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91 Top Spanish Travel Phrases & Words for Travelers

travel related words in spanish

Are you planning a well-deserved vacation? Is your destination a Spanish-speaking country? If so, you may want to take the time to learn some essential Spanish travel phrases that can help you communicate. 

There’s no doubt that English is a widely spoken language . But if you travel to a Spanish-speaking country, your chances of randomly finding someone who speaks enough English to help you aren’t that high. Trust me, I have seen enough confused tourists to know.

To avoid any communication issues, I’ve built a list of 91 crucial Spanish travel phrases that will help you get by on your vacation. Are you wondering how on earth you are supposed to pronounce them if you don’t speak Spanish? Fear not! I’ve also included the audio recordings to help you overcome this issue.

Here is a quick overview of the situations we’ll cover and the resources you’ll find in this guide:

  • Common verbs for travel
  • Phrases & Vocabulary for the Airport
  • Phrases to Use in a Restaurant
  • Phrases & Words to Ask for Directions
  • Phrases to Use at a Hotel
  • Downloadable PDF

Basic Spanish Travel Phrases, Questions & Words

travel related words in spanish

When it comes to Spanish vocabulary for travelers, there are some essential words that you’ll use more frequently or that can help you sound more polite when addressing a native speaker. Let’s start with some greetings and expressions to catch a person’s attention.

As you’ll see in the examples I’ve provided, these words are usually placed at the beginning of the sentence. 

  • Hola – Hi / Hello 
  • ¿Qué tal? – Hello / What’s up
  • Buenos días – Good morning
  • Buenas tardes – Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches – Good evening / Good night 
  • Disculpa / Disculpe – Excuse me / Sorry
  • Perdón – Sorry / Excuse me 
  • Señorita – Miss
  • Joven – Young man / Mr. 

The following question words and expressions can also be useful when you travel:

  • ¿Qué…? – What…?
  • ¿ Cuál …? – Which…?
  • ¿Dónde…? – Where…?
  • ¿ A qué hora …? – What time does…?
  • ¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
  • ¿Cuándo…? – When…?
  • ¿Cómo…? – How….?
  • ¿Podría…? – Could you…?
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta…? – How much…? 

Hola , ¿ cuánto cuesta el llavero? Hi , how much is the keychain?

Disculpe , ¿ dónde está la catedral? Excuse me , where is the cathedral?

Señorita, ¿ podría darme otro formulario? Miss, could you give me another form?

Buenos días , ¿ a qué hora abre el museo? Good morning, what time does the museum open?

Basic Spanish verbs for traveling

Many simple Spanish travel phrases are built with the verbs querer , gustar and poder , which we use to make requests. These are the most common forms that you’ll need:

  • Quiero … – I want…
  • Quisiera … – I would like…
  • Me gustaría … I would like…
  • ¿Puede…? – Can you…?
  • Tiene / Tengo … – Has / Have

travel related words in spanish

As you can imagine, these expressions are very versatile because they can be combined with different words for tourists:

Quiero dos boletos.  I want two tickets. 

No tengo cambio.  I don’t have change. 

Me gustaría una habitación con vistas al mar.  I would like a room with an ocean view. 

Quisiera visitar el museo de artes.  I would like to visit the art museum. 

¿ Puede decirme dónde está la parada? Can you tell me where the bus stop is?

Disculpe, ¿ podría ayudarme? Excuse me, could you help me?

Travel Phrases & Spanish Vocabulary for the Airport

travel related words in spanish

You’re likely to find more than one person who speaks English at the airport. However, this is an excellent opportunity to start practicing your Spanish. Here are some common phrases that you’re probably going to encounter or use while at the airport:

  • ¿Va a documentar su maleta? – Are you going to check your bag?
  • ¿Me permite su pasaporte? – Can I have your passport? 
  • Por favor, abroche su cinturón – Please, fasten your seatbelt
  • ¿Desea algo de beber? – Would you like something to drink?
  • Por favor, regrese a su asiento – Please, go back to your seat
  • Llene este formulario, por favor – Please, fill in this form
  • ¿Cuál es el motivo de su visita? – What’s the reason for your visit?
  • ¿Dónde puedo cambiar dinero? – Where can I exchange money?
  • ¿Dónde están los baños? – Where are the restrooms? 

In addition to these phrases, here are some words that may be useful in this situation. Remember that you can combine the words below with the expressions and questions you learned in the previous section.

[Basic Spanish expression] + [airport vocabulary]

Quisiera un asiento en el pasillo .  I would like an aisle seat . 

Disculpe, ¿a qué hora aterrizamos ? Excuse me, what time do we land ?

¿Podría ayudarme? Mi equipaje está perdido .  Could you help me? My luggage is missing . 

¿Cuántas maletas va a documentar ? How many bags are you going to check ?

Buenos días, ¿tiene café ? Good morning, do you have coffee ?

Spanish Phrases for Tourists in a Restaurant

travel related words in spanish

As a tourist, you’re probably going to spend some time trying different foods at restaurants. Here are some common phrases you can use and are likely to hear at a restaurant.

  • ¿Qué desea ordenar? – What would you like to order?
  • ¿Me puede dar unos minutos? – Could you give me a few more minutes?
  • ¿Desea ordenar algún postre? – Would you like to order a dessert?
  • ¿Qué lleva…? – What’s in the…? 
  • ¿Qué platillo me recomienda? – What dish do you recommend? 
  • ¿Todo bien? – Is everything okay?
  • ¿Le hace falta algo? – Is there something you need?
  • ¿Me puede traer la cuenta? – Could you bring me the bill?
  • Soy alérgico a … – I’m allergic to…

Here are other terms that can be useful in this type of situations:

Joven, ¿cuál es la especialidad de la casa? Young man, what’s the specialty of the house?

Quisiera ordenar dos postres, por favor.  I would like to order two desserts, please. 

Disculpe, ¿qué platillo me recomienda? Excuse me, what dish would you recommend to me? 

¿Me podría traer un cuchillo y un vaso de agua? Could you bring me a knife and a glass of water?

Take Note: If you want to learn more about this topic, I recommend you check this guide on ordering food in Spanish . 

Spanish for Visiting the City & Asking for Directions

travel related words in spanish

One of the biggest challenges you may face is communicating with native speakers when visiting the city or a tourist attraction. Here are some of the most common Spanish phrases for travel that you may need in this situation:

  • Con permiso / Permiso – Excuse me
  • ¿Dónde está el/la…? – Where is the…?
  • ¿Cómo llego a…? – How do I get to…?
  • Estoy buscando… – I’m looking for
  • No hablo mucho español – I don’t speak Spanish very well
  • ¿Hay algún/alguna… por aquí? – Is there…around here?
  • ¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English?
  • ¿ Puedes repetirlo? – Can you repeat that again?
  • ¿Me podría ayudar? – Could you help me?
  • ¿ Nos puedes tomar una foto? – Can you take a picture of us?
  • ¿ Nos puedes tomar otra ? – Can you take another one of us?
  • ¿ Dónde puedo tomar…? – Where can I take…?
  • ¿Por aquí pasa el camión…? – Is this place on the bus route? / Does the bus come by here?  
  • ¿ Cómo se llama este lugar? – What’s the name of this place?

Take Note: Con permiso is a polite way to ask people to let you through. So, we use this phrase in crowded places or when walking on the street.

travel related words in spanish

On the other hand, people are likely to give you the following answers: 

  • Está… – It’s…
  • Siga caminando …- Keep walking…
  • De vuelta a/en – Turn…
  • Siga derecho –  Go straight…
  • Camine – Walk…

Additionally, here are some basic words that you can use or might hear when visiting the city:

Here are some examples of how to use these Spanish words and expressions:

Disculpe, ¿ dónde está la estación de tren? Excuse me, where is the train station?

Buenas tardes, estoy buscando el museo.  Good afternoon, I’m looking for the museum. 

Camine dos cuadras y dé vuelta a la izquierda.  Walk two blocks and turn left. 

Perdón, ¿ hay algún restaurante por aquí? Excuse me, is there a restaurant around here?

Hola, ¿ me podría ayudar ? Quiero ir al museo.  Hi, could you help me ? I want to go to the museum.

Spanish Phrases for Hotels & Accommodations

travel related words in spanish

Although nowadays it’s easier to make reservations before your trip, there may be some situations where you need to speak Spanish to communicate with staff and others in your hotel. Here are some essential phrases applicable to this context:

  • Tengo una reservación a nombre de … – I have a reservation for…
  • Quisiera hacer una reservación – I would like to make a reservation. 
  • No funciona … – It doesn’t work…
  • ¿Me puede mandar más toallas? – Could you send me more towels? 
  • ¿Incluye desayuno? – Is breakfast included? 
  • ¿ Cuenta con acceso a internet? – Is the internet included?
  • ¿Cuál es la contraseña? – What’s the password?  
  • ¿En qué piso está la habitación? – On what floor is the room? 
  • ¿Me permite su tarjeta? – Can I have your card? 
  • El cuarto se entrega a la … – The checkout time is…

As for vocabulary, these are some of the words that you may want to keep in mind:

Señorita, ¿dónde está el elevador ? Miss, where is the elevator ?

Buenos días, la regadera no funciona .  Good morning, the shower doesn’t work . 

¿A qué hora termina el servicio a la habitación ? What time does room service end? 

Spanish Expressions for Souvenir Shopping

travel related words in spanish

Even if you’re not a big spender, it’s likely that at some point you may want to do some shopping. These are the key expressions that you need in this situation:

  • ¿Cuánto cuesta…? – How much is..?
  • ¿ Tiene otra talla? – Do you have another size?
  • ¿Qué otros colores tiene? – Do you have other colors?
  • Me queda grande – It’s too big for me.
  • Me queda apretado – It doesn’t fit.
  • No me queda – It doesn’t fit.
  • ¿Cuánto va a ser? – How much will it be?
  • No tengo cambio – I don’t have change. 
  • ¿Acepta tarjeta? – Do you take cards? 

On the other hand, these are some of the expressions that the clerk may use with you:

  • ¿En qué le puedo ayudar? – How can I help you?
  • Pregunte/Vea sin compromiso – You can ask/see, without any obligation.
  • ¿Buscaba algo en especial? – Are you looking for anything in particular?
  • ¿En qué talla? – What size?
  • ¿Cómo le quedó? – How does it fit? 
  • ¿Buscaba algún color en especial? – Were you looking for a particular color?
  • ¿Quiere que le muestre algo? – Would you like me to show you something? 
  • Es el último que me queda – It’s the last one. 
  • ¿Tiene un billete más pequeño? – Do you have a smaller bill? 
  • ¿Qué tamaño buscaba? – What size were you looking for?
  • Aquí tiene – Here you go. 

As for vocabulary, here are some common objects that you may find during your trip:

travel related words in spanish

Check the examples below. Notice that you can combine this specific vocabulary with the basic words and questions you learned at the beginning of this article. 

¿Tiene dulces típicos ?  Do you have traditional candies ? 

¿Podría darme tres llaveros ? Can you give me three keychains ? 

Final Points: Spanish for Travelers

Many tourists visiting Spanish-speaking countries face communication difficulties. Let’s face it, there might be some people that speak English and will be able to help you. But chances are that, at some point, you’ll need to use some Spanish. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, right?

To help you with this, I’ve prepared this guide for tourists with basic expressions, questions and words that you’ll use in most traveling situations. Just remember that:

  • Many of these travel phrases are built with ‘ querer’, ‘gustar’, ‘poder’ and ‘tener’ . 
  • Questioning words can take you pretty far if you combine them with the appropriate vocabulary. 
  • You use greetings and words to address people to sound more polite.

Hopefully, this guide will help you keep basic conversations. ¡Buena suerte and (disfruta) enjoy your vacation!

Spanish Resources for Tourists & Travelers

To make your trip as enjoyable as possible and get the most out of speaking Spanish, I recommend checking out the free resources below. Here’s my pro tip: Quickly read them and write down a “script” of the most common Spanish phrases, words and expression you’ll need to use while you travel.

Download the PDF with Spanish Phrases & Vocabulary for Traveling

Learning Spanish can be an incredible experience. But it can also be challenging at times, especially when you’re visiting a new place. I’ve created a free PDF for this guide which you can download with the key Spanish phrases, expressions and words you need to start speaking the language while still enjoying your vacation.

Related Guides & Spanish Vocabulary

If you’re traveling to Mexico or another Latin American, Spanish-speaking country then this guide will show you all the vocabulary and phrases you need to interact and order your food at a restaurant .

One of the best ways to get ready for a day of speaking a foreign language is by achieving an easy win as soon as possible at the start of the day. Here are different expressions that native speakers use to say ‘good morning’ in Spanish , which is easy to incorporate into your conversations as well as common Spanish greetings and farewells .

How to Ask for & Reserve a Hotel Room in Spanish : In this article you’ll find different questions and phrases that you and the hotel staff are likely to use when booking a hotel room. 

Daniela Sanchez

¡Hola! Soy Daniela Sanchez, I've been studying Spanish professionally as well as teaching it in Mexico and online for over 10 years. I’ve taught Spanish to a wide array of foreigners from many backgrounds. Over the years, I've made it my mission to work hard on refining many challenging to understand grammar topics to make my students' learning experiences easier, faster and more enjoyable. Read More About Me

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spanish travel vocabulary

Spanish Travel Vocabulary: +50 Essential Words and Phrases for Your Next Trip

Are you planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country like Mexico? Whether it’s for business or pleasure, knowing some basic Spanish travel vocabulary can go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable. From ordering food to asking for directions, having a few key phrases in your back pocket can help you navigate your way through any situation where you might need to speak Spanish.

Table of Contents

One of the most important phrases to know when traveling in a Spanish-speaking country is “¿Dónde está…?” This means “Where is…?” and can be used to ask for directions to a specific location, such as a restaurant, museum, or hotel. Another useful phrase is “Quiero reservar una habitación” which means “I want to book a room.” This can come in handy when you arrive at your destination and need to find accommodations.

Spanish travel vocabulary

Other essential Spanish travel vocabulary includes ordering food and drinks at restaurants or coffeshops. “La cuenta, por favor” means “The bill, please” and is a polite way to ask for your check at a restaurant. “Una cerveza, por favor” means “A beer, please” and is a simple way to order a drink. With a few basic phrases under your belt, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively and make the most of your trip to a Spanish-speaking country.

Basic Spanish Greetings

Hola and buenos días.

If you want to greet someone in Spanish , the most basic way to do it is by saying “Hola” or “Buenos Días”. “Hola” is equivalent to “Hello” in English, and “Buenos Días” means “Good Morning”. You can use these greetings at any time of the day, but “Buenos Días” is only appropriate to use in the morning.

Spanish travel vocabulary - hji

Mucho Gusto and ¿Cómo Te Llamas?

When meeting someone new, it’s polite to introduce yourself and ask for their name. In Spanish, you can say “Mucho Gusto” which means “Nice to meet you”. After that, you can ask “¿Cómo te llamas?” which means “What’s your name?”.

¿Cómo Estás? and ¿Cómo Está?

If you want to ask someone how they are doing, you can say “¿Cómo estás?” if you are talking to someone familiar or “¿Cómo está?” if you are talking to someone more formal or older than you. Both of these phrases mean “How are you?”.

Remember that in Spanish, it’s common to use greetings and small talk before getting into the main topic of the conversation. Using these basic greetings can help you make a good first impression and show that you are friendly and polite.

  • Use “Hola” or “Buenos Días” to greet someone.
  • Say “Mucho Gusto” to introduce yourself.
  • Ask “¿Cómo te llamas?” to ask for someone’s name.
  • Use “¿Cómo estás?” or “¿Cómo está?” to ask how someone is doing.

Essential Spanish Travel Phrases

When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s always helpful to know some basic phrases to make your trip smoother. Here are some essential Spanish travel phrases to get you started.

Por Favor and Gracias

“Por favor” means “please” and “gracias” means “thank you.” These two phrases are essential when interacting with locals in Spanish-speaking countries. Here are some examples of when to use them:

  • When ordering food: “Quisiera una mesa para dos, por favor” (I would like a table for two, please).
  • When asking for directions: “¿Podría decirme cómo llegar al museo, por favor?” (Could you tell me how to get to the museum, please?).
  • When receiving help: “¡Muchas gracias por su ayuda!” (Thank you very much for your help!).

spanish travel vocabulary - please

Estoy Perdido and ¿Habla Inglés?

“Estoy perdido” means “I am lost” and “¿Habla Inglés?” means “Do you speak English?” These phrases can be especially useful when navigating a new city or asking for directions. Here are some examples:

  • “Perdón, estoy perdido. ¿Podría ayudarme a encontrar la calle X?” (Excuse me, I am lost. Could you help me find X street?)
  • “¿Habla Inglés? No hablo mucho español” (Do you speak English? I don’t speak much Spanish).

Quisiera and Aquí

“Quisiera” means “I would like” and “aquí” means “here.” These phrases can be useful when ordering food or making purchases. Here are some examples:

  • “Quisiera un café con leche, por favor” (I would like a latte, please).
  • “¿Tiene este suéter en mi talla? Quisiera probármelo” (Do you have this sweater in my size? I would like to try it on).
  • “¿Cuánto cuesta este recuerdo aquí?” (How much does this souvenir cost here?).

By learning these essential Spanish travel phrases, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively with locals and make the most of your trip.

