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Srećna sam što imam priliku da pohvalim nekoga ko to zaista zaslužuje. Ova agencija ima najljubaznije radnike koji imaju srdačan pristup prema svojim strankama. Odgovorni su i prijatni. Uvek će vam dati iskrenu preporuku za određenu destinaciju i ažurno reaguju na zahteve stranaka. Kod njih je stranka na prvom mestu! Od mene imate sve preporuke za ovu agenciju! Najbolji su u Nišu.

Veoma sam zadovoljna. Sve informacije sam dobila na vreme. Agenti prodaje veoma ljubazni i potrudili se da pronađu aranžman koji mi odgovara.

Veoma ljubazne radnice, moguć svaki dogovor. Sve pokazano i rečeno u poslovnici ispoštovano u celosti. Veoma bitno da je vodič dostupan putnicima 24 sata svakog dana boravka. Autobus savršen. Svaka preporuka za saradnju sa ovom agencijom.

Hvala vašoj agenciji za divno putovanje i prelep odmor u hotelu "Prestol" na Ohridu. Nakon ovog pozitivnog iskustva nastavićemo saradnju sa Vama. S poštovanjem. Dušica Jovanović

Poštovani, ocena se ne odnosi samo na putovanje, 3 star, je za prvi utisak i komunikaciju koju sam imao s vama, u dva mail koje sam poslao, sa više potpitanja odgovor dobijam samo na jedno pitanje iz tog razloga takva ocena, msm čovek ne mora da putuje s vama da bi Vas ocenio, ako je prvi utisak negativan, msm da ćete se tu složiti? Po izvršenom putovanju dacu Vam ocenu i za taj deo.

Agencija sa kojom nemate "sumnje" sta/kako/gde/kad - Marija odgovara na sve zahteve i ostavlja bez nedoumica:) Profesinalno i prijateljski - 2 u 1:)

Prvi put smo putovali preko ove agencuje na preporuku i putovanje do Budimpeste je bilo prelepo. Autobusi su novi i udobni, vodici strucni i puni znanja. U agenciji su se potrudili sve da nam lepo ispricaju, dali su nam veoma detaljne infomracije i sve je bilo odlicno. Hvala na divnom putovanju, vraticemo se opet.

Agencija kojoj se uvek sa zadovoljstvom vratim. Profesionalni i uslužni. Organizacija svakog dosadašnjeg putovanja bila je i više nego dobra. Tu su da vas upute šta obavezno morate obići i to po najpovoljnijoj ceni. Hvala vam što svako putovanje učinite lepim i iznova nadmašite očekivanja!

Sve preporuke za agenciju. Zaposleni su baš ljubazni i spremni da daju odgovore na sva naša pitanja. Radujem se sledećem putovanju. ️

Najbolja agencija sa kojom smo ikada putovali! Tolika ljubaznost i profesionalizam se danas stvarno retko sreće. Samo što smo se vratili iz Egipta, u agenciji su nam detaljno ispričali o hotelu, celom putovanju, šta da ponesemo, šta da očekujemo, sve o izletima i cenama i sve je bilo kao što su nam rekli. Hvala vam što ste nam pomogli da nam ovo putovanje bude nezaboravno, od sada smo vaši stalni putnici!

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10 Best things to do in Niš in one day

Welcome to Niš, a city known for its dark history, archaeological sites, superb jazz festival, and delicious food. One of the oldest cities in Europe, it is definitely a place I love coming back to. Both history lovers and culture vultures will immediately fall in love with Niš.  

The third-largest city in Serbia, Niš is the birthplace of the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great . So, it comes as no surprise that Niš has great historical wealth. You will find archaeological sites, museums, historical buildings, and churches connected with the Roman and Byzantine periods scattered across the city.

With a stone tower embedded with human skulls and a WW2 concentration camp memorial, the city of Niš is also known for its violent past. These morbid attractions serve as reminders of the region’s dark past. But these are not the only attractions in town you can visit.

In this guide, I’ve put together a list of what I feel are the best and most important places to visit in Niš. I’ve organized it in a way that you can visit all the places in this list during a one-day itinerary in Niš.

Niš 3

1. Admire the beauty of Tinkers Alley

If you have one day in Niš, I recommend starting your travel adventure with a visit to the city’s last surviving craftsman’s quarter . 

