
Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience: Private Tour

No need to queue with special pass at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.

Ever fantasized about spending a day at a major global theme park without having to queue or get lost amidst the sprawling labyrinth of breathtaking rides and other attractions? 

Add unlimited refreshments, professional photographs and a private guide and you have the VIP Experience at Universal Studios Japan (USJ) in Osaka. In September, I excitedly hung around my neck the VIP pass that grants me free access to all attractions as my private VIP Experience tour guide Roberto greeted me with a beaming smile and whisked me to the luxuriously plush VIP lounge.

Some families were already there being briefed by guides as they sipped complimentary cool drinks and coffee among colorful movie posters, comfy sofas and spectacular views of USJ’s waterways, attractions and excited visitors. 

Roberto explained everything, offered suggestions and then wrote a flexible bespoke schedule based on his expert advice and my preferences—I was feeling like a VIP even before the tour started.

It was a humid morning, and the park was bustling with energy. Keeping my comfort in mind, Roberto stressed to me that I should pace myself, take breaks, skip or repeat rides and take photos at any time.

All-Access to Attractions 

First was The Flying Dinosaur. As with all stops, my VIP pass allowed me to walk briskly past dozens of visitors straight to the front. A crazy, out-of-control Pteranodon seized me from behind and pulled me high into the sky to swing me 360 degrees, with nothing between me and the ground! The white-knuckle ride was exhilarating, to say the least. The loud screams and raised hands from start to finish said it all. 

Similarly, Hollywood Dream—The Ride was like flying through the sky, with background music, an unbelievable thrill for adrenaline junkies.

After all the excitement, I was ready to relax—in San Francisco! USJ has recreated Fisherman’s Wharf and Chinatown. Located just off the lagoon, the area smells of fresh sea air and features Lombard’s Landing, where I relaxed for 90 minutes and perused the VIP restaurant’s excellent buffet of starters, mains and desserts along with soft drinks and alcohol. Thanks, Roberto, for arranging the rides before lunch!

I felt truly pampered, knowing that everything was taken care of. My favorite ride was the relatively serene Jaws. We got a good soaking as authentic-looking gunfire blew bloodied sharks out the water, and we laughed at the animated commentary. I immediately pledged to watch the movie again, some 40-plus years since its release.

Wizardry and Cuisine 

We also visited WaterWorld, which is like a real movie set with acrobatic stunts, powerful boats and real actors fighting and causing mayhem with fire, guns and explosions. Getting soaked again was well worth it for the laughs and memories!

Recreated props from my favorite films included stores, barbershops, diners and classic cars from The Godfather, Rocky, The Sting and American Graffiti. We also saw such high-energy performances with movie characters, dancers, musicians and singers as the No Limit! Parade and a 30-minute stage musical of 1970s disco hits, the Universal Monsters Live: Rock and Roll Show.

After a delightful photo session at Minion Park and mind-boggling interactive 3D shelling to score coins with Mario Kart Koopa’s Challenge at Super Nintendo World, we joined the front of the long queue to meet Princess Peach. Then we braced for our last stop: the spookily atmospheric Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Strolling the winding cobblestone streets—convincingly shiny to mimic England’s ubiquitous rainfall—lined by snowcapped shops, eateries, homes and castles felt like stepping into the pages of JK Rowling’s best- selling books.

Adding down-to-earth reality was a battered blue Ford Anglia whose windscreen was smashed after colliding with a tree. A massive steam train with a cheerful bearded driver made loud hoots and whistles, enticing people to come closer. The highlight, of course, was riding Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. I soared through the air past peaks, troughs, people, animals and places weird and wonderful. It felt like I was part of the wizarding world. After the ride, Roberto handed me a glass of cold, non-alcoholic Butterbeer—a deliciously refreshing caramel, butterscotch and cream soda concoction, which served as a wonderful prelude to dinner. 

After a tasty spread of sashimi, quiche, salad and ice cream served with fine French Champagne, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir at the VIP restaurant, I thanked Roberto and told him the VIP Experience had exceeded my expectations. 