Spanish Vocabulary for Transportation

When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to know some basic transportation vocabulary to get around easily. Here are some common Spanish words and phrases related to transportation.

Airport and Airplane

If you’re flying to your destination, you’ll want to know some airport and airplane vocabulary.

spanish travel vocabulary - airport

  • El aeropuerto – airport
  • El avión – airplane
  • El vuelo – flight
  • La terminal – terminal
  • El mostrador de facturación – check-in counter
  • La puerta de embarque – boarding gate
  • El equipaje – luggage
  • La maleta – suitcase
  • El control de seguridad – security checkpoint

Train and Bus

If you’re traveling by train or bus, you’ll need to know some vocabulary related to stations and schedules.

spanish travel vocabulary - train

  • El tren – train
  • El autobús – bus
  • La estación – station
  • El horario – schedule
  • El billete – ticket
  • El andén – platform
  • El tren de cercanías – commuter train
  • El autobús urbano – city bus

Taxi and Uber

If you prefer to take a taxi or Uber , here are some useful words and phrases.

spanish travel vocabulary - uber

  • El taxi – taxi
  • El conductor – driver
  • La tarifa – fare
  • El taxímetro – meter
  • La dirección – address
  • El destino – destination
  • El punto de recogida – pick-up point
  • El número de teléfono del taxi – taxi phone number

Remember, knowing some basic Spanish transportation vocabulary can make your trip much easier and less stressful. So, whether you’re taking a plane, train, bus, taxi, or Uber, be sure to brush up on your vocabulary before you go.

Spanish Travel Vocabulary for Accommodation

Hotel and hostel.

If you’re planning a trip to Latam, you’ll need to know some basic Spanish vocabulary for accommodation. Whether you’re staying in a hotel or a hostel, it’s important to be able to communicate with the staff. Here are some key phrases to help you out:

Spanish travel vocabulary - hostel

If you’re staying in a hostel, you’ll want to know some additional vocabulary:

Inn and Room

If you’re looking for a more traditional Spanish accommodation experience, you might want to stay in an inn. Here are some phrases that will be helpful when communicating with the staff:

No matter where you stay, it’s always a good idea to learn some basic Spanish phrases to help you communicate with the locals. With these vocabulary words, you’ll be able to navigate the Spanish accommodation scene with ease.

Spanish Vocabulary for Dining

When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to know some basic Spanish vocabulary for dining. Here are some essential words and phrases that will help you navigate menus and order food with ease.

Spanish travel vocabulary - restaurant

Restaurant and Menu

  • Restaurante – restaurant
  • Menú – menu
  • Carta – menu (also means “letter” or “card”)
  • Plato del día – dish of the day
  • Especialidades de la casa – house specialties
  • Entradas – appetizers
  • Platos principales – main courses
  • Postres – desserts
  • Cuenta – bill

When you enter a restaurant, it’s common to be greeted with “¡Buenas tardes!” (good afternoon) or “¡Buenas noches!” (good evening). If you’re not sure what to order, you can ask the waiter or waitress “¿Qué me recomienda?” (What do you recommend?) or “¿Cuál es el plato del día?” (What’s the dish of the day?).

Beer and Breakfast

Spanish travel vocabulary - breakfast

  • Cerveza – beer
  • Tinto de verano – summer red wine (a popular Spanish drink)
  • Café – coffee
  • Té – tea
  • Zumo – juice
  • Pan tostado – toast
  • Huevos revueltos – scrambled eggs
  • Tortilla española – Spanish omelet (made with potatoes and onions)
  • Churros con chocolate – fried dough pastry with chocolate sauce (a popular breakfast treat)

In Spain, it’s common to have a light breakfast of coffee and toast or a more substantial breakfast of eggs or a Spanish omelet. Churros con chocolate is a popular breakfast treat that’s also enjoyed as a snack or dessert. In Mexico you can order some “chilaquiles” with eggs.

Now that you have some basic Spanish vocabulary for dining, you can confidently order food and drinks at restaurants in Spanish-speaking countries. ¡Buen provecho! (Enjoy your meal!)

Spanish Vocabulary for Shopping

When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to know some basic vocabulary for shopping. Here are some useful words and phrases to help you navigate your way through the mall, market, supermarket, and bank.

spanish travel vocabulary - mall

Mall and Market

  • Centro comercial – Mall
  • Tienda – Store
  • Escaparate – Shop window
  • Vitrina – Display case
  • Comprar – To buy
  • Vender – To sell
  • Regatear – To haggle
  • Precio – Price

When shopping at a market, it’s common to negotiate the price of goods. Don’t be afraid to haggle, but remember to be respectful and polite.

Supermarket and Bank

  • Supermercado – Supermarket
  • Carrito de compras – Shopping cart
  • Caja – Checkout
  • Banco – Bank
  • Cajero automático – ATM
  • Dinero – Money
  • Cambio – Exchange rate

When shopping at a supermarket, be sure to bring your own shopping bags or be prepared to pay for them. When visiting a bank, you may need to provide identification and wait in line. ATMs are widely available, but be aware of potential fees for using them.

Remember to always be polite and respectful when shopping, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. With these basic vocabulary words, you’ll be able to navigate your way through the shops and markets of any Spanish-speaking country.

Spanish Vocabulary for Sightseeing

When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to know some basic vocabulary for sightseeing. This will help you navigate through different attractions with ease and communicate effectively with locals. Here are some useful Spanish words and phrases to enhance your sightseeing experience.

Museum and Park

If you’re planning to visit a museum or park in Mexico, these are some words you should know:

spanish travel vocabulary - oaxaca

When you’re at a museum, you might want to ask for a map or inquire about the exhibits. Here are some useful phrases:

  • ¿Dónde está el mapa? (Where is the map?)
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta la entrada? (How much is the entrance fee?)
  • ¿Cuál es la exposición principal? (What is the main exhibition?)

At a park, you might want to know about the different activities available. Here are some phrases you can use:

  • ¿Hay un área de picnic? (Is there a picnic area?)
  • ¿Dónde puedo alquilar una bicicleta? (Where can I rent a bike?)
  • ¿Cuándo cierra el parque? (What time does the park close?)

Tour and Places

When you’re on a tour or visiting different places, these are some words you should know:

If you’re on a tour, you might want to know about the different stops or landmarks. Here are some useful phrases:

Spanish travel vocabulary - teotihuacan

  • ¿Cuál es la próxima parada? (What is the next stop?)
  • ¿Cuánto tiempo estaremos aquí? (How long will we be here?)
  • ¿Puedo tomar fotos? (Can I take pictures?)

When you’re visiting different places, you might want to ask for directions or recommendations. Here are some phrases you can use:

  • ¿Cómo llego a la playa? (How do I get to the beach?)
  • ¿Cuál es el mejor restaurante en la ciudad? (What is the best restaurant in the city?)
  • ¿Hay algún lugar que deba visitar? (Is there any place I should visit?)

By knowing these basic Spanish words and phrases, you’ll be able to enjoy your sightseeing experience in a Spanish-speaking country to the fullest.

Spanish Vocabulary for Emergencies

When traveling to a foreign country, it’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with some basic vocabulary for emergencies. In Spain, knowing some key phrases can help you navigate unexpected situations with ease. Here are some important words and phrases to keep in mind:

spanish travel vocabulary - emergency

Customs and Baggage

If you have any issues with your baggage or need to go through customs, these phrases may come in handy:

  • La aduana – Customs
  • El equipaje – Baggage
  • ¿Dónde está la aduana? – Where is customs?
  • ¿Dónde puedo recoger mi equipaje? – Where can I pick up my baggage?
  • Tengo una reclamación de equipaje – I have a baggage claim

Passport and Boarding Gate

When it comes to your passport and boarding gate, it’s important to know the right vocabulary:

  • El pasaporte – Passport
  • La puerta de embarque – Boarding gate
  • ¿Dónde está la puerta de embarque? – Where is the boarding gate?
  • ¿Puedo ver su pasaporte, por favor? – Can I see your passport, please?
  • Tengo un problema con mi pasaporte – I have a problem with my passport

By familiarizing yourself with these key phrases, you can feel more confident and prepared in case of an emergency while traveling in Spain. Remember to stay calm and polite, and don’t hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

Learning Spanish for Travel

If you’re planning to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s a great idea to learn some basic Spanish phrases and vocabulary. Not only will it help you communicate with locals, but it will also enhance your overall travel experience. Here are some resources to help you learn Spanish for travel:

PDF and Download

One of the easiest ways to learn Spanish for travel is through downloadable PDFs. These resources are often free or low-cost and can be accessed from anywhere. Some popular options include:

  • Lonely Planet Spanish Phrasebook
  • Spanish for Dummies Cheat Sheet
  • FluentU’s Spanish Travel Vocabulary PDF

These PDFs typically include common phrases and vocabulary for travel situations such as ordering food, asking for directions, and checking into a hotel.

Video and Test

Another way to learn Spanish for travel is through videos and tests. Videos can help you with pronunciation and understanding context, while tests can help you gauge your progress and identify areas where you need improvement. Some popular options include:

  • Speak Like a Mexican Youtube Channel
  • SpanishPod101’s Travel Spanish Video Lessons
  • Babbel’s Spanish for Travel Quiz

These resources are often interactive and engaging, making learning Spanish for travel fun and enjoyable.

Overall, learning Spanish for travel can greatly enhance your travel experience. Whether you choose to learn through PDFs or videos, the key is to practice consistently and have fun with it. With some basic Spanish vocabulary under your belt, you’ll be able to navigate Spanish-speaking countries with ease.

Traveling in Spanish-Speaking Countries

When traveling to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s important to have some basic vocabulary to help you communicate with locals and navigate your way around. Here are some essential phrases to know when traveling to Spain and Mexico, as well as Argentina and Peru.

Spain and Mexico

If you’re planning a trip to Spain or Mexico, here are some helpful phrases to know:

  • Hola – Hello
  • Adiós – Goodbye
  • Por favor – Please
  • Gracias – Thank you
  • De nada – You’re welcome
  • Sí – Yes
  • No – No
  • Habla inglés? – Do you speak English?
  • Dónde está…? – Where is…?
  • Cuánto cuesta? – How much does it cost?

Spanish travel vocabulary - mexico

In Spain, it’s common to use the formal “usted” instead of “tú” when addressing someone you don’t know well. In Mexico, “tú” is more commonly used.

Argentina and Peru

If you’re traveling to Argentina or Peru, here are some phrases that will come in handy:

  • Chau – Goodbye

In Argentina, it’s common to use the informal “vos” instead of “tú” when addressing someone you know well. In Peru, “tú” is more commonly used.

Remember to always be polite and respectful when speaking with locals, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or clarification if you need it. With these basic phrases, you’ll be able to navigate your way around Spanish-speaking countries with ease.

About The Author

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Ricardo Hernández

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Learn A Language Through Stories

key spanish travel phrases

67 Essential Spanish Travel Phrases Every Traveller Needs To Know

Olly Richards Headshot

Spain. Mexico. Argentina. Peru. Colombia.

If you're learning Spanish , the mere the mention of these countries can leave you daydreaming about your next trip abroad.

And although there are many incredible things to do and see in Spanish-speaking countries, what really makes these places special are the local people.

So before you pack your bags and jump on a plane, why not learn a little Spanish to help you make the most of your trip?

In this post, you’ll learn 67 Spanish phrases for travel that can help you survive in the language during your trip abroad. And who knows, they might even help you make a few new friends too!

To make it easier for you, I’ve divided the phrases up into different categories:

Table of Contents

Take the time to learn a few of these key Spanish travel phrases and you’ll be able to mix with the locals, get by in various situations and have a much more enjoyable and authentic experience during your trip.

By the way, if you want to learn Spanish in time for your trip, my top recommendation for language learners is my Uncovered courses, which teach you through StoryLearning®.  Click here  to find out more and try out the method for free.

Press play on the video below to learn Spanish travel phrases thanks to a story. Otherwise, keep scrolling to discover all 67 Spanish travel words and expressions.

First Things First: Greetings To Use On Arrival

Knowing how to greet people is the most basic thing you can learn in a foreign language. And yet its importance shouldn't be underestimated.

Even if you aren’t fluent enough to hold a long conversation, a simple ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?  (Hello, how are you?) can make all the difference.

You'll be able to use these expressions as soon as you arrive at your destination, whether it's at the airport, the train or bus station, or the hotel.

People appreciate it if you make an effort to speak their language when you visit their country, even if it’s only a few words.

Spanish-speaking countries are especially polite and greeting people correctly will go a long way towards endearing you to the locals, be they friends, people you meet in shops or on the street.

  • ( BWAY-nos DEE-as)
  • (BWAY-nas TAR-des)
  • (BWAY-nas NOH-chays)
  • (KOH-moh eh-STAH)
  • (KOH-moh eh-STAHS)
  • (bee-EN  GRA-thee-as [Spain] / GRA-see-as [Latin America])
  • (KOH-moh te YA-mas?)
  • (May YA-moh… )
  • (MOO-choh GOO-stoh)

And of course, let’s not forget common courtesy!

  • (por fa-BOR)
  • (GRA-thee-as [Spain] / GRA-see-as [Latin America])

If you get stuck in your Spanish conversation, you can always fall back on these next two phrases to get you out of trouble.

  • (yo no en-tee-EN-doh)
  • (Ab-la in-GLAYS)

Get What You Want On Your Trip With The Verb Querer 

Once you’ve finished greeting someone, you’ll need to be able to move on to the crux of your conversation and to do that you’ll need to learn a couple of common verbs.

There are hundreds of Spanish verbs to learn and, to make your life more difficult, these verbs conjugate (change form).

This means learning a verb is never as simple as learning one word; you have to learn multiple different forms.

Having said that, you might be surprised by how far you can get only knowing one simple verb: I want .

It may not make you the most sophisticated Spanish speaker but 9 times out of 10 it will get you what you, well, want .

The verb in question is querer (to want) and in the first person form, it becomes quiero (I want).

Let’s take a look at how you can use it:

  • (yo kee-EH-ro oon me-NOO)
  • (YO kee-EH-ro oon taxi)
  • (yo kee-EH-ro OO-na ser-BAY-za)

If you’d like to be a bit more polite (which is usually a good idea), you can also use:

  • (kee-see-EH-ra…)

Asking For & Understanding Directions On Your Trip

Whether you’re looking for the toilet in a restaurant or trying to find a hotel to stay at, you’ll inevitably need to ask for directions at some point during your trip.

The simplest way to ask where something is, is to use ¿Dónde está? followed by the noun you are looking for:

  • (DON-day es-TAH el BAH-nyo?)
  • (DON-day es-TAH el BAN-koh?)
  • (DON-day es-TAH la KA-yay de al-cal-AH?)

When travelling in a foreign country, if you're asking someone on the street for directions, don’t forget your manners! To get someone’s attention, start by saying:

  • (Dis-KUL-pay)
  • (Con per-MEE-soh / Per-DOH-nah-may)
  • (eh- stoy per-DEE-doh)

Asking for directions is one thing but it’s pretty pointless if you don’t know how to understand the directions that are given to you!

Memorise these phrases to help you understand what the friendly locals are trying to tell you when you ask for their help:

  • (A la de-RE-cha)
  • (A la iz-kee-ER-da)
  • (De-RE-cho)
  • (En la es-KEE-nah)
  • (a OO-na KWAD-rah)

Getting Around Spanish-Speaking Countries

If you’re not keen on walking everywhere, you'll need to be able to find out about local transport options to find your way around wherever you are.

Here are a few simple phrases you can use to locate a bus, train or taxi and get to wherever you need to go:

  • (DON-day PWAY-doh en-kon-TRAR oon taxi?)
  • (DON-day eh-STAH la pa-RAH-dah de ow-to-BOOS mas ser-KA-nah?)
  • (DON-day eh-STAH la es-tah-see-ON de ferro-carr-EEL mas ser-KA-nah?)
  • (KWAN-to KWES-ta oon bee-YET-ay PA-ra …)
  • (oon bee-YET-ay PA-ra … por fa-BOR)

At A Restaurant On Your Travels

Each Spanish-speaking country has its own unique flavours and cuisine for you to try when you travel!

Food is definitely one of the big attractions to cities like San Sebastian in Spain and Buenos Aires in Argentina , so you'll need to make sure you have a basic grasp of food vocabulary ahead of your journey!

To start with, you need to be prepared to hear and understand certain questions in restaurants, such as:

  • (kee-EH-res AL-go PA-ra koh-MER?)
  • (kee-EH-res AL-go PA-ra beh-BER?)
  • (KAY kee-EH-res koh-MER?)

When you read the menu, you'll see the available food grouped into different categories, just like in an English menu:

  • (oo-na en-TRA-da)
  • (oon PLA-toh prin-si-PAL)
  • (oon POS-tray)
  • (OO-na beh-BEE-da)

When you're ready to order, use either  quiero (I want) or  quisiera (I would like) with the items on the menu to tell the waiter what you'd like. For example,  quiero…

  • (OO-na SOH-pah)
  • (OO-na en-sa-LA-da)
  • (el POY-oh)
  • (la CAR-nay)
  • (oon AG-wa)
  • (oon BEE-noh TIN-toh / BLAN-koh)
  • (OO-na ser-BAY-sa)
  • (oon ka-FAY)

So, for example, to order that ice-cold beer you're looking forward to at the end of a long day, you'd say  quiero una cerveza.

