of approximately 12 to 14 days, allowing for gradual acclimatization and rest days.

 It's important to note that the actual distance covered during the trek may vary based on individual itineraries, side trips, and variations in trail conditions. Additionally, trekking distances can feel longer due to the steep ascents and descents, as well as the effects of high altitude.

Is there electricity at Everest Base Camp?

Everest Base Camp (EBC) itself, which serves as the starting point for climbers attempting to summit Mount Everest, does not have a permanent electricity supply.

For trekkers visiting Everest Base Camp , the situation is different. The trekking trail leading to Everest Base Camp passes through various tea houses and lodges in the villages along the way. These tea houses generally have limited electricity supply, although it can be inconsistent and unreliable at times. The electricity may be generated through solar panels, hydroelectric power, or small generators.

 Conclusion   From the expedition to Everest Baser Camp in December , Not only you experience the majestic view of snowcapped mountain but also the struggle of local people to avoid extreme cold in the winter season. You will be back with unforgettable memories with great lesson.

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  2. 3 Passes Trek

  3. Everest Base Camp (EBC) trek 2023 I 130 kms I 18,200 ft I Cost I Documentary I Things to remember


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    But, December is actually a lovely time to trek to Everest Base Camp, if you're properly prepared for cold temperatures. Read on to find out more about trekking in the Everest region in December. ... Our Favorite Itineraries in December. Everest Base Camp Trek - 16 Days Best Short Treks in the Everest Region Tengboche Monastery Trek - 10 Days ...

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    Everest Base Camp Trek in December: Everest Base Camp hike has never ceased to amaze trekkers with its everlasting charm and subtlety. It has sort of always induced the excursionist with its epic trail, lush verdure, and awe-inspiring landscapes stretched to an astounding 40 miles.. If that weren't already enough to envy backpackers, Base Camp also provides an enticing view of Chukhung ...

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  4. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    During December, the weather at Everest Base Camp is very cold at night and early in the morning. At night, the temperature drops to -14 degrees Celsius. During the day, the maximum temperature ranges from 15 to 20 degrees Celsius. The daytime is reasonable. In December, the average temperature in EBC will be around 6 degrees Celsius.

  5. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    The Everest base camp temp ranges from -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F) during the day and can plummet further after sunset. Understanding the Everest base camp weather in December is crucial for preparation. The cold conditions demand appropriate gear and clothing to ensure a safe and comfortable trek.

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    Everest Base Camp Trek Weather in December. Nepal has four types of the season which are Summer/Monsoon, Autumn, December, and Spring. The coldest season of the year starts from December which is the last month of the year. During this trek, you walk from low altitude places to higher altitude places which can rise to 5,600 meters.

  7. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    Altitude sickness is a challenging part of Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Everest Base Camp Trek is a high altitude trek that takes you to the mountains-touching altitudes of Everest Base Camp(5,364m) and Kala Patthar(5,643m). Everyone is not used to higher altitudes like the locals.

  8. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    Things to Know About Everest Base Camp Trek in December. Early December is a good time to trek to Everest Base Camp. Winter treks are preferable to summer treks because snow is what we want to see in the Himalayas. Treks are meant to challenge one's physical strength, experience the cold of the mountains, and see snow-capped peaks.

  9. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    This incredible trek is ideal throughout the year. While December falls off-season and Everest base camp trek in December is still a great time to trek the Himalayan trails. Trekkers will get to travel in a tranquil atmosphere without any crowded trails in December. However, the latter part of December can get quite cold, so it is not ...

  10. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    The Everest Base Camp Trek in the serene Himalayan landscapes is an exciting trekking adventure loved by trekkers globally. This spectacular trek provides trekkers with the scenic Himalayan vista and passes through incredible natural terrains. While the trek is doable throughout the year, December is one of the perfect times for this outstanding trek.

  11. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    The weather in December is definitely cold as well as snowy. Here is some of the temperature of places in Everest base camp trek: Lukla - 2829 meters elevation - average temperature 4 degree Celsius - minimum temp is -2 degree Celsius -maximum is 10 degrees Celsius. Namche - 3444 meters elevation - average temperature 5 degree ...

  12. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    Weather and Climate in December in the Everest Region. Temperatures at Namche Bazaar should be around 7 o C (44°F) in the day -6 o C (21 o F) at night. During the day the temperature is quite fine for hiking but in the early mornings and evenings and during the night it will be extremely cold. Plan accordingly.

  13. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    3 - Acclimatization in Namche. 4 - Trek from Namche Bazaar to Tengboche (3867 m) 5 - Trek from Tengboche to Dingboche (4260 m) 6 - Acclimatization Day in Dingboche. 7 - Trek from Dingboche to Lobuche (4930 m) 8 - Trek from Lobuche to Gorak Shep (5170 m) and Everest Base Camp (5364 m) and return to Gorakshep.

  14. Everest Base Camp Trek in December

    The total trekking distance from Lukla to Everest Base Camp is approximately 138 km. You need to walk through steep, rocky land for 6-7 hours a day. It is quite challenging. While in December, it becomes tougher to conquer the Everest Base Camp Trek as the trails are all filled with snow and wilderness.

  15. Can I trek to Everest base camp in December

    The Everest Base Camp transitions from the fall to the winter season in the last month of the year. As we move from autumn—one of the busiest trekking seasons- to winter. Yes, that is the response. Even though the Everest region experiences relatively little precipitation, the temperature at Everest Base Camp drops below zero in December throughout the trekking path.

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  17. How to trek to Everest Base Camp

    The thing that makes the EBC trek tough is the altitude. Base Camp is at 5600m (18,373ft) and you will need to spend one or two nights above 5000m (16,404ft). Above 4000m (13,123ft) you are going to feel increasingly lethargic and out of breath as the amount of oxygen in the air decreases.

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    Ascend gradually and pass by memorials for climbers who lost their lives on Everest. Stay overnight in a tea house or lodge in Lobuche. Day 9: Trek to Everest Base Camp and Gorak Shep. Trek from Lobuche to Everest Base Camp (5,364 meters) via Gorak Shep (5,160 meters) Trekking time: Approximately 7-8 hours.