As we strolled to the exit past zombies celebrating Halloween by scaring schoolgirls, I reflected on the fact that my VIP Experience proved to be a stunning day of adventure, surprises and fun—with no queuing, wasting time or getting lost.

Universal Studios Japan (Osaka) VIP Experience Private Tour

(Eight hours, up to four people) Price (depending on season): ¥298,000–398,000 (tax included, excludes admission ticket) Visit: https://www.usj.co.jp/ticket/guidetour/vip-experience.html  

WIZARDING WORLD and all related trademarks, characters, names, and indicia are © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Publishing Rights © JKR. (s23) © Nintendo | TM & © Universal Studios & Amblin Entertainment | TM & © Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

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ユニバーサル VIP エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(8時間)

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  • WEBチケットストアトップ


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共通:1~4名 [大人/子ども/シニア]

(税込 ) ~ (税込 )

  • ※パークへの入場には、別途スタジオ・パスや年間パス(入場券)が必要です


  • 転売目的の購入は固くお断りします。転売が確認された場合、該当チケットだけでなく、同購入者の今後すべてのチケットのQRコードを無効化します
  • Purchasing tickets for the purpose of resale is strictly prohibited. If resale is confirmed, all ticket QR codes will be invalidated.
  • WEBチケットストアは日本国内に居住している方対象のサービスです。
  • The Web Ticket Store is a service for residents of Japan only.
  • 国外にお住まいの方は下記旅行代理店へ事前にお問合わせください。
  • If you live outside of Japan , please contact one of the following travel agencies.

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1名につき¥74,500~¥99,500(税込)、4名を超える追加人数分をご購入ください。 ただし、下記の場合は、当日「VIP エクスペリエンス受付」で追加人数分をお支払いください。

  • WEBチケットストアで購入後に4名を超える追加が発生した場合
  • ※「VIP エクスペリエンス受付」では、現金またはクレジットカード(VISA、JCB、Mastercard、イオンカード、American Express、Diners Club)が利用できます
  • ※ パークへの入場には、別途、1デイ・スタジオ・パスや年間パスなどのスタジオ・パス(入場券)が必要です。年間パス除外日の入場にもスタジオ・パスが必要です。事前にご購入、または当日「VIP エクスペリエンス受付」でご購入ください


「ユニバーサル VIP エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(8時間)」をカートに追加すると、追加人数用チケットの購入ボタンが表示されます。「ユニバーサル VIP エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(8時間)」と一緒にご購入ください。

<例> 6名でご利用の場合 「ユニバーサル VIP エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(8時間)」1枚(4人分)+ 追加人数用チケット2枚

  • ※ご購入前にかならず 注意事項 をご確認ください

参加者限定の新レストラン、誕生。 パークを無限に楽しむワンランク上のVIP体験を

ご要望に沿った完全カスタマイズ・プランで、専任ガイドがパークをご案内。ラグーンを一望できる眺めのよい空間が自慢の参加者だけが入場できる新レストラン「Luminant ~ VIP Private Lounge and Dining ~」では、厳選された人気フードやツアーのために開発された限定メニューをお楽しみください。あなただけの特別な一日が叶う、極上のパーク体験を。

  • ※パークへの入場には、別途スタジオ・パスや年間パス(入場券)が必要です 
  • ※入場日によって価格が異なります

特典 1 パークへの入場は、ツアー参加者だけの特別な入口から

特典 2 専任ガイドがご要望に合わせて、あなただけのパーク体験をカスタマイズ

universal studio vip tour osaka


特典 3 お食事は、新しく誕生した参加者限定の専用レストランへ

Luminant ~ VIP Private Lounge and Dining ~

ラグーンを一望できる素晴らしい眺望が魅力の、ツアー専用レストラン「Luminant ~ VIP Private Lounge and Dining ~」が誕生。参加者だけが入場できる特別な空間では、パーク中から厳選された人気フードやこのツアーのためだけに開発された限定メニューをお楽しみください。