Spanish vocab pack

If you're not sure what to try, you can always ask your waiter for a recommendation:

  • (kay may re-kom-ee-EN-dah?)

In most restaurants in Spanish-speaking countries, the staff will be more than happy to suggest a particularly tasty local dish for you to try.

If you're a vegetarian or you have dietary complications, these next two phrases are essential:

  • (soy be-he-tah-ree-AH-noh/nah)
  • (TEN-go al-ER-hee-ah a las noo-EH-ses)

Finally, let's learn a couple of quick phrases you can use to ask about prices and pay the bill.

  • (KWAN-to KWES-ta? )
  • (la KWEN-ta por fa-BOR)

Key Spanish Question Words For Your Trip

Over the course of your journey, you'll almost certainly find yourself asking lots and lots of questions.

You might not have a huge Spanish vocabulary to draw on, but if you know the basic question words, you'll be able to get by in almost any common situation you might find yourself in.

Here are some key Spanish question words you need to know:

  • (KWAN-doh?)
  • (A kay AW-ra?)
  • (KWAN-toh?)
  • (KWAN-tohs)
  • (kah-dah KWAN-toh?)
  • (por KWAN-toh tee-EM-poh)

Once you’ve got these question words in your memory bank you’ll start noticing the patterns in Spanish grammar which will help you to move away from the basic Spanish phrases every tourist is using.

As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions!

Get Ready For Adventure With These Spanish Travel Phrases!

Take the time to memorise these key Spanish travel phrases and you'll have everything you need to get the most out of your journey.

With just a few words of Spanish, I'm sure you'll meet lots of amazing people and have plenty of life-changing experiences along the way.

Who knows, perhaps spending some time visiting a Spanish-speaking country will motivate you to strive for fluency?

travel related words in spanish

If this article has inspired you to both travel and to learn Spanish, then I've got something to get you started on your Spanish learning journey. 

I'm a big believer in the power of story to enable you to learn a language. That's why I've created an entire beginner course dedicated to learning Spanish by immersing yourself in an engaging story.

It's my Spanish Uncovered course, and it's designed to take you from beginner to B1 Intermediate level.

Click here for more information on the course, test it out for free and to find out how it'll help you.

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Important Spanish Travel Phrases (with Downloadable PDF)

Have you been dreaming about your upcoming vacation to Spain?

Eagerly awaiting your backpacking trek through South America?

Whatever the case, your trip to any Spanish-speaking country will be so much more fun and meaningful if you can communicate with locals .

But what kind of Spanish travel phrases do you even need to know?

Below are the essentials— the most common Spanish phrases for travel  to help you upgrade your trip from “goodw” to “great.”

1. Basic Spanish Greetings and Phrases

2. basic spanish phrases for everyday use, 3. asking for directions in spanish, 4. spanish travel phrases for the hotel, 5. spanish travel phrases for the restaurant, 6. spanish phrases for the airport and ticket offices, 7. medical emergencies in spanish, 8. spanish phrases for having a bit of fun, and one more thing….

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)

spanish travel phrases

Spanish-speaking countries are generally very polite and you must always be courteous and say “hello” and “how are you?”

Don’t worry about making mistakes. Most people will try their utmost to understand you and to make sure you understand them. Try your best and they will be happy to reciprocate!

  • Buenos días — Good morning
  • Buenas tardes — Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches — Good evening
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? — What’s your name? (informal)
  • ¿Cómo se llama? — What’s your name? (formal)
  • Me llamo… — My name is…
  • Mucho gusto — Nice to meet you
  • ¿Cómo estás? — How are you? (informal)
  • ¿Cómo está? — How are you? (formal)
  • Bien, gracias — Good, thank you
  • Por favor — Please
  • Gracias — Thank you
  • Perdón — S orry
  • ¿Habla inglés? — Do you speak English?
  • No hablo español — I don’t speak Spanish

spanish travel phrases

You can go far with some very easy-to-remember travel phrases and words.

You’ll likely use “I want,” “I like” and “Do you have…?” quite often. If you don’t know the noun, you can simply point at the object or show a photo.

You can also say a lot of things with very simple verbs we’re about to introduce. It may not be the sophisticated way you speak in English, but you will be understood.

  • Quiero / No quiero  — I want / I don’t want
  • Me gustaría ; Quisiera — I would like (more polite)
  • ¿Dónde está…? — Where is…? Since  dónde ends in  e and  está  starts with one, these two words flow into each other, almost like they were a single word.
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta? — How much does it cost? 
  • ¿Qué hora es? — What time is it?
  • ¿Tiene…? — Do you have…?
  • Tengo / No tengo  — I have / I don’t have
  • Entiendo / No entiendo  — I understand / I don’t understand
  • ¿Entiende? — Do you understand?
  • Quiero un boleto — I want a ticket

…un hotel — …a hotel

…un taxi — …a taxi

  • No funciona — It doesn’t work

That last one is an all-purpose word . You can use this for a million circumstances! Just point at the shower or whatever and say “ ¡No funciona!”

What we’ve seen so far is basic survival Spanish, so even if you can only remember these words and phrases, they’ll still help a great deal.


If you get a bit lost or unsure of how to get somewhere, “¿dónde está?”  is the simplest way of asking for directions. Here are a few more phrases, locations and other directions in Spanish that will be helpful on your trip:

  • ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril? — Where is the railway station?
  • ¿Dónde hay un restaurante? — Where is a restaurant?
  • Un tren — A train
  • La calle… — The street…
  • Un banco — A bank
  • El baño — The bathroom
  • Busco un hotel — I’m looking for a hotel
  • Necesito un hotel — I need a hotel

…un cuarto — …a room

…un cuarto con baño — …a room with a bathroom

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  • ¿Dónde hay una casa de cambio? — Where is the currency exchange?
  • ¿Dónde está el banco? — Where is the bank?
  • Dinero — Money

Once you have asked a question, someone will answer you in Spanish. Listen for these key words:

  • A la derecha — To the right
  • A la izquierda — To the left
  • Derecho — Straight ahead
  • En la esquina — At the corner
  • A una cuadra — In one block

…dos cuadras — …two blocks

…tres cuadras — …three blocks

…cuatro cuadras — …four blocks

spanish travel phrases

You’ve finally found your hotel and you’re ready to check in!

Staff at international chains will probably be able to communicate in English with you, but these phrases and questions will come in handy for local hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, etc.

These will also be helpful when you need to make adjustments to your reservation or are curious about other hotel amenities.

  • Tengo una reserva a nombre de… — I have a reservation under the name of…
  • Estadía de tres noches — Three-night stay
  • Una habitación para dos personas — A room for two people
  • Una habitación con una cama de matrimonio — A room with a double bed As you can see, habitación is a synonym of cuarto . You can use either term when booking a room.
  • ¿Dónde está la piscina? — Where is the pool?
  • ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? — What time is breakfast?
  • ¿Puedo solicitar una salida tardía? — Can I request a late check-out?
  • ¿Tiene servicio de habitaciones? — Do you have room service?
  • ¿ Cuál es la contraseña de WiFi ? —  What is the WiFi password?
  • Una cama supletoria — An extra bed
  • Vista al mar — Ocean view
  • Vista a la ciudad — City view
  • Un balcón — A balcony
  • La terraza — The rooftop / terrace
  • El gimnasio — The gym
  • La playa — The beach
  • El vestíbulo — The lobby

spanish travel phrases

Probably the most useful travel phrases you will need are the ones you would use in a restaurant. Let’s go over some basic restaurant vocabulary in Spanish :

Ask for anything by using quiero  or quisiera  — “I want” or “I would like.” And remember to say  por favor  and  gracias!

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travel related words in spanish

  • Una mesa — A table
  • Una mesa para dos — A table for two

…tres — …three

…cuatro — …four

  • Un menú / Una carta — A menu
  • Sopa — Soup
  • Ensalada — Salad
  • Hamburguesa — Hamburger
  • Con salsa de tomate — With ketchup

…mostaza — …mustard

…tomate — …tomato

…lechuga — …lettuce

  • Una entrada — An appetizer
  • Un postre — Dessert
  • Una bebida — A drink
  • Agua — Water
  • Vino tinto / Vino blanco — Red wine / White wine
  • Cerveza — Beer
  • Un café — Coffee
  • ¡Señor! / ¡Señorita! — Mister / Miss (when calling a waiter or waitress)
  • La cuenta — The check
  • Una tarjeta de crédito — A credit card
  • Una tarjeta de débito — A debit card
  • Pagar en efectivo — Pay in cash

Note that many places in smaller towns still don’t take credit cards , so make sure you have enough cash with you.

You can ask if a place takes credit cards by using the noun with a question. For example, you can pull out your credit card and say: ¿Tarjeta de crédito? They will understand.


It’s time to soak in some culture ! Whether you want to go see a show, check out an art exhibit, watch a local movie or visit the next town (or country) over, you’ll need to buy some sort of ticket.

We’ll start with some airport-specific vocabulary —bearing in mind that many of these phrases are versatile and can be used in various situations—followed by more general vocabulary. 

  • Learn words in the context of sentences
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travel related words in spanish

  • Su pasaporte, por favor — Your passport, please
  • Quisiera cambiar mi reserva — I would like to change my reservation
  • ¿Podría elegir mi asiento? — Could I choose my seat?
  • Quisiera cambiar mi asiento — I would like to change my seat
  • Este es mi equipaje de mano — This is my carry-on luggage
  • ¿Se ha cancelado el vuelo? — Has the flight been canceled?
  • ¿Dónde está la terminal internacional? — Where is the international terminal?
  • ¿Dónde está la puerta de embarque? — Where is the boarding gate?
  • ¿A qué hora es el embarque? — What time is boarding?

Earlier we defined entrada as an “appetizer.” Entrada has multiple meanings related to “start” or “entry,” so you can also use it to say “ticket.”

  • ¿Cuánto cuesta una entrada? — How much does a ticket cost?
  • Dos boletos de ida y vuelta — Two roundtrip tickets
  • ¿ Tiene un pase de un día ? — Do you have a one-day pass?
  • ¿A qué hora sale el próximo tren ? — What time does the next train leave?
  • ¿De qué plataforma sale? — Which platform does it leave from?
  • ¿Qué puerta? — Which gate?

For more specific situations, here are some words and phrases you might need when purchasing tickets:

  • El espectáculo — The show / performance
  • El teatro — The theater
  • La exposición — The exhibit
  • El cine — The cinema
  • Una película — A movie
  • Un vuelo — A flight
  • Viaje de ida — One-way trip
  • Viaje de ida y vuelta — Return trip / round trip
  • El asiento de pasillo — The aisle seat
  • El asiento de ventanilla — The window seat
  • La primera fila — The first row

La segunda fila — The second row

La tercera fila — The third row

La cuarta fila — The fourth row

Also, as you’ve likely noticed, for anything dealing with money or quantities, you’ll want to be familiar with numbers in Spanish .

spanish travel phrases

A smart traveler always comes prepared with some emergency over-the-counter meds. After all, you never know what could happen when you’re overseas.

But when those aren’t enough, these are the phrases that will help with your health-related concerns when in a Spanish-speaking country:

  • ¿Dónde está la farmacia? — Where is the pharmacy?
  • ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano? — Where is the nearest hospital?
  • Seguro de salud internacional — International health insurance
  • No me siento bien — I feel sick / I don’t feel well
  • ¿El doctor habla inglés? — Does the doctor speak English?
  • ¿Necesito una receta? — Do I need a prescription?
  • ¿Qué medicina necesito? — What medicine do I need?
  • La cita médica — Doctor’s appointment
  • La cita de seguimiento — Follow-up appointment

If you need help explaining your symptoms, these terms will help you out. With the exception of the last phrase, start off by saying tengo , followed by any of the below:

  • Un resfriado — A cold
  • Dolor de garganta — Sore throat
  • Tos — Cough
  • Fiebre — Fever
  • Dolor de cabeza — Headache
  • Dolor de estómago — Stomachache
  • Dolor de espalda — Backache
  • Resaca — Hangover
  • Me gotea la nariz — I have a runny nose


Of course, a trip to a Spanish-speaking country wouldn’t be complete without a little ¡fiesta! (carnival; party). If you’re keen to hit the town, here are a few phrases to help you get your groove on.

  • ¡Salud! — Cheers!
  • ¿Hay algún bar por aquí? — Is there a bar around here?
  • ¿Dónde están las discotecas? — Where are the clubs?
  • ¿A qué hora abren las discotecas? — What time do the clubs open?
  • ¿Me recomienda un lugar para bailar? — Can you recommend me a place to dance?
  • ¿Quieres bailar conmigo? — Do you want to dance with me?
  • ¡Bailemos! — Let’s dance!
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travel related words in spanish

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Essential Tourism Vocabulary in Spanish: Words and Phrases To Know

With Spanish tourism vocabulary, you can greet people, ask for directions, order food at a restaurant, and navigate the bus station, airport, hotel, and more. 

Spanish tourism vocabulary helps you immeasurably while traveling in Hispanic countries. Learning Spanish is a tool that will open all kinds of doors for you. 

Your whole travel experience will be different and more meaningful if you practice and use these 100+ tourism vocabulary words and phrases in this lesson! 

Keep reading to learn Spanish travel vocabulary and discover why it’s so essential before your upcoming trip.

¡Aprendamos español! Let’s learn Spanish!

Greetings and Introductions

If you’re learning tourism vocabulary in Spanish, it makes sense to start with greetings and introductions. 

If you want to dig deeper into this section of Spanish travel vocabulary, I highly recommend this Ultimate List of Greetings and Farewells for Beginners .

Hola, ¿cómo estás? Hello, how are you?

Bien, ¿y tú? I’m fine, and you?

Bien también, gracias. I’m fine too, thank you. 

Buenos días. Good morning.

Buenas tardes. Good afternoon.

Buenas noches. Good evening.

¿Cuál es tu nombre? What is your name?

Mi nombre es ________. My name is ________ .

Mucho gusto, soy ________. Nice to meet you, I am ________ . 

Gracias por la invitación. Thank you for having me. 

Farewells and Good Wishes

Say farewell with this Spanish travel and tourism vocabulary. Most people in Spain and Latin America are open, warm, and friendly. I added some phrases at the end so you can make lasting friendships. 

Hasta luego. See you later.

Gusto en conocerlo. Nice to meet you.

Gracias por la cena; hasta pronto. Thank you for dinner; see you soon.

¡Que tengan un buen viaje! Have a good trip!

Cuídense, adiós. Take care, goodbye.

¿Te puedo agregar a Facebook? Can I add you on Facebook?

¿Me puedes dar tu número de teléfono? Can you give me your phone number?

¡Gracias por todos los consejos! Thank you for all the tips!

¡Gracias por ayudarme! Thank you for helping me!

Por favor búscame en Instagram. Please look for me on Instagram. 

Most Common Questions

This tourism vocabulary section has the most common questions and phrases tourists use when traveling abroad. Don’t worry about sounding perfect or trying to get everything right. If you’re lost or have a specific need, chances are people will try to help and understand you.

¿Me puede ayudar? Estoy perdido. Can you help me? I am lost.

¿Hablas inglés?  Do you speak English? 

¿Sabes dónde puedo encontrar un mapa? Do you know where I can find a map?

Disculpa, ¿aquí hay internet? Excuse me, is there WiFi here?

¿Dónde están los baños? Where are the restrooms?

¿Cuál es el centro de información más cercano? What is the nearest information center?

¿Me puede traducir esto por favor? Can you translate this for me please?


Use these tourism vocabulary words in the bus terminal, airport, or taxi. Use a cheat sheet to remember or have them on your phone in case you forget a couple of words. 

Quisiera comprar un boleto de avión por favor. I would like to buy a plane ticket please.

¿Me puede pedir un taxi? Can you call a cab for me?

Por favor vamos lo más rápido posible, tengo prisa. Let’s go as fast as we can please; I’m in a hurry.

¿En esta ciudad hay Uber? Is there Uber in this city?

¿Dónde está la central de camiones? Where is the bus station?

Estoy buscando la terminal 3. I am looking for terminal 3.

¿A qué hora sale el camión? At what time does the bus leave?

Necesito un boleto para Acapulco, por favor. I need a ticket for Acapulco, please.

¿Nos puede dar dos asientos juntos? Can you give us two seats together?

El vuelo está demorado. The flight has a delay.

¿Me puede llevar a esta dirección? Can you take me to this address?

¿Cuánto cuesta el boleto de avión? How much does a plane ticket cost?

¿Estamos cerca? Are we close?

Perdí mi avión, ¿qué puedo hacer? I lost my flight, what can I do?

Directions and Places

If you’re a little unsure of where you are going, don’t worry! Just remember this Spanish travel vocabulary and ask anyone for help. Get to specific places by asking ¿dónde está…? (“where is….”). 

The table below contains words to give directions. “Two blocks to the left” or “pass the bridge and turn right at the next corner” are examples of what people may say to you while looking for a museum or market. 

This vocabulary table contains specific places you may want to ask about. 

A Spanish travel and tourism vocabulary list wouldn’t be complete without a hotel section. Ask the front desk if you have any questions. 

Te espero en el lobby. I’ll wait for you in the lobby.

¿El desayuno está incluido? Is breakfast included?

Deme dos toallas por favor. Give me two towels please.