A quaint little alley packed with coppersmiths and other metal workers, Tinkers Alley dates back to the first half of the 18th century. It played an important role in the city’s economy and culture. For example, tinsmithing was the most popular trade on this quaint cobblestone alley.

Nowadays, Tinkers Alley is one of the most popular places to visit in Niš. The original tinkers have been replaced by tourists who come here to eat and drink in bars and restaurants which are situated inside beautiful 18th and 19th century buildings. It will take you about an hour to enjoy Tinkers Alley.

Tinkers alley Niš

2. Explore the Niš Fortress

Built during the 18th century by Ottoman Turks, Niš Fortress is the center of tourist life in the city. Here, both locals and tourists gather and explore a veritable maze of sights. This monumental stone structure is actually one of the best-preserved fortresses in the region. 

An interesting fact about the Niš Fortress is that Bulgarians used it as a prison during World War I.

You can see it from the outside or also visit it inside. If you choose the latter, you will need approximately 2 hours to tour this fortress. 

Built around a Roman citadel, the fortress is packed with historical remnants from the old times. Visitors will have an opportunity to see everything from a powder room and a Turkish steam bath to well-preserved walls and gates. The fortress is also a giant green park where locals like to relax in summer when the weather is nice.

Niš fortress

3. See the Skull Tower

The Skull Tower (Ćele Kula) is one of the most morbid structures that you will find in this part of Europe. It is exactly what the name indicates- a 4-meter-high stone tower embedded with human skulls. The tower was built in 1809 right after the battle between Serbian revolutionaries and Ottoman soldiers.

You will find this morbid attraction just a short drive from the city center. Surrounded by a small park, the tower is situated inside a building that resembles a chapel. The structure was built using the skulls of 952 fallen Serbian rebels, but less than 60 of the heads remain today. The rest of the skulls are either buried somewhere or lost.

The Skull Tower (Ćele Kula) is, without a doubt, one of the most unusual things to see in Niš.

Skull tower Niš

4. Learn about history at the National Museum of Niš

If you wish to learn more about the history of the city, pay a visit to the National Museum of Niš. Situated inside a charming building, the museum is on the smaller side and consists of just one room. Although you could walk through the entire museum in less than a minute, the museum is really interesting and you can easily spend an hour here.

Most of the things you will see are actually archeological exhibits. Some of these exhibits date back to the Bronze Age. The most interesting exhibits are related to a luxurious villa built by Constantine the Great called “Mediana”. My favorite exhibit at the National Museum Niš is the model of this posh villa.

Visiting the National Museum is one of the best things to do in Niš when it’s raining outside.

5. Visit the Bubanj Memorial Site

Venture outside the city gates to find the Bubanj Memorial Site. Also known as the Monument to fallen Yugoslav World War II fighters , the memorial site is another interesting place to visit in the city of Niš. 

Mount Bubanj is the place where 10,000 prisoners from the Crveni Krst camp were taken and killed. Right after the war, the hilltop was turned into a memorial park to honor the victims.

The monument has the shape of three clenched fists . If you look closely, you will notice that each fist has a different shape and size. This is because the three clenched fists symbolize the defiance of the children, women, and men who died here. The sculpture is the work of Yugoslavian artist, Ivan Sabolić.

Bubanj Niš

6. Go on a tour of the Red Cross Camp

Although Serbia is definitely not the first place that comes to mind when talking about WWII concentration camps , Niš is home to one of the Nazi horror factories. 

Red Cross Camp (Crveni Krst) was named after a Red Cross station which was located nearby. The camp was initially intended to be just a transit camp, but in the end, out of 30,000 people who passed through it during the war, 12,000 were tortured and killed.

Today, you will find a memorial museum that stands right on the site of the concentration camp. The ticket booth actually served as a guard tower in the past. You will also notice a SS symbol and a Nazi swastika on the sign right above the windows.

The Red Cross Camp may be a hard place to see live, but it is an important place to visit in Niš, especially for people who are interested in historical sites.

7. Discover the ruins of Mediana

Located just outside the city gates, the Ruins of Mediana is an important archeological site in Serbia. 

Dating back to the late Roman period when Constantine the Great was the ruler of the empire, the site offers some well-preserved archeological remains of the Villa of Emperor Constantine the Great. For those who don’t know, Niš, or Naissus, is one of the oldest cities in Europe . The Romans took it in 75 BC and the city became a camp on the ancient Roman road, the Via Militaris.

