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Unsere Antigen Tests & Zertifikate mit eigenem Test von überall

Ab €4,45/Zertifikat (10-Pack)

Exklusiv für TUI Cruises, Mein Schiff & AIDA Cruises

AKTUELLE REISEINFORMATIONEN (STAND APRIL 2023): Wir werden TUI im Frühling und Sommer 2023 weiterhin mit Antigen-Testlösungen unterstützen. Durchschnittliche Bearbeitungszeit für Zertifikatsausstellung (letzte 30 Tage): 56 min

Wie funktioniert der Rapid Antigen Test?

Alle Testzertifikate sind optimal für  FIT TO CRUISE & FIT TO FLY

Bestellen Sie Ihren Rapid Antigen Test+Zertifikat (“Basic Antigen Paket”), bevor Sie reisen, oder einfach ein Zertifikat für Ihren eigenen Antigen Test (“Basic Antigen Zertifikat”).

Testen Sie sich zu jeder Zeit aus jedem Land! Zum Hochladen des Testergebnisfotos ist nur eine Internetverbindung benötigt.

Schnelles Ergebnis mit Zertifikat innerhalb von 1-3 Stunden,  jeden Tag, auch Feiertags, von 8:00 – 20:00, bis mindestens 31. Dezember 2023.

pre cruise antigen test

Antigen Tests & Zertifikate

Test aussuchen.

Wählen Sie das gewünschte Produkt und gehen Sie zur Kasse.

Falls Sie nur ein Zertifikat brauchen, gehts sofort weiter bei Punkt 3.

Test erhalten

Wir versenden den Test am gleichen Tag. Nach 2-3 Tagen ist der Test bei Ihnen zuhause.

Test ausführen

Folgen Sie den Schritten in der App und machen Sie den Antigen Test. Danach einfach ein Foto machen und hochladen.

Zertifikat erhalten

Erhalten Sie Ihr  Zertifikat innerhalb von 1-3 Stunden  (7 Tage pro Woche von 8:00 – 20:00) nach der Testdurchführung.

Dies ist die perfekte Option, wenn Sie bereits einen Antigentest haben und nur ein Testzertifikat benötigen. Die Zertifikate können jetzt gekauft und sofort verwendet oder für spätere Reisen gespeichert werden (6 Monate Gültigkeit).

Wenn Sie mit jemandem zusammen reisen, können Sie ein Konto verwenden, um die Ergebnisse mehrerer Personen hochzuladen.

Das hochgeladene Testergebnis wird von unserem medizinischen Personal überprüft.

Als Referenz finden Sie  hier  den Link zur Liste der zugelassenen Tests in der EU.

Die neuesten Testanforderungen und Richtlinien finden Sie auf der  Mein Schiff Website .

Order A Standard COVID Certificate Using A BYO Lateral Flow Test From Klarity.

1x Standard Antigen Zertifikat

  • Rapid Antigen Test NICHT enthalten (Sie haben Ihren eigenen Test)
  • Online Kurzsprechstunde mit unserem medizinischen Personal
  • Foto Ihres Personaldokuments und Testergebnis zur Überprüfung hochladen
  • Das Zertifikat wird innerhalb von 1-3 Stunden ausgestellt (täglich von 8:00-20:00)
  • Herunterladen und sofort verwenden

Buy A COVID Certificate With Premium Support For A BYO Lateral Flow Test From Klarity.

1x Premium Antigen Zertifikat

  • Rapid Antigen Test NICHT enthalten  (Sie haben Ihren eigenen Test)
  • Online-Sprechstunde mit unserem medizinischen Personal
  • Überprüfung des Ausweises und des Testergebnisses durch uns.
  • Zertifikat während des Termins ausgestellt

Buy A COVID Certificate With Klarity Health.

1x Basic Antigen Zertifikat

  • Foto von Testergebnis zur Überprüfung hochladen
  • Entweder sofort verwenden oder für später aufbewahren

5x Basic Antigen Zertifikat

pre cruise antigen test

10x Basic Antigen Zertifikat

Nur €4,45 /Zertifikat

  • Filmen Sie sich selbst bei der Durchführung des Tests
  • Video, Foto Ihres Personaldokuments und Testergebnis zur Überprüfung hochladen
  • Das Zertifikat wird innerhalb von 60 min ausgestellt (täglich von 8:00-20:00)

Alle unsere Antigen Schnelltests

Standard Antigen Lateral Flow PCR Test For Traveling

Standard Antigen Paket

  • Begleiteter Selbsttest
  • Das  Zertifikat wird innerhalb von 1-3 Stunden ausgestellt  (täglich von 8:00-20:00)
  • Inklusive Versand

Premium Antigen Lateral Flow PCR Test For Travel.

Premium Antigen Paket

  • Vollständig begleiteter Selbsttest
  • Überprüfung Ihres Personaldokuments und des Testergebnisses durch unser medizinisches Personal
  • Zertifikat wird während des Termins ausgestellt

Buy A Lateral Flow Antigen Test And Certificate x 1 Basic Combo Package From Klarity Health.

Basic Antigen Paket

5x Basic Antigen Paket

10x Basic Antigen Paket

Wie funktioniert der Rapid Antigen Test? 

Bestellen Sie Ihren Klarity Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Test, bevor Sie fliegen.

Woman Buying A Fit To Fly Test UK For Covid For Travel.

Wie funktioniert das?

Wählen Sie den gewünschten Test und gehen Sie zur Kasse.

Folgen Sie der Anleitung in der App und machen den Antigen Test. Es dauert nur wenige Minuten.

Erhalten Sie Ihr  Zertifikat innerhalb von 60 Minuten  (täglich 8:00 – 20:00 Berlin) nachdem Sie den Test durchgefürt haben.


Selbsttest für Zuhause

Testen Sie sich selbst, mit Hilfe unserer innovativen Lösung, in der Ruhe Ihrer Wohnung oder Ihres Hotels.

pre cruise antigen test

Online Sprechstunden

Wir bieten optionale Online-Sprechstunden mit unserem medizinischen Personal, am Tag und zur Uhrzeit Ihrer Wahl.

Geprüfte Tests

Erhalten Sie Ihr Fit-to-Fly Zertifikat mit unseren Rapid-Antigen Tests. Unsere Testpakete umfassen Basic, Standard und Premiumoptionen. 

A Klarity Covid Fit To Fly Test Allowing You To Travel Fast.

Warum Klarity?

Klarity COVID Test With An Online Video Consultation To Get A Fit To Fly Certificate.

Schnelle und einfache Online-Sprechstunden mit unserem erfahrenen medizinischen Personal.

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Flexible Reisepakete

Klarity bietet kostengünstige und flexible Testlösungen für jede Reise.

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Von Fluglinien empfohlen

Klarity-Tests werden von großen Fluggesellschaften empfohlen.

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Für Reise, Arbeit und Privat

Wir haben Tests für jede Reise Anwendung als auch für privat und den Arbeitsplatz.

pre cruise antigen test

Zuverlässiger Rapid Antigen Test

Wir bieten 4 Testoptionen zum besten Preis.

pre cruise antigen test

Klarity App

Sie können Ihr Zertifikat sicher in der Klarity-App speichern. Das macht es einfach das Zertifikat überall vorzuweisen. Kreuzfahrt-Ratgeber

Coronatests vor Kreuzfahrten im Vergleich: PCR-, Antigen- und Antikörper-Tests


Kreuzfahrt-Reedereien führen bei allen Crewmitgliedern und Passagieren Corona-Tests durch. Das soll idealerweise eine virenfreie, abgeschlossene Umgebung an Bord zu schaffen und das Infektionsrisiko minimal halten. Bei Hochsee-Kreuzfahrten sind PCR- und Antigen-Tests üblich. Bei Flusskreuzfahrten sind außerdem auch Antikörpertests gelegentlich Teil des Infektionsschutz-Konzepts. Aber wie zuverlässig sind diese Testverfahren eigentlich?

Wie bei vielen Aspekten rund um die Covid-19-Pandmie sind die Zusammenhänge bei Coronatests komplizierter, als sie auf den ersten Blick erscheinen. Positives Testergebnis bedeutet: krank, negatives Ergebnis bedeutet: gesund – so einfach ist es leider nicht. Für die Kreuzfahrt spielen die Tests dennoch eine große Rolle.

Hinweis: Ich bin weder Virologe, noch Epidemiologe, habe das Thema aber als gewissenhafter Journalist aus verlässlichen Fachquellen recherchiert. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es vor allem, ein besseres Verständnis für teils wenig offensichtliche Zusammenhänge zu wecken.

Themen dieses Beitrags:

Testgenauigkeit und zuverlässigkeit: spezifität und sensitivität, pcr-coronatests, antigen-coronatests, antikörper-coronatests.

  • Wie zuverlässig sind die Coronatests vor Kreuzfahrten?

In Hinblick auf die Sicherheit am Kreuzfahrtschiff wichtig ist die Unterscheidung zwischen der Diagnose von Covid-19 bei einer individuellen Person und der Minimierung des Infektionsrisikos für die gesamte Personengruppe aus Crew und Passagieren an Bord.

Von der individuellen Diagnose hängt gegebenenfalls das Leben eines Patienten ab. Die Diagnose von Covid-19 muss präzise und zuverlässig sein, um den Patienten richtig behandeln zu können. Hier kann auch ergänzende Diagnostik wie Röntgen angewandt werden.

Kabinen für die Probenentnahme zum Antigen-Test

Coronatests vor Einschiffung zu einer Kreuzfahrt haben dagegen einen anderen Zweck: Sie sollen das Ansteckungsrisiko an Bord so niedrig wie möglich halten. Die Tests sind nur ein – wenn auch sehr wichtiger – Mosaikstein in einem vielschichtigen System.

Eine absolute Sicherheit ist generell nicht möglich, wohl aber eine Reduzierung des Risikos auf ein sehr niedriges Niveau. Denn das liegt jedenfalls deutlich unter dem Infektionsrisiko an Land.

Je nach verwendeter Testmethode (PCR, Antigen oder Antikörper), dem Testverfahren (spezifische Diagnoseprozesse einzelner Hersteller) und der korrekten Anwendung gibt es unterschiedlich hohe Fehlerquoten. Obwohl auf den ersten Blick naheliegend, wäre es aber Unsinn, die Fehlerquote eines Verfahrens direkt auf die Passagierzahl eines Schiffs hochzurechnen. Denn das tatsächliche Risiko ist viel niedriger. Details dazu weiter unten im Text.

Wenn man sich mit der Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von Covid-19-Tests beschäftigt, stößt man auf die beiden Fachbegriffe Spezifität und Sensitivität. Diese beiden Werte geben die prozentuale Zuverlässigkeit der Tests an.

Der Wert für die Sensitivität gibt an, zu welchem Prozentsatz tatsächlich infizierter Personen durch den Test erkannt werden, also ein positives Testergebnis auftritt. Eine Sensitivität von 97 Prozent würde also bedeuten, dass bei 100 tatsächlich infizierten Personen drei durch den Test nicht erkannt würden.

Der Wert für die Spezifität gibt an, wie zuverlässig ein Test Fehlalarme ausschließt, also gesunde Personen nicht fälschlicherweise als Covid-19-infiziert ausweist. Häufig wird hier auch von der „False-Positive-Rate“ gesprochen. Eine Spezifität von 98 Prozent (False-Positive-Rate: zwei Prozent) bedeutet also, dass der Test statistisch bei 100 Gesunden zwei fälschlicherweise als infiziert ausweist.