Te veo en la alberca. See you at the swimming pool. 

¿Me puede indicar cuáles son las atracciones turísticas más cercanas? Can you tell me which are the closest tourist attractions?

¿En qué piso está tu cuarto? What floor is your room on?


This is the part where you get to show off your knowledge on Spanish travel vocabulary. You can order food for you and your friend or significant other by learning these simple phrases. Use them at an Argentinian restaurant or a Mexican meat market .

¿Cuánto cuesta el bufé? How much does the buffet cost?

Quiero la mesa del fondo.  I want the back table. 

¿Cuál es la guarnición? What is the side dish?

¿Me puede dar dos menús? Can you give me two menus?

Estamos listos para ordenar. We are ready to order.

¿Me puede traer una hamburguesa sin tomate ni cebolla? Can you bring me a hamburger with no tomato nor onion?

Queremos malteadas de chocolate y de fresa. We want chocolate and strawberry milkshakes.

¿Cuál es el platillo estrella de este restaurantes? What is the best dish at this restaurant?

¡Probemos platillos típicos! Let’s try typical dishes!

¿Me trae la cuenta? Can I get the bill?

¿Qué me recomienda? What do you recommend?

Soy alérgico al huevo y a las nueces. I’m allergic to eggs and nuts.

Yo soy vegana y ella es vegetariana.  I am vegan and she is vegetarian. 

Going Shopping 

Shopping for souvenirs or clothes is one of the best experiences you can have in Latin America. Get ready to ask for prices, store locations, and payment methods. Enjoy your time at flea markets, malls, hotel shops, tour agencies, and street stalls. 

See also: At the Bank in Spanish

¿Cuánto cuesta esta playera? How much does this t-shirt cost?

Vamos de compras. Let’s go shopping.

¿Dónde está el centro comercial más cercano? Where is the closest mall?

¿Sabes dónde puedo comprar un traje de baño? Do you know where I can buy a swimming suit?

Iré a comprar souvenirs.  I will go buy souvenirs. 

No sé si pagar con tarjeta de crédito o efectivo.  I don’t know whether to pay with a credit card or cash.

¿Tienes cambio? Do you have change?

¿Dónde puedo cambiar dólares a pesos? Where can I exchange dollars for pesos?

¿Me puede ayudar a encontrar un banco por favor? Can you help me find a bank please?

¿Estos zapatos tienen descuento? Do these shoes have a discount?

Check out: 12 Mistakes Tourists Make When Visiting Mexico City

Medical Emergencies 

Just in case you have a medical emergency, here is a list of relevant Spanish travel vocabulary. Describe your symptoms and how you feel. Ask someone to get help or call an ambulance. 

Necesito un doctor. I need a doctor

Me siento mal. I feel bad. 

Me duele el pecho. I have chest pains.

Estoy mareado/a. I’m dizzy.

Tengo náuseas. I feel nauseous.

Me desmayé en la mañana. I fainted this morning.

Mis síntomas son temperatura alta, dolor de cabeza y sangrado de nariz.  My symptoms are high temperature, headache, and nose bleeds. 

¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano? Where is the nearest hospital?

¡Llama una ambulancia! Call an ambulance!

¡Consigue ayuda!  Go get help!

Soy alérgica a un medicamento. I am allergic to a drug. 

¿Dónde hay una farmacia? Where’s the pharmacy?

Tengo seguro. I have insurance. 

Travel More Easily With Homeschool Spanish Academy

Here at HSA, we want to bring value to your travel experience. That’s why we offer tailored Spanish packages to fit your interests and needs. Travel easier with the help of native Spanish speakers and significantly improve your conversation skills. 

Learning Spanish gets you closer to the local people and culture. Enrich your experiences by learning Spanish. Imagine all the doors and opportunities that this tool will open for you!

Become part of our community of more than 24,000 monthly enrolled students who trust our 10+ years of expertise. See our pricing and programs and get ready to make the best memories of your life. To start practicing tourism vocabulary with our friendly, certified teachers from Guatemala, sign up for a free trial class today!

Ready to learn more Spanish vocabulary? Check these out!

  • ‘How Much Is It?’ in Spanish: A Guide to Travel and Shopping
  • Familial Bonds: Expressing ‘Sister-in-Law’ in Spanish and Family Vocabulary
  • 100 Easy Spanish Words for True Beginners
  • Earth Day Projects for Kids + Spanish Earth Day Vocabulary
  • How to Talk About the Temperature in Spanish: Fahrenheit, Celcius, and Descriptions
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures
  • Top 15 New Year’s Resolutions in Spanish
  • Talk About Hurricanes And The Weather in Spanish
  • Recent Posts
  • Car Parts Spanish Vocabulary List: Learn Using Pictures - February 1, 2024
  • Discovering The Mayan Languages - January 4, 2024
  • The 10 Most Common Spanish Surnames in The U.S - December 28, 2023

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travel related words in spanish

Speak Better Spanish

A Useful Guide to Spanish Travel Phrases

spanish travel vocab

Written by Diana Luciana

August 25, 2022.

Are you planning a long-awaited trip to a Spanish-speaking country? 🌎

Your trip can be so much more fun and meaningful if you know how to say travel in Spanish, and communicate with the locals—how many times have you missed out on a secret spot because you didn’t speak the language?—and find your way around with this guide to Spanish travel phrases and words. From getting to the airport to ordering food in Spanish at the restaurant, we got you covered.

How do you say travel in Spanish?

We put together a list of essential Spanish travel phrases, need-to-know vocabulary, and tips for traveling in Spanish. Keep in mind that you don’t need to speak Spanish fluently to get the most out of your trip and have meaningful interactions. A basic travel Spanish vocabulary will get you a long way, and the locals would definitely appreciate the effort. And when you don’t understand or aren’t sure of what’s being said, simply ask ¿Habla inglés? (Do you speak English?)

Key phrases in Spanish for travelers

Here are some key Spanish phrases and greetings you should know. You can use them in any situation (asking for directions in Spanish, asking questions in Spanish, meeting new people in Spanish, and so on.) It’s a mini Spanish 101 lesson:

Spanish greetings

  • Buenos días   — Good morning
  • Buenas tardes   — Good afternoon
  • Buenas noches   — Good evening
  • ¿Cómo te llamas?  — What’s your name?
  • Me llamo…   — My name is…
  • Mucho gusto. Encantado — It’s a pleasure to meet you.
  • ¿Cómo te va? / ¿Qué tal? / ¿Qué hay?  — How’s it going?
  • ¿Cómo estás?   — How are you?
  • Bien, gracias / Muy bien, gracia s — Good, thank you / Very well, thank you
  • Por favor   — Please
  • Perdón / Lo siento — Sorry
  • ¿Habla inglés?   — Do you speak English?
  • No hablo español.  — I don’t speak Spanish.
  • No entiendo bien el español. — I don’t understand Spanish well. 
  • ¿Tiene…?  — Do you have…?
  • ¿Entiende?  — Do you understand?
  • Yo entiendo / yo no entiendo  — I understand / I don’t understand
  • Hágame el favor de hablar más despacio. — Speak more slowly, please. 
  • Escríbalo, por favor. — Write it down, please.

Essential Spanish

  • ¿Dónde está…? ¿Dónde están…? — Where is…? Where are…?
  • ¿Por dónde se va a…? / ¿Cómo puedo llegar a…? — How do you go to…? 
  • ¿Dónde estamos aquí en el mapa? — Where are we on the map?
  • ¿Está lejos? ¿Está por aquí? — Is it far away? Is it near here?
  • Busco… — I’m looking for…
  • ¿Me podría ayudar?  — Can you help me?
  • Estoy perdido  (for men) / perdida  (for women) . — I’m lost.
  • ¿Hay alguien que hable inglés? — Is there anyone who speaks English? 
  • Disculpe / Con permiso / Perdóname — Excuse me
  • ¿Quién?   — Who?
  • ¿Qué?   — What?
  • ¿Cuándo?   — When?
  • ¿Cómo?   — How?
  • ¿Cuánto?   — How much?
  • ¿Cuántos?   — How many?
  • ¿Por qué?   — Why?
  • ¿A qué hora?   — What time?
  • ¿Por cuánto tiempo?   — How long?
  • ¿Cada cuánto?   — How often?
  • Yo quiero / yo no quiero  — I want / I don’t want
  • Yo tengo / yo no tengo  — I have / I don’t have

How to say airport in Spanish

Imagine yourself getting off the plane ( el avión )—new place, new language, new everything—ready to start your vacation. Even though English is widely spoken, knowing the basic Spanish travel vocabulary for airports and planes will make your trip easier. And you will start your vacation on the right foot, confident that you can find your way in any situation.

Essential travel vocabulary in Spanish for when you are at the airport ( el aeropuerto ):

Spanish travel vocabulary

Airport-specific vocabulary in Spanish

  • la aduana  — customs
  • la aerolínea  / la linea aerea   — airline
  • el asiento  — seat
  • el auxiliar de vuelo, la azafata  — flight attendant
  • el baño  — bathroom
  • el boleto  — ticket
  • confirmar una reservación   — to confirm a reservation
  • el destino  —  destination
  • el equipaje  — luggage
  • el horario, el itinerario   — schedule
  • la maleta  — suitcase
  • el pasajero, la pasajera  —  passenger
  • el pasaporte  —  passport
  • el regreso  —  return
  • la salida  —  departure, exit
  • la tarifa  —  price
  • la tienda libre de impuestos   — duty-free shop
  • el viaje  — journey, trip
  • el vuelo  —  flight, wing

Spanish travel phrases

Useful phrases at the airport in Spanish

  • ¿Cuándo sale el avión?  — When does the plane leave?
  • Mi vuelo es a las … en punto. — My flight is at … o’clock.
  • ¿A qué hora es el embarque?  — What time is boarding?
  • ¿Cuándo llega el avión?  — When does the plane arrive?
  • Quisiera cambiar mi reserva / asiento.   — I would like to change my reservation / seat.
  • Querría anular mi reserva.   — I would like to cancel my reservation.
  • Necesitamos ayuda para subir al avión.   — We need help to get on the plane.
  • ¿Podría elegir mi asiento?  — Could I choose my seat?
  • Este es mi equipaje de mano . — This is my carry-on luggage.
  • ¿Se ha cancelado el vuelo?   — Has the flight been canceled?
  • ¿Dónde está la terminal internacional / a puerta de embarque ?  — Where is the international terminal / boarding gate?
  • ¿Dónde puedo cambiar dinero? — Where is there a currency exchange desk?
  • ¿Dónde está el baño? — Where is the bathroom?

How to ask for directions in Spanish

You are finally in the city, ready to explore! Next on the list is learning how to ask for directions in Spanish. In this section, we’ll also cover the topic of transportation and finding a hotel in Spanish, and show you the most common travel phrases. Let’s delve into it:

  • ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril?  — Where is the railway station?
  • ¿A qué hora sale el tren?   — What time does the train leave?
  • ¿A qué hora sale el próximo tren?  — What time does the next train leave?
  • ¿De qué plataforma sale?  — Which platform does it leave from?
  • ¿Dónde puedo tomar un taxi / un autobús? (Latin America) /  ¿Dónde puedo coger un taxi / un autobús? (Spain) — Where can I catch a taxi / a bus?
  • ¿Tiene un pase de un día?  — Do you have a one-day pass?
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta un billete al aeropuerto?   — How much is a ticket to the airport?
  • ¿Cómo llego a…?   — How do I get to … ?
  • Gira a la izquierda/derecha.   — Turn left/right.
  • ¿Dónde hay un supermercado?   — ¿Where is there a supermarket?
  • ¿Dónde hay una casa de cambio?   — Where is the currency exchange?
  • ¿Dónde está el banco?  — Where is the bank?
  • ¡Disculpe! Soy turista y estoy perdido/a.  — Excuse me! I am a tourist and I am lost.
  • ¿Dónde hay un restaurante?  — Where is a restaurant?
  • Me podrías recomendar un restaurante?   — Do you have any restaurant recommendations?

12 Spanish travel phrases for the hotel

  • Busco un hotel . — I’m looking for a hotel.
  • Yo necesito un hotel / un cuarto / un cuarto con baño.  — I need a hotel / a room / a room with a bathroom.
  • Una habitación para dos personas . — A room for two people.
  • Yo tengo una reserva a nombre de…  — I have a reservation under the name of…
  • He reservado una habitación.  — I have booked a room.
  • ¿Puedes darme la llave de mi habitación?  — Can you give me the key to my room?
  • ¿Cuándo es la hora límite de salida?   — When is check-out time?
  • ¿Puedo solicitar una salida tardía?  — Can I request for late check-out?
  • ¿Cuál es la contraseña de Wifi?  — What is the Wifi password?
  • ¿Tiene servicio de habitaciones?  — Do you have room service?
  • ¿A qué hora es el desayuno?  — What time is breakfast?
  • Esta habitación es demasiado ruidosa.   — This room is too noisy.

How to order food in Spanish

After a long day of walking and exploring, it’s time to take a break and have a bite. Maybe try out the local Spanish cuisine. Whether you are ordering food or drinks, these phrases will come in handy. And if you want to learn more about how to say food in Spanish, check out this post . (You also have an entire section about ordering food in Spanish.) Start with these phrases:

  • Una mesa para… dos, tres, cuatro . — A table for… two, three, four.
  • ¿Cuál es el menú de hoy? — What is today’s menu?
  • Me gustaría probar la especialidad del cocinero.  — I would like to try the chef’s specialty.
  • ¿Qué me recomienda? — What do you recommend?
  • Me gustaría algo de postre.   — I would like some dessert.
  • La cuenta, por favor. – The check, please.
  • ¿Acepta tarjeta de crédito? — Do you accept credit card?
  • Tengo alergia a … — I am allergic to…
  • Soy alérgico. — I’m allergic.
  • Soy vegetariano/a. — I’m a vegetarian.

Now you’re all set for your Spanish travels! I hope this guide will enhance your travel experience, and that you will enjoy speaking Spanish—from asking for directions to ordering breakfast at the local cafe. If you want more free Spanish lessons , check out my YouTube channel and blog .

What’s your favorite travel destination? ✈️🧳 Drop your answer in the comments.

P.S. Do you know how to say safe travels in Spanish? Learn 3 ways you can say safe travels in Spanish: Te deseo que tengas un buen viaje (I wish you safe travels), Ojalá que tengas un buen viaje (I hope you have a good trip) and the formal option of Le deseo que tenga un buen viaje (I hope you have a good trip.) Now you know how to say safe travels in Spanish.

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105 Spanish Travel Phrases To Know For Your Next Trip


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Traveling to a Spanish speaking country without knowing at least a few Spanish travel phrases is a bad idea.

Even the simplest of situations can become an ordeal, whether it’s understanding directions, ordering food in a restaurant, or if worse comes to worst, handling an emergency situation.

That’s not to say that you won’t have a good trip – just that it’s more likely to come with added stress when you can’t speak the local language.

On the flip side, you don’t need to speak perfectly fluent Spanish in order to communicate.

Learning even a couple of basic Spanish travel phrases and words will go a long way in preparing you for most scenarios you’ll encounter when traveling.

Not to mention automatically be treated better by the locals who’ll appreciate the effort you’re making to speak their language.

Plus, nobody wants to be “that tourist ” who makes zero effort to speak Spanish, and is resigned to speaking painfully slow English and using excessive pointing as a last resort to be understood.

We put together a list of useful Spanish travel phrases and vocabulary for people who find themselves in a Spanish speaking environment and quickly need to learn survival Spanish.

Below, you’ll find vocab and native audio pronunciations for:

  • Basic phrases

Getting around

  • Understanding directions
  • Ordering food in a restuarant
  • Dealing with an emergency
  • Question words
  • Telling the time

travel related words in spanish

Basic Spanish Phrases

Hola – Hello

Buenos días – Good day/Good morning

Buenas tardes – Good afternoon

Buenas noches – Goodnight

¿Cómo estás? – How are you?

Por favor – Please

Gracias – Thank you

Me llamo… – My name is…

¿Habla inglés? – Do you speak English?

No hablo español – I don’t speak Spanish

¿Cómo se llama? – What is your name?

Disculpe – Excuse me/I’m sorry

No sé – I don’t know

¿Cómo se dice? – How do you say this?

No entiendo – I don’t understand

¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?

Hable más lento – Speak slowly

cta photo

Download the expanded guide to read later

This page gives you a great overview of the most important concepts and strategies, but for the full, expanded guide, click the button below:

These are likely to be your go-to Spanish travel phrases when getting around. Even when you don’t know the Spanish for the subject, these phrases can be combined with gentle pointing, and still come across as very polite.

Me gustaría – I would like

Quiero – I want

Necesito – I need

¿Dónde queda? – Where is?

¿Cuánto cuesta?– How much does it cost?

¿Qué precio tiene? – How much does it cost?

¿Tiene..? – Do you have..?

Yo tengo- I have

Yo no tengo – I don’t have

Qué significa (subject)…? – What does…(subject).. mean?

¿Como llego a..? – How do I get to…?

You’ll want explore your new surroundings, so best to memorize the Spanish for some key places.