  • ※レストランでの食事代金はツアー料金に含まれます
  • ※このツアーでのお食事は、VIP専用レストランでのご用意のみとなります。あらかじめご了承ください

下記の日程は対象レストランが異なります。 2024年:9月20日~9月21日


キノピオ・カフェ™ 、 パークサイド・グリル 、 アズーラ・ディ・カプリ 、 フィネガンズ・バー&グリル 、 三本の箒™


キノピオ・カフェ™ 、 パークサイド・グリル 、 フィネガンズ・バー&グリル 、 刀鍛冶の里 ひょっとこ亭

  • ※レストランの営業時間は予告なく変更する場合があります、詳しくは公式WEBサイト、または当日クルーへおたずねください

特典 4 超人気アトラクションへも、最短ルートでご案内

universal studio vip tour osaka

ガイドによる最短ルートでのご案内だから、時間を有効に使ってパークを思う存分満喫。 「スーパー・ニンテンドー・ワールド™」の人気アトラクション 「マリオカート ~クッパの挑戦状~™」 や 「ヨッシー・アドベンチャー™」 にもご案内します。

特典 5 思い出を形に残すフォトや、大盛り上がりのゲーム体験も。お好きな特典を1つお選びください 

universal studio vip tour osaka


  • フォーティセカンド・ストリート・スタジオ
  • フォト・オポチュニティ
  • ※ゲームコーナーおよびフォト・オポチュニティは、一部クローズしている場合があります。詳しくはツアー当日、専任ガイドにおたずねください

特典 6 シーズン・イベントやショーにもご案内!(対象アトラクションのみ)

  • ※ツアー時間外での体験になります
  • ※詳しくは、ツアー当日、専任ガイドがご案内します
  • ※2024年7月3日(水)~2024年8月22日(木)、ご希望の方は「NO LIMIT! サマー・スプラッシュ・パレード」を「360° びしょ濡れ! 特別エリア」で体験できます(ツアー時間内にご案内します)。詳しくは、 こちら をご確認ください

特典 7 その他の特典も盛りだくさん!

  • パーキング無料(1台)
  • 荷物のお預かり(追加、取り出し可能)
  • ツアー前後に利用できるエクスプレス・パスの配布
  • ツアー参加者限定クレデンシャルとストラップ


直接、パーク外の左手にあるゲストサービス横の「VIP エクスペリエンス受付」にお越しください。


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  • 必ず、ツアー出発時間までにお越しください



  • パークオープン時から入場できます
  • 小学生以下のお子さまだけの参加はできません。必ず中学生以上の付添いの方と一緒にご参加ください


  • 身長制限や利用制限により、アトラクションを利用できない場合の振替えはありません。あらかじめ、 アトラクション利用基準 をご確認の上、ご購入ください
  • 身長制限などの対象になるお子さまの付添いのため、アトラクションを体験できない場合は、 チャイルドスイッチ をご利用ください
  • ショー・アトラクション「ウォーターワールド」「オリバンダーの店™」「ユニバーサル・モンスター・ライブ・ロックンロール・ショー」ライド・アトラクション「エルモのバブル・バブル」は、専任ガイドがご案内中のみ優先案内が可能です
  • 一部の有料のショーやアトラクションは対象外です。詳しくは当日専任ガイドにご確認ください
  • ランチはツアー時間内に含まれます
  • レストランではツアー参加者以外の同席はお断りします
  • 低アレルゲンメニューをご希望の場合は、事前にこちらをご確認ください。 低アレルゲンメニューの詳細はこちら


  • 購入後のキャンセル、時間変更、日付変更、チケットの変更はできません
  • 入場日によって価格が異なります
  • 価格、内容は予告なく変更する場合があります
  • 1日の販売数には限りがあります、また入場日によって販売がない場合があります
  • 3歳以下のお子さまは、チケットは不要です
  • 表示価格は4名までの価格です。5~10名でご利用の場合は、 こちら をご確認ください
  • 本ツアーの購入では、「コンビニ支払い」を利用できません
  • チケットの購入は個人のお客様のみを対象としています。法人のお客様によるチケットの購入は、営利目的の有無にかかわらず、お断りをいたします
  • チケットの転売は、営利目的の有無にかかわらず、すべて禁止しています。転売チケットはパークで利用できません。 詳細はこちら
  • 英語でのツアーをご希望の方は購入完了メールにある「事前アンケート」への記載の場合のみお受けします
  • ツアーでの英語対応には限りがあり、ご希望に添えない場合もあります。準備可否のご返信等はいたしません。あらかじめご了承ください
  • 特典はツアー参加者のみの適用です。参加者以外の同行はお断りします
  • 特典内容は変更になる場合があります