The ruins of Mediana have been closed for years, but the site started welcoming visitors again in 2023. Although some sections are still in progress and you can only pay for entrance with cash, this archaeological site is a place definitely worth visiting while you are in Niš. 

You can expect to see remnants of a grand peristyle, as well as ruins of marble columns, a heating system for the baths in the villa, and traces of frescoes.  

Mediana Niš

8. See the beautiful Holy Trinity Cathedral

No one-day itinerary to Niš is complete without stopping by the beautiful Holy Trinity Cathedral. This cathedral was built in 1878, as a by-product of the treaty in Paris in 1856 when the Ottomans needed to recognize Christianity in their empire.

With a mix of Serbian-Byzantine, Neo-Renaissance, and Baroque-style designs, it is one of the most amazing historical buildings in Niš . I like the icons which were made by the illustrious 19th-century Realist painter, Đorđe Krstić. It will take you around 30 minutes to explore the church.

9. Try authentic Serbian foods

Foodies visiting Niš are in for a treat. Southern Serbia is famous for its cuisine and the city of Niš is one of the best destinations to enjoy authentic Serbian dishes . 

For breakfast, you’ll be able to choose between Anton and Rajko, two of the most famous bakeries in the city where burek is the most popular dish to order. For those who don’t know, burek is a special dough pastry filled with meat or cheese beloved all across the Balkan Peninsula.

For lunch and dinner, I recommend reserving a table at a kafana (typical old-school Serbian tavern) to try local food delicacies and drink a powerful fruit brandy called rakija. Below you will find a short list of my favorite old-school kafanas in Niš where you can have a memorable dining experience.

  • Nišlijska Mehana
  • Kafana Mrak
  • Stambolijski
  • Kafana Brka
  • Kafana Galija
  • Etno Kafana Biser

10. Niška Banja

Located just a short drive from the city, Niška Banja is the city’s spa center with natural springs . The Romans discovered five springs in this location and decided to build an ancient resort around them with a giant Roman bath and two pools.

Today, Niška Banja is a popular spa resort among the elderly who come here for medicinal purposes. These hot springs are known to have a natural presence of radon which is known to rehabilitate orthopedic injuries and coronary issues.

If you are looking for a relaxing time, a visit to Niška Banja is a must-do during your one-day visit to Niš.

Banja Niš

Where to stay in Niš

You can visit Niš in one day following this itinerary, but if you will have more time, you can also sleep in the city. If you decide on this option, here are my recommendations for places to stay in Niš:

  • Ambasador Hotel : the only 5-star hotel in Niš, the Ambasador is the best place to stay if you are looking for luxury and comfort at a great price! In the off-season, you can find rooms for 200 euros, which is an excellent value for the service and facilities you get.
  • Garni Hotel Consul : If you are looking for a more budget-friendly option, Hotel Consul is a great option place to stay as you can still benefit from a great location and service at a more affordable price.

FAQ: Popular questions about the best things to do in Niš

What is niš in serbia known for.

The city is best known for being the birthplace of Constantine the Great . It is a great historical city with a lot of things to see and do.

Personally, I would also add that Niš is home to some of the best restaurants in Serbia.

Is Niš worth visiting while in Serbia?

Being one of the oldest cities in Europe, Niš is definitely worth visiting for its historical attractions.

What is the old name of Niš?

The Romans used to call the city Naissus.

Is one day enough to visit Niš?

I think that you can visit the most popular tourist attractions in Niš in one day. But to make the most of your time there, I recommend driving your car to Niš simply because some of the attractions are located outside the city center.

If you need to rent a car for your trip, check the deals at Discover Cars . You can also read our guide about driving in Serbia as a tourist .

Niš is not always the first place that comes to mind when talking about popular tourist destinations in Serbia. However, I think that this city in southern Serbia is definitely worth a visit. 

From archaeological ruins to cool monuments and a few museums, there are enough attractions to keep you entertained for Niš one or two days. The locals are friendly, rakija is always served cold, and the food is amazing. What more can you ask for?

Other articles about Serbia

Serbia 5-7 days road trip itinerary.