El aeropuerto – Airport

El banco – Bank

La biblioteca  – Library

La cafetería – Café

El hotel – Hotel

El terminal – Terminal

La estación de bomberos – Firestation

La estación de ferrocarril – Railway station

El estadio – stadium

La farmacia – Pharmacy

La gasolinera – Petrol station

El hospital – Hospital

La librería – Bookshop

El mercado – Market

El museo – Museum

La parada – Bus stop

La policía – Police station

El restaurante – Restaurant

La tienda – Shop, store.

El Centro Comercial – shopping centre

Understanding Directions in Spanish

Understanding directions in a different language is always a challenge, but knowing a couple of these key phrases will help you if the situation calls for it. Either that, or you’ll end up with a general idea of where you need to go.

¿Entiende? – Do you understand?

A la derecha – To the right

A la izquierda – To the left

Derecho – Straight ahead

En la esquina – At the corner

A una cuadra – One block away

Hacia el Norte/Sur/Este/Oeste – To the North/South/East/West

Small talk is an essential part of everyday life, and Spanish speaking countries are no different.

Use these Spanish phrases to break the ice when you meet a local.

¿Cómo te va? – How’s it going?

¿Cómo te ha ido? – How’ve you been?

Estoy bien ¡Gracias! – I’m fine, thanks

¿Y tú? – And you?

Bien/Más o menos. – Good/So-so

¿Qué tal? – How are you?

¿Qué pasa? – What’s happening?

¿Qué haces? – What are you doing?

Ordering Food In Spanish

For obvious reasons, it’s always a good idea to be polite to your waiter in a restaurant.

¿Me trae…? – Could I have …?

¿Cuál es el menú de hoy? – What is today’s menu?

¿Qué me recomienda? – What do you recommend?

¿Acepta tarjeta de crédito? – Do you accept credit card?

La cuenta, por favor – Check, please

Soy alérgico – I’m allergic

Soy vegetariano – I’m vegetarian

Emergency Spanish

Knowing a couple of key emergency phrases will make things much easier if worst case scenario happens, and you find yourself in trouble.

¿Puede ayudarme? – Can you help me?

Necesito ayuda – I need help

¡Ayuda! – Help!

Estoy perdido – I’m lost

¡Llame a la policia! – Call the police!

¡Llame una ambulancia!  – Call an ambulance!

Quiz: Places, Directions, and Emergency

Before we move on, why don’t you see how much you remember from these three sections by watching this quiz video. You’ll be shown a selection of Spanish travel phrases and given a few moments to think of its English equivalent before we reveal the translation. Good luck!

travel related words in spanish

Question Words In Spanish

Just like the “Getting Around” phrases, these Spanish question words will be useful even when you don’t know how to say the subject of the sentence in Spanish.

¿Qué…? – what?

¿Cómo…? – how?

¿Cuándo…? – when?

¿Dónde…? – where?

¿Quién…? – who?

¿Por qué…? – why?

¿Cuál? – which?

¿Qué quieres hacer hoy? – What do you want to do today?

¿Como te sientes? – How are you feeling?

¿Cuándo vienes de nuevo? – When are you coming back?

¿Dónde está el museo? – Where is the museum?

¿Quién es? – Who is it?

¿Por qué quiere visitar este país? – Why do you want to visit this country?

¿Cuál prefieres? – Which one do you prefer?

Telling The Time

While almost everyone who travels has a smartphone these days, it’s still useful to know how to ask a stranger for the time, even if it’s only a tactic to break the ice and start a proper conversation.

¿Puede decirme la hora? – Can you tell me what time is it?

…En punto – O’ clock

…Y media/Y treinta –  …And a half

…Y un cuarto/Y quince – …Plus fifteen/quarter past

Faltan … para las … – It’s … until …

Medianoche – Midnight

Mediodía – Noon

Son las doce y treinta – It’s 12.30pm

Es la una y un cuarto – It’s 1.15pm

Faltan diez para las tres – It’s 2.50pm

Son las nueve de la mañana – It’s nine in the morning

Son las tres en punto – It’s three o’clock sharp.

Falta un cuarto para el mediodía – It’s quarter to midday

Related: If you want to learn more than these basics, then read our in-depth guide on how to tell the time in Spanish.

And that’s it.

Memorize these Spanish travel phrases before visiting a Spanish-speaking country for more comfortable, stress-free interactions in Spanish.

If you are serious about learning Spanish, then I recommend reading our 119-page Ultimate Guide to Spanish , which includes 10 principles behind learning Spanish fast, strategies to learn vocabulary and grammar, achieve perfect pronunciation and much more.

You can download the entire guide, for free, right below

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The exact strategies you need to become conversational in Spanish this year. Join the course now, before we come to our senses and charge for it!

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Spanish for Travel – Learn Essential Spanish Vocabulary and Short Phrases for Your Next Trip

Spanish for Travel

This post includes:

  • Spanish travel phrases cheat sheet as PDF download
  • Audio to correct your pronunciation
  • Exercises to practice, 3 infographics, 2 podcast episodes, and an explanation video
  • A recommendation for the best travel apps to make the most of your trip to Spain

Table of Contents


1.1 Essential Spanish conversational phrases

  • Means of transportation   2.1 At the airport   2.2 Baggage related phrases 2.3 Buying tickets 2.4 At the train or the bus station 
  • At the car rental  3.1 Types of cars 3.2 Prices 3.3 Car information 3.4 Returning the car and emergency situations 3.5 Useful verbs

At the restaurant

At the hotel.

  • Basic Spanish directions 6.1 Asking for directions 6.2 Receiving directions
  • Essential phrases in Spanish for emergencies
  • The most commonly used verbs
  • Best apps for traveling in Spain

Looking to spice up your Spanish skills? From must-know verbs for your travels to nifty phrases that’ll make locals swoon, we’ve got you covered.

With our helpful Spanish phrases and words , you’ll be like a linguistic chameleon, seamlessly blending in wherever you go. Whether you’re exploring the vibrant streets of Mexico, basking in the Spanish sun, or even just soaking up the lively atmosphere of Miami, these phrases will be your secret weapon.

Here’s the secret sauce: ¡practice makes perfecto! Use these words and phrases until they flow effortlessly from your tongue until ordering tapas feels as natural as breathing. 

Let’s dive into our blog and unlock the language of adventure! ¡Vamos!

Essential Spanish Conversational Phrases

A big part of traveling abroad is meeting new people. It doesn’t matter where you meet them, it only matters what you say to them.  To have a broader picture check out our blog post about Greetings, Common Phrases and Most Common Questions in Spanish . The blog post was prepared for you by our experienced Spanish teachers.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Hola, ¿qué tal? – Hello, how are you?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Estoy bien, gracias. – I’m fine, thank you. 

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] No estoy muy bien. / No estoy bien. – I’m not too well. / I’m not well.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Buenos días. Buenas tardes. Buenas noches. – Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening./Good night.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Adiós. Buenas noches. – Goodbye. Good night.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Puedes ayudarme? – Can you help me?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? No entiendo.   – Can you speak slower? I don’t understand. 

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Hasta mañana. / Hasta luego. / Hasta pronto. – See you tomorrow. / See you later. / See you soon.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Disculpa/Perdona. Por favor. Gracias. De nada. – Excuse me. Please. Thank you. You’re welcome.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Sí, por favor. No, gracias. – Yes, please. No, thanks.

[mp3j track=”¿Como-te-llamas_-Me-llamo.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo _____  – What’s your name? My name is _____

[mp3j track=”¿Donde-vives_-Vivo-en-____.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde vives? Vivo en ____. – Where do you live? I live in ______.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Encantado de conocerte. ¿De dónde eres? – Nice to meet you. Where are you from?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Soy de _______. – I’m from _________.

[mp3j track=”¿Cual-es-tu-profesion_-Soy-.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es tu profesión? Soy ______. – What’s your job? I’m a(n) _______. 

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? Mi número de teléfono es _____ Llámame. Este es mi número de teléfono. – What’s your phone number? My phone number is… Call me. This is my phone number.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es tu dirección de correo electrónico? Mi dirección de correo electrónico es_____. Envíame un correo electrónico. Esta es mi dirección de correo electrónico. – What’s your email address? My email address is… Email me. Here’s my email address.

The first step of traveling is planning. It can be fun but also quite stressful. It’s up to you to decide. In our podcast we talk about planning vacations in Spanish. You can listen to it on different platforms!


Planning Vacations in Spanish: Listen to Our Podcast!

Means of transportation.

First, we need to get started with the transport   vocabulary . Have a look at the infographic you’ll find bellow. 

transport in spanish

At the Airport

If you are taking your first flight to Spain , you should be prepared for all the different dialects and accents you will hear and see on your trip. To smooth your experience, we provide you with a list of common words and phrases used at the airport in Spanish .

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está el mostrador de facturación? – Where is the check-in counter?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está el control de seguridad? – Where is the security checkpoint?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está el autobús de enlace que lleva al hotel? – Where is the hotel shuttle bus?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está la aduana? – Where are the customs?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está la parada de autobús? – Where is the bus stop?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está la terminal? – Where is the terminal?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está el baño/servicio/aseo ? – Where is the toilet?

[mp3j track=”¿A-que-hora-sale-el-avion_.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿A qué hora sale el avión? – What time does the plane leave?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿A qué hora llega el vuelo? – What time does the flight arrive?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es el número de vuelo? – What is the flight number?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es el teléfono de la compañía aérea? – What is the airline’s phone number?

Baggage Related Phrases

Buying tickets.

Here you have some essential phrases and vocabulary  to buy tickets in Spanish. We know how stressful is to purchase tickets for buses, trains, airplanes or any event that you want to attend. But don’t panic! We are here to make your life easier.

[mp3j track=”¿Hablas-ingles_.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Hablas inglés? – Do you speak English?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ( Quería) un billete a Barcelona. – I want a ticket to Barcelona.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Un billete de ida a Santiago, por favor. – One way ticket to Santiago, please.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuánto cuesta el billete? – How much does the ticket cost?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuándo sale el avión/autobús/tren? – When does the plane/bus/train leave?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuándo llega el avión/autobús/tren? – When does the plane/bus/train arrive?

At the Train or the Bus Station

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuánto cuesta el billete? – How much does the ticket cost?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Un billete de ida a Valencia, por favor. – One way ticket to Valencia, please.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿A qué hora sale el tren para ___? – What time does the train to … leave?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está la parada del autobús número 11? – Where is the stop for bus number 11?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuándo llega el tren de ____? – When does the train from … arrive?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es la próxima parada? – What is the next stop?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuántas paradas más hay hasta ____? – How many more stops until…?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuánto dura el viaje? – How long is the journey? 

While traveling in Spanish-speaking countries it’s necessary to know the numbers and dates . Even if you know how to ask “ How much does it cost? ” – it doesn’t mean that you will understand the answer (yes, I’ve been there).

For this reason, we have created a complete post for Numbers in Spanish . If you have difficulties with long numbers or find yourself frustrated with 5, 15, 50, and 500, then you should definitely check it out.

At the Car Rental

  • Client : Buenos días. Quiero alquilar un coche. - Good afternoon. I would like to rent a car.
  • Renter : Hola. ¿Tiene una reserva? - Do you have a reservation?
  • Client : Sí/no tengo una reserva. - Yes, I have/No, I don’t have a reservation
  • Renter : ¿Para cuántos días / cuántas semanas? - For how many days/weeks?
  • Client : Para ____ días/semanas. - For ____ days/weeks.

Did you know that the word ‘car’ in Spanish can be said in many different ways depending on the country you’re in? Here you have a few examples. 

Types of Cars:

Car information:.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y” ¿El  coche  es manual o automático? – Is the car manual or automatic?

[mp3j track=”¿El-coche-tiene-aire-acondicionado_.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿El  coche  tiene aire acondicionado? – Does the car have air conditioning?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está la rueda de repuesto? – Where is the spare tire?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Qué tipo de gasolina utiliza? – What kind of fuel does it take?

[mp3j track=”¿Cuantos-litros-por-kilometro-consume-este-coche_.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuántos litros por kilómetro consume este coche?  –  How many miles/kilometers does this car get to the gallon/liter.

[mp3j track=”¿El-precio-incluye-el-seguro-y-el-kilometraje_.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿ El precio incluye el seguro y el kilometraje?  –  Does that price include insurance and mileage?

Returning the Car and Emergency Situations:

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde y cuándo tengo que devolver el coche? – Where and when do I have to return the car.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Tengo que devolver el coche con el depósito lleno? – Do I have to return the car with a full gas tank?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿A qué número tengo que llamar en caso de accidente o avería? – Is there anyone I can call in case of accident or breakdown

Useful Verbs:

Do you know how to order in a restaurant in Spanish? What would you say if the waiter only spoke Spanish? Or if he did not understand your language or was rude? Usually the waiters (camareros) don’t speak English or they don’t speak the language very well. So, we advise you to take a closer look at the Basic Spanish Vocabulary for Restaurants .  There you will find basic and important vocabulary. 

order in a restaurant in spanish

If you want to book your accommodation the old fashioned way, with a phone conversation, you can use these phrases. Keep in mind that you can write down all your requests in the reservation form on the hotel’s website.

Here you will find useful phrases for booking a room in Spanish .

The phrases you might use while checking-in :

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Hola, tengo una habitación reservada.  – Hi, I have a reserved room.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Me gustaría hacer el check-in. – I’d like to do the check-in.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Está lista la habitación? – Is the room ready?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde puedo dejar mis maletas? – Where can I leave my luggage?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde puedo aparcar el coche?   – Where can I park my car?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿En qué planta/piso está la habitación? – On which floor is the room?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? – What time is breakfast?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Cuál es el horario de la piscina? – What are the swimming pool hours?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Quiero pagar la habitación. – I’d like to do the payment for the room.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta? – Can I pay by card? 

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Puedo pagar en efectivo? – Can I pay in cash? 

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Puede llamar un taxi, por favor?   – Can you please call me a taxi?

For booking a hotel room, describing a place or an object in Spanish, we created a podcast episode that you can listen to and enhance your vocabulary and grammar skills.

On Vacation in Spain: Listen to Our Podcast!

Basic spanish directions.

This section will help you navigate through the streets of Mexico City, Barcelona or a little village of Peru.

Check out our detailed blog post about Useful Spanish Directions!


Asking for directions:

[mp3j track=”¿la-plaza-Mayor_.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Disculpa/Perdona, ¿la plaza Mayor?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Busco la estación de metro más cercana. – I’m looking for the closest metro station.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Estoy buscando un cajero automático. – I’m looking for an ATM.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Dónde está el Museo de Arte Moderno? – Where is the Museum of Modern Art?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Hay un hospital cerca de aquí/por aquí cerca? – Is there a hospital around here?

Receiving directions:​​

adverbials of place

Remember! If you don’t understand something, ask the person to repeat: ¿Cómo? (How?) . Usually Spanish people speak fast so you might need to slow them down a bit – just say:  ¡Despacio, por favor! Slowly, please!

Essential Phrases in Spanish for Emergencies

Hopefully, you won’t need this part of our blog post, but it’s important that you know some basic phrases in case you need help!

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Puedes ayudarme? – Can you help me?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Necesito ayuda . – I need help.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Estoy perdido . – I’m lost.

[mp3j track=”¡Llama-a-la-policia-.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¡Llama a la policía! – Call the police!

[mp3j track=”¡Llama-a-una-ambulancia.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¡Llama a una ambulancia!   – Call an ambulance!

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¡Ten cuidado! – Be careful!

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Ha habido un accidente. – There’s been an accident.

[mp3j track=”¡Por-favor-rapido.mp3″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¡Por favor, rápido!  – Please hurry!

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] ¿Estás bien?  – Are you OK?

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Me han robado. – I’ve been robbed.

[mp3j track=”″ title=”” ind=”n” volslider=”n” flow=”y”] Me han atacado.  – I’ve been attacked.

The Most Commonly Used Verbs

In this part you can refresh or learn new Spanish  verbs for traveling .  

Best Apps for Traveling in Spain spanish app

1. – a perfect alternative to any online maps. Before going to your destination, download an offline map and you will never get lost. You can also search for restaurants, supermarkets, and cultural landmarks without being connected to the internet. 

cabify spanish app

2. Cabify – it’s like Uber but a Spanish version.

triposo spanish app

3. Triposo – a different kind of a TripAdvisor. It’s more user friendly and it has a lot of information about any destination. Create bucket lists and add favorite places. You can also find mini-guides gathered by the  community.

spanishdict spanish app

4. Spanish Dict – although Google Translate is an excellent tool, we suggest this app for traveling through Spanish-speaking countries.

el tenedor spanish app

5. El Tenedor (The Fork) – the app has information about over 30,000 restaurants in Spain. You can discover what is around your location, choose the preferred cuisine and book a table. You can see the full menu in an app, which is handy. The app also offers discounts and some great deals.

idealista logo

6. Idealista – website and app for finding accommodation for longer periods. It offers apartments and houses to rent or buy.


7. Wallapop – similar to eBay, but in Spain. You can sell or buy stuff through the website or the app.

We hope this blog post answered many of your questions. Now, you’re ready for your adventure in Spain or South America. If you’re interested in more educational blog posts, visit our Learner’s Blog or check the FREE options to learn Spanish. 


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travel related words in spanish

travel related words in spanish

Spanish for Travelers – Vocabulary and Phrases

Are you traveling to a Spanish-speaking country ? In this post we are going to learn the basic Spanish vocabulary and phrases for travelers .