In der Praxis zeigt sich bei MSC und Costa bislang offenbar eine recht geringe False-Positive-Rate. Ist ein Antigen-Test positiv, wird zur Überprüfung ein PCR-Schnelltest durchgeführt. In den meisten Fällen gibt dieser Nachtest Entwarnung und erlaubt dem Passagier, an Bord zu gehen.

Beim RT-PCR-Test wird direkt das Vorhandensein von Genmaterial (RNA) des Sars-Cov-2-Virus erkannt. Er gilt als der „Goldstandard“ für individuelle Covid-19-Diagnostik bei Verdachtsfällen. RT-PCR steht für „Reverse Transkriptions-Polymerasekettenreaktion“.

PCR-Tests erkennen Infektionen bereits mehrere Tage vor Symptombeginn, eventuell geringfügig später als Antigen-Tests. Das RKI spricht inzwischen aber einheitlich von mindestens drei Tagen, nach denen beide Testmethoden beginnen, Covid-19 zu erkennen.

PCR-Schnelltestgerät für zwei Proben in 70 Minuten

Bei der Sensitivität von PCR-Tests zitiert das RKI eine Studie , die einen Wert von 94 bis 96 Prozent bei Probenentnahme mit beidseitigem Nasenabstrich ermittelt hat. Noch zuverlässigere Ergebnisse erzielen Tests, bei denen auf zwei unterschiedliche Viren-Gensequenzen getestet wird. Insgesamt aber gilt hier wie bei so vielem in der Covid-19-Pandemie: Zuverlässige Referenzwerte und solide abgesicherte, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse gibt es kaum, PCR-Tests verschiedener Hersteller und Labors sind nicht direkt vergleichbar. Und vieles basiert auf starken Indizien und fachlichen Einschätzungen von erfahrenen Experten.

Wichtig zu wissen ist beim PCR-Test, dass er nur begrenzt eine Aussage darüber treffen kann, ob eine positiv getestet Person auch infektiös ist. Der Test kann nämlich auch sehr kleine Mengen von Viren-Erbgut erkennen, auch noch viele Wochen nach durchlaufener Infektion. Infektiös ist die Person dann aber höchstwahrscheinlich nicht mehr. Bei der Auswertung der Testergebnisse kann das berücksichtigt werden.

Testverfahren und Dauer

Es gibt unterschiedliche PCR-Testsysteme, die sich vor allem in den Kosten, Zahl der gleichzeitig auswertbaren Proben und der Laufzeit der Auswertung unterscheiden.

Schnelltestverfahren haben Laufzeiten zwischen rund 15 und 70 Minuten. Sie kommen mit eigenen Geräten in den Labors am Kreuzfahrtschiff zum Einsatz, wenn eine Überprüfung eines positiven Antigen-Tests nötig ist oder Verdachtsfälle an Bord geprüft werden müssen.

Immer häufiger kommen PCR-Tests zum Einsatz, bei dem Speichelproben statt eines Rachen-Nasen-Abstrichs analysiert werden. In Studien hat sich gezeigt, dass diese unkompliziert anwendbare, kostengünstigere und für die Testperson angenehmere Methode ähnlich verlässliche Ergebnisse bringt.

PCR-Tests mit Auswertung in einem Fachlabor benötigen mehrere Stunden, sodass sie für Tests direkt am Tag der Einschiffung zur Kreuzfahrt nicht geeignet sind. Reedereien (derzeit: AIDA, Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, TUI Cruises bei Griechenland-Abfahrten) verlangen daher den Nachweis eines vor der Reise durchgeführten PCR-Tests, der nicht älter als 72 Stunden sein darf. Viking Cruises hat als bislang einzige Reederei Ende Oktober 2020 in Schiff mit einem vollständigen Testlabor ausgestattet, dass eine Testung aller Passagiere und Crew auf Basis von Speichelproben ermöglichen soll.

Antigen-Tests weisen das Vorhandensein von viralem Protein in der Probe nach. Laut Robert-Koch-Institut ist ein Antigen-Test in der individuellen Diagnose zur Erkennung einer frühen Phase der Infektion geeignet und wird dabei vom RKI eher als Ergänzung zu PCR-Tests gesehen.

Allerdings sagt das Robert-Koch-Institut auch: „Ein positives Ergebnis mit einem geeigneten Antigentest stellt zunächst einen Verdacht auf eine SARS-CoV-2-Infektion dar. Es ist jedoch noch keine Diagnose einer SARS-CoV-2-Infektion.“

Die Sensitivität von Antigen-Schnelltests liegt wahrscheinlich etws niedriger als bei PCR-Tests. Der Testkit-Hersteller Roche weist in seinem Datenblatt beispielsweise eine Sensitivität von 96,52 Prozent aus. Die US-Gesundheitsbehörde CDC spricht von einer niedrigeren Sensitivität als beim PCR-Test. Als sicher gilt, dass Antigentests kleinere Mengen von Virenmaterial seltener erkennen als PCR-Tests. Allerdings sind Personen mit so niedriger Virenlast wahrscheinlich auch kaum ansteckend.

Geräte zur Auswertung von Antigen-Schnelltests auf der MSC Grandiosa

Zu Antigen-Tests gibt es im Vergleich zu PCR-Tests derzeit noch wenige wissenschaftliche Studien, insbesondere für die Anwendung bei nicht infizierten oder symptomlos-infizierten Personen. Erste Antigen-Tests wurden in Deutschland erst im September zugelassen, in Italien dagegen schon seit mehreren Monaten eingesetzt.

Labor-Biologin bei der Auswertung von Tests

Die Protokolle der Kreuzfahrt-Reedereien, die mit Antigen-Tests arbeiten (derzeit: Costa, MSC, teils TUI Cruises), sehen einen zweiten Test vor, wenn ein Antigen-Test positiv ausfällt. Costa und MSC testen mit der PCR-Methode nach, TUI Cruises führt einen erneuten Antigen-Test durch. AIDA und TUI Cruises setzen Antikörper-Tests zusätzlich zum vor der Reise durchgeführten Coronatest ein, um Passagiere aus deutschen Risikogebieten direkt vor der Einschiffung erneut zu testen.

Bei Antigen-Tests gibt es drei unterschiedliche Auswertungsmethoden. Auswertungsgeräte werden für Tests auf Basis von Fluoreszenz oder Chemilumineszenz benötigt. Eine direkte, optische Auswertung mittels eines Teststreifens ist bei Lateral-Flow-Tests ( Beispiel: Roche ) möglich. Für alle drei Methoden wird, wie beim PCR-Test, ein Nasen-Rachen-Abstrich benötigt.

pre cruise antigen test

Costa und MSC setzen Tests auf Basis von Fluoreszenz mit entsprechenden Auswertungsgeräten ein (Hersteller: SD Biosensor). TUI Cruises setzt auf Lateral-Flow-Tests, also mit Teststreifen statt Auswertungsgerät.

Inzwischen gibt es auch Testverfahren, bei denen für den Antigentest eine Speichelprobe genommen wird, also kein Rachenabstrich mehr nötig ist. Auch Tests, die ohne medizinisches Fachpersonal durchgeführt werden kann, gibt es inzwischen. In Zusammenhang mit Tests vor Kreuzfahrten ist der Einsatz dieser Tests aber wohl nicht praktikabel.

Ein Antikörper-Test zeigt, wie der Name schon sagt, ob die getestete Person Antikörper entwickelt hat, also eine Immunreaktion zeigt. Eine bestehende oder frühere Infektion wir damit also indirekt nachgewiesen. Für individuelle Akutdiagnostik von Covid-19 empfiehlt das RKI Antikörpertests nicht.

Auf den ersten Blick scheinen Antikörper-Tests eher nutzlos zu sein. Dennoch ist ihr Einsatz in der Flusskreuzfahrt sinnvoll, wo beispielsweise kein Terminal mit isolierten Wartebereichen während der Auswertung von Antigen- oder PCR-Tests zur Verfügung stehen. Zudem ist vor allem auch die Testsystematik eine andere als bei PCR- und Antigen-Tests.

pre cruise antigen test

Bei den in der Flusskreuzfahrt eingesetzten Tests wird auf IgG- und IgM-Antikörper (Immunglobuline G und M) getestet. IgG-Antikörper zeigen eine länger zurückliegende Infektion an, bei der keine aktuelle Ansteckungsgefahr mehr besteht.

IgM-Antikörper dagegen sind ein starkes Indiz für eine akute Infektion im Körper. Das IMD-Labor Berlin schreibt , dass sich IgM-Antikörper ab dem dritten bis vierten Tag nach Symptomeintritt bilden und sich nach sieben Tagen bei rund 90 Prozent der Infizierten nachweisen lassen.

Schlägt der IgM-Antikörpertest bei einem Kreuzfahrtpassagier positiv an, wird er zunächst wiederholt, um ein fehlerhaftes Testkit auszuschließen. Bleibt das Testergebnis positiv, schicken die Flusskreuzfahrt-Anbieter den Passagier, soweit möglich, zu einem Antigen- oder PCR-Test bei einem örtlichen Arzt oder im Krankenhaus.

Bei den Antikörper-Schnelltests liegen die Werte für die Spezifität ebenso wie für die Sensitivität wohl deutlich unter den Werten der PCR- und Antigen-Tests. Ein positives Ergebnis bei dem Antikörper-Test begründet in diesem Szenario also lediglich einen Anfangsverdacht. Ob es sich dabei wirklich um Covid-19 handelt, wird dann mit einem Antigen- oder PCR-Test geprüft.

Bei steigenden Infektionszahlen in Deutschland und Europa verlangen inzwischen aber auch Flusskreuzfahrt-Anbieter oft einen PCR-Test vor Antritt der Reise.

Bei Antikörper-Schnelltests wird ein Blutstropfen aus der Fingerkuppe entnommen und auf einen Teststreifen aufgetragen.

Wie bei den Antigen-Schnelltests kommt hier eine Lateral-Flow-Technik zum Einsatz. Die Wartezeit bis zum Auswertungsergebnis beträgt bei diesen Antikörper-Tests etwa zehn Minuten.

Wie zuverlässig sind die Coronatest?

Keines der Testverfahren kann absolute Sicherheit bieten. Es bleibt ein kleines Risiko nicht erkannter Infektionen bei den Testverfahren selbst sowie bei Infektionen in den drei bis fünf Tagen direkt vor dem Test. Bei den vorab durchgeführten PCR-Tests gibt es zusätzlich ein Infektionsrisiko zwischen Testzeitpunkt und Einschiffung. Allerdings reduziert sich das Risiko hier wieder, weil ein Teil der Infizierten nach durchschnittlich fünf bis sechs Tagen gegebenenfalls durch Symptome auffällt.

Die Sensitivität der Tests sagt daher für sich genommen nicht viel über das verbleibende Infektionsrisiko an Bord aus. Falsch wäre in jedem Fall, aus beispielsweise einer Sensitivität von 96,52 (Antigentest von Roche lt. Datenblatt) den Rückschluss zu ziehen, dass bei 1.000 Passagieren rechnerisch knapp 35 Passagiere unerkannt infiziert an Bord gehen würden. Denn das wäre nur der Fall, wenn ausnahmslos alle ankommenden Passagiere infiziert wären. Das Grundrisiko, dass überhaupt infizierte und ansteckende Personen zum Check-in im Terminal erscheinen, liegt je nach aktuellem Infektionsgeschehen aber eher im Promille-Bereich.