パークを無限に楽しみつくす、あなただけの“VIPなパーク体験”がここに。 「あなたのご要望に沿った、特別なパーク体験を!」 専任ガイドが完全カスタマイズ・プランでパークをご案内!あなただけの楽しい1日をコーディネートします。

  • パークへの入場には、別途スタジオ・パスや年間パス(入場券)が必要です。年間パス除外日の入場にもスタジオ・パスが必要です
  • 現在、一部のWEBチケットストア以外の販売場所は運用を停止、制限しています。 詳細はこちら

For ticket booking website in English / 繁體中文 / 简体中文 / 한국어

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  • ※マリオカートおよびその世界をテーマとしたテーマパーク・オリジナルアトラクション、ゲームを取り扱う施設における自社調べ

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  • ユニバーサル・トラベル
  • 団体・企業向けプログラム
  • 学校団体向けプログラム
  • マーケティング・パートナーのご紹介
  • 公式ソーシャルメディアアカウント一覧

TM & © Universal Studios. All rights reserved. ※写真はイメージです ※本サイト上の画像や動画には、ご来場時点での運営策や衛生強化対策ガイドラインに準じていないものも含まれています。

  • WEBチケットストア利用規約

Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private / Group Tour

"Experience the Ultimate VIP Tour at Universal Studios Japan: Private and Group Tours for Unforgettable Memories"

Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka, Japan (Officially Authorized)

universal studio vip tour osaka

What You'll Experience

— Product Introduction —

Embark on an adventure like never before! Unlock the magic with a ticket to top attractions like "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™" and "Hollywood Dream - The Ride"! Experience VIP excellence with our first-ever English-guided tour, allowing you to fully experience the charm of the park. Enjoy regional English tours, priority access to "Three Broomsticks™," convenient meal coupons, exclusive discounts, and rich content - all exclusive to this itinerary!

— Product Special Features —

TM & © Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

請於行程出發 30 分鐘前於指定地點完成受理手續。

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How to book Universal VIP Tour at USJ/Where to Buy Tickets

2023/10/2 2024/3/10 Amusement park , Osaka

USJ VIP tours may seem expensive, but they offer a full range of benefits.

  • 0.1 What is Universal VIP Tour?
  • 0.2 Universal VIP Tour Overview
  • 0.3 Universal VIP Tour: Selling Price
  • 0.4 Universal VIP Tour: Privilege Details
  • 0.5 Universal VIP Tour: Where to Buy Tickets
  • 0.6 Web Ticket Store (USJ official website)
  • 0.7 Direct-in (QR code)
  • 0.8 Home delivery
  • 0.9 Purchase at the park (same-day sales only)
  • 0.10 Universal VIP Tour: Where to meet and how to register on the day of the tour
  • 0.11 1.Arrive at the “Studio Tour Reception Desk
  • 1.1 Receiving method “Direct In”.
  • 1.2 Receiving method “Home delivery
  • 2 3. Enter the park through the special entrance.

What is Universal VIP Tour?

Universal VIP Tour” is a paid park tour of USJ. A dedicated tour guide will take you around the parks with fun and excitement.

The benefits include priority access to popular attractions, discounts at restaurants, and much more! You can also ask your tour guide about park secrets and trivia!

Universal VIP Tour Overview

Time required: approx. 3 hours Fee: 15,000-41,000 yen

*One ticket must be purchased per person except for children under 3 years old *Children of elementary school age and younger cannot participate alone (must be accompanied by a junior high school student or older). *Guidance is available only in Japanese.

Universal VIP Tour: Selling Price

USJ’s “Universal VIP Tour” has different selling prices depending on the admission day. Please check the USJ official ticket store to see the selling price for each day.