We also have published posts about specific situations that arise when traveling (booking a hotel, ordering in restaurants…).

So if you want to know the words and phrases for those specific situations, make sure to check them out clicking on these links:

And now, let’s learn some general vocabulary and phrases for travelers! ✈️🚗

¡Nos vamos de viaje el viernes que viene! We are going on a trip next Friday! Aún tenemos que hacer las maletas. We still have to pack our bags. Vamos en avión / barco / tren / autobús. We go by plane / ship / train / bus. Salimos a las 11 y llegamos a Mallorca a las 16. We leave at 11 and arrive in Mallorca at 16. Estoy buscando un hotel. I’m looking for a hotel. He comprado una guía de viaje. I’ve bought a travel guide. ¿Es cara la ciudad? Is the city expensive? Disculpe, ¿para ir al museo? Excuse me, how do I go to the museum? ¿Hay una oficina de información turística por aquí? Is there a tourist information office around here? ¿Qué tal el viaje? How was the trip? El viaje estuvo genial. The trip was great. Lo pasamos estupendamente. We had a great time.

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Travel Spanish: 70+ Essential Phrases for Your Trip

Updated on January 28, 2024 by Lou Mac

So you’re planning to visit a Spanish-speaking country (woohoo!). But how much language prep have you done for your trip?

Knowing basic travel Spanish is essential for any trip: for communicating with locals to find the best restaurants, asking for directions, and perhaps most importantly, in any emergency situation.

So, we’ve compiled this list of Spanish words and phrases that will be useful for when you immerse yourself in Hispanic culture.

If you’re unsure about the pronunciation of these phrases, this guide to Spanish pronunciation will help you understand all the basics!

Essential Travel Spanish Basics

The city of Santiago de Chile South America

The following words and phrases are worth going over and over until you can say them pretty much automatically, as they will be some of the basic building blocks to your Spanish knowledge.

  • Hablo español / No hablo español . — I speak Spanish / I don’t speak Spanish.
  • ¿Tiene…? — Do you have…?
  • Tengo… no tengo… — I have… I don’t have…
  • Entiendo, no entiendo — I understand, I don’t understand
  • ¿Entiende? — Do you understand?
  • Quiero, no quiero — I want…, I don’t want… E.g. quiero un boleto, un taxi, un hotel — I want a ticket, a taxi, a hotel…
  • Me gustaría, no me gustaría… — I would like…, I wouldn’t like… (This one is more polite)
  • ¿Dónde está…? — Where is… ?
  • ¿Cuánto cuesta? — How much does it cost?
  • ¿Qué hora es? — What time is it?

How to Ask for Directions in Spanish

A busy crossing in Santiago de Chile

Learning how to ask for directions is perhaps not as essential as it was twenty years ago, before the development of the internet and Google Maps.

However, if you find yourself in a situation where you can’t use your cellphone (which can easily happen!), you should know the basic Spanish phrases and vocabulary for finding your way around.

  • ¿Dónde está…? — Where is the…?
  • ¿ Cómo llego al centro? — How do I get to the centre/downtown?
  • ¿Hay un restaurante bueno por aquí? — Is there a good restaurant around here?
  • Busco un hotel/hostal — I’m looking for a hotel/hostal

With the phrases above you can ask for directions to other places, such as the bank, a bathroom etc. Here is some useful vocabulary to substitute into these phrases:

  • El baño — the bathroom
  • Un tren — a train
  • La calle — the street
  • Un cajero automático — an ATM

And lastly some practical vocab to help you understand the helpful directions people give you:

  • A la derecha — to the right
  • A la izquierda — to the left
  • Derecho — straight ahead
  • Una cuadra — a block
  • Sigue… — keep going…

How to Ask for Help in Spanish

ambulance in santiago de chile

While there are many things you must learn if you want to speak Spanish, knowing how to ask for help is key to surviving in a Spanish-speaking country.

A few phrases or words will make things much easier if an emergency occurs or you are in trouble, including the following:

Note: These examples use the “formal” way of speaking to people.

  • ¿Puede ayudarme? — Can you help me?
  • ¡Ayuda! — Help!
  • Necesito ayuda — I need help
  • ¡Llame a la policía! — Call the police!
  • ¡Llame a la ambulancia! — Call the ambulance!
  • Ayúdeme, por favor . — Help me, please
  • ¿Podría ayudarme, por favor? — Could you help me, please?
  • ¿Podría explicarlo, por favor? — Can you explain it to me, please?
  • ¿Cómo se escribe…? — How do you write…?
  • ¿Cómo se dice…? — How do you say…?

Spanish for Medical Emergencies

hospital waiting room in spanish-speaking country

It’s also important to know words in Spanish that can help us deal with a medical emergency.

  • No me siento bien — I don’t feel well
  • ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano? — Where is the nearest hospital?
  • ¿Puede llamar a la ambulancia? — Can you call the ambulance?
  • ¿Dónde está la farmacia? — Where is the drugstore/pharmacy?
  • ¿El doctor habla inglés? — Does the doctor speak English?
  • ¿Necesito medicinas? — Do I need medication?
  • ¿Qué medicina necesito? — What medicine do I need?
  • Tengo un seguro de salud internacional — I have international health insurance

Navigating Your Accommodation in Spanish

hostel bedroom in santiago

Once you’ve found the perfect place to stay, here’s how to get yourself checked in and comfortable:

  • Tengo una reserva a nombre de Harry Potter — I have a reservation under the name Harry Potter
  • Necesito un hotel / un cuarto / un cuarto con baño — I need a hotel / a room / a room with a bathroom
  • Me gustaría quedarme por dos noches — I would like to stay for two nights
  • ¿Tiene una habitación doble? — Do you have a double room?
  • ¿Dónde está la piscina / gimnasio? — Where is the pool/gym?
  • ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? — What time is breakfast?
  • ¿Cuál es la contraseña de WiFi? — What is the WiFi password?

Essential Spanish for Eating Out

fancy dinner in santiago de chile

The most important travel Spanish phrases to add to your mental toolbox are those surrounding eating out—either because we are hungry (obviously) or we want to experience the wonderful local gastronomy.

This list of expressions and words could save your life (well, your stomach) on your next adventure in a Spanish-speaking country.

In addition to the vocabulary below, a useful resource are these scenario podcast episodes we did about ordering vegetarian food in Spanish , and ordering coffee in Spanish .

To make things easier, we have divided these restaurant-related words and phrases into several categories. Check them out below:

When Arriving or Booking a Table

  • Quisiera reservar una mesa — I would like to book a table
  • Quisiera reservar una mesa para dos — I would like to book a table for two
  • ¿Tiene alguna mesa disponible? — Is there any available table?
  • Tengo una mesa reservada a nombre de Hermione Granger — I have booked a table under the name of Hermione Granger

When Ordering

  • ¡Camarero / garzón! — Waiter !
  • ¿Podría traerme el menú, por favor? — Could you bring me the menu, please?
  • ¿Qué me recomienda? — What do you recommend?
  • ¿Podría recomendarme un plato local, por favor? — Can you recommend me a local dish, please?
  • Para beber, me gustaría… — To drink, I would like…
  • Como entrada, me gustaría.. . — As a starter, I would like …
  • Como plato principal, me gustaría… — For the main course, I would like…
  • De postre, me gustaría… — For dessert, I would like…

During the Meal

  • Perdone, ¿podría traerme…? — Excuse me, could you bring me…?
  • Perdone, ¿podría traerme más servilletas? — Excuse me, could you bring me some more napkins?
  • Perdone, ¿podría traerme otra copa de vino ? Excuse me, could you bring me another glass of wine? (learn this one by heart 🍷)
  • La comida está muy rica . — The food is delicious
  • La carne está demasiado hecha — The meat is overcooked
  • La carne está poco hecha — The meat is undercooked

When Paying and Leaving

  • La cuenta, por favor — The bill, please
  • Estaba todo muy rico, gracias — Everything was very tasty, thanks
  • Quisiera pagar con tarjeta — I’d like to pay by card
  • Quisiera pagar en efectivo — I’d like to pay in cash
  • Creo que hay un error — I think there’s a mistake

Lastly, if you’re a foodie like me, you might want to know some food recommendations. Click here to learn about the different foods you must try if you’re visiting Chile!

Resources to Learn More Travel Spanish

Packing for a trip to South America

If you’ve decided you want to know a bit more than just the survival Spanish, here are a few resources to kick-start your Spanish journey.

  • Seeing in Spanish Podcast. Our own language learning and travel podcast aims at helping you self-learn Spanish to make your travels unforgettable. To start, check out this episode on how to learn Spanish on your own .
  • Duolingo. I think it’s safe to assume you know what Duolingo is! While it often gets a bad rap, it’s all about how you use Duolingo which makes the difference!
  • YouTube Videos. Videos such as this video on top 20 travel Spanish phrases you should know are a great way to hear how phrases we learnt in this article are actually pronounced.

It’s also worth remembering that Spanish changes depending on what country you’re in, so you might also want to consider learning a specific Spanish dialect.

With these survival Spanish words and phrases, your next trip will be much easier and more memorable.

Now you can move on to getting excited for your adventure!

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50 Essential Spanish Phrases for Travelers


January 10, 2018

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Your bags are packed and everything’s all set. But wait--before you leave for a Spanish-speaking destination, make sure you’re armed and ready with this list of the very basic Spanish travel phrases.

Just a few essential phrases are enough to tide you over during your trip, so make sure to have this list handy or better yet, memorize them! Don’t worry, it’s super easy, and the pronunciation won’t trip you up at all.

Spanish Phrases for Travelers

Get this list in PDF format

You can also download this list in a printer-friendly PDF version. Simply click the download button below.

So are you ready?

Here is your list!

Common Spanish Travel Phrases

Essential Spanish Phrases for Travelers

there you have it---your list of the most common Spanish travel phrases. 

You can also read some related articles here:

[Quiz] Do you know these common Spanish phrases?

50 Common Spanish Phrases

For a more complete list of Spanish phrases, grab your copy of the Spanish Phrasebook by My Daily Spanish! It’s got all the phrases you need to survive---and even thrive---in a Spanish-speaking environment.

Make your travel hassle-free with this e-book that covers all possible scenarios while traveling in a Spanish-speaking country. Check it out below!

Single blog with both side sidebars

About the author 

Janey is a fan of different languages and studied Spanish, German, Mandarin, and Japanese in college. She has now added French into the mix, though English will always be her first love. She loves reading anything (including product labels).

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When I was 18 I took my first trip to Mexico without knowing one word in Spanish. I remember landing and immediately realizing I had made a big mistake. So many people started talking to me in Spanish and I had no way of understanding them, or even to express that I couldn’t understand them.  I was like a deer caught in headlights.

However, the moment I learned just a few basic words and phrases in Spanish, it was like a whole new world opened up.  I could finally express myself, ask for things, and navigate the world around me. At first, I only learned about 100 basic words, but I quickly learned that even with such a short vocabulary I could actually accomplish a lot.

easy spanish words to learn before a trip

Now that I actually live part of every year in  Mazatlán  Mexico, my fluency in Spanish has greatly increased, but every day I still use all those basic words and phrases I learned so long ago.

travel related words in spanish

This article includes some of the easiest, most basic and most USEFUL Spanish words you’ll want to know for your next trip.  I have also given some tips and tricks to learning more Spanish before you go, what apps you should download on your phone, and some other tools for getting your point across.

Many articles about learning Spanish for your trip will give you big complex sentences to use, and let’s be honest…  who is going to remember all that?

Your head is full of trip planning, plane tickets, gate numbers, hotel reservations, and probably doesn’t have room to add 100 or so new language phrases to the mix. Plus then try to add masculine/feminine into the mix?  Let’s just keep it super simple.

Instead of teaching you grammar, verb conjugation and other complex stuff, this article will just give you some basic stepping stones. Yes, you are going to sound like a Neanderthal when you speak basic sentences with only a word or two, but I promise it’s better than nothing at all.

learning spanish

My best advice: Use Spanish words and not full phrases

Don’t try and form big sentences. Use single words! People will understand your “Tarzan Spanish” just fine. For example, instead of trying to learn “Where is the bathroom?”  (¿Dónde está el baño?)  you can just say “bathroom?”  (¿baño?)   and people will know what you’re looking for. It takes a lot of pressure off trying to memorize a bunch of extra words you might not ever need to use.

This hack can be applied to almost anything!

Instead of: “Where can I find the nearest bank?”  (¿Dónde puedo encontrar el banco más cercano?)

Use: “Bank?”  (¿Banco?)

Instead of: “Excuse me, could you bring me the check?”  (Disculpe, ¿podría traerme la cuenta?)

Use: “Check!”  (Cuenta)

Do I think it’s rude to speak like this?  No! Especially if you don’t know Spanish and you are unable to learn complex conjugations and sentences before your trip. I think being able to say a few basic singular words in Spanish is better than nothing. 

Of course, if you want to learn more Spanish before your trip, DO IT! But if you are at a very basic level of Spanish I would get super familiar with the key words and most basic phrases.

Easy Spanish Words and Phrases

(please note: these are common phrases and words in Latin American Spanish, predominately Mexican. Sure, someone from Spain will also understand this, but just note they can be slightly different, especially with pronunciation.)

basic spanish for travel

Greetings & Basic Words

Hello –  Hola

Thank you –  Gracias

You’re welcome –  De nada

Please –  Por favor

Excuse me –  Perdón

Sorry –  Lo siento

Good morning –  Buenos dias

Good afternoon –  Buenas tardes

Good evening –  Buenas noches

How are you –  ¿Cómo estás?

Good –  Bien

Bad –  Malo

simple spanish words and phrases for travel

Nice to meet you –  Mucho gusto

Do you speak English? –  ¿Hablas Inglés?

I don’t speak Spanish –  No hablo Español

I don’t understand –  No entiendo

What is your name? –  ¿Cómo te llamas?

My name is –  Me llamo es

I’m from –  Soy de

Why –  Por qué

How –  Cómo

Where –  Dónde

When –  Cuando

What –  Qué

I don’t know –  No sé

How do you say?  ¿Cómo se dice?

I want –  Quiero

I have –  Tengo

I need –  Necesito


Where are you from?  ¿De donde eres?

Where do you come from?  ¿De donde vienes?

Good morning/afternoon/evening –  shortened to just   Buenos/Buenas


I’m hungry –  Tengo hambre

I’m thirsty –  Tengo sed

Water –  Agua

With ice –  Con hielo

Without ice –  Sin hielo

I don’t eat meat –  No como carne

The bill/check –  La cuenta

Coffee –  Café

Sugar –  Azúcar

Milk –  Leche

learn super easy spanish words

Beer –  Cerveza

Wine –  Vino

Menu –  Menú

Table for 2 –  Mesa para dos

Table for 4 –  Mesa para cuatro

Everything is good –  Todo bien

I’m allergic –  Soy alergica/alergico

Tip –  Propina

Straw / No Straw –  Popote/ Sin popote

Would you like something to drink?  ¿Le gustaría algo de tomar?

Do you need anything else?  ¿Necesitas algo mas?

Would you like to add a tip?  ¿Quieres agregar una propina?

easy spanish to learn before visiting mexico


Taxi –  Taxi

Bus –  Camión

I’m lost –  Estoy perdido

Where is –  Dónde está

Hotel –  Hotel

Hospital –  Hospital

Bank –  Banco

Market –  Mercado

Restaurant –  Restaurante

Pharmacy –  Farmacia

Airport –  Aeropuerto

Bathroom –  Baño

Where are you going?  ¿A dónde vas?

spanish words to learn for travelling

Money –  Dinero

How much? –  Cuanto

Expensive –  Caro

Cheap –  Barato

Less –  Menos

More –  Más

Change –  Cambio

Cash –  Efectivo

Credit Card –  Tarjeta

Bag / No Bag –  Con bolsa / sin bolsa

spanish words and phrases that are easy to learn

4 –  cuatro

20 –  veinte

50 –  cincuenta

100 –  cien

1000 –  mil

tips to learn spanish before a trip

Help –  Ayuda

Help me –  Ayudame

Police –  Policía

Slow down –  Más despacio

With all of the Spanish words and phrases above, you’ll want to practice them over and over to get them inside your brain. Go to the store and buy some cue cards or get someone to quiz you. Study them like you used to study for a test in school. It’s all about repetition and actually speaking them out loud, not just in your head.

Save some of them in a note section on your phone or write them down in a mini-notebook that will be in your purse/backpack.

Spanish App to Download

Google translate.

Literally stop what you are doing and  go download the Google Translate app  onto your phone right this second.

This app does it all! You can quickly type in phrases to translate, speak into your phone to translate your voice into another language, or even.. get this… hold your phone up to Spanish text and have it translated to English for you.

google translate from english to spanish

You can download the Spanish package onto your phone through the app that allows you to use Google Translate even if you have no data or Wi-Fi connection.

google translate text

Here is an example of how the camera translation works. Here is the inside of a greeting card in Spanish. All I had to do was open the Google Translate app, hit the ‘camera’ button, and hold my phone over the text. It translates it into English instantly like magic as I hover over it. Great for using on street signs, reading labels, or really anything that needs translating without typing it all in. 