  • 3 Days in Belgrade: A Perfect 3-Day Itinerary
  • 14 Free Things to Do in Belgrade – by a Local
  • Visiting Novi Sad: a full guide
  • Exploring Tara National Park
  • The most beautiful places to visit in Serbia
  • The best hiking destinations in Serbia

Organizing your trip

To help you plan your trip to Serbia, we have put together our favorite planning resources: 

  • Flights : Get affordable flights to Serbia on . 
  • Travel insurance : Make sure you are protected during your trip. We use  VisitorsCoverage  whenever we are traveling abroad. 
  • Renting a car : We always use  Discover Cars  to get the best car deals. 
  • Accommodation : Find the best hotels and apartments on . 
  • Activities : Get fun ideas of what to do and buy unique activities with  Get Your Guide.  
  • SIM Card : Stay connected during your trip with  Airalo.  

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Home » Travel Guides » Serbia » 15 Best Things to Do in Niš (Serbia)

15 Best Things to Do in Niš (Serbia)

Since the days of the Roman Empire the city of Niš has been at an unofficial boundary between East and West. One man who bestrode that divide was the Roman Emperor Constantine, who was born right here in ancient Naissus and went on to found a “New Rome” at Constantinople. The Ottomans had control of Niš from the middle ages to the 19th century, and left an imperious fortress that still has a 16th century mosque inside.

There are also a few eye-opening memorials to violent episodes in the city’s past, like a tower of skulls built by the Ottomans to warn against uprisings, and a Second World War concentration camp, left undisturbed as a memorial. On the lighter side there’s sumptuous nature outside Niš at river gorges, the Suva Planina mountain and the city’s hot springs.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Niš :

1. Niš Fortress

Niš Fortress

Right on the Nišava River is the daunting Ottoman fort that was completed in 1723. This encloses an ancient citadel and has been settled since a Roman camp was founded here more than 2,000 years ago.

The new fortress was a massive undertaking: It covers 22 hectares and comprises more than two kilometres of walls.

You’ll arrive via the ceremonious Stambol gate, and there are lots of intriguing old details among the parkland inside.

One is the Turkish hamam, near the gate from 1498. There’s also mosque, Bali-Behy, dating to 1521, a lapidarium with Roman tombstones, a powder magazine and a monument to the liberation of Niš from 1902.

2. Skull Tower

Skull Tower, Nis

A grisly reminder of the bloodshed of the First Serbian Uprising is a tower literally made of rows of human skulls in quicklime.

The story goes that during the Battle of Čegar, the Serbian trenches were being overrun by attacking Ottomans.

So the commander Stevan Sinđelić personally detonated the powder magazine, obliterating his position on Čegar Hill to avoid being taken prisoner by Vizier Hurshid Pasha.

Some 952 Serbian skulls were collected from the battlefield and became the material for this tower in 1809 to deter another uprising.

After the Ottoman withdrawal in 1878, most of these were removed and buried.

But a 4.5-metre remnant of the tower is housed in a chapel and contains 54 skulls.

Mediana, Niš

Niš, or Naissus, was taken by the Romans in 75 BC and became a camp on the Via Militaris, a road across southeastern Europe from what is now Belgrade to Constantinople.

As it happens, Emperor Constantine was born in Naissus in 272 AD, and you can visit his birthplace at the Mediana archaeological site.

Southeast of the city, this villa the most complete Roman vestige in Niš.

You can make out the remnants of a grand peristyle (open fountain surrounded by a colonnade). Beside the peristyle under a canopy are the ruins of marble columns, mosaics and traces of frescoes, as well as the heating system for the villa’s baths.

4. Archaeological Hall

Archaeological Hall, Niš

Like Skull Tower and Mediana, the Archaeological Hall belongs to the National Museum of Niš.

Many of the artefacts unearthed in this ancient city are on show here.

These go back long before the Romans arrived, to when Niš was a Bronze Age settlement in the 6th century BC. From this time there are Celtic swords, ceramics, items of jewellery, bronze hairpins and male and female figurines.

And from the Roman days you can see sculptures discovered at Mediana, representing Dioysus and Satyr, the Greek God Asclepius and his daughter Hygia and finally Jupiter on his throne.

There’s also a life-sized statue of Emperor Constantine, which is one of three imperial portrait sculptures on show.

5. Tinkers’ Alley

Tinkers' Alley

On Kopitareva Street, opposite the glass facade of the Kalča shopping mall you can dive into the city’s last surviving craftsman’s quarter.

This street is from the time of Ottoman rule and was plotted in the first half of the 18th century.

The main livelihood was tinsmithing, and it’s a trade that continued here right up to the 1990s.