Das Robert-Koch-Institut betont ein eigentliche Selbstverständlichkeit ganz ausdrücklich, die in der öffentlichen Diskussion häufig ausgeblendet wird: Das Infektionsrisiko jedes Einzelnen hängt auch von seinem persönlichen Verhalten ab. Bei einem tendenziell höheren Durchschnittsalter der Kreuzfahrtpassagiere und in Anbetracht der kurz bevorstehenden Reise kann man möglicherweise ein risikoarmes Verhalten innerhalb der wenigen Tage vor der Kreuzfahrt annehmen.

Belastbares Zahlenmaterial über aktuell infizierte und infektiöse Personen in der Gesamtbevölkerung gibt es aber nicht. Allein aus den gemeldeten Neuinfektionen lässt sich das angesichts einer nicht genauer spezifizierbaren Dunkelziffer nicht ableiten. Und selbst der Zeitraum, in dem ein Infizierter andere anstecken kann, ist noch nicht genau klar.

Fazit: Infektionsrisiko am Kreuzfahrtschiff ist geringer als an Land

Deshalb ist der Covid-19-Test vor der Einschiffung beziehungsweise vor der Abreise zwar eine zentrale, aber nicht die einzige Infektionsschutz-Maßnahme. Der von Passagieren oft belächelte Gesundheitsfragebogen, das Messen der Körpertemperatur, gegebenenfalls Auffälligkeit von Symptomen wie Husten, aber beispielsweise auch die Infektionslage am Herkunftsort der jeweiligen Person liefern zusätzliche Informationen zur Beurteilung des Grundrisikos.

Entsprechend setzen Reedereien bei einer Person, bei der das individuelle Risiko höher ist, teils zusätzlich zum Antigen-Test noch einen PCR-Schnelltest ein, oder verlangen von Passagieren aus Risikogebieten schon Vorab-Tests. Personen aus internationalen Risikogebieten dürfen oft überhaupt nicht an Bord.

pre cruise antigen test

Und gegen das verbleibende Restrisiko sind all die Infektionsschutzmaßnahmen direkt an Bord gerichtet: Masken tragen, Abstände einhalten und vieles mehr.

Auch wenn sich ein prozentuales Risiko einer Infektion an Bord eines Kreuzfahrtschiffs ebenso wenig ermitteln lässt wie an Land: Offensichtlich ist, dass das Restrisiko am Schiff deutlich geringer ist als in der Öffentlichkeit an Land, wo es keine flächendeckenden Coronatests für jeweils in sich geschlossene Menschengruppen gibt. Auch Maskenpflicht, Abstände und andere Regeln im öffentlichen Raum an Land längst nicht so konsequent umgesetzt und durchgesetzt wie auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff.

Maskenpflicht am Schiff

Nicht zuletzt: Die engsten Kontaktpersonen an Bord eines Kreuzfahrtschiffs sind – natürlich abhängig vom individuellen Verhalten der Passgiere – meist Crew-Mitglieder, insbesondere Bar- und Restaurantkellner. Hier liegt das Infektionsrisiko noch deutlich niedriger, weil die Crew mehrstufige Test- und Quarantänestufen durchläuft, monatlich getestet und mit Temperaturmessungen und anderen Maßnahmen sehr genau überwacht wird.

Dass ein Crew-Mitglied sich bei einem Passagier ansteckt und diese Infektion dann an andere Crew-Mitglieder oder Passagiere weitergibt, ist zwar nicht gänzlich ausgeschlossen, in dem engmaschigen Kontrollregime an Bord eines Kreuzfahrtschiffs aber ziemlich unwahrscheinlich – und erneut: jedenfalls deutlich unwahrscheinlicher als an Land.

8 Kommentare

Über den Autor: FRANZ NEUMEIER

Franz Neumeier

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8 Gedanken zu „Coronatests vor Kreuzfahrten im Vergleich: PCR-, Antigen- und Antikörper-Tests“

Auf so einen Bericht habe ich gewartet. Ich werde ihn in meinem Blog auf Facebook verlinken. Vielen Dank für die Recherche!

Danke für diesen sorgfältig und umfassend recherchierten Artikel. Das verstehe ich unter Qualitätsjournalismus. Ich war gestern zum TuiCruises-Corona Test in einer Helios-Klinik in Berlin. Da ich im Umland wohne betrug die Anfahrt ca. eine Stunde. Der Andrang war überschaubar, der Test verlief relativ zügig. Der junge Pfleger, der den Test durchführte, hustete und nieste erst einmal kräftig in seine Maske und erklärte uns mit glasigen Augen, er sei lediglich erkältet und bereits getestet.,Soviel zum Sicheheitsstandard in der Helios-Klinik. Nun warten wir bangend, ob uns ein Anruf erreicht, oder ob wir nun endlich die Koffer für unsere blaue Reise packen können. Wir stellen uns natürlich auch die Frage, was ist, wenn wir falsch-positiv getestet werden, oder positiv sind, aber nicht infektiös ?,Reise futsch, Geld futsch. Wenn diese Fehlerrate so klein ist, sollte sich TUI eine kulante Umbuchungsregelung einfallen lassen. Auch eine umfassende Versicherung gehört m.E. In den Reisepreis inkludiert, wie es andere Reedereien bereits machen. Ich habe leider, wegen der Kurzfristigkeit meiner Buchung und verschiedener Probleme mit meinem Reisebüro versäumt daran zu denken., ich bin zwar umfassend über meine Kreditkarte versichert, aber eben nicht gegen Corona-Schäden. Wenn die Kreuzfahrtbranche überleben will, dann nur mit Kulanz und noch einmal Kulanz. Hoffen wir also das Beste.

@Volker Witt , Du hast einen wesentlichen Punkt angesprochen. Wie sind die Konsequenzen bei Corona positiv ? Was passiert mit der Buchung , wenn ein geplanter Passagier zuhause in Quarantäöne kommt ? Zu diesen Themenkomplexen haten sich die Gesellschaften bisher bedeckt.

@EdeBO: Da müssen sich die Reedereien auch nicht äußern: Wenn jemand krank ist, ist das sein privates Risiko und dass man krank nicht mitfahren darf, ist vollkommen sinnvoll und logisch – also Risiko des Passagiers und gegen sowas gibt es Versicherungen. Auch wenn man zu Hause eine Quarantäneanordnung bekommt, deckt das eine gute Reiserücktrittversicherung ab. Die Reederei hat damit ja nichts zu tun, so wie die Reederei nichts für eine gebrochenes Bein drei Tage vor Abreise oder einen Autounfall auf dem Weg zum Schiff kann…

Besten Dank für den sehr informativen Bericht! Bezüglich der „guten“ Reiserücktrittsversicherung, die eine Quarantäneanordnung abdeckt, bin ich leider auch noch nicht fündig geworden. Mein Versicherungsbüro meinte nur, „da gibt es nichts“ ????

@Cruisebiggi: Ich hab die Versicherungsbedingungen der grossen Reiseversicherungen jetzt nicht bei der Hand, aber bei der einen oder anderen sollte das schon abgedeckt sein. Im Zweifel einfach mal beider Versicherung direkt anrufen, denn da gibt es zurzeit ständig neue Angebote und Pakete. Auch die Reedereien bieten spezielle Corona-Versicherungen an, die das abdecken sollten.

Die Hanse Merkur Reiseversicherung bietet einen Corona-Zusatzschutz in Ergängung der Reiserücktrittsversicherung an

@Michal. Ortmann: Ich hatte bewusst vermieden, einen einzelnen Anbieter herauszugreifen ;-) In den Regelungen der einzelnen Versicherungen sind recht kompliziert und nicht ohne Haken und Ösen – bei der Hanse-Merkur kommt es beispielsweise auf das Basis-Versicherungspaket an, dass man bereits hat, welche Corona-Fälle da – insbesondere in Zusammenhang mit Kreuzfahrten – dann genau mit abgedeckt sind. Die Allianz hat alten Verträgen teilweise zusätzlichen Schutz zugeschlagen, obwohl Pandemien da eigentlich ausgeschlossen sind, aber zugleich mehr Absicherung bei neuen Verträgen ab 1. September 2020 hinzugefügt. Es ist alles recht kompliziert und letztlich hilft nur, die einzelnen Bedingungen der verschiedenen Versicherungen genau anzuschauen.

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pre cruise antigen test

CDC Releases New COVID-19 Testing Guidelines for Cruise Ships

New month, new rules

pre cruise antigen test

Another month, another round of changes to COVID-19 protocols concerning cruises. And it's good news if you're vaccinated.

Carnival , Royal Caribbean , MSC , Disney , and Holland America have announced newly-updated pre-cruise testing protocols set to begin on all sailings from the U.S. from Sept. 13, 2021. Princess Cruises will begin implementing its new pre-cruise testing requirements beginning Sept. 19, 2021.

As this stems from updated CDC cruise guidelines , more cruises are expected to announce changes in the coming days.

Starting on the dates above, vaccinated passengers will need to produce a negative COVID-19 result from a PCR or antigen test taken within two days of the sailing date, including on the day of embarkation. Previously, the window was between one to three days before sailing.

So, if you’re fully vaccinated, and your cruise leaves on a Monday, you would need to show a negative test result from a test taken on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. The outlier? Norwegian Cruise Line . Instead of requiring passengers to show pre-cruise test results, this cruise line has already opted to administer on-site COVID-19  tests at the cruise terminal for all guests before boarding on the day of departure.

Under the new protocol, testing requirements for unvaccinated cruisers, including children under age 12 who are not yet eligible for the vaccine, are largely unchanged. All unvaccinated passengers must show proof of a negative PCR test taken between one to three days before the sail date. Tests taken on the day of embarkation are not permitted. Unvaccinated passengers must also take an on-site COVID-19 antigen test before boarding on the day of departure and another test within 24 hours of disembarkation.

For example, if your cruise starts on a Monday and you’re unvaccinated, you’d have to take your pre-cruise PCR test on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, and then another test at the cruise terminal before getting on the ship and another on the ship after you leave port.  Currently, cruises are listed under the CDC’s Level 3 Travel Health Notice, and the agency recommends that only fully-vaccinated people consider going on a cruise, including river cruises. The CDC also recommends that anyone in a high-risk category for severe illness from COVID-19 avoid cruising, regardless of vaccination status.

While several cruise lines allow unvaccinated minors under 12 years old and those with medically-documented exemptions onboard, both Princess Cruises, Holland America, and Norwegian Cruise Line are only operating 100 percent vaccinated cruises, meaning every single person on board is required to be fully vaccinated. As with all cruise lines, this means receiving the last required dose of an approved vaccine at least 14 days before stepping foot on the ship.

Additionally, the CDC recommends that anyone who is not fully vaccinated (e.g., anyone who has not received the final dose of an approved COVID-19 vaccine at least two weeks before their cruise) should quarantine for at least seven days after their cruise, even if they test negative within that time period. Any cruisers that opt not to get tested after leaving the ship are requested to quarantine for 10 days after the cruise, regardless of symptoms.