Learn Spanish Before You Go

If you want to step up your Spanish game, you can always do some exposure learning before your trip. Try a few of these tips to get more familiar with the language as a whole:


A few weeks before your trip, start watching all your favorite shows with the Spanish subtitles on. You will still be listening in English, but with the addition of having the Spanish text flash across the screen. This will help you get familiar with some basic words, spellings, and patterns before you go. I still do this all the time!


learn spanish by listen to podcasts

There are many different podcasts you can listen to in Spanish, and best of all they are free. You can listen to stories that are half in Spanish and half in English with the  Duolingo Spanish Podcast . There are also podcasts that help you learn like  Coffee Break Español.

If you are at a higher level of Spanish, you might even want to listen to the  news totally en Español , but slowed down to make it easier to grasp.


listen to latin radio before you travel to mexico

Gringos have been loving Spanish music ever since Despacito blew up on the international charts a few years ago. Keep the party going and download a bunch of Latin songs onto your phone. I have an iPhone and I love to listen to a Spanish radio channel on iTunes called  ‘Latin Pop Radio’ . Even listening to music will help familiarize yourself with common words and phrases. The best part about the iTunes radio station is you can also watch the lyrics across your screen if you really want to dive into what they are singing about.


learn spanish with duolingo app

Duolingo  has to be the best free language learning app out there. You can download it to your phone and start learning Spanish in seconds, without ever having to pay a cent. The app makes it really easy to learn, plus it’s made to keep you entertained and stimulated so you don’t get bored or frustrated. I would recommend downloading Duolingo 1 month before your trip and making a 30-day challenge for yourself to study 20 minutes a day for the next 30 days. You will honestly pick up so many basic words and phrases you will be surprised!

One last word of advice:

Don’t try and be perfect. No one expects a visiting foreigner to be fluent in their language, but they will really appreciate that you are trying. If you can’t seem to get your point across, use the two universal languages:  a smile and some hand signals.

travel related words in spanish

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travel related words in spanish

Learn More Than Spanish

Travel words and phrases in Spanish you should know

Basic Spanish travel words and phrases you need to know

What do you need to know when traveling to Colombia or any Spanish-speaking country?

If you don’t have enough time to enroll in a Spanish class or simply are not interested in speaking Spanish but want to learn the basics. Then, this short guide will make your life easier.

You will hear these words, sentences, and questions very often, so you better get familiar with them!

1. Spanish greetings and courtesy words

Spanish greetings and courtesy words

Colombians are very polite; you must learn and use these words when traveling. People would understand if you didn’t know them because of the language barrier, but you’ll get extra points if you did.

2. Spanish basic questions and sentences

7 common mistakes when learning Spanish

3. Spanish vocabulary at the Airport

Spanish vocabulary at the Airport

4. Spanish vocabulary for hotel and accommodation

Spanish vocabulary for hotel and accommodation

5. Asking for Directions in Spanish

 Asking for Directions in Spanish

If you are giving directions to the taxi or Uber driver

6. useful spanish vocabulary when in a restaurant, café or bar.

Useful Spanish vocabulary when in a Restaurant, Cafe or Bar

7. Spanish medical vocabulary

Spanish medical vocabulary

We guarantee that with this quick and easy guide, you will be able to “survive” when traveling around Colombia. These are the most basic words, sentences, and questions you need to know.

And if you want to speak more fluently with local people here, we highly recommend taking some General Spanish classes.

Contact us! Learn Colombian Spanish in Colombia: In-Class & Online Classes

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100 Spanish travel words – TRAVEL AND TOURISM – Spanish words in pictures

100 Spanish travel words

Want to learn Spanish really quickly? We have prepared for you boards with 100 Spanish words about travel and tourism. You can turn on our movie and repeat the words you see on the screen after the teacher. Our video will help you learn the most useful vocabulary related to traveling and tourism. From our video you will learn, among other things, what words are used at the airport, in a hotel or while driving around Spain.

Spanish words in pictures

Our video will help you memorize Spanish vocabulary! Words in pictures are a very enjoyable form of learning. You will see what each word means in the pictures and you will learn them quickly. You will also hear a voiceover who will teach you how to pronounce the words.

Below you will find a translation of the words you will hear in the video.

Holiday – Vacaciones

Winter break – Vacaciones de invierno

Tour – Excursión

Traveling – De viaje

Sightseeing – Turismo

Plane – Avión

Flight – Vuelo

Airline – Aerolínea

Security control – Control de seguridad

Flight attendant – Auxiliar de vuelo

Ticket inspector – Inspector de entradas

Train – Tren

Compartment – Compartimento

Carriage – Carro

Bus – Autobús

Car – Carro

Ship – Barco

Bike – Bicicleta

Boat – Bote

Kayak – Kayac

Tram – Tranvía

Taxi – Taxi

Ferry – Transportar

Passport – Pasaporte

Abroad – En el extranjero

Platform – Platforma

Airport – Aeropuerto

Gate – Puerta

Check-in – Registrarse

Departure hall – Sala de embarque

Boarding pass – Tarjeta de embarque

Duty-free zone – Zona libre de impuestos

Window seat – Asiento de ventana

Cruise – Crucero

Car park – Estacionamiento

Bus stop – Parada de autobús

Travel agency – Agencia de viajes

Car rental – Alquiler de coches

Tourist – Turista

Sea – Mar

Mountains – Montañas

Lake – Lago

Road – Camino

River – Río

Tourist information – Información turística

Country – País

Hotel room – Habitación de hotel

Guide – Guía

Ticket – Boleto

Price – Precio

Ticket office – Taquilla

Camping area – Área de acampar

Tent – Tienda

Caravan – Caravana

Sleeping bag – Bolsa de dormir

RV – Camper

Single room – Habitación individual

Double room – Doble habitacion

Museum – Museo

Cathedral – Catedral

Monument – Monumento

Castle – Castillo

Restaurant – Restaurante

Coffeehouse – Cafetería

Hotel – Hotel

Check out – Verificar

Reception – Recepción

Mountain hike – Caminata de montaña

Mountain trail – Sendero de montaña

Hut – Cabaña

Hitch-hiking – Autostop

Luggage – Equipaje

Hand luggage – Equipaje de mano

Arrival – Llegada

Backpack – Mochila

Bag – Bolsa

Reservation – Reserva

Crew – Tripulación

Souvenirs – Recuerdos

Beach – Playa

Pool – Piscina

Insurance – Seguro

Diving – Buceo

Amusement park – Parque de atracciones

City ​​center – Centro de la ciudad

Bill – Factura

Tip – Propina

Island – Isla

Luggage storage – Deposito de valijas

Food – Comida

Sailboat – Velera

Yacht – Yate

Passenger – Pasajero

Statue – Estatua

Map – Mapa

Tourist attractions – Atracciones turísticas

Direction – Dirección

Currency – Divisa

Timetable – Horario

travel related words in spanish

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Spanish Dictionary | Diccionario Español Ingles

Spanish travel words and phrases that you must know

You're preparing for a trip to Spain? Then, our list of useful Spanish travel phrases will make it easier for you to navigate your way through different travel scenarios. Your trip to Spain would be much more meaningful if you can communicate with locals. 

Useful Spanish travel words and phrases

Greetings and farewells

Good morning – Buenos días (bway nos dee ahs)

Good afternoon – Buenas tardes (bway nahs tar days)

Good evening – Buenas noches (bway nahs noh chayss)

Hi - Hola (oh lah). You can say that with people you know.

Nice to meet you - Mucho gusto

Do you speak English? - ¿Habla inglés? (ahblah een glays)

See you later - Hasta luego/'Sta logo 

See:  Common Spanish greetings and farewells

At the airport

When does the flight leave? - ¿Cuándo sale el vuelo?

When does the flight arrive? - ¿Cuándo llega el vuelo?

Where is the taxi stop? - ¿Dónde está la parada de taxis?

Where is baggage claim? - ¿Dónde está el reclamo de equipaje?

My suitcases are lost - Mis maletas están perdidas

Getting around

I need to go to ___. = Necesito ir a ___

Where is ___? - ¿Dónde está ___?  

I’m lost - Estoy perdido / Estoy perdida

When does the next train to ___ leave? - ¿Cuándo sale el próximo tren para ___?

How much does it cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta?

Could you repeat that, please? - ¿Podría repetirlo, por favor?

Where's the bathroom? - ¿Dónde está el baño?

It's too expensive - Es demasiado caro

Schedule - el horario

Delay - el retraso

Entrance - la entrada

Departure - la salida

Arrival - la llegada

Hotel - el hotel

See:  Giving and asking for directions in Spanish

At a restaurant

Can I see the menu? - ¿Puedo ver el menú?

I need a table for two, please - Necesito una mesa para dos, por favor

What’s the daily special? - ¿Cuál es el especial del día?

What do you recommend? - ¿Qué me recomienda?

The Bill please - La Cuenta por favor  

Other basic phrases

I want ___. - Yo quiero ___.

I don't want - Yo no quiero

Do you have? – ¿Tiene? (tee ayn ay)?

I would like (more polite) – Me gustaría (may goo stah ree ah)

Hope that the above list of Spanish travel phrases may help you survive out in the Spanish-speaking world. Follow our site for daily vocabulary and grammar lessons.

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Spanish for beginners.

Top 50 Spanish Phrases for Tourism and Travel

Discover the top 50 spanish phrases for tourism and travel. learn essential spanish expressions for your next trip. useful phrases for tourists in spanish., introduction.

Planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country? Familiarizing yourself with some essential Spanish phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this article, we have compiled the top 50 Spanish phrases for tourism and travel that will help you communicate effectively and navigate various situations during your trip.

  • 1. Hello/Hi - Hola
  • 2. Good morning - Buenos días
  • 3. Good afternoon - Buenas tardes
  • 4. Good evening - Buenas noches
  • 5. Please - Por favor
  • 6. Thank you - Gracias
  • 7. You're welcome - De nada
  • 8. Excuse me - Disculpe
  • 9. I'm sorry - Lo siento
  • 10. Yes - Sí
  • 11. No - No
  • 12. I don't understand - No entiendo
  • 13. Do you speak English? - ¿Hablas inglés?
  • 14. Could you help me, please? - ¿Podrías ayudarme, por favor?
  • 15. Where is...? - ¿Dónde está...?
  • 16. How much does it cost? - ¿Cuánto cuesta?
  • 17. Can you recommend a good restaurant? - ¿Puedes recomendar un buen restaurante?
  • 18. I would like... - Me gustaría...
  • 19. Can I have the bill, please? - ¿Me puedes traer la cuenta, por favor?
  • 20. I need a taxi - Necesito un taxi
  • 21. Where is the bathroom? - ¿Dónde está el baño?
  • 22. I'm lost - Estoy perdido/a
  • 23. Is there a pharmacy nearby? - ¿Hay una farmacia cerca?
  • 24. Can you show me on the map? - ¿Puedes mostrarme en el mapa?
  • 25. What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es?
  • 26. How do I get to...? - ¿Cómo llego a...?
  • 27. Can I use your Wi-Fi? - ¿Puedo usar tu Wi-Fi?
  • 28. Is it safe here? - ¿Es seguro aquí?
  • 29. Can I try this on? - ¿Puedo probármelo?
  • 30. Can you take a picture of me, please? - ¿Puedes tomarme una foto, por favor?
  • 31. I'm allergic to... - Soy alérgico/a a...
  • 32. Where can I buy tickets? - ¿Dónde puedo comprar boletos?
  • 33. Do you accept credit cards? - ¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito?
  • 34. Is there a bank nearby? - ¿Hay un banco cerca?
  • 35. Can you recommend a good hotel? - ¿Puedes recomendar un buen hotel?
  • 36. What's the weather like today? - ¿Cómo está el clima hoy?
  • 37. Can you speak slower, please? - ¿Puedes hablar más despacio, por favor?
  • 38. What is your name? - ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • 39. Nice to meet you - Mucho gusto
  • 40. Where are you from? - ¿De dónde eres?
  • 41. I love this place - Me encanta este lugar
  • 42. Can you help me with my bags? - ¿Puedes ayudarme con mis maletas?
  • 43. Is there a tourist information center nearby? - ¿Hay un centro de información turística cerca?
  • 44. Can you recommend any local attractions? - ¿Puedes recomendar alguna atracción local?
  • 45. Is this seat taken? - ¿Está ocupado este asiento?
  • 46. Can you call a taxi for me? - ¿Puedes llamar un taxi para mí?
  • 47. Can you repeat that, please? - ¿Puedes repetir eso, por favor?
  • 48. Can I have a menu, please? - ¿Puedo tener un menú, por favor?
  • 49. What's your recommendation? - ¿Cuál es tu recomendación?
  • 50. Have a nice day! - ¡Que tengas un buen día!

Learning a few key phrases in Spanish can make your travel experience more enjoyable and rewarding. With these top 50 Spanish phrases for tourism and travel, you'll be able to communicate effectively, ask for assistance, and engage with locals during your journey. Start practicing these phrases and embrace the rich culture and language of your destination!


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Jay Slater: 'Living nightmare' hunt for missing British teenager on Tenerife enters sixth day

The apprentice bricklayer was last heard from on Monday, telling a friend he was setting off on an 11-hour walk to get home after missing his bus.

Saturday 22 June 2024 13:12, UK

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Pic: PA

Helicopters, rescue dogs and drones have continued to scour the holiday island of Tenerife for a missing British teenager as concerned family and friends endure a "living nightmare".

The hunt for 19-year-old Jay Slater from Oswaldtwistle, near Blackburn in Lancashire, is now in its sixth day.

Read the latest on this story: Missing teen's mother 'spends eight hours in police station'

Lancashire Constabulary said that while the case "falls outside the jurisdiction of UK policing", it has offered to support Spanish police "if they need any additional resources".

The force added: "They have confirmed that at this time they are satisfied that they have the resources they need, but that offer remains open and they will contact us should that position change."

Jay Slater. Pic: Lucy Law

The apprentice bricklayer was holidaying with friends on Tenerife before he disappeared on Monday.

He was last heard from when he called a friend to say he was setting off on an 11-hour walk to get home, after he missed his bus.

travel related words in spanish

Ofelia Medina Hernandez, who was the last person to see Mr Slater, told Sky News: "I saw the boy in the morning, at around 8am.

"He asked twice what time the bus came.

"I told him 'at 10 o'clock'.

"He came back and asked me again, and I told him again - at 10 o'clock.

"After that, he walked off and I didn't see him anymore.

"Later, I went in my car, and I saw him - he was walking fast.

"But I didn't see him again after that."

Her account came as photographs showed the property where he was last seen in the northwestern mountain village of Masca after attending the NRG music festival.

'We are drained beyond words'

In a post on the Facebook page Jay Slater Missing, the administrator of the group Rachel Louise Harg said family and friends were "drained beyond words".

She said: "There isn't an update for anyone unfortunately.

"Struggling to find words at this time but all I can say is we are looking still and everyone is doing all they can.

"We are drained beyond words - I just can't say no more, I wish I could.

"I wish this would end now, this living nightmare.

"Searches are ongoing and we remain positive.

"Thanks to you all supporting and helping we can't thank you any more, much love."

Read more on Sky News: British tourist stabbed to death outside nightclub Italian football legend robbed at gunpoint

Focus on unusual details will only grow

Shingi Mararike

North of England correspondent

In the mountains on the outskirts of northern Tenerife, a narrow road winds upwards, with a dramatic view of the sea below.

Beneath the beauty of the scenery, parts of the area where British teenager Jay Slater was last located are barren and remote.

One of the properties on the route through the national park is Casa Abuela Tina, the villa Jay travelled to with two men in the early hours of Monday, before he disappeared.

Just yards away from the villa's front door you can see the bus stop that would have taken Jay back to Los Cristianos - the part of the island he was staying in near a bustling strip full of British tourists.

The teenager was agonisingly close to being able to make his way home - and as search teams comb the mountains, that fact will surely be on their minds.

Why did Jay decide to try the 11-hour walk, and why did he go to the villa with two strangers in the first place?

As the search continues, a focus on highly unusual details of this story will only grow.

Searchers check river at bottom of ravine

On Friday, search and rescue personnel joined officers from the island's Guardia Civil near Masca to comb an area of overgrown terrain.

Teams also paid close attention to a river called Barranco Madre del Agua at the bottom of a ravine, where emergency workers carefully picked their way through fallen dead palm trees.

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Mr Slater's friend Lucy Law, who attended the music festival with him, said he called her at about 8.30am on Monday and told her he was "lost in the mountains, he wasn't aware of his surroundings, he desperately needed a drink and his phone was on 1%".

Meanwhile, members of the local community rallied together at a church service in his home town to express their hope of his safe return.

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travel related words in spanish

A Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office spokesman said: "We are supporting the family of a British man who has been reported missing in Spain and are in contact with the local authorities."

Related Topics

travel related words in spanish

A spotlight on Ecuador's age-old relationship with the sun

The name ‘Ecuador’ comes from the Spanish word for ‘equator’: the place where the sun is at its highest. This intense sunlight not only supports food crops but other sacred and endemic species. Unearth the country's relationship with the sun and delight in how it shapes the country today.

The Inca sun god was called Inti, from whose golden face a corona of flames extended. He was the most revered of all gods, providing warmth and light for crops to grow and for people to live. Today, the sun continues to play a pivotal part in Ecuadorian society. From festivals to fish, here are some of the ways the sun drives culture and crops in the present day.  