Since then the quaint cobblestone alley has opened up to tourists and tinkers have been replaced by the cafes and restaurants that now occupy these 18th and 19th century buildings.

6. Crveni Krst Concentration Camp

Crveni Krst Concentration Camp

After the Second World War ended this concentration camp was preserved as a poignant memorial to the Jewish, Serbian and Romani people imprisoned here.

The Crveni Krst (Red Cross) camp has been left alone since the war and feels eerily like it has only just been abandoned.

You’ll be given an introduction to the camp at the entrance and there are information panels dotted around the site to fill you in.

After the first mass executions began in 1942 there was a breakout in which 15 prisoners managed to escape, an act met with a brutal response by the Nazis.

7. Bubanj Memorial Site

Bubanj Memorial Site

During the Second World War those mass executions took place on Mount Bubanj just to the west of the city.

It is estimated that 10,000 prisoners from the Crveni Krst camp were killed on this hilltop.

Right after the war the hill was turned into a memorial park.

And before long a sculpture was erected in the clearing at the crest.

It was the work of Yugolsav artist Ivan Sabolić and depicts three clenched fists to symbolise the defiance of the children, women and men who died here.

8. Latin Church in Gornji Matejevac

Latin Church in Gornji Matejevac

With a scenic location on Metoh Hill above the village of Gornji Matejevac is a Byzantine church that built in the 1000s.

It’s one of only a few monuments in the region to predate the Nemanjić Dynasty, which ruled Serbia and much of southeastern Europe in the middle ages.

The church has a condensed cross floor plan, and bears the classic Byzantine method of white stone alternating with red brick.

Although none of the medieval decoration remains, the church’s brick dome is marvellous from the inside.

The name “Latin Church” actually refers to merchants from Dubrovnik, known as “Latins”, who worshipped at the church in the 17th century.

9. Officers House

Officers House

Facing the fortress ramparts across the Nišava is a stately building from 1890 with an interesting past.

This first opened as a restaurant but was soon purchased by the army as an officers mess, and during the First World War it became the temporary seat of the Serbian parliament.

Numerous resolutions were passed here that would have a lasting impact on Serbia and the region.

The one that would truly transform this part of the world was the Niš Declaration in 1915, more or less the birth of Yugoslavia as an idea.

It stated Serbia’s aim to unite the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes under one nation, a move that still has repercussions today.

10. Holy Trinity Cathedral

Holy Trinity Cathedral, Nis

The city’s cathedral is a product of the Treaty of Paris in 1856, in which the Ottomans pledged to recognise the rights of Christians in their empire.

Construction took place over the next few decades and the church was consecrated after the liberation of Niš in 1878. The design is an engaging mishmash of Serbian-Byzantine, Neo-Renaissance and Baroque styles.

At the altar the illustrious 19th-century Realist painter Đorđe Krstić was hired to compose the 48 icons in the iconostasis.

Sadly the originals were lost in a fire in 2001, but the building and its decoration have been completely restored.

11. King Milan Square

King Milan Square, Nis

Also just across the water from the fortress, this square came about in the 1720s during its construction.

Shops and khans (merchant inns) were set up here as the city grew along the riverbank.

A little later there was a market on this square, where the local landowners would sell the leftover goods they had accumulated from their tenants as tax.

When Niš was liberated the old Turkish-style townscape was swept aside and this square was given a fresh Central European air.

Despite the 20th-century tower blocks on the west side there’s still a pleasing row of 19th-century houses on the square’s eastern edge, with cafe terraces in front.

12. Niška Banja

Niška Banja

A few kilometres to the southeast is the city’s spa, which has traces of Neolithic civilisation going back 3,300 years.

Naturally the Romans were fond of Niška Banja and built an ancient resort around its five springs.

The Roman bath and its two pools, clad with mosaics hark back to this time.

Thousands of years later, people still visit to bathe in the water and soak in the mineral-rich mud.

The water comes out at between 36-38°C, and is actually mildly and harmlessly radioactive due to the natural presence of radon! It is claimed to be most beneficial for coronary issues, cellulite and to rehabilitate orthopaedic injuries.

To the south is the stirring sight of the Suva Planina mountain, cresting at more than 1,800 metres and with fragments of the Via Militaris Roman road on its slopes.

13. Jelašnica Gorge

Jelašnica Gorge

Carry on east and you’ll find yourself at a bewitching nature reserve.