If you haven’t noticed, cruise protocols and requirements continue to change and evolve. Anyone planning to cruise should make sure to check all current requirements regarding vaccine, testing, and mask mandates before booking—and continue to monitor changes up until the day of sailing.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. " COVID-19 and Cruise Ship Travel ." Aug. 20, 2021

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Do I need a COVID-19 test for my cruise? Your pre- and post-cruise testing questions answered

Ashley Kosciolek

The road to the cruise industry's restart was a long one with lots of twists and turns.

Now that ships are back in service, the number of COVID-19 deaths is down worldwide, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has scrapped its opt-in protocols for vessels, nearly all cruise lines have walked back their pre-cruise COVID-19 testing requirements.

Additionally, most countries have waived their test-for-entry requirements. That's good news for passengers because individual countries often had timelines different from those of cruise lines, making it difficult for travelers to accomplish pre-cruise testing when departing from ports abroad.

With all of the changes, The Points Guy is here to answer some of your most pressing questions about COVID-19 testing for cruises. For a line-by-line list of current testing and vaccination policies, read our pre-cruise vaccination guide .

Editor's note: This article is intended to highlight general rules for most cruise lines. Testing requirements can vary by cruise line and embarkation port. Check with your line and the rules for the country in which you'll be embarking for the most current information relevant to your itinerary.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's new cruise newsletter .

Pre-cruise COVID-19 testing

pre cruise antigen test

Do I need to take a COVID-19 test before my cruise?

All but a small handful of lines have waived their mandatory testing protocols, except where required by local regulations in the countries and ports their ships visit. It is unlikely you will have to test prior to embarkation unless it's required by your country or municipality of entry or you're exhibiting symptoms similar to those associated with COVID-19.

How close to my cruise do I need to be tested?

If your cruise line or destinations on your itinerary require negative test results, they will generally have to be from no more than two to five days prior to your embarkation date, depending on the specific regulations.

Where can I find an approved test that will give me my results in time?

Pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS offer antigen and PCR testing by appointment. However, with the tight window in which the results are needed, there's no guarantee you'll have them in time to cruise.

pre cruise antigen test

The best option is to order at-home antigen testing kits that offer telehealth access. You can find them through the Optum or eMed websites.

The type of test you will need will vary based on the specific requirements of your situation. If you need a professionally proctored at-home antigen test , order one of Abbott's BinaxNOW tests. (Make sure it's the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Home Test if the cruise line or destination requires results to be from supervised tests.)

If it's not required that your test be proctored in order for the results to count, another option is self-administered at-home antigen testing, which you can conduct yourself without dialing in for proctoring. These tests are available at many local drugstores like CVS and Walgreens and big-box chains like Target and Walmart, and they're far more affordable than the supervised version. But before you buy, check to see if you qualify for a shipment of free government-funded tests by visiting the United States' official COVID-19 website .

Will my cruise line provide testing at the embarkation port?

pre cruise antigen test

Although most major cruise lines offered day-of-boarding testing at embarkation ports, that's no longer the case. If a negative test result is required for you to board your cruise, make sure you arrive prepared.

How much does a COVID-19 test cost?

COVID-19 test costs depend largely on the type of test, how and where you have the test done, and whether you're specifically asked if the test is for travel purposes. Prices can vary from free to several hundred dollars.

At a big-box drive-thru pharmacy, there's a good chance your test will be covered by your health insurance. However, it depends on whether the reason for the test is indicated when you make your appointment.

For example, CVS asks if you need the test to meet travel requirements. In that case, insurance is unlikely to pick up the tab.

If you order a test online instead, you're looking at a vast swath of pricing, ranging from $4 for a single unproctored antigen test (or 25 tests for $25, which is only $1 per test) to about $70 for a pack of two proctored antigen tests, plus shipping. If you have a flexible spending account or a health savings account, the IRS says at-home tests are considered eligible expenses . The White House has also indicated that people with private health insurance could be reimbursed for the cost of these at-home tests. Check with your insurance provider for details.

If you're due for a shipment of free at-home, unsupervised tests, as mentioned above, you won't pay anything.

If you're someone who requires a PCR test and you want to do it yourself at home, the downside is that it can be pricey, with kits running between roughly $30 and $120 each.

Keep in mind that if you need COVID testing during your cruise — either from an onboard medical center or a shoreside hospital or doctor's office — you will be responsible for the cost, which can be expensive unless you have a travel insurance policy that covers it.

COVID-19 tests during a cruise

pre cruise antigen test

Will I be required to test during my cruise?

Currently, no cruise lines require routine onboard testing for passengers. Exceptions would be if you feel ill and ask to be tested or exhibit symptoms that require you to be tested. In these cases, you would be responsible for any associated costs.

Additionally, if a passenger feels ill and subsequently tests positive for COVID-19 on your cruise , you could be required to take a test if the vessel's contact tracing program determines you were in close contact with the ill passenger. Testing under these circumstances is covered by the line.

Most countries have waived their test-for-entry requirements, so it's highly unlikely that you'll have to take a test before disembarking in order to return home.

Post-cruise COVID-19 testing

pre cruise antigen test

Do I need to take a COVID-19 test after my cruise?

The only reason you would have to test after your cruise is if it's required by a country you're visiting or by your home country in order for you to return. Since most countries have now scrapped those requirements, you almost certainly won't have to take a post-voyage test.

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  • Cruise Advice

The Cruise Line-Approved At-Home COVID Test: We Tried It

Doug Parker

Doug Parker

  • September 24, 2021

Some cruise lines are now allowing guests to take Abbott’s at-home COVID-19 antigen test to satisfy their pre-cruise testing requirement.

Why Pre-Cruise Testing is Being Done

freedom of the seas

Effective September 13, the latest Conditional Sailing Order update from the Centers for Disease Control recommends that all cruise guests to be tested within two days of sailing; previously, it was three days.

While the CDC’s various guidelines are now “recommendations” as opposed to requirements, most cruise lines are abiding by them in order to provide their guests the safest experience possible.

Many guests found it difficult to meet the new requirement within the 48-hour window, while ultimately led to the cruise lines deciding to accept certain types of home tests done under supervision.

READ: Cruise Lines Tighten Pre-Cruise Testing Window

However, the testing has received mixed reviews in some quarters, from slow shipping (even when supposedly expedited) to waiting up to six hours for a virtual health representative to become available to supervise the test as required.

If you’d like to see an overview of the testing process, you can read it here . Then, read on for my personal experience with the test.

Ordering the Abbott BinaxNow Test


Ordering the test was easy. I went with the two-test package for $69.99 from the Optum website .

It’s essential to make sure that the test you ordered is accepted by the cruise line you intend to sail on. The last thing you want is to get to the pier, find out otherwise, and be denied boarding.

After answering a few standard questions — name, date of birth, any symptoms I might be experiencing, and if I was using it for international travel or a cruise — I was able to proceed.

It is important to answer the question that you’re using the antigen test for an upcoming cruise to ensure you get the proper verification for embarkation day.

Receiving the At-Home Test


The test was delivered to me two days later at my office via FedEx. Since I was cruising in two days, I took the test immediately after lunch.

The package was shipped from Hayward, CA and I’m in Jacksonville, FL, so the timing on the shipping was impressive, especially since I wasn’t paying for shipping.


When I opened the external packaging, I saw a big red sticker that says DO NOT OPEN . That’s because a representative has to watch you take the test to make sure you are doing it correctly and there isn’t any funny business going on.

AT HOME TEST 2 scaled

Right on the front of the box, it says to download the Navica app and create an account before making your testing appointment.

For security reasons, you only have to enter your basic information on the app, like your full name, address, date of birth, and phone number. It also lets you know that you’ll need to show the representative a form of identification when you go to take the test.

Connecting With a Testing Guide

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I was most interested in this step because I’ve been receiving listener emails saying there have been holding times up to several hours before they were able to connect with a representative and begin testing.

Being in the studio all day, I had all the time in the world, so I dialed them up. Before speaking to someone,  I had to answer a few questions about why I was taking the test, if I’d taken a test recently or ever had COVID, and confirming I had an unopened test in front of me.

Before they put me in the queue with someone, my system did a few checks to make sure that my audio output, audio input, video, and the network were all up to speed.

After that, I got the connecting screen, following by the words, “You’re up next!”


After connecting with the representative, I had to verify that it was me by giving them my name and date of birth and showing them my driver’s license to verify my identity.

Everything they ask you to do is displayed on the screen in case there are any audio issues or you have trouble understanding what they are saying.

Because the test said DO NOT OPEN across the front, I had to the put laptop screen into a position where they could verify I had a sealed test. From there, we started opening the test.

Not going to lie, even though I was not required to take this test to sail Disney because they test at the pier, my nerves were still rattled!

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Inside the box was my testing kit that included a test card, a little bottle of solution, and a cotton swab.

Before we got started with the test, I had to hold my test up to the camera so that eMed’s rep could verify the box on their end by scanning a QR code.

Keeping the camera angled down, I had to open the test as directed. I then dropped the solution into the testing hole and swabbed the inside of each nostril before inserting the swab into the testing kit and turning the swab three times. Then came the fun part: Waiting 15 minutes or so for the results.

The rep started a timer on her end and told me to make sure that I was in front of the camera by the end of the 15 minutes so someone on the certification team could verify my results and send the code to my phone.

After the 15 minutes was up, I told them I was ready to connect with someone, within a minute, I verified my results via camera to a certified guide.


The test was straightforward to read: one pink line meant a negative result, while two pink lines meant a positive result.

After verifying my results were negative, the guide sent both an email and an alert to my iPhone letting me know that I could see my results on their dashboard or on the NAVICA app.


If you want to double-check the result, you can always take the test again.

Final Thoughts


First off, order this test early, but not too early. These tests have an expiration date on them so I personally wouldn’t order them more than a month before my sail date.

I got my test kit two business days after ordering it, having placed the order on a Monday afternoon and it arriving on a Wednesday morning. If I’d needed the test to board a cruise, however, I would want to order in advance in case there were any unforeseen delays in shipping.

This test is perfect if someone isn’t comfortable with the turnaround time that your local CVS or Walgreens has. As of late September here in Jacksonville, it’s up to 72 hours to get a test result. That does no good if you need a test within 48 hours before embarking your cruise.

Most cruise lines have links to approved testing kits on their website, eliminating all guesswork and assures you have exactly what you need to board. While guests can purchase kits from other sources, they need to be very careful that the kit purchased meets all of the requirements put in place by the cruise line.

My overall experience was impressive, and I will take the test again before cruising. In fact, I’m taking it again shortly before heading to a conference in South Florida.

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With the relaxation of travel requirements around the world, we’re thrilled to welcome all guests back on our ships to cruise freely to the places they’ve been dreaming of – regardless of vaccination status and with no testing requirements.

Destination specific requirements will still need to be met. For specific country requirements, please visit Cruise Travel Requirements by Country .

Benefits of 100% Vaccination Requirements*

  • Cruise Mask-free**

Breathe freely and witness smiles everywhere you go!

  • No Social Distancing Required

Get up close and personal with confidence, everyone on board is vaccinated.

  • All Restaurants & Experiences Are Fully Open

Dine in any of our restaurants mask-free, including our self-service buffet. Plus enjoy all entertainment options.