In modern times, villages across the Ecuadorian Andes pay tribute to Inti with the Festival of the Sun , or Inti Raymi. From Pichincha to Imbabura, during the festival in June, Indigenous villagers visit rivers and springs to take part in a ceremonial bathing ritual called Armay Chisi. This custom is said to wash away negative energies, renew their spirits and revive the individual’s connection to nature. The celebrations continue with dancers offering fruit and villagers consuming maize-based foods in gratitude for a bountiful harvest. The biggest of these festivals takes place in the town of Otavalo on 21 June, where visitors are eagerly welcomed by locals to join in with the festivities.  

travel related words in spanish

Connecting to nature

Along Ecuador’s coast grows the palo santo (‘holy wood’) tree, which reaches up to 60ft in height and lives for up to 200 years, thanks to the sun’s intensity. When the tree dies, the oils in the wood can be turned into a fragrant, citrus-like incense, which takes five to eight years to fully mature.

Once the oil has matured, the wood is cut into sticks for use in spiritual ceremonies, like the Festival of the Sun, while in Indigenous communities, it’s used for the practice of smudging — burning the sticks to ward off evil spirits. Spanish colonists, too, were beguiled by the scent, and began to use palo santo in Catholic rites. Today, visitors to Ecuador will encounter the scent of palo santo drifting along the streets of Quito and Baños from church doorways. You’ll also find it in bars, such as the Casa Gangotena hotel bar , where burning palo santo sticks are used as a cocktail garnish. Further towards the coast, the Hotel del Parque lights palo santo in the evenings to not only scare away bad energies but to also prevent mosquitoes.

On Ecuador’s Galápagos Islands, forests of palo santo mingle with the unique species that so captivated Charles Darwin when he visited these lands. Cold-blooded marine iguanas bask on the shore, absorbing the sun’s energy before diving into the ocean to feed.

travel related words in spanish

Connecting to wildlife

The sun’s effects are far more apparent in the chlorophyll-rich Ecuadorian Amazon — home to 2,296 known tree species, which in turn support countless smaller plants and animals.  

At the base of the Galápagos’s marine food chain is a type of chlorophyll-rich algae called phytoplankton. Just like plants, phytoplankton photosynthesise sunlight to grow and live. They thrive in cooler water; the Galápagos have an abundance of phytoplankton, thanks to the Humboldt Current, which transports cool water from Antarctica up South America’s west coast.

Phytoplankton are eaten by zooplankton and fish, which are then eaten by larger predators. Travellers can enter the water with excursions such as Metropolitan Touring to see a whole range of the islands’ marine biodiversity: green turtles, manta rays, barracudas, hammerhead sharks. It's a mark of the sun's importance here, that the area's communities owes much to solar-fuelled organisms the human eye cannot even see.

In recent years, the Indigenous Amazonian Achuar people have harnessed the sun for a novel purpose: to power their boats. Previously, they’d travelled in petrol-powered canoes, using fuel imported by plane at great expense. Building roads would help to cut costs but would damage the fragile forest ecosystem.

In 2016, Kara Solar , a non-profit formed by a collaboration between engineers and the Achuar, launched its first solar-powered boat in Achuar territory. There are now six boats in the fleet, which carry up to 20 passengers and serve nine communities. The Achuar use them to take children to school, transport wares to the market and to spot illegal loggers.

travel related words in spanish

Travellers wishing to experience the environmentally conscious culture of the Achuar can stay at the Kapawi Ecolodge , which is 100% Indigenous-owned. Local-led excursions offer the chance to learn traditional handicrafts and medicine and to explore this remote corner of the Amazon through hiking and canoe trips.

Up in the Andes, sunlight plays a pivotal role in the Ecuadorian economy. Take a road trip through Pichincha province and you’ll see field upon fields of roses, growing tall towards the sun. Ecuador is the world’s third-biggest exporter of roses, which account for 10% of the country’s GDP. Some farms, such as the Hacienda La Compañía , are open to visitors for tours — although be sure to enquire in advance.

What makes Ecuadorian roses so special? It’s all because of that high, bright sunlight, combined with the mild climate and rich volcanic soil. The roses grow long stems and large heads — perfect for flower arrangements. So, the next time you buy a bouquet of roses, think of the golden face of Inti smiling down on fields of Andean blooms.

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Local News | Opinion: Why this student is X-ing out Latinx

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Instead of a manufacturing a word, let’s take gender out of Spanish words

Illustration by Alyssa Phillips, Mosaic.

Latinx is one of the more recent additions to the Spanish language. Documented online as far back as 2004, it’s been gaining relevance since 2016. Saray Orozco, a rising senior at San Jose High, explains why people use the word.

“Latinx is a very general term, and it’s already well known, so it helps a lot of people to understand,” Orozco said. “And to be more inclusive, because a lot of people, when they hear Latina or Latino, they think that they’re not included into the conversation.”

Many point out that Spanish is grammatically patriarchal. Catalina Lopez, an editor for the Santa Clara High School student newspaper, explained that the masculine version of words is emphasized.

“Honestly, the Spanish language is kind of sexist,” she said. “Male dominant.”

What she means is that even if there’s only one man in a group of women, the group is called ellos instead of ellas because of the one man.

The fact that Latinx exists highlights a flaw in how Spanish is being taught and used.

I have a solution to this problem. Latinx, as a word, doesn’t need to exist.

I’m a Mexican American kid and not the most fluent in Spanish. I’m also cisgendered and straight, so I can’t speak from the perspective of Latinx people. While I like the idea of making minority groups in society feel more comfortable and accepted, the fundamentals of “gendered nouns” like Latino and Mexicano are too easy to misinterpret.

Masculine and feminine nouns, as they’re typically dubbed in the Romance languages like Spanish and Italian, are being accused of assigning genders to inanimate objects and concepts, like buckets and fish, cubetas y pescados .

And although masculine words in Spanish are intended to be usable in gender-neutral circumstances, in an interview with Public Radio International Spanish-speaking non-binary femme writer Jack Qu’emi explains why that’s not acceptable.

“In Spanish, the masculinized version of words is considered gender neutral, but that obviously doesn’t work for some of us because I don’t think it’s appropriate to assign masculinity as gender neutral when it isn’t, no matter how lightly that is implied.”

Masculine words are commonly lower-pitched while feminine words are higher-pitched. Consider that when using masculine words like pescado , hombre and ojo , or the feminine rosita , mujer , and belleza . You’ll notice the difference in how your voice elevates or descends when you say them.

To avoid the idea that Spanish genders words, we should try saying low-pitch and high-pitch instead of masculine and feminine. Tono alto y tono bajo .

I understand if some people feel more comfortable with Latinx than being called Latino (for men) or Latina (for women). It’s just the structure of the language. It doesn’t have anything to do with gender.

Latinx activists are not going to be happy with me. I propose that the Royal Spanish Academy, official guardians of the language in Spain, direct teachers to avoid identifying words as  masculine or  feminine.  We would replace that with low-pitch and high-pitch sounds.

Here’s one example: In Spanish, we say la puerta está quebrada (the door is broken). Nobody would think the feminine door is broken. Romance languages were designed to be practical and pleasant to the ear. The purpose of low-pitch and high-pitch is to eliminate the connotation of gendered words by replacing masculine and feminine.

And while we’re at it, we should not question the idea of men acting feminine or women acting masculine.

We can’t get caught up in pointless debates that only exist to tear us apart, like the argument over Latinx. If people want to be represented in language, they must understand how it is built.

I predict that Latinx will remain because it’s the choice of a growing number of young people. It’s ultimately people who use language, and it will evolve no matter what.

Jorge Ramirez Gomez is a member of the class of 2025 at San Jose High School.

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Crime and Public Safety | Man arrested after slow-speed chase, Santa Cruz County standoff

The runners-up in this year’s report are the San Francisco and San Jose metropolitan areas.

Housing | Santa Cruz area named most expensive rental market in nation. Again.

The blaze broke out Thursday night at Columbet and East Middle avenues.

Crashes and Disasters | Fire threatens homes in San Martin, evacuations ordered


  1. 91 Top Spanish Travel Phrases & Words for Travelers

    travel related words in spanish

  2. A Useful Guide to Spanish Travel Phrases

    travel related words in spanish

  3. Spanish

    travel related words in spanish

  4. 101 Most Useful Travel Phrases in Spanish

    travel related words in spanish

  5. 91 Top Spanish Travel Phrases & Words for Travelers

    travel related words in spanish

  6. 101 Spanish Travel Phrases With Translation and Practice Sheets

    travel related words in spanish


  1. Singapore Sign Language (SgSL) Lesson: Travel-Related Words

  2. Let's speak about travel in English ।। #Practicewithprabasididi @prabasididi

  3. [Korean Vocab] #1. Travel related words (여행 관련 어휘)

  4. Travel Vocabulary|English Speak Up|Vocabulary with pictures

  5. English Travel Vocabulary l 20 Travel Related Words l Speak English Easily

  6. Travel-related words and phrases you need to know


  1. 100+ Spanish Travel Vocabulary Words for Latin America

    There are several ways you can reach your destiny while traveling in Latin America. The mode of transportation may be terrestre (terrestrial), marítimo (marine), or aéreo (aerial). Spanish. English. El transporte. Transport. El transporte público. Public transport. El avión.

  2. 71 Spanish Vacation Vocabulary to Aid Your Travels ...

    4. la maleta (the suitcase, the bag) I think this is one of those funny words every language has. If you use it in the singular, it is translated as "suitcase.". Each individual bag you have is a maleta. However, if you use it in the plural, you can translate it as "luggage" or "baggage.".

  3. 91 Top Spanish Travel Phrases & Words for Travelers

    Spanish for Visiting the City & Asking for Directions. One of the biggest challenges you may face is communicating with native speakers when visiting the city or a tourist attraction. Here are some of the most common Spanish phrases for travel that you may need in this situation: Con permiso / Permiso - Excuse me.

  4. Spanish Travel Vocabulary: +50 Essential Words And Phrases For Your

    Por Favor and Gracias. "Por favor" means "please" and "gracias" means "thank you.". These two phrases are essential when interacting with locals in Spanish-speaking countries. Here are some examples of when to use them: When ordering food: "Quisiera una mesa para dos, por favor" (I would like a table for two, please).

  5. 67 Essential Spanish Travel Phrases Every Traveller Needs To Know

    Spanish-speaking countries are especially polite and greeting people correctly will go a long way towards endearing you to the locals, be they friends, people you meet in shops or on the street. #1 ¡Hola! - Hello. (O-la) #2 ¡Buenos días! - Good morning! ( BWAY-nos DEE-as) #3 ¡Buenas tardes! - Good afternoon/good evening!

  6. Important Spanish Travel Phrases (with Downloadable PDF)

    El vestíbulo — The lobby. 5. Spanish Travel Phrases for the Restaurant. Probably the most useful travel phrases you will need are the ones you would use in a restaurant. Let's go over some basic restaurant vocabulary in Spanish: Ask for anything by using quiero or quisiera — "I want" or "I would like.".

  7. 100+ Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for Travelers

    So here are some useful words and phrases in Spanish for tourists to use on a more local level. Hola - Hello. Buenos días - Good morning. Buenas tardes - Good afternoon. Buenas noches - Good evening / Good night. ¡Mucho gusto! - Pleased to meet you! Encantado/encantada - Nice to meet you.

  8. 40+ helpful Spanish travel vocabulary every traveler needs to know

    Tarjeta de crédito (tar-heh-tah deh kreh-dee-toh) Cheap. Barato (bah-rah-toh) Expensive. Caro (Kah-roh) These are some of the common Spanish travel vocabulary words that will help you get along on your trip to Spain or Latin America. If you want to learn Spanish via a private Spanish tutor. Here is a recommendation for you.

  9. Essential Tourism Vocabulary in Spanish: Words and Phrases To Know

    Farewells and Good Wishes. Say farewell with this Spanish travel and tourism vocabulary. Most people in Spain and Latin America are open, warm, and friendly. I added some phrases at the end so you can make lasting friendships. Hasta luego. See you later. Gusto en conocerlo. Nice to meet you.

  10. A Useful Guide to Spanish Travel Phrases

    12 Spanish travel phrases for the hotel. Busco un hotel . — I'm looking for a hotel. Yo necesito un hotel / un cuarto / un cuarto con baño. — I need a hotel / a room / a room with a bathroom. Una habitación para dos personas. — A room for two people. Yo tengo una reserva a nombre de…. — I have a reservation under the name of….

  11. 105 Common Spanish Travel Phrases To Learn Before Your Trip

    Even when you don't know the Spanish for the subject, these phrases can be combined with gentle pointing, and still come across as very polite. Me gustaría - I would like. 00:00. 00:00. Quiero - I want. 00:00. 00:00. Necesito - I need.

  12. Spanish for Travel Essential Vocabulary [+PDF and Audios]

    4. Spanish Dict - although Google Translate is an excellent tool, we suggest this app for traveling through Spanish-speaking countries. 5. El Tenedor (The Fork) - the app has information about over 30,000 restaurants in Spain. You can discover what is around your location, choose the preferred cuisine and book a table.

  13. Essential Spanish for tourists/travelers (online phrasebook)

    Welcome to Travel Spanish, our online Spanish phrasebook for travelers. Whether you're traveling to Buenos Aires, Bogota, or Baja California, you can use this phrasebook either to brush up on the Spanish you already know, or to learn all the useful words and expressions you'll need for your trip. Click on any of the topics below, and start ...

  14. 97 EASY Spanish Words and Phrases for Travel

    Help - Ayuda. Help me - Ayudame. Police - Policía. Slow down - Más despacio. With all of the Spanish words and phrases above, you'll want to practise them over and over to get them inside your brain. Go to the store and buy some cue cards or get someone to quiz you. Study them like you used to study for a test in school.

  15. Spanish TRAVEL Vocabulary and Phrases

    In this post we are going to learn the basic Spanish vocabulary and phrases for travelers. We also have published posts about specific situations that arise when traveling (booking a hotel, ordering in restaurants…). So if you want to know the words and phrases for those specific situations, make sure to check them out clicking on these links:

  16. Travel Spanish: 70+ Essential Phrases for Your Trip

    Here is some useful vocabulary to substitute into these phrases: El baño — the bathroom. Un tren — a train. La calle — the street. Un cajero automático — an ATM. And lastly some practical vocab to help you understand the helpful directions people give you: A la derecha — to the right. A la izquierda — to the left.

  17. The Ultimate Guide: 100+ Useful Spanish Phrases For Travel That You

    Understanding responses is just as important; learn key words like "izquierda" (left), "derecha" (right), "recto" (straight), and "cerca" (near). Equip yourself with a list of useful Spanish travel phrases specifically for medical situations before your trip. It enhances your preparedness in foreign countries.

  18. 50 Spanish Travel Phrases Every Traveler Should Know

    You can also read some related articles here: [Quiz] Do you know these common Spanish phrases? 50 Common Spanish Phrases. For a more complete list of Spanish phrases, grab your copy of the Spanish Phrasebook by My Daily Spanish! It's got all the phrases you need to survive---and even thrive---in a Spanish-speaking environment.

  19. 97 Easy Spanish Words and Phrases for Travel

    Help - Ayuda. Help me - Ayudame. Police - Policía. Slow down - Más despacio. With all of the Spanish words and phrases above, you'll want to practice them over and over to get them inside your brain. Go to the store and buy some cue cards or get someone to quiz you. Study them like you used to study for a test in school.

  20. Travel words and phrases in Spanish you should know

    Colombians are very polite; you must learn and use these words when traveling. People would understand if you didn't know them because of the language barrier, but you'll get extra points if you did. Hola. Hello. Buenos días. Good morning. Buenas tardes. Good afternoon. Buenas noches.


    100 Spanish travel words - TRAVEL AND TOURISM - Spanish words in pictures. Paulina 21 February 2022 0Comments 520 Views . ... Our video will help you learn the most useful vocabulary related to traveling and tourism. From our video you will learn, among other things, what words are used at the airport, in a hotel or while driving around ...

  22. Spanish travel words and phrases that you must know

    Useful Spanish travel words and phrases. Greetings and farewells. Good morning - Buenos días (bway nos dee ahs) Good afternoon - Buenas tardes (bway nahs tar days) Good evening - Buenas noches (bway nahs noh chayss) Hi - Hola (oh lah). You can say that with people you know. Nice to meet you - Mucho gusto.

  23. Top 50 Spanish Phrases for Tourism and Travel

    Familiarizing yourself with some essential Spanish phrases can greatly enhance your travel experience. In this article, we have compiled the top 50 Spanish phrases for tourism and travel that will help you communicate effectively and navigate various situations during your trip. Top 50 Spanish Phrases for Tourism and Travel. 1. Hello/Hi - Hola; 2.

  24. Jay Slater: 'Living nightmare' hunt for missing British teenager on

    In a post on the Facebook page Jay Slater Missing, the administrator of the group Rachel Louise Harg said family and friends were "drained beyond words". She said: "There isn't an update for ...

  25. A spotlight on Ecuador's age-old relationship with the sun

    The name 'Ecuador' comes from the Spanish word for 'equator': the place where the sun is at its highest. This intense sunlight not only supports food crops but other sacred and endemic ...

  26. Opinion: Forget Latinx; let's take the gender out of Spanish

    Latinx is one of the more recent additions to the Spanish language. Documented online as far back as 2004, it's been gaining relevance since 2016. Saray Orozco, a rising senior at San Jose High ...