You can pass through the two-kilometre Jelašnica Gorge by car on a winding road to get a good look at the walls of dolomite that culminate with jagged, teeth-like rocks.

There are few places to park up, and set up camp or just stop for picnic.

All have views of the gorge’s ghostly rock formations and abundant foliage.

There are also caves in the cliffs, the ruins of a Roman fort are still visible in beside the gorge, as well as the Ripalijka waterfall, which is enchanting.

The Sicevo Gorge on the Nišava River is also in reach, and has walking trails and two hydroelectricity plants from the early 1900s.

14. The Nišville Jazz Festival

Nišville Jazz Festival

For four days in the middle of August the city’s fortress puts on the biggest jazz festival in the Balkans.

Nišville began in 1995 and was the first music festival in Serbia to be recognised by the Ministry of Culture as a national cultural event.

The festival books leading jazz, blues and soul artists, but also has a broad church, inviting fusion bands that blend jazz with Balkan folk.

In 2017 Patti Austin, Al Foster and Candy Dulfer were in the lineup, while previous editions have welcomed Ginger Baker, Solomon Burke and Osibisa to the stage.

15. Traditional Food


Now, a meal at a kafana (typical Balkan tavern) is something you have to try at least once in Niš.

Kafanas are much more than just somewhere to eat, as meals come with live entertainment and a host of time-honoured customs.

One of these is toasts with rakija, a powerful fruit brandy and Serbia’s national drink.

Eating at a Kafana is a multi-course event, beginning with a meze and ending with coffee.

Out and about there are a few delicacies that Niš does better than anywhere else: Burek is a phyllo dough pastry filled with meat or cheese, while pljeskavica, is a grilled patty from seasoned beef, lamb and pork in a pita or a bun with a spicy cheese filling (urnebes).

15 Best Things to Do in Niš (Serbia):

  • Niš Fortress
  • Skull Tower
  • Archaeological Hall
  • Tinkers' Alley
  • Crveni Krst Concentration Camp
  • Bubanj Memorial Site
  • Latin Church in Gornji Matejevac
  • Officers House
  • Holy Trinity Cathedral
  • King Milan Square
  • Niška Banja
  • Jelašnica Gorge
  • The Nišville Jazz Festival
  • Traditional Food


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Putujte sa nama. Najbolje destinacije, adrenalinske ture, najeftinije avio karte i profesionalno osoblje.



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MOSKVA 2024 (opciono Sankt Peterburg)

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Kristin Runnion


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Your Magical adventure is about to begin! » Niš » KOOFER



Magic Travel | Evropski gradovi - Magic Travel turistička agencija

  • Olympic Beach
  • Leptokarija
  • Nea Flogita
  • Neos Marmaras
  • Port El Kantaui
  • Italija- Španija- Francuska iz Beograda 12 dana
  • Italija- Španija- Francuska iz Beograda i Niša 13 dana
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Evropski gradovi- Magic Travel

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Beč 5 dana/2 noćenja

Beč- jedan je od najlepših gradova u Evropi, podeljen je na 23 okruga i broji oko 1,5 milion stanovnika.

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Budimpešta 4 dana/2 noćenja

Budimpešti je glavni adut turizam, zahvaljujući banjama i termalnim izvorima.

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Pariz 4 dana/3 noćenja

Pariz je grad svetlosti, umetnosti i svetske mode, koji nikada nikoga ne ostavlja ravnodušnim.

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Prag 6 dana/3 noćenja

Prag- grad stotinu tornjeva predstavlja galeriju svih umetničkih stilova, a centar je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.

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Rim 6 dana/3 noćenja

Rim- glavni grad Italije i regiona Lacio, ali i najveći i najbrojniji grad u Italiji sa oko 2,7 miliona stanovnika.

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Venecija 5 dana/2 noćenja

Lido Di Jesolo - popularno letovalište na severo-istočnom delu Italije na Jadranskom moru, u blizini Venecije.

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  1. Magic Travel turistička agencija

    Za bezbrižno putovanje neophodna je i sigurnost kvalitetne zdravstvene zaštite u inostranstvu. Puno osiguranje pokriva putne i pravne asistencije, kao i osiguranja prtljaga od krađe i oštećenja. . Magic Travel Niš turistička agencija - za vas smo pripremili letovanje, zimovanje, daleke destinacije, evropske gradove, putno zdravstveno ...