Selling price: 15,000-41,000 yen (for one person; for both adults/children/seniors)

USJ’s “Universal VIP Tour” requires the purchase of one ticket per person. Children under 3 years old do not need to purchase a ticket as they are free.

Please note that USJ’s “Universal VIP Tour” does not include admission fee, so you will need to purchase a Studio Pass to enter the parks.

It would be better to purchase a studio pass in advance.

If you want to visit Universal Studios Japan, first make a ticket reservation! If you have a discount coupon, you can make a reservation and purchase tickets online at a discount price. Buy discount Tickets

Universal VIP Tour: Privilege Details

Special entrance for Universal VIP Tour

Priority access to 4 popular attractions

You can experience the following four popular attractions in the form of priority guidance! The attractions are as follows

List of attractions you can choose from

Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man the Ride 4K3D Jaws Mario Kart – Bowser’s Challenge Yoshi Adventure

10% off at restaurants in the park

Universal VIP Tour: Where to Buy Tickets

Prices vary depending on the type of VIP tour and date, so be sure to check at the sales location before purchasing

Web Ticket Store (USJ official website)

Tickets for the “Universal VIP Tour” can be purchased at the official USJ web ticket store. They are available two months prior to the admission date.


It is best to check the inventory calendar as stock may not be available depending on the date of admission. You can choose to receive your order by “Direct In” or “Home Delivery”.

Direct-in (QR code)

Direct-in payment methods are credit card payment (lump sum/revolving/ installment) or convenience store payment. Credit card payment can be purchased until the day of admission!

Convenience store payments can be applied for up to 3 days prior to the admission day, but payment must be completed by 23:59 on the day following the day of cart addition. If you make a payment at a convenience store, a “QR Code” will be issued, which is required to join the VIP tour.

Home delivery

A delivery fee of 740 yen per purchase is required for home delivery. (From February 1, the fee will be 800 yen.) Payment can be made by credit card (lump sum/revolving/ installment) or at a convenience store. Credit card payment can be made up to 9 days prior to the admission date, and tickets will arrive approximately one week after purchase is completed.

Convenience store payments can be applied for up to 11 days prior to the admission date, but payment must be completed by 23:59 on the day following the day the cart is added. The ticket shipping process will begin the next day after the convenience store payment is completed. You won’t receive your tickets at the convenience store.

*Delivery address is within Japan only. *Cannot change the delivery address or deliver to accommodations. *If you have purchased tickets in multiple installments, we will not be able to deliver them together.

Purchase at the park (same-day sales only)

If the tickets are sold out in advance, they will not be sold on the day of the event.

Universal VIP Tour: Where to meet and how to register on the day of the tour

The following is a summary of the meeting place and reception for the “Universal VIP Tour” at USJ. Please refer to it on the day of admission.

1.Arrive at the “Studio Tour Reception Desk

USJ’s “Universal VIP Tour” will start at the tour start time! Please complete the registration at least 30 minutes before the tour departure time.

The “Studio Tour Reception Desk” is located to the left of the entrance gate.

2.Register at the “Studio Tour Reception Desk”.

The Universal VIP Tour at USJ is accepted by presenting the “QR Code” that was sent to you when you purchased your ticket. Direct-in and home delivery, the respective presentation methods are as follows.

Receiving method “Direct In”.

Present the “QR Code” from the purchase completion page or purchase history page to the “Studio Tour” reception crew.

Receiving method “Home delivery

Present the “QR code” on the ticket ticket sent by courier to the “Studio Tour” reception crew.

3. Enter the park through the special entrance.

Studio VIP tours do not use ticket booths or general gates, but instead enter directly through a dedicated entrance. After registration, follow the tour crew’s directions to enter!