  • No Restrictions on Shore Excursions †

Feel Free to take the shore excursion you’ve been dreaming of or explore on your own!

  • No Capacity Restrictions

Appreciate the full Norwegian experience — all venues and experiences are entirely open.

  • Surround Yourself in Safety

Peace of mind knowing all guests and crew on board are fully vaccinated.

*As government regulations evolve, our health and safety protocols will evolve as needed to ensure compliance. This may mean different protocols from ship to ship based on local requirements. For additional information, please visit Cruise Travel Requirements by Country .

**On Europe sailings only, currently local government regulations requires all guests to wear masks onboard. Refer to FAQs section for complete details.

† Due to local government regulations, guests are required to take a Norwegian Cruise Line shore excursion while visiting Colón, Panama; St. Kitts and ports in Italy as guests will not be allowed to explore on their own.


Safety aboard our ships, safety ashore.

We have developed a comprehensive and multi-layered set of health and safety protocols that span the entire cruise journey, guided by the expert advice from our Healthy Sail Panel. We will continuously refine and improve these protocols as science, technology and our knowledge of the virus improve and will provide guests with all relevant information or any changes to protocols prior to setting sail.


We will initially control the guest capacity onboard each ship to provide even more space per guest and allow for physical distancing while onboard.

Contactless food and beverage service will be provided across all ships with service staff stationed ship-wide, including all restaurants and lounges.

All guests will be required to engage in frequent handwashing and hand sanitizer will be prominently placed and easily accessible throughout the ship.

Daily temperature checks and ongoing symptom screening will be practiced so you can feel confident your fellow guests aren’t fellow carriers. But don’t worry, looking hot is still okay.

Safety Aboard our Ships

With Sail Safe, our industry leading Health & Safety Programme, we will continue to put our guests and our crew members first by keeping everyone safe and healthy on board our ships and in the communities we visit. In addition to requiring our crew to be up-to-date with all their vaccinations, we will continue to evolve our already robust science-backed programme to broaden our cleaning, sanitation and air filtration technologies across our fleet.

With Sail Safe, our industry leading Health & Safety Program, we will continue to put our guests first by keeping you safe and healthy on board our ships. Here’s what we’re doing.

Continuous Ship-Wide Cleaning & Disinfection Measures

Upgraded medical-grade air filters, enhanced onboard medical teams & health services.

We constantly monitor the health environment across the globe and will modify or cancel itineraries to affected areas as needed.

We’re partnering with our local destinations and tour operators to extend our comprehensive health & safety protocols to shore.

Guests are free to explore ports of call on their own, according to protocols in each specific port, and can purchase shore excursions as they wish. Face coverings may be required in certain settings to comply with local requirements, for example in terminals for embarkation and disembarkation or at ports of call. We will continue to monitor public health guidance, including from the CDC, at the time of your voyage and modify requirements accordingly.

*Due to local government regulations, guests may be required to take a Norwegian Cruise Line shore excursion in select ports. For additional information on this and other destination specific requirements, please visit the Cruise Travel Requirements by Country page.


Pre-cruise and onboard frequently asked questions.

  • Individuals that test positive within 90 days of their scheduled embarkation date are exempted from the pre-arrival testing.
  • They must have one of the below acceptable forms of COVID-19 Recovery (dated no less than 10 days and no more than 90 days (US) & 180 days (EU) before the date of embarkation) available during check-in.
  • For European Citizens, this would include an EU Green Pass or comparable certificate. 
  • For all others unable to present an EU Green Pass (i.e., US Citizens) a doctor’s note, plus a laboratory-confirmed PCR test result with the proper information (i.e., Name, Date, Date of Birth, Positive Result, etc.)
  • COVID-19 Recovery must be dated no less than 10 days and no more than 90 days (US embarkation) & 180 days (EU embarkation), documentation must be available during check-in.
  • Bermuda government does not allow certificate of recovery in lieu of negative test result.

In order to facilitate pre-cruise testing requirements, Norwegian has partnered with Inspired Diagnostics lab to ensure that guests have access to a quick, efficient and easy way to access the required FDA-approved proctored in-home antigen test prior to embarkation from the comfort of their own home. Inspired Diagnostics is a subsidiary of Inspire Health Alliance, a leader in best-in-class health services. Testing at home is safe, simple, and convenient. Purchasing in-home testing kits is simple.

  • Sign up on the testing site
  • Receive the test kit(s) by UPS
  • Timetable an on-line proctoring consultation
  • Receive certified results via email

Additionally, the following services offer a verified third party or medically supervised at home testing: eMed or BioReference-Scarlett Concierge testing service – BioReference sends a trained Scarlet Health Professional to your home to collect your COVID-19 test specimen.

Should you need to locate a testing provider prior to beginning travel or whilst travelling prior to your cruise, please visit , an easy-to-use online tool for locating COVID-19 testing providers around the world. Simply enter your postcode, or city and country, and the website will display locations, contact information, and testing hours. It also allows you to search by test type – PCR or Antigen.

Effective for sailings 10/4/22 and beyond, all guests regardless of vaccination status are able to sail and with no testing requirements. This does not supersede country specific requirements - Travel Requirements by Country

Local regulations may have booster requirements to enter certain countries – make sure to check Travel Requirements by Country to understand country specific requirements.

Local regulations may have vaccine requirements to enter certain countries – make sure to check  Travel Requirements by Country  to understand country specific requirements about accepted vaccines

As of August 8, 2022, effective for sailings September 3, 2022 and beyond, vaccines will not be required to sail. However, requirements will vary for unvaccinated guests and guests must still adhere to country specific requirements. Refer to Will all guests be required to be vaccinated prior to the cruise? ” and Travel Requirements by Country page.

Hawaii Cruisetours

For sailings through and including September 2, 2022:

For sailings beginning September 3, 2022:

Guests age 11 and younger, and vaccinated guests age 12 and over who have purchased a pre-cruise Cruisetour in Hawaii with Norwegian Cruise Line are not required to be tested prior to the sailing. Unvaccinated guests age 12 and over must provide proof of a medically supervised negative PCR or antigen taken no more than 72 hours prior to embarkation. This test will be facilitated and paid for by Norwegian Cruise Line.

Alaska Cruisetours

Guests age 5 and over who have purchased a pre-cruise Cruisetour in Alaska with Norwegian Cruise Line will undergo a COVID-19 antigen during their program. This test will be paid for by Norwegian Cruise Line. Further details will be outlined by your Tour Manager while on the program.

At this time, our Cruisetour vendors do not require any pre-tour Covid-19 testing; however, Norwegian Cruise Line still recommends all guests participating take a test prior to joining the Cruisetour. Please note that for unvaccinated children ages 2 through 11, the pre-embarkation testing requirements as listed on Sail Safe and Travel Requirements by Country are required to be met.

If a Cruisetour guest receives a positive COVID-19 result when testing at the pier upon arrival, they will be denied boarding and will likely be required to quarantine by local officials. Norwegian Cruise Line will assist with expenses related to any mandatory quarantine that are not covered by their travel insurance only if the guest provides proof of negative COVID-19 NAAT test (I.e. PCR) or antigen test taken within 48 hours prior to Cruisetour start date.

Guests age 2 and over who are unable to provide proof of a negative test taken within 48-hours of their Cruisetour start date will not qualify for reimbursement should the applicable expenses not be covered by their travel insurance. Proof of negative COVID-19 NAAT test (I.e. PCR) or antigen test taken within 48-hours of Cruisetour start date must show guest name, date of birth and date the test was taken in order to be eligible.

Please visit for the most up to date information on refund eligibility including how to request a refund should you or your travel companions qualify.

Yes, we welcome all guests to sail with us, regardless of vaccination status and age, and with no testing or masking requirements. This does not supersede country specific requirements - Travel Requirements by Country .

Unvaccinated children under the age of 12 traveling with vaccinated parents will be welcomed at all venues not restricted by age requirements. Children will be prohibited from adults-only venues, such as Vibe Beach Club.

For sailings through September 2, 2022:

Guests age 12 and older must acknowledge vaccination status prior to their sailing and bring proof of vaccination to the terminal for their cruise. Preferred proof form is the original vaccination record document issued by either the country's health authority that administered the vaccination or the guest's medical provider that completed the vaccine administration, however, photo of vaccination record document will also be accepted. Electronic vaccination records will be accepted for residents of countries where electronic documentation is the standard issued form. Confirmation email of vaccination appointment will not be accepted.

All guests are advised to monitor and comply with applicable travel restrictions.

Guests can expect to provide the following:

  • Any documentation required from the country where the guest is embarking. This could include but is not limited to proof of a specific negative COVID-19 test result or Booster. These requirements will vary by country and is the responsibility of the guest and supersede our policy. Please refer to  Cruise Travel Requirements by Country
  • Completed health questionnaire (prior to embarkation);
  • Standard travel documents, including passport or any visas as required

We are closely monitoring the evolving global public health environment and to the extent any itineraries are affected, we will notify impacted guests in a timely fashion and update our booking requirements. Additional travel restrictions for certain nationalities or countries may arise based on the quickly evolving public health environment. All guests are strongly advised to monitor current travel requirements and advisories for their home countries.

For additional information, please visit Cruise Travel Requirements by Country .

We will comply with all local regulations at all destinations we visit. These regulations are continuously evolving and if an additional test is required at a port of call we will provide advanced notice to all guests. For additional information, please visit Cruise Travel Requirements by Country .

*Please note, in the event a port included as part of an itinerary requires additional COVID-19 testing in order for guests to disembark, Norwegian Cruise line will facilitate the testing onboard.

All guests are required to accept the terms and conditions in our guest ticket contract. In addition, guests will be required to agree to abide by all of the cruise line's health and safety protocols and acknowledge the risks associated with COVID-19 during their voyage and shoreside experiences. Guests who fail to agree to these terms and conditions will not be permitted to board.

Antigen Tests

COVID-19 antigen tests prior to disembarkation will be administered on board and paid for by the Cruise Line for those guests who require a test to return home.

Effective for all disembarkations beginning January 8, 2022, PCR tests will only be available onboard to confirm a positive antigen test, or to test a symptomatic patient. Those guests requiring a PCR test to return home will be responsible for expense and must obtain the test shoreside after the disembarkation either at a company designated facility, at the airport prior to flying out, or at a nearby clinic of their choice. At all US disembarkation ports, Norwegian Cruise Line has engaged a vendor to administer PCR testing at the terminal for those guests requiring a PCR test to return home. If guests choose this service, the guests will proceed to a designated area in the terminal for their PCR test at the guests' expense which varies by port, then proceed with their travel plans as they await their test results which will be sent electronically approximately 90 minutes after the test.

In non-U.S. ports availability may be available for PCR testing prior to flying home in the terminal, however guests are free to book their PCR test at the airport or a local clinic at their convenience. Please allow the proper time in your travels to obtain the result before flying home.

Estimated PCR test costs by port are as follows:

  • All current US departure ports (except those listed below) - $125 per person
  • New Orleans - $180 per person
  • New York - $250 per person
  • San Juan - $150 per person
  • All current Europe departure ports - $125 per person

We will continue to update as additional services become available.

If a guest booked a post-cruise hotel, it is the responsibility of the guest to make their own arrangements to get re-tested at their own expense.