  2. Letovanje

    Letovanje. Kontaktirajte nas. placeObrenovićeva 46, TPC Kalča, prvi sprat, lokal A-8, Niš. call+381 18 301 388, +381 69 301 38 83. [email protected]. Pratite nas. Dokumenta. ID podaci Magic Travel. Obaveštenje o načinu i mestu prijema reklamacija.

  3. Magic Travel

    Magic Travel, Niš. 2,246 likes · 10 talking about this. Letovanja, zimovanja, evropski gradovi, daleke destinacije, avio karte, medjunarodno putno...

  4. Magic Travel

    018/301 388⁣. TC Kalča prvi sprat, lokal A-8, Niš⁣. 1. 📣‼. SAJAMSKI POPUSTI U MAGIC TRAVELU ‼📣 Sajam turizma u Magic Travel agenciji od 24. 3 - 27. 3. Iskoristite maksimalne sajamske popuste kod nas u...

  5. MAGIC TRAVEL Turistička agencija, TPC Kalča AI-8, Obrenovićeva 46, Niš

    Fun Travel — Niš. Asturs — Mokranjčeva 81, ... Velika preporuka za kupovinu aranzmana preko Magic Travel agencije. Godinama letujemo preko nje, uvek je tu da resi bilo kakav problem! 0 0. Marijana. 24 October 2023 16:49. Najljubazniji agenti za putovanja a opet puni znanja i iskustva! Organizovali su nam nezaboravno letovanje u Spaniji ...

  6. Magic Travel (@magictravel_rs) • Instagram photos and videos

    16K Followers, 6,078 Following, 1,000 Posts - Magic Travel (@magictravel_rs) on Instagram: "⭐️Pomažemo ti da doživiš najlepše iskustvo na putovanju koje ćeš pamtiti zauvek, bez da potrošiš brdo novca i bez skrivenih troškova ☎️ 018/301388"

  7. Magic Travel

    ‼️ LAST MINUTE PONUDE ‼️ Paket aranžmani (prevoz + smeštaj) Grčka, Turska Autobuski prevoz Više informacija: 069/ 301 388 3 ☎️ 018/ 301 388 TC Kalča, prvi sprat, lokal D-102, Niš...

  8. Magic Travel

    Pun naziv firme : MARIJA STOJNIĆ PR TUR OPERATOR MAGIC TRAVEL-MTA Direktor: Marija Stojnić Licenca: / br: PIB: 65030756 Adresa Obrenovićeva 46, TPC Kalča, prvi sprat DI-102; Mesto: Niš Telefon: 069/3013883; 018/301388 Fax: 018/301388 E-mail: [email protected] Web sajt:

  9. Magic Travel

    Magic Travel, Niš. 2,228 likes · 7 talking about this. Letovanja, zimovanja, evropski gradovi, daleke destinacije, avio karte, medjunarodno putno zdravstve

  10. Magic Travel turistička agencija

    Magic Travel turistička agencija | 38 followers on LinkedIn. Pomažemo putnicima da dožive najlepše iskustvo na putovanju koje će pamtiti zauvek, bez da potroše brdo novca i bez skrivenih troškova. ... Niš Type Public Company Founded 2018 Locations Primary Obrenovićeva 46, TPC Kalča, prvi sprat, lokal A-8 Niš, 18000, RS Get directions ...

  11. Marija Stojnic

    Founder of Magic travel agency · My objective in life is to obtain and develop professional skills through challenging and active work in the field of Management. To serve and improve any organization I will be working for. · Experience: Magic Travel turistička agencija · Education: Faculty of Economics Niš · Location: Niš · 227 connections on LinkedIn.

  12. 10 Best Things to Do in Niš (One-Day Itinerary)

    Photo by Milica Spasojevic on Unsplash 1. Admire the beauty of Tinkers Alley. If you have one day in Niš, I recommend starting your travel adventure with a visit to the city's last surviving craftsman's quarter.. A quaint little alley packed with coppersmiths and other metal workers, Tinkers Alley dates back to the first half of the 18th century.

  13. Letovanje 2024, Grčka 2024, Turska 2024, Evropa

    Trg Republike 6, 18000 Niš. Pon-Pet: 09:00 - 20:00 Subota: 09:00 - 15:00 Nedeljom ne radimo. Kontakt. [email protected]. 018 / 328 00 88. 018 / 305 435. 018 / 527 504. 066 / 00 555 6. ... Sajt Turističke agencije CLOCK TRAVEL je informativnog karaktera. Iako nastojimo da ga redovno ažuriramo, postoji mogućnost različitih informacija ...