Tips for advance preparation at USJ JAPAN

universal studio vip tour osaka


  1. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka

    universal studio vip tour osaka

  2. Universal Studios Japan VIP Private Personal Experience tour|Osaka

    universal studio vip tour osaka

  3. Universal Studio Japan VIP Experience

    universal studio vip tour osaka

  4. Universal Studios Japan®

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  5. 2024 Universal Studios Japan Guide & Tips

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  6. Universal Studios Japan

    universal studio vip tour osaka


  1. VIP tickets at Universal Studios 🎟️ @HighLifeWorkout

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  3. From my VIP Universal Studio tour 🎬 #hollywood #behindthescenes #movie #usa #movieset #travel #fun

  4. NEW 2024 STUDIO TOUR at Universal Studios Hollywood

  5. Universal Studios Hollywood VIP Full Tour! How To Skip Lines EVEN At SUPER NINTENDO WORLD

  6. Universal Studio Singapore Hollywood Dreams Parade 9 Aug 2013


  1. Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private Tour

    Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private / Group Tour. *Excluding Studio Pass. 4.5. (42 reviews) 2K+ booked. 2-chōme-1-33 Sakurajima, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0031, Japan. Gallery. Currently unavailable. Find things to do in Osaka.

  2. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience: Private Tour

    Enjoy an unforgettable day at Universal Studios Japan with the VIP Experience. Skip queues, enjoy unlimited refreshments, and explore with a private guide. Book your exclusive VIP tour today for a hassle-free adventure filled with thrilling rides, gourmet dining, and magical moments. ... (Osaka) VIP Experience Private Tour (Eight hours, up to ...

  3. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka

    Elevate your visit with a 2-hour VIP English guided tour at Universal Studios. Our pro guides ensure a seamless park experience, perfect for family adventures ... Guaranteed tour [2024 Spring Festival Five-Day Tour to Osaka, Japan] Universal Studios | Shinsaibashi | Kuromon Market | Wakayama | Universal Studios Park Front Hotel | EVA Air USD ...

  4. ユニバーサル Vip エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(8時間)|Usj Webチケットストア

    VIP エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(8時間). VIP エクスペリエンス・プライベート・ツアー(5時間). その他チケット一覧. ユニバーサル・スタジオ・ジャパンのチケットのご購入は公式チケット販売サイト「WEBチケットストア」で!. パークを ...

  5. Reasons To Take The Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Tour

    Those on the Universal Studios Japan VIP Tour can get first dibs on seasonal events and shows for select attractions. Grab other VIP park perks via Universal Studios Japan Facebook. Enjoy these other park perks included in the Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Tour: Luggage storage at the reception area; Free parking for one vehicle

  6. Universal Studios Japan VIP Private Personal Experience tour|Osaka

    Universal Studios Japan VIP Private Personal Experience tour is customized to meet your needs and a full-time tour guide is provided to guide you in the park. The latest restaurant is able for you to see an unobstructed view of the lake. It is only open to participants of this tour. Please enjoy specially designed popular dishes and limited meals.

  7. [Osaka] Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private

    [Osaka] Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private / Group Tour. 4.6 ( 41 reviews ) | 1K+ Booked. Book now for 29 Apr 2024. Instant Confirmation. No cancellation. ... # Universal VIP Experience Private Tour A new restaurant just for tour participants has opened its doors. Enjoy the Park without limits in a VIP experience that's a ...

  8. [Osaka] Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private

    [Osaka] Universal Studios Japan: Universal VIP Experience Private / Group Tour. 4.2 ( 16 reviews ) | 1K+ Booked. Book now for 25 Feb 2024. Instant Confirmation. No cancellation. ... # Universal VIP Experience Group Tour: Variety Some of the most popular attractions! If you want to enjoy the Park to your heart's content, this is the ticket for ...

  9. Great experience with the VIP pass

    Great experience with the VIP pass - Review of Universal Studios Japan, Osaka, Japan - Tripadvisor. Universal Studios Japan. 11,037 Reviews. #78 of 1,641 things to do in Osaka. Water & Amusement Parks, Theme Parks. 2-1-33 Sakurajima, Konohana-Ku, Osaka 554-0031, Osaka Prefecture. Open today: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM.

  10. "Experience the Ultimate VIP Tour at Universal Studios Japan: Private

    Experience the ultimate VIP treatment at Universal Studios Japan with our private and group tours. Explore the magic of USJ in style with exclusive access and skip-the-line privileges. Book your USJ Studio Pass today and make the most of your visit to Osaka. Choose from 1-day, 1.5-day, or 2-day passes, or opt for the twilight pass for an enchanting evening adventure.

  11. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka

    Find Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka, Japan (Officially Authorized) promotions and other Things to Do around the world. ... Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka, Japan (Officially Authorized) is located at 2-chōme-1-33 Sakurajima, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0031, Japan.

  12. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour ~ Variety ~|Osaka

    Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour ~ Variety ~|Osaka, Japan (Officially Authorized) Japan - Osaka Duration: 2 hr(s) Guided language: English ... Kyoto Nara Day Tour from Osaka: Nara Park, Kyoto Matcha Experience & Arashiyama|Japan Free cancellation 12 day(s) prior to experience date. 4.7 (77) 400+ booked USD.

  13. Universal Studios Japan to Offer VIP Guided Family Tours of Super

    Other tours may be available, but you need to contact Universal directly. Universal Studios Japan has announced the "Universal VIP Experience Group Tour [Kids Adventure] ~ Super Nintendo World ~" tour, offering families with small children a memorable way to enjoy and experience the park's newest attractions. The three-hour guided tour ...

  14. Universal Studios Japan

    11,037 reviews. #78 of 1,644 things to do in Osaka. Amusement & Theme Parks. Closed now. 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM. Write a review. About. Universal Studios Japan offers world-class entertainment such as authentic attractions and shows, based not only on Hollywood blockbusters but also popular entertainment brands, and a variety of seasonal events ...

  15. Centara Grand Osaka: Universal Studios Japan Experience

    Make the most of your day at Universal Studios Japan with an exclusive Universal VIP Experience guided tour. Contact Centara Grand Hotel Osaka at [email protected] to book either of these exciting packages: 8-Hour Experience: Price: JPY 298000 - 398,000 (up to 4 persons) Exclusive park entrance. Dedicated tour guide with escorted front-of-line ...

  16. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka

    Elevate your visit with a 2-hour VIP English guided tour at Universal Studios. Our pro guides ensure a seamless park experience, perfect for family adventures ... (1 Week Free Pass), dan COMBO: Universal Studios Japan + Osaka Amazing Pass. General Information. Address. 2-chōme-1-33 Sakurajima, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0031, Japan. ...

  17. Universal Studios VIP Tours with Guide : r/JapanTravelTips

    Universal Studios VIP Tours with Guide. We are planning on visiting Osaka for 1-2 Days solely so that we can experience Super Nintendo World. Getting overwhelmed with the amount of different fast passes, I looked at the guided VIP tours. Does anyone have any experience with those?

  18. Japan VIP Experience? : r/universalstudios

    Its less bespoke, but you can get a version of the VIP experience from the link below. Just search for the "Universal VIP Experience Tour: Variety Group Tour: Variety" option. Its only for about 2 hours so I wonder if its maybe better just to buy an express pass 7 whenever they become available.

  19. How to book Universal VIP Tour at USJ/Where to Buy Tickets

    USJ's "Universal VIP Tour" has different selling prices depending on the admission day. Please check the USJ official ticket store to see the selling price for each day. Selling price: 15,000-41,000 yen (for one person; for both adults/children/seniors) USJ's "Universal VIP Tour" requires the purchase of one ticket per person ...

  20. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour (Variety)|Osaka

    Dive into VIP treatment with priority tours at "Three Broomsticks™" and exclusive meal coupons. This offer, loaded with perks, is unique to our itinerary; Embrace the thrill! Access all popular rides and make the most of your Universal Studios experience; Secure your Universal Studios Japan tickets - the official pass for non-stop fun in ...

  21. Book Universal Studios Japan Studio Pass

    2M+ booked. Universal Studios Japan. Save to wishlist. Gallery. From US$ 54.49. Select options. Don't miss "Early Entry Pass" to enter the park 15 mins earlier! Immerse yourself with thrills the whole family can enjoy at SUPER NINTENDO WORLD™! Secure your entry with the Area Timed Entry Ticket & Studio Pass combo ticket!

  22. Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Group Tour ~ Variety ~|Osaka

    Location: Universal Studios Japan VIP Experience Reception Counter Address: 2-1-33 Sakurajima, Konohana Ward, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture 554-0031 Japan Meeting Time