Italy Disembarkation Testing:

In order to best comply with local regulations, all guests disembarking in Italian ports (Civitavecchia and Trieste) who require proof of a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to their home country, will now have the following options:

  • Purchase an easy-to-use telemedicine kit onboard
  • Test at your convenience at the Rome-Fiumicino International Airport or Trieste Airport
  • Visit a local clinic

For sailings September 3, 2022 and beyond:

Guests age twelve and over will be allowed to board unvaccinated. Unvaccinated guests age twelve and over will be required to show proof of a medically supervised negative PCR or Antigen test taken no more than 72 hours prior to embarkation.

We will initially control the guest capacity onboard each ship to provide even more space per guest.

All onboard venues and activities will be available unless staffing or other challenges onboard prevent normal operations.

No, we do not currently have any restrictions or limitations for guests with pre-existing health conditions. All guests should assess their individual risk level and consult with their doctor if needed prior to sailing.

Safety Aboard Our Ships Frequently Asked Questions

Guests who have symptoms of COVID-19 whilst onboard should immediately contact the onboard medical centre for further instruction. Onboard medical consultations and treatments are provided at a charge for all respiratory illnesses. Medical centres will be equipped to test for COVID-19 onboard and if a positive case is identified, contact tracing for that individual will begin immediately and occur at the same time as treatment.

We have also enhanced our onboard medical capabilities with additional staffing and enhanced facilities. This includes an increase in intensive care unit capacity, new and upgraded equipment, onshore medical institution partnerships, telemedicine capabilities and additional robust consultation and treatment options. Onboard medical centres are also abundantly stocked with common prescription medications, remedies, and virus-testing equipment as available.

Onboard medical consultations and standard treatments are provided for COVID-19-related illness at a charge. If a guest follows health and safety protocols and tests positive during their cruise, the Cruise Line will help coordinate necessary onboard COVID-19-related medical consultation, standard/common prescription drugs, and required land-based quarantine.

Please note: Anti-viral COVID-19 therapeutics are readily available onboard and will be charged to the guests' account. Whilst the Cruise Line will assist with arranging land-based quarantine accommodations if required, payment for all expenses incurred during any mandatory isolation period, including hotel stay, is the responsibility of the guest. We encourage all guests to file a claim with their travel insurance carrier for reimbursement enquiries. Norwegian Cruise Line will review reimbursement submissions in the event your insurance carrier denies the claim or you do not have travel insurance.

We have improved our onboard medical capabilities with additional staffing directly related to sailing capacity, new and upgraded equipment and enhanced facilities. All vessels will have COVID-19 testing capabilities on board and results onsite. We have increased intensive care units (ICU) capacity onboard and ICUs are equipped with infusion pumps, IV treatments, cardiac monitors, defibrillators, cardiac pacemakers and ventilators.

Should the need arise, we also have partnerships with onshore medical institutions in place to provide clinical advice and assistance as needed. Vessels are equipped with an onboard laboratory, which can administer Complete Blood Counts (CBC), Blood Chemistry, Coagulation tests, and Influenza tests. Onboard medical centres are also abundantly stocked with common prescription medications and remedies.

Other Frequently Asked Questions

As delivering the best experience for our guests is always a top priority, after working closely with our destination partners, we anticipate that guests will be free to explore certain ports of call on their own. Please keep in mind that this is largely dependent on the local health authorities and the evolving regulations, which are subject to change. In order to keep our guests as safe as possible, we highly recommend taking our company organised shore excursions as a more controlled environment for you to enjoy your time in each of the destinations.

Guests requiring proof of a negative COVID-19 test to return to their home country are directed to visit a clinic near the disembarkation terminal or airport. For an easy to use online tool for locating COVID-19 testing providers around the world, please visit

Norwegian does not require a disembarkation test. However, this does not supersede home country requirements. Effective 6/12/22, guests will no longer be required to show proof of negative Covid test to return to the United States.

Guests requiring a proof of negative COVID-19 test to return to their home country are directed to visit a clinic near the disembarkation terminal or airport.

Norwegian does not require a disembarkation test. However, this does not supersede home country requirements.

Disembarkation Testing for all Norwegian Dawn and Jade sailings beginning June 12, 2022 and beyond and for all Norwegian Epic, Escape, and Gem sailings beginning June 17, 2022 and beyond:

In order to best comply with local regulations, all guests who require proof of a negative COVID-19 test in order to return to their home country, will now have the following options:

  • Purchase an easy-to-use telemedicine kit onboard (subject to availability)
  • Visit a local clinic nearby or at the airport

For an easy-to-use online tool for locating COVID-19 testing providers around the world, please visit .

For other vessels, if a guest requires an antigen disembarkation test to return home, this test will be administered onboard and cost will be covered by Norwegian Cruise Line. Note, there will be no PCR tests available to guests onboard unless required to confirm a positive antigen test or for symptomatic guests.

At all US disembarkation ports, Norwegian Cruise Line has engaged a vendor to administer PCR testing at the terminal for those guests requiring a PCR test to return home. If guests choose this service, the guests will proceed to a designated area in the terminal for their PCR test at the guests' expense which varies by port, then proceed with their travel plans as they await their test results which will be sent electronically approximately 90 minutes after the test.

No, guests will not be required to take a COVID-19 antigen test before continuing on the second leg of a back-to-back sailing unless symptomatic, unvaccinated or if a specific country requires it.

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  • Disney Cruise Line / News

Updated Pre-Sailing Testing Requirements for Disney Cruise Line

by Mickey Blog · May 17, 2022

Disney Cruise deposit

We woke up to exciting news today!

Disney Cruise Line has updated it’s COVID-19 testing requirements for all sailings departing from a U.S. or Canadian port on or after June 7th!

Click here to get a FREE quote on a magical Disney cruise for you & your family! 

All the Details!

The following COVID-19 testing requirements will go into effect beginning June 7:

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible because of age ( ages 4 and under ) must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 3 days before their sail date. The test should be a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test or lab-based PCR test. Rapid antigen tests are not accepted.

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible because of age are also required to take a second COVID-19 test (paid for by  Disney Cruise Line  and administered by Inspire Diagnostics) at the terminal before boarding.

Disney Cruise Summer 2023

Fully vaccinated guests

Fully vaccinated guests on sailings departing U.S. and Canadian ports must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 2 days before their sail date. The test must be:

  • A rapid antigen test professionally observed by a medical professional through a medical facility or telehealth provider
  • Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT)
  • Rapid PCR test or lab-based PCR test

Guests can purchase COVID-19 tests through our third-party vendor, Inspire Diagnostics, or obtain a test from any independent testing supplier.

For more information, please visit the Disney Cruise Line  Know Before You Go  page. 

pre cruise antigen test

Image Credit: Disney Cruise Line(Matt Stroshane, photographer)

What You Need to Know

Disney dream or disney fantasy sailings departing from u.s. ports between june 7 and july 8, 2022: .

Pre-Trip COVID-19 Testing – Guests not Vaccine Eligible

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible because of age must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 3 days before their sail date. Test Results must be uploaded into the Safe Passage website by midnight prior to embarkation day. This will be the first of two tests required for Guests ages 4 and under; the second test will be conducted at the terminal prior to embarkation. The test should be a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test or lab-based PCR test.  Rapid antigen tests are not accepted.

Disney Cruise Summer

Image Credit: Disney

Pre-Trip COVID-19 Testing – Vaccinated Guests

Fully vaccinated guests on sailings departing U.S. and Canadian ports  on or after June 7, 2022,  must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 2 days before their sail date.  Test Results must be uploaded into the Safe Passage website by midnight prior to embarkation day. The test must be a rapid antigen test  professionally observed by a medical professional through a medical facility or telehealth provider , Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test, or lab-based PCR test. Completing pre-trip testing prior to embarkation day enhances the efficiency of boarding and confirms you are negative for COVID-19 prior to traveling to the terminal. Guests can purchase COVID-19 tests through our third-party vendor, Inspire Diagnostics, or obtain a test from any independent testing supplier.

2021 Alaskan Cruise

Embarkation COVID-19 Testing

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible because of age are required to take a COVID-19 test (paid for by  Disney Cruise Line  and administered by Inspire Diagnostics) at the terminal before boarding. This will be the second test required for Guests ages 4 and under.

Fully vaccinated Guests who do not upload the required pre-trip test results into the Safe Passage website by midnight prior to embarkation day must be tested at the terminal before boarding and will be charged. The cost of embarkation tests for fully vaccinated Guests will be $74 + tax for the initial antigen test, and, if needed, $125 + tax for a confirmatory PCR test, charged at the time of service.

Guests with positive COVID-19 test results—as well as those sharing the same stateroom and their close contacts—will be denied boarding.

As a reminder, please keep in mind the following  Disney Cruise Line  health and safety protocols.

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Summer Disney cruise

Guests booked on the  Disney Dream or Disney Fantasy  June 7, 2022 through September 30, 2022 may modify their sail date or cancel their sailing without any Disney-imposed cancellation fees by May 31, 2022. Please note that change fees and cancellation fees imposed by third-party suppliers, such as airlines and hotels, as well as travel insurance, are not refundable. Refunds will be processed back to the original form of payment. Standard cancellation policies and terms and conditions apply for any cancellation or modification requests received on or after June 1, 2022.

Disney Cruise COVID protocols

Disney Dream, Disney Fantasy or Disney Wish Sailings Departing from U.S. Ports Between July 9 and Sept. 30, 2022:  

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements

Disney Cruise Line  requires all vaccine-eligible Guests (based on U.S. eligibility requirements) to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), at the time of sailing. This is a requirement for all Guests (U.S. and international) ages 5 and up. 

In consideration of guidance from the CDC and the World Health Organization,  Disney Cruise Line  accepts the following vaccine types: Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca, Covishield, Novavax, Sinopharm BBIBP-CorV (VeroCell), Sinovac-CoronaVac and Covavaxin (Bharat Biotech).

The CDC defines fully vaccinated as 14 days after receiving: 

A single dose of an accepted 1-dose vaccine

The second dose of an accepted 2-dose vaccine

The full series of an active (not placebo) COVID-19 vaccine in the U.S.-based AstraZeneca or Novavax COVID-19 vaccine trials

The second dose of any “mix and match” combination of accepted COVID-19 vaccines (administered at least 17 days apart)

CDC cruises

Disney Cruise Line’s private island, Castaway Cay Image Credit: Disney

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible because of age must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 3 days before their sail date. Test Results must be uploaded into the Safe Passage website by midnight prior to embarkation day. This will be the first of two tests required for Guests ages 4 and under; the second test will be conducted at the terminal prior to embarkation. The test should be a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test or lab-based PCR test.  Rapid antigen tests are not accepted.   

Fully vaccinated guests on sailings departing U.S. and Canadian ports must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 2 days before their sail date. Test Results must be uploaded into the Safe Passage website by midnight prior to embarkation day. The test must be a rapid antigen test  professionally observed by a medical professional through a medical facility or telehealth provider , Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test, or lab-based PCR test. Completing pre-trip testing prior to embarkation day enhances the efficiency of boarding and confirms you are negative for COVID-19 prior to traveling to the terminal. Guests can purchase COVID-19 tests through our third-party vendor, Inspire Diagnostics, or obtain a test from any independent testing supplier.