  14. Kontakt- Magic Travel turistička agencija

    Kontakt- Magic Travel turistička agencija se nalazi u Nišu, ulica Obrenovićeva 46, TPC Kalča AI-8. ... TPC Kalča, prvi sprat lokal A-8, 18000 Niš: Matični broj: 65030756: PIB: 110840143: Tekući račun: 200-2978240101002-52 Poštanska štedionica: Agencija posrednik u prodaji turističkih putovanja: Ostali linkovi: Instagram: https://www ...

  15. Magic Travel

    Više informacija: ⁣. 069/301 388 3⁣. 018/301 388⁣. TC Kalča prvi sprat, lokal A-8, Niš⁣. 3. Like. Comment. 🇲🇹🌴 MALTA ‼ 150 e AVIONOM IZ NIŠA 🌴🇲🇹 Malta se nalazi 📌 u Sredozemnom moru, 96km južno od Sicilije i 290km severno od Afrike.

  16. 15 Best Things to Do in Niš (Serbia)

    On the lighter side there's sumptuous nature outside Niš at river gorges, the Suva Planina mountain and the city's hot springs. Let's explore the best things to do in Niš: 1. Niš Fortress Source: Nenad Nedomacki / shutterstock Niš Fortress. Right on the Nišava River is the daunting Ottoman fort that was completed in 1723.

  17. GalaxyTravel

    Višegodišnje iskustvo, želja za stalnim napredovanjem i iznad svega ljubav prema regiji uticale su da se odvažimo i samostalnim poslovanjem doprinesemo razvoju receptivnog turizma jugoistočne Srbije. Putujte sa nama. Najbolje destinacije, adrenalinske ture, najeftinije avio karte i profesionalno osoblje. Mi biramo najbolje za Vas.

  18. Made of Magic Travel

    Made of Magic Travel is your go-to source for magical vacations and expert planning services. As an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, we have earned Silver Earmarked Status from Disney Destinations and our team of experienced travel advisors has undergone extensive training in all Disney Destinations like Disney Cruise Line, Adventures by Disney, all-inclusive resorts, cruises, and other ...

  19. Grčka leto 2024

    Grčka leto 2024- Magic Travel; Grčka leto 2024- Magic Travel. Grčka leto 2023- pripremili smo vam i ove godine veliki izbor ponuda- Grčka apartmani i hoteli last minute ponude. ... TPC Kalča, prvi sprat, lokal A-8, Niš. call +381 18 301 388, +381 69 301 38 83. email [email protected]. Pratite nas. Dokumenta. ID podaci Magic Travel ...

  20. O nama

    Turistička agencija Magic Travel posluje od 2018. godine sa sedištem u Nišu. Bavimo se prodajom: letovanja; zimovanja; dalekih destinacija, ... TPC Kalča, prvi sprat, lokal A-8, Niš. call +381 18 301 388, +381 69 301 38 83. email [email protected]. Pratite nas. Dokumenta. ID podaci Magic Travel. Obaveštenje o načinu i mestu ...

  21. KOOFER turistička agencija

    Telefon. 018538643. Matični broj. 60075999. PIB. 104707502. Pravni oblik. Preduzetnik. Pročitaj podatke o turističkoj agenciji KOOFER i pošalji besplatan upit za putovanje na željenu destinaciju, u svega par klikova.

  22. Accommodations

    Trudimo se da ažuriramo svakodnevno tačne informacije, važeći su samo štampani cenovnici u agenciji Magic Travel. Molimo vas da sve informacije proverite direktno u agenciji putem telefona 018/301-388, 069/301-3883, e-mail-a [email protected] ili lično u agenciji.

  23. Evropski gradovi

    Evropski gradovi- Magic Travel. BUS. Beč 5 dana/2 noćenja $ Beč- jedan je od najlepših gradova u Evropi, podeljen je na 23 okruga i broji oko 1,5 milion stanovnika. ... TPC Kalča, prvi sprat, lokal A-8, Niš. call +381 18 301 388, +381 69 301 38 83. email [email protected]. Pratite nas. Dokumenta. ID podaci Magic Travel ...