Disney Cruise Line will soon be sailing year-round from two Florida ports!

Photo: Disney

Disney Wonder Sailings Departing from Vancouver Between June 13 and Sept. 19, 2022:

Guests who are not vaccine-eligible because of age must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result (paid for by the Guest) taken no more than 3 days before their sail date. Test Results must be uploaded into the Safe Passage website by midnight prior to embarkation day. This will be the first of two tests required for Guests ages 4 and under; the second test will be conducted at the terminal prior to embarkation. The test should be a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test or lab-based PCR test.  Rapid antigen tests are not accepted. 

Dr. Lauana

Photo: Disney Cruise Line

Disney Cruise Baltic

Thanks for visiting! Want to go on a Disney Cruise? Click here to get a FREE quote on a magical Disney cruise for you & your family!  One of the agents from MickeyTravels, a Platinum level Authorized Disney Vacation Planner, will be in touch soon!

Thinking of a Disney vacation? There’s never been a better time to work with an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner who can help you navigate through Disney World’s new way of doing things! I’ll be on hand to assist with everything from finding that perfect package and getting the best deals to organizing park passes, Disney Genie+, and dining reservations. Best of all, my services are ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Just fill out my form HERE to get your FREE, no-obligation quote. Also, feel free to reach out directly at 843.288.1130, via email at [email protected] or follow along on Facebook and Instagram .

Source: Disney

Tags: Breaking News DCL Disney Disney Cruise Line Port Canaveral

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Here Are the Updated COVID-19 Testing Requirements for Each Major Cruise Line

For many, testing and vaccination requirements have made cruising more confusing than ever, by sophia pargas • published august 8, 2022 • updated on august 15, 2022 at 10:06 am.

Ever since the start of the pandemic, new COVID-19 protocols have complicated many travelers' ideal summer getaway: cruising.

To many, the newfound hassle of determining cruise line regulations , gathering documents and finding a testing center has turned many away from sailing. In recent months, however, many cruise lines have altered requirements to become more lenient on pre-boarding testing regulations.

Before taking to the seas on your next adventure, read this guide to review the updated testing mandates on all of your favorite cruise lines.

(All information is based on sailings out of the United States.)

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Carnival Cruise Lines

pre cruise antigen test

Testing Requirements for Vaccinated Passengers:

  • Vaccinated guests must continue to provide evidence of their vaccination status, either through VeriFLY or at embarkation.
  • Canada: a PCR test can be taken 3 days before sailing or an antigen test can be taken 2 days before sailing
  • Bermuda: a PCR test can be taken 4 days before sailing or an antigen test can be taken 2 days before sailing
  • Greece: a PCR or antigen test can be taken 2 days before sailing
  • Australia: a PCR test 3 days before sailing or a self-administered antigen test 1 day before sailing

Testing Requirements for Unvaccinated Passengers:

  • Unvaccinated guests are welcome to sail and are no longer required to apply for a vaccine exemption, except for cruises in Australia or on voyages 16 nights and longer. 
  • Bermuda: a PCR test can be taken 4 days before sailing (antigen tests are not accepted)

For more information, please see here .

Celebrity Cruise Line

pre cruise antigen test

  • Cruises 5 days or less: With the exception of sailings to Bermuda and Canada, no fully vaccinated passengers will be required to test before sailing.
  • Cruises 6 days or more: All guests are required to take an official COVID-19 test before boarding. They can take a PCR test 72 hours prior to sailing, or an antigen test two days prior to sailing.

All unvaccinated guests ages 2 and older are required to receive a lab-administered PCR or antigen test up to 3 days before sailing.

Cunard Luxury Cruise Line

pre cruise antigen test

Testing Requirements:

All guests 5 and older are required to take an official negative COVID-19 test before embarking.

Disney Cruise Line

pre cruise antigen test

All vaccinated guests are required to show proof of a negative antigen, NAAT or PCR test within two days of sailing.

Unvaccinated guests (those 4 and under) must provide proof of a negative NAAT or PCR test within three days of sailing. Rapid antigen tests are not accepted.

Holland America Cruise Line

Holland America cruise ship, Koningsdam , docks in San Diego on Dec. 26, 2021.

Regardless of vaccination status, all guests ages 2 and up are required to show proof of a negative antigen or NAAT COVID test.

MSC Cruises

The the 92,409-ton, 16-deck MSC Orchestra cruise ship exits the lagoon as it leaves Venice, Italy

  • Cruises 5 days or less: Beginning August 29, no fully vaccinated passengers will be required to test before sailing.
  • Cruises 6 days or more: All guests are required to take an official COVID-19 test before boarding.

Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Cruise Line

Beginning September 4, no fully vaccinated passengers will be required to test before sailing.

Beginning September 4, all children under 11 years old will not be required to test before sailing. Children 12 and older who are unvaccinated must receive a PCR or antigen test up to 72 hours before sailing.

Princess Cruise Line

pre cruise antigen test

Testing Requirements: All guests 2 and older are required to submit a negative test regardless of vaccination status.

Royal Caribbean Cruises

pre cruise antigen test

Viking Ocean Cruises

Viking Sky arrives Molde

Viking does not require a pre-departure COVID-19 test unless it is required by a sailing's destination.

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16 replies to this topic

pre cruise antigen test

As suggested, wait until you are closer to your departure date to see if antigen testing will be required.

pre cruise antigen test

We sailed with MSC from Rome in October. The couple we were travelling with insisted that we all needed the test before we arrived at the port. We telephoned the cruise line and they told us that we would be tested at the port, prior to embarcation.

We opted to wait, our friends were €40 out of pocket.

Your hotel in Rome should be able to assist you in locating the nearest COVID test facility. You will also see white tents (where the tests are done) in the street in front of pharmacies, so if there is a convenient one you can go in to the pharmacy and make an appointment.

I've been back and forth to Italy from the U.S. over the last few months, absolutely no problem getting testing in Rome, it has been quick, easy, and efficient.

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How did you get on? We are doing same on 18th June.

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I am travelling on 21st july. Could you please tell me from where you get your test done.

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Please Note: As of November 11, 2023, public health emergency status has expired. What does this mean for you? Read more…

Public Service Announcement

Please Note: As of November 11, 2023, public health emergency status has expired.

This means that in order to test with Inspire Diagnostics, there are updated financial requirements between you, your health insurance, and Inspire.

A Physician Order from your primary care physician is now required to test (Inspire Medical Group can provide a physician order onsite). Insurance is required to test and you must bring your insurance ID.

We recommend that you contact your insurance provider to confirm your plan benefit and whether you may have a co-pay or out of pocket cost. Inspire also offers cash-pay pricing without insurance.

Inspire Diagnostics Logo


Regent Seven Seas Cruises has partnered with Inspire Diagnostics to provide hassle-free, online testing for our guests. Inspire makes it simple and easy to sail away safely with U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention approved test results sent securely to your mobile device or email.

Regent Seven Seas Cruises Pre-Cruise Antigen Testing Kit ordered from Inspire will allow you and your cruising party to meet all of the CDC requirements for boarding your cruise.

Step 1 of 4 - Personal Information

Book Your Pre-Cruise Testing Appointment Now

Cruise safely and care-free with Regent Seven Seas Cruises and Inspire Diagnostics in 5 simple steps:

  • Step 1. Register to purchase and schedule the test for your group.
  • Step 2. Provide mailing information where test kits will be shipped.
  • Step 3. Choose your test kit(s). (Antigen Test Kit: $45 USD, PCR Test Kit: $95 USD).
  • Step 4. Review your order and complete purchase.
  • Step 5. Receive your email confirmation and register your entire party using

Personal Information

Where should we send your test kit(s).

Note: We can NOT accept a PO Box as a mailing address. All test kits ordered will be mailed in one box, to one location.

Cruise Information

Choose your sail date month, and then the day.

Purchase Antigen or PCR Test Kit

  • Rapid Antigen Test with Virtual Proctor - For Pre-Cruise Testing Requirements or International Travel entering the United States
  • PCR Test for International Travel Requirements (check the testing protocols for your destinations)
  • Requirements for testing vary among cruiselines and destinations. Please confirm your testing requirements prior to ordering. All purchases are final and non-refundable.

Antigen Test Kits

Antigen (Rapid) or At-Home Test Kit

The Inspire COVID-19 At Home Rapid Testing Program utilizes an FDA-authorized CareStart COVID-19 Antigen Home Test combined with Inspire’s Telehealth Services that meets the pre-cruise test requirements of the CDC and Norwegian Cruise Line.

Your test kit includes a personal virtual telehealth session with an Inspire Certified Tester who will guide you through the online testing and verification of the results within 10 minutes. Your Inspire Diagnostic Lab report will be provided to you by email and can be printed or displayed on your mobile device for boarding purpose.

Note about expiry dates: Inspire Diagnostics ships Intrivo On/Go test kits to US customers. While the LOT number listed on your test kit may have a date/year from the past, please note the FDA provided all Intrivo On/Go test kits an extended shelf life. Please see here for the official extension notice. Intrivo On/Go kits continue to be a reliable source for detecting COVID-19 amongst our travelers. To date we have experienced no issue with Intrivo On/Go and the expiration date has no bearing on your proctored services.

HOW AND WHY THE FDA DETERMINES EXPIRATION DATES AND EXTENSIONS: For additional details please visit the FDA website here .

Please Note: Virtually proctored tests may not be accepted for cruises embarking from Greece . Please check your test requirements prior to purchasing a test with Inspire Diagnostics. All sales are final.

PCR Test Kits

PCR Test Kit

* Please note: Due to the nature of PCR tests, after taking the test it is required that you mail the test kit back to the Inspire Diagnostics Lab for processing and to obtain results. Results are provided within 24-48 hours after the test is received by the lab. *Regent Seven Seas Cruises requires all unvaccinated children under the age of 12 to submit a PCR test within 72 hours of embarkation. For additional details, please refer to Regent: .

The Inspire Diagnostics COVID-19 At-Home PCR Test Kit is a highly accurate diagnostic solution for the molecular detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Self-administered under observation by our online proctors, this test meets the pre-cruise and international travel requirements for cruise lines and destinations requiring PCR testing.

Your test kit includes simple instructions to perform the self-administered, at-home PCR test under online observation. Simply place the testing sample in the UPS overnight, prepaid shipping envelope provided and place in your local, UPS drop box. Once received at out lab, your Inspire Diagnostic Lab report will be provided to you within 48 hours by email. You can then print or displayed your test result on your mobile device for boarding purpose.

IMPORTANT All orders (including Expedited Overnight Shipping) placed after 12 PM ET will be processed and shipped the following business day. Any order placed after 12 PM ET on Friday and the duration of the weekend will not be shipped until Monday. All shipment deliveries are Monday-Friday. For all international shipments (expedited or ground) orders will be assembled, shipped, and delivered between 7 – 10 business days.


Review your information & enter payment details.

Please review and confirm your information. You may use the 'Previous' button to go back and make changes.

Note: You may choose and confirm your appointment time via a link provided in your confirmation email. All members of your party can test in the same session. If you require additional appointments for your party, you can schedule them via your portal, after you have placed your order.

When ready, please enter your credit card details below to complete your purchase.

REFUND POLICY Inspire Diagnostics, LLC. (Any other orgs associated with ID) are unable to accept returns of any COVID-19 testing kits for resale. Accordingly, ALL SALES OF COVID-19 TESTS ARE FINAL . Once your order is submitted the sale is determined complete and NO REFUNDS will be issued. It is the responsibility of the customer to inspect the shipment within 72 hours of arrival and ensure all items are enclosed necessary to complete the testing process. If Inspire Diagnostics determines, at its sole discretion, that an error has been made with respect to your COVID-19 test kit, Inspire Diagnostics reserves the right to correct the error and revise the order accordingly. If you do not receive your kit, or the kit arrives damaged or is missing components, you may request a replacement kit by contacting [email protected] . Events cancelled by the customer are NOT eligible for refunds. If you do not agree to one or more of these terms. Please do not access, use this website, or other services.

Inspire Diagnostics, LLC. (Any other orgs associated with ID) are unable to accept returns of any COVID-19 testing kits for resale. Accordingly, ALL SALES OF COVID-19 TESTS ARE FINAL .

Once your order is submitted the sale is determined complete and NO REFUNDS will be issued. It is the responsibility of the customer to inspect the shipment within 72 hours of arrival and ensure all items are enclosed necessary to complete the testing process. If Inspire Diagnostics determines, at its sole discretion, that an error has been made with respect to your COVID-19 test kit, Inspire Diagnostics reserves the right to correct the error and revise the order accordingly. If you do not receive your kit, or the kit arrives damaged or is missing components, you may request a replacement kit by contacting [email protected] .

Events cancelled by the customer are NOT eligible for refunds. Requests made due to a change of travel requirements are NOT eligible for refunds. If you do not agree to one or more of these terms. Please do not access, use this website, or other services.

Our goal is to help you   enjoy your cruise by providing peace of mind through seamless and convenient testing as required for guests sailing aboard Regent Seven Seas Cruises .

pre cruise antigen test

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i schedule an appointment.

To schedule your appointment, please login to your travel portal by visiting: .  The email for your account, will be the email used to place the order. Once signed in, please select “New Appointment” under order details.

Do I need to book a separate test appointment for every individual in my travel party?

All members of your party may test in the same session. However, every guest being tested must be registered individually. Please see your confirmation email for details.

What time zone is the testing?

All appointments are scheduled on ET.

I scheduled a test but did not receive a confirmation email.

Please refer to your travel portal by visiting . Your test appointment will appear on your portal.

How can I reschedule or cancel my appointment?

Please refer to your travel portal by visiting . Once logged into the portal, select order details. You can cancel your previously scheduled appointment and schedule a new appointment.

How do I register other individuals in my party?

Please refer to your travel portal by visiting . Start by setting your password, then login. Once logged in, refer to the “registrations” button to register the individuals in your party.

For video instructions please refer to the below:

My cruise date is not on the list

Please email the name and date of your cruise date to [email protected] . Our team member will help you place an order and also look into adding the date on our site.

Refund Requests

Inspire Diagnostics, LLC. (Any other orgs associated with ID) are unable to accept returns of any COVID-19 testing kits for resale. Accordingly,  ALL SALES OF COVID-19 TESTS ARE FINAL .

Once your order is submitted the sale is determined complete and NO REFUNDS will be issued. It is the responsibility of the customer to inspect the shipment within 72 hours of arrival and ensure all items are enclosed necessary to complete the testing process. If Inspire Diagnostics determines, at its sole discretion, that an error has been made with respect to your COVID-19 test kit, Inspire Diagnostics reserves the right to correct the error and revise the order accordingly. If you do not receive your kit, or the kit arrives damaged or is missing components, you may request a replacement kit by contacting  [email protected] .

Events cancelled by the customer are NOT eligible for refunds. Requests made due to a change of travel requirements are NOT eligible for refunds.  If you do not agree to one or more of these terms. Please do not access, use this website, or other services.

Will my insurance cover my test?

Any travel related testing with time sensitivity will need to be purchased by the individual.

How much do the tests cost?

$45 USD for one antigen test $95 USD for one PCR test

What are the Cruise Line’s testing protocols?

Norwegian Cruise Line’s testing protocols:

Oceania Cruises testing protocols:

Regent Seven Seas Cruises testing protocols:

At time of check-in, all guests will be required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 antigen or PCR test result administered by a verified third party or via medically supervised home test within two days prior to boarding for cruises originating in a U.S. port and three days prior for voyages departing from a non-U.S. port. Guests are also responsible for complying with all local health and safety requirements which may include additional testing.

Where can I find instructions on how to take the test?

Please watch the following video instructions on how to take the virtual proctored at-home test.

Can I get tested on-site on my sailing date?

Inspire Diagnostics has partnered with  Norwegian Cruise Line ,  Regent Seven Seas Cruises ,  and  Oceania Cruises to offer our online, virtually proctored testing program to guests. For questions related to other pre-cruise testing options, please contact Norwegian Cruise Line directly.

How do I schedule an appointment on-site?

Visit and select your on-site location.

For additional questions regarding on-site testing, please email [email protected]

When will my test kit ship?

Orders placed after 10am PT will be shipped the following date. Please note, our shipping services are closed on Saturday and Sunday. Any orders placed over these dates will be shipped on Monday.

All orders purchased will arrive in one box. Please check your box for all contents prior to testing.

When and how will I receive my results?

Results are provided to the email and cell provided during registration.

Individuals who are testing using an antigen + proctored test, will receive their results immediately following their proctored session. Individuals who are using a PCR / lab processed test, will receive their results 24 hours after the lab receives your test.

If you have completed a test and have not received your test result, please email [email protected] with your full name and order number (HOMXXX)

Will my test be accepted by the country I am traveling into/my airline?

We advise you check local government travel requirements and the airline you are traveling with.

pre cruise antigen test

Our mission is to open a world of possibilities to our customers, by providing the most advanced, affordable, and hassle-free, at-home diagnostic testing platforms.


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Inspire insider, february 2023, inspire insider, january 2023, u.s. to require negative covid-19 test for air travelers from china, join our mailing list.

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It is not clear whether this can be done using a test kit from a pharmacy or if it has to be supervised by someone etc

I phoned them and they seemed vague about the changes so I dont know if it's ok if we do one in our hotel room prior to departure and maybe just take a photo of the result or take the thing with us to show them? I wish they had been more clear about this.

' class=

More lines are dropping all these requirements because everyone needs to get back to work & make money & so do those locations that rely on tourism.

This topic has been closed to new posts due to inactivity.

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  1. What You Need to Know: Pre-Cruise Testing Requirements

    pre cruise antigen test

  2. How to Order COVID Antigen Home Test

    pre cruise antigen test

  3. How To Prepare For Your 72-Hour Pre Cruise Covid Test

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  4. How To Use Rapid Antigen Test Kit Correctly (FULL GUIDE)

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  5. Pre-Cruise Rapid Antigen Testing Sydney

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  6. eMed Rapid Antigen Home Test for airlines and cruise lines for global

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  1. Guide to pre-cruise Covid test

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  2. What You Need to Know: Pre-Cruise Testing Requirements

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  4. Coronatests vor Kreuzfahrten im Vergleich: PCR-, Antigen- und

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  5. Royal Caribbean will accept self-administered Covid-19 tests| Royal

    Fully vaccinated guests must bring a negative test result for a Covid antigen or PCR test taken within the 3 days before boarding day on sailings that are 6 nights or longer only. Fully vaccinated guests do not need to test at all on cruises 5-nights or less.

  6. CDC Releases New COVID-19 Testing Guidelines for Cruise Ships

    Starting on the dates above, vaccinated passengers will need to produce a negative COVID-19 result from a PCR or antigen test taken within two days of the sailing date, including on the day of embarkation. Previously, the window was between one to three days before sailing.

  7. Do I need to get Covid test before my cruise?

    Disney Cruise Line and Norwegian Cruise Line do not require a pre-cruise test, but administer a rapid antigen test to cruisers at the pier. Norwegian, which does not allow any unvaccinated guests onboard, recommends that travelers get a PCR, or at least an antigen, test 72 hours before departure, but does not require it.

  8. Do I need a COVID-19 test for my cruise?

    Taking a pre-cruise antigen test. ASHLEY KOSCIOLEK/THE POINTS GUY. Do I need to take a COVID-19 test before my cruise? All but a small handful of lines have waived their mandatory testing protocols, except where required by local regulations in the countries and ports their ships visit.

  9. Royal Caribbean will now offer limited Covid-19 testing at the cruise

    Two at-home tests can be ordered for $69.99 USD; 3 tests for $99.99 USD. You can order your test kit at Of course, guests can still opt to get a test done at a local pharmacy, lab, public test site, or doctor's office. Royal Caribbean's pre-cruise testing requirement.

  10. The Cruise Line-Approved At-Home COVID Test: We Tried It

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  11. Norwegian Cruise Line

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  12. NCL to continue pre-cruise antigen testing at embarkation

    Previously NCL had planned to discontinue this testing for sailings beginning Jan. 17. Any positive antigen test will be confirmed with a PCR test. The testing is administered and paid for by the cruise line. Home testing also highly encouraged. In addition, NCL 'highly' recommends passengers self-test at home prior to departure.

  13. Carnival Corporation to Provide Convenient Access to Pre-Board Testing

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  14. Cruise Lines Eliminate COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements & Pre-Cruise Testing

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  15. Accepted COVID-19 Tests

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  16. What are the pre-cruise testing requirements for my cruise?

    Learn about the pre-cruise testing requirements you need to board a Royal Caribbean Cruise.

  17. Updated Pre-Sailing Testing Requirements for Disney Cruise Line

    This will be the first of two tests required for Guests ages 4 and under; the second test will be conducted at the terminal prior to embarkation. The test should be a Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT), rapid PCR test or lab-based PCR test. Rapid antigen tests are not accepted. Pre-Trip COVID-19 Testing - Vaccinated Guests

  18. Royal Caribbean will require pre-cruise Covid test for 3 & 4 night

    Starting on August 12, 2021, on 3 & 4 night sailings, all guests ages 2 and up, regardless of vaccine status, will need to provide a negative PCR or antigen test for Covid-19 during check-in.

  19. Cruise COVID Testing Rules For Vaccinated, Unvaccinated Travelers

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  20. precruise testing

    130 reviews. 77 helpful votes. precruise testing. 2 years ago. We are spending a few days in Rome precruise. Not sure if Carnival will offer antigen testing at the port. I see it can be done in Rome at a pharmacy. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks. Reply. Report inappropriate content. 16 replies to this topic. 1-10of 16 replies.

  21. Cruiselines

    COVID-19 TESTING. Regent Seven Seas Cruises has partnered with Inspire Diagnostics to provide hassle-free, online testing for our guests. Inspire makes it simple and easy to sail away safely with U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention approved test results sent securely to your mobile device or email.

  22. Pre cruise antigen test

    Pre cruise antigen test. 1 year ago. Save. Celebrity has now (early Sept) just said that for cruises longer than 9 days you can take an at home antigen test within 24 hours of embarkation. It is not clear whether this can be done using a test kit from a pharmacy or if it has to be supervised by someone etc.

  23. Antigen Test Pre Cruise

    1.8k. LocationOntario. Posted November 27, 2021. I know the antigen test needs to be done no more than 2 days before. We are in Canada and so the at home test that people mention in the US doesn